#this werewolf wip... whew
enniewritesathing · 6 months
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he has no idea what's going on through his head right now
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ladykailitha · 11 months
And one final werewolf Steve to end the day!
I hope you have a good evening 😊
WIP Wednesday! Make me write.
Other asks here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Whew! I wasn't sure I was going to make it through all sixteen before bed, but I did it!
“I saw the mayor and visited the coven too,” Steve said dryly. “I was doing my duties as an alpha. There is something wrong in this town and I am going to figure out what.”
Tommy sniffed again. “Yeah, I get it. I don’t want Hopper back as the alpha anymore then most of this pack, so you better figure it out, before you get yourself killed.”
Steve pushed him playfully. “Shut it, Tommy!”
Tommy laughed. “I bet I can beat you to the center, no shifting.”
“You’re on!”
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quarra · 2 years
LOLOLOL don't worry, I DO enjoy your Caskets and Cookies series!
My first and truest love in Tropes is WEREWOLVES, and while A/B/O is Not the Same, I find I enjoy a lot of "non traditional" type takes on it in the same kind of way that I enjoy werewolf stuff. This is very true of the Casket and Cookies stuff. Give me extremely ALLLLLL the "i don't really get why my body is doing this OH SHIT" sensory stuff. :3
Re: Dooku more generally, I really, really love sci fi that talks about "how do you go on after you went a little Evil? what does repentance look like?", as well as "what does forgiveness look like? How do you get to a point where you CAN forgive someone?". I feel a lot of those Vibes in your work in general, and in your Dooku stuff in specific. Don't even get me started on "THEIR FATAL FLAW WAS ALSO THEIR STRONGEST STRENGTH" stuff, which is a really easy theme to improvise on from the various Star Wars Canons Characterizations we have of Dooku.
anyway, (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Oh WHEW. Lol, good, I'm glad that worked out.
A/b/o is definitely hit or miss with me. Once in a while it scratches an itch, especially when I play with with what's expected from those situations and see what shakes out. Knotting is hot! But wow sometimes the social meta built into the stories makes me sigh, lol. That just means i have to write it myself! :) Be the change and all that, you know?
The Caskets and Cookies series does that a lot and it tickles me to no end. It plays with expectations a little bit. As with all of my fics, I love the fine mix of crack, humor, and feels/angst. Crack treated seriously is the best genre.
I also agree with the redemption stuff. I love a certain type of villain and I *love* a good redemption arc. I love giving Dooku some options on what's going on with him and how, or even *if*, he can come back to the Light. I feel like he is one of the characters in Star Wars who could have made such a difference in the canon story line if only he'd stepped two spaces to the left, you know? Jango Fett is the same way; he's involved in so many galaxy shaking events. I've got a wip where I explore more of him, too. How does one try to come back from doing to many terrible things? (Sorry, its a later au of an au kinda thing, set *after* the currently partially-written next story arc of 212th guide, so it won't be posted until that stuff is done and posted, which means it likely will be a whiiiile before anyone sees it.... but let me tell you I am *so happy* about the stuff I have for Jango in that fic.)
I think in the end I just don't like Star Wars canon very much and I'd much rather change it to be less grim. Ultimately, Star Wars is a series about hope and good triumphing over evil, which is great!! ... it just seems like too often the evil has to destroy 99% of everything good first. I'd like to see how things could go if they aren't totally fucked. I like seeing people figure their shit out *before* a billion people die, though sometimes after very painful mishaps caused by poor choices or bad luck or both, and then see Good succeed.
Because, really, humans are like that. Everyone ever has done shit they regret. How do we move on from that? *Can* we move on from that? What does that look like?
Setting these themes in an extremely grand way (sometimes) makes them paradoxically feel more real. A real person might agonize over being thoughtlessly cruel to an acquantance (for example), or maybe regret a certain poorly thought out choice, even years after the event. The guilt, shame, and anger that builds up around the event can feel disperportionate to the offence. Same with suffering. A person may be in mental agony but have no way to externally justify that their pain is real, especially if they have no emotional support.
But a character in a story can do the worst things imaginable. They can suffer more than anyone could reasonably survive. And their pain, guilt, and anger are real (in the story, you know what i mean), their offences and injuries are very obviously awful and thus their guilt, shame, and pain are justified. From that place of authenticity, we can explore a story of redemption or recovery. How *does* that work, especially for the worst of the worst?
