#though I’m pretty sure it’s the meds hmm
farity · 1 year
Pairing: Modern AU Aemond Targaryen and you
Summary:  Reader has a horrible migraine, bff Aemond is there for her
Warning:  Description of migraine, no smut, all fluff.
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“Hey, you ready?”
You blinked at the tall figure standing on your doorway.
“What’s wrong?”
You were curled up on your bed, almost in a fetal position as if you could physically shield yourself from the lingering effects of the migraine you’d had earlier.  
“m’okay,” you mumbled, but Aemond, your roommate, your best friend, and the man you had been in love with since you’d met him at his sister’s birthday party years ago, knew you so well he made a beeline for you.
He gently brushed the hair from your forehead.  “I’ve been home all morning, why didn’t you tell me?”  He crouched down to look at you and the tenderness in his eyes filled you with hope.  
“It’s almost gone.  Go ahead, though, I know you want to see it.”
He shook his head impatiently, “I am not going to see some dumb movie while you’re miserable.”  He stood, surveying your bed and night table.  There was a glass of water, your migraine meds, a couple of ice packs you’d put on the back of your neck and forehead.  “I’ll get you fresh water and ice packs.”
“Thank you,” you whispered.  You had managed to shower after the worst of it, and your hair was still damp on your stack of pillows.  You’d learned long ago to ride out the migraines, but this had been a particularly bad one.
Aemond walked back in, “are you hungry?  I can make some pancakes.”
Your stomach grumbled loudly and you moaned.  “Pancakes sound amazing,” you sat up on the bed, still wobbly, and Aemond immediately rushed to you.  
“Don’t even think about standing,” he said sternly, before wrapping one arm around your back and slipping the other under your knees.  
“Aemond,” you protested, “I can walk.”  But it sure was nice to be held, to be so close to him, to feel his arms around you.
“I’m sure you can, just not right now,” he took you to the dining room where he placed you onto one of the chairs.  “Do I need to close the curtains?” he asked, not leaving your side just yet.
You looked around for a moment, considering.  “No, I think I’m okay on that score.”  He knew you became very sensitive to light during the worst of your migraines, but thankfully you were already on the other side of this morning’s episode.
He got you fresh water and ice packs, then kissed the top of your head.  You looked up, smiling at him, and his eyes went to your mouth for a split second before he went to the small kitchen.  You drank some of the water as he began mixing the batter for the pancakes, and placed an ice pack on the back of your neck.
You watched him as he worked, the thin t-shirt doing very little to blur the lean muscles in his back and shoulders, the well worn jeans he wore framing his amazing ass.  He’d been in a relationship last year, but it had ended a few months ago and he hadn’t shown interest in anyone else.  The last time you’d gone on a date you’d spent the entire time surreptitiously checking the time on your phone so you could go home because frankly, no one was better company than Aemond.
“Here we go,” he announced proudly, and you looked up at him, a puzzled expression on your face.  “What?”
“One?  One pancake?”
He rolled his eyes at you and went back to get his own plate.  “You know you can’t eat a lot right now.  If you are ok after fifteen minutes, I’ll give you another one.”
He brought the plate along with butter and syrup he’d warmed in a little bowl and you dug in, moaning dramatically at the first bite.  “At’sog’ud.”
Aemond looked at you, waiting for the translation.
You swallowed the bite of pancake, then repeated.  “That’s so good.”
He smiled and began eating.
He was right, you were pretty shaky after a migraine and even though you were taking your time eating, you were pretty full after just one pancake.  You began to rise to take your plate to the sink but he shook his head.  “Nope.”
“Aemond, I can walk.”
“Only if I help you,” he grabbed your arm and walked you to the couch.  “Need pillows, blankets?”
You couldn’t help but smile as he moved the ottoman over and lifted your feet onto it.  “I do love you, you know?  You take such good care of me.”
He stared at you for a few moments.  “I’d do anything for you.  You know that.”  He turned to grab the remote and began scrolling through to find something to watch with you.
When he sat down next to you, you laid your head on his arm.  “Is this good?” he asked, indicating a show.
“This is the best,” you replied, referring to your current situation.  “You’re the best, Aemond.”
“Hey,” he turned to you, moving his arm so he could wrap it around you.  “Why do you sound sad?  Are you feeling badly again?”
You shook your head gently.  “No, I just think at some point we will go our separate ways, you know?  It’s so perfect right now.”
He was watching you so intensely you wondered if you’d said the wrong thing.  “Look, this is probably the worst time ever, but,” he ran a hand through his hair, “fuck it - nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?”
“Ah, right?” you said, not really understanding.
He took a deep breath, and then, suddenly, leaned forward to press his lips against yours.  It took you a second, but then you took his face in your hands and began kissing him back.  He caressed your hair, his touch so gentle and careful you felt cherished.  
When you finally pulled apart, you smiled against his lips.  
“I was terrified you would not want this,” he whispered.  “To lose you as a friend would have devastated me.”
“Aemond,” you said, “you will never lose me.  You are my best friend.”
He smirked.  “I’d be okay if you started calling me your boyfriend.”
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Kayyyy! For the fic ask game, I think you write so many different genres that I would never have though of so this was super hard! How about omegaverse, kid fic or major character death?
Tejjjj, my precious! Once again I was like hmm kidfic does seem the least scandalous, but my brain decided otherwise? So, I hope you enjoy this little bit of omegaverse (!!!?) Stucky 💖💖💖
Bucky can smell the client all the way from the entrance hall; a heady bouquet of citrus and mint wrapped in a cloud of creamy vanilla. 
He swallows heavily and runs a hand through his hair, trying to clear his head. Sure, he’s taking his meds, but that doesn’t make him immune to the scent of someone rapidly approaching a natural heat. 
“Come in, please,” he chirps, settling back in his chair. 
What the fuck. 
For the briefest of moments Bucky wonders if it’s actually possible to swallow your own tongue. “How can I help you?” he eventually croaks, his hands twitching against the desk. 
“Hey.” The most ridiculously beautiful man Bucky has ever seen shuffles his feet, lifting a hand to the back of his neck. “I’m here to… make an appointment, I suppose?” 
“Yes. Yeah, absolutely.” Bucky nods, like an idiot. “That’s why we’re here. Please, take a seat,” he adds, gesturing towards the empty chair. 
The guy slumps into the seat, folding himself down in a way someone so tall shouldn’t be able to do. 
“So,” Bucky begins, busying himself with clicking open a new record. “Can you tell me something about your… situation?” 
The guy laughs, a little sadly. “Is that what you call it?” 
Bucky feels a twinge in his chest, his hands stilling on the keyboard.
Stop it, he tells himself. You’re a professional. 
Out loud he says, “Whatever you feel comfortable with telling me is fine. If you’d rather only talk to Dr. Romanov, we’ll book you and you can go about your day. It’d just be background information she could review before your appointment.” 
“Oh. Yeah, okay.” If possible, the guy seems to make himself even smaller. “This is all pretty, uh, new to me?” 
“The cycle?” Bucky asks, his eyes glued to the screen. 
“Yeah.” It comes out so quiet it’s barely audible. “I didn’t even… I thought I was—” he clears his throat, as if stalling for words. “I guess I’m what you’d call a late bloomer?” 
Bucky exhales silently and turns away from the computer, looking into a pair of gut-wrenchingly blue eyes. 
“Look,” he says, as softly as he can manage. “I know it’s tough, and it fucking sucks right now, but I promise you it will get better. Dr. Romanov is one of the best. You can do this.” 
The guy draws a shaky breath, twisting his hands in his lap. “Are you just saying that ‘cause you don’t want me crying in your nice waiting room?”
“Clients are always welcome to cry in this room, this is a cry-friendly space.” Bucky smiles, nodding towards the screen. “So, how about we start with some basics? Like your name?” 
The guy bites into his lip, his eyes cast down, but there’s the tiniest hint of a smile on his face. “Steve,” he says, relaxing into his seat. “My name’s Steve.” 
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ask-pavitr · 3 months
Have you ever thought about becoming a Vet? You are so good with animals!
Hmm maybe
I do really like animals but I’m terrible with anatomy 😭 and NAMES
I would not be able to remember what all the different body parts are called
also med school pls no 🙏
pretty sure vets have to go through some type of med school too which is pretty competitive here in India (it’s competitive everywhere though)
I will stick with archaeology
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
I Love Him- Part 13
My eyes fly open as little screams cut through my peaceful sleep. I sit up when another set of lungs joins in the not so harmonious song. I go to get out of bed when Steve’s hand comes out of the dark and rests on my thigh, “Stay still, I’ll get them.” I smile and nod as I shift to lay back down.
A tired smile makes its way onto my face as I listen to Steve talk to the boys. “Hey buddies, what’s wrong, hmm?” I snuggle into my pillow and close my eyes before I feel a pair of eyes on me. I sigh and look up to see Steve with a tired and guilty smile, “Stevie’s hungry.” I chuckle and sit up using the thin hospital pillows to prop myself up as I prepare to feed the boys.
It’s the second night in the hospital and I am completely and utterly exhausted and Steve is right there with me. I may have been in labor with them for twelve hours but Steve was changing every diaper and shushing every cry, except for the times they were hungry. Steve woke up with them and tried his hardest to make sure I got all the sleep I could, which wasn’t much.
I take Stevie from Steve’s arms and feed him as Steve rocked John back to sleep. The boys may have only been out of me for a day but they already have their own personalities, Stevie was more often times than not hungry and was easy to get on the nerves of, taking after his father quite well in that area, where as John was more of a cuddler and was easy going no matter the situation, we’re still trying to figure out where he got that from.
I smiled at Steve as he sunk back into the armchair by the bed with John sitting on his bare chest for some skin to skin contact. I knew from the quietness that John was asleep and Steve just didn’t want to give up the snuggles. I glance down at Stevie to see him lying asleep on my boob and can’t stop the snort that escapes catching Steve’s attention. “What?”
I point at Stevie and Steve leans forward and smirks, “Really does take after his old man.” I gasp and smack his arm, “Steven!” He smirks and shrugs before glancing at Stevie again, “Maybe you should try again, I don’t think he heard you.” I scowl at him but can’t ignore the heat blooming across my face.
After forty five minutes the boys are settled back in their bassinets and Steve is slipping his shirt back over his head. He glances at me and chuckles at my pout, “Baby, I’d like to not be shirtless when the nurse comes into the room in a few hours.” I yawn before I have a chance to answer and I hear Steve reciprocate the yawn. I look up at him before sliding to the edge of the bed and patting the open space, “Sleep with me, please.” He smiles before sliding in beside me and pulling me into his chest where I spend the rest of the night sleeping peacefully.
