#this thing’s getting used in a single fight and then forgotten about for like 40-50 episodes
just saw Gotchard’s bike for the first time and
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yeah there’s no way this thing’s getting used for more than a minute.
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dapperkobold · 1 year
Street Fighter 6 Demo: Yeah I’m Buying it.
I’ve always been interested in fighting games. I like a lot of things about them, the character designs, the in-depth controls, the interplay. The best ones have all that and story, too, focusing not only on how the characters interact in gameplay but emotionally. For a long time I’ve kept an eye on certain spaces, originally Blazblue and more recently Guilty Gear, just because I find these games fascinating.
Only one issue: I’m garbage at them.
You know the ‘I can’t do motion inputs’ guy? The one who goes ‘I can’t do the quarter-circle fireballs’? That’s me. Yes, I have just tried to buckle down and get good at it. I got from zero fireballs at all to about 40-50%. I might, maybe, be able to do it semi-reliably if I had a stick with an octagonal gate, but I do NOT have the money to spare to buy a fight stick. Yes, I have tried using the D-pad. It’s what let me get to that 50%. I still do accidental jumps on occasion.
By and large I’ve just... given up on fighting games. They’re something I enjoy at a distance, something beautiful that I can never partake in.
That might be all the better; I don’t really do PVP. Over time I’ve come to realize it’s just not my jam, just not something I really enjoy. That means that my enjoyment is largely limited to stuff like Injustice and the anime fighters, where they do have fun with the singleplayer campaigns.
Hm? Street Fighter 6 came out? It has a custom character? And a single-player campaign?
I don’t follow Street Fighter. Nothing against it, it’s just not my jam. as said, I’m very much on the anime/injustice side of fighting games, where zoning takes the form of sawblades covering half the screen and you have four nice buttons with easy to remember designations instead of the entire controller being mapped to various different kicks and punches. I had nothing against it, it just wasn’t for me.
But I do like single-player campaigns and customizable characters...
It has a free demo? Oh my, how long has it been...
Demos are something of a forgotten art anymore. At some point Demos shifted from being a taster that let players gauge whether they liked something, and started being warning signs on how badly the game was going to be exploited. I spent I don’t even know how many hours on demos back in the day, and I’ve always been a little sad to see them fade away. But Street Fighter 6 is bringing it back?
At this point, I search it up on Youtube. No idea who Maximillian Dood is, but he streamed the demo, and I’ll see what goes on-
‘Modern’ controls, huh?
A simplified control scheme that gives you a four-button setup and doesn’t require you to do any stick turns at all? 
At this point, this is basically my dream fighting game. I have to try the demo. I make a terrible little goblin woman, play the tutorial, and hit the streets.
And I’m having fun.
I get that Modern Controls are to cater to scrubs. I get that there’s a big question whether they’re high0end viable at all. As a complete scrub, I appreciate the option. I appreciate only having four buttons to fat-finger instead of 6. The auto-combo button is... eh? But I appreciate it.
The writing is fairly good. Not incredible, but good. There’s parts of it that tease and intrigue. The RPG mechanics tempt me with the ability to plan my way to victory, changing my stats and moves as needed to take on certain challenges. The option to try multiple different playstles appeals to me strongly in every game I play; part of my biggest gripe with most modern MMOs is that they offer a thousand ways to play the game and then charge you for every one past the first. But a big, one-purchase game like this...
I fight a mime. How many games let you walk up to a mime and just fight him?
The Demo is short, and doesn’t really have replayability. It literally cuts off the moment after you finish the tutorial. That said, by then it’s done it’s job: I want more. I now have a terrible little goblin woman taking up space on my computer and I want her to punch people.
I don’t have the spare money to get the full game right now, but sooner or later I’ll give in and get it. I’m never going to be good at it, I’m never going to be relevant in the PVP, but it’s offering me a chance to participate in a genre I like on terms that make me feel welcome.
That’s how you get players into your game.
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I think it's weird that everyone discusses whether or not kink at Pride should be allowed.
Like you realize Pride was a riot and once upon a time was about rights, yeah? And demanding them? It definitely wasn't child-safe before, I don't think we should start demanding that it be now. Just because it can be child safe, doesn't mean it should be. Just because it can be fun, doesn't mean it should be.
And to get to my point, we have marriage equality but it feels like mainstream LGBT just stopped caring about everything else after that. Like why is our focus on how sexual Pride should be? Wear leather if you fucking want, whatever. I feel like the point of Pride has been forgotten by both sides of this argument.
"if you're against leather you just have internalized-"
shut the fuck up. Nobody is gonna insure our rights or end medical discrimination based on whether or not some twink wore a ball gag to pride, I promise. How about y'all try to remember that white gays in leather aren't our biggest fucking problem, yeah? And that we have bigger fish to fry.
Like why not bring up the fact that's trans panic is still a thing? About discriminatory adoption practices?
PRIDE is protest. Why are we sitting around arguing with each other. We can't stop for 5 minutes? Why is so much LGBT focus being out on something that should be considered a blatant distraction from what matters?
We could be so much more productive and we could be making more strides in equality if that's what we focused on instead of all this ridiculous discourse we've decided to argue about instead. Bi v pan, queer, leather, neopronouns validity, etc- all of this discourse being made and justified with 'well people arent gonna take us seriously if-' YOU don't even take our rights seriously, shut the FUCK UP. I haven't seen a SINGLE discourse post or blog give a single shit about our collective rights unless it was to win an argument about something asinine. So how about we cut that shit out, yeah?
Because I can assure you discourse isn't helping anyone take us seriously, either. Fighting online with other gays isn't the holy war some of y'all are trying to frame it as and I'm fucking sick of seeing it on my dash.
Fear of facing discriminatory behavior within the health care system, along with other factors, may keep members of the LGBTQIA+ community from receiving cancer diagnoses.
LGBT employees of color were more likely to report being denied jobs and verbal harassment.
Many LGBT employees reported engaging in “covering” behaviors to avoid harassment or discrimination at work.
11% of LGBT employees of color reported being fired or not hired in the last year
57% of LGBT employees reported the unfair treatment was motivated by religious beliefs
38% of LGBT employees reported experiencing harassment at work
36% of LGBT employees of color experienced verbal harassment
26% of white LGBT employees faced the same
50% of LGBT employees are not out to their current supervisor
26% are not out to any co-workers
Our analysis indicates that employment discrimination against LGBT people continues to be persistent and widespread. Over 40% of LGBT workers (45.5%) reported experiencing unfair treatment at work, including being fired, not hired, or harassed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity at some point in their lives. This discrimination and harassment is ongoing: nearly one-third (31.1%) of LGBT respondents reported that they experienced discrimination or harassment within the past five years
But you wanna argue about leather?
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movieguy50 · 3 years
Hey everyone,
The subject of this week's blog and yes I know I'm two days late but believe me this is going to be well worth it especially to the men out there here on Tumblr the ones that are single let me ask you a question have you been talking to women lately that seem a little peculiar to you they say they miss you they love you all this and that and you've only talk to them like once or twice you ask for their phone number they avoid it completely or they just make a big excuse why they can't give it to you asked to go meet them they don't that they say okay fine come you know you give an address and then you completely gets stood up because they just don't show this is an MO or otherwise known as a method of operation for these women sometimes it even as much as the first conversation or the third they will start telling you start giving you a sob story like I'm having to come out here from another country or I'm having to move to this state because I'm having to take care of sick relatives or they don't have no food or anything like that and if they want to meet if you want to meet them you have to give them gas money and no that's part of the scam then they start asking for things like gift cards $20 $40 $100 gift cards some drnominations don't even exist on some of the gift cards Google Play and steam gift cards are the most common if you have fallen prey to these women and I have twice and I'm glad I did because that was money well spent because I got to learn all kinds of shit from these people and then I'm giving you all that I have right now here are some of the red flags that show up during these conversations:
1. Their language is all wrong they'll say things like instead of saying like what did you have for breakfast to say did you take breakfast or they'll say something to the fact of their grammar being so messed up you have to like think about it before you understand what the're trying to tell you some of these women are coming from Russia some of them are from Africa some of them are from Mexico and they are all here in the United States typically in the states of the Northeast New York New Jersey there are some out west in California there are a few here in Texas and there are some just scattered everywhere.
2. They start telling you they need food but they need you to get them a $40 $50 or $100 or whatever it is gift card most commonly known as Google play or Steam do not do it because what they're doing is is they're taking the cards and selling them on the black market or on these websites that operate and they are turning in for money they're getting less than what they're supposed to get so that's why you have to give more to cover what they're not getting
3. They start asking you questions like your bank account they want you logging information do not give it to them their social security number they want to verify you through ID me id.me is legit so that would be fine except the safer way for you to do it is go ahead and go on id.me and do your own verification that way you don't have to give them nothing the less information they have on you the more likely they're going to just pass you up.
4. They ask you who you're with your cell phone number is and who your mobile carrier is this is to put you in on dating sites and for them to subscribe you to advertising that they get money for okay this is a different type of identity theft ring it is identity theft to a point but they're not using the information necessarily against you they're not even really taking a lot of money out of people's bank accounts they're only taking money out of the bank accounts that they can't get any money other ways so that's why I said do not give them anything.
5. Do not confront them either because they will always deny that they are scamming you they do that so that way they can bring you in closer to them so they can get your trust.
6. When you ask where they work and stuff besides are the probably going to tell you there they either don't have a job or it's some kind of job that's actually ridiculous for them to have they're not good liars folks they really are not you just got to learn this read between the lines with these people and like I said the biggest clue right there is the language you know things that should be plural or not plural things that are misspelled or misspelled badly the wording is confusing and I think I already said this once.
7. Always remember guys if it is too good to be true it probably is.
8. If they ask for your bank account information for the purpose of depositing money they will deposit money into your account but then they will take it and more if they tell you you can spend some of it do not touch it because that's how they get people just don't touch it call your bank tell them what's going on they will close your account and they will inevitably beginning investigation and once that happens everything they will be frozen you will not be able to have access to nothing unfortunately by extra step go to the police department I mean I know this part is going to be a waste of time because they're not going to be able to get your money back but at least let them know so that way there's some record of it.
9. Screenshot everything write everything down take notes even if you are in the middle of one of these conversations now go back as far as you can from the beginning tell you know screenshot your conversation if you need to that's fine but this is got to stop guys and we're the only ones who can fight back the FBI will help you know they they can do the Justice part they can they can make the arrest and go to court and everything but they can't do it without our help.
10. Now I will be turning people in in groups of five or more that's why I said turn the information into me as soon as I get five or six people together I will go turn them in I do have a contact there and he told me just to wait to have that many just because it would just be easier to just do them all at once so just one by one by one by one
So now you know what is going on so how you stop it that's very easy you do one thing and one thing only you make a decision and you stand by it you stand your ground you do not weaken your position at all do not show that you're weak do not give them even an inch because if you give them an inch they will not just take a mile they will take a whole football field and then they're going to tighten the grip on you and then you can't get out if you're in this position Now message me immediately and let me know and I will give you I will give you instructions this blog this this post I will I am asking everybody who reads it's please please reblog this over and over and over and over again I don't care how many times this has got to get out cuz this is very serious so far these women just in the past two and a half years have gotten over a hundred million dollars from Men 100 million definitely more than a price of a cup of coffee in the guys and the thing is it could have all been prevented.
Now for the fun part things that I have tried and has worked to oeel these women off your back besides Im no of course.
1. If you should give them your PIN number or you already have tell them that you had to get that you received a piece of software from your bank or whatever you want to lie to them if you got to every time they use the PIN code a new one is put in its place at random only you know what the new PIN code is going to be because it's going to be email to you if they ask to see proof of the emails tell them that's classified you can't show that just doesn't allow you to screenshot it because Android phones I know especially I'm pretty sure probably the same as iPhones you cannot screenshot certain screens especially on banking apps or anything has to do with money I sensitive information
2. Okay if you've given them your bank account info or your PIN number already tell them that you got notification from your bank that to be safe they're charging you an extra save $5 for the purpose of enrolling you in a new service that will automatically change your PIN number every time you use it or if you want to you you can tell him that you came across the piece of software on the internet that does the exact same thing I just told you about whichever it doesn't matter this will make them back off of you a lot because then they know that you're on to them they'll start not talking to you like they were or they'll say you know they'll be in a conversation just leave get offline you know because they know that you're on to them and they're panicking they don't know what to do so they have to call their boss to find out what to do and he has given them no answer no we do not know who the boss is by the way or where this is all being based out of I will tell you also that.
3. Okay I'm sure you're probably wondering who all these women are not 100% sure but most likely they probably were kidnapped at some point in time brainwashed and part of a human trafficking ring or a sexual tracking trafficking ring before they ended up doing this they probably don't even know who they really are but yet they managed to play in the end you know with our society because you know our society is pretty much stupid in itself I'm sorry guys but it's true and I count myself apart that
I don't think I have forgotten anything else like I said be vigilant Be watchful and do not lose your ground make a decision you stay with it cuz otherwise you're just going to put more money in their pockets I mean it's very possible that you know you know they figure well we're on to them so they're going to go ahead and just give up and close shop and move on to the next country you guys some of you I know work very hard for your money now I'm not sure if men are doing this to women or not but for you ladies if there is anything like this the same the same thing applies I mean I don't see why there are in any man involved or probably should be.
Finally it took a lot for me to admit what I admitted to you tonight I'm not very proud of what I did I'm not very proud of the fact that I let somebody well actually left2 somebody's get by me I'm usually pretty smart but that's how they operate and I will tell you tonight I have a possible number six so I don't know if number six will turn out or not she's doing a lot of the same things but she's been taking more of an actual normal approach as to the relationship part of it I'm not letting myself get involved you know emotionally or anything I'm just kind of just playing a role right now and she's not getting any money from me so I will keep you updated on that like I said anybody guys I don't care who you are I will not ask questions I will not judge please help me get these people may we may not get them all but hell we can at least put a big big enough Dent and shut down and they'll leave but we got to act quickly and we got to keep acting quickly hell I would say it's pretty ballsy if you go decide to go ahead and start seeking them out just to get them I mean you can do that if you wish unfortunately there's no reward or no money being paid but you know you are kind of owe it to your fellow neighbor your fellow just your fellow person you fellow man all right you guys good luck you got a lot of work ahead of us y'all have a great week and I'll update you as I get more information if you have any questions do not please do not hesitate to ask if I don't have the answer I will contact my person at the FBI and he will answer them for me and I will get back to you as soon as possible thank you guys have a great week.
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piermanwalter · 3 years
Thief’s Apprentice: Core Gameplay Part 1 - Fights
Index: You are Being Warned
Figures 1 and 2, Table 1
How Stats Affect Fighting
Status Bars
Figure 3
Fight Controls
Purpose of Fighting
Aesthetics of Fighting
Final Thoughts
Thief’s Apprentice is a shitty evil retro open world game about Medieval zombie crime. Being an immortal corpse with no physical senses should be reinforced in every aspect of its design, as well as the day-to-day functions of an entire undead city fuelled by maniacal devotion to half-forgotten joys of life. 
The aimless story composed of seemingly inconsequential and unrelated events culminating into huge payoffs and/or disasters should be reinforced by the gameplay, with the same set of stats influencing and being influenced by every mechanic.
Most fights can be headsmashed through with your gigantic healthbars, so fights should be ended in ways conducive to your goals, not just by winning. To compensate for fights technically being easier than most games, many abstractions and widely accepted quality of life features have been removed from dialogue and inventory to make them as infuriating as I can get away with.
Unsecured objects will move, rot, break, sprout, and form junk piles in your inventory. There is a very simple turn based RPG hidden in the dialogue with “elemental attacks” based on various methods of persuasion, “status effects” based on political affiliation, and “items” based on rare information. 
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Fig. 1: Health, soul, and stagger bars. 1A-C: Charming Conman, Fleetfooted Housebreaker, Greedy Pickpocket. 1D: Housebreaker partially staggered. 1E: Housebreaker fully grounded, soul partially depleted. 1F: Conman health low (Note: After some changes after rendering in Godot, Fig. 1 is already out of date.)
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Fig. 2: Evil bullshit damage formula, made to maximise evil bullshit
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Table 1: Material impact type grid (values placeholders for now but it should get the vibe across)
SUPER SUMMARY: Revenants don’t usually fight to kill, since even the most deprived madman is very hard to kill and injuries don’t heal naturally. They fight to run away or establish social hierarchy. If you are careful, you can fight a lot through the entire game without being a nohit speedrunner and not heal even once.
