#thx ollie!!! <3
gachahugs · 10 months
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the drawing I did for @caecia 's leopika zine! ✴️✳️
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hotcat37 · 2 months
Just finished reading the latest chapter, if I could offer you all of my earthly possessions plus a kidney I would. It’s so good!!! I mean all of your work is amazing but I feel such an emotional attachment to Nace and Jan in that story in particular. Just slightly sad it’s finished but I will for sure reread it multiple times! Thank you for writing it <3
(Also the Ollie and Igor bits made me laugh so hard, truly a forbidden romance)
I'm very happy that you enjoyed it so much!!! And thanks for the kidney 👀👀😋 But no I understand, I'm very attached to IKEA! Jance as well and their journey together 🥲❤ I don't think I have any plans to continue the AU because the story feels done as it is but there will be more Jance in the future :) (for the time being probably only one-shots but there is a Jance college AU I've wanted to write for a while now 👀)
Igor x Ollie forbidden yaoi be upon you 🐕❤ 🐈‍⬛
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
it's too much for me personally 😩💀
I mean--
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fuck this dude <3
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picklemanhasurges · 7 months
picjle man I’m a BIG FAN form printerest. I have some questions for yo u
1. Do u listen to mitski..? What songs do u listen to in general tell me what you consume with your pickly eaers
2. Have you ever pickled somethingz ? And if so what have you pickled
3. There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the side track. You have two (and only two) options:
Do nothing, in which case the trolley will kill the five people on the main track.
Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person.
Which is the more ethical option? Or, more simply: What is the right thing to do?
Thx luv you bai! <3
- fewblez ;-;
1. i dont really listen to mitski sorry!!! but oh em gee i could go on for days about the music i like :3 my fav artists rn are probably radiohead, car seat headrest, swans, roar, the unicorns, hail the sun and low roar!!! i also dabble in a bit of kendrick lamar, system of a down and mcr heh! *gulp* uhm i also enjoy listening to the dark souls 1 and bloodborne ost quite a bit! (spotify doesn't have the bloodborne dlc soundtrack i'm so upset ludwig the holy blade and laurence the first vicar are so good)
2. i pickled my father a few years ago. he's still marinating there as i speak.
3. my heart is filled with hatred so i teasingly almost pull the lever while looking into the eyes of the 5 people tied down before they get hit by the oncoming train. i hit the person on the side track with a comically large hammer and drink from my juice box before hitting an ollie on my skateboard (i fail and hurt my knees)
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The Stars In Your Eyes
Pairing: Olli x Reader
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1,443 Notes:
This is the first full fic I wrote since Feburary It's rather short and surely not my best work but I'm still proud of myself for finishing it. Also, I'm grateful to be part of this fandom project, thank you for the opportunity and thx for kinda getting me back into writing <3 Can't wait to see what you all came up with!)
"Let's go home." you are already half asleep when you hear your boyfriend's suggestions. His hand softly caresses your arm to wake you up, and when you feel him kiss the top of your hair you force yourself to open your tired eyes.
You had spent the night at Niko's place with some friends, eating dinner, drinking wine, and sharing old and new stories. And you would have loved to take part in the conversations for longer but at some point sleep had taken over, turning your brain into much, and working too slowly to form a coherent sentence or understand references. Olli had noticed half an hour ago and suggested going home but you had shrugged it off, he was deep into a conversation with Joonas and you were cuddled to his side, your head resting on his shoulder. You listened to their nerd talk about guitar pedals and tunings, none of their words reached your brain but you found comfort in Olli's voice and his calming presence made you feel safe. So, you didn't fight it when your heavy eyes closed on their own accord.
