#this was going to be bulletted but it seems tumblr has removed that function from posts! lovely
elkian · 9 months
BG3 Truly encapsulates the feeling of playing DnD in that every single party member:
-is some kind of established badass
-has a sadder, more dramatic, and edgier backstory than the last party member
-starts at level 1
truly, the quintessential Starting A New Campaign feeling of all time.
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dangerous-advantage · 11 months
concerning the new changes (07.10.23)
all right fuck it i wasn't gonna do this but then i ended up filling the tags on the post i reblogged.
so here's my thoughts on staff's 'Tumblr's Core Product Strategy" post and the things that i think could actually be good!... if staff respects tumblr's culture in implementing them.
to note, i am referring to this post. for better context, please go read the whole thing and try not to skip details, since i think it's important to understand the post through your own perspective if you want to participate in the conversation.
this post worried me at first, both because changes in the tumblr ecosystem with as much weight as this post carries have, historically, been pretty bad for the userbase.
starting off with a focus on creating a larger user base and inviting more, new creators rather than with a strong plan to focus on improving the current state of tumblr sets off alarm bells.
reading through the rest of it leaves me with... mixed thoughts. while it honestly does seem like they've heard a lot of the things we've been screaming at them about and might actually take steps to make things improve, i'm still wary.
this isn't a post explaining specific changes tumblr plans to implement. in fact, there are relatively few examples of actual strategies being communicated. it's just an overview with a lot of implications for the future.
i mean, not even the new tumblr labs group has any idea what the exact changes are going to be. just look at this:
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[ID: A screenshot containing text from a post made by the aforementioned account. It reads, "But we're not sure exactly what that change looks like, so we've assembled a new team, called Tumblr Labs, to figure it out as quickly..." It cuts off here. /End ID]
and i think that's the problem.
so, the post. staff explains that the issue, as they see it, is that the platform is fundamentally flawed-- i.e., because tumblr is difficult to use if you don't have an understanding of the site before, it tends to scare off new users rather than encourage engagement.
this isn't untrue. however, it should be noted, the tumblr userbase has cultivated a culture of teaching newcomers how the website and the website's culture functions. (see: the many posts made as 'guides' in the wake of the twitter and reddit fiascos, as well as @/strange-aeon's video on the topic.)
(not to say that this system isn't imperfect and could be improved by directing new users to the these posts, buuuuuuut i'll get into that later.)
now: i (and i think most of the userbase) agree with staff on the main point-- tumblr, as a platform, is broken. we have long complained about the bugs and the messy reblog chains and the notifications overwhelming you if a post gains traction.
(though, we've also just integrated that into tumblr culture, but that's a tangent for a different time.)
here's the thing: staff does mention these things as problems they want to fix.
here's a short list of some things the post mentions that i honestly agree are a problem, and that a lot of people have wanted to see change!
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[ID: Screenshots of items taken from the bulleted lists on staff's post. These read as follows: "Improving Tumblr's search engine optimization (SEO) practices to be in line with industry standards." "Making it easier for users to follow the various conversation paths within a reblog thread." "Build mechanisms to protect creators from being spammed by notifications when they go viral." "Improve performance and stability: deliver crash-free, responsive, and fast-loading apps on Android, iOS, and web.""Improve quality: deliver the highest quality Tumblr experience to our users." /End ID]
again, these are things that i agree are issues and would be cool to see improved upon. but staff doesn't tell us how they plan to do this.
in staff's response to the userbases' assumption that they're going to remove the reverse-chronological dashboard, they state they're 'surprised' users came away with this assumption.
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i, for one, am not.
the relationship between tumblr staff and the tumblr collective has been strained for a long time. mounting frustrations about users' actual issues with the website being ignored while new features are implemented that are almost unanimously disliked doesn't help.
and don't forget, the last time a change as drastic as this post is making it seem came into action, the porn ban was implemented. a change that had an overall negative effect on the community and tumblr's culture at large. it tore away crucial aspects of tumblr's identity that we'll probably never get back.
so while this post does address issues users have wanted to see fixed, of course we're still going to be wary.
the bottom line is, users don't trust staff to implement changes that will be beneficial to improving the platform for the tumblr userbase. (the recent reddit and twitter debacles don't help things much, either.)
i think staff needs to realize, as the final poster put it, tumblr already has innate value. value created by the community.
if staff focuses on improving tumblr to be easier to use-- in accordance with elevating tumblr's culture-- it will attract more people, simply by being less broken all the time.
this brings me to the other (main) issue i have: putting new users first over the current userbase.
this may not have been what staff meant to imply, but the emphasis seems to be on improving the userbase for incoming users, rather than those of us who are already here.
to be clear, i don't think that making tumblr easier to navigate for new users is bad. i mean, there's a reason we were writing guides. joining tumblr if you aren't already exposed to it can be daunting.
allowing new users to rely on an actual, working algorithm (although i think a user-driven algorithim is possibly one of the best parts of tumblr) isn't inherently bad. using that algorithim to elevate new creators isn't bad, either.
it's the way they choose to do this that makes us wary. like i mentioned before, we already have somewhat of a system for on-boarding new users to the site: word of mouth from more experienced users. this helps with both learning how to navigate tumblr and introducing new users to tumblr culture.
with all this in mind: where do we go from here?
in my mind, the solution for these problems comes down to communication. if staff wants more trust from the tumblr userbase, they need to show they are willing to listen to feedback from the tumblr collective.
when implementing changes, a great way to avoid the immediate backlash and distrust of tumblr users is by clearly outlining the changes they plan to make and the strategies by which they will be carried out.
another user made the analogy that websites should be like cities, where the users have a say in (as staff puts it) the 'evolution of tumblr.'
(mmmmmaybe we could use that spiffy new poll feature, too? everybody loves polls!)
for on-boarding new users, staff could take inspiration from the userbase in implementing a system by which new users are given the information needed to navigate tumblr. tidy up the site, remove bugs, and make it easier to use, and a lot of problems will sort themselves out.
then, we can go from there.
regarding the rest of the stuff i brushed over, i don't feel i can really say much without knowing what they actually plan to do, or where they plan to go with these things.
for example, here's another list of images of things from the post that i am cautiously intrigued by, but am worried will be improved for the worse:
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[ID: Another series of images, showing more of the items listed in staff's post. They read as follows: "Move faster: provide APIs and services to unblock core product initiatives and launch new features coming out of Labs." "Get creators' new content in front of people who are interested in it." "Improve the feedback loop for creators, incentivizing them to continue posting." "Allow engagements on individual replies and reblogs." "Improve our algorithmic ranking capabilities across all feeds." /End ID.]
the bottom line is this: if staff wants the support of the userbase in upcoming changes, they need to show that they respect and value us and the culture at large. in my opinion, staff has made strides in embracing tumblr culture, but we need to know these changes are not just motivated by profit.
if staff intends to keep it's current users, they need to to recognize that we deserve a say in this, too.
without the userbase, tumblr wouldn't exist. end of story. we are what keep tumblr alive. as stated before, expanding the userbase is not a bad thing. but doing so to the detriment of tumblr's culture is.
in this regard, i do truly hope that staff means what they said in the conclusion of their original post:
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[ID: An image of the conclusion of staff's post. It reads: "Our mission has always been to empower the world's creators. We are wholly committed to ensuring Tumblr evolves in a way that supports our current users while improving areas that attract new creators, artists, and users. You deserve a digital home that works for you. You deserve the best tools and features to connect with your communities on a platform that priotitizes the easy discoverability of high-quality content. This is an invigorating time for Tumblr, and we--" The words then cut off. /End ID]
so, @staff. if you really do believe this: prove it.
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cotccotc · 4 years
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𝟒:𝟑𝟒 𝐩𝐦  ✦ ˚。⋆. “ 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 ”
        ┈┈ 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚗
☆ part of my halloween headcanons (☔:  go on a rainy day walk)
☆ summary: mother nature has nothing on you and your walking buddy. ♡
☆  genre/s: fluff, friends to lovers, college au
☆  warning/s: none!
☆ headcanon (~900 words eep)
☆  a/n: this is,,, long :))))) tbh if you take away the bullets it’s fully a blurb. but oh well hehe <33
☆ tags: @crscendoforsung, @nafnifnice, @multi-net
soobin offered to walk you back to your dorm today. he’d never done that before.
for a split second you thought he was joking, or maybe his other friends had dared him to do it.
what if they all knew you have a crush on him?
what if he knew?
yet, when he asked you if he could walk with you, he seemed genuine. casual. it was as if this was something you regularly do together.
(though, judging by your heart rate, it’s not)
so, you said yes.
the air is particularly muggy today. the sky looks like a watercolor painting; various watered-down gray tones dripping down a blank page.
let me rephrase: it rained not too long ago, and it looks like it’s about to rain again. but neither of you came prepared.
right now, you’re walking side by side on the concrete path, dark clouds and tall trees looming overhead. fog lingers in the air, rendering your farsight almost completely useless.
soobin looks at you, puzzled.
“so what you’re telling me is… you’ve never been to the coffeehouse by the science building?” he asks in disbelief.
prior to this, you did indeed say ‘i’ve never been to the coffeehouse by the science building,’ however he still wanted some clarification.
“how? how do you function?”
“i never said i don’t drink coffee, i just said i’d never been to the cart.”
“believe me,” he starts, matter-of-factly, “you’ve never had coffee until you’ve been to the cart.”
you chuckle, looking down at your sneakers as you tighten your grip on your backpack straps.
whenever soobin makes you laugh, you’re sent into a frenzy of blushes and smiles, which is hard to contain.
he just keeps his eyes locked on you. he enjoys making you laugh just as much as you do.
but you don’t know that.
at least, until you look up at him to reveal his toothy grin. he quickly shies away from your gaze, but you notice a tinge of pink rising in his cheeks.
you decide to clear the air (metaphorically. but if you could clear the fog in front of you, you definitely would).
“out of curiosity… why’d you ask to walk with me today?”
you focus on the crunching sound of leaves under your feet to distract yourself from your nerves.
his voice softens, his hands clasped behind his back. “well… i see you leave alone every day... and i wanted to make sure you get home safe. the weather forecast said it would be a bit nicer, though. maybe i should’ve waited another day…”
and suddenly, as if it’s a sign from the universe, you feel a droplet of water hit your forehead, causing
“did you feel one, too?” he asks, presumably in response to your brief physical response. he thought it was cute.
and just like that, it starts pouring.
you let out a small squeal as the rain begins falling harder. the gray tinted sky has darkened, but you honestly don’t mind.
“should we run?” he asks apprehensively, a hand raising to cover his head. you know he’s never been one for intense physical activity, even when it seems like the only way you’ll get home without getting sopping wet.
“i kinda like the rain,” you reply. you reach your hands out to feel the water dripping down from the sky.
“perfect. me too.” he walks forward, turning to face you while raising his arms out to the sides.
he closes his eyes, letting the rain fall down upon his face as he walks backward. he runs his fingers through his electric blue hair, which has now turned a shade darker due to its dampness.
you let out a “woohoo!” as you spin around a few times, enjoying the feeling of the downpour on your skin. this earns a big laugh from the tall boy.
