#tho i have been given the “i want my hair super short like this!!” and then they give me like a bob cut that i didnt ask for and that-
toaster-selfships · 3 months
Gonna treat myself to some yummy peanut M&Ms today when I get home from work<3
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lyntergalactic · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
i was tagged by the ever lovely @oakashandwillow
1. How many works do you have on AO3? uh... are we counting works i've orphaned over the years? if not, 16 over two accounts.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 41,118
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently, it's all star wars all the time, though there's probably going to be a one piece fic out of me soon. other fandoms i've written for include dragon age, naruto, and stranger things.
the rest of the ?s are under a cut to save space!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(i promise you that) we're marching on | naruto fic, sakura-centric gen
the long and short of it | witcher fic, geralt/eskel, bonus fiberarts
the unexpected series | stranger things fic, steddie, rule 63!steve with surprise baby
quid pro quo | star wars: the clone wars fic, rex/echo, smut
the will to carry on | stranger things fic, abandoned wip, rule 63!steve
5. Do you respond to comments? i try to! i don't always have the spoons for it tho
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? surprisingly, it's not the fic that's all about grief and recovery. it's a star wars drabble, changing of the guard.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? the joke answer is quid pro quo. (because it's smut.) but most of my endings tend to be content or hopeful if not happy, so this is hard to quantify for me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not as of yet, but given i write cloneshipping i'm honestly just bracing for it to happen at some point
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? indeed i do. i currently only have one smut thing uploaded, so idk if i can say anything for certain about trends, but given my wips... emotional sex and smut as character studies seem to be my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? nope. not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? nope! thankfully, i've heard horror stories
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i think one that no longer exists was once translated. (i had a sad habit of deleting or orphaning things i was less than pleased with when i was younger. i know better now.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? ahaha yes but none of it i'm going to mention by name. all my co-written fic happened in middle school with IRL friends.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? i'm a filthy multishipper this question is like asking me which of my hairs i like best
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? oh man. definitely the will to carry on and the couple of stranger things wips in my wip file. not that i don't love the stories anymore, but certain parts of the fandom annoyed me right out of any inspiration or desire to touch anything related to said fandom with a twelve foot pole.
16. What are your writing strengths? i like to think i'm good with characterization and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? writing anything longer than 3k words max lmao though that has been improving lately and i have high hopes for the sev fic getting finished
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? there... there is a whole can of worms here that this question opens for me and i don't think anyone wants my ramble about dialogue, other languages, conlangs, dialects, and the effects of having been in anime fandom for so long so. this is not getting answered other than with a shrug
(unless someone wants the ramble in which case i will happily oblige)
19. First fandom you wrote for? teen titans cartoon when i was a wee thing. it was a self-insert fic that was less than a page in ms word, single spaced :')
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? this is such a cop-out answer but i genuinely don't think i can pick a favorite. maybe ordinal, just because i'm still super proud of having finished it and what i did with the characterization at missing scenes? but augh i want to put more here too
i'm tagging @bisexualdinahlance, @bilbosmom-belladonna, @cacodaemonia, aaaaand @cabezadeperro but no pressure if you're not game :> and if anyone wants to do it but isn't tagged /points to eyes /points to u
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What happened to Hanzo’s mom? What was she like?
thank you so much for asking!!!!!
I go back and forth on it, but rn My hc is
Her name was Eiko and she was a blacksmith with the Shirai Ryu as well as a very skilled warrior. Even after she and Kaede left the clan to raise their family (and due to some ideological differences between Kaede and the grandmaster) she would run missions for them when needed.
The missions were never anything super dangerous, mostly reconnaissance and sabotage bc she had people she wanted to get back to, but she used to be very good at assassinations
She died while on what should have been a very routine mission when Hanzo was 12 and his younger siblings, twins Hana and Ryuji, were 5, and Kade never forgave the clan for asking her to go
Eiko was a very blunt woman, she said what she meant and meant what she said and didn't see much of an issue with that philosophy. Occasionally her words came off rather harsh but she didn't see much issue with that either
She was a master of the rope dart, which Hanzo learned to honor her
Could not cook to save her life, not even slightly.
She told the best stories tho, to the point where the other kids in town would bother her at work to get her to tell them stories. It got Hanzo a lot of street cred amongst his peers bc she was his mom and she was Cool
despite her bluntness, she was fundamentally kind. If you needed help, she would give it, end of. She wasn't always nice, but she was kind.
Hanzo was a mama's boy, he thought she was the coolest thing ever and wanted to be just like her when he grew up, even training to be a blacksmith
Eiko had her hair cut short to make it easier to manage in the forge, only long enough to tie it back into a ponytail
she also loved the colour green, it was her favorite and all her clothes had green in them.
Despite the fact that Kaede never really wanted to connect with his Ainu heritage, or pass it on to their kids, Eiko learned what she could from an ainu woman they lived near and made sure to pass those traditions on to Hanzo as well as she could. The woman, Chika, also babysat Hanzo and his siblings and passed lessons down that way
The biggest fight Eiko and Kaede ever had was over whether or not to give Hana Shinue (traditional Ainu tattoos) and Eiko only relented because they didn't know anyone who could actually do them
As per her wishes and Shirai Ryu custom, Eiko was cremated upon her death and her ashes were given to her husband and children
When he left, the urn with his mother's ashes and a few clothes were all Hanzo took with him, and he refuses to regret it even if he feels a bit guilty over taking her from them. In his mind, they got to keep her clothes and jewelry and pictures and the home she had lived in, so it was only fair that he got to keep this
Hanzo's rope dart was also made by her hand, she had forged it for herself but left it with the Shirai Ryu when she and Kaede left, with it being gifted to Hanzo by the grandmaster as a welcome present
lemme know if y'all wanna hear more about Hanzo's family
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marquez-junky8920 · 2 years
Hi! Hope you are doing well!
Could you write a Smut story with Fabio where the reader has been harassed/sexually assaulted by her ex boyfriend the entirety of their short relationship and so he (and the reader) has to gain a certain trust ? I think these prompts would fit perfectly :
"Just let yourself go."
"Don't be afraid. It's me."
I totally understand if you’re not confortable doing it tho. thanks ❤️
Author's Note: I love writing stories like this where the guy is super caring and a fic that requires some introduction before it gets into the actual story. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! ❤️❤️
Fear Overcome
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It has been about 7 or 8 months since you and Fabio started dating. Totally by chance, you ran into him at a fashion show in Nice and you two instantly had chemistry that was undeniable to anyone who saw you out in public together. Fabio has showed you nothing but unconditional love and kindness. Even when he was mad at you, he had a cool enough personality that he would talk through it with you or tell you that he needed to take a break if things got too heated.
Fabio knew about your past relationship and how you were treated. He knew about the bruises, the scars (mental and physical), the trauma, and the stress that you went through in that relationship. It had come out in the worst way possible, but he was so incredibly respectful after you told him. You had been over at his house for dinner one night about 2 months into dating him, and while watching a movie, you both got a bit carried away on the making out. Fabio's hand came up to the side of your neck to rest there and he panicked when you pulled away and looked frightened. He thought he did something terribly wrong, but he put that aside and dug deeper into why you reacted that way. That led to you spilling your deepest insecurities to him about certain triggers you had, how you'd been treated, and how certain movements gave you flashbacks. Fabio held you the entire time you talked and cried, brushing his hand through your hair soothingly when you sobbed on occasion. From that moment forward, Fabio became incredibly conscious of things that made you react in a bad way. He took those bad reactions and showed you that your trauma does not define you. He showed you that he would never hurt you or do something to put you in harms way. You felt safe with him and that was a feeling that you happily welcomed.
Today was special - your birthday. Fabio knew that you didn't like huge celebrations because you didn't like being the center of attention, so he planned a small dinner with both of your families at home. The dinner was amazing, the company couldn't have been better, and the happiness you felt was indescribable. Genuine happiness.
Everyone had just left for the night, thanking you for the food and the wine. Some left a bit more drunk than others, but it made for hilarious dinner conversation. Fabio helped you clear the table and put all of the leftover food away, occasionally kissing you as you walked by him. You were currently in the kitchen doing dishes when you felt his hands wrap around your waist from behind. You flinched slightly.
'What? Are you hurt?' Fabio asked, raw concern lacing his voice as his hands left your waist.
'No. No I'm not hurt. It's just...'
'Just what, my love? It's okay. You're safe with me.' He reassured, leaning against the counter next to you and listening intently to whatever you had to say.
'You know how I've told you about my ex and what he used to do to me?'
'Mhmmm.' He nodded.
'Well, there's another part that I haven't quite told you yet.'
'Well, if you're not comfortable telling me, then you can wait. I won't push you. But I will say that whatever it is, I can help you overcome it if you talk to me about it.' He said softly, treading very carefully given how quickly you could close up about these conversations.
'No, I... I want to tell you, it may just take me a minute. And I may cry, so you can't judge me.' You gave him doe eyes and laughed lightly, his toothy smile showing and making your heart feel like it was going to flutter out of your chest.
'I will wipe your snot for you, I promise.' He chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and kissing your cheek.
So you told him. You told him everything, leaving nothing out about how your ex used to use sex to get what he wanted with you. He used to surprise you like Fabio just did with his hands on your waist and drag you to the bedroom unwillingly, throw you on the bed and then proceed to do things that still haunt your dreams at night. It still shakes you to your core at the worst moments, like this one that just happened.
'I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. It follows me around and haunts me to this day. I don't know how to stop it and it scares me because I don't want you to think that I don't love you. I can't handle the thought of not having you by me when you've help me through so much and I-...'
'Hey hey, take a breath.' Fabio said, taking your hands out from under the water of the sink faucet and drying them for you. He laced your fingers together and looked at you, inhaling while you followed his lead. Exhaling as you did the same.
'I will never leave you for things that happened to you that were beyond your control. But what I will do is walk you through whatever darkness surrounds you. I will be your light and I will be your safety. I don't care what comes at us or you, I will always be there to protect you. Always.' His voice was so incredibly soft and soothing. It seemed to weave its way into your soul and your heart to mend whatever was broken.
'Second of all, you love me?' He sounded a bit bewildered and watched the shock wash over your face.
'You don't have to say it back. I just... I-it slipped out and you don't have to feel pressure to sa-'
Soft lips stopped your rambling and melted away all of your racing thoughts. His hands cupped your face ever so gently as your lips seemed to move as one. Your hands rested on his wrists and squeezed gently when his tongue asked for entrance. You slowly granted it to him and you thanked god that Fabio was the type of man that when given an inch, he ran a mile with it. His tongue caressed yours, each brush breaking down the walls you'd built up for physical touch over the years. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes and saw him wearing the most beautiful blissful smile you'd ever seen.
'I love you too.' He breathed. He kissed your forehead before pulling away and watching the tears well up in your eyes.
'Why are you crying, love?' His voice was laced with that concern again. Concern for you and your wellbeing. Concern for your safety. God. He really did love you.
'This is the first time that I've never questioned when someone tells me they love me. I'm not asking myself questions of whether or not you love me because I feel it.' Fabio felt his heart break a little at the vulnerability in your truth. How terrible it must have been for you to live years without truly knowing if someone loved you or not. Your lip quivered as you talked, but it felt good to voice all of the thoughts that ran through your mind without fear of being judged or criticized.
'You don't have to ask yourself that question anymore because I love you with everything I am and everything I have. I'd lay my life down on it.' He whispered tenderly, running his thumb on your cheek to wipe away a stray tear.
'You loooooove me.' He teased, watching a smile finally grace your beautiful face. Your eyes glanced over his face for a brief moment before you put your arms up over his shoulders and kissed him again. You put every emotion, every feeling, and every bit of your love for him in this kiss. You were terrified that he wouldn't reciprocate but you did it anyway. Some part of your gut told you that you'd always be safe with him and that feeling took over as you brought your hands down to lift his shirt slightly. You ran your hands up his back and relished in the goosebumps that rose against his skin. He pulled away and tried with everything in him to not pick you up and put you on the counter. He knew he had to approach this very carefully.
'Baby, we need to stop because I don't want to do something that you're not ready for. Please.' He said, his hands still around your waist while he rested his forehead against yours. A small silence fell between you two before you finally used your voice that you'd only had the confidence to use recently.
'Fabio, I'm ready. I want to take this step with you.'
'Are you sure?' His eyes were scanning your face over and over again looking for any sign of hesitation or fear in your features. He only found confidence, fearlessness, and a fire burning in your eyes that he'd never seen before. He'd never been more attracted to you than in this moment with that fire and that vulnerability in your eyes. He realized that at this point, you were giving him your entire heart on a silver platter. And you were silently begging him not to destroy it.
'I'm sure. I promise.' You whispered.
He picked you up to carry you to the bedroom and you felt your panic slowly rise. You kissed him again to smother than panic with the man that was your safety, your light, and your protector. You had to give him credit, he found his way blindly to the bedroom while you kissed him. He gently placed you on the bed and exchanged some of the most passionate kisses you've ever felt in your life. His hands lifted your shirt just enough for his fingers to touch the skin of your stomach and he felt your body tense beneath him, a nervous breath sucking into your lungs.
'Don't be afraid. It's me.' He reassured in your ear, rubbing his thumb along your hips. As much as your heart was racing, you slowly began to calm yourself as his thumbs soothed along your skin. You had goosebumps rising on your skin just from that and only that.
'Tell me where he hurt you.' Fabio's voice cracked lightly, still having trouble grasping the thought that someone would hurt a treasure like you. He let you collect your thoughts through the silence and let you take all the time you needed. He knew this was a massive leap for you and he wanted to nourish the confidence that you had to decide to make that step.
'H-he would... He would bite me. Hard enough to draw blood.' You said softly.
'My stomach. M-my neck and my chest.'
'If I do something that you don't like, squeeze my hand, okay? I will not be mad if you want me to stop. I love you.' He trailed off into a whisper and laced your fingers with his as you nodded. His lips trailed down to your neck, kissing each spot that you told him was abused. He tongued lightly right below your ear, a small grunt leaving his lips when you arched your back into him. Keeping your fingers laced with his, he went down to where your shirt was raised and kissed the skin of your stomach. He slowly pushed the shirt up to right below your breasts and his heart broke at what he saw. There was a scarred mouth print on your stomach from where your ex had bitten you. You needed stitches for that one and the scar never left you.
Fabio's lips kissed that scar gentler than you could've ever imagined. It felt like he was wiping away every bad memory you'd ever had of this experience and your nerves slowly began to dissipate minute by minute.
'You are so fucking beautiful. So stunning.' His tongue drug its way from your navel up to where the shirt was resting just below your chest. He didn't miss the way your back arched again and your hips rubbed against him in the best way possible. His soft lips continued up, slowly pushing your shirt up to reveal your breasts to him, his tongue darting out every now and then to test your reactions. Your fingers remained lax in his hold, so he continued with the same pace.
With your body being so responsive, it was no shock to him that your nipples were already hard, goosebumps rising all along your body now. There was no way to hide your lust from him now.
'Doing okay?' He mumbled, kissing around the skin of your right breast. You nodded your head but quickly realized he couldn't see you.
'Yes.' A blissful sigh fell from your lips as you felt his lips wrap around your taut nipple to flick his tongue on the hardened bud. Your free hand came to rest at the back of his head, reassuring him that you were okay. For the first time ever, you truly meant it. You clocked in to your emotions for a second and realized that there was no panicked heartbeat, there were no tears, there was no doubt, and there was no trace of fear when you were with Fabio. At the same time you felt scared with how safe you felt with him, it was a type of scared that you ran to and craved. That was the first fear that you've ever chased instead of run from. In just 8 months, you'd come farther than you'd ever dreamed. And it was all from the help of this man in front of you.
Getting a bit bold, you released his fingers and he immediately pulled away from your chest, ready ask you if you wanted to stop. He couldn't help the small amount of shock he felt when he watched you take your shirt off completely and lay back on the bed, hair sprawled against the pillow beneath you.
'God I fucking love you.' He said before crashing his lips against yours. Your legs opened with a mind of their own as he nestled comfortably between them. His arms caged your head between them and he decided to test the waters a little bit. His hand very carefully came to rest at the side of your neck and he felt a lump in his throat when you didn't flinch. In fact, you craned your neck more to show him that you were comfortable with that. His thumb brushed lightly against the column of your throat and you began to relish in the warmth of his hand resting on your neck.
The pace was slow enough that you felt yourself getting slightly impatient and you almost giggled at the feeling. It made you feel free and alive. Like there was a spark in your veins that had forever been there, but needed the right person to bring it to life.
You pulled away from the kiss but not without taking Fabio's lip between your teeth and watching his brows furrow at the sensation.
'You're making this so hard.' He groaned, resting his head on your chest and taking a moment to reign in his instincts.
'I can feel it.' You rubbed your hips on him again and giggled when his hips mimicked your actions. 'I'm ready.' You whispered when he brought his face up to meet yours again. He leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom from the drawer, sliding it over his leaking cock after he pulled down his shorts and kicked them off. Once the condom was on, he played with the waistband of your shorts before slowly sliding them down your stunning legs.
'Are you okay?' He asked once your shorts were on the floor beside the bed. You took a deep breath and nodded. He hovered back over you and kissed your lips once.
'I love you. I've got you, okay? If anything hurts, squeeze my hand.' He laced his fingers with yours again and you nodded. You watched him lick his fingers before rubbing at your clit in small, precise circles that almost drove you up the wall. Your hips jerked when you felt his tip at your entrance but you willed yourself to relax and fall into the feeling. He slowly pushed himself into you while rubbing your clit, watching your face contort in pleasure as you finally realized that sex is supposed to be filled with pleasure, not fear.
'Oh god...' You whined when he bottomed out inside of you and stayed there for a moment. He kissed you and swallowed all of your little moans. You let go of his fingers again and held his face in your hands, watching his mouth open in a silent moan as his hips pulled back and pushed forward again.
'You feel so good. Like you were made for me.' He whispered, his voice like honey that only further added to the wetness between your legs. You'd never been praised like this before or worshipped like this before. It made you red in the face but you were coming to love the feeling around Fabio.
'I like that.' You whimpered.
'Like what?'
'When you talk to me like that.'
'Yeah?' He smirked, his hips now finding a fluid motion that made your back arch into his chest. 'I love everything about you. I love kissing you, I love hearing your voice, I love your eyes, and I really... Really love fucking you.' He groaned, nipping very lightly at your earlobe when he felt you clench around him.
'Faster. Please.' You whispered, gasping when he responded so quickly. Your nails raked down his back as he mouthed at your neck gently, but he made sure to make it sloppy. His tongue on your neck was enough to have you moaning louder than ever before and he loved the reactions he was getting from you.
'Do you want to try doggy?' He asked tenderly. You nodded, so he pulled out and waited for you to get into position. You tensed up again when you couldn't see what he was going to do, so he ran his hands up your back and around to your front to squeeze your breasts two times while making a honking noise. You busted out laughing and immediately all of the tension left your body. He was always a master at making you laugh at times when you were tense or stressed.
'It's okay, my love. It's just me.' He kissed in between your shoulder blades.
'Please don't pull my hair.'
'I won't. I promise.' He whispered, slowly pushing himself back inside you and groaning loudly at the new position. You felt him deeper than ever before and it was a foreign but highly welcomed feeling.
'You're so deep, oh fuck!' You whined, letting your front collapse into the mattress which only made the sensation more powerful. His hands gripped at your hips to hold them up while he thrusted into you, falling so easily into the rhythm that he found before.
'I love your pussy, oh my god... So wet and just for me.' He leaned over you to whisper in your ear, his accent probably one of the hottest things you'd ever heard. You felt the tension in your belly grow quicker and quicker with each thrust and each word he spoke.
'I'm so close Fabio. Please, please make me cum.' You begged, feeling his thrust get more and more precise. His arm came to wrap around you and hoist your front up to him, your back now against his chest with his mouth at your ear. You knew he was going to use that to his advantage and you were more than happy to let him. His arm stayed wrapped around your front, one hand gripping your breast while the other one snaked down to rub at your clit. He didn't even have to lick his fingers because of how wet you were.
