#this took 30 mins to type
blessedshortcake · 2 months
Hi chat im here to bitch and whine give my 2 cents on the new movie even tho im like. A little late. Obligatory read more
I havent seen anyone talk about this yet so im starting with it but... why did they rename Minion? I am not Too bothered by it, i mean a little but thats probably just me im just mostly confused? Is it because of the Minions stuff? So hes more uniqe? Augh my poor boy they did him so dirty
Point 2. Roxanne. What. Just what. Why did they make her like that? I loved how she had different clothes for (probably) every scene, that she wasnt just a generic cartoon character wearing the same outfit for the whole 90 something minutes and yet they just... put her in an (in my opinion) ugly dress and made her hate her job?
She seemed happy in the first movie for the most part. She wrote her own speech in the first scene of it!! I get that things are different now that Megamind is a hero but ITS BEEN 2 DAYS!! Unless her aspirations changed in the first movie and im just too tired to remember then its a huge change. Besides that she was.... okay i guess? Shrug i liked the original more
Oh right! Their relationship or lack there of with Megamind! I was never a huge shipper of them but i didnt mind. I find it sweet at most since they can be silly together but only if given more time and fleshed out more. Im more interested in seeing their progression, learning about each other, adressing past stuff (like how Megamind was hiding as Bernard for god knows how long i am so tired i cant remember this move killed my brain) and i dont care if theyre a couple or just friends or something in between for all of that
But...... seeing as (and i can only assume) the first movies last scene of him accepting the new museum that was rebuilt for his image happened months after the Titan thing and they literally Kissed and whatever id ASSUME there is something between them to kiss like that IN A PUBLIC EVENT IN FRONT OF THE CITY?
And yes i love my platonic kisses but lets be real. This was made by a Company and this is a het couple theres no way they would let them kiss as just friends. Like id be the happiest mf on earth if they did but from previous movie track records i dont think thats the case
If the movie was like set between the Titan thing and the reopen of the museum id understand. Then yeah, things are complicated between them. But we SEE the museum like at least once so??? Ugh i dont know why im so caught up on everything this movie was full of contradictions
Before i go to the main issue (the whole movie is the issue but i digress) i wanna talk about the world itself.
Where did the smart phone come from?????? Hello??? Movie 1 had flip phones at best + whatever Megamind made but hes like a genius so like that doesnt quite fall into public tech stuff. Why did they nerf the dehydration gun? That was instant or near instant before why did it take seconds now?? Megamind has a whole new lair AFTER 2 DAYS-
Why is everyone so stupid and disrespectful? The whole key ceremony was 100% unneeded if hes already an esteemed hero? Whatever.
Now the main bone i have to pick. MEGAMIND.
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He could not be more OOC. I cant belive this was an actual movie not like some fan project. God
They already had a whole thing in the first movie how he needs Minion more and he needs to listen to him and how he appreciates him. Why did we go back to ground 0?
If they REALLY needed a conflict where Minion wanted to be a sidekick and Megamind didnt want that to happen (which... i dont even know why they needed that? Perhaps with Minion away from the lair when the DS showed up the issue dragged on much longer? Shrug) THEN THEY COULD HAVE DONE AAAANYTHING ELSE!!!
Might i remind the creators that in the highpoint of the first movie, when Minion used the disguise watch and helped Roxanne escape so Megamind can defeat Titan as a fake Metro Man he got (kinda) hurt? Like his tank shattered and he was drying out. Sure he was fine but THAT already couldve been a better motivator!!
Megamind being scared to let Minion be his sidekick because he has been with him for all of his life, his first and best friend in the whole galaxy, his caretaker since he was a baby, his last connection to his home planet even, got hurt and could have easily died. I mean they pretty much killed like 3 people if not more in this movie so its not far fetched but like-
The conflict being Megamind grapping with his concience (spelling??) of wanting to make Minion happy and letting him express himself more, and his terror of the possibility of losing him. Like if thats too heavy they can make it more lighthearted and jokey there are Definitely ways to do that but that already is a better conflict oh my GOD.
Also DS couldve been soloed with the dehydratuion gun if it wasnt nerfed. He just walks behind them and bam. Problem solved. What the hell
HES SUPPOSED TO BE A GENIUS!! Sure Minion takes care of him since he can get too in his head with his ideas as we see. Multiple times. But hes not an idiot. He would know how a toaster WORKS HES NOT XBDNSN MAIMS!!
I finished the movie like an hour ago but i already forgot that little girls name oops. She was... weird. I wasnt too annoyed about her more so confused? Since shes the only person with a smart phone? And she had half a million followers for her Megamind blog? IN 2 DAYS? Right. Felt very forced to put her into any and all of the scenes
Back to our massacared blue hero. He would NEVER be like that. More specifically with the DS. One of the main parts of him is that he was lonely!! He never had friends!! He is sooo socially stunted he doesnt know many many basic concepts as an adult!! Like how phones work or views or i cant remember anything else what a disgrace but like!!
He would never go to evil school. Why would there be an evil school also?? But he never had anyone but Minion!! He was sooo lonely without Metroman he had to DIY a new dude!! He became a villian because people kept bullying him for being different and weird and so he decided to become what they make him out to be! If he had friends like how the DS makes it out to be, hell, like how the movie makes it out to be then he would never abandon them like that. He would NEVER
Also him the leader?? Are you kidding me?? Where was Minion during all that? And even then why didnt they just use the original DS material? I was hoping to see the fire lady where did she go :( (i cant remember any names tonight huh)
Everyone is so dumb in this movie it hurts. 0 spacial awareness, the conversations dont feel like they fit together, some scenes they literally repeat stuff that was either said already or just dont relate at all. I dont know why that is but it bothered me a lot
The DS looked and acted dumb, they were the most generic ass villains like... WHY DIDNT YOU USE THE ORIGINAL- whatever im. Sigh. But really it was so weird???? If Megamind was supposed to be their LEADER why were they so disrespectful to him? He feared them plenty and yeah sure its because he lied to them but leaders usually are respected. They treated him like shit and didnt listen to him once. Rushed him the whole time and kept making him do things like....... girl... thats your LEADER. Ex leader at worst. Maybe dont throw a party in his HOUSE without even asking or warning him and tell him to not be a party pooper when he demands you to stop it. I have a headache now
The ending was....... interesting. Roxanne becoming mayor feels unrealistic and rushed but alas it fits to the theme of the movie because of that (aka being rushed and unrealistic). The M signal is. Laughable. Silly at the very best. It got a laugh out of me but its just.... unneeded. I dont know i dont get why they had to add it you know. Also obligatory Minion out of the tank moment oh wow woo yippe Why
Overall? There were like 3 jokes at best that i liked + the dance off scene was nice. Funny and kinda in character even. The rest? I will be mad about it forever. 1.5/10
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hope-ur-ok · 1 month
I have been at work for more than an hour and I feel like I've gotten jackshit done
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saetoru · 1 year
ok everyone i have 2 hours left and i have written 2 out of 3 pages of my essay everyone say good job tee
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sungsuho · 1 year
18 and 19<3 and 2. if you have an answer for that one
YOU JUST WANT TO SEE MY GUYS SUFFERRRRRRRRRRRR but ok. i stay silly. im going to ignore the cop out answer of 'finding his mentors dead and mangled corpse' (cjh) and 'the people he grew to lead and trust suddenly trying to kill him and chase him away, resulting in him having to kill some of his best friends to survive' (shua). because thats the obvious one
18. a memory that still makes your OC angry?
choi jaehui was orphaned very young as a child and every adult he had in his life viewed him as a worthless burden upon them, so every time he sees children treated as lesser-beings he gets REALLY angry because he knows what it was like to be treated like that. thats why whenever hes asked to come in as a guest speaker for a school he always says yes, on condition that he gets to teach the elementary classes (this, of course, makes the headmasters running the school angry because they believe anyone can teach children the basics, but only a master like choi jaehui can teach and answer questions that more advanced classes might have)
for shua one thing that gets him consistently angry is when people look down on the abilities of the people he has lead and trained, because he takes it as an insult in his ability to teach and pass on skills. he finds it incredibly insulting when someone says one of his students is talent less, even if he only taught them for a short amount of time
neither of them really have a 'this one very specific thing makes me get angry when i think back on it' moment in their lives, at least not anything more superficial than like. my crush called me ugly >:( kind of things. its more of actions towards others that they see that makes them mad. lol !
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad?
as i said choi jaehui did not have the best childhood, to say the least, so he always thinks back on his childhood with a sort of melancholy, but one moment that he always remembers with sadness is when he was about 9 or 10 and he found a cat injured outside his house, and he asked his aunt and uncle if he could keep it and nurse it back to health, and their aunt and uncle made some sort of remark of "we already have to spend extra money feeding and taking care of you, why would we ever take in an animal as well?" it makes him so :( when he thinks about how he wasnt able to help the cat. he tried his best to find someone who could take it in but was unable to, so the best he could do was leave it at the closest tavern and hope someone saw the cat there and decided to take it in
(and no the cat wasnt shua. thatd be funny and a certifed yaoi moment but it wasnt shua it was just some random cat he found)
for shua MAN ive been here for like 10 mins trying to think of something. he had a pretty good life before he got betrayed by the people he trusted the most and had to flee for his life and become an outlaw i cant really think of anything in his life that LINGERED that left him sad. before all of that. not anything with substance at least again stuff like 'i was rejected by my crush :(' or whatever but not anything beyond that
2. describe your character's voice. do they have a voice claim?
