#this took longer than a morning lol whoops.
lion-buddy · 1 year
HEHE YEAH U PROBABLY DO considering they bothered to post it on twitter and the official site this time lol
but yeah!!! back to this image, can confirm this is probably supreme! they get a cool evil color pallet and eyebrow extensions i guess!!! good for them
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also!!!! abt cure puka! i know why i was confused now bc um. this is what they apparently look like
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yeah so we go like. 3 slightly altered variants of the same character design it was going to get confusing lol.
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ohgodithappened · 2 years
WandaNat Headcannons :)
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This got a lot longer than I expected it to lol Oh well... Who's complaining??
Wanda had a small little crush that developed into something deeper over time
Natasha was oblivious until the fact that she was in love with her trainee hit her in the face like a freight train one day
Natasha wanted to be the cool one and ask her out but got nervous last minute just as she was about to ask Wanda if she could kiss her
Wanda, with a face redder than Nat's hair, took pity on her ("Just kiss me already, 'Tasha")
Wanda can't be anywhere near a kitchen without burning it down (the only thing she can successfully make is chicken paprikash WITH supervision)
Tony likes to tease Nat about their fairly large age difference as revenge for all of Nat's teasing over the years about him with younger girls
Wanda snores, but will deny it until the day she dies (Nat finds it adorable)
Little Spoon!Wanda vs Reluctant Big Spoon!Nat ("Come on, Wan, it's my turn tonight!" "But Nattiee..." "...fine")
Wanda calling Natasha "Tasha" "Nattie" and "Talia"
Clint's jaw dropping the first time he hears it because Natasha threatened to break his arm the first time he ever called her "Nat" and threatened him with death if he ever tried "Natalia"
Nat calling Wanda every nickname under the sun, just because she knows it makes the normally composed brunette blush
Wanda plays guitar for Natasha when the redhead can't sleep/has nightmares
Night Owl!Wanda vs Early Bird!Nat
They have Liho (Natasha's cat from the comics), but Wanda's the one who found her and begged Nat to keep her
Nat reluctantly agreed, but eventually falls even more in love with Liho than Wanda is
Natasha is totally whipped for Wanda, and Wanda absolutely takes advantage of it
Nat always uses her turn to choose the film for Avengers movie night to pick whatever Wanda wants
Sam always grumbles about it because its "basically Wanda getting two turns"
Wanda's a major brat
Wanda's a major brat
Natasha is a pretty harsh dom, but can switch to aftercare and cuddles at the drop of a hat
Nat's pretty shy about their sex life around others
Wanda is definitely not ("Get a room!" "We have one. It's already being put to good use, I'm still sore." "WANDA." *burning cheeks*)
Posessive!Nat & Jealous!Wanda (Not sure how to describe the difference, but if you get it you get it)
Natasha loves to leave hickeys as a way of "marking what's hers"
Wanda will cover up said hickeys with the sole purpose to rile Nat up more, usually resulting in punishment
Wanda has an itty bitty little smidge of a daddy kink whoops
Early in their relationship, Maria stayed the night at the compound once on the women's floor. (Unfortunately hears everything)
The next morning, breakfast with everyone went something like:
Maria, after Nat passes her the bacon: "So... Daddy, huh?" Nat: *Literally choking on her waffle so hard she turns blue* Wanda: *Laughing harder than anyone's ever seen her laugh* Tony, impressed: "Didn't know you had it in you, Romanoff." Vision, blissfully unaware: "Are you alright, Agent Romanoff?" Wanda: "Yeah. Are you alright, Daddy?" Nat: *chokes harder* Steve: *looking like he wants the ground to swallow him whole*
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chloemarievaughan · 4 months
May 10-11- the End!
my last full day in Scotland, and I saved some of the best for last! First stop of the morning was a guided tour of Holyrood Palace, which is a lovely palace where the current royal family of the UK (Queen Elizabeth, King Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Edward, and Prince William, among others) stays when they have working engagements in Edinburgh. There are state dinners and parties as well as other meetings. to get to the palace, I walked all the way along the Royal Mile down to the very bottom, about a 20 minute walk. It was very sunny this morning and I stepped outside and immediately went right back inside to grab my sun hat 😂 I enjoyed the walk and then made it to the palace, noticing on the way that it was free to visit the Scottish parliament so decided to visit that after. I very much enjoyed the tour of Holyrood, which was a well done audio tour discussing the historical occupants, including Mary Queen of Scots and more into the story of her Catholicism and how she eventually abdicated the throne in favor of her son; also went in depth into a murder plot against her. Another room, the biggest in the palace, had a wall full of portraits of the ancient kings and queens of Scotland of old, commissioned by King Charles the II. To reinforce to everyone the kingly pedigree of Charles II, the painter chose to portray every painting with King Charles II’s big nose 😂. The palace is beautifully decorated, outside and in, and again I took a photo in the first room before noticing a no photos sign and getting in trouble with the palace staff. Whoops!
the tour finished up in the abbey ruins from the 1100s beside the palace and then a lovely walk through the palace gardens. I was wanting an early lunch at this point but there was basically a choice between the cafe at the palace or the one at parliament; didn’t specifically want anything from the cafe at the palace and was confused about the line so went next store to parliament, which ended up being a mistake because the food looked way worse 😂 had a little bacon sandwich and chocolate pastry to fortify myself for my hike of Arthur’s seat in the afternoon, and then poked around the exhibit about Scottish parliament (Scotland only had its own parliament since the 1990s! Which is why the building is so new. It was pretty interestingly designed and modern architecture throughout) and I got to actually go in the legislative chamber! I learned that if I had planned ahead you can actually sit in on Parliament while it is in session Monday-Thursday, or get a free guided tour.
Then it was time to hike Arthur’s seat! This is an (extinct) volcano beside which Edinburgh was built, offering great views of the city and also the other volcanic hills nearby. The yellow gorse bushes were blooming all over the mountainside, and it was a beautiful day for a hike; a bit sunny at times making me glad of my hat, but also partly cloudy making it less hot than it could have been. Sidebar: I later realized I should have definitely applied more sunscreen to my shoulders and I have an impressive sunburn that is going to give me some weird tan lines on my shoulders lol. This hike was Steep- my iPhone told me I walked the equivalent of 80 flights of stairs today! Felt like I zigzagged Straight up a cliff which I essentially did for part of it, though there were stairs to walk on- and I had to take many breaks to recover and catch my breath, so I was glad that Grey wasn’t there to have to wait for me lol, it took me way longer than I’m sure it would have taken him lol. I had a liter water bottle but wished I’d had more water. My recovery breaks always came with a great view though :)
I brought a couple pairs of shoes for the trip, including my hiking boots and some athletic sandals (Tevas) which I love for traveling, because I’m always hot when I walk around. However I really wished I had my boots for this walk! my sandals held up okay but I didn’t have the best grip on the dusty soil of the paths. When I got to the top a French guy said he was impressed I made it with sandals 😂 he and his group had brought a cooler with beers to the top which in retrospect was a fantastic idea haha. it was beautiful but very crowded at the top, so I made my way back down; this was even worse with my sandals. Didn’t appreciate the view as much trying to be sure of my footing on the way down haha, only slid once though but was able to catch myself before I actually fall down. At the very base of the mountain there was a little ice cream van making an absolute killing I’m sure, I bought a new water and chugged it immediately. Totally worth the hike but I was super sore and tired at this point, so wanted to walk back to my apartment for a shower.
Unfortunately for me I had to walk all the way back up the royal mile to get back to my apartment, but had a pleasant walk ducking into touristy souvenir shops, weaving in an out of the huge crowds and listening to the buskers playing bagpipes and watching the magicians doing tricks on the street. Speaking of magic, I had to stop for a butter beer at the Elephant House, a cafe where JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter! It’s on Victoria Street, which claims to be an inspiration for Diagon Alley. The butter beer was Disgusting, a nasty cream soda- I’ve had much better at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but I couldn’t resist haha. Went into one of the Harry Potter shops to browse too.
I stopped for a very quick falafel wrap for lunch and then showered and rested a bit for my last hurrah in Edinburgh: another chocolate whisky tasting! it was in a bar called the Tipsy Midgie (Midgies being the Scots word for a midge, or biting fly, that apparently gets quite bad in the summers in Scotland. Luckily we missed midge season!) this bar was about a 20 minute walk away, and I took a path that went past a few sights I hadn’t seen yet, including the National Museum of Scotland and the Greyfriars Kirkyard, a cemetary with Harry Potter connections: JK Rowling used to walk through the cemetary and took several characters names from the names on the Graves, including Tom Riddle (Voldemort himself). then onward to the Tipsy Midgie! They do ever changing whisky pairings with chocolates and you can book them in advance with at least 24 hours notice by emailing the bar. I enjoyed my first chocolate whisky experience so much I thought a second would be well worth it. The bar itself was small but very cool. This time it was 5 whiskies paired with 5 chocolates, from the 5 major whisky regions of Scotland, Speyside, the Highlands, the Lowlands, the Islands, and Islay; again arranged from a light sweeter whisky- the Tamnavulin Tempranillo Cask Edition, paired with a strawberry cheesecake white chocolate, to an Ardnamurchan Rum Cask paired with a dark chocolate with rum filling (my favorite kind of chocolate is dark chocolate, but honestly it went the least well with whisky; the sweeter notes of the rest of the white and milk chocolates made for much tastier combinations) all the way to the peatier Kilchoman 2010 vintage from Islay, with the smoky peat flavor going excellently with a peanut butter and jelly truffle. I had an incredible time at the tasting- there was a table of perhaps my parents aged Americans next to me who were just starting their two week Scotland trip, and I could tell they thought I was about 18 years old as they were chatting with me haha, thinking I was very brave to be so young and out and about on my own drinking whisky 😂 also liked talking to my waitress Sarah, who designed the tasting and picks out the best whiskies to go with the chocolates- I asked where she got the chocolates and she told me a local chocolatier named Finley, not exactly helpful if I wanted to buy any chocolates lolol. and also I met the proprietor Colin, who told me that the bar had only been open 18 months! Which explains why it was in a bit of a weird area, more residential and less of a touristy place. When he heard it was my last night in Scotland he brought me a free bonus tasting of the 6th whisky region in Scotland, a Glen Scotia from Campbelltown. I did not necessarily need a 6th whisky at that point haha but it was a really good one so of course I thoroughly enjoyed it! Very smooth. No bonus chocolate pairing though ;) I walked back to my apartment enjoying the sights of Edinburgh for the last time, and was a bit tipsy while packing and tidying up the airbnb. I had an early night, and woke up to head for the airport bright and early, leaving before 6. It was nice and bright outside, and I found a way to walk that avoided lugging my suitcase around on the stairs, thank goodness. Took the tram to the airport and checked in without incident- though my luggage seriously gets picked every single time for additional screenings. As usual I have very normal things in my suitcase lol! (In Toronto my bag got pulled again and the worker asked me if i had bottles of maple syrup in my bag- no, it was whisky lolol) slept a lot on the plane and wrote this last post on the way to my layover in Toronto. Should arrive in Columbus around 3 o’clock and then have a day to recover and back to work on Monday 😭
From the Isle of Skye to the Loch Ness to castles, churches, history, and mountains with wonderful train rides and delicious chocolate and whisky pairings, I had such a wonderful time in Scotland! I couldn’t possibly recommend it more and I’m sure I will be back again! :)
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smol-and-grumpy · 3 years
Instant Attraction - Chapter 7
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester is thirty-eight and the stepdad of her best friend Ben. He’s caring, goofy, dorky, sexy and has a deep soothing voice. She wants him so bad, but he is more than a decade older than her. The thing is, she knows he wants her too but he’s holding himself back. How far can she take it until he caves? — Or the one where Dean tries to resist but fails miserably.
Chapter Warnings: We’re back to square one lol
WC: 2,471
Series beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons​
This series is COMPLETE on Patreon
If you like what I’m writing, please consider leaving me a tip to keep me energized.
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
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It’s Monday and Dean’s glad he survived the weekend. 
After Cassie had left him and with her words bouncing around in his mind, he took himself out of the equation and disappears from the party without a word to anyone, only to barricade himself in his room like the pathetic fuck he was. Dean was half buzzed, not pleasantly so, but the alcohol was present in his system, hence he was afraid that he’ll do something stupid, like grabbing Y/N by her face and kissing himself stupid on her, or backing her up against the wall and dry hump her like an animal in front of everyone. He’s sure whatever he would have ended up doing, he would immediately regret it, and not only because it would probably turn up somewhere on the internet to haunt him later because some dumb jock decides to record his lapse of judgment.
Yesterday, he went out, having successfully coaxed Cas into going fishing with him – but probably only because he didn’t stop ringing the doorbell until his friend decided to get up and curse Dean’s entire existence. He decided that he needed to go fishing because he needed the tranquility and silence to get his mind straight, and by the time he returned in the evening, Ben had already gone, leaving a note that he’ll ‘see him in a week’ and that ‘He should behave’. 
Somehow, the house was dead silent when he got back and Dean didn’t see Y/N for the rest of the night. Her car wasn’t in the driveway, and maybe it was better that way. A breather from her is what he desperately needed.
As Dean followed Benny’s instruction of staying away from the garage for the whole weekend, he’s allowed back inside this morning. The man greeted him at the door with his arms folded over his chest and a courtesy nod. Honestly, what does that say about his leadership skills when an employee has more say than the boss. It’s pathetic. So fucking pathetic. 
The whole day went well but then evening comes and he dreads going back home. Well, not that he doesn’t like his home– or Y/N for that matter. It’s probably because he likes her too much and doesn’t know if he can behave around her when they don’t have Ben acting as a buffer around them. When he doesn’t have his stepson to constantly remind him that the woman he’s pining after is not his to take—  to fuck, or to love. 
He’s still in his office, going over the paperwork when Benny pokes his head inside. Dean looks up from the laptop to see the man frowning at him. “What?”
“It’s late,” Benny says.
“Congratulations! You can read the time, who would have thought?” He deadpans. 
The other man, apparently, doesn’t find it very funny. He opens the door wider only for him to be able to reach inside. He palms at the switch for the light and promptly turns it off.
“Hey!” Dean calls out, but Benny’s already out in the main garage. 
“Go the fuck home!” is the last thing he hears before the door to the garage bangs closed. 
 When Dean arrives home, her car’s in the driveway. His stomach does something weird,  whooping and filling with dread all at the same time. If he had a say in anything, he would have worked longer, but Benny somehow managed to switch the lights off for the night, and he hadn’t found out how to turn them back on. When he called his employee, the guy didn’t even pick up, only sent him a text that Dean should GO THE FUCK HOME. 
Well, message received. That’s why he’s here already, heart sinking down to his balls when he unlocks and opens the front door to the home he’s sharing with just Y/N for a whole fucking week. 
The first thing Dean notices as soon as he has the door open is the sound of the TV. He makes his way inside, takes off his boots while calculating how many steps it would take for him to reach the stairs, and if the old floorboards would be able to support his weight without creaking, so he can once more barricade himself in his room. But when he thinks hard about his plans, he realizes that it’s pretty cowardice. He’s a grown adult, and Y/N is too – albeit a little younger than he is. Still, they should be able to cohabit, shouldn’t they? No matter how much they are attracted to each other, they should act all grown up about it, right? Right.
When he walks deeper into the house, he finds her splayed out on the couch, limbs hanging down with her face buried deep into the cushion. He ignores the somersault his heart makes upon seeing her. It feels too domestic for his liking, but his heart betrays him, beating uncontrollably, as if it longs to have that, to have someone to go home to, even if that someone is just laying on the couch and watching TV. 
“Rough day?” He asks, figuring he has to say something. The silence won’t do him any good and frankly, he’s sick of not feeling like he can be himself in his own goddamn house.
She lifts her head, her eyes hooded, and only now does he notice the empty glass of wine sitting on the coffee table. Y/N props her chin up on the pillow, when she speaks, and it muffles her voice a little, “You’re late.” 
“Yeah, uh,” Dean lifts his hand to scratch at the back of his neck, ducking his head a little, “didn’t know you’d be waiting for me to come home?”
It’s now that she sits up, the strap of her tank top falling down her shoulder, revealing to him that she’s not wearing a bra. He swallows when he watches her nipple pebble underneath the fabric, now exposed to a cooler surrounding.
“I’m hungry, and I thought I’d wait before ordering something.” She rubs at her eyes, smearing a little of what’s left from her day’s make up. He thinks it’s cute. 
Shit. He shouldn’t think that. 
Schooling his whole demeanor into annoying dad-mode, Dean snorts, “Oh so, you have to wait for me to eat? Jesus, Y/N, what if I didn’t come home?”
“It’s not like I didn’t call or text you,”
Curiously, Dean pulls his phone out of his pants, his eyes widening when he sees the three missed calls and five text messages from her. “I’m sorry, I was in the zone.” 
She pouts.
“What do you feel like?” He says in lieu of apologizing again, trying to lift the mood, and as if on cue, his stomach starts to grumble loudly. She laughs, and yeah, it’s a beautiful laugh. He’d want to hear it more often if circumstances weren’t be so fucked up.
“Pizza?” Y/N asks, hopeful.
“Come on, it’s my comfort food.” There’s a slight whine in her voice.
