#this was very sweet of you to send 🥺
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
🤍 Love train! Send this to all the people who deserve love! don't forget to spread the love! 🤍
@eclavigne who is being very sweet 🥺
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thank you so much alek!! i appreciate you sending this in and also for being an easygoing presence on my dash :D i hope you're having a good day and please have a wonderful weekend too <3
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 7 months
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Finally catching up on the Horizons episodes I missed 👍
#fluff binges !!!#I've missed out this one and the one from last week that I'll watch once I settle my work for tonight--mainly due from a whirlwind on my en#even if it were just for two weeks I missed these sillies sm 🥺🥺🥺#Diana was finna gonna murder that man you gotta respect that#I think I saw online that not that many people liked this episode because of the main concern that Friede usually saves the day#I do get that though I actually really enjoyed this episode because I think it's one of Roy's best battles (aside from the top one which wa#--the confrontation with the explorers in Diana's hideout)#he got a couple hits in and even thought to send in Wattrel when he realized that he'd get an advantage up in the air which was so so good#the kiddos mainly fumbled this time 'round because they forgot about the foongus/didn't have another mon to counter it#(maybe Hatena could've countered but Liko still needs to learn How to use her in battles--she does want to help though !!! with how she#--moved that shovel on her own - which I thought was a nice lil indicator of a possible battle highlighting her in the future)#I loooved that moment at the end with Diana showing the dude his true self through Bronzor's reflection that was actually very sweet#so yeah it's a simple ep but an enjoyable one - I think people gotta chill with constantly wanting peak sdkjfskndjfs#loads of Horizons content are focused on character moments and a slice of life feeling to everything which is something I love personally#this is a nice breather after the insanity of the last arc methinks hehe#anipoke#pokeani#pokemon horizons#diana pokemon#arcanine
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riverswater · 7 months
ohh i wanna know about the scene you'd write the abusive louis (love that guy) fic for! pretty please? your brain has the best ideas
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Re: this ^
Harry/Louis, 1.4k words. Tw for general abusive relationship crappiness and thoughts of domestic violence
The sheets are soft under him – washed the day before. Jasmin and white musk. The taste on his tongue is pleasurable as well, sharp mint. A grumble rises next to him. Louis doesn’t turn around, doesn’t play out his part. No point in it: the room is dark, Harry is drunk. Drank five cocktails and an unspecified number of shots, and Louis knows his boyfriend is not a smart guy, but sometimes he wonders what his goal is. Louis never brings him home with careful touches or gentle words, not anymore, Harry must know by now. But, still, he gets intoxicated to the point where he is a danger to himself, and Louis has to leave the party early. Play the part in front of other people. Human mask on, Louis mask on. Whoever that is, he dislikes him as well. Spineless, helpful, loyal. Boring.
He’s sitting with his back to the wall, and he is bored. He will leave the room as soon as Harry dozes out, maybe could leave now, already, while he still whines and turns around, foul breath and sweaty skin, but Louis doesn’t want the risk of him vomiting in his sleep or something. That would be boring, too. He’s not done with him.
Once he’s out, he’ll call Zayn, maybe, or maybe he’ll just hit the town. Saw a guy, the other day: tall, blonde. Slender. His number is still untouched. He could–
“What did you say?”
The room is silent. The air still.
“I–” Harry splutters, wails, sighs. He doesn’t turn to face him, but he curls on himself, pushing his back closer to Louis’s legs. Louis instinctively moves his limbs back. Harry is sick, he always is after a party. Tomorrow morning he will vomit the second his eyes will open. Luckily, Louis has a morning class, and won’t be required to assist him.
“I said,” Harry’s voice is a rogue whisper. Too much vodka. Louis finds him nauseating, at times. “Sometimes. Sometimes, I wish you’d hit me.”
So he didn’t hear wrong.
Louis relaxes back on the mattress, laying on his side, propped up by his left elbow. The lamppost light filters in, and he can make out the lines of Harry’s curls, his nose, part of his cheekbone. His eyes are closed shut, his brows knitted. Louis grins.
“And why is that?” He’s pushing, he knows it, but Harry has been eating out the palm of his hand for months now. He hasn’t called his sister since Louis told him to, back in January. He has fainted twice, only during this last semester. Niall hasn’t tried to contact him in weeks. He’s all his.
“You…” Harry lingers, stops. His eyes squeeze more, his lips curl. “Maybe. Maybe if I had bruises.” He dries his forehead with the back of his hand, harshly, uncoordinated. “If. If you cut me, or something. If I had signs. Maybe. Maybe people would notice.” He spits out the last part of his sentence, holds his breath, and pushes his face on the mattress, hard. Louis hopes he won’t drool. He changed the sheets yesterday.
Louis waits. He knows there is more. Harry has always been one for the dramatics.
