#those are like my life purposes or something
ninibeingdelulu · 2 days
I would choose you ✧
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Plot: An argument that lead to a confession…
A/N: my page is slowly becoming a kaiser fanpage.. anyway this was inspired by a tt I can’t remember which one . And i already wrote something similar but i like this one more >.<
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This crazy career ate Michael alive in the best ways possible - pushing every fiber of his being towards perfecting the most elite striking prowess on the planet.
But it also slowly consumed his life in the most detrimental sense, steadily eclipsing every scrap of personal existence beyond the pitch.
Sure, he still adored you with every stuttering thrum of his barbaric heart - it was just...harder showing that more and more.
With each fresh trophy or medal weighing heavier on his record, Michael's obsessive drive only intensified tenfold.
You always insisted his lifelong quest for soccer immortality didn't bother you. Dismissed his latest nighttime disappearances or missed dinner reservations with soft smiles and reassurances of "I understand, baby...soccer's your whole world. Just don't stay out too late, okay?"
Michael's rare opportunities indulging your minimal demands only stoked deeper cravings for more scraps of his coveted time and devotion.
And as the months whittled on, those golden breadcrumbs grew achingly few and far between.
This morning marked just the latest in an endless spree of abrupt departures and cold, dismissive justifications before the dawn's rosy glow even peeked over the nightscape.
Another endless regiment of grueling practice circuits and tactical review sessions until the darkest hours, rinse, repeat.
Just once, maybe you wished he'd burst through that damn bedroom threshold with feverish grins and wandering caresses only you basked in anymore.
Not merely grunting about today's schedule before collapsing into dead slumber.
So when Michael's phone began buzzing with a reminder for yet another media engagement, the brimming resentment finally bubbled over in a desperate, pleading outburst.
You huddled forward on the mattress' edge, arms folded protectively as he paced about tossing various garments haphazardly over his glorious form.
"Michael?" you managed in a tiny whimper finally piercing his distant demeanor. "Don't you...don't you still love me anymore? At all?"
Those gunmetal depths whipped back in your direction, suddenly searing with stunned incredulity.
Like you'd just slapped the daylights out of him.
"What the fuck, y/n ?" he managed roughly past the tightness throttling his throat. "Where's all this coming from all of a su-"
But trailing off right there as Michael drank in the hurt streaking down your blotchy, flushed cheeks.
The wounded, exhausted droop of your slender shoulders that screamed out 'you did this.'
He'd stripped you raw of every defensive barrier until only bottomless vulnerability remained.
And for what? Some meaningless athletic trifle against his monumental purpose - which somehow, without realizing, had succeeded in reducing the purest light in his life to this?
A shuddering gasp punched through Michael's marbled defenses. And somehow, your normally towering, indominable warrior of a partner immediately crumpled forward - knees splintering against the hardwood at your feet.
"Oh, Schatz..." he rasped in that rich, chocolatey tenor laced thick with reverence.
Face tilting upwards to openly worship you before burying into your lap, that familiar musk and body heat engulfing you in its comforting inferno.
Michael's broad, calloused hands clutched your thighs in an iron vice - anchoring your delicate forms together like you'd float away at any second otherwise.
Only once fully burrowed into your shielding caress did the tumbling regret finally spill out of him, unleashing in a trembling sigh of his native German.
"Und ich würde dich wählen."His slurred murmur sent tingles shivering down your veins.
"in hundert leben..." Smoky azure embers scalded upwards into your watery gaze, lapping your contours in a fresh wave of ardor.
"in hundert welten..." His massive palms slid up and down those supple thighs in tremoring repetitions, reawakening old familiar sensations.
"in jeder Version der Realität..." Michael buried that sharp Germanic jawline into your lower abdomen, nipping with fervent passion melting your flesh like scorching lava.
"ich würde dich finden.” He hoisted your negligible weight up, coiling you closer into a delicious tangle of searing limbs and torrid heat.
By now, you understood each throaty sigh - fluently committing his fevered pledge to memory through the blurring film of fresh, joyful tears.
That declaration of cherishing you beyond mortal constraints of this lifetime, continually seeking each other through every conceivable iteration of this universe...
"Und ich würde dich wählen."
His voice finally cracked through a muffled, wounded whimper in between pressing eternal vows into your exposed flesh until you gasped.
Peering up in total subjugation through smoldering gunmetal orbs leaving your own ablaze.
No longer needing any translation of the vows searing divinely into your soul.
You cupped his cheeks, swooping down to rest your brows together in a consuming clash of molten breath and fevered affirmations.
"Never again, Michael..." you murmured into the smothering exchange of cloying oxygen and tears streaking both your cheeks. "Never shut me out like this ever again...just promise me th-"
But your quavering plea evaporated into his searing mouth before finishing. Michael clutched your yielding form tighter with each ravenous inhale, stealing your breath over and over until you teetered on the precipice of losing control entirely.
Nodding, panting, practically drowning in your divine essence - Michael sealed every facet of his being in your possession anew.
Eternally yours, mind, body, and spirit - until those final tremors consumed you both fully once more.
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The Owl House Critical Post, scroll away now I don't know if I am being too harsh in this post but I wrote it anyway so if you don't wanna read something potentially upsetting this is a warning (to those who decide to read please tell me if I'm being too harsh)
I remember initially hating how the show handled its villains, they all felt like jokes, they never felt like threats or like they provided a meaningful challenges for the main cast, they never had any real depth or complexity. but i bit my tongue, I was told that I was basically a dumbass for complaining that Bump openly breaks a law that's supposed to be punishable by death so that Luz could fulfill her witchy fantasy and that he wasn't arrested. the show could've had him make the multiclass student thing be something underground- boom it lets luz live out her fantasy but doesn't ignore what was established about the setting and creates potential stakes if these underground classes ever got discovered! That already made me angry but the cult thing is what I wanted to complain about- i only had basic ass knowledge about cults and TOH fails at portraying that crap, most people in the EC can just quit and do so in a way that makes it feel like they're just quitting a job, it doesn't feel like they fear losing their friends or sense belonging and community, they don't feel like they're anything but jokes. Leaving a cult is scary, often times cults will send their followers into the real world and set them up to have bad experiences so they'll come running back, they'll hire thugs to scare them into staying or position them in away so that they suffer (sending them out without money or the skills to survive), they humiliate those who begin to ask questions so that they stay in line. guilt tripping, putting members against each other, cutting off contact with the rest of the world! The show only adds the whole 'forced to fight on a mountain' thing for flavor! Everytime it brings up actual stuff cults do it feels like it's more for flavor than actually writing this topic with sensitivity- look at how they treat Lilith! Imo It feels like the show insulting people for ever trusting belos, treating them like they're braindead and could've just realized fairly easily that he was evil. It's the most egregious with hunter who was basically fucking born into the EC. the show is also pretty black and white, which is curious for a show that gets praise for its portrayal of religious trauma. You think the show would be more grey. I did deeper research into cults and just got SO tired of people talking about how good the show was at conveying such a heavy topic. The titan reveal also doesn't help- Luz is told by an all powerful deity that she is the chosen one basically and is told that old man is evil and needs to go down- isn't that the same justification that belos uses for his actions- not saying belos should've gotten redemption or forgiveness but this feels wrong. He deserved to die don't get me wrong but using this justification feels gross. What's even worse is that the titan made Philip's life harder on purpose- ah yeah that brainwashed cult victim would totally change his mind especially if you make his life harder- yeah I would've preferred if belos was depicted in a flashback just having a bad time on the boiling isles and cherry picked those bad experiences to justify his actions. Also I hate that the show just writes belos off as greedy and glory seeking when it could've conveyed a message about how people can get absolutely get warped by religious dogma. I do wonder though if I'm being too harsh because TOH is for kids and I was told it would be hard to portray this stuff in a way kids could understand. I can come up with ways to make the breaking the law openly thing less egregious but I am struggling to think of ways the show could have handled the cult thing, I am aware that maybe I'm accidentally saying stuff that is kind of bad faith but this is my truth. I feel like TOH wasn't good at villains and it sure as hell didn't write cults well
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mister-a-z-fell · 1 day
People often say to me ‘Aziraphale, what exactly is Firmament?’
