#ticklish writing
kiibo-is-flustered · 10 months
I have the evilest boyfriend in the world.
He tickled me for god knows how long and at one point I could feel him writing something on me….
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Got a visit from the tickle teekle/tiggle monster hehe
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switchypanic · 8 months
Wishful Thinking || A 'Hazbin Hotel' Tickle Fic (100 Follower Special)
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Summary: Vox's obsession with Alastor is no secret, but the true extent and nature of said obsession is an entirely different story. As his thoughts grow increasingly consumed by his rival, Vox finds it harder and harder to think about anything else, ultimately coming to a head with a very interesting discovery.
Content Warnings: Canon-typical language, brief mild violence, use of restraints, a lil' bit of blackmail, and Vox being a thirsty bitch for Alastor (because we love a good dose of one-sided attraction). Also, not really a warning, but any scenes that take place in somebody's head are in blue and italics (you'll see what I mean as you read).
Word Count: 3,669 words.
Vox couldn't fucking stand Alastor.
His stupid smile, his stupid voice, those stupid powers that allowed him to crush anyone in his way like an insect. The man was infuriating, always acting so calm and in control, even after Vox managed to get the drop on him that fateful day seven years ago. It was like nothing could touch him in any MEANINGFUL way, a fact that frustrated Vox to no end.
Yes, Alastor was nothing but a big pain in the ass, constantly doing anything in his power to screw with Vox, oftentimes broadcasting it for the entirety of Pride to witness.
Worst of all was the way that he infiltrated Vox's processor, filling his head with fantasies he had no way of controlling without shutting himself down completely. And it wasn't even intentional! That bastard had no idea what he was doing, or if he did, he gave no indication of it! No, he just kept on smiling that stupid grin, making those passive aggressive remarks, acting like he wasn't the thing consuming Vox's mind nearly twenty-four hours a day.
Vox watched the surveillance footage captured earlier that morning, feeling his breath hitch at the staticky image being displayed. He could just barely make out Alastor's form through the distortion (another thing that Vox hated about him; the bastard made it damn near impossible to get a clear image of him), standing outside the doors of little Princess Morningstar's hotel discussing something unintelligible with that winged cat sinner who often hung around him.
Through the grainy audio, he could just make out Alastor barking out a laugh, the sound itself laced with static and radio interference. The deer demon's shoulders shook, his ears pinning back slightly as he chortled, his companion letting out an irritated huff in response.
How many times had Vox watched the clip now? He had honestly lost count. He didn't know why he kept returning to that particular moment of footage; nothing particularly useful or interesting was occurring. Just a regular conversation, from what he could tell. There was just...something in the other overlord's moment of mirth that captured his full attention, setting something ablaze within the TV demon.
More; he wanted to hear more.
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The lights flickered, the sound of screeching radio filling the air, accompanied by something entirely different.
Giggling, pure and hysterical.
Alastor lurched forwards, hands latched onto Vox's wrists as he tried to lean forward and away from the other demon, who held him firmly against his chest. "Rehehehehelease me at ohohohohonce!" The usually composed overlord was a mess, face tinted a bright shade of red, eyes crinkled with mirth as another wave of snickers shook his frame. "Shihihihihihihit!"
Vox chuckled, leaning forward to croon into Alastor's ear, which immediately flicked at the feeling of the other's warm breath. "What's the matter, old man? Too ticklish?" He sang, smirk widening. "What would the public think, knowing the famed Radio Demon is so...sensitive..." He growled the last part, low and teasing, resulting in a shriek of microphone feedback from Alastor. "Perhaps I should turn on some of my cameras, hm? I doubt you could focus on messing with them while your giggling so hard. I could let all of Hell know just how much of a ticklish little-"
Vox blinked, pulled from his daydream by a raised brow from Velvette. "Vox, are you listening to me? This is important shit! I need to make sure you're on top of the advertisements for my new collection if we are going to see any substantial sales!"
Vox cleared his throat, trying to urge his screen to COOL THE FUCK DOWN before his flusteredness became obvious. "Apologies, I seem to have gotten distracted. You were saying, my sweet?"
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Vox chuckled, watching his rival's squirming form, bound to the chair with the purest grade of angelic steel money could buy.
Only the best for this occasion.
"Well, well! Look what the cat dragged in!" Vox laughed, walking in circles around Alastor, taking in every detail of the scene before him. He was going to relish thing; savor it. He had waited so long to have the other at his mercy, and now he was going to take his sweet time and ENJOY the fruits of his labor. "You've lost your touch, old timer! It was far too easy to catch you in my little trap."
Alastor's eyes narrowed, grin tightening in a clear show of displeasure. "You would do well to remember who you are speaking to." He retorted, chin raising defiantly as Vox finally stopped in front of him.
"Oho, I remember good and well. I'm talking to the prick who has done nothing but make my life harder ever since he arrived here, and I'm going to see to it you feel every second of what's coming next." He leaned forward, locking eyes with the other overlord as he gave a grin of his own, his far more devious. "Little buck."
Vox's hand's shot out, latching onto Alastor's ribcage and beginning to claw at the boney torso. Alastor's breath hitched, his eyes widening with alarm. His grin became more strained as he jerked forward, trying to curl inwards on himself. His breathing became sporadic, lips sealed shot as a wobbly, genuine smile began to curl at the corners of his mouth. "F-Fuhuhuck!"
The TV demon laughed lowly. "Trying to hold out, are we? We'll see how long that lasts..."
Vox awoke with a start, his screen turning on as he bolted up in bed. His eyes were wide, immediately flicking over to Valentino, who lay beside him. Thankfully, the moth was still sound asleep, snoring loudly without a care in the world. Vox sighed, running a hand across his face and feeling the heat of a blush under his palm.
Damn it, this was starting to get out of control!
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Vox was going mad! No matter how hard he tried to clear his thoughts, they always returned back to those deep, hidden desires playing out over and over in his processor. He found himself constantly thinking about Alastor's smile, his laugh, the prospect of taking him down with a few well placed squeezes or prods. To make matters worse, Vox was having a hard time FUNCTIONING at work because of this, and he could tell the other Vees were starting to catch on that something was up.
The TV demon rung his hands together, pacing back and forth in his private office. He had to find a solution FAST or he was royally screwed!
'Damn you, Alastor!’ Vox thought, a small growl slipping out as he rubbed his forehead, flopping into his chair and turning to face one of the many spying monitors plastered to the wall. "Pull up what we have on the Hazbin Hotel." He grumbled, giving in to his urge to spy on his rival once more. Inside, he secretly hoped to catch another fleeting moment of mirth from Alastor, even if it was just a chuckle.
Three monitors came to life, showing the hotel from various angles, with one focused directly on the front entrance. Aside from his...ongoing interest in the Radio Demon, Vox liked to keep tabs on who was going in and out of the hotel, just to make sure the princess wasn't gaining any more powerful allies he needed to know about. The scene was serene, or at least as serene as a live feed of Hell COULD be, nothing out of place. It seemed luck wasn't on Vox's side, as Alastor was nowhere to be seen. The TV host felt his eye twitch in irritation, disappointment stirring within him.
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"You motherfucker! This is a brand new suit!" Vox yelled angrily as Alastor dodged another of his attempts to strike him.
The Radio Demon let out an amused chuckle (though unfortunately not the kind of laugh Vox had been secretly craving), one flick of his microphone sending three tentacles darting at Vox from different directions, which the other barely managed to avoid. "Really? Could have fooled me with how tacky and outdated it looks." The redhead retorted smugly.
"Oh, fuck you! I'll wipe that shit-eating grin off your face!" Vox retorted, giving up on using his powers in favor of lunging for the deer demon himself.
Alastor took a step back, Vox's claws just barely grazing the sides of his neck. The radio host opened his mouth, as if to make another snide remark, but whatever he said died in his throat and was replaced by a startled crack of microphone feedback. The two demons froze, eyes widened as they stared at each other wordless for a moment.
"What the fuck was-" Vox started, but in the blink of an eye, Alastor was gone and their fight was seemingly over.
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"I mean, seriously?! What the fuck WAS that?!" Vox asked himself, finding himself pacing around his private surveillance room once more. "He never runs from a fight with me! Shit, he only ran from Adam because he was about to fucking die! He was nowhere near that point today!"
Did Vox somehow managed to hurt him? No, he had thrown far worse at the Radio Demon before without leaving so much as a scratch. He had BARELY touched him, and even with his claws, it couldn't have possibly hurt. So what...
The TV demon stopped, eyes shooting wide open as his breath quickened. No...no fucking way...
Alastor was ticklish. Not just in Vox's mind's eye, not just in his secret fantasies. He was actually, tangibly ticklish, and going from the reaction one brief touch had garnered, horrifically so.
Vox's processor raced at the prospect. He had been daydreaming about turning the other overlord into a cackling puddle, wheezing for mercy through a cracked voice, but he had never actually imagined it was possible! Vox got the feeling this discover was only going to make his daydreaming problem worse, but at the moment, he couldn't bring himself to care.
Alastor was TICKLISH...
'There has to be some way I can...some trick I can pull to...' Vox's mind raced, barely able to finish a sentence. He HAD to have the other now, even if just for a brief instance. Vox NEEDED to feel that high of reducing his mortal enemy to giggling shambles; to know what it felt like to be the one to finally BREAK the feared Radio Demon. But how?
Obviously the heat of battle wasn't the best place, though it would ensure a public audience to witness his victory. He doubted Alastor would agree to a private meeting, especially after their most recent fight. And there was CERTAINLY no way Vox was going to lower himself enough to go crawling to Princess Morningstar's little hotel. No, Vox was going to have to come up with another solution.
"Something on your mind?" A voice purred from behind him, low and dangerous. Vox yelped, whipping around with widened eyes. From one of the darkened corners of the room, Alastor seeped out of the shadows, grin ever present but appearing more strained than usual. Vox felt a nervous lump form in his throat.
"What the fuck?! How did you even get in here?!" He yelled, immediately moving to hit the alarm button on his control console, only to find his wrist being suddenly restrained by a shadowy tentacle sprouting from the floor.
"Ah, ah!" Alastor tutted, taking a few steps forward. "None of that. I just want to talk." He cocked his head to the side. "And as for how I got in, let's just say your security is shockingly terrible for a demon of your status."
Vox's eyes narrowed. "If you're going to kill me, at least make it quick." He growled, attempting to put on a brave face and save a bit of his pride.
"Kill you? Why, I'm planning to do no such thing, at least not today! After all, to defeat one's rival in such a disgraceful, sneaky manner would not be becoming of either of us, would it?" Alastor chuckled, moving closer to Vox as another tentacle grabbed ahold of his other wrist, keeping the TV demon rooted firmly in place. A flash of green magic briefly passed over Alastor's eyes as he chuckled. "Though it would be quite easy for me to do so with you sooo defenseless."
Vox's brows furrowed in confusion. "Then why the hell are you here?"
"Like I said, I just want to talk." Alastor leaned forward, maintain eye contact with the shorter demon. "To ensure that you keep your trap shut about matters which do not concern you."
"What are you going on about?" Vox sighed, clearly irritated by the other's continued vagueness. He continued to stare at the other demon, who merely continued to watch him wordlessly, before it dawned on him. "You're worried I'm gonna tell somebody you're fucking ticklish?"
Alastor's eye gave the slightest twitch. "Sensitive." He corrected.
"I'm pretty sure you're ticklish." Vox retorted, taking some delight in his rival's clear displeasure. "And what makes you think holding me hostage in my own office would stop me from mentioning it during my next broadcast? You can't keep me like this forever."
The sound of microphone feedback briefly overtook the air around him, making Vox wince at the volume and pitch. "No, I can't keep you here indefinitely, but I can provide you with a little incentive to keep your trap shut." One of the tentacles coiled further down Vox's arm, the end gently brushing over the trapped overlord's armpit. Vox tensed, breath hitching as his eyes grew wide as saucers. "You see, don't think I haven't noticed your own sensitivity, Vox. In fact, I've known about it for some time."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! Get the fuck away from me!" Vox stammered, eyes locked onto the other's devious smirk.
"Oh, come now, don't be shy! It's not as if it was especially hard to find out about! We have fought so often, categorizing your little weak points was easy enough to accomplish!" Alastor took a step closer as the shadowy tentacle began to stroke Vox's armpit more firmly, slowly moving up and down in an agonizingly teasy motion. "I will admit, it took me some time to figure out why you often flinched at the slightest of touches during battle. However, all it took was witnessing one little tickle fight at the hotel to make everything fall into place."
Another of Alastor's tentacle slipped up, beginning to tweak at Vox's side, causing him to bite down on his lip in a desperate attempt to hold back snickers. "Those weren't the reactions of a man barely avoiding a fatal blow, those were the reactions of a man trying oh so hard to keep from giggling."
Vox felt his screen heating more and more by the second, both from embarrassment and the effort to keep his laughter bottled up. What the fuck was happening?! How was this real life?! The TV demon lurched forward, straining against the restrains as a particularly well-placed prod to his hipbone pulled a soft snort out of him. "Shuhuhut the fuck up!"
"Being stubborn, are we? I expected nothing less." Alastor chuckled, clearly amused. "Perhaps I should take a page from Angel Dust's playbook then, hm?" The other overlord suddenly materialized behind Vox, melting from the shadows and resting a clawed hand on the back of Vox's head. His grip tightened, pulling Vox's head backwards as he crooned into his ear. "Coochie coochie coo..."
Vox just about short circuited at that, the sound of loud television static filling the air. As Alastor's free hand suddenly dug into his stomach, he couldn't hold back any longer, bursting into a wave of panicked giggles. "Ohohohoho shihihihihihit!" The flood gates had opened, and Vox had no hope of closing them again, no matter how hard he tried.
"Lovely." Alastor seemed quite pleased with himself, clawed fingers scribbling across his rival's exposed midriff as the tentacles (thankfully) stopped their own attacks, now focusing on holding the TV demon nice and still.
"Fuhuhuhuhuck you! Lehehehehet mehehehe go!" Vox tried to sound threatening, he really did, but that was impossible when every word was laced with titters. He squirmed desperately, attempting to curl inwards and protect his sensitive torso, but the restraints held firm. His voice raised in pitch as Alastor zeroed in on his upper stomach, just below the ribs, refusing to acknowledge the borderline squeal he made.
"And why would I do that? I have you right where I want you; nice and helpless..." There was a low growl to Alastor's words, both threatening and teasing in the most awful of ways, sending Vox further spiraling into flusteredness. His claws began to slowly inch upwards, like a spider slowly climbing towards prey trapped in its web. "From what I have gathered, your ribs seem to be an area you're quite desperate to defend during our little fights. I wonder why that could be, hm?"
The TV host began shaking his head furiously. "Dooohohon't yohohohou fucking dahahahahare! I'll kihihihihihihill you!" He snorted, the sound of television static increasing ever so slightly.
"Oops, too late!" Alastor's claws dug in, beginning to rake across Vox's rib cage slowly, moving up to just below the armpits before cascading back down to just above the stomach.
Vox screeched, thrashing becoming downright desperate as he threw his head back with laughter. "NOHOHOHOHOHOOO! OHOHOHOHOHO MY GAHAHAHAHAHAD, STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" His cooling systems had kicked in, the fans whirling loudly as they attempted to cool down his quickly heating form. "NAHAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHERE!"
Alastor chuckled devilishly. "Why Vox, you should know better! Everyone knows that saying "not there" only makes the attack want to exploit that spot even more." He hummed, mockingly pretending to think. "Perhaps you DID know, and you're just enjoying this so much you want me to keep going? Is that it?"
The other overlord let out a startled squeal at the feeling of something fiddling with his antenna; when had ANOTHER tentacle popped up?!
Vox face felt like it was on fire from the teasing, his laughter pitching up with flustered desperation. "SHUHUHUHUT THE FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK UP! THAHAHAHAT'S NOHOHOHOHOT TRUE!" He denied vehemently, knees starting to go weak. After a moment, his legs gave out, but instead of slumping to the floor, Vox found himself being held up by Alastor's sentient shadow. The creature's grin widened, becoming downright feral as it let out an amused cackle at his plight.
"Whatever you say, old pal! Now, if you REALLY want this to stop, you will agree to keep what you discovered today between us alone." Alastor rested his chin on Vox's shoulder, the touch shooting a bigger shock through his nervous system than any tickling ever could. "Do we have a deal?"
Vox's processor was racing a thousand miles a minute. Fuck, why was this actually fucking fun?! What was wrong with him?! He knew he should have hated it; the powerlessness, the teasing, the terror of being so utterly defenseless in front of his greatest rival. Yet...he didn't hate it, a fact he found more flustering than any tease Alastor could have pulled out of his ass.
No, Vox did NOT want it to stop.
Still, if Vox DIDN'T give in, it would only confirm the assumption deer demon had so accurately deduced, and he wasn't sure his heart would be able to take the cruel, crooning teases Alastor would no doubt come up with upon such a revelation. When weighing the humiliation of yielding to Alastor to the humiliation of admitting that he was ENJOYING getting tickled to the brink of his sanity, Vox would take the former any day.
"FIHIHIHIHINE, HOHOHOHOHOLY SHIHIHIHIHIT! DEAL, DEHEHEHEHEEEEAL!" He screeched, a little wheeze slipping out as one of the tentacles tugged on his sensitive antenna. "JUHUHUST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP, YOU BAHAHAHAHASTARD!"
As soon as those words were uttered, all touch disappeared, and Alastor reappeared a few feet in front of Vox. The overlord collapsed against his surveillance console, panting as his fans worked overtime to cool his body down. He shook with residual titters, his sharp-toothed grin nearly slipping his screen in two.
"There, was that so hard?" Alastor purred, sharing a smug grin with his shadow. "Now, I expect you to hold to our deal, otherwise I will have to take this little audio recording and make it the center of my next broadcast!" The deer demon twirled his cane, gazing at it and humming as Vox's eyes shot open.
"What now?"
Alastor scoffed. "Oh, please! Did you really think I would take you on your word alone that you would stay silent? I knew you would not make a soul deal with me over it, so I took matters into my own hands." The other sinner explained. "See, my microphone was recording our little interaction the whole time, minus the parts about my own...shortcomings. Think of it as insurance; it will not be released to the public as long as you behave yourself!"
Vox's face exploded into a bright blush blush. "Wait, that wasn't part of the fucking-"
"Oops, I'm afraid I have another engagement to attend to! Until we meet again!" Alastor cut him off, melting back into the shadows and disappearing from sight before Vox could finish his sentence. The TV host growled, flopping into his chair. His claws dug into the armrests, slicing into the slight padding. That prick! He couldn't just-
The overlord sighed in defeat after a moment, eyes closing as his breathing slowly returned to normal and his fans kicked off. He could still feel those claws scratching at his ribs, setting his nervous system alight with ticklish fire. He could still hear that voice, singing those awful, teasing words into his ear. He could still feel his limbs strain against the tentacle's hold, preventing him from squirming away no matter how hard he tried. Vox swallowed, feeling his blush returning full force.
He might have a different daydream to worry about now...
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alinatk · 5 months
Tickles (SatoSugu)
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Characters: Satoru Gojo | Suguru Geto Lee!Gojo Ler!Geto Summary: Geto discovers something interesting about his boyfriend.
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(The art doesn't belong to me, I found it on Pinterest, so it's difficult to know who the author really is, but of course the credits are all his. It works very well as a reference for this story.)
"I'm home" Satoru Gojo said, trying to put a minimum of excitement in his voice, as he closed the apartment door behind him.
The day was very busy, the week actually. Okay, maybe the whole month.
The number and level of curses seemed to grow more every day and as he and Geto were the only special level sorcerers in the Jujutsu School, they had the hardest work. They weren't working as a team, barely managing to meet up throughout the days or do anything other than collapse in bed due to exhaustion at night, so Gojo was a little surprised when he arrived and found him in the kitchen, preparing dinner.
"Ah, Satoru, I didn't hear you arrive" Geto approached to kiss him.
"Are we celebrating something?" Gojo gestured towards the pots on the stove.
"Are you complaining?" Geto crossed his arms.
"No, not at all, the smell is wonderful by the way" He pulled him in for another kiss. "But aren't you tired? We could order something, no problem"
"No, it's okay, I arrived early today and I felt like cooking" He smiled. "And you, are you okay? Your face looks horrible"
Gojo opened his mouth in a forcedly offended expression, making Geto let out a low laugh. "I'm just tired, hungry and there's no way my face looks horrible, Suguru"
"Hmm, maybe I can agree with that" Geto pinched his cheek. "Take a shower, we're going to dinner now"
That's what he did and after they had dinner and Gojo washed the dishes, he collapsed on the sofa next to Geto, throwing his legs over his lap, while he watched something on television.
Gojo was quiet, quieter than usual and Geto noticed that. "Are you really okay?"
"Yes, yes" Gojo covered his mouth, yawning.
"Aren't you in pain?"
"A little, on my lower back and feet, but that's okay, it's not a big deal, it's just because I barely stopped today, I just need a good night's sleep"
"I can give you a massage, taking advantage of your feet monopolizing my lap" He squeezed them, gently.
"Oh no, no need to bother" Gojo tried to pull his legs back, only for Geto to keep a firm grip on his ankles.
"Helping you relax isn't a hassle at all" Geto smiled, making Gojo blush, at the same time as he gently pressed his feet back into his lap, in an exploratory way.
Gojo couldn't deny that it was very relaxing, the tension he felt disappeared within a few seconds. But he also couldn't help but shudder whenever he felt the fingers moving along his soles, a tight smile appearing on his lips. "Y-You really don't need to.."
"Shhh, this part is really good" Geto ignored him, without taking his eyes off the TV and without stopping his movements.
He had started by simply squeezing Gojo's feet lightly, in order to relieve the initial tension, and now he was sinking his thumbs into the skin, running the entire length of the soles with circular movements. Gojo managed to relax, even letting a moan escape his lips, but when Geto softened his movements, letting his nails lightly brush the center of his sole, he couldn't help but flinch. Geto didn't seem to notice, he was too engrossed in whatever he was watching and continued with the movements.
"S-Suguru.." Gojo said, as he squeezed the soles of his feet, trying to pull his legs back.
"Stop moving so much.." And it was only then that Geto looked at him and saw him covering his mouth with his hands, a strange expression on his face.
"That's great, you can stop now" He tried to hide it.
"No way.." Geto didn't realize it right away, but after he looked at his own hands and Gojo's tense posture and expression again, it all made sense. "NO WAY"
"You're ticklish!" He spoke, a little more enthusiastic than Gojo expected.
"Yeah, maybe a little.." He blushed, looking away.
"How come I never noticed before?!" Geto ran his fingertips along the sole of his foot, this time purposefully tickling it.
"Ah! Aahahaha don't do thahahahat" Gojo tried to pull his legs again.
Geto was delighted and repeated the movements, seeing his boyfriend laugh and shrug his foot away, as he tried to free his ankle from his grip with the other foot. He then grabbed both of them in a headlock, tickling them and eliciting a louder laugh from Gojo.
