#though tbf it's almost more interesting for the fact that it was cut from the book version than as a line itself
handfuloftime · 3 months
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The footnote knocked me out.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
And now I’ll proceed to obsess over Glass!crimeboys in that last scene because they are getting that codependency and they are getting it good. I am not over Tommy being fully zones out and nobody being around him, but the moment he hears Wilbur call his name he starts coming back to awareness. And he was very zoned out because it takes him a bit to react he when hugged.
Also, interesting fact, Tommy mentioned a while back that touch helps ground/comfort him. Which is why he suggested it to and does it with Wilbur. So while Wilbur is probably hugging Tommy to calm his own worry I think he’s also providing Tommy with comfort and an anchor. Especially with the way, Tommy grabs on when he processes the hug. Aside from picking up Tommy’s preferred methods of comfort, Wilbur has now also picked up the protectiveness Tommy has always shown towards him. It’s a mutual thing now.
Tbf, Tommy has blood splatters across his face and on his torn clothes. He looks like he’s been through hell. You’d get protective over less. Also, most of the blood isn’t Tommy’s, but some of it still is! And now I’m wondering of the blood is Jack’s since he also seems to be covered in blood or if it’s a third party. Same with Tommy’s bruises. They could be environmental or cause by a third party, but they could also be from Jack fighting back when he tried to kill him.
And while on that topic. I have nothing to speculate of off, but I’m doing it anyway. There are a lot of options. And I mean a lot. My first instinct is that there has to be a reason. The good option is that’s it’s somehow a misunderstanding and that Tommy is reeling too much to defend himself, but I don’t know how you mess up that badly. There’s an option that Tommy did accidentally almost kill Jack while trying to go for something else. There’s an option where maybe he though death would have been kinder to Jack but I have zero context so unless the cops had him, and even then, it’s unlikely.
The option I think is most likely is that something triggered Tommy and he tried to kill Jack before realising what he was doing and snapping out of it. There could be many triggers, not necessarily Wilbur related. Though Wilbur related is more likely to cause blinding rage. But Jack knows and likes Wilbur, so I don’t think he’d say anything that would get Tommy mad. My last option is that it’s an outside cause. By that I mean maybe they found or learned something that Tommy wanted to keep to himself. That then would be Pythia related. Maybe they discovered an extra threat to the Deathlings which then becomes a danger to Wilbur’s safety.
Idk. Doesn’t really matter I just have to wait ‘till next chapter, but I wanted to throw out some speculation because that twist felt like getting a bucket of cold water thrown over my head and I’m still trying to shake it off. One thing is for certain. Tommy and Wilbur are about to get a lot more mutually dependent. And more isolated too I think. Also, whatever the reason, there’s going to be consequences. I’ll start mourning the Niki-Wilbur dynamic now.
yesss the codependency is on full display and it's only gonna be there even more so in the next chapter. tommy was very out of it until wilbur hugged him, and yeah the hug definitely helped him kind of come back to reality. and we can see wilbur is 100% picking up on tommy's protectiveness now.
I'll only say the blood on tommy that isn't his own is from a very bad cut jack has on his forehead.
also, it wasn't a misunderstanding. tommy's intent was for jack to die. the circumstances will be explained next chapter :)
i love reading your theories but yeah not commenting on any of them. you'll find out soon enough!!
crimeboys are gonna become a lot more dependent now heh. rip rainduo :(
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
The almost unaninmous hate against some characters is pretty off-putting to newcomers like me, like Schuster doesn't just have dubiously ethical behavior, no, he's the worst etc and I wonder if it's a product of the show being finished for about 7 years and thus fan opinions having become echo chambers, compounded with the fact that Glee recently saw a revival in fan interest (but as "this show is cringe and couldn't be made today") and thus, a few influential voices have more or less dictated which opinions were "the right ones to have" (not intentionally I presume). I don't know if it even qualifies as an opinion? But I'd be interested to see what you have in mind on that subject. TL;DR Glee's fandom seems very one-minded from where I stand.
More show-centered opinions: Kitty's personality change after season 4 was a good thing for the show. Hunter didn't have nearly enough screentime to be compelling in the way Sebastian could be. Okay, this is the last one (for now?): while I understand why Mike rejected Tina's proposal in season 6... I don't think that was a good plot element. The double marriage is already whimsical and by season 6, realism has long disappeared from the show. I'm sure people liked Tina and Mike together (I personally largely prefer them to Artina), so why not (from a Doylist standpoint) just make them get together soon? I think the "lesson" (Tina's too young to settle for Mike, with whom she doesn't have a strong enough relationship to marry right now) fails to work when Klaine and Brittana are just as young but still marry. Both couples do have a stronger relationship than Tike but that's partly because Tike rarely had screentime.
I don't know, it just feels hypocritical of the show to be against Finchel marrying because they're young, but then going through it for Brittana and Klaine, but still not going through it for Tike.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Yeah, I mean, I’m all for having different opinions, but sometimes it feels like certain opinions aren’t actually believed and just ‘the right opinion’ to have.
Like, with Mr Schue, look, I’ve joked about him being the worst, but obviously he’s not actually Satan himself or anything of the sort. And even if he was? He is a fictional character. Like him as much as you want. Same with Rachel, Finn, Ryder, Puck, Kitty, etc, or basically any character widely disliked. The hate for characters is kinda off-putting and makes it feel like less people are genuinely believing it and more like they are just ‘following the leader’ (Which am I guilty of helping? Probably)
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I love Kitty, and I love her personality change to try and become a better person. Obviously they should’ve given her a better arc along with the personality change, but yeah, def a good thing, IMO.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I can’t lie. I honestly don’t care enough about the Warblers to even remember who Hunter is half the time 💀. But, yeah, they didn’t give him enough screen time, so obviously he couldn’t be as compelling as Sebastian in the first place. Though, I disagree because I just don’t see Hunter being a compelling villain at all. Like, just use Sebastian? Ik he had a ‘redemption arc’ but IMO they should’ve kept him as a villain.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Yeah, I’m a big Tartie fan so I’m glad that they were endgame instead of Tike (which I’m mainly neutral on). But as a plot? There’s really no reason why Mike shouldn’t have said yes, because the lesson is essentially Mike rejects Tina’s proposal because they’re too young to get married…while they’re at a double wedding…with all couples the same age as them 💀💀. Honestly, just cut it out. What was the purpose of it other than to show Tina getting humiliated once again?
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I mean, tbf Finchel we’re still in HS, while Brittana/Klaine had at least graduated and not getting married straight away. But I’m probably a bit biased on this because I hate them, so 🤷‍♀️
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gazyrlezon · 4 years
An interesting thing about the Design of the Enola Holmes movie
is that we (almost) never get any big establishing shots of famous London sights to establish that we are, in fact, in London. When Enola arrives we're introduced to the city not by images of St Paul's, Big Ben, but by a shot of a gray mass of houses in the distance before directly cutting into the streets where she parts from Tewksbury; when she searches for her mother, we know she is close by the river and indeed see it for a short moment, but there's no wide sweeping shot flying across the river, and you really have to strain your eye to catch the dome of St. Paul's in the background.
Indeed you can get a glimpse most of the well-known sights in the background every now and then, but usually they're either very distant or only shown in part; even right at the end when everything's about the Reform Bill and the Lords and Tewksbury is just about to vote, we only see the portal of the Houses of Parliament, never the entire building or the grandeur of the thing.
It's especially obvious when compared to Guy Ritchie's Sherlock, where Parliament and Tower Bridge are basically in every second shot (though tbf, Enola Holmes is set earlier, when the latter hadn't been built yet).
I'm not sure if that's because they wanted to show a more Dickensian London as viewed by the lower classes & women instead of the capital-i Imperial London which Sherlock and Mycroft usually inhabit, or if it's just a YA thing — I don't usually watch a lot of YA movies, so I wouldn't know.
It's even more glaring since as soon as we're outside of London there's barely a shot of Tewksbury's home which is not a majestic view of the entire palace
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immimidi · 4 years
GFOTY - Ham Chunks and Wine
 Girl Friend Of The Year (GFOTY) has released one of (if not) my favourite EP of 2020 so far.
Ham Chunks and Wine is such a creative collection of music; giving elements of experimental, dance, europop and pop. 
The title of the album is the perfect amount of weird and intriguing. conjouringing images of experimental/weirdo music with the mention of Ham Chunk and images of classy pop music, with the addition of Wine, perfectly summing up album.
Most importantly this EP is the most fun I have had with an EP for a while and GFOTY comes across as someone who knows how to have fun with her music.
Track one: Wide - Wide is the most ‘PC Music’ style of song on the EP, the use of heavy pulsing bass synths and re-pitched/pitch shifted vocals are very reminiscent of most of PC music’s big hitters. The chilled out middle section breaks up the song perfectly allowing for a change in the energy when compared very tense chorus sections and the utterly chaotic final section, which to my ears is one of the most beautiful pieces of chaotic arrangement I have ever heard, In fact it made me shout “FUCK HECK YES!!!!” and pull that face everyone pulls when the beat drops. 
