spritewrites · 4 years
time travel doesn’t change everything
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: the Hargreeves siblings
Word Count: 5k
A/N: Hi everybody! This is a collaborative fic (wow!) that @ticklishhargreeves and I have been working on for a while, based on an idea that we came up with together about three weeks ago. We wanted to incorporate a bunch of the headcanons we’ve come up with recently into a fic. We hope you enjoy!!
Allison’s room could best be described as a bit of a time capsule; posters from the beginning and middle of her career, drawings that she’d made and been gifted as a child, and family photos in the form of newspaper clippings. Going through the drawers and boxes under her bed provided nearly endless entertainment. A small gasp escaped from her grin when she pulled out one specific piece of paper that she’d forgotten about — a somewhat poorly drawn chart that depicted each of the Hargreeves siblings’ most ticklish spots. The tickle fights they’d had as children were sparse, considering they only really had free time for about an hour a week, but damn, were they competitive. This was the cheat sheet that she’d made to always get the upper hand. 
The colored pencil had smudged a bit, but Allison could still make out the faint markings of each of her brothers’ names. She smiled to herself, leaning back on a stack of books to read the chart. They’d been so young then, but she could still hear their laughter echoing down the mansion hallways, as clear as anything. She let out a small laugh at a note in the margin: Ask Mom for acrylic nails before next week.
“Everything okay?” Luther was leaning against her door frame, just a bit bigger than when they were kids, but still with that same kind smile. She smiled back.
“Just reminiscing. Check this out!” She held up the faded piece of paper for him to read.
“No way!” the large figure exclaimed, gently taking the chart from Allison’s hand and sitting on the side of her bed to look at it. “This is from all our —” 
“Tickle fights,” Allison interrupted with a laugh, “yeah. Crazy, right?”
“Yeah,” an awkward chuckle from Luther masked the slight nervousness he felt reading his name accompanied by the bullet-pointed notes: squeeze his calves, scribbles under toes, tops of feet are weirdly ticklish??, kicks a lot. “God, I haven’t been tickled in… years, probably.”
“You were so cute,” Allison giggled, and Luther wasn’t entirely sure that he liked the look she was giving him. “I wonder if this is still accurate.”
Luther cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, um, no way to know for sure, so-”
She had tackled him to the bed before he even knew what was happening. “Only one way to find out.”
She sat across his knees - “You kick, remember?” - and gave one of his calves a squeeze. Luther bolted upright, gasping.
“Um, I think there’s another way to find out! See, I could just tell you-”
“No,” Allison smiled, squeezing again and enjoying the desperate noise her brother made. “I’ve gotta test it to know for sure.”
He got as far as “Wait, Allison, please-” before he was choking back giggles, trying to worm his way out of Allison’s hold as her long nails skated over his ankles. She grinned.
“Okay, so squeezing your legs still definitely works. How about your feet?”
“No!” Luther cried, burying his face in a pillow and nearly squealing as she traced gentle lines over his soles. Allison giggled at the sound, scribbling over his heels and leaning forward to keep his straining legs from kicking.
“Feet are still pretty bad too. Thank God the serum didn’t affect these, huh?” She skittered her nails around the tops of his feet, and Luther let out a screech into his pillow. It was taking all of his strength to not… well, use his strength. 
“You remember that pedicure I dragged you into, right?” she laughed at the memory, and again at Luther’s quick nod into the pillow.
The screech turned into an uncharacteristically high-pitched yelp when Allison held his toes back with one hand, and skittered beneath them with the other. Finally, he’d began to laugh an endearingly childlike giggle. “AH - Allison,” he attempted to catch his breath with a forceful gasp as his massive arms squeezed the pillow to his face, and his legs shook, “Allison!”
Allison laughed at him and his sounds, almost not wanting to stop. “Alright, alright, I don’t want to kill you. Not yet, anyway.” She rolled off his legs to lay next to him on the bed, grinning from ear to ear. “Looks like your weak spots are still the same!”
Luther groaned, trying to catch his breath through the pillow (he wasn’t confident enough in the color of his face yet to look at her). “That was mean.”
“Hey, I was just consulting the chart!”
“You wrote the chart!”
“And I stand by it,” she teased, giving his leg a poke that made him twitch. She grabbed the paper and left the room, satisfied that her victim was suitably tickled out.
Luther rolled onto his back, panting. “Screw that chart.”
As she was leaving the room, Allison couldn’t help but notice the absence of Vanya’s name on the chart. It wasn’t a surprising fact. They never included her in anything as children, not even tickle fights. This fact still broke Allison’s heart, but of course, with the opportunity to make up for lost time, it’d be foolish not to take it… right? 
After spotting her much smaller sister reading on the couch, Allison made her way downstairs and plopped down right next to Vanya with a grin. 
Ever since their trip to the 60s, the sisters certainly developed a strong bond. Allison was, quite possibly. the one sibling that Vanya felt the most comfortable with; Klaus being a close second. Her attention drew away from the book in her hands, and towards her smiling sister. “Hey, Allison.” Vanya smiled, setting her book down, saving her place.
“Hey, um,” Allison subtly hid the chart by her other side, raising an eyebrow with a mischievous glint in her eye, “Vanya, are you ticklish? By any chance?” 
“Uh,” Vanya chuckled, shifting awkwardly with a shrug, “I - I think so. I mean, sometimes Sissy would touch my neck and it would feel kinda funny. Like the back, right here?” She touched the back of her neck to show her scheming sister exactly where she was ticklish. Big mistake.
“Oh,” Allison chuckled, not expecting this to be so easy. She sneakily reached her arm around the back of the couch, “Like, right… here?” 
Vanya twitched, letting out something akin to a squeak as her shoulders jumped up beside her ears. “I think - hey!” Her sister had begun tracing wicked fingers along the crease of her neck, her nails sliding effortlessly between the wrinkles to get at the weakest points. Vanya scrunched like a turtle, reaching back to swat at the offending hands, but the light touch made her limbs turn to jelly and her effort was not very coordinated. The endless stream of bubbly giggles, however, was new. 
Allison’s face lit up. “Looks like you are ticklish.”
Understatement of the century. Vanya opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a squeal when Allison’s tickles wandered down from her neck and over her shoulders, sneaking pokes in under her arms. 
“Where else, I wonder…” Allison mused, and slid her hands down her sister’s sides. Vanya’s spine nearly snapped with how quickly she arched her back, letting out a gasp. “Oh, here?”
“Allison, please!”
“Please what?” She tapped a nail on the curve of Vanya’s waist, prompting a high-pitched giggle. Vanya shook her head, seemingly struck dumb by the overwhelming feeling. Another pinch to her side, and she wriggled, curling in on herself. Unfortunately, this left the back of her neck unguarded, and with a smile, Allison reached to tickle her there. 
Vanya squealed. “Please, I can’t - mercy!”
Allison laughed at her sister’s reactions, easing off to just rub her shoulders. “Okay, so, neck and sides? Those are the big ones?”
The sigh of relief that escaped Vanya was soothing. “I - I guess so. I think?”
“Well, I still have more exploring to do, but I can be merciful for now,” Allison replied with a wink. “I’ll add you to the chart.”
“Yeah, see?” She pulled out the piece of paper. Vanya’s eyes lit up.
“Oh my God, this is adorable. How old were we when you made this?”
Allison smiled. “I don’t know, ten maybe? We used to have these epic battles…” She trailed off, catching her sister’s eyes. “I’m sorry we didn’t - ”
Vanya held up a hand to silence her. “It’s okay. I’m included now.” She raked her gaze over the paper in her hands. “Luther was ticklish on his feet?”
Allison couldn’t stop her laugh. “Still is, I just tested it.”
“Shit, that’s goddamn… cute. All of these are so cute,” she said with a smile.
“Aren’t they?” Allison replied, snatching the paper once again with a cunning smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some notes to update and some experiments to run.”
It seemed like whenever she saw Klaus, he was always talking to some ghost. Usually arguing with them. Sometimes flirting, you never know. The conversation that Allison walked in on today, however, was definitely not flirting.
“Just shut up, you don’t have a goddamn clue… That’s what I said, you never fucking listen to - Allison!”
She paused in the doorframe, amused. “Am I interrupting?”
“What, this?” Klaus gestured vaguely at the armchair across from him. “Nah, nothing important. Just bonding, you know how it is.” He seemed to disconnect from Allison for a second, listening, and then shot a glare at the armchair. “Dickwad.”
Allison clapped her hand over her mouth at the insult, but not quickly enough to stop the laugh that escaped. Whoever it was, they had pissed Klaus off. “Okay, well, I was just going through some of my old stuff, and I found…” She pulled out the wrinkled piece of paper. “This.”
Klaus’ eyebrows furrowed. “Okay… What is that?”
“A chart I made when we were young, to win those fights we used to have.”
“What fights?” Before Allison could answer, her brother’s gaze flicked to the armchair and back to her. “The tickle fights? You made a… what did you say, a chart?”
She nodded. “It’s detailed.”
Klaus laughed. “So organized! Let me see -” He reached up, but she snatched it out of his grasp. 
“Nope, this is valuable information. But, I could let you see… if you participate in the experiment I’m running.”
Rolling green eyes, Klaus scoffed and lifted his arms up, a playful smile on his face as he looked away. He clearly already knew exactly what these so-called experiments were; perhaps Vanya’s laughter from downstairs was a giveaway. 
A smile played on Allison’s lips. She remembered how Klaus never really hated tickles, and acknowledged the note by his name: asks to be tickled all the time, listed alongside others such as SUPER ticklish armpits, tapped his hips once and he squeaked? maybe he’s ticklish there too? Haven’t tried yet. She laughed, launching her tickling fingers towards Klaus’ armpits, only to be stopped by him slamming his arms down at the last second.
“Sorry, sorry. Instinct,” he smiled, already giggling a bit, before lifting his arms again.
All of a sudden, his elbows shot down towards his hips as he choked on his laughter, “B-Ben! No!” Klaus collapsed to the floor within seconds, kicking his legs and screeching.
Allison smiled. Of course, only Ben could rile her brother up like that. Squinting, she smirked, noticing the placement of Klaus’ slapping hands, “Klaus? Ben’s not getting your hips, is he?” 
The silly noises he'd been making between silent laughter was accompanied by a desperate nod, messing up his long hair.
“Good!” Allison exclaimed, a bubbly tone to her voice, before lowering herself to the floor next to her flailing brother. “What a long overdue discovery.” Her pinch to his left hip felt more real than Ben’s spidery ghost tickles, and he squeaked. Her hands moved quickly, though, to lodge themselves under his arms while he was distracted.
The yelp that left Klaus’ mouth was loud enough to make Allison flinch slightly, but her hands stayed put. “Allison,” he whined, squeezing his arms to his sides as he simultaneously tried to roll away from Ben’s way-too-tangible thumbs digging into his hip bones.
She raised her eyebrows curiously as she twitched her fingers ever so slightly, relishing in the squirms and adorable gasps that followed. 
When Allison began to wiggle all ten of her fingers, plus the other ten digits, both on his worst spots, his eyes squeezed shut as his squeaks and laughs rose yet another octave. Curling in on himself, he shook his head, unable to shake either of his ruthless tickle-monster siblings.
“Tickie, tickie, tickle!” Allison cooed as she laughed along with him.
“What's wrong, Klausie? I thought you loved tickie, tickie, tickles.” Ben’s words were snide and Klaus could practically hear his stupid grin.
High-pitched giggles rolled out of his mouth as he grabbed onto a nearby throw pillow. “Stopstopstop, okay! Okay, jeez!” It was obvious that he wasn't that desperate for the tickles to stop; he really just needed a breather. Klaus threw the pillow in an attempt to hit Ben, but it just phased through him. Ben stuck his tongue out. 
“Asshole,” Klaus grumbled at his invisible brother. Allison laughed again, before leaning over to whisper something into Klaus’ ear. A noticeable smile washed over his face as he looked directly at his ghost brother, crawling towards him.
Ben's eyes widened as he stumbled backwards, falling back onto the armchair. His arms flailed, not knowing how to defend himself since it had been such a long time.  “Nonono, Klaus, what did she tell you? – EEP!” His reaction to Klaus’ quick and repetitive pokes to his stomach was immediate. 
The notes on the chart read really squeaky, ribs and stomach (but be careful!!!), starts begging after mere seconds, & very gullible, so easy to tickle. Ben had always been super easy to trick into getting tickled when they were younger; asking him to reach things in high up cabinets, challenging him to keep his arms up, and tons of tickle hugs.
He hadn’t been tickled since before he died, but it was just as unbearable as he remembered. He couldn’t hold back a squeak as Klaus prodded around the soft area just below his ribs, throwing an arm over his face to hide his blush. 
Klaus threw his head back and laughed. “Awww, I forgot that you were so sensitive, Benny! Guess now we know what’ll happen when you make fun of me, hmm?”
Ben wanted more than anything to snap back at his brother, but couldn’t possibly reply around his high-pitched giggle fit, so he settled on a squeal. “Allison! H-help!”