"AHAHAHAHAHAA, SUGURU! Nohohohoho hahahaha" He moved more, trying to reach Geto's arms as he was overwhelmed by the sensations.
Geto stopped after a few seconds and moved over Gojo, their faces very close to each other and kissed his cheek. "So cute"
"How I hate you.." Gojo said, breathing a little labored. "And isn't it cute!"
"Of course it is," Geto smiled. "so that's why you flinch when I do that?" And he buried his face in her neck.
"Hey! ahahahaha stop ihihihit" Gojo flinched as he felt the hot breath and the trail of kisses that Geto left along his ear and neck.
This only encouraged Geto to repeat the movements on the other side, making him laugh beneath him. And it was only when he started poking him back that Geto stopped, after all, he was also sensitive. He lay down next to him, stroking his white hair, with a satisfied smile on his face.
"Damn, Suguru.." Gojo said, trying to sound serious, but his heavy breathing, flushed face and messy hair didn't make him very convincing. "You said you would help me relax!"
"And it didn't help? Laughing a little?" Geto smiled, that damn smile that made Gojo want to kiss him until he lost his breath.
"N-No!" He huffed, looking away again.
"Ahhh, so you need a little more?" Geto's expression changed to something that looked like innocence and cynicism at the same time and before Gojo could react, he was already straddling his waist.
"Don't you dare.. Suguru don't you dAHAHAHAHARE" Gojo burst into new laughter when he felt Geto's fingers dip into his belly.
The brunette smiled, seeing his boyfriend laugh and squirm beneath him. Gojo wasn't a serious guy, but that was the first time he saw him genuinely laugh like that, he wanted to mark that moment well and repeat it if he had the opportunity. "See how cute it is? You're ticklish everywhere"
Gojo continued to laugh, even though Geto wasn't launching an all-out tickle attack on him. He could also easily push him away and make him stop, but it was Geto, so he didn't care, he loved seeing his boyfriend having fun and smiling like that.
But not that much either. "Ahahahaha that's enough.. that's enough.." He held his wrists and soon Geto got off of him, laying down next to him again.
"Very useful information, I will use it wisely"
Gojo couldn't help but laugh at that. "Don't talk like you're not ticklish too" He poked him armpit, making him squirm away. "And of course I will also take revenge"
Geto grumbled, making an ugly face but internally he thought the idea of a tickle fight was really good, only to see Gojo losing. But that would wait for another time, as they soon fell asleep curled up in each other's arms.
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fluffyfantasticducky · 11 months
How to Cure Pains and Heartaches
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: After such a bitter end, Loki has no choice but to fade away. To his surprise he awakens in bed where he will be taken care of. Why? What do they want of him? Who's that lovely mortal?
☆ Word Count: 6,266
☆ Notes: Loki being a swooning darling, he's recovering from injuries in a fix it AU where he survives the attack on the Statesman and he gets to live on earth.
☆ Warnings: Mention of Loki's trauma and torture courtesy of the Mad Titan, fuck you Thanos. Mention of gaining weight (but it isn't given a negative conotation).
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No one could deny Loki had gone through a lot of stuff, simply his Asgardian nature and the amount of exposure he had had with war from a young age would (rightfully) horrify most Midgardians, plus the pressure of being royalty and the responsibility it demanded with him.
In retrospect, Loki always knew his amount of responsibility were no way near as high as Thor’s, which allowed Loki to get some relief by following his nature as God of Mischief. But still: meetings, war council, royal balls, and in general trying to keep an image of perfection to most of Asgard other than Thor’s group and his parents who truly knew of Loki’s more playful nature, it was quite draining.
And that was before the true horrors.
That one trip to Jotunheim had been the source of over a decade of disgrace. Knowing all that battle would cause, he never would’ve let those three other Jotuns into the vaults of Valaskjalf.
After that, it was tragedy after tragedy. And the worst of them happened in the Sanctuary II.
At first, he thought some bounty hunters had recognized him, given they seem to know who he was, and the only reason they spared his life was because it would be about a matter of time until they’d bargain his life with Odin.
But after several months where he was starved, and his only contact was to be tortured, where the Black Order tore his body apart bit by bit, breaking bones, tearing skin only to throw him back into an isolation cell, where all that kept him together was his pride and the thought that Heimdall could see him and start a rescue mission, thing he learned years later couldn’t be done.
And when he didn’t cave in, they shattered his mind as well, using the Mind Stone on his scepter, giving him no choice but to submit. Everything bad in his life prior to that point seemed to be blissful field trip.
And for many years later he thought he would spend the rest of his life suffering to atone to the horrors he unleashed onto Jotunheim and New York. And by the time the Sanctuary II intercepted the Asgardian escape ship on its way to Earth, and he felt himself fading from reality… nothing had proved him otherwise.
At least he had protected his brother…
Who would’ve thought that the next time he opened his eyes he would be laying in a hospital bed, flowers by his ankles and a cervical collar? He had a thousand questions. Where was he? Who brought him there? Why had he been saved? Why couldn’t they let him just die?
Just when he thought it was another round of the same type of torture the Black Order inflicted on him, the door opened… Only about a few hours after waking up, and just in time when his stomach started growling.
The first time he saw you, you felt like a vision. Beautiful and most of it all, kind.
“Loki how are you feeling?” you smiled at him, as you stepped inside the room with a tray of warm food. The smell made his mouth water. “Were you waiting for long? Sorry, I didn’t hear you wake up.”
Loki was quietly staring at you. Not only because his throat was dry, but because he had no idea who you were or what were your intentions.
But you didn’t seem bothered by his silence. You just let out a little chuckle.
“You seem more active today” you smiled, “Usually you can only stay awake for a few seconds. Are you hungry?”
Loki wanted to be proud and say nothing, but his body’s needs were stronger, and a rather loud growl of his stomach gave it away how hungry he was, making his cheeks flare up in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, I would be hungry too if I hadn’t eaten anything in 5 years” you spoke compassionately, but with a hint of humor.
5 years?!?
“How long have I been here?” he finally spoke, his voice was hoarse beyond recognition, and it hurt to speak.
“Oh, you poor thing, you must be thirsty” you said as you reached his food tray and grabbed a cup of water with a straw and placed it just before his lips. “About your question, a few weeks, a Stark satellite detected a faint life signal and Thor went to find you.”
You spoke in such a humane manner that Loki couldn’t help but lower his guard a bit, and he opened his mouth as you helped him drink.
The water was cold and fresh, it felt so relieving that he couldn’t hold back a sigh when he finished drinking, that only happened when the cup was empty.
You let out a soft giggle at the sight of him. It was then that he recognized you, sort of.
He vaguely remembered your laugh, it was faint, but if he pushed himself to think about it, it was there. He never saw your face, but the sound was familiar, so he concluded it must have been previous visits while he was still unconscious.
It was a pretty sound… innocent, pure.
“You mentioned my brother…” Loki asked. “Is he…?”
As he made his question, you set a table before him and the tray on top of it. It was a huge bowl of soup, and one of mashed potatoes. His stomach growled once again.
“Thor has been visiting you every day practically without exception” you told him. “He talks to you, keeps you updated about his life. Last week he came with Doctor Foster, it seems they started seeing each other again. But we’ve notified him you’re finally awake.”
You sat beside him on the edge of the bed and grabbed the spoon on the tray and started feeding him the soup. It was so warm, and the flavor was rich, that his eyes started watering. What cruel trick was all this kindness? When would this all go South?
His forming tears didn’t go unnoticed, and you cupped his face, your soft fingers caressing his cheeks to clean his tears.
“You don’t have a fever, does it hurt anywhere?” you asked.
“No… I feel per—” he choked on his words, “I feel perfectly fine… all things considered.”
“I’ll monitor your reflex later, but first focus on eating” you said gently. “You need to regain your strength.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, he was so hungry that if he had had more strength, he would just hold the bowl and chug it all down. By the time he was onto the mashed potatoes he was a lot stronger, the second meal was just as tasty, seasoned just right to make him want to keep eating until his stomach popped.
He even let out a soft little breathy burp, which made you giggle again.
“Don’t eat so fast!” you scolded him with a happy tone.
He found it in himself to laugh softly along with you.
“5 years without food, I remind you” he joked back. “I’ll eat as fast as I can.”
“You were blipped 5 years... you didn’t age a day.”
You spent the next few minutes filling him in what had happened. Thanos won, and half of the universal population vanished, for them it was only a few minutes at most… while the rest of the universe aged 5 years. Five years, where everyone thought he was dead, where he was dead.
Now, Loki wanted to cry. The amount of relief that washed over him made him rest back.
“Finally… I’m free…” he sighed. “It’s over… he’s gone…”
He tried covering his eyes when he noticed the sting coming from his left arm, he noticed a cast neatly wrapped around it.
“Your neck injury was the most concerning, but your arm and ankle were badly wounded as well” you explained, and he noticed another cast covering his foot from arch to his ankle. “Although your foot is mostly healed by now.”
He put some attention to his bandaged foot and wiggled his toes, which thank the gods responded perfectly.
“It’s a bit itchy” Loki pointed out.
“I’m pretty sure that’s normal” you chuckled and grabbed a pencil from your pocket, and sneaked it in his cast, and scratched his sole. “Here.”
But the touch, while it somewhat alleviated the itch, it had an unexpected tickly feeling that caused Loki to yelp and jerked his foot back.
“Hehe-hey!” he giggled.
“I’m sorry” you apologized with a soft chuckle.
“You’re lucky I’m too weakened to put a dagger to your throat” Loki spoke, but he noticed he couldn’t get rid of the amusement in his voice.
“Perhaps I should take the chance to really make you laugh then.” You smiled, twirling the pencil on your fingers. “Given you can’t do anything to stop me.”
“Don’t even think about it!” Loki blurted out, “If you even dare to… to…”
He felt his cheeks flush. It had been so long since he had been tickled, it felt silly, plus he was quite vulnerable right now.
“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to upset you” you assured him, “…yet.”
You let out another soft laugh at the indignation in his face.
“Do you not know the consequences of crossing me?” Loki asked, “Are you that ignorant of the capabilities of the God of Mischief? I have terrorized this realm, Midgard bows before my power! I could finish you with a single hand.”
“What would you get out of it?” you asked bluntly. “You live here now; you would only lose.”
He looked at you and opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it again. Not only was he too weak right now to even keep that threat, but truly besides that little tickle you had been nothing to but kind to him, and even that had been with the intention to help him.
“Do you truly not fear me?” Loki asked after another moment of silence.
“Should I?” you asked with a happy smile.
Perhaps he found that little grin of yours to be too charming, it could be the fact that you had his food and water at your mercy, or it could be the fact that you were a purely friendly presence, which he hadn’t had in… he couldn’t remember for how long. But he truly didn’t want you to be scared of him.
“I suppose not” he finally said.
Loki let out a laugh.
“You’re a funny little one” Loki smiled.
Just then a loud noise came in as if something huge was stomping their way through the hall. Which proved to be not far off because soon a large blond figure tumbled onto the door frame.
“Brother…” both Asgardians said in unison.
The older brother’s eyes filled with tears as he rushed to the bed, and with the last self-control he possessed, Thor didn’t tackle the raven haired into a bear hug. Just… collapsed on his knees by the side of his bed.
“You’re awake…” the God of Thunder burst into messy sobs. “…Alive.”
In other times, Loki would’ve found Thor’s reaction ridiculous, mockable, or annoying… but after all they had been through and seeing the streak of his own hair tangled in one of Thor’s braids… he let out a soft sob as he gently reached to place his hand on Thor’s head.
“Ahem!” you cleared your throat to make yourself present. “As long as you’re careful with his neck, you two can hug.”
You smiled and left the room to give them space. Both brothers let out a laugh and Thor cradled his little brother in his arms, supporting his head as if he was a baby as his other hand was squeezing Loki.
“I told you the sun would shine on us again” Loki spoke softly.
“You idiotic, insincere, irresponsible, impulsive, inconsiderate fool!” Thor scolded him, sounding more relieved than anything.
“Oh, good, you ran out of insults that started with an I” Loki laughed.
“I beg you, brother. Never give me a scare like that again” Thor begged.
“In my defense, I didn’t fake it this time” he whispered.
There was an awkward silence as none of the princes knew what to say to each other, there was so much to say, but… where to start?
“I… heard you started seeing Doctor Foster again.”
That made Thor smile as started telling Loki what he had done with his life, how Asgard was doing, which was what finally broke Loki, hearing Asgard managed to live on was that finally burst into tears as he hugged his brother again.
The two brothers talked for hours, and for the first time in years, if not ever, Loki felt the conversation with his brother be purely lighthearted. He was so lost in the chat that it took him hours to notice…
“You’ve gained weight” Loki pointed out.
“Quiet, you imp…” Thor snorted. “It’s been tough these last 5 years.”
“I… did not mean to be judgmental” Loki assured him. “It just… I’ve been out for so long…”
“Well, don’t get used to this, I’m already exercising again, and I’m renouncing to beer… aside from social events” Thor said happily.
“Oh? I didn’t know you drank” Loki tilted his head. “But… good for you.”
Thor’s face darkened, making Loki immediately regret his comment.
“It was… Very rough five years…” Thor said again. “I suppose time wasn’t kind on me.”
Loki felt a pang of guilt settle on his chest, after Ragnarök he truly had no intention to pull another stunt like that. For once, he had every intention to stick by Thor’s side.
But at the time the Sanctuary II intercepted their ship, all Loki could think was protecting Thor. Because he knew that if anything happened to his brother, no one else would’ve had a fighting chance against the Mad Titan. But he had been reckless.
“I— I’m sorry brother…” Loki apologized, and Thor smiled at him. “How’s Asgard?”
“It’s been difficult as you may imagine… but, you know… us Asgardians are stubborn, we’ve managed.” Thor smile. “Little Asgard is thriving!”
“Oh, I’m painfully aware, you’re all a nightmare” Loki joked, making Thor laugh again.
Despite his sarcasm, something in the way Thor said us Asgardians made Loki smile, by now Thor knew very well his true nature, and yet he still treated him as one of his own, like his brother, maybe not bound by blood, but by something stronger.
The conversation kept going until Loki’s stomach growled in hunger, but by then the sun had set a while ago. And it didn’t take long after when you had stepped in the room with a tray of food and Thor excused himself for the night.
The meals were simple and soft for a good while, porridge, broths and soups, sauce-less pastas, yogurts, Jello, but having a pretty mortal such as yourself literally feeding him and tending to his every whim made his recovery quite pleasant. Especially when he started eating solid foods again and the meals were a lot tastier.
“You’re healing quite fast,” you told him as you checked monitored his ribs for any soreness. “I’ve heard injuries usually take maybe 3 or 4 times longer to heal. …In the best of circumstances, but Stephen said your bones are practically all healed now.”
“If someone can pull out a miracle like that, a god should be the right place to go” he joked as he kept holding his shirt up so you could.
“That’s fair, also having the best doctors and technology at our disposal helps, doesn’t it?” you quipped.
“Do not underestimate my divinity, mortal” he said dramatically.
“Oh, yes, forgive me, your godly-ness…” you bowed just as dramatically.
“You’ve been gaining weight” you said as you prodded your stomach.
He let out a yelp.
“Rude” he said cheekily.
“No, I mean, you were practically nothing but skin and bones when we found you” you assured him, “I mean you seem healthier now. You must be in your healthy weight again by now.”
“Do not flatter me” Loki smirked.
“Flatter you?” you gasped out a laugh. “Nonsense, it’s been my care the reason you no longer look like a malnourished cat!”
He did not expect you to start prodding and squeezing his belly, instantly causing him to burst out laughing. Curse his gut for being this vulnerable to your playful fingers.
“Nohohohoho! Don’t!” he whined between cackles. “Stohohohop!”
“Oh my god!” you laughed and gave him a small breather “I didn’t even have to do anything… But if you insist…”
“W-What…? Insist…?”
“I won’t stop…”
“W-What? N-No! PLEHEHEHEASE! NO! STOP!” Loki begged despite his pride, but the way you kept squeezing his belly, giving his skin soft pinches made him wheeze out shaky laughter was too much. “NOT MY— NOHOHOHOHOHO!”
You started focusing on the patch of skin around his belly button, which surprisingly enough was even more ticklish than his navel itself. He started digging his heels onto the mattress as he arched and squirmed on the bed.
“Okay, okay!” you squeaked out as you grabbed his ankle, forgetting your playful attack, to settle him back on bed. “Easy there… you’ll hurt your foot again.”
He was more focused on catching breath, but he still felt you helping him stretch and move his ankle to check if he hadn’t hurt himself in the middle of his squirming.
“You’re… huff… huff… the worst nurse…” he groaned.
“Ask for another nurse who can deal with you” you chuckled as you gently tickled his sole making him let out a giggle.
You weren’t exactly part of the medical team, but after everything that had happened, the Avengers were understaffed, and every task that Tony’s technology couldn’t fill in were done by the Avengers themselves, his brother and Maximoff twins helped with cleaning, Bruce and Clint cooked, Tony handled the finances (in more than just been the Compound’s sponsor), and so and so.
You were a lab assistant, although, not in the medical field. Yet, given your friendly nature and bond with the God of Thunder, Thor himself had entrusted you to look after his most precious thing, his little brother. But under normal circumstances, you’d be working with chemicals or mechanics by the side of your mentors and the Spiderling.
Although now, you had been tasked solely to look after Loki, given no one else was capacitated to deal with him and you seemed to understand each other, and Loki even had friendly interactions with you. Or well, friendly for Loki.
“Get up!” you whined pulling him by his healthy arm.
“I don’t want to” Loki protested.
“Why not?” you huffed defeatedly as you let go of him.
“I don’t exactly feel excited to be sat on a cold table to be prodded and squeezed and all to get stabbed.”
“Injections aren’t the same as getting stabbed, you big baby” you laughed, as you poked his sides, causing Loki to jump and swat your hand away.
“It’s a sharp metal piercing my skin, isn’t it?” he defended himself as he crossed his arm across his chest. “Call me a baby if you please, but it doesn’t excite me being pierced by your tiny blades.”
“L-Loki… are you afraid of needles?” you asked with an amused smile, he could tell by your tone that you were holding back laughter.
“I am not!” he scoffed.
“Oh! You are!” you smiled immensely.
“Is this funny to you?”
“N-No… Don’t worry, it’s cute. I used to fear needles too, you know, when I was five.” You grinned.
Loki’s ears perked up.
“That was a lie” he smiled cockily.
“That’s a lie” he repeated himself. “You either still fear them or just recently stopped doing so.”
“Wha— that’s…” your cheeks turning pink were the last tell.
“God of Lies, don’t bother denying it. I can tell when some lies to me” he grinned triumphantly. “Don’t worry, it’s cute.”
You huffed as you smacked the back of his hand.
“And here I was going to tell you my trick to control my nerves” you huffed.
“Which is…?” Loki asked, partly to tease you, but deep down actually wanting to know.
You shuffled through your bag and pull-out headphones and handed them to him. Loki forced himself to ignore the way your hand brushed against his when you handed them to him.
“Just close your eyes and listen to some music” you smiled, “it helps with a lot of things. But if you need to you can hold my hand and squeeze it if you get scared.”
He smiled at you. “Thank you.”
“Tell you what, if you’re brave, I’ll make sure you have your favorite ice cream for dessert today. How does that sound?” you offered.
“I’m not a child you can’t bribe like that” Loki rolled his eyes, “… Two bowls.”
You nodded and helped him get up and walk to get his check up and vaccine. Given how long he had been in bed, he was still doing some rehab and needed help to walk longer distances.
And he did take your word and held your hand all the time, although he did notice it was you who squeezed his hand when the needle came out. He had even forgotten to put on the headphones by the time the needle was out. And you did keep your word of spoiling him with his favorite ice cream.
“The second bowl is gonna melt, so you might as well eat it with me…” he mumbled between bites.
In a few months Loki was practically fully recovered and soon he was starting his rehab trainings. And of course, he had already picked a sparring partner.
“Do not go easy on me” Loki stated the first time.
“Oh, you like it rough then?” you grinned as you two circled around each other on the sparring mat. “Duly noted.”
He was not one new to flirtatious exchanges. He had been alive for over a millennium, and he had had plenty lovers before. But for some reason your banter made him flustered and tied his tongue into a knot.
“If I wanted it rough, I’d pick literally anyone else, agent” Loki excused himself. “You couldn’t take me if you tried.”
“Couldn’t I?” you grinned, noticing his cheeks flare up.
Damn you, you tenacious and annoyingly perceptive little thing.
“In a fight, you pest” Loki huffed.
“Ah, bummer” you smiled cheekily.
And while it was true that your human strength wasn’t a match for his regular god-like standards, you actually provided an interesting challenge. Besides, he was still recovering so using his full strength wasn’t an option anyway. You were fast, and you jumped around him like a rabbit and landed the softest blows as he spun around you trying to follow or even read your patterns.
“What’s wrong, is the mighty God of Mischief unable to catch up?” you smiled as you poked his ribs lightly before sneaking away.
You didn’t expect Loki to yelp.
Your face was puzzled for just a second, but as soon as it had happened, you had put two and two together and grinned in an almost cartoonish way.
“I think this training just became more fun” you smile as you poked him again.
“Do not even think about it!” he huffed, as a nervous smile twitched its way into his lips.
“What happened to not go easy on you? I’m just obeying.” you grinned and started chasing him after.
The way you wiggled your fingers with a mischievous in his direction awoke something primally playful. And as a bright smile appeared on his face, he started running away from you.
“You will never catch me!” he called as he ran.
You laughed and ran after him.
He would never admit it out loud, but the way he felt in that moment was rejuvenating, he hadn’t done something so silly and non-transcendent purely for the sake that it was fun. But you were ditching training to chase him around under the threat of tickling him if you caught him. All for the sake of playing with him like a kid despite both of you being young adults. And even more surprising is that Loki found himself eager to play along, even if the idea of getting tickled made him nervous.
Which… eventually did happen, curse his weakened stamina and aching ankle. That day he also learned to fear when you threatened him with tickles, you were devastating when you wanted to be.
“Nohohoho!” he laughed as your fingers dug onto his stomach. “This is ehehehe cruel!”
By the time you had caught up with him you had already reached the living room and he had tumbled onto the couch.
“Oh my gosh, you’re so ticklish!” you giggle, your finger swirling around his navel.
“Ehehehehe! Get away from there!” he laughed.  “Oh Norns! Stop it!”
“C’mon, Loki, you’re a big guy, you can take it!” you giggled and kneaded his belly sides with your fingers with terrifying skill.
But you were kind enough to give him a break.
“Gods abohohohohove, I’m begging you, dove!” he whined. “Don’t torturehehehehe me like this!”
But it somehow served to strengthen your bond. Loki already had a good concept of you, you were a kind and generous person. You were one of the few people he could’ve called a friend. But seeing you weren’t completely disciplined and were willing to break schedule to have mindless fun was relieving. He feared that living in a S.H.I.E.L.D. building would mean they expected him to become a soldier.