'Let me see you cum, my love. Let me feel it.' He breathed in your ear, grunting again when you clenched around him while you head was thrown back against his shoulder. Your thighs began to shake uncontrollably as his fingers were relentless against your clit. Not too hard and not too fast, but just enough to make you want to pull your hair out of your own head.
'Oh my god... Oh god, oh god.' You chanted. Your body suddenly seemed to build up a block that made that fire go away just enough that your release started to fade. You groaned in frustration but Fabio was not giving up. He mouthed at your neck for a moment before he tried something that put your body back into motion. He took your clit between his index and middle fingers and pinched it lightly, chuckling to himself when your entire body jolted in his hold. He mixed that with toying with your nipples and just like that, that fire was returning quicker and hotter than before.
'C'mon babygirl. I got you. Just let yourself go. Cum for me.' He whispered, nipping at your shoulder lightly as he felt your back arch, thighs shake, and your hands claw at his hand between your legs. He would've pulled it away had it not been for your hips pushing back against him and begging him for more. He knew that your body was fighting itself, but he had to admit that it was one of the hottest things he'd ever seen. Watching you reach ecstasy like that made him feel like he had a front row seat to your private show. He knew that not many people had seen this vulnerable and bare side to you and he thanked god that you let him in and allowed him to see that. He knew what insecurities you had, what thoughts you had at any given time, but he also knew how strong and fearless you were and still could be. You were the most amazing person he'd ever met and the most fulfilling woman he'd ever been with. With all of those thoughts racing in his head, he groaned into your neck as he released himself into the condom, still thrusting lightly until he was done. He held you in that position for a moment, your head leaned back on his shoulder while his was hiding in your neck as you both came down from incredibly intense and emotional orgasms. His fingers turned your chin towards him so that he could kiss you lazily, his tongue still showing that he had more energy.
'Are you okay?' He asked, pulling out of you and rubbing his hands along your hips.
'Yes actually. I'm more than okay. I am great.' You smiled lazily and Fabio noticed that the smile reached your eyes. That's how he truly knew when you were happy and content - when your smile reached your eyes.
'I love you so much.' He whispered tenderly, his voice once again coming in to caress every one of your senses. You brought your hand up to rest against his cheek.
'I love you too Fabio.'
'Wanna take a shower with me?' He asked, tying the condom off and throwing it in the trash.
'Sure but I get all the warm water.' You sassed. He squinted his eyes at you and you knew what was about to happen.
'No!' You shouted, making a run for the bathroom to race him to the shower. You were just a bit faster and reached the shower first, laughing and squealing when he tickled your sides.
'That's okay. You have the warm water. I'll need the cold water anyway to cool myself down.' He admitted just as you felt him hardening against your backside again. You chuckled before turning on the shower. As you washed your hair, you thought maybe you wouldn't mind having a second round with him. So you turned around and put your arms over his shoulders again, smiling up at him.
'What's that smile for?' He asked, pecking your lips.
'Mm... Nothing. I was just thinking that maybe a second round wouldn't be so terrible. And since you're ready...'
'Are you sure? I don't want to push you.'
'Fabio, I'm positive. Please just fuck me again.' You lilted, squealing when he picked you up and held you against the wall.
Fabio loved the bad times with you just as much as he loved the good times. And when the good times arrived, they were damn good. Especially when it involved letting the water run cold in the shower while you went two more rounds with him. He felt like he unlocked a whole new side of your relationship together and he would thank god for the rest of his life that you chose him to be the person to share it with. That you chose him to be your person.
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ahleezeruinavt · 5 months
So me and my friends, even after finishing BG3 forever ago, we still make headcanons about our characters. So I am doing my duty to share with you some of the best ones we've made. Quick Guide too while we're here: - Ahleeze (High Elf, Bard, was a noble but got kicked out for trying to lead a rebellion, relationship with Astarion) - Azrael (Half-Elf, Paladin of Torm, super tall, relationship with Shadowheart) - Alphaeus (Tiefling, Warlock of who knows what, but we're convinced he has multiple patrons atp, mysterious past, no one knows his age, relationship with Karlach) Now onto the headcanons.
Ahleeze can't actually read or write common very well, if at all. She only knows Elvish. She can speak common though
Azrael, after losing her arm and getting a prosthetic, uses it as an extension of lay on hands. She does this by casting "lay on hands" and then promptly chucking her arm at people.
While no one in the party actually knows how old Alphaeus is, they like to play guessing games with it. All they know is he uses really old phrases for stuff, and always seems to keep butterscotch on him.
After the respective romance scene for Act 1, everyone sort of awkwardly passed by each other in camp and just kind of go "where have you guys been"? Azrael's hair is an ABSOLUTE mess, with Shadowheart sort of guiding her back to her tent. Alphaeus seems to have a few burn marks on him, while Karlach smells a little bit like burnt flesh. Finally, Ahleeze is stumbling, absolutely slurred speech, whith blood on her neck while Astarion is very happily walking behind her.
Azrael is probably the scariest paladin anyone has ever seen, only because of her giant sword that is lit up with holy fire at any given time (it's the sword you can get at the start of the game if you kill the demon in the ship)
Everyone has a code for having sex. Azrael and Shadowheart is "swimming lessons" (kinda like the "lets go run lines" from the scott pilgrim anime). Ahleeze and Astarion is "grabbing dinner". We like to think Alphaeus and Karlach don't have a code tho and just flat out say they're going to have sex and to not disturb them. Though they always have to stop by the store for fire resistance potions.
Ahleeze and Azrael actually grew up with each other for a short time in the fae realm, with Azrael's mom serving as a knight for her family. The two got along great, but there was some shocks in behavior from both of them for sure. Namely the fact that Ahleeze's family never actually ate together (everyone ate in their rooms or studies), and that Ahleeze didn't know how to fight, while Azrael did. Azrael promptly tries to teach Ahleeze how to fight after hearing her tutors aren't actually allowed to hurt her, and then gives Ahleeze a giant bruise on her forehead while play fighting.
Someone once tried to copy Alphaeus and when they went to play "three questions" to see who was the real one, once the copy answered the first question Ahleeze and Azrael just went "Wrong, Alphaeus wouldn't even bother answering these in the first place" and just attacked that one.
When they all have kids, Azrael constantly catches Ahleeze and Astarion's two little knuckleheads stealing and scamming people. Very quickly learns that Ahleeze and Astarion have been teaching their kids that "if you want something you have to work for it" and taught them how to get away with things. Main key to this was be extremely confident in what they're saying. So much so it doesn't even sound like they're lying.
Now onto some sadder hc's / canon that we've planned for our story.
When Azrael loses her arm, it is to save Ahleeze from a necrotic magic. She had to sacrifice something important to bring Ahleeze back, and so she sacrificed her arm which she wields her sword with. This is bc, since Ahleeze led a sort of rebellion (teaching common folk how to use rune-based magic), which resulted in the death of a lot of people (as a sort of "cleanup crew" was tasked to get rid of anyone who knew this knowledge). The deaths are technically her fault, so her punishment was death or to leave the fae realm and never come back. She chose to leave, but came back so they could try and find something to help Karlach's engine. Her punishment for coming back was death and Azrael basically says that since Ahleeze technically died, her sentence was over. This causes a "crack" in Azrael's oath (since we didn't really think it would break it) for interferring with justice.
When Ahleeze eventually gets old, Astarion and her go to watch the sunrise. Where Ahleeze passes away peacefully and Astarion then turns to stone (i don't even remember where I saw a vampire turn to stone but I remember it somewhere and I think it's cooler than burning to ash) A sculpture is comissioned of Ahleeze so that her and Astarion's "grave" is marked at their final resting place.
might add onto this at some point but I am blanking because it's almost 1 am and I just kinda needed to get all of these out of my brain before I went to bed
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thewistlingbadger · 1 year
My hunter headcanons ❤️
CW: Disordered eating, mentions of sexual abuse, gender expression, neurodivergency, mentions of abuse, catholicism, etc.
Most of these are pretty wholesome and the triggering ones are super light, not detailed :)
anyway enjoy my long ass list of my hunter hcs
He is low-key clumsy. For example: Luz thought it would be a good idea to go roller skating, wrong. She spent the whole night baby sitting Hunter. First, he didn't wanna skate, then, he spent 15 standing at the edge, unsure of how to get on the floor, after that Luz had to be at his side the whole time because he wouldn't let go of the wall. The only thing stopping him from screaming and crying the whole time was his pride.
Hunter absolutely lives for velcro shoes. He hates shoes with laces because they confuse him but also because he trips all the time while wearing them. The amount of times he's fallen face first at school while wearing shoes with laces is more than he'd like to admit. Velcro shoes on the other hand are reliable, a fashion statement, and some of them even light up!!
He is willing to try anything at least once and if not, he will try it after Luz peer pressures him/annoys him for long enough.
He has a terrible fashion sense. Absolutely the worst god bless him
He's very creative. Camila looks at him and he reminds her of Luz. She loves her kiddos some much ❤️
Hates animals, except wolves (he's starting to warm up to domestic animals tho). They freak him out, he sees them as nasty, plus they're no where near as cool as wolves. (Yes this includes cardinals, he's not ready yet) Maybe he'll eventually get an interest with them but for now? No.
Likes the human concept of holidays. He thinks it cool and unique.
Dislikes the outdoors. He doesn't hate it, but i think he prefers to stay inside.
Loves headphones and earmuffs. They make him feel warm and fuzzy, they add weight to his head, overall sensory joy.
Loves soft textures (sensory joy)
He will always keep his hair short because he doesn't want to look like Belos but it's also a sensory thing
Lowkey afraid of everything lol. I think he tried to put on a brave face in front of all the other kids, but once they went back home and he stayed with Luz and her mom, his uncertainty of the realm bleeds into everything he does. It's also just his severe anxiety that makes him feel afraid all the time.
Finds human music intriguing. It fascinates him. He loves learning about all different types of music and it's history and the instruments
Camila introduces him to Latine music such as bachata, salsa, merengue, etc. He loves how it sounds. Camila has some instruments at the house and they play together
All of his likes and dislikes are a combination of experiences Luz and Camila have given him and him inheriting Luz's, Manny's, and Camila's hand me downs.
Hunter spends a lot of time doing god knows what. Making clothes, goofing off, having me time, and especially going through storage. He learns stuff from their storage like human stuff and just Noceda family shit.
His music taste and a lot of other things about him are from the boxes in the basement.
He loves coffee
He doesn't go anywhere without his CD Walman (which was originally Manny's)
All tv shows and movies he's seen are bc he found DVDs in the basement. He lives off 90's sitcoms, nick jr's episode Manny made on a custom CD, and seasons of 2010's Disney channel original shows
He loves Disney channel original movies. His current favorites are invisible sister and teen beach movie. However, Luz introduces him to a new movie every week so it changes a lot.
He's fascinated with animation he finds it stunning. His favorite Disney movie is tangled. Yes he's a Rapunzel kinnie, but he ln general he loves all animation.
He decides to stay in the human realm with Luz. He could have stayed in the basement but he didn't even last a night. He went to Luz's room, and he's been staying there ever since
Being in the human realm gives him the opportunity to heal his inner child. He spends most of his time enjoying kids shit. His favorite human book so far is probably one from the kids section of the library. On his side of the room he has posters and a night light and glow in the dark stars, etc.
He loves glow in the dark things it's a marvel it's like magic to him, hence the admiration for sketchers that glow in the dark.
Lost his fucking mind when he found out playaways were a thing, he absolutely loves them.
Loves living in Connecticut. It's quiet and cold and everything he could have ever hoped for in a home.
Wants to know more about the Dominican republic. Dreams of going there
Wears sunblock religiously. Takes all earth problems seriously even tho to Luz they don't seem too dangerous. He's out here taking gummy vitamins y'all he thinks it's that serious
Likes washing his hair in warm water (sensory joy)
Only shops in the clearance part of stores
Loves learning languages (even if he's not good at it)
Loves crayons. Loves coloring books. Loves stickers.
Would probably get along well with the pines twins from gravity falls
Loves astrology, he thinks the stars are so fucking cool. He and Luz spend weekends charting constellations on the ceiling of their shared room
He's a total scene kid
He's soooo into arts and crafts skskksks
He's really insecure about his looks
He dyes his hair brown so he can look for like a Noceda.
But i think he does just dye his hair in general. I think he's a highlights and streaks kinda guy
He has a hard time eating and i think it's a combination of things. I think he definitely had eating problems before but it's really clear in the human world. Human food is weird to him. Luz assures him that they'll find something that will be good for him, whether it's meals from different cultures or liquid meals, they'll figure something out.
Camila takes a day to explain food to him, like "here's where our food comes from, here's where it was before, come help me cook this so you can see how it's made," and that not only puts his mind at ease but it's that start of cooking/baking hobby
He alternates between calling Camila her name and Mrs. Noceda. He feels more comfortable calling her Mrs. Noceda but he recognizes that she wants to be called Camila. She's not really that bothered by it anymore, she just wants him to be comfortable
He spends a lot of time with Camila at first because hunter isn't really ready to go to school and he's not on level with all the other 16 years olds. Camila's worried he'll always be really behind but she makes sure he doesn't know
Camila loves hunter. He's so different from Luz it's a different experience. With hunter she's gentle and calm. She doesn't know everything that happened, but she knows this little boy was wronged in the past and she wants to make it up to him
Hunter helps out at the vet a lot. Camila thinks it's a good experience and he'll learn things
Tries to do well at school, is probably not doing too well tho lmao. He doesn't understand the social shit of school and who's he gonna ask for help? Luz and Camila? They don't understand either. I think he does well in PE. It reminds him of the training he did for the emperor's coven. But he doesn't understand the games. Dodgeball? Capture the flag? Hunter gets a lot of weird looks.
He doesn't have any friends other than Luz, and he's ok with that. Everyone thinks he weird. Him and Luz stick together, even tho Luz is finally making friends of her own. They're inseparable. Someone tries to fuck with Luz, hunter is waging war and vise versa.
Has no rhythm. Will not dance unless Luz makes him, Camila asks, he's playing Just Dance, or he's really happy and feeling himself. Luz is the happiest when he's the later.
Thinks word searches are diabolical.
Has conflicting thoughts on board games. Hates chess but likes checkers. Likes battleship but not connect 4. Still getting the hang of dominoes.
Has a collection of stuffed animals
Watches kids cartoons
Loves feminine things. But he's slowly easing into it bc some things he's not ready for/not used to. Part of him thinks make up is cool and the other part doesn't like how it physically feels on his face. It's a process. Luckily for him, the Noceda family is patient and accepting!
Luz holds his hand figuratively and little during everything she loves him to bits and pieces
He is very emotional. He cries a lot ❤️
Luz is his #1 defender and Camila is his #1 cheerleader
Has a love hate relationship with Legos
Likes soup. Likes salad. Doesn't like pasta, but likes to cook it. Loves Dominican food tho
Is learning guitar.
Loves lady gaga. Favorite songs include Judas, paparazzi, rain on me, etc.
He's probably a swiftie
Definitely likes instrumental music
Is on anxiety medication. Should be in therapy but i don't think he is. Camila doesn't really have the funds for it, hunter isn't warm to the idea of therapy, and he wouldn't be able to tell the whole truth since he can't expose the magic realm. Luz talked him into going to a youth support group for victims of abuse. Luz goes with hunter to those meetings to help him too.
Yes i think hunter was abused by belos and i also think he is a victim of sexual abuse (at belos' hands? Idk)
Does boxing
Has a terrible singing voice but likes to sing. He's in choir at school, definitely not a band or orchestra kid
Terrified of spiders, roaches, and bee like bugs. Everything else is pretty ok
Still does parkour
Likes playgrounds
So petty and passive aggressive
Is initially afraid of rollar coasters and attractions at theme parks but after a few rides he likes it
Likes fruit flavored things
Doesn't like cold desserts. Coming to terms with flan. I'm not sure if he likes sweet things in general tbh
Loves pastries. Loves baking
Prefers warm over cold foods
Likes posters
Loves Disney princesses, like, so fucking much. He admires and looks up to all of them so much i can't explain it-
Not into video games. Luz tries to get him into it and all it does is make him made when he looses sksksks
He's really into self exploration at the moment.
He can ask Luz anything and she'll say yes every time
He thinks live music is cool, but he is sensitive to loud noise. He stops enjoying live music when it's so loud he can feel the vibrations in the air
He wasn't afraid of heights until he got to the human world lmao
Definitely owns wolf ears and wolf tail (I'm afraid my dear boy is slowly becoming a furry)
Loves Shakira
Luz gave him a book on wolves for his birthday it is his favorite thing ever
Has/will probably consume every single bit of wolf content to ever exist (probably not for the better). He's one of those "now that i know i like it i must have ALL of it!"
They to to a indoor trampoline place fore luz's birthday 🥺🥺🥺 he smiles so much 🥺🥺🥺
Absolutely, fucking, HATES the dentist. One fear and one fear only, and it's dentists.
Loves baggy sweaters and big jeans. If it's not loose, he's not putting it on.
Has no idea about gen z culture. Luz trying to explain it to him makes it worse
Lowkey doesn't like technology/not into it t
Loves candles and artificial air fresheners
Can sew and can knit/crochet
Tries to cover scars with makeup after awhile
Asks Camila what she would have named Luz if she were a boy. When Camila adopts him, he changes his name to that
Converts to catholicism. It starts with Camila giving hunter a golden cross necklace for his birthday. "It'll protect you." He doesn't really understand what she means. Luz has a cross above the door in her room and a rosary on her desk. She does a sign of the cross every night before she goes to bed. He asks her about it, and she tries to explain it. He goes with them to church and surprisingly, he likes it. He minds praying soothing. It puts his mind at ease. "I guess after belos, i needed a new cause"
I'm not sure if he's the best driver ever or the worst driver ever. He's very into following the rules, however, i also feel like he'd be really bad at it lmao
Very stubborn. Thinks he can do everything on his own, even when it's not safe.
Very competitive too
Learning to be impulsive and to do stupid shit for fun (yes Luz is a bad influence)
He's very lucky to have Luz as a sister. She really pushes him out of his comfort zone and she's the reason he becomes more outgoing
He likes some musicals. He thinks they're a weird idea, but he's kinda intrigued. I think he likes wicked, be more chill, and phantom of the opera. Luz is introducing him to more stuff
I do think him and Luz play a lot your honor. I do think she went "I'm no longer an only child!" And fucking ran with it and suddenly, she's a little kid again! They go to the playground to swing and play tag and chase each other and throw frisbees and balls and shit she really said "i WILL turn you into THE american poster child!"
Hunter is genuinely terrified of eda's owl form and he openly admits how horrifying she is. But over time he starts to become fascinated by it, but he's doing his best to hide it lol.
Him and Luz are taking martial arts together
Genuinely i do think that they just do everything together they're inseparable.
He doesn't really access the internet but when he does, he sure is under parental controls. I mean c'mon if this kid knew about mitski we'd all be in huge shit
Every Christmas the Nocedas have a Christmas photoshoot, in which Luz and hunter dress in formal traditional Dominican outfits/just formal Christmas outfits. You know the dress I'm talking about
He loves build a bear
He has a hard time processing audio, emperor's coven type shit. He has a hard time understanding what is being said
He sleeps on the bottom bunk
Him and Luz talk during movies. They huddle on the couch, a bowl of popcorn and a blanket, shoulders and heads touching they're so close. They have no idea what's going on and no amount of squinting is gonna fix that lmao
Where they differ: hunter is quiet and Luz is loud
Hunter will see a character that he kins, and not understand why he is so mesmerized by this character. He starts doing all these things to make him more like the character and he's like "haHA this is normal!" He starts subconsciously dressing like them, practicing their lines in the shower, he really is a silly lil guy
He keeps calling willow captain because he genuinely cannot remember her name, it's also a respect thing. Willow doesn't mind, in fact, she makes sure people don't correct him sksksksk
He's formal like that. He'll call his teachers "professors" and the school nurse "doctor", yeah skskskks
Luz will often put the blame on hunter lmao. Camila will ask why Luz go detention, and Luz will go "um... HUNTER FAILED HIS TEST TODAY!" to drastic their mom lmao
Camila will tell him something, and then hunter will do it repeatedly, even when Camila has already told him to stop. It's the solider in him
Hunter 1000% thinks kissing is gross.