Two out of three bros are bad at fighting, so it is not a priority, but if you want to attack, fighting is based on staggering people until they fall over and using the right type of attack on the right type of tissue to maximise damage while making sure it doesn’t happen to you.
Secret stat: weight. The bros have a base minimum and maximum weight based on how much of each type of health they have, but it can go over max by carrying items in inventory or holding heavy containers. Having a giant weight makes your soul decrease faster, makes more noise while walking, and breaks certain types of floors, but has great benefits otherwise, such as increasing your “tipping point” and making you harder to stagger, and as a damage multiplier. It is both thematically appropriate and mechanically advantageous to carry many things and be heavy as hell. Most weapons increase damage simply by increasing your weight. Hopefully there are some playstyles and outrageous cheat methods based on being light, but in a game about gutting the wealth out of an entire city, being heavy should not be discouraged.
Strength: Allows the bros to carry heavy objects and move faster while carrying them. Also acts as a damage multiplier. Damage is calculated when hit boxes on different individuals intersect, as...
((Enemy Stagger X Vector Difference X Weight X Strength X Attack / Hit Point Conversion)) + (Sharpness Boolean or Maybe Not a Boolean if Weapon Sharpness Will Be More Extensive X Sleight)  - (Enemy Defence X Defence Conversion X  Material Impact Type Grid) = Points of Damage per Material
This looks like absolute bullshit, but a majority of these stats don’t change a lot during fights and can be precalculated and reduced into a Super Fight Multiplier (Weight X Strength X Attack / Hit Point Conversion) and Super Damage Additive (Weapon Sharpness Boolean or Maybe Not a Boolean if Weapon Sharpness Will Be More Extensive X Sleight) - (Enemy Defence X Defence Conversion X  (Material Impact Type Grid) . The values of the Material Impact Type Grid, while changing depending on material and impact type, can be called upon with no calculation, so maybe it is a good idea to store nine Super Damage Additives at once. If not, the Super Damage Additive should be calculated without the grid part and there’s also a Super Defence (Enemy Defence X Defence Conversion) to compensate.
There will need to be some kind of iterable that cycles upon all three material types for damage calculation and skips over materials that aren’t there. For the sake of sanity, each attack can only have one type of impact.
The Super Fight Multiplier and Super Damage Additive can easily be stored somewhere and only updated when their component stats change, to prevent processing meltdown hell from calculating the entire damage formula each frame.
Thus the entire formula in terms of frame by frame calculation can be reduced to...
(Stagger X Vector Difference X Super Fight Multiplier) + Super Damage Additive = Points of Damage per Material.
Or with separate Super Damage Additives...
(Stagger X Vector Difference X Super Fight Multiplier) + Super Damage Additive - (Super Enemy Defence X Material Impact Type Grid) = Points of Damage per Material.
I am not sure if the vector difference should just be the speed stat and be consumed by the Super Fight Multiplier, or if it can be calculated in real time based on the movement vectors of each hit box with “approaching” vectors of great difference and “retreating” of little difference upon the first frame of interaction, but the point of this pointlessly complicated damage system is to not have categorical differences between different hit box interactions.
Essentially, this means attacks will hurt more if they are faster and hit head on, and not hurt at all as glancing blows dealt to someone actively running away. This also means it’s easy to accidentally or “accidentally” hurt someone or break things by filling your pockets with bricks and running into them.
This also allows multiple hit box interactions at once. For example, a kick where one corner of your hit box clips slightly into your enemy’s shoulder does one box interaction worth of damage, but if you bodyslam someone, you have so many hit and hurt box interactions and a lot of damage is done.
Attack priority will be easier to figure out after I can see all the boxes, so I’ll do that later.
I hope making the graphics and loading zone sizes purposefully shitty and limited will allow large numbers of hit box interactions and vector calculations to happen relatively quickly, to achieve situations like running away while people throw rocks at you, but the rocks are doing no damage, or charging into oncoming traffic and exploding, or loading your pockets with bricks and ganking someone by jumping off a building on top of them.
Defence: Decreases damage taken by a set amount. Also used to generate a minimum damage threshold, which governs whether or not a regular box turns into a hurt box during box interactions. If not, no damage is taken.
This is EXTREMELY NOT the same as turning into a hurt box and taking no damage from set damage reduction. I will explain this in the Starting and Ending Fights section. 
This also means you can whale to your shrivelled little corpse heart’s content beating on a monolith of defence and they won’t care.
Charisma: This is used to get into and out of fights, which is technically a part of dialogue.
Attack: As you may remember, this is also a damage multiplier.
Speed: Increases movement speed, including fight animations. Increasing speed by a single point is barely perceptible, but the evil bullshit damage formula means this may be enough to reach victory.
Sleight: Also a damage multiplier, but solely acts on sharp and/or finicky attacks. Does nothing otherwise. 
Stamina: Increases your rate of stagger and soul regeneration.
Class: Class may enable the bros to get into or avoid fights, but once a fight starts it doesn’t matter in terms of stats. Enemies may use certain attacks against specific classes. 
As seen in Fig. 1, there are three health bars: metal (grey), flesh (red), and bone (beige). There are two other indicators: stagger (dark square turns red while depleting), and soul (light green loops). 
With at least one health bar still there, you will still be alive. When all three bars are depleted, you die. In practice, this means when fighting a knife-wielding enemy who slashed all your flesh apart, you are still alive because your bones and prosthetics are still intact. In 1E, the health bar gets a pointy end, as an indicator of low health, and also because if it stayed square, it would be very hard to see how much you have left as a tiny triangle of pixels stuck behind the stagger bar. I hate when that happens. 
Most importantly, all these health bars are gigantic. I won’t know how the numbers behave until this gets programmed, but assuming fights with regular non-towering-prosthetic-monstrosity Veilheimers deal 0-40 damage per hit, it is normal to have a total of 6000 hit points across all health bars. In practice, this means you die after getting impaled by a spearman running into you at full speed 50 times. This sounds incredibly lenient, but remember revenants are sustained by Death Magic and feel no pain.
At high metal, you are very heavy, highly resistant to physical status types of damage, increases defence and strength greatly, but decreases stamina. High metal also reduces the rate of soul regeneration, to the point where you might die from having more prosthetics than your soul can support. At low metal, you are lighter, speed and stamina increase, but charisma decreases because your fit is busted as hell.
At high flesh, you are heavy, strength, speed, and stamina increase colossally, soul regeneration increases, but you are highly likely to get physical status effects, like burning, smelly, maggots, or rotting. At low flesh, you are light, but charisma and sleight increases because being a skeleton is a lifestyle. 
At high bones, you are heavy, strength and defence increase a bit, and soul regeneration increases massively. At low bones, your charisma and sleight tank catastrophically. Take care of your bones.
Realistically there would also be a fabric health bar, but the UI is cluttered enough already and the in-universe explanation is that the bros are Cyrenean and good at repairing clothes.
Bear in mind that health isn’t the only thing affecting stats.
Because revenants feel no pain and are horrifying tanks in general, there are very few damage indicators like flinch animations and particle effects. To make sure the player understands revenants are horrifying tanks while still being aware when damage is taken, the health bars will break off and fall down the screen. The status bars need to be in the top left. The health bars also need to be this thick because I feel like a single pixel falling down is hard to see.
Note that this only applies to revenants. The living have one tiny health bar and die if it depletes.
The stagger bar, the pink square, determines when you will fall over, and basically acts as a traditional stamina and balance meter. Every action from walking to doing hit animations increases the stagger bar because revenants don’t have a sense of balance. Being in windy or slippy environments automatically increases stagger. Having high stagger, as seen in the evil bullshit damage formula, increases the amount of damage you take as a percent of max stagger, which I realised i did not properly convey in the evil bullshit damage formula, but I can’t be assed to change it. When your stagger reaches maximum, you fall down and your movements are much more limited on the ground, but hopefully you can take someone down with you because it counts as an attack. For the sake of sanity, the stagger formula for getting hit is...
(Vector Difference X Weight X Strength / Stagger Conversion) = Points of Stagger
With the Super Stagger Multiplier (Weight X Strength / Stagger Conversion)...
Vector Difference X Super Stagger Multiplier = Points of Stagger
The stagger formula for getting staggered by your own actions is...
Arbitrary Stagger Value X Weight X Strength / (Stamina X Self Stagger Conversion) = Self Stagger
I’m not sure how the maximum stagger should be calculated. Should it just be...
Stamina X Weight = Max Stagger? 
Stagger is still tracked above the maximum and you can only stand up when it goes under the maximum. It should be really easy to get stunlocked. Being grounded is debilitating for Conman because he can’t do anything except get up. Housebreaker also can’t do anything on the ground, but he does a devastating attack while getting up. Pickpocket can crawl and roll around and has a new set of attacks on the ground, so it may be advantageous to intentionally get knocked over. 
The soul bar is the overlapping green line and is basically your magic meter and level of motivation. Bear in mind as a revenant, every movement and thought is done with magic and every action burns soul. Conman is not physically violent by nature, so his attacks burn a lot of soul. Pickpocket is totally amoral, so his attacks burn some amount of soul. Housebreaker is a belligerent asshole fuelled by violence, so his attacks burn very little soul and the simple ones actually increase soul. In practice, this means you can hide in an alley punching the air until you feel good enough to talk to people without insulting them.
You can also burn soul to empower activities by pressing and holding the soul button (haven’t decided which key it is yet) before pressing another button. If you hold the soul button while running, speed increases, and if you attack while burning soul it will increase attack. I’m not sure if using soul counts as an all-stat boost or if it uses button press context to only boost specific stats. Latter is better I think.
You can also burn soul with a different button to empty your stagger bar, or refill your health bars, except the metal bar. For shitty evil reasons, this burns a ton of soul. Revenants will instinctively let their bodies fall into ruin to conserve soul, which takes huge chunks out of the flesh and bone bars. It should be possible to make a terrible mistake by burning soul to heal flesh, but it’s too much soul, so now you have less flesh than you did before. Fortunately, the bros are also shitty and evil and can increase soul by doing crime.
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Fig. 3: Circumferential movement increases effectiveness of polearms. 3A: Short star mace. 3B: Long star mace. 3C: Vector difference is calculated by this frame data and previous frame data, meaning you will never get a perfect instantaneous velocity tangent. Deal with it. I will also have to deal with it, to prevent frame disasters leading to infinite damage.
The best and hopefully not the only good thing about the evil bullshit damage formula is that it allows weapon damage to scale in accordance to the range and shape of the actual weapon, not just base stats, although those are also here. As seen in Fig. 3, the hit box of long weapons physically move faster than short weapons, increasing damage.
This technically means damage is affected by framerate, since many frames means smaller vector differences and less damage. Maybe the framerate can be capped, or damage be based on a specific time unit, but it would be super funny if the game was unplayable at high frame rates because the vectors become infinitesimally small and deal no damage.
Weight in the evil bullshit damage formula is actually (Total Weight + Weapon Apparent Weight), which I realised i did not properly convey, again. The Master Design Document is stored somewhere else and posting a scrungy and unreadable design doc draft only makes my ideas harder to copy. In fact, I’m counting on people to not read this.
Weapon Apparent Weight takes into account deliberately unbalanced weapons like maces and gourds on a stick that concentrate weight on the end to hit harder. Sharpness Boolean or Maybe Not a Boolean takes into account weapon sharpness and proper edge alignment. If it’s not a boolean, it could be a Sharpness Proficiency Type Grid.
Different attacks with the same weapon can have different damage types. For example, hitting someone with the flat side of a shovel is blunt damage, hitting them with the edge is cut damage, and piercing them with the point is still cut damage. Stabbing someone with a sword is stab damage, but hitting them with the hilt does blunt damage.
There should be some button to press to change grip, thus changing damage type without needing to open your inventory and switch weapons mid fight. I hate doing that. It also won’t fit the shitty and evil design ethos to switch between weapon loadouts quickly. 
There should be breakable weapons, but I haven’t decided how to do it yet. Ideally, a random object like a gourd on a stick breaks instantly, a regular intended weapon’s health bar is as big as yours, and well made weapons are nearly indestructible. 
Weapon sharpness and apparent weight worsen by either the boolean or by the grid. I haven’t decided.
Holding weapons can have different effects on stats aside from weight. Holding a menacing weapon increases attack. Holding something that’s not a weapon decreases attack for Conman, but increases attack for Housebreaker because he’ll beat your skull in with a gourd on a stick if he has to. Conman also gets more attack from having weapons in his inventory, not just by holding them. Pickpocket is not emotionally affected by weapons because he lacks awareness of many things.
I can’t think of a better way to word this mechanic, but basically when a barbed or sticky attack lands and its damage exceeds the Stuck Threshold, or when you grab someone, when one of you gets staggered, the other takes the same amount of stagger, you can only move within a set radius of each other, and the strongest one gets to drag the other around until either the weapon is let go of, or the equal amount of damage to the Stuck Threshold is taken to get unstuck. Getting stuck persists between loading zones, allowing you to get dragged across the city.
The Getting Things Stuck in You Formula is...
Sticky Boolean Like an Actual Boolean X Sticky Conversion - (Points of Flesh X Sum of Sticky Status Effect Additives) = Stuck Threshold
Maybe it would be better as If Sticky Boolean = Yes, then...
Sticky Conversion - (Points of Flesh X Sum of Sticky Status Effect Additives) = Stuck Threshold
This is something else that can be only recalculated on the frame any of its components changes. Basically, the fleshier and stickier you are, the more likely it is to get things stuck in you.
This is potentially one of the most broken mechanics and I’m willing to cut or simplify it if it gets too off the shits, but it would be super funny to steal weapons by covering yourself with glue and deliberately getting attacked. 
For the sake of sanity, it would be best if you are sticking someone else, you can’t get things stuck in you, but it should be possible to form “sea urchins” of many people sticking one person.
But it would be even funnier if you could form geometric webs of an entire loading zone of people stuck together, even though this is impossible to make.
Conman is the only bro who can get stuck in things while unarmed.
It would be shitty and evil if being stuck only tracked radius so you can move and turn and the weapon stuck in you just carves its way around without doing anything. 
As stated above, one way of accidentally or “accidentally” starting fights is to run into someone, and surpassing the minimum damage threshold. The minimum damage threshold deserves a formula but I can’t be assed to formulate one right now. Basically it allows people to get into fights even when no damage is taken, or damage is taken but they let it slide. It should also be possible to lower the minimum damage threshold by making someone hate you through dialogue and reputation.
Assuming you aren’t running into people all the time, the main way to start fights is mid-conversation, by insulting one specific person or group. You should also be able to yell at people without starting conversations, but I am still not sure how to make that target specific people.
It would be really funny if cursor targeting was solely used to start fights with specific people.
Alternatively, it might be better to pick a madlibs type fill in the blanks statement that you say whenever you press the designated yell button, that can be used for many other things, but also for starting fights. For the sake of playable character insignificance, other people will also be yelling things, often completely unrelated to the current situation.
For example, you can yell, “(demographic) ARE (adjective)” and use “MASONS ARE A BLIGHT” to piss off every mason in earshot, or start fights with specific people by using, “(greeting) (individual)”. That said, some people are getting yelled at in the street so much that insults from you from you will be ignored.
This is EXTREMELY NOT the same as being in the middle of a conversation and picking an option or pissing someone off to the point of starting fights. 
You can also start fights by breaking things and causing problems.
Obviously, you can also purposefully attack people.
Obviously, other people can also just attack you for being there.
If you bother the living in any way, all civic-minded Veilheimers will attack you.
There isn’t a specific fight mode instigator for you, meaning that you get to decide if the person insulting you or running you over in the streets warrants attacking. For shitty evil reasons, this does not apply to Housebreaker, who will automatically go into fight mode when he sees someone holding one bottle of wine in each hand, a three-legged dog, or a yelling guard.
Obviously, fights end when you or your opponents die.
But the best way of ending fights is by negotiation. You have “I won. You give up.” and “You won. I give up.” buttons that you can press any time during fights. Surrendering usually works, but whether demanding your opponent to surrender depends on achieving secret objectives like 3 knockdowns or destroying 50% of their flesh before they surrender. Bear in mind some revenants will kill and die for the pettiest reasons imaginable. 
To make fighting as shitty and evil as possible, I’m taking inspiration from Dark Souls and making it worse. Not only are attack animations slow and laborious, they only start after you let go of the attack button. The purpose of this is to make you feel like a sluggish insensate creature, and make fighting feel so viscerally bad that you try to avoid it. For the sake of sanity, most opponents will also be sluggish insensate creatures.
