#tho honestly I did get everything I wanted from the event except for his battle sprite
earl-grey-love · 5 months
Raging at that damn sexy man app game because I literally had to sell my soul for Sim..eon's outfit like this is why I should only stan one guy I cannot deal with this 😭
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ❥ mikey, draken & baji 
tw ❥ the beach, bad driving, mentions of murder and cursing 
cr ❥ requested by anon
a/n ❥ i’ve not read the manga yet :’(
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♥ his love language is shoplifting for you <33
♥ like okay.. in writing it kinda sounds pathetic compared to all the other shit he does but like.. he goes through the effort of personally picking up your favourite snack from the grocery store —instead of getting his toman underling to do it for him — and hiding them under his shirt 
♥ and he thinks about you the whole time he is sprinting away from security 
♥ if that isn’t true love idk what is 
♥ today wasn’t any ol’ day tho, snacks and sweets were going to cut it 
♥ instead, he went for the big shiny rock on a ring he keeps seeing the window of the rock shop on the high street
♥ it was pretty, for a rock, but not pretty enough for anyone in their right mind to think it’s worth £10,000/$14,000/ ¥1,500,000!!!
♥ however, after hearing that price from a salesperson, he knew that stupid rock ring was exactly how he’d win your heart <3 
♥ it was a challenge and it had him working overtime, but after pulling some strings, doing a couple favours, and maybe even inadvertently killing some people (you never know 🤷‍♂️), he managed to get his hands on the pristine stone, which he had come to learn was called a diamond, which was why it was so expensive 
♥ the guy who did him the favour of stealing it initially asked if mikey was planning on proposing and mikey said yes —since asking you out on a date is technically a proposal — and the dude didn’t even question it, he just said good luck
♥ and that sort of energy was exactly what mikey needed right now as he stood behind a wall near your lunch table as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do 
♥ all your friends had left yet you were still sitting there alone since mikey texted you and asked for you to wait behind, and the fact you actually did filled him with hope from the get-go
♥ “(y/n)! there you are!” mikey greeted as if he didn’t know exactly where you were this whole time. why was his heart thumping so harshly in his chest? and why did he suddenly feel overwhelmingly embarrassed? i mean, he’s not done anything worth being awkward about.. yet.
♥ he didn’t understand. he never usually gets this way around people. but then again, he shouldn’t be surprised since he knew you were an exception from the beginning
♥ “hi, mikey.” you hummed, head propped gently on your arm while you slipped your phone away, “why did you want to see me? is something wrong?”
♥ the slight concern he detected in your voice was enough for him to immediately blurt out, “oh, no! nothing like that! everything is great; i am great and i, erm, hope you are too.” he announced, somewhat glad that your only reaction was a blank stare as it meant he doesn’t feel inclined to explain himself 
♥ “so, uh, i was just wonder if you..” he started, clenching his jaw as he mentally reassured himself. the fact that he felt embarrassed about feeling embarrassed made things infinitely harder from him. he took a deep breath, and spilled
♥ “do you want to go out on a date with me sometime?” he basically screamed, squeezing his eyes shut tight and emptying his left pocket onto the table in front of you so that his special gift would accompany his proposal 
♥ he closed his eyes as if that was going to protect him from rejection, but before he was able to silently rebuke himself, he heard faint sobbing from where he dropped his present 
♥ upon opening his eyes, the shock from the sight before him was enough to give him whiplash
♥ in an unfortunate turn of events, he must’ve emptied the wrong pocket because sitting on the table in front of you was not a diamond ring, but rather a sherbet dip he bought to share with you if you said ‘yes’ to his proposal 
♥ and his suspicions were correct, you were the one crying 
♥ ....
♥ waIT WHY ARE YOU CRYING mikey panicked, frantically looking around for someone who might’ve hurt you, or perhaps someone he’d have to send to A&E
♥ “are you okay?”
♥ “yeah.” you whispered, your light chuckle enough to prevent mikey from worrying any more, “i’m just..” you stuttered, smiling fondly at the blonde, “i’m just really happy. i thought you’d never ask.” 
♥ it was impossible for mikey to conceal the sigh of relief he breathed as he slumped down next to you on the bench, “thank god. i thought someone had threatened you or something.”
♥ “threatened me? why would they do that?” you innocently cocked your head to the side, rubbing your eyes as you did so. 
♥ oh, yeah. mikey hadn’t been fully transparent with you about his.. current employment. as far as you knew, he was a full-time student at ‘toman academy’ and he had a part-time job babysitting (which was hardly a lie, in his opinion)
♥ so you didn’t really know about how he was the leader of the tokyo manji gang or any of that
♥ originally he thought it was fine to keep it a secret, but now that you were officially his partner it would be immoral to not let you know about his affiliation with the gang 
♥ so he decided to tell you over a sherbert <33
♥ “so, are we official?” he cooed, ripping the lollypops out of the bag and popping one in his mouth while offering you the other by tapping it against your lips lightly 
♥ “yep.” you smiled, taking the lolly into your mouth with a smile, glad that he didn’t bring up your little waterworks a few second ago 
♥ but in all honesty, he was preoccupied wondering what the most appropriate way to phrase ‘i am the leader of a gang of delinquents’ would be 
♥ poor little mikey brain working on overdrive 
♥ he decided to pull out the ring, since he still had to give that to you, so while you were entranced by the fat gem glistening under the light in mikey’s possession, he began, “so, babe, do you think being a gang leader is hot?”
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♥ he honestly didn’t have a clue how to ask you out
♥ in fact, he didn’t even know that he had a crush on you until mikey pointed out all of his weird behaviours around you 
♥ so his first instinct was to go to mikey for advice when thinking of ways to ask you out 
♥ but the only idea that mf was to get ‘will you go out with me, (y/n)?’ tattooed onto his ‘thick skull’ and ofc draken wasn’t about to do that
♥ although he did consider it for like.. a minute
♥ (he was like.. hmmmm... well, the tattoo guy does owe me a favour so... maybe i could get it for free?)
♥ (or permanent marker might work???)
♥ anyway, he eventually decided to ask you out the good ol’ fashion way!! by just telling you how he feels
♥ however, once he explained this plan to mikey, he was scoffed and said ‘good luck with that’ in the most condescending tone of voice
♥ draken’s initial instinct was to simply beat up mikey and go ask you out anyway, but this conflict ran deeper than just him and mikey bickering about trivial issues- his whole relationship was on the line! 
♥ so after hearing the leader out, he finally decided on the most appropriate way to confess — just like how all the dudes in the animes mikey and him and watched did it 
♥ by giving you flowers and chocolates <3
♥ and mikey even offered to come into the store with draken and help him choose the goods since mikey was a self-proclaimed ‘love-expert’
♥ draken obviously denied his offer but he came along anyway 
♥ “ooh, ken-chin! look at these ones, they’re on sale.” mikey gasped, happily grabbing a pack of heart-shaped chocolates off the shelf, ripping them open and stuffing his face, “and they are delicious too!”
♥ paying no attention to the fact that mikey had essentially already committed a crime since there was no way he intended to pay for those chocolates, draken mused while eyeing up the rest of the sweets, the bouquet of flowers he had already chosen tucked under his arm, “valentine’s day was a week ago, that’s probably why they are on sale.” 
♥ “draken?” 
♥ a familiar voice from the end of the aisle caused draken to avert his gaze from the chocolates displayed in front of him and instead search for the source of the voice, which happened to be you standing innocently with your basket in-hand
♥ “ah, (y/n),” draken tensed, immediately shoving the bouquet of flowers behind his back at hopefully out of your sight as he put on a forced smile to distract from them too, “what a nice surprise seeing you here.”
♥ “hm?” mikey chimed in, unable to vocalise his curiosity through the chocolates stuffed in his mouth, but that didn’t stop him from trying, “is that the (y/n) you were talking about? the one you were going to conf--” 
♥ “that’s enough outta you.” draken hissed through a fake smile, shoving mikey into the next aisle, which happened to be the snack aisle so, entertained, he decided to stay put
♥ “oh, is that your friend mikey?” you inquired, having only ever heard about mikey through rumours up until now. though none of them exactly matched the image you saw just there
♥ “yep, he’s pain sometimes, but he’s still cool.” draken muttered, awkwardly rolling on the balls of his feet as he waited for a deity to save him from this interaction —  not that he didn’t want to talk to you, it’s just that every second you spend with him, the less likely it becomes that his confession will go as planned
♥ and you only confirmed that with your follow-up question
♥ “i see you’ve got flowers, and you’re looking for chocolates. who’s the special someone?” you teased, poking draken’s cheek playfully (which is one of the many things he only finds comfort in when you do it)
♥ “oh, no one.” he hummed, his coy smile doing a number on your heart rate
♥ “how about you? who is that card for?” he inquired casually, gesturing to the classic pink ‘i have something to tell you... <3′ confession card that was only in-stock during valentine’s day season, that was sitting atop the groceries in your basket
♥ a cocky smirk tugged at his lips — as if to say ‘i won’ — while he watched you become increasingly flustered right in front of him. it was adorable
♥ but he thought it would stop there; stop with him winning the teasing battle, you getting all sheepish then leaving but that apparently wasn’t your plan
♥ instead, you lowered your head and outstretched your arms to give him the card (which was still in the wrapping plastic) 
♥ “red-handed. i bought these with you in mind, draken.” you said, voice barely above a whisper, “but if you don’t accept then that’s fine too, have a nic--”
♥ “who said i don’t accept?” draken grumbled, almost as if he was annoyed, as he took your card and examined the card thoroughly for a couple seconds
♥ then suddenly, he froze. the shock of the realisation leaving him stunned to the point where the only thing he could do was shift his eyes from the card on to you and utter in a terrified tone, “this isn’t, uh, this isn’t a confession, is it?”
♥ you shrugged, “i guess, it is.” 
♥ “damn it.” draken cursed, glaring at the snack aisle and hence mikey, for giving him this stupid idea
♥ “is there a problem?” 
♥ “no.” draken said through gritted teeth before pulling out the bouquet his had hidden behind his back, “but i was meant to confess first.”
♥ your jaw dropped, leaving draken concerned for a second until you instantly pulled him in for a tight hug; another thing he admired about you was that you gave hugs like you were in the mafia, strong enough to cut off his airflow
♥ “double confession!” you squealed, absolutely delighted that draken not only wanted to confess to you, but he had the same idea to come to the shop and buy stuff beforehand
♥ “i guess so.” draken chuckled, handing you the bouquet of flower as soon as you pulled away, “these are for you.” 
♥ you gasped, smiling at how he managed to remember your favourite kind of flower after a single off-handed comment you made ages ago, “thank you!” you hugged them to your chest, “have you already paid for them?”
♥ “no.” draken replied simply. “but they are still yours.”
♥ sometimes it slipped your mind that draken was part of a literal gang since.. he just seemed so normal and humble 
♥ but on some other occasions, it was painfully difficult to consider draken anything close to ‘normal’
♥ and one of those moments was when he was trying to convince security he was pregnant with a flower-baby, and when that evidently didn’t work, he just made a run for it with mikey, whose pants pockets were filled with sweets that trailed behind him where ever he ran
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♥ he didn’t even ponder about how he was supposed to confess to you for over a second
♥ the idea just came to him instantly and he went with it
♥ the only question he asked was ‘how can i show them how badass i am without bragging?’ and he immediately came up with an answer and rolled with it, no questions asked 
♥ and there was no planning or anything done beforehand either, he literally just texted you ‘where are you?’ at like 7PM and when you replied ‘the park’, he hopped on his bike and sped over 
♥ like he didn’t even ask which park.. he just guessed.. but he guessed correctly 
♥ your heart almost stopped as you watched a chunky motorcycle come speeding towards you at such a rate that all you could do was brace for impact and kiss goodbye to your relatively peaceful live
♥  however, at the very last second it swerved around you and came to a halt, allowing the rider to extend his free hand to you, “hop on.”
♥ the voice was all to familiar and you weren’t surprised at all to see baji with his signature ‘i could kill you’ grin plastered on his face 
♥ as your heart rate slowly began to return to normal, you cried, “what do you mean ‘hop on’? you almost ran me over!”
♥ he unclipped his helmet and tossed it to you, “safety first.”
♥ “did you even hear what i just said?” you grumbled, putting on the helmet anyway 
♥ “i think you said something about how excited you are to finally go out with me.” he mused, shuffling forwards slightly to give you more space to sit on behind him, like a true gentleman /s
♥ “no.” you replied simply. 
♥ though you initially had no intention of going anywhere with him, you still found yourself reaching your leg over his bike to take a seat behind him, “where are we going?”
♥ baji shrugged, chuckling slightly as he felt you gently wrap your arms around his hips, “don’t know, but hold on tight.” he warned, revving his engine and taking off without another word
♥ perhaps you were the fool for getting on a motorcycle with baji and letting him take you to an undisclosed location, but you trusted him enough to know that he wouldn’t try to drive you off a cliff or put you in danger.. or at least, that is what you hoped
♥ however, if it wasn’t a rival gang that kills you, baji’s driving definitely would
♥ he drives like a madman and left you with no other choice but to cling onto him for dear life, since if you didn’t bury yourself into his side, you’d probably fly off with all sharp turns he does around the other cars/bikes
♥ it was like being taped to the top of a vehicle in mario cart
♥ eyes squeezed shut, you yelled over the harsh blaring of the wind, “slow the fuck down! where are you even taking me?” 
♥ baji was having fun, but he was getting the feeling you weren’t..
♥ usually he doesn’t care about what other think but this was the first time he was taking you out, he didn’t want you to think of him as a maniac driver, or else you might not want to come with him ever again
♥ “if you open your eyes, you’ll see.” he uttered, slowing down slightly so the noises weren’t as harsh 
♥ taking his word for it, you hesitantly pried open one of your eyes and turned your neck so your face was no longer pressed against his shoulder
♥ and honestly, you were glad you did. passed the edge of the road, you had the perfect view of the beach below, the sea gently glistening under the orange sunset 
♥ now that your nose was free from only breathing in baji’s sickeningly strong, wild spice body spray, you finally able to enjoy fresh ocean air 
♥ “the beach.” you mused, smiling down at the completely deserted sandy shore, which looked so beautifully peaceful in contrast to how busy it was when you usually come 
♥ “no shit.” baji chuckled, his eyes remaining glued to road, despite how much he wanted to see your reaction
♥ you let out a defeated sighed, leaning against his back, “but it’s closed.”
♥ baji nodded, “yep, that means we’ve got the whole place to ourselves!”
♥ before you could question what baji meant by that, he steered off the edge of the road and down the steep hillside which led to the beach, though it definitely was not meant to be drove on as there were several warning sign at the side of the road, warning drivers about the hill
♥ “baji, what the fuck?!” you screamed over baji’s amused laughter, similar to the way you’d laugh if you were playing GTA, rather than playing with actual human lives
♥ “isn’t this fun?” he yelled back, enjoying how the wind felt against his skin as he maneuvered his bike down the steep hill 
♥ honestly, you weren’t sure whether you enjoyed it or not, but as soon as the bike came to a smooth landing upon the soft sand of the beach, you found yourself silently wanting to do that again
♥ “well, how was that?” baji asked, immediately hopping off the bike on his own only so he could offer you a hand
♥ accepting his hand, you stepped off the cycle only to notice that your legs were shaking, yet you oddly liked it, “that was.. okay.” you murmured, not wanting to feed his ego but also unable to lie to him.
♥ “great.” he uttered, leaning forward to carefully unclip your helmet for you and sling it over the handle of his bike
♥ “so,” he started, looking around the beach for any stray cops or surveyors, “what do you wanna do?” 
♥ he felt a light tug on his jacket sleeve, causing him to look down and meet your pleading gaze, “do you think we could go out again? some other time, maybe?”
♥ all baji did was laugh, resulting in you become sheepish for a moment, until he wrapped his arms around you picked you up for a hug, “obviously!”
♥ you smiled, your cheeks heating up slightly, “nice!”
♥ “anyway,” he started, placing you back down and dashing off towards the sea, “loser owes me lunch!”
♥ ignoring how he gets lunch either way, you immediately sprinted off behind him, watching as he dramatically fell over a large shell and face-planted into the the sand
♥ being the kind friend you are, you ignored him and continued running towards the water, only for him to grab your ankle and trip you up too
♥ “ha!” that is how he shows affection <3
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br-disaster · 4 years
nie mingjue’s outfits appreciation post
This is way longer than I expected oh gods, please forgive me for it. 
 It’s a well known fact that Jiang Cheng has the best wardrobe of all CQL characters, I’m not here to argue with that, but I think it’s time for us to stop sleeping on Nie Mingjue’s absolutely fantastic fashion sense.
I mean have you seen him?? The man is out there serving looks even with the Nie sect limited color palette. Please let’s ignore the context here and just look at his robes
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I wasn't sure if I should rank them, so I’ll just ramble about them in order of appearance:
1. The gray “I’m the boss” one
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That’s the first time we ever see him and what can I say? He does leave an impression. We see him using these robes two times, in episodes 10-11 and on the beggining of Fatal Journey, as the first picture shows, which makes me wonder: Is this his stay-at-home set of robes? ‘Cause damn
I don’t know how I should comment on the particular details of his robes but I really appreciate how wide this extra fabric layer makes his shoulders look.
Really imposing and powerful look.
2. The Sunshot incredibly beautiful "this is how you win a war" one
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Look, this one might be my favorite, it has EVERYTHING
Shoulder game is strong here, and this bronze-like color goes really well with his belt. Now let's talk about his outer robe for a moment, just THE COLOR I mean it's the prettiest shade of gray I've ever seen.
Also Long Sleeves
And a CAPE. A f**king CAPE. I'll never get over this look and I'm really glad the costume department let this king wear a cape again in Fatal Journey, he was made for it.
Next comes the inner layer that's not really a robe, as you can see when he's standing, but the silver pattern is what really does it for me, guys. It's probably the first thing you see once you look down from his face, 'cause I know we all get lost on that beautiful mustache, and it's perfect.
You can’t lead a war campaign if you don’t look good, I see.
3. The "I didn't really want to be here but I’m looking good anyway" one
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It's so dark, it probably reflects how he was feeling during pretty much all the scenes he's in while wearing it.
Once again he accentuates his shoulders with an extra fabric except this time his sleeves are not long at all. I personally think he looks even more handsome like this, it makes his arms look bigger. What is it called? I don't know, but it matches his belt as well.
( Is it really a belt, guys? I don't wanna disrespect but I don't even know where to start looking for names nor I know other english names for belts)
The subtle golden/bronze details on the outer robe and on the inner robe's collar contrasts really well with the black and dark gray
Sad thing he looked really miserable wearing it :c
4. The "big event he seemed ok with attending" one
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Dark again. But he didn't look as depressed as in the previous one, he actually had fun that day, which is good. Enough of tears and betrayal for now.
May be the wider sleeves he ever wore, perfect for clapping his hands like a happy toddler. There's also a lovely flowery pattern on the darker robe that you can easily miss if you don't pay enough attention.
For the first time his shoulders are not accentuated by fabric or shoulder pads and it's really nice to see him like this. We all love a buff Mingjue, but CQL Mingjue is not that buff and I love him just as much.
Really elegant, not as imposing and he has every right to want to look civil for once. It may be the series' way of telling us that he's not dressed for real combat or war, who knows.
