#this was weirdly hard though XD
6, 8 and 27 for Magnitt + 12, 16 and 37 for Teslen (OTP Relationship Asks ♥)
Hi and thank you so much! 🤍
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
I think it would have been back during late night discussions while they were coming up with the Source Blood experiment. (I also headcanon that John was Helen's patient before the Source Blood, which is maybe how he got drawn into the Five)
They would have already spent a lot of time together, alone or in a group setting, and had mutual respect and affection for each other. John would have realized it well before Helen and wouldn't have said anything because of that mutual respect, but Helen would come to the realization while John is listening and discussing things with her, treating her like he would anyone else, and reflecting on how much that means to her and realizing that the affection has gone beyond friendship. (After that is when they would have started courting, so it was 'proper'.)
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?
Going to divide this up between pre-Source Blood and post-Source Blood, for obvious reasons.
Pre-Source Blood, John's gentler personality would have complimented Helen's logical and very driven personality, because it would remind her to slow down and appreciate things and people more than she would otherwise think to.
Post-Source Blood, Helen's personality would remind John of what it's like to be human and I think also push him towards making better decisions instead of always taking the violent way out.
(Ugh, those descriptions are sucky, trying to describe ✨vibes✨ is always so hard)
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
For John, just going for a walk, especially in a park, would remind him of Helen, especially since it probably would have been something that they did together.
For Helen, I think just sitting down to read would remind her of John, because back when they fell in love, John especially would have always had a book or two with him (since he was a barrister and a schoolteacher) and they would have spent a lot of time together reading and researching, or just sitting together quietly while they each read.
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Nikola for certain. Helen likes to keep things more private in front of others and she does have a hard time with her emotions sometimes. Nikola, on the other hand, loves teasing her already and being sincere on top of trying to annoy her would be too much fun for him. (Also, Helen probably needs to hear these things more than he does)
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Oh, Helen definitely stays up way too late and Nikola has to come into her study or the lab or whatever and come and get her to come to bed. He can go without sleep, but she's human enough to need it and he has to make sure she gets it, whether she likes it or not.
37. What do they like the least about each other?
For Helen, I think the thing she likes least about Nikola is his tendency to alter a situation/do whatever benefits him the most, instead of looking at the bigger picture or thinking of other people. (I don't think she would quite forget how he joined SCIU, even if she forgave him)
For Nikola, I think it would be Helen's almost self-destructive habits. How she 'dealt' with her radiation sickness, nearly blowing herself up in the Sanctuary, among a myriad of other things.
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anniflamma · 3 months
My Thoughts on The Thunder Saga
I've been thinking about The Thunder Saga all day, even though I have a headache, and I can say one thing: I liked it!
I was mostly prepared for the emotional damage in Mutiny/Thunder Bringer for multiple reasons, like collaborating with Jay on the ending of Thunder Bringer. However, I was genuinely surprised by Suffering, Different Beast, and the reveal that Odysseus had already tried to kill Eurylochus during Scylla. I really wanted Odysseus to go full-blown monster mode in Act 2, so I felt satisfied.
Maybe this is a hot take, but I have never really felt bad for Odysseus. The only time I did cry and felt for him was when his mother was singing to him in The Underworld Saga. I've never been fond of the crying, shooting soldier type, both in fiction and in real life. I've watched too many documentaries that made me incapable of feeling bad for people or characters committing cruel acts on others and then crying about it like they were the victims.
The song Suffering was a delight! You immediately knew something was wrong just from the happy tone of the music, especially since we were left with Monster. At first, I thought it was a flashback, and yes, the comment "daughter" piqued my interest. Then I quickly thought it was a dream, but at the same time, something felt wrong.
When it switched to Different Beast, my first thought was, "Did he just shoot Penelope?🤣 " And yes, we now know it was the Sirens! But the imagery is very ironic. I even see it as a parallel with the first saga, with the infant. Odysseus has a whole song about his struggle with the decision to kill an infant that reminds him of his own child, ends up killing him, and then in the second act, he kills a female creature that looks like his wife without hesitation. That, folks, is character development! Yes, Odysseus knew it was a Siren, and we can still tell that he is somewhat tries convincing himself in Different Beast.
"My real wife knows I'm not scared of the water And my real wife knows I don't have a daughter"
Essentially, he is reminding himself that this woman in front of him isn't his wife.
All the cruelty against the Sirens was unnecessary. But that is the point! He believes that the only way home is to be as ruthless as possible. However, bringing unnecessary suffering to both foes and friends was obviously the incorrect decision.
Musically, the song Different Beast didn't really click for me. I mostly found it edgy and not really "cool," if you know what I mean. I've heard it a couple of times but still have a hard time remembering the melody, weirdly enough.
If I ever make an animatic of these songs, it will probably be all together in one animatic. Those two songs are meant to be one, but I understand why they are separated due to the major difference in tones.
The song Scylla was the least anticipated song for me. The snippets didn't really catch my attention. But I did like the conclusion of making Scylla and Odysseus have a short duet at the end. Scylla's cruelty was just a mirror of Odysseus, and he was the one actually killing his men. I think this saga really was Eurylochus' peak in terms of characterization. Eurylochus confesses that he was the one who opened the bag and has suffered with this weight and guilt. Odysseus, in his state of mind, turns away and tells Eurylochus to light a torch, knowing that action will doom Eurylochus. Odysseus straight-up tried to kill Eurylochus already, and I thought it would happen in Mutiny! XD
That moment was cold! No words, no goodbyes, just "Light the torch."
Then we have Mutiny. I really liked it! The callbacks to Luck Runs Out were a bit expected but felt so good when they happened! I've seen comments here and there saying that Eurylochus was a hypocrite due to his comment from the Circe Saga to abandon the men who became pigs. Odysseus even brings that up! But Eurylochus is very justified in calling Odysseus out for his actions.
"When we fought the Cyclops, you were quick to hatch a plan And when we fought with Circe, it was you who left behind no man But when we fought this monster, we didn't take a stand"
Odysseus could have made a plan that at least could have increased the chances of survival for the six men who died. But he didn't, he only thought of himself and betrayed them first, using them as bait to guarantee his own survival. Eurylochus, in the Circe Saga, was a man who was scared, confused, and filled with guilt for opening the bag. So his wanting to take the cowardly route is understandable, but it's nowhere near what Odysseus did.
So then they fight, epic moment, we all love it! And for the second time, Odysseus tries to kill Eurylochus but ultimately fails because Perimedes stabs him in the back. Odysseus is like, "My brothers, why?"
WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY??? But that is still the point of Odysseus' perspective. He is acting like a ruthless monster now, so he is in a state where he is incapable of understanding or more like thinking of his victims' perspectives. Of course his men would defend themselves from him, of course they would betray him, of course they would backstab him. If you treat your own friends as disposable, eventually there will be a reaction: they will either abandon you or retaliate. It takes an immense depth of pride to feel secure with someone you have inflicted suffering on. And pride is the very theme in this saga!
When Luck Runs Out plays but the roles are switched, it felt a bit nostalgic in a way, but it's still a bit distorted. This time, Odysseus is the one singing Eurylochus' lines, but it's not him being confused and doubtful, instead, he is scared yet manipulative. Eurylochus opens up and is vulnerable toward Odysseus. He feels hopeless, clearly experiencing survivor's guilt.
"Eurylochus: How much longer must I push through doubt? Odysseus: I need to get home Eurylochus: How much longer must we go about my life like this when people die like this?"
When it doesn't work, Odysseus switches from "I" to "we." I love that detail. It's not genuine, and I love it!
Thunder Bringer… I loved it. There, I said it! There is nothing more! LOVED IT! ⚡⚡⚡ I am so happy that I got to do an animatic for Jay for this song!
Thunder Bringer is the song where Zeus punishes the whole fleet for killing (presumably) Apollo's cattle. My theory now is that Apollo doesn't like Odysseus for killing his cows in God Game, and Athena is probably like, "Yeah, but his men did it, not him." And Apollo is like, "Touché."
EDIT: I know that the cattle is Helio's but I speculating maybe the musical will change that to Apollos. Who knows!
Essentially, Zeus literally comes down and sets things straight. Instead of being sneaky and witty like Odysseus usually tries to be, Zeus just gets to the point, "Who gets to live?" And Odysseus points at Eurylochus/the crew, saving himself from Zeus' punishment. Well, I do see that Calypso's island is Odysseus' punishment in a way. It's an ironic one. He comes to paradise and gets a home and a wife… just not the home and wife he wanted. I have some fun ideas for my Thunder Bringer animatic!
Rest in peace, Eurylochus. You will be missed.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Since you're still doing requests, I would like to ask for more Hyrule and/or Four. Maybe Four could help him with his homework or something?
Here is more Hyrule and Four (and some Legend too). Hope you enjoy! And thanks for the patience XD
“...And then a monster rose up from the water, with lots of ten... tenti... ten... tenicles..? ...Legend?”
“Right, tentacles. Ten-ta-cles, that tried to grab the hero. But with one swing of his sword, the hero sliced... is that how you say it?”
“It’s an ‘eye’ sound actually, but you were close.”
“Oh. So... the hero sliced the ten-ta-cles away, and the monster couldn’t catch him, no matter how hard he tried. A long battle en... ensued, all while the waves roared, and rain poun-ded on the ship. But the hero rid the beast of all his tentacles, and it fell into the sea with a dying roar. The hero had slain the monster, and... finally earned the treasure hidden in the ship.”
Hyrule closed the book with a proud look on his face, having reached the end of the chapter, and Legend grinned over at him from his spot on the floor.
“Nice job Roolie, you barely stopped,” he complimented, and the tip of Hyrule’s ears turned pink.
“I’ve been practicing,” he said shyly, and set the book he’d been reading from on the table. “Thanks for helping, Legend.”
“No problem.”
Hyrule smiled again, and flopped back on his bed, a warm feeling in his middle. He was getting really good at reading— he’d practically caught up to Wild’s level, and kept making progress, especially with Legend’s help. Soon enough he’d be able to read books without needing anyone to help with the big words.
It felt... nice. To learn.
The bedroom door creaked, and Hyrule and Legend looked up, their littlest brother padding in with a blanket trailing behind him.
“Four? I thought you were supposed to be napping,” Legend scolded, and Four blinked, then walked by without sparing him a glance. “Ugh. Moooommm, Four escaped his nap again,” Legend called, getting to his feet and walking out into the hallway.
He continued to talk as he walked away, voice fading down the hallway, and Hyrule peered over at Four, the younger boy watching him in silence.
Hyrule swallowed at his intense gaze. He didn’t really have a lot of experience with little kids like Four, and was still getting used to the whole little brother thing.
Four was nice of course, but he was also kind of... strange. He didn’t talk much, but when he did he was weirdly well-spoken for a four-year-old, and Hyrule often found him sitting in odd places with an ear pressed to the wall. Between that and adjusting to just having younger siblings in general, Hyrule honestly didn’t know how to interact with him most of the time.
And now he was staring. At him.
Four, oblivious of Hyrule’s thoughts, stared at him another few moments, then went over to his bed and tried to climb up onto it. His legs were too short though, and he frowned, trying to claw his way up the blanket Malon had made for Hyrule.
“Hey, hey careful!” Hyrule said, and Four stopped and looked at him, tilting his head.
“Sorry,” Four said. He looked at the bed, then blinked at Hyrule hopefully. “Can you help?”
Hyrule blinked back, then after a moment’s hesitation, slowly leaned over and picked Four up. He gingerly set him on the bed, and Four smiled as he sat down, stretching out his legs and wiggling his toes.
“Thank you,” Four said, hugging his blanket to his chest.
Hyrule nodded, settling back down in his spot, and watched him in confusion as he sat there, looking idly at the patterns on Hyrule’s blanket.
“Um... Four, I thought you were supposed to be in your bed napping?” Hyrule said hesitantly. He wasn’t sure what to do here.
Four frowned, and turned his head away to look at the wall. He didn’t say anything for a minute, then suddenly flopped backwards, his head landing on Hyrule’s lap and making him jump.
Hyrule looked down at him, and Four looked up, a sad expression forming on his face.
“...I got lonely,” he said quietly.
Hyrule could relate to that. He’d spent most of his life feeling lonely.
Four curled up more with his head still in Hyrule’s lap, and Hyrule gave it a hesitant pat, Four snuggling up to him. His little brother was a ball of heat, and Hyrule began to relax as Four’s eyes drooped, running another hand over his head.
“Well... you can stay here I guess,” Hyrule said quietly, and Four smiled as he closed his eyes. “So long as Mom says it’s okay. Then you won’t be lonely.”
“Thank you Roolie,” Four whispered, and Hyrule felt a weird lurch of warmth in his stomach at the words.
He grabbed the blanket and set it more over Four as his little brother began to drift off, and Hyrule leaned back, watching as Four quickly fell asleep.
He supposed he would sit here and read for a while longer.