The voice production in wide starts the EP off as it means to go on pulling the attention of the ears by providing the melody section due to the very heavy processing and re-pitching of the vocals. It sounds stellar giving it a nice futuristic vibe that tbh until this EP only SOPHIE had been able to create to such a standard consistently. This heavy vocal processing and the use of SFX and ASMRy...ASMR-esque sounds combine to make such a perfect vibe and production aesthetic for the track. While we are talking about the voice I do need to say that the lyrics of this song are inconsequential apart from the titular word, they to me don’t provide any extra context to the track, they are their purley to support the voice and provide more for the voice to do....They are perfect in this role. ‘Wide’ is the perfect word to be used for this song as despite all the sound and processing the mix has soooooo much room in it and the movement and panning create a suitably wide mix. 
That 3rd section I cannot do justice by words. LISTEN TO IT. It is phenomenal and chaotic and I LOVE IT. It gets my Mwah chef’s kiss moment for this track.
4.75/5 /A+/ Big YES
Track Two: Magician’s Wand - What to say about Magician’s Wand, other than I wish it lasted longer. 
That lazer gun bass synth that ‘BWAHHS’ its way across the low end of the mix being paired with equally lazery high synths and that ever present robot voice production that GFOTY is so good at - Keeping that amazing futuristic vibe that ‘Wide’ had but building on it by adding more layers and filling the mix out slightly.  The chaos of the harmonic elements is a great for keeping the interest of the ear while very simple beat in both the intro section and the second sections seals the chaotic experimental sounds in a pop music shell, keeping the music palatable for non-experimental music listeners, something that GFOTY had difficulty with in the song USA -Which I adore but my friends found hard to listen to. 
The vocal production is very similar to ‘Wide’ which is nice to see a consistent aesthetic throughout the first two tracks giving us expectations to be subverted in future tracks. A big plus to this tracks vocals is the lyrical content as it provides nice little sound bites that are kinda suggestive adding a bit of human in the robot aesthetic of the voice.
Mwah moment - the ‘BWAHH’ synth that truly sets the mood for the rest of the much too short track.
4/5 /A/ Big YES
Track Three: Rid Of All (Feat Count Baldor) - This track’s intro is the perfect change of pace from the last two tracks, subverting the expectations of another experimental PC Music style synth fest, by opening up with a clean held pad synth and a less processed vocal alongside it. 
Describing the pad synth used in my notes I simply wrote ‘lovely pad’ but that doesn’t do enough justice to how soft and clean this pad is, if a pillow was a pad this pad would still be softer it is so cool to hear after the chaos and the ‘BWAHHs’ of the previous two tracks.
The break section with the whispers is so beautifully haunting and it serves as the perfect jumping off point for this song to take in any direction and GFOTY/Count Baldor jump off perfectly and unexpectedly into a 00s/eurodance style beat with perfectly cheesy bass synths (LGBT+ club music/my kind of music). 
The voice in this new section is also unexpected and shouldn’t fit into this style of music but does perfectly. It shouldn’t fit in because its a metal guitar - I can’t figure out if its a talkbox or the single most processed voice ever recorded or if it’s a guitar and a voice with the same fx being cut between by Baldor and their amazing DJ skills, or if it’s all three, but tbh I don’t care it’s incredible and sounds so good in context with the rest of the track. 
The eurodance section dies down and returns to that clean synth/vocal section, which reminds me of Imogen Heap and Bjork, in this section we can get a breather from the utter glory and madness that was the previous section and we get to hear the lyrical content and the lyrics are phenomenal in this section they are perfect for the eurodance/electro pop vibe the track presents and are most importantly FUN, something that in my opinion some pop music has been shying away from by trying to sound profound. I love the use of harp and SFX in this section further reminding me of Bjork and also giving the section a faux dream quality before adding the heavy bass synths in getting ready to drop us back into eurodance madness. 
The Eurodance sections do not fail to put a smile on my face and I love every second of them, I am happy that GFOTY/Count Baldor chose to break them up with some slower ethereal sections because it makes their inherent cheesiness even more happy.
Mwah moment - EURODANCE GUITAR VOICE MADNESS (the only way i can describe it)
Track Four: By My Side - This track slaps, simple as. It’s another track that made me shout ‘FUCK HECK YES!!!’ it is another track that knows how to have fun and puts a smile on my face. 
The track opens with a simplistic and effective pop-house piano melody with pop voice production. Yet again GFOTY’s voice production is stellar the change from the robotic re-pitching to very subtle FX usage in this track works and it creates this nice pop music moment and proves our girl doesn;t need to sound like a sexy robot to sound incredible - though if you know any of her other work you already knew this.
The background synths in this section give a nice dance music vibe off especially those saw melodies and that when that liquid bass comes in and white noise generators hit I am transported to Ibiza, loving every second of the song...and then It happens, that sampled melody is used and I LOSE MY FUCKING BLOODY MIND. GFOTY may have used sampled melody better than anyone ever, GFOTY samples ‘I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee Da Ba Die)’ and it is glorious I don’t think I could ever put into words just how amazingly good the use of sampling is, how perfect the sample is and how happy and excited it made me (Mwah moment for sure). A counter synth is used and it is very true to the vibe of Ibiza dance but it just seems like it could do more that flick between chords - though a new counterpoint is used in the next sample section, YES IT HAPPENS AGAIN.
But before it happens again we are given space to breathe with a house section using the first counterpoint synth as a counterpoint chord synth with the classic house piano to take us from modern Ibiza to 1989 and then the trance-esque melody synth used in the background flings us straight into the 90s and the birth of trance music - kinda reminds me of ‘9 PM Till I Come’. This section is the perfect length of breather and is a credit (as is the rest of the album tbf) to just how good GFOTY is at arrangement of synth based music. I love her voice in this little breather section she sounds so good with this minimal (compared to the previous tracks) production and the fact she is singing in a lower register as well, I really love her voice here. 
After a short build section we are given the treat of that sample again. The use of voice synth in the build section is very nice and a great callback to the previous tracks. But the only thing that matters is that sample and it hits just as hard if not harder the second time, as it has all of the synths surrounding it.
This track is a love letter to 90s-00s dance music and honestly I love every second of it. 
Track Five: Here With Me - The perfect ending to a perfect EP, so perfectly subverts expectations the previous tracks have set-up and showcases GFOTY’s pop writing prowess, her prowess as a performer and that she isn’t all silliness. 
The track opens on a gorgeous, musical theatre esque piano line. The piano has such a beautifully natural timbre which is expertly countered with a processed (I think re-pitched) vocal and it is phenomenal. Despite this heavy processing GFOTY is able to give a ridiculously emotional performance with the voice cracks and vocal fries being present making this robot character that the processing has created since the beginning of the EP appear even more human and broken - it is powerful songwriting and production intertwining. 
The overall aesthetic of this track is very musical theatre, when making my notes I even wrote ‘Almost Disney’ it is just a pure performance being backed up with some of the strongest production I have heard in experimental pop music for a while. The Lyrical content is so beautiful and emotional and says a lot about mental health and how relationships and dependance can affect a person.
GFOTY’s vocal performance is entrancing I have already gushed about how much I love her singing in a lower register. In this track it is no different her voice in the low register is beautiful and when she lifts into her high notes they hit more emotionally to my brain because i can hear her strain and it makes her performance that much more satisfying to listen to.
The extra instruments that add phrases to the track throughout give a little bit of variation to the instrumental arrangement ensuring that the voice/piano combination doesn’t grow stale. As the track buidls and adds more instruments they don’t stick around to clog the mix up. A lesser artist (Me) would have left them in and keep adding instruments to keep building leading to parts of the mix and arrangement feeling clogged up, GFOTY knows when to add and lose instruments to keep the mix open. 
The Guitars are really pretty touches in what feels like the final build of the track only for the build to die completely and become that beautiful haunting marimba section, with the string swells adding to the emotion and the theatre of this section before the perfect outro of just voice and piano - I almost cried.
Mwah Moment - That voice, That performance 
Final Thoughts
Honestly all electronic acts should be scared of just how good this is.This EP spans the emotional range being Tense and Bone Crushingly hard in track one,  Imaginative and Cool in track two, Silly and Fun in tracks three and four, and emotional and beautiful in track five. A testament to GOTY’s talent and just how good electronic music can be. I was smiling throughout, such a good EP
Mwah Moment - The arrangement of each track on this EP is fantastic and perfect.
Overall - 5/5 /A+/ BIGGEST YES
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vrainsrewatch · 5 years
episode 8 thoughts
i was gonna watch later, since i’ve got other things to do, but i burnt the shit out of my hands making hot chocolate like an idiot so i watched an episode first LOL. 
this episode starts out with that really strong fairy tale scenery i absolutely adore, with yusaku and ai trying their hardest to get blue angel to wake up.
