#thor ragnarok cut scene
ijust-feelyou · 11 months
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⑆ Cut scene from "Thor : Ragnarok"
Follow me on Instagram ^^ : i.just.feel.you_
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lokislittlesigyn · 2 years
Just saw a particular article claim that in Thor (2011) Loki “plots for the throne” and “sends Thor to Jotunheim”
… Are we still doing this? Are we really still doing this twelve years later? -w-
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
⎯ one in nine realms [mini series]
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▸pairing: heimdall x f!reader [god of war: ragnarok version]
▸summary: after atreus’ sudden disappear you decide to bring him back to home. to bring him back, you visit the asgard and so many advantures at the door. however, the most unpredictable one is to fall for odin’s right hand man, heimdall. he is something else and eventually, you find yourself wanting him to be a good boy. maybe he will listen?
▸wc: 2.3k [for the chapter]
▸warnings & tags: in general; some mature scenes, heimdall is lapdog of odin, he is arrogant and cocky, not a certain relationship with kratos such as a dad figure (for now because I couldn’t make a certain thanks to my love for kratos), travelling in realms, y/n is a goddess and she has a great power, she is an original characters as her power/s are made by me, heimdall become sub (sometimes), pet names (like sunshine, pretty boy, good boy, honey) – for the chapter; pet names/nicknames, heimdall is being an asshole, y/n is confident, touching, exposed skin, travelling, mind reading
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    “Where is Atreus?”
The question made the three of your visitors keep their silence. While your big smiled face was leaving its place to concern one, Mimir tried to break the silence, “He is gone, y/n. We are estimating that the boy gone to the Asgard, to meet Odin.”
It took for a second for you to reply because Kratos concern looking gazes towards the forest made you feel sad. Everyone knew how he cared for his little boy, Atreus and now, he was concerned about his safety. As you made your way to Kratos’ huge posture you tried to calm your own inner thoughts about Atreus’ safety.
“Kratos –“ You touched his shoulder, giving a light squeeze, “Don’t worry. He is a smart and strong. I know he is okay.” Even if you were worried about him, your words were true. In your past journeys with Kratos and Atreus who were the ones saved you from a dangerous dragon years ago, you witnessed how Atreus has grown as a strong and smart boy like his father. Because of the bond you have with them, you didn’t wait any longer to express your plan, knowing Odin very well thanks to your past events with All Father’s lies. “I will go and bring him back.”
Freya took a step further, “No, y/n, it is dangerous. You can’t go alone. Heimdall and Thor will be there.”
You tried to put a smile to Freya who was another person you liked most, alongside with his brother. “Thor? Oh, don’t worry about him. I will not step back to cut his face again, if this would be what he wish.”
“You fought with him?” Kratos asked curiously.
“Of course she did!” Mimir’s playful tone came from Kratos’ back, “She fought with more than half of the Asgard. I didn’t joke when I said she is a beast when we first found her, brother.”
You chuckled at Mimir’s compliments, “Thanks for genuine words my friend.”
“Ah, always young lady.”
“So,” You focused on Kratos, “Do you trust me?”
“Then, let me bring him back.”
“But –“ Yes, Kratos was fond of his son, Atreus, but he also has a bond with you. He didn’t want you to be in a risk that he put you.
To ensure him that you will be safe, you smiled, cupped his right cheek, “I will be fine. So do Atreus.”
After spending some time looking at his eyes, you made sure he was giving you approval. So, you picked up your gatherings and weapons, putting them on your back as they vanished from others’ eyes but kept remained for you, Freya spoke,
“Odin closed the gates. How will you go to there?”
You pointed the golden bird who was standing on a tree next to you, “If Odin has his own magic, so do I.”
Freya smiled, “Of course.”
The golden bird whose name was Trisc, landed on your shoulder, looking at the other three happily. “Now, Trisc,” You caressed her head, “You know where we are going.”
She nodded and began to whistle a song in a low tone. As the Midgard’s, your home’s vision become blur, Kratos said, “Be careful.”
You nodded, “Always.” And with that, your body vanished and a minute later, you were in front of the huge walls of the Asgard.
    “Oh c’mon!” Your golden colored blade cut the last remaining creature’s head off, giving you a time to relief. How many creatures were there? You thought Asgard will be safer than other realms but clearly, Odin just made his own palace safe and well. Others, who stayed Asgard, behind the walls, didn’t concern him.
‘Oh, he never changes.’ You thought while climbing the last part of the wall. He always thought about himself. He even didn’t pay attention to his family. Thor, who you fought deadly, was the saddest one for you. He just wanted to be in peace but Odin wanted him to do his dirty jobs. You really had so many nights thinking about how these people believed, respected and stayed right beside Odin. Their All Father was nothing but a liar.
After reaching the top of the wall, you came up on the wall with one last force. While taking fresh breaths, you took some time to relaxing your muscles. ‘It was easy peas' but boring’ you thought to yourself as the Asgard’s peaceful side came to your scene.
There were people who were forging weapons, having little chats, going to bar, and minding their own business. Valkyries were all over the place but none of them paid attention to your figure. You wanted to laugh at how they saw themselves as higher living things than others who couldn’t even see a woman who was standing the right in front of their eyes.
You guessed they believed Heimdall, the one who saw and hear all as Mimir said, without thinking twice. You didn’t meet with Heimdall, the one who so many people afraid of, in your previous years. You just heard his name and abilities. They said how he was the protector of Asgard and lapdog of Odin, as Mimir said again. He was able to see all but he wasn’t one that could be more powerful than you. However, your curious side really wanted to see him, meet him and you knew, with this journey, you would definitely meet with him.
As you made your way to the palace, as you thought it was a palace, some gossips began to audible from right and left sides. People were trying to guess who you were. They never saw any unknown woman in here most likely because they were really surprised. You didn’t pay attention to any of them. You were here just for Atreus. So, they were none of your concern but when someone said your name, you stopped on your trail.
“It’s Y/n!” One of them said, probably a dwarfs who was prison of Odin. “Who is Y/n you dumbass?” Other asked, keeping her gazes on your body. “You are the dumbass! She is a Goddess. She is far from our realms!” Other one laughed, “A goddess? With that delicate body, she only can be a human.”