“She can’t hear you,” Klaus cooed, racing his fingertips up Ben’s ribs to elicit another adorable squeak, clearly amused. 
Allison laughed at the image of her brother kneeling on the floor, ruthlessly attacking absolutely nothing. “No, but I can picture it. Remember those physical exams that Grace would give us?” 
Every month, in order to keep them all in tip-top shape for missions, Grace would perform physical examinations. These exams, of course, included lots of pressing and prodding tummies with her cold robot hands, much to Diego and Ben’s dismay. Diego would often need to have a break after ten seconds, but Ben would always just giggle his little heart out, and could never sit still, try as he might.
Klaus giggled too. “Of course, dear little Benjamin could never stand those. Could you, Benerino?” Their brother merely cackled in response, batting helplessly at the tickling fingers. God, if this didn’t end soon, he was going to die again. Could ghosts die again?
“I… neeheed AIR, you asshole!”
“No you don’t,” Klaus replied simply, pinching at the skin right above his belly button. Ben shrieked, flailed, and ended up rolling off the armchair onto the ground. Klaus took it as a cue to stop and sat back, grinning at his work.
“What’s he look like?” Allison asked, not even trying to hide her sadistic smile.
Klaus grinned at the rumpled pile of ghost on the floor, who flipped him off. “Like shit.”
“Fuck off,” Ben replied, but he was smiling. Mission accomplished.
Diego frequently sat in his room alone, doing God knows what. The minute that Allison walked in, he was just twirling one of his knives in his hand. Turning around to look at his sister, who had been smiling at a piece of paper, his brows furrowed, “What?” 
Allison couldn’t help but chuckle to herself as she read the notes beside her stoic brother’s name: ticklish EVERYWHERE, pokes make him squirm, sometimes cries at tummy tickles, GET HIS BELLYBUTTON, & make sure he’s not holding anything. She remembered fondly how her and her brothers would always gang up on him and tickle him until he cried. Grace always had to step in to get them to stop. She cleared her throat, and looked over at him, turning the paper around to face him, “Remember this?” 
“Oh, ... yeah, from those - those fights we had when we were kids. Yeah.” Diego placed his knife down on the desk, and moved to stand up, subtly trying to escape what he feared was about to happen. 
“Hm, what kind of fights were those?”
“You - y’know. The -… the wrestling and stuff.” He silently cursed his sister for trying to make him say it; she knew that he absolutely hated the word, both hearing it and saying it… and experiencing it. Diego pretended to nonchalantly pace away in order to exit the room, only to make his way into the corner farthest from the door, where Allison was inconveniently standing. 
“I heard a rumor… that you can’t move until I start tickling you.” Allison sped up the last part of her rumor, making it so he couldn’t cover his ears as he typically used to. Walking over to him, she grinned and wiggled her fingers in the air, eyeing his torso.
A grunt left Diego’s already reluctantly smiling mouth as he attempted to tug on his legs in order to move, “Dammit! Screw you, Allison! - ACK!” His eyes squeezed shut, embarrassed at the slight giggle that he’d let out without her even touching him yet. 
“What is it, Diego? Surely, you've grown out of letting a few tickly fingers take you down?” Allison teased, poking his tummy with her two index fingers.
A snort escaped his mouth in an attempt to stifle the giggle fit that was bound to start as he doubled over. He tried to use his regained mobility to make a break for it, but it was too late. The momentum from the force he'd been using in his attempts to get away pushed him to the floor. He was absolutely cornered.
“Nonono — I-I, yes, I have grown out of it!” The way his arms were wrapped around his torso and the quick pace of his words, however, told a different story. “I’m seri - NO,” he yelped before dissolving into a squirmy puddle of silent giggles. Allison’s digits were swiftly poking and scratching at any spot they could reach.
“You’re what? Cereal? Serene? Can’t be serious; you’re giggling too much for that, silly.” Ever since they were children, Diego always seemed to bring out Allison’s most brutal teases. “It seems to me that you still might be the most ticklish one in this house, Diego! Tell me, how does it feel to have such a title?” She’d been able to latch her hands onto the sides of his stomach before wiggling her fingers into them. 
His laughter rose in volume when he opened his mouth to speak, “I-It tickles! - Shit, shit,” he squealed over Allison’s coos, “Sh-sh-shut up!” Saying the word, along with his embarrassingly childish reactions to such simple touches, was enough to redden his face. A squawk left his mouth when he felt a clawed hand digging into his lower tummy, dangerously close to his bellybutton. 
Allison stopped for a second, glancing down at both of Diego’s hands clutching onto her single hand on his stomach, and back up at her uncontrollably giggling brother. The grin on her face was the only thing that preceded her free hand flying straight towards his unguarded navel. 
Diego weakly pushed at her hands as he kicked his legs and screamed. His cackles now echoed through the whole house. Both of her hands were squaring in on his stomach and fuck, he couldn’t take it. “Allison - fuck! I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, oh my God, stop,” Diego rambled quickly between gasps of laughter, tears forming in the corners of his eyes, much to his own chagrin, and Allison’s amusement.
He was just so fun to tickle. He always had been. Of course, Allison knew he wasn’t going to die; he was just over dramatic sometimes. “What’s the magic word?”
“F-Fuck off,” he growled.
Allison mimicked a buzzer noise as she continued to tickle and poke around Diego’s hypersensitive midriff, even adding a few pokes to his thigh, and pinches to his triceps, “Wrong.” She laughed at the rather adorable image of her brother, curled up in the corner of his room, hands flailing in an attempt to get the tickles to stop, and twitching away from every little touch. He really was ticklish just about everywhere. 
“I've gotta tell Lila about this,” Allison chuckled, making a mental note. “Imagine her finding out that you're ticklish on your shoulders. And your chest? She's gonna have a field day, I know it.”
A squeal, “Noho, okay, okay, please! Pleasepleaseplease, fuck,” he rolled over, yelling when the tickles didn’t stop, “Fucking please, Allison! Pleehease.”
“All right, you big baby!” She decided to finally let up, chuckling at the residual giggles that escaped Diego’s mouth. 
He clutched his stomach, wheezing. “Christ, I fucking… forgot what that felt like.” A warning look was shot towards his sister, “Don't you dare tell her.”
Allison grinned, poking him again and brightening when she was rewarded with a yelp. “I think we all did, and…” a quick spider over his tummy got him to curl up again, “I think I just might.”
Allison clutched the chart firmly in her fist, making her way up the many flights of stairs. Last but not least. She glanced at the notes by the scrawled out ‘Number Five:’ says he's not ticklish but we know he is, flinches when anyone touches his knees (especially the left one), and hiccups a lot after laughing really hard.
Bursting into his room, Allison, expecting him to be doing… well, whatever old man stuff he liked to do, was surprised to find her brother fast asleep in his bed. After all he’d been through, experiencing the apocalypse twice & back to back, he certainly deserved a nap or twelve. 
One thing that all of the siblings agreed on, though silently, was that Five was utterly adorable when he was asleep, and not snapping at anyone. Surely, just a smidge less adorable than when… 
A poke to the blanketed figure made his snoring breaths hitch, and then they continued as normal.
He’d napped long enough, Allison thought to herself, not knowing if he’d been sleeping for two minutes or two hours. Nothing could beat her infinite curiosity, though, about just where dear old Fivey was ticklish. It had been far too long, and she knew he was at least a little bad on his knees but there was no way that could be all. That little body definitely held tons of bottled up laughter over the years that just had to be let out.
Of course his right leg was sticking out of the mass of comforter and sheets. Of course it was. 
Allison quickly spidered her fingers right above the hem of his grey knee socks, that he even wore to bed, apparently. 
A sudden jerking motion under the covers followed as he stopped snoring.
“Fiiive,” Allison crooned in a somewhat warning tone. No answer. She pinched the sides of his knee, only to be awarded with a twitch and a “cough” that was far too loud to pass off as a cough. 
“Fuck off, Allison,” Five’s sleepy voice, muffled by the pillow, piped up.
“Okay, rude,” she replied, going in for the kill, skittering all five of her nails over his knee cap.
He internally cursed at the choking sound that escaped his throat, as he pulled his leg under the covers, in order to provide some defense. The blanket reshaped itself as he curled up, and Allison thought she heard a grumpy sigh through the fabric.
“Y’know, you might’ve spent almost 50 years without other people, but I would’ve thought that you’d remember at least some of your manners.” Another sigh. “No apology? Fine then.”
Allison sat right down on Five’s bed, and grabbed his left ankle, pulling it out from under the covers.
Before he could teleport away, he felt unbearably light and spidery tickles along the back of his knee. A screech that he couldn’t hope to suppress left his mouth, but only took seconds for the bubbly giggles, and the violent kicking, to begin. 
Allison’s steady hold on Five’s ankle turned out to be a major asset to her attack as his whole body thrashed around, tangling himself in his blanket and sheets. She couldn't help but flinch at the frantic movements and his other foot weakly pushing at her hip.
“Good to see little Five still has those tickly, tickly knees!” 
“Allison! Fucking,” he squeaked, unable to hold back the helpless laughter, “Fuck you! I’m gonna - ACK,” another giggle. “Dammit! I’ll fucking kill you!”
The giggles laced with threatening screams were delightfully familiar. “Sure you will, Giggles,” she teased, prodding and squeezing around his entire knee, adding some occasional rib tickles into the mix to make him twitch. 
Five’s hands flickered blue, but there was no way he could teleport with how unfocused he was. He felt like he was going crazy. It had been ages since he'd laughed so freely, let alone been tickled; certainly since before he left. The sensation, so completely disarming while also frustratingly familiar, overwhelmed him.
“Fuck you, I swear - shit! Oh my fucking g- Allison!”
“Yes?” She stuck her tongue out in concentration, digging into the spot just above his kneecap that made him scream. 
Five was in hell. His hands were still glowing, but never enough to do anything goddamn useful. He could feel his leg twitching, trying to kick, but Allison was merciless, and she had a lot more practice tickling his thirteen-year-old body than he had fighting off her adult reflexes. The giggles pouring out of his mouth were starting to grow hoarse, though, and he was pretty sure that if this kept up much longer, he’d actually go crazy.
“What was that?”
“I said - ” The tickling stopped, but his eyes locked on where Allison’s lethal nails were still hovering over his ribs. Flushed, he choked back a giggle. “I said fine, you fucking - ”
“Fine what?” Allison aimed a poke at the space between two ribs and he jerked.
“Fine, I’m sorry!” The hands withdrew, and Five curled into himself, breathing heavily through the last remaining chuckles. Allison blew on two fingertips like a gun, and dodged the smack that Five sent her way. 
“Fuck off. Hic.”
Allison’s eyes lit up. “There they are!”
“Huh? What are you - hic - talking about?” Five grumbled, pulling his knees into his chest and sucking in a big breath to try to stop the hiccups.
She grinned, pulling out the chart, and resisting the urge to reach out and poke his puffed cheeks. “I took notes.”
Five’s eyes widened, and he let out his breath, looking vaguely… impressed. “Holy shit. You’re thorough.” His eyes scanned over her scribbled words. “Diego? Really?”
Allison chuckled. “Really. I’m surprised you forgot, he’s the worst of all of us. Even worse than you.”
Five’s nose wrinkled, and he let out a childish snort. “Serves him right.”
“Oh, shut up, you ticklish little son of a bitch.” Diego muttered from the doorway... alongside Klaus, Vanya, and Luther.
Five spun and internally cursed at himself at the blush growing on his face, wondering how long the rest of his siblings had been there watching him get absolutely wrecked.
“I know you are but what am I,” he snapped back at his bigger but younger brother, who’d lunged towards him, ready for a battle.
Diego was blocked by Allison though, and he stopped, knowing not to cross her while she was in the terrifying mood she’d been in all day.
“Guys, enough. Can’t we have just one fun day without you at each other’s throats?”
“Y’know what, Allison, I know I didn’t get a very close look but…” Klaus clicked his tongue as his strong brows furrowed, “I don’t think I saw your name on that little chart.” He made his way over to his other siblings with an unmistakable glint in his eye and grabbed the chart from his sister’s hand. 
Allison always did have the upper hand in all their tickle fights, and now they all knew why.
“W-well, that’s because I made it.” The look that her family exchanged did not go unnoticed, and she stepped backwards, ending up stumbling onto Five’s bed. “Hey, hey guys, wait - ”
The chart was updated that day; Vanya’s handwriting scrawled next to Allison’s name, alongside cackly laughter, super ticklish neck and armpits!!!, accidentally kicked Luther in the head, & best sister ever.
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anasticklefics · 4 years
Variety Of Reactions
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: The sibs
Summary: Klaus observes how differently his siblings react to being tickled.
A/N: Was thinking about how people react differently to being briefly tickled. Wrote a TUA fic about it, as per usual.
Words: 613
Klaus fell into the habit of it because he enjoyed the variety of reactions. Mostly that. Partly because it was fun to be a nuisance, possibly get subjected to some revenge, but mostly because the beginning, how he would first reach out and watch as realization dawned, was too damn delightful for him to ever stop.