NGL when Amity and hunter found out germs were a think they were like "🤮 take me back TAKE ME BACK!"
Luz and hunter have watched arcane together. Luz likes vi and hunter likes jinx, they both hate silco
Luz likes the book of life hunter likes Coco
Hunter likes human history! I think he has a good grade in that class
I think he has a crush on Bowser from Mario, but is completely unaware of what a crush is. It's a silly phase that pases soon enough
Luz suggests hunter learn ASL so he can communicate when he goes nonverbal/doesn't wanna talk. They practice together and one day, Luz notices that his smile is different. She asks what's wrong, and hunter says "it's like magic" (context: the hand motions of signing reminds him of the spells mages would cast in the demon realm)
Hunter hates all the blights and they hate him. Except for Edric, who is curious about hunter. Their conversations often go like "so....where you from-" "leave me the fuck alone, blight"
Hunter and Edric rivalry when?
Doesn't like Pokémon, it's too confusing for him
But he probably likes digimon lmao
He has a book of farm animals with the voices in it sksksksk he's like "the cow goes...moo? This is so odd"
He likes cheeseburgers
He and Luz probably cosplay together and go to cons
Hunter still calls Luz "human"
Luz says "hunter, you're my brother" and bc hunter doesn't really understand what she means he goes "yeah, you're my brother too"
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Tumblr didn’t notify me but now I’m here to answer!
1. Showers with the hottest water the pipes can handle. If I don’t burn off a layer of skin I don’t feel clean.
2. I drink both but I’ll alternate which one I have hyperfixation on: currently it’s coffee
3. Flats, I’ve broken one ankle twice and the other one once. Not trying to do that again 😅
4. I like both but my favorite is sour gummies
5. Extra baggy tshirt and shorts
6. Only ever learned automatic, been wanting to learn stick tho
7. Both, I’ve fostered/bottle fed and then rehomed about 20ish cats and about half as many dogs that I’ve found on abandoned properties. I was so well known for it back home strangers would leave them on my doorstep in the middle of the night
8. Birds, I’ve owned a few parakeets as a kid and wanna get another. I have a fear of frogs bc my cousin would throw them at me as a kid. Yet Froppy is one of my favorite hero kids in MHA lol
9. Howls Moving Castle, I was once told I have Calcifers sass
10. It’s been a long time and I need to watch it again. I hold it accountable for my biker fixation
11. Watermelon: when I was sad as kid my grandpa would buy a watermelon and we would sit outside and eat it no matter the time of year. It’s my comfort food.
12. Grew up in a small town but I’ve been enjoying my new city life
13. Both, carbs are life 😂
14. Veggies, I’m not vegan/vegetarian I just don’t typically like the taste and have gotten food poisoning from undercooked chicken multiple times. Thanks American public schools 🙄
15. No: I have super sensitive skin and am allergic to a lot of makeup products. Been given “organic plant based” products….. yeah, plants in allergic too….
16. My hair is kinda long right now. I’ve been growing out the back and sides from its previous undercut.
17. My fiancé is a guy so I guess that counts 😂 truthfully I’ve always been leaning towards being demisexual but dang it he got me lol
Hey dear!
Thanks for answering... I was a little late bc of the time difference.
You had an undercut? Rad! I want one too!
Oh, your fiancé is a lucky man - and so are you! I'm happy for you 😊
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Hi! If you’re still doing matchups, I’d love to have one!!
I’m a college student currently majoring in studio art (currently taking a painting class!! Oil paint smells so bad.,,) and idk if it’s relevant but I’m already fairly tall (5’10) but I love wearing heels that make me taller lol
Im non-binary with a very boyish haircut but my fashion sense is very feminine and I love skirts!! Usually I wear long ones but I have a few short ones too because my ass is too good not to show off tbh anyway I’m very loud!! Both with my voice and all the bright colors I like to wear and just my overall vibe because I like to act as confidant and positive as I can everywhere!!! Optimist through and through lol
I love to draw, read, occasionally I write poems, and I love playing games!! I actually got into league of legends because of Yoosung oops a few years back, so like I desperately need to touch grass and it’s all!! His!!! Fault!!!!! (Hardstuck bronze 3 GET ME OUT) Umm I also have ADHD so I’m super 💀 sometimes and I’ve been listening to the same fucking songs for the past several weeks because of it
Also I love stuffed animals and I refuse to sleep without them, AND ALSO I love my kitty cat!!!!! His name is Nicky and he’s NASTY but I love him anyway. He’s not a fancy breed he’s like, the equivalent of a generic food brand but for cats but I miss him so much even though he leaves cat hair everywhere and has literally taken over my room back at home.,,, I wish I could attach a picture to this ask i literally show pictures of him to everyone I meet he’s so silly like one of his hobbies is literally chewing my dad’s yoga mat
Yes my cat is relevant to this even tho my mom is literally his favorite idc I love talking about him he’s my favorite pillow even tho I’m 99% sure he’d call me a bitch if he was able to speak cause of how much I manhandle him LOL
I ran out of stuff to say so have a nice day!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I match you with...
You're a kind of person that knows who you are. You're a creative soul that loves to explore anything and everything that you can get your hands on. It means that you're expressive and that you know what it feels like to know what your imagination wants. Not everybody can say that they have a good grasp on that sort of thing so a lot of people must Envy you for having that sense of self. It's an admirable trait. That's why the perfect person for you is somebody who can keep up with your energy as well as match you for style. You are the breath of fresh air that somebody like Seven needs. It's as if you came into his life to paint on the black and white canvas that he's been seeing since the day he was born. You make him feel like he can look at the world in a way that nobody else can show him. He's been alive all this time but he hasn't really been living until he met you.
He loves to watch you create. He loves to see what you can make with your hands. If there's something that he admires in this world, it's people that can put their intention into life in some way, shape, or form. He's a little bit jealous that you were able to figure this out about yourself so early but it's never too late for him so imagine that you are going to have a life ahead of you of figuring out a way to not let this man take his own fashion sense out of control by your side. He would love your cat. I think that's a given just for anybody that has a cat but he would like yours especially just because it sounds like it has an attitude and he is known to like things that do that. It could bite his face off and he would still say that that is the best cat that he's ever met.
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when I was trying to figure out my gender I would watch the non binary tiktok compilations on YouTube for HOURS. Now tho, I'm comfortable in my gender identity as a genderfluid gremlin thing. But I'm still watching the compilations, though now it's all ftm/Trans masc tiktoks.
I've always been a 'boyish' kid. I would always cut my own hair super short. I had a friend in kindergarten who thought I was a boy until I wore a dress to school.
I like being feminine and I like being masculine and I like the comfy inbetween that I usually am.
I've been using makeup for about 3 years, and I normally do my makeup more feminine. But it's also given me so much insecurity about my face. The structure of my face is slightly more masculine than I'm normally comfortable with.
I have a larger nose. Smaller eyes. Downturned lips. Little to no natural part in my hair. Darker hair on my forearms. Large forehead. My hair has been damaged from years of neglect and my stepmom making me thin it out. It's uneven and I have so many baby hairs on my hairline. I have bigger thighs. A bigger stomach. Broad shoulders. I was the tallest in my grade for years. I got my period at 9. I have scars all over my body, both intentionally and unintentionally put there. I scar very easy. I have a deep voice.
This went from a post about my gender to me talking about why I hate my body. Will probably add more later.
In all truth though, I don't know if I'm just a very masculine minded person or if I just want to be a boy. But I don't want to be a boy but I also do. I want to look like a boy but I don't want to sound like one cause I already kind of do. I hate the way I look but I also love it. I hate the way my brain makes me feel about myself.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I think you are softly spoken - quiet even - until you're around people you're super comfortable with. Then i think you can get a little louder, but not by much. I get the impression that you go out of your way to listen intently to whomever is speaking and you dont interrupt them while they're are speaking. I think you treat people the way you wished you had been treated. Accent? I keep thinking of you as an east coast person. Not a strong Boston type accent or anything. But you would sound different from my Wisconsin accent. Appearance? Maybe a deep mahogany or chestnut hair colour with some waves, maybe deep brown eyes, a quick but shy smile that you try to cover up. I think you're very, very slow to anger, but once you are, it's like a firecracker. It may blow up and make a terrific momentary show but it fizzles out very quickly and you regain your chill. I think you're of short to average height, slightly curvy build but you think youre overweight because of what society or perhaps people surrounding you growing up have made you believe. I think youre the friend to everyone when they need it, but are also the friend that gets left out. I think it takes a lot for you to end any friendship because you forgive easily even if you dont forget. You give chance after chance after chance until you hit that limit. Have I got anything right?
damn… do you know me irl lol
you got a lot right, i'll give you that. but i'll clarify a couple things haha
i am quiet, i guess, to some extent. i think i'm more calculated in what i say depending on the situation. but you are right that around new ppl i'm quiet and then with ppl i'm more comfortable with i'm loud.
i do talk over ppl and sometimes i don't pay attention, but i think that's bc of my undiagnosed (but trying to get diagnosed) adhd. i have about 1000 thoughts going thru my head at any given time so sometimes i just spit stuff out in the moment bc otherwise i'll forget it (bc i also have the memory of a spoon sometimes). that's why i do well when i write. i'm able to get everything out that i want to say.
i am from the east coast, i live near philly. so i do wonder what my accent would sound like to someone that isn't from around here. hell there are ppl that are around me that have THICK fucking accents to me so i can only imagine what mine might sound like. i think mine is also a bit different bc i did theater so i overenunciate sometimes.
i do have brown hair, probably in between those two colors, but… my eyes are hazel. but they read as brown so i guess you're kinda right haha
slow to anger… debatable. i think it depends on what's happening, whether or not i'm feeling good, and the subject. i do get annoyed very easily. it takes little to nothing to annoy me lol angry tho? hit or miss.
i am short, and i am overweight. i think i wear my weight well tho.
and i'm just gonna rant about this for like two seconds so ignore this if you wanna. i got to my heaviest in college, and i was a size 18. i have since lost a decent amount of weight, and now i'm in between what i was in high school and what i was in college. tell me how i went UP a pant size and i'm now a 20. i'm like…….. did the sizing change bc i literally didn't buy clothes for a year or two??????? but something like this has happened to me before too. back when i was in middle school/hs i lost 40 lbs during the summer but i remember measuring my thighs and they got BIGGER. and that happens now anytime i lose weight. my thighs will get bigger. i dONT NEED BIGGER THIGHS ! okay sorry about that lmao
so back to your ask, i would say the last bit is definitely true, and funny enough i've never ended a friendship. ppl just… stop talking to me. so, that's usually when i get the hint that they don't want to be friends anymore. which is infuriating for a number of reasons. i would much rather someone just tell me to my face that they don't want to be friends anymore than ghost me into oblivion. like, while it would hurt for someone to tell me they don't want to be friends, at least it doesn't leave as many "what ifs" as ghosting, which i fucking HATE. i've also learned within the last couple years that i'm not gonna beg someone to be my friend. that's dumb, and we're all too old to play games like that.
ffs, i'm 27. you either vibe with the fact that i like twilight and the jonas brothers a lot or you don't lol it's not that complicated.
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ptergwen · 3 years
hi I saw your requests were open if there not anymore you can completely ignore this :). but could you do a boyfriend!peter x reader where he loves it when reader gives him those little kisses on his nose and freckles with head scratches please. feel free to change or completely ignore this <3
thousands of tiny stars
Tumblr media
pretend i haven’t used this
warnings: a couple suggestive jokes but the rest is just floofy fluff
a/n: i got carried away as per usual and i did end up changing it a tiny bit :/ emphasis on tiny tho lmfhsjfh you’ll see ! either way i hope you enjoy mwah
one thing about peter is that he absolutely can’t sit still under any given circumstances. he’s restless, like a burning ball of energy that’s brightness never dims.
because of this, he tries to and needs to keep himself occupied and be kept occupied every second of every day.
it’s sometimes playing with his fingers or your own, which peter prefers because he gets to hold your hand. other times, it’s tapping his favorite pink glitter pen relentlessly against the kitchen table while he conjures up homework answers.
aunt may isn’t very fond of that one.
this time, it’s constantly shuffling about the couch in the name of finding comfort.
peter starts off with an arm around your shoulders and a content grin on his face. you two agreed on mean girls for the first movie of your marathon, your head resting against peter’s chest as the tv steals your attention.
a few minutes in, peter decides he feels like being held rather than holding you. he sneaks his way down your body, lets himself nudge your thighs to wordlessly communicate what he wants. you of course oblige and switch positions accordingly.
peter lays his head in your lap, taking the opportunity to stare up at you instead of at the screen.
he finds himself shifting around again not too much later. now laying on the couch’s armrest on his side, he kicks his feet into your lap where his head just was.
you’re becoming slightly annoyed with his fidgeting. his explanations of sorry, just trying to get comfortable and innocent smiles are what stop you from complaining.
“that’s strike three, parker,” you joke, eyes leaving the movie to fix on him. peter crosses his arms over his chest. “i dunno what you’re talking about, y/l/n,” he insists. “i haven’t done anything remotely strike-worthy so far this evening.”
flicking his sock clad foot, you mutter your response. “debatable.” peter dismisses you with a huff. “whatever. c’mere… i miss you.” he makes grabby hands for you, like the big baby he is.
it’s quite endearing, though.
“i’m right here, pete,” you laugh out and return your gaze to mean girls. “and yet, you’re so far,” peter counters. “come gimme cuddles.”
you sigh lightheartedly, your ever so clingy boyfriend still reaching out for you. a smirk pulls at your lips.
“well, there’s an offer i can’t refuse.”
peter adjusts so he’s sitting criss cross, bouncing excitedly in his spot. his chocolate brown curls fall in all directions, form being swallowed by an oversized stark industries hoodie that he keeps having to roll up the sleeves of.
he looks so soft and snuggly in anticipation of your cuddle session. you can’t believe you were ever annoyed at him.
slightly annoyed.
he’s so eager that when you scoot the tiniest bit towards him, he literally pulls you into his lap. peter’s arms hug you around your lower back, you laughing quietly as he peppers a trail of kisses from your cheek to the side of your neck.
the movie long forgotten about, you wind your arms around his neck and tilt your chin up.
“pete?” you breathe out. peter pecks your cheek once more, then your other, beaming. “yeah, babe?” he wonders. with a half serious half teasing glare, you wonder, “are you comfy now?”
peter ponders your question, and from the skeptical furrowing of his eyebrows and biting of his lip, you have your answer. he’s about to make you regret asking.
it seems that as soon as you settle, peter gets antsy.
“uh, actually…” he strokes his thumb along the underside of your chin, smiling apologetically. “you mind if we lie down? ‘m kinda tired.” there it is. you roll your eyes. “how could you not be? you’ve been playing musical chairs all night.”
your words earn a chuckle from peter, though they’re at his expense. “this’ll be the last round, promise,” peter swears and seals the deal with a kiss to your chin, which is currently grasped between his fingers.
you know it won’t be. the game goes on forever with peter, unless you end it yourself.
“damn right, bug boy. move another inch after this and you can consider your cuddle privileges revoked,” you grumble, getting off of peter’s lap. he stares at you in pure horror, gasping. “you wouldn’t…” “i would,” you correct him.
not aiming to test that theory, peter quickly fumbles around and lays flat against the cushions. he wills himself to be stiff as a board. you seem satisfied with that, climbing on top of him with your face hovering above his.
peter sets his hands on your hips, grip strong. he closes the space between you both with a short kiss. you reciprocate and deepen it, turning short to long as your parted lips slot with his. his tongue darts out, already skimming over your bottom lip for more access.
you hum into his mouth and allow his tongue to slide in. peter kisses you so tenderly as he rubs circles on your hips, your fingers tangling in his locks simultaneously. you weave them up to his roots, using your nails to gently scratch at his scalp just the way he likes. he breaks the kiss to let out a noise close to a moan.
“that- that… oh, god yeah,” peter praises, his eyes fluttering closed. you’re amused at how easily pleased he is. “don’t cream your pants yet, pete. i’m just getting started,” you purr. peter squeezes your hips in response. “feels better than an orgasm, babe. i’m serious, too,” he murmurs.
you continue your handiwork in his hair and lean in for another kiss. peter merely pecks your lips before jerking away.
“wait, hold that thought,” he exhales a breathy laugh. “i gotta pee.”
he has to be kidding. again with this?
“oh no, you don’t,” you deadpan, pushing against his shoulders to hold him down. “oh yes, i do,” peter retorts. “let me go, y/n/n.”
peter could definitely slither out from underneath you if he truly wanted to. he has super strength, so the might of his teenage girlfriend doesn’t quite compare.
pinning him in place, you straddle his waist. “nope, you’re gonna stay. i’m not giving you a choice in the matter.” peter attempts to pry you off of him, but you won’t budge. “y/n, my bladder is gonna explode-“
he cuts himself off with a giggle when your lips begin to attack him. you kiss down the bridge of his nose lightly, peck each freckle dotting his skin, and the amount of them is infinite. peter’s fit of giggles continues as you smooch that pretty face of his, his cheeks dusted pink and hands coming up to support you by your sides.
he’s always been a little insecure about his freckles. they don’t suit him, there are too many of them, blah blah blah. you obviously couldn’t disagree more. you think they’re sick.
you’d once even told him they look like thousands of tiny stars, and peter does love stars. he also loves the kisses you tend to randomly surprise him with to remind him to appreciate his freckles the same way you do.
“okay, okay! i’ll stay!” peter concedes, you ruffling his hair and pressing a final kiss to the tip of his nose. he grins despite himself, and secretly wishes you wouldn’t stop. “but, if my kidneys fail… it’s on you.”
you pat his chest definitively.
“good thing you’re a fast healer.”
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sscarletvenus · 2 years
Pushing my FemDaniel agenda by asking for Fem Danny hcs 🙏
fem daniel headcanons!!!
i think it would be really fun to see the other students guess daniel’s s/o after her identity reveal… like just gossiping about who the j high goddess is with.
is it that architecture department alleged-gangster weirdo, who keeps hanging around her and buying her chocolate milk? is it that ex-bully boxer? (some say that he already has gf… others say that after meeting hyungseok, his heart melted and he stopped bullying cuz the power of true love… we’ll never know.) is it the fashion department prince, who’s so cold and intimidating and aloof in general, but behaves like a literal golden retriever when she’s around? there’s also a rumour about this tall dark handsome guy in ray bans picking her up in a white corvette after school… lots of bets being placed.
daniel somehow becomes zoe's bi-awakening
crystal and daniel end up becoming besties tho
like there’s also lot of pervs hitting on big daniel, and she’s just too nice to kill them even if she could in a heartbeat. crystal, who has a similar shitty experience with men sees one particular incident that crosses the line and beats the guy’s ass all while saying something like “ughhh this annoying bitch. kick his balls or something why’re you just standing there.” and BOOM bffs. (crystal doesn’t realize her beloved bodyguard oppa is perv-in-chief all the while lmao)
i headcanon big daniel and mitsuki having the same hairstyle, or big daniel’s hairstyle being like lee jihye from orv. smol daniel’s hair’s short bob and bangs with a range of super cute hairclips!!! (horrible descriptions here we go)
big daniel’s wardrobe is literally all fashion week collections (thank you jay we luv u), while smol daniel would probably dress like na jinsol from loser life (another ptj webtoon lol)
also johan and daniel would be such an iconic duo in this au. like they’re sort of each other’s ride or die (johan reluctantly comes around). johan is also weirdly protective over her which leads to a storm of gossip that “oh. did you hear? the gangbuk goddog has lost it over some pretty chick. i bet she’s something, having tamed that dog.” it’s safe to say they’re both fighting for their lives against this untrue rumor, and johan also rises up the ranks on several ppl’s hitlist… (ahem gun, that is)
WHAT IF YAMAZAKI YOUNG MASTER GUN HAS A RYUHEI MOMENT? like he tells crystal something like “behave properly, your sister-in-law’s here” at school and she’s like WTF???
sadboi hours but if big daniel didn’t hide her identity, zack would’ve still been hostile towards her when they first met. probably cuz u know, he would assume that she’s one of “those” ice-princess iljin popular kid who will hurt and bully mira if given the chance. mira would also be constantly compared to her and get a lot of shit… (there’s really no universe where zack and daniel are meet-cute sigh)
lmaooo also dg gets asked a cliche interview question — what’s your ideal girl? And he just. describes daniel (the smol one bcz the tall one's actually famous? and that would cause quite a scandal) in excruciating detail. cut to weeks later and there’s somebody posting on facebook about the employee at their local convenience store… who exactly fits dg’s ideal type description.
i’m also gonna take some liberties and make jake a girl in this au to push my fem!jake agenda. because WHAT BETTER THAN 2 GIRLBOSSES MAXIMISING THEIR JOINT SLAY??? The only thing better than a pretty girl kicking ass is 2 pretty girls kicking ass.
i can totally see jake and daniel being like dabin park and na jinsol from loser life… like the contrast? jake in her form-fitting suits, 9 inch heels and sinu’s coat, and daniel in an 80’s tennis skirt, tank top, and an oversized jacket. i want them to slander the men in their lives over some soju and fried chicken. club vivi arc would also hit so much different altogether omg
ALSO RUNWAY ARC would be so much different to see if daniel was a girl, because some asshole would’ve uploaded her pics on sns too. would love to see her and mary team up. also that one scene after jay saves danny and zack from chuck and justin, and danny asks “why’re u here jay? oh, for your sister right?” and jay would be mortified and flustered… just red all over because he CANNOT admit that he’s here to avenge his uhhh crush? loml?
in conclusion i have fem daniel brainrot, yeah. I’ll continue later because I HAVE LITERALLY SO MUCH MORE LEFT TO SAY.
