cyber-streak-2 · 7 months
Krok: Thundersaur and Flywheels are gone, we need help.
Spinister: We have Misfire.
Krok: I mean real help.
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zxid · 4 years
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Misc misfire content!
Context: So we were talking about how in the flashback is explained Misfire joined the Scavengers because a dead guy named Thundersaur asked Krok and Spin to rescue him. But he didn’t have a designs, we thougth of the Dinoforce who are cons and dinos, and cosmic brain @seaquestions pointed Rairyu name translated into “Thunder Dinosaur”.
So here, bit art for the friendship (romance??) we never saw in detail!
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seaquestions · 4 years
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How did Krok know Thundersaur?
There was a post by @seamania, speculating that Thundersaur very likely having a reptilian/saurian alt-mode, that being this guy talked about here:
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I myself have also talked before about how, based on things like the alt of his toy, I also think Krok’s alt-mode was an actual alien equivalent of a crocodile before he later joined the militant monoform movement and had his t-cog removed:
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Which brings me onto speculation as to how the two might have known each other, enough so that Krok owed him enough to bust someone out of jail for him.
Honestly, I think it was likely a situation similar as to with Gasket and Drift.
Krok being Drift, in this situation.
To give quick context, this is who Gasket is: 
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He was a homeless mech who took in and helped other vulnerable homeless mechs, forming a support network of sorts who would look out for each other.
That group of bots he took in included Drift, who had been doing very poorly before he did so.
As for why I think something similar happened with the reptiles?
Beastformers got it particularly bad on Cybertron, whether their beast-mode was their alt or base, often viewed as just as bestial as appearances would suggest. 
Here’s one thing that the wiki had to say about it:
“When Nova Prime united the tribes of Cybertron and instituted functionism, he placed them near the bottom of society, above only those in the so-called Disposable class. Transformers with beast alt-modes faced institutionalized discrimination that remained until the start of the Great War, and a stigma that lasted longer”
We know this big, insitutional stigma also pushed quite a few into the streets, where they too tended to band together. 
As was the case with Ravage, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw at the time of their discovering of Soundwave, who they adopted into their merry little band:
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So, again going with the speculation that both Thundersaur and Krok had reptilian alt-modes, it’s very likely that pre-war, they would have both ended up on the streets as a direct result of that.
Having been on the streets for a while could also lend way to explaining a few aspects of Krok’s character too.
Anyway, as said, those on the streets have also been repeatedly shown to try band together. Particularly those with beast-modes banding together with those who also have beast-modes. Sticking together.
Meaning that it’s very likely that something similar would have happened with Krok and Thundersaur there as well.
And as for why I think it was like the Gasket and Drift situation, well, that would explain the big favour Krok willingly pulled for him wouldn’t it?
A life for a life. 
Thundersaur gave the mech who would later be Krok some relative safety by taking him onto his crew and we all know what Krok ended up doing for Misfire.
Who, I’m not even going to go into here on how Thundersaur eventually came to know. 
I don’t have any ideas on that one other than perhaps he was the progenitor of the “lets adopt random idiots” trend that has been very present in the ranks of the Scavengers.
But that’s at least my theory for now on how he knew Krok.
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sharkteethies · 6 years
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So I wanna talk for a moment about Misfire and Grimlock, and how it relates to the mysterious ‘Thundersaur’ mentioned in LL15, specifically why I believe Thundersaur is the reason why Misfire is so attached to Grimlock.
So the name Thundersaur comes out of pretty much nowhere.  As far as I can tell the only time he’s ever mentioned is in that flashback in LL15 where Krok mentions having repaid a debt to him and Spinister makes it known that Misfire’s rescue was Thundersaur’s dying wish.
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For two panels this actually gives us a decent bit of information.  We don’t know what the relationship is but clearly Misfire was close to Thundersaur, enough so that he called in a debt on presumably his deathbed.  He also sounds pretty loyal, a rare trait for a decepticon.  I’m thinking some kind of officer, low to mid level, but that’s just speculation.
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Now let’s get to Grimlock.  I’ve always wondered just WHY Misfire was so attached him.  He works hard to take care of him.  His quarters always seem clean and bright, he tries to teach him to read and write, generally just tries to make sure he’s happy and healthy.
