#thought of losing that person makes me wanna throw up fr
Salt Mines Reborn - https://dramarising-replacement.tumblr.com/post/739...
well hello there
uh I think we're talking about me? maybe 
I was in the lightning dom team back in 2015 and I was def immature (I was barely an adult, not that it excuses anything I did lmao) and def uh, messed up
if you wanna know what happened i honestly don't remember it clearly because it was uh, 8ish years ago? all I know is someone came over to lightning, also got on the dom team and started complaining about how we weren't doing things well. They used to do raffles so had like a few supporters because they had a lot of money to throw around and stuff. Demanded another user give them control of lightnings dom bank. Kicked off at our dom head and some other people. I was annoyed because it felt rude and disrespectful I believe. I didn't really know the dom team too well, but it just didn't feel nice. I won't go into further detail (I don't remember most of it, and I don't want to frame what I do remember without context because this isn't about me starting drama tbh) but we got into an big argument and I think it was probably fairly nasty. I think our dom head and others agreed to stand down but I wasn't having it because I was upset someone could just walk in and make demands, and when I guess I wasn't getting anywhere/losing the argument I thought I was clever by taking screenshots and uploading them to the og drama rising to like dunk on this person but it was honestly a super childish thing to do. Obvs I don't remember exactly what I was thinking but I guess I assumed people would pick my side? But nah I just caused a mess and a bunch of people left lightning and I guess I haven't thought about it in years because I kinda obviously rightfully got called out on that and packed my bags for earth and then in like 2019 I stopped playing the game (until a few months ago when a friend mentioned FR in passing to me and I suddenly was like big nostalgia)
I used to have a big temper and an attitude for sure. I think some people in lightning already didn't like me before this incident and thats okay. I've moved to nature now and am living a happy lil chill existence with my auraboa trees and silly lineage project. I'm glad to say I've grown as a person since then and I'm a lot more mature - I still don't like it when people barge in and try and tell other people what to do, but I like to think I'd have handled it with a lot more tact and not post it all over a drama forum in order to idk, get some kind of mob justice? Idk what I was thinking would happen honestly. Probably for more drama? The only thing that happened was people complaining about me and the other person and there being like some sort of fight over which of us was worse (lol). 
BUT I guess, rambling sorry, I saw this (I guess I do gotta admit I still love to read drama, but I do my best to stay out of it) and my first thought was like 'oh if anyone does remember this and remember me I hope I didn't hurt anyone too bad' so like, yeah, its like 8 years late but I'm sorry about what I did. It was childish and I was arrogant and rude back then. The ONLY thing I did right in that drama was resign from the dom team and move flights (lol). I hope lightning all the best honestly it was a fun flight. And the person who came in and tried to take over lightning dom - I hope you're doing okay too. Don't get me wrong, I hope you aren't gonna pull this kinda stuff again but hey, who am I to judge past you from 8 years ago when I was also part of the problem?
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kamiversee · 6 months
KAMI I’M FUCKING DEAD. MY FACE IS ON FUCKING FIRE BC I GOT THE NOTIF WHILE I’M AT WORK 😭 i read it during company time regardless 🤭
Ino being working at the café makes so much sense, holy shit. i can’t believe i glazed over that possibility. OH MY GODDDDD!!!! the poor guy, he’s so sweet ): i hope we have another chapter or oneshot with him. he’s too fucking cute oh my goddddd
i fucking knew it was going to be a battle between an obsessive vs. possessive guy i fucking called it!!! as a Choso girly, i was all for it in the previous chapter but holy shit that interaction was way more brazen than i expected (i kinda like it? ahjfjkfjedjjd). but my poor boy Ino omg 💔 i think i’m starting to get the Gojo delulu bc for a second there i thought the possessiveness was kinda hot 😭 Kamo Choso i will wear rose colored glasses around you every day if i need to.
i want Yuki so fucking bad 😭😭😭 SHE’S SO FIIIIIIIIINE!!!! forget Choso, i want HER. i’m so glad she turned out to be more of a girl’s-girl than we expected. the fact that Yuki and Choso broke up bc Yuki turned out to be so gay is SENDING me for some reason 🥴 it’s so good for her character and it sets up so much potential for the reader to explore more aspects of herself
this chapter is reawakening things in me. please kami, i need a oneshot where the reader and Yuki have sex while Choso’s tied up and forced to watch omfg PLEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAASE
i’m so relieved that it’s Suguru that walked in out of anyone. these past few chapters have been stressing me the fuck outtttt and for some reason i trust that Suguru wouldn’t be quick to let things slip (too much). he really feels the safest out of the people in the list for the reader to see now that the list is done. he’s so aware of his surroundings and is good enough with social cues that i feel like he’ll see the reader and Choso together and put two and two together. but he definitely wouldn’t make it easy at all. it’s too in-character of him to throw out a comment or two to fluster the reader enough and i seriously can’t wait to see Choso’s reaction to it 👀
i feel like the worst people for the reader to meet again would be Sukuna (for obvious reasons) and Gojo. Toji can’t afford to say anything, Naoya can be brushed off as a bad one-night-stand-rebound, and i feel Nanami would be reserved should they run into each other again. honestly, i think Nanami would be tied with Suguru in terms of who would be the safest person to run into at this point.
i’m already getting heart palpitations at the thought of Gojo and Choso seeing each other face to face. they’re both so jaded to violence when it comes to the reader that it’s almost scary to think about. i know you said there wouldn’t be a character death (thank goodness) but holy shit do i kinda wanna see a fight between them LMFAOOOO IT’S SO MESSYYYYY
omg the thought of Choso and Sukuna meeting face to face gives me so much anxiety for similar reasons. he’s being mentioned so fucking much lately, i’m so scared 😭
also i feel so fucking bad for the reader 🥹 even though she’s physically done with the list, it just ended up having more blackmail pile up against her. i don’t think Suguru would go out of his way to blackmail her, mostly because we already know he has no reason to and he thinks this whole thing is fucked up since the start. but Suguru is just a subtle reminder of the guilt and trauma (regardless of the fun) that came with this journey. it’s so twisted, the list will always hang over her head and she’ll never be free unless the entire truth comes out 😭😭 KAMI YOU MAKE MY HEART ACHE.
KAMI YOU KNOW I DON’T LIKE TO RUSH OR PRESSURE YOU BUT I NEED THESE NEXT CHAPTERS EXPEDITIOUSLY. MY MIND IS FUCKIN SPINNING AT THE POSSIBILITIES. I’M LOSING ITTTTTT!!! 100% i’ll be back later to ramble more once i have more time to dissect this chapter after work 🥲
- ☃️
One of my best anons as usual LETS BREAK THIS DOWN BY PARAGRAPH NOW👹
2. Not sure abt another chapter with him outside of subtle appearances maybe BUT there will be a lil oneshot for him in this au!
3. Obsessed vs Possessive will literally just boil down to what people prefer tbh😭 so hey, its ok to be delulu!!
4. And I NEED YUKI SO BAD NGL😩 Reader might js run away with her fr
5. Hehehehehe yuki & choso oneshot with choso watching UGHDHSUSBJ ADDED TO MY NOTES IMMEDIATELY !!
6.🌚 No comments on whether Sugu walking in is good or bad !!
7. Though I will say yes, the worst person to show up wouldve been Sukuna fasho😭
9. Heh… no comment on this bit either ^.^
10. Yep! I’m glad its noticeable that the list still has an effect on her no matter what she does 😹
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hologramband · 4 years
Hollywood Ghost Club p2
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(my gif)
Luke x Reader
Word Count: 4k
A/N: So glad this has taken off! I’m so sorry it took so long! I didn’t want to rush it and there's some big things happening here, most will get explained in the next chapter or two! Hope you enjoy it!
You lay your head on your dressing room table, the aftermath of the shocks still lingering even after a few hours. 
Caleb had really pushed you to give him the answers that he wanted, you resisted as much as you could, but in the end the shocks got to you. 
Thankfully, you didn’t know too much, so the new boys still had a chance. 
A knock at your door caused you to look up, trying to put yourself together before the person came in, but Willey had already let himself in. 
“No offense, but you look like crap,” Willey tried to lighten the mood, but when he noticed it didn’t help he moved to your side, rubbing small circles on your back to relax you. 
“How hard did he grill you?” He whispered, continuing his previous actions. 
“I’ll be fine, it just hit hard since I was drained, but Willey,” you sat up and looked him in the eyes, “Those boys, they have something, and Caleb feels threatened. I-I don’t know what he’s gonna do to get to them.” 
You sigh and check the time, seeing that you only had half an hour before you went on, you stood up to get ready for your performance tonight. 
“What should I do, I can’t just not bring them here, Caleb will have my head. But I, I don’t wanna see him, erm, them hurt.” Willey was trying to sort through his options while you changed behind a screen. 
“We just have to try to keep them safe. There's only so much we will be able to do, but we have to do as much as we can to get them out of here unmarked, and then never bring them back.” 
You stepped out from the changing screen and Willey whistled. 
“Caleb really went all out with the dress tonight.” He winked and you smiled lightly. 
The dress was floor length, with small spaghetti straps and a slit from the bottom up to the top of your thigh. The color complemented your hair and skin tone perfectly, despite your slight lack of power at the moment, you were truly glowing. 
“Yeah, it’s really some of his best,” You did a small spin and then sat down to touch up your makeup. 
“You know, Luke will probably love it too,” Willey smiled at your reflection, you hiding a slight brush remembering his comment about being excited to see you perform. 
“Oh please Willey, that boy is a total flirt. He was probably just being nice,” You shook the thought away and changed the subject, “But Alex, he’s just as cute and sweet as you described him.” You wiggled your eyebrows at the boy next to you as a smile took up his entire face. 
“Well on that note, I do have to get ready so I can pick them up,” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I’ll see you after your performance, you’re gonna be great.” You smiled at him in thanks before he poofed out, leaving you to your thoughts. 
That didn’t last long as Caleb walked in. 
“Ah, Darling. How’s my bird feeling?” He laid a hand on your shoulder, and you slightly tensed. 
“Just getting ready, the dress is beautiful by the way, you’ve outdone yourself again, Caleb.” You forced a smile up at him, he smirked in return. 
“Thank you bird, but I’ll admit my visit was for other reasons,” his grip slightly tightened on your shoulder, “These boys, they possess a power, and I want it. They aren’t allowed to leave here without my mark, or else you’ll feel the consequences.” You moved a hand to your gut where the shocks would be directed, causing Caleb to chuckle. 
“No no no, you’ve felt enough of that for today. I had something, else, in mind.” He smiled wickedly and you started to feel your power levels grow to full capacity. 
“You have come to realize the lock I have on your abilities, if the boys leave here with the mark, i’ll allow you to keep them where they are,” he moved his hand to your wrist, his thumb brushing over the purple fingerprint tattoo, “if they give me issues, if they leave here without me seeing them off, your powers go as well.” He drops your hand and smiles down at you. 
“That would just be a shame wouldn't it.” He finished, and you nodded in agreement, trying to hide the fear that was building inside of you. 
You knew that tonight had the potential to get messy, more than likely it would, so you vowed in that moment to do everything you could to ease the boys and keep Caleb elsewhere, even if that meant losing your powers. 
You were prepping yourself up to go on stage when Willey appeared next to you, immediately noticing your change in demeanor. 
“What happened?” He grabs your wrists and spins you around, looking for anything new that may have changed your mood. 
“Nothing Willey,” You were getting too good at faking smiles, “just, follow my lead tonight… okay?” You sent a pleading look into his eyes and he nodded. 
“Okay, but, just dont do anything stupid. The boys and I have front row seats, come talk to us after you’re done.” He slightly smiled and poofed away. 
Taking a deep breath you waited for Caleb's to show up and take you on stage with him. 
Just as the thought came, Caleb appeared next to you and took your hand,
“Ready?” He smiled and as soon as you nodded, you two appeared on the stage together. 
“Welcome! To the party of your Dreams.” He started, the two of you appearing center stage.
“From the Egyptians, the Druids, to the person sitting next to you, we’ve all wondered, ‘Where do we go after the final light is snuffed out?’” You continued after Caleb, these lines the same from when you wrote them 10 years ago upon entering the club, Caleb calling himself your mentor. 
“Let me introduce myself, we’ve got some time to kill.” you started the song, walking on air next to Caleb, showing what you two were capable of. 
“Consider me the pearly gates to your new favourite thrills
We could go make history or you could rest in peace.” 
Caleb again took your hand in his as he spun you around in a dance of sorts.
“But here there ain't no misery
'Cause on the other side we live like kings”
You finished your lines as Caleb spun you, poofing you mid spin to a seat on top of the piano, him now taking center stage.
“Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Let your body loose, let your body loose
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?
Show you a thing or two
'Cause you ain't seen nothing” 
Caleb moved closer to the front table while he was singing, and it was then you noticed that it was Willey and the Band he was singing directly to, all but one of them staring at Caleb in amazement. 
Luke wasn’t looking at Caleb though, his eyes were now directly meeting your own, smiling at you when he noticed you had met his gaze. 
You smile back and throw your head back as the next line came, the rest of the dancers with it. 
“Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood” 
You watched as Luke’s eyes scanned the entire room, taking it all in. 
The rest of the boys were dancing in their seats, amazed by what was happening all around them. 
The next set of lines came and Caleb was pulling out all the stops, food was being brought from all sides of the club, dancers breaking from the stage and moving into the crowd, for a moment from almost forgetting what was so bad about the club. 
“Everything has got a price but happiness is free
Just so happens, you're in luck
We've got a vacancy
We can set the night on fire and break out of the scene
Your soul print on the walk of fame
On the boulevard of your wildest dreams”
Caleb had moved directly in front of the table the boys were at, waving his hands over the table cloth, and you held your breath for what came next. 
With a flick of his wrist and the pulling away of the table cloth you felt the pull of the magic and poofed to a standing position above all the boys. 
Willey laughed as the other moved their chairs back in surprise, not expecting this to happen. 
You sang the next lines with Caleb as you walked down invisible stairs to the floor directly in front of the table. Caleb grabbing your hand and pulling you to his side.
“Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys?
Let your body loose, let your body loose
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys?
It ain't bragging if it's true
Now you ain't seen nothing”
At the start of the next chorus, the two of you poofed back to center stage and threw your arms up, belting the song and engaging in the dance that was happening around you. 
The song continued and you danced around the stage, then down to beside the guys’ table, walking alongside Caleb, playing the part that you were supposed to be, his right hand woman. 
“Watch me make a move
Come one and give me that noise
A tomb with a view
Ain't it something?”
He sang, and you all looked up at Kendra as she appeared on a hoop that was suspended in the air, sending a wink your way as she hung down. 
You watched as Reggie shot out of his seat in amazement and Luke followed, only to grab his shoulders and sit him back down. 
You giggled at the boys' antics and moved to behind and in between Luke and Reggie, placing a hand on their shoulders as the dance number continued. 
They boys were moving in their seats to the music, really getting into the song. 
“Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood
Life is good on the other side of Hollywood”
Caleb motioned for you to join him as he walked back to center stage, you squeezed Reggie and Luke's shoulders once more before following and joining your boss. 
He wrapped an arm around your waist as you mimicked the gesture, and you finished the song with your final spoken part, Caleb joining you on the last line.
“Ain't it the best?
Long live the dead!”
As soon as the words came out of your mouth a sheet was waved in front of the two of you, Caleb then poofing the pair off stage. 
As soon as you were alone you felt the unease from before sinking in, causing you to step away from the man, but slowly so he wouldn’t suspect. 
“Let’s go meet these boys, properly this time.” Caleb smiled and held his arm out for you to take, which you did unwillingly. 
The two of you poofed out right as Reggie was talking. 
“Where’d they go?” Turning he saw you two and jumped. 
“Oh WOW, found them!” He laughed as the others turned to look. 
You moved from Caleb's side to be next to Willey, feeling a sense of security from him.
“Hello boys, I’m Caleb Covington, and you have already met my darling little songbird, (Y/N),” he motioned to you, causing you to give a slight wave, “and I’d like to welcome you to the Hollywood Ghost Club.” He opened his arms in a way that made the boys look around them in amazement. 
“You guys enjoy the show?” You spoke up, glancing at Alex and Reggie, but eyes settled when you met Lukes gaze. 
“That was- I mean.. Did you like…?” Luke was at a loss of words, his amazement obvious. 
Willey stepped in to stop Luke from rambling further. 
“Caleb, this is Alex, Luke, and Reggie,” He gestured to each one as he introduced them. 
“It’s, uh, really nice to meet you sir,” Alex smiled and took a small step back towards Willey. 
Reggie followed with a ‘sup’ as Luke nodded. 
“The pleasure is all mine! Nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic with new friends, please! Sit!” Caleb motioned for the group to take a seat at the table they were all standing around, a ghost bringing him a chair to sit in, another was being brought for you when Caleb held his hand up to stop them. 