“wait! y/n!” soobin shouts. you look at him with a questioning expression. “your backpack!”
you hadn’t even realized, but your bag was soaked. luckily, it only holds your phone today, buried under your pencil case. but of course, soobin doesn’t know that.
he grabs you by the waist, moving you to stand in front of him.
he drapes his arms over your shoulders, wrapping them comfortably around your neck in an effort to shield your backpack from the elements.
in other words, he holds you tight. and he has no intentions of letting you go any time soon.
your heart is beating uncontrollably as you laugh at his boldness. he cracks up as well, waddling behind you as you drag him forward.
the rain remains just as fierce as the two of you march on, giggling the whole way down.
“y/n?” he almost whispers, his head resting close to your ear.
“yeah, bin?”
he blushes at your brief use of the nickname.
“can i take you to the coffee cart some time?”
you smile. you’re beaming, actually. especially since he can’t see your face.
“of course.”
with a kiss to your cheek, he removes his arms, spinning you around with your shoulders to face him.
he takes your hand and lifts it in the air for you to spin. and so, you follow his non-verbal instruction with a giggle.
and so, you keep walking, his hand never leaving yours.
you’re both completely drenched, but it doesn’t phase you.
rain or shine, soobin is determined to keep a smile on your face from here on out.
©️ cotccotc 2020 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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harcourtholmesii · 4 years
Lost in the Fog
Tumblr Request by: Der-Mottenmann
Request: Ok so can I kinda request a Jason Todd and Cheryl mason pair up. Like Jason goes in the entitiy realm and there they meet?
Notes: Admittedly, I was not expecting a crossover as my first request, but I was excited to give this one a shot. Not once has it ever come to my head to write a DC x Dead by Daylight crossover before. It was tricky, but I do hope you like the story!
Words: 2102
-          Swearing
-          Disturbing Imagery
-          Blood and Gore
-          Implied/Referenced Death of a Main Character
-          Death
-          Violence
-          Vomiting/Sickness
His head was pounding. Blinding white light filled his vision, and the heat produced burned through Jason’s senses. His nerves were on fire, and standing was an unimaginably painful ordeal, akin to only one previous experience. The acidic burn of the Lazarus effects ran rivers through his veins, as if reminding him of that horrid experience. It seemed almost fuelled by something.
 Standing, Jason was surrounded by dark woods in every direction, his vision framed by twisted oaks and pines with outstretched, groping branches. Lifting his eyes to the sky, he could see a shine of moonlight, but the pearl was hidden by thick blankets of cloud. This whole place… it didn’t make any sense.
He had last been in Gotham, leaping from rooftop to gargoyle, grapple hook and gun in hand. He had been hot on the trail of some drug traffickers; some new group that thought they were hot shit. He knew the Bat would be on it, but he wasn’t about to leave these guys unpunished. He still had the photographs of those teenagers; young and callous, all just wanting to experiment. The gang made quick work of them when they didn’t pay up.
 There was a crack of a twig underfoot, and Jason was on edge. He turned, realising his helmet’s in-built monitoring systems were fried. They sparked around his head, and the feeling burned. He smacked his metal hood, but it did little to fix the picture.
 He moved forward, on edge and prepared for anything. Take it slow, be methodical. He couldn’t afford to be injured now or caught off guard, especially since he must have been before when someone had abducted him and dumped him out here. His breath heaved deep within his throat, far too loud for Jason’s liking. Perhaps he had suffered from an injury he was unfamiliar with. Apart from the Lazarus’ acidic heat and the pain behind his eyes, he didn’t feel much different.
 He had reached the path where he had heard movement. He found the stick, broken in half, and half a footprint in the dirt. The sole of some sneaker or boots. It was a light form, that much he could tell, and rather small. He followed it closely, and from here, he scanned the surrounding area. The mainframe sparked.
 He could just barely make out a hand, resting lightly against the wood of a tree, bloodied and bruised knuckles on display. Pale skin and a frail arm from what he could determine. He approached, and that hand hurriedly removed itself from the tree trunk. He could just make out the shape of a body behind the tree standing from a crouched position.
 A head of straw, blonde hair had turned the tree, but Jason only got a good look at their grey-green eyes, pink around the edges as if they had been crying. Those eyes had widened at his notice, and suddenly, the girl was running in the opposite direction.
 ‘Wait!’ He called out. He could barely understand himself through the damaged helm. His voice was warped; a mess of a human cry and a deep reverb from the whirring of the helmet’s struggling functions. She didn’t wait. If anything, she picked up the pace.
 He didn’t wish to cause her further alarm, but she could probably tell him where he was. He didn’t much care for children, but he didn’t want to scare her. He was on her tail in a moment, coming up on her quickly. They were coming upon some damaged, brick ruins when she passed through a gap. His hand was out, reaching for her. If he could just stop her, he could talk to her and explain himself.
 There was the sudden pain of something striking him across the head. Splinters of wood and nail flew in an arc above his shoulders, as a haphazardly crafted pallet of sorts came down upon him. Okay. He was getting a bit pissed now. He raised his right leg high in a strong arc, bringing it down and destroying the pallet in a single kick.
 He looked about the ruins, wondering for a moment as to where she could disappear to. A red locker stood to his right, but he couldn’t hear any breathing or creaking wood. She wasn’t there. He stepped forward, until he came to an open window space. He reached down suddenly, gripping a head of blonde hair in his gloved hand and pulling the child up into view.
 Confusion struck him immediately upon realising that this was a teenager or young adult. She was holding her head, trying to relieve the pain his grip had on her scalp. She was panicked, chest rising fervently. He let her go, climbing through the window carefully after her. She stepped back, nursing her temples, eyes wide and watching his every move.
 ‘Who are you?’ Again, his voice was a confused mess of sound, the volume apparently louder than she would have like. Her hands were to her ears, and she was stepping back away from him.
 ‘D-Don’t come any closer!’
 ‘I don’t want to hurt you.’
 It seemed that she thought differently. She was turned away and running at full tilt in the opposite direction. He just didn’t understand it. How had he grown, and how on Earth was his helmet this damaged? He felt sweat building under his gloves, and gave himself a moment of reprieve. However, Jason was astounded by the sight of what lay underneath.
 His hands were their pale white, but his veins were alight, bright green and seemingly shifting underneath his skin. What the fuck was this?!
 A scream cut his thoughts off. Then the sound of a chainsaw.
  It was a new one. Another one! She had to inform the others. She didn’t understand why it didn’t give chase, but that thing watched her leave. The sparking of that red, metallic mask and the pulse of green veins on the neck made her sick. Cheryl had no idea what that thing was, but like Hell was she going to wait for an explanation.
 She was running blindly through the woods, she had almost completely forgotten what she had been hiding from in the first place. That was, until she stumbled upon that freak’s handiwork. She tripped over an obstruction in the dirt, peering down to the sight of Jane’s top half. She was missing part of her midsection, where a chainsaw’s blade had rattled through and split her down the middle.
 The red seeped over Cheryl’s legs, dying them that awful colour. She was on her feet, struggling to hold in her stomach’s contents. She held her hands tight to her lips, trying to prevent sick or a scream from passing them. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She screamed.
 ‘Shshshsh-Shush!’ It was Dwight, in her face and holding a finger to his lips. His glasses were broken, but it was the pool of scarlet in his shoulder that concerned her. ‘W-We need to go!’ His voice was hushed; frantic. Cheryl nodded.
 ‘T-There’s another-’
 ‘Don’t worry about that one! Worry abou-’ There was the telltale rattle of a chainsaw’s engine. They ducked down behind a few bushes, looking up in time to see that face with taut skin pulled across svelte muscle. The sunken, dark eyes stared at them, and there was that growl deep within its throat. The chainsaw swung high above their heads, just grazing Cheryl’s shoulder. She cried out.
 ‘Run!’ Dwight didn’t have to tell her twice. She was back on her feet and racing to the nearest bricked gym. It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. She vaulted through a gap in the wall, cringing at the sound of metal shredding through brick. Red dust swirled into the air and sparks flew high at the collision.
 He climbed through the wall after her, and though she was ahead, the revving chainsaw grew louder in her ear, until he was upon her. She felt it imbed itself into her back, and was removed just as quickly. It always astounded her how the hillbilly managed to remove it before permanent damage was done. It was almost a sick and twisted form of art.
 She raised her head, looking around for Dwight. Where was he?! Her voice was weak. She cried out when those unwanted arms reached down and around her. Through the pain, she only just realised that piece of shrapnel Laurie had given her earlier fell from her pocket. There was no getting out of this.
 ‘H-Hel-!’ Her voice cracked. She could barely think through the pain. That arm pulled tight over her back, and no matter how weakly her fists pounded against flesh, he wasn’t letting go.
 ‘Help!’ She tried again. A little louder.
 Suddenly, there was a roar from her captor, and she was on the ground. She whipped her head around, in time to see that freakish monster from before standing between her and the hillbilly. Knife raised, she could see those acidic green veins pulsing on his hands. She didn’t understand.
 There was a bellowing reverb from behind that mask, and suddenly they were clashing. The hillbilly’s arms swung a wide arc with the chainsaw, and the red hooded creature leapt back. He leapt forward, striking with the blade until the hilt dug deep into the right shoulder. Cheryl noted a gun on its right hip; it was removed from its holster and hastily, three shots were fired.
 There was another roar from the hillbilly, as a bullet shredded through its cheek, a bullet digging deep into its eye and the hand that gripped the chainsaw. He dropped it. Cheryl scrambled back and away from the two giants as they did battle. She had never seen this before. It was… unprecedented.
 The hillbilly pulled up his hammer, dropping the chainsaw and starting on wide swings of his weapon. One collided into the ribs of the second monster, and there was a warped cry through the scratch of metal. The hillbilly’s taut skin pulled back around his mouth, as if laughing. Suddenly, that laugh was cut short by a crack of a gunshot.
 The hillbilly dropped, a single, explosive bullet hole leaving behind an opening the size of Cheryl’s fist in the monster’s forehead. Skull fragments and brain matter had spread about in all directions. This time, Cheryl did throw up.
 She felt her body wretch and force up the few things she had eaten in the last day, and through it all, one of those large hands rested gently upon her back. Once she was finished spewing, she raised her gaze up at the red hooded creature, and felt those strong arms gather her up, cradling her.
 There was a bellow of sound, and she rose her hands to her ears, desperate to shut out the reverb and shrieking metal. It stopped as suddenly as it started. Through the damaged helm, she could see one, burning green eye. Unlike all the other killers, masked or otherwise, she could see those eyes held something she had never seen before. At least, nothing she had seen in a killer’s gaze.
 ‘Cheryl!’ Dwight’s voice echoed out from his position, and he exited from a locker. He was panicked, watching her with wide eyes. He kept his distance, but she could see how he was trying to get the creature’s attention.
 ‘Stop! Dwight, please!’ She looked up at the creature. Those eyes that had shifted to the injured Dwight had returned to her. They were patient.
 ‘A-Are you going to hurt me?’ It shook its head.
 ‘Cheryl, you know we can’t t-trust it!’