5. The "all this just for a flashback?" one
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Listen, this one right here is just AMAZING
I don't understand why they dressed him so beautifully for what? 10 minutes of a flashback. I wanted to see it for more than a couple os scenes!!
Everything here is different, so this will take time.
First: His inner robe, the first one, is not the usual black, it's light gray, it's lighter than his robes actually, and we don't see him wearing it like ever again since chronologically in the series this is the first robe he wears. Does it secretly mean that all went wrong from the moment he met MY? who knows
Second: The outer robe is fancy. There’s so many details to it and it may be the lighting of the scene, but it seems to be a warmer shade of gray, doesn’t it? The golden\bronze thin strip around the silver larger strip is perfect. It kinda has the opposite effect of his shoulder pads, since it makes his shoulders look a bit smaller but it’s so very elegant.
Third: The upper part of the inner robe. I mean who gave him the right to look that good ??? It’s dark but it has golden little shapes in it!! And it kinda looks like there’s a zipper in there because of that mid section. And oh to be a single jewel resting over Sect Leader Nie’s chest...
Fourth: The bottom part of the robe is also something new. We see pleats on Huaisang’s main robes, but never on Mingjue’s until now, that’s why I took the last screenshot, nothing to do with the bloody Baxia at all. I wish we could have seen them in pretty pleated robes together.
It probably contradicts what I said about his shoulder things being a code for battle, since the first thing we see him doing with this outfit is killing some guy/puppet; but for the rest of the time he wears it is peaceful
Honestly, imagine how Meng Yao felt. It was some fairy tale thing, wasn’t it? You’re a nobody eating bread and drinking water and then this king pops up out of nowhere and defends you from bullying and offers you a job and takes you home with him?? 
6.The “kick your local murderer down the stairs” one
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I don’t really know what to say about this one. The context kind of ruined it for me, but let’s try.
 It resembles the fourth outfit since it’s a really dark inner robe and a lighter and patterned outer robe. Except this one has this nice and shiny thin strips around the sleeves and the waist.
It’s pretty but not especially pretty in my opinion. If I were to rank the outfits, this one would rank last.
7. The “fighting qi deviation and needing emotional support” one
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Fatal Journey, baby.
I know what I said about the second one, but this might be my favorite.  It’s practical, no long sleeves or heavy outer robes. It’s also appropriate for horse riding, wich is great. The simple, sleeveless light gray outer robe is really nice.
There’s a cape again!! And I have to say the cape looks even better now that his sleeves are tighter, the way it falls gracefully on his back is perfect. I love the way it seems to be attached to the shoulder pad too. 
The robes are simple but the thing is: The accessories are not. 
His belt is now silver and if we ignore that the production team just painted it, we can assume he has two sets of identical waist belts, one is bronze and the other is silver. Now the final touch: The shoulder pads. This is what makes this outfit the most extra of them all. It’s silver and just so, so pretty I wanna cry everytime I look at them. I mean, the layers, the dragon\beast entire head makes him look so fierce and ready for the fight.
 I wonder how comfortable they are tho.
10/10 would rank first place.
bonus: Baby Mingjue
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We love a consistent king after all! Has he been wearing dark robes since he was a baby? We will never know. I love this dark yet translucent outer robe tho.
1000/10 the cutest and best dressed child out there.
Conclusion: Nie Mingjue is a fashion icon! 
* Do not take this too seriously, I did zero research and english is not my first language. If there’s any terrible grammar mistakes, point them to me and i’ll edit it. If I’m somehow disrespecting Chinese culture, please also point it to me and I’ll apologize, edit or even delete the post.
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dantespilled · 2 years
How did you get in to fate and drawing?
okay this is gonna get really really long explaining the step by step how i got into fate so im gonna put the keep reading thing on use
me getting fate is honestly because of dantes and jp giving out free ssr(this is the biggest reason i try to play fate again tho bc who wouldnt want a free ssr). like at first time i play fate is like 4 or 5 years (i forgot but dantes is alrdy playable). i play the game out of curiosity and bc the battle sprite looks good (since the other games sprites are in chibi form). saw dantes in support list and thought he looks neat w the design (even tho im not really drawn w the dr style). i WOULD keep on picking him in my battles too. ALSO. I REALLY AM STUPID AND DONT KNOW HOW PLAY THE GAME AT ALL THAT TIME DFHGDFGBGFK i would keep on picking my favs into the front line and keep on dying and wondering to myself what the fuck is wrong w my team????
also i did go through youtube for a bit searching about dantes and somehow watches his gameplay. and then his fucking valentine and his event story and actually got drawn into him but im not insane like how i am rn at that time.
idk i think im at like camelot and my game crashed? and my data is all lost too 💀🤡 so im like ok i gave up, game doesnt give me ssr too so im like goodbye game. you will be forgotten. but then got dragged by ankle when i saw an ad of the game giving out a free ssr and so here i am! LOL choosing karna (idk why im choosing him btw- i think he is good looking for awhile then got drawn into arjuna too but since i cant choose two somehow🙄so i went w karna) w the ssr ticket also somehow got to drag jalter home with a single 10 roll too which i decided to play awhile longer. my jp luck is actually really good too (except when im trying to roll for dantes pu tho smh 🙄)
and after i play the game like 2 months or so? i remembered about dantes and went to search for his banner and notices his banner is gonna happen at the summer fest, so i play na again (and too) LMAO also me being dumbass trying to move my jp server into na server bc i seriously dont know anything about the game so sdfhskdfhjsfk but also like im giving up and starting from new on na but here i am, we got np3 dantes and his besties 🥰 but also like im glad im not only drawn by dantes only but other characters too (tho not that insane with dantes) which will make me to draw not only dantes
about drawing. hm. i just like drawing from as a child tbh. but i prolly wont be able to draw how i am rn if i dont find out 'anime and manga' by watching 'shakugan no shana'(i dont remember this anime clearly, but shana is cool and the plot is good too). im like ohhh i love this kind of style and start trying to copy stuffs from internet and shit. i also TRIED to trace from the fucking television by slapping a piece of paper on it and start to trace. going through youtube with how to draw anime and shit like the other kids ofc.
also lol getting jealous over people who draw good which drives me trying to draw better and serious too (PLS DONT BE LIKE ME BTW!! it is such a toxic trait but it does help me a lot in improving if i have to admit it). also people around me actually support me doing art (ngl im surprised too lmao) which also made me trying to improve more and trying to chase my career as illustrator (would be nice if i can work on some animation company too, if that is possible..)
if you followed me at like 2020 im very sure you know how my arts actually look like. everything is so disproportionate, like i still dont know how to draw properly until i starts getting deep with dantes/ayako drawings. theyre the main reason i improve a lot and im so thankful of them for letting me having lots of inspirations for drawing and practices even though mostly are colored sketches. i hate to admit that jealousy and anger still have their role in my improvement too (if people criticizing the mistakes i did in my drawings when i know about them very well, i would be like so angry and went 'im gonna fucking pop your eyes and gonna dare you to find mistakes on my next better looking drawings)
i know myself it is such a toxic trait but like. it fucking improves my shit a ton😭is this even still a how i get into drawing topic LMAO BUT THOSE ACTUALLY DOES MAKE GO DEEP INTO DRAWING SDFJHJSDFHJ
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nightshadedawn · 4 years
Persona 5 Royal Playthrough pt3
I ended up going through two Palaces before I could update y’all. Oh well.
...Yeah, no, quit calling me Miss Special Snowflake's boyfriend. It's not happening.
Ryuji, Morgana, and Yusuke having a conversation in the laundromat: "It's like he's our mom," says Ryuji... the mom friend.
Every time Morgana is like "I have to turn into a human so no one else can have Lady Ann!" then expects no one else to hear him makes me laugh. Like, bitch, no.
I have the restaurant in my Thieves Den 'cause I like it. Yusuke, Ryuji, and Morgana are there. They're so precious.
I got a three in a row Tycoon on cutthroat!!!
Ryuji and Ann just keep going "Shoulda figured" and other versions of the statement every time I win.
Ann just rejected Morgana's feelings HARD. I am happy.
Ryuji is too good, honestly. Why would anyone not like him? He's... He's always trying to build the team up, make them proud of themselves and what they've done. I will admit that he has his moments of being not a great human, but they're teenagers who were given absurd powers, so honestly, can you blame them?
I didn't know darts was an actual minigame! There's so many minigames. I'm so happy.
I don't like Akechi. I don't know why some people do. Like, his death scene was a bit... too late for a redemption for me, right after he tried to kill Joker, several times. His pain is understandable, but still... I can't.
Their "two sides of the same coin" also doesn't seem particularly fair. It's totally uneven in everything but color schemes.
Guys, GUYS, please, PLEASE decide whether you're going to react to my teasing or not.
"We don't have to deal with them directly," Ryuji says joyfully about the mafia. Oh you sweet, sweet, innocent child, if only you knew what I do.
I literally can't play this game around anyone else because I tend to yell "BABY!" to Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke and "BITCH" or "FUCKER" to... a rather long list of villains in this game... and Makoto.
I can literally feel Yusuke's anxiety about his painting when you take him to Leblanc to see Sayuri.
How can you say Yusuke isn't gay when he says everything I do is beautiful?
I love Ryuji's 9th social link. It's LITERALLY written like a confession scene. This also means I kinda hate it because... I can't date him.
I actually kinda thought that the new scene for Ryuji being a crossdresser is kinda funny??? Is this bad??? I wanna see him in a dress, tho. I gotta agree, he'd be a natural. Not the like, painfully obviously not taking it seriously from the dancing game, though.
Though I do think it's valid that he freaks out when two strange adults come up to him and try to take him somewhere, especially in a place known for being shady, and at night.
...When Ryuji complains about it, I do feel bad about ditching him. Then again, I blame the cat.
Ryuji may be my ideal type on paper, but I'm also highly attracted to Yusuke and this is so totally unfair.
*softly chanting* butlers butlers butlers butlers
Don't mind me just... *makes meticulous plot to avoid having Makoto join the team that i may or may not write a fanfic about*
Makoto is one dumbass bitch. Like, honestly, there's nothing she does that's in any way remotely smart.
...I thought I'd just skip Makoto's scenes until she became relevant, but here I am, still skipping her scenes. Does that mean she’s still irreleveant?
"Witch" I suggest, and Makoto complains! "Would you prefer "Bitch"? I can use that too.
I put Yusuke on the team in the middle of the palace through settings, replacing Morgana, who had been standing right behind me. Which made Yusuke stand right behind me. It looked like he was holding onto my waist and standing uncomfortably close. Bro, babe, I love you, but not in front of my boyfriend and girlfriend!
Just accept the compliment, guys, I'm not going to compliment Queen.
...Opening chests with Ann or Ryuji is just so sweet because they're so affectionate and touchy feely. Especially Ryuji.
Math. Fucking. Sucks. I should not have to use math in a game. I hate this. Obviously it's the Palace Makoto comes in that this happened.
Well, I finished the Palace in a day. I love the feeling. But it was getting close there. Joker and Yusuke were down to no spells...
...Yoshizawa hasn't showed up yet. When is she getting shoehorned in?
My very first playthrough I didn't execute a single execution except for the first one we have to do. It  really screwed me over my second playthrough...
...I broke the electric chair. That's certainly something that happened.
147 games of Tycoon later and I've only been a beggar 31 times in total, versus the pure thirty wins in just Cutthroat.
They're in their summer uniforms and it makes make miss warmer weather already. It's fucking snowing outside. Grrrr.
Beat Kaneshiro! ...Wasn't a fan of his new boss battle. I'm even playing on safe mode! But whatever.
Makoto is a DISASTER at Tycoon. She exclusively got beggar all three times I played with her!
Ann, sweeties, baby, you're doing so well.
She confessed to me, then in the call afterwards it was basically insinuated I proposed... WHICH IS LIKE FUCK YEAH 'CAUSE SHE ACCEPTED IT.
It makes me think of the future conversation where they're talking about marriage.
Anyway, if you haven't noticed, l love Ann.
My next playthrough I'm not gong to date her, though. I'm a completionist and I want ALL of the possible awards. But... I refuse to cheat on Ann. So I'll date everyone else then just hang with Ryuji... despite how cringy some of the date things are.
...If Akechi wasn't, you know EVIL and tried to KILL ME, SEVERAL TIMES, I might, MIGHT, like him. But in truth, I think that's really just the Persona 5: Revival talking. We get... into some stuff during that.
I know that either Atlus or the translators know EXACTLY what goes on in the Persona fandom because otherwise "He's too pretty to be wrong" would not be an option when talking to the newspaper girl about Akechi. I have to agree with her that his looks aren't really, you know, awesome enough for that.
Also, I read it as "He's too petty to be wrong" at first and I think that's an accurate sum of his character.
...fucker fucking giving me shit about my fake glasses...
If you COULD date the boy out of mod, Akechi would definitely be the one they were pushing you to date. Like Makoto. Or Yoshizawa.
But hey, at least I get to not be nice to him.
I remember seeing this picture where Ann, Ryuji, and Joker kept going to the movies together and seeing 3D movies, and Joker couldn't wear the 3D glasses properly because of his own. I keep imagining that picture during this event with Caroline and Justine.
You know what? Some people call Joker a loli lover because of them, but nope! He's just adopted two more siblings. That is my stance on it.
I get very pissed about this, and it's worse with Hades.
7/4 is the day I am screaming at, if you were wondering.
My dad asked me if the other students think Joker's stupid because every time I answer a question right they get all surprised.
I don't really like Makoto, as I'm sure you've noticed, but she was super nice about Ryuji's special move idea. And that put her ahead of Akechi in my book.
Yusuke and Ryuji are good boys, the best boys. And they're so awesome about their special move.
AND RYUJI OFFERED MONEY FOR YUSUKE'S FOOD. And implied that he did it before???? Ryuji, you best boy.
This boys' outing DOES make me happy, though. Like, insanely happy. Dunno why.
Maybe because Joker gets to be so flipping cheesy.
...fuck you, Yoshizawa.
HONESTLY WHAT THE EVER LOVING--- Grr. Too many choices while with her. Too many. OOC Joker when with her. 0/10.
And you know, it's really hard to choose between Lala-chan and Ann, but... GONNA TAKE ANN ON A DATE
Got her some flowers. Lets see if we can give them to her this time!
"Such a good FRIEND." Babe, we're DATING. For like, TWO WEEKS NOW.
Ann called Yusuke a pretty boy, but then she's missing out on the REAL pretty boy, Pretty Boy Ryuji.
Ryuji, why're you so worried about other girls when you've got ME?
"I like the shade." "What are you, moss!?" Oh, admit it, Ryuji, I'm growing on you.
Cargona. Snrk. Gods, I love you, Ryuji.
Dome town with Ryuji! "Isn't it all couples?" That's the point!
Sadly, I bought those for Ann. Ryuji, you get the noodles.
"It feels like I really captured Ryuji's heart!" FUCK YEAH I DID
Gonna give Yusuke the bracelet when I get the chance.
Why is everyone color coded in the chat room? Kawakami, Akechi, Mishima, and the reporter are all ORANGE. What's the point? Well, Akechi's more of a golden orange, but close enough.
While Mishima is not my first choice for a date, he's definitely not my last.
...But the boy really needs some fucking sleep. He's not drawn with the bags under his eyes, but I can see them!
It's not fair that they give Akechi a kicked puppy sprite. I'm... goddamnit, they're trying to make me not hate him.
When Makoto doesn't know something, I'm brought great joy.
First day in Futaba's Palace! I've gotta say, this is my second favorite palace. Kamoshida, Futaba, Madarame, Sae, Okumura, Shido, Kaneshiro, Holy Grail. In that order. I HATE Kaneshiro's place and dealing with the Holy Grail. But whatevs, man. I love this game. (Vanilla, at least, this one is still on the fence)
I found out a cool little thing. On the uphill sand slopes in the town (don't know about anywhere else) if you're running and turn back quickly, Joker will do a little animation to steady himself. It was cool and made it seem, I dunno, more human? Anyway, while I was admiring this, Ryuji and Yusuke just stood at the top of the slope and Ann followed me while I was running. Best girlfriend ever.
Kin-Ki is looking pretty kin-ky if you know what I'm sayin'
Please don't murder me because I do terrible puns.
*we fall through the trap door* *Ryuji starts screaming* Same, baby, same.
...Makoto is seriously annoying. Like, she's got no business acting as familiar with Futaba's situation. The one who WOULD be the most familiar is Yusuke, and I'm glad he recognizes that. It's not the exact same, none of their stories are after all, but I feel like those two get each other better than even Ryuji and Joker understand each other.
Yusuke and Ryuji's special attack is THE BEST
Ryuji and Joker getting up close and personal in the shadows. All those fanfics coming true, man.
I thought Futaba was sloth, not wrath? Why are her Will Seeds called Wrath?
Beat it in one day! It's so satisfying to watch all those achievements when I leave the palace.
You know, I'm thinking of wearing the Christmas outfits for the final battle. Just to be kinda funny.
Spending a relaxing day with Yusuke after going through Futaba's Palace... kinda want to take him to the bathhouse to check out that new scene, but I also REALLY wanna feed the boy... gonna feed the boy.
Apparently I can only make 'decent curry.' Which is fine. Because "I" can't make curry at all. Joker, you've done much better than I.
...Broooooo, the way you talk about your manga is how I talk right before I start shipping.
Took him to the bathhouse, 'cause I don't gotta worry about Mama Sakamoto feeding him.
...Can I take Ann to the bathhouse?
Asked Ryuji to move in. He was all up for the idea until he remembered that I live in an attic.
I'm Charismatic now!
...I was all hoping Ann would stop by but then Akechi asked me out. Laaaaaaaame.
Ryuji's smile is so fucking cute.
...I say we just be honest, and everyone's so fucking stupid about it until Makoto explains it. This pisses me off. They're not that dumb... At least, they weren't until Makoto showed up.
Futaba's hiding in the closet. ...I've spent too many weeks making jokes about closets to not have a joke about it.
Really, Yusuke? You see those books and think she can't understand?
...Wait, that sassy tone of voice... You were TRYING to pull a reaction of her. I knew I shipped those two for a reason. OTP and BroTP. Doesn't matter, they're both awesome.
I love you Ann, but I don't think your situations were the same at all. It's not like both are valid and bad, but... different.
Joker is SO fast compared to the others, especially when he's speeding.
What the...
Holy fuck...
Damn, Joker has my heart too.
I kinda wish we could see Futaba's costumes in her Persona. That would be pretty neat.
The moment right before Wakaba appears is so aesthetically pleasing.
...Futaba being happy is almost enough for me to accept Maruki's offer, and I haven't gotten there yet.
Ryuji and Ann keep smacking each other out of their ailments. Like, you guys just love each other so much! It's awesome.
Joker has lackluster responses to Wakaba... I'm hoping that isn't one of those "Answer these wrong and you break her!" things... Not that I think I was, but still.
I liked Futaba's new animation for when she defied her mother.
I wish the anime looked more the cutscenes. I'm trying to rewatch the anime so I can pinpoint specific moments for future editing purposes, but it's kinda painful.
1- This is the SECOND TIME you've landed on Yusuke while running from trouble.
No Makoto, I don't want to go see Futaba with you! I can go see her myself.
So, I like Takemi's new voice with her lines during this scene.
