#thor tummy
femmeetart · 7 months
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she just needed a king and a princess
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Felt cute yesterday after hanging with a girl who insisted I was indeed cute and pretty throughout the day.
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misterqi · 3 hours
thinking about fat thor with my whole heart and soul today
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spearxwind · 2 years
god im SO not immune to thor in GOW ragnarok
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wandaxpietro · 6 months
i like that it's a relatively popular (as in i have seen several people draw it; not many in the grand scheme of things but more than a handful!) headcanon for wanda to be chubby bcuz it feels so right to me. i need her btw
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
22, 32, 44, 46
thank you for playing!
22. what are your favorite smells?
well, I'll be basic and say petrichor. Roasting lamb, the apple-scented shampoo they use at my hairdresser's, freshly toasted sesame seeds getting crushed - I'm in a food mood.
32. talk about a time something or someone made you happy?
I must be in a glum mood because I'm fumbling for a specific, recent example. At the hairdresser's (yesterday, hence I still have the shampoo on my mind) she praised how well my hair lightens with bleach and I felt very pleased.
44. what does your favorite shirt look like?
asked and answered, a popular question!
46. what are your unpopular opinions?
hard to say! on the internet we tend to find at least pockets of others who share our opinions which can create the impression of more fellow travellers than perhaps we truly have.
I do not care for curry
coffee shop AUs bore me
dudes in TV and movies should go back to being shaped and textured like they were in the 70s and 80s; I will accept the return of hairy shoulders as the inevitable corollary
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sorcererg · 2 years
Thor review no one asked for
-I know the gold armor had the most screen time but omg that fur cloak,,,,, need. also Mighty Thor/Doctor Jane Foster had an underwhelming costume. it was just lady Thor tbh. If they really wanted to separate her from Thor they could have given her something that incorporated the more academic parts of her personality like Valkyrie’s edgy costume did with hers.
-Speaking of Jane, I’m disappointed. We could have had an intense Mjolnir scene but it got cut off for the sake of suspense that never fulfilled itself. It was kinda lazy, also the fact that she went on this incredible adventure without anyone from her life knowing about it? Lazy writing. Jane exists outside of her boyfriend’s life, especially in death.
-That’s it it was my only critique, I have low standards for marvel movies but besides that I really enjoyed it and it’s worth seeing.
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buckys-little-belle · 3 months
Hi!! I love your story’s and am always looking for little and daddy Bucky story’s!! I was wondering if you could do insecure reader who’s bigger. She has bigger thighs a bigger tummy and face. Could you do reader is scared to sit on buckys lap or for him to pick her up and carry her around the house. She’s too scared she’s heavy and will crush him and his legs. or that he will drop her because she’s too big. She also never cuddles and sleeps with him in his room always sleeping in her room after he puts her to bed because she’s scared about her breathing or how she sleeps.
Bucky gets her to tell him why and then comfort. Just fluff fluff fluff. If your not comfortable writing this I totally understand!!! If you do could you ad paci use? Thank you!!! Sorry for the rambling…
Strongest Man Alive
Bucky Barnes x Plus Sized!Little!Reader (She/Her Pronouns Used)
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Notes - This is not my best work, and has been in my drafts for MONTHS, it's something cute, and a little angsty at the beginning, but it does get super fluffy at the end. It's a little bit different than my usual writting style, so I apologize for that, but I do hope you like it and if not I'm so sorry! I hope I did this ask justice, and I hope everyone is having a good week!!! <3
Warnings - Talks of reader being self conscious for being 'bigger', kept very vague as she uses the words "heavy" and "squishy" to describe her body type instead of more concrete descriptions, the use of a pacifier is very brief as it's something I'm not used to writing, though I would be willing to continue, mentions of reader eating food "snacks" and "sandwich" though never specified, FLUFF at the end, but there is a moment of angst, I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS A COHEARANT STORY, it's from the drafts and I gave it a once over and I think it's 'good enough' so I apologize if it's terrible <3
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW.
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Y/n often spent their time at the Avengers tower sitting, standing, lingering around Bucky Barnes. It wasn't on purpose, the man just seemed to be the other half of some magnet imbedded deep in Y/n's heart. He just had some ability to pull her towards him.
Maybe it was the way he cut her sandwiches into perfect triangles, or the way his hand always found hers when she got scared. Maybe it was the way he seemed to be reserved around anyone but her that made her feel so connected to him.
He never sulked but always seemed to walk around with a frown stuck on his face, only ever changing it to a smile when she walked by his office or stopped by his room.
As much as Y/n felt like she was pulled to him, Bucky felt it multiplied by 100. His hands always aching to hold hers, his chest always feeling heavy when he began to think about her needing something and him not being around to help her.