Man youre the voice actor guy not me. i dont really think about this stuff but choi jaehui is very soft spoken. he has the kind of voice that makes you feel Calm when you listen to it. when he takes on the mantel of the like. king of the underworld or whatever it becomes a lot more Sharp and strict sounding, but he is still overall a very soft spoken guy
for shua its like. i cant even describe it TO BE HONEST its a lot like how i hear jotchie in my head which means nothing. bratty is not the right word but i cant think of anything else. very arrogant but also very needy sounding LOL. i cannot describe his voice well....
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I'm going to try and make a MC template for all the yandere vns I know which include; Would You Stay?, Homecoming, FAVOR, My Dear Hatchet Man, See thru: Need A Friend?, Camp Willowpeak, Cannibal Sweetheart and I'm pretty sure there's more.
I'm also going to have to redo the 14dwy one since I used the wrong oc and instead remake it with the oc that was originally meant for 14dwy.
And this isn't even counting the ship templates I'm going to have to fill out to and I'm pretty sure almost every yandere VN I like has those 💀
I've got alot of character designing and alot of writing I need to do for said characters backstories and all that good stuff. Luckily I like doing stuff like this or else I would be losing my mind rn.
I should mention I'll continue to use picrew because ✨laziness✨ , it will more than likely speed things up and I also don't have any confidence in my drawing skills.
I'll post updates on the progress and then post it once I have everything done for a VN.
Wish me and my sanity good luck <3
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galaxietm · 2 years
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so with my newest muse, Katarina Clae.s being added, i’m giving her a genshin verse. so here’s some headcanons for her verse!  i’m sorry to all mutuals with Genshin muses in advance for this source of chaos but i’m also excited for this verse for her
- she’s about 24 / 25 in this verse & has a geo vision (Keith has a Geo vision as well) - basically- she was born & raised in Mondstadt, her family took in Keith when they were kids as their own and they’ve been inseparable ever since. - Katarina & Keith were studying for various things (possibly to eventually undergo training to be knights or to be diplomats, Katarina is terrible at studying and hates it so honestly, it was probably your basic academy stuff)  - Due to her mother’s connections with the Ragnvindr family, Katarina and Keith regularly took trips to the Dawn Winery. Yes this resulted in Keith, and most likely Diluc chasing after her in the fields. Katarina probably dragged Kaeya along with them.  - as for connections, i'm meaning it in the sense of “Katarina's mother probably knew Diluc's mother and Crepus, so most likely she kept positive relations with him and supported the winery”. - she got her Geo vison when she was 15 she and Keith were training with their self-defense teacher and woops (although Keith had unlocked his at a very early age; when he was as young as Klee- no Katarina totally isn’t jealous, where did you get that idea) - when she & Keith were abouy 17 / 18, they graduated from their studies. shortly after this, Katarina was struck with the desire to travel across Teyvat and see as much as she could. It wasn’t an impulse- but it did cause her to turn to her brother after getting permission from their father and say “I’m going and Anne’s coming with me and you can’t change my mind”. So, partially spurred on by their mother as well as his own despite to help keep Katarina out of trouble, Keith agreed to go with his sister and her personal maid as they began their travels. the trio eventually returned 4 - 5 years later.  - honestly, Katarina’s favorite place to visit on their travels was 100% Inazuma. however, she also loved the scenery of Liyue and the way the villages they visited were full of kind people. - Katarina mostly resides in Mondstadt, however, she still travels around Teyvat often. sometimes she helps her father with diplomatic travels (with her brother Keith not far behind to make sure she doesn’t mess up) other times she travels for leisure. - despite being fairly chaotic, Katarina truly means well and has a good heart and that’s no different in this verse.
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lovecrazedpup · 4 months
i am going to kms
#having a like 2 minute cry bc he raised his voice and i feel awful ajdkbdksbdksb#it wasnt even an angry yell thing it was just an ‘shut up . stop it’ type yell ???? and im using yell very loosely here#it wasnt a yell but like a Louder Voice than normal#i didnt mean to make him feel bad idk i feel like an absolute piece of shit !!! i should die probably#i just asked if he wanted to get off with me n idk maybe i took the playful ‘fuck you wtf :(‘ type thing too far#i shouldve known tbh he said he was tired lol i probably shouldnt of asked in the first place#its fine i dont think he hates me but like ‘im sorry im tired okay ???’ was like ajbskbdksb im sorry i didnt mean to !!!#like i know how being pressured into that sorta shit feels and i feel so bad i rlly didnt mean to make him upset#maybe it was me talking that was annoying#idk im just stressed from everything today has been so bad#on a stupid family holiday when all i want to do is just be at home and play games and sleep in a house that i know is safe#and hes working now so we cant talk very much and i missed him so maybe i was talking too much#i feel awful man i just want to applogise non stop but i literally Cant Talk and it hurts abdskbdks#to him this probably isnt a big deal but ….#to me its kinda ??? like ive messed up ?????? he hates me now ?????? i made him feel like shit and that i only want him for sex ???? hhh#whatever idk im so tired i just wanna go home honestly#i want to restart the last 30 mins n literally just shut up#if only i could cut rn#jamie.txt
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httpsbimbo · 4 months
BLITZED — dealer!onyankopon
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001. c/w: smut (mdni), f!reader, smoking, petnames, cunnilingus, blowjob, cursing, penetration, slight overstim, mutual pinning modern!au
002. w/c: 2.7k
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After successfully finishing your shift at work, you glance over to the clock on the wall that sharply read ‘7:30’ in the afternoon. The other staff you work alongside aka the younger trainees in your hair salon that you hired were already out the door, you felt generous enough to let them off early due to it being a Friday.
Walking over to the spare mirror, you place your equipment down, taking time to fix your own wig.You wanted to look presentable to your dealer Onyankopon afterall, he’d compliment your wigs every time you’d buy from him. It brought a different type of a blush on your face no man has brought before, whenever he says “You look good ma, new color?”. Just thinking of it brought flutters to your stomach, fixing the rest of your appearance to what you’d been wearing today.
You smiled as you sufficiently finished you hair, humming as you picked up your work-tote bag before glancing at the clock again, only fifteen minutes had passed so you decided it’d be best not to keep Ony waiting any longer. He wasn’t a man of patience afterall.
You gathered your keys in your palm, walking over to your car while unlocking it, moving to gather up the money you owed for the eighth, getting ready to drive by your usual spot with him by one of the more deserted alley ways near your crib.
It wasn’t a far drive, making your way to the front of the ally way to park. You could feel your fingers tingling with excitement as you shut your car off, shutting the door behind you as you made way to the silhouette in the dimly lit space.
“You 20 mins late ma.” His husky voice echoed in the tight pathway with a sight of him smoking a blunt, low eyes staring you down that made you feel small. “My fault, had to fix my lace a bit Ony..” He paused as he took a hit, blowing the smoke away from your face before reaching in his pocket. You reached to hand him the money but he’d stop you before you got the chance.
“Nah, you get this one for free..” This caused you to pause, looking at him with almost a shell shocked gaze. “But you never do that, what's up with you lately?.”. He gave a low chuckle in response, the sound causing your ears to get hot as you squeezed on the handle of your bag just a little tighter. “Cause you look a little too good today.. Jus’ take it.” He held it out to you, hesitantly taking it to pocket it as you felt your thighs squeeze at his answer. He shouldn’t be making you react so.. stimulated. Ony must’ve noticed as well, reaching to hand you his blunt.
You took it, taking a long inhale as he watched you intently, licking his lips. You felt the red eyes peering down at you, only making you feel more giddy as you exhaled shortly after, the weed in your system making your mouth tingle as you took another puff, handing it back over. Your fingers slightly brushed as he took it back, not hesitating to take a puff of his own.
The air had a tension to it, yet you exhaled to speak. “You wanna do this in my car? You look goofy in this alleyway Ony..”. He let out a low chuckle at your words, placing his free-hand in his pocket while looking at you. “I’m down if you’re down.” Was all he said. Allowing you to lead him inside your car as he took another hit once the door closed. You felt nervous, butterflies in your stomach as you could smell the mixture of cannabis and cologne lingering off Ony that caused you to shuffle a bit in your seat, thighs clenching. “Here.” He handed the blunt to you, taking it as you took another puff. Feeling his hungry eyes gazing at you from the side, making you tremble, making you sweat.
“Whatchu’ nervous for ma?” he smiled, knowing the effect he had on you. That motherfucker. He almost folded when he saw your eyes starting to lower, glossed over eyes countering his gaze as you handed it back. “Cause you keep starin’ dickneck.” He laughed at this, licking his lips before finishing the rest of the blunt while you reached to crack the window ever so slightly.
Ony tipped his head back, adam's apple in full view of the streetlight that kissed his skin so beautifully. You took this time to stare at him, studded earrings complimenting the hat he wore. He was handsome, his tatted arms showing out in his white tee. It made your mouth dry, reaching in your pocket to reapply your lip gloss, oblivious to Ony side eyeing you like a starved man.