“And. And,” he repeats with emphasis, as if that conjunction is meant to mean something by itself. “And if they’ll notice. If they’ll know. Maybe they… They’ll try to. Warn me off. And be by my side. Make me see who...” he doesn’t finish the sentence.
Louis finds it almost sweet how he can’t bring himself to say it. Not in the dark, not with his back to him, not while drunk. He’s his. All for him.
Harry whispers, his face still shoved onto the mattress: “Maybe then I would understand. I would be able to… I would. To leave you.”
Louis hums, considering. He throws his head back, face to the ceiling, and imagines it.
Not now, no. Harry is too drunk and pliant. No fun in that. He couldn’t even bring his hands up to cover his face. Maybe after one of Louis’ afternoon classes, when he comes back home and finds him with his feet (socks off) on the coffee table. Harry hasn’t done that in a long time.
He would march to him, rage oozing off his frame, grab him by his shoulder and cloak him in the face. “If I had bruises”, Harry said. So they would have to be visible. On the jaw, maybe. His teeth would cut the inside of his mouth, maybe he would bite his tongue. He would spit blood after a single hit. And then, and then… The terror in his eyes. The tears – Louis knows he would cry immediately, he would beg, he would apologize. And Louis wouldn’t care. It's almost tasty to picture. He would throw him on the floor, kneel on either side of his hips, or maybe with one knee on Harry’s chest, pinning him down, and hit him again. And again. He can almost smell the iron in the air, feel the tick, viscous liquid staining his knuckles and his work shirt.
He could destroy him, he knows that. Harry is so weak. A gust of wind could push him to the ground. It wouldn’t be special, to do that. There would be no skill, no thought, no planification. He could break his teeth, crack his bones, carve him, even, isn’t that what Harry said – “if you cut me”. And still, it wouldn’t be interesting.
He has no curiosity about hitting him. He knows how it would go. Harry wouldn’t even try to defend himself. He would paint himself as a martyr and let it happen. Boring.
He rolls his head back, looking at his boyfriend again. Harry’s face is now resting on his pillow, his eyes open and vacant, staring at their bedroom door.
“You know what I think,” Louis tells him. He can hear the smirk in his voice. “I think you wouldn’t leave me. Even with broken bones.”
Harry shuts his eyes and draws a quick breath in. Tucks his face in his own chest.
“I think”, Louis continues, moving closer to him, his lips inches away from Harry’s right ear. “Oh, wait. I know that much. You wouldn’t leave me. Even if the whole world was on your side. You know why?” He grins in the dark. Harry’s breath is quick, shallow. Louis leans in even closer, whispering: “Because they already are. They tried to warn you, I know they did. But you came back to me. They’re on your side, alright, but you? You’re on mine. You’re not leaving me, bruises or not.” Louis’ smile grows a tad more. He’s all teeth.
It’s risky to be this open, but for all purposes and intentions, he’s talking to a wall. Harry is incoherent. He would have never let himself say any of that shit if he had any spark left in his brain. Louis can breathe. He can take his mask off and breathe.
“And the best part?” Louis continues. There’s a hint of laughter in his voice. “You know as much. You love me. You don’t know how to live without me anymore.” Harry is shaking. Louis is not sure he’s still breathing and doesn’t care. “So, this fantasy, where some other swings by and saves you… it wouldn’t work. You want this. All of it. You want me.”
Louis scoots down on the bed, not wanting to bolt the scene anymore. The sound of Harry’s panic fills the room. Louis remains still, arms down his sides.
“You won’t remember this tomorrow,” he says to the dark. “And if you do, I’ll call you crazy. Crazy. How can you think so little of me? You know I love you. You know I’d do anything for you.” He hums. “You’re my boyfriend, I love you. You know that,” he says that last phrase in his sweet voice, the one he uses in front of other people, the one that sends girls into fits of awwws and I wish my boyfriend was that sweet with me. “Say it. Say what you know is true.”
Next to him, Harry is still trembling, quick gulps of air at an irregular pace.
“Harry.” His sweetness is gone.
Harry stops breathing. Louis waits.
“You love me,” Harry murmurs, sleepy. Satiated. “You’d never hurt me.”
Louis grins. “Good.” He’s not bored anymore.
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OMG YOURE DOING BINGO? :3 💖💖💖💖💖 can i pls join :3
IOOOOO MY LOVELY OFC YOU CAN!!!!!!!! <3333 here is your bingo hehe :333 i’m tucking you into bed soso gently btw!!! pouring you chamomile tea n everything!!!!!!