The whole tower knew about Y/n's regression. Wanda and Peter often joined in, hanging out in little space and colouring in books Tony had provided, watching whatever new animated movie had just come out and sleeping over in makeshift tents in the living room.
Often other Avengers would help supervise activities, Steve loved playing action fighters in the common areas, Nat loved cuddle puddle on the couch, and Thor was always ready for a park day. Bucky on the other hand liked to stay in the shadows, buying stickers for the group of littles, making them lunch and dropping it off.
Bucky only stuck around if Y/n asked him to hang out with her. "Bucky can you hold my hand?" She had asked him when at the park, he of course grabbed her hand and helped her up the jungle gym.
"Bucky can you open this please?" She had whispered during a movie, her baggie full of snacks too difficult to manage on her own. He opened the baggie and held it in his own grasp, handing her a piece of candy anytime she had finished the previous one.
"Bucky will you colour with me?" She had yelled her ask one day when he was passing by the kitchen, Y/n sat at the island with markers scattered across the marble. He silently sat down and diligently coloured the page she had given him, helping her chase markers that had fallen.
He knew she was comfortable asking for what she wanted, and he knew she wasn't afraid of him ... so, it made his chest tighten every time she asked him to grab something from the top shelf instead of asking to be lifted like Wanda and Peter often asked.
He also felt off every time a little would come running out of their room after a nightmare, rushing into someone's room for a cuddle, yet Y/n's door never opened and neither did his.
Bucky was sure it was his fault she didn't seek him out for cuddles, he thought he had done something wrong when she never asked for a hug. Was it his arm? Was she scared he would turn on her? He couldn't figure it out.
That is until he realised she never asked anyone for a cuddle, or a hug. Nat, Wanda, and Peter would be all comfy on the couch and Y/n would be sat on the chair, a small frown on her face yet she never tried to find a spot next to her friends. And when she scraped her knee on the playground she declined Thor's offer of a "healing" hug.
"Y/n?" His voice was quiet but direct as he called out into the playroom, Y/n sat on the softly coloured rug, her stuffed animals scattered about.
"Hi Bucky!" She smiled, her pacifier tumbling out of her mouth and onto the ground.
"Hi." He sat down across from her, quickly pocketing the fallen pacifier before sought out the, now, dirty thing. "What are you playing?" His hands brushed a stuffed teddy, Y/n tilting her head in confusion as she looked around her.
"'m just dressen 'm up." She smiled at him, grabbing a stuffed unicorn and brushing it's fur back into place, shuffling closer to Bucky as she gathered a few other stuffed animals.
The moment her knees hit his she shifted back, so Bucky shifted his towards her again. Like clockwork she moved and left a small gap between them. "Y/n?"
"Mhm." She looked back at him, her smile one he could easily read through.
"Am I scary?" He asked calmly, not once loosing eye contact as she shook her head 'no'. "Do I smell?" He asked, this time with a laugh.
"No!" She giggled.
"Then why do you run every time I touch you." Instead of answering she bowed her head, hands running over the stuffed animal anxiously. "Why don't you hug Wanda or Peter?" He was worried that all the questions would make her want to run, but as she huffed and leaned into his space slightly he continued. "I know Thor was pretty sad when you declined his hug the other day." That one wasn't a lie, the man had gone on a rant about how he thought he had done something wrong, how he was sure Y/n hated him.
"I jus', I don' want them t' be mad." She admitted, huffing at the end of her sentence. "'m jus', 'm heavy, an' squishy. Wanda and Pete aren't heavy an' squishy." She admitted, eyes locked on the wall, the stuffed unicorn held a little closer to her body.
"What do you mean Baby?" Bucky asked, confused as to what she was alluding to.
"It's harder t' pick me up." She finally looked back at him, tears beginning to gather along her waterline. "And cuddling wif me wouldn' be th' same." She shrugged, trying to play it off like she wasn't bothered by her own words.
The tightness in Bucky's chest didn't ease up with his answer, his worry only growing. He had hoped it was an easy thing to fix, yet knowing Y/n didn't hug her friends, or him, because she felt too big made him hurt. "Baby," He began, not giving Y/n a second to doubt him, he picked her up and sat her in his lap. "you aren't 'too heavy' to pick up." He hated how quickly she curled into his chest, how clear it was that she was missing human connection. "I'm the strongest man alive, and you saying that you're too heavy is going to bruise my ego a bit, Baby." They both laughed, a few of Y/n's tears hitting the fabric of Bucky's shirt.
"I thought Steve was th' strongest man alive?"
"I let him win when we arm wrestle." Bucky admitted, causing Y/n to break out into a fit of giggles.
"'m gonna tell him!" She stood up, bolting for the door.
"Oh no you don't!" Bucky ran after her, lifting her off her feet in the middle of the hallway, Y/n pausing with a gasp, bracing for the two of them to fall, yet laughing along with Bucky as jostled her around, threatening to take her new colouring page off the fridge if she told anyone his secret.