“Jus’ got off your shift? Got that eager to see me, huh?”, “Not too much, I just wanted my shit before I spent my money.”, “Rightt.. Jus' say you’re excited to see me.” He sounded almost cocky, leaning over the console to get a better look at your face. Your breath hitched, a glance at his lips before you looked into his eyes. A hand creeping to your thigh as you both felt the weed get further in your system. “Can I kiss you?” He murmured as if he was holding himself back. You could only let out a nod before he smashes his lips against yours, a small moan as your lipgloss smeared against his two-toned lips. You felt yourself crawling across to straddle yourself on his lap, firm hands on your sides as you both deepened the kiss, tongue running on your bottom lip.
Once you pulled away you looked at him licking his lips, checking you out before looking back into your eyes with a hazy smile. It made you feel small, moving a sleeve as an attempt to cover your face yet Ony wasn’t having it, gently gripping your wrist. “Nah, lemme see that pretty face.. been thinking about you too much ma” He smiled, moving to leave gentle kisses along your jawline, down to your collarbone causing a small jump, “Ony-”. Your scent felt intoxicating to him, making him only want to continue to stir you on.
Your nails snaked up his white tee, feeling his abs tense at the cold feeling of your hands against him while he gave pecks on your neck. “Ony please.. more.” was all you had to utter, Ony moving quickly to place you on the backseat, following afterwards. “What can I do to make you feel good?” He stared at you, “I wanna make you feel good.” His words make you melt, gripping his shoulders as you stare at him. “Surprise me..”. The words were enough to have him gently pushing you back, kneeling on the floor of your car as he was slotted between your legs. “Can I make you feel good ma?” You nodded, helping him pull down your sweatpants. Ony swore he fell in love with your scent as he smelt you closer, moving a teasing finger to the small damp spot on your panties. You let out a small whimper, peering down at the man in awe as he kept teasing you while you rested your legs on his shoulders.
The weed calmed your nerves, normally you’d be nervous to the point you couldn’t even stare but you watched as he pulled your panties slowly, direct eye contact as he kept a smile with his pearly whites that only stirred you on more. “Lemme prep you, want my fingers or mouth?” He waited for a response, hot breath right where you wanted him most, “Mouth- please Ony i’m tired of the teasing..” You mustered out as he gave a low laugh before reaching to pepper your inner thighs with kisses.
You couldn’t help but make out small whimpers in response, biting the inner part of your cheek out of excitement due to you wanting him for so long. “Ony plea-“ you didn’t get to finish your sentence, the man diving between your legs you lay his tongue flat and lick a swipe directly on your pussy. Letting out a moan even you were embarrassed by, the man would laugh, sending vibrations right by your clit.
He took a moment to breathe, laughing a bit at your body’s reaction to him. “That eager for me ma? Shitt… that turns me on.” He was so filthy with his words, causing your face to heat up more than you even thought was possible at this moment. However Ony wouldn’t waste any time going back down on you, tonguing your pussy as a thumb reached up to circle your clit slowly to make you moan just how he liked it, your sounds going straight to the tent in his pants. “Fuckfuckfuck-“ Was all you could utter as he tongue fucked you, building up to the familiar pressure you’d feel in your lower stomach everytime you got horny thinking of him. 
You huffed for air from how good he ate you, tapping his arm that was wrapped around your thighs as a warning you were about to cum. “Jus’ like that baby, cum on my tongue.” He encouraged, coil in your belly snapping as you came on his face to earn a satisfied groan while he helped you through your orgasm. Falling from that high, Ony sat up and you’d be met with the lower half of his face lathered in your juices with his eyes looking darker, and not just from the weed.
“Fuck.. that was hot.” He almost laughed as he looked at your expression, tears welling in your eyes from how he made you feel. “You’re dangerous.. can’t get you outta’ my head.” Now grabbing a hand so you could feel how hard he was in his gray sweats. You almost gasped at how big he felt, your expression making him smile as he licked his lips. “You can take it out, see what you do to me?” He teased as he watched you rub on his print, earning a low groan from him.
You made eye contact with him while taking his cock out, practically twitching as it felt the cold air against it. You couldn’t help but stare at his pretty cock, a slight curve to the right with not much length but for sure enough girth to it. A pretty vein laying on the underside of his dick. Not being able to stop yourself, you let a line of drool drop onto his tip, using it to properly stroke him off. “Fuck ma- jus’ like that, stroke this dick..”. His head tipping back as you slowly moved your hand.
His breathing became more uneven, a tense grab of your wrist to stop you as he took a moment. “Didn’t wanna cum just from your jerking my dick.. got a condom? I wanna be inside you so bad..” He sounded desperate as he watched you sit up, reaching in the pocket behind the driver's seat to achieve a condom.
He watched you as you unraveled it down his shaft, now moving to lift you as he swapped your positioning. He’d be seated in the middle seat of the row while you straddled him, clit a few centimeters away from his dick. It made you eager, desperate to get some friction you tried to grind against him. “Hollon’ baby, lemme make you ready right quick..”. A hand moving to your clit to have you let out your little whimpers.
After he found that’d been enough, he gripped your hips as you attempted to lower yourself into his cock, a small whimper of pain as he reassured you. “Doin’ so good fa’ me ma, it’ll fit, just go slow.” Is all he kept repeating as you finally sat on his dick. You couldn’t help but feel a pain, Ony lifting your head with a finger on your chin to kiss you.
The kiss was less eager this time, using this as a way to calm your nerves to help subside the pain.”You ready?” You could only nod but Ony wasn’t fucking with that. “Words ma, ion wanna make you feel forced..” The simple statement made your chest flutter, allowing you to provide a “Yes..” as he lifted you off. You could feel yourself seeing stars once he slammed you back onto his cock, an almost pornographic moan escaping your lips as he gave you slow but hard strokes in the backseat of your own car.
“Fuck! Ony-“ You placed a hand on his lower abdomen as he kept giving you long strokes, the other attempting to cover your mouth in fear someone might walk past and hear. But Ony didn’t like that, his hand moving yours away, his movements a little messier. “Fuck.. nah lemme hear you baby, I- fuckin’ like hearing how you like this dick.” Tension in his words as he kept thrusting, your pussy practically sucking him in each time he went back.
You both couldn’t contain the noises that’d erupt from your mouths, Ony speeding up and rubbing your clit once you started getting too quiet. “Ngh..Fuck!” Was all you could utter out till he felt you squeezing him. “Nah nah- fuck that-“ He stopped as he was huffing for air, a whine escaping your lips. “Why’d you stopp-“, “Gotta fuck you at a better angle ma.” Wasting no time to lay you on your back as he put your right leg on his shoulder, the stretch making your leg hurt ever so slightly.
Before you could complain he started pounding into you again, this new position being more overwhelming due to it allowing him to hit your g-spot in each motion. “Ony-OnyOny-“ Was the only thing you could chant, making him go faster with a crushing grip on your hips. It wasn’t until he felt you clench around him again that he felt close to cumming, a small chuckle, “Gonna milk my dick, right ma?”. Looking at your fucked out expression as you nodded eagerly. “Go on, cum on this dick. Show me how good I make you feel.” Ony grinned as he sped up, feeling as you came on him and watching as your back arches and your face scrunched as a result. He kept thrusting as you went through your high, yet didn’t stop once you started to feel overstimulated.
“Onyyyy-“ You whined as he still went, the feeling making you twitch. “You treat me so good ma, this pussy.. so- good.” He sped up even more upon feeling his own orgasm rising, huffing for air each thrust. It continued until you dug your nails into his arm, a groan as he came into the condom, still able to feel his warm seed as he pulled out.
He started taking off his condom, showing off his cum-covered tip that you couldn’t help but move closer to grip his cock again. He was still overstimulated, so when you started to give kittenish licks to his tip he almost lost it, a loud whimper erupting from his chest as he gripped your hair. “Baby- fuck.. i’m sensitive still- wait-“. Yet you kept going, taking the tip in your mouth as you reached down to massage his balls, the feeling almost making him pass out.
“F-fuck- keep going- please-..” He murmured as he gripped your hair tighter, one more teasing lick away from going crazy. Once you did try to keep teasing him, he pushed you down further till your nose met with the pattern of hair he had on his crotch. Earning a gag from you, he let out a moan, practically humping your face like a dog on heat.
He kept at this till he felt himself getting closer, struggling to ask,”F-fuck where do you want it?” he managed to utter as he took you off momentarily. “Mouth-“ His eyes rolled back at the response and the sight of drool dropping off your chin, quickly thrusting back in your mouth as he let out groans. He slammed it to the back of your throat once he came, his seed flooding your mouth with a bitter taste.
Opening your mouth, you showed proof of swallowing his cum, his lidded eyes looking at your face.
“So.. wanna go out wimme?”
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sherewrytes · 29 days
T. A. R (Time, Appreciation, Respect)
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(I'll always want you part 2)
Synopsis: Ony was calling Y/N constantly these days, trying to always reach out to talk and say his piece. Y/N wasn't sure if she was ready for it.
C.W. Angst, Black coded reader, Drug use (weed). Song links used as reference.
Fanfic inspired by the following song.
Solange: Cranes in the sky
Link for part one here
Time had passed since your confrontation with Ony on that fateful night. The sting of betrayal still lingered, casting a shadow over your every thought and action. You still find herself unable to shake the memories of everything that took place between you and Ony and the raw emotions it had unleashed.
It's 2:30 AM. You lie awake, replaying the conversation with Ony in your mind. A part of you acknowledges he may be right, yet you find it impossible to converse without being overwhelmed by emotions.
You heard Annie out on her part to play in all this but not Ony. You didn't have class until 2pm today so you had enough time to sleep some more if needed. You got out of bed, stretched, went to your desk to journal to clear your mind.
