#thoughts from chennai
radioactive-rosh · 2 years
i’ve been thinking a lot about love. about the way it seeps into things. about the way we say it every day, hidden cleverly behind actions, or sometimes less cleverly behind other words. patting the seat next to them when you aren’t sure where to sit. “do you want more food?” “call me if you need anything, even if you wake me up.” folding your clothes for you. “these earrings are on me, so when you wear them you’ll remember me.” “to us, you are like [daughter’s name.]” being overly worried when you are sick. being disappointed you couldn’t eat all the snacks they bought for you because you have a cold. i’m currently crying too much to have real thoughts but i am saving this. someday, i’ll turn it into a real poem.
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fatehbaz · 10 days
What it meant to "do geology" in Hutton's time was to apply lessons of textual hermeneutics usually reserved for scripture [...] to the landscape. Geology was itself textual. Rocks were marks made by invisible processes that could be deciphered. Doing geology was a kind of reading, then, which existed in a dialectical relationship with writing. In The Theory of the Earth from 1788, Hutton wrote a new history of the earth as a [...] system [...]. Only a few kilometers away from Hutton’s unconformity [the geological site at Isle of Arran in Scotland that inspired his writing], [...] stands the remains of the Shell bitumen refinery [closed since 1986] as it sinks into the Atlantic Ocean. [...] As Hutton thought, being in a place is a hermeneutic practice. [...] [T]he Shell refinery at Ardrossan is a ruin of that machine, one whose great material derangements have defined the world since Hutton. [...]
The Shell Transport and Trading Company [now the well-known global oil company] was created in the Netherlands East Indies in 1897. The company’s first oil wells and refineries were in east Borneo [...]. The oil was taken by puncturing wells into subterranean deposits of a Bornean or Sumatran landscape, and then transported into an ever-expanding global network of oil depots at ports [...] at Singapore, then Chennai, and through the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean. [...] The oil in these networks were Bornean and Sumatran landscapes on the move. Combustion engines burnt those landscapes. Machinery was lubricated by them. They illuminated the night as candlelight. [...] The Dutch East Indies was the new land of untapped promise in that multi-polar world of capitalist competition. British and Dutch colonial prospectors scoured the forests, rivers, and coasts of Borneo [...]. Marcus Samuel, the British founder of the Shell Transport and Trading Company, as his biographer [...] put it, was “mesmerized by oil, and by the vision of commanding oil all along the line from production to distribution, from the bowels of the earth to the laps of the Orient.” [...]
Shell emerged from a Victorian era fascination with shells.
In the 1830s, Marcus Samuel Sr. created a seashell import business in Houndsditch, London. The shells were used for decorating the covers of curio boxes. Sometimes, the boxes also contained miniature sculptures, also made from shells, of food and foliage, hybridizing oceanic and terrestrial life forms. Wealthy shell enthusiasts would sometimes apply shells to grottos attached to their houses. As British merchant vessels expanded into east Asia after the dissolution of the East India Company’s monopoly on trade in 1833, and the establishment of ports at Singapore and Hong Kong in 1824 and 1842, the import of exotic shells expanded.
Seashells from east Asia represented the oceanic expanse of British imperialism and a way to bring distant places near, not only the horizontal networks of the empire but also its oceanic depths.
The fashion for shells was also about telling new histories. The presence of shells, the pecten, or scallop, was a familiar bivalve icon in cultures on the northern edge of the Mediterranean. Aphrodite, for example, was said to have emerged from a scallop shell. Minerva was associated with scallops. Niches in public buildings and fountains in the Roman empire often contained scallop motifs. St. James, the patron saint of Spain, was represented by a scallop shell [...]. The pecten motif circulated throughout medieval European coats of arms, even in Britain. In 1898, when the Gallery of Palaeontology, Comparative Anatomy, and Anthropology was opened in Paris’s Museum of Natural History - only two years after the first test well was drilled in Borneo at the Black Spot - the building’s architect, Ferdinand Dutert, ornamented the entrance with pecten shell reliefs. In effect, Dutert designed the building so that one entered through scallop shells and into the galleries where George Cuvier’s vision of the evolution of life forms was displayed [...]. But it was also a symbol for the transition between an aquatic form of life and terrestrial animals. Perhaps it is apposite that the scallop is structured by a hinge which allows its two valves to rotate. [...] Pectens also thrive in the between space of shallow coastal waters that connects land with the depths of the ocean. [...] They flourish in architectural imagery, in the mind, and as the logo of one of the largest ever fossil fuel companies. [...]
In the 1890s, Marcus Samuel Jr. transitioned from his father’s business selling imported seashells to petroleum.
When he adopted the name Shell Transport and Trading Company in 1897, Samuel would likely have known that the natural history of bivalves was entwined with the natural history of fossil fuels. Bivalves underwent an impressive period of diversification in the Carboniferous period, a period that was first named by William Conybeare and William Phillips in 1822 to identify coal bearing strata. In other words, the same period in earth’s history that produced the Black Spot that Samuel’s engineers were seeking to extract from Dayak land was also the period that produced the pecten shells that he named his company after. Even the black fossilized leaves that miners regularly encountered in coal seams sometimes contained fossilized bivalve shells.
The Shell logo was a materialized cosmology, or [...] a cosmogram.
Cosmograms are objects that attempt to represent the order of the cosmos; they are snapshots of what is. The pecten’s effectiveness as a cosmogram was its pivot, to hinge, between spaces and times: it brought the deep history of the earth into the present; the Black Spot with Mediterranean imaginaries of the bivalve; the subterranean space of liquid oil with the surface. The history of the earth was made legible as an energetic, even a pyrotechnical force. The pecten represented fire, illumination, and certainly, power. [...] If coal required tunnelling, smashing, and breaking the ground, petroleum was piped liquid that streamed through a drilled hole. [...] In 1899, Samuel presented a paper to the Society of Arts in which he outlined his vision of “liquid fuel.” [...] Ardrossan is a ruin of that fantasy of a free flowing fossil fuel world. [...] At Ardrossan, that liquid cosmology is disintegrating.
All text above by: Adam Bobbette. "Shells and Shell". e-flux Architecture (Accumulation series). November 2023. At: e-flux dot com slash architecture/accumulation/553455/shells-and-shell/ [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticisms purposes.]
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srbachchan · 3 months
DAY 5974
Jalsa, Mumbai June 26/27, 2024 Wed/Thu 12:56 am
🪔 ,
June 27 .. birthday wishes to : Ef Ravi Patel .. Ef Diyansh Kumbhat from Chennai .. and .. Ef Ayush Mishra from Bilaspur .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
💍 .. wedding anniversary greeting to : Ef Rajesh Kejriwal from Kolkata .. completing 35 years of togetherness .. on June 26 .. our wishes and more .. 💐🙏🏻❤️🚩
Birthday - EF - Ravi Patel Thursday, 27 June our wishes for this day and the best ever .. love ❤️
Resistance .. its many forms and values and dimensions and usage .. so it became urgently important to apprise the self of it from sources ..
"Resistance is a multifaceted concept, encompassing physical, psychological, social, and political dimensions. Its definition and application can vary significantly depending on the context in which it is considered. At its core, resistance involves the act of opposing, withstanding, or striving against some force or condition. This broad definition can be applied to various fields, including physics, medicine, psychology, and social movements.