“Ah, (Y/n), can you be a doll and run to check on the new girl from this morning, I believe her name was Lucy?” Caleb knew he needed to get you away from the table, you were too good at dropping hints and not activating your mark, you would spoil his plan. 
“Oh, you don’t want me here?” You spoke out loud, slightly narrowing your eyes, trying not to back down too easily. 
Willey looked up at you nervously, seeming to catch on to what Caleb was doing. 
“Now little bird, no need to cause trouble, you just spent so much time welcoming her this morning, wouldn’t want all that to go to waste, would we?” You felt your powers lower, Calebs way of reminding you that he had a hold on you.
You just nodded, and as you were turning away you felt a slight pressure on your wrist pulling you back, turning your head you saw Luke’s hand was the reason. 
“Um,” he stuttered before taking a breath and smiling at you, “will you be back later?” 
You heard the message behind his words, he wanted to know if you had to go for the night or not, if he would see you again. 
“I’ll make my way back around to say hello again.” You smiled and squeezed his hand before you walked away again, not missing the way Caleb was looking at the exchange with a glint in his eyes. 
You walked away and found Lucy standing near Kendra, the two of them dancing together in a corner. 
“Hey ladies, how’s it going?” You smile at your friend before moving down to Lucy’s level. 
“Are you having fun tonight?” She smiled at you and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the middle of the club to dance. 
The small girl spun in circles, then grabbed your hand, jumping around. 
“She hasn’t spoken since she got here.” Kendra was by your side again, swaying beside you with the music. 
“It may be due to how she died, a lot of times children who go through something traumatic either don’t talk about it, or anything, in a way to avoid the memory or feelings involved with it. They’ll distract themselves with things that bring joy.” You picked the girl up and put her on your hip as you spun her around with you, causing a small giggle to come from her. 
You set her back down and she again grabs one of your hands, then one of Kendras, the three of you forming a circle to dance in. 
Looking across the floor you make eye contact with Caleb, diverting your eyes and looking back to Kendra and Lucy. 
Lucy stopped dancing, and looked at you with a shimmer in her eyes, then looked towards Caleb. 
She looked back with a worried look, tugging you down to her level with a sense of urgency. 
“Hey honey, what’s wrong?” you ask confused, you brushed her hair out of her face.
Wordlessly, she moved her hands to either side of your face, and you felt a pressure release in your head you didn’t realize was there, your vision started getting dark at the corners, but your eyes never left hers. 
When your vision went completely dark, you noticed you were no longer in the ballroom, but in your dressing room, but something was different. 
Looking around you noticed the decor was dated, the way you found it before you had come to the club ten years ago. Caleb had told you it was how the person who used the dressing room before you had it decorated. 
This is where things started to get weird. 
Two people had entered the room, they were fighting, you weren’t focusing too much on what they were saying. You were too distracted by the fact that the two people that had walked in were you and Caleb. It was like you were watching yourself in a movie from inside the screen, the weirdest part of all was that it felt familiar, like dejavu. 
Caleb looked younger, his face was softer, not as many scowl lines, and you, wow. 
There was so much different about you, your style was straight out of the ‘80s, and your hair was much longer than it is now. 
You had no memory of this when this happened, but something was telling you that it definitely had, this was real.
“What are you gonna do Caleb? Erase me?” the other you sneered into Caleb's face. 
Just as soon as it had started it was over, you came back to reality, blinking as Lucy let go of your face. 
“Was that… real?” You whispered, and she nodded and bolted back at the sudden added presence beside you. 
You look up and see Caleb glaring down, you standing to meet his glare straight on, feeling the overwhelming need to protect this girl. 
“I think it’s time I take her to bed,” Caleb held his hand out to Lucy and she grabbed onto your leg from behind you. 
“No worries Caleb, i’ll keep an eye on her,” you looked down at her still in shock from what had happened, “I’ll put her to bed in a bit.” you looked back at Caleb and he narrowed his eyes at you. 
He took a step closer, trying to intimidate you, but you pushed your chest out and straightened your posture in return, a sudden burst of confidence taking over, he wouldn’t cause a scene with this many people around. 
“What did she show you?” His words were quiet, and rushed, they conveyed a worried tone. 
“Show me?” You tilted your head in mock confusion, deciding to play dumb, not letting him know what she had shown you, as you weren’t sure of it yourself. 
Caleb shook his head and poofed away. 
“C’mon Lucy, let’s go make some new friends.” You looked down at the girl again and grabbed her hand, taking her over to Willey and the boys. 
As you were reaching the table, Kendra appeared beside you and linked your arms, Willey standing up and meeting you, Luke, Reggie and Alex all missing from the table. 
“Where are the boys? I was going to introduce Lucy,” you asked Willey. 
“Caleb showed them they could eat and they have been going crazy trying foods from all the tables, but that’s not important. (Y/n), what happened to you a second ago?” Willey was looking you up and down, seeming to be looking for anything different, or wrong. 
You look down at Lucy and back up at Willey, but before you had a chance to explain you heard someone calling your name from behind you. 
“(Y/N)!” Luke, followed by Alex and Reggie, rushed to you, all holding a different food in their hands. 
“How did you do that before?” Luke questioned. 
You tilted your head in confusion. 
“Yeah, I wanna glow like you did! Can you teach us?” Reggie asked. 
“I-I did what?” you looked down and saw Lucy hiding behind you again, looking at everyone with big eyes. 
“Hey honey,” you crouched beside her again, “These are my friends, Willey, Alex, Reggie, and Luke!” You watched as she looked at each of them and then sank back into your side, still unsure. 
Luke made eye contact with you and crouched down by your side, offering a hand to Lucy.
“Hey, It’s nice to meet you, I like your ribbon.” He gestured to the purple ribbon that was holding her hair back, and she smiled a bit, reaching out and touching his hand in a thanks. 
Reggie was the next to lean down and talk to her, and the connection that sparked between them was instant. 
He complimented her dance moves from before and apparently that was all it took to gain her trust. She grabbed his hand, then Kendras, and dragged them both out to the dance floor again. 
You giggled as they went, glad she was starting to trust more people. 
“Hey, you looked really good out there tonight. Really owned that stage, and looks like you were able to gain back all your energy from this afternoon.” Luke smiled as he spoke. 
“Oh, thank you.” You smiled back, “It usually takes a few hours to regain it all, but today really took it out of me, thanks again for helping, I think she really felt safe and welcome when she got here.” You thanked Luke again, then happened to look up at the time, it was way past 9pm. 
You tried opening your mouth to tell him that he had to go, that he and his band were missing the gig, but the only thing that happened was the burning on your wrist. You frantically looked around for a way to tell him without the burn getting worse, then an idea hit you. 
“Oh, look at the time! I really should get Lucy to her room, she’s probably exhausted after the long day she's had.” You hoped he would get the hint, and smiled when he looked up at the clock. 
“Ohmygosh,” Luke's eyes widened, “we-we are so late, Julie…” He trailed off, panic setting in. 
“I’m sorry (Y/n), but we gotta go, we are so late, but um, it was really great seeing you again!” He moved towards the boys on the dance floor, then quickly turned around back to you. 
“You know, we practice around 4pm everyday, you should come some time! You can meet Juile, and you know, we can hangout or something…” He scratched the back of his neck and his face held a nervous smile, which you returned. 
“You know what, i’ll have to come see you guys once, see what all this hype is about.” you answered, watching as the smile grew on his face, then dropped as he remembered he had to go. 
You walked with him to the dance floor where he got the boys, and you grabbed Lucy’s hand, saying goodbye as they rushed out towards the doors. 
“Nice,” You heard from your side, your eyes widening as you realized it came from Lucy. 
“Let’s get you to your room, yeah?” You smile at her and she nodded, holding her hands up, silently asking for you to carry her. 
Picking her up you poofed to her room, tucking her into her bed, watching her eyes slowly close. 
You smiled as you poofed out of her room back to the ballroom, where you saw Caleb shaking the boys hands in a goodbye, but felt anger build in your chest as you saw the marks appear on their wrists, matching your own. 
“No,” you whispered, watching them poof away, Caleb looking back at you, an evil glare in his stare. 
p3 coming soon... 
 @lolychu  @simplysanha @-episkey- - @kristencoontz @ifilwtmfc @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @perfectlywrongformend3s @bathtimejish @lovesanimals @oswin05 @ashleyleblancx @losers-club6 @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @simplysanha @perfectlywrongformend3s @bathtimejish @lia-faerie-queen @morgandamrose
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utopianvoices · 5 years
dating au | j.wooyoung
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⤗ check my masterlist for other members!
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how he acts around you
this boy
oh my fucking god
don’t get me started
acts like a whole ass school boy around you
no, i’m not talking about the kind of school boy that is super shy around their crush
i’m talking about the kind who teases the person they like to no ends
you know that moment you find out this boy’s been bullying you since kindergarten just because he liked you
that’s wooyoung right there
does not know the meaning of maturity when he gets a crush on you
all sane thoughts just fly out the window
he’ll do anything to make sure your attention is on him all the damn time
tbh i’m surprised you don’t end up hating him with the amount he teases you
will trip you when you’re walking by
or just tugs on your hair if he’s walking behind you
is so so annoying
but even while being annoying he’s still so considerate???
makes sure he’s ready to catch you if you really lose your balance when he trips you
and never pulls on your hair to the extent where it hurts
basically all the things he does are just subtext for “pay attention to me because my heart does Things when you’re around”
poor babie (つ﹏<。)
he’s both sweet and annoying
when he’s annoying he’s really annoying
to the extent where you wanna slap him real hard
but when he’s sweet he’s so sweet that all you wanna do is just kiss him right there
what no i didn’t say anything
always replies to your messages immediately
and never misses a call from you if he’s not busy
even if he misses a call, the first thing he does when he checks his phone is to call you back
will listen to anything and everything you have to say
even encourages you to rant to him if you’re feeling down about anything
puts you first for EVERYTHING
honestly i think he even values your life more than his
wooyoung is a very passionate man
so even when he loves, he’s passionate about it
him teasing you is just how he copes with his crush on you
and his own way of saying “please don’t ever forget me.”
how he confesses
one of the ones that have no problem confessing
only after doing some confirmation tests though
when he’s starting to make his mind up to confess to you, his teasing switches up a bit
instead of tripping you or pulling your hair
he teases you in another way
gets really close to you when he’s taking something from behind you
casually puts his arm around your shoulder when you’re watching a movie
just stares at you when you’re trying to do something
the staring wasn’t intentional tho he’s just so smitten he can’t stop looking at you
basically just does whatever he can do to get a reaction out of you
when you get flustered and pull away, a bulb just lights up in his head
and his confidence slowly grows
but if you’re really good at controlling yourself
damn y/n you must have some steel conviction
he’ll give up and bribe the members to reveal if you returned his feelings
and he finally got the truth from san after asking nicely just once
by nicely i mean he threatened to put shiber into the washing machine with dye if san didn’t tell him
but yEs, after asking very nicely
he found out that you did return his feelings
and he’s smug af
doesn’t plan anything extravagant
he kinda just drops the bomb on you when you’re eating, out of all the times
and you just kind of start choking because???? you weren’t made to handle these things???
plus you thought that him confessing so casually was pretty hot
he passes you some water and just gently pats your back
waiting patiently for you to come back to live and give him a big ol’ hug
first date
oOof i imagine y’all having a really simple date
like the dance studio date kind
invites you over to the dance studio and shows you all the new choreos that he made
and you’re just like (☆ω☆*) because dAmn your man looking hot as fuck
you know, just for the laughs
dies laughing when he sees your flustered face
and teases you so much omg
“you really enjoyed that huh?” 
“n-nO i didn’t whAt are yOU talking abOut!!?!?!?”
“uh huhhhh whatever you say babe~”
“hhhh i’m bREAKING UP WITH YOU.”
but fr tho you’d take this date over any other date
because just having wooyoung with you was more than enough
for your meal you’ll just decide to order pizza or something
and sprawl across the floor pigging out
10/10 date right there
i wouldn’t be surprised if he starts a food fight by throwing some fries at you
and you throw some back at him
but you both stop after getting each back because food is precious
and y’all were hungry as heck
good choice
tells you to take a seat at the couch while he clears the place
but you refuse and help him out
and he’s just like *heart eyes*
leave the boy alone he basically just has *heart eyes* for you all the damn time
first kiss
you’re gravely mistaken if you think you’ll be waiting long for this
boy is shameless
and deprived
because he’s been wanting to kiss you for the longest time
so anyway after stuffing your faces till you both couldn’t walk
he suggests to DANCE
?????? hello wooyoung pliz
not everyone is athletic like you ;;
but he leaves you no choice because the next moment he’s pulling you up
and connecting his phone to the speakers and choosing a song
you’re surprised when a soft tune fills the studio
instead of the usual hip hop or r&b tracks
have i mentioned how cheesy he is
will do a 90° bow and say something like “can i have this dance with you, m’lady?”
and you can’t help but giggle at how silly he looked trying to pretend to be posh
but you play along anyway
returning the bow, you offer your hand and he pulls you closer
one of his hand on your waist while your hand rests on his shoulder
and your free hands intertwined
the first few minutes were you both trying insanely difficult ballroom moves
but as time went by, your hands found home around his neck, you fingers playing with the ends of his hair
while his rested on your sides
and you’re just staring at each other while swaying side to side
when he slowly starts to lean in
and you’re like !!! this is it!!!!!
as your eyes flutter shut
but they shoot right open when his nose brushes yours instead
and you’re met with the image of your sneaky boyfriend trying to hold in his laughter
you stare at him for a few seconds trying to process what just happened
and when you finally realise
you start hitting him, complaints flying out of your mouth, while he tries to shield himself from you while laughing
you’re not even done with your sentence when something soft lands on your lips
who would have guessed
your words die in your throat as he pulls you in closer
and you just kinda melt in his arms
would have probably continued kissing you if his phone didn’t ring
blasting out his horrible ringtone of “i’m a barbie girl” at full volume
causing the both of you to jump apart at the sudden noise
“you still haven’t changed it?!”
you actually set it as a joke to annoy him and he just never changed it since his phone was on silent most of the time
couple goals amirite
first fight:
it’ll probably stem from his teasing personality
you would have had a really bad day and all you wanted to do was spend some quiet time at home
but i think he wouldn’t really pick up the cue that you weren’t in the mood for his jokes
and will keep joking and playing around
you’d just shoot him a glare, hoping he’ll stop
but boy would be pretty oblivious and just thought you were playing along
until you tell him off with a hard voice
and then he knows he’s in trouble
“wooyoung ffs leave me alone for one second please.”
and he’s just like !!!! fuck!!!!!
he pissed you off when he should’ve been taking care of you
kinda stands around awkwardly after you tell him off, not knowing what to do
and finally just walks off into the room
not even 10 minutes later, the smell of lavender floats through the apartment
and a nervous wooyoung appears
“i-i uh, prepared a bath for you... only if you want though!!”
babie ;-;
and you feel bad, because your boyfriend shouldn’t be feeling cautious around you
so you just push yourself off the couch and walk towards him
giving him a soft kiss and whispering a “thank you” against his lips
and you can actually physically see him relax
his shoulder dropping to their normal stance from their previously tensed state
and he gives you a warm smile
you take a few steps towards the bathroom when you get an idea
“wanna join me?”
and he just stares like :O for a while
before going ;) and scooping you up
walking to the bathroom with you in his arms
i’m just doing myself more damage at this point
favourite things to do together:
did someone say
movie marathons
loves loves LOVES to watch movies with you
especially harry potter!!!
he’ll order a ton of food
and you’ll make some brownies for the both of you
while he sets up the living room to look like a whole ass fort
makes sure NO ONE disturbs him during your movie marathon
and you do the same
you both rewatch all the way from the first to the eighth movie
spending time in between each movie to discuss certain opinions you have
and it’s honestly one of the best times to bond with him
because it really amazes you how deep your talks can get
and the different perspectives you both look at
y'all definitely fall asleep in front of the tv towards the end of the eighth movie
with your head on his shoulder and his atop yours
hands intertwined and resting on his lap
the sore body you attain the next day due to your uncomfortable positions is totally worth it though
because you’d do it again, with no hesitation
general affection:
can we take some time to mourn for your innocence
big rip
or am i
one of the skinship kings
will get withdrawal symptoms if he’s not touching you
does NOT care if the members are around
will shamelessly pull you in for a kiss
and honestly only the members are on the losing side because they could have gone their whole life without seeing you two make out
right in front their salads tSk
loves to sit you on his lap
whether you’re in a car
on the couch
or wherever possible
just wants to show off his strong thighs
although you sitting in his lap often leads to other problems......