There are three attack buttons. One for dealing high stagger but low damage, one for purposeful attacking, and one for mauling the hell out of people. If you press and let them go like any normal game, all the attacks suck, which may be useful if you want to intimidate someone without killing them. 
You can press and hold the buttons for up to 3 seconds for better versions of the same 3 attacks, at the cost of increased self stagger.
For shitty evil reasons, using weapons gives you only one attack for the weapon-related button at any given time, until you change grip and get a different single attack.
Should there be combos? No. Die.
Should there be crouch attacks? Only one and it sucks.
Should there be running attacks? Ok. Fine.
The reason for 3 attack buttons is using the last button for items.
You won’t achieve your objectives by killing everyone in your path, unless your objective is to kill everyone in your path. For example, if you kill someone while trying to get information out of them, that information is gone. If you kill someone while robbing their store, the store closes and you miss out on potential later goods. If you try to put a dent in the guard population by killing them, that just summons more guards.
The main objective of fighting is to figure out what to do in order to make your enemy surrender, so afterwards you can ask for whatever you want. There are some obvious physical and personality indicators for how hard you are supposed to kick someone’s ass before they comply, but as i said before, some revenants will die on one degree hills. 
For shitty evil reasons, there are no direct ways of finding exactly how to make someone surrender beyond incidental information like “If you knock him over enough, he’ll just sit there and give up.” or “She’s in debt. Bought too many nice prosthetics.” Maybe there can be expensive magic items that tell you what to do, but sometimes they don’t know and lie.
Sometimes fights have multiple stages when you have to kick someone’s ass to make them hear you out, and you ask too much of them, so you have to kick their ass again.
Even fighting your hardest all the time won’t help you.
If you are having a fun shoving match between friends, but you start mauling people, the win condition may go from “stagger 3 times” to “You dare try to kill me? You pitiful mad traitor. I’ll kill you first.”
Be careful how you behave during fights.
If you have a gun, the win condition may go from “break 50% metal” to “holy fucking shit dude. do whatever you want.”
If you keep demanding surrender to a proud opponent, the win condition may go from “break 20% bone” to “Go fuck yourself. Break 20% bone and +5% more bone for each time you demand surrender.”
If you are seriously losing, but you keep demanding your opponent surrender, the win condition may go from “stagger 30 times” to “Are you ok? I’m worried about your sanity. I surrender.”
If you keep using magic items against a wizard hater, the win condition may go from “hit 20 times or break 10% metal” to “Wizard. Die.”
In practice, the win conditions will be more specific and include things like fire tolerance and how far you need to run away before they grant you mercy, but these are just for demonstration purposes.
It needs to look shitty and evil. These are rotting zombies clawing and bumbling into each other, with no flinch, knockback, or invincibility frames at all, just taking turns smacking each other until the other gives up or dies. Fighting is less about being actually good, and more about deciding how much of your health and soul you are willing to destroy to achieve other objectives.
If you see anyone fighting with real grace and technique, get out.
Here are things that I can’t be assed to fit into specific categories. 
Bear in mind that all of this is intended for 8 directional movement. Theoretically, this makes it easier to line up vectors for better damage, since there are much fewer possible orientations of boxes.
Pressing and holding buttons seems to tie similar mechanics together while also making you feel slow and numb, which massively suits the setting, so I will work it into other controls.
I hate when writers or directors form an idea in 30 seconds and it takes the rest of the team ten thousand hours to realise it. For the sake of equity and good game design, I should spend at least 20% amount of time thinking of something as it takes to realise, which is one of the reasons I put all my thoughts here. Another reason is as a screening method, because if I can’t even be assed to fully articulate and write down an idea, it probably sucks.
I know firsthand making funny and cool comic about interpersonal relationships gets the most attention, but that’s the least useful thing for me to make in order to actually finish the game. Bathe in love for something that doesn’t exist, or watch as everyone forgets about something that does? It’s the game designer’s eternal crisis.
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jaxsteamblog · 4 years
Click here to read the full fic on AO3
Katara sat perfectly still at the table, listening to the raised voices. Across from her, Zuko mirrored her posture. He held his tension in his eyes and Katara could see the tiny lines around the right one. Katara held hers in her shoulders, and she could feel her muscles seize as she continued to hold the pose.
Every single minor king and Kuei’s representative was at the table, with the Air Nomad Council and Rohan representing Urban Dust. Thuy was overwhelmed and sat next to Hakoda, her shoulders hunched and her eyes darting around. A woman from the Swamp Tribe sat on Thuy’s other side and was making a point of not looking at Katara.
Most of the people yelling were angry about Katara’s upcoming nuptials. She had invited them to a summit at the South Pole to talk about it. Instead, it was a bunch of angry old people trying to tell her what to do.
“My esteemed guests,” Katara said, raising her voice to be heard over the din. “I suggest you take your seats.”
The people arguing paused and begrudgingly sat down, but one of the Earth Kingdom kings immediately spoke up.
“We demand an explanation for the recent trade agreement between the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes.” He said, slamming his fist down on the table. It was made out of ice, so whatever effect he was going for, his flesh only thumped lamely against the surface.
“What is there to explain? It’s a forthright document.” Katara asked.
“You’re giving them equitable drilling rights for oil in the south western sea.” The king said.
Katara blinked at him, feeling the numbness of anger begin to form in her mind.
“And? Those waters are completely within our boundaries.” She replied.
“The Southern Air Temple shares those borders, yet they were given nothing!” The man said.
Katara closed her eyes and counted to three before opening them again.
“Why would I consult with the Air Nomad council over trade that involves my water, my oil, and my borders?” She asked. Unfortunately, she wanted to ask why an Earth Kingdom king would be so interested in Air Nomad trade.
“What if they wanted to drill?” The man asked petulantly.
“Then they can come to me the same way the Fire Nation minister of trade did.” Katara seethed.
“We don’t even have the industry.” Rohan added then rubbed their eyes and continued. “We don’t even care about oil, we use renewable energy.”
“By the way, I’ve been meaning to have my energy minister talk to you about that.” Zuko said, reaching his hand across the table toward Rohan.
“This is exactly the problem!” A queen shouted. “All of the Avatar’s instructors are cavorting about and making deals outside of their official positions.”
“It’s favoritism.” A third person added.
“I met with the trade minister in Republic City! How is that favoritism?” Katara demanded.
“Katara.” Hakoda said gently and Katara forced out a deep breath.
“I know exactly what the problem is, and unfortunately for all of you, I’m not politic enough to beat around the bush.” Katara said and looked around the table. “More of my people voluntarily came to the Earth Kingdom’s aid than the Air Nomads. The Earth Kingdom kings and queens were more interested in fighting each other over the centuries that your navy was laughable. My people sent ships. They sent food and literally ended droughts for you. And you never sent anything back. You didn’t even send my mother’s body back.”
Sliding her chair back from the table, Katara stood and ran her hands over her abdomen. She would never get used to the touch of finer clothing, and it shocked her enough to lighten her mood.
“The Earth Kingdom was fine seeing us go without for so long. We would never rise up to threaten you if we couldn’t even feed ourselves.” Katara said.
“No see here-” The first man to speak tried to stand up but Katara pulled his chair back in with the barest flick of her wrist.
“My people will not continue to go without any longer. The Fire Nation has produced most of the technological marvels of this age, and only requires the most minimal amount of oil in their production of plastic. I can sell a sustainable amount of oil for a good price and invest that money in my tribes. It has nothing to do with the fact that I will be marrying the Fire Lord.” She finished.
“But won’t you be the Fire Lady?” Thuy asked. Katara turned and the others murmured behind her.
“Won’t the Fire Nation be your people too?” Thuy continued.
Katara held her breath to keep herself from visually reacting. Thuy had just managed to undo weeks of work in a question. All because of teenage romantic ideals.
“One kingdom acting with two hands makes it a lot easier to manipulate things.” A queen remarked and Katara’s upper back seized.
Katara whirled on the Earth Kingdom contingent and barely repressed a snarl.
“I am one kingdom with three hands already.” She stated. Taking in and releasing a shaky breath, Katara retook her seat.
“Katara will be Fire Lady,” Zuko said calmly. “But she won’t have any power in the Fire Nation. They never do. She’d be just as subject to flattery and manipulation as any other person in that position would be. And many rulers have been controlled by their spouses.”
He turned to smile down at the Earth Kingdom side of the table. Many of the sovereigns looked away.
“The spouse of the King or Queen of the Water Tribes doesn’t even get a title.” Katara said. Then, looking at Thuy’s pained face, went on. “I try to do my best for everyone when I’m in a situation. Outside of, you know, war.”
“You did fight in the war, didn’t you?” Zuko said brightly. “What did you do again?”
“Hmm, you know, I think I sank the entire Fire Nation navy. Sorry about that by the way.” Katara said, genuinely apologizing at the end.
“That’s okay. You see, I actually fought on your side as well.” Zuko replied.
“You mean for the Earth Kingdom liberation?” Katara put her hands to her cheeks in mock surprise. “I had forgotten!”
“This chincery is extremely rude.” A king muttered.
“But extremely funny.” Rohan said.
“Rohan!” Tenzin whispered sharply.
“We understand what you’re doing, Queen Katara.” The king said.
“Do you?” Katara asked and leisurely turned to address him. “Because I don’t understand why you’re sitting here having a hissy fit if you did.”
“Katara.” Hakoda said and Katara shook her head.
“I think a lot of people made a lot of money during the war, and they want to continue to tiptoe through peace whispering about shadows to keep people afraid. Either we are committed to this peace and we go on with our lives, or we openly admit to suspecting each other and see if those whispers come true.” She said.
“I am marrying Katara for love, not for power.” Zuko said.
“That’s easy to say, young Fire Lord.” Tenzin said. Zuko looked at Katara and she nodded.
“Yes, we’re young, but we’re not foolish. My uncle says that wisdom comes from survival, and I have survived more in my young life than many of you.” He said and then composed himself. “So on the new year, after my marriage, I will be formally announcing the Fire Nation’s transition to a constitutional monarchy.”
“Our marriage will be a symbol of unification, but the power will belong to the citizens of the Fire Nation.” Katara said and smiled lovingly at Zuko.
“Ahhhh, I get it now.” The Swamp Tribe representative said.
“What?” A queen demanded.
“As I am now the Avatar’s master, I understand the importance of having different perspectives. So the Water Tribe will be ruled by a triumvirate. And as neither Sokka nor myself are Chief Hakoda’s heir, eventually things will settle out to be more equitable.” Katara clarified.
“And where is the Earth Kingdom left in all of this?” A king sputtered and now the entire other half of the table glared at them.
“What business does the Earth Kingdom have in the rulers of foreign nations?” One of the monks asked.
Shamefaced, the king lowered his head.
Glancing to her side, Katara caught Thuy’s eye and smiled. Still looking overwhelmed, Thuy nodded curtly and gave her a watery grin in return.
The four nations were going to live in harmony again, whether they liked it or not.
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ozkamal · 3 years
Wisdom notes1. It’s not who you are underneath it’s what you do that defines you 2. Stop living other people’s stories and start writing your own 3. We are all gonna die, not all of us get to make a difference 4. Just cause you know you are capable of something doesn’t mean it has to happen again 5. Every weakness contains within itself a strength 6. Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up. 7. In order to be what we are, we have to come out of what we are not 8. It’s not the size of a soldier in a fight, it’s the size of the fight in a soldier 9. some of the best things in life are by accident 10. you can lose to your enemy, but you must not lose to fear 11. if your looking for revenge, you should start by digging two graves 12. sometimes the scars you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most 13. sometimes the rain must fall for us to appreciate the sun 14. train yourself to let go, of everything you fear to lose 15. a man does not cry because he is weak, he cries because he has been strong for too long 16. not everyone can be trusted, even your shadow leaves when your in the dark 17. don’t trust anyone too much, remember the devil was once an angel 18. you didn’t fail, you just found out, eg:100 ways how not to make a light bulb 19. I failed over and over, that’s why i’m successful. 20. it isn’t what you got in life it’s what you make of it 21. people do not despise the thief who steals to satisfy himself when he is starving 22. a mans loyalty is tested when he has everything. a woman’s is tested when he has nothing 23. you have to be odd to be number one 24. trust takes years to build and yet only seconds to break 25. never regret a single thing that made you happy 26. make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan. 27. don’t be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself trying to please everyone around you 28. when we stop checking the monsters under the bed that’s when we realise they were inside us 29. sometimes she’ll keep you down but also somehow be the one to keep you up 30. From strangers. to friends. to being together but then back strangers but with memories 31. it hurts a lot when she breaks up with you. and gets together with someone else really quick... it just don’t feel like she cared, but sometimes you gotta let fate take you by the hand 32. you lost interest so fast.. my world ended before it even started 33. you can love somebody just by being attached. see loyalty is a action u can love or hate me but u still have my back 34. as dr seuss said, “i always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh. but i never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry 35. sometimes it’s hard to know what haunts you more, the memories of her, or the memories of how happy you used to be 36. it’s not that your life sucks, it’s just you done want to think that it doesn’t 37. love never ends, it’s the strength to try that does 38. silence can be just another word for pain 39. not everything lasts forever, people change, people grow apart. don’t force anything 40. absence makes the heart grow stronger 41. it ain’t about how hard you can hit.. it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward, that’s how winning is done 42. tomorrow is never promised 43. the most painful thing isn’t a cut or a broken bone, it’s seeing memories slowly become memories 44. better to have a short life doing what you love, than a long life living miserably 45. when a man loves a woman she becomes his strength 46. pay close attention to the people who don’t clap when you win 47. if your the smartest person in the room then your in the wrong room 48. a great future never requires a great past 49. everyone is the hero of their own story 50. the only time you should look back is to see how far you’ve come 51. there’s four things you can never get back, the word after it’s said, the moment after its missed, time after it’s gone and trust after it’s lost 52. they say you never knew what you had until it’s gone.... truth is, you just never thought you’d lose it 53. think of it like this, it hurts to let go... but sometimes it hurts more to hold on 54. out of all the things we learn in school, no one teaches us how to love ourselves 55. there comes a time in life, where you realise that nothing will ever be the same. And you realise that from now on, time will be divided in two parts, before this.. and after this 56. it takes absence to value presence 57. it’s not about the happy ending, maybe it’s about the story 58. it’s crazy how after so much, you become strangers again 59. words may sting, but silence is what breaks the heart 60. sometimes it’s not the person you miss, it’s the feeling you had when you were with them.. 61. in life there’s the people that tear you down, and the ones that build you up. but in the end, you’ll thank them both 62. you know a million words won’t bring them back, and you’ll know because you tried, neither would a million tears, and you’ll know... because you cried 63. the worst feeling is never being lonely, it’s being forgotten by someone, you’d never forget 64. you’ll realise how you waste so much time on certain people, but in the end sometimes they weren’t worth a second of it 65. there is always going to be some truth behind every “just kidding”. some knowledge behind every “i don’t know” emotion behind every “i don’t care” and pain behind every “it’s okay” 66. being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anybody else 67. don’t let something that’s long gone, control you. it’s time to let go 68. it’s amazing how one day someone walks into the life, and suddenly you don’t know how you every lived without them 69. someone once asked me if i knew you a million and one memories flashed through my mind.. but i just said i used to 70. at the end of the day, your not always gonna say and do the right things. and that’s fine, your not here to be perfect, your here to be real 71. going back to a relationship is like rewatching a movie, and hoping for a different ending 72. the worst kind of sad, is not being able to explain why 73. Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others. Not realizing that everyone has a different question on their paper 74. the difference between, like, love and in love is the same difference between, for now, for a while.. and forever 75. everyone can make you smile, but not everyone can make you happy 76. the most difficult part of moving on, is accepting the other person already did 77. it’s sad how the people you were once so close with. can become just another person you don’t know, not their just a stranger with your secrets 78. one day someone will break you so bad.. you will become unbreakable 79. you can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can never close your heart to things you don’t want to feel 80. if you think photos aren’t so important, wait until they’re all you have left 81. giving someone another chance, is like giving them another bullet, because the first one missed 82. the truth is.. we don’t mature with years, we mature with damage 83. consider how hard it is to change yourself, then you’ll realise what little chance you had in changing others. 84. everyone has a story, and everyone has something that changed them. so never judge someone by the chapter you walked in on 85. in life sometimes there is no next time. No timeouts, no second chances. sometimes it is now or never, things change, friends leave. and life doesn’t stop for anybody 86. can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be? 87. it’s sad how you can go from speaking to someone non-stop, to never speaking to them again, in an instant, it’s like you could have just stayed strangers 88. it’s important to realise you can miss something, but not want it back 89. your current situation, is not your final destination 90. it’s never to late to be what you might’ve been 91. you start with such a simple hello, but end with such a complicated good bye 92. in order to move on, you need to understand why you felt what you did, and why you no longer need to feel it 93. telling the truth and making someone cry, is better than telling a lie.. and making someone smile 94. it’s not the goodbyes that hurt, but the flashbacks that follow 95. some would say people who say it is what it is are dangerous, i say those people have just been hurt to the point where they no longer care 96. if you don’t go after what you want. you’ll never have it. if you don’t ask, the answer is always no and if you don’t step forward, your always in the same place 97. live today the way you want because nothing else is more real than the moment you have in your hands 98. people come and go, but life is simply about... seeing who cares enough to stay 99. one of the most messed up things the world will ever do to you, is let you meet the right person. at the wrong time 100. apologise for your mistakes not your feelings
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noneatnonedotcom · 4 years
Wait. Am I The Winner? (sequel to wait are we the baddies)
this was all done useing dice rolls and is based off of a quest on space battles. everything you are about to read was random chance that i gave flavor to
Jaune base stats: 2.62 (limit break 4.19 stat difference=+60) Pyrrha base stats: 2.62
Shielding for jaune =2779 (alright so maybe a bit more than normal) armor 295 (a bit more manageable)
Shielding for pyrrha=253
Jaune rolls: 1d100+10 (two-handed weapon)
Pyrrha rolls: 1d100 Off hand 1d100+10 (sheild)
The third match between Pyrrha and jaune would take place in the vale arena, much like minstrel vale also prized it’s fighters though in recent years Pyrrha had taken much of the attention away from their more homegrown champions. But one man had changed that.