Diego would cover the space that was being tickled, covering Klaus’ hand if Klaus hadn’t removed it, and just before the protests and threats started he would freeze, holding onto the tickled spot as if assessing whether it was worth a more violent reaction. Usually it was, but Klaus liked just poking and watching the slight timidness grip him for just a moment.
“What are you doing?” he would ask, shifting eyes as he met Klaus’.
“Oh, nothing,” Klaus would reply, his words a song, a blatant lie. “Did I hurt you?”
“You sure? Let me check.”
And the protests and threats would spill out.
Vanya curled up, no questions asked, no matter what spot he grabbed for. A poke to her back and she was cowering, a helpless grin already on her lips, so precious Klaus always went back for seconds and thirds and probably fourths.
“You know this isn’t helping, right?” he would ask her, his fingers trapped under body parts while still wiggling against skin, or dancing over unprotected spots. Vanya never replied, though she was far from quiet.
Allison would always jerk away and pretend as if nothing had happened. Back straightening, head held high, as if her whole mannerism wasn’t an invitation for Klaus to dive back in until she acknowledged him wholeheartedly.
“Stop it,” she would finally say, grabbing for his wrist this time rather than trust him to keep his hands to himself.
“I’m not doing anything.”
But he would ignore the warning in her voice; her whole reaction a challenge he couldn’t resist.
Luther always exclaimed, in surprise or indignation or just for he hell of it, and his lips were already curling upward as he held up his hands as if to fight Klaus off. But he was always quick to laugh when Klaus attacked, raised hands doing nothing.
“You can stop me so easily,” he said, redirecting words that were usually aimed at him. “But you never do, big guy.”
“Hey!” Luther would repeat, over and over, as if three little letters were anything but encouraging. Hey ho, let’s go etc.
Ben had been the real flailer back when Klaus had been able to tickle him, making each attack calculated and quick. Quick to pin, quick to surprise, holding down knees and arms so that Klaus wouldn’t come out of this with a bloody nose just to get his brother to laugh.
“No!” he would cry, but he never asked for him to stop, unless you took the way his body nearly ripped itself apart in its desperation to get away as him protesting. Klaus didn’t.
And Five? Five had already killed you ten times in his head by the time you pinned him, but he couldn’t disguise his giggles no matter how much he cursed. It was the exaggeration of it all that had Klaus so captivated despite it being a death wish. The glare, the threats, and yet he had never been the sibling to keep the ticklish laughter out of his mouth when you got him.
“I’m going to kill you!”
“Doesn’t sound too bad when you’re giggling like that.”
When the siblings decided to get him back, usually after most attacks, Klaus would try to mimic them just for the hell of it, but he could never quite mirror them properly.
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ticklishpeter · 3 years
vanya + sides
aaaa my baby sweetie pie
vanya's sides are definitely like an 8.5 out of 10!!! she immediately just curls up and tries so hard to guard her sides but she's so bad at it bc her arms just flail (she can't decide on whether to cover her face, cover her sides, or push the ler's hands away) so she's just hkdjgjbhh pokes there get her squeaking REAL bad, and all of her siblings except allison are almost afraid to tase her there bc of her powers <33
send a character + a spot !!
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calmturquoise · 4 years
Day 23: Asking For It
TUA, Hargreeves. Words: 3,000
Prompt from @anasticklefics: I have this headcanon that the siblings didn’t experience much tickling as children and now have the most Extra reactions to it.
“Dude, you should put on some sunscreen,” Ben said, perched on a stone wall next to where Klaus was lounging in the sun. What was the point of the Academy having a rooftop garden if Klaus wasn’t going to use it for sunbathing?
Without looking Klaus held up his hand, palm-first. “I’m not taking skincare advice from a ghost. You haven’t had real skin in over a decade.”
Even without looking he could sense Ben rolling his eyes. “You know I’m right. Skin cancer kills, you can’t tell me you’re tougher than the sun.”
“If I’m not dead yet I don’t think the sun’s going to do it.”
“You’ve literally died multiple times.”
Klaus waved his ‘goodbye’ hand dismissively. “Semantics.” He settled into the grass, enjoying the sensation of the warm sunlight soaking into his skin, only to jerk upright when wiggling fingers skittered across his neck. “Hey!”
He caught a brief glimpse of Ben’s smirk before grabbing his brother by the shoulders and flipping them over, pinning Ben against the ground so Klaus could worm his hands beneath Ben’s hoodie.
“Klaus!” Ben squeaked, giggling as Klaus’ fingers spidered over his belly. “Stohohop!”
“You started it,” Klaus retorted, grinning as he moved up to Ben’s ribcage. Vague memories were returning to him of how Ben had also been ticklish as a kid – he’d been so sweet and gullible that tickling him was just so much fun. Apparently that hadn’t changed.
Ben clearly didn’t mind it too much, either – Klaus was under no illusions that his brother couldn’t just go incorporeal if he really wanted to get away. Instead Ben was just trying to wrestle Klaus off of him. “Stop tickling mehehehe!” he protested, squirming and laughing as Klaus’ fingers skittered across his ribs.
Klaus shrieked in surprise as Ben gave up on trying to push him away and instead dug his fingers into Klaus’ stomach, conveniently exposed by his crop top. “No fair!”
“Very fair! You tickled me first!”
“No, you tickled me first, asshole!” Klaus exclaimed, going boneless and flopping down on top of Ben. This had the unfortunate side effect of pinning Ben’s hands between his and Klaus’ stomachs, allowing him to easily continue tickling Klaus’ belly.
“Ugh, you’re heavy,” Ben complained. “I can’t breathe.”
“You’re such a drama queen. You’re a ghost, you don’t need to breathe!”
“Your sweat is dripping on my body and I want to die again!”
“It’s summer, it’s hot out,” Klaus whined, attempting to contort his body so he could tickle Ben’s armpits while evading his brother’s arms flailing against his stomach. “At least I’m not wearing any sunscreen, then I’d be getting that all over you t-aah!”
Ben wiggled his fingers into Klaus’ hips, distracting him enough that they rolled over, Ben planting his knees on top of Klaus’ thighs so he could continue with the sudden tickle attack. “You jeheheherk!” Klaus cried, laughing helplessly.
“Um… Klaus?” A confused voice came from behind them. Ben paused and Klaus peered around his brother’s shoulder to see Allison looking at them – well, him – with raised eyebrows. “What are you doing?”
If Klaus were one to get embarrassed easily, he might be more concerned by his current predicament. Thankfully, he had no shame.
Still, he could see how from Allison’s perspective it could look a bit strange to see him rolling around and trying to tickle the air. With a grin Ben moved aside, allowing Klaus to lurch to his feet and throw an arm around Allison’s neck. She looked slightly disgruntled – probably still sweaty, then.
“Just a teensy disagreement with Ben,” Klaus explained, tossing an arm in Ben’s general direction and sticking his tongue out when Ben teasingly wiggled his fingers in the air at Klaus.
Allison followed the direction of Klaus’ gaze and gave Ben a wave. Looking amused she asked, “Was he tickling you?”
“Yeah, he was. I was tickling him too, though! You know our Benny, just a ticklish little bean.”
In lieu of tickling Ben, who Allison couldn’t even see, Klaus playfully wiggled his fingers against the side of Allison’s neck. He was briefly alarmed by her loud, sudden squeal before a grin broke out across his face. “Looks like you’re ticklish too, huh?”
“Hehehehey!” Allison cried. She jerked her shoulder up to try to protect her neck, but Klaus simply reached under her chin to tickle the exposed skin there. Allison squealed and collapsed on the ground, curling up into a ball.
Klaus laughed and followed suit, kneeling next to Allison’s curled-up form. “Don’t you think you’re being a wee bit dramatic, o sister mine?” he asked, poking at her sides. Allison giggled and jerked her arms down, exposing her neck for Klaus to resume tickling. “I’m just tickling you.”
“But I’m reheheheally tihihicklish!” Allison laughed, letting out a loud shriek when Klaus managed to worm his hands beneath her arms and tickle her armpits. “Plehehehehease!”
“Please what?” Klaus teased. “Please tickle you? But I’m already doing that!”
“Nohohoho! Klaus!” Allison tried to curl up even tighter as Klaus’ finger jumped from her neck to her belly to her sides, tickling any exposed place he could see. “I heheheheard- a ruhuhu-”
“What did you hear? I didn’t catch that,” Klaus said, trying to infuse innocence and confusion into his tone. He was met by the sound of Allison’s loud cackling.
Still, he didn’t want to wear his sister out too much. With a final tickle to the back of her neck Klaus pulled away and quickly rolled to his feet. “You know, I think you could give Ben a run for his money when it comes to ticklish siblings!” he said cheerfully as residual giggles poured from Allison’s lips. “See you later, Ally!”
He rushed out of the garden, not wanting to wait around for Allison to regain her breath. He’d been on the receiving end of too many rumors as a kid to willingly subject himself to Allison’s idea of retribution. Which would be worth it, mind, considering how much fun it had been to tickle her.
Klaus hummed in thought as he made his way downstairs. Had he ever tickled Allison before now? He had to have at some point to know her weak spots, but not many instances of him and his siblings tickling each other came to mind. It wasn’t like the seven of them spent much time playing together as kids, what with a mere half an hour of free time a week. Training they did plenty of, but just playing? Not so much.
“I’ve got a brilliant thought,” Klaus announced, only remembering afterwards to see if Ben was listening to him. Good brother that he was, Ben was following Klaus down the stairs.
“Hide before Allison can enact brutal revenge?”
“Psh, no. No, what do you want to bet the rest of our siblings have equally hilarious reactions to being tickled?”
Ben looked amused. “Yeah, I bet they do. You know they’ll kill you though, right?”
“Only one way to find out!”
Klaus flounced into the living room, certain he’d find at least one of his siblings there. Sure enough, Vanya was curled up on the sofa with her nose buried in a book, though she looked up when she heard Klaus enter.
Sweet little Vanya was a pleasure to spend time with and Klaus was probably never going to stop hating the fact that they’d all ignored and dismissed her for decades, but he could at least keep trying to make up for it. With a wide smile, Klaus flung himself onto the sofa.
He landed partially on top of Vanya who smiled back while wrinkling her nose. “Hi Klaus. Can you get off of me? You’re a bit, um-”
“Damp?” Klaus suggested, delighting in Vanya’s clear dismay at the term. He scooted a bit to the side to give his sister some space. “Yes, well, it’s a lovely day out, and I was up on the roof. Onto a completely different topic, are you ticklish?”
“Am I- what?” Vanya looked completely nonplussed.
“Silly question, everyone’s ticklish! The question is where,” Klaus mused. “Maybe here?” He reached over and tickled the bottom of her bare foot, resting between them on the sofa.
When he looked up, he could barely contain laughter at the expression on Vanya’s face. She looked utterly bemused like she couldn’t understand what was happening. Klaus ran a finger down the bottom of her foot, and she let out a soft, squeaky giggle, automatically pulling her feet away but not quite out of reach.
“Feet, check.” Klaus stated. “What about your toes?” He wiggled his fingers beneath them and Vanya snorted, a blush starting to spread across her cheeks as her giggling grew louder.
“Klaus, wait!” Vanya protested, pulling her feet closer to her body in an attempt to hide them. Her side was left wide open however, and Klaus took advantage by giving it a series of rapid pokes before his fingers wandered to her stomach.
A sharp ‘crack’ broke through the sound of Vanya’s laughter and Klaus jerked back on instinct before peering around his sister to look at the lamp sitting on the table next to the sofa, which now had a noticeable crack running through its glass base.
For a moment there was utter silence before Klaus started giggling. Vanya followed suit, though her cheeks were still flushed and she looked embarrassed. “I’m sor-”
“Don’t worry about it, sis.” Klaus said, dismissing her apology. It figured that a tickle attack could be a bit much for someone still getting used to their powers.
“I think my stomach’s really ticklish,” Vanya muttered sheepishly.
Klaus laughed. “No kidding. Seriously, don’t worry about it. Still, I think that’s my cue to go.” He patted Vanya on the head and blew her a kiss as he left the living room, only to immediately run into Luther in the hallway.
“Is everything okay? I thought I heard something break.”
“Nothing to worry about, dear brother!” Klaus said, looking up at his largest sibling. Klaus was relatively certain that Luther’s ears were extremely ticklish, but the man was simply too tall for Klaus to reach up there. Instead, he decided to aim for a lower target.
As soon as Klaus squeezed Luther’s knees through the fabric of his jeans, Luther jolted away and landed on the floor, looking bewildered as he stared up at Klaus, who was trying not to die laughing. “Klaus! What the hell was that for?”
“Your face!” Klaus gasped, wiping away tears. “You just fell on your ass Luther, oh my god.”
“Well I wasn’t expecting you to attack me!”
“I wasn’t attacking you, I was tickling you.”
“Oh, uh, but. I’m not. Ticklish?”
“Really?” Klaus raised an eyebrow as Luther tried and utterly failed to look sincere. “Not even a little, teensy bit?” He stepped closer, eyeing his brother for signs of genuine discomfort; seeing none he decided to take advantage of Luther’s current position.