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Sound & Colour
(a story also known as: Heavy Eye Trauma) ;)
Happy Birthday @foebito!!! @butter--peanut & me did a fic collab for the occasion! I hope you enjoy this thing that got very long (super long!) <3 I hope you have a very nice day and send you many many hugs (as much as I can). I can't wait to meet in a month and remark on how short you are! <3 -Nisi
Happy happy birthday Henry! Seeing your art was how I first got to know you, so it feels fitting to celebrate important milestones with more creativity :D. I’m so happy to have you in my life and can’t wait to meet you in person very soon! - Kris
Nagami Shinra looks like this.
Pairing: Obito x OC (tho not really in this story)
Rating M (blood, lots of it, eye trauma)
11021 words.
Shrina was at the same time a wanted child and an unwanted child. According to Hyuuga beliefs only “pure” Hyuuga children were blessed by the goddess of the moon, the giver of chakra and the byakugan, so they married amongst themselves, a clan large enough to branch out far enough to not having to marry among close relatives. It was always possible for someone in the main clan to marry someone in the side families, far removed from the main branch and the side branch. **** Obito wasn’t so much a wanted or unwanted child as vaguely put up with. He grew up nursed by a bottle, passed between the older Uchiha matrons who had volunteered to help raise their clan’s orphans. They liked him, but at the end of the day he was just another child in a big clan. Perhaps because of this, he had always been eager to be noticed. To make a difference to someone.
Shrina was at the same time a wanted child and an unwanted child. According to Hyuuga beliefs only “pure” Hyuuga children were blessed by the goddess of the moon, the giver of chakra and the byakugan, so they married amongst themselves, a clan large enough to branch out far enough to not having to marry among close relatives. It was always possible for someone in the main clan to marry someone in the side families, far removed from the main branch and the side branch. 
The Hyuuga in general had many beliefs about purity, about serving a common goal and the destiny of birth. So Shirna’s arrival was taken as a bad omen, not only because their father had not been a Hyuuga, only a civilian their mother had desperately fallen in love with and married, but also because their unfortunate mother had died in childbirth. Maybe the Hyuuga clan would have left Shinra and their father alone for good if Shinra hadn’t been born with white eyes. And white eyes only meant one thing: the byakugan.
They were born a girl, at least that was what the sex between their legs said, even if their feeling was never the same and from beginning on their father tried to fit them into the classic stereotype of a Hyuuga born daughter. He put them into dresses and let their hair grow, even when Shinra used scissors to cut it away. He brought them to the main estate to let them be educated by the elders of the Hyuuga family as soon as they could walk. Shinra’s mother had loved her family, the only disagreement ever had been her love for their father. Because of that Shinra was given the Hyuuga family name, even if their fathers name, Nagami, should have been their rightful one. He really tried to give Shinra a family, to give them a future.
The Clan did not particularly care for Shinra apart from their potential in future visual jutsu. They didn’t like this strange half-child that didn’t like dresses and cut their own hair and insisted that they weren’t a girl. They didn’t like the civilian father who always bowed so deeply but not deep enough, who had been the reason one of theirs had strayed away and eventually died. But they could not help it, Shinra had the white eyes and as such needed the education. 
What they wanted was another Hyuuga with a byakugan, another warrior for their system and so they trained Shinra day in day out, whispering behind flat hands about them. “She is so behind”, they’d say. “By now she should have already had it down”, they’d claim. Shinra knew very well that other people their age that they trained with also didn’t awaken their visual powers yet and that the elders just particularly didn’t like them, so they tried to ignore it as much as possible. Shinra’s father was trying so hard to give them a nice life though, that Shinra really wanted to please the Hyuuga so they would go easy on him alone.
Shinra took a liking to the katana, the ones their elder cousins swung around that were not born with the byakugan like them. A Hyuuga’s fighting style was very much defined by hands and chakra points, but if you were a low born member of the family that did not have the noble visual jutsu, they really didn’t care how you’d develop yourself. To them your birth was already a failure. Shinra wanted to be like that, wishful thinking at night of how easier their and their fathers lives would have been if they’d been born with coloured eyes. 
Instead they had to sit in the big estates day in and day out trying to stealth themselves to any little change in their feeling of chakra or eyesight and nothing. Absolutely nothing. At this rate they were going to enter the academy without their eyes being fully developed and that was something the Hyuuga disapproved of greatly. Every clan wanted their children to be the best. There was nothing that could  be done about that. Shinra continued trying their best for their father and for their father only. They hated everybody else.
It was a spring day the last time they could see before the world was permanently flooded with light. Shinra loved their room in their one floor house, a big window overlooking a nice garden with cherry trees. They always loved to sit on the window sill, their father even put a pillow out for them so they could sit more comfortably. The light always broke nicely through the window on their assortments of plants standing on a shelf opposite of their bed. It was a nice, calming atmosphere of familiarity, far away from the Hyuuga estate and their pressures, so Shinra loved it more than anything else in their lives. This particular day the cherry blossoms were falling and Shinra watched them fly through half lidded eyes.
They had been going home from downton alone, their father busy with his civilian work and not at home, when they had heard whispers of people. Apparently a well known village shinobi had killed himself, ritual suicide, after he had failed a mission. Shinra did not know much about him, had only heard his name in passing, but the way people now spoke about him hurt them to their core. His duty had been towards the mission, his duty had been towards his family and the village. He’d given up on all of these things not only by failing first but then by also dying. He wasn’t protecting who he was supposed to protect. He was selfish for not doing his part. The whispers rang in their ears and they could not help but think of what they’d been taught in the Hyuuga training. Their duty was to awaken the byakugan to defend the family. That, and only that, was their purpose in life. 
Fear gripped tight at their throat when they thought about it too hard. What would happen if they’d never have the byakugan? If they’d never be able to fulfil what they were born for? Would their father be unhappy? Would people talk about them like they talked about the other shinobi? Shinra wanted to be part of this village they lived in, and did not want to be seen as an unwanted child all their lives. 
They rubbed their temples and talked to themselves. “Come on”; they said over and over again, “Come on, come on, come on.” Eyes pressed closed as much as they could they concentrated all their limited power into their bundles of nerves around their iris. If it wasn’t going to come out on its own, maybe it needed to be forced. Shinra could feel the wall of resistance around their eyes, but they kept going. The byakugan just had to be there somewhere, it just needed a push.
The last thing Shinra ever saw was the light reflecting off the plants on their shelves next to their bed. And then the world exploded in a flash of light.
Pain. Excruciating pain. A fire burning from their eyes to their face. Shinra pressed their hands against the eyes and tried to close them, shutting the flow of colour out that overwhelmed them now. A swirl of reds greens blues greys whites overflowing their other senses. They felt like they were on fire and they knew they were screaming but they couldn’t stop themselves from it. There was a pulse next to their eyes, a tightened vein, they had seen it often enough with other people, the thick lines around the eyes when it was in use. Shinra had gotten their wish, they had gotten what they had pushed so hard for: The byakugan had awakened. 
Maybe there had been a reason their body had rejected their tries so far, maybe there had been a reason it had taken them so long. Maybe their body had tried to shield them, wanted to give them the chance to grow to be able to handle the strength of their chakra sensing abilities, who knew. 
Shinra lost orientation, screaming and pressing their hands against their eyes. They knew you could stop it, could turn the byakugan off somehow, they’d seen it, they knew it existed, but they couldn't. Pressing flat hands against eyelids did not help and the fire kept burning their insides. They wanted it to stop. They wanted it to stop forever. 
As if in a trance, Shinra lifted their lids and let their hands grab the eyes to below them, grabbing and scratching and scratching, even when their fingers were already soaked in their own blood. The pain remained, but the colours faded, the other senses returned to life the more they scratched. So Shinra kept going, pulling at their own eyes, the screaming out of their own mouth only a muffled sound in their flooded ears.
It took a few moments longer for their door to be crashed open and Shinra felt that it was their father though they could not see him. He jumped forward and pressed their arm, breathing heavily: “Shinra.” He took their hands away from their eyes. “What are you doing-” the words got stuck in the back of his throat. Shinra blinked and blinked the blood away, shook their head in pain and then opened their eyes fully - to nothing. They closed and opened them again and still nothing. There was a faint hint of mint green before them, a colour like the spring, but nothing else. The world had gone dark. “Dad, what-” Shinra began asking, but then they passed out.
When they woke up there was cloth thickly applied over their eyes. Shrina’s body was still aching from the pain, but it seemed like a faint memory now, something that had happened to them in a dream. They felt over the bed they were sitting on, a soft sheet of cotton that smelled new and unfamiliar. A hospital, they assumed. They let their eyes run blindly around the room and again could feel their father, the mint green colour, sit right next to them. Shinra felt for his hand and he rose. Setting his forehead against their little fingers. Shinra could feel the tears: “I was worried I’d lose you too.” He stammered and now Shinra really felt like crying too, but their eyes pained them too much. 
“What happened?” they asked instead. Their father pressed their hand: “I wanted to ask you that.” Shirna sat up as much as they could and talked about the sharp pain in their eyes, the fire burning from their insides and the flow of colour that had grabbed them. Then they halted and thought about it. The memories came back so slowly now, the scratching, the blood. Their father kissed their hand softly: “You blinded yourself, honey. The doctor’s say there is nothing that can be done to salvage your eyesight.”
Shinra closed and opened their eyes below the cloth they’d laid on top of it. Why if they were blind could they see the chakra colour of their father still? Why would they feel him the way they did? But they decided to not say anything. They had already made their father worry enough. Instead they leaned back and let their thoughts wander. They thought of the moment they had pleaded with their eyes, how they had wished for the Byagukan to awaken, how it had betrayed them when it did. And then they thought of the Hyuuga clan, who by all accounts should have been their family, who by all accounts shouldn’t have pushed them into doing the desperate act of forcing a visual jutsu out of hiding. Shinra knew they’d never get an apology for any of it and the anger burned hot at their heart. Shrina was useless to them now, they could discard them like the junk they’d always thought Shinra was.
A while later a nurse entered and sat beside them, Shinra could feel the pale yellow by their side glowing with real genuine friendliness. “Is it true your name is Hyuuga Shinra?” she asked. Shinra said nothing at first. The nurse continued as if she hadn’t asked: “Are you a boy or a girl?”
Shinra crawled their fingers into the bedsheets, teeth clenched together in anger. They breathed in and out hard. “I’m neither. And my name is Nagami Shinra.”
Obito wasn’t so much a wanted or unwanted child as vaguely put up with. He grew up nursed by a bottle, passed between the older Uchiha matrons who had volunteered to help raise their clan’s orphans. They liked him, but at the end of the day he was just another child in a big clan. Perhaps because of this, he had always been eager to be noticed. To make a difference to someone.
When he was five, he was judged old enough to look after himself, and he was given his own studio apartment and a small monthly allowance. Guiltily, he used much of this to buy ingredients to bring his once-carers, because if he brought the food then they would often make him home-cooked meals, and he would feel like he was a real part of their family, not just a default member. When he grew a little older and a little stronger, he would help them as often as he could with their gardening and their housework. They would always smile at him and say he was such a nice young boy. Sometimes they would even hug him for his efforts. Obito loved the hugs by far the most. 
Although one of his parents had been a civilian, he had enough chakra to be a shinobi. When he first realised this — that he could join the ranks of the other Uchiha, be one of them, be included — he’d cried from how happy he was. Then he had stifled his tears and started to train, filled with hope that by becoming a Shinobi he would be noticed. Soon he would mean something to someone.
The academy was an unhappy wakeup call. Yes, he could train to be a shinobi, but it seemed he couldn’t train to be a good shinobi. It took him far longer than others to grasp new concepts: everything came to him after only long bursts of training and thinking. He couldn’t help but become distracted when the instructor was talking, despite his best efforts to pay attention.
It was made worse by seeing some people from the academy understand everything instantly. There was a boy, Kakashi, who was in the academy with Obito for the first year, who got everything correct on the first try. Bakashi, Obito called him under his breath, and the boy flicked his eyes to Obito disinterestedly, hearing him easily but failing to be affected. Not giving Obito anything other than his indifference. Just like everyone else in his life.
The first person to show Obito any real care was Rin. She noticed him struggling on his sealing exercises in class one day. She offered to help him where previously students had only made fun of him. She walked him patiently through the exercise, and when he had successfully drawn the final line of the seal, his academy instructor came by and made, for once, a sound of approval.
“Thank you,” Obito told Rin, and she smiled at him and hugged him.
From that point on Obito stuck to Rin like glue, and it was incredible what a friend could do. Obito felt invincible now. With Rin supporting his efforts, he tried ten times harder at everything. Sure, maybe he was never going to be a prodigy like many of the children in his clan. But Rin had proved that he could learn things if he really tried.
He gave back to Kakashi just as much as he got, bolstered by Rin’s kindness. And he started watching Kakashi, because Kakashi was an amazing ninja, and if Obito wanted to get better he had to do his best to duplicate the best.
At one point Kakashi left school for a while, and because Obito had watched him for so long, when he came back he noticed what the other children didn’t: there was something missing about Kakashi; something Obito couldn’t quite put his finger on. Kakashi was even colder than normal now, and Obito wanted to get to the bottom of it. He followed Kakashi home and watched the boy standing with chakra on the water, casting out a fishing line. He couldn’t help his jaw drop. Obito cooked for himself all the time, but with dried noodles from the cupboard, not hunting down his own dinner. When Kakashi returned to his house, Obito watched as Kakashi made himself some food. Rin tracked him down too, and then Kakashi seemed to notice them. Surprisingly, he invited them inside. The three of them ate fish together. It truly was amazing.
Kakashi wasn’t so bad, Obito thought afterward, if he was sharing a meal with them. Throughout most of Obito’s life, care was expressed through home-cooked meals and hugs. He couldn’t ever see Kakashi up and hugging him, of course, but the food he had made for them, well. His coldness had to be hiding some sort of care.
But although Obito had been sure Kakashi was fond of both of he and Rin, he pulled away; avoided talking to them in the academy and dodged them on the street. Then he graduated from the academy, and then there were no more examples of perfect form to follow, and no fish following the academy day. Regardless, Obito stuck close to Rin, and every day he tried to push himself a little further. 
One day he encouraged Rin to come and train after the academy day was over. Rin packed cookies and they made their way over to a training ground on the edge of Konoha. It was next to a garden where the flowers were in full bloom, and both of them became distracted, settling down amongst the flowers, Rin picking them from the stems and creating a wreath to put around his head. He laughed, so happy to have her in his life.
In the distance, they heard harsh breathing, slaps against the ground, and a cry that sounded like it came from a child their own age. It was coming from the training ground that they had been heading toward.
They jumped off the ground and made their way to the training ground, Obito trying to remember Kakashi’s movements during the stealth training demonstration and copy them. He was happy when he barely heard his own footsteps. Stealth was something he was a little better able to pick up than other shinobi skills.
There was a young person in the training ground, around Obito and Rin’s age. The person was facing away from he and Rin. They had short snow-white hair and plain civilian clothing. Despite this, they were holding a katana and swiping it through the air with uncommon skill.
“I know you’re there,” they said, turning to them, and Obito gasped a little when he saw them. This new person had deep scratches around their eyes, like they had got into a brawl with a cat and come out second-best.
Looking at the person, Obito tried to figure out whether they were a boy or girl, but it was — hard. There weren’t clear clues either way.
Rin introduced herself and Obito, and the other child said that their name was Shinra. Rin asked if they were a Genin, with the impressive way they used their Katana. Like Kakashi, Obito thought glumly, maybe this was another prodigy.
But Shinra said no. Said they were still training to be a Shinobi.
“Why aren’t you in the academy, then?” Obito asked suspiciously, then winced at Rin’s disapproving glance.
“I’m not allowed in the academy,” Shinra said blankly. “The clan would prefer that I were not on display.”
“Why is—?” then Obito stopped short on Rin’s elbow in his chest. She had noticed what Obito had not: the signs of Shinra’s blindness; and the signs of her sadness, just like she had previously picked up from Obito.
Rin offered to tell Shinra anything about what they were learning at the academy, and when Shinra neither agreed nor disagreed, Rin went ahead with her description. At one point Obito realised Rin was guiding them out of the training ground, back toward the flower garden. As Rin filled Shinra on what they had missed over the past few months, they all sat together in the flowers. As Rin talked, Obito started to construct a flower crown just like Rin had made before.
Eventually, Rin came to the topic of today: chakra lore. Most exciting for all the children, they had learned that there were dangerous, uncontrollable beasts filled with huge amounts of chakra called Bijuu around the world.
“The most chakra concentrated in one spot that exists anywhere in the world,” Rin quoted proudly.
“Oh.” Shinra tilted their head. “Like what I sense in Konoha.”
Obito and Rin paused.
“Come on,” said Obito derisively. There can’t be a Bijuu in Konoha.”
Shinra stared at Obito, and Obito would have been blind not to see it: the indifference. Just like Kakashi, this Shinra didn’t seem to want to give him the time of day.  
“I know what I can feel,” Shinra said bluntly. “There’s no way that amount of chakra could come from anything else. It’s been moving around the village for years; ever since I started to Sense. But it’s not a beast, in that case. It can be controlled, or calmed somehow.” They shrugged. “Maybe the Bijuu made a friend in Konoha.”
This was tall, severe looking nin, long black hair pulled back, large pale eyes staring critically.
Shinra winced and stood up. “I need to go.” Sarcastically, “Decorum classes for Hyuuga dropout civilians, or something.”
“Wait,” said Obito, jumping up. Although he didn’t quite understand what Rin had understood, there was an uncomfortable feeling in his chest, like he’d said or done something wrong. Whenever something had gone wrong, Obito wanted to try to fix it. “Do you — do you want this?” He held out the flower crown that he’d made.
“Do I want what?” Shinra stared at him in confusion. “What are you holding?”
Well, they didn’t have to be rude about it. Obito knew he hadn’t made the most beautiful crown — much more droopy than Rin’s, but still it was somehow holding together.
“Whatever,” he murmured, and went to turn away.
“Obito.” Rin shook her head at him. “Can’t you see? Shinra is blind.”