So, he started looking for you out of the designated times you had together. He had come to really like to come and annoy you when you were working, playing with your pencils, hiding your stuff, and of course tickling you to distract you when he was craving your attention… which happened pretty often.
“Lohohohoki!” you whined. “I’m wohohorking!”
“I’m not saying you should stop” he grinned as he skittered his fingers along your ribs and sides, just gently scratching over your thin shirt. “Take this as a test of your focus.”
“Nohohohoho, Loki!” you wheezed. “Ihihihit’s so bahahahad! Stohohohop ihihit!”
“Mm~ I’m not sure” he purred in your ear, knowing damn well how much it made you curl up in a ball. “I kinda like hearing the noises you make, they’re… what’s the word? Cute~”
You screeched as you hid your face with your hands, muffling your laughter. Norns, you were so precious. He may have been teasing you when he said you were cute, but he meant it.
You were a lovely company, helping him heal by doing his routines and rehabilitation regimes, while he reviewed the files regarding New Asgard. You massaged his healing ankle while Loki read the documents that were handed to him.
“This is absolutely atrocious!” Loki scoffed smacking the files. “What is this, Infinity Conez? Who approved this? Look at this! Thanos getting the Infinity Stones is a universal tragedy, but to my people more than anyone!”
“Well, that’s why Thor created the New Asgard Council” you reminded him. “He gets help ruling Asgard, and Asgard gets a group of capable people leading them. You have voice and vote.”
“They will hear about this” Loki said firmly. “I will not allow my people to see that when they go to the market! That’s just disrespectful and heartless!”
“I agree with that” you nodded. “I’d be hurt to see something that traumatic turned into an attraction, there must be a better way to make an ice cream store. What about B-Ice Frost?”
“B-Ice Frost?” Loki asked.
“Yeah! A rainbow bridge themed ice cream store that actually gives a nod to your culture” you suggested. “The logo could an ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles.”
“Hmm, I’ll notify that suggestion,” Loki nodded as he wrote it down. “Thank you.”
Months into knowing each other and spending a ridiculous amount of time together, and Loki started noticing how being around you boosted his mood, he couldn’t stop thinking about certain details about you, like the way you played with your hands when you were nervous, or how you scrunched up your nose slightly when you smiled at him, how your eyes sparkled when you were assigned a new project you had been excited for, the butterflies in his belly when you placed your hands on him even to greet him or help him stretch before training. And…
Oh Gods… he was falling in love with you.
For a while he didn’t know what to do with himself. He tried carrying himself normally. But it was overwhelming the way he felt about you, it took one look in your direction, and he felt his heart racing. Trying to avoid you didn’t work either, because his entire being craved being around you, so that didn’t last too long. So, at some point, he stopped fighting it. He knew there was no way a being as good as you would even look in his direction, he was a monster, who had done unforgivable things to your planet.
Surely, your kindness had a limit. Surely, once he was fully healed, you’d forget about him. In fact, Loki feared the day he’d be considered fully recovered and you’d abandon him.
“C’mon, lazybones. We’re late for training” you grinned as you pulled him from the couch.
“I do not feel like training today” Loki yawned as he stretched out his arms to you as an invitation to hug him. “Why don’t we watch a movie? You can choose.”
The way your resolve faltered was beyond endearing. Even if you two weren’t anything, it was common knowledge you were what they called a cuddle bug.
“Loki… it’s important you do your rehab exercises” you said softly.
“I am not in the mood for training” Loki repeated.
“Oh, is that how it is?” you said in a playful yet menacing tone. “I’ll have to persuade you then.”
“What? N-No! D-dohohon’t!” Loki burst out laughing when he felt your fingers over his belly. “Nohohoho! Not thehehehehere!”
“Get up!” you teased him as your fingers pinched the sides of his stomach.
“I don’t wahahahant to!” Loki laughed as he kicked the cushions with his heels. “I’m comfortable hehehehere!”
“It’s important you do your exercises, it’s part of your rehab!” you insisted. “C’mon, doctor’s orders.”
“I dohohohon’t follow a mortal’s— ahaha orders!” he wheezed when you found that damned spot below his navel.
“Then I’m not stopping, you’ll spend the evening as a giggly wiggly worm.”
He had to give you something, you knew exactly how to make him squirm. His hips were bucking trying to stop you and his hands were pushing your wrist, but he wasn’t used to dealing with a normal human’s strength, so he didn’t want to risk hurting you.
“Pleahahahase! Cut it— OW!”
Immediately you jolted and stop everything you were doing, cupping your hands over your mouth and looking at him horrified.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” you asked.
“Yes, I’m quite alright. My back aches… that is all.” He assured you as he sat back up.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more careful, you’re still recovering.”
“Oh no, the back pain has been with me for quite a few years already” he said, wanting to ease your conscious.
“Well, yes. The Black Order aren’t exactly kind when they force you into their lines.” Loki said simply. “The pain comes back every so often.”
“I’m sorry…” you look at him. “Can I help?”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing you could d—”  
You surprised him by sitting behind him and started rubbing his shoulders, softly at first, feeling him.
“No wonder you are sore, you’re stiff like a board” you said feeling around his spine, soon starting to add more pressure.
He let out a few groans, it hurt a bit at first as you undid the knots of stress of his shoulders. He sighed as he soon felt himself slipping away.
“C’mere” you spoke with utmost softness, as you helped Loki rest on his stomach just to keep massaging his back. “Hehe, you take up most of the couch, I kinda forget how tall you are sometimes.”
“Sorry…” he yawned no even filtering his thoughts.
“It’s okay” you said amusedly, “it’s not a bad thing.”
Your hands rubbed his back with gentle and caring touch. You were so kind and meticulous. Your skill might be up for debate, you were good, but someone much pickier could argue there were professional masseuse that were much better. Perhaps that was true, but no one else had touched him so lovingly, so selflessly. You took your time, and he even noticed every so often you stopped to stretch your fingers that grew tired, but you didn’t complain, you didn’t stop.
He didn’t know when or for how long, but when he woke up you were still massaging your back.
“You snore when you sleep” you spoke in the softest voice, he didn’t want to get his hopes up, but you seemed endeared. “Had a nice nap?”
“Probably the best nap I’ve had since I was maybe 150 years old.” He said, letting out a chuckle at your confusion. “I was still a toddler by then.”
“I’m glad… you really seemed like you needed it” you said softly. “Do you feel better?”
He let out a yawn and stretch, rolling over on his back to look at you.
“Much better, thank you” he smiled politely.
“No problem…” you said with a shyness that was unfamiliar for him, he even got to see the pleasure to see a lovely blush adorning your cheeks. “Um… w-well… I’ll go to… you know…”
“Ah, of course…” he muttered as he saw you run off.
He was a little bit disappointed, but he tried not to think too much about your attitude for the sake of his sanity. Of course, he failed. It was the only thing he could think about
It made him build up the courage to go out for town and buy a bouquet. He thought about red roses, but he saw a bouquet of violets and purple sweet peas and white roses, he just knew that was the one.
He even used his phone for a change to ask you to meet him in the compounds garden, he hated using his cellphone. He had asked Banner to let him use his therapy flower greenhouse. He calculated the hour for the prettiest sky colors to ensure a romantic setting for his love declarations.
Minutes earlier his heart was thumping so loud it was drumming in his ears. He felt his mouth dry, and he was sweaty.
“Loki?” he finally heard your voice as you walked in.
“Over here!” he called as he set his bouquet, behind him, barely hiding it behind himself. “H-Hi… Thanks for coming.”
“No problem” you smiled. “I didn’t know you wanted to try Bruce’s gardening therapy. That’s really good.”
“N-No… I— Uh… I just wanted to… have some privacy.”
“Oh?” you asked as you sat behind him.
“I just… wanted to uh, give you this… as a thank you” Loki said, handing you the bouquet. “You’ve been exceedingly kind to me for months, helping me heal, keeping me in check, and that massage the other day… it really helped me feel better.”
“It’s been my pleasure. You’ve been a lovely patient” you said sweetly as you smelled the flowers.
“T-That’s not the only reason why I wanted to… see you here…” Loki barely spoke out, his mouth felt dry, and he felt lightheaded. “You’ve been a delightful company and a wonderful friend… I can’t say that about a lot of people, and probably even less can say the same thing about myself…”
“That’s not true.” You cut him off. “You’re funny, well-mannered, smart, educated, charmingly stubborn, and a stimulating company. There’s not a boring moment with you around.”
Loki’s cheeks flushed at your sweet words, you weren’t even trying to, but his heart fluttered.
“T-That’s why I mean, you are… a— uh… this is ah— not easy to say… but you… um… I appreciate you.”
“I like you too, you’re a lovely friend” you said sweetly.
“N-No… I am not trying to be friendly” Loki said in a quick gasp of courage. “I-I would like to f-formally court you.”
“Court me…?”
“I think here on Midgard it’s addressed as dating…” Loki said, bracing himself for rejection.
“I’d love to.”
“What…?” Loki asked.
“I’d love to go out with you” you said, gently kissing his cheek.
Loki grinned happily.
“Tomorrow at 8?” Loki offered, “I— we could go to a nice restaurant, I’ll take you there. I could ask for a chauffeur to take us… we— we could…”
You surprised him with a little poke on the ribs, that cut him off with the urge to giggle.
“8 is perfect, I’ll drive us to wherever you like” you smiled, “Just pick a restaurant. But, how about tonight I take you for a nice dinner inside and a movie on the lounge room?”
“I’d like that, very much” Loki smiled softly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
He saw you intertwine your fingers with his own, causing him to smile. You lovely thing. It was a lovely sensation. As you pulled him up to his feet, so he’d follow you inside. Which he did with a bright smile.
What a lovely life he had found on Earth.
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kanene-yaaay · 7 months
The Benefits of a Restful Sleep (and other things that a friend can help you with)
Kanene's notes: In my defense, Dogday is way too cute and kind. That was his mistake. Now I just HAD to make an entire story where he is alive and the Player is both the most stubborn bean ever and the biggest softie to set a foot in the factory. That is it. That is the entire story. Warnings: Mentioned death as a form of reset, angst and mention of injury and blood. It's discussed but not too deeply and isn't the main plot of the story. Raspberries, nibbles, lots of teasing, hurt/comfort and roothing fluff. Reader is adressed with they/them. Around 9.500 words. Heavily inspired by @fluffymary 's wonderful, incredible stories. Take a look at them too :D
You were exhausted.
That was a problem.
Sure, tiredness wasn’t really a new feeling in your life when you looked at the big scheme of things. Even before you went back to your old workplace, it used to cling on your bones, to fill your mind with memories and to pull your spirits down at any time of the day when a kid’s laughter or flowers would remind you of everything you tried so hard to leave behind.
(And look where you are now.)
The constant ‘fighting for your life’ thing also hasn't been helping a lot lately. Adrenaline and the will to keep on living were perfect for the battles but could only get you so far when the feeling of danger and fear scrutinized all of your steps, stalking in any and every corner, waiting for the right moment to strike. Days and hours became a total mess and the longer you spent on exploring and surviving, the more and more things that were once important started to fade to a background thought in your head.
Food was one of them. Water. Sleep. The debris and destruction brought a lot of memories and enemies but hardly a safezone where you could actually sit down, breathe and rest for a bit. It was fine, though. The solution was simple and quick. 
Sounded harsh when you thought about it in that way, to be honest. 
Or something like that.
Not during a fight, of course. After the first couple of times, it quickly became annoying and no fun at all to have to experience all the chase and… other things more than once. However, on other occasions, missteps into an abyss happen and sometimes a bad calculation using the grabpack could be fatal (and more frequent than you should admit.) 
You couldn’t deny its convenience. In a blink you would wake up, not hungry, thirsty or exhausted, a few meters behind your previous location and then you would be ready to go until the pain of hunger or the feeling of being in a brick of passing out appeared once again.
It was not the best, you knew, but it was a good enough solution. 
It was fine.
(It was fine.) 
Especially now, when you have someone else depending on you to survive. Saving Dogday had been tricky and much, much harder than the alternative. Keeping him alive after that, during the smiling critters chase and the aftermath, even more so. None of this didn’t really matter, though. It was worth it. 
The beginning had been tougher. With all the emotions, the changes, pain (and how to keep going after all of that), going back to Home Sweet Home and getting into more trouble trying to turn on all the generators. The fact that, not very longer after getting into the Daycare, you found a new, clean fabric and a set of tools to take care of Dogday’s injuries was the perfect help, even if the coincidence of that encounter had bordered on a miracle that made your skin prickle in discomfort as you had stared at the sewing kit localized (placed) just a few meters away from you two. There was no way that this could have been accidental. 
(Ever since you set a foot in this factory not a single encounter, voice, tape or battle seemed a coincidence and the fear of the image that this puzzle was creating haunted your every choice.)
Nevertheless, beggars couldn’t be choosers. Even though Dogday stayed unusually quiet for a really long time after his injuries were taken care of, he still insisted on using it despite both of your strong suspicions, not wanting to be a ‘burden’, anymore.
You disagreed strongly with that word, of course. Not only because his knowledge of the place and the little shortcuts or hidden spaces had been essential both to escape from the hungry toys and to make your path confusing enough to mislead any pursuers you had was essential to your survival, but also because… 
You just really missed this.
Chatting. Having someone truly by your side. No second intentions or guesses or working around to earn a couple of moments of dialogue. Just a companionship and a fighter if needed, someone bright who could, just with their presence and company, help to keep your focus and your objectives in mind. 
Dogday’s voice was raspy and rough but his words were light and kind. He would insist on calling you ‘angel’ and gesture excitedly around when he was talking, pulling your attention back when you began losing yourself in your thoughts. He would help solving the complicated puzzles spread through the factory and hold your hand tight to hide the tremble of his own paws when you both went through somewhere too dark. He would joke and hold and help and you wished you could put in words how no trouble in the world could make his presence here not worth it. 
That is why you couldn’t afford passing out right now. That is why you kept pulling one foot after the other and continued your path to the end of this hell.
Unfortunately, the very reason that kept you moving forward was the same one blocking you from actually managing to reset your body and get over that tiredness.
The fact that Dogday cared.
He was smart and quite smooth too. That was clear after all the times he would ‘accidentally’ get in front of you when you managed to step a bit too close from a deepless hole or how he would suddenly remember a shortcut that would have you to deviate from the giant abyss you had been eyeing for a few moments ago or when he distracted you as he followed another direction, a light pull on your wrist and a inviting conversation on the tip of his tongue, the pit getting farther and farther away.
It was a bit endearing, you couldn’t lie.
However, when a badly placed hand of your grabpack successfully made you slip from a fatal high and you only had time to listen to a surprised yelp (or more like a ‘yap’?) before a giant orange arm held you close to a fluffy chest you were actually torn between hitting something in frustration and melting in the warmth.
Dogday smiled, looking down. 
“Ops, you almost fell in there, angel.” His eyebrow was crooked and his expression filled with tension and confusion. Yep. He definitely realized what was going on. That kind of sucks.
He started heading the other direction, taking a different path to where you were going. “You‘re really tired, aren’t you? Saving everyone must cost a lot of energy.” His eyes softened. You struggled to keep yours open, body inevitably relaxing with his voice and kind touch. “And, well, I don’t think you had a lot of opportunities to rest since you got here too, right? Ehehe. That is… a bit worrisome. Humans need plenty of sleep and we have been walking for a long time already!”
You have survived longer without it. It was fine. There were more generators that had to be turned on before anything else. Those were your priorities.
Dogday acknowledged the end of your sentence before shaking his head vehemently, his ears flopping around in an endearing way. 
“The generators have been turned off for a long time now, a few more hours won’t hurt. You are our priority, angel.” Dogday tried to not let his tail wag in adorableness when he pulled you closer to his chest and you let your head and eyelids fall with a really tiny, quiet sound for a moment too long before opening them and watching him in a stubborn manner. “And I think I know somewhere where we can hide for long enough before continuing.” 
He watched as you deviated your gaze, thoughtful. Almost there.
“Besides, my kind angel” he let his posture go, just a little. The exhaustion from… everything showing from the light of his eyes to the darkness of his mouth. Trusting had been what got him stuck but also what freed him. He could offer this human a bit more of it. “I-I really think I need time to recover. Sometimes it just… hurts.”
He looked down and you didn’t need to follow his gaze to get what he was saying.
That was what settled it. You nodded. But he had to put you on the ground. 
You kept your expression firm and ignored his playful chuckle and the way he only pulled you closer with your words, because if he kept holding you, there was no way you would not fall asleep instantly and you both couldn’t afford that until he got to that safe place.
With a huff and a beginning of a pout he acquiesced and put you on the cracked floor, getting your point. He had to hide his snickers with his paw when you wobbled on the same spot for a second before eventually gathering your strength back, feeling a million times more tired. 
Urg. Relaxing was a mistake.
“Don’t worry, it’s not too far from here. We will get there in no time!” 
Took longer than he expected for you to finally lay down, but it was worth it. The place was one of the old dorms so there were a lot of pillows and mattresses thrown around, a few somewhat still holding a good condition for use. With the help of some furniture and moving around, you managed to barricade the door and build a sort of nest hidden in a farther corner so that it would be really difficult to notice through any window. 
The human seemed ready to pass out at any moment, yawning and giving the door a last look, watching every creek and tear on the walls for anything that could be dangerous, even after all their previous care to make this place as safe as possible. Silly dear.
Dogday has always prided himself in being perceptive. Both because of the kids he once needed to watch and take care of and also because it’s important to notice and understand the details around your teammates so he would know when to help them.
(Old habits die hard, as it seems.)
And, yeah, maybe it had something to do with how long he spent without seeing a human or how he missed having someone (anyone-) who cared so much around. But he couldn’t really help to watch, prod and pick every little detail and gesture of yours around as if he was collecting flowers in a garden. Humans were so… expressive, and this one wasn’t different at all. 
Angel was fierce and determined, going silently and non stop through the facility and all their objectives with a focused mind and precise movements. Their senses and general environmental awareness were good, too, catching hints and dangers just a second or two after Dogday himself caught them, which, considering their small ears and eyes, was an incredible feat. 
Still, like a true angel, strength and kindness walked side by side with them. Dogday didn’t say that only because that person was the literal reason he was alive today, but simply because it was clear as water how much of a true softie you were inside. It was in the way they fired only around the small smile critters, avoiding to actually burn and kill them (even though he didn’t really know how he should feel about it), on how they carried and treated his wounds and how all their features - tensed, anxious and angry - softened everytime they looked at him. 
It was on the way that they walked slower to accompany him, amusing his rambles with pokes of fun and interesting additions and in how each touch or word was filled with tenderness and respect. He didn’t feel like a toy with them like some old employers had made him feel before or a failure as… others made him believe.
So, his companionship was extremely captivating and maybe that was why it hadn’t been really hard to notice how the little tiny hints and actions came together to form a quite worrisome image of how disregarding about their own safety they were. Jumping into fights, crawling into dangerous, small spaces without thinking twice (he couldn’t get them there, if he needed he couldn’t get them there-), following strangers’ orders and running over cliffs as if their life wasn’t the thing that mattered the most and Dogday would always be there to catch them when they fell.
(What did they use to do when he wasn’t?)
Even now, he huffed as the human slowly took off the grabpack while still not even lowering themselves on the mattress or trying to get comfortable even though they seemed ready to slip into unconsciousness at any time now. Alert to the very last second.
It felt a bit nostalgic, if he was being honest. At least helping someone to go to sleep was a kind of problem that he knew how to solve. 
With no further ado, he let himself fall on the soft pile with a ‘oof’, slowly rolling around the cleanest pillows they found and hugging the mattress as a loud, relaxed sighing fled from his mouth. His entire body seemed to untense with the unexpected comfortable feeling. How long had it been since he could just enjoy being surrounded by softness and safety like this?
His tail began contently thumping on the pile, another sigh leaving his mouth and making him forget for a moment his objective as he rolled more and more on the spot, the pure feeling of bliss taking over his senses until the sound of amused chuckles brought him back to reality.
He opened his eyes only to find an incredibly fond gaze looking right back at him. The absurd weight that haunted his friend’s shoulders seemed to have disappeared for a moment and, if he really concentrated enough on those kind eyes, it was like the rest of the world became unfocused. That is right! Dogday shook his head, as if cleaning it from his distracting thoughts. He had a mission to accomplish! Get the human to rest! No more fooling around!
“Hmmmm, It’s so, so, sooo comfy here!” Dogday controlled his voice so his playful tune wouldn’t show too much and give away his plan. He got a pillow and shoved his face on it just to highlight his words. “Like a kingdom made of clouds, where all the citizens get to lay down and rest all day, everyday and their favorite hobby is to cuddle and snuggle. Sounds like a nice place, don’t you think?” 
You agreed, snorting when two expectanting lights turned around and Dogday patted the spot right beside him, only smiling bigger when you pretended to roll your eyes and finally, finally, laid down, barely touching the pile before your body crumbled the rest of the way.
It was… really soft. Even more than you expected from such old furniture but that could be the exhaustion talking. A relieved groan filled the place and before you could process that it came from your lips two arms came and carefully pulled you to a bunch of even softer fluff, which automatically made you snuggle closer, hugging the pillow (friend?) and relaxing, body aching with how much tension flew away from it so quickly.
A sweet voice said something in the background, but all of your senses melted together with your muscles when a hand began rubbing your back, drawing light circles on your spine and following it to your neck, briefly massaging it before going back to the back rubs.
That nice voice kept talking and you could briefly distinguish the words ‘deserve’, ‘rest’ and ‘good’ before the hand got a bit too close to your side and you giggled. The hand stilled but it was okay, it just tickled, that is all. No need to stop. 
This was really nice, you kind of missed it. 
You snuggled more.
All of it. It’s been a while.
As the darkness of the unconsciousness started taking you away, an amused, fond ‘aww’ was the last thing you heard.
You woke up with a scare.
Nothing necessarily happened, but your body immediately tensed, in alert. Blurry eyes traveled with speed around the room in search for any kind of movement, the silence helping to amplify the sound of any enemy that could be closer. 
One second, two seconds…all you could pick up was the paused, calm snoring of Dogday still being deeply asleep.
Right. Safe. You were both safe.
You let go of a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, blinking rapidly to scare the sleep out of your sight as you looked up, mind finally getting time to grasp the memories from last… (night? hours? day? irrelevant). The quick beating of your heart started to slow down to a normal pace and you laid down again on the mattress, now wide awake.
Dogday was still sleeping. That was good. He deserved all the peaceful rest he could get after everything that happened.
And, to be honest, it was quite amusing to watch him sleep. Each time he snored his big ears flopped just the slightest bit around and from time to time those little muffled barks would appear on the back of his throat and his tail would wag a bit, not so different from a real dog.
(He truly was a marvel of science.)
At one time you could almost swear he said a name, but it was so low that you couldn’t quite catch it.
Beyond all of that, you couldn’t deny how right Dogday had been, resting really did wonders to your body and mood. You could feel your mind clearer and your muscles less stiff, even if still quite sore. Also, it was made in a rush, that is true, but the soft pillow pile really was comforting enough that it didn’t make it any easier to get up and go on about your day.