The roar of the crowd was defining, there was more than just blood on the line here. This was the two best of their generation one representing minstrel and the other vale. National pride was on the line and whether the fighters had been informed or not the losers country would be dealing with an influx of Grimm from all the negativity they’d be generating.
Minstrel couldn’t afford that. Not in its current state and so Pyrrha had no choice but to win.
But jaune couldn’t afford to lose either.
The vale half of the audience went wild. But jaune’s ears picked out his girls easily, his aura enhanced senses cutting through the noise. To focus on them
That’s why he had to win, winning meant power, power could be used to gain whatever he wanted. And what he wanted was to make a better world for everyone. It was his duty as not only the last descendant of the royal line of vale.
“JAUNE ARRRRRRRRC!” But as jaune arc, lover and boyfriend to both ruby rose and yang xiao-long. So long as he was fighting for them he’d win.
He had to.
Both fighters came out to the octagon armor on their bodies and weapons in hand.
Jaune carried eternal luminosity, a lance forged to act as a replacement weapon to crocea mors. It was a fine weapon, ruby had made it for him. Though in reality, it was more of a banner than anything else. The weapon folded out into a deployable banner woven with gravity dust. Useful when he wanted to make a statement and force others to kneel before him.
It had come up a few times in his fights against the organized crime of vale.
The real advantage was that it was highly visible. Making giving orders on a chaotic battlefield just that much easier.
The same was the case with his armor, custos solis. Made with yang in mind, and named accordingly. It was a vibrant set of armor, made up of golds, dark blues, and whites. It’s advantage so far had been that it hid his true power. His semblance having expanded his aura pool into the three-millions at this point. And there was still room to grow.
Without the armor, he’d seem utterly invincible and that’s the main reason why he wore it and compressed his aura as much as he physically could. It tricked the sensors at the very least. When he was ready he’d show the world his true power. But he needed just a little more time.
His third weapon lay on his hip, blackthorn, a sword forged of the purest hard light dust he could find. It wasn’t quite ready yet. He’d been told the purification of the metal had not been completed so it’s true power was diminished, never the less it was an exceptionally powerful tool. If somewhat costly in terms of aura usage. The thing would drain a normal person dry in a matter of seconds.
Jaune could use it all day and never get tired.
Roll 1
Jaune: 64+10= 74 Pyrrha: 100 (Pyrrha came for fucking play!” +20=120
Jaune takes 46 damage
Jaune armor reduced to 249
She was on him immediately, her form perfect, her spear striking him from all over, though his armor took the brunt of the assault. He tried to fight back but she was like water bouncing on the balls of her feet jabbing him with her spear like a boxer.
He was sure that a normal fighter would be unable to mount a defense against her but jaune did mitigate the damage she was able to inflict with his own footwork, waiting for the opportunity to strike
Roll2 Jaune: 18+10=28 Pyrrha: 92 (get that weak shit outta here jaune, you’re fighting the champ!)
Jaune takes 64 damage
Armor= 185
She upped her game then, moving faster and fire in her eyes focusing into a single point, she was here to beat him, utterly. Perhaps to show him the power of friendship after their last fight, perhaps simply because her kingdom depended on her. It didn’t matter she had landed blow after blow, jaune needed to do something
Roll 3 Jaune: 94+10= 104 Pyrrha: 80 Offhand: 17+10
Pyrrha takes 24 damage
Shield reduced to 226
Jaune saw an opportunity and for the first time since their last fight, the people of the world saw the invincible girl take a blow. Not a major one, but solid as her aura flashed to protect her. Under his helmet jaune sensed the aura she’d used, it was strong. Perhaps one of the stronger ones he’d ever felt. Even in comparison to qrow. But nothing more than a drop in the ocean to him
She was on him again in an instant
Roll 3
Jaune:18+10=28 Pyrrha:45 Jaune takes 17 damage Armor =168
Jaune becomes annoyed activates dust tattoos +20 to combat rolls
And she was somehow faster and stronger than before, gritting his teeth jaune pushed his aura into the dust based tattoos on his body, an unimaginable pain flowed through him but he pushed through using the extra power to thrust into Pyrrha
Roll 4
Jaune: 81+30= 111 Pyrrha: 42 Offhand: 69 (of course can’t have a jaune fight without this (._.) )+10= 79
Pyrrha takes 32 damage, jaune’s armor is removed for the rest of the fight due to 69 roll Pyrrha takes a -25 to rolls due to distraction
Pyrrha’s shielding= 194
The blow landed but to Pyrrha’s credit she managed to bring her shield against him as he hit her. The crowd went wild for some reason but jaune didn’t pay attention to them. Only to the red-faced Pyrrha in front of him. He went after her again”
Roll 5 Jaune:69 (WTF JAUNE!) +30=99 Pyrrha:93-25=68 Offhand: 90+10-25=75
Pyrrha takes 24 damage armor destroyed by the force of jaune’s blow. Jaune takes -20 from distraction, Pyrrha takes -10 from embarrassment
Pyrrha’s shield =170 She wasn’t ready for it for some reason and when the blow connected it hit one of the straps holding up her armor, jaune cursed his luck as the beautiful redhead was stripped naked before him only her boots and weapons to cover her. Trying to shake off the distraction jaune went after her again as the crowd went crazier!
Roll 6 Jaune:75+10= 85 Pyrrha:90-35= 55 Off hand:61-25= 36
Pyrrha takes 30 damage, pyrrha has had enough! Activates semblance +50 to rolls -50 to jaune’s rolls Pyrrha’s shield = 140
The blow struck well as the beautiful woman seemed more concerned with covering herself from the looks of the crowd than from his weapon. He felt bad, he really did but this was for the good of everyone. And she was a warrior she’d understand.
There was no gender on the battlefield
Apparently she agreed because she suddenly glowed with power moving faster than he could track while he felt somehow slower just by watching.
By this point, they were little more than blurs to most people and her nakedness was forgotten in favor of raw aggression!
Roll 7
Jaune:30-40=-10 Pyrrha:74+15=89 Jaune takes 99 damage Jaune’s sheild=2680
A blow that would fell lesser men slammed into him. His eyes unfocused as the flash of his own aura blinded him. He had no time to react to the now greater pain coursing through his body from both inside and outside as she rained down blow after blow on him the crowd having grown silent with awe watching the two pinnacles of humanity battling it out in the arena
Roll 8 Jaune:85-40=45 pyrrha:75+15=90
Jaune takes 45 damage
Jaune’s sheild= 2635
More and more blows hammered into him and he was being pushed back even if he was finally starting to get his guard up it wasn’t enough, he wasn’t enough to fight this goddess on the battlefield
.Roll 9 Jaune:14-40=-26 pyrrha:41+15=56
Jaune takes 82 damage
Jaune’s shield= 2553
Jaune’s angry activates limit break +60 to rolls stat difference
Was this the end? No one could doubt his power as blows that shook the stadium hammered into him both combatants were beyond human, the crowd could see it but for all of jaune’s raw power, it was no match for the skill of the invincible girl. Even so, they felt honored to be able to see this fight. Neither had ever been pushed this far before and even veteran huntsmen were shocked at the levels of power on display.
Jaune’s eyes snapped open, the wolf of signal, that animalistic part of his brain that couldn’t accept defeat that kept going no matter what the cost to himself, equal parts pride and protectiveness. genius, and stupidity.
That’s what looked at Pyrrha when those deep blue eyes opened. And Pyrrha felt small for a moment, the entire world felt small looking at the unrestrained power coming from the boy
This was the apex hunter, the thing that even the Grimm learned to fear.
This was the big bad wolf of signal and he howled his rage as he rushed her his lance thrown aside in the madness his pain brought on. His fist flying for her head
Roll 10
Jaune:1+20=21 (alright not the best way to show off your next to final powerup) Pyrrha:25+15=40
Jaune takes 19 damage
Jaune’s shield =2534
Jaune throws away his lance, draws blackthorn +25 to rolls
Mussels tore as fast as they healed as jaune no longer limited himself by how much pain he was willing to endure and the force from his punch cratered the ground where pyrrha was but a second ago.
Ultimate power vs ultimate skill
The invincible girl vs the apex predator
For a moment skill seemed to win out as she danced around the raging monster his wild swings destroying the arena as he missed. Inching closer and closer to his prey mindless of the damage and pain he was inflicting on himself, his mad howls echoing in the now stunned silent arena
And then she landed and blow
One big enough to snap jaune back to himself and for a moment he simply stood there, his mussels twitching finally aware that Pyrrha had stripped him as well at some point.
The pinnacles of humanity stared each other down nothing between them, perfection for the world to see. The audience held their breath and
Jaune started to laugh
He laughed and laughed seemingly amused at the situation
“Alright Pyrrha, I admit it, you’re more skilled then I think I’ll ever be, you’ve done it you’ve mastered yourself to a point beyond human limits.” he stalked forward and something about the confidence in him made the women (and some men) swoon at the sight.
“You’ve earned a reward,” he said as he picked up the sword that had fallen off him earlier in the fight “something that I’ve never had to do for anyone else, of course, you’ve already seen more of me than I’ve shown to anyone other than my girlfriends so that question is what to show you now,” he said with a wink and a smirk
His eyes grew dark as his sword glowed with golden beauty. A smile like the bared teeth of a predator shown almost as brightly
“Let me show you what true power looks like!”
And they were on each other again. Perfection in motion as far as the audience was concerned. A golden blade fought against the invincible girl and eventually there was only flashes of color as they danced around the arena until finally
The two stopped fighting mid-swing as the alarm signaling the aura of Pyrrha had dipped below 25%
Could she have won if this were a real battle? perhaps, perhaps not. All that could be said in this moment was that the battle was over. Jaune calmly re-sheathed his sword and picked up his lance. The two combatants shook hands both smiling though jaune’s seemed more a smirk
And then they walked out leaving the stunned audience to collect themselves.
It was five minutes before anyone had the presence of mind to cheer
It would be two hours till they stopped.
In the back room Pyrrha smiled as she listened to her friends gush about the fight, yes it truly was something she supposed. The main difference between jaune and her was the amount of aura they could bring to bear, she would have to look into being more efficient in the future. But later, she wanted to spend time with her friends.
In the back room jaune coughed up blood as his abused body and soul finally gave in, he struggled not to cry in pain as it felt like his body was being ripped apart from the inside. There was a price for power, always. He could reach levels of strength that none could match but it didn’t mean he could survive using those powers. His anguish was lessened as ruby placed his head in her lap and yang gently rubbed his back
He passed out shortly after.
He wouldn’t wake up for a week.
The world was shocked in the wake of their fight, overnight jaune and Pyrrha became legends. The fact that they accidentally stripped each other was morphed in the minds of all the watchers to be the fact that both fought with only their weapons and souls. That they had no added advantages or disadvantages. It was pure combat.
Something that came to be common later on as fighters sought to emulate them. Fighting naked against your opponent became a way of declaring your own power.
Jaune’s tattoos became something to emulate as well though obviously no one made their out of dust, the process was immensely painful after all. The world was divided on who was more impressive, jaune, or Pyrrha.
For his part jaune spent most of his time doing paperwork recuperating and spending time with his girls. There would be time to capitalize on his newfound popularity to advance his political career. But later. For now, jaune lay in a field of flowers watching his sister, yang and ruby play with Zwei
Life was good
Ozpin subtly played with a knight piece as he studied the board, as well as a queen. The arcs were descendants of the bastards of the royal line of vale. The very same line he’d thought he’d ended with his life as the last king of vale during the great war.
He was powerful and would be a key to winning the war, as would Pyrrha
The only question was who’s piece was he?
here’s the next chapter of accidental villain jaune, based off of the dice rolling system for a quest on space battles. it was all random chance and i think i did pretty good with what the dice gave me. what do you think?
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Mitrasphere Beginner's Guide - Part 2
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    Table of Contents:
Part 1
Starting Your Journey (0 - 1,000 CP)
Advancing the Story (1,000 - 15,000 CP)  
Part 2
Traveling to Hard Mode and Beyond (15,000+ CP)
Core Combat Mechanics
Bonus! Nekia Item Exchange
    Traveling to Hard Mode and Beyond (15,000+ CP)  
1. Clearing Hard to Unlock Expert
  Now that you’re more familiar with Mitrasphere and powering up, you might start to lay your eyes on higher-difficulty content. With that in mind, you should definitely take a look at Expert stages. These are boss fights you can find in almost every story chapter, with an emphasis on cooperating with other players and setting up a balanced team.
  Unlocking access to them simply requires you to clear the Hard stages of their chapter.
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    Do not despair, for Hard Mode is actually not particularly difficult. It functions exactly like Normal Mode and can be cleared solo. However, it requires a higher and increasing amount of CP to access, starting with 15,000 CP for Chapter 1 Hard.
  2. Limit Breaking Gear
  If you have already spent quite some time farming seeds, it may feel progressively more difficult for you to gain additional CP as you’ve maxed out your gear. The initial maximum level of equipment depends on its rarity: Lvl. 20 for 1-star items, Lvl. 30 for 2-star, Lvl. 40 for 3-star, and Lvl. 50 for 4-star.
  Every item, no matter its rarity, can be limit broken 4 times to increase its maximum level by 5 per limit break, meaning 4-star items can reach a maximum level of 70. It can also be interesting to note that a fully upgraded 3-star item will reach Lvl. 60 and thus might give more stats than a standard Lvl. 50 4-star equipment. To reward you for sacrificing items, levels above the initial cap grant a higher amount of stats compared to base levels.
  There are two ways to limit break items, which mostly depend on what gear is available to you.
  The first method is to use perfect duplicates of your items (same element and rarity) to immediately limit break your item once, increasing its level cap. Using a perfect duplicate also allows you to limit break the maximum skill level of an item, up to skill level 9.
  The second method is to use duplicates with a lower rarity. Each lower tier of rarity gives a fifth of the experience needed to level the item, so consuming a 3-star equip to limit break its 4-star equivalent will grant you 20% towards its next limit break. You will earn 4% if the item is 2 tiers below and 0.8% for 3 tiers below. This allows you to slowly limit break your gear even with common drops. However, you will not be able to raise the maximum cap of your skill level using lower-rarity duplicates.
  Please note that 4-star rainbow equips do not have lower rarity equivalents, and thus rely on perfect duplicates to be limit broken. These items are however often very interesting even without any limit breaks  due to their Command and Passive Skills.
    Core Combat Mechanics
  Jumping into Expert content will give you a new perspective on the game. Also, you might get your butt kicked by a fairly angry boss. This part is all about reminding you of a few core combat mechanics that you might have forgotten, even though they are briefly presented during the initial tutorial.
  1. Moving Between Rear and Front Rows
  Every weapon displays a small triangle/arrow icon indicating if using this attack will move you to the front or back row of the arena. You do not need to already be in that position to use the attack; it will simply move you to it if you are not already there.
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    The most important thing about combat lanes is related to mitigating incoming damage: any player in the rear row will take half damage from every direct damage source (everything except poison damage and similar status conditions basically).
