#this took me FOREVER but i am so proud of it
royoko-enthusiast · 2 days
Rain code Spoilers below!
I made it guys, took me 2 weeks and 3 WIP posts but here it is, the final version!
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Details are a bit blurred because tumblr pixelated the living hell out of this but I am so happy it's finally done!
Ramble down below about the whole piece, it's pretty long.
This piece was a journey, this started at a much smaller piece with just Makoto and Swap!Yuma (I have no idea how to refer to him) sick and just that, then my brain wanted to add caretakers, which then lead to the desk, shinigami and everything else.
About the actual process but I definitely will not do pieces like this any time soon. I sadly didn't plan ahead and had to make up the anatomy as I went, definitely should have gotten references, both would have made it easier to pinpoint the anatomy and I wouldn't have spent so long. The sketch phase was definitely stressful but I feel like it was worth it, Spending hours on getting the hair how I like and cleaning it up was definitely worth it, made coloring easier and more fun with the colors and cleaning the sketch eliminated the need I always feel for rendering.
Moving to what possessed me to add about 4 additional characters into this (if shinigami and amapal can be considered characters). Yuma and Makoto (the non sick pair) were the first two to be added, they were added pretty early when I still had my composition sketch and were easily to put in, what reason for them? Pure need for my brain, there is no other reason. Ama-pal and Shinigami were added just from a stray thought, not much to them. The desk is an amalgamation of all the knowledge I could gather and fit, the papers I decided to never add text to, the wet cloths, the stray tissues, the 2 thermometers, 2 cups/mugs, some medicine as well, and of course, the last resort paper towels when it's truly desperate. This was definitely a challenge, I don't usually draw props, so doing this was fun (I gave up mid way on truly doing details, they aren't the main focus so less detail). I also added temperature on the thermometers but it might be too blurred, pixelate, or something else.
Generally tried to give more casual outfits, Makoto and Swap!Yuma are just in a T-shirt, the colors being a darker and more de-saturated versions of the colors of their original colors. Yuma is just wearing a regular business? shirt and the shorts from his WDO uniform. The shirt on non-sick Makoto just felt like it fit, the vampire shirt will forever haunt me. Tried to make them look as sick as possible (I added extra red on the nose but idk if its visible), definitely fun experimenting with what color the flush should be and what opacity it should be, there is also the sweat (Hopefully it's still visible, there are also either details I won't mention).
This took me 12 hours in total and 30 layers of madness to fully finish this but hey, I had a good time in the end. I am going to add the "no dramatic lighting " version or the one before all the color adjustments and effects:
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And last for the whumpcode CEO; @pixelatedraindrops
Thank you everyone of the patience and the support, I am going to doodle now! Byee!
(Officially my poster child, so proud of this one, gonna ramble about to my friends guys)
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microwaveango · 2 years
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hi! hello! I am finally drawing again! today I offer you kaoru in a corset. tomorrow........... who knows. maybe something, maybe nothing. we'll see. enjoy him!