“H-Hey!” Luther exclaimed, flinching away when Klaus wiggled his fingers over Luther’s neck, just beneath his ear. “Klaus!”
“I think you are ticklish,” Klaus declared. He grinned as he was rewarded with Luther’s laughter – a nice sound given how rare it was.
Luther was avoiding pushing Klaus away, instead scrunching up his shoulder in an attempt to protect his neck and ears. “Fine, I’m ticklish! Happy?”
“Very,” Klaus confirmed. Beside him, Ben was looking amused as Luther picked himself up off the floor. “See, I told you this was a good idea.”
Luther looked up, realized Klaus wasn’t talking to him, and rolled his eyes before walking off.
Ben raised an eyebrow but kept up with Klaus as he went off in search of his two missing siblings. “I’ll give you the reaction hasn’t been bad so far, but that’s because you’ve been avoiding our two stabbiest brothers.”
“I haven’t been avoiding them! I’ve been intentionally saving them for last.” Although he could admit Ben might not be wrong about the stabbing. “And Diego wouldn’t stab me. Probably.”
“I notice you can’t say the same for Five.”
Klaus rapped his knuckles on the closed door of Diego’s bedroom, ignoring Ben’s raised eyebrows. He did have manners. “Diegooooo. Can I come in?”
At Diego’s affirmative-if-less-than-enthusiastic “sure,” Klaus swung open the door and crossed the short distance to the bed Diego was lying on and flopped down next to him. Diego groaned loudly when Klaus landed partially on top of him, though Klaus could see a small smile playing at his brother’s lips. “This bed isn’t big enough for both of us.”
“This bed is barely big enough for you,” Klaus countered, wiggling around until they were lying semi-comfortably side-by-side, squished together so neither would fall onto the floor. “Get a new one.”
“I’ll work on it. What do you want?”
“Can’t I just want to spend time with my favorite brother, who isn’t holding any knives at the moment?”
Diego eyed him suspiciously. “Should I be holding a knife right now?”
“No, no,” Klaus responded hastily. “Unfortunately, that would greatly impede my ability to do this.” He reached over and brushed his fingers underneath the hem of Diego’s shirt, kneading at the tops of his hip bones.
Diego screeched loudly; Klaus jolted in surprise before a grin spread over his face and he spidered his fingers upward to tickle Digeo’s belly. Out of the corner of his eye Klaus saw Ben doubling over with laughter in the corner at their brother’s extreme reaction. “Ticklish, Diego?”
“Nohohoho! I’m nohohot!” Diego insisted, his protests at total odds with the loud laughter pouring from his mouth. “Stohohohop!”
“I don’t know, I think I’m having too much fun to stop,” Klaus replied. His hands wandered further up beneath Diego’s shirt until he located Diego’s belly button; Klaus wormed a finger inside, eliciting another loud shriek of laughter from Diego. Biting back his own laugher, Klaus teased, “You’re just soooo ticklish.”
“Sh-shuhuhut up! I’m nohohohohot!”
Klaus’s finger wiggled deeper into Diego’s belly button, poking at the sensitive bottom. “Nohohoho!” Diego begged, pushing at Klaus’ hands. In the process of shoving Klaus away Diego lost balance and fell off the side of the too-small bed with a loud ‘thump.’
Klaus giggled and peeked over the edge of the bed, where Diego was lying on the floor with an intriguing expression of mixed aggravation and relief, holding an arm protectively over his stomach. “Oops. Sorry?”
A loud ‘pop’ quickly drew Klaus’ attention away from Diego and to the other side of the bed, where Five had appeared in front of the door. “What is all the racket about?” Five groused, raising an eyebrow as Diego clambered up from the floor.
“Nothing,” Klaus said, trying to maintain an innocent expression. Diego shot him an exasperated glance and Five narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
Realizing that he might not get a better opportunity to catch his youngest-oldest brother off-guard, Klaus quickly reached out and poked Five’s stomach through his sweater. There was no reaction, other than Five giving Klaus one of his patented “my family is so weird, I don’t understand you” glares.
Klaus glanced over the ridiculous school uniform that Five was still content wearing and zeroed in on one of the only places that wasn’t covered by clothing, and reached out and squeezed Five’s knee. If Klaus hadn’t been paying such close attention to Five’s reactions, he might’ve missed the way Five froze for a brief moment. Klaus squeezed Five’s knee again and Five giggled quietly before disappearing from the room with a loud ‘pop.’
“I don’t know what I’m more surprised by,” Ben mused from the corner. “That Five didn’t kill you, or that he’s actually ticklish.”
Klaus slid off of Diego’s bed. “Don’t be ridiculous mon frère, everyone’s ticklish.”
Following Klaus’ gaze, Diego waved at Ben, then turned to Klaus. “Is there any particular reason you decided to t-tickle me?” Diego asked, his cheeks flushing as he stumbled over the word.
Before Klaus could respond, two sets of footsteps signaled Vanya and Five’s arrival. “Apparently he’s been tickling everyone?” Vanya said, looking amused as she glanced between Klaus, Diego, and Five, who had a smirk that immediately put Klaus on edge.
“And that means there’s only one person in this family who hasn’t been tickled today,” Five declared, taking a predatory step towards Klaus, who moved backward in response. The backs of Klaus’ legs hit the bed and Diego reached over to pull him down onto the mattress.
Klaus looked at his three siblings leaning over him, all with grins of varying degrees on their faces. “I don’t know if this is necessary-” he hedged, trying to hold back a smile at what he knew was coming.
“Oh, it definitely is,” Diego declared.
Klaus couldn’t prevent the giggles from pouring out of his lips as Diego’s fingers wiggled across his stomach. At the same time Vanya poked Klaus’ side, her hesitant touches growing more confident at his resulting laughter. Klaus squirmed although he didn’t quite fight back, enjoying both the pleasant sensations and the experience of spending time with his siblings without anyone fighting. Still… “Thahahat tihihickles!”
“That’s the point, isn’t it?” Vanya teased, her fingers spidering over his sides and up to his ribs.
“I’ll go get Luther and Allison,” Five announced.
“Nohohoho!” Klaus giggled, hearing a loud ‘pop’ as Five disappeared from the room. A new touch joined Diego and Vanya’s poking at Klaus’ exposed neck and he twisted his head around to see Ben looming over him with a grin. “Behehehen! How could you betrahahay me like thihihihis?”
Ben rolled his eyes. “Come on, you were totally asking for this.”
“I wahahahasn’t!” Klaus protested. Though Vanya and Diego couldn’t hear half the argument, they both had matching grins at the knowledge that Ben was ganging up on Klaus as well.
“Ben’s on our side, isn’t he?” Diego guessed. “Sorry bro, you don’t have anyone to blame for this but yourself – we deserve some payback.” Well, alright, Klaus could understand that…
“Oh, Klaus, you’re ticklish too?” Luther teased in a rare moment of playfulness as the rest of Klaus’ sibling made their way to Diego’s bedroom. “That’s great!”
… Even if Klaus didn’t know how he’d survive all six of his siblings ganging up on him.
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
can u,,,, spare headcanons about the hargreeves' tickle laughs??? 🥺🥺🥺
anything for u bby <3 this is...self-indulgent but laughter makes me happy so:
Luther is a combo of wheezy chuckles and little pleas? Like he’ll wheeze rEALLY loud and then break into these little giggles,, then the wheeze comes back,,, and then little ‘stop’s and ‘nooooo’s make their way into his laugh it’s so cute. ALSO HE SNORTS!!!!!! If he tries to talk his voice gets all squeaky and cracky which makes him laugh at himself and then he tries to hide. If you tickle him and don’t know that’s how he laughs you’d definitely think you’re killing him
Diego,,,, my boy,,, he curses and growls a little to try and stop his laughter before it starts?? but like two seconds in the laughter filters between the curses and then he’s just Giggling. He gets stuck giggling too like he Definitely tries to threaten and curse but m o r e giggles come out so he’s just pointing at the person with lil squinty eyes AAHHH!!! When someone gets a bad spot he sinks Directly into belly laughter and it’s so nice,,, like his giggles are all high pitched and adorable but when he belly laughs his pitch drops and his whole body shakes and he just,,, smiley boy,,,,,
Allison squeals!!!! she squeals so much and she Cackles but in this weirdly musical and sweet way????? It’s so infectious and endearing. She covers her face too if she can!!! Not bc she’s embarrassed but just a habit?? She feels she’s being too loud almost??? She shakes her head a lot and scrunches her nose it’s so cute. ALSO SNORTS!!!
Klaus is WILD omg,,, he cackles and screeches omg. He’s so loud and like,,, literally if you don’t know him you’d think a woman is being murdered because in bad spots he gets screamy. He’s the most likely to lose his voice after being tickled. He’s weirdly proud of it though like,, he boasts he has a better vocal range than Allison which never ever ends well.
Five shrieks and screams as like,,, a defense mechanism???? His brain just tells him to make NOISE as like an intimidation/guilt tactic?? as kids it totally worked because his sibs would touch him and he’d just SCREAM and they’d be like ‘oop nvm’. But now...they know this about him....it doesn’t work anymore...He giggles frantically in bad spots like his knees but if you touch his palms he just kinda shrieks and bounces in this hysterical laughter until he goes silent,,,
Ben,,, babie,,,,, He squeaks and yelps so m u c h it’s so cute. He tries to muffle his laugh and hide. His laugh is more like titters and soft giggles???? it’s soft,,, When you get a bad spot he squeals until his voice cracks and then falls into high pitched, cracky laughter. He hiccups a lot when it gets too bad and goes silent in like,, two seconds
Vanya is very similar to Ben!!!! Very squeaky and yelpy!!!! She’s silent for a little while and her shoulders shake and she covers her mouth,,, but after like thirty seconds her laugh comes out and it’s so cute omg,,, she whines a lot too omg,, she’ll just be like ‘allisooooooon’ or whine the name of whoever’s tickling her but fall apart into giggles before she can actually protest,,, soft,,,
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I suppose a good way for me to get started on this blog, besides reblogging content obviously, would probably be to post Umbrella Academy tickle hcs for One-Seven. I’ll probably make separate posts for each.
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amazingmsme · 5 years
Join the Fun
AN: I’ve had this typed up for a few days but been busy with Thanksgiving stuff. Hope you enjoy my last fic for tua week! 
There were many things that had happened in the Hargreeves household that Vanya didn't take part in. She felt as though her brain would combust if she tried to keep track of it all, so she didn't. Instead, she had tucked herself away and poured her heart and soul into her music. But they were adults now. She was allowed to spend time with them and most of all, she was welcomed. It was a nice change of pace.
Currently, they were all in the living room, each person doing their own thing for the most part. Her attention was drawn away from her book when she heard Klaus and Diego bickering.
"I told you a million times, this show is pure trash and I will not allow you to give it ratings!" Diego said, clutching the remote in a death grip. Klaus tried to pry his fingers off with both hands.
"Jersey Shore is comedy gold! They're so stupid it's fucking hilarious"
"That must be why you like it so much then huh? Makes you feel right at home," he teased, yanking the remote free. Klau lunged for it, but Diego held it out to the side with one hand and placed his palm on Klaus's face with the other, keeping him at bay. "It sucks fat ass, I'm not watching it!"
Vanya was paying more attention to them than to her book now. A fond smile worked at the edges of her lips. 
Klaus pushed with all his might to try and reach the remote, but Diego didn't budge. Time to resort to drastic measures. Klaus reached out and dug his fingers under Diego's arm. He yelped and slammed it down to his sides, and Klaus took the opportunity to grapple for the remote. The wrestling match quickly evolved into a tickle fight, one that Klaus was currently loosing. Allison was actually on Klaus's side; she loved Jersey Shore and had gotten to meet the cast. They were nice, and very funny.
"I heard a rumor that Klaus got the upper hand." Diego yelled in protest as he became the target. Five glared at Allison, "Why'd you do that? Diego's right!" He teleported over your her and attacked, leaving her a giggly mess. Diego fell off the couch and ran behind Luther's chair. He grabbed him by the arms and pulled him up so that he was standing in front of him acting as a human shield. Klaus scrambled after him, an evil grin lighting up his face.
"Oh Diego, look what you forgot," he taunted, waving the remote. Diego and Luther shared a look.
Vanya watched the scene before her fondly. This was a common occurrence among their childhood and had resurfaced now that they were all under the same roof again. And just like back then, she wasn't involved. Sometimes she preferred it that way: being able to just be there and observe. It was a way for her to be a part of it without... really being a part of it. But hearing all that laughter made her thirsty and she stood, stretching slightly before heading to the kitchen. She was almost out of the living room when Five was suddenly in front of her.
"And where do you think you're going?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest. He tilted his head in a cocky sly manner, as though he had caught her red handed. She raised a brow in confusion, "Uh, getting a drink?"
"Oh really?" By now Luther and Diego were slowing down with their torture to observe what was happening. Neither of them noticed.
"Yes really." She didn't know why, but her lips quirked up into a slightly nervous half smile.