In physics, resistance is a measure of the opposition to the flow of electric current in a conductor. It is quantified by the unit ohm and symbolized by the Greek letter omega (Ω). The resistance of a conductor depends on its material, length, cross-sectional area, and temperature. For instance, materials like copper and aluminum have low resistance and are therefore good conductors, whereas materials like rubber and glass have high resistance and are good insulators. Ohm's Law, a fundamental principle in electrical engineering, states that the current flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance. This relationship is crucial in designing electrical circuits and understanding their behavior.
In medicine, resistance often refers to the ability of microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, to withstand the effects of drugs that are intended to kill or weaken them. Antibiotic resistance is a significant public health concern, as it makes infections harder to treat, leading to longer hospital stays, higher medical costs, and increased mortality. Resistance can develop through various mechanisms, such as genetic mutations or the acquisition of resistance genes from other bacteria. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals accelerate this process, making it imperative to use these medications judiciously and to develop new treatments.
Psychologically, resistance can manifest as a reluctance or refusal to accept certain thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. This concept is particularly relevant in therapy and counseling, where clients may resist discussing painful or traumatic experiences. This resistance can be conscious or unconscious and can hinder the therapeutic process. Understanding and addressing resistance is crucial for therapists, as it can provide insights into the client's internal conflicts and defenses. Techniques such as building a strong therapeutic alliance, using motivational interviewing, and gradually exposing clients to difficult topics can help in overcoming resistance.
In social and political contexts, resistance is often associated with efforts to oppose and challenge established power structures, policies, or social norms. Throughout history, resistance movements have played pivotal roles in advocating for social change and justice. Examples include the civil rights movement in the United States, the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, and the women's suffrage movement. These movements often involve a combination of nonviolent protest, civil disobedience, and sometimes armed struggle. The success of these movements typically depends on various factors, including leadership, organization, public support, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
In contemporary times, resistance continues to be a vital force in addressing issues such as climate change, systemic racism, and economic inequality. Activists and grassroots organizations worldwide are mobilizing to resist policies and practices that they perceive as unjust or harmful. Social media and digital communication have transformed the landscape of resistance, enabling rapid dissemination of information, coordination of actions, and amplification of marginalized voices.
Resistance, in its many forms, is an essential aspect of human experience and societal development. Whether in the realm of science, health, psychology, or social justice, resistance challenges the status quo and fosters progress. It embodies the struggle for survival, dignity, and betterment, reflecting the resilience and determination inherent in individuals and communities. As such, understanding and engaging with the concept of resistance is crucial for addressing the complex challenges of our world. "
... and at times the sources do not even address the most common of them all in the resistance ..
It be the pen and paper writing ..
When the pen has a resistance to the paper quality it is being written on the writing experience is determined as good bad or average ..
When the holding posture of the pen is conveniently comfortable to write, it produces the quality of writing exhibited ..
When the nib and flow of the ink on the pen is of desired like , the paper may be of the best resistance quality, the writing shall never be of the desired ..
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paper same .. nib different , pen different .. sign same , but all different in form and appearance ..
GN 😴
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Amitabh Bachchan
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voidsteffy · 3 months
Kalki 2898 AD thoughts (spoiler-filled and long af)
Ok so.... I watched it in Telugu, and 3D. 3D wasn't that special methinks cz only the huge jaguar jumping scene in the start got me. Nothing much 3D-wise.
Now, watching it in Telugu........... Um... Even the dubbing sounds like wonky Telugu and I didn't like that.
Time for points I liked and didn't like--
1. The idea of that world: how Kaasi is the first city and now the last city of this Yuga. Priyanka Dutt really headed a dedicated team. I loved the tarot scene because it reminded me of Godavari and made me want a Shekhar Kammula cameo too👀😭
2. I liked how the Vyjayanti logo took us into the world. And the whole premise it started off on. Love the Pareekshit and Ashwathhama Athah...! Kunjarah premise references
3. Loved how the Shiva Linga Ashwathama is meditating near is most likely The Kaasi Viswanath Lingam
4. The CGI with Mr. Amitabh Bachhan
5. Bujji. Unpop opinion maybe, but I liked Bujji more than Bhairava. Was I the only one who wanted Bujji to be the genderbent preserved consciousness of Bujjigaadu (Bujjigaadu: Made in Chennai reference 🤭)
6. How the flames give way to the bearer of Kalki avataram while just a Yuga before, the sea gave way to Vasudeva - the carrier of Krishna avataram. Nice nice. Probably the thing I liked most about this movie.
7. The cameos (will talk about this later)
8. The scale of the vision.... HATS OFF. I want into that man's head istg. All 3 movies: Yevade Subramanyam, Mahanati and now Kalki 2898 AD are three distinct visions and superb visions. I'd love to even see all the concept art for this movie!!!!
9. Call me silly but APRIL ONE VIDUDALA REUNION!!!! (iykyk)
Didn't like (hyper spoilers ahead):
1. Bhairava's character needs more depth. A LOT OF PEOPLE WILL PROLLY TEASE ME/ DISAGREE WITH ME ON THIS POINT. But he does. He's shown as a selfish mercenary whose aim is to settle in the Complex. (I have dreams like you no really a little less touchy feely. But they mainly happen where it's warm and sunny. On an island that I own tanned and rested and alone surrounded by enormous piles of money). He's got debts all over Kaasi and he uses all his money for things like building Bujji and automobiles and thrusters and stuff. But what makes him tick (other than scratching Bujji who he abandons half the time)? What is he scared of? I feel like it would have worked better if Bhairava didn't go to the Complex at all and was banned from it. It gives his hope to see the Complex a touch of whimsy and desperation.
2. Disha Patani's character. The story just forgets about her after the party song which is the most pointless song of the movie btw. I feel like even Nag Ashwin didn't want it there on first thought.
3. SRI KRISHNA DID NOT REMOVE ASHWATHHAMA'S MANI!!!! It was Arjuna who did it as far as I know. After causing the death of Abhimanyu and fellow warriors and family members by unfairly means, Ashwathama almost faced the wrath of Bheema after being dragged to the Pandavas' tents However, Krishna couldn't let the Pandavas commit a sin to revenge a sin. He said, though Ashwathama caused the death of unarmed unaware Kshatriyas, he himself is a Brahmin by birth and thus killing him would be an unforgivable sin. Therefore, completely cutting his hair and taking his mani would be comparable to death. So it was Arjuna who took out the mani on Sir Krishna's advice. (As far as I read and heard from pravachans since my childhood) I disliked how the story started with this inaccuracy and it took me out of the flow. Or maybe Nag Ashwin wanted to change this part of the story to include the curse and pave the story's base? Dk
4. The fights never stop (not in the good way): Bhairava's first fight was SO. LONG. Actually, Bhairava's every fight was so long. Most unnecessarily so. His fights with Ashwathama go on for so long I actually started wondering why the all powerful giant hadn't killed our hero. I'm mean, I know, but I get annoyed by such drags.
5. Late emotional connect: Mrunal Thakur's character dying didn't even pinch. Because I had no emotional connect to even feel the horror of what had happened. But yes, I did cry when Rajendra Prasad's character died soon after bcz that meant the death of the one character who spoke the best Telugu in the movie.
