#thought of that at 10 pm lmfao
vickyvictoria-3 · 9 months
Miiblr I have an AU idea.
Wii sports CPUs x Heathers the musical!
Sakura - Veronica
Matt - J.D.
Elisa and Sarah - Ram and Kurt
Luca and Akira - dad's of Ram and Kurt
Lucia - Martha
Tommy - Heather Chandler
Eva - Heather Duke
Tyrone - Heather McNamara
Anna - Ms Fleming
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astrxealis · 8 months
seeing identical twins irl sometimes is so trippy (funny like woag...) but the funniest thing is i am an identical twin too. is that how it's like when others see me and artemis.
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lylianrae · 3 months
A list of all the things I have manifested ⋆˚⟡˖ ࣪
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We manifest everything in our lives btw - the good and the bad which is why I will be including both to prove that the law does not discriminate. If you can successfully become poor, you can most definately become rich with the same ease because everything is just a state.
Long hair
AHH this is one of my favourite manifestations. Ever since I was young I had a weird bob with a fringe (often crooked) and I wanted long hair like all the other girls (lmaoo) but my mum was strict so she didn't let me grow it out. Although I didn't know about manifestation back then, every new year and birthday I would wish for long hair and I would pretend I was a princess with butt long hair. Guess what, somewhere along the line, my mum let me grow it out and now I have butt length hair (don't really know what to do with it tho </3).
As all kids do, I went through an emo phase where I chopped off like half of my hair like 4 years ago. I literally grew back 7-8" of hair within a month because my parents got too mad. I knew about manifestation here so I just assumed my hair always grows unaturally fast. Same with when I cut bangs, they grew past my chin within a couple of weeks.
Manifesting my way into a private school
Honestly this just shows that you dont need 2430430 hours of working on your self concept to manifest. Literally so many celebs, including Marylin Monroe (the queen), manifested their fame with awful self concept. Likewise, here I was possibly going through the worst time of my life back then. I would wake up at 8 am and start studying and end at 11 pm despite being only 10 at the time. I was so freaking stressed and envious of all the other children and went into a depressive spiral where my two options were pass or die. I didn't even have enough practice and I cried my self to sleep on most nights. Anyways, when i did the exam I was deathly calm and even after the exam I was apparently so chill so my parents thought I failed.
I literally left 9 questions on one paper but throughout the summer, everytime I found a dandelion I would make a wish and imagine digging a tunnel to the examiners room where I secretly change my answers into the right ones (lmfao my tiny 10 yr old brain - idek how it worked). Anyways my results were sent back to me a month later on a random October evening and I got a really high mark. Even after 7 years of going to this school I havn't met anyone who has gotten a mark higher than mine.
Curly hair / straight hair
Sigh. We always want things we don't have. When I was younger I had really straight hair like 1A asian hair but when I was like 10, I really wanted curly hair and I would try to curl it often. After a few months, I manifested a curling iron and my hair literally became naturally curly like right after a wash it would curly af when before it was dead straight. Naturally I grew bored of it and I wanted my straight hair back and for ages I began overcomplicating the law and struggled to manifest it. It was only recently when I actually let go of the 3D that I manifested the silky, shiny straight hair.
Social life?
This is also a funny one, just shows how easily you can manifest. So back in 2021 after lockdown I felt so lonely and felt so left out of my friendship group so after a few months I began stressing myself out and spiraling for like 30 minutes, sobbing to myself about how I was so lonely and how nobody loved me (💀). Anyways it became reality, I found myself uncomfortable in many social situations and found myself becoming forgotten far more easily. I don't really remember the details but it was so bad that I think I accidently manifested social anxiety (oh well we still up tho).
However I am a loa girly so I found myself listening to popularity subliminals and slowly (but surely) my mindset change from having no friends to being the most popular girl in the year. Like no joke I became friends with like 3 people from different social circles so at lunchtime we had to join up like 3 different tables so we can all sit together. Overall I got myself 20+ close friends and even my ex friends began to admire me although it had ended badly. Even now, when someone says something thats untrue - for example saying that they are dumb when they are not, they would be like "ahaha so its like when Rae (me) says she has no friends, the whole school knows who Rae is".
Clear skin
This was sort of in the beginning of my loa (law of attraction back then) journey, I just randomly found out what subliminals were and was still quite new to everything. Now I don't even understand how it happened but I had busted some capillaries under my skin and it looked like small red viens under my skin and bro I was freaking out at the time. One night I was like just, I had enough, I'm going to get myself better skin and so I listened to a sub once for 3-4 days and on like the 4th day, my cheeks began to heat up which was odd and the next day it was 90% gone. Just like magikkkk.
Desired university?
Guys. Feeling is the secret. Don't you ever forgot that - not feeling as in emotions but rather the feeling of knowing. I had 2 entrance exams to do to apply for my universities and it was a stressful time where I wasn't getting enough sleep and wasn't eating enough simply because I didn't have the time. Like I come home from school and would have 3-4 hours of homework, then I need to revise for tests and then the remaining time would be spent on the entrance exams. Each past paper took 2 hours and I have around 13s per questions and I was already struggling on time. Anyways, I began to hate them and I would often complain to my mum saying things like "My score got even lower!!" or "I hate it so much" or "My head hurts / eyes hurt".
Guess what? Not only did I see my score decrease over time but I also made such a silly mistake on the most important entrance exam which I needed for 4/5 of my universities. I left a question and completely forgot to mark on the answer so when I finished the section I realised I had one more space on the sheet with like 10s to spare. I didn't have enough time to go back and fix it and lemme say that I did so badly in the test. Even while waiting for results I was just like "ah it would be a miracle if I scored above this bla bla".