Dean’s eyes flicker to her empty wine glass. He licks his lips before speaking, “What do you need comfort for?”
Groaning, she rests her head on the back of the couch. Dean has a hard time looking away from that biteable throat of hers. He swallows as he waits for an answer.
“The interview didn’t go great.”
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” she dismisses him with her hand, “I have another one tomorrow, and maybe I can find another one after that. The world is my oyster, right? I’ll find something.” 
“Grad school not an option?” 
“Not if I can help it,” 
“Fair enough. I’m sure you will find something.” He says, truthfully. Her eyes are soft when they meet his again. “Right,” Dean shakes himself out of the moment, “I’ll go shower and you can order pizza in the meantime.”  He gets up and makes his way over to the stairs.
“I will. Pepperoni, right?” 
He’s halfway up when he calls down, “I swear to god if there’s anything else on it, I’m going to make you pay.” 
Her laugh carries up the stairs when he closes the door to his room. 
 Dean didn’t really have time to jack off in the shower, but he’s already done it that morning, so he should be good. It’s really pathetic how much he’d turned to satisfy himself since she’d started living with him. It’s like he’s a fucking teen again. His dick is up and down for no apparent reason. It’s driving him up the wall.
Right now, they’re sitting on the couch instead of at the dining table, a plate with a piece of pepperoni pizza balancing on his thigh while he screws open a beer bottle. She’s going with another glass of wine, and they settle down to eat while the TV’s showing episodes of Friends. 
Honestly, Dean’s glad the TV is on. It’s less awkward like this. He doesn’t even know what to talk to her about, doesn’t know how far he can go without crossing the line. He would love, though, to know everything about her, and he thinks he already has a good grasp on her likes and dislikes. Thinks that he knows even more than Ben does. For example, he knows that she doesn’t like her sodas with ice, that she likes to curl up on the couch with a good book instead of going out. Dean also knows that when she laughs, her nose crinkles adorably, knows that when she’s sad, it always starts with a pout. He knows how she likes her coffee, that she likes to have a glass of warm milk whenever she can’t sleep. He probably knows way too much, but he couldn’t stop greedily memorizing all those little things that he catalogs in his mind in the drawer with her name on it.  
After they ate, Dean leaned further into the couch, trying to follow why there’s a duck and a chick in Chandler and Joey’s apartment. He’s seen it before, he knows why, but in that moment, it escapes him because all he can think about is her weight against his as she burrows further into his side while he has his arm draped across the back of the couch. Her presence, all soft and warm against him ignites something in him, and all of a sudden, it feels like it’s a hundred degrees in here. His hands get clammy and sweat starts to bead around his hairline. 
Dean schools his heart to calm down, tells himself it’s not much different from other women he hooked up with who liked to cuddle afterward. But it is. Oh, it is. For starters, he hasn't hooked up with Y/N, even though he definitely wouldn’t mind – and he would gently turn the other women down at the mention of cuddling because he doesn’t cuddle, not when it’s just a meaningless hookup. 
After another ten agonizing minutes pass, Dean notices her head dropping to his chest. He has to suppress a smile because she definitely drifted off. Pride washes over him, and it’s weird that he feels like that, but he’s really proud that she feels safe enough around him to fall asleep. 
He lets her sleep for another half hour, enjoying the silence and the softness of the moment where sex is definitely not on the forefront of his mind – although it also didn’t wander far. But then his bladder starts complaining and he needs to use the bathroom, so he gently nudges her awake. 
“Hey, Y/N.”
“You should go to bed.”
Nothing happens.
“What?” She asks, a little annoyed, eyebrows knitting and there’s a pout. It’s absolutely adorable. 
He smiles, “You should go to bed.”
“Don’t wanna get up.” She mumbles, burying her face further into his stomach, and shit, she moves a little further down. A couple of inches more and she’d have a face full of half hard cock.
When Dean tries to shake her, she only stirs for a moment before slumping down again. So he does what anyone would probably do; gently getting up from under her and scooping her up into his arms. 
Sleepy Y/N is a dead weight, but it’s nothing he can’t handle. When he begins to walk to the stairs, she nudges her face closer, her nose brushing the skin on his neck. He’s trying very hard not to freak out right now because that would be fatal when going up the stairs. 
Somehow, he manages to reach the landing, making a beeline to her room r. Once inside, Dean drops her on to her bed. In some way, during his climb up the stairs, her arms end up wound around his neck. He was too distracted by her nose brushing along the column of his throat to have noticed, so that’s why when he lays her down on her bed, her arms are somehow still hooked around him. 
He reaches up, tries to pry her arms away. “C’mon Y/N, you gotta let go.” 
It’s only in a blink of an eye that he sees the ghost of a smirk flickering on her lips. 
This fucking girl, seriously. 
“Christ, Y/N!” He hisses, low. “You weren’t sleeping!”
It’s then that she opens her eyes, the smirk slowly turning into a grin. She sits up, and Dean’s not yet moved away from putting her down. Their faces are close. 
Too close. 
Their noses almost bump together and he can smell her breath, red wine, and pepperoni. As anyone would do, while being so close to a pretty girl, Dean’s eyes drop to her mouth, sees a bit of sauce on the corner of her lips, wants so much to swipe his tongue out and lick it away. 
“Dean,” her voice is white noise as all he sees is her lips moving, urging him to lick on his own. 
She’s scooting closer, softly brushing her nose against his, her lips are now millimeters from his own. It would be so easy to close in, so easy to taste those sweet lips he’s been dreaming about for weeks on end—
—but then something clicks in him, bringing him back to reality. 
Dean jumps away as if scalded, standing up abruptly, “I– uh–,” his one hand goes to the back of his head, the other one brushes at his pants to get the sweat off his palm. “–I should go.” 
He’s already across the room and halfway out the door. Dean doesn’t turn around, he’s not that strong, knows that if he does, there’s no way he would find the will to walk out. So, he lowers his head and closes the door with a  “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
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Chapter 8
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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angry-geese · 3 years
Hi there <3 I've read some of your works and i'm in love with your writing. May I please request a fluff gojo x fem!reader? Like they finished their work in the evening and spend the rest of the night together at home💕 It could be a oneshot or a hc, whichever you feel to write. Thank you so much ^^ I'm sorry just in case my request is somehow not really clear☺️
Of course! here you go <3
Gojo Satoru x reader
Warnings: none! entirely fluff! this will quite literally rot your teeth. afab reader
a/n: this ended up being a little longer than I intended lol whoops
Word Count: 2.5k
Satoru Gojo is a busy man.
The strongest can't really take a break. He’s on call 24/7. People are pulling him in all directions simultaneously. With everything that's been going on, between the mess with Sukuna, and everything happening at the school, he’s been short on time.
He needs a break.
He's more tired than he lets on. He’s good at hiding it. Especially around his students. It's hard to pull him away from his work. He's insistent that he’s fine. When you’re around someone for so long, you learn to pick up when they aren't. He can pretend to be fine all he wants. You know otherwise.
Sometimes what the strongest needs is someone to boss him around.
He’s capable of taking care of himself. He’s proven that already. But worrying is in your nature. You care about him, of course you’re going to worry.
You were a first year when you met him, having just transfered schools after an incident involving a curse. In a matter of weeks your life had seemingly been flipped on its head. The switch took some time to get used to. Switching schools your first year, let alone switching to this one in particular, was never going to be easy. Getting used to the way Jujutsu society worked took a while. He was a year above you, and you remember absolutely hating him. Gojo was insufferable- or you found him to be such. But he was friends with Nanami, who was a friend of yours, so you reluctantly hung out with him. Nanami, being in the same year as you, was the first to help you out, extending a hand and helping you get used to the way things worked.
Spending time with him didn't do much to change your views. The two of you couldn't have been more different. You still are. But something about opposites attracts.
The first time you gave him the benefit of the doubt was the first time he saved your life.
It may be a bit of an over exaggeration. You’re certain you would have survived without his help, but that could also be an attempt to preserve your pride. You went after a curse, not expecting it to be as strong as it was. As far as you knew, it shouldn't have been stronger than a grade three. Being a grade two at the time, this should have been well in your ability. There ended up being more than one curse, and they were stronger than anyone had realized. You were in over your head.
It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known. It's not like you could pick and choose which curses you fought. As a student, that was decided for you.
You had resigned to your fate, separated from the others, injured. Nothing fatal. It left a cool scar, though. But you were well out of your league, put on an assignment far harder than you could deal with. You hate to admit defeat, but you had no other option.
Out of what seemed like thin air came Gojo, taking out both curses like it was nothing. Despite not liking him all that much, it was hard to not be impressed. He was strong. Stronger than you could ever hope to be.
You made it home in one piece.
It was three days before you’d finally confront him.
Getting him alone was hard enough. Being an underclassman, you didn't interact with him a whole lot. You didn't have any classes together. The few times you ran into him were when you hung out with Nanami, who was gone at the time.
When the opportunity presented itself, you took it, cornering him behind the school.
Even back then it was impossible to sneak up on him. He could sense you coming.
“Jesus-” he said, referring to you by your last name, “you look like you want to kill me.”
“You helped me out.” You said. “Why?”
He only shrugged. Not wanting to take that for an answer, you followed him. You were insistent you paid him back. You’d never let a debt like that go unpaid. The first debts are always the hardest to pay back. And when a first debt involves saving your life, well, you’ve got a lifetime to pay back. You only left once Gojo showed up. He needed to talk to Gojo about something, and although you were curious, you didn't feel like sticking around.
Gojo spent the next couple days scheming. You were determined enough you would do just about anything. He could have easily abused his power. It would have been even easier to force you to drop it, but something told him you weren't about to take no for an answer.
You wouldn't.
3pm in the bathrooms. It was hardly a week later. Your last class had ended for the day. You had snuck cigarettes in, blowing the smoke out of the crack in the window. You don't smoke anymore, but you went through nearly a pack a day in high school. There wasn't a specific brand you liked—you didn't necessarily like smoking, but you did it when you were stressed—you just used whatever you got ahold of.
You didn't hear the door open. Gojo wasn't the sneaky type, but he could be when he wanted. You weren't too hard to sneak up on.
If you didn't have contraband that likely would have gotten you expelled, you would have screamed when you saw him. He scared you, not to mention he snuck into the girl’s bathrooms. The two of you would be in equally deep shit if you reported the other. So at that moment you came to a silent agreement.
“You still want to pay me back?” He asked. “Cause I have an idea.”
You perked up at his words.
“Get me mochi from that shop just down the road. You know the one that just opened up?” He asked. “Bring me some and I’ll call us even.”
“That's it?” You asked. It was almost anticlimactic. But despite everything, he was insistent.
Gojo hasn't changed a whole lot since then.
He still has his sweet tooth. He still makes you get him mochi from that shop. It feels like you’re the ones keeping it in business nowadays.
You’re not quite sure who made the first move.
Soon you began spending more time together away from Nanami and Geto. You got along better than anyone—mostly you—ever expected. You weren't the most outwardly affectionate. While you were far from shy, pda wasn't really your thing. Gojo is the opposite. Even now, years after you began dating, he’s still clingy. You’ve gotten used to it. Gojo is possessive, he wants everyone to know you’re his. Not that they don't know already. He can't shut up about you.
Getting him alone has always been hard. Not much has changed in the past few years. He’s only gotten busier. Try to drag him away from work all you want, you rarely succeed.
Tonight he's come willingly. He finished his work early, and all you had left was stuff you could finish in the morning.
Nights at home like this—together—are rare. It feels like you hardly see him anymore. You often fall asleep alone, only to wake up to the other side of the bed being cold. He’s been so occupied with this business with Yuji, that he’s hardly had time for anything else. You sneak away during your breaks, like you’re teenagers again, stealing kisses between classes. You almost don't know what to do.
It almost feels like you should do something to celebrate.
The lights are off when you get home. Your apartment looks empty. Megumi must still be out with his friends.
“What should we do for dinner?” Gojo asks.
“Takeout?” You say. "I don't feel like cooking."
Gojo’s a decent cook, but he doesn't feel like doing so either. He’d get takeout every night if you’d let him. But that's not good for him (or Megumi) so you force him to do otherwise. Because you’re normally home, and you like baking, you’re usually the one to make dinner. There's not much in the fridge. You'll have to get groceries eventually. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. It shouldn't take long.
“How does Korean barbeque sound?" He asks. "From that place down the street?”
"Sounds good,"
You find a menu buried in one of your kitchen drawers, stashed with other takeout menus. You pick out something—two meals, plus some sweet buns for dessert—he calls the restaurant. You pay the extra cash to have it delivered. Neither of you feel like going and picking it up. It's more convenient than the alternative.
The tv drones on in the background while you wait. There’s not much on tv at this hour. News, some late night soaps. While you do like your occasional soap opera, none that you normally watch are on. Gojo changes it to the news. The weather. It looks like it'll rain tomorrow morning, but the rest of the day is supposed to be warm.
"We should go to the park tomorrow," you say, "having a picnic sounds nice."
Gojo hums in approval. As long as you make those tea cakes—the ones with honey drizzled on top—he'll agree to tag along. Maybe you'll go check out the bookstore too. It's been a while since you've last gone.
You strip out of your uniform, pulling on some more comfortable clothes; a pair of shorts and one of Gojo's shirts. It smells like him. You can't help but bury your nose in the collar.
When there’s a knock at the door, Gojo is the one to answer. He returns with your food. You gather napkins and utensils. Gojo never saw the point in anything other than stainless steel chopsticks. Or wooden ones—those given to you with takeout—if he wasn't feeling up to doing dishes. You, on the other hand, bought all sorts of colorful ones and stands that may or may not have been lifted from various restaurants. That's one habit from your teenage years you never lost. You'd pocket almost anything that wasn't nailed down. Your apartment has a rather impressive assortment of salt and pepper shakers. Not to mention the box of hotel soaps you never use, but took because you "might" need it. He enables you, taking some whenever he stays out of town, bringing them home for you. Gojo can hardly say no to you.
Gojo settles next to you on the couch, his shoulder pressed to yours. He can't keep his hands off of you. He’s possessive by nature. Everyone has to know you’re his. He always has to be touching you. Not necessarily with his hands, but he presses his thigh against yours while sitting next to you, or his body pressed against yours from behind in public.
The two of you eat in relative silence. Gojo’s attention turns to the tv, but that doesn't stop him from practically laying on top of you. Occasionally he’ll sneak bites of your food, and you of his.
When you’re done, you clear away the empty containers, sitting any leftovers in the fridge. Gojo sprawls out on the couch. He easily takes up any bit of space. The couch can hardly fit all 6-foot-something of Gojo. It hardly fits you. You've been meaning to look for another one, but haven't found the time to.
He opens his arms, and instinctively you go into them. You move so you can rest partially against the arm of the couch, Gojo's head leaning against your shoulder. His arms loop around your waist, his fingers lacing over your stomach.
It doesn't take him long to begin to drift off. He falls asleep in the crook of your neck. The low sound of the tv, combined with the warmth of his body makes you want to drift off to sleep. Sleeping on the couch like this isn't very good for your (or his) back, but you don't want to move.
The next time your eyes open, some late night game show plays, disturbing your sleep with loud music. The clock on the wall reads some time past two. It's hard to read the minute hand. You gently shake Gojo awake. One of his eyes cracks open and he lets out a soft “hm?”
“Come to bed,” you say, your arms wrapping around his neck, “it's late.”
His eyes close, and for a moment you think he’s drifted back off to sleep, when his grip around you tightens, and he’s rolling over on top of you.
“I think I’ll stay here with you, mochi,” he says, planting a wet kiss to your neck. The feeling of his lips on your neck makes you shiver.
And though he doesn't move, there's a look in his eyes that tells you he has something planned. You only notice too late that his grip never loosens, and the mischievous glint to his eyes. You couldn't wiggle out of it if you wanted to. You're effectively trapped.
He litters your neck with kisses, sending you into a giggling fit, and he doesn't stop until you’re begging him to. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes from laughing. Your nails dig into your palms so hard they leave little crescent-shaped indents.
When you finally settle down, he’s pulling you into his arms bridal style, heading for your shared room. The bed is still unmade from this morning. Neither of you bothered to put it away. You were busy, and the thought slipped your mind.
Gojo shoves the covers aside, pulling you to lay on his chest. His fingers gently trace up the curve of your spine as he watches the steady rise and fall of your chest. Goosebumps prickle your exposed skin. He’s careful with how he touches you, loving, and soft. It's like he’s trying to memorize every inch of your body. His heartbeat is audible. Steady, and quet, acting as a lullaby. Your eyes shut, but you’re still awake. The intimacy of the moment doesn't go over your head.
He thinks he could die happy at this moment. Any moment, with you, really. Even during fights, or nights where he doesn't come home until long after you’ve fallen asleep, and you’re left irritated with his lack of time. As long as you’re by his side, he’s content.
He doesn't give much to the thought of settling down. His work will never let him. Neither does he think much about having any biological children. You practically have two already. Settling down isn't really an option for the strongest. This is the closest he’ll get to it.
For now, he just thinks about the park, and the blue sundress you always wear when you go.
Not many people can say they’ve changed who Satoru Gojo is as a person—let alone for the better—but you’ve changed him twice. Once in your meeting behind the school, and once again tonight. He’s found the one.
The first debt is always the hardest to pay back. But you've paid it in full.