 ‘Shut up!’ She barked back. She soothed her temper with a deep breath, looking past his broad shoulders and down at the collapsed body of the hillbilly. She knew he would be back. They always were. But for now… The monster was gone.
 ‘Are you g-going to help-p us?’
 He nodded again, and started walking forward towards Dwight. When Dwight skirted away, Cheryl threw the cowering man a threatening look. The man held his position, though it seemed like he was about to piss himself. She turned her eyes back up to the creature.
 ‘O-Our hideout is t-t-that way.’ She said, gesturing past Dwight and deep into the trees. The creature didn’t pay Dwight much mind as he passed him, and headed deep into the woods. He did slow down so the man could catch up, but he kept Cheryl tight in his arms. He didn’t let her down for a moment.
 And yet, Cheryl never felt safer.
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rannadylin · 4 years
So, since the option for @new-xkit-extension users to keep the old dash (with working Xkit extensions) appears to be gone now I’m just gonna start a list both for my own reference and for requests to tumblr staff of the extensions I am now finding it hardest to do without, more or less in order of how much I miss them. Feel free to add your own must-haves! (and the list at https://github.com/new-xkit/XKit/issues/1802 is handy for tracking which extensions in Xkit have already been updated for the new dash...)
[ETA a read more as my list got longer than I expected!]
Read Posts: oh my goodness when I’m catching up in the morning, or in the evenings after work once going back in to work will be a thing, it is so frustrating not to have that dimmed post tell me that I’m all caught up now! How many posts will I obliviously scroll through multiple times before realizing I saw that one the last time I read through my dash? The fact that many posts show up multiple times in reblogs makes it even harder to keep track of where you left off, so the disabling of this extension has thrown my tumblr routine into considerable confusion. I’m either gonna end up rereading everything from the last time I caught up or I’m gonna not catch up all the way because I’ll see a reblog that I know I saw in my previous catch-up session and it’ll actually be someone else’s reblog of the same post so I’ll miss whatever came before it.
No Recommended (or possibly it was Anti-Capitalism): it’s supposed to hide the recommended posts that come from your followed tags and then just show up on your dash as if you were following the OP. At least I think this is the extension that was removing those for me? It’s actually checked on the list linked above so maybe it was a different extension that had this covered. At any rate, the first I realized the “revert to old dashboard” option must have been eliminated was when I started seeing these again, sigh. Now I may just unfollow all my followed tags and see if that stops them from throwing up random blogs I didn’t ask to see.
Shorten Posts: Oh my goodness things are so LONG now. And is the font bigger? Less of each post, especially longer or photo posts, fits on the screen at a time and so it takes longer to get through it. Might have to unfollow blogs as well as my followed tags just to have the time to keep up with what I do follow.
Read More Now: UGH, “Keep reading” links open in a separate tab again. :-( It’s a hassle and RMN made it so much more streamlined.
ETA: When not on the dash but on the dash-style version of my own blog (so tumblr.com/blog/rannadylin that is), clicking the “Keep Reading” opens up like this extension used to? Hm i’ll need to check next time a read more comes up on my dash whether it’s been updated to work there too...
Quick Tags: Looks like if reblogging or making a post from your dash you can no longer use this extension to add tag bundles for quick & easy organization of posts. Oh my goodness. I’m already tired at the thought of typing them all out by hand. (Side note: The Activity page seems to still be untouched by the changes - extensions that apply to it are still working - so if you go to that page first then click the new post icon, you can use the tag bundles. No good for reblogging though, unless you are reblogging a post from your activity page somehow?)
Auto Tagger: Not quite as annoying as the loss of Quick Tags since this one I mostly just used for things like “queue” and “ranna reblogs” on non-original posts and “from the desk of ranna” on original posts, and that’s just one tag to add. But you can be sure I’ll forget to add them most of the time, so there goes that layer of organization (and the option of blocking those tags if you didn’t want to see that portion of content from my blog). 
Cancel that; it looks like this one is still working as I just attempted to reblog something and my auto tag for that showed up!
Er...maybe not, since it just used my original post tag on a reblog instead of the tag that should go on things I reblog.
Tag Tracking+: I mean, this one won’t be necessary if I have to unfollow my tracked tags to make tumblr stop putting posts from the tags on my dash from blogs I don’t follow, but also now it’s not as simple to find those followed tags...so that I can unfollow them...
Header Options: I used this to “Show my blogs on the header” so I had quick links to switch between this, my main blog, and sideblogs like @roleplayers-of-eternity and @pillarspromptsweekly. So that’s just a few extra clicks to do that switching but still it slows things down overall. Heeeey, this one just got updated and looks functional on the new dash now! Huzzah!
Blacklist: Well, the new tumblr has something of the sort built in but I haven’t blacklisted as many things there as I had in Xkit so I’m not entirely sure yet (until I start comparing blacklisted phrases on the posts that are being hidden by whatever) if this one’s still working or if it’s just tumblr’s blacklisting that’s working. I suppose as long as we have one functional version of this it’s fine. (On a third thought, it might be the separate-from-Xkit Tumblr Savior extension that’s working again now? While I had the Xkit “Revert to old dashboard” option switched on I don’t think TS worked with that but maybe it’s been updated for the new dash?)
OK after some cross checking I think it is Tumblr Savior that has the blacklist phrases I’m seeing with a “Content Warning” hiding the post. Not sure if Xkit’s Blacklist is also working but that is quite possible...we’ll see if I can find a post hidden that is only blacklisted there...
ETA: Annnnd I just saw a post blocked with a tag I only had blacklisted in the Xkit Blacklist! So, good, it looks like all versions of blacklist functions are working.
Now for one that wasn’t even an extension, I don’t think: you know how you can hit J to scroll down a post and K to scroll up a post? Well that still works; but previously you could then hit the right arrow key to go to the next page of posts if you don’t have endless scrolling on (or left arrow to go to the previous page if you need to) and it appears those no longer function that way. So farewell to mouse-free dash scrolling, I guess, gonna have to click that Next > button every time manually now.
Also, upon going to my Queue to see if there are extensions broken there that I will miss (e.g. Scroll to Bottom for when you need to quickly find the most recent thing you queued to adjust tags or something), it...isn’t actually showing any of my queued posts? What?
As noted earlier, the Activity page is not yet switched over to “new” tumblr, and it looks like the Inbox isn’t either, so the Outbox extension still works which is great for old folks like me prone to forgetting whether we already sent that ask we meant to send. *ahem* In other words, if the Inbox switches to the new engine or whatever and this extension goes away, UGH.
ETA: Oh and I just noticed as I added some indented bullet points to the list above...they’re all showing up at the first level of indentation, not outline-style like intended, when viewed on the actual dash. Sigh.
On the bright side of the changes, it definitely seems to load faster on the new dash! And as I’m going through my list of Xkit extensions there are several that I see are actually redundant now because their functionality is already a part of the new dash. If Tumblr can incorporate the usability features that we used to have to turn to 3rd party extensions to supply, that’ll be great!
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Sorry if disappeared from the face of Tumblr, kind of got distracted with a certain Amino. Anyways, I wanted to show off Zettai Karen Children Azusa’s new design as well as one of her animal forms.
Here is her bio again, it has some new things to it.
🦇 Azusa is an executive of P.A.N.D.R.A who serves as third in command. She’s also a Level 6 esper with umbrakinesis, hypnosis, and metamorphosis. 🦇
🧛🏻‍♀️ Basics
- Name: Azusa Hyoubu
- Aka: Sovereign of Darkness, Vampiric Esper, The Umbrakinetic, Vampire (by Yō Fujiura), Wannabe Vampire, Darling Vampire (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Wifey (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Vampie (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Darling (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Esper With Vampirism Tendencies, Sovereign of Darkness.
- Gender: Female (She/Her)
- Age: 37 (Elementary Arc), 39 (Middle School Arc), 41 (High School Arc; Currently) (Appears 19-22)
- Occupation:
PANDRA Executive; Third In Command
Leader of House of Bloodletting Dogs (formerly)
- Nationality: Japanese American
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Species: Level 6 Esper
- Height: 5’11”/181 cm
🧛🏻‍♀️ Powers/Weapons
1. Umbrakinesis: Azusa’s main ability which allows her to manipulate darkness/shadows. So far, she’s capable of animating shadows, solidifying shadows into things; objects; and beings, create a bat-like or African wild dog-like monster out of her own shadow, infuse darkness into anything she touches, blend into the shadows of others or her surroundings, release a wave of darkness at her opponent, turn her body into darkness, control people’s motor functions by fusing her shadow with their shadows, and create a field of darkness at a certain range that removes the person’s senses except for touch and hearing. Due to manipulating the psychic waves that control her umbrakinetic powers, she’s immune to darkness/shadow based attacks/powers. The main weakness of her ability is that it can at times strain Azusa’s body.
2. Hypnosis: Azusa is shown to create and manipulate deceiving illusions that effect the five senses. Her illusions dissolve into swarms of bats when deactivated.
3. Metamorphosis: Can transform into a vampire bat or African Wild Dog.
4. Teleportation
5. Parasol
🧛🏻‍♀️ Likes/Dislikes
✓ Books
✓ Reading
✓ Apple Juice
✓ Chess
✓ Knives
✓ Board Games
✓ Foxes
✓ Bats
✓ Cello Rock
✓ Jazz Fusion
✓ Knife Throwing
✓ Blood
✓ Vampires
✓ Metal Music
✓ Writing
✓ Typewriters
✓ Fencing
✓ Vampires
✓ African Wild Dogs
* Non Espers
* Rap/Hip Hop
* Pop Music
* People Calling Her Vampire Wannabe
🧛🏻‍♀️ Personality
Azusa is a woman with a suave, extroverted, enthusiastic, and confident personality. On the surface, she appears to be rather businesslike; smug; and polite character who is often seen smiling no matter what situation she’s in and sometimes does a greeting bow towards friend or foe.
She appears to have a soft spot for books and board games, with chess being her favorite one to play. She also seems to have rather sophisticated yet expensive taste in many things as she’s seen collecting very old typewriters, eating at formal dining restaurants, and buying rather refined clothing.
Azusa is also known to be rather sharp-witted, being very intelligent and capable of completing tasks in a practical manner.
Despite those things, being a member of P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa is described to be rather dangerous. She is very sinister, bloodthirsty, and can be quite sadistic at times which she shows towards her foes as she isn’t afraid to shed blood with a wide grin on her face. Like Hyoubu, she tends to mask her saddened or angered emotions with a smile or confident smirk.
During battle, Azusa tends to tease or taunt her opponents and seems to boast a lot of self-confidence when fighting or when completing tasks to a point of arrogance. She’s also rather remorseless towards her enemies showing no qualms in hurting or killing those who stand in her or Hyoubu’s way.
She’s also quite cunning and tends to use rather ruthless methods to achieve her tasks. Azusa is also a very ambitious individual. She also appears to hold a strong grudge and disgust for humans due to her treatment by them in the past.
Despite these things, Azusa is kind and polite towards P.A.N.D.R.A, especially towards Hyoubu who she loves to bits and is very loving as well as caring towards him. She is also described to a loving and caring parental figure towards her kids and the Esper children who were taken in by P.A.N.D.R.A. Due to being rescued by Hyoubu around her early 20s, Azusa has sworn absolute loyalty to him.