and he’ll make sure you solve his problems
if you kiss him for more than three seconds
you bet he’s gonna turn it into a make out session
so if you have things to do, avoid putting your lips anywhere near his
will whine if you tease him
like.... really Whine
and the only way you’re shutting him up is by kissing him
if your make out sessions start to get Wild
his movement just gets very urgent
pushes you to the nearest wall or whatever hard surface there is
and puts his hands on either side of you
essentially meaning that you’re not escaping him soon
and this, 9/10 times leads to something more
sO.... buckle up
might be a bit rough when he’s in the mood
so you’ll have to take the lead to slow things down
only if you want though...... everyone has their preferences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
basically, with this boy?
you’re gonna have to prepare yourself to be attacked 24/7 because it’s not in him to stop showering you with love and attention
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oikawasbread · 4 years
(part 1) Ah, okay for matchup’s, I thought it would be cool to try one of theses because I've never done one before. I’m female, and bisexual. I’m a Scorpio, and I enjoy track and cross country, dancing, which i’m fairly good at, photography and reading in general. I also find myself getting back into drawing and singing oftenly. It said I was a INTP-T. I have relatively short brown hair, which is curly. I’m mixed, more on the tan side and i’m 5′6 (I just checked)
I wear glasses majority of the time, and i’m fairly curvy. I see myself as a ambivert who has a bit of a shy shell, but can easily be broken into revealing a very energetic human being. My friends describe me as scary?? Aka, i’m not afraid to defend myself or state my opinion in many conversations. Along with that, I do get anxiety quiet often and wonder frequently if I accidentally made someone mad or not. With people I trust or like, i’m fairly loud and laugh alot- and its to the point where people have to tell me to calm down lmao. I enjoy engaging conversations almost about anything, and I wish I can have those types of talks more in my life. Alone however, i’m usually quiet and don’t start conversations unless I have too, or someone starts a conversation with me. In relationships, I’m just looking for someone who can make me laugh, while also tying me down when my emotions get the best of me, while respecting who I am. A few negative parts about my life can be simply showed with my zodiac sign with me being able to get jealous really fast and holding big grudges other small things, which are two things i’m trying to work on currently. On the positive note, I will say that I will literally take a bullet to save any of my best friends to be completely honest. I enjoy the rain, snow, and cold temperatures. I love animals and I have a very tiny doggo that I treasure with every ounce of my being. finally the last one im so sorry) I really enjoy reading about Greek gods and fantasy books. Another fact is that I get flustered really easily, which a lot of people tease me about. I don’t exactly like to stand out, which is why my wardrobe has more dark colors, as I don’t own any red/orange/yellow or pink shirts. And finally the last fact I thought I should include randomly is that I play the piano and learning it this year was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.
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Damn, don’t feel sorry for this detailed description, fr. I actually enjoyed so much writing this. As a scorpio, I relate to you so much. I spent so much time on this and you gave me so much info so i had to do a whole character analysis for you and I felt like i was writing about myself. So I enjoyed writing this so much cause I realised new things I didn’t knew about me and it feels good to know that I’m not the only one who is like this.
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Aight, I know that so many people hate him. And i don’t know if you hate or love him , but hear me out : Besides being a cancer and working with a scorpio so well, i feel like Oikawa would be perfect for your character.
 he’s totally in love with the way you style your brown curly hair. 
he says ‘’it’s almost as good as my hair’’
  he’s a total simp he knows your hair is better than his
 has a thing for your tanned skin. tbh u make him wish he wasn’t so pale :’( baby boy wants to get that tanned shiny skin! but it is what it isss
 you being 5’6 makes it easy for him to mock you. 
but he won’t exaggerate, because he knows you’re going to cut him with your sharp glance
 you’re clearly the top in this relationship. i mean you’re a scorpio. are we surprised?
 y’all r going to volleyball matches looking badass asf with your matching glasses but in reality you two are being crackheads in the last row of seats
 he clearly sees through you, but not since the beginning  
 at first, he was totally a bit scared to approach you. he’s always seen you being intimidating and sarcastic
you were like a challange to him, since Tooru himself is pretty intimidating and sarcastic
until he opens his mouth
and i think this is what makes you two so perfect for each other : you just need some time to warm up, then you suddenly become the funniest people of the group
 as a scorpio,  you can be pretty insensitive, having trouble when it comes to expressing your feelings, and when you and Tooru get into a fight, you won’t hesitate to throw some venomous words. sometimes you just can’t control your anger
but he knows you well. he won’t take it by heart since he knows how short your temper is, and he’s willing to step on his pride and put an end to your argument
 you’’re not afraid to step up. you’ve always went too far to defend your beliefs and he’s totally whipped. he thinks you would make a great lawyer haha
he loves how you always have a good argument for everything and how you can beat people in a fight just with your words. it’s truly amazing for him, the power you hold
so he avoids fighting with you
           I JUST KNOW you guys both have struggles when it comes to following rules. it comes with your zodiac sign. even though he’s way softer and innocent than you, you will drag him into your adventures. and he won’t say no :’)
 sometimes you feel like Oikawa is the only person who understands you, who doesn’t think you’re insane
he may not be a genius, but you can’t deny the fact that he’s actually clever
he understands you without even having to hear any words coming out of your mouth
Tooru knows you’re rebellious, stubborn, independent; he knows how you sometimes can feel 29843 emotions at the same time, and he’s here for you
he won’t question you when you don’t feel like talking. Instead, he would make a cup of your favourite tea, add  some ice in it, and watch you reading your favourite book while you’re drinking the tea in which he put his secret ingredient <3 love!!
you love reading about Greek Gods, and he loves aliens : so you slowly became a fan of the universe, the unknown, and he started to love the Greek Mythology
totally in love with your dance moves ; watching you dance is his favourite hobby; the way your body moves amazes him and he tries to dance like you sometimes . he may be the great king but not on the dance floor.
long story short, he’s in love with everything about you : your passion for photography, the things you’re reading (he actually finds your favourite authors quite interesting) , the way you’re singing in the shower or how you’re humming some familiar songs when you’re focused on something
he thinks he’s so lucky, and skipping some volleyball practices to hear you play his fave song at the piano is totally worth it
when he found out you’re an athlete, his brain went poof
watching you run with the sunlight dripping all over you was what he needed to get his mind off the school and vbc stress
having a thing for sports made you even more interesting and hot (he didn’t knew you could get hotter than you already are)
sometimes he can see that you’re needing approval, and he tries his best to let you know that you are the greatest at whatever you do.
you think he’s bluffing just to make you feel good, but you appreciate it so much even tho baby boy actually thinks you’re the greatest. like fr. you are his grand queen
you have a rich inner world, so you’d rather focus your attention on it instead of the external world. 
Oikawa thinks it’s pretty cute, cause you guys sometimes have lazy Sundays when you just lay in bed all day and do nothing but enjoying each others presence and your own thoughts.
Tooru, just like you, hates failure. losing any type of match puts him down, and the same happens to you. 
you feel like you wanna start over and do things the other way around, but you can’t.
the good thing is, you have each other.
 he mocks the hell out of your jealousy. whenever his fan girls are approaching him, you feel your heart stop and the oxygen fading away. you just wanna let out your anger
but he knows it, and he will reassure you that you don’t have any reason to feel that way. 
he’s only interested in his Grand Queen and no one else can change his mind.
he finds it quite fun that you hold grudges over small things, he can clearly see that you’re vengeful, and that makes you two lil partners in crime.
BUT the way you’re willing to do absolutely anything for him or your friends inspires him so much. 
of course, he would take a bullet for you. But your strong spirit is what’s making him be so passionate about everything : you inspire him
 the best days for him are when you two are around the house, and it suddenly starts raining. 
he only has to look at you once, and you both drop everything you’re doing and run outside to just sit in the rain. the feeling of the cold rain on your skin while you’re trapped between his arms makes your heart explode
 little moments like these are making you both fall in love more and more everyday.
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I really really hope you enjoyed this! I tried my best and please feel free to request again whenever you want! <33                                                                                          
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 6 – Frankenstein’s Secret
“Goddamn it.”
Frankenstein spat out a contemptuous grumble, stowing away his Dark Spear. His goal was to keep the monster in his grip for 3 minutes, but the stopwatch in his pocket was marked with digits 1 and 13, a record 30 seconds shorter than the previous one.
Despite the shortness of time lapse, the chamber looked utterly disastrous, plastered with dark purple on every corner of its floor, walls, and ceiling. Frankenstein could not help marveling how he was standing on pieces of tiles instead of their particles.
“This is gonna cost me another series of days and nights,” said Frankenstein in a biting tone, looking around the calamity he brought upon the chamber once again.
Ever since the nuclear missile launch by Crombell, there had been several changes Frankenstein met.
First, for example, the number of vacancies in his house at Seoul increased. Second, the name engraved on the nameplate in the Ye Ran chairman’s office is no longer his. Third, the diplomatic relation between Lukedonia and wolfkind is now completely and literally on the bright side.
Yes, quite a lot has changed, but what Frankenstein just forced himself to encounter was the biggest and most noteworthy change. And a bad change.
Unlike before, Frankenstein’s power turned unimaginably unstable. The degree of instability was nothing like before. Now a mere act of summoning the Dark Spear has become, metaphorically, trying to make an ice cube stay perfectly unscathed while slamming down a gigantic hammer onto it in full power.
And the missile launch was the genesis of such catastrophic change. Or rather, it all began the minute Frankenstein felt his bond to his master shattered.
Fifteen days ago, when the bond from his contract with Raizel was destroyed, Frankenstein was tortured by the aftermath of his loss. He felt as if the most fundamental root of his soul was broken down. He felt as if he were a prisoner to the extinction of his entire time and existence. Most of all, he felt as if every biological molecule of his body was detonated, and oh-good-heavens, how it hurt.
It was more than a loss. A mother would have deemed it the death of her child. A patriot would have dubbed it the day his country was eternally conquered. Juliet would have identified it the moment she saw Romeo fallen about her. And it hurt.
His pain burned his entity even when he with the rest of his fellow fighters returned to his home. Which is why the first thing he did upon stepping through his door was to make everyone promise that they will leave him alone for a while, so that he could let his powers screech and shriek and scream in mourning annihilation, in a special chamber under the ground.
His control was totally lost as he roared in the center of a storm of black and purple. The last bit of his sense of responsibility forbid him of pulling out his weapon, but he brandished his dark power so viciously even Gradeus would grovel, begging for his mentorship.
The only time in the past he had ever unleashed his power without restraint was when he lost the tug-of-war against his own power and forfeited his mind.
And he had rather wished he would lose his mind, for the pain was unendurable to handle with his sanity intact. Much to his dismay and heartbreak, his mind was at full function, incising his foundational essence with psychological, emotional, and spiritual trauma.
After whipping up a tempest of maddening woe, he fell asleep into a nightmare.
... ....... ...
... .... r.. s.. F....
‘...What’s that noise?’
..F.. f... n....
‘What...? I can’t hear you...’
...Fr... ...tei... n....
‘I said I can’t hear you... It hurts.’
Frankenstein groaned, enveloped by mysterious noises echoing from eerie darkness.
...s.. s...
‘Shut up. I don’t wanna hear you... Just leave me alone.’
...ss... B...
‘Shut. Up. Just leave me alone...’
..ss. Bo...ss...
Noises resembling cacophony from unfocused radio were outdistanced by a familiar voice, and Frankenstein’s eyes frantically flashed open as if he were electrocuted.
Almost at the same time, his upper body slashed through the air in elevation, only to shrivel due to bone-wrecking pain that hit his whole body like a lightning.
Forcing himself to ignore his joints writhing in complaint as the result of his rampage, Frankenstein turned his eyes towards the source of the voice and ended up staring directly into the eyes of a man with black-hair-studded-with-white-locks. His eyes were trembling in uneasiness as he was kneeled by Frankenstein’s side.  
“...What are you doing here, Tao?”
“W-what do you mean, what am I doing here? I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m bushed, not brainless. And I know same could be said of you. I’m asking how you got in here, ‘cause I do remember sealing the chamber before... Before all this.”
“Uh... Well...”
Tao, instead of answering, directed his gaze beyond his shoulder, onto the door that was nearly dissipated into debris.
That was a cue for Frankenstein to take in the status of the special chamber designed to cloak and stand against Dark Spear’s power. The door was the least damaged component of the chamber, he noticed. Wherever he locked his eyes upon was marred by dark-purple blurs, as if the apocalypse itself dawned upon the room while Frankenstein was in dark frenzy.
“I could feel your power from up there, so I had to come down. What on earth happened here?”
“...I couldn’t help it.”
Frankenstein hoped he would not have to waste his energy talking, but Tao mouthed something incoherent, hinting that he needed to hear more.
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Uh... Actually, I’ve been watching you for roughly a minute.”
“That is, I’ve been watching you asleep. Or I think you were asleep. But when you were on the floor... I could see the Dark Spear’s aura rippling from your body.”
Tao then pointed towards the ceiling behind Frankenstein. There was a crevasse huge enough to hold the Eiffel Tower, dripping with purple aura that Frankenstein could identify anywhere, anytime.
“When I walked up to you, you started to mumble something. And that made the Dark Spear’s aura surge and do that. I would’ve thought you were showing off how strong you can be while on your back, if only I hadn’t seen how your eyes were closed, and your breathing was stable.”
Showing off how strong I am on my back? I don’t recollect beating your head that hard during our past trainings. In normal circumstances, Frankenstein would have jokingly retorted as so.
‘I emitted Dark Spear’s power during sleep?’
This was not the first time his control over the Dark Spear slipped during sleep. His past is an archive of numerous attempts and failures in governing the damned weapon.
However, now his failures are history, a record of his efforts in making friends with the Dark Spear. Ever since he honed his mastery of the Spear, he has never lost grip of his reins, regardless of the intensity or numeral degree of souls the Spear has absorbed.
He was aware that this time, out of his loss and pain, he deliberately bombarded the chamber with his power. He even considered throwing away his reasons to turn into a mad dog. Nevertheless, he did not plan at all to actually lose his control. And the level of damage was way beyond his calculation or expectation.
This chamber was repaired and improved at the time when he made a mimicry of Raizel’s seal with the power of the Dark Spear. In consideration of the chances that the Dark Spear will absorb increasingly stronger souls in the course of struggle against the Union, Frankenstein compounded the chamber’s cloaking integration and defense against Dark Spear’s power. Yet the chamber’s door was nearly unhinged, and Tao even picked up his power from dozens of meters above.
Tao nervously called Frankenstein’s name, his voice now thicker with concern. Frankenstein had to intentionally change the subject, as he detected fear unparallel in Tao’s eyes.
“...What’s keeping the rest of the team?”
“...For some reason, Takio and M-21 suddenly left for school.”
“And Seira? Regis? Rael?”
“T-they left after they told me they’ll be away for a bit. So did Sir Karious. Since they asked me not to look for them for a while, unless it is absolutely necessary, I doubt they’ll be back by the end of the day.”
“Really...? Good.”
“No, it’s not good! Nothing is good! How can you say it’s good when something is obviously wrong with...”
“Yes, it is. Because I have just one person to silence on this matter.”
Tao gaped at him, quietly questioning his words. Frankenstein straightened his face, serious and devoid of fatigue from days of combat.
“I need a favor, Tao.”
Certain that his house will be empty, the next day, with Tao’s assistance, Frankenstein fixed his chamber as his time and resources allowed for an experiment: using a sample of rapidly-working sleep inducer to see if he loses his control over his weapon whenever he falls asleep.
The results from multiple rounds of experiments that therefore took place were neither helpful nor hopeful, for the Dark Spear’s aura leaked every time he was in slumber.
He wished he was mistaken. Or too imaginative. Or too tired and thus delirious. However, the fact that he always woke up to find Tao (who was in charge of injecting him with rapidly-working awakening drug before things got out of hand) wearing apprehension matching his own killed his hope.
“Maybe... Maybe this is because the Dark Spear absorbed the Blood Stone Crombell was using, at the end of your last battle with Crombell.”
And a hypothesis Tao offered to bring about a change in the atmosphere slaughtered his hope.
Frankenstein cursed the Blood Stone and its copies, as they were the direct or indirect cause of pain and damage for his master and those he held in his heart. But now the abominable stone was part of the Dark Spear – part of him.
The second the terrible realization swept through him, Frankenstein was urged to rip his own skin off his body out of self-abhorrence that exploded like a volcano.
And that was the reason why Frankenstein decided to leave Korea after Raizel’s return. The main reason, of course, was to discover the secret behind Raizel’s return as well as reinvigoration: to find out how in the world the Noblesse managed to not only rise from death but also become healthier than before.
On the other hand, he wanted to secretly resolve his secret. He wanted to separate pieces of the Blood Stone from Dark Spear in one way or another. And in the meantime, he wanted to somehow stabilize his power back to normal.
Hence he had to stay awake with his wolfsbane tonic, in order to prevent himself from discharging Dark Spear’s aura in sleep and to find command over the Blood Stone stuck in his weapon.
