#throwing this out there and hoping some genius author would pick it up and come up with a plot
siophaoxumai · 1 year
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e-sports player zhang hao and basketball varsity player sung hanbin.
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slxsherwriter · 5 months
Might Just Save You Yet
Fandom: 2001 Maniacs, Robert Englund characters
Pairings: Hinted Buckman x female reader
Word Count: 2,905
Warnings: This whole movie serves as a warning
Author's Note: *throws hands up in the air* I guess this is a thing? Englund characters won't leave me alone. But really, as fucked up as this movie is, there's a charm to the character that there shouldn't be and damn it, Robert makes him likeable to a degree. Tagging: @slashingdisneypasta & @tinalbion Hope you guys enjoy! There are two other ideas coming for this fool.
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When you woke up just as the two in front had decided to take the detour, you briefly wondered how the hell they had made it into college in the first place. The detour sign was not official, and it didn't take a genius to see that. Because the jagged wood, painted letters, and backward lettering itself, it could not have possibly been any more obvious. But, the three knuckleheads you had somehow gotten stuck with to make it down for Florida for spring break had decided that the detour sign had to be followed.
“Seriously? Are we really taking directions from a homemade detour sign?” Anderson chuckled softly.
“Ah, calm down. It's nothing you gotta worry about.” Nothing.. lord help you the man that you called a brother was an absolute idiot at times. How you were related remained a mystery.
“When we are all disembowed in the back woods with no one coming to ever find us, don't blame me.’
“Jesus Christ, way to be over dramatic. This is why you have no friends.” You rolled your eyes.
“Maybe if you were a little more mindful, you could actually get a girl to pay attention to you, Nelson.” The other two laughed as you gave it right back to their friend. You probably should have just stuck with your original plan to fly down to Florida. You weren't staying at the beach house with the boys. No, a week-long externship had come up at a clinic that exclusively worked with veterans, and you had jumped at the chance. It wasn't like you were going to do anything besides relax and maybe draw some while on spring break anyway, and the opportunity was too good to pass up.
Anderson had told you that they were driving through, so he and his friends would pick you up instead. He had said that he wanted to see you. Part of you suspected that Corey and Nelson, friends of his since middle school, had wanted to take another shot at hooking up with you. Like damn dogs, they continued to bark up that tree every so often.
“Like you would know what it took to get a guy anyway. You're an uptight bitch.” You swallowed a retort, knowing that nothing you said would help the situation. Anderson finally jumped in.
“Hey, hey. Okay, there's no need for that now. Everyone just calm down. Besides, look, there is a town right here.” He pulled up slowly, easing off the gas as you made your way through what seemed to be an abandoned town. Everything looked like it was right out of a history book. Maybe it was a reenactment setup? They had plenty of those scattered in odd locations. You had a few friends who took it very seriously and had brought you along on a few. Enough to recognize it.
“Seems like a ghost town.” Of course, as soon as that left your brother's mouth, the car pulled up to what appeared to be the center of the small town, and suddenly, there were people everywhere. Music was playing, and they were all cheering. Almost instinctively, you curled a little further down in the car. That was far too much attention for your liking. An odd sense naggled at your brain, but it was something that you ignored, attributing it to the fact that you were now all the center of attention.
“So much for a ghost town,” you mumbled, though the guys were too dumbfounded to really be paying attention. Still, manners dictated that you didn't entirely hide, trying to offer a polite smile.
“Welcome to Pleasant Valley!” The man that stepped forward had an air of authority to him. He paused as if waiting for a reaction from the four of you, and when he got none, he leaned forward with a small laugh. Everyone in the mass who had surrounded was cheering, and it died out just as quick when there wasn't a response. The guys were entirely caught off guard, and you were suffering from a little case of the nerves. “Well, don't be a wet ding dong, fellas,” he offered as he hurried around the side of the car towards your brother.
“Buckman's the man, mayor’s my game.” He was standing beside the car now and finally seemed to notice you sitting in the back seat, and that seemingly impossible wide smile broadened further. “Now, why don't cha'all here, give us a big howdy due..hmm?” His hand was held out to Anderson, and in the blink of an eye, the older man had practically yanked your brother out of the driver seat with ease. Shaking hands, your brother remembered some manners.
“Anderson Lee, nice to meet you, sir.” Corey and Nelson were exchanging looks that could easily be deciphered as get a load of this. He managed to introduce you as his sister, but when he attempted to offer the names of the other two, Buckman interrupted.
“Lee Anderson, Lee. My, my, my. What a beautiful surname. Ya'll ain't from the south now, are ya?” You decided to jump in.
“Yes, sir. Born and raised. We were raised in South Carolina. Anderson decided to go north to school. I stayed a little closer to home, in North Carolina.”
“Then ya crossed over to the other side, I see. Well,” he hummed and glanced towards you for a second as he tipped the front of Anderson's hate. “Well, we might just save you yet.” Anderson wasn't sure how to take the comment judging by the confused look on his face. The crowd moved in a little closer as Corey and Nelson got out of the car, leaving you the only one in it. Which meant you had to get out. Slipping from the car, you held your bag close. Buckman turned his attention from Anderson back to you.
“You see, ya'll arrived just in time to be our honored guests at the Guts n’ Glory Jubilee!” The banner was hard to miss. Red, white, and blue, it hung just over the crowd that had gathered behind Buckman. The cheering started all over again, and you couldn't help but smile. Was it a little off? Maybe. You could have arrived in a backwoods town, one of those off grid sort of deals. Or these reenactors were seriously into their business. Either way, there was a light atmosphere. That nagging worry remained in the back of your brain, ignored still.
Corey was murmuring to Nelson, causing you to reach out and smack at his arm.
“Don't be rude.” They rolled their eyes, but their attention was diverted when a scantily clad woman walked up to the mayor. You blinked for a second as the woman instantly flirted with the two beside you. Buckman had shifted over you subtly in that time, inching closer as the boys had their full attention on Miss Peaches.
In a whirl of activity, more individuals showed up, including the car that you had met up with at the last gas station. While your timetable was tight, you didn't want to be disrespectful or rude. At least that was your reasoning for staying while the boys were only thinking with their lower brain.
It wouldn't be so bad, right? The air was crisp and clean. The heat hadn't fully set in just yet, leaving you comfortable in the quiet outdoor setting. There was a rush towards the hotel because apparently rooms were waiting. Another oddity. You had slipped towards the back of the pack and opted to enjoy a little peace, finally away from the boys. Besides, this seemed like a lovely spot to settle in and maybe do a little sketching.
“Well, darling, just what are you doing out here?” You had found a spot under one of the trees closer to the edge of town. Settled down, you had lost track of the time that had passed. It must have been at least a couple of hours, judging from where the sun was overhead. Buckman was standing just a few feet from you, hands in his pockets and observing.
“Oh, I'm sorry, sir.” Smiling, you hoped that he wouldn't have seen the act of you seeking some solitude as an affront to the hospitality that had been offered. “Been with my brother and his friends for a day and a half. Wanted a little peace, and it's just so nice out. Well, I wanted to take advantage. I didn't mean any disrespect to you or Mrs. Boone by it.” There wasn't a hint of anger as he strolled closer.
“Ain't nothing to be worried about. Just wanted to make sure everything was alright. Everything is alright, isn't it?” You relaxed further against the tree after having gone a little rigid when he first found you.
“Absolutely.” You wanted to ask what the deal with the setup was, but figured if it was one of those off the grid communities, you risked offending him. So, with all those southern manners you were raised with, you offered compliments instead. “You seem to have a little piece of paradise here. The town, the land. Seems like it really lives up to its name.” Buckman stood just a little straighter at that, hands coming from his pockets.
“What a sweet talker you are.” You laughed. “We pride ourselves on our little town. It's very kind of you to notice all the work that we put in.”
“Give credit where it's due.” It had made a great subject for your artwork.
“Well, I hate to interrupt a lady at peace, but dinner is going to be ready soon, and Granny Boone is expecting all our guests.” That was the moment that you realized that you hadn't eaten since yesterday. Quickly, you tucked away your pencils and closed your sketchbook. A brush of your pants had you free of any debris that remained on the ground.
“Dinner sounds wonderful.” You were surprised when the man offered his arm out to you. Deciding there wasn't any harm to it, the offer was taken. The walk back to the hotel was pleasant. The man asked questions every so often, centered around you. There was a certain charm about him that you found endearing and oddly attractive. Maybe it was because it was harmless. You wouldn't be here long, and surely nothing could come of it.
“Sounds like a noble cause, helping those that have served their time.”
“I don't know if I would call it noble. It's…just the right thing to do.” Buckman hummed for a moment before opening the door to the hotel for you. “Thank you.”
“It's not something most these days seem interested in, is all. Focus seems to be elsewhere for most.” That was something that couldn't be argued, and you conceded the point. “Why don't you go on and sit down, now. Dinner's almost ready.”
“Anything I can help with?” Just as you asked, an older woman appeared, all smiles just like Buckman had been.
“I won't turn down a helping hand, even if it is a guest. You mind setting the plates out, dear?”
“Not at all.” You took what she had in her arms and she motioned to send you away towards the table, only catching the briefest hint of low tones as if the two had waited for you to step away to talk. It was either your imagination or truly a private conversation. Shaking your head, as if the negative feeling could be physically removed, you worked on placing out the plates and silverware that the woman, who you assumed was Granny Boone, had placed in your arms.
Dinner was a fairly quiet affair. While Granny Boone was kind and funny, she most certainly took no shit and reminded you a bit of your mother. The cooking had been fantastic, and you had made sure to mention such.
Now, the boys were having dessert, Granny was playing the piano, there was an arm wrestling contest going on, and you were content to sit curled in a corner, working in your sketchbook once more. Instead of the town, you had decided to focus on the people in the room this time. Granny, in particular, since she seemed to be genuinely enjoying what she was doing.
Slowly, bodies leaked out of the room, though one slipped in after being absent. Buckman. He sat nearly atop the piano, sipping from a jug and just observing. While the music continued, the other noise quieted down slowly. Until you heard footsteps approaching. Nelson, of all people. The hoped that he wouldn't bother you if he wasn't acknowledged was squashed instantly. A little liquid courage was apparently the only thing needed for him to change his opinion of you being an uptight bitch.
As soon as the arm was around your shoulders, you shrugged it off and stood up. The two at the piano watched cautiously. You could see them trying not to gawk, and it just caused a rush of embarrassment to hit you.
“You can keep your hands to yourself. How many times does it take for you to realize that I'm not interested nor will ever be. Just because your friends with my brother doesn't mean I have to put up with your shit, Nelson. And, as far as I remember, your last opinion of me was that I was an uptight bitch. So, even if you were the last option on the face of this planet, it wouldn't happen.” Before he could attempt any retort, you walked from the room. The urge to run had been resisted by the skin of your teeth.
Stepping out into the cool night air was a relief. There wasn't enough light out here for you to finish your sketch, but that didn't matter since it meant that you were alone. Sitting down on the steps that led up to the hotel, a heavy sigh threatened to cave in your chest, and you buried your face in your hands for a moment. Breathe, just breathe. The mantra repeated over and over. God, did you hate confrontation like that. And to do so in front of practical strangers?
A soft weight rested against your shoulders, startling you.
“Easy,” Buckman nearly whispered. A blanket, he had wrapped a blanket around you. “Didn't mean to frighten you. Just thought ya might want something to keep the chill off ya.” He was being polite and not bringing up what had just happened.
“Thank you…” Another sigh and the wood creaked under his weight before he settled at your side.
“Some boys just don't learn their manners.” The comment brought a little, depreciating laugh before you could stop it.
“Understatement of the century.” A quiet chuckle was his response. “I'm sorry about that. My brother's friends have a habit of not thinking anything through.”
“Nothing you gotta apologize for, ain't any of that on you. They just need their mommas to tan their hides a bit more so they start respecting others.” You both fell silent as the small noises of the night started to echo out. Insects, birds, the rustle of trees and branches. It had always been pleasant and relaxing to listen to after the day had ended. The silence between you was comfortable, not awkward, and not one that you felt compelled to fill. He didn't either, it seemed. After a few more minutes, it was finally broken.
“I uh, see ya got that little book with ya. What were you working on in there?”
“This?” While you were always drawing, you didn't often share openly. But, there was something about the moment that pushed you towards it. A sense that he could appreciate it. “Nothing much. Just a little sketchbook.”
“Mind if I take a look?” He held out his hand but didn't move to grab the book, waiting for permission. After a second of hesitation, you wanted it over.
“The last one isn't finished yet….” The one of Granny Boone. The first few pages were random little ideas without too much detail since it was a relatively new book. The next three were from today. Two of the town and the last being what you had told him wasn't finished.
“Granny is gonna love this,” he finally spoke softly, amusing lacing the words, but they were genuine rather than mocking. “Ya felt that inspired by our little town?”
“There's certainly a draw.” You missed the giddy grin that overtook his features for a passing moment before it was schooled a little more into a more normal smile.
“I'm touched that you see such charm in our town. And lord, is there some talent here.” Well, there you go again, the heat rising to your cheeks. “Not too many see the town like this.” There was an odd note to his voice, then that caused you to look up. You couldn't place the emotion then. Longing? Desperation? Nostalgia? Either way, it settled there, making the usually peppy and excited mayor seem melancholy until the smile returned, brushed off as if it had been nothing more than a fly on his shoulder.
“Hard to see why. Nice southern hospitality, peaceful, little off the beaten path to make it feel separate from the rest of the world.”
“Glad you think so, darling.” You glanced back out towards the town once more before your world went black.
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aackxrmxn · 3 years
CHAPTER TWO: Healing Nicely - You're Ours Mesh'la (NSFW) Bad Batch Series
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Warnings: Established poly relationship, unprotected sex, slight choking kink, oversensitivity, slight hair pulling kink, Crosshair being mean ASF at the end :(, swearing, being called inappropriate names.
Plot: With your foot healing nicely, and time off from your duties, Tech and Hunter patiently wait for their promised time to spend with you.
Word Count: 3.7K+
Pronouns of Reader: She/Her
Gender of Reader: Female
Pairing: Hunter x Reader, Tech x Reader, Crosshair x Reader, Echo x Reader, Wrecker x Reader.
Author's Note: I'm back and better than ever! Welcome to the Tech and Hunter chapter! This chapter is probably poorly written (as I may have written this too late at night), but I still hope you enjoy the content! Once again, don't forget to like it and reblog as they help immensely! If I have forgotten any triggers/warnings, please let me know and I will add them. Strikethroughs mean the chapter is still being worked on, so keep in tune for when it is released! Happy reading!
THIS SERIES: << Chapter One: The Incident || Chapter Three: Waiting Patiently >> OTHER: << Masterlist || Wattpad || Tiktok >>
Taglist: @lackofhonor, @spp2011, @cynderquest (fill this form out to be added to taglist! Strikethroughs mean I couldn't tag you for whatever reason).
You woke to a sudden jolt, the ground shaking slightly. That's when you heard the annoyed voice of Crosshair, "Wrecker, will you quit it? Some of us aren't as cheery as you in the mornings." He grumbled and you rolled in your bed, the covers twisting around you as you opened your eyes.
You saw Crosshair sitting at the seats in the middle of the room, eyebrows furrowed together as he sipped the hot coffee in his mug. He was wearing just his blacks, but without a shirt and you bit your lip.
"See something you like, princess?" He asked suddenly and you giggled as you closed your eyes and rolled to your back before throwing the blankets off you and stood up. Tech and Echo were still asleep, snoring lightly beside you, Hunter was probably in the refresher as you saw the door closed and the dull red light showing the words of 'occupied'.
Slowly walking over to Crosshair, you took a seat next to him. He didn't turn to face you, but you saw the subtle hint of a smirk on his face. "Good morning, love." You whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. He closed his eyes at the contact.
"AW, what about me?!" Wrecker basically yelled, scarring Echo awake and Tech groaned and rolled to face the wall, slamming his pillow over his ears.
"Sh," both you and Crosshair hissed and Wrecker shyly apologised. "Come 'ere, big boy." You opened your arms and Wrecker took to opportunity to pick you up and spin you around playfully.
You kissed his chin as he set you down and felt another pair of hands on your hips then. You turned and gawked at the sight of wet-haired Hunter with no bandana on. "There any hugs left for me?" He asked and you happily leant into his arms and snuggled into him as his arms wrapped around you tightly.
"Good morning, Hunter." You whispered, knowing his was particularly sensitive to sound in the mornings; Wrecker probably not helping with his oversensitivity.
"Morning, cupcake." The nickname made you smile with a curiosity, cupcake... You had never been called that before. You heard Crosshair sniggered before getting up from the seat and making his way to the kitchen.
You pulled away to inspect Crosshair getting another cup of caff, yeah, he was the coffee addict in the Batch. "Never been called that before." You said with a giggle as you looked up at the tattooed man.
"Get used to it." He whispered, he then leant down to your ear, "unless you want to be called something a little more... degrading." You practically moaned at how deep and husky his voice was against your ear.
He leant back up then with a smirk and you squirmed in his arms still wrapped around you. "I wouldn't be opposed to the name, Sarge." His smirk widened, a darkness covering his eyes and you wriggled out of his grasp and walked over to the kitchen with Crosshair.
You placed a hand on his back and hugged him from behind as you saw he was turning on the stove to make eggs. He stiffened under your touch and pulled away quickly. You frowned, watching as he went to get the other ingredients.
"Don't take it too personally, Crosshair isn't much of a cuddlier." Tech then said beside you and you jumped a little, not realising his was there. You calmed down then and leant into his side. "I see your leg looks a little better. Angling your foot definitely had sped up the healing process."
You looked down at your leg as well, "y- yeah, it doesn't hurt too bad today." You said and smiled up at the genius of a man. "What do you have planned for today?" You asked then as he helped you to the chair where you sighed into as Tech turned on the warmer.
"Nothing really, maybe fixing up some of my incomplete projects. Crosshair, Echo and Wrecker were going see some of the markets that the Kaminoans had put together." Tech explained, kneeling down to inspect your swollen ankle and you winced as he unwrapped it.
"That's today?" You asked. "So this would be our first year anniversary of meeting each other?"
Every rotation, the Kaminoans put up some stalls in the cafeteria for the clones. It was basically the clones day off from duties and they could have fun with some of the games that were there. You remembered last rotation you had taken Jesse and Fives there and played 'tag and go'. Let's just say, some of the Kaminoans didn't like you breaking the chairs and tables as you leaped over them and hid. That was the same day you ran into Echo by accident, him splattering apologies left and right as he spilt his red, frozen drink all over you. You had laughed it off and he soon joined in too, and the other Batch members stood by him. It was a good day, and a day you wouldn't forget.
"Technically, yes." He said as he rotated your ankle slowly and softly. "I will give you some time with the compression wrap off to give your foot some air to breath." Tech stood then and went over and grabbed you a large cup of coffee. You felt the chair beside you dip then and turned to the other side to see Echo looking at you with adoration in his beautiful honey eyes.
"Good morning," he greeted and leant in slowly to press a kiss to your temple, hesitant like you were going to push him away. "Are you going to come and join us?" He then looked at your foot, realisation covering his face and he apologised.
"Echo, baby, don't apologise. You apologise too much," You giggled as you placed a hand on his stomach gently and leaned towards him to kiss his lips. He basically whimpered into your mouth and melted against you. "But no, I think I might chill out here today if you don't mind."
"Of course not, ma'am." He said and you giggled at the name. First cupcake, and now ma'am? It warmed your heart.
You leant into his ear then, "you know where you could call me that?" Echo's cheeks heated up drastically and he stuttered as he was about to speak, but Wrecker's hands came down on the back of the chair, almost tipping it with you and Echo seated on it.
"You ready, Echo?" He asked loudly, and Echo cleared his throat before nodding, giving you one glance back at you before getting up.
"The only reason why I'm going is because Kix said there was sniper gear there." Crosshair said, his usual scowl on his face. "Don't you dare bring me into any of your games." He warned Wrecker, pointing an accusing finger at him.
They left then and Tech handed you the caff he made before going over to his bunk and began fiddling with some wires and a piece of metal. "You're not going?" You asked Hunter as he sat beside you.
"No, I don't think I could handle it this rotation. It's too loud there, I barely survived last rotation." He explained and threw an arm over your shoulders and bought you closer to him. There was a silence then, just the quiet hum of Tech's gear as he continued to work on something. "So, we calling you mesh'la now?"
You laughed then, Tech looking over at you with a small smile. "Looks like it." You said and closed your eyes as you sipped the hot coffee, a small moan leaving your lips as the incredible taste. "Plus, I thought you wanted to call me cupcake, now?" You shot back and watched as Hunter's eyes made their way to your lips.
"Depends," he started, "cupcake is for the sweet and innocent you, mesh'la when you're being good, and well... something else if you've been bad."
"What if I'm extra bad?" You whispered then, watching how he licked his lips and his eyes roamed your face. "Would I be your dirty little slut?" You taunted.
You gasped as Hunter suddenly laid you back on the couch and giggled as his eyes dilated. "You better watch your mouth, mesh'la."
"I thought I was being called that when I was good." You commented, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him closer to you. "Why not call me your dirty little slut?" You asked huskily as Hunter groaned in your ear and nipped lightly at the sensitive skin under it. You fluttered your ears closed at the sensation.
"What? You wanna be a dirty little slut for us?" You moaned as he spoke against your neck and licked up it, leaving a hot trail in his wake. "Wanna be a good girl for us, or be a dirty little whore?"
You opened your eyes and made eye contact with Tech and smirked. "Depends if Tech will eat me out this time." You felt the wetness pool between your legs, hot and heavy breaths coming from your mouth as Hunter went lower, his damp hair on your skin setting fire in your belly.
He tugged your shirt off then, revealing the smooth skin of your stomach. "Maker," Hunter sighed, hands sprawling out on your stomach. "You're so beautiful." You blushed at his comment and felt Tech lift your head so he could situate himself there, your head in his lap.
Hunter ventured further, hands now kneeding the tops of your thighs and your wriggled impatiently before he took your sleep shorts off, careful of your injured foot. "Hunter," You slurred, you panted as you felt his fingers rub you over your underwear.
"Be patient, mesh'la." Tech mumbled, eyes transfixed on your squirming form beneath him. You tried to stop moving, grabbing onto Tech's pyjama pants as you felt your underwear being slowly pulled down from you.
"Maker," Hunter breathed again at seeing your already soaked core in front of him. "Every part of you is truly gorgeous, cupcake." He practically groaned as he began to kiss your inner thighs.
A shaky breath came from your throat at the contact, "please Hunter, don't tease." You begged, hands moving to cup his cheek. He looked up you with a glint in his eyes before slowly leaning in to lick up your pussy, never breaking eye contact.
The air left your lungs, feeling the sensation of Hunter's tongue on your lower lips and threw your head back against Tech's body. "Fuuuck, that's so good." You moaned as he circled the tip of his tongue around your clit. You whined as Tech's hand came down to kneed the soft plushiness of your breasts.
"Kriff, she's definitely not going to last." Tech pointed out as he noted how your body jolted when Hunter firmly sucked your clit into his mouth.
Hunter pulled back then, "I'd rather her cum on something else." He said darkly and stripped from his clean blacks he put on not long ago. "Is that okay with you, cupcake?" He asked as you saw his semi-hard cock being freed from his pants. You bit your lip and nodded at him, never taking your eyes off as he began to stroke his cock. He gently grabbed your jaw then, lifting your head to peer into his chocolate brown eyes. "I need you to say it, cupcake."
"Yes please, Hunter." You whimpered into his hand, spreading your legs wider for him to rest into.
"That's a good girl, mesh'la." Tech said huskily above you and you saw the dark glint in his eyes as well.
Hunter ran the tip of his cock through your folds and moaned quietly. "Want to let you know," he began, eyes fluttering closed, "that my enhanced abilities may not make me last too long."
You smiled up at him, cupping his face and bringing him down for a sloppy kiss. "That's okay, just do however much you're comfortable with." You said and he smiled back at you before completely sinking into you.
A hoarse moan made it past your lips, echoing in the room. Hunter grunted, resting his head into your neck before he began to move. "Oh, kriff-!" He moaned, feeling how you gripped around his cock snuggly.
Tech groaned as you peered up at him, hand reaching out to move a piece of stray hair from your face. Hunter leant up then so he was on his knees and began to thrust into you faster, causing you to moan louder.
"That's it, moan louder for us." Hunter gasped, face already flushed. His hands gripped the tops of your thighs again and pulled you down further on his cock, reaching deep within you; just as Crosshair had done the day before.
Tech leant over you then, fingers nimbly coming in contact with your clit and rubbed small and firm circles on it, causing a throaty groan to come out both yours and Hunter's mouth.
Hunter's hips snapped harder up into you and you heard the squelching sounds of your wetness coating his cock and whimpered quietly. Hunter began babbling incoherent sentences, thrusts becoming sloppy, "Cyare, not gonna-"
You moaned at the name, it somehow rolling off his tongue beautifully, even if you didn't know what it meant. "Please cum Hunter, cum inside me and fill me up!"
Hunter's hips stuttered then, a particularly loud moan coming from his mouth, deep and rich. "Karking- Y/N!" He spilled inside you, stopping his movements and letting his hot seed coat the inside of your walls. You moaned at the feeling of being used in this way.
Hunter shuddered as he slumped against you, heavy breaths leaving his lips. You stroked his hair, fingers massaging his scalp and he continued shuddering above you. "You okay, Hunter?" You whispered in his ear and he turned his head to the side to see you, an exhausted smile creeping up on his face.
"Y- Yeah, though I can't say the same about Tech." He said with a raspy voice and you almost forget that Tech was here, and looked up at him.
"If you don't mind, I would like my turn now." He said, voice probably just as shaky as Hunter's and you saw him palming himself through his pants, an obvious tent showing. Hunter slowly got off you, softened cock slipping out of you which caused you to whine, you hadn't yet cummed.
You nodded and Hunter moved off towards the bathroom, probably wanting to clean himself off. Tech moved so he was where Hunter was and took his pants off, throwing them absently on the floor.
"Baby," You whined, "get yourself some relief." You said and moaned as he ran his cock up and down your pussy so he was lubricated; not that you needed it. "Fuck..." You moaned as he slipped inside you then, your warmth completely enveloping him and he grunted as he pushed himself further inside you.
He leant down then, his face inches above yours and you resting your forehead against his. ""Can I move?" He asked then and you nodded desperately. He started with a softer pace, moaning as he pushed back inside of you.
You felt a hand on your head then and looked up at Hunter who gave you a warm smile before he disappeared again. Tech hit a soft spot inside you, and it snapped you back to reality and moaned loudly.
To quieten you, Tech kissed you, full of passion and hunger and his hips sped up more. You moaned again, into his mouth, before his tongue slipped past your lips and into your own.
Your hands reached up, wrapping around his neck and tugged at the strands of his hair there, causing an audible gasp to leave your lips. "Tech," You whimpered as he angled his hips higher, hitting an extra soft spot inside of you. You shook, feeling the heat of an orgasm bubbling to the surface, "Tech..." You warned then, nails digging into the back of his neck.
"That's right, mesh'la, I want you to cum around me. I want to feel you gush around my cock as I spill inside you." Tech spoke dirtily, and you gasped as he dived for your neck.
"Fuck, fuck, fuuuck." You chanted, legs tightening around his hips as you almost were tipped over the edge, all you needed was that extra push. "Tech, baby, please..." You were whining for more, anything more.
Tech sat up then, but never faltering his movements. His hand came around your throat then, squeezing it, but not as hard as what Crosshair had done. His other hand came down to rub your clit in furious circles and that's when you came. You shouted his name, the hand only wrapping around you tighter as a response and your whole body shook violently.
You heard Tech groan then, hips stuttering as Hunter's had done as he spilled himself inside of you. He grunted your name, releasing your neck to grab onto the chair to steady himself.
"Well, that was something." You heard the husky voice of Hunter then and finally opened your eyes to meet his chocolate brown ones above you.