You wanted to smile at their comments but kept moving instead. You were no longer a Goddess, as you wanted to not to be. You held your power still but you denied using it. Instead of your nature power, you just used magic and became sorcery after being a God meant nothing to you. You wanted to help people but you didn’t want them to see you as an outsider like these Gods and Goddesses. You wanted to be part of them. After using magic instead of your power, you really became friend of people.
So, without giving them any hint about who you were, you just went to the palace. Standing outside, you knocked the door, gently.
After waiting for some time, you knocked it again. When you were ready to knock for the third time, you heard a deep but playful voice behind you, “Well well well. Isn’t this my lucky week? Two strangers at once!”
You rolled your eyes and turned around to look at who were keeping you from your job, reaching Odin. The moment you saw him, you just thought how beautiful his eyes looked. Maybe it was because of the color of them but he certainly had wonderful eyes that made people look them without minding any other business they had. No, you hadn’t a favorite color but purple became looking so good to your eyes.
His lips stopped with a grin-like expression, looking proud of himself but you couldn’t tell why he felt so good suddenly. Instead of questioning who he was, you just asked, “I came here to see Odin.”
He rolled his eyes, “I really don’t understand how everyone thinks it is this much easy,” raising the thumb and forefinger, showing the short gap between them, he said, “to meet with All Father.” He took a step to your body, making you feel short because of his a bit taller size. “Are they giving something that makes your minds go dummy?”
You crossed your arms over your slightly exposed breasts, analyzed him from head to toe while realizing how his armor looked expensive and clean. He must be him.
You smiled, “From the attitude, I am guessing you are Heimdall.”
He smirked, “So, you are not that dummy after all, honey.”
Being a cocky person, having expensive and clean armor, treating you like a dummy and using pet names… You couldn’t expect much from the sons of Odin, could you?
Without introducing yourself, you just said, “I am here to meet with Odin. Where is he?”
He looked taking back from your question, “Didn’t you hear what I said?” He kept walking around you, looking at your body shamelessly, “All Father is not someone who you can meet anytime you want.”
He stopped right behind you. As he bent over your right soldier to look at your eyes, you felt his fresh breaths on your exposed shoulders because of your clothes which were a strapless black and golden colored armor top that covered your breasts and a black pant that completed with furry golden boots. His purple eyes were so close, and because of being taller than you, his nose were nearly touching your cheek effortlessly, making you want to get out of there because after all, he was Kratos’ enemy.
“Why are you here hon?” He looked angry for a moment before talking playfully again, “And how you crossed all the way to here without me seeing or hearing it?”
You took a step forward, saving you from his breath taking aura, “Well, this is the question you should ask to yourself, hon, not me.”
Even if you were trying to sound calm and confident, his effects on you were insignificantly effective. How come he took your breath away like that? This had to be some trick he used on you. Definitely. Nothing more.
“Oh, no, no-“ He began to speak but stopped for a second like he wasn’t sure to say it or not. “I don’t use tricks. I do not need them sunshine.”
Again with nicknames. And how stupid of you was this? You forgot that he was able to read minds, getting their real intentions. Did he read your mind when you first meet with his beautif – dumb eyes?
“Thanks for the compliment.” He said, smiling now. Oh, how you wanted to punch him in the face now. However, you reminded yourself your main purpose, taking Atreus back.
“If you read minds, then you know why I am here.” You looked at the Asgard’s view, “Where is he?”
“The half-breed boy is doing something for the All Father with Thor.” You both surprised how he suddenly became honest and Atreus doing a job for Odin with Thor. The whole situation was blowing your mind. If Kratos could be here –
You stopped thinking about them to prevent giving any unwanted information to this lapdog of Odin. So, you thought about Odin again.
“Then, I will wait here ‘till he comes back.” You smiled at him. If he wasn’t letting you meet with Odin, you would wait for Atreus to come back, then, you would return to home. Also, even if it was filled with the living things that you hated, the Asgard was beautiful. You would enjoy to travelling around it ‘till Atreus come back.
The moment you began to walk, curiously looking at the Asgard, trying to find an interesting thing to visit, Heimdall’s taller body stood right in front of you in a heartbeat, preventing you to take a further step. He waved his hands in front of his chest, “Oh, no, no, sunshine. You can’t wait here. Actually,” He showed the walls, “You have to go.”
You looked at the walls, then him. Every time you looked at his purple shining eyes, you couldn’t help but feel – good. How he had this personality with these beautiful eyes? It was sad.
You took a deep breath, “I will not leave ‘till Atreus is back. So,” You closed the gap between your faces, making him surprised and flushed a little bit because of your sudden confident move, not expecting it. “Either get out of my way or I will make you.”
Among the silence you two held, you studied his face better thanks to the closeness. Yes, you too flushed but this wasn’t something you wanted to hide. And how wise was it to try hiding something from a God who read minds without asking for permission?
You looked at how his eyes sparkled again and again. His face was clean, looking delicate but at the same time sharp. His braided golden hair made you want to touch and feel them because of its perfect and soft looking. The color of both his eyes and hair was something admirable. If he wasn’t acting like this, you could almost call him as one of the most lovely but also handsome Gods of the nine realms. But no, he was just the cocky son of Odin.
While thinking about these things, you saw how his face changed from self-righteous to resentful. Why he found your thoughts scathing? He didn’t need anyone’s acknowledgment expect Odin. Did he?
Suddenly, he moved from you, “Uhh –“ He tried to say, make a sentence, “I –“ He looked at you one last time like he was thinking about your last question. Maybe he was thinking how you made him feel? Wait, did you made him feel something?
As if he heard your thoughts again, he turned away. “Whatever.” Was the last thing you heard from him. You tried not to smile. Oh, this was going to be fun.
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magadauthan · 5 months
Ep 18: Goodbye For Now
@trigun98watchparty: Wherein Vash gets nakey and barks like a dog.
Everyone loves Ericks. What's not to love? His long hair, his slouchy outfit, his glorious bare backside...
