#though i haven't talked about them much on this blog... it's still kind of new
goodluckclove · 7 days
On Not Writing
Hi! I'm back. i had a fun two days of doing absolutely nothing writing related, including scrolling this blog. Wife and I played a lot of Valheim. Took a lot of bike rides. Watched Interstellar for the first time - pretty good, kind of silly at the end. It was my first two-day weekend in probably three months, so it was much-needed, hard as it was.
And it got me thinking of some things I wanted to say to the community here. It's especially targeted towards younger writers, of which I used to be one, but I think it can apply to anyone who finds themselves despairing over how much they aren't writing.
Let's imagine you're sitting with me in this coffee shop. It's an overcast Portland morning and I just inadvertently vivisected a croissant. And as we sip our drinks (I ordered a lavender latte), you lament to me. I don't know what to do, Clove. I just haven't been writing!
You know what I say to that?
This is a new hot take of mine that I, once again, worry about upsetting people with. Because I see a lot of guides here about how to write, or how to write consistently, or how to write through writers block. But I haven't seen a single person talking about the inverse - how to not write. Or - perhaps more accurately - how to exist as a human being separate from your identity as a writer.
This is a problem for me.
Listen - I started young. I was 12 when I wrote my first novella, and 13 when I completed my first novel the next year. Adults in my life were impressed by the big-eyed child writing so many words. They encouraged me. I wrote two more novels, and they continued to encourage me. Because of the potential, right? I could be successful. I could be famous.
People stopped pushing me to try other things. I saw I was getting validation as a writer, so that only pushed me to continue fixating over something I was already enjoying and getting pretty good at. Dad had me writing two thousand words every day, because that's what Stephen King did. At 16 I finished four full-length novels, which everyone thought was really cool and interesting. I was also sporting dual hand braces every day throughout the winter to cope with the carpal tunnel I still struggle with to this day.
There is encouraging a person in their passion. There is also poisoning them with the belief that their self-worth comes from pursuing that passion. This is entirely, absolutely, even more true for younger writers and artists.
I am enraged for the young writer in my heart and in my head. Because they worried about a lot of the same things I see people worry about on here. Oh, if I don't write I'm not a writer! And to an extent they're right, as to be a writer you need to at some point write some stuff.
But here's the fucking thing, Young Clover - a child should not strive for the work ethic of a professional adult. You did not need to write 2k words a day to be a writer. You were a writer as soon as you updated that terrible Invader Zim fanfiction you wrote when you were 10.
And more than that, though, the most important thing to a person should not be their job and aspirations. If you don't write every day, you're still a writer. If you've never written anything, you aren't - and that's fine. You might write something later down the line, or you might not. Either way you are still entitled to exist on the planet and capable of living a full and passionate and wonderful life.
Hear my words: being a writer is not more important than being a human being.
If you aren't writing right now, maybe you're not supposed to be. Maybe you're meant to be nurturing your relationships, or nurturing yourself. Maybe you're supposed to be volunteering. Or meeting new people. Or gaining a new field of knowledge. Or getting really good at making focaccia bread. Or watching every Mark Wahlberg movie.
I don't like to hear this any more than you do. If I was told that I, for some reason, was not allowed to write for the rest of my life, I would be miserable for maybe a long time. After that passed it's my hope that I would move on and do other things, because my worth is not dependent on being a writer. I like doing it. I like being it, and I hope to be one for the rest of my life. But I never want it to be the first thing people see when they look at me. I don't even like bringing it up in conversation with people I don't already know.
So yeah, if you have "writer's block", maybe consider putting down the pickaxe and getting some rest. Step away entirely from the large boulder that stands between you being the next Stephen King or Brandon Sanderson or Teen Dystopia Writer no. 2321. Take a break, and I mean an ACTUAL break, not the kind where you spend the whole time sulking about work.
I am legitimately begging the writers on here to have developed lives and interests outside of writing. I am begging because I do not have that and it has consistently been one of the hardest things of my life.
You prioritize living outside your writing and it will improve the quality of your writing when you get back to it, as it'll allow you a frame of reference that extends beyond our niche industry. Or it might make you realize that, while you enjoy writing, what you really love is ceramics. Or game developing. Or mutual-aid activism. Or the movies of Mark Wahlberg.
It is not your job to treat yourself like you already have a dozen deadlines and an audience teetering on the edge of disappointment. That's ultimately not going to help you. Your job on this earth is to exist fully, for the sake of the universe that wants so desperately to live vicariously through you.
So breathe. Breathe and calm down. You aren't a failure and there's nothing you have to prove. All you have to do today is drink some water and have a nice snack while you look at a cloud.
Please be kind. All of us need to be kinder to each other and to ourselves.
That's all I want to say. I love you dearly. Please let me know if you need anything.
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txttletale · 7 months
bundletober #7: this party sucks
hello and welcome to bundletober, the numinous ritual that shall call down the damnation of angels upon our deserving heads. today's game is this party sucks by beating the binary
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i won't beat around the bush: i was primed to not like this game much, which is maybe uncharitable--but games making a big deal of how 'queer' they are in their marketing copy always puts me off. this might stem back to my love-hate relationship with thirsty sword lesbians and that game's chronic tone problem, or i might just be a cynical bitch. but this party sucks surprised me in a good way. it's a pretty simple game: it's about a single protagonist (control of whom rotates around the table) going to a bunch of parties to try not to think about their ex, having a bad time, and then thinking about their ex. it's the kind of razor-sharp concept that i think TTRPGs should tackle more (or, rather, that the hundreds of TTRPGs tackling should get more attention) and imo it pulls it off well.
i've been talking a bit on the horizon machine blog about safety tools and which ones i like and don't like--this party sucks does something surprising and invents a brand new safety tool that i actually like a lot. i mean, it's by the author's own admission half safety tool and half play aid and half joke. but it does all those things really well
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the IFCOBPC card is a really funny and fantrastic concept and it fits perfectly in this game -- it's a game about a queer awkward twentysomething and that also seems to be the obvious target audience, and it's a play and design space i haven't seen explored--a way to signal this kind of over-the-table emotional response without a complex mechanical framework or the extremely serious and weighty context of x-cards & the like
the other thing i like about this party sucks is that it's specifically three-player. this is a game for three people to play, there are three books, you rotate them round once each, and everything in the game is designed for that. i like this kind of restriction, because it's much easier to design tightly around three people than, say, '3-5' -- and it shows! the division of play roles into the Protagonist, the Venue, and Other People at the party makes perfect sense and gives everyone a fair amount to do. as someone who was a 'forever DM' back when i still played d&d, i now adore games that clearly delineate and distribute narrative power and responsibility.
one last thing--this party sucks has an epilogue mechanic, a real ending. and i love that! ending one-shot games in a satisfying way can often feel difficult, and having a set of prompts asking you to decide on what happens after the game is over is a great way to provide guidance for that. ultimately, though, as much as i talk about tight design, what really made the focus on queerness in this party sucks work for me when for the most part it doesn't in thirsty sword lesbians is the tone--there's a frank first-person tone, no attempt to put on a narratorial persona, only the designer talking about the game from what is clearly and unabashedly their own perspective.
if you want me to look kindly upon your game as a labour of love, talk openly about that love and about that labour in the game's text. you're allowed to do that--often, it will make that game better.
this party sucks is available for purchase as a digital download or a physical zine from itch.io
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hiskillingjar · 1 month
Hello! I really like your writing with Strade! If you’re up to it, can you come up with a scene where Strade is uncomfortably soft and gentle, talking to mc about movies and then tricks them into watching one of his livestreams.
okay so i saw this prompt, fucking loved it and did something completely different BUT in the same vein?? yes?? no??
whatever it's my blog
2300+ words, cw for uhhhhhh murder, snuff and necrophilia yayyy
"What're we watching?" Strade asked as he settled down next to you, cracking open a tall can of beer as he did so.
"Oh…j-just a movie."
You smiled politely, and awkwardly, as you adjusted yourself on the sofa, bringing your knees up to your chest and making yourself smaller as you pressed into the corner, giving him plenty of space to sit.
It had been a few months since the fateful night in the basement, since he'd collared and claimed you like an animal, and you were still a little…jumpy, to say the least.
And he obviously liked how jumpy you were, too.
"Heh, you're still so skittish. It's cute, you know." Strade chuckled pleasantly, reaching over to place a heavy arm around your shoulder and ruffling your hair as he did so. "Like you're my new, little pet or something, and I have to get you housetrained."
"Mph," You bit your lip as he pulled you in closer (thus negating your attempt to give him room), his side against yours, now running his fingers through your hair. "I guess so."
"And I still haven't gotten tired of it~" He teased, before taking a long swig from his can, smacking his lips as he swallowed, and lightly scratching the crown of your head with grubby fingernails. "So, what are you up to tonight?"
"Oh right," You sat up (not minding the contact as much as you should have), your eyes going back to the television. "I'm, um…like I said, I'm just watching a movie, just-" You swallowed as his fingers trailed down the back of your neck, towards your collar. "A horror movie."
"A horror movie, huh?" Strade smirked once more, his gaze softening with amusement for a moment as he started watching with you. An especially grisly scene was taking place when he walked in, a pair of giggling psychopaths filming a crying, bound woman as they taunted her with a knife, though he appeared less than interested as he watched. "And you're watching it all by yourself? Not scared?"
"No, I, uh…" You stammered as his hand gently curled around your neck. "I…I'm not scared. I don't get scared from movies, especially not movies like this."
"Oh, you don't?" Strade chuckled as he squeezed your neck, his eyes wandering down your body, to your thighs pressed to your chest, soft flesh spilling around your shorts. "Hm…that's pretty interesting, buddy. Don't you think that makes you kind of disturbed? Not reacting to…something so graphic?"
"It's…It's not that graphic." You murmured, though that was counteracted by just how grim the scene was becoming, as the tip of the knife toyed with flaps of skin and muscle. "I mean, it's kind of tame, actually. I've definitely seen worse."
"Hmm…" Strade thought about that for a second, taking yet another swig of his beer before setting it aside on the side table next to the couch. "Well, the fact that you can just…sit there and watch someone be killed and dismembered without flinching does seem a little…peculiar," He gave your head a teasing shake, chuckling. "And kind of ironic, ja?"