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definitelynotshouting · 2 months
Thank you for making this au I love it very much. Pretty much as soon as I saw it it was love at first sight. parasite? body horror? World building with biology? Worm? With wings and lots of eyes? FISH? ECOLOGICAL NICHES?! MORE FISH!? MORE EYES AND WINGS?! EXISTENTIAL HORROR! MORE WORLD BUILDING!! UNIQUE EXPLAINATION FOR DEATH!!! IT FEELS LIKE A FULL COURSE BUFFET AND I CAN'T STOP EATING BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD AND THERES SO MUCH OF IT. well anyways, i very much love what you're doing, keep going!♥
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roseyjustice · 1 year
Flower delivery from your f/o
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Besides the allergies, it is such a cute gift !
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Hii! By definition, ghostbur enjoyers are cool, so I just came to say you're cool
And that's all, have a nice day 💙
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DUDE DUDE I KNOW RIGHT?! Gosh, whenever I find someone who likes Ghostbur I Freak Out with excitement and happiness akdvaksgajsgkag so seeing you pop up in my notifs was really nice :D
(Also I checked out your art tag and oh my gosh you’re good. I’m gonna reblog stuff in a bit but for now, just know that I really really enjoy your art :D)
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stormyoceans · 8 months
Have a nice day, Monica🌸 How is your health? Are you not bothered by insomnia or are you feeling a little better? Question: did you receive the mystery box you ordered? PS. Happy upcoming birthday! I hope you spend this day in a wonderful mood🌸
hello, dear anon!!!!
i did get my jimmysea mystery box in the end!!!! there actually were A LOT of issues with the delivery because the italian mail system SUCKS to say the least, like it took exactly 5 working days for the package to get from thailand to italy and then it got stuck for two months in a warehouse near my city, so to bring it home i had to contact the connected post office and go physically retrieve it myself after work. i hope you guys can forgive me if i didn’t share it before but that day i was really tired and then i….. was kinda embarrassed by how bad the pictures i took turned out to be ;;;;;;;;
OKAY SO here's the actual content of the mystery box (feat. my grandma style duvet and the glare of my ceiling lamp):
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the fact that they put only the puen plush in the box and not talay is so outrageous to me like GMMTV ARE YOU INSANE YOU CAN'T SEPARATE THEM!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!! (if you think i placed my puen plush so he's staring forlornly out of the window as he waits for talay to come back WELL YOU CAN'T PROVE IT) [but you'd be right ;;;;;;]
this is why i've decided to get the talay plush too, i can't leave my puen alone!!!!!! also while im not particularly fond of these plushies because they all kinda look the same and some of them are a bit.... bad, you would not believe just HOW SOFT they are, that was such a surprise!!!!!!
i understand if for someone this wasn't worth it, especially if we count how expensive the shipping fees were and all the time it took to bring the box home, but since i didn't have anything jimmysea related this made me ridiculously happy ;;;;;;
also when i ordered the mystery box i bought the talay's version of the friend credits shirt as well AND IT'S SO NICE!!!!!!
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the size is a bit bigger for me, but i can use it while i sleep. the shirt also came with this lovely postcard that i would frame and hang on my wall if my family didn't come visit pretty often
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ficsforeren · 9 months
Ypu are amazing and you should know that! I love your works of art they make me happy and my heart sparkle!
Also I have a question, a while ago on tumblr (well on my feed haha) there was a post going around how some people were getting their favorite tanfics published for their own personal collection. And I’ve been super inspired by it and I love book binding (I’m still a novice at it) I wanted to ask you’re permission if I could take your beautiful works of art and create my own personal copies to have on my shelf? Of course I will make sure your name proudly seen on the work. I’d even share the finished project too.
Of course they would only be for my personal use, I love reading on my electronic device but it’s not quite as the same as sitting in front of my window cuddled with my fuzzy blanket a cup of tea or hot chocolate in hand and reading a book flipping the pages.
Of course if you don’t want me to I will 100% honor that.
You turkey amazing and are very much loved. You deserve happiness and to take time to spend time with your family and for your self 💕
Please don’t work to hard and have some fun!
OMG???? THIS MAKES ME FEEL SO 😭😭😭😭😭 I'm so grateful and I feel honored to have someone loving my works this much, thank you so so so so much for this 😭
As long as you only use it for your personal collection and not make any profits from it, I don't see why not 🥰 and I totally agree with what you said, nothing beats the feeling of having an actual book between your hands. There are some fics I've read in the past that I would LOVE to have them turned into books too. And to think that my work is good enough for you to think so... AAAAA I'M GONNA CRY
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chrisbangs · 10 months
and fuck the hate anons 😤 you’re one of the best people on this site!!! No one loves bang chan as much as you!!! you are talented, showstopping, amazing, and things just wouldn’t be the same without you!! Keep being you!! :D
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ronanceisintheair · 2 years
been following you for a while and I've seen you post a couple times that you're feeling discouraged about your writing, so just wanted to pop in and say that you are one of the writers who inspired me to get back into writing fan fic (and writing in general). i love your work SO much and you are part of why I fell back in love with writing so thank you!!