*cough* sorry, got distracted.
--That's a load of shit about growing up, Knives, you never grew up.
--Lina, leave Ericks alone! He's cozy. Cozy is important. (well actually Vash is having nightmares but also cozy.)
--The premise of WW and the insurance girls zeroing in on Kasted City makes more sense when it's "Ace" the fairly accurate Vash impersonator leading the crew of baddies. "Ace" got cut for the anime, but both WW and Meryl booking it for where "Ace the Stampede" shows up makes more sense than hustling out to the middle of nowhere for Pigface, who is clearly... not Vash.
--WW is so appealingly shaggy.
--You grab a 12-yo's rear end, you should get thumped. Gross. Ericks deserves that kick in the ass.
--Let. The man. Eat.
--Good thing Meryl wasn't there. Would have been like that scene in Thor: Ragnarok where all the Muses faint.
--Some in fandom interpret that WW lowering his shades means he's taking a nice long gander at Vash's arse. No one could fault him for that, but it's a warning to Pigface to bugger off, or else.
--Grandma Sheryl is one tough old broad.
--look who's happy to see his buddy. Awwwwww. Bishounen sparkles and everything.
--Vash deserves to rest and heal from his wounds as much as anyone else. Grandma Sheryl and Lina were the best medicine he could have had. All he has even wanted is to live quietly with his human friends, and his asshole brother won't let him. And then WW uses Knives as bait, even as he's working for him.
--"Gramma, I found a sad and dirty man in the trash and he followed me home, can we keep him?"
--Shut up, WW, it's not pathetic to want to love and be loved by a family. You know that damn well.
--Someone (I think it was @weirdcat1213) pointed out that 99.999% of people would not consider "Knives" to be a man's name. That WW states that it is, should be something of a tipoff to Vash, if he hasn't figured it out already.
--You can see the thoughts screaming through Vash's head - "don't you touch her, don't you touch her, don't you fucking touch her" and then he has no choice but to pick the gun up again.
--Vash and WW have come to eat donuts and kick ass, and they're all out of donuts. Fighting back to back, like before.
--Another haircut, another turning point. Ericks is the best big brother. He'll come back to visit, Lina, don't you worry. Maybe even bring the fam.
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okay, so after seeing the full scene from the Blu-ray I actually hate it a lot less, because it seems pretty clear that Loki and Sylvie both had the same thought of playing the situation like they were still enemies, but then Ravonna showed up and suddenly Sylvie was slammed back into the mindset of that little girl getting her life ripped away from her. She wasn't genuinely upset until then.
on the other hand, I fucking hate the Frog Thor coronation scene with every fiber of my being capable of being devoted to things that don't actually matter, to the point that I would have had a hard time not ragequitting the entire show right then and there if they'd included it in the final cut and I'm having a hard time forgiving the fact that it was filmed, let alone released into the world as a deleted scene, and I really don't think even my usual obsessive desire to reconcile all parts of canon and most parts of almost-canon is going to help here
especially if any part of fandom starts acting like this is Just Canon Now as part of Thor and Loki's backstory. can't do it, y'all, this is a bridge too far for me, I will comprehensively lose my shit
(the whole point of what happened in the first Thor film is that Loki's actions came out of nowhere!! like the entire point!! I mean we can argue for a million years if the power-hungry bullshit and the blatant usurping and the peacocking demonstrate either a huge retconning or misrepresentation of his characterization in that film--they do, so of course that's my biggest objection, but it's also not the reason the scene makes no sense and cannot possibly be canon, and the reason is, nobody else in the movie would behave the same way if Loki had already made a credible (ridiculous, but still credible) and extremely public attempt to get rid of Thor and take the throne. Sif and the Warriors would be openly distrustful of him from the start instead of mostly dismissive and only later moving to distrust (can you imagine any of them letting Loki protect their backs or Thor's during the fight on Jotunheim if that stupid coronation scene really happened? really?), Odin would probably suspect Loki's involvement in the real interrupted coronation right away and punish him as well as Thor, and Thor in particular wouldn't keep blindly trusting him, which is why Loki is able to lie to him so well and why it hurts him so much to learn the truth.)
(I'll certainly accept as canon Loki turning Thor into a frog at some point and Thor smacking the shit out of him in revenge. I don't give a shit about that part. I mean, I already accepted half of that as canon because Loki wrote it into his stupid play in Ragnarok, so I figured it must have actually happened.)
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sserpente · 1 year
Loki Season 2 – Episode 1 RECAP
Also from now on, as usual, in addition to the keep reading tags, I will tag posts that contain spoilers with the hashtag "#loki season 2 spoilers" and "#loki spoilers" so you can filter them from your dashboard until you're ready!
Did I stay up until 3 a.m. to watch the first episode again? Yes. Yes, I did.
We are starting off so damn STRONG. Damn it, I just wanted to hug Loki so bad. He’s been through so much shit and he was so heartbroken and desperate! Imagine you get to cup his face and just tell him to take a deep breath with you! What made it even more painful was the moment he fully realised that Mobius didn’t recognise him—his one friend, the one person who likes him for who he is… and he doesn’t remember him… and then the relief on his face when was in the right place again!
Loki was so panicked about the impending war. For good reason, obviously but it truly shows that Thor: Ragnarok lied. Loki wouldn’t be a bad king, now hear me out—in The Avengers, Thanos had the upper hand. You all remember that one scene where he sort of backtracks and says “It’s too late… it’s too late to stop it…” but can’t join forces with Thor because The Other was watching him? Loki understands the sacrifice for sure and in the first Thor film, when he tried to wipe out Jötunheim, what I believe is that he wanted to prevent the war that Thor himself had started by attacking those Jötuns. Loki’s not about violence and causing pain and destruction, he just got caught in the middle of it several times, and circumstances forced him into choices that were not heroic. We knew that already, of course… but it’s nice to see that reflected in the series. Besides, we don’t need him to be a hero. We just need him to be Loki. 🥰
The jokes were spot-on, not too silly, not out of place, in my opinion, but sprinkled in just right so far. Skin? Also, can we please talk about the warning on the floor that said Spaghettification? Come on! 😂😂😂
Now in that sense, O.B. is indeed brilliant. A lovely and light addition to the serious bureaucracy of the TVA for sure!