"That was good." You huffed, still out of breath and felt Tech pull out. He and Hunter helped you sit up then before Hunter grabbed a cloth and began to wipe you down, eyes lingering on your cum-soaked cunt.
You took a breath, leaning into Hunter's side as you closed your eyes. "You want me to help you with a shower?" Tech asked and you opened your eyes to see the pilot with a warm smile on his face.
You giggled and nodded and he helped you towards the refresher. "I'll let you know if I need help." You told him, leaning up to kiss his cheek and you smiled again. He closed the door behind you and you looked at yourself in the reflection, eyes scanning over the love marks Tech had made there, and you giggled as you turned on the shower.
The hot water cascaded down your back and you moaned, delighted by the hot water relaxing your sore and used muscles. You heard the front door whoosh open then and Wrecker laughed loudly. You shook your head and laughed as you grabbed out your shampoo and began to wash your hair.
"You should have seen the food that was there!" He yelled, probably stuffing his face with whatever was there. "I saved mesh'la some! Where is she?"
"She's in the refresher, now be quiet." Hunter said, as you heard boots walking away from you. "Hey, don't go eating all of it! You said you were leaving some for Y/N."
"Oh, right... I forgot." Wrecker said, and you could already see his face drop.
"There wasn't any rifle gear there," Crosshair sniggered, "and I see you were busy."
"AW, did I miss out on that?" Wrecker asked, sounding upset.
Tech interrupted and cleared his throat. "It was a fair ordeal, we hadn't yet been with Y/N. Wrecker, don't be selfish."
"Real fun, you even spilt the coffee on the chair we just got." Echo noted and you felt a tinge of sadness creep within you and you quickly finished washing your hair and body.
You wrapped a towel around your head and body and stepped out of the refresher, everyone's eyes turning to you. Wrecker gawking at you the most. "I didn't mean to spill the coffee, I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's alright. Nothing Tech or myself can't clean up." Hunter said, stepping towards you and cupping your face between his palms. "Plus, it was our fault that it spilt, not yours." You smiled as he squished your cheeks playfully and leaned in to hug him.
"How touching..." Crosshair muttered, pulling out a new toothpick after throwing the other on the floor. "Well, remind me next rotation to not go to the markets if it means I can fuck Y/N."
"She's not a plaything," Echo said then and Crosshair scoffed.
"Yeah, and that's not what you thought when she willingly opened her legs for us?" He retorted and you shrunk back at what he said, hiding behind Hunter's body.
"Hey, don't say that about Y/N! She's gorgeous and stunning, and you should learn to respect her!" Wrecker shouted, shoving his brother.
Crosshair shoved him back, "Respect a whore that opens her legs for anyone? I think not." You wanted to cry, feeling hot tears make their way to the surface. "Plus, she's not even that good at anything, so why keep her around? Throw her out for the next man to fuck her."
Hunter spun then, punching Crosshair right in the face and making him stumble back at the suddenness of the impact. "Quit talking like that about her!" He shouted, never had you heard him raise his voice this much.
You stepped back, your back coming in contact with the door of the refresher. By now, tears had soaked your cheeks and your whimpered, catching Echo's attention.
"Hey, it's okay. Come here." He said softly and took a step forwards as Crosshair threw Hunter off him. You shook your head and quickly opened the door before slamming it shut behind you and locking it.
A shaky breath caught your lips as you slid down the door and onto the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Hunter asked as more tears slipped from your eyes.
"Y/N?" Tech suddenly asked at the door.
"G- Go away." You whispered, sniffing.
"I have clothes for you." You took the clothes from Tech then, quickly opening the door before slamming it back shut again. You got dressed in the plain white shirt and black leggings he handed you and saw your teary reflection in the mirror.
You took a deep breath then, opening the door and saw Hunter still standing over Crosshair. Their eyes turned on you, and you tried your best not to slam the door again.
You limped your way over to the front door. "Where are you going?" Echo asked and you turned to face him.
"Away." You spat, "Don't follow me. And you," You pointed at Crosshair, "Don't you dare talk to me ever again!" And with that, you slammed the door in front of them all.
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Nine // Wanda Maximoff
chapter eight | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter ten
author’s note: a bit late with the update today, my bad. I’m just very exhausted lol. Hope you like it though! bit beefy, just how i like it 😂
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I should have realised Wanda would be a handful after literally grabbing my arse less than a metre away from her fiancé.
The final straw came when we were sat together at a table, talking to a guest who wanted to know more about the wedding plans. Y/B/N had left Wanda alone for the remainder of the evening for God knows what reason, so I was left to babysit her and make sure she didn't do anything stupid. Of course, drunk Wanda was also disobedient as well as truthful and clingy.
As the woman we were sat opposite was talking about her own wedding – the first of three, apparently – Wanda's hand kept playing with mine under the table. I shot her a serious look before slapping it away gently. That wasn't enough though, as several times after, she continued to play with my fingers and intertwine hers in mine.
Not wanting to draw attention, I pushed Wanda's hand under her thigh with hopes she'd keep it there and stop fussing. I didn't think she was even listening to the woman and the story of her wedding dress debacle, as she was leaning on the palm of her hand and watching with boredom.
At one point, just when I thought Wanda was finally behaving, I felt her hand rest on my thigh, creeping up dangerously higher. Clenching my jaw to contain both the arousal and frustration I was feeling, I flicked my foot against hers before stuffing her hand under her thigh again. Glancing at her, she was smiling innocently in my direction.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" the woman stopped mid-talk, looking to Wanda.
Wanda straightened up in her seat, flashing the woman a bright smile. "Yes. But if I may ask–"
"Oh, no..." I mumbled, already internally facepalming.
"–don't you think my almost sister-in-law is very pretty?"
My head snapped to hers as I attempted to disguise my panic with a nervous smile. The woman looked between us, waiting patiently for Wanda to continue.
"Good looks runs in the family it seems," Wanda said, stretching her hand out to caress my cheek, but I immediately caught it before she could, chuckling awkwardly.
The woman found Wanda's behaviour funny as she nodded in agreement. "The Y/L/Ns are a very good looking family indeed. Especially your fiancé, dear. What a handsome man he is."
Wanda hummed in agreement, but her eyes were only focused on me. Under any other circumstances, I would have appreciated how cute she was and been touched at her words, but now wasn't that time.
"My lovely almost sister-in-law is particularly drunk tonight I'm afraid," I spoke truthfully to the woman, offering an apologetic smile. "I should make sure she's okay."
"Of course," the woman said, nodding. "It was nice speaking to you both."
I smiled in response for both of us before leading Wanda away from the table and to an emptier-looking part of the room. Spinning around, I gave her a disapproving look.
"You can't say that," I said quietly, shaking my head. "Not here. Not now."
She licked her lips, wearing an enchanting smile, unbothered by our surroundings. "I can't help it. I'm so in love with you and you look irresistible tonight, milaya (darling)."
I sighed, my neck growing warm as she watched me with adoration. "Okay, I think it's time to call it a night."
"No, I want to stay," she whined, but I ignored her and turned around to think about how we could leave.
Once again, I felt her hand squeeze my butt and when I turned around to scold her, I saw my brother over her shoulder, approaching us. I forced a smile on my lips and glanced at her with a glare. She grinned in response before joining my side and facing my brother with me.
"Hey, how are you?" he asked when he stopped by us.
"Good," I answered for us both, afraid Wanda would say something suspicious.
He nodded, smiling a little. "Thanks for keeping Wanda company tonight."
Using that as my opportunity, I said, "Yeah, about that. She's kind of drunk, so I think I'm going to take her home."
"Oh," he said with realisation. "I don't mind taking it from here."
I pursed my lips, desperately trying to think of a reason to stay with her. Thankfully, I didn't have to.
"How scandalous of you to want to me somewhere after hours with nobody else around," Wanda poked fun, attempting to make him feel uncomfortable. It worked.
"Oh, no– I didn't mean it like that," he said quickly, flushing at her insinuation. "Never mind." Looking to me, he added, "You should take her home and make sure she's okay. Maybe stay with her until her family gets home so you don't have to head home yourself."
I nodded, ignoring the proud smile on Wanda's lips. "Okay, see you later."
As I led Wanda outside the house and towards the carriages parked outside, I gave her a grateful look.
"Good thinking back there."
She chuckled. "He's so easy to manipulate."
"Not nice," I said, but couldn't stop the amused smile from playing on my lips.
The two of us got in the back of the carriage after I gave the driver her address and settled in. Wanda was quick to tilt my head towards her and connect our lips, but I pulled back quickly, making her frown.
"You've been very frustrating this evening," I said with a warning tone. "We get home and you get to bed. That's it."
"Well, that hardly seems fair," she said with a shake of her head. "I believe I behaved."
I tried not to laugh. "In what world, love?"
She smiled widely, eyes darting to my lips. "Some alternate universe."
"Smooth," I played along, before facing forward. "Sober up, dear. The ride isn't long."
When we reached her house, it was a struggle getting her to her bedroom, but it was an even bigger struggle getting her dressed. I managed to get her dress off, but she kept trying to kiss me as I tried to put her nightgown on. Between fits of laughter, she pushed my hands away and made me step back.
Hands on my hips, I stared down at her with a ghost of a smile on my lips. "Are you done? You can't just sleep in your bra and knickers."
She laughed, sat on the edge of her bed and looking up at me with tired eyes. "One kiss and I'll let you dress me."
"Definitely no." I shook my head. "We both know what happens after one kiss."
"When will there ever be an opportunity where we're alone together in my home?" she tried to make a point, but her accent was especially heavy, entwined with her drunkenness and making it harder to believe her logic.
I rested my hands on her shoulders and leaned my forehead on hers, staring into her eyes with amusement. "My beautiful love, you are drunk. We will not have sex when you're drunk."
Her hands tugged me closer by the waist as she smiled up at me. "But I know what I want. And I'm certain it's you."
"Not now," I repeated, removing her hands from my waist.
She pouted and I chuckled before kissing it away. Her tantrum seemed to tire her out as I was able to get her dressed after that, managing to tuck her under the covers.
"Stay with me," she mumbled, fingers clawing the air as a gesture for me to join her.
Nobody would be back for a while, I realised, and nobody was home.
"Fine," I gave in quickly, before kicking off my shoes and jumping into the bed beside her.
She grinned, snuggling into my side and breathing out contently. "Ya tak sil'no tebya lyublyu (I love you so much)."
I kissed the top of her head, holding her close and hoping she couldn't hear the rate of my heartbeat pick up. "I love you, too, Wanda."
We stayed like that, in each other's arms, until I sadly had to get up and leave her. She was asleep by the time her family returned, her face relaxed and without the constraints of reality. I smiled to myself, feeling overwhelmed with how much I was in love with her. I was lucky to have met her, I knew that much, but I was also unlucky to have met her under our circumstances.
As usual, I couldn't help but wonder what could have happened if we weren't in the wrong lifetime...
I kissed her once more, whispering an 'I love you' to her, before leaving the room and wondering if one day I might be able to stay under the covers with her, cuddling until I fell asleep, too.
"It won't take long, I just need to give him this," Wanda said nonchalantly, referring to the notebooks in her hand. "Then we can grab lunch."
I nodded and the two of us walked down the street until we located the Maximoff Publishing House. I'd been here a few times when visiting my brother and it always gave me a fuzzy warm feeling, my brain formulating daydreams where I could be published, too. But that's all they were – daydreams.
Wanda held the door open for me as I walked in and I gave her an appreciative smile before she followed after. She led the way to her brother's office at the back of the building and we passed several desks – editors, authors and other employees alike – before reaching it. Through the window, Wanda and I could see Pietro sat behind his desk, pen working away at some papers.
"Piet," Wanda called, knocking on the door.
He looked up and grinned, instantly motioning for us to come inside. I followed after Wanda and closed the door behind us before stopping in front of his desk.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you came!" he exclaimed, standing up and stretching out his hands ecstatically. "I didn't think you would if I'm being honest."
I tilted my head, bemused. "Er... pardon?"
"Piet, she doesn't–" Wanda started, making me look to her. She cut herself off with a sigh, massaging the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. "Oh, God."
"I'm not sure what's happening here," I said with an awkward chuckle, before taking the notebooks from Wanda's hand and dropping them on Pietro's desk, "but these are for you. Wanda said you left them at home."
He chuckled, pushing the notebooks to the side, before reaching into his top drawer and throwing some pages before me. "These are genius, Y/N."
My brows creased together with confusion as I lifted the pages, looking through them to see what had got him all happy. As my eyes skimmed the writing, my heart dropped. This was my writing.
"H-how did you get this?" I stammered, looking up at him.
His eyes flickered to Wanda and I immediately put the pieces together, my gaze falling to her. She smiled bashfully before avoiding my eyes. She'd given him my work without telling me? And she'd tricked me into coming here for this?
"I want to sign you," he stated, clasping his hands together. "Your work is amazing, arguably better than you brother's. You really undersold! And the fact that these are just excerpts means your actual completed work is even better. And I want it here at Maximoff Publishing."
My palms were sweaty as I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what. He wanted to sign me? Like, properly sign me?
"Y/N?" Wanda prompted, making me look her way. She watched with encouraging eyes, nodding to her brother.
I swallowed hard and looked to Pietro. "I'll have to think about it."
My family's reaction would not be kind, I knew that now. All my life I'd been hearing about how it was unladylike and unattractive for a woman to be a writer, how I should just leave the writing to Y/B/N. He was the writer and I needed to get over it because nobody would want to publish me. Yet, here we were.
"Y/N, what are you saying?" Wanda asked, resting a hand on my forearm to get my attention. "You've talked about being published for ages."
I was beginning to regret mentioning that silly fantasy to Wanda. If I'd known she was going to give my work to her brother, I never would have said anything.
"It's fine, Wan, she just needs time to mull it over," Pietro said dismissively, before smiling at me. "I do hope you'll decide soon though."
I forced a small smile his way before turning to leave. When I reached the empty hallway, Wanda was quick to run after me, tugging me backwards so I would face her.
"Why did you do that?" I asked instantly, frowning, feeling betrayed. "What made you think I wanted this?"
Her fingers touched mine gently as she looked between my eyes. "You've told me you wanted this. I know you want this."
I shook my head, letting go of her hand and stepping back. "I can't believe you took my work and gave it to him without asking. You shouldn't have done this, Wanda. You're making waves and–"
"You deserve this," she proclaimed sternly, silencing me. Her eyes were fiery as she stared hard. "You deserve to get the credit, too. Not just your brother. It's about damn time, Y/N."
My lips pressed together firmly as I held her stare, though she was winning as she told me everything I'd wanted to hear. Just once, somebody believed in me, but I was so used to hearing otherwise that it felt foreign.
"Pietro wants to help," she said, expression softening. "He recognises talent and you have it. Maybe I should have asked before giving him your work, maybe I shouldn't have. But I know that it was the only way to push you. You're so content accepting what other people want that you don't chase what you deserve."
Her passion and belief for my work warmed my heart to the core and I was certain that I'd never been more in love with her than I was now. She didn't have to care, but she did. For once, somebody did.
"Nobody will like this," I muttered, half-convinced but still worried about the drawbacks. "It could destroy your brother's career. It could backfire."
Wanda shook her head, stepping forward and resting a hand on my neck, thumb stroking the skin comfortingly. "He wouldn't take the risk if he didn't believe in you."
I placed my hand over hers, taking it between mine as I squeezed it gently, gratefully. I didn't know what else to say, since she'd countered all of my arguments. Everything apart from my family's reaction, which she couldn't control.
"I did this for you," she murmured, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me in for a hug. "For you to finally get what you deserve. So that you can make your own money and nobody can take it from you."
She paused as I returned her hug, though I was pondering her words, not knowing she felt that way. It sounded like she'd given this some thought. More than she was letting on.
"Especially if you get married," she added after consideration, and I pulled away, ready to say otherwise, but she closed her eyes and shook her head. "No, I know you don't like talking about it, but it needs to be said." She opened her eyes and I realised they were glassy with unshed tears. "I need you to be okay when it happens. I don't–" She sucked up a breath, smiling to relieve the tension, though it was full of pain. "I don't want some man owning you."
"Any money I make will belong to him anyway," I said, knowing she knew the world we lived in.
A downhearted chuckle escaped her lips. "You wouldn't allow that, Y/N, we both know that."
She wasn't wrong. But the thought of even being married to somebody that wasn't her made my heart crumble in my chest.
"Just think about it, okay?" she asked pleadingly. "Promise me you'll think about it? Properly?"
I nodded, reassuring her with a sad smile. "I will. I promise." She sighed with relief, tense shoulders relaxing. I continued quietly, "Thank you, Wanda. For all of this. For everything."
She nodded, before laughing to distract from the tear that slipped from her eye. I felt bad, but there was nothing I could do. She was so concerned about my future without her and it pained me to see. We never talked about it – an unspoken agreement – because it was too difficult to accept.
"Come on," she said, changing the subject. "Let's go get that lunch we came here for."
I hadn't made up my mind about the publishing deal, but I was starting to veer towards a 'yes'.
A few days passed since Pietro made the offer and I hadn't told anybody of it. Only Wanda knew and she hadn't brought it up since, clearly not wanting to pressure me into a decision which I appreciated. It made me realise that I really wanted this for myself. I deserved this for myself, even if I'd been taught otherwise.
It was those few days later when the Maximoffs came over for dinner and it was the first time I'd seen Pietro since he made me the offer. When he greeted me at the door, he smiled brightly.
"I assume you haven't made a decision," he noted.
"You assumed correctly," I said with amusement, though I could tell he really wanted to know.
"Very well," he said with a shrug. "I guess I'll just have to change your mind."
I quirked a brow, wondering what he meant by that, but he simply walked past me and into the living room. Wanda smiled at me next, squeezing my hand and greeting me with a hug.
"You okay?" she asked lowly, a hint of concern in her eyes.
"I'm good," I promised. "Are you?"
"Yes," she said with a small smile. Just like her brother, I could tell she wanted to know what I was thinking.
After our two families conversed in the living room for a while, dinner was served by our servants and we all took to the table to continue our chatter.
"So, Pietro," my father started, looking across the table to him. "How is business going at the publishing house?"
I should have known what he would do when he glanced at me with mischievous eyes.
"It's going great," he answered my father respectfully. "We've actually sought out a new author to add to the list of names we represent."
My eyes widened when I realised what he was doing.
"Oh, really?" my dad asked with surprise. "Who is he?"
Pietro looked in my direction and I forgot how to breathe. "It's actually your daughter, sir."
All eyes fell to me as I locked my gaze on the cutlery beside my plate.
"Y/N? You want to sign Y/N?" asked my dad for clarification.
"I do," he said with a grin, and my face was heating up the longer this conversation went on. "Wanda saw her work and thought I'd be interested. I am. I think she'd make a great fit at our publishing house. And if she has a manuscript to show us, then I'd love to publish it."
"You did this?" Y/B/N asked Wanda with raised brows, jealousy intertwined in his voice.
"Yes, I did," she answered, unaffected by his irritation. "She's really talented."
I risked glancing up, smiling at Wanda appreciatively. She nodded in response, the corner of her mouth lifting adorably, making my heart flutter.
"She really is," Pietro agreed, before looking to my dad who still seemed taken aback. "She probably got that from you. Writing seems to run in the family."
My dad looked at me across the table, his eyes softening. All of our conversations flashed to mind where he claimed he was discouraging me for my own benefit. But now, everything he'd thought wouldn't happen was. Would he still be against the idea?
"D'you really think she'd sell?" he finally spoke, looking to Pietro, and I couldn't contain the smile from my lips.
"Yeah, don't women struggle with their first book?" my brother asked, and when I examined his expression, I saw the distaste.
"I actually think she'd do really well...," Pietro began to explain, before going into a long rant about numbers and sales and past examples.
As he spoke, my brother got progressively more frustrated and I frowned, wondering why he couldn't be supportive like our parents were being. Did he want to be the only author in our family that bad? Or was he just afraid that I wouldn't help him with his own books anymore?
"Thank you for explaining all of that," my dad said once he was done. He smiled, impressed, looking to me. "I actually love the idea."
I felt lightweight when he said that. Things were actually starting to look up for me. My dad was actually supporting my passion and it was all I'd wanted to hear since I was a kid. Trying to hide my elation behind a smile, I took a sip of water. 
"Maybe Pietro is just trying to sweeten Y/N up so he can propose," Y/B/N suddenly said, making me choke on my water.
Looking to him with disbelief, he had a friendly smile on his lips, but I saw right through it.
"Y/B/N," Wanda scolded beside him. "Don't joke about that."
"Yeah, I can assure you that's not the case," Pietro added with a chuckle, unfazed by my brother's bitterness.
"I know that," I said reassuringly, before glaring at my brother. "You don't need to dignify him with a response, Pietro."
Changing the subject, my mother spoke up with a laugh. "Well, I think this is delightful. Y/N has always loved to write and I used to think it wasn't an appropriate future for a young woman, but if you are saying it could be, then I'm fully supportive of the idea."
I smiled at her, unable to believe she'd actually said that. She was the last person I thought would approve.
"Pietro has a good eye with these things," Oleg pointed out. "If he thinks it'll be successful, it will be."
My parents began to talk about how writing was something I'd loved for a long time, but I wasn't really listening because I felt overwhelmed with happiness. Pietro caught my eye, winking playfully, and I hoped he knew how grateful I was at what he'd done. Under the table, Wanda's fingers laced through mine and I didn't let go. Giving her a sideways glance, I thanked her with my eyes. She smiled widely and I tried very hard not to kiss her.
"...it's not the conventional route, but Y/N deserves it," my dad said, and I perked up with realisation.
"Maybe Wanda could break the conventional, too," I said, wanting to repay the brunette beside me.
"What do you mean?" she asked with furrowed brows.
I gave her a smile of disbelief. "Wanda, your art. It's stunning. Everything you create could easily sell for hundreds of pounds."
Her lips parted with surprise as she struggled to find words.
"That's not a bad idea, you know," Iryna said with thought. "Especially if Y/N's signing goes to plan."
Oleg groaned playfully, looking to my father. "This is happening so quickly... our girls are growing up, Y/D/N."
My dad chuckled alongside him as I stroked the top of Wanda's hand with my thumb. She squeezed it gently and I smiled to myself.
"You'll make tons of money," I said with certainty. "Your work is incredible, Wanda."
"I'll make enough money to support the both of us," Y/B/N said, doing a terrible job at hiding his frustration.
I looked over Wanda and to him with a hard stare and fake smile. "It's not even about the money to be honest. Maybe it's just about Wanda doing something she loves."
He nodded in agreement, though his eyes glared daggers at me. "I agree. And I won't stop her. But there's no need to sell her work. She can still practice her craft as usual. Heck, I'll even get her a studio."
I quirked a brow challengingly. "And what if she wants to sell it?"
Y/B/N clenched his jaw behind a forced smile. I ignored the warning look Wanda gave me in my peripheral and didn't dare look away from my brother's gaze. This was a side to him that I definitely didn't like.
My mum suddenly laughed to clear the air, but it was nervous and concerned. "Ah, sibling rivalry. Such playful nonsense."
"I believe the dessert is coming out now," my dad added, stealing the Maximoffs' attention away from my brother and I. "We're having soufflé."
With a final glare to my brother, I returned to eating. Any chatter of Wanda and I's potential careers ceased and my parents attempted to make the rest of the meal worthwhile.
As much as I wanted to be excited at the possibility of accepting Pietro's deal, especially since I had my parents' support, I couldn't help but think about what just happened with my brother. What was his problem?
When the meal ended, we all had some tea in the living room before bringing the evening to a close. At the door, we said our goodbyes to the Maximoffs and I was sure to thank Pietro.
"You didn't have to do that back there," I said as we shook hands, "but thank you. I think I know my answer now."
"Anything for my sister's best friend," he said with his signature charming smile. "And I hope it's what I think it is. Though, I suppose you won't tell me now."
I chuckled, shaking my head. "Not now."
"Soon, I hope." He nodded conclusively. "Have a good evening, Y/N."
Wanda shoved him out the way before I could respond before pulling me in for a hug. Pietro didn't seem offended as he gave me a knowing look over her shoulder. I stared back inquisitively, but got distracted when Wanda broke the hug, finding my eyes.
"You okay after what happened?" she asked gently, eyes subtly gesturing to my brother who was bidding her parents a goodbye.
"I'm okay," I reassured her with a smile. "Thanks for tonight."
She returned my smile. "Thank you. I think my parents actually took me seriously for a change."
"It's the least I could do," I told her, fully aware of everything she'd done for me.
Her smile widened, eyes flickering to my lips conspicuously. I shoved her gently, knowing what she was thinking and reminding her that we were in front of both of our families right now. She rolled her eyes playfully before stepping back.
"Such a handful," I mumbled jokingly.
When they left, the first thing Y/B/N did was storm off to his study. My parents exchanged glances before looking to me.
"Be nice," my mum warned.
"We'll see," I muttered under my breath, looking in the direction he'd gone.
Oh, was he about to get a piece of my mind.
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
Time and Chance II
Characters: Kaeya, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 2,702
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: Confessions are tricky things. Sometimes it takes week, maybe months, maybe years of building up courage for one to happen. And sometimes life throws the oddest wrenches in our paths.
In which the reader confesses.
Author’s Note:
Sorry for the lack of Zhongli. I feel completely awful currently and though I wrote part of his scenario it was really poor in quality so I decided to stick with Kaeya and Xiao. I’ll get to him and Keqing another time I promise. Also don’t worry this isn’t life or death I just need to sleep it off lol. I realize between this and my computer there’s always something and I feel a bit guilty about it. At least I hope everything’s up to par!
This also probably won’t get proofread tonight.
 I hope you enjoyed my extra fic for Valentine’s Day! To all the lovely people who requested prompts I will be getting to those next week. Have a lovely night and thank you so much for your patience!
Perhaps falling in love with Kaeya wasn’t the most original thing you’d ever done, but by the time you’d come to that conclusion you were too far gone to care.
You loved Kaeya, or at least you liked him a lot. As someone who looked up to the Knights of Favonius there was something intriguing about the man who was simultaneously one of its lynchpins, and a sort of rogue state of a human being. It didn’t hurt that he was stupidly good looking, and a bit of a smoother talker. Okay, maybe more than a bit, but you didn’t really mind that. It was nice to be flirted with sometimes, and Kaeya had the sense never to take it too far.
You figured that Kaeya was at least somewhat aware of your feelings. Though you never asked about it, it seemed somehow too brash. Instead you figured that, in the months that had passed since your friendship had begun – for you did see it as a friendship by now – Kaeya had become aware and decided not to comment on it, as to not hurt your feelings. Though you wouldn’t go as far as call it noble of him, you certainly appreciated it.
So this charade continued on. You two remained close friends, or rather close friends in your estimation. Kaeya continued to flirt and you continued to ignore your personal feelings. It was truly an odd song and dance, but it wasn’t one you were about to change, not willingly anyways.
It’d become a bit of a tradition to patrol together. Seeing as you were an adventurer yourself and Kaeya was, well, Kaeya, you two had eventually decided it was better to make one long patrol together than two shorter patrols apart. Besides wasn’t the rule safety in numbers?
It was an exceedingly boring patrol, and as it neared its end the atmosphere between you two grew from semi-serious to absolute buffoonery. Kaeya had challenged you to see who could pick the most flowers the fastest, then who could control their vision’s element the long, then eventually, seized by some divine genius, he suggested that you might see who could run the farthest on the walls of Monstadt without falling over.
“This has got to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever agreed to.” You grumbled good naturedly. “Don’t blame me if you go tumbling off and end up with a broken leg.”
“I trust you’ll lift me to safety before that happens.” Kaeya answered back, eyes alight with his daredevil proposal.
“My anemo vision isn’t your personal elevator captain.” You reminded him. Hauling yourself up on the walls so you were on the farthest side you flashed a thumbs up. Kaeya nodded.
“Okay. Three… two… one and three quarters.”
“Kaeya.” You huffed, eliciting a chuckle from the knight.