I got the score back and it was so freaking bad like I did not stand a chance at my university at all. However, I started to affirm for a place and to my utter shock and surprise my desired university reached out and offered me an interview. I knew people who had like scores which were 50% better than mine and they still got rejected pre-interview. Anyways I began stressing about the interview and the results of the whole thing and boom. I got rejected 3 days after my birthday lmaoo. But its okay because I'm reapplying and I learnt so much more. I'm redoing the entrance exam and my score is a loooot better than it ever was last year.
A key take away would be thoughts are the result of the state you are in. Your dwelling state manifests and I was focusing on the unrealness and the difficultly of getting into this uni and thats what manifested. At the time I was heartbroken and literally went through the 7 stages of grief and spent so many months trying to revise it only for me to focus on the 3D. Just know that everything is done in imagination and it appears in the 3D as a result.
Photographic memory
So this is also something I had manifested before I actually knew about loa but the takeaway here is that manifestation is always instant. I was around 11 reading a random book on my tiny kindle and the book was on how to develop a good memory and I was like ah that'll be useful. Anyways later in the car, I asked my dad about photographic memory and he sort of explained it to me. I just assumed that I have that and I told him I do. He just laughed at me and said thats something that you have to train for and I was not impressed lmao. Inside my tiny brain, I was just like nope, I already have photographic memory and I dropped that thought. Let me tell you, my memory is actually photographic and has helped me out on so many occasions like my brain just takes pictures of things.
Learning fast
This is also something I did before I knew loa, I was just always wondering why the other kids couldn't grasp concepts as easily as I did. Literally in every lesson I would be like ah I learn so fast and now I am actually blessed with the ability to grasp complex subjects so fast. A favourite example of mine would be when I was obsessed with music but to take it to a higher level you need to be able to play an instrument. I couldn't at the time and my teacher told me the requirements a week before the actual deadline. I have never actually played piano with both hands but one day I sat down and worked through the entire song (fur elise by Beethoven) which is a grade 5 (I think) and it normally takes people months / weeks to learn. I learnt the whole thing in 3 days and from then on, I could play piano like I had been doing for ages. Again the memory thing was so helpful because I never actually used any sheet music, I learnt it off a youtube video and I remembered every single note I needed to play.
Hourglass body + 22" waist
This was a couple of years ago when I actually didn't understand loa. Anyways long story short, I would do a 3 minute workout and then flex infront of the mirror all day (💀) and be like omg I have abs. Overtime, I actually got so skinny everyone around me kept pointing it out to me and my mum got so concerned that she took me to the doctor like 4 times. It was so funny, I would loose like 2-3kg overnight and my parents would have to buy better fitting uniform.
Bigger boobs
This was also back in the day (2021?) when I didn't understand how to manifest things easily af. I had an A cup but I wanted better boobies and I listened to like 2 subs for a week and I went to a B cup. But I just assumed I have a bigger cup size recently and I just skipped C and went to D+ (haven't measured in a long time).
I'm not done but I'm tired now bye bye
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sturnsslut · 4 months
better - matt sturniolo
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a/n - this is a filler until i’m done with my chris smut 😔. i’m sorry there’s a lot of yapping but the backstory matters !
contains - soft dom!matt x sub!reader, fighting (barley), unprotected sex, mirror sex, praise, fingering, begging, oral
summary - reader and matt make a bet !
‘ i seen your love, you got me baby ‘
it was a friday night and my boyfriend had just canceled on me last minute for the 3rd time this week. i was literally all dressed up, waiting for him to come and pick me up. i sighed when i read his message saying that he " had something come up "
i had a feeling he had been cheating on me for a while, but i didn't have any solid proof so i just stayed quiet. i was about to get into my pajamas when i got a text from nick saying how theyre having a party at their house tonight , and how matt would pick me up.
nick 💗
we're having a party tn
can you come
matt can pick you up
i feel like i haven't seen you in forever
nick it's been 4 days 😭
but i mean
let me see
i pulled out my phone to text liam, my boyfriend . i had to make sure that we really weren't going out , so i was just double checking.
Can't go
Something came up
bro what ??
im literally ready
why tf is this just now being brought up
I don't know what you want me to do lmfao
im going to nicks party then
Says who?
Your staying at the house
why are you being weird 💀
yes i am
lmfao ok dad
That fucking matt kid
Your always looking at him
And he looks at you like he's
in love or some shit so no your not going
u can't be serious
i never look at him
K well
i don't want you close enough to him
so that there's even a chance something could happen
read 10:39 pm
i laughed and rolled my eyes, he really thinks he's in control of me...i scrolled back to nicks contact and texted him
come get me 😝
we're like 5 mins away
can we come in so i can say hi to ur cat
omfg 😭 yea
im ready anyways cause
ofc my bf cancelled on me again
you can do better
i feel like everyone knows
he's cheating on you...
yea me to
i just don't have any proof yet
anyways lmk when ur here
we're like abt to pull up
doors unlocked 😛
i waited until i saw their van in my driveway, and opened the door watching them walk up to my porch
immediately hugged nick and chris, but i just smiled at matt and he returned the gesture.
there had always been something, weird between me and matt. it wasn't friendship, but it wasn't hate either. it was weird.
i led nick to my room and picked up my cat, kiko, handing her to him
i walked out of my room to see chris sitting on the couch and matt just leaning against the door on his phone, like he couldn't wait to leave.