I really wasn’t worried about Loki making it back safely, somehow. Let’s face it, they wouldn’t have killed him in the first episode of Season 2. With that being said… I hope for their sake he stays safe at the end too, otherwise, I will hurt a lot of people! 🙂
X5… X5, what are we gonna do with him? I hate him. Of course, I do. He’s got something about him that just makes you want to slap him in the face. 😒
Now there are two questions we immediately ask ourselves, right? Where, or rather, when did Sylvie come from? And who pruned Loki? Was it another Sylvie, or another Loki? Another Mobius? B15? An antagonistic character who realised their wrongs? A new character? A Kang Variant? They’ve definitely left us some loose ends! 🤔
And lastly… it’s absolutely heartbreaking to see how much Loki cares for Sylvie despite what happened at the end of Season 1. She basically betrayed him! For reasons Loki understands, of course, but still… it broke his heart… and hence it broke mine. He was so ready to stop the others from going after her even though he was facing the very gruesome time slipping problem. 😭
If you’ve seen the video I posted earlier, you’ll know that I have already seen Episode 2 as well today. I won’t lose a word about that one until next week though! 😉 All I’m gonna say is that we’re in for a treat. 😏
PS: I want that TVA handbook as a notebook for my writing.
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oswildin · 11 months
I don’t know how I feel when people say they ‘want the old Loki back’…
Whilst I get it, trust me, Dark World Loki made my knees weak, but I think the version we have now is so much better… Ragnarok Loki quickly became my favourite for the pure fact that he finally began to accept himself, he was willing to sacrifice himself to save Thor, because there ain’t no way my man picked up that dagger and didn’t know he was gonna die I—
TVA Loki is more grounded. He was shown that his whole desire for a throne was ultimately meaningless (I mean in the grand scheme and tbh he never really wanted it in the first place, just wanted to be Thors equal). Even when Miss Minutes and He Who Remains tries to tempt him into getting his throne, sure he falters for a moment, but he knows that isn’t his purpose now. He is actively trying to not do what led to his mothers death. Be bitter and callous (or at least portray that that’s who he is when we all know he’s always had a heart and is emotional).
Sure, i get it, you want intimidating Loki, powerful Loki, threatening Loki… But episode two showed he can still be those things, except now with more restraint. And I actually think it makes him more intimidating that he was so ‘goofy’ and casual in how he spoke to Brad during the interrogation scenes. His calmer demeanour instead of blind rage is scary.
Loki has a duality that many characters don’t. He can be the tough intimidating guy, he can be the emotional guy, he can be the problem solver and the problem maker, he can be a good friend and a bad one… He’s so multifaceted and I think only wanting the ‘villainous’ side of him diminishes his character slightly.
I related to Loki in Thor 1 because to me he was someone who was lost, confused and hurt, lashing out like… well, like a child. And we now know that that role had been thrusted upon him due to his supposed ‘path on the sacred timeline’, that he was ‘made to cause others pain’. But he’s learning that it doesn’t have to be that way, that he can simply be himself without the hardened armour, the mask of a villain. It was always clear he didn’t enjoy hurting people. The fact he cried when he was fighting Thor, he cried when his mother died, even when his father died he was upset (despite me thinking odin didn’t deserve it but anyways…)
And everyone likes to reference the scene where Loki is taking that man’s eyeball in the Avengers, but if the theory is correct he was under the influence of the mind stone, then it was most likely amplifying his darker thoughts and emotions, hence the smile. He finally felt like he held the power, he had the upper hand. It wasn’t about the torture he was inflicting, it was about how people finally were viewing him as someone to take seriously, be afraid of. (Plus I really doubt at that point marvel even had in mind how his character would progress considering I don’t think any of them expected Loki to become a beloved character, hence why I take that scene with a pinch of salt).
People also say ‘how did he go from this to this’ or ‘this the same Loki that did this’, like… People can be multifaceted… They can have different sides to themselves… I think if deleted scenes with Loki weren’t cut, it wouldn’t feel that way so much to some people. For example the deleted Thor and Loki scene from Thor 1 where he turns the wine into snakes, showing his childish like mischief, him telling Thor he loved him despite his own jealousy. That one little scene would’ve added more depth to his character (in that film), and the scene with his mother where he gets given the throne? Ugh, should’ve been kept in because it showed his shock at being given that power. And also, his plan - whilst yes, bad and misguided - was all about trying to prove himself, and protect his family in the process from the ‘monsters’ that he saw himself as, almost to be like ‘see I’m not like them, look-‘.. I—
I want to see Loki feel accepted, banter with Mobius, eating pie even though it’s too sweet, embracing his powers and magic for good (and mischief ofc), be honest and talking about his past/emotions, beginning to realise that he can be whoever he wants. He doesn’t have to fit in a box, not a villain or a hero, but someone who is flawed and is trying his best.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
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aw yeah lets do this
S-Tier, AKA the Legitimately Good Tier:
HAWKEYE: Maybe my favorite MCU thing I have ever watched.
+ If you let Jeremy Renner actually act and give him a script, he's fucking great. + Kate Bishop is a perfect mess and I love her, I love she's young and excitable but also takes things seriously, she feels like she's a work in progress, I love her. + MAYA. Holy shit the gravity well of this character, how her presence dictates any scene she is in. Truly stellar. + This entire miniseries is like an extended apology for Hawkeye in every other appearance. "Sorry we dropped the ball with this character so consistently, we will bring the A game here." + The importance of disability. I'm among the ppl who was upset that Hawkeye's disability was dropped, so the way it is centered over and over and over in this, how its practical, how it's funny, how it's sad, how it gives us the most devastatingly emotional scene in all of the MCU yes I am talking about the phone call scene, finally. Fucking finally. + Florence fucking Pugh and her entire charm offensive. + The car chase scene.
- The first episode is unfortunately REALLY slow. - Nah that's all I got. I love this one.
