#this is Garbage
adharagranley-writer · 6 months
there are two moods reading something you wrote months ago:
this is garbage
i am a GODDESS
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angel-entity · 9 months
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Internet Yamero
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usagi-lilac · 8 months
Diavolo scenario from a fever dream
You've just gotten to the devildom about two weeks ago. One starry night, you attend a party at the demon lord's castle. The room is lit with warm, glowing candles on golden sconces, and full of demons chatting. After a few hours you find yourself seated next to Diavolo on a red velvet loveseat. Hes warm, and smells of bergamot and cedarwood. Throughout the evening you had caught his amber eyes lingering on you, just long enough for you to notice, but not the demons he was chatting with. You hadn't had much chance to talk together one-on-one until now.
The voices of the room are a lull in the background. His cheeks are glowing rosy with a demonus flush, and his presence seems to fill the entire room, let alone this tiny loveseat with cushions that are far too soft. You're sunken so far in that your thighs are touching, and you're trying as hard as you can not to smush your elbows into the young masters double breasted suit. You make some awkward small talk, too nervous to think of anything much to say. You're absolutely sweating bullets sitting next to this charming behemoth of a demon when suddenly he lays his arm languidly across the back of the sofa and blurts out-
"I've decided. We're going to get married."
You're so surprised that you're convinced he's making a joke. He always seemed too busy for you before, too stressed. You thought perhaps he was completely disinterested. You laugh it off and drown out your embarrassment with more drinks.
The next day, Barbatos calls you in for a discreet meeting in the demon lord's castle.
"The young master has been doing extensive research on humans, since long before you arrived here. Unfortunately..some of his sources were less than accredited. You know how hard headed- " he pauses, "I mean.. resolute, he can be once he has already made up his mind."
You're still very confused as to what this is about, and ask "umm..I don't understand, where is this coming from?"
Barbatos hesitates and tilts his head to the side, one hand placed thoughtfully beneath his chin. He's trying to find the right words to say.
"To make myself clear, I heard what happened last night. My lord has read somewhere that humans can't participate in *physical relationships* until they're married ..."
You try to stifle a shocked laugh, and start coughing.
"So you mean to tell me he just wants to bang??"
Barbatos sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in distress.
"yes, that would be another way to phrase it"
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chaeryeos · 6 months
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⠀        happy birthday wonjin ! march 22 ☆
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brainrotgarbage · 8 months
You'd been paired, for some reason, to present together at an award show. You knew who he was- duh. He was incredibly talented, stupidly attractive; how could you not know who he was?
But you resided in different circles, different networks. You were so beyond outside of each others worlds you asked yourself who on earth thought to put you, and him, together to present at such a prestigious show. Would you even have an chemistry? Maybe it was all just for looks... you guys would just look kinda hot standing next to each other.
You were nervous. Beyond. Your schedule was so hectic you couldn't make it to the rehearsal. You felt terrible. Dumb. Did he think you were some entitled brat? You made sure to send your deepest apologies through your agents. Luckily enough your manager managed to get you two on the phone to be able to rehearse your lines and maybe add a few of your own. He was serious throughout it. Friendly, but stoic. Not a single joke cracked. He didn't even laugh at your sad attempts to break the ice. Did he hate you? You told yourself to knock it off, you sounded like a child. You're a star, who cares if he doesn't like you? you. you care
With just a week away, your nerves intensified. Fuck what people think of you but also in this industry it's all about what people think of you. and if the Tom Hardy went to a tabloid and said you were rude and dismissive and not punctual you'd be done for.
When it came to choosing your outfit for the evening, you wondered if there was a way to get in contact with his management.
"you want to coordinate outfits?" your manager asked
"not the entire outfit... maybe like accessories or something. to bring it all together. it'll be iconic, don't you think?"
"figure out what you'd want to do and i guess i'll give his people a call."
The day came. You tossed and turned in bed for a majority of the night, until the sun peaked through the horizon and it was time to get ready.
The process was grueling. your room full of stylists and your manager and assistants yapping about things that you had no choice but to tune out. you just wanted to get this over with. grateful as you were for all the opportunities you've come to have, god it was tiring. and long.
Finally, you were ready and on your way. You fiddled with the jewelry box in your hands. You were gonna meet him at the entrance before walking the carpet. you were nervous.
You didn't get a straight up yes from his team when asked about coordinating jewelry. they just said if his fingers are bare then that's his way of saying yes to the ring you wanted to gift him. maybe this was silly... coordinating jewelry with the guy you stood up at rehearsals. but you were known for your intricate and detailed looks, not only would it be on brand for you but it also kind of served as an apology for your lack of punctuality. it's not like you didn't want to go to the rehearsals. you did. you always make it. you're a professional. but the season was hectic. maybe he'll understand, he's in the business after all.. he could've asked for another partner at any point, your team made that very clear. but he never did. good sign? maybe?
you got out of your vehicle, your manager by your side walking you through the blinding wave of cameras. and you saw him.