You nod as an answer, throwing Joonas, across from you an apologetic look. Olli takes the last gulp of red wine from his glass before standing up and offering you a hand, which you accept gladly. Your bones are heavy and your head is drowsy with sleep. You said your goodbyes to the remaining guests and slipped into your coats before stepping outside. The nightly air is crispy and you press yourself closer to Olli, who has wrapped an arm around you.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you,". The cold brought your mind back to life, and you wished you could have stayed for longer but every cell in your body was screaming for sleep now. "Don't be, I'm pretty tired as well.", he remarks in a soft voice. You are about to make a joke about him being always tired but that is when something else catches your attention. The bright Christmas decorations of the mall across from you. Fairy lights in different colors, blinking snowflakes and stars. Stars. You stop in your tracks and raise your head to the sky. A hollow feeling builds in your chest when you a greeted by an empty yellowish-grey canvas instead of a sky full of twinkling stars. Sometimes you forget you moved into the city. "What's wrong, love?" your boyfriend asks beside you, slipping his hand into yours. "No stars," you reply and the realization leaves you empty for a moment." Olli squeezes your hand tighter. "It's sad that they are completely swallowed by light pollution." You nod, agreeing with his statement, and start to walk on again silently.
Olli and you had moved to Helsinki two months ago, leaving your small hometowns hadn't been easy for either of you but in the long term you both knew it was the right decision. No long train or car rides to see each other, no stressful travel days for him to meet with his band or to travel abroad. Also, almost all your friends lived around here and the city had already become a second home for the two of you. And with Olli by your side, starting a new life had been quite the opposite of being difficult or scary. He was the love of your life after all and waking up next to him every morning was worth all the trouble you had to face while moving.
In the past weeks you hadn't had much time to miss your old town, you had been too busy with your new job, building your home, exploring the city, and settling in. But thinking about it now, you mostly missed the small things about living in the countryside, like taking a walk through the forest nearby, passing cows on your way home, petting stray cats, and gazing at the night sky after a long shift or night out.
It's a few meters away from your apartment building when you break the silence: "You know, this might sound silly, but I really miss seeing the stars every night, they somehow always grounded me."
"It's not silly, babe. I miss them too." Olli kisses your cheek, it's a quick peck but you still can feel his beard rub against your soft skin.
It's the next Friday when you come home to Olli already awaiting you at the door. He has a mischievous grin on his lips and his eyes sparkle when he takes your coat off. "What's up with you?" you ask him lifting one of your brows as you examine him. "Nothiiiing." You know by the tone of his voice and the gleaming in his blue eyes he's lying, but you still greet him with a kiss. His smile is even wider when you part. "Oh, what have you done this time?". You are sure this is going to be one of his surprises and you can't help but find it cute how badly he always fails to hide his own excitement. "No more questions. Come change, then follow me to the bedroom to find out yourself." He hands you over a pile of clothes. You take them but not without studying each piece, in hopes of finding a clue. It's one of his hoodies (you stole it months ago so it's officially yours now) a pair of sweatpants and a pair of fluffy socks. The usual comfy clothes you wear around the house. You change quickly, now fueled by excitement yourself and eager to find out what your boyfriend has set up in your bedroom. Olli can't help but follow your every move, his gaze lingering on you when you are stripped down to your underwear. "So, is it something kinky?" you ask, assuming by the way he looks at you. "No, not this time."
Once you are fully dressed he offers you his hand to lead you to the bedroom, he stops right in front of the door. "Close your eyes!" By now you are used to his little game, so you comply and close your eyes shut. You know how much effort he puts into these surprises and you love him a little more each time. And even though you don't know what he has come up with this time, you are already sure you are going to love it.
He opens the door for you and leads you through it, stopping behind you. He's still holding your hand when you hear his low voice close to your ear. "Open your eyes, love." (In another scenario, it wouldn't have sent more than a shiver down your spine.)
When you open your eyes you can't quite believe what you are seeing. Your shared bedroom is illuminated in violet light, coming from a small projector on Ollis's bedside table. It displays a galaxy and stars on your ceiling. And for a second you lose yourself in the soothing movements of the twinkling stars and waves the projector paints onto your walls. Then you take a closer look around. There is a fuming cup of tea and a bowl of snacks on your nightstand, next to a small bouquet of favorite flowers. On the wall right above your bed, are more stars, glow-in-the-dark stickers, in different shapes and sizes. You follow their trail from the headboard up to the ceiling and now you see them between the lights too. It must have taken hours to put these on your walls. And your bedding now matched the galaxy theme of the room as well.
