heartfelttickles · 11 months
any umbrella academy tickle hcs? 🥺
Hey anon! Hope you’re having/ have had the best day! So sorry this is a few days late, my brain went blank and I have no clue why aha. Hope these are good headcanons!
Feel free to share any other H/Cs in the comments :)
- not massively ticklish but has certain spots that get a big reaction out of him.
-Not a Lee often as he’s usually called in to pin someone in order to help other Lers and can easily escape holds himself.
-worst spots - neck, back and feet
- again not massively involved in tickled bc he’s mostly the one holding but on the rare occasion he’s not on pinning duty he’s actually a sweet Lee.
- Has a perfect balance of being very teasy but also caring and asks if the Lee is okay (though he rarely gets a coherent answer).
- Main target is Diego, Allison and five when they’re being annoying around him and Klaus bc well… he just outright asks 😂
- will never admit it but is deathly ticklish
- Anywhere will turn him into giggling mess but pinch is stomach or hips and he’s done for
- Will squirm, thrash, buck and everything in between to try and get away from the tickles (even the air tickles)
- Mostly gets tickled by Lila but occasionally gets tickled by Luther or Allison
- Gets flustered ridiculously easy and absolutely, under any circumstance, cannot take teases.
- Cannot say the T-word
- Worst spots: stomach, hips, ribs, underarms
- Absolute menace
- That’s all that needs to be said tbf😂
- Absolutely relentless, knows everyone’s worst spots
- targets his Lee’s top two spots at the same time if he suspects they have so much as breathed on one of his knives
- Tries to tease but stutters as he flusters himself despite being the Ler
- Still can’t say the T-word
- Targets Luther, Klaus and Five
- Like Luther she isn’t massively ticklish but has certain spots that really get her.
- Giggles when the Ler gets close to a bad spot and then cackles when they finally hit the it.
- Can take teases and is bratty back to the Ler.
- Can say the T-Word but depending on the spot, it can make her more ticklish - borderline hysterical
- Worst spots are - neck, ribs
- ruthless…..
- Watches all tickle fights from a distance and has a mini notebook full of tips and tricks to make each of her siblings beyond hysterical
- Will wait for her turn patiently, as though she’s saying to the other Ler’s “is that all you’ve got? Watch this”
- Loves to target Luther, Diego, klaus and Viktor (also loves to tickle Five but he blinks out of the room before she can get close enough)
- let’s face it, he is 100% a Lee and isn’t ashamed to admit it
- Loves the feeling of being tickled and seeing the joy on his siblings’ faces when he’s being absolutely wrecked
- Will purposefully annoy each sibling for a day in the hopes they’ll tickle him in retaliation
- begs to stop when his Ler gets a death spot but will sulk for hours when they actually stop
- High pitch cackles from the get go wherever he’s tickled but absolutely screeches when someone closes in on his armpits.
- Doesn’t get flustered by teases, he sassily retorts and then pays the price for it.
- Can absolutely say the T-word
- I like to think that when no one will tickle him, he accidentally brings Ben to life and Ben tickles him- occasionally using the tentacles to either pin his flailing arms or tickle his stomach.
- Worst spots : armpits, neck, feet, stomach (Everywhere?)
- A cute Ler honestly
- Loves to wreck his siblings but can tell when they reach their limit and understands that it everyone enjoys it as much as he does
- Asks if he took it too far, every time his siblings turn massively hysterical
- Loves to target Five when he’s being a grumpy old (young?) man
- Will purposefully make Ben “real” again just to absolutely wreck him when he’s being annoying
- Forgot he was ticklish until he time traveled back to his siblings
- “Absolutely hates being tickled” he will convince himself and try to convince his siblings but deep down they all know he likes the affection and touch after so many years….. he will take it to the grave before he admits it though
- I like to think that his ability to Blink is either completely gone when tickled or he blinks all around the house as he can’t focus (but taking his Ler with him unknowingly).
- Is deathly ticklish which comes as a nostalgic surprise to his siblings as they forgot how ticklish he was before he left
- Has a very wheezy laugh but will absolutely scream and cackle when someone tries to tickle his knees.
- Cannot take teases at all
- Will growl through the laughter when he’s teased
- Will turn bright red in seconds
- Very very very easily flustered
- Will 100% turn into a man possessed and will try everything to get his Ler off him.
- Worst spots - Knees, thighs, feet, neck ribs (but honestly everywhere)
- will often roll his eyes and read a newspaper when his siblings have a tickle fight
- However he will always get revenge on the person who tickled him
- When he does he’s ruthless
- Depending on who it is, his empathy changes - viktor he’ll take it easier on but Diego will absolutely get wrecked
- Will tease his Ler but will cringe at himself for doing it
- Will torment his Lee by blinking from one end of the room to the other - gradually getting closer and closer to the Lee before finally tackling them to the ground
- When he’s tickling he’ll reminisce of his younger Days before he left.
- Favourite people to target are Diego, Viktor and Ben (when he possesses Klaus or when Klaus brings Ben back to life for a few minutes)
- this lil cutie omg
- Adorably ticklish everywhere but his stomach will get him squealing and falling in and out of silent laughter
- Was often the victim of tickle attacks as a kid (and let’s face it, now Klaus can bring him to life, it’s like nothing has changed 😂)
- The BEST laugh - literally so bright and bubbly, contagious and will legit make everyone smile (even Five)
- Will kick and squirm at every chance he gets
- Cannot say the T word or handle teases
- He gets flustered waaaay too easily
- On the opposite end of the spectrum, Ben is an absolute menace of a Ler
- Will take any opportunity to wreck all of his siblings
- As a kid he wouldn’t get much chance to be a Ler but when he did, his lee didn’t stand much of a chance
- Wrecked Five in one of their old training sessions and Fuve has held a grudge since
- Will tease his relentlessly and can say the T-word whilst being a Ler
- He loves to tickle Klaus and Five
- not the most ticklish but still surprisingly more ticklish than most would think
- Has a very hiccupy laugh which turns into a full, bubbly belly laugh when his worst spot is targeted
- If someone tries to tickle him he will internally panic, so much so that he just doesn’t have the instinct to move out of the way of the Ler
- Will try to push the Ler off but not hard enough to make much of a difference in their tickling style
- Will start off as a steady stream of giggles that rise in pitch and then full blown belly laughs when his sides are squeezed.
- Legs will drum into the floor and he will try and squirm but kind of just accepts his fate
- Has the biggest smile on his face throughout the whole thing
- Can take teases (kind of?) and can say the T-word
- Worst spots are Sides, ribs and neck
- another sweet Ler
- Very gentle and kind of hesitant to do rougher tickles for a while
- Can tease so well and get his Lee flustered easily
- Will always say stuff like ‘I’m barely even touching you, how can you be this ticklish?’
- Loves to target Five and Allison
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amazingmsme · 2 years
An Old Familiar Sound
AN: Better late than never! Here’s everyone’s favorite grumpy old man & himbo brother, aka Five & Luther. They have such a fun dynamic, & I always enjoy writing them. As always, enjoy! 
Luther had forgotten how much he enjoyed Five's company because it'd been so long since he'd spent time with him. And after his disappearance, Reginald discouraged any mention of their brother unless it was to be used as a cautionary example of what would happen if they went against him. But Luther didn't want to unpack all of that at the moment.
He had never considered himself a funny guy, mostly because his siblings wouldn't laugh at his attempts at a joke. Which is why he felt an unusual sense of pride when he told a lame joke and Five nearly doubled over snickering to himself.
"I almost forgot you had dimples," Luther said fondly, giving Five's shoulder a pat. He immediately stopped laughing and schooled his features into their resting bitch face position.
"I don't."
Luther arched a brow and gave him a look.
"Uh, yes you do."
"Only when I smile," he argued. That made Luther chuckle, shaking his head.
"That's kind of the point of dimples. It's not a bad thing, they make you look cute. Restore some of that lost innocence," he teased.
"I don't need to restore shit," Five grumbled, grabbing the pot of coffee. He poured himself a large mug full, only adding a single packet of sweetener.
"You could restore some of those manners Dad taught us," he said, grinning smugly when Five turned to glare at him.
"Maybe you should respect your elders," Five challenged. Luther barked out a laugh.
"That's rich coming from you," he smirked walking up beside him to pour himself some coffee. "You've never respected your elders," he said, ruffling his hair. Five ducked away and swatted his hand.
"They've never earned my respect," he deadpanned, but failed to hide his smirk. Luther threw an arm over his shoulders, shaking his body.
"Luther, whahat the hehell?" he scolded through laughter, not really minding the playful affection.
"Well that's a sound I haven't heard in years. Do it again."
"What are you talking ahahabout! Hehehey quit ihihit!" Five shrieked as his brother dug his fingers into his sides.
"Aww I almost forgot how cute your laugh is!" he cooed, one hand clawing over his tummy, the other climbing up his ribs.
"Just shuhut uhuhup!" he cried out. Luther rolled his eyes and scribbled behind his fingers behind his ears. His knees buckled and he squealed, falling into an endless stream of giggles.
As if summoned, Diego appeared in the doorway.
"Thought I heard Five laughing and had to see for myself." Diego leaned against the doorframe, an amused grin plastered on his face.
"Ohoho piss ohohoff!" Five snapped, though his words held no real malice.
"Well that's rude. Think I need to help Luther here show you some manners," he mused, taking a step closer.
"I wouldn't be opposed. Get over here," he invited, waving their brother over.
Five was convinced his family would be the death of him, especially if they kept teasing him like this.
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nyforceuser · 7 months
Mkay bye 🫡
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chaoticklesblog · 9 days
Not Quite Immune
Published: 2024-09-16 to Chaotickles on AO3
Words: 1,385
The Umbrella Academy
With a smidgen of Lee!Diego and Ler!Lila
Five should know better that his lack of powers would no doubt lead to mischief of epic proportions between his older (or younger?) siblings. He quickly discovers he isn't exactly immune to an older affliction, and his Luther and Diego have no qualms about ensuring he gets what is coming to him. Spending his youth avoiding tickle fights was bound to catch up with him, especially in a timeline where he can't just teleport away. Set in the end of Season 3, where the Hargreeves realize they are without powers and adjusting to relative normalcy.
The Hargreeves siblings cleared time once a month for a dinner, just to catch up and appreciate the normalcy of it all in the new timeline. Appreciating their new found freedom and lack of responsibility to repair a broken timeline. The siblings would meet in a dive restaurant, still appreciating a quieter atmosphere, or would agree to meet at one of their houses for a homemade dinner.
This particular evening, dinner was hosted at Diego and Lila's home. Lila had already warned them that they would be ordering Pad Thai because she despised cooking.
All the siblings ate surrounded by the coffee table, laughed and joked with one another each claiming an area on the overstuffed furniture or floor. When it inevitably got to a break in the conversation where Luther, hesitant to have the evening end too soon, he would begin to reminisce about their past- the good memories.
"I'm just saying! Dad was pissed when he found out that Klaus had broken the ant farm and they all escaped," Luther chuckled.
"That's because they found their way into dad's candy stash!" Ben laughed. "Can you all believe the man had a sweet tooth?"
"Hey, the ant farm never would have fallen off the dresser if the prick wasn't so adamant about us running midnight drills!" Klaus argued, but he couldn't help but grin at his siblings.
The rest of them laughed fondly at the memory, despite Reginald banning the rest of them from keeping pets ever again after the great Ant Farm Escape of 1999.
"What about the time Diego and Luther got into a wrestling match and knocked over the bookshelf with dad's first editions?" Allison smiled at her brothers, grateful they no longer fought as much as they used to.
"I remember that distinctly! And it was not a wrestling match. I was cornered and chased! Diego was defensive immediately. "And Luther is a cheater!"
Luther laughed.
"I remember that too! And tickling is absolutely not cheating!"
Diego crossed his arms.
"Yeah, but you were definitely stronger than the rest of us thanks to your power. Your tickling was brutal!" Diego shuddered at the memory. Luther definitely cheated. At least in Diego's mind.