And by ‘often’, I mean ‘twice’, and they don’t so much say it as send me little enquiries on the Twitters and the Tumbler, along with inexplicable demands to know whether Crowley or I go ‘on top’.
I’ll get to the point in a moment, but, since you’re here, I would like to make it clear that our sleeping arrangements are nobody’s business but our own.
In any case, we don’t own a bunk bed, so the point is moot.
The subject of Firmament first came up on a clear night a few hundred years after I followed Adam and Eve out from Eden. Seth — their third child — was lying on a stone outcrop near the settlement, watching the sky, and I was sitting a little way off, keeping an eye out for scorpions.
‘Ol-ah-kwa*?’ The boy was usually full of questions, but that night he’d been uncharacteristically quiet. ‘What are they called, the lights above?’ It wasn’t the first time he’d asked and he already knew the answer perfectly well, but that was his way.
‘Those are stars. Has your father shown you how to find your path by them?’ He shook his head, and I resolved to talk to Eve in the morning.
‘How are they there? Are they like flowers on a bush? Or spots on a lizard? How many there are.’
I wished Crowley had been there, just then. He could have explained it so much better. I did my best, although I think I left him with the impression that every star hovered high in the heavens like a hummingbird, and he took some convincing that they wouldn’t eventually grow tired, having nowhere to perch, and come crashing down around us.
‘But why are they like fires? If they were made to fly up there forever, why don’t they grow feathers and just be birds?’
‘Well, that would rather defeat the purpose, B-qa-lyl**.’ And that might have been the end of the matter, but the boy had long since learned my weakness.
‘Don’t you know?’
And this is what I told him:
‘They are stars, because God told them to be stars. If She ever decides that they should be birds, then birds they will become. She told your father and mother to be human, because there was a place made in the world for humanity. Your purpose in this life is to discover what it means to be human.’
‘What about the next life?’
‘Wait and see.’
And this is what I didn’t tell him:
In the Beginning was the Void. And God spoke into the Nothing -That-Was, and that word was the first Firmament.
Firmament exists without mass, without substance. It is the Almighty’s intent, Her design, Her love; it is a blueprint for reality, pure potential and the Universe is spun with its threads. In the hands of the Virtues, it takes on form, accretes matter — becomes Material, a mechanism turned with a key that sounds like ‘LET THERE BE’.
Firmament can only be seen by the shadows that it casts. Gravity. The way that particles converse. Electromagnetism. Slood. It moves in mysterious ways and it reaches everywhere that is not Void. One day, scholars will glimpse the outer edges of ‘omnipresence’, and call it ‘quantum entanglement’.
I should have found a way to explain that — while stars aren’t birds — they share their firmament as all the brush stokes of a masterpiece share their canvas, as the individual notes of a melody are carried on the same breath. Everything touches everything. ‘Look what ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, the same have ye done unto me.’
Perhaps if I’d taught Seth that all that lies between each of us and the furthest, strangest star is a triviality called ‘distance’, which only really has meaning inside the preserve of mortal dimensions, he might have understood. I tried to explain it to his descendants, but perhaps they were too old, too certain of themselves, to listen. I was never much of a teacher.
Later, in all the confusion of Babel, rāqīa (something beaten thin to form a surface) and rakhmyn (love) went their separate ways, and whenever I encountered the subject of… celestial scaffolding — for want of a better word — it came in the context of the former. A shell to support the stars, to hold back the upper waters. They forgot about the ‘love’ part.
Later still, Crowley got volubly drunk with a fellow named Copernicus and made some progress, but even his controversial model couldn’t let go of firmament as the pastry around the universal profiterole.
Then there was Giordano Bruno… but we don’t talk about him.
So, here I am, trying again. Hoping that I’ve explained myself better this time, because, after all, that’s what an angel is: Firmament imbued with mind, and grace, willed into life by words of purpose unique to each one of us. Wearing atomic fancy-dress so that we can speak to you in words you can comprehend (ideally without falling down and giggling while your hair smoulders gently).
We are, at base, figments of Her imagination, which is so powerful that it was necessary that She invent free will to stop all things yielding unfailingly to Her whim. As a consequence, reality tends to become malleable in our immediate vicinity.
What is Firmament? It’s everything. It’s Creation. It’s humans, and demons, and angels. It’s stars, and it’s the walls of Eden. It’s the bullet, and the finger pulling the trigger, the magician and the audience, and the shocked air expanding in ripples from the burning powder. It’s the scalpel, and the flesh. And inside, beneath the dancing atoms, it’s love.
Try to remember that part, because sometimes it seems very well hidden.
It’s love.
**Something small
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soleilceirinen · 3 days
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WHEN THE DARKNESS COMES | Thomas Shelby x Shadowhunter!Reader - Part 5
Summary: you are a shadowhunter investigating the sudden rise of yin fen in the Downworld, the trail leads you to Small Heath and a blue eyed gangster. Warning: nothing. A/N: English is not my first language, sorry if there are mistakes and thanks for reading! Words: 2.9k
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What are you supposed to wear to the races?
Despite not having been there before, at least you knew that it was some sort of social event, right? So you decided to wear a dress, the one that you brought with you to Birmingham just in case. Guess today was the day.
You took your time doing your hair and makeup, feeling the palm of your hands tingle with excitement. Tommy was taking you to the races and that had to mean something. Was it a date?
A little voice in your head reminded you of the purpose of your presence in Small Heath, but you pushed the thought away. For once, you were going on a date with no one but the leader of a gang, who by the way, was quite attractive and also had shown an interest in you.
Just a day, you thought, tomorrow I’ll continue with my duty. I swear by the Angel.
Without realising it, you had been clutching your tiny purse in your fists, so hard that your knuckles had turned white. Slowly, you softened the grip while shifting your weight from the tip to the heel of your feet as you waited for Tommy to come and pick you up. 
There was no reason to be nervous, but nevertheless, you were. And it was kind of irrational because almost every night you faced the most disgusting demons, all your life since you were a little girl, you had been surrounded by horror and death. Tommy was just a man, probably mundane. The small possibility of him being a warlock was not clear yet but still, why couldn’t you think of him without your heart beating like crazy?
You did not have the privilege to behave like a silly teenager in love, you were a nefilim. However, you couldn’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach whenever you remembered the night before. The thought of his plumped lips devouring your mouth with his hand on the back of your neck and the taste of whiskey on his tongue. 
Nothing to worry about, you repeated to yourself, like a mantra. You had been in worse situations.
In order to try to calm down, you started thinking. Perhaps you were feeling a bit uneasy due to the fact that you were quite exposed since you were not wearing any sort of shadowhunter gear or weapons. Only your trusted old dagger, attached to your thigh where your dress covered it from anyone’s sight. Your bag was too small to carry any weapon in it, even your stele did not fit, it was too long. 
Hopefully, none of those things was going to be necessary. Who or what was going to attack you in broad daylight? One of the horses? No demon would come out until the sun went down, anyway. And there were still several hours until that moment.
A car stopped in front of you, pulling you out of the tangled labyrinth of thoughts about everything that could go wrong.
Tommy was in it, watching you with interest. His blue eyes scanned you from head to toe. When he finished, you could see a tiny smile at the corner of his mouth. He raised an eyebrow as you approached the vehicle.
“Hello, Thomas”, you said, getting into the car. With the small bag on your lap, you crossed your hands over it and stared at the man sitting next to you.
He leaned over to kiss your cheek, barely touching your soft skin. “Hello,” he replied hoarsely. The scent of cigarettes filled your nose. “That’s a nice dress.” 
You looked down and touched the fabric with your fingers. “Thank you, I wasn’t sure about what I should wear.”
“Well,” he started the car, “you surely look lovely.”
Biting your lip, you tried to hide a smile and glanced away in a futile attempt to keep your thoughts at bay. It was complicated though, with Tommy’s hand on your leg.