Sure, she collapses every so often and sleeps for a while. Stays like that for a few days. Sorry that I put her into a coma for a month, Boss...
Guys, we have a month. Stop worrying.
Damn, Joker's dying to the amusement of two little girls.
I'm kinda disappointed I didn't get results for all that training. But I liked the scene.
Yusuke just casually be lugging bigass paintings around.
Taking the girls to the church may have been one of the funnier moments. These cement them as Joker's little sisters. With Futaba. Damn, Joker, you got no brothers.
Yusuke promises to come by every day and we can tell him to take his clothes off. ATLUS, you have some EXPLAINING to DO.
..And Yusuke took it and ran with it. My sweet summer child, I don't think I could handle you in as little as possible on the day to day.
"The heat induced delirium made me think outside the box." Same.
Guts takes sooooooooooooo long to level up.
"Punish me more" he says, as if Takemi won't do it.
"Good god. Well, none of my medicine can cure THAT." AT LEAST WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE
Awe, he had fun. :)
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 4 years
I’ve lost to temptation so here it is
My interpretation of magolor lets fucking go
So first section: How this bitch works
So Magolor is from Halcandria, a planet who’s core is essentially magic. There’s so much magic on this single planet that it leaked into the life and even some objects that could contain it. Magolor is no exception. Magic energy is essentially stored in a second heart (tho it’s more of a container than a heart), and runs through the body very similar to blood. It’s created and flows through his body, and allows for things like his eye glow, floating, and obviously powers. When he’s asleep, it regenerates. If there’s already enough magic energy while he’s asleep, it disposes of the old magic mostly by floating in sleep or by more severe means like insomnia aka magical overdose (which I’ve gone over before).
Next, is the glowing eyes!! Why he have that, I’ll tell ya. It makes it easier to detect other halcandrians as well as make it easier to detect light such as fire. Which is very useful when you need to look through ashy clouds and make sure a giant rock isn’t about to slam into you from above. It’s also a way to show the health of a halcandrian. Though the eyes glow yellow, they have a brown color very similar to their fur. If they’re sick or very unhealthy, they lose their glow and it slowly reverts to the brown color.
As a side effect of the master crown though, Magolor’s magic energy got boosted by the crown so he didn’t just die instantly by overwhelming power. It sounds like a good thing on paper, having so much energy to the point where he can fight non stop without getting tired magically, but magic overdose due to him not being able to deplete enough of it fast enough is a bitch. He gets sick a lot easier, bad insomnia, as well as occasionally using magic without realizing. So this clears out how he works and shit!! Now onto...
Before RTDL
So before RTDL Magolor had little social skills or experience with interacting with other people that wasnt lying to them to get them to do stuff. It was just how Halcandria worked. People kept to themselves and if you needed help you’d have to twist the truth in order to convince them. Relationships of any kind are very rare in Halcandria as well.
So when he met Marx, it was weird. He originally planned to let him stay until he got better and told him about why he was found in a Nova’s wreckage, so he could hopefully get Marx to lead him to something else he could use to defeat Landia. It didn’t go as planned. Marx was an unpredictable dude who immeadiatly fell for Magolor (but mags didn’t notice cause he’s never experienced someone else crushing or a crush) and due to that Marx spent a lot of time with Magolor during recovery and grew on him. He also ended up showing Magolor what friendship was, and honestly: magolor liked it. He liked having someone around. It was a nice change, and it was nice to have someone around to help (and rarely give him affection). So, Magolor wanted Marx to rule the universe with him once he killed Landia. He didn’t want Marx to leave. Though things started going downhill when an accident happened one time while exploring and Magolor was distracted, leaving to Marx having to use Nova’s power to make sure Magolor was safe.
And Magolor was fascinated, and god he was excited. He pried Marx for questions about his wings, constantly stared at them when they were out, and started talking about if he and Marx used their combined powers they could finally kill Landia and get what they want. But Marx didn’t want to. His want for power by then left, and he knew the consequences. He was happy just hanging out with Mags, and didn’t want to risk his life fighting a dragon with a crown of infinite power. But Magolor, despite liking the change of company, was used to being a loner and believed he could do it again since he’s halcandrian. He said Marx could leave if he didn’t want to, and that was when Marx started to see just how desperate Magolor was for the Master Crown. It was all too similar to his own desperation with Nova, and all words were useless and failed to change Magolor’s mind. So Marx left, and Magolor continued. He felt a little bad (and lonely) but pushed it down and decided no turning back and opted to modifying the Starcutter more like a weapon and attacking Landia that way, but failing.
Though he had a backup plan, thanks to Marx. Which brings me to..
The Betrayal
So this is RTDL time, before the betrayal. His back up plan was going to the pink hero Marx ranted about and using them to get the crown. After all, if they could defeat someone with the gift of Nova’s power, they could defeat a wyvern with a crown. They landed, and Magolor met everyone, but he couldn’t stop thinking about a certain someone. Chilly, who volunteered to stay with him while the others collected the spheres and parts (tho it was because he was suspicious). Mags didn’t know this, and assumed he was being nice. So the second person who (he thought) was being friendly with him enough to stay with him, and fill that hole Marx accdientally left by leaving him. He couldn’t not get attatched. He became REALLY REALLY clingy, and did as much as he could to keep himself focused as well as make sure they were friends. It backfired, making Chilly agitated most of the time, but it also semi worked later on. Most of his time between the betrayal and his crash landing was spent monitoring everyone’s progress, and trying to get Chilly to like him so he could do what he had to do during the betrayal.
Now during the betrayal! The closer he got to achieving the crown again, the more desperate and ooc he got. By the time he was at Halcandria, there’d be no way to talk him out of it, since he was THIS close. But there was still one thing wrong that he assumed the crown would fix: he couldn’t go back to being alone. He assumed he would adjust, since that’s how it’s been for his whole life. But now, that he’s actually had two people really close to him (and one leave) that showed him affection and didn’t only use him like in Halcandria, he didn’t want to go back to being alone. He couldn’t. But he came too far to turn back, and continued anyway (not like he ever changed his mind, but he did have moments of doubt). He told Chilly to stay in the Starcutter, wanting to keep him safe, which obviously didn’t go well for him when Chilly responded with freezing the ship from the inside to stop Magolor from using it in its attacks.
And of course, when Magolor sees this, he has a moment of “oh shit I can’t let him do this. I can’t lose someone else.” And tries to convince Chilly to join him. He talks about the two of them ruling and even giving Chilly Popstar to rule. He means it. He wants someone with him, somebody that he genuinely loves and treats him like a friend. He assumed that if he didn’t force Chilly into working with him like Marx, he would join in the end. And like any person with common sense, Chilly denies, loyal to Kirby and Popstar. THIS was the moment Magolor became truly desperate, he tries to convince Chilly to join him but he can barely get any words other than “but you were only friend” out while crying (in the middle of battle lol). Kirby and everyone take this chance to attack, while Magolor is just kind of broken. He fucked up again.
And he’ll be alone.
He has one thing left now, and that’s the power to rule the universe.
And he’s desperate to have this one thing go right for him, and he uses the remaining power of the Master Crown... which brings me to the next topic!
The Master Crown
Full section for the master crown let’s go. It gets its dark power from a leader/creator of dark matter (think 0), and is sentient. It only knows to shroud the world in darkness, and will do whatever it takes to get it. It’s powers are held at bay by Landia, who is Halcandria’s guardian and can resist its powers due to being a magic guardian. Magolor however, isn’t a magic guardian, and can’t resist. To him, it’s a shiny piece of jewelry that’ll make him strong so things can finally go his way.
The way it works is by drawing people in, like a venus fly trap. It just amplify people’s interest in it, as well as bring out the more negative traits about them that makes them easier to control. The most common traits is desperation, impulsiveness, frustration, and determination. And once the crown is on their head, it locks on and is irremovable and works like a parasite, basically completely erasing whoever put it on and molding them to the perfect puppet. Magolor essentially just sped up the process completely by using the last of its power in a desperate attempt to get what he wanted.
After the Betrayal
Magolor, after the betrayal, is left just floating around Another Dimension. He’s exhausted, in a lot of pain, and completely magically drained. He couldn’t even float if he tried, and that uses the bare minimum of magic. He’s stuck here for a long time, and at first, he’s extremely frustrated and upset. He spends a lot of time replaying the events in his head (not magolor soul, he has no memories of that aside from snippets that come into his dreams that are partially due to the master crown’s lasting effect) and just getting more and more angry at everything. He was so close to having control over EVERYTHING, and he lost it over himself the second he used the rest of the power. He was infuriated that he manged to let that stupid puffball beat him, along with their friends.
He cries, screams, shouts, but it doesn’t matter. Rage can only last so long, and it’s not much before he’s just exhausted and tired. He’s given up on escaping, knowing he can’t. He cant form a dimensional portal strong enough to pull him out of a dimension. He only has the skill to use it for teleportation. After a few days, he’s accepted what happened, that this is his fate. He hates being alone, floating in space with no silly jester to crack a joke or scratch his head, and no snowman who’s bell jingled with an adorable tune whenever he laughed and even gave him hugs. He ends up getting habits of scratching his head (despite the pain because of master crown injuries) and hugging himself as a way to fill that hole the two left when leaving. He misses them, and starts to regret going after the crown in the first place. He comes up with scenarios in his head to pass the time as he basically waits for himself to rot. He imagines apologizing and having his friends back. He imagines Marx somehow finding him similar to how Magolor found him. He imagines not being alone, and being happy. Not plagued by agonizing exhaustion and self fury. He even comes to miss Kirby and their friend one he actually realizes the kindness they showed him, since he was too focused before to realize.
He spends a few days in the hell dimension before he finds something. He ends up finding an energy sphere that floats past that was lost during the battle. He grabs and clings to it, now having only one thing from before. It doesn’t make the loneliness any better, but it does make things a little less bareable. But of course, energy spheres are a sphere doomer’s favorite snack, and it doesn’t take long before one comes along really wanting it.
Magolor at first, pushes it away desperate to keep this one thing he had before, and the sphere doomer keeps coming back desperately wanting its food. Eventually, Magolor and the sphere doomer form a slight bond since this was when Magolor started slowly regaining magic again and tries attacking it with his revolution orbs, but it’s just a treat for the sphere doomer. The sphere doomer keeps coming back for more treats and another attempt at a snack, and Magolor feels a little less lonely. Over time, he actually gains enough of its trust to pet it and even talks to it. He names her Lor II.
Lor II is the reason he gets out of Another Dimension and back to Halcandria, via opening a rift. Lor II basically gives Magolor a second chance to make things right, and he immeadiatly takes it. Of course, he has to steal the Starcutter to do it, but he makes his way to Popstar to apologize, because he REALLY regrets his major fuck up and at the very least, he can make things better (and maybe get a chance at being less lonely).
So that’s all I got lmao hope you enjoyed
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Crown Prince Li Kaiqing, Chen Ji, and Fushui
MAJOR spoilers for 《骊歌行》 Court Lady (2021)!!! This is just me blabbing about my feelings.
so we all knew that Crown Prince (CP) and Chen Ji (CJ) were gonna be BE cuz they have historical prototypes. after Chengxin was executed, Li Chengqian grieved for a long time, refusing to attend court and also building a shrine for him in the palaces.
well, even with that knowledge, i still cried like a little baby at the end of the drama. there’s not a single un-sad 感情线 in this entire show, but i really do think that the mess of these three is tragic.
before we dive into the mess that i’ve become, a huge round of applause to Li Zefeng for his amazing portrayal of the Crown Prince—the good-intentioned, sort of foolish boy that we first meet and then later the wide-eyed, paranoid, remorseless man. and of course similar props to Wang Yizhe’s two roles of sweet Chen Ji and scheming Fushui (and Sun Langlang for voicing them! Wang Zhi’s VA!).
so as i’ve already said, CP is really a whole different person after CJ dies. and the contrast between CJ and Fushui (FS) is very plainly evident: CJ dressed in pale white-blue, FS mostly in grey-black; CJ kept his hair loose, FS wears a bun (or hat, when he rises thru the ranks); CJ is a lowly palace entertainer, FS is well-trained in combat and medicine (and ends up as Senior Imperial Physician, somehow); CJ was terrible at weiqi, FS is good at weiqi but pretends to be bad at it. CJ was targeted and subjected to rumors, but no one dared question CP’s relationship with FS—because CP was in so much grief after CJ died, how could anyone bear to do that to CP again? even though FS was absolutely the one that everyone should have removed from CP’s side immediately…
when CP and CJ first meet in episode 7, CP is kind of a typical princely character: he’s kinda entitled, the world is his, his future is bright… and i firmly believe he 一见钟情 because while CJ still treated him with courtesy and respect, it’s obvious that CJ didn’t expect or want anything from him. and this continues in episode 9, when CP is trying to clear his thoughts by the riverside and runs into CJ who is fishing: CP brattishly orders CJ to stay and keep him company, and CJ is honestly more confused than anything as to why the freaking Crown Prince of the country wants to spend the whole goddamn day here. of course, it’s because CJ represents a freedom for CP: here, the Emperor won’t compare him to Prince Zhou or Prince Han; here, the Empress won’t admonish him over and over again; here, there’s no scheming advisors who try to curry favor with him. here, as CP tells CJ to use, it’s just “you and I” without care for rank or formalities.
(but also the death flag in episode 9 was atrociously obvious LOL with CP promising “I will make you a grave” to CJ’s absolute terror. on-the-nose. still made me sad later on, so that’s that i guess. in any case, the episode ends with a 定情信物 whereupon CP gives a jade from his belt to CJ.)
CP watches CJ perform (as he is an entertainer from Prince Han’s mansion) for the first time in episode 10, and we see it again in episode 12, episode 16, and episode 17. based off 《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the lyrics are as follows:
大丈夫只患功名不立 A great man should only worry about not gaining fame and honor/
何患无妻 Why worry over not having a wife/
舍生忘死报恩住 Leaving behind life and death to repay my Lord/
忠肝义胆待友朋 Treat my friends with righteous loyalty/
我要做有血性的英雄 I want to be a hot-blooded hero/
为义而生 To live for righteousness (loyalty)/
为义而死 To die for righteousness (loyalty)
CJ plays the main role of Zhao Zilong (Zhao Yun), and he helpfully compares the story to a game of weiqi in episode 16.
“A gambit [sacrificing insignificant pieces to protect the significant ones] is what Zhao Zilong did in the Battle of Changban. In order for Zhao Zilong to save A Dou, he couldn’t save Madam Gan. So, Madam Gan committed suicide. Isn’t Madam Gan a gambit?”
to which CP responds: “Thank goodness you are Zhao Zilong, and not Madam Gan.”
CJ: “The Crown Prince regards me as his soulmate [知己]. Even if in the future, the Crown Prince were to sacrifice me as a gambit, I would be willing.”
CP: “What are you saying? You and I are friends. No matter what happens in the future, I will never treat you as a sacrificial gambit.”
(so, like, death flags everywhere! 知己-mention! and, c’mon, i think for CP’s consort to be jealous/insecure is a little bit justified considering the amount of times CP has CJ perform this piece with a line like “Why worry over not having a wife”.)
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backing up for just a moment before everything goes to shit, other notable events are CP finding out his wife is pregnant in episode 13 (but he spends the day fishing and then cooking the fish with CJ at the riverside, and they walk off with arms draped around each other’s shoulders), CJ hurting his leg after climbing a cliffside to pick red flowers after CP mentioned his wife loves the color red most in episode 14, and finally CP leading a blindfolded CJ to a new house just for him to tick off another romance-y trope in episode 15.
CP: “Didn’t you say you didn’t have a home? So I bought you this little estate. When you fall in love someday, have children, and have a great career, this will be your home.”
(the point is they’re both still kind of in a honeymoon phase right now, tho it ends quickly in episode 16 when our FL Fu Rou warns CJ against being so close to CP—but CP is a little bit too idealistic right now, a little bit too stuck in his blissful fantasy, a little bit foolish. foolish, and incompetent, and unable to protect the people he loves bc he unwittingly endangered them to begin with.)
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of course, things come to a head in episode 17 when CP’s wife tells her sister about CJ, leading to the Emperor eventually finding out. but while that’s happening, CP goes to see CJ at the estate he bought for him.
CP: In the future, I won’t come here anymore. Therefore, let’s put aside differences for today and be friends like we used to. We will never have those kinds of days again.
CJ confesses he’s going to leave Chang’an: I want to learn swordsmanship well, and become a wandering hero, feeling at home wherever I am. When the Crown Prince becomes Emperor in the future, I can help you take care of bad guys along my journey out there. This will be my way of helping the Crown Prince to keep the empire stable.
CP gives his dagger to CJ: This is not a reward, but a gift for my friend who is about to leave. In the future, whenever you look at it, it will be like looking at me.
CJ: A gift from my soulmate. Chen Ji will definitely take good care of it.
(for ppl who’ve watched Qing Ya Ji, the parallel to Zhongxing and Fangyue here killed me. but there’s also a parallel within the show itself near the end when Fu Rou gives the Emperor a collection of scrolls and explains that the late Empress hoped that he would treat her writings like he were seeing her—one of Court Lady’s many confirmations that CP and CJ should be read as a romantically by paralleling it to visible, het relationships. ALSO, CP has CJ perform Zhao Zilong again right after this conversation, like a last nail in the coffin.)
so the Emperor finds out in episode 18 and angrily orders CP to kill CJ himself, lest he be stripped of rank. Fu Rou warns CJ, but he refuses to escape.
If I run away, the Crown Prince will not be able to fulfill the Emperor’s order—what would happen to the Crown Prince? […] Life and death are not the most important things; the most important thing is to stay true to yourself.
and so CJ unsheathes the dagger CP gave him.
The Crown Prince regards Chen Ji as his soulmate, Chen Ji also regards the Crown Prince as his soulmate. ‘A man of service dies for the one who knows him.’ (An upright man can die for his soulmate.)
CJ quotes “士为知己者死” from Sima Qian’s 《史記·刺客列傳》Records of the Grand Historian, tho if you’ve watched Winter Begonia, it should probably also look familiar.
CP pushes aside the soldiers who’ve accompanied him on the journey to CJ’s home, but it’s too late: CJ took his own life, using the weapon CP gave him, in order to protect CP.
the chorus of Lu Hu’s 《万里》 Ten Thousand Li plays as CP staggers toward CJ’s lifeless body.
呼吸,想着你, When I breathe, I think of you
在梦里,在心里, In my dreams, in my heart
怪完相遇,怪自己, After I’ve finished blaming that we encountered each other, I blame myself
别离,痛彻心扉!Farewell, my heart is broken
(this is a song from the OST we hear multiple times with the other couples in the drama—and we also see many couples by the same river that CP and CJ would fish together by. i think, like, all the couples associated with this song except our main one have a BE…)
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in CP’s immense grief, he has the weiqi pieces from his last game with CJ glued to the board, never to be moved again, and he has the flowerbed outside flattened. we get our callback to episode 9: “Chen Ji has no family. I promised him that if he died, I would make him a grave.”
CP doesn’t meet FS until episode 37, but what the Emperor says in episode 19 about Chen Ji is what really makes the whole thing a tragedy.