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letters-from-eros · 4 years
I know you don't have rules for that already but can I ask for relationship hc's for Chuuya and Dazai with a fem or gender neutral s/o?😳❤
A/N: Am I foaming from the mouth for my first BSD request? Maybe. I hope this is good though. I added in a short part on how they asked you out cause I wanted this to be different and unique from most dating HCs.
Pairing(s): Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara x GN!Reader
Warnings: Slight mention of suicide in Dazai's, cursing
Form: Headcanon
Also: These ran super duper long I'm so sorry
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You managed to cuff the suicidal maniac, huh?
Well done, my friend, well done
It took him so long to ask you out, and even when he did it wasn't planned. In all honesty, he never planned to tell you about his feelings. The excruciating part for him is that he did fall pretty fast, and realized he was falling even faster.
He didn't deny them, that wouldn't make it go away. He knew that. He sat and let it festered, hoping it would just disappear at some point.
Had the mindset of anything he loved he'd lose, y'know? Sad but so.
The way I'd imagine it happening is that you both are either working late at the ADA (with just the two of you there) or just at his place hanging out into all hours of the night.
Both of you are laughing at some dumb joke Dazai made and as the laughter dies out he feels.. Bittersweet. You make him feel genuinely happy, like there's no need to put on any mask or facade. That was not a feeling he had with anyone else.
Once silence fully overtakes you both it slips out of his mouth, purely on accident.
"I love you"
"More than suicide?"
"Y/n I'm serious!"
From that night forward you had the pleasure of being the partner of Dazai Osamu, with his feelings being released in an extremely cliche coming-of-age-movie way.
Okay, onto actually dating Dazai
Still goofy as all hell. Honestly the only thing that has really changed is the he lets you in a lot less hesitantly on small things. Its easier to put cracks in his walls, per se
Unbothered by PDA and will probably make out with you in public and not see why that isn't a thing that should be done or why you wouldn't like it.
(Just tell him if you don't, he'll get over it eventually)
Will kiss you everywhere, doesn't exactly have a favorite place, but where he does end up kissing you the most is your forehead for convenience. He'll kiss your wrist if he's holding your hand, too.
Clingy as all hell, always wants to be touching you in some way and becomes the biggest dramatic bitch when he can't be around you.
Kunikida will actually punt him if he says he'll die if he's away from you for another second. For the tenth time
No more suicide attempts once you two are dating, and doesn't ask for a double suicide with you because he knows it'll upset you quite a bit
He flirts with you like he's trying to get you to date him lmao he will never ease up, especially if it gets you bashful.
Dazai would NOT be dating you if he did not trust you a whole lot, so thats something that is pretty vital to the relationship.
That being said, please be understanding of the pieces of Dazai he keeps locked away to never see the light of day again and trust him just as much as he trust you. Its important especially if you don't want the relationship to be one-sided
Also with the high amount of trust he places in you, he doesn't get jealous easily. I mean he may get pissy that you're not giving him any attention but jealous is never the right word to use
Mf finally washes his fucking clothes once he starts dating you. Doesn't smell like the bottom of the ocean on a regular basis anymore.
Dates are always chill and rarely super extravagant. Park dates are often but Dazai's truly preferred date is snuggling inside, watching a few movies and slipping in and out of naps.
Belladonna is his go-to petname for you, of course, but he may bounce around with other petnames for kicks.
He will start calling you weird shit if you ignore him for to long.
Never raises his voice at you unless its in some joking manner. On the rare occurrence that you two have an argument he would need to get extremely riled up before he resorts to raising his voice. He tries to have patience and usually succeeds.
Dazai gets SO soft and SO loving sometimes, and it can be out of no where or something minuscule could have sparked it. All I know is that its nice and cute 🥰
He's usually pretty vulnerable himself when he gets like that so match his energy, alright? If you don't he might end up a little sour for some short amount of time and be more hesitant to get like that
10/10 Lover. This is by no means an effortless relationship, its a constant battle of figuring out boundaries, running into walls and respecting them. Dating Dazai isn't toxic if you treat him right and when you do? It definitely pays off.
(This got so long. I've had so much pent-up Dazai love and all around BSD love and I finally had an outlet to completely let it out)
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Okay, sorry. But this man is the love of my life, and he will be yours as well.
Took him a while to really figure out his feelings for you, or to better put it, it took him a while to label the feeling he had towards you "love"
But ONCE HE DID mans was practically whipped before you officially started dating omg.
You could notice the shift in attitude when he figured out his feelings. He got nervous, went stiff and blushy all against his will. Maybe a tad bit more snappy.
He'd try to keep his cool and then just eat shit and become a babbling angry mess.
After every encounter and interaction with you he'd end up overthinking all of it and when he catches himself doing that he gets so upset with himself. It's really when he realized that he won't be able to keep his feelings a secret forever.
Definitely started avoiding you when planning on the 🌈perfect🌈 way to ask you out and blamed work if you asked him why he was avoiding you.
Anyway, the way he asks you out was almost as calculated as a proposal.
He asks you to meet him at the port and dress comfortably towards the end of the day
When you get there, Chuuya has a nice place set up for you both. A blanket and a bottle of expensive wine because we all know he's lowkey an alcoholic along with a very nice view of the ocean/port.
Chuuya made sure it didn't radiate too much romantic energy to give his plans away; also, he wasn't that nervous. Once he gets truly determined to do something, he doesn't let something like anxiety get in the way of it. The idea of being rejected was essentially an afterthough
Made an effort to make sure he didn't drink too much and neither did you. He didn't want to take advantage of the possibility of you being drunk by the time he asks you out and he knows he himself has a low tolerance
Once the sun began to set is when he asks. Stutters a little bit towards the beginning but smooths it out.
"Y/n, I uh.. I brought you to tell you that I love you."
"Have you drank too much already, Chuuya?"
"No! I'm completely sober!"
It was overall super cute and unforgettable, just as he planned.
Honestly, being in a relationship with this boy is just 🥰
Spoils you so much. You'll deadass be dripped out head to toe purely in stuff Chuuya has bought you.
Dw, he has an alright sense of fashion
Don't try to discourage him, that'll only get him to buy more stuff.
Chuuya's short and the concept of a size difference doesn't bother him at all, he'll find a way to kiss you regardless lol
On the topic of kissing, his favorite places are your lips and hands
He takes of his gloves whenever he's with you and let me tell you his hands are the softest things ever. Albeit his knuckles are a little calloused sometimes.
If you're anything like me, you'd want his soft hands on you 24/7 and y'know what? Chu would happily oblige.
He isn't like the biggest fan of PDA but certainly isn't against it. He'd rather keep things behind doors as much as he can. Holding hands and small kisses on the cheek are very fine by him.
He isn't like the biggest jealous type? He doesn't become overly irate or anything but certainly doesn't take any pleasure in watching you talk to other guys.
Chuuya does have some form of self restraint when it comes to that. Him getting a lil jealous is one of the only things that'll have him completely make-out with you in public or smth
Chuuya is very snuggly and touchy behind closed doors. He practically becomes Dazai but a lot less goofy
Oh yeah he definitely rants about how much he fucking hates Dazai now n again
Isn't huge on petnames but definitely calls you them every now and again.
Princess, babe and baby are his top few.
Chuuya definitely has a morning voice where it drops 2 octaves and its just 🥰
Never yells at you, its pretty shocking. The only times he's ever raised his voice with you is when its very obvious that he's not genuinely upset with you. Almost for comedic affect because it is angry short boy Chuuya
One may think arguments are often with Chuuya, but they're sort of not. He may be a pretty stubborn individual but he never argues to argue unless its Dazai-
He always works towards and agreement to end the argument as soon as possible. He keeps his cool and will never raise his voice. You can barely call them arguments because of how much he tries to keep his cool.
When he's stressed or had a bad day he gets extremely quiet because he doesn't even want the opportunity to open his mouth and take it out on you. The only words he'll say to you while he's in that state is that he's stress and you didn't do anything wrong just to make sure you're not worried over it.
All and all? Chuuya is the best and there's no way around it. He has his faults but always tries to improve and be his best self for you :)
(I had even more pent-up love for Chuuya and it got even longer, whoops-)
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delaber · 4 years
Just Friends (Part 12)
Story Summary: After moving to America for a 3-month long internship, you meet two interesting characters on a boring night out.
Word Count: 4.6K
Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, minor drug use, smut, angst, slight dom!Rafa, swearing, and loads of British references (sorry not sorry lol)
Chapter Note: Okay so I probably should’ve tagged this story with angst. Whoops. Sorry guys
Tag List: lonelydance mysearchforgratification ramp-it-up blndspotting summerofsnowflakes exrthangel honeysucklechocolatedrippin captaintightpants58
Other Parts: See Masterlist
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On Friday at 11 pm, you practically ran out the door of the lab, happy that you had managed to get so much work done within the past week. You needed some well-deserved time off and you could not wait to see Rafa and party with him and his friends all night. You had changed into the green dress that Samantha had picked out for you and was careful not to get it all sweaty as you fast-paced to the closest metro-line, hopping on the first train, eager to party.
As you arrived outside the guys' house, you could tell that it was already packed with people as laughter and rap music was booming out of the open windows in the kitchen. With a significant bounce in your step, you walked to the front door and stepped inside. The music was almost unbearably loud inside the house as you took a look around the room.
With Diggs' birthday present in hand (a bottle of Scotch and some British toffees) you did a quick scan for either the birthday boy or Rafa but was interrupted by a voice coming from the kitchen, "are you looking for Daveed? ‘Cause he disappeared into the bathroom with a girl a couple of minutes ago," a beautiful woman smiled at you. You vaguely recognised her as the girl who'd played Rafa's girlfriend in Blindspotting.
"Glad to hear that he's enjoying his birthday," you laughed, "you wouldn't happen to know where I can find Rafael?"
The girl's eyes widened, "Ooh! You're the British chick that Rafa's been on and on about for months now!" she presented her hand to you, "I'm Jasmine."
You shook her hand but your mind was elsewhere, "Rafa's been on about me... for months?"
"Yeah! I first heard about you way back in November at our annual Thanksgiving-party. He didn't know how to woo you," Jasmine smiled warmly, "and when I saw him again on Christmas day, he was still talking about wooing you even though he hadn't seen you since."
"You're kidding me!" you laughed.
"Nope!" Jasmine joined you in laughing, "he was clearly wounded by how completely uninterested you were," she chuckled.
"Aw, that poor little famous man!"
"Yeah it does get to his head sometimes. So it's really great when someone like you finally shows up and forces him to take it down a notch."
"Always happy to kindly pick him apart," you joked.
"Oh, you did way more than that!" Jasmine smiled, "to this day he will not shut up about you," she groaned playfully, "what happened? Did he finally drop by your house as we all advised him to do?"
"Nope," you shook your head with a low chuckle, "we actually bumped into each other randomly at new years."
"Ugh, I knew he'd chicken out!" Jasmine sighed, "Well I'm glad to hear that it worked out anyway - even though I have to admit that it's slightly hurtful that he didn't take any of his friends' advice," she smiled, "especially since we all told him to do the same thing; just leave a damn note."
Although you were flattered that Rafa had been talking to his friends about you even before you'd bumped into him again on new years, you had to admit that it was mildly surprising too. You were slowly realising that Rafa may have downplayed exactly how much he had thought about you in the weeks between your first and second encounter.
Jasmine's voice brought you back to reality, "You got him good," she laughed, "I don't think he's had such a challenge in years! It clearly humbled him that you didn't throw yourself at him at the first chance you got. We all adore you for leaving him desperate for more on the curb."
"Glad to be of service!" You laughed as well, already fond of Jasmine. She seemed just as carefree and bubbly as Samantha.
"Why don't we go see if we can find him? I know he's been dying for you to get here, looking at his phone every two seconds," Jasmine smiled at you.
"Yeah, I've been looking forward to it too," you smiled.
"I think he's playing beer pong in the living room."
You put down Daveed's present on a small table and followed Jasmine to the next room where most of the party goers were either dancing, talking in clusters, or playing various drinking games. Just as Jasmine had predicted, Rafa was playing beer pong with a group of people looking excitedly at the game unfolding before them. Rafa was in a light shirt and black slacks, the golden bracelet he always wore swung loosely around his wrist. His hair was in its normal slight swoop, the stubble on his chin a bit longer than you'd seen it before. He looked damned good as he was laughing with his friends.
"Hey Casal!" Jasmine said and gained his attention.
Rafa looked up at her with an expectant look on his face, clearly waiting for her continue speaking. His gaze quickly flickered to you, and when your eyes finally met, he had the same reaction as the night you'd met on new years eve; eyes softening significantly, smile slowly cracking on his face until his mouth was spread as wide as it possibly could, a hand flying to his heart as he took in your appearance. Without breaking his eye contact with you, he padded his teammate on the back and mumbled something to him before he stepped over to you, immediately pulling you tight against his chest.
"Hi," he whispered softly against you, "fuck, you look amazing," he grumbled, "I love that dress," his hands slid over your back and came to a rest just above your hip bone.
"Thanks. You look very handsome," you threw your arms around his waist, and looked up at him, almost wishing you could kiss him.
"Is it the beard?" he smiled, a slight growl to his voice.
"Yeah, you look almost grown-up," you chuckled, "where's the snarky boy from the bar?"
"Oh, he's long gone," Rafa winked down at you before he let you go when his teammate shouted his name.
"Hey, why don't you go make yourself a drink and I'll join you shortly?" he smiled, and sent Jasmine a look that silently asked her to take care of you.
"Come," Jasmine tugged on your arm, "I could use a drink as well."
You reluctantly left Rafa to go back to his game of beer pong and followed Jasmine to the other end of the living room. You both mixed a piña colada from the self-service bar, and sat down in a vacant spot in the sofa.
You looked around at the rest of the people in the sofa area, eyes almost immediately interlocking with the man you had met in the living room as you had snuck out the door on January 1st. He looked at you playfully, "Oh hey! I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on!"
"Oh god," you groaned and laughed in the hopes of shrugging off the embarrassment you felt at the thought, "Definitely not my finest moment!"
"You don't say," he laughed and filled Jasmine in on what had happened that morning. Apparently, they knew each other as well.
"You walked out on Rafa on new years day as well?" Jasmine chuckled, "No wonder he was so grumpy when I called and wished him and Diggs a happy new year."
"Oof, you should've seen him when he found out you'd snuck out the door," the man sent you an anxious smile, "he was not happy! ...But you made up I'm guessing," he said, still smiling widely, "seeing as you're here and all."
"We did," you nodded, slightly embarrassed by how all of his friends apparently were involved in your situation but you shrugged it off with a joke, "so he only uses his friends to unload when he's frustrated? He hasn't even gotten around to tell you all about the happy ending and our rekindling friendship," you smiled.
"Yeah, he's a dick," Jasmine chuckled.
Sofa-man laughed, "Nah, we can take it. We all know that he's just insanely private about the women he fall in love with."
"The women he fall in love with?!!?!" You shrieked but no one really seemed to hear neither your voice nor your heart that was beating like crazy in your chest.
Rafa was in love????
"Oh come on," Jasmine rolled her eyes at sofa-man, "He's not private at all! He just hasn't had anyone to tell us about for years! You know Rafa. He's a big softie posing as a tough guy."
"Yeah, well that's true," the man laughed, "It's actually quite nice to finally meet the woman who was able to tie that boy down."
You felt yourself going dizzy. This was a lot to take in. Did you already mean as much to Rafa as his friends were implying? You were aware of the fact that he was insanely sexually attracted to you and that he was fond of your company - and if you were completely honest with yourself, you also knew that Rafa had a major crush on you but by the way his friends were talking about it Rafa had fallen in lo-
"Heeeeey!" a man behind you broke your stream of thoughts as he put his hands on your shoulders, "you came!"
You looked up to a smiling Daveed who looked quite tipsy.
"Daveed!" you did your best to look excited as if the news that Jasmine and the other guy had broken to you a few seconds before hadn't toppled you, "happy birthday!"
"Aw thanks," he hugged you, "did you say hi to Rafa? He's right over there," he pointed to an overly-confident Rafa who was juggling two ping pong balls.
"Yeah, we just came from over there," Jasmine laughed from beside you.
"Oh Jas!" Daveed said excitedly as if he'd only just realised that she was there, "I see you've finally met Rafa's girl!"
Before Jasmine had even had the chance to think of an answer, you swooped around, "not his girl," you pointed at Daveed and said for what felt like the millionth time since you'd gotten to know him. "I'm not Rafa's girl," you looked back at Jasmine and the man from January 1st too. They both shot you weird looks.
"Oh, trust me. You're his girl," Daveed snickered, apparently not catching on to your tone.
"I assure you I'm not!" you smiled sweetly, "we're just friends. Please stop calling me his girl. We’re friends,” you were aware that your voice was sounding desperate and pleadingly.
The smile finally disappeared from Daveed's face when he heard your tone of voice, "Are you sure Rafa's aware of that?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"He knows!" you nodded to convince him.
"Uh, that's not really the vibe he's been sending," sofa-man said quietly from behind you.
You looked between the three friends, all of them sending you concerned looks.
"Uuuuh.... I... I need to run to the bathroom real quick," you said suddenly and stood up from the sofa, grateful that your feet took you away from the conversation without you really having to steer them. They walked in the opposite direction of the bathroom, steering towards the pool area outside instead. Air! You needed air!