You lit the candle on your desk, opened your journal and poured your feelings into it. The pen felt heavy in your hand, similar to how your heart felt in your chest. You wrote about the confusion swirling within you, torn between the logic of Ony's words and the ache of betrayal that still lingered deep within your soul. Memories flashed through your mind of happier times, of sad times and every moment in between. You knew you should hear him out but, you couldn't decide if you were ready or not.
You closed the journal and texted Sasha to see if she was awake. You needed someone to talk to. Sasha responded almost immediately saying she's in the area, so she'd be over in a few and she has Connie and Eren with her.
You sighed and responded. You went to your kitchen to make a quick midnight snack for you and your quests. 15 mins later, at your apartment is Sasha, Connie and Eren.
Connie: "Is it okay if I smoke in here. Between Uni, my music shit and other shit. I'm stressed out."
You: "It's cool. I do smoke sometimes, well used to with Ony. Speaking of Ony. He's been calling my phone nonstop.
*Turns to Eren* He said you've been on his ass about me. Eren the fuck you on boy.
Eren sighed "Look I'm just looking out for him. Ony is taking this harder that I've seen him take anything. Him and I go way back. Ony only shows up to class, messages me for some weed well hella weed. He aint even in the studio much either."
You knew Eren, Connie, Mikasa and Ony were music majors at Paradis University which you all attended. Eren was the lowkey producer type that makes beats to rival the greats. Connie is a rising hip hop artist and Ony is a cross between Trap Soul and Rap. Mikasa was the soulful girl with a beautiful voice. You knew Ony never missed studio time for nothing, so you knew he was struggling.
"When last did he show up." Y/N asked Eren with some concern in her tone.
"Probably 2 months ago before that it was 3 months before that. Look you don't have to force yourself to talk to him or bear his wounds or help him heal from the mess he made on his own. It ain't your job to, What I'm asking is if you can hear him out even if its 5 minutes if you can't then Imma tell him to drop it."
You sat in silence for a bit truly wondering what to do, so you turned to Sasha. "Honestly I want to hear him out, I do but I need more time. I know everyone thinks I forgave Annie so easy, but Ony and I had something deeper than Annie and I had even with our years of friendship. Ya we were fighting and at odds that time but..I know I'm being dumb cause Annie is just as responsible as he was. I just need to clear my head some more."
Connie took a toke of his joint and passed it to Eren then Eren to Sasha. Sasha pulled out her phone and connected it to the speakers in your apartment and started playing L.E.S by Childish Gambino. They all passed the joint around the room you took a few hits here and there. Eren was mindlessly scrolling through his IG to see Ony posted a 15 sec video on IG with a link in the caption to his YouTube to his latest track Amphetamine.
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Eren blurted out with a bit of shock, "What the fuck, Ony just dropped a new song. It looks like he changed his artist's name from Ony to Soro. I mean he mentioned the change last time he came in the studio. Yo Sasha disconnect real quick lemme listen to this real quick."
Sasha disconnected her phone to allow Eren to pull up the track. " The song is almost 8 mins WTF is Ony on" Eren says.
The beat kicks in with this smooth, laid-back vibe that immediately hooks you in. Everyone's silent giving the track a listen.
" It's like an amphetamine, how it marinate on my mind (stuck on me, yah) Got no doubt I'll be alright, if I just make it through the night."
You can hear, almost feel the range of emotions in the song. You can hear Ony's voice pouring out his feelings. The beat changes around 2:48 seconds in giving a whole different vibe to the song.
"Shawty cold as December, I still fold her, no Manila B-b-b-brr wit me baby, I hibernate, smoke the lettuce."
Everyone was vibing with the song until they heard Mikasa's voice drop on the track around 4:28 Everyone a bit surprised since Mikasa doesn't easily do features even if it's with her friends. Connie laughed a bit "He got Mikasa on this with him. Damn he really went all out. Aye Eren aint this the same beat he said he didn't want around 5 maybe 6 months ago?" Eren laughed thinking back to when he played this beat for Ony, and he said he hated it. Ony owed him big time for this, but he'll circle back to it. As the song finished. You sat with your eyes full of tears. You thought to yourself that you could feel every emotion Ony sang about in the song. The loss of their relationship, his struggles with his mental health and so much more.
Connie was the first the chime in when the song ended "Damn that was.... deep." "Yah it was Ony really flipped the script on this one." Eren chimed in.
Eren got a notification that Ony was live on IG. He clicked on it. He saw he was talking about his just dropped song and other usual shit that's going on in his life.
Ony's eyes were the newfound usual shade of slight bloodshot red from smoking and hardly any sleep. He was reading off a comment asking him who inspired him to write the song. he responded with "Someone but also no one."
Ony's voice flowed through the speakers in your apartment causing Eren to disconnect his phone to watch the live a bit easier.
He commented saying "Fire track man, wish you'd let me know you were droppin a song man."
Ony read the comment out loud and smirked and said "Sorry man. I wanted it to be a personal project, but I owe you one big time for the beat."
Ony and Eren were engaging in their usual banter in the comments of Ony's Instagram live. You were deep in thought when Ony read aloud a comment from someone claiming his song was inspired by his ex-girlfriend. Ony and you had a semi-public relationship, which is due to his rising fame as a Trap Soul/rap artist.
Ony sighed, his mind drifting back to the last time he saw you in person, when you came to return his belongings from your place. He had seen you around campus since then, but it simply wasn't the same. His response was "It was inspired by pain. Pain of loss, loss of love, loss of hopes, loss of dreams. Loss of self. She's part of something I lost in my life."
Ony paused, his gaze drifting off as he recalled the bittersweet memories. He took a deep breath, trying to push away the ache in his chest as he continued, his voice laden with emotion. "So yeah, she's part of what I lost, but 'Amphetamine' is also about finding myself again. It's about reclaiming my voice, my truth, and pouring it all out into my music."
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips, though sadness lingered in his eyes. "Maybe one day she'll hear this song and understand. Understand that she's not just a memory, but a muse who ignited something within me, something I'll carry with me forever."
With that, Ony concluded, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. The live disconnected indicating he ended it abruptly.
As the live session ends abruptly, the room falls into a heavy silence. You, sits with a mix of emotions swirling within yourself. Ony's words echo in your mind, resonating deeply with your own conflicted feelings. You can't shake the sense of nostalgia and longing that his music and words evoke. Sasha breaks the silence, her voice soft yet determined. "Y/N, are you okay?" she asks, her concern evident.
You took a moment to collect your thoughts before responding. "I don't know, Sasha," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sasha nods understandingly, her eyes reflecting empathy. "I get it. It's hard to hear someone express their pain so openly, especially when it's intertwined with your own." Eren chimes in, his tone reflective. "Yeah, but maybe that's what he needs right now. It's better than him bottling it up and tryna smoke it all away."
Connie exhales a puff of smoke, his expression contemplative. "True, but it's also a lot to unpack. Y/N, you don't have to rush into anything. Take your time to process everything, to figure out what you need and want. What Ony did was messed up"
You nod, grateful for your friends' support. "Thanks, guys. I think…I think I need some time alone to sort through my thoughts."
With that que, Eren, Sasha and Connie left your apartment. you walk through your apartment heading to your room, the melody of Ony's song still echoing in your mind. Your emotions even more confusing than when you talked to Ony earlier. You looked at the time. It was almost 5 am. You decided to shower and head back to bed, hoping to get some rest before class.
Your mind was restless, torn between Ony's latest track and his words during the IG live, you were conflicted. On one hand, you acknowledged missing him, but on the other, infidelity was something you could never condone in a relationship. You recognized a desire to listen to his explanation, yet you feared your heart might not endure his version of the events.
The weight of Ony's words hangs heavy in the air, suffocating your mind with intense thoughts. Alone amidst the dim glow of your bedside lamp, the words "Maybe one day she'll hear this song and understand." taunt you with the possibility of reconciliation and closure. You thought to yourself "How could I ever hope to understand the depths of his pain when my own wounds still bleed with the memory of his betrayal?"
Finally entering your room, you sink onto the edge of the bed, burying your face in trembling hands, desperate to silence the cacophony of thoughts threatening to consume you.
"Take your time to process everything, to figure out what you need and want." Connie's words echo faintly in her mind. With a trembling sigh, you rise from the bed, your steps faltering as you make your way to the bathroom. The steady stream of water cascades over your trembling form, washing away the tears that stain your cheeks.
"It's 5 am. I should try to get some rest before class," you think to yourself. Climbing out of the shower, your limbs feel heavy. Wrapping yourself in a towel, the fabric offers a feeble shield against the lingering chill. You dress slowly, abandoning your usual routine for the simple comfort of bed, seeking to calm your mind. Eventually, you drift into sleep, the confusion in your heart, perhaps even greater than before.
*Slight Time Skip*
You finished up her class for the evening, your Textile Science class drained your mind. you run into Eren, Connie, Armin and Pieck in the courtyard chattin it up.
"Yo, Y/N!" Armin hollered, his grin wide as he motioned for her to come over. You gave a small nod, casually strolling over as they kept chattin'. It helped take your mind off things for a sec.
"So, y'all ready for tonight?" Armin asked, his eyes sparklin' with excitement. "Tonight?" you echoed, feeling a bit lost.