"You're ticklish, babe?" Lila grinned next to Diego and she noticed him tense and lock his arms to his sides as her hands darted to scrabble at his ribs and sides.
Diego barked out a short laugh quickly grabbing his girlfriend's evil hands.
"NohoHOhoHO LilahahaHA!" Diego giggled.
Luther looked smug.
"He's ridiculously ticklish! I'm surprised you didn't know!" Luther watched as Lila tried grabbing at Diego's hips but he narrowly escaped.
"Whatever! Cheater." Diego glowered at Luther. "And your power definitely used to offer an unfair advantage in tickle fights."
The rest of them spent time talking about how their powers had a sort of advantage in combat (tickle fights).
Luther was obviously the strongest and had more stamina to outlast the others in a tickle fight. Diego didn't have much of an advantage, but the threat of his knife throwing skills could quickly dissuade a tickle attack. Allison could rumor her siblings to turn on another victim or rumor someone to be more ticklish than they actually were. Klaus never really put up much of a fight against his siblings. He never minded being tickled to pieces. Five would blip to a safe part of the house to remain in hiding while his siblings would tickle each other half to death. Ben would occasionally use his tentacles to tickle his siblings. Viktor was generally excluded but had a few memories of being dragged into the fray.
They laughed and chattered at the memories of their tickle fights. All of them except... Five.
Five had grown... uncomfortable to say the least. Having usually vanished the moment dog piles typically turned into tickle brawls, he had almost no experience being the victim of tickle fights with his siblings.
And unfortunately, Diego and Luther noticed his uncomfortable demeanor.
Diego and Luther had returned to the original argument of using Luther's strength to cheat in a tickle fight.
"How is that worse than Five teleporting away to avoid ever getting tickled at all?" Luther argued chuckling and shooting a glance at Five.
Uh oh.
Five definitely didn't like where this was going.
"Well, nobody can cheat at tickle fights because none of us have powers anymore," Viktor tried to take the locked stares of Diego and Luther off an already uncomfortable Five.
But his observation didn't help Five's case.
"Riiiight," Diego smirked. "Because now Five can't just cheat and blip away from a tickle fight anymore."
All the siblings turned to look at Five who had jumped up from the recliner he had perched in.
"I assure you that this childish nonsense won't work on me, besides, I should get going." Five made a few paces toward the door but Luther and Diego stood in his way. Even without powers, the two were much bigger and stronger than Five. And Five quickly realized he wasn't getting out of this unscathed.
Even without powers, the threat of being overpowered by two "older brothers" intending to tickle the everloving snot out of you was a relatively terrifying ordeal.
Five tried to school his features as his brothers lunged for him but the lanky kid just wasn't as coordinated as he was when he could just vanish away from trouble. It was a moment like this where he wished they still had their powers. He soon found himself pinned, Luther, still all muscles, pinning his arms above his head and Diego positioning himself on Five's legs. Five started struggling.
"Guys, please. Don't." Five begged, something that felt like panic, but sillier, rising in his chest.
"This is only fair, Five. Think of all the fun you missed out on because you were too afraid of a little tickling." Diego teased.
"You're not quite immune to being ticklish, are you Five?" Luther smirked down at his squirming little brother who was actually much older than the rest of them. Five's mind may have aged but his body surely didn't. And his physiological reactions to being tickled never changed either.
Diego and Luther began exploring his various tickle spots and Five was trying not to die of embarrassment. It didn't help that Lila, Ben, Allison, Viktor and Klaus offered an unwelcome audience to this very one sided tickle massacre.
"Go for his knees!" Klaus crowed.
"FUhuHUck yohouhohoHoHO KLAUSAHAHAH!" Was all Five could say in response as Diego methodically began squeezing his much smaller brother's most ticklish spot.
Combined with Luther's incessant digging into his underarms, Five was in tickle hell.
So this is what it was like? This is why Five could distinctly remember his siblings being tickled to tears and hearing their loud booming laughter from across the mansion all those years ago? The hysterical begging and screaming of his siblings despite the laughter was remembered as a warning as Five hid to avoid the inevitable until Reginald had put a stop to their nonsense.
This is what he was missing out on?
Five felt like he was going crazy. The funny feeling of the tickling along with Luther and Diego laughing at his happy and snort filled laughter and his other siblings who watched him writhe around, amused at the sight brought forth feelings Five didn't realize he had up until this timeline.
Feelings that maybe, just maybe, Five could be vulnerable and have somewhat a normal existence with his adopted siblings. Despite feeling embarrassed by this whole ordeal, he actually no longer had a reason to believe that being tickled was as scary as it seemed. Because it was much, much worse.
Diego and Luther were a ruthless pair. Exploiting all Five's sweet spots until he was gasping and choking for air not unlike his siblings had done in past tickle fights.
Finally, when they stopped, Five had come to the realization he didn't quite hate being tickled although he would never admit that to his siblings or to anyone.
And his brothers seemed grateful for the opportunity to horse around with him even if it meant they nearly tortured him to death. Without his power, Five couldn't easily escape such situations, and maybe he was starting to realize he didn't want to.
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blueberrygiggles · 1 year
oh what boredom does
fandom: the umbrella academt
lee!five, ler!lila
day six (tickletober): chase
ao3 mirror: XX
a/n: OKAY. i wrote this just this morning in between breaks. it might be a bit unedited so sorry about that lol. normally i might just say "oh well guess im not posting today" but i REALLY wanted to write some lila and five bonding. SO. ENJOY!!
Lila got bored easily, she always wanted to be moving, killing, cleaning, doing something. She assumed it was a habit she learned from her mother, which at times left her with a strange taste in her mouth, but she tried to ignore that part of her brain.
Traveling with Diego and his family kept her busy, they were always doing something either incredibly fucking stupid or very fun. Most times it was both. Lila liked the arrangement they had, being with the Hargreeves family in the manor, but sometimes things got quiet. Allison took her daughter out for the day, Luther would go out with Sloane, Klaus went off to… wherever he goes… He was still a bit of a mystery to Lila.
So, today was quiet, and that was fine! No time traveling murderers coming after her was most definitely a good thing!
She was just so bored.
Therefore, the only option to entertain herself was… Well.
“I am going to fucking kill you!”
Five blinked in front of her with his hands reaching out to take the book back from her. She made a quick right around a corner and jumped over the table in the main room. She threw herself behind the couch and landed hard with a small yelp; she clutched the book to her chest and froze.
Five was behind the couch across from her, he watched both sides of her to see where she planned to run so he could lunge at her. She faked a lunge to the right and watched as Five flinched forward in the same direction.
“What are you, twelve?” She looked him up and down and realized her choice of words, she huffed a laugh, “Well, I guess you kind of are.”
Five’s face contorted into one of pure annoyance, it was hysterical, “I’m older than you, you little brat!”
With his last words, Five lunged at her left, Lila sprinted out the door to her left and ran into the kitchen. She, admittedly a bit stupidly, looked behind to see where he was, when she looked in front of her, Five blinked inches from her. She tried to run backwards and out of the kitchen when Five grabbed her arm, if she hadn’t whipped around when she did, she would’ve missed the smile on his face. It left his face as soon as he saw her looking at him.
“Book. Now.”
Lila looked up and tapped her chin as if in thought, “What’s the magic word?”
Five glared at her with squinted eyes and in a flash, he was on the ground, and he kicked out his legs from under her. She landed on her ass, he stood so she was eye level with Five’s knees, he reached down and grabbed the top of the book. Lila reacted in a split second and squeezed at Five’s knees.
He immediately hit the ground and screeched in a more than undignified way. She snorted and threw his book towards the wall.
“Little ticklish, old man?”
Five tried to scramble away from her, a smile still on his face, “Fuck off.”
She, most certainly, was not going to fuck off.
Lila went after him and grabbed at his knees again, he hit her at her hands with a surprising amount of strength, but it wasn’t enough to drive her away.
Lila scoffed, “Well, that’s not very nice, especially coming from someone in your position.”
She moved her hands up just a bit above his knee and she laughed victoriously as Five snorted and tried to pull away from her hands. She could feel his hitting get weaker the longer she went on, she opened her mouth to tease him about it when his hand finally successfully grabbed her wrist. Before she could react, his hands were on his hips, and he managed to throw her off him. He sat against the couch and breathed heavy.
Five held up three fingers and looked at her with a glare, “You get three seconds.”
Lila cursed and backed out of the room to sprint up the stairs.
Well, at least this isn’t boring.
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veryace-ficrecs · 10 hours
Mission Impossible Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Elevator Music by inmyriadbits - Rated G
Julia is pretty sure most people don't have to worry about running into their exes like this.
Afterheat by simplecoffee - Rated G
It's a hard job, averting the apocalypse; harder to remember how to breathe again after. Sometimes, after all, it's an apocalypse that began with you.
Flu Protocol by ariadnes_string - Rated G
“Poison,” Benji had declared, when he and Jane and Brandt had started sneezing almost simultaneously. Which had seemed unlikely—who would choose a poison designed to basically ache and sniffle and annoy you to death? But then the four of them getting sick at the same time had seemed pretty unlikely too.
Out of Nine Lives I've Spent Seven by ariadnes_string - Rated G
Ethan had five or six hours before the poison kicked in. Plenty of time to complete the mission, right?
The First Law of Nature by BlackDog_66 - Rated G
His life would be so much easier if Hunt wasn't a trouble magnet with a malfunctioning sense of self-preservation and an unhealthy adrenaline addiction.
don't ask me what I want by Elenothar - Rated T
Twelve hours later, when Luther informs him that he’s hacked a Russian satellite without authorisation, Ethan is hanging off the side of a rapidly rising A400 Airbus, and Benji completely fails to understand the basic concept of what constitutes a door as opposed to, say, a loading ramp, Will wonders why he even bothered trying. (Pre Rogue Nation)
ribcages, and other things that need help to heal by chockfullofsecrets - Rated G
“Did I ever tell you that Ethan is ticklish?” Luther blinked. Julia, sitting across from him as she types up Ethan’s worryingly long medical report, blinked innocently back at him. In which a plot is hatched regarding the mighty Ethan Hunt and a very particular weakness. Edit: now containing revenge and, somehow, a Fallout coda. Go figure.
you get eyes like flashlights by CaptainKyburz (orphan_account) - Rated M
“What’s the mission?” Brandt has kept the phone close at hand since Seattle, more than half prepared for whatever the IMF is throwing at them this time. “Oh, good, you took the phone. Was hoping you would,” Benji—who is decidedly not Ethan—says. “And yeah, fair warning, Ethan doesn’t just call with missions. He’s a big fan of spontaneous rock climbing as a team-building exercise.” Figures.
Live in this Moment by capsilvers - Rated G
Ethan Hunt is a one man army, no one could deny that. But even he has limits and after the events of Fallout, his team takes a moment to watch over their friend to make sure he returns to proper health.
And one person get's to say goodbye, one last time.
Follow You (To Your Deepest Low) by ValorousLeader - Rated G
Luther has only known this kid for a few days, but there's something about him that Luther can't help but want to protect.
Child's Play by why_am_i_pluto - Rated T
Benji finds himself playing 'dad' to three toddlers who wind up in his care. This should be a cinch with his teammates to help, right? Not when his teammates ARE the toddlers. And this is only the start of the tech's worries.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder by SpaghettiCanActivist (orphan_account) - Not Rated
It's Benji's turn to seduce the rich guy.
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imjustalilboi · 17 days
I'm bored again so have more tickle HCs
Secret Histories Mario/Dictator Mario
"The game was a lot-a popular than people thought, Sonic. You think I don't know about the merchandise? You tried. To FUCK ME."
* As a lee..
* On the scale of 1 to 10 on the tickle meter, he's a 7.7
* Usually not that phased by the mention of it and finds it childish
* Not many try to tickle him due to how likely he is to blow them up (He carries that fucking remote everywhere)
* If you manage to sneak up on him, it's best to restrain him because he's a slippery little MF
* Ticklish spots are his ribs, underarms, sides, and his neck
* Death spot is a little area near his waist, a good little pinch will have him squeal laughing
* As a ler..