He looked closer. 
Oh, yeah. Well, now he felt just as stupid as a regular day at the academy.
Rin pulled the flower crown out of his hands and took it to Shinra, placing it in their palms.
“Here,” she said. “Something to remember us by.”
Obito didn’t know if Shinra had remembered, but he never forgot the incident.
Then there was Team Seven and Kakashi reuniting with Obito and Rin. Missions with Minato-sensei, the Yellow Flash, one of Konoha’s most decorated war heroes and prodigies, in line for the Hokage position. Because that was Obito’s goal too, he watched Minato closely. He tried to ignore the dread at the back of his mind that he could never be as good as this man. He just had to keep trying hard. He would reach his goal, one day.
It was wartime, and Obito felt himself going slowly but steadily stronger, their team at least some of the time feeling cohesive. It was still hard to deal with Kakashi, whose indifference riled Obito up like nothing else. But overall, Obito was proud of his team. Proud of contributing to his village.
Then came Obito’s proudest moment: progressing to Chunin. Swiftly followed by the humiliation of Kakashi succeeding him and becoming a Jonin at the ridiculously young age of thirteen. Team Seven’s first mission without Minato-sensei to guide them. Rin’s capture. Kakashi’s stupid adherence to the rules. Obito’s shouted plea, his anger at the blind stupidity of his teammate. Running back to Rin. Kakashi following him, as he found out, and for his loyalty sacrificing his eye.
And for once, Kakashi hadn’t shown indifference. Obito hadn’t been wrong, that time in Kakashi’s house, eating fish that he had prepared for them. Kakashi had shown that he did care underneath it all. Obito heard the care loud and clear, and he cared right back, the drive to protect overwhelming, and his Sharingan were formed.
He killed the enemy nin; protected Kakashi who was now blind out of one eye. Went to save Rin. Saw the boulder that would have killed Kakashi. Whenever Obito saw that something was wrong, he had to try and fix it. He pushed Kakashi away. Got hit himself instead.
He gave Kakashi his eye. Accepted his end, too early but at least in service of his friends, his village.
Woke up the next moment with tubes sticking out of his body, his team hovering around him, and no ability to hear sound ever again.
Minato had noticed something strange about Obito’s place of death, Obito eventually found out. He had excavated the site properly and noticed that Obito’s body was no longer there. He had tracked Obito down to a cave where some old, apparently famous Uchiha dude had stolen Obito’s three-quarters-dead body away. He had killed this old man and brought Obito back to Konoha.
Obito was covered in strange white flesh now, and thought it seemed at first that he would always be missing an arm, he watched, amazed, as it grew in front of his eyes, slowly, like a plant in sunlight. While sitting with Kakashi, working their way through sign language books (Kakashi no longer indifferent, amazingly enough. He stuck close to Obito, helping with anything he needed) they would watch his arm slowly growing. Rin would check his progress in a little book. It seemed that he would always be deaf: Minato had perhaps saved him, ironically, too early, before he had quite enough of the new foreign cells to fix every part of his body. But the rest of his injuries healed, slowly, leaving only white flesh and striated scarring.
Well, he thought wryly. It would be difficult to be indifferent to him now. Whenever he walked through the street he would stick out. It was a good thing he wouldn’t be able to hear their whispers.
There was one more life-changing incident in store for Team Seven. After six months of rehabilitation, Obito desperately wanted to go on another mission. Although Minato-sensei, Rin, and Kakashi all thought he should stay and recover further — they were still at war, of course, so no mission was a safe one — he argued and guilt-tripped the rest of Team Seven into allowing him along. Minato was needed on the battlefront, so with Kakashi leading them, Obito and Rin went to Kirigakure.
Then Rin was captured by the hidden mist, and it felt like the clock had ticked back six months in uncanny symmetry as Obiito and Kakashi raced to find her. Kakashi’s ninken were on the trail, and they sped ahead to her. Obito grimaced, realising that, as he hadn’t healed properly yet, he was slowing Kakashi’s speed down.
“Go ahead,” he told Kakashi, forcing his voice out as heavily as he could, uncaring of how strange he might sound. “We don’t know how much time we have. Save her.”
Kakashi nodded, expression more serious than Obito had ever seen it, red eye gleaming in the darkness. He signed, I will, and sped away.
Obito ran as fast as he could, holding his side, wheezing with the effort to overcome his body’s limitations.
He arrived just in time to see Kakashi pierce Rin’s chest with Chidori.
Kakashi had been travelling to save Rin. But he had…
He stared at Kakashi, and Kakashi stared past Rin and met his gaze, eyes wide, his horror surely mirroring Obito’s. 
He saw — something shift in Kakashi’s sharingan. Too far to really make out.
Then Kakashi’s eyes slid closed and he slumped to the ground. Right next to Rin’s — Rin’s…
Rin’s body. She couldn’t survive that. No one could survive that.
Obito stumbled to them, cold and uncomprehending.
His — his first friend, by his only other friend...  
He fell down in front of her, beside Kakashi. Held her shoulder. Looked into her eyes. Hoped with everything he had, with all the effort that he had put into anything in his life filled with trying to push past people’s indifferent expectations of him, that that he feared wouldn’t come to pass. 
And Rin…
Rin opened her eyes again, and smiled at him.
“I made a friend,” she said. “And the friend healed me. Obito, meet Isobu.”
Apparently, Rin had never forgotten meeting Shinra either.
Eyesight or not, Shinra loved their katana more than any other weapon at their disposal. One would have thought that their sudden blindness would have impacted their ability to train and become a shinobi, and it certainly impacted their ability to go to the academy, but they trained anyway. At first only in the backyard of their house, on playgrounds and semi-public places. The little school lessons with Rin had at least given them a basic idea how chakra worked, how sensing worked, and they had long since figured out that somehow when they lost their sight they had gained the ability to feel things stronger. 
Shinra walked with a stick now, pushing it from side to side to keep the orientation up. They could see chakra colours moving around them, but they could not really see people, so they needed aid while walking. The Hyuuga left them alone mostly, content with the unwanted child no longer needing assistance in training or academy. Shinra had gotten their wish of being a civilian, but after so many years as a kid spent being told they’d be a shinobi, they really wanted to be one. So they trained by themselves. When they could with the katana, if not, with their own stick. 
They cut their hair by themselves when it felt too long, leaving strands hanging on the back where they couldn’t reach. They entered age fourteen with no real goal in life. Their father had made them learn braille so that they might do administrative tasks in the future, even if they really weren’t looking forward to a life spent in an office. 
One day when they were spinning around their katana sword in a corner of the training field all by themselves they could suddenly feel a strong yellow presence behind them. The person had appeared as if he had materialised out of thin air. Shinra felt immediately who it was: “Lord Fourth.” They turned their head and bowed.
“So it’s true what my student tells me, Nagami Shinra, you can sense people even though you are blind”, the man said, his voice sounding kinder than Shinra ever imagined it to sound. They nodded, unclear who of his students even knew such a thing. He stepped forward close to them and they could feel his eyes on them even if they couldn’t see them. 
He laughed suddenly: “You are frowning, I assume you are not aware of that. Well, I guess you are asking yourself why I am here for you.” He paused for a moment and Shinra buried their toes into the sand below them and waited. Finally he continued: ”I think you could be a great asset to this village but your family stops me from sending you to the academy.” 
“Not my family,” Shinra cut him off. They knew it was rude, but they didn’t care. Lord Fourth laughed a little: “Right, well, you’re mother’s family. So, anyway, I would like you to train with my wife. She has knowledge about chakra control unrivalled by anyone in Konoha - well, by necessity.” He left the reason for this open, but Shinra already knew. The evil power in Uzumaki Kushina was easily sensible, so they had mostly tried to avoid the woman. 
But now they were offered an opportunity to become a shinobi, to train, with someone who could actually train them. Wasn’t that what they’d always wanted? They buried their toes a little further. The evil chakra was surely contained and unbreachable. Surley, nothing could ever harm them. 
Shinra decided on giving it a shot: “When can I begin?”
When Shinra arrived at the training field the next day they noticed immediately that they were the last ones to arrive and also that they weren’t the only student there. Lord Fourth had said nothing about an eventual second trainee around them and Shinra was not sure how to feel about the swirls of oranges and reds that now stood next to them. Somehow they thought they must have felt that person before, but they couldn’t quite place it. They looked up and saw the fiery colours streaming from Kushina right in front of them. The chakra signature was warm and welcoming, though there was a certain darkness within her too. The beast was sleeping, but it was definitely listening.
“Great that you also made your way”, Kushina said, speaking friendly but surprisingly slowly and clearly articulated. Shinra shook their shoulders. “Who is there?” they asked and before Kushina could reply the person next to them spoke up in a weirdly loud and hoarse voice: “Obito. I’m Obito.”
Shinra remembered now where she had felt the boy before. The time they’d spend together learning about the history of chakra. It now felt so long ago and back then they hadn’t been so good at making out with people by feeling alone. Not as good as they were now, Shinra hadn’t immediately recognized him. Something was off about him too, like he was missing something. Uchiha had blood red colours revolving on eye height where the sharingan sat, but Obito had only one red eye, the other felt cold and empty. 
“It’s you then”, Shinra said, head moved away from where they had heard Obito’s voice from. He protested instantly: “What do you say?” He was so close to them and loud that Shinra shook their head. “Could you maybe not scream like an idiot?” they snapped back at him, which made him back off.
Kushina laughed a little and once again Shinra felt the warm fondness radiating from her. “Shinra, I heard you have met Obito before”, she started and Shinra heard her footsteps in the sand, “Maybe you have met him a while ago, but, I want you to know that he has since lost his hearing. That is why he speaks so loud.”
Shinra blinked her blind eyes away. He was deaf? He hadn’t been deaf last time they’d met him had he? They weighed their heads back and forth and were thinking of what to say, but Obito intercepted immediately: “I can lip read a little! Though I’m not as good at it yet.”
“Then how do you communicate?” Shinra said, face this time turned to him. They spoke slowly and said every word like they’d say it to a little child. “I use sign language mostly,” Obito replied and Shinra could hear him move his fingers in the air. “I learned it right after I lost my hearing.” Shirna had never heard of sign language before, but it made sense, after all she could read with braille and Obito could hear with hands. Such were the ways of the world. 
Kushina clapped her hands together in excitement: “In time you will be great and communicate wordlessly with each other, I guarantee it. For now it would probably be good if you, Shinra, tried your hardest to learn basic signing and you, Obito, need to remember that Shinra is blind and work around them.” How should they ever learn basic sign language if they can't see, Shinra thought, but they just nodded their heads theatrically. They after all wanted that shinobi life and as such they needed to train. Lord Fourth and his wife were offering them an opportunity to go on and they wanted to take it.
“Fine,” Shinra said and lifted their hand in a fist. They yelped a little in surprise when Obito bumped it and as their skin touched they could suddenly feel his excitement prickle under theirs. At least this training wouldn’t be boring, even if Shinra hadn’t expected to have to work with someone else. Last time they had been together RIn had been the one mostly taking the lead, but she seemed not to be included in this.
“First order of business: Shinra, I like you to leave your stick and not use it anymore for the remainder of the session”, Kushina ordered and no matter how much Shinra complained that the aid was her helping hand, the teacher insisted. 
The first days and weeks they focused heavily on chakra sensing, especially for Shinra. It turned out that Kushina as part of the Uzumaki clan knew a lot about chakra, the origins of it and how to distinguish it. She advised Shinra to keep going barefoot to have more opportunity to feel other people through the ground and Shinra did, no matter how sceptical their father seemed to be about the whole thing. Obito learned to orient himself with his one eye only, to feel clues by the waves coming from the ground, by the chakra around him. 
Shinra by now knew that Obito had given one eye over to his teammate Kakashi, whom they hadn’t met and that something happened to Rin that had changed the way he had been when he was a child. They were interested of course to hear his story, but they also didn’t want to intrude. He surely had his reasons not to talk about it.
Frustratingly, Shirna didn’t get to touch their Katana for an entire month after starting training with Kushina. In their teenage stubbornness they were considering marching right over to the Hokage office to complain, after all Lord Fourth had promised them that they could learn how to fight, but in the end they were too shy about it. Secretly they kept training in the backyard behind their house. 
Worse of all, the Hyuuga clan became interested again, now that Shinra was under the protection of the Hokage they suddenly invited them and their father back to the main estate. Shinra did not want to go, but there was this sense of obligation towards their mother that made them go anyway.
Soon Kushina was pregnant, which made it clear that these training sessions would stop relatively soon for the foreseeable future. Kushina promised both of them that she would make sure they'd be well looked after and her suggestion was that Shinra and Obito learn to communicate without her around. Obito had sighed heavily, maybe heavier than he had anticipated, but Shinra felt the challenge. If communication with Obito was what would bring them closer to their goal of a shinobi life then that was what they would do.
Before she was going to retire for baby reasons though, Kushina finally let Shinra use their katana again. Simultaneously Obito was equipped with steel chains. Shinra heard them rattle when he moved them, and felt how heavy they were. The boy was aching under them but Kushina spurred him on to keep going. She was the most supportive adult Shinra had ever met. It was nice to have the katana back, to swirl it overhead and around and dodge whatever kunai Kushina threw at them. It stealthed their hearing as well as their sensing abilities. Soon they could feel the weapons rush through the air before they could hear them coming, they could dodge even shuriken thrown from blind spots. 
One day they stood and held their arms, feeling the muscles that had grown under their skin. It was the jumping and pulling, the constant running and one handed dodges. They were growing. They knew Obito was growing too, his voice soon coming from a much higher angle than it had before. Shinra kept cutting their own hair. They were now far into their teenage years.
“You have to raise your fingers a little higher,” Obito scolded, his hands guiding Shinra's fingers up against their own chest. With the recent growth spurt Shinra’s chest had also started growing against their will, so they had started binding it back. Their father had promised to find them a better, more healthy solution, but it wasn’t as easy. For now they were glad that their chest looked flat enough. “If you say it like that people will misunderstand” he continued, taking their hand so that they could hold his  hand to see his exact way of holding his hand.
Sign language was an interesting aspect one had to learn when training with Uchiha Obito. Obito was good at it, he apparently learned it quicker than anything else in his life, and Kushina and him had entire conversations with each other without uttering a single word. Shinra then stood there head moving, ears stealthing, so that they could maybe through the wind figure out what was said, as if that would have worked in any way. All they could do was wait for them to address them through speaking. Still, Shinra felt like making an effort for him, because Obito clearly liked sign language a lot and his chakra always bounced and swirled excitedly when Shinra used anything from it. That was why they used the weeks in which Kushina was indisposed for studying together.
“I’m trying that very hard, alright?” they said and let one of the hands fall down. Obito had gotten better at lip reading, but Shinra still spoke slowly and carefully for him to follow. They could basically hear the grin in his voice: “I can see that by the frown on your face.” 
Shinra admired that a little, that he was upbeat after all that had happened to him. He hadn’t only almost died from crushing rocks, but also seen his best friend (and crush!) get murdered by his other best friend. Rin was saved of course, another beast hiding deep inside of her, but the trauma must leave him sleepless most times. 
Still he turned up almost every day for training, laughing and cheering when Shinra got an especially difficult turn with their Katana down. In turn Shinra adored his light feet and the swirls of his chakra when he used his special Kamui jutsu. He had told them it was a special dimension he shared with Hatake Kakashi, he had even offered to take them, but they had declined. This seemed like something very private.
“You don’t see anything on my face, dumbo”, Shinra growed back and took their hands out of his. They tried the position he had shown them and tried it again, trying to memorise the height in which it needed to be held so he could understand it. Sign language was a great asset to their communication, but they always needed to touch each other first, Obito usually touching Shinra on the shoulder with soft hands to tell them he had arrived. Shinra could hear him shuffling through sand earlier than his hands could reach them, but they liked that he still alerted them nonetheless. It was sweet. Obito was a nice person. Shinra almost felt bad for the time they stole his pocket money and then treated him to a Ramen.. With his own money. Almost.
Obito’s arm shifted and he said in his weirdly overly loud way: “I think Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei should have their baby any day now. Maybe today?” Shinra could see his swirls move in excitement. They hit the ground in hopes that would rile his attention and then moved their fingers to tell him: “Yes, today.” Obito’s oranges flared and Shinra could feel how excited he was that they’d tried it with sign language. He was so easy to read.
“I can’t wait honestly,” Obito said, hands behind his head, “to meet the little guy. I’m sure he’s going to grow up so happy with those parents.” Shinra grinned. The Hyuuga household also recently had a newborn, a girl, an heiress and the family had told them that they were now responsible for babysitting duty with the child because the parents were way too busy. Maybe Shinra should have been upset at that little regard, but they decided that the girl was not guilty of their parents' issues. Shinra was going to treat her better than they had been treated.
But honestly, though Shinra enjoyed the days with Obito alone, when they focused on working around each other with ferocity, they missed Kushina-sensei's helpfulness and open heart and support. If they thought too hard about it, maybe Shinra just missed a mother figure and Kushina had stepped up to be one. “I’m just glad we can resume training with my katana,” Shinra said and Obito hummed. He too was itching to go back onto the training field with a real trained shinobi.
That night the wind howled louder than on any other October night, blowing coldly through the walkways of Konoha’s backstreet. Shinra felt the evil presence before they could hear the roar of the beast. Could feel the murderous intent all over the village like a stink. They ran and opened the door to their father’s study and though he didn't quite understand what was going on he followed, having full trust in his child’s sensory abilities. Blind and barefoot Shinra lead the way to the village gates, just rounding the last corner when the first roar bellowed over the rooftops. A turn of their head almost overwhelmed them with dark orange chakra. It was so huge, so powerful, that they closed their eyes in hopes to shut it out, just like they had when the byakugan had come out the first time. They held their father’s hand tightly and ran.
Sometime in the hours that followed, in which both of them sat hunched together in an evacuation centre, it dawned on Shinra that Kushina-sensei wasn’t going to come back, ever.
About a year after the Kyuubi attack, Kakashi visited Obito in his apartment, knocking on the window so Obito would feel the reverberations.
Obito waved, then signed, Who are you again? You look a bit familiar, but I’m not sure. Haven’t seen you in a while.
Kakashi looked sheepish.
Sorry, he signed. Busy. But, make you and Rin dinner?
Obito was up in an instant, easy grin, feeling the ping of Kakashi’s relief.
(In the wake of their almost-tragedy in Kiri, picking up the pieces again had been hard for everyone. But this was one silver lining. Feeling the dim press of Kakashi’s emotions through their Sharingan, and knowing that his friend was so much more than the disinterest he had exuded at the beginning.)
ANBU is hard, Kakashi admitted to Obito and Rin later, as they sat in Kakashi’s apartment eating superb chicken and rice. I can’t give details, but—
You’re assassins, right? Obito signed back to him, forming the symbols around his chopsticks. Feeling superior that unlike hearing people, he could both eat and talk. Spying on people and killing them.  
Kakashi shrugged, not denying it. Looking down, he signed, Gai has been telling me — paused dutifully for Rin and Obito to giggle, because the three of them had decided that the sign for Gai was a double fist-pump into the air, and it always looked ridiculous, especially when Kakashi made the sign — Anyway. He has been telling me to take a break. And I thought he was being silly, but some of the missions lately… He sighed a little. So, I thought I’d try it. I’ll cut my missions down to a half-time ANBU schedule. And I’ll come back on the Jonin roll.
Obito was definitely giving Gai the most crushing hug he could the next time he saw him. He and Rin had often worried about Kakashi over the past year. He was almost never around, and when he was, he was absent, occupied by his ANBU schedule and a low thrum of sadness that Obito had been able to feel ever since Rin had almost died. It was a relief that he was now going to spend more time out of the shadows.
Tell me about you, Kakashi signed to them both. Give me a distraction.
“Yes, Obito,” Rin said mischievously. “Why don’t we talk about you and Shinra.”
Stop, Rin, he said to her, groaning. To Kakashi’s questioning glance, Shinra is a friend. I’ve talked about them to you before. The person that Sensei and Kushina wanted me to work with.