Still, as always, there was work to do. It really wouldn’t hurt to get up in the vents and walk around a bit to see if there was any murder toy wandering close so you could attract them away before they could interrupt Dog’s sleep. 
It wasn’t anything really that urgent, however,… It felt weird not doing anything in this place, to deliberately choose to stay instead of to move. Letting your guard down last night had been literally the only thing you could do with how exhausted you were and having a trustful friend close by your side, but now? When you were more rested and nowhere close to the exit? The jittery feeling was already catching up to you. 
You tried to get up, only to be stopped by an arm closing on your midriff, a nose being pressed on the top of of head and nuzzling it with care before a raspy voice - you really needed to find some kind of oil or toolbox to help with his voicebox, sometimes it felt like he was always with a sore throat - glitched for a half second before coming to life in a quiet, slurred “Angel?”
Good morning, sleepy beauty.
Dogday huffed in amusement. Silence washed over you both once again.
A while passed and no more words were exchanged. Uh, probably went back to sleep already. You tried to carefully extract yourself from his hold. 
“Mm? What happened?” Dogday yawned, sounding a bit more awake this time. “Do we have to go?” He propped himself in one elbow, using his enormous height to peak over the hiding place and watch the door and windows, ears perking up in a search of any strange sound. “I’m not listening to any danger. This is a good spot.”
You agreed, feeling a tad bad that you woke up your companionship unnecessarily with your unrelenting thoughts. Nothing really happened, you assured, he could go back to sleep if he wanted. You could stay with the guarding shift.
Rubbing his eyes and yawning more, the sentient toy then changed his focus to you, noticing the slight drop in your tune, mind becoming clearer as he added to that detail the stiffness that went back in your shoulders. His brain tried to connect the dots.
“Did you have a nightmare, sunshine?”
No, not really. 
“What happened?”
It’s all just… too much thoughts. You wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep like this, not without a distraction. It would be the best if you got something to do, so he could go back to his nap. It was fine, you would stay awake in guard.
“I see.”
He laid back down, however, instead of letting you go and immediately go back to sleep, as you expected, he began massaging your shoulders, mouth turning into a pout when that didn’t make you melt completely in blissful slumber like last night, but at least got some of the tension out. 
Even if it felt like the human continued to hold onto every last drop of stress for some reason, refusing to close their eyes or fully relax. Knowing their current situation, Dogday could understand. But still, his friend should be able to enjoy this little chance of a rest that they’ve got. They were both so tired and finally had a good place to spend some good old lazy time without being worried about running for their lives or seeing nightmares at each blink of eyelids. It was not the best spot that the factory could once offer, of course, yet nowadays it was like a piece of heaven.
He wished he could help his angel to enjoy it. Yesterday they seemed so happy. But unless he could think in a good distraction…
A sudden thought then popped in his head, a memory from what happened the previous night. An idea.
“Sunshine, do you like games?”
Games? Like… hide and seek or catch? 
Dogday nodded, looking eager. 
Yeah, you did. Even so, you don’t think that making up some ruckus will be good to keep up their hidden spot, well, hidden.
“No, no! This one doesn’t involve running or anything that could give up our location. Actually, you won’t even need to move from where you are to play it.”
Really? Well, it was worth a shot, then. 
“Alright. Do you remember what happened when we found those old rags in one of the corridors a few days ago?”
Yes, you did.
You watched as Dogday chuckled, like he knew something you didn’t and, with a crooked eyebrow, you stared at him, trying to remember the mentioned moment better. 
Nowadays his fur was no longer the bright orange that it once was like the old cardboards and tv episodes showed, but at least it got a resemblance of a cleaned state after using some good-enough rags you found on the way to one of the generators. You both did the best to take out the debris, dust and blood from him. It took longer than it should because the taller toy kept squirming and wiggling around in an adorable inescapable fit of giggles, not really being a big help as, in between his laughter, he kept claiming that it really, really tickled. 
As a good friend, of course, you just grabbed the rag he let fall after a bit of lil cleaning on his poor ticklish tummy and racked both hands up and down his sides, scribbling away while he hid his smile behind hands, muffling his loud crackles. The cleaning didn’t stop there and hunted each tiny spot and slight hint of dust off him with plenty of scratches, prodding and drumming everywhere your hands could reach, catching all the titters, snickers and snorts that danced in the rhythm of your fingers. Your own giggles did not take much longer to follow them. 
Dogday’s paw continued to run in a light touch on your back and suddenly a bolt of electricity jolted you up when your mind connected the memory of his playful demisse to what he just said.
Your eyes widened and his expression opened into a smirk, sensing the very same moment you got to the conclusion that you were about to get absolutely and utterly destroyed with tickles.
You tried pushing him away, one hand twisting behind to catch his wrist as the other hand fought to snatch his free one, which kept flying away from yours in a game of mouse and cat. 
“Wait, angel!” He couldn’t help but laugh, especially as your movements got more and more uncoordinated the longer they kept this little game, even before he truly attempted to do anything. A wobbly smile was already taking over your face, only growing bigger when every swipe he did in your direction - only to be deflected by your hands - made your entire skin tingle and prickle in anticipation. Each adorable reaction only assisting in making Dogday more determined that he choose the right distraction. “Don’t you want to know about the game? I bet that you will love it! I used to play and win all the time so I can teach you every special trick of mine.”
No, no, no, no! You knew exactly what he was doing! There was no such thing as a game!
“Gasp!” You were sure that Dogday would be dramatically putting a hand on his chest if it wasn’t for the rough housing, but sudden noise was successful to break your concentration. He used his trapped hand to sneak a quick jab on your side, ripping out a delightful screech before you slammed your back again on the mattress, both hands now in front of you, no longer moving, yet still ready to defend and attack. “I would never lie to you, my beautiful, beautiful beacon of light, the only and one sunshine, my angel.”
He was not going to succeed in distracting you again with those sugary sweet nicknames! You knew exactly what he was doing and you wouldn’t let him get you.
“No, no, you got me wrong, angel.” Dogday booped your nose, seeming like he couldn’t control himself with excitement and a smug kind of joy that only grew the longer you both stared at each other, waiting for the moment to strike. His tail wagged and he pretended to lounge at your stomach, stopping inches before touching it and drinking the way that a squeal escaped from your mouth, body stuck into a position between laying down and curling on itself, giggles quickly filling the room. Actually, you could feel yourself getting giddier at each second, completely aware that there was no way for you to get out of this and no other option besides wait for the next attack.
The way that this thought only made butterflies go crazy on your belly should be illegal.
Dogday continued as if nothing happened. “This isn’t the game. The game only starts when I start to tickle you, silly! And it is called ‘Try To Not Laugh’.” He managed to waltz through your defenses, his index finger and thumb catching your side in a grip way too light to even be considered a pinch. It made you try to squirm with a snort to the other direction, as if he just had unleashed a ruthless attack of squeezes on the spot. 
His grin glimmered and he let you go, chuckling. You could feel the phantom touch still. 
(Why did his paws have to be so fuzzy!?) 
“It means that you can’t giggle, squeal, snicker, chuckle, snort, chortle, shriek or laugh! No matter how much it tickles, itches or ‘feels funny’.” Dogday counted each reaction pulling up a finger and you tried to not let your face melt as he just kept talking, looking more and more delighted with how each word seemed to make you twitch on the spot, his paws clawing in your direction when he was done. 
Before you could think, he went for your neck, fingertips barely, just the slightest bit, grazing the skin before you catched his wrists and pushed them away, scrunching your neck as tiny tickly sparks spread like fire across your nerves. A sound akin to a keysmash left your lips and Dogday looked like you had just given him the best news of his entire existence.
He tilted his head and watched his own captured paws for a piece of moment before shrugging. He continued on with his explanation.
“In turn I will try my true best to make you laugh. And that can mean anything! I can fill your entire cute neck with aaaaall the raspberries that it could ever want, wiggle my claws on your ticklish armpits, play your ribs like a very lovely piano, squeeze your sides non stop until you’re dancing around like a wiggly worm, maybe even give your tummy a few scratches and scribbles, or, or even better! I can play ‘This little piggy’ with your toes over and over again until your sweet laughter fills this entire room like the sweetest melody. And then we can do it all over but with you giggling and snickering ringing free the entire time! Doesn’t it sound like a fun idea, my angel?”
Oh, you were going to die. Whether he decided to tickle you right away or keep the teases for who knows how long, you don’t think that your face would survive being under so much heat for so long.
Besides, this is not fair at all! He will win it anyway, you couldn’t hold on your laughter forever while he t-, while he attacks you.
“Aww, but, sunshine, tickling is hardly an attack!” His face got closer and suddenly you realized that he did not need any free hand to accomplish his first promise of tickles. 
With wide eyes you tried to roll away, but to do so, you would have to let his paws go, and you knew very well that the moment this happened, it would be a game over for you. For the way that Dogday grinned in your direction, he reached the same conclusion as well. “Also, I can’t even touch you, right now! I think you can win this.” Dogday wiggled his paws in your hold, as if proving his point. 
With (an eager) trepidation, you watched as his face continued to get closer, prying a couple of titters when his floppy, fuzzy ears brushed your own ears. He chuckled at your reaction, a mix of fondness and playful, fake frustration painting his words. “Sunshine, you’re already giggling? I will have to take my last words back, then, I don’t think this game will last too long, anymore.” 
Oh ho ho, he should just wait, because when you get him back you then he was going to see who was-
Dogday shoved his face on the crook of your neck and immediately began nuzzling the spot without a worry in the world, successfully cutting your threat short.
Wait! Wait!
“Don’t mind me, angel, please continue.” He huffed and puffed on the spot, shivers running in a hilarious cacophony across your every sense, almost ripping a squeal from your lips. Actually, just like his words hitting the skin, you could feel the way that snickers began pooling in your throat, waiting for any tiny chance to escape. You clamped your mouth shut, a muffled snort taking over. You were going to at least try to hold them in and try your chances at winning this childish game, for your own pride, if nothing else. 
He didn’t have his paws to tickle, right? I mean, how bad could it really be?
Dogday hummed, each word vibrating on the skin in an almost unbearable manner, making you want to jump away and at the same time let yourself get lost in the sensations. “What were you saying, angel? Please, don’t stop because of me! You know I always love to hear what you have to say.”
You shook your head, partially in an attempt to somehow escape from the tickling and partially to dissipate the energy that was building up on your system. Anything to not focus on the snickers bouncing freely in your chest.
“No? Not a word? Aw.” You could feel the fake pout the sentient toy did right before letting his features go back to that dangerous, mischievous grin. “I have a question for you, then! Do you know what is the tickle puppy favorite’s fruit?”
You knew a trap when you saw one, so you kicked your legs, trying and failing to let out any protest because you were sure that if you stopped pressing your lips in a tight line for even half of a second, there would be no stopping from the waterfall of laughter.
A shriek almost made you lose when he unleashed the first raspberry, more and more of them being quick to follow right after. On the base of your neck, your collarbone, under your chin and in every inch on the unprotected spot. There was nowhere safe from the awfully buzzing that made every other feeling disappear, seeing to tickle every nerve and making tingles to run crazy in absolutely everywhere. He even grazed the back of your ears with a couple of raspberries, cooing when you tried to shrink and hide the spot by pressing them on your shoulder, only succeeding to leave the other side of your neck completely free for more nuzzles and tickles, an opportunity that Dogday was fast to take, taking turns in bashing every side of your neck in a tickly attention. 
Another quiet, muffled squeak painted the air.
Dogday lifted his head again, entire demeanor completely melting for a piece of time when he saw you (oh my stars, look at this amazing smile!) before that joyful light was back in his eyes. Once more, he tried wiggling his paws out of your hold, but your grip continued to be as firm as ever, your wobbly smile shining in a challenge.
Oh, you’re just so fun!
“Gasp! It seems like I am stuck! Oh no, angel, what will I do now?” His gaze then traveled to your stomach, and all the hints that softness had ever been present in his features instantly evaporated as his face became something more playful, even a tad devilish, with a hint of hunger. 
“My, my,” you didn’t exactly know why, but his voicebox glitched, jumping between a light taunting tune and his usual lower one. “Is that a delicious tummy that I see? Poor thing, it must be so cold to be shaking like this. Well, and what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t offer any help, huh?”
Your friend was quite tall and kind of clumsy when he walked around, too. Now, how that clumsy toy was able to, in a span of less than a blink, take a gigantic breath and immediately attack your stomach with it was a true mystery that you didn’t had a lot of time to think about when your entire body took a screenshot for a long, long second, ticklish sensations exploding in a frenzy, before your entire torso instinctively beginning to trash, loud peals of laughter jumping freely on the tip of your tongue, begging to be free. They cheered in excitement and only grew stronger when other smaller raspberries took their turn to explore every spot, every sensitive creek or place of your stomach, breaking more and more of your barriers, little by little. It took every single ounce of strength to not lose the game right here and there.
Dogday didn’t even pretend to be holding back, anymore. Right as you survived another tiny raspberry that got way too close to your side to be an accident, a nibble appeared, catching you so out of guard that it made your arch your back, legs kicking with adrenaline. But the tickly, light nibbles weren’t diverted, intertwining with tiny raspberries in a mischievous dance that increased your internal laughing into a tenfold.
That was when one of them hit the spot closer to your bellybutton and you couldn’t take it anymore. Your hands let go of his wrists to push his stupid smiling - so proud and so bright - face away, body squirming and eyes crinkling on the corners with mirth.
“I am free!” He laughed, pretending to not hear the tiny low titters flying from your mouth as you regained your strength, taking the breather as what it was. His ears twitched with every cute little giggle and he kind of wanted to immediately go back to bash every sweet, soft spot in tickles you until that beautiful laughter was ringing loud and free across the entire room and that soft, relaxed state you were in became so much common that he wouldn’t see you stressed ever again.
But he was going to wait for you to rest a tadbit first, that was the main objective of their game, afterall.
Feeling calmer, you looked at your friend, who jolted in the same place, seeing to get out of a trance. He recovered quickly and lifted his paws, easily slipping into the tickle monster persona as he slowly clawed in your direction.
“Now that my hands are free, I wonder where I should attack next…” He looked thoughtful, slowly bringing his paws closer and closer to your torso, wiggly fingers softly scrapping the ticklish skin, but not really drumming on it, not yet. “Maybe I should try your armpits first? Aw, but you were so jumpy when I squeezed your side that one time! And you seemed really excited when I mentioned tickling your ribs… Ah! So many options, so many options… We will have to try every single one of them, of course. What do you think, my giggly angel? Which one do I tickle first?”   
None! Absolutely none of them!
“None?” He tilted his head, knowing very well how cute he looked like when he did that. “But then … Oh! I see!” Dogday snapped his fingers and you were pretty sure that if this was a cartoon a lamp would appear shining right above that absolute, silly, mean, goofball. “You want me to tickle your legs!” 
At your wide stare and sputtering pretenses of protests his smirk turned sharp, which didn’t quite help the anticipatory bolts of electricity that suddenly left you feeling even more ticklish than usual, trying to curl and hide your legs but feeling him dig more on your torso every time you did so. He continued. “That is why you didn’t stop kicking and squirming the entire time I was tickling your neck and tummy, right? Aww, sunshine, if you wanted my attention so much, you could’ve just asked!”
That was literally not the reason at all! Dogday!!
He hummed in an answer, turning around and easily pinning your legs by holding your ankles down, his touch so gentle that you were pretty sure that if you really wanted and struggled you could escape from it.
(And if that didn’t make everything even more endearing, you honestly didn’t know what would.)
Without wasting any more time, Dogday started squeezing the sensitive spot right above your kneecap, skillfully jumping from one leg to another unexpectedly, digging on the skin and following your leg around with no problem as a new round of kicks started once again, keeping up with the tickling. The ticklish sensations made your head spin, tingles spreading across your muscles and teasing all the nearest tickle spots, leaving them prickling in anticipation and a funny kind of energy that made every nerve of your knees crazy as more and more squeezes and pinches continued unmercifully assaulting the spot non stop. 
A sudden move and you yelped when your legs were lifted, his curious hand worming its way under your knee to lightly scratch the sensitive skin there. The touch was so incredibly fuzzy, so adoringly soft that the sudden change from the rough to light technique almost ripped a series of snickers from your throat without permission, the hilarity and urge to laugh taking over your every thought. 
Dogday continued scribbling and drawing shapes, leaving a couple of pokes here and there just so he could listen to those delightful muffled snorts.
(He would really love to listen to them more clearly, though.) 
“You really love this, don’t you, angel?” 
You barely sputtered out an answer before being obligated to clamp your mouth shut, uncontrollable laughter making your shoulders bounce as he took the chance to crawl his fingers upwards to your thigh, skittering them there for a couple of seconds before spidering them right back to under your knees, repeating the cycle for a couple of times before mirroring them on the other leg. 
“When I tickle you.” He scratched under your knee. 
“When I tease you.” He squeezed your calf.
“When I fluster you.” He swiped at the space right under your toes.
“It’s really adorable!” His paw stopped right on your sole and he pressed it, firmly enough that it didn’t tickle, still, for some reason you couldn’t stop your smile from becoming even more wobblier, the giddiness growing stronger and spreading in your every cell just like the heat that seemed to take over your face. 
“Especially because I can’t wait to hear aaaaall those cute giggles and beautiful laughter that you have trapped right there.” Suddenly, he raked his fingers up, from your heel to under the toes. A squeal filled the air. Dogday’s eyes shone, like an arrow findings the target. His fingertips curled, kneading on the skin. “That is why I have to apologize, angel, because I lied to you. That is a game that I just have to win.”
He then attacked.
It was less than a half of a piece of time, but suddenly your soles were being overcomed with scribbles, scratches and wiggling everywhere they could reach. There were digging fingers under your toes and a spidering that followed them to the pads, tweaking and scritching them all while curious pokes payed attention to the entire path of your arches, even if shouldn’t be possible for him to be tickling both places at the same time. Nevertheless, Dogday’s paw was so big that he was able to torment both of your feet at once while still holding them through all the resulting kicks those created.
And the teasing… Of course there was also the teasing.
“There we go! Oh my, oh my, look at you! You just can’t help being so adorable, now, can you? Awww, angel, you always get this… sweet expression when you are happy, so I like to call it your happy face! It’s delightful. The corner of your eyes gets all crinkly and your face gets all soft and your smile… your smile is the best part, it’s so bright! No matter the size or the time, it really feels like we have our own special rays of sun down here.”
He found a rather sensitive spot right above your heel and immediately concentrated on it with all his might, drumming and prodding there as if the salvation of this entire factory depended on making you laugh.
“That is why it was so easy to see how much you love tickles, sunshine. First when you were tickling me a few days ago and now. Since we started that game… you didn’t even ask me to stop and all while you simply never ceased looking so adorably full of joy like this! I could really spend the entire day just here, you know? Tickling you silly over and over again.”
That did it. The barrier broke. Loud peals of laughter were fished from your lips. Every sound and reaction filled the air in a frantic, unrestrained melody of mirth. 
Now, with them flying freely in the room, there were uncontrollable, hysterical giggles when Dogday decided to knead your calves up and down, those only being taken down by an unstoppable crackling, painted with one or two snorts, as his paws wiggled away to squeeze right above your kneecaps, taking his sweet, sweet time to give the ticklish skin under it a few swipes before moving away.
Finally, he let your ankles go, both paws resting on your sides, unbothered by all the squirming and protests that this simple act created, drinking in every reaction with a so fond, so tender gaze that it bordered on dotingly as you got another break.
You tried to take big gulps of air, but everytime your gazes found each other, titters grew anew, distracting you and leaving you in a constant state of a silly, giggly kind of joy.
M-Maybe he should reconsider! You laughed already, he won the game! That should be the end of this, right!
Dogday chuckled, fingers tuttering in their spot, curling and uncurling slowly, content to feel the trembling on the skin under them. 
“The end? But we just started! And you still got so much beautiful laughter trapped right here to show.” With his index finger, he highlighted his word by tapping on your belly, right in your bellybutton, ears perking at the screech this brought. “So many cute snorts and melodious shrieks that I would love to meet. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help to let them out, huh?”
A flow of words, more unintelligible than anything, fell off your lips. A mix of pleas,  threats, high pitched giggles and some indistinguishable sounds that could only be considered a true keysmash rather than a sentence. Dogday hummed in agreement and nodded his head as if it was all a well constructed and understandable sentence.
“I knew you would eventually see my point, angel. You’re such a delight, you know, that?”
He smiled, so kindly and caring, and then he digged.
His paws, big enough to cover your entire midriff drummed non stop, squeezing the lower part of your stomach while scratching everywhere they could reach. He stayed there for a while before his wiggling fingers crawled up, scribbling and pinching your sides unmercifully. They looked for any weak spot, any lovely place that would make you snort and squirm away and latched there with pinches and kneading until your back arched, only then moving back to tickle your stomach until you went back to try to curl yourself in a ball, starting the cycle over and over again. 
You felt almost high with laughter, the thought that it tickled, it tickled so so much and more than anything ever taking over your brain in sync with the loud, high pitched squeals and belly laughter (ha- Dogday would love that pun if you could say it to him) that chased after each other. After so much teasing, every tickle seemed to be accompanied by the brush of thousand of tiny phantom feathers that still tormented your stomach even when he moved away to your ribs, carefully pressing down on the bones and quickly scribbling with so much skill that it should be illegal the actual, loud crackle such a simple action created.
Your hands flied to hold his wrists, caught between pushing them away and pulling them close and, at seeing that, the sentient toy couldn’t help but feel himself melt and snicker fondly, barely controlling the urge to shove his face back on your neck and nuzzle and nibble the daylights out of it in a pure attack of cuteness. His tail was wagging so much that it dislodged a few pillows from where they were.
“Such a good friend. Such a cute, nice friend for me. For us.” The praises fell from his mouth naturally, your companionship too focused on keeping those happy reactions to really think too much about them. “You do so much to all of us, to me, and keep going above and beyond just to accomplish what you set your mind in. You’re brave and one of the strongest humans I’ve ever known. And there is so much kindness in you that I could talk the entire day about it! You saved me, you cared and tried and sometimes down here it feels like a nightmare but you… you make everything so much better, like a true angel. That is why I love this nickname so much. It really fits you.” 
You tried to answer, to say how much especial, strong and essential Dogday was for you as well, but every time a single coherent word slipped from your lips he immediately reinforced his attack, fully aware that if you said anything sweet he would inevitably let his guard down and you would be able to turn the tables, and he really needed to say all of that to you before that. 
His tickles were now focusing on keeping up the flow of starry laughter, watching them grow up to chortles and tune down into snickers as he scribbled in between each bone, keeping track of every special spot that pried a shriek from your lungs only to randomly attack it with prodding and poking, slowly fishing all kinds of joyful sounds that you could make.
He then buried his paws in your armpits, swirling the fingertips there for a few moments before digging energetically, fingers dancing and prodding every inch they could reach, which immediately made your arms come down with a loud chortle, head shaking and legs kicking at the sensation.
How was he so good at this?