‘And here I am, not making progress at all. God, this thing would trash harder and harder whenever I pull it out.’
Sighing heavily, Frankenstein fell to the floor as he was engrossed in thoughts, speculating for how long would he be able to keep his secret a secret when he is now entrusted with Muzaka’s favor.
Until very recently, he has been wary only of his master. Although there is a link between their minds based on their contract, Raizel respected him. He would never inspect his loyal servant’s mind even if he wants to. In other words, his master would be unaware of his distress as long as he is careful. And since he happens to be away from Raizel, technically there is not a chance of getting caught in action by the Noblesse.
In fact, the greatest threat for him as of now is the secret agent Muzaka dispatched for him.
So far Lunark has noted nothing. But there is no guarantee he can keep it that way, especially when that afternoon he could see how attentive and observant she is. And much more interested in him than he had wanted.
‘Hang on. Want? Want what?’
Startled by his own thought, he soon reprimanded himself.
‘What could you possibly want from her, Frankenstein? She may not be an enemy any longer, but she is still the one to be most wary of.’
Pushing back the bitter ache somewhere in his body that rose out of unknown reason, Frankenstein calmed his breathing.
He was already plagued with tons of worries, but he knew what he had to do – get rid of his secret as fast as he can, without letting Lunark learn what is occupying his mind and soul.
‘I should borrow Tao’s hand if I have to. He is the only one who shares my secret.’
As soon as he recalled Tao’s name for once, the three initial members of the RK whom Frankenstein had left behind in Korea popped up in his mind.
‘Which reminds me, I wonder how they are doing with their duties.’
(next chapter)
Yes, this is the reason why Frankenstein had to leave Korea (at least in my fic) in addition to his new quest in discovering the secret behind Rai’s miraculous return to life, which will surely be discussed in this fic later on.
I figured it wouldn’t be so bad to decide that Frankenstein’s Dark Spear (hence his power) got unstable because of the Blood Stone that Crombell used before his demise. In fact, in the last episode of Noblesse Frankie did mention that Dark Spear will be unstable for a while because it absorbed Crombell and his Blood Stone.
Next up, we’ll be revisiting Korea to take a look at a couple familiar faces, one of whom will be an unexpected character long forgotten. :)
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fanfiction-ho · 5 years
Dissipating Resentments
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To say that Sebastian was pissed was an understatement. He was so mad, he was furious at Chris and that stupid Glamour interviewer. It was a stupid mono tone interview that Chris had given about his future potential wife.
Sebastian was going through social media, reading tweets and seeing himself become a meme, those never seem to end. His twitter notified about Chris. He had muted all his notification except the ones involving Chris Evans. He had every right to know what the internet was telling about his boyfriend.
He kept calling Chris but the latter didn't seem to answer any of his texts or voice mails and that only aggravated Sebastian more.
Chris was glad that his interviews were over; he couldn't take that shit anymore. He was tired from all the stupid questions he had to answer. There were some good ones, talking about his family cheers him up automatically but almost all the questions irrespective of what interview, they seem to focus on his love life.
Both Chris and Sebastian decided to be quite about their relationship; Chris was not even out to his mom. He was sure that she wouldn't object, and probably she already knows but he still kept it as a secret.
Instead of going to his home, he decided to take a detour and visit Sebastian; they were going to meet the next morning anyways.
Now that Chris was outside Sebastian's hotel room, he felt stupid. He wasn't even sure whether he would be in. His mobile had been buzzing nonstop for the past hour but he figured it'll be some fans tagging him in stuff.
He knocked the once, then twice. He heard shuffling from inside and a string of cuss words as the door opened, Chris chuckled at the silliness of his boyfriend. He loved how Sebastian was always smiling and just being around him would lift your spirits. Words cannot do justice of how lucky Chris felt being with him. When Sebastian smiles it's like...Holy Shit! What is this magic!? And Chris made it his goal to make him smile all the time
"Now what do they want?" Sebastian muttered to himself dragging his lazy ass out of the bed. He stubbed his little toe against the table. He let out a series of curse words opening the door.
There stood Chris, rather a very happy looking Chris and that pissed Sebastian off. He slammed the door as soon as he opened and sat down on the table next to the door grabbing his stubbed toe rubbing it with his palm hoping it wouldn't hurt so much.
"Sebastian? Are you ok? Open the door baby..." Chris kept asking what was wrong and why wasn't he opening the door. Sebastian finally gave in to his pleads and opened the door.
Chris sported a worried look on his face but Sebastian paid no mind to it. He opened the door and walked inside without even looking at his him, Chris was beyond confused.
"I get that you're mad...but I need to know why" Chris followed him inside closing the door behind him and locking it.
"I understand completely that you're not out yet... but you could've just lied in the interview"
"What are you talking about?"
"The Glamour interview that you did..." Sebastian said his voice so quite. He felt stupid that he was mad at Chris for such a petty thing. Chris did what he had to do to maintain his straight image but that kinda hurt Sebastian too.
In all honesty Chris didn't even remember when this interview happened let alone remember what he said.
"I've done so much shows these last few weeks I don't remember this baby...Can we just let this go?"
"Let it go as in just sweep it under the rug and forget all about it? I can't just let this go Chris!" Sebastian snapped at him, the annoyance clear in his voice.
Chris all though was tired he held onto his patience and let Sebastian have his little melt down.
"What did I say?" Chris took a hold of the younger one's shoulder and gave it a little shake.
"'I want a woman who wants to be a mom' you want kids!? And you also said that you'll take care of her!" He yelled. "What about me then? Just throw me to the side when your precious woman comes along?" He sat down on the bed taking deep breaths trying to calm down.
"You're pissed off because of that?"
"Oh there's more!" Sebastian scoffed. Chris should've just apologised but he had to ask.
"You apparently have a thing for Boston woman? Well news flash Chris, I'm neither a woman nor am I from Boston! And Tom Brady who the hell is that?" Sebastian yelled at him.
"He's a quarterback for theNew England Patriots team." Chris held back his laughter, jealous Sebastian amused him more than it should.
"And you like women who insult you? What?"
"No I said I like women who poke fun at me...a girl that I can have fun with" Chris said in a defensive voice.
Sebastian sighed dejectedly and fell back on the bed. Chris sat next to him, he reached out to hold his lover's hand but Sebastian pulled back his hand rubbing his temples.
"Look I know this is hard..." Chris wanted to tell him that no matter what happens he's never going to leave him.
"Do you?" Sebastian snapped cutting him off. "I'm sorry" He quickly added but Chris just waved it off.
"It's just... you keep lying to everyone about us...sometimes I think all of this is not real" Sebastian rubbed his face tiredly. Chris pinched Sebastian's thighs and the latter hissed in pain.
"Real enough for you?" Chris teased him chuckling but Sebastian kept his mean grumpy face and Chris shut his mouth.
"I'm sorry Sebby...I don't need a woman. I need only you" Chris said rubbing the sore spot where he had pinched him.
"It was all for the camera you of all people should know that. How do you think I feel when I see you kissing men on screen?"
"Not happy I guess" Sebastian mumbled
"And I plan on telling my mom about you...I'm sure she already knows that I'm gay" Chris said
"She knows" Sebastian nodded like he knew that already
"I didn't tell her...did you?" He asked
"Somehow moms tend to know all these stuff. My mom knew I was gay even before I realised that I was"
"You're still mad?" Chris asked hoping that he wasn't.
"I was never mad...not at you" Sebastian answered honestly
"Sebastian Stan...jealous is a very hot colour on you" Chris mused stroking his beard
"Christopher Robert Evans...cocky definitely doesn't suit you" Sebastian shot back leaning up pecking Chris' cheek to which he just scoffed brushing off the playful insult.
"Whatever" He rolled his eyes.
They ordered room service eating their stomach full talking about how their day went, obviously avoiding their little fall out just under an hour ago.
It was almost midnight neither of them showing any signs of sleep, they sat side by side watching the local channel, but it was just background noise to them as they kept talking
"There's one more thing about the interview that caught my attention..." Sebastian said
"Oh God don't get mad again"
"No...It's about your tattoos. I wanna know what they mean. You said that they were too personal to discuss..."
"Did you memorise the whole thing?" Chris joked earning a smack on his arm from Sebastian.
"What does this one mean?" Sebastian asked Chris while tracing invisible patterns over his right bicep over the tattoo. Chris was sitting with his legs stretched in front of him and Sebastian on his right same as Chris.
"It means 'Family'. All I am today is for my family" Chris leaned down to face Sebastian capturing his lips, the latter blushed. He felt a warm feeling filling his chest. He was his family. Sebastian moaned when Chris bit his bottom lip and Chris slipped in his tongue fighting for dominance. Sebastian pulled away; his focus was on the tattoos on Chris and not making out.
Chris made a disapproving noise asking what was wrong, no words were needed the look on Chris' face said it all. Sebastian gave him a smile that assured Chris that nothing was wrong.
"What's this one?" Sebastian poked the tattoo which was above the Chinese symbol that meant 'Family'
"It says 'Loyalty'" Chris sighed knowing that he was not gonna get to kiss his boyfriend but instead talk about his tattoos.
"What about this one?" Sebastian sat on Chris' lap taking hold of his left bicep.
"That's my mom's star sign Taurus" He replied patiently.
"Who's Bar...Bards...Is that an 'E'?" Sebastian couldn't read the tattoo properly. It was in the upper right portion of his torso making it hard for Sebastian to read as Chris was sitting.
"Bardsley...It's for my friend Matt, he passed away in an accident" Chris said silently. It still was a fresh wound
"Best friend or was he more?" Sebastian asked trying not to sound jealous. He was very possessive of Chris.
"Just a friend Sebby" Chris grabbed his face placing a chaste kiss on his lips, Sebastian responding quickly.
"A damn good one I guess..." Sebastian bit his lips leaning down kissing Chris where the tattoo was.
"Yeah I miss him..."Chris thought out loud making Sebastian feel stupid about his petty jealousness for the second time that day. He looked up; Chris was smiling down at him amused by Sebastian's curiosity over such mundane things like his tattoos.
"Wipe that grin of your face Evans!" Sebastian warned him but slowly he started to smile too.
"You didn't ask about this one?" Chris took the younger one's hand and placing it over his collarbone. Sebastian read the writing, a look of knowing passing his face
"This is by Eckhart something isn't it? I forgot his full name" Sebastian asked Chris was genuinely surprised by Sebastian's question.
"Eckhart Tolle. How did you know?" Chris asked
"I used to read all these pretentious literacy books when I was young. Moving to a whole new country when you didn't know English wasn't a smooth ride. I was twelve and a lot chubby that time..." He wasn't exactly bullied but communicating with the other people was tough.
"When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself you lose yourself in the world..." Sebastian read it out loud.
"How come you don't have tattoos...you seem to be enjoying mine" Chris asked
"I'm not really that into tattoos...never was" He slid down from his lap getting out of bed as his phone rang, that was never good news. Chris made a noise of protest but Sebastian shushed him.
"Yeah sure I'll be there..."He cut the call mumbling goodbyes.
"Do you have to go?" Chris asked already knowing the answer.
"I'll be back in two hours I promise. They just want me for one scene. You know I can't help it Chris" He tried to reason with him but he knew he was gonna pay for this some other time.
"Two hours...that's all!"
"Thank you thank you so fucking much baby" Sebastian kissed him in the lips quickly leaving with his jacket.
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herotheshiro · 3 years
ok idt i've written abt this manhwa here yet but looked at the latest updates for even if you don't love me and wow uh hm. actually very intrigued by the conflict bw the main 2 rn.
i don't actually really actively follow this manhwa bc i'm not a huge fan of love triangles (does blondie even count as being part of that triangle tho) and rich guys taking advantage of ppl ... yes yes i know seungeon has a change of heart and personality of sorts based on me back-reading lol but also at the same time i'm like HUH at the idea that jiwook somehow actually genuinely likes him back. like i think it's mainly bc jiwook hasn't really had someone really genuinely love him before so he's like uwaaaah ok but again yeah i don't really remember a lot of the developments so. also the recent thing where [spoilers] blondie killed the idol's manager took me out fr, one day i was like oh i wonder what's happening in this manhwa lately and then i fucking open to that.... like the reader comments said, 0 to 100 real damn quick. i honestly thought manager x idol was gonna be a thing but i mean it's def a set up i feel for the idol guy to be a minor antagonist of sorts. slash indicating idol guy is also kind of fucked up based on the fact he was kind of like 'oh you want me to stay quiet? then give me fame/money in exchange' and didn't seem that fucked up over it past him literally witnessing a murder but it was as if he witnessed a stranger being murdered you get me? like he didn't seem that sad over the fact that it was his manager who had tried to protect him who got killed. anyway so blondie gets taken out temporarily and i'm like cool bc idc abt him tbh. i didn't even read his probably tragic backstory
back to the main two. so basically sadly jiwook gets caught up in having to pay back a huge ass loan and i'm just here being like can poor characters in manhwas get a break for once? jesus. anyway i was "ok so they'll prob miscommunicate again and jiwook will not want to tell seungeon abt the loan shit. and bc of the stress of working off that loan jiwook will drift away from seungeon but seungeon will think jiwook is still 'mad' from the other day and misunderstand esp bc jiwook will not clarify". even tho a loan of that severity is a pretty big deal and i'm sure you couldn't help but just blurt it out but i was like so far we know they're prone to miscommunication so ...
(put the rest under cut bc it discusses spoilers re: this development and also it got kind of long lol. tl;dr it's just me discussing where i think the story could go/my thoughts on the story based on present details and extrapolations)
anyway i read the raws for the next part and surprisingly enough jiwook actually does tell him abt the loan and then interestingly we have seungeon visibly taken aback by the loan amount yet still tries to get the money from his fam to help jiwook pay it all off... which is interesting bc that amount is nothing to scoff at even for a rich person. bc assume most of seungeon's previous personal expenses are usually like let's say 500k at the most expensive... (using usd here lol idk korean won. i'm not rich so i honestly have very little idea how much the really expensive stuff is. prob 80-100k would be more realistic as the highest single expense as seungeon prob doesn't like buy out entire companies or something for kicks or get in a ton of accidents, just entertainment purchases) suddenly asking for 1mil all at once is lol. esp since it's not really his own money he's throwing around.
the loan had to come up anyway bc the loan sharks confiscated jiwook's phone and (based on my interp of the raws. didn't translate this part out of korean) saw that seungeon had called him a ton and were like we can harass this friend too heh and jiwook overhearing this was like shit i can't get him involved even more when i already feel some sense of guilt abt him (also just realized writing this that they prob also recognized seungeon's family name and were like HEH SHAKING THE RICH DOWN FOR MONEY TOO? SCORE!! and we already know that jiwook is concerned for seungeon's wellbeing so). i was thinking abt the phone situation too esp with that panel focusing on jiwook handing the phone over with the reader's knowledge that seungeon had called jiwook a ton previously and i mean. of course the loan sharks wouldn't just leave the phone off forever right lol
anyway so yeah jiwook tells seungeon abt the loan and the amount and seungeon seems like he's gonna try to help pay off a majority of it for him... i'm intrigued by this bc it very much feels like jiwook essentially using seungeon and his feelings to help pay off the loan. i mean from the raws it's obvious that jiwook is hesitant to do so but his back is against the wall and he knows seungeon is willing to do a lot of stuff for him... makes me wonder how much their relationship will change after this. i was thinking it would be a case of seungeon going back to the family corp and being like yes i will agree to be your heir even though previously i said i didn't want to so i can get the money to help jiwook, but i back-read and it looks like seungeon already plans to inherit the company anyway so that can't be it.
i also went back and read the first few pages of ch 1 bc i knew it was abt jiwook yelling at seungeon for fucking him over and i used to think it took place when they were adults but now i'm like hmm... maybe it actually takes place in the near future from the current story aka right after high school graduation. which is a little disappointing to me tbh bc then it feels more like those scenes are from the middle of the story rather than at the end (i mean based on the author's last manhwa i know they write hella long stories. and the things jiwook talks abt in those early scenes have already all been laid out on the table) but makes the most sense unless they do a timeskip.
anyway i'll be looking out for the next few updates i guess. it feels like seungeon is willing to do a lot for jiwook to keep his love/affection and i'd like to see if jiwook sticks with his current values of not depending on him or changes to start using jiwook. i mean the loan is a pretty big deal and is def gonna put a strain on their relationship esp seeing their confrontation in ch 1 so even though i'm partially like "god stop with the drama already" i'm also like "ok let's see where this goes". and then there's some plot points that still have to be resolved: blondie and idol guy clearly have to be coming back bc they didn't really get entirely concluded, and there's the whole thing with the sister eventually finding out that the lover seungeon was hiding is actually a guy (bc we gotta get that homophobia aspect in here too ha ha ha (sarcasm)). also i'm afraid for the dog tbh, i was so scared thinking jiwook or seungeon was gonna kick it in the latest ch out of their frustration w each other but they didn't thankfully... but it's prob gonna come up again if you know what i mean and i'm like good god not only we got rape and a murder in this story but also animal abuse ??? i don't wanna see it !!!! anyway i'm telling you now: jiwook is gonna get attached to it and then the loan sharks are gonna come around demanding money that he still doesn't have and they're gonna abuse the dog as a result making jiwook lose it low-key. after the author literally put an entire murder in the story with pretty explicit violence and blood, i don't doubt that it's gonna happen. AND I DON'T WANNA SEE IT!