He described his interactions with Shinra to Kakashi. How the two of them had been paired up initially because of their disabilities, and how he’d been dubious that a deaf person and a blind person could possibly communicate. That, against all odds, they’d made it work. That they were well-matched when they fought each-other, and that they gave anyone a run for their money when they worked together.
He didn’t say, I really like their sense of humour. They look so Sage-damned cool, far too cool for me, but for some reason they still hang around me even when we’re not training. I’m going to be grateful to them forever for meeting me and Rin in the training field so many years ago, because they’re the reason Rin didn’t die, and the reason why I know she’ll be able to take care of herself from now on, because she and Isobu are great friends, a perfect Jinchuriki, Kushina had said, and no one is gonna mess with her anymore. And I look up to Shinra so much for not caring about what other people think of them. And, did I mention that they look really cool? And I really like that they’re sarcastic and also kind. They’re a good friend, and sometimes I wonder how they think about me.
He didn’t say that, but maybe Kakashi picked up some of what he didn’t say, because his head tilted with interest, and he signed, Can I meet them?
Obito took Kakashi to one of his training sessions. Shinra noticed their similar chakra, and Obito proudly told Kakashi about Shinra’s high-level sensing ability, and proudly told Shinra about Kakashi and Obito’s Sharingan connection. Kakashi was awkward, like he always was meeting new people, and Shinra was a bit standoffish, and Obito felt frustrated that two of his friends couldn’t become best buddies instantaneously, before he realised how long it took himself to form friendships with each of them. 
All they needed was a baptism of fire, he told himself wryly. Some reason to bond through suffering together, like he had with each of them separately. (Not realising how that thought might come back to bite him.)
Kakashi watched them spar against each-other, keeping his expression neutral throughout. Kakashi’s assessment was always a bit of a trigger for Obito self-esteem, so he gritted his teeth and tried to psych himself up for the criticism. He was more mature now. He could take it, and he would learn from it.
Then Kakashi suggested that they both spar against him, and Obito forgot his concerns in the heat of the challenge, of Shinra’s katana in sync with Obito’s chains and Shinra’s use of signs that they’d developed just for the two of them, ones Kakashi didn’t know, that called for formations that they executed flawlessly.
Kakashi knew Obito’s fighting style, of course — although Obito hadn’t seen much of him, they had made time for spars over the last year, trying to fine-tune their Sharingan connection — but Shinra’s agility despite their blindness surprised him a few times. Excitingly for Obito, the combination of Shinra and Obito completely stumped Kakashi on several occasions. Shinra and Obito hi fived over his fallen form when they caught him with one particularly unexpected combo.
“I’m going on a mission next week,” Kakashi said as he sat up from the dirt, speaking out loud for Shinra’s benefit and simultaneously signing for Obito. “B-rank. I don’t have a team yet. Want to come?”
Shinra looked about as shocked as their expression would get (i.e., mildly surprised) and Obito was sure his amazement was plain to see. They were both only Chunin. They didn’t get B-rank missions. Scroll-delivery C-ranks were the highest pinnacle that they had yet achieved.
“You were right,” Kakashi said, and smiled his silly new eye smile at the two of them. “You work well together. I’d be glad to have you on my team.”
The mission was in Earth Country. It was another scroll delivery, but a highly sensitive scroll delivery, in an area where there had been rumours of missing Iwa nin, veterans from the recent war who had defected because they hadn’t liked the conditions under which the peace treaty was signed. 
As they traveled there, Obito described the scenery to Shinra as he often did for them. Kakashi noted that, and he occasionally spoke up too, adding details of the plant names that Obito didn’t know or extra colour information. Obito could tell Shinra warmed up marginally to him afterwards, which made Obito beam widely (they were getting along! It was happening!) and Kakashi look at him a little weirdly for it.
Then they reached Earth country, and the greenery gave way to rocky ravines and large boulders. Obito winced — he didn’t like rocks, for obvious reasons — and Kakashi looked apologetic, probably feeling the hints of his fear. 
A few hours into this new terrain, Obito started to feel prickling along the back of his neck. He told himself it was just his paranoia about the landscape of boulders and caves that they were passing through, until Shinra stopped and concentrated, and signed to both of them, Company.
Kakashi hummed in assent, propping up his hitai-ate. Obito activated his Sharingan in turn, and the world became sharper, colours more vivid.
The explosion came with no warning, a massive unfurling from the ground behind them. No time to dodge. Kakashi twirled, eyes wide, and Obito saw his Sharingan twist into Mangekyo as he hissed, “Kamui,” and the explosion was warped clean away to their dimension, just as Obito had seen him port away coffee cups in their training sessions.
But the effect of sending a whole explosion to Kamui…
Obito winced. “You’re cleaning that up that mess later, Bakashi.”
“And you’re welcome for saving all our lives,” Kakashi shot back.
“Argue later,” said Shinra, pulling out their katana, gesturing at the dozen oncoming nin. “Fight now.”
They fought. Obito was fortunate to have his own Kamui ability: being impermeable at will meant he could get up close to the approaching nin without too much fear of injury. He killed a number of them this way, then looked back out to the battle and saw Shinra showing absolutely no mercy with their katana and Kakashi flying forward with chidori sparking, from one to the next. He grinned a little. Two Chunin and one ANBU against dozens of missing nin Jonin? He actually liked their chances.
Then, ridiculously, another explosion came up from the ground to them. (Why would the attacking nin let off an explosion so large it would claim their own? It made no sense.) In any case, Kakashi vanished this again just like he had the other one. He grimaced, then turned the the oncoming nin and formed Chidori again.
Then Kakashi swayed. 
Shinra beheaded their latest adversary and turned to him, looking a little concerned. “Your chakra…” 
“Yes,” said Kakashi, and promptly fell unconscious against the ground.
Shit. What was it about liking their chances again?
The icy blues of Kakashi’s chakra burned down like a flame under a glass. He wasn’t dead, he was just unconscious, Shrina judged. They murmured a “Shit” to themselves and then ran forward, katana swinging in their hand. A rogue jumped forward, apparently trying to finish Kakashi off now that he lay so defenceless, so Shinra threw their sword. They heard the sound of steel meeting flesh, heard the splatter of blood and winced only for a second. They’d never killed before.
Then Obito swirled Kakashi away. “It's only the blind and the deaf one now”, one of the nin laughed cruelly and had Shinra had their sword they would have stabbed him just as much. Another explosion went off just to their right and this time they knew why.
“Obito '', they said out loud but also signed in the general direction of his excitedly dancing chakra and prayed he was looking at them, “Mines! Mines here everywhere. Tread carefully.”  Their naked feet felt for the little metallic things in the ground.
They heard more blood spilling, a throat being slashed and noticed Obito hesitating before going forward. So he understood. They ran onwards.
There were about 7 left, their chakra natures flaring aggressively in front of Shinra’s eyes. They could do it together. Obito and them, but it would need a little help and coordination. Really, it was a pity that Kakashi had fainted when he did. As long as he’d been around to see and hear for both of them it had been pretty easy to fight alongside each other. Now it seemed… difficult. 
Shinra felt an attacker on their side with something sharp, maybe a knife. Their katana was still where Kakashi had been, stuck in the now dead nin, so they took out their guiding stick from their pocket. They didn’t need it anymore technically, not when they could now sense people with feet and blind eyes alone, but they still owned one just in case they got too weak to use their ability. It had been made foldable for them so that they could carry it around. Without thinking they unfolded it to full height and smacked the ninja in the face with it. He dropped his kunai into Shinra’s hand who picked it up. “I trained with that stick for years before I got a sword”, they said to the unconscious nin and grinned a little. Six left.
Obito’s chakra flared and made them rip their head around. He was having his chains out, Shinra could hear the rattling, and there were about 4 surrounding him. A mine went off not far behind them. He was backing off defensively and then Shinra could hear what they wanted to hear: a soft kling that indicated that their katana had fallen out of the dead body. Obito must have touched it, he must be close.
“Obito!” They screamed and signed, trying to open their mouths as far as possible. “Listen Obito! O-BI-TO!” Again and again, but he did not reply. He wasn’t looking. Shinra felt their own chakra flare, reaching out to him. Look at me. See me. They called again, running towards him. “Obito! Obito!” Obito! Fuck sake don’t ignore me.
I’m not ignoring you, it came back from Obito. Shinra stopped in their tracks and through the dark red swirls they could finally deduce that Obito was looking at them too. He had just spoken- in their mind. No, they couldn’t mind read each other, that would be absurd. No, he had felt for their chakra and submitted the message, just like they hard reached out for him. 
You can hear this, Shinra said more as a statement than a question. Yes, Obito sent back. Shinra marveld at this, the ultimate connection, not super different in the way Kakashi and Obito communicated with each other. Maybe Kushina and Minato had always known this was a possibility, they had been smart after all, or maybe this was just an accident that had formed because Obito and them had gotten so close. But they could communicate now. Without hands or voice. That was a gift unlike any other. A mine went off behind them and Shinra was brought back into the danger of reality.
Listen,they sent Obito, you have my sword. Throw it and I get rid of everyone around you. You can give me backup. Obito’s chakra felt irritated: Throw it?
Yes, throw it. Throw it at me, you can see me, Shrina jumped over a mine without setting it off and kept their gaze on the ever so slightly backing up Obito. Quick, just throw it, they insisted. Ok, but don’t blame me if you get sliced in half, Obito sent back sarcastically. Shinra couldn’t help but laugh. They could speak sarcastically to each other over chakra. Incredible.
Obito stopped walking. They could hear him taunt the other ninja with some quip or another and then he spun around so quickly that they had no time to react, picked up the sword and yanked it into their general direction. Shinra heard the weapon fly in, just like they heard with all the kunai Kushina had thrown at them so many years ago. They jumped up and did a little turn in the air so that they could hold it by its shaft as soon as it was close enough. It felt good to have the sword back in their hand, where it felt warm and right, and then they proceeded forward.
None of the rogue nin had calculated the blind one in, they hadn’t even turned to look at Shinra when they ran in with their sword taken out one after another. The first kill had made them wince and stop, but now they were merciless. That was the way of a shinobi after all. Obito came in too, cains ready to go. To your right, he sent and Shinra spun the sword through both hands to hit their attacker. There is a mine about one feet away from you to your left, they sent it back to Obito and he dodged it without much issue.
It was almost too easy. As if all those years training together had briefed both of them for this very moment of fighting alone. They moved around one another like two dancers in a performance, taking out each other's enemies for another. Obito’s chakra changed from nervous to excited. He was enjoying himself and Shinra was enjoying themselves by proxy. When Obito was happy, they couldn’t help but feel happy too. They had really gotten lucky with him as a companion through all these years. Shinra couldn’t help but wonder what Kushina-sensei would say if she were still alive. Undoubtedly she’d be very proud of the two students she’d treated like children.
The last nin turned on his heels and tried to run, so Shinra followed him. You are almost close enough, Obito said to them, though they had already noticed how close they were. Katana lifted and they were ready to throw it again, but then the nin disappeared, a fast teleportation technique that reminded Shinra of the Yellow Flash, and appeared behind them. A sharp tantou graced their side, opening it up and blood spilled out. They hissed in pain and dropped their sword. But before the nin could do anything else Obito was there, chakra flaring furiously and choking the attacker to death with his chains. Shinra could hear the breathing get lower and lower and Obito growl over him: “I won’t let anyone hurt those that are important to me.” 
“You should have been more careful with that,” Obito said out loud, voice as always a little too loud for their comfort. Shinra sat cross legged on the bed in the hospital room, side bandaged up. If they were lucky it would leave a scar and then they could proudly talk about their first B-rank mission and show it off. 
It just happened, it's not a big deal, they let Obito know through chakra waves and he sighed audibly. He had come each day Kakashi and them had been in the hospital, sometimes with Rin, sometimes alone and often joined them on the hospital bed, just like Kakashi had apparently done when Obito lost his hearing.
His hand felt for the back of their head as he had so often done recently. Don’t, they argued weakly, but he ignored them, just like he had each time before. They were still cutting their own hair and as such had a hard time cutting off the ends of their hair on the back. Obito had started braiding those strands of hair when he sat next to them, leaving them with little braids that jiggle when they moved their head. They had protested each time, told him to leave it, but secretly they’d liked it.
Obito was different. He’d always been Shinra’s friend and companion and training partner. He was disablied like they were and still had aspirations to be a great shinobi just like them. They had spent so much time together and lived through so much, not only good times. Obito had always been more than any other person Shinra had ever met, but lately he was different differently.
They liked the touch of his fingers on their skin, his voice even when too loud and the way he smelled when he was next to them. But most of all, Shinra liked the way he spoke to them, through his orange-red chakra alone. His chakra was warm when it touched theirs. Wrapping them up with a feeling of homelyness and calm.
They told themselves that this was because they had this connection. Everybody who was this close to each other, so close that they could communicate without talking, would end up feeling so strongly about each other, right? After all he had saved their life, so it was all normal right? 
Shinra leaned eyes closed against Obito’s shoulder, let him braid whatever strand he got his fingers on and thought of how much they wished that they could see his face.
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Pannacotta Fugo — General and Relationship Headcanons.
I have no clue when did I start simping for this guy, having finished Golden Wind almost a month ago 💀 And there aren't enough fics or hc's about him, so I'm gonna make my addition to this. Also because I headcanon Fugo to be slightly different than what most fics portray him as.
Some of this headcanons were based on the backstory given to Fugo on the light novel, not the one he was given in the anime. You can read this post where both backstories are explained and analyzed.
Fugo x Gn!Reader
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Listen, he's a kind person. He's gentle and empathetic. He took a wounded Narancia into the restaurant and asked Bruno to feed him, he also helps Nara study, so, Fugo cares. He really does.
He genuinely wants to become a good person, unlike his parents. Reason why he'll never treat anyone the way his parents treated him. Unfairly, continuously pushing them,
Fugo is short fused, and has issues managing his anger. But for the most part, his raging fits, whether they're uncontrollable, they're still brief.
He still is someone who acknowledges other's effors. While his family wasnt kind acknowledging his intelligence, Fugo however, is kind when acknowledging others.
He was the kid who was always under pressure, highly controlled by his parents, which made him a quiet kid, but a rebellious teen. He's still quiet, and for the most part, avoids conflict, but isn't afraid of throwing punches if necessary.
Listen, Fugo is touch starved. I don't make the rules. As a kid he barely recieved physical affection, pretty much only his grandmother gave it to him. He finds himself craving physically affection.
He's a genius and he knows it, but he hates being treated like one. He is after all a teenager and wishes to be treated as such.
Fugo is laid back, and can take a joke, even, sometimes joins Mista's and Nara's bullshit.
He is cautious tho. He'll go along with the bullshit until he realizes they're about to get in trouble.
He's got a bit of a low self esteem. He knows he's intelligent, and he knows he can rely in said intelligence. However, he still struggles to overcome the years and years of gaslighting from his parents. He knows he's more than his IQ, but sometimes, it's hard for him to realize his worth aside of it.
He has issues opening up to people. Getting to trust someone isn't much of an issue, he's analytical and easily see if someone is trustworthy. The issue is opening up.
This is because of how controlling his parents were. His past haunts him, and wishes to forget about it. So, if he opens up to you, please be kind, listen.
Once he's opened up, you'll become his most trusted ally. He sucks at comuniting his feelings, he won't be able to understand them himself, but he will let you know if he's feeling anxious and uneasy.
He's an inexperienced teenager, so, he doesn't really know how relationship work. He knows only what he's seen from the outside.
Fugo is delicate. And he needs constant reassurance that he's doing well, that he's a good boyfriend, and that you love him. Tell him he's doing great, and that you love him.
Hold him. He needs it. Hold his hand, hug him, paly with his hair, he loves the affection, and he needs it.
He's also too shy to ask for both reassurance and physical affection, so, you'll have to keep both going on a daily.
He'll never ever snap out on you. Somehow, he never gets to lose his control when it comes to you
Narancia realized this and started using you as a shield. And it worked.
He'll still sometimes get annoyed and raise his voice at you, but it's not on purpose, he didn't mean to.
You're his most precious. He'll refer to you by your name when talking to others. But when he's talking to you specifically, he'll call you his beloved.
At first Nara and Mista made fun of him. And Fugo got annoyed. But he never snapped at them about it. Mostly because you kept telling him to ignore them and how much you liked that pet name.
"My beloved..." He says it with a particular dreamy tone.
If you like to read, get ready for the amount of book recommendations he's gonna give you. He'll borrow you all of his books at some point. And he will ready any book you suggest. He'll also ask you to lend him books all the time.
You'll find pressed leaves or flowers randomly in his books. All of them collected from random places at random times. And he most likely forgot about them.
If you don't like to read, he'll still recommend you books. But always about the topics that interest you, and easy to read, nor too heavy books. However, he will make an effort to get you more into reading.
He randomly starts geeking about random topics he likes. One day, he'll start mumbling about the String Theory, multiverses, the laws of thermodynamics, how volcanoes are formed, or different historical events. And he will talk about them for hours without realizing it. It's super adorable. Listen! And ask him stuff! He'll love it.
If he doesn't know the answer, he surely will research it and tell you about it once he's learned about it.
When he finally notices he's been geeking about stuff for so long, he'll immediately apologize.
He really appreciates the tender moments. Quiet moments when its just the two of you, cuddling in either of your rooms, listening to music.
He really likes forehead kisses. Wether giving them or receiving them.
He prefers to be the small spoon, or to hide his face in your neck when cuddling. He feels protected. Please protect him.
But he will never deny you being the little spoon if you ask.
No matter how long you've been in a relationship, his kisses will always be shy in the beginning, wether if they get heated up or not, is a different story. All his kisses always start shy.
He really tries to be a good boyfriend, even if he sometimes has issues comuniting how he's feeling, or when he accidentally raises his voice at you over nothing, or when he's suddenly colder and wants to be alone, its just the way he is. He really tries to be a good boyfriend, he's never been in a relationship before, and really loves you, so he tries his best to be the partner you deserve.
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love-peterparker · 3 years
In Extremis || Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary: After the reveal of Spider-Man’s secret identity and the release of Quentin Beck’s murder video, there isn’t a lot going right for Peter Parker. But he has you. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, protests and rallies, mentions of murder, a gun that is never shot, and some hair description for Y/N for plot purposes (but it should still be generic enough).  
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I’m first a Captain America and Agent Carter fan, and I wanted to recreate what makes their relationship so special, but with Peter and Y/N… ‘cuz I also love Peter Parker. I really loved writing this, and I hope you enjoy it.
Also, thanks to @marvelouspeterparker, @sinisterspidey (she actually has a blurb called I’ll Follow You and it builds off of Spider-Man’s identity reveal) and @stuckonspidey for answering my anon asks for general writing tips and Peter’s character. And @spideyspeaches with her kind words after reading one of the final drafts of this fic. Lastly, a special thanks to @peterbenjiparker encouraging me with this fic and for making me so emotional with her series Invisible String (Read this!... but only if your heart can take it) that I needed to write something. This story has nothing to do with it, but it does make some small generic references to her fic, and I would like to think that Y/N and Peter are soulmates in this story.
This takes place in a universe where a FFH-esque identity reveal happens when Y/N and Peter are young adults.
This fucking city didn’t deserve him.
Peter rarely admits it, but you say it all the time. When you hit a dead end in the Avenger’s database. When checking for your gun before leaving another safehouse. When reaching for him in the dark of night.
This fucking city didn’t deserve him.
It had been over a year since Peter’s identity as Spider-Man was revealed and the dubious video of Quentin Beck’s murder was released. But it felt like a lifetime.
These two Peter problems were like ivy. They rooted, twisted, and spread. Winding into chokeholds around their victims.
But heroes knew how to play with fire.
Peter’s identity was dealt with in a straightforward fashion. Plenty villains who would do anything to exact revenge on Spider-Man, but they would have to find Peter Parker and identify his loved ones first. And for someone like Peter? Well, it was going to take some time.