Dogday gasped dramatically (not again-) and lightly pulled his paws in faux alarm, not really stopping his attack. “Oh no! Once more, you have trapped me!” Such a goofball. Such a silly, mean goofball and you could not wait to put your wiggly hands on and see how flustered you could make him be. “Dang, I really didn’t want to resort to this but I guess that I have no other option but to keep tickling and tickling and tickling on your poor ticklish pits forever and ever until the end of our days.” He then winked when he found your shining eyes. “But you would actually love that, wouldn’t you, my giggly sunshine?”
That was it. You were going to die. Right here and there. The playful tickles, the unrelenting teasing, the fond stares and gentle words… you could actually feel your entire body about to melt.
With a strength you didn’t even realize you had, you pulled your arms up to hide your flaming face, a pitched ‘eee’ sound mixing with the hysterical, absolutely uncontrollable laughter, your body rolling to the side and curling, shoulders bouncing with the force of each of your giggles.
Dogday let go of you, giggling together with your reactions, resting his hands on the ground and just observing, amusement and care clear as water in every trace of his features.
After a while, you felt a paw lay on your back, retracting for a bit when just that made you wiggle away, a new round of chuckles spilling, before it came back to rub your shoulders, touch kind and too firm to tickle. “Okay, okay, sunshine. I’m done. You can calm down for now.”
Laying down on the floor giggling yourself silly didn’t feel so embarrassing when Dogday’s own quiet snorts and snickers were quick to accompany you, especially since the rubbing really felt relaxing, making you melt on the touch bit by bit. 
After a few minutes, when a comfortable silence had fallen on you both, you rolled on your back, finally being able to stare at your companionship without feeling like you would explode. Dogday smiled bigger at your direction. He lifted a paw to gently wipe a tear from your cheek, not thinking too much about it.
“That was so fun! I didn’t know you were so ticklish, angel. You are almost as bad as m-” He stopped right in his tracks when a gasp and a new string of titters fell like a waterfall from your mouth and you pushed his paw away, fastly rubbing your cheek so the feeling of fuzzy tickles would go away. It was like the softest makeup brush had just touched your skin, and you had no idea that just this could tickle so much.
Dohohogday! You sahaid you werehe done! 
But your companionship didn’t answer. Astonished, he stared at his paw before looking at you again, gaze jumping from one to the other like he was watching a tennis match.
Suddenly his entire face brightened like the sun and he looked at you as if you had just said the funniest, most brilliant pun he had ever heard in his entire life.
“Aaaangel!” Every letter was bathed in pure, disbelieved delight.
No! You knew very well what that tune meant! No way! Nononono! Don’t you dare!
“Are your cheeks…”
Dohohogday! Don’t you come closer!
Before you could push yourself from the mattress and jump away, there were two thumbs softly scratching on your cheeks, scribbling so lightly that it immediately made a giant smile take over your expression. Titters started to fill the air once more.
“Oh my… angel! This is adorable!” Dogday looked like he was about to bounce around the room with how much excited he was, his voice getting higher and glitching in excitement. “I can’t believe how fun and cute… You just… Ah, sunshine, I can’t help but!”
And before you could even blink, he shoved his smiley, stupidly fuzzy face right on your neck again, nuzzling there without a single worry in the world. His fingers kept  tickling your cheeks, sometimes even slipping to tease the back of your ears with a few scratches as he giggled in joy since he could literally feel the rumbling of your snickers. They twirled and spun in the air for much minutes more until his tickly attack from cuteness overload was finally finished and you both just kept layed down on the comfy pile, cuddling in between content sighs.
Dogday listened to your calm breath, saw how relaxed your entire body was and, according to the few sneaky peaks he had, saw that happy, full of mirth, smile was still in your face, leaving him melting in contentment, entire body relaxing as well. 
Perfect. His plan had worked.
Not that it was that big of a deal, but it had been such a long time since he had the opportunity to…
He was just glad that it worked. That he still got it in him. 
(Being playful. Happy. Helping the others. Being there when they needed him. Matter when it was necessary. Being silly and fun)
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t sense the hand coming until it laid on his head, playing with the fur there and scratching on that place right behind his left ear that never failed to make him embarrassingly become a mush of pleased hums and wagging tail. A low, sleepy voice crossed the air.
You said you would take him out of here. It’s a promise, Dogday.
How his angel knew exactly what to say was a mystery to him. And, it didn’t quite hurt, but his entire being ached at those words. His smile was sad and he was glad that the human couldn’t see as he blinked quickly, eyes suddenly moisty. “Alright.”
There would still be some revenge when you woke up, though. Be ready.
And that reminded him so much of others playful, sleepy conversations he had before everything happened that it ripped a surprised laugh from him. He tried to look up to see the very much likely mischievous glint in his friend’s eyes, but a few more purposeful scratches turned him right back to a content puddle. He nuzzled the human a bit more. “Sleep well, angel.”
You too, Dogday.
(And sleep well they did. Lost in a peaceful rest as the entire world outside left them be.)
Random fun facts!
-There is a parallel I made by mistake between CatNap and DogDay and the whole 'trusting and following the being that saved your life'. It's not too deep and Dogday isn't as bad as Catnap but that was an interesting thing I noticed :D
-Different from the reader, Dogday is more used to the time down there so he has a good grasp when day and nights happens in general.
-I am actively ignoring the plotholes here about food and water here. Ya know when you have to poke holes in a lid so the bugs in the container can breathe that is what I doing kjhgfdfghyhgfd
-Nothing to do with the fanfic but I kept listening to this song when I was writing it and I think it's cute.
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bratbutcute · 5 months
A sparkle in the night
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pair: Alastor and Vox. A bit platonic, a bit romantic, could be read in different ways.
Disclaimer: Nothing other than it’s a SFW tickle fic. They are also slightly ooc but tbh we don’t really know since I’m describing a moment that happened before the series takes place sooooo… who knows (but honestly, Alastor is much too sweet to be canon).
Also I had fun with some fonts I found online, I don’t know if that is a problem so if you find difficulties reading please tell me and I’ll change it!
Vox is stressed and wants to reminisce old times, old friends, old feelings.
I got the idea for this from this fic by @starlight-write. I wanted to explore Alastor and Vox’s relationship before whatever happened between them.
I hope you all enjoy it!
Hell had changed a lot since Vox first arrived. He had met many Overlords who now weren’t ‘alive’ anymore, killed by Angels or by other sinners. He had seen Hell change its geography, different shops rising and then succumbing to nefarious fate.
He had met friends along the way, and he had lost them too.
Vox had learnt that the afterlife was just as complicated and confusing as his past life: people were hard to read, it was hard to understand their needs and, honesty, he wasn’t very good at accommodating them. Of course it was easy to solve people problems work wise (most of the times he was the one creating a fake problem and giving the public a new product as a solution), but when it came to personal business he couldn’t just hypnotise everyone. Well he could but…
He was alone in his personal room, monitors all over him, phones and computers all around him. Even if he was alone he was constantly under the spotlight. He knew he had to prove he was stronger. That he wasn’t scared of anything or anyone.
That’s how he would spend the majority of his afterlife: surrounded by his constant eyes, recording every movement he himself ever made.
So that’s why he felt so excited when he turned off every single monitor except for the bigger one in front of him. He shut down every camera or microphone around him. Unrecorded. Unregistered moments.
A shiver ran down his spine.
After seeing that ghost of his past back again after seven years of absence he had to see something. Something that was his and his only.
What he was looking for was an old memory, one that he had to update digitally from his old headset.
Everything was meticulously categorised so it didn’t take long before he found what he was looking for.
The video started.
And he was almost 45 years younger, he had a different - and much heavier - headset and an ‘old pal’ next to him.
They were in the middle of an animated conversation in a remote bar in the pride ring. Everybody was keeping their distance from them and the moody bartender kept sending them drink after drink.
«Television is much more than photography you radio obsessed demon. Television is alive, it’s thrilling!» Vox exclaimed standing up and stomping his foot on the chair in front of him. Alastor looked at the action with little to no reaction, his usual smile plastered on his face.
«You, young man, are as loud as a cow at the slaughterhouse. That is in no way an Overlord behaviour.» he said squeezing his shoulder and inviting Vox to sit again.
Vox blinked in confusion - and slight worry because of the metaphor - before pouting as a scolded child. He got himself back on the high stools next to the counter dangling his feet.
Alastor poured another whiskey in his glass.
«I admire your enthusiasm, but you have to understand that Hell is different from Earth. You cannot show demons your… moving pictures and expect them to simply follow you. You need to plan. To be strategic. Logical.» he offered the drink to Vox, who looked at the goldish liquid with skepticism.
Alastor’s smile grew bigger. «A peace offer?». Vox sighed and gulped it down in one shot, much to Alastor’s disapproval.
«I think you’re complicating your life too much! I can hypnotise people!» he pointed at his eyes as the pupil changed, but Alastor was unfazed.
«It doesn’t work on me.»
«Yeah I still have to understand why…» he sighed as his head started to spin. His face became a bit foggy, just for a moment.
That made Alastor grin wider. «Is the strong and powerful aspiring Overlord feeling a bit dizzy?»
«Fuck you I am not. You’re just-» he looked down at his empty glass and grabbed the bottle to refill it. «I am an Overlord! ‘M not aspiring to be anything you pompous-» but he was cut off by Alastor cupping Vox’s hands with his and helping him pour the drink. Vox’s heart skipped a beat as his antennas sparkled.
«You were saying?» he hummed, fully aware of what he was doing.
«Fuck you.»
Alastor’s smiled softened «Charming.» and Vox smiled back, rolling his eyes.
They had these kind of conversations every time they hang out. They would go to a bar and sit far away from everyone, start bickering, try to get a deal one from the other only to call it even and repeat this cycle every few days. Vox kept convincing himself that these encounters weren’t a big deal but things like that, like that genuine smile, made him doubt that.
Vox drank his whiskey quickly, just to see Alastor’s ear flicker in dismay, a gesture Vox had learnt to recognise over the years.
He took the bottle and refilled his and Alastor’s empty glass.
«You do not understand what it means to be an Overlord just as much as you do not understand how to enjoy your drink.» Alastor said turning on his stool and leaning with his back on the counter.
«AH! Alcohol gets you drunk. That’s the big meaning behind it.»
Vox was about to chug down his whiskey when he felt something brushing over his side. As he yelped Alastor snickered, trying to camouflage it with a cough.
«AÆl- he glitched - what are you doing?»
«As you can see I am not doing anything.» he said raising his hands to prove his point. Vox straightened his back, looking at his surroundings in confusion.
His fogged brain was trying to process whether there was a threat or not. He felt electricity build up in his body.
As he raised his glass, he felt it again, something brushing his side, just lightly, but, when he turned, his eyes could only scan thin air.
«What is going on?» he mumbled putting the drink down.
Alastor didn’t answer, but he was having fun. Vox could see it by that stupid tail of his that was slightly wagging.
If it was his doing… oh no.
The tendrils came out of nowhere and wrapped around his torso, caressing his stomach and sides slowly.
Vox felt electricity between his fingers and in his antennas. He clamped his mouth shut with his hands, slightly kicking his feet.
«Is everything alright Vox?» Vox shook his head, little sparkles all around him. That fucker…
One of those tentacles circled around the center of his tummy, caressing the blue skin. He could feel the tip lightly scratching the sensitive area, making his body tremble.
It was so agonisingly slow. The gesture felt both sweet and mean, as if it were Alastor’s fingers toying with him.
Then he increased the pace.
Vox’s face started trembling, the image of his expression danced on the screen for a moment, deforming his flat features. Alastor came closer to his prey, enjoying every second.
«Maybe it would be better if you just let yourself…-» the tentacles that were around his stomach changed direction and dug in his hips «…Laugh.»
Vox giggles sparkled, as static electricity vibrated around him. He tried so hard to contain himself, but once the first chuckle was out he could not stop.
«AHAHAHAHL nohohoho.»
«No? But I’m not doing anything my dear! I think you had one too many of these.» he said sliding away the man’s drink, saving it from being destroyed.
«Yohohou knohow dæ-ámňņ well what you’re dohohoing.» Vox managed to say while trying to push his tentacles away.
«Of course I do.» he got closer, more tentacles coming from all around him. Vox felt his heart pounding in his chest, his face a mixture of fear and excitement. A stupid wobbly smile was plastered on his screen.
«And you’re enjoying every single second.» had Vox been a little less drunk he would have probably tried to retort, but all he could do was stare at Alastor’s tendrils.
Two of them wrapped around his wrists, raising his hands.
«Oh noho don’t y҉̗͚͚̯̋̏̍̑O̸͎͕̒̽͐̏U҉͓̦̰̘̌́̏̾͆ DARE ALASTOR!» the tentacles danced in front of him, circling around his underarms. Two of them were near his sides, and no matter how hard he tried to pull at his restraints he couldn’t free himself.
«Oh how I like seeing you like this.» Alastor sighed «So helpless.»
«Ahahahahahl Ihihi ha-hatehehe yohohor stupid gahames.» he protested. He was still sat on his absurdly high stool, his feet trying to touch the floor to push himself back. But there was nowhere to run.
Every demon in the place had already fled, believing that the Radio Demon had found his new victim. Well they weren’t completely wrong.
«Do not lie to me.» Alastor caressed Vox’s screen with a single finger, and fake sweat flashed on his face. «You love my games. And besides, a powerful Overlord like you should laugh at the face of danger.» that actually made Vox titter.
Anything said by Alastor made him laugh.
«Let me see your smile.»
All of the tentacles attacked at the same time, some caressing his skin, some scratching at the fabric of his clothes. They were under his arms, on his stomach, meaningly attacking his hips.
The laugh that left his throat gave Alastor goosebumps. It was loud, the loudest he had ever heard from him and it was so… carefree.
All the sense of control, the pressure of becoming a powerful Overlord, the high standards the man held on himself all crumbled down. And he was just helplessly laughing in front of his friend, eyes closed, not afraid to be hurt.
Unfortunately for him he was definitely too sensitive though and the moment a tendril flicked his antenna he started to glitch.
A spark of electricity made the entire place blackout for a moment, before the lights came back on. Alastor looked at the display of power both amazed and awed.
The man was really strong.
«Be careful my friend-» Alastor’s voice came from much closer than before «We wouldn’t want you to short circuit would we?»
He decided to give him a little break.
The moment the tendrils freed him, Vox turned his back and held the counter with both of his hands, looking for stability.
He could not stop the giggles and titters leaving his body, feeling even drunken than before even though the alcohol was starting to wear off.
However, before Vox could stop laughing, a single tentacle snuck under the his shirt, through his sleeve, slowly and gently caressing his underarm with its tip. The small movement was driving Vox mad.
He collapsed on the counter, laughter now pouring out of him. His feet were kicking the air. The free arm was pounding on the surface, not lucid enough to try to free himself.
He let his head rest on the table, the screen tilted toward Alastor.
«Yohohouh bihihihitch.» he giggled before trying to pry away a new tendril that was slipping under his shirt, targeting his stomach.
His feet kicked harder and quicker as he started to hiccup. «Ihi- IHĮĦĮ- chahaæn’ț.» his voice changed and distorted.
Alastor drank another glass, closing his eyes and enjoying the flavour.
«Sooo» he stood up next to the giggling mess. «Do we wanna make a deal?» he asked making his tentacles stop their torture and back away.
Vox took a few seconds to compose himself before lifting his head and facing the other demon.
Giggles were still stuck in his throat, threatening to leave his body at every word. «A deahal?» he straightened his back and fixed his shirt, now turning his entire body towards the friend.
«I’m not selling my soul for some T̵̲̫̈́̉͗̂͆-tickles. You can’t be that stupid.»
«I am not, my friend. And for once I do not care for your soul! Oh no no no! I would like…-» he let the anticipation roll on Vox’s nerves as he approached him with twitching fingers. «-for you to never drink whiskey in such an inconsiderate way. You either taste your liquor or you don’t drink at all. You do not gobble your alcohol. You understand that young man don’t you?» and as he pronounced the last sentence, he started tracing invisible circles on Vox’s sides.
Vox closed his eyes and the giggle that escaped his lips was a mixture of ticklish agony and amusement.
«Are you finding my request funny?» his fingers danced on his sides.
«Oh c’mohohn Ahahal.» he kicked his feet again, very careful not to hit the demon in front of him. «Ihiht is fuhuhucking hilariohohohus.» he managed to say.
Alastor was not amused.
«Well if you think this is hilarious I cannot imagine what you’d think of t̷̥̲͎͇̤̒̈́̔h̵̳̪̰͋̊ȉ̵̭̦̰̊̉̒s̶͈͉͙͕̥̅̚.» as his voice distorted he drilled his thumbs in Vox’s hips, scratching slightly under his clothes.
Vox’s face became black for a few seconds, before returning to his loud self, pounding with his free hands on Alastor’s chest.
«Such a sweet sound.»
«Ḍ̷̙̙̪̏́̏̒͊e҈̫̓̓̈ͅĥ̴̤̖̪̓́͗̀a҉̤̩͙̏̿ĥ̴̤̖̪̓́͗̀a҉̤̩͙̏̿ĥ̴̤̖̪̓́͗̀a҉̤̩͙̏̿l̸̳͓͔͇̗̋͌̈ ḍ̶̣͎͍͇̐̂̉̿̎e̷͎̘͌̈a҈̫͎͆̏̇l̵͉͚͓̃̄ ḍ̶̣͎͍͇̐̂̉̿̎e̷͎̘͌̈e҈̫̓̓̈ͅĥ̴̤̖̪̓́͗̀e҈̫̓̓̈ͅĥ̴̤̖̪̓́͗̀a҈̫͎͆̏̇l̵͉͚͓̃̄.» his glitched and distorted voice came so soft to Alasto’s ear.
Alastor stopped with a chuckle.
«You enjoyed it.» he said before stepping away.
«Oh well don’t think I didn’t notice your tail wagging.» the tv demon whispered with a smile on his face.
Alastor turned himself, hiding his back and his stupid soft tail, a small blush colouring his cheeks.
Vox laughed again, a genuine laugh, and then grabbed his own glass. The older man way eyeing him, fingers ready to summon his power once more.
Vox drank slowly, feeling the warmth of the alcohol. He closed his eyes, enjoying the taste.
Alastor smiled at him, the genuine smile reserved to these late night, where the alcohol in their veins made their heads lighter and their words easier to leave their lips.
The words Alastor pronounced forty-five years ago echoed in the empty room. They sounded sincere, no filter altering them, just honesty and liquor on his tongue.
«You’re like a sparkle in the night Vox. You make this dark world brighter with your smile. Remember that»
Vox closed his eyes and let out a sight. He hugged himself for a moment and let those words sink in, burning his soul.
He allowed himself to feel this way for a few seconds, before turning everything off and straightening his jacket.
He had to go now.
He needed to find out what that pompous old prick was planning.
I feel like I’ve been working on this fics for a month, but it’s actually been a couple of weeks.
I loved exploring Vox and Alastor’s dynamic and showing Alastor being kind of a mentor for Vox.
Initially Valentino had a part in this fic, but in the end his role got cut off, but who knows! I might explore their relationship and how it affected Vox and Alastor in future fics! In this universe (yeah, the one I created pretty much for this single tickle fic) Al and Vox originally had a strong relationship, something between platonic and romantic, that got ruined when Vox met Valentino and started hanging out with him (Even though I strongly believe that in the serie Vox was the one that fell in love and Alastor was just trying to get something out of him and eventually got tired of Vox and left him)
The first scene felt really like when Hamilton and Burr go drink together at the beginning of the musical ahahahaha.
I don’t know when will I publish the new fic, it will take me a long time before I am able to write so much again.
Let me know what you think guys 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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starlightrosa · 5 months
Fizzarolli's Nerves
Summary: Fizzarolli is preparing for Mammon's yearly clown contest, and he's getting nervous, as he just has to be perfect. But all this practicing is disrupting Asmodeus's plan of relaxing with his beloved. That won't do at all.
Pairing: Fizz/Asmodeus
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Tickling, Swearing, Mind-Rotting Fluff. (Author regrets nothing.)
(My very first fic! Please be nice <3)
“You’ll do it, Fizz. You’ll be fine. You need to be perfect for Mammon. Always perfect.” the imp mumbled, practicing everything he felt he needed to practice in order to win Mammon’s clown contest for the tenth time in a row. Fizz knew the elements of the contest off by heart, having won it so many times. So everything running through that little imp’s head was covered.
Balloon animals. Pie gags. Comedy section. Singing, dancing, acrobatics. You name it, Fizz practiced it. There was certainly no shortage on what Fizzarolli could do, and he had to win. He had to be perfect.
That was how Asmodeus, King of Lust and Fizz’s loving partner- er, BUSINESS partner, found him.
“What’s the difference between a snowman and a snow-woman? The snowballs! Wait, no. More energy, I need to have lots more energy. Like, twenty seven coffees kinda energy. Okay. You got this, Fizz. You got this. Try again. What’s the difference between a snow man and a snow woman? The snowballs! Hmm, still missing something. What could I do? Maybe I could juggle? Do a pose? Maybe I could hit myself in the face with a snowball? Um… ah, think, Fizz!” the jester rambled.
Ozzie yawned as he came into the living room where Fizz was, the rooster rubbing at his eyes.
“Froggie, it’s eight in the morning. Are you seriously practicing this early in the morning? Come back to bed, babe. You’re gonna be exhausted…” Asmodeus murmured, the grand lord rubbing at his eyes.
Alas, the imp did not heed Ozzie’s warning.
“Ozzie, I have to be perfect for Mammon. If I’m not perfect, then I’ll lose! And I don’t wanna lose, that just-! Ugh. It just can’t happen, okay? I need to be perfect. I need to be better than perfect! I-!”
And that was when Ozzie got on his knees and scooped Fizz off the ground, pulling his beloved into a hug. Despite initially struggling to get out, Fizz soon relaxed and sunk his head into his lover’s chest.
“Fizzie~” Ozzie coaxed, using that voice that Fizz liked to hear. Honey rich and sweet, it always comforted Fizzarolli enough to talk about what was bothering him, and it brought Ozzie some peace of mind to be able to know what was distressing his beloved imp partner.
“Ugh. Ozz, what if I’m not good enough this year? What if I don’t win?” Fizz asked. Ozzie just chuckled.
“Fizz, you’ve won for nine times straight. Ten times this year, guaranteed. And you wanna know why you win so much? Cause you got some talent about you. Plus, Mammon says he wants the best, and we all know you’re the best he’s got. And besides, if that fat Christmas tree wants something better, he just isn’t gonna find it. Plus he won’t give the others a chance, he’ll pull the strings so you win anyway, and I’ll put money on that bullshit.”
“I need to win, Oz! And I need to practice if I want to win. Can you let me go?” Fizz asked, trying to gently pry himself out of Asmodeus’s arms. The King of Lust, however, did not budge a single bit.
“Well, I would on any other day, but I am not having my Fizzie Frog being anxious as fuck. So here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna go back to bed, watch a stupid rom-com, and laugh at it, spending time with each other along the way.”