+ "Asgard isn't a place, it's a people" is maybe the most poignant message any MCU film has ever managed. + Literally the funniest movie, but also basically a repair job of character building for everyone in it. + The camerawork in this one makes me so happy. + Tom Hiddleston is given so much to do and he's there with heels on, spectacular. + The giant turret/pegging visual pun, god bless. + Cate Blanchett can kill me.
- uuuuuuuuh. It's not as good as Hawkeye. Yeah.
GOTG Vol 2
+ Sorry but I am a GOTG Truther, I really do think its the one storyline in the MCU that is allowed to get away with really fucking intense character drama because it's not considered "main line." There is a reason ppl rioted when they tried to remove Gunn, and I'm with them. + The only good thing Chris Pratt has done since Parks and Rec. + The way this storyline centers on death and grief is devastating. + Rocket Racoon is the best character in the MCU and we all know it.
- I think the initial treatment of Mantis is REALLY rough even though in the end I think it works, but that's a hell of a hump to get over.
A-TIER, AKA the Great for a MCU Flick Tier:
+ My biggest problem with the MCU is the creative desert of its set and costume design, the way it feels like nothing is given time to breathe in the creative process. BP is the antithesis of that. I would watch a four hour documentary just on the visual design of this movie, from the architecture to the costumes to the make-up, everything. I don't want to hear from the director or writers, I want to hear four hours of just the craftspeople talking about their work. It's monumental. + Best Villain in the MCU, bar none. + Only MCU film to move me to actual tears in the movie theatre.
- I loved this movie! For the life of me I could not tell you the plot. I understand the plot of every Mission Impossible film but I don't know the plot of this movie. - If this movie was allowed to cut, like, 20 minutes of action and replace it with more character drama, it'd be the best MCU film.
+ The MCU Movie That Pulls Exactly Zero Punches About Being About Mental Health And PTSD Holy Shit + Rhodey and Pepper get so much to do and I like an ensemble piece so much + Shane Black is in love with RDJ and I'm so happy for him + Pepper gets to be a lil monsterfied and that's hot
- Doesn't have Sam Rockwell. - The plot is kinda fully secondary to the character work, which imo is fine, but yanno.
GOTG Vol 1
+ All the stuff I said about GOTG Vol 1
- It's not Vol 2, which benefits from having all the bedrock foundation built by this movie to spring from.
B-TIER, AKA It's Fine I Guess:
It's good! It invented the wheel! Part of it are fucking agonizingly painful to watch in 2023 but it also has more heart than 80% of the franchise so.
Okay it feels shitty of me to judge this one on its technical faults bc apparently it was shot during the pandemic and that causes a lot of the issues with the camerawork, the awkward editing, and just how Weird everything was put together. But also it's REALLY stilted and awkward, which butts up against the good script and the better acting, so IDK man.
Owen Wilson is amazing. Even my mother thought the way they canonized Loki being bi was a cop-out. And the final twist pissed me off. I hope Season 2 is better.
This movie is a mess but once i figured out it was trying to be The MCU Does Gothic Horror, I was a lot more on board. It has all the flaws of the original Dr Strange and is hard to visually follow like most MCU films, but also has America Chavez, who I adore.
It has Sam Rockwell, I don't give a fuck.
C-TIER, AKA I wish I cared but I do not 8C
I dunno I like the actual character of Strange weirdly, I like what a complete fucking asshole he is, I like his god complex and how he reacts to his disability as a surgeon. On the other hand what the fuck is Tilda Swinton doing here, this is just awful. My biggest issue with this film is that it didn't have to be this terrible but every decision made about it feels so fucking thoughtless and myopic.
yanno. i cannot even explain why i fell off this so hard. Like, this one Had Me all the way up to and including the Agatha reveal, but like the final episodes after that reveal somehow left me completely cold and uncaring. it's genuinely weird.
D-TIER, AKA Oh my god no thank you
I hate the writing. Like, I haaaaate the writing. I feel like the only likeable relationship in this is Tony and Bruce, and that does not carry this movie. The quip-driven writing, the way the need for a joke supercedes naturalistic voices and dialogue making sense, it pisses me off. I hate the writing. Heartless movie.
oh my god i'm actively angry at this movie okay because for the first 20 minutes, I was like "wait, is this going to be a real movie," because it felt smaller, the action felt more realistic, that fight between the Widow and Yelena in the beginning felt like it could have been out of MI: Fallout, and the other fight between Natasha and Yelena in the safehouse was also good, I really thought for a few moments that this could be Good
and then it just took a hard right into The MCU Tries And Fails To Make MI: Fallout (They Even Stole The Mask Gag, What The Fuck Was That) and not only was I disappointed, I was like retroactively pissed for the 20 minutes when I had hope in my heart. If not for David Harbour's character, I would have just left in the middle of this movie.
Its not at bad as Infinity War! Nebula and Rocket carried this movie on their fucking backs. But what do I know, I liked Renner's mohawk of sadness.
F-Tier, AKA Fuck This Movie
Fuck this movie with a rusted steel dildo, fuck this entire fucking movie, I despise it. The writing is so actively fucking terrible I want to fistfight whoever is responsible. I fucking hate the attempts to humanize Thanos over how sad he is about the daughter he abused and then murdered, boo fucking hoo, I hate the joylessness of the superhero combinations, I hate the quip-driven writing, I hate this movie with a burning passion. This might be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Soulless and destitute.