6. As I mentioned, I watched the Telugu version and was disappointed by the lack of diction, even in the dubbing!😭
7. The main point: Almost every scene reminded me of a different movie. A lot of people keep saying it's Dune + Star Wars but here, all I've got to mention -> Loki morphing into many Lokis, Sakaar's neck electrocution thingy (EXACT SAME), Troy: Legacy and Aagardian vehicles with the flying vehicles of that 5000 units bounty hunter. Coco wrt to the city's inner infrastructure (resembles the city in the afterlife, except make it sepia tone). Star Wars with the jedi light saber that Bhairava's dad teaches him to use. Bujji = JARVIS without the English politeness. Prince of Persia: sands of time and John Carter wrt the setting and vibes of the outdoor fight sequences. Mariamma's light rope handles??? From Iron man 2 as well as Wonder Woman. When Sumati imagines everyone dead at her feet it gives Tony from Age of Ultron. The Complex looks a lot like the Singing kingdom from The Marvels. There was an episode of Nebula in Marvel's What If? Animated series -> the concept of the complex or dystopia and the bar seems a lot like it.
8. Ashwathama and Karna weren't friends per the Mahabharatam. "Ashwa uncle" keeps calling Karna "sodara" (pure telugu word for brother) and not "mitrama" (pure telugu word for friend/ally) and it sort of irks me. Also, I think Sri Krishna's voice could have been sweeter (the pitch, Krishna could melt mountains with his voice. Here Krishna's voice sounded something like what we could match to Balarama)
Ok done with that.
Now, cameos..... I mean it's a Nag Ashwin movie and I went in expecting cameos after my experience with Mahanati tbh.
Ones I liked: Malvika Nair as Uttara (that was how I had imagined Shakuntala to look like in Shaakuntalam btw), DQ as Captain/Pilot, Brahmi garu as the fed up landlord, Avasarala Srinivas as gambler (missed him in Mahanati), RGV as the food vendor, Rajendra Prasad bcz the man speaks the best Telugu in this movie (as I mentioned before)
Ones I found Meh: Mrunal Thakur as the pregnant lady (only bcz there was no emotional connect, didn't know anything abt her character except that she's pregnant), Faria Abdullah as the showpiece-angel-dancer??, Disha Patani
Ones I wanted to question: Vijay Devarakonda as Arjuna (like........... I feel like Rana would have been the perfect Arjuna despite that opinion originating from his KVJG days. But maybe Tarak? Maybe you could have CGI-ed NTR sr and reminded us of Nartanasala!!) I have nothing against Vijay Devarakonda, but he just didn't fittttt
Overall: a beautiful effort and a mindblowing idea but the lagging screenplay, some music choices and slight misinformation reduces its impact. Liked it and would recommend bcz this is all people would be talking about and you wouldn't want to stay uninformed on a global phenomenon.
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nkjemisin · 11 months
Hello! I am currently reading The City We Became and absolutely adoring it! I do have a question--I would have expected Queens/Padmini to be named Rani to follow suit with the naming of Bronx/Bronca and Brooklyn/Brooklyn and ???/Manny, so I was curious as to why you picked Padmini instead?
Mostly I did it to throw up a smokescreen around a different character, whose name is also not obviously related to their city. I can't say more without spoilers, sadly! But as for how I picked Padmini, I looked up "famous people from Chennai" and learned about the actress, and thought the name was pretty.
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vishnavishivaa · 7 months
Chapter 3: Inner Ramblings (Sambandham: War of Hearts)
Links to:
Prologue- https://www.tumblr.com/harinishivaa/741119072854573056/prologue-sambandham-war-of-hearts?source=share
Chapter 1- https://www.tumblr.com/harinishivaa/741675299243261952/chapter-1-starting-fresh-sambandham-war-of?source=share
Chapter 2- https://www.tumblr.com/harinishivaa/743447339726995456/chapter-2-picturesque-sambandham-war-of-hearts?source=share
Two weeks later
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Kshithija's eyes met Nila's bright, lucid eyes, shining with an excitement that the former was sure was reflected in her own eyes. Nila had matured even more, her hair in a loose ponytail, long, swishing around behind her back in her excitement. Her beauty had a glow to it, the glow that only romantic feelings acknowledged, accepted and returned could give one.
Had Aditya asked her out?
Kshithija thought all of this, as she embraced her sister tightly. Nila often felt like a part of Kshithija's heart, an integral part of it. Without Nila, her heart would not be complete, just like without Arun, her heart had no blooming. Even through the harsh rejection, and the many years it had been since she had been in anything more than vague and distinct contact with him and his family, he still ran through her heart and veins, like he had never left it.
And he hadn't. She had tried to be as with-the-flow in healing as possible. Though loving him from many thousand miles away was very different from loving him when in close contact. And she doubted the intensity between them would have died down; in fact, if she could hazard a guess, it was going to be much more intense. More than it had ever been.
How she could guess that she had not divined yet, but she knew her gut too well to doubt it anymore.
"What is it, Vaandu?" Nila asked very affectionately, giving Kshithija a knowing look, tinged with some shyness rare in her.
"Did you end up getting a date, Akka?" Kshtihija whispered, not wanting her uncle, who she had embraced earlier to hear just yet. The delightful blush on Nila's face, splashing across her bronzed skin told Kshithija that Aditya had finally asked Nila out. "Oh! He finally asked you out then."
"He did," Nila agreed, the dark blush filling her cheeks, as she looked at Kshithija, the latter smiling brightly.
"What great news to get as I return, Akka. May you always always be happy," Kshithija wished her cousin, hugging her once more, before both grabbed the suitcases and wheeled it to the car, Kshithija more than ready to return home, to the safety of the place she grew up in.
Kshithija was curled up in her favourite nook on the first floor of her house, the couch as comfortable as her usual bean bag back at London. She looked at the book open on her lap, smiling at the worn out pages. She had read this multiple times for comfort, and somehow felt the urge to pick up the book at that moment.
If she thought deeply, she would know why she was in this state; it had everything to do with Arun, with having to meet Arun again. Maybe not immediately, but they ran in very similar social circles, that meeting him socially would happen at some point. Further, the closeness of the two families also guaranteed that she would have to meet him in informal family gatherings.
Since the loss of her father, her Periappa and Sundar uncle, Arun's father, had bonded even more. While both had been close before, the loss of Appa had sealed the friendship in a deeper, more instinctual way than ever before. When they teamed up, it was known that they could win any argument. Given that she was still the heir of her father's company, and Arun was going to be Managing Director eventually, she suspected matchmaking endeavors.
Would she be able to deal with them? She was after all well aware of the ways this set up will happen. And worse, if Iramathi wanted it to happen even now. Kshithija's affection for Iramathi had not receded by any means, and she was aware she was often a pushover, especially with people she loved. But one thing she had gotten with clarity during her time away was perspective.
Iramathi was loving, but she was also not above pushing people together if she thought it would help her family and the mega empire they ran. Aditya could be ruthless sometimes, despite being gentle as well when needed, though it was not the case every time it was needed. Paavai was a little firecracker, and her two brothers often spoiled her, which often gave her a sense of superiority, despite the genuineness that ran in her. Kalyaani was quiet, but could be very cunning when needed. And Arun...