"Hmph," You pressed your knees a little tighter against your chest as you continued to watch the movie.
You didn't want to admit that he might have had a point…especially on the irony part.
"You know…we should test this out," Strade suggested after a few quiet moments of movie-watching, grinning widely before he stood to his feet and went searching for something in the cabinet beneath the TV, his body propped up on one knee. "See if you're really not scared of movies…"
"Test what? You asked.
"Well, these American films, they're cute but they are just," He started, his eyes going up as if searching for a word, a gesture he did somewhat often. "Lacking, right? They don't really get as visceral as they could, and everything just looks so fake anyway. No wonder you're not scared!"
"I guess," You shrugged your shoulders, watching as he sorted through a stack of DVDs and VHS tapes to find what he was looking for. You didn't say it, but you silently appreciate that in spite of many of his flaws, his collection of physical media was kind of impressive. "I mean, I've seen some European movies that get kind of fucked up and they still don't scare me. So, what were you thinking?"
If he brought out A Serbian Film, you might have asked him to kill you, right then and there.
"I was thinking that I could show you something a little more…graphic. Something closer to home." He said, glancing over his shoulder with an innocent smile (or as close to innocence as Strade could get). "And we could see if you…ya know, reacted like a normal person?"
"F-Fine…" You murmured softly, almost laughing as he popped open an unmarked VHS case and slid the tape into the player. "Looks like something old anyway…doubt it'll be scary at all."
"Don't be so presumptuous, liebling," He teased, standing back to his feet and sitting down heavily beside you. "Modern movies are garbage. You'll find way better scares in something older~"
"I have no doubt," You replied cryptically, as Strade took up the remote and started the VHS player.
After an initial buzz of static, the movie started.
Though, you had a sense that this wasn't really a movie…or, at least, it wasn't a normal movie.
The screen occupied the lens of a static camera, fixed on a pair of writhing, sweaty bodies on a thick plastic bed sheet as they had rough sex, the only sound coming from the speakers being their heavy breaths and desperate groans.
Strade let out a low chuckle as he watched the scene unfold on the screen, taking up his beer can again, his eyes roaming over every detail, and his free hand reaching over to squeeze your thigh.
His gaze remained steady and unfazed despite the graphic nature of the 'movie', but you didn't get the sense that he was particularly invested with this one either.
"Are you just showing me gay porn?" You asked through a frown, your tone a little flat as the 'bottom', a pale man (you assumed) with light blonde hair and dark tattoos on his arms and ribs, let out a desperate whine, pushing his backside more firmly against his partner's hips.
"Heh, I guess I am," Strade chuckled as he adjusted his grip, his hand squeezing your thigh tighter as he leaned back indulgently into the sofa and took another slow sip of beer. He gave you a teasing grin as he spoke again. "So, it's not really doing it for you, huh?"
"I mean, I was kind of expecting a horror movie or something," You replied, as the man's partner (tan skin, no tattoos and his face wasn't visible due to the camera focusing on the 'bottom'). "Not this."
"Is that so?" Strade asked, reaching down to gently urge your ankles over his lap, pushing your bodies that much closer together. "I wouldn't assume so much yet…keep watching."
So, you did.
You kept watching for another few minutes, as the bodies pressed together and the 'bottom' let out even louder moans and groans for "mehr, mehr, bitte", all the while, Strade stroking up and down your legs, up your knees, and ending back on your thighs, spread apart in his lap.
You sat up when you heard the two men speaking together.
The German was predictable (you had no doubt that he had more patriotic tastes when it came to porn), but as the 'bottom' shifted onto his back, allowing the 'top' to assume a missionary position, your eyes instantly widened.
"Is that…"
Strade smirked knowingly at your reaction, watching your wide eyes with amusement as he continued to let his fingers wander over your legs.
"Mm...is that what?"
You looked at him dumbfounded.
"Is that…you?"
It certainly seemed that way.
He looked younger, maybe your age (so the tape had to be at least fifteen years old), his arms and jaw were a little more well-defined (and non-scarred) and his hair was longer, but…it was Strade, it had to be.
"Well," He drawled with a shit-eating smirk. "It does look an awful lot like me, doesn't it?" He laughed, leaning in to get a better look at the screen, his fingers trailing even higher, up the front of your loose shorts and…tracing between your thighs. "Damn…I look good, don't I?"
You couldn't really argue with that…he did look pretty good.
He looked like the kind of guy you would have gone insane over in high school. Dark hair, tan skin, ambiguous bisexuality and metal hoops in each of his ears.
You took in a quiet gasp as his fingers brushed over your clit, feeling the slowly gathering wetness of your cunt.
"You like what you see, huh?" He asked, leaning in a little closer and brushing his lips over your ear. "Don't blame you. Everyone did back in the day."
He slid a finger inside of you, listening intently to your little breaths of pleasure, though they were pretty minor compared to the howling gasps of the 'bottom' on screen.
"Which isn't to say that I'm not a looker now, of course," He added with another low chuckle, his free hand kneading your thigh and pulling you closer in his lap. "But I was really fighting them off back then."
Not knowing what to say, you kept watching the tape.
The Strade on screen had his partner's legs hooked up high over his broad shoulders, forcing the skinnier body into an uncomfortable position but letting the camera see everything as his thick cock slid into his tight asshole. The 'bottom' threw his head back each time Strade thrust into him, his own, pierced cock bobbing uselessly against his tattooed belly, drooling cum on his pale skin.
And you were never much of a porn watcher, but…this was getting you kind of hot.
"Are you…getting a little excited?" He asked, his smirk widening as his thumb trailed over your erect clit and your body tightened involuntarily in his lap. "Are you wishing you were in his position, hm?"
"Who…" You started, your breathing a little heavy as he easily slid a second finger inside of you. "Who is that? Y-Your partner, I mean."
"Hm?" He blinked curiously, before a slightly mean grin came to his face. "Ah, I guess you could call him that, yeah." His fingers pressed a little deeper, rubbing at your more sensitive spots as the action on screen became a little more erratic and loud. "Truth be told, I think he might have been a little more into me than I was him. But, you know…" He shrugged. "I'm not one to say no to some fun."
"Mm," You moaned softly, pressing your face into his shoulder (he was softer now, but the muscle was still there) as he kept toying with your cunt, playing with you just as well as he played with the man on the tape.
"No, no, don't look away," He ordered softly, grabbing your face with his free hand and turning it back to the video playing. "Eyes up…you'll miss the best part if you don't look."
You let out a little whine, your body growing even tighter from the order, as you continued to watch.
The Strade on-screen had moved his strong hands (as strong as they are now) up to the pale man's neck while you were trying to hide your face. You knew the gesture, you had seen it in countless videos before and were even closely familiar with it in person.
"Stefan?" The speakers picked up on the breathless gasps from Strade as his hips stilled. "Stefan?"
You felt your blood run cold and your eyes widened.
"Stefan, wach auf! Stefan…?"
After a long moment, the Strade on-screen kneeled up, drew his (still hard) cock out of 'Stefan' and pushed shaking hands through his hair, staring down at the now dead body beneath him.
You swallowed tightly, trembling in his lap.
"You…killed him?"
"Well…I guess you could say that," Strade replied after a beat of silence, a little smirk, lit by the unnatural blue light of the television screen, slowly spreading across his lips despite the grim situation. "Guess I got a little…carried away, huh?"
"He didn't…do anything wrong," You murmured, taking in a little whimper as he brought his lips down against your neck and drove his fingers even deeper inside of you.
"Mmmm, do they ever?" Strade murmured, pressing another kiss to your neck as he continued to tease your clit, still hungry despite the dulled 'mood'. "I guess you're right, though, he was just…too vulnerable y'know? Too easy…a cute sucker in the wrong place at the wrong time."
He chuckled and nipped at your neck.
"A little bit like you."
The worst part was, the video…just kept going
You felt a morbid compulsion to keep watching though, despite your blatant disgust.
In spite of how much your brain was telling you not to, your eyes were pulled up towards the screen, no matter how much you wanted to look away.
Because how could you look away?
This was the one and only time you'd ever get to see a video like this…a video showcasing the truth behind the man sitting next to you.
You watched as the Strade on-screen stood to his feet, showing off an impressive physique (it was a little less impressive these days, thank god) and a still-hard cock, and paced out of shot…to retrieve a knife.
Not a bowie knife, like he used now, but a workman's knife.
You felt your body grow tense, and Strade rested his chin on your shoulder to watch with you, still finger-fucking you while you were both distracted.
"Here comes the best part…" He mumbled airily.
You watched as he knelt on the bed again, the plastic sheets creaking under his weight, and lowered the knife down to the dead body, using the blade to open its (you grimaced as your brain refused to properly acknowledge the body as human) sternum, blood streaming from the deep cut, and…
He slid his cock into the hot, wet opening in the body, letting out a low and ravenously hungry moan as his pace picked back up and he fucked the corpse harder than he had ever before.
"Oh god-" You gagged, reaching up to cover your mouth as you pressed your face back into his shoulder. "Strade…t-that's disgusting-"
"Ahh, there we go," He laughed, pressing another bite into your throat. "We found something that scared you, didn't we?~"
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
26 ASKS!! :DD THANK YALL!! 🎉🎂🎉
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@ardent-38 @lime-ether @piperjistic @elegysonnet @storylover2 @forestrests
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(Sorry I'm a bit late!)
:DD Thank you!! My favorite might be plain vanilla 😋💖
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I have definitely heard of it and seen it around. :0 And I got a good taste of it from SMG4s video on it XDD I've thought about watching it in the past. Though hearing about that widely accepted ship.. Ehhh,, I'm not so sure now.. <XD
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:DD THANK YOU!! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
XDD It really has. The poor guy is so conflicted. This really seems like a romantic moment. But surly she's just excited about her new form and doesn't understand the typical boundaries friends have.
Surly someone as beautiful and desirable as Blue.. wouldn't be interested in a old cookie like him.