Though usually confident, Azusa has also shown sadness and even fear/concern from time to time.
Aside from books, Azusa seems to take a strong interest in vampires and has a tendency to use her illusion ability to surround herself in bats, is obsessed with bats, drinks blood, and wears clothing that reminds her of vampires. Some find this endearing or strange. Her obsession with vampires and her ability has lead her to being called a ‘Vampire’ by Yō Fujiura.
In the past, before meeting Hyoubu and before becoming more open towards P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa was described to be a lot more coolheaded and pessimistic. Thanks to help of Hyoubu and P.A.N.D.R.A, Azusa has opened up.
🧛🏻‍♀️ Past
At a young age, Azusa and her parents were victims of esper trafficking in Japan where she would eventually be bought in the Black Market by an unknown organization of normals who often used espers for their own personal gain and often treated espers inhumanely, often making espers their assassins and usually made their espers wear Limiters to suppress their powers. Azusa was valued by the organization due to her abilities and being a Level 6 esper which are the second highest level espers. However, she was treated poorly and only saw her as a tool of destruction. When they didn’t need her on certain missions, she often sported Limiters. Azusa disliked being treated by normals as nothing more than a mere tool.
On her 20th birthday, Azusa and her group of friends turns their back against the normal comprised organization and uses her abilities against them, killing many of the normal members in the process. She tells the espers within the organization that she is the Leader of The House of Bloodletting Dogs and their goal is rescue espers from humans, even if it meant killing humans in the process.
After Azusa’s escape, she and her group would eventually go into hiding while saving espers from humans where she and her friends would be caught up in an esper/normal conflict where she was nearly killed by normals and lost all of the Bloodletting Dogs members in the process until she was saved by Hyoubu and PANDRA, an organization comprising of only espers who offer her a home for only espers and dream of creating a world where espers will live with rights as well as freely. Hearing about Hyoubu’s offer and having nowhere else to go, she joins the organization and over time, grows very close to them and isn’t treated as a tool like the previous organization.
🧛🏻‍♀️ Future Azusa Predictions
1. Azusa is said to have sided with the espers who are fighting against humans, being responsible for countless deaths in the process. Even though not every esper is seen fighting against the humans, many of them are which is seen with Azusa.
2. Azusa supposedly watches over a small group of espers and supplies them with dangerous weapons.
3. While Azusa’s title known as the Sovereign of Darkness is not as well known as The Queen of Catastrophe (the now 20 year old Kaoru Akashi who supposedly had defected from Babel in the future and leads PANDRA due to Hyoubu’s worsening health conditions), her name is still feared upon by many for the blood shed she has caused.
4. By the war, Azusa has reached her mid forties (around 44-45 years old).
5. During the war’s initial stages, Azusa’s original parasol is destroyed and is seen with a different parasol instead.
6. It’s unknown whether Azusa survived or died in the war.
7. Due to her masks being destroyed, Azusa wears bandages over her eye. She also sports a different outfit.
8. Azusa kills Bullet Silver during an air raid.
🧛🏻‍♀️ Ship Name
Hyouzusa (Kyousuke Hyoubu x Azusa Hyoubu)
🧛🏻‍♀️ Some Trivia
* Favorite food is blood and sushi.
* Drinks blood.
* Married to Kyousuke Hyoubu.
* Has two daughters with Hyoubu (Zorro and Yugiri who they view as their adopted daughter).
* Wears masks and neck bandages to cover scars.
* Obsessed with vampires and vampirecore.
* Tends to call Hyoubu “Angel”.
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bedlamgames · 5 years
Q&A #100
Yes, been a hundred of this things. Totally a meaningless milestone which is one of my oldest tags on here (assuming any are left after the purge...) still I thought I’d do something for it. 
Specifically I’ve gone back over the old Q&A’s and found some favourite questions and answers which I’ll be including in this after the usual round of outstanding ones. Possibly also with some extra commentary where appropriate. 
Anonymous said: Hey. Any pair of characters connected by an Owned relationship/reputation seems to crash the game if you use either one of them on an assignment. Any chance of this being fixed?
- That should be sorted in yesterday’s update. 
Anonymous said: Got a Forest Goblin with both Dancer and Clumsy. This seems like a very strange combination, but imagining it kind of makes me want to laugh my head off.
- Agreed I think that just works due to being amusing. Less poetry in motion and more of a limerick. 
Anonymous said: In No Haven 0.871 the trait " Elementalist: Air " does not appear when using the estimate value function.
- Cheers for pointing out that oversight. Will sort.
Anonymous said: Hi sory english isn't my native langage, In No Have 0.871 TF Edition I have aquired a slaver But with a bug first i don't know how i acquire her and two she had noting , no name no perk jus a little description i will copy the full examine optin on it : - - - - ExamineName: Race: - Sex: - Status: - Reputation: Traits: Condition: 0 Will: 0 Estimated Value: 0 has a flat chest, a regular pussy, and has an unremarkable ass. She is the same size as most goblins, and .She is . 
- That looks like an empty character in all respects. I believe there was an issue with Ritual Casting where that could happen and is now sorted. If you see it happen again please let me know what you were doing when they appeared. 
Anonymous said: Hey Bedlam, watched stream where you discussed not selling slaves debuff, thing is i always imagined slavers being in this business for fun and pleasure first, and gold second. I mean why else would they agree to live in some Skyrim style, long abandoned really, hard to get to fort in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by hills and marshes(at least that how i imagine it)? So maybe you could make something like,"no new slaves, or slave training for X days, getting bored" or something like that?
- It wouldn’t be too harsh at all. Just a bit of a poke to encourage that you’re business model is based around being a slaver over the leader disappearing to the coast for a week and returning with suspiciously large amounts of gold. In that case you’ve got to think that your slavers might feel that they’re surplus to requirements :D
Anonymous said: I hope you're happy for taking so many hours of my life away from me lol. But playing this again; got a question about NH. Any plans on making some rival groups that we can interact with? Diplomacy, getting tribute, ect. It would be kinda cool to have rivals that push you along 
Glad you’re enjoying it! 
Likely yes. There’s ways currently now to set up a few ways to get tribute every so often. More groups though who are more hostile than the not-witches in the marshlands or the mistress of the Ensnared Rose are sure to be a thing sooner or later. 
doof-ex-machina said: Have you read the Gorean saga by John Nornan? If yes, did it influence your vision of the No Haven world? Gor explores a legal female-oriented slave system, yheah, but there are pretty close similarities with NH in regards to the numbers of ‘fodder’ and the ways of training. Anyway, me personally thinks your world is even better because magic and draenei/succubi boobs, duh.
I haven’t but I am aware of them in general. 
NH is a lot more equal opportunities than Gor where males doing it to females, females doing it to males, and all possible variations of that including others like futanari and sissies are likely to happen. Still high praise indeed, thanks!
And now onto some old questions starting with one from before where I realised beginning to combine these might be a good idea. 
onedrift from 2015:  Trying this again...what's your coder fuel of choice? Red bull, Monster, coffee? None of the above? Soon to be bimbofied slavemakers want to know!
- Heh, totally giving my nationality away (if it wasn’t blatantly obvious already) but the fuel of choice is copious amounts of Earl Grey tea.
Anonymous from 2015: Hiya, been a fan of your work for a long time, captions and games thanks for making them, but a question regarding whorelocks revenge, is it possible to get the tangle infection and bonds of insanity? in all my time playing them I never had either I dont think.
- Not in the current version. Basically I wasn’t happy with the implementation in terms of how they were removed so I disabled them for a bit till I can sort it out… which unfortunately has lasted quite some time.
Soon as I got this No Haven update done they’re top of my list of things to sort in Whorelocks.
(Oh zogging hell. Still not done that yet... Extenuating circumstance for sure with NH taking off and WR was still in RAGS at that point, but even so)
Anonymous from 2015: This is probably a poor place to respond to your open-ended poll question, but have you looked into Twine?
- I’ve looked at Twine and when I one day get round to Rough Landing 3 it’s definitely going to be done using it, but to me it looks like an incredibly poor fit for working on No Haven.
(Oh past me why would say such a thing even if it did make a lot of sense at the time. Let’s hope that guy was wrong)
Anonymous from Q&A #1: Title image is hype, cant wait for next update. recall you mentioned that you had enchantments planed for the update after next (or something there abouts) how far ahead have you planned ahead and any spoilers for the update after this one? :D
- Why thank you! I have several pages bullet pointed of what I have planned along with what I have in my head. For stuff not in the next update I’d say not counting more slave training assignments and options and more assignments in the other areas the big bits of content outstanding are;
Way more potions. (Still do do)
Enchantment/cursing of items system.  (Also still do do)
Crafting Devices. (Also, also still do do)
Ways to manage encampments when they get to large by sending slavers/slaves to new areas to provide ongoing gold/supplies along with the occasional assignment. (Oh dear, also, also still do do)
More stuff for you like going on every assignment, bad ends for some of them, more interactions, being enslaved and so on. Basically lots more sub and also some dom content for when you’re not managing the encampment. (Woo progress made! Bad ends for some assignments going on are indeed a thing. Still work to do as I do want to give Crossbones and Into the Depths the QAYL treatment sometime)
Special events that will occur every so often that will affect things be it for good and bad. This will include a way to get a lost slaver back though perhaps forever altered by their experiences. (Woo again this is done. Definitely could do with more done with)
Encampment reputation to reflect a slaver’s standing with how the other slaver’s see them. This will includes slavers becoming slaves and visa versa. (On a roll now as a great deal of this implemented)
More biomancy options and improving thanks to a multi-part assignment. There will also be other multi-part story based assignments. (Partially done and the biomancy multi-part assignment has been started)
And a bunch more basically but those are the priorities after this next update. Probably not all in the same update though.
Anonymous from Q&A #6: I would play the hell out of Paranoia set in No Haven.  
- Temptation to give slavers and you conflicting secret societies and agendas rising.
Y’know like…
Dire Panthers: A mottley band of young savage orcs, amazons and trolls out to raise hell by breaking stuff, setting stuff on fire and generally being a nuisance to everyone.
The Cooperative: A dedicated group of Frozen Queen cultists out to oppose the Human Empire by working together to make things better for the common people… till you know the Queen awakens and buries all the land in eternal ice.
Mage Smashers: Magic iz like wrong an’ stuff! We smash dem in dere stupid face till dey not so smart.
Fellowship-Fel: The denizens that lurk beyond our reality and infect our dreams with tainted nightmares are our friends! We must expose ourselves to as much corruption as possible to make ourselves like them. We see no flaws in this plan whatsoever, you see the chorus of whispers in our minds entirely agrees with us.
Psion: No changes need to be made whatsoever from the original version.