“Nice thought. But maybe later, Ozzie.” Fizz murmured. And that was when Asmodeus’s grip tightened slightly.
“I don’t think I phrased it as a question, Froggie~” Asmodeus responded, the Lord of Lust’s fingers moving slightly towards Fizz’s stomach. Fizz squirmed a little in Ozzie’s arms, already knowing where this was going.
“Ozzie, don’t you fucking dare!” Fizz yelped, biting back a smile.
“Oh, but I do fucking dare, baby~ give Ozzie that tum-tum, and I’ll tickle those worries right outta ya!” he declared, his fingers finally landing as he snuck them up Fizzarolli’s jester shirt, softly poking and scratching along Fizz’s belly.
Poor Fizzarolli had no chance to resist.
“Pffffhahahaha! O-Ozziehehehe!” Fizz giggled, gently squirming side to side in his lover’s arms, trying to gently slap Asmodeus’s tickly fingers off.
“Hands to yourself, Froggie. Don’t make me get them out of the way~” Asmodeus teased.
Fizz pouted playfully even as he struggled a bit. Rough tickles made him laugh a lot, but these soft and gentle tickles were much worse sometimes if Ozzie was the one tickling Fizz.
ESPECIALLY if Ozzie was the one tickling Fizz.
Ozzie saw the playful pout and he tutted. His Fizzy, pouting at tickles? Oh, that just would not do, no sir.
Asmodeus migrated his gentle scratches down to Fizzarolli’s hips, enjoying the squeaky laughter that slipped out of his beloved’s mouth. “Aww, someone’s squeaky. Squeaky Fizzie.”
“Hahahaha!!! A-Asmodeus, it tickles! Q-Quihihit it!” Fizzarolli managed to press out, a dark black blush adorning his cheeks. Asmodeus had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop audibly cooing at how goddamn cute his boyfriend was being.
“Not until you agree to come relax with me, Froggie. Just say that you’re done practicing for the day and these tickles will stop. How ‘bout that, huh? Seems a fair deal to me.”
“B-But I can’t stop!”
“If you can’t stop, then neither do these tickles, Froggie.” Asmodeus cooed, a wicked grin on his face as his fingers slipped up to Fizz’s torso to prove a point, beginning to gently count his beloved’s ribs. “Two. Four. Six. Eight…”
Fizzarolli was lost in snorting laughter as he felt Asmodeus’s fingers lightly working his ribs.
“Ahahahaha, hehehehe! N-Not fahahahair, Ozzie! Hahahahaha!” Fizzarolli cackled, the odd snort leaving him. For Lucifer’s sake, how could one imp be this cute? Asmodeus felt his heart squeeze in adoration with every snort that came from Fizzarolli’s mouth.
“All is fair in love and laughter, Froggie.” Asmodeus shot back.
Fizzarolli threw his head back, his jester’s hat jangling as he did so. Satan’s beard, it tickled so much!
“Aah! Ah, ah! Nohohohohahaha! Ozzie, not there! Not there, plehehehease!!” Fizzarolli begged, feeling his lover’s fingers tracing at that one spot at the crook of his neck.
Ozzie only chuckled, not stopping the traces. “I’ve not even done anything yet, Fizzie Frog. You can’t be that ticklish here, surely?” he asked, though Ozzie knew much, much differently. It was one of his little rituals he did. Before they both went to bed, Ozzie would give a gentle kiss on Fizz’s neck each night. The imp was rather ticklish on his neck though, and the feeling of Fizz slamming his face into Ozzie’s chest, trying to muffle his ticklish giggles never failed to bring a smile to the Sin’s face.
“N-No, I’m nohohohot!” Fizz lied, immediately going for the defensive move. But Asmodeus was no fool when it came to his beloved partner. Ozzie knew Fizz’s tells, just as Fizzarolli knew his.
“Is that so, Froggie? Funny, I seem to remember that you can barely handle my goodnight kisses on that neck of yours. Like, all I do is this…” he explains, landing a kiss on Fizzarolli’s neck, right into the crook of his neck with an overexaggerated “MWAH!” noise, grinning wickedly. “…And you just fall about laughing!”
Fizz, as expected, burst into hysterical giggles as he kicked his robotic legs every which way, trying desperately to not kick his beloved in the face.
“O-Ozzie! Stop it, hahaha! Stop it, that tickles, Ozzie!” Fizz cried out, a wide smile betraying his true feelings.
Then Asmodeus decided to get a little bit mean. He gently held Fizz against his chest and nuzzled the crook of his imp partner’s neck… before blowing a soft raspberry into the crook. Fizz absolutely squealed.
“EEEEEEEEK! HAHAHA, AAAH HAHAHA! SHIT, HAHA! OKAY, OZZIE, OKAY!” the ticklish little imp shrieked, going limp in Asmodeus’s arms. And that was when Ozzie knew he’d had enough.
“Thought as much, babe.” Asmodeus smirked, finally switching the mood from playful to cuddly as he stopped the tickles, his fingers softly scratching the top of Fizzarolli’s head. The imp melted under his touch as Ozzie walked back to their shared bedroom, the doors closing behind them.
Asmodeus settled Fizz under the covers with him. And soon the pair drifted off, smiles on both of their faces as the sounds of that dumb rom-com in question, Pretty Woman, played in the background forgotten by them both.
Finito! Hope you enjoyed this one :)
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
“Stop it!” Character A says, giggling softly as Character B brushes their fingers along their spine; arches their back and the front of their body towards Character B involuntarily because of how sensitive and ticklish they are there. 
Character B stops for a second, then chuckles softly. “What, are you sensitive there?” they ask, tone with a light, teasing lilt to it, and Character A nods, shying away from Character B’s gaze.
“Mmm, I’m just a little ticklish there is all,” they murmur, shifting a little to get themselves into a more comfortable position. 
“Ahh,” Character B murmurs, a mischievous grin decorating their lips. “Well, if that gets you arching your back for me…” They reach out, brushing their fingers along Character A’s spine again, and Character A lets out a soft gasp, back arching out of their own will. “Then I think it’s a win, no? I think I can use this to my advantage, hm?” 
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veryblushyswitch · 1 month
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switchypanic · 8 months
'Hazbin Hotel' Tickle Headcanons
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Charlie Morningstar
→ Our charming demon belle is a total switch. She loves the playfulness of tickles and regularly attempts to initiate tickle fights with the others (at the moment, she has a shockingly high success rate). → Vaggie is her favorite target, of course! There have been many mornings where she has awoken her girlfriend with a barrage of soft, tickly kisses, and Vaggie can never bring herself to mind them. → She leans heavily on baby talk, so expect a few "coochie coochie coos" between gushes about how cute you look while laughing. → One of the only ones brave enough to try tickling Alastor. This earned her some huge bragging points with Angel Dust Even Husk had to admit she "had guts" when he found out about her attempts to reduce the feared Radio Demon to a giggling fit. → Her tickles tend to be quick and gentle, her fingers spidering from spot to spot before you even have the chance to grab at her hands, and if she ever decides to bring her tail into the mix, that's just one more thing you'll have to watch out for. → Speaking of her tail, it's one of her worst spots, so it's a good thing she usually keeps it hidden. Other sweet spots include her cheeks, sides and hooves. → While teasing can fluster her to some degree, she isn't embarrased about liking tickling, and will even outright ask for them if her lee mood is bad enough. → If you manage to get her laughing hard enough, she lets out these loud snorts, a trait that she inherited from her father. → Responds best to fast, light pressure. Sure, digging into her spots will get her laughing, but those reactions are nothing compared to the frantic squeals you'll get by spidering your fingers across the spade of her tail. → She is predominantly tickled by Vaggie, though as the other hotel patrons start to warm up to her, they start sneaking in a few tickles here and there as well.
→ Far from the most touchy feely member of the group, Vaggie is only okay with tickling Charlie at first. However, as she starts to warm up to and bond with the others, she slowly starts to become more playful with them as well. → The most skilled ler in terms of precision and technique. However, she still has some learning to do when it comes to teasing (she's kinda bad at it, though not for lack of trying). → Prior to meeting Charlie, Vaggie hadn't really encountered tickles before, as she didn't exactly have the best home life. However, her girlfriend is more than happy to help her make up for lost time and always makes an effort to include Vaggie in the group tickle wars. → When her wings grow back, she loves using them as tickle tools, though this is a technique she reserves for Charlie alone. Showing off one's wings can be a huge show of trust for an angel, and she just doesn't have that level of comfort with the others yet. → Angel Dust is her most prevalent lee after Charlie. The actor just goes out of his way to push her buttons, knowing good and well she's going to retaliate for it, and Vaggie is happy to oblige. → While not as ticklish as some of the other members of the hotel staff, she has a few sweet spots that are guaranteed to get her laughing, those being her armpits, wings, and feet. ONLY Charlie is allowed to touch her wings, though! → Whenever she's being too much of a stick in the mud, Angel will make sure she gets a few good tickles, usually aided by Charlie. While she might act annoyed by it, Vaggie doesn't really mind their affectionate concern. → The only one she actively tries to fight off as Alastor. No matter how much time they spend together, the angel cannot bring herself to trust him (not that I can blame her), and Alastor's teasing tends to be just a little too mean spirited for her to find comfort in. → Angel has made SO MANY JOKES about how "they should just tickle the other Exorcists into submission if they're half as sensitive as Vaggie" and it flusters her to no end. → She is more of a giggle than a cackler, having a higher pitched, sweet sounding laugh that Charlie likes to compare to the sound of a bell ringing.
Angel Dust
→ On the outside, Angel is shameless about his enjoyment of tickling, be it being on the giving or receiving end. However, once you start to break down his bravado, he's shockingly easy to fluster (when Husk found out just how SHY Angel gets about his lee moods, he had a field day with it). → THE KING OF TEASING, I SWEAR. It is one of the many talents he's developed over his time in the "film" industry and he loves to boast about it. → "Aaaw, what's the mattter? Does the wittle kitty have tickwish wittle wings? Can he not handle havin' his wittle feathers ruffled?" → Very big on consent for obvious reasons. If his lee really doesn't want it, he will stop tickling them immediately and profusely apologize. → All of his arms give him a major advantage in tickle fights, allowing him to hold his lee down with ease while the remaining limbs target multiple sweet spots at once. → Speaking of his extra arms, they are actually both a blessing and a curse, as his armpits are his absolute worst spot. As if having one set wasn't bad enough, the poor guy has MULTIPLE to worry about protecting during a tickle fight, a feat he rarely manages to accomplish. → He doesn't like having his feet touched. While they're pretty ticklish, they are a huge source of insecurity for him, so the others make sure to stay clear of them. → Prefers soft, gentle tickles to rougher ones. Sure, getting absolutely destroyed can be fun and all, but sometimes he just needs something sweet and playful to brighten his mood after a particularly hard day of filming. → Cherri Bomb was the one to reveal his sensitivity to the others, leading to the poor spider getting lovingly ganged up on and tickled to pieces (not that he minded, of course). → His laughter is wild and bouncy, ranging from frantic giggles to loud cackling depending on the spot, technique, and ler (responds the best to Cherri and Husk, though Alastor is a close third).
→ Husk prefers being the ler most of the time; it takes a lot for him to let go and allow somebody else to take control (thanks a lot, Alastor). However, as the bartender comes to trust the other hotel patrons more, he starts opening up to the idea of being on the recieving end more often. → Usually only pokes or prods at you in passing; very rarely full-on attacks. If you want to get totally wrecked, you're either gonna have to ask for it or annoy him enough to get him to snap (Angel Dust has become the master of this because there's NO WAY IN HELL he's gonna be able to ask for it). → Husk is a fan of more toned down teasing; he finds baby talk too silly and will actually end up flustering HIMSELF if he attempts it. Instead, he leans more towards little comments, deep chuckles and knowing smirks to get his lee all squirmy. → "Hm, this a good spot? No? Well, I guess you won't mind if I stay here then, will ya?" Cue panicked screeching for Angel. → THIS MAN IS CONFIRMED TO BE CANONICALLY TICKLISH! WE'VE GOT A LIVE ONE, YOU GUYS! → Alastor was the first to find out Husk's ticklish but (shockingly enough) kept it to himself. As such, it was a total shock to Angel when one misplaced scratch behind the ear nearly sent the cat demon into a fit of giggles. Needless to say, the actor had a field day and Husk was MORTIFIED. → Teasing gets to him so bad, you guys! Like, he isn't a fan of teasing that makes him feel weak or small, but if you start complimenting his laugh or cooing about how his tail is wagging, he might actually combust. → HE TOTALLY PURRS WHEN HE LAUGHS! SORRY, I DON'T MAKE THE RULES, PEOPLE!" → His kill spots are his ears, wings and paws (especially the little heart beans, he'll offer you anything you want to get you leave those alone). Under the chin is also a major giggle spot for him.
→ Most people automatically assume Alastor isn't ticklish. I mean, come on, he's the RADIO DEMON! Plus, with how evil of a ler he is, the risks of trying just doesn't seem to outweigh the benefits. However, if you know the right spots and techniques, it is possible to take him down with you. → Behind Charlie, he starts most of the hotel's tickle fights, using his shadow to cause chaos and turn the other patrons against each other (he once had Husk CONVINCED that Angel was squeezing his sides whenever his back was turned). → He is shockingly gentle with Charlie and Nifty, using lighter touches and kinder teases with them than any of the other patrons. Angel claims this is "bullshit and totally unfair," though it's not like Alastor particularly cares about being fair. → If you provoke him enough, he might decide that a regular wrecking isn't enough and bring his powers into the mix, using his tentacles to hold you still as he slowly tickles you to pieces. → "There's that smile! You know, my dear, this look REALLY suits you! Perhaps I'll just have to tickle you more often! Would you enjoy that? Oh, no need to answer, I'm certain you would!" → If you want to get Alastor back, you're gonna have to catch him off guard and go for a kill spot right away to weaken him. The ears, ribs, or tail should do the trick! → Surprisingly enough, he won't usually fight back, so long as you're someone he has a level of trust with. If Charlie, Nifty, or Rosie go after him, for example, he will just collapse into a fit of barely muffled snickers and half-hearted protests. On the flip side, if Vaggie, Angel, Husk, or Pentious were to try it, he'd put up much more of a fight. → While I adore the headcanon that his radio effects and static get stronger the harder he laughs, I would like to propose the OPPOSITE. The more you get him laughing, the more the effects fade away, letting his true voice and laugh start to slip through. → His tail wags when he's tickled, which absolutely mortifies him, as it is a clear show of just how much he is actually enjoying himself. → Just a heads up, he isn't the biggest fan of being teased. Sure, nicer ones and compliments can get him flustered, but anything too mean spirited can sour his good mood in an instant.
→ Canonically not ticklish; sorry fellas! This, mixed with her usual chaotic nature, makes her a force to be reconned with during tickle fights. → Even Alastor will stay clear of her, knowing he won't have the slightest hope in Hell of fighting back against the unhinged tickle monster. → Her tickles are fast and brutal, jumping from place to place at lightning speed, her fingers drilling into any sweet spots she finds mercilessly. The first time she found out about Angel's armpits, the poor guy was left WHEEZING before Vaggie and Charlie could pull her off of him. → She has absolutely attempted to use her feather duster to tickle people before, to varying degrees of success (it worked best on Charlie and Pentious because they're SUPER feather ticklish). → "Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie! Oh my, you're AWFULLY ticklish! How do you get anything done when you're this sensitive?" → Tickle bites are this girl's signature move, though sometimes she can be a little bit rough (they had to bandage up poor Husk once when she bit down a little too hard). → Not much else to say about her, unfortunately! She's just a feral little goblin and I love her so much.
Sir Pentious
→ This man is such a lee, I swear. Like, he tries so hard to be a ler, but he ALWAYS ends up flustering himself in the end. You tried your best, Sir Pentious, but some folks just aren't meant to be tickle monsters. → He has tried to tickle the others on a few occasions, namely Charlie, though he worked up the nerve to try taking Alastor down once. However, his attempts always seem to end with him being reduced to a hissy, giggling puddle on the floor. → He does tickle his minions from time to time, when a ler mood strikes him. In a hotel filled with tickle monsters, it's just the safest option for him, and it's not like the eggs mind the affection. → This dork cannot tease to save his own life. He either messes up the delivery or ends up accidentally sending HIMSELF into a lee mood (sometimes both happen at the same time). → His tail is perfect for holding his lee still, though he has to be careful. If he does not make sure their arms are properly pinned down, it makes it VERY easy for his target to go after one of HIS sweet spots. → The tail is a death spot. Like, he absolutely loses it if you go after it, falling into waves of pleas and shrill cackles. His little hood is also really bad, flaring open and closed in an attempt to cope with ticklish scribbles or kisses. → "NOHOHO, SSSSTAHAHAHAHAP! NOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEHEHEASSSING!" Cue more panicked screeches. → Pentious hisses when he laughs, a fact that everyone finds extremely cute and loves to comment on, much to the inventor's dismay. → Once, he accidentally sassed Alastor while being wrecked. The instant he saw the other's smile tighten and antlers grow ever so slightly, he knew that he was royally screwed. → As stated in Charlie's section, he is super feather ticklish. Heaven help him (pun totally intended) if Lucifer ever finds out; he might just be tempted to give Charlie's first real guest a "proper angelic welcoming," as he likes to call it (it's really just a horrific wrecking with all six of his wings).
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123puppy · 6 months
I'd like to thank this precious video for giving me the mental image of Alastor's suffering~
It's a word Lucifer cannot seem to stop thinking about when it comes to The Radio Demon. For this, it's beyond his expectations. And a beautiful discovery he never thought possible.
Alastor lays flat on his back, arms barely staying near his head as he struggles to contain, and fail, the giggles that spill from between his teeth, face twisted into the sheets in a futile attempt to hide, flustered.
He forgoes his red-striped coat, sleeves rolled up along with the bottom hem of his light red shirt exposing his stomach and small waist, white strips almost zig-zagging his ashen skin.
A choked sound comes out of the man, unable to keep one of his arms in place, bringing said arm down to cover his mouth, grin growing bigger with a wobbly edge as his eyes pop open.
Long black claws dance gently over Alastor's lower tummy. It's been like this for over a minute, but Alastor is falling apart at the seams at the display, his other arm dragging itself down, red claws easily slicing through the crimson sheets in a slow 'rrrrRRRiiiip' and finding itself over his other hand to stop the giggles as they reach a slightly higher pitch, accompanied by a ringing, pitched with distressed deer noises.
Lucifer has a smile on his own face as he continues to tease the deer with no hope of stopping unless the sinner voices it. He's praying Alastor doesn't end it too soon, because for all that is holy, this has got to be the cutest and wholesome moment he's seen since Charlie's birth.
Another minute goes by. It could have been eons for all Al knows.
The sinner cannot keep still the longer this goes on. One long leg pulls itself up and scrapes along the sheets as he fights to keep from squirming about. But Lucifer, the little shit, has been discreetly pushing his shirt up little by little, then he would drag his nails down back to where they started. The sporadic reaction is a feat, the younger man fighting his instinct to curl forward even when the Angel pressed the pads of fingers into his hips. The tears welling within the corners of his eyes don't give him hope of enduring this much longer.
Alastor had been holding out for as long as he could, to the point that his death mark began to glow, until he broke when one of his lowest ribs gets grazed.
He slams his elbows down and twists his body onto its side, ears flat against his skull, "That's enough!" His voice cracks. His actual voice, no filters. He yelps when a devilish finger finds his belly button and twists away, choking back a squeal, "LUCIFER!"
Lucifer pulls his hands back, "I'm done I'm done!" He laughs, "Still, that was a lot of fun, and your skin, or fur, is so soft," He cages Alastor and grins at the withering look the demon gives him but doesn't miss how he tensed at being 'trapped'.
"Fuck off."
Lucifer raised his hands in mock surrender, laughing, "Not my fault you're sensitive. I didn't go full Tickle Monster on you like I do with Charlie." He wiggles his fingers over Alastor and the demon flinched, slapping his hands away.
Blood-red eyes turn into dials, locked on the smaller man, grin exposing all his teeth.
"I haven't forgotten how sensitive you are, Your Highness."
"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves-" Lucifer shrieks as Alastor pounces.
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fluffyfantasticducky · 11 months
Focus on the Good
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki is overwhelmed dealing with being accused as a traitor, although this time he's innocent. But this time, he is not the man he used to be, and he has you by his side.
☆ Word Count: 5,110
☆ Notes: The relatively awaited part two of Smile for me. Sorry I took so long to post this, I had a creative block and had trouble deciding what to focus on. The traitor plot twist is anticlimatic but I chose to focus more on Loki and his feelings.
☆ Warnings: Loki dealing with self hatred, insinuations and caresses that aren't spicy per se but are a bit more intimate and flirty but it's all sfw.
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Frustrating. How else could he call it?
His first mission as a leader was a complete disaster. You had gotten hurt due to his own incompetence. And add some insult to this pathetic situation, now he was being investigated for treason to S.H.I.E.L.D. despite that he was completely innocent.
It must have been some sick twisted joke of fate. He spent years playing with Asgard like a fiddle, getting away with so much, to the point that where he committed treason everyone realized only when it was too late. And now that he had a reason to make things right, be transparent and honest, now he was investigated as if he was some traitor.
The most offensive thing of those implications was that it suggested that Loki was either using you or lying to you. When in reality he would die for you, he’d walk through fire if you asked him. Or that you were complicit of his ‘crimes.’ You, you who were the kindest, sweetest, most righteous person he had ever met.
Every day or two days at most they come to either interrogate you, him, or inspect your shared room which always left them a mess to clean up.
At least the people he cared about knew he was innocent. Thor was constantly arguing with Fury, going over and over about how this was nonsensical and even offering Loki to flee to New Asgard for a few days until things calmed down. Valkyrie had offered him an extra room if he needed. Bruce, while he wasn’t as passionate about defending Loki, agreed that it made very little sense that Loki would betray them now with all he had accomplished. Even the great Tony Stark agreed between sarcastic jokes that he would’ve believed if he hadn’t seen how down bad, he was for you.
You… what would he do without you? You not only got into mad arguments and made abundantly clear your distaste for this decision, but you were his biggest source of support and peace after all the draining routine he was being put through during the suspension from missions. You were a risk taker by disobeying direct orders from Fury by asking Thor, Bruce, Nat, Clint to trade with you during missions as to make a strike until they decided to reintegrate Loki to his normal duties. And for the first week of interrogations, whenever it was your turn… Norns, he felt a bit bad for the director. You were quite loud and fierce when you wanted to be.
But most importantly, all the support he got from you after all the interrogations and room inspections that hurt him more than he’d ever admit.
“I’m sorry…” he sighed, resting his head on your lap.
In between the inspections to your shared bedroom one of the agents had broken a little figurine you collected.
“It’s just a toy, I’ll get another one…” you assured him.
Loki could sense a lie. But he also remembered how excited you had been when you got it, saying it was rare and it had taken you a huge effort to get it.
“You darling prince…” you spoke softly, running your fingers through his hair. “It’s okay. We know you’re innocent, soon all of S.H.I.E.L.D. will see it too. Everything else doesn’t matter.”