"'Cause it seems to me like you're trying to escape." Her smile grew and she snorted in amusement.
"That's stupid, just let me get a drink." She stepped to the side, only for Five to mirror her. She moved to the other side, but he did it again.
"Fihive!" She let out an annoyed laugh when he wouldn't let her pass.
"What, trying to get away?"
"Noho, you're just being weird!"
Klaus had recovered, and now that he saw Vanya was cornered, his eyes were set on a new target. He slid up to her and casually leant against the wall. "What's this I hear? My dear baby sister is trying to escape a good ol' fashioned tickle fight scot free?"
The pieces finally fell into place in Vanya's head as to what was going on, and butterflies began to flutter in her stomach.
"It sure seems like it," Five said.
"I'm not," Vanya defended. Diego chimed in from his reclaimed spot on the couch, "Then why are you backing away?" Vanya looked down at her feet, realizing she was farther away now and she blushed. Great, that didn't make her look guilty at all. Not.
"Looks like we have a liiiiaaaaar," Klaus said in a singsong voice. Uh oh. "Do you know what we do to liars?" He asked. Vanya was already curling in on herself as she tried to hold back her giggles. Why did she want to laugh, they hadn't even touched her yet.
"I think I have a pretty good idea." Klaus clicked his tongue and shot finger guns at her, "Bingo."
While she was distracted, Five had moved closer to her and started squeezing her sides. It took her off guard, so she had no chance of suppressing her laughter. It came in loud happy waves, and her mouth was gaping open in a wide smile. None of them had ever seen her like this. It was a real shame that they had missed out on this for so long, but that just gave them an excuse to make up for lost time.
Klaus joined in, worming his hands under her arms. Vanya let out an honest to god snort, and it was just about the cutest thing any of them have heard. Her cheeks went bright red as she shook her head back and forth.
"Stohohop you guys are mehehean!" she protested, even though she had to admit this was fun.
Klaus scoffed, "I'm not mean! I just want what's best for you! And I believe it's best if we turn you into a giggly mess!" His words only served to embarrass her more, so she buried her face in her hands to hide. Five smirked and drilled his thumbs into the hipbone and she let out a sharp cry, arching her back and grabbing his wrists before doubling over in laughter.
"I'm curious, what's your worst spot?" he asked. She just shook her head, "Ihihi don't knohohow!" Klaus threw his head back dramatically.
"Well that simply wont do! Now to me, you seem like a neck person..." he mused.
"Nonononohohoho not there!" she pleaded. She had a feeling that he was right and didn't want him to test it out. Yet at the same time, she kind of did. He reached up and scratched his blunt nails over the soft skin, and she was done for.
"Well would you look at that! I was right!" He leant down and blew quick, wet raspberries right in the middle of her neck, and her legs turned to jelly. It was took much, and she had to lean on her brothers for support. They finally chose to show her mercy.
"Oh and just so you know, there's gonna be plenty more where that came from."
She was alright with that.
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tickletastic · 5 years
Best Guess
Rating: SFW
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 833
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Ship: N/A
Summary: Allison realizes that since Vanya wasn’t tickled much by her or her other siblings, she has never felt the obscure tickle techniques, so they decide to play a game.
Notes: Tickletober Day Sixteen: Blind. I realized that I didn’t get around @peachytickles Vanya and Allison fic, so here’s day sixteen’s prompt re-purposed.
The first time that Vanya witnessed tickling, Diego was being absolutely destroyed by Ben. He was laughing loudly and joyfully, and batting at Ben’s unrelenting hands. She didn’t ask them what they were doing, she wasn’t even really supposed to be there, so she just scurried off before either of her other siblings could notice her. 
Vanya often heard the melodic laughter of her brothers and sister during training, or before missions, and she had a feeling that it was from the exact same thing she had seen Ben and Diego doing, but she never asked them about it, she figured that they wouldn’t want to do it with her anyways. 
Vanya eventually forgot about the silly scene she had witnessed, barely seeing her siblings most of the time, just practicing her violin as often as possible. She always wished that she could bond with her siblings that way though.
Her wish was definitely answered after the apocalypse was prevented, and she quickly learned what tickling was. She had seen Five laughing adorably, and she knew that her grumpy brother would never allow himself to be so carefree unless she was forced. Once she asked, her siblings were certainly not shy when it came to explaining, they demonstrated on each other, and they even tickled her, joyfully finding out that she too was ticklish. 
One day, she was sitting in the living room, Allison sitting on the same couch, smiling down at her phone. Five startled them both when they heard his familiar, childish giggles. When they looked up, they saw that Klaus had wrapped his boa around Five’s neck, and was pulling it softly back and forth as Five protested.
Seeing this made Vanya curious, very curious. She looked towards Allison and quickly realized that her sister did not look as confused. 
“Allison,” Vanya spoke, getting her adopted sister’s attention, “why’s Five laughing at that?”
Allison’s eyes lit up, looking at Klaus and Five, and then back at Vanya. “Well, sometimes there’s certain things, like feathers, that tickle a lot, sometimes even more than fingers.”
Vanya nodded, understanding despite the fact that she had never experienced it, and she was startled when Allison’s face lit up. 
“Why don’t we play a little game?”
Vanya was certainly a little pensive, but she nodded anyways, waiting for Allison as she left the room for a moment. When she came back, she had a bag of unknown items and a scarf. 
She placed the scarf in Vanya’s hands, putting the bag on the couch but not emptying it. “Put this on.”
Vanya complied despite her worries, unable to see with the dark cover over her eyes. “Why am I doing this?”
“Well,” Allison started, a mischievous smile on her face that Vanya was unable to see, “I am going to tickle you with something, and you will try to guess what it is.”
Vanya shrugged, she didn’t hate being tickled, and she liked finally bonding with her siblings. “Fine, I’ll try.” 
Allison put her hand in the bag, pulling out a long black feather and twirling it around, before beginning to lightly trace Vanya’s collarbones with it. 
Vanya started to giggle right away, scrunching up her shoulder. She felt the feather grace the tip of her ear, and she scrunched her nose from beneath the scarf. “I-is it a feather?”
“Bingo!” Allison called, pulling the feather away and putting it back in the bag. She pulled out another tool, an electric toothbrush, and put it to Vanya’s side before turning it on.
Vanya’s laughter went a lot louder, twisting her body to dodge the item. “Thahahat tickles!”
“Yup, Vanya, it sure does,” Allison laughed, running the toothbrush up and down Vanya’s ribs. 
“Ihis ihit yohour phone?” Vanya spoke through her giggles.
Vanya felt stumped for a moment, laughing as she felt the sensitive vibrations. “A tohothbruhush! Ihit’s a tohothbruhush!”
“Right, right, right Vanya!” Allison praised, taking her final tool out of her bag, a hairbrush. 
Allison took Vanya’s ankles in her arms and removed her socks, before using the brush on Vanya’s feet. Vanya squealed, trying to pull in her feet while she let herself laugh, throwing her head back. 
“What is it, Vanya? C’mon, you’ve got this,” Allison encouraged, mercilessly tickling Vanya’s feet.
Vanya just laughed, light snorts making their way into her symphony of laughter. “Ihi don’t knohow! I don’t knohohow!”
All her struggling had caused her blindfold to come off, Allison slowing to a stop as Vanya caught her breath.
“That,” Vanya started before pausing for a breath, “was the worst one.”
Allison laughed, nodding as she looked over both of her shoulders, none of her other siblings anywhere to be found. “Klaus and Five would agree with you, but don’t tell them I told you that.”
“I won’t mention it,” Vanya smiled, a mischievous look in her eyes as she stood up and dashed out of the room, hairbrush in hand as she screamed back at her sister, “thanks Al!”
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astraltickles · 5 years
(n.) something lovely discovered by chance
Summary: After reminiscing on childhood antics -  Klaus, Luther, Diego, Allison and Five realise that they don’t know as much about their sister as they thought they did. 
Word count: 1917
One could use many different adjectives to describe the Hargreeves family; extraordinary, cunning, powerful, dysfunctional or arguably- ‘one-of-a-kind’. A word that most wouldn't choose however, would be observant. In many aspects of life, but especially when it came to the 7th sibling, Vanya. Being in a famous crime fighting organisation from before they'd hit puberty could be considered rights for justification for her 6 siblings, but the fact remained the same - her brothers and sister could count the number of things they knew about Vanya on one collective, super-powered hand.
Being the only ordinary one in her family, her powers limited to that of playing the violin; she found herself celebrating most of her victories alone. Aside from having most of her milestones in life ignored, such as the name of her first boyfriend, when she first learned how to ride a bike, the time she got accepted into a high-end music school or when she got her first client at her independent business - it bothered Vanya the most that they didn’t know the little things; what was her favourite colour? her favourite song? Where did she go to college? she gave up hope of hearing the correct answer leave her beloved siblings’ lips long ago.
It was an abnormally still evening at the umbrella academy mansion, each sibling silent in their respective rooms, feeding into the awkward and slightly tense atmosphere that seemed to linger within the household no matter the circumstance; the only sound being the soothing tune of Vanya’s Violin. This was until the peace was broken by a familiar ruckus in the living room. Allison, Klaus and Five descended the staircase out of curiosity to find Diego and Luther wrestling over what seemed to be, the television remote?
Allison considered sharing her thoughts on the immature yet unsurprising scenario unfolding before her but chose instead to simply prop herself down on the armchair and observe, smiling internally at the childish tenancies of her siblings. While its not the most peaceful pass-time, anything that wasn't fighting for their lives (or the fate of the universe) was a breath of fresh air. Her siblings did the same, getting comfortable and enjoying the show; adding comedic  commentary when they (Klaus, mostly) deemed necessary. 
This went on for quite some time before Diego executed a game changing tactic - he dug his fingers into Luther's armpits, causing the much Larger man to let out a strained yelp and buckle over before falling completely to the ground. Diego took the opportunity straddle the oh so mighty moon boy and unleash a series of squeak inducing pokes to the belly and chest. 
“Cut it out, 2!” Growled Luther, his dignity hanging by a thread as he’s reduced to a giggling mess by someone barely half his size.  
He swiftly grabbed Diego by the knee and squeezed desperately, effectively making the master of knives gasp and refrain his tickle attack immediately, rolling quickly off of Luther’s large form. They remained frozen, staring at each other with narrow eyes before Allison suggested a truce, and they both backed down and relaxed. 
“Still as ticklish as you were when we were kids, I see” Teased Diego, Remote long forgotten. 
“watch it, Kraken. Don’t think I’ve forgotten your spots” Luther replied, in a threatening yet teasing tone. 
“Okay okay, cut it out you two” Allison intervened, laughing softly.
“We get it, you’re both ticklish wittle soldiers” She cooed, high-fiving Klaus who naturally, cracked up at her playful mockery. 
“I wouldn't test us, chipmunk” Snarled Diego, wiggling his fingers in mid air while Luther recreated the facial expression and high pitched laughter that earned number 3 the nickname chipmunk when they were kids, after being tickled ruthlessly by her brothers. Allison glared at them, while Klaus laughed along at the memory.
“Do NOT make me rumor you, again” She huffed, crossing her arms and turning slightly pink.
“That reminds me” Started Diego, “Does anyone remember the time we tickled Klaus’ feet until he cried and promised to do our homework for a full week?” 
“Or Christmas Eve, when we got Five to beg for mercy after only 3 raspberries and give us his extra pudding?” Luther added, smirking. 
“Glad I wasn't around for much more of that” Five muttered under his breath, focusing on reducing the blush on his youthful features.
“And Ben” Allison smiled, “Poor kid would all but hyperventilate when you’d get his neck” 
Klaus laughed out loud at this, probably at some remark from Ben that only he could hear. 
“Good times” Diego smiled, looking over at Luther who nodded in response. They really were the tickle monsters of the group.
The 5 of them sat in comfortable silence for a couple minutes after that, the air thick with the joyful reminiscence of their childhood. Vanya came down the stars shortly after, assumingly having finished practising for the day, gave her siblings a kind, shy smile and plopped herself down on the couch in front of the television, she picked up the prized television remote and began flipping through the channels. 
It was then that Luther made eye contact with Diego, Five with Allison and Klaus with Ben (Or just stared off into space, it’s hard to tell with number 4). All of them having the same thought. Klaus was the first to move, he went and sat himself on the couch to Vanya’s right; smiling wide. Five did the same, but to her left. Allison, Luther and Diego positioned themselves leaning against the coffee table in front of her, blocking the television from view. Vanya looked around curiously-
“Is..everything okay?” She asked
“Everything is perfectly fine” Five reassured, in a tone that could only mean that he knew 100% what was to come.
“Vanya?” Klaus began
‘..Yes?” Number 7 replied hesitantly, already flushing slightly at the amount of attention that she was currently receiving from her siblings. All eyes on her, this was certainly new.
“Are you ticklish, perhaps?” he propped his elbows on his knees and stroked an imaginary beard, pondering mockingly.