I wake up to the sound of feet softly walking around the room. My eyes open to see my nurse, Leah, checking on the boys, “Morning Leah.” Her eyes snap to mine and she frowns, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” I smile at her sweetness before waving my hand, “It’s fine, John should be hungry pretty soon anyways, and if John starts crying because he’s hungry then Stevie will wake up crying and decide he’s hungry even though he ate less than an hour ago.”
Leah chuckles before walking over and I don’t miss the way she smiles at Steve’s arm slung over my waist holding me close to him, “You guys are adorable.” I blush slightly and nod, “So I’ve been told, I’m just happy we both got some sleep last night.” She smiles and nods making her ponytail sway, “I’ve got to say, out of all the new parents I’ve seen so far, you two are by far the sweetest couple not to mention the way your husband makes sure you don’t have to move too much, it makes me want to settle down.”
I smile prop myself up on my elbow, “Well, do you have a special someone?” She blushes and I know the answer before she even opens her mouth, “Yeah, his names Andrew, I met him in med school.” I grin as she looks away with a lovesick expression, “How old are you Leah?” She looks back at me and smiles, “I just turned 24.”
I glanced at Steve with a smile before looking back at Leah, “That’s about how old I was when Steve and I started talking, although we were about six thousand miles away from one another.” She smiles seemingly interested in the story and I shift slightly to get in a more comfortable position, “If you’d like you can come in sometime when you aren’t busy and I can tell you about our relationship, it might help with you and Andrew.” Her smiles widens and she nods excitedly before heading to the door as her pager beeps, “That sounds lovely, I’ll be sure to come back when I have time.”
As she starts to walk out the door I call out, “Hey, Leah?” She spins around and nods, “Yeah?” “Andrew’s a lucky guy.” She smiles and blushes before nodding, “So is Steve.”
Once the door closes, as if on command, John stirs and I hear him start working up to cry. I wiggle out of Steve’s arms and all but sprint to the bassinet to get him before he wakes Stevie. I sigh as I get to him before he could wake Stevie, “I bet you’re hungry, huh?” I can’t help the wide grin that spreads on my face as John grabs my finger as his big blue eyes stare into mine, “You look so much like your daddy, you know that?”
I jump slightly as I hear Steve’s voice, “I’m sure they do, you seem to remind them every time you hold them.” I turn around and roll my eyes before making my way to the armchair, opting to sit there to feed John rather than climbing back into the bed, “You know, something tells me Stevie is gonna be a little heartbreaker in high school.” Steve raises a brow as I get John settled, “What makes you say that?”
I look at him and chuckle, “Because, something tells me if you hadn’t been at a Navy school you would have been, heck you probably were before you went to Cali.” He opens his mouth to say something before closing it knowing that I’m right, “What about John? They’re identical so if Stevie is a heartbreaker then John will be too.”
I shake my head as I brush my finger over John’s cheek, “Yes, but no. He’ll have the looks but he’ll be too sweet to go around breaking hearts, knowingly at least. I don’t know where he gets it from but he is definitely going to be the calm and collected one,” I huff out a breath and shake my head, “Stevie though, I am not looking forward to his teenage years.”
Steve tilts his head curiously as he sits on the edge of the bed, “What makes you say that?” I chuckle, “Steve, he’s not even 24 hours old and he’s already stubborn, sassy, and short fused, the boy is definitely going to have some anger issues, like you.”
He frowns and crosses his arms, “I do not have anger issues.” I snort, “Yeah, just like you don’t have control issues.” He looks at me unimpressed before rolling his eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I smile and shake my head lightly, “Oh, yeah I’m sure you do.”
A few hours later Danny is on his way from the airport with Ma and Pop. I look at Steve and smile as he holds one boy in each arm and tells them about the time he caught a fish the length of his arm, a bit of an exaggeration if you ask me, but he keeps talking to them as they stare up at him with their big blue eyes.
I look up as the door opens to reveal Grace and Lilly before Lilly comes sprinting to stand by Steve. I smile as she leans against Steve’s arm to get a closer look at the twins, “Hey sweetheart, did you have fun at Danno’s?”
She looks at me with a bright smile before crawling onto the bed with me, “Yeah! Gracie and I stayed up all night watching Disney!” I raise an eyebrow before looking at Grace, “Is that so?” Grace holds her hands up, “Hey don’t look at me like that have you seen her puppy eyes, Auntie? Besides, she was out like a light before midnight.”
I laugh and nod my head, “Oh heck yeah, her puppy eyes make everyone cave,” I stare at Steve with a smirk, “specifically her daddy. She throws those eyes his way and he’d steal her the moon if she asked.”
Steve’s cheeks tint a light shade of pink as he gives us a sheepish smile, “If I recall babe, you give me your puppy eyes and I’m at your service, in more ways than one.” I notice the slightest dilation of his pupils and know exactly where his mind is and it causes my own to dilate.
Luckily the door opens to reveal Danny, Ma, and Pop. Lilly slides off the bed before running into Ma’s arms, “Grandma!” After a few minutes Lilly is curled back up on me while Ma and Pop walk to the boys.
Steve hand John to Pop and Stevie to Ma. Ma looks at me with a smile, “Alright dear, I need some help with who’s who.” I chuckle and shift slightly, “You’re holding Stevie and Pop is holding John.”
She smiled before cooing to the twins and taking her time to hold their hands. She kept exclaiming to Steve and I how thrilled she is to have more grandsons, identical twins at that. Once the boys were ready to be fed, changed, and put down for a nap everyone from the team has crowded into the room when Leah comes back in the door.
When she enters the room she looks at everyone wide eyed and surprised before making eye contact with me, “Oh! I-I’m sorry, I had some free time but it seems like you have company.” I chuckle before waving her in, “It’s okay Leah, come on in. We don’t bite.” She chuckles and closes the door before stepping in further.
I pat a free spot on the bed beside where I was sitting since Lilly was asleep and she takes small nervous steps before taking a seat beside me. I smile and pat her knee, “Leah, these are my family and friends.” After I introduce everyone I glance back at Leah, “So Leah, you here for the whirlwind of a romance that Steve and I have?” She chuckles and nods.
I clear my throat dramatically as everyone laughs and I smile as I notice Leah has relaxed and feels comfortable around everyone now, “Okay, so, Steve and I started talking about two years ago because my idiotic brother got shot. Now mind you, Danno and I are from New Jersey so I had never actually met Steve and I was spilling my guts out to a man I didn’t really know. Anyways, when I tell you that you can fall in love with someone from just their voice and kind heart, I’m speaking from experience. After six months I called Steve all excited and told him I was moving to Hawaii, not gonna lie, I told Steve I was moving before I told Danny, and I was going to be living with Danny.” Leah snorted out a laugh already invested in our story and Danny rolled his eyes as I continued, “After talking to Steve for an hour I hung up and called Danny, well, no, Danny called me. Steve told him I was moving before I told Danny.”
Everyone started laughing at this and Danny scowls and I nudge his leg with my foot with a smile, “I get to Hawaii meet Steve face to face, and Leah, when I tell you I was in love I mean it. I think I fell in love with Steve before I met him and then I met him and it just kinda verified what I already knew. Steve and I actually danced around each other for another six months because we didn’t want to upset Danny and then one night after Grace’s birthday party we were a little tipsy and hooked up. When we woke up in the morning we talked and came to an understanding, we were in love with each other and fuck what Danny thinks. So, we dated for another five months and then I told Danny and there was a blow out fight but I told Danny that I didn’t give a damn about what he thought and I loved Steve and if he couldn’t deal with it then he could get out of my house and my life, honestly those were my words.” Danny and Steve nod and Leah looks between the three of us wide eyed and I finish up the story, “That was also the night I revealed I was pregnant with twins, and a few months later we get engaged, adopted Lilly, then got married, and bam now we’re here.”
Leah’s eyes get impossibly bigger before she smiles, “Damn, y’all are like a fairytale.” I laugh and nod, “Something like that.”
A/N: The next part has a couple special guests!!!
Sorry updates are so slow but there’s nothing like getting dumped on your birthday after being told you’re nothing but an idiotic slut, but ig I’m better off without him 😩
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@djs8891 @kati-1997
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rubykgrant · 2 years
(beginning of the Wash interview with Andrews~)
Andrews noticed that when it was Wash’s turn, he entered with a note of laughter in his voice; evidently having some conversation outside of the interview room with his friends, which had clearly been amusing. She wondered just what it could be...
“Sounds like the rest of the gang are being their usual charming selves out there,”
“Yeah, haha, yeah- Simmons and Doc have been doing this thing where they say I need a password to get in a room, and there isn’t an actual password, so they try to block the door-” Wash began to explain.
“Wait, they were trying to stop you from coming?” she asked, suddenly confused and worried.
“No, I mean, not REALLY. It’s their way of teasing me about the- um, the time I was a little bit extreme… and sort of being everybody’s problem…” Wash sounded somewhat sheepish now, but not especially unhappy.
“Oh. You mean the incident with you and… the former Agent Maine and the Meta, trying to locate Epsilon,” Andrews finished. She hoped she had described it properly, not too blunt.
“Mm-hmm. The guys call that my ‘Villain Moment’. The thing is, they’ve sort of been avoiding the subject for- a couple years, wow, and so have I. When Simmons and Doc started teasing me, it wasn’t because they were suddenly mad at me all over again, it was because they’re not AFRAID of me anymore. I mean, these guys spent a long time together in a canyon trying to shoot at each other, remember?” Andrews nodded as Wash paused. “Right, and they treat that whole thing like it was just a funny misunderstanding, and they still joke about Red Team VS Blue Team, even though it doesn’t matter. So, they tell me I need a password for the bathroom or the kitchen, and say ‘access denied’ when I don’t know it, then I just shove my way though, and we laugh about it. They even check with me and make sure I’m OK with it, so they don’t go too far, y’know?”
“That’s good. And you’re right, it sounds like they aren’t trying to be mean. Especially if they’re actually being considerate about how it makes you feel,” Andrews  said.
“Honestly, I think we’re all trying to be more considerate about… certain subjects. It’s just hard for some of us to admit that,” Wash tipped his helmet to one side, nodding in the general direction outside the room.
“Ah. Perhaps some people, who are used to giving orders and insults on a regular basis, find it difficult to try a softer touch?” she gave a small nod herself; same direction. Same implied person.
“It is really REALLY hard for him to back off Grif and the Blues. But he’s trying. Like I said, we all are. Besides, teasing me about non-existent passwords is small potatoes. Tucker warned me that Simmons can actually be VERY petty and vindictive, I’m lucky he never tried to retaliate back when I was still kind of fresh from my Villain Moment. Also, Doc might call himself a pacifist, but he knows exactly how to annoy me, I kept getting tricked into distracting conversations with him DURING the Villain Moment. Now we’re actually friends, and they’re definitely not afraid of me any more, so this is weirdly their way of forgiving me… and Carolina thinks it’s SO funny to watch them bully me, she just laughs and laughs, like it’s- oh, wait! I almost forgot!”