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i seriously could talk about the imagery in this scene for days lmao. i love the sleeping beauty aesthetic, but i also really love the colors. LV goes through so many different color palettes through the series, but i love the purples and blues of this area here. i’m not sure if the intention was to make blue angel seem like she was meant to be there, while in contrast playmaker stands out due to his hair, but i seriously replayed this section twice because it looked so nice. 
i have a lot to say about this episode, and it will also be my most screenshot heavy post so far lol, so once again, buckle up! 
this episode starts to really build up yusaku as a character - his sense of justice, his core values, etc etc. on top of that, it takes its time to flesh out akira, and to show his worse qualities, which we’ll get into in a minute.
first, though, is one of my favorite awkward exchanges in the series lmao:
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i’m surprised he even caught onto what akira was getting at, tbh with y’all. vrains started out ship teasing yusaku/aoi really hard these episodes, but drop it almost completely up until the minimal tease we get in s3, which i find really funny. i was always really invested in them becoming friends, though, so while i’m happy we had that happen in s3, i would’ve really liked to see it happen earlier. not this early, though - yusaku’s nowhere near ready for that.
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I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN VYRA WAS HERE. yugioh hair makes it known that she’s going to be an important character, but i had really completely forgotten she was working as one of aoi’s doctors during this part lmao. i love this so much, actually.
moving onto everyone talking shit about blue angel on forums and stuff. this kinda shit:
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would be really awful to deal with. it’s very real, though - cancel culture, anyone? but seriously, this is so brutal. on top of that, does this imply that she’s never really lost before? she is the number 2 charisma duelist in LV, so i wouldn’t be terribly surprised if that meant that she hadn’t really lost since starting to make it big as an idol. once again showing off how good of a duelist aoi actually is, even if the show makes her lose a lot. tbf, her loss/win ratio isn’t that bad looking at the other main girls - 5 wins, 5 losses on screen, and considering the kind of opponents she faced (soulburner, bohman, ai), that’s seriously not bad.
next up we get the chess pieces again, and boy howdy, does this conversation make me seethe.
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i understand it’s partially a cultural difference thing, but i can’t help but get angry about it LOL. 
i didn’t remember how often the chess pieces were actually utilized in these first few episodes, either. i guess i can understand why people were irritated they were just dropped, but i don’t really see them as a plot point, more like... just a kind of weird way to run a company? just show your faces and have normal meetings like everyone else, y’all don’t have to be so extra.
the akira/emma meeting is nice because it shows you more of emma’s character, but it also gives you more of akira’s stupider (and ruthless) side.
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you don’t see him like this very often, but honestly, when you think about all the unsavory jobs he was doing to keep him and aoi afloat way back when, it kind of makes sense. even if he was originally a gentle person, you don’t last doing... any of the jobs he’s done, being that way. even a higher up in a company like SOL tech would have to be a bit harsher to get to that point imo. i don’t see a lot of people talk about this side of akira’s character tbh which makes me kind of sad.
also, seriously, he’s an idiot. how did he arrive at this conclusion? when he saw that it was aoi who was baiting him into the duel? no matter what direction i approach this from, i can’t understand how he ended up on that conclusion lol.
also, the worst father ever award goes to....
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seriously! i hate that man so much lmao. to say that directly to your own child, on top of everything else...
it’s a nice look into revolver, too, though you wouldn’t know it at first glance. his reply says everything, though. he fully accepts his role in his father’s life and has an incredibly toxic attachment to him, and wants his approval more than anything. we never see him get physically abused by kogami or anything of the sort, but you can’t deny the mental anguish he must’ve been going through in order to keep on his father’s good side. 
i know a lot of people like to say that revolver is kind of not a great guy, seeing the tower of hanoi arc, and how he probably should’ve went to jail etc etc but really, he was manipulated hard core. and extremely suicidal. i could really talk a lot about this all day, but i’ll cut myself off and instead say how much i love how vrains sets up revolver as a character. this, combined with “i’ll fulfill your wishes, father” from episode 3 gives you his motivations nice and clearly, but this specific scene also gives a bit of a hint as to where his character arc goes and what he has to work through. just thinking about this makes me so excited to get to 116 again lmao.
anyways, though. another excellent exchange comes up. seriously, lmao, ai being like “waaaah that’s illegal !!!!” and kusanagi’s just very casual 
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makes me laugh every time i see it. they are criminals, even if what they’re doing is for the greater good. they’re not exactly innocent here lmao.
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then there’s the talk about the virus infecting her, and it’s a nice way to bring up how that works before the another arc comes up in.. a couple of episodes, right? tbh it’s the arc i remember the least about, so i’m looking forward to rewatching it.
actually though, the idea of viruses in LV being able to infect someone’s body is so, so interesting. i really, really wish they had done more with the whole LV/rl merge idea, but guess i’ll just have to write more fanfic instead lol.
i mentioned at the beginning of this post we get into yusaku as a character more here, and this is one of the lines that really made him interesting to me originally:
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he has such a strong sense of justice, but what sets him apart from other ygo protags is that he is not defined by it. he’s not the classic, stereotypical do-gooder who gets caught up in something and has to make it right, his justice is more so that he is not okay with seeing other people hurt because of what happened to him. his justice is driven by his trauma, almost entirely.
revolver even brings it up this episode:
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where he talks about how some rando wouldn’t have done them any good because it wouldn’t have been public enough. yusaku doesn’t really care about the little people, not in the same way, say, yugi would. it’s not that he wants them to be hurt or see them get hurt or anything, it’s just that unless it effects him directly, it’s not on his radar. but once he gets involved, he feels fully responsible.
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while he didn’t plant the hanoi virus into her, he probably knows it was to intentionally draw him out thanks to ai (and the fact that he beats them up all the time). he feels fully responsible for what happened to her, and he’s prepared to do what is needed to make it right again.
i really like yusaku for this. i find those kinds of characters really interesting, and yusaku is no exception. 
we get the whole emma/blue angel/yusaku scene, which is pretty sick tbh looking at it again - just shoot a church straight up from the ground for dramatic effect! - and i’ll bring up more of akira’s ruthlessness here.
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seriously, this is not a line from someone who is just angry about his sister. and it’s also him being fuckin DUMB. playmaker willingly lets himself get caught into your trap, and he tells akira straight up what he has to do to save his sister - no sugar coating it, no trying to make it cryptic or difficult despite being caught in that hand and in that trap. he’s incredibly honest, and akira still does this lmao.
then it’s probably the wildest turn of events in all of vrains:
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where’s that post that’s like, “remember when playmaker gets caught in a gothic looking church while he’s getting tormented by a giant demon hand controlled by his classmate’s brother and then his rival who he hasn’t met yet shows up in a lightning bolt to save him”? bc really LMAO what the fuck. it was so hype watching it the first time, and it’s still awesome watching it back.
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and why is this never really??? brought up again later???? and when he leaves in that datastorm to go prepare to fight playmaker LMAO i know it’s supposed to look cool but the animation is so dorky, i love it. 
more on yusaku, though. before playmaker goes to fight revolver, who he’s been gearing towards for awhile now, we get this exchange:
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to which playmaker responds with “i don’t hate you. i only hate the knights of hanoi”. which is another really good moment for his early characterization and very, very consistent with his backstory that we find out in about 12 episodes.
everyone who wasn’t involved in the LI in any way just... exists to him. they’re completely neutral. if something happens to them because of him, he feels directly responsible, because he feels like he got them tangled up in a mess that nobody should be in. i mentioned that briefly earlier, but this really drives that point home.
he doesn’t even hate akira for torturing him mere minutes ago. because he’s been through worse. because akira was doing what he thought was right by his sister, no matter how stupid he was being.
and even more so than that, he’s not seeing this as fighting for akira. he feels responsible for blue angel, but also, here’s his chance to fight revolver. it’s a two birds one stone situation here for him. 
anyways, i’m gonna stop myself there lol this is really long OOPS. gotta take care of a few things, and then onto the first rev vs playmaker duel!
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staysuki · 3 years
BS anon your prayers has been answered and your sos has been received 🥂
Also ash was almost on the mark saying that I thought it was Felix but I kinda just wanted to see what other people thought if I said it because it was majorly undercooked if you know what I’m saying lol
So! The clue I’ve been holding out for to piece this whole candy saga together just united all my questions. So let’s get into my analysis!!! I’m excited 😜
Candy is in an art major and all of those who were at orientation are in some form of artistic majors. (Except for Felix, how tf he even got in there we don’t know lol) We know this because y/n and candy met through a website that showcase there arts. Now that chapter 8 is out, the answer is right under our noses but first. The question on everyone’s lips? Is it Hyunjin? Let’s check out some connections we might have missed before pointing out the obvious. Also the likey hood of me looking too far into this is…very..likely.
I’ve noticed a few times where Hyunjin copies the acts of others. An example is when y/n quirts the juice box in Hyunjins face and later Hyunjin pays her back with the same method using milk. This would make for a base line of the similarity’s and differences that both y/n and Hyunjin attain. It’s not as important but stays in the loop when considering who Candy is and what makes them important to the core of the story. If Hyunjin is a main part to the core story, why wouldn’t candy? Both are the same but also so different which would make for a progression to the story. Especially since Hyunjin is in desperate need of a mediate.
Whilst on the topic of mimicking others, When Hyunjin was messaging Seungmin about the ‘special package’ seungmin used a specific emoji that candy also uses. Could Hyunjin be candy and copied Seungmin’s text style because he, in his own way, looks up to Seungmin and bases other friendships on theirs? Could it be that Hyunjin did this because he wanted to appeal the Chocolate in the same way his Seungmin appealed to him through text? Does Hyunjin mimic others to fit in with others? This would make him similar to Y/n seen as she tends to reflect the personality of others and feel as though she doesn’t fit in as well. In turn this would connect the two. Both Hyunjin as candy and Hyunjin and Y/n’s analogies.