“uh you know you can sit down matt...” i said awkwardly, causing him to look up from his phone and just respond with “i know”
i shrugged it off and went back to my room where i'd left nick, and asked him what he thought of my outfit.
i asked him if he thought it was ' too formal ' for a party since it was originally an outfit for my date.
i was wearing a short black dress with spaghetti straps, my hair down and some light makeup
“girl you look hot. don't change” i smiled and went to the bathroom to touch up my makeup a little, once i was done i grabbed my bag and asked nick if we're ready to go “you ready?” i questioned, putting my bag on my arm
“yeah let's go” he said before saying bye to kiko and putting her down
“come on guys” nick said walking out of my room, resulting in everyone making their way to the door.
once we got into the van i was in the back , with nick while chris and matt were up front obviously. on the way there, i just had the urge to look up from my phone
i looked up and caught matt starring at me through the rearview mirror, he immediately looked away once he saw me though.
we eventually got to the triplets house and it was already packed. we all got out of the van and while we were making our way to the door, i asked nick “you let all these people here without you guys home?”
��yeah, justin and nate are here so it should be fine.”
i hummed in response and walked behind nick and chris, with matt behind me for some reason.
nate opened the door and dapped up matt after i walked in, and i heard him say “hot date bro”
“she's not my date” matt replied sounding slightly annoyed. nate raised a brow in confusion
“then…why..were you walking behind her? and starring at her ass, like, the entire time you were walking up…me and justin literally saw you through the window.”
i turned my head around for a quick second to see matt shushing nate and punching him (sort of) playfully on the shoulder
i felt my cheeks heat up, but why? why did i care how matt was looking at me? whatever.
i made my way to the kitchen where nick and chris were, we just gossiped about random shit.
nick was talking to chris and while i waited for my turn to speak, i looked around and saw...my boyfriend? what? he said he had an emergency?
and of course, he was making out with some skanky bitch from my school who knew we'd been dating.
i told nick i'll be right back and made my way over.
“fuck you. family emergency?? your fucking unbelievable.” i shoved him then faced the girl “and bitch as for you, he's gonna do the same shit hes doing to me right now. you aren't gonna fucking last.”
he looked totally wasted and was slurring his words, but i heard him say “you were just a good fuck. get over it.”
i looked at him in disbelief for a moment before i said something back “can't say the same for you. you have a small dick.” and with that, i walked off.
tons of people were starring at me of course, but i was too mad to even care. i made my way to the bathroom to calm down, before i heard a knock on the door.
“what the fuck do you want” i blurted out without even thinking who it could be.
“um..it's matt, can i come in?” i instantly covered my mouth feeling bad about how i had spoken to him
i unlocked the door and opened it, letting him in. “i'm sorry. i didn't know who it was” i apologized
“no no, it's okay. i just wanted to check on you and see if your okay.”
i sighed and sat down on the toilet seat while he leaned against the wall in front of the mirror
“i mean..not really, just pissed at how much time and energy i wasted on him.”
he stayed silent and didn't say anything, waiting for me to finish what i was saying “i knew he was cheating but i didn't wanna believe it, i feel fucking stupid” i continued
“your not stupid” he shrugged and continued “he's stupid for loosing someone like you.” i thanked him and sighed, resting my head in my hands
“and…if he has a small dick he's nothing to cry over” he smiled
i laughed, “he wasn't even good in bed either oh my god.” i added and laughed
"really?” matt turned his head to look at me, furrowing his brows for a second and smiling, while crossing his arms
“yeah. sorry if this is too much but like..i never finished when i was with him” i giggled at the embarrassing confession
he laughed and paused for a moment before saying “you would if you were with me”
i giggled thinking he was joking, and replied with “doubt it”
matt raised his eyebrows and locked the door, “wanna bet?”
that's when i realized he wasn't joking, i stood up and leaned against the sink infront of him " how much " i smirked at him
“ $50. i know how to use my hands, mouth, and dick. im confident i could make you cum, that's a promise.”
“fine, prove it then” i said nodding my head
“don't start shit you can't finish. im serious.” he said looking me in my eyes
“so am i, i wanna see if you can put your money where your mouth is”
“ y/n ,” he said smiling and shaking his head , leaning into me, resting one of his hands on the sink
“matt.” i responded teasingly
he grabbed my hand and placed it onto his dick, making me feel his giant boner
“you see what your doing to me? i will fuck you until you can't even remember his name.”
“do it then” i smirked, ' he's all talk ' is what i was thinking, until he firmly placed his lips on mine
it was quick to turn sloppy, he picked me up and set me on the edge of the sink so i was perfectly aligned with his dick
he started making his way down slowly by leaving hickeys all down my neck, i wrapped my fingers in his hair and tugged it slightly, but not too hard
that's when he lifted up my dress and placed one of his hands on my waist, while the other rubbed my clit through my underwear
he was looking me in my face but i was so needy for more of him, that i couldn't even look him in the eyes.
“what? you can't take it anymore?” he smirked at me, still making eye contact and then inching his hand fully down my panties sticking two fingers inside me
(guys i giggled at panties but i didn't know what other word to use)
i bit my lip slightly taking a deep breath in at the amount of pleasure i was in. even tho all he did was tease me, it felt amazing. like he had this power over me.
he started moving his fingers slow, but picked up the pace fast. i threw my head back in pleasure, while my hands grabbed at his shoulders.
fuck. maybe he could make me cum after all .
as good as it felt, i needed a break because if he fingered me for any longer, i would've lost $50.