To you, Peter was lifegiving. A shining ray of golden hope. You fell to sleep and rose to press kisses into his face. To cherish and hold. To share tears. But to the world, or even New York City? He was a nobody, one who couldn’t even hold a steady job.
You all worked fast while the wicked played catch-up. The Avengers searched and wiped all, but ultimately little personal information Peter had on the internet, as well anything that might connect him to your shared inner circle. Everyone was given an Avenger’s signal watch. And both you and May opted to move as a precaution. May to Brooklyn. You to Avenger’s Tower.
The case of Quentin Beck’s murder was a much more grinding process. Through polished superhero reputations, the lawyers secured an Avenger’s Tower house arrest during court proceedings. An overwhelming amount of evidence in Peter’s favor was gathered. Press conferences were held. Speeches were given. And when it all seemed like it was too much for too long, you and Peter would lie in bed, arms and legs entangled, whispering that everything would turn out all right. Good will win. You just had to keep going.
It was taxing, but not impossible. And just when you all thought you were pulling at the end of the thread with the jury in your favor, the ground beneath you crumbles into nothingness. You spiral and crash into a labyrinth, lush and high-walled. Maybe this was the way out- oh wait, you’ve been here- or have you? You all turn and turn only to face a new dead end. A new set of incriminating videos were released. Spider-Man’s videos took the spotlight, but videos of Wanda and Bucky were also revealed. The streets of New York bustled in whispers.
Can we really trust these heroes? What if these videos are the truth?
And what happens when these powerful people think they are right when they are wrong?
When public protests against Earth’s heroes sprouted and jury members started to disappear, it was clear that the whoever or whatever was behind this had greater motives and powerful allies. It was time to buy time.
Everyone had tried to convince Peter to go into hiding somewhere else. Anywhere else. He had enough super-friends where anywhere was possible. Lay low while everyone else above ground scrambled to unweave this massive web of lies. But Peter was infuriatingly adamant that New York, regardless of her wavering loyalties, was his to protect.
So two months ago, he started bouncing around New York City, investigating when he could, and making polarizing headlines with every swing he took.
You tried to continue as if Peter was still by your side. After being terminated from your junior journalist job for “suspect ties to Spider-Man,” Spider-Man became your mission. You originally attended press conferences and rallies as moral support, but after Peter’s first awkward mumbles of a speech, it was painfully clear that he needed a new voice. The public herself needed a normal person who interacted with superheroes. Who better than Spider-Man’s girlfriend? But after the last kidnapping attempt and the Avengers’ numbers shrinking, it was clear that this wouldn’t last. The world now knew who you were too.
The thick ivy had caught up, and you were on fire.
But to hell with it because there was no universe where you would be leaving this nightmare without him. So the next time you looked in the mirror, you donned short red hair and heavy eyeliner.  
Days were spent questioning possible witnesses. Nights were spent in the light of a computer. And when you could barely drag yourself to continue, moments were spent staring at your beautiful boy’s picture. He needed you.  
You had only heard from him twice since he went into hiding, though there were a few times answered unknown number calls would lead to abstract rustling and distinct web shooter noises. To those, you always whispered “I love you,” before hanging up.
That was until last night, when you noticed small slip of paper in the crack of the window of the safehouse you had been staying at. Only a time and an address were written, in messy, but undeniably Parker script.
You spent the next day visiting arbitrary places in the Bronx, trying to determine if anyone was following you and collecting items in an unsuspecting backpack.
It was a balancing act between comfort and practicalities. An extra stealth suit. A waterproof jacket you both shared. Protein bars. Extra web fluid and a first-aid kit. A hefty wad of cash, just in case. And in the smallest pocket, things to help him in the darkest days to come. Letters from you, May, Ned, and your other friends. A few packs of gummy bears. And a picture of you and him, laughing in Central Park on one of your many dates. Sunlight casting halos on your heads. Bright. Carefree. Brimming with love.
Your heart cried and cried and cried, begging for those days.
But they were gone. And as much as you didn’t want to admit it, so were the people in that picture.
You travelled to the building location and made your way to the rooftop. Rows and rows of white sheets were hung, all whipping in the wind to dry.
A small smile graced your lips. You had to hand it to him. He was smart.
You folded yourself into one of the corners of the rooftop, gun in hand and waited. Eerie silence slowly lulling you to…
You woke up to the soft footsteps, sleepy eyes registering a shadowy figure behind one of the bedsheets.
“Hans?” you whispered, pointing your gun with a finger on the trigger.
“Leia,” the figured replied, equally hushed. The shadow lifted the curtain. It took a second to register, but it was really him. You raced towards each other, quick hold each other, beaming. Today, you existed in the same place at the same time.
“That was so stupid. I can’t believe you got me to do that,” you laughed, pressing your face into him, holding him tightly as if he could disappear at any moment.
“Oh, come on, you loved it!” he quipped. You hummed in appreciation.
“True, but I love you more.” His eyes brightened at your confession, pink dusting his cheeks.
“I know.” You shook your head, smiling at his response before turning your head and taking in who he had become. Gone were the luxurious curls, replaced with a buzzcut. A pair of fake glasses perched on his nose in further attempts to conceal his identity. Hallowed eyes. His skin tinted gray from the stress. You ran your fingers through the fuzz on his head, massaging his scalp. A sigh escaped his lips, eyes fluttering shut, with hands reaching to caress yours.
“You cut your hair.”
“You did too.” His fingers danced in the ends of your own tresses. A sad smile furnished your face.
“It had to be done,” you replied, before pressing your lips to his cheek and gently removing yourself from his embrace to get your laptop. “We need to get started. We’ve found a lot since you left.”
With his head on your shoulder, fingers laced with yours, and your laptop on your lap, you recounted the on-going investigation to him. The deep web that just kept going and going. Your theories and suspects. And when that was done, you kept talking. How Aunt May and his friends were fine but missing him. How the remaining Avengers were fairing. Peter was oddly quiet, sharing only a few thoughts here and there, but you attributed it to his weariness.
As the sun continued to dip, the silences between sentences stretched, but you mustered more words. As if your sentences were the delicate string that grounded him to you.
“Y/N,” he interrupted. You looked at him and hummed in reply. He began playing with your fingers, eyes never meeting your own. “I love you more than I ever I thought I could, and I’m really thankful for everything you’ve done. And you’ve done so much. Like, I don’t know if I would have even made it this far without you, but here you are, and well, you can’t keep doing this.” You cocked your head, before shaking your head, hair rustling.
“What? Peter, we are getting somewhere! I just need to visit the-“ He lets go of your hand, fingers clenching into trembling fists.
“No, no more visits. No more investigating. This can’t be your life. When this started, we thought there was a way out. But it’s been over a year. Clearly whoever or whatever is doing this won’t stop until we’re all gone. This may never stop. I can’t have you throwing away your life for me. Hell, I don’t even know when I’ll see you aga-“
“Peter,” you cut him off, your voice pitched lower in concern, “Where is this coming from? We’re gonna make it. It is just a matter of-”
“I can’t give you what you deserve! I’m Spider-Man, so we don’t get to have a house and two kids! We get this-, this fucking disaster! I live like this because I have to. I don’t get a choice. And you shouldn’t be stupid enough where you are doing the same thing!”  
Your mouth fell open, ready to spit back poison when he looked at you. It was in his eyes. Behind the falling tears and redness was the glint of insecurity that Peter had always carried. This was the child whose parents died. The teenager who didn’t stop his Uncle Ben from getting killed. Who held Tony Stark in his last moments. The man who was on the run.  
The hero who would never stop giving to a world who would never stop taking.
Your thoughts frenzied. If you held on to him too tightly, he would resist. The more he would thrash, determined to save you while slowly sacrificing himself until there was nothing left. Your brain was frozen, so your heart gave you the words-
“Marry me.”  
Peter’s eyes widen before retracting into a tight furrow, scrunching his nose.
“What?! No! Did you not hear anything I just said-“
“I’m not leaving you. I will never leave you. The one thing you never get to doubt in the world is us. So, I’m gonna ask you again; will you,” you took his hand, went to one knee, and let your voice soften as you held his gaze, “Peter Parker, marry me?”  
You both bathed in silence. His chocolate doe eyes boring straight into yours, searching for truth. The thought that maybe you had gone about this the wrong way started to crawl into your mind, but then a smile slowly creeped onto his face, bright red with blush. More salt-water pooled in his eyes. He pulled you into a near lung-constricting embrace, smothering wet kisses into every inch of your face. Mine. Mine. Mine. You could practically hear his thoughts as you basked in each kiss. I missed you. I love you. And oh my god, you’re here to stay.
“What did I ever-, I have no idea know what I ever did to ever deserve you.” A smirked formed on your lips.
“Is that a yes?” The gold stars in his eyes shined at your playfulness. There was the man you always loved.
“Yes, yes, oh god yes. I do, Mrs. Parker,” he said pulling you in for a passionate kiss. And you both stayed there, melting into the ground beneath you. Breathing each other in as moments passed. Tender “I love you’s” flowing generously from both of your lips. As if the world had vanished and all that existed was you and him, and him and you, and this understanding that this, this was a love until death do you part.
Peter was the one to break the string of kisses, leaving you to chase his lips before touching his forehead with your own. His breath hot on your face. “I- , if you go to my lab there is a secret compartment. In my desk. The code is your birthday. I was going to ask you myself, but then, well… this.” You chuckled as he stumbled on his words.
“I’ll get it as soon as I can.” You both leaned in to close the gap again when a cacophony of sirens and lights echoed in the streets below.
Frustration filled Peter’s eyes as he sat up. “Shit. I-, I gotta go. Are you gonna be okay?” You let out a shallow breath, but quickly forced a smile.
“Go get’em.” And with the whip of his webs, he was gone.
You sat there for a moment, taking in the new quiet. Your fingers graced your lips, still warm with the memory of his. A lightness had settled in your chest, and with every breathe you could feel it pulse stronger.
Because no matter what it took, no matter how long the wait, there was two things for certain.
He was going to protect the city. And you were going to save your husband.
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AN: I... I don’t even know what to say except for I’m so sorry? We had some tech issues at work today and I had this idea while I waited and it didn’t fit with Slides so here’s some plot with porn at the end with Mat? I wrote this in first person narrative but there’s no name or description in it. Also this is my first time writing anything like this and I didn’t spend much time proof-reading so please don’t judge too harshly
AN 2: I wrote a sequel called No Control and you can find it here so please check it out!!
Word count: 7.4k (things escalated what can I say..)
Warnings: cursing and smut, like really explicit content
He was only wearing a towel. Again. Seeing him walking around in nothing but shorts was already bad enough but this was on a whole other level.
When Mat had first invited me to come with him to his lake house by Vancouver to wait this mess out I had been thrilled. Fancy lake house overlooking the water with my best friend definitely sounded better than stuffy Brooklyn apartment in a city crammed with thousands of people infected.
Thankfully my online classes made the journey across the country possible and I only had to fly back for a short while to take my final exams. This wasn’t really how I envisioned my summer after graduating college but it could be worse I guess.
As I took a look at him all glistening wet from his shower on his way over to me by the kitchen island, I felt like I was trapped in an episode of temptation island or something like that.
Neither of us had expected this lockdown to last this long and almost two months of being holed up together was starting to take its toll. I’d known for a fact that I’d go batshit crazy if I were to stay with my own family or my crazy roommate though so his offer had truly been godsend. With the fancy club I usually waitressed at closed there was no way I’d be able to pay for my rent either, so I’d given my landlord my notice, put everything that I wouldn’t take with me in storage and followed Mat across the country.
His family was supposed to be up here with us and that way I’d have his sister as a distraction, but they’d decided to stay in the city, meaning it was only Mat and I. And my sexual frustration.
It didn’t help that my quarantine buddy looked like a fucking Greek god either. Any nun would probably go for him as well, frustrated or not. And I was definitely not a nun.
“Do you want to go paddle boarding after breakfast? The water shouldn’t be too cold today with the sun out.”
I looked out through the large floor to ceiling windows at Mat’s question, I’d been so distracted by him running around practically naked that I hadn’t even noticed that for the first time in three days there were almost no clouds visible. With May well underway British Columbia was apparently finally getting ready for summer.
“Yeah let’s do it. I still have to respond to a couple of emails before we leave tho.”
He took a look over my shoulder at my laptop, water droplets from his hair falling down my neck making me squirm.
“You’re getting me all wet”, I huffed before giving him a shove. Not thinking about the way his muscular shoulders felt underneath my fingers at all. Definitely not thinking about that. Nope.
“You’re the first girl I’ve ever heard complain about that you know?” He winked at me before throwing his head back in laughter as I flipped him off. The flirty banter that had been going on between us ever since we met almost two years ago wasn’t really helping my case either.
I was convinced the only reason why we hadn’t hooked up yet was terrible timing. We’d met at a time when both of us were seeing others and by the time we both were single again the previous months of platonic friendship had set our relationship in stone, never allowing for anything more than playful flirting and teasing. I’d thought about it for a couple of times, because honestly who wouldn’t with the way he looked?
Mat filled a cup with coffee and grabbed some of the breakfast I’d prepared before pulling out the chair next to me, looking at me expectantly. I was still munching on the remainder of my overnight oats so it took me a couple of seconds to swallow before I could ask what the hell he was waiting for.
“For you to finish whatever it is that you need to do. I have nothing else to do”
“I can’t concentrate with you hovering over me like this. Go work out or something.”
Mat had a really nice gym set up in one of the rooms and let me tell you if I had to pick one place to plank for the rest of the life, it would definitely be in there so I could at least watch the calming water while I died such a slow painful death.
“I already worked out, that’s why I just got out of the shower.”
“Well then put some fucking clothes on, you’re not some cave man who can get away with only wearing a loincloth”, I exclaimed, slowly getting flustered with him in such close proximity while knowing that one tuck could expose him completely. He cackled but got up nevertheless, making his way back towards his bedroom.
“Me being naked is yet another thing no one has ever complained about either, you wound me.”
“I’m sure Tito would disagree!”, I yelled, desperate to have the last word so I could at least keep some semblance of control in this situation. I could hear him laugh all the way from the other end of the house and quickly shook my head so I could finally get some things sorted out before he got back.
With the way the sun was shining right now I could probably get away with wearing only a t shirt over my swimsuit, which was a lot better than the full-on wetsuit we’d donned whenever we’d spent our time doing any water activities over the past few weeks. Although Mat in a wetsuit was truly a sight to see, with the way the fabric clung to him so tight that you could see every ridge of his muscles underneath.
I hustled through my emails, ready to relax for the day. Perhaps I could even start on my summer tan already, being out on the water always sped things up. Thankfully I’d bothered to bring lots of clothes and a bit of online shopping had closed any gaps that I had in my wardrobe, this bikini being one of the new acquirements as well. It was super cute and my butt looked really good in it and it would look even better once I finally got my tan going.
Mat was already lounging on the couch in the living room, scrolling through his phone and looking annoyingly perfect as ever. I knew for a fact that he hadn’t done anything with his hair and it looked so soft that I just wanted to push my hands through it. And pull it until he groaned.
“That one’s new”, he immediately said once he lifted his gaze to look at me, pulling me out of my fantasies. I hadn’t put my shirt on yet so he was getting the full view of me in the bikini, which might have been on purpose. I knew that quarantine must be getting to him as well and he wasn’t the only one that could be a tease.
I nodded, biting my lip before twirling around so he could get all angles. “You like?”
This bikini was a little bit skimpier than the ones he’d seen me in before and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t as relaxed at the sight as he pretended to be. Finally.
We grabbed our paddles and boards and slowly made our way out on the water. It still took me a couple of minutes to find my balance, no matter how many times I’d done this before but eventually I managed, Mat now slightly ahead of me. If I had my phone with me I would definitely take pictures of him right now, they’d be outdoor magazine worthy.
“Come on slow poke, what’s keeping you?”, he yelled over his shoulder and I was tempted to splash him but I already knew that that would end up in a fight I couldn’t possibly win so I only stuck my tongue out before working to catch up.
At first we kept close to the shore but eventually we slowly made our way out farther onto the lake, laying down on our boards to enjoy the gentle up and down of the water. The sun was hotter than anticipated so both Mat and I ended up taking off our shirts and using them as pillows instead. I closed my eyes to keep me from staring at him, instead relishing in the way the sun warmed my face.
“This is what life should always be like”, Mat sighed contently, breaking the comfortable silence.
“You’d miss hockey eventually. You belong on the ice.”
“Probably. But right now I’m not missing a thing ‘cause I got everything I need right here.”
I didn’t want to look at him out of fear of what I might see on his face, only giving him an affirmative hum instead.
“You’re seriously the best”, Mat sighed after emptying his drink yet again. I had decided that tonight would be taco night and made some margaritas to accompany them, both of us a couple of glasses in by now. It honestly could be a Tuesday but who even knows anymore. I was convinced that at least part of the reason why Mat had asked me to come with him was because he liked my food so much, especially when I cooked Mexican.
The sun was setting over the lake and we were sitting outside on the porch so we could watch the sun set above the water, music playing quietly in the background. He reached for the pitcher and I grabbed the golf club leaning against the sofa we were currently sharing, even though there was lots of space to lounge elsewhere.
Now I didn’t really like golfing, in fact I thought it was among the most boring sports to watch and not much better to play, but I did like to swing at the ball as hard as I could. I’d found some golf balls that would dissolve into food for the fish so for the last couple of hours Mat and I had taken turns in trying to get the ball as far as possible, both of us with a subpar form that only got worse after every margarita.
“No you need to rotate your hips along with the swing”, Mat commented and I threw him a look over my shoulder.
“You’re not much better you know.”
“Yeah but I’m also stronger than you so I can hit harder.”
“I’m not sure if that’s how it works Matty.”
For my next swing I made sure to exaggeratedly turn my hips with the movement, causing me to lose balance of course. In a split second Mat was there, his big hands resting on either side of my hips so I wouldn’t fall.
“Good reflexes”, I giggled, letting my head drop back onto his shoulder so I could look up at him, our eyes locking in an intense stare. He was standing so close to me that I could feel his breath fan across my neck it was very tempting to take the little step that was needed for me to be pressed against him completely. I knew I shouldn’t be thinking about him like this, but the alcohol wasn’t exactly helping.
I could see him swallow hard, closing his eyes for a second before reluctantly letting go of me. “It’s what they pay me millions for you know.”
“Cocky little shit.” And just like that we fell back into our old rhythm again. I pushed any and all dirty thoughts out of my mind and instead focused back on my golf swing.
With every sip I felt myself relax more, the amount of alcohol in the second pitcher definitely stronger than in the first. I knew that Mat felt the effect of the alcohol as well by now, the way his gaze would turn unfocused from time to time giving him away.
I gave him a curious glance when he got up, knowing for a fact that him with a golf club would be a dangerous combination if he tried anything right now. To my surprise he walked over to the box where all the blankets were stashed, pulling out the fluffy grey one that I liked most before spreading it across both of our legs. He surprised me even further when he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close to his side so I could rest my head on his chest. While behavior like this wasn’t completely unusual for the two of us, it had been a while since we last cuddled. It was as if Mat had been careful to not get too close up until this point, his resolve now gone.
“You know, I really like knowing things and learning how stuff works, but sometimes I just wanna be a kid again who doesn’t have a clue. I remember how I used to think that every star was a little fairy like the ones in Tinkerbell or something, I don’t know. The world used to be so full of wonders and now it’s all science this psychology that, you get me?” I listened to him ramble, the alcohol making him stumble on his words a couple of times as he tried to figure out how to properly articulate himself. I’d listened to his drunk thoughts for years now, still amazed at his ability to get all philosophical out of apparently nowhere.
“Kinda yea, but I also think there’s still lots of wonders left, some of them having to do with science. Why do comatose patients wake up? What must it feel like as a surgeon to be able to give someone a new heart, a new life? How can we know so much and yet still be wrong so many times? So the way I see it there’s still wonders, you just got to know where to look”, I finished my rant, looking up only to see Mat intently staring down at me. This wasn’t our first drunk real talk, but the way I was wrapped in his arms somehow made it feel more personal.