Legend came stomping back into the room a few minutes later, and Hyrule frantically shushed him when he opened his mouth, gesturing to the sleeping kid on his lap.
“...oh. Well I guess napping there is as good as anywhere else,” Legend said with shrug. “Good job Hyrule.”
Hyrule nodded, and Legend left again to tell their mom he’d found where Four went off to. He paused before he left the room though, and looked back at Four and Hyrule, the latter smiling hesitantly at the kid in his lap.
Legend smiled himself, then quietly shut the door behind him.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
So yeah, have been playing some SOTE this evening... and it is 4 AM... and I need to wake up to work at 7 AM... 🤡 me 🤝 @jarognieva
I don't believe I went far, some highlights so far:
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1) "But never again" 💀
2) I spent 40 minutes alone on trying to kill annoying knight in the first Mausoleum, until I gave up and got @fantomette22 to help me. And then offered to help HER. We both now have the bitch dead thanks to our incredible strategy: she runs around and distracts the jerk while I spam him with the spells. Team work XDDDD
3) "Fantomette get off my DICK, you are way too good at killing bosses fast I don't want spoilers, sorry I am not as good at this game as you!!! 😭" *kills a Ghostflame Dragon* *kills the Lion Dancer* *kills the uhhhh that one Demihuman swordsman*
4) Lion Dancer battle was so fun and beautiful, holy shit...? Very impressive
5) I was forced to return to shield and spear strategy. :/
6) Celebrants lore?
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7) Really interesting items
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8) "Shut UP Val, you are TOO good at maps and finding places, stop rubbing it into my face I know I am absolutely useless and can't find shit on my own ;-;" *finds a bunch of curious places and secrets he didn't*
9) He straight up just.. ignored me...
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I hoped if I moved very slowly maybe it could have stayed that way.. but nope, one millimeter and I was obliterated xd
10) I might be completely sleep deprived but that Demihuman swordsman used Waterfowl Dance?? Or not? I hope he fucking did because meeting Malenia's teacher is all I really want anymore
11) I absolutely love the feature to see the new items and items discovered in chronological order, helps me to not forget to read the lore as I proceed. Genuinely the most helpful feature after adding the jump button!
12) Interesting NPCs, curious about the guy whose mask weirdly resembles the Wormfaces, and the lore that only Miquella didn't give up on Frejia and healed her wound is sweet..
13) Every second fucking item I pick in this joke place mentions the crusade and how cringe Messmer is and whatever gfhyhgh I like how they can't let me forget for one second that he's a war criminal xD
14) I guess Smouldering Butterflies ARE still Melina's, since Messmer has his own now xD
15) I really want to access that like.. really red place I see from the cliff but don't know how to step into.. I hopefully will figure it out
Okay in general it is really fun to play, though so stupidly hard that I have to try different strategies. Again. But seeking everything in blind is cool, after all the only spoilers I've gotten is That One plot twist and the fact that final boss (?) is not my blorbo but some random idiot so gfgfhfhyj Still so much stuff to pick
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hello! if you’re still taking requests for gangsta could i get some hcs of nic with a hard of hearing s/o? kinda like how they would’ve met, how they interact, that kind stuff. 🥺👉👈 thank you so much!
 Oh yes, I get you with the hard of hearing thing, my senses are so poor it’s become a joke now xD
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Though you’re not deaf, your hearing is literal shit, to the point that it’s become a thing you joke about a lot with your friends.
Whenever you’re not fully paying attention to someone speaking, you have to ask them to repeat what they were saying since you barely picked up a thing or two about what they were trying to say.
Still, you’re very easy going and chill about the whole situation, and though you hope it doesn’t bother your friends much, you’re not bothered by it either way.
Whether you know what caused your hearing to diminish from the normal parameters, it didn’t even matter anymore.
You first met Nicolas when him and Worick were chasing after a criminal, and the blond called out to you to get out of the way, but you were listening to music on your earbuds so of course you had no idea what was going on behind you - Until the Japanese man bumped into your side roughly, making you fall to the ground with a great thud.
Not only that, but he got off balance and thumbled too, leaving only the Gigolo chasing after that guy while Nic was recovering from the fall.
 The man, now on top of you, got up quickly and extended his hand to you - Which you took - And he started mumbling something.
And you just looked up at him and blinked in confusion.
Which made him look at you weirdly, as to why weren’t you sketching any reaction at all.
“Can you say that again, please?”
And the man repeated the small word - But you didn’t pick it up this time, but in your defense, it sounded like gibberish altogether and you had no idea why he was speaking so unclearly.
Still, you tried to decipher in your head what he tried to say, and then, with a Eureka expression on your face, you let out an ‘Ohhh!’ sound.
“Oh, you apologised! Don’t worry about it, it happens!” your chill, innocent smile surprised him, but at the same time, he thought it was absolutely beautiful.
And what a coincidence, you though he was very attractive too, and seeing how he was just standing there, smiling awkwardly, you asked if he wanted to go for a coffee, to which he immediately agreed, forgetting all about his mission or his partner.
That was your first date.
Sure, he got a lot of shit from Worick after outright deserting him in the middle of a mission, but at the end of the day, he finally got such a nice date!
A date that’s tragic at the basic function of hearing, just like him.
Worick would tease the both of you a LOT. Just because he can.
But he’s very supportive of the two of you, especially since Nic is finally happy.
Speaking of Nic-...
Though he’s not outright speaking about you, he’s always thinking about you, and whenever he does, he has that dreamy smile on his face like he’s drunk in love.
He’s literally the sweetest man in the world, and though a bit clumsy, he’s such a gentleman.
Always brings you flowers or little trinkets, always finds new stories to gossip about with you, and has the best hungs in the world.
This man is so touch starved that if you start petting his hair, he’ll have a kitten grin and outright melt in your touch, even going as far as to cuddle in your arms.
He always wants to impress you, and the best way to do that is with his strength - So as often as he can, even as a surprise, he’ll pick you up bridal style, or as a piggy back ride and walk with you around as much as you like.
And don’t even get me started on how he jumps around with you from the roof of the buildings and laugh merrily with you because you’re having so much fun and he loves making you happy.
He’s absolutely the best boyfriend in the world, bless his soul, and if anyone dares even look at you the wrong way, they will become sashimi.
Overall, the best thing about your relationship is that you don’t have to worry about not hearing what Nic is saying, because you speak in sign language -
But there are some things that he’s forcing himself to speak out loud, and those are his short love confessions.