He was ethereal.
Tall. and built like a fucking tank.
they totally paired you together for your looks you concluded.
He was talking to someone. his manager or his assistant, hands in his pockets. you couldn't get your eyes off his lips. every word coming out of his mouth captivated you. you didn't even know what he was talking about but you were cast in a spell.
your heart was racing. his hands were still in his pocket, the box was still in your hands and you wish you knew if his stupid fingers were bare.
"they said what?"
"yeah so basically they couldn't get an answer out of him, so they said take the ring anyways. and if he doesn't have a ring on his left hand, that's his way of accepting your gift."
what a weird guy...
you were two steps away from him before your manager patted your shoulder, "good luck," and left you to walk up to the man to introduce yourself. Whoever he was talking to saw you approach and quickly ended the conversation and stepped towards your manager.
and then he looked at you. and the world stopped for about 15 seconds. 15 seconds of silence, 15 seconds of nothing except him and you. 15 seconds of his eyes holding yours.
you gave him a smile, and he gave you one back.
"Hi." it came out breathy, not very confident not very loud. idiot
"Hi." He said, smile still on his face, holding out his hand to you- his left hand- and lo and behold.
no ring.
your smile turned even bigger, if possible, as you shook his hand.
"it's good to finally meet you, i'm sorry it was under these circumstances. thank you for your patience and understanding, i didn't mean to flake on you it was just my schedule got moved around and i has to take care of some things and i was literally going to flake on my team to make it to the rehearsal but they talked about contracts and deadlines and-"
"It's okay," he said, his hand still holding yours. his gaze on you was soft, your knees almost gave out.
"I just didn't want you to think i was some brat.. i'm a big fan of your work and i would've hated to give that impression. Regardless, i truly appreciate your patience, so much so that, i'm sure your team mentioned, i got you something" you finally, a little reluctantly, let go of his hand, to hand him the little velvet box your other, rather sweaty, hand was holding. now that you think about it maybe you should've gotten him a watch or some cufflinks a ring was kinda weird.
He laughed, as he took the box from your hands. "I didn't think they were serious..." he said, opening it. He looked at it, then at your earrings. not exactly from the same set, but the matching band and stones coordinated beautifully with your earrings.
"this is absolutely great! thank you..shall we walk the carpet then?"
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souvelani · 7 months
I got bored and made a design for human Blitzø.
+ the references I used
I disliked how inaccurate the other designs would be, also blitzø would totally have a mullet, I’m sorry I had to say it.
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Edit: I generally use Twitter for references but I am SCARED to post on there JESUS people on Twitter are scary. Also someone tell Vivienne Medrano to get off of Twitter please. Twitter is scary. Also I bet my art would have like ten people screeching “BURN THAT WITCH.”
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the-bi-space-ace · 4 months
Sometimes I’m in the middle of a draft going: this sucks I’m terrible no one will read this I’m the worst this is trash I should just give up.
And then I go have a snack and drink some water or take a nap and reread it and go: huh this isn’t half bad why was I being so hard on myself?
And that, my friends, is my drafting process in a nutshell.
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op3ra · 1 year
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barely discernible images of starlight rusty from the bway commercial: a collection 
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why are they so b r o a d
the second coming of ben swolo
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kudzucataclysm · 5 months
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why is the pangean flag lame asf
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quannaix · 2 months
I don’t see why I should keep feeling horribly sick and nauseous just because I’ve been eating so much and mostly not a well balanced diet I just don’t get it
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echos-girlfriend · 2 years
The Song Series
Short drabbles/fics based on a song for each character of the bad batch as well as other clones.
Will update when I write more
Master list
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(Yes this is will be the picture for this list)
The Bad Batch
Echo - Born Again ~ Rihanna
Tech - Love Language ~ SZA
Hunter - Nothing is Lost’ ~ The Weeknd
Crosshair - The Bachelorette ~ Björk
Wrecker - Dandelions ~ Ruth B.
Other clones
Jesse - Poison ~ Bell Biv DeVoe
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rachelsfav-queer · 10 months
How would a vampravenwolf anniversary look like? 🥺
Ughh, sorry not a lot of energy to write so this will be a little small.
Hmm so I think I’ll take a few risks here. Let’s say that Wednesday is actually the first to wake up. It’s not the biggest stretch to say she knows how to cook and really well too. I mean, look at her family, Grandmama would definitely have taught her at like the age of 2 lol.