You must be cautious when choosing friends. He would only have misguided you.
and that’s the thing, the Emperor isn’t wrong!!! it ultimately truly is the Crown Prince’s love for Chen Ji that destroys him. his love for Chen Ji ruins him, ruins the imperial family and threatens the dynasty as a whole. because when Fushui shows up, a man who shares Chen Ji’s face, the Crown Prince trusts him unconditionally—it’s the Crown Prince’s desperation to see any small part of Chen Ji again that leaves him vulnerable to FS’s manipulation: CP forgets who he truly is. because how could a man who looks like Chen Ji ever betray him?
CP is thrown from his horse in episode 37, striking his head upon a rock.
he wonders: Chen Ji, have I also died? Did you come here just to pick me up?
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(but of course it’s FS, who was actually going to kill him but the soldiers arrived too quickly.) they meet officially in episode 38.
CP: I thought I was going to die. Dimly, I felt someone approach me—he wanted to save me. I originally thought it was Chen Ji who couldn’t bear for me to die, so his spirit appeared. I didn’t expect that it was you.
FS remarks that CP has brought up “Chen Ji” several times already; immediately, he understands that this is a weakness to exploit.
CP basically throws a temper tantrum in episode 39 when he discovers he will have a permanent limp from now on. (idk if it was an intentional parallel, but CJ also had a limp after falling from the cliffside in episode 14.) FS is the only person that CP allows to approach him, and FS gets him to eat grilled fish (which is apparently CP’s favorite food—how much of the people we love do we carry with us?)
FS acts innocent: I really am bad at lying; as soon as I lie, you see right through me.
it’s everything CP wants to hear.
CP tells him: When I fell off my horse, and was on my last breath, you came to my side and encouraged me to continue living. I’m now crippled and in despair, but you talked sense into me to eat grilled fish. Everything that has happened—if it were Chen Ji, he would also have talked sense into me, encouraged me. Sometimes, I feel that you are Chen Ji, just with a different face.
(obviously it’s the same face for us tho cuz he’s played by the same guy. but anyway, when FS comes clean about everything in episode 51, he mimics the words CP says here.
I am not Chen Ji. I, Yang Fushui, came to your side to find an opportunity to take revenge.)
back to episode 39, FS says he doesn’t want to be “another Chen Ji” because he doesn’t want to die so young—he’s afraid of death.
CP: I guarantee you that I won’t let anyone harm you. What happened to Chen Ji will never happen to you.
(and it’s true! FS gets away with so much goddamn shit because CP’s wife doesn’t dare criticize FS, and even the Emperor doesn’t after knowing what it’s like to see his son in such heavy grief. CP’s wife thinks this is her chance at making amends; she felt real remorse after CJ died, and honestly that line from It’s Quiet Uptown sums it up best: “If I could trade his life for mine/He'd be standing here right now/And you would smile and that would be enough.” a shame, of course, that CP was FS’s freaking main target. nobody wants to repeat the tragedy of Chen Ji, so no one questions Fushui.)
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but, like, FS isn’t truly even that subtle—it’s just that CP is so blinded by his love for CJ. from episode 46:
CP: I have taught you for so long, but you’re still terrible at playing.
FS: I am doing it on purpose. Only if I play poorly, will the Crown Prince be willing to continue teaching me.”
CP: Even you put on an act before me? […] You are the person I trust the most. Don’t lie to me.
so FS successfully sows discord between CP and his brother Prince Han; the Empress passes away (always sickly, but her illness was very much exacerbated upon seeing her beloved sons turn on each other); CP’s wife kills her own sister in what she believes is a beneficial political move for CP; Prince Han’s wife is wrongfully executed; Sheng Chujun is killed and silenced too after he discovers FS’s plans. CP stages a coup against Prince Han. (the man who looks like Chen Ji must only want the best for him, right?) FS gets away with everything and goes to visit CP in prison in episode 51.
AND HERE! HERE! FS is supposed to kill CP; that’s been his goal from the very beginning. CP hasn’t eaten for days in the prison, but FS shows up with a grilled fish and CP eats without a second thought that it could be poisoned.
but. FS has been at CP’s side for so long now. he’s orchestrated CP to lose everything. there is nothing left that CP could give to him but the mere fact that he’s still breathing.
in episode 49, FS poisons Lian Yan’er and Yan Zifang is obviously upset on behalf of blissfully ignorant, head-over-heels Ma Haihu.
FS: I will kill whoever gets in my way.
YZF: What about someone you love? If it was someone you loved, you would be just as ruthless, right?
FS: It is human nature to be greedy and selfish. Where does love come into play? This question—you’ve asked the wrong person.
(but FS’s expression changes. someone he loves? he’s startled, he looks afraid.)
FS ruined CP’s life; and at the same time, gave CP reason to live again. CP started playing weiqi again, his relationship with his wife improved; he started smiling again. there was a passionate fire to him that he never had before (this was his second chance to do everything right, to protect the people he loves!)... the kindling, unfortunately, was his trust in Prince Han and his parents. from episode 39, FS comes in and sits down next to CP after CP trashes his room during his tantrum.
CP: Do you know why I treat you differently from other people?
FS: Because I remind Your Highness of your friend who already passed away—Chen Ji?
CP never stopped loving CJ; he loved Fushui, because he never stopped treating him as Chen Ji. after the failed coup against Prince Han, CP smiles in prison in episode 51 when FS visits him.
CP: It was fate who made us each other's soulmate [知己]. [...] If you can continue living well, I wish that you live your life to the fullest, with both smiles and tears.
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how can Fushui bear to take the Crown Prince’s life when he’s received nothing but unwavering trust from him? when he explains who he truly is, when he calls CP foolish for trusting the wrong person, FS is on the brink of tears. his mouth trembles, his breaths shake. when the poison begins to take effect, and CP agonizingly reaches for him, FS takes his hand—just as CP gripped CJ’s lifeless hand so long ago, just as CP reached out to the person he thought was CJ when he fell from his horse. FS takes his hand, sobs, and gives him the antidote.
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(Consort Yan’s eunuch is, of course, outraged.
Yu He: If you can’t bear to kill him, then I will!
Fushui: I forbid you. [...] He has nothing left to lose. I forbid you from killing him.)
so, we have the Crown Prince, ruined by his love for Chen Ji—and Fushui, who both took and freely gave the Crown Prince’s life back to him. it’s a love story; it has always been a love story.
and finally, FS gets Ma Haihu killed in episode 53. he picks up the comb MHH carved for Lian Yan’er (a 定情信物!), and when he speaks, ends up telling the story of CP and CJ as well.
There was a woman who sacrificed her life for your bright future. You only needed to enjoy it, yet you took the road of self-destruction.
and then he remembers what CP said to him in the prison in episode 51.
CP: If, in this world, fate truly exists, then so do the hearts of men.
FS remarks now: If you have a heart, you will be easily hurt, or even lose your life.
heartless Fushui, who kills without batting an eye, who nearly upturned the entire Tang dynasty, who doesn’t know of love. in the end, he couldn’t bear to end the Crown Prince’s life.
so, yeah. these three broke my heart. i really wonder what Chen Ji would say to the Crown Prince when they see each other again at last in the afterlife. what the Crown Prince would say to Chen Ji. how violent love can be. what it means to live in someone’s memory. or maybe they would return to the river and spend a long day fishing together again.
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blisslilywrites · 5 years
Generation of miracles with a S/O who’s better than them at basketball but is shy about it/doesn’t show off too much headcanons plz! 🙌🏼😁🤩😁🙌🏼
A/N: Heyy anon,,these were fun to write so we hope you like them hehe ~Bliss & Lily
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You knew your boyfriend, Aomine, was a really really good basketball player
He was also really intimidating on the court
Which was why you never told him you could play
Of course he found out eventually when he invited you to play 2v2 with him against Kagami and Kuroko
He honestly didn’t think you’d be able to play well and just thought you’d look cute playing
He was right about one thing
You were extremely cute when playing
But you were also extremely good
Like he barely gets to touch the ball and you guys were winning??
Let’s just say Aomine was confused and just stood there with a dazed look on his face
“Oi Y/n, why didn’t you ever tell me you were good at basketball?”
“Nevermind, I know now,” he said with a smirk
He proceeded to practically kick Kagami and Kuroko out of the court and challenged you to one-on-one
In which you beat him
When the game ended, he just stared at you with the same dazed face except this time you could see his eyes were brimming with happiness and love
Having an s/o who not only plays basketball but can beat him in it was the best thing he could ever ask for
“Guess I’m not the only one who can beat me now”
You blushed at his words
From then on, you guys would spend lots of time playing basketball
You’d teach each other different skills and challenge the heck out of each other
The scariest thing is when you two team up
Once you played together a bit and got used to each other, you two became unstoppable
At the end of every game you play and win together, Aomine would now say “The only one that can beat us is us.”
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Akashi didn’t you were good at basketball
He didn’t even know you could play
So it came as a shock to him when you told him you were on the school team and that you were playing a game the next day
He got over his initial shock pretty quickly and decided to support you fully at the game
The game was about to start and he saw you lead your team onto the court and go to shake hands with a person from the other team
So you were captain, just like him
Your team got into position and Akashi noted that you were in the point guard’s position
When he actually saw you play though, he was beyond impressed
Your skills were on par with his, maybe even better
You dribbled fast and confused all your opponents
They couldn’t steal the ball from you either no matter how hard they tried
Pretty soon, the gap between the scores started increasing
Akashi smirked as the first half ended
I’m gonna need to challenge y/n sometime…
The second half started and the opponent seemed to play better, quickly equalizing
Akashi started to worry a little until he saw a glint in your eye
Suddenly, your movements became faster and more refined
Akashi looked closely and saw you were in the zone
Not only that, you managed to put your entire team in zone too
Just like he did
He was bursting with pride and admiration at this point
When the game ended, you met him outside the gym where he congratulated you on your win
He then went into an in-depth analysis of your skills and the game
Basically he was just complimenting you fancily
He really was impressed tho
And he looked forward to playing with, as well as against, you in the future
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It was when he told you he would teach you how to play basketball as his partner
For him, it was a date for how romantic it is
At first he teaches you the basics, he dribbles the ball from left to right and a crossover
And so the game begins
Standing at the center of the court, pressure is all you could feel
With the stance that can have your reflexes actioned well, Kise is dribbling the ball slowly enough for you to follow its steps
You as the defender, follows his footsteps as fast as lightning
You are about to catch him and you did- it’s because he retrieved his last step, placing his right forwarded foot earlier backward and so he enters the shooting position, lifts the ball in the air and shoot
You are amazed for he did Midorima’s high projectile three
The game continued with the ball in his possession again but with faster dribbling
You are no prodigy, well, you are no basketball player either
But the second you stole the ball from Kise’s fast dribbling results him stunned by your surprising entry
Now, thanks to him earlier, you are able to shoot from the center line, just by seeing it 
“Woah Y/N-cchi! You didn’t tell me you can play!”
You performed it just exactly as him, not an inch of difference was distinguished
And Kise is amazed, for he already knows that your specialty is also the same as his, COPYING.
And so the battle of the cats begins!
Both with the talent who can copy the other’s movements 
You don’t expect a good game but who can copy the most?
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Surprisingly for Midorima, you two went on a date
It’s your way home, when a ball hit your boyfriend’s head from behind
“OMG ARE YOU OKAY?!” You redirect your sight to the lively public court nearby, being played with a bunch of 5 old-looking highschoolers
You could only tell it was on purpose for they are laughing at your boyfriend
You are about to tell them off but Midorima stops you by grasping your hand
“It’s okay Y/N. Don’t mind them-nanodayo.”
“Hey tall megane! Come join us for fun!”
You look at Midorima, only to hear a “no”, he tells you he didn’t want to ruin the day but it was ruined beforehand
You sigh, and raise your right hand to seize attention
“I’ll play. 5 vs 2, how about that?”
“Y/N, when did you start learning how to play basket-”
The game starts with perseverance in both teams
It’s this moment that pride comes first
The ball is on the other side’s possession, he’s about to shoot it when Midorima blocks it
The ball bounces off within your reach, you dribble it and make your way to shoot it from a nearer distance
You surpass every opponent’s defense, and as a high jumper, you jump as high as you could and dunk it in
They are surprised, but Midorima’s reaction is the one you want to see the most
The day ended with you and your boyfriend winning, while walking towards your home he complimented you many times as if diamonds and jewels
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You and your boyfriend were on a date
Where your date turned out to be watching an official basketball game
You were sitting together at the front seats while eating chips and sweets he bought 
You were thrilled watching the game, but not as thrilled when the host called you unexpectedly
It was a one time event where the hosts get to pick from the crowd randomly, and fortunately it landed on you
The chosen one then must shoot from the center line, with the prize of a 100,000 dollars if they succeed 
You glanced at Murasakibara to gain confidence, thinking whether you could do it or not 
But hesitations diminished when he cheered for you, “Y/N-chin, I know you can do it.” 
You took a deep breath and positioned yourself at the center line of the court
You could hear every roar from the crowd, but your boyfriend’s cute cheering overshadowed all of it
Yes.. everything is going to be fine because Atsushi is here, you thought.
Now the challenge had started, the host gave you the ball and the crowd got quiet, waiting for your venture
Some thought, “There is no way a girl could shoot that,” but some was just waiting for you to strive
You bent your knees for a better balance, extended your arms to the air and threw!
Your instincts took over you, without any calculations nor logic 
And yet you succeeded, winning over thousands of dollars
“WOAAAAAAAAH!” The crowd yelled in great surprise and amazement, deafening but you were satisfied with their cheer
The challenge ended with you winning as well as the basketball game, the two of you decided to go home
It ended already, but your boyfriend couldn’t shut up about what you did earlier
“Y/N-chin, how did you do that? I could never.”
“Now don’t be such a pretender, you’re pro!”
“Well, I’ve never expected you know how to play.”
“Hahaha you just never asked,”
“Then let’s play tomorrow. You were really good, Y/N-chin.”
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 32: The One where the Moonlit Rooftop BETRAYS Us
Remember how the last episode brutally tore the heart right out of our collective chest?
And i can’t even skip most of it!! Bc it is crucially important to know what state of mind our beloved sunshine boy is in for everything to make sense!! 
Especially for what’s going to happen in the next episode!
We start our episode at the super fun jin ancestral hall in lanling where jyl is mourning the death of her husband!!
Enjoy this bc this is literally the least painful moment in the entire episode!!!
My precious sunshine boy is lurking behind a pillar, guilt-ridden and alone
He can’t get any nearer bc of the guilt
But he can’t stay away bc that’s his sister, his most precious person
Too bad madam jin spots him
So he flees, he can’t face his sister, not when he’s the reason she’s grieving
We’re in the middle of a forest again! It’s even less fun than the last time we were in the forest!
Now we’re at Qishan, listening to a bunch of cultivators gossip
The Wens’ bodies are hanging from rafters, all out on display in the open
Because slaughtering them wasn’t horrifying enough, they had to humiliate them after death too. Fucking jin clan.
Wwx appears behind the group and scares the shit out of them (GOOD)
He calmly pulls out his demon flute and starts playing
Within three notes he’s got the entire group of gossips pinned to the ground. Then he played a little extra just for kicks.
Now he’s like, why’d y’all stop talking? Weren’t you saying how you were gonna stop me?
And some idiot rando is like, you think you’re hot shit bully us weaklings?? You should go fight the clan leaders at their big celebration.
Wwx starts to choke him out bc he’s annoying him but wwx gives us this epic line
“Every injustice has its perpetrator.”
And he ditches those basic bitches to hunt down the guys that killed his people
Now we’re watching all this pompous sect leaders celebrating the murder of innocent lives, but we’re not gonna get into it bc they piss me off and nobody needs to pay attention to jgs’s speeches ever
Although i will mention that lxc and jc both look very conflicted at the events that are going down
We’re back with the basic bitches and lwj appears!!
Lwj: where is wei ying?
Of course his first words in the episode are about wei ying. 
And they’re all aw, you just missed him bro, he left about an hour ago 
Lwj: where did he go?
And they’re like, Nightless City to hang out with the sect leaders!
Lwj’s face here is just, Worry and Dread. 
We’re back with the sect leaders. Jgs is talking again
Thankfully, wwx interrupts him with his mental breakdown!!
Jgs: what are you doing here?
Wwx: why can’t i be here? don’t you guys want me here? I’m saving you the effort of hunting me down!
Then there’s a lot of back and forth with rando cultivators throwing accusations at him and wwx making Valid Points left and right
As we all know, Valid Points don’t make a smidge of difference against the incredibly stupid and obstinate. 
We won’t get into too much detail here bc it honestly doesn’t even matter what they’re saying, but there are a couple cool lines that i wanted to include
Somebody says something about him having a grudge against Jin Zixun a year ago
Wwx: Little characters like him i forget in 3 days, much less a year.
Which, like, LOL bc he’s right, jz was an insignificant little worm except worms are good for soil so he’s MORE insignificant than a little worm (i’m sorry worms, i shouldn’t have insulted you that way!!)
Later somebody says something about how they had admired wwx before but now they hate him
Wwx: Both your hatred and admiration is so cheap!
Some basic bitch shoots him with an arrow and it hits him right in the chest
Wwx barely even flinches
He tears that arrow right back out and covers it with resentful energy
And then he gives us another cool line.
Someone calls him vicious for shooting the guy who shot him before and he says “you’re already branding me as someone who uses wicked tricks, you can’t be counting on my mercy to let it go, right?”
It’s basically a whole ‘you want a bad guy? I’LL SHOW YOU A BAD GUY’ moment. Which looks cool, right, but is also super upsetting bc THIS IS MY PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY
Now there’s a battle breaking out! Between the cultivators and the resentful spirits wwx summons 
But we don’t care about this battle.
This battle doesn’t matter. Even if it does look pretty cool.
Because all the important stuff happens on rooftops, as we already know.
Wwx: lan zhan, you’re here. You should have known i’d be immune to the Song of Clarity
Lwj whooshes his guqin away.
Wwx: lan zhan, i knew one day we were gonna have a real fight.
Lwj: wei ying, stop it!
Wwx doesn’t respond. In fact, he’s kept his eyes closed and unresponsive since he started playing his flute, PROBABLY BC HE CAN’T BEAR TO WATCH HIMSELF ATTACK HIS SOULMATE
Lwj: wei ying, stop it now!
Wwx: lan zhan, do you think i have any other choice now?
Lwj: the situation has changed!
Wwx: what?
Lwj: trust me. It’s not that simple.
Wwx: what do you mean?
But before we can get any answers or clues or anything useful, we get interrupted by jyl’s voice crying “a-xian!”
Because jyl is on the battlefield, still in her mourning robes. And she’s calling for her brothers. 
Both jc and wwx hear her and instantly start looking for her
Wwx ditches the rooftop (and lwj with it), gives up his high ground and dives into the battlefield to look for his sister
He gets attacked by some cultivators and we hear the strum of a guqin
Lwj followed him! And defended him against attacks, BC THAT’S WHAT HE DOES FOR HIS SOULMATE. THAT’S HIS WHOLE THING.
Lwj: wei ying, your flute!