Such stories are catharitic to read and if done well can be satisfying on a very visceral level.
These are such exciting ideas to play with! More so if the basic story premise is wacky, because then I get the most amazing comments that are like, "why the fuck is this weird thing so great??"
This is why I fanfic, lol.
...... also, Christopher Lee as Dracula was hot and he has a phone sex voice and i am weak.
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ninthhousesteel · 2 years
tagged by @evilkaeya and @lionydoorin <3
game rules, in a new post, share the last line from your current wip, and tag as many ppl as there are words  
Robin paused, the tightness in her throat disappearing as Nancy's words settled in her mind. "You mean it?"
from my werewolf wip 👀
no pressure tagging @ronancebuckley
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theboarsbride · 2 years
What other stories do you plan on writing once you’ve finished the Monster and the Butterfly?
After I finish the current draft of TMATB, I want to do a round of revisions for my gothic vampire horror short story "The Vampire of Shadowed Castle", hopefully in time for a rerelease during spooky season!
TVOSC is a gothic horror short story that follows a young woman, Sorina Dalca, that embarks on a journey to prove to her isolated village that they've no reason to fear Shadowed Castle, a mysterious, old, crumbling, shadowy estate that is rumored to be haunted by a bloodthirsty evil... only to discover that perhaps her village was correct in being afraid... (TVOSC is very heavily inspired by the works from Angela Carter's "Bloody Chamber" anthology, as well as Hammer Horror films!)
The next major WIP I wish to start working on is called "The Faeries and the Lark"! As of right now, it's VERY very loosely plotted, and may be ready to be written! TFATL is a sapphic dark fantasy story that's inspired by the fairytales Sleeping Beauty and East of the Sun, West of the Moon, as well as various aspects of Scandinavian folklore, mythology, and cultures! (Also draws heavy inspiration from The Lord of the Rings shhshsjajaj)
A basic summary of TFATL is as follows: it is told from the POV of the “Three Good Fairies” as they raise the lost princess of a kingdom (known for worshiping the sun) that was slaughtered by a subterranean society of trolls while also keeping her hidden from the worlds of humans, malicious fairies, and spirits. After 18 years, their efforts to protect the princess may be thwarted when another human, the hardened, moon-worshiping Princess Sigrid, enters the faeries' forest. Major themes are identity and the sacrifices of motherhood.
Another horror WIP I've in development is one I've been calling "Ruth," a folk horror story with more LGBTQ+ rep (main character is a lesbian woman). Basically, the story of Little Red Riding Hood meets the Wicker Man meets The Ritual, with themes of environmentalism. Also a lot of influences from Germanic paganism/mythology, and German culture since the main character is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin....a place that was extremely high in German immigration, historically..........and also because I wanna write a story where a character is from Wisconsin, since that's where I'm from.😩🤙
Another WIP I've in development is a short, historical fiction novella titled "Mrs. Maturin," and the plot centers around the very real-life encounter between young widow Leila Maturin and Joseph Merrick, AKA The Elephant Man. Its a basic short story about overcoming inherent selfishness of humanity, compassionate, and being kind, and I like to call it my "Hallmark WIP" because it has the vibes of a cheesy 90s Hallmark movie shsbbsjsjqkkqkq
And THEN there is my WIP "The Boar's Bride." Its currently (er... WAS. I've not written it in about a year, but I DO plan on finishing it!) being written as a fanfiction for NBC's Hannibal, and it's my version if a Bluebeard retelling svsbbjxjxjajajjajakajaja. It's mostly a psychological horror, with gothic elements. TBH, the less said the better for now hdhhdjdjdj
Final WIP at the moment that's in development hell is "The Wolf of Pine Falls". I hope for this to be a 'companion piece' for TVOSC, as this is a werewolf short story when TVOSC is a vampire short story! This is mostly a contemporary, slice of life, paranormal romance that features a middle-aged werewolf that struggles with his body image in a world where younger and attractive men are seen as the 'ideal werewolf' in media (i.e.- Twilight), and he also tries to navigate a romance with a blind coworker. I just also wanna write this to have a werewolf character that defies popular werewolf tropes (such as becoming a bloodthirsty, mindless killing machine on the full moon).