"What do you think?" Olli is standing in front of the bed now, fumbling with his hands and you can see the light of the projector reflecting in his eyes. You haven't said anything since you entered the room, he had left you speechless once again. And there wasn't much you could respond with other than: "I love you!" and pulling him into a tight hug. You can feel a happy giggle resonate from his chest as he holds you close. "I'm glad you like it. It's not the real stars, you know...but I tried" he said letting go of you. "Don't be so modest! You outdid yourself!" Even in the dim light of the projector, you can see the red in his cheeks. You pull him close again, this time for a kiss. A kiss that tells him everything you can't find the words for right now.
"Wanna gaze at the stars together?" "Nothing more than that!", you softly push him onto the bed and let yourself fall into the sheets next to him.
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skrapa-doodlzz · 11 months
4, 17, 19
hihi ollie! thx for the ask!
4: at the moment it's the turts but i also like drawing wings
17: honestly any other artist, no matter what they make, it's always super amazin to me
19: mikey. cough cough what? my fav character to draw would actually be raph :3 he's very fun to draw
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alliumdykes · 8 months
hey do I need to
kill those guys for you I don’t know why the text split ignore that
its ok. just, made me feel a bit uncomfortable the amount of anons from the (what I assume) is the same person while I was gone for what wasn't really that long of me not being on Tumblr.
Thx tho Olli <3
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finnstansonly · 7 years
neptune and pluto (for the ask meme)??
neptune: what’s your favourite music genre?
idk the technical term for it bc it feels like a couple different genres in one but whatever this is it’s truly my favorite
pluto: is pluto a real planet or fake?
it’s a real dwarf planet. i never understood ppl saying it’s not a planet anymore it’s still a planet and it’s the most well known of a whole class of planets. pluto is a star
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That was one of the best combat encounters I have ever watched on Critical Role
Tbh, maybe Top 10. That might not seem high, but think about the total number of combats they’ve had over 3 campaigns to-date. Mind you I really don’t remember them all but this one just like, hit different
Just, to begin with. The number of senses engaged. An enormous psychic slug modded with brumestone underglow, Tokyo Drifting around the nest’s family room. Fearne’s round 1 game-changing moment of pure controller badassery. All the flavor injected into every single interaction, like Ashton straight up yeeting shade creepers about, then basking in the splatter and pain of their explosive demise. Multiple crucial Nat 20’s. The added benefit of 2 Very Cool magical Pinkertons wielding one of the sickest arcane items I have ever heard described in D&D. Fascinating demonstrations of how physical strength doesn’t always rely on the physical bit. Powerful minds being used by/for good and evil. FCG blindly pulling random levers. Drills gone wild. Mid-combat cooler talk. And as it came to a close, the audience’s anticipation of a party absolutely drenched in poisonous slime surfacing like the fucking Ghostbusters and just turning to the foreman and Gus’ ex like, “welp, it turns out you’ve got a bit of a slug problem 🤠🙃”
It was all so well-suited for the party’s abilities, but only because they were clever and made calls that worked, and the dice gods (you, you, not you Laudna, you) mostly smiled upon their efforts. A fight thought to be too hard and nearly avoided, bravely initiated and won through luck and, dare I say, maybe some planning? Fearne emerged as the clear MVP and fully fucking rode the sphere containing Emoth out of the chamber in the end I mean srsly. But Orym with his gnarly rope trick, Ashton serving a slo-mo bludgeon-fest set over blaring punk music (get them a walkman like Star Lord and let’s make this headcanon real, pls thx), Chet tearing himself into a werewolf and lifting an impossibly immense boulder like a mom rage-lifting a car, Imogen discharging every ion of lightning coursing through her and sizzling each creature in its ray of carnage to a crisp… On the whole each member of the party got at least one incredibly cinematic moment of pure anime-style fantasy combat in. And that ultimately may prove to be more transformative for them at this level than them having played it safe or having learned from (what seemed like inevitable) failure, as it will likely increase their confidence in future fights (disclaimer: may lead to a period of cockiness and/or carelessness, followed by a great tragedy that then sets the pendulum swinging back again). More than anything I think Olly and Gus deputizing them as honorary detectives for the Green Sleeves* before they pursued the investigation together is what made such an epic fight possible and really gave them a glimpse of what Tier 2 could be like for them if they keep adventuring once their first arc as a party is finally resolved.