* As I said earlier, he finds it childish yet he's not one to completely refuse it, especially if he thinks someone deserves to get wrecked
* He'll act innocent with his lee before going for it, usually pinning you down before you could get away and using tools instead of the manual tickling
* The pillory he has is not only used on killing victims, and it's perfect for restraining lees
Luther Artwright
"Sarah, I am not going to do a rap battle with you-"
"Would you mind repeating that?"
* As a lee..
* On the scale of 1 to 10 on the tickle meter, he's a 8.9
* He doesn't admit to being ticklish and his stubborn, stoic attitude usually hides that
* He's the type to try and look unfazed, yet internally screaming at himself to run
* He'll try to threaten you with his axe yet a few pokes to those little fluffy tails of his will get him to drop the act
* Tease talk works on him the most, getting him flustered easily
* Ticklish spots are his stomach, tails, inner thighs, and behind his ears
* Death spot is his stomach, tracing along that marking will get him squirming and kicking
* As a ler..
* He's usually the type to hold back on his tickling (unless it's Sarah, then he's going apeshit on her)
* Always starts off slowly and agonizingly just to make his lee start pleading for it to happen already
* He'll do this thing where he'll trail one of his tails up his target's side slowly to see if they'll laugh or not
* He uses his energy to create little shocks to intensify the feeling
TMJ Garfield
""Jon! Take me with you!"
* As a lee..
* On the scale of 1 to 10 on the tickle meter, he's a 10
* God this lil kitty is touch starved
* He's the type to ask for them (embarrassingly as he'll be a blushing mess as he does so)
* He won't try to flee or resist, openly taking it
* He'll start hiccuping if it gets too much
* Ticklish spots are his stomach, sides, the base of his tail, his pads (both hands and feet), and his cheeks
* Death spots are his stomach and between his toes, both will have him squealing and snorting
* As a ler..
* He's a bit shy about it, usually not being asked much things considering that he mostly stays with his version of Jon
* He's a bit clumsy, usually jerking away if he fears that he accidentally hurt you
* He likes to listen to the little giggles and squeaks coming from his lee, purring every time he hears one
* He usually gets tickled by his version of Jon, Garfield (Crazy Jon), Cryfield, and Lyman (Gorefield and Captive)
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happyandticklish · 2 years
ok i need ALL ur umbrella academy hcs
This has only been sitting in my askbox for a million years now, but better late than never~
I'm only gonna be doing the main cast (with the exception that I'll do both Bens), because that's all I really have headcannons for.
Before you ask, yes they are in order of their numbers because I think I'm funny.
A lot of people, including him, feel like he's more ticklish than he is in actuality because he tends to react explosively to being tickled.
Definitely the type to start giggling and nervously backing away when threatened, but he's actually pretty chill about it if you catch him by surprise. The anticipation more than anything else is what gets to him.
Worst spots would be under his arms, his ribs, and his feet, though most people don't know about that last one as they're not often on display.
I saw a headcannon from @ssnicker-doodless that said that due to his monkey form he'd be less ticklish, and once it's removed at the end of season 3 he's far more sensitive, and I 100% agree with that.
Doesn't directly hate or enjoy being tickled, he's just kind of neutral about the whole thing. Probably prefers being on the giving side a little more.
Very fucking ticklish but he's grown good at resisting it in the beginning to deter people from trying. He'll scrunch up his face into this almost pained grimace while tensing every muscle in his body and holding his breath. Bro looks like he's dying lol. If you get at it for more than a minute or so however, the giggles will start to slip through, and from then on the whole dam breaks and he's a flailing mess.
Does and doesn't like being tickled. Most of the people he was "close" with throughout his life were his siblings, and he's not on the greatest terms with them. When he met Eudora he became more okay with it, and then immediatelly lost all of that growth when he met Lila.
The two are super competitive at first, and their entire love language is being dicks to each other, so he's a bit hesitant about letting himself be that vulnerable with her. But once she finds out that he is, all she does is tease him a bit, but doesn't try to initiate anything. I think ultimately that bit of respect is what lead him to eventually ask her to try tickling him.
Worst spots would be his neck, sides, and ribs, with ribs definitely coming highest on that list. Has a very growly laugh, deep, but desperate, and he'll squirm a lot when being tickled.
Doesn't genuinely tickle people a lot, but he'll do that annoying poke in the side thing with his siblings all the time, and he'll sometimes do it to Klaus if he knows the other has been craving it lately.
He tickles Lila a lot though and usually receives revenge for it, but once he admitted he liked it to her, he's found that this provocation method of seeking tickles is far easier than forcing himself to ask for it up front.
Does not take kindly to being tickled, and she will let you know it. There are a few notable exceptions, such as Raymond and probably Luther in canon but I'm trying to block out that part of the show.
She's definitely more okay with being on the giving end however. Little pokes and squeezes from behind show up a lot in her day to day with her siblings, with Viktor or Klaus ending up on the receiving end of it more often than the others.
She'll sometimes tickle Five, if she wants to risk it, but it usually results in him not talking to her for days and the consequences outweigh the rewards.
Most ticklish on her thighs, stomach, and ribs (ALL the Hargreeves got the ticklish ribs genes, and they all hate it because it makes them easy to get too).
Has a very airy laugh that tends to go silent after a while, and snorts if you get a good spot.
Knows everyone's spots in her family; no one is sure how, she just knows.
Used to use her rumor power to restrain people when she was younger a lot, but as she grew older she stopped as she felt it gave her too much of an unfair advantage.
Not the most ticklish, but the most likely to react to it in a genuine way, so most people assume he is.
Loves being tickled and isn't ashamed to admit it. He doesn't bug people about it too often, unless it's in a teasing way to a Diego or an Allison, joking about how if they're so annoyed with him they should just tickle him. It works about 50% of the time, so usually he'll resort to being annoying, or splaying himself out to and waiting for the inevitable.
He tends to admit it more when he's high/inebriated, and will fall, giggling and swaying slightly on his feet, into people's laps, with slurred requests to get wrecked. This is how he met more than a few of his lovers in high-school and his early twenties.
Curls up into a ball when tickled, and doesn't actually squirm that much, but he'll squeal like he's being murdered, and protest just as much too, only to stare at them in confusion when they stop because "those were fun screams, what are you talking about??"
Loves being on the receiving end by a long shot, but certainly isn't opposed to dishing it out as well.
He's one of the few people who will risk tickling Five and, strangely enough, one of the few people who survive the process, which Klaus always boasts about, insisting he's his favorite.
Very verbal when teasing, pointing out which spots appear to be worse and about how funny it is that they can be taken down by something so innocent. Doesn't directly use baby talk, but his own thing that's kind of adjacent to that. Big fan of the "I'm not touching you" shtick.
Is actually pretty open about the fact that he's ticklish and won't deny it if asked. Usually scoffs out some version of, "Everyone is, what kind of stupid question is that?"
However, if anyone attempts to test that information he immediatelly goes on the defensive and teleports out of reach until he's sure they're not going to do anything.
Hates the image of being tickled more than he hates the act itself. He knows that people underestimate his skill and knowledge already because he's in a younger, smaller body, and he doesn't want to add such a vulnerable weakness into the mix as well.
He actually kind of likes the helplessness of tickling, how he gets to let go of the control he's constantly holding onto and have an excuse to laugh just to laugh. He doesn't mind the feeling either; a couple times in the apocalypse he tried to replicate the sensation, brushing fingers shyly over his knees or scratching at the normally sensitive spot on his palm, but it was never the same.
That being said, he hates how childish it makes him look and he has a hard time giving up that control and trust to someone else. Klaus is one of the few people he'll allow it with, mostly because he never brings it up. He'll tease him during, sure, but afterwards he'll move on like nothing happened. Five enjoys that their dynamic doesn't have to change after it, and he can still keep up his annoyed not-technically-older-brother act around him. So he'll let him do it more than the others, and has gotten stupidly close to being obvious about it a couple times, but luckily Klaus seems to get that he doesn't want to admit it, so he doesn't pry.
Won't ask to get tickled, as I said, but if he's drunk he'll be more touchy-feely with people, tickling them and brushing up against shoulders, falling into laps, giggling over nothing, all of which usually result in him getting his shit wrecked. Five has a love/hate relationship with his knowledge, because on one hand it gets him what he wants, but on the other hand he feels like he's getting too close to showing his hand, so to speak.
Doesn't tickle others a lot, unless he wants to be annoying. When he was younger he did it more, and absolutely used his teleportation powers to manifest on top of people and dig his fingers under their arms, or appear behind people and taser their ribs.
He uses teasing sparingly, but when it is employed, it usually consists of short, devastating comments that make everything a thousand times worse than they already are, especially when accompanied by that annoyingly smug smirk that he's always sporting.
Worst spots would be his neck, stomach, sides, and knees, which, as everyone has collectively agreed lol, is a death spot and will take him out instantly. His hands are also ticklish, though not nearly as bad as the rest of him. Just enough to get him squirming and fidgeting and letting out giggly huffs.
Actually really likes having his stomach tickled, though he'll never admit it, as it makes his insides swoop in a way that's almost pleasant, and feels vulnerable in a way that's not panic-inducing? If that makes sense? Also likes having his knees tickled, but can only take that for so long before has to tap out.
Doesn't laugh right away when tickled. Instead, he'll let out grunts and huffs of breath, with a lot of stuttered sentences and protests. When he finally does crack, his laugh is very giggly occasionally turning into a shriek if a spot gets bad. For the most part it stays at a giggle though, no matter how ticklish the spot is (though he'll snort on occasion if you grip his knees, a fact he vehemently denies).
Ben (normal):
The actual most ticklish out of all of the siblings, a fact he is unfortunately very aware of.
Worst spots would be ribs (which you can assume for basically all of them, with varying levels of sensitivity), calves, that spot where you back connects to your sides, and his stomach, which is his worst spot because it's connected to his powers.
ALSO his tentacles are absolutely ticklish and y'all can fight me on this. I don't think even he was aware of that at first, but once Klaus experimented with it in a sparring match and he nearly hurt them both with how fast he tried to pull them back.
Tickling obviously faded out of his life once his life faded out of his life, but once Klaus began to grow more adept at manifesting him, it started showing up in new and interesting ways.
At first it just began with Klaus realizing that he could tickle Ben now, much to Ben's chagrin, and spent forever teasing him with that, especially as Ben was unable to un-manifest himself to get away. After a while however, Ben realized that if Klaus could touch him, he could do the same, and the tables quickly got flipped.
Once they figured out how to let Ben possess him, they discovered something incredibly interesting. If Ben lets the connection flicker just slightly, Klaus can feel what he does, as they're stuck in this weird limbo area, and he takes advantage of that to tickle Klaus while possessing him. It's a dangerous game, however, as spending too long with a cracked connection can allow Klaus to slip back through and do the same to him.
Kind of likes being tickled, but he's also hella fucking ticklish and cannot stand it for very long. Definitely prefers being on the giving end more than the receiving one.
Sometimes Klaus will manifest Ben just enough so that he can touch to play pranks on his siblings by having an invisible Ben wreck the shit out of them.
Ben (Sparrow):
All the stuff about worst spots, tentacles, and the fact that he is by far the most ticklish still remains true about this Ben.
Tickling almost never came up with him as a kid, and if it did, he shut it down almost immediatelly. I don't think even he was aware of whether or not he liked it as a kid; all he knew was that it made him vulnerable, and weakness wasn't something he could afford to show to the others.
When he meets The Umbrella Academy, things change just slightly. Klaus is the most affectionate with him, and the only one willing to give him a chance, and so it's only natural that it would come up with him.
During the night they all got drunk together, Klaus was listing off things that were similar about the two of them, trying to see if there were any key differences with the whole time travel weirdness. Eventually he got to tickling, and Ben, in a moment of stupid drunkenness induced honesty, admitted that he didn't even know if he was ticklish or not. Klaus, of course, had to test that.