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 13 - "I'm on the side with the biggest threats to win this game" ~Josh
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This last round went well!! We got Jay out (rip Corn Tribe💔 tho fr fr it died shortly after merge probs) and I'm still in the game :D We love to see an actual numbers majority now bless 🙏🏽 I hope I go soon 😅 Ingary my beloved is suffering a bit (ty/sorry Dyl 💖) I can't see that happening though bc Colin seems to find me and Amy as his best allies and would use his idol on us so RIP me tbh, typical that the game I'd like to lose earlyish in is the one I go to FTC 😂 tho if I went with Amy and Colin I do think one of them would win (with the double agenting and chaos idle-ing and they're both p social), I'm just good at taking the information we have and planning to ensure we have the best possible outcomes at tribal (which is SO much easier now that we have a numbers majority My Gosh!!!). I love sudoku puzzles but the thing is I'm used to playing on apps or online where it's easier to play kinda methodically, also the height of my sudoku phase was like, last year where I could complete an easy one avg. 10 minutes best time 7 minutes, these two with my 10% DA took 50 minutes, so take off 10% and it's 45 minutes, divide by two and it took me 22.5 minutes per puzzle. Yeah no I don't think I'm gonna win 😂😂 oh well, thanks Raf for letting me do them tonight though, you probably wanted to get to bed but tomorrow I have work and then my driver's license exam (!!!) and then movie night so I really don't have time to 😅😅 but hey! I dont have a second part to that✨ Time isn't real so wish me luck on my driving test now retroactively so that the positive vibes flowing backward through chronos (aka "linear" time) will ensure that when you read this I will already have my license❤️. xoxo, gossip girl
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honestly having more numbers done for you in a sudoku puzzle is just making me more confused
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math challenges during pride month is pure homophobia
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Congrats to jared for guaranteeing himself f5 for winning today 😭 and here I thought I did well with 40 minutes. I don't think he would play his idol on jodi but I don't know with this invisible round. Apparently Jodi is telling people I have the idol from phantom aka the one colin has, which is a problem if they are trying to flush it. I guess I'm a threat even though probably only dennis in the jury isn'taf at me lol. Colin has an idea to get votes on him then idol and us two vote Josh out but I really think they are going to be voting me based on how quiet it is and how many other alliances there are lol. There's the three with Josh and Jared and Colin because Josh doesn't want me at the end. See I knew he didn't like me lol. So I'm here trying to think of I need to play something or give it away and be voted out lol or just keep it and be out. My thought was to use the steal a vote so then no one would know it was me who had it but I kind of think I might need that next round of say jodi wins then jared idols. At f5 it could be me colin and jared all idoling if none of us make a move lol. Anyway I think I'm on shaky ground this go and idk why haha I'm there are much bigger threats that a no social person who flipped and wasn't even bonded with the jury lol. Here's hoping colin elle and I stay strong. And I can get second to colin. That would be fun lol but lots of game left. And I'm still at disney. This is going to be a stressful day.
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I hate invisible rounds. too much is going on. and literally no one is online to talk it out personally, i want Josh out this round. I think if I wait until final 4 to cut him, he'd be bitter at me in particular. Plus, he's not in my endgame plans. I want to have an easy win, and that means putting Elle and Jared next to me in ftc. the most obvious thing to do is split between Jodi and Anastasia, and I think that's happening because it's simple and no one else is around to dispute it. Amy is still my closest ally and I can trust her, so I told her that I want to take out Josh. i don't think the two are close so it was easy to get her on board. There's an option of me ENSURING he goes by playing my idol for whoever Jared and Jodi is voting for, but I don't want to do that. so my plan is to also have Jodi vote Josh with us, so it's 3-3-1. Either Jared idols Jodi and Josh leaves, or it's a revote and Josh still leaves god I'm just so worried and nervous. If I were to get blindsided, this is the round to do it. but I don't see anyone stepping up to actually pull the trigger, except maybe Jodi. I wanna make it to the end so badly. i've been playing orgs for too damn long, I need a win. please please please let me survive this round
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So I'm coming to the realization that at least 2 people on my side have idols and theres still a hidden steal a vote that Elle might have. So I'm on the side with the biggest threats to win this game so it's time to make a move. Jared said that he'll be willing to play his idol to save Jodi so that means that it's time to flush these idols out of the game. The plan is for 2 of us to vote for Colin and the other to vote either Elle or Amy. My original alliance is splitting vote between Jodi and Anastasia with me, Elle and Anastasia voting Jodi and Colin and Amy voting for Anastasia as our contingency plan. However, Jodi warned me that Colin was saying my name to her this morning so he might try to pull some snake shit. But im hopeful that Jared plays the idol for Jodi and somehow Colin doesn't play his so it'll be a tie between him and Anastasia.
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So I have immunity and I have been a little inactive but its ok because Jodi has kept me up with whats going on. Jodi tells me that they are splitting the vote on me. Which is good because I am safe lol. Anyways but I talked to Colin and Amy and I wonder if they really do trust me now. I did vote with them twice. So I told them that I was scared that I was getting voted and they said they wouldnt vote me. So sweet. I also talked to Josh and all of them are saying Jodi to vote. But Jodi is getting an idol played on her Im pretty sure so unless one of them suspects that we are lying about Jared winning immunity, one of them is going home this round.
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Dear Colin: We do not want to vote you out. We simply want to flush your idol. I seriously hope you are still here after tonight. You know what? This round has been insane. I'm obviously on the bottom, ready to get voted out. I wanted immunity so bad. But instead of crying, I created a beautiful plan that I hope comes to fruition. Anastasia won immunity. My game move this round is multilayered. First step is to create immunity for 3 people: me, Anastasia, Jared. We told everybody that Jared had won immunity, and that he may or may not idol for me. This is perfect because if they vote for me, they'll have their votes negated, same with splitting them on Anastasia. They'll completely avoid voting for Jared to avoid their vote not being counted. Next step: flush idols. Josh approached me last night and he wanted to work with me and Jared to flush out idols from Elle, Amy, Colin. Originally before he even came to me, I had wanted to do a 2-2 on Amy and Colin and tell him it's between Elle and Amy, but he actually said that he wants to do a 1-1-1 on those 3 to guarantee either idols being flushed or we get our pick of who goes. Josh doesn't know that Anastasia is with us too, but it's sorted. Colin wants to vote out Josh here, but everybody wants to vote out me. He came to me and Jared to vote Josh, and hope that they (Colin, Amy, Josh, Elle, Anastasia) split the vote on me and Anastasia. However, since the split was (Elle, Josh, Anastasia) vote me, and (Colin, Amy) vote Anastasia, the vote split no longer works since Colin is voting for Josh and Amy wants to vote me. Essentially, it's a 4-3 Me to Josh in Colin's eyes, and he wants to get a vote thrown so that it could at least tie 3-3. Me, Jared, Anastasia have decided before even Colin and Josh approached us that we wanted to do a 2-1 on Colin and Amy or something, so the fact that Josh approached us is perfect. How are we countering advantages? 1. Idols Jared has one idol, and there's only 2 idols between Elle, Amy and Colin. By throwing votes on all 3, we either guarantee somebody flushes an idol, or we guarantee somebody gets idoled out 2. Floating advantage from hunt 5 From the wording, it's either an idol nullfier or steal a vote. I'm voting for Elle here just in case it's a steal a vote, so that at least Amy is still open for a revote in case Colin idols. (I'm hedging my bets that Elle has it not Amy) 3. Idol Nullifier In this case, I go if Colin idols, and I will just…not forgive Faffy for putting both a chaos idol and an idol nullifier in a game and those be the two ways I go. Let's just hope this isn't what hunt 5 is. The final plan should yield 2 votes Colin, 2 votes Jodi, 1 vote Josh, 1 vote Elle, 1 vote Amy. In a revote, we save Me > Josh > Elle > Amy > Colin. This vote is for the win. This will be my game winning move. Creating immunity for 3 people, flushing idols, picking who goes. Let's. Freaking Go. 
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So idr what I said before but Anastasia suggested to Amy that we needed to split votes and wanted to split some on me LOL so now we're putting 3 on her, possibly 4 if Josh comes online in the next 9 minutes✨ Never a smart plan for the latest addition to suggest voting off older allies, but oh well. One day we'll work together well, Anastasia 💖 one day 😂 But anyway! I really hope Colin and Amy make it to FTC, rooting for them🥳
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: Masterful plays and manipulations this round. Is getting her way. Best round of the game for her by far. The most impressive thing by far was giving three people immunity by a little lying.
Josh: The person who ratted out his side first. Made a huge move that might just save him. Taking out Colin here is perfect for him as it would give him a lot to say at FTC. He’s playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers and Jodi is playing 6D chess. I think he will make it very far in this game even if people don’t necessarily want him at FTC.
Jared: Has the potential to do more. Just doing what Jodi tells him to do.
Anastasia: Playing the middle like a smooth criminal. She is letting others do her dirty work for her. She is using her ally in Jodi to have those connections outside her alliance. However, she is in danger of being seen as expendable very soon.
Colin: Is getting blindsided tonight. Power has gone to his head and has made him unable to perceive who is actually with him. Assumes people will just magically work with him. Too concerned with keeping his idol. He has become, in essence, the new Jodi.
Amy: Colin’s lackey. Has no idea what is going on and will probably continue to have no idea.
Elle: Completely out of the loop this round
So Jodi’s plan is currently to do a 2-1-1 between Colin, Amy, and Elle. Jodi, Jared, and Josh will each vote one of them. Then Anastasia will vote Colin. On the other side, Colin plans to vote Josh while Elle is voting Jodi because she’s being kept out of the loop by everyone. And Amy is at Disney World.
2 votes Colin
1 vote Josh
1 vote Elle
1 vote Amy
1 vote Jodi (nullified by Jared’s idol)
1 vote Anastasia (nullified by immunity)
0 notes
captnbarnesrogers · 7 years
Chest To Chest With Your Lover
Pairing/Character: Steve Rogers x Reader Warnings: SMUT, choking, slight Captain kink, oral sex (FR) Summary: When your insecurities get the best of you and you begin to get mouthy, Steve shows you how beautiful you are to him… In Steve’s way. Word Count: 1.8k+
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You’d always been insecure about your body, there was no question about it. You tried time and time again to work on your confidence, to work on being happy but time and time again you lost yourself in your thoughts of self-deprecation. It wasn’t as bad as it used to be but you found yourself questioning your relationships not only with the people around you but with your boyfriend. Although deep within yourself you knew that Steve Rogers loved you with all his heart, you questioned what he found in you when you saw yourself as nothing special; Steve was Captain America and you were a plain old assistant who could be replaced at any given time.
You sat yourself on the couch and took off your blazer. Soon enough, you were greeted with a kiss on the cheek by your boyfriend. You took a deep breath and smiled at his gesture.
“Did you see the dress Tony got you for the Gala tonight?” He asks walking over to the fridge and grabbing the cold bottle of water,
“Is it tonight?”
“Did you forget, love?” He laughs, offering you a bottle of water. You take it and put it against your forehead,
“Shit, I forgot, baby!”
“Hey, doll, no rush, take your time, okay?” He takes your face in his hands and caresses your cheek, making you lean into his warm hand,
“Okay.” You walked up the stairs and into your shared bedroom, spotting the red dress laid out on the bed. It was beautiful and sparkly, something you’ve always wanted to pull off. You slipped off your work clothes and clipped in your hair. You unzipped the protective cover of the dress and took it out, laying it against your arm. You felt the softness of the fabric and the roughness of the sequins, thinking about how the inner velvet of the dress would feel against your body.  The fabric wrapped around your waist and tightly gripped your body.
All of a sudden, you felt so small. Not your body, but you as a person. You felt the world shrink around you and you were this tiny little thing just unworthy of being there. You felt light headed and walked backwards, sitting yourself on the bed and holding on to the pole of the bed frame. A knock was heard by the door, making you look up and stand. Steve’s mouth was a gape and as he leaned on the door frame, his lips curved into a smirk.
“You look… Delicious.” He comments, biting his lip,
“You sure? My hair’s a mess and I have no make-up on.”
“Especially then.” You rolled your eyes and walked to the bathroom. You felt as if feeling like this was a burden and turned to the only thing you could muster in the moment: anger. You straightened your hair and before finishing off your face, lined your eyes to widen them a little. No matter what you did you just couldn’t get it right. The smallest task you couldn’t complete and you were getting more frustrated by the minute.
“Fuck you!” You screamed at the mirror, aggravatingly throwing the tube of eyeliner into the sink and spilling the black liquid contents of it everywhere in the sink,
“Hey, hey,” Steve says calmly, “What’s wrong? Why are you swearing?”
“Steve,” You began, taking a deep breath, “you are not a fucking saint, I can swear if I want to.”
“Okay?… That’s not an answer, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, leave me alone.” You walk passed him, almost bumping soldiers with the tall Super Soldier who was fixing the cuffs of his dress shirt. He chuckles and bites his lip, he grabs your arm and pulls you towards him,
“I really don’t appreciate this attitude, doll.”
“Get off my ass, Steven.” You said, once again rolling your eyes,
“Keep rolling those pretty little eyes of yours and that’s just what you’ll do all night.”
“Ooh, I am so fucking scared.” You mocked, letting out a laugh, “Give me a break.” His grip on your arm was getting tighter but somehow, the clenching of your thighs were in sync with his grip. You were so turned on, it’s like you could feel yourself dripping as he pushed you onto the bed,
“You sit your pretty little ass right there and I’ll be right back.” You sat quietly on the bed and bit your lip. The silence of the room was interrupted by the voice of your boyfriend greeting the one and only Tony Stark, making up some bullshit excuse about how you were hit with food poisoning from the Chinese food you’d both eaten the night before. He kept apologising and laughed before you heard his heavy footsteps coming towards the bedroom, “Lose the attitude yet?”
“You still ninety-seven years old?” There was silence in the room and you giggled, “Then yes.” He began laughing but behind his laugh was motive and you suddenly quietened again. He moved swiftly towards you and chewed on his bottom lip,
“You’re playing a dangerous game.”
“This is hardly dangerous, this is like sliding into a ball pit.” You laugh, rolling your eyes, something he had warned you not to do,
“What did I just tell you?” He growls, taking your face in his hand,
“Fuck you.”
“You wanna run that by me again, sweetheart?”
“Fuck. You.”
“If that’s what you want.” He lifts you by your thighs and pushes you up on to the bed. He stands at the edge and pulls you close by your legs, making you gasp. He rips the dress in two pieces and pries it away from your body, throwing it across the room in one go. You tried to cover your body from his hungry eyes but failed when he grabbed your hands and lifted them up above your head, “No, you don’t get to do that,” He kissed your shoulder and trailed down to your tummy, “you’re so goddamn beautiful.”
“You’re taking so long!” You groaned,
“Should’ve thought about that before you sassed me out, princess.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“Keep running that mouth and you won’t cum.” He says looking up at you from in between your legs,
“You surprise me every time that you can even last that long, old man.”
“Old man, huh?” You nodded and smiled at him with mockery in your eyes. He eyes your underwear and suddenly rips it in half, away from your warm body, “I’ll show you what this old man can do.” You started laughing at what he had just stated, making him laugh too, “Hey, hey, this is- Stop being so cute,” He coughs, getting his ‘Captain’ voice on, “I- I mean, what’s my name?”
“Steve.” He slaps your inner thigh, making you wince, “Ow!”
“What is it?”
“Sorry, Captain.” You say with a sultry voice. He growls and follows it with kisses at the spot he had just hit, nearing the place you needed him the most, “Please, I need you, please, just do anything.”
“You take what I give you.”
“Ste-” You begin with a whining tone. He looks up at you, halting his moving lips, “Yes, Captain.”
“Good girl.” He whispers, continuing with his movement. As you get lost in the moment, you feel Steve’s tongue flattening and licking a stripe up your slit, pausing at your clit and licking gently, making you close your legs around his head. He groans as he hears the sound coming from you and pushes your legs open. You place your legs over his shoulders and clench them with each lick. You feel his thick fingers enter your slick hole. As you feel his fingers move inside you, your back arches and you groan at the feel of his calloused fingers deep inside you. You pant as you feel yourself getting closer to climax,
“Oh fuck, Captain! Fuck, I- I’m gonna-” You moan loudly, gripping his hair tightly only for him to pull away from your heated body. He crawls up and hovers over you. He starts peppering you with kisses,
“You’re beautiful, so fucking beautiful.” He rests his forehead against yours and you feel his hard cock against you,
“I need you so bad, Steve, please, please fuck me.”
