#this was just cute lil idea i had of them like her waking up and him gone and then so unexpected for him to show up with breakfast...
arklay · 2 years
I'd like to see breakfast in bed momence 😳
wip title meme ♡
— breakfast in bed momence (also asked by @voerman)
this is the morning after what the last ask was about, so after he finally told her he loved her back weeks after she first said it, so it's a bit sappy, but that's okay, they are allowed to be sappy. and two evil mean villains being soft with each other is what it's all about!! not spicy this time hehe
diana wakes and there's no warmth at her back or under her cheek so she stirs a bit and reaches out to find his side of the bed empty. the comforting scent of him clings to his pillow and his sheets, but the warmth is long gone, and she wonders where he could be so early in the morning. it doesn't take long of her hugging his pillow close before she hears his voice from the doorway
she slowly turns around and a tired grin pulls her on lips when she sees him standing there, holding a tray with both hands, and he walks over and waits until she sits up before placing it on her lap. of course, he always makes things presentable, and everything has to be perfect, but she still thinks it's really cute. like coffee for them both, french toast with berries, an extra bowl of fruit. and she's really taken aback because no one has really done something like that for her without a catch, and it's just super sweet
there's lots of soft little kisses, and her feeding him a few bites of her food when he's pressing one to her shoulder or neck. they are just talking and enjoying the morning together and it's so different compared to the distance between them the last few weeks, and diana is just really thankful for him
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luvjunie · 1 year
heyyy, idk if your request or open atm but could you write about miles (e-42) sneaking into the readers house at night, to hangout 🤗 nothing nasty LMFAOOO but like a cute lil moment
— 2:00 AM
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pairing: e-42!miles x fem!reader
contains: fluff, miles being a big baby because yes
summary: miles has a hard time falling asleep when you’re not next to him. wc: 1,205
a/n: i loveee soft 42!miles omfg 😭 also i realized i changed up the plot a little after i’d already written it and came back to find the request, so i hope you still like it <3
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Tossing and turning instead of getting a full night’s rest seemed to be the norm for Miles as of late.
He laid on his back with an irked sigh, hands scrubbing down his face as he lightly groaned into them. There was no need for him to check the time, he already had a pretty accurate guess seeing as he’d been checking his phone every twenty minutes when his eyes would spring back open after another failed attempt to fall asleep.
He missed you. That he couldn’t deny. He’d made the mistake of falling asleep with you one night, and he’s found himself suffering through the same old routine ever since. He’d never slept as peacefully as he did than when he was next to you, and his mind craved your presence more than it craved sleep apparently. The both of you could’ve slept on concrete and he still would‘ve sworn it was more comfortable than his own bed.
It was a stupid idea, and had he not been desperate for a solution he would’ve realized that. But there was no one to talk him out of it as he got up from his bed and fished around in his dimly lit room for his jacket and a pair of nike slides, so it looked like he’d be going through with it anyway.
He scribbled a quick note for his mom onto a post-it note, stuck it to the fridge for her to find after her shift and left their apartment without another thought, making sure to lock the door behind him.
Night walks through Brooklyn didn’t scare him, in fact they calmed him. Everything was quieter at this time, slower— and he knew these streets like the back of his hand. And even if he didn’t, he was pretty good with the switchblade he kept in his pocket at all times. Your place was only a few blocks away, and even through the slight haze casted over him from his lack of rest, he was still vigilant as ever.
He climbed the fire escape just three stories up until he got to your window, using both his hands to hoist him over the steel railing, his feet landing on the old metal as quiet as he could make them.
He hoped that you still kept it unlocked for him, that your offer stood firm when you told him he was welcome anytime. He whispered a plea before he curled his fingers under the edge, sighing in relief when the window lifted open, though the unpleasant squealing due to the age of the pane made him wince.
The last thing he wanted to do was wake you, so he only lifted it halfway, ducking down and stepping into your room and out of the cold. He glanced over to see your cheek still smushed against your pillow, your legs probably tucked into the fetal position with the way your blankets were swaddled around you.
He managed to close the window without making a sound, but on his way over to your bed he accidentally bumped into your dresser, causing a bottle of perfume to clatter into the other objects you had up there.
“Fuck—“ he hissed quietly, twin braids following the act of his head whipping in your direction when you stirred.
You weren’t the lightest sleeper, but the noise had been enough to startle you awake. Lifting your head from the pillow, you sat up quickly, eyes adjusting to make out who the hunched figure was. The two of you had said goodnight just a few hours ago, and now here he was, in your room.
”Miles?” There was a slight rasp to your voice.
“Hey, ma…” he responded, hands nervously hovering over the mess he’d unintentionally created. He fixed it to the best of his ability, but it definitely wasn’t the way you had it before.
You reached over and turned your clock towards you, the bright white numbers making you screw an eye shut.
“Miles, baby, it’s two am in the morning,” you grumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes with the heels of your hands and yawning. “What are you doing here? Did something happen?”
Blinking the sleep from your sight, you took in his slightly slouched disposition. He looked exhausted, annoyance from his sleepless night evident in the way he sighed.
”Nah, nah,” he shifted from foot to foot, hand hesitantly raising to scratch his head. His idea seemed sensible at first. He was willing to do anything to get some shut eye, and to see you again, but now he just felt silly for waking you up for no good reason.
“Nothing happened, but I—I couldn’t sleep for shit. So I just thought—“ he rubbed his brow and gave a halfhearted shrug. “I don’t know, it’s stupid. I wasn’t thinkin’ straight and I just wanna be laid up with you. I really didn’t mean to wake you up and I can leave if—“
“It’s okay! It’s okay,” you cut his rambling short and opened up your blankets, scooting over to make room for him. “Come on.” Even in your drowsy state you could tell he was getting flustered trying to explain himself.
“Oh thank God,” he said beneath a breath as he shuffled his jacket and shoes off, eagerly slipping into your bed beside you.
You shifted back onto your side like you were before and pulled the blankets over the both of you, his arm instantly slinking around your waist to pull your body into his, your back against his chest.
“I love you so much.” he sighed tiredly.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, taking a deep breath in through his nose just as your hand came up behind you to caress the top of his head. His behavior made it seem as if he hadn’t seen you in weeks; like he was trying to refresh his mind of every aspect of you.
“I love you too… Miles, are you sure you’re alright?” you asked, not yet all the way convinced.
“Mhm. Just needed to be with you.” he hummed, his words muffled as he pulled you closer.
“What about your mom? I don’t want her to be worried.”
He grunted at that, his response slurred and barely audible. “She know where I’m at.”
His fingers slipped under the waistband of your cotton sleep-shorts, hand traveling to the round of your lower stomach and resting over it. Why guys were so obsessed with the extra weight girls held there was still an anomaly to you. You couldn’t wrap your mind around it, but he always threw a fit if you didn’t let him hold you like that so you allowed it.
“Goodnight, Miles.” You murmured into the stillness of your room.
Your eyes opened after receiving no response from him, and you were barely able to turn your head to look over your shoulder since his own was occupying the space there.
“Miles?” you questioned gently.
Your answer came in the form of faint snores and slowed breathing from the boy who was knocked out behind you, a smile inching onto your lips at how quickly he dozed off. You let your eyes flutter to a close, ready to fall asleep again, but this time in the arms of your favorite person.
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wintrwinchestr · 2 months
obedience | part 2
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summary: a week ago, you and joel had experimented with a new kink, and it’s been on your mind ever since. you had been too shy to ask to try it out again, but joel always knows exactly what you need.
warnings: 18+, smut, daddy kink, pet play (egregious use of “puppy”, joel teaches you dog commands and refers to your hand as your paw, among other things), d/s and ddlg relationship dynamics, praise kink, degradation/dumbification kink, cockwarming, edging, unprotected piv sex, creampie, pet names (baby, babygirl, sweetheart, etc), talk of reader wearing a collar, joel giving reader a bath/washing her hair, hella aftercare, reader has hair and can be carried by joel, implied age gap but reader is an adult, let me know if i missed anything!!
word count: 5.7k
a/n: literally nobody look at me please. this the most self indulgent self insert shit i’ve ever written in my life and if you get it you get it idk what else to say!!! anyway thank you for being patient with me and reading what i write, my big girl job takes it out of me sometimes but that’s what i write this type of shit to deal with <3 nice comments and reblogs appreciated if you enjoyed or if this awakened something in you :)
(read part 1 here if you missed it)
dividers by @saradika
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“You want Daddy to train you, babygirl, you wanna be his pretty lil’ pet?”
It had been a week now since Joel had punished you, denied you for acting out over the phone, for disobeying him and sending him lewd photos of yourself when he had explicitly told you to stop. But you hadn’t listened, he wasn’t having it, and when he had returned home from work late that night, he had called you by a new name. Puppy, he had spat at you several times as he made you chase a ruined orgasm on his steel-toed work boot. 
The pet name hadn’t left your mind since then, repeating itself over and over, along with his question of if you wanted to be trained, if you wanted to be his pet. The more you thought about it, the more you found yourself becoming desperate for it. Each day in the office was a struggle to stay focused on even the simplest of tasks, your thoughts overrun with fantasies of Joel getting you on all fours for him, giving you commands and praising you for following them, tugging you towards him by a finger hooked into a collar to tell you what a pretty puppy, what a good girl you’re being for him.
You’d left work every evening for the past several days with a damp spot in the seat of your panties, feeling ashamed by how depraved and inappropriate almost every one of your waking thoughts had become. When you would greet Joel at the door all needy and wanting, he would tease you with a “What’s gotten into you, lately, hm?”, but never push for more than you were willing to reveal to him, though he thought he might have had an idea. He would take you to the bedroom and have his way with you the way you liked, the way you had usually craved, before he had turned your world upside down by deciding on a whim to try somethin’ new that fateful night. 
Joel would be more than willing to try it again, to follow through with that question he’d asked you, but he decided he was content with waiting for you to come to him, for you to decide when you were ready for him to make you his good puppy once more.
The weekend begins just like any other. Joel’s internal clock wakes him up no later than seven in the morning, the sun just barely streaming in through the blinds in your shared bedroom. He tries to keep his creaks and groans to a minimum as he rolls out of bed, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead before quietly padding his way into the kitchen to get a sizable pot of coffee brewing. He lets you sleep for another couple of hours, knowing full and well at this point in your relationship that he has the wrath of your grumpy morning attitude to face if he doesn’t. He does think it’s cute, though, how your face twists up into a pout but your eyes stay scrunched closed if he wakes you up at a time you deem too early.
When Joel does decide it’s a sensible time for the two of you to get a proper start on your generous two days off from the slog of your weekday jobs, he cracks the bedroom door open gently, making his way over to your still-sleeping form. He softly brushes some of your knotted hair out of your face as he places your mug of coffee on the nightstand beside your head, prepared just the way you like it. Whatever happened to good ol’ fashioned cream and sugar? Or just plain black, for that matter? Can’t believe you like it with all this cinnamon vanilla whatever you have me dump in it, he had teased, not long after you had first started sleeping over at his place. Can’t believe you drink it without anything in it. It needs at least a lil’ somethin’ sweet in it, you had bantered back to him, to which he was quick to reply with Got my somethin’ sweet right here, don’t I? before pulling you into his lap and kissing you hard until both of your cups ran cold.
You smile at the memory in your half-sleepy state, slowly blinking your eyes open to see Joel’s warm and familiar smile. “Mornin’, sweet girl,” he says, his grin only growing wider when you greet him back with the cute little squeal that comes out when you stretch your arms over your head instead of an actually intelligible word. “Got some emails and borin’ stuff to catch up on this mornin’, why don’t you just stay comfy and sip on your coffee while you wake up for a bit, hm? Probably be done in time to get lunch together somewhere, how’s that sound?”
“Okay, Daddy,” you reply softly, real words this time, as you push yourself up to sitting while Joel props your pillows up behind you for your back to rest against. You don’t put up much of a fight against the yawn that stretches your jaw, rubbing your blurry eyes as it does.
“Alright, gimme a kiss, sleepy girl. Enjoy your creamer with a splash o’ coffee,'' Joel taunts through a chuckle. He presses his lips to yours, and his coarse beard tickles the skin around your mouth, making you giggle. The smile hasn’t completely faded from your face by the time he slips out of the bedroom to head into his office, shutting the door gently behind him.
Extending a hand down to your nightstand, you hook your fingers through the mug’s handle and slowly bring it up to your face, careful not to spill any. He’d chosen your favorite Daddy’s Girl mug, the phrase written in bold pink text curved over a little illustration of two blue daisies. You always thought your coffee tasted a little better from this mug, somehow. Taking your first sugary sweet sip, you think the sentiment is as true this morning as it’s always been.
A little while later, when you feel somewhat more awake thanks to plenty of caffeine and sugar working its way through your body, you finally force yourself into comfortable clothes different from the ones you slept in. With your hair sufficiently tamed, face washed, and teeth brushed, you decide now’s as good of a time as any to try and act on the plan you’d been concocting over the past couple of days, waiting for a moment just like this to pounce on.
You still felt too shy to bring it up to Joel, to tell him how badly you’ve been wanting him to treat you like his little pet, and go even further with it this time. You know he’d never judge you for it, and he had seemed to like the experiment just as much as you did. But something about your little fantasy still felt taboo and shameful, and you just couldn’t bring yourself to use your big girl words and ask for it.
Though, you had finally realized, maybe you didn’t have to ask for it. Maybe you could quietly tip toe into his office one lazy Saturday morning and sit at his feet, nuzzle into his thigh until he brings a hand down from his keyboard to scratch behind your ear, asking you What’re you up to down there, babygirl?
And that’s exactly where you’ve found yourself now, answering his question with a dreamy whimper, leaning into his touch as the feeling of his fingers on your skin makes you smile so blissfully, wiggling on your knees.
“What’s got you feelin’ so snuggly this mornin’, hm? Just need some lovin’ from your Daddy?” he asks in his still-rough morning voice, gazing down at you affectionately.
“Mmhmm,” you hum, wrapping your arms around his calf and rubbing your cheek against the soft leg of his sweatpants.
“Alright, lil’ thing. Just got a couple more emails to take care of and then I’m all yours, promise.” He removes his hand from your scalp to start typing again, and you pout in protest. 
Joel shoots a stern look down to you. “Poutin’ don’t typically get us what we want, now does it? Be patient, sweetheart, just a few more minutes.”
You release another upset noise, louder this time, and then he’s pushing his rolling chair back, your grasp around his leg coming apart as he does.
“Came in here actin’ so good and sweet, where’d this bratty girl come from, hm? If there’s somethin’ you want, gotta use your big girl words and ask for it, you know that,” he scolds, his expression becoming more serious.
You hadn’t meant to elicit this reaction from him at all, and it causes your eyes to well up as you stare at the carpet, avoiding his gaze. Opting to answer him with just a shrug, you fidget with your fingers in your lap to distract yourself from the sting behind your eyes. You do attempt to open your mouth and make your desires known to him, but think better of it, and any big girl words you did have swirling around in your brain are replaced by yet another half-hearted little whine.
A whine that sounds… a little familiar to him. 
“Oh, I see…” Joel muses, a little less authority in his voice as he assumes a more relaxed position in his desk chair. “I think I know what’s goin’ on here.”