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They're still on my blog, I never deleted them or anything. You just gotta go to my #undertale tag and scroll down a bit-
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post in question)
AWW!! Its might be a bit out of character for Blue, but its still a cute scene!! :DD
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@keakruiser (Sorry for replying a bit late!)
:DDD THANK YOU!! I had some giant cookies and cream cupcakes! 😋😋
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Huh, suprising!
....now what does Urchin taste like.. 🍴🍪
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Ooooo interesting!! :DD Though I wonder if this would change Barnaby and Howdy at all <XDD
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GASP!! Nooo not my boy! He would never do a crime. XD
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XD I think I have a couple of OCs that belong there--
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(Post in question)
Oh! Thank you for the info! :DD
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@candyglumboy (Post in question)
That could be an interpretation of it yeah :00 but to be totally honest, I haven't thought it all through yet..
The intention behind that comic is its showing that Eddie used to be a human. And now he's.. well. He's Eddie.
The comic was trying to show that there was someone he used to know when he was human. His sister? His mother? Someone.. He knew someone. And now that he's in the neighborhood.. she's gone. What happened to her? Who was she? Why do I miss her so much?.. Why.. am I crying? Why am I shaking?
"..What was I talking about.?"
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I think the 3 of them are no strangers to bloody scenes, but that wouldn't make seeing their Octokids so hurt any easier.. <:(( Now I'm not much of a writer, and idk if this is the kind of response you were expecting.. but none the less you have inspired me! :}}
I can see them offering their services if needed, but mostly just staying out of Peso's way and letting him do his thing. when everything winds down and they're able to see each other.. it would be tough. :((
Kwazii would be in high spirits as always despite the injuries. He would proudly tell Calico Jack about how he was bravely able to fend off multiple sharks! He expected a lot of enthusiasm from his Grandad.. "..Y-Ye did great Kwazii, ye protected yer crew well. I'm real proud of ya for that.." Instead he got a more.. somber response.
With the time Kwazii has spent with the Octonauts, he's gotten a lot better at reading people. Its not hard to tell when someone is shaken. His ears are pinned back, his tail is puffed up and flicking back and fourth.. its clear that Jack isn't taking this sight well.
Kwazii would probably sit up straighter. "Hey,, Grandad I'm.. I'm alright, ye don't need to worry." He'd gently grab Jacks arm, getting his attention. "I'll be alright, this isn't a big deal! Really, I'm ok! It looks a lot worse than it actually is."
Jack might take a deep breath and nod "..I know. I know you'll be alright, lad.." His ears were still pinned back. Kwazii frowns. "..I'm alright now Grandad. This is small, trust me.." Jack would pause.. but then nod. Seeing Kwazii so beaten is hard for Jack to stomach. But Kwazii is one tough cookie.. Just like him. He knows that things will be ok. Kwazii will be ok.. They're both ok..
When Marsh came in to see Tweak, he almost lost his composure. He knows Tweak is tough. And she's gotten hurt a lot growin up, this ain't nothin she cant handle. But gosh, this hurts. That's his little girl. It hurts so much to see her like this. She's collapsed in medbay, and has her leg all bound up in a cast.
"Pa! Heh, uh- sorry about all this. You an I were supposed to go out swimmin after that mission. I guess uh.. it'll have to wait.. heh.."
A deep breath, "Now don't chu worry bout none of that," He sat down beside her bed and pat her on the shoulder. "You just put all yer energy into gettin better. Ok? We can always go see the reef another time." His droopy ears and shaky voice wasn't helping his tough façade..
Tweaks pauses for a moment. But then offers her hand to Marsh. He takes it, confused at first.
"..I'm sorry I scared you pa.. I'll be ok.."
...Unable to reply, Marsh just nods. He sighs and wipes his tears away. Gripping Tweaks hand tighter. He sniffles, and just nods..
Natquik's meeting with Barnacles went a little smoother than the others. He is no stranger to the sight of blood. And knowing that Barnacles is tough as nails, he wasn't too worried about him.. but still. Seeing Barnacles in such a state.. it wasn't easy.
When Natquik came in, he placed a gentle paw on the bears shoulder. "Barnacles, how do you feel? Are your wounds bad..?" Barnacles' voice was gravelly and slow. He had a nasty headache after that facial injury.. "..Oh.. I'll be alright.. its nothing I.. cant recover from.."
Natquik pulls up a stool and sits beside him. "You gave me a big scare, you know. You must not do that to me! No more dangerous missions for you!" He said wagging his finger.
Barnacles chuckled. "That wasn't meant to.. be a dangerous mission. Things just.. got out of hand." Natquik nods. "Yes yes, I can see.." His tone seemed off at the end there..
"..Are you alright, Professor?" It takes Natquik a second to respond.. Seeming to think over his words. "Don't worry for me, Barnacles. I am better now that I have seen you. And you will heal fine, yes? So all is ok." His hesitation wasn't reassuring.. But he knows how Natquik is. So doesn't push it further. "Yes, despite the scene we caused.. most of these injuries are minor. We'll be.. alright." Natquik puts on a smile that cant truly be read. "That is all that matters, my friend."
ALSO WAAHAGA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I'm so glad to hear you like my stuff!! And you're interested even when you don't know thE CANON? BESTIE I AM HONORED!! 😭😭💖💖😭💖💖
And of course I would respond! :DD I LOVE receiving comments/interaction with my work. Its the #1 thing I hope my posts receive! Now I cant respond to every single one unfortunately, but I do read them all and respond to as many as I possibly can!! :D I'll take this moment to give a big thank you to all that leave me messages/comments/asks! They're my favorite thing!! 💖💖🥰💖
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Thank you! :D Also OOOO CREATRURES! :DDD
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I don't have a master post for those, no.. it would take a ton of effort for me to comb through my entire blog to compile it all so I haven't done it..
You can find all/most of that stuff under my #octonauts tag and my #deltarune tag. I hope this helps!
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I did have a blue blanket for a time.. though that blanket doesn't actually exist irl-
Also man, that would take me forever to make. Bibi and the other's quilts were really small and easy to work with. I cant imagine all the time it would take for me in this state to make a full human sized quilt-
Plus I would have to draw the quilt with me whenever I draw my sona. Which would suck because then it would take longer for me to draw myself <XDD
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XD Thank you!! :D I'm so glad you like them! :}}
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Honey Hotline (Visual Novel)
Created by: chuiipon
Genre: Horror
Phew, I was really happy to see this game come out since I've been following this artist for a while. It's always really fun seeing people create ocs that are in games, especially now that there's this trend of yandere vns (which I appreciate). Anyways, this is an r18 game and it's a good introduction to the story of this game. If you are interested, you can learn more at @ringringringbananafone.
Honey is the default name, so I'll just be calling them as such.
Honey wakes up after a strange dream in the middle of their college class. They find out that they're going to be part of a group project and Amesy asks them to join their group. Their group consists of her, a guy named Fone and Seon. Fone is a quiet guy who has trouble communicating and writes on a notebook, while Seon seems to be a tidy guy. Amesy suggests that Honey and Fone work together on the slideshow and the two head to Honey's house to finish. The two work on the project together, getting closer with one another until Fone has to go home. Honey fiddles with the slides more until they get a strange recording of someone moaning their name and seemingly masturbating to them. This person sends message after message apologizing and stating that they love honey, asking them to not block them. Honey realizes that with this new phone, the only people who could have sent this message are the three classmates that they're working on the project with. With this, they set out to investigate which one it is. The next day, Honey can go to Amesy, Fone or Seon's place.
Going to Fone's place makes Fone very excited. In his house, Fone reveals that he has a cat named Mallow (Marshmallow), which Honey (and I) enjoy very much. Honey can ask Fone about a lot of different topics like hobbies, what his family is like and why he has a hard time speaking. After hanging out, Honey returns hom.
Going to Seon's place, there is a chance to reveal that Seon is really into anime, which makes him really happy and blurt out a thousand facts about anime. Seon even invites Honey to a convention later before walking them home. Otherwise, Seon and Honey will still have a good time, but won't find out that he's really into anime.
Going to Amesy's house, she offers Honey some cookies and the two talk about various things. We find out that Amesy and Fone are actually cousins and that Fone used to be a very cheerful and extroverted child, but isn't sure what happened to make him the way he is now. Thus the reason why Amesy was trying to help Fone and Honey talk to each other. Afterwards, Amesy offers to bring Honey home on her motorcycle.
After all of that, Honey gets another voice recording stating that they enjoyed their time together today and wishes them a good night. Honey deduces it must be someone who they've hung out with today.
For an introduction, it does a good job of showing off all the different characters, and sets up the mystery of who the person stalking Honey is, though if you follow the creator's blog, you'll find out pretty quickly that it's Fone who is the one sending these messages. It's hinted at as well when Honey mentions that the person sounds raspy as if they haven't talked in a while, as well as when talking to Fone there's the chance to talk about the neighbors, and the recent murders happening, which is awfully suspicious and likely related to Fone. Still, there are other mysteries such as what kind of childhood Fone had to have changed from a cheerful child to how he is now. The artwork in this is very nice, though I'm biased because I really love the art style of the characters.
As for yandere behavior from Fone, there is several that goes on. The first one and most obvious is the message sent to Honey on the first and second day. Based on what Honey mentions about the neighbors, likely is also next door to hear what Honey is saying. There's also the aforementioned murders which are likely tied to Fone, and if Honey refuses to work on the project with Amesy in the beginning, the game will sort of reset, forcing them to be in that team. Ominous messages at the beginning and end of the game also play out, as well as some text files that will spawn inside of the folder depending on what options are chosen. I'm not sure how these breaking the fourth wall things will come to play later as a lot of yandere vns are using them these days, but hopefully it will be a unique idea.
Overall, for a demo, I thought it was an interesting premise. Even though I believe we already know who is the one sending these messages to Honey, I am curious about other aspects of the game. If you enjoy these types of games, please feel free to try it out.
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belowzion · 4 months
Below Zion: Rethinking Valentino
Hello everyone! Today I wanted to show you how we've been rewriting Valentino. As stated in my previous blogs, the characters are given different feels to make them as distinct from their show counterparts as possible so that eventually this can be its own thing. While still inhabiting the pimp lord aspects, Valentinos way of thinking, motivations and even what he does in his past-time should change how this character works and why I grew a fascination in writing about his character recently. Make no mistake, he is a villain and funnily enough, a stark contrast to Charlies ideas.