“Okay, baby girl, okay.” The tip of his cock enters your tight pussy, making your back arch and the both of you moan loudly. As he sheaths himself inside you, you nuzzle yourself into his neck and your nails dig deep into his skin, “Fuck, Y/N! Y-you’re so fucking tight!”
“Captain- Oh my fucking g-god, I love you.”
“I know, sweetheart, I love you too.” He pants as he thrusts roughly into you. You feel the sweat appear against your skin. Skin stuck on skin while he keeps thrusting inside of you and you’ve never felt more perfect in one moment. He hovers over you and you suddenly feel a lightly tightened grip around your throat. You roll your eyes back and you feel a familiar clench in your stomach,
“Cap- Steve, oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum, I’m gonna cum so fucking hard, Steve!” He growls when he feels you clench around his cock, “Steve, tighter.” You pant, asking him to put more pressure around your neck. Your hands grab his wrist as he thrusts harder in you, “I’m cumming! Oh God, I’m there!” You scream,
“C-cum, baby, I’m right behind you.” His thrusts begin to become sloppy and with a few more movements, he growls in your ear and his thrusts slow down. You feel his hot breath on your skin. When he rolls off of you, the feeling of confidence rolls off too. You clutch your body and turn yourself away from him, covering your body with the damp sheets.
Steve feels the energy in the room change. Like a slight change in the ambience. Something he’s learnt to do. He found that whenever Bucky introduced him to a dame, her bright smile would turn into a soft smile and Steve just learned how to tell when something has changed.
He wrapped his arm around your stomach and pulled you close to his muscly self. You feel his chest on your back and his face nuzzled into your neck, taking in the scent of you. He kissed your shoulder and pulled you closer and tighter.
“You know you’re perfect to me, right, doll?” He whispers, kissing your cheek,
“I wish I could see me the way you see me.” You turn over and face the blonde-haired man who’s looking at you like you’re the only important thing to him,
“You are beautiful,” He gives you a kiss on the forehead, “incredible,” your left cheek, “strong,” the tip of your nose, “perfect,” your right cheek, “and I love you so much, so so much.” And finally, your lips, making you giggle,
“I love you too, Steve.” You reply back, giving him a kiss, “You’re too good to me.”
“There’s no such thing as being ‘too good’, I just know that you’re amazing and you deserve to be treated just like that.” And suddenly, you felt happy. You felt like you could do anything and your heart was beating quickly at the sight at the man before you, “My beautiful doll.” He says before kissing you once again.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @winchester-negan-one-shots@stevette60 @marvelous-fvcks @marvel-fanfiction@potterhead1265 @zoejohnson8 @frickin-bats @iamwarrenspeace@kenmen02 @captianwintersoldier @noelia8villa @bucky-bear-barnes @hollycornish @capsheadquaters@duncedgoofball@abouttimefortea @buchananbarnestrash@minervaem @barnes-heaven @buckyywiththegoodhair@mellifluous-melodramas@heartmade-writingbucky@hellomissmabel@justanotherbuckydevotee @alphaabucky@firebendergirl33@naenae87 @sunnyfortomorrow @aya-fay@terraling @topthis808@savebxrnes @lediskogirl​ @mizzzpink @janellexox0@potterhead1265 @lara-ludbey
STEVE ROGERS/CHRIS EVANS TAGS: @always-an-evans-addict @kennadance14
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smireyac · 4 years
fuck this year man u dont even get cute emojis in the title this time
so lemme just start by saying fuck 2020 
now that we’re on the same page, lets get into it
so i dont have to explain all the reasons why this year sucked bc u just need to google 2020 and there will be a million reasons why it was TOTAL FUCKING GARBAGE...... usually when so many people collectively say a year sucked ass, i can be like “oh it wasnt *all* bad for me, personally” haha not this year!!! 
its super fucking depressing to look at how hopeful and positive i was about 2020 a year ago..... ofc there was no way for me to have known it would all go to shit but i still really appreciate the tone i had set... reading over the previous reflections and seeing how harsh and negative i was @ myself made the softness of last years post super refreshing.... 
now i said i dont *have* to explain all the ways 2020 was shitty, but i am gonna explain the biggest reason this year was shitty for me, personally..... it might seem really small in comparison to the ways 2020 was shitty as a whole on like a global scale? but really the biggest reason 2020 sucked ass was i didnt get to really hang out with any of my friends in real life for 9 out of the 12 months of the year.... and really it was like the first week of march that shit hit the fan so like really it was only 2 months that we got to see each other....... if u rmbr p much every previous retrospective post ive made, there was a big emphasis on friends..... ive come to realize that im actually a very *extra*verted person??? despite my overall shyness and homebody attitude, i would always choose to hang out with people over being alone so stay-at-home orders FUCKING SUCKED??? when we all thought it would be over in a couple weeks, maybe a month it was fine?? hey its a good time to draw or catch up on that reading and/or writing i said i was gonna do maybe even start learning to drive?? it’ll be no big deal THEN it wasn’t over in a month and it wasnt gonna BE over anytime soon and no one important was doing anything about it and its an election year and black lives have always mattered and yet everything is so uncertain and
this year was..... a lot...... too much in fact
in 2018, i had said that i watched vox’s video on the year in 5 mins and cried... if i watched this year in five minutes, i dont think i would be able to breathe...... 
SO instead of making myself CRY..... lets try to think about any GOOD things that happened and think about what we can do to make 2021 good for ourselves:
-i *didn’t* lose my job!! sad that so many others cannot say the same but im trying to make myself feel *better* not WORSE so i got to keep my job and i actually work more hours than before so!!
-i actually *did* learn to drive this year!!!! and im pretty good at it??? for someone that just started this year anyway?? i probably *would* have my DRIVER’S LICENSE right now if it weren’t for a surge in cases in a certain STATE that i happen to live in......... but w/e its fine i get more time to practice and im ~~**DEFINITELY**~~ going pass my test and get my license ~whenever it is that i can reschedule my dmv appt~
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lmfao its so funny that last year, i was absolutely *dreading* learning to drive but i so fucking get why everyone was like ‘you need to learn how to drive’ i legit love it so much???? ive always been a car person but that was like purely for the aesthetic but now that i can drive im just....... WOOOW this really is what freedom feels like.... like ik that public transportation is amazing and i will always champion it but nothing beats being purely in control of your destination.... i also wanted to buy myself a car for my birthday even tho i couldnt really drive yet but then sien had to fix smthg on her car and it was EXPENSIVE AF and my mom was like “u dont need to buy a car yet” so i put the brakes [haha] on that... but soon... once i get my license,,, then i will have u my love................. so with that being “my most serious goal of 2020″ im glad i did it
-i was one of lucky ones and got unemployment when i couldn’t work so i have a lot of money saved in the bank??? pls no one steal my identity i wanna use that money to buy myself a car and/or for when we move out 🤞🤞 we’ll just have to wait and seeeeee....................
-i had mentioned playing dnd last year too and thats been going STRONG as hell thank goodness....... we couldnt keep playing in person but when we moved it to online, not only did we actually get to hang out a lot more, we made more friends??? introduced new people to the group?? its so good and in fact probably the only thing that kept me even a little bit sane this year...... 
-this is more of an honorable mention than an accomplishment but im this 🤏close to catching up with critical role and thats partially thanks to the pandemic lmao sooooo ??? 
aaaaaaand thats p much it lol i didnt really accomplish any of my other goals bc reasons................. but!!! as cliche as it sounds, with a light at the end of the tunnel, im confident that i can turn that all around this year.... so if 2016 was the year of change, 2017 was the year of getting used to shit, 2018 was the year of getting *too* used to shit and 2019 ended up being the year of friends, 2020 was the year of absolute shit and it doesn’t fucking count....... i learned a lot this year, biggest lesson of all is that life is short and if i were to have died at any point last year, what the fuck would i have to show for it??? so usually i end up giving a theme or name to a year after its done but this time im determined to make 2021 into what i want it to be SO i am declaring this year, the year of our lord 2021, the year of new experiences!!!! what the fuck does that mean you ask? well ill tell you!!! im gonna try new things this year!! make a very pointed effort to do things outside my comfort zone?? and for my goals this year, im going back to my old way of making a huge list of stuff u wanna do and seeing how much i can actuallly accomplish!! now i said theres a light but we really dont know when all this shit will end and life will go “bAcK tO nOrMaL” so whos to say ill get to accomplish any of it? at the same time, there are plenty of stuff on the list that i can do within the pandemic set parameters so!! lets see this list!!
2021 GOALS:
[check boxes bc there is no plain box emoji lmao]
☑️ read new books!! i’ll keep last years goal bc i didnt meet it and i have good reads now which tells me i just need to read 1.5 books a month to reach that goal!! huzzah!
☑️ watch new shows and new movies b4 u end up watching shit you’ve already seen a million times... i bought an old planner for 2020 instead of 2021 by accident but i hope it will help keep track of the movies/shows along with the books too!
☑️ listen to new music!! this years spotify wrapped was garbo it only had like 3 albums and a bunch of other shit i always listen to so i gotta fix that lmfao
☑️ write new stories!! i am comforted by the shit ive been writing for the past like 7 years but if my screenplay class taught me anything its that there are a lot of stories to tell and i got so many ideas floating around in this noggin!! instead of an arbitrary word count, why dont i say write idk 3 new stories, start to finish, in whatever medium idc screenplay, short story, comic, twine WHATEVER!! do it!
☑️ eat new food!! lmao this one seems the most silly to me but ive never had indian food, ive never had [not really anyway] korean food, i want to find new restaurants and eat new food!!! yum!
☑️ go on a road trip!!
☑️ visit some place ive never been before!!
☑️ go on a hike??
☑️ go to mexico again
☑️ ride a scary rollercoaster you previously wouldnt have
☑️ go to a club
☑️ get silly drunk fr 
☑️ FUCK IT go on dates!! self date friend dates sister date cousin dates R- Romantic... dates ??? FUCK IT!!! YEAH!! DATE ALL UP IN THIS BITCH!!
☑️ learn to use blender
☑️ animate something 
☑️ make a big painting
☑️ cosplay ???? AHH
☑️ learn to roller skate lmao u bought the skates and were so excited for them!! 
☑️ go somewhere SUPER DARK and go see some real stars!!!! 
☑️ and to top it all off, throw the airbnb house party that we’ve been talking about for MONTHS lmao 
hmmmm,, i think thats a good enough list for now ?? another thing i wanted to accomplish.... that im scared to speak into existence bc then i cant back out of doing it...........and it doesnt align with the whole “new” spirit of 2021 but.......... i want to like start making apartments for rent????? like i want to have something of it to show by, if not the 8th anniversary then by the end of the year HHUFF THERE I SAID IT......... no turning back now.......... 
alright its almost midnight on.... whats this? its already jan. 1st??? lmao yeah fuck it i didnt keep up with anything i normally did this year who cares i made up the rules i can break them too lol  
so yeah 
we’ll see what this year brings us,,,,
hoo boy
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
Countless Roads - Chapter 19
Fic: Countless Roads - Chapter 19 - Ao3
Fandom: Flash, Legends Pairing: Gen, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, others
Summary: Due to a family curse (which some call a gift), Leonard Snart has more life than he knows what to do with – and that gives him the ability to see, speak to, and even share with the various ghosts that are always surrounding him.
Sure, said curse also means he’s going to die sooner rather than later, just like his mother, but in the meantime Len has no intention of letting superheroes, time travelers, a surprisingly charming pyromaniac, and a lot of ghosts get in the way of him having a nice, successful career as a professional thief.
The corrupt policemen come up behind Len and grab his arms. Len could fight back, but he's tired, he's in pain, and he has no desire to see what happens when a man with glass in his skull acquaints himself with a police-issued taser.
He spends the next few hours tied to a chair inside that filthy bed and breakfast, waiting for Cabrera to sober up.
Len spends the time thinking.
He's not about to go down without a fight.
He knows Barry isn't, either, nor Mick, nor his Junior Rogues. They'll track him down the same way they found him the first time around, track him even beyond his anti-ghost aura now that they know what it is, and they'll run right here, Barry with his super-speed, Jax and Wally, all of them. They'll bring some mechanism for stopping the bomb in Len's head – they got it out of Lisa, after all, somehow - and if no such mechanism exists, Cisco will invent one. Mick will find a ghost that can make it happen. Lisa will steal one. The junior Rogues will band together and figure something out.
Something will be done.
Len's sure of it.
Unfortunately, Lewis is pretty sure of it, too. Lewis has as many flaws as he has personality traits, but unfortunately he's not actually all that stupid, and he can put two and two together same as the next person, and he's already put his counter-move into action: bringing Santini thugs and hitters in by the dozen, promising to buy their drinks at the pathetic hotel bar downstairs as long as they stick around, and telling them to keep an eye out for the Flash.
Barry will need to get through them if he's going to get to Len.
And that’s assuming he can get to Len in time, too. Lewis is pushing their timeline forward, as quick as he can, and Barry still needs to figure out where Len even is.
Len's faced worse odds in his lifetime, but he still doesn't like the way these ones look.
He can hear Lewis shouting instructions outside the door, hurrying people along, snapping at them. Cabrera looks hungover when he comes in, which probably accounts for the scowl on his face, and in his hands he's got a bucket of something slick and dark and red already starting to look kind of brown.
"Blood?" Len asks skeptically. "Really?"
Must Len's highly-probable death be quite this cliché?
"Pig's blood," Cabrera says, and a ghastly smile splits his face. "Human's better, but people can be so picky."
Len makes a face. Not even at the idea of using human blood – crazy people with crazy rituals, what can you expect? Not enough intelligence to go swipe a blood bank or a college blood drive van, that's for sure – but at the idea of pig's blood.
Len doesn't really keep kosher, except for sometimes in prison where the food tastes better that way, but his mom did and she wrinkled her nose at any suggestion of pig.
"It's no good for nothing," she told Len. "Got nothing in it, nothing good. Pig's too close to human, too smart. Keeps itself dirty in the muck like a human. Bad luck to kill one, worse to use it. No good. Never use it."
"Use it for what?" Len asked, disinterested child already mostly distracted.
"Anything! It’s bad luck."
And Len never has, not for anything - not for heists, not for eating, and certainly not for anything related to the dead. He's never needed to, for one thing; his power has nothing to do with blood or with sacrifices or with arcane symbols like Cabrera is painting on the floor. It's all willpower – no trappings required, not as anything more than a placebo focusing aid, and he hasn't needed anything like that in ages.
Ugh, mediums. Len's always heard they were crazy weird.
"What's that you're drawing?" he asks anyway, because more information is always better.
Cabrera snorts. "Your doomsday," he says, continuing to paint in the swiftly drying blood.
"Yeah, yeah, I got that. But what is it? The circle, I mean?"
"You don't know?"
"So sue me, I'm ignorant."
"What I would give to have your power," Cabrera says almost to himself, shaking his head. "I've got a fraction of it, that’s all, barely a thimbleful while you're just overflowing. Mine, I have to boost it whenever and however I can, using all the tricks I had to beg and kill for, and you've got it all just handed to you – and you're ignorant. Goddamn necromancers. Cheaters, the whole lot of you."
“I’m not a necromancer," Len says. He feels that's important to point out.
Cabrera snorts. “Yeah, sure you’re not. You do your thing based on nothing but innate talent, where the rest of us have to slave away learning our books – you’re a necromancer for sure.”
"So tell ignorant old me," Len says, letting it go even though he doesn't really want to. Not an argument to have right now, with his time slowly ticking away. "What's the circle do? Summon ghosts?"
He knows the circle doesn't do that, since he saw no such circle earlier when Cabrera summoned Tomio's ghost – through Len's anti-ghost aura, no less. But his father’s easily goaded to answer correctly if he’s provided with a patently wrong answer, and Len’s willing to bet Cabrera’s the same.
"Don't be ridiculous," Cabrera scoffs, proving Len’s point. "This is a blood circle."
"I'd never have guessed," Len says dryly.
"Cute," Cabrera says, baring his teeth in a hacking laugh. "Very cute. This circle is used for trading – blood for blood, life for life."
"Why not use that for Tomio, then?"
Cabrera snorts. "You can't resurrect someone with a trading circle. A ghost will burn through all the years you have in a matter of hours –" He looks almost gleeful at the thought. And possibly like he’s talking from experience. "- right up until there's nothing left worth keeping."
"That why you look like chewed-up crap?" Len asks, unable to hide his disgust at the concept. "Or that just how your face is normally?"