You look up to meet his eyes, tilting your head in confusion. The action prompts his lips to tug into a knowing smile, and he leans forward in his seat, making a beckoning motion with his hand. “C’mere, baby. Between my legs.”
You obey immediately, crawling towards him to close the small distance between you, settling in a kneeling position between his spread thighs. “Good girl,” he praises, and the words make you beam as he cups your chin, the moisture that had been blooming along your water lines now forgotten.
“Think I know why my sweet girl ain’t usin’ her words with me this mornin’...” Joel says, scratching at the soft skin under your chin with his fingertips. You can’t help but lean into his touch, lashes fluttering, and it’s enough to confirm his suspicions.
“Reckon it’s because puppies don’t know to, hm? They just whimper and whine for attention from their Daddies cause they don’t know how to talk, ain’t that right?”
You let out a pathetic little noise when he finally says the word, the one that’s been dampening every pair of panties you own for the past week, but that you’d been too scared to ask to hear again. But you were right after all, you didn’t have to ask for it, because Joel always knows just what you need, somehow.
He uses his grip on your chin to nod your head up and down for you, and continues talking down to you in that gravelly tone of voice that makes you feel like you’re about to melt straight through the floor. “Yeah… ‘F you wanna be Daddy’s lil’ puppy this mornin’, tha’s alright with him. Figured you oughta be missin’ it by now, seein’ as how you liked it so much the first time around…”
You’re barely processing what he’s saying, your lips slack and eyes unblinking as your cunt releases little pulses of slick into your panties. Something about Joel seeing through you so clearly, calling you out on your newly discovered kink and using it to pull you hard and fast into this familiar saccharine headspace, has your whole body burning hot with arousal. 
“And if I know one thing about puppies, it’s that they need some trainin’, don’t they? ‘Specially impatient ones like the pretty thing I’ve got sittin’ at my feet. Don’t you agree? Don’t speak, just nod, babygirl.”
It’s unusual for him to request a nonverbal response, as opposed to a Yes, Daddy, but you’re grateful for the change as you allow yourself to fall deeper into your role. You give him what he asks for, a couple of eager nods in quick succession, even though you aren’t quite sure where he’s going with this yet.
“Asked you twice to be good and patient for Daddy, and all I got was poutin’ and whinin’ instead, didn’t I? Think my lil’ pet oughta learn her first command today: Wait. Because good puppies know how to wait for their treats, don’t they, sweet girl? Again, just nod for me.”
And you do, slower and with a little more guilt in your expression this time. But despite him making you admit to your disobedience, you’re not sure you’ve ever been more fucking soaked than you are right now. You’re throbbing, aching, shifting on your knees in an effort to get even the smallest bit of relief. You think you might be releasing little whimpers, but you can’t be sure, already feeling so floaty and far away from just his words alone.
Joel spots your desperate movements, a satisfied smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. He shifts in his chair, adjusting for his own arousal, and gets an idea.
“On second thought… Got another command I might like to teach you first. Somethin’ a lil easier for that dumb puppy brain of yours to understand, hm?” He tilts his head at you, lips curved into a mocking pout.
Your eyes flutter and roll to the back of your head involuntarily, his degradation prompting the instinctual response from you. Another syrupy slow nod lets him know you’re ready to learn, to obey to the best of your ability.
“Alright, sweet thing. When I say paw, want you to put your hand right on my knee here, ‘kay?” Joel explains, patting his muscled leg for clarity. “Paw, baby, gimme paw,” he coos at you, his tone not dissimilar to the one he uses to speak to actual dogs. 
Forcing your brain to work through the dense cloud of submission that shrouds it, you lift your hand and place it on his knee, just like he had demonstrated. His enthusiastic reaction to your obedience startles you at first, but you break into a beaming grin when you see the proud expression he wears.
“Good girl, tha’s a good girl,” he praises, scratching at the top of your head and ruffling your hair. Using his touch as a distraction, Joel places your paw over his hardening bulge with his unoccupied hand, the thick shape of him prominent through his thin sweatpants. He tightens his hand on top of yours, prompting your fingers to squeeze him. He guides your hand into massaging him for a second or two more, long enough for your melted puddle of a brain to connect with the nerve endings in your fingers. Your breath hitches when you realize what it is you’re feeling, your blissed-out expression morphing into a more desperate, wide-eyed one as you focus your attention to the movement of your hands.
“Yeah, feel that, sweet girl? Feel what you do to Daddy by bein’ so good for him?” He prompts, and your thighs squeeze together as you grope him. You can’t help but draw your bottom lip between your teeth, biting down on it to stifle the needy whimper that threatens to escape.
“You wanna sit on it, pup? Hm? Wanna keep Daddy’s cock nice ‘n warm while he finishes up his work?”
Your aching cunt squeezes around nothing at the premise, and you nod so hard it makes you dizzy. You move to push yourself off the floor and stand up, but a firm hand on your shoulder stops you.
“Ah ah, gotta use your words this time. Speak, baby,” Joel commands, and it takes you a second of searching to find the ability to do so again.
“Y-yes, Daddy, wanna s-sit on it…” you answer softly, and you’ve never heard your own voice sound so wanton. It comes out in a pitch that you almost don’t recognize as your own, featherlight and dreamy and desperate all at once. The need in your voice alone is enough to satisfy him.
“Good girl, just learnin’ all kinds o’ tricks today, aren’t we? Trainin’ you so well… C’mon up here, babygirl,” he permits, and uses his big hands and sturdy forearms to assist you in your awkward and eager climb into his lap. “Take it out, baby, get your treat.”
You whine as you situate yourself atop his thighs, tossing your head back with a dramatic flair, overwhelmed and frustrated by all he’s been asking of you. You just wanted him to turn your brain off, to praise you, to not have to think while he plays with you however he wants, and instead all he’s been doing is asking you to listen, sit, speak, obey. But of course, you should know better by now, that Joel likes making you work for it, to wait for it.
“Hey,” he scolds, grabbing your face and pulling your head forward from where it had flopped between your shoulder blades. “You were doin’ so well, bein’ such a good, obedient girl. Don’t start actin’ up on me now. Could always change my mind, not let you have your treat after all. You want that?”
 “No, Daddy…” you admit, your words distorted through the way your cheeks are squished together. He’s not using much force, just enough to keep your focus on him. 
“‘S what I thought… Go on then, pup,” Joel commands, and you make quick but clumsy work of freeing his already leaking cock from the loose confines of his sweatpants and briefs. He lets go of your face in favor of placing both of his hands on your hips, lifting you up while you pull your loose shorts and panties to the side, maneuvering his length to just barely prod at your wet little entrance. You flit your eyes from where the two of you meet back up to meet his gaze, hesitating while you look to confirm your permission one last time.
“Sit, puppy,” he says through a smirk, and you release a sharp whimper as you sink down onto his cock. 
On instinct, you bury your face in the warm expanse of skin between Joel’s neck and shoulder, rolling your hips back in preparation for a satisfying buck forward. His grip on your skin turns iron, holding you in place and preventing you from chasing after your pleasure.
He cuts off your pout with a strict, “I say you could move?”
“Mmph– No, Daddy,” you mumble into his firm muscle.
He huffs a mocking breath through his nose. “Really are jus’ a dumb lil’ thing for me, ain’t you? You already forget what you’re ‘sposed to be learnin’?” “‘M sorry, Daddy–” the embarrassment from his demeaning words makes you squirm, and his grip on you becomes bruising.
“Don’t need you to be sorry. Jus’ need you to listen. You’re gonna wait like a good girl ‘til I say you can start grindin’ that messy lil’ puppy cunt on me. We clear?” he orders, his deep baritone traveling straight from your ear to your needy core, the dark thatch of hair at the base of his cock already damp as a result.
You hug yourself closer to him, little fingers clawing at his t-shirt in an attempt to ground yourself, and nod meekly.
“Speak,” he spits again.
“Y-yes, Daddy, clear…”, you whine, managing to lift your head up just enough for your voice to come out a little more coherently.
“If I let go so I can finish up my work, you gonna behave and hold still for me?” 
You don’t seem to have a choice, but you agree, anyway. “Mhm, yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Now wait,” Joel instructs.
You aren’t sure how much time passes, the incessant clicks and clacks of Joel’s keyboard and mouse becoming more and more irritating with each passing second. Those sharp mechanical sounds, the vibration of his chest against yours whenever he clears his throat, the feeling of his pulsing cock as it splits you in two, it’s all so fucking much. You can’t help but release little whimpers and whines, pathetic pleases and Daddys that he either shushes or chooses to ignore. Any slight movement you make in an attempt to relieve some of the ache, he just responds to with a coo of wait, pup, and the tone of his commands as you twitching, clenching around him, soaking his cock more and more. It has to have been at least fifteen or twenty minutes by now, and at this point you’re sure he must be clicking around his desktop aimlessly just to drag out your training a bit longer.
Eventually, the noises stop, and Joel breathes a sigh as he replaces his large hands on your hips, their touch much more gentle this time. You lift your head from his shoulder to face him, wide and watery doe eyes frantically searching his face for a sign that the wait is over, that you’ve finally earned your treat. 
He grants you a soft smile, lifting a hand and using it to just barely grasp your chin, tilting your head side to side as he admires you.
“Got such a sweet girl in my lap, don’t I? Knew she could be good, just needed a lil trainin’ hm?”
You nod, already feeling so overwhelmed that your mind has started to drift elsewhere, to the relief you’ll hopefully be feeling in just a few minutes, after he’s finished toying with you.
He releases your chin, ghosting his hand downwards along the column of your throat, stopping when his thumb and fingers are resting on the tops of your collarbones. He doesn’t apply any pressure, just admires the placement of his hand for a moment, then hums.
“Neck would look so pretty with a collar wrapped around it, don’t you think, pup? With a lil’ heart-shaped tag danglin’ from it, engraved with my name so everyone knows that you belong to me? That you’re my puppy, hm?”
The sentiment alone, the domination and ownership of it all, has you crying out your most pathetic noise so far this morning, eyebrows peaked with need as you bite down on your lip so hard you think you might’ve drawn blood. Joel predicts your reaction, clamping down on your hip with his other hand to stop you from moving before he’s decided you’re allowed to.
Again, you nod, willing to agree to anything and everything he wants from you if it means you’re getting closer to getting what you want from him, what you need.
“Say it, baby,” Joel demands of you, his voice calm but commanding.
You tilt your head at him, humming a confused little noise, but he doesn’t elaborate. “Say it, c’mon,” he repeats. Your foggy brain is on a second or two delay, but it catches up eventually, and you realize what he wants to hear.
“I’m y-your… ‘m your puppy,” you say, softly, your voice tinted with embarrassment. 
“Wha’s that, sweetheart? Didn’t quite hear you. One more time for Daddy.”
You swallow hard, inhaling a shuddering breath before repeating the phrase a little louder, with a little less control. “I’m your p-puppy, Daddy. I’m your puppy, ‘m Daddy’s–”
“Yeah, y’ are, fuck.”
He moves his hand from the base of your neck back to your hip, and uses his strong grip to hold you still while he begins a series of sharp but rewarding thrusts in and out of your swollen cunt, each one seeming to hit deeper and deeper inside you. Falling against him once more, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and bury your face into him while you let him fuck into you like a doll. His movements are quick and desperate as he growls an incoherent string of filthy praises in your ear, his words accompanied by the sloppy wet sounds of skin on skin.
“Perfect girl, Christ, tight lil’ puppy pussy feels so fuckin’ good, always feels so fuckin’ good. Such a good girl, such a good goddamn girl for Daddy.”
The harsh bounce of your body in his lap jostles every last one of your thoughts from your brain, and he relishes in the animalistic cries and yelps you mumble into the flesh of your upper arm, now damp with your drool. He must feel the moisture as it pools underneath your face and wets the thin fabric of his t-shirt, because then he’s laughing at you, spewing more obscene words at you as he spears you up and down on his cock.
“Shit, are you fuckin’ droolin’ on me, sweetheart? Got this messy cunt and that pretty mouth both soakin’ me, Christ. This cock make you that dumb, hm? You Daddy’s dumb puppy?”
You are, you both fucking know you are, so you agree and repeat it back to him to the best of your fucked-out ability because you know it’s what he wants to hear. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to hear it too, the self-degradation lighting your whole body on fire as some of that heat forms itself into a tight ball in your tummy. 
Joel’s hips begin to stutter, his hold on you starting to falter, complete sentences turning into sharply whispered expletives as he nears his orgasm. He can feel you squeezing around him, notices the telltale sign of your muscles tightening and your breathing coming out in short bursts, and uses that four letter word against you one last time.
“Not yet, babygirl, don’t you fuckin’ come for me, not ‘til I say. Wait,” he spits through gritted teeth.
You were so ready, just teetering on the edge of your orgasm, all you needed was a few more jackhammering thrusts and you’d be careening down the steep cliff of it. It takes everything in you to hold it in, to not let go. But you’ve been so good for him, and Joel doesn’t have it in him to torture you much longer, and he permits you to finish just a few minutes later.
“Alright, come, puppy, come for Daddy,” he orders, and you spasm in his lap with a debauched cry, that ball of heat in your tummy dispersing through your bloodstream, igniting every one of your nerves and sending sparks flying behind your eyelids. He reaches his high at the same time, spilling his release inside of you the way you both like.
It takes a few moments for the both of you to come back into yourselves, heaving chests eventually matching each other in a more relaxed rhythm. Joel softly scratches at the back of your head while you place delicate kisses mindlessly along his neck and up behind his ear.
“You were so good, sweetheart. Always take everything I give you so well,” Joel quietly praises next to your ear. He touches his lips to the side of your head, then your temple, then gently maneuvers your face so that he can press a final kiss to your forehead. Your eyelids flutter open in response, and your lips tug into a sleepy grin as you focus on his face. “There she is, my beautiful girl.” He sweeps a few tangled locks of hair away from your face, and even though you know you must look like a mess, you let him admire you anyway.
“Still up to go out for some lunch? After we get ourselves cleaned up ‘n all,” Joel asks, shifting his gaze down to where his spend leaks from you, staining both of your clothes a darker color and dripping onto the fabric of his desk chair.
You pause, chewing on the inside of your cheek for a bit before shaking your head.
“No? Tha’s alright, sweet girl, don’t blame you one bit. You’ll still let Daddy get you cleaned up though, won’t you sweetheart? How’s about I run you a bath with some o’ that new flowery bubble bath you just got, hm?”
You light up at the premise, nodding eagerly, and Joel flashes his handsome smile at you in return. “Alright, hang onto me, baby,” he says, and you wrap your arms tightly around his shoulders as he scoops you up and carries you to the bedroom, his softening cock still nestled inside you. The two of you detach when he sets you down on the small, handmade wooden bench adjacent to the tub, and leaves only for a moment to retrieve your favorite pink blanket from the living room. He wraps it around your shoulders when he returns, and starts the bath for you. He makes sure to squeeze a generous amount of the bubble bath into the roaring stream of water, ensuring that the bath is sufficiently fragrant and relaxing.