It should also be noted that when Candy messaged y/n saying ‘a friend or mine has connections’. It is the one of the most obvious hints we can find guys. Because it was indirect, this means it isn’t seungmin. Which can only lead to Felix and Hyunjin. It’s not Felix. Why? He’s too erratic and besides he isn’t even an art major. That leaves Hyunjin. I was gonna mention it earlier but everyone seemed so confused with it so I decided to lurk in the shadows a little 👀.
And the most import clue of all that I was waiting for before I made comment on Candy is, in one of the chapters it was mentioned that candy was in the arts but under a different principle. Now that chapter 8 is here we have some clarity. It is Hyunjin, he is in art history and classical painting. Even though Seungmin is in the art of photography his kicked back personality wouldn’t fit Candy, he’s too defined. Hyunjin is much more felxiable so I believe it’s him.
Also call me nuts but I saw something… could there be a connection in the fact that Hyunjin chose the chocolate croissant? Yeah nah I’m pushing it now.
~ Lovegame anon
hmmm interesting theory 🤔 (“spoilers” under the cut, don’t click if you want to keep the surprise for yourself!)
honestly i could say something vague and try to spout some nonsense lead or be subtle about my answers but i think at this point, i don’t really have to anymore??? 😭🤌 i absolutely loved that analysis, lg anon, like, you checked off all the boxes completely! i am blown away with the attention to detail ;)))) i respect i respect, ilysm.
though tbf, i made it obvious from the start so i was more confused when people started second guessing who it was so i just went along with it 💀 it was fun though, super fun.
in chapter 5, i specifically made seungmin and hyunjin’s exchange to be a bit more vague because i was having fun with confusing people
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hyunjin asking where seungmin got the weed and then seungmin saying he’s keeping it a secret then he proceeds to say that eliminates the need to have a part time job = this goes both ways, he’s just a dealer not necessarily the supplier, he’s still getting the drugs from somewhere else (he doesn’t have a secret weed farm)
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meanwhile, candy was also vague with the phrasing, meaning it could either be seungmin talking about his supplier or hyunjin talking about seungmin.
we can eliminate jisung from the equation because he’s not part of the smoker gang. meanwhile, the two clues removing felix from the puzzle is *ding ding ding*
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he is indeed implied to not be an art major (before it was revealed in chapter 8), because he “snuck in” into the art department’s orientation (and yes, we will never truly know the mystery of felix’s ways).
the glaring hints i dropped for candy? the art major clue AND— exactly as lovegame anon pointed out (which i absolutely adore, i honestly can’t believe you were able to crack these two VERY SUBTLE codes so ily for that) the 👌👌👌 emoji and the chocolate croissant— not just the chocolate croissant, but also CHOCOLATE MILK 😏😏 (which y/n specifically stated was NOT her favorite drink).
felix being too erratic and seungmin having a defined sense of self are also very good descriptors in terms of how it’s unlikely that they’re candy, i love that ☹️.
edit: added another detail in bs anon’s ask
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright, I need to get to bed because I have church in the morning, but I slept in till almost 3 pm lol so sleep may not come all that easily. But yeah, I drifted in and out of sleep for a while like I generally do, and ended up getting up at like, 2:50. So I got up and made a blueberry dutch baby because weekends, ate that, then started making caramels that would actually be suitable to send to friends because the first batch I made is like break your teeth trying to eat it couldn’t cut it with a knife had to break it into pieces hard, lol, and I don’t think other people would appreciate it quite like I do. It went a little smoother than last time, I got better with pouring the cream in slowly so it bubbled less violently (that always sounds like such an odd way to describe it but it’s literally the only accurate description, you’d be shook) and I took it off when it reached the designated temperature, instead of leaving it on for a while longer so it got super hard. It was just about 5 when I finished it, because it had to sit for 3 1/2 hours to harden, which would be at 8:30. So I then decided to take on the behemoth that I knew organizing my clothing and switching over to summer clothes was going to be. The deal was I have a bunch of winter clothes in my dresser and closet, and a bunch of summer clothes and other things in my suitcases. a lot of the “other things” were clothes that didn’t fit me anymore, so my goal was to designate things into either keep in my dresser, keep in storage, or donate. So I started with the clothes in my dresser and closet, then went through the suitcases, and putting the winter clothes from my dresser into them as they got empty, and pulled out a bunch of stuff I’m never going to wear again for one reason or another, though I did retain some jeans and such that don’t fit at the moment but are close enough that they’re probably worth hanging on to. So, once I had everything separated into piles, I ended up with like, two garbage bags full of winter clothes that wouldn’t fit into my suitcases, and like a garbage bag and a half full of clothes to donate, which I’ll have to get around to doing at some point, maybe I’ll go thrifting with Jess soon and be able to unload them. So then I started actually putting the summer clothes into my dresser and closet, and I was super impressed that pretty much everything fit exactly and it wasn’t actually totally stuffed, and I mean up to this point almost all my dresser drawers had been hanging open because they were too stuffed with clothes to close, but now they’re closed for the first time in literally months, and my room is much cleaner, so I’m feeling good about all of these things. By the time I finished with all of this it was about 8:30 so I went to cut the caramels and wrap them in parchment paper, I’ll probably send some to my friend on Monday since everything’s closed tomorrow. I then went to get some dinner and watch some tv, starting with the Blindspot season finale that aired last night. Tbf I wasn’t paying all that much attention the entire season, but some of the plots were a bit hard to follow, so I probably wasn’t as engaged as I should’ve been, but oh well. Spoilers ahead- I was surprised they actually killed Roman, he was a very good antagonist, but I guess they felt like he needed to go. Then of course the second plot twist was freaking ZAPATA MAN, I was NOT suspecting that, like how could you???? we all trusted you!!!! Needless to say, I felt rather betrayed. And of course, the final major plot twist, Jane waking up with no memory of her time with the FBI and being back to being basically an enemy combatant. That is going to be interesting, because idk how much of sandstorm is still actually intact for her to collaborate with. I’m glad they were renewed so we can see where that goes. 
Once that was over I switched over to netflix and watched the first episode of season 2 of 13 Reasons Why (if you’re avoiding discussion about the show, I’ll split to a new paragraph when I’m done so you can just jump there, and I’ll tag it so you can blacklist the tag if you want). I have very mixed and complicated feelings about the show. I do feel some sense of loyalty towards it because I read the book all those years ago, I feel like I was kind of in on the ground floor here and knew it all before everyone else. And I do think it can work to bring awareness to issues and open people’s eyes to how much the people around them could be struggling- though it’s obviously not something those who are struggling should be watching. However, it majorly bothers me that they blatantly ignored guidelines for portraying suicide in media that would decrease the risk of copycats, that is really inexcusable IMO. But, still, when I was told the second season was about the trial, of course I knew I had to watch it because I mean, that’s kind of my thing. So I watched through the first episode, a few things stood out to me. First, did they up the rating to mature on this season instead of tv-14? Because I didn’t think they were throwing around “fuck” very much in the first season, and they were certainly being more explicit with it. I’m not sure how I feel about Clay now having a girlfriend, I mean she seems great, but I’m not sure how that’s going to fuck with him given all thats coming. I was like oh thank god when his mom was like “I dropped the case because it was a conflict of interest” like IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME because all of last season I was screaming THIS IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST YOU NEED TO DROP IT, so better late than never I suppose. I like where they’re going with the Alex plot, it’s interesting, and the Jessica one as well. I really, really fucking hope Bryce gets screwed over by the end of the season, and I think he will. It’s good to see the guidance counselor taking a more active role, at least he knows that he fucked up and is trying to do better. As far as the trial goes, I standby what I said last year, a trial would be a PR NIGHTMARE for the school, and there is nooooooo way they would ever actually take the case to trial, they would do whatever they needed to to keep it all from playing out in court. The mention of a NDA was interesting, as I see why they school would push it, but I don’t think it would be a dealbreaker if they couldn’t get it. Them spreading the story wouldn’t be nearly as damaging as all of it coming out at trial. On the trial itself, the entire defense’s case is complete and utter bullshit, literally all of it is inadmissible 404 character evidence that would never even make it in front of the jury, they literally have no legit argument, so they better end up getting screwed over, and each time that stupid lawyer says something awful and gross I want to scream at the plaintiff’s lawyer to FUCKING OBJECT, argumentative, badgering, facts not in evidence, literally so many things they could do. On the subject of the tapes being admitted into evidence, that’s a bit of a complicated one. The lawyer was right, it would be a best evidence problem, and they would have to admit all the tapes. I’m of the opinion that doing so would likely benefit them more than it would hurt them, but it is a reasonable legal argument to think it would damage the case too much, and it’s better for them to be able to control the narrative, But yeah, that was most of my opinions on the first episode, clearly I had a lot of them lol and I suspect that will be the case going forward. 