The place where the races were held was packed with people. You caught glimpses of them staring at you as Tommy guided you through the crowd with a hand on the small of your back. Even when he stopped to talk to some of them, about business or politics as you could hear, he did not let you go away. He kept his hand constantly connected to your body, until you found the stables and Tommy took a few steps away from you, stopping in front of a horse. 
You approached them carefully, trying to avoid ruining your shoes, and admired the beautiful animal. 
“This is your horse?” you wondered in awe, slowly bringing your hand closer to the animal’s snout. 
The smell of the horses and the hay brought back some memories from your childhood in Idris, suddenly you felt very small. Tommy nodded in silence, caressing the horse’s neck with affection. 
After weeks of following Thomas Shelby around, watching and studying his every move and even the slightest interaction, this was the first time you had seen him showing anything resembling tenderness. This man had nothing to do with the intimidating and cruel facade that he showed to the rest of the world. In front of you, you had a man who was whispering words of affection to his horse in a language that you were not able to understand. 
“Oh! You’re here, Tommy” a feminine voice caught you off guard. She hadn’t seen you yet, so she kept talking to him. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon, not before the races at least. I’ve been thinking about our last conversation and…” 
Her voice grew smaller when you moved to the side, stepping away from the horse and a little closer to Tommy. The lady’s dark eyes danced from you and Tommy, almost as if indecisive. 
“I’m showing the horses to Y/N,” he said as if that explained his presence there, brushing your arm when he said your name. Her eyes finally rested on you for a moment, taking in the information before returning to Tommy. He was looking at you. “This is May Carleton, she trains my horses.” 
“Nice to meet you,” you said, as friendly as you could. 
She nodded, touching her hair and quickly looking away. You almost felt bad for her, disappointment oozed from every pore of her skin despite her attempt to hide it.
It made you wonder if something had happened between them. Probably, based on the way she tried to meet his eyes but he wasn’t into her, at least not anymore from what you could tell. 
It did not surprise you. Actually, it just confirmed one of your assumptions about Thomas, the fact that he was the kind of man who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. 
May’s face was so devastated that it only increased your sympathy for her. It wasn’t her fault to have fallen in love with him. The bastard had something that made it really hard to ignore him. He was like a light in the darkness alluring you to get closer and once you realise it, it is too late. You’re burnt and he is leaving you. 
Tommy cleared his throat and placed his hand in the small of your back once again, ready to lead you out of the stables. “We’re going to find our seats before the race starts, we’ll talk another day, May.”
As you two moved forward among the crowd, you gave him a side glance. He seemed unfazed after the encounter with her. 
“You could have been a bit nicer, you know. She clearly still feels something,” you said once you found your seats. 
He raised an eyebrow at you and shook his head, lightning a cigarette. 
“What May and I had ended a long time ago. Our current agreement is purely professional.”
“Does she know?”
“She’s a smart woman, she must have figured it out by now.”
You had no idea of what to expect of the horse races but definitely it was not this. People cheered and talked loudly about their bets and the horses and whatever. And you were bored as hell. Thomas kept his eye on his horse and he even smiled from time to time, probably every time he won a bet which meant he was making money.
It was hard to stay focused and enjoy, as much as you tried. Everyone around seemed to be having the time of their lives but you just couldn’t. The nerves were creeping up your stomach, making it impossible. Something was off, but you didn't know what it was. 
On more than one occasion, your intuition had saved your life. So you began to scan the crowd, searching for something that could explain your uneasiness.
As you did so, your fingers dug into Tommy’s forearm a little too hard. He frowned and turned his head to look at you. “Something is going on, I don’t know what it means yet but I would say that we are being watched,” you told him in a low voice. 
Tommy took a quick look around and shrugged before glancing back at you. He sighed at the sight of your face contorted with worry. His hand caressed your cheek.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to worry,” he said softly, resting an arm over your shoulders and pulling you closer to him protectively. As if you were a naive and vulnerable girl, as if he had forgotten the fact that you were a demon hunter. “People will stare, it’s normal. Don’t you know who I am? Also, my date is a beautiful woman. Let them look all they want.”
His arrogance made you frown. “No, Thomas. It’s not about that, you don’t understand what I mean. I think this is something beyond mundane, and we need to get out of here. We are too exposed, I need to figure out what’s going on.”
“Nothing is going on,” he said firmly. You opened your mouth to reply but he put a finger over your lips, pressing them gently. “Take a look around, see all the Peakys? We are safer here than anywhere else right now.”
He was right, all around you could see men wearing peaked caps and tailored suits. You even recognised some of them, there was Arthur and others whose names you did not remember. However, you were convinced that whatever it was, they couldn’t stop it. 
“Love, look at me.”
You looked up at him, he seemed so calmed that it made you feel a bit embarrassed. What if you had just let yourself get carried away? Tommy squeezed your hand. 
“But Tommy…”
“But nothing,” he cut you off before you could keep insisting. “Enjoy the races. I have a surprise for later.”
He was smiling almost imperceptibly, only for you to see it. You pursed your lips and ended up nodding, there was no point in trying to convince him, he was as stubborn as a wild horse. Even more than that.
So you rested your head on his shoulder and looked up, staring at the sky. The sun was starting to set. Now, more than ever, you regretted not bringing enough weapons with you. 
Relief filled your body once everything was over and you stood up, ready to leave. Tommy seemed to be in a good mood. Once again, he guided you through the crowd, this time he offered you his arm to hold on to as you made your way back to the car. You let him guide you, without paying attention to him or what he was talking about, still alert to any suspicious movement around. 
As you walked further into the dark streets, the feeling of being followed intensified. You were only a few metres from the car when you looked over your shoulder and saw it.
You stopped walking, digging your heels into the ground and making Tommy stop as well, he gave you a questioning look that you did not return because your gaze was on the alley you two had just walked by a few seconds ago.
A creature had sneaked there so fast that if you hadn’t been feeling that something was off all that time, it probably would have gone unnoticed. It seemed to be a ravener demon, like the one you had killed the night before.
Was it following you, or Tommy?
With a fluid movement you unhooked your arm from his and threw him your bag. It hit him in the chest but he managed to grab it before it fell to the floor. Reaching under your dress, you grabbed the dagger. The blade shone under the street lights. 
“Stay here, I’ll be back in a second. Don’t get any closer,” you warned him, adjusting your grip on the dagger. 
Before he could reply anything, you had already disappeared running towards the alley. But Tommy was not the kind of man who follows other people’s orders. He headed towards the alley too, stopping a few steps away from the entrance, unable to take his eyes off the scene in front of him.
The demon was hiding there, waiting for you. It only took you a couple of minutes to kill it, although you ended up covered in black, viscous ichor.
“Damn it,” you muttered, dropping the dagger and wiping your hands and arms on the fabric of your dress, trying to clean as much ichor as possible from your skin. The dress was ruined. 
You hissed at the burning sensation, taking a moment to put yourself together. Then, you turned around to face the entrance of the alley. Tommy was standing there, a lonely figure in the middle of the dark street. But wait, he was not alone. There was someone else. 
Suddenly, it all clicked in your head. The ravener demon was just a distraction, the real danger was still out there. 
Tommy was staring at you wide eyed. He had presumably witnessed the whole encounter with the creature and now more than ever since he saw you for the first time, he looked as if he had lost his mind.
Actually, he was kind of astonished by the speed at which you had moved and the way you had made that horrible thing disappear. 
He was not paying attention to his surroundings and even if you warned him, he could not react fast enough to avoid the man approaching him from the back. Luckily, you could move faster than a regular human. Using what was left of your speed rune, which wasn’t much because it had almost faded away at this point, you run to get between the man with the gun and Tommy. 
If you hadn’t been busy with the ravener, this guy would not have had a chance to get so close. The man pulled the trigger just when you were about to push Tommy away, the loud bang of it sent a shiver down your spine.
The sound seemed to snap Tommy out of his stupor. A million thoughts and emotions flooded his mind, this could not be happening. Not again. All of a sudden he was no longer in the middle of a dirty street but knelt on the floor while holding the limp body of his wife, who had just been shot by a bullet intended for him.