OK WHEW I THINK THOSE ARE THE REST OF MY WIPS???!?!??!?!?!? SO SORRY IF THIS WAS LONGER TO READ BUT YAH ABBSBANAJKAKAKAKK these are other stories I hope to write in my lifetime!!🥺
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peachicicle · 3 years
The 3rd one please!!!! Chaos Within. I'm a sucker for time-travel <3
Ask me things about my WIPs
Hi <3 Thanks so much for the ask. Whew, you should buckle up, cause this one is huge!
3. chaos within: A LOT OF WORLDBUILDING, I will be dead before I can write this, magical AU, first ever spark!stiles, time travel, soulmate mark
The setting: Magical fantasy world, where monsters such as faerie, werewolf, dragon, etc... exist, and people who have magic are called [...] (I'll think of a cool name later lol) and obey a different set of rules than normal people. Those with magical potential will get drafted and sent to The Academy to learn to control and use it, after that, they will be able to become emissaries for Lords and Kings around the Continent.
Also, people here are born with a soulmark, similar to their soulmate. (Yes I'm hoarding all the tropes here).
More rambling below.
The prologue: Stiles lives at this orphanage, a church maybe, but he never fits in. He's too fidgety, too smart, causes too much trouble, and worse he was born without a soulmark.
One day, The Dean of The Academy happen to stop by the church, and see something in Stiles, and want to take him back to The Academy (everybody is surprised because Stiles has never shown any sign of magic before)
So at The Academy, Stiles is taught how to explore and control his magic.
Pass forward to The Pairing Day (I suck at naming things), where the most standing students will get introduced and pair with Lords and Kings around here to become their emissary. So no one chooses Stiles because 1. His magic although is very powerful, but it's also unpredictable, 2. He is an orphan while the other student came from more respectable families.
Stiles endure through this transformation procedure, a painful one, to unblock his magic and reach his full potential.
He emerges from the transformation, more confident, more in control than ever, and steals the previously occupied emissary spot for the King.
Three years later, Stiles who is now the most respectable emissary in the land, have to join his King in a war against the Shadow. In which, The King died on the battlefield, their army is destroyed. Stiles meets The Dean again, and he says Stiles has to save them, he is destined to save them. And Stiles does, by becoming the first-ever spark that can control the chaos magic and push back the Shadow, seal them behind a barrier, and restore peace to the land. But in the process, Stiles uses too much of his power, he goes into some kind of hibernation.
The present: He wakes up 300 years later by Derek, who told him that the Shadow has broken through the barrier and roam the land again and now they have to save the world one more time.
So that is all I have for this AU at the moment.
A couple of notes: Stiles doesn't have a soulmark 300 years ago because his soulmate isn't born yet (Derek lol). I'm kinda tempted to make The Dean Derek's past life, and they weren't supposed to be together in the past, because Stiles' story is destined to continue 300 years later.
The story starts with Stiles waking up and joining Derek but we will learn about the prologue through flashes of his memory.
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chinchillasinunison · 3 years
I have WIPs and concepts you guys don't even know about. Also I'm gonna go old-school for these ones and talk about my not-at-the-top-of-my-brain fandoms.
"Werewolf of London": Everyone Lives AU Phantom Blood sequel where Jonathan buys a cursed moonstone pendant that attaches itself to him and turns him into a werewolf after the gem is exposed to a certain amount of moonlight. While werewolf JoJo is not vicious, as the Moonstone Pendant does not create monsters, only exposes the monster beneath, he's still a danger to those around him because he doesn't realize his own size and strength and how sharp his teeth and claws are. The only way the string can be cut is with a knife carved out of sunstone and charged with hamon. The PB crew have to go to the Spectrum Mine in Plush, Oregon to get a piece of sunstone big enough. Cross-country roadtrip! With Stand Users, possibly! I never really fleshed it out beyond that.
"How Mumen Rider (Accidentally) Stole Christmas": A fic written entirely in verse (except for Saitama's dialog, where he wonders why everyone else is speaking in rhyme) in which on his Christmas Eve patrols Mumen Rider spots someone trying to break into Saitama's apartment and apprehends them. Surprise, it's actually Santa! Genos and Saitama encounter angry reindeer on the roof and put 2 and 2 together and they decide to do the remaining deliveries themselves. Meanwhile Mumen Rider is trying to take this dude who claims to be Santa to the police station, but stuff keeps happening to hinder his progress. That's all I got.