“What did I do so right to deserve such a pretty angel such as you?” he chuckled. “You are unfairly good to me.”
“You keep saying that baby.” You spoke gently, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear. “You sound like a broken record.”
“I might be one” he shrugged, closing his eyes.
“Yeah?” you giggled. “Then I’ll just have to fix you.”
“I thought you said the I can fix him was a toxic mentality in romance” he said cheekily.
“Oh, now you remember my movie rants” you laughed. “But the I can fix him trope is toxic when—”
“…It is used by the abuser who manipulates them into staying as a rehabilitation center. A partner should be part of your support group but never the responsible to fix you, but a motivation and helping hand while you fix yourself.” He opened his eyes to look up at you as he finished repeating your old rant word by word. “I always remember the things you say.”
“Is that so? When is our anniversary?”
“June 9” Loki smiled and noticed you opening your mouth to retort. “And our 1,000 days together is on March 5th year. And yes, I knew you were going to ask that.”
“Smart pants” you smiled.
“You love me like that.”
“I do” you smiled and kissed his lips softly. “Guess you don’t need fixing after all.”
“Glad we agree, I am the most perfect man” he grinned, relishing the way you cringed and smiled at the silly joke.
“I don’t know about that.” You smiled, “But you are perfect for me.”
You pecked his lips and made him smile.
“I don’t deserve you…” he smiled.
“Oh, that’s it!” you laughed and soon your hands where all over his sides.
And sooner than that Loki was laughing his head off.
“Hehe- hey!” he protested between laughs.
You had an annoying charm. Tickling him silly as a pseudo-punishment. It was your shared secret how much Loki enjoyed being tickled. You stopped soon enough, smiling at him, caressing your thumb across his cheek.
“It’ll pass before you notice…” you whisper. “They will see exactly what you truly are. Just like I do.”
Loki chuckled softly.
“I hope not, you are a handful already” he smirked at the offended look on your face due to his comment.
“Oh, you want to talk about a handful…” you growled as you flipped to straddle him. “Let’s see how much of a handful I can be…”
Loki gulped, unable to fight a smile.
“Ahah…” he huffed, “darling, d-don’t… d-dohohohon’t!”
But your hands were already attacking his sides, your fingers skillfully scribbling along his skin, prodding his ribs, drilling along each crevice in the most maddening way.
“Is that enough handful for you, huh?” you asked in a faux anger. “Eh? Is it?”
“Thihihihihihis is cruel!” Loki protested. “And thahahahat doesn’t mahahake sehehense!”
“Mmm, it might have just been excuse to get my hands on this hot bod of yours” you smiled.
Being tickled was already a vulnerable moment for Loki. To the point where only you could tickle him without any resistance. Anyone else would need to overpower him physically or just restrain him. You, on the other side, he would barely fight back. He’d simply squirm in his place, rolling over to the side or on his stomach. Which it gave you more of a sensation that he just wanted you to focus on other spots. Not that he'd ever admit… you had tried.
“Ehehehe! You ahahahaha— wait no!” he protested as your fingers reached his stomach, giving it little pinches and pokes. “Lohohohove, stop!”
“Alright, alright.” You smiled and kissed his forehead as you stopped the tickling. “Is your mood better?”
“Ihi— if I say yes will you stop torturing my stomach?” he smiled at you, holding onto your hips. “You know I can’t take it there.”
The way you leaned against his chest to kiss his lips never failed to drive him wild. And this wasn’t the exception.
“I am aware” you hummed against his lips. “That’s why it’s my favorite spot to tickle.”
“I am, unfortunately, also aware of that” he chuckled.
“If you really minded it, you’d actually do something to stop me instead of just laughing your heart out.”
“I love it when a beautiful mortal has their hands all over me, is that something to be ashamed about?” he grinned cheekily at you.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “It wouldn’t be if you were still single. But you are stuck with me now and forgive me if I’m not good at sharing my boyfriend. Unless you’d share me with others.”
“That is out of the question. You are mine, and mine alone.” He said solemnly as he held you in his arms. You lifted your eyebrows, expectantly as he felt his cheeks warm up under your gaze. “As… I am yours; I suppose.”
“Was that so hard to say?” you smiled.
“Terribly so” Loki smiled. But then, his face adopted a serious, melancholic expression. “I’m sorry… I should not be dragging you into this disaster. You deserve better, and I fear you will realize that. It would be best for you, but… I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Lucky for you, that’s not something you have to worry about” you assured him, pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere. I am perfectly happy with you.”
One thing that Loki loved about your relationship was that despite knowing you said stuff to made him feel better, it never came off as dishonest, as if those two concepts weren’t mutually exclusive. You said the kindest, most loving things, and he could tell you honestly felt every single one.
It made his heart soar. That honest and kind heart of yours was exactly what he had been craving for. You were what he had been looking for.
It made him want to open his heart to you. You were kind and listened to him without judging or thinking the worst of him.
“What am I going to do?” he sighed. “If I can’t go on missions, soon I will not be allowed to go outside, and then I will be going back to being a high-class prisoner.”
“Actually… you can’t leave the building given you’re under investigation” you said apologetically. “Sorry.”
“Lovely…” he groaned, throwing his head back, rubbing his face with his palms. “I am back to being a prisoner. Might as well get inside a cell.”
“Yes, we could tie you up, and torture you until you confess” you purred, trailing kisses along his jawline, as your hands made their way to play with his hair.
“You’re making it sound appealing” he hummed, relishing the feeling of your lips against his skin. “Mmm~ Keep touching me like that and I’ll do anything you ask.”
“Mm, what a good boy” you giggled, kissing his lips.
He laughed along with you, but mostly because your hands had found his ears and were tickling behind them.
“W-Whahahat are you doing? T-That tickles!” he laughed.
“I told you I would torture an answer out of you” you giggled, tickling the back of his ears. “Now confess, you war criminal!”
“Nohohoho, stohop it!” he squirmed underneath you. “How is thahahat spot so bahahad?”
“Right?” you chuckled, pressing loving kisses along his face. “I found out the other day while we were kissing.”
He grabbed your wrists. “Oh really?” he smirked, and trapped your wrists in one of his hands as he began tickling your ear shell and behind it. It took absolutely nothing to have you giggling like a kid.
“Ehehehe! L-Loki!” you giggled. “Hehehe! I-It tickles!”
“It does, does it not?” he chuckled.
He traced along the outline of your ear. He relished the way you laughed against him, you never tried to get away nor asked him to stop. You loved that closeness as much as Loki did.
“Mmm, that laugh of yours is so lovely~” he hummed as he stopped, tucking a few streaks of hair behind your ear. “It’s my favorite sound in the whole world, you make me so happy.”
“Cheesy” you chuckled, kissing his lips.
“I mean that, darling” he smiled. “Without you I would have gone mad by now. Or worse, I would be a prisoner.”
“You can’t believe that…” you spoke softly.
“What else am I supposed to believe?” he sighed, “what I did to New York is unforgivable. I should be locked up for life, I was going to be… It’s what I deserve. It took me too long to understand it.”
It broke your heart to hear him talk like that. It was a shame that he still punished himself so badly. You appreciated that he recognized his error, but the fact that it haunted him was painful to watch. He was already working on getting better.
“Loki… Your beef with Earth had its particular and complicated circumstances, it wasn’t 100% your fault.” You assured him. “But even if that was, there are other ways to atone for your mistakes… Punishing yourself but you were helping Earth, compensation is another way of redemption. Being an Avenger is a way to redeem yourself.”
“How do you do it?” he chuckled, “How do you manage to look at all the awful things I have done and still somehow see the best in me?”
“Because I’ve also seen how much you regret it, and I’ve seen you trying to prove to everyone, prove to yourself that you are doing better.” you spoke lovingly. “That means a lot, to me, to Thor, to everyone.”
“But why?” he asked. “What I did is…”
“Fucked up, yes. Tony and Bruce created a genocidal robot, Clint was an international criminal prisoner and retook as an assassin, Steve and Natasha were literal war criminals, your brother before you nearly started a war—”
“That I provoked him into.”
“Would you do it again?” you asked.
“For the sake of entertainment—” Loki pondered.
“Loki!” you giggled.
“I’m jesting, love!” he laughed. “Earth is no good in wars like Asgard, we fight to settle disagreements, make alliances, or get respect. But never to destroy.”
“We’re not so bad…” you smiled.
“Not all of you, no.” Loki agreed. “You for once are a wonderful mor— human. Smart, beautiful, funny, kind… It’s the people on the higher power that worry me.”
“It’s as they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely” you shrugged. “That’s what we fight for. For those without power, and against those who abuse it.”
“You say that as I remain locked in here, simply training and withering away” Loki sighed.
“Well… we can find something interesting to keep you occupied—”
“Reindeer games, out now!” Tony banged on the door.
“Not now Stark!” Loki called annoyed.
“You’ll want to see this.” Tony spoke through the other side of the door.
You stood up and Loki followed right after. Everyone was headed to the meeting room so that’s where you went to.
Bruce and Thor had one of the younger cadets, Philip. He was struggling against the two. His blonde hair was a mess and he looked like he had lost a fight.
“We found our traitor, brother.” Thor said firmly, even a bit prideful. “The little rat sabotaged our missions.”
“A double agent?” Steve asked.
“Self-sabotage” Bruce clarified. “He informed the base you were going. Who and when. And exactly how to take down a god. We found a report of the mission sent to an unknown address.”
“I found it.” Natasha stated.
“You?” Clint raised an eyebrow.
“We” she corrected herself.
“With my technology, that is.” Tony added. “In case anyone was wondering.”
“No one was wondering that, Tony” Steve smiled lightly, amused by the genius’ ego.
“But why? You were the only non-Avenger agent Loki chose personally” Thor asked. “My brother trusted you. And it was a wonderful opportunity for you.”
Fury looked… well, furious.
“Philip Crowe, you’re immediately and effectively removed from all S.H.I.E.L.D. work and installations, permanently for treason, espionage, and sabotage to an elite strike agent.” Fury said firmly.
“Elite?! He’s a monster!” the young man protested, struggling to break free from the arm lock. “It’s a time bomb! It’s in his nature! You’ve seen what he’s capable of! It’s a matter of time before we have New York part two! You’ve read myths, what guarantees that there won’t be a Ragnarök on Earth?! He—”
SMACK! He had been cut off by a slap in the face by you. If the stinging in his cheek was not enough to silence him, your cold glare silenced him.
“Take him away.” You said. “I want him rotting in a cell for a really long time…”
“Oh, he will be locked in the dark for a very long time” Fury agreed, “for espionage, and sabotage… And being an asshole as a whole.”
Thor was about to take him away. He was struggling to break free.
“Don’t.” Loki spoke up. “I’ll use a spell to delete his memories, about S.H.I.E.L.D. about the Avengers. Everything will be gone from his mind. He can live a normal life not remembering being an agent.”
Loki walked and looked down at him. Placed his hand on his forehead as the blond struggled. Loki let his Seidr flow and Philip’s body went limp.
“When he wakes up, he’ll be normal, he can have a normal life, he won’t be a risk for S.H.I.E.L.D.” he sighed and left the room.
Flowers bloomed under him as he sat by the lake. Just enjoying the familiar view. But not even that brought him any joy.
“Loki, there you are, honey.”
“Hello mother” Loki smiled. “I was just… thinking.”
“I thought you would be happy to get your naming” Frigga said. “You were excited this morning to receive your title.”
“God of Mischief, mother?” he asked. “Does that mean I’m supposed to cause trouble?”
“Is that so bad?”
“Will father get upset at me?” Loki asked. “Besides, you like annoying your brother.”
“Pranking Thor is different. Why could I be the God of rain, wind, or something, then Thor and I could be gods together.”
“You can’t revolve your personality around Thor. Your godly title is meant to reflect your personality, not your brother’s” Frigga smiled at him gently. “Your father gave you a title that would fit you.”
“Does father think I’m a bad son?” he asked.
“I think your father thinks you’re creative, smart, with good abilities to get away with what you want” Frigga assured him. “All qualities you do have. And you are quite cheeky.”
Loki chuckled weakly. Frigga smiled and picked up a purple flower and wiggled it against Loki’s face. Causing the young god to scrunch up his nose and swat the pretty flower away.
“You know, son. I think it’s time for you to start learning magic” Frigga said.
“But you said I had to wait until I was 500 years old” Loki asked.
“I think you’re ready” Frigga said, “You’re 250 years old already, and you just got your title. You are a big boy now.”
With a few elegant movements the violet on Frigga’s hands turned into a purple frog that jumped out of hands and into the pond. Loki giggled as his mother’s arms trapped him into a hug as she tickled his sides.
“Pretty memory” you looked at him as you sat next to him. “Your mom is pretty.”
“Most beautiful woman in all of Asgard” Loki agreed. “Do you know what Orvokki means?”
“Uhh, it’s a violet, right?” you said looking at the flowers around the lake.
“It can also be interpreted as little orphan. How ironic that it was my favorite flower as a child…” Loki grumbled.
He flicked his wrist and the illusion of his memory vanished. He was no longer in Asgard, he was sitting on the rooftop of the compound’s main building. He wasn’t with his mother. And his eyes were red from crying.
“That was really nice thing you did back there” you congratulated him as you rubbed circles across his back.
“Not bad for a monster, huh?” Loki huffed out, in a failed attempt to fake out a laugh. “Did you see the way he looked at me? The fear in his eyes…?”
“Don’t listen to him…” you said resting your head against his shoulder. “He never gave you a chance to prove how good you really are. That’s his problem, not yours.”
“I can’t blame him… I would not trust me either… I am a monster, I was a monster to my people, to my home…” he sighed.
“What? No, Loki…”
“My birth father abandoned me to die, I was raced by a kingdom that thought my kind were monsters…” Loki sighed, “and I caused so much pain and death to a Realm that could’ve seen me as something quite literally divine.”
You looked at him and squeezed his hand.
“I thought… I hoped I had a second chance, I wanted to believe people were already accepting me. I thought that if I could have at least one agent to trust me… How foolish of me…”
“Stop that…” you scolded him, giving his hand a gentle and loving squeeze. “You’re not a monster. No one sees you as a monster.”
Loki laughed bitterly. While you weren’t lying in the literal sense, you were being too kind, blinded by your affection for the young Asgardian to acknowledge the recent events.
“I mean it!” you said. “You’re so focused on one person thinking you’re a monster, that you fail to see what everyone else did because they believed in you. They all helped in their own way to prove you were innocent. Either tracking conversation, providing resources… Gosh, even director Fury trusted you were innocent.”
“I…” Loki recapped the events from earlier. You weren’t wrong.
“Besides, you know how picky I am when it comes to dating” you smiled, “I wouldn’t date just anyone. Is that not enough for you?”
Loki was silent for a moment, for once he didn’t even have a smart reply for that.
He had seen you turn down a couple of agents or staff members before the two of you started dating. Philip among the lines of the rejected. In fact, he remembered that during that time where the other Avengers noticed his feelings for you, some of them tried to discourage him from courting you, because “you didn’t date.” In fact, they had brought it up, on his face to prove it so. You were, in fact, very picky when it came to dating. Which just made him value your relationship even more. It gave him a huge confidence boost, and the security of not being replaced or overshadowed he so desperately had been needing.
And once again, you were that source of comfort and security. You were his sweet little balm.
“I… um…” he stuttered.
You chuckled and kissed his cheek.
“Tongue tied?” you teased him, making him groan in frustration as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Just… don’t give him power over you, if he didn’t bother knowing you, he shouldn’t deserve such a space in your mind.”
“Thanks, love” he smiled softly. “For… looking after me. And… helping me see that others look after me.”
“Heh… I’m glad I helped” you spoke lovingly as you rubbed your nose against his neck.
He chuckled rested his cheek against the top of your head.
“Should we head inside?” you asked, rubbing your own arms, as you stood up “it’s a bit chilly out here.”
“You can go inside, love” Loki offered. “I need some time alone.”
You looked at him worried, but a gust of cold wind made you shiver, making the idea of going inside more and more appealing. But he saw the hesitation in your eyes, the way you didn’t want to leave him alone made him smile.
“I promise I’ll meet you inside later” he assured you. But you didn’t look too convinced “Make some tea for us, and I’ll meet you in our room before you’re done putting on your pajamas.”
You gave him a look he couldn’t quite decipher but you nodded and made your way inside.
He relished the fresh air. But as he mentally prepared to be burdened with his failure, he surprised himself smiling. His mind wasn’t clouded with the young spy that betrayed him.
All he could think was that all the original Avengers, those he had cursed himself for unintentionally helping assemble to defeat him… now had stood up for him. And it didn’t stop there.
His mind was filled with happy memories.
All the times he had gotten a pat in the back from Tony and being called his new favorite for teasing Steve’s righteous stiffness and the way Bucky and Sam snickered at it. As well as his training contests with the super soldiers to test their serum with Loki and Thor’s godly nature. How he beamed with pride at the blond’s praise after a mission. The way Natasha and her little sister acknowledge his ability to infiltrate and swoon targets and even required him specifically. How Clint and his little new protegee had gotten really happy when Loki gifted them his old Asgardian bows for them, despite the teasing when they saw right through his “I don’t even use them” excuse and treated for dinner after. Bruce acknowledging his observation capabilities during some of his experiments. Thor… who despite all the awful things they had gone through never abandoned him, and still saw Loki as his baby brother, and despite they refused to admit it, both still adored each other.
And you. You had stolen his heart from minute one. He had been hopeless before the first kiss or even a declaration. Your eyes brought him to his knees, and he had sworn to be at your mercy for the rest of his existence when he saw you smile. And with that power you had over him done nothing but nourish him. Your payback when he pestered you was always fun and harmless. You made him laugh. You listened to everything he said and always encouraged him to keep talking until he was hoarse. You gave him the attention he had been craving for so many years. You treated him as the most important being of the universe.
Honestly, he didn’t realize when his thoughts had set him in motion. But by the time he was aware of his actions, he was already turning the doorknob of your shared bedroom.
“Liar” you scoffed, throwing a teddy bear to his face as soon as he set foot inside the room. “You said you’d be here before I was done putting on my jammies, but it’s been 5 minutes since I got in bed, and you weren’t here.”
Loki couldn’t help but smile. For a secret agent, you were terrible at hiding your feelings… at least from him.
“I apologize for not keeping my word, love” he apologized as he took off his shirt and searched through his drawer for the pajama he wanted to wear. “I lost track of time.”
“Did you drink?” you asked him.
“I did not. I trusted my favorite thing to make me tea” he responded with an innocent look as he put on his pajama shirt.
“It’s on your night table” you responded with the slightest pout, knowing you it was because he saw right through you.
He walked to the warm mug and took a sip. Of course, you had prepared his favorite tea… and with extra honey, just the way he liked. Everyone always complained there would never be enough for everyone if you kept spoiling Loki with his favorite all the time. You always got more, but it just meant starting the cycle again.
“Thank you, dear” he smiled as he kneeled on the bed to reach and cup your face to kiss your cheek.
Oh, how he wanted to tackle you and cover you in kisses at the way you fought and lost against the smile that appeared on your lovely face along with a light shade of pink.
“So adorable…” he chuckled.
As he was taking off his pants, he saw the way your blush turned even darked. He rushed to put on the pajama pants and dove in the bed, wrapping his arms around you in a loving embrace with his chest against your back.
“You’re in a lovely mood” you smiled as you reached to caress his cheek. “What gives?”
“I just thought about a lovely little mortal” he hummed pressing soft kisses on your nape, “that makes my darkest days bright and cozy.”
“Do you have a fever or something?” you touched his forehead.
“No, I mean it!” he laughed. “I stayed back to think… and all I could think about was your love, your kindness, and this hot body of yours…”
As he spoke that last bit, he reached to caress your sides, making you giggle.
“Loki…!” you giggle swatting his hand away. “You’re asking for trouble.”
“You know I am” he whispered, resting his face against your shoulder. Taking in your scent, closing his eyes as he relaxed. “Norns, what would I do without you?”
“Probably snuggle your pillow tonight” you smiled. “But you’d be fine.”
“I would not…” Loki choked up, as he felt tears forming in his eyes. “I would be lost; I would be absolutely nothing without you. A monster…”
“No, no, baby…” you spoke softly, turning around to face him. “You’ve worked really hard to be better… That’s all you, you are utterly and undoubtedly wonderful…”
The way you always made him feel better was almost scary. Your word was law. If you said he was so good, then… perhaps he wasn’t as bad as he thought.
“I love you…” he whispered. “Thank you…”
“What for?”
“For being my second chance… For believing I was more than the man that caused so much pain to your people…”
“Second chances are earned, Loki” you said. “You’ve earned it.”
He laughed softly when you rose up to sit on his waist, straddling him with your legs as you gave him a pseudo-menacing look.
“Now speak poorly of my sweet cuddly honeybun and you will be sorry…” you said in the worse threatening tone he had ever heard.
He cringed and laughed softly at the overly cheesy pet name.
“Oh gods…” he muttered with a shaky smile as his lips twitched upwards, amused by the situation. “You goofball.”
You let out an offended gasp and started tickling his sides, immediately making him giggle like a child.
“W-Wait! Dahahaharling! I’m sohohohohohrry!” he whined between laughs.
“Nope! Sorry ain’t gonna cut it this time, you insult me, you insult my prince… you deserve being chastised” you said playfully as you tickled his belly, which always made him hysterical.
“NAHAHAHA! STOP! STOP! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” he cackled, soon wheezing. He was so ridiculously ticklish that had had no chance fighting back or think about anything else but the tingles that made him howl with laughter.
But he wouldn’t change this kind of silly fun with his darling for the world. And if he was honest with himself, this was a great thing to focus on.
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a-lee-en · 2 months
Thinking about armpit tickles... As in, only tickling one armpit.
Could you imagine? Both of your arms are raised and restrained so that both of your armpits are fully exposed. But instead of your ler tickling both armpits as expected, they only focus on one.
Just one finger wiggles in the hollow of your armpit before more fingers join in, wiggling and scratching and digging. Before you know it, your ler is using both their hands... All to tickle one armpit.
When you think it can't get any worse, they get out the oil. Can you imagine two hands—ten fingers—wiggling against an oiled armpit? I shudder at the thought. At this point you wish they'd target any other spot, but they seem content to focus on your poor armpit.
And when you think it's finally over, once your poor armpit is red and raw from all that tickling attention...
They move to the other one.
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nhasablogg · 1 month
Could you do a Criminal Minds fic where Morgan rates all of Reids Tk spots? You could maybe do a playful one where he leaves notes on all of his spots as if he's doing a case report or something?
I love your fics! Keep up the good work!
A/N: Switched it up a lil, I hope you like it!
Rossi always found it interesting to see in what ways his teammates tried to preserve their humanity. Garcia chose to see the good in everything, with her colorful clothes and knickknacks. Who was the only one to still cry when it all became too much. Prentiss and her books, her sarcasm, her ability to still find things funny. JJ who at the end of the day went home to her son after trying to make the world better for him. Hotch, who only kept his humanity by making sure the others kept theirs.