Tommy held you tightly, with his vision clouded by anger but focused. He took out his own gun and shot the man many times, not stopping until there were no more bullets left. The man fell like a ragged doll on the ground, a dark pool of blood under his thin body. 
It had all happened so fast... as you held onto Thomas tightly, he spoke softly in your ear. Or maybe he wasn't speaking softly, but the gunshots had sounded so close that you couldn't hear anything now. Well, you could hear your heartbeat inside your eardrums. And something else, a sharp pain that increased by each second. 
With trembling hands, you touched your chest just below your collarbone, where the pain was coming from. You looked at your fingers, covered in crimson. A sob escaped your lips and then you began to understand what Tommy was telling you. 
He kept repeating that you had to stay calm, that everything was going to be okay. A few men, Peaky Blinders, arrived at the scene alerted by the gunshots and Tommy started screaming orders at them. 
“I need an ambulance now!”, he shouted, returning his attention to you. “You’re alright Grace,” his voice was barely a whisper as he caressed your hair and rocked you back and forth. 
Even though it hurt, you tried to get out of his hold. Although it was the first time you had been shot, there were worse kinds of pain than the physical one. Tommy tried to make you stay still but you needed to see the man who had attacked you. 
Being closer now, you noticed his frail body, he seemed young. A teenager or a young man, he could not be older than you. But his hair was matted and completely silver. It was too dark to see the colour of his eyes but you were sure that they were silver too, just like the greyish tone of his skin.
A yin fen addict. 
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Ateez Energy Check 6/20/24
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So, with San, he feels very hopeless. I’m getting something is going down with the group. There’s this hopelessness and maybe traumas he wanted to forget are resurfacing and it’s giving him really bad anxiety about most things in life. He’s jumpy now, and his head is on a swivel.
He’s about to play the martyr. He’s going to let go of something big in his life because he thinks it’s best for those around him, whether it’s true or not. He’s sacrificing something because he thinks that’s the right call to make.
He’s trying to look at the big picture and be a good leader that the group really needs right now. He’s overcoming a lot of obstacles and challenges in his life right now, plus having to deal with what the group’s going through and the individual members. And that’s getting to him.
He’s listening to SOMEONE or SOMETHING that is leading him astray. He can’t see through the lies and the illusions, and he’s suppressing what his intuition is telling him. Possibly a toxic relationship. Either way, it’s affecting the entirety of Ateez. He also may be unconsciously pushing the group away.
He feels like the group is drifting apart, and there’s a large disconnect between them and the company right now. He’s contemplating a lot of things, and possibly growing colder to the members off camera.
He’s more focused on himself. He’s searching for his own purpose and maybe debating on following another path, which is blinding him to the issues the group is faking because he’s so focused on making these big decisions. He’s lost in the clouds.
He wants more. He wants more success and publicity for Ateez and it’s starting to get to a pint where he’d do anything to get it. He wants them to achieve their goals and he’s working as hard as he can to get to them. There’s also probably people here who are more successful who are manipulating him and guiding him in the wrong direction.
My first thought was “Oh shit”. I don’t know who did what they did to Mingi but whoever did it…Wow. He’s feeling beyond bitter, and he’s even started getting borderline cruel because of it? Someone broke this man, and he’s getting colder to pretty much everyone. This may be what affected Yunho’s energy so much. Mingi is probably pulling away from the group at least momentarily
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nynyhaha · 3 days
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Thinking about the way Chrollo represents apathy and passion.
When I first saw him,he gave the impression of someone who is both very serious about his occupation and on some kind of mission,and someone who just lets things happen.
The reason he seemed so enigmatic compared to other troupe members is because we couldn’t grasp what he actually values, besides obviously the spider.This whole line of his about not caring for money,glory or fame.The fact that he sells the loot soon after stealing it.
It doesn’t make sense for a thief to be this indifferent towards the treasures he steals.And while the troupe risked their lives trying to steal from the auction,when things went wrong the loot was the last thing they considered.I always wondered what happened to all the boxes at their hideout.I hope they didn’t just leave it there??But it was never the main focus,
I think he occasionally find something that fascinates him,just to discard it afterwards.It’s almost like he tried very hard to,excuse me, “fill the emptiness inside him”,with material possessions but is painfully aware that it’s not possible.The troupe are primarily known as thieves but it seems obtaining stuff can’t be that satisfying,at least not to Chrollo. Even if he tells everyone to “just steal” in his character song.
The scarlet eyes might’ve caught his attention at some point but again,he’s very dismissive of the whole kurta theme even when Kurapika demands some response.
So I don’t believe it’s greed that drives him.In fact,he doesn’t know what drives him.
And the reason he’s able to commit all those horrible deeds is because of his disconnection with PEOPLE. Being the leader,he’s somewhat set apart from the rest of the spiders.And there are rules that put the good of the organisation before the well-being of the members.That’s supposed to prevent members from caring as much for one another.Which is tragic.
It all only started because they all cared.
How are characters humanised in hunter x hunter? Trough farming bonds with other characters.
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Killua and meruem are excellent examples.Both of them grew to care more about humans in general trough meeting a particular person.
Chrollo lost someone important and that very personal grief lead him to stop caring about human lives.Not just his own,but the ones of his fellow troupe members.
Obviously it didn’t work and they still feel very strongly for each other.The whole yorknew arc focuses on those repressed feelings of camaraderie that aren’t allowed to be experienced fully as that would interfere with the Spider.Pakunoda has to break the rules if she wants to save the life of her friend.
Chrollo can’t do that because the Spider with its rules is all he has.He’s very good at “severing ties” with things like living a save life,the authorities,possibly religion,connections with other people,seeing dead bodies as something to be respected and not as objects.He’s willing to give up everything that made him who he was,but what does he have in turn? Nothing.
The Spider needs to have a purpose but it seems that purpose is lost.Chrollo is lost,all his sacrifices lead to nothing.
He doesn’t even feel hate or anger at the world.He rarely takes things personally.
I think there was some revenge based reason for murdering the kurta clan.The troupe seem like they’d have some reason,even tho it could never be good enough.
But my thesis is that Chrollo’s biggest sin isn’t greed,pride,anger or whatever.It’s apathy.
Nothing prevents him from hurting people who have nothing to do with him,therefore he does.
He’s afraid that things will start mattering again,but at the same time we see him constantly searching for that something.He is scared of it,but he really strives to strive for something so that he can break out of this indifference he feels for everything.
So maybe Hisoka will awake some of this rage buried inside and with it make Chrollo once again seem like a very distressed human.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
So we've already seen the reactions that could be provoked by Killer if Color was kidnapped... But I'm wondering just how bad it could be if Killer had to witness Color die right in front of him, helpless, unable to do anything.
I have no idea if this has been talked about before or not but I'd really like to hear your thoughts!!!
Like imagine if Color had made him a promise once before, saying that he promises that he'll never leave him no matter what happens.
And well, now that the promise is broken... Yeah
TW: talk of death and suicide and suicidal ideation, plus past suicide attempt. Stage 1 view death as freedom and rest, and Stage 2 not caring if he lives or dies so longs as he’s useful. Plus Killer being codependent on Color for purpose.
To be honest, I don’t think Killer would think much of promises. While in Stage 1, he’d have a more emotional connection to the idea of course, but I doubt Stage 2 genuinely cares or connects with such concepts. If it’s an emotionally charged moment, he’d probably make a joke or something a blow of the encounter as nothing much.
If we’re going by my little headcanons about Chara and Killer having a scared pinky swear system, where the other is allowed punished with death should the pinky swear ever be broken, Stage 2 would probably take a pinky swear in this context to mean, “If Color swears to never leave me, pinky swears on it, and then leaves me; then I am allowed to kill him.”
Color’s promise would be “I pinky swear not to leave you,” but Killer’s would be, “If you leave me, I am allowed to kill you.”