When the tub is full, with mounds of white soap bubbles threatening to spill over the smooth porcelain walls, he helps you strip out of your clothes, tugging your bottoms down your legs as you remove your own top over your head. Joel offers you one of his hands to steady yourself with as you step into the bath and lower yourself into the steaming water. It feels perfect, because just like he knows exactly how you take your coffee, how you want to be fucked without you having to ask, he also knows the almost-too-hot temperature of bathwater you prefer. 
He allows you to wash your own body, while he uses the cup you keep by the tub to douse your hair with water, using his rough fingertips to massage your favorite coconut shampoo into your scalp. You’re almost done scrubbing yourself by the time he’s raking conditioner through your damp ringlets, and then he’s rinsing you clean, the humid air in the room now smelling like a dozen different flowers and fruits, all of them mixing together to smell definitively like you. It’s his favorite scent in the whole world.
You don’t exchange many words during your bath, mostly enjoying the intimacy of the activity in silence. The action alone is enough to let you know how deeply the two of you care for each other, how much you trust and love each other.
When the water eventually runs cool, Joel helps you out of the slippery tub, and wraps you in one of your plush bath towels, a lighter shade of pink than your blanket, but just as soft.
“I’ll let you finish up in here, and I’ll see about orderin’ us some delivery, hm? I’ll get you whatever you want, and we can throw on a movie to watch while we eat, how’s that sound?”
“Sounds good, Daddy,” you reply, the bath leaving you feeling refreshed and more like yourself, able to find your voice again.
You settle on ordering your favorite fast food, and it arrives shortly before you tiptoe your way into the living room, your wet hair now pulled up into a clip while the rest of you is dry and comfortable, wrapped in a soft lounge set and your cozy blanket.
“There she is, the Poky Lil’ Puppy,” Joel teases, removing your containers of chicken tenders and fries from the plastic bag they arrived in, setting them on the coffee table in front of the couch.
You giggle at his quip, settling down on the cushion next to him. “I’m not… poky, or whatever,” you reply, in a tone of voice that isn’t sure if you’re supposed to feel complimented or offended.
He looks at you in minor disbelief for a second, then moves his head and brows in a gesture that suggests something like touché. “It’s the name of a kids’ book. Written a lil’ before your time, I guess.”
“Oh… I’ll take it, then.” You settle against Joel’s warm, sturdy form as you munch on a fry, watching the TV screen as he flips through the most promising of the half dozen streaming services he’s subscribed to. “You know…” you start, but let the rest of your sentence drift away, not sure if you want to continue.
“Yeah, babygirl?” he replies, and it encourages you to finish your thought.
“I really liked, um… what we did today. Earlier,” you continue, doing your best to push through your shyness in an effort to get better at communicating your desires with him.
Joel pauses his browsing, putting the TV remote on the table so he can meet your eyes. “In my office, you mean?”
You can’t help but smile cheekily at the memory. “Yeah… I really like being called… that, I think. And if you don’t think it’s too weird–”
“Course I don’t, sweetheart. Would never judge you for likin’ what you like. If it makes you happy, makes you feel good, if it ain’t hurtin’ anyone, then there’s nothin’ wrong with it, baby.” Joel’s turned his upper body to face you now, to make sure you understand the sincerity of his words.
You smile, and his reassurance gives you the confidence to continue. “I really like that… collar idea,” you admit softly. “Maybe we can try that next time.”
He tucks his tongue into the pocket of his cheek, his face forming into a satisfied expression. “Thought you might. Keep bein’ Daddy’s good girl, he just might get you one. Maybe a matchin’ leash, too, somethin’ to tug on when I need you to listen.”
Your eyelids perform their involuntary flutter, a quiet whimper escaping your lungs at the thought. 
“Alright, settle down now, baby,” Joel says through a chuckle, shaking his head before kissing the top of your head affectionately. “Got all the time in the world to try whatever we want. Just focus on eatin’ your lunch for now, sweetheart.”
You snuggle up close to him after he starts the movie you both decided on, happily eating your salty and savory meal as you watch. For the rest of the afternoon, you feel warm and satisfied for a few different reasons, the most important one due to how grateful you are to have Joel.
He takes care of you, understands you, and loves you like nobody else ever could. And it’s mornings like these that make you especially aware of that fact. You’ll be his good girl for as long as he wants you to be–forever, hopefully–and he’ll always give you exactly what you need in exchange for it. 
Even if that something might be a collar with his name on it, fit for his perfect little puppy.
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tag list (no pressure if this one isn't your thing!!) @beefrobeefcal @iamasaddie @rebel-held @dilfgestivo @zliteraturehoe @joeldjarin @kamcrazy123 @hellowoolf @rexamongthestars @stevie75 @luxurychristmaspudding @noisynightmarepoetry @mewantpeepaw (if your name is crossed out it won't let me tag you!!)
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wileys-russo · 7 months
elf on a shelf II a.russo & l.williamson x reader
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lil christmas fic number two! psa; just because i write this does not mean i ship them irl elf on a shelf II a.russo & l.williamson x reader
"woah! someone's speedy today, what's wrong then? where's the missus's?" katie was quick to snag you as you stormed into the dressing room, throwing your bag down with a scowl.
"if they've half a brain between them as far away from me as they can get!" you warned, shrugging off your friends arm and dropping down by your cubby to change into your boots.
having driven yourself this morning after a particularly nasty row with the blondes who shared your heart you'd stormed out of the house without a single look back, shocked you'd not copped a speeding ticket with how heavy your foot fell on the accelerator, determined to get as far away from the two girls as possible.
"oi! none of that pissy little attitude with me thanks. tell us what happened then." katie warned lightly, sitting down beside you and knocking her knee against yours as you sighed and dragged your hands down your face, starting to recount where it had all started.
if you were to know just how far things were going to go, you'd have never ever even considered getting that stupid little elf.
everything had been laid into motion last week when you'd seen a few tiktoks of adorable elf on the shelf ideas. never having really given them much consideration before you had thought it might be an opportunity for some cute christmas cheer around the house.
not that it needed much more. between you, alessia and leah all three of you had decorated your shared home extensively for the holiday season.
as you had prepared for there was the usual arguments around the tree, the worst of them being who got to choose the theme and who got to place the angel of the north of course, on top.
"what on earth is that babe?" leah had scoffed as you'd dropped it happily on the coffee table with a grin. "oo one of those elf things!" alessia had gasped happily, grabbing your hips and tugging you down onto the sofa with her.
"well its not a fucking reindeer less." leah chuckled earning herself a filthy look from the striker as you kissed her cheek with an amused smile.
"you're supposed to move them around the house and pose them to look like they're doing weird and funny stuff. it's mostly parents who do them for kids but i thought it could be cute for the three of us to take turns." you tossed your phone to leah who scrolled through a few videos with a hum.
"i think it's a great idea baby." alessia agreed, squeezing you tightly in approval. "guess it's not the worst idea you've had." leah shrugged as you kicked her ankle gently.
"sorry, it's a cute idea love. you start tonight, then less, then me." leah smiled apologetically, scooting closer and handing you back your phone, the three of you getting comfortable.
how naive you were not to know just how far things would go.
your first turn started off harmlessly, once your girlfriends had gone up to bed you spread some flour out on the counter, creating a snow angel and leaving the elf spread out in the middle, snapping a picture with a happy grin.
"oh that's so cute baby!" alessia was the first to notice it the next morning, snapping a picture and uploading it to her instagram story with a smile.
it took leah a little longer, never the most observant woman in the mornings but once she'd had a coffee she'd chuckled at the elf, wiping down the flour before the three of you needed to leave for training.
your suspicions should have peaked when you noticed kyra and vic hanging around alessia all day, seemingly always in her ear as she would nod and note something down in her phone with a grin.
her first turn the next night again was harmless, you waking up to find the elf in the fridge sat on top of a carton of eggs with a sharpie in its arms. the eggs with funny faces drawn all over them you let out a laugh which warmed the blonde's heart as she hugged you from behind.
"naughty naughty elf." she'd tutted in your ear, kissing your cheek and reaching past you to grab out a carton of juice. "really?" was leah's response once she'd spotted it, raising an eyebrow at the younger girl who shrugged.
"he must have gotten bored." alessia grinned sipping at her coffee. "yeah babe, maybe he just wanted the eggs to look their very best on their death day!" you added on, chopping up some peppers to make omelettes.
"death day? touch dark there gorgeous." alessia laughed, rinsing her mug in the sink and tapping your bum as she passed you with a wink. "the two of you are something else, why do i put up with it?" leah sighed dramatically, closing the fridge.
"think you mean why do we put up with you!" you teased, her body pressing against yours and nipping at your bottom lip before she placed a tender kiss against them. "hilarious my girl, hilarious."
for leah's turn she was a little more stumped than the two of you had been, having to do some extensive research to try and find some ideas she felt were achievable.
you'd woken up the next morning to find the elf sat on the bathroom counter with a tube of toothpaste in his hands, UTA spelled out in toothpaste on the marble top.
taking a photo and sending it in the teams group chat you rolled your eyes with an amused smile and hopped into the shower, leaving it for one of your girlfriends to clean up considering both of them were refusing to get up.
your next turn meant you'd filled up the kitchen sink with water, dropping in a bunch of goldfish crackers and propping the elf on the tap with a straw to look like he'd gone fishing.
that had gone over well with both your girls and ended up on leahs story, though having to fish out the soggy crackers from the sink had left you gagging and reconsidering the idea all together.
for alessia's she'd poked holes in a piece of toast, sticking the elf's arms and legs through and leaving it sat by the toaster with a little note stating 'it's cold outside...but i am toasty in here ;) '.
you'd found it adorable, leah less so. which had meant you'd spent the entire morning of your day off fussing over the striker who was grumpy with leah for her response, and then in turn you'd spent the afternoon placating a moody leah who'd felt ignored all day.
by dinner time they'd settled down and made up again and the three of you were curled up on the lounge eating pizza, seemingly a normal evening. until leah had to of course open her mouth and set forth the ball rolling which would eventually lead to a series of unfortunate events.
"why don't we make this elf business a bit more interesting?" the eldest between the three of you had challenged with a smug smile. "how so?" alessia raised an eyebrow, your legs draped across her lap as your top half was tucked into leah's side.
"no more posting photos. end of each rotation we show the girls and they choose whose was the best? most successful choices by the end of the month wins." leah challenged with a smirk.
"no! come on it's just supposed to be something cute for the three of us." you'd protested but it was no use. "you're on." alessia agreed with a smirk that matched leah's causing you to exhale deeply.
"why does everything have to be a competition with the two of you?"
things escalated after that to say the least. with you not wanting to compete you'd been cut from the roster all together, leah and alessia now just going night for night, too absorbed in their competitive natures to notice that it had upset you to see it turn into this.
throughout the week though the elf seemed to take on a little more of a personal vendetta against your girlfriends, the pranks going from harmless and cute to targeted.
alessia had started it by wrapping all of leah's trainers in foil and leaving the elf on top of them with a sign that said 'free shoe shining service'.
leah had countered by tying all of alessia's hoodies together tightly and stringing them from upstairs down to the christmas tree, sitting the elf on top with a candy cane as if he was sliding down them.
still alessia had won that round which leah was not impressed with. you on the other hand barely even paid their turns much attention, refusing to give them any sort of praise of acknowledgement beyond a hum or a nod, not that your vote counted for anything anyway.
it was taken up a notch when alessia had frozen leah's house keys in a block of ice overnight, sitting the elf on top with a makeshift scarf wrapped around him and a pair of tweezers in hand like a small ice pick.
that earned her an entire day of stony silence from the defender, meaning you were instead pulled back and forth between them both after your attention since they weren't receiving any from one another.
leah had once again stepped it up, laying out a bunch of alessia's makeup on the counter, smashing up an eyeshadow pallete and highlighter stick, and writing 'elf was here 2023' on the mirror in her favourite shade of lipstick. the elf in question was sprawled out on the counter with an empty bottle of wine and smeared makeup all over his face.
"leah catherine williamson!"
you'd shot up awake hearing alessia yell, rubbing your eyes and reaching around you, frowning when both sides of the bed were cold and empty. "oh what now." you mumbled tiredly at the noise of the bickering carrying from the bathroom.
"leah most of this stuff is fucking expensive you stupid idiot!" alessia seethed, gesturing wildly to the remnants of what was once her makeup on the counter. "babe i'll just buy you more, you're overreacting." leah rolled her eyes dismissively.
"no you've taken it too far! you fucking ignorant selfish moronic-" alessia struggled to think of her next words as you entered the room. "hey, lessi baby breathe." you gripped her bicep with a concerned frown, steam practically pouring out of the blondes ears.
"oh of course you take her side!" leah scoffed with a roll of her eyes as you fixed her with a stern look. "why wouldn't she? you're the one in the wrong!" alessia spat, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug and pulling your shorter body into hers possessively.
"it's a joke less! lighten up and grow a funny bone would you?" leah laughed, only fueling alessia's anger further as you quickly grabbed her face before she could explode, murmuring it wasn't worth it as the striker huffed and let go of you, storming out of the room.
"leah." you started with a disappointed sigh, crossing your arms over your chest and staring her down. "what?" the older girl rolled her eyes sitting on the edge of the bath.
"she's right lee that's too far. none of these have damaged anything." you reminded her. "she froze my keys!" leah whined with a glare. "your house keys babe, we have two extra sets. what would you do if instead of wrapping your trainers in foil she cut them up?" you challenged with a sigh, standing in between her spread legs.
"that's different! trainers are-" "expensive? but can't less just buy you more." "yeah alright you might have a point."
"clean this up and go and say sorry, sincerely. and if she doesn't want to talk to you then give her some space and apologize later." you grabbed the blondes chin, pecking her lips before leaving her behind to clean up her mess.
indeed alessia hadn't wanted to speak with leah but after a few hours of sweet words and grovelling, all seemed to be forgiven.
key emphasis on; seemed to be.
that next morning you'd woken up to yelling again, only this time the roles were reversed.
"alessia mia teresa russo you come here right now!"
"what did you do?" you shot up awake again same as yesterday, thsi time staring down at the smug looking blonde who was laid in bed beside you.
"i didn't do anything, maybe the elf was feeling naughty again." she'd mumbled with a smirk as you pinched the bridge of your nose and inhaled sharply. "alessia. what. did. you. do?" you asked firmly, poking her chest with each word.
but you didn't have a chance to hear her answer as footsteps pounded upstairs and leah flew into the room, not another word said as she grabbed your hands hauling you up and out of bed.
"leah! put me down!" you yelled in shock as suddenly you were flung over her shoulder, watching alessia sit up in bed as you were carried out of the room and downstairs, dumped suddenly on the sofa.
"look what she's done!" leah spat, pointing to a pile of clothing on the coffee table, the elf sat on a tissue box with a pair of scissors. "lee. baby i just woke up, please stop yelling at me." you sighed, closing your eyes and massaging your temples.
"look!" leah huffed, ignoring you completely as she held up shirt after shirt, all with sporadic holes cut throughout them. "oh for fuck sakes. alessia!" you called upstairs, leah continuing on her angry rant without even pausing to take a breath.
"good morning!" the younger blonde smiled happily, slinking downstairs as leah fell silent. "you've ruined half my wardrobe alessia!" she spat, lunging for the blonde as you hastily leapt up and grabbed the back of her hoodie.