You quickly walked by Rafa and his group of friends playing beer pong, praying that he didn't see you, but luckily it seemed as if he was far too concerned with the last cup standing in front of the opposite team to notice anything else.
Quickly, you opened the door to the outside, snaked your way out and slid it soundlessly shut behind you. You sat down on a bench overlooking the pool thinking about what Rafa's friends had said. Was he really so smitten with you? You couldn't decide whether you felt happy or suffocated. You were going home in a week for crying out loud! If Rafa had fallen in love with you it would complicate things a bunch! You cursed yourself for having played along for so long when deep down you knew that it was bound to happen to at least one of you. You felt like a bloody idiot!
Although... if you were completely honest with yourself, you had to admit that Rafa wasn't the only one who was smitten; you had fallen for him pretty hard as well. You had tried to fight it relentlessly but in the end his sincere nature and sweet gestures had made cupid shoot heart-shaped arrows at you. You thought of the last couple of weeks and how hard it had been for Rafa to keep his hands to himself. It had been quite sweet how involuntary it had all been and how he had practically touched or kissed you at every chance he got. He just couldn't help himself. The thought alone of his helpless, wandering hands made the butterflies flutter awake in your stomach. And you realised that even though you had fought hard to avoid it, you were actually crazy in love with him too. It felt as if you were high as you finally let yourself indulge in the feeling of being in love with him. The feeling ended abruptly, however, as you realised that the two of you didn't have a happy ending. That you still had to go home. That everything was indeed screwed.
Your train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the door behind you sliding slightly open before it was closed again. Not two seconds later, you were joined by Daveed who sat down next to you.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked you as he put a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Yep!" you said a little too chipper to sound believable.
"Is it Rafa?"
You didn't know why you had felt the need to pretend in front of Daceed, so you immediately let down your guard, "how'd you guess," you sighed unenthusiastically.
"What'd the idiot do now?" he too sighed.
"He didn't do anything."
"What are you sitting out here all sad for then?"
"Because I just had an epiphany," you looked up at Daveed.
"An epiphany?" He sent you an amused smile, "sounds interesting. About what?"
"About Rafa," you squinted at him as if the sun was blinding you, "I think we're in love..."
Daveed's smile grew wide, "oh, great! So you finally admit it? He's going to be stoked!"
"It's not exactly great news..."
"Why not?" Daveed laughed, "when is being in love ever bad news?"
"It is when one part is leaving the country in a week," you shot him a pained expression.
"Oh. Yeah," Daveed said slowly, his sassiness visibly dropping to zero, "That part sucks, I know."
"Which is why I don't understand why you aren't in there soaking up every last minute you have left with him."
"Ugh," you buried your face in your hands, a small desperate laugh escaping your lips, "because this is so complicated. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm usually so in control!"
Daveed laughed, "well I for one know that Rafa has been desperate to get you to drop the act and just smooch him already."
"Oh my god," you laughed into your hands, "I can't believe he's even involved all of his friends. Jasmine and that guy you were hanging with on new years day knew exactly who I was. They told me that Rafa's been ready from the beginning because I was so dismissive towards him."
"Yeah, you spellbound him," Daveed laughed.
"Did I bring this upon myself?" You squinted up at Daveed.
"You're putting too much on your own shoulders. Rafa knew from the get-go that you had to go back to Europe after a couple of months - granted, at first, I think he just saw you as an interesting fuck, but he could've stepped out when he realised that he wanted to hold you tight and buy you hotdogs and what not," he elbowed you with a laugh.
"Yeah... yeah you're right. Do you think he'll handle it alright when I go fly back home?"
He smiled secretively, "he's probably gonna go full emo."
You looked up at Rafa's best friend who you knew would have his work cut out for him, "sorry..."
"Not your fault," Daveed laughed, "and I'm guessing that you'll still keep talking and maybe fly back and forth when you have the chance. I can handle emo-Rafa if you just handle happy-Rafa."
"Sounds like a fair distribution of roles," you laughed before going all serious, "what do I do now?"
"You tell him of course," Daveed smiled brightly, "and you two just enjoy the upcoming week. I'll find somewhere to stay so you can have crazy monkey sex all over the house without having to think about the cock-block of a roomie," he winked at you.
"You truly possess big 'best mate'-energy," you laughed.
"I do," he nodded.
You smiled at him for a second before the seriousness of the situation hit you again, "wow, I wish I wasn't so..." you couldn't find the right word.
"European?" Daveed finished.
"Yeah," you chuckled, "if I didn't live so fucking far away from here, it'd be a completely different situation."
"I know," Daveed said and hugged you, "cheer up. It's gonna suck for a while but you'll find a way."
"Thanks," you mumbled into his shoulder.
You were still hugging when you heard the door slide open behind you.
"I thought I saw you two out here," Rafa's voice called happily when he stepped outside.
Daveed slowly let go of you, allowing you to turn around and face Rafa who had a large grin plastered on his face.
"My best friend and my... other friend," he smiled drunkenly, "what a sight."
"I'll give you two some privacy," Daveed said with a wink before he went inside.
Rafa took Daveed's seat next to you, immediately pulling you close, "why were you and Diggs sitting out here all alone? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," you smiled up at him, "yeah, everything's good."
"So you don't know why Jasmine looked at me all worried just before?"
"I kind of ditched her," you sent him an apologetic look.
"Aw, you don't like Jas?"
"I do! I just had to get some air and clear my head," you smiled.
"Yeah? Long day at the office?"
"You have no idea!" You laughed, "I hope you had a better day than I did."
"Mmh, I'm having the best day," he buried his face in your neck, "It's Diggs' birthday and you're here with me and I'm just having a really, really great night."
"Alright," you laughed, "well, in connection with that, I have something to tell you that I hope will make it even better," you grinned while he nuzzled against your neck. He was being really cute and you couldn't help but laugh at him, "this is a big deal, could you not act like a lovesick puppy right now?"
"No," he kissed your collarbone, "what do you want to tell me," he chuckled drunkenly.
You took a deep breath, "Rafa -"
"Mmmh," he interrupted you with a growl as he licked his lips, "I love it when you say my name," he grinned up at you.
"Be serious for once!" You laughed, "I'm about to blow your mind over here!"
"Mmmh, can't wait," he smiled, lips inching closer and closer to yours, his eyes glistening in the dim light from the pool. He smelled of beer and whiskey and it made you feel both adventurous and safe at the same time. His right hand was warm against the back of your neck as he closed the distance between you, his lips moving slowly and sensually against yours while his left hand was stroaking your thigh. He was humming slightly as he moved his body closer to you, the hand he had on your neck travelling to the middle of your thoracic spine where he pushed slightly, bringing your torso even closer to his. Kissing Rafa and finally allowing yourself to do so without feeling bad about it felt more amazing than you had ever imagined, and you felt your heart explode in a heap of colours as you both poured yourself into the slow kiss. All the nervousness you'd felt only moments before was now gone, and you suddenly couldn't wait to tell him that you were in love with him. Slowly, you pulled your lips away from his, earning yourself a small whimper from him.
"Rafa," you tried once more.
"I know, I know. You don't have to say anything," he stated flatly with a smile, his words a bit slurred from the alcohol, "I already know what you're gonna say."
"You do?" Amused, you arched an eyebrow at him.
"Yeah," he smiled confidently, "you're gonna call me out for kissing you and for wanting to fuck your brains out, and you're gonna remind me of your code and the fact that you're leaving in 7 days and blablabla," he said cockily, "and because I care about you, I'll pretend that I care about your code, so I'll tell you sorry and that I'll be on my best behaviour, and you'll accept my apology and I'll patiently wait for the next opportunity and start all over again until you finally say to hell with it all and act like you really want to. And around it goes," he smirked, his lips suddenly close to yours again, "does that sound about right?"
You blinked a few times while his words settled in your brain. Did he just say what you think he did? "Wait what? Hold up Rafa. Back up a second; You patiently wait for opportunities to overstep the boundaries of the friendship that we both agreed on? You keep pushing until I say to hell with it and let you do whatever you want?" You repeated with closed eyes, wondering if you'd understood him correctly, "are you saying that you did all of those more-than-friendly touches, and hugs, and kisses on purpose? That you were in fact able to keep your hands to yourself but you pretended not to be so you could make me say 'to hell with it?'," you looked at him rather unimpressed.
"I wanted to win you over," he shrugged with a crooked smile, "did I manage? It feels like I managed," he snickered. He did not look as cute right now as he had done only seconds before, the smell of beer and whiskey suddenly a tad bit sickening.
"So what you're saying is that you lied and pretended to be interested in being friends with me when in reality, all you could think about was planning your next move so I'd let you screw me?"
"Aw, come on. You're making me sound like a villain," he groaned.
"Rafa, let me get straight with you," you said sternly, "Don't you understand that I made those rules so this wouldn't happen?"
He finally seemed to understand the severity of the situation, "so what wouldn't happen?" He spoke in an offended tone as he straightened up.
"So we wouldn't fall for each other! And now I find out that you had an elaborate scheme to get me to throw myself at you when I told you specifically that I was not interested in that? What kind of a sociopat does that?" You stood up from the bench, anger bubbling more and more in your veins as you slowly realised what he'd done, "what the fuck, Rafa?!"
"You think I did it completely for myself?" He asked calmly but with offence still staining his tone of voice, "you think I did it to somehow lure you into sleeping with me? You really don't see that I did it because I thought you deserved to listen to your instincts for once instead of doing what you think is the right thing to do?"
"You had no right!"
"Hey, don't you dare put all the blame on me!" His voice was raised slightly as he too stood up from the bench, "you were just as bad at keeping your hands to yourself as I was! Inviting me up for tea and fucking cuddling," he spat.
"I had one weak moment!" You held up your finger.
"Oh don't give me that shit! You had several! How about kissing me in the living room after the concert? And a few days ago in Diggs' car? Or masturbating in front of me - or even whipping out your tits in the bathroom when you know I'm crazy about you?"
"That's the problem, Rafa! I thought you were just sexually frustrated! Had I known you were bonkers about me this whole time, I wouldn't have allowed it to come this far!"
"Oh you wouldn't have allowed it?" He said in a wild tone of voice, "well I'm fucking sorry for having my own free will. As if I need your permission to fall for you."
"I can't believe that I got caught up in your web," you scoffed. Mostly to yourself, "I mean; I knew you were dangerous! I knew you'd have the ability to smooth talk your way into my heart - but never in my wildest imagination did I think that you'd screw me over and do all of this on purpose to get me to fall for you. What did you do it for? Did you do it to check off the girl who rejected you? Self gratification? Bragging rights to your mates? A couple of weeks of sex? What Rafa?"
"Oh fuck you," he spat, "don't give me that shit when you're clearly just as crazy about me as I am about you."
"I'm not sure I am anymore," you said rather childishly.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that so you can fuck off back to England without ever having to think of me again," he panted, "is that what you want? Is that really what you think is realistic? If you think you can put me in a box labelled 'my PhD-trip to California' and never think of me again, then you're clearly not as clever as I thought you were. Do you really think that just because you've tried to stay abstinent, that you could leave every thought of me across the ocean?" His voice broke as he took a step closer to you.
"I don't know what I thought," you said calmly, eyes piercing through him, "clearly, it was a mistake to engage in anything with you."
He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down so he could be rational, "look, I'm sorry if I tricked you. It really wasn't my intention and I clearly made a mistake and you got hurt. I just need you to understand that I didn't do it on purpose; I just wanted to get you to act on your feelings instead of staying in your head. I just wanted you to enjoy your time here. With me."
"You ruined it, Rafa," you said slowly, "I don't care if you hurt me on purpose or not. You still did. You manipulated me."
"Baby come on," he croaked, his voice cracking.
"I'm not your baby," you whispered.
You looked at each other for a few seconds, his eyes drunk and hurt. "Is this is then?" He croaked with desperate hands gesturing to nothing in particular, "do you really think that my actions are so unforgivable that we can't see each other anymore?"
"No, it's not unforgivable. I just don't see the point in forgiving you when I leave in a bit anyway."
"You're breaking my heart," he said quietly.
"You broke mine first."
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hey!! Ok so about me ummm i have curly/wavy brown hair, a bit longer than my shoulders, and hazel eyes. My personality, im very talkative but still introverted and i get awkward at events where i dont know a lot of ppl (i still love partying and dancing w friends tho) so i am a fan of my down time that involves either reading, writing, or watching tv. i love talking to people and friends, I’ll always listen if someone needs to vent to me and I love hearing ppl talk about their nerdy sides lol. i also tend to ramble a bit in conversations and im open to sharing a lot of things about myself. I’m also a very honest person who keeps it real with people and is straightforward about how i’m feeling and i like honesty from other ppl as well. I sing in choir and love music, I’m also sort of into theater, I’ve watched a good amount of musicals and LOVE Funny Girl. I read a lot, mostly cheesy romance books like red white and royal blue or to all the boys i loved before. I also love Harry Potter and can talk about that for ages. Feel free to ship me w who you think is best I’ll love anything but if it helps, part of me kins todd bc of his anxiety, i really feel like charlie is my spirit animal at times, i just resonate with his vibe, and i love neil. Thanks!! :)
beth !!!<3 i hope i did justice with this and you like it just as much as the anderperry piece from the other night (; thank you for all you do. here it is:
going to ship you with the cutest little baby himself, todd anderson. even though you’re very similar in terms of personality, you were juuuust a tad more outgoing than him, which allowed him to open up really well because you showed him how (:
neil would love talking theater with you. he’d try to convince you to come tryout for the upcoming play, but when you refused nicely, he took it in stride, just grateful that he was able to geek out with someone about something that meant a lot to him
he’d be so, so supportive of you singing in choir and would always take initiative in planning how he and all the other poets would get to and from your recitals
you and todd would grow together so much in your relationship, moving forward with your social anxieties, and making your bond that much stronger (see: “grow as we go” by ben platt)
you and cameron got on fairly well, mostly he just helped you with any school work you would get confused on (and he always found you cute, but never ever said anything in respect for both you and todd)
consider you and meeks the hugest harry potter geeks in the friend group, charlie giving you guys a hard time about it. but once you lent him your books, he would join the discourse between you and meeks, wanting to know what house he’d be in and talking about hp nonstop
having to encourage todd to trust himself as a person and open up a bit more was a hard task at times, but he’d just watch your example of how honest and comfortable you seemed with yourself, and it got easier as the months went on
sitting in a room with knox, charlie, and neil listening to them rant about how much they didn’t want to follow in their dads’ footsteps, and only giving advice if they asked (they were just thankful that you listened to them)
todd would fully understand and respect your down time/alone time, asking if there was anything you’d need to have a nice afternoon to yourself
even if you didn’t say you needed anything, a new book and a couple of hand-written original poems would find their way onto your desk while you were out (:
charlie always giving you a “hard time” for how you were so quiet in class, but would talk nonstop when it was just you and the poets (“do you want me to not be comfortable around you guys ? because i can make that happen,” you’d say. to which his response [slightly panicked] would be, “no ! of course not, i’m merely making an observation and  commenting”
you and todd finding a nook somewhere on campus where you could just sit and read together, enjoying the silence and each other’s company
you and pitts would most certainly have a show that you would binge together; hours at a time. i mean seriously, to the point where meeks would have to check if you guys were still alive after he’d been in a study group all afternoon on the weekends
todd would also love to play with your hair because it was so pretty (i’m sure a description of your looks was utilized in countless poems of his)
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on the night of one of your choir performances, you had left the poets in the midst of an argument about how todd didn’t want pitts to wear his plaid blazer because todd wanted to wear his, claiming it was “his girlfriend’s performance and wanted to look good,” (which he always did in his plaid blazer and black slacks). neil was worried they’d be late, constantly checking his watch, and charlie was running around messing up cameron’s and pitts’ hair for fun.
by the time they had gotten to the performance hall and seated, the lights were dimming. neil was just glad that they got there on time, and todd was so excited to see you doing something you loved. needless to say, you were the star of the show, and todd’s eyes were gleaming as he watched you (later on he’d tell you that he’d never heard something so pretty come out of someone’s mouth ever). when the performance was over, they would cheer so loud, earning dirty looks from all the preppy parents in attendance. you’d be so excited to see the boys, but todd in particular. after you came out of the stage door, they’d all be waiting, todd holding a bouquet of flowers, and the other boys giving you a humongous round of applause (complete with “whoops”/shouts) and congratulating you on doing such a good job.
“you are amazing, beth,” charlie and neil would say, giving you big hugs. the other boys would agree, and you’d turn to todd who held the bouquet out to you, clearly speechless. he kept starting to say something, but could just give you the most humongous hug ever,
“you are everything,” he’d say quietly just so you could hear. he truly didn’t know how to convey just how much you left him in awe, but when you woke up to a poem about it on your desk the next morning, it meant that much more to have him in your life.
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redhawtriot · 5 years
IM DYING for some domestic things, can I please have small request about it? What if Bakugo, Kirishima, Shigaraki and Dabi (seperated, obviously) coming home and bringing one cutie plusiu for their unborn child? Sorry for wxtra fluff I just need more cute things in our lifes 😭 YOU R AWESOME HAPPY ONE MONTH LUV YA
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had to do this one right away! Sorry if some of these are very narrow-minded views on expecting children! I know surrogacy and adoption are also options! Let me know in the comments if those are things you guys would like to see as well!