“Okay, okay. Three, two, one, go!” The two of you ran as fast as you could, scrambling up the turrets, too concentrated to talk. Kaeya was laughing though, and eventually you found yourself laughing too, thrilled by the recklessness you were indulging in and the freedom to be doing it with someone apparently as stupid as you were.
“I’m getting ahead~” Kaeya chimed. You scoffed, quickening your pace. Kaeya did likewise, and for a moment it seems you two were going to be running the entire wall in this position. That is before Kaeya slipped.
“Shit.” He cursed, waving his arms like a madman. This only lasted a few seconds before he truly tumbled off, heading towards the stone paved ground. You didn’t say anything, though your brain was screaming various incomprehensible things. You simply clambered off your perch, hands already outstretched, praying to the god Barbatos that you could manipulate air you couldn’t see.
Luck was on your side as it turned out, and your swirl of wind caught Kaeya before he hit the pavement. Gliding down you shook your head wildly.
“Great gods Kaeya you scared the shit out of me!” You knew that you were screaming slightly, but you couldn’t help it. The whole situation had riled you up, leaving you panicked and not fully in control of your emotions.
“I’m fine! Honestly I am. I’m only sorry I lost.” Kaeya chuckled, but his laughter was weaker than before and his expression was slightly shocked.
“It’s not time to joke around Kaeya!” You shot back. “You can’t be so reckless! I know that it was also my fault for agreeing to it, but honestly! What would Monstadt do without you? What would I do without you?” You paused then, realizing that what you said held certain implications you’d been hoping to keep under wraps.
“What do you mean?” Kaeya’s expression immediately became brighter. Figures he’d read the meaning into your words. Honestly the man was too emotionally intelligent for his own good.
“I meant was I said.” You replied, figuring that there was nothing else to say. The truth was all but out now. “I really don’t know what I’d do without you Kaeya. Now I’m going to tell you something I’ve been hiding for a while, and since I saved your life and revealed it in the process I just want you to take it seriously, okay? I’m not joking, and now that I’ve said it I want to make it explicit. I like you. Like, I like, like you. And I know that I’m just your friend and that you’ve probably been aware of it for ages, but it’s out in the open now, okay? You don’t have to reciprocate or anything, that’s not it. I just… want to let it out.”
You stared at Kaeya, trying to gauge his reaction as much as possible, unwilling to look away. Unsurprisingly the news hardly seemed shocking to him, but instead of his smile slipping from his face it only grew wider. “You’re kinda oblivious you know.”
“I – what?” You sputtered, slightly offended. This wasn’t where you expecting it to go. “I don’t expect you to reciprocate, but leave the teasing alone for now at least!” So much for calling Kaeya emotionally intelligent.
“You’re reading this the wrong way!” Kaeya held up his hands, before stepping closer to you. “I just can’t believe that you’ve been my friend this whole time, had feelings on top of it, and never noticed that I was just as interested in you. I mean I’ve been flirting with you for months.”
“You flirt with everyone.” You scoffed, although the argument seemed to hold a bit less weight when compared to the jubilant, slightly smug look on Kaeya’s face.
“You may be right about that.” He admitted. “But c’mon. I don’t flirt with them like I flirt with you. I certainly don’t take them out on patrol.” His expression turned softer then, and he shook his head. “I know that I joke around a lot, but I promise, I wouldn’t joke about this. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you though, that was a fault on my part.”
“So you mean I’ve been hiding my feelings all this time for nothing?” You deadpanned, feeling overwhelmed. The situation still seemed too good to be true.
“Sounds about right.” Mischief was creeping back into Kaeya’s voice. “But it’s all right now! Your prayers have been heard! So, since you were the one to admit your feelings, I’ll be the one to ask the question. Want to date?”
“Yes.” You replied, sure of your answer.
“Good.” Kaeya replied, before pulling you into a hug, one you gladly reciprocated. It had been a hell of a day, and while you wouldn’t relieve Kaeya’s fall for anything you felt somehow lighter, as if a great burden had been lifted off your shoulders. He liked you, Kaeya liked you. For you, for now, that was all that mattered.
Once you’d decided to admit your feelings to Xiao you’d immediately followed up that decision with the knowledge that you were going to have to break it to him slowly. You’d been friends with Xiao for over a year now, and though you were cautiously optimistic as to how the adeptus would take it, you still knew that he wasn’t the kind of person who would be at all comfortable with a sudden confession.
Confessing your feelings was in itself an act which required all the courage you possessed. You weren’t sure when you’d truly started falling for Xiao, it had come about so gradually. But before you knew it you had grown to love him. You loved the way he talked, the soft cadence of his voice though often impatient was still filled with enough softness to make your heart flutter. You loved how, despite all he’d suffered, he still retained a begrudging love for the world, especially Liyue, which he once revealed to you would always be the one thing he loved, even if he loved nothing else. You loved everything, his hands, his eyes, the way he walked, the way he kept going despite it all. You loved it so much it hurt, and now you found that your love wasn’t something merely to be pushed away. If the odds of Xiao rejecting you were almost 100 so be it, at least then you’d be proud of yourself.
You spent quite a bit of time mulling the whole thing over, before the answer struck you. Xiao refused the gifts you brought him after some of your adventures, and when you’d once asked him what he might accept he’d shifted his gaze slightly towards the side, one hand running itself through his hair. “…Almond… Tofu.” He’d admitted. You’d been delighted by the revelation at the time, promising yourself you’d learn to make it. And what was a better way to show your feelings than to do so now? Not only was it something he’d like, it was something you’d made yourself.
So you gathered all the ingredients, borrow a receipt, and set to work in Wangshu Inn’s kitchen.
Unfortunately you’d failed to predict how difficult Almost Tofu was to make. It’d been hours and you had nothing to show for it but dirty utensils, a scarcity of ingredients, and a few mysterious blobs that looked about two steps away from inedible. Leaning your head on the counter you let out a groan. Why the fuck did you think this was a good idea?
“What’re you doing?” A familiar voice broke through your reverie.
“Xiao!” You exclaimed, glancing around you. There was no use hiding the project, although technically nothing was looking even close to Almond Tofu right now. “I was, I was trying to make Almond Tofu. But I guess I’m no good at cooking.” You laughed, more than slightly embarrassed.
Xiao’s eyes narrowed, and he raised an eyebrow. Saying nothing he walked over to the counter. Grabbing a cloth he started wiping down the counter.
“What’re you doing?” You asked, slightly confused and extremely surprised.
“Teaching you.” Came the reply. “Come on, let’s start again. Have you washed your hands since your last attempt?”
If cooking was difficult without Xiao it was impossible with him. The whole time you couldn’t help butbe aware of his presence, the way he stood behind you, leaning forward ever so often. Once you hadn’t been mixing fast enough and he placed his hands on yours, pressing his chest against your back. Your grip had immediately lost all strength, and you were sure that Xiao was the only one actually working. His breath was warm against your neck, and his palms were warm and dry. It was all too much, and you spent the rest of the lesson only half paying attention, too wrapped up in his proximity to you.
Despite the distractions this batch turned out, well looking like Almond Tofu. You couldn’t help but smile when seeing the finished product. Even if you didn’t make it completely yourself, there was still something about creating that gave you a sense of pride. Even if you did need help from the person you were going to give it to.
“It’s done.” Xiao proclaimed, a slight smile of satisfaction on his face. “I hope you enjoy it.”
“Oh, well actually I made it for you.” You grabbed the plate and approached the adeptus. “I know you said it was your favorite, and the only thing you’d accept, so, I made it!” You smiled slightly, though inside you were a bundle of nerves. This was happening. Holy shit this was happening.
The surprise on Xiao’s face was evident, but he nevertheless took the plate. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks he pressed into the tofu, causing it to almost immediately separate. Taking a bite a smile crossed his face. “Thank you,” he said, “it’s very good. I’m surprised you remembered.”
“Of course I did!” You replied, voice slightly hurried. “And, um, well I’d like to tell you something.”
“What is it?” Xiao’s slightly concerned look returned. Setting the plate down he crossed his arms.
“Well… you see.” You glanced at the floor. “I know this will probably seem very sudden, and maybe not very proper; and I know that this is something that’s purely one sided, but the fact is I like you. I like you more than a friend and, well… yeah.” You finished, feeling as if you’d just spoken some utter nonsense.
Glancing up you noticed how rigid Xiao had gone. Mouth twisting into a nervous frown you shook your head. “I’m so sorry! I know that you aren’t really, well you’ve said you aren’t familiar with the way humans experience the world. And I don’t want to put you on the spot, that’s the last thing I wanted to do. I’m sorry it’s so shocking.” Glancing away you started worrying your hands together. This had gone so much worse than you’d expected it.
“I don’t understand,” Xiao finally spoke, dropping his arms to his sides, “I don’t understand why you’d like someone like me. I’m not a human, and in terms of adepti I’m far more cursed than most. You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t like some like me. I bring disaster.”
“No you don’t!” The objection came naturally to you, horrified as you were by Xiao’s view of himself. “You’re one of the most wonderful beings I’ve ever met, human or adeptal! You’re kind, and you try to understand the pain and emotions of humanity. And you never push your burdens onto others despite carrying such heavy ones. If that’s not the mark of a good person, well then I don’t know what is!”
“I still don’t understand.” Xiao said, voice softer than usual but just as matter of fact.
“I’m sorry I pushed this onto you.” You said, suddenly feeling a burst of regret, turning around you made to leave the kitchen.
“Wait!” Xiao’s voice was loud and slightly jarring, his hand caught your wrist in a grip that, while gentle, was still firm. You turned around, unsure what to expect. Xiao sighed, closing the distance between you two. “When I said I don’t understand, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.” There was a pause as he collected his thoughts, looking down, shaking his head slightly. “I don’t understand how humans think, nor how they feel. But, when I’m around you I’m happy, happier than I’ve been in a millennia. And I want to be around you, all the time sometimes. I want to know more about you and I want you to know more about me. So, if that’s what you mean, then… I also like you.”
Xiao glanced back up towards you and your eyes met. You felt slightly floaty all of a sudden, as if you’d gotten very, very drunk. Everything was too sudden, your emotions had changed too quickly. But through all your confusion you understood one thing. Xiao liked you, he liked you. He wasn’t going to reject you or push you away. The thought was enough to bring a smile to your face.
“So you really like me?” You asked. Though you knew the answer now you still wanted to hear it again. Just in case.
“Yes.” Xiao replied, a smile once more adorning his face. “I like you.”
And that was all you needed to hear.
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Return to Sender: (Richard Alonso Muñoz x GN reader)
What is this? This is 4/10 one-shots/blurbs for my “friends to lovers” event. I’m not gonna share the prompt as it’s spoilery, but it was requested by @sergeantkane​ who is a genius for picking this combo! It’s a prompt about LOVE LETTERS! Omg! And thus, it matches perfectly with Richard (trust me, I had NOT made that connection when I made the prompt list :P). Thank you so much for requesting, Clarke, and I hope you enjoy it. I’m excited about this one!
If you’d like to read/keep track of the other fics, I’m keeping an up-to-date friends to lovers list in my pinned post.
Author’s note: Oh, I really quite like this one. Hope it makes you feel as soft as I did for Richard while writing it! Also- it’s my first bash at writing him, so let me know what you think! Thanks to everyone who helped with film details too: those not already tagged in the post- @prurientpuddlejumper​ @witchyavenger​ @veuliee2​ @waatermelon-sugaar​ @pascal-isaac​
Word count: 4.5 k. So not a blurb, then? :P
Rating: Mature, for light steam (not explicit, but 18+ or out, please!)
Warnings: mentions of food/eating. Mild angst (but it ends well), Steamy. Kissing, brief non-explicit mention of erection. Implied coitus (cut scene). Richard works in a “correctional facility”. Small mention of attempted break-in. If I missed any let me know.
Tagging: @anetteaneta​ @isvvc-pvscvl​ @nowritingonthewall​ @supernovafeather​ (ONLY READ IF 18+)
GIF by @nathan-bateman​
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“Have you ever received a love letter?” Richard wonders shyly, without looking up from his crossword puzzle, his long eyelashes fanned out as his gaze dances over the monochrome squares.
Meanwhile, your eyes snap up immediately from your magazine, which you are idly leafing through, a breath catching in your chest.
You bristle at the question, and yet Richard seems either entirely oblivious, or entirely determined not to look-up at you. Perhaps both. So, instead of looking, he simply slurps the dregs of his milkshake, and pushes his plate of waffle remnants further toward the far end of the diner booth.
When he finally raises his gaze – a gentle prompt for you to answer him- his eyes are large and shining under the fluorescent lights as he peers at you over his glass, dabbing at his thick moustache with a paper napkin shortly after.
“No, never,” you state sadly, heeding his prompt with a small smile and a shake of your head. Not even a love e-mail.
“I’m surprised,” he flatters with a cautious smile. And, if you’re not mistaken, his eyes light-up with the faintest trace of desire. The barest undercurrent of passion, which is enough to have your heart beating like a drum. You notice it sometimes; this dull heat emanating off of him. It is a spark which never ignites, however - to your endless disappointment; you would fan that flame if only you knew how.
You swallow. He’s surprised? He can’t be that surprised, you think, a stone sinking through your stomach as you dwell too long on the topic of love letters, and meanwhile, Richard’s attention seamlessly diverts back to 3 across.
“You deserve one,” he says, still looking at the page, but a smile animating his wiry moustache. “A letter.”
You wrap your arms around yourself, a spiralling sadness catching hold of you. Does he not understand what this is doing to you? This painful reminder? “Can we drop it, Richard?” you say tensely, and when his eyes meet yours again, they are even more soft and cautious than usual, causing you to admonish yourself for the bite in your tone.
“Yes,” he says. “Of course,” he smiles thinly, apologetically.
It’s simply the new job, you think. Director of Communications. The man has letters on the brain. Richard is so considerate, that you realise he must not intend to hurt you in dredging up the past; he would never. In a way though, you think, it’s even worse that he brings it up so… casually. You can only conclude he has forgotten that you sent your letter to him at all. Had your heartfelt words, declaring your love, had so little impact on him?
Maybe that’s it. After all, they seemed to have so little impact upon him at the time. What could you expect years later? On the other hand, you -apparently- remain rather sore about the topic, all this time later. It’s natural to be sensitive though, isn’t it? You’d written him a love letter and he didn’t write you back. He didn’t say it back. Didn’t feel it back.
And, perhaps it still stings so much, even all these years later, because you never did stop loving him, even if he never started loving you.
Feeling a sudden, overwhelming haste to leave, you thumb through the pages of your magazine so furiously that the next table turn their heads to look at you, until you find what you were searching for.
“Here, Richard. The article I mentioned. Dramatherapy for people who are incarcerated.”
You fold the magazine back on itself, fobbing it off on him with an unprecedented urgency, hurriedly signalling to the waitress that you’d like the check. The roomy diner booth suddenly feels suffocating, and you want to get out. Meanwhile, oblivious, Richard chuckles at the title of the article -some kind of pun, you recall- as you try to push down the unpleasant emotions surfacing within you.
“Thank you for this,” he smiles, looking up at you earnestly. Looking concerned as he reads the expression on your face. “Are you alright?”
Your eyes fix on the table, where his fingertips inch hesitantly across the surface, hovering moments from yours as he debates whether to extend comfort. You make the decision for him, snatching your hand back from his reach.
“Yes. I’m Fine,” you say, unconvincingly. “Can we please go? I need some fresh air.”
“Alright,” Richard agrees gently. He looks a little flustered, but, now sensing your urgency, he begins to sweep up his papers and to shrug on his jacket. He pulls out a small comb to fix his neat curls in place, and offers you a soft smile. “Maybe we can go to the park next?” he suggests.  
As much as you want to run, you nod, some of your agitation dissipating now that the prior topic seems to be forgotten. “Okay. Yeah. That would be nice.” You school your expression into something calm, and you offer him a reassuring smile as his soulful eyes dance over you, a lingering but unobtrusive concern there.
As you split the check, you tell yourself for the millionth time that being his friend is enough; but even after the millionth time, you can’t quite believe it.
Still, today -Sunday- is your one day with him this week. And, no matter what you can’t have; you’ll take anything you can get.
He’s too dear to you to settle for anything less.
One month later:
You crouch in amongst the boxes on Richard’s front lawn. He is having a clear-out, setting out some items for goodwill, and some for a neighbourhood yard sale happening next weekend.
You are having fun assisting him in sifting through various items, occasionally bursting into a fit of laughter when he reveals yet another ill-informed, late night shopping channel “bargain” – usually some new-fangled, scarcely-used exercise contraption, which he proceeds to demonstrate in good-humour, making you fold over clutching your stomach in mirth. Occasionally, as you rifle through the boxes, you’ll be overcome by a pang of sentimentality when he uncovers an item with a memory attached; and -no matter how useless- he usually sneaks said item into his ever-growing “to-keep” pile.
“But this is the picnic hamper we took to Bound Beach Island! For your birthday, remember?”  
“Yeah, Richard, but it’s battered! It has holes! It needs to go.”
“It was a beautiful day. The light and the dunes were beautiful… and… and y-“
“-Oh my goodness, what is this?! Please for the love of God tell me you never actually wore this!”
You work through the midday sun until you come to a tired, dead halt on the grass, finally parking your ass down and wiping your brow. Richard looks warm too, a “v” of sweat soaking his old, oversized “Save the Turtles” t-shirt. No - he really doesn’t throw anything away. You smile fondly, though, remembering his sea turtle phase. Of course, he’d read some article. He always was looking for a cause.
“I’ll make us some iced tea,” Richard announces with a tired puff of breath, looking more spent than he probably wants to admit after shuttling the various boxes. Still, the way his grizzled curls have fallen away from his harsh side-part appeals to you, sitting disobedient and undone on his forehead.
Thinking of him undone, you hear a faint beating of drums sound in your chest.
You ignore the music though, like always, instead smiling gratefully as he heads inside, and you take a second to collect yourself before dragging the nearest box towards you, deciding you may as well continue. This next box is taped securely shut, and you chuckle quietly to yourself when you notice it’s labelled “workout-gear”.
You peel the packing tape away and open it up, scooping out the pile of miscellaneous papers sitting right on top. Beginning to leaf through, you surmise it’s mainly unopened junk mail; mainly garishly printed promotional flyers - from a pizzeria which closed down years ago, you recognise. Probably hastily stuffed in before his last move and never dealt with. Absent-mindedly, you begin to bundle it up for the recycling pile, when a smaller, more humble envelope drops out on to your lap, a hand-scrawled address on the front. The stationary is resoundingly familiar.
In fact, everything about it is familiar.
Your heart hammers in your chest as it immediately dawns on you.
It’s your letter.
The letter you sent him, all those years ago. You’d needed to be apart from him- needed to go away to take care of family, and you simply couldn’t go without letting him know. Letting him know you were in love with him.
The memory is like a slow knife sinking into your chest as you idly turn it over in your hands.
But… It can’t be…?
It’s… unopened.
All the air leaves you lungs.
No. No. It doesn’t make a shred of sense.
You’d spoken to him right afterward, on the phone. The first time he’d called after you left town he’d almost pleaded with you, giving you an unequivocally clear, and endlessly painful answer that he didn’t want what you wanted. What you’d written about. He’d made it abundantly obvious that he simply wanted to be friends. “I- I don’t want anything to change. I want everything to stay exactly like it is between us – please? Can we still talk every day?”
But if he didn’t read it…?
You heart pounds so hard that you hear blood rushing in your ears.
He doesn’t know.
His words didn’t mean what you…
Oh my god. All this time.  
You shoot abruptly to standing when you see him approach, as if you’ve been caught red-handed, guiltily stuffing the letter into your back pocket before he can ask you what it is, an abundance of thoughts screaming in your head.
He hands you the glass of tea, ice tinkling gently, and you take it from him, the coolness shocking your palms.
Assessing what you’ve been up to in his absence, and noting the carcass of another box, Richard glances down at the pile of papers strewn at your feet. He looks suddenly worried for a moment, as if you might have found an old porn stash or something – and he looks just as suddenly relieved when he sees they are more innocent papers, scooping them up from the grass.
“Richard?” you say, your eyes burning a hole in the back of his head, and the letter burning a hole in your pocket as he drops the items into the recycling. He hums for you to go on. “Do you... You know when I moved away...?” your voice is strained, and you gulp hard. “Just before, do you remember getting any unusual letters or... weird post from me?”
“Like what kind of thing?” he asks curiously, turning back to you.
“I don’t know exactly,” you lie, nervously. “I have a feeling I sent you something? A sappy goodbye thing?”
You see him mull it over, combing his impressive moustache with his fingers. “I don’t remember, sorry. But apparently I was drowning in junk mail at that apartment. Maybe it got lost, or returned to sender?”
Despite everything, you exhale a small laugh. In a roundabout way, you suppose it had been returned to sender after all. You look at the ground.
“Was it important?” he asks, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand as he looks at you.
Biding time, you take a sip of your tea while you search for an answer. It’s refreshing.
“It… Uh. It was a long, long time ago. Doesn’t matter now, I suppose,” you muse, masking your sadness, and he nods, looking at least half-satisfied with your answer.
Except, it does matter. It matters more than anything. And, with a sudden, overwhelming need to grab on to the past, you track to the “to go” box, rescuing the battered picnic basket from the pile of junk.
“You shouldn’t get rid of this,” you state, your back to Richard, hoping he doesn’t notice the way your voice falters. You tense as you feel him settle by your side, his hand hovering tentatively at the small of your back but never quite touching. “It was a beautiful day.”
“No,” he insists. “You’re right. I shouldn’t hang on to it.”
His words are like a punch in the gut. You turn your head to your side, where Richard is, your eyes and heart almost overflowing.
Noting your sadness, and connecting it to the picnic basket, he does everything he can to smooth things over, like always. “We can get a new one,” he says, his brown eyes sweet and hopeful and bright.
You love him. You love him still and you can’t help but turn towards him and reach out your arms, dragging him in for a hug.
“No! No, I’m sweaty,” he protests self-consciously, but you don’t care. You just need to hold him, even only for a moment – and, for a moment he stills as you loop around him, never quite clutching you back.
When you pull away though, you could swear that dim spark of passion is present in his eyes again. That spark that never catches, no matter how much or how often or how hard you wish it would. Oh, how you wish.
“Don’t ever change, Richard,” you say sincerely, your voice imbued with fondness. “Okay? You’re a sweet, wonderful man.”
His eyes are immediately soft and bashful again, the colour of his cheeks deepening a little, a crimson undertone blooming under his brown skin.
“Yes. Okay,” he offers, with a nod, his eyes creasing at the corners, and his posture even bolstered by the compliment, you could swear, his chest puffing out proudly.
For the rest of the afternoon, you ignore the unread words in the back of your pocket; but for the life of you, you can’t ignore those drums.
One month later:
You bundle the yapping, happy little white dog into your arms, relieved that she’s okay as her little tail happily beats against your arm.
“Are you okay, Lady?” you coo as she nuzzles her snoot into your face, eagerly lapping little kisses on to your cheek. “Thanks goodness, sweet little floof,” you baby-talk as your eyes quickly scan around Richard’s place, setting his spare key down on the kitchen counter.
You’d barrelled across town to get here, after receiving a call about an attempted break-in. His neighbour to the left had your contact details in case of an emergency -it’s not very easy to reach him at work, of course- so here you are. You came to give things a quick checking over, assured that no-one suspicious had continued to loiter. Richard won’t be much longer -his shift has nearly ended, and you’d left him a voicemail so you’re sure he’ll hurry- but you still thought you’d go on ahead of him, especially so that he wouldn’t worry about Lady.
Looking around, thankfully all seems well, and you don’t think anyone made it inside after all. Slowly then, you allow your nerves to calm and your heart to settle, bouncing the little bundle of fur in your arms, and feeding her a treat from the packet on top of the microwave, just in case she’d been stressed out.
Calming, you can’t help but smile as you look around, absorbing all the little details of Richard. You do hang out in his apartment a fair amount, but most often you will meet or sit outdoors, when the weather allows. After all, he loves to feel the sun and fresh air on his face, especially after spending all day cooped-up in windowless rooms. To you though, this Richard-ness is like a breath of fresh air, and you let it all wash over you, drinking in the details of his simple daily routine. The discarded half-plate of frijoles and rice by the sink. The ironing-board piled with identical uniform-issue shirts, pants, and plain white t-shirts. The photos on the fridge door – some of you and him too.
Doing a lap of the living space, you further note the dining-for-one TV table, evidence of his relatively solitary existence, and you can almost see him sitting there. Can almost hear his soft voice relating the far-fetched storylines of his favourite telenovelas. You imagine him chuckling warmly - perhaps shedding a tear sometimes too.
You decide you should pop your head into the bedroom and bathroom to check there too, for good measure, and you set Lady down, the dog trotting along at your heels. Once you’ve done a loop, you sigh, seeking out a fresh task, and you circle back to the sink, scraping his discarded plate and rinsing it, stacking it in the dishrack. Then, you move towards the TV chair, intending simply to sit yourself down and wait for Richard to come home. After all, you’re here now - you may as well say hello; or, maybe you can even prepare him dinner after his long shift, you muse.
As you revisit the small, rickety table, however, your eyes more keenly notice that a bunch of papers are strewn over it, all identical- a series of pastel pink leaves of paper and envelopes.
Handwritten, in his familiar scrawl.
Letters addressed to you.
Your brow furrows in confusion, as you wonder what they could be. You don’t want to invade his privacy, of course, but perhaps this is something that’s meant for you? After all, sometimes he leaves you notes when you come over to feed or walk Lady.  
Still, this feels different, and, with a lump in your throat that you don’t quite understand, you pick up one of the leaves at random, skimming the first line, yet feeling only more confused than you did before.  
You see your name at the head of the paper, followed by the words “my dearest love,”, and underneath, some other half-formed paragraphs, scribbled over and crossed out.
No, you shake your head, your stomach flipping over. That can’t be right, you think, even as your fingers scramble for another leaf - for leaf upon leaf, until you piece together what’s going on. Until, with every line you read, fragments of both English and Spanish, you feel as though you are piecing together his heart.
Could it be true? Is this really true?
Your fingers dive for a sheet more developed that the rest, where you see paragraphs of writing, and you devour the words like you are starved of love; for you are, aren’t you? Starved? And yet, you suddenly feel so full. Brimming.
My darling,
There are infinite ways to fall in love. Some are elemental, like a raging fire. A shock of lightning on first sight. Some are slow-burning and constant, the heat of friendship warming your hearth, defrosting your iced fingertips when you come in from the cold.
There are infinite ways to fall in love, and I should know, my heart, as I have experienced every one of them with you.
You can barely read the rest as tears blur your eyes, and your hand comes to clamp over your mouth as realisation sinks through to the pit of you, the page quaking -like a leaf- in your fingers.
You make my heart beat like a drum. When I look at you, I am music, without being played. When you’re with me I am dancing, without movement. If only you would touch my skin, I feel like I would sing. If only you would-
“-Are you safe? Are you alright?” Richard asks from behind you, and you tear your eyes away from the page with a start. You were so absorbed by this swell of beating music that you didn’t hear the scrape of his key in the lock. You didn’t hear his hurried footsteps coming up behind you.  
“Richard,” you suspire, and for once his touch is on you without hesitation, his hands clasped around each of your shoulders, slowly running down your arms, and you nod quickly to reassure him, your mouth opening wordlessly. You’re safe.
His touch is warm through your clothes, and you think he is right- your skin would sing for him too if he touched you. Your love rattles you, like drums beating musically in your chest, pulsing through your body.
Then, Richard clocks your sideward, guilty glance at the pile of letters, and you see his panic instantly surface at the thought of all his unsent and unspoken words laid bare before you. All the pieces of his heart exposed.
At first, he looks apologetic, but then you step forwards a little more, into the circle of his arms. Arms which suddenly fall, unsure, at his sides once again. And, achingly slow, endlessly sure, you lift up you hand and you place it on his chest, over his heart, smoothing over his shirt and over the cool metal of the shield he wears there. You feel his heart really is beating like a drum. His chest is rising and falling beneath your hand, his breath quickened – eyes nervous.