Whether he says ‘I love you’, ‘You’re beautiful’ or ‘You make me happy’, he will always, without fail, speak it out, and make sure he has your face cupped in  his hands and share a tender eye contact so he knows his feelings are properly shared.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
my favorite hobby is torturing yata (lightheartedly). i imagine since yata *is* canonically cool to others, esp girls, that he def has fangirls around the city whether he knows it or not...since yata has to take whatever jobs he can, i can see him getting a job where theres girls who know him and he doesnt wanna back out cus he needs money but then also he keeps from customers from harassing them on shift (i love putting him in a room of fangirls xD)
This is honestly making me think of Yata as like Stark from Frieren, befriending people and becoming popular everywhere he goes. Like Yata can’t talk with girls but he also isn’t gonna let anyone harass them either, so he ends up being popular just by being a good guy and he has no idea. He works at a restaurant for a few weeks and there’s a waitress around his age who Yata is completely unable to talk to and every time she says hi to him he gets bright red and stutters. She thinks he’s just weirdly shy and then one day a customer tries to put a hand up her skirt. The waitress freezes and suddenly there’s Yata putting the guy into the ground all what the fuck did you just do asshole. Even though the waitress sticks up for him Yata still gets fired for making a scene, but after this all the other waitresses hear about the nice guy who beat up a customer that was harassing women.
Yata gets another job at a convenience store, there are several women working there too and Yata just kinda looks away and swallows hard every time they look at him. One day this group of drunk guys walk into the store and start causing a scene and harassing all the female employees, and once again here comes Yata with a broom chasing them all off like don’t scare girls or I'll kill you. He gets another job after that doing deliveries, and happens to show up at one apartment just as a guy is hitting his girlfriend. Immediately Yata knocks the guy out and when the girl expresses gratitude he just stutters and drops her deliveries into her hands like ‘it’s fine here’s your stuff bye.’ Unknown to Yata he basically ends up with a ton of girls all over the city who know about him and think he’s amazing, and Yata has absolutely no idea. (And then one day he goes to a bar with some of the other guys and he’s suddenly surrounded by girls that he’s had only a passing acquaintance with but who he once helped in the past, Yata is about to pass out from all the female attention and the rest of the Homra guys are just like how did Yata suddenly get so popular with the ladies what the hell.)
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fictitious-fluff · 9 months
IVE FINISHED THE GIFTTT even though its a few days late- I was your secret santa!!! Merry late Christmas XD
First time writing for tadc, was definitely interning. Might have been a little rushed and short since I had some trouble writing at the start, but I hope you like it ^^ @colinthegaycomputer hopefully I dont have any typos LOL
Tysm to @hypahticklish for hosting this @squealing-santa! Was rly funn
Unusual Comfort
Fandom: The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
No Pairings
Summary: A little situation left Pomni alone and down in the dumps. Kinger wants to help.
Word count: 827
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That's what Ragatha would have said if she wasn't busy.
Jax and Zooble had been fighting and Gangle had been caught in the crossfire. Obviously, that didn't end well, with them becoming bound together. Ragatha had left Pomni near the stage while she helped the others out of a tangled gangle. A Pomni who was hyperventilating, but claimed she was alright to be left alone. She didn't want to make things worse. Ragatha didn't want to ask Kinger either. Someone who forgets what they are doing every 5 seconds would probably not be of help with the Gangle situation.
So here Pomni was, worrying over how she accidentally caused this whole mess when Gangle tripped on her. And a worried Kinger on the side of his fort.
"Hey Pomni, need some help there...?" Kinger finally walked over after contemplating for awhile. He might be mentally unstable but he still cared. He wasn't a monster...yet. "You want to come over and lie down? Relax a little?"
"H-huh? Oh. Uh s-sure I guess" She tried her best to have coherent words. Kind of hard to speak when you practically feel like you can't breathe.
Kinger put a hand behind Pomni and guided her to his pillow fort. Perhaps a little comfort could bring comfort to the poor jester.
Kinger brought out some water from his stash of snacks and handed it to Pomni. Can't have a fort without food and drinks. "Here, drink some water. It'll help to control your breathing. Drink slowly when you feel like you're breathing too fast."
Gulping down some water at first, Pomni started taking smaller sips. Eventually, her breathing did go back to normal. "Thanks.." Pomni replied, staring down at the drink.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Kinger broke the ice. "Do you need anything? You seem kind of down. Well, more than usual."
"Huh? Uh, no its fine." Pomni snapped back into reality. Her brows furrowed anxiously as sweat trickled down her forehead. Great, she just loved when people recognised she was uneasy.
More uncomfortable minutes of silence prompted Kinger to remember a trick Ragatha used to do for members of the digital circus. He didn't know what would be Pomni's reaction to it but... Was worth a shot.
"Would you like me to try something? It's just a thing Ragatha used to do to cheer up others" Kinger enquired.
Pomni wasn't rly listening at this point and just gave a 'mhm' without thinking. She was pretty spaced out.
What she didn't expect was fingers curling at her sides.
"Ghk-?! H-hey, what ahare you do-dohoing?" Pomni blurted out before covering her mouth, squatting down to evade the sensations. As much as she squirmed or turned, it never stopped. The fingers just expertly moved wherever she went. It didn't give her time to get used to one feeling, skittering and spidering all over.
Kinger followed as Pomni sank down. After a few more squeezes, he opted to change tactics, scratching in the hollows of her underarms.
Occasional muffled giggles and shaky breaths slipped out from her. It was unbearable but somehow felt weirdly...good? It made her grounded, real. You can't really think of anything else besides the maddening feeling while being tickled. Still, instincts kicked in. She tried to grab one of his wrists using one hand while the other still covered her mouth.
Emphasis on tried. You can't exactly hold on to a wrist that's not there, can you?
Kinger couldn't lie, it was actually kind of fun to see their friend laughing. She'd always been so on edge, it was nice to see her letting lose. He liked to see his friends being content.
As Kinger moved to lightly dusting her neck, Pomni squealed. Both her hands darting to her neck to try and protect it. Her shoulder and nose scrunching up as she twisted and leaned forward. Panicked squeaks poured out of her, now that she wasn't covering her mouth.
"You should let loose more often like this Pomni, it suits you." Kinger commented, as if he wasn't 'torturing' her right now. "It's good seeing you actually enjoy yourself."
Though that wasn't meant as a tease, it did embarrass Pomni a little. She blushed as she still tried to move away from the wriggling fingers. Pomni batted at them half heartedly.
Not wanting to overwhelm her, Kinger decided to relent. It was suppose to cheer her up anyways. "Feeling better?"