[*Definitely 💯 happened, I’m sure of it & yes I’m also sure it’s Sleeves, Fearne told me]
Not everyone in this fight had a smiley day though. I really felt for poor Laudna/Marisha. Not only did she get boned by bad rolls, but injury was nearly added to insult when we all clenched our butts for the impact of the stinger into her unaware back (did you catch that Shady Mom was physically mocking Laudna right before the stinger swipe.. ??? 😂😂😂 cold ass Slug Shrug, your creepy petty ass really earned that Nat 1 dinnit). I haven’t watched past the end of combat yet but I really hope she doesn’t end up with a negative perspective of what was otherwise a wildly successful mission. Stay strong my twitchy witch, you are cooler than a hellish recuke and you will get your moment in the shadows, just you wait!
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lichfucker · 3 years
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[image description: two copies of the same bingo card. the card’s title is “What do you have in common with ollie @nouveaubutch?”
the squares say: row 1: “lesbian wifeguy,” “loves cold weather,” “bad eyesight (-6.50 or worse),” “unrepentant film bro” row 2: “handy and/or crafty,” “gamer,” “8+ piercings,” “public transit my beloved” row 3: “morbid child turned morbid adult,” “physical media supremacy,” “cleveland apologist,” “cat person” row 4: “cuts own hair,” “good cook,” “weed enjoyer,” “imprinted on mcr as a teen like an orphaned bird”
the second version of the card has a number of squares marked off with purple magen david. the marked squares are: lesbian wifeguy, unrepentant filmbro, handy and/or crafty, public transit my beloved, morbid child turned morbid adult, cat person, cuts own hair, and good cook. there’s a yellow line drawn down the first column, indicating that I got a bingo. end id]
thx for tagging me, ollie!! :3
these are always fun but iding them is so tedious... hmm if I made my own version would ppl do it?
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hotcat37 · 9 months
4, 7, 8 and 25 for bojere and jance <3
thx anon!! :D (feel free to ask more 😋)
4: what's their favorite sleeping position?
Jance: they enjoy spooning a lot and take turns on being big or little spoon <3 Sometimes simply lying back to back is also great for them when either one of them needs some space Bojere: they usually sleep with Jere cuddled into Bojan's side or hugging each other (though that quickly becomes too warm lol)
7: who is the more romantic one?
Jance: I don't really see Jan being a naturally romantic person so I'd say Nace. Nace is the flowers and baked goods kinda person while Jan prefers to be more subtle in his love language Bojere: Bojan. It's not that I don't see Jere being romantic at all but Bojan is that classic "I'll walk you to your doorstep and bring you breakfast in bed" kinda guy lol Also he'd definitely serenade Jere
8: do they have any favorite activities to do together?
Jance: going for walks with Ollie and Igor (note: Igor just stalks them) and visiting aquariums/any place with animals that Nace can infodump on lmao Bojere: hitting up a karaoke bar in the middle of nowhere <3 Also playfighting. Lots and lots of playfighting 😅
25: do they buy a place together? Who decorates and who does the heavy lifting?
Jance: I see those two moving in together relatively early into the relationship. It's more practical for both of them and I think they'd love coming home to each other (even when they've already seen one another for the whole day lol) Nace enjoys decorating and while he's the bear in the relationship, heavy lifting is a two person job 💪💪 Bojere: they'd love to move in together but unfortunately the distance makes it impossible :") Perhaps someday. Jere would decorate everything and watch in amusement while Bojan attempts to lift furniture by himself before stepping in to help if needed
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shy-marker-pliers · 3 years
finally doing The Writing again, boys
tattoo/florist AU made by my pal @lamiasluck check her blog out if u haven't already :3
Warnings: dangerous amounts of wholesome
The day began like any other, with Host snorting and jolting awake, startled by his alarm. he stretched with a hum before tossing his covers off of himself and feeling around his nightstand for his glasses. once he had them on and could actually see, he trudged out of bed and over to his dresser to grab his clothes for the day. after a quick shower and hair brushing, host donned his floral collared shirt and cardigan. and then he began the walk to work.