You step a little closer, and your fingers continue their slow crawl, dancing up around his collar, inching further up until your fingers finally brush the bare skin at the nape of his neck, pushing up into the curls behind his ears, your thumb skimming his sideburn. You touch him, with your fingertips, and he does sing for you, a half-choked moan leaving his mouth at your tender caress.
“Richard,” you say breathily, searching his face, eyes openly appraising his beauty. “Don’t worry, sweet man. I love you too.” And, when you next meet his eyes there is no nervousness there. Not any longer. Instead, you find his dark, expressive eyes brewing with adoration, and that gentle but ever ascending note of passion.
“Darling, can I kiss you?” he pleads, his voice dogged by desire, his brow knitting together and his hands slipping bravely to your waist, circling you as you arch into him.
“Yes. Yes,” you say, and his mouth meets yours in a desperate, tumultuous crush. You sing too, your skin thrumming as you finally know the feeling of his thick moustache brushing against you. As you taste the sweet flavour of cherry sucker on his kiss. As you finally feel the texture of his slicked curls beneath your fingertips.
You kiss, urgently, until you are each smiling too broadly to continue, and instead Richard beams and presses sweet, intermittent kisses all over – your cheeks, your forehead, your hair, your neck- his moustache tickling wherever it touches. His hands are everywhere they can be politely, roaming over your back and your arms and your hair, and it feels so good to finally be held like this.
Eventually, he pulls back, his smile no longer tugging at his lips so keenly -lips now kiss flushed with deep colour- but shining in his liquid eyes. “How long have you loved me back?” he asks in a still choked, disbelieving voice.
You bite your lip, but then allow your face to split in a radiant, unrestrained grin.
Always. Always. I loved you first, you think.
You reach for your bag, reluctant to break from him so trailing your love’s hand in yours- and you fish out the letter. The one you’ve carried around since it was returned to you. “Take a look, Richard,” you encourage.
He looks from you to the small envelope, turning it in his spare hand as you pass it to him. “What is this?”
His brows rise in confusion as you tap the stamped postmark with your index finger. Years. Years ago.
“I sent you a letter,” you explain. “Telling you I loved you. That I love you,” you correct, squeezing his hand tightly in yours, amazed at how natural it feels already, to touch him.
He audibly gasps in air, looking pained. Devastated. “I never got it. I would’ve-“, he fumbles for words, but he can’t finish them, the magnitude of all those years lost to yearning too big to wrap his lips around. “I never got it,” he repeats sorrowfully.
You shake your head. “Don’t worry about that now,” you soothe. “I got your letter.” And, as you engulf him with your arms a soft smile takes over his features once again. He can’t help it.
“I’m so glad you did,” he beams, drawing you to him for another kiss, which you eagerly accept, opening your mouth to him.
God, he’s a good kisser, his tongue in you deep and eager, and the heat generated is quick to catch, a fire lit in the pit of you. That moustache is a divine thing too, his lips soft and full beneath, his mild-mannered tongue positively sinful as it works against yours.
Letting the kiss grow, you grab hold of him by the belt to draw his body closer to yours, arching your hips into his, and you feel an impressive bulge greet you as you do so.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers bashfully, angling his hips away from you, in case you’re not ready for… that yet. “You’re perfection. So perfect, I… I’m a little bit, uh, excited.”
You don’t blame him. You’re a little bit excited too. There’s a drum beating in your chest. Music in your heart. A song everywhere. A dance in your body.
“W-would you like to take me to the bedroom, Richard?” you purr, softly. “We’ve waited long enough, don’t you think?”
You wish you could capture the bliss which sparks in his eyes then, and keep stoking it forever more. His whole being glows as if you are the sun shining down on him. He loves the sun on his face. He loves you.
He loves you.
Later that night:
At some point after round three, Richard is ravenous, and so you head to the kitchen to grab some snacks. One of Richard’s plaid shirts wards off the slight chill, settled over your otherwise naked body. As you microwave something quick, you can barely keep the smile from your face – even more so as you glance over at the table full of half-finished letters. As the microwave pings and you grab out the plate, another idea occurs to you, and you simply can’t help yourself.
So, you pad mysteriously back towards the bedroom, where Richard is waiting. The blanket is slung low over his hips, skimming the dark trail of hair which draws your gaze down beyond his abdomen. He is covered, and yet you bloom blissfully with heat at your new-found knowledge of what lays beneath. He’s laying with one hand folded behind his head, and one hand rested on the soft, roundness of his stomach, which you had laid your head on only moments ago.
Richard’s eyes shine with unadulterated admiration as you enter, and you flash him a mischievous smile as you transfer the plate to his hands, and subsequently tip a cascade of his letters into the middle of the bed.
“What’s all this?” he asks, with a contented laugh as you bounce eagerly into bed by his side, humming in equal contentment as you slot yourself under his arm.  
“I want you to read them to me. Will you?” you ask, sweetly, and he looks bashful all over again. “No-one has ever sent me a love letter.”
“Me neither,” he chuckles. “Or I thought so…”
He hesitates, perhaps feeling shy, but he wraps his arm around you securely, nuzzling you into his side as he picks up the closest leaf of paper.
He hums gratefully as you begin to stroke his smooth chest. He really does sing whenever you touch him.
“They’re not finished,” he caveats. “I wanted to find the perfect words and I… I couldn’t.”
“The words don’t have to be perfect. It’s more important that they’re delivered,” you say, your voice soft as you sink into him, and so, he gently clears his throat and he begins to read, his words and his rich, soothing voice filtering over you like warm sunshine.
After a moment listening, and letting his love and his letters envelop you, you interrupt him gently. “My sweet man. Promise me you’ll never write me another love letter?”
“Are they that awful?!” Richard exclaims.
“No!” you laugh, into his chest, tipping your chin up to look him in the eyes. “They’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. It’s just… I think I hate love letters, Richard. They’ve only ever kept me from you.”
His expression becomes wistful, lost in thought until a smile finally captures him. Then, with a finger curling gently under your chin, he dips down to plant a small kiss to the very tip of your nose.
“No more letters then,” he promises softly. “Let’s always promise to say it out loud from now on. Let’s talk every day.”
You heart full, you bring your hand up to caress his cheek, before planting a gentle, lingering kiss to his lips; and, despite what you’d just suggested, you plead for him to keep reading to you, his voice and his love lulling you to sleep in his arms.
With the love letters as kindling, your dim spark finally catches, your fire now blazing. You set it in a hearth in your chest, and you vow to keep it stoked for always.
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UNPLANNED, Jeff & Glenne’s wedding
Jane tugged at your pearl necklace, her flower girl dress was already wrinkled at the bottom and she probably needed a snack.
“Do you know where he is?” Glenne’s voice was frantic, and if you hadn’t already seen the writing on the wall, now was a good time to realize she was a terminally stressed-out human. The day of her wedding was not exempt. 
“He’ll be here,” you reassured her, watched as her mother zipped up the back of her dress. “He said he was writing some last minute additions.” 
Clicks from the photographer’s camera cut between her words. “Y/N, if your boyfriend ruins my wedding, so help me God.”
Lexi appeared from the bathroom, her arms outstretched to take Jane from you and offer her some cheerios. “Who’s ruining what?”
“Harry is gonna ruin everything,” Glenne turned around, her lips were perfectly glossed, hair tousled in a divine way. She was perfect, she looked beautiful, but her anxiety was through the roof and no one seemed to know how to calm her down. 
“Harry is going to be fine,” Lexi assured her. “And you literally had the last six months to freak out over asking him to officiate your wedding, so…”
“Well he’s late--he’s not even here and we’re supposed to start the ceremony in--” Glenne looked down at her phone on the bed. It was blowing up, Jeff, presumably, just as anxious and likely freaking out over Harry’s absence. “Three minutes. We’re supposed to start in three minutes.”
You held back a giggle and smiled at your friend. You couldn’t tell her, you couldn’t explain that this was all part of Harry’s plan: freak her out and make her think that he’d dropped the ball, waited until the last second to write up the ceremony and get things in line. Buy some time and keep her in the hotel for a few more minutes. Distract, distract, distract.
But he wasn’t late, he was somewhere outside, his lateness was the distraction he and Jeff had put in place to surprise Glenne with a performance tonight from an artist Glenne had been obsessed with for literal decades. 
Jeff was in on it, too--which Glenne had no idea about. His last minute texts where he bad mouthed Harry’s lack of punctuality were all a ruse, one that you were starting to laugh about when Glenne looked up at you with wide eyes. “What is so funny? This is comical to you?”
“No, no,” you shook your head. “I just know it will all be okay. He’s been so excited to do the ceremony, Glenney.”
“Well,” she sighed, looked over to Lexi and then to her sister, two cousins were also waiting in the living room area of her suite. “Should we go out there?”
“Yes,” Lexi nodded. “And let’s get you a drink while we’re at it. This is supposed to be fun, remember?”
“Oh I remember,” Glenne smiled, “I just hope I don’t have to murder anyone tonight.”
You rolled your eyes, took Jane back in your arms when she giggled at a silly face Lexi made. You followed them out through the hotel hallways and onto the beautiful grounds. A clear top tent sat off in the distance, lights strung up to its peak for the main event. Your heels wobbled on the manicured lawn and Jane squinted in the Southern California sun. You were ushered into place, hoping that she would be able to waddle down the aisle and throw out petals like you had practiced the night before. 
Jeff and his parents had already gathered beneath the ceremony trellis, they looked tiny in the distance, stood in front of the ten rows on each side of the aisle. In the middle, almost blending into the flowers and rose bushes behind him, stood Harry. 
Glenne’s sister spotted it first: “What on earth is he wearing, Y/N?”
Lexi and the other bridesmaids burst out laughing, the sight of Harry in a white hotel bathrobe and slippers was enough to make Glenne freeze. 
“Oh my fucking God,” Glenne laughed, a smile cracked on her face when she turned to look at you again. “He’s literally getting murdered tonight,” she giggled. “Always has to be the center of attention, doesn’t he?”
Jane giggled when the others did, a woman with a headset barked more orders for everyone to line up, the rest of the groomsmen appeared and linked arms with their assigned partner. 
Harry--being the person he was--knew damn well that Glenne would lose her shit over him wearing a bathrobe to officiate their marriage ceremony. Which is why he had a partially unbuttoned dress shirt underneath, boxers on and pants waiting nearby. He wouldn’t actually perform the ceremony like that, but he wanted her to have a heart attack thinking he might. 
You weren’t too sure about it at first. Get Glenne all riled up right before her wedding, piss her off and give her a good reason to think that Harry officiating their wedding was the worst decision they’d made? Risky.
But they needed a diversion, something that would keep Glenne’s attention away from the tent and away from the smuggling of a superstar into her wedding--one that she’d planned every single detail and minute of months in advance. 
When you listened to Harry and Jeff talk about it in your living room and plan it all out, the robe, the book, the scotch--you knew that the surprise would be worth it and you knew she’d be thrilled with the outcome. Even if she was left thinking for a little bit that Harry was an asshat.
Jeff was right, it has to be something stupid and big and totally weird to throw her off course. 
I’ll take on for the team, Harry agreed.
Soon the music played and everyone fell into step. Jane didn’t cry, instead she smiled at Harry at the end of the aisle and wobbled forward in her party shoes, holding onto your fingers as she smiled at the guests who waved and cooed in her direction. You took it upon yourself to toss the petals out and hoped it would suffice for Glenne. 
Yet when she made her way down the aisle, her eyes meeting Jeff’s for the first time today, everything else seemed to melt away. Harry’s robe was not the center of attention, and he pulled on some trousers and fixed himself up in the first few minutes of the ceremony, all the while using it as a way to break the ice. 
“Glenne might be one of the most diligent, hardworking, and responsible people I know,” he said to the crowd. “She’s also quite Type A and I figured giving her a good scare right before she marries Jeff would use up any nerves she might have today.”
He smiled in your direction before continuing. “And Jeff is also quite Type A--he’s an incredible manager and friend and partner, and being able to join the two of them today in marriage will likely be the highlight of my year.”
Maybe it was being in front of a crowd, or maybe it was the glass of champagne she’d downed in the hotel room right before coming outside, but Glenne softened once Harry had tugged up his trousers and gained enough of a laugh from everyone. 
They’d written their own vows, words of promise that brought tears to your eyes and made Jane clap her hands together excitedly. She cheered when they kissed, and you were pleased that phase one had gone as swimmingly as it had. 
Glenne was so swept up in the moment that she had seemed to forget all about it, happily strutting down the aisle with Jeff by her side when the music played again. You stuck around and let Jane crawl into Harry’s arms as guests filed out. “Do you need me to do anything?”
“No,” he shook his head, leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips. “She doesn’t suspect anything, right?”
“Not at all,” you smiled. “But she did say she was going to murder you.”
He smirked, watched as the guests filed out and started greeting each other for cocktail hour. “I think helping Jeff pull off the surprise of a lifetime will be a good way to go.”
“Well hopefully when Justin Timberlake shows up to serenade them at their wedding she’ll forget all about you in a bathrobe being her first sight when she walked down the aisle.”
“Ugh, we are killing it, Jane! Auntie Glenne is going to be so excited,” he told your daughter, nuzzling his face into hers when she grinned up at him. 
“Auntie Glenne already wants to kill you,” Lexi appeared suddenly. “So you need to get over there and put that bathrobe on for more photos. She was just asking why there’s a live-mic getting set up with a stage in there.”
Lexi pointed at the tent--you could see the last minute touches being put in place for the big performance. 
“I can’t believe I’m the sacrificial lamb,” he looked at both of you. “Taking the piss and being labeled as the worst officiator ever for showing up in a robe, all to distract her from the plan her now husband hatched in our living room when he was drunk.”
Both you and Lexi watched him for a second, unimpressed with his mini monologue. 
“As if you don’t love the attention and the theatrics,” Lexi shot back. 
“Well, I can’t believe you guys are putting her through this,” you laughed, pulling Jane out of his arms so he could continue on with his official duties. 
“I know--she’ll forgive me soon enough.”
He pressed another kiss to your face and was off, grabbed a glass of scotch from Jeff’s brothers and changed behind a bush back into the robe. Maybe he was crazy, or maybe it was genius: keep her distracted and pissed off enough with a silly outfit to make the surprise even more special. 
You watched her hit him playfully in the chest when you made your way over. The entire bridal party had gathered round for photos.
 “Aren’t you not supposed to wear white?” Glenne joked with him, took another look at the robe when Jeff reached up a hand to let Harry twirl around under, really showing off his get up. 
“Glenne, forgive me,” he smiled, “I just had to be comfortable!”
“Comfortable my ass!” She laughed, accepted a flute of champagne from a server and picked a fuzz off of Jeff’s suit. “You can be comfortable later--not right now.”
“A few photos like this, though, babe,” Jeff begged. “Don’t you want to remember how much of a dick Harry was at our wedding?”
She eyed Harry closely, and for a second you were sure she was on to them. “Fine--but only because you look absolutely ridiculous and this will be perfect blackmail.”
Harry wrapped his arms around her for a picture, “I can live with that.”
It wasn’t until speeches were made and dinner was eaten that phase two began. Jeff and Glenne had been practicing their first dance for weeks, the music started to play over the speakers and everyone watched as they swayed in the center of the dance floor. 
Harry, who knew exactly the moment the song would end and things would take a sudden turn, had his arms around your shoulders and swayed behind you. “S’nice, isn’t it?”
“That Glenne is about to have a stroke in front of all these people because her celebrity crush is about to pop out of nowhere?”
“No,” he laughed, “this--the wedding stuff.”
“Oh,” you smiled, “yeah, it’s a beautiful place.”
“Would you want something this big?”
You looked over your shoulder, saw Lexi swaying with Jane in her arms at the table over.
“Probably not,” you admitted.
“That’s good.”
“Oh?” You looked over your shoulder at him with a smirk. “Why’s that good?”
“Well,” he took a dramatic pause. “If you plan on marrying me--which I really hope you do--we might be stuck having something extremely small and private.”
You tried not to smile, tried not to get swept away in the idea of marrying Harry and continuing to build a family with him. You’d just made it a year--366 days since Jane was born and the biggest plans you had moving forward was her first birthday party next week, once Glenne and Jeff were back from their honeymoon, of course. 
Before you could reply, though, the song ended, the crowd cheered for Jeff and Glenne, and then people started to gasp when a man in a tuxedo emerged from the crowd and took the stage. 
“Jeff and Glenne,” he spoke into the mic, you peered through the crowd to see her face. White, like she’d seen a ghost, or better, Justin Timberlake. “I’m so excited to be here tonight and to help you celebrate. Glenne, your husband let me know how much it would mean for me to sing a specific song for you tonight.”
Lexi thrust Jane into Harry’s arms and grabbed your hand. “We need to be on the dance floor for this!” She tugged you through people, your bridesmaids dresses automatically giving you the right to elbow them out of your way to get closer to Glenne’s impending freak out.
Harry took Jane and laughed, waved you off and let you throw your arms around Glenne when Justin started to sing SexyBack. 
“No fucking way!” She screamed over the cheers, “did you know about this?”
“Of course we knew about this,” Lexi laughed. “Who do you think helped make everything run so smoothly?”
“Oh my God,” Glenne laughed, “I cannot believe this is happening.”
“We wanted to make sure the day was really special,” Jeff laughed, pulled her close and kissed her again. “And our good pal Harry offered to be the world’s best distraction so we could make sure everything ran smoothly.”
“I knew there was a reason he was wearing that,” she hid her face in her hands. 
“Hey, Harry knows how to cause a scene,” Lexi teased.
“Where is he?!” Glenne searched around the dance floor, a sea of people thrilled with the live performance. 
He was standing off to the side, bopping around with Jane in his arms, mouthing the words to her and pulling her hand back and forth to pull a giggle from her. 
“Just being the world’s best dad,” Jeff smiled and nudged you. “Go get him!”
You got his attention, pulled him back to your circle of friends and felt relief wash over you when Glenne gave him a playful punch in the arm. “I might still murder you for giving me a heart attack, but I’ll try to hold back.”
“You’re welcome, Glenne,” Harry joked, his eyes wide. “You are literally the world’s most meticulous bride, so our scheme to pull one over on you had to be crazy.”
“Yeah, well, I guess Justin Timberlake is a good way to make up for wearing a bathrobe to my wedding ceremony.”
“So you forgive me?”
She thought about it for a second, laughed when he rolled his eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him. “If anyone was going to wear white to my wedding, I’m glad it was you. But I’m definitely leaking those photos to the press.”
table of contents | talk to me | the playlist
tag list: @stepping-into-the-light @thurhomish @afterstylesmadeit @iconicharry  @harryspirate @mellamolayla @harryinsweatersandbandanas @stylesfantasy @clorenafila @mell-love @anssu-amry @yelllowgrass @littlesoldierelleora @styles217 @rachkon @c-h-e-r-r-y-y @myhat  @rosegoldbel @passionate-dreamerr @grammyforstyles @haute-romance-quotidienne @dontgiveupthedayjob @ursamajor603 @craic-head-horan @heavenspidey @talk-british-2-me-britbritharry @iwantedmacmaddybutitstaken @winter-soldier-007 @ssllbb @wanderlustiing @jdcharliewhiskey  @caritocp @kaybee87 @wildbeee @hsunflowervol @harrys-medicines @tobe-sogolden @theresnooneheretosave @1d-tommo5 @soullikestyles @mrsfstyles  @you-youneverdo @fstopsteph @cock-a-doodely-doo @s-u-t @mleestiles @rubytersteege @heartsandwheels @rainbowparadiseharry @ainatirb-j @sing-me-a-song-harry @g0bl1nqueen @mmithharold @harrymfingstyless @yourpolaroid07 @zarrysfineline  @pinkpolaroidgirl @staceystoleyourheart @kind-heart @galsingold @adams-tammy72  @ednaofearth @neverland-city @zna0000 @mythoughtsvsreality @damnigotadime @stylesfics-xx @goldenncherrybombb @splendidsunsetsx @guccicreature @niallsfoolsgold @sunnflowerchild @lanallaa @harrys-stan @kialawley7274 @odetostep @wastedsweetcreature @rainbowbutterflyboy @live-at-the-forum @ajayque @goldenngracee @youredeadrong @indaydreamswithme @amaridon @icedsoylattes @cronias13 @sltwins @rbforsmileycal @tobesosunflower @noxiousacilegna @svnflowrv6 @flagitiume @splamilton @sloanferg @szaghata @girlgotattitude448 @ji5hine @strawberrrypie @stay-lovely @pwettyyharry @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @swooningoverstyles @golden-asoab @svnflowervol-6 @twinswallows @kammy67 @bookwormandteasstuff @peter-prkr @harrys-suits @kiwicherryharry @harriedstylus @harbear77 @tpwkxxkiwis @theresalotof0spaceoutthere @allthenicekids @harrys-watermelons @laura-q @sweeeetcreeaturee @britnicole11 @crowdedimagines @winesex @abundanceofsoph @spideys-wife @cherryyharryy @goldencherrymooon @begluketostay @jcgarciaa12 @thesarcasticshrink @magiclolipopqueen
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
Belladonna || 1
All Rights Reserved. © RandomBTSPrincessa, Tulips98.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Min Yoongi x Reader, Past Lovers! AU
Words: 3k
Genre: Heavy Angst, Smut 
Rating: This chapter is General up to NC-17, rating might go up as story progresses.
Summary: Your life has finally settled into a routine; keeping you far away from your home, friends, family and the man who broke your heart. Coming back home means facing him again and maybe you’re not as over him as you’d like to believe.
Warnings: (in-chap) Heavy Angst, mentions of a toxic relationship.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The idol used as the Muse for the lead is not in anyway affiliated with the work. The characterisation is a work of mine. Any asks or accusations against the work on the grounds of inability to keep fact and fiction seperate on the part of the reader, will not be entertained. 
A/N: Its’s rather sad that the disclaimer has to be added but eh, it’s a bad time for tumblr writing fandom and people are being very mean. Brush past that if you’re sane. Anyway, a very very huge hug to my best friends for screaming at me about this fic. A bunch of thanks to @softyoongiionly​ for hyping up the chapter! And a round of applause for @kithtaehyung​ for beta-ing the chappie!!
Happy Birthday Yoonfie baby!!
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It was cold inside the cabin, the air conditioner turned extreme while the outer windows fogged with condensation. Your head leaned against the pane, the thudding and rolling of the train wheels under you jarring your brain in your skull as you watched the world outside flash speedily by.
Trees, small gravelly roads, sign boards, sparse traffic here and there…and then rolling grasslands before the pattern repeated itself…redundant, normal, and soothing.
You sighed, a puff of white exhale clouding around your mouth while your eyes drifted back to the interior of the cabin. This sight was a lot more different, with different people having different lives, problems, worries…
A woman tended to her sniffling child, holding a handkerchief up to the girl’s running nose…a man spoke into his phone; harried and rushed as he more likely than not slurred a few words together…
It was when your eyes caught a girl laying her head on the boy next to hers’ shoulder, smiling serenely when the boy ran a hand through her locks that you turned around again, eyes back to watching the redundant.
There was nothing soothing about people watching.
Or maybe there was and it required some form of inner peace to find the charm in it.
You didn’t have that sort of inner peace; neither did you have the patience for it.
People watching for people like you was anxiety inducing…and you really didn’t want that burden on your shoulders right now. There would be enough anxiety waiting for you when you set your foot home.
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You turned coffee worn, blue light sunken eyes towards your boss, standing over you with his files clutched to his chest nervously. The sight was enough to make you chuckle. For all his genius, Kim Namjoon was just a giant fumbling through life. It made him a stellar boss and manager, but it also made him a wonderful friend.
“I just got your email for the leave application.”
You blinked up at your boss expectantly, face calm and relaxed. Of course, your brain had shot straight to overdrive, praying, wishing, and begging for a miracle that would allow your boss to refute the application.
A large red denied would do nothing to hamper your mood; at least it would stamp down the very intrusive tendril of panic that was already gripping around you.
You waited until Namjoon was done rustling inside of the folder in the crook of his arm. The white print out was placed in front of you, green letterings spelling ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED, scrawled on the top screaming obscenities at you.
You looked back at Namjoon.
“We don’t have a lot of work load right now plus you look dead on your feet. Some time away with your folks will be nice, won’t it?”
You very nearly grimaced at his words.
He was sincere, of course he was. Namjoon didn’t have a conniving bone in his body, but right now, you couldn’t help but resent his kindness, his mushy brain that railed against exploiting his workers. You hated the fact that he looked into your eyes and saw past the stubborn energy and caught onto the exhausted person underneath.
So you offered him a tiny smile, just in case the flicker of your crushing despair was made clear onto your traitor face.
“Thank you, Namjoon.”
He placed a heavy, tight hand on your shoulder as he passed by.
“Have a nice vacation, ____.”
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Usually, someone who was away from home, working their ass off, making something of themselves away from their family should ideally jump at the chance to take a vacation, to go home and see the family and friends they had.
Ideally…one should be happy at the prospect of going home.
So many times, however, situations were rarely ideal. Sometimes there were complications, convolutions, obstacles…
Sometimes people had no love in their hearts; sometimes there was nothing at all.
Sometimes, there was dread.
Right then, in the rattling carriage that carried you to the small town which had spawned your existence, you could sense the dread carving a pit into your stomach, roiling and curling like a wretched cat kept too long from sunshine.
There was no relief for the upcoming long sleepy times, no joy at the prospect of home food…of warm embraces…
There was just that god awful dread.
You hoped you wouldn’t throw up; though there was nothing in your stomach to hurl but for the coffee you’d pumped in you from the station café. You couldn’t keep anything else down.
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You had upped and left your home right after the end of your college life. Many things had come to an end with that particular period in your life. You had scampered and scrapped together enough courage to exit the hole that still robbed you of breath sometimes when you twisted and turned in your bed – sleepless.
You had left shattered pieces of your heart in your whirling escape of the town, the space that you had now the only light that shone at the end of the tunnel back then. Your family and friends, as supportive as they were, had never truly understood why you had nearly clawed away from that world.
To them, it had been the job opportunity.
And it was understandable…
The town, as well-knit and seemingly lovable as it was, was used to being self sufficient. The people there didn’t ever need to leave, they knew everything, helped everyone, and any problem one of them had was a problem for them all.
You couldn’t fit yourself in that mold anymore.
You had left – knowingly cut yourself away from that community.
Your friends had remained; some spreading out of course but they were still as much a part of that bunch as they had been when born.
You didn’t expect anything from them.
Not when he was also still a part of that community.
Your mind jerked away moments before conjuring his likeness behind your eyes, the ticket collector bearing down to save you from the torture of it.
Your fingers fumbled with the pockets of your bag, slipping the stub into his patient hands as he clipped and handed it back to you.
You accepted it meekly, folding into yourself again, eyes drifting back out the window and firmly tugging your thoughts away from your past. You had to prepare for what was going to come now.
Nobody expected you to come, you knew. It was a surprise to you yourself that you had found enough guts in you to pull this off.
Namjoon’s words came back to you.
Some time away with your folks will be nice, won’t it?
You weren’t going to hold out much hope for that.
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You found a cab almost immediately out of the station, the many cruisers that stood to one side eager to free you of your luggage and take you off to your destination. You gave your address shakily, hoping this particular driver wasn’t one of the townspeople. Luckily, the man didn’t bat an eye, instead nodding and quietly switching on the radio for the drive over.
You leaned back into the seats, arms grasping the strap of your handbag tight as the moment to face your family and close ones drew closer.
Objectively, your little hometown was very pretty.
Trees lined the major roads, small clusters of buildings interjecting the greenery to spread business to the good people. And as tense as you were, your mind couldn’t help but pick out the differences.
Boutiques were newer and flashier, the diners you remembered now expanded to add cafes or banquets. The town hall was an imposing as ever, only a new marble fountain added to the square in front of it now.