After a pinky promise and some juice Y/n began to trust Bucky a little bit more. She let him pick her up at the playground, and gave him a hug before bed every night. She still worried her hugs were 'bad', that maybe no one would want to hug her because she wasn't 'little' but Bucky never once complained, instead asking for hugs in the morning too.
It took her a while to truly trust that Bucky wasn't lying when he said his back didn't hurt after picking her up, but eventually she became comfortable enough to run and jump into his arms, something she had always dreamed of doing.
It wasn't until a month later that Bucky woke up at 4 am to the sound of Y/n's hurried footsteps rushing to his door. Light creeping in from the opened door she didn't close as she ran to his bed. The sound of soft cries and whispers of "Nightmare" filling the usually quiet space.
Instead of letting her think too much about how she 'should' be cuddling, Bucky just scooped her up and tucked her into his bed, letting her know he'd protect her, and her stuffed animal. He liked having her in his room, it made him feel at ease knowing she was close.
After a few months of staying in Bucky's room, Y/n began to get out of her shell a bit more, hugging Wanda and Peter, and eventually accepting Thor's 'healing' hugs. She finally joined in during the weekly cuddle puddle, laughing along side Nat and her friends as they all got cozy on the couch. And for the first time ever she let someone else, the second strongest man alive, Steve Rogers pick her up. A pride filled movement the man would never forget.
Even though it took her a little longer than everyone else to be comfortable hugging and snuggling, she was happy to finally be apart of the group in ways she wasn't before. Bucky, the man who still often stayed in the shadows, helping from a distance, couldn't help but feel a little lighter every time he saw his girl get over her worries, knowing if anything got to be 'too much' she'd come running to him.
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Tummy Bunny
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Summary: You love his big tummy.
Pairing: Chubby!Thor Odinson x GN!Reader
Warnings: fluff, the reader is obsessed with his belly, a hint of low self-esteem (Thor)
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He’s tall. He’s thick. He’s got a big tummy. Thor Odinson is simply perfection to you.
If only he’d see himself the way you see him.
Most of the time he comes to you, he needs food and a place to stay for a while.
“Can I have a slice of pie and coffee,” he shyly looks your way. “Please.”
“All for my favorite customer,” you wink at him and point at the best spot at your little café. “I hope you’re hungry. Not many customers came today.”
“A shame,” he says more to himself than you. Thor looks around the empty café, remembering the days gone. Not three years ago this place was filled with people and their chatter. Now it’s deserted, like most places in this world. “Why do you still open it every day?”
“Some of my customers still come around,” you give him a sad smile. “It’s their routine to not lose their mind. I guess they are lonely.”
“Hmm…” He nods thoughtfully. “All my fault.” Thor sighs deeply and drops his eyes to his big belly. “I could’ve killed him. I should’ve aimed for the head.”
“What? No.” You wrinkle your forehead. “It is what it is, Thor. I think things happen for a reason. Maybe we finally value the lives we are given more.”
“I value your life, and the light you hold,” Thor looks at you, and his eyes begin to sparkle. “It’s a light I haven’t seen in years.”
“You are too nice,” you place a plate filled with his favorite pie onto the table. “I can see the light in you too, Thor. And strength, and honesty. I admire you and your…” You trail off as your eyes drop to his belly. You lick your lips, wondering how’d feels to be in his arms and snuggle into his belly.
“I know that I gained a lot of weight,” he sniffs and looks at the pie. “I shouldn’t eat more pie, right?”
“I like it…I mean…” clearing your throat you try to take your eyes off his belly. “I-I like your belly. It’s soft and big and…”
“Oh…OH!” His eyes sparkled again. “You like my belly?” Thor cocks his head. His eyes roam your body, and he licks his lips. “Really?”
“Hmm…” you shy away from Thor. The intensity in his gaze has you trembling. “I like your belly.”
“Do you want to touch it?” He rises from his seat, faster than expected from a tall and chubby man like Thor. “Come here, my sweet tummy bunny.”
You press your lips together and whimper. “Thor.”
“It’s all yours to touch if you want to,” Thor says, holding out his hand. He pats his belly with his other hand. “I’m sorry if I scared you.” He hastily says, seeing the hesitation in your eyes.
“No, it’s…uh…I’m a tummy bunny,” you bite your lower lip. “I like it when a man has a belly and is a big bear. You’re more to cuddle and all.”
 “A cute little bunny all for myself,” Thor’s features darken for a moment, and his eyes sparkle again. “Tell me, bunny. Do you want to hop onto my belly?”
You wring your hands, hesitating for a moment.
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Tags in reblog.