Armin leaned in closer, speakin' low like it was a secret. "The party, It's goin' down at my place. everybody's rolling through." You thought about if Ony was gonna be there since going Armin's parties was one of their go to things as a couple.
You shifted uncomfortably, tryna come up with an excuse to bail but before you could say anythin', Sasha and Mikasa slid through, bringin' a burst of energy to the scene. "Hey, y'all!" Sasha greeted; her smile infectious as she pulled you into a hug.
Mikasa gave a nod, her expression serious as she peeped Y/N with concern.
"Y/N, you gotta come through tonight," Pieck chimed in, her voice smooth and persuasive. "You never show up to the parties, and it's gonna be lit." Y/N hesitated, caught between the comfort of being alone and the fear of missing out on the squad's vibe.
Just then, Ony strolled past, casting a shadow over Y/N's mood. She felt a surge of anger bubbling up inside, memories of their messy situation flooding back.
Armin, clueless as ever, turned to Ony with a hopeful grin. "Yo, you coming tonight, Ony?"
Ony glanced at you for a sec before turning back to Armin, his face unreadable. But before he could answer, you spoke up with fire in your voice. "I ain't showing if he's gonna be there," you stated, pointing your finger at Ony with a fierce look.
The air got heavy; the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Y/N's heart raced as she waited for Ony's response. But instead of coming back at you, Ony just nodded quietly, his eyes holding a hint of regret before he dipped out.
You caught the concerned glances of your friends. You knew your emotions were a bit confusing being torn between wanting to hear him out, missing him then not wanting to be around him. Even though almost much time had passed, her emotions still felt raw.
You looked around to your friend group who was gauging your reaction to seeing Ony. Each stare, felt like a trap a push to make a decision you weren't ready for.
"I can't do this," you muttered, your voice barely above a whisper as you took a step back, your eyes darting between your friends and a mental escape route. Sasha's hand on your arm stopped you in your tracks, her grip firm yet gentle. "You can't run from this forever, Y/N, you're gonna have to address this or find the will to move on" she said softly, her eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. You stared at Sasha's face trying to gauge her facial expression and reaction "I know, Sash I know." you whispered hoarsely, your voice cracking with emotion. "But I'm not ready to face him, not yet. I don't know if I ever will be."
With that said you turned and left them there, briskly walking back to catch an uber back to your apartment.
----------------------------While you left-----------------------------------
Eren stared at Armin, scoffing with annoyance "Bro, how you gonna forget they ain't together no more? Ony straight up did her dirty with Annie."
Armin sighed and took a step back. "I know but they're both my friends and I want them both to be happy and come out more. guess I messed up by asking them out around each other. It's just that we hardly get to chill with both of them around, you know...it's tough."
Eren shook his head, his frustration evident in his furrowed brow. "I get that, Armin, but you gotta realize it's not just about them being happy. Ony really hurt Y/N, man. And seeing him around just brings back all that pain."
Armin's shoulders slumped in defeat, his expression reflecting the weight of his guilt. "I know, Eren, I know," he muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just... I don't know how to fix this mess."
Sasha, who had been listening quietly, spoke up with a sympathetic tone. "Maybe there's no quick fix, Armin. Sometimes all we can do is give them space and time to heal, you know?"
Connie nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Yeah, sometimes the best thing we can do is just be there for them when they're ready to talk or when they need us."
Armin sighed; his gaze heavy with regret. "You're right," he admitted, a sense of resignation settling over him. "I just hope they both find their way through this, somehow."
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fluffyomorashii · 2 months
I live across from a bar grill type restaurant so decided to walk over to have some drinks and bar food since I would be alone and something to do! It’s raining slightly but I just put on a hoodie and black leggings and jog across the street. No big deal! (|||⇁_⇁)
A little over an hour and a half passes and I’m two alcoholic drinks in (and they weren’t afraid to pack these drinks with Hella alcohol!!) I was well tipsy now and had to pee 30 mins ago, but seeing that home was literally a minute walk away I decided I’d like to pee in the comfort in my own home lol.
I pay and leave exiting the door and stop.. it’s not raining anymore it’s more like the fucking sea was falling from the sky, the wind was making it worse and so cold.. immediately all the water and the sudden cold temperature aggressively reminded me I really really had to pee.. I braced myself and put my hands in my hoodie pocket so stuff in between my legs, waiting for intense wave to pass
Once I had control I put my hood on and immediately started running across the parking lot running up to the sidewalk and immediately I’m soakedddd the rain was coming down HARD I could barely even see!! I had to stop at the sidewalk to wait for the cars to stop and it felt like my bladder was spiking filling up times 10.. I was I was shifting side to side my thighs pressed together, when finally, the red light came on, and the cars stopped.
I fucking flew across that road and passed the first house, and then there was my house right there!! Ignoring going the long way up the driveway I cut through the yard mud and water splashing everywhereee. I ran up the stairs to the small little square porch we have at our front door that thankfully had a small square roof over it. I took only a second to breathe then went right to action-
Scrambled to take off my muddy soaked shoes as I quickly reached into my pocket to yank out my keys- yanking my phone out accidentally and it fell to the ground bouncing, almost falling off the porch. I quickly cursed and crouched down to grab it, when I found myself awkwardly crossing my legs as I crouched pushing the heel of my foot into my crotch as I felt an intense pressure in my bladder.. (¬////¬)
I could tell I peed a tiny bit because I felt warm while the rest of me was cold, and that feeling didn’t help.. all the being drunk, rain splashing around me, being soaked, the cold giving me intense bladder warnings I couldn’t deal-.. I realized ..oh my God I can’t…I’m-..I’m gonna pee….
I shot back up and immediately a sudden fast pee stream noisily released, splattering quickly between my legs, mixing with the rain sound.. I was panicked by how fast the emergency to accident happened but also let out a shaky sigh as the intense bladder warnings slowly faded as my legs became warmer and warmer.
I looked up, and even though the rain was so thick I’m sure no one could see anything, I nervously turned away to face the door, and looked down watching the rapidly growing puddle slide off the porch and down the stairs.. when I was just left with a few trickles down my legs I slowly reached for my keys and unlock the door. Thankful I had black leggings and thankful the rain was so intense the Wet spot was too hard to see anyway! (っ- ‸ - ς)
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cybsoo2 · 9 days
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my obsessive fan (pt.2)
╰┈➤ synopsis — After weeks of watching from afar, they finally have a chance to meet you for the first time.
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!bts x idol!reader
╰┈➤ word count — 3.9k
╰┈➤ content warning — yandere behavior, stalker behavior, mention of manipulation, talk of religion, violent thoughts
ੈ♡₊˚。 back to ⇢ pt.1
ੈ✩‧₊˚ note ; hi!! i'm on vacation and don't have a lot of free time, so i'm sorry this took so long to write a 2nd part.