Wash suddenly stood up and rushed back over to the door. He opened it, stuck his head and one arm through, said something to the others out there, and then returned to his seat in front of Andrews; now holding a folder full of various pages. Some of them looked like printed copies, official documents and records… but most of it was hand-written notes, some scribbled on lined paper, as if from a journal.
“I’ve been making notes of all the things I wanted to tell you about! Like, like Triplets, and being split-up on Chorus, and figuring out I was in a paradox, all that, I didn’t want to forget anything- I’ve got some pretty good meds now that help me stay in the moment, but sometimes I lose my train of thought or get a little confused about the order of certain events, like the other day I almost thought I had Epsilon with me longer during Project Freelancer, but I was combining the memories I spent with him looking for the Director and when he came back on Chorus, and it was WEIRD because in my head it was totally different than what actually happened, but it seemed to make sense because I knew that I knew Epsilon, but it wasn’t during Freelancer- dang it! See, this is why I need to focus!” Wash took a deep breath, seemed to gather his thoughts internally, and then began speaking calmly. In fact, he now had an almost analytical tone (the opposite of hint of laughter he started with).
“When I mentioned Carolina thinking it was funny, watching the guys tease me- that’s because it’s a little like how things were during Project Freelancer. I have a lot of things I want to talk about, what it’s been like making friends with the Reds and Blues, losing the friends I had before, What happened with Epsilon, Maine, and the Meta, what they all mean to me… but I really want to begin with things that happened during Project Freelancer,”
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penname-artist · 2 years
Halloween WoC drabble, rated M for mildly spoopy (in a classic ‘scary movie’ way ;P). Dusty & Ripslinger.
"Have you seen Rip?"
Skipper shrugged, already half asleep as his old man meds kicked in. "Heckiff I know."
Dusty sighed, his wings slumping over his frame as he blew through his mouth. The one time he was actually looking for him, the Mustang was nowhere to be found.
He rolled back to his own hangar, hoping he would be sleeping in there. He tended to when he was lazy. Which...was pretty much always. It was foolproof, he had to be there. It’s not like he had anywhere else he enjoyed being.
He nosed open the doors to his residence, admiring the tacky Halloween decorations he’d hung up on them, and peered inside. No Ripslinger.
“Dang it!” He mumbled, “Where could he be?”
He rolled in the rest of the way, flicking on the lights and settling in front of the window, with those little sticky window things of a ghost and a spider. Though he was an avid horror fan - at least, after Chug dragged him into it - he still liked to keep things family friendly. “It’s for the kids” he would always say. “What kids?” Skipper would always retaliate.
As he sat back on his wheels admiring the night sky, the radio flickered beside him. Someone calling, at this hour? He rolled a wheel over the receiver,
“Hello,” came a smooth, masculine voice. He didn’t recognize it.
“Who is this?” Dusty asked, a little skeptical.
“I don’t know, who is this?”
Dusty rolled his eyes, seeing through the façade, “I’m pretty sure you know.”
“Oh do I?”
“Obviously, or else you wouldn’t know how to contact me.”
"Hmm...you're the famous Dusty Crophopper." The stranger admitted.
"This is he," Dusty answered, "but you still didn't answer my question; who are you?"
"A fan of yours," came the strangers reply, slinking around an exact name, "with a question...Do you like scary movies?"
Something cold prickled against Dusty's back, and his wing flaps seemed to stiffen. His eyebrows furrowed a little as he hesitated to continue.
"Yeah, I do. Why?"
"What's your favorite scary movie?"
Dusty glanced behind him at the door. The room was too dimly lit for his liking suddenly, and he moved to the side to get the light.
No power.
"Uhh...can I answer in full in my next Q and A?" He asked, anxious to get off the call and out of the building. There's a short pause and the fleck of static from the other end, before the stranger softly rasped,
"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Dusty tensed on the spot. Could he see him from here!?
"I-I need to go!" Dusty said, rolling over the plate again and closing their conversation. Just as he was nudging the doors open again to slip out into the light of the street lamps, something big and heavy launched itself at him.
Dusty tried to scramble away, but he was pinned under the being. He would have turned around enough to get a good hard bite in him, had he not caught the sound of uncontrollable laughing above him. Snorting, even. And then he realized who was sitting on top of him.
Ripslinger slid back off of him, breaking into a fit of giggles. But he tried to make his response sound like the guy over the phone, despite his mad chuckling.
"Is it- is it..is it Scream, by chance? Is that your favorite SCARY movie?"
"You know I don't like being spooked!" Dusty huffed. Ripslinger shook his head like it would help him stop laughing.
"Nah man, you don't like it because you're so easy to get. You fall for it every time!"
Dusty puffed his cheeks into bubbles, trying to hide the pink sheen on them. "Just for that, I'm not sharing my Halloween candy with you!"
"Okay okay, that's fair," Ripslinger said, having finally calmed himself down, "man, that was so worth it..."
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actually I’m moving this to a new post because fuck it
okay so I finally looked at the reply, and
Even though there is no good way to prepare for a  neuropsychological evaluation, other than to get a good night sleep and  avoid feeling hungry, it is not unusual to feel as though you could have  done something more. In regards to the self-assessment tests you took  on-line, research has demonstrated that some of them result in high  false positive rates, which decreases the validity of the results (Sara  Jones, Maria Johnson, et al Autism Research and Treatment; Bram Sizoo,  EH Horowitz, et al Autism journal).  Other psychiatric diagnoses besides  autism can result in elevated scores on these self-tests.  Neurocognitive discrepancies and deficiencies frequently associated with  autism were not part of your pattern of test results. As I mentioned in  the report  you have symptoms consistent with autism but there isnt enough to reach  the severity of an autism diagnosis. The results in my opinion are more  accurately described by social anxiety, ADHD, and a persistent anxious  mood disturbance. I appreciate your desire to better understand yourself  and the test results and hope you are also able to discuss these  questions with your therapist as well.
a) maybe I’m overly sensitive (...fine, I’m almost certain I’m overly sensitive) but this feels patronizing b) part of my entire point in sending self-test results and discussing additional things that didn’t come up in the interview was to point out, hey, I have potentially new information that didn’t come up in the interview so maybe the evaluation should be reconsidered, at least a little bit, in light of that new information? and this basically sounds like “no, I’ve already decided your social difficulties are based on anxiety and new information doesn’t affect that because the cognitive tests don’t indicate autism.”
in some ways, I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t find this upsetting because it’s not like they came back saying I’m neurotypical, they did confirm the ADHD so that’s something, especially because it's been pretty destabilizing the way my prescriber has always been kind of half-hearted about it (”yeah you fit the criteria but also it’s not a severe case, everybody forgets things sometimes, hmm wait you’re not responding to stimulant meds so maybe it’s not ADHD after all and I should change my diagnosis, idk”). and since there’s so much symptom overlap between ADHD, anxiety, and autism, maybe it shouldn’t matter that I only have a diagnosis for two of the three.
but it feels like--if it’s social anxiety, it’s on me to fix it. I have to work on it, and expose myself more, and put myself out there, and do exhausting shit that kind of makes me want to cry just thinking about it, and maybe if I work hard enough and burn myself out learning every social cue ever, I’ll eventually stop fucking up and manage to be normal, and maybe friends will stop ghosting me. I’m sure the healthier way to look at that is that it’s fixable and I should feel empowered to do something about it, but I don’t, I just feel exhausted and overwhelmed because I’m being asked to do something I don’t have the energy to do.
if I’m autistic, I’m...never going to be normal. I have to mask in certain settings, but the healthiest thing is to not mask as much as possible, to try to be authentic, whatever that ends up meaning. That’s...not necessarily good, because as I understand it a lot of people only like the mask, but at least that might mean it’s not my fault that people keep ghosting me, you know?
I don’t know, I’m probably looking at this all wrong because I just do that, because at this point my brain is so fucking rewired by depression I don’t know how to fix that either, but it feels like if it’s all social anxiety, any problems I have are my fault unless I put in the effort to fake everything, using energy I don’t have...whereas if I’m autistic, at least then maybe it’s not my fault, maybe I’m not already automatically wrong because it’s just how I am.
oh. and I did cancel my appointment with my prescriber. but I for sure do need to reschedule that one, because unlike my therapist I have her assistant actually calling back to arrange rescheduling something, plus you know I need to keep having appointments to keep refilling my prescriptions. only I still don’t want to. and I don’t really want to reschedule with my therapist either. probably I need to find a new therapist but just the thought of starting that process also makes me want to cry, so that’s not super great either
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be-gay-cause-crime · 11 days
Chapter 4- Unsuspected Surprise
CW: spiking drinks, implied kidnapping
I still remember the panic after the concluding trial, people calling for ambulances while the other kids were desperately trying to get no. 04 to wake up.
Sometimes I forget she was there since her beginning.
She never did get to know the real world…
Kali sat at a bench near the door, their leg bouncing as she waited for Lucas. Someone tapped her shoulder, when they looked up it was him! They felt butterflies in their stomach, their eyes brightening when they saw him.
“Hey Lucas! How are you?” Kali spat out, getting up for a quick hug.
“Hey Kali, I’m doing good, and don’t worry, drinks are on me tonight,” he said with a wink that almost made Kali blush and nod towards the bar.
“Ah, sorry, I won’t be drinking tonight, well, at least not anything alcoholic, it messes with my meds I think,” they said with a soft smile.
“No worries, I heard they got some pretty good mocktails here too, and of course you could just get a soda, but still, it’s on me whatever you end up getting,” he took their hand and led them towards the bar, “what would you like to drink Kali?”
“Hmm, I’ll just start with a Pepsi I guess, actually wait, it’s kinda late for caffeine, uhhhhh,”
“There’s the Startrail mocktail, it’s fruity and sweet, and alcohol free given the name, how about that?” Lucas pointed to a spot in the drinks menu as Kali sat down in a bar stool.
“Hm, yeah, that actually sounds really nice, you’re sure you’re okay with it though? It’s kinda expensive,” They shifted around in their seat.
“I told you it wasn’t a problem, I mean that, I want to treat you tonight Kali,” he looked into their eyes with a warm and loving gaze which they melted under.
“Oh alright, if you’re sure you’re okay with it, what are you gonna get?” She smiled up at him.
“Hm, not sure just yet, probably nothing alcoholic either, since I drove here, I think I’ll stick with a Dr Pepper for now,” he fixed his dark hair which was starting to fall on his face, “also, I have to say I absolutely adore your outfit tonight, I love that your personality is shown in all your clothes,”
Kali blushed at the remark, “Ah, thank you! I love my outfit too, I mean, you also look nice too!” They sputtered out, as the bartender asked for their order.
“Ah, a Dr Pepper for me, and you said you wanted the Startrail Mocktail, right Kali?”
“Hm? Oh- yes please!” She jumped a little, lost in thought.