"Ice Scream Date": This one is... whew. First of all, it's a JJBA and Steven Universe crossover with a crackship taken seriously, let's just get that out of way upfront. Okay, so, first of all everyone in Vento Aureo is alive somehow because of Requiem shenanigans. La Squadra Esecuzioni are around and are getting better treatment because Giorno knows that they're capable dudes because of the original timeline. Anyways, Ghiaccio gets an online girlfriend. She's an ice sculptor from America and posts her work on Instagram and it impressed him so they started messaging each other and they hit it off. Anyways, Giorno is going to America on business and wants some of La Squadra Esecuzioni to do guard duty. Ghiaccio doesn't really care all that much until Sorbet and Gelato do some sleuthing and find out they're going to the town his online girlfriend lives: Beach City. So yeah they go there, Ghiaccio and Pesci are split off to guard Narancia and Mista, and shenanigans ensue. The couple meet and it turns out the online girlfriend is Little Larimar. They have a date and it's fun and just propaganda for my weird screaming ice gremlins crackship. It's actually pretty far along so I hope I can post it some day.
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
what fic ideas are you MOST EXCITED to write (hopefully. maybe. if we're lucky) for Fear Street? what ideas do you want to see, but don't feel up to writing for one reason or another i.e. too much research involved, not the right genre for you, etc.
ahhhh!!! shiit, dude. i'm gonna answer this under the cut bc some of it's nasty, ngl.
i would rly like to write the ruby movie u know we're prolly not gonna get but ngl, that would defo take a shit ton of research. that would take me forever and i am already buried in wip.
obvi i'm only attached to like 10 versions where both berman sisters survive. that's already been written a couple times tho. i'm p busy rn so i haven't read those fics yet, but oof!! they're defo on my list!!!! i'd be p excited to write that if i had a version that was distinct enough...which ig i'll know after i read the existing ones.
ziggy getting killed by ruby. u know me and my gory sensibilities. i also think it'd be a neat angle, since another user on here pointed out, she's p close with ruby's mom.
pre-1978 cindy/alice having a rly mean and brutal argument that evolves into angry + angsty sex.
ziggy/sheila gritted teeth enemies to lovers where they team up against nick, torture him to death, and then have passionate sex on top of his dead body. it's gross, yes, i'm a gorror fan, i am gross sometimes. i'm thinking in this 'verse somehow ziggy figures out it was nick summoning the devil and this time, sheila's ass is actually grateful that ziggy saves her. she body worships ziggy during sex and submits to some srs spanking and erotic sadism to apologize for being a bully. this fic would be total porn. nothin deep, just porn for porn's sake.
super angsty fic where one berman sister has to kill the other. i'm thinkin they both survived nightwing 1978 where tommy is still the killer but later, after being rejected by ziggy, nick purposefully picks cindy's name to hurt her. soo cindy gets possessed and ziggy gotta kill her. maybe resuscitation is successful tho, soo no bummer ending? idk. i have a couple different versions in my brain. i'm not *usually* one for downer endings, but also, grief oriented horror resonate big w me, so.
lighter platonic fic of ziggy + nurse lane bonding. ziggy venting her frustrations of being ignored and snubbed by her older sister and bullied by her peers. mary finding solace in the company of a young girl bc her own is gone and her grieving process is complicated by the circumstances.
day in the life of martin at work. housekeeping and custodian-ing are not identical and his position involves more maintenance work than mine (not that mine has none, esp not at my old place where they p much called me for any maintenance nonsense whenevs the actual maintenance guy was ??? well idfk where he was, i stg that guy was hungover half the time) but it's p similar in certain aspects and i 10/10 guarantee that man has seen some shit. literally. martin hanging out with ziggy after long day at work, maybe they go dance on nick's grave or smth.
yes, i keep returning to the idea of alice being the killer in nightwing and running wild with a chainsaw. i just. see it. and yk me, i love my gory messes. chainsaw camp slasher = big bloody mess.