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jackieparty · 12 days
mcu if thorbruce
hi. i love thorbruce and I think it would be a pretty cool move to have them get together, so I rewrote the plot for all the movies that they are in from the first thor to love and thunder. i don’t want to write it into a full fanfic because i’m lazy (this will be a recurring theme), but nonetheless i still wanted to share my ideas. 
i know a lot of things either don’t make sense and there’s a lot of plotholes, so I’m not looking for critique, but I would love to hear if anyone has any ideas on what they would want to do with the mcu in their hands. 
i am in no way condemning fanfic writers who have the energy to write long, thoughtful fanfics, i am simply not able to do that myself, but i do love sharing my ideas. don’t read if you don’t want to read; simple as that.
timeline we rockin with: 
the incredible hulk 
thor: the dark world
avengers: age of ultron
thor: ragnarok 
avengers: infinity war 
avengers: endgame 
thor: love and thunder
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needs better writing but otherwise this goes off pretty much unchanged. jane and thor still get together etcetcetc
mark ruffalo
we lean into bruce banner being a total dick, like he is in the comics, before becoming hulk in the movie
betty can be in the story, just not as a love interest, i am sick of all marvel origin movies having similar romantic plotlines
after the accident and being chased away, he pretty much does a 180 (he’s always a whore in the comics but heroes are likable) and learns how to end the cycle of abuse from his father while also not doing that at all. the result is a more empathetic and kind Bruce but at the same time 1000% more depressed and unstable. he cuts ties with everyone he knew in the film and runs away to kalkota, partially because the us government is after him and partly because he wants to start over and do some good, a sad attempt at fixing all of his wrongs both as the hulk and as shitty bruce banner
not sure if i like this idea but maybe he goes by "robert" until the very end where he thinks going by bruce means hes completely changed
mostly unchanged
bruce's monologue about trying to die is the focus
more uncertainty and push back from thor about loki just to make dark world even more angsty
mostly unchanged
i'm lazy and don't want to watch the movie, but if there isn’t a real breakup scene between thor and jane, have jane explicitly break up with him, kinda unannounced and abrupt. thor makes the promise here to always protect her even when they’re apart right before she leaves
pt two i'll take on age of ultron and some others <3
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88y53 · 9 months
Marvel's What If S2E7–What Marvel Used To Be (spoiler warning)
If you're like me then you've probably been disappointed by the MCU's recent output, and What If isn't excluded from that list.
However, "What If Hela Found the Ten Rings?" gives us a brief glimpse into what Marvel used to be like and why I liked it in the first place.
Rather than Odin locking Hela away in Hel, he banishes her to Earth, ala Thor 1, but this time in China, where she manages to learn a bit of humility.
Here in lies how Marvel made a brief return to form:
We have an intriguing character
They go through an arc (here a redemption quest)
The trademark Marvel quippiness is used–get this–for characterization
IT MAKES SENSE that Hela would be flippant because a) she was like that in Ragnarok, and b) she's bitter about her current situation.
I know Marvel has increasingly come under fire for it's over-reliance on tension-breaking humor and quips, but that's mainly because they've needed to cover over the obvious stitching together of the movies in the wake of COVID and the writer's strike.
Of course, it's not exactly fair to blame that entirely on those two events–Marvel is getting lazy and falling back on bad habits.
Thankfully, this series being a little easier to make than the live-action films and shows, they remember a very important rule with these stories–know when tension doesn't need to be broken.
Like the moment when Hela can't lift her crown (a call-back to when Thor couldn't lift his hammer), or when she goes on a quieter contemplative montage of letting go of her toxic war mentality that Odin instilled in her.
And the moment when Odin abuses a puppy Fenris to teach her a lesson is completely free of any obnoxious comedy cut-ins.
THIS is what Marvel used to be.
The story kind of falls short in the third arc for me, but I guess it wouldn't be a Marvel movie without a bad Third Act that makes up for it in the very last scene.
Cate Blanchett absolutely brings her A-game in this, which deserves high praise because voice acting is notoriously difficult for film actors to master.
I genuinely would love to see more of this Goddess of Peace Hela, and I would hope to see Marvel learn from this level of quality going forward.
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theknightlywolfe · 2 months
Avengers: Age of Ultron - Deleted Scene: Watch Your Six
Just found out this deleted/extended scene exists.
These scenes should have been left in full like this. One, it makes it all less choppy than it ended up being because we follow Cap from the elevator with Hill all the way to the team gathering, but look at that character development and the beginnings of CA: Civil War.
1) Bruce and Maria both point out that Ultron could be doing exactly what he was designed for, and a reminder that peace looks different to different people (don't swing an ax v and quiet).
2) Maria calling out Steve on his tendency to run head first into a fight, which is exactly what he did in Civil War, against advice, making the situation worse.
3) It explains why Thor didn't just call in reinforcements who are better able to handle Infinity Stone related shenanigans and hints at Heimdall having been removed from his post that we later see in Thor: Ragnarok.
4) Tony is already starting to shift blame for Ultron, which is how he started out Civil War.
5) Rhodey stating the beginnings of the schism between the Avengers and the US government, a definitive first step towards the Accords in Civil War and why Ross would be involved from the get go and why the Accords are already written and ready to go when Civil War starts.
6) Natasha's spy training on display in activity and pattern analysis on a mark. Also the implication that she is reading Maria's data compilations and reports in full as well as coordinating with the government via Rhodey. AKA being the person on the team who actually reads all the angles of a situation (the very thing she did all throughout Civil War).
For a movie criticized as being more about setting up future movies than it's own coherent thing, it's wild that they would cut down a scene that does so much heavy lifting of what is to come.
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therese-lokidottir · 5 months
Other reasons why loki take over odin position is was good thing.
Now before we go to while 'loki steal trone from thor and odin', thor literally reject trone from his father ir loki in odin disguise, he reject the offer and leave without checking anything. I meant in for whole films Asgard showing that odin and thor are trone candidate while odin never bei g list despite he is a prince and frigga well... Amd there's no other peoples that for next line
And while in ragnarok they trying make Loki is bad king, they actually showing how Thor is more worst king and worst person. I meant for two years where is he, sure he saying he searching infinity stones but did he just cut all communication from all nine realms? Like did he even trying to communicate with his friends, from many scenes he look likely not care for his close friends either.
And in dark world and even thor literally saying that odin is too old for ruling and ill even like that he still go without make sure odin okey enough and trone was fine.
It was really good thing that Loki replace odin because looks likely everything is fine in his rule, in agent of Asgard is hinted too. Can you imagine real odin that still on trone while his mind to much angry with what happened in dark world? Yeah everything will be burn and thor gonna got blame.... You know what i think that is better because Asgard got destroy by own odin actions. But Loki to much care
I am not justify whay Loki did but if he didn't do it it will be so much worse
Thor Ragnarok never actually show how or even get into detail of how Loki is a bad king. Thor says the nine realms are in chaos, but it's never explained what that means and with the destruction of Asgard that's only something that's going to get worse in the end. The second thing is Thor says enemies are plotting against Asgard which just sounds more paranoid than anything and again it's never resolved or given a way it could be resolved even if thanos and the snap didn't happen.