“Hey, are you doing alright? You seem kind of jumpy,” Lucas asked.
“Oh, I dunno, I guess I’m just excited, haha!” The two spent the rest of the night laughing and making flirty remarks, Kali could’ve sworn something tasted off about the sprite they got, but they chalked it up to the aftertaste of the mocktail earlier.
Lucas’s phone rang, “oh, sorry, I have to take this, I’ll be right back” he left with a sly wink while answering the phone.
A small wave of discomfort passed over Kali, they weren’t sure why, but something felt off, “Hey, uh, bartender? That drink I had earlier was non alcoholic, right?”
“Yep, mocktail version of the cocktail, alcohol free, if you feel like you’re gonna get sick there’s a bathroom over there,” the bartender pointed to a small hallway to the left of the bar where Kali ended up going.
Ugh, I feel like shit… okayyy, nope, not passing out in a bars bathroom, you got this, Kali tried to find grip on the door handle, but ended up sitting on the floor leaning against the door instead, alright then… maybe I should get a ride home… maybe with Lucas? Nah… we know each other well, but not that well…
A thought popped in their head as they scrambled for their phone in their bag.
Hey Jess, could you come pick me up please? I don’t feel good
After a few minutes, there was a reply:
Sure, are you okay?? What bar are you at?
Kali struggled to keep their eyes open long enough to text:
I think so I’m at tippers, how son can you pick me up!
Tippers? Okay, I’ll be there in 7 minutes, 10 max, what happened with your date??
Idk he wet out for a call
Okay, can’t text while driving, see you soon, hang out somewhere safe until I get there.
Kali put their phone down, they didn’t know what was going on, maybe someone spiked my drink…? I dunno, what matters is that I get home I guess…
Kali struggled to a bench closer to a corner that was hidden in shade so they could watch the door but also be safe, whatever that meant, she considered trying to get to Lucas, but they didn’t know where he right now and decided that it’d be best to just wait for Jess.
5 more minutes passed, Kali, still on the brink of unconsciousness, looked up to see a head of strawberry blond hair walking swiftly over to her, “Kali! Are you okay? What happened?” She helped them up, letting them lean on her as they slurred out an answer.
“I dunno… I don’t have anything with alcohol… I think someone put something in my drink or somethin’,” their head was dizzy, swirling around with questions and words they couldn’t put in correct order, “did you see Lucas out front…?”
“Lucas? Oh! You mean your date? I don’t know, I saw a guy with dark hair talking on the phone near a weird van, I don’t like the look of it-”
“Jess, Jessie, you’re talking too fast…” Kalis voice sounded hoarse, their throat dry.
“Sorry,” Jess said, talking considerably slower, “I just, something’s not right,”
“You can say that again…” once they both left the bar, two people came up to them.
“You ladies need walking to your car?” one of them asked, their arms crossed.
“No thanks, I can get us there just fine,” Jess tried stepping around them, but the second person blocked her.
“No no, we insist. Let us walk you to your car,” they stopped them from going any further, Kali instinctively rummaged around in his bag, keeping a hand on their taser but not taking it out just yet.
“No, it’s fine. Let us pass, now.” Jess spoke authoritatively, trying again to shove past them when one of them grabbed Kali by the arm, pulling them out of her reach.
“I’d suggest you come with us before things get too messy-” the first one started but was cut off when Kali gabbed their taser into their arm, the person yelled out in pain, gripping the side of their arm with a glimmer of hatred in their eyes. “Oh you’re gonna regret that…”
The taser was knocked out of their hands before they could try to attack the one holding them hostage, Jess reached for it, fast, but was stopped by the first person who grabbed her by the ponytail, pulling her head up with it. Jess gave a hearty kick to the second guys stomach as a last ditch effort, temporarily freeing Kali, “KALI, RUN!” She yelled with all her might.
Despite feeling like absolute shit, they listened, stumbling forward as fast as the could, but then they ran into someone, “Lucas! There you are, you have to help me, please I- I think someone spiked my drink and there’s these weird guys and-and-” their rambling was cut off my Lucas putting his hands on her shoulders to try and ground them.
“Alright, calm down, what’s going on, is someone chasing you?” He asked, voice calm and steady.
“I don’t know! But they have my friend, and-” Kali felt a presence behind her, they turned around and briefly saw a person from earlier before everything went dark.
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dancedance-resolution · 3 months
low punctuation posting
i don’t know what’s wrong with me, maybe burn out??? bc i’m filling my life with seratonin boosting activities but i feel fucking done and angry all the time and it’s not the pmdd i literally felt like through through my period and the week after now so like What Is It. i think it’s been going on since the beginning of the month, maybe longer but i only let myself acknowledge and notice it recently. HMM. ugh it’s frustrating im not supposed to be depressed i was doing so well for so long what the fuck is going on!!! do i need to up my meds dose bc i don’t know if i want to risk the side effects getting worse again also idk i kind of don’t want to im too tired for this shit that’s why this is all so frustrating i mean im posting like it’s past my bedtime but im well rested and it’s a reasonable hour and on paper i had a great day so like bitch WHAT. WHY. UGH.
i don’t know what i’d be burnt out from though i barely spend much time on school work im only at work work 20ish hours a week and it’s been going well and easy and ive been doing fun things but also leaving myself enough time to rest and waste time on youtube and tumblr so like AGAIN. WHAT. i just want to stop feeling like shit for no good reason and my brain is like well find the reason and fix it but i can’t find it that’s the issue which is so frustrating bc it’s pride month and i want to take advantage of the time i have and savor it etc etc and it’s not even like im putting a ton of pressure on myself for that either yk so ugh idk
i’m also afraid of being straight which is hilarious but also depressing and indicative of larger issues i suppose but im pretty sure unrelated to the shitty mood or at the very least not its cause
i need to do something very stimulating like bust my ear drum or get a super painful tattoo or scrape my knee and run my fingers over the scabs i think or a go in a cold pool ugh FUCK FUCK FUCK
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theemptybloggercometh · 4 months
A few months ago, as part of a routine cardiology appointment I had a consultation with a nurse about diet and lifestyle. Now I don’t know what the nurse’s thought process was, but it seemed very much like she had taken one look at me and one look at how I was around the same weight as I was two years ago and decided that I wasn’t doing anything to be healthy. I will freely acknowled that over the past four years my diet hasn’t been the best. Recently though I’ve recognised that I’m an emotional eater especially with dealing with stress at work which started when I was a newly qualified nurse then continued later on working through the pandemic then later still being nurse in charge. Realising that I emotionally eat is helping me figure out if I genuinely want chocolate and cakes or if I want them because I’m stressed. I’m also trying to eat more fruit and veg and moderate my portion size.
But the nurse didn’t ask me about any of this. Instead, she suggested that I eat at a regular time which I’ve been doing since I changed jobs. When I was working on the ward though I often had to postpone my lunch, very rarely got a dinner break and, especially in the last year, sometimes got home late.
Other suggestions she said I could ‘simply’ do yet these were anything but such as taking up swimming again. As I explained, I used to get ear infections and this contributed to making me reluctant to continue. The nurse said that I should use ear plugs yet the thing was I did use ear plugs all those years ago and still ended up with ear infections (although I grant that that ear plugs might have improved in the intervening twenty years). I also mentioned dysphoria as something which put me off swimming when I was a teenager. The nurse didn’t even attempt to discuss this; maybe she just didn’t know what say, maybe she didn’t want to say the wrong thing, maybe she felt uncomfortable discussing something I clearly knew more about than her or maybe she genuinely thought that as I was on hormones anything related to my gender was a thing of the past. While it’s been a long time since someone challenged me or even looked at me funny for being in women’s bathroom I still feel like using a women’s changing room is a whole other level. There’s something a little “hmm” at best about telling someone with dysphoria that their body is wrong. I’m not saying the nurse was transphobic but she could and should have been a lot more sensitive to how discussing my body might make me feel.
I also mentioned how my antidepressants and hormones are known to cause weight gain (the corollary of which is these meds might make losing weight more challenging). I mentioned all these things to no avail; she had her lines prepared and she wasn’t about to go off script so in the end I just sat there nodding and occasionally saying that I’ll take her up on her advice like getting an app to monitor my calorie intake. This was a lie. This is probably the worst thing I could do as I’m pretty sure I was well on my way to developing an eating disorder in my early twenties when I felt really ashamed when I had eaten more than the arbitrary target I had set myself. There’s a reason why I will never own weighing scales: I’m not prepared to give my brain another opportunity to obsess about numbers and let them control my life. I knew that if I talked about this I wouldn’t be listened to and by disagreeing I would probably be labelled as a difficult patient.
As I left the appointment I was of course feeling angry but I was also disappointed. This is not how we’re taught to care for our patients. This is not how we should be caring for our patients. This is exactly the opposite of good nursing care.  
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lianahayze · 1 year
Shadow and the Midnight Misery: Chapter 15
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Chapter is below the cut! Also, I've created an account over at FictionPress, so feel free to come say hello over there. It's pretty empty right now, but I'll be posting over there soon. Thanks!
Chapter 15: Hospital Visits
I hear whispers but don't open my eyes. I keep my body still, trying to understand what's going on. Everything feels strange, and I don't know where I am. I could be awake, but it’s just as likely that I could be dreaming.
If it is a dream, it's not a very good one. Part of my body aches, and I feel like I haven't had water in years. My throat is dry and scratchy, and there's a slightly metallic taste in my mouth. And yet I also feel like I’m floating, surrounded by a soft cloud.
My body is almost weightless. I assume I can move, but I don't really want to. I'm content to stay where I am. There's a slight motion underneath me but I can’t tell if it's actually there. Whatever it is, it makes me feel calm.
"She's probably going to be in and out. Don't feel like you have to be here all the time. You're more than welcome to, of course, but the most you're probably going to get from her is five minutes at a time. It's gonna be hard for her to stay awake on all of this."
Are they talking about... me? I open my eyes, but it seems to take a long time. I have to mentally tell myself several times over to fully open them, and, when I finally do, I look around, cautious.
Wherever I'm at, it’s bright. So bright, in fact, that I squint to get my eyes adjusted. I'm in a bed but not fully on my back. My upper body is a bit chilly, but there's a blanket wrapped around my lower half. Without moving my head, I look down at my arms. There are... wires?
"She has so many IVs,” I hear someone say.
"One's just fluids. Makes sure she stays hydrated." With my eyes fully adjusted, tilted my head to see the person above me. I'm greeted my someone in blue scrubs. "Ah," she says, "somebody’s awake. How are you feeling, Shadow?"
I don’t know what to say. Why is she asking that? Confused, I blink several times, trying to piece it together. Am I in a hospital?
"She's awake?" I feel a slight breeze as someone comes to my other side. I look over to see who it is.
Ethan. It's Ethan. Ah, I remember him.
He's smiling but looks at me like there's something wrong. I feel him grab my hand, careful not to bump one of the IVs. "How are you?"