After that was done I switched over to SNL, right in time for the weekend update segment, which is always hilarious, and then they did one with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin being joined by various Trump cabinet members set to “What I Did For Love” edited to be “What I did For Trump” and man, it was fucking brilliant. I didn’t want to stay up too late though, so after that I ducked out and started to get ready for bed, because even though I’ve only been awake for like 10 hours, I have to wake up in 7 /12 hours for church so I should be getting to sleep, and that is what I’m going to do now. Goodnight dearies. Hope you had a lovely Saturday.
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shidoukanae · 6 years
Watched the PAD episode and:
I’m actually surprised by a lot of things. 
For one: names. The pink-haired girl is called Sakura Uzuki. Akashi is called by his last name so I’m gonna have to get used to calling him Taiga lmao. Blue-haired boy with bad fashion sense and blue hair is Matsubara (aka Ryuji) and I’m guessing from those names alone that blue-haired guy with kimono is Tokushi (aka Yukichi bc it’s Yukichi Tokushi and we’re apparently going by last names). Alas this still means I don’t get to know the Prince’s or Salt and Pepper’s canon names and I am crying. 
Speaking of those two tho, there was a preview of a majority of the characters in the main trailer/poster who didn’t show up in the episode but had silhouettes. Prince (he got cut off tho TwT), Salt and Pepper, the guy with the red skull hat and I think also the guitar dude showed up but they all looked...rather eerie. I’m half-suspecting that they were shadowed because they are the “elites” but the other half of me thinks that perhaps it hints towards plot significance.
Oh and the plot...I watched the episode raw so I only understood the very basics but I’m eyeing Tragon real hard because something’s off about him. We saw him with a tiger god (?) when he appeared and there was something similar to Ymir, the celestial world, presented before he came into existence which is...very strange. The show didn’t seem to touch much on it (aside from Tragon being called out as a very unique monster, I believe?) but there’s definitely something more with him.
Also, Taiga! I’m liking our main character so far and actually every main character shown. Taiga won me over within the first five minutes of his appearance and I appreciate the fact that he’s not necessarily going for the top but also has a side-plot of supporting his takoyaki stand. The use of takoyaki to blend into the PAD game is actually quite nice and thoughtful and I rather like it. 
Sakura, though she spoke little and all I could tell about her was that she was exasperated with Taiga 99% of the time, was actually pretty cute?? I’m curious to see more of her especially since we know that she is/will be a Pro-Gamer in the future.
Matsubara. Oh dear god Matsubara. He reminds me vaguely of Buddyfight’s Tasuku but more with a “go with the flow, don’t really care” attitude. I didn’t expect him to show up this episode nor did I know I wanted him too. He’s very relaxed, very calm, and I instantly found myself liking his character. He’s, in a way, arrogant but not arrogant? He’s evidently very pro at what he does but I’m intrigued to know what he was doing at a lower-end tournament (it seems). He seems very popular but he’s also very...suspicious, if I must say? I wouldn’t jump to say he’s plot-relevant quite yet but something about him strikes me as rather off and out-of-the-blue.
Then, the boy I’m assuming to be Tokushi. He didn’t speak (to my recollection) and he was only visible in the audience reacting, but hmmmm I’m a bit mystified. He seems very cool and calm but towards the end it was almost as if he was...upset? I honestly couldn’t tell with him. It’s definitely strange though how he kept popping up and was constantly present throughout the duration of the Pro-Gamer battle. I want to say that, much to my surprise, before episode 1 he didn’t actually know Taiga but now that he’s aware of him he might become a potential foil character to the boy.
Then there’s also the OP and ED. The OP is definitely not final (I see you rehashing clips again PAD. I know those visuals will change eventually I see you) but it had a cutesy-comic like feel to it. Definitely an opening song for the beginning of a show. The ED however...I don’t know if they’ll change visuals and while it’s cool to see takoyaki being made (bc of mc) I was kind of hoping for the cute ending visuals that PADX had with its characters.
This episode in particular was nice and easy, a good transition into the show although I felt left out without subs. I understood most of it and what was going on but there were some parts that confused me. I especially would have loved to know what Tragon and Taiga were arguing about when Matsubara just sits there chilling with his 10 combos bc I could tell it was hilarious even though I had no clue what was being said.
The preview for next episode seems to be training. There wasn’t much shown there but tbf that’s how PADX usually rolled too (uninteresting previews but very intriguing episodes once you watch them). I’m interested on seeing more of Sakura and maybe Tokushi (and Matsubara if we’re lucky but I think he’s out of the picture now ;w; comebackyou’resocool) as well as Taiga’s and Tragon’s antics. Also my hopes for seeing Prince and Salt and Pepper so early crashed and burned but I do think that when they arrive, it’s going to be either at the start of the Champion Cup or maybe just before it.
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panda-noosh · 7 years
hey i've got a pretty specific ask, but it's long and doesn't all fit in the askbox so I'm gonna split it into 3 separate asks - but it's all the same prompt!!! sorry that it's so long, but I'd love to see you write it if you have time!
Request: Shiro'sfem!reader s/o meeting up with Lance and Keith when back on earth andthey're accompanied by an old female friend of theirs from theirclass at the garrison (garrison girl - GG for short but you can nameher whatever). GG notices that s/o is wearing Shiro's military dogtags and is silently like ‘that should be me’ cos she’s been inlove with him since pre-kerberos but it was unrequited because shewas younger and keith’s buddy so ‘big bro’ Shiro only ever sawher as that. (1 of 3)
SoShiro joins them all in the evening at a bar and is all love-y withhis s/o upon arrival + GG is all ‘TAKASHI I MISSED YOU’ and grabshim into a huge hug and for the rest of the night is overly flirtyand trying real hard to make s/o jealous and start a fight but s/o isamused like ‘gurl he loyal AF good luck’ cos she can see thatalthough Shiro is enjoying GG’s company, the neutral body languagehe uses with her and the look of romantic disinterest in his eyes forGG is super clear. (2 of 3)
Softpost night out reassurance to S/O from Keith/Lance when they get home(after Shiro falls asleep) that space dad's only interested in hiss/o and she will never have anything to worry about and that shirowould only ever give his tags away when he was certain the otherperson was the one forever. [tbf this part could actually be separatefrom the rest of this ask if you prefer] ALSO Man I’m soooooo sorrythis was LONG and super specific hahahahaha thanks!! [3 of 3] 
   Her attempts weregood, at least.
   She was clearlytrying hard. Every little giggle that escaped her mouth, or the wayshe would slap Shiro's arm whenever he said anything remotely funny.The way she would practically throw herself across his lap toexaggerate just how hilarious theman was.
   Itwas a good try, but one that was clearly falling flat.
   Youdidn't want to be that person. Thatperson who was so protective over their significant other thathanging out with the opposite gender was banned, off limits, nothappening. Those types of people were annoying, clearly with mildtrust issues.
   Andyou trusted Shiro. That much was clear by the way you were sitting sopatiently between Keith and Lance, watching the show unfold.
   Shirohad arrived only five minutes late to the meal Lance had planned forthe day. He had wanted to get to know Hannah, who was an old familyfriend of Shiro's. You had met her once or twice before; oncewhenever you and Shiro weren't dating, and that gave you plenty oftime to understand just how she felt about your now-boyfriend.
   Shehad always had a crush on him, you knew. From the way she blushedwhenever he walked up to her, or the way she always stiffened at theside of him whenever he addressed her. He called her 'Han' a lot ofthe time, a quirky nickname which was all in good fun, though Hannahtook it as more than that, apparently.
   Thedinner was going well in your eyes. Hannah was quite simplyembarrassing herself, which didn't take away from the fact that yourfettuccine alfredo tasted incredible.
   “So,Shiro,” Hannah started once again. She had started almost everysentence she had spoken with those two words. “Tell me more aboutthe Garrison, then. What happened to you and Matthew?”
   Youinwardly shivered at the way she used Matt's full name. Lance andKeith nearly choked trying to hold back their laughter.
   Shirowas oblivious to the ongoing inside joke being passed between you andthe two boys. He turned to his friend, smiling like he always did.Her face turned beetroot red at the attention and she quickly took asip of her water in an attempt to hide any evidence.
   “Wedon't wanna talk about that here,” Shiro said. “It was a badtime. We're here to have fun, right?”
   Shiroreached over the table and took your hand at the question. Hannah'ssmile immediately wavered, whilst you smiled at Shiro and nodded,intertwining your fingers and running your thumb soothingly over hisknuckles.
   “Right,”Lance hollered. “Han, you're the guest of honour. Tell us a bitabout you.”    Keith's face was red as he tried to hold backhis laughter, and you swiftly kicked him under the table in anattempt to tell him to shut up.
   Hannahraised her perfectly plucked eyebrows, folding her arms over herchest as Shiro pulled his hand back. She seemed to relax at theaction, though Shiro's eyes were still on you, a silent question:“What's going on with Lance and Keith?”
   Youshook your head in reply, waving your hand to inform him that youwould tell him everything later.
   “OnlyShiro calls me Han,” Hannah said. She didn't miss the opportunityto run her fingers over Shiro's arm, which made Keith and Lance bothsplutter with laughter. “Anyway, there's not much to tell. Shiroand I have been friends for as long as we can remember, and he'salways been a big help in my life, you know? We met-”
   “Theyasked about you, Han,” Shiro cut in. “Not about our friendship.I'll tell them all about that later on.”