the walk in question was just a quick trip down the stairs. his apartment was right above his plant shop, after all. before opening, he made sure all of the potted plants were adequately watered and misted, trimmed the tiny bonsai trees by the door, and snipped off any dead leaves. it was feeding day for the venus flytraps too, so he gave them their dried mealworms. then he walked over to the door, switched on the light-up 'open' sign, and waited.
host's little shop definitely wasn't the most popular in the city, but it made more than enough to keep him and his plants comfortable. what more could a man ask for, honestly? the day started out normally, with a few customers stopping by for bouquets to bring to early morning coffee shop dates. occasionally, a parent would come in with their child to look around for a while and maybe buy some seeds. third shift workers on their way home stopped buy for something here and there.
it was at noon, however, that the day began to get interesting. host became aware of the two large vans across the street when he heard the telltale 'thunk' of a ramp and the dragging of several heavy objects. with no one in the store, host figured he could watch for a bit.
he couldn't quite tell what the new business was yet, as most of the objects were on boxes. occasionally a couple of movers would carry an upholstered chair, stool, or a small table into the building. two men, not in moving company uniforms, darted around like hummingbirds making sure everything was going alright. host was too far away to make out too much, what with his eyesight and all, but he did see someone rolling in what looked to be an adjustable reclining chair. he tilted his head, ever more intrigued.
he sighed and turned back to the shop, deciding that he should get back to the front desk. he'd spy on the neighbors more later.
after helping a frazzled teenager try and find flowers for their mother's birthday and assisting a sweet and polite older lady in selecting some nice lilac bushes for her garden, it was almost closing time. so, host locked the register and began the rounds to check his inventory. florist shops are just cesspools of theft, after all. once he had everything accounted for, he went to turn off his sign.
as he emerged from the isles to do just that, the little bell over his door rang. glancing up, he saw two figures enter his shop. from what he could tell, they were the same men from across the street that he'd been watching so intently earlier that day.
the first, standing in front of the other wore a pastel yellow sweater and ripped jeans. he had what appeared to be a tattoo of a pixelized heart on his wrist. the wore a happy and curious expression on his face.
the second looked much more timid. he was shorter in stature and had a yellow scarf tied around his neck, along with a simple black hoodie with the sleeves rolled up. like host, he wore big round glasses. his hair was a mess, and host couldn't help but notice the tiny freckles on his cheeks and nose.
uh. what was he doing again..? right, right. they're customers, gotta greet the customers.
"Er- Hello. welcome to the hidden garden plant shop. is there anything in particular you're looking for today?"
yellow spoke up. "Hi! um, not really, no. we really just came over to say hi. we saw your shop from across the street, so we thought we'd pop in. it's good to meet neighbors. oh goodness, where are my manners- My name's oliver, and this-“ he tilted his head backwards in the direction of the other man, “-is my boyfriend, eric.”
not a peep from eric. just a small wave as he kept his eyes glued to the floor.
“we just moved here to start our own tattoo and piercing place. we were with a bigger brand before, but we wanted to make our own hours, be able to decorate and do business how we want, that kind of stuff.”
this...was not what the host imagined the owners of a tattoo parlor to look like. not that he was complaining. better these two than some big scary guys who would drive away his customers.
“well, i’m the host. it’s nice to meet you both. my story isn’t quite as interesting as yours, i’m afraid. i started this business about five years ago because of my love for plants, and that’s pretty much all there is to it.” he shrugged.
Eric tugged at oliver’s sleeve and gestured to the piece of paper advertising the store’s hours. he had apparently noticed that it was about five minutes past closing time.
“oh! sorry, i didn’t mean to keep you for so long. but we’re closed on sundays, so maybe we’ll see you then?” oliver said with an adorably crooked smile.