Why would he do this for someone like Grimlock? Someone who, even brain damaged, is incredibly destructive and dangerous.  It’d be safer for everyone on board the WAP if he was just locked away.
So why did he try so hard for him?  It wasn’t until LL15 and that Thundersaur namedrop happened that it hit me.  Names are pretty telling in Transformers.  They’re usually descriptive of what they can do or what they are.
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My guess? Thundersaur likely had some kind of saurian alt mode.  One that very closely resembled Grimlock.  We know Thundersaur is dead, busting Misfire was his dying wish, so Misfire would have had no way to thank him, show his appreciation.
Then he found Grimlock.  Poor damaged Grimlock.  Alone on Clemency.  And he saw Thundersaur in him.  I think initially he started to take care of Grimlock as a sort of... replacement for Thundersaur.  He couldn’t repay that mech for orchestrating his rescue, so he showered one that was similar to him with his care and affection.  And since, especially in the beginning, Grimlock wasn’t really chatty, it was probably easy to superimpose Thundersaur over Grimlock.
He likely started to care about Grimlock for his own merits later once he spent time with him and got to know his habits and not just because of who he SAW in him, but I think that was the origin.
And it makes everything even more sad and tragic in the end.
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So i've had this theory about misfire since i first read mtmte that i will do my best describing below. Keep in mind that i have always been bad at putting my arguents so please bear with me here:
I believe that misfire is not actually a bad shot
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In lost light we learn that misfire used to be called flyhigh but after an incident that lead to him being incarcerated he changed his name to misfire because of the incident that left him in this position
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It's never mentioned what exactly this incident was but we know that shooting was involved. However, given the fact that he was the sole prisoner on a decepticon ship we can assume that he was the one shooting his own people. So what if it wasn't actually a "misunderstanding" that caused those cons to die? Because in every instance we actually see misfire shoot someone in a combat situation he seems to hit his mark
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This is the first instance we ever see him shoot at somebody and it's once again his own team mate. However, and i know this might be a stretch, i don't think this was actually an example of misfire, but a deliberate attempt to ease krok's pain and shoot him unconscious so he won't experience more of the pain the djd's torture causes. We've already seen something similar in the comic when chromedome shoots down the vessel containing overlord and rewind
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The next example is almost played as a joke because how seemingly out of nowhere it comes. Surprising almost everyone, he shoots down three enemies surrounding him, three shots and each one an instant kill
So, what i'm going at is what if misfire actually intentionally murdered those twelve cons for one reason or another and later built an antire persona around the fact that he is bad at shooting in order to hide his true involvement in their deaths? Or maybe to cause his potential enemies to not actually perceive him as a threat?
I mean it worked. The name and his reputation catch on really quickly
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According to tfwiki he could have only changed his name after 2008, after thundersaur who is mentioned in the first panel died and after he was sent to prison and yet the autobots only refer to him by his new name and only know him for his bad reputation
In conclusion:
I believe that misfire feigned incomperence after killing a dozen cons, maybe to get a lighter sentence, to hide his true agenda in the war or to throw off those that are after him going so far as to change his own name to fit his reputation and he ket this persona ever since
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best--strategist · 5 years
STUDY :  Cap Krok of [REDACTED]
—    basics.
▸     is your muse tall/short /average?
He’s what I am assuming is average height at 27 ft. (guesstimating from grim and megs both being at 38 ft)
▸     are they okay with their height?
For the most part, yeah. And then he realizes he’s usually the shortest person in the room, not counting minibots.
▸     what’s their hair like?
In holoform/holomatter, hair is a blonde color and short, although it looks like it should be longer but he didn’t know how to shorten it so he took scissors to it.
▸     do they spend a lot of time on their hair / grooming?
Not in the slightest, no. Shortened the hair so he wouldn’t have to deal with it, and only really makes himself look nice if there’s something important he has to do.
▸     does your muse care about their appearance / what others think?
Not necessarily. If he cared for what he looked like or what others thought he’d probably have changed his paint-job by now.
--      preferences
▸     indoors or outdoors?  indoors.
▸     rain or sunshine?  rain.