"i didn't do anything, the culprits got the scissors right there." alessia shrugged pointing to the elf. "i will stab you with those scissors!" leah spat angrily as you shoved her to sit down in your previous position. "you! kitchen, now." you warned alessia pointing in the other direction as she rolled her eyes but left anyway.
"my love. deep breaths with me please, in for five and out." you started, sitting down on the blondes lap who did as you asked, calming down a little.
"i will take you both shopping this afternoon and less will buy you some new tops, and you'll replace less's makeup." you gave her a firm look as she opened her mouth to protest, eyebrows furrowing together angrily.
"fine. but i'm not sitting in a fucking car with her this morning and i'm not talking to her until she apologizes. just like i had to yesterday!" leah warned as you nodded in understanding, pecking her lips and standing up allowing her to storm off upstairs.
"alessia." you started with a sigh as you appeared in the kitchen, your other girlfriend leaning against the counter looking through her phone. "what?" she mumbled sourly, lips forming a pout.
"don't give me that, you know you went too far." you warned, pulling yourself to sit up on the island. "she started it!" the blonde moved to wiggle inbetween your legs, wrapping her arms around your torso and resting her head on your chest.
"you both started it when you agreed to make what was supposed to be a cute new tradition, into a competition!" you carded a hand through her hair with a deep sigh.
"we're going shopping after training love. you're going to buy leah new shirts and she's going to replace your makeup." you stated, a stern glare silencing the strikers protests as she nodded. both of you winced as suddenly the front door slammed close, leah's car starting in the driveway.
"you can start with an apology though lessi."
things once again seemed to calm after that, both girls ignoring the small elf for a further three days and you breathed a little easier enjoying the extra attention it meant you got from them instead.
but of course one kyra cooney cross had to open her mouth complaining about the lack of elf content with several of the girls backing her up, and you could have wrung their necks then and there, leah and alessia sharing a look across the dressing room which made your stomach lurch.
your warning them against it fell on deaf ears, their anger at one another for the mistakes of the past evaporating as they spent the afternoon teasing one another for who would win, leah having borrowed an elf off beth without your knowledge.
"thats it! i am over this. both of you leave me alone until you go to bed and i can get some peace and quiet!" you snapped as they started to go back and forth over the top of your head, shoving both of them off of you and storming to the spare bedroom.
you busied yourself with your studies for the rest of the evening, having taken a break over the holiday period considering your course was self paced.
but needing something to keep your mind off things you sprawled across the bed reading your text books, ignoring both your girlfriends attempts to coax you back out to spend time with them, the door firmly locked with the key in your pocket.
eventually having to give into how much you missed them, you snapped your books shut and padded to the bedroom. "baby!" alessia perked up at the sight of you, opening her arms expectantly as leah gave you a tired smile.
"you're both so annoying sometimes." you mumbled as you crawled into bed between them, settling into alessia's arms as leahs face tucked into your neck. "we're sorry gorgeous, we love you very very much." alessia whispered, kissing your cheek gently as leahs hand snaked up your top.
your breath hitched feeling her cold fingers trace shapes on your bare chest as alessia caught on, her lips settling on your neck as leah pushed herself up and hovered over you with a wolfish grin, suddenly wide awake.
"how about we make it up to you then baby girl?"
waking up that next morning you smiled seeing finally both of your girlfriends were in bed with you. no yelling, no arguing, no naughty little elf related disasters.
oh how wrong you were.
ignoring their half asleep grumbles for you to stay you wrenched yourself out of leah's tight hold, kissing both of their foreheads and slipping out of bed to make all three of you breakfast before training.
except you didn't make it to the kitchen.
this time it was leah and alessia who woke up to yelling, though this time when it was a cry of pain they both scrambled out of bed, tripping over one another in their haste to get to you.
"baby?" "love?"
you groaned in pain at the bottom of the stairs, leah hastily grabbing the back of alessia's shirt to stop her following in your footsteps.
"leah!" the striker gasped with wide eyes, the stairs covered with mountains of toilet paper supposed to look like snow which is what had caused you to slip down them.
"alessia!" leah echoed in the same tone, eyes falling to the kitchen where a thin layer of flour covered the entire room head to toe. but hearing you groan both of them snapped out of it, carefully making their way down as fast as they could toward you.
"do not touch me!" you warned as they reached you, the scarily calm tone of your voice causing them both to recoil as you gradually got to your feet. "baby we didn't-" alessia's words fell short as you held up a hand.
"not a word, from either of you." you whispered, anger on the brink of boiling point as you turned on your heel, slightly limping as you headed for the kitchen, none the wiser of what was to greet you as all you wanted was an ice pack for where you'd landed right on your ass.
"oh this is going to be ugly." leah mumbled, grabbing alessia's hand as you rounded the corner and your eyes landed on the kitchen.
"my love we-" again their words fell short as you held up a hand, back faced toward them as you leant forward, sagging against the counter as your hands gripped the marble with white knuckles.
a thick uncomfortable silence formed, both alessia and leah sharing a terrified look as you slowly turned, a murderous look in your eyes.
it was safe to say the words that followed were not PG13, both of your lovers remaining deadly silent as you ranted and raged at them, storming upstairs and changing in the blink of an eye, door slamming after you as they both cringed and hurried off to clean up and get themselves ready.
which is what brought you back to present time, sat beside katie as you finished recounting the mornings events to her. "fuck, well that explains it. incoming!" the irishwoman nodded toward the door where your girlfriends had entered.
alessia tried to approach you first as katie mumbled her a good luck and darted away after caitlin, however the piercing glare and stony silence she received were enough to send her right back to leah.
the older blonde was next, taking a much bolder approach as you felt her sit down beside you as you were hunched over tying up your laces. "baby girl." she started sweetly, wincing as your head shot up and your eyes slit into a glare, the name which normally had you swooning having no effect whatsover.
"both of you need to stay away from me. do not talk to me, look at me, breathe near me for the entire day." you warned the defender before stomping out of the change rooms, a few of the other girls gravitating toward her to question what had happened.
true to your wishes both girls steered clear of you, though that didn't stop you feeling their eyes on you throughout the day. they'd hoped to catch you maybe in a better mood once training was done but you'd already left, not bothering to shower but rather leaving as soon as you could, the first one gone for the day.
when they came home it was to no surprise you were once again locked in the spare room, a stony silence meeting them as they knocked gently, leaving you be for a few hours and hoping with time you might come to them.
when that didn't happen, they knocked heads together to come up with an alternative plan.
which is what lead to yet another round of knocks on the door, your head turning to look at it with a roll of your eyes, tucked up and watching a movie quite comfortably. but thats not to say you wouldn't be more comfortable with your blondes either side of you.
"baby. please open the door and let us apologize face to face." alessia begged softly. "please love, we really miss you and we want to make things right." lead added on quietly, a soft thump sounding as her forehead rested against the door.
with a sigh you paused your movie, getting up to unlock the door, not opening it as you settled back into bed and your girlfriends took that as a green light as they pushed it open slowly and stepped inside.
you refused to look either one of them in the eye as they sat on the edge of the bed, giving you a healthy amount of space not wanting to overstep your boundaries. "we are so incredibly sorry gorgeous." alessia started softly. "very very very sorry." leah nodded enthusiastically.
"for?" you questioned, still not meeting their eyes. you didn't miss the way alessia elbowed leah, the girl clearing her throat for a moment.
"for turning something that was supposed to be fun and light hearted into a competition, and getting carried away with that competition and being immature, selfish numpties." leah recounted, the tone in which she used making it clear it had been rehearsed as you tried to keep the smile off your face.
"if you come downstairs with us please babe we have a surprise." alessia asked hopefully. "please." leah added on as you finally met their eyes and nodded, still remaining quiet but standing up to follow them regardless.
"what-" you started as leahs hands came to cover over your eyes and alessia steadied you, grabbing your hands and guiding you downstairs. "just go with it." leah encouraged as you sighed but nodded none the less allowing them to guide you.
"ta-da!" you blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted to the light, but once you did your hand moved to cover your mouth.
before you was a pillow fort they'd both clearly put some time and effort into building, spare duvets and cushions littering the tee-pee like space. one of the elves was sat on top of a pile of pizza boxes and snacks, holding a sign that said he was very sorry for misbehaving.
the other was taped to a spoon which was dunked into a mug of hot chocolate, next to him was a sign that read 'it was all his fault but i took care of him' and an arrow pointing toward him.
"they wanted to say they were sorry as well." alessia grinned, leah taking her chances and wrapping her arms round your waist, her chin settling on your shoulder and body relaxing when you didn't pull away or push her off.
"we are also very sorry baby, very very sorry." leah murmured as alessia hugged you, effectively sandwiching your body between them as you sighed. "you're both forgiven. but those elves are finding new homes and they are not welcome back!" you warned, all three of you pausing before laughter broke out.
"we've got christmas movies, lots of pillows and blankets, snacks, pizza, cuddles, kisses and even got a pint of your favourite ice cream from that little place down the road." leah recounted as alessia took your hand and guided you down into the little fort.
"the peanut butter choc chip one?" you perked up at that as the strikers face paled. "you told me her favorite was the rocky road!" leah groaned glaring at alessia who shrank into herself with a sheepish smile.
"less that's your favourite flavor!" you cracked a grin, smacking her thigh playfully as leah shoved her head to the side. "you still like it though, you always steal mine when we go babe." the striker pouted, pulling your body to sit between her legs as she leaned into leah's side.
"merry almost christmas, my pretty girls." leah smiled lovingly, hand resting on the back of alessia's neck and pulling her into a kiss, leaning down to press her lips against yours next, alessia following suit, pulling away and kissing your nose causing you to scrunch it up adorably.
"i love you both very much, even if you drive me to the brink of insanity sometimes." you craned your head up to look at them, tapping your lips again with a cheeky smile as both of them took turns giving you what you wanted.
it was safe to say after that you were not surprised to see the next day both elves on katie's instagram story, wasting no time texting caitlin a firm warning about their misbehavior.
as well as a strict reminder they were not welcome back into your home, not even for a visit.
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comfortless · 4 months
AHEM! I constantly have this idea of Hybrid!Konig discovering the scent of Hybrid!Reader on his territory, but due to it being so vast he can never catch her in person. All he has to go off of is scraps of food, her scent rubbed against stones and stumps, and prints that are MUCH smaller than his! Until on one faithful day, he catches the lil thing creeping around his personal space!
I just wanna add that I’d love to see you tweak this idea ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (If you want!) like making it human!reader instead orrrr in a more human manner such as it being a cabin in woods and reader is stranded, maybe. ANYTHING, KEKEKE ID JUST EAT UP ANY OF YOUR AMAZING WORK
raaah thinking about a bear hybrid König because of the cute lil kaomoji.. he would be so big and soft… ;; reader gets to be a fox..! also thank you for your sweet words and the prompt, angel!! ^^ 💘 too many ideas… i should write more hybrid!Kö…
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. reader & König are mostly human like last time! just with ears and tails. König is incredibly awkward in this (has 0 idea how to talk to a lady someone help him), possessive behaviors, very much… love? obsession? at first sight, fluff, implied sex.
The pretty thing in the grove does not know that she sits on the cusp between admired and threatened. She skitters through summer foliage like a dance, twists and winds and stretches to reach each fattened, ripe fruit hanging from vine or limb. The scent that lingers in this place fills most up with dread, their eyes wide as they look for places to hide or run, any place but here. She hardly seems bothered when she takes a plum into her mouth, it’s juice dripping down her chin as her tail curls over her bare stomach.
She laughs when the birds in their trees warn her of danger, bares her teeth at them and tells them all she’s far faster than some old bear, speaks off-key when she’s drunken on stolen fermented fruit and dazed on the rays of sunbeams shifting through the leaves.
He could rush out, take her by surprise and hook a claw into her throat before she would even have the mind to spare him a glance. It’s just that no part of him wants to, not now, not when he’s been made aware of the beautiful passerby that steals his food and leaves a pattern of uneven, dancing footprints in her wake. He had only had the thought once when he saw this earthly garden uprooted with only the foreign smell of rosemary and lilac left behind.
Watching her now, it’s all too different.
She leaves the pit of her plum at her side when she lies in the grass to rest, tail plumed up and over her middle like a blanket as her ears flick and rustle her hair. It’s not a tentative sleep: she’s soft, warm and utterly exhausted from her day of pilfering if the long, quiet breaths were much to go by.
Any other bearman would eat her whole and pick the bones from his teeth to leave as offerings for the birds, the buzzards with their wild eyes and ruffs of feathers about their necks. But… it’s only summer, what good would eating her do? He reasons it would hurt him more than it could ever hurt her, because then all would fall back to tedium and silence. There would be no more hushed laughter and dizzying prances, no more of a sight prettier than any view he’s seen prior.
He wants more of her than this— more than what he should ever have at all or more of her than even she could offer with honeyed words or soft touches.
So, he only watches her rest. In the gentle calm of daylight, she rolls against the grass in sleep, bares herself unknowingly when the sun warms her and her thighs are too warm to press against one another. And finally, he wills himself to turn away, to wander back to that dreary cabin that serves as a proper home, because as much as he wants, he does not deserve.
The days go on like this.
The haze of summer does not let up, and she’s made a home of a strawberry patch in a glade closer to the cabin than she’s ever been before. He watches her bask amongst the bushes, lying on her belly while the sun beats down against her hide, kisses over her shoulders with a yellowish glow that only makes her look as sweet as warmed honey, a bonfire, lovely as the fruit she steals.
Nothing changes in her even when he does bring himself to detach from the shade of the pine, force himself into the light for the birds and tiny humming bees to see. She tilts her head back, flicks her tail and smiles like she’s known he’s been there all along. Known the loneliness and tastes it on her teeth to spit it back out in refusal, but she hasn’t— not like he has, because she’s the one who speaks first.
“Are you going to eat me?,” she asks when she’s risen to her feet. His little fox does not hide herself from him; her tail sways lazily behind her, each dip and curve displayed so openly that he wonders if she sees him as a threat at all, or then, maybe the danger coaxes up an unseen heat within her.
He shakes his head stiffly, ears pressed back to his skull.
The world itself must have played some horrible joke upon him now, because all thoughts of what he wanted to say filter out into a plume of smoke. It’s maddening, how he wants to tell her he would like nothing more than to drag her back into his cabin and lick honey from her mouth, yet all that comes out is a brittle, “The strawberries are not ripe yet.”
She laughs at him, not cruel, but it still feels like teeth tearing into his throat. All hope isn’t lost, though, because even through her laughter her gaze is fond and sweet. Perhaps she’s seen him time and time again, too. It isn’t easy to hide when you’re as large and difficult to settle as König.
The fox beckons him closer with a curl of her fingers and a strawberry between her teeth. She drapes an arm over his neck to tug him down to her level and kisses him there, with the berry crushed between their mouths. Bitter as expected, but not a single complaint billows up in his mind.
This sweet fairy does not know what she’s done with that shared bite, how his mind goes doughy and sap sticky when the fruit dissipates between them and his mouth finds her own.
He wonders if she does this often, seduces larger beasts to toy with and steal from to continue her reckless romping through the forest, drift off further to the mountains and the sea, endlessly searching for the very thing he’s already found with her. It does not escape him how tightly he keeps her in his hold then, nails leaving indentations in her waist as he brings her as closely as he can, licks into her mouth until she shivers.