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holdmytesseract · 2 months
Drabble/Blurb request: Baby Fever: The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book)
"Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life"
Little Dancing Queen
Loki & Ella
Warnings: nothing. This is pure tooth rotting fluff.
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Friend... Thank you SO much for this request. Gods, the blurb I wrote is SO sweet, I love it! I hope you do, too! 🤗💖
Last day of the Campfire Sleepover! 🏕
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"Okay, princess, what are we going to do while mama is out in the city with your grandmother?" Loki - currently for a little vacation with his family on Asgard, asked his baby daughter, while softly tightening his hold on her. Not that she fell off his stomach.
Ella was sitting - like so often on her daddy's upper body; currently playing with a pair of toy bricks. Her uncle Thor's old toy bricks, to be exactly.
Her wide, blue eyes stared at her father's face; nothing but a sweet coo leaving her tiny lips, before she started to suckle on one of the toy bricks.
Not the answer Loki hoped for.
He sighed, "No idea, princess, huh?" and fiddled with the straps of the cute dungarees she wore; getting them back in the right place. "Dadada," Ella squeaked; almost hitting Loki in the face with the toy brick.
"No, little lady, I was asking you and- Woah, be careful with that brick!" He tickled Ella's tummy in return; causing her to giggle.
For Loki, it was one of the most beautiful sounds in all the nine realms... Hearing his daughter laugh.
"Cheeky girl," Loki laughed and took her tiny hand in his; blowing a raspberry on her palm - which made her giggle even more.
Loki's eyes were trained on Ella. Oh, how much he loved her. She was the best thing that ever happened to him - besides you. "Oh my sweet, precious princess, I-" Loki cut off his own sentence as a sudden idea hit him.
"Ohh, I know what we are going to do. Come on, sweet girl."
Without wasting another minute, the god stood up with Ella in his arms and walked straight to the main door of your shared chambers.
Making his way down the big, rich hallways of the palace, Loki had a destination in mind... The ballrooms.
On his little walk, he passed by a lot of servants, maids and guard; the palace bustling with life. Everybody greeted him kindly and was absolutely enchanted by the little girl in his arms. Of course, they were. Everyone who met Ella was immediately enthralled. She had that effect on people; was able to have everyone wrapped around her finger in no time.
"Alright, baby girl..." Loki spoke to his princess, while opening the huge golden doors with his free hand. "I'll show you one of the ballrooms, princess. It's almost a shame that I never showed you this before. Not in all those months you've been born." He stepped inside the big, spacious room and snapped his fingers; closing the doors behind them.
Ella looked around with wide eyes; seemingly fascinated with her surroundings. Gold everywhere; bright, warm light, music instruments on their left. It was stunning.
"Now..." The god said and squatted down to let Ella stand on her own two small legs. "What do we do in a ballroom?" Loki asked and snapped his fingers; making the instruments play some classical music. Ella's eyes widened even more and she smiled; starting to bob up and down - like a toddler does. She understood.
Loki smiled brightly, "Exactly, princess! Dancing!" and watched her for a short moment; just relishing in her utter cuteness. But then he put his hands on his hips and shook his head. "But I feel like that's not the right music, what do you think, sweetie?"
Ella stopped in her movements and looked up at her dad; one finger stuck in her mouth. "Dada!" She squealed. "I take that as a yes," Loki approved and snapped his fingers again.
Now they were playing a familiar song. One which Ella heard a trillion times before. One that her mama showed her - and Loki. 'The Bare Necessities' from the Disney movie 'The Jungle Book'.
The little girl squealed up happily again and started to bob up and down once more - but definitely with more enthusiasm and energy. Her tiny raven curls bobbed with her movements.
Loki laughed out loud, totally enamoured by his daughter.
His laugh quickly died down, though, when Ella lost her balance and almost toppled over. Almost. Loki was quick to react and caught her in his arms. "I've got you, princess. Nothing happened. You're fine." Ella's eyes were wide from the small shock, but she quickly recovered as Loki took her tiny hands in his and started to move her to the music.
She giggled; everything forgotten and started to move with her dad.
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Baby Fever Crew: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @princess-ofthe-pages @km-ffluv @simping-for-marvel @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @smolvenger @lokisrealpurpous @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @aagn360 @cakesandtom @alexakeyloveloki @glitchquake @anukulee @lady-rose-moon @ainsley30 @lovingchoices14 @lokischambermaid @irishhappiness @mandywholock1980 @totsnotlynn @loki-laufeyson223
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jungle-angel · 3 months
A Boy And His Critters (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob think your oldest child might be an animal whisperer
Warnings: Mentions of birth, pregnancy, cuteness overload etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @withahappyrefrain @bobfloydsbabe
It was late in the afternoon in early spring, on a day when the hawthorn trees in your yard had just begun to bud and flower. Your birdfeeder already had more than enough visitors, your three cats, Freya, Thor and Pumpkin, having eyed them from the living room window. Already there had been fifteen calf births within the last two days with Bob, his father and his brothers and sisters having to wake at some ungodly hour to help with the births.