i grabbed his hand and pulled it away and hopped off of the counter, immediately getting on my knees
i began to unzip his pants when he suddenly stops me and grabs my chin, raising my head and making me look at him
“i don't know if your ready..” he said looking at me with a smirk
i rolled my eyes smiling slightly, and continued undoing his pants "okay..." he answered, throwing his hands up in surrender
i pulled his pants down to his ankles and then looked up to see his boxers, and i could obviously see his giant print
i pulled down his boxers , revealing an easy 9 inches. i started at it for a few seconds before shrugging and shoving in 6 inches or so
as i switched between my hands and my mouth, i swirled my tongue around his tip causing him to let out a low groan
“shit ..” he threw his head back in pleasure and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pushing himself further into my mouth
i felt it in the back of my throat. i heard him mumbling all types of swear words, and at that point he's basically just fucking my throat
“how was that” say standing up to face him, smirking up at him still catching my breath
“your really good” he smirked at me, before picking me up and setting me back on the sink again “your turn”
he pulls out of the kiss and bends down slightly, resting his hands on my inner thighs, spreading my legs a little
“let me do this for you, all you need to do is hold your legs up. but if you can't handle it, just put em on my shoulders, okay?” he says looking me in my eyes, all i could do at that point was just nod eagerly, hopefully showing how bad i needed him.
and with that, he starts to go down on me. i arched my back unintentionally, i don't know what came over me, but i couldn't help myself. it just felt like he belonged there
this man wasn't lying when said he knows how to make a girl beg, not even close to a lie.
i grabbed a handful of his hair and arched my back again when i felt him start to suck on my clit
i slapped my hand over my mouth, remembering how there's other people around.
he took his hand off of my thigh and removed my own hand from my mouth, “don't cover your mouth sweetheart. i wanna know if im doing good”
i shook my head in agreement and grabbed the back of his shirt, needing some sort of support
i can't explain it, but i swear i felt him smirk when i grabbed him, like he knew he was pleasing me so good.
i never knew i needed him, but i do now. his tongue felt so good on me, it just felt right.
i moaned slightly louder than before “shit…” i threw my head back and bit my lip slightly
i started whimpering out of pleasure trying to catch my breath, his tongue was going everywhere and somehow he made every spot feel amazing .
i felt myself get close, but i needed to feel him inside of me. “wait wait wait” i mumbled trying to catch my breath
“what is it baby?” he said looking up at me “ i…fuck hold on.” said panting
“ i want you to fuck me , please matt.” i said in between breaths
“how bad?” he said smirking at me and looking me in my eyes, “tell me how bad you want me.”
“i need you so bad, please” i pleaded, i just wanted him in me and nothing else, him and him only is all i needed.
“good girl.” and with that, he fully stood up and grabbed his dick
he held his tip up to my entrance, running his head up and down my folds causing whimpers to leave both of our mouths. he knowing how bad he was teasing me, but this man was rock hard.
“matt, i want you to fuck me and i know you do to , stop teasing please” i was literally begging this man to just destroy me
he shrugged “i'll try not to stretch you out too much sweetheart.” and with that, he pushed himself inside me without warning, and wow i wasn't ready.
it's like i was so horny i forgot how big he was.
he shoved all of his length inside me , all 9 inches. i cried out in pleasure
he placed his hands on my waist so he could go deeper and guide me , “oh fuck” i muttered and immediately clamped my eyes shut
that's when i felt matt's hand on my chin, making me look at him. “look at me, i wanna see how good i make you feel . do i make you feel good, pretty?”
“mhm” i whimpered and shook my head because i couldn't even speak.
“use your words baby. do i?” he spoke firmly, still not breaking eye contact
“yes, yes you make me feel good” i mumbled
“good.” he spoke in a fierce tone as his tip hit my g-spot perfectly each time, making me throw my head back
i heard him say “hey baby, you wanna take off that dress?” he suggested
i nodded while he pulled out and i hopped off of the sink, slipping my dress off
i looked over at matt who was literally starring down my body, “what?” giggled getting flustered
“nothing…you just amaze me. your body is so perfect” he said, still starring me down
i laughed and rolled my eyes and asked if he was ready again, “for you, always. are you?” he emphasized
i bent over the sink and replied “obviously.” he snickered and grabbed my hips, making sure he was perfectly aligned.
i felt him pound himself into me, which, i again for some reason still wasn't used to how big he is.
i had my hands on the sink for support, and when he put himself inside me, i put my head down because it felt so good
that's when i felt matt's hand on my chin again and lifted up my head , looking at me through the mirror.
“uh uh. i want you to see how good your taking me.”
i nodded looking at him in the mirror
i watch him look down and smile while furrowing his brows
“you didn't tell me you had a back tattoo baby . it looks good”
“you never ..” i paused as i struggled to get my words out “shit!...asked me” i whined, almost too loudly
“fair enough ..oh fuck” he threw his head back and his thrusting started to get more aggressive
his hand crept up to my neck, placing a firm grip on my neck which sent me over the edge
“matt..baby i can't do it” i said shaking my head while looking at him in the mirror
“yes you can, take it like you said you would.” i nodded and did as he told me
i suddenly felt that knot in my stomach, so i reached behind me and grabbed matts hand from my waist and put it on the sink so that his hand was over mine, and we interlocked our fingers
“you alright? are you gonna cum already? come on, your too easy to please baby .” he asked in a teasing tone, looking at me and smirking
like of course i was. and he obviously knew, he just thought that it was funny to tease me.
“fuck ..matt im gonna-“ i was cut off by me releasing onto his dick, “oh shit” said looking down, i was relieved that a man had actually made me finish, but now i needed to give matt $50 i didn't have ...
“good job baby, you did great” he was literally panting at this point. i could tell was close, just trying not to show it.
i decided to tease a little and see how long he could last.