hmm...not much for deena or sam in my mind rn, so u'd think that means i don't like them but it's honestly just the opposite?? i love them and their story was so perfectly done in the canon proper that i don't feel any need to add onto it or explore it from another angle, or alter it for my own purposes. tbvh i feel fully satisfied with their narrative in canon in such a way it brings me inner peace...but if i think long enough, i'm sure i'll come up with some kinda au for them i'd be interested in.
whew!! what one am i *most* excited for? pervy me rly wants the alice/cindy idea, sensible me would be excited to write the 1978 sequel where cindy's the next killer. in an ideal world where i already knew more abt errday life in the 60s and didn't have a guaranteed 10+ hrs of research before proceeding, i'd be most excited abt writing ruby lane's possession. but at present the sheer amnt of research that would take me when i've already got much other work and the tory + max werewolf fic a perfect but demanding undertaking, like...oof. i can't rn.
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roseticospacebae · 3 years
👋 for the fanfic asks, if i may? 3, 14 and 16 pretty please <3
3. How long is the longest fic you have written so far?
According to AO3, the A League of Their Own AU is 72,460 words, which makes it my longest. Whew.
14. Share a headcanon about one of your fics (optional: a specific fic).
Uh… I’m not sure I have any for my own fics? I’ll tell you a headcanon for one of my WIP that has yet to be posted. Werewolf!Kara sometimes forgets when she shifts back into a human and will bark at strangers through her window. Her neighbors have called the police on multiple occasions.
16. What’s the longest time you ever needed to write a fic?
[stares longingly at unfinished fics and list of ideas] Current WIP has been in progress for the past nine months and is on chapter 3 of 4. Chapter 4 has two paragraphs written. 😬 I’ve had some WIP partially written since 2017. 😬😬
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malaiikka · 4 years
Ask games.
Than you for tagging me @your-girl-is-lovely !
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. 
Whew i have like ten thousand works, that have been sitting in google drive for months but I'll share a few. 
An untitled winterprincess soulmate fic. 
a 1920′s wp (mob) au.
Another wp fic set in the past but with time traveller Shuri entirely inspired by Tish’s look in Death on the nile.
A supernatural vamp shuri with possibly werewolf Bucky. And possibly Sam Wilson throuple idk lol.
On the run wp au: Eriks’ on the throne. Shuri goes on the run. 
Ava/Bucky: Where Ava meets/ works with the winter soldier during her time with shield. Deals with themes of betrayal
If you would like to jump into my inbox to ask about any of these fics, go ahead. I need all the encouragement lol. Tagging @wakandawinterprincess and all those that would like to participate :)
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rufferto9 · 7 years
Chris Argent Week: Roundup
Day One July 9th: Primary Theme: It happened one day at the Beach Theme. Surf and Sand.   Day One July 9th: Secondary Theme: Fluff, Humor, crack, Mermen. Chris Argent Appreciation Week Day One by kiranightshade Chris/Stiles , Chris/Isaac, Mermen The boy is ethereal, enchanting, beautiful. Chris is captivated. Even in anger, he is magnificent. Is this the siren's call? Chris doesn't know. Chris doesn't think he'll care either way.
Ch-Ch Changes by SlasherFiend  Chris/Peter, Chris/Victoria The Argents live in Beacon Lake, instead of the sea to raise Allison. It's peaceful until Kate attacks and kills almost all of the Hales, a fishing family that lived on the lake's edge. Chris must try and stop Kate from harming the remaining survivors and his whole world falls apart in the process. OR a quick rewrite of seasons one and two but with merpeople.
Unlikely to Forget by Rufferto Chris/Peter. Chris Argent is a lifeguard one summer and is lured into inappropriate actions by a boy who isn’t that much younger than him. He doesn’t learn who the boy is until it is too late.
Breaking Down by PrincessaBitchessa The world was such a cruel place, even to those who were not.
Day Two July 10th: Primary Theme: Dark Secret Theme. Revelations Happen.   Day Two July 10th: Secondary Theme: Dark, Gothic, horror, blood.
The Truth Hurts by Rufferto Chris/Derek Derek tells Chris a shocking Secret. Chris can't admit the truth yet, but it's nice to hear it from Derek. 
Day Three July 11th: Primary Theme: Green Eyed Monster. Someone gets jealous and possessive and does something about it. Day Three July 11th: Secondary Theme: Kink.