And I feel that..that idea would seem off to him, which has never happened before. He does not want to kill Color (and Color tells him that’s important, what Killer wants). So I don’t think Killer would offer him a pinky swear, regardless of the sense of security it’d bring him, but as a result he wouldn’t take Color’s promise that seriously. Death and violence is an inevitable part of life to Killer, but he still grieves them all so much in Stage 1.
(Back when he was with Chara and not out in the real world, he could just write the deaths off as not mattering while in Stage 2. Chara can Reset, they’ll come back, it’s fine. It’s different now that death is more permanent and sure, but still, it’s normal.)
Ultimately, I think Color’s death is going to be one of those things he doesn’t remember clearly. He will probably finds pieces of Color in the mundane aspects of life (the little romantic he is)—he’ll see Color in the flames of candlelight, and Color in the cameras he would’ve loved, and Color in the quotes about hope and change. Color in the warmth of heat and the light of the sun. The vibrant colors of rainbows after a rainy day.
If Killer remains with Nightmare, there’s an extreme possibility that he’ll eventually become unable to tell if any of it ever actually happened while in Stage 1. If Color was real, or just a figment the sputtering ashes of Sans conjured up in a desperate attempt to believe that freedom and hope is possible for something like Killer. Especially if Nightmare or any of the other Gang members reinforce this belief, and either don’t allow or get rid of any signs that Color existed.
He likely won’t trust any attempts of people like Dream or Swap, trying to reach out.
I doubt there’d be any chance of convincing Killer to leave Nightmare in this timeline. Hope and light died with Color, and so did the warmth. Nightmare would probably replace him with another Killer soon, whenever Killer’s determination fades away and leaves him a husk.
This type of Killer realizes that peace was possible in a way that wasn’t just death, but that was taken away. He realized what he was missing, what he was being denied, unlike other Killers who haven’t or won’t meet Color or someone like him. He’ll serve Nightmare until he becomes obsolete.
I’m sure he’ll consider ending himself in Stage 1. He did it after he killed Chara. If he has any responsibilities or people to say goodbye to, such as his cats or Swap or the rest of the Epic and Star Sanses, then I’m sure he’ll do that. With plans to off himself as soon as possible if no one stops him; because Killer doesn’t live for himself. Hasn’t for a long time. He practically begs both Color and Swap to put him out of his misery.
He lives either out of spite and Determination, or because there’s still a use someone can make of him; because others want him to.
So in the case where he’s with Nightmare, his Stage 2 self will live out of spite, because he’s still useful, because the Player wants him alive. His Stage 1 self will probably try to take care of his cats. Once his use is up he won’t fight death.
If he’s free of Nightmare, I think this will probably be when the Epic Sanses and Dream and Swap all attempt to keep a close eye on him. I don’t think he’ll like it, he probably doesn’t feel like they’re doing it out of concern for him, but simply because of pity or because they cared about Color and Color cared about him.
I think he’ll spend a lot of time in Stage 2, and as a result, I think he’ll probably just leave the Omega Timeline for a while. It’s too full of memories of Color, of things that won’t happen again, and people looking at him with pity or disgust that are an inconvenience.
He probably won’t take his cats with him; just make sure they’re safe with Ccino or the other Epic Sanses. He won’t ask Delta to come with him (he has Beta to provide stability for, and running away with Nightmare’s pet is just asking to be called a traitor), and neither will he ask Epic or Cross. On some level, Stage 2 Killer probably always just assumed that they all only tolerated him because of Color.
I’m seeing a possibility where Stage 2 packs his bags, drops his cats and their care stuff off with Ccino or at a cat daycare in the Omega Timeline, and attempts to secretly leave some time at night. But maybe he’s headed off by Dream, Core Frisk, Epic, Cross and Delta + Beta.
They’re all here to make sure Killer isn’t attempting to run off to off himself or trying to go back to Nightmare, which, no. He isn’t. Color wouldn’t want that for him.
And besides that, Epic and Cross and XChara are possibly wanting to go with him; wherever Killer is journeying off to. Killer has no idea why the fuck they want to, but he doesn’t care if they come or not. (They’re claim it’s because Killer is their bro (Epic’s words), but he thinks it’s because they don’t want him changing his mind as soon as he slips into Stage 1 and brings out a dagger.)
Delta and Beta would go with them, but as always, Delta won’t risk Beta’s health and safety. So they’re to say goodbye and make sure Killer stays in touch and visits. It’s the same for Dream and Core, but Core is also there to find Killer a safe place to stop at.
They’ll probably attempt to drop him and the others off in an AU that has enough positivity that Nightmare won’t think to look, but also has a place and precautions in place should Killer become a safety risk.
That was the deal when Killer first joined the Omega Timeline—no killing, no harming, no negativity. No going back to Nightmare and risking the Omega Timeline and its residents.
So what I’m saying is they’ll probably plop him into some sort of rehabilitation center, and if he has a therapist in the Omega Timeline (which I doubt), he’ll probably either do online sessions as mandatory or be required to find one in this AU.
Because although he seems fine and perfectly put together in Stage 2 (he’s still not, given how he avoids and dodges any topic discussing Color), everyone knows it’s a different story in every other Stage. Either way, I feel like Color’s death will leave him feeling once again hopeless and trapped—that it’s pointless to want for anything—and that death is the only rest.
(I also wouldn’t be surprised if he starts hearing Color’s voice in his head and seeing his shadowy figure of the corner of his eye eventually, too.)
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artist-issues · 1 day
*peeks in* hiiii, I know I've sent you like 10 asks or something crazy in like twenty minutes but I have one more whoops
what do you think about The Chosen? I know I have very strong grievances against it (y'know, the fact that they are adding things to the Bible is really sus), but also recognize that unbelievers are watching it (especially with their families) and learning about Jesus and Christianity when they would not be otherwise. I still think that the cons outweigh the pros though.
what do you think of it?
Full disclosure. I have only seen maybe the first three or four episodes of the Chosen. I also attended church with and have met and had conversations with Dallas Jenkins. I supported it.
And I hate The Chosen.
If all of reality is a story that God is telling—the timeline is His, we, the characters, are His, the Main Point/Theme is His—and it is—then that means, that when telling His Story, God chose how to tell it.
When a storyteller creates their world and their characters, they know everything about that story and those characters. But they chose not to tell everything. They choose to cut out some details that are irrelevant to how they want their audience to get to know their characters, for the purpose of perfectly communicating their Main Point. Deleting scenes and hand-picking which details get screentime is part of storytelling.
So God saw and ordered the moments where Jesus was probably laughing with His disciples, or playing with children, and God/Jesus chose the tone of voice that He preached in. Those moments, those things, happened.
But He didn’t choose to tell us about all of them.
He, the Original Storyteller, the Perfect storyteller, told the most important story of all time. And He told it perfectly. And He chose to omit some scenes that actually happened and some details about what Jesus and the disciples were like, walking around together.
And those choices were right. They were the best way to tell the story.
But then Dallas Jenkins comes along and says, “No, God, you cut some of the best scenes. People need to see how like us Jesus was. Yeah, I know You told them how much He was like us—but I think they need to see more. You won’t let me see the deleted scenes? That’s okay, I’ll make them up. And then I’ll re-tell Your story—it wasn’t relatable enough the first time when You told it.”
The more someone thinks Dallas Jenkins was trying to reach people by presuming to tell Jesus’ life story better than God Himself has, the worse the implications are. He thinks he can tell the most important story of all time better than God did?
No wonder he makes so many freakin mistakes. No wonder the Jesus-character in Jenkins’ show goes “maybe”—He uses the word “MAYBE?!”—when He, who is supposed to be TRUTH ITSELF, is PREACHING.
That doesn’t make sense, Jenkins. And not only does it not make sense, but you just contradicted the literal Bible, which mentions over and over the authority and exact words Jesus preached with. And you know what else you did? You got the most important living thing in all of existence, the most important man who ever walked this earth, completely wrong. And that’s what you’re “reaching people” with.
It’s awful. So then when the little interviews where he’s partnering up with cults and people of different faiths that believe vastly unbiblical things about the real Jesus to make this show, or when members of the cast are all “sin is awesome,” or when Dallas Jenkins says something outrageously disrespectful to people who are mad at him for mischaracterizing their God on social media…this is my surprised face.