"Yeheah. Ihi think." Residue giggles lingered as Pomni rubbed off the tingles. She felt so..light. Like a weight had been lifted off of her. Guess laughter is the best medicine sometimes.
It was weird, she hadn't thought that tickling could have an effect on her like this. Or that she didn't actually mind it. Then again, she didn't really remember her past self so she didn't have much to compare.
Kinger grinned softly as he passed Pomni some more water to cool down.
"T-thanks for that.."
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ikamigami · 2 months
What on earth was today's episode
Idk xD
Even if it was hilarious it was also making me worried about Sun.. he's stressed out because of that and soon he'll learn Dazzle's secret..
But but.. I find this coincidence rather weird.. cause why the leader of Sun's cult had bunny mask?
White rabbit mask.. idk if any of you remember when Sun played Shipwrecked 64 with Earth.. but there was a dark figure with white rabbit (?) mask.. Sun had rather weird reaction upon hearing Earth saying that it's a creepy stalker with a bunny mask.. Sun was mumbling something to himself.. though no one who seemed to be interested in what he said could figure what he said then..
Earth then asked him what he's talking about and if he's okay to which he replied that he's fine.. it was weird.. he seemed to be weirdly nervous in forest area after that little bit of conversation.. which was odd and caught my attention..
Also isn't it weird that when Sun disbanded the cult the leader screamed and poofed out of there..?? Out of existence?? It was odd..
Maybe I'm grabbing at straws but it was a weird coincidence, right? Or maybe it's because I'm connecting dots that aren't there lol.. it's hard to say sometimes when you're both paranoid and delusional 😅
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lazzarella · 3 months
Back again with my Wandee Goodday weekly rambling! I will say that, while I'm still adoring it, the editing is starting to feel weird? Like, I know there's not a cut and an uncut version but sometimes it feels like it.
But! I'm also the kind of person who can nitpick something I love to death, so I'm not going to do that because I'm trying to ~ac-cen-tchu-ate the positive as Mr Mercer wrote. And, like, I'm just here to see two beautiful idiots fall in love XD Anyway! Here we go:
- Dee going straight for the necklace! XD
- HAND HOLDING SHOT!!! Will never get enough of those!
- Love that they don't talk >:) (No, really, I'm not being sarcastic lol I love it haha)
- Aww, I want to know what the souvenir is!!
- Love their apologies! I especially love that he said he'd have let Yak beat Ter up if he wasn't a doctor 🤣
- Seriously, though, his apology made sense! I'm totally extrapolating(?) here but I almost feel like he didn't know why he acted the way he did in the moment
- Okay, kissing only once is silly 🤣 but I'm here for silly! And he did say Yak has to learn to wait, which must mean he does plan on kissing him again. At some point. I can just FEEL Kao's long suffering BFF senses tingling however many apartments away haha
- (I weirdly love being frustrated by shows I love??? Just me??)
- Awww! Love the scene with Yak and Yei <33
- Dee didn't feed him?? Tut tut, doctor! Not taking proper care of your boxer guy
- "Let's pound" uh, sure... But right in front of everyone? 🤣
- Lmaooooo, Cher! I love him! Telling Dee the necklace suits him better haha. I love the way that he and Yei have just accepted Dee into the fold and omg they don't know it's "fake" do they??? I would love to see their reactions
- I loved the whole som tam scene
- Hm. I guess Taem *does* like Yak then? Not really keen on that, but I'll just go wherever the show takes me, IDC
- Yak getting horny watching the others get oil massages lmao love that they used that 'o yeah' sound bite
- (actually, there's a bit in one of the songs that sounds like part of O Yeah by Yello)
- but he got his oil massage!! Dee is doing a thorough job
- Ahhh, Yak asking Yei about the consequences of him losing the fight!!! He looks so young there D: and I'm glad Dee asked some stuff, too!
- Okay, but what is UP with the Nazgûl dude???
- Dee knows Yak's lying!!
- ...wait, how does Dee know about the hallucinations to tell Kao? (Is it really a hallucination when you're asleep? Is that not just a dream? I'm guessing this is a translation thing though) Like, I can infer Yak told him at some point, but it feels like a weird choice to not show that. Whatever, I'm not going to think too hard about it
- Boo, Ter!!
- "No because I must bring my special someone" is the best response to Kwan asking if Dee was asking Ter out! Lmaooo (I paraphrased a bit I think)
- Okay, it's so funny that Dee knows Yak is his special someone and that's why he's asking him, and he's happy to let Kwan and Ter and whoever assume that, but he won't tell Yak 🤣
- "Just one more time" ??? One more time for what? Maybe I should stop watching this when it drops because I'm always half asleep by then lol
- Whatever Yak says about it would be nice to have someone cook for him every day and Dee's desperate 'oh pleeeease let it be meeeee' kinda look lol
- Costume time!!! They looked soooo good in the first ones (I don't know if they're specific characters or just traditional)
- I love how grandma describes dancing but I didn't note it down. Oops! It was lovely, though! And very true—you have to be in sync with your dance partner and you have to give and take equally, otherwise it's not going to work and you may hurt yourself or the other person
- Lmao, they're still pretending! So silly after the kiss and I LOVE IT! XD this is what happens when you don't talk. Please keep it up! lolll
- Tbh, I think Dee's equally afraid if he tells Yak how he feels he'll disappear now (he probably has abandonment issues, I get it! He said that thing about presents making him feel like he hadn't been forgotten about a child, so yeah...)
- Product placement time! There hasn't been much though
- Ooh, they're gonna get married :D
- Aww, that was a really sweet proposal!
- Thor is so much bigger than Fluke... Just needed to make a note of that lol
- More product placement!
- Dee! How are you going to feed your boxer man every day when you only have neatly arranged cartons of soy milk and a bowl of apples in your fridge??
- YAY ANOTHER HAIR DRYING SCENE!!! But this time with a hairdryer!!
- I knew Taem would be the reason Yak wasn't at the ball in the previews!
- gee, there aren't many people at the ball
- Yak is going to rock up at the very last second...
- ngl, I thought Taem was into Ohm as well!
- Just say no, Dee! Just say no!
- I mean, that's a pretty good speech, pity who it's coming from lol
- Phew! He pushed him away! I knew he would, but still
- Yesssss! I actually fist pumped at Dee telling Ter he wouldn't be a good dance partner and that HE'S TOO VANILLA bahahahaha
- He was very gracious about it, too, which makes it even better
- Ooh, Ter's crying! Tbh, I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a manipulative jerk XD he cries pretty, though
- Poor Dr Kwan!