▸     forest or beach?  forest. he likes how calm it is
▸     precious metals or gems?  metals. they’re easier to find
▸     flowers or perfumes?  flowers.
▸     personality or appearance?  personality.
▸     being alone or being in a crowd?  crowd but like, a small one.
▸     order or anarchy?  order
▸     painful truths or white lies? sweats nervously yes
▸     science or magic?  science.
▸     peace or conflict?  peace.
▸     night or day?  night.
▸     dusk or dawn?  dusk.
▸     warmth or cold?  warmth.
▸      many acquaintances or a few close friends?  a few close friends.
▸      reading or playing a game?  reading.
--     questionnaire
▸     what are some of your muse’s bad habits?
Tapping, clicking, fidgeting, withholding emotions from those close to him, drinking while withholding said emotions. He doesn’t do this as much now that the war is over but working late into the night or all night simply to fil out meaningless paperwork.
▸     has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them?
Radar and Gatoraider. The death of his squadron sent him one a really negative downward spiral, yes, but losing Radar and Gatoraider hurt the most. While under Bludgeon they had been the only people he felt he could truly trust, and to watch them die felt like having his whole world be ripped apart. He shutdown.
Thundersaur. He wasn’t as close to him as he was with the others, but Krok looked up to him. He was sad to see what was essentially his mentor go, but it sort of cemented in him that he had to do better and carry on where he left off. Even if only by helping other lower-class cons like himself.
Flywheels. He’d grown close to the mech after he’d joined his ragtag group and he’s certain that thanks to him and the others he was starting to do better. But seeing Flywheels be torn apart had him blamed himself. He shut down again.
He was back at square one.
▸     what are some fond memories your muse has?
Hanging out with Radar and Agonizer when they were still young. Visiting a replica of the crystal gardens on some organic planet, because he never got to see the ones on Cybertron.
Working alongside Spinister and Thundersaur for those couple of years, because it felt like they were actually doing something.
Meeting the scavengers and going on journeys with them. Their crazy adventures are all good memories. Despite what he had said before.
Depending on the au: all the people he’s met. 
▸     is it easy for your muse to kill?
Yes? Though he sometimes does think back to the people he’s killed, he has no problem pulling a trigger.
▸     what’s it like when your muse breaks down?
Going back to the above, he shuts down. He freezes. He feels like it hurts every part of his being to move let alone break down. He goes into hiding and isolates himself as best he can, because for the next unforeseeable amount of time he’s going to be unresponsive. I think if it gets really bad he let’s himself cry but otherwise doesn’t.
He will, however, gather all his hidden engex and throw himself a pity party.
▸     is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life?
▸     what’s your muse like when they’re in love?
A tad flirtier than usual. Clingy. He wants to show the person he loves that he’d do pretty much do anything for them. He wants them to be happy and safe near him.
Tagged by: I stole this from three different people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tagging: steal it, you coward.
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johobi · 5 years
DD! Crew: what are some interesting habits about humans that you've learned about from the MC, that you don't normally,see within your species? And have any of you picked up any of them?
All in the room are contemplatively silent. Much too soon, Hoseok’s voice rebounds, loud and unabashed. “She excretes blood even without instance of injury!”
“That’s not a f--” ____ catches the unbecoming curse between her teeth. “That’s not a habit, Hoseok. I don’t choose to do it.”
“Ah, of course. That’s, rather, one of your physiological oddities. You possess a great many of those.”
____’s mouth is wide in outrage, her cheeks deep in colour. “Wh--”
“She emits noise nasally while sleeping-- an incredibly wise tactic that is sure to keep lurking foes at bay. I, too, have adopted it,” Namjoon offers proudly, thinking his contribution valuable. “No-one is likely to approach that which sounds akin to a Thundersaur.”
____ keels over in her seat.
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dustbunny105 · 7 years
So, this Thundersaur person. Misfire was totally their piece, y/n?