“you make me feel so good baby” i said looking at him in the mirror
“thats g..fuck” he threw his head back and starting thrusting harder
“you look so good from here” i teased a little more since he thinks when he does it, it's hilarious. i saw him open this mouth to say something but instead just bite the side of his cheek and stay quiet
“i don't care how long it takes you baby, my body is all yours.”
“fuck .. mm oh shit ...in or out”
without answering, i got on my knees and began to jerk him off to his release while looking up at him
“oh shit. fuck..fuck” he lets out a huge loud of cum and i swallow, i dont need a mess.
i get back up and try my best to fix my hair while looking at myself in the mirror, while matt's leaning against the wall panting
i pickup my shoes without even bothering to put them back on , i just re-adjust my dress and forget about everything else.
my hair is all out of place, my lipstick is smeared, my mascara running down my face..i was a mess. but it was totally worth it.
i sit on the toilet seat while matt puts his pants back on.
“i don't need the $50.” matt said suddenly smiling at me, “you ready? you still look good by the way.”
“whatever. let's go” i laughed and rolled my eyes, opening the door
“liam's gonna be so pissed.” i laughed looking back at matt
“i know” he smiled “can't wait to see the look on his face.”
i giggled as we made our way over to liam, who was making out with a different girl.
we stood infront of him and looked at eachother laughing, and as soon as we did we opened his eyes and looked like he'd just seen a ghost
“hi” i said in a teasing voice, tilting my head while doing so
“what the fuck?” he looked back at me and matt in confusion, furrowing his brows like he didn't know what was going on.
“yea so you were kinda right about me and matt ...” i said trying not to burst out laughing
“you fucking whore!” he yelled, gaining the attention of tons of people. they started recording the situation because of how loud he was. “i knew you were cheating on me you slimy little b-“ he got cut off as he got sent to the floor.
matt had punched him.
i covered my mouth in shock but also resisting the urge to not laugh “your...” liam paused , feeling his nose as it gushed blood everywhere “dead.” he continued
“okay, well it's kinda hard to take that threat serious when your on ground”
everybody around us started laughing, apparently nobody liked liam , but it's obvious why.
“your not a real man! y-“ i cut him off before he could finish his sentence, “well he fucks like one. get up and get over it. truth hurts.”
i pat his shoulder and flashed him a faux sympathy smile, before he swatted my hand away causing me to laugh
we walked over to chris and nick who were recording everything on their phones “hey uh, are you guys ready to pack this up?” matt asked them
“yup, i'll get nate and justin to get everyone out.” nick said as he walked away
“dude what the fuck ...” chris giggled as he looked at me and matt " i fucking knew it! nick owes me $20".
“you..made a bet?” i asked, confused
“fuck yea we did” he replied stuffing his mouth with food before walking off
“so like..do you wanna be my girlfriend...or whatever” matt asked me, looking down at the ground
“duh.” smiled and kissed him before going to find nick so i could help clean the mess up
“we're literally never having a party again.” nick complained as we all shoved trash into trash bags
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a/n - um lmk if you wanna be on my tag list 🤗.
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headgehug · 10 months
beat generation dash simulator
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📝 windblownworld
I need to run away and live on a mountain fr
#jack.txt #my buddy gary @ dharmabum has a good gig lined up for me next summer. #feels like forever away #fuck my life
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❕️This post has been flagged for the following community warnings: mature
📚 starvinghystericalnaked
okay, you know what, fuck you. fuck. you. there's nothing "obscene" about my poem. in fact the bible is more "obscene" than this. maybe if you had the guts to read it you'd understand that YOU are the problem. WE are the movement WE are the people WE are the answer.
🔁 🐒 oldbulllee14
Allen, I completely agree with you. Customs officials are a load of cock-sucking bastards. Next time you are in town, come over. I just got back from Mexico if you know what I mean.
🔁 📚 starvinghystericalnaked
say less 👀🍃
#like for real say less LMFAO if the feds are on tumblr we are so fucked
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🚗 coloradocarjacker-deactivated04011948
"Well it's about time you wrote, I was fearing you farted out on top that mean mountain or slid under while pissing in Pismo, beach of flowers, food and foolishness, but I knew rhe fear was ill-founded for balancing it in my thoughts of you, much stronger and valid if you weren't dead, was a realization of the experiences you would be having sown there, rail, home, and the most important, climate, by a remembrance of...
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🔁📝 windblown world
needed this right now. missing you, brother.
#does anyone know if neal remade or is he just gone? #did he say anything to anyone? he told me he was just remaking
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🎶 bopaholicedie Follow
happy 1 year anniversary of the official annulment of my marriage
#if you're reading this jack go to hell. I wish you'd rotted to death in jail with that m*rderer #after all these years and not even a fucking thank you
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📝 windblownworld
logging off indefinitely. my editor needs a draft of my book by the new year and I already blew my advance so there's no way I can ask for an extension. if you see me online tell me to fuck off
#mutuals can still send letters
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❤️‍🔥 lucienspress
feeling blessed for all of my good friends today. real ones know — rip d.k. '44 — keep the hustlers and parasites at arms length, we'll get through this!
#this one goes out to you jack! 🙌 hit me up sometime
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🛤 railmanmoriarty Follow
what's up motherfuckers! remade from @coloradocarjacker
🔁 📝 windblownworld
neal? holy shit. is that you? are you busy tonight?
🔁 🛤 railmanmoriarty Follow
kerouac my boy my lad my good man for you I am never busy I have to just drop carolyn off at the motel and procure a fine feast dinner for her and the kids and then maybe an hour two just setting around making sure she's and they're alright and then if you pick me up at 10 no I better say 10:45 not a minute later than ten forty five pm jack I will be fired up and ready to go out with you
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📝 windblownworld
SAL AND DEAN ON THE PROWL TONIGHT JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS!!! if you want to party with the OGs first rounds on me.