  As Expert fights often include abilities dealing high damage to everyone in the party, staying in the rear row when such an attack is being prepared by the boss will be helpful or even necessary to survive. Remember that dead people do not deal damage, and that resurrecting dead teammates is not always possible for your Cleric.
    2. 4-Second Global Cooldown
  Every time you use a weapon skill, you cannot use another for the following four seconds, which we call a “Global Cooldown” or “GCD.” It allows for consistently-paced tactical combat, rather than a reliance on pure reflexes or button-mashing.
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    Defensively speaking, it also means you are “locked” into your current lane for the next four seconds after using an attack. If you recognize that the boss is about to use a powerful move, it it may be dangerous to use an attack that will move you to the front.
    3. Elemental Advantages and Disadvantages
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    Mitrasphere includes elemental advantages and disadvantages, and while you may choose to ignore them during the early stages of the game, it is something to keep in mind as it will give you an edge in tougher battles.
  Attacking an enemy with a weapon that is strong against the enemy’s element (for example, a water against fire) will apply a +30% damage multiplier. On the flip side, the opposite will apply a -30% damage multiplier, significantly reducing your damage.
  It is recommended to keep lower-rarity weapons of different elements for your main Job, even if its level and skill levels are lower, as it may still result in a damage increase against a particular monster.
  Keep in mind that this also applies to damage taken. Your equipped armor and accessories, including pieces in your support slots, will grant you elemental resistance or lower your resistance up to 30% if everything is of the same element.
  4. Buffs and Debuffs
  You will notice that every Job has weapons dealing damage and weapons applying beneficial effects (or “buffs”) to themselves or their whole party. This is another reason why having a balanced party is typically the best strategy, as more support-oriented roles like the Archer are still particularly useful, even though their damage is lower than a Swordsman or a Mage.
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    It is generally more efficient to buff yourself then follow up with a devastating attack than to do two low-damage consecutive attacks. It is especially true when the Dragonkin Gauge comes into play. Activating your Dragonkin typically multiplies a weapon’s damage by three. Stacking your buffs then unleashing a Dragonkin attack will turn many problems into dust. 
  You will also notice that every buff or debuff is followed by a letter (e.g. Physical Damage Dealt UP (10%) (A)). This letter explains how this particular effect interacts with other effects.
  Effects of the same nature (e.g. Physical Damage Dealt UP) with a different letter will stack; in other words, they will both be applied for their respective duration.
  For example, applying Physical Damage Dealt UP (20%) (A) and Physical Damage Dealt UP (50%) (B) means that every attack you do while both buffs remain active will benefit from 70% extra damage.
  Effects of the same nature with an identical letter will not stack. When you apply the second, you will keep the stronger buff and refresh its duration with the second effect’s duration.
  For example, applying Physical Damage Dealt UP (50%) (7.9s) (A) then Physical Damage UP (10%) (24s) (A) means that every attack you do in the next 24 seconds will benefit from 50% extra damage. As long as the buff doesn’t expire, you just need to reapply the second buff to benefit from the stronger effect of the first
  Finally, please remember that you can check what kind of effects affect a character (be it you, an ally, or an enemy) during a fight by pressing and holding your finger over the character.
    5. Understanding Common Concepts in Boss Battles
  There are various forms of boss battles in Mitrasphere, spanning across Grand Battles, Extra Battles, Expert boss battles, and more to come. When challenging the more difficult levels of bosses, you’ll come faced with various interesting game mechanics. Most bosses have an assortment of abilities that are fun to experience when you come face to face with them for the first time, but they also have more common attacks that can be categorized into the following:
  a. Tank Busters
  “Tank Busters” in MMO terminology refer to particularly strong single-target attacks that are meant to be absorbed by the most durable character of the group, which will be the Guardian in Mitrasphere. The Guardian’s damage mitigation buffs and more defensively-oriented stats will allow them to survive these hits, while other Jobs would likely be severely hurt or killed on impact. It is paramount for the party’s Guardian to have his mitigation buffs on and retain the boss’s attention (or aggro) when this attack happens.
  b. Raid Busters
  “Raid Busters” refer to party-wide attacks that are meant to be soaked in by the entire group. These attacks target everyone in the party no matter the circumstances. They will typically deal less damage if damage reduction debuffs are applied to the boss, if the party stands in the rear row and/or applies damage mitigation buffs, or may be completely negated if you increase your evasion or reduce the boss’s accuracy to force a lucky miss.
  c. Cleaves
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  “Cleaves” or “row attacks” refer to attacks dealing damage to an entire row, (\most commonly the front row. They are often as powerful as tank busters but may hit multiple players if they stand in the harm’s war when the attack lands. As they deal very high damage but are easily avoidable, it is important for non-Guardians to move to the rear row to avoid getting killed. However, contrary to tank busters, at least one person should stay in the hit lane, preferably the party’s Guardian, as the attack will always hit at least one person. If everyone is in the rear row when a cleave lands, everyone will be hit.
  d. Other Common Mechanics
  Most boss fights include a few specific mechanics that differ from the usual array of attacks presented above. Identifying them and learning how to deal with them is part of the fun of any RPG. However, below are a few mechanics that are still relatively common.
  Buffs and Debuffs: Enemies also have access to abilities increasing their power or decreasing yours. Some of these have a short duration, increasing the potency of their next move, while others can last the whole fight.
  Damage On Action: Some enemies can apply poison or other similar status conditions on one or several targets. These skills are listed as debuffs and deal damage every time you use a skill based on a percentage of your maximum health. Some weapons that players can acquire can also apply poison. While most bosses are immune to it, it can be devastating on anyone that is affected by it.
  Guts: Some enemies benefit from a specific buff called “Guts.” Guts allow them to resist lethal damage. If an attack is meant to drop their health to 0, they will instead survive with 1 health point and lose one stack of Guts, assuming they have more than one. Guts can also be applied to a player, although it is a relatively rare effect at the current juncture.
  e. Meeting Players to Tackle Boss Fights
  You cannot clear difficult boss stages by yourself even with the best equipment and mechanics in mind. At this point, you’ll need to find other like-minded players to group with. You have a few tools at your disposal for this.
  First, try joining a battle in progress.This works best for content currently being challenged by many players. To check if there is a team with an open slot fighting your desired stage, simply choose “Coop” instead of “Start” after selecting a stage. Active teams with open slots will be displayed here.
  Second, recruiting in the World Chat via the General or Recruit tab. For more efficient communication, it is recommended to state your Job and targeted content (e.g. “Cleric LFG Chapter 2 EX”) as there are many ongoing battles in the game and a balanced group is generally more efficient.
  Third, you can use the Groups feature to communicate more easily with players you want to play with regularly. Groups are persistent chat rooms that you can join or create and may also serve as a substitute for guilds. Every player may be a part of more than one Group.
  Finally, you can find fellow players on your usual social networks such as Discord. Don’t hesitate to try to set up activities yourself as many players are waiting for an open slot in a group! 
1. Nekia Item Exchange
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    The Nekia Item Exchange contains a lot of goodies! You can acquire items such as new weapons, avatar pieces, and even voices. There is also a healthy amount of Sea Crystals to obtain as well as 4-star rainbow accessories! Please check the Nekia Item Exchange regularly as new items may be added with the release of new content.
  You may redeem Pearls for items in the exchange, which can be found via the shiny Search spots. 
  You may also redeem Nekia Medals for items. Nekia Medals can currently be obtained by completing Achievements. Make sure to check out your Missions to see what needs to be done to obtain these. More methods for obtaining Nekia Medals will be added in the future.
  To access the Nekia Item Exchange, go to Zone -< click on the circular Search icon on the bottom middle of your screen - Item Exchange.
    That’s it for this guide! We hope you were able to gain some insights into the vast and deep world of Mitrasphere. 
  If you have questions about the gameplay or are looking for players to group up with to tackle content, hop on over to the unofficial community Discord!
By: Guest Author
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 27 May 2019
Quick Bits:
A Walk Through Hell #10 somehow gets even more disturbing as we’re shown some of McGregor’s past as he was abused and set up as a suicide. The horror that Garth Ennis, Goran Sudžuka, Ive Svorcina, and Rob Steen keep exploring in this series keeps getting more personal and seemingly has no limit to its depth.
| Published by AfterShock
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Amazing Spider-Man #22 concludes (mostly) the “Hunted” arc as Kraven continues to try to convince Spider-Man that he’s a killer and to finally put Kraven out of his misery. It’s incredibly messed up logic, but Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba, Edgar Delgado, Erick Arciniega, and Joe Caramagna make it interesting. You could consider this end anti-climactic, especially after how long this has been, but I get the feeling we’ll be dealing with the ramifications for a while to come.
| Published by Marvel
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Amber Blake #3 takes an interesting turn as an undercover operation into a modelling agency reveals that Amber’s childhood friend Amanda is still alive. The level of intrigue and twists in this story just keeps escalating, matching the density of the layouts and art from Butch Guice, Mike Perkins, and Dan Brown.
| Published by IDW
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Angel #1 is incredible. Possibly even better than the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series and that has set a ridiculously high bar. Bryan Edward Hill, Gleb Melnikov, Gabriel Cassata, and Ed Dukeshire embrace the darker, moodier feel of Angel consistent with the different atmosphere that was present in the television series, while diving deep into building up his dark past and conflicted future. There’s a lot that is new to this interpretation, which just makes it more intriguing. And the art from Melnikov and Cassata is gorgeous.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Ascender #2 advances the vamps’ plan to eradicate the remaining technology in the universe, as Andy is reunited with Bandit, and the vamps come to threaten him and his family. This remains an interesting new take on the Descender world from Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen, and Steve Wands as we see more of what’s happened since the end of that series.
| Published by Image
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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1 is an interesting debut from Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia, and Tom Napolitano. On its surface, it’s an “Old Man Bruce” story, as a previously comatose Bruce awakens in a dark and strange future. But this existence is weird and unreliable. Especially as Bruce awakens in a fiction at first, being told that he’s in Arkham and that all of his villains and time as Batman were fever dreams cooked up by a fractured mind. This may well be the best art ever from Capullo, Glapion, and Plascencia.
| Published by DC Comics / Black Label
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Black Science #40 shows that the story still has some surprises in store as it rockets towards the end. Also some ridiculous jokes. Matteo Scalera and Moreno Dinisio continue to inventive as hell with the art.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Coda #12 is the explosive, brilliant conclusion to what has been on the best series of this year and last. Si Spurrier, Matías Bergara, Michael Doig, and Jim Campbell have delivered some stunning flights of imagination, tapping into some highly inventive nihilistic fantasy, presenting the final battle battle this issue, and, man, does it stick the landing. Phenomenal storytelling all around.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Daredevil #6 begins “No Devils, Only God” in a New York City without Daredevil. Lalit Kumar Sharma, Jay Leisten, and Java Tartaglia come on for art duties for this arc and it’s an interesting shift. Sharma’s style reminds me a bit of Klaus Janson’s, but without the heavy inks and shadows.
| Published by Marvel
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Detective Comics Annual #2 heads into Year Two territory as we get a new Reaper from Peter J. Tomasi, Travis Moore, Max Raynor, Tamra Bonvillain, Nick Filardi, and Rob Leigh. This is a nice use of the annual format, giving us a satisfying single issue story setting up a possible future arc.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Forgotten Queen #4 brings an end to this excellent series exploring the history of Vexana, War-Monger, from Tini Howard, Amilcar Pinna, Ulises Arreola, and Jeff Powell. Very interesting depth added to the character and interesting hints as to what more might be coming, hopefully.
| Published by Valiant
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Hellboy vs. Lobster Johnson: Ring of Death elaborates further on Hellboy’s time in Mexico making wrestling movies in a pair of tales from Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Mike Norton, Paul Grist, Dave Stewart, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins. Seeing a presentation of the movie Hellboy starred in is a real treat.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Immortal Hulk #18 leans hard into the body horror aspect of the series, debuting both Betty’s full form as this new Harpy and in the Abomination. Joe Bennett, Ruy José, and Paul Mounts just nail this perfectly.
| Published by Marvel
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Killer Groove #1 is a great first issue from Ollie Masters, Eoin Marron, Jordie Bellaire, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. It’s a taut crime drama mixing a never-was musician with the potential of life as a hitman, as he lucks into a kill during a chance encounter. Great art from Marron and Bellaire.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3 advances the alien plot, sending Kamala and her parents off to Saffa to supposedly fulfill the role of their Destined One, saving the planet again. Saladin Ahmed, Minkyu Jung, Juan Vlasco, Ian Herring, and Joe Caramagna are doing some interesting world-building here, and ensuring that nothing is quite what it seems.
| Published by Marvel
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Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #5 is the beautiful conclusion to what has been a brilliant series from Kieron Gillen, Caspar Wijngaard, Mary Safro, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. It’s been a sequel, satire, criticism, and repudiation of Watchmen, but it’s also been an interesting mediation on “being better” while coming to terms with the nature of reality and learning to deal with the human element.
| Published by Dynamite
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Queen of Bad Dreams #2 gets more into the grit of IJ Wei’s investigation into the escaped figment, delivering some great police procedural stuff. The artwork from Jordi Pérez and Dearbhla Kelly is wonderful. Reminding me a lot of some of the work from John Watkiss, particularly during a very impressive action sequence.
| Published by Vault
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She Said Destroy #1 is an intriguing science fantasy debut from Joe Corallo, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty, and Melanie Ujimori. It taps into Celtic mythology, presenting a war between Brigid and the Morrigan, but also appears to be telling a coming of age story with some members of the Morrigan’s flock as they try to combat Brigid’s oppression. 
| Published by Vault
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Star Wars #108 is essentially another one-shot in the 80th anniversary of Marvel celebration, with Matthew Rosenberg and a murderers’ row of new and old Star Wars artists delivering a tale set in the old Marvel continuity. While you’ll get more out of it if you’re familiar with the original series, with familiar faces like Valance Hunter, Domina Tagge, and Jaxxon, but it still works well on its own without having any foreknowledge of previous events.
| Published by Marvel
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Stranger Things: Six #1 begins another prequel mini-series, this time introducing us to “Six” and looking into the experiments going on at the Hawkins Labs, from Jody Houser, Edgar Salazar, Keith Champagne, Marissa Louise, and Nate Piekos. I quite liked the first one that served as a view into the terror that Will went through during season one, but this one looks like it’ll be breaking some new ground. Very interested to see more of what happened earlier.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Superman: Leviathan Rising Special #1 is a tease for Event Leviathan, the next turn in the Superman series, the forthcoming Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen minis, and the upcoming Supergirl arc once she returns to Earth, but it also manages to tell a fairly entertaining story in its own right as Talia al Ghul kidnaps Clark Kent.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #94 continues “City at War” as everything gets nastier and dirtier, and we still haven’t had a full-on incendiary spark yet to ignite even larger warfare. Dave Wachter and Ronda Pattison deliver some incredible artwork. Splinter is very chilling in this one.
| Published by IDW
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Thor #13 will make you care about Cul Borson. At least, a little bit. Maybe. Jason Aaron, Mike del Mundo, Marco D’Alfonso, and Joe Sabino deliver on another single issue story broadening the bits and pieces of the War of the Realms.
| Published by Marvel
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Transformers #6 takes a break from the ongoing narrative and gives us a look into the past friendship between Megatron and Orion Pax, from Brian Ruckley, Beth McGuire-Smith, and Tom B. Long. There are some interesting parallels between Megatron’s observations and the drifting apart of these two old friends.
| Published by IDW
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Wolverine: The Long Night #5 concludes this adaptation of the podcast of the same name from Benjamin Percy, Marcio Takara, Matt Milla, and Joe Caramagna. This has been a mature, psychological thriller amidst all of the violence and darkness, with this final chapter delivering more twists even as it brings the answers.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #4, Bad Luck Chuck #3, Black Panther #12, Blossoms 666 #4, Catwoman Annual #1, Dark Red #3, Dead Kings #5, Delver #4, Dick Tracy Forever #2, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #8, Dog Days of Summer #1, Fantastic Four #10, Fight Club 3 #5, Four Sisters 2: Hortense, Grand Abyss Hotel, KINO #16, Life on the Moon, Lumberjanes: Somewhere Green #1, Major X #4, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #39, Princeless - Book 8: Princesses #3, Punk Mambo #2, Punks Not Dead: London Calling #4, Rick & Morty #50, Spawn #297, Star Trek: Year Five #2, Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions #4, Superior Spider-Man #6, TMNT: Urban Legends #13, Thanos #2, Wailing Blade #1, War of the Realms: Giant-Man #2, War of the Realms: Spider-Man & The League of Realms #2, War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2, Wasted Space #10, X-23 #12, X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction #1
Recommended Collections: Death Orb - Volume 1, Dept. H Omnibus - Volume 1, The Goon: Bunch of Old Crap, Judge Dredd: Toxic, Punisher - Volume 2: War in Bagalia, Rick & Morty Presents - Volume 1, X-Force - Volume 1: Sins of the Past
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For the week of 20 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Action Comics #1011 is the last stop before Event Leviathan starts in earnest and it raises more questions as to what’s going on. Brian Michael Bendis, Steve Epting, Brad Anderson, and Josh Reed have done a great job elevating tension through this lead-up and moving the pieces around the board.