You were in the living room of your home in Montana, the soft Disney piano music playing from the speaker on your laptop. Bob lay on the spread out quilt on the living room floor, one pillow under his head and the other under his tummy while he gently rocked Baby Rudy in his little baby hammock. The sun streamed through the windows as you sat close to your husband and baby, the other three outside with their grandparents or aunts and uncles while you were busy carding the freshly shorn sheep's wool from the week before. You set aside your brushes and quickly took a snapshot of the sweet sight, hoping to add it to the photo album later.
You heard a loud meow and felt that familiar bushy tail brushing against you, looking down to find Thor rubbing against you. "You need a good brushing," you chuckled, teasing him with the carding combs.
"S'it the cat again?" Bob mumbled with a yawn.
"Yep," you answered, getting back to your work. "Rudy asleep?"
"Mmmhmm," Bob answered. "M'gonna go see if Dad needs help and come back for a nap."
Bob rose from his spot and kissed you before heading out to the barn to see if his father needed any help. "Hey sleepyhead!" the older Floyd greeted, tipping his black cowboy hat a little.
"Hey Dad," Bob answered sleepily. "Everything good?"
"Yeah everything's lookin good," Joe answered. "The hands have it all down so we don't have to worry until the spring auction. The baby go to sleep?"
"Just went down for a nap," Bob yawned. "I think I might too, my eyes are starting to itch."
Bob and his father conversed back and forth, totally unaware at first of the clanking of a metal bucket and the hurried footsteps of five year old Auggie.
"Bud?" Bob asked when he finally saw. "Whatcha doin?"
"Nothin Daddy," Auggie chirped.
"Doesn't look like nothin," Joe chuckled.
"I gotta go milk the cows, Papa!" Auggie announced.
Joe and Bob were humored to say the least, more so when they saw Smokey, the crotchety old rooster weaving his way in and out from between Auggie's legs. They followed behind him to make sure he didn't get into trouble, when he approached the female dairy cow that Joe and Irene had taken in, singing in his chirpy little voice, one of the farm songs he had learned in his kindergarten class at the so-called "hippie school" he attended with the other Dagger children.
"Holy shit," Joe chuckled. "Get a load of this Bobby."
Bob was thunderstruck when he saw the old bat following Auggie into the barn with Smokey still clucking away between his little cowboy boots. Normally it would take two or three of the hands to lead her in, but here was Auggie, five years old and barely up to his father's hips, leading her into the stall with no issues.
"Un......believable," Bob laughed.
"How the fuck does this kid do it?" Joe wondered out loud, a broad smile on his face at the sight of his grandson.
Bob quickly pulled out his phone and began recording, hoping to be able to show the others when they had a chance to come by. Auggie chirped away as he milked the cow until a startled moo came from her.
"Sorry Peach, but that's what Daddy does to Mommy and it works."
Bob stifled a squawk in his throat but not before Auggie began yelling at him in his best Shrek voice.
"August Robert!" Bob laughed.
Auggie hurried over but Bob was in too good a mood to discipline his son. "Sorry for using a dirty word, Daddy," he apologized.
Bob picked his son up and kissed his cheek, Auggie's glasses falling slightly off the bridge of his nose. "I'm glad you said sorry, but Daddy should remember the rule the he and Mommy put into place."
When Bob was able to go back inside, he showed you the video including the one of Auggie's Shrek impression.
"You'd think he was an animal whisperer by the way Smokey follows him around," you laughed.
"Sometimes I like to think so sweetheart," Bob yawned as he lay on the couch.
You set aside your carding combs and the wool, covering Bob with the spring quilt and snuggling in beside him, the two of you proud as ever of Auggie.
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spearxwind · 2 years
I just love by how Talas is perhaps the most dangerous character in the setting, and he not only doesn't have abs (already a rare combination), he actually has a bit of a belly. Peak character design I stg
YEAHAHHGG YOU ARE SO CORRECT he is the most dangerous guy on the planet :) (or close to it, at least) and he is damn fucking soft as well. My guy can dual wield
Also you can rest assured im never gonna draw abs. None of my ocs have em and none ever will
(but!! yeah!!! thank u so much!!! im so glad people enjoy it sm that makes me rly happy)
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bebx · 8 months
One of the things I love about Lokius is that, if you're someone like Thor and you're introduced to Mobius, and you had to appraise this funky lil dude in 10 seconds, you know the immediate, visceral reaction is: HIM?! This folksy guy with the ugly brown suit, haircomb mustache, corny dad jokes, average height, and middle-aged tummy? This guy?!