The situation was made far worse in that Klaus knew all of his Ben's worst spots and which techniques worked best, and therefore knew immediatelly where to target. Ben of course fell to hysterics and pleading quickly, his body overloaded by all the new, and horribly intense, sensations. There's nothing more disorientating than someone else knowing your body better than even you do. Klaus backed off pretty quickly, only for Ben, still drunk, still being stupid (at least from his perspective), asked if Klaus could do it again, only this time lighter. Klaus, who had never received this permission from his Ben, was happy to oblige~
Enjoys being tickled more than the other Ben, if only because he was deprived of it for so long, but he will violently deny it if anyone brings it up because he is Repressed TM.
Wasn't tickled much as a kid, always the one left out of most of their activities or play. He would sometimes sneak downstairs and watch them from cracks in doors or from a distance when they would have tickle fights. He was never brave enough to engage, though he definitely thought about it often.
As he was closest with Five, at least as a child, he would sometimes approach him and ask about the subject, such as why they always struggled so hard to get away if it was something that was making them laugh. Five would usually respond with a blush and a stutter as he tried to think of a way to respond that didn't give him away. In the end, he usually gave a brief explanation of what it was and simply ended on "It's embarrassing" and left it at that.
Even as he got older, the subject of tickling didn't come up often in Viktor's life, though it happened a couple times with Leonard, all brief, haphazard interactions that usually left him confused and vaguely wanting more.
It came up even more once Sissy came into the picture, and it was then that Viktor discovered just how ticklish he really was, and also why his siblings had always seemed so desperate whenever it was happening.
Does enjoy tickling others, in theory, but gets super shy about it and doesn't engage unless the other person has made it explicitly clear that they like it.
When he was younger, he asked both Five and Klaus on seperate occasions if he could tickle them, and both agreed with varying levels of reluctance.
Worst spots would probably be his thighs, feet, and under arms. His back is also ticklish, mostly on the shoulder blades area, and it's one of the few spots that he can actually relax into the tickling with.
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
Ice skating / "You look like a newborn Giraffe!" For the Umbrella Academy siblings??
(Maybe they all go ice skating together and TRY to bond as a family)
Christmas in July - Family Time
~A/N  - Tis the final day of christmas in july (EDIT: it was meant to be but i didnt get finished in time hehe...)
Thank you guys for being so patient about these fics!
Just a heads up, I'm only up to about halfway through season 2 of UA so if there's anything that seems off with this it's cause I'm not finished the series lmao.
That being said, I'm still referring to Viktor as Viktor, cause that's just how it's done with deadnames and stuff lol.
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link 
The Hargreeves siblings weren't usually ones for family outings.
Especially not the light hearted summer-holiday-vibes kind of outings.
But, here they were out on the ice rink, at varying levels of success.
Of course Allison and Klaus were like swans on a lake. Gracefully gliding past couples and families alike, even adding a few tricks here and there. Luther and 5 were surprisingly decent, especially considering Luther's size and the fact that most of 5's life was spent in an iceless apocalyptic wasteland. Even Viktor was getting the hang of it, able to gently slide along next to the wall.
Then there was Diego.
While usually one of the more agile, stealthy members of the group, the poor man could barely keep his feet underneath him.
As he desperately clung to the wall of the rink with both arms, Allison coasted by him with a laugh.
"Diego, you look like a newborn giraffe!"
He responded with nothing more than a scowl and a stumble.
Klaus was next to glide past. "Oh lighten up honey..." He smiled tauntingly, emphasizing his point with a swift jab to Diego's ribs.
Diego gasped, twisting away from his brother's hand. Unfortunately, he seemed to twist a little too far, as his feet shot out from underneath him.
As Diego fell, Klaus laughed back at him, "aw I forgot you were so ticklish."
"Shut up." Diego grumbled, his face beginning to redden as he climbed back onto his feet.
"Or what grandpa?" Five smirked. "Gonna fall on us?"
"I'll kill you all." Diego glared.
"Like that'll happen." Viktor chuckled, boldly pushing off from the wall and letting his momentum carry him past his brother.
With a newfound determination for murder, Diego dragged his body along the edge of the rink after his siblings. Being the slowest of the group, it was a futile effort. But one Diego was willing to attempt nonetheless.
"At this rate you'll catch us when we're 70." Luther laughed from behind, digging his hands under Diego's armpits and half-carrying the man a few meters.
"LuthER-!" Diego yelped, squirming in his brother's grip but flat out refusing to make any sound resembling laughter.
Once he finally escaped Luther's grasp, he fell onto the side with a grunt - somehow still standing.
"You're an ass." Diego shouted after his attacker, pushing himself forwards with more determination than ever.
You can imagine how well that went.
Lap after lap, Diego would be tormented by his siblings with little hope of retribution. A poke to his side, a squeeze on his hip, even being grabbed and dragged (or carried) along. All the while barely being able to move in fear of being dropped and falling onto the cold floor once more.
Eventually, Viktor got a little too brave.
He had snuck up behind his brother, letting his hands sneak up to Diego's neck. The moment his fingers made contact he almost got a very uncharacteristic squeal out of his brother.
But all it took was an awkward uncontrollable slide of Diego's left leg to completely trip Viktor (and take the knife-wielding assassin down with him) onto the ice. And, with the speed that the other 4 were going at directly behind the pair, they were physically unable to stop themselves from tumbling on top of the Diego Dog-Pile.
The stupidity of the situation mixed with the laughter buildup of the last 10 minutes (not to mention the pressure of his 5 siblings on top of him) finally caused Diego to break.
Helpless giggles poured out of his mouth, and his siblings quickly followed suit. Laughing both at the whole scenario they had found themselves in, but also in surprise at Diego's sudden burst of what could only be described as joy.
Yes, they were far from the most functional family in America.
But they had their moments.
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moose-muffin · 2 years
I can imagine Sloane offering to “interrogate” Luther for her siblings during his captivity but really she’s just tickling the big monkey man because of course she doesn’t wanna hurt him.
SHES ALL UP IN HIS EAR LIKE, “sorry does this tickle??” with a smirk on her face AWWWWWW I love them, thank you for this adorable ask I love you
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spritewrites · 4 years
time travel doesn’t change everything
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: the Hargreeves siblings
Word Count: 5k
A/N: Hi everybody! This is a collaborative fic (wow!) that @ticklishhargreeves and I have been working on for a while, based on an idea that we came up with together about three weeks ago. We wanted to incorporate a bunch of the headcanons we’ve come up with recently into a fic. We hope you enjoy!!
Allison’s room could best be described as a bit of a time capsule; posters from the beginning and middle of her career, drawings that she’d made and been gifted as a child, and family photos in the form of newspaper clippings. Going through the drawers and boxes under her bed provided nearly endless entertainment. A small gasp escaped from her grin when she pulled out one specific piece of paper that she’d forgotten about — a somewhat poorly drawn chart that depicted each of the Hargreeves siblings’ most ticklish spots. The tickle fights they’d had as children were sparse, considering they only really had free time for about an hour a week, but damn, were they competitive. This was the cheat sheet that she’d made to always get the upper hand. 
The colored pencil had smudged a bit, but Allison could still make out the faint markings of each of her brothers’ names. She smiled to herself, leaning back on a stack of books to read the chart. They’d been so young then, but she could still hear their laughter echoing down the mansion hallways, as clear as anything. She let out a small laugh at a note in the margin: Ask Mom for acrylic nails before next week.
“Everything okay?” Luther was leaning against her door frame, just a bit bigger than when they were kids, but still with that same kind smile. She smiled back.
“Just reminiscing. Check this out!” She held up the faded piece of paper for him to read.
“No way!” the large figure exclaimed, gently taking the chart from Allison’s hand and sitting on the side of her bed to look at it. “This is from all our —” 
“Tickle fights,” Allison interrupted with a laugh, “yeah. Crazy, right?”
“Yeah,” an awkward chuckle from Luther masked the slight nervousness he felt reading his name accompanied by the bullet-pointed notes: squeeze his calves, scribbles under toes, tops of feet are weirdly ticklish??, kicks a lot. “God, I haven’t been tickled in… years, probably.”
“You were so cute,” Allison giggled, and Luther wasn’t entirely sure that he liked the look she was giving him. “I wonder if this is still accurate.”
Luther cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, um, no way to know for sure, so-”
She had tackled him to the bed before he even knew what was happening. “Only one way to find out.”
She sat across his knees - “You kick, remember?” - and gave one of his calves a squeeze. Luther bolted upright, gasping.
“Um, I think there’s another way to find out! See, I could just tell you-”
“No,” Allison smiled, squeezing again and enjoying the desperate noise her brother made. “I’ve gotta test it to know for sure.”
He got as far as “Wait, Allison, please-” before he was choking back giggles, trying to worm his way out of Allison’s hold as her long nails skated over his ankles. She grinned.
“Okay, so squeezing your legs still definitely works. How about your feet?”
“No!” Luther cried, burying his face in a pillow and nearly squealing as she traced gentle lines over his soles. Allison giggled at the sound, scribbling over his heels and leaning forward to keep his straining legs from kicking.
“Feet are still pretty bad too. Thank God the serum didn’t affect these, huh?” She skittered her nails around the tops of his feet, and Luther let out a screech into his pillow. It was taking all of his strength to not… well, use his strength. 
“You remember that pedicure I dragged you into, right?” she laughed at the memory, and again at Luther’s quick nod into the pillow.
The screech turned into an uncharacteristically high-pitched yelp when Allison held his toes back with one hand, and skittered beneath them with the other. Finally, he’d began to laugh an endearingly childlike giggle. “AH - Allison,” he attempted to catch his breath with a forceful gasp as his massive arms squeezed the pillow to his face, and his legs shook, “Allison!”
Allison laughed at him and his sounds, almost not wanting to stop. “Alright, alright, I don’t want to kill you. Not yet, anyway.” She rolled off his legs to lay next to him on the bed, grinning from ear to ear. “Looks like your weak spots are still the same!”
Luther groaned, trying to catch his breath through the pillow (he wasn’t confident enough in the color of his face yet to look at her). “That was mean.”
“Hey, I was just consulting the chart!”
“You wrote the chart!”
“And I stand by it,” she teased, giving his leg a poke that made him twitch. She grabbed the paper and left the room, satisfied that her victim was suitably tickled out.
Luther rolled onto his back, panting. “Screw that chart.”
As she was leaving the room, Allison couldn’t help but notice the absence of Vanya’s name on the chart. It wasn’t a surprising fact. They never included her in anything as children, not even tickle fights. This fact still broke Allison’s heart, but of course, with the opportunity to make up for lost time, it’d be foolish not to take it… right? 
After spotting her much smaller sister reading on the couch, Allison made her way downstairs and plopped down right next to Vanya with a grin. 
Ever since their trip to the 60s, the sisters certainly developed a strong bond. Allison was, quite possibly. the one sibling that Vanya felt the most comfortable with; Klaus being a close second. Her attention drew away from the book in her hands, and towards her smiling sister. “Hey, Allison.” Vanya smiled, setting her book down, saving her place.
“Hey, um,” Allison subtly hid the chart by her other side, raising an eyebrow with a mischievous glint in her eye, “Vanya, are you ticklish? By any chance?” 
“Uh,” Vanya chuckled, shifting awkwardly with a shrug, “I - I think so. I mean, sometimes Sissy would touch my neck and it would feel kinda funny. Like the back, right here?” She touched the back of her neck to show her scheming sister exactly where she was ticklish. Big mistake.
“Oh,” Allison chuckled, not expecting this to be so easy. She sneakily reached her arm around the back of the couch, “Like, right… here?” 
Vanya twitched, letting out something akin to a squeak as her shoulders jumped up beside her ears. “I think - hey!” Her sister had begun tracing wicked fingers along the crease of her neck, her nails sliding effortlessly between the wrinkles to get at the weakest points. Vanya scrunched like a turtle, reaching back to swat at the offending hands, but the light touch made her limbs turn to jelly and her effort was not very coordinated. The endless stream of bubbly giggles, however, was new. 