| Published by DC Comics
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Assassin Nation #3 is another brutal issue from Kyle Starks, Erica Henderson, and Deron Bennett. The body count remains high and we get more questions about who authorized the hit. There’s some hints that it may all just be misdirection.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Detective Comics #1004 gives us the life history of Astrid Arkham. It’s told largely in full page montages, really allowing Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Nathan Fairbairn to cut loose on the visuals.
| Published by DC Comics
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Faithless #2 sees Faith go to a party, and then it gets weird. This feels like that Griffin Dunne film of him wandering around New York, only with more magic and gorgeous art from Maria Llovet.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Ghost Tree #2 delivers well on the promise of the first issue, going further with Brandt’s conversations with the spirits around the ghost tree, and setting up the possibility of something horrible coming soon. More gorgeous artwork from Simon Gane, Ian Herring, and Becka Kinzie.
| Published by IDW
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Incursion #4 is a fitting conclusion to this series bringing Gilad back to a regular status in the world of the living, with some interesting teases as to what might be further down the line, from Andy Diggle, Alex Paknadel, Doug Braithwaite, Diego Rodriguez, Leonardo Paciarotti, and Marshall Dillon.
| Published by Valiant
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Justice League Dark #11 continues “Lords of Order” and keeps burning down the magical side of the DC Universe, while diving very deep into the back catalogue to build up the new. James Tynion IV is developing a very interesting structure for what might be coming.
| Published by DC Comics
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Middlewest #7 shows the sheer devastation that Abel can unleash as his powers manifest, similar to the rage that his father has shown, and how his newfound “family” can also let him down horribly. Great work from Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Nate Piekos as the story seems to be headed for more dangerous waters.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Jabba the Hutt #1 is an entertaining little story of how Jabba manipulates others to accomplish his goals.
| Published by Marvel
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Stone Star #3 gives us another surprise as Dail tries to save Kitzo from being eaten in the arena by Most-Maw. It’s very interesting how this series plays with elements of hero shooters and the designs for the characters and creatures by Max Dunbar are incredible.
| Published by Swords & Sassery
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Other Highlights: A Shining Beacon, Age of X-Man: Amazing Nightcrawler #4, Animosity #21, Asgardians of the Galaxy #9, Avengers #19, Batgirl #35, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command #4, Bone Parish #9, Books of Magic #8, Clue: Candlestick #1, Cyber Force #10, Dial H for Hero #3, Doctor Strange #14, The Flash #71, Freedom Fighters #6, Gasolina #18, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #262, The Goon #2, Highwayman, Invader Zim #43, Invisible Kingdom #3, Martian Manhunter #5, Marvel Comics Presents #5, Mary Shelley: Monster Hunter #2, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #6, Monstress #22, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #43, Mr. & Mrs. X #11, Redneck #20, Riverdale Season 3 #3, Road of Bones #1, Rumble #12, Runaways #21, Shuri #8, The Silencer #17, Star Trek: Q Conflict #4, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #2, Tony Stark: Iron Man #11, The Unstoppable Wasp #8, Venom #14, War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #3, War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #2, War of the Realms: The Punisher #2, War of the Realms: Strikeforce - The Land of Giants #1, War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #2, The Warning #7, Welcome to Wanderland #4. Wolverine: Infinity Watch #4, Wonder Woman #71, X-Force #8
Recommended Collections: Black Badge - Volume 1, Black Magick, Cover - Volume 1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Volume 1, East of West - Volume 9, Fantastic Four - Volume 2: Mr. & Mrs. Grimm, Friendo - Volume 1, James Bond: Blackbox, Middlewest - Book 1, Planet Terry Complete Collection, Redlands - Volume 2, Summit - Volume 3: Truth & Consequences, Wayward - Book 3
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d. emerson eddy thinks there should be more hours in the day.
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sassafrassrex · 6 years
Wanna hear smth from my super-secret ‘ideal’ S8??
So they're neck-deep in their interplanetary war with Haggar, right? Keith's wolf is zipping around, carrying Intel to places where comms can't reach. Pidge is slowly tightening a noose around Haggar's network of communications, and Shiro, true to form, is heading straight to the ground floor, going after command and control one base at a time. Shit is well and truly underway.
Matt walks into his first day at command, sees all these generals acting like foot soldiers, and half of him kind of wants to scream WHYYYY??? but the other half throws up its hands and starts assigning troops. First things first, each paladin is paired with a regiment (honestly guys, that's just professionalism!!), and then Matt starts putting pieces on the board. Because he's got a lot of them. The resistance, by nature, started out ramshackle. Lots of disorganized grassroots, but by cold necessity, they've grown into a proven fighting force against the galra. He's sending Hevani's Red Shirts to mop up behind Keith and Voltron, the AoHF to cut through Haggar's Dalterion Belt supply chain. The Living Hand, Etaria's Army, the Olkari Dusk--
"Aaaaand you," Matt waggles a finger over his shoulder in Shiro's direction. "You, I'm giving the 117."
Shiro quirks his head, bemused. And he asks, "What's the number mean?"
Matt slowly swivels in his rolly chair (his rolly chair which he'd requisitioned as soon as he touched down because Matt isn't about to walk around the overly giant war table, and the look on the Garrison brass' face when it was first wheeled in was reason enough on its own). He wears a grin, but then as if reconsidering, his face sort of-- softens. A little sadder and a little warmer, Matt asks, "What's it mean to you?"
In a strangely fragile sort of way, Shiro is perplexed. His eyes dart down to his left hand, where a tiny row of digits lays beneath his cuff, etched into the thin skin of his wrist.
"Yeah," Matt absently rubs his own wrist, watching. But Shiro doesn't get it. It's not something anyone should really know. No one outside the arena anyway, the only people who ever used his number were guards and--
Matt's grin sharpens back up and, because it's Matt, it runs a fairly even 50-50 split between mockery and genuine happiness for a friend.... maybe 60-40. "Bit weird honestly, but they're also the meanest fighters I've ever met. They'll take good care of ya."
And who is it, who should it be.......
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Y'all even remember these losers???
These prisoners.
These disenfranchised,
powerless nobodies from season 1? Who were supposed to be fed to Myzax? Who no one would mourn and no one would miss. They are, to be frank, the unlikeliest motherfuckers in the goddamn universe, who could not possibly be good for... well, anything. Who were supposed to just run home and live quietly after being rescued by the actual heroes.
Only, say they didn't. Or if they did, say they didn't stay there.
And say, in late-90′s/00′s loser tradition, they went and started their own band XD  And nowadays, they're fuckin lethal. They've grown their numbers but the original 6 are still around. That guy in the middle? He gets them in and out, blending into the walls until one of his four hands snakes out, to put guards to sleep with just a touch. That whale-mouthed one, over on the right? She can swallow a Galra guard whole--discharging blaster and all--at a single gulp. Red's mane sharpens to points each time he wades into a fight, and whenever the plan goes awry, he shatters ribs and busts heads until it's back on track and he's gotten his team some breathing room. The one on the far left? They open their mouth and out comes a high-pitched auditory assault, perfectly tuned (through study, trial, and error) to the ideal frequency to shatter Galra eardrums. Big!Slav-with-one-working-eye? Technopath. And she uses those eight hands to climb walls, break security, and occasionally break necks. Little baby in the middle? Masterminds the whole crew from the back, but when there's a need, his single eye glows with concentration, long hard years of telekinetic practice lifting enemies clean off their feet, to fling them against walls and out of airlocks.
Or you know what? 
Maybe they don't have all that. Maybe they're just a crew of normies (Edit: i.e. without alien super strength or strange quintessence-sensing or vaguely defined magic). Crazy thought but maybe they don't have any weird alien super-powers, and they just kick ass anyway??
(After all, Shiro did.)
And this humble bunch of losers, good for nothing except feeding Myzax, yet who make Matt grin at their mention-- what did they decide to make their callsign? What little fragment of what little-known number did they decide to hold onto, though the rest of the universe would never know why? What smallish alien, who spoke kindly, who stood in front of them, who didn't care that he couldn't win, he won anyway? 
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An inspiration that--by this point?--they've honestly long-since grown past, yet they still keep the number, as a little callback to where they got their start (and who gave them reason to think that they could).
Anyway, Shiro meets this weird crew of badasses who once used him for their rallying point, and he about near shits himself.
(Tell me that wouldn't be awesome. Go on, try and tell me. I'll wait.)
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gobigorgohome2016 · 5 years
All the Cliches
When I started writing this post in my head, I was going to title it something like Out of Hibernation, yet make it known that I wasn’t planning to bore you with a 1,300 word soliloquy comparing myself to a Bleeding Heart (which is apparently a Spring perennial and, you know, we’re all about cliches here) blooming through the last remnants of Winter frost.
Then I thought, no, do I really need an intro to tell everyone I’m back on my bullshit after a few steps forward and another step back?  
Then I realized...isn’t running really just the epitome of a giant cliche?  
TL;DR I had a big accomplishment in the fall and thought the momentum would carry over super easily into the Spring.  I ignored some symptoms, realized I was anemic, felt really sad, and now I’m starting to feel like myself again.  aka, the simple, common, cliched journey of every.single.runner.
Even though this experience is the embodiment of what it means to be an endurance athlete, why do we act surprised every single time?  Leading up to Philadelphia, after my year of mystery illness [which, it turns out, had another plot twist.  Remember how I was having a massive immune system reaction and pretty terrible quality of life?  Well, after we found mold in the house the problem went 90% away.  The remaining 10% was still driving me crazy.  Long story short, the installation of a whole-home water filter has returned me to a fully functioning human being.  Hello, my name is Anna and I’m just your local canary in the coal mine] I vowed I would do a better job about just letting life go with the flow and not try to fight the current every step of the way.  I guess I got too big for my britches because - lo and behold - I found myself avoiding what I pretty much knew all along.
After Philadelphia, I took 2 weeks off and really enjoyed my down time.  The highlight was a day trip to French Lick, where Dave and I hit the casino (I won $25), ate all the sweets, shopped, split an amazing kobe beef burger, got day drunk, and took the scenic drive home.  The next day I started running again and, much to my surprise, felt way better than I normally do after two weeks of zero exercise.  This felt like a big win. 
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December turned out to be extra crazy, then at the end of January I co-hosted a women’s running retreat, BAnna Camp.  Any fatigue I was feeling during December and January I just chalked up to stress and the typical things you do when you’re in that awkward in-between period from one race to another:  less sleep, less healthy food, less fitness.  
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^have to make sure this post never dies
The first day I was in Austin, Becki and I did a workout together.  It was my first “real” workout back (other than some fartleks and strides), and it wasn’t even supposed to be hard:  3 x 7 min @ 6:00 pace.  I STRUGGLED.  I couldn’t breathe, my quads were heavy, and the paces felt much more difficult than they seemed like they should.  But, there were plenty of excuses:  it’s windy, we were running a net uphill, I was dehydrated from travel, I was stressed about the upcoming camp, etc. etc.  Midway through that workout I had a very distinct thought of oh shit, this feels very anemic right now.  That night I texted my friend who would be joining us later in the week and asked her to bring some iron pills, since I had forgotten my supplement.  
The following week my workout didn’t feel great, but again, it was easy to make excuses.  I was on a treadmill.  I was still catching up on sleep from camp.  Maybe I’m more out of shape than I thought. 
Longer efforts didn’t feel great, but I was getting them done.  My paces felt quick, but, winter training never feels amazing.  Plus, it seemed like every workout I did was into a strong wind, so how can you really judge pace and effort?  
In early February, I had my first race of the season which was a 5 miler in downtown Indy.  I had told Dave I was going to hold 5:30 pace for as long as I could and see what happened.  My first mile was 5:54, and Dave said he could hear me breathing before he could see me.  I was 3rd that day in just under 30:00.  Again, there were plenty of excuses.  It was windy.  We had celebrated Valentine’s Day the night before, so maybe steak, lobster, buttered mashed potatoes, and wine wasn’t the best pre-race meal?  
During my sulking about the race I had an aha moment.  In December, prior to realizing we had an issue with our water, I was trying to figure out what was still causing skin rashes and GI issues.  The only thing I was taking every day was ferrous sulfate, which is an iron supplement that is gentle on your stomach but has some suspect ingredients (food colorings, sorbate, etc.).  I decided to switch my supplement (one that had worked for me for YEARS) to something that seemed “cleaner”:  ionic iron.  While I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what could be wrong, it occurred to me to check my iron dosage.  
I was taking ~10% of my normal ferrous sulfate dosage, and honestly don’t even know how absorbable ionic iron even is.  That day I made the switch back to ferrous sulfate, but knew that if my iron/ferritin was low, it would take about 6 weeks before I felt a difference.
If at this point you’re reading along and thinking to yourself, it’s not expensive to just go and get a blood test to find out whether your iron is low - you are absolutely correct.  I should have just scheduled an appointment to take a blood test and find out.  But, I’m stubborn.
Two weeks after my 5 mile race I flew to Atlanta for the Road to Gold, an 8 mile race on the 2020 Olympic Trials course.  This is a whole other post in and of itself, but I will say that the hype is real.  That course is going to be hard.  
While the experience was great, my time was not.  My goal had been to run 5:45 pace through the first 4 miles and then pick up the pace.  While I did go through the first 4 miles in 22:50, just under my goal, I went through the next 4 miles in 24:20ish, and again felt as though I couldn’t breathe.  I finally conceded it was time for a blood test. 
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The results were pretty much exactly what I thought they would be:  low ferritin, high CO2 in my blood, and borderline-low Vitamin D.  After weeks of agonizing over whether I was out of shape I finally had an answer (albeit one I should have just figured out sooner).  So, I upped my iron supplement and looked ahead.  
Nowhere to go but up, right?
In the following weeks I paid better attention to meal timing (i.e., if I was having a steak for dinner I wasn’t pairing it with red wine or other iron-inhibiting foods).  I cut out my second cup of coffee in the afternoon so that my body could have a better chance at iron absorption.  I focused more on sleep.  I got back on nutrient tracking to make sure I was getting everything I needed from my diet.  
and it paid off
6 weeks after my miserable 5 mile race where I could barely run faster than 5:58 pace for 5 miles, I ran 1:16:37 in the Carmel half marathon on a less-than-ideal day with rain and wind.  
During race week I cut out all caffeine and red wine to hopefully give my body the extra boost it needed to absorb iron.  I meal prepped early in the week so that I had nutrient-rich options readily available.  I said no to a couple work-related opportunities that popped up in favor of less stress, and I gave myself my best chance to succeed.  
In truth, sometimes setting yourself up for success is scary.  What if you do everything possible and you don’t succeed?  I have seen so many talented athletes give up because they went all in and it didn’t immediately pay off.  But, that’s probably another post for another day, too. 
Come race day we had 15 mph winds, pouring rain, and puddles on the course.  It will sound sarcastic when I say this, but that truly is my favorite racing weather.  Going into the race my A goal (not accounting for weather) was 75 min, B goal 76 min, and C goal 77 min.  My plan was to run the first 10 at 5:45 effort, then see how fast I could go the last 5k.  
Starting off, I was very pleased to find myself in a pack of men and through the first mile around 5:40.  I NEVER trust my GPS, so all splits I give will be those from the course.  I went through 4 miles in 22:50 - the exact same time I went through 4 miles in Atlanta, only this time I felt so much better.  I went through 6.55 (again, as marked on the course, not my GPS) in 37:26 and felt like I really had a chance at sub 75 still.  Through 10 miles I was right at 58 min.  I felt strong for the first time in a long time. 
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Around mile 11 I started to get tired, and just focused on getting through 0.5 miles at a time.  T last couple miles were definitely the toughest, as they were mostly uphill/into the wind.  76:38 is my fourth fastest half [74:03, Houston, PERFECT weather; 75:20, ‘17 US championships, goal race full taper, 75:59, Columbus half, 4 weeks out from Philly], and this gives me a lot of encouragement considering some sub-par months of training.    