Because I saw what he was doing and it didn’t sit right with me three episodes in. The most important question any human being can genuinely answer in their lifetime is “Who is Jesus?” The most important story you can ever be exposed to is Jesus’ story.
And The Chosen gets both those things so horrifyingly wrong—but the whole time it’s dressed up like this earnest, God-honoring attempt at evangelism and love. When really it’s a cash-grab, a heartstrings-tangler, and a vanity project for Dallas Jenkins.
Thanks for asking.
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mischiefmaker615 · 7 hours
If You Think I'm Pretty
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Summary: "If you think I'm pretty.. lay your hands on me..''
Rating: R
Requester: @Alex_Turner_h03 (wattpad)
Note: Inspired by the song "If You Think I'm Pretty" by Artemas
Glances were stolen, words were barely exchanged. What does this woman do to me? I once had this realm on it’s knees.. but all she does is make me want to sink to mine…
Loki always took advantage of the common area, usually using reading as an excuse just to be where she normally would show up half the time when she wasn’t out working for.. them. She was almost perfect.. perfect in every way if she hadn’t picked the side to be with those Heroes. Perfect enough to be a queen..
her fierce, independent demeanor was enough to feel himself harden, even if it wasn’t directed at him. he shifted himself to get a little more comfortable, resting the book a bit more down onto his lap to hide the obvious while she conversed with the soldier and completely ignored his presence while he watched her.
A simple conversation, a friendly one with all but him. did she hate him? there was no doubt, he didn’t exactly earn the affections of all under this roof after his actions on New York. Despite the disgust of housing with these heroes, he considered himself grateful that there was a positive side to it; what he’d give to have her.. even for but one night.
Her sharp eyes glanced towards him when her conversation was done, causing his own to fall down back to the pages while he held his breath. Hesitating, she took advantage of his adverted eyes to take in his own features before she turned and headed down the halls before he could raise his gaze back up. That’s how things were wasn’t it? stares exchanged but words were rare. Did he try? Of course, at first some sharp witted comments or even some subtle flirts he thought would capture her affections, but two things normally would happen when they did get to speak.
She would reply with a tongue more wittier than his- leaving a sly comment lost on his lips as he failed to think of something fast enough. Or, he would fail to think of what to say all together, merely stuttering as his eyes did all the talking and his cheeks would heat up when she would offer him ‘taking a picture for it would last longer’. It must be a Midgardian quote, one he would try to figure out the meaning as she would say it often before she would walk off, making him feel like a shy school boy unable to properly talk to women.
I was never like that.. I would never struggle to earn a woman’s attention, let alone get them into bed the very same night.. perhaps Midgardians were a lot more different than I thought as far as breeding goes.. she most certainly is. By gods if we could even just keep a conversation going, that would be all I could ask for if I could just live my god forsaken life here in her mere presence..
An exhale left his nostrils, frustration having his shoulders sink as he stared down at his book but didn’t even bother reading it. he was hard.. and it was distracting. He thought about retreating to his room, wanting to take care of it as he inhaled and closed his eyes. Thinking of her wasn’t helping..
His eyes reopened as he looked down the hall at the sound of a door opening and closing. He chair was fortunate to have the perfect view of the common area and able to see down the main hall where people’s sleeping quarters were. Hell, he usually woke up early to claim this spot just to see her make her way in the mornings with the cutest bed head or a ruffled over sized t shirt he was learning to appreciate. But she wasn’t the one who left her closed door now.. The Hawk was…
Upon seeing Barton leave her room, looking casual but reserved as he gave him an acknowledged glance before disappearing towards the elevators, Loki’s book snapped shut. Why would he be in her room? For what purpose did he have that he couldn’t communicate out here for with her? A strange feeling spread over Loki’s body, causing him muscles to tense and his breathing shuddered as he realized the jealous feeling he got upon seeing another male leave her room.
That just got him harder for some twisted reason- jealousy was a fuel for feral. He didn’t like it, in fact, it just enraged him as he assumed a mere mortal like Barton would be better qualified to have a night with her, than for her to pick him!
Standing up now without thinking, he used the fuel now to practically march down the hall and knock on her door before he realized what he was doing. Just a moment later, she opened the door- wearing just her casual shorts and a tank top, cleavage on display as his body tensed with restraint as he forced his eyes to lock with hers and not slip. Just upon seeing her though, his mind seemed to grow blank, a sudden shyness at her independent and in-control gaze had his body relax a little and rage forgotten as he shifted in place.
‘’may I help you?’’ she aid casually, a brow raised as if surprised to see him outside her door. His first time ever being at her door in fact.
‘’um.. actually..-‘’ he began, his mind finding it difficult to come up with a reason on why he is here now that his jealous rage is put out with seeing her. Especially while she crossed her arms, the action raising her best a bit more as she leaned on the door frame and his eyes flickered down to his hard on he clearly forgot about, causing him to inhale with a redness to his cheeks.
‘’I think we need to talk,’’ she said calmly, looking unbothered and very much in control of herself as she turned and motioned with a nod of her head to follow.
Loki hesitated, watching how her hips swayed as she walked more into her room and he slowly stepped inside, his hand closing the door behind him without his eyes leaving her form. As soon as she turned around, his eyes quickly switched back up to hers and he blurted out the first thought that came to mind.
‘’are you alright?-‘’
She raised a brow again and looked like she almost laughed as she placed her hands on her hips. ‘’what do you mean?’’
Loki held his breath, unable to backtrack from this as he kicked himself for his quick words and slow mind. ‘’I saw Barton leave your room and-‘’
‘’and.. what? I can’t have men in my room?’’ she questioned with a quiet tone, nothing indicating if she was offended or not as she slowly wanted towards with him with hands behind her back casually.
‘’that’s not- no I mean..’’ gods why is it so difficult to speak to this woman..
‘’or.. were you preferring to have a god in my room instead?’’ she questioned, a small smirk tugging at her lips as she looked up at him with just a foot apart from where he stood, his expression frozen as he looked a bit shocked at what she was referring too.
‘’are you referring to.. Th-‘’ he didn’t want his tongue to say his brother’s name, half grateful she interrupted him as his body began to tense.
‘’I know that your shitty Loki, and that your bad for me.’’ She shook her head, reminding him of his past faults as his eyes cast down to the ground when he knew she was right. He had no chance with her.. so what was all this for then as she practically teased him with her mere presence?
‘’I know..’’ he whispered, his eyes looking everywhere else but her. His eyes briefly took in the sight of her room, how little she kept out for any eye to see even if she didn’t allow anyone in here. to be honest, there was no sight that the bed was messed up to indicate any sexual activity with Barton and that made his body relax a little as his eyes slowly moved back over to hers.
‘’but I can’t stop thinking about it..’’ she whispered, somehow appearing just another step away as her chin tilted upwards to look up at him. his lips parted slightly, wanting to ask what she was referring to before her eyes flicked down at his erection that strained in his pants still. ‘’and I know how much you can’t stop thinking about it..’’ she whispered.
What was this woman doing to him.. the perfume aroma in the air almost had his eyes fluttering closed as he slowly allowed his eyes to travel down to her cleavage, almost not caring anymore at what he could look at if she was taking full advantage at staring at his bulge anyway. This was her doing.. she made him this way.. made him feel this way.. made him want her.. and yet be asked just to merely hear her say it.
‘’thinking about what?..’’ he challenged, his voice barely a whisper as he practically studied how her chest rose up and down as she breathed, how her teeth captured her bottom lip as she got even closer where he had to look down his nose to see her and his fists clenched, almost as if restraining himself as his palms itched to reach out and touch her.
‘’how much we want each other..’’ she whispered and his breath caught, seeing how smirked at every ounce of truths she held why his lips closed, having no sharp wit or denial and his jaw tightened. His eyes growing absolutely feral at her next words.
“If you think I'm pretty,.. lay your hands on me..’’