Arun was more morally righteous and truthful than any of his siblings. But he also had a habit of not trusting anyone easily, despite having known them for a long time. While there was nothing wrong with being cautious, there was wrong with actually believing rumours more than the friendship that had been shared for many years.
She sighed to herself. This was the exact path she did not want herself in, and she had, of course found herself venturing into it. Being a psychologist could not prevent her from completely getting over her overthinking habits, it could only help her understand who could advise and guide her through it, leading to healing.
What was she to do though, if such a situation came up?
Kshithija was bought out of her thought spiral by her younger brother, who bounded in and plopped down next to her. They were best friends, having only one and a half years between them.
"Yes Kumara?" she asked, playfully rolling her eyes, giggling at his mock offended look. "What do you need me for, mischief maker?"
"Thiju, we both know that you are the biggest mischief maker between the two of us," he nudged her, making her laugh in agreement, responding, "That is a secret!"
The two siblings basked in the cheerful silence, before Kumaran again broke it.
"The social events of the year are starting, Thiju. In about a month," Kumaran announced. Kshithija knew well that he was aware that she had kept herself informed of all this.
"And, Periappa hopes you would join us this time," Kumaran said softly. "But you must know..."
"Arun will be there," she sighed softly. She took in the concerned look her brother threw at her, and squeezed his arm, saying, "Well, I will have to meet him at some time, don't I?"
andha vezham nokkida, ingu thaazhai nokkida, oru mouna kaaviyam pirakka
andha vezham nokkida, ingu thaazhai nokkida, oru mouna kaaviyam pirakka- That elephant approached, as did the thaazham flower; that meeting gave birth to a silent epic of sorts.
@thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @ragkee @chemicalmindedlotus @dr-scribbler @willkatfanfromasia @balladedutempsjadis @freeunknownwasteland @ramcharanobsessed @gemmusings @vijayasena @thirst4light @hollogramhallucination @chiyaanvikram @moon-880 @sakhiiii @thereader-radhika @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @yehsahihai @thegleamingmoon @dumdaradumdaradum @rang-lo @ragkee @vijayasena Please let me know your thoughts!
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bwaldorf · 2 months
ramasha do you have any bollywood movie recs?? 🎤
omgggg em im so honored you thought of me!! 🫶🏼🩷
tbh i've sorta been on a journey of watching more bollywood (and south asian cinema in general), since there was a huge chunk of my life where i just never really kept up with releases and was sorta discouraged from watching it so my taste isn't the Most diverse (in terms of genres and years) but i'm working on it 😭 that said, here's my attempt at giving you a lot of different options, so hopefully there's something here that strikes your fancy hehe :3
lots will be under the cut bc im a huge YAPPER.... sorry. also, some of these haven't really aged that well and are sometimes more of just a nostalgic fav and/or ones i think are iconic so... take some of these recs with a grain of salt
some of my bigger personal faves:
om shanti om (2007) — it may hit more if you have a bit more exposure to bollywood cinema and its industry bc it references it a lot, but i still think it's an enjoyable movie regardless! (yes i am biased bc this is one of my fav bollywood movies ever + a huge nostalgic fav. plus SRK and deepika padukone.. can't go wrong there!)
haider (2014) — this movie is SOOOO good! i highly rec it 💞 it's an adaptation of hamlet, set within the backdrop of the 1995 kashmir conflicts. this is actually a part of trilogy of shakespeare adaptations by the director: the other two are maqbool (2003) which is macbeth and omkara (2006) which is othello
main hoon na (2004) — another SRK nostalgic fav
ghajini (2008) — it rips off christopher nolan's memento but i think it adds a lot of its own stuff too and i have a soft spot for it 😭
andhadhun (2018)
kahaani (2012)
tumbbad (2018)
amar singh chamkila (2024)
3 idiots (2009) — the most likely one that non regular bollywood watchers will know and deservedly so imo
gully boy (2019)
hum saath saath hain (1999) — okay not objectively the best movie.. but its a hugely nostalgic and comfort movie for me and i think its great if you wanna watch something that's heartfelt and doesn't have a ton of high stakes conflict
maine pyar kiya (1989) — same as above ☝🏼 i watched this one a lot as a kid
jab we met (2007)
devdas (2002) — worth it for at least the beautiful cinematography, costumes, and gorgeous talented cast
fanaa (2006) — plot is kinda messy at times but it was a real angst machine for me as a kid 😭
photograph (2019)
sir (2018)
bulbbul (2020) — tw for a rape scene though. sorry for the spoiler but it was genuinely really harrowing for me to watch so i think its important to mention
misc other movies i've seen:
qala (2022)
dil bole hadippa! (2009) — admittedly, i haven't rewatched this one in a long time so i can't totally say it holds up. it's a rip-off of she's the man, but … better….. TO ME. yes im speaking from nostalgia bc this is the one i saw first
badhaai do (2022) — this is technically a 'sequel' to the similarly titled movie badhaai ho (2018) but they're actually total standalones
gangubai kathiawadi (2022) — i have such mixed feelings about this one but it's a movie that really stuck with me ever since i watched it soooo yeah
raees (2017) — SRK looks unbelievably fine in that movie. need i say more?
koi mil gaya (2003) — it's a mix of both ET and close encounters of the third kind... but in my very biased, nostalgic opinion: better 🫣 there's also a few sequels, but i only really remember seeing krrish (2006)
josh (2000) — another entry to the SRK looks super gorgeous in this movie 😭 this is basically a desi west side story
go goa gone (2013) — not the best to me, but its a bollywood zombie movie! which was a very new concept to me in that industry so ofc i had to throw it in there
chennai express (2013)
mohabbatein (2000)
dilwale dulhania le jayenge (1995) — had to include this for SRK reasons and also bc it's a massively impactful movie in the industry so i'd be remiss not to
andaz apna apna (1994)
ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga (2019)
jaane tu.. ya jaane na (2008)
aaja nachle (2007)
munna bhai mbbs (2003)
gangs of wasseypur - part 1 (2012) — i've only seen the first one in this series but if you want a somewhat slower, meditative, gangster movie this one def fits the bill
what's your raashee? (2009) — can't remember how well this ages (i think it was pretty mid?) but the concept is fun! priyanka chopra plays 12 girls: each personifying a different zodiac sign as the main guy tries to find his soulmate 😭
taare zameen par (2007) — you'll also see this listed as 'like stars on earth' sometimes
amar akbar anthony (1977)
don (2006) — villainous SRK? sign me up! he actually has multiple movies where he's this sorta antihero/"antivillain" type character. and even a few where he's a straight-up villain. i've been trying to get through all of those bc i just love his range
anjaam (1993) — an example of the aforementioned thing ☝🏼 SRK plays a genuinely terrible guy here, and i love how it actually challenges a lot of the tropes that bollywood tends to use in its romances and shows how creepy and stalkerish they actually are (despite it being typically framed in the narrative otherwise)
partner (2007) — i recently found out it was basically ripping will smith's hitch 😭 i haven't seen that one so i can't say which is better, but if you enjoyed that one, you'll probably be into this one too. it's very unserious and not the Best. but i watched it a lot as a kid
aaja nachle (2007)
roadside romeo (2008) — okay this is a very unserious, low budget animated movie rec. it's soooo so silly and dumb but if you're in the market for smth like that, this is an amusing one for that
welcome (2007) — i gotta rewatch this one bc i don't remember a lot but it seems like a lot of tomfoolery and shenanigans
my name is khan (2010) — another one i gotta rewatch for its politics but i figured i'd throw it in regardless
black (2005)
kal ho naa ho (2003)
kuch kuch hota hai (1998)
sholay (1975)
hungama (2003)
some from my watchlist that i haven't seen yet:
(as if this list needed to be any longer.... but anyways! including these bc i think they seem promising/interesting and i think they introduce More variety of genres/time periods than the ones before)
ijaazat (1987)
thappad (2020)
udaan (2010)
merry christmas (2024)
chhoti si baat (1976)
hindi medium (2017)
the lunchbox (2013) — heard LOTS of good things about this one!