Allison’s face lit up. “Looks like you are ticklish.”
Understatement of the century. Vanya opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a squeal when Allison’s tickles wandered down from her neck and over her shoulders, sneaking pokes in under her arms. 
“Where else, I wonder…” Allison mused, and slid her hands down her sister’s sides. Vanya’s spine nearly snapped with how quickly she arched her back, letting out a gasp. “Oh, here?”
“Allison, please!”
“Please what?” She tapped a nail on the curve of Vanya’s waist, prompting a high-pitched giggle. Vanya shook her head, seemingly struck dumb by the overwhelming feeling. Another pinch to her side, and she wriggled, curling in on herself. Unfortunately, this left the back of her neck unguarded, and with a smile, Allison reached to tickle her there. 
Vanya squealed. “Please, I can’t - mercy!”
Allison laughed at her sister’s reactions, easing off to just rub her shoulders. “Okay, so, neck and sides? Those are the big ones?”
The sigh of relief that escaped Vanya was soothing. “I - I guess so. I think?”
“Well, I still have more exploring to do, but I can be merciful for now,” Allison replied with a wink. “I’ll add you to the chart.”
“Yeah, see?” She pulled out the piece of paper. Vanya’s eyes lit up.
“Oh my God, this is adorable. How old were we when you made this?”
Allison smiled. “I don’t know, ten maybe? We used to have these epic battles…” She trailed off, catching her sister’s eyes. “I’m sorry we didn’t - ”
Vanya held up a hand to silence her. “It’s okay. I’m included now.” She raked her gaze over the paper in her hands. “Luther was ticklish on his feet?”
Allison couldn’t stop her laugh. “Still is, I just tested it.”
“Shit, that’s goddamn… cute. All of these are so cute,” she said with a smile.
“Aren’t they?” Allison replied, snatching the paper once again with a cunning smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some notes to update and some experiments to run.”
It seemed like whenever she saw Klaus, he was always talking to some ghost. Usually arguing with them. Sometimes flirting, you never know. The conversation that Allison walked in on today, however, was definitely not flirting.
“Just shut up, you don’t have a goddamn clue… That’s what I said, you never fucking listen to - Allison!”
She paused in the doorframe, amused. “Am I interrupting?”
“What, this?” Klaus gestured vaguely at the armchair across from him. “Nah, nothing important. Just bonding, you know how it is.” He seemed to disconnect from Allison for a second, listening, and then shot a glare at the armchair. “Dickwad.”
Allison clapped her hand over her mouth at the insult, but not quickly enough to stop the laugh that escaped. Whoever it was, they had pissed Klaus off. “Okay, well, I was just going through some of my old stuff, and I found…” She pulled out the wrinkled piece of paper. “This.”
Klaus’ eyebrows furrowed. “Okay… What is that?”
“A chart I made when we were young, to win those fights we used to have.”
“What fights?” Before Allison could answer, her brother’s gaze flicked to the armchair and back to her. “The tickle fights? You made a… what did you say, a chart?”
She nodded. “It’s detailed.”
Klaus laughed. “So organized! Let me see -” He reached up, but she snatched it out of his grasp. 
“Nope, this is valuable information. But, I could let you see… if you participate in the experiment I’m running.”
Rolling green eyes, Klaus scoffed and lifted his arms up, a playful smile on his face as he looked away. He clearly already knew exactly what these so-called experiments were; perhaps Vanya’s laughter from downstairs was a giveaway. 
A smile played on Allison’s lips. She remembered how Klaus never really hated tickles, and acknowledged the note by his name: asks to be tickled all the time, listed alongside others such as SUPER ticklish armpits, tapped his hips once and he squeaked? maybe he’s ticklish there too? Haven’t tried yet. She laughed, launching her tickling fingers towards Klaus’ armpits, only to be stopped by him slamming his arms down at the last second.
“Sorry, sorry. Instinct,” he smiled, already giggling a bit, before lifting his arms again.
All of a sudden, his elbows shot down towards his hips as he choked on his laughter, “B-Ben! No!” Klaus collapsed to the floor within seconds, kicking his legs and screeching.
Allison smiled. Of course, only Ben could rile her brother up like that. Squinting, she smirked, noticing the placement of Klaus’ slapping hands, “Klaus? Ben’s not getting your hips, is he?” 
The silly noises he'd been making between silent laughter was accompanied by a desperate nod, messing up his long hair.
“Good!” Allison exclaimed, a bubbly tone to her voice, before lowering herself to the floor next to her flailing brother. “What a long overdue discovery.” Her pinch to his left hip felt more real than Ben’s spidery ghost tickles, and he squeaked. Her hands moved quickly, though, to lodge themselves under his arms while he was distracted.
The yelp that left Klaus’ mouth was loud enough to make Allison flinch slightly, but her hands stayed put. “Allison,” he whined, squeezing his arms to his sides as he simultaneously tried to roll away from Ben’s way-too-tangible thumbs digging into his hip bones.
She raised her eyebrows curiously as she twitched her fingers ever so slightly, relishing in the squirms and adorable gasps that followed. 
When Allison began to wiggle all ten of her fingers, plus the other ten digits, both on his worst spots, his eyes squeezed shut as his squeaks and laughs rose yet another octave. Curling in on himself, he shook his head, unable to shake either of his ruthless tickle-monster siblings.
“Tickie, tickie, tickle!” Allison cooed as she laughed along with him.
“What's wrong, Klausie? I thought you loved tickie, tickie, tickles.” Ben’s words were snide and Klaus could practically hear his stupid grin.
High-pitched giggles rolled out of his mouth as he grabbed onto a nearby throw pillow. “Stopstopstop, okay! Okay, jeez!” It was obvious that he wasn't that desperate for the tickles to stop; he really just needed a breather. Klaus threw the pillow in an attempt to hit Ben, but it just phased through him. Ben stuck his tongue out. 
“Asshole,” Klaus grumbled at his invisible brother. Allison laughed again, before leaning over to whisper something into Klaus’ ear. A noticeable smile washed over his face as he looked directly at his ghost brother, crawling towards him.
Ben's eyes widened as he stumbled backwards, falling back onto the armchair. His arms flailed, not knowing how to defend himself since it had been such a long time.  “Nonono, Klaus, what did she tell you? – EEP!” His reaction to Klaus’ quick and repetitive pokes to his stomach was immediate. 
The notes on the chart read really squeaky, ribs and stomach (but be careful!!!), starts begging after mere seconds, & very gullible, so easy to tickle. Ben had always been super easy to trick into getting tickled when they were younger; asking him to reach things in high up cabinets, challenging him to keep his arms up, and tons of tickle hugs.
He hadn’t been tickled since before he died, but it was just as unbearable as he remembered. He couldn’t hold back a squeak as Klaus prodded around the soft area just below his ribs, throwing an arm over his face to hide his blush. 
Klaus threw his head back and laughed. “Awww, I forgot that you were so sensitive, Benny! Guess now we know what’ll happen when you make fun of me, hmm?”
Ben wanted more than anything to snap back at his brother, but couldn’t possibly reply around his high-pitched giggle fit, so he settled on a squeal. “Allison! H-help!”
“She can’t hear you,” Klaus cooed, racing his fingertips up Ben’s ribs to elicit another adorable squeak, clearly amused. 
Allison laughed at the image of her brother kneeling on the floor, ruthlessly attacking absolutely nothing. “No, but I can picture it. Remember those physical exams that Grace would give us?” 
Every month, in order to keep them all in tip-top shape for missions, Grace would perform physical examinations. These exams, of course, included lots of pressing and prodding tummies with her cold robot hands, much to Diego and Ben’s dismay. Diego would often need to have a break after ten seconds, but Ben would always just giggle his little heart out, and could never sit still, try as he might.
Klaus giggled too. “Of course, dear little Benjamin could never stand those. Could you, Benerino?” Their brother merely cackled in response, batting helplessly at the tickling fingers. God, if this didn’t end soon, he was going to die again. Could ghosts die again?
“I… neeheed AIR, you asshole!”
“No you don’t,” Klaus replied simply, pinching at the skin right above his belly button. Ben shrieked, flailed, and ended up rolling off the armchair onto the ground. Klaus took it as a cue to stop and sat back, grinning at his work.
“What’s he look like?” Allison asked, not even trying to hide her sadistic smile.
Klaus grinned at the rumpled pile of ghost on the floor, who flipped him off. “Like shit.”
“Fuck off,” Ben replied, but he was smiling. Mission accomplished.
Diego frequently sat in his room alone, doing God knows what. The minute that Allison walked in, he was just twirling one of his knives in his hand. Turning around to look at his sister, who had been smiling at a piece of paper, his brows furrowed, “What?” 
Allison couldn’t help but chuckle to herself as she read the notes beside her stoic brother’s name: ticklish EVERYWHERE, pokes make him squirm, sometimes cries at tummy tickles, GET HIS BELLYBUTTON, & make sure he’s not holding anything. She remembered fondly how her and her brothers would always gang up on him and tickle him until he cried. Grace always had to step in to get them to stop. She cleared her throat, and looked over at him, turning the paper around to face him, “Remember this?” 
“Oh, ... yeah, from those - those fights we had when we were kids. Yeah.” Diego placed his knife down on the desk, and moved to stand up, subtly trying to escape what he feared was about to happen. 
“Hm, what kind of fights were those?”
“You - y’know. The -… the wrestling and stuff.” He silently cursed his sister for trying to make him say it; she knew that he absolutely hated the word, both hearing it and saying it… and experiencing it. Diego pretended to nonchalantly pace away in order to exit the room, only to make his way into the corner farthest from the door, where Allison was inconveniently standing. 
“I heard a rumor… that you can’t move until I start tickling you.” Allison sped up the last part of her rumor, making it so he couldn’t cover his ears as he typically used to. Walking over to him, she grinned and wiggled her fingers in the air, eyeing his torso.
A grunt left Diego’s already reluctantly smiling mouth as he attempted to tug on his legs in order to move, “Dammit! Screw you, Allison! - ACK!” His eyes squeezed shut, embarrassed at the slight giggle that he’d let out without her even touching him yet. 
“What is it, Diego? Surely, you've grown out of letting a few tickly fingers take you down?” Allison teased, poking his tummy with her two index fingers.
A snort escaped his mouth in an attempt to stifle the giggle fit that was bound to start as he doubled over. He tried to use his regained mobility to make a break for it, but it was too late. The momentum from the force he'd been using in his attempts to get away pushed him to the floor. He was absolutely cornered.
“Nonono — I-I, yes, I have grown out of it!” The way his arms were wrapped around his torso and the quick pace of his words, however, told a different story. “I’m seri - NO,” he yelped before dissolving into a squirmy puddle of silent giggles. Allison’s digits were swiftly poking and scratching at any spot they could reach.
“You’re what? Cereal? Serene? Can’t be serious; you’re giggling too much for that, silly.” Ever since they were children, Diego always seemed to bring out Allison’s most brutal teases. “It seems to me that you still might be the most ticklish one in this house, Diego! Tell me, how does it feel to have such a title?” She’d been able to latch her hands onto the sides of his stomach before wiggling her fingers into them. 
His laughter rose in volume when he opened his mouth to speak, “I-It tickles! - Shit, shit,” he squealed over Allison’s coos, “Sh-sh-shut up!” Saying the word, along with his embarrassingly childish reactions to such simple touches, was enough to redden his face. A squawk left his mouth when he felt a clawed hand digging into his lower tummy, dangerously close to his bellybutton. 
Allison stopped for a second, glancing down at both of Diego’s hands clutching onto her single hand on his stomach, and back up at her uncontrollably giggling brother. The grin on her face was the only thing that preceded her free hand flying straight towards his unguarded navel. 
Diego weakly pushed at her hands as he kicked his legs and screamed. His cackles now echoed through the whole house. Both of her hands were squaring in on his stomach and fuck, he couldn’t take it. “Allison - fuck! I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, oh my God, stop,” Diego rambled quickly between gasps of laughter, tears forming in the corners of his eyes, much to his own chagrin, and Allison’s amusement.