What he means is, keep playing, i’ll protect you from attacks while you get to your sister
And wwx starts playing again, bc EVEN AFTER he and lwj fought one another with all they had, he still trusts lwj
Jyl, jc, and wwx all take turns calling each other’s names. MY YUNMENG SIBS ARE TRYING TO REUNITE
Meanwhile we see lwj flitting about the edges of the screen blocking attacks left and right, and keeping wwx safe
SUDDENLY, we hear the sound of a second flute pierce the air! And the puppets get more vicious. WWX IS NO LONGER IN CONTROL
And oh fuck, once the second flute takes over the puppets we get the SAD BACKGROUND MUSIC FROM “THE ONES WHERE WE GROSS SOB FOREVER”
The yunmeng sibs are still crying out for each other as this Sad Music plays aND I JUST CAN’T.
They finally set eyes on one another, only to see a puppet come up behind jyl
Jc is begging wwx to stop the puppet bc he thinks wwx is still in control
Wwx is so desperate here that he doesn’t even use his flute, he just starts SCREAMING at the puppet to stop, “GO AWAY, DON’T TOUCH HER”
And lwj sees this all happening! He follows wwx’s line of sight and sees that jyl is about to get cut down by a puppet
Also i like to think that lwj and jyl bonded over their love for wwx way back in “the one where jyl captains the ship” so he’d want to protect his friend anyway
But he gets intercepted by two other puppets who attack him and keep him stalled far away from jyl and wwx 
The puppet cuts down jyl from behind
Wwx makes a mad dash towards her
But Lwj intercepts him and says “wei ying, stop your puppets! Stop them!”
Wwx doesn’t listen to him. He flings lwj’s arm away and keeps running
Wwx finally makes it to where jyl fell, where she’s now being cradled in jc’s arms
Wwx reaches for her but jc shoves him away
Jc: you said you could control them, you said there was no problem
He’s not even really yelling here, but his voice is all cracked, hoarse, and pained
Wwx: it’s not me, i don’t know! i didn’t make them kill people, why can’t i control them? I lost control of them!
Jyl is still alive!
Jyl: a-xian, xianxian
She reaches and puts her hand on the side of his face
Jyl: you ran so fast, i didn’t have enough time to look at you and talk to you
Jyl: i wanted to tell you--
But she doesn’t get to finish that sentence bc she sees someone aiming for wwx’s back and she shoves him out of the way to protect him
She gets a sword to the chest
And the rando cultivator holding the sword is all it’s not my fault, i was aiming for you, wwx this is your fault!
Wwx starts to choke him out, which is good bc i wanted to do that myself too
And jc is sobbing, rocking his sister’s body
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skittymon · 4 years
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Finally finished Tales of Eternia!! 
And that makes 11th tales games finished and 15th overall played in some degree (Phantasia, Legendia, Innocence, and DotNW being the ones I havent finished yet).
Once I started again in December I decided that instead of liveblogging I’d make a review at the end instead.
So here we go! I will keep this spoiler free as possible!
I’m pretty scatterbrained but I’ll try to divide this into: combat, story, characters, and other game mechanics.
Combat: So obviously, the combat is above Phantasia and Destiny’s, being made after them. I honestly have grown fond of the 2d linear style format. There’s so many different boss fights in this game that can only work in a 2d field rather than 3d. 
On the flip side, that’s not always a good thing. I count bosses like the wild dog thing in Vesperia, and Fodra Queen of Graces to be among the hardest mandatory boss fights in tales. Welp, Eternia added one to the ranks. Rem (aka Aska the light spirit) is one of the most frustrating boss fights I’ve done. Apart from constantly slowing healing itself, on the field it brings a shiny ball with it. You cannot destoy the orb, it’s there all fight, and if you touch it it hurts you. And of course it blocks the way to Rem. There is a way past it, it moves up and down so you just have to wait until its up to move past. BUT GUESS WHAT THE AI DOESNT DO. So your party will probably either be dying or constantly in pain. AND REM CAN MOVE THE ORD ANYWHERE. Also you cant physically hit Rem while its casting a spell only far away skills. So if you ever play this game just cheese it and spam variations of Sonic Blade.
Of course, on the flip side it’s every easy for you to cheese boss fights and just back them up into a corner unable to move or do anything until they die, so it evens out.
The sprite animations for the artes are gorgeous. Reid moves so fluidly in his artes, he’s honestly my third favorite protag to play as behind Yuri and Ludger because of this. The caster animations are great as well, granted it can become cluttered and hard to see in when artes like blizzard and earth shaker are used. BUT GOD DAMN I CAN WATCH MEREDY USE METEOR ALL DAY IT LOOKS SO COOL.
Nitpicks about the combat system are, Life, the reviving spell Farah has, takes to long to charge, and for Meredy and Keele to use healing artes you have to mix and match who has what craymel (spirit). There might be a guide but I didnt look beyond reddit so Life was the only resurrection spell I had. 
Last nitpick comes from the Aurora Artes. Aurora Artes are skills only Reid can use, but in order to use them you have to have health below 15% and press circle, square, and x at the same time, so it’s very easy to mess up and die. Then to use more Aurora Artes you press the same buttons repeatedly, and after you use them Reid is left with 1 hp. AND the final boss has an automatic kill skill, you have to press the buttons at the right time to activate it and keep everyone alive, or you can cheese it like I did and have Farah hold a reverse doll to revive her after she dies. Did I also mention this skill happens in phase 2 of the fight when the bosses health is less than 20,000 after starting from 300,000? If you fuck up thats like 10mins of redoing.
But to end on a better note for this section, I love the way artes are learned. You have to use certain artes a number of times before you can unlock it (I THINK abyss and vesperia and many others are like this but this is the first time I found it rewarding). I grinded like hell to get the best artes for Reid AND YOU BET IT WAS WORTH IT. Omega Demon Chaos I love you,,,,
Story: Like countless other Tales titles, the conflict comes from two worlds being at odds with each other. However this game does something that none of the other games have done with this story beat. Language barriers! It’s super cool in the first couple of hours theyre just trying to figure out how to talk with Meredy. Of course by the end this point is nearly dropped entirely, everyone else just getting the special ear ring I spent 3 hours to get so the plot can move on.
Like most tales, theres a moment you thought the story would end but BOOM the twist. I wasn’t shocked by it, but that’s because I knew who the final antagonist of the game was prior to playing it, but still it was executed well. 
Something that makes this Tales stand out is how they deal with backstory. So the main fours backstory is vital to the story and their characters but they don’t show it till like 20 hours in. It’s like if Graces you start off in main arc and learn about the childhood arc 2/3 of the way through and went “ohhhh that’s why they were distant with each other.” And other stuff about it but I won’t spoil it.
Overall a good story, though I do feel like I’m missing things either from missing some side quests, or because of no skits.
Characters: The main ones to shine are the four main characters (Reid, Farah, Keele, and Meredy), everyone else literally is either one dungeon and/or optionable. Chat does still feel like a character being the owner of the Van Elita aka means of transportation for half the game. Max and Ras tho rip. ESPECIALLY MAX. Ya know how every tales there’s the mandatory Talk Before The Final Battle? Yea well they all get one except Max. You see him, but he doesnt talk, YET THEY CRAYMELS DO.
Another odd, yet charming, thing is that there’s no big moment of character development for anyone like Luke cutting his hair, Magilou keeping the portal open, or punch in the face like Alvin. They just. Slowly change. And its really weird cause for all of disc 1 Keele is basically an unbearable asshole and he just? Learns to be a better person from everything he sees? There’s no callout or moment of realization, he just slowly learns and it’s super refreshing. 
Reid is probably one of the most relatable protagonists up there with Jude. I’m sure most of you know the “he doesn’t want to do shit lol” persona he has BUT GOD WHY HE’S LIKE THAT BABY I LOVE YOU. Farah’s personality is also explained in the backstory, so for any of you crestoria players that Farah’s backstory is really different like how Emil’s is, but the sentiment of why she’s like that is the same and stem for a similar event.
Meredy’s also great. I thought I’d get annoyed of her and her “You bet!” but god when she says it the last time at the end of the game, I was pretty moved. I wish I knew more about her backstory but I’m pretty sure a certain section of her life info was left to skits and ya know we didn’t get those till Symphonia :)))
As antagonists go, besides the Craymels who are there to test you before you get their power, there’s just two. Main boss and their lackey. The lackey is eh. You see him once at the beginning of the game, then see him destroy a  city, then one last time where you kill him. You do get his backstory and stuff but eh I’m usually not fond of tales mini villains minus Chimerad, God Generals, and Artorius’s lackeys
The main antagonist tho, I really don’t wanna spoil it but it’s hard to talk about why I’m conflicted on it without spoiling. So it’s like Destiny’s final boss but written better in some part and worse in others. So at one point it’s super emotional and pretty powerful with the message eternia wants to send but at the same points its a jrpg where you gotta kill god cause he doesn’t think humans are worth it. 
Oh one more thing thats honestly hilarious, there’s literally SINGLE animated cutscene by Production I.G in this entire game minus the op. 
Other things: the amount of mini games in this game is insane, but the amount you have to do IN JUST THE SECOND DISC to continue the plot is more than any other tales game I can recall. Some of them are fun like the card game, others like the bomb one I want to throw in a fire. 
There’s also so much Destiny pandering in this game. There’s portraits of the characters, you can collect lens, I’m 95% sure the way a certain character is done is because they wanted another Leon, you can SUMMON THE SWORDIAN USERS ARE AS AN ACTUAL SUMMON. While all Phantasia gets is the cameo battle and the Eternal Sword. I mean I didn’t mind cause I’ve finished Destiny and it’s one of my fav tales games but damn it was pretty obvious. 
In conclusion: A fun game! I don’t think it was worth 133 dollars tho consider my play file was 35 hours and thats with a good chuck of side quests and ex bosses. Probably in my top 5 combat systems of tales and final villains, but not in terms of story or characters. A really hope it gets remastered soon I’d love for more people to play it.
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justmenoworries · 5 years
If Ben’s Aliens Were Their Own Characters (Part 2: Alien Force + Ultimate Alien)
Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo.
Sometime in his teens, Ben decides that it’s unfair to only set some of his aliens free and with the help of Azmuth, re-creates the glitch from part 1 in order to bring out the rest of them too.
The compound the alines have lived in until now needs to get expanded again to make room fro 24 new family members.
With the help of Grandpa Max, some plumbers (and a very reluctant Azmuth) they eventually manage.
Swampfire: Haughty and arrogant. He suffers from a major inferiority-superiority complex due to the fact that he feels being one of the aliens who did not manage to get out of the Omnitrix by themselves makes him weaker somehow. Thus he has an intense, but often one-sided rivalry with all off his “older” siblings, especially Heatblast since their powers are the most alike. Ironically, the two of them make a really great team in battle, if Swampfire manages to keep his ribbing in check for five seconds and Heatblast in turn manages to not rise to the bait for once.
Jetray: A tough, no-nonsense hero. He takes his job as a plumber very seriously and has no patience for his siblings’ childish antics, though he gets caught up in them fairly frequently. He’s more of a scout than a fighter but that doesn’t mean you can afford to underestimate him.
Echo Echo: A music lover through and through, but also a little anti-social. He spends most of his time in his room listening to music from every corner of the galaxy and even composing some of his own sometimes. It’s usually dubstep. You’d best have some earplugs ready when stepping through his door, because he often forgets that not every species has eardrums of steel like he does. It’s a miracle the house hasn’t come down yet.
Goop: Perky, friendly and just downright adorable. Nothing really gets him down (except maybe snatching his anti-gravity device, but why would you? Why would you??? You Monster.). Actually getting on his case is ill-advised, though. He will mess you up if you insist on keeping up whatever bad thing it is you’re doing right now. All while chattering and giggling excitedly.
Humungousaur: The strong silent type. It’s not that nothing gets to him, it’s just that he doesn’t think he has much to say. Which makes it all the more baffling when someone happens to reach his breaking point (hurting his family) and he just goes ballistic, roaring and throwing punches, kicks and tail-swipes left and right. He’s the literal definition of calm before a storm.
Big Chill: He somehow manages to be the Mom Friend and super chill at the same time. He’s a good listener and great at giving life advice, but he also won’t hesitate to use his snark to call someone out on their bullshit. He’s sassy, enjoys quiet places, cool nights and meditation.
Brainstorm: Extremely snooty and thinks he’s the smartest of them all. He is not. That would be Grey Matter, but good luck trying to tell him that, you’ll either be ignored or called an inferior being in some way. Secretly, he just wants Grey Matter to acknowledge him as an equal and prove his worth as a great mind.
Alien X: Like in the show, Alien X doesn’t really talk or do much, because Serena and Bellicus won’t let him most of the time. Occasionally they release him from their on-going debate so he can at least spend a little time with his family. When he’s himself, he’s a composed, intelligent, charming individual. As a result of being essentially a prisoner ins his own body 90 % of the time he’s terrified of waking up one day and finding himself being alone, because the world moved on while he was forced to play referee to his split personalities. In order to help him at least a little bit, Grey Matter and Brainstorm (with a little help from Upgrade) in a rare act of cooperation, modified his room to notify either of them when he’s about to wake up, so they can inform the rest of the family and they can all welcome him together. He appreciates it immensely.
Chromastone: Sophisticated and responsible. He tries not to let it show, but he feels really pressured by his role as Sugilite’s successor and doubts he can actually live up to his role as a guardian of Petropia. He’s especially nervous and awkward around Diamondhead, since both of them don’t really know how they should treat each other. Diamondhead hesitates giving Chromastone orders in battle, despite being the leader, because shouldn’t Chromastone take that role? He’s the guardian after all. Chromastone on the other hand struggles with actually taking command. Diamondhead is older and has been the leader far longer than him, so should he really be handing him the reigns? As you can see, it’s complicated with these two.
Nanomech: Did somebody say Napoleon complex? He’s smaller than even Grey Matter, yet if you listen to him boast, you’d think he was the galaxy’s mightiest fighter. To be completely honest, his arrogance isn’t that unfounded: If he actually gets over himself and fights smart not hard by using his height to act as a saboteur or spy he’s crazy dangerous. He’s always eager to help whack some bad guys and apart from the above mentioned ego problem, he’s a nice little guy. (Tho if you want to stay on his good side, don’t mention the “little” part where he might hear.) His origin of having been part of a malevolent hive mind once is something that bothers him immensely and  a huge part of the reason for him acting like he does. He wants to stand out and for everyone to think he’s a mighty hero, because he doesn’t want to be seen by others (or himself) as still part of the Swarm or even just less of an individual because he technically used to be part of it. Mentioning the queen is a sure-fire way to make him uncomfortable, because it’s a nagging fear of his that she’s still out there and that he’ll fall under her control one day. He has rather graphic nightmares about that, which he of course keeps to himself.
Spidermonkey: Energetic, upbeat and very talkative. Your typical hyper-active monkey-character, with a fair amount of mischief on the side. He, Ripjaws and Ditto hit it off right away. Beware, for together they are the ultimate (pun intended) prank trio. For Spidermonkey, everything is essentially one big joke. Even fights he takes more as an opportunity to have fun than an actual job. When you hear him stop laughing it’s usually a sign just how serious a situation is.
Lodestar: Competent, but really emotional and clumsy. He’s the ‘New Guy’ in every way. Really wants to prove himself, tends to lose control of his powers and as a result often pummels himself or his teammates with all kinds of metal stuff and/or literally loses his head, also can’t help acting overly hammy. His magnet powers are tied to his emotions, causing all kinds of crazy things to happen whenever he’s upset. Which, considering how much of a klutz he can be, is often. He never means to cause as much ruckus and chaos as he does, but the universe in general just seems to have it out for him in that regard. He often spends time with Big Chill, since the latter is often the only one with enough patience to properly train him and is always there to hear him out.
Armodrillo: He’s not very smart and, despite being really big and really strong, he gets scared very easily. Essentially a big friendly child. His siblings don’t like taking him on missions because even though he can be destructive as heck when in action (or maybe exactly because of that) he doesn’t even like fighting. He just does it to defend himself and others, but his drilling powers and invincibility is often crucial. They always make sure at least one of them stays by his side throughout the whole thing to act as a sort of guardian, though.
AmpFibian: Extremely shy and introverted. Talking to strangers is not his thing. His first instinct when meeting or seeing someone new is usually to book it into the nearest electronic device and stay there until he’s sure they’re safe to be around. He probably had the hardest time out of all the aliens to adapt to his new life out of the watch. Even in present day the only one of his siblings he’ll occasionally hang around with is Echo Echo and even then they don’t really talk much. They just both share a liking for electronic music, so they’ll mostly just listen to that whenever AmpFibian feels brave enough to leave his room.
ChamAlien: The definition of Creepy/Chaotic Good (yes, even more than Big Chill and Ghost Freak). He’s....hard to read. He has this grin on his face 24/7, as if he knows something that nobody else does and the fact that he really seems to like appearing where no one expected him to be doesn’t help. He also doesn’t talk much, only when he thinks the person he’s addressing needs to hear what he has to say.
Clockwork: He’s the detective of the family. Mainly because of his ability to recreate past events, but he also has some rather impressive deductive skills. He and Grey Matter often act as mission control, though Clockwork works in the field as well more often than not. He’s not much of a fighter, but his time powers give him an advantage or two.
Fasttrack: You’d think he’d be a loud bundle of uncontrollable energy like his older brother XLR8, but you’d be wrong. Yes, he’s fast but that’s about the only thing he and XLR8 have in common. Fasttrack is serious, confident, mature and focused, never slacking off on a mission even for a moment. Honestly, he could be considered Diamondhead’s right hand if it weren’t for Frankenstrike. He also utterly despises being mistaken for his moronic speedster sibling and saying or even hinting that the two are alike will get you on his bad side. He has a rather dry sense of humor that often comes out when he’s partnered up with one of his less mission-focused family members.
Jury Rigg: For the love of all that is holy, keep him away from machines! He is an absolute menace around them, either because he doesn’t know how they work, yet still fells the need to mess with them or precisely because he knows how they work and just wants to try and “fix them up” to reach their “full potential” as he calls it. Said potential is often explosive, of course. He and Grey Matter are basically at war because he won’t stop touching Grey’s stuff without permission or stop trying to get into his workshop. He doesn’t mean anything by it, he’s just so naturally hard-wired to be a maniac around technology that he can’t help it. If you manage to pry him away from that, he’s actually pretty low-key, sensible, even. Currently, he acts as the familys’ armorer. It’s his passion. Anything he built is sure to give the bad guys (and sometimes the good guys) a run for their money.
Shocksquatch: Looks scary, but he’s a really big softie. That doesn’t mean he won’t pummel bad guys into the ground, though. Ironically he gets along the best with Wrath of all people. Mostly because they’re both huge wrestling fans and enjoy fighting as a sport. The both of them often spar with Four Arms and Cannonbolt. The record is currently tied, but they’re working on that.
Terraspin: Good-natured and slow movement-wise. He’s friendly to the point of being a doormat, which often leads to some of his siblings, like Upchuck, taking advantage of him. Unsurprisingly, he gets along the best with Upgrade, Wildmutt and Goop. Goop sort of looks out for him and keeps the whole “Do my chores” thing that Upchuck has going with him in check. A very harmless and completely hypothetical joke about tongue-burning acid is all it takes to put a stop to it most of the time. Terraspin is grateful for it.