There's that question again.
I don't know how I feel because I feel everything and nothing all at the same time. Is there something specific I'm supposed to say?
Ethan turns to the nurse. "Why isn't she speaking?" He sounds panicked, but the woman says,
"It's okay. It's just the pain medication we gave her. She's going to be a bit loopy."
Pain medication? I'm achy but I'm not really in pain--Oh. That would be why.
"How long is she going to be like this?”
"We're keeping her monitored. She's probably going to thrash about once the meds start to wear off, but it's nothing to worry about, okay? It's all completely normal."
He nods. The woman leaves, and it's just the two of us.
At least, I think it's just the two of us. When I hear another voice behind him, I realize that we actually aren’t alone.
Eventually Dave comes into sight. I fight to keep my eyes open as he walks over, hands in his pockets. He looks down at me. "Not feelin' so hot, huh, kid?"
Ethan manages a laugh, saying, "That's more of a response than I got."
"You scared us," continues Dave. "Glad we got you here on time."
How did I end up here? My brain is foggy, and I still don't know what's going on.
"She's still tired, huh?"
Ethan nods. "Don’t think she's going to be able to stay awake until Wyatt gets back."
My eyes scan the room. Where is Wyatt? Not that I need him or anything, but it's odd for these two to be here and not him. Isn't he wondering what's going on? Doesn't he care?
I want to ask them so many questions but, ultimately, I can't. My eyes keep fluttering and, though I try my best to stay awake, eventually, I give into my body's demands and fall back asleep.
The next time I wake up--rather, the next time I wake up for more than a couple minutes--I'm more aware of the pain I'm in. As I try to sit up, a sharp pain shoots up my arm and over my shoulder. I wince, completely frozen.
It takes me some doing, but after some effort, I'm able to sit up. Only then do I look at my body.
There are bruises on my arms--at lot of them. Most of them are in large, irregular patterns, but the one around my wrist is different than the others. It goes all the way around, three small ovals overlapping.
My eyes move away from my body; as I look over to the window, it dawns on me that I’m not alone. Asleep by the window, looking impossible uncomfortable in a tiny chair, is Wyatt. He's snoring softly, and I debate whether to leave him be or wake him up.
A few seconds later, I decide to call out to him.
"Wyatt." He continues sleeping. "Wyatt."
He wakes up, his body spasming from the sudden interruption. He looks around, bewildered. It's only when his eyes meet mine that he freezes, fulling understanding what's going on.
He rushes to my side. He looks down at me. As if afraid to touch me, he stuffs his hands into his pockets. He doesn't say anything, and I don't prompt him to, but I really need an explanation.
He drags the chair over so that he can sit down beside me. Once he's seated, he says,
"I'm glad you're okay."
I don't feel okay. I feel like I got hit by a truck, but maybe he means he's happy I'm alive. "What happened?”
"You don't remember?" I shake my head. I'm starting to recall bits and pieces, but it's still mostly a blur. "You hit your head. Hard. You mostly hit your shoulder, but your head sort of... bounced against the stairs."
He doesn't look at me when he speaks, making me think there's more.
"I tried to grab you, but, uh. Couldn't."
The stairs. An argument. Me being completely shit faced. Suddenly it all comes back, and I groan, ashamed of my behavior. "My throat hurts."
"They had to pump your stomach."
I don't believe him. I hadn't been that bad. I mean, yeah, I'd been slinging back vodka like it was water and I was in the middle of the desert, but I can take my alcohol. Pumped stomachs are for people who can't.
"I didn't see it, but apparently it was pretty easy because you were knocked out. Not much resisting at that point." He rubbed the back of his head. He looks so uncomfortable--so distraught--that I wish I had something to say to him. "Shadow, I didn't mean for this to happen."
Does he mean he didn't mean for me to be hospitalized?
"I was just trying to calm you down and..." He takes a deep breath. "Fuck, I'm so sorry."
His voice is shaking. His right leg jiggles, and his eyes are trained to the floor. His hair obscures his face, but even without seeing, I know he’s trying not to cry.
"I shouldn't have touched you. I should have just let you go." He finally looks at me, and it's to glance at my arm. "That once should not be there."
My eyes follow his, and I see what he’s focused on: my wrist. Using my other hand, I quickly cover it up. "It's fine."
But he doesn't accept my dismissal. "I wasn't trying to--I just meant to--" He sighs. He struggles with his words, and I decide to put him out of his misery. Changing the subject, I ask,
"Where's Ethan and Dave?"
"They had to go give statements."
Puzzled, I ask, "Statements?"
"Never mind." He finally looks at me fully. "You're okay, and that's what matters." He pauses. "Shadow, don't get pissed at me for asking, but why would an article make you fly off the handle like that? You've had worse shit written about you--we all have."
He's right. The number of times I've had people write crap about the band, about me personally... It's nothing new. I’m pretty much used to it by now, but there's just something about Larissa's piece that made me furious.
"I don't know," I tell him, shrugging. "I guess I just didn't want the world to find out that I was forced to see a doctor." I frown. "But I guess I shouldn’t be thinking about that now.” I look around the room. “Guess I’m about to be locked away again.”
He sighs. “I wish you’d understand that we really were worried about you. And that article would have pissed off anyone, of if they’re in your condition.”
I don’t like how he’s calling it a “condition” but let it go. Instead, I tell him, “Well, either way, I’m not as sober as I’m supposed to be, right?”
"Falling off the wagon happens."
"I'm not trying to give up drinking forever."
"I get that but cutting back would be nice."
For a few minutes, we sit in silence. Part of it's because my body is in so much fucking pain that I can't think straight, but an even bigger part of it is that, painkillers or no painkillers, I just don't know what to say. Wyatt also looks lost for words. But as awkward as it is, I'll take it. I'd rather have dead silence over arguing. I'm tired of all the arguments, especially the ones with Wyatt. They’ve been so catastrophic on the band.
Shit. The band.
"I take it the, uh, label’s been informed about all of this?" He nods. "And?" He asks me what I mean. "Does this mean I'm officially out?"
A confused expression appears on his face. "What do you mean?"
"You guys said the label supports kicking me out. They still want me gone?"
Wyatt exhales loudly before leaning back in his chair. He closes his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose. "It's not like that Shadow. I get how you could see it that way, but there's more to it. The label supports us disbanding for a bit if you're getting treatment--not getting rid of you permanently."
Wait. What? That's not what they told me before--why didn't they tell me that before?! As calmly as possible, I tell him, "You let me think that I was going to be kicked out of the band."
"I know, and we shouldn't have done that but--" he sighs "--you were practically out the door, and we were going to tell you eventually. We just didn’t know when."
I'm furious. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. "I was thinking about leaving you guys. Becoming a solo artist." I open my eyes and look him dead in the eye. "All because I thought my bandmates didn't want me."
That's it? That's all he can say? After lying to me, the only thing he can think to say is “sorry”?
I want to yell at him right now. I want to yell at him so badly. I shake my head, crossing my arms. I start to open my mouth to say something… but then stop. Looking him over, I realize: now is not the right time.
"So, were you working on the album without me or not?"
"Mostly just a couple of things here and there. Nothing we haven't done before; it's not like we have everything planned out. Just some bridges and stuff that might be useful down the road." When I look away from him, he adds, "But we can scrap it--all of it."
That's not what I want, though. What I want is to have been at those rehearsals. It's a shitty feeling, knowing they were going on without me. It's like they were planning for the worst.
"I don't know if I have a lot to contribute," I confess.
"Fuck the band." Shocked by his words, I look back up at him. "What I mean is, stop thinking about it right now. You have other things to focus on."
What he doesn't realize, though, is that everything goes back to the band. He's talking about me getting my own life straightened out; why would I do that if it doesn't help me in the band in some way? Though I don't say it, most of the lyrics I've been writing lately haven't been that good. Getting back to writing means fixing all of this. If that's not there to motivate me, what is?
"Listen, it might not be the best time to ask, but we need to come up with a plan: what statement do you want us to make? We don't have to make one! It's just..."
"That people are asking."
He nods. "Yeah."
I sigh. Leaning back on the pillows, I look up at the ceiling. I don't even know what I should say, but I hate keeping our fans in the dark. I don't give a rat's ass about the press having something to write, but if I were to go online right now, I’d bet that any of my profiles are swamped with questions and concerns from fans.
"Can you just use your best judgement? Don't say anything to any media outlets, but if someone asks... I don't know. Do what you want." He asks me if there's anything he shouldn't say, and I shrug. "I bet the label's probably given you some suggestions. Just go with that."
Facing him, I can tell he isn't convinced. Still, he nods, promising that he will.
"How long do I have to be here for?" I ask. I want to go walk around, not be checked on by a nurse every two hours while being hooked to machines.
"I can ask. Also, Dr. Norris stopped by. You were asleep and she didn't want to wake you, but she sends her regards."
I groan. Of course Dr. Norris stopped by. Not that I'm ungrateful or anything--actually, I think it's nice that she came to check on me--but it doesn't exactly help my case, having a therapist come visit. And while I'm sure that all the doctors here are discreet, I thought the same thing about Garver, and look where that got me.
"Hey Wyatt?"
"Did anyone reach out to Larissa or the website?"
“Maybe the label. I haven't."
"I wonder what it would take for them to reveal their source?" I know it's unlikely that they'll tell me, but I want to know. Maybe with the right bribes or threats they'll be willing to talk.
"I'll see what I can do." Turning away, he looks up at the clock. "You should probably get some sleep," he says, turning back to me.
"But I'm not tired."
"You will be. I want to go figure out when you can go home. Are you okay with me driving you home, whenever that is?"
I nod. It's a weird question to ask.
"Or are you going to call an Uber? Like you did the last time, you remember?"
My eyes narrow. "Oh, haha. Yes, you can drive me home."
"Good. At least I know you'll agree to it this time." He stands. For a moment, he looks down at me awkwardly, as if he's not sure what to do say or do. Eventually, he leans forward and kisses my forehead. "Take care of yourself, okay? I promise to get you out of here as soon as possible."
For once, I actually believe him.
I watch him go. Once he's at the door, he turns to look back. He smiles and I put my hand up to wave. Then, he's gone.
Talk to ya later!
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corpseglider · 4 years
mirror by @yamihere004​
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synopsis: you and corpse, together through thick and thin (submitted post)
pairing: corpse husband x s/o!reader (gn)
tw: broken objects (mirrors, glasses), slight mentions of blood
☁️ directory
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“U-um guys I want to take a break I will join back when I am done,” Corpse said while muting himself on discord and stream, took off his headphones and sighed loudly.
You looked up from your laptop in concern. “Corpse?” you asked softly, “Is everything alright?”
“No shit,” he muttered, “I am going to the bathroom.”
Concerned about your boyfriend, you headed to his setup and read through the stream chat.