He would bring her flowers and honeycomb, carve little idols of her from every tree she loves if she would just—
“Will you be my mate?,” he asks, abrupt, face heating up to his very ears as he finally lets her go. A croak, a shameful one that leaves him wanting to scurry off like a rabbit, but she’s already heard it all and stares up at him with a look part doleful, part adoring. The poor thing doesn’t even know him, doesn’t know that he’s already contemplated clearing out the fox dens in the forest and chasing out the wolves to make sure that she was his alone.
If she tossed him into the river now he wouldn’t dare blame her, he would only take it out on the stupid salmon with their glistening tails, and maybe if he brought her back a treasure made of fish bone and scale he could change her mind.
But she only kisses him again, lingers right on his cheek like something a proper lover would do, before telling him that she’s grateful he’s never come to harm her, that he didn’t mind sharing his fruit on those too-hot days when she didn’t feel roused enough to hunt down the mice and the bunnies, and she even appreciated his kiss: something she tells him that had made her feel like nothing else in her life. All of the very things he’s only imagined her saying in that sweet voice she uses to whisper to the pretty flowers and the bright red cardinals tweeting back to her.
He’s never been sweet, but he believes it when she tells him that he is when they’re lying side by side in the cabin later. There’s a bruise on his shoulder the shape of her teeth and one to match of his own making on her thigh. He can’t keep himself from curling his hand around her there, thumb brushing over that purple mark he’s left as he buries his face into her shoulder and catches magnolia in her scent.
“I really like you,” she admits quietly as the night air begins to chill the sweat on their bodies, as she guides his hand up to press a kiss to his fingertips. As if she had no idea just how badly he longed to ruin anything else she’s ever said that to, set the forest ablaze and lie and laugh with her in the ash.
“I love you,” he says in turn, damning himself further as he always did to a somber oblivion. Only, this one doesn’t leave. Not even when his hand pries from her mouth to take hold of her breast and his teeth graze her skin. Her face is warm, eyes misty, like she’s just been given the most hearty helping of something delicious amidst pure famine.
She doesn’t laugh at his confession, doesn’t bat his face away from her nipple, only suggests that they bathe beneath the moon. He can not fault her for not reciting the words; this bout has only made him further intent on pulling her in to keep. He convinces himself that all it would take is time, or a rougher fuck, something. He’s never been too patient, either.
The fox curls into his lap as the water reaches them, head thrown back where she sits, impaled and ecstatic while his fingers drift to her hips, head pressed to her chest where he tells her that she has more than paid him back for what she’s stolen.
She didn’t need to lie or let him sully her out of pity anymore. Testing and prying in his own way, even as he whispers that confession to her again and again, against her clavicle and up to her neck with every languid roll of her hips.
The truth spills from her mouth like rain when she comes undone, a soft sentiment that pulls him below a warm tide, drowned out and washed away only by the words she speaks then and the way her body wraps so snug around him.
She tells him that she wishes to stay like this… for as long as she possibly can.
He carries her home like a princess from some storybook, lies her in his bed and pulls her close with a grip so tight that she whines about it being too hot— that his warmth is almost smothering, but still melts beneath him when his lips find her own again. Breaking away from her feels worse than those hangdog days he had only spent watching her from afar, longing for the things that she had only now allowed for him to feel.
But König swears to her then when her eyes lock to his and her tail begins that gentle swaying again, that no matter what she will be here forever. He’ll make sure of it.
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your James Maguire series! We really don’t have enough James love on the internet. Is it ok if I request a James Maguire x reader oneshot set just after the camping trip episode? Where they still go to the caravan and all the teens have to put the beds together and squeeze in one room and no one wants to sleep next to James so reader ends up there and they wake up cuddling? The others probably make fun of them so bad lmao (Maybe like a little extra from the fella series??) 🥺thank you so much if you do, I had this idea and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. If you don’t write it I understand thank you anyway xxxx
Squished (James Maguire X Quinn!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: A stolen tent means less room. But the Derry Girls make do.
A/N: I’m gonna be posting this as a stand alone (so not on the fella masterlist), but I’m gonna write it using the stuff from the fella part 5. So this can be read by itself or as like a lil extra thing from the fella
It was a long while before the Derry Girls arrived in Portnoo. After hours of being squished in two cars, harboring what was most likely a fugitive, and getting Grandpa Joe’s friend’s second-best tent stolen, seeing the caravan felt like seeing Mother Mary herself. The only thing that stopped Y/n from rolling out of the car the second she spotted it was her baby sister, who had sat in her lap the entire journey.
“Oh, thank fuck.” Michelle almost yelled as everyone poured out of the cars. Erin gave her a remark about her crude language, in front of her family no less, but was ignored. “I’m allowed to be upset, Erin. I just lost the love of my life and was stuck in a car with you and your kookie aunt for God knows how long.”
“You didn’t even know him, Michelle. He was a criminal.”
Y/n handed her sister Anna off to James so she could get out of the car and stretch her stiff limbs. She tried to ignore the sight of James holding Anna because he seemed nervous to hold her but was still trying to entertain her while he waited for Y/n. It was just too cute.
“Okay, I can take her.” Y/n sighed, reaching out for her sister. James looked at her a little funny.
“Are you sure? You held her the entire trip up here; you don’t want a little break?” She supposed he was right, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t like how he acted with her interest in mind.
“I mean if you don’t mind-”
“Of course not.” James smiled at her, and she would’ve been giddy if Erin and Michelle weren’t there. Anna babbled against James’ shoulder, grasping at his jacket. The two teens smiled at her, talking to each other while Erin eyed them, not that they noticed.
“No wonder Emmett thought she was their wain,” Erin muttered to herself as she grabbed her suitcase out of the car’s boot. She didn’t know whether to be disgusted or happy for her sister and the fact that she fancied their English friend.
“Jesus, it’s cramped in here.” Michelle groaned as she squeezed past the girls to throw her bag somewhere in the caravan the Quinn family had rented. They only rented one; they didn’t expect Erin and Y/n’s friends to accompany them on their annual holiday. Grandpa Joe, Gerry, and James were going to sleep in the tent that Joe’s friend had lent them, but those plans had gone south. But Joe insisted that they should still sleep outside.
“We’re men, aren’t we?” He had said. “We don’t need no damn tent.”
But one look at James, and the girls knew that wouldn’t work out well. He was already nervous around Joe and Gerry, mainly Joe, especially because he was the one who allowed Emmett to steal their tent. But living outdoors with them for who knows how long? No thanks.
The adults had gone to a close-by shop that sold camping gear to get another tent for them to sleep in. Grandpa Joe almost had a heart attack when the girls suggested that James sleep in the caravan with them, but then Mary calmed him down by saying that the girls would be fine because James was gay.
James was getting sick of correcting this assumption. But he didn’t want to sleep in a tent with the adults, so he let it slide.
“Okay, how are we doing this?” Y/n asked, looking at the somewhat cramped space. The girls’ things were either thrown somewhere in the caravan or clutched closely to try to create more room. Everyone looked around. “I know there’s a bed at the end.”
“I call it!” Michelle yelled, pushing past everyone to sit on the bed before anyone else could claim it. She looked smug, probably thinking that she wouldn’t have to share with anyone else.
“Fine.” Y/n sighed, moving Anna to her other hip. She was charged with looking after her while the adults were gone. James was going to offer to carry her, but then decided to take their luggage. “But you have to room with someone else in that bed.”
“What the fuck, Y/n?!” Michelle snarled.
“Look around you, Michelle.” James defended. “There’s six of us in here.” Michelle rolled her eyes at her cousin. Huffing in annoyance, she looked at everyone in the caravan.
“Fine. Clare, you’re with me, yeah?”
“Two down, four to go,” Y/n muttered, looking around. “There’s the two seats in the front, and then the sofa could probably fit two.”
“I’ll take the sofa.” James volunteered, moving to set his bag on it, but still holding Y/n’s for when she decided where to sleep. Erin smirked.
“Orla and I call the seats!” Y/n would’ve glared at Erin if she wasn’t in a room with James and Michelle. She had a sneaking suspicion of what Erin was planning. 
“Is that okay with you, Y/n?” James asked. He was still holding her bag, in case she had reservations about sharing a sleeping space with him and wanted to switch with someone else. 
“Yeah.” Y/n nodded, watching James smile as he dropped her bag next to his. “Fine with me, James.”
“Aye, James, it must be exciting to finally have a girl in your bed.”
“Shut up, Michelle!”
It was late at night when the girls finally decided to go to bed. They had spent most of their time talking about this and that or playing games. Everyone bid each other good night and went to their sleeping areas.
“So, how should we do this?” James asked Y/n quietly. Their gazes kept going between the sofa and each other, trying to figure out what to do. “I can sleep on the floor if you’d like. I’m fine with it.”
“No, James. Don’t be silly.” Y/n bit her lip, trying to figure out how to fit the two of them in this tiny space. “We could lay on our sides.”
It became awkward very fast. The two faced each other, noses almost bumping. They were stiff, trying not to disturb the other. Y/n tried to fix this by turning around so they wouldn’t face each other. She must’ve forgotten how small the sofa was because James reached an arm out to stop her from falling to the floor.
“Careful,” James said, arm wrapped around her waist to pull her further from the edge. Y/n couldn’t ignore the butterflies in her stomach, somewhat surprised that James had the strength to pull her. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” She replied meekly, grateful it was dark so James wouldn’t see the blush on her cheeks even though he was so close to her.
“Want me to let go?” His grip loosened slightly, but she caught his hand before it could leave her.
“No!” Y/n cringed at how loud she was. “I mean, uh, if you don’t mind.” James’ arm settled around her.
“Of course not.” He adjusted himself slightly before letting out a deep sigh. “Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night, James.”
“Why is he all over her like that?” Michelle grimaced, joining the crowd of her friends. They all stood before the small sofa, looking down at a sleeping Y/n and James. In his sleep, James had wrapped both arms around Y/n and kept her close to his chest. She didn’t seem to mind, holding her hands on his to prevent him from moving. “Fucking disgusting.”
“Quiet, Michelle,” Clare whispered as Y/n stirred. When she stopped her movements, the group let out a breath of relief they didn’t realize they were holding. “You know what we should do?” Seeming to read her mind, Erin slipped her shoes on.
“I’ll go get Mammy’s camera.”
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dootdootwriting · 1 year
♡ PRIDE with the HSR cast ♡
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featuring: jing yuan; bronya; dan heng; gepard landau; himeko; march 7th; natasha; sampo; seele; serval landau; welt yang tw: none type: fluff, pride month, hcs, a lil bit silly pronouns used: none a/n: cishets dni with this post <3 it's not for you <3 (normally you are welcome on my blog! just not this post) queer ppl PLEASE interact. idc what ur identity is if you're lgbtq+ in some way this post is for you <3 i love you (YES this includes trans straight people and bi people with crushes on characters of the opposite gender. you are loved and included)
ERM sorry this is a day late i got really tired and had to finish it today!! utc for length as usual
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kind of forgets about it until it's june first and he goes "oh wait. it's the gay month now isnt it"
anyway he's happy he gets to celebrate it with you. otherwise he wouldn't really see the point in doing anything special
probably gets you some kind of gift with your flag on it <3 whether it be a plushie or a banner or just a flag!
if you like going to the parades and celebrations, he'll go with you. he's not a huge fan of all the crowds of people there, but it doesn't bother him too much and he likes seeing you happy, so the net value is positive
buys something for himself if the two of you go shopping this month
he'll see a t-shirt with a little rainbow on the chest and he smiles a bit and buys it to sleep in
you also get him obnoxiously rainbow sweatpants. at first he is incredibly offended, but eventually they grow on him and he starts wearing them around the astral express. march lives for them and was visibly upset that she did not get a pair.
march is the most excited for pride month out of everyone on the astral express. she stays up until midnight on june 1st like it's new year's eve
AGGRESSIVE with all her pride merch. she gets you so much shit too. pride shirt. pride sweatshirt. pride socks. a million pride bracelets.
if the two of you go out together in june, she makes sure you're also dressed to the nines in various flags and rainbow colors
drags you to the pride parades. march convinces the crew of the express to let her make a train float for the parade of whatever planet you're on and she goes TO THE MAX with it.
speaking of the express, when everyone wakes up and enters the main train car, they find march putting up streamers and blasting lady gaga at full volume
tldr she's fucking excited
ohh pride month! so blowing homophobes up is legal this month?
well, i wish. sorry himeko
she's one for more subtle pride merch. maybe a hair-tie or a bracelet, but she has at least one little flag on her at all times.
also has some pride pajamas. hey, they're comfy.
if you're comfortable, she'll take you to the pride parades. if not, no problem, the two of you can celebrate from home.
also probably gifts you something! she gets matching pins for the two of you so you can be proud... together!!
if any of the other express crew comments on her little pride ornaments, she goes "yeah? and what about it?" like a queen. this is completely ineffective however because the entire crew is queer in some way
oh, it's june again. alright.
doesn't really see the need to celebrate, but will allow you to adorn him with various pride baubles if you so desire
thinks it's very cute if you get excited about pride... like yeah, yeah you should be proud.
while he doesn't outwardly show much excitement about the occasion, you notice welt gets more affectionate with you
there are more little forehead kisses when he passes you, more reaching for your hand when he walks beside you, and you swear you can feel him hold you just a little bit tighter when you go to sleep
when march proposes the idea of decorating the express, he gives a slight but genuine smile and shoots you a knowing look.
even though he could celebrate himself this month if he chose to, for welt, it's more about celebrating you and the relationship he has with you.
he's more proud of that than anything else.