“Uh..y-yeah, alright. but first...” host spun on his heel and quickly grabbed two small succulent plants off of a shelf, holding them out. “here. consider it a housewarming present. they don’t need to be waters much and look great on little tables or desks.
oliver beamed as he took the two small pots and handed one to eric, who now had a tiny smile as well as he looked at the plant like he had just been handed a puppy.
“Wow- um, thanks..!” he said with a quick glance up.
a couple of polite goodbyes and the two were headed out. but just before the door closed, host heard eric speak.
“I’m gonna name mine charlie. how ‘bout you, ollie?”
host had decided. he liked these two.
(ok thx for reading i literally cranked this out in an hour so if it’s bad no it isn’t.)
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theflyingfeeling · 3 years
So I don't know what you've already heard of the Lahti concert from other sources but here's my report anyway 🖤
The first thing I need to tell you is that in front of me there was this sweet sweet girl who needed a hair tie so I borrowed her mine because I wasn't using it and as a thank you she filmed me so many, long videos and she had an EXCELLENT view to the stage!!! 😭
I mean, I did too, holy shit they were close, my breath was taken away when Porko suddenly appeared what felt like mere metres away from me 😵
I could see all their expressions and omg 🥺 they were all so happy to be playing a show again 🥺🥺 I especially loved the look on Niko's face and in general I was happy to see him a little better, I feel like I didn't see much of him at the Tampere gig
Joel did lots of interaction with Joonas as per usual and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 sometimes he went up to stand next to Aleksi and just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 smile and look at him 😭😭😭😭
OLLI SANG!!! ........except that he didn't 🤡 They/we hyped it up and everyone was like omg he's gonna sing HE'S GONNA SING--- and then he fucking lipsynced to the opening of a Bon Jovi song 🤠 I swear to fucking god. This man is such a troll and I hate him 💞
Also, getting fucking rickrolled at a BC concert is NOT what I thought I'd ever experience, and yet 🤠 thx Porko <3
Aleksi had a little DJ solo of his own and everyone was happy 🥰 He also jumped around the stage during Sharks Love Blood 💓
Speaking of which, The Kiss was 💀!! It happened right in front of my salad and I died, I'm actually writing this from the grave
The setlist??!?! They played SO MANY SONGS I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO, such as Giants and Enemy For Me 😵 Giants especially was a special moment to me personally, will post a video tomorrow 💗
And they STARTED with Balboa of all the songs, blasting my brain right to the back wall 👌
Niko/Joonas flirting, but what else is new (Niko @ the crowd: "I've been looking at you all evening." Joonas @ Niko: "I've been looking at you too 😏" Niko: "who's surprised, hands up" lmaooo these guys 🥰)
Tommi didn't say a single fucking word the whole gig lol go on give us nothing, #onsealfa
Probably forgot something, will add later
I've had a shit past two months due to work stuff, but this kind of made up for it all. I love this band so much and oh god I'm gonna cry
Anyone with whom I talked about the gig beforehand knows how nervous I was (thanks for all the nice words btw <3) but, as per usual, everything went perfectly fine, I had possibly the best night of my life so far, and I'm so so happy that I went. I wish it would never have ended.
Some time ago someone sent me an ask asking what's the best concert I've been to. Back then I answered Antti Tuisku @ 2017 SuomiPopFestarit and BC @ Tampere back in August. They have now been replaced, and only another BC gig will ever compare. They are amazing live, and if you are given the chance to go to their concert, TAKE IT AND RUN 🖤
But let me tell ya, one of my absolute favourite moments happened AFTER the gig at the merch stall 🙈 This is the interaction I had with Miki, roughly translated:
Miki: *struggles to find the size tag of the WANS hoodie I'm buying*
me: it's an S
Miki: S, got it. *tells me the sum of my purchases*
me: *hands him my credit card*
Miki: *takes the card and inserts it in the payment terminal* it's a busy night!
me: yeah, but it's good you got your hands full am I right
Miki: yes, it's a positive problem! *tells me how to navigate on the payment terminal*
me: *barely manages to choose debit instead of credit and then just stares at the machine when it asks for my pin code because 1) the machine looks completely different to those in grocery stores for example, and 2) I had not expected to get to do small talk with Miki lol)
Miki: ..did you blackout?
me: YES, the numbers are in different order, you know, from the ones they have in grocery stores?!