Because if you've only ever known up to Phase 3 Loki, it's not unreasonable to think he'd go for someone up to his "standards"; someone sexy, alluring, powerful, fashionable, and a little bit dramatic. Heck, that's what present Loki expected, too.
But no, it turns out it's very much THIS GUY, with the slight southern twang, no mystical powers whatsoever--not even basic super strength--and a love for snacks. THIS GUY who has a general calmness about him and whose epitome of joy is jet skis. THIS GUY who manages to find a little bit of purpose in bureaucratic paperwork.
It's objectively hilarious and, from a trope perspective, very sweet. Because a healthy, healing individual would see past the superficial and fall for the heart. All those quirks? Endearing. But what matters most is this person believed in you from the start, when you were at your worst and lowest. The wrinkles? Memories of all those times he laughed, smiled, or worried for you. The white hair? Very stately. Gorgeous, like a silver fox. But maybe Mobius is more of a coyote. With that silly knee-slapping laugh and wily mind. The soft tummy? A reminder of every time you had a heart to heart at the cafeteria or "detoured for refreshments" during a mission. So huggable. So perfect.
And past Loki would be appalled. He'd call it pathetic. This puny mortal? Oh, how low you've fallen ... A disgrace!
Present Loki would be so /offended/ by his own arrogance. By his own blindness!
"Yes," he'd say, chin up, eyes firm. "HIM."
this reminds me of this fic I wrote here where Mobius meets Thor and the rest of the Avengers as Loki’s special someone and they’re all shocked because Loki???? The Loki????? with This Guy????????!!!. I mean not to shamelessly promote my own fic or anything but Loki, a god, ending up with Mobius, a little guy, is the concept that is so precious to me I had to write a fic about it.
and yes, Mobius being just a Little Guy is what makes him so special as a character. we have all these superheroes Marvel introduced us to and then you have Mobius. and somehow he still manages to be such a popular fan’s favorite and also I think Mobius just being who he is is what draws — mind you, not just Loki but also so many fans towards to him. like everything you’ve described about him here is actually what makes me a fan of him. so really, we can’t blame Loki for falling head over heels in love with him here.
Thor’s reaction to meeting this boyfriend of Loki would be so hilariously precious too. but also, I believe it wouldn’t take long at all for Thor to grow overprotective of Mobius because Mobius is a good man with a heart of gold and most importantly, Mobius makes Thor’s brother happy. and Thor will do anything to make sure no one looks at Mobius the wrong way.
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nickfowlerrr · 9 months
🖤 headcanon - pwyc bucky loooves making reader flustered and embarrassed by purposefully doing things he knows gets her going (lifting her up, flexing his muscles, caging her into small spots beneath him) but then acts innocent and asks her what’s wrong while she fidgets and squeezes her thighs, obviously worked up…
you're absolutely, 110% correct lol. i got so giddy reading this, just imagining it.
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You're in the small break room of the shop, waiting for Bucky to finish the tune up on your car that he swore it needed.
He said he was almost finished but asked if you could grab him a drink from the fridge. You obliged, thirsty yourself, and went to grab you both something. You greeted Thor as he sat at the table eating his lunch. Hiding your amusement at how tiny the table looked before him. Nat followed you in and sat to join him, but you weren't paying much attention to their conversation as you walked a bit further into the kitchenette area.
You're bent over, grabbing a can of soda from the bottom drawer of the fridge when you sense someone behind you.
Standing, you turn to see who it is and accidentally end up blocking yourself in - the corner of the counter behind you, and the wall of mass that is Bucky before you, leaves you with no space as he looks down at you, taking a step forward and forcing you further into the corner of the counter as you take one back.
Your eyes are fixed on him, your breath stalling in your throat as you watch him encroach upon you even more.
You can get much further from him, your body right up against the counter now, only your head tilting back as his tilts down ever so slightly to you, his hands planted on the counter, his bulking, strong arms on either side of you.
You can smell his cologne mingling with the scent of the motor oil that stains his shirt, his hair mussed and a bit of sweat beading on his forehead as he blocks you from getting space away from him... not that you plan on trying.
His blue eyes are gleaming with mischief as he holds eye contact with you.
Your breathing is a bit more labored as you find yourself waiting for him to pounce... Wanting him to, despite your lack of privacy. But the others' presence isn't something you're really registering - and they aren't paying much attention to what's going on behind them, anyway.
Bucky lifts a hand, slowly, and you close your eyes for a second as you anticipate his touch across your skin.
Then, you hear the cupboard behind you open, and your eyes do the same.
Bucky has a brow raised at you as he grabs a cup, taking the can from your hand in his other before he steps back,
"You alright there, sweetheart?" he asks, faux innocence lacing his voice, but the playfulness you catch in his eyes gives him away completely.