Now that I am feeling the effects of higher ferritin, I’m beginning to wonder if I wasn’t a little bit low during my Philly build up.  I have had some of my best long runs and workouts the past couple weeks - ones that would have blown away what I did leading up to Philly.  It also makes sense, given how I felt the last half of my Philly race, that my ferritin may have been low.  Moving forward, I’m going to schedule blood work much more regularly so that I don’t have preventable problems like this occur.  Definitely kicking myself, but, as with all failures in life it was a great opportunity to learn and grow.  
My next race is in 6 weeks and I’ll be at the 25k championships in Grand Rapids.  I’m looking forward to seeing what another 6 weeks of quality training and (hopefully) warmer weather can do for my fitness!  
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momoception · 5 years
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º 50 Questions for your Sim º
I saw it from @northernlightz​ so thank you for the tag 😂
Since Crescent is my favorite sim EVER, I wanted to make this about her ♥
1: How old is your sim? She's 80 y.o. 
2. When is your sim’s birthday? November 22nd
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Sagittarius
4. What is your sim’s ethnicity? She is a converted vampire, but she was born as a witch ♥
5. Does your sim have any nicknames? She doesn't. She really likes her name so she ask people to not put her any nickname
6. Do they have a job? If so what is it? She is a freelancer programmer
7. Where does your sim live? In a huge castle-like house in Windenburg
8.Who does your sim live with? With her husband, Caleb Vatore, three of her five children, Mikhail, Margrette and Lyssander, AND THE CUTEST DOG EVER, Sparky!! ♥♥♥♥ Also the ghost of her dead cat, Bastet, who’s always looking at Margrette for some reason.
9. What environment did your sims grow up in (strict, loving, cold etc.)? Weird (?) I mean, she was born as a witch, her mom is also a witch and she saw her father’s death so... yeah (?) when that happened they move out to Forgotten Hollow so it was kinda dark too, but always full of love.
10. What are your sim’s favorite food? She can’t eat human food :( but she used to love hot dogs
11. What is your sim’s favorite drink? Blood (?)
12. If they have one what is your sim’s favorite color? Wine red
13. Does your sim believe in any clichés (like love at first sight, etc)? Maybe some of them, like yeah, love at first sight, karma...
14. What is your sim’s sexuality? Straight
15. What is your sim’s gender identity? Female 
16. Is your sim type a or type b? I didn’t get this one 😂
17. Is your sim introverted or extroverted? When she was teenager she was very very shy, also because her classmates always made fun of her scar. But after meeting Caleb and Devon (her best friend) she gained that confidence and with the years Crescent is someone totally different from her teen years, she loves to talk to strangers, even dead ones.
18. What is your sims favorite woohoo position? She just like to do it in the coffin (?)
19. Is your sim a pet person? If so what is their favorite animal? She’s actually a dog lover, right now she owns a Bull Terrier called Sparky, he’s old now and she used to have a sphyx cat, Bastet, she died of old age and her ghost is rounding the house. But she screams everytime she sees a dog.
20. Does your sim have a best friend? Yes, Devon (Parker) Cooper. They know each other since teenage, but now Devon is an elder, and Crescent is really sad about that.
21. What is/was your sim’s favorite school subject? History, she has a really good memory. .
22. Is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? She was a high. She was a perfect A student ♥
23. Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? If so, what would be or what was their major? Crescent did not go to college because after her 20th birthday she moved out to Strangerville to solve the mystery ♥
24. What are your sims political beliefs (if they have them)? None
25. What is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? Well, she can’t die (?) but it would be leave her children with great power and wisdom, especially the girls since they are also witches.
26. Does your sim have a favorite TV show (cable) and/or movie? She doesn’t watch a lot of TV
27. Is your sim a Netflix viewer? If so what are their top 3 shows. Yes! She loves Lucifer, OITNB and Grimm (she hated the end)
28. Does your sim like books? If so what’s their favorite one? She reads a lot since a kid. Her favorite books are and always will be Henry Puffer’s
29. Does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favorite one and do they play on PC or console? Her favorite is Alice Madness Returns, but she plays on PC because she hates console controls
30. What is your sim’s personal style? Dark most of the time, but she also enjoys pastel colors, she uses them in summer.
31. Does your sim have a lucky charm? Yes, the Vatore family ring
32. Is your sim religious? No
33. What kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favorite artist? She actually enjoys pop, and she’s a good dancer!!
34. Is your sim a festive person? If so what’s their favorite holiday? Y.E.S. She loves EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY, she’s so happy when is Christmas or Easter. But her favorite is Halloween!! ♥
35. What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? She loves autumn weather, not too cold and not too hot, and is always windy ♥♥
36. Does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? Finish them, and if it’s possible ignore them... but sometimes.
37. Does your sim have a dream job? She wanted to be actress as a kid, she even went to acting club, but then she realised it was just a dumb dream
38. Does your sim have any siblings? She has a half-brother, younger than her. His name is Andrew and he was born after Crescent’s mother, Victoria, got married again.
39. Does your sim get along with their family? She loves her whole family more than anything in life and death. She actually wants her mother and brother to move up with her.
40 What is your sims favorite hobby? Cooking and programming. She’s really good at it ♥
41. What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? She’s already married, but she fell in love with Caleb because he was always a good and supportive friend, he help her when she moved to Forgotten Hollow with her mom, he always protected them from the not-so-friendly vampires, even if he knew about her linage, her always appreciated Crescent even with her scar. (Even so, Crescent rejected his first marry proposal)
42. What is a secret about your sim? She killed Caleb’s first wife 😵
43. What is a wish your sim has? See her children all grown up into grand master vampires, powerful witches and very human-like people. Also she wants to renew her vows with Caleb ♥
44. What is a flaw your sim has?  She’s a sadic
45. How do others generally perceive your sim? Like a strong woman that you better be careful with, strong personality, and low patience. Also a fierce mom and wife, that can do anything if it’s for her family. Like a matron (?)
46. Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? Bring her dead mother to life
47. If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Give her first daughter, Dandelion, a better education and more attention than any other of her children.
48. Does your sim have a favorite emoji? 🙄
49. Does your sim use simstagram? If so what’s their @? She doesn’t have one
50. What is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)? “Look Margrette, if that console is not turned off right now I'll take it away from you. Is that clear?”
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fictionalabyss · 5 years
Do 'em all 🤣🤣
You jerk rofl. Okay, this is gonna take a while..
also under a readmore cuz long.
1. describe yourself.- Mel, 32, mom of two, mental health issues, and no idea of who I am or ever was.. lover, fighter, spiteful, friendlier than I’d care to admit. I think that about does it?
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be? I’d be willing to go to a lot of places, honestly. Scotland is top of the list if I can count a wedding as an expense haha.
3. do you have siblings? On my mothers side, no, I’m an only child. On my fathers side, I have a half brother, and two step brothers.  I haven’t seen them since I was 11 though, but they’ve been added to my fb and now ignore my existence there.
4. what is your favorite constellation, why? Don’t think I have a favourite.
5. favorite color. Don’t have one. I like different colours for different things, and even that can change with my mood.
6. what kind of music do you listen to? Pretty much everything. My workout music (basically the only time i have time for music) ranges from the 50′s cowboy and love songs all the way to more current EDM and some metal. You introduced me to Mongolian metal, and I’ve come across and Indian metal band that has a song about fighting depression, and I love them so much. I’m still sad to have missed both Babymetal and Alestorm (Scottish pirate metal) when they came to town. Alestorm actually offered me free tickets if they could name Matrim when I was pregnant rofl.
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)  Wild flowers. I have violets that grow wild in my back yard and I love them.
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn? I think at most, I’d like to learn minor healing, or something that would attract goodness to people.
9. favorite childhood memory.The memory of Pat getting in the baby swing and yelling “push me on the swing, mommy!” and me pushing him as high as I could and leaving him there when he got stuck roflrofl. We were 9, and it’s basically how this relationship started. I was annoyed, he was in love. I’m still annoyed but now we’re both in love.
10. have you ever been cheated on? Not that I’m aware of, but that might not have been for a lack of trying. WORD ON THE STREET WAS one of my ex’s was trying to get with someone else while with me and was turned down.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be? Big and spacious. Super comfy bed, plenty of pillows. But also a little corner with a fort that I can be little in. Close proximity to both bathroom and kitchen for obvious reasons. Big window with cute curtains. and all the thing my current room has, but less unfolded laundry rofl.
12. favorite animal. Don’t have one, but it for sure isn’t a fkin slug I’ll tell you that. Pete the peeper ruined that for all slugs.
13. what was the last photo you took of? Luke’s new pokemon cards so I could show Pat while he was at work.
14. do you believe in soul mates? I do. I believe that soulmates aren’t just lovers, but that you can have many people that your soul resonates with. I had one, or thought I did, until I was dropped like hot garbage and shit was said behind my back like I’d never find out. The fucked up part, if I got an apology, I’d probably believe them and let them back into my life like I did last time. Because I’m a fucking sucker and a slave to my heart. But the more you hurt me, the harder you have to work for my trust so I’ll probably never get one. Too much work.
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under? I have a toddler, so under so he can’t just unravel the whole fucking thing into the toilet by slapping his hand on it.
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there. Greenstop and Poutine. They have this killer brown gravy omg.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeah. Everything is either a consequence to our actions, or a lesson to be learned. Karma, my friend. And sometimes, bad shit just happens so you have room in your life for better things. That’s how I got you and Kay.
18. guilty pressures? You mean other than 80′s and 90′s one hit wonders?
19. favorite mythical creature, why? Dragon. Cuz...dragon?
20. something most people don’t know about you. Uh.. not everyone knows me to be as friendly as you tumblr peeps do. Truth is, I’m kind of known as a bitch in person. I don’t socialize well because of my crippling anxiety, and have RBF, so people just assume. Others know it as fact because I treat people the way they treat me.
21. where did you grow up, what was it like? at 8, I moved across the street from where I live now. Before that, I lived in ‘The Point’ but most of my childhood memories are of here. A lot of my neighbours are the same people. I grew up in the 90′s, so we use to play in the street day and night and there were no worries. I’d go from park to park, house to house, just wandering from place to place with my friends. No parents, just us, as long as I got everyone back out front by the time the street lights came on, and then it was hide and seek in the dark while all the parents drank on one of the balconies and watched. It’s not like that here anymore.
22. do you believe aliens exist? You’d be an idiot to think that we are the only lifeforms anywhere.
23. what was your last google search? Big Iron by Marty Robbins.
24. what did your last relationship teach you? You really wanna get into that? It taught me that no matter what I know about a person, I don’t know them. If they talk shit about other people to me, they are talking shit about me to other people. It taught me that just because they earned my trust once, doesn’t mean they should get a free pass on it for life, that I should make them keep earning it. And finally, than when they say “I’ll understand if it doesn’t work out” it’s bullshit. I’ll end up tossed aside and forgotten while I break. And when I realize I deserve better and move on, everything becomes my fault.
25. would you relocate for love? depends where. Example : I love Kay, but I ain’t moving to Florida roflrofl.
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy? Forgive far too easily the first few times. After that, fuck you.
27. favorite book. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert? Introvert.
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now? I have attempted to a few times. Didn’t work out. so no.
30. top 5 favorite movies. Porky’s trilogy. Ginger Snaps trilogy. uhhhhhhm.. fuck.. idk, why do you do this to me, I can’t pick favourites.
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason? We already went over this.
32. what is your greatest fear? Falling.
33. favorite alcoholic beverage. Jack, disarono, Fluffed marshmallow vodka. UPPERCUT. legit, go into a bar and order an uppercut.
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done. If i could think of something, I wouldn’t tell you guys muahahha.
35. do you believe in ghosts? not sure.
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality? That I’m nicer than I’d like to be. I’m mush. I’m forgiving and kind, and loving and sometimes I hate it.
37. should you split the dinner bill? Who am I at dinner with?
38. are you a good liar? Fuck no roflroflrofl. I’m the worst at it.
39. what keeps you up at night? these days, story ideas.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music? bye bye music.
41. do you believe in god? Nope.
42. how do you relax when frustrated? Mindless game on my phone, nap, or binge something.
43. what’s something that offends you? people. People offend me.
44. favorite food I’m a sucker for a good lasagne. but also cheesecake. I can never have too much cheesecake. I mean, I can, I’m lactose intolerant, but shush. Something are worth it.
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be? If there’s booze on the flight, anyone. if not, literally no one. I’ll just pound back some Oxazepam and nap. wake me up when we get there.
46. when do you feel the most confident? never. ROFL.
47. what do you do on your free time? What is free time?
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect Oh yeah. If you’ve read this far, you might have an idea.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart? Probably not, no.
50. did/do you play sports in school? In gym class. Oh, and I did that one summer to Tball and hated it.
51. when are you happiest? when I'm asleep.
52. coffee or tea? Tea. fuck your coffee.
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without? internet.
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person? Height.
55. what is your favorite season, why? I love winter, because I love everything looking so white and clean when the snow is fresh. But I also love spring because of the rain, and summer for storms and fall for colors and good weather.
56. what makes you laugh? What doesn’t.
57. are you a clean or messy person? I was given the nickname ‘Messy’ at 10 for a reason. It still applies.
58. what is important for a successful relationship? Be it friendship or romantic relationship, my answer is the same. Trust and Honesty.
59. what was your upcoming like? Do you mean upbringing? I had a single mom who worked all the time. I was pretty independent.
60. favorite holiday? Christmas.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? pay off debts.
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination? Bacon crumble and cheese. Not bacon bits, fuck that shit. Bacon fucking crumble. its like, little balls of bacon or something and not many places have it anymore *sad panda*
63. favorite outdoor activity. meditation. Does that count? I just like to be barefoot outside.
64. how are you? honestly. It’s 9 am, and I’m already getting frustrated with kids. And I have a soccer game and medal ceremony coming up soooooooooooo.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort? how about cabin in the woods, ooooor a beach resort with woods backing it. yeah.
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature? everything.
67. favorite type of candy? Don’t got one.
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title? something super depressing, I’m sure.
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases? “Later masturbater” (The Pest)
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now? Frosted tips, mesh shirts, and snap away track pants on men HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,. Oh, them early 00′s. I legit saw someone wearing them a few years ago and almost died.
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on? dunno hombre.
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched? uhhhhhhh
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had? again, 90′s. Mushroom cut with a nike check saved in the back HAHAHAHAHA. Oh man, everyone had that way back when.
74. what do you like to cook? most things.
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? wild beavers make me happy.
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen? Japanese game shows. nothing is as funny as japanese games shows. Human Tetris for example is fucking hilarious.
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head? Heart. Unfortunately.
78. what is your favorite quote? I’m not sure these days.
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had? I’m not sure..
80. what’s your love language? I dunno. I legit just had to google what they were, and I’m not sure which.
81. do you ever feel alone? Always.
82. ever been bullied? Far too many times.
83. are you usually early or late? Early, thanks anxiety.
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most? these days, written. But I love paintings the most, i think.
85. what do you wish you knew more about? Everything. If I could, I’d go to school and learn everything that interests me even the slightest.
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osmw1 · 6 years
Dimension Wave   Chapter 5—Recycling
I slept remarkably well. It’s been years since I’ve felt this good waking up. People have been talking about virtual drugs recently but seeing how well I can sleep in a game, that’s more than enough reason for them to start selling them.
How long was I out for? I opened up the menu to check the in-game clock, which read 10:07 PM. I’ve been asleep for about six hours then. I take a look out the window and see that the sun has already set.
“Let’s go get that Fishing Mastery then.”
Name/ Kizuna†Exceed Race/ Spirit Energy/ 2,820 Mana/ 70 Serin/ 1,850
Skills/ Energy Production III, Mana Production II
Energy Production II → Energy Production III Generates 200 Energy per hour → Generates 400 Energy per hour Costs 50 Mana to upgrade.
Fishing Mastery I All actions with a fishing rod receives a 10% buff. Consumes 100 Energy per hour. Costs 30 Mana to acquire. Unlock requirement: Obtain 10 items or more with a fishing rod. Upgrade requirement: Obtain 100 or more items with a fishing rod.
I acquire Fishing Mastery I. Doing so consumes 100 Energy, leaving me with 2,720. Upgrading it to rank II will cost me 60 Mana. With only 40 left, I don’t have enough for it. In any case, I’ve got Fishing Master I now. I’ve been waiting to see what it can do. Well, still, I don’t think I can catch The Big One so easily though.
“… sure am hungry.”