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zxid · 6 years
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got bunch of stuff do this week, so instead of drawing something new and big I’ll just post a comic of the Grimfire triplets: Slap, Snort and Miguelito Thundersaur Lock-Fire
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gemcitycomiccon · 7 years
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#GemCityComicCon is pleased to welcome #ClineASiegenthaler to our 2018 show! Cline A. Siegenthaler has been exhibiting his #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy #artwork at midwestern and southern conventions since 1989. His portfolio is an ever-changing zoo of bizarre aliens, whimsical gargoyles and over-engineered, mechanical beasts. Born and raised in Northeast Ohio, Cline spent way too much time reading comic books and watching Saturday afternoon monster movies. He graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1987 with a major in Filmmaking and a minor in Art. Over the years, he has taken additional classes in graphic design and printmaking. His published work includes a 1991 comic book“The Adventures of Biff Thundersaur”, card illustrations for Legends of the Five Rings and Galactic Empires, and several illustrations for role playing games such as Bureau 13 andGoblinworld. He is currently working on sculptures/resin kits for the tabletop miniatures game, “Kaiju Kaos”. As a #graphicdesigner, he has recreated the faces and costumes of several #WWE wrestlers for the #WWESMACKDOWNN #toyline. Cline currently shows his illustrations and sculptures at 4-5 conventions a year. He also sells Limited Edition Reproductions, Postcards, T-Shirts and Buttons of his most popular pieces. #GCCC18 #comics #comicboks #convention #creator #Guest http://ift.tt/2o7t0ZM
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sofaslugcomics · 8 years
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Innovation Comics - Biff Thundersaur #1
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Here comes the Thunder:
There are several questions that one might wonder about Krok, but as it turned out at least three of them -
1) Where did the Scavengers habit of stealing people who would later become friends originate? 2) How did he meet Thundersaur? 3) How did he incur such a ginormous debt to Thundersaur that he would rescue a prisoner on his request?
- all possess the very same answer.
Link: AO3
Takes place pre-war when Krok isn’t even “Krok” yet.
Also there was a video which had a cybertronian with a Scottish accent and I wanted to try integrate that with a character here...although the format being what it is butchered it.
Thundersaur let out a roar of laughter, hand pounding down onto the ground as he took another swig of engex that was certainly rancid.
The rest of the group howled along with him, before another member of the makeshift gang took a go at trying their just as makeshift game.
When they then failed to hit the target too, it was their turn to take a swig from the cup that was cheerily and drunkenly passed onto them.
This pattern would then repeat several times, the laughter and the misses escalating in their obscenity as the level of rancid engex left in that cup got lower and lower.
One of the gang at some point took it upon themself to try think of a theme song for each and every other member.
All of whom alternated in turn between either cheering him on, joining in or ignoring entirely, depending on what sort of drunken mood struck them.
It wasn’t something particularly sophisticated and were anyone slightly higher in caste to walk by they would certainly sneer at them, but with people like them in a situation like theirs they had to take whatever happiness and fun they could get, whenever they could get it.
Thundersaur himself was nodding his head along without actually joining in with the chorus itself, when the smell hit him.
He sniffed again, inhaling deep.
He knew that anywhere.
Fresh energon. Not the rancid sort they were messing with now.
And it seemed that some of the others were catching onto it too, shuffling around, turning to the direction of where it was coming from.
Even the ones who couldn’t smell it then caught on to that display, knocking into each other and trying to get the ones who could tell to confirm what was going on.
Then they all turned to him, muttering slurred words excitedly.
They wanted to know what to do.
With a grunt, Thundersaur heaved himself up.
“Git food.”
He’d go check it out.
See how much there was to eat.
Hopefully enough to feed the handful of them.
If not, he’d just have to see who was hungriest.
“Want help boss?”
He declined with a toothy sneer.
Doubted he’d need help chasing out whatever cargo-carrying scrappers had made the wrong turn into his territory.
Never had before, had he?
He then went lumbering off following the trail as the rest resumed their game, each heavy step causing a resounding thud and even the ground itself to shake.
There was no doubt as he went on his way that whoever it was with the energon was going to hear him coming. He could smell that there were a few there, that twang of a particular sort of metal, and at least one of them ought to be on watch for locals.
But he wasn’t worried. Drunken or not, so what if it came to a chase?
He could smell how close they had gotten.
Even if they ran now, they wouldn’t get out of his territory with the loot before he caught them.
There was a strange chittering, growling sound that he heard, familiar enough that it caught his attention, started to get him just that bit suspicious about what was going on.
But that was quickly drowned out by some panicked bleating.