"I'm going to enjoy seeing you get ripped to shreds from the inside," Cabrera says, quite calmly.
Len sneers at him.
"Oh, you’re defiant now, little necromancer, but it’s true. Your father's going to give willing blood, your blood, and he's going to throw you open for possession by any ghost that'll have you." Cabrera's smile widens, ugly and mean. "Bet you're used to that sorta thing, though. Pretty face like yours in prison."
"Not sure how me getting possessed helps anyone," Len says. That sounds extremely unpleasant, he’s not going to lie, but losing his cool over it won't get Len out of here. "'specially if they just kill me doing it. Seems like it defeats the purpose."
"The period of possession prior to your gruesome death will be long enough," Cabrera replies. "Long enough to use your power of resurrection."
"Will whatever ghost grabs me know how?" Len drawls. "Y’know, I think you're making a lot of promises you can't deliver on here."
Cabrera laughs and puts aside his paintbrush, standing up and coming forward, shoving his filthy face with his disgusting breath right in Len's face. "You're trying to think if there's a way out of this for you," he guesses, not incorrectly. "Sorry to tell you, my powerful little friend, but there ain't nothing you can do to save yourself."
"What's in this for you?" Len asks instead. "You can't imagine Tomio will keep you around." He smirks. "Not if he can get me."
"He won't have you," Cabrera says. "I will."
Len doesn't like the sound of that. He really doesn't like the sound of that.
Cabrera laughs and reaches out, running his oily fingers down Len's face, his forehead, his cheek, his chin. Len turns his face as far away as he can in disgust.
"The ghosts are gonna ride you till you're all hollowed out inside," he says, sounding almost high with pleasure. "Won't be much of you left that's good for anything but saying 'yes' and 'how high' and maybe a 'please not again'; that's what Don Tomio's expecting, the foul bastard. But I ain't gonna leave him even that."
Len swallows.
"I'm gonna take you," Cabrera crows. "I'm gonna take all that power, all that strength, and I'm gonna drink it down myself, and leave you empty of everything. You wanna know what I'm getting out of this? I'm getting power. My sort of power. I’m gonna swallow you down till there’s nothing left."
“You can’t do that,” Len says – stupidly, he knows, but horror makes you say stupid things. It’s not power, it’s life; you can’t steal a person’s life, not like that. Mediums may be different than whatever the hell Len is, what his mother was, but it can’t be that different.
Can it?
“Oh, I can’t,” Cabrera agrees. “Only a ghost can steal like that, only a possession. But Don Tomio doesn’t want a piddly little possession. He wants to come back, however it is that you necromancers can manage the feat. So I’m going to use your dad to trade – your blood given as an offering to the ghosts for power. You get power, lots of power, the power of the damned, and it’s going to rip you apart. You’re not the only one with pet ghosts, you know – I’m gonna summon up one of my favorites, and he’s going to have his way with you, and when he’s done pulling Don Tomio out of his grave, he’s going to give me everything else he’s got from you, free and clear – and in return, I’ll let him and his precious girlfriend pass on at long last.”
“You know, I thought you couldn’t get more disgusting,” Len says. “But no, you’ve managed it. What sort of asshole keeps a ghost from passing on? That’s what a ghost is supposed to do.”
“Says that man carting around a ghost that’s nearly a century old,” Cabrera sniffs.
“Mick’s going to therapy for his deep-seated guilt issues,” Len says flatly. “It’s helping.”
“Make what excuses you want. You’d never let a powerhouse like that go free.”
“He’ll pass when I do,” Len says, because Mick has always promised as much, white flame burning in the back of his eyes every time he says it. “Without me, he’d fade away instead of passing on. We understand each other.” He sneers at Cabrera. “Even if you do pull away every last bit of life I have, Cabrera, it ain’t gonna help you. I might be ignorant, but you got no clue what you’re doing.”
Cabrera backhands him hard enough to knock the chair – and Len – to the ground.
“You miserable little piece of filth,” he hisses at Len, his eyes abruptly wide and furious, the white showing all around the pupil. “I’ll take everything you have, everything you could ever have, and we’ll see who knows what they’re doing then.”
A moment later and he’s calm, quiet, like he’d never been almost foaming at the mouth a second before. “But that won’t be an issue,” he says almost cheerfully. “We’re almost at the end, now. Your father’s consent is all I need.”
Len swallows. He misjudged, apparently. Cabrera’s not just power-hungry. He’s insane.
"We about ready to get started, Cabrera?" Lewis asks, coming inside, flanked by a handful of Santini thugs. A higher quality of thug than before – there's a few dozen downstairs drinking, but these guys, these guys are the enforcers. The wing-men, the ones that do far more than just put fist to face; these are the muscle-men of Don Tomio's Family. The ones who remain loyal to Don Tomio despite everything. Despite even death itself.
One crosses himself when he sees the blood circle.
Good Catholics come to watch a resurrection. They're uncomfortable, Len can tell, but not so much that they'll flee.
These are the men Tomio wants by his side when he moves to take over again.
Nicolas is notable primarily in his absence.
"Watch the goddamn merchandise," Lewis is bitching to Cabrera, who grins unrepentantly. "I know he can be mouthy, but he is the guy resurrecting the goddamn dead here, so I'd be a bit more respectful."
One of the thugs yanks Len and his chair off the floor, sets him upright. "We getting started?" he grunts.
"The circle's almost complete – " Cabrera starts.
"I don't want almost," one of the others says. "I want now. The Don’s return must not be delayed."
He's not the biggest guy there, but he's notable for not wearing any gaudy jewelry, and for how the others defer to him. No excess for him, no; this is a blood-bound Family man. A killer who lives for his master – and who now sees a chance to serve that master again.
A fanatic.
Len loves fanatics. They've got the easiest strings to pull.
"I'm finishing it," Cabrera snaps back. "Then all we have to do is the ritual, and you'll have Don Tomio back, safe and sound. Nothing to worry about."
"You need to fix me, first," Len points out. He's not doing shit for anyone with glass in his skull.
"No," Cabrera says, when Lewis glances at him for confirmation. "Not until the possession is done. I can do that no matter what state he's in."
Lewis smirks. "You get it out once the ritual is underway," he says. "Unless you've decided to do it willingly."
"Still no," Len says. He'd rather die, and he knows very well that they've long passed the point where Lewis would believe him, anyway. There's no playing Lewis now, so Len might as well die for what he believes in.
"Then let's get started."
Cabrera is finishing the circle.
"Pity," Len says. He can’t wait any longer to see what opportunities might come. He’ll have to gamble on the fanatic.
"What's a pity?" Lewis asks, frowning at him.
"Don Tomio, I mean. From what I get about this circle, I'm gonna get possessed by the first ghost that comes by, and then the way my ritual works is that I'll resurrect the first thing I see. No way to guarantee it's the Don – I mean, we could do a possession again afterwards, but –" Len shrugs. "Well, no dice. Guess we'll have to work on faith."
"We will not work on faith," the fanatic says. "Cabrera will summon the Don first, so that we may ensure his presence during the ritual."
Cabrera's head snaps up. "But – Mr. Alvarez – I need to perform the ritual!" he exclaims.
"Weren't you saying earlier that you could do both at once, if you wanted?" Lewis points out meanly. He doesn't like Cabrera. "With your eyes closed, I think you said?"
Cabrera hesitates. He clearly did say something like that - undoubtedly to earn a few more minutes to cradle his hangover.
"Then it is agreed. We will not risk it," Alvarez says. His eyes don't look quite right - one madman to another. "This is Don Tomio's grand return. It will be done, and done correctly."
"You don't understand –" Cabrera protests. "The strain of possession –"
"I don't care."
Everyone gets tense. Len doesn't see why at first, since Alvarez is behind him, but then he steps forward, and he has a knife out. A nasty one, too, a gut-splitter. You die filthy on that sort of blade.
Alvarez holds it like a man who knows how to use it, too.
"Fine," Cabrera says, what limited courage he has failing him, and he glares at Len. "It doesn't matter. I'll start the ritual, then summon Don Tomio as its finishing. And then the Don will live again."
"The Don first," Alvarez says, clearly pleased by the fear of those around me. "Or else you and me, we have a chat yes?"
"Don Tomio will need me – "
"Of course," Alvarez says. "But he will need you just as well with a few less fingers and toes."
Cabrera scowls, but nods his assent. “Fine,” he says bitterly. “I’ll summon Don Tomio and my personal ghost at the same time; one will possess me, the other him. And then we’ll finally get to it. Happy?”
Alvarez nods his consent.
Len doesn't say anything.
Cabrera grabs his cigar. It's how he controls the possession spell; that much is clear – Don Tomio is in control of the body while the cigar is lit and keeps it until the cigar goes out, then Cabrera resumes control. Len remembers how Don Tomio looked at the burning cigar when he was in control.
He didn’t want it to go out.
The plan clicks together.
Cabrera starts chanting.
Len licks his lips. It’s going to be close.
He sets his mental timer.
Lewis steps forward when Cabrera gestures, takes the knife and cuts himself, lets it drip onto the dried blood of the circle. "I give this blood willingly, for power," he recites, eyes sliding to Cabrera for confirmation. "Take the man within this circle, blood of my blood, for your use."
Sloppy. So sloppy.
"Now I see why the pigs' blood was appropriate," Len says, staring at his dad. "Once a pig, always a pig, huh?"
Lewis' face twists with rage and he steps forward – he's angry, he's going to come hurt Len for daring to speak to him like that – and then Cabrera shoves a hand in front of him. "Don't break the circle," he says. "That's his plan. He's desperate to get out of this. If you step into the circle, you are the man within the circle, and your blood is the same; you will be victim as well."
Lewis is torn for a moment, between his possessive rage and his self-preservation instincts. It's a struggle, but at last the latter wins and he defers to expertise, stepping backwards once more.
Len says nothing. Good thing that wasn't his plan.
Though it would've been nice to see Lewis get what was coming to him.
Cabrera returns to his ritual, but his rhythm is off, disrupted by Lewis. Len's said enough prayers to know that once they're engrained in your mind, it's instinct to start at the beginning, not the middle, and it's hard to pick up where you left off. Cabrera's spells seem to be working the same way, and he's stumbling just the slightest bit.
He’s lighting the stub of the cigar, just as before, leaving the majority of it on the floor next to him.
Cabrera's afraid, just as he always is, now that he's including himself as the host for Don Tomio. Len noticed it earlier – the slightest pause, the merest hesitation, before Cabrera says the name. He's afraid of Don Tomio, and even when he doesn't mean to, he pauses before committing himself to the summoning.
"And so to this place, to this time, I call upon you, restless spirits of the dead. I call upon you, the two spirits whom I name, you who wish to come to this place. I call upon thee by name -" Cabera is saying, as grandly as a miserable little man like him can manage. "I call upon thee –” And he pauses again, just that hairs-breath of hesitation that Len was counting on. “Thomas Antonio Salvatore Santini – "
As soon as Cabrera starts with the first name, Len speaks as well, matching his inflection.
"Michael," he says as quietly as he can manage. "Michael Christopher Sebastian Rory."
"— and also –" Cabrera begins, but it's too late.
Len might have glass in his head, unable to access his own power, but as he’s already seen, Cabrera’s summoning spells work just fine through Len’s ghost-repelling aura. Cabrera’s summoning ritual, modified by Alvarez’s insistence, called for two dead souls who wanted to come here, to this place.
Cabrera probably thought that that would safely limit it to the souls he had waiting, Don Tomio and his pet ghost, since who else would know to want to come here?
He would be right, too, if Mick didn't know where this place was. If Mick didn’t desperately, overwhelmingly, want to come to this place to rescue Len, stopped only by Len’s own repulsion of all ghosts from this place.
Cabrera might have been more specific if he'd known about the risk, but Lewis never told Cabrera that they'd been found. He wouldn't have, and Len knows it – Lewis never admits that his plans have gone wrong, even when it’s obvious that they have.
So Mick knows where they are – and he wants to come to Len’s side. He wants to be here.
And anti-ghost aura or no, Cabrera's summoning and possession spells work just fine.
The room fills with wind.
Cabrera's eyes go wide but it's too late – the blackness, the filth of Don Tomio Santini's soul, is running up his face, into his mouth, smothering the one person who realizes what Len's done.
Len braces himself for the crawling blackness himself, expects it, even, but –
Mick's soul isn't black.
All he's done as a ghost is not on his soul, but on his spirit; his soul's fate was written when he died at fifteen, victim to impulses he did not understand, an accident that gave him such guilt that he refused to pass on but for which he is not truly at fault.
Mick’s soul is a breeze, a rolling wave of lightness like the first day of spring.
Len is not smothered, forced down and silent. He is surrounded. He is loved.
Boss? Mick asks, voice ringing inside Len's head, clear as a bell. No offense but – what the hell?
Len has never been more relieved in his life.
I am so happy to see you, Len replies, finding himself incapable of using his lips. It would terrify him if it was anyone but Mick, anyone he trusted even a jot less.
But what’s happening?
You’re possessing me.
Uh. What? Can we do that?
Apparently, Len says. But that’s not important right now.
It’s not?
No. Right now, I need you to start a fire.
Shoulda known you wanted me for the arson...
Len tries and fails to roll his eyes.
Mick opens his – well, Len's – eyes, which Len at some point seems to have shut.
Tomio is looking out through Cabrera's eyes, smug and satisfied. "Now," he says. "About my resurrection –"
"Resurrection?" Mick asks through Len's mouth. "Are you fucking kidding me? He'd never resurrect you."
And you don't even know who he is, Len thinks happily.
I know you, boss, Mick retorts. It wouldn't matter if he was Santa Claus.
"Something's gone wrong," Alvarez says.
They're surrounded by Santini men – and Lewis – and they're commanded by Don Tomio. Everything is about to go very badly.
Mick? That fire?
Mick smiles.
The walls of the room goes up in a rush of flame.
Mick is a very powerful poltergeist to retain his powers through a possession.
But Len knew that already.
There’s screaming and shooting – because of course the thugs go for their guns, even though they don’t know who to shoot – and Mick gets Len’s body out of the ropes and the circle and goes straight for target number one.
Len didn’t even need to tell him it was Lewis.
“What –” Lewis chokes out just before Mick wraps his hands around his throat. He’s clutching at his shoulder; he’s been shot.
Len can hear shouting and shooting from downstairs, too, and explosions as well.
The Flash and his team are here, causing chaos.
“Fix him,” Mick snarls, his eyes – Len’s eyes – flaming white; Len can see it reflected in the window on the side of the room. The flames crackle around the edges of the room, already making it too hot; the doorway to downstairs is still open, but the flames are starting to crawl up the curtains and edge forward towards the center where everyone is standing. The escape route is closing. “Fix him now.”
“And then what?” Lewis sneers, even as his fingers fight to pull Len's own off of him. Possessed or not, Lewis will never see Len as a threat. “You’ll kill me, is that it?”
He’s reaching for his pocket.
Don’t let him get the detonator!
“If you fix him, I won’t kill you,” Mick says instead.
Lewis pauses. He's always been good at spotting opportunities to make a deal. “Oh, sure. But he will, I take it?” Also at spotting potential loopholes.
“No,” Mick says. “Neither he nor I will kill you. I swear it.”
Lewis’ eyes narrow.
“Last chance,” Mick says. “Or I’ll let the Santinis have you – and blame you for what’s gone wrong.”
“Fine,” Lewis snarls, and holds up a black brick – a magnet? – to the back of Len’s head.
Len howls in pain as the back of his head just rips open, the iron shards embedded in the glass ripping it out in a single horrifically painful motion, no finesse to it at all, the back of his head suddenly wet with blood that starts dripping down his neck.
And suddenly, through the pain, eclipsing it, his head is clear.
The room fills with ghosts almost immediately, all of the ones who have been held back streaming forward to fill the vacuum Len inadvertently created, and the room is full of them, flooding the room, filling it.
It’s loud. It’s so gloriously loud.
Len was so afraid that he’d never hear them ever again.
They’re back.
He’s back.
Lenny! Lenny, you okay?
I will be, Len tells him. He’s happy Mick doesn’t feel the pain as the back of Len’s head pours out blood – Lewis was clearly counting on the pain immobilizing Mick because he immediately starts struggling to get free, but Mick’s not having any of that – but still, that fucking hurt.
Do you want to deal with..?
Mick means Lewis.
He means -
Something has to be done. Lewis knows about Len's power, now. He can't be permitted out of here with that knowledge, promises or no promises.
And the only way to keep that knowledge secret is -
Len swallows. No, he says, hating himself just a little bit for not being able to do what he has to, but that little boy inside of him that so wanted his dad's approval won't stand for it even if Lewis deserves it a million times over. Len can't do it, not with his own hands. I can’t. You do it.
No, Len says, the idea coming to him. You told him we wouldn’t kill him.