I feel like I just ate before I went to bed. Thinking about it, that was already six hours ago, so maybe it’s time for another meal. I’ll eat the leftover fish I had grilled for me. I take out the Grilled Herring from my inventory.
“It’s turned cold. This game even has temperature, eh?”
When I had it earlier, it was fresh off the grill and piping hot. In that case, if someone were to make stuff like ice cream, it’d probably melt too. Well, who knows? Maybe there’s dry ice or something like that as well. It’s a bit miserable but if I don’t eat this, it’d be going to waste. I can make do.
“Now that my belly’s full, let’s go catch a fish or two. Where did I leave my clothes again?”
Here they are. I just tossed them over by my shoes. Right after I get dressed, I take out my Wooden Rod +2 and I’m ready to go. I leave the inn. Passing by the front desk cued a “Take care!” from the NPC. I step out to a town of darkness. A soulless scene. Maybe everybody’s hit the sack already or they’re still working hard at leveling up.
“It really is dark. I can barely see where I’m going.”
Of course, there are no streetlights, but there aren’t even torches around. It’s nigh pitch black. I open up the map from the menu and head towards that same bridge I was on yesterday. I even dropped by the general store since I had forgotten to buy more bait. I can’t believe that they’re still open though. If this were a real person running the store, they’d probably wouldn’t be too chipper at this time of hour. Imagine a clerk working in a convenience store or something…
Anyway, I get to the bridge. Unfortunately though, the moon is covered by clouds. I wouldn’t know I’m facing the sea if not for the briny breeze and the gentle crashing of the waves. Perhaps I need a carbide lamp or something of the sort. For now, I’m happy with my big pile of bait as I stick it onto my copper fishhook. I poked my finger three times, causing 10 damage. Then after casting my line into the sea, I feel a weird tug that I’ve never felt before. It’s… rather strong. But this dull bite is just odd. Whatever, though. I power through it and fish it out of the water.
—××× obtained.
Hmm? It’s too dark to read the text. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I put it into my inventory. I’ll know when the sun rises. I bait my hook and cast my rod again.
—××× obtained.
Whoa! I caught something the moment the hook touched the water. They’re really biting. I bought 300 pieces of bait, but now it looks like it might not be enough. Alright! It’s an all-you-can-catch!
… finally, morning. I keel over with my hands and knees on the ground, exactly like the orz emoticon. As for results though, I caught nearly 200. But if felt more like they were looking for me, rather than me actively trying to catch them.
I take a look at my spoils. 137 Empty Cans 2 Rubber Boots Crystallization (Unidentified) 40 Herrings 25 Sardines 12 Seabasses 4 Common Darkfish 3 Zombiefish
What the hell? I got more Empty Cans than anything. Oh, the disappointment! Gimme back the happiness I had! Why are there even cans in this world in the first place? … but I guess it’s not too surprising after all.
What I intended to do was to find out whether I can catch different fish at night, so I can chalk it up as a success. “How much trash are you guys throwing into the ocean anyway?” is what I want to say, but I don’t wanna be rude. And not to mention that last thing on the list is totally undead. I bet I can get some good materials from trimming it. It better be good. I begin to gut and trim the fish while clinging on to that glimmer of hope. Probably not the cans though.
It took me two hours to finish up. I’m still not getting a gutting skill though. I wonder what the requirement is. Maybe I have to fight with it as a weapon? I plan to keep on fishing though, so I don’t think I’ll go and try that out. But, naturally, the amount of fish I had was proportional to the amount of time needed to trim them. I’m glad I have this convenient gutting knife. It’s just a hunch, but I think I can use it to gut monsters as well. I’ll try it if I ever get the chance to fight monsters.
“Alright, now let’s sell it all.”
I check the clock again to see it read 9:27 AM. I bet someone as diligent as Alto is would be up already. I’ll try and send a chat. What’s his actual name? Altorese, was it? I remember him saying something about Altorese’s Emporium or something. And just like before, a dialing sound effect plays as I wait for Alto to pick up.
“Hi, this is Alto.”
He sounds like he’s full of energy. He’ll be trading all day too, I’d say.
“Yo, it’s me.” “You sound like you’re the girl from yesterday. No, wait, the guy who’s playing as a girl, right?” “Right. Kizuna.” “Is that your name? I don’t think I caught it yesterday.”
Oh, now that he mentions it. I asked him for his name, but I was too embarrassed to let him know “Kizuna†Exceed” is my name. Rather, I think I deliberately didn’t tell him.
“So? What’s up today?” “Ah, I wanted to sell you some items. They’re all fish though, if that’s okay.” “Of course. Where are you now?” “On the map, I’m to the right of the bridge—”
After exchanging our locations, we ended up deciding to rendezvous at the same place as yesterday. I was gonna hurry on over, but Alto was there already.” He has different equipment on compared to yesterday. Looks like he’s doing well for himself.
“Yo, Kizuna. You said you had fish, but how much do you have?” “Oh, this much.”
I hit accept on his trade request. According to Alto, we can just trade it over by hand, but since we’re trading in such large amounts, it’s better to do it this way. I place the scales, bones, meat, heads, teeth, fin, and everything else in the trade window.
“It seems like you’ve prepped all of them for cooking already, but you still have so much. What a shock.” “Prepped for cooking?”
“I didn’t do that though?” was what I was about to say, but Alto continues.
“Yeah, after parting ways yesterday, I found out that if you use a kitchen knife to prep your fish, you get a lot more items that way.” “Huh.” “And so you have the cooking skill, right, Kizuna? If you need any ingredients, I can sell you some.”
No, I don’t have a single cooking skill pop up. But I’ll keep that to myself. Since he has so many connections, he’s gotta know somebody that uses a gutting-type weapon, right?
“Hey, Alto, this is completely unrelated, but what do gutting weapons do?” “Hmm? I’m pretty sure they do extra damage to certain races. But since their base damage is low, not many people use them.” “I see…” “And sometimes, when you kill the right monsters, they drop different items too.”
… don’t tell me I’ve misunderstood my gutting knife this whole time. As far as I know, if I’m being really careful, I can gut and trim fish to get their scales and meat. But it seems like I can use the cooking skill instead. Maybe it’s even more effective that way. In that case, I can probably even earn more money. Naturally, it’ll become common knowledge sooner or later. But before everyone knows about it, maybe I can make tons of money like this. It’s not exactly uncommon for a new game.
“What about gutting weapons anyway?” “Ah, I’m using one right now. So that’s it? A peculiar weapon used against certain races…” “I see. You really like unusual things, don’t you, Kizuna?” “Guess so.” “Anyway, how does a total of 6,000 serin sound?” “That much?”
Alto says it as if it were obvious. If all he had yesterday was 8,000 serin, that means he’s been making lots while I’ve been chilling.
“It takes time to raise your cooking skill, so factor in how much an hour is worth. It’s also quite a lot and then I put it a little below market value.”
Buy low, sell low. That’s how he resells stuff, he mentioned yesterday. That’s fine then. It’s a lot more than what the NPCs will give me anyway. I accept the trade, hit OK, and received 6,000 serin.
“Thank you for your patronage. Let me know if you have anything else to sell.” “Alright, I’ll holler next time.”
I take a look at my inventory to see only empty cans left. Having 137 of them is actually kind of a bother. NPCs will give me either 1 or 5 serin for each. The difference being aluminum and steel. Wait, hold on. Aluminum and steel, huh?
“Hey, Alto? I have another question. How much do Empty Cans sell for?” “Empty Cans? Unfortunately, dirt cheap. You’re better off selling it to a store.” “Is that right? It’s caught my attention that these cans are aluminum and steel though.”
I lower my voice as if I’m letting him onto a secret and his face lights up.
“… I see. With a blast furnace, they might be able to turn into ingots!” “There are blast furnaces, huh?” “Yeah. There are people working on their craft skills who are smelting ores into ingots.” “Then can I get you to take a look whether they can do the same with these cans? Of course, I’ve got a lot more, so if it works.”
We open up our trade windows again and I give him five each of aluminum and steel. It’ll be easy money if I can turn trash into something useful. Even if it doesn’t work out, I can still sell it for some change.
“Thank you, Kizuna! Maybe we’ll make a lot with this!” “Yeah, if it pans out, get me a slice of the action.” “Of course! I’ll hurry and find out then!”
This being right in his element, Alto rushes off while waving goodbye. It probably won’t even take him an hour.
“I’ve got quite a good stack of money now. Maybe I should get some equipment.”
If I can turn cans into steel, then maybe I can get someone to make me a weapon. But since I don’t even have a single combat skill, I think it’d be better to stick to my light clothing. And for shoes… can I wear these rubber boots? I take them out of my inventory, take off my default shoes, and stick my feet into the boots.
“Looks like I really can equip them…”
If I had a raincoat and a yellow umbrella, it’ll complete my little girl getup. Leaving the jokes aside, I should look for an armor shop or a player selling clothes. I take my first steps in my rubber boots.
Let me tell you what happened after. My hunch was dead on. Those Empty Cans really can be turned into aluminum and steel ingots. While keeping it a secret from Alto and the smith, I keep on quietly fishing up empty cans and repeatedly hand them over. The three of us made a killing for about five days until players found a source of iron ore. Of course, the ingots made from cans aren’t all that high quality, so we started losing business. After discussing our strategy with Alto, we decided to put it to an end. In any case, we came in hot with out Empty Can method and made a good chunk of cash. With fate bringing us together, I added Alto to my friends list.
“I’ll be counting on you for another brilliant idea to make money.”
I hope he feels the same way. Furthermore, for some odd reason, I can only catch Empty Cans at night. Afterwards, with iron prices going down, Alto made the information public. In the end, pairing the unprofitable fishing skill with smelting and smithing made for a popular money-making strategy.
previously: /prologue/ /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /next/
(please support me on Patreon or Paypal)
(check out the other title I’m translating—written by the same author!)
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chaosamplified · 6 years
1: the meaning behind my url: chaoSAMplified. because it has Sam in it and Sam is my name (half of my name? I have 2 names now) and also because I thought I was really cool when I made it
2: a picture of me: my profile pic
3: how many tattoos I have and what they are: I have 0 currently
4: last time I cried and why: Wednesday because I was drunk and I listened to Mariana’s Trench
5: piercings I have: 2 lobe piercings in each ear but i only wear them in 1 ear
6: favorite band: Fall Out Boy
7: biggest turn offs: Republicanism
8: top 5 (insert subject): Anon didn’t give me a subject. Feel free to give me subjects lmao
9: tattoos I want: I want to get my t date on my arm (once I have a t date), something large on my left thigh and a lil ghost somewhere
10: biggest turn ons: I don’t even know I’ve had the same crush for like 5 years and the one other person I’ve had a crush on since then (maybe still do? Idk) is veryyyyy similar to him so uh. I literally don’t know
11: age: 18, 19 in 17 days!
12: ideas of a perfect date: Realistically like going to cedar point together just the two of us, idealistically like going on a week long road trip to the other side of the country and visiting the ocean
13: life goal: Get a Grammy
14: piercings I want: I don’t think I want any more
15: relationship status: Single and trying too hard
16: favorite movie: Nobody has an actual answer to this question. I guess I’d say The Imitation Game
17: a fact about my life: I had a personal protection order against someone at age 12? Idk
18: phobia: I’m a fearless bitch
19: middle name: Alexander 🤙
20: height: 5’1” for all of eternity
21: are you a virgin: Virginity is a social construct developed to slut shame women. Also as a Gay Trans that word has very little meaning at all
22: what’s your shoe size: 7
23: what’s your sexual orientation: We just went through this. Gay
24: do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs: I have smoked weed but don’t really enjoy it, never smoked cigarettes, yes drink, have lots of prescription drugs
25: someone you miss: Max :(
26: what’s one thing you regret: Not talking to my mom for 6 months in 2012
27: first celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: First of all I think of a person I know, not a celebrity. But Halsey is hot as hell. I’m so gay but Halsey man
28: favorite ice cream: Raspberry
29: one insecurity: b o o b
30: what my last text message says: From me: yeah no prob 🙂👍. From someone else: ok cool thank u lol
31: have you ever taken a picture naked: hnnnnng yeah
32: have you ever painted your room: I didn’t but my dad and sister painted mine while I was in France
33: have you ever kissed a member of the same gender: (I’m using gender instead of sex because sex is fucky): Yes a couple of ems
34: have you ever slept naked: Of course
35: have you ever danced in front of your mirror: Every single time I drink if I’m being honest
36: have you ever had a crush: Always
37: have you ever been dumped: Lots of times :-)
38: have you ever stole money from a friend: No but Charlie paid for a ton of my laundry once and I still have to pay him back
39: have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met: YES my boyfriend at the time was about to leave me at this place outside after an event but instead I got in this van with a whole bunch of his friends I didn’t know it was a mess
40: have you ever been in a fist fight: No I’m a bottom
41: have you ever snuck out of the house: Only once and it was to go with max to meijer at midnight and he bought a nerf gun and we shot at each other in his car in the michaels parking lot until like 2am and I have absolutely no regrets it’s still one of the best days of my life
42: have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: I’m gonna say yes but also I’m not entirely sure how he feels so like. Probably yes
43: have you ever been arrested: No
44: have you ever made out with a stranger: No
45: have you ever met up with a member of the opposite gender somewhere: Yeah Alessandra and I just had lunch the other day. Jk I know what this is implying and I’m extremely gay and also no
46: have you ever left the house without telling your parents: This is the same as number 41
47: have you ever had a crush on your neighbor: Define neighbor?
48: have you ever ditched school to do something more fun: On my 16th birthday I stayed home so my dads girlfriend at the time could give me blonde highlights (yikes)
49: have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same gender: Yeah
50: have you ever seen someone die: No
51: have you ever been on a plane: Yes!
52: have you ever kissed a picture: Yikes probably
53: have you ever slept until 3: I hate that you say this like it’s a challenge, I do this at least 4 times a month
54: have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now: Yes and yes
55: have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: Yes
56: have you ever made a snow angel: Yes
57: have you ever played dress up: It was my favorite thing when I was little (plot twist I’m trans now)
58: have you ever cheated while playing a game: Probably (ps I lose)
59: have you ever been lonely: Always
60: have you ever fallen asleep at work/school: So many times
61: have you ever been to a club: Yeah Lio and I went to Necto once lol
62: have you ever felt an earthquake: Yes! I was 5 and in California
63: have you ever touched a snake: Yes
64: have you ever ran a red light: I hope not
65: have you ever been suspended from school: No
66: have you ever had detention: No
67: have you ever been in a car accident: Yes but it wasn’t that bad, the car was totaled but everyone was fine
68: have you ever hated the way you look: Everyday babee
69: have you ever witnessed a crime: Yeah
70: have you ever pole danced: No
71: have you ever been lost: In a figurative or literal way? The answer to both is yes
72: have you ever been to the opposite side of the country: Yes I’ve been to California
73: have you ever felt like dying: Haha yeah
74: have you ever cried yourself to sleep: What are these questions of course I have
75: have you ever sang karaoke: Not in front of more than like 3 people
76: have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: So many times lol yeet
77: have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose: YES
78: have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger: No
79: have you ever kissed in the rain: I’m trying to remember but I don’t think so?
80: have you ever sang in the shower: I’m a little bit shook myself by this but I honestly don’t think so?
81: have you ever made out in a park: Yes would recommend
82: have you ever dreamt that you married someone: Not like literally dreams no
83: have you ever glued your hand to something: Lol what no
84: have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole: No gross
85: have you ever gone to school partially naked: No what
86: have you ever been a cheerleader: No but I used to say it’s what I wanted to be when I grew up lol
87: have you ever sat on a rooftop: Unfortunately no
88: have you ever brushed your teeth: Yes?????
89: have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone: Not too scared but I don’t really like watching any movies alone
90: have you ever played chicken: Like the water game? Yes with max and his sisters it was honestly a grand time
91: have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: No but goals
92: have you ever been told you’re hot but a complete stranger: Yes I’ve been on tinder
93: have you ever broken a bone: Nope
94: have you ever been easily amused: A friend told me the other day that I laugh at everything
95: have you ever laughed so hard you cried: Of course
96: have you ever mooned/flashed someone: No consent is important
97: have you ever cheated on a test: If you say you haven’t you’re a liar
98: have you ever forgotten someone’s name: Yep
99: have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real: Do you mean like too good to be real or like I’m dissociating and they literally don’t seem real cuz uhh
100: give us one thing about you that nobody knows: I’m alone in a room with a stranger in a bed that’s not my own (jk listen to my song Matches on YouTube https://youtu.be/Q-SGbIjLYEI)
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