lipstick under my burkha (2017)
neerja (2016)
queen (2014)
rajnigandha (1974)
kaagaz ke phool (1959)
anand (1971)
paheli (2005) — it's a mainstream bollywood remake of duvidha (1973)
baadshah (1999)
monica, o my darling (2022)
madhumati (1958)
raaz (2002)
satya (1998)
highway (2014)
oh darling! yeh hai india! (1995)
pyaasa (1957)
sardar udham (2021)
awaara (1951)
shree 420 (1957)
kaminey (2009)
mahal (1949)
chandigarh kare aashiqui (2021)
bunty aur babli (2005)
talvar (2015)
duplicate (1998)
lootera (2013)
mughal-e-azam (1960)
baazigar (1993)
trapped (2017)
fire (1996) — a hugely significant movie in explicitly showing a wlw relationship in bollywood. i believe it was the first in that regard?
stree (2018)
piku (2015)
english vinglish (2012)
umrao jaan (2006) — there's also an earlier version of this movie with the same title that came out in 1981! i haven't seen either yet so i can't say which is better
jodhaa akbar (2008)
darr (1993) — big movie for villain SRK enthusiasts if that interests you too like it does me 🤭
zindagi na milegi dobara (2011)
dil dhadakne do (2015)
dear zindagi (2016)
special 26 (2013)
badla (2019)
mardaani (2014)
raman raghav 2.0 (2016)
peepli live (2010)
drishyam (2015)
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radical-revolution · 1 year
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Your brain has evolved through time and through that long duration, long voyage of time, it has gathered certain conditionings: that thought will solve fear, thought will do something in order to escape from fear; do puja - escape, every form of escape. And all escapes have stopped because you know the cause, therefore you have to do something with the cause. If that cause is not eradicated, you'll always live with fear, psychologically. Psychologically it's far more important than biologically, physically, because the psychological states always overcome the biological states. I won't go into that, there is no time left.⁠
Now, do you put the question seriously to yourself, or is it just a passing question? You put that question today and forget about it the next day, and pick it up the day after tomorrow. Or do you put the question most seriously, with all your intensity, with your passion? And that means, are you willing to give your complete, passionate attention to the cause, or you just listen and carry on with your fears? If you put that question, profoundly, seriously, put that question with all your heart and mind and passion to find out, that means giving all your energy, vitality, attention to that. When you give all your energy, which you've wasted in trying to escape from it, or in trying to find a substitute, or rationalising fear, if you drop all that completely, then there is no escape from fear. No god, no other human being can help you to be free of fear. If you really put it with all your energy, strength, vitality and especially the passion to comprehend something which mankind has lived with, fear, for millennia upon millennia, then you are giving that passionate, flaming attention to the cause. When you give such burning attention, the cause is burnt away. But very few people - we're not discouraging - very few people do this - they've got so many things to do: family, husband, children, earning money and so on, and that takes a great deal of energy, all that. ⁠
J. Krishnamurti⁠
Public Talk 2 Madras (Chennai), India - 04 January 1985
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ronika-writes-stuff · 5 months
My thoughts on the current ipl points table that absolutely no one asked for :
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1. They're the og champions...very chill, very fun vibes.
soo happy to see them on top. They really be feeling like royalty rn lol.
Also in the end, I'm just a girl 🎀💖 some I absolutely adore their jersey.
2. Yaar.... I know Hyderabad is a great team and everything but.... Do you guys have to go this hard?
Other teams come to play a match, this team comes to crack open your morale and bring you to your knees.
Baki teams khel rahi hai, Yeh log toh seedha gunda gardi kar rahe hai Yaar.
Watching Abhishek, our Indian player, a youngster, bat like that feels amazing tho.
3. Kolkata.... Man.
Gautam bhai aaye, and suddenly Sabka Chris Gayle bahar aagya.
I feel like sunil will take both purple and orange caps this year and gambhir bhai has already planned on picking the trophy this year so... Yea.
PS : once gautam bhai is done someone pls convince him to come as ICT's coach.
4. Chennai = 7 letters = thala for a reason.
They're doing great, but their recent performances makes me worried about what will happen to this team when Mahi Bhai retires.
If they don't start taking more responsibility now there's a good chance csk will crash land in the bottom next year. Hope thT doesn't happen tho.
5. LSG, you beauty....
They look like they are a weak team but they've defeated rcb, gt, pbks and...sabse importantly.... CSK.
But their next matches are quite tough too... So we'll see where they end up after 2 - 3 more matches.
The way kl Rahul hits sixes is just beautiful.
6. Mumbai.
I...... Have no idea what mysterious substance this management was on tbh.
If you want to remove someone from the captaincy, there's gotta be a better way to do that so the fans aren't offended and the player also isn't disrespected. Look how kohli left rcb's captaincy for example.
Then, if you wanted to look towards the future, Bumrah and Surya, both who have captained team India and have stayed with the franchise despite having so many opportunities to earn more if they leave should have been considered.
Or they could have just choosen Ishan. Just like csk and gt choose youngsters, Ishan could have been a good option too. Plus He's captained his team during u-19 in 2016.
But no. They choose Hardik.
Tbh, I feel so sorry for him cause in his mind, when MI offered him captaincy and called him back, he would have been happy to go back to his old team...like going back home.
But the sad truth is, MI management saw how successful he was in gt, winning in the first year and then reaching the finals in 2nd year....and it pissed them off that their player is doing well in some other team. So they brought him back.
Despite so much backlash from fans, so much hatred and trolling against Hardik, this shitty management never held one press conference to clear up misunderstandings and give answers to their fans honestly. Because they knew, if the truth comes out, they'll be on the receiving end of this hate.
Fuck them.
The only mistake Hardik did was leaving gt. But... Oh well.
(I ended up ranting lol.)
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penpaperandbooks · 3 months
The sun beat down relentlessly on me as I made my way back to the train station. No matter how long I had spent here in Chennai, the heat always sucks the life out of me.
Wiping my forehead, I wait for the train as I feel my kurti get wetter and wetter from my sweat. The train reached the station and people clambered in before it stopped, pushing others out of the way.
Elbowing and pushing my way in, I find a seat on the outermost edge of a row of such seats. Holding my bag close, I shimmy in, trying to not fall off when the train starts moving.
The smell of sweaty, dusty bodies coupled with the heat was nothing new, but somehow this time it made me want to throw up.