Trekksters: …and I think that’s enough of that, or further evidence of why I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near RAGS or indeed tumblr when I have my old sourcebooks nearby :D
(Also apologies to most of you who have no idea what that was about!) (This is still far too much of a good idea)
Anonymous from Q&A #17: 2/2 and another hilarious one: Your succubus slave Jaeil was not looking so hot right now so Virholen just held her close and told Jaeil that everything would be alright. Jaeil was oddly quiet everytime you looked in on them and you wonder if they have resigned themselves to their fate. Condition: 45 (Change: 20) - Will: 47 (Change: 15)
After their mistreatment Jaeil sees no reason not to only care for them self as clearly no one else will leaving them hardened and even outright cruel. usc++
- You win best bug report in ages, that is beautiful :D
Anonymous from Q&A #37: Will there be other spirit races in the game besides wisps, such as undynes, gnomes, and dryads? And finally Im new to patreon. I decided to pay for the your character teir but ask for a unique because I dont really understand it. Is the “play your character” a scenario or what? And where do I go to talk with you on what I would like for it?
- True story, I had to google undyines and for ages I couldn’t work out what you were referring too as so many of the results were of that character from Undertale :D
Undines themselves would be no, but I do have a water spirit of a kind planned. (Still do!) Gnomes no, as I’m happy with Hakh Dwarven and the various Goblins as my short races. Dryads absolutely yes, and will be one of the advanced races. See the last Q&A for more details of those.
Thank you for your support! Those options are for those that want to play a specific character that isn’t available in the standard options or design a specific slaver that you can have in your encampment. If you want to see some examples of ones others have asked for before on the playable character front then Orc Wright Raptor, Lago’Mae Scholar or Goblin Underground Potioneer would be a good ones to look at to start off with.
As for the unique slavers then pretty much any of the slavers available under Strong Right Arm/Recruiter.
How much detail you want to go into is up to you. If you want to say oh I just want a Kitsune lady who likes to pole-dance then I’d put something together for your approval, or you can go full on detailing everything about them from their art, description, traits etc. and I’ll work with you to the point I’m happy having it as an option in the game. (Note: If you want an entirely new race like the Golems you need to go for the lore tier given the significantly larger amount of work involved)
For discussing please send me a message on patreon and we can take it further from there.
One thing to bare in mind is that patreon only charges at the end of the month, and so while I’m more than willing to talk it out, if you want to me to do a lot of work on your request I’m going to need to see a pledge go through first. It sucks I know, but this is the unfortunate reality of the internet that alas trust can only go so for.
I’m always happy to discuss things though, I really am, and some people have asked to pay some of their pledge upfront via paypal to get round this which is not a problem if that’s what you want to do.
valhallaimmortan from Q&A #47: I managed to get a elven smith who makes fancy armor that is usually masterwork quality, and equipped my ‘Basher’ Squad with it, the Basher’s are all Ogre’s who I recruited and I have a alchemist who seriously creeps me out with how many petrification potions he has been pumping out. I also like the Lago'mae Scholar how now the Lizard man is using her as his new project… poor Scholar… and I got to ask is it actually possible to recruit a keldan from the keldan mission in the city?
- I love this question, absolutely adore it, and you made the patron who requested the lizardman unique really happy when I mentioned it to them. If people want to send in their favourite/amusing/interesting slavers/slaves that have resulted from generation and gameplay I might do a tumblr post series on them called ‘Tell me about your Character’.
As to the question yes she should be on the critical result.
Anonymous from Q&A #61: Silly question. For clothing and armor, what in your mind is the major difference between micro, and impractical? I can’t really visualize a difference between the two when reading armor/clothing descriptions. Scandalously short is divergent enough that it creates its own image for me. The other two seem as if they would be interchangeable, but they aren’t since there is a distinction so what is it?
- Yay silly questions are always the best questions. Okay micro is where you have outfits that are recognizable bits of clothing but it’s incredibly brief so a skirt that’s more a belt than actually trying to cover anything whatsoever and/or a bikini top so teeny-weeny that it doesn’t even cover all of the nipples. Completely impractical though is the kind of clothing beloved by a certain kind of fantasy art which just doesn’t make any kind of sense whatsoever where looking good trumps any pretension of realism, and the only way it could stay on is either with copious amounts of glue or magic being involved.
Anonymous from Q&A #66: Hello again! I’m the guy who asked about the post-slave [slaver] titles. I’m going to very respectfully push the idea that ex-slaves should get unique titles. First, I honestly think having the unique titles is cooler. It’s more interesting to send a Chosen, an Acolyte, and a Hedge-Witch on an assignment than it is to send three Slavers. It’s a rarity thing, sort of? If you get a character who qualifies for one of those things, it’s a BIG DEAL. Secondly, it already changes with jobs, so…
- Alright, alright, you’ve twisted my arm :)
That should now be included for the most recent update along with a couple of new titles so that all of the more rare traits (not counting crafting ones) should have one. Let me know if there’s any issues as while it was a fairly straightforward change I didn’t get a chance to test that particular bit.
Thanks for reading and here’s to another hundred of these. 
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gukyi · 6 years
inside the mind of gukyi
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recently, i’ve been getting a lot of asks asking me for writing tips/advice/my process, so i figured i’d save everyone some time and make this post to answer your questions! if you still want to ask me about writing and have any specific inquiries, feel free to send them my way!
i am not a professional writer and these are not professional tips. i’m still a student and have lots to learn; in no way can this be considered complete. this is merely my process, how i write, and what i’ve learned over the past several years as i’ve explored the creative writing field both on and off tumblr. 
this is a really, really long post. as you all probably know, i’m an extremely wordy person, and there is certainly no shortage of words in this. but i figured that if you guys can read a 50k jungkook fake dating fic, you guys can read this.
i know that that blank, white word document seems insurmountable and daunting. i’m telling you right now, it’s not. 
where my inspo comes from:
anywhere. i find inspiration in everything, i look at my life and the world around me and think “how can i write a fic about this?”. earnestly yours was inspired by a story told to my friends and i by the drama club director. moonlight melody was inspired by the time i went to florence over the summer and saw a student orchestra from germany perform in palazzo vecchio. the underwear thief was inspired by my dad’s own cat when he was a student. it’s ridiculous to say, but i am constantly thinking of new ideas to write. i have several unwritten ones floating around in my head right now.
when my thoughts are particularly dry or i just need to refresh, i’ll do this ask game where i ask you for a fic title and i will have to come up with a story. more often than not it will produce some fantastic prompts for me to work off of. this is how dirt and glitter galore will come to be. 
how i turn that inspo into a story:
okay, i have an idea in my head. let’s take moonlight melody, for example. i saw the student orchestra perform and then i wanted to write a fic about it. so, without writing anything down, i started to think about what kind of fic it would be. would my characters be orchestra students? would the two leads be friends? enemies? strangers? how would they fall in love? where would they go? what would they do? what obstacles would they face?
i don’t need to answer all of these questions. all i need to do is to pick an alternate universe to place my characters into and pick a trope, and i’m off. for moonlight melody, i actually jumped through two other ideas before settling on what it is now. originally, it was a friends to lovers/acquaintances to lovers fic between two students on a school trip to italy. then, it become an enemies to lovers fic between the two warring top members of the orchestra. finally, it was a fake dating au to get revenge on the oc’s trickster of a best friend. 
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i have the idea. i have the au. i have the trope. now, i need to figure out how to get from point a to point b. 
planning... sort of:
if you’ve been following me even for 5 minutes you probably know that i plan out probably about 2% of my fics. those fics are ice prince and the truth between us. those are genuinely the only two fics i have planned from start to finish before i even wrote down a single word of the fic. the rest of my fics have been lightly planned at best and were mostly the product of me making stuff up as i go. 
i know that a lot of writers on tumblr like to plan out their fics ahead of time, which is honestly the less-chaotic way to go about it. almost every time i attempt to do this, i bail on the fic, so it’s clearly not my forte. 
instead, i divide my “plan” of action into three parts: the inciting incident, the climax, and the resolution. i decide what is going to propel the plot forward, where the peak of the action and the emotion is going to be, and what the end goal is. this is really all i need to write a fic, because i can fill the blank spaces between each major part of the story with little scenes that will slowly snowball into the climax, and then the conclusion. these blank spaces are typically known as the rising and falling action. 
so you don’t plan anything????
though these rising and falling action scenes are typically made up on the spot, once i have an idea of what’s going to happen in each individual scene, i will make a very brief bullet point that tells me how to go about it. taking moonlight melody again, i knew that the inciting incident would be hoseok stealing oc’s headphones as another prank, the climax would be the day that jungkook confessed, and the resolution would be the flight home. the scenes in the middle were wholly unplanned, though, to ensure that i wouldn’t forget anything, i had bullet points at the bottom of the document that looked like this:
gondola tour in venice (seokjin, hoseok, jungkook, oc)
they all go drinking
jungkook nearly confesses to oc but instead just throws up
brief, but the point is there. this is typically how i go about all of my fics. the main three parts are fleshed out but everything else is spontaneously thought of.
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plots are pointless if your characters are boring.
creating a character bio:
these aren’t so much bios as they are background information. characters need context for existing so that the plot can move forward. i almost never write out little plans for my individual characters since this information i can typically remember, but if you can’t or if you think fleshing out your characters on paper is easier, by all means. my bios (in my head) consist of qualities and characteristics that are either 1) inalienable (meaning that they don’t change throughout the course of the fic) or 2) very present at the beginning of the fic but may change over time. to me, the character bios are how i view the character at the start of the fic, rather than the end. 
this can include stuff like hobbies, occupation, and qualities. for jungkook from moonlight melody, it would look something like this:
best underclassman violinist
reserved but comes out of his shell around friends
supports taehyung’s antics
had a crush on oc for ages
general fine arts hoe
if you’re a fic writer, feel free to base your characters off of the traits they possess in real life/canon-ly, but also don’t be afraid to give their personalities a makeover. they should fit with your fic. you don’t need to retain their original traits just for your writing. 
developing my characters:
this i almost always keep reserved for main characters only. all of my quirky best friends in my fics are flat (meaning they don’t have any character development) just because they typically function as comic relief and don’t need to have some big character arch to be important. 
character development is how my characters go from enemies to lovers and friends to lovers because obviously, to go from such polar opposites, something has to change. quite frankly i’m not the best at character development but one thing i make sure about is that it’s subtle. it’s really, really unnatural for characters who have been enemies for their entire lives to suddenly just Up And Kiss like it’s nobody’s business. there has to be a slow shift because before they can be lovers, they have to be friends. subtlety is key. i’m still working on my character development skills because i don’t think they’re that hot. 
making my characters realistic:
this is my favorite, favorite part of writing. favorite. i love it because i get to throw in all these dumbass quirks to make the characters fun and relatable and not boring masses of dialogue. this is the part where i get especially creative, because there are just so many things that make people tick. i throw in random traits and characteristics like “raw corn allergy” or “aspires to be instagram famous” or “frequently quotes vines for no apparent reason” because people in real life are like this. they aren’t robots, machines with the same general makeup but slight variations. everyone’s different. 
in a more serious sense, this also applies to traits that are generally less favorable to society, even if they aren’t in the grand scheme of things. jungkook from the underwear thief regularly wishes for a black hole to suck him up and remove him from reality. the oc in start anew fears her own past and clings to it at the same time. broken rings & queens and kings’ oc often lets her pride get the better of her. 
these characteristics make characters human, which in turn makes them relatable, which i think adds to the charm of my writing, because people feel like they’re kin with the characters they’re reading about. 