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"Oh, the sex work is great! Tino is garbage. See, I haven't left the industry. I just ran from that self-rightous prick…" - Hip-Lash, one of Angels best friends, left the 'industry'. Hasn't seen Angel for 30 years. To understand where Valentino comes from and why he is the kind of person he is, some context is needed. In Below Zion, sinners are completely incapable of making pacts with other people. Their power instead depends on how sinful they were in life. If you sinned too much, you get thrown into Penance Machines, where you are excessively tortured and bleed out all that sinful energy for runes! Runes pass off as currency in Hell. But if you were not a cannibal serial child killer, you get to enjoy some amazing powers! Or if you got bailed out of these machines through some higher power. While nothing too crazy like what Alastor might be capable of, these sinners are still very powerful with the Wrath they possess. Valentino is no exception. His hazbin is an interesting case of a person hiding the true degeneracy that they possess deep within them. See, Valentino, known before as Mikhail "Milo" Tarentino, was a yoga teacher, originating from India! The guy, not really enjoying his position in India due to the fact that yoga was already quite popular there, decided to move to Italy where yoga wasn't as prevalent! Tarentino was a social butterfly, able to get many contacts and many students into his class! However, his true debauchery also began here. He would often have sexual intercourse with his own students, coercing them, grooming them and eventually fucking them! It does not help the matters that most of these women were married.
"Oh goodness, I did not expect to have a new neighbour! Welcome! I actually remember you, you know? You agreed to collect dirty things for Butcher Pete." Sledge nods. "So I did." "Gross job. Glad they had rubber gloves my size." He says, raising a paw, and wiggling his pudgy fingers… It reminds Alastor a little of one of those asian lucky-cats… cute. "Why ya callin' him 'Butcher Pete'?"
"Oh! No reason! There is just a very catchy song that I wish I NEVER paid any attention to the lyrics of!"
He says as he spins his microphone!
"Would you like to give it a listen? It reminds me of the kind of sinners that I find often here in Lust…" "Sure."
From Als staff - a combination of magical and technological - comes out a very upbeat tune! "Hey everybody, did the news get around? About a guy named Butcher Pete! Oh, Pete just flew into this town, And he's choppin' up all the women's meat!
He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'! He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'! He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'! He just hacks, wacks, choppin' that meat!"
And also... this.
"Yeah, I see your point there, Al... but I got a question for ya~" He says with a sinister grin~
"Very well, i shall bite! Shoot!" "Say, have you ever had a pump and dump at a family reunion~?"
"[Oh no...]" The T.V Demon grows... concerned for what is about to be retold.
Velvette begins to giggle maniacally!
"I know Some of those words! Likely Not in the context You Want them to be in, though!"
"Then you do know the context I am referring to~ Don't worry Al, I am not talking about ones own family reunion, obviously, but somebody else's."
"You Are talking about FILTH then. No Val, i have done Nothing of the likes!"
"Oh come on, never had the fun? I had this one where I was invited to one of my students', I was a yoga teacher back in the day, you see? Anyhow, I eventually found myself banging different women. See, because they are all related, they had like, slightly different mommy boxes, but I was test driving 'em, right? Seeing how evolution has shaped each one a little differently so that you can find one that's just right?"
[No, Val stop, Al is already-]
"I call this goldilocksing~"
"And this relates to hunting... hoooow...?" Velvette seems perplexed...
Val thinks for a moment...
"I forgot what I was getting at, my bad~" He says as he takes a puff from his cigarette.
Al... looks grossed out. He thinks about this... And shivers in mild disgust again, a few moments after the first time.
As you can see here, Valentino kept his "trade" a secret in his human life, but he was also very good with it. Being able to get around fucking the entire female half of a family. Living in Italy though, he envied the mafia families that always seemed to be able to get what they wanted. More so because one day, one of those families caught Tino and his disgusting tendencies and... lets just say that he was never found on Earth again.
This eventually landed him in Hell. While he did sin quite excessively, it did not compare to the likes of Velvette, Alastor, Eve, Angel Dust or Agatha. However, he did gain one very prominent power from this... The red mist. The mist he puffs out whenever he smokes, the stench that leaves his body, the morphine that binds people to him like soul contracts!
Its an addictive substanance. Some people even describe it as off-puttingly as possible by saying that its his "musk". Valentino, while possessing not a terrifying amount of strength compred to some other powerful sinners out there, he possesses an ability that can dominate each one of them without trouble.
One such case being Angel Dust.
See, Angel, being the son of a ruthless mafia boss, when arrived in Hell, he wanted to become famous and wealthy immidietly! Get rich quick without much work! Well, with work he loves to do~
This is where Valentino steps into his life, offering him such opportunities while... making sure Angel inhales his mist as much as possible. Keep him addicted, don't let him get away~
Valentino is especially abusive towards Angel both sexually and physically. However, this stems not from his actual love for Angel Dust, but his hate.
Valentino, ever since he arrived in Hell, has gained a sick fascination towards punishing the sinners that think they are hot shit.
"He has a… self-rightous attitude lets say. If he thinks you had it too good and don't appriciate the stuff you have… he'll get ideas~" -Velvette
Valentino is the essence of Hell. He punishes the winners of hazbin, not the losers. Seeing Angel Dust, being this mafiaso that loved and CRAVED sex in every opportunity and got what he wanted without ever thinking about the implications, gives Valentino this certain feeling of moral superiority. He feels like a punisher, a true demon of Hell that is there to become Angels worst nightmare for all the horrible things he has done in his life.
It gets better due to the fact that Valentino knows he is weaker than Angel, yet due to his addictions, he wins over him. Its not some pact that binds Angel, its his own Lust... and Sloth. His desire for easy success and wealth led him to this disgusting mess.
When Charlie rolls around with the idea of redemption, of course he hates it. To him, punishment is well deserved and bad boys like Angel need to be made an example of.
This also presents the reader with an interesting question. Does Angel deserve what Val does to him considering that he was CERTAINLY not a good person in his own hazbin? Or does he deserve redemption? This is literally Charlies ideology, being asked to the viewer. Should the sinner be punished or redeemed? Angel was a despicable human being that murdered, tortured, raped and was bound to many external substances. Does he deserve punishment in the hands of Valentino? Or does he deserve redemption in the hands of Charlie?
Valentino is also not just doing this to Angel. This goes for ANYONE he thinks they had it too good for too long...
Welp, that was all! Valentino is an asshole pervert fueled by hatred!
Please do write feedback, I'd love to hear your ideas if you think of any!
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nysus-temple · 1 year
Dionysus' lesser-known myths [or perhaps you do know them, but i will tell you about them anyway]
Some of these myths have already been shown in my blog, but i decided to bring some of them up again in a more elaborated way, plus some new too. Perhaps you've heard of them, perhaps you haven't, but i can tell you i haven't seen them much around here.
And my job isn't reading your minds, it's about writting essays, so here we go.
1. Ampelos (Αμπελος):
According to Nonnus of Panopolis, Ampelos was a satyr (tho not many art represents him as such) who loved Dionysus, and was loved by him as well. Not much of a surprise, since we do know many gods had male lovers.
The problem is that, we're still talking about a satyr, we know how those guys are and act. According to Nonnus, Ampelos was riding a bull while mocking Selene, angrily, she sent a gadfly to sting the bull. The bull ran and threw Ampelos all over the place. Nonnus describes it as a very gore-like death.
Dionysus, upset, ended up turning Ampelos' corpse into a grape vine, and from there, he created wine with his blood... THANKFULY, it was the blood.
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Roman mosaic with Ampelos and Bacchus.
2. Midas (Μίδας):
"But Nysus, everybody knows Midas" yes yes, but do you KNOW the actual Greek myths? Or do you know the later, VERY later-on version that appears in Wikipedia? Midas never turned his daughter into gold in the folklore, for example.
Midas was a foreign king who married a greek woman, he was the king of Phrygia, and according to Pausanias, he had a daughter named Zoe. I have absolutely nothing about her except this.
Anyways, going to the important part: Silenus, a companion of Dionysus who used to be one of his foster fathers, got lost while he was... Kind of drunk ( come on, Dionysus can't keep an eye on everyone 24/7 ). Some peasants found him and took him to King Midas, who, as a very loyal follower of Dionysus, recognized Silenus and took care of him. When Dionysus arrived in order to take him back, he thanked Midas and said he would give him in return anything that he wished for... And here it comes: Midas wished to be able to turn everything that he touched to gold, and Dionysus agreed, even though he felt sorry he hadn't thought of it twice.
Midas was happy turning stuff into gold, obviously. But when he touched food and it turned into gold as well and he was unable to eat, he returned to Dionysus asking him to turn it back to normal.
Surprisingly, Dionysus didn't say "no" or "live with the consequences"; he told him to wash himself in the river Pactolus, and, good enough, the gold thingy dissappeared.
I don't have this myth fully narrated by a Greek, instead, from a latin author. The good thing tho, thanks to Herodotus and Pausanias, i know it's realiable.
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Monument dedicated to Midas, in the old Prhygia ( now part of Turkey )
3. The Minyades (Μινυάδες):
According to Plutarch, king Minyas had three daughters ( whose names i honestly don't know, they appear in Ovid's Metamorphosis ). He tells that Dionysus appeared in the form of a maiden to invite them to the Dionysian Mysteries, since the rest of the women had already gone there. And they declined, politely, but still declined. This is one of those moments in which we see Dionysus' weak points, no justified anger. They neglected the cult, but had nothing against it anyways.
Still, for him, that wasn't enough.
He drove them mad, like very. Something that for Plutarch was even worse than death, apparently. They even killed their own children and ate them (yikes) dismembering them like Dionysus was once dismembered. The sisters were wandering around the mountains, without Dionysus caring at all.
Until finally, Hermes took pity on them, and turned them into bats, freeing them from the madness.