I was lying, boss.
I know. But do this instead…
Mick smiles with Len’s mouth and picks Lewis up. “Boss doesn’t want me to break my word,” he rumbles. “So I won’t. Doesn’t mean you ain’t gonna get exactly what you deserve, though, you prick.”
And he throws Lewis into the still-active blood circle.
And the ghosts – now that Len’s ability is returning, fast and loud and glorious – are streaming into the room, hundreds of them, friendlies and unquiet dead both, and they’re all as hungry for life as always.
And the blood circle promised them a man of that blood in exchange for power.
Lewis starts to scream, but it cuts off and he gags on it.
He dies on the floor, choking on the unquiet dead that rip his life away from him in greedy handfuls.
Just like Len’s mom.
Good riddance, Len says, but his chest feels weird. Like something’s gone wrong in there.
I’m gonna get out of here, Mick says.
Len exhales, and Mick is hovering in front of him. “Why the sudden rush?” Len asks.
Mick wraps a hand around Len’s arm. It’s the way he hugs Len in public, or when he thinks Len's about to have a panic attack.
It helps.
“Try breathing,” Mick suggests.
Len does.
That helps, too.
And then he turns to the rest of the room.
Don Tomio is still in Cabrera’s body, giving orders to his people, trying to reign in the chaos, put out the fire.
“Hey, Tomio!” Len calls.
The Don looks at him.
“You will never come back to life,” Len says. “I’ll pass on myself first.”
The Don’s face twists in terrible rage.
“I’ll give you one tip, though,” Len adds. “Cabrera used fire to control you, didn’t he? The cigar?”
“What about it?” Tomio snarls.
“The fire expanded before it was put out,” Len tells him. “Now it’s not just the cigar, it’s the whole room. As long as this fire keeps burning, he can’t cast you out – and I can’t touch you while you’re in there. Or won’t, which is the same thing in the end.”
Len watches as Tomio’s back goes straight. “Stop!” he roars. He doesn't want to go back to being a ghost; no ghost ever does. “Don’t put the fire out – corral it, but make sure it doesn’t go out! Someone get on the phone with whatever agents we have at the fire department! This fire needs to keep burning!”
Len glances at Mick and nods. Mick nods in return and wraps his arms around Len, barreling out the window and floating them down to the ground.
“What was that last bit about?” Mick asks as they land lightly. “Don Tomio – I remember him. He’s bad business. Why tip him off on how to stick around?”
“The medium he’s possessing – Cabrera – he’s worse,” Len tells him. “And every extra hour he spends in Cabrera’s body burns the years of Cabrera’s life away. Besides, Tomio will fade away anyway - he's lost his only reason for sticking around, the thought of finding some way of coming back. Now that he knows it's gone, there's nothing keeping him here.”
Mick nods.
Len can’t help but pull him close. He’d been so afraid.
It’d been so close.
“Mick,” he says, his voice cracking a little.
“I got you,” Mick says. “I’ve got you, now and forever.”
“You bet you do,” Len says.
“Hey, you guys! Rory, stop cuddling your boyfriend,” Barry says, coming to a stop in front of them. “We’ve got to put out this fire before it spreads.”
“Give it a little time,” Len says, not letting go of Mick. “I’m glad you found me. Were those explosions I heard just now?”
“That was 100% your Junior Rogues' doing,” Barry tells him. “Your responsibility. Also, do you have any other bad family members I should know about, just for safety’s sake? Evil uncles? Grand-aunts? Someone’s aunt’s second cousin’s former roommate? Something?”
“You’re less tactful than I am, and I’m dead,” Mick tells Barry.
“Oh, speaking of which,” Barry says. “Lisa said to tell you that the second you get back, she’s going to murder you both.”
Len starts laughing.
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moidse · 4 years
le sigh
its been a minute since i’ve typed my thoughts here... 
idk if its my depression or what but it seems like every time i come back home from cbus i am like meh about going back. 
which i mean, i have to help **** do literally everything and it isn’t really fun. and there just isn’t anything to do right now. 
I just feel like I’m not pushing myself as much. I feel like i have a list of things to do and then after like 3 days i drive back to cbus and completely abandon my to-do list. 
which i could try harder to work there... i just don’t even have a working laptop right now and we dont work well together. we lowkey encourage each other to procrastinate. 
I just feel like if i stop going i can have a regular schedule of like walking an hour 5 days a week. which i could do at their place if the weather is good. like idk maybe i could just hang out on the weekends, like on Friday after I’ve done my walk and whatever... 
Because I am staying too many days fr fr. 
I just want to push myself harder. I’m just letting myself go in many ways... I’ve put on a lot of weight... I have just stopped working on my music video idea...      i stopped working on my songs... i stopped with my film idea...                               I haven’t been moving forward with my to do list in a really long time and I think spending less time there or rather a more structured about of time could help me get a sort of routine... like maybe i only go saturday and sunday... and mon-fri I have to do what I need.  
I also just feel like ***** is always like its okay its okay that i’m doing nothing right now ... which, is nice and i understand it is okay and im not failing but i don’t need that type of encouragement right now. I know I have the power to motivate myself like i’ve done in the past. 
I’m just tired of feeling sorry for myself.. I just need to eliminate the distractions...
ugh.. also.. like i feel like i am just less attracted to them... like how i felt in the beginning is fading i feel like.... idk if that’s normal or what but i don’t feel the same spark whatsoever... this came into my head recently when i saw a pic of them from b4 i met them. it instantly reminded me of how hot i thought they were when i was just creeping on their instagram and didn’t know them well yet. they looked really hot and like a good time. that probably sounds a bit sleezy but like i mean they looked like the sex would be good and it just isn’t. and i guess it’s just like i remember looking at them in this certain way and feeling like they were so hot and like now.... i can’t see them in that same light... at all.... i dont see them as the same hot person i first saw them as... and that’s because that person i was imagining in the beginning doesn’t exist. and that’s clear to me now... i had this fantasy of kaiya and then it didn’t line up. 
i’d never hit on someone before and have them explain they are asexual like 3 months into talking through emails... lmao this whole situation was sooo not what im used to...and tbh i was really throwing myself at ***** because i had just left **** for them basically and i felt stupid if i just dropped the best sex to be single.... but really the jokes on me because the person i threw myself at ended up being asexual and not wanting to fuck me anyways lmao.  it was like i was too proud. too proud to admit this is a bit of a rebound for me. that’s why that night i first kissed them was such a W for me. i didn’t want to lose that feeling. my ex tries to get me back, i say no and they leave sad, i hit on my crush and kiss them for the first time... then i drive home with my even bigger crush and tell them how the kissing was weird lmao... i hate myself. lmao
the only reason i even went back to ***** was because bigger crush didn’t like me and i felt like I took an L so i wanted attention from them to not feel sad...rejection really has me crawling to anyone to feel validated. and i feel like i just did this pattern in 2019.. I hit on someone i have a big crush on they reject me, i bounce back to my ex to try to pretend i didn’t take an L and to show i can get ppl and im desirable.. then that ex becomes too much and i got what i wanted from that so i just drop them, basically ghost them as soon as i hit on ***** ... then i instantly broke it off when my ex again.. and in my head i just kept thinking i better not have this fall through now cuz i really don’t wanna take another L...and the whole summer i was very stressed at every email because i just wanted this person to like me...i couldn’t tell what they were thinking the whole time cuz it didn’t seem like they liked me like that... only for them to come back.. and ive just been so sure this whole summer we’re gonna fuck and then they casually say they are asexual...  
that just hurt and was annoying. bitch watch me ask ppl str8 up if they are asexual now... ffs .. if im ever in a weird predicament again where im emailing ppl for months before fucking.
i just... dont even feel like masturbating anymore... it just makes me feel sad. the sexual connection just isnt there. it was there when we were tripping on acid. that was the first time i could feel a back and forth between us. i just dont know if im in love with them anymore. they aren’t the fantasy i had in my head when i first saw them and had an instant crush... and tbh their making out is weird because it isn’t sexual... its just like kissy suck on my lip .. its making me realize what makes making out hot is the sexual tension and it isn’t there for them. i just wish they would’ve told me earlier they were asexual but i guess i also understand like i didn’t ask, but idk i also think like wouldn’t you want to make sure you’re with a partner who wants to be with someone asexual? its just like, i feel like im hanging on by a single fred. lol. and that fred has been that oh maybe the sex will be better but i have low hope. because its more than sex.. its like ur sexual energy and vibe should be there like all the time not just when we are alone in their room having sex... like there is no sexual chemistry... it just feels like we are good friends who make out and they rub me off... it feels very elementary. im tired of like pressing them to let me touch them and shit. that really shouldn’t be how it is.. if they dont want me to touch them then like fine.
it also bothered me they mentioned me going on ssri’s when literally like everyone else i know doesn’t suggest those because you lose your sex drive and im like bitch why dont you change your meds and get off ssri’s ... it’s just too much... i hate that i’ve had thoughts like well maybe i’ll be happier in this relationship if im taking ssri’s .... which i don’t think that’s healthy either. i just feel like every week im discouraged this will ever hit right. i really dont feel as much as a spark...
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queensempowerqueens · 6 years
YOU ARE ENOUGH Woman of great magnitude You are enough You are built to last, stronger than any breed, Ford tough I know your career gets trying, I know your personal life may get rough I know the powers of social media can sometimes corrupt… Corrupt our mind & cause us to believe that beauty comes in a size 2 but not a size 9 Beauty is not a shallow thing, but something we uniquely define BTW, no matter what size, shade, or age you are QUEEN you’re a dime It’s not only the way you walk and sashay in those heels It’s not just about the way you dress to kill Let’s be real It’s more about the energy you give when you walk in the room All eyes on you It’s about the depth of your heart and the smile you put on people face Day to day.. Queen nobody can take your place or closely relate You’re beautiful because of the way you give back You’re beautiful because of the way you effortlessly pick up the slack You’re appreciated even when you give your all and sometimes lose This is for the women that lost a relationship, but you didn’t lose you I know that trial and tribulations may cause you to question your worth But ladies let’s take back our powers, this is our turf We are the mother of nature, and creators of the living on this Earth The origin of birth resonates in our womb, therefore we should never be disrespected. Our value extends further than being able to give an erection, we are man’s blessing & we are worthy of the upmost respect Not just from one another but from the other sex This is for the lady that looks in the mirror and questions her purpose The woman that wears a smile every day but inside she’s hurting The woman that endlessly chases her dreams & when she’s alone in her bedroom she cries out in anguish and screams Because the pressure of life can sometimes be so overbearing This is for the women that still manages to get dressed in the morning and make it out of the house on time even though her stocking is tearing The strength of a woman is one of the greatest dynamics to exist I salute every woman in this room for your effort, to you I throw up my fist SIS, beauty is the woman that finally chose herself Beauty is the woman that still needs help You are built to last, stronger than any breed, Ford tough The next time you begin to question your worth, replace that thought with I AM ENOUGH CommentsPopular posts from this blogPut some RESPECT on her nameSeptember 15, 2018U.N.I.T.Y. U.N.I.T.Y. that's a unity U.N.I.T.Y, love a black man from infinity to infinity. -Queen Latifah It's been a minute right, I know. I miss y'all SO much and hope you're holding up in this weather family. Before I begin Rather before I dive in I kinda wanna touch on this life of sin....and all of it's ways. See for days, I've been contemplating & to be real, it's kind of nerve breaking It's a long story, but you know imma elaborate. So family, how we always begin You know what you gotta do on your end At this point me and you are friends..so hold your side of the bargain. RELAX, and take your mind off of this storm, I know the thought of the suspected consequences is causing you hell Well let me detain your mind, let's just act like you're in jail My jail that is, LOL Just vibe with me, you're now apart of mochas web.... I hope before you begin reading this, you've taken the time to unwind.. tonight I'm feeling like genuw…READ MORERacial Disparities in NC Education School SystemAugust 18, 2018https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oklwKtUeufI3KjAKAHnY4926MrLQRPH61BaDVmgK6oI/edit?usp=sharing</a>READ MOREDADDY ISSUES (In tune)July 03, 2018Don't nobody know me, like I know me. So I follow instincts only. -Big Sean Welcome to mochas web, by this time I'm hoping we've gotten pretty acquainted..if not maybe you should read my last blogs before you dive into this one. Listen yall, I got a lot to say, so if you have the time, go ahead and do what you gotta do to help you unwind..cause I could go all night fr. I've got a whole lot of misplaced emotions built up right now and I'm about to explode. Feeling like Drake, on "back on road". Most people will think I changed. Few will know I only elevated. & like Erykah Badu, I'm sensitive about my shit. See as I'm moving along in this process called life, I'm getting real fragile about it. I can't control anyone else life, but I am in full gear of my own. So everything I do, & everything I say may seem self-centered. In reality, I'm only saying and doing what others wish they had the courage too. Our first amendment right gran…READ MORE Powered by BloggerTheme images by badinsBELLA DAMAMaybe if I get it in writing, you could feel the stroke behind my pen. It all depends..on how high you elevate your mind, how deep you sink into my beliefs..promise I can make you unwind, but only if you have the time. Come in, take a seat.VISIT PROFILEArchiveReport Abuse
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I am writing this to show how bad your thoughts get when dealing with depression and anxiety. This is my own personal story and you’ll find out a lot of things about me as you read. It’ll be like your actually me thinking to myself. Sentences in * marks are actions on what i’m doing. 5/14/18 *Crying literally while sleeping and wakes up* Ouu what a dream. Oh well Andrea this is just your anxiety nothing is going to happen… *reads kyles sweet good morning message* awww how sweet…. Dude this is your baby daddy. Like were fr in this together for a while. *replies* But wait.. What if something bad happens. Stuff always happens when im happy. *starts freaking out and has a mini panic attack* Omg why do i have to go through this. Why do i have to wake up every single damn day just to fucking be sad and upset. This isnt a fucking life worth living at all. Why god? Just why can't i be happy? *goes back to sleep* *wakes up around 3 in the afternoon* Ugh i feel like shit. Oh well *gets on facebook and looks through and sees a bunch of pretty girls from north* Huh i wonder if kyle lowkey sees them and wishes he had someone like them. *looks down* ewh im getting fat. I'm hungry asf but i can't let myself get over 120 pounds. Im almost there already.. I'm going to have to start making myself throw up even more to lose more weight. Maybe then i can be pretty. *looks at myself in my music note mirror* Ewh this is why he doesn't care. Wow look at me, I'm gross… *starts tearing up* Why can’t i be pretty like the other girls? I think this is why he cheated on me. I'm fat, ugly and i have a horrible personality. I mean who would want to date someone like me? I constantly sit there and fuck up and i just don't deserve to be in a relationship. I don’t deserve to be happy. Anytime i get happy i get sad. Ouu kyles off work. *30 minutes later after arguing* Okay guess i'll go back to sleep. Hmmm when is this shit gonna end. *Wakes up* Alright kyle’s gonna come get me. Its only 8 at night now but that’s fine. *goes and argues and cries about everything but smokes a blunt and calms down and goes home* Well its kinda upsetting that i've went through hell and back and threw up my guts and started an eating disorder, been through more mental pain than ever due to hormones and i was already depressed before, and passed out due to being pregnant, all for nothing. Kyle doesn't care. If he did he'd be going with you to the one appointment you wanted him to go to. He can skip work to smoke pot but not to go to the baby's gender appointment? Wow just like dad andrea… Do I really want this for me and the baby? Oh kyle just get your fucking shit together… *kyle tells me all about how he's been talking to this girl, Then ignores me* I wonder if he's facetiming that girl while they fall asleep telling her that he loves her and how he wants to be with her instead. I wonder if she has a better face or body than me. I wonder if she has a big butt and big boobs and a slim waist and a perfect face. I wonder if she's better than me. I wonder if he's just waiting for me to break up with him so i can't say he knocked me up and left… I wonder if he's trying to hurt me. I mean everyone else does so why wouldn't he? Keaton knew wtf he was doing when he fucked me and left. Took my virginity and said we'd be together but just left. Justice knew wtf he was doing when he put his hand over my mouth and took my pants off even though i was crying and begging him not to. Smiling at me while he was doing. The world loves seeing me in pain. Oh you can't forget about the brandon situation. Got me drunk asf and fucked me then never heard from him again… Until he was in my inbox saying how ugly my face and body is. I don't even get it. I've been through enough pain. Why does kyle have to put me through so much pain if he knows wtf he's doing to me?...... This ain't love andrea. I deserve better. If he loved you then you and his kid would be his #1 priority and he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I still wanna know why he won't tell me a single one of his passwords even though he knows all of mine… He's probably cheating on me… But it's okay. I deserve it anyways right? I deserve to be in pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fuck this life bro *takes not only one but 1 and a half boxes of pills* Maybe hell will be better.
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userautumn · 2 years
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