   Keithcovered his face at this point, nearly spitting up his onion ring ashe tried to bite back even more bubbling laughter. Lance was coveringhis mouth, silent tears of joy rolling down his cheek at thesituation.
   Youcould feel your own amusement bubbling to the surface, and youquickly took a drink of your water in an attempt to hide it.
   Thenight continued on like this – poor attempts at flirting, Shiro'sodd bursts of PDA which made Hannah's entire body tense up. She knewyou two were together – the second time you had the 'privilege' tomeet her, you and Shiro didn't hide the fact that you were a couple.
   Shewas just trying to win something now.
   Gettingback home, you, Lance and Keith were finally allowed to let loose thebubbles of laughter you had been trying to hide the entire night.
   Shirowent straight to bed as soon as he was in the door, pecking yourcheek goodnight before grumbling about how full he was until hisvoice became nothing but a dull pang againstthe thick walls of the ship.
  Assoon as the door closed, you ran your hands through your hair. Keithand Lance fell back against the sofa, howling in uncontrollablelaughter.
   “Didyou see whenever she dropped her napkin and tried to get Shiro topick it up for her?” Lance exclaimed, throwing his head backagainst the cushions he had just squashed. “Oh my God, how you kepta straight face out there, Y/N, I have no idea.”   You shookyour head. “I don't know how I did it, either. It was soembarrassing.”
   “Atleast you know he's loyal,” Keith commented, coming down from hishigh a lot quicker than Lance was. “You have nothing to worryabout. Seriously. We all saw how he was with you tonight.”
   Youarched a brow as you slid off your dress coat, revealing the plaingrey shirt you wore underneath. “How he was?”
   “Shiro,”Keith confirmed. “Don't pretend like you didn't notice. He was allover you tonight. It made our Han quite mad.”    “Oh, mybaby,” Lance squeaked through his laughter.
   Yourolled your eyes. Shiro had never been one for PDA, and the oddholding of your hand or the odd smile sent in your direction wasn'tenough for you to believe that that part of his personality hadchanged, though it certainly was different from what you were usedto. He usually barely even touched you in public – the odd smile,but nothing more. If he was leaving, he would peck your cheek andmaybe tug at your hand, but usually leaving the ship meant business.
   Youpondered on the thought for a while as you get to cleaning up thekitchen which Pidge, Hunk, Allura and Coran had left in a state.
   Youwere almost positive Shiro knew about Hannah's advances towards him.Perhaps he thought you cared – perhaps that was why he was goingthe extra mile to make sure you knew you were his one and only.
   Thatwas the thing, though – you knew. He proved it to you everyday, andhe didn't need to go out of his comfort zone to do it. The way hewoke you up every morning with a soft kiss to your temple, or the wayhe sometimes made you coffee and he apologised whenever he realisedhe had made it too strong, but you would drink it anyway because youtried hard, baby.
   Thatwas what proved to you that you two were in love. Not how he reactedto some girl who was trying too hard.
   Yousmiled to yourself. Our Han.
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noodlenutter · 6 years
i met my childhood idol TWICE this weekend and i dont think im gonna be the same ever again
super longwinded and probably kinda cringey/obsessivly detailed post under the cut
ok so when i was 11 there was a show on cbbc called mission 2110 and the main character, caleb, was this cyborg dude w a robot arm and headset and he was fighting against evil robots who’d taken over the world, and most importantly, he was played by stuart goldsmith. 
i saw a sign around uni for a comedy show at the basement, york, by (you guessed it) stuart goldsmith. so of course i had to go, if only to make childhood-me happy
i turned up alone and Very early. i waited outside the venue for a while and saw stu leave and go for a walk around york but I wasn’t 100% sure it was him so i didnt approach him then
when we finally got in i sat on the front row between a group of elderly people and a drunk hen party - as soon as stuart got on stage, he started his introducing himself/the show, talking about the venue and warming up the crowd spiel, but instantly froze when he saw the hen party (he was surprised that they were there and kept sort of forgetting his train of thought and going back to the fact the entire front row was a hen party, cos they’re not his usual audience)
he started the gig and im not gonna go into huge detail about that in this post cos there’s no way i’d do any of it justice thru words (plus theres gonna be a tour dvd sometime ;) ) but at some points he interacted with the audience (usually the front row) so i’ll mention those 
the first Direct Interaction was when he spat directly onto my shoe while talking. he looked right at me, stopped his joke, and said ‘yes, i know what just happened. i know. it was Entirely Intentional.’ and kept going as if nothing had happened at all (it was fuckin hilarious cos no one else even saw it happen so the crowd was like ?????)
& for the part where he asked about jobs, he asked me and i said i was a student so he firstly asked what i wanted to do after - but straight away asked what i studied. i shrugged as a response to what i want to do after the degree (cos who knows lmao) but he took that as a response for what i study and made some quip about me not even knowing what i study n how that’s just a Typical Student Thing isn’t it?
(apparently when robots take our jobs, psychologists will be replaced by tape recorders on legs)
during the break (NOT an interval) i was talking to the people beside me (not the ones in the hen party) about york and scarborough and floods and bands and everything, they were so nice 
not much happened in the 2nd half of the show (other than the fact i almost CRIED laughing, honestly that dude is SO funny), but he said he was gonna hang around afterwards to sell tshirts and say hi to people, so i decided to ask him about cbbc’s mission 2110 (which was my favourite show ever and also the place i know him from)
so, after he’d told his last joke (one about raisins, which i remembered on the drive home and had to pull over cos i was laughing so hard i thought i was gonna crash the car), he said goodbye and got off stage etc etc, i queue up to say hi. straight away he reaches out to shake my hand & say ‘hi mate, thanks for enjoying the show’, that kinda thing
i asked him about m2110 and his face LIT UP, i thought he was gonna hate me for reminding him of it but he was happy and said that was his dream job, all the robots were played by his street performer friends, and he cant wait for the day that one of the kids from the show turns up to his gig
i asked him for a photo after that and he was like ‘yea, of course!! ill even do the pose!’ and put his hand to his face like caleb from m2110 did (im grinning at the memory while typing this, its such a dumb photo but i look insanely happy and he looks exactly as i remember caleb looking)
i asked how m2110 ended (i never got to see the last ever episode), and he looked like he was going to tell me but when i said i hadn’t seen the last ep he said ‘i’m not gonna tell you then!!’ (cmon mate its been deleted off the internet for like 8 years now :(!! )
all in all i think the first show was just how a typical comedy gig goes, but the 2nd show things got different (in a good way)
i decided to go again when i found out he was going to be in leeds 2 days later, and i took my friend who was disappointed that she’d missed the first show
we got to the front row and had to sit directly in front of him (we were gonna sit a bit further across but other people wanted to sit there first), so when he came up on stage to do his intro he glanced at me, then snapped back to do a double take - ‘are you BACK???’ he asked, pointing at me, ‘you were in york the other day, weren’t you?’
i gave him a thumbs up, high enough for most of the crowd to see, and he grinned, crouched a bit and started talking to me about the york show’s crowd - the fact there was a hen party, how surprised he was about them, and then that the weren’t as rowdy as we both thought they were going to be - after a minute or so, he stood up again and said ‘this is more of a chat than a show, isn’t it?’ & got on with the show.
i honestly can’t stop thinking about the “what’s your name, where you from, where d’you do your howling?” part of the show cos it’s never something i thought of before, but every day since then i’ve screamed in my car to a song and it’s kinda therapeutic (he pointed at me when he asked about howling, he points at a random audience member for each question) (also SOIL) (also also the bit about wanting to do a mic drop but with a microphone made of meringue) 
in the break, the person behind me tapped me on the shoulder and asked whether it was different from york or better/worse than york, and whether i’d been a fan for long, etc etc 
after the break, stu got back on stage and thanked us all for coming back - then asked whether there were any ‘guilty empty seats’ next to anyone. the guy in the seat next to mine didn’t return after the break, so the person next to him and i pointed at the empty chair on the front row (he said something about how he respects that decision cos the guy came alone anyway) 
“shall we mix this part up a bit? could you shuffle these?” he asked, and gave me the flashcards while explaining how this part of the show worked (he workshops jokes from flashcards, they’re in a set order for every other show but he wanted to make it different for leeds, and so gave me the cards to decide the order)
i panicked a bit though cos I was so shocked, so i just shuffled them randomly instead of reading the cards and what they said (oops), and i put an interesting one on top - it just said ‘R’ in a circle and i couldn’t think what joke that would have been so i put it first.
i gave him the cards back and he looked at the top one like ‘uhh, no, i cant do this one first, that’s possibly the best bit of them all it’s gotta go at the end’ (which made me realise it was the raisin joke at the end of the show, so i told him how it really is because I had to pull over on the drive home it made me laugh so much - to which he fist pumped and yelled ‘now THAT’S a review!’)
before moving onto the content on the cards he talked about how he wishes he could go on stage to an audience who’s already ‘warm’ to him so he doesnt have to waste his 2nd best joke so early in the show, so he was planning ideas to get the crowd hyped before he even came out. he sat on the empty chair next to me and talked about how if everyone’s hyped enough then he’ll get a standing ovation etc etc, then stood back up, jumped on stage, and we all stood with him and clapped - ‘yeah, keep going!!! no one sit down! dont do it!’, after a few seconds i was losing my balance but i thought it’d be Funny if someone sat down, and Funny if that someone was me, who everyone knew had been to the show before. so i sat. 