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One of the Minyades showing the dismembered body of her son - Étienne-Barthélémy Garnier
4. Zeus' lighting bolts
This one is short, so i'll get to the point.
We all know what Nonnus' was up to when writing about Dionysus. He said in his work that Zeus recognized him (when being Zagreus) as his heir. Since when he was still a little kid, he was able to climb to his throne and to hold Zeus' lightning bolts. Of course, then the very well-known myth of Hera calling the titants to dismember Dionysus arrives here, since she wanted no heir to the throne.
Things happen, you know.
5. Lykurgos (Λυκοῦργος):
Remember when i talked about this guy in the anger essay? Wellp, here he is again, it's the same, but i'll elaborate on him a bit more.
He was a thracian king, and when he heard that Dionysus was going to Thracia, he ordered to trap all of his female followers in a prison.
Yes, only the women. I guess no men followed Dionysus in Thracia during his reign, not like i can ask him about it.
OF COURSE Pentheus 2.0 would imprison the FOLLOWERS of the god of MADNESS. Of course...
Dionysus got angry ( what a surprise ) and sent a drought towards Thracia + making Lykurgos go mad. It's not Dionysus if he doesn't punish you by making you go mad.
He then proceed to tell the people that the only way to stop that punishment was by killing Lykurgos, and, well, they did. They all killed him, and were freed from the punishment.
Dionysus then stopped the drought, he kept his word, indeed.
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Lykurgos attacking his own wife after being induced into madness
6. The punishment of the titans
You think they got away? No, the fuck, of course they didn't.
After Zeus' found out what had happened to Dionysus (Zagreus), he imprisoned them in Tartatus, which caused Gaia to be all sad again, since many of her children had already been imprisoned there. What she did was, as scary as Gaia has always been, burning down everything she could.
The only way Zeus could take pity on her in order to stop that, was by sending a flood.
7. Coresus (Κόρησος):
Callirhoe was a Calydonian woman who scorned Coresus, a priest of Dionysus, who threatened to afflict all the women of Calydon with insanity as the good Dionysus priest he was.
The way to stop this was with a sacrifice, to kill the woman who scorned him. Coresus was ordered to sacrifice her, but he killed himself instead since apparently, he was in love with her and couldn't do it.
Callirhoe was overcome with remorse, and cut her throat at a spring that later received her name.
As always.
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Coresus sacrificing himself to save Callirhoe - Jean-Honoré Fragonard
8. The Frogs (Βάτραχοι):
At this point, this isn't lesser-known anymore, and i'm not the biggest fan of Aristophanes' work (i love Euripides way too much, oops) but i'll still summarize what Dionysus has to do with this play.
Dionysus, as the god of theatre he is, wanted to bring back to life one of the great tragedy authors. And he descends to Hades for that, it's a way to mock his connection with it, this is still a comedy.
And after a poetry slam, Aeschylus is chosen in preference to Euripides. Smh, fucking Aristophanes, way to put your preferences.
9. Orpheus' death:
I'm not gonna elaborate on this one THAT much, since i wanna save it for the Apollo & Dionysus essay i have unfinished, which was the second most voted one and it might take more time to finish it.
In any case, do you know all these modern retellings in which they paint Dionysus as the "chill, calm, who only wants to party" dude? And Apollo as the "feral, envious, angry" dude? Well, ya'll are wrong...
Dionysus killed Orpheus due to his jealousy of Apollo's worship. I'm leaving you with this sentence, wait for the other essay to know why Dionysus and Apollo are so complex in terms of feelings. Or, at least, i will try to elaborate on it.
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Apollo welcoming Dionysus to the sanctuary of Delphi, which they shared.
10. Dionysus IS physically incapable of getting drunk, live with it:
SHOCK i know. So if i see any of ya'll saying he's drunk 24/7, you better have your testament written.
NONNUS OF PANOPOLIS. DIONYSIACA. LITERAL TEXT: "Only to Dionysus gave Rhea the amethyst that saves the drinker from the chains of madness."
Yes, obviously going for scientifict facts, this doesn't work. It was believed in this world that the amethyst would prevent people from getting drunk. But this is mythology, Dionysus is a god, he can't get drunk even if he wanted to. And it's not like he should, he needs to keep an eye on his followers 24/7. Or do we want to remember what happened to Silenus?
Dude, how the hell do i have to tell you all, that in all text in which people were drinking for honoring Dionysus, they always stopped saying "he wouldn't like to see us this way" HE DOESN'T WANT YA'LL DO GET DRUNK. THAT'S NOT HOW HIS MADNESS WORKED
No. The women in the Bacchae are not ✨girlboss slaaaaay✨ they were feral women. The madness Dionysus used to punish Pentheus and the Theban women is NOT something you should idealize. Euripides didn't want ya'll to call him an icon because "omg the Bacchae is so progresive" GUYS... NO. IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT. It's about showing Dionysus' wrath. Of showing why like with any other god, he's feared.
The Greek gods are not your free playground OC's. You can't invent their sexualities or gender identities just for yourself. They're important figures of a culture and country that still lives. If you want an icon to feel identify with, create one. But don't go around there saying Dionysus is genderfluid JUST because you like seeing him young. No.
I know, personally, genderfluid people, and all of them agree THIS is wrong. I already had the whole pronouns drama with Dionysus, don't start over again with this. Please.
* AHEM * In any case... Hope you enjoyed !
I needed to work A LOT for this essay, since most of these myths weren't listed with sources. Whenever you wanna write a guide about folkore or anything similar, please, list your sources ! i don't want anyone else to go through the pain of needing to research though the catacombs of information JUST to confirm one sentence. Because i went trhough that, there's a reason why i've been researching about Dionysus for more than three years already and i still don't have everything. Thanks for your support and essay requests as always, it makes me INCREDIBLY happy to see so many of you willing to learn about a figure that has been so underappreciated and reduced into nothing like Dionysus, and who is still being misinterpreted to this day.
As always, reblogs would be very appreciated, it's the way people can find my blog for something else than copypaste incorrect quotes, and i always appreciate that kind of support. Of course i do this "por amor al arte" as i would say in Spanish, but still takes time and effort and i'm just a university student. I still will need A LOT of time to be able to work into something more accesible to everyone for the Greek folklore.
For now, this small Tumblr pieces is what i can give. But as always, thank you and χαίρε Διόνυσον 🍇
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respondedinkind · 4 months
Okay, okay, so... the new year isn't here yet, but 2023 is coming to an end very soon and I have planned to make a post - so here it is.
What this post is about? You!
I just want to be here and say thank you to everyone who has joined me here on my blog, even though I haven't been around for long. I am insanely grateful for each and every single one of you being here, for all the good memories you allowed me to make, and that so many of you welcomed me - and my muse - with open arms. I am so happy that you gave - and still give - me opportunities to explore my own writing and my muse's behaviors, and I just cannot stop saying it enough: THANK YOU!
I met some incredible people over the last months - some of which are people that I have RPed with before and where I was oh-so-excited to have them met again, after all these years of me having been separated from my Khan-muse because of fandom-changes, interest-changes, whatnot; For those of you who don't know, I first started to write Khan in 2012, BEFORE Star Trek into Darkness even aired, solely based on speculations and a teaser trailer lol. It wasn't very serious, but then definitely developed into what is my most-written muse after the movie finally came out and Khan just invaded my brain like some kind of parasite.
Since then, I have made a few blogs, kept writing Khan for a couple of years, then went on hiatus - remade, revamped, wrote for a few more years, disappeared... and now here I am again, with an AU-Version I was very, very scared to just put out here but now I am so, so glad I did. Thank you all for allowing me to write it, and yeah, I'm repeating myself, but... the opportunies I got and still get? So wonderful. Thank you so much for giving my Khan a chance.
Besides that, I also expanded my horizon a little and made two more blogs: One is on a little hiatus right now, while I am very active on the other thanks to some wonderful human beings who basically set my love for that character into flames. I hope that, and I mean that with the utmost sincerety, my choice of 'second and especially third muse' is not taken as a will to replace anything or anyone, but rather me being so immensely starstruck by other writers that have given me such a great insight and made me want to explore the depths as well.
Okay, okay, this is already insanely long and I am so sorry (I am unsure if anyone will ever read this lol), but now I want to give a shout out to ALL OF YOU, who are here, writing with me! All of you are so, so amazing and I am so glad to have met you, and I hope we can continue to write for as long as our muses and our creativity will let us. Thank you, again, and please take a look at those awesome people in case you aren't already following each other:
First of all, amazing writers and amazing people in general that I look up to (in no particular order), who are inspiring me in so many ways, make me feel a bit like a teenager gazing at their favorite star (lol) and just... are great people, yes, that I just want to mention separately for varying reasons:
@ssolessurvivor (Friend! Omg! When you first followed me, I could never imagine how things would ever develop - and how well Logan would fit to Khan, how their story developed into what it is now, so deeply plotted and filled with so many sub-stories and little moments that push both our muses along, allow me to explore my Khan on so many levels... it's insane how attached he is to your Logan, and I am so, so happy about us being in so much contact and just keep plotting and talk about everything! You are such a friendly mun and I am so, so grateful that you indulge me, even over on Stephen (hehe). I hope we can keep writing for a long time; Thank you so much for letting me throw in all my ideas about Khan, all the quirky things about him, I am so, so grateful!!! ♥)
@darehearts (I felt insanely welcomed by you, giving my Khan *and* my Bones such a chance to interact with Kirk ♥ Thank you so much for that, and thank you so much for indulding in my Khan-joins-the-crew idea as a Kirk-writer. That's definitely not something you need to do and yet you allow me. Ahhh! I was so blown away when you asked me if I wanted to become mains sdfasadfasd. Still am honestly because I am just a potato haha. Thank you for being here and being such a kind person ♥)
@strxngetimes (seriously, I was so nervous approaching you first but I am so glad I did; I do look up to you like you're some kind of superstar (haha) and I am still amazed that you gave me the chance of exploring things the way we do. Thank you for indulging me AND enduring me (and my muse lol), and you really, really inspire me in so many ways when it comes to your Stephen, it's amazing. You actually caused my interest for him to go back up into flames and for me to join the MCU fandom lol (and I would also bother you on your tony BUT i am SO UNWORTHY hahaha). Thank you - I hope we can keep writing for a while longer ♥ And I look forward to everything that might further develop between Khan and Stephen. Very much <3 Love them a lot!)