So, Wednesday would get up early, somehow earlier than Enid which is quite a feat, and would prepare an extravagant breakfast for her partners. Enid and Yoko would wake up to see the whole bed covered with plates and there’d even be a few tables holding plates of food surrounding the bed. And standing in the middle of the spread would be Wednesday, smiling softly at them.
“Normally I resent typical stereotypes for how people in relationships spend important holidays, but with you two, I’d like to participate in them all. Breakfast in bed is a particularly enticing idea and thought I’d spoil the two most perfect women in the accursed world. Every day closer to death that is spent with you both is a reminder that love and passion are just as much a part of me as death and melancholy. Thank you… for showing me that love and passion.”
Of course, these three would utterly decimate all that food, not leaving a single crumb behind.
After breakfast is finished, I think their day would be quite slow. It really wouldn’t matter much to any of them where they spend the day, their bedroom or the living room or wherever, as long as they’re all together.
But, I think Enid would end up dragging them all to the living room.
Giant Blanket Fort.
No reason beyond “just cause”. It’s their anniversary after all. They can do whatever the hell they want!
And so once the fort is assembled, the trio turn on their playlist of their favorite movies while Enid transforms into her wolf form and curls up inside the blankets. The seer and vampire then curl up against the werewolf and they all watch movies for most of their day and eat plenty of food. Wednesday, being closer to Enid’s face, feeds the blonde.
Then, it’s time for dinner! And of course, because Wednesday made breakfast, the other women restrict her to setting up the table and let them prepare dinner. And as much as the raven wishes to help out, she’s learning to allow her partners to care for her and do things for her.
The werewolf and the vampire come out of the kitchen into the dining room with three plates of food and three champagne flutes. Setting everything down, Enid makes one quick trip back to the kitchen to grab the champagne. Enid returns and begins pouring the champagne into her partners’ glasses, leaving a gentle kiss on their heads as she does so.
“My wonderful raven and vampire. You are everything to me and loving you and being loved by you both has changed me forever. I don’t know where I would be now if you two hadn’t touched my life, but I know I wouldn’t feel so at peace. Thank you, both of you, for showing me that I am lovable beyond my ability to serve others.”
The trio enjoys their meal together, talking about nothing and laughing at everything while they sip at their champagne. It’s calm and domestic and happy.
When they finish, they’re decidedly too drunk and too tired to do much so they leave their dishes in the sink to be washed tomorrow and they all head to the bedroom. They take their time with each other, removing each other’s clothes and going through their basic nightly routines. When they’re done, they all crawl into bed. Yoko takes the middle and the others cuddle up against either side of her. Holding them both so close, she smiles and pulls their faces up to kiss them each soundly.
“I simply don’t have words. My prettiest girls lying on either side of me? How could I ever express how much this means to me? You two are simply beautiful and I feel beyond lucky that after so many decades of life, I have found you both. You both have shown me love in ways I never thought possible and I am honored to have been given the chance to return that love with everything I have in me. You both have been through so much, we all have. This… is our reward. I love you both, my prettiest girls.”
And with that, they fall asleep in each other’s arms.
End <3
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I think as adults (like at their big age of fucking 35 I’m talking) the party starts all, unknowingly all doing it, buying Billy those “Milf hunter”/“I <3 milfs/ I <3 older women” t-shirts whenever they go on vacation and see them in gift shops simply bc they all have so much adolescent and childhood trauma that no one’s a little offended by making fun of Billy’s little “coping with my sexuality denial by playing jailbait” phase.
And of corse Eddie and Steve, cohabitating with the man for decades, watch this happen and at first are like “huh that was a little scummy of Dustin” and by the third one (from max/El/Lucas and then from NANCY of all people) they’re like okay YK what… this is funny.
Like there’s a couple DOZEN of these in their basement (Billy just got a shelf for them. Their closets are full enough as is so he’s just got a little display case of a bookshelf where he writes who and where from on each like a little museum tag). It’s the funniest little form of home decor they get to explain to all their guests. It takes years for the party to know it’s happened.
Like a decade.
and once their little thing is discovered it’s a fucking riot.
(When they decide to adopt, it’s Max who gets him the fated “I <3 hot dads” shit. Touching gesture in their weird little way)
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creamxxbrulee · 1 month
Why is tumblr hissing at me!?
Anyone else’s tumblr app making their phone make this weird white noise that won’t go away unless you close the app!??
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silver-wield · 7 months
The fake Clerith leaks saying aerith sits on the watertower with Cloud and Cloud calls Zack a loser. LMAO i guess this is the fake version of the original game they must have all been playing then.
Now we know what game they played. A cut price cheap ass loser otome written by Kentucky calli.
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