(no, the shadows under the chair don't make sense. also no, I'm not going to change it this took me two days and my hands hurt so shhh pretend it's fine)
(hey, psssssst, i took his shirt off under the cut)
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dawnthefluffyduck · 6 months
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hey that's not supposed to be out there (uploaded wrong version at first haha whoops)
#not supposed to be that color either#i wonder who that belongs to#i had a very vague meaning for this in mind but saying it would spoil the fun#christ this took me forever#i wanted to do a quick project to give myself a break from my final#but accidentally made an entirely new kind of nightmare#BUT i can proudly say that i am very proud of this despite how long it took me#alrighty this blog is all about tracking progress so my thought on this;#it's not really as energetic as i had hoped to make it so i think that's the biggest technical issue i have with this#i'll try to get back to doing more gestures soon as a way to help with that#i think my shadows are a bit confusing too#i'm looking at it now and his glasses kinda taper off into the void of his fur bc i didnt mark the shadow along the left of his ear#but the thought of digging back through layers to fix it and blending that mess in is giving me a headache so i'm content with leaving it#i think i learned a lot about light and reflections though#my shadows aren't the greatest but i had so much fun rendering the glasses#and the glow of the soul pushed me to think about bounce light a lot more#figuring out how to make the colors look like they were glowing was a whole separate issue#i did it in the last big ralsei drawing i did but not nearly to this extent#i won't be doing something this large for a while after this but i'll keep trying to work on the things i didn't like about this#i think i'm gonna start putting my self-crit in the tags from now on#it really does bulk up the posts and it's hard to scroll past#i like reflecting on my work like this though#i've been able to draw a lot more since i've started doing it because it helps me create specific goals for myself#lets me keep pushing myself while still having fun with my art#ralsei#deltarune#deltarune fanart
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qilinkisser · 9 months
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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go <3
Reblogs appreciated! Gan.yu (left) uses she/her! S/I (right) uses they/them!
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arkify · 11 months
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it is done.
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snowsetdeer · 7 months
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And Patch Land was stitched back together thanks to Kirby and Prince Fluff!
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outtoshatter · 11 months
Well AO3 is still down and I just finished Are You Ready? and I needed to tell you immediately that, omg, that was so ridiculously well done!
The action scenes were absolutely brilliant chaos, the suspense was sheer perfection, and, I know I say this all the time but, your BAMF!Stiles is *chef kiss* amazing.
😭😭😭💛💛💛💛💛💛 aaaaahhhhhh thank youuu so much. I know I say this all the time but I love writing BAMF!Stiles and action. I also just still really love AYR, I'm SO FREAKING PROUD of that fic and every time someone else enjoys it, I just want to scream with joy and also cry a little. I'm so glad you enjoyed it & all my silly little AUs hehehehe
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alma-artts · 7 months
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Rory Gilmore! loml <3
this is one of my favorite looks on her, I think she looks soo gorgeous in this episode and I just had to draw it
alma.artts on instagram for the progress video and more drawings :)
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fluttytheflutt · 2 years
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annoying little man
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serenescribe · 1 year
YOU ARE SO SO SO GOOD AT WRITING!!!! your “bad things happen” series is legitimately some of the best fics i have ever read! your pacing, characterization and overall storytelling is PHENOMENAL and you should be proud of yourself!!
aaaaaa THANK YOU SO MUCH!! god this made me smile so much when i read it upon waking up this morning ;;; i'm very glad to hear that my characterisation is good too btw ahfndhfd i am... very nervous whenever i write characters. deep-rooted fear of ooc
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
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news from the uk right now is that our new prime minister, who was appointed little over a month ago, is now being asked by her own party to resign after almost crashing the pound and having to do a complete u-turn on her policies.
she's actually had even less time in power (because parliament has to 'respectfully' stop due to the queen dying, cos you know, the country had to come to a complete halt for ten days) and her time in control is being likened to the shelf life of a lettuce. no seriously, there is currently a live stream of 'who will last longer, liz truss or this lettuce?':
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58,406 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
seriously wondering if we can call the uk a democracy anymore. we have a prime minister that less than 0.3% of the population voted for, we have a new king that we have no say on, people are getting arrested for protesting against the monarchy under the excuse of ‘offending someone’ and we are effectively having a day of mourning forced upon us for the funeral with important hospital appointments cancelled and people even getting kicked out of holiday lettings for the day. this reads like a dystopian world where a dictator has died, not something happening now in a supposed democratic country
59,216 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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rosenfey · 1 year
🍄🎀🍄🎀 — it took me several hours but i finally made a carrd that i am happy with
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insanityislife101 · 1 year
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I FINALLY got this done! Fnaf Mermay Moon, I might go and clean it up redo it Later. I probably won’t. Don’t ask why the quality drops about halfway through, I don’t want to talk about it.