@mehrere-musen (Ok but really, of course I have to mention you. The way you accepted me, the way we started to write and things just??? Happened??? I love interacting with you and your Stephen and I love the way he works with Khan too, and I am so happy that you allowed me to be with the two where they are. Our thread has almost 800 notes by now which is insane, and with how we keep having ideas, it might go further than that lol. Thank you so much for indulging me - and thank you to Stephen to make Khan so insanely happy. :) ! I hope we can continue to write for a long time! ♥)
@fasciinating (SPAWK! I know we don't do a lot of OOC chatting in any way but our thread??? You are so good for just throwing us into that mess and for you to be like 'lmao ok here let Khan do whatever' and where are Spock and Khan now??? A NIGHTMARE LOL. I love the creativity and how you maneuvered us into that mess of a situation and how we can just seriously fuck moments up and go 'ah yeah somehow there's a rabbit also the world explodes'. I also love the way you write Spock! Thank you so much for giving my Khan a chance, despite his 'AU-ness', and that I get to explore such an interesting storyline! I was also very happy to have found you again, because I remember you from a long time ago (even though we didn't write much back then I think? But I remembered your name!)).
@sxbaist (MY BELOVED! God, you have no idea how insanely happy I was when I realized you were still there. Vega has stolen Khan's heart back when we first wrote so many years ago and when I rebooted him with his AU Version, my heart almost stopped when I saw you were still active and around. I was so, so nervous to approach you - but you welcomed me back, so did Vega welcome back my Khan, and honestly... I love them so, so much, and I adore you so much as a person. Thank you for doing all of that, for allowing me back, for Khan to have his wonderful woman back and for them to enjoy each other. It feels like as if they never got separated at all and I cannot express my gratitude enough, really. You as a person are so awesome as well and I will forever wait for your return! You are also the only other Khan I write with, so I will mention your @paramounticebound here too because your Khan is insanely great and I look up to him so, so much, people need to know!!!)
@vuulpecula (OK but listen, I know we also don't do much OOC chatting at all BUT!!! I just have to mention you here too because the things we do are just so??? SO??? HNNG like lmao we just write each other like 'ok what should happen' AND THEN DOOM HAPPENS to either Khan / Fox and Stephen / Fox LOL as if we got no chill really! I enjoy it a lot to explore those plots and see where things will go! Also you are such a kind person and so easy to talk to!!! Thank you for also indulging me on Stephen hehe ♥ and also all the things on Khan ofc!)
If I could, I would write every single one of you such a text, but alas... if I were to, I wouldn't be finished in 2025 (lol), so I hope you take my gratitude and my love for you as a combined package as well; You are all wonderful people and I am so glad to have you here, and it has been a joy - I hope it will continue to be a joy in the future too, and I cannot wait to see how things will develop (once again, in no particular order):
@whydotheykeeptakingmine ♥ @noblehcart ♥ @resignedworkaholics ♥ (also over on Stephen) @he1msman | @spacesk1pper | @entrpz ♥ (also on Bones) @ensnchekov | @cosmiicheskaya ♥ (also on Bones) @vulku ♥ @onlybonesleft ♥ @wtsns | @agntross ♥ (also over on Stephen) @goodheartedfool ♥ @oceansfirst ♥ (also over on Stephen) @kingofthewebxxx ♥ (also over on Stephen) @fallenregent ♥ @danversiism ♥ @nursc ♥ (also over at Bones) @nightmdic ♥ @brooklynislandgirl ♥ @defectivexfragmented ♥ (also over on Stephen) @haiiling ♥ @gcldenratio ♥ @hiippocrates ♥ @tangleweave ♥ (In case I have forgotten someone: I am so, so, so, so, sorry!!!!)
Also, last but not least: Should you not be named on this list, this does not mean I am not grateful for you or don't appreciate you! I thank you for being here, especially if we have already written something... and even if you follow me and I do not follow back, I am still immensely grateful that you're here in the first place, even if you might not stay ♥.
Thank you so much for every single one of you, really - everyone I mentioned here, everyone I did not. Because of YOU my experience on this (and my two other blogs) is what it is. Without you I wouldn't be where I am now, I wouldn't be able to explore my Khan, my Bones, my Stephen, and I wouldn't be able to have such a good time.
I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FOR 2024 - MAY GOOD LUCK, LOTS OF LOVE, HAPPINESS AND FORTUNE COME YOUR WAY! No matter where you are, or what your plans are... you are valid, you deserve to be here, you deserve to do what you want to do and you deserve all the good things coming for you.
L. finally over and out. (and if you read up this far, you'll get a cookie from me!)
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solangelo · 4 months
I was wondering, do you have any recomendations on some long fics? Like, not just one chapter? Sorry if you had already posted something abou that. Anyway, thanks!!! (Really like your blog <<3333)
Absolutely!! I pretty much only read on Ao3 anymore so all of my recommendations are going to be there, but if others want to tack on their own recommendations in the comments they're always welcome to do so :)
A few things,
I tried to put content warnings on the bodies of work as I see fit, but some of these I read over a year ago and haven't looked at since so I apologize if I've missed something!
Additionally speaking, I've marked anything in which contains characters having sex with a red heart emoji ❤️ as it should be viewable on light and dark mode, across multiple forms of devices (ios vs android, etc) and should be readable to screen readers as well; As per previous notes on this blogs, any explicit depictions of characters having sex will also have them being explicitly over 18. Now without further ado-
I'm a huge fan of rabbit_soup's "Healing Takes Two" series, it's 13 pieces in total some of them are oneshots and others are multichapter but they all fit together making it a large body of text. The plot extends from Nico's three days in the infirmary to the early stages of their relationship and still seems to be ongoing with the author taking on rewriting some of their older pieces.
arum scarce by GalwayGirlo [16/20] AU ❤️:
Nico wakes up paralyzed following a motorcycle accident. Maybe Will Solace can help him get some feeling back?
(cw: suicidal ideation, a suicide attempt, adult having a relationship with a minor, "mafia stuff")
When I Get Home to You by 2nd2ndalto [10/10] Canon Compliant, Time Travel ❤️:
Will’s brow furrows."N - Nico?"
It’s impossible, this boy can’t be Nico, but the name falls from his lips without real conscious thought. Nico is 38 years old and probably sitting at home in their living room, hopefully having figured out how to fix the clogged dishwasher line, which is what he’d been planning on doing when Will left early this morning.
(cw: conversations about suicidal ideation and related topics, and young nico is involved so canon compliant trauma of his comes up as well)
talk your talk and go viral (i just need this love spiral) by wrongcaitlyn [34/34] and a part 2 currently at [2/?] chapters, Celebrity AU ft. Trans Nico:
“Keep telling yourself that,” Will says quietly, because even though the door is closed, speaking any louder would seem wrong. “You’re too harsh on yourself. If you wrote songs or something, you’d easily get on the Billboard Hot 100. Dad would help you. I would, too.”
“Promote it to your seven followers?”
Nico laughs, and then Will is joining him, and they’re closer than before, but it’s nothing unusual. It’s been this way since before stupid feelings and stupid crushes, and Nico would be damned if he let it change just because of that.
(cw: alcoholism, childhood abuse and neglect, character death, car accidents, transphobia/homophobia/generalized queerphobia, gender dysphoria, suicidal ideation and related topics)
peach tea by ghosttotheparty [5/5] AU ft. Latino Will:
Will brushes his thumb over the side of Nico’s hand gently. His skin is soft. Nico’s fingers tighten on Will’s. It kind of feels like neither of them wants to move. Will doesn’t mind.
He sits up after a moment, but Nico doesn’t let go of his fingers, so he lifts the arm that’s awkward between them and sets it behind Nico, leaning back to rest on it. Nico just looks at the tapestry.
or; Will falls in love with the new kid.
(cw: mental health struggles, ptsd, anxiety/panic attacks, depression, grief, and character death)
What Could've Been Lights by athaleablaire [18/18], AU - I can’t remember if they have sex in this, rating is teen and up and all characters are over 18 but enter at your own risk:
In Will's eyes, he really has it all. A job as a surgeon at an amazing hospital, great friends-- what more could he ask for? Everything is going great until a man walks into his emergency room half-dead. In the mission to save his life, Will gets a little more than he bargained for.
(cw: injury and recovery, accusations of substance use)
a shadow in the rising sun by demigodbeautiies [9/13], AU Royalty, Arranged Marriage:
This is a story about the Ghost King.
Will Solace (crown prince in the Seventh Kingdom, politically useless as it may be) does not particularly want to be married to a thing of nightmares. He doesn't really have a choice, though. When does he ever? He allows his father to push him led into this politically advantageous, beauracratically necessary arrangement without too many complaints, and resigns himself to the fact he will be marrying a tyrant out of the tall tales his mother used to tell him when he was a boy.
Except then he meets his husband - a boy, and one younger than he is at that! - and realises that he has absolutely no idea what to expect. All he can hope for is that no one tries to kill him.
(cw: character death, character injury?)
NICO Centric:
Lethe by Eridans [8/8] Canon Compliant with a part 2 at [16/16]:
He's ten and ninety simultaneously, his mother was murdered and his sister is a stranger. He's got a deck of cards that he holds onto like a lifeline and an Italian-English dictionary that's old as hell and crumbling, but it's not as old as he is, and that makes him laugh.
The River Lethe was supposed to take away their memories, but Nico remembers his past, his days at home, the times he spent with his sister and mother at parades Mussolini hosted, where Maria sang the national anthem. The river tried to take away everything Nico cherished, and it could have been pure desperation or grief that made him remember his past.
Nico didn't know.
(cw: I started reading this fic over 8 years ago and haven't read it since it's last update 3 years ago, expect canon compliant events and themes to occur but otherwise proceed at your own risk, exercising caution and compassion for yourself where necessary <3)
WILL Centric:
Solace by solisaureus [11/11], Canon Compliant:
solace (n.) comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
solis (n.) the Latin word for "sun."