A wave of guilt overcame numbers One through Five at this question, ashamed that it even had to be asked. It was now more than ever that they wished they’d included Vanya in their childhood antics. She however, began to shift her weight from side to side and avoided meeting any of her siblings eyes. 
She was. Extremely so. She had found this out about herself as a young teen, when her boyfriend at the time snuck up behind her and squeezed her sides. She had left that situation with new found knowledge, and him; a bloody nose.
While she had always yearned to be apart of the fun as a kid, watching her siblings ganged up on tormented with tickles was one of the very few times that she didn't mind being left out. 
She stuttered slightly, feeling the the pressure of her siblings (nay, superhuman siblings) surrounding her. 
“uh, not really” She spat out finally, fiddling with her hands in her lap.
“why?” She asked innocently 
Klaus’ smile didn’t falter at her response, knowing that no matter what she said, Vanya was about to receive a whole lot of family love - Hargreeve style.
Five, on the same page as his brother, promptly jabbed a finger into Number 7′s left rib cage (Coincidentally her worst spot) causing her to shriek and jump into Klaus’ awaiting arms. He pulled her onto his lap in a tight hug from behind and whisper/sang into her ear “Liar, Liar pants on fire”.
“Actually, It’s her face that’s on fire, isn’t it Van?” Pointed out Five very matter-of-factly, bringing attention to her blush and causing the rest of her siblings to collectively ‘awww’. Which only worked to intensify the crimson patches forming on her cheeks. 
“Guuyyss” Vanya whined, wondering why she couldn’t stop a smile from creeping up onto her freckled face.
“This is no fair, c’mon lemme go” But she didn’t want to be let go. Her heart was certainly going a hundred miles a minute and she was scared shitless for what she knew was coming but above all that, she felt loved. 
“But Vanya, we have to make up for lost time” Allison pointed out, as Diego approached, showing off his most devious of smirks.
“No no it’s okay! Really it’s fine we don’t have to” She rushed out, preemptively letting out bursts of giggles and halfheartedly trying to escape from Klaus’ grip.
“Oh, But we want to” Diego reassured, before reaching into the gaps left by Klaus’ hugging arms and digging into her ribs.
Vanya tensed every muscle in her body and squealed at first, before dissolving into uncontrollable giggles and letting her head fall back onto Klaus’ shoulder. She shook in her brothers arms, trying to twist and turn away from the tickles - but to no avail. Diego was only poking and prodding at her, very clearly going easy on her to avoid making her overwhelmed, but it was enough to get their ultra ticklish sister squealing (something that they were all very happy to find out). 
“Diego!” She cried out, between giggles. “Stop!”
“Stop? fine - Five, you want a turn?” 
“Do I? Why i’d love to, Diego” Five replied, squeezing Vanya’s left knee as Diego returned to his position next to Luther.
Vanya screeched and kicked her legs while her (younger?) brother administered his tickle attack above and below her knee’s. This seemed to be a good spot on her because one particularly calculated squeeze earned five the most adorable fucking snort any of them had ever heard. Vanya could hear Klaus’ cackling in her ear.
“Fihihive, quite it! I swear to gohohod” She stammered out, kicking wildly yet never escaping his skilled fingers.
It was then that Klaus made the impromptu decision to blow a raspberry on the side of Vanya’s neck - which may have just been the winner.
Her siblings watched in awe as she broke down into silent laughter, her mouth wide open - smiling wider than any of them had ever witnessed. 
Klaus and Five stopped their attack, while Vanya got the chance to catch her breath. 
“You’re all evil!” She breathed out, the grin on her face giving away any undertones suggesting that hadn't enjoyed every moment of it.
“well well well, looks like Vanya is more ticklish than all of us combined” Pointed out Luther, a genuinely loving smile dancing across is usually hard features.
“Our dear sister, who would have known?” Klaus, continued. Morphing his hold on his sister into a more hug-like position 
“We should have” Allison chimed in, softly. 
“Well we do now” Exclaimed Diego
“And whether it’s a good thing or bad thing for you, sis, we’ll definitely have to make up for all that lost time” He smiled sincerely at Vanya, shooting her a playful wink
“Oh that’s not necessary” She replied, with a mock death stare in Diego’s direction
“And if it makes you feel better, you’re without a doubt number 1 on the ticklish sibling scale” Luther declared, earning a symphony of agreements from his siblings.
“And now we know that you snort when you laugh too hard!” Klaus gushed
“And that your smile is one of the most beautiful there is” Countered Allison
“And that our family antics aren’t complete without you in them” Concluded Five
And that’s three more things than they knew yesterday. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a damn good start.
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spritewrites · 4 years
inhibitions (or, high five)
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Vanya & Five
Word Count: 2062
Warnings: drug use, mentions of alcohol abuse
Slam. “Ow.”
“What are you doing?” Vanya asked, peering around the cabinet door to where Five was cursing and rubbing his head.
Vanya raised her eyebrows. “Doesn’t look like nothing.”
“Yeah, well, it’s nothing, okay?” Five snapped, sticking his sore head back in the cabinet.
Well, that’s bullshit. “You sure?”
Five huffed. “Let me assure you, I am one hundred percent certain that I am doing absolutely nothing of interest to you right now.”
He briefly pulled his head out (carefully avoiding the top) to see Vanya giving him one of her soft smiles. “Rooting around in the back of a cabinet is pretty interesting to me.”
A long, low exhale. He was eyeing her carefully, the same way he did the first day he came home. Like he didn’t know who to trust. “Fine. Do you happen to know where dear old Dad kept the alcohol?”
The crease between Vanya’s eyes deepened. “We have a whole bar, Five.”
“Yes, yes, I know, but we’re… uh, out. Did the old man have any backup storage?”
“I think he got rid of it all when Klaus started drinking.” She put a gentle hand on Five’s shoulder, startling him. Instantly, the hand was back at her side. Right. The touch thing. “Are you okay?”
He sighed, running his small hand through his hair. “Yep. Fine. Great. Just… need to take the edge off.”
Everything went still.
“What,” he snapped. “Are you going to lecture me about the long-term effects of alcohol on my goddamn pre-teen body like everyone else? Because trust me, I’ve calculated exactly the blood alcohol content that –”
“No, I – no. I was just going to say…” She swallowed hard, then met his gaze, her kind eyes and his blazing ones. The corner of her lip tugged upward. “I’ve got something that might help.”
Honestly, Vanya never thought that her birthday gift from Klaus would ever be anything more than a joke. “So you don’t blow up the moon again,” he’d said with a wink, “now that you’re off your pills and everything.” But now, sitting on the floor of her childhood bedroom ripping open a package of laced gummies with her 58-year-old brother, she was so, so glad she had it.
The circles under Five’s eyes had gotten worse over the past few weeks, and even though she knew he’d never say anything, it was clear that putting down the staggering weight of the apocalypse after forty-five years of carrying it was proving difficult for her brother. She saw the way he startled at his reflection, the way his fingers flexed absent-mindedly toward his hip, right where a holster might be, the way he counted the people in the room, the way he would talk too quietly or too loudly, or left out details in stories, as if he couldn’t gauge how much of a given conversation was supposed to happen in his head.
He’d taken to drinking, of course – he’d been drinking since he got back. But now he seemed to rarely be without a glass in his hand. And Vanya saw the way his shoulders relaxed when he took a sip, the way his tapping foot and twitching eyelid settled.
Vanya was used to watching. She knew how to see things.
She’d been saving the candy especially for him, for when he needed it. Tomorrow she’d go to the liquor store for him; she knew better than to recommend he go cold-turkey. Five was smart. With the right support, he’d slow down on his own, when he was ready. That was her job, being the right support.
Therapy would probably be good too.
“I don’t like sweets,” he reminded her, and for a second her heart lurched for the thirteen-year-old boy who was once caught with a half-empty can of cake frosting under his bed.
“These’ll help. Just trust me?” It was a request, an olive branch. Slowly, he nodded.
“—It wasn’t even the most dangerous situation I’d been in that week! Dolores was furious at me for days, of course, but at least I got some wine out of it,” Five said, tipping his head back to stare at the popcorn ceiling. Vanya was giggling at his story, watching the faint smile dance over her brother’s face at the memory.
“I thought the apocalypse would be, just like… shitty forever.”
Five sighed. “It was. But you know. You can’t be unhappy for 45 years straight, your body doesn’t work that way. There were good times.”
Vanya giggled again. She couldn’t seem to stop doing that. “I can’t do anything straight.”
For a beat, Five studied her, his expression unreadable. Then he broke into a surprisingly bright smile.
“That was a joke.” It wasn’t a question.
Vanya gave her brother a light shove. The way a sister might to a brother. “Of course it was, idiot.”
He shoved her back, smiling wider than Vanya had seen in a long time. “Don’t call me an idiot. Idiot.” The twitch in his eyebrow was gone. Vanya suddenly went quiet, the light feeling in her core spreading throughout her chest at this realization.
“I love you a lot.”
Five was quiet too, then, but not unusually so; Five was always quiet, when he wasn’t yelling. His eyes traced patterns in the ridges and dips of the ceiling plaster.
“I love you too.” He turned to look at her. “I missed you.”
“I know, Five,” she replied, because she did. “I missed you too.” Because she does. Did. Does.
His face split again, into that same bright, open smile. “You know what I would think about? Out in the apocalypse?”
“When we would stay up all night sometimes talking. Remember that? Jesus, we must’ve been… ten? Eleven? And we’d be up for hours… I don’t even remember what we talked about. Math, probably.” Five shrugged. “I had conversations like that with Dolores, after. Or sometimes you.”
He smoothed out the fabric of his shorts. “Yeah, you were there in the apocalypse with me. I had your book, remember? Closest I could get to someone talking to me.”
Vanya tried to meet his eyes, but he was gone somewhere. A gentle hand found his arm. He flinched a little, but didn’t pull away. “I’m here now.”
He nodded, and when he spoke, it sounded strangled somehow. “Thanks.”
A passing truck honked its horn. Vanya thunked her head back on a bedpost, sinking into the floaty feeling that had settled right around her sternum. She got why Klaus did this. It felt like she could say anything, or do anything, and everything would be okay.
Five made a kind of whining noise in the back of his throat. “I want donuts.”
Vanya closed her eyes, smiling. “Shit, donuts sound great right now.”
“The jelly-filled ones from Griddy’s.”
“Yeah, when you get there at like eight p.m. and they’ve just finished the last batch of the day so they’re, like, fresh and shit.”
“Fuck,” Five sighed, pulling the back of his blazer over his head and slouching. “I want donuts.”
Despite herself, Vanya started giggling again. “You look ridiculous.”
“Excuse you,” Five replied, wrinkling his nose. “I am a trained assassin of the Commission, licensed to travel space and time with an assault rifle. I never look ridiculous.”
“You look like a Founding Father.”
The look that Five shot Vanya sent chills running down her spine. But like, in a fun way.
“Take that back.”
“You asshole, take it –”
“No, you look like Benjamin goddamn Frank – hey!” Before she could so much as blink, Five had pounced, swatting at her arms when she laughingly brought them up to protect herself. “Go away, you know I’m right!”
Five was grinning too, slipping his fingers past her weak defenses to mess up her hair and poke at her cheeks until she had to hold her stomach in laughter. “Take it back, I said!” he crowed, sounding like he was on the edge of laughter himself. He managed a lucky strike when blunt fingernails skated over the crease of her neck, and she scrunched her shoulder with a squeal.
“No – no, fuck, Five –”
Vanya’s flailing hands struggled to gain any sort of advantage against Five’s skilled assassin reflexes, to no avail. She was horribly ticklish at the best of times, but now the ruthless pokes that were attacking her nerves overwhelmed her, and she curled up into a ball of giggles on the floor.
Through wet lashes she could see Five’s grin as he methodically took her apart, relentlessly tickling all the places he knew were torture – ears down to collarbone, and then jumping down to squeeze at her sides, making her shriek. His skinny teenage fingers were unfortunately perfect for tickling at her ribs and sneaking their way into the crease of her neck.
Vanya was laughing the hardest she’d laughed in a long time, maybe ever. Nobody in recent memory had known her like this, known her well enough to completely eviscerate her the way that Five always, always could. Damn him. This was definitely cheating.
Her laughter hit a fever pitch when Five got a hold of one of her kicking feet. Shit.
“Please, I – fuck! Okay, okay, I take it back, mercy!”
Five stopped, smirking. “Assassins don’t show mercy, except to ticklish sisters.”
A few residual giggles escaped through Vanya’s nose. “Shut up.”
“Me, shut up? Me? Excuse you, you called me a fucking Founding Father –”
“I didn’t say you were a Founding Father, I said you looked –”
“Vanya, I don’t think you understand that I am still holding on to your ankle, and strategically – hey!”
Swiftly, Vanya scooped up his own ankle and held it in her lap, a mischievous smirk on her face. She had completely forgotten about Five’s thing with unanticipated touch, but his eyes were just as bright as hers. “Oh yeah?”
Five’s smirk didn’t waver. “Nice try, I’m not ticklish.”