Water Hazard: The rugged, charming rogue of the group. He does his own thing and doesn’t exactly play by the rules. He can be reasonable, but where’s the fun in that? He and Heatblast do not get along, possibly even less than Swampfire and Heatblast. It may be due to them being opposite elements, it may be because Heatblast secretly fears Water Hazard may take his place as the ‘Cool Big Brother’ or it may just be the fact that Water Hazard won’t stop dousing him in water for no good reason. Who knows?
NRG: Loud, dramatic and really big on physical affection. He’s an enthusiastic hugger, which, combined with the fact that he wears his containment suit at all times, often results in tremendous pain for the hugged. You could say it’s compensation for the fact that he can so rarely actually touch things/people because, y’know...they’d literally die. He enjoys every moment out of his suit, flying around giddily and shouting even more than usual.
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jishyucks · 6 years
9:30pm | Han Jisung
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genre: fluff, some light angst, bulleted scenario
wc: 4.5k
summary: The absence of Jisung causes Y/N to realize feelings she didn’t know were there
it was probably the fifth time today that you felt something hit your shoulder
you look over to find a small crumpled up piece of paper sitting with others on the floor before you lifted your head to see Han Jisung preparing another bunch 
“explain to me why you’re doing this” You tried to keep quiet as the teacher was up at the front reading a novel out loud, the rest of the students following along
he didn’t reply. instead he looked back at you with narrowed eyes and a small mischievous grin spread across his face
you watch as his wrist bent back, about to throw the ball
“Don’t you fucking dare Han Jisung,,,” you cussed, making sure your face was hidden behind it the book in your hands
he mockingly held a finger up to his lips and flicked the paper ball at your hand, a quiet snicker leaving his mouth through his proud smile
you gritted your teeth, clearly annoyed. this morning hadn’t necessarily been the best for you due to a car mishap and jisung was literally pushing it at this point
(usually you could tolerate Jisung and his annoying ass)
now that you had thought about it, you literally had no idea why he’d started doing this shit to you
he’d do it in the halls, in classes you had with him, and on the occasions when seungmin gave you rides
seungmin was a good friend of both of you but the reason why you hadn’t made a friendship with jisung was because seungmin wasn’t annoying and he was
it was actually too bad since you would’ve honestly liked him as a friend but he was literally too annoying to actually properly talk to
jisung had only started these antics back in sophomore year and you had to live through the annoying ass interactions for two years
so now it’s senior year and you were almost – ALMOST – at your breaking point right now and jisung really wasn’t making it any better
the bell cut off your thoughts and on impulse you gathered your things, stuffed them into your bag and yeeted out of the English classroom, deciding that jisung didn’t need the attention as you walked straight to the lunch room
seungmin was already seated at the table with hyunjin and felix
you grinned, sighing out in relief that you finally had other people to talk to and distract you from jisung who would probably be there, too, at any given moment
“im so glad it’s lunch,” you huffed. you plopped into the seat in front of seungmin and swung out the lunch that you’d prepared that morning
“lemme guess” seungmin drummed his fingers against the cafeteria table, “jisung’s been ‘annoying’ you again?”
you nodded, “why put quotations for annoying?”
seungmin shrugged, “maybe because he’s not really trying to annoy you?”
“what do you mea-“
“yay you’re all here!”
you feel him take the only empty spot beside you but you choose not to look up and acknowledge him actually sitting there
you were straight up done with his shit
“guess what y/n” he started
you don’t reply verbally but you decided to just look at him to make sure he knew you were listening
he held up a whole ziploc bag of mini paper balls and the sight caused you to groan out an ugly sound
“I told you to quit it jisung,,, if you don’t I’m actually up for swinging at you,” you mumbled, chewing your food almost immediately after
“you can’t reach my head anyways,” he retorted with a snort
seungmin, hyunjin, and felix held in laughs
you hear the bag open as it rustled softly
you keep your head forward and listened to whatever seungmin was saying while you chowed down the lunch that you’ve been waiting to eat all day
That’s when you felt that kid throw a ball of paper
sure, it was just a piece of dead tree crumpled up into a sphere shape. It’s not like it hurt or anything but the CONSTANT throwing jisung had been doing since the morning was getting on your nerves and you were not here for it
“can you not” you say just above a whisper though it was loud enough for only jisung to hear it. you wanted to keep your calm and not get the car mishap in the way of your feelings too but adding jisung and that together = an angry and annoyed you
apparently he chose to continue throwing the little pieces of shits at you and you were sitting there basically dumbfounded at him
he’s a grown ass teen and he chooses to act like a 5th grader?
you were || <- THIS fucking close to losing it. If he throws one mo-
a small baby sounding thump had come from the last ball jisung had thrown
you turn your head towards him and found him bending down to recollect the balls hes used as can reuse
“jisung for the last fucking time stop”
the mood that you tried to keep stable basically broke as the pit of your stomach began to boil
“you’re lucky because I need to pick these up before I start again” he tittered
“jisung im being serious right now,” you breathed in deeply trying to keep you calm but that didn’t work at all as he pulled himself back up and tossed one at your forehead
“tht was a mistake,” felix mumbled. The three watched as this went down
“jisung? Don’t you understand that im straight up annoyed with you? Sometimes I don’t even want to sit here because of you! I don’t understand why you’ve been doing this to me and only me the past few years like I’m some sort of joke or target or game that you decided to play. The smile on your face proves that you enjoy it. Can’t you see that I don’t enjoy it? That’s basically bullying.”
you were shook at yourself but jisung had just ignited a fire inside of you and you couldn’t help but say everything that you’ve been holding in this whole time 
jisung was still sat facing you and the smile he had on his face had faded
you, for some reason, felt bad at the fact that you pulled his smile right off of his face but there was no way you were turning soft right now
jisung’s head hung low by his neck and he was fiddling with the bag of paper balls in his hand
“I-I didn’t know you felt that way,,, truly. You never said anything like how it was bothering you to that point,,, I-I really thought you found it funny, too, and it was some kinda funny thing between us,” he stated quietly
the table fell silent and there was a brief pause that wasn’t awkward nor comfortable
you felt your heart beating fast and you felt the sensation of guilt in your stomach and chest
“im gonna go... im sorry y/n” he finally said. He gathered his lunch stuff and threw them into his bag softly
none of you guys said a word, tho you really wanted to apologize for lashing out
curse that car mishap. now you accidentally hurt the boy’s feelings
“shit” was what you just said
“shit indeed” seungmin tried to lighten the mood with a small chuckle but that really didn’t help
“I feel like shit even if he’s been the same way the past 2 years,” you say guiltily
“Except he didn’t know he was being shit and you knew you were being shit,” hyunjin pointed out
“not helping” you looked at him with a sad expression
“just apologize”
you slumped in the passenger seat of seungmin’s car, the events of lunch still playing in your head
seungmin started the vehicle and began to pull out of the parking spot
“wait isn’t jisung getting a ride with you?”
“nope, he said he’s gonna take the bus instead”
you felt the guilt build up even higher and you frowned at the information
“I think I see him at the stop, cmon, pick him up,” you insisted
“I already insisted on driving him but he told me he needs space,” seungmin reasoned, “and I need to tell you something that I promised someone I wouldn’t tell but I think this is the perfect moment—
he looked over to see you following jisung with your head as you drove past
— to tell you about it”
“is this going to make feel even more guilty than I already am bc I genuinely care about jisung’s feelings right now”
“I think so?” Seungmin’s head tilted a bit like a smol baby puppy
“you think so? why not a definite answer?” Now you were curious as to whatever this was
“because I’d be shook if I were you...”
“okay now I really want to know...”
seungmin looked at you and smirked before facing forward as the stop light changed to green
“i honestly don’t know how you’ll react to this. You hate jisung”
“this is about jisung?”
seungmin nodded
“I-I dont hate jisung... I just think it’s annoying like all the stuff he does. If he stops that shit I honestly think we’d be good friends” you shrug
you hadn’t said this out loud before and it made you feel weird but it was the truth
“hmm interesting” seungmin snickered
“k now tell me~~” you whined
“I’ll tell you when we get to your house so I can drive the fuk away once I tell you,” seungmin stated as if he strategically planned out some sort of battle plan
“why would you need to drive away? shit it’s bad isn’t it?”
seungmin just shrugged and chose to stay silent
you huffed and turned your body towards the door
why would seungmin feel the need to exit a conversation if it wasn’t bad?
the moment you’ve been waiting for had come and seungmin slowly pulled up into your driveway
you cut to the chase and told him to spit it out or “I’ll fight you”
“First of all I was going to and second, you can’t even”
seungmin turned the music down and awkwardly maneuvered his body so he was sitting with his body partly facing yours
you raise your brows, a questioning look appearing clearly on your face
“remember at lunch when I told you how jisung’s not really trying to annoy you?”
you let out a hum as a response and gestured for him to proceed
“he’s not trying to annoy you,,, well in a way he is but that’s not his main motive. His main goal is to catch your attention and I guess he did a horrible job”
“why would he want my attention?” your mind was literally blank and confused
“damn you’re slow” seungmin tsked and shook his head disappointment
“he likes you, y/n. you weren’t supposed to hear that from me but I figured it’ll help fix this whole situation.”
you were sorta stunned at this point and you didnt know how to respond to the indirect confession
why would this help the situation when Jisung would be back tomorrow anyways
and your heart somewhat stopped? like dead nothing but you didn’t know what that meant.
guilt? feelings? of what? HA you didn’t know so you just ignored it
you nodded and smiled weakly before getting out of the car, a tiny thank you merely leaving your mouth
you hear seungmin leave as you entered your door, nothing but questions circling your mind
“screw you” you say through your phone
your eyelids were partly covering your eyes and the moisture in your throat was absent
“you call me at 3 in the morning just to say screw you?” seungmin replied groggily
“you drilled jisung’s feelings into my head and I can’t stop thinking about it–“
“and? dude it was already bad in the first place that I made him walk out like that but now that I know he has a crush on me? that makes me feel even worse.”
“I thought you were annoyed with him?” seungmin whispered
“I-I am but,,, ughshjdj”
“goodnight y/n”
you didn’t even get to say anything as seungmin hung up
you woke up with bags under your eyes rip
the first thing you told yourself was to apologize to jisung and maybe...
your mom knocked on your to make sure that you were awake bc seungmin would be picking you up in a bit
you really hoped he’d have jisung there since it would be easier to apologize that way instead of tracking him down
you were wrong tho as you found seungmin alone in his car
“you’re not driving jisung?” was the first thing you said
“good morning to you too..”
you hummed and plopped into the passenger’s seat, buckling your seatbelt shortly after
“he refused... didn’t think he’d still be affected from yesterday. thts not the jisung I know. he would be back to his usual self even after something like that,” seungmin uttered, “guess you really hurt his lil heart”
you sensed the teasing tone in seungmin’s voice as he backed out of the driveway
“shut up I feel guilty and you know it,,,”
seungmin let out a small laugh and shook his head at you
at school you decided to spend it normally but also you were looking for jisung in order to apologize
the few times you actually saw him, he was at the end of the hall and when you called out for him he hurriedly skrrted a different way and then he was gone as if he disappeared into thin air
usually he’d come up to you and mess up your hair while you guys were walking opposite directions
in the class you had with him, he sat near the front instead at the back beside you and
jisung didn’t show up at lunch and the way you were constantly looking at the door made it obvious to the others you were looking for him
“he isn’t riding with us again, isn’t he” you guessed. you could see jisung’s head of blonde hair among other people at the bus stop and you didn’t know why but you felt sorta sad that he was actually keeping it up
seungmin was right, this wasn’t jisung and at this point you didn’t feel just guilt but you sorta missed him too
it’s only been a day but tbh you were growing so used to the daily dose of jisung just being loud and being there the past few years that his absence was so obvious and you didn’t like it
“you know what I noticed today?” seungmin asked
“what,” your answer was monotone, your attention on the screen of your phone
“you seemed to miss jisung,,, if not miss then like,,, you just didn’t like him not being there,” you could hear the growing smile in seungmin’s voice
you mentally cursed, yeah you had the thoughts of not liking him not being there but you didn’t need the confirmation that seungmin provided
“what’s that supposed to mean?” The drive was quick and seungmin was already at your house
“you can figure that out, you’re a big girl now” he winked and then playfully pushed you out the car
“seungmin I swear you always do this and it never ends up well for me” you retorted with a grunt in your voice
“bye y/n” seungmin yelled before you threw the door closed
it’s been almost a week since the incident and jisung was surprisingly still keeping it up
which honestly was weird as hell since he was one clingy mf
it wasn’t like you didn’t want to apologize for your words but you literally couldn’t
jisung was so out of reach and every chance that you got, he dodged that shit
you didn’t mentally or physically know it but you were actually starting to long for him now and you just straight up missed him
you DIDNT know this though, not until you texted seungmin
the digital clock that sat on your bedside table displayed 9:19 pm and you just finished the assignment that was given to you that day
your mind was now moving towards the situation you were seemingly stranded in right now
could I possibly like jisung?
Wait no that’s gross I just miss him, as friend. That’s different
you groaned out loud and grabbed your phone, sending seungmin a text
[9:22] y/n: yo I have a question
[9:22] minnie: sure what is it
[9:23] y/n: what did you mean the other day
[9:23] y/n: when you said that shit about me missing him
[9:23] y/n: and don’t lie to me seungmin you know you were trying to hint something
[9:26] minnie: dude you know
[9:26] minnie: I know you know it
[9:27] minnie: its pretty obvious
you heart was constantly skipping beats because it honestly couldn’t be
you really hoped it was true and that you weren’t just feeling this because you felt bad for jisung
[9:28] y/n: yea but I need someone to say it
[9:28] y/n: i don’t trust myself
you huffed and put the front of your phone face down onto your bed
maybe I do? it wouldn’t be bad if I did right?
you phone buzzed which caught you off guard
why were you making a big deal out of this? It’s just feelings oh my gad
[9:30] minnie: you like him
that was it
you pressed your lips into a thin line and felt the pit of your stomach bubble
[9:31] y/n: thanks
[9:31] y/n: this isnt just guilt talking right?
[9:32] minnie: from my perspective?
[9:32] y/n: that’s better than my perspective, you basically know me better than I know myself
[9:33] minnie: okay
[9:34] minnie: I think that jisung grew on you at some point
[9:34] minnie: when this first started, you were actually fuming and shit
[9:34] minnie: like it was actually really scary
[9:34] minnie: then you softened up after a while and you just tried to keep that image so it wouldn’t show tht u did
[9:35] minnie: at first I thought I was just overthinking but once I noticed you looking every 3 secs at the door for jisung or you actually asked bout him being there or sum, that said it all
[9:35] minnie: so no I don’t think it’s guilt talking, don’t feel bad
[9:35] minnie: you just didn’t notice bc you’re really stupid
you felt relieved at seungmin’s words
maybe he was right, maybe you did grow soft but you simply hadn’t noticed
[9:36] y/n: thanks minnie, now I just fucked more by telling him off the other day
[9:36] y/n: also don’t call me stupid
[9:37] minnie: talk to him, it’s obvious that he’s forcing himself at this point
[9:37] minnie: we’re basically his only friends. You really think he could spend this whole time alone at school
[9:37] minnie: he still talks to me tho, just talk to him
[9:38] y/n: I will
your plan was that if jisung managed to avoid you during the day, you’d talk to him after school
you contemplated whether you should  just apologize or apologize and tell him how you felt
the latter seemed like so much and you didn’t even know if he liked you still after the incident
seungmin smiled down at you when you quietly sat in the passenger’s
“good morning” he greeted. he backed out of the driveway and started on his way
“morning” you replied with a monotone voice, thoughts all on what you were going to say to jisung
“gonna talk to jisung?”
“yeah...” you unconsciously began to fiddle with the zipper of your bag, “do you know if he still,, likes me? Idk whether I should say I like him too or just apologize.”
seungmin let out an airy laugh that made you want to smack him but you restrained yourself
“last time I talked to him I think he did,” seungmin kept his eyes on the road
“when was that?” you felt like deflating like a balloon
“last night”
you almost jumped out of the car window at that answer. you were ecstatic yet at the same time scared
“liar” you let out
“I swear, you can check my texts if you want, unless you don’t wanna see him sulking over you hurting him”
so the decision was made. apologize, explain, then confess and explain that too
morning was eventless. jisung was sat at the front near the door again
you sorta figured it was to get out just as the bell rings
there was no way you would be given the chance to talk to him so that sucked ass
lunch, he was gone again obviously
Maybe after school was best? It was easier that way.
“I can force him to get a ride with me or something,,,” seungmin suggested
he saw the look on your face the one he’s been seeing this whole week
you agreed even though you knew it wouldn’t work, it was better than nothing, and you never know
“I’ll say you’re riding with me.” seungmin seemed to have it all planned but you knew jisung was too smart for this
you nodded and smiled weakly, “it’ll be a good try but i dont think it’ll work”
“We’ll see. You never know.”
It just so happened that once you got to seungmin’s car after school, there was no jisung in sight
you shifted your view to the bus stop where you’d normally see the boy as well, but he was not there either
“he said he’d be in the spare room down the fine arts hall,” seungmin stated. He could read you like a book.
Your face screamed confusion
“do you think i should go there?” you shook your head and opened the car door, “you know what? This can wait tomorrow…”
“just go, y/n. In a way he’s asking for it, he’s alone in a quiet room, that’s perfect for an apology and a confession. This could be your only chance in a while,” seungmin played with the car keys in his hands and then gave you a rather tempting look over the car
You stood there and contemplated
maybe you weren’t ready and you should wait a day or two to get things sorted
but at the same time you really wanted to just get things fixed with jisung
you glanced over at seungmin and found him staring back at you with raised brows and straight and serious face
“do it”
again it took you a moment to decide but seungmin was right, this chance was a good chance
“okay but you better wait here so i could get a ride home.”
“no problem with me, ill just sit here listening to some jams.”
you let out a tiny wheeze and threw your bag onto the floor of his car before making your way back in
you hated going back in since you were walking against people walking out. you were just glad that it was at the end of the day and that meant the school was emptying
you mindlessly made your way to the spare room and then stood at the door to peek through the window
at first you thought that jisung wasnt in there but as you brought your face closer to the window, you see jisung sitting against the wall
he had his knees propped up as a ‘stand’ for a notebook he had opened and he had a pencil in one hand
his headphones were half off but you could clearly see the tiny grin that appeared on his face and the way he subtly bopped his head
that’s wholesome
you huffed out a huge breath and knocked on the door. when you see jisung look up, you turn the doorknob and push it open to enter
“y-y/n?” he stammered while he abruptly stood up, carelessly dropping the things that were in his hands a second ago
“can i talk to you?” you inched closer before you stopped about a metre away from him, giving his space
he sunk his hands into the sleeves of his sweater and kept his head low, trying to avoid eye contact
You squeezed your eyes really quick before looking back at his tiny looking figure, though he was taller than you by a bit
“I really really want to apologize for the other day… I was really mad about a car situation that morning and my tolerance level was really low and I-- I’m sorry I took it out on you and said those words. I really didn’t mean any of that,” that went better than expected... now for the confession
Jisung brought himself to look up and look at you, making your heart beat faster by the minute
he opened his mouth to say something but you hadn’t noticed since it was your turn to avoid eye contact
you kept going with the plan, “i didn’t want to admit, especially to you, but i actually missed you during these past almost two weeks? seungmin mentioned something that made me feel weird-”
jisung finally stopped you, “I accept your apology, i shouldve stopped when you asked, i was stupid for not listening.”
his brain finally processed the second thing you added which made him jump
did seungmin tell him he liked you or? If he did, he knew damn well he was meeting seungmin on some rooftop
and you missed him? The fuck was happening?