‘NO!! she’s sat down! that’s it i guess, it’s over isnt it, alright then, you can all stop now i suppose’ (tbf i feel slightly bad for it BUT it made it all funnier anyway so it’s chill, i hope)
because i hadn’t looked at the cards every time there was an unexpected one he glanced over to me, ‘is this really what you want? you want this one?’, sighed ‘okay then’ and did the bit. the one about the squirrel (’you really want the fuckin squirrel one???’) kinda flopped cos it built off a previous one in york so he said that at least he’s learnt that it has to be in a certain order to be funny (youre welcome)
after the show when i went to say hi & thank you for letting me control the cards etc (i never actually said that cos i got distracted, ended up talking about how one of my twitter friends & her family is friends with him and his family but he asked who i was talking about and im like ‘uhhh i dont know her name we use nicknames online uhhhhhhh sorry’ lol), when he saw me he lifted his arms and went straight in for a hug (I HUGGED MY CHILDHOOD IDOL) & thanked me for coming back again so soon
i asked if he could sign something for me but all i had was a yellow envelope (’oh! a yenvelope!’) nnd a sharpie wrapped in tissues cos it leaks (’uhhhh lucy, why is it wrapped in tissue? oh, it leaks? well, if i were you i’d wrap it in something, maybe a tissue?’) & signed the envelope with ‘you are too big a fan! :)’ which is the most true thing anyones ever said about me, ever. he also asked if i wanted a photo or anything but i said i’d already got one n he was like ‘oh of course you do’ lol
anyway yea we left after that and i’ve been screaming internally ever since cos i never thought id ever even meet him but then i saw him twice in 3 days and he recognised me, let me influence the show AND hugged me. im still amazed. im in awe. stuart goldsmith is such a wholesome guy and im waiting (im)patiently for his next tour
EDIT: i just remembered that during the last joke i was laughing so much that i was crying and i was fanning my face, and he saw and was like ‘are you ok there?? you good??’ which made me laugh even more, jesus,
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
May 24th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 24th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Nwain by Terrana Cliff.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Nwain by Terrana Cliff~! (http://nwain.com/) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
not my favorite but i do want to say of all the animated scenes i really liked the opening few pages best. i forget what page it was but there is a shot of nwain on a cliff and the animation pans up to show the town. i thought between the lighting, the motion, and everything else, it was immensely beautiful and breathtaking.
the opening shots were beautiful, for sure
i forget the page number, but there was a page where you could click on the different locations and get a little interaction. that was super cool
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i remember that! i have to say that was definitely the most creative page. cause man, cannot imagine the work that went into that one
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I have two takes on this, which can be seen somewhat independent from the animation style... a favourite scene and a best scene.
My favourite scene was probably the one where she first did the teleporting and actually phased between the panels. Super cool. Sticks in my head.
the teleporting panels are all great
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
What I'd say was the best scene was when Nwain was put in the stockade near the start and offered up the line "what are you in for"... I felt like it captured the comic excellently. She does something heroic, but due to circumstances, ends up in trouble for it, and yet there's humour to be found in the situation too.
And yes, the animation style with the panning blows my mind. I know the one with the clicking on locations that you meant - just, whoa. You could even click on them again and they'd retract. Mind blowing.
putting aside the artistic talent and effort put into the comic - the technical skill is extremely impressive. getting all these different pages working is a huge feat. like, there's not a single bug to be found
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I can see why it takes a month to put together a couple pages. Even that feels fast.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think there was one panel once where the dialogue ran off the edges. I couldn't tell if that was intentional.
I shouldn't be nitpicky.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i really liked the stockade scene cause i think it demonstrates nwain's imperfections as a person. like shes not this perfect, stoic, and regal knight. shes just this person who has some fighting skills, makes some boo-boos in life.
hey super~!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nwain often seem to be messing up, honestly. But it's done in such a way that it's easy to relate to, like, I might've done the same thing in her place.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf some of the messups arent really her fault. like a lot of stuff at the tournament makes sense cause shes not from the time period. how was she supposed to know some game rule was declared illegal O_O
my favorite scene is actually probably the one where she throws the favor and uses it to win the race. because it was the scene that i didnt know where it was going to go. i knew she was going to aim for the favor, but i didnt know for what purpose. was she going to go for it seriously? use it to take over the world? and then she used it as a distraction and laughs were had
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Well, yeah, true, it's rather situational/owing to circumstance. Still, she ends up needing to apologize.
Hm, I wasn't sure she was going for it until she did, and as soon as RoyalPerson (I suck at names) said it was the oldest trick, I was like, ahh clever.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
wait a second math how is your favorite scene not that one where they said a bunch of puns
OMG that scene!!!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Heh. I did like the cloud puns, but I don't call that a mist opportunity.
I think my favourite LINE would be "pun pals". Did not see that coming.
Also, Princess G, fave character.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i was surprised how many puns they could make for clouds XD
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Water you talking about?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Late, but hey Rebel!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
since you brought up fave character, i really like the magician.
i love mousebot. she's a friend.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The magician's really interesting! Is he (for lack of a better pronoun) an artificial life form?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah thats what im understanding about the far listeners. that theyre robots. or at least one character called them robots. either way i think theyre the most interesting people so far. and of course mousebot is adorable
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(It's weird, using "it" feels impersonal, because of society. Fascinating use of gender in the comic, incidentally. Lots of backstory there.)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Also can I just say, I love that the comic has animated bits every now and then
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I like how the magician was going to bring in these life forms as champions and they have this big off button. "Why do they even have that?"
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 2. Nwain’s home, Sundial City, has been lost to the present world for almost 200 years. What do you think happened to the city that caused it to disappear in the present day? Was it something the city folk did, or was it some sort of natural disaster? Do you think Nwain will be able to reach Sundial City? If so, what do you think Nwain will find? Will there be people there, or will only ruins be left? Speaking of Sundial City, do you think the events hinted at in Nwain’s past have something to do with the city’s current state? If so, how do you believe they factor in?
well, they liked to experiment with time travel
i think the city just... left, somehow
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I feel like the City just kind of cut themselves off from the rest of civilization. (A bit like Tarn Vedra in the "Andromeda" universe, if anyone's seen that show.) Possibly accidentally (owing to the whole time silk problem) but yeah. Unless they're out of phase.
Meaning they're making some great phasers.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
when you say left, are you saying that maybe they time traveled the entire city and like, the city hasnt shown up yet cause it went a bit farther in the future than nwain? cause that was my pulled out of the hat theory.
yeah that's what i'm thinking. currently it's 200 years in the future. the city went to, like, 1000 years in the future
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Interesting. I hadn't considered that as a possibility.
or maybe the city went to one minute in the past, then ran into itself and exploded
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
There must be some residual effects left behind though, since that's what the Magician was able to read with his device.
I've done that with my time travel stories. Good times.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i feel like the time silk has to have something to do with the city's disappearance. since i mean, its not like nwain was purposely trying to travel with time. idk if it could time travel the whole city, though id believe it if it time traveled a lot of the people. if there were any left. cause i mean nwain left after that place pretty much burned down or something from the flashbacks. so maybe there was just so little left its inconsequential
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Seems like the "magic" they knew back then was pretty damn dangerous too though. Maybe in trying to rebuild the city after the fire they cut a few corners and whoops, we kinda sealed ourselves off like Sleeping Beauty or something.
the city going away for centuries is kind of sleeping beauty-esque, huh?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
There is that too, I suppose.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
does this mean nwain is the prince who has to roll on up and smack it awake?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, as for Nwain returning... I don't see that happening. Because I feel like that would end the story. She has no real desire to return, and we never saw her leave (except in flashback) so narratively speaking, it's in the past (literally). Bringing it forward feels like it would bookend the whole thing, somehow.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do want to call shenanigans on sundial city's magic being more dangerous though. that seems like one of those stigmas that comes about because nobody knows what happened to the city. so thus they blame a scapegoat and it just becomes a common accepted fact with no basis.
i think she'll try to figure out what happened, but i don't think she cares to return yeah
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i think shes gonna at least find the city in the present though. i think shell give up on time travel tho. unless she tries and whoops, winds up even further in the future
the subtitle of this comic is "the knight who wandered dream" and that makes me wonder if this is gonna be the comic that fully embraces the "it was all a dream cliche"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Except Nwain herself was pointing out that safety's a necessity with magic when doing the tutoring, and had a story of someone who befell bad things.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes but my point is i doubt its more dangerous
than current magic
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I don't see time travel being a major component. Unless it becomes a factor in those portals somehow too.
"dream" is something to do with the magic i think? like inside the worms was dreamstuff or whatever it was called?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ehhh, fair, might just be different dangerous, but I still think that could have played a hand in things.
so perhaps she gets trapped in the dream world at some point?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I feel like it's too random to be a dream. Like, why would Nwain dream that board game rules became illegal?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i doubt its a dream. but i feel like the title has gotta be something
they tried to teleport the city
and it got stuck in the inbetween
i feel like the story has been foreshadowing someone or something getting stuck in the inbetween
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe she is the dream.