#NYC beat scene #jack.txt
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❤️‍🔥 lucienspress
"Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, make 'em horny."
#quotes #beatnik #beat literature #deep #counterculture #new york city #on the road core #kerouaquette #writer #writing advice
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l3viat8an · 1 year
(not a request btw)
this is going to be so random lmfao but imagine the brothers with a demon!mc who is also apart of the navy like levi— JSHSJSHHS randomly thought of this at like 10 pm
(also do u accept emoji anon? if you accept, i'd like to be 🦋 anon?)
Hii 🦋 and ofc I accept emoji anons <3
Now I see your demon, navy MC! And raise you-
Demon, navy MC! Who’s never seen Levi outside of work.
All they know about him is he’s the great Grand Admiral! And one of the seven sins too!!-
Until they’re at (idol concert) that both Levi and MC like and they see Levi absolutely fanboying waving glow sticks and screaming along in the crowd. There’s no way…that can’t be the same Leviathan they know! It must be their eyes playing tricks on them, until another demon walks over and shouts at Levi “Thank you for inviting me Leviathan!” And Levi turns to his companion nodding before turning back to the stage.
Now with most of MC’s attention on Levi and the other demon, trying desperately to remember where they’ve seen the other demon……the reddish hair seems really familiar….and then it hits them….THATS THE PRINCE?!? What??-
(So yeaaaa many ideas that could work with demon, navy MC!!! Also making the Devildom elite absolute losers in their spare time is so fun to me ;))
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hrtsdollie · 3 months
Ur so real for that i had a whole ass breakdown at a girl I'm barely even friends with because I was scared for the appointment I went to but it was nowhere near as scary as I thought LMAOOOO it was a mental health assessment thing and now I'm under cahms I think and my counselor is the sweetest
When we went in I was colouring my rhino and she was like I'm gonna use my laptop because i find it easier to type then write but if the clicking gets too much for you let me know and I can switch and it made me so happy because I get so overwhelmed from the tiniest things
And when I got back my mum got me a subway and then gave me money to buy a taylor swift colouring book and I bought the book and I went home and pretty much just fell asleep because I hadn't slept the night before I still have only slept an hour nd a half because my bsf literally just walks in through the back door and wakes me up cuz she wants my mum to buy her a vape 😭 she's lucky I love her cus if anyone else woke me up after I'd barely slept I would've lost my fucking mind
I got wkd too but I fucking hate it it's vile I wanted au vodka cuz I've never tried it but when my mum asked what flavour I wanted I was like zoned out for like 5 minutes so she jus got wkd instead and I hsve one half drsnk can and 3 full cans
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This is basically what I've been doing the past 6 hours LMFAO
That was a bit of a yap ANYGAYS hruuu
you’re counselor seems so sweet! that’s the kind of psychologist i hope to be once i finish getting my degree’s!
also i have never even heard of wkd 😔 i don’t usually drink because parties aren’t really my scene, and i find any brown alcohol repulsive, and vodka tastes like rubbing alc to me.
i haven’t even been up for 6 hours 😭 it’s 10:08 pm as im answering this and i woke up around 6:30 pm (i went to bed at like 6:00 am).. so i have been watching youtube because i feel like i have missed a lot. then i ate a bunch of bread.. (that is genuinely all i have eaten today). i mostly just layed in bed til i got up to shower and clean my piercing :)
my day was pretty good, like i said i really just layed in bed and slept.. but someone did text me 😝 someone epic!!! (i swear it is not my ex this time 🥰🥰)
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dogfags · 7 months
it's the way that my ex would get off work at 10/11 pm and then not come home until 3-4 am EVERY NIGHT bc he would stay out all night with his coworkers at bars and shit even tho we had VERY little time together bc I work 65 hours/7 days a week. and I actually fr thought he was getting off That late bc closing took a long time at work or something. so then when I discovered no, he actually gets off rly at a decent time and could have come home and spent time with me before bed when we have literally NO other time to spend together, and was instead choosing to go get drunk with his friends every night. and now my literal situationship/fwb makes an effort to hang out with me multiple times a week when he lives 20 mins away, texts me consistently every day, and plans out activities for us to do.... like that's fucking crazy lmfao I can't believe I was begging my ex for the bare minimum for so long
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
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And I’m gonna let you in on a secret 😭
(I actually didn’t go to sleep until almost 5 am I think)
AND I WOKE UP AT 7 30 am?!?!! and I stayed up 😭 then I watched some criminal minds and then was catching up on a sad ateez fic💔 then I fell back asleep I wanna say around 5 pm then woke up 4 hours later so yea my sleep schedule isn’t to great either LMFAO , it’s 10:35 over here, you and me would be besties w/ joongie I just know it, ima nap person more than an actual 8 hours of sleep
ALSO IMA BITCH FOR LOVE TRIANGLES- everybody I meet tells me I fit that genre 😭
Idk if that’s a good or bad thing
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Also ima start doing this thing where I leave an ateez meme at the end of an ask cuz I love them and that’s me 😭
and i do think it’s good thing, it means that ur desirable ^_<
we’re in this together BAD BITCHES HAVE TERRIBLE SLEEPING HABITS!! but i guess i’m more of nap person too, i never thought about it like that but i’m makes me feel a bit better about it 🤧💏
also i realized i answered ur asks from the bottom up, i also don’t understand my brain 😵‍💫
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diveyne · 13 hours
ok my horrible week has calmed down a little so to feel better i'm hosting a movie night in my server if anyone would like to join!!
i'll be started in 25 minutes at 10 pm EST! after the week i had i really needed something fun and cute so i settled on the princess diaries bc i've been thinking about it for weeks after i thought julie andrews was dead but it turns out i gaslit myself into thinking she was LMFAO
we don't need to be mutuals if you wanna come btw! this is my graphics community server so feel free to stay / leave at your own comfort.