By the time your cab entered the section of the suburbs where you had grown up; your back was straight, neatly aligned with the window. If you had been dreading the homecoming before, it was all gone; replaced with an odd form of resignation.
You lugged your bags out and paid the taxi driver with cold hands, winding bloodless fingers around the handles to pull them up the drive way towards your open door.
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The house was full, open and bustling – a normal day for when your mother threw one of her success parties. She was one of the famous people in the town, her career as a landscaper and home decorator for big names making her in turn the man source of revenue and attraction for the town.
It had been both a source of pride and embarrassment to you in your teens. Mainly because your mother insisted on these parties each and every time one of her projects turned out well. But then, as you grew you realized that this is why your mother was important to the town.
She was more than half the money earned and the social events of the calendar.
Inside the house, small clusters of people gathered here and there, in the living room, the kitchen, the dining space. You stood at the door; feeling more exposed than you ever had here but moved in quickly, lest one of them notice you in the doorway and start blabbering about it.
Of course, the three big bags that you carried more than made up for it.
One of the groups of women nearest you turned their heads in synchrony, taking double looks as you passed by before the murmurs began.
How could you tell?
Well because, gossip usually lowers ones’ volume. And each group you passed stopped conversing before muttering arose in its place.
You cut across the living room to your father’s den. Here, there were all men, hands cupping your dad’s cut glasses of scotch but thankfully no one mentioned you dumping your bags right by the door and walking back out.
Your hands fiddled with your scarf, wondering where your family was in their own party but you were loathing asking one of the guests.
Even as you convinced yourself to walk over to one of the ladies by the window sofa, a figure walked past opposite you, a handful of trays of cocktail bites and glasses on them. You jumped, watching as the woman placed the trays on the coffee table, smiling at the people before she turned…and spotted you.
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Your sister’s eyes widened, eyelashes fluttering before quick steps led her closer to you.
“____?” She asked, almost checking if it really was you.
You smiled wryly, hand still tangled with your scarf. “Hi Sana, yes it’s me.”
“Oh my god!” She threw herself at you, arms wrapping around your neck to draw you into a warm and nearly forgotten embrace. You stood in her hold for a few seconds, managing to pat her back before she was pulling away, eyes glistening at you.
“Oh god, don’t cry,” you whispered immediately.
“Shut up, these are happy tears; my little sister is home! Hang on; I’ll go get Mom and Dad.” She turned on her heel before you got another word out, mouth parted as she disappeared into the house.
You stood rooted to the spot, hoping against hope she brought your dad first. You just knew your mom would start bawling and then all the neighbors and her social circle would start hovering like the pack of vultures you had the low opinion of them as.
It was unfair and very rude of you, yes, but you couldn’t help but remember half the rumors and gossip that had come from none other than these same people when you had first left. Sympathy or well wishes from them now, would only make you more disgusted.
It had made you keep your own mother at a distance, seeing as she was probably the source of their information.
Thankfully, you knew you could always depend on your dad.
A no-nonsense and rational person, he was only guilty of being extremely in love with your mother. You knew he only bore these parties for her sake and of course your sister, Sana’s.
So when you saw Sana come back, with both your parents you still heaved a relived sigh.
“____, my god, you’re really here.” Your mother was the second to hug you, your father following.
“We didn’t think you would make it this year too.” Your dad said.
“Yeah, it’s been hectic…a lot…for the last couple years.” You repeated the same lies you’d been spouting for two years now. You had spoken the same lines into your phone, in your emails over months and it came much easier while speaking them to their faces.
“Very hectic for a well-established firm, ____, you could’ve asked for a leave, I’m sure office policy allows that.” Your dad said in that logical baritone that rendered most arguments moot.
“That is actually how I got away, Namjoon insisted.” You said; not completely untrue.
“Well, I for one am very happy my little girl is back to me. You’ll stay for a bit, won’t you?” Your mother stroked your hair back from your face.
You smiled tightly at her, thinking of the weeks Namjoon had generously piled on you out of respect for your relentless working for two years under him.
You caught Sana try and push in, her eyes seeking yours even as your mother squealed in jubilation. “Perfect, we are going to have to throw you a coming home party.”
“Y/M/N,” Your father said lightly. “We are at a party now.”
“Yes, but ____ deserves her own night.” Sana put in before grabbing your hand. “Come on,” she dragged you away from your debating parents.
“Not a lot has changed I guess.” You spoke drily.
“Yeah, maybe, listen I think we need to –”
Sana was cut off by a gasp of your name, your head swiveling to see Park Jimin, one of your old friends gaping at you.
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It was a whirlwind of reunions and emotions as people gathered around you, astonished that you’d come back without any mention of it.
“Yeah, I – I guess, it’s a surprise.” You scratched the back of your neck awkwardly, going over the faces of your childhood to college friends.
Many things had changed while you were gone, true – to the town, to the people and even to your friends but one thing you were glad to see…they hadn’t cut you away completely. Yes, your interaction with them had been reduced to the odd Facebook and Twitter chats and the occasional emails and texts here and there but they still looked…happy to see you.
Park Jimin and his twin, Jihyo had been the first ones to come to you, Jihyo hugging you tightly enough to make you wince. She had been your roommate in college; she probably knew you as well as Sana did – maybe even better. She had introduced you to Jimin and the three of you had been inseparable throughout your college life.
Jimin had apparently been friends with one of your childhood friends, Kim Taehyung.
You were not so shocked to know he was now married, living next door to you with his wife, Nayeon. Sweet and charming, she hugged you like her husband.
“It’s almost like I already know you,” she explained to your unsure smile, “they talk about you so much.”
“Ugh, I’m already worried.” You cringed.
“They were all nice things don’t worry. We had to put down a couple old gossips down here and there, though.” Jimin came to defend his friend.
You glanced at them curiously.
“Oh yeah, it was just old gossipy hags around the town, don’t worry about it. People moved on from you pretty soon to a Miss Mina. She’s a spinster, which apparently is a sin.” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “She lives a few houses from us.”
“Also, I think your mom told that friend of hers, Dahyun to stop people gossiping about you. They were task-forcing the town. It was fun to watch.” Jimin added.
A sudden wave of affection for your mother rose up in you, before being quelled by the reminder that she must have done it to protect her own image.
You shrugged then, picking up a glass from one of the trays to take a sip of your mother’s homemade cocktail – fruity and simple on your tongue.
“Enough about me, what about you all?” you pointed at Tae and Nayeon, “Married with a house,” your finger moved to Jimin, “Sports coach,” then Jihyo, “Choreographer,” you stopped.
“What about the others, any news?”
“Not really, we are the ones who still live here you know. Plus, no offense to your mom, but I doubt folks would leave their city jobs to come to her parties.” Jihyo muttered; exchanging a glance of solidarity with you before her eyes widened suddenly.
“What?” you asked.
Her eyes quickly went to her brother, Jimin’s eyes a little more slow on the uptake but they widened too…before repeating the process – albeit comically – with Taehyung.
“What is wrong with you all?” You asked again.
“Um, ____, did Sana tell you -?”
Jimin paused nervously, refusing to look at you as he fiddled with the rim of his glass.
“Tell me what?”
He looked helplessly at his sister. Jihyo hesitated before placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Listen, ____, while you were gone” -
She broke off, her eyes darting over your shoulder and stuttering to a stop.
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In that moment of her silence, the conversation behind you was clearer.
Or rather, one particular voice was…
Low and deep – soft morning grumbles came back to you – muffled conversations from behind you made you turn around.
It was a voice you would know anywhere. It was one that haunted your dreams, one that crested the ache in your heart on particularly bad days…
It was one you would know beyond a void.
Min Yoongi stood directly across from you, in your home, undoing his coat and removing his scarf, conversing lowly with your sister.
Something she quickly muttered to him had him freezing, long nimble fingers stopping in the unknotting of his scarf.
And then as if he could feel your gaze, could feel your presence, the reason why you left everything behind looked straight up at you, eyes locking across a room…just like the day you had first seen him.
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drakewalkerfantasy · 3 years
The Truth of Pain (Tatum x F!MC)
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Summary: The Truth will come out eventually, but are they ready for it? And what will happen when truth will be out. Will they be able to protect each other or will they be torn apart?
Words: 3465
Rating: T
Warning: none
Authors notes: I really hope you will enjoy this. Please let me know if still want to be tagged and what I can improve. I hope you will like this chapter, it’s not what I initially planned and I really didn’t have much time to proofread and make it perfect and I hope the next part will be better
 First part: The art of Foreign Affairs
Second part: The Secret of Foreign Affairs.
It was 8 o’clock sharp when Tatum heard Demarco’s worried and slightly panicked voice over the radio, informing the team he couldn't locate Claire. Slightly cursing and grumbling under his breath he pressed his fingers to the ear piece, thankful that even though he was off duty until later today he had connected to the radio in time not to miss the message.
“Copy that,” he replied through the gritted teeth, checking for any messages from Claire, but as he suspected there were none. “Demarco, leave it with me. I will find her... No… I don’t think that backup is necessary.... Yes… No... Wait in her suite. Demarco, this is an order,” said Tatum before disconnecting.
Heavily he moved to the door peeking outside. Cursing, when he saw three guards standing in front of Blaine’s door. His body ached with every step he took while he walked toward there, stopping in front of the guards. His impression - unreadable, knowing that even though he made friends with some of them they still will do their job, which meant not letting the bodyguard of the enemy's country into the room.
“Let me in,” requested Tatum, his hand already moving to the handle to push the door open only to be stopped by one of Hayes’ bodyguards.
“Mendoza, you know it’s against the protocol.”
“Claire is there and that is against the protocol either. So I'm not going anywhere till she leaves with me,” grunted Tatum.
“She isn’t there. Don’t you think we would know if she would be with Hayes? Unlike Rutherland’s bodyguards we know where our charge is...”
“How convincing... wasn’t it him, who was almost expelled a few weeks ago for a security breach... or wasn’t it him, sneaking away from you whenever he wanted? And wasn’t it him you lost in Rutherland few months before the start of the semester?”
“At least he never was spotted with his pants down with some mystery lover,” guffawed one of the bodyguards’. 
Lucky bastard. thought Tatum narrowing his eyes, feeling how his fists clenched from the memory.
“Don’t make me…,” seethed Tatum, feeling the need to punch something. He knew that he could trust Claire, but Blaine... he wasn't so sure if he could.
After 10-15 minutes of heated conversation Tatum firmly moved one of the bodyguards’ aside groaning from the pain that the effort took him, but finally getting inside the suite followed by Ardona’s bodyguards. Moving as quickly as he could toward the bedroom. 
“Mendoza, you cannot just enter like that,” hissed one of the bodyguards’ trying to reach for Tatum to stop him right outside the door.
“Miles, just try and stop me,” he seethed, whirling around with an angry glare in his eyes before throwing the door open and marching inside without another glance back.
The blood roared in his ears when he walked inside, but even through the rage that was boiling his blood he still could hear two gasps and exclamations following his entrance.
“Hey,” exclaimed Blaine, when the door opened hiding a smirk behind a shocked expression. “Didn't your mother teach you that you have to knock before you enter?” he asked, while making a show from the way the covers slipped from his naked torso, while another pair of hands firmly held onto her half not letting it slip even an inch lower.
“Claire, stand up,” roughly said Tatum, ignoring Blaine. His eyes unmoving on her, while hers widened and moved around the room looking anywhere but him. Guilt? Fear? he thought, knowing that even if it was, it still wasn’t what everyone would assume happened. He knew her well enough to know as much. Regretting the way how his own voice sounded, rougher than expected, sharper then it should have been. And knowing that she thought he was angry with her, but he wasn’t. He was angry about the situation, about the fact she was ready to cause another scandal, only to stir her mother's attention from him. He was angry about that, but not on her... never on her.
He could see how the blood drained from her face, when their eyes finally met, and a silent conversation trespassed between them.
“What are you doing here? I thought Demarco is on duty?”
“I knew you would do something reckless the second he informed me you weren't in your suite. God... What were you even thinking? I knew it was a bad idea to sneak out to him. Why would you even think of something like that?”
“Don’t you see why? Apparently, someone in my security details is a snitch, who passed information on us to my mother. So I needed someone who isn’t you to see me with Blaine so my mother wouldn’t do anything to you and would think her plan is working whatever her plan even is.”
“But you ARE with me...”
“Yes, I’m. But she shouldn’t know it. She should think I’m with Blaine and was all along.”
“You are stubborn.”
“But you still love me.”
“Yes, I do,” murmured Tatum in a voice quieter than a whisper, with a tender smile.
“Nothing happened,” simply stated Blaine stirring them both from the conversation they had, not even noticing that they had one. The one where they didn’t need words to have, and the one they mastered through years of friendship. Blaine’s hand placed under his head on the pillow watching between Tatum and Claire before looking behind Tatum at his bodyguards on alert. “You three can leave and close the door behind.”
“But Sir,” tried the bodyguard Claire remembered from their visit to the children’s hospital a few weeks ago.
“It’s an order,” said Blaine, waiting for the door to close before moving his gaze back to Tatum. “You can relax. I know Claire is in love with someone else and this someone unfortunately isn’t me. It doesn’t take a genius to put 1 plus 1 after the photo we all saw yesterday to realise that she isn’t interested," his eyes fixed solely on Tatum who still was looking at Claire the smirk playing at his lips and his voice taunting, "but I guess even if she would place a billboard in a Rutherland’s capital’s city square declaring that she is in love with that person or would scream that from the tallest tower in city this person still would be either blind or stupid not to get a message and still doubt her. So if this person even for a second could think Claire is capable of cheating, this person doesn’t deserve her.”
“Blaine, don’t...,” said Claire quietly, her gaze still holding Tatum’s, knowing that he didn’t think even for a second that this was what had happened. But also knowing that deep down he was still jealous and hurt that she was ready to play the game her mother would want her to play. Still doubting if he even deserves her and that hurt.
“I...,” he tried, swallowing thickly. His eyes meet Blaine’s knowing that he is right... he doesn’t deserve her, and even not because he could think for a second she could cheat on him. He knew she wouldn’t, simply as this, he just knew. But the voice of her mother mixed with the voice from his past whispering that 'never say never' was louder than that, and he could do nothing to silence them. “Claire, please...,” softly said Tatum, his eyes pleading with her, watching how she slipped from under the covers letting them slide from her body. The summer dress is still on her body with the slightly lowered straps to make her look nude. His eyes moving to Blaine, who followed her, the low rise jeans still snugly around his hips.
“I see you tonight,” said Claire to Blaine, her hand brushing Tatum’s passingly on the way to the door, sending a million of sensations through him. His finger hooking with hers just for a split second squeezing it slightly before letting go.
“You shouldn’t say that in front of him or he will think you are planning an escape route already and will triple your security details, ” laughed Blaine putting on a t-shirt with a wink.
“Blaine!!! I meant you picking me up at 6 for our date,” laughed Claire before she left Blaine’s room with Tatum just a step behind.
It was already 6 in the evening when Blaine knocked on the door. The bouquet of pink roses in his hand and a charming smile on his face. Tatum lowered his gaze feeling how uncontrolled spark of jealousy coursed through him, watching Blaine bending lower to press a soft kiss to the back of Claire’s hand lingering for a moment longer before handing her flowers. Wanting to be the one who would take her on the dates, who would bring her pink roses just because she loves them so much and to be the one who would hold her hand in his. He could see how Blaine looked her over with a smirk, his voice lowered to a loud whisper, still holding her hand.
“You cleaned up nicely.”
“You look not as bad yourself,” smiled Claire before meeting Tatum’s gaze, reading in them just how good she looked and how much better this long beautiful blue gown with a bare back would have looked on his bedroom’s floor. The single thought and the heat in his gaze, the one he masked behind the mask of stony expression sent a rush of desire through her, making her pulse race and for a tiny blush to colour her cheeks. “Ummm,” she cleared her throat, snapping her gaze back to Blaine’s. “So where are you taking me?” asked Claire, accepting Blaine’s hand to help her out of her suite.
“Where would there be fun in that if I would tell you?” he teased her in reply, leading her to the limousine that waited for them, while Tatum took a deep breath following them side by side with Blaine’s bodyguard. His body still hurting, but he went forward ignoring the pain, knowing that any second of him being distracted by it may cost Claire’s safety and he couldn’t allow it.
The drive to their destination wasn’t awkward, even though Tatum felt how the tension in his body intensified every time when Blaine lowered his voice beckoning Claire closer to him and whispered something that made her blush. Protectiveness and something resembling a spark of jealousy made his own body shift closer to Claire’s. Every nerve in his body was on alert and aching. Knowing that that was a dangerous move to do, a reckless one, but he still couldn’t resist it, feeling how Claire’s hand found her way to his behind their backs. Her body shifted just slightly cloaking the view of their intertwined fingers. Her thumb running gently over the bandage covering his knuckles, squeezing his hand and not letting it go until the limo stopped, meantime still taking the part into her flirtatious conversation with Blaine. 
Tatum could feel how her hand slipped from his the moment the car stopped, but not missing the last squeeze of her hand with a light tremor in them. His hand squeezing hers before finally letting it go, not missing the nervous expression passing over her face clouding her smile just for a split second. And he instantly knew why, when his eyes fell to a crowd of photographers readying their cameras just outside the limo.
“God,” mumbled Claire, swallowing heavily. “I know that they want us to be seen together, but did they really need to invite this many paparazzi,” nervously asked Claire.
“No kidding,” whistled Blaine before offering his hand to Claire, lowering his voice to a quiet whisper. “The good thing about going out with me is that I don’t give a damn about these sharks... and another good thing is... I don’t really think they even expect me to behave knowing my reputation or that I will not try to sneak away,”chuckled Blaine with a wink.
“No but’s. Do you trust me?” asked Blaine bending closer to Claire, his voice soft and gentle against her ear, not giving a damn for a sharp pointed look that Tatum threw his way.
“I do... but our bodyguards may get in trouble for that and I... I don’t want that to happen,” finally said Claire with a sigh and a worried expression.
“Not if we play our cards right,” winked Blaine. “That involves delivering exactly what our parents want... they don’t expect me to sit at some stuffy restaurant and behave myself. They expect me to run off with a beautiful girl, sneak away from our bodyguards and paparazzi, because everyone knows that everything I do for cameras is to piss my parents. And if I do something secretly... It means that it’s real and something I care deeply about. So why not enjoy ourselves far away from that farce and give our parents exactly what they want from us?”
“The show...,” the realisation downed at her. “The show, that is believable enough for them to get what they want... us together likeable to the public, creating a rumour that it’s real and not PR company your parents and my mother try to pull off thereby setting up even more of the population against them. Blaine, are you sure that they will not get in trouble,” asked Claire, subtly looking at Tatum who grunted while getting from the car, holding the door open for them and waiting for Blaine and Claire to follow him.
“I give you my word, so... are you in?”
“I...,” spoke Claire, chewing at her bottom lip still contemplating her answer before finally saying. “Fine... I’m in. But if anything happens with T...”
“Nothing will happen with him," interrupted Blaine. "And I promise you will not regret it,” he whispered with a smile before helping Claire out of the car under the intense glare from Tatum. And as soon as Claire and Blaine stepped out onto the street the camera flashes blinded them as reporters started to shout questions at them.
Blaine’s hand gently placed on the small of Claire’s back, leading her through the crowd with the help of their bodyguards, noticing that despite the best effort from Tatum he could barely stand, grunting every now and then when some of the most insolent reporters tried to get past him. His teeth gritted, taking a shaky breath before requesting yet another reporter to back off, his hand now and then gripping his side before continuing to clear the path for them.
The questions that were asked, and ignored with flourish by Blaine and Claire, were the same she used to hear for the past couple of days. Most of them about the scandal, some about the feud between their countries and her mother’s political career and what that could mean to her. And some, as everyone hoped would be, the questions if Blaine is that same mystery lover that everyone is talking about. Carefully Blaine led them through the crowd toward the restaurant that was supposed to be their date’s location, meantime thinking of the quick escape plan for them until one of the reporters asked for proof that they are together.
Shakily Claire turned to face Blaine, feeling how her heart was pounding quickly in her chest. And he could feel how her body tensed under his hand. Her eyes widened slightly, and her hands curled around the lapels of his suit jacked neither pulling or pushing him away. And by the look in her eyes he instantly knew that she felt like a deer caught in a headlights. Her breath elevated, while her eyes sought someone behind him, locking her eyes with this person. Blaine’s hands gently grazing the bare skin of her back, trying to soothe her with his touch. His face lowered to hers feeling how her breath hitched in her throat and she swallowed. His lips just inches away from hers wanting to kiss her, but first wanting to make sure that she was okay with it even though he knew this is part of the deal. At least that was what she asked him to do. 
The voice of his father rang in his ears: Do something you are finally good at. Date the girl. Kiss her and make her forget about this mystery lover of hers. Make her look good and pretty. Sneak off to make it seem real to you. And probably then you will at least make something good of yourself. 
And if that girl wouldn’t be Claire he would never agree to that but in that case he couldn’t say no. But now, he wasn’t sure if this was such a smart idea after all as he liked her, more than he probably should, and more than he liked anyone else since that night only a few months ago before he got here. Trying to push the thought away about the annoyingly sparkling eyes, the same shade of chocolate brown as Claire's, but with the different sparkles of silver and gold swirling in them.
“Are you sure you are okay with that, if not we can go for a hug,” he asked with a concern lacing his voice, watching her nod and swallow.
“Yes... I... We need to do the whole show... you know for mum... for that to be believable. I’m sure my friend...,” she choked on the words trying to meet Tatum’s stoic expression, who was standing just a few feets away from them. But he made a hell of a job not to meet hers. She sighed in defeat. Not buying even for a second, that this didn’t impact him as much as it did her. Knowing him way too well not to miss a fire burning in his eyes, and the way how his fists clenched. “I’m sure he will understand,” whispered Claire, lowering her eyes.
“Okay,” he said, softly pressing his lips to hers without waiting for another invitation. His kiss was gentle and warm and leading, but it wasn’t Tatum’s and it was all she could think of. And she knew that he could feel it too. His lips lingering against hers for a moment longer as if savouring the feel of them for the last time before finally pulling slowly away. Pulling her in a tight embrace shielding her from the press so they wouldn’t see her tears. After a long heartbreaking moment she gently pushed him away finally putting on a forced smile, the fake one as fake as this date is... not knowing if he ever will have anything real.
They could hear how the press shouted their approval taking pictures, making the bodyguards get themselves busy with the amount of paparazzi trying to take a better shot of the happy couple, and as on cue Blaine saw an escape route. Quickly, he leaned to Claire nodding toward the narrow alleyway just behind the restaurant, stirring her away from the crowd until the freedom seemed so close and Claire could feel how she finally could breathe again, finally not suffocating by the amount of attention from the press.
“Where do you think you are going,” ceased someone through gritted teeth, when Claire felt a firm but gentle hand gripping her forearm. She instantly gasped and whirled around to face no one else but Tatum who was glaring at Blaine.
“Busted,” shrugged Blaine, letting go of Claire’s hand and nonchalantly leaning against the wall of the building. 
“Care to explain?” seethed angrily Tatum.
“We are ditching my bodyguards and I’m taking Claire somewhere where she will be able to enjoy her meal. Not so pompous as this place. Care to join us?” Smirked Blaine. “And no worries we will be back before the opera.”
“Yes, they are sending us there and we definitely need to be seen there...” shrugged Blaine before looking back to see if anyone else noticed their absence. “Dude, we don’t have much time so either you go with us or we go without you,” said Blaine looking behind the corner.
“Tatum, please,” softly spoke Claire.
“Claire, it’s unsafe,” tried Tatum before she stopped him with the press of her fingers to his.
“Tate, if you will go with me… with us it will be the most safe place I can be without paparazzi breathing down my every step. Please, Tatum. I need it, I really do.”
“But what about his parents and your mother,” finally asked Tatum.
“This is exactly what they would want for paparazzo to think, that this is real. And this exactly for what we are going. So my question stands are you coming with us? Or will stay behind, I’m good either way.”
“Fine… I’m coming."
Tagging: @choices-bound​​​​​​ @jamespotterthefirst​​​​​​ @mercury84choices​​​​​​ @k2624​​​​​​ @thefrenchiemama​​​ @choicesreal​​​​​​ @starrystarrytrouble​​​​​​ @boneandfur​​​​​​ @walkerswhiskeygirl​​​​​​ @sophxwithers​​​​​​ @ramseysrookiex​​​ @suitfer​​ @gardeningourmet​
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btswishes · 3 years
Love me for who I am now
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Bucky x Reader ( Chapter 7)
Previous / Next (8)
Summary: You apply for the Stark internship and end up getting it, so now you have 5 months to make a good impression to continue working with the Avengers.
A/N:  This delay wasn’t planned everyone. My computer had enough from online classes and decided to crash on me a couple of days ago. I had to send it for repair, but we are back now. I will post a bit more often from my usual schedule for a few days to try and compensate. Hope yall like this, sorry for any mistakes made. Enjoy.
Tag list: @vicmc624  @yasminwashere​  @darkacademic2​
Word count:  4,301
Warmings: fights, harsh language, not part of the original MCU
Y/N- Your name                            
Y/L/N- Your Last Name    
“ I am sorry to cut this lovely reunion short, but we are still in a HYDRA base and honestly I am sure I hear a clock ticking.” You pointed in the direction of the gentle muffled clicking sounds
“Guess they plan to level this place to the ground just in case.” Bucky pinched in
“The way it sounds, I plan to watch the fireworks from inside the car on our way AWAY!”
    Peggy still in Steve’s arms, felt being lifted off the ground again like she was made from feathers, as he dashed through the now missing doors towards the premade exit. She kept silent for most of the escape, seeing how the situation was confusing as it is, there was no need to fuel the adrenalin more. The bomb was enough for now.
 The grip Cap had on Peggy loosened, letting her jump in the backseat with his shield. Bucky’s big frame settled next to Steve in the front seat, but not before he threw you towards Agent Carter, less gently than his friend did.
“I am not a bag of groceries Barnes!” you kicked his seat, yet ended up getting ignored for the most part
  With determination, Steve’s foot hit the gas making the car roar out – snow creating a cloud behind the tires.
 The empty space filled with loud beating hearts, skipping and missing beats, going one over the other – starting to calm down only after some distance was put between them and the building.
“Guess I misunderstood the tiking sou-“ the whispers coming out from your lips were engulfed by the huge explosion following the thankfully small pieces hitting the rear of the vehicle. You and Peggy ducked your heads for safety measures. The men in front seemed too immersed in the road, couldn’t even notice the musical notes coming from Bucky’s metal arm, his body leaning out the window, as particles ricocheted off it .
“Barnes!” your fingers reached over to grab onto his weapon belts, pulling him back inside. This man had no regards to his life, making one stupid decision after the other. It didn’t help that Steve wasn’t even noticing it all. Sometimes it felt like they both shared the ‘stupid’.
“Calm down doll. I am trying to see through the dust cloud. Wouldn’t want Stevie to throws us off a cliff.”
“I. Can’t.Believe.You.Are.Joking.Right.Now!” each hit perfectly timed thumping off his broad shoulders
“Stop it you two! Call Stark.” The blonde man demanded, pulling Bucky’s attention from you and onto the earpiece. The deep stern voice of authority cut your upset streak immediately. 
“Hey ladies, how was the ball?” Tony’s playboy tone rung through the car, presumably while he was twirling onto his work chair.
“Delightful.” You hissed between your teeth
“What is wrong Cinderella? Lost a shoe?”
“No, but we gained a member.”
“Calling Barnes a dog isn’t nice now.”
“Stark!” Bucky launched towards the dashboard, but Steve stopped him with his free arm, before clasping the gear stick again.
“HYDRA were doing something in there that might have worked.”Cap began talking “ Tony, we don’t plan on stopping at a safe house. I am driving us directly towards the compound. How fast can you meet us there?”
 The mic picked up on Tony’s shifting body guessed by the screeching sound of his work chair “ I don’t know. How far are you from there? Fuck, I will call Happy to get me from Stark tower.”