“W-what?” jisung stuttered.
“Jisung,,,” he watched you take a deep breath and said, “ i don’t know how to explain this-- but i didn’t like you not being there? If that makes any sense. It’s not the same as if hyunjin or felix or even seungmin was gone,,, I literally waited for you to come in and sit with us and I felt a slight change in mood when i realized you weren’t riding home with me and seungmin,,,”
“what do you mean, y/n?”
jisung was just as slow as you damn
“It means that I like you, jisung, and i hate myself for not realizing until i hurt you and after all the shit that happened… i’d understand if you don’t like me back anymore,,, this was a reach.”
So seungmin did tell her, he thought
“You like me?” jisung was almost glowing and his gummy smile soon began to appear but he resisted
You nodded sheepishly
“Well,,,” jisung crossed his arms and brought his chin high, “i don’t like you back”
You were shook and a look of worry was slapped onto your face
“I’m joking,” he broke out into a smile, “i really like you back”
“I hate you!” you say, slapping his arm, “i really thought i looked fucking stupid doing that”
On the inside, you were jumping for joy, this was the jisung you knew, annoying and loud, but it was your fault for falling for the boy
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thefudge · 5 years
Who did you ship in GOT and who do you ship now? (If it's changed lol)
good ask! this got long-ish so i’ll include everything after the cut
my OG ships (this includes the books too)
petyr/sansa - absolutely still do and will forever ship this morally ambiguous duo, though i prefer the book version of it. possibly my fave asoiaf/got pair.
jaime/brienne - shipped from the start and nothing’s changed frankly
gendry/arya - see above
jaqen/arya - i will admit the show’s sexy accented jaqen h’ghar may have also played a part in this lol
jon/dany - weirdly, i used to ship this more before the show made them a thing. i used to love AUs where ned sends jon to essos and he becomes part of dany’s khalasar and they meet somehow. i also liked the “romance at a distance” thing where book readers could obviously tell their journeys were being paralleled but they hadn’t met yet, and you’d get poetic wuthering heights-esque scenes like dany hearing a wolf howling on the dothraki plain when jon died, like that always got meeee. the show, i feel, has kind of botched their potential, but i still ship’em, especially their book counterparts.
jon/val (books only) - i know in the books she’s basically a dany-stand-in symbolically (a wildling “princess” with blond hair, come on), but i loooove their dynamic, i love their quiet fondness for each other and i hope they have more scenes together
elia martell/arthur dayne (books only) - the loyal kingsguard and the future king’s wife? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. a part of me still hopes that GRRM will reveal that arthur secretly loved and pined after elia all his life and was furious on her behalf when rhaegar left her for lyanna. it’s CANON fight me.
arianne martell/arys oakheart (books only) - canon & doomed :(((( it’s the foolhardy kingsguard pining after forbidden princess trope again, but i can’t help it! they’re kind of an interesting subversion of the trope. arianne initially just plans to seduce him and use him, but arys falls for her hard and forgoes his vows for her and she realizes she may have feelings for him too and #imsad because it does not end well. but i live for the angssssst
hyle hunt/brienne (book only) - MAN. THESE TWO. ok so i may ship this almost as much as j/b and i can’t believe i’ve never talked about it.  I LOVE THIS PAIR. it’s exactly my kind of shit and it’s actually pretty similar to j/b. hyle hunt starts off as one of brienne’s bullies who even makes a bet about taking her maidenhead when she’s part of renly’s entourage. per the popular trope, ofc the idiot ends up playing himself. his “mock” wooing of brienne turns into actual wooing, cuz he catches feelings, but it’s played very subtle and brienne still thinks he’s just trying to fool her. by book 4 he’s following her around, trying to help her, he fights by her side and stays with her, trying to keep her safe, BEING SECRETLY IN LOVE WITH HER I MEAN THE DUMBASS LITERALLY ASKS FOR HER HAND IN MARRIAGE AND WHEN SHE SAYS NO HE PRETENDS HE ONLY DID IT BECAUSE SHE’S A HIGH-BORN LADY LIKE PUUUUHLEASE WE ALL KNOW YOU MEANT IT. and all the while you know it’s kind of doomed because brienne only has eyes for jaime, let’s be real. but i have a feeling that, in the event that jaime dies and brienne survives to the end of the series (which is very likely), she might end up with hyle who does honestly seem to love her and would make her happy. like maybe they’re setting him up as substitute (kind of like tormund/brienne on the show, i guess?) BUT ANYWAY. THESE TWO.
OG ships i don’t actively ship anymore but i am still fond of:
tywin/arya - i still totally think that arya stark would have paradoxically made a FANTASTIC lady lannister, but i ship it mainly in the show version where she’s aged up and they actually interact
sandor/arya - have a soft spot for an ambiguous, not quite romantic, not quite friendly bond between them (i mean i wrote fic too)
ned/cersei - i loved the idea of their arranged marriage, of ned having to step in and marry her after the sacking in king’s landing in order to appease tywin. there are some excellent fics based on this premise and i totally recommend because this dynamic is surprisingly rich.
ships that have snuck up on me over the years (mainly thx to fandom):
jon/sansa - really, the fandom has convinced me they could work and they make for an interesting dynamic, especially on the show where jon is sadly…not a very interesting guy but seems to have some edge when he interacts with sansa
jon/missandei - again, folks on tumblr made me realize how amazing this obscure pairing would be. they’re kind of perfect for each other when you think about it and i am writing oneshot
sansa/dany - that chemistry tho! the show is playing them off as adversaries and there is sufficient reason for sansa to be wary of the dragon queen, but i love AUs where they fall in love and the tension between them becomes something else *wink wink*
jaime/arya - fanfic & fandom have sold me on it, especially the show version. i’d add jaime/sansa here, though i think he’d have a bit more chemistry and push and pull with arya (it would be a different version of j/b if you think about it)
ramsay/sansa - gasp! but lemme explain. i always thought that if d&d really wanted to do the jeyne poole plot for theon’s sake and complete sansa’s training in the Vale, the best way to do this would’ve been to show her subtly manipulating ramsay in exactly the same way margaery manipulated joffrey in s3. imagine the parallels! i mean after s4 where we saw sansa walk down the stairs in that goth/sith dress i thought, okay! she’s gonna use her feminine wiles! we’re gonna see her in action! and then she just gets grossly traumatized for no conceivable reason except #shockvalue. imo, they could’ve shown ramsay’s brutality and also sansa’s abilities by having her play into his fantasies and try to skillfully win him over. gods i would’ve loved that shit. and at the end she could’ve still escaped with theon. ANYWAY maybe i’ll write fic
barbrey dustin/petyr baelish (books only) - some of the p/s shippers got me on this one. their backstories have an eerie echo. they both love and hate the starks, barbrey was supposed to marry brandon stark, petyr was almost killed by brandon and brandon also “stole” his love, catelyn. barbrey was jealous of catelyn and claimed brandon loved her (barbrey) and took her maidenhead. so you have two people who essentially wanted the same thing and were fucked over by the same arranged marriage. it’s so complex and cool and there are so many layers you can explore. she’s also scheming and crafty and has a wicked sense of humor, like can you imagine the interactions.
sansa/stannis - there are some AMAZING fics out there where this pairing actually makes a lot of sense, a la richard iii wanting to marry his niece, elizabeth of york. think for instance of him winning the battle of blackwater (as a parallel to the battle of bosworth between richard iii and henry vii) and stannis deciding to marry her to solidify his rule and to also bring the north into the fold. i also love fics where sansa is a little older and ned arranges the marriage between her and stannis. like i said, it’s the fic that rly brought me here
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E09 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 494 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 486 Responses
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Nearly adapted completely verbatim from the manga, overall the episode ranking was very positive this week, with no votes for it being awful. Seems each week keeps getting better and better!
All in all, brilliant episode. 10/10 would watch again, despite giant exploding guts.
It was great, especially what they did with Rod Reiss 120 meters Titan. I feel this was executed better than the manga. Hopefully, WIT Studio continues this way with season 3 and the next seasons of Attack on Titan.
Best episode of the season so far in my opinion! Was about to have a heart attack towards the end tho when I thought they flew over the flashback:(
In my opinion it was the best episode of the season. The animation rivaled levi vs kenny from the first two episodes
Amazing! My fav episode so far. Can't see anything bad this episode, except for that cliffhanger.... RIP Kenny
The animation was like Titan steam, cause it blew my away
Incredible devotion to detail. Best looking episode so far!
This season honestly just keeps getting better and better. The first few eps were a little shocking with the rearrangements and pacing changes, but now I'm back to being a WIT stan.
Easily one of the top 8 episodes of the entire series for me, so far.
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Overall the fandom was positively hyped hearing that new arrangements of Barricades in the background. Now we’re all just asking, “where is the damn ost!?”
I NEED THE OST IN MY POSSESSION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PLEASE OH MY GOD.   The Barricades remix was incredible?!?!?!?!!?!?
Really good music
the soundtracks were amazing man
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Overall, most voters were stoked to see Rod’s face reveal more than anything. Following closely after that is Historia declaring herself the ruler of the walls, Levi finding Kenny by the collapsed cave and the Survey Corps taking out Rod.
YAASSS! Historia just named herself queen! I loved that part!
One little niggling thing for me is that scene where Eren watches Mikasa lift barrels effortlessly. I liked how the focus on her strength was made obvious by showing a brief glimpse of episode 1 -the time Mikasa was NOT strong enough. It made my heart weep man.
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Eren accidentally inferring that Levi is a tiny, old man was voted most enjoyable scene of the episode, followed closely by Levi regrettably telling Kenny that he’s done for. Historia being firm about her stance with Erwin was another highly voted scene, along with Eren putting his game face back on.
I really liked Historia's characterization in this episode. It was nice to see her standing her ground in front of Erwin and the scene where she defeats her father was the episode's highlight for me.
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Overall, respondents were pretty stoked to see how a pure titan senses other humans.
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44% of respondents agree that the animation of Rod’s gruesome face was simply “awesome!” 25% were disgusted and 21% saw nothing but nightmare fuel. Ultimately we can all agree WIT really did a good job on this one!
It set my gag reflex off like crazy, that shit was so disgusting! IMAGINE THE SMELL.
Finally! Gruesome details like that are an important part of the SnK universe and shouldn't be left out.
I'm glad WIT finally had the guts to go all out with Rod's titan form. It was definitely needed.
As Zackly would say: beautiful
I love that kind of macabre things but holy cannoli, I flinched so hard after seeing it. BIG KUDOS to the guys who animated this, it was a disgusting perfection.
Awesome disgusting & horrifying
If I were one of the soldiers I would've just shit my pants right there
Horrifyingly awesome! Awesomely horrifying?! THERE WAS BOTH RECOIL AND DELIGHT.
Wow it was awesome! It was so good to see first his eyes and then how devastated his face was. He had holes for eyes and the blood was like tears which fits with what Ymir said about mindless titans - that is incredible suffering.
It was absolutely disgusting and everything I was hoping for! Amazing!
Seriously don't get why it has to be so gross
I loved Rod’s Titan. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
Oh cool! Oh god.
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While Isayama drew Levi’s wanted poster better in the eyes of the fandom, WIT won the vote for Erwin’s talented left-handed drawing of Rod. We all thought it was beautiful either way!
Erwin actually draws better than me AND I WENT TO DRAWING CLASS FFS
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Over half of respondents believe that Eren was visiting Hannes’ grave sometime between the events of Clash and Uprising arcs. 28% believe he was paying respects to a member of the original Levi Squad, while 25% believe it wasn’t anyone notable. Some write in answers had creative ideas:
A brat, I hope he's dead
His hopes and dreams
Can’t be Hannes or Squad Levi because they haven’t had time since the expedition for funerals. I think it’s Marco’s and the funeral was for the Battle of Trost.
I think it was an unnamed soldier's grave, but I was really hoping for it to be Hannes'
No idea, maybe a random soldier from Trost? When they're in titan territory how can they even stop to pick up what's left of bodies? I know they did after they escaped Annie but I never bought it much.
Mine, for this episode has killed me dead
Carla's empty grave.
Marco or some of his other comrades
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Half of respondents feel like Eren punching himself is a big and relatable mood (or perhaps, some of you relate to wanting to punch him?). 33% sometimes feel this way while 16% apparently never get this frustrated with themselves.
Didn't really like the Eren punching himself bit but he did kinda need it.
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44% of respondents have appreciated seeing the nostalgic look of Season 1 peppered in with the current animation. 27% think that it’s pretty surreal to see the differences put together, and 22% didn’t really care or notice either way.
It was great to remind us about times when everything seemed so simple...
All those flashbacks annoyed me to be honest.
I thought that they should have reanimated it at first, but then I realized it would require more work which takes too much time
It’s so cool to see how much the animation has improved
I miss season 1 character designs
Im crying, missing my thicc lines
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The majority of voters would be thrilled to bow down to Historia and accept her rule. 22% wouldn’t mind, while a smaller percentage would rather nope out of that situation.
Historia can rule me anytime, anywhere ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hisu could knock the shit out of me and I'd be thankful, honestly
Historia is bae
If anyone insults Historia i hope Rods titan guts fall on their head.
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41% of voters used this question to pay respects to Eren - who most definitely was shook by the realization that he used the words “tiny” and “old” in front of Levi. No respondents agree that Levi is old but everyone can agree that Levi is tiny.
Tiny old man is bestboi
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Over half of voters believed the added scene was a good way to show Eren getting back on his feet after his meltdown. 14% agree that it got them hyped up for what’s coming. 10%, however, believe that the moment canceled out his previous behavior and didn’t make a lot of sense.
I liked it and he looked great but it did seem out of nowhere that he got he confidence back so quickly.
Huh? That was added?
It was awesome. I liked that part as it showed Eren's natural self and weaker state. He was relatable.
It felt out of place? Like it came out of nowhere.
Objectively, it was a great step in his character development. I just don't care about him, that's all.
I felt like he didnt really have to gain confidence to do his part, it was very shounen-like but I guess its ok
I wish my crises of confidence were that short
It negated his previous (and/or future) behaviour imo but DAMN SON HE‘S HANDSOME. RIP IN PEPPERONI MY OVARIES.
It's a little bit of hope that'll be crushed in the next arc.
makes me wonder how they’ll change (if at all) his ‘i’m not special, just the son of a special man’ moment later on with keith
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43% of voters appreciated the added detail, while ⅓ of voters were excited to finally have this sensory detail shown to us! A small percentage were unimpressed.
I think it's not heat, but actual human sensory.
But surly that would attract them to animals and so heat sensory can't be the ENTIRE process of detecting humans.
I'm pretty sure titan vision was 'souls' seen with PATHS and not heat detection or else titan would eat animals, at least that's what I thought when watching that scene
That still doesn't answer how and why titans differentiate between humans and other living things.
I knew it, but one question. Why do they need eyes if they got a sixth sense? Is the 6th sense an insurance if their eyes failed them? The 6th sense could be the work of PATHs lol...nah most likely heat detection.
We don’t know if it was heat sensory, but it was good.
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Nearly half of respondents got what they expected overall, while about 40% had their expectations exceeded. Just under 10% of voters weren’t very impressed with the way it was adapted. Overall, the love for Historia is very real.
Game of thrones "Mhysa" soundtrack just kept playing in my head when she proclaimed herself as the queen to the citizens. It was REALLY well done, I loved every minute of her scenes
Underwhelmed is a strong word. I think the scene in the manga was stronger, but the anime was still pretty good. The battle was absolutely great, I just feel her final declaration carried a bit more panache in the manga.
It was very okay
Historia really rocked. She is the true badass of this arc.
I was expecting a little more intense music, but yeah, that was fine the way they did it though.
Not a fan of the moment in the Manga, it felt shoehorned imo. Masterful adaptation, however
This is on me because the scene was done great but I wasn't as hyped as I thought I'd be which upset me because I've been waiting to see this for years.
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The vast majority of the fandom are excited to see Reiner and Bertolt come back to the screen along with their warchief, Zeke!
Gimme that warriors next episode!
I can't wait for next episode to see my babies Reiner and Berutoto ;__; Miss them
I love Pieck and hope she shows up next wieck.
I want Zeke already
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The majority of voters were hyped to see Mikasa and Levi slicing up flesh. 23% were just happy for any parallels given some of the other things that were cut or minced up this season. A smaller percentage didn’t really care.
It amuses me how Ackermanns to Isayama are a different race of humans haha.
Ackerduo? More like Ackerdivas.
The Ackermans are such an eye-candy
Always a pleasure to see them in action 👌💯
imagine being that chill freefalling through the sky
as expected of Mikasa, don't care about Levi
I only care about Levi
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The vast majority of respondents were fooled for a few moments while watching the episode this week, worried that Levi and Kenny’s entire backstory got shoved into just a few moments. The preview eased our worries quickly enough though, thankfully! Many commenters weren’t fooled for a second, though:
I knew it was just a teaser for  next episode, not worried at all
Eh, I wasn't fooled by that, just a little confused. Nice addition to the scene though!
I wasn't ready for it to be in this episode! And yeah I began to panick like "they're not going to show us just that, right??" Still, I'm not ready to see the whole flashback thing next episode... 😭😭
I expected the flashbacks the next episode because of the episode titles.
I had a feeling that they were going to dedicate an episode or at least part of an episode to Kenny's flashbacks
I knew there was no way they'd do that, the thought never crossed my mind
I was more interested in seeing how they'd play out other important parts from them. They chose some great highlights to have people wondering what the deal with Kenny's past is while also making the transition into the full flashback feel less abrupt than in the manga, where I felt I had missed a chapter in between at first.
That thought never actually occurred to me. Pretty obvious that it was set-up for the next episode.
There's been too many heart-attack moments already. I've been reduced to a fandom grandma who sips her tea and says "Don't get your knickers in a twist, wait for it...
You guys had some pretty interesting responses! Most people agree the story would have been effectively over and Paradis wiped out. We can't publish all of the responses, but here were some which stood out (or made us laugh):
Drastically! The people of Paradis would have their minds wiped, except for Mikasa and Levi. Historia would become a slave to the First King's "hide behind the walls" ideology. The SC would be disbanded and Erwin executed. So the whole island would be doomed when Marley invade again, and take Historia with the Founding Titan power away.
Pieck kills everyone
All the walldians would have died since there would be no way for the Survey Corps to take the Founding Titan and Attack Titan back from Historia or Rod Reiss and when the marleyans would have inevitably attacked, the walldians would have been erased from the face of the earth. Perhaps by an atomic bomb.
Levi for main protagonist!
Historia would have been controlled by the will of the First King and mind-wiped everyone. But not all things are lost. Levi and Mikasa would still be there, having all of their memories intact. Kenny and his squad would also still be alive, but Kenny would still not have much to live for anymore. Mikasa and Historia would have had a huge confrontation, with Mikasa almost killing Historia for eating Eren, but in the end, she can't bring over herself to kill her because Eren is ""alive"" within Historia now. Mikasa's liege to Eren will be slowly turning into a desire to protect Historia at all cost.