Miki: *takes out that exact kinda payment terminal I'm talking about* no, they're in the same order
me: *upon seeing the more familiar-looking machine, remembers her pin code, THANK HEAVENS, and the payment is accepted* Y E S
In conclusion, you are all invited to our summer wedding 🥰🤣
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ctxrover · 4 years
Hi I am trying to write a TTOI fic and I can’t figure out how much time passes in S3. Do you know? You seem like an expert. Also do you know how much time has passed between seasons 3 & 4? This will help me. Thx in advance
I wouldn’t call myself an expert, I’ve just been watching it a lot lately as a distraction from everything that’s going on in the world!
But I reckon series 3 unfolds over the course of no more than about six months, purely passed on contextual clues and what the cast have said in commentaries.
The reshuffle and Nicola’s appointment as DoSAC Secretary had to have happened in late June. There was a picture of Nicola at Sports Day a week later and they typically happen in late June/early July. That means the data loss happened in about early July.
Nothing happened over the summer for about two months. Conference season is three weeks generally from mid-September to mid-October. Labour typically has theirs around roughly the 20th (it was held on the 18th this year). So we can assume that the Conference episode takes place around mid-September.
As Glenn’s face is healed in the next episode, it couldn’t have taken place any earlier than the second week of October. Malcolm says he now knows a lot about Nicola. This makes sense from the time passed offscreen.
The Richard Bacon episode happens around a week later; remember, for the past week they’ve been trading blows in the press, Nicola at Malcolm’s urging. This means Malcolm’s birthday likely happens in mid-October (my personal headcanon is the 16th, but I pulled that number out of nowhere and ran with it).
It’s either late October or early November in the lockdown episode. Ollie mentions that four months have passed since Ben was sacked as the Junior DoSAC Minister by Nicola. This means she had to have done it when she was appointed or soon after.
A few weeks have probably passed in the next episode. The leaves are all falling from the trees. Autumn is well in full swing. And it’s enough time for Malcolm to clash with Steve Fleming yet again-he was mentioned to be back on the scene by Stewart as early as the Richard Bacon episode.
Malcolm’s scheming himself back into power happens no less than a week later. It’s probably a few days. This was mentioned on the DVD commentary. People are wearing winter coats and scarves. Malcolm is wearing a fleece. That means a snap election was called in either very late November or very early December. According to the book, it was called in April, but the timeline doesn’t make sense enough for that. Leaves do not fall from trees in April. The election might have been held in April (even though election season lasts between 5 and 6 weeks), but it was not announced in April.
In Season 4, it’s November 2011. And we have, for the first time, a solid date. Two of them. The Inquiry took place through May-July 2012. We know this. They say the date whenever someone gives evidence. However, the first solid date we’re given is November 13th. Remembrance Sunday. So it’s fair to say that all Tickel stuff and the Machiavellian scheming to get Nicola out of office all goes down in the month of November. Also Nicola mentions having been Party leader for nearly two years-22 months (I did go back and check that). So though the timeline still doesn’t add up exactly, it’s still exactly two years later if the third season ends in November/December.
Hope that helps.
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marrowage · 4 years
tagged by @bugmotif thx nia <3
last song : your woman by white town. the lil darth vader sequence at the beginning does fun things to my brain chemistry
last movie : oh god. oh god i have no idea i never watch anything besides emma langevin tiktoks
currently watching : see last answer
currently reading : the goldfinch FINALLY it is taking me a long time to get thru but i am enjoying it !
currently craving : a night drive with ollie @girlbosspiper and an avocado toast with goat cheese n honey <3
i tagged a bunch of ppl last time i did this so if u feel like doing it just say i tagged u <3 mwah
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captainsdolly · 4 years
Ok sorry, I made a other ask with this account but could you add my @ollie-life account instead of this one? Thx doll 💖💕💞 p.s. anything of andy, steve, and ransom I'm a hoe for those 3 😂
Sure! Welcome to the land of hoes, hon! 😂❣️
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