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melobin · 2 months
i fell asleep and somehow lost track of time 💔 i genuinely thought it was 9 am instead of 9 pm and started getting ready to go out 😭😭😭 i felt stupid after my shower .. i legit sat on my vanity chair bcs i was gonna do my makeup 😭 stared at my phone for the next 10 minutes after bcs i realized it was 9 pm …..
LMFAO that must’ve been an incredible nap tho 😫😫😫 it’s always an insane feeling to not understand time after waking up from one
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nightmare--artist · 2 months
Real Money Cash Commissions! [-Open-]
I never done requests with PayPal before so please be patient. X,D I have no idea what I'm doing. X,D AH-
I'll be leaving on Tuesday to go see my s-bro graduate from the Military. My s-mom is worried about money so I thought maybe I could help out! I love helping others out!☆
I also want to save up to finally get my trans surgery- ;W;
Prices can be negotiable!!☆ like all the prices shown is for full body, examples:
•Full Body Full-On Drawing: 30$
•Half body Full-On Drawing: 15$
•Head shot Full-On Drawing: 10$
I'll just write it all out honestly- lmfao-
•Full Body Colored-Sketch Drawing: 20$
•Half Body Colored-Sketch Drawing: 10$
•Head shot Colored-Sketch Drawing: 6$
•Full Body Penned-Sketch Drawing: 20$
•Half Body Penned-Sketch Drawing: 10$
•Head shot Penned-Sketch Drawing: 6$
•Full Body Sketch Drawing: 1$
•Half Body Sketch Drawing: 0.50$
•Head Shot Sketch Drawing: 0.03$
I would prefer if requests are kept Fandom Related but I can draw for other fandoms.
>Picture of Character[s] you want done and possibly pose[s] you want.<
Say what you plan on paying for.
Comment or PM me!:P
DO NOT try requesting Amino Coin commissions from me!! I'm currently not open to that and I plan on upgrading my Commissions which means AC prices will go up and I will add the real money options.
You can request as much as you want!!☆ I will not do 18+ jazz and I will be posting my art on the many apps I'm on.:0
You WILL pay half when I get half done and the rest when I finish. I WILL NOT get scammed!!>:[
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vonstarlight · 3 months
get 2 know me!!! ⊹₊⋆
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♬ basics ♬ ☆ name: von ☆ age: 24 ☆ zodiac: Aquarius (i own the IKEA aftonsparv alien plush i am NOT beating the aquarius allegations) ☆ pets: 1 teddy bear hamster named Jazz Hands & 1 dwarf hamster named Wii Sports Resort ^_^ ☆ fun fact!: i collect webkinz plushies i find at thrift stores
♬ identity & personality ♬ ☆ gender: yes  ☆ pronouns: he/she ☆ orientation: bi ☆ relationship status: single af 
♬ routine ♬ ☆ early bird or night owl?: night owl!!! getting up early makes me want 2 die!!!! ☆ bath or shower?: shower + blasting music always  ☆ first thought in the morning: "i can sleep for 10 more minutes... *snoozes alarm*"  ☆ last thought before falling asleep: "oh god the horrors are all consuming......" (btw never believe what your brain tells you after 9 pm)
♬ school/work ♬ ☆ do you work or are you a student?: work -_-" i graduated with my BFA in 2022 & don't plan on getting a masters degree atm!  ☆ what do you do well?: ive been a barista for nearly 10 years so stuff like drink mixing & espresso tasting.
♬ habits (do you...?) ♬ ☆ drink: rarely, i don’t like most alcohol. despite this i want 2 bartend someday LOL ☆ exercise: ................ does being on my feet at work count? xD ☆ have a go-to comfort food?: buttered popcorn ☆ have a nervous habit?: biting my lips til they bleed LMFAO my adhd ass craves stimulation
♬ what is your favorite...? ♬ ☆ food: tiki masala chicken + rice ☆ drink: matcha tea!!!! ☆ animal: it's hard 2 pick a fave..... i especially love small animals like hamsters, mice & rats! i'd love to own more rodents someday, & eventually my own cat & dog ^_^ ☆ artist/band: Daft Punk is the reigning champion, i never get tired of their music. my fave record i own is Discovery & i love rewatching Interstella 5555 ☆ games: Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess!!!! i replay it every December c: ☆ tv show: it used 2 be Stranger Things :T honestly i don't watch anything besides Youtube anyways LOL Danny Gonzalez & Jenna Marbles r my faves
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☆ I tag: everyone!!! if ur reading this u HAVE 2 make one. if ur not reading this u have 2 make one. no one is free o.0
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2dkapsddr · 3 months
June 19th, 2024 - Phigros, Arcaea, PIU Phoenix, Rotaeno
read the news this morning that territory battle, in addition to being removed from its original performai games, would be removed from phigros as well in the coming update. looking to make the most of it before it's removed though, i tried to phi all its difficulties and got the HD down while half asleep, as well as giving the AT some attempts to see if i could somehow do it!! i couldn't do it consistently, but i did way better than i thought i would... hmm.... could i actually get this?