“The frag is that sound!?”
“Someone’s coming you gear-grinder!”
He added an aggressive snarl as he rounded the corner and confirmed the speaker’s fears, making sure to show them all the teeth he had to offer in this mode.
All the easier to scare them off and take their spoils.
Except…he quickly realised that they didn’t have spoils, per say.
The energon he smelt wasn’t from any sort of loot.
In hindsight, this was something he should have picked up on, were he slightly more lucid or slightly less hungry.
Because the energon scent came from something much, much worse.
 “Frag! Frag he’s huge!”
“Never said any here were this huge!”
The hulking figure’s thundering steps quickened, snarls turning to a full-on roar at what he was seeing.
Towering over them, he could more than enough see what they were all huddled over.
What they had cornered.
And it was one thing, scaring off those that couldn’t fight back.
His people needed food and he couldn’t afford to not take it whenever it was available, lest the lot of them starve to death.
But this…this wasn’t scaring off. This wasn’t about surviving.
He had optics.
What these mechs were doing, he had seen before. It was very clearly just sadistic.
 And if they didn’t back off now then Thundersaur was ready to repay that.
Which is why, mid-step, he transformed.
Most took the hint then.
Scarpering, running away from the rampaging reptilian beast heading in their direction.
One decided to try to be brave.
“It’s just a beast! Zap it and the dumb thing will back off.”
One, was an idiot.
Lifting the prod, humming with charge, from it’s original target and held towards him, as if that would be enough to get a furious and engex addled saurian to back off.
Instead the saurian snapped it right off him in one harsh bite before he even got the chance to change his mind, crunching and swallowing it with one gulp.
The prod and a good chunk of his arm.
The idiot howled, clutching the remnants of the tattered limb before Thundersaur slammed his head into him, relishing in watching him go airborne.
He pursued the now fleeing intruder slightly further, snapping at his heels, before holding back, satisfied that they were gone for now.
Now being the key word here.
They would absolutely be getting some damn stuck-up officers to come deal with them, no matter who had started this.
And while he could deal with them, that would doubtless bring a clampdown on the area which would threaten the rest of his gang.
Forcing himself to think around the fog that rancid engex had on his mind, he rationalised that it was more than time to get what he’d rampaged for and go.
Transforming back mid-stride, he moved over and crouched down to get as near level to the shaking thing as he could without having to lie down flat.
He paid no heed to the actual snapping beast that seemed to be determined to get him to leave them alone. He could barely even feel it’s denta when it nipped and with his experience and nose he could immediately tell that in this case this was just a beast, not an actual person.
So, his entire attention was instead on the actual person before him.
It was instead on his fellow beastformer.
And what a state it was, the crocodilian thing covered in dents and gashes that were leaking energon, the thing that had very luckily for the croc caught his notice in the first place, or he knew exactly how this would have ended for him otherwise.
“Yer safe now squirt. Up ye git.”
No movement, just denta chattering and him trying to somehow crouch even further back.
So, Thundersaur took things into his own hands, taking a hold of the beastformer with one hand and easily hauling him up as he straightened up.
It was then that the little croc finally transformed.
“Get off me! Let go!” He struggled, banging his arms against the bigger mech and legs wildly swinging for some sort of purchase too.
The beast at Thundersaur’s ankle strut for its part turned even more insistent at the littler mechs increased distress, choosing to now bite down and cling for dear life.
A futile effort as it was easily dragged by each and every stride.
“Stop it!” The rescuee in his arm pleaded again.
“Why not?! I don’t have anything! They already took what I had! They took it all and I’m damaged and useless now, so it isn’t practical for you to take me too.” They tried to reason, twitching fingers betraying the anxiety felt for doing so.
Had his mood been less foul and he felt any less pity for the squirt, Thundersaur could have guffawed at this attempt to reason with him.
 “Idjit.” He instead grumbled. “They’re why I’m taking ye. They’re tourists. High ups come looking for beasts to torture and if that goes wrong, wailing they go to the cops.” He spat out.
“But we willnae be here when they come back.”
This wasn’t the first time he’d had to intervene in such cases.
He did have to wonder though, how many more times it would be until such atrocities stopped taking him by surprise.
“I’m naw lying squirt. Yer safe with me.”