Erwin will be alive / Kenny will be alive / Berth will be alive / Sasha will be alive / Marlow will be alive / Moblit will be alive / Hanji will have their left eye / Zackly will be down with his shit machine
That's actually a great idea. Knowing where the author decided to take the plot, it wouldn't have worked, of course, but I would've loved to see the rest of the 104th taking over the story after Eren's death.
No future manbun eren :(
Historia might have more controll over the ability, If she becomes queen then the scouts will lose their hope for humanity. Mikasa will most likely be.... A little upset... Overall this question is difficult to answer because it creates a Senario with multiple different senarios within it. For example will historia become queen or remain in the scouts? It's just too difficult because of the different potential timelines created from this alternate event.
Zeke upon landing on Paradis: Where's Ereh?
I have never thought about that tbh. I guess we'd have no story at all, since the cycle of Titan inheritance would have not been broken and life would go back to as it was before the "story" started. Though Maria knows what Isayama had prepared for us in the upcoming manga chapters
they wouldve sold his organs on the black market
Oh wow, I never really thought of that. If Rod ate him then the story would probably end then and there because of the memory wipe (but a rebellion led by the Ackermans?? The possibilities are endless!). If Historia ate him then *maybe* she wouldn't do the memory wipe. It's interesting to speculate. The fate of the Survey Corps would come into question and that would become the focus of the story.
yea im not gonna write an alternate fanfiction for you
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34% of voters are most looking forward to Levi and Kenny’s final heartbreaking exchange. 26% are excited to see Kenny’s backstory and his friendship with Uri unfold. 20% specifically are looking forward to Kenny and Uri’s first meeting. Where’s baby Levi!?
I'm not ready for Kenny's flashbacks next episode!! We're going to see small Levi and Kuchel and... I'm already crying 😭😭
I want the WHOLE backstory of Kenny taking care of Levi IMMEDIATELY!!!
Beautiful animation, but I hope the next ep fills me with feels. I feel incredibly lackluster about Historia and her characterization this arc.
I always wondered in the manga how titan Rod didn't splatter his intestines on the Walls even without a skin. Like, it felt all too much clean, so anime made sense and a bit of splatter never hurt nobody! But with that scene, why WIT censors things like Levi killing humans??? They quite contradict themselves lol
Storyboards were handled by the man who storyboarded End of Eva and the Rebuilds, huh? Certainly paid off. I don't think his input was limited to storyboarding either, while easy to miss the first time around, Rod's agonized scream as he dies after Historia sees his memories is pretty disturbing and haunting. Very good stuff.
I'm sure that a lot of people will write about the battle against the Rod's titan and about Historia, so I will skip it. I have really nothing to add here except the fact that I really loved how strong, brave and mature Historia was in this episode.
Historia taking down her father gave me so many feels! I can't wait to see her get crowned and then punch Levi, he had such a heartwarming smile!
Historia is sooo fucking badass. I love Eren so much God bless his soul.
Erwin looked fucking great this episode.
Something about the anime didn't quite hit the mark, particularly in regards to the scene of Eren noticing the 3 kids and Armin giving him the pep talk. It's practically panel for panel, but the feel was just different somehow.
This episode was perfect in every way, except for Rod Reiss' giant fucking stomach just squelching onto the wall- yech!!! For a series with man eating monsters as its premise, nothing has ever made me feel as horrifyingly disgusted as that scene did. *shudder*
Seeing the serum bowl in the episode gave me chills OH MY GOOOOD I'M NOT MENTALLY READY FOR WHAT IS COMING
Historia was so good in this ep and the animation for the rod reiss titan was KILLER. WIT outdid themselves with that adaptation
No additional thoughts but thanks for making this survey every week :p
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Tuesday! 
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entamewitchlulu · 6 years
Homura’s Flash Reviews [Spring 2018]
It’s the end of another animu season, so it’s time to give some flash reviews for the stuff I ended up finishing this season!
Under the cut for the length + all the gifs lol
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Comic Girls
After having storyboard after storyboard rejected, young aspiring manga artist Kaoruko moves to a dorm specifically for young mangaka, where she makes new friends, has fun adventures, and learns a lot about herself and her craft.
I liked this show way more than I expected to; it’s a very moeblob show and especially in the first couple of episodes there’s a lot of anime bullshit.  It IS a gag anime at the start and tends to default to a lot of the same tropes.  Despite this, I found it ridiculously hilarious, and I could relate to a lot of the #ArtistProblems and other things the girls dealt with regularly.  Not to mention, the characters were generally just really fun, cute personalities.  Despite some frustrations with some general character arcs feeling a bit stagnant, there were actually multiple places where I physically cried because despite the gag manga start, it gets pretty emotional later on regarding things like anxiety, artist’s block, and the feeling of stagnation, which was super relatable.  Also....Kaoruko is absolutely a tiny lesbian and I love my tiny lesbian daughter.  Actually I’m pretty sure they’re all lesbians, except for Rukki who is probably bisexual.
overall: 7/10
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Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card
Following the events of the original Cardcaptors, Sakura wakes up one morning to find that all of her Sakura Cards have turned clear.  Not only that, but there are more, strange new spirits appearing, and she’s been granted a brand new key from a dream.
Okay so....I have made mention of this one from a few other flash reviews since the first cour took place during last season.  And...my opinion has honestly worsened.  This was 22 episodes of obnoxiously boring fluff and little else. Don’t get me wrong: I love fluff. But I watch specific things for fluff. I don’t watch magical girl shows for 95% fluff, I watch them for sparkly, magical girl bullshit, cute costumes, fun magical experiences, and maybe just a little bit of worldbuilding.  Clear Card gave me next to nothing on all fronts.  When it wasn’t trying to be Cardcaptor Sakura: The Cooking Show, it was dragging its feet with 15 minutes of pointless chatter that did nothing to further characters or relationships, leaving them the exact same static characters they were in the original series.  Syaoran’s greatest draw was nearly completely erased once he became just a sedentary background love interest who did little. At least as a rival he pushed Sakura, but here, he just enabled the boring writing that did nothing to push the envelope.  The formula is nearly exactly the same as the last two series and the arc even mentions it.  Characters are unnecessarily cryptic, hiding things from each other, which only drags the story down.  The main plot is barely sprinkled in, magic stuff usually only happens for about 2 minutes towards the end of the mind-bogglingly slow fluff episodes, and the major plot??  Only appears for about five minutes in the final episode, addresses none of the questions we had and only reveals things we had already figured out fifteen episodes ago, gives no conclusion to any of it, and COMPLETELY ERASES THE ONLY CLIMATIC, STORY-FURTHERING SCENE BY USING TIME MAGIC.
And that’s...it, apparently.  I see no indication of a second season.  I assume the manga is still ongoing, but even if it is, this was an absolutely horrendous ending that did nothing to satisfyingly tie up ANY loose ends, further the world or the characters, or really do anything to add to the previous series.  Even the costumes were few and far between and the cards were almost all the same as the last set.  There was no creativity and nothing added here for the fans.  That brings me to my ultimate complaint: who was this show even for?! It can’t still be for kids, because new young fans of the original demographic’s age group would not have any clue what was happening with these characters, and it’s just lore-based enough to confuse any new viewers.  And it can’t be for the original fan group, who are all much older now and want something with just a little more substance. I’m not asking for a gritty cardcaptors show at all. Just something that respects us as adult viewers and gives us a little more to grab onto.  And that was way longer than any flash review has any right to be, so I will cut myself off there.
overall: 4/10
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Lostorage conflated WIXOSS
Though they believed it was finally over, former LRIG and Selector Kiyoi knows that the Selector battles will come again, and this time, they will destroy everything--and she is determined to bring the dark loop of suffering to a close once and for all by bringing together all of the greatest Selectors from every generation to take on the new threat.
Boasting the largest cast of any of the previous WIXOSS series and continuing both the story of Lostorage and the first two Selector series, this is absolutely the most ambitious take on the WIXOSS universe thus far: and it does fantastically with it.  There was not a single moment where I was bored; even during slower flashback and exposition parts, I was hooked.  This was one of the best ways to expand and complete the universe, as the ending here finally does feel like a decisive end to the anime franchise (though, so did the end of the Selector anime, so who knows lol).
As always, WIXOSS has some of the most fantastic character designs, relationships, dynamics, and animation among other anime, making it truly stand out.  The card game is more window dressing than actual substance, but that doesn’t matter, because the power of the relationships and the messages that this story is telling are far more powerful and attention grabbing.  The decision to make Kiyoi the protagonist of this series, while also bringing back previous protagonists Ruko and Suzuko, was an incredible decision and really made for a fantastic story.
overall: 9/10
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Golden Kamuy
After being discharged from the army after the Japanese-Russo war, Sugimoto is left with the dying wish of his comrade: to make enough money to support his fallen comrade’s wife and son and pay for their medical expenses.  He stumbles across an opportunity when an escaped convict tells him of a hidden trove of Ainu gold that can only be found by collecting the information tattooed onto the bodies of a group of escaped prisoners. With the help of an Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose tribe the gold was stolen from, Sugimoto takes on the mission to track down the prisoners and find the gold.
This show is absolutely fucking incredible.  I don’t think I can even give it proper words.  Like what a goddamn great season for anime this was??  Not only is the show clearly heavily researched, giving us insight into a part of Japanese history and Ainu culture that is rarely if ever discussed in Japanese culture, the story and characters are all so well done.  The animation can be wonky in places, but the expressions, the character banter, and god the soundtrack are all mind-blowingly good.  Unlike Clear Card, when this show decided it wanted to be a cooking show, I was completely on board, because I was learning something new about Ainu culture and also getting to see our heroes be adorkable and hilarious together.  The characters are absolutely where this show shines, and even though it’s a bit bloated at first, characters quickly become recognizeable and easily separated.  The relationship between Sugimoto and Asirpa, especially, is one of the most wholesome and fun friendships I’ve ever witnessed (I’m hoping, tho, that it stays platonic despite some jokes to the contrary lol).  This was only season 1, and season 2 will air in October, and you can bet I will be waiting at the edge of my seat for more of this incredible show.
overall: 9/10
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After a strange girl in a metal cocoon drops out of the sky and onto his head, yakuza Nitta finds himself the reluctant father of a needy young girl with psychic powers.  Shenanigans ensue around their strange new family and the dysfunctional adults and children that surround them.
This show was so much fucking better than it had any right to be; from the initial plot summary I was worried it was going to be awful, creepy-ish moe bullshit...but it was NOT.  This was a gag anime of the highest caliber.  The pacing was amazing, the characters were to a one endearing, the animation was BEAUTIFUL, and god...the punchlines...everything was so fucking funny the whole time.
You’ve got pretty much everything here: you’ve got the obnoxiously needy Hina, who is monotone in everything she does, you’ve got the Worst/Best Dad Nitta, you’ve got poor can’t-say-no-to-favors Hitomi, and the Most Pure and Wholesome Anzu.  There’s something to love in every character and every scene, and it’s ridiculous just how amazing this show is.  I can’t put it into words, please just watch it.  Where my other top shows of the season took awhile to grow on me, this one was hitting home runs from episode 1.  Do yourself a favor and watch it.
overall: 9/10
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Megalo Box
In a world where boxing is performed with powerful mechanical rigs known as Gear, a nameless boxer known only as Junk Dog is tired of being forced to throw fights in an illegal underground boxing ring to pad the pockets of his gambling organization.  When he crosses paths with the current champion of Megalo Box, he and his crew take a risky gamble to get him into the world’s first international Megalo Box competition so that he can fight the champion again, reinventing himself as Gearless Joe as he steps into the ring without any Gear.
This show took a while to really get onto my Awesome List, mostly because the aesthetic that it’s throwing back to was never really my thing in the first place.  I’m generally not a huge fan of the muted color palettes, the punkish music, or just the idea of boxing in general (a lack of significant female characters also always tends to put me off).  Despite this, however, the show ended up being stunning.  By halfway through, I was incredibly hooked on the high this show wanted me to ride, by the character arcs that were playing off each other, and I was even coming around to the music.  Boxing may not be my thing, but the character story that was told here was an incredible one, and definitely deserves its place among the Best Anime of 2018, which if it doesn’t win something come that time, I’ll be floored and disappointed with everyone.
overall: 9/10
Overall this was an incredibly strong season: I dropped a few things of course, but what I continued were almost all 9/10s.  I’m super pleased with the spring season and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s coming out for summer.
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sigurdjarlson · 6 years
Bored so have some headcanons about Ladelia who tends to get less attention from me and it’s a shame
Ladelia is terrified of spiders but the two spiders Diily has as pets (very, very large spiders) absolutely adore her and it scares the shit out of her, especially cuz one likes to crawl into her bed at night
She favors fire then arcane and Frost is her weakest spec
Her crush on Jaina is still alive and well and it will only get worse I’m sure when she sees her again
She snorts when she laughs really hard
She displayed magical talent from a very young age it was chaos until her father taught her how to control it
Allueneth (her father) had no interest in using his own magic...until Ladelia was born and he realized she would have to be able to control it and then she wanted to learn more and he sucked it up for her and taught her what he could
Ladelia was very shy and skittish as a child now she’s far more confident and outgoing I mean I would be too if I could incinerate people with a mere flick of my hand
She’s much more outwardly emotional than her sisters who both internalize their emotions
She’s a lesbian while her sisters are both bi
She’s never had a girlfriend or had her first kiss Yes that means she’s a virgin
Neither Diily or Alaluria are virgins
She gets a crush on ladies she meets very easily but her biggest crush so far is Jaina
I guess this family has a thing for silver haired mages with issues
Jaina has no clue and probably won’t ever find out
She’s more outwardly peppy and bubbly then her sisters and absolutely would be the one to burst into song on a long trip (im for some reason thinking of koda from brother bear “tell everybody I’m on my wayyy”)
Loves to prank and mess with both her sisters but especially Alaluria because she gets so pissed
Can talk a mile a minute and gets super excited
Loves Khadgar like a big bro
Also loves illidan like a big bro much to Diily’s dismay and Alaluria’s delight, Ladelia just figures Alaluria loves him so she should too even if he’s..unpleasant
Prone to pouting when mad or angry crying
Will shamelessly run to her sisters for protection if she’s outmatched I mean hey she would rather swallow her pride than die lmao fuck that
Her mount Morningflower is Brighthearts cub just like Shadowclaw and Wildheart are. But from different litters (fitting for the three sisters to have well, three sabers that are sisters too)
Endless thirst for learning and loves pestering Khadgar about stuff which is fair because he can learn from her too, she has been alive a lot longer than he has
Inexplicably does not like Kalec but no one knows why except her sisters
Goofball and it turns her sisters into goofballs too, even Alaluria
Happy exterior hides deep rooted trauma and inferiority complex
Doesn’t remember much of the day her parents died, Diily privately thinks it’s a reaction to trauma, she was so young and just couldn’t handle it,
Diily and Alaluria however remember everything. Diily being the oldest remembers everything the most vividly
Loves battle, and makes a show of it, she loves to impress
Her and Alaluria have their mother’s hair color (blue) while Diily has her father’s (purple)
She’s a bit naive, she’s the night elf equivalent to a human in their early 20’s, by night elf standards she’s actually quite young
Loves to eat and can eat..a lot. She’s also chubby even though her in game model can’t show that /grumble
Is actually a very good cook but just conjures food is in need of a quick snack.
Loves Pandaria, good food, peaceful folk, lots of alcohol, beautiful land..what’s not to love?
Probably the one with the strongest faith out of the three, Diily being second and Alaluria third
Was an absolute wreck when Khadgar killed Diily making the legendary ring, honestly Khadgar doesn’t know how close to being incinerated he was asldkfkff
Being granted the title Archmage is something she holds very close to her heart and feels extremely proud about
Was deeply troubled by withered, she never wants to end up so addicted to magic like that..or like other magic addicted elves
Very ambitious and has to be brought back down to earth I mean Azeroth sometimes
Beserk button is hurting Diily or Alaluria, I think it’s safe to assume hurting the others is the biggest beserk button for all three
She’s deeply empathetic, feels deeply and it shows, she wears her heart on her sleeve
Very good with kids and wants them in the future, she’d love to adopt. She visits the Stormwind orphanage when they go there sometimes and gives them treats and hangs out (she’s an orphan too after all)
She’d adopt a child of any race including horde races
Despite being quite needy with her sisters she’s actually not the jealous one, it’s Alaluria who doesn’t like sharing her sisters with anyone. Ladelia is more apt to just be like !!! Have fun!!! Love u!!!
if they’re on the road (they usually are) she’ll always sleep right beside Diily where she feels safest, however! She feels safest when Alaluria is on her other side too (putting her in the middle) and Brightheart, Wildheart, Shadowclaw and Morningflower are curled up with them
Absolutely saved their lives in their childhood a lot without knowing because she was able to start a fire with magic when Diily or Alaluria couldn’t get one going manually (for warmth, boiling water, cooking food, etc)
V Cuddly and physically affectionate.
Diily had to tackle her out of the way of harm once on the first attack on the Broken shore because she was too busy staring at Jaina in awe (reminds me of that one text post lmao “get up you useless lesbian!!”)
Can communicate with both her sisters without saying a word not through telepathy or anything like that..they just know each other that well, have their own signals, etc
Wants to be an aunt so badly and knows Alaluria is never gonna have kids so it’s lol on Diily! (She’d never actually pressure her she’s just playing if she says shit like that and Diily knows it. she still would love to be an aunt tho and she’d be an amazing one)
Joked about Illidan and Alaluria having kids and while Alaluria tried to beat her ass (playful sibling fighting not actually to hurt her) Diily just sat there looking like her soul was leaving her body because of the mere thought of Alaluria having illidan’s child
Apologized to illidan for killing him that one time and he was just like “..uh...okay”
Made Hrolf lose his shit laughing mid battle with gul’dan because she called out “Gul’daddy is coming your way, big guy”
The first thing Diily did then is glance at Khadgar very quickly and he looked like he was about to have a stroke (how dare u make him hear that)
She likes to joke around obviously. It keeps everyone’s spirits high. She can be serious if need be though.
Diily, Alaluria and Ladelia banter while in battle constantly. It’s just what they do. Sometimes you just gotta roast your sister real quick even while fighting...or just make some bad jokes. “wow Ladelia you’re on fire tonight” “shut the fuck up, Diily”
Both her and Diily have picked up cursing in common after so many years fighting by humans and other races (example 1 above) Alaluria is picking it up now too from them and is quite...ah creative with it
Inside jokes galore with the three of them and it’s probably annoying to everyone else around them lmao
Ladelia takes the most pride and enjoyment in making her armor sets awesome (transmogging and shit) it’s fashion bitch
Would be the 1st person to quote a meme
Is super jealous that Khadgar and Medivh can turn into a bird and she can’t
She does love her violet magic bird mount she got from the Kirin Tor after defeating Argus the Unmaker though :’)
Had an absolute blast in Karazhan..both times around!
Leaned over to Diily and whispered “they fucked” when Medivh and Khadgar were talking and Diily was just like “Well obviously”
If she wasn’t gay she’d probably be into Med honestly but she’s gay af so she just thinks he’s neat (*insert potato meme here but Medivh is the potato*) she likes his style.
Has trouble being quiet when she needs to be because she talks so much and gets excited and must comment.
The commentary from the whole group of my ally ocs during events in game honestly could be a fic in itself. They’re idiots and I love them
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