- Dee waiting for Yak is breaking my heart!! Come onnnnn, Yak!
- YES!!! THERE HE IS! Cinderelly, you shall go to the ball! (IDK...)
- "My prince!" (x 2) Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! MY HEART!
- This is the most awkward dance routine lmao I kinda love it
- Ooh! Slow dance time!
- (So what am I so afraid of, I'm afraid that there's no cure for, a love that I'm not sure of... Uh, ahem, where was I?)
- I think my whole heart leapt into my throat!! That was NOT what I was expecting at all and ahhhhhhhhh it was perfect! And Dee's happy little face!!!!! He's so amazed and happy and ahhhhh I don't want to wait seven days to see what happens next!!
-Also was that a new sing playing in that scene or something that already exists? Kinda sounded like Inn singing but idk
- Okay, but I am SO here for Yak trying to woo Dee next week lol like, he so doesn't have to, but I would definitely want to let the handsome man woo me for a little while too XD
- (I bet when Dee says enough and Yak's little face drops, it's going to be when he says the thing about loving Yak for who he is maybe, but IDK, I could be very wrong)
- Anyway. I THINK I LOVE YOU! Yesssss! Yak was so brave!! <333
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randomgentlefolk · 11 months
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Ooh!! I should've expected this room to show up in her dream. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the reflections in the sugars?? In the chapter where Frederick and Gwen was in this room, their sweet moment was interrupted by Gwen seeing her reflection in one of the sugar. Maybe the reflections will tell her something regarding her view of herself? Or maybe they will instead warn her about what's happening at the Palace's hall? (By that I mean the war)
Or perhaps...We will see Frederick?
Okay, moving on to the war—
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Bruh they gotta STOP finishing each other's sentence it's driving me crazy and slowly taking my hope away from Blaine T_T
I still have my hopes on Blaine, but it's fading away veryyyy slowly. I'm trying hard to believe in him tho. Good thing I have fanfics and my imagination to help me cope through this :')
May I just say, I love Jamie speaking in Wingdings XD. I tried to translate it but weirdly it didn't translate into an understandable sentence/word. It's just gibberish.
Curtis with a broom...HE'S SO COOL?? Never underestimate butlers real (Curtis, Alfred)
Lorzanna moment!! They are adorable :D Also they are soooo gonna kick Leland's butt.
Also everyone should just use Laverne as a defense strategy here, just saying. It seems to be really effective.
Leland's threat kinda takes my interest here. What do you mean "or else I will"? Do you mean you can just literally stop what's going on right here right now? Then why not just do it now? Or by that does he mean he's going to punish the Plaid Princes in the dungeon again...or worse? Uh well at the very least all I know is LELAND SUCKS.
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GO, LANCE, GO!! Betray your bs of a father and stop your big brother from succumbing to the dark side!! I have faith in you :') Honestly even though Lorena don't really understand Lance's fear of Leland and calling him a coward kinda stung, but at the same time it's kinda a wake up call for him? I guess??
Oh yeah, sorry for ruining the moment here but I've been thinking about how sick his new scars would be like it would be shapes like an X and that's so cool?!
Yeah I gotta agree with Lorena here, that was kinda creepy Leland... But Lorena's throw was amazing. Like dang..that spear must be heavy as frick and she throws it with a huge strength?? Lorena = Undyne confirmed?
Beckett to the rescue!! :D love that guy. Hopefully the misunderstanding between Maria and Gwen will clear up though :')
And lastly...the one I'm ejwnsuehw about the most...
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Blaine c'mon man Blaine wait listen to me dude wait wait wait. Stop okay stop don't do this 😭😭 Literally go meditating with Whitney bro THIS IS NOT YOU. I don't think i can change you at this point but literally you don't even want to change. And this is the most difficult part because no matter how much you want to help someone, it's pointless if they don't even wanna help themselves. I'm really hoping he would get redemption arc especially because of what Isolde told him in chapter 144.
Oh! I almost forgot. Let's look into the fast pass section!
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So first of all we have Blaine vs. Frederick :') but what takes my interest the most is.. The Prince vs. The Prez... Obviously the prince is Blaine, since it uses singular noun and in the thumbnail we see Blaine and Prez. But what caught my attention is "the Prez..." the prez what? The prez club? This could be something regarding cpc, or maybe Prez creates a new group? I can't wait for it to upload :D
Well that it's for today, now let me just sob on the floor while holding my plaid clothes in front of my cats again.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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aceontheline · 2 years
WTTT Headcanons... Pure Angst Edition
I'm in a bit of a mood... So sorry XD
T//W: Mental Health topics
Mass is an insomniac. He has a really difficult time sleeping at "appropriate" times, and will likely walk around the kitchen at 5:00 am looking for food//coffee (or both).
Mass tends to have a "Therapist" relationship with a lot of people. People will go to him for their issues since he's the "Smart one" of the group. But no one ever really checks in on him. They assume he's "Fine" because of how stoic he is.
Mass suffers from "Burnt Out Gifted Kid" syndrome. His parents put on a lot of expectations for him, and he was disappointed in himself when he couldn't do it all. Nowadays, Mass still feels guilty if he feels like he underachieved.
Mass has the following mental health conditions: Depression, OCD, PTSD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. He doesn't like to bring these things to light though, and only occasionally goes to therapy.
Mass listens to old Eminem songs when he feels depressed. They remind him of happy memories between him and his father.
New York:
New York doesn't like talking about his emotions very much, if at all. He bottles a lot up and tends to explode at times. These are expressed as random bouts of explosive anger, or even depression. He will quietly sob for hours on end. New York will never let anyone see him cry, even if he tolerates you enough.
New York will often travel to places alone, simply because he wants to get away from everyone. The others worry, due to his previous episodes. There was one time he travelled alone, and he didn't come back for a week. When found, all New York could say was: "Leave me alone. I don't want to be a bother".
New York has the following mental health conditions: Bipolar II, Social Anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD. Remembering that one particular day practically prevents him from doing anything else, but he'll still try to pull through.
Weirdly, a song that gets New York to cry... "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" from Phantom of the Opera. He will not disclose who he thinks about when this song plays, but New York was deeply affected by it, as he begins to softly sob.
Florida is known for being rather chaotic. He feels like he needs to do it for attention, or the others may overshadow him. "It may be negative, but hey... I get attention" Florida always tells himself.
Florida gets deeply upset//angry when he sees alligators being harmed in any way, practically becoming inconsolable.
Florida deals with ADHD on a daily basis, but more so the hyperactivity and Executive Dysfunction. These elements come in waves, and feels like an absolute failure if he can't get things done when dealing with the latter.