That drives me crazy. Not only does TR tell not show they are not even good at telling.
There's nothing on screen that shows Loki being a bad king and the writing doesn't care enough about world building to give anything to demonstrate him being a bad king
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wenellyb · 1 year
I have a question, and I would love to hear some thoughts on this.
Why don't people ever talk about "censorship" when talking about LGBTQ+ representation in the MCU?
I've often seen people talking about Queerbaiting even when it wasn't the case and they were using that word without knowing the meaning. But I never hear people talk about the way Disney execs, or decision-makers could be banning or suppressing a certain type of content in their movies.
The reason I'm talking about this is because several of MCU characters had Bi, Gay or Lesbian characters but in the end, the explicit scenes were cut from the final project. Even thought those scenes had been shot. The writers wrote the scenes, the actors played their part, the filmakers shot those scenes, but in the end they had to be removed from the movie.
In the first Black Panther movie, there was supposed to be an explicit moment between Ayo and her partner, but it never made it into the movie. And in Black Panther : Wakanda Forever the little scene Ayo did get with her girlfriend in the movie make it seem that it was the only gesture they would be allowed to show. A lot of people could have missed that kiss on the forehead if they weren't paying attention. Or they wouldn't even notice the 2 of them are dating.
Same with a scene with Valkyrie and a woman in Thor: Ragnarok that never made the final cut.
It wasn't Queerbaiting when the cast a crews were teasing/talking about those scenes. The filmakers and writers weren't lying to lure in the audience, those scenes were shot, and then removed at a later stage.
It seems that even when those writers wanted to include more explicit content for their characters, they weren't allowed too. And it also potentially mean that there is so much more characters or movies where this happened, and the filmakers didn't even bother trying anymore.
Even when "recently, Loki came out as bisexual in the Loki show, it was done in a way that could be easily misinterpreted. I know that some people who watched the show didn't even realize that Loki was saying he was Bi (I have to admit maybe some stuff for lost in translation but still...)
There seems to be some "progress" in the right direction but it's always so small and so slow, as if they had to make it as subtle as possible. Like America Chavez's pride pin in Doctor Strange's Multiverse of Madness.
I would love to hear some thoughts about this.
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thot-son-of-odin · 2 years
I like your Thor meta. Do you think Thor was abusive to Loki in Ragnarok?
Thank you so much anon! So I wanna preface this by saying I did really like ragnarok. I did think parts of it seemed ooc and didn’t feel the same as the two og Thor movies, but it made me laugh and that’s all I can really ask from a marvel movie tbh.
So to answer your question, tentatively no. I don’t think Thor was abusive to Loki in ragnarok and while parts of their relationship/the way they act with each other was exaggerated/flanderized, I don’t think that he was abusive. My reasoning is under the cut because this got longer than I thought LOL
The first thing I see that around ragnarok that frames Thor as abusive is the heightened use of violence towards each other (eg thor throws things at Loki, aims mjolnir at him). While this dynamic isn’t present in the previous movies, it’s also matched via Loki’s actions (eg stabbing Thor in the snake incident, not helping Thor when he’s forced to fight in the arena). Additionally, it doesn’t seem like these thing actually affect/hurt Loki in any way. In avengers 1, Loki literally dropped Thor off the helicarrier (idk if the name is right, I haven’t seen the movie in so long) and stabs Thor, and it’s not like these things severely injure Thor in any way. If we frame Thor’s actions as abuse, we must also frame Loki’s actions as abuse as well. (To all of you that are like “Loki was under mind control”, 1) intention does not change the action, he still gets hurt and 2) even after he’s released from the mind control, he never bothers to apologize)
Secondly, I see people talk about that scene in the tunnel where Loki attempts to reach out to Thor and he doesn’t bother to engage, and personally, I see that as very reasonable. Thor asks if Loki is actually there, sees that he isn’t, and that shapes the entire interaction from there on. In Thor’s pov, Loki hasn’t even bothered to visit him in person. Additionally, it hasn’t even been a day since their father died, which Thor directly thinks Loki is responsible for (rightfully so, since Loki has exiled Odin for years, perhaps making any condition he has worse and unmonitored). Thor does not believe that Loki is reaching out for real. Loki isn’t even reaching out to help him get back to Asgard and stop Hela. Whether or not Loki is genuine in his attempts to connect with Thor, Thor doesn’t believe him, and he has no reason to either.
Besides this, Thor explicitly brings what he’s mad about.
“What would you like me to say? You faked your own death, you stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power, stranded him on Earth… to die, releasing the Goddess of Death.”
Whether or not Loki is responsible for all that, Thor is allowed to be angry. And he’s allowed to act like that. And when he does, Loki gets angry in return and tells him that he hopes he gets hurt in the fight tomorrow. Both of their words here are childish. But only Thor is called abusive? For having a human response to a very complicated situation involving lots of feelings?
When Thor does try and talk to Loki, he does not actually communicate either. He explicitly distances himself by telling Thor that it’s better if he stays on Sakaar. Which brings us to the elevator scene and what comes next:
This is the part that I see the most meta about how Thor is abusive and is manipulative. And honestly, I think while he might be hoping that the reverse psychology works, I don’t think he explicitly tries to manipulate Loki into doing anything.
To me, I think at this point, Thor sees that Loki is trying to bait him into an argument and does not want to indulge that. Loki is the one who tells Thor that Odin’s death will bring them apart. Loki is the one who says he wants to stay on Sakaar. Thor can see that Loki wants Thor to beg him to come back/help him. And he doesn’t want to fall into that same pattern. Thor is right, it is unhealthy, and it’s not one that suits either one of them. Loki is trying to remove himself from the relationship and Thor lets him. It’s not abusive or manipulative, I see it as a genuine moment where Thor tells Loki that he loves him (aka the thought the world of you comment) but he’s not willing to engage in the same dynamic anymore.