But I got too excited when I saw this! lol The mucus filled disaster where my heart is supposed to be jumped for joy when I read this prompt!
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When you first met Dabi, one of your very first presumptions about the man was that he should never have offspring. 
That’s not to say that you were not immediately drawn to his physical looks and demeanor, rather you just couldn’t picture such a stoic man ever having the visceral capacity in his cold heart to care much about anyone besides himself. 
It wouldn’t be until much later than your initial meeting where these feelings would be fully swayed– passed when you got to know him better and saw his standoffish mask fade away, revealing a loyal, surprisingly warm man– passed becoming romantically involved with him and finding him putting aside his own slight needs at times to fulfill yours– passed even your first pregnancy together. 
It was the day of your child’s birth that you knew just how much of a kind-hearted creature your partner could be. 
You already knew that he wouldn’t be able to attend the birth. He was a known “terrorist” after all. The sight of him in a hospital would only end in havoc.
Those people— always quick to label anyone who won’t conform under their oppression with such othering terms.
You gave a quick glance to your sleeping daughter, immediately feeling a heaviness in your heart. The picture just wasn’t complete without Dabi.
Yes, it hurt to be alone but you reminded yourself that you would soon return from the hospital to reunite your little untypical family.
But for the moment, you could only sleep and let your body heal from child birth.
A familiar sound suddenly chipped away at your peaceful unconscious, “You are so beautiful. Just like your mom, huh?”
Was that Dabi?
You tried to pry your heavy eye lids open and call out to him but only a slight tired groan came out.
“Go back to sleep, Y/N,” you felt a warm hand rub your cheek, “You did a good job. Rest up,” you tried to fight against your sleepiness but the soothing nature of his touch eventually dragged you back to sleep.
“You are perfect. I… I didn’t know I could feel so much for one person. God, I am going to spend every moment of my life protecting you until the day I die, baby girl.”
“Dabi!!” You gasped. You finally snapped your body up, and ignored the searing pain in your lower abdomen and you crazily searched the room for the father of your child.
Your heart sagged at his absence.
However on the visitors chair next to your daughters plastic crib was a large array of pink stuff animals and hearts.
You dragged yourself off of the bed and scuttled to the display of rosy penguins and pigs and bears and saw a card with a lone pink balloon on the front.
Curiously, you slowly opened the card,
I hope this doesn’t gross you out, me being all soft and everything, but as soon as I saw her I wanted to give her absolutely everything. My baby girl is the most precious thing I have ever seen.
I’m so proud of you. You did a good job, babe. Heal up and come home soon, kay?
I can’t wait to hold my girls again.  
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He was beyond happy to become the father to your children. Words wouldn’t even be able to begin to describe the pure and overwhelming feelings of joy that he felt as he bounced out of the doors of the drug store near your house.
He glanced down to a torn piece of a magazine the two of you had lying around the house, checking the small list he made one more time before he left the stores premises: 
Vitamin B6
 A plush crocodile
Left Twix
pregnancy test
Yep! All accounted for! He had practically no trouble at all finding most things on the list, but the plush crocodile was a bit harder than he expected.
He had asked an associate about the plush toy in hopes of finding it, but they only had alligators.
“But this is a stuffed alligator. See?” As Kirishima pointed to the stuffed animals face, the associate only became confused, so Kiri explained further, “The nose shape is all wrong. It has to be a crocodile? Are you sure this all you have?”
It was indeed all they had. Kirishima let out a small sigh, but honestly not even the drug store’s reptile discrimination could bring his day down!
“My wife is pregnant!” He exclaimed with an extremely proud smile to a couple he passsed as he made his way into his car. One of the strangers immediately cheered him on with a loud “whoop whoop!” before his boyfriend smacked him on the shoulder for the wild display.
Meanwhile, you couldn’t believe how long it was taking your husband to return home from the store. You bounced your leg uncomfortably as you waited on your living room couch.
He was only supposed to be picking up one thing! The longer you sat and waited for him to return, the more your nerves stacked upon each other.
You’re heart flipped in your chest as your front door suddenly opened. You quickly stood from the couch, “You got it?”
He hurried up to you, “Yep! Here, go take the test!” He pressed a kiss on your cheek and frantically handed you an already opened pregnancy test like a baton in a race.
You raised an eyebrow to him, before pausing as you caught a glance at the flowers in his other hand. You shook your head in disbelief, “Eiji look, I told you not to get too excited,” you pointed an accusing finger as you walked away toward to bathroom, “The test we took was old. It might have been a fake positive,” you hollered from the bathroom after shutting the door.
He followed you to the bathroom, but remained fidgety on the other side, “Well I know for a fact that it wasn’t a fake positive,” he replied with a slightly smug tone as he tried to mask his own nervousness.
“Oh yeah?” You laughed at his smugness, “Well… would that be such a bad thing?” You tried to sound lighthearted as you stared at the stick in front of you and waited for the second line to appear.
The two of you hadn’t really been planning for a child. You hadn’t ever really even talked about having children much, so when you missed your period last week and became sick this morning, this response from Kirishima was very unexpected.
He was way happier than you would have thought he would be. Just when you thought your beam of light couldn’t get any happier….
God, you didn’t want to let him down.
Suddenly Kirishima heard you scream on the other side of the door.
The man immediately burst through the door accidentally busting a portion of the frame, “Oh man, S-sorry. But WHAT IS IT!?”
“Happy face!” A smile split your face as you threw yourself at him for a hug.
“T-that means pregnant!?” He frantically stuttered, frozen in place.
“That means pregnant!” You hopped up and down.
He wasted no time at all as you scooped you up into his arms. The both of you laughed in unbelievable glee as he carried you to the living room and sat you down on the couch. He swiftly handed you the flowers, “Here you go, baby mama.” You laughed at his phrasing as he reach somewhere behind him to grab his drug store plastic bag.
“And these,” he smiled up at you, “for your stomach.”
Chocolate and…. B6?? What even is that? You threw him a confused glance, so he immediately explained.
“I was talking to a lady by the pharmacy about your morning sickness,” no wonder he took so long, you laughed at his diligence as he continued, “She said B6 can help. So the vitamins will do good for your stomach, and the chocolate will taste good for your stomach.”
Your face almost hurt from how hard your were smiling, “God, you really went all out! You really are hard headed you know that?”
“Only the best for my girls,” he argued as he pulled the stuffed alligator from behind his back.
“Oh my goodness!!” You explained with a laugh, the two of you always got each other crocodile things. The first thing you ever said to him in high school was a mocking joke about his choice in footwear—crocs. You laughed, “You think its a little girl, huh? Well, I think it’s a hard headed little boy just like his dad.”
“I guess we’ll see,” he said as he pecked you on the lips.
“I guess we will.” You smiled back at him.
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The two of you weren’t exactly on the greatest of terms. What was meant to be a drunken fling ended up turning into, in your opinion, a long, drawn out train-wreck of a relationship– if you could even call it that. 
You swear that that man has the mentality of a child, and it seemed like every time he would take a step toward the grand goal of maturity, something would come by and knock him two steps back again. 
So it was obviously not a shock to you that the overgrown baby was no where near prepared to raise a baby of his own. You almost expected him to storm off sooner than he did when you told him you were pregnant.
But he just stared at you.
“What? Would you stop staring at me like I’m some alien now?” you had thrown your hands on your hips as if to undermine any overwhelming feelings he had, “You did this to me!!” you had foolishly screamed at him, causing him paused in shock before storming away as you feared he would.
How could you say that to him? Then again, you knew you had your faults as well. After all you were the one who hid the pregnancy until you had begun to show. 
It was just too much for you to bare– the thought of being left alone to raise a snotty little thing, the thought of him staying and you being forced into a failing relationship, the thought of what kind of fucked up hero society you would raise the thing in. All of these thoughts festering in your mind over the past few months boiled into a harden crust and weighed down upon your mind. 
“Shit…” you sighed under your breath, finally releasing the flood of emotions that you had been holding back for all of these months in a wave of tears.
“Y/N,” Shigaraki’s voice suddenly snapped you out of your despairing trance, “Here,” he harshly shoved a soft object into your face much like a student would an unseemly note to his classmate. 
You looked down at the object and was completely surprised by what you saw, “A bear…?” you gawked at the plush object. He hadn’t ever bought you any gifts before.
“I wasn’t planning on staying with you,” he said very simply, his words sending a sharp pain through your heart.
Your still teary eyes blinked a few times as you tried to hold back your inevitable crying, “O-okay? I-“ he suddenly cut you off,
“I’m not as stupid as you might think. I can see that you are unhappy with me, so I was gonna just drop this… us,” he trailed off as if he were carefully preparing his next set of words, so you sat in silence and waited for them,
He finally spoke, “but knowing that we are expecting a child makes me really happy. Because it’s with you. I will… try to make you happier.”
You immediately wrapped your arms around him and held him closer to you than you ever had before, as if you were finally becoming one with him. You honestly didn’t know if the two of you would work out, but hearing those words come from him would make all of the difference in the possibility.
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“GOD DAMMIT! THE BRAT’S ON FIRE AGAIN, Y/N!!” You heard your husband screech from the other side of the house.
“WHAT?! ALREADY!?” You gave a groan in annoyance as you walked down the hall. You could already see light from the flames your son was probably swallowed up in in your living room. You shook your head in exasperation.
As soon as Bakugou spotted you coming, he threw you and expectant look, causing you to throw you hands on your hips as you chastised him, “Well, don’t just stand there looking at me! Grab the extinguisher!”
He immediately became defensive, “What do you think I am trying to do, you idiot! I can’t find it!” He roared back over your sons terrified screams.
“What do you mean you can’t find it?! We have one in every room now!” You screamed back as you picked up your son and hugged him close. The boy dropped something from his hand as you did so.
It was a blessing that you had just come back from work and had your fireproof hero costume on. You already had a full store of clothes that your young toddler had burned through. You patted him on his flaming back in a feeble attempt to soothe him. He continued wailing still.
Your poor baby! You knew he had your fire proof cells, but he was still terrified.
“Babe! Where’s that damn extinguisher!?” You called out.
“You must have moved it earlier this morning when he scorched your shirt!” He accused angrily.
“Oh crap. Well, grab the one from the kitchen, or playroom! And that was more than a scorch and you know it! My favorite blouse looked like a teenage bonfire,” You tried to defend yourself.
“Put me out mommy! Put me out!” Your son sobbed, clinging tightly to your chest as the flames raged around him, “we need ‘wata’!” Your heart broke a little at his hiccups and gasps,
“We can’t use water, baby,” your fire breathing quirk along side Bakugou’s oily nitroglycerin sweat resulted in a pretty terrifying combination for a small child who had a habit of setting himself on fire. The oily fire would only surge if you used water to extinguish it. That’s why you had special extinguishers made just for these occasions, “if DADDY FINDS AN EXTINGUISHER you’ll be okay! Remember? It doesn’t hurt.”
Bakugou suddenly burst back into the room, “I FOUND IT!” He screeched like a battle cry as you held your son an arms length away. Much like you often practiced, Bakugou flipped the nozzle of the red container and released the foamy continents as they sprayed all over your son.
You quickly calmed him down and cleaned him off as Bakugou ran to grab him some more clothes. The two of you worked like a well oiled machine as you swiftly dressed him and consoled him out of his sobs.
Your son eventually cried himself into a nap, meaning you’d have at least 2 hours to prepare for the next inevitable incident. You sighed as you slumped down onto the couch next to an already sprawled Bakugou, “What are we gonna do with this boy,” you shook your head.
“Train him how to use his damn quirk,” he huffed.
You sat up defensively, “We do!”
“Yeah, a few minutes a day,” he spat back.
“He’s a toddler, Katsuki, Jesus!” your face upturned.
“Tell him that! He’s the one spontaneously combusting!” he loudly argued, “Besides, he’ll be four in like a month.” 
It was a rare occurrence that he obtained his quirk so early. The two of you hadn’t expected it for years. 
But doctors theorized that quirks would soon come earlier in age as their power grew— your son might just be among the first of a new era. Different things like diet, stress, activity could all also trigger the quirks to come sooner.
“Well the doctors said his outbursts could be stress related!” Your face shriveled. You weren’t so ignorant to think that yours and Katsuki’s interactions weren’t stressful for a small child. It’s not that you guys weren’t happy together. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Loud and passionate was just the dynamic that the two of you shared, but your son was gentle and nervous somehow. Much like your brother. You shook your head as guilt ate away at your heart, “God, only three years in and we are messing him up already.”
“He’s not fucking messed up!” Your husband argued “He’s perfect!” He announced proudly. This sent a wave of happiness into your heart.
You never really expected Bakugou to be the doting father type, but he had pleasantly surprised you the past few years at how passionate he was about raising your son. Of course there were times where you would question his harsher parenting methods, but all in all, he was a very good, supportive, present father.
You looked up at him proudly, “Yeah,” you agreed with a soft smile.
“Plus, I fixed our plush toy issue,” your husband huffed, “that probably why he was easier to calm the hell down than usual.”
“Our… what?” You raised an eyebrow.
“You really didn’t notice? Are you fucking serious?” He sounded almost hurt, “You said he get’s even more worked up when he’s upset about melting or destroying his toys during his tantrums. So I fixed that problem,” he pointed to the scorched carpet in front of you and that’s when you noticed a small, unscathed plush doll.
Your heart melted. It was a little cute Ground Zero doll! “Oh! Wow! How long has he had that?!” You excitedly exclaimed as you bent down to pick up the fluffy Bakugou.
“I just had the agency brand them yesterday. It’s a fireproof prototype,” he gruffly explained nonchalantly. You immediately leaned over to him to give your thoughtfulness sweetheart of a man a kiss but he harshly threw his face away from you so you only caught his cheek.
All these years, and he still hated affection, “Whatever,” you huffed,  “I have a new man anyway,” you teased, causing him to angrily whip his head back towards you, only to see you placing a kiss on the small plushie.
Suddenly you heard an explosion coming from your sons room, followed by familiar terrified wails, “MOMMYYY! PUT. ME. OUUUUUUT!”
Both you and Bakugou sighed before you angrily punched him on the arm for his loud mouth.
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nattikay · 3 years
Woke up this morning with the sudden overpowering urge to make some fursuit heads and decided I shouldn’t squander it so I went to the store to get some foam and extra hot glue and got started wooo
In the past I have made a total of 3.5.5 heads (3 finished ones and 2 unfinished ones). The first three were foam bases, the very first of which being NattiKay 1.0, the second being a commission (“Tucker”), and the last being a random character made from the leftover materials (nicknamed “Purple Guy” since that was the primary fur color), which never got finished. I had finished the base and was halfway through sewing the fur when I graduated and decided not to bring him home with me cuz he took up more space in the car than he was worth. Purple Guy currently resides in my friend Talon’s care, and perhaps maybe possibly will one day get that majestic purple coat glued on but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  who knows lol
That was all about 2-3 years ago, though. Since then I have made Natti 2.0 started Natti 3.0 (got close to finishing the latter but it was my first time trying to shave down the fur with actual clippers and I didn’t do a very good job so I want to refur her but have not yet gotten around to it). However, both of these were done on 3D print bases rather than foam bases. 3D print bases definitely have their pros, but they also have their cons. One of these is the open back--it wasn’t too big a deal with 2.0 since her face is so short, and did make travel easier since she can “collapse”, but it’s been a struggle with 3.0, who is longer and heavier, and I’ve had trouble finding a way to wear her comfortably without slipping out of position--which in itself might have been overlookable (depending on how uncomfortable the slipped position is) were it not for the fact that she’s meant to have a moving jaw, which doesn’t function unless my chin stays in exactly the right spot. Given that having the moving jaw was the whole POINT of making 3.0...well, that’s an issue lol. Then there’s the fact that since I do not own a 3D printer, I’d either have to order it from some manufacturer or ask Talon to do it (he owns a printer and printed 2.0 for me) and have him ship it to me, and alas both of these options would take way more time than I’m currently prepared for as I feel like by the time they actually got here my rush of motivation/inspiration will have fled r.i.p.
SOOOOOO I decided to dip my toes back into good ol’ foam bases. I want to make 2-3 if I can keep up the stamina for it (though whether they will actually get furred or just remain blank bases for maybe-later-use, well, we’ll see what I’m up for after all the foam sculpting lol). I’m gonna start with at least a canine and a feline; if I decide to continue on to furring I’ll probably pick some friends’ characters or something. Not planning to do Natti again since as previously mentioned I already have 2.5 of her, buuuut if I like how these come out, and am not burned out, I miiiiight just make another of her haha whoop
Anyways, I started the canine today. Spent about 5 hours on it before calling it a day...I think it’s coming out pretty good so far! Definitely not done, there’s still foam to add and spots to smooth, but I think it’s a decent start, and if nothing else definitely a step up from my previous foam bases.
Pics and more rambling about the process under the cut:
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Like I said, still not finished...but a decent start!
I am using a pretty similar process to the one I used before, but with a few adjustments that have (so far) made a huge difference. One is the technique I used to shape the muzzle which looks sO MUCH BETTER than the other one hnnnggg!!