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exhausted by pride month before it even begins LOL
being the head of the city, she's in charge of sanctioning and scheduling and planning all the official pride parades and celebrations happening around belobog, and, well... wow, are people in belobog really fucking gay
also deigns to go give some speeches at a couple of the rallies. she's a cool supreme guardian
cocolia allowed pride parades during her reign, but she never encouraged them. both to celebrate her own identity and yours and completely spite her mother, bronya encourages the people of belobog to go all out
and they do!
she gets a couple of gifts for you. not anything super huge or out there, but a flag or a shirt or a hair pin to match with one of hers.
bronya also gets premium seats to any pride parade she goes to, and she definitely takes advantage of this. kind of the best dates ever.
and when she's exhausted by the day's events and the two of you lay down to bed, you can hear her quietly wish you happy pride.
gets really excited about pride, but doesn't really know what to do with it
and also, as captain of the silvermane guards, he's tasked with making sure all the official belobog pride parades are safe and orderly
this is quite the task given how passionate belobog's gay community is
on days where he doesn't bring you, he comes back covered in fans and stickers and streamers and confetti in the colors of pretty much any queer flag you can think of.
he has you deck out his armor for him. you grab your paint and stickers and washi tape and decorate the hell out of him
he's so happy when you do this. it's a very sweet moment full of fun and laughter and intimacy
no cops at pride! only gepard landau and his exuberant rainbow armor
lord. it's so sexy. she performs her music on as many pride floats as she can, and every single time, she either takes you with her or looks at you in the crowd and blows you a kiss after her big number
also aggressively proud. she paints her cheeks with her flag(s) and roams around yelling happy pride at anyone she sees in the streets wearing rainbows
the two of you go to a café and the guy taking your order is wearing a trans wristband and she gets so excited she starts yelling by accident and ends up giving him a 30% tip and a free concert ticket
you stare at her and shes like what??? it's pride month
girl get a grip.....?
probably takes you to a couple of raves too
you paint so many flags on each other that it looks like your skin is rainbow and stay out until the early hours of the morning
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only knows what pride month is because you explain it to her
while there's a normal sized lgbtq+ population in the underground, chances are pride celebrations every year are short and not very big
she learns about it and is so excited
seele wants to go to a pride parade in the overworld with you, but even more than that she wants to set up a parade for the people in the underground so they can really celebrate themselves
it takes a few weeks of planning and execution, but it's successful and it pays off. it's a huge amount of fun for everyone in the underground who wants to participate, and a welcome distration from the lingering effects of the stellaron
part of the planning for this of course involves taking out to attend pride parades up in belobog
the first few minutes of being in the crowd, seele is a little nervous about all the people and the fact she can't move around too easily. but she gets used to it pretty quickly
she has the best reflexes out of everyone in the crowd and manages to catch every single freebie thrown off of the floats. she brings them back to distribute among the kids in the underground.
natasha is reasonably excited for pride month
possibly the most normal out of everyone on jarilo VI
she puts little rainbow flag posters up on the walls of her clinic to make sure that queer kids know they're safe there year round, but they double during june
YOU CANNOT convince me natasha isn't the biggest giver of hrt treatment on jarilo VI you cannot
she wishes all her trans and otherwise queer patients happy pride when they come in, and hands out little rainbow stickers to kids she has to give shots to
her work takes up most of her day, and she regrets this during this month the most because she can't spend time with you
she's able to take the day off for your birthday and other important occasions, but patients need care
to make it up to you, the month of june is full of extra late-night dates once she's gotten home from the clinic and candlelit dinners.
i've said it before and i'll say it again: sampo runs an overpriced pride merch stall
and you look sooooo cute modeling all those pins and buttons and shirts and socks and hats and
has you stand around waving your flags decked out in all things rainbow, to attract customers
a couple of people rightfully accuse him of ripping them off, but sampo just blinks up at them innocently. they'd really accuse him of such a thing? during pride month of all times? have they no shame?
sampo has no shame. those customers were reacting reasonably.
when he's not conducting business, he's even more affectionate than usual, which, frankly, is difficult to do since he's usually glued to your side
"it's pride month!! we should kiss all the time obnoxiously in public to show people what queer love and joy look like"
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the general... has almost no time to spare for pride month
which, honestly, is such a disappointment to him. he was so looking forward to june and spending extra time with you
so instead, he has you accompany him to his work and keep him company and chat with him and sit on his lap on occasion and give him kisses when he's tired and
his coworkers are staring.
"do i detect homophobia in the room? during pride month? get back to work." (he's joking)
the lion gets a RAINBOW BOW TIE COLLAR and he is WORKING IT!!
he looks so dapper. he struts around like he's the handsomest man in the world
and he is, second to your jing yuan, of course
to show support for his community, the general flies a rainbow flag from the building
the gay is visible throughout the entire luofu
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Heya :3
Could you do something where the Sinclair Brothers, Brahms, Billy Lenz give flowers to their s/o? (She/her pronouns use, please!)
Thank you! Have a good day/night
Aww cute idea🥰 i did similar before, with s/o giving them flowercrowns so i recomend checking it out!!
She/her, sfw, Request Open
Slashers giving flowers to their s/o
Bo Sinclair
Will give her little buquet of red roses and say something corny like "sure those flowes are pretty but you are way prettier"
Expects smooches and complements after giving her flowers
He had to drive to another city to get them cuz theres no flowershops in Ambrose
Lester Sinclair
Dude probably was doing his job, driving and dumping some animal carcas when he saw pretty meadow full of flowers, and he got as muc has posible and put them in truck (the truck was clean dont worry)
He gonna cary this huge pile of flowers to her and be like "i know its not much but their reminded me of you🥺"
Corny asf
The flowers look and smell wonderful
Vincent Sinclair
Bros will give her one singular flower
Tbh he seems like person who enjoyd gardening so it might be possible that he grew this little flower himself!
Bonus points if he gave her alive flower in pot! Yall can name it, take care of it, anything really
Billy Lenz
He either stole them from some girl he was stalking or he just found it growing in somones garden and just casually took it
Wont even clean his hands, just take flower from ground and run to home "billy has gift! Pretty gift"
When s/o gives him smooches and kind words he gonna bring more flowers next time! Loves when she puts those flowers in vase on table so they can stay alive more time👽 loves the compasion
Live laugh love billy lenz
Brahms Heelshire
100% allergic to pollen
This dude will die faster than go outside
But if s/o really likes flowers he will agree to have one room that she can put pots and other gardening stuff there?? But only becasue he doesnt want her to get out of home! He rather be sneezing than worring about her disapearing
Likes how flowers look and loves to dry them!
Dry flowers dont produce pollen so he is okay with them
Micheal Myers
Our guy will come home at 4am, covered in blood, wake her up, ignore her questioning him about anything, and just give her lil flower he found in middle of nowhere. Thats all you can go back to sleep now
Will expect her to thank him and be all like "omg thanky babi that's so nice of you"🙄
Robbed flowershop once
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savannahsdeath · 11 months
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! contains nsfw
writers note: i want to thank you all for all the support on my other posts!! it means so, so much to me.. i always dreamt about being a recognized creator on here and yall really make me believe in myself istgg the confidence boost🙏🙏
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🌿 she buys you both matching bracelets<3
🌿 she often handcrafts accessories for you as gifts
🌿 she always helps you pick your jewels so they match your outfit even tho she has no idea about that😭her sense of style is just at a beginner level
🌿 when you are feeling down, she surprises you with a shiny new piece, knowing just the right one to cheer you up
🌿 everytime shes out with dina/jesse and she sees a shop with cute necklaces she just runs there. when jesse turns around shes already inside!! he always teases her about the fact shes literally spoiling you but she doesnt care. her excuse is 'happy wife, happy life' or smthn like that..
🌿 however she hates when you spend too much money on jewelry. like, its okay when she does, but you just cant
🌿 its because she prefers to buy you things by herself. why? its simple - you always reward her
🌿 youre hella mad at her that she always wears the same rings and that she doesnt match them with the weather, her mood and outfit like how could she be so tasteless😡
🌿 whenever shes going on a patrol you give her your bracelet or whatever<3
🌿 shes overall very happy you love jewelry because its easy to satisfy you. having an anniversary? doesnt know what to give you? a ring with some interesting history behind it !!
🌿 she obviously gave you a ring with her name engraved on it. its a simple silver one so it matches your every outfit and you can wear it everydayyy!!
🌿 you have sm of those shiny things you probably never even wore some of them sooo to prevent that everytime she buys you a new one she makes you wear it instantly. even if you keep saying 'look at me, i will look like an idiot, it doesnt fit!!' she doesnt care. she thinks youre overreacting sooo muchhh😭 because you are
🌿 one time she brought you a simple necklace that looked pretty basic and really like soft?? yk it was just so.. normal. but it was one youve always dreamt about because it has some realllyyyyy expensive things in them.
🌿 ellie randomly came up behind you and just fastened it around your neck. you were speechless. truly speechless. so instead of some 'thank you' shit you just turned around and kissed her.
🌿 she was giggling at how easy it is to please you (nah not really, she had to work extra hours to buy it but ykwim). you had no idea she buys you all these things mostly because of the way you 'thank her' for them. you always thought shes just being niceeeee
🌿 but yeah, you ended up filled by her fingers. you couldnt tell is she really that good or is it just the happiness from the gift making you feel better than usual. not like you dont feel good usually too, but this day was just something different. she barely even started and you were already soaking, moaning her name and turning into a wreck. literally, you were a whimpering mess. but she loved it (i mean, thats why she brought you that lil gift in the first place??)
🌿 you wake up next morning, your head on her chest, cleaned up and all (ellie definitely does the best after care). shes fully awake, stroking your hair with one hand and playing with your little fingers with the other. you looked up at her and she looked.. different? i mean she had that terrible smirk on her face as usually but you could tell something was off
🌿 she asked you some how are you feeling's and shi before simply saying "bad news"
🌿 you pulled away from her, leaning on your elbows, waiting for her to elaborate
🌿 "i dont know how this happened but.." she stretched her arm that was previously playing with your hair out and grabbed your new necklace from a bedside shelf. it was broken. literally cut in half.
🌿 "oh" was the only thing you managed to say as you lied back on her chest and her hand was in your hair again.
🌿 "dont worry, ill get you a new one. and this.. we can sell it.. y'know, theres a lot of people that wish to have one, even if its broken" she chuckled.
🌿 she wasnt sad at all, she just hoped you werent too. but you were. until she brought you a new one and fucked you to the point you almost passed out (this time without the necklace on)
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Liho to the Rescue
Natasha Romanoff x “Dr. DooLittle” Fem!R
Warnings: R was a Hydra captive.
A cute lil blurb I wrote in a moment of TikTok filter inspiration during my break.
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The Avengers were honestly perplexed by you, they’d yet to get much of anything out of you on as to why you were in a Hydra cell, but the longer they observed you in one of their own they were slowly realizing you weren’t a threat.
Everyday without fail you’d wake up smiling, you’d write thoughtfully in the journal Wanda gave to you after you politely asked for it during what was meant to be an interrogation, then you’d partake in a detailed yoga routine before indulging in the served up breakfast.
One of them would bring you the food, usually Wanda as she wanted to see if you enjoyed it. But on the occasion you’d be met with the ever so stoic Black Widow, you’d heard about her in the time you spent held captive by Hydra, but upon meeting her you found yourself relaxed.
Nothing about her really scared you, every time she tried to intimidate you in the interrogation process all you’d ever do is softly smile at her. It left her infuriated, but in the same turn rather curious, usually the soft ones like you were the easiest to break, so she believed you might’ve had something dark to hide. Just to change her tune every time she was in charge of observing you through the monitors, you were just so docile, and incredibly kind when anyone would stop by your cell for any reason.
There was just something innately soft about Natasha that left you feeling safe in her presence, like no matter how hard she tried to scare you, you knew she wasn’t going to harm you. Behind all of the steel walls she put up you could tell she loved curling up beside the fireplace with a book the same way you once did before your life was stolen from you.
Today was a bit different than normal though, you woke with a start at 6am when alarms began to sound all throughout the compound. Your normal smile was wiped away as fear held you in its grasp, the idea that Hydra had shown up to take you back left you petrified. Now, if you knew the truth you��d probably laugh, but in the moment all you can do is sob into your knees and hope your fears were unfounded.
Natasha had been left in charge of you today, Wanda grimaced at the thought of leaving her in the kitchen, but the mission today required her powers, and someone had to stay with you. Most of the team voted for the widow because they could tell she had a soft spot for you, the same way you showed a liking to her, and that’s how she found herself in the kitchen burning the eggs and toast she wanted to serve you.
The third party in the mix is where things get interesting though, Natasha had been in such distress over having to be alone with your life in her hands that she left her bedroom door ajar. A mischievous pair of green eyes sparked at the opportunity, and within seconds of her departure her dark as night feline made a break for it, and stealthily hid in the shadows.
“This place is freezing.”
The hair on the back of your neck stood up at the voice intruding in your mind, it was oddly deep, and you were about ready to jump into a fighting stance until you locked eyes with a cat.
“Ooh a girl, this must be who Natasha talks about every single night, she is indeed pretty.”
“Thank you.,” you replied to the cat, and you giggled when his back arched protectively., “I’m more than my looks kitty.,” you winked, then lowered yourself besides the glass near the cat., “I am also blessed with the ability to hear your unfiltered thoughts, and to reply.”
“That’s odd.,” he mused, and you only nodded., “Well, I’m Liho Romanoff, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.,” you smiled., “Y/N”
“Did you set off those alarms?,” Liho tilted his head in offense., “Absolutely not, she doesn’t even know I’m out.,” you bit back a laugh, of course the spy has a equally as stealthy cat as a pet., “That’s the fire alarm, she was left to cook for you, promise me you won’t touch it please.”
“Noted.,” you snorted, then in a moment of dangerous curiosity you pressed the door of your cell and it opened, but all you did was usher the cat in before resealing the big door.
“So, Natasha talks about me, hm?,” you wore a hopeful smile, and Liho glared, and trotted over to you. He meowed so loudly you could feel his frustration reverberating against the glass., “Talks? God, she never shuts up about the mystery that is you.,” he settles onto your chest and stares down at you for pure clarity.
“One second it’s ‘you’re the prettiest girl she’s ever seen’, then next it’s ‘What’s she hiding?,’ oh and her favorite is, ‘She’s so beautiful, think I can run away with her?’,” the feline plopped down dramatically., “It’s truly exhausting.”
“Oh, I bet.,” you chuckled, then before he could get annoyed like you perceived he would you began to pet him, eliciting the purring of appreciation to commence., “Tell me more.”
Natasha resorted to ordering from a local cafe after she saw the charred remains of your food. No way would she attempt to cook again, not when you would’ve been expecting breakfast any minute now. She knew how much you enjoyed them, so she got you an apple danish, and a hazelnut coffee with almond milk to placate your sensitive tummy. For herself she got a cherry danish, and a simple black coffee, then she got hash brown rounds for the both of you to share, then she happily made her way down to the holding cells with the food.
The bag nearly hit the floor though when she heard you cackling unabashedly, she settled the items down in the hallway, then she lifted her gun up and charged the rest of the way into the room to find you conversing with her cat.
“No way!,” you cackled even harder, completely unaware of the gorgeous green eyes staring at you in bewilderment., “You’re joking right?”
“Oh no.,” you grumbled to the feline who tried to calm you down by nuzzling into your chest., “Just tell her the truth, she’ll believe you.”
“Who are you talking to Y/L/N?,” she lowered her gun, but she still felt rather uneasy as she entered your cell to see her cat in your arms.
Natasha’s face scrunched in confusion, there was no reason you’d know his name if not for being a super powered spy. More to her point she’s not sure why you’ve got her cat to begin with, was this some sort of twisted ruse?
“What’s your game here, huh?,” noticing her hostile demeanor you settled Liho down onto your bed, instantly to regret it as she slammed your body into the glass of your cell right after., “How did he get in here? How do you know his name? What the hell is your devious secret?!”
“Your inability to cook led to the safety features of the cell kicking in, so I opened it to let him in.,” you struggled to get out with a grimace as she held you so tightly it was hard to speak., “He told me his name; that’s my damn secret.”
“What?,” she let you go, the truth was evident in your eyes, but she was beyond shocked. Why the hell would Hydra want powers like that, and more importantly, why wouldn’t you clear your name and tell the simple, harmless truth.
“Why were you with Hydra then?,” she began to pace the tiny cell, and you sat down with her cat, and while scratching behind his ears you decided it was about time to just be honest.
“They kidnapped me when I was eighteen, I was headed to another state for university, but instead I ended up in another country as their captive.,” you pulled Liho in for comfort., “I was born this way, my small town knew me as the animal whisperer, and Hydra caught wind of it and thought they could make it devious.”