You straighten up and, quietly as you can, clear your throat.
"I'm fine," you answer. Though you can feel your sudden desire clenching in your tummy and slickening between your legs already, damn him. He doesn't need to know that, though.
As if he can't tell already.
You continue, discreetly squeezing your thighs as you move in an attempt to ease the growing ache, "Why wouldn't I be?"
He laughs under his breath, more to himself than, cracking the can open and pouring half into the cup for you as you watch, "You just look... a little flustered," he says, glancing over at you briefly before turning back to you fully.
He grabs the can and takes a drink, his eyes drinking you in in their own right.
"Car's almost done. Give me five minutes," he says as he backs away, heading for the door, "then you can go for a ride," he smirks, his innuendo not lost on you.
You inhale sharply before you swallow hard. You straighten again and press your lips together as you look off to the side, not wanting him to see the effect he so easily has on you.
"Mhm," you hum quietly, turning your back to him and crossing your legs as best you can while standing, fingers playing mindlessly on the counter as you wait for him to leave, missing the crooked grin that spreads across his face as his eyes rake over you one last time before he goes to finish up your car.
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valiantphantomangel · 8 months
Since you write for avengers actors can you please do Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston X Teen Reader where she plays Thor and Loki’s little sister and during filming one of them accidentally tickle her but play it off. After directors cut they both question her about it and she denies but they tickle her anyway and Reader ends up being WAY more ticklish than Chris and Tom thought?
On screen brother's discovery.
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How you got here was beyond you, on a marvel set, next to freaking Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth, in full costume which was Asgardian style dress and in front of a whole camera crew.
"Do you really have to toss me around for this scene"? You ask nervously as you fidget with your sleeve.
"Aww don't worry darling we'll catch you" Tom said with a smile as he ruffled your hair to which you slapped his hand away.
"yeah don't worry little one" Chris said as he laughed and got into position.
"And action"! The director yelled and you sprinted away like the script said, the other two not far behind.
"Now now little sister, where are you off to in such a hurry" Tom said in a very Loki matter as he caught up with you and picked you up with ease.
"Ahhh Loki! Put me down" you screeched as you hang in his arms.
"As you wish" he shrugged and tossed you over to Chris.
"That was not what I meant"!! You yelled with a short scream as Chris tossed you back to Tom.
When his hands caught you, he accidentally grazed your sides causing you to let out a surprised giggle with a squeak.
Luckily nobody seemed to notice it (how very naive of you) and you all finished the scene.
"So what was that little giggle that I heard from you hmm"? Tom said casually as you enter the break room to get something to eat.
"W-what" you stutter caught off guard as you turn around to grab your lunch.
"Yeah i heard something too" Chris said as he tapped his chin in thought "You wouldn't be... Ticklish would you?"
"What! N-no that's ridiculous" You said way too quickly.
It was quiet for a minute before you suddenly heard Tom whisper from behind you "You are a horrible liar darling" and trapped you in a bear hug, pulling you to the ground so your back was flush against his chest.
You tried to keep hidden how flustered you were but that all went straight out the window when Tom spidered over your tummy.
Immediately you threw your head back crackling and trashed around, Chris gave a booming laugh and sat down in front of you while grabbing your ankles and dragging his nails over the sole of your foot since you weren't wearing your shoes.
"AHHH GUYS STOP ITHIHIHIHI" you giggled your head off as you squirmed in Tom's hold who in return only held you tighter and blew a raspberry in your neck, you quickly pulled your shoulders up with a laugh.
"My my you really are quite ticklish aren't you dear"? Tom cooed as he squeezed your sides.
"I thought you were ticklish little one but I didn't expect you to be this sensitive" Chris laughed as he spidered up and down your feet, which tickled like hell.
"AHHAHHAHAH" by this point you couldn't even think of anything to say and just surrendered, laughing your breath away.
They slowed down a little so you could get some air as giggles flowed off your lips.
"Norns your absolutely adorable sweetheart" Tom smiled as he pulled you up so you were laying in his lap still breathless from their 'innocent' torture.
"What is it with you and nicknames"? You giggled as you cuddled into him while Chris came to sit next to you two and made an attempt to braid your hair.
"Oh you know you love it" Tom laughed.
"Just so you know, we are never going to let this go" Chris said with a smirk.
"Nooooooo" you whined playfully.
"Yesssss, be happy we didn't tell the rest of the cast yet about your cute little weakness" he said with a grin before pulling you up from the ground "come on we still have some scenes to finish".
You three walked out of the break room, but not before you grabbed your lunch (food is very important), and went on with the rest of the scenes.
Needless to say not much got done that day.