(cw: author includes their own content warnings at the start of each chapter!)
sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes by whimsicalMedley [13/26] Canon Compliant ft. Trans Will Solace:
Contrary to his general disposition, William Andrew Solace was born in the middle of an October hurricane.
Or, Growing up is hard. It’s even harder when you’re the son of the sun god.
(cw: author includes their own content warnings at the start of each chapter!)
Hopefully this is a good place to get you started, nonnie!
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The way you portray masculinity is one like nothing I've seen before. I love how self indulgent it is, it feels so real and so beautiful, so kind and warm, scrolling through this blog feels so safe and welcoming. With masculinity and males being so vilified as a concept within queer spaces, this feels like an oasis, somewhere to rest my head and embrace my masculinity wholly and accept myself in a whole new way.
Thank you for contacting the Male Distribution System Bark Line. Tip: Sub-Q shots wont pinch as much if you've just bathed/showered. Your message is in the queue...
Hey nonny, this means a lot to me. It genuinely does. I really know what you mean, i been seeing that shit for a few years now. It's hard because, I understand, I do. It's the same side of the coin for why people of color will say we don't like white people, when we really mean the social concept of whiteness.
It's still led to a somewhat alienating experince online though. Where are the straight trans men? The millenial and older trans men? Where are the stealth trans men? The "average joe" men? The men who started transitioning before I was born? They see the hatred for men as a gender and the conflation of induvidual men with the consequences and dangers of the patriarchy, and they leave. They blend into cis spaces because they're so certain they aren't wanted here in the community. And i understand them too, because if i was a little older i might've stopped trying already.
I've seen how much those men hurt too. Some seem to endlessly face imposter syndrome from being stealth in cis spaces, and some like me are just desperate to find one spot, just a single space, where any and every action a man takes is not evidence of his horrible ulterior motives and where there is no pressure to hide evidence of my transness.
I want men like us to feel comfortable somewhere. I want men like us to have reassurance that we haven't betrayed the women around us. I want men to have places to openly talk about what makes them feel masculine and secure in our manhood, where we can talk openly about the ways we're rebuilding a healthier, better, concept of what that looks like for us. I want a place for those freshly 18 year old "boy??" types to look and see that there are masculine men who are happy and love ourselves and each other and know that it's very possible to not be a bad man, and being a good man doesn't have to include femininity if you don't want it to.
Sorry this is rather long. This ask just. really means a lot to me. it does. Everything i've just described, on top of not even being fucking white, has made me wonder if i'll ever find more men like me.
I have a handful of asks in the Bark Line all thanking me. When the very first blogs of this type first popped up, i thanked them too. We're so excited to see eachother, and that makes me feel warm inside.
So cmon man, take a seat, have a beer. or don't, i don't mind lol, as long as you're comfortable and having fun. Let's celebrate embracing who we are, let's celebrate being the beautiful men we are.
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
tbh, i think the whole thought process behind how sylvie is written is that she is not attached to loki and her happiness doesn't at all depend on him in any way.
was their connection deep? did he impact her? "shatter" her world even? yes. this is why she is so angry at him. bc in her mind, he had betrayed her.
but he doesn't take up much more space in her mind. she goes on to live her life just fine without him at the end of both seasons.
loki is a different story, he is obsessed with her to the point of doing something completely "out of character" and being ready to sacrifice everything for her.
i personally love how "unequal" their relationship is in this way, but i understand that it's not the majority of shippers' cup of tea kind of dynamic.
this is an interesting interpretation! i enjoy getting to hear people's differing takes on their dynamic, so this was a fun read. and hey if unrequited is your trope then all the more power to you. you're braver than me, that's for sure.
i haven't rewatched s2 (and tbh idk if i ever will- it just didn't do it for me the way i wanted it to) but the consensus that "loki fell first and harder" def seems supported by s1 and enhanced by s2. which i think made it all the more shocking when she kisses him first. i love that little detail.
i have a different take, which is informed by episode 5- particularly the bar scene contrasted with the record shop scene. she tells him to go and live his life and move on, then immediately goes to a record shop, tells the man at the counter she had a bad day, and then cries to the velvet underground (it looked like crying, also possible she was just laying there and basking it all in, which is just as compelling in my opinion).
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to me that read as someone who is trying so hard to place their feelings in a convenient little box and ignore them and then running away when it doesn't work.
sylvie doesn't strike me as someone who can sit still, especially not after living through a million apocalypses and trying to ensure her survival. and while getting a job in oklahoma might not be the same frantic pace she's used to, i do think she threw herself into it (employee of the month placard i'm looking at you!) so she has a new life, a new job, time to do things like go to the bar and get a haircut and listen to music and do everything possible to just. not. process. the annoying feelings that the citadel situation brings up. just keep moving! just don't think about it! and so when loki rolls up at her work, she tries to push him away, tell him he's the last thing she wants to deal with, get him to leave. the tone in the bar scene felt like that to me as well. like she's saying just leave me so i can stop thinking about this.
of course, loki does not want to leave her- it's just that for some reason he is physically incapable of talking about anything but the TVA, who ruined her life and she justifiably wants nothing to do with hearing about how great they actually are. he is pretty skilled at killing the mood. (i take great pleasure in rewrite fics that make a show of addressing this)
am i blinded by shipping goggles and my own projection onto her? it's possible! but to me it read as someone in denial. when we hear sylvie talk about her love life on the train in s1 (a scene i LOVE because it seems so out of left field for her) we get a very clear sense she has no idea what she is doing when it comes to romance (and then flat out says so during the blanket scene). her experience with romance hasn't been anything real, to the point where i hesitate to even use the term "romance"- just centuries of numbing herself by staying busy with a fling. she is like a shark that will just collapse if she stops moving. which we get to see her do in the record store!
that's just how i read it though! your read on it is just as valid and i like hearing all of the different takes. i am by no means trying to persuade you to join my pining sylvie agenda, just using this blog as a means of idea exchange. which i love doing. seriously it's so fun.
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airenyah · 28 days
Your essay on Joong's underrated acting skills deepened my Joong appreciation so much, that I watched Mafia the Series, I'm watching Ploy's Yearbook (even though there is a serious lack of Joong so far), and I'm planning on watching The Warp Effect too. I haven't watched het shows in over ten years, so this is a big deal! 😂 I really liked him with Dunk in their shows, but MTS gave me another facet of him, because he's so timid in it, unlike in SIMM and HA, where he's (seemingly) very cool and in control. So thank you for making me a full time Joong (and Dunk) girl 💜
i saw this message first thing in the morning when i woke up yesterday and it instantly put me in a good mood!!! <3
mafia the series might actually be my absolute fave thai het-show, it's just SO funny!!!! and the entire cast is so great, like, not just joong but the entire cast plays off each other SO well. and don't even get me started on gina virahya and her portrayal of anna kondra!!!!
you know, when i went into mafia the series i saw the poster and was like "ughh i really am gonna have to sit through this standard (overly) dramatic mafia show just for joong, huh. the things i do for my boy..." and then. AND THEN. you can imagine my surprise. i was crying tears of laughter throughout the show and i was actually laughing so hard that my mom made a comment about how she could hear my laugh in my room
beam is my loser boy and joong portrays him in such an adorably awkward way, i love it <333
and yes there IS a serious lack of joong in ploy's yearbook so far :((((
it was quite funny tho bc in the one scene where joong does show up i immediately recognized him by the back of his head, like!! i saw this:
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and instantly went "OH there's my boy!!!!!" 😂😂😂
and i can't wait to see him with film bc film did extremely well with gun in not me and i feel like film and joong will also work together really well
you know, i'm always happy to turn people into full time joong (and dunk) girls!!!!!!
i've adored them ever since simm which i watched live from ep2 onwards. fun fact, actually: when i started simm i actually had no idea who they were (even though technically i'd seen dunk in bad buddy already, except i wasn't paying attention to the random high school bandmates and so i didn't actually recognize dunk and only realized later on ahahah)
aaaanyway, i had no idea who they were, right? and so in 2022 my mom and i spent two nights in prague during easter and in the evening we were in our hotel room and we were kinda looking for something to watch. and i was like "hey look, gmmtv has a new bl out and it looks kinda cute and fluffy judging by the thumbnails?? and like something that doesn't require too much brain power?? plus, there's also only two eps out so far, so we'll be caught up right away" and so we watched the first two episodes and then the two of us ended up watching every new ep together every week hahaha
i actually didn't really talk about it on tumblr back then and when you go back on my blog you'll see that there are hardly any simm post. but really, with every new simm episode that aired i liked joongdunk more and more. and especially once the characters started dating i was actually so in awe about just how comfortable joong and dunk were with each other and how they absolutely weren't afraid to touch? like, their physical affection was just so casual, like it was the most natural thing in the world to them in an "i'm-not-even-thinking-about-it-bc-it's-so-normal" kind of way and that was just soooo refreshing to watch?? i was (and still am) truly amazed
and when just a couple of months later, at the end of 2022 gmmtv announced joongdunk were gonna get another show together i got SO excited!! and also when it was revealed that simm was included in our skyy 2!!!!
and then hidden agenda started airing and then i was tagged in that tag game and then i went to watch joong's entire filmography and then i ended up falling into a joongdunk rabbit hole and here we are...
anyway, i have multiple agendas and one of them is turning people into joong fans and dunk fans and joongdunk fans sllksdfd
and my other agenda is getting people to watch mafia the series, bc it's truly a gem of a show!!!!