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—Kim Seokjin
Ever since Jin set his sights on you, he knew he had to have you
No matter what anyone says, he knew deep in his heart that you were his and he was yours
It’s because of this reason that Jin started to build a certain type of entitlement towards you
His jealousy only grows every time he has to suffer through your interactions with anyone that isn’t him
Dark desires carve themselves deep into his chest
He takes control of your life from afar
Chasing away the cheap bitches and bastards that get too close
Spreading his sweet lies with easy eyes and a silver tongue
However, watching you from afar soon starts to summon a certain type of sadness
He weeps while watching his darling hold undesirables so dear to her heart
He grows tired of talking with your mutual friend, keeping up a facade that threatens to fall
And he takes out his torment on anyone around him until it almost tears his life apart
After all this waiting, he takes fate into his own hands and forces himself into your life
He sweet talks a friend who just happens to be your fellow member
Conversations too close for comfort, a few flirtatious remarks, and looking up at her through heavy-lidded eyes
Jin has always found it amusing how flattery and corrupt kisses have given him everything he’s always wanted
So when he mentions meeting you in passing, of course your member says yes
When the end of the week arises, he suddenly feels himself growing sick
Sweaty palms, cold shivers, and a set of nerves that burn deep into his brain
Despite his aching anxieties that ricochet in his head, he hides his fears behind black jeans and a dainty dress shirt
He walks the way to your dorm while drowning in sick thoughts
Desperate to disguise his sick self and make a memorable impression
This moment truly determines which direction your relationship will run
When he reaches the door to your dorm, he holds his breath before knocking two times
It only takes three seconds before you’re answering the door and dawning a soft smile on your face
Your excitement is contagious and he can’t help himself from letting a subtle grin slip
You two connect almost immediately
He lets you take the lead, only chiming in to agree with everything you say or complement you kindly
His quick wit and easy-going attitude keep the talk going for hours on end
He coats the conversation in his charms
Sweet talking until you settle into silence
Even when the conversation is cut quiet, your bodies talk calm and comfort
The clock strikes 12 and your day together has come to an end
Jin feels himself drifting into depression with every step towards the door he takes
His bones grow hard and heavy, falling into the floor right when he arrives home
30 minutes pass by and his pulse still skyrockets at the thought of your smile
He doesn’t need hope, he knows that you’ll never forget him
Your souls syncing into one almost instantly
It’s safe to say this isn’t the last time you’ll be seeing him
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—Min Yoongi
These days, Yoongi has found himself drowning in the depths of a dull and depressing lifestyle
Unmotivated and uninspired, his lyrics hold no passion and his raps feel lost without rhythm
His weeks are blue and begin to blur together
Lost along his way, without purpose or passion to guide him
That is, until he met you
When you walked into his studio one Sunday morning, he felt something shift 
Rendered speechless, he stumbled over his sentences when coming to a deal with your manager
You were a new and unknown artist looking for a new lyricist
You had heard word of an underground rapper who wrote songs for those worth the time and effort
You chose him, you wanted him, and you needed him
A rushed agreement left his lips and a contract was signed with a scarlet signature
You passed the pen over to him, hand skimming across his
A shiver of affection ran rampant in his heart
After he signs, he pockets the pen for what he calls ‘sentimental value’
His eyes watched as you wandered the studio
Fingertips touching the keys of his piano, the papers plastered across his desk, and the hoodie he left hanging over his chair
A lovesick sensation shakes him to his core
He’s feeling feverish from you way you walk around his office as if it’s your own
You make yourself comfortable as your staff talks money and meetings
You sit in his seat, curious eyes wandering his way
When you gave him a simple smile he swore he’d been burned by the sun
His moment is ruined when your manager opened his mouth
Yoongi had begun to tune out most of his talking, but when he suggested you sing one of his songs to test out this team up, he jumped at the opportunity
You shut yourself in the sound booth and wait while Yoongi searches through his songs
He rummages for the lost lyrics
A love song is what he looks for, the perfect portrayal of what you mean to him
He finds the lyrics scattered across the floor
Dusting them off, he hands them over
You sing a hypnotic harmony, bringing justice to the lyrics that once looked so dull
Your meet eyes every minute, almost as if you want to say thank you
Trying to tell him with quick glances how much he means to you (how much this chance means to you) 
And in that moment, no one else mattered but you
That very day, you lit a fire inside him
Fueling his inspiration and feeding his inner romantic
From then on all his attention is on you
He dropped all his other degenerate clients
Closed the door in their faces and threatened to set fire to their careers if they ever disturbed him again
His lyrics became lovelorn
The characters in his songs so eerily alike to you and him
You’re his pure purpose in life; his passion and pleasure
His life does a full 180º, now rotating with you as the center
He needs you
And he’s happy that you need him just as much
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—Jung Hoseok
Hoseok first met you through a rushed conversation in a crowd
Every since then his reality has been rapidly warped
It’s a fairytale still fresh in his mind
He can recount his raw emotions, your subtle smell of fragile flowers, and how the light hit you just perfectly, giving you a heavenly halo
You knelt down near the edge of the stage, out of breathe and taking a small break
Your eyes fluttered over the fans, a proud smile plastered on your face
Your breathe came out in short gasps, heart beating through your shirt, and sweat sliding off your body
Red rises to his cheeks just remembering the memory
He had his eyes locked on you, as they always are
The only new exception being the camera screen that captured the sight
Recently he had taken up the hobby as a way to earn a wage while not sacrificing the time spent on you
His fan page flourished all the mass of fans could feel his passion through the screen
One night, as he almost fell asleep to the sound of your soothing voice, you said his name!
You said his name, spoke it like a silver string tumbled off your tongue
Whispered the word like lyrics leaving your lips
His hands started to shake and his heart suddenly stopped
You then went on to talk about his fan page and how much attention you where getting because of the viral videos
That memory is a distant sense of deja vu as now you beckon him closer with a wave of your hand
You draw him in through the dense crowd, an invisible string tied around your finger
“Hey! It’s Hobi right?”
Hoseok nods his head hesitantly, almost unsure whether this is a dream or not
“I thought I recognized you, you run one of my fan pages don’t you? I’m flattered really, that you take all the time just to support me. Here,”
You pull out a red rose from the bouquet 
It’s a pretty present from your first win with a new song
You take the rose and hold it out to him, tilting it up so he can smell
He inhales the fragrant flower, but all he can smell is the surviving scent of your perfume
It’s something sweet, just like you, with notes of floral and fruit
He takes the flower between two fingers, running the tips of his touch over the stem, trying to tell if it’s real
You let out a laugh at his awe-struck appearance and tell him, “Be careful or you’ll cut yourself on the thorns.”
You show care by caution, a subtle sign the you feel something for him
And this red rose is a perfect representation of your relationship
You hide off to the side, away from the rest of your group that sings the encore
Sitting under the shadows you give him a show of your affection, then leave before anyone else can catch on
Hoseok understands your intentions, but he also knows that because of your job he can’t be with you
So he’ll continue to support you from the sidelines, only surviving on a sliver of your love and the hope to one day have you as his own
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—Kim Namjoon
The fall day is fleeting
Snow threatens to suffocate the dying daffodils
It tumbles down from the tips of the mountain top, casting it’s cold nights and dreadful days over anything that still clings to color
The summer solstice is long since passed, and along with it goes his hopes and happiness
Namjoon finds himself still hanging on to the hot embers and raw embrace of his last relationship
He’s lost along the path, pleading with the gods and guardians to give him one last chance
He’s taken to a temple, high up in the mountains where sorrow cannot escape his sight
Namjoon cannot help but feel as if his god has lead him astray
Taken through twisting turmoil and tortured relationships
The dawn of a new December draws near
It’s cruel and cold, leaving Namjoon to linger on what his life used to be
His grasp on his guide is slipping
Religion runs rampant along the trail
Faith falling out of his hands if this last resort doesn’t give him some sort of sign
The temple is now near
Faceless people peer into the wishing well
He’s focused on only one thing, pushing through the crowd to meet his final moment
The do or die, a deciding factor on which way his life will lead him
He crawls up closer, hand held out with an offering
He’s just about to say his prayer and send off his present, when he collides into someone and the coin is falling through the cracks in the concrete
For a second, everything is silent
His heart hammers in his chest, heartbroken over the harrowing result of the test
He comes to the conclusion that his faith has failed him
Dragging him down deep through the mud and making his life a living hell
His god has gone and abandoned him… but a velvety voice breaks through his disbelief
He looks up and shining down on him is your sweet smile
Perhaps he hasn’t been abandoned, just lead to a new beginning
Yes, this is a sign, he’s so sure of it
You apologize for bumping into him like the angel you are
You take his two hands and help him up from where he’s fallen
Namjoon nods along to whatever you say, watching as you ramble off in embarrassment
He’s too shocked to be graced by a goddess to form a fragment of a thought
And just when his tongue is untied and thoughts untangled, you leave just as quickly as you came
The word ‘wait’ tumbles off his tongue, falling flat at his feet and off into oblivion
He sees your shadow walking off into the woods
You creep into the crowd, your figure floating further away from him
A fraying string of fate attaches you two
He feels compelled to to find you, to follow you, and never let you go
You’re a gracious god, guiding the way and giving him hope
He’ll worship you until ticking time wastes him away
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—Park Jimin
He can’t contain his fiery fury
Jimin is a slave to sin and submits so easily to anger
He’s wrapped up in wrath
Biting down on his tongue, the pressure too much that blood begins to pool
Yet the pain serves as a desperate distraction
Such a pathetic thought to think that a single soul can cause this much distress
But that’s the truth, because just the sight of the bitch sets his heart ablaze
She sits in front of you, leaning forward to show off her scorpion smile
Licking her lips and teasing the thought of a killer kiss
She flirts shamelessly, as if she actually has a chance
Jimin knows you like sweet things, unlike the toxic slut that slides her high heels up your thigh
You’ve said it before, 3 months ago in a live, you like someone with innocent intentions
Jimin is torn into two people
On one hand, he wants to beat the bitch bloody until she can’t breathe
On the other, he knows he’ll make a scene and scare away any chance of your affection
He’s knows his best bet, so he swallows down his disgust and puts on a paper smile
Jimin’s turn is coming up next and he collects his items
His bank account now bare as he spend everything he had on albums, merchandise, and fan-meets
Photocards and poster papers are delicate in his hold
Sweat staining the edges as a wave of anxiety rushes over him
He counts down the seconds, wishing for time to turn faster
He traces the tips of his fingers over the image of you, imagining what it would be like if it were reality
Your fair features and the pain pulsing in his jaw are all to divert his attention from the scene going on at his side
The girl is finally getting up to go, but not before writing down her number in a pitiful attempt to be your plaything
His angry eyes are set on her silhouette
Finding her flaws and trying to shot through her head with his stare
His jealousy is a dangerous thing, a driving force that’ll ruin his life if he isn’t careful
So distracted from his fury, he surprised to hear your voice force itself into the silence
“Are you okay?”
Blood drips down his lips
He tore them up with his teeth, trying to bite back his spite and keep some self-control
He immediately apologizes, as if it’s something to be sorry about
Next thing you know he’s thrusting his papers in your hands and hoping you don’t hate him
The day is barely past 12 but already it’s ruined been by red
You try to sneak subtle glances his way and give him looks of concern, confusion, disgust, despair?
Your many masks are blurred together till’ he can’t decide if you’re upset or unaffected
These frowning faces fight against him
Tearing up his insides and taunting him with voices that say, “You messed everything up. She can’t stand the sight of you. You can’t keep it together.”