And finally, there’s that obedience disk thing. Which, honestly, seeing as Loki was about to betray Thor and sell him out, is not the worst thing Thor could have done. I don’t think that it affects Loki that much, because he does show up looking fine in the end. I’m not saying it’s not a dick move of Thor to electrocute his brother. I’m saying, in context, Thor could have easily killed him to stop him from betraying him. And he doesn’t.
(Also l see the get help scene called abusive because apparently Thor not listening to Loki about whether he wants to do it is abusive? 1) it’s a comedy scene and 2) he does say “do you have a better idea”)
Idk I think that Loki and Thor have a complex dynamic that wasn’t translated great in ragnarok. But I don’t think it was abusive. I think that, yes Thor does act childishly in certain scenes and if he was thinking rationally, he could/should have realized that it wasn’t Loki’s fault that hela was unleashed. But this is not the first time an odinsib has blamed the other instead of their parents (aka Loki blaming Thor about the whole jotun thing instead which is its own discussion).
Again, obv u can have your own ideas and if theres something I missed that you want me to discuss def lmk!
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LCU (Loki Cinematic Universe) Rewatch Part Three here we come!
Thor: the Dark World
Oh Gods I forgot how…indescribable this movie is. I have no words. The outfits and settings look so real and the elves look so fake?
Me every time I see Loki: oOmMgGg Hiiiiiiiiiii 😘
“Mother did I make you proud?” And the whole way he handles this scene…How did anyone ever take him seriously - no wonder he went off the rails, that’s his greatest fear
“Do you not feel the gravity of your crimes” ok this is pure speculation but going off of what we know about Loki’s moral and emotional system - he’s capable of remorse and empathy, but he tends to compartmentalize and bury guilt and shame, repress and conceal his true feelings, and rationalize, minimize and justify his actions instead of accepting what he sees as weakness, so yes, I’d imagine that deep down he absolutely fucking feels it. And it don’t feel good.
Loki justifies his imperialism genocide and violence in an imperial genocidal militaristic society but the second he becomes king he decreases military intervention something something (one of the good bits of Ragnarok)
“I don’t enjoy hurting people” But Odin does. And so Loki pretends to.
BOOOOOO Odin no one likes you BOOOOOOO SCREW YOU
oMggg Sif hiiiiiii. Look at her, Thor. LOOK at her! With your eyes! She prettyyyyy
Odin and Thor: talking about Thor’s love life. Loki probably: rocking back in forth in his cell because no one’s ever gonna love him. Another Loki at the same time: chasing his soulmate across spacetime because she pulled a Loki on him and he finds that endearing
The sets and ambiance of Asgard are gorgeous how do I move there
Yet another obscure character I don’t remember, Darcy’s in the comics now I’m so proud, Selvig’s lost his last marble, so have I Selvig, so have I
The weird gravity/time space anomaly/warp thing in that abandoned building actually makes for a fun scene. You cannot change my mind on this. The Aether is pretty creepy though ngl.
Thor and Jane are so cringe together. I love them. They also break my heart
The plot of this movie is really…something
Loki and Frigga’s bond actually makes me teary I know they didn’t have the best relationship it was strained and toxic at times but omg they care about eachother so much I’m getting emotional…she genuinely was the only person Loki truly loved in a healthy way. And he fucking lost her. FUCK
Cut to me relating to Loki so much it makes me physically recoil. I’d get into why but I’m not trauma dumping today.
“I don’t know why Loki helped the dark elf get into the palace”…lol stop lying to yourself you know the reason very well. You have the same resentment and lust for chaos inside you that Loki does…that desperate grief that makes you want to burn down the world that burned you. you know. I see my worst in Loki, and his story gives me hope that I can change. There’s a good chance I will die young (medical shit) and Loki dying young also gives me comfort.
This movie is peak Loki. I just fucking adore the little shit. I just aahfhkjkmng *aggressively squeezes*
Heimdall is underrated
Someone on discord said Frigga autocorrected to Fridged on their phone and Frigga’s dying and that’s all I can think about rip…bruh this scene hits a lot harder after my dad’s death ✌️
HE WASNT EVEN ALLOWED AT HER FUCKING FUNERAL FUCK YOU ODIN DRINK BLEACH!!!!Anyways I forgot how cinematic and heartbreakingly beautiful the funeral was
YOU CAN SEE THE SPARK LEAVE HIS FUCKING EYES IM GONNA FIGHT ODIN IN A DENNYS PARKING LOT. I’m ending on the Loki illusion scene for tonight because it’s 3 am and I’m in emotional distress.
How can anyone watch the illusion scene and the deleted bits and actually believe Loki is a cold hearted psychopath? I have this fucked up headcanon that Loki almost attempted suicide after Frigga’s death and either stopped himself…or Thor showed up right on time. I can’t prove it but I know it’s true by gut instinct.
There’s something so weirdly profound about someone who seeks out death being unkillable. Character who thinks he represents death actually represents life. That’s something the Loki series actually did well. They definitely screwed up his character in places, but I can see the backbone of what they intended. I don’t know how to explain this, but I don’t ship Sylvie with TVA Loki, I ship her with Pre-Ragnarok Loki. Aka, I characterize TVA Loki as closer to OG Loki than he is thus far.
There’s a tiny detail about Loki that makes me go feral. You have to psychoanalyze a little, but Loki doubts his brother even cares about him, so whenever Thor says he feels betrayed and threatens him, Loki smiles. It means Thor cared. It means there’s hope. Negative attention is better than none at all. Disappointment is better than apathy. I wish I didn’t know how he feels.
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bird-wells214 · 2 years
can't wait for somebody to try and adapt god of war ragnarok into a movie/tv show only for them to realize that the gameplay itself had direct impacts on the storyline and it's effects on the player like the thor fakeout death, nidhogg's health dropping when freya makes her first attack after freeing herself, the duo valkyries repeatedly bringing back their health, the first transition into atreus gameplay, no scene cuts existing in any moment of the game, etc
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