“I am sorry to intrude in this discussion, but do you by chance mean Stark as in Howard Stark?” Peggy placed her hands onto Steve’s seat, pulling her body closer.
“Usually people don’t think of my father first thing when they hear my name.” Tony huffed out, a bit of pride bubbling in his long blood of geniuses.
“You are Howard’s son?!” she gasped audibly
“Umm, I thought people knew that about me already, as well as handsome, playboy, genius, billionaire. Google gives a good explanation too. Steve is this our new addition? I would be worried if the answer is yes.” The car fell silent for a couple of seconds “I will take that as my answer.”
“We are close.” Cap didn’t know how to deal with all this still, he just had to cut it short till everyone was gathered and maybe ignore the problem for the time being. Very bad coping mechanism.
“How many vodka shots do I need for this?” Tony’s equivalent to pre-workout when it came to Avengers related work. Maybe the only thing keeping him sane most of the time.
“Grab a bottle for me too.” You voiced loud and clear from the leaning position your body was resting in
“A bottle?! Fuck my life.” The earpiece cut off the conversation making Bucky place it back onto his ear. Silence laced the atmosphere once more, this time with no sound, but the motion of the car to keep company. Your eyes laid over everyone inside one by one, scanning them and their calm exterior. The drive was long and a bit suffocating to a point, where you had to open the window on your side to let some fresh air in.
“Ah, sorry.” You sighed out looking at Peggy’s scattering hair “I should have asked before opening it.” Her hand gently pushed the flying strands behind her ear flashing you’re a smile.
“It’s ok. I know how much you hate tight spaces, we used to find diners with tables next to open windows because of that.” There it was again, a chunk of true information about you throw directly out of the 40s at you in the 21st century. Steve’s gaze focused onto the reflection in the car mirror switching between his love’s soft gaze and your confused look thrown back at her.
“Calm down, we are almost there” Bucky’s fingers Morse coded a quick message to his ,on the edge friend, earing a nod and refocus back on the street.
 The moment you entered the city again, Peggy’s eyes darted towards her side of the car scanning everything happening. The buildings were huge, people were dressed so different, their manners and way they carried themselves, it felt weird not what she grew up with and knew by memory. It felt lonely maybe, or sad that she had no means of going back, yet the man sitting in front of her was a dream come true. Something she had wished for for years now.
“I am not…home anymore am I?” no one answered her, giving just enough information to make her own conclusion. With a small flair Steve drove the car into the compound, parking it at its usual space. The blonde soldier opened the door slowly, reaching his hand out for the agent to take, as baffled as she still was at this point. You found it so sweet how he was showing his feelings towards Peggy without saying a word, still lost in the mission. While Bucky was fixing himself up, he noticed the way your gaze laid over the two lovebirds in a longing stare. A gentle smirk pulled on his lips, before pushing out of the car and gripping your door handle. An unlocking sound shot your head, throwing your hair in the opposite direction.
“What are you doing?” you asked him, tripping over the end of the question lightly
“Something you will never admit you want.” His flesh arm reached out for yours to take, letting you marvel at his huge stance for a moment. The hesitation dissolved with the reflection of yourself inside his ocean blue eyes.
  An old melancholic memory blew over you like a ghost, pushing your hand into his palm. Even though Bucky was the one who offered this, his body froze when you accepted his touch. His eyes ran over your hand, up your shoulder to your face, locking with you. His fingers slowly pulled your hand closer, clapped gently as he ran his thumb over your knuckles.
“I am glad that at least you brought my car back, for once.” Tony’s figure, standing next to the elevator with spread hands, pulling you two out of the time capsule. For a moment, for just a split second you saw in front of yourself a man. Short messed up dark brown hair, his smile reaching up to his eyes, shaping them slightly into crescent moons. His shirt unbuttoned tinted a dirty olive green letting his chest show – a metal chain laid upon it. His pants were messed up, his face muddy at places. It went like it came, a mist like whisper of the past.
“Tony we need to gather everyone.” Steve pushed the keys into the billionaire’s chest, letting them drop in his hands
“Already did-“ it didn’t take much time for him to notice Peggy “Is that?”
“Agent Peggy Carter.” She walked up to him with a confidant stride leaning for a handshake, which Tony didn’t hesitate to finish “Well aware of your identity agent Carter. Stark, Tony Stark.”
 She flashed him a smile with a small nod before walking into the elevator.
“F.R.Y.D.A.Y. conference room.”
   Yes Sir
   The doors slid open causing the confused agent to jump a bit. You made sure to grab onto her, stopping a potential injury inside. The big almost ceremonial hall sized room revealed itself in front of Peggy, adding to her list of amazing and possibly impossible things.
“How did the first mission go Y/N?” Nat swung her legs jumping off the table, just to be stopped in her track by the unexpecting young lady behind Steve
“Everyone take your seats. This will be a long one.”Tony rushed to pour himself a drink, downing it faster than he could refill it. Peggy took Steve’s spot as he requested of her, taking his big frame to the front of the room.
“The HYDRA base was active. Except the usual goons there were 3 men, one of them was a scientist. Y/N.” he pointed towards you, directing the attention at you for a moment “Was able to retrieve the information, hopefully all of it, from them.”
“May I?” you asked, coaxing a nod from Steve. He turned towards your empty chair ,as you took his place in front of everyone. Taking over Tony’s tech you inserted the USB, but didn’t project anything yet to them. “They are trying to re-activate plan Winter Soldier and I am worried that they are pretty close to doing that.” Bucky’s body tensed up after he heard that name uttered from your lips “ I am guessing that they are opening a portal back in time using the tesseract. I don’t know if they plan to steal the serum, but it won’t be as simple as we think. F.R.Y.D.A.Y. the projector please.”
   As you wish Miss
    The wall became illuminated by different pictures and texts meticulously organized by you on the screen under your fingers. “I found old files, but no matter how much I scan them, I can’t get any information out of them.” Your head moved from the wall over to the tablet between your palms “All I can tell you is this Phase2-“
“Winter Soldier Phase2 The Return.” Peggy spoke out, her body rising slowly from the chair
“Everyone.” Your hand let go of the tech and turned the palms up pointing at her “Agent Peggy Carter, the one who walked through that very light ring a couple of hours ago.”
“She traveled through time?” Clint looked at Rhodey shaking his hands in front of his body “Is that something we can do now? Doesn’t it mess up some time space stuff?”
“Yes, basically. Just don’t tell Strange, we should be fine” You explained 
“Well since she seems to know something about this, let’s let her explain.” Tony swung his whiskey in the expensive crystal glass, the ice hitting the walls melodically.
“Before this all happened, I was on a mission to retrieve the second half of that exact document.” She began
“You have read the first part ?” Steve asked earning an positive answer from her
“The experimented soldiers were cryo-frozen for future use, I am guessing in this day and age. The first file spoke of the process and the scientists involved in the whole operation by name. They planned to use one of these men to make a super soldier embryo.”
“HYDRA wants to mingle some of their soldiers to make a baby? Wouldn’t want to be that poor girl.” the playful note was easily distinguished 
“They could inject the serum inside a pregnant mother.” Vision leaned his body onto the table offering his two cents on this already sadistic topic 
“ This whole ordeal could be a way for them to try and retrieve the lost files. Going back in time is a big thing on its own. Guess they are very confidant in this operation to begin with.” Wanda jumped in with an idea following a lead
“That is an option, considering that their plan with unfreezing those popsicles ended up with all them dying in the first place.” Tony pushed off his desk, leaving the glass to rest on the coaster empty. “What else did you find on that USB?”
“That two soldiers survived that time difference.” Pressing the screen Bucky’s file popped up on the wall “James Buchanan Barnes, as we know went through the cryo freezer, but the second soldier doesn’t have any intel on methods of survival. Yet the more I looked into it, the more information I found about him. The files are much fuller than those of Bucky, almost like they had a personal deal of sorts, which got me thinking. So turns out this mystery soldier was in HYDRA as a family business. Him and Bucky were the best duo they had, almost perfectly engineered team. Taking orders and finishing the job. Our Mr.2 didn’t go under the memory eraser as much as Bucky did, only 5 recorded cases in here.  ” You tried to dig for a picture to offer them a face, but you could only find a burned one of a dog tag with a missing name, only the numbers left “ It is almost like he had been in the organization since a child.”
“What a family.” Nat commented “Basically we have another Barnes running around out there and we don’t know what he is capable of or who he might be?”
“I don’t remember any of this.” Bucky rubbed his head, either a headache creeping onto him or the anger of not being able to be of help.
“The problem might go deeper than that.” Steve rolled his shoulders back, hands crossed in front of his chest “Peggy seems to know Y/N.”
“Pardon my French but what the actual flying fuck?” Sam laughed out “ You can time travel of something now?”
“Not that I know of.” You shrugged “I am as confused about this as you all are.”
“Peggy?” his blonde hair flew around his head, as his eyes focused onto her figure
“We, me and Y/N are friends. Both of us met awhile after Steve’s….disappearance. Probably a couple of years or so. We used to go out from time to time and enjoy some food or a casual walk. Nothing suspicious. ”
“You said we haven’t seen each other since a few months now?” you asked her
“Yes, last time we met you had to leave earlier because of family problems with your uncle. It was pure coincidence, but I saw that the man who picked you up was James.”
 It felt like something snapped your head towards Bucky, eyes meeting in a mix of shock and confusion. The whole room couldn’t take a breath in until their brains calculated all that just got released as information. Tony frozen in one place as his eyes began to widen.
“I think I will be saying the thing we all are thinking about but…” Bruce trailed off trying to delay this as much as he could this rough interruption “ If Miss Carter is 100% sure she knew Y/N, the one here right now that we see and she also has seen her and Bucky together during that time. The information we got from that USB can lead only to one possible conclusion.”
“Are yall saying I am 100 something years old!?” your exterior was mirroring your inside state “We don’t know if it is a woman or a men, but you can’t just start pointing fingers like that.”
“I am sure it was Y/N. I followed you back then. After recognizing James I thought…” her eyes looked at Cap softly “ If he was alive than maybe Steve was as well.” The atmosphere was dark, heavy, but also like thunder crackling, hitting you with buzzes of something.
“What we are saying is that you could be working for HYDRA and we would never know.” Tony took a few steps towards you, his finger of the suit trigger button “A few years off your daily life are missing under the alibi that you were living with your uncle. You show some interesting symptoms from time to time to.”
“I don’t work for HYDRA!” agitating words and lack of memory began taking a tole on you “Wanda, Wanda look inside my head. Tell them I don’t work for HYDRA!” you were shaking her body vigorously, hoping for assistance maybe at least from Vision, the walking infinity stone.  
“Ok, calm down.” You took a seat while Wanda began gently entering your mind. She was gentle, taking her time going past one memory and into the other. Seeing thoughts and unsaid wishes. After what felt as an eternity she pulled her fingers away from your head and her presence out of your mind.
“She is telling the truth.” You slumped into the chair, taking a sharp breath in after what she said. For a moment you thought you heard faintly Tony disengaging the repulsion canon on his suit.
“But what?” eyes wandering over Wanda in expectation
“You have missing memories, not exactly forgotten maybe suppressed or hidden. Things just don’t feel natural in some places in your head. They seem periodical.”
“Now that we have calmed down.” Bruce walked over to you, helping you get up and shielding your body from Tony’s sight “Let’s take her to Stark tower. Tony your lab there is much bigger we can figure this thing out.” Everyone in the room waited for the ultimate decision, which he took his time on making.
“F.R.Y.D.A.Y. prepare the lab.”
  Yes Sir
 “Thank you, Tony.” You whispered
“Don’t mention it kid.” His hand landed onto your shoulder, giving you a reassuring squeeze, that he himself might have needed at that moment  “Barnes you will be in a car with Steve, Clint and Peggy, Y/N will be with me, Bruce and Natasha. We don’t need you two that close for now. Wanda, Sam and Vision can just fly there. Rhodey grab Happy and wait for us there. You.”he pointed at Thor “Go ask your messed up brother if he worked with HYDRA or lost the Tesseract for sometime before we made Vision .”
  Thor summoned Bifrost off Midguard, Wanda grabbed onto Vision disappearing into the wall. Everyone else headed down to the garage. The elevator was packed, the silence felt like a rope around your throat choking you with each floor passing. The space seemed tighter than before. It felt like the elevator was slowly filling with water, the pressure crushing your bones. Your body warmed up going past the normal temperature, when an icy like cooling sensation rolled up from your waist. Jolting threw you slight back hitting something soft yet firm.
“Calm down, it is me.” A deep voice whispered letting your body sink into this hold turning into pudding. He was the only thing keeping you standing, melting away the worry. Your hands crept up grabbing onto his vibranium arm, holding tight almost like he might disappear if you let go.
Sir, the garage.
   F.R.Y.D.A.Y. ‘s voice echoed sliding the metal doors open. Tony threw a pair of keys over to Steve, unlocking his own.
“I got her.” Natasha smiled at you, showing Bucky that he can entrust you to her from here on. As much as you didn’t want him to let go, you felt his body leaving yours. “ It will be ok. No one really thinks you are on their side.” She told you “We just have to make sure that if this is all true they didn’t mess with you in ways they did with the metal fossil.”
“Nat.”a jingle like giggle left your lips, tapping her arm post joke. She knew what to say at any given moment. 
“Ladies mind having your giggle fest in the car, we are busy people.” Tony snapped his fingers in a flashy way, ushering you both on the back seat.
“What is the plan then?” worried or not, there was no point trying to change something outside your grasp. You were still scared, worried but sometimes wearing adult pants was needed. You worked hard to reach this spot, there was no way you could let go of your future like this. Determination was unlocking something inside you, strength in situation most people wouldn’t be able to be composed in.
  Tony threw a look at you before continuing to drive towards Stark tower “Glad to have you back agent.” Nat rubbed your hand in partnership with Tony’s words “ These are all theories, but having Peggy Carter so sure in knowing you could have revealed something about you and or HYDRA.”
Sir, a message incoming from Falcon
 “Put him through.”
“Hey Tony! Sorry to cut your show short. I am getting a police report of a road shut down by some black jeeps heading up on yall.” Sam was flying over the cars
“Check on it.” The big metal wings shadowed over the road and flew in front, almost disappearing between the clouds.
“Who would have guessed that someone would try and stop us from going to the lab.” Bruce laughed at his comment, but Tony and Natasha seemed too serious
“We shall see how much of this was the job of a little fairy.” The car slowed down coming up on the barricade of cars standing, tinted windows not allowed a correct assumption of human number
“Smells fishy to me. Someone let the octopus out.” Natasha pulled out the gun from her case sitting calmly next to her leg. Tony prepared his bracelets.
“Dusty, you get ready too.” He shot you a serious glance “I don’t think these fine gentlemen want our autographs.”
 No one made a move for a couple of minutes, before one of the jeeps opened and threw a man out of it on the floor. Bloodied up, tied in a brutal way. His head was hanging low enough for people to figure out he was an adult male, but not enough to figure out any facial characteristics.
“Great they have a hostage.” Steve’s voice echoed from the intercoms
“It’s HYDRA.” Bucky added “Couldn’t forget these disgusting faces even if I tried.”
“ Could have guessed that much myself from the logo on them metal boy.” Tony hissed knowing damn well they had to save whoever that man was.
“Don’t be shy, we won’t shoot. Yet.”  The HYDRA agent laughed out “Do you need more motivation?” his leg generated enough kinetic energy to roll the man over to the exposed sun light, making you yell out “UNCLE!”
“What?” Bruce’s body swung towards the backseat
“Great!” Tony hit the stearin wheel aggressively “Now we gotta do something. Avengers, out of the car.”
 Like a command you jumped out of the vehicle , trying to make sure you weren’t just guessing blindly, but it was him. It actually was your uncle, could he have been kidnapped all this time? The letters he stopped answering to could have been a sign you were too blind to notice. But why him?
“Now that we have acquainted ourselves , we want a deal.” The tall man spoke out braking your thought process “Give us our soldier back and we give you this one here.”
“How about we punch you in the face and you give us the hostage ?” Bucky hissed out, his arm clenching in front of your eyes
“Honestly, I liked you better when you didn’t talk.” the smirk ripping this man’s face was disgusting, filled with pride.
“Y/N?” you uncle coughed up a bit of blood next to himself, a sight tugging on your heart strings.
“Aw such a sweet view. Almost a bit sad don’t you th-“
“Not as sad as you will be in a bit!” full speed down from the sky, Sam ripped the clouds landing a hard kick on the back of this guy’s head. Knocking him a couple of feet back. You dashed over to your uncle, who mustered enough power to get up and try to reach you. He collapsed half way, falling into your arms just in time.
“Uncle, uncle!” you kept calling out to him, brushing his hair off his sweaty forehead, who knows what this man went through at a HYDRA base by himself.
“I am ok sweetie. D-don’t worry.” You lowered your head trying to hear him better between the heavy breathing he was huffing and puffing, sending you a comforting smile.
“We should help them.” Steve and Bucky went towards you to give a hand in charring your relative.
“Steve wait!” Peggy grabbed his sleeve, when Bucky suddenly got the wind knocked out of him, his back denting one of Tony’s cars. The sheer strength needed to throw a big man like James back only possible by Steve, or another super soldier.
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gubes-sweaters · 4 years
Never Be the Same (part 2)
Author's Note: This is part two to the once shot I wrote called Never be the Same. I honestly didn't like the one shot, and I was surprised by the overwhelmingly positive reaction. A lot of people on Tumblr wanted a part two so here it is. I’ve re-written this like three times and this ending I’m semi happy with. Also, don't worry there's a cute fluffy ending. 
Content Warning: Arguing, idk just really sad for like half of the story. 
Word Count: 2.8k 
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Never be the Same (part 2): You Have Us
I wake up in a cold and empty bed the next morning. The blankets on Spencer’s side of the bed are still made, so he didn’t come home last night. The sun is stinging my already burning eyes from crying all last night. What did I do? Can we come back from this? I can’t call him and I have no clue where he’s at. I start to get worried to the point that I’m nauseous. I haven't been feeling very good as of late, but I'm chopping it up to the stress of Spencer coming home. I’m trying to think that this feeling in the pit of my stomach as of late is because of how he distanced himself. At first, he wouldn’t keep his hands off me, and he followed me around literally everywhere. Once week three of him being home rolled around, and he started teaching I became a second class citizen. I’m not sure what the freak out was about yesterday because after Spencer got home we didn't have any problems with sex. I mean it only happened once a day or two after he got home, but I thought because it already happened that it would come naturally to us once again. 
There's this feeling of nauseousness in the pit of my stomach as I feel the bile rise in the back of my throat. I quickly run to the bathroom and release all of my food from last night. After a minute I can finally pull myself off of the ground and brush my teeth. As I go to brush my teeth a little part of my brain remembers a similar situation I was in about a month before Spencer went to prison.
“Hey, are you okay?” Spencer consoles me as I’m hunched over the toilet. Despite being a germophobe he insists it’s okay because I need help.
“Yeah I might’ve picked up a stomach bug from work,” I say with my head resting on his shoulder.
He pulls me into a tight embrace before helping me off the ground. I walk over to the sink and go to brush my teeth, but as I do Spencer puts his hand over mine and shakes his head at me. 
“You shouldn’t brush your teeth right after you throw up. Just gargle some mouthwash it’ll have the same effect except you’re not brushing the acid into your teeth and gum line.”
“What would I do without you.”
“Probably have problems with plaque,” he says before kissing the crown of my head.
-End of Flashback-
I took Spencer’s advice from a while ago and went to use mouthwash but I couldn't find any. I check the medicine cabinet, a cabinet where we tend to keep extra toiletries for his go-bag, and finally, I check in the cupboard underneath the sink. When I grab the mouth wash I also knock over a small box. I pick it up and I’m reminded of the same day as the mouthwash memory. That day I've never seen Spencer as anxious, excited, and happy.
“Are you sure? I think you’re being a little over dramatic,” 
“I'm completely sure that we should at least check. Between your nauseousness, acid reflux, fatigue, vertigo, and now you’ve missed your cycle twice. I think we have reasons to be at least a little suspicious. Please just take the test for me,” He says while passing me the box with two tests in it.
“Fine, but I don’t think I’m pregnant. So don't get your hopes up,” I say before walking to the bathroom. 
I take one of the two tests and Spencer and I wait the ten excruciatingly long minutes. Eventually, the timer went off, and we just stared at each other silently begging the other one to look. Eventually, I conceded because I'm super impatient. I picked up the stick and there was only one line there wasn't even a faint tiny second line. 
“As disappointed as I'm sure we both are, we have time. This means that we can both do some pre-planning for our little genius.” I tell him with a sad look on my face reflecting the same look Spencer has on his face. 
He just nods in silence. I can tell this really hurt him. Partly because he was so sure, and he's not one to be wrong normally. I can tell that he's mostly disappointed that I wasn't pregnant because he wants to be a father so bad. At least he took my advice for taking this time to plan very seriously. He came home the next day with three baby books which he read them all before I even finished cooking dinner. 
-End of Flashback-
That same feeling Spencer had that I lacked the first time I took one of these tests is now very present, but this time I'm the one with the feeling. Something in my gut is telling me to take this test. It’s really stupid because I don't want to worry about my boyfriend and a baby. This couldn't be a more inconvenient time. I'm not on birth control because I've had a bad reaction to the pill in the past, so it’s possible. My heart is telling me, yes, but my brain is telling me no that I'm stupid and I should be worrying about Spencer right now. I go against my brain's wishes and I take the test. In the meantime, while I'm waiting for the test results I set a ten-minute timer, and then I call JJ. We've been friends for a long time now, and she's the reason I met Spencer. When it rings through I assume she’s busy, so I decide to call Garcia instead. 
“What's up sugar plum?”
“Hey Pen I hate to ask this of you, but I'm really worried about Spencer. I know he always leaves the house with his work cell no matter what. He left last night and hasn't been home since. I'm worried about him. Can you at least tell me if he's okay?”
“Of course doll. Give me a moment. Is everything alright between you two?” she asks while her fingers were furiously typing away at her keyboard.
“Yeah, just a little bit of a disagreement, nothing to write home about.” 
“Okie Dokie his work cell first pinged off a cell tower near Morgan's house, then pinged off a tower near a bar down the street, then finally he’s been at Morgan’s ever since. Is that all I can help you with?” 
“Yes, thank you! I owe you one.”
“Oh please sugar the pleasure is all mine.” She says in a flirty tone before hanging up.
Next on the agenda is to call Morgan. I know him pretty well because I was dating Spencer for a couple of years before he retired from the BAU to be with his son. I call Morgan but it rings through. I decide that I might get better results if I talk to Savannah.
“Hey girly! Let me guess you want your boyfriend back;” She says in a goofy tone.
“Spencer came here last night and said he needed to blow off some steam. He, Derek, and Hank went down to the park about half an hour ago. He didn't look upset at all today or yesterday, so I don't know what he means by blowing off some steam. Either way, he and Morgan have been all smiles all day. I figured something was off because he came here with tears in his eyes, but he hasn’t been crying since-”
The alarm interrupted both of our thoughts. I walk over to the test as I stammer out a sentence if you can even call it that. With a shaky hand, I pick up the test and look at the stick with two very defined pink lines.
“Hey...hey...um can I come over and talk to Spencer there. We had a bit of a disagreement last night. I think it would be best if someone like Morgan with a level head was there. Only if it’s okay I don’t want to intrude,” I say, my voice and hands shaking as my eyes start to well with tears.
“Nonsense you’re always welcome at our house. Any time of day I'll let the both of them know you’re coming over once they’re back from the park.”
“O--okay I'll see you in a bit,” I say before hanging up.
I decide that I need to calm myself down before driving far out to Morgan’s house. I go to the dollar store not far from our apartment and decide to take two more tests just in case. I also took this time to collect my thoughts and come to terms with the fact that I’m pregnant. Holy shit I’m pregnant! Sure enough, both tests also came back positive. There’s only one possible time it could’ve happened so that means I’m ten going on eleven weeks along. 
I drive to Morgan and Savannah's house with two of the three tests in my purse. This isn't the perfect time but I hope that Spencer will hear the good news and the old Spencer might come back to me at least part of him. I take a deep breath as I put my car in park, preparing myself for the worst and best possible situations. As I knock on the door I can feel my heart speed up faster and faster. The door opens to Savannah with a big smile plastered on her face.
“Hey, it’s nice to see you. I’ve missed you so much and I'm sure Morgan does too.” She says before stepping to the side and welcoming me inside.
“It's nice to see you too. Spencer isn't upset is he?” 
“No, he's actually sitting with Hank in the living room. He and Morgan have watched Hank trip over his feet for the past hour.”
We both walk into the living room and sure enough, the sight is enough to melt anybody’s heart. Hank uses the coffee table for balance, and he's walking back and forth between Spencer and Morgan. 
They both look up after Hank falls on his butt once more. Spencer gives me a tight-lipped smile and Morgan picks up Hank before walking over to me. 
”Spencer explained what happened. He doesn't know how to apologize for being so defensive and scared. Be a little lenient on him.” he tells me in a very calm and patient voice. The type of voice that a father should have. I baby talk hank and take in how much he's grown in a short amount of time before making my way over to Spencer. Savannah and Morgan leave the room monetarily and I sit next to Spencer in an awkward silence for a couple of moments.
It was completely silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It wasn't until the silence was broken by the sniffles Spencer was trying to contain. I turn to see that hot tears are streaming down his face, and he's looking at me not like he's not angry but scared. I reach out to touch his arm and I hate the way his muscle tensed under my touch. Is he that disgusted with me? He can't even let me be near him comfortably.
“Can you please say something...anything at all.”
“I’m scared,” that's all you hear out of Spencer before he starts sniffling once more.
“Spencer why? Is it me? Did I do something wrong?”
“I’m scared of myself. I’m not the same person I used to be. I’m scared you’re going to leave me because I'm not the same. I'm just terrified that I might hurt you even.”
“Oh Spence, you didn't hurt me and I know you wouldn't. If you’re referring to last I know you never would. We need to talk about this. Why did you even go to Morgans in the first place.”
“I knew that I'd be far from you. Morgan had to learn more than once how to feel normal again after a traumatic situation. He also knew what it was like to possibly lose Savannah. I just needed a distraction. I'm sorry I snapped at you, but I didn't want you to press the issue.” He says just barely above a whisper. He can't even look me in the eyes he feels so ashamed. If he does make eye contact it’s a split second, and he looks like a kicked around puppy.
“Spencer… I’m not going to act like I know what you’re going through, but something I can do is be with you the whole time. I get Morgan is like your older brother and you look up to him, but this kind of feels weird having this serious conversation here.”
“I know it feels like we’re invading a bit, let's just go home.”
-time skip-
“This feels much better,” I say as I throw my keys on the countertop.
“It sure does.” He says standing right behind me.
Before he can protest I wrap my arms around him so tight I basically have a death grip on him. After he relaxes into my touch he starts to nestle his face in the crook of my neck.
“I’m just scared of losing you, hurting you, or upsetting you. I realize pushing you away and yelling at you did nothing but put me in jeopardy of doing all three.” He says as I can feel each breath pass along my neck. It feels like home because this apartment isn't home without him. 
“You’re not going to lose me. I love you so much. I'll always be there for you… we’ll always be there for you…” I trail off.
“Yeah I know… wait who else?” He asks while pulling me from him just enough, so he can see my face. With a proud smile from ear to ear I decide it’s now or never to tell him.
“Well, we won’t get to meet them yet. Give it about six months.”
“Wait, you're pregnant?” He asks totally dumbfounded. An IQ of 187 to 60 just like that. I just nod as the tears start to fall, but instead this time they’re happy tears.
“Oh my god! I’m going to be a dad!” He says as he picks me up and twirls me really quick.
“Wait, are you okay? I didn’t cause too much stress right? We’re going to have to do so many things we don’t have enough time. What if I’m not ready?” Panic thickly laced in his voice. His head is obviously going a million miles a minute. I need to bring him back down to earth and quickly.