“Is that so?” She tugged on his leg, tucking it under her arm and hovering her fingertips over his knee. Five nearly choked.
“Wait –”
A squeeze was all it took for Five to collapse into hysterical laughter, squirming and flailing, but more squeezes couldn’t hurt. Vanya was grinning, digging in mercilessly. Served him right for attacking her, he wasn’t not the only one who remembers ticklish spots. It occurred to her that she was maybe being a little cruel, going right for his weakness immediately, but the loud, bright cackles pouring out of her brother’s mouth were worth every kick that he landed.
Five pounded a fist on the floor, mouthing something resembling words, but he couldn’t manage anything coherent through his helpless laughter. All right then, mercy it is. She graciously released his leg, which shot up into his body as he curled in on himself.
“F-fuck you,” he panted.
Vanya chuckled. “Oh come on, surely assassins are familiar with the concept of revenge?”
He said nothing, but his smile, weak from tickles, widened. She wrinkled her brow. “What’s that for?”
“S’nothing. Hic.”
“Are you… are those hiccups?”
“No.” Hic. “…Fuck off.”
Vanya burst into another fit of laughter, earning her a light shove. Five tried to school his face into an angry expression, but he was laughing too.
“I take back everything I said, I didn’t miss you, I don’t love you, you’re an asshole –”
She giggled and shoved him back. “You’re an asshole, but we love you anyway.”
The faux-anger melted away. “I know.”
For a long moment, a comfortable silence fell over the siblings, the kind that they used to fall into around four in the morning when they had both squeezed onto Five’s bed for the night to talk about training and music and math and family.
Five yawned despite himself. “M’fuckin’ sleepy,” he grumbled.
Vanya smiled. “You sound like a kid.”
“I look like one, too,” he said, and at first Vanya thought he might be angry. He usually was when he talked about his body. But then he smiled again. He kept doing that. His eyes were shining. “I’m sorry it took me so long. The calculation took years.”
Vanya shifted to face him. “Talk to me about it.”
Five’s smile grew, and Vanya knew, somewhere in her chest, that they would be okay.
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anasticklefics · 4 years
Join - Vanya’s Day
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Vanya, Five
Summary: Five catches Vanya watch a tickle fight and realizes she wants to join.
A/N: The seventh and final fic for this year’s Umbrella Academy tickle fic week! See more about it here. I hope you like it!
Words: 294
Five saw more than Vanya probably thought, and maybe she’d noticed his perpetually watchful eyes, but she’d never mentioned it. But he could see her wanting to fit in, wanting to be a part of it. He hadn’t always been a good enough brother. Had been distracted with his own powers during the childhood they’d spent together.
He was trying to do better, he told himself, watching her watch Klaus tickle Diego to pieces.
“You wanna join?” he asked her, just to say something, just to not be an observing creep, but her blush was interesting enough for him to tilt his head at her. “Oh. You do.”
“It’s not that,” she insisted, averting her gaze. “I just find it fascinating.”
“In what way?”
“That it seems to be both fun and awful simultaneously.”
Five’s attention had been gripped so thoroughly now he’d never be able to let it go until he felt satisfied. “You’ve never been tickled?” Had he made up their tickle fights?
“Of course I have,” she said, waving a hand at him. “Just not recently.”
“That’s an invite if I’ve ever heard one.” He took a step closer to her. “Isn’t that so, Vanya?”
She raised her hands, but didn’t back away. “Five.”
She said nothing. He pounced, fingers going for her belly, a spot he remembered having targeted once as kids, though of course that didn’t have to mean it was still a sweet spot.
Only it was and it was glorious, her laughter quick and easy and panicked, his own surprising and gleeful. Not a match to Diego and Klaus, but it just meant no one would hear them over their chaos, just like they wanted.
And later, Five would see her never shying away from it.
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ticklishpeter · 4 years
hargreeves sibs + tummy tickles?
EEK!!! love tummy tickles and love my birthday kiddos so ofc!!!
luther’s tum is just,,, Not ticklish anymore due to the serum :(( buT it definitely used to be and he would just Fall Over whenever someone would get his chest or tum. too many tickles there would make him laugh so hard that he’d have a coughing fit after. he’s the best at GIVING tummy tickles now tho,,, like he can just put a hand on someone’s chest and go to town with the other hand vbksjhd
u already know about di’s frickin UNBEARABLY SENSITIVE TUMMY ok. tummy tickles get him SCREAMING and they always have!! literally any kind; pokes, pinches, spidery tickles, raspberries, just,, all of it. he cannot stand anyone even Looking at his stomach for too long, he’ll just start shifting and awkwardly trying not to smile. he goes from Tough Knife Man to Giggly Pillsbury Knife Boy within seconds and it’s the cutest.
allison has like,,, an average level ticklish tummy?? like by no means is it her most ticklish spot, but u can get some pretty precious giggles out of her with some teasy pokes,, she’s also really good at guarding her stomach so Good Luck. she WILL try and succeed to get u back
klaus is the moST susceptible to allison’s tummy tickles bc of her goddamn nails,, and she’s like really slow and teasy w them. obvi the closer to his hipbones, the more it tickles. like he can def stand quick spidery tickles and pokes,,, but as soon as the fingers start moving obnoxiously slow, that’s when he gets all twisty and squealy
remember those luther tickles i was talking about??? five gets wrecked by those,, just bc of how Little he is like,,, ugh luther will be holding him by his wrists, and just,, rly lightly and effortlessly poking and scratching at his tummy (occasionally adding some hand tickles in there ofc) fhjsk five just kicks and YELLS and gets so so flustered and just.. doesnt know what to do with himself bc the other’s will just be cooing and saying what a tiny ticklish tummy he has HGJKFF
BEN omg. v v ticklish tummy like,, prob just about diego-level ticklish fr!!! he just,, BURSTS into these UNCONTROLLABLE and super quick tittery giggles at the slightest tickle tbh. he moves his hands sO quickly bc he tries so so hard to slap the tickles away but he rly just ends up getting embarrassed bc he’s just flailing his hands in the air and not stopping the tickles at all. he stumbles and blushes and squeaks??? just gets so SHY it’s precious
vanya kicks her feet so so much!!! not a super ticklish tummy but the quiet lil giggles that she has are WORTH tickling anywhere ALWAYS. she kicks and kinda curls up,, grabbing the ler’s wrists for dear life out of just plain nervous instinct tbh
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 4 years
Backrow shenanigans and front seat bonding
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A/N: What even is this? It is a mix of emotions I’m having for the Umbrella Academy siblings. Bear with me... just a little. 
The Umbrella Academy is driving in a car and shenanigans ensue. Set in Season 2, but in absolutely no particular scene. I’m getting Avengers 2012 vibes from these Umbrella Academy fanfics you too??
Vanya and Diego were in the front seats as the gang made their way to Elliot’s house. They hadn’t been together like this in so long it nearly felt unnatural. 
Diego couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but he felt like something was different about Vanya now. And probably also about himself. Gathered like this, with all of his siblings, the changes got more evident. None of them were still the same as they had been during their first doomsday. 
He was surprised when he felt a rush of warmth inside of his belly as he looked over his shoulder. There was Luther who had over the past weeks become much more of a brother to Diego than he had been in a long while. There was Allison who was even more annoying than she’d already been. There was Five who seemed to always be on a mission to safe his family. There was Klaus who was... Klaus. A very reliable character. And then there was Vanya. 
And Vanya was surprising Diego more than any of them. 
When she looked at him from the driver’s seat with a big smile, he realized that all he really wanted was to protect her, keep her safe. His chest was very eager to get puffed out while something like a big brother instinct took over. He slightly shook his head at himself, but was able to huff gently at Vanya’s smile and give her a small one of his own.
Vanya furrowed her brows with a laugh and looked from the street to Diego and back. “You okay, Diego?” 
A little embarrassed due to the curious heads that immediately leaned closer to the front from the backseats, Diego slid down in his seat a little and put a hand on his forehead. “Yeah, sure. All good.” 
Vanya scoffed with amusement and started fumbling around with the radio station. “Maybe a little music?”
“Oh, yes, music!” Klaus exclaimed, clapping his hands and making Allison laugh as he started bumping his hip against hers. 
Luther groaned and looked out of the window. “But nothing that Klaus can sing along to.” 
“Ex-a-cuse me!” Klaus turned around and meaningfully looked at his brother who was hunched in the storage room of the car. “I can sing along to aaanything.”
“Then no music, please!” Luther called to Vanya who was just about to find a good frequency. Klaus was waving his hands around in front of Luther‘s face, acting like he was going to slap him. His brother didn‘t seem very impressed by that.
„Oh, really?“ Vanya exclaimed disappointedly. „But this is a classic, Luther!!“ She eagerly turned the music up and started shaking her shoulders around and lip-synchronizing the cheerful words of the Beatles.
Oh, please, say to me, you‘ll let me be your man! 
Oh, please, say to me, you‘ll let me hold your hand!
„I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAAAAAND!! I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAAND!!!“ Klaus shrieked extra annoyingly, making Five cover his ears in distress.
Vanya almost doubled over from her sudden urge to laugh and Allison joined in the horrible singing with Klaus, despite actually having a beautiful singing voice.
Luther‘s face in the rearview mirror made even Diego crack a smile.
„Vanya... please...“ The strongest of the seven (Ben was chilling right next to him, hi Ben) members of the Umbrella Academy said in a desperate tone.
„Sorry, what? I can‘t hear you!“ Vanya grinned into the rearview mirror as she turned up the volume of the music even more.
Diego chuckled into his palm, pushing his temple against the window and glancing at Vanya with yet again surprised amusement.
Klaus took this as his cue to turn around and screech extra wildly into Luther‘s face.
„YOU SOUND LIKE A STRANGLED COCK!“ Luther yelled and actually made to grab for Klaus‘ throat, but his fingers barely stroked the skin around his neck, leading to Klaus pulling up his shoulders to his ears and giggling squeakily.
„Oh no, no! That tickles!“
„Well maybe this will shut you up!“ Luther threatened with a sudden sinister grin as he leaned over Klaus‘ seat and wiggled his fingers into the unprotected ribs of his skinny brother.
Klaus lost all artificial idiocy immediately, pulled his elbows to his sides to cover his ticklish spots and sank into his seat as giddy laughter took over him.
„NonononOHAHAA!! QUIHIIHIT IHIHIT!! GAHAHAHA NOHOT THAHAAT!!!“ He started kicking out his legs uncontrollably making Five hiss as his knee got hit quite harshly, before Allison managed to grab the legs and pinned them to her lap to keep his flailing from causing any further harm.
„Is this screeching better than before?“ Five yelled, putting his head up on his hand to look out of the window and acted like all that nonsense didn‘t concern him. There was a smirk on his features though.
“Is anyone going to mention that Luther just said ‘strangled cock’?” Vanya asked in Diego’s direction, making him snort with laughter instantly. The two of them were only capable to seize their laughing fit when Vanya almost drove them off the road. 
„NOHOHOHO ALLISON!! NOHOHO NEEEHEHED FOR THAT!!!“ Klaus exclaimed, sniffing traitor potential in the air as Allison‘s nails slightly started skittering over his kneecaps.
„I’m just protecting you from hurting yourself, sweetie!“ Allison cooed while circling his knees with her index fingers. „No need to be so modest!“
Vanya laughed out loud at that again, because if there was one thing in the world that didn‘t define Klaus, it was the word „modesty“. Diego grinned at her softly and shook his head at his siblings.
Luther was by now half in the back row as he leaned down to dig his fingertips mercilessly into Klaus‘ sides and ribs. He was wearing an unusually bright smile.
„DIEHEHEGOO HEHELP ME!!!“ Klaus squeaked at the top of his lungs when Luther managed to dig his thumbs into his hip bones despite his very desperate struggles to keep his hands away from there.
„You had it comin‘, Klaus.“ He simply stated and kept his gaze up front, the incessant laughter a much better frequency in his opinion than any radio channel.
Vanya looked at him now with a slightly unnerving playful smirk. He pulled his shoulders back and glared at her suspiciously. He was really trying not to smile too much, but that was hard with the backseat basically bursting from fun. (Except for Five, of course, who didn‘t interact, but also didn‘t intervene. He was just a happy bystander, whereas Ben was ravelling in Klaus‘ giggles even more than Diego was.)
„What are you lookin‘ at?“ He growled at her and was shocked at how lightly he had said that. Almost playfully. The hell. He wasn‘t that much of a playful fellow... 
Vanya snickered at his reaction, her eyes so bright that Diego once again felt a a pang of affection for her in his chest. There were a lot of pangs in there right now. Pangs for Klaus and Allison, for Luther and Five and for Ben, too, because he could just imagine how happy this car ride must have been making him. So much affection wanted to bubble out of Diego and destroy his reputation - a reputation Diego believed he had - but he couldn’t quite let go of his defensive nature. Maybe he just needed a little push, a little nudge. And maybe Vanya was on the best way to deliver just that.