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i have a couple answered asks about writing dialogue: this one about using dialogue to start a story and this one about how to make dialogue seem natural and this one about how to use dialogue to propel a story rather than prose. dialogue is another one of my favorite parts about writing, and i would generally consider myself a dialogue writer rather than a description writer. 
i write dialogue by listening to how people speak. this can be in any context, from people in real life to movies and tv shows to youtube videos. every now and then i will just take out my headphones and listen to other people talk, their mannerisms, they way they conduct themselves through their voices. then, i will take that and apply it to my own characters. granted, i embellish my characters’ speaking patterns slightly because obviously i want my characters to be more exciting that the people i know in real life, but the basis is the same. 
colloquialism and vernacular plays a big part in this. people don’t speak like they write research papers. at least, i don’t. even as i write this, this is how i would be speaking if i were telling you all of this information in person rather than typing it out and posting it. i almost always write how i speak. it’s just the kind of language that flows most naturally to me. so, in my fics, i make sure to use slang words and abbreviations and whatnot because that is how i speak regularly and that is how other people around me speak as well. 
when i say embellish, i sort of mean making them sound cooler than the people you know in real life. ain’t nobody who i speak to on a regular basis saying cool analogies and figurative language. that’s the part that i typically embellish. for example, jungkook in the underwear thief tells taehyung, “i’m gonna have to wash these again just because you put your blackhead-filled nose up to it.” now, i have never heard the phrase “blackhead-filled nose” uttered before in my life. but i made jungkook say it as an embellishment on his already realistic speaking patterns. 
one thing that i was asked to include is how to vary action words after dialogue to make the story seem less “he said she said” and more professional. i’m guilty of doing the “he said she said” thing a bunch, which is apparently a big writing no-no, but jk rowling also has a habit of doing it so take from that what you will. generally, i like to stick to a couple of main action verbs that explain emotions like “furrowed brows” (represents confusion) or “sighs” (resignation) or “groans/complains” (annoyance). or, i’ll just go straight into an action verb that doesn’t have anything to do with speaking, like “smirks” or “rolls eyes” or something like that.
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this is a misleading subtitle because i am, on a regular basis, neither motivated nor productive.
motivation and other elusive social concepts:
the only thing i can vouch for concerning motivation is that if you aren’t enjoying what you write, stop writing it. it’s that simple, really. i have a lot of wips that will die along with the end of the earth without anybody besides myself seeing them because i got to a point in the fic where i just wasn’t enjoying myself anymore. above everything else, when i write i want to be having fun. it’s a goddamn hobby and it shouldn’t be a chore. i find peace of mind when i write, and so i will continue to do it.
reading also helps a lot. i typically try to read, whether it be fic or an actual published novel, every single night. if i am reading something that i am especially enjoying or that i find just... genuinely outstanding, then i’m more inclined to want to work on my own thing because holy shit, that thing i just read was so good i want to do that. 
productivity? never heard of her:
you may or may not be familiar with the fact that the majority of moving on was written between the hours of 12am to 7am the day it was going to be posted, with a 3 hour nap during that time period. don’t do that. 
i try to write for at least an hour or two every night, but the key word here is try. if i’m particularly busy or just not feeling up to it, i won’t. it’s really no big deal. a lot of the times my productivity will go up and down like the wall street stocks with most of it occurring closer to the time i want the fic to be posted. on those days, i set myself mildly strict guidelines for writing time and try to get as much of it done as possible. i know that i can write about 1k an hour, but if i’m really in The Mood then i can write 1k in 30 minutes. 
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i write best when it’s dark outside, and some of my finest work is produced roughly at 2am. i will listen to the same song over and over and over if it’s the only inspo i can find for a fic (i’m looking at you, moonlight melody). my writing spaces have to be neat, whether they be my desk or my bed. i always try to have water with me because stay hydrated, folks! i check my word count like every five minutes even if i haven’t written anything. if i’m not feeling inspired for a fic i will typically turn to tumblr to see if you guys can elicit some sort of inspo for the fic, either by asking you guys to ask me questions about my fic or working on a wips page. my word count estimates are either right on target or gross underestimates. i have a habit of repeating opening clauses for effect, typically three times right after each other.
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hopefully most of the things you guys were looking for were already answered, but i did get some requests for more targeted answers. bear in mind, this is just how i would go about doing these things, so you can do whatever you want with this information!
how to structure sentences and make sure they’re the right length:
try to mix long sentences and short sentences together. a line of dialogue doesn’t need be accompanied by a big paragraph all the time. you can often just make a new paragraph right after the quote; you don’t even need an action verb. balance out your sentences. if you have a long paragraph with long sentences, make the next line a couple of words. 
how to make a sfw fic interesting:
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: a fic does not need smut to be interesting. not everything needs to be sexual in nature. when you think about it, most books aren’t sexual in nature, and there are plenty of interesting ones out there. alongside the plot, what makes a story really interesting are the characters. see the character section above for how i try to keep my characters fun and lovable.
how to write smooth sentences/have flow:
one rule of thumb i always try to follow is to not have each new paragraph start with the same word. there are plenty of ways to start a new paragraph with a word other than “you” or “then” or “so” and it makes your writing interesting and diverse. to have flow, try to find cadence in your writing. a rhythm, perhaps. read your sentences back to yourself. it should flow smoothly on your tongue and the words should come to you naturally without any thinking at all. if you want to change topics, do so slowly. don’t try and pull 180 turns with your writing, it’s abrupt and unnecessary. 
how to be detailed:
figurative language. that’s it. any type of figurative language. rhetorical devices work, too (here’s a great list). figurative language is the spice of writing. try to use metaphors, similes, analogies, and allusions that are relevant to the time period in which your story is set.
alongside this, try and think about everything that your character is doing during that scene or that dialogue, and not just their face. think about how the world is interacting with them. are they nursing a cup of coffee? tapping their feet? is the wind blowing their hair slightly? see your characters as people and not just faces.
how to title:
ugh, titles, my nemesis. i title all of my fics after i write them because when i’m finished with the fic, i’ve got a pretty good grasp as to where the story is headed and can name it accordingly. some tips for titling are to find those cool word blogs/sites and snatch up a word from there that seems to match or think of a common phrase/idiom/whatever that matches your fic and either use it or alter it slightly. quite honestly though, most of my titles come straight out of my ass.
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bear in mind that this is just how i have personally experienced the community while writing here on tumblr and that this is not representative of everyone’s experiences. also these are mostly just tips so you are under no obligation to take my advice or believe what i say!
if you are an sfw writer/uncomfortable with writing smut, cool. that’s cool. that is so cool because me too. i know that the pattern on tumblr is that nsfw fics get hella press and everyone else is left in the dust, and this may cause you to feel the need to include smut in your fic to gain notes but please, don’t. don’t do it. it’s not worth it because you should always 100% be comfortable with what you are writing. do not let other people determine your writing (unless you are writing something distasteful in which case um, maybe stop that?). 
writing should not be a chore. do not let people on tumblr, whether they are your followers or not, pressure you into thinking/feeling otherwise. you are doing this for free. you are getting nothing in return except for notes on a social media website. you do not owe anybody anything. 
there is no secret sauce for becoming a quote unquote “popular” blog. popularity is overrated anyway and quite frankly any decent human being on this website, even if they have 100k followers, will tell you the same thing. it’s all a hoax. write what you love and love what you write and people will find your blog. readers can tell when your heart isn’t in it. don’t let the numbers get to your head because they’re almost pointless.
be a nice person? people like nice people? it’s pretty self explanatory. here’s the thing. you don’t owe your followers anything but they don’t owe you anything either. don’t treat them as such. they aren’t less than you because you write and they do not. love and respect your followers because they will do the same to you. 
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write. write write write write write. don’t stop. even if it takes you months, years to write. do it. 
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i hope this was helpful!! i could probably go on and on for a million years about each of my quirks and habits when it comes to writing, but i wanted to make sure that you guys finished reading this thing before the turn of the next century. i also have a tag on my blog called #writing tips where i answer some questions a little more specifically, though there may be some repeated information just because my process hasn’t changed all that much. as always, message me with feedback for this post or any additional questions you might have concerning my writing process or with some specific requests for writing tips!!!
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Sugar Daddy Hanzo part 10
Good evening everyone! Or whatever time of day it is where you are. I’ve got another chapter for you today, but first a few announcement-y things:
1. Just moved and started grad school so I’m busy AF, so if chapters continue to be a bit shorter than they were at the beginning, that’s why.
2. I am starting up a new tag on my blog that will be side info about this story - stuff written from Hanzo’s POV, fun facts, ideas I’m considering, and questions for you! You can always submit questions too via the ask feature on Tumblr or you can use the tag #sugardaddyhanzoextras (sugar daddy hanzo extras). That is the tag I will be using for all this type of content and if you would like to be tagged, feel free to let me know!
3. I love you. 
So yeah, that’s it! Here are 2,800ish words of mush essentially. 
BTW, this whole business world AU is based on my bud @watch-your-grammer‘s post here. She’s glorious and so is her work.
The rest of the story: pt one, pt two, pt three, pt four, pt five, pt six, pt seven, part eight, part nine
Waking up had never been so difficult. Your eyelids dragged, almost impossibly heavy, but not nearly as stiff as your arms. Every shallow, tentative breath was a struggle, and your chest ached with each inhale. Each exhale. You looked around the brightly lit room and frowned. “Guess we’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto,” you grumbled to yourself, “or maybe I’m the witch – certainly feel like I’ve been hit with a house.”
By some odd circumstance, it looked like you had the room to yourself, the bed to your right was folded up tight with precise corners as starkly white as the walls and ceiling above you. Everything was so . . . sterile, as if you had been transported to your very own dimension, removed from the rest of Earth. It was unsettling.
And sad.
Your chest tightened in a familiar way that had nothing to do with your injury, it was a painful manifestation of your growing disappointment and loneliness.
“You’d think the gals would at least come by to see me,” you whispered as tears welled in your eyes, “and if getting shot isn’t enough to get Mom and Dad to come visit me, what is?”
In a burst of realization, you remembered what had happened and put a hand over your breast, a powerful tenderness warning you to be gentle.
“Holy fuck I got shot,” you gulped looking for the nurse call button and slamming it while trying to tame your breathing.
After a brief pause that seemed to last ages, a nurse swung open your door and scuttled in, but not before you saw what looked like a dark suit a dark expressing in the hallway.
“Well, hello there,” the tall man in scrubs said with a smile. The bright corgi pattern on his shirt relaxed you for some reason, maybe it was because that was the first bit of color you had seen since you awoke.
“Hi,” you said softly.
“You look scared,” he murmured kindly, “don’t be. We got you all patched up, and you’re going to be fine.”
“Oh thank goodness,” you sighed, running your hands over your face. Of course you knew that you were alive, but hearing a nurse say ‘you’re not dying’ still made you feel a thousand times better.
“Do you remember what happened,” he asked. You nodded. “Good. And how are you feeling?”
“Uh,” you hesitated, “pretty shitty? But not dead so, I could be worse?”
He chuckled, “Very true. Feeling sore in your chest, right?”
“Oh yeah,” you groaned.