Again and again, most were asking Corpse about when he will be doing a face reveal, and asking about his past, same questions.
You sighed in disbelief. They never understood him. Showing anything about him was out of his comfort zone. It took him 2 hours to post his first ‘hand pic’. Him blowing up online and getting popular on the Internet had been bothering him for a least a month already and you were worried about his health since the start.
I should probably go check on him, you thought as you walked out of the room, heading to the bathroom quietly.
But then you heard sniffles. A yell. Then a crash of glass. A scream.
“NO! No, no, no… I can’t, I can’t-” 
You rushed into the bathroom, opening the door with a bang. 
Corpse just curled up and sat on the floor, face in his bleeding hands, shards of mirror fell around him, reflecting light everywhere. His eyepatch flung across the room.
He broke the bathroom mirror.
You kneel down next to him, pushing the shards away from you two carefully. Slowly, he raised his head to look at you, tears welling up in his eyes.
You pulled him into your embrace, slowly running your hand through his curly hair. Your small frame held his large frame close to your chest.
“Don’t hold it back, Corpse,” you comforted him quietly, “let it out. I am here now, you’re safe.”
Started with the tiny whimpers against you, he started shaking vigorously, and the sobs came. He screamed and cried, and boy did he cry. Your heart broke seeing him so vulnerable. You would kill anyone who dared harm him in any way. You held him close, letting him cry it all out, mumbling sweet nothings to him.
After quite a while he finally calmed down, he mumbled something against your chest. “Hmm?” you asked softly. “I am not a person that people should look up to,” he mumbled, pulling away. Looking at his bleeding fingers, he whispered, “I am a mess…”
You stood up to grab the first aid kit and guided Corpse to sit on the toilet counter, pushing the glass shards away from him.
“People have been asking about you face again right,” you said, cleaning cuts on his knuckles.
“I do not like my face. At all. I am nothing close to pretty or sexy. I’m just-” he looked back to you, unsure about what to say.
“You.” you completed the sentence for him. After all, you had been hearing this statement for over twenty times at night talking to him.
He let out a quiet hiss as the alcohol glazed through one of the deeper cuts and you let out a short apology.
“Isn’t it great though?” you asked. “You are being you. You cannot be replaced by anyone else boo.”
“It hurts to see my face like this, with dark circles around my eyes and shit. And people still ask questions about my face.” He muttered. “I looked so shitty and I lost it and broke the mirror.” He confessed shyly.
You looked back to him and smiled briefly. “It’s alright. I will clean the room after I clean you up. It has been a while since you had a breakdown, we should call it an improvement yeah?”
He nodded and watched you focus on bandaging his hands up. He was in awe. You never saw him as a mess he thought he was. He loved you, and you loved him.
“How did I even end up finding you?” He mumbled, and you hummed back in response. “I couldn’t even reply to my friends’ texts properly or take my meds normally on time and there’s you. Like an angel. Guarding my ugly messy ass. I don’t deserve you.”
You gasped at him, tears welling up in your eyes. Grabbing a black rose from the vase at the corner of the counter, you slipped it behind his ear slowly and pushed a strand of hair away from his face. You held his large hands with your smaller ones and said to him,
“I am the one who doesn’t deserve you, my sweet angel.”
You leaned in with your tippy toes and pecked him on his forehead, and you both closed your eyes to treasure the moment.
Corpse looked up to you and cupped your face. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, sweetheart.” You smiled, “I am your guardian angel after all. Now let’s get you back onto the floor, yeah?”
You watched him carefully slid back onto the floor and slowly walked towards the door like a child. He looked back at you, waiting for you to come along with him.
“Let me clean your eyepatch first boo,” you reminded him as you reached for it and washed it in the sink.
“Ohh yeah the stream is still going,” he realised, “oh no…”
“You will be fine,” you reassured him as you helped him put on his eyepatch, keeping the rose on his ear, “the fans will understand. You needed a break.”
“Stay?” He asked you, pouting, as you have arrived back in front of his computer.
“Always, darling.” You pulled up a chair next to him and held his hand while he continued the stream, chatting back happily to his friends telling them he was okay now, and everything is fine.
“I’m good now, my guardian angel is here.” He looked at you smiling as he took your hand and gave it a kiss.
Illness and welfare might have taken his adolescence away, but you were going to make sure he would have the best part of it with you, even if it was a few years late.
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☁️ taglist
@weeblyheaux @sicnesa @shinyyoonie @propertyofdindjarin @locallolli @meiiyue @agustdpeach @cupicchino @reddeserths @the0nlychrissy @sunset-d-rive @annshit @brynaven3552 @sloppycoochie-com @literallyobsessedfandoms @inkhearthes @danny-devitowo @moneybagmara @susceptible-but-siriusexual @wildflowerwhore @im-slowly-dying-but-its-okay @hartsyvibes @arghm8ty @buckyluvrs @simpforsimka @harryscurls21 @sucker-for-my-fandoms @95lover @princezukohere @arossebyanyothername @letsloveimagines @unknown-and-invisible @emmapotato88 @babyhoneystvles @havehope2k16 @bbybarness @leilanixx @rd-crew @sunnsettee @baby-jichu @yoongi-holland @teenloves @xaestheticalien @yongboxerrr @simonsbluee @cherry-piee @jules-and-gemss @11116i @pinkrosezx @whathasateezdonetome @atsumubabe @xxkatgotyourtonguexx @mae-musicbitch @gday5sos @melmachh @janndishsstuff @sophiaedits @bombardia @iamsuchasimp @ecwashburn1129 @phoenixambers @wineandionysus @heartbroken-writer @eternalteaaars @undead-nyx @unwxtedxoxo @lauravic @main-feetoffthetable @mythicalamphitrite @ukiyolixx @strangenerdsstuff @sophiaedits @anyasthoughts @nightdayrenegade @corpse-mcyt @daviddobriksleftnut @carleywhittaker @vincent-stargogh @musicxliife @gr4ssie @a-damsel-butmakeitlesbian @laazullii @mkitrainhoe @hstylesphoto
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stuckyxren · 3 years
Day 1 Stucky fic: High Blood Pressure
Authors note: I don’t own the MCU. ALSO, read my previous post for an explanation and back story.
Summary: At a follow up appointment, you find out you are starting to have high blood pressure issues. You attempt to go about your day after the appointment, but the boys have other ideas.
Warnings: Talks to blood pressure issues, anxiety, very slight cursing. FLUFF.
You just recently got over the flu. Even though Steve is fully immune to everything and has a faster metabolism, your body is still the same. The serum heightened the manly things in Steve, but you were also sickly and the serum seemed to give you a regular immunity. You still have the muscle mass and metabolism of a super soldier though.
Bucky and Steve had Bruce convince you to visit him for a full check up. Your asthma issues flare when your sick and the flu had no mercy on you. The boys were constantly hovering. Humidifiers, vics, soup, medicine, and WATER were given to you. SOOOO much water. They took care of every need and monitored you very closely.
Today, you finally felt close to normal. Bruce wanted to check your lungs and make sure that they sounded good before clearing you for work and light duty with the avengers.
Sitting down on a comfy chair in the med bay, Bruce got to work with checking your vitals. Steve and Bucky sat in either side of you and waited patiently for Bruce to get started with checking on your lungs.
After the blood pressure cuff deflated, Bruce pulled his glasses to the bridge of his nose and looked at the screen. “Huh.” He mumbled, turning to grab a smaller cuff and place it on your wrist.
“What is it?” You asked, trying your hardest not to squirm.
“Huh?” Bruce asked, chewing on the top of his pen as he waited for the results. “Oh. Your blood pressure is pretty high. I’m just rechecking it.” He explained, just as the cuff deflated again. “Hmm. “ Bruce wrote down the number and took off the cuff. He remained silent as he tapped the pen on the desk and pulled up your charts to have a look.
“Banner. What is it?” Bucky asked, getting on edge. He didn’t like not knowing and he could tell that Bruce was worried about something that he saw on that screen.
“Her blood pressure is very high.” He said. “Like, very high. From her charts, it looks like her blood pressure is normally high the first time I take it, but lowers to a normal level after the appointment. So, I’ll check it again when we get finished up here.”
We all nodded and let Bruce go about the exam. After listening to your heart and lungs, Bruce concluded that you were on the mend and out of the woods, so you just needed to take it easy so you don’t backslide. Then, Bruce asked for some blood work. It seemed that he didn’t have any current blood work on file. You had successfully avoided it for 3 years. The last set they have is from when you got hurt during the civil war and you were unconscious.
You have a huge fear of needles, but you never let anyone know. Your fear stems from the super soldier serum injection. You had a slight fear before the experiment, but nothing like the fear you have now.
“Before that, let me check your blood pressure again.“Bruce said.
Hooking the cuff on your wrist, Bruce stepped back and leaned against his desk. Unbeknownst to him, you were trying to think calming thoughts as the machine went to work.
When the machine went off, Bruce’s eyes got wide. “Umm, that’s higher than before.”
The air got thick. The boys were now on high alert on either side of you. Sweat broke out on the back of your neck and under your lip. You could see the worry all over Bruce’s face and that scared the shit out of you.
You leaned back as you started feeling the room get hot. The air seemed too think to breathe in. Your ears started ringing and your hands began to shake. The thought of the impending bloodwork and the knowledge that something was wrong with you that had Bruce worried was too much. Your brain couldn’t cope.
While Steve was questioning Bruce about what was going on and the possible causes, Bucky was watching you. He saw the change in your mood immediately. The flash of panic that crossed your face was quick, but the signs were there. Bucky reached for your shaky hands.
“Hey sweetheart. You okay?” He asked, attempting to draw your attention. He watched you carefully, but he could tell you didn’t hear him. “Steve.” Bucky said sharply, catching your other partner’s attention.
Steve turned and quickly realized what was happening. “Doll.” Steve called, touching your elbow.
You yelped at his touch. It was too close to where they normally draw your blood and your brain was on high alert. You slammed into the side of the chair closest to Bucky, hitting your rib cage on the arm rest. The air was sucked out of you.
Bucky was quick to pull you out of the chair and push the small row away as he lowered you to the ground. Bruce stepped back, along with a guilty looking Steve, as they both observed the situation.
“Hey. Hey. Shhhhh.” Bucky called, using one hand to cover yours over the achy injury and the other to tilt your face to meet his. “Breathe. It was Steve.”
“You are in the med bay at Avengers tower.” Steve started the mantra, kneeling behind Bucky. “You are safe. Bucky and I are here. Bruce is here. You are safe.” He repeated it over and over to you, grounding you.
Eventually, you started repeating it and finally calmed down, allowing Bucky to pull you into his arms. While you had your head buried into his neck, Bruce asked if you would feel more comfortable getting your blood work done right there. Once you nodded, Bruce made quick work of getting all the blood he needed from you. Bucky held you close the whole time and Steve ran his hand through your hair and whispered to you as Bruce worked.