He was just so fun to tickle. He always had been. Of course, Allison knew he wasn’t going to die; he was just over dramatic sometimes. “What’s the magic word?”
“F-Fuck off,” he growled.
Allison mimicked a buzzer noise as she continued to tickle and poke around Diego’s hypersensitive midriff, even adding a few pokes to his thigh, and pinches to his triceps, “Wrong.” She laughed at the rather adorable image of her brother, curled up in the corner of his room, hands flailing in an attempt to get the tickles to stop, and twitching away from every little touch. He really was ticklish just about everywhere. 
“I've gotta tell Lila about this,” Allison chuckled, making a mental note. “Imagine her finding out that you're ticklish on your shoulders. And your chest? She's gonna have a field day, I know it.”
A squeal, “Noho, okay, okay, please! Pleasepleaseplease, fuck,” he rolled over, yelling when the tickles didn’t stop, “Fucking please, Allison! Pleehease.”
“All right, you big baby!” She decided to finally let up, chuckling at the residual giggles that escaped Diego’s mouth. 
He clutched his stomach, wheezing. “Christ, I fucking… forgot what that felt like.” A warning look was shot towards his sister, “Don't you dare tell her.”
Allison grinned, poking him again and brightening when she was rewarded with a yelp. “I think we all did, and…” a quick spider over his tummy got him to curl up again, “I think I just might.”
Allison clutched the chart firmly in her fist, making her way up the many flights of stairs. Last but not least. She glanced at the notes by the scrawled out ‘Number Five:’ says he's not ticklish but we know he is, flinches when anyone touches his knees (especially the left one), and hiccups a lot after laughing really hard.
Bursting into his room, Allison, expecting him to be doing… well, whatever old man stuff he liked to do, was surprised to find her brother fast asleep in his bed. After all he’d been through, experiencing the apocalypse twice & back to back, he certainly deserved a nap or twelve. 
One thing that all of the siblings agreed on, though silently, was that Five was utterly adorable when he was asleep, and not snapping at anyone. Surely, just a smidge less adorable than when… 
A poke to the blanketed figure made his snoring breaths hitch, and then they continued as normal.
He’d napped long enough, Allison thought to herself, not knowing if he’d been sleeping for two minutes or two hours. Nothing could beat her infinite curiosity, though, about just where dear old Fivey was ticklish. It had been far too long, and she knew he was at least a little bad on his knees but there was no way that could be all. That little body definitely held tons of bottled up laughter over the years that just had to be let out.
Of course his right leg was sticking out of the mass of comforter and sheets. Of course it was. 
Allison quickly spidered her fingers right above the hem of his grey knee socks, that he even wore to bed, apparently. 
A sudden jerking motion under the covers followed as he stopped snoring.
“Fiiive,” Allison crooned in a somewhat warning tone. No answer. She pinched the sides of his knee, only to be awarded with a twitch and a “cough” that was far too loud to pass off as a cough. 
“Fuck off, Allison,” Five’s sleepy voice, muffled by the pillow, piped up.
“Okay, rude,” she replied, going in for the kill, skittering all five of her nails over his knee cap.
He internally cursed at the choking sound that escaped his throat, as he pulled his leg under the covers, in order to provide some defense. The blanket reshaped itself as he curled up, and Allison thought she heard a grumpy sigh through the fabric.
“Y’know, you might’ve spent almost 50 years without other people, but I would’ve thought that you’d remember at least some of your manners.” Another sigh. “No apology? Fine then.”
Allison sat right down on Five’s bed, and grabbed his left ankle, pulling it out from under the covers.
Before he could teleport away, he felt unbearably light and spidery tickles along the back of his knee. A screech that he couldn’t hope to suppress left his mouth, but only took seconds for the bubbly giggles, and the violent kicking, to begin. 
Allison’s steady hold on Five’s ankle turned out to be a major asset to her attack as his whole body thrashed around, tangling himself in his blanket and sheets. She couldn't help but flinch at the frantic movements and his other foot weakly pushing at her hip.
“Good to see little Five still has those tickly, tickly knees!” 
“Allison! Fucking,” he squeaked, unable to hold back the helpless laughter, “Fuck you! I’m gonna - ACK,” another giggle. “Dammit! I’ll fucking kill you!”
The giggles laced with threatening screams were delightfully familiar. “Sure you will, Giggles,” she teased, prodding and squeezing around his entire knee, adding some occasional rib tickles into the mix to make him twitch. 
Five’s hands flickered blue, but there was no way he could teleport with how unfocused he was. He felt like he was going crazy. It had been ages since he'd laughed so freely, let alone been tickled; certainly since before he left. The sensation, so completely disarming while also frustratingly familiar, overwhelmed him.
“Fuck you, I swear - shit! Oh my fucking g- Allison!”
“Yes?” She stuck her tongue out in concentration, digging into the spot just above his kneecap that made him scream. 
Five was in hell. His hands were still glowing, but never enough to do anything goddamn useful. He could feel his leg twitching, trying to kick, but Allison was merciless, and she had a lot more practice tickling his thirteen-year-old body than he had fighting off her adult reflexes. The giggles pouring out of his mouth were starting to grow hoarse, though, and he was pretty sure that if this kept up much longer, he’d actually go crazy.
“What was that?”
“I said - ” The tickling stopped, but his eyes locked on where Allison’s lethal nails were still hovering over his ribs. Flushed, he choked back a giggle. “I said fine, you fucking - ”
“Fine what?” Allison aimed a poke at the space between two ribs and he jerked.
“Fine, I’m sorry!” The hands withdrew, and Five curled into himself, breathing heavily through the last remaining chuckles. Allison blew on two fingertips like a gun, and dodged the smack that Five sent her way. 
“Fuck off. Hic.”
Allison’s eyes lit up. “There they are!”
“Huh? What are you - hic - talking about?” Five grumbled, pulling his knees into his chest and sucking in a big breath to try to stop the hiccups.
She grinned, pulling out the chart, and resisting the urge to reach out and poke his puffed cheeks. “I took notes.”
Five’s eyes widened, and he let out his breath, looking vaguely… impressed. “Holy shit. You’re thorough.” His eyes scanned over her scribbled words. “Diego? Really?”
Allison chuckled. “Really. I’m surprised you forgot, he’s the worst of all of us. Even worse than you.”
Five’s nose wrinkled, and he let out a childish snort. “Serves him right.”
“Oh, shut up, you ticklish little son of a bitch.” Diego muttered from the doorway... alongside Klaus, Vanya, and Luther.
Five spun and internally cursed at himself at the blush growing on his face, wondering how long the rest of his siblings had been there watching him get absolutely wrecked.
“I know you are but what am I,” he snapped back at his bigger but younger brother, who’d lunged towards him, ready for a battle.
Diego was blocked by Allison though, and he stopped, knowing not to cross her while she was in the terrifying mood she’d been in all day.
“Guys, enough. Can’t we have just one fun day without you at each other’s throats?”
“Y’know what, Allison, I know I didn’t get a very close look but…” Klaus clicked his tongue as his strong brows furrowed, “I don’t think I saw your name on that little chart.” He made his way over to his other siblings with an unmistakable glint in his eye and grabbed the chart from his sister’s hand. 
Allison always did have the upper hand in all their tickle fights, and now they all knew why.
“W-well, that’s because I made it.” The look that her family exchanged did not go unnoticed, and she stepped backwards, ending up stumbling onto Five’s bed. “Hey, hey guys, wait - ”
The chart was updated that day; Vanya’s handwriting scrawled next to Allison’s name, alongside cackly laughter, super ticklish neck and armpits!!!, accidentally kicked Luther in the head, & best sister ever.
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anasticklefics · 4 years
Variety Of Reactions
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: The sibs
Summary: Klaus observes how differently his siblings react to being tickled.
A/N: Was thinking about how people react differently to being briefly tickled. Wrote a TUA fic about it, as per usual.
Words: 613
Klaus fell into the habit of it because he enjoyed the variety of reactions. Mostly that. Partly because it was fun to be a nuisance, possibly get subjected to some revenge, but mostly because the beginning, how he would first reach out and watch as realization dawned, was too damn delightful for him to ever stop.
Diego would cover the space that was being tickled, covering Klaus’ hand if Klaus hadn’t removed it, and just before the protests and threats started he would freeze, holding onto the tickled spot as if assessing whether it was worth a more violent reaction. Usually it was, but Klaus liked just poking and watching the slight timidness grip him for just a moment.
“What are you doing?” he would ask, shifting eyes as he met Klaus’.
“Oh, nothing,” Klaus would reply, his words a song, a blatant lie. “Did I hurt you?”
“You sure? Let me check.”
And the protests and threats would spill out.
Vanya curled up, no questions asked, no matter what spot he grabbed for. A poke to her back and she was cowering, a helpless grin already on her lips, so precious Klaus always went back for seconds and thirds and probably fourths.
“You know this isn’t helping, right?” he would ask her, his fingers trapped under body parts while still wiggling against skin, or dancing over unprotected spots. Vanya never replied, though she was far from quiet.
Allison would always jerk away and pretend as if nothing had happened. Back straightening, head held high, as if her whole mannerism wasn’t an invitation for Klaus to dive back in until she acknowledged him wholeheartedly.
“Stop it,” she would finally say, grabbing for his wrist this time rather than trust him to keep his hands to himself.
“I’m not doing anything.”
But he would ignore the warning in her voice; her whole reaction a challenge he couldn’t resist.
Luther always exclaimed, in surprise or indignation or just for he hell of it, and his lips were already curling upward as he held up his hands as if to fight Klaus off. But he was always quick to laugh when Klaus attacked, raised hands doing nothing.
“You can stop me so easily,” he said, redirecting words that were usually aimed at him. “But you never do, big guy.”
“Hey!” Luther would repeat, over and over, as if three little letters were anything but encouraging. Hey ho, let’s go etc.
Ben had been the real flailer back when Klaus had been able to tickle him, making each attack calculated and quick. Quick to pin, quick to surprise, holding down knees and arms so that Klaus wouldn’t come out of this with a bloody nose just to get his brother to laugh.
“No!” he would cry, but he never asked for him to stop, unless you took the way his body nearly ripped itself apart in its desperation to get away as him protesting. Klaus didn’t.
And Five? Five had already killed you ten times in his head by the time you pinned him, but he couldn’t disguise his giggles no matter how much he cursed. It was the exaggeration of it all that had Klaus so captivated despite it being a death wish. The glare, the threats, and yet he had never been the sibling to keep the ticklish laughter out of his mouth when you got him.
“I’m going to kill you!”
“Doesn’t sound too bad when you’re giggling like that.”
When the siblings decided to get him back, usually after most attacks, Klaus would try to mimic them just for the hell of it, but he could never quite mirror them properly.
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calmturquoise · 4 years
Day 23: Asking For It
TUA, Hargreeves. Words: 3,000
Prompt from @anasticklefics: I have this headcanon that the siblings didn’t experience much tickling as children and now have the most Extra reactions to it.
“Dude, you should put on some sunscreen,” Ben said, perched on a stone wall next to where Klaus was lounging in the sun. What was the point of the Academy having a rooftop garden if Klaus wasn’t going to use it for sunbathing?
Without looking Klaus held up his hand, palm-first. “I’m not taking skincare advice from a ghost. You haven’t had real skin in over a decade.”
Even without looking he could sense Ben rolling his eyes. “You know I’m right. Skin cancer kills, you can’t tell me you’re tougher than the sun.”
“If I’m not dead yet I don’t think the sun’s going to do it.”
“You’ve literally died multiple times.”
Klaus waved his ‘goodbye’ hand dismissively. “Semantics.” He settled into the grass, enjoying the sensation of the warm sunlight soaking into his skin, only to jerk upright when wiggling fingers skittered across his neck. “Hey!”
He caught a brief glimpse of Ben’s smirk before grabbing his brother by the shoulders and flipping them over, pinning Ben against the ground so Klaus could worm his hands beneath Ben’s hoodie.