The other is starting the “bucket” base with half-inch foam instead of one-inch foam, which makes the overall head smaller and lighter. 
To show what I mean, here’s le WIP doggo next to Natti 1.0 (my first ever suit attempt don’t judge too hard ^^”), who as you can see is way bulkier:
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Definitely a notable difference!
For perhaps a better comparison, since Natti 1.0 is furred, here’s some old pics I dug up of Purple Guy’s base--aka my most recent foam base before WIP doggo
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........yyyeah I like to think WIP doggo is an improvement oof ^^;
Anyways, here’s hoping the current project(s) come out well!
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asirensrage · 3 years
For each of your OC pairings, pick three songs that show the progression of their relationship or just three songs that fit their relationship. (I told you I’d think of a music ask. It just took me all day lol)
Okay, I see how it is... lol Despite you giving me three songs and not one, I think this is still going to be hard. But let's try!
Sam & Michelle (not in order. I think. and based only on Crossfire)
Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone / Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven / Nothing you can say can stop me going home
Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons But it was not your fault but mine / And it was your heart on the line I really fucked it up this time / Didn't I, my dear?
The One That Got Away - The Civil Wars I never meant to get us in this deep / I never meant for this to mean a thing / Oh, I wish you were the one / Wish you were the one that got away
(ahahah this seems super angsty. More than I meant for it to be. Whoops) The rest is under a tag because this got long
Dean & Kelly
Supalonely - BENEE I know I f- up, I'm just a loser / Shouldn't be with ya, guess I'm a quitter / While you're out there drinkin', I'm just here thinkin' / 'Bout where I should've been / I've been lonely, mm, ah, yeah
Slow Burn - Kasey Musgraves I'm alright with a slow burn / Takin' my time, let the world turn / I'm gonna do it my way, it'll be alright / If we burn it down and it takes all night / It's a slow burn, yeah
Beyond - Leon Bridges I'm scared to death that she might be it / That the love is real, that the shoe might fit / She might just be my everything and beyond (beyond)
Kate & Steve
Naked - Ella Mai Might be a bitch in the morning so catch me at night time / Some of my friends think I'm moody but I think I'm just fine / I could be pissed but I act like I'm not / I really remember when I say I forgot / No matter how hard I try / To run away from love at the end of the night
Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon I can't fight this feeling any longer / And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow / What started out as friendship, has grown stronger / I only wish I had the strength to let it show / I tell myself that I can't hold out forever / I said there is no reason for my fear / Cause I feel so secure when we're together
Lost in Love - Air Supply You know you can't fool me / I've been loving you too long / It started so easy / You want to carry on / Lost in love and I don't know much / Was I thinking aloud and fell out of touch? / But I'm back on my feet and eager to be what you wanted
Amelia & Eric (AoS version)
Time is Running Out - Muse Our time is running out / You can't push it underground / You can't stop it screaming out / How did it come to this? / Oh / You will suck the life out of me / Bury it / I won't let you bury it / I won't let you smother it / I won't let you murder it
Addicted - Kelly Clarkson It's like I'm running from you all the time / And I know I let you have all the power / It's like the only company I seek is misery all around / It's like you're a leech / Sucking the life from me / It's like I can't breathe / Without you inside of me
What Have You Done feat. Keith Caputo - Within Temptation I've been waiting for someone like you / But now you are slipping away / What have you done now? / Why, why does fate make us suffer? / There's a curse between us, between me and you
(bonus: A Study in Intimacy version: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars)
Cassia & Varro
She's So Hard - The Jezebels I'm all out, for the war. / I guess love wasn't what I'm looking for. / I don't care when you cry. / I think self-pity is a state of mind. / I'm so hard. I'm so hard. I'm so hard. / She's so hard. She's so hard. She's so hard.
Love Love Love - Of Monsters and Men And these fingertips / Will never run through your skin / Those bright blue eyes / Can't only meet mine across the room / Filled with people that are less important than you / 'Cause you love, love, love / When you know I can't love you
Everything - Lifehouse And how can I stand here with you / And not be moved by you? / Would you tell me / How could it be / Any better than this? / Cause you're all I want / You're all I need, / You're everything, everything.
Quest & Eric
I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation - Destroy Boys Like seriously, what do you think you're doing? / Your hands are so big and you're so tall, wow!
Say So - Doja Cat Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment / I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so? / Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with / You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so
Genghis Kahn - Miike Snow I know there's no form / And no labels to put on / To this thing we keep / And dip into when we need / And I don't have the right / To ask where you go at night / But the waves hit my head / To think someone's in your bed / I get a little bit Genghis Khan / I don't want you to get it on / With nobody else but me
I don't have songs for Ava and Eliot rn. they're still new
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jayladankiah · 3 years
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OKAY🌻-(long mental health post)
On October 10,2021 I woke up knowing that day was not going to be a good day for me. My spirit was really low. My mind instantly flooded with random questions and things that I was currently worrying or stressing about. Instant anxiety.
This whole year I had been fighting a losing battle with my anxiety and bipolar depression. This year I have really been tested as an adult out here without mom and dad. I’ve had so many L’s after L’s. I’ve cried entirely too much and kept everything too myself. I have lost bonds and grew away from people that were closest to me. This year has whooped my ass and molded me into a brand new person.
I was completely lost dealing with a lot of things by myself and it was only so much that my family or my fiancée could do for me. I thank the universe for abundance because I have been in and out of work all year dealing with my anxiety. I honestly don’t function around people and that bothers me because I like to call myself a peoples person when I work. I couldn’t do it. Anxiety attack after anxiety attack at every different job I got. I thought maybe it’s the job and I’d get another one but everything repeated.
I’d tell everybody that asked me was I okay yes every time. And every time I said it I made myself believe it even more. My mind allowed me to honestly believe that I was so I kept on pushing and lying and trying to be strong and figure a LOT of shit out on my own. Big mistake. Now mind you I was diagnosed with anxiety and bipolar depression in 2015 so this battle is not new to me. I am a cutter and was once on medication that I currently was not taking.
October 10,2021 I got so overwhelmed and so low that for the first time in years I picked up something sharp and actually wanted to cut myself. I stopped to think, where could I cut myself where my fiancée wouldn’t see it. Nowhere actually lol so I held onto the blade that I had. I was home alone fighting every demon that was in me at that very moment. I knew that if I stayed in that house by myself that blade would have pierced my skin somewhere. Too much on my mind,the emotional pain, I was never strong enough to bare it.
No I’m not suicidal,never have I been but the physical pain always took away every worry, question, doubt and pain on my mind. It was too much. I called my mom and told her I needed help. In all honesty I knew I just needed to finally get back on my medication and to vent. Not even just to anybody but finally to myself. I had a lot a childhood trauma that followed me into my adulthood. All of this trauma followed me along the years in cycles that I repeated many times so far in my life. I realized that I could not do this alone anymore. I admitted myself into a mental hospital on Sunday night.
I say that going there was the best and worst thing I could’ve done. I swear I felt like I was going crazy being “trapped” in there only 3 days lol Tuesday morning I snapped once again. This time I said some things to some people that I shouldn’t have. These things that I truly meant but not in the way that they came out.
I prayed so much and so hard that night. I did apologize but snapping out like that made me realize exactly what my issues were and why I was the way I was. Being there freed me from my mind in a way I didn’t know I needed. I allowed myself to soul search and answer all of the questions I had been avoiding. All of the things that didn’t necessarily happen directly to me really were the things that affected me the most. I acknowledged everything and everyone from my past that held a mental bondage over me… I let that shit GO !
I could no longer cry. I prayed and hoped that the way I snapped didn’t make them choose to hold me longer than Wednesday. I was released Wednesday evening and everything that was weighing on me when I entered no longer bothered me. I was back on my medication and was ready to talk to a therapist and the source of my trauma.
I wrote a letter and passed it on in hopes to soften the blow once the face to face conversation came up. It has yet to happen. I feel so much better today than I did on Sunday. I plan to take it one day at a time. All of my healing starts with me and I don’t expect anyone to acknowledge it or even understand it. I’m stronger today because I no longer run away from my problems. I know that everything that has happened to me this year has been sign after sign to face my problems and finally heal.
I can only move forward from here. I no longer have time for toxic relationships, family or friends. My mental health is more important than anything. Everything or anybody that is for me will be for me. I will never go without and I will never be alone. I am loved and I am moving on into discovering my true purpose.
Never have I been ashamed of myself in any kind of way. My battle with mental health has never been and will never be a secret. I have never been more sure of the woman I am growing into as I type all of this. Don’t mistake who you once knew me as for who I am today. I hope that this little story and the things I have experienced can help someone else. You never know what somebody is going through. You always should be kind to people, for their minds can be very fragile. Every day is a challenge but it’s not in me to give up. I wish anybody dealing with mental health issues nothing but love and light as you live each day.
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goldenworldsabound · 4 years
Turrfield and Jasmine
Title is...descriptive? Lol. Golden visits Turrfield and gives her friend Jasmine a call! Golden can’t help but gush about Kabu, and Jasmine knows her well enough to notice. :) Kabu-adjacent fic since he’s not technically in it lol. Content warning: none, word count: 2001
Golden had spent the day making her way to Turrfield and exploring the ancient ruins. She had been absolutely delighted with both the herds of Wooloo everywhere (she made sure to catch a few) and the ruins themselves. Ancient, olden things gave her a sense of nostalgia for the rich history of Ecruteak, and the mysteriousness of the Ruins of Alph. She had spent perhaps too much time exploring those ruins at a perhaps too young age.
She had snapped a selfie she'd sent to Kabu, as well. She'd sent it along to her friend Jasmine back in Olivine too, trying to convince herself it was a normal, friend thing to do, and definitely had nothing to do with her presumably one sided crush. To her surprise, Kabu had sent a selfie back to her, with Centiskorch excitedly sliding into the photo, Kabu's own face a mask of stoicism despite the v for victory he was making with his fingers. That had been encouraging. She'd sent a few more photos after that, and he'd commented on all of them.
Settled into her tent just outside of Turrfield, she pulled up her phone to look at the last exchange.
Kabu: I'm glad your journey around Galar is starting off so well! I really enjoyed hearing about your day and seeing those pictures. :)
Golden: Oh, I'm glad! I was worried they were a bit much.
Kabu: Absolutely not. Please keep me updated, when it's not too much trouble.
Golden: Yeah! For sure!
Golden: Alright, I need to set up my tent and check in back home. I'll talk to you tomorrow? :)
Kabu: Sounds good. Have a wonderful night, Golden.
Golden: Thanks, you too!
Golden sighed, pulling her knees up to her chest and pushed the phone against her forehead. He was really sweet. Dammit. She leaned her head back, noticing that she'd inadvertently entered a bunch of text. With a quiet gasp she deleted the nonsense, giving a sigh of relief that she hadn't accidentally sent that to Kabu. Whoops.
The first thing she'd done after setting up the tent had been to call Professor Elm. He was checking in on her ranch every so often, and today was one of those days. It sounded like everything was going well, for which she was grateful. With so many Poke'mon, she knew there was always a chance she'd have to rush home from a trip like this. She recognized this on all of her outings. But there were extra reasons now to find that distressing.
In any case, things were fine at the moment. Things were fine here, too. Tak and June were curled up against either side of her, mostly asleep, while she leaned against Athens in lieu of a solid wall inside the tent. Athens chirped pleasantly every so often, content with this situation.
Jasmine: Hey! Yeah, I can spare a minute right now. :) I'd love to hear about your trip!
Golden smiled. She had been hoping she'd get to talk to Jasmine. Now that she was away from Motostoke, she was practically bursting with the need to talk about Kabu to someone. Of course, that would be easier said than done, she thought, as she felt her face warming. She called up Jasmine despite this.
"Hey!" Jasmine's face appeared on screen, backed by the view out the top of the Olivine lighthouse. Golden heard an Ampharos cry out happily too, and Amphy leaned into the frame. "Amphy says hi too, of course!" Jasmine said with a laugh.
"Hi Amphy!" Golden held the phone up so Athens could stick their head into view with a friendly chirp. "Athens too!" The two humans giggled. "Tak and June are asleep, but, well..." Golden angled her phone to show each Poke'mon in turn.
"That's the Poke'mon that gym leader helped you catch, right? Kabu, was it?" Jasmine asked with a smile.
"Yep!" Golden grinned, trying to keep her response from being glaringly obvious. She hadn't been able to talk face to face with Jasmine this trip yet. They'd spoken over text, of course, but over video chat Golden had a feeling her budding crush would be obvious. "It was very kind of him. And June is an absolute delight."
Jasmine laughed. "Leave it to you to impress a gym leader." There was a sparkle in her eye.
"Hey, you're a gym leader too!"
"I know, and you certainly impressed me. You were the only one who didn't get mad at me for needing medicine for Amphy first. There were all so rude, isn't that right Amphy?" Jasmine cooed at her Poke'mon for a moment. "And you really kicked my butt."
"I actually lost this battle, unsurprisingly." Golden admitted. "But Kabu was a good sport. He had his Sizzlipede fight Tak. That went alright! And then Athens was pretty well matched with Kabu's Centiskorch - oh, Centiskorch is the evolution of Sizzlipede, it's like, way longer - but Kabu used this thing called GIGANTAMAXING! Specifically gigantamaxing, there's a different between that and dynamaxing, actually, but...I already explained that in a text didn't I."
Jasmine nodded. "You did. But it's still nice to see you so excited about it." She tilted her head. "What I was really surprised to hear about was that wild area! That sounds really fun. You and Kabu spent an awful long time out there catching June from the sounds of it!"
"Oh yeah, that's true. You'd really like it I bet. I'd be thrilled to get to do raids with you and Steelix!"
"Right back at you."
There was a lull in the conversation.
"I was kind of bummed to leave Motostoke actually," Golden admitted, fidgeting nervously. "I just...really enjoyed spending time with Kabu, you know? He's a pretty great guy. The gym system's a little weird there and he's like...not in the full time league right now, but...gosh he deserves to be! I mean, his battling skills and his dedication were really admirable, you know?" Golden shook her head, rambling on a bit more than she'd meant to.
"Oh? He must be something special to leave such an impression on you!"
"Huh? What do you mean?" Golden asked. She had to admit that she was hoping that Jasmine would pick up on this, while simultaneously also hoping she wouldn't. Golden didn't know how to bring up that she had a crush, let alone talk about it. But she wanted to. But she also didn't want to. Gah, feelings were complicated.
"Ooh, I think you're blushing a little bit." Jasmine commented. Golden felt her face flare up immediately at the remark. "You're usually so gung-ho about going to new places and meeting new people, I'm surprised you didn't leave Motostoke even sooner. You were supposed to, weren't you?"
Golden swallowed. "Well, yes, but when Kabu made that kind offer I thought it was worth the change in plans." She laughed nervously at the sharp look on Jasmine's face. Though often quiet, the steel-type gym leader was particularly good at teasing her friends. She was observant and perceptive, making her lethal as it pertained to good natured teasing.
"And as a result of spending all that time together, it seems like you two became close." Jasmine commented, grinning. "That's so sweet, Golden. Do you think he returns your feelings?"
"Wha- buh- Jasmine you can't just say it like that!" Golden exclaimed, shifting nervously, raising her voice defensively. Tak made a little noise, disturbed by her change in volume. "Ah, sorry Tak, go back to sleep, shh." She rubbed her hand on his head gently until his eyes closed again. "Really now, that's- that's a bit much!"
Jasmine giggled. "You're always so shy about these things. It's quite cute."
"Shut up." Golden mumbled.
"Well? My question?"
Golden pouted. "I...I dunno...I mean, I assume not, he's...he's a fair bit older than me. From the sounds of things he mentors people a lot, so." She waved her hand dismissively, looking away from the screen.
Jasmine frowned. "Hm, I see your point...older, huh? Let me look him up."
"Ah- well- wait-" Golden stammered out.
"Ooh, he is a bit of a silver fox, isn't he?" Jasmine smiled. "But he's very handsome, I can see why you might like him."
"Jaaaasmiiiine!" Golden whined, knowing what was coming next.
"Is it his sharp, angled facial features? That passion burning in his eyes? Or maybe his muscled body, Goldie? Not to mention, it sounds like he has a stellar personality!"
"Jasmine, I'm going to fight you." Golden said plainly, trying to ignore her warm face.
"Always down for a rematch." Jasmine replied. "Oh, I see, so he was the gym leader..." Jasmine was clearly reading, and Golden took the moment to recover herself. "Mm. That is an unfortunate set of circumstances. I can certainly sympathize. I'd be...lost if I were to lose this position." Jasmine admitted, frowning.
"Yeah." Golden smiled sadly. "He seemed pretty lost. But, I mean, I went to an exhibition match of his, and he won! And when we talked afterwards, I mean...he said meeting me had helped, uh, rekindle his passion!" Golden grinned.
"Wow, he said that?" Jasmine seemed stunned. "Well, I mean, I think you tend to have that effect on people, but when you've only known him for such a short time...you sure he doesn't have feelings for you?"
"Jasmine! I- I don't know. I mean, it made me really happy to hear that, and he even came and saw me off this morning when I left, but...I mean...he might have just been being nice." Golden sighed.
"Okay, so, here's the thing. His profile says back when he was in the major leagues in particular, he was a really intimidating gym leader. He's very stoic, hardly smiles."