“But you wouldn’t give in?,” she reasoned, and you nodded., “There wasn’t much I could do anyways, I talk to animals, not control them.”
“Why didn’t you just come clean?,” she was kneeling before you now, hopeful to catch your gaze, and her heart stuttered when she found she’d made you cry., “It was safer to pretend I was a threat. I can’t defend myself against them if they come back for me Natasha, and they will because they wanted to control the apex predators of today, and in turn me.”
Natasha giggled inappropriately., “Sweetheart, nobody saw you as a threat.,” her hand settled over yours., “But I understand you now, and I promise that you’re safe with us, no one will ever touch you harmfully again, I promise.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’ll protect you.,” her eyes sparkled with truth, and her uncharacteristically soft smile directed at you made you swoon internally, but you still felt an urge to tease her., “By kidnapping me?,” her eyes narrowed as her gaze dropped to the cat in your lap., “You traitorous little shit!”
“You now owe me a can of tuna.,” Liho glared up at you, then before Natasha could enact her revenge he was darting across the cell, and she didn’t even attempt to chase him out of there.
“What else did he say?!”
You giggled, then much to her disappointment you mimicked a zipper on your lips, and she was aghast that your loyalty was to her feline.
“Come on.,” her hand was extended out for yours, your brows quirked, and she giggled., “You’re truly so adorable Y/N, now let’s go.”
“Where?,” you accepted her hand regardless of an answer and she spun you into her body., “Our room.,” you smiled widely., “I’m pretty sure this constitutes kidnapping Natasha.”
She shrugged with a smirk., “Fine by me.”
Meet The Fockers Bishop-Belova’s (Part 2)
1,698 Words
Lil bonus blurb during my hiatus
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥰
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Hey I got a question,do you mind if we can draw the Soccer family ? Like Miguel kids? And if you allow us can you give us
What there wear ?
What is there feature ? (Like hair, eyes color, if there have scar, or mark, idk anything)
Who is the most trouble maker?
Who is overprotective? (besides Miguel 💀 and Y\N)
Who is most liking to prank each other ?
Who will take care of Alice more ? (Idk if I spell the baby right I'm sorry)
Who will be charged when Y\N or Miguel isn't there?
What is there favorite color?
Who is most liking to fight with Miguel (joking of course)?
Ik that you have a series about Miguel family\kids but but just in chase if you put more information about these beautiful kids (😭 there so cute ❤.) I love the idea of Miguel being happy and having three kids 😭 and having a soccer family!
I'd be honored if you guys do this, tbh ❤️. Sure do!
Gabi ⚽ wears comfy clothes, like soft fabric pants or shorts if it's too hot. Colorful and graphic tees, with either funny phrases or cute motifs. She adores the t-shirt uncle Gabriel gifted her when he returned. Full of famous soccer stars signatures. That's her treasure. Her favorite color is blue. Her hair is like Miguel's. Wavy and a deep dark chocolate brown. Her eyes are brown.
She's definitely the prankster (she printed the adoption certificate for Benji jskjs), and the big sister. Gabi is overprotective with Rosie. She's her lil sis after all!. She has even got some matching scrunchies set for the both. Also in charge when Miguel or Mama aren't around. (Still, Miguel would call the spider gang to send one of them to supervise his kids.)
Benjamin 🕷️ is always on the matching sets for earthy colors. He's a a stylish kid when the situation requires it. But when it does not, he's like his Papa. Little sweatpants and cotton shirts with slippers. He's a Mama's boy (Just like Miguel). Not overly spoiled but definitely loved. But don't mention his Spiderman plushie. He's almost 4. Big boy with growing fleckles and a troublemaker. His eyes got a bit more of the red-ish hue of Miguel, (Rosie too btw)
Fought Miguel for Mama's affection when a baby and ate spicy food after. He's a menace. One of the cutest kids in his classroom. White is his favorite color. (Even though Mama and Miguel have to buy extra bleach to keep the food stains away and the white crisp.) He loves teaching Rosie how to walk, even though Rosie is just a couple of months old. He's got Mama's curls.
Rosie 🌹 is a cute chubby baby with a beautymark on her ankle. Her little waves are shill having an identity crisis cause one day she wakes up super wavy, and the other is curly. Just like Benjamin. Definitely a Papa's girl. Red is her color. Mostly of her wardrobe is either red, pink or white with roses or strawberry motifs( She's Miguel's Rosita Fresita after all) full of beautiful headbands aunties Jessica and MJ gifted her in the little belated baby shower they had. Miguel's chest is her favorite place to sleep in (Just like Mama's).
A chomper that likes to bite Miguel’s fingers and cheeks. (And Mama's nipples, ouch.)
Hope this helps! ❤️
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laylajeffany · 2 months
targeted ad ii - microfic
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saw these on insta - ya'll might already know they exist sorry i'm old but they are for Wednesday and Enid for sure, so have a tiny scene of Enid convincing her moody lil gf to wear them
“You’ve already managed to convince me to join you in a cabin that doesn’t double as a hideout for family members running from federal agents. On the first full day of this trip, I’ve eaten your sugary version of breakfast, listened to your KPop morning stretch routine playlist, and now you expect me to wear matching clothes? I already wore a snood with you to hunt a monster.”
Enid wiggled her shoulders, holding a tie-dyed canvas tone in her hands with her bottom lip curled out. “Yeah, and you let it get all torn up! Come on, Wednesday – it’s practically a tradition!”
“This is our first time traveling together. The only tradition we’ll have is going to be you waking up breathing each day after the insufferable teenage whimsy you have me entertaining on this so-called vacation.”
“Okay, not so much a tradition, but it’s like, a thing that couples do together! At least all the ones on Instagram do it when they travel!”
Wednesday opened her own suitcase, a vintage piece assembled with fine leather. Whatever low-quality, polyester excuse for ‘fabric’ that Enid had likely ordered from a sweatshop was not going on her body.  “Good news, I’m not on Instagram; you don’t have to worry about meeting vapidly set expectations of social media on my behalf.”
“But I got them special for us, so that we could still be coordinating and you could keep your aesthetics up, even though there would be no one here to see it. And I promise, I won’t post it on my stories or anything, I’d just…maybe hope that you’ll let Thing take a Polaroid of us for our cute little collection of pics on the string lights...”
Once Enid was full-blown pouting, Wednesday gave her a glance after taking out her organic, linen, hand-dyed pants that were stitched by the family seamstress and sighed. “What garment-factory-fire-waiting-to-happen clothing have you obtained?”
Enid scoffed as she reached into her bag. “I’d think the idea of a factory fire would be exciting to you.”
“I support exploiting people for their stupidity, not their labor,” Wednesday muttered and crossed her arms as she watched Enid pull out sweatshirts. One as an offensive baby pink and the other was black.
Matching? Hardly.
“These are from a small business I saw on that social-media-app you hate so much -”
“Did you fall for targeted advertising again? Enid, we’ve discussed the need to more strictly adjust your privacy settings so that your personality can’t be packaged and sold to you-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, breach of data – Russian bots, we’ve been through this. Anyway, this is a cute, women-owned online shop, not from some planet-killing application. I thought that these were particularly appropriate for us, and actually match this exact moment we’re in, right now.”
She turned them around, and Wednesday almost let out a puff of air in amusement, though she managed to conceal it before it could escape.
On the black sweatshirt was a pink heart, with a little spiderweb motif around it and the phrase ‘might bite,’ while the pink one had the same style, but the script read instead, ‘might cry.’
“Fitting,” Wednesday finally decided.
“Let’s see if they fit us!” She cheered, pulling the bright colored pastel top over her head and giggling, approaching Wednesday bravely, tugging the neck hole over her braids.
“Enid, it has pink.”
“Like, three inches of it on top! We’re alone in the woods, no one can see you. And I’ve got Benadryl for bug bites, if you break out in hives from your ‘color allergy.’”
Wednesday let out a long sigh through her nose as Enid actually took her arms one at a time and weaseled them inside the sleeves of the crewneck. She stared straight ahead, unfortunately – the maneuver long had lost the effect of unnerving Enid.  
“Eek! You look so cute.” Enid tugged her over to the mirror on the back of the door of the log-built lake house they’d rented for spring break (a place for her to wolf out during that night’s full moon and for Wednesday to have plenty of target practice with a variety of weapons she’d packed). “I mean, intimidating – of course, not cute. Never cute.” She let out a series of bubbly laughs yet again, hooking an arm over Wednesday, who stared at their reflection.
It was a bit chilly that morning – but certainly not cold enough for the jacket she’d packed in case the weather was uncooperative…
“I will wear this for exactly the twenty minutes it will take us to walk to the lake.”
Enid squeaked and kissed her cheek, squeezing their matching sweatshirts together in a hug before pulling back and admiring their attire again, rubbing up and down Wednesday’s back mindlessly as she stared in the mirror. “We look adorable. I mean, deadly. We look very deadly in these.”
“You’re going to be dead if you don’t take your hands off my black and pink sweatshirt,” Wednesday clarified.
“Oh, please. You love it when I touch you,” Enid teased and Wednesday nearly wrinkled her nose at how much that was true. “What, are you going to prove that true and bite me if I don’t stop?”
“You wish,” Wednesday retorted, working very hard on keeping her eyes from rolling all the way back when Thing managed to capture the moment with Enid’s instant camera as she’d hoped. Enid let go and brought her arms up in a victory pose before milling around and gathering entirely too many unnecessary supplies for their morning hike while Wednesday watched her intensely in the mirror. She would admit – she liked the oversized top, and how it fell over her hands and went mid-length down her thighs. Adding her more usual pair of pants to go with it, she laced up her boots and waited as Enid debated between tinted lip balm. “The mosquitoes are going to find you delicious no matter what color your lips are.”
“It has SPF in it! Very necessary,” She said, putting some on herself when she finally picked one, then approached Wednesday, taking her by the back of her head and putting it on her as well. The fountain of positive thinking and insane levels of bravery that was her girlfriend shocked her into allowing it. Even more boldly, she followed it up with a kiss to those tinted lips that Wednesday almost returned. “Now you can leave a cute little lip imprint when you bite me,” She winked.
Tugging her close, Wednesday wrapped her black-clad sleeves around her pink middle, tucking her cheek against the plush fabric. In a move indicating surrender, she muttered, “This sweatshirt is adequately warm.”
“I knew you’d like it,” Enid kissed the top of her head, giving her a long embrace in return.
“I didn’t say that.”
“You don’t have to. And even if you’re just entertaining me,” She pulled back to look her in the eye. “Thank you. Now come on, you getting all affectionate on me might make me cry happy tears if we don’t get moving!”
Black Menagerie update is late because real life is sometimes better than fanfiction | purchase a sweatshirt for you and your moody gf here
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wanderingelvis · 1 year
hiii could you do a fic where reader gets her period and elvis comforts her with cuddles and whatever reader wants.hope this is okay for you 🫶
Of course!! Sorry that it took a while, I'm making my way through the requests! 💖
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻 word count: 1,087 pairings: elvis x f!reader warnings: mentions of dr nick!!!! i obviously do not like him, but i'm writing it before everyone knew that he was dodgy
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Getting your period each month was something you never looked forward to, why would you? It was endless stomach cramps, exhaustion and heightened emotions.  And today was that day.  After waking up due to the discomfort, you already weren't in the best of moods, which was only worsened when you realised that Elvis wasn't in bed with you, but rather in the dining hall, meeting with the Mafia to discuss his upcoming tour.  Elvis always made you feel better when you were on your period. He never patronised you or minimised the way you felt, he knew you were in pain and the only thing he'd focus on was making you feel better. You were friendly enough with the Mafia that you didn't really mind if they saw you in your pyjamas, feeling a little worse for wear. Besides, if any of them even gave you a second-look, everyone knew that Elvis would kick them out of Graceland. So, you didn't really waste any time in going looking for the man. You opened the door tentatively, not wanting to disturb Elvis, but equally desperate to be around him when you were feeling so needy. "There's my baby," Elvis smiled ever so briefly before his face dropped immediately after seeing that you weren't well. "Not feeling so good, hmm?" Elvis cooed, patting his lap for you to climb up onto. 
He was dressed in a navy blue suit with a white shirt. He had his sunglasses on after a night of heavy drinking and the beaming morning sun. You shook your head with a pout on your lips as you hitched yourself up onto his lap slowly, not wanting to cause yourself anymore pain in your abdomen. "Tummy hurts." You mumbled quietly, cuddling into Elvis as closely as you could. You loved the way he smelt, of Old Spice, cigar smoke and whatever fancy drink he had by his side. "Time of the month." You whispered so that none of the Mafia would hear. You liked them all, but some things were just a little too personal to share. "I'll get someone to call Dr Nick, he can come over and help make you feel better lil' mama?" Elvis suggested, but you cutely scrunched your nose up at the idea. It's not that you didn't like Dr Nick, he was always nice to you and you did always feel better after you saw him, but the last thing you wanted right now was for another person to be in this house. Half of the Mafia were already sat around the table, watching your interactions with Elvis which was bad enough, you just wanted to curl up in Elvis' enormous bed with him. "Just want you." You admitted softly, concentrating on the necklace he was wearing that hung right at the opening of his shirt where his chest was exposed. Elvis could tell by your demeanour and circumstance that you were feeling extra needy today and that you were going to need a lot of tender care but he didn't mind - in fact, he loved being needed so much. 
He wouldn't openly admit it, but your neediness was one of the things he loved most about you. You never needed him to sing, do some crazy stage antic or for his acting ability, you just needed him as he was, and he needed to hear that every now and again.
"Mary, can you make a heat pad for Y/N?" Elvis asked his cook and housekeeper. "Honey, do you need or want anythin' else?" Elvis said sweetly. You shook your head and Elvis nodded to Mary, indicating that just the heat pad would suffice. "Okay little un', I'll finish this meetin' and kick this good-for-nothin' lot out," A comment that caused a chuckle around the table. "And then I'm all yours and we can start makin' you feel better, how's that soundin' sweet girl?" He suggested. "Sounds good." You said softly with a small nod, making Elvis smile.  "Atta girl, you wanna stay with me for the rest of the meetin'?" Elvis asked you. You nodded, relaxing your head against the upper side of his chest.  Elvis continued on, talking about who he needed doing what job on the next small tour he was about to embark on. 
It was all nonsense to you and you knew that Elvis didn't like mixing his personal life with his business, so you didn't bother pay much attention. Elvis attentively rubbed soothing circles on your tummy, never applying too much pressure that it would be painful, but generating enough warmth that it would ease the discomfort a little. Once the meeting was over, everyone headed out and you settled on the couch in the living room, in front of the brand new television set Elvis had bought for the pair of you. Elvis had recently bought a VCR set too, which was incredibly exciting for you as you loved movies and had bought several for you and Elvis to enjoy, even if Elvis didn't always actually have time to. Elvis walked over, crouching down on the balls of his feet to be level with you, with a grin plastered on his face.