Everything is just a figment of Shade's imagination.
Oh, I like that theory, Rebel. Only lost people can find the City.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i mean its at least a specific detail to mention. thats theres an inbetween. and sundial city is the missing thing right now.
it's something that's been mentioned multiple times too
rule of writing. setup, reminder, payoff
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
regardless tho i think nwain is....not gonna find any people at the city.
and have to accept lonliness
yeah i think they're all dead
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
They were all turned into catgirls. Or catyith. Or catomith.
if they all teleported into the inbetween and didn't time travel, they've been cut off for centuries
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
But for them, maybe only a few months.
is that how the inbetween works?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
D'you think they were the ones keeping the Crimson Empire in check?
It seems to have flourished since that time.
I have no idea how anything works.
the crimson empire didn't exist at all back when sundial city was around
maybe they were preventing any one power from rising up? i dunno though
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the crimson empire is sundial city. they just changed their name after that fire. were reborn like a phoenix and left their old life behind. but they dont want anyone to know so they erased their past and hid the city
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I was never great at politics.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
more seriously, if the inbetween is like a dream realm i could buy that time doesnt function like in the real world
they took the city and pushed it somewhere else
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
But did they build this city on rock and roll?
that would make sense, rebel. it's also possible that time passes faster in the inbetween, so it's been 10000 years for the citizens
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
We don't know the lifespan of people either.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. In order to earn star maps, Nwain’s current dilemma is participating in the Tournament at Lacefort. However, numerous ups and downs have occurred during the course of the story. Who do you believe will be the ultimate victor of the tournament, or do you think something will prevent the tournament from concluding? Will Nwain earn the favor of the Margravine, whether by accident or on purpose? If Nwain does earn the favor, what do you think may happen? Will things go as the Magician predicted or will the Margravine have a change of heart? Do you think the tournament will end with Nwain getting the star maps, or will something drastically alter that course of action?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nwain having the favour is awkward. If she doesn't end up with it, all I can think is that she gave it back to Margravine in secret. Meaning... she has to marry herself? IDK.
now, that all depends on the difference between holding the napkin and actually having margravine's favor
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Owlgirl/Penny has a whole plot that needs to happen at some point though. So I feel star maps are inevitable.
like, margravine does seem to like nwain somewhat? though mostly as entertainment i think
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh, right, I suppose the favour could be rejected. Well, Nwain's more than a novelty now, she can teleport people and all.
probably not on a mass scale, though she can do some teaching
and watch as they all make the same mistake that sundial city probably did
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do feel the story has been building up the margravine's like for nwain a lot. so i could see the favour not being rejected somehow. and then ya know, the entire political system being uprooted and there being massive strife. and then the magician headdesking wondering what horrors they brought upon the world
yeah or worse, someone else gets the favor, and margravine rejects it because she prefers nwain
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The favour of the month.
Maybe they can spin it as a way to stop the drought.
well i guess that would work? since nwain having favor with margravine means the magician gets closer to making that water deal
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
now thats a path i could see happening more. someone else gets the favor and the margravine is like "nah nwain is way cooler did you see how she teleported me."
i could not actually remember why the magician was there tbh XD cause we havent gotten to see much of the dealing for that water deal
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also all the tears of joy shed over two ladies in love.
one lady and one laidth
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Truth, my bad.
I show my age at my difficulty coming to grips with the gender fluidity.
I love how it's just this matter of fact thing though.
that's just how her culture be. still not great because adult laidths don't have that great of a standing in sundial society
or, didn't, i suppose
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah whatever nwain's social standing, its a new day and a new life
as for who wins the tournament, i feel like nwain is too far behind in points. unless they give it to her cause she helped with the elemental giant situation thing
how many rounds are left?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Don't forget the person with the favour gets two additional points.
I believe this was the last round. Because they said they'd settle up the favour thing at the end of it.
Of course, I don't know how many points you get for coming in second and stuff, if any.
she won the race iirc, and i don't think anyone has more than three points. so that means she won
...assuming she counts as having the favor
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
idk. this is assuming all events are awarded equally. not to mention how do they deal with teams? like...a team event seems like a poor last event. XD cause youd have to know you were already going to lose by that point and that makes for poor team members
the rules really weren't explained. but that's fair because we're seeing this from nwain's point of view. and she was just pushed into the ring and told to do her best.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Which reminds me. She has a ring. So she was married once. That could throw a wrench into everything. (Did she even hear the Magician say 'marriage' that one time? Seemed like no.)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That can only go so well IMO
nwain was?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. nwain was married but i think her family died in the first?
i can spell
well then, good news
marriage is done
so that problem's solved
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe not tho
at the very least
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
They're stuck "in between".
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
when shes asked "hey were you married?" she says "i was."
so she considers it past tense at least
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That has a familiar ring to it.
most marriages aren't designed to last past the 200 year mark
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I wonder if she was married to another yith.
it's possible
given the social standing thing especially
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. At current, Nwain is focused on helping two individuals: Owlgirl and Princess Joza. In regards to the former, do you think Nwain’s idea of taking Owlgirl to see the harpies will work out? If not, what exactly will go wrong? Assuming it goes wrong, what do you think the two will do then? Will Owlgirl stay in her current form, or will Nwain find a way to fix her? In regards to Princess Joza, do you think Joza will be able to learn the magic Nwain is teaching? Given how dangerous the magic is, though, do you think Joza learning it is a good idea? Lastly, do you think there will be political fallout for Nwain teaching Joza, or will everything be fine?
Joza is 100% going to mess something up
she's not an idiot, but she does seem moderately reckless
just a bit
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Everything will not be fine. But it will go pear shaped in unexpected ways.
Joza is eager.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im not sure if id say joza seems reckless, but i do think joza is overly bold and overconfident
yeah, that's what i meant. overconfident
anyway, as for what the fallout will be - been a while since nwain's been in the stockades
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
When they're in the city, they're over everything.
The Penny storyline has been very much in the background. I'm starting to feel like it's a side quest.
it does kind of have that aura about it. a villager mentioned penny offhandedly. nwain came across her by accident. and she'll get around to helping her once she's done with this tournament business.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i agree it feels like a side quest. but that almost makes me suspicious itll amount to more somehow. tho im not sure what
maybe the harpies know the truth about sundial city
and thats what this is an important questline
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the harpies can teach them to play harps and they form a touring band?
Along with the cymbals on that one car.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont think the harpies know how to plays harps O_O alas
im actually seriously assuming theyre dead XD and that owlgirl is gonna be stuck with nwain forever
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hope that'll be owl right with her.
that would suck if everyone was wrongly afraid of the giant owls, and then they all died before they could be redeemed
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe the giant owls are the people of sundial city
nwain journeyed for nothing
they were there all along
that would explain the shield symbol
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That'd be a hoot.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Owlet you keep making your owl puns.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
One of the things I like, btw, with the animation style is how sometimes random extra panels appear. Like a bonus. The one coming to mind is when Joza's learning magic and there's the worry about the random snakes.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Don't give a hoot
it's always cute when that happens
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I gotta go owl in.
besides looking cool, the animated panels make it so that you don't know any of the actions that happen ahead of time
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Could there be random ladders with the random snakes?
which can lead to some funny moments
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Powel Up
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
snuffy: That's true, interesting point I hadn't considered!
I sometimes just marvel at how people blink and stuff.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
on the downside tho the animations make referencing things hard cause you gotta remember which panels had which story bits. so can take a while to find things sometime. XD
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm pretty good at remembering stuff like that. ^.^
Actually, when I first saw it I thought 'oh, neat, some panels will animate'... but it's ALL of 'em.
The little circles help with knowing to click on too, not just the blue borders.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yea thats understandable, Rebel
and good for ya Math
i do like the little circles that show the dialogue progression. the comic really excels with UI design along with everything else
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah, technically speaking its executed very well. i found the interface to be pretty intuitive for getting through the panels.
i can't even imagine how much time/effort it takes to do each page, but dang is it worth it
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It give it a creative edge over your usual comic
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ah so since i didnt say it before, i actually think nwain might suffer some political fallout for teaching joza magic. at the very least i can see a plot line where joza goes to the crimson empire and joza's mom throws a fit XD
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Not saying every comic should have things like animations and interactive elements
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's one of those things that really takes advantage of the digital medium. You can't exactly do that with a regular comic book.
i think nwain has the potential to cause political turmoil every time she takes a breath
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel, yeah, I agree. Though it could be that it gets Joza out of trouble, like if she'd been able to teleport away from the crazy snowball.
So perhaps all is forgiven.
Snuffy: Truth. It's a skill.
she has a tendency to drop the ball a bit. or at least, there's a tendency for the ball to be dropped in her vicinity.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i doubt nwain will be in serious trouble or anything. just gonna get an afternoon in the stockades again O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I also like the nickname Spoony.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Agreed with ya there(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's soup-er.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Anyway, guessing the current arc will wrap soon, be interesting to see what happens. Impressed how long the comic's been going too, years!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Terrana Cliff, as well, for making Nwain and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Terrana Cliff’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Dawn of the Dad by AnitaComics. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on May 31st from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: https://tapas.io/series/Dawn-of-the-Dad
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