“We will get you something to help with that and check over your bandages here in a sec, I just want to tell you what we’ve done on our end if you’re feeling up to that.”
“Sure,” you nodded, trying to glance out the window so you could figure out if what you had seen was what you were desperately hoping to see. Then again, it was a hospital, and there were likely hundreds of patients here with worried family.
And Hanzo wasn’t family.
And he hadn’t taken you back.
And the nurse in all his corgi covered glory was in your way.
“Alright,” he said looking at the digital display on his arm, “you were brought in with a bullet wound in the chest, it went right through you, but went through your lung.”
“My lung,” you gaped in horror.
“Yes,” he confirmed, “that is what caused you so much trouble, but medicine has come a long way, and we were able to have your stem cells from your baby teeth flown in and have started growing you some new lung tissue. We had to do one surgery to keep you alive, so your left lung is currently dormant, and your right is doing all the work, which is probably why you’re likely feeling a little like you’ve been running a lot and haven’t quite caught your breath. Once your new tissue is ready, we will get you into the OR again have you feeling right as rain before you know it.”
“Wait,” you said reeling at what he’d just said. You knew your baby teeth could provide stem cells for fancy medical stuff, but patching up your lung? “So . . . you’re going to be able to just cover up the holes in my lung?”
“Yes, ma’am, just like a punctured tire.”
“Ew,” you grimaced at his analogy.
He laughed, “Yeah, sorry. The other nurses say I’ve got a way with words, but I’m not sure if they mean that as a compliment.”
“I mean, it helped me understand,” you shrugged, “but is my lung still going to be able to function normally with a patch? Am I not going to live as long or something because of this?”
“Actually, the procedure has been tested very thoroughly on patients with lung cancer, and there is very little if any loss of functionality. Patients with renewed lungs climb Everest, run marathons, and live long healthy lives – so long as they take care of themselves, that is. If you eat fast food every day or do drugs and die young, you can’t blame that on the new tissue.”
“Of course,” you nodded. “That’s pretty god-damned amazing.”
“It sure is,” he beamed, “the biggest inconvenience is the post-op checkups and drugs to help encourage faster healing, but all that will be finished up in a few months.”
“Good to know,” you sighed, a thin smile forming on your lips.
“Anything else you need right now, or should I start taking a look at you?”
“I – well, actually,” you fumbled, try to lean over and see the window, but you cringed at the pain, “could you just tell me if I have anyone out there waiting to see me? I – I thought I recognized someone.”
“You sure do,” the nurse said with a playful shake of his head, “you’ve had lots of people come in and out to see you, but it’s late at night right now, so the only one here at the moment is the older gentleman in the suit who basically never leaves. Man’s practically a part of the furniture now.”
You grinned so wide your chapped lips hurt, but you couldn’t stop. “Is his name Hanzo? Is he still out there? Will you tell him not to leave yet?”
“Calm down, calm down,” he laughed, backing toward the door, “I’m sure he’s still here, and I’d be happy to tell him you want to speak with him.”
“Thanks,” you said, blushing at your girlish excited outburst.
Without entirely closing the door behind him, the nurse spoke quietly with Hanzo, who had been waiting with an impatient look on his face. The instant you saw him you were relieved. In all honesty, you would have been happy to see anyone you knew out there, but knowing it was him was almost too good to be true.
The nurse came back in and asked you a few more questions while surveying your condition and giving you a bit of pain medication, but ‘not enough to make you all loopy,’ as per your request. Pain meds had always given you the creeps. It was awkward to have a man you’d never met poking your bandaged up boob while the other one laid out in all its glory, but thankfully as soon as you wrapped your hospital gown back up, Hanzo was waved in.
“Hey,” you said as he closed the door behind him. You did your best not to look like a giddy schoolchild, but you were far too happy to be in the same room as him again. Part of your uncontrolled emotion was definitely the drugs, but not all of it. You didn’t care if you shouldn’t be so enraptured to see him, at least not now. You had been shot, you could feel however the fuck you wanted.
“Good evening,” he responded lowly. The distant tone in his voice made you face fall flat, and the physical distance he kept between you made you pull your knees closer to your chest sadly.
“I was, um, well I was kind of surprised to see you here,” you admitted sheepishly.
Hanzo sighed and looked away. “Yes, I probably should not have come, but I felt I had to. That, and I could not find the will or focus to do anything other than sit here and wait for news on your condition.”
“I’m glad you’re here,” you said softly, “extremely so.”
His lips pursed as his gaze landed on something next to your head. “You are the only one who has been happy to see me here.”
You twisted around as far as you could until your chest muscles griped at you to stop. There was a tiny speaker clipped to the bed frame with a note attached to it. “That sweetie,” you chuckled as you read Lucio’s message:
‘Sorry I couldn’t stick around ‘til you woke up! If I missed another tour date, the bosses were going to have some fried frog legs at their next meeting. Call me THE SECOND you wake up and know that I’m thinking of you. Lots of hugs, your best-est client.’
“He’s always so good to me,” you said shaking your head and the sad frog sketch Lucio had done on the other side of the card.
“I am glad you have found someone that has made you happy,” Hanzo said almost inaudibly, his eyes turned to the ground, bangs in his face as if trying to hide the sour look on his features.
Was he . . . jealous? Clearly you were feeling a little better because the devious part of your mind was suddenly much more awake. No, you shouldn’t be happy that Hanzo was feeling all put out at the fact that you had someone new if your life, but shit! How many people got to see the illustrious Hanzo Shimada practically dripping in envy?
Plus, it meant that maybe – just maybe – you had a chance to have him back.
Maybe it took almost dying to realize that you were willing to give Hanzo another chance, or maybe that bullet had torn right through your resolve, but you knew what you wanted now, and you were ready to admit it. More than that, you were ready to fight for it.
If Hanzo really wanted you to find love with someone else, fine, you understood, but you weren’t going to just walk away. Not again.
“Perhaps I should go,” Hanzo said abruptly, “the nurse assured me that you will be fine and now that I have seen you for myself I believe I am feeling much more assured. Goodbye, and I hope you – ”
“Woah, woah, woah,” you shouted, sitting up and groaning at the way your body protested. You were shot in the chest, so why did your back feel like agony, too?
Hanzo turned back you, looking very unsure of himself. “What is it?”
“You know Lucio is just a friend, right,” you asked.
He scoffed and glowered at the door. “That is not what the tabloids say.”
“Since when do you put stock in the tabloids,” you said giving him a skeptical look.
“There are photos,” he said grimly, crossing his arms and keeping his gaze off you.
“Of what? Me and my friend walking into a party together? We may have been ‘arm in arm’ and all that, but people do that all the time. He’s just a public figure, so everything gets blown out of proportion,” you said matter-of-factly.
“The pictures of him covered in your blood and sobbing as they brought you to the hospital are quite . . . telling,” he insisted.
“Hanzo! I had just been shot! And he’s one of my friends! One of my best friends, in fact. If Gabe were to be gunned down in front of you wouldn’t you be looking a little disheveled?”
His head bobbed as an admittance that you had a point.
“Come here,” you demanded, holding a hand out to him. His body went rigid, and he didn’t move. “Please,” you pouted, beckoning him again.
This time he slowly made his way to you, stopping far enough away that you had to lunge forward a bit to grab his hand and yank him closer. His eyes were wide with surprise, or maybe concern, but fingers curled automatically around yours. You brought his knuckles to your lips and place a gentle kiss on them, the tension in Hanzo’s shoulders floating away, letting his perfect posture slip into a more relaxed stance. You were glad you still had that effect on him. Big oaf needed to pull that stick out of his ass every now and again.
“Lucio means a lot to me, but not the way you do,” you told him in the most earnest tone you could muster. “You’re the only person I want to be with, you’re the one that I wanted with me more than anyone else when I thought I was dying, and you’re the person I most wanted to see when I opened up my eyes in this place.”
“You know,” Hanzo said with a small smile, “you make it very hard to stay away from you.”
He leaned against the rail of your bed and set his palm on your cheek gingerly, you leaned into its warmth. “I guess getting shot has its silver lining.”
“I vehemently disagree,” he barked firmly, “it should not have taken a gunshot to bring us back together. A conversation would have done just as well.”
“Hey, for the record, I tried that,” you retaliated. “That night in your brother’s big fancy bathroom I wanted to talk about it but you – ”
Hanzo silenced you by placing his thumb over your lips, and you giggled, kissing the pad of his finger in delight. Having him this close again was everything you had hoped it would be. “I am sorry for that night,” he said tenderly, “I was only trying to – ”
“Trying to do the right thing,” you finished for him, nodding understandingly. “I know, and I was, too. But I don’t care about what’s ‘right’ anymore. I don’t want to give up on what we could have together, and I know you’re on the way to changing. I’m tired of chasing the ideal of what should happen. I just want to be happy, and you make me happy.”
“My beauty,” he cooed, placing a long kiss on each of your temples, “you make me happy, too.”
“Does that mean you’ll be with me again,” you asked, wriggling closer to him.
“How could I say no,” he chuckled, dancing his fingers along your exposed arm until you shivered, making him grin.
The two of you basked in each other’s presence, but no matter how hard you tried to keep from overthinking things, you had to ask him something.
“Will I be your sugar baby again or . . . ?”
“I – well – ” he stammered, clearing his throat to buy him time to find an answer.
“The full-fledged relationship idea still freaks you out, doesn’t it,” you asked worriedly.
“Yes,” he huffed frustratedly, “though I do not know why. I know I want to be with you, and I know that I want more than that sort of arrangement with you, but there is something about that word, that step that just . . . fills me with a dread I do not understand.” Hanzo looked down to you, an ashamed expression on. “I am sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you said stroking his jawbone, “I don’t mind being your sugar baby again, but I’d like to set down a new set of rules and whatnot.”
“Of course,” he said, sounding relieved, “I believe that would be necessary.”
“But you are still going to your therapist, right?”
“Yes,” he said with a strong nod, “and this is something we have discussed lightly, but, as you know, there is much about me that needs to be . . . dealt with.”
“We’re all a work in progress,” you assured Hanzo, pulling him down so you could kiss him on the nose. The token of affection made his face go a little red, and you burst out laughing. “Good god I missed you and the way you blush, handsome.”
“I am quite convinced that you are the only one who can make me blush,” he grumbled, smirking just a tinge.
“Oh I bet Genji could tell me some fun stories that would make you all flustered,” you teased.
“Just who’s side are you on,” he said with a scowl.
“Mine,” you said brightly, “a girl’s got to put herself first, you know, and that’s what I do.”
“And I adore you for it,” Hanzo hummed, meshing his fingers into yours.
“Don’t worry,” you said, giving him a gentle squeeze, “I’ll always be in your corner, though.”
“A fact that makes me infinitely stronger.”
“I’m glad you realize that,” you said, beaming at his progress, “a couple of months ago I pegged you for the ‘I don’t need anyone’ type.”
“I have since learned a few things, met a few people who have shown me otherwise,” Hanzo said, holding your clasped hands to his heart.