“Love it’s going to be okay. I saw you with Hank today and I’ve seen you with Henry and Micheal. They all absolutely adore you. It’s going to take time, there's still a lot of healing. It’s all going to be okay because we’re going to have the little family we’ve always wanted. We can worry about all of the details tomorrow. I just want to be right next to you for the rest of the night. Okay?” I say as I lead him to the couch.
“Okay,” He says with a larger than life grin on his face. He leans in to kiss me and this time it wasn’t rushed or filled with dread. It was like he was putting all of his love into one tender little kiss. 
“I wish we had more time at Morgans. To think that’s going to be us one day soon. Hank was so adorable waddling around. He couldn’t even get a couple of inches before he fell back on his butt.” Spencer says as he wraps his arms around me. We're cuddling in a way that we're both lying on the couch but my back is to his chest. He rests his chin on my head and his hands on my lower belly. 
“Spencer I love you so much, but you have no room to talk. You don’t have much better coordination, Hank might even have you beat.” I giggle a bit before leaning back into him even further.
He laughs at me, and he knows it’s true because he doesn’t even try and rebut what I just said. Finally, everything feels like it’s right back into place. Sure, Spencer will never be the same again, but we can work with what we have. Deep down he’s still just as loving, hopeful, kind, caring, and empathetic as he once was. It’ll just take time, and we have about six months to spare.
Taglist: @rexorangecouny @haylaansmi​
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jobean12-blog · 5 years
OH OH OH beefy Bucky and maybe Sam giving him viagra but Bucky doesn’t know that. Him and reader are just like hanging out in their room cuddling and Bucky gets hard but doesn’t tell reader and hides in the bathroom. Reader finds out why he’s hiding and helps him out. SMUT SMUT DIRTY FILTHY SMUT PLEASEEE
Pairings: Beefy Bucky x reader
Word Count: 2,495 (Well this got out of hand haha :)
Summary: Sam plays a fun prank on Bucky in the hopes of helping him get his girl. 
Author’s Note: Based off the above prompt, thanks for sending it in! :) I don’t know what happened here it just got kinda long but it was super fun to write and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for reading! 
Warnings: Sam and Steve being punks, some fluff and SMUT SMUT SMUT (18+ eyes only please :) 
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“When are you gonna tell her, man?” Sam teases as he and Bucky spar in the gym, Sam holding him in a headlock and grinning from ear to ear. “Will you fuck off, Sam, tell y/n, what? I have nothing to tell her!” Bucky yells before throwing his head back into Sam’s  face and effectively getting him off his back. The two men continue to circle one another, assessing their next moves, “maybe if you just said something you could finally work out all this tension the right way,” Sam says, winking at Bucky. Bucky lunges at Sam and knocks him to the ground, “and what way would that be, my genius friend?” Bucky taunts, holding Sam down with his metal arm. “Oh, come on, you know you need to get laid and what better person to do it, since you like her and all,” Sam answers, smirking up at Bucky triumphantly even in his precarious position. Bucky gives him one last shove before he grunts and jumps up, throwing his middle finger over his shoulder as he walks toward the showers. 
Sam sits a moment to catch his breath as an evil plan evolves in his head and he takes out his phone to text Steve, hey, Cap, wanna take a walk to the drug store with me? Steve quickly replies, do I want to know why we are going? and Sam just sends a winky face back with, I’ll fill you in on the way.Bucky showers and gets dressed heading upstairs to get some food only to find you in the kitchen making lunch for yourself, hair tied up in a messy bun, sweater hanging off your shoulder and legs bare except for fuzzy sucks. He drinks you in, jeans suddenly feeling tighter and the room hotter. You haven’t noticed him yet and he considers turning around and going out to grab pizza from down the street but decides he doesn’t want to give Sam the satisfaction.“Hey, y/n,” he manages to croak out as he makes his way toward the refrigerator, trying to focus on finding food. You skip over to him, pressing your chest into his back and trying to peek over his shoulder to find the pickles, “HI Bucky,” you say, voice cheerful and light and he inwardly groans at the feel of you so close. “Do you see the pickles in there?” you ask, still pressed against him, your body warm and soft and he forces himself to respond, “sure, doll, they are right here,” as he passes them your way. You smile and grab the jar skipping back to the counter.“Do you want me to make you a sandwich, I already have all the stuff out?” you gesture enthusiastically to all the goodies, smile bright. Bucky can’t say no, completely enraptured by you, “that would be great, doll, thanks so much!” You float around the kitchen, preparing two sandwiches with all the works while humming the theme to Jurassic Park. “What song is that, y/n?” he asks and you eye him suspiciously, “you’ve never seen Jurassic Park, Buck?” He shakes his head no and gives you a shrug as you walk toward him with the plates of food and as you set them down you say, “no way! That’s crazy, what are you doing tonight?”Bucky is thrown off guard by the question, suddenly nervous at the thought that you might ask him to spend time with you, “um, not much, why?” he asks. You give him a sideways grin, leaning close and telling him, “perfect! You and I are watching Jurassic Park tonight, come to my room around 7 and bring snacks.”“That sounds great, doll, better be a good movie,” he says as he takes a bite of the sandwich, “oh wow, this is delicious,” he mumbles, mouth full. You two continue making comfortable small talk over lunch and after he helps you clean up you tell him you’ll see him tonight and head off to run errands. It’s at that unfortunate moment that Bucky runs into Sam, literally.“Where have you been, Sam?” Bucky asks, trying to avoid talking about his lunch with you and the definite teasing that would come along with it. “Just ran out with Steve, we picked up some beer and we are gonna shot some darts or pool, wanna join?” Sam asks and Bucky nods in agreement following him to the rec room. Steve is already down there setting up the darts, “hey punk, was hoping you would join us so I could kick your ass at darts again,” Steve taunts, bumping Bucky in the shoulder.Bucky just walks past him, grabbing some darts and a beer, “wait,” Sam says, “I already opened you one, here,” and he hands Bucky the beer. “Thanks man, now let’s get this game started, I have to show Stevie here that he can shove his win streak up his ass,” Bucky jokes, lining up his first throw.A couple of hours later Bucky checks the time and realizes he needs to go shower and grab snacks before meeting up with you, “hey guys, this is my last round, I have to take care of some stuff before it gets too late,” he tells his friends, feeling slightly nervous and hoping they don’t notice. “No problem, Buck,” Steve grins, “Yea, sounds good, let’s just finish off these last beers and clean up,” Sam adds in, giving Steve a sly wink.Seven rolls around faster than Bucky would have liked, his heart racing and palms sweaty at the thought of a night alone with you. He wants this, wants you, but he’s afraid you’ll reject him, you’re so lovely in every way and he’s sure you just see him as a friend. Before he can psych himself out any more he jumps up and grabs the snacks and heads down the hall, determined to enjoy this, he knocks on the door, “come on in,” he hears you yell and opens the door.He finds you in your small kitchenette standing on your tippy toes to reach two cups from the cabinet, your sweater riding up and stopping right below your ass, he audibly swallows, “need some help, y/n?” he asks, moving closer. “Yes, please, Buck, I should have gotten the stool,” you giggle, shifting over to let him get to the cabinet. Bucky grabs the cups and places them on the counter, getting a faint whiff of your scent, clean and floral, and he can’t help but take a deep breath in.You bring him over the the couch and set up the movie, placing all the snacks out and sitting down in the middle. He has no choice but to sit close to you, knees and shoulders brushing as you get comfortable. The movie starts and you can’t help your excitement, constantly touching Bucky when your favorite scenes come on, even grabbing his hand at one of the more thrilling parts. He is really loving the movie but can’t help how uncomfortable he feels, his hard on so intense that he is worried he may have to bail on you.He can’t be like this just from sitting close to you and a few stray touches...what the hell is going on? He finally excuses himself to the bathroom, asking you to pause the movie, “no problem, take your time, I’m gonna grab some more water and make popcorn,” you tell him, shuffling off to the kitchenette.Bucky sits in bathroom for a good 5 minutes, just trying to cool off and breathe but he just can’t seem to fix the issue. Finally he hears your soft voice from the other side of the door, “hey Buck, are you ok? Do you need anything,” and he inwardly groans not knowing what to do, I’m fine, be out in a sec,” he replies as lightly as possible.A couple of minutes later he leaves the bathroom and finds you at the counter pouring the popcorn into a bowl, “perfect timing, the popcorn just came out,” you chime then ask Bucky to get your water from the fridge. “Where is it, babe, I can’t find it anywhere,” he says, still bent over and half in the fridge. You head over and maneuver yourself under him, your ass now dangerously close to the hardness in his jeans.“Found it!” you declare and move to get out from under Bucky but instead back yourself right into him and his ‘issue.’ A low growl escapes him and before you can move he has you turned around and pressed against the closed door of the cool fridge. “Fuck it,” he whispers before leaning down to kiss you, his lips soft but the kiss dominant.You moan into the kiss and it’s all the reassurance he needs as he parts your lips with his tongue and explores your mouth, his hands roaming over the dips and curves of your body. You run your hands up his arms and around his neck, lightly tugging his hair and loving the feel of his muscled chest pressed into you so firmly.He hooks your legs around his waist and moves you to the counter top, lips never leaving yours and hands now wandering under the hem of your sweater. “I’ve wanted you for so long, y/n, I can’t hold back any longer,” he confesses when he finally breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes, “please, Bucky,” you beg, “don’t hold back at all.”He spreads your legs further and presses his hard length against you and “oh god, yes, please Bucky,” leaves your lips in a gasp causing him to lose all control. His metal hand reaches between your legs and tears off your panties, sliding his cool fingers along your pussy, gathering the wetness before sinking two in.Your head falls back against the cabinet and you cling to his shoulders, the feel of his thick metal fingers stretching you almost too much, “you like when I fuck you with my fingers, baby?” he asks, bringing your lips back down to his. You can’t do much more than moan into his mouth and he continues pumping his fingers in and out, now using his thumb to rub circles on your clit. You bite his lip hard as you come around his fingers, slumping against his chest as he works you through your orgasm.“I’m not nearly done with you yet, baby girl,” he whispers into your neck as he removes your sweater and works his way down to your breasts, massaging and sucking on both. He drags you closer to the edge of the counter, your legs parted as he drops to his knees, “gonna taste you baby, make you cum with my tongue,” he says right before he lightly sucks on your clit.You grab his hair and pull him closer and he lets out a growl at your eagerness, his mouth driving you closer and closer to the edge. The gentle flicks of his tongue over your swollen clit making it impossible for you to hold back as your second orgasm crashes over you.You’re a panting mess by the time he makes his way back to your lips, smirking against them as you moan at the taste of yourself, “I can’t wait to be buried inside this sweet pussy, feel you wrapped around my cock,” he groans and removes his pants. “Too many clothes, Bucky,” you manage to get out as you try to lift his shirt over his head. He’s between your legs, chest bare and rock hard cock pressed against your core with only his boxer briefs in between. He rubs against you as you claw at his waist to remove his underwear, finally getting them down to his ankles. You look down and drink him in, pussy clenching at how beautiful his cock is and not for the last time you’re pleading with him to fuck you.He pushes inside you with one swift thrust and you both moan at the feel, “you feel fucking amazing, doll, so hot and tight,” he mewls, his eyes never leaving yours as he starts to move slowly in and out. You can barely stay focused as his cock stretches you so perfectly, eyes rolling back and the sound of wet skin against skin echoing through your small space. “I want you to touch yourself, baby, make yourself cum on my cock while I watch,” Bucky says, effectively snapping you out of your trance. You reach down and rub your clit as he watches his cock move in and out of your pussy, his movements becoming more and more erratic as he nears his release. “Bucky, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you yell out just as your walls clench around him and your third orgasm racks your body. He follows mere moments after, slamming into you as he cums harder than he ever has before.“Fuck, that was incredible doll, I hope I wasn’t too rough,” Bucky whispers, lightly kissing your neck, his hard cock still buried inside you. He shifts closer and you moan, “oh my god, you’re still so hard, Bucky, you feel so good,” you tell him and he can’t help but smirk as he catches your eye. “It comes with the super solider territory but I have a feeling this might be from something a little extra...” he informs you, leaving you to wonder at his words.“What do you mean extra?” you ask, waiting for him to explain and he fills you in on Sam’s teasing and tells you Sam probably slipped some Viagra into his beer earlier. Your face lights up in amusement as the realization hits you, shaking your head at the circumstances that finally brought you together. He carefully pulls out of you and you take in the sight of his cock, still hard and glistening from your juices, “I think I can help you handle this issue, baby,” you hum, slipping off the counter and onto your knees in front of him. You take his cock in your hand and gently squeeze causing him to growl and grab your hair, “I’m gonna be able to go all night, doll, so you just tell me when you’ve had enough,” he says, looking down, eyes dark. “I don’t mind at all and I have some plans of my own,” you say, licking your lips, “first, I’m going to suck your perfect cock until you cum down my throat and then I want to cum all over your face while I ride it.” His hand tightens in your hair and he grins wickedly, “baby, I’ll do anything you want, I’m...” but before he can get the last words out your mouth is around his cock and he loses the ability to speak. He will have to remember to thank Sam once this night is over.
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i-okamie · 4 years
How Did I End Up Here ? Ch5
Ch1 // Ch2 // Ch3 // Ch4 //  Ao3
Lena is staring at the door Jess has closed behind her.
For some reason seeing it shut makes uneasiness swell inside of her, slowly constricting her chest. Her breath is not as easy as mere minutes ago and Lena can feel her hands shaking. She knows the feeling is irrational: Jess can still hear her if need be, her security team has been called by now and is standing at the ready, and it is not as if Alex is here to hurt her …
Lena tries to swallow down her anxiety, feeling it closing her throat ever so slowly.
A few months ago, the two women had grown closer and closer through working on some scientific projects, watching over Supergirl and making sure the missions would go as smoothly as possible, and of course spending time with Kara. They even used to team up every now and again at game nights, spending the whole time boasting while the other tried to minimize the damages the best they could.
It seems like a whole different life, Lena thinks, so much has changed.
Lena had learned all about Kara’s real identity as a super hero, they all had been transported to a new planet after earth-38 had been destroyed, she had developed non-nocere out of a place of hurt and despair, hoping it would fix things.
She had worked with Lex.
Out of all those things, this one makes her feel sick. She had done so willingly, believing everything he had told her, believing that maybe the brother she had known and loved all those years before had come back to her, having her best interests at heart. Someone really cared about her. Of course he knew everything of her deep desire to be accepted, to be truly seen for who she is, he had played that string just right, and Lena had been all too happy to do as she was told.
A puppy eager to please.
The brunette had used that comparison to describe Kara more than once while she had manipulated her, biding her time till she could get her hand on Myriad and set her plan in motion. But had she really faired any better?
Reality had caught up with her, hard and fast. All the warnings from Kara had been true and Lex had once again let her down, once her purpose had been served. And sure, she had helped fighting Leviathan, but she couldn’t erase what she had done during the last months, the superfriends making their distrust clear through all their side glances and the general stiffness while she was at the DEO to help them handling that situation.
And ever since that menace had been dealt with, none of them had reached out to her, wondering how she was doing after all what she had been through. She had hoped against all odds that one of them would ask for news from her, from sheer politeness at worst. But nothing happened. No visit, no phone call, no text. The only one that had cared enough to come to her once things had settled down had been Kara, and of course she had to send her away out stubbornness, holding on her hurt and betrayal like a life line, and using harsh words to make sure the other woman would hurt just like she does.
By the time her blood had cooled down enough for her to think rationally again, it was too late to apologize, the Luthor pride getting in the way, and all Lena had done was pouring herself another drink to try to dull the ache in her chest.
Her wish had been granted. She had not heard from her ever since she had issued her threats. She was on her own all over again, and this time she couldn’t blame anyone but herself.
Agent Danvers has all the reasons to be mad at me, Lena winces internally. To want to see me hurt after what I did to her sister. In her position I would.
Seeing Alex standing here, dressed up as if about to go on an intervention, made Lena reconsider her position. If usually she was the figure of authority in that room, the tables had turned.
Unconsciously the CEO leaned back into her chair, adding some distance between herself and the other woman. Her posture was slowly turning more defensive, despite being all too aware that if the agent had set her mind on hurting her there was very little she could do, especially given her condition lately. Slow reflexes and shaky legs would make it  easier for the special agent.
And wouldn’t she like that? Lena feel a chill running down her spine.
Alex had been the most suspicious from them all, always telling Kara that a Luthor would never change, always keeping an eye on her and quick to paint Lena as the culprit of whatever happened in National city. The short haired woman would surely love to see Lena try to escape her only to trip and fall. Maybe she would catch her, not willing to see the game being over too soon, before backing her against a wall and relishing into finally having a Luthor at her mercy.
Lena could picture it and the thought makes her dizzy, her heart pounding in her chest in a fight or flight reflex.
But for now Alex is just standing in front of her desk, looking at her with a mix of confusion and concern painted on her face. If not for her straight posture and uniform, one could think she is a concerned friend paying Lena a visiting to see what is going on.
Why would Alexandra Danvers of all people be concerned about her? Or is it away to get Lena letting her guard down? To fell safe before pulling the rug from under her feet?
It’s barely 11am, but Lena is still too hungover, and the fear in her chest too oppressive, to give much thought to what is on Alex’s mind. Agents are trained to have a neutral expression at all time. The brunette has only ever seen the other woman wearing that kind of expression when something involving loved ones happened. When Reign had beaten up Supergirl into a coma. When Kara … when Supergirl had been poisoned by kryptonite. Maybe it’s about Kara, maybe there is …
“Lena, did you hear me?” Alex says, raising her voice slightly to catch the CEO’s attention.
“Sorry, what?” Lena jumps in her chair, shaken back into reality by the raised voice. She had completely lost track of what was going on around her.
What a way to prove your not a mess, or completely freaked out at having a DEO agent in the same room as you, Lena thinks bitterly.
Alex sights, stepping forward to get a closer look at her.
“Lena” Alex starts, sounding hesitant “I know we’re not friends and I won’t pretend that we are in good terms at all. But what the hell is happening?”
She leans closer into the CEO’s space, and Lena doesn’t know when she grabbed the armrests of her chair but now she is holding tight on them.
“Take a seat please” she says curtly, with a jerk of her head. “And I don’t know what Kara told but everything is …”
“Please, humor me Luthor” Alex stopes her before sitting down on the edge of her chair, as if ready to pounce on her.
Lena hates how such a detail makes her anxiety swells up even more. Get a grip of yourself, dammit!
“No need to be a genius to see you’re not okay. The dark circles under your eyes, your agar look, your jumpiness and the increase in security … I can put two and two together.” Alex gives a pointed look toward her slowly healing hand, causing the brunette to anxiously rub the scabbing still holding on her palm since she seems unable to let it heal properly and regularly find herself picking at the scabbing. Many blood-stained shirts being the collateral victims of her nerves.
Alex takes Lena’s silence as her cue to keep going.
“Besides, Kara didn’t say anything from the last time she came here. She only came back with the look of a kicked puppy and refused to pipe a word about you.”
This catch Lena’s attention. Kara didn’t talk about what she witnessed? Lena was sure she would have told her sister about she had seen at Lena’s place or at least about their last exchange “… I’m not my brother but it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to keep a kryptonian at bay if need be.” Now that she was thinking about it, not seeing a DEO squad barging in her office should have clued her on the fact that Kara didn’t share about their last exchange.
“And that’s probably the more worrying of all this!” Alex continues “Usually I have to sit through hours of Lena this, Lena has invented that, Lena explained me this, … she is unable to stop talking when it comes to you.”
Lena snorts softly at the agent clear exasperation, happy to see that the blonde woman can get under anyone’s skin.
Though a quiet Kara is a foreign concept to her, given that this woman is able to babble about any topic for hours on end. That’s something Lena had thought endearing about her, listening fondly to her former friend just to see that thousand watts smile she reserved for Lena.
That was before she learnt the truth. The endless rants about food, books or series had turned into endless streams of apology whenever she was next to the CEO, the superhero not noticing how this would only fuel her anger. Lena couldn’t stand watching the blond-haired woman looking at her with her blue eyes full of unshed tears, stammering meaningless apologies to her while she had been the one deciding to lie to Lena for years.
Alex as well. No matter how many times Lena had answered her calls and come rescuing her alien sister, she had never dimmed the brunette worthy of her trust.
Lena rubs her temple, trying to reign on the anger, hurt and anxiety threatening to drown her from the inside. She cannot let Alex throw her off balance, she won’t give her this satisfaction.
The agent stops talking to give her a thoughtful look, as if weighing her options.
“God I understand Kara’s better now … Lena, are you okay? Do you need help?”
What? Lena is struggling to process what the agent is saying.
“Don’t take it the wrong way, but … the DEO trains us to analyze people behavior and you’re looking and acting exactly like a victim in denial, or someone being blackmailed” the agent rushes out, not leaving time for Lena to stop her “Given your family history and reputation and your position as a fortune 500 and young CEO, both are probable options. So what is it?”
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youarejesting · 4 years
Temptation KTH X Reader
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[Masterlist] Pairing: CamBoy!Taehyung x CamGirl!Reader Beta: N/A Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, NSFW, Smut Rating: 18+ Words: 3.7k Request: @pars-ley​
Summary: You sign up for the world’s newest and sexiest Late-night Television program called ‘Temptation’. Where you are competing with nine other Cam workers to win One Million dollars. The catch? You can’t cum?
Warnings: Oral f & m recieving, Doms & Subs, Orgasm denial, Penetrative sex, Handjobs, Fingering, Vouyerism, Exhibitionism, Bratty, Daddy Kink, Impregnation Kink, Auralism (sexy sounds moans etc...), Orgy, Dirty talk, Group sessions.
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You were a cam girl, but you had been recruited with the best of the best to participate in an elimination game show. Basically, you were not allowed to come, which didn’t include private masturbation unless you were with a housemate in the previous half-hour. The winner would win one million dollars. 
There were a few catches, you were each given a phone that would give you commands on things you had to do with other contestants. You had permission to do anything to anyone if the phone told you so. So if you were told to give a blow job you could, but the male was not allowed to finish. Equally so if you were told one of the males could eat you out, you weren’t allowed to finish.
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With a sigh, you sat in front of the camera and began talking about the first day while rewatching the footage. You were told to react as if it was happening and relay the thought you had in the moment. “right here I thought ‘oh it is going to be easy’,” I signed up to Temptation and I am going to win. I have to win, I am planning on paying out my family's mortgage and perhaps buying myself a home something permanent.”
You took a moment to pause and thought “it wasn’t the easiest growing up poor, I have a good job now and a good apartment but I don’t spend money on myself until my family are in a better position”
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You met the other contestants and you could pick out which ones would go first, the ones who had no resolve. There were four doms and you knew you could get them in seconds. Everyone was dressed normally and you each took the time to greet one another. 
This would be the easiest money you ever made. Everyone introduced themselves and their highlight cam videos appeared on the screen and you paled. Suga, RM, J-Hope, Honey, Jimin, lovelymi, Jungkook, EatJin. Names you hoped would “Hello, my name is V, I have been in the cam industry for about seven years, I do partner and solo videos, I am a switch.” His voice was so deep and it stirred something in you.
His videos started playing and he was grunting and fucking a girl. Him talking dirty while he used his hand, he was big and looked honestly amazing. He was holding a girl’s hair as he bucked into her mouth. All while looking and sounding so freaking sexy
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“This be harder than I thought” you laughed “he is handsome and his voice is truly amazing, from a purely sexual point of view he is attractive”
“But what will his personality be like? That's the question. Things can make you excited but if he opens his mouth and is a jerk well that excitement plummets. 
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“Hey guys, My cam name is Baby, I have been in the cam business for a long time I can’t even remember, I am a submissive, I have done partnered and solo cam video” Your videos began playing, you were thankful for the quality of your videos and editing things looked desirable and left you wanting more. You acting like a brat and being punished. You acting submissive calling your cam partner Daddy.
This last one had the dom’s in the room squirming and you knew you had some power over them.
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“I joined the cam industry because I was interested, I got to have pleasure in the privacy of my own house and get paid. I use a fake name and I entertain clients with videos. I choose what I do in the video if I don’t like it. I'm sorry, I choose who can watch me. If someone is acting rude or threatening I can kick them out the website and my setup at home is protected so common creeps cannot find me. The people I film with are people I trust and also work in the business”
You shrugged raising your hands up “I mean what can I say it all sounds like a great deal, orgasms and money what else do you want”
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You smiled and the Host spoke over the PA, “Please check out your new rooms and your attire which has been carefully selected in your size. Relax and freshen up dinner will be served shortly.”
You stood up and looked innocently at the doms. “What should I wear for dinner mummy and Daddies?” 
The four doms Suga, Jhope, Honey, and Jin looked at you with firm eyes. “Would you like me to dress you, baby?” Honey asked 
“Wear something pretty?” Jin said his voice firm as he walked off, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt as he walked down the hall.
“Wear something to impress daddy?” Jhope grinned and you went off to your room, looking through the cupboards and you thought the others would go for blatantly sexy but you actually snuck into Jin’s room while he was in the shower and stole his dress shirt and left, you made sure to wear a pretty set of white lace underwear but you didn’t put on shoes and you let your hair down and put on natural-looking makeup.
The shirt dwarfed you and you didn’t do up all the buttons at the top or bottom. Everyone walked out to dinner and you grinned. All the guys were either just in pants or in suits except Jimin and Jungkook who were in harness’. LovelyMi was wearing lingerie, big heels, and full hair and makeup. Honey wore leather and big shoes stepping out. You yawned pretending you woke up your hands unseen in the big sleeves.
“Is that my shirt?” Jin asked
“Daddy's shirt smelled so good?” Jin stirred, you bit back a smile and everyone started eating dinner and you reached for something and V made a small groan as the shirt fell open revealing your breast. You sat back down and grinned when Suga’s phone chimed. 
“One of your well-known skills is Tongue technology, pick one girl and eat her out.” He said with a laugh. 
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“Suga, genius. The only two things you need to know” he shrugged looking at the floor. “Enough said”
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He walked down the table and pushed your chair back. You looked up at him innocently. “Daddy is going to eat this pussy, is that okay my sweet baby?” Suga caressed your cheek, you did like praise. 
“I want a different daddy” You huffed pulling off your underwear and throwing them at Jin. Suga pressed his tongue to his cheek, looking visibly pissed that you were questioning his authority knowing you were playing as the rules stated if you didn’t want to participate you would use the safe word.
“Spread your legs, brat” this was a command and your legs fell apart. He placed them on the arms of the dinner chair and V looked down swallowing hard trying not to look but you commanded his attention.
“What a pretty little pussy, for such a bratty girl” Suga smirked, wasting no time, you picked up your drink and drank it slowly thinking about the dinner. After the initial surprise, you knew you would be fine he wouldn’t get you to finish but he was so close.
Another phone went off and Jimin read aloud his instructions to give RM a blow job. You continued eating dinner zoning out completely you were pretty skilled at keeping yourself from cumming. What surprised you was when Jimin came it was the first night, but the boy had an oral fixation and that coupled with an audience and the moans around the room, he came while deepthroating RM.
You were sad to see him leave but you were thankful the orders for the night were complete.
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“Suga has tongue technology all right but, there is one sure-fire way to put me on edge and that is with a deep voice. I cannot stand V’s voice it is way too sexy”
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It had been a long first week, you had been drawn to the edge by Honey and had given a blow job to Jhope who held himself together with swears and shaky breath. You were all sitting in the pool at the end of the week and LovelyMi was eliminated. The fans had voted her out.
The next week saw Jungkook eliminated. Honey had him tied up and he couldn’t hold back. There was no voting elimination but there was a challenge. You had to answer sex facts to earn points. Some of the questions were how many times can a woman orgasm. You won and the hosts Adora and Pdogg asked how many times you had successfully finished.
“Eleven,” You said, “I could have kept going but I took a break and ended up falling asleep.”
“I am impressed?” RM grinned, he had got the next answer right and the two of you got to draw from the hat some cards. 