The crowd who pushed me onto the train were kind enough to push me out as they hurried on in their endless journey to get somewhere, leaving me frazzled.
Stopping an auto, I get in and fan myself with the edge of my dupatta, trying to dispel the hot air only in vain. The auto turns into a cool side street with huge trees blocking the sun.
People speed by on their scooters, always in a rush. I can almost see myself in them, a few decades younger, in the same rush to go somewhere and do something with my life.
A rueful smile crosses my face. The thought of how much I had missed in my hurry threatens to sadden me, but I shake away the thoughts.
Oh well, there wasn't much two girls in love could do in 1973.
It rumbles to a stop and I scramble out, paying the driver his dues. Looking around, I catch sight of a small, unassuming house at the end of the street.
I ring the number I have ready on my phone. It barely rings before the person answers it.
"You're here?" she asks breathlessly. A blush spreads across my cheeks at the sound of her voice.
"Mhm," I mutter, embarrassed at how excited I am to see her. "Where are you?" I ask, looking around to catch sight of her.
"Wait, I'm coming," she says and I hear a door opening in the background, in sync with the door of a house a few steps ahead of me.
Aruna steps out onto the street, her face as flushed as mine. She was still fixing her hastily thrown-on dupatta when she saw me, eyes widening.
Like a teenager, I grin as wide as I can, feeling my face heat up and my fingertips tingle with joy. Her salt-and-pepper hair flutters in the slight breeze, mirroring mine.
Like someone who's forgotten how to walk, my legs feel heavy, frozen to the ground until she smiles, reassuring me with her whole being. She takes a step towards me and it jolts me awake.
Finally, finally, I run over and hug her as tight as I can. She erupts into giggles, hugging me back tightly, swaying from side to side. As if in a dream we hug tight, almost making up for lost time.
But she smells the same, the street smells the same, and the same little house at the end of the street is still there. The only thing that's changed is us, with a few more wrinkles.
When we finally let go, I can only focus on her wide grin -- same as mine -- and her eyes still full of the same love and I ask, "Saptiya?"
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lantur · 1 year
tw cancer, tw death, tw grief / life update
I was having a nice day on Saturday. I woke up, made a tea latte, did some yoga, went for a run, went to get groceries.
Around 3 PM I got a call from my mom and aunt, letting me know that the hospice nurse said that they expected my dad to have 24 hours or less to live. This was a huge change from previous estimates of a week-two weeks. Derek and I booked airline tickets same-day from Minneapolis to CA. Our flight wasn't until 9:30 PM.
We were at the airport, past security, waiting for our flight to board, when I got the call from my mom saying that my dad had passed.
I had prepared for this since he was diagnosed 10 months ago - I had prepared for this since he started hospice - I had prepared for this since the last time I saw him in April - but I still wasn't ready. I thought I was ready, I thought I would be ready, but I wasn't.
Derek held me when I broke down weeping in the middle of the airport. We flew 3.5 hours to CA, were on the road for another 1 hour, and got to my parents' house at past 1 AM. It was hell. It was a hell day.
The hell got worse the next day when we saw his body at the funeral home. I walked to him and automatically said "Daddy? Daddy?" like I always used to, and he didn't respond. He didn't say anything. It was hell. The worst thing I've ever been through.
My aunt and Derek had to go back to home (Pennsylvania and Minneapolis respectively) yesterday. My mom and I attended my dad's funeral today. Seeing the hearse, driving behind the hearse, was really hard. My dad taught me how to drive, and I used to sit in the backseat when he and my mom drove me around when I was a kid, and now I was driving behind the funeral hearse.
My mom and I were so nervous about the funeral, but it was beautiful. It was at a veterans cemetery, peaceful and quiet and beautifully maintained. The ceremony was beautiful. It gave us peace and closure.
My dad was 70 years old. He grew up in Chennai, India, in abject poverty, the youngest of seven kids, raised by a single mom. He grew up to become a pharmacist, and moved from a couple of decades of retail pharmacy work in India and Dubai and the United States, to moving to outpatient and inpatient clinic pharmacy management after he enlisted in the Air Force. He loved pharmacy so, so much. He was so passionate about it. His last job before he retired was an oncology pharmacist, at the same chemotherapy infusion clinic where he ended up receiving his chemotherapy after a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer.
My dad grew up in poverty, and his own dad was never around. He worked hard and provided for my mom and I.
I have had a lot of pain and grief ever since my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I could write for pages about it. All I can say is that I hope nobody has to see a loved one suffer and lose their life due to cancer, because it's hell to witness. I have the greatest empathy and love for others who have witnessed this painful process in their family.
All I can say is my only consolation is that my dad lived a long life. I know there are so many people who tragically die younger. My only other consolation is knowing that we are all united in grief, because this pain of losing a loved one comes to all of us someday.
This past few days, this past month, this past 10 months, has changed me irrevocably. I have new fears, new anxieties, new understanding (and fear) of death and mortality.
I also have more understanding and appreciation of life, how temporary it is, how important it is to live life to the fullest while we can, and how important it is to appreciate the people we love. My husband, my friends, and my aunt and cousins have been so supportive, carrying me through something so devastating. Even work, even my boss, who has been so understanding.
And to everyone on tumblr who has been so supportive during this journey. People who read my posts, who liked them to show solidarity with my feelings, who commented, who sent me messages of support and kindness. Thank you.
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lovelettersarchive · 5 months
Entry #9: Om's birthday.
[Mondayday || May 6/2024 || nighttime.]
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About Sunday/5 May/2024: after morning routine I started writing tumblr post after 10am. I collected lyrics and wrote meaning + started searching for pictures after scrolling on pinterest for hours, created moodboards out of those pictures (because there's limit of 10 pictures and 1 video) wrote everything I could think of despite having terrible headache because of sleep deprivation. Till lunch I couldn't think of how I should I portray this wish then I thought of last year's birthday wish and thought of chennai express and that's how I came up with "gujarat express" idea and started writing important parts. After that I collected pictures and videos according to his vibes from pinterest after scrolling so much once again. At the end I decided to add a video, I searched for it but I didn't like the song so I changed it. After that Created 3 edits as always, even though it was hard for me to decide bg music for those edits. After that I wrote paragraph for his dm, wrote few lines for his each birthday, from 1 to 20. And it was already 12:00am.
He came to my dm before 12am but I was still editing tumblr post and at 12:00am I wished him happy birthday first and posted that tumblr post as always and told him to see tumblr post. He came here to read it and I went to mention him my instagram stories. I came back and he was still reading that post because it was lengthier than I thought. He came to my dm, was so overwhelmed with emotions and was lose for words. So I sent him that mini letter I wrote for his each birthday, he loved it and laughed because I made it kinda casual and wholesome, no big lines or words but just my thoughts. I let him process though he kept saying how happy he was and how lucky he was to have me and writer's love is one of a kind and by then it was already 01:30, I kept him in my dm for that long before he went to see my instagram stories. He liked those edits as well, he came back to me and kept talking and complimenting me for whatever I did for him till 02:44am and we fell asleep. He talked about each and every line I wrote for him like he couldn't decide which part was his favorite, all these because I can't call him or face time with him or send him vns(my family is strict). So I try to make up with my writing.