Imitate insecurities are transformed into truth
Jimin sees your face and that upside down smile, and he’s running away from the invisible issue
He gets up so fast, the chair falling to the floor with a metal clank
He doesn’t bother grabbing any of his albums
Rushing out the door with his eyes running red and tears trailing off behind him
Jimin is growing weary and worn down by the second person in his skin
Sunk deep into the dawn and smothered in sin
He’s tired of his twin always ruining his chances and wrecking his relationship with you
But Jimin is so stubborn and would do anything it takes to make you smile, even if it ends up killing him
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—Kim Taehyung
Taehyung’s first time meeting you was anything but an accident
He knows wherever you are, from the time when the sun meets the mountains, to when the sky is suffocated in darkness
Lately, he’s been growing rather restless and irrational
An ache sets fire to his soul
Suffocating on the smell of your smoke he can’t seem to catch
His passion pains him, and he’s plagued with dreams of your distant touch
You’re so close yet so far
He makes up his mind on a moonlit morning
Months of walking in your faded footprints, he’s your silent shadow
Your schedule is now imprinted in his mind
He plans out the perfect day
He’ll come into the cafe you frequent, cause some chaos, and when he has your attention, he’ll cherish the moment
The autumn day arrives and he hides away
Standing up against the wall at the back of the cafe, he has a perfect view of anyone that dares walk through the door
He’s hasty and impatient
Constantly checking his watch and looking back up at the door
His hold tightens on his hot tea, heat transferring and burning into his blood
He checks his watch once more, but this time when he looks up, he hears bells ringing
He makes a double-take and his feet are flying before he can think twice
Taehyung comes crashing into you, spilling his tea and staining your shirt
He rushes apologies already rehearsed
He takes your hands in his and wipes off the mess with a rag already prepared in his pocket
Once your skin is no longer stained, only stinging with the past pain, he passes you the rag so you can clean off your shirt
Taehyung offers to order you another coffee, his treat because of the mess he made
Clueless and lovelorn, Taehyung takes your order without asking you what you wanted
Your order is taken down to a tee
When you ask how he knew what you liked, he said it was an impossible accident
The unlikely lie slipped out before he had time to think
Tripping up over your accusatory eyes and confused question
Perhaps Taehyung isn’t meant to stick to your side
Better off stalking in your shadow and reminiscing on the remains 
He’s too naive and boyishly bold
Although he may know this truth deep down in his heart, he’s unable to act within reason
He has an ideal image of love
An image that lingering in his head ever since he was a child
You’re his only dear darling and he’ll just have to persuade you with his passion
No matter how much time it takes, no matter how often he fails
He’s a restless romantic and he can’t help it
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—Jeon Jungkook
A rush of adrenaline and affection runs red like blood in his body
Your performance was perfect!
And he can’t believe he saw your sweet smile from just behind the barricade
He watched you glide with grace across the stage, grabbing the audience’s attention with just one look
But when your eyes locked, he felt as if you two were only ones in the room
You’ve enchanted him, intertwining your souls into two
He feels himself following your every move, reaching out to run his hand over yours when you handed out high-fives
His skin burns red with a blush
Blistering blood pumping hot to his head
His whole face is on fire and he feels as if he might faint
If this is the state just your skim of skin has struck upon him, he doesn’t know how he’ll handle meeting you in person
He’d spent all last night restless and rummaging around in his head for anything else forgotten
He planned and prepared for months in advance, after all, the first meeting is when memories are made
He spoke his script into the mirror, stumbling over words and stressing over sentences
He ripped up and rewrote his conscripted confession three thousand times over
It needed to be perfect
Now, as the crowd creeps off into the night, he mumbles over his love letter
The minutes melt away while waiting for those in line to leave
Now he’s the next one to meet his muse
He stumbles to sit in the silver chair and looks up to lock eyes
All his words are washed away when your attention is on him
The page concluding pure passion and perfectly written words is now crumpled in his hands
His knuckles whitening, attempting to get a grasp and spit out the words he wants to speak
You ask him how he is, how far he traveled for the concert, is he okay?... Why isn’t he talking?
He sits in silence, brain burning up and and a blush coating his cheeks
The hole in his head keeps him from forming a thought
It’s only when you’re signing his album and the meeting has almost met its end, when his heartfelt words begin flowing from his mouth
“I love you.”
The confession is quiet at first, hesitant as he waits for your response
“I love you too! I appreciate all of my fans so much. Thanks for coming to the concert.”
You say a simple response, rehearsed a thousand times but for a different reason
Forced to respond to any request and comply with the compliments
You look at him like a fan, like one of the thousands of faceless people that came before him
Don’t you understand? This isn’t some type of friendship or fleeting crush
He can’t sleep when you’re sick, can’t function when you’re frowning, and can’t live if he can’t love you
He’s bound by your side till time takes his heart
He’s a slave to your sweet smile and the whispered words that make his knees weak
Jungkook is more than just a lovesick man, he’s pierced by passion and won’t let you leave
A simple saying isn’t enough, he needs to show you how his heart beats and breaks only for you
“You’re not understanding. I love you.”
He leans over the table and takes your hand in his
You tense under his towering figure, yet Jungkook is too immersed in his speech to tell
“You’re everything to me. The reason worth living. I love you, I love you so much-”
His words become warped as he grows erratic
His rehearsed confession is now corrupted, growing messy and mushed together
He’s eager to get out the words before anyone else can interrupt
“I’d do anything for you. I don’t care if you hate me or hurt me, just let me love you.”
The security guards are scrambling to send him away, but it takes the strength of ten men to pry his hands from yours and pull him off the table
As they drag him away and the steel doors shut, you still hear his voice ringing out with all the reasons he love you
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved
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saetoru · 2 years
coming into work for literally like 3 hours is SO RUDE
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A Thirsty Trap (Wonze x GN Reader)
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You took a sip from your drink after finishing your 30 min run in the treadmill. Controlling your breathing and leaving the home gym, you made with the help of your girlfriends Lucy and Keira, you went to the kitchen and pulled out one of the pre made meals and started to heat it up as you took a sit on the couch. You started to relax as you started to swipe through Tiktok. You knew Lucy and Keira were on way back from training. Whilst Real Madrid players weren't training today.
You sheepishly smile as you see some videos you been tagged on. The normal edits, appreciation and thirst trap edits of you. You appreciated the videos fans made, it made you feel appreciated and inspire others.
As you scrolled you sure a montage of Keira's passing. You smiled at your cute girl as a though came into your mind.
You clicked on the search bar and typed "Keira Walsh thirst trap" and clicked in the first video
You cheeks got red as you sheepishly smiled at the clips of you girlfriend. Slightly embarrassed that you just looked up a random video of your awkward angel. Her cuteness always made ou happy and love her even more. One clip was showing Keira's tattoo on her side.
You couldn't help but keep look at her tattoo on her side. She likes it one you traced it and pecked the outline of it you bit your lip in thought. You shook your head and swiped up only to see her in her sports bra. You immediately swiped up only to be met with a Wonze one. You starred at your girls with love but you were missing their touch. It's been a while sine you three have done anything in the bedroom.
You watched the video and looked at your gf, figure, hair, eyes and tattoos. You bit your lip. You looked around. It wouldn't be too bad to do something about it. You looked at the video and slid. Your hand down your shorts. Just about to touch
Then you feel arms from behind hook around your neck
"Aw I thought that was my job" You went red face with embarrassment as you heard Lucy's voice
"Maybe you have been slacking, Luc," You hear Keira say as she sat across from you. You look up at the hurt face of Bronze until she glanced at the phone and dropped her mouth in surprise and nabbed your phone
"You little perv," She said jokingly as she made her way to Keira. "No wonder they couldn't control themselves," she said smugly. Keira looked at it with interest until she giggled and looked at you with a cheeky grin. Making you hide your face with a pillow "Guess we are just too much for them" Keira snorted "Babe" she tapped Lucy's thigh and held the phone up to her "Look who she searched" Lucy frowned and took it and saw what you searched. You begin to slowly walk to the down. Lucy's frown turned to an offended look before looking at you. Noticing you had shoes on and the door half way open.
"When I catch you, you're not gonna be able to walk, let alone get out of bed tomorrow." Keira bit her lip. She liked when you were like this.
"Good luck, dodgy knee," you bravely said before bolting out of the house. "GET BACK HERE BRAT!"
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monkey-wrench-zeurel · 6 months
In a post you reblogged, it said "we could lose Monkey Wrench already if not enough eyeballs get on it."
Does that mean you would halt production on the show entirely if views don't pick up? Or would you just have to release episodes at a slower pace?
There are two contingency plans I have set up in case things still don't pick up;
1 - We release eps over a much longer period. Like with Ep 2, I only had money for our voice actors, sfx and music. I did about 95% of the animation (with Greg and Wright pitching in because they're great folks) that 18 min ep took around 7-8 months solo (on top of doing NDA freelance work). The only reason ep 3 is coming out so fast after 2 is that we actually had the money saved up from merch sales and new patreon pledges to be able to hire 50+ people to be able to make it.
2 - We go the animatic route. And honestly I'm really favoring this one as I'd only have to animate the really fun parts and everything else can be keyframes, similar to those simpson/MW shit post vids I posted a while ago. It also harkens back to my old OCT days. Mmm the nostalgia~ This method is much more affordable (we'd still have voices and music), I can tell this story faster and move onto the other two stories I'm working with on the side.
Indie animation is brutally expensive and it really does suck that fans have to foot the bill with either patreon, merch purchases or just showing it around. Youtube ad rev is dirt nowadays and I'm not resorting to sponsorships as that'd completely deflate and devalue what we're trying to do. I have been considering doing a kickstarter type thing for ep 4, like what the good folks at Lackadaisy did, though I'm doubtful we could raise the $150k needed for one 25-30 minute episode. Could be worth the risk, though, we'll see.