Once Bruce was finished, he asked Steve to check your blood pressure for a couple weeks and report back if anything was wrong. Then, Steve took you from Bucky and they thanked Bruce as you guys left.
“Wanna take a nap doll?” Steve asked you gently. He knows you love your naps.
“Cuddles?” You whispered in reply.
“Yes. Cuddles.” Steve chuckled, earning a snort from Bucky.
“We gotta get something in your belly first.” Bucky pipped up. “How about a protein shake?”
You nodded sleepily into Steve’s neck, throwing a lazy thumbs up over his shoulder. Both boys chuckled as they entered the apartment. Steve sat you on the kitchen counter as Bucky rummaged through the fridge for one of your shakes. Steve stood between your legs and ate a quick snack while you snuggled into his embrace.
Once Steve was finished, he took the protein shake from Bucky, stuck a straw in it, and held it up for your half asleep form while Bucky had his own snack. Once you were all satisfied, Steve carried you to the bedroom.
Bucky grabbed your clothes and the boys helped you change. They got you undressed and put Bucky’s red Henley on you and threw your pj pants (aka Steve’s boxers) on the dresser. The boys stripped down to their boxers and got in bed with you.
Bucky cuddled from behind, winding his metal arm around your waist to keep you cool. Steve cuddled you firmly to his chest and played with your hair while he stared at the ceiling.
“Jarvis. Close the black out curtains.” You mumbled into Steve’s chest.
“As you wish my lady.” The AI replied.
Once the room was swept into total darkness, you easily drifted to sleep in the arms of your boys. All worries forgotten for now and saved for later. You are safe. You are in Avengers tower. Bucky and Steve are here. You are safe.
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lilysdaydreams · 4 years
For Them
→ Pairing : Corpse Husband X Fem!Reader
→ Genre : fluff.
→ Warnings : Swearing, Reader panicking a bit.
→ Request : Heya! I was thinking maybe a corpse x reader where the reader is playing among us with him and the gang and they use the proximity mic and he walks past her to hear her singing and she’s kept her singing like a MAJOR secret because she’s shy about it- idk you don’t have to do it if ya don’t feel like it it’s just an idea 💛
→ A/N : Oh my god, did Lily finally finish writing something??? YES SHE DID. Pretty happy with this, so I hope you guys enjoy as well! Sorry for any spelling mistakes :) Requests are open!
You grabbed the water on the table, moving to the side and out of the camera to quickly take a few sips. You could hear the rest of the group still yelling about the previous game. You laughed quietly hearing Peter and Rae yell at each other.
Looking over at chat you hummed as you took  in the questions.
"How much longer am I streaming?" you read out the question.
"Probably a few more games. Maybe like 30 more minutes. I wanna go get dinner soon." you mumbled as you kept on scanning the chat.
A random question caught your eye.
"Do I sing?" you read out with a laugh.
"Wow, that's such a random question oh my god. Um, I used to want to be a singer when I was a kid," you started leaning back in your chair. You looked at the ceiling reminiscing and chuckled when you remembered the concerts you used to throw for your parents.
"I used to get my parents to be the audience and I would sing all my different songs for them. When they weren't free, I would do it for all of my plushies on my bed. Oh my god, I probably have old videos in the basement or something."
You smiled wistfully, looking back onto the screen.
"Those were good times," you muttered.
Looking back onto chat, your eyes widened at the amount of  "SING FOR US" messages.
"Woah guys, calm down, that was when I was a kid. I don't sing seriously you know that right?" you questioned, laughing at how fast the chat was going.
"Okay okay," you said smiling when they didn't stop. "Lemme ju- Oh wait" you cut yourself off seeing the words "IMPOSTER" light up your screen.
"LETS GOOOOO" you yelled, turning your mic on again for the game. Everyone's voice slowly faded as people went different ways. You  stuck with Lily, both of you going straight to medbay.
"Lilyyyyy" you said dragging her name out.
"Y/N" she said doing the same to you.
You giggled, and asked her if she had med scan.
"Nope, I have the inspecting the sample one."
"Ohh okay," you said getting on the med scan and pretending to scan. You watched as Lily finished her task, saying a quiet "bye" and rushing off to the next task.
You sighed, moving off the scan and starting to walk towards weapons. "Lily's so nice, I'm so glad I got to meet her through this. Like, she's the absolute sweetest I swear, I'm hoping that I get to m-" you got cut off by a body being reported.
"Already?" you asked, others echoing. You gasped when you saw who was killed, immediately whining about how someone could kill Sykunno, while playfully glaring at Sean's name, who was the other imposter.
"Okay, so the body was at reactor," revealed Rae.
"I was in the cafeteria, going towards weapons. Me and Lily were in Medbay before but she left before me," you said leaning back.
Lily confirmed this, also stating that she was in weapons now.
Sean, Corpse and Felix all said they were in Electrical, and Poki said she'd been in storage.
You looked at the chat again, not saying anything while the rest said where they were.
The chat was still spamming "Sing please!" and you looked back to the game without giving an answer. If you were being honest, then what you had said before was a lie. You still sang. Hell, it had been your dream to release your songs ever since you started writing at 15. You had started singing by singing for your parents. Ever since their car crash though, you couldn't even think about  performing for anyone else. If you couldn't even  perform for them, then what was the point? For some reason, whenever you thought of  singing in front of someone, you couldn't even get the words out.
You sighed and skipped voting as the timer ticked down. No one was ejected and you started humming slightly as you moved away from everyone.
"Hmm should I sing you a song everyone?" you asked your voice very low. You breathed deeply reminding yourself that technically no one was in the room with you, and it was only your fans watching, a small community of people who were the sweetest you had ever seen.
Going into reactor and moving down to the very end so that no one could see you, you breathed in deeply and started singing lightly, noticing that the lights were off, the blinking arrow in the corner of your screen.
"I think we could do it if we tried
If only to say you're mine
Sofia, know that you and I
Shouldn't feel like a crime
You know I'll do anything you ask me to
But oh my God, I think I'm in love with you
Standin' here alone now, think that we -"
"Y/N what the fuck your voice is -"
You screamed before the person could even finish what they were saying, hitting the "kill" button without even realising, and letting out a gasp when you saw the black body flop over.
"Oh god, oh my god, what did I do?" you whispered staring at Corpses body, half of your brain freaking out over the fact that he had heard you and the other freaking out what to do. You quickly vented, coming out in electrical and pretending to do the download.
"Oh my god, guys!" you whispered furiously, playfully glaring at the camera. "This is all your fault, do you see what I did, I killed someone with my singing... I just got so scared because he came out of absolutely NOWHERE, oh my god guys." Leaving electrical, you heard someone yelling and headed closer to them laughing nervously when you found Toast and Sean yelling at each other.
"Hey guys," you said voice being unnoticed because of all the yelling and you moved into comms pretending to do a task there.
Just as you did that, Pokis body was found, and you gasped as you realised that Sean had killed three people so now there were 5 left. Toast was dead, which means that he just died, which left Sean, you, Rae, Lily and Leslie.
There was a stunned silence for a second as everyone took in the 4 kills and then Rae immediately  attacked.
"Ahh, the body was in cafeteria. Like bottom cafeteria."
"Um, So I just wanna add something, I was coming from the electrical right, and I was walking to comms, and Toast just passed in the middle of storage. I came into comms and Sean is here as well.
"Yup, shes right, toast just left and she came in." confirmed Sean.
"Well, I saw Leslie at the start of the round, we stuck together and then I was with Poki for a bit."
"Yeah okay, but where were you?"
"Well, I went to weapons then I went down into comms and storage and then I went electrical when lights were called and everyone was ther-" she said cutting herself off and gasping.  “Guess who WASNT there? Y/N wasn’t there!”
“Well yeah, I just thought someone else would do it” you replied. “I was all the way in upper engine and I couldn’t be bothered. You all did lights and I was doing my tasks in reactor and then I went to electrical and then I was waking to comms, and then I saw toast and then I got into comma and saw Sean. Even if I was the imposter and killed Toast, I definitely couldn’t have been able to kill Poki.”
“Yeah no, I still think it’s you,” said Rae after a pause, Leslie and Lily both giggling at her.
Lily chimed in then as well, “Yeah I haven’t seen y/n this whole round at ALLLLL, so I think its her as well."
Ignoring your protests, they all voted you out, and you shrugged at the camera as your character was thrown off the  ship.
"I think I'm okay with that guys, I was way too nervous to still play," you muttered, now looking at the chat.
"Guys," you whined suddenly remembering. "I was only meant to sing for you, I didn't want anyone else to hear it, Corpse literally came out of nowhere. I hope he wasn't deafened by my screeching," you grimaced.
The word "Victory" came onto your screen and you huffed out  a laugh as the lobby exploded with noise.
"Lily! I told you it was Sean!" exclaimed Rae.
"Sean was on a killing spree," you added in, sipping your water. "I only killed like two people cuz I was distracted, I swear he literally carried the whole game.”
“He backstabbed me!” said Sykkuno and you could hear the smile in his voice. “I was doing upload while he was right next to me and we were talking about how great this group was and he just killed me right there!”
Suddenly all the attention was on Sykkuno as everyone started cooing.
“Awww, Sykkuno, did you just compliment us?” Rae yelled, lots of other chiming in to tease Sykunno and him ending up stuttering because he got flustered.
“Alright guys,” you said when everyone quieted down. "I think I'm gonna go now."
"NOOOOO" yelled Rae, everyone else echoing her.
You smiled and quickly said your goodbyes, logging off the game and quickly saying bye to the viewers and ending that as well.
Slumping into your chair, your breath quickened. "Oh my god," you whispered, the realization creeping up on you that you had just sung in front of nearly ten thousand people and that Corpse had heard you sing. You and Corpse had met through Among Us with Toast inviting you to the lobby. You had fun playing with him and you'd both followed each other, but most of your interaction was in games. Like sure you'd messaged each other a few times but those were only brief conversations! and sure, maybe you had a small tiny crush on the guy but like WHO WOULDNT? He was sweet, nice and you related to him a lot. The point was, you were absolutely not ready to sing in front of him. You stood up from the chair and went to the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water to calm down.
Your phone rang and you grabbed it from the counter, choking on the water as you saw that it was from Corpse.
He had never called you before. Like you said you simply weren't that close.
Coughing out a "What the fuck?" you answered the call, grabbing onto the counter for support.
"Hey," you said, confused when there was no sound.
"Uh yeah, Hi Y/N. Its Corpse."
"Ah yeah, I see." You facepalmed yourself, rubbing your forehead. What the fucks was wrong with you.
"Um yeah, so uh I just- You know in the game? Um I kind of - well - I kind of heard you singing, um um, that song."
You stilled, not a breath coming out of you.
"Your voice, its -" he paused, letting out a huge breath. "It's absolutely beautiful."