In the morning I sent him gujarati playlist I created for him specially with good morning text and afternoon came he went to shopping with his cousins and family. He texted me and asked me to select an outfit for him because he couldn't decide which one he should buy and so I chose for him. At evening he went out with his relative's family to celebrate his birthday and I'm happy that he's enjoying his birthday like this.
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Why do I can't stop myself from writing about him? I ended up writing about him once again. See...
They said "Go where you feel the most alive."
And I hid into his embrace.
...And when he speaks, I can feel hope crawling out of my lifeless chest.
They say you can't reach to the stars but that's wrong. I see stars in his eyes whenever he talks about his dreams.
He is what a lost poet wants to write about but can't, happiness.
If he'd tell me to kneel I wouldn't dare to look up.
He has taken over my mind, my heart and my soul like devil takes over sinner's prayers.
If I were to get locked up in one room without a way out, I would create stories for him in my mind to keep me alive till the end. –Simran.
To my past self: I found something better than your books, inspiration for writing. And that's because of him, Om.
To my future self: I know that you won't stop writing about him because now he has blended our souls and only death can stop my pen.
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willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
A Night to Remember - 2
She monotonously paced around the room to burn off her restlessness. She repeated the principles of management and profit planning, hoping it’ll ground her.
Her mind and body were far too desperate to know about him. Did he already know she was here? Was he happy or sad to see her? Does he want her back? Should she play hard or fall into his arms?
Maybe she should just avoid him, treat him as a stranger she weakly sighed
Her thoughts raced a mile an hour, punctuated by the loud rainfall outside. The thought of crossing the waterlogged grounds irritated her, but at least she’ll be left alone with her thoughts for now.
This family’s problems are as intricate as their mansion’s décor she chuckled. Their long term CAs- Anirudh & Pazhuvur- were a well known firm run by two senior professionals. They were from nobility themselves and handled elite clients. Though well meaning, they needed some help to untangle their client’s mess given the ever changing business laws.
She found a remote under the newspaper stand faced it towards the small, early 2000s BPL TV. She tsked when it didn’t switch on. Restlessness made her bang the remote on the sofa armrest repeatedly -and voila! The TV worked.
She shifted through the channels….. ethirneechal serial, suryavamsam movie,teleshopping, BBC, live telecast of a temple..no no no she chanted before settling on an Indian news channel.
An immaculately dressed man addressed the eager reporters. “Pandyan corp will venture into buying other heritage properties too”, he said that they’d already eyed a few old forts and palaces to turn into tourist sweetspots.
“Sir, you had already announced such a project 2 years ago, but it failed to take off” clamoured a journo
The official smoothly assured them that this time it will take off, dismissing the previous plan that fell through.
Nandini smirked, thinking of how they lost their most lucrative purchase due to her ‘skills’.
The Pandya’s were the royal clan who lost the most to colonialism. But they persevered, ignored public criticism, cut costs and started a real estate business- unthinkable for a clan of their stature. They’d changed their last remaining fort into a Heritage hotel and entered the luxury real estate market. Other noble clan’s looked down on them then, only to regret their decisions now.
The Chozhas were one of them. They had maintained autonomous rule long enough, so they settled into a complacent lifestyle. Their palatial homes (including their current residence), agricultural lands overseen by locals all seemed grand. Their money was locked up in trust funds and wills, rendering them unable to withdraw funds for their immediate needs. Their business investments were failing and it looked like they had to sell atleast one property.
Pandyas might’ve modernized into a corporate now, but their executive committee’s bitterness remained. They had lost a lot to the Chozhas but couldn’t retaliate when the British slammed them with the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’.
Their core team, on behalf of the young son of their late CEO, was full of “old guards”- people from families who’ve long been faithful servants of the owner’s kingly forefathers.
They were the top players in the luxury segment, their plan to buy heritage properties was just a century old thirst to one up the Chozhas
She’d interned with them as a gangly 23 year old fresh out of uni. The opportunity was great- they were one of the patrons of her college’s scholarship program. Veer pandyan had personally taught her, despite knowing real estate wasn’t her main interest.
The talent scouts at HR had run a background check, the results of which intrigued the big boss.
Born and adopted in Madurai,  moved to a suburb of Thanjavur at 10 where her dad worked  as a Archagar in temple before moving to Chennai after grade 11.
It was the last fact that caught his eye.
No sane Indian family, no matter their financial woes would shift cities when their child has completed 11th. Something drastic must’ve occurred. It no doubt involved the Chozhas as nothing moved from that estate without their consent.
The pandyan corp executives were nice to her. Really nice, that some of the older employees began envying her- an intern! Veer pandyan had a friendly uncle demeanor as he taught her the practicalities of real estate, investments and predicting markets. But soon his real interest began to show, he tried to pry into her past.
“It’s just odd, you know, you did grade 11 in one city and grade 12 in another “ he innocently asked.
Hoping to tolerate the intrusion for the sake of her job, Nandini replied “ My dad found a better position in Chennai, besides my brother wanted to join the OTA” hoping it sounded rational. She loved using her military intelligence officer bro as an excuse.
He left it for the day, but circled back to it often. “You went to THAT school right? The one where the Chozha kids studied… did you talk to them?”
Nandini cursed herself for being so naïve. She initially presumed he wanted to know about her past genuinely.
The topic was too painful. A sore spot she rarely thought of even in private- afraid of the emotional fallout. No amount of casual dismissal of her acquaintance with them sated her boss.
The heckling of journalists of the suited man snapped her to the present.
She began chuckling madly at the TV, at the slimy man trying to convince the reporters that all was well in paradise. Uncaring of been seen, she wheezed with laughter, knowing all wasn’t well- they had her to thank for that!
The low grumbling of the skies masked her outburst and made her anticipate the next loud thunder. It settled into silence but she wasn’t completely at peace yet. She’d stolen biscuits, borrowed a blanket and used the living room of her former flame.
She looked every bit the confident career woman she was, but his presence threw her off the cool headspace she maintained. And she’d have to leave this place anyway.
A fainted shadow fell on the foyer. “The rain must’ve messed with the porch lights” Nandini dismissed it and continued to change the channels. She chose to watch a Djokovic vs Nadal match to pass time. Engrossed as she was in their rally, she didn’t notice the shadow shift closer to her.
The door lock clicked and forced her to notice. “holy shit please don’t be a murderer” she inwardly thought before deciding to turn.