@collinssie @watch-your-grammer @zarcake-writes @yesthisisbae @eebbapanda1@deercapitate @missbumblina @skyrina @justjaaaay@thewetbones@skyelentnight @ilovebva @punk-dork @cbrokeherboobs@sobanoodledragon@sydniesamm @honeyburger @knightofsexyness @queenoflabyrinths@speakingishard @iknowimcutethanks @ninevast @ivymarquis @sydniesamm@barbie-the-centrist @tumblertrash @angle0fthegourd@shaybae1997 @lillypet95 @rusty-potato @tt-nikithakppr
** please let me know if you would like to be tagged or removed from the tags in future updates and sorry if I missed anyone, I feel like tumblr is deleting my shit**
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jolivector · 6 years
The Runaway Guys Animated | Dokapon Kingdom: Episode 7 - “The Hunters & The Hunted”
It’s hunting season.
After spending about a month working on a commission for an old college buddy (which I’ll post here soon) I got back to working on personal animations and… holy shit this one went by fast. According to my spreadsheet, this animation only took 11 days to finish, making it the fastest animation I’ve made so far. I don’t know if that means I’m improving or if this animation had less of a workload.
While it is not much, this is the first animation where I actively edited the audio from the original video, moving lines of dialogue around for single scenes, particularly in the Kira scene and the last scene in this video. Essentially, I did this to create lines that fit better with the sequence that I had planned. I am not gonna lie, the sequence I came up with, particularly with the last scene, was mainly inspired by a new track I found while browsing, “Evil March” by Kevin Macleod. (Yeah, I’m doing this again: making an overly long scene just for a new awesome track I found that I fell in love with. I have a soft spot for this type of music. As before, I’m beginning to question if it was the right call.)
Since we’re on the topic, let’s talk about the last scene in this animation… I knew this was what I wanted the introduction of the Darkling to be like: in shadow and revealed by the light of lightning. Here’s the thing about the Darkling. Because there are parts that move, and parts that don’t move, and the parts that move are animated independently of each other, the entire character is divided into 7 layers: one for the head, one for the torso, one for each arm, one for each wing, and one for the eyes. I figured I could just use one layer to cover the Darkling in shadow and mask it over the 7 layers so that the “shading” layer perfectly matches the shape of the complete Darkling… unfortunately, I discovered that while creating masking layers is possible, it is not possible to mask a single layer over more than one layer. That is a feature exclusive to the more advanced editions of Toon Boom Harmony, Advanced and Premium, whereas my edition is Essentials, the most basic of the three editions. So, I had to figure out some other way to get the desired shading effect for covering up the Darkling and lightning him up when the lightning strikes, and I did… it was tedious. I have no idea how to describe what I did in words, so what I’m about to write might end up not making a lick of sense, or might seem all over the place, or both.
(Yay, I discovered the “read more” feature to shorten these things. Although I’m not sure if it works the way it implies. Upon further inspection, I realized that “read more” function takes you to my Tumblr site, which for some reason turns the bulleted list into regular paragraphs. Let me know if it’s a little hard to read the list below, and I’ll take off the “keep reading” feature here.)
At this point, the Darkling was already fully drawn, set up, and animated, so what I did was I erased all of the cells in each of the Darkling’s seven layers from Frame one, all the way to Frame 807, the frame right before the Darkling lights up for the first time. However, I took care not to erase the keyframes so that the layers are still animated and moved around.
I went to frame 808 and copied the cells for each of the seven layers and pasted their contents into 807 for each of them. Essentially copying the body parts to where they should be.
Then dragged 807 all the way to 1, filling up the void I created. This might sound pointless creating a void and then filling it again with the exact same elements that were taken away. However, this separates Frames 1-807 and Frames 808+ as separate cells which is essential to the next step.
With all of the body parts in two separate cell ranges in each layer, I selected a cell in the 1-807 range and filled the body parts with pure black color, making it look like it’s covered in shadow. Fortunately, making a change in a single cell will also apply to all of the other cells within the range so I did not have to do this for every single frame (thank god). However, it does not affect cells outside the selected cell’s range, meaning 808 and onward were unaffected. So now I had two cell ranges for each of the Darkling: 1-807 which has all of the same shapes and images but with a pure black fill color, and 808+ which have the regular fill colors. In addition, since the keyframes were left untouched, frames 1-807 were still perfectly animated as they should be. (So yeah, for the first 807 frames, there is no shading effect. The Darkling itself is actually pitch black until 808 with the eyes layered on top of everything.)
With frames 1-807 done, it was time to move on to the actual shading effect starting at 808. I created a new layer for the shading effect, placed it on top of the Darkling, and did the same thing I did earlier, copying and pasting all of the body parts and pasting them into 808 of the new shading layer.
Since 807, the last pitch black layer, and 808, the first colored layer, were essentially the same, I copied the body parts from 807 from the shading layer to save time and work from having to refill all of the body parts with black again. Also, since there was going to be no further animation from the darkling for the remainder of the animation, I was able to paste all of the body parts into a single layer, and the pure black color meant I could paste them in any order I wanted.
With the shading layer done, I duplicated it (yeah, there are two layers for the shading effect). I left one of the layers perfectly intact, while the other layer had to be painstakingly cut and erased to make parts of the Darkling light up (this would have had to be done even if I had access to the missing feature for masking layers). This was done twice so that the Darkling would be lit up from two different angles as shown in the animation.
With that done, I added a Transparency effect to both the cut up layer and the solid layer. Then, I added keyframes to the solid layer to smoothly change the transparency in sync with the lightning. This makes the solid layer disappear and revealing the cut up layer, creating the shaded effect.
It doesn’t stop there though. I noticed that the eyes were being covered by the shading layers because they had to be layered on top of everything. So I created a new layer and placed it on top of everything, including the shaded layers, and copied and pasted the eyes to it.
And I think that’s about it.
I might take a break from Dokapon Kingdom to focus on animating other videos for a while, so consider this episode a season finale of sorts. Also, there are quite a few events coming up which may or may not affect my animating/drawing time (yet to be seen).
Little tidbit: at one point there was a brief moment in the animation where “Lonely Man” would play after Jon is sulking over the escaped Wabbit. I removed it for a couple of reasons. One is that it could risk a demonetization or worse, a copyright strike. The second is that it just didn’t strike me as funny enough, and instead just felt forced.
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somehowconfident · 7 years
more intro volunteer stories
Okay so im just sitting on my own in a corner with the power sources created for the volunteers. Enjoying my last few quiet moments. Not exactly quiet tho, music has been playing for days and the amount of people varies a lot. I probably wont be able to describe a lot in detail since ppl will probs be returning from beer and then ppl will charge their stuff and shower as well. Luckily only several groups of employees are allowed to stay so its not as hell as the next 4 days are gonna be. Im on mobile so no bullet points like i do usually weeeeeeh
So thursday was supposedly the big day for the build up, so it was pretty busy. We had to place boards to cover the floor, as the intro is in this sport facility and ofc we cant damage the floors. I never cant do nothing, so i was always looking for the tough tasks. During the placement i was mainly working with a guy (F) who Ive 'met' before, but awkward me is hard at socializing sometimes. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IVE LEARNT THIS WEEK IS THAT ITS MUCH EASIER SOCIALIZING WHEN YOU INTRODUCE YOURSELF OR ASK SOMEONES NAME. anyways since I had to work at my parents home as well I stopped on time and left. After working I wanted to go back to my college home, but wanted to drop off my bike at my college city (not the same) so took my little brother's bike as he didnt need it anymore and I lost mine after my intro last year (not theft, removal by city) ANYWAYS I cycle to city when suddenly a pop sound happened. My back wheel literally exploded. Fuck. Dropped it at my college city after some delay and got it repaired.
Friday was such a fun day omg. So me being a super volunteer I like to be on time. but since I was the first person all 4 days I didnt want to make it too awkward and purposely arrived later, turned out to be one minute AND I WAS STILL THE FIRST PERSON. So yeah, at day it was kinda warm and the tasks were tidious so it was a very unproductive period. F also came by and we mainly worked together. It was a bit frustrating that everyone took a break every few minutes and it took hours to only finish one fifth so yeah ugh. Also the plates that were placed the previous day were ducttaped, but they dont stick and its the most annoying task every day bc it has to be redone EVERY FEW HOURS. So back to the original task, which was placing a particular material where the students would sleep (different from the plates) The organisation wanted them done that day but it seemed impossible. They also told us we could leave after dinner as well (which was provided by them). So dinner happened and suddenly some people who work very close with the organisation suddenly had a power boost and felt motivated. Most volunteers had already left but they were kinda replaced by those people. We decided to just finish it so we could reach the goal. So few moments later we were just going crazy with the material. Its physically a very tough job as it involved lots of walking, ducking, pushing etc. F stayed as well so we just helped that motivated group. I mean, they were so much fun to be around so I just wanted to stick with them as well. I FELT SO APPRECIATED BY THEM they didnt want to exhaust me and tried to send me home but I refused.
I passed the 12 hour shift mark and was still working. To celebrate our progress beer was taken out and ofc i had to explain i dont drink ohwell. Worked a bit but then apparently they needed a driver but ofc everyone had alcohol whoops. I was working meanwhile so cue ANNEKE HAS A DRIVERS LICENSE RIGHT??? shit. They didnt want to push me but decided to do it anyways, for the experience. The teacher that was in the car with me doesnt even have his license BUT SO PATIENT AND HELPFUL yes I survived. When I got back they were basically done. I counted the hours and I freaking worked 14 hours HOLY SHIT so with the whole 'persuading me to go home' thing turned into 'anneke youre not allowed to come in before 10' sigh OKAY THEN. Didnt get much more sleep anyways, as I had to pack everything for the week bc it was my last night in my college home.
So on Saturday I came in after 10 (after lots of train issues) and tons of ppl greeted me and they know me now its so great. There were tons of people, so it was kinda uncomfortable. It was already a weird day bc my morning was so messy. After lunch it was clear that there are too many people so they sent tons of ppl home, although it took 3 ppl to persuade me. Would've stayed, but since I was gonna be at a friend I didnt want to make it too late. They know that I put tons of effort for the intro so at least they know I'm just trying my best. Watched 2 movies that night, havent had proper sleep for a week so it was also nice to have at least one good night in the two rough weeks.
Then it was today, sunday. Morning was hell again, as my travel app sent me to a non existing bus stop and ended up being really late but M really doesnt mind it. Did some tasks again, picked up my bike from repairement and it was expensive af. Today all employees were allowed to drop off their stuff and after my friend joined I finally got a spot. Finally saw my team for the first time as well, who were supposed to work from wednesday but werent there sigh. Took a break till most people left again so I did random tasks and walked around.
So we have two leaders in my function, only saw one of them once and i mistook the other one for someone with the same name so i saw that guy for the first time as well (or not, i didnt really remember him) he seems to know my work tho altho I have no idea how much he knows. So yeah hours later, Im just sitting here tumblring lol. I dont really have best friends here (most ppl signed up with friends and I mainly talk to organisation) so it's always awkward joining a convo. Smt they just make a small talk or leave me on my own, but mostly the atmosphere is okay. I should shower. Got my shirt, kinda settled in and just mentally preparing myself for tomorrow. Freaking 660 students. Lots of beer. Tasks with deadlines. Gonna be tough.
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