You opened your mouth not even sure what you were gonna say but he continued talking.
"I just, I cant get it out of my mind. Have you heard some of my music?"
"Um yeah, I-I listened to it when I first heard about you. Your songs are so good!" you exclaimed, finally being able to move your mouth
"Do you think maybe we could do a song together sometime? Your voice would be absolutely amazing on one of the tracks I'm currently working on, its a chill one that I have, kind of like Agoraphobic," he asked, rambling through the sentence.
"Um, Oh my god," you muttered, still confused on if this was actually happening. "Yeah, Yeah definitely that would be so cool."
"Oh. Oh that's great, I-I didn't think you'd agree, that's great, I can send you a sample and the lyrics but -"
"Um," you started cutting him off. "If I'm being honest," you muttered, shoulders coming up to your ears. "I'm actually really conscious about my singing. Like this was the absolute first time I ever even sang on stream, so like sorry- I'm ruining it, but this is just a bit overwhelming for me. It's a great opportunity, and if you want I can definitely try but please don't have big expectations of me okay?" you asked biting your lip slightly. "I'm not that great."
There was a second of silence and then he whispered lightly, "Even if you don't believe it, just from those 30 seconds, I could already tell how amazing your voice was."
Your breath caught but a second later he had already moved on.
"If you want to, we could do a few singing sessions together? Just mess around have some fun? That way you can get a bit more comfortable and have some fun," he suggested, voice changing to a shy one that you hadn't ever heard from him.
"Yeah sure," you agreed, smiling. "Lets try that."
3 months later, you guys finally released your song. Titled "For Them", you sang about your parents who you had loved dearly, and he sang about his parents and their distant relationship. It showed two different perspectives, two different stories, two different lives, and you both loved it so much.
The song was a success, with fans pouring into your channel and small community and well, your life. Most importantly though, along with all of it, came a mask-wearing man, who held you on the days that it was hard for you, and who you held on the nights that were hard for him.
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nanaminsonyfans · 3 years
Patched Up
anon ; Hey ,im not sure your doing requests or not but if possible could you write one where the reader is in med school and Mark comes in to her room in the middle of the night needing to be patched up? If possible could it be angsty or NSFW? Thank you (◍•ᴗ•◍)
a/n; this sounds really cute actually!!! sorry its short.
warnings; gender neutral reader and fluff
Mark was pretty messed up. You didnt know he was Invincible, but you were gonna find out today. You were cramming for your test two days from now when you heard something fall from your window, breaking it. You were in your bedroom when you heard it.
Instinctively you grabbed the closest object, a text book. You tip toed to the living room and raise the book over the shadowy figures head-
"Wait!" A familiar voice yells, causing you to drop the book. "M-Mark?" You're suddenly flooded with worry and concern for him. You flip on the lights as you look at him. "What the- yellow blue- oh my god. Invincible!?"
"Uh..." He gulps and takes off his mask, looking up at you. His face was swollen, bloody, bruised, and it looked...broken? "Yeah...I'm...that guy....Mark and Invincible..." Your...boyfriend? said. "You're a superhero? and you didnt- th-that doesnt matter." You ran to your bathroom and grabbed your first aid kit. It was like heavy duty shit.
"What happened?" You ask softly and start dabbing at his cuts. He hissed slightly at the pain. "I-I kinda...sucked at defeating a few bad guys...got em in the end though." He laughed bitterly. You just frowned at that as you cleaned the dried blood from his face.
"Why didn't you tell me?" "Didnt wanna worry you..." "Well you did! You're worrying me more now. How many times have you've been hurt?" You sigh as you grab a butterfly bandage for him. "Y/n...i'm sorry." You look at him with sad eyes that make him feel worse. "Its...nice that i have an amazing partner that is willing to patch me up?" He says in a lighter tone.
"Hmm, more like lucky." You smile softly and kiss his head. "Get in the shower. I can study tomorrow." You coo at him. Even if you were mad, he was your boyfriend, and you care for him. Through thick and thin.
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Pairing: Blake Gallo x reader
Summary: Y/N and Blake have only been dating for a few months, and when someone Y/N saved begins to constantly flirt with her, Blake begins to get a little jealous
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: mentions of an allergic reaction and a slightly heavy makeout session
Word Count: 1,398 Words
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“Blake,” I breathe out as he cornered me against the front of the washing machine, his lips dancing across my neck.
“Hmm,” Blake hummed against my skin, a sensation that sent shivers down my spine.
“What if someone sees us? This is the laundry room. It’s not exactly the most concealed place,” I point out.
“Everyone knows we’re together, so I don’t see the problem,” Blake said and untucked my shirt from my pants to run his hands up and down the skin on my sides.
“I know, but I’d prefer to do these things in private, like at your place after shift,” I suggest. Just then, the alarm bell rang throughout the firehouse, and the dispatcher came over the speakers.
“Ambulance 61, person down at 625 South Wood Street,” the dispatcher announced.
Blake groaned. “Oh come on!”
“We will finish this later,” I tell him and peck his lips before running towards the apparatus floor. I met up with Sylvie near the ambulance as I was tucking in my shirt, and together we climbed into our assigned seats. Sylvie always took the driver’s seat, and I always took the seat next to her.
“So uh, what was all that?” Sylvie asked.
“What was all what?” I question.
“Your shirt was untucked,” Sylvie noted. “What happened there?”
“N-nothing,” I stutter, my face turning a deep shade of red. “I was just using the bathroom.”
“Uh-huh,” Sylvie murmured. While everyone knew that Blake and I were together, I didn’t like talking about our relationship to our friends and co-workers. I liked keeping everything between the two of us. That included PDA and whatever else the two of us decided to do in private. So, I was not going to mention the little event that had happened minutes prior. In a few minutes, we pulled up to the correct address and grabbed our things from the back of the ambo. Upon entering the house, I heard no noise at all.
“Hello? Anyone here?” I shout into the house.
“Over here!” a man called out. Sylvie and I followed the voice into the dining room in the back of the house where there were two men, both of whom were on the floor. The one who talked to us looked fine. His friend, on the other hand, did not. His face was swelling up, and his breath was coming out in wheezes.
“Sir, my name is Sylvie. This is Y/N. What’s your name? What happened?” Sylvie quizzed as the two of us bent down.
“M-my name’s Andre. I-I don’t k-know what happened,” Andre stammered out. “Noah asked if I wanted to come over for dinner so we could watch the football game together, and after taking a few bites of food, this happened.” I glanced up at the table to see what Noah had eaten, and once I saw that it was shellfish, an idea popped into my head.
“Andre, has Noah ever eaten shellfish before today?” I ask.
Andre shook his head. “Neither of us have. We wanted to finally try it.”
“Well, shellfish is the most common allergy in the world, but very few people actually know they have it,” I inform Andre and grab the epinephrine from my bag. Seconds after injecting the epi into Noah’s arm, the swelling on his face started to go down, and it became easier for him to breathe.
“Oh my god. Noah! Don’t ever scare me like that again!” Andre lectured his friend.
Noah chuckled weakly. “Sorry.”
“We’re going to take him to Chicago Med just so that the doctors can examine him and make sure everything is okay. You’re free to follow us if you’d like,” Sylvie told Andre. After dropping Noah off at the hospital, Sylvie and I made our way back to Firehouse 51, and I thought I would never see either Noah or Andre again. Little did I know I’d be wrong.
Next shift had been pretty relaxing so far. We hadn’t had any calls, so everyone was just lounging around in either the break room or on the apparatus floor. I was hanging out with Blake by Truck 81, and as we were talking, a familiar face walked into the firehouse.
“Noah, hey,” I greet the man and make my way over to him.
“It’s Y/N, right?” Noah questioned.
I nodded. “That’s me. How are you?”
“I’m good,” Noah replied. “The doctors confirmed my allergy of shellfish, so now I know to never touch it again. They also told me that if you hadn’t gotten to me when you did, I might’ve died. I guess I just wanted to come say thank you.” Noah then produced a beautiful bouquet of lilies from behind his back and handed them to me. “Here. These are for you.”
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” I tell him and take the flowers from his hand, inhaling the pleasant aroma that emitted from the lilies.
“I know, but I wanted to,” Noah confessed. “It’s the least I can do for you saving me. I uh, I actually have to go, but I hope I see you around sometime.” And with that, Noah turned around and left the firehouse. I smiled as I made my way back to Blake, my gaze still trained on the flowers in my hand.
“Who was that?” Blake asked and glanced between the flowers and the exit.
“Just some guy Sylvie and I saved last call,” I respond.
“He brought you flowers,” Blake pointed out.
“Like I said, we saved his life,” I reiterate. Blake frowned, and I sighed, taking a step towards him to place my hand on his shoulder. “He’s nobody special, Blake. I’ve still only got eyes for you.” That made my boyfriend perk up a little bit. “I’m gonna go put these in the break room. I’ll be right back.” For the second time, I believed that I would never see Noah again. But like before, I would be wrong.”
Time-skip to Next Week
Seeing Noah again was kind of weird. I mean, I had former patients stop by to thank me, but usually once they say their thank yous, I never see them again. For Noah to come back, I was getting the sense that something was up.
“Hey, Noah. What are you doing here?” I question.
“I came to see you,” Noah answered.
“Oh. What for?” I quiz.
“I feel like we’ve had a connection ever since we first met, and I can’t stop thinking about you. So I came down to see if you wanted to go on a date with me,” Noah proposed. I sighed, finally understanding what was happening here. I had heard about this a lot since I worked in a firehouse, and I guess it was finally my turn to deal with it.
“Noah, there’s this idea called transference. It basically means that someone falls for the person that saved them. I think you’ve gone over what happened to you so many times, and you’ve attached yourself to me because I’m someone who made you feel safe. But you don’t have actual feelings for me. What you’re feeling, it’ll go away sometime soon. And I actually have a boyfriend,” I add and rock back and forth on the balls of my feet.
“Oh,” Noah murmured. “I feel so embarrassed now.”
“Don’t be,” I counter. “Multiple people have been in your shoes.”
“Well, I guess I should go. Thank you though, for everything,” Noah told me before leaving the firehouse. As soon as he left, I was joined by Blake.
“What’d he want?” Blake asked me.
“He asked me out on a date,” I reply.
“He did what? What’d you say?” Blake questioned.
“I told him no, obviously. I have you, remember? He had the classic transference thing. You know, where someone falls for the person who saved them,” I explain. “Now, after this crazy week, all I want to do is make out with my amazing boyfriend, and I believe the laundry room is empty right now.”
“I thought you didn’t like kissing in there because someone could see us,” Blake exclaimed.
“Right, but I’m feeling a little risky today,” I claim. “So, you in?”
Blake smiled. “I’m so in.”
“Then lets go,” I say and grab onto his hand to drag him to the laundry room, where my crazy week would only get better.
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