Florida has frequent nightmares, making it hard for him to sleep. He and Gov usually spend time together late in the night, but Florida doesn't like talking about his all too vivid nightmares.
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skyward-floored · 2 months
*zip lines into your inbox*
HIII PEGGY. I come to learn more about Dusk!
What’s his personality like? From what you’ve said I’m imagining him quiet, creative, sensitive, but prone to spurts of uncharacteristic anger due to the instability within him.
Does he have any hobbies he enjoys? Is he closer to Link or Zelda, or equally close to both but in different ways? Is he insecure about the fact that he’s basically a failed copy of Hyrule’s Hero? What’s his favorite part of Hyrule?
Also does he have any weird abilities due to the nature of his creation?
Sorry for all the questions XD I’m obsessed with this tragic little dude now
Do not apologize for the questions I LOVE talking about my tragic little dude :D
Yeah his personality is a lot like that! He’s quiet and sensitive, but sometimes the malice gains a little bit of traction and he’s weirdly harsh/angry. Then he sort of snaps back into himself and feels awful about it (though being around Zelda makes those events less common). I think of him a bit as like Link when he first came out of the shrine too: sort of innocent, and amazed at this world around him he has no experience with.
He likes a lot of the same things Link does, though it should be noted that his cooking is... not terribly impressive 🤣 Dusk is a big fan of flowers actually, and likes learning about all of the different kinds, and the things they can do. Plants in general are really interesting to him. He thinks maps are cool too though, and is especially impressed by the one on the sheikah slate.
He’s closer to Link at first, but that’s mostly because he was the one who found him, and also because they’re (apart from some small differences) completely identical. There’s something weirdly comforting about that to Dusk, and Link knows what it’s like to suddenly be dumped into the world with no clue about what’s going on. He does his best to support him in that.
It takes Dusk a bit longer to warm up to Zelda, but not that long— especially when they discover she can put a hand on him and it eases some of the magic instability. Her presence is soothing because of that, plus she knows so much about everything. He likes hanging around with her a lot.
Dusk is... not insecure about it exactly, but he does struggle with his identity. He was made for one purpose, and he wasn’t good at it, and then basically sentenced to die. That kind of screws a guy up. Plus, even though he knows he’s not the Hero, sometimes he feels similarly to Link, that he should protect Zelda,
He struggles with his identity a lot once they figure everything out (what do you do with your life when you were made for one purpose, and you failed in that and also don’t even want to do it?). He’s not really sure about who he is, why he’s even here, and Link tries to help him with that, but it’s hard. He has to accept that he’s just... Dusk. He doesn’t have to be what the Yiga made him to be, he gets to decide that for himself. But he’s insecure about it, yeah.
Dusk is fascinated by all of Hyrule honestly (though... not as fond of the desert, or cold areas), but he thinks Lanayru is really neat with all of the glowing rocks and water and cool plants. He’s happy almost anywhere though— he likes seeing everything in Hyrule. For some reason Hyrule castle makes him nauseous, though.
He has some... strange abilities, yeah. Monsters are drawn to him, but it’s a toss up as to whether they attack him or not. Sometimes they attack. Sometimes they treat him like he’s another monster. Sometimes they just stare at him. Magical creatures are weirdly drawn to him to— blupees are less likely to run away from him, and fairies are a little less flighty... sometimes. Again, it can be a tossup. His eyes also glow a little in the dark, and he’s rather sensitive to magical fluctuations, good and bad. And it’s not an ability, but all of that opposing magic mixed up inside of him is really wearing, and he gets tired a lot more easily than Link does.
Also... with some practice, he could probably use some of the magic inside of him, but all of it is so unstable that even trying would probably upset the delicate balance. Maybe someday, if they ever fix all of that...
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sundered-souls · 23 minutes
What, if any, is your biggest source of fear or anxiety when it comes to writing or otherwise portraying romantic or sexual scenarios?
I don't write sex scenes, so this one's easy: no writing, no anxiety XD
A bit more seriously: pretty much like anything else, a good sex scene can say a lot about a character. I personally just don't feel like what I could say through sex scenarios couldn't be said in another way I find more interesting to write, so I just don't write sex anymore.
As for romance... As a RPer, I don't particularly worry. It's fun to put two characters together and it's fun to write them once they are together. I honestly don't think too hard about it because it comes relatively easily.
As a writer, though... I feels weirdly more intimate to be in charge of all sides of a ship and there's few things I hate more than being seen, which I think contribute to my difficulties writing romance. It's fine as a subplot because I don't have to dive deep in the inner working of the relationship (on the page), but when it comes to making it the focus of a story, I've yet to write something that's not terribly boring.
I'm getting better with this problem, I think, but then again romance is not what interest me the most so it's mostly just an issue when people ask about my ships here and I'm like a deer in the headlights x) Nevermind that I'm the one reblogging the memes.
Thanks for the ask, @furys-mercy!
(Ship and OC Relationship Creative Process Ask List)
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starlightandroses · 25 days
"A Role to Play" Comiccccc!!!!!! 5 c's this time because this feels like an epilogue XD
I LOVE the sillhouette style for Hotguy here~
Wait what did Cuteguy do???
Ohhh Pearl is sweatin'. I thought this interview would be more of a platonic friends-y thing but I feel like there's some bad blood between the two...
Getting some Soup Group explanations!
"There's gonna be a great big beautiful tomorrow" I've seen this line several times and each time it hits just as hard as the first.
And that's the end.
I think I've exhausted all of my yelling during the climax tbh. Weirdly enough my voice actually feels a little hoarse? Even though I haven't been doing any actual screaming? Odd.
Anyways, I am absolutely in awe of everything that's been done here. The storytelling, the art, the action, it's all so magnificent and I'm not really sure what to say. I love all of this so much.
Each of the characters, even ones who only appear for less than a line, feel so well-developed in the world. The worldbuilding in general is impeccable and it feels so realistic, like this is a place that I could actually visit. I love how each of the comics and fics are made with different people and have their own unique flairs but come together to form such a unified and united story. There's humor, there's angst, there's fluff, and it all works so perfectly together.
I have so many more emotions than I have words for right now if I'm being honest. Seeing something of this magnificence play out over the past 3 days has been an absolute delight, and I will most certainly go back and reread this over and over and over for the foreeable future.
I do want to go hunt down all the artists and writers and scream positive things at them for a bit but I might do that tomorrow, I need to Process everything I just witnessed I think XD
I hope anyone who's watching enjoyed my incohesive screeching, gotta say it was a big shock seeing people who're actually in the zine liking my posts. Y'all have all done wonderful work and I am so so amazed and honored that I've gotten to witness it.