“By the way, I think I got lucky because I wasn’t even looking and yet I still somehow ran into you”, I continued, needing him to understand his importance to me all of the sudden. He’d truly been my rock over the past few months, keeping me from going insane as I approached the final stretch of my senior year. He’d reminded me to take care of myself and practically forced me to whenever I didn’t.
I couldn’t even count the amount of times I’d crashed at his place because my roommate was having some kind of crazy rager in our apartment, effectively making it impossible to study. He’d even offered up his spare bedroom once he moved into his new apartment but I declined because I wouldn’t be able to afford the rent at this place and I wasn’t about to leech off of him when I had other options.
“You are my wonder too, you know. I couldn’t have wished for a more supportive friend.” I smiled up at him, drunk happiness mixed with genuine love for the guy that had slowly turned into the most important person in my life. We’d come quite far.
It didn’t take long until the both of us were yawning so frequently that it was impossible to keep up a conversation, quickly gathering everything so we could go back inside. I hadn’t even realized how cold it had gotten until Mat’s arm dropped from my shoulder and my legs were exposed again from underneath the blanket.
“You wanna have a sleepover?”, Mat asked grinning at me cheekily while walking across the living room. Never one to say no to cuddling with Mat, even before all this quarantine horniness, I nodded before dashing off to my room to get ready.
Mat was already snuggled under the covers and he lifted up one side as soon as he saw me getting closer. He liked to be the big spoon and because that was one of the best feelings in the world I basically let him do whatever until he deemed our sleeping position comfortable. He’d definitely pulled me a little tighter than he usually did, our bodies now practically touching from head to toe.
He’d tangled up one of his legs with mine and my back was flush to his chest, his face nuzzled into the back of my neck. He had wrapped one arm around my waist so even if I wanted to leave or move, I wouldn’t be able to. It was like a big perfect Mat cocoon.
As I laid there listening to his breathing slowing down I thought back to what Mat had said on the paddle board a couple of days ago, about how he had everything he needed right here with him. I knew that that wasn’t exactly true because he missed his family and even if he denied it I knew he missed hockey as well, but he’d also admitted to needing me with him and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel the same.
A few rays of sunshine had lit up Mat’s bedroom the next morning, but that wasn’t what had woken me up. Mat was calling for me from the ensuite bathroom and I could faintly make out the sound of water running.
“I need you to bring me your shampoo, I’m all out”, he yelled and I groaned before slowly rolling out of bed. In daylight I could make out the mess his room had become, clothes littering the floor and every other surface and I almost stumbled over a set of weights on my way out of the door.
I grabbed my shampoo out of my shower and even reached for the conditioner for good measure. His hair had gotten so long by now that it would surely appreciate the extra attention.
Making my way into the bathroom I was faced with a problem that I hadn’t thought of up until this point. The lake house was pretty new, meaning the interior design was cozy yet still modern. Meaning all bathrooms were equipped with big glass showers. Meaning that there was currently no shower curtain preventing me from seeing Mat fully naked in the shower.
I could close my eyes but I would 100% trip over his clothes that he’d strewn all across the bathroom floor so my only option was to try and keep my eyes up high. Keyword being ‘try’. At least he had his back turned to me but I was still mesmerized by the water running down his body and the way his back muscles rippled as he reached up to push his hair out of his face. And that ass..
I slowly approached the shower, praying that he wouldn’t turn around to face me but also kind of hoping he would. I opened the door a little bit so I could set the bottles down inside and thankfully he stayed put.
“Don’t put the conditioner on your roots or your hair will look greasy”, I said on my way out and even I could hear how breathless I sounded, the view having my thoughts run a mile a second.
As soon as I had the bathroom door closed I squeezed my eyes shut to try and regain my composure. The image of him in that shower was one I wouldn’t be able to get rid of for a long time. I couldn’t even take a cold shower to cool down because Mat had my stuff and he’d know something was up if I were to simply rinse myself off and I couldn’t exactly tell him that the sight of him naked had gotten me all hot and bothered.
So instead I decided to use all of my pent up energy to go on a run, hoping for the runner’s high to clear my thoughts. By the time I got back Mat was laying in the corner of the couch, an episode of The Office on the big flatscreen.
“We need to go to the store later”, I reminded him, knowing that I couldn’t walk in on him naked again without losing the little control I had left in my body. He nodded and then looked me up and down and for a second I was embarrassed. Even with only wearing running shorts and a sports bra I was still drenched in sweat, probably looking disgusting.
At least he’d put my stuff back so I could finally shower in peace, my thoughts still wandering back to earlier this morning. I wouldn’t have turned him down before all of this shit started but now that I only had my own hands and trusted toy to take care of myself, I was borderline desperate. Two months without sex was the longest dry spell I’d had in years and I couldn’t imagine Mat feeling any different. I knew from firsthand experience that he brought lots of girls home as well. Perhaps he needed something to happen as much as I did.
It was hard to believe that his shampoo had just been empty all of a sudden without him noticing first and then there was the fact that for the past few days he’d been parading around the house in only his boxers or towels.
Two can play this game, I thought to myself, pulling on a comfy shirt and some tight booty shorts, foregoing a bra which he was bound to notice because of how it stretched over my chest.
I pretended not to notice how Mat almost choked on the sip of water he’d just taken as I made my way into the living room, walking over to the kitchen to grab my own bottle. Even if I couldn’t see it to confirm, I was pretty sure that he was staring at my ass as soon as I turned away from him. For good measure I even made sure to lie down with my head in his lap, murmuring something about how he’d taken up the best spot so he really left me no other choice.
The first few minutes he didn’t move an inch, resembling a statue. I knew that he could feel my boobs pressed against his thigh and I made sure to shift a couple of times to make sure before placing one of my hands on his thigh. Eventually he relaxed and even went as far as to rest one of his hands on top of my hand, slowly moving his fingers through the tangles in my still wet hair. When he accidently pulled at a few strands I let out a content sigh while simultaneously digging my nails into his thigh out of habit. I pretended to not hear him groan lightly and instead gave him the most insincere apology of my life, thoughts now definitely elsewhere.
I was royally screwed. Or actually I wasn’t, and that was becoming a big problem.
I’d made it my personal mission to get a reaction out of him as much as I could. Mat was the same, I hadn’t seen him wearing a shirt in days. It was like this competition to see who could make the other one snap first. Currently I was making breakfast in nothing but a shirt and my panties. Granted, the shirt went to my mid-thighs because I’d stolen it from Mat a couple of months ago but still.
One of my upbeat playlists was playing over the speaker system and I was dancing around in front of the stove, careful to not let the our breakfast burn.
“What a sight to wake up to”, I heard Mat’s voice behind me and his hoarse morning voice did things to me I would never admit out loud. I gave him a cheeky grin over my shoulder and wiggled my butt for good measure as my favorite part of the song came on.
“Can you set the table? Breakfast is almost ready”, I asked and he nodded before moving to grab everything. We’d gotten our morning routine down to a t by now and I couldn’t help the warmth that spread in my chest at seeing him do something so domestic. Our friendship had certainly evolved since practically moving in here together. It would actually be weird to not have him around constantly once all of this was over.
The day continued like most of the days before, us lounging on the couch after working out together for a while. It was something we’d made a habit a while ago. His trainer knew that I was with him so he’d give Mat tandem exercises from time to time or he’d ask me to take videos so he could make sure that Mat’s form was okay. I certainly didn’t mind the view.
Mat was always hot of course but there was something to be said about the way he looked after a workout, all flushed and just downright delicious. It was definitely a great motivation to join him in the gym.
This time I had managed to snatch the corner seat and I was sprawled out on the couch, Mat’s head resting on my stomach. While I’d managed to put on some shorts he was of course still shirtless and I’d given in to temptation long ago, my fingers now slowly running across his back. He had one of his arms thrown across my stomach, hand resting on my hip and drawing slow circles on the little patch of skin that had been exposed when my shirt had ridden up. While cuddling wasn’t unusual between the two of us, this was certainly new territory, the show we’d been watching kind of forgotten by now.
“Use your nails”, Mat pleaded and his voice was so raw that I would’ve done anything he asked of me at this point. He let out a groan when I softly raked my nails across his back and I was glad that he couldn’t see my face right now. There was a spot on the left side of his back that would cause him to shudder slightly, goosebumps spreading quickly. I found myself watching him in awe, fascinated by the reaction I could get out of him by such a simple act.
I couldn’t stop myself from wondering what kind of damage I could do if I really worked for it.
It finally happened a couple of nights later after yet another day filled with sexual tension so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife.
Mat helped me clean up after dinner, music playing to help speed things up. I was in charge of taking care of the leftovers while he cleaned up everything else. Obviously I was done before him and since he refused to let me help him I hopped on top of the kitchen counter, making casual conversation while watching him put stuff in the dishwasher.
“This is my jam!”, he exclaimed, quickly wiping his hands clean before motioning for me to come dance with him. I shook my head while laughing, which only led to him grabbing me and lifting me off the counter so I would join him.
His moves were ridiculous, arms kind of just flapping around. I knew that he could dance if he wanted to, we’d been to our fair share of clubs together but right now he definitely wasn’t trying. He held his hand out for me and with a laugh I accepted, letting him spin me around as he wished. The third time while he was spinning me back towards him he pulled a little to hard though and whether it was on accident or not I ended up almost smacking into him, only stopping myself by placing my other hand on his chest.
Both of us were a little out of breath by now and any laughter died down as he wrapped both of his arms around me, pulling me even closer. I looked up at him, gripping onto his shoulder with the other hand. Mat looked down at me with an unreadable expression. We both stared at each other for a couple of seconds, trying to figure out what the other one was thinking at the moment. How had things gone from him twerking to Lizzo to this?
He gulped heavily before bringing one of his hands up to cup my face, ripping me out of my trance. His gaze was flickering between my lips and my eyes and he leaned in a little closer, yet still waiting for me to take the final step. Deciding to throw all caution to the wind I moved my hand to his neck, finally pulling him down to where I wanted him.
When our lips met it was as if everything was falling into place. The kiss started out slow, both of us still kind of figuring out what the hell was going on without scaring the other off. As soon as he realized that I wasn’t going to push him off of me he kissed me back with the determination that he showed in every other aspect of his life. His hands started wandering, first sliding down lower on my back before he moved them to my side, tightly gipping my hips.
I let out a light moan and he used the chance to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue inside my mouth. He tasted like home and I willingly let him walk me backwards until I could feel the kitchen counter behind me, grateful for the leverage it would give me. He surprised me by lifting me back up on it and then pushing himself between my legs, gripping my thighs.
Eventually I did have to come up for air but Mat apparently didn’t concur to the basic laws of biology because he moved straight to my neck, sucking and biting gently until I was sure that goosebumps covered every square inch of my body. I knew I should stop and think about what was going on right now but I really didn’t want to, so instead I just dove right back into another toe curling kiss. Kissing him had quickly become one of my favorite things and I wanted, no I needed more.
“Mat, wait…”, I murmured against his mouth and he immediately took a step back, looking up at me with an expectant look. I could tell that he thought he’d done something wrong, when in reality it was the exact opposite.
“I want you but I don’t know if the kitchen counter is the right place for that.”
As soon as my words registered with him he groaned, burying his face in my neck.
“Then let’s get you somewhere comfortable… for now”, he teased and the wink he gave me told me that we’d definitely continue this in here another time. I let him lift me down, following behind him as he pulled me towards his bedroom with an urgency that I had only seen in games so far. He was pretty laid-back usually but I could tell that I’d riled him up over the past few days or weeks really.
It seemed like Mat couldn’t hold out until he got me onto his bed though, instead pushing me against the door and leaning down to kiss me again, pushing one of his thighs in between my legs. He fumbled around for a while before finally hitting the right light switch, making the room glow in soft yellow lighting.
His lips were addicting and even when he moved back I didn’t let him, chasing after him for another kiss. Using one of his hands to brace himself the other was slowly pushing up the fabric of my shirt. That wasn’t enough for me so I quickly moved to pull it off. I wasn’t wearing a bra and he cursed as soon as he saw my exposed chest, taking his time to look me up and down.
“So beautiful”, he murmured in awe before moving in again, one of his hands cupping my breast. I let out a moan when he started playing with my nipple which only seemed to spur him on further. I was so turned on already and he hadn’t even done much yet.
Determined to change up the power dynamics I pushed at his chest and he took a step back with a confused look, probably wondering if he’d done something wrong. Confusion turned into amazement as he watched me kiss down his chest before finally sinking down to my knees in front of him.
I took my time kissing his abs and mouthing along the ‘V’ that disappeared into his pants. I could see him straining against his shorts, impressed by what I could make out through the fabric. When I licked along his waistline he let out a beautiful groan and I decided I’d had teased him enough, finally hooking my fingers into his shorts and pulling them down along with his boxers. Him being shirtless already certainly made it easier to get him naked.
I watched his dick spring free, bouncing against his abs and looking absolutely delicious. He was impressively long but it was the girth that truly wowed me, finally making me understand all of the girls that came back time after time.
I gripped his thigh with one hand and reached for his dick with the other, making him curse. When I gave the head a little kitten lick he threaded his hands into my hair, practically pushing me down on him so I’d give him more. I didn’t object, wrapping my mouth around him and taking as much of him as I could, my hand taking care of the rest. The filthy sounds he was letting out above me only making me more enthusiastic and I was pretty sure that he’d have little crescent marks on his thighs for the next few days from how I was digging my nails into his thigh. He didn’t seem to mind though, only moaning my name.
“Fuck, you look so good like that”, Mat murmured and I looked up to him watching me intently. I kept my gaze locked on his as I moved back to let him go, my hand continuing to stroke him but my mouth dropping down to suck at his balls. The moan he let out would have made any porn star jealous.
It didn’t take long for him to pull me off of him in a way that told me that he didn’t actually want to, both of us panting as if we’d just ran a marathon.
“You need to stop or I’m going to cum”, he let out, his hoarse voice turning me on so much that I was pretty sure I’d be dripping down my legs if it weren’t for the fact that I was still wearing some clothes.
“Would that be such a bad thing?”, I teased, grinning up at him, not being able to resist licking up the entire length of his shaft once more. He practically pulled me up to my feet after that, moving in for another searing kiss.
“I’ve wanted you for so long and there’s no way I’m gonna finish before we even started.” He started to push me back towards his bed, changing his mind halfway there as he bent down to pick me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. For the first time I was able to feel him press against me, the thin fabric of my shorts not really doing much and holy shit did he feel good. He sat down on the edge of his bed, me now straddling his lap and I couldn’t help but roll my hips against him, desperate for any friction at this point.
The both of us let out a simultaneous moan at that and Mat buried his face in my neck, slowly sucking along my collarbone. He gripped my waist, his big hands nearly encircling it entirely.
“You’re wearing too many clothes still”, he said with his lips moving against my skin, making me shudder yet again. I’d long lost count a long time ago.
“Then do something about it”, I responded, not really willing to move at this point. He quickly stood up with me still perched on top of him before turning the both of us around, dropping me down onto the middle of the mattress. Him throwing me around like I weighed nothing really did something to me and I looked up at him through hooded eyes, waiting for him to make the next move.
He didn’t disappoint, leaning down to trail kisses from my neck, mouthing along my boobs before finally moving to pull my shorts and panties off. He took his time, making sure to appreciate every new inch of skin that he’d just exposed on the way back up and the closer he got to my core the more I was squirming underneath him. I had been waiting for this for so long that I wasn’t sure if I could make it through another minute without him inside me.
“Mat please, I really need you”, I whined and I could see him smirk up at me from where he’d situated himself between my legs.
“Don’t worry I’ll make you feel so good baby.” Hearing him call me ‘baby’ only made things worse but he finally put me out of my misery when he ran one of his large beautiful fingers through my folds.
“Holy shit you’re so wet for me already”, he cursed and I was about to respond when he literally took my breath away by licking up my slit. I couldn’t help but arch off the bed, already so keyed up and he quickly threw one arm across me stomach, forcing me to stay still. He started out slow and I knew that he was only trying to egg me on further but his resolve didn’t last long and he soon dove in with a determination that had sounds coming out of my mouth that I’d never made before in my entire life.
He moved my legs to rest on his shoulders so he could have better access and because I really needed something to hold on to for dear life, I gripped his hair. He’d said a couple of times that it had gotten too long during this quarantine but I certainly wasn’t complaining now, using it as leverage. I could see him grind against the comforter, desperate for any kind of friction himself and it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life.
He moved back a little and I was about to complain when he slowly pushed a finger inside of me, any words dying in my throat at the feeling. He lowered his mouth again, sucking hard on my clit and I moaned so loud that I was glad that we were alone in the house.
“More, Mat please”, I whispered and I almost couldn’t believe that he already had me begging. He groaned and the vibrations in combination of him pushing a second finger inside of me were almost too much. I was close and I knew that he could tell from the way my thighs were starting to shake, curling his fingers inside me until he finally found the spot that made me cum so hard with a scream that I could see stars. He brought me through it, still pushing in and out slowly when I finally returned back to earth, grinning up at me proudly after wiping his mouth on the inside of my thigh.
“That was so fucking hot”, he said and I laughed, throwing my arm over my eyes in embarrassment. I’d had my fair share of hookups as well but nobody had managed to make me feel this good. I could feel him move up my body, reaching for my arm so he could look me in the eyes again before leaning down for a kiss. I could taste myself on his lips and while kissing him was still amazing, it wasn’t enough anymore. Mat seemed to catch my drift because he rolled off of me, only to reach for his nightstand, feeling around for a bit before triumphantly holding up a foil packet.
Taking advantage of him on his back I moved to straddle his thighs, taking his cock in my hands once again. He bucked his hips involuntarily and I could tell that he needed this as much as I did at this point. I took the foil package from him, ripping it open with my teeth before rolling the condom down his shaft. He gripped my hips, helping me scoot up until I was positioned above him, holding him so I could slip the tip inside.
Both of us let out simultaneous groans when I finally sunk down on him, the stretch painful in the most delicious way. He gave me a couple of seconds to adjust but I wasn’t really willing to wait any longer, rolling my hips against him.
“Your pussy feels so good around me”, he panted as he helped guide me along with his hands while looking me deep in the eyes. His pupils were so blown at this point, his cheeks were flushed and he’d never looked better. I was a moaning mess above him and I wanted to remember the way his cock was dragging against my walls for the rest of my life. One of his hands still rested on my hip while his other grabbed my boob, twisting the nipple and making me moan even louder.
At one point he moved to sit up, our chests now pressed together. The new angle had my clit rub against his pelvic bone and I knew that I’d come again like this with no extra help needed. Mat moved to kiss my neck, sucking and biting so harshly that I was sure that there’d be marks there the next day, not that anybody besides us would be able to see them.
His groans had become more erratic as well and I knew that he probably wasn’t far behind me, my name constantly on his lips. One last drag against him had me arch into him with yet another earth-shattering orgasm, Mat doing his best to fuck me through it before turning us around so he was on top of me, using his hands to hold himself above me so he wouldn’t crush me.
He grabbed one of my legs and pushed it up to rest on his hip, thrusting into me with a force that had the headboard slam into the wall repeatedly. He felt so good that with every thrust I let out a little moan, still sensitive from my orgasm, which only seemed to spur Mat on even more. I was digging my nails into his back to the point where I was sure that there would be red streaks after but he didn’t seem to care at all, too lost in the moment. It didn’t take long before he threw his head back and I could feel him pulse inside me as he came, the most beautiful groan coming from his lips as he finally stilled inside me.
He crashed down on top of me, burying his face in my neck, both of us out of breath by now and covered in sweat. He was silent for a while until he caught me off guard when he started laughing.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m just thinking.. we could’ve been doing that for weeks, I certainly wanted to.”
“I did too but I guess we’re both stupid.”
Now we were both laughing and Mat moved off of me so he could pull out, gripping the condom so it wouldn’t slip off. He threw it in the trash can in the corner before coming back, his hand outstretched for me to take.
“I guess we have some catching up to do then, starting right now with me and you in the shower”, he said with a wink and I couldn’t think of a time where I’d gotten out of bed faster. 
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