Her stuff shoulders turned, her eyebrows curled in fear but the sight of the form at the door step made them turn up in anger. “You…you brat!” Nandini bared her teeth as the tormentor of her dreams just smirked
@nashibirne @nspwriteups @favcolourrvibgior @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @dr-scribbler @kovaipaavai @budugu @dosai-maavu @matka-kulfi @curiousgalacticsoul @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram @celestesinsight @inveter @deepti1011 @itszhunotz @babayagahunt @thegleamingmoon @maisadalawa @ragkee @inlovewithfictionalbeings @happysharkdragon @gowrimenonop-1 @ramcharanobsessed @nature-writes29 @voidsteffy @whippersnappersbookworm @hollogramhallucination @thereader-radhika @sowlspace @rang-lo @nirmohi-premika @love-ps1ff @canonless5 @sampigehoovu @ambidextrousarcher
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srbachchan · 4 months
DAY 5930
Jalsa, Mumbai May 13/14, 2024 Mon/Tue 1:19 AM
🪔 ,
May 14 .. birthday love and wishes to Ef Snehal Rajpal from Ahmedabad .. Ef Shivani Arora from Chennai .. and Ef Shital Shelke from Amravati .. stay safe .. 🙏🏻🚩❤️
Birthday EF - Sandhya and Wed Ann with Santosh Ef husband .. Tuesday, 14 May .. love blessings and happiness ..वैवाहिक जीवन की जयंती, सुख शांति, और स्नेह 🙏 स्नाध्य - संतोष
... the night pages at this hour open to the pages of the Ramayan रामायण and words that reflect moments on the return of Shri Ram from his 'banvaas' राम वनवास, .. which under the aegis of the English language would be represented as an exile .. but it cannot be addressed such .. the 14 years were the purity .. and the description in the Ram Charit Manas .. राम चरित मानस, as he reaches Ayodhya and the description of it .. and the clarity of the purity of the Saryu River that flows by it , are spellbinding ..
and then shifted my glance to the books that lie beside me - Babuji's - and the literary evaluations done by those that have done PhD's on it .. and reflections of his mind and the understanding of the deeper philosophy behind each verse , is so engrossing ..
The night does not matter .. the time be not of value .. the mind and the reason of its desire to be there and nowhere else is prime ..
But .. time is the essence .. its need to be availed is the bigger essence .. and to devote the time for the mind - not mine but of them that seem to want to understand is the essence - is the prime time ..
Prime Time .. haha .. TV vocabulary creeps in so surreptitiously .. never in its meaning here ..
I desire .. to put in more of it on the post ..
But we all live in a World that is dominated by thoughts completely unrelated to the subject or the text .. and the prudent prudence decides to evade rather than swim dunk and paddle away to the shores of safety ..
What weak moment be this .. sad ..
Isolated in the genuineness of the genuine ..!!!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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toiletpotato · 2 years
has anyone thought about the diegesis of music in bollywood/south asian masala movies? there's no doubt that it functions differently than in western musicals... but HOW exactly? in most western musical theatre the music seems to non-diegetic (as in, the characters and those around them are unaware that they are singing) unless it is a performance, then it is diegetic/source music (they are singing in the story- everyone knows they're singing).
perhaps the difference comes from the fact that masala movies are movies first and (to my knowledge) are often not adapted from musical stage productions (though the movies CAN be adapted into musicals in the case of mughal-e-azam, hum aapke hain koun, and dilwale dulhania le jayenge). but in masala movies the line between "this is a performance in the story" and "i am singing to express my feelings" seems somewhat blurred. Señorita from ZNMD is a performance, they are singing, everyone knows it. Bum Bum Bole from Taare Zameen Par, they're singing, Aamir Khan is a funny little dude singing a funky clown song. But then what about Kashmiri Main Tu Kanyakumari from Chennai Express? Singing in a car... okay, that's a performance! But the choreographed dance number? Is that happening or is it symbolizing their journey across India? Mere Khwabon Mein from DDLJ is definitely (probably?) Simran expressing her dreams and such, and she's not singing in universe. But then what about Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna? Raj singing at Simran would make sense as a performance at a mehndi, but what about Simran singing back?
OH and since the popularity of film/musical songs works differently in South Asia than it does in the States... how does continuity work in that? Such as the medley from Mujhse Dosti Karoge, in which Hrithik's character sings Kuch Kuch Hota Hai to Rani's character... does this mean that KKHH exists in this universe?? Does Rani Mukherjee the actress then exist in this universe and her character in this movie have a doppleganger?? What about all of Shahrukh Khan's movies... especially with the antakshari scenes in Chennai Express? Does Om Shanti Om exist in that universe? Does SRK the actor exist? If not then how did these songs come about? Is it similar to the NSU (Nickelodeon Sitcom Universe) in which there are gray parts of one's mind when it comes to crossover events? This FASCINATES me to no end you don't understand.
side note. i want to see someone that has directed a masala movie tackle one of these american musical to movie adaptations. no more tom hooper. i want farah khan or karan johar or ss rajamouli to direct cats and see how THAT looks. if tom hooper had directed k3g it would not have been as fantastical (such as the "my son is here" super sense) as it was.
let american movie musicals have as much fun as south asian masala films do.
there seem to be some (paywalled) academic papers on the matter but it'd be interesting to hear anyone's thoughts on it!
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abihastastybeans · 6 months
5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 29 from here
(i just realised that that's a lot so feel free to skip some/answer selectively if you want to do that!)
(are you kidding ofcourse I'm gonna answer all of that, let's make a game out of it and see how long it takes me)(it's 15:05 when I started answering)
5. Favourite song in your native language
Can't think of one rn😭 The first one that came to mind is Venmadhi Venmadhi from Minnale because some guy was playing that on the bus yesterday. I think it's a lovely song, especially the third verse :)
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language
I don't really swear in Tamil😂 I only use words like stupid/wastrel/dog/buffalo... y'know the most common ones lol
But, again, the first swear word that came to mind is *looks around to make sure no one's listening* "watha" - which is basically the Tamil equivalent of fuck - because one of my friends called another friend that this morning lmao
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions ot traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Well there's so many but i generally think that doing rituals/ chanting slokas or vedas must be very strange to outsiders who aren't really used to that! Imagine being a white christian and you encounter a yagna happening with a giant fire, lots of huge shirtless men saying very weird words in their blaring voice, adding all kinds of different things into the fire, while surrounding people watched on... I'd be terrified 😂💀
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
18. Do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Gosh I speak so many dialects - depending on who I'm talking with. There's what I consider the normal one, there's the one mixed with random English sentences😂, there's the local chennai dialect for when I'm dealing with/in public or local vendors💀, there's the tambrahm (wow it feels weird to say it like that) dialect because that's what I was raised on in mum's side of the family
19. Do you like your country's flag and/or emblem? What about the national anthem?
I've honestly never thought about this before...
Flag - 🇮🇳 It's a good one, I like what it stands for. But no one would forget the struggle it would take when you were 6 years old and were asked to draw the national flag and you wouldn't remember how many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra😭 or even if you remembered, you wouldn't know how to divide them evenly throughout the circle... So much stress. 7/10
Emblem - it's a bit complex if you ask me but eh. It looks cool i guess. I like the phrase 'satyameva jayathe' ("truth alone triumphs" in Sanskrit) so there's that :p 5/10
National Anthem - I love it!! I like the picture it paints, listing out all those places! Only criticism is that it was very difficult for younger abi to sing the beginning because it was so very low and i struggled for a long time😅 9/10
21. If you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Aloo mutter gravy and methi roti👍
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I was thinking really hard...before i realised🤭
MYSURU. WHY do you do that to your sambar??? It's nice, I'd be lying if I said it's bad, but how?????? How did you come to the decision "oh you know what. I'm gonna make this taste sweet. Yeah."??
We went to Mysore one time and had some sambar and do you know what happened, cal? My cousin threw up, that's what happened.
(it was because of the long uphill travel but the sambar definitely contributed :p)
What you lack in sambar, you make up for it with Udupi rasam so. I forgive you😤
(now the time is 15:55)
"Hi, I'm not from the US" ask set
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