This stupid story will be told one way or another! Either way, at the end of the day this IS just a cartoon show. We're not curing cancer or anything, it ain't that serious.
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noa-ciharu · 6 months
I'm not sure if I'm onto something here but this page/explanation plus everything that follows has always been suspicious to me
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First and foremost: blood poisoning isn't most peaceful way to die, far from that. If poison is so lethal Dazai and Fyodor are supposed to die in 30 mins symptoms would have started showing right away - and yet throught whole Meursalut escape arc we see none. Not a single 'I'm feeling weak'. It's stated that Fyodor spent 5 mins just waiting for Chuuya to arrive so I'm really doubtful whole sequence of him and Chuuya nearly drowning, then killing time halting ability user, trying to drown Sigma and Dazai, Fyodor's and Sigma's confrontation and Fyodor's escape could have happened under 25 mins. Of course, it could be that whatever Nikolai gave them takes more than half an hour to kill a human but that still doesn't explain 1) why no symptoms 2) why neither Dazai nor Fyodor seem to be in the hurry to leave
Therefore my assumption is that whatever Nikolai gave them wasn't lethal in the first place.
But why lie then? Why organize the whole game to begin with?
Well, it's certainly challenging to determine motives of character as unpredictable as Nikolai. His absurdist life philosophy of seeking freedom by trying to escape himself and what makes him human certainly doesn't help the case. One of guesses can be pure entertainment, just for sake of it. For an entertainer it fits the bill. But I think there's more to it.
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Except he doesn't really. By now we know whatever Fyodor's ability is that it isn't combat one - if Nikolai wanted to kill him he wouldn't necessarily need to know what it is. Not to mention Sigma can extract info from corpses, meaning they can kill Fyodor and then find out about his ability. While I'm certain Nikolai doesn't really want Fyodor dead, I can't claim with absolutely certain at that point in manga he's aware of that himself (of course he is after Fyodor 'dies' later on).
Much rather than that I think Nikolai is trying to kill what Fyodor evoke in him - feeling of being understood and wanting to understand other in return. That'll explain the game, trying to break Fyodor out of the prison without being too straightforward about it because he himself cannot decide what he really wants and stick by one decision, putting trust on test, wanting to know about Fyodor's ability and generally about Fyodor and so on.
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While it's definitely arguable if Dazai would receive an antidote if he just killed Fyodor without actually escaping, it's also worth noting he was leisure with time (aka had time of his life soft bulling Sigma). Of course, chapter where Dazai talks with Nikolai post all the mess is yet to come out so it's impossible to tell in advance, but I have a hunch Dazai knew right from the start there's no danger of blood poisoning. Or at very least took gamble on that. Nikolai said something among "my apologies I have to poison you too but he (fyodor) wouldn't take the syringe otherwise" so it's clear right off the bat Dazai doesn't really hold his interest in that whole game. He's there for Fyodor and brought Sigma with him to extract information out of him.
As for Fyodor, did he knew blood poisoning wasn't a thing? Before chapter 111 I would have said yes given he too didn't seem to he in the hurry to escape, had no symptoms and didn't take the antidote right off the bat when Nikolai gave it to him. But then we have this:
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Does Fyodor mean poison or game itself? My guess is poison because if latter that'd imply Fyodor expected Nikolai to help him break out of Mesaurlet which would imply broken trust. And we all know Fyodor and placing trust in others is like oil and water
To me Nikolai looks straightout dejected here. He's a performer that revels in these types of high stakes game, he should be grinning like a madman - but he's not. So in my opinion he was searching something from Fyodor here that he didn't quite get. It could be just in this scene/exchange or in whole game. But if my hunch that Nikolai was trying to get Fyodor out of Meursalut just needed Fyodor to place iota trust in him is correct, then Fyodor stamping over that hope and failing to see Nikolai's intention wasn't to kill him despite his theatrical proclaims it is would be reason for dejection. Whatever bids for connection he was looking in Fyodor likely won't be returned because of Fyodor's mistrust in people and abiding by cold rationale rather than intuition/emotions.
Therefore my conclusion is that whole Gogol game was a test:
- for Fyodor to put trust in others when he has no rational basis to (his major character flaw) - and that's precisely why he lost in the end. I could go miles here how Dazai put trust in Chuuya (and even Sigma) and how those bonds are very reason he managed to win but that's for some other time gives there's a lot to be talked about soukoku, I'd like to focus on doa trio here.
- for Sigma to realize the difference between being used and being of use, aka realize difference between transaction and a bond. I'd say he did well by placing trust in Dazai but it's yet to be seen if his decision to take Fyodor's hand was the 'right' one. His character arc ain't over, it heavily depends on what info he extracted from Fyodor so it's too early to tell how it'll go. Also this depends on Dazai's actions anime hasn't shown, like will he stick to his promise to save Sigma or not. Given promise he made to Oda 4 years before, I think it's definitely in character for Dazai to come back for him, fetch comatose Sigma and bring him to Yokohama.
- for Nikolai himself to realize what he wants to do with feeling of emotional/intellectual connection he deemed as 'imprisoning'. He's at conundrum himself what he wants to do with Fyodor: help him or kill him - accept the instinct or fight against it for no other reason than to oppose very self - lose sight of himself in the end just like Fyodor said. If we go by anime ending (I doubt manga one will be much diffrent), he came to realization how Fyodor changed his life and how he actually never wanted him dead but it was too late by then. Now haunted by realization only one who ever understood him and only person he ever felt connected to is dead, Nikolai will come to realize true hell of being imprisoned by own mind without means of escaping.
All three of them had some sort of downfall induced by their 'cardinal sins'; their own 'decays' as downfalls source from inner character flaws, so to speak.
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simpinberry · 1 year
Hii xx
could you do bella ramsey hcs where reader is jealous of bella because shes with other girls but then they end up together in the end 🫶
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heyyyy, i’m backk. i tried to make this as healthy as possible while also adding a bit of spice to it. i hope i interpreted this correctly <3 should i also write jealous!bella hcs? hehe lmkk
established relationship, jealous!reader, kisses and cuddling
bella is fine as hell (we all agree, can i get an amen) so naturally lots of people want them. bella is very much in the public eye and has got promotional duties as an actor. she has to go to lots of events like fashion shows, premiers, award shows and interviews. they’re gonna meet lots of ppl and you’re usually extremely proud and happy for them! u pride yourself on not being the jealous type.
usually bella doesn’t text when she’s working/at events, mostly because she gets too overwhelmed and would rather be focused and present where they are. so you decided to go on twitter and check up on how it was going. unfortunately smth about a video of bella with a bunch of girls at a fashion show didn’t sit right with you. they were surrounding her and getting too close. bella didn’t do anything wrong and was being super polite as usual but the girls were all extremely pretty. they were all so elegant and looked so incredibly cool. it was both dumb and understandable at the same time. you trusted bella for gods sake. you shrugged the thought away and tried to go on about your day.
you ended up calling your best friend to rant about the whole situation because you couldn’t get it out of your head, “listen it’s not like i wanna go to these events and it’s fine that she talks to other girls i just ugh, i’m so jealous and i hate it”. your best friend told you exactly what you expected her to, “bitch just talk to them istg, you’re overthinking it too much”. ofc you spent another 30 mins ranting about it but you knew you were gonna do the healthy thing at the end of the day.
“honeeeyy i’m homeee” you hear bellas mocking american accent before you even see her. she finds you curled up on the couch binge watching willow. with a quick kiss to your forehead she heads upstairs to take a shower after such a long day. god, u have to talk to them about this.
by the time bella gets out of the shower you’re already settled into bed, comfy as hell tbh. crawling her way into bed, they lay next to you, facing you. “babe, you awake?” “MHMMM” you had to make your move now. “how was the fashion show today?” bella being the cutie she is, tells you everything. talks about her favorite looks, a fit she took a picture of because they thought it would look good on you and how she ran into her past costars. as much as you love hearing about her day you’re overthinking and trying to find the perfect moment to talk to her abt ur jealously and all the girls and how pretty they are and how you’re scared and worried and god so so jealous and how you feel- “can i confess smth?” bellas face drops and she’s full of concern. “DID U EAT MY LAST MUFFIN CUZ ISTG” oh, that’s what they’re worried about. “no, not this time….. i’m, i mean i was, kinda super jealous today. cuz like you were with all these pretty girls at the show and they were surrounding you and god- ik how fine you are and how lucky i am but i just felt,,,, like rlly jealous”
iwl bella was a bit shocked by your sudden outburst. you’re rarely ever jealous so this was a first, maybe a second. “mhmm i understand, i didn’t think you were the jealous type but i get it” she takes your face into her hands, you snuggle into her touch. “i know it’s hard dating someone in the public eye, i’ve actually embarrassingly asked pedro for advice on this before. thank you for telling me though, my love. a little bit of jealousy is normal. in myyyy expert opinion it means you need some reassurance and lottts, lottts and lottssss of kisses”
this idiot. they always know how to turn smth like this into a good thing. “yeah sure i mean those girls were nice and everything but at the end of the day i only want you and i’m just as lucky to have you darling” they bring you into a sudden kiss. melting into the kiss, you tangle your legs together to be as close as possible. It was a tense, reassuring and urgent. she poured a lot into that kiss and you gladly accepted it all.
i’d like to think she’d make an extra little effort in the future to make you feel more secure. whether that’s with physical affection, words, time or gifts. bella is yours and they wanna make sure you always remember that.
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