“PLEASE PLEASE I CAN’T HANDLE NO MORE PLEEHEHHEEASE!!” Klaus’ struggles were getting lesser and his wheezing laughter started to sound weaker. Even Luther was able to register when someone had had enough and therefore stopped his tickling hands, crossed his arms on top of Klaus’ backseat and took to looking down at him with a smug expression on his face.
“None of that, you big mean-o!” Klaus held a finger in Luther’s face and slowly started sitting up, groaning like he had aged years during that tickle attack. “I have seen rock bottom, but I keep getting up...”
“Even now, you can’t shut up for one second, can you?” Five groaned and buried his face in his hands, making Klaus chuckle good naturedly. He did look utterly stunning now. As if the tickling had worked like a magical refreshing means on him. 
“Well, no, little Grandpops, I will not remain silent. Not after what I have just discovered.” He dramatically put his hands on his hips, taking in a deep breath. 
“And what would that be?” Five asked rather sarcastically. 
“Never trust nobody!” Klaus answered, his voice becoming a snarl as he turned towards Allison and quickly grabbed her sides with a need for ticklish revenge. His sister was lost to cheerful laughter in no time, trying to get rid of his hands by bending over and wrapping her arms around herself, but Klaus wasn’t easily shaken off. 
“Youuuuu siiideeed wiiiiith the enemyyyyYYY!!” Klaus spoke like an old wizard on a bridge, sneakily worming his hands under Allison’s elbows to get at her ticklish sides, keeping her in stitches. Luther made moon-eyes at them from the backseat while Five shook his head like he had given up on humanity - which he probably really had.
At the same time in the front seat: Diego was by now watching the backrow shenanigans in the rearview mirror with a fond smile on his face. That was until he met Vanya’s smug look in it which immediately seemed to make him lose all interest in the fun. He cleared his throat, looked away and crossed his arms in front of his chest. 
Just when he was certain that she would not say anything about his strange behavior, he felt a ticklish jolt run through his body from a spot just above his hip. He made a strangled noise and quickly pushed his elbow over the sensitive area where Vanya had poked him, a look of utter shock on his face. He saw Vanya’s mischievous smile and felt a giddy feeling rise in his stomach. 
“Ey,” he whined with an audible grin on his face, “what did you do that for?” 
“Lighten up, you big moron!” Vanya chuckled and punched him in the arm.
“Ow!!” Diego complained, his smile spreading on his face, a short snicker escaping him at the impact of Vanya’s fist. 
“Just give me one of your prettiest smiles!” Vanya demanded with another nudge to his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, all the while smiling and trying his best not to. Not because he didn’t want to, but because he wanted to at least give Vanya a hard time about it. 
“Come oooon. Is that all you’ve got? I’m devastated!” 
Diego huffed when Vanya’s fingers collided with his side again, trying to find a way through his defensive arms to get at some ticklish spot that would make him laugh like Klaus had. But Diego didn’t give her enough space for that and she was no match for his strength. Therefore she quickly had to change tactics. 
In one swift motion, she wrapped her hand around Diego’s knee and started squeezing. And Diego had so not seen that coming. With a loud howl, he quickly bent over and tried his best to tear her hand away from his ticklish knee again, but she was very determined not to let go now.
“OH NO NO VANYA NO!! PL-PLEHEHHEASE!! JUST NOT THAT!!” Diego threw his head back against his seat and tried to keep Vanya’s hand away from him, but she was on him now, her hand finding the way to his stomach and tickling there and her hand finding a way to his ribs and tickling there too and Diego was lost to laughter now. Unstoppable laughter that kept coming, despite the pain that was rising in his stomach. 
“Oh, you two as well now??” Five yelled as he looked over Diego’s seat to get a closer look at them, rolling his eyes and dropping his face in his palm. 
“FIVE!! T-TELL HER TO LOOK UP FROHOOHONT!!” Diego cackled, tears of laughter coming to his eyes. “PLEHEHEASE!!” 
“I’m looking up front just fine!” Vanya replied, the biggest smile on her face as she managed to bond with Diego in a way she had never been capable of before. How could Five have interrupted that moment for her? Easy. He just couldn’t. 
Sighing about himself, he leaned forward between the two front seats, getting hit in the head by Allison’s flailing arms and almost knocked out by Diego’s twitching elbow, to grab for the volume on the radio. 
“What did you say, Diego?” He repeated Vanya’s words from earlier as he turned up he music. “I cannot hear you!” 
He sat back in his seat then, arms crossed in front of his chest and nodded to himself, quite pleased with just listening to the music around him. 
Oh, yeah I, tell you something, I think you’ll understand.
When I say that something: I want to hold your hand. 
I want to hold your hand.
 I want to hold your hand.
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
idk if,,, you've done these but what are ur headcanons for the sibs + their worst spots hffjd 🥺🥺🥺
how have I not done these,,, omg,,, time to redeem myself here we go
Luther - Legs. Period. I bet it’s like,,, like his calf??? If you squeeze up his calf he just goes silent and shakes a lot he can’t handle it,,, Especially if it’s like the thick part near the knee? I think squeezes are like 1000% worse for him than like,,, normal tickles there. He just wheezes and kicks as much as he can without hurting anyone,,
Diego - My boy,,, okay okay so Hot Take his tummy is absolutely his worst accessible spot but his thighs are equally as bad. If you even look at Diego’s stomach he starts giggling and trying to fight you. He is SO sensitive there and absolutely everyone knows it. One poke and he’s down. His thighs though,,, he probably doesn’t get tickled there often because he likes to kick, but if you get a hold of his legs it’s game over. You just,,, there’s no way to defend your legs,,, Diego knows this,,, I can so see Allison scratching a nail up his leg while they’re sitting at dinner and he jerks so hard his knee hits the table and knocks stuff over adiufsbhgrfhib so yeah,,, his tummy but his thighs if you’re feeling like taking a risk (am i projecting? maybe but shhh)
Allison - I think her armpits are rly bad??? Like it throws off her focus because she can’t lift her arms to fight back,,, Her neck is really sensitive and will distract her for a little bit but as soon as she remembers she can get you back? You’re toast. Her armpits though,,, that’s the reset button. She just kinda slowly melts and eventually gives up it’s very cute (though she’s the champ of keeping her arms up). 
Klaus - His hips/lower stomach will literally kill him he will d i e. He gets so screamy and like,,, will immediately fling his whole body away so he ends up falling off of furniture or pinned in weird positions. His whole body jerks like he’s being electrocuted and he just can’t,,, The claw thingy that people do? illegal he will sue you once he stops screaming. 
Five - His palms. Yes his knees are absolutely awful but they’re not even on the same plane as his hands omg,,, he literally can’t he goes hysterical in .02 seconds and it’s the only time he will Instantly beg because he’s so hypersensitive there,,, 
Ben - His tummy!!!! (You, me and @spritewrites talked about this one hehe) His portal opens like,, top to bottom?? It starts like just under his ribs and then expands to the tummy size and his death spot is at the top of the portal like,,, he’s so receptive to gentle touch and one finger scratching there would literally end him he’d be pleading so fast,, like he squeals So Loud and he’s trying to grab your hands but he’s laughing too hard to focus,,
Vanya - Just behind her ears,, it’s a secret,,, She’s pretty ticklish Everywhere so whenever anyone gets her they assume they’ve found her bad spots but no,,, the hidden gem,,,, if u scratch a little line up her neck to the back of her ears she starts hiccuping and folding over trying to escape omg,, babie,,,
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hazel-k-proserpine · 5 years
Alright, Big Mouth
Alright guys!! Day 3! Which means Allison is up. This one might be OOC, but I’m gonna do my best! I hope you all enjoy it!
The shrieking of her only sister is what dragged Allison into the mess that she ended up in. 
She ran down the stairs, trying to figure out what the hell was happening. There was no crashing or anything, so she wasn’t worried about there being any danger, but she was definitely curious as to why she was shrieking. No doubt it would have something to do with her brothers. 
Now that they had averted the apocalypse, they had all gotten a lot closer, which meant everyone was bonding with Vanya and dragging Five into family activities. It was nice to be able to act like siblings instead of soldiers. 
When she reached the living room, she saw Klaus and Five pinning down poor Vanya and tickling her to tears. Allison smiled and grabbed her phone to record them. Even if they had all grown closer, it was still pretty rare to see them in moments like these, almost like they were kids again.
Once she felt like she had enough footage, she crossed into the living room and tapped Klaus and Five on the shoulders. 
“Alright guys, don’t you think she’s had enough?” Five and Klaus looked at each other and shook their heads. Klaus leaned down and blew a raspberry on her stomach. Allison looked down at Vanya, who was pounding the floor with her fist, trying to tell the boys that she’d reached her limit. 
“Leave her alone.” Allison grabbed her brothers’ shoulders and dragged them off of Vanya. 
“Allison! Why’d you have to ruin all the fun?” Klaus whined, standing himself up. 
“Look at her. Poor thing.” Allison reached down to help Vanya up off the floor. She was still giggling and red in the face, and Allison thought it was the most adorable thing to ever exist. 
“I have an idea.” They all turned to Five, who had a spark of mischief in his eyes. 
“What’s up little bro?” Five scowled. 
“First, I’m older than you! Second, since Allison ruined our fun earlier, why don’t we have some fun with her? It wouldn’t be fair not to include our other sister.” Klaus turned to Allison and smirked. 
“I think that’s a splendid idea!” Klaus clapped his hands together and slowly started to creep towards Allison, who had also started to back up. 
“GET HER!” Five and Klaus started to run after her while Vanya watched from the couch. 
Allison turned head as she was running, and started to speak. 
“I heard a rumor tha-” a small weight landed on her back and two hands clasped over her mouth. She grunted as she met the carpeted floor, and turned to look at who had caused the start of her demise. 
“VANYA! Rude!” Allison tried to buck her off, but Vanya had her knees beside her sides, and Allison was not going anywhere. Klaus and Five kneeled down beside her.
“Alright, let’s try to flip her over.”
“I swear to god! I will kill all of you! Don’t you dare!” They all laughed as Allison squirmed while Vanya repositioned herself on her hips once again. 
“Awww, Allison! I don’t think you will. What do you say guys? Start on 3?” Five looked to his siblings for affirmation. As they nodded, Five smirked and raised his hands. As he started to count down, his hands started to come down, along with the rest of his siblings’. 
“Guys!! DON’T!!” Allison squealed as Five started digging his fingers into her ribcage, while Vanya was scribbling on her neck, and Klaus was wiggling his fingers all over her stomach. Allison was squealing between bursts of laughter and thrashing as hard as she could, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t dislodge any of the devilish, exploring fingers that were tormenting her torso. 
“STOP! Please!” Allison pleaded, face starting to turn red. 
“I don’t know Allison, you practically asked for this, telling us to leave Vanya alone and all.” Klaus teased, drilling his fingers into her hips. She kicked her feet out, losing all control of her body. Five had moved his hands down to her sides, and Vanya had moved up into her underarms, and Allison was going absolutely nuts. Tears started to drip into the carpet underneath her, and when it sounded like she was struggling for breath, Vanya pulled the two boys off. 
“I---hate---you----all.” Allison rasped out between breaths. 
“Hey, don’t blame us. It was your own fault.” Allison rolled her eyes
Damn my big mouth. 
I hope you guys enjoy it. I’m not used to writing Allison at all, so I hope it’s good for you all!! Tomorrow will bring more joy!!
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amazingmsme · 5 years
Diego Headcanons??
Tried to keep these a little shorter since I had posted some Diego & Eudora headcanons a while ago, you can find them in my tua/tua headcanon tag
-Diego is the fucking dancing queen ok? He’ll bust a move any time he hears a bop(as long as he’s alone)
-can’t help but sway & bob along to the beat tho. Play a banger anywhere in the house & Diego WILL appear
-he’s too embarrassed to actually dance in front of his siblings but one time Klaus walked in on him gettin down & Diego was like “WTF GET OUT!” but Klaus insisted he was good & wanted to dance with him so Klaus is the only one who gets to see(which means Ben does as well)
-acts all tough & shit & yeah he is, but he’s also a big softie
-during movie nights he’ll let Vanya cuddle into his side & hug her a little bit tighter if they’re watching a scary movie
-volunteers at the animal shelter fucking FIGHT ME ON THIS
-has the highest pitch dorky giggles. You ever heard Tom Hardy laugh? The crazed miner cackle? That’s what he sounds like, but he also has a deeper belly laugh when something is just too funny
-tries to act like he’s not ticklish but he really is.
-he’ll attack the other siblings just for fun, but forgets they’re not kids anymore so they’re not afraid to get him back
-his hips & armpits are the worst, but his neck is also a sweet spot
-when he & Eudora were a thing she’d lightly trace his scars & make him slowly go mad with laughter
-rough tickles work better on him, & he’s such a bad squirmer he flails all over the place
-once gave Ben a black eye cause Klaus snuck up between them & squeezed his side & WHAM! Elbow in the face! Too bad he had missed Klaus
-Five asked for his help with revenge on Klaus for all the times he attacked him, only as soon as they were finished Five struck the same deal with Klaus & both turned on Diego
-he’s just so cute ok Diego has all my uwus
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