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airenyah · 1 year
so i just set bad buddy on mydramalist from 9.5 to 10 stars and with that bad buddy is now above theory of love
this is relevant because up until now theory of love was the only drama with a 10/10 rating on my completed-list. and i couldn't get myself to put bad buddy at 10/10 since due to the alphabetical order theory of love would have gotten pushed down to no. 2
but now i finally could
i think it's safe to say that i'm finally. truly. well over my very own personal irl-khai
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#it took me 2.5 years but here i am!!!!#during christmas break i saw my irl-khai at youth group for a bit#(he was about to leave just as i arrived)#there was a girl with him#i think it was his girlfriend (at least that's what i assumed idk i didn't talk to them)#anyway it didn't hurt!!!! it didn't make me feel like shit!!!! i was okay!!!!#so far i never wanted to see (or even hear about) his girlfriend and then i ran into them completely unprepared for this situation. and i#i was. completely fine????????#and look at me now. putting bbs above tol#growth indeed. growth indeed.#i don't wanna brag but. i'm fucking proud of myself#airenyah plappert#bbs#tol#no but tol will forever have a very special place in my heart as THE most cathartic things i've ever watched (up until now)#it was like looking into a mirror and it played a big part in how i reflected on my situation and how i dealt with it#i would watch tol over and over again whenever i needed a reminder not to get close to my irl-khai again after i took a step back#as a reminder to myself how unlike superior (fictional) khai my very own irl-khai did NOT go through character development#and i don't mean i ever needed him to realize any hidden romantic feelings for me#i'd be happy enough if he at least realized how he hurt me back then. how his behaviour caused me a lot of pain#i've tried to explain it to him on multiple occasions but he just. doesn't get it. and he's surely never reflected on anything i've said#anyway he's mostly out of my life now and it's better that way#we're back to where we were almost a decade ago: talking only when we happen to be at youth group on the same day#i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine and i am sooo so happy about this and now bbs is above tol on my watch list even can you believe
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Okay I know I said this was done but I went a little crazy with it ☺️ idk should I sell this?? What would it even be worth?
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arthur-r · 10 days
HEY as of tomorrow it will be one year since i have passed out!!!! that is actually so good!!
#cause i have been listening to my body and learning the signs and SITTING DOWN WHEN I HAVE TO#i am proud and i feel silly for being proud but i am#also if testosterone goes well (and also the mood medicine i’m trying stimulates venous constriction which i need!!!!) i might be DONE#with the passing out era. forever and ever as long as i live. remains to be seen#but anyway that’s great cause like!! it’s not that i haven’t had flares or symptoms or situations where i could’ve passed out#but i have been learning to listen to my body and accommodate myself before it gets too bad and it’s helping#SOME PEOPLE CANT AVOID IT AND IM LUCKY THAT I AM ABLE TO STICK TO PRESYNCOPE WITH LIFESTYLE CHANGES#but i am proud of myself for doing everything i can to get to what my baseline is capable of being#anyway idk how to tag this but it’s also like. the opposite of concerning. and i’m the only person i know who needs similar tagged#but ask to tag!! i will start with:#medical cw#fainting cw#that hopefully will cover it but lmk and i will adjust here and in the future!!#anyway sending love!!!! i hope everyone is well. personally i’m feeling like i took my meds yesterday it’s kind of exhilarating#like seriously i had two panic attacks today and it was the best day i’ve had in weeks why the fuck have i been putting myself through this#(it’s cause i don’t like the side effects of my meds but I FEEL FINE. WHAT THE HELL. still gonna try sertraline but BETTER THAN NOTHING#by a LOT and i shouldn’t have cut back so much!!!! living and learning)#OH ask to tag about any of that also!! i’ll add a medicine cw idk if that’s a thing. again i think all my friends don’t care so it’s fine#but yeah. anyway i hope everybody is well and i love you!!!! and i’m gonna go to sleep and wake up in the morning!!#medicine cw#me. my post. mine.
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