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ravensinthedaylight · 2 years
Ready or Not, Here I Come - Mama!Nat x Daughter!Reader
Summery: Your mama, Natasha can’t find you during a game of hide and seek and gets slightly worried
Notes: ‘Calls’ as in shouting, I’m going to assume reader is too young to have a phone yet, loll.
Readers Age: 4 Years Old
Requests: Open
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“Ninety-Nine... One-Hundred! Alright Malysh! Ready or not, here I come! Mama’s gonna find her little loon!” Natasha called out into the hallway of her section of the compound.
You both had just gotten back from spending the weekend at the Barton’s farm, over the weekend you had developed a love for the game of hide-and-seek from the two eldest Barton children.
So far this was yours and Natasha’s third game, and Natasha was just as into it as you were since she just could’t get enough of seeing your cheeky little grin or hearing your adorable squeal whenever she found you.
“Y/nnnnnn! Come out, come out where ever you are, манчкин.” 
Hm, you were learning fast. The first round you had come out of your hiding spot straight after she had called you, always being a child to answer when called so that you wouldn’t give your mama a scare.
Natasha made sure to make her steps heavy, knowing that you would giggle if you felt as though you were tricking her.
“Could my little Y/N/N be under the carpet?” She called out as she lifted the carpet gently. “Oh? She isn’t here!” She called out, pretending to sound shocked.
Although she was a little but when she didn’t hear a sound afterwards.
You were really getting good at this game. Clint had thought you well. She could imagine his words of ‘the student becomes the master’
“Ohhhhhh Y-NNNNN!” She sang. “Mama’s coming to find youuu.”
Nothing. Huh.
For the next minute Natasha played it the way she usually did, making silly little comments as well as looking at the spots where it was plain-fully obvious you weren’t hiding. But you were beginning to worry her by remaining quiet.
You were a quiet child, of course. But usually during games like this the more your mama called the more you wanted to run to her and make sure that she wasn’t actually worried, plus you loved the cuddles that you would receive.
“Y/N? Sweetheart?”
If you just giggles or let out a huff or something she would gladly keep pretending for another five minutes, but there wasn’t a peep out of you.
“Come on honey, Mama can’t find you anywhere. She gives up!” 
Natasha thought that that ought to do it. But it didn’t. Still not a sound. 
And due to having received a small dose of syrum during her time in the red room, her hearing was better than the average person’s, making it easier to hear around your’s and her’s apartment in the compound. Which helped whenever you had a nightmare or needed to get up at night due to a tummy ache.
Natasha was panicking now, switching into protective Mama mode.
She began to search all of your previous hiding spots where you had hid in perviously. But nothing.
She would have heard the door open if you went to go somewhere else in the compound.
“Y/N! Come on sweetheart! Why don’t we go find Uncle Thor? He and Loki just got back from Asgard, you love Uncle Loki!”
You did love Uncle Loki, he was one of your favourite uncles and if something wasn’t terribly wrong you would have zoomed over to her that very second from where you were supposed to be hiding.
“Malyshka please. Are you stuck? Do you need Mama to come get you?”
Natasha wandered aimlessly around the apartment, not entirely sure what to do. She didn’t want to leave incase you got scared if you came out of your hiding spot because she wasn’t there.
It wasn’t until she noticed a little pair of kids’ shoes sticking out from under the rack that she felt huge relief.
Natasha pulled a few of the coats to the side and smiled in relief and at the adorable sight in front of her.
You were fast asleep, your head resting on her slippers. 
She should have known how tired you would be. You had been running wild with the Barton kids all day, you had stayed awake the entire car journey back chatting away because you felt that if you fell asleep Natasha would be lonely, you had then played another two games while running around with Natasha. She’s surprised you hadn’t fallen asleep sooner.
After she quickly snapped a picture of you on her phone she put it away and went to softly pick you up, you were light, so it was no problem.
“C’mere sweet pea.” She murmured as you let out a small grunt.
“Mama.” You whined slightly.
“Right here Moye Serdtse.” She cooed softy as you lay your head on her shoulder. 
“Did I win?”
Natasha suppressed a laugh. You had won in scaring her if that’s what you meant, which of course it wasn’t.
She studied your red locks that you inherited from her, and said something that she had known since the day she she discovered your existence. “I won.” She said lovingly. She had won, she had won in life because she had you. What else could she ever need?
You huffed, not understanding what she really meant. “Next time I will.”
“Maybe.” Natasha chuckled. “Let’s go sweetheart, you can sleep in my bed.”
You smiled up tiredly at Natasha as she moved some hairs from your face. “Yes please, Mama.”
“I love you. Malyshka.”
“Iluvoo too...” You replied, half asleep on your Mama’s shoulder already.
Taglist: (Comment to be added)
@wackymcstupid @battleg03 @griffin-girl-r @natashasnoodle @tynix @violetromanova @blackwidow-3 @simp-erformarvelwomen
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