His body almost shook, as if he was fighting every ounce in himself to keep from pouncing on her, ravaging her like a wild animal as his muscles tensed in restraint.
She had given him permission.. and his eyes looked over her at a speed of eagerness as if he didn’t know where to start first at an all you can eat feast while his hands rose on their own. They started by resting at her hips, the tank top just short enough where he could slip his thumbs under the hem to stroke at her skin, and his eyes fluttered closed at the warmth and smoothness of her flesh he only dreamed at being able to touch.
He didn’t think he could possibly get harder until he felt her delicate hand rest against his bulge, his hips almost pushing forward into it on their own as his eyes fluttered open while a hand slowly ran up her back, between her shoulder blades, against her neck before he tangled his fingers into her hair.
His grip was gentle but enough to have her head tilt back while his knees bent ever so slightly so he could lean down, doing his best not to move his hips to keep her rubbing going while her lips parted with a small gasp at his grip in her locks.
His lips parted almost as his nose brushed against hers, their eyes looking at each other through hooded lids while their breaths fell short and his lips barely brushed against hers. He wasn’t sure if he was teasing her or himself, but he tested the waters as he slowly ran his tongue against her bottom hip, their lips not yet completely touching as he hesitated, seeing how she had no intent on stopping him before he finally brushed his lips firstly on hers, earning a moan from them both as it vibrated through.
In that instant, his other arm wrapped around her mid-section, pulling her closer against his while her hands ran up his chest, feeling as though his plain black shirt couldn’t have gotten any thinner before they reached around his shoulders to wrap around his neck. Her arms pulled himself more, deepening the kiss as their tongues fought for dominance while he bent to accommodate her height, only resulting in his hips backing up ever so slightly.
He wasn’t having that.
He moved forward as his hips practically chased hers while she backed up as well, feeling the strong need to push his groin against hers if only she held still. His eyes flicked briefly up to see how he was backing her up towards the bed, his pace speeding up as they stumbled back in anticipation that he would be pressed up against her. Yet in the last second of feeling the back of her legs touch the bed, she turned them both so he had fallen back onto it.
There was a light bounce as his back hit the mattress, his legs hanging off the bed where she took full advantage of climbing up on top of him while they caught their breaths with their lips parted for now.
‘’is this just sex?..’’ she whispered as his hands roamed his chest while Loki tried registering her words while he sat himself up on his elbows, enough to pull his shirt off as his movements were fast and desperate.
‘’I’m afraid darling.. I might come back more desperate and obsessed with you..’’ he breathed as her hands ran against his toned chest, her nails raking his skin and made him grown as she rubbed her groin against his own.
She was aroused, tilting her head back as she looked up to the ceiling while she rubbed her clit against his bulge, hating clothes every single moment that passed before he answered her thoughts by leaning forward and yanking her shirt up and off.
‘’I think that’s something I can live with..’’ there was a smile in her words as he sat up, his hands running up her back as he desperately touched as much exposed skin as he could while pulling her forward, his lips kissing between her breasts and what was exposed while his hand moved up to unhook her bra, skillfully one handed.
She moved her arms forward to let the straps fall down before she tossed it aside, her hands immediately flying into his hair while he took a breast into her mouth and it caused her to shiver while he moaned. The pure arousal he was giving her made her thighs tighten around hers, his lap making it impossible for her to close her legs as she bit her lip while he moved to pay equal attention to her other breast. His nails gently raked down her back, going down and gripping her hips while his pelvis every now and again would buck up with the instinct of trying to thrust into her.
He needed her..
Her hands slowly moved to his chest before she shoved him, his mouth giving a small pop from her chest before his back hit the mattress again while she moved to rest on the mattress between his legs. His breath caught, his head raising slightly to watch her as his fingers curled at the sheets under him while her’s worked to undo his belt, button and the zipper came down.
He exhaled as his head fell back, the relief of her pulling his cock out gave him a little bit more breathing room yet she didn’t have him relax for long as she stroked him slowly. His breath caught as his fists gripped the sheets, primarily to keep himself still as his body tensed while she pleasured him with her dainty hand that could barely wrap all the way around him.
‘’g-gods Y/N..’’ he breathed in short breaths, his mouth open as small moans and whimpers left his lips and his eyes fluttered to feel her warm tongue run against his tip. Gods what this woman did to him was unexplainable.. she’d say the word and he would be more than willing to do her bidding without hesitation.
‘’you’re so big..’’ she breathed, almost shuddering in her own pleasure as she opted to swaddle his leg, rubbing and grinding herself against him while she bent down to run her tongue up his cock before she placed the tip into her mouth.
His hands hesitated in the air, his eyes closed as if by any second his fingers would reach and grip her, but he remained still as he fell lost to her touch. Her tongue ran around and against his tip before she pulled more of him into her mouth. He was to large, to much for her mouth could handle but her hands handled the rest she couldn’t fit while she slowly began to bob her head up and down.
Every so slowly he reached out and his hands rested against her head, using all his might to restrain himself from gripping her hair and opted to stroking her head instead, petting her as breathless words whispered from his lips.
‘’good girl.. god’s you feel so amazing.. p-please.. don’t stop… keep going.. f-fuck..’’ all words that would leave his mouth here and there until all he could do was fall back into his foreign Asgardian language she couldn’t understand but knew he was pleased.
She smiled around his cock, unable to understand his language but found it extremely arousing all the same as she did her best to take more of his cock so he was hitting the back of her throat. His fingers curled ever so slightly into her hair, earning a moan from her throat that sent vibrations against his dick and his back arched, causing slight tears to her eyes but she kept going as his reactions spurred her on to go faster.
Her head rose as she gasped for breath, her hands taking over as she allowed herself to breath while saliva slightly fell down her lips with dick drunk eyes before she would resume with her mouth. His body began to twitch, his hips pushing up every now and again, the back of his mind sorry to have gagged her every now and again but his focus was on one thing at the moment, and she was going to give it to him as he neared his peak.
With a moan and his fingers grasping her hair to force her down a bit more, he came into her mouth and her fingers dug her nails into his thigh as she got her own orgasm in the process of humping his leg. His cock pumped and spurt as he gasped and his eyes fluttered open while he road his high, hearing her becoming a moaning mess as she quivered in her pleasure high. He finally finished, gasping for breath as she slowly rose her head off of his cock, her lips parted as she took in breaths while a smile of triumph came to her features.
His eyes gazed at her, his head slowly raising his forced strength as his arms reached for her, in which she gladly crawled to him where he could hold her against his chest, both of them covered in sweat and feeling each other’s breath slowly turn back to normal while she buried her face in the crook of her neck. He smelled heavenly, her fingers curling ever so slightly against her shoulder as if he would disappear right then and there, and her grip was the only thing to prevent him from vanishing.
Just before she thought he had fallen asleep with her own eyes slowly closing, he slowly began to roll, pushing her back so she was laying down while he moved himself to gaze down at her with his hands framing her shoulders with a mischievous look In his eyes.
‘’I do think you’re pretty..’’ he quoted her from earlier, his voice sounding like he was still catching his breath but his smirk while his hand dragged down her stomach to grip the hem of her shorts indicated he had more than enough energy to keep going.
‘’I think you are absolutely ravishing.. no more than a goddess in my eyes darling.. and if you think that me touching you is enough to prove that..’’ he whispered as his head bent down to begin to leave open mouth kissing against her neck while her hands began to shake and grip his shoulders while his other hand slipped under her shorts and underwear; a gasp leaving her lips as her back arched while his finger tips found her clit.
‘’then I am prepared to prove it to you.. all.. night.. long..’’ he purred, stroking her with every word that left his mouth. 