“Hell yeah, I got a free finish card” You grinned 
“I got an extended order time card” RM laughed and you both high fived and headed back to continue playing the game.
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After a few games such as the fastest to dress in their role-play costume, you all picked what door you wanted and you laughed when you were dressed as a businessman, you laughed at the array of costumes but V was the winner having won wearing a nurses dress. Another game was won by Jin and it was called ‘whose lips are these?’ You each took turns being blindfolded and you were kissed by the others.
For you, Jin’s lips were the easiest to identify, followed by Honey’s and you just knew when a large hand took your waist and your heart sparked that it was V. Three out of six wasn’t too bad.
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“They always guessed when it was me, do I kiss a certain way or weirdly?” You touched your lips confused and mumbled in an afterthought  “I thought I kissed really well.”
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You stepped up to V your heart racing nervously and you slipped your hand into his hair pulling his hair firmly and he groaned making you lick your lips. You kissed him and he kissed back his tongue entering your mouth and you pulled away watching him sigh in relief.
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“I got every one of them wrong except her, there was something about how soft her lips were, and the way she tasted like strawberries it was kind of delicious.” V spoke his cheeks red “I want to kiss her again”
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Jhope won a game of sex bingo where you had to mark off what you had done but the catch was there as like a hundred different things. Where you looked through your cam videos and marked off what was in each of them. Honey and Suga didn’t have a single card. V had a free from elimination card and Jin had a kink assisted order. Jhope won a group order card.
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“Some would say, I am well versed in sex, and they would be right!” JHope laughed, clapping his hands. “I enjoy trying new things and well I have preferences but I can at least say I have tried it”
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That week was fun, you had filed away the free finish card for when you needed it and hoped like hell you wouldn’t need it. RM used the time extend card for his order to fuck Honey but accidentally eliminated himself and Honey simultaneously.
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Eliminations came along and Suga was the next to be voted out. There were four of you left. You and three males, this was going to become quite difficult. You were sitting on the couch watching movies with Jin when you got an order. 
“Give a blow job to the nearest contestant” You smirked and sank to the floor unzipping Jin’s pants and you hit accept on the phone and got to work you had a time limit and you weren’t going to lose one million dollars because of a six-minute timer.
You used everything called him Daddy made all the right sounds and gave him all the right looks but he didn’t come. The timer rang and he grinned tucking himself away and you rested your head on his thigh. “Please daddy.” 
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“She is dangerous, I almost didn’t want to stop but I am here for the money, she isn’t playing around” Jin sighed “I can still hear her saying those words in my head and I want more than anything to continue our session.” 
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You noticed V in the kitchen with a piece of orange in his mouth, eyes wide he had seen everything and you blushed.
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“That was the hottest thing I had ever seen, she really wanted to win and I am just thankful that it wasn’t an order for me” He shivered running his hand over his jaw. “I wouldn’t have made it, and I don’t know if I would try”
He looked at his hands ringing them out before looking up “She is my opponent and I will do my best to win against her!”
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Jin had used a kink assisted and you were given headphones filled with V’s moans while Honey had given him a handjob last week. 
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“She either really likes V or she likes deep moans that is good to know?” He snickered “I think she is in love with V the two are smitten”
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You bit your lip and turned to the camera’s “Oh this is playing dirty.” You hissed Jin was skilled with his fingers, he apparently played guitar and some piano but no matter how much he rubbed your G spot and clit at the same time. You weren’t going to come, even if V sounded sinful in your ears.
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“There is nothing I want more than to win, but I almost didn’t think I was going to make it. Have you heard him, growling and moaning” You blushed burying your face in your hands “He is the only one who can make me lose this game”
You looked up and leaned back on the couch throwing one leg over the other. “So now we are all preparing for war”
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Amongst all the sex, you and V grew close, the two of you Swam in the pool and played games, when you weren’t talking you were having deep conversations and at one point you even stayed up late chatting until he leaned in pressing his lips to yours. You couldn’t help but kiss him back with similar vigor. 
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“Baby” Jhope called and showed you the screen of his phone reading out loud. “Jhope ten minutes with Baby everything except penetrative sex” 
“Okay?” You nodded 
“And I am calling the group card” he grinned 
You were surrounded by all three men and they quickly discussed what they should do. JHope grinned, telling Jin to return the favor for the earlier blow job and V looked disappointed. 
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“I know why he chose me, I am called EatJin for a reason.” Jin explained seriously “these lips can devour women… and a good steak”
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“Was I disappointed that JHope asked Jin-hyung to eat her out?” V scoffed a few times “me? never”
He got up out of his chair as he took his microphone off and walked away with a dark tone “What would ever give you that impression”
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The next elimination saw JHope leave. And it was you and the two handsome young men, you understood why they weren’t voted out. 
You had an amazing evening watching V give a rather enthusiastic Blow Job to Jin who came with a loud cry. 
Now it was just you and V. 
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“Am I scared?” You laughed at the question, touching your mouth in thought. “Why because it’s just the two of us now”
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“It’s her who should be scared?” V looked proud as he held an intense gaze.
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“I do this for a living, why would I be scared?” 
You tried to bluff unsuccessfully “I’m bloody terrified, Have you seen him he is handsome as hell and I know he will be the end of me”
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“My biggest fear is not being able to stop. She is magnificent, we have gotten to know each other so much over the four weeks and she is cheeky and charming and sweet and I truly believe I love her.” 
He licked his lips “it started out that I thought she was my type but it became that she was my everything”
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When you woke its first day with just the two of you and he smiled over breakfast. “The house feels lonely without everyone doesn’t it?”
“The house feels too big and too cold” you mumbled. 
You spent the week together which would be fast-forwarded on the week's episode. 
“Today is the last day the challenge is going to be extreme,” he said, “you think you're ready for it?”
“Yeah, I think I am ready, what about you?”
“I think I am more nervous I wish we were on even grounds your free finish card has me worried” 
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“What I am about to do is either incredibly stupid or incredibly stupid” you buried your face in your hands. 
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“I would like to use my free finish card” you pulled the card out from the back of your phone. “You better be worth it?”
V’s mouth fell open in shock and you looked at him feeling a little mischievous. 
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“She is going to give up her free finish now so we fight an even and fair match tomorrow.” He said biting his lip “I love her, and I am not going to waste this moment I am going to rock her world”
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You followed him to his bedroom. He held your hand the entire way and you grinned as he pressed you to the door. Kissing you hard and moaning into your mouth. He slipped his hand up your little skirt and plunged his fingers down the front of your underwear. 
He didn’t let up and he was kissing and sucking at your neck before he moved you to the bed and buried himself between your legs he moaned the whole time and he was torturing you. 
His tongue working magic on your clit and his long fingers curling up inside you. It wasn’t long before your legs began to tremble and you gripped the sheets as all the sexual tension that had been building up finally released causing your back to arch off the bed. 
You shivered watching him lean back onto his heels and lick his fingers and palm with a soft moan. “You are delicious”
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“I have made a mistake” you whispered quietly.
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It was the big day you were both dressed immaculately and this was the moment of truth Adora and Pdogg watched from the sidelines beside the three judges. 
“Now the rules are simple the first to cum loses the winner gets a million dollars”
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“It is kind of weird knowing the finale is just the two of us having sex until someone finishes but hey who am I to judge. I am one of the people doing it”
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You both went to the bed, there were cameras everywhere including inside you, that was a fun appointment. Even though it was a tiny little silicone camera on a fine cord, they were able to move the camera around by a remote so it was always in the correct position you would admit it was nerve-racking to have it inside you. V looked at you sitting on the bed with a nervous grin and you both hugged whispering under your breath. 
“Are you as nervous as I am?” You whispered
“Yeah, I didn’t expect I would be having sex on late-night television”
“Yeah I agree” 
“Do you think that after this, we could watch a movie or get something to eat?”
“I would love too” you breathed
Everything began and you were underneath V and he was working hard and a timer went off every ten minutes to switch positions so that you each got different stimulation and such. 
You almost lost it while he fucked you from behind, you were clenching around him tightly trying to make him finish. He was grunting and growling. 
Your mind was spinning and you whispered to yourself don’t come hoping you could convince yourself to hang in a little longer. 
You switched positions sinking onto him and straddling his waist his hands held your hips and he bucked up into you. 
“Let’s give our two contestants their first hints,” Pdogg grinned, the two hosts taking envelopes. 
“V has an impregnation kink” Adora read the card aloud 
“Oh yeah, daddy? you want to fill me up, you placed his hands on your lower abdomen and pressed back on him so he could feel himself through your stomach. “You want me all nice and full, huh?”
He groaned loudly and you clenched around him biting your lip. “Baby has a sound kink her preference is deep voices but she enjoys moans growls and pants. She has sensitive ears.”
V sat up putting his mouth to your ear and began, talking to you making obscene sounds in your ears and he flipped you over after hearing the belly and grabbed your hips thrusting hard. 
His speed was dangerous for both of you,  “Come on” he growled and you felt everything crash over you, your body practically convulsing from the power that had built up. 
He came after you and it was warm. The footage from inside of you was very explicit watching him finish inside of you. You laughed, slapping his arm, you fought dirty.
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“I gave up on trying to hold back if I didn’t give one hundred percent neither of us would finish. I had to get dangerously close in order to push her over the edge” He pumped his hands in the air. 
“But I did it!” He cheered. “I won!”
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“And there you have it V is the winner of the sexiest game of the year Temptation.” Adora cheered.
“Think you have what it takes to go online to our page to see behind the scenes footage as well as applications for next years big game”
“V, tell us what you are planning to do with one million dollars”
“First of all I am going to split it with Baby, and maybe take her on a date”
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If you enjoyed this story don’t forget to Like | Share so others can enjoy it too. PLease see my [Masterlist] for more of my work.
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It’s Complicated (Llewyn Davis x reader)
Summary: It’s a chilly autumn morning, and reader is studying in the apartment, waiting for Llewyn to wake. The relationship? Complicated. The topics? Complicated. But Llewyn is a soothing presence all the same, especially when he sings for you.
Author’s note: I’m doing soft blurbs this week bc you all deserve a hug from one of our fave fictional husbands. Let’s all destress and be comforted one blurb at a time, okay? (I’m doing these quickly so I can complete as many as I can for you, so they’ll be a bit scrappy, please forgive!) Ok, turns out I LOVE writing melancholy, autumnal Llewyn? Who knew? And I like how this turned out!
Song: I imagine him singing Karen’s Dalton’s Something on Your Mind for you, because it’s melancholy and it reminds you of him. 
Warnings: it’s fluff, sweeties, with mentions of smoking / cigs, couch-surfing.
GIF by @realoscarisaac
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Your head feels full. You’re not sure you can cram any more in there. You huddle over the books on the desk, wrapping your worn, cosy cardigan more tightly around yourself to guard off the late autumn chill of your apartment.
You look down at the page with a sigh, closing your eyes for a minim as the symbols seem to blur before you. Time for a break, perhaps. You concede, setting your pen down to flex your cramped-up hand, massaging over the callouses on your fingers which have developed from so much note-taking.
The roughness of your typically soft hands reminds you of Llewyn. Of the callouses formed on his deft guitarist’s hands from plucking and strumming. The way his roughened hands have a gentle scent of loose tobacco and metal when they cup your face. It shouldn’t be pleasant, but it is, somehow.
Somehow, it is.
Distracted, you glance over to his figure, still sleeping late on your couch, shadowed and illuminated by the slatted blinds. 
It’s... complicated.
Despite the fact you’ve shared some... choice embraces, you can never quite coax him into your bed to sleep. Can never coax him into defining what he is to you, or you to him. He comes and goes from your sky like an unreliable moon; sometimes his face is full and shining for you, but mostly it is shrouded.
Llewyn doesn’t know how to move forward -only in circles- and yet you are grateful any time he cycles back to your door, stuck in this endless loop while you strive to study and carve a path for yourself. 
Your eyes wander over his profile, and you smile softly at the sight of such a sleeping beauty. Then, you tread softly towards the open-plan kitchen, your slippers shuffling against the wooden floorboards.
You set the water to boil, shoving your hands in the pockets of your cardigan, which Llewyn sometimes borrows when he is chilled to the bone. You find a telltale packet of filters buried deeply in the pocket which show he’s been at it again. You smile to yourself, holding this tangible sign of him in your grip for a moment. You like finding traces of him, and lately you find them more and more throughout your apartment as each stay extends a little longer.
The bubbling and soft howl from the kettle wakes Llewyn gently, and he throws the crook of his elbow over his eyes as he stirs, squinting as his eyes adjust.
There’s always that recognisable moment of confusion on his face when he first wakes. A slight jump in his body and a quick scan of the room; likely, while he tries to remember where the devil he slept last night.
His eyes settle on your figure as you lean up against the counter edge, your back to the cabinets. You’ve been caught-out watching him, but you don’t try to hide it, and he looks right back out of one opened eye.
Whenever Llewyn sees you upon waking, you imagine the faint flicker of a smile on his face. You wonder whether he’s glad to find himself waking up with you. Musicians dream of a life on the road, don’t they? But not like this. Not cycling through apartments within a 4-block radius. You wish you could be home to him. You’re so determined to study and realise your dreams, and oh, you wish he could have his too. You wish you could build a dream together. Would, if he wanted to.
You never want him to leave.
You turn to pour him a coffee as he continues to shrug off sleep, setting it down gently on a stool beside him once it’s brewed. He stretches his arms above his head, yawning emphatically.
“Morning,” you greet fondly.
“Morning,” he greets back, and to your surprise he wraps the rough pads of his fingers around your wrist as you saunter past him, sitting-up to bring your hand towards his lips and to plant a small quaver of a kiss to your pulse point.
He looks up at you forlornly, before burying his head into your stomach, his thighs opening so you can stand in between his legs as he wraps his arms around your waist. He holds you tightly.
A rest.
Llewyn? It’s... complicated.
You hold him in turn, tussling then soothing his crotchet black hair as he rests his face against your belly. You squeeze and release, and when he lets go you imagine the faintest hint of a smile at his lips again, curving like a slurred note.
Wordlessly, you settle yourself back into your desk chair and rebury your head in your books as, behind you, Llewyn throws off his blanket and treads to the bathroom in nothing but his white tee and patterned boxes.
You are vaguely aware of distant clattering and running water, until padding footsteps signal his presence in the room again. 
“Somewhere to be today?” you ask without turning, scribbling down some notes as you hear him redressing in his clothes from the pile they form on your floor.
“Yep. Busy day. Walking around,” he says despondently. He has nowhere to be then. You know, therefore, that what he really means is: “Getting out of your way while you study.”
You turn towards him as he perches back down on the couch, beginning to pull on his worn shoes.
“Stay. It’s better when you’re here.”
Stay, Llewyn.
He looks up at you, eyes surprised as they connect with yours. Surprised as if no-one has said anything quite so kind to him in a long time.
“Easier to study,” you backtrack. It’s complicated, after all. “Your presence it’s relaxing.”
You don’t tell him how you have come to loathe his absence.
He looks outside at the cold, considering it. He looks at the warmth in your eyes, considering it. Then, he opts to stay.
“Ok,” he says plainly, his curls falling over his forehead slightly less despondently than usual, you imagine. 
You turn back to your books, the faintest hint of a smile on your own lips now. With a second wind, you read greedily through some more of your textbook, hearing Llewyn intermittently slurping his coffee behind you.
His presence really is relaxing. He’s slow and easy and never frantic. Familiar, like a folk song. He was never new to you and he’ll never get old. He’s home.
“How’s the studying going?” he enquires gently, in his smoky, sleep bedraggled voice.
Your lips quirk up at the parallels. “It’s... complicated.” You guess your love life is a lot like organic chemistry, in that sense.  
“You’ll make it,” he reassures. “I know you’re gonna make it.”
“And so will you, Llewyn,” you add to counter the evident implication.
Llewyn huffs out air -pfft- in well-rehearsed protest at your sentiment, but he doesn’t bite back, like usual. You hope he’s starting to believe you.
You would build a dream together, if he wanted to. You’d make it together, you know it. 
You hear him set the cup down, and absent-mindedly you begin drumming your pen on the desk.
“Would some music help you study, angel?” Llewyn asks, coming alive along with the rhythm. You hear the chaotic thrum of guitar strings as he reclines on the sofa, settling the instrument on top of his stomach, already having guessed at how you’ll respond. 
“Yes. please,” you say, turning you head towards him for a moment and delivering him a bashful smile.
He’s called you angel before, but usually only in the depths of the night. Or, in a smoke-shrouded Gaslight when you offer him a couch for the night once he’s run out of options. Never like this, his face shining.
He picks out the rhythm of the song you were batting your pen to -one of your favourite records- and begins gently strumming the chords.
It’s better when you’re here, Llewyn. Stay.
“Song for my genius,” he says, and your heart swells like a chorus when he calls you his.
More pages and notes of both kinds flow, along with time, as the soothing sounds of Llewyn playing spur you on.
Eventually, he starts to sing-along, filling the chords you hadn’t realised were so empty until his voice furnished them - just like he’d filled your heart even though you hadn’t realised that was empty too, before him.
You can’t help but set your pen down again to listen to him. Absent-mindedly, you massage the callouses of your hand once you’ve done so and it reminds you of him. Makes you think of his rough yet nimble fingers on those strings.
You turn towards him, and this time you look at him forlornly. It is you who shuffles your chair closer to him where he lays, scooping up his wrist to plant a quaver of a kiss on his pulse point.
Your eyes rest on each other’s for a minim. Four beats of your heart, although it picks up in tempo the longer your eyes connect. 
A faint smile passes over Llewyn’s face as he brings his hand to cup your face. His fingers smell like loose tobacco and metal, and it shouldn’t be pleasant but it is, somehow. Somehow, it is.
You and Llewyn?
It’s... complicated, but you wouldn’t have it any other way, because you know that eventually, you will solve it. 
Right now, though, his face is shining at you like the moon, and you believe what he said; that you’re going to make it. You believe him, ‘cause it’s better when he’s here, and you think you can even coax him to stay, to build your dream together. 
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pearlsephoni · 3 years
The Trial of Shoyo Hinata’s Rising Heartrate, Evidence Two: The Present
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: Kagehina (Kageyama/Hinata)
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama
Word Count: 1,904
Summary: In the post-Inter-High rush to improve his playing and his grades, Hinata somehow manages to forget his own birthday.
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
They lost the Inter-High Prelims. Oikawa’s cold analysis of their quick attack managed to block Shoyo’s spike and end the game before he could even land. 
Defeat was a cold, bitter thing. It felt familiar, creeping up Shoyo’s throat and making his eyes burn in a way he hadn’t felt since his only middle school game. It was a feeling he didn’t want to feel this soon, a feeling he didn’t want to see reflected in his teammate’s eyes...in Kageyama’s eyes. 
He wanted to win. More than anything. And he wanted to win with this team, with Kageyama tossing to him. The setter’s dejected apology had made ice crawl through Shoyo’s veins, chilling and painful and making him shiver under the bright afternoon sun. He would never again let Kageyama apologize for tossing to him, would never let him regret falling back on their freak quick attack. 
So he worked. He gave his all to every practice, did his best to collaborate with every member of the team (even Tsukishima), and when he finally came face-to-face with Ushiwaka, his anger over the ace’s flippant attitude towards Seijoh made him throw a challenge at his face. Which meant he had to work even harder if he wanted even a hope of seeing that challenge through.
And Kageyama was at his side the whole time. Part of Shoyo was tempted to feel a little bitter over the setter’s ambition -- he already had boundless talent, was already called a genius by almost everyone who saw him play. Couldn’t he let Shoyo have even a chance at catching up to him? 
But a larger part of Shoyo was thrilled that his partner on the court was willing to be his partner off the court as well. When Takeda fell into the gym and announced the upcoming weekend practices with Nekoma in Tokyo, Kageyama had been right at Shoyo’s side, vibrating with the same excitement. When Shoyo had thrown the challenge at Ushiwaka, Kageyama didn’t scold him for once. No, he met Shoyo’s eyes with a glint in his own and a smirk on his face, wordlessly telling him that he would make sure that challenge was seen through. 
He was still an asshole. That much stayed the same. But he was an asshole with the same hunger and drive as Shoyo, an asshole who pushed Shoyo to be better and never let him get complacent, an asshole whose moments of quiet observation and unspoken encouragement made Shoyo feel...safe. And happy. And like he could fly even when he was nowhere near the volleyball courts. 
He hadn’t thought that having a team he could rely on and a partner he could fight beside would make him feel like this. But he’d learned a lot of surprising things in just two months at Karasuno. 
And it turned out, one of those things was the fact that he could somehow forget his birthday was coming up. In the rush to improve both his playing (difficult) and his grades (impossible), Shoyo had been focused solely on the dates of their final exams and their weekend in Tokyo. For the first time in his life, he hadn’t paid attention to the fast approach of June 21st. 
In some ways it was kind of nice. He was genuinely surprised when his mother presented him with a bowl of tamago kake gohan for breakfast, and the dish tasted even better than it usually did thanks to the surprise. The “happy birthday” texts he got from Kenma and his middle school friends made a smile stretch across his face with each one, and when one of his classmates presented meat buns to him with a silly sense of gravitas at lunch, his laughter echoed around the classroom. Considering he’d forgotten about his own birthday, his heart seemed to grow another size with each birthday wish he received from a friend who did remember. 
By the time afternoon practice rolled around, Shoyo felt like he was on Cloud Nine, filled with his favorite foods and the well wishes he’d received. Then Daichi wished him a happy birthday, sparking a ripple of birthday greetings from the rest of the team throughout practice as everyone learned about his special day. 
For the first time since he’d met Kenma, Shoyo understood what he’d meant by the feeling of “leveling up.” He felt better on the court than he ever had before - he ran faster, jumped higher, hit harder. His hand stung from all the spikes he hit and high fives he received, and he noticed with a pleased jolt that even Kageyama’s brows were raised over eyes that watched him carefully. He was the only one who hadn’t said any birthday wishes, but the pang of disappointment Shoyo had felt at the start of practice melted away under the warm feeling of the setter’s quiet approval. 
All things considered, it was an amazing birthday. The best one he’d had in a while. He felt so good after practice, he didn’t even notice that he was humming until Kageyama’s nudge made his voice crack off-key from surprise. 
Shoyo looked up from his bag to find Kageyama standing over him, holding out a small package wrapped in bright orange paper. “What’s that?” 
“...Happy birthday.” 
Kageyama’s face was slowly turning red, and his eyes were stubbornly turned away from Shoyo’s as he continued holding out the package. “It’s your birthday today, right?” 
“Well, yeah, but...you didn’t say anything before...” 
“Because I didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Do you want the present or not?” 
“Of course I do!” Shoyo cried out, grabbing at the present before Kageyama could take it back. As Shoyo began tearing open the paper, he noticed Kageyama’s hands fidgeting at the strap of his bag, and his cheeks warmed at the realization that the setter was feeling shy over the gift. Weird. 
Then he got the package open, and he let out a shout of excitement. 
Wrapped inside the orange paper was a double-pack of Air Salonpas. “Woah, nice!” Shoyo exclaimed, a wide smile splitting across his face. “I just ran out of these! How’d you know?” 
“I didn’t,” Kageyama muttered. Shoyo’s excitement clearly reassured him, his eyes finally meeting his with a distinctly pleased glint in them. “But you wouldn’t shut up about them during the tournament, so...figured you’d get excited over getting some.” 
The mention of the tournament subdued Shoyo’s excitement, but not enough to make him stop smiling at Kageyama. “You remembered! That’s...that’s really nice of you, Kageyama. Didn’t think you had it in you.” 
“Oh, screw you!” The smug pleasure in his eyes was replaced with annoyance, a look Shoyo was much more used to seeing. Just as he’d planned with the teasing barb, Kageyama turned away and stomped away to leave the clubroom, missing the shy flush coloring Shoyo’s cheeks and ears. “I was gonna get you some meat buns after practice, but if you can’t even say thank you for this…” 
“Wait, what?” Shoyo scrambled to stuff his present into his bag before grabbing his stuff and hurrying after Kageyama. “H-hey, Kageyama! I want some buns!” 
“Say thank you, dumbass!” 
“I already did!” 
“Like hell you did!” 
For all his teasing, Shoyo couldn’t stop turning over how thoughtful Kageyama’s present was. Yeah, it was a simple spray he probably picked up at the local sporting goods store. But he had taken the time to wrap it up in paper that matched Shoyo’s hair, and he’d bought it with the memory of Shoyo’s excited comments during the Interhigh Prelims. Out of everything that had happened over those two days, Kageyama’s tiny brain had remembered his excitement over the smell of Air Salonpas. 
It didn’t take much for him to catch up to Kageyama. As soon as his hands could reach his shoulders, Shoyo used his hold to launch himself into the air with a shouted, “Kageyaaaaaamaaaa!” He knew it would piss the setter off, but it was worth it just to hear the squawk that escaped him as he stumbled forward from the force of Shoyo’s jump. 
“What the hell?! Are you trying to kill me?” 
“So dramatic, Kageyama-kun,” Shoyo sniffed with a grin, falling into step next to him. “Hey, are you really going to buy me meat buns?” 
“After that shit you just pulled? Hell no.” 
“Aw, pleeeeease? It’s my birthday!” 
“You already got a present.” Kageyama finally cut him a sideways glance, and Shoyo met his glance with a wide smile that made those blue eyes shoot forward and those cheeks flush again. 
“It was an awesome present! I’m gonna use it everyday in Tokyo, I can’t wait!” 
“Don’t use it all up, I’m not gonna buy you more for the Spring prelims, dumbass.” 
Shoyo just smiled again, and rocked into Kageyama’s shoulder with a gentle nudge. “Still. I appreciate it.” 
“Yeah, yeah…” Kageyama didn’t look at him, his eyes weirdly fixed on the road ahead, and when he spoke again, his voice was so low, Shoyo almost didn’t hear him. “...How many buns do you want?” 
“Answer the question, dumbass.” 
“Two!” Shoyo hooted, running ahead to bounce in front of Kageyama. “You’re really gonna buy them for me?!” 
“Why are you so surprised? You’re the one who wouldn’t shut up about them just now.” 
“Yeah, but I didn’t think it’d work!” 
“What, you were just trying to annoy me?” 
“Man, I wish it were my birthday everyday,” Shoyo sighed wistfully, deliberately ignoring the question. “Then you’d have to be this nice to me all the time.” 
“Would not.” 
Shoyo’s smile and the pink on Kageyama’s cheeks remained for the rest of the walk to Sakanoshita, where Kageyama made good on his promise, shoving a paper bag with two meat buns at Shoyo. “Here. Happy now?” 
“Super happy!” Shoyo chirped, immediately digging into the bag and pulling out a bun. But instead of shoving it into his mouth, he held it out to Kageyama, who only blinked at it in confusion. “For you!” 
“To thank you!” 
“It doesn’t count if I paid for it,” Kageyama grumbled, but he took it with a twinkle in his eye and lips that quivered around a suppressed grin. “I don’t really like meat buns, but...thanks.” 
“Really? What kind do you like, then?” 
“Curry buns.” 
Shoyo hummed around his mouthful of food, and he realized that...yeah, every time the team had gotten buns, Kageyama had gone for the bag with curry buns instead of meat. “Ok! I’ll remember that for your birthday.” 
“Your tiny brain’s not gonna remember that in December.” 
“Sure it will! I always remember important stuff!” Shoyo glanced at the time on his phone, missing the surprised blink his words earned from Kageyama. “Shoot, I gotta get home. Shoot, I forgot my bike!” He took off running back towards the school, turning to run backwards as he waved. “See ya tomorrow, Kageyama!” 
It took a second for Kageyama to wave back, but when he did, he shouted, “Happy birthday!” The words made Shoyo’s smile stretch even wider, and he couldn’t help jumping to wave with both hands before he turned back around. His cheeks burned from how big his smile had gotten, or maybe it was the effort of running after practice, or maybe...nah, it wasn’t anything else. 
He was just really happy. It really had been an amazing birthday.
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