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between and after those plays, i also grinded out some more PMs in arcaea to deplete my stamina and also get in some more progress in my Quest for Perfection . got FTR PMs #99 and #101 on Lights of Muse (FTR-8+, MAX-9) and MERLIN (FTR-8+, MAX-6) respectively, but obviously i had to do something special to commemorate my 100th FTR PM. so what did i do exactly? why, i PM'ED MEDUSA (FTR-10) ON THE SPOT!!!! MAX-36 PURE MEMORY, 10 PM #2, AND FTR PM #100!!!!!!
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warmup was over after that, and it was time to go through with my day plans to meet a friend at the (other) arcade and play some pump!! a lot of pump!!! but since all i had played earlier were mobile rhythm games and i needed to warm up my legs first, i obviously started with som- naw jk LOL i went IMMEDIATELY for the 20s and claimed allll the clears i could get LMFAO (and after clearing these two in particular (86 S20 SS+ and Papasito S20 AA+), i got Advanced Lv.1 title!!! finally!!! no more intermediate bronze!!!!)
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so with my brand new, shiny silver title in hand and a bunch more 20s to clear until i reached Advanced Lv.3 to take on 21s, i pushed on and got a bunch more even cooler S20/D20 clears!!! Stager D20 (funnie) AAA+, CHAOS AGAIN S20 AA+, Utopia S20 AAA+ (peak btw), Gargoyle D20 AA+ (i can do better dw), Blazing S20 AA+ (one of my old early S19s before it was moved up!), Kasou Shinja -Short Cut- S20 AAA+, and Ghroth D20 AAA to wrap up the session! (Level 20 rating: <13,000 -> 18,975, 7,025 (10-11 more 20 clears) away from Advanced Lv.2!)
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really good session overall, buuuut it was back home after that to unwind and relax... but i also played some Rotaeno on the bus to make extra story progress and cleared Inverted World (IV Lv.13)!
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a little more arcaea progress: Ascent (FTR-9+, MAX-22) as FTR PM #102, and a hard clear on World Ender (BYD-11) on my third try (coulda been my first...) as part of Axiom of the End!!!
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ending it off with a bit more rotaeno: got an AP on Journey With You (IV Lv.11) and a really good sightread S+ on Rush E (IV Lv.12+)!!
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BONUS: footage of my Gargoyle D20 clear recorded by my friend who was there today :]
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rainepuddles · 1 year
my mum nearly took my sleep meds away bc she thought i didnt have any (and becuase she was annoyed at something and needed to take it out on something to make her feel better)
she was like "you should be taking your medication at 9:00."
dude i havent gone to bed at fucking 9 pm since i was 10 years old LMFAO
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demonicsaintess · 1 year
♡ Monday ♡ April 24th, 2023 ♡
12 pm
have work today at 3pm. I work up around... hmmm... 10:30? At least, I completely got out of bed at 10:30. I was technically up at like, 8am puking my guts out. I think it was because I gorged myself with half a bag of goldfish before I passed out.
I wouldn't say I'm excited for work? More, I like actually making money and being able to save and do what I want with it. I feel like I've become more fiscally responsible.
My trip to C was honestly super fun. M was super anxious, and going through boy problems. I honestly felt like I got blind-sided. But I love that idiot so I just can let it go. I felt some type of what when I heard they got their first matching tattoo with someone, and it wasn't me, but to be fair, we've had plenty of times to get them. And I know I'm the best out of all the friends. So I decided to let it go because it's not really something to give any attention to. I decided that bridge can just be moved past.
I want to start making small changes to my routines so I can be more helpful to the community. I think this weekend I'm going to plant my garden. I need to borrow mom's gardening things. I'm kind of excited because I saw on the tv, the story of this lady who uses her garden to feed the community. I would love to grow vegetables and other foods, and be able to donate it! And if I grew flowers, I could give them to nursing homes to help brighten up the place! I feel like maybe if I can get a hobby that requires me to focus on a positive aspect, I can maybe train myself to sort of slow down.
I had a __s and honestly it was lame. It just hurt. It's definitely not my thing. I felt like nothing changed. So I'm not gonna do that anymore.
I really hate that it's still affecting me so much. The breakup. Like, I get it, it's only been like, a month or so. But I just still feel like I have a huge hole that's dripping blood. I know it's super cliched to be like, "oh I'm never gonna date again," but like truly, after this emotional scarring I was inflicted with, it feels like it goes past my apathy, and beyond me being just jaded. After this, I really don't find the idea of a relationship, or anyone physically touching me for that matter, appealing. Like, I genuinely don't want to date anyone else. She was everything to me and I just feel like if I can't have her, I'm not sure if I really want anyone else lmfao. She was literally my whole heart, who I thought I was gonna spend my life with.
It really sucks tbh. I feel like my whole life was just uprooted. I'm not sure exactly what to do. I have all these small goals/ things I want to do, but I feel like I'm on shaky ground, and I'm not 100 sure where to take my next step. I know this is something to discuss with my therapist, but I want to be able to make these decisions myself eventually.
I feel like I'm stuck halfway between old bad habits, and growing up massively. It's like, I can hold myself back from impulsivity, but I feel like I'm restless. A friend told me that maybe I'm not used to being in control, so I don't know how to be okay. And that honestly hits a little bit because I really don't know how to slow down. I am constantly in fight or flight mode, so I don't think I feel comfortable with "being okay." Which of course, just seems like something that I need to practice. I'm thinking about maybe secluding myself and working on myself as a person, without outside interference. Like, I want to become informed, and helpful. Good habits. I want to get back into practicing magick more. I was in such a good place when I was practicing and learning all the time. I hate that I feel like I'm wasting time if I study. I need to learn to balance reading, watching anime, and playing video games, with more healthy habits. Maybe I'll make a chart.
Well this is all I have time to write before I have to go to work. I'll probably write again tonight after work.
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