"What?! I mean, sure, yeah he was definitely stoic, but he definitely smiled a bunch! And he was really sweet! I didn't feel intimidated at all." Golden frowned, displeased with the description.
Jasmine grinned, and Golden felt like she'd fallen into a trap.
"It does say that he only tends to smile around individuals he is close with, actually. And that beyond the stoic exterior is a kindness that can be easy to miss." Jasmine looked like she'd solved a puzzle. "But you seem to have blown past all those stoic walls! Makes you seem a little special, doesn't it?"
Golden knew she was blushing again. "B-but, I...I mean, we bonded a lot, as friends, in the wild area, maybe that's it, I don't know why he'd see me as more than that."
"Golden." Jasmine's tone and expression were a bit more serious. "You understand that you're a great catch, don't you? You're stunning, for one - no, don't argue with me - for two, you're passionate and kind-hearted, and for three, you're an incredible trainer, which I think speaks volumes about your personality too. Consider Tak. Most trainers would have given up on him, but since you realized he wanted to battle, you've been helping him achieve that goal as much as you can! It's beyond admirable."
Golden looked away shyly. "Well, gosh, thanks Jasmine...I do appreciate it..." She sighed. "But I'm not sure I can believe that Ka- that Ka- that this man is romantically interested in me." She stumbled over his name in a panic, unwilling to say the statement fully.
"Hm. I'll drop it for now but I personally think there's a very good chance, and also that you'd make a great couple." Jasmine commented.
"Mweh." Golden put a hand up over her face. "Fine." But a moment later, she yawned.
"It's getting late there, isn't it? I should let you go to sleep." Jasmine commented. "Oh! But do feel free to keep me up to date or call again! It sounds like you're having a blast over there."
"Thanks Jasmine. I certainly will. And, um, thanks for...your kind words..." Golden found herself pouting again.
"You're welcome, Goldie. Sleep well."
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
Home Lives With You-Part 3
Title: Home Lives With You. Pairings: Steve x Tony Part: 3/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, blood, abuse (physical and verbal), ptsd, anxiety, bullying Summary: Peter’s been living with the abusive Thompson family for years, it was the only family in the system that would take him. When Steve and Tony get a phone call from the social worker who introduced them to their daughter Morgan for an emergency placement, they feel like they must pay back the favor. But are Steve and Tony taking on more than they can handle, and will Peter be able to adjust to a warm and welcoming family home? A/N: I was going to make you all wait longer but someone (you know who you are) was extremely persuasive, hope you enjoy. Also i’ll be starting a tag list so message me if you would like to be in it and sorry this part is kinda long lol.
Part 1, Part 2
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When Peter opened up his bag at his locker, he was surprised to find a packed lunch waiting for him. There was even a little handwritten note that had nearly sent him to tears.
I snuck this in while you were in the shower, wasn’t sure if you’d have lunch at school, sorry if I overstepped.
Peter had just stared at the note, his heart pounding as it sunk in that he’d actually get to eat lunch today. And the lunch had been delicious, Tony had packed him an apple, a Nutella sandwich and had even gone as far as to throw in a juice box. Peter had all of it, not wanting to waste anything and being relieved that he finally had something to eat with the other kids at lunch. It was a small action but it made Peter’s day to know someone had thought about him and considered that he’d want to eat lunch. That someone had gone as far as to make him lunch. Even after his freakout this morning with Morgan, even after just popping up out of the blue. Tony and Steve had done so much for him, it was getting suspicious. While he was grateful he also knew that he needed to keep his guard up. They don’t actually want you. Steve said it himself, this is nothing more than an extended sleepover.
“Hey Rhodey, how’s your day been so far?” Tony’s last meeting had nearly bored him to death, he could’ve assessed the numbers himself and be done with the problem after five minutes. Instead he had to sit there for three hours and listen as his co-worker-Hammer-droned on and on and on.
“Tony is everything alright? Did something happen with Peter?” Tony let out a chuckle, Rhodey sounded so worried. Was that because he cared about the kid, or was there something that Steve and Tony should be concerned about?
“No things have gone alright so far.”
“just alright?” Tony cringed as he thought of the way Peter called them sir and how he flinched at every unexpected word or movement.
“He’s very nervous, but I think he’s warming up to us.” Tony paced, unsure if it really was too soon to be making this phone call.
“What’s the matter then? Is he eating?”
“So far, although it takes a little convincing. Why is there an eating problem we should be concerned about?” The kid was scrawny, but Tony had been a scrawny teenager too. Maybe he should look into a therapist?
“No, Peter had to live in some really poor conditions at his old foster home, I’ve been trying to get an investigation going for years but my superiors think its one less kid in our hands so it’s no longer our problem.” Rhodey growled and Tony shook his head, looking out of his big office window to his brilliant view of New York.
“We’re not sending him back Rhodey if that’s what you’re worried that that’s what this is about.” Tony reminded him and heard Rhodey take a deep calming breath.
“Then what?”
“I know we’ve only had him for a day and of course we want to see if this is just a honeymoon period but Steve and I were wondering if maybe we could keep him for more than a month?” Tony bit his lip, his heart pounded against his rib cage and anxiety clawed at his insides.
“Are you saying that you and Steve may be considering adoption?” Rhodey asked but there was so much joy in his voice that Tony relaxed, his heart slowing and his breath evening out.
“Maybe. I mean we’ve only had him for a night and there’s still a long way to go but the idea of having a son does sound pretty nice.” Tony admitted and Rhodey whooped.
“I had a feeling this would happen.” Rhodey admitted and Tony sat down at his desk, beginning to type in his password at his computer.
“It’s not a definite ask yet Rhodey, but we have a really good feeling about him. This is just an inquiry call…” Tony trailed off suddenly feeling guilty.
“I understand Tony and I wouldn’t ask for more at this point. You’ve only had Peter for one night, but I will get the papers drawn up for an extended stay in case you decide you do want him to stay for a while longer.” Tony grinned and pulled up his emails.
“Thanks Rhodey. I know it’s soon to be asking this kind of question but he’s such a good kid.” Rhodey chuckled.
“The best, I’ll go do the papers now and email you when they’re ready. All you have to do is call me when you want to sign them.” And then Rhodey hung up.
Steve pulled up his emails to show to his class his best friend’s favourite painting. Bucky had emailed it this morning. But at the very top, displayed on the large projector screen was the words in regards to our son.
“Mr Stark-Rogers?” someone called out and pointed to the screen. Steve’s brows rose and he looked back down at his computer. It was from Tony and a grin spread out on his face.
“Yes!” he did a little dance on the spot and his student’s laughed.
“What is it?” a bold student called and Steve shut the lid of his laptop and sat down on his desk, facing the class.
“Last night my husband and I got called by the social worker who gave us our daughter about an emergency placement.” They oohed and aahed and he nodded. “He’s sixteen and my daughter’s already calling him her big brother. Which is incredibly fast, I was worried she’d reject him. Get jealous of having another kid around but it’s been the opposite.”
“So you’re going to adopt him?” Someone called out and Steve chuckled.
“It’s still early days but my husband and I discussed it and we’ve asked the social worker to see if we could have him for a little while longer, just to see how it goes.” They cheered and Steve chuckled. It was moments like these that he loved being a teacher. Loved the connection that he built with his students.
“You’ll have to keep us updated sir!” Someone called out and he nodded.
“Promise I will, but that’s enough chit-chat for today. I’ll show you Bucky’s favourite painting next week…” Steve gave out instructions for the lesson but his mind was reeling. Rhodey had agreed, they were going to have a son. And it was practically set in stone now. No matter what issues arose or how difficult things got with Peter, Tony calling Rhodey had really been the biggest road block. Convincing Tony was always going to be the hard part, but they were in this together, they wanted Peter together and Steve knew that they were going to fight for their son together.
Peter wished he could feel calm and confident that Tony would be there to pick him up after school. He wanted to believe that he would come into the parking lot and that Tony would be there waiting for him, but he couldn’t convince himself of that fact. Couldn’t truly believe it. he could, however, convince himself that he’d get there and the parking space would be empty, that Tony wouldn’t be there. So when the bell rang, he took his sweet time making his way to his locker, his movements slow as he grabbed the books he needed, and didn’t rush to the parking lot. He wanted to live his life without disappointment for as long as possible. But when he got to the car park, Tony was waiting for him, Morgan in the back seat.
“Hey kid, how was school?” Tony asked as Peter put on his seatbelt.
“Good, how was work sir?” Tony tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited in the cue to get out of the parking lot.
“Good, boring, it was work.” He shrugged and Peter nodded trying his best not to freak out over the fact that he had actually showed up. He was actually picking Peter up from school. Peter looked out the window and could see Flash-scowling. Peter sank further down in his seat, but Flash was coming over. Without asking or thinking he reached forward and locked the door.
“Pete?” Tony asked but Peter just watched as Flash kept walking, not throwing them another glance. Peter’s heart was racing, how the hell was he supposed to explain that to Tony?
“sorry sir.” Peter mumbled and unlocked the door. Tony was frowning but didn’t mention it for the whole car ride back to his house.
Steve was in an exceptionally good mood on the way home from work. Just knowing that Tony was already seriously considering adopting Peter too seemed insane to Steve. Were they really going to expand their family? he couldn’t contain the grin. Soon enough he was pulling into the driveway and inside the house, the smell of pizza and garlic bread filled the house.
“Honey I’m home!” Steve called and heard Tony’s snort.
“you know you sound ridiculous right?” Tony asked as he came downstairs to give Steve a kiss.
“How are the kids?” Steve asked and Tony lightly whacked his arm.
“That’s insane.” He whispered and Steve furrowed his brows.
“What is?”
“kids, because we have two!” Steve chuckled and nodded his head, Tony’s eyes were wide and bright, excitement coated his features.
“I know.” Steve whispered and Tony shook his head.
“They’re good, Morgan’s colouring in and Pete’s doing homework.” Steve nodded his head, exhaustion weighing down on him.
“how was work?”
“Good, boring. Hammer wasted three hours of my day.” Tony grumbled and Steve chuckled.
“And we all know just how much you love Hammer.” At that Tony scrunched up his face and stuck his tongue out at Steve. They began to make their way to the kitchen.
“I could have assessed the numbers myself, Hammer’s just bored with his day so he’s trying to ruin mine.” Tony grumbled and Steve chuckled.
“he’s not that bad.” At that Tony spun around and pointed the tongs he’d just picked up at Steve.
“Fine next week you can deal with him all by yourself.”
“next week?” Steve asked and leaned against the doorway.
“Boss’ birthday?” Tony asked and Steve groaned. He hated those parties, hated dressing up in a suit with people that all acted so snobbish especially towards Steve.
“do we have to go?”
“Do we have bills to pay?” Tony asked and Steve sighed.
“Fine, but we can bail early right?” Tony nodded his head, grabbing the garlic bread out of the oven.
“Yes dear, but only after birthday cake.” Steve sighed but accepted the compromise. Tony hated those parties too, but he wasn’t talked down to by his co-workers.
“We could ask Pete to babysit.” Steve said and Tony rose his brows.
“I like your line of thinking.” Steve chuckled and Tony grabbed some paper plates.
“Kids dinner!” Steve called and heard doors open upstairs.
Peter froze in the doorway, heart pounding in his chest. Steve had said kids, which meant both of them. But was that a slip of the tongue? Did he really mean it? Morgan watched him and slowly he moved towards her, trying to look calm and collected.
“Do you like pizza?” she asked as they descended the stairs and Peter shrugged, then realised she wasn’t looking at him.
“uhh sure.” They reached the bottom of the stairs and she ran for the kitchen to where her parents were waiting.
“Hey Peter.” Steve said as Peter entered the kitchen.
“Hello Mr Stark-Rogers.” Peter said and Tony handed Peter a loaded paper plate which had pizza and garlic bread on it.
“thank you sir.” Peter said and Tony chuckled.
“What movie are we watching tonight princess?” and Morgan giggled in response.
“Star wars!” she cried and Steve frowned.
“We’ve watched it six times now.”
“But Princess Leia is so cool!” Morgan cried and Steve nodded.
“alright, do you like star wars Pete?” the question caught Peter off guard. He’d heard about it, his friend Ned referenced it all the time.
“I haven’t seen it.” he admitted and the Stark-Rogers household froze.
“you haven’t seen star wars?” Tony asked slowly and peter shook his head.
“I haven’t seen a lot of movies actually.” He admitted and they stared at him in disbelief.
“Jurassic Park?”
“No sir.”
“No sir.”
“Indiana Jones?”
“No sir.”
“Gone in sixty seconds?”
“No sir.”
“surely you’ve seen the John Wick movies?” Steve added and again, Peter hadn’t seen it.
“No sir.” His stomach was starting to curdle at all the things he hadn’t seen, the things that set him as different from other kids his age.
“The matrix?”
“no sir.” They looked more and more distressed and a sense of guilt filled Tony. Was this a serious flaw of his? Were they going to get rid of him for this? He liked it here, they didn’t beat him and they gave him warm food and rides to and from school. He didn’t want to get kicked out.
“That’s it, we are going to have to give you an education in quality movies.” Tony said and Peter relaxed, that didn’t sound too bad. Peter followed them to a part of the house he hadn’t been to yet, a room near the back. There was a large leather L-shaped couch, a projector and a huge screen. The walls were covered in DVD’s, all alphabetically arranged. While the Stark-Rogers got comfortable on the couch, Peter sat down on the floor.
“What are you doing?” Tony asked and Peter looked over at him.
“Sitting down sir.”
“Are you sure you want to sit on the floor?” Was Peter allowed to sit on the couch? The thought bewildered him and Tony glanced to Steve.
“You can sit here with us if you want Peter.” Steve offered with a gentle smile and slowly Peter rose, easing down onto the couch. His ribs were screaming in agony by now, the cut on his side throbbing constantly. It was nice to sit on something as comfortable as the couch.
“thank you sirs.” He said softly and both men looked too stunned to respond. Tony just turned on the tv and got the movie ready. Every muscle in Peter’s body was tense, what if they changed their minds and sent him back to the floor? How long would this nice act last?
Tony snuggled into Steve’s side and Steve wrapped an arm around him. He loved movie night, and he loved watching Peter’s awed face as he experienced star wars for the very first time. It was very amusing, even Morgan started to look for his reaction instead of the movie. Soon enough the credits were rolling and Peter’s mouth had gone slack.
“Alright princess, bed time.” Tony said, pulling away from Steve and stretching as he stood up. Morgan just scowled at him.
“But I wanna watch the big kid movie with Peter!” she cried and Tony chuckled.
“who said we were gonna watch a big kid movie now?” Steve asked, looking ridiculously handsome and amused.
“because Peter doesn’t have to go to bed!” Tony swept Morgan up and off of her feet, into his arms and she pouted.
“That’s because Peter is a big kid. And you’re half asleep anyway.”
“am not!” she proclaimed and Tony chuckled, he couldn’t take her seriously when she was this cute.
“Say goodnight to everyone.” She rested her head on Tony’s shoulder in defeat and Steve beamed at the two of them.
“G’night.” she mumbled, Tony could feel her going slack in his arms.
“Good night Morgan.” Steve said, grinning and Tony looked at Peter who was watching her in awe.
“Goodnight miss.” She nodded and then Tony carried her out of the room, wondering how long it would be before Peter referred to everyone by their names.
I wonder if he’ll call me dad one day?
Peter nervously sat with Steve as they waited for Tony to return.
“so what are we going to watch now?” Peter asked, wondering if that’s even what they wanted to do. They could just be having a serious talk with him, kicking him out. Or maybe they didn’t want Morgan to see the beating? He knew he shouldn’t have sat down on the couch. Knew that he should move to the floor while they waited, but Peter couldn’t bring himself to. His wounds ached and throbbed and the idea of moving seemed too much.
“I think we should get the John Wick movies out of the way, Morgan will lose patience and try and sneak in eventually. I’d rather her see the snake in gone in sixty seconds than the murders in John Wick.” Steve was smiling and Peter tried to return it. Tony appeared again and flopped back down on the couch, snuggling into Steve.
“that was quick.” Steve mused and Tony nodded.
“Despite her best efforts, she fell asleep as soon as I tucked her in. are we watching John Wick?” Steve’s grin widened and he nodded, Peter nervously eyed them from the couch. Was he allowed to stay there for this movie too? Was he really allowed to watch two movies in the same night? he waited for the other shoe to drop. For them to tell him he needed to scrub the house clean with a toothbrush or maybe they were going to demand he paint the driveway or-
“Hey Pete, can I ask you something.” Peter inhaled sharply, here it was.
“Of course sir.” Peter said and they both sat up straighter, both looking nervous. They’re not going to ask me to do chores, they’re going to kick me out. And Peter was filled with a sense of despair because he liked living with Tony and Steve. So far they’d been nice, they hadn’t hit him and they’d fed him and given him his own room. And here they were, about to kick him out. The wound in his side throbbed, anticipation rattled through his bones and he waited.
“Next Friday is my boss’ birthday party. Steve and I are going to be out late and we were wondering if you wouldn’t mind babysitting Morgan for us?” they both looked so earnest and Peter’s entire body relaxed.
“I’d love to.” He admitted and both men grinned.