Chris Argent Appreciation Week: Day 3 by kiranightshade
Allison/Isaac  Chris & Peter. POV Chris: He can see it happening right before his eyes. The new Hale pack is gathered in the new loft. His daughter sits among them and Chris thinks back to where she was a few months ago. Before his father died. Before Jackson was saved. He sees her and a werewolf share glances and he knows. He knows and yet...He's starting to think he just didn't like Scott. 
Tell Me You Own Me by Slasherfiend Chris/Peter Peter tries to make Chris jealous by spending time with Stiles, only for Chris to show him what he really thinks.
The Plan All Along by Rufferto Chris/Peter, Malia & Scott Chris watches Peter and Malia dancing at Scott and Malia's wedding and is jealous and heartsick because he'll never have the chance to do that with Allison. Naturally, Peter takes advantage to press a few more buttons.
Like Porcelain by Twisted_Mind Chris/Stiles Daddy Kink.
ABO Magazine: Dynamics and Life : Chris Argent by  abodynamicslife  
Day Four July 12th: Primary Theme: Genderflip! It doesn’t have to be Chris who flips gender. Fairies and Witches are bitches, man.
Day Four July 12th: Secondary Theme: Shenanigans! Such as, but not limited to: Sex pollen, Tropes, Gender changing etc.
For You I’d Walk through Fire by Slasherfiend Chris/Peter Chris comes to rescue Peter and Derek instead of Braeden.
Follow Me Down by Slasherfiend. Chris/Peter While chasing faeries in the Preserve Chris and Peter stumble upon a bush full of sex pollen
What could never be by Rufferto
Chris/Peter Lydia's body is taken over by Peter Hale. Peter uses her to play vigilante. Chris catches him and offers the truth in exchange for Lydia's freedom.
Day Five July 13th: Primary Theme: Exotic Interlude on Vacation. While on Vacation somewhere different, exotic and weird things happen. Think: Hot Springs Monsters? Training in Tibet?
Day Five July 13th: Secondary Theme: Mystery, Drama, Weird
The Bitch and the Beast by Rufferto (WIP)
Peter is curious about the monster who lives in Argent Manor. He's seen Chris' picture and carries it around with him. He wants to know why the man is the way he is. He gets unexpected results and comes back for more. Can he lift the curse and help the man within?
Day Six July 14th: Primary Theme: Friends to Lovers aka Fuckbuddies to Lovers or I hate you, I know. Day Six July 14th: Secondary Theme: Romance, all kinds.
Sweet Things are Made of This by Slasherfiend Peter/Chris Peter gets Chris to go on a nice date with him. Chris thinks about a previous date they had.
Day Seven July 15th: Primary Theme: The Rule of Three aka PolyAmoryDay. Note this does not mean other days can’t have PolyAmory. This day just celebrates it.:) Day Seven July 15th: Secondary Theme: Free for All or throw everything and the kitchen sink at poor Chris.
Three Heads are Better than One by Slasherfiend Chris/Melissa/Peter Chris takes turns giving Peter and Melissa what they want, despite the insistence that they should give him what he wants too. 
Something they can’t take away by Slasherfiend Chris/Peter/Stiles Chris is captured by hunters who can't understand why he's in a relationship with Peter. Little do they know Peter's not the only one they have to worry about coming to rescue Chris. A Crack in the Sidewalk by Rufferto Chris/Peter, Chris/Victoria As Peter Fights for his life, Chris has flashbacks.
ALL DAYS by Red_crate: Day 1-7
•Day one: beach theme; Chris/Victoria; genfic •Day two: blood theme; Chris/Stiles; pre-slash •Day three: possessive behavior theme; Chris/Derek; pre-slash •Day four: sex pollen theme; Chris/Peter; rated T •Day five: mystery theme; Chris; genfic •Day six: frenemies with benefits theme; Chris/Peter; rated E •Day seven: polyamory theme; Chris/Derek/Stiles; rated G 
Whew. I’m not too good at these list things but anyway! The fics are all here: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/Chris_Argent_Appreciation_Week_2k17
Question: Can I still post something if I wrote it for this theme for Chris? Yes, if it is Chris Centric and based on these prompts please feel free to post to the archive for the next 1-3 weeks.
Thank you everyone for participating. If I’ve missed something, please let me know.
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