(speaking of agendas: the only thing that's missing in your message is you telling me that you approve of my fight for a sexy joongdunk vampire bl, like... that would have made the message and the influence of my joong/dunk/joongdunk blogging complete 😂😂😂)
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day6source · 2 months
hello my loves!!!! long time no talk!!!!! 💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻 things have been very crazy and insane lately, between doctors appointments for me, a pending surgery for my step-dad, taking care of my niece, and everything else in between. but!! the long awaited day6 comeback is finally upon us in two hours!!! some of you might know i got into day6 right around the time 'right through me' and eternal dropped, and i was so excited! and then...they all immediately enlisted lmao. as i described to a friend the other day, i felt like i was led into a looney tunes style trap discovering them. having to wait out that time was awful, but we slowly got them all back and now! we're finally here! if you were around for 'letters with notes' i'll be pretty vigilant in getting everything posted (mostly) on time, first few days is always kind of insane, but it should all be up in a decently timely manner! i am making a change in regards to video call stuff, mostly in that if it's not available in a global sense, i probably won't post about it, mostly because they can be kinda finicky in regards to even applying, and i don't want to lead you guys into a false sense of excitement. if they are though, don't worry! i got you! gonna keep the masterpost updated as well, performances, promo, etc. also! guys!
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what!!! that is insane!! within the coming weeks i'm gonna see about if there's going to be any more mmt events like before, and maybe do another little giveaway! especially because the one year anniversary of the blog is in about a month or so? ah!! i always say this, but i love getting to share things with you guys and read everyone's tags and see everyone's reactions, it's such a cool experience, and i'm glad everyone here is just so cool.mp3. i love you guys so much, you truly have no idea how much fun i have doing this, it means the world to me. on that note...i think that's it! if you wanna hit me up to talk about whatever, changed my url a while ago to @briankang, and! if you'd like to take part in the day6revival week from last week...well you still can and i'll still reblog things especially since i fell a little behind as well, just tag it with #day6revival, and make sure to check out everyone else's amazing creations as well! we're celebrating all through promotions as a huge welcome home to our silly, goofy, sweet band boys. the ask box is always open here of course too, and you know i always love hearing from you all. i'm going to enjoy my last few hours of peace before comeback, but i hope you've all been staying happy and healthy and you continue to, and if you haven't, i hope this new album brings you some kind of peace for the spring. spring is all about new starts, so if you've been feeling out of sorts, it's a great chance to wipe fresh and start anew. i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, tay 💕💕💕💕🍀🍀🍀🍀
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solarpunkani · 9 months
So the way cities are designed is nasty and not really good for anybody. Do you have any resources or ideas on how this can actually, realistically change? I mean, we can't just tear down cities and rebuild them better. Is the way forward just adding more beneficial stuff to the existing, less-than-ideal cities, and then building the new cities with people and nature in mind?
Yknow, I thought I had a tag for this, but either I forgot what tag it was or things just haven't come out of queue yet because I'm not seeing much on my blog. I feel like I've seen specific posts about making things more accessible--I tend to see this line of thought be referred to as Walkable Cities or Accessible Cities--but I can't think of any off the top of my head at the moment.
To the best of my understanding, as someone who isn't a city planner or anything along those lines, I would think the solution would be along what you suggested; adding more beneficial structures--which may include rebuilding certain things/sections but I don't thiiiink would involve the entire demolition of a building--to preexisting cities and then building the new cities with these principles in mind.
What needs to be changed will be on different levels depending on how old the city is, how it was planned out before, and whats causing issues vs what needs to be improved. There's definitely a lot of talk about needing more bike lanes and sidewalks in the US, and how sparsely everything is placed in a lot of cities without a way to really access them. I think the closest I've ever been to being in a truly walkable city was my college campus, and not only was that not the whole city but just the campus, but I also didn't really have the leg strength to walk or bike the wholething. Even still, things were close enough together that walking or biking was feasible for a lot of people--and there was a robust bus system that was free for students as long as they had an ID (though most drivers didn't ID people who looked like students, or if you were being picked up on campus).
From there I guess I'd love if something similar was implemented in other places. Free (or at least very low cost, but preferrably free) and robust bus systems, bike lanes, wide sidewalks, and things made in more of a 'hub' kind of planning instead of having everything super spaced out. With lots of green spaces interspersed throughout, like small but frequent parks that people can go to hang out with lots of benches and flowers and such. Maybe a lot of the housing set-ups would be sort of like apartments on top of stores? Close to campus, there was a mini Target and several other stores in a plaza-like block that actually all had 5 levels of apartments on top of them--you needed a special key fob to get into the elevators to access them, so it wasn't like anyone going to Target could end up at your apartment door. This could be a good way to have more structures in less space, in a way? Granted, I never lived in those units, so IDK if the quality of life was different in any way...
I feel like I've seen videos and posts discussing how one city started slowly phasing things in and out to become increasingly more walkable over the years? Maybe in Spain or something? I can't find it at the moment, however. From what I remember, they started slowly phasing cars out of certain areas of the town, instead adding more bike lanes and plazas and benches and housing until eventually basically everything was accessible by walking, biking, or taking a transit system.
I've touched this point already, but I feel that transit systems would be one of the most important parts of making a city truly accessible--but that the transit system may look different depending on where you are. New York, for example, has the subway system that from what I know (I've never taken the New York Subway I haven't been there since I was 8) is extremely efficient in getting people around--could likely use some improvements, but is definitely a good model to look at. For places where subways aren't suitable--I know Florida would deal with lots of flooding issues, trying to dig and implement a subway system--an increasingly robust bus system or even something like a monorail system like my city (sort of) has would be excellent.
Now there's definitely something to said about accessibility into buildings itself. Sometimes ramps are constructed improperly, so those would need to be fixed. I can also see there being issues with doorways and stairs and such in older buildings--though even in those cases, many buildings get revamped with elevators and wider entrances. There's probably tons of other accessibility issues that I don't even realize, because though I try to keep these things in mind, I do ultimately live life as an abled person right now.
Though another point I do also remember being brought up is the height of landscaping, especially near crosswalks and such, causing problems with accessibility for children, shorter people, the elderly, etc. Also that trailing, low-hanging plants can also cause issues by getting stuck in wheelchairs and such. These would also have to be kept in mind when considering green spaces and accessibility.
This post is getting long and ultimately I don't really know what I'm talking about in the slightest. But I do hope this was at least a little helpful!
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Hello! I see you’re pretty new to tumblr, so I hope it’s okay to reach out and ask. I’m thinking about making a sneeze blog too but really nervous. In the mean time though I’ve gotten into some of the popular fandoms like J/J/K and Tri/gun! If you have the time and wouldn’t mind, do you think you could also recommend some other blogs like yours?
Have a nice day!
Hi~! Of course that's okay, I'd be happy to help!!
For people who write J/JK and T/rigun, there's a few that spring to mind, here's some of my friends/favourites!! (I'll also add a couple others who are just overflowing with talent, tags under the cut!
(Hope y'all don't mind the tag <33)
@whispsofsmokee (amazing t/rigun fics) @snzdreams (some of the best j/jk content i've EVER read!) @onetrickponi (not J/JK or T/rigun, but poni is INCREDIBLY talented, like insane talent. you won't be disappointed with her stuff, even if you don't know the fandom~~ One of the blogs I'd consider a DEITY on here truly.) @goodlucksnez (Same as above fandom wise, but AMAZING wavs. incredible talent from Vic!!) @ezynse (t/rigun and other stuff, great content!!) @bestwhumpist (uh?? the talent dripping?? from this blog?? insane. some of the best fics i've ever read full stop, t/rigun included~~ if ur reading this hi ily ur amazing~) @gemsden (has some GREAT j/jk content!) @ithadtobesneezing (not the ones mentioned, but great fics!! so much talent) @themiseryandcompany (few j/jk fics I believe, also just good content!!) @lycheeehehe (not posting fics, but INCREDIBLE headcanons, and just reblogs a LOT of j/jk and t/rigun content!!) @6pmsoup (hasn't posted a lot, but the art skills are insane, and there's a REAL cute j/jk piece that i adore~) Aaaand hopefully from them you can find even more that I'm either forgetting or haven't even found yet!! These guys are also all INCREDIBLY sweet. I've made some amazing friends~ Being nervous is totally understandable~ I made this blog but didn't interact with ANYONE for like a year, but every person I've interacted with has been so kind and welcoming!! I'm still a little anxious wreck about reaching out, but so many people (myself included!!) love to talk and gush about our interests~~ Thank you for the ask, I hope this is helpful~!! Have a nice day as well :D
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etherealfishyfeelings · 4 months
My Venus square Ascendant 1
I think the thing I loathe most about my Aries rising and jupiter is my constant need for stimulation. Things always need to be new and exciting and intense or I begin to get bored and extremely restless and that's not good. I really wish I had that Capricorn stamina to just keep going at things even when they're no longer shiny and new but being in the moment genuinely brings me so much joy and satisfaction. I function so much better when I'm allowed to be in the moment and just have a kind of north star to work toward, no real plan just adapting as I go along, but I really tend to admire the patience and diligence and attention to detail? that I tend to see in Capricorns(the healthy ones anyway). Like it isn't just a physical appearance thing I think, it's also the character vibe they give off. I want be seen as someone competent and level-headed and dare I say, unbothered, but I really just look like an energetic, impatient and really argumentative brat. It's giving estp/esfp even entp when I actually would like it to be giving entj/intj/istj/estj just a Te dom really(for anyone out there who knows anything about mbti.)
Because Venus rules values, its also the traits of the sign that I greatly admire and value but feel like I don't really live up to, I guess. And I haven't really found a way to blend the two signs at all, I either end up completely ignoring my Venus, acting like I have no interest in relationships, romantic or non-romantic, whatsoever or I make it my entire personality. Depends on the day. I usually make it my entire personality at work though(it's in the 10th conjunct my mc) and a lot of the time have to keep my work life extremely separate from my personal life in order to feel comfortable expressing it at all.(My mom, who also has Venus square Ascendant but her Venus is in the 4th, literally asks me why the hell so many people from school and work like me so much because at home and in general I'm a literal menace(she said this playfully but in general she does consider me to be pretty cold)) I've heard that a lot though, that planets in disharmonious aspect to the Ascendant, even semi-sextiles and inconjunctions, can really create this feeling of living a double life and it really does feel that way. I mean I made this blog so that I could freely talk about my feelings somewhere and not just have them bottled up and ready to explode. My Venus feels so separate from me that it barely feels like its mine. I'm so bad at venussing in my personal life that I almost put it on like a performance in my public life as some kind of way of making up for it. But I still feel like I'm absolutely awful at venussing. Being warm and soft irl even when I want to be feels so difficult.
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