I love you all. <3
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glorious-spoon · 9 months
Fic author interview! I was tagged by @what-alchemy - thank you! No-pressure tagging @phdmama, @incognitajones, @alessandriana, @lynne-monstr, and anyone else who wants to play.
How many works do you have on AO3?
349 publically, maybe a dozen more in anon collections, and two or three that I've orphaned for various reasons.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,349,113, ye gods.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Calamity's Child (Stranger Things) - 7249 kudos
Body of Memory (Shadowhunters) - 5029 kudos
Star of the Masquerade (Stranger Things) - 4923 kudos
lost souls and reverie (The Witcher - TV) - 3118 kudos
So Newly Charming (Stranger Things) - 2274 kudos
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to, but I've been really bad about it in the past year or so. I do read and cherish every comment I get, though.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hard to say! There are a couple of Supernatural ficlets from ~13 years ago with fairly fucked up endings. Of my somewhat recent fic, probably either Empty or Bonny Mad Boys (both for Shadowhunters), with a special mention for my zombie apocalypse Buddie fic, where the dead men lost their bones, although that does at least allow for the possibility of a happy(ish) ending.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Honestly, the vast majority of my fic has happy endings, even when I put them through the wringer first.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I've written a few, mostly for various fic challenges. It's not something I do all that often though.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh, yeah. Death threats, even! Shadowhunters fandom was weirdly unhinged about this.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Um, yes. XD
I used to write smut very rarely, and feel extremely awkward about it, and then I decided to write 100k words worth of fills for the Clowntown kinkmeme, and that pretty much cured me of that.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several, into a handful of different languages. Always very exciting! I link back if I know about them.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not one that ever actually got posted.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I have been in fandom wayyyy too long to answer this, lol.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a really angsty Reddie cheating fic that I wrote like 20k words of and then abandoned. I sometimes think about returning to it, but honestly I probably won't.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write pretty good dialogue - it's definitely one of the things I enjoy the most. Also action and smut, which IMO are pretty similar from a logistical standpoint.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am so bad at anything resembling plotting. SO bad. And frankly I always feel like my fluff is stilted and saccharine; I do much better with angst, generally speaking.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've done it before, but I probably wouldn't now, not the least because I'm really not fluent enough in any other language to be worth it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
That I actually posted? LOTR RPF. Thankfully, that's been lost to the defunct forums of 2002. I've been writing fic just for my own entertainment pretty much as long as I've been able to read, though.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Good Omens! I've read a fair amount of fic, but I didn't really get immersed in the fandom until after season 2. I have a couple of ideas that I'm playing around with, but I don't completely feel like I've got the character voices down yet.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
This changes OFTEN. I think right now, So Newly Charming is the fic I've written most recently that actually came out exactly how I wanted it to. I can reread it without cringing, which is a rarity for me.
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phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
Just finished bayonetta and honestly it was SO GOOD. FanTASTIC game. Final thoughts:
The final boss fights were both a million times easier than expected but they were over fast enough the hype hadn't had time to run out (and the manic pixie dream girl style bayonetta playlist I had blasting didn't hurt either XD. Hard to be irked when you've got Bling Bling firing at twice speed while you fight a giant hair tentacle lady with face missiles IN SPACE).
Also going in knowing the bayo 2 ending is so much worse because you can see how 500yrs of loptr has just eroded him into a shell of himself ToT. This weapon flailing peacock wearing ash white lunatic is so far from the righteous, devoted warrior who loved his family above all else 😭. He's still wearing his wedding ring!!! And he dotes on tiny cereza whom he never got to hold, but that's it. That's all that's left...
Bayo 2 did the sequel plot twist thing so good, because you can see so much more of loptr in him than balder. The speech rhythm, the weirdly crooning faux polite monologuing, the rippling blue of his eye and outfit despite all his magic (both in this and the next game) being gold?? Yeah!!!
The peacock feathers in his boss fight though,,,,, sooooo pretty. They moved so beautifully, it really had so much elegance and grace, even when I was chopping him up 😍
Him and Jubileus were kinda cheese though. Like, the final Jeanne boss fight was a million times harder and with so much high stakes (having to redo the missile section again). I died like THREE times, and one was because I was curious as to what would happen if I threw Jubileus into a planet (spoiler - she did not in fact take damage but instead shook herself off with an evil grin and one shotted me, boo).
The dance video was so much better than I expected! She moves so fast lmao. There's a lot of repetitive moves but she does it at such speed!! It looks like such a fun dance too lol.
And!! I unlocked the gallery and stuff!!! 100/10 it was an absolute blast to look through and listen to the music, I literally examined every single model and every single piece of concept art. Bayonetta's designs were all amazing but no one told me how feminine every SINGLE character was posed!!! Crying laughing. Everyone had their legs like a meter apart apart from balders 'rich new widow meeting the police at her door' energy.
New drinking game: go through the enemy/demon models and take a shot for every face/human skull you see. It's so creepy lol. Phenomenal character design on all fronts!
Got 10,000 halos for finishing the game and immediately spent it all on the super outfit maker thing. I deserved it!!
Also apparently I got an achievement for using 20 wicked weaves with dodge offset, which is hysterical given I still don't know how to do dodge offset. Still don't know any combos either! It's a miracle I made it this far XD.
The characters are great, even the bosses have little interactions with bayonetta (mostly her cutting them off and shooting them lmao) and the found family energy the bayo/cereza/luka trio had was off the charts, but I'm so glad they didn't go through with it like every male/female leads ever. It has a way of flattening everyone involved :/.
The final cutscene totally happened because bayonetta and Jeanne got together with rodin like 'okay the angels probably think she's actually dead. This is our only chance to do something SO funny' like Enzo and poor luka fully thought she was dead. Jeanne called her nun outfit cosplay. Rodin stole enzos cig and lectured him while he accidentally protected him from falling coffin lids XD. With the intermittent fight scenes in the credits, the dance video, the amount of unlocks I got, what a way to end the game!!
In conclusion - this was definitely a game I'm going to replay and try to 100% (maybe not platinum style, but everything else lol), and it's so obvious how much thought, effort and love was put into it. A masterpiece but also very clearly an older game (the lack of save points and a good place to practice combos, combined with the painfully long chase segments both attest to that). Something I've thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of and something I'm most definitely going to come back to for a while to come.
Kinda want to get bayo 2 now... Do you think they still sell it on cd?
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