“Really? Thanks Pete.” Tony turned back and settled in against Steve whilst he got the movie ready.
“We’ll leave some money so you can order a pizza and you can even have a friend come over if you want.” Peter nodded his head but didn’t have the heart to tell them that he didn’t have a friend to invite over. not really. Sure there was Ned, but they weren’t that close. Peter was more shocked that they were letting him buy a pizza for himself and Morgan. But the movie was starting and Steve’s head was resting against Tony’s and so Peter relaxed into the couch. They were at the very least keeping him for another week, he could relax a little bit.
When the movie was over, Peter had thanked them and vanished back upstairs. Steve looked down at his husband who was frowning at the space on the couch where Peter had been moments before.
“Do you think he’s okay?” Tony wondered and together they sat forward.
“I think we should check on him, it can’t hurt right?” At that, Tony nodded. They threaded their fingers together and made their way upstairs, and Steve could hear retching coming from the bathroom.
“Pete?” he asked, knocking on the door.
“I-I’m fine. Fine really.” His shaking voice croaked and Steve let go of Tony’s hand to open the door, Peter’s frail body curled up over the toilet bowl.
“Peter.” Steve stepped into the room and dropped down beside Peter who was breathing heavily. Tony went downstairs to get ice.
“Shh it’s alright.” Ragged breaths came out as Peter struggled to drag in a breath, his hair a mess and vomit on his shirt.
“I’m so sorry.” Tears streamed down Peter’s face and then Tony was back, a cup full of ice.
“Start the shower.” Steve said and a moment later there was running water. Steve tipped the cup full of ice down the back of Peter’s shirt and the boy gasped, Steve rubbed soothing circles between Peter’s shoulder blades. He helped Peter to his feet, the boy’s breath starting to even out and pulled Peter underneath the freezing cold water. He gasped again and then Steve turned the water off, the both of them shivering.
“Better?” he asked and Peter nodded, his eyes wide.
“how did you do that?” he whispered, his voice raw.
“Steve gets bad panic attacks sometimes too.” Tony said and handed them both a towel. Steve held his tightly against himself and Peter pushed back his wet hair.
“I don’t understand.”
“The cold water shocks the nervous system, it’s how we shocked you out of your panic attack.” Peter nodded and then looked down at the floor.
“I’m sorry sir.” He mumbled and Steve squeezed his eyes shut.
“It’s not your fault Peter, do you want to talk about what caused it?” Tony’s voice was soft and gentle, Peter just shook his head.
It had been the movie. Seeing so much graphic violence had sent his brain back to nights in the basement with Mr Thompson, he’d managed to sit there through the whole movie, but as soon as the credits rolled Peter had to get out of there. He didn’t want to tell them about what had triggered the panic attack, it would only bring on a larger conversation that Peter wasn’t ready to have with them yet. Peter had been instructed to take a shower and get changed into warm clothes. He’d made sure only to use the cold water despite how much his body yearned to be warm and then made his way to his room.
Before he knew it they were back, standing there with concern on their faces. They’re not going to let me look after Morgan. Not after that, they’re going to kick me out. He hadn’t unpacked his bags yet and now he wished he’d had. Just so he could stay here for a little while longer, even if it were only five minutes.
“Want to tell us what that was all about now?” Tony asked, breaking the silence.
“No sir.” Peter was on the bed, hugging his knees to his chest. The bed was soft, comfy and he wished that he’d be allowed to sleep on it.
“Pete, please talk to us.” Steve murmured and Peter shook his head.
“What can we do to make this better?” Tony asked and Peter’s eyes met theirs.
“You’re not kicking me out are you?” his voice wobbled and he dug his nails into his palms to stop himself from crying.
“kicking you out? Of course not!” they both moved so they were seated on either side, wrapping their arms around him and he cried out as someone’s hand brushed his wound.
“Pete?” they both immediately pulled back but he was crying as the pain radiated throughout his body. Fuck. He thought and curled in on himself.
“What’s wrong?” he could identify the voice as Steve’s but he just shook his head. Then his shirt was being lifted up and one of them gasped.
“this looks bad honey.” Peter slowly uncurled and looked at what Tony was seeing, the deep cut that was now a green, seeping pus and looking rather swollen.
“shit.” Steve breathed and Tony raised a brow.
“You’re freezing Pete, how’d this happen?” Tony asked but Peter just shook his head.
“please don’t beat me.” he whispered and Tony’s eyes widened. He looked to Steve who was standing now.
“I’m going to take him to the hospital.” Steve said and Tony nodded. They helped Peter to his feet, his whole body trembling with fear now. there words weren’t sinking in, the panic was just rising.
“I used the cold water and I slept on the floor and I swear I haven’t taken any extra food other than what was offered and-“
“Peter honey we’re not going to hurt you.” but he was sobbing and shaking so hard that he collapsed to the ground. He curled up in a tight ball, hands covering his head and mind racing. He wasn’t sure he could take this, and then there were hands on him. Peter flinched but it was just Steve, scooping him up into his arms. He carried Peter downstairs and then put him down in the backseat, buckling him in.
“It’s going to be alright Peter.” He whispered and Peter nodded, sobbing now. soon Steve was in the front seat and driving, the car only filled with the sound of Peter’s whimpers.
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hollywoodhangar · 4 years
Chaggie for the ship meme 👀
the ultimate ship meme! // @soughtbirthright
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Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs (( eternal salt is they’re outshined by a fucking fanon hetship even though chaggie is canon bleh ))
How long will they last? - For all of eternity and beyond. All it took was Vaggie dying to find her soulmate and she is not letting go. 
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It was a really good slowburn that caught on fire fast once feelings were felt. They were a long friendship that built in the form of best friends before they began to fall, and when they did, it was hard and around the same damn time. Poetic as fuck.
How was their first kiss? - Very sweet, and in the form of a gift on Charlie’s birthday. uwu 
Who proposed? - I’m gonna give this one to Charlie. <: It seems like she’d be all for the theatric and musical number form of proposal!!
Who is the brides’ maid(s)? - They share Angel lmao.
Who did the most planning? - Equal! Both did a lot of the planning and they worked side-by-side on it!  
Who stressed the most? - Vaggie. There’s so many points where Charlie has to reel her back, make her relax and remind her it’s going to be fabulous because they’re making it as a team. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Alastor, Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench. All three will be whooped by Lilith’s top guard if they so much as attempt to come. 
Who is on top? - They’re switches. :)
Who is the one to instigate things? - Are you kidding? Both. Might be Vaggie just a touch more, though.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Unless it’s a quckie, it’s 4 hours at least. They.. really get into it LMAO. 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - AbsoLUTELY.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Vaggie thinks two would be a good number for starters. :) Amazing how she never considered it before and never dreamed of having babies, but wow you suddenly meet the love of your life and your head’s all full of that domestic shit. 
How many children will they adopt? - Right now I’m gonna say 0. I think this is definitely destined to change but right now it’s two to start out with before they can even think of adopting to see how they handle parenthood first. I can see them adopting, just not right now. 
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Equal duty!  
Who is the stricter parent? - Vaggie, although Charlie’s right there to reel her back and soften her up. :>
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both lmao. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Vaggie, always. She gets that started the night before so the kids are ready to go in the morning with last night’s dinner if there’s any leftovers, although Charlie’s the one to give the babies their lunches before they leave if Vaggie’s still crashed. 
Who is the more loved parent? - It’s Charlie, because she’s the much more fun, energetic and musical one! Kids are naturally drawn to that. :D
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both!! They’re a constant buddy system through marriage and parenthood!!
Who cried the most at graduation? - And of course, they’re the buddy system in being the most emotional over their baby’s achievements. Both weep heavily and hug one another. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Again, both. 
Who does the most cooking? - Vaggie. She has a culinary soul and just instinctively takes up a lot of the cooking by nature. 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Probably Vaggie again. She knows what she likes and she knows what she doesn’t like and she’s sticking to it. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both. :) It’s a lot of fun to go shopping together, they end up goofing off and also whooping fellow demons who end up trying to take the last of something they specifically DESIRE.
How often do they bake desserts? - Daily! Vaggie VERY strongly sticks to the breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert regime, and just baking something delicious whenever she feels the urge. A sweet tooth is often sated here!
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat! But she doesn’t turn her nose up at salad, it’s healthy and she includes it in the Hotel diet. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other with an anniversary dinner? - Charlie, I think. <3
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Charlie, especially when it’s a day where Vaggie’s positively worked herself to the bone with her managerial duties and she wants to spoil her bae with a really, really fancy and expensive dinner. Vaggie sure as hell isn’t saying no.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - N/A.
Who cleans the room? - Both! 
Who is really against chores? - Neither of them like doing chores but it’s a necessity that they know they can’t shirk and there’s no way they’re going to leave the other hanging.
Who cleans up after the pets? - The pets clean up after themselves, thank you. ( Razzle & Dazzle )
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - If this is something Charlie did, Vaggie snapped her right out of it LOL.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Vaggie, 100%.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Vaggie. She definitely asks Charlie if she lost her money but with Angel it’s a touch-n-go because she’s like, “that fucker’ll say “yes” even when he hasn’t. :/”. Any lost money found goes directly into the Hotel savings! 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Vaggie, for sure. With her hair and just having the pleasant privilege of having stable access to hot water? It’s hard to get her out. 
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They both take Razzle & Dazzle for walkies. <:
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - ALWAYS. Halloween and Hellmas, they’re decorating the HELL out of everything!! They ARE that house that will outshine everyone else on the block. Or, rather, hotel.
What are their goals for the relationship? - She’s unsure of herself at the moment, but Vaggie does want to get married. Charlie’s already wanting to, Vaggie just needs to overcome personal issues and self-deprecation before she’s also ready. She’s already having those sporadic urges where she wants babies!
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - I think this is something they’re both capable of depending on what happened the night before. They’re both pretty good sticking to their “by 10AM” schedule.
Who plays the most pranks? - Charlie, for sure. :p
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Dot : #3 Newsies OC
Ok hehehe new newsies oc lol. Kinda my first ever OC but I’ve only gotten around to write a proper character sheet for her now. So yay I got it done after like..... months already??? whoops 
Basic Info :
Name : Nora “Dot” Conlon
Birthday : July 29th
Gender : Female (She/her)
Heritage : Italian
Family : She is Spot’s little sister. They’re just a year apart. Their father looked after them for the most part till he died when Nora was 9 years old (Spot 10) and they were taken care of by their uncle, which is their father’s younger brother.
Appearance : Nora is basically as tall as Spot, but her features are more feminine and small compared to Spot’s big and muscular ones. Jet black hair, almost dark brown when the sun shines on it but it’s actually just black, gently curled at the end when it brushes with her shoulders. Honey eyes like her brother. Ivory tinted rose complexion but it’s cleaner than Spot’s. Natural peach lips. So basically a female version of Spot Conlon.
Further description :
- specifically canon :
Nora isn’t exactly a newsie. She’s mostly a seamstress at a local tailor shop but sometimes sells newspapers on her days off. Though she does have a dream of being a book author. Her lucky selling spot is at a local market or sheepshead at times. Spot and Nora’s uncle was already struggling living on his own, and was made harder after taking two kids in. But he couldn’t abandon them since they’re family and he owes their father (who is his older brother) a lot. Spot was already a Brooklyn newsie before the siblings had moved in with their uncle but permanently slept at the Brooklyn Lodging house when he was 12 to make more space at the apartment. He frequently visits his family for the occasional dinner.
At times, Nora would sleep at the lodge as well. When she’s done selling and got carried away hanging out with her brooksie friends till it got too dark. Or Nora just felt like spending the night with her brother by her side. She gets along with the other brooksies. She teams up with Hotshot to play tricks on Spot or the other brooksies. She hangs out with Smokey (my other Brooklyn OC) on the side while the two watch the brooksies from the docks dipping in the water since Nora doesn’t really like swimming in front of a lot of people who are mostly boys. She bonds with the other newsies through casual conversations, messing around, and sometimes the small but kind gestures she does like sewing the tear in their clothes, giving away stuff, bringing them some food, or helping them go back to sleep after waking up from a nightmare. She’s also very good at various card games and has been known to be the best at them. Though, she gets very competitive when competing with Race because they’re just both equally good!
When the strike happened, she was 15. She felt unsure about it. Unsure whether to tell Spot to get Brooklyn to join or say nothing and agree with his decision in not joining the strike. But when Brooklyn did, Nora supported the Brooksies by providing the food they couldn’t pay. She meets the Manhattan newsies that way but has already met a few before the strike, like Albert because he's been friends with Spot since before the strike. Nora meets Kathrine and Sarah and instantly becomes friends. She frequently third wheels them on secret dates, and it covers it up to look like a casual girls night!
- specifically modern :
His uncle’s finances can barely support a family of three, so Nora works part time as a seamstress after school. Despite her skills at sewing, she has a passion for writing and photography. She later works for a magazine mostly as a photographer but sometimes as a columnist for a certain section. Her dream is to be a wildlife photographer because she loves animals and traveling!
So I’ve mentioned that in the modern era Spot, Hotshot, Albert, and Smokey are street racers (well in their teenage years at least). Nora is no exception. She’s a badass behind the wheel. Spot taught her the ropes and soon learned a few more tricks on her own. Despite her brother’s support in street racing, he explicitly means cars. Motorcycles on the other hand is a different story. Spot knows Nora can keep herself safe on the road whether it’s with a car or a bike, but some people don’t. Unlike cars, bikes don’t have doors or any other form of protection from getting hit. Spot knows how to ride one, but barely uses that skill to get around because of that specific reason. So instead she asks Hotshot to teach her. Other than her car, she goes around the city with her vespa or borrow Hotshot’s sports bike if she wants to feel a bit like a badass.
Nora wasn’t introduced to Spot’s Manhattan friends until she had reached adulthood. Race and Spot’s relationship was still casual for so long and after talks with Nora their relationship got serious. It took years to convince his brother to trust his feelings and he feels it’s the best thing Nora has ever convinced him to do. So one night where the huge friend group was planning a hangout, Spot invites Nora to tag along. Despite her friendliness, she doesn’t really extend her hand in friendship with others often so it got her a bit nervous and needed to change her outfit about seven times before arriving at their hangout place. She still didn’t like her outfit. To her surprise, she clicks with the others just fine! Spot was glad since she doesn’t have many friends in general. She hates everyone from her old high school other than Spot, his friends Nora has adopted to be her own friend, and probably like two other people from her grade (i.e. her best friends).
- applies to both :
So Nora is a very tough girl that doesn’t like taking shit from anyone. Yes, she’s kind hearted, friendly, and graceful in general. But get on her bad side and she’ll beat the crap outta you! Spot taught her how to fight by giving her little bits of advice throughout her life when she’s required to use her fist. It’s to the point where Spot got her alone and properly trained her how to punch. And with such an inquisitive nature, she kept on asking for more which led to her fully being able to defend herself by the age of 14. She may seem friendly on the outside, but that doesn’t mean she’s your friend or even trust you. Nora displays the difference between tolerating and liking someone.
Her untrusting instinct towards people in general came from her bad experience from being abandoned by her mother. No one ever knew why the woman abandoned her family in the first place. Her father tried his best to be vague any time his children asked, but it was safe to say there was a more specific reason why she left. Their father’s last wishes before he passed away is to not answer that question. It frustrated the siblings but they honored it at the end. Nora hated the feeling of being abandoned. When she got older, she began to understand the concept more and had a short period in her life where she had trouble with her self image. But she picked herself up and became the woman her friends know and love.
Spot and Nora are actually really close. Nora was the first one that started calling him Spot because anytime the two holds slingshot competitions, her brother is always spot on. Ever since that started, Nora always refers to him as Spot. Occasionally, Spot calls Nora dot after joking about the little black dot just below her right eye. It became a brand for the two. Spot and Dot! Their personalities range from ‘the-exact-same-person’ and ‘polar-opposites’, there is no in between. They’d do anything for the other. Other than perhaps Racetrack and Hotshot, Nora is the only one that gets to see Spot vulnerable. Heck, she was the first one! Is Spot the overprotective big brother? Yes and no. He knows Nora can handle anything that comes her way. She doesn’t need help when someone is bothering her. Spot would hold her hat and proudly watch her tussle with a stranger that decided to get on her bad side. But there are times where she trusted the wrong guy with her heart. A few devastating heartbreaks indeed but she was lucky that it didn’t do much damage, other than maybe ruining her trust in others more. And to that, Spot hunts those assholes down till they get a proper beating :)
It was a pretty funny story of how Nora and Crutchie met. She fell for him. As in she tripped over something while walking and landed on Crutchie and caused the two to fall on the pavement. In canon era, Nora was in Manhattan and was running late to be somewhere else. She tripped and fell on top of Crutchie, causing all the paper he still needed to sell to fly off to the distance. After apologizing, they had a short conversation and it got her mesmerized by the boy. In modern era, the same thing happened. Only it was Crutchie’s textbooks that fell and he’s the one running late for one of his morning classes. Their conversation was short after that but they impressed the other quite well. They met up again when Spot invited her to meet his friends from Manhattan. They had a more in depth conversation on their own while their friends were having fun and Nora was definitely crushing on him hard.
(I still got more headcanons for her but that would make this post even longer. Feel free to ask questions if you’d like to know more about her!) 
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