More Musical Mischief One Shots have been posted here ♥ just DM if you'd like to request a song one shot :D 
Tag List: @eleniblue @lokilaufeysondiaries @fire-in-her-veinz @asgards-princess-of-mischief @foxherder @liminalpebble @lokisgoodgirl
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scalpho · 1 month
"bill seacaster was actually pretty frugal with his money" and "bill seacaster dragged his pirate ship out of the sea and converted it into a mansion which has sculpted (allegedly MOVING) topiaries of him in the garden and also immediately bought every single batshit piece of tech he could get his hands on only for all them to expensively collect dust in the basement and also also has just an insane car" are both canon statements and i want some goddamn answers. did the man spend ridiculously or not
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poppytuft · 1 year
trying not to talk too much abt the bear s2 but im Really fuckin frustrated that even with everyone demanding that they’re sooo media literate and sooo smart that no one has talked about claire and the way she sparks audience discomfort. like, she feels out of place within the show because CARMY cannot accept that he is getting this good thing—she feels out of place in HIS life. she’s actually crafted to be the ideal girlfriend, with glowy bokeh lighting in a grocery store and beauty shot close ups and a sweet instrumental leitmotif to show to you, an audience member, that she’s too good to be true in carmys eyes. if you’re an audience member, she raises alarm bells in YOUR head because she raises alarm bells in HIS. he literally tells us that—that’s the crux of his final monologue, that he doesn’t believe he can have the life of food and wines best chef and a life of love and human connection. he doesn’t believe he’s deserving of good things because his family has always been so fucked, because nothing he’s ever tried to hold together has held together—except for his cooking. it’s done this way on purpose, to make you feel that anxiety that he feels around this relationship, and to make you question why you feel it too
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petrichara · 5 months
Used to really hate when people would tell me my grief was part of love. All those quotes felt like a smack in the face saying it’s meant to be, and how could something so senseless find poetry?
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I find it kind of silly that so many of those "time based life rule" sayings are like ~deep serious guidelines~ of some sort, but then there's that one other Well Known Rule that's just like "hrmm can I eat something off of the ground or not"
#the duality of human condition.. two biggest concerns in the modern era are attempts at self fulfilling productivity#and also 'if i drop my sandwich can i still eat it :('#Also while capitalism is often linked with/the source of hyper productivity culture - note that I do not mean the images in that context#'meaningful to you' does not have to mean 'productive within a capitalist system'. The point is not 'every waking hour of every day#must be spent in the most societally productive grinding mindset hyper efficency mode possible' but more like#if you've always wanted to learn french ever since you were a kid and you think it would be fulfilling to you (just because you like it#absent of any larger purpose like using it for a job/monetizing it somehow/etc.). and you've just spent like 5 hours straight on tiktok#or something mindlessly scrolling the internet. maybe someimtes it'd help for your own personal fulfillment in the long#run to try to - the next time you have 5 spare hours - work on learning french or something that is actually significant to you#as a person and that you'll be glad you worked towards. instead of weeks and weeks passing by and feeling you have nothing to show for it#or etc. AAANYWAY. The images/rules themselves are also NOT the main point of this post. More just the juxtaposition of them together#and the fact that 3 of them are serious seeming while one is so mundane it seems silly in comparison.#BUT even though they're not the main point . I still didn't want it to come across as if I was like promoting or buying into capitalist#productivity culture propaganda or etc. I don't find productivity tips like this inherently bad as long as they're kind of divorced from#those ideas. I think it's still important in life to have goals even if those goals exist outside of the typical expected framework.#I mean that's actually part of why a culture of chronically exhausted overworked deprived people is damaging because if you#'re forced to spend 85% of your waking time working at some job that is perosnally meaningless to you that brings you nothing that#youre only doing under threat of starvation and houselesness and etc. then of course you don't have much time for hobbies or things you car#about and of course you'll feel more aimless and personally unsatisfied and like life is not fulfilling or interesting.#Productivity and efficiency is GOOD actually. as long as it's able to be directed in ways that are actually meaingful to the community or#individual and bring some sort of feeling of fulfillment or progress or accomplishment and working towards a person's personal ideas#of happiness whatever those are. rather than just working away aimlessly so some guy you don't know can buy a 20th house or etc. etc.#ANYWAY.. lol.. Me overthinking things perhaps.. probably not as likely#that people see the silly little cat images and go 'WOW EVIL you must be a capitalist grind culture lover' like its pretty clear#thats not the point... but... just in case... lol.. I loooove to over clarify things that don't actually need clarification
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Teen Wolf Motel California
So many thoughts about Teen Wolf Motel California
#So like I’m well and truly stoned#But like Boyd#This is like a crazy thing to be the third thing we learn about Vernon Boyd#We know he’s lonely. We know he was/is in ROTC. We know that as a child a CHILD his sister went missing#And they don’t even give us all the information about that! That makes me so mad#And Scott#We’ve been fed hints that Scott feels like a failure for three episodes now#And the kind of vision he get is SO INTERESTING. This vision hasn’t happened yet and while it is something we know he worries about#It’s such a specific situation. Why not Matt? Or Gerard? Why Duecalion? The first two have actually threatened Melissa’s life before#The goal was totally for him to want to kill Deucalion#And there were only 3 more deaths predicted not 4#How much of that was Scott and much of it was the Darach?#And then they put that thought in my head and have Scott consistently throw himself at dangerous situations without further addressing this#Ever again#And Issac#Every other time we see him a panic response#it’s like fight or flight (I can’t remember if those are real or not but for the purpose of language and I’m high I’m using them?)#But this time he freezes#Why#and like the whole thing with Ethan too#Like that just makes really neat implications about whatever the fuck the twin wolf mega wolf thing means#Like who has control? Is it equal? Do they know where Ethan starts and Aidan begins?#But like also I’m high and I don’t think the writers thought this much about this shit before writing this episode#It just gives me so many worms in my brain they are eating my brain oh my god#Teen Wolf
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strwbrymlkshake · 6 months
who up praying for downfalls 🤨
#mine#yandere#yancore#yandere vent#oh my god have i got some things to say. ooohhuuoouugh buddy#its not even my own situation this isnt even related to me. but im being a nice upstanding young man and venting abt it instead of invoking#the curse of ra. wishing someone dies is such a good coping mechanism fr because instead of thinking about it forever i can move on with#my life. and its great! but oouuuh theres something wrong with that huh. and oh my god. this issue is so fucked but i cant explain it in#a heartfelt and meaningful way. so imagine someone is religiously devoted to a guy and their mental anguish stems from jealousy or fear#of abandonment. and they are internally tormented about that forever. and just because they dont fit your definition of whats right#youre all like Hey you know that guy that means everything to them. how about we take him for ourselves solely bc this person#this suffering person whose life depends on him- who acts like that BECAUSE they are suffering- you think they deserved to be punished for#their traumas? their guilt and pain and anguish? you are no better than whatever you think they are.#i dont think this even makes sense cause im vague on purpose. this sounds like a situation from the bible i think#idk i didnt read it. anyways im skipping and frolicking in my cradle of hatred that fills me with warmth and delight#its not required that people are nice or respectful when their lives have been wretched thanks to people like YOU#but i hope their devotion never wavers due to people who hate their happiness. its not like those people matter anyway#if youre meant to be with your Guy and you love him enough then nothing else matters at that point. its all a test#die a martyr for your own romantic ideologies or whatever satou matsuzaka said#this is literally the equivalent of like. a mother cat adopts a kitten that isnt hers bc her own kin are all dead. she protects this kitten#with her entire life. and her whole being. and hisses growls bites at anyone that comes close to it. and some human teens are like#we should take that kitten solely because the mother cat loves it so much that shes willing to get violent for it.#because its not very niceys of her to harass those who want to take away the only thing she has left! oh noes!!#like shut the fuck up dawg. if that cat mauls someone for getting too close to her baby then mind your own goddamn business#clearly they did not grow up italian 💀#clearly they did not grow up with nothing being their own. nothing being sacred. no desire to protect anything#anyways yanderes i love you. you are fr so easy to be around and you should never change for anyone. i mean maybe take some therapist#advice here and there in case your devotion makes you suffer but OTHERWISE!!! dont feel bad about being a hater!!! protect what is yours#and i will respect it so hard i swear to god. its not that difficult to treat your devotion with the kindness it deserves.#if a disrespectful teen tries to steal your kitten then ill help you beat them to death with a shovel idc
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griffworks · 5 months
Whatever. Beni info dump
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