No reply, the croc simply hung there with a sullen look instead.
Thundersaur didn’t mind that though, he wasn’t picky about whether he got some dialogue from them.
Least the thing was still alive, and he was still in the process of being occupied making haste back towards the gang.
No doubt several of them had already picked up on the increased scent of energon and would be getting ready to react to whatever came their way.
Good bunch the lot of ‘em.
 “At least let me pick up my pet. We can’t leave Gatoraider he needs me and he could be useful for you too! How much would you like a new guard animal?” There the squirt went speaking up and trying to logic him again.
If he had to be honest, the only use most animals encountered by him served was as food to him and his gang.
Them or us, what ye gonna do?
But he had a feeling that if he tried that here, the idjit would end up trying to bolt with it the moment he turned his back.
And going by precedent, doubtless end up dead in a ditch somewhere within a vorn.
Hence why he yanked off and up the damn wriggling thing, hissing with bits of his energon caking its mouth and swinging it to its owner still dangling under his own arm.
The owner for his part at least reacted quickly to the swing, grapping Gatoraider and hugging him close, as if seeking some sort of meager comfort.
Really was precious, wasn’t he? Thundersaur thought to himself.
He wondered how new he was, to still be like that while living on the streets.
Something he then went on to vocally ask.
“It’s not my age that’s the problem.” Came a miffed reply. “It’s this alt!”
And just like that, the already poor excuse of a conversation took an abrupt and highly political swerve.
“I’m smart!” He cried out. “I could do things with that! Settle down and make a decent living. But all anyone sees is the alt! It’s a beast! Look at the dumb beast! Dance for us beast like the dumb animal you are, or we’ll use a prod!” He was getting increasingly distressed sounding again as he went on.
“Without it, this wouldn’t have happened!”
“It’s the tourists to blame, not yer alt.” Thundersaur counteracted.
“Ye’ll be grateful for it one day squirt. That alt? Those teeth and claws of yours? They’re what’ll allow you to dig in and get them back. Just look at how fast they ran when I came knocking.” He banged his chassis proudly then, a loud resounding clang sounding off throughout the latest alley that they’d turned into and his drunkenness starting to show again.
“I wouldn’t need the teeth and claws, if people didn’t look down on me for having them.”
“And what ye gonna do about it? You canne change it. No mech can. Just how things are. Lesson number one in these parts, ye just gotta make do and make use of what ye have. Try stay online and in one piece. No pointing wanting for much more.”
“Then why did you save me?” The rescuee snapped, the pet he held snapping along with him
“If we’re supposed to just settle with doing nothing but scrape by and stay out of trouble then why save me?! Why didn’t you just go?!”
Practically, taking the victim of an attack was not the best choice that could have been made. It would have certainly been better for him to just come back alone.
But the other mech had been helpless.
A helpless and useless little thing, even lower down than the saurian was, and unlike him, unable to fight back against those who sought to brutalise.
And Thundersaur had a not so small soft spot for people like that.
Had he not, he would not have had his gang of stragglers in the first place.
He would have remained as solitary as he’d been at his start.
And that wasn’t the way to be.
But that’s not the reply he gave to the questioner.
Because he didn’t think that was something someone ought to be told.
“Any luck, you’ll understand why yerself someday.”
And some day, the mech who would come to be a scavenger named Krok did.
He did, just as surely as he did not forget the debt that he felt had been incurred by what Thundersaur had done for him.
He did, just as surely as he went on to repay it.
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zxid · 6 years
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@paraqeet designed some cute GrimFire babies and I had to draw fanart of them!!, they’re called Slap, Snort (named by Grimlock) and Miguelito Thundersaur Lock-Fire (named by Misfire)
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So who is Thundersaur?
Who was he to Krok and what was the debt big enough for him to go hijack a prisoner ship for him? Especially since, at this point, Krok was still looking for his squad and this would be a detour from that.
Did he meet Thundersaur before that wrecker attack that resulted in the loss of them, before he was Krok, or after? 
And who was Misfire, then Flyhigh, to Thundersaur? Obviously someone very important for that request of Krok to be made but in what manner?
Who is Thundersaur?
And for that manner, how did Spinister run into Krok too?
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