“Klaus!” Ben squeaked, giggling as Klaus’ fingers spidered over his belly. “Stohohop!”
“You started it,” Klaus retorted, grinning as he moved up to Ben’s ribcage. Vague memories were returning to him of how Ben had also been ticklish as a kid – he’d been so sweet and gullible that tickling him was just so much fun. Apparently that hadn’t changed.
Ben clearly didn’t mind it too much, either – Klaus was under no illusions that his brother couldn’t just go incorporeal if he really wanted to get away. Instead Ben was just trying to wrestle Klaus off of him. “Stop tickling mehehehe!” he protested, squirming and laughing as Klaus’ fingers skittered across his ribs.
Klaus shrieked in surprise as Ben gave up on trying to push him away and instead dug his fingers into Klaus’ stomach, conveniently exposed by his crop top. “No fair!”
“Very fair! You tickled me first!”
“No, you tickled me first, asshole!” Klaus exclaimed, going boneless and flopping down on top of Ben. This had the unfortunate side effect of pinning Ben’s hands between his and Klaus’ stomachs, allowing him to easily continue tickling Klaus’ belly.
“Ugh, you’re heavy,” Ben complained. “I can’t breathe.”
“You’re such a drama queen. You’re a ghost, you don’t need to breathe!”
“Your sweat is dripping on my body and I want to die again!”
“It’s summer, it’s hot out,” Klaus whined, attempting to contort his body so he could tickle Ben’s armpits while evading his brother’s arms flailing against his stomach. “At least I’m not wearing any sunscreen, then I’d be getting that all over you t-aah!”
Ben wiggled his fingers into Klaus’ hips, distracting him enough that they rolled over, Ben planting his knees on top of Klaus’ thighs so he could continue with the sudden tickle attack. “You jeheheherk!” Klaus cried, laughing helplessly.
“Um… Klaus?” A confused voice came from behind them. Ben paused and Klaus peered around his brother’s shoulder to see Allison looking at them – well, him – with raised eyebrows. “What are you doing?”
If Klaus were one to get embarrassed easily, he might be more concerned by his current predicament. Thankfully, he had no shame.
Still, he could see how from Allison’s perspective it could look a bit strange to see him rolling around and trying to tickle the air. With a grin Ben moved aside, allowing Klaus to lurch to his feet and throw an arm around Allison’s neck. She looked slightly disgruntled – probably still sweaty, then.
“Just a teensy disagreement with Ben,” Klaus explained, tossing an arm in Ben’s general direction and sticking his tongue out when Ben teasingly wiggled his fingers in the air at Klaus.
Allison followed the direction of Klaus’ gaze and gave Ben a wave. Looking amused she asked, “Was he tickling you?”
“Yeah, he was. I was tickling him too, though! You know our Benny, just a ticklish little bean.”
In lieu of tickling Ben, who Allison couldn’t even see, Klaus playfully wiggled his fingers against the side of Allison’s neck. He was briefly alarmed by her loud, sudden squeal before a grin broke out across his face. “Looks like you’re ticklish too, huh?”
“Hehehehey!” Allison cried. She jerked her shoulder up to try to protect her neck, but Klaus simply reached under her chin to tickle the exposed skin there. Allison squealed and collapsed on the ground, curling up into a ball.
Klaus laughed and followed suit, kneeling next to Allison’s curled-up form. “Don’t you think you’re being a wee bit dramatic, o sister mine?” he asked, poking at her sides. Allison giggled and jerked her arms down, exposing her neck for Klaus to resume tickling. “I’m just tickling you.”
“But I’m reheheheally tihihicklish!” Allison laughed, letting out a loud shriek when Klaus managed to worm his hands beneath her arms and tickle her armpits. “Plehehehehease!”
“Please what?” Klaus teased. “Please tickle you? But I’m already doing that!”
“Nohohoho! Klaus!” Allison tried to curl up even tighter as Klaus’ finger jumped from her neck to her belly to her sides, tickling any exposed place he could see. “I heheheheard- a ruhuhu-”
“What did you hear? I didn’t catch that,” Klaus said, trying to infuse innocence and confusion into his tone. He was met by the sound of Allison’s loud cackling.
Still, he didn’t want to wear his sister out too much. With a final tickle to the back of her neck Klaus pulled away and quickly rolled to his feet. “You know, I think you could give Ben a run for his money when it comes to ticklish siblings!” he said cheerfully as residual giggles poured from Allison’s lips. “See you later, Ally!”
He rushed out of the garden, not wanting to wait around for Allison to regain her breath. He’d been on the receiving end of too many rumors as a kid to willingly subject himself to Allison’s idea of retribution. Which would be worth it, mind, considering how much fun it had been to tickle her.
Klaus hummed in thought as he made his way downstairs. Had he ever tickled Allison before now? He had to have at some point to know her weak spots, but not many instances of him and his siblings tickling each other came to mind. It wasn’t like the seven of them spent much time playing together as kids, what with a mere half an hour of free time a week. Training they did plenty of, but just playing? Not so much.
“I’ve got a brilliant thought,” Klaus announced, only remembering afterwards to see if Ben was listening to him. Good brother that he was, Ben was following Klaus down the stairs.
“Hide before Allison can enact brutal revenge?”
“Psh, no. No, what do you want to bet the rest of our siblings have equally hilarious reactions to being tickled?”
Ben looked amused. “Yeah, I bet they do. You know they’ll kill you though, right?”
“Only one way to find out!”
Klaus flounced into the living room, certain he’d find at least one of his siblings there. Sure enough, Vanya was curled up on the sofa with her nose buried in a book, though she looked up when she heard Klaus enter.
Sweet little Vanya was a pleasure to spend time with and Klaus was probably never going to stop hating the fact that they’d all ignored and dismissed her for decades, but he could at least keep trying to make up for it. With a wide smile, Klaus flung himself onto the sofa.
He landed partially on top of Vanya who smiled back while wrinkling her nose. “Hi Klaus. Can you get off of me? You’re a bit, um-”
“Damp?” Klaus suggested, delighting in Vanya’s clear dismay at the term. He scooted a bit to the side to give his sister some space. “Yes, well, it’s a lovely day out, and I was up on the roof. Onto a completely different topic, are you ticklish?”
“Am I- what?” Vanya looked completely nonplussed.
“Silly question, everyone’s ticklish! The question is where,” Klaus mused. “Maybe here?” He reached over and tickled the bottom of her bare foot, resting between them on the sofa.
When he looked up, he could barely contain laughter at the expression on Vanya’s face. She looked utterly bemused like she couldn’t understand what was happening. Klaus ran a finger down the bottom of her foot, and she let out a soft, squeaky giggle, automatically pulling her feet away but not quite out of reach.
“Feet, check.” Klaus stated. “What about your toes?” He wiggled his fingers beneath them and Vanya snorted, a blush starting to spread across her cheeks as her giggling grew louder.
“Klaus, wait!” Vanya protested, pulling her feet closer to her body in an attempt to hide them. Her side was left wide open however, and Klaus took advantage by giving it a series of rapid pokes before his fingers wandered to her stomach.
A sharp ‘crack’ broke through the sound of Vanya’s laughter and Klaus jerked back on instinct before peering around his sister to look at the lamp sitting on the table next to the sofa, which now had a noticeable crack running through its glass base.
For a moment there was utter silence before Klaus started giggling. Vanya followed suit, though her cheeks were still flushed and she looked embarrassed. “I’m sor-”
“Don’t worry about it, sis.” Klaus said, dismissing her apology. It figured that a tickle attack could be a bit much for someone still getting used to their powers.
“I think my stomach’s really ticklish,” Vanya muttered sheepishly.
Klaus laughed. “No kidding. Seriously, don’t worry about it. Still, I think that’s my cue to go.” He patted Vanya on the head and blew her a kiss as he left the living room, only to immediately run into Luther in the hallway.
“Is everything okay? I thought I heard something break.”
“Nothing to worry about, dear brother!” Klaus said, looking up at his largest sibling. Klaus was relatively certain that Luther’s ears were extremely ticklish, but the man was simply too tall for Klaus to reach up there. Instead, he decided to aim for a lower target.
As soon as Klaus squeezed Luther’s knees through the fabric of his jeans, Luther jolted away and landed on the floor, looking bewildered as he stared up at Klaus, who was trying not to die laughing. “Klaus! What the hell was that for?”
“Your face!” Klaus gasped, wiping away tears. “You just fell on your ass Luther, oh my god.”
“Well I wasn’t expecting you to attack me!”
“I wasn’t attacking you, I was tickling you.”
“Oh, uh, but. I’m not. Ticklish?”
“Really?” Klaus raised an eyebrow as Luther tried and utterly failed to look sincere. “Not even a little, teensy bit?” He stepped closer, eyeing his brother for signs of genuine discomfort; seeing none he decided to take advantage of Luther’s current position.
“H-Hey!” Luther exclaimed, flinching away when Klaus wiggled his fingers over Luther’s neck, just beneath his ear. “Klaus!”
“I think you are ticklish,” Klaus declared. He grinned as he was rewarded with Luther’s laughter – a nice sound given how rare it was.
Luther was avoiding pushing Klaus away, instead scrunching up his shoulder in an attempt to protect his neck and ears. “Fine, I’m ticklish! Happy?”
“Very,” Klaus confirmed. Beside him, Ben was looking amused as Luther picked himself up off the floor. “See, I told you this was a good idea.”
Luther looked up, realized Klaus wasn’t talking to him, and rolled his eyes before walking off.
Ben raised an eyebrow but kept up with Klaus as he went off in search of his two missing siblings. “I’ll give you the reaction hasn’t been bad so far, but that’s because you’ve been avoiding our two stabbiest brothers.”
“I haven’t been avoiding them! I’ve been intentionally saving them for last.” Although he could admit Ben might not be wrong about the stabbing. “And Diego wouldn’t stab me. Probably.”
“I notice you can’t say the same for Five.”
Klaus rapped his knuckles on the closed door of Diego’s bedroom, ignoring Ben’s raised eyebrows. He did have manners. “Diegooooo. Can I come in?”
At Diego’s affirmative-if-less-than-enthusiastic “sure,” Klaus swung open the door and crossed the short distance to the bed Diego was lying on and flopped down next to him. Diego groaned loudly when Klaus landed partially on top of him, though Klaus could see a small smile playing at his brother’s lips. “This bed isn’t big enough for both of us.”
“This bed is barely big enough for you,” Klaus countered, wiggling around until they were lying semi-comfortably side-by-side, squished together so neither would fall onto the floor. “Get a new one.”
“I’ll work on it. What do you want?”
“Can’t I just want to spend time with my favorite brother, who isn’t holding any knives at the moment?”
Diego eyed him suspiciously. “Should I be holding a knife right now?”
“No, no,” Klaus responded hastily. “Unfortunately, that would greatly impede my ability to do this.” He reached over and brushed his fingers underneath the hem of Diego’s shirt, kneading at the tops of his hip bones.
Diego screeched loudly; Klaus jolted in surprise before a grin spread over his face and he spidered his fingers upward to tickle Digeo’s belly. Out of the corner of his eye Klaus saw Ben doubling over with laughter in the corner at their brother’s extreme reaction. “Ticklish, Diego?”
“Nohohoho! I’m nohohot!” Diego insisted, his protests at total odds with the loud laughter pouring from his mouth. “Stohohohop!”
“I don’t know, I think I’m having too much fun to stop,” Klaus replied. His hands wandered further up beneath Diego’s shirt until he located Diego’s belly button; Klaus wormed a finger inside, eliciting another loud shriek of laughter from Diego. Biting back his own laugher, Klaus teased, “You’re just soooo ticklish.”
“Sh-shuhuhut up! I’m nohohohohot!”
Klaus’s finger wiggled deeper into Diego’s belly button, poking at the sensitive bottom. “Nohohoho!” Diego begged, pushing at Klaus’ hands. In the process of shoving Klaus away Diego lost balance and fell off the side of the too-small bed with a loud ‘thump.’