Screaming, crying, banging my fist against a wall!!! Literally this is so sweet😭🥺🥺I'm unwell(affectionate)
Like oh I was not prepared! I'm literally beyond flattered and like cannot comprehend having such affect.
Throwing up🥺🥰 thank you so much for sending this, this is literally so sweet, like ahhhh. Also I'm so glad that you've gotten back into writing <33
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iero · 1 year
love when you talk about sports on main! As a fellow mcr + sports girl thank you lol
Well, thank you LMAO. Believe me, I can go OFF about hockey and football, but I hold it in because I’m sure most of y’all don’t want to hear/see that. I’m literally that meme of the guy with the forehead veins about to pop out when it comes to sports and being quiet about it on here…
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Yeah. 😌
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noxtivagus · 1 year
guys i've been improving a lot lately i'm happy w myself
#🌙.rambles#I MADE A NEW FRIEND TODAY FR BCS I GOT OVER MY ANXIETY. LIKE FUCK THAT YK 😭😭 no regrets !!!!#i've been. hesitating less lately. just yk being more comfortable being myself fr#i'm.. really happy i've managed to find more peace in that aspect#n i haven't been like. writing as much as i used to. like uh. pushing myself too much to write in order to remember like#in my spotify playlists yk making them organized n i used to be very consistent w writing a lil thing for this playlist i make each day#it's nice but it ended up stressing me for a while. but now i'm so much better. so much kinder to myself#n then w things i haven't done yet.. no i know for sure i'll do them one day.#i've been pushing myself a bit more lately but now not in a stressful way. like yk in a good way like i'm not settling when i know i can#do more n i can manage it n i know i'll be kind to myself while i'm doing it n regardless of the outcome yk?#guys sorry to that new friend i made tho i cannot text ppl like during convos.#LIKE NO WAIT I CAN BUT I LIKE TO THINK A LOT BEFORE I DO INTERACT W OTHERS YK T_T#WHICH IS WHY I GET SO ANXIOUS TYPICALLY WHEN OTHERWISE..#guys i want to bring back writing letters to each other so badly like i want to. to my future lover can we pls send letters to each other#OR EVEN TO MY FRIENDS BCS LETTERS R JUST SO CUTE YK !!!! A WHOLE LOVE LANGUAGE FOR ME 🥺#like you can start w smth cute like yk 'dear __' orrr hmm yk decorating the letter hehe n then#writing things w handwriting is so cute ! so personal so sweet ARGHHH#the way i used to like message one of my twt/tumblr friends was often by sending like long messages n thennnn#tumblr asks c: i feel so at home w them yk#i write. long. n GOD IF I WERE TO WRITE LIKE YK ACTUAL LETTERS.. I WANT TO MAKE THEM LIKE#YK THOSE LETTERS THAT THOSE OLD WRITERS USED TO SEND !!!! THEY'RE SO LOVELY#hang on i have smth due in like less than an hour n i'm nearly done just one more simple thing but i got distracted help#DUDEEEE LOOKED AT MY NOTIFS AGAIN N I CAN READ SOME OF THEIR MESSAGES BUT I CAN'T SEE THE PIC ????#okay this means a lot to them bcs it seems me n apollo r genuinely the first ppl they've met that#are fellow enthusiasts of yk smth personal for majority of their life. GODDAMN#I RELATE W THAT 😭😭 n then i don't mean this in an arrogant or idk egotistical but it seems. me n apollo have been like#special ppl in other's lives..? idk i don't want that to come off the wrong way but.. yeah 🥺#DUDE I CANT SEE THE PIC YOU SENT AFTER 'DUDE READING ALL YOUR MESSAGES GOT ME LIKE' IN MY NOTIFS N IT'S#DRIVING ME INSANE BCS I HATE INSTAGRAM SO MUCH N HOW IT SHOWS IF YOU'VE SEEN MESSAGES 💀#hi hello this is me in live action n why making new friends is hard for me :^) I GTG NOW BUT AAAAAAAA I'M PROUD OF MYSELF
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(if i’m understanding your tags right) happy birthday!!! and also happy holidays!! 💖💕💞💝
Yes, you are correct ☺️ Thank you, you are very kind 🥺❤️ and happy holidays for you too ❤️
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inkykeiji · 2 years
good luck at the hospital today! we love you!! <3
thank you sweetpea <333 it was difficult but my dad was really glad to see me and hang out with me so that was nice, at least! i love u sm!!!!
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poison-uwu · 1 year
hope pain eases up for you today!! sendin u as much as i can spare!!!
Thank you lovely <3 I hope so to x
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