"Now," Elvis started coyly, his grin and playful tone being infectious and making you smile with anticipation as to what he was about to say. "How's about I go into the kitchen, grab us a lotta chocolate," He paused, watching as your eyes went wide at the sound of chocolate. "A lotta candy, a lot of ya favourite apple juice," You giggled at the suggestion of your favourite drink. "And you scootch on over and I'll sit right there with ya, and we can cuddle and watch you're favourite movie and make you feel all good n' better. What d'ya say, doll?" He asked, chuckling as your head bobbed up and down eagerly. "Yes please, Elvis." You giggled as he opened his arms for you to fall into. You gave him a cuddle before he pushed himself back up and walked out into the kitchen, sending a wink your way first, making you let out one more giggle. The rest of the day was spent eating your favourite foods, drinking your favourite drinks and watching your favourite movies - all in the company of your favourite person. Elvis made sure to pepper you with kisses, run his fingers through your hair when you laid down and had your head rested in his lap.  The period pain didn't go away, Elvis wasn't a miracle worker but you couldn't imagine being with anyone else. 
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justcallmesakira · 5 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o pt. 3!
Sypnosis: How the people who are somewhat sane deal with you and your goofy goobers
Warnings: eyebrow less, wereballs, mentions of gaslight ING, mentions of turning into a gacha life demon form 2019,stealing glittery not pads, omori building reference, etc.
Genre: lowkey fluff, crack
A/N: bro this series is blowing up for real- Anyways heres part 2 andddd part 1!
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No guys hes not like you-😭
Sometimes he wonders if you were better suited with dazai then him (it's giving a certain emo Victorian kid kinnie)
But hey hey! Don't worry he will try to calm you down because he DOES NOT WANT YOU to follow dazai's steps! 😋😋
Dw atsushi! Reader is perfectly sane!!
He once came back to the agency from a mission only to see you see you eyebrow less
"Y/N! I am ba-AAAAAAAAAH-" "What, jinko, finally grew some wereballs"
Turns out you were cosplaying akutagawa and the eyebrowless thing was just a prank <3
Jizz man, give my pookie tiger
He's more scared of you then akutagawa 😨😨😨
You sometimes feel silly so you gave him cat food for lunch beacuse dazai convinced you with some skittles (he probably stole them from ranpo)
"umm, y/N.. WHY are you giving me cat food?" "because I felt silly lol"
Kyouka had to stop him-
I am pretty sure you two speak in kaomojis like--
But he enjoys your presence, it's nice to know that at least your happy,Perhaps he can protect you and your happiness if he tries....
Sometimes he wonders how you have so much energy to break into his home with hello kitty pins just to wake him up
And go to an amusement park..
There goes atsuhis wallet! 😄💸
I think atsushi genuinely likes your antics.. Sometimes
But he would definitely keeps you away from dazai so you two don't pour Elmer's glue into kunikidas hair :3
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Uh oh... Gin can you really handle reader-
OF COURSE YOU Can!! You can do anything hahaha... (please help I am being hold at gunshot by rea-)
Since she's really shy and all you speak for her though you jumble the words sometimes
"she asked for no pickles ya dumb yard😡🤬😈👿" *turns into a gacha life 2019 demon*
Although she can't keep up with your energy you always understand what she says in a notepad
You even stole bought her a glittered kuromi notepad for you twos personal talking!
Sometimes she sees silly doodles on the corners of the pages
Gin thinks its honestly cute
However if akutagawa founds out about your silly antics around his sister he's gonna give you a death stare
Gin haded to reasure him countless times that you won't eat her whole
I would😋😋😋
After she calmed her brother you always greeted him with "yo bro wassup >:3"
Bad idea😨
It's true your the person talking for her and all but she's gonna go full assassin mode if someone even tries to hurt you
THAT'S MY Girl!!!!! 😍🤩🥰😝 *verlaine bcs he canonically trained gin I think
Anyways you and her share a cute Lil dynamic
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T-that gif if him before finding out you were trying to eat the casino coins
"Y/N YOU CAN NOT EAT CASINO COINS" "why :(" "It's NOT FOR EATING" "why :(" "Well you ca-" ":c" "Why the sad face...wait did I shout too loud oh my god y/N I am so sorry.. You know what fine I will take you to the casinos play ground today" ":3"
Sigma.. That face is the face of someone who always gets what they want-😦
Also he sometimes questions how and why you speak in emojis like ":3" or ":("
Teach me your ways bestay😏
But please he's so insecure don't do that to my pookie😭🙏
He sometimes question if he has met your type before.. *flashbacks of Nikolai and dazai*
He's gonna go OUT of his way to keep you away from Nikolai bro
Sigma does not want to have a Nikolai dupe as his s/o
But still he might get a bit protective like "y/N be safe" "y/N don't go there" "y/N make sure to wear kneecaps before skating in the hallways of the casi- WAIT"
"don't worry I will be fine!" famous last words
*inserts omori reference here*
He's so tired bro but anything to keep you happy...
You somehow sometimes save him from Nikolai prank
But even so he tries protecting you...afterall no one wants to lose their only home.......
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A/N: hope you enjoyed it! Sigmas one was my favorite :33 anyways I think I will do hunting dogs ver. If you guys want!
Divider creds: @junkyukim on pinterest
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satoruhour · 10 months
Tell me why I got this vision of girldad!gojo having a daddy-daughter day (the daughter is like 3-4) while you stayed home, cuddled up in couch,you think back of times when your daughter was born. You realise how gojo had been the best if not the bestest dad ever to yalls daughter, helping you out throughout pregnancy and in postpartum, still is one of the best role model for your daughter and the model husband for you, you fell asleep thinking about these
meanwhile they arrive home- saw you cocooned like this in the couch. Gojo wasn’t sure whether it was possible for his heart to deepen the love he has for you even more- but seeing you like this has proved him wrong.
He picks up his daughter, places a kiss on her and whispers- isn’t mommy the absolute best? To which your daughter nods.
They both grab blankets from the bedroom and places it on you while snuggling themselves against you. You wake up seeing them both cuddled up with you, when gojo presses a kiss on your forehead and motions at his daughter to which they both say-
“Thank you for being the best mom, I love you” which makes you all teary eyed
This is so corny and tooth rotting HELP-
I think my brain is going all south from the sadness of shibuya arc. I’m getting emotional at this. Gonna have to share my emotion with you T😔
AWW STOPPPP I LOVE THIS 🥹🥹🥹🥹 the gojo brain rot is so real i fear it’s never going away atp. ok but. lets focus on daddy-daughter day for a bit cause how CUTE is that ???!!!! his baby is so excited to show off how cool his dad is at school. he gets both of them matching outfits and matching hats and they look so cute with satoru holding her hand while she carries her little backpack OOUGGHHHHH IM ILL THATS SO ADORBS 😭😭😭😭 you just HAD to take a pic ! it was ur lockscreen for so long ehehe
the other kids are so in awe of gojo bc one. he’s super tall but also his features r so. striking that the boys want to BE him and some of the mothers are like attracted to him bc of how sweet he is to his baby !!! he only has eyes for you tho :p
but anyway yes you realise just how good of a dad gojo is and how blessed you were with a kid like your first daughter. he’s always so cautious while handling her, always having the brightest expression when talking to her, taking care of you endlessly even when you swore you were fine (god i need him) that you get a little teary eyed before sleeping, but ultimately you’re going to sleep with a smile on your face when satoru sends you a picture of them finishing up daddy-daughter day with big grins and ice cream (they got one for you too!!) and ugh it becomes your homescreen after LOLOL
and then when they come home 🥹🥹🥹 they grab blankets for you when they see you so comfortably snuggled up after months of stressing over whether the baby would be okay, moving everywhere in the house to take care of food, diapers, etc. even when your darling girl was born you’d still be at the forefront trying to shoulder everything bc it’s just a mother’s instinct 💗
ill change ur narrative a bit tho - i would think gojo would be carrying her when she comes back and he whispers about how youre such a good mama, and your baby girl almost shouts the idea of wanting to cover you with a blanket until satoru shushes her with a kiss to her forehead LOLOL shes too cute. before they officially go to find the blanket though, gojo is telling her something - “okay, so let’s practice this a little, ‘thank you for being the best mom, i love you!’” and ur daughter is like can we change it to mama ??? we call her mama right? and gojo wants to scream into a pillow cause his baby girl is just too cuteee 😞😞😞😞 and they practice it a little until she memorises it!
then, gojo guides her thru the house to where the spare blankets are and lets her choose and lets her lug the heavy thing out into the living room and hes so mean not helping her omg. even takes a vid of her pulling it and struggling 😭😭😭 bro is insane. but anyway they both drape it over you, but not before they’re cuddling up to you as well - all the movement and fabric wakes you
and you’re smiling wide, mumbling “welcome back” while half asleep and your baby jumps into your arms and rambles alllll about daddy daughter day and how papa was the coolest there !!!! you’re all like “oh really?” and gojo only nods, on a high horse from all the praise and you shove him with a loud laugh, only to be interrupted by “waiiittt! mama! i have something to say!!!”
they look to each other for a bit before they turn to you, your daughter struggling to catch up a little bc gojo talks so DAMN fast: “thank you for being the best mama, i love you!” they get it right the second time and by then you’re doing that downward “aww” smile with big teary eyes which they just hug to comfort you and it only makes you cry more :((((( they both give you lots and lots of kisses to make up for it !!! and later at night satoru reminds you of how large of a light you’ve been to both him and your daughter and that they really really really love you so so much
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
🦇 Stuck 🦇
Summary; Eddie is adjusting to being in bat form, he's injured and thankfully rescued and taken care of by y/n.
She is as unaware as well as the rest of the gang that the Lil bat she's nursing back to health is Eddie who desperately wants to return to his human form.
Warnings; Cute bat Eddie hijinks, fluff. Tiny bits of angst but not much.
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Reblogs, comments etc mean a lot to me ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
Jesus H Christ. He was a fucking bat. A lot of strange shit had happened to Eddie over the last few days but this shit had to be the most insane.
He tries to speak but all that comes out are little squeaks and it frustrates him. After being attacked by the demo bats he was sure he was a goner and felt himself slip away peacefully in Henderson's arms.
Then he woke up to...this. To his tiny fucking bat form and was suffering from an injury to his wing.
Barely just barely he managed to escape from the Upside Down and was panicking because how could he let anyone know what was wrong with him? They all thought he was dead.
Also, how did he turn back into a human? Is that even what he was now? Was he a vampire? He had no fucking clue.
"Oh my god, you poor baby". Wait! He knows that voice...
He looks up and y/n, Henderson's sister is standing over him. He begins to squeak and flap his wings, well as much as he could with the injured one.
She leans down and gently picks him up with her jacket.
"Oh, you sweet little thing. Look at your poor wing. Let's get you inside yeah?". She holds him close and he feels so grateful that she is helping him.
They had grown close over the months that he had known Dustin, the little shrimp, y/n was beautiful inside and out, smart, funny.
Thank fuck, it was her that found him.
Exhausted from his flight and everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours, he falls asleep.
🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
When he wakes up he is snuggled into y/n's jacket and his wing has been tended to while he slept, it's been cleaned up and bandaged.
It feels so much better, it still hurts but it isn't agonising like it was before.
Y/n comes into view and is smiling at him. She has tiny pieces of fruit and veg cut up in a little bowl and another bowl filled with water.
He nibbles it greedily and gulps down the water.
"Are you feeling better little one?" He lets out a teeny squeak and she smiles.
"You wanna meet Dustin? I'm afraid that he isn't feeling the best at the moment. His friend Eddie died, her lip wobbles, he died a hero protecting my little brother, my friends and I can never thank him enough".
He squeaks softly moving closer to her wanting to offer her some comfort. Tell her that he's right here! That he's okay.
Gently she picks him up and gathers him in a soft blanket and takes him through to Henderson.
"Dusty, I found this little guy last night, do you want to help me take care of him?". Dustin looks at him with a pained expression.
"Y/n is that one of them? The demo bats". His voice changes growing dark and she soothes him.
"No, they all died. I'm not sure where this one came from. I understand if you don't want to help after what happened with...with Eddie, Dusty".
He softens.
"No, I want to help too, it will help take my mind off things".
🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
Eddie was slowly settling into a routine with y/n. She was the one who looked after him mainly but Dustin helped too.
Every night she read to him or told him about her day, he would perch on her shoulder or pillow and listen to her intently.
He would steal treats which would make her giggle and he loved hearing her chat about even the simplest things.
They would have dinner every night at seven and even though he was feeling better, his wing was healed and he could fly faster, he still wanted to stay with y/n and Dustin.
He knew it was stupid, especially while he was in bat form but he was beginning to fall for y/n. She was so kind and sweet, beautiful inside and out.
If only he could show her who he was.
He tried to drop hints to her and Dustin, he would sit on top of Dustin's Hellfire shirt, and he tried to pick up a pen to write his name one time but he only got so far as writing a very incomprehensible E.
He sat on the missing poster of him and squeaked until his little voice gave out but it was no use. Y/n couldn't understand him neither could Dustin.
There must be a way he could turn back himself though and he was going to do it.
There was a meeting at Jim Hopper's cabin. Y/n and Dustin had introduced him to the others and he didn't like the way Harrington was eyeing him.
"Those little bastards killed Eddie and tried to feast on my guts y/n. Can't you leave it at home".
Y/n looks at Steve affronted.
"You dingus, he isn't a demo bat, they are dead, Vecna is dead and the upside down is gone. One demo bat couldn't escape".
"It better not come near me I'm not kidding y/n". Eddie squeaks affronted and chatters into y/n's ear.
Of course she can't understand him but she gets the idea behind his little rants and nods along with him.
*Squeak* Tell Harrington. *Squeak* I'll bite him *Squeak* right on his ass *Squeak* if he doesn't shut up.
She gently tickles his little head and he calms down going for a snooze in her arms, well he would be lying if he didn't admit that he kept one eye on Harrington most times.
He wonders what y/n would think if he ever was able to turn human again. It's something that's been playing on his mind for days and when he settled down for sleep last night on her pillow.
Still half sleepy and waking up he immediately feels different. Everything feels different.
When his eyes open fully with a jolt he realises he's himself again.
He grins.
"Jesus H Christ, finally". He doesn't notice y/n who was snuggled up beside him wake up, stares at him and screams tumbling off the bed.
"E... Eddie. How are you even here right now? we thought you died! Dustin oh god Dustin".
He tries to soothe her but she is still in shock and he manages to steady her, settling her back on the bed.
"How? How did you?". Words fail her and he shows her by turning to his bat form and then back again.
She still looks like she's in shock but she throws her arms around him sobbing.
He returns the hug gently kissing her hair.
"I don't understand how are you alive Eddie?".
"I just remember slipping away in Dustin's arms and then waking up as a bat, you found me, took care of me and now I'm me again".
He strokes her cheek.
"I've missed you", she sobs and he holds her close.
"I've missed you to princess". She peers up at him and he gently thumbs her lips wanting so badly to kiss her. He moves closer and just as their lips meet Dustin rushes in.
"I heard you scream? Are you... He gapes as he sees Eddie who smiles.
"Henderson" Dustin gapes and then he rushes to Eddie throwing his arms around him.
Hearing Dustin sob makes y/n cry and he pulls her into the hug too.
"Jesus, H Christ, I need a shower man, being a bat for so fucking long has thrown me off kilter". He grins again and Dustin freezes.
"Dude! You have fangs".
🕷🍁🎃 🦇
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