Klaus giggled and peeked over the edge of the bed, where Diego was lying on the floor with an intriguing expression of mixed aggravation and relief, holding an arm protectively over his stomach. “Oops. Sorry?”
A loud ‘pop’ quickly drew Klaus’ attention away from Diego and to the other side of the bed, where Five had appeared in front of the door. “What is all the racket about?” Five groused, raising an eyebrow as Diego clambered up from the floor.
“Nothing,” Klaus said, trying to maintain an innocent expression. Diego shot him an exasperated glance and Five narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
Realizing that he might not get a better opportunity to catch his youngest-oldest brother off-guard, Klaus quickly reached out and poked Five’s stomach through his sweater. There was no reaction, other than Five giving Klaus one of his patented “my family is so weird, I don’t understand you” glares.
Klaus glanced over the ridiculous school uniform that Five was still content wearing and zeroed in on one of the only places that wasn’t covered by clothing, and reached out and squeezed Five’s knee. If Klaus hadn’t been paying such close attention to Five’s reactions, he might’ve missed the way Five froze for a brief moment. Klaus squeezed Five’s knee again and Five giggled quietly before disappearing from the room with a loud ‘pop.’
“I don’t know what I’m more surprised by,” Ben mused from the corner. “That Five didn’t kill you, or that he’s actually ticklish.”
Klaus slid off of Diego’s bed. “Don’t be ridiculous mon frère, everyone’s ticklish.”
Following Klaus’ gaze, Diego waved at Ben, then turned to Klaus. “Is there any particular reason you decided to t-tickle me?” Diego asked, his cheeks flushing as he stumbled over the word.
Before Klaus could respond, two sets of footsteps signaled Vanya and Five’s arrival. “Apparently he’s been tickling everyone?” Vanya said, looking amused as she glanced between Klaus, Diego, and Five, who had a smirk that immediately put Klaus on edge.
“And that means there’s only one person in this family who hasn’t been tickled today,” Five declared, taking a predatory step towards Klaus, who moved backward in response. The backs of Klaus’ legs hit the bed and Diego reached over to pull him down onto the mattress.
Klaus looked at his three siblings leaning over him, all with grins of varying degrees on their faces. “I don’t know if this is necessary-” he hedged, trying to hold back a smile at what he knew was coming.
“Oh, it definitely is,” Diego declared.
Klaus couldn’t prevent the giggles from pouring out of his lips as Diego’s fingers wiggled across his stomach. At the same time Vanya poked Klaus’ side, her hesitant touches growing more confident at his resulting laughter. Klaus squirmed although he didn’t quite fight back, enjoying both the pleasant sensations and the experience of spending time with his siblings without anyone fighting. Still… “Thahahat tihihickles!”
“That’s the point, isn’t it?” Vanya teased, her fingers spidering over his sides and up to his ribs.
“I’ll go get Luther and Allison,” Five announced.
“Nohohoho!” Klaus giggled, hearing a loud ‘pop’ as Five disappeared from the room. A new touch joined Diego and Vanya’s poking at Klaus’ exposed neck and he twisted his head around to see Ben looming over him with a grin. “Behehehen! How could you betrahahay me like thihihihis?”
Ben rolled his eyes. “Come on, you were totally asking for this.”
“I wahahahasn’t!” Klaus protested. Though Vanya and Diego couldn’t hear half the argument, they both had matching grins at the knowledge that Ben was ganging up on Klaus as well.
“Ben’s on our side, isn’t he?” Diego guessed. “Sorry bro, you don’t have anyone to blame for this but yourself – we deserve some payback.” Well, alright, Klaus could understand that…
“Oh, Klaus, you’re ticklish too?” Luther teased in a rare moment of playfulness as the rest of Klaus’ sibling made their way to Diego’s bedroom. “That’s great!”
… Even if Klaus didn’t know how he’d survive all six of his siblings ganging up on him.
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
can u,,,, spare headcanons about the hargreeves' tickle laughs??? 🥺🥺🥺
anything for u bby <3 this is...self-indulgent but laughter makes me happy so:
Luther is a combo of wheezy chuckles and little pleas? Like he’ll wheeze rEALLY loud and then break into these little giggles,, then the wheeze comes back,,, and then little ‘stop’s and ‘nooooo’s make their way into his laugh it’s so cute. ALSO HE SNORTS!!!!!! If he tries to talk his voice gets all squeaky and cracky which makes him laugh at himself and then he tries to hide. If you tickle him and don’t know that’s how he laughs you’d definitely think you’re killing him
Diego,,,, my boy,,, he curses and growls a little to try and stop his laughter before it starts?? but like two seconds in the laughter filters between the curses and then he’s just Giggling. He gets stuck giggling too like he Definitely tries to threaten and curse but m o r e giggles come out so he’s just pointing at the person with lil squinty eyes AAHHH!!! When someone gets a bad spot he sinks Directly into belly laughter and it’s so nice,,, like his giggles are all high pitched and adorable but when he belly laughs his pitch drops and his whole body shakes and he just,,, smiley boy,,,,,
Allison squeals!!!! she squeals so much and she Cackles but in this weirdly musical and sweet way????? It’s so infectious and endearing. She covers her face too if she can!!! Not bc she’s embarrassed but just a habit?? She feels she’s being too loud almost??? She shakes her head a lot and scrunches her nose it’s so cute. ALSO SNORTS!!!
Klaus is WILD omg,,, he cackles and screeches omg. He’s so loud and like,,, literally if you don’t know him you’d think a woman is being murdered because in bad spots he gets screamy. He’s the most likely to lose his voice after being tickled. He’s weirdly proud of it though like,, he boasts he has a better vocal range than Allison which never ever ends well.
Five shrieks and screams as like,,, a defense mechanism???? His brain just tells him to make NOISE as like an intimidation/guilt tactic?? as kids it totally worked because his sibs would touch him and he’d just SCREAM and they’d be like ‘oop nvm’. But now...they know this about him....it doesn’t work anymore...He giggles frantically in bad spots like his knees but if you touch his palms he just kinda shrieks and bounces in this hysterical laughter until he goes silent,,,
Ben,,, babie,,,,, He squeaks and yelps so m u c h it’s so cute. He tries to muffle his laugh and hide. His laugh is more like titters and soft giggles???? it’s soft,,, When you get a bad spot he squeals until his voice cracks and then falls into high pitched, cracky laughter. He hiccups a lot when it gets too bad and goes silent in like,, two seconds
Vanya is very similar to Ben!!!! Very squeaky and yelpy!!!! She’s silent for a little while and her shoulders shake and she covers her mouth,,, but after like thirty seconds her laugh comes out and it’s so cute omg,,, she whines a lot too omg,, she’ll just be like ‘allisooooooon’ or whine the name of whoever’s tickling her but fall apart into giggles before she can actually protest,,, soft,,,
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chaoticklesblog · 1 month
Sorry, I've gone dark with content over here. I just finished TUA Sunday and really want to write wholesome content of one of the most dysfunctional adopted sibling groups featured in a Top 10 Netflix Original, but honestly? I haaaated season 4, and it still depresses me to think about it. Maybe I'll write a fic or two to cheer me up (eventually lmfao). But what kind of fic would get great reception for those who enjoyed the show up until Netflix butchered Season 4? Vote below!
(Also, I have some vague Wolverine Deadpool ideas percolating in my brain, and maybe after I crank out a couple of TUA fics, I can focus my energy there!!!) So what kind of TUA fic would you guys like?
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ticklishpeter · 4 years
luther, get up!
WOOHOO tua tickle fic week!!!! i’m writing (hopefully) two fics per day so WOW im so excited! and i’m super excited to read everyone else’s works! ANYWAY tho here’s my first fic for luther’s day! pls enjoy! <3 <3
fandom: the umbrella academy  characters: luther & allison summary:  luther + hangovers do NOT mix well, and he can’t sleep all day, right?  word count: 815
Luther was a heavy sleeper... because of course he was; and the amount of alcohol he’d consumed the night before most likely wasn’t helping.
Allison gave him until 2 PM before knocking on his doorframe, “Hey,” a few more swift knocks as she called, “sleepyhead!” 
A groan between almost obnoxiously loud snores was all she heard from the enormous mess of blankets on the king-sized yet still too-small bed in front of her. 
“Luther,” she called in a sing-songy warning tone as she stepped into the room.
More snores. He had a habit of sleeping on his stomach, and under at least three blankets.
She hummed, and next thing Luther knew, Allison was... sitting on the backs of his legs?
After craning his neck sleepily to see what was going on, he groaned and plopped his head back down onto his pillow.
All Allison did was sigh before swiping a nail down the sole of his ever-so-conveniently exposed foot. Relishing in the way his voice cracked through an alarmed yelp and his feet scrunched backwards; only slightly, due to her weight on his legs.
“Allison,” Luther had the warning tone now, but not without evident nervousness, “Don’t. Do NOT.” He attempted to throw the blankets off of him but he found himself tangled up in them.
“Oh, I know what ‘don’t’ means. We learned contractions when we were like two, remember?” She now spidered all ten fingers over the backs of his ankles and skittered them all the way down his soles.
“NO! Nonono,” he snorted, falling into one long wheeze as he flailed his massive body around as much as he possibly could, “Allisohohohon!” He buried his face into a pillow; he could not let the others hear him. They had already ganged up on him once when they were kids, and he definitely didn’t want to experience that again.
Allison grinned at her brother’s wheezy laughter, knowingly moving her scratches down to his extremely sensitive toes. “Surely your toes can’t be as ticklish as they used to be, right? — No?” 
Another loud yelp came muffled through the pillow that Luther was currently shaking his head into, hiding his blush in the process. Kicking his legs and thrashing his upper body around as much as he could, Allison managed to maintain her balance as she laughed at how violent his reaction was. His laughter was practically silent up until he moved his head up to gasp for air between wheezes. “SHIHIHIT,” he cackled quietly before fading back into loud wheezy laughter, and then came a snort, which was exactly what Allison was waiting for; the classic Luther Hargreeves snort. 
She hadn’t heard it in awhile, most likely because it was practically reserved for when he got tickled; something that was all-too-rare in the Hargreeves household ever since they became adults. It was a refreshing and extremely amusing noise. “Awww, your laugh is so cute, Luther! Why don’t you do it more?” 
Luther could hardly get a sentence together, as basically all he could focus on was Allison’s index finger precisely, constantly scratching at the death spot directly underneath his left big toe as her other hand held his toes back. His feet were practically immobile but his upper body thrashed in attempt to escape as he tangled himself up in his blankets. “Stop it, A-Allison, STOP IT, that spot’s so BAHAHAHAD,” two more snorts, “PLEHEHE-” another. The snorts were flowing out of him like crazy now; a cacophony of snorts, wheezes, and the occasional yelp.
“Which spot? This one? Hm?” Allison couldn’t help but laugh herself at the puddle she’d turned her brother into, still keeping her nails in that one goddamn spot.  
Luther let out five loud snorts in succession before gasping and pounding his fists on the bed beneath him, “YEHEHEEES, RIGHT THERE,” his voice cracked through his laughter, “IT TICKLES! — SO BADALLISSONSTAHA-” Silent laughter escaping him yet again, he squeezed a pillow to his face, his struggles becoming evidently weaker. His screaming whispers had become pretty damn audible.
“What, it tickles? Does it really? Gee, I never would’ve guessed.” She was having the time of her life reducing her massive ape of a brother to a giggly, snorty mess. “Luther, you’re still snoring, are you sure you’re awake?” Allison mused, reaching one skilled hand backwards to squeeze up and down his calf.
“NO! I-I mean YES. Yes, I’ll get up! GAH! I’M AWAKE!” Luther yelped, his legs jerked frantically as he remained in his snorting fit, whispering pleas into his hands, “Pleaheease! Please, Allison, stopstopstop.”
Allison sighed, moving off of his legs and standing above his bed, smiling at the sight of Luther’s red, sleepy face, still donning a residual smile, as he sat up, throwing his blankets off of him. She shook her head and left the room, too smug for her own good.
“Morning, Space,” she called.
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