And then came Morgan and Reid. The way the two of them never let the other forget, by joking around or showing tough love or allowing the other to lean on them when needed. Sometimes their humanity showed in silly ways, like prank wars or bickering. Today it was something physical, which had Morgan pretending not to smile and Reid whining.
Morgan was, from Rossi’s understanding, rating Reid’s tickle spots. A hand on the kid’s knee, squeezing once, twice, with Reid trying and failing to escape due to being trapped against the window of the jet, the table and Morgan in the way of freedom. “That’s a seven, I think.”
Prentiss hummed from across from them. “I’d say seven point five. Did you hear the way his laughter rose in pitch?”
Morgan nodded enthusiastically. “Noted.” He did in fact jot the rating down in his notebook, alongside the ratings for Reid’s thighs and sides. Rossi had unfortunately missed the end results for them. Had only really been alerted to what they were doing when Reid accidentally kicked the table a moment ago as Morgan had decided to go for his knees.
He’d have to ask for them later, naturally.
“That brings us to belly.” Morgan turned to him, seemingly doing everything in his power not to smirk - Rossi could tell from the twitch to his lips. “I have theories for this one.”
Reid was covering his torso, and yet he still asked: “Which are?”
“Oh, a ten for sure. I’ve heard the way you scream when tickled there.”
“Scream is a little exaggerated.”
“Want me to prove it, pretty boy? Because I will.”
Rossi felt for the kid, as he pressed himself closer to the window, a nervous smile plastered on his face. But he knew Morgan would never do something that crossed a line, and so this had to be okay. Even though it embarrassed him. Even though it showed parts of him that the rest of the team hadn’t properly seen.
“No, no, it’s okay-” Reid started, but Morgan went for it anyway. Worming his hands beneath Reid’s, he started poking and prodding, prompting panicked giggles that the other spots hadn’t produced. From Rossi’s understanding of this experiment, he wasn’t supposed to be tickling the kid for too long (“Can’t have him be all jumpy about spots that aren’t as bad.”), though this spot seemed to have him breaking his own rules. Rossi didn’t blame him. Watching Reid squirm and laugh, a scene so rare in the BAU, was intoxicating.
“That’s an eleven,” Prentiss said when Morgan paused to let Reid breathe. “For sure.”
“Maybe even a twelve. You hear the way he could barely form words?”
“Oh, I certainly did.”
“Here.” Morgan pushed the notepad toward her. “Jot that down, would you? I can feel his ribs calling me. I’m guessing they’re a nine.”
“Agreed.” “I’d say an eight.” Rossi hadn’t meant to get involved, but he’d seen Reid get his ribs patched up in the past and noticed the tensing up, but he’d also seen him get poked there and that had merely made him jerk away. Nowhere near the reaction his belly gave.
Morgan showed his surprise by blinking at him, but turned his attention back to Reid almost immediately. “Guess we’ll find out. Be ready with that pen, hey?”
Rossi leaned back to watch, smiling at Reid when their eyes locked. This was fun. He’d almost forgotten what that was like. He could tell his teammates hadn’t. Could tell this was second nature to them. How Morgan was hands on but Prentiss equally involved from the sidelines. How Reid accepted this form of playful teasing, despite his protests. How JJ and Hotch barely budged while all this was happening. Ease. There was ease on that jet, despite the heaviness of the case they’d just wrapped up.
He was glad for it. Realized he needed it too.
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infrequent-creator · 5 months
A Little Assistance ~
Tumblr media
Summary - Vox needs a little help so he calls his assistant up to take care of his need.
A/N: I don't believe vox's assistant has a name so I'm gonna have Vox call him the name "Sharkbait" 🤭((Also Cutie, Baby boy & various other teasy nicknames))
"Ah- fucking shit! Owowowow!" Vox cursed under his breath. He has spilled coffee on the floor around his chair on the wiring that surrounded his seats.
While they weren't parts of his body, he still was connected to them, like the roots on a tree. So when things happened to them like being stepped on or burned with hot coffee, it does hurt him a bit. He sighed looking around somewhat urgently for something to wipe up the now cooled sticky liquid off his attachment cords.
Nothing... damnit.
He signed, pinching the bridge of where his nose would be. He looked down at his wrist, pressing a button.
"H-Hello.. Mr. Vox, S-Sir, do you need me?" The face of his personal assistant Sharkbait popping up on the small screen. Stammering like always. Always looking a little flustered in a way that Vox couldn't help but find adorable. He cleared his throat from the distracting thought.
"Yes of course. Why else would I call you?"
"O-Oh I'm sorry S-Sir I didn't mean--" the shark stammered out an apology before Vox cut him off.
"Stop, I don't have all day. Bring some papertowels and warm water to my production room. A cup of coffee spilled on my wiring." He brushed off the lad's apology, trying to get this icky feeling off his wiring fast.
"R-Right! Yes sir!" With that, Vox hung up. He sighed again.
A minute or so passes before there's a knock at Vox's door. He waves his hand, an electric current hitting the door 's button panel, causing it to slide open for his guest. There he was. Sharkbait carrying a cloth & a small bucket with water. His feet moving quickly as his king tail swished behind him.
"Bout time you showed up, I'm sticky as hell over here." The overlord groaned as the annoying feeling on his cables. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
"R-Right, yes Sir, I'm so sorry." He nodded quickly, kneeling beside Vox's chair. He dipped the cloth in the water a little, squeezing it to get the extra water out, then began making quick work of the dark brown coffee stains.
Vox could feel his touches just a little, they felt faint but it almost felt good. Like getting a head massage almost. Vox leaned back in a sigh, his back resting completely against the chair as he relaxed. His light blue claws tapping, gently and rhythmically as the cleaning continued.
After a moment, Vox noticed something thumping gently against his leg. Also some quiet mumbling from Sharkbait. The TV man opened his eyes to see Sharkbait's tail was the thing gently hitting Vox's leg like a happy dog. The sharkboy's were locked on the floor as he mumbled to himself.
"Now, tell me Sharkbait, what are you mumbling about? Are you perhaps embarrassed that you have to clean up my mess?" Vox's hand slowly reaches down toward's his assistant's tail. The young man turned, opening his mouth to deny his boss's words but a gasp was ripped from his chest before he got the chance.
"Or are you embarrassed that this cute little tail is giving you away?~" Vox's hand quickly took the tail in his hand before it could wiggle away with his assistant's movement. The TV's voice purred as he gently held the tail on his lap, petting it slowly. He could still feel the muscle wanting to still wag even now.
"M-Misteheher V-Vohox! Please be c-cahahreful!" The shark demon quickly broke into anxious bubbly giggles, dropping the cloth to reach for his tail slowly.
"Careful? I am being careful. You think I'd hurt my cute little assistant's tail? What do you take me for, a monster?" Vox looked down at him with an eyebrow arched, a wicked grin spread across his screen.
"N-Nohohohoho! S-Sihihir my tail ihihis sensa-AHAha!" The adorable creature now on his side, curled up like a cat, kicking his feet in laughter.
"Aw is this tail sensitive, little pup? How cute~" Vox's claws now raking gently downward towards the end of his tail.
Sharkbait's face explodes into bright blue blush as he hid his face behind his hands, squealing and gently tugging on his tail. Vox decided his poor little tail had had enough, but the rest of him? Not a chance~
While Sharkbait wasn't looking, the overlord grabbed his little pup around the waist , guiding him onto his lap. The older demon's fingers touching from the slenderness of his assistant's waist.
The tv man snapped his fingers , making a wire slither to life, wrapping around his assistant's wrists holding them above his head, causing him to yelp. He was truly helpless and exposed right now.
"Cute little giggles you got there, pup. Let's see what happens when I use my claws here~" Vox's bright blue claws gently scratched at Sharkbait's sides and tummy at the same time.
The media demon's fingers leaving no spot on his middle untickled , making the little shark squeal, snort, and laugh. The little shark holding nothing back. He couldn't see it, but Vox was smiling at him.
"So cute~" Vox thought, letting his gentle tickles continue. He's always grateful for his little assistant.
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amazingmsme · 7 months
Chin Up, Brother
AN: My first epic fic & I couldn’t be happier! These boys deserve to goof off & have fun, they’re so damn silly at their core. All Polites wants to do is cheer up their captain & he pays the ultimate price. Odysseus is such a teasy bastard, I can’t get over it
Polites can't stand seeing a sour face, especially when concerning his friends. Some days are better than others, with most of the crew in high spirits, but as time drags on, it gets harder and harder to make his friends smile.
Ever since returning from their successful ambush attack, Odysseus hadn't been himself. There was a vacancy behind his eyes; something tense in his stride. Polites couldn't stand seeing him like this.
Of course, he knew that their captain needed time to process... well, everything. But he was practically a walking zombie, going through the motions of life as his mind lingered elsewhere. If he were being honest, Polites missed the old Odysseus: the one who constantly teased and joked with his men, who checked in when he noticed they were upset. But being a captain, there was an invisible line the others didn't dare cross, which meant that his own needs went ignored.
"I don't know Eurylochus, he just seems so sad," he lamented, staring at their friend from afar. He felt a gentle hand rest on his shoulder.
"We all are. He just... has more on his plate than the rest of us," he tried to reason. Polites looked up at him with wide, soft brown eyes.
"Well then, maybe we should help him eat it!" he declared. Eurylochus scoffed and furrowed his brows in confusion, lips tugging upwards into an amused grin.
"Come again?"
Polites rolled his eyes and giggled, shoving his shoulder playfully. "Shut up, you know what I'm trying to say."
Eurylochus threw an arm around his shoulders, guiding him away from their sullen captain. "Just give him some time Polites. He'll be back to himself in no time," he reassured. Polites looked over his shoulder with a frown, dipping out from under his arm and stood blocking his path. Eurylochus looked shocked, but more than that, he looked impressed.
"But we're his friends! We should at least try to cheer him up!" he insisted. Eurylochus heaved a sigh.
"Polites, you need to remember he's our captain first, and our friend second. Let him have his space."
"I think he's had enough space!" he argued, causing his friend to roll his eyes. "You know he'd do the same for us," he said, his tone softer.
"It's his job-"
"Well then, it's our job as his friends to return the favor!" he said, returning to his chipper self. Eurylochus spared a glance at their captain manning the wheel, Polites following his gaze.
Odysseus had been watching them from where he stood, wondering what they were talking about. He tensed when he noticed them looking his way, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. Polites smiled at him and waved. Odysseus didn't wave back.
Eurylochus sighed, knowing he had a point. "What did you have in mind?"
Polites hummed in thought, tapping his chin as he searched his brain for ideas. A bright smile stretched across his face as he turned to face him. "He's ticklish, right?" he asked, mischief beginning to overshadow his innocence.
Eurylochus immediately shook his head, eyes flying wide open. "No!"
Polites smirked and arched a brow. "Um, I'm pretty sure everyone's ticklish somewhere," he said, as if it were obvious. Eurylochus shook his head once more, grabbing him by the shoulder.
"I mean no, he'll kill you for even trying," he tried to warn, but Polites literally laughed him off.
"You know, you really need to learn to relax. Heh, maybe I should tickle you," he teased, reaching out to poke his side. Eurylochus jerked away with a yelp, grabbing onto his wrist after the fact. "Oh? Did I strike a nerve?" he taunted, poking him with his free hand. He choked back a laugh as he caught his other hand, staring him down with a warning look.
"Polites... don't. I'm trying to save you."
He snorted in amusement, dropping his hands to the side. Eurylochus let him go. "Save me from what? Our big, scary captain?" he joked, snickering at the mere thought. Odysseus wouldn't hurt a hair on his head! What was Eurylochus so worried about? He really needed to learn how to relax.
"Fine. It'll be your funeral."
"Oh lighten up Eurylochus!" he said as he headed towards the stairs, pausing to turn and point at him. "Or you'll be next," he winked before breaking off into giggles and rushing up the steps.
He watched him leave, fondly shaking his head. "Yeah, wouldn't count on it," he mumbled to himself, deciding he might as well get a good seat for the show that was surely about to start.
Polites skipped up the last few steps, walking with a bounce in his step that wasn't necessarily out of character, but it did catch Odysseus's attention.
"Hey Captain! How's she handling?" he asked, walking up from behind and clapping a hand on his shoulder. Odysseus studied him from the corner of his eye, growing skeptical.
"Um, fine.”
"Good, good," he nodded, trying to buy himself some time. "Looks like clear skies ahead," he continued with the idle small talk.
Odysseus sighed and turned to look at him, the deep circles under his eyes prominent. "What do you want, Polites?" he asked. He sounded annoyed and tired. Polites frowned. He hesitated before resting a hand on his shoulder, but even the soft touch seemed to startle him. He'd have to tread carefully.
"I want to know how you're holding up," he said earnestly. Odysseus shied away from his gaze, turning back to the open ocean that lay ahead.
"I'm fine," he said, his clenched jaw making his words sound harsh. His tone made Polites flinch back, holding his hands up in a placating motion. Odysseus regretted it almost instantly.
"Is that all you know how to say? Fine?" he asked, a playful, sheepish grin toying at the corner of his mouth. Odysseus felt himself fighting off a smile of his own at his friend's antics.
"Oh I could say a lot more. I'm just sparing you," he snarked.
"You don't have to. I'm always here if you need to talk," he insisted.
"Okay Polites," he huffed, bending his knees slightly and leaning back on the first word to emphasize his point, and yeah, Polites didn't appreciate the level of sass. Any hesitation he had about what he was about to do, Odysseus squashed it with that remark.
Eurylochus had made his way to the upper deck and sat down, untangling a mass of rope and knots to appear at least somewhat busy. His eyes were glued to the pair, wondering just how this would play out.
"Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he teased, crossing his arms. He noticed the way Odysseus bit back a smile.
"Careful. Did you forget who you're talking to?" he asked pointedly, arching a brow. Polites was practically beaming.
"Not at all, Captain," he spoke in his usual friendly manner, but with an uncharacteristic amount of sarcasm towards the end. Odysseus scoffed, mouth hanging open at the sheer audacity.
Polites glanced at Eurylochus and shot him a wink before gasping loudly, pointing in front of Odysseus and off to the side. "Wow, a pod of whales!"
Some men on the lower deck must've heard him, because a few rushed over to the rail to catch a glimpse. And just as he predicted, Odysseus turned to look. Now or never.
"Ticka ticka ticka ticka ticka!" he cried, scribbling his fingers over his sides and tweaking his ribs.  Odysseus honest to the Gods shrieked before a few deep belly laughs escaped. He tucked his arms close and doubled over, jerking the wheel to a hard right before letting go, and causing everyone to stumble and slide across the deck.
"Polites!" he scolded as said man was lost to a fit of bright, bubbly laughter. Odysseus scrambled to grab the wheel and right the ship, blushing profusely while simultaneously glaring daggers at his supposed "friend." Meanwhile the men below were yelling their own complaints, talking over each other and grumbling.
Polites wiped away a tear of mirth, patting him on the back before pulling him into a one armed hug. And okay, he couldn't help but shove his hand under his arm and poke his belly with the other. Odysseus snorted and tensed up, deep, rumbly giggles slipping past his clenched teeth before Polites finally relented.
"Ah, it's good to hear you laugh again Captain. No hard feelings," he said, going as far as to ruffle his hair before turning to leave.
"And just where do you think you're going?" The dark, even tone made Polites stop dead in his tracks.
A cold chill ran down his spine and he turned to face him. He caught sight of a smug, not very sympathetic Eurylochus. To make matters worse, he returned his wink from earlier.
"U-um, back to work?" he said weakly. Odysseus shook his head and let out a downright sinister chuckle. Before this moment, he didn't even know a laugh could be scary.
"After that? I don't think so." He took a step forward, and Polites took three steps back.
"I-I was just trying to cheer you up!" he pleaded, eyes wide.
"Really? Wow, I never would've guessed that," he mocked, letting his voice start to take on a teasing edge. "But how about I repay the favor?" he asked, voice dropping lower as he let the smirk he'd been holding back overtake his features.
"No thanks!" he was quick to say, foot already on the first step down.
"No, really. I insist."
Polites opened his mouth, but he was at a loss for words.
Said man perked up at the sound of his name, and he suddenly felt nervous hearing it thrown out amidst the altercation. "Yes sir?"
"Take the wheel."
He smirked to himself and nodded dutifully as he stood.
"Yes sir."
Polites wasted no time, rushing down the stairs as fast as he could. Unfortunately, mistakes were made and he ended up in a crumbled heap at the bottom. Odysseus peered down from the railing that overlooked the deck. "You okay down there?"
Polites gave a weak thumbs up.
The sound of fast, heavy footsteps above him kicked him into high gear and he scrambled to his feet. Odysseus took the stairs two at a time, vaulting over the rail and jumping on the deck once he was close enough. Polites was weaving through the thin crowd, desperately trying to make it to the crows nest. Maybe if he climbed up there, he could just stay there until Odysseus forgot all about it.
And then his face hit the deck for a second time.
He immediately began pleading his case as Odysseus rolled him onto his back. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, it'll never happen again!" He thrashed and squirmed trying to escape, but Odysseus had him thoroughly trapped. "Please, I'm sorry! Don't kill me!"
Odysseus threw his head back with a hearty laugh. "Oh Polites, you're so funny. A little tickling never killed anyone," he taunted, leaning in with a feral grin. Polites squeezed his eyes shut, biting his lip to dam the giggles that were already making an appearance.
"N-not yet!" he whined, drawing another low chuckle from the captain.
"Oh, you plan on being the first?" he taunted, tongue peaking out between his teeth as he grinned down at him. Then, as if to rub it in further, he laughed at his own joke and began cracking his knuckles. Polites giggled nervously, legs scrambling for purchase on the deck as he tried to get away.
"Nohoho! Let me gohoho! I'm sohohorry!"
"Laughing already? Maybe you should've thought this through," he said, mock sympathy dripping from his voice.
"Odysseus, plehehease! Dohon't!" Polites tried to plead his case one last time. The captain smirked, cocking his head at his friend.
"Don't what, Polites?" he asked, feigning cluelessness. Or was he going for innocence? It was kind of hard to tell.
Now, Odysseus was known for being sly and tricky. From his place at the wheel, Eurylochus saw the trap for what it was. Polites on the other hand, wasn't in a place to scrutinize his friend's intent. He answered almost immediately, "Tickle me!"
In all honesty, Odysseus wasn't sure he'd fall for it or not. He couldn't be happier.
Polites yelped and flinched when Odysseus fell forward in a fit of laughter, resting his forehead on Polites's chest. His shoulders shook with the force of his laughter before he sat up straight. Polites opened his mouth to speak, but froze when he saw the downright predatory look Odysseus was giving him.
"Polites, Polites, Polites..." he shook his head and patted his cheek each time he addressed him. Said man whined, twisting his head away from the patronizing hand.
"W-why're you saying it like that?" he asked nervously. Odysseus stared at him in awe.
"You don't even realize what you just said, do you?" Realization washed over Polites, his eyes going wide. Odysseus's smirk only grew as he watched it dawn on his friend.
"No wait, that's not what I meant! I was answering your question!"
"You really ought to use your words more carefully," he warned before digging in. He latched onto his hips, drilling circles with his thumbs. Polites immediately burst into loud, bubbly laughter as he slapped at his hands.
"Y-you trihihicked mehehe!" he cried, as if that fact would make him stop.
"Yeah, and it was easy. Seriously, you walked right into that one buddy," he taunted, slipping his hands under his shirt to scribble over his bare stomach. Polites snorted, trying to roll on his side. His laughter grew deeper and more full as one of his worst spots was targeted.
"NOHOHO! Cahahaptain, not there! Not thehehehere! Plehease!" he begged, thrashing as much as he could, though mostly he was fighting to curl into the tightest ball possible to protect his sensitive tummy. Odysseus slowed his movements, drumming his fingers impatiently to keep him giggling, broken up by the occasional hiccup.
"Alright tough guy, then where?"
Polites managed to grab his hands by interlocking their fingers and shoved them back as he caught his breath. "W-whahat?"
"You said not there... so, where should I tickle instead?" he asked, the happiest, smuggest grin gracing his lips. Oh Polites hated him right now.
"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't accept that answer."
"Why ahare you being soho mean?" he whined, trying to work his way free. Odysseus decided to let him think he had a chance.
"You made me almost capsize the ship!" Okay, maybe that was an over exaggeration, but he could have made them capsize. And that would've been a tough one to explain to the rest of the fleet.
Polites rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath, "You're the one who jerked the wheel..." Apparently he didn't mutter quiet enough.
Odysseus scoffed, mouth hanging open. "Excuse me?" Polites froze, mouth snapping shut. "Care to repeat that?" He shook his head frantically. "No, say it again. I don't think I heard you correctly," he said, slipping out of his grip with ease and poking all over his stomach.
"Plehehease! This ihisn't fahair!" he giggled, propping himself up weakly on his elbows, trying to crawl out from where he was pinned.
"No, what's not fair is tickling me in front of everyone, while I'm busy doing a very important task, no less" he insisted, trying to come off as stern, but he was smiling far too wide.
"It wahas just five seconds, Captain," Polites chuckled, arching a brow playfully. He just didn't know when to quit, did he?
"Oh yeah? Then I guess you deserve five minutes."
"Yeah, you can handle it. Five minutes is nothing," Odysseus shrugged casually, but the look in his eyes was that of a pure feral mischief.
Polites looked at him in utter shock. "No, five minutes is five minutes!"
"Always so eloquent," he taunted, wiggling a finger between his ribs. Polites barked out a laugh, twisting away. Of course, he only jerked into the other hand, delivering a nibbling pinch to his lower ribs. "Now shut up and laugh."
"That's contradictoRYYYYY!" Polites broke off into a shriek that melted into shrill giggles.
"You never answered my question by the way," he teased, playing his ribs like a piano. Polites snorted, both hands flying up to cover his face, but the red hue tinging his cheeks was visible in between his fingers.
"Ohoho bite mehehe!" he snarked, throwing his head back in wild laughter. The sound was full and bright, drawing out a good handful of soldiers to enjoy the rare bout of mischief on display.
"Well if you insist..." he smirked down at him as he began slowly rolling up his shirt. Polites shook his head, hands fighting to tug his shirt back down.
"NO! O-Odysseus, don't you dare!" he threatened weakly before he was shoved back down to the deck.
"Why? What're you gonna do about it?" he asked, tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy, or perhaps, more like a hungry wolf.
"I'll... Never talk to you again!" Even Polites knew that was a lie, and Odysseus didn't mind calling him out on it.
"Ha! You couldn't even last a day," he proclaimed, making Polites huff with a pout. "Oh don't give me that look, you know it's true," Odysseus rolled his eyes, reaching down to claw his stomach.
Polites gave up on holding his shirt down in favor of fending off the attacking hands. Odysseus took his chance and tugged the shirt up, pausing as an idea came to him, and he pulled the shirt over his friend's head with an evil little snicker.
"HEHEY!" he yelled as his vision was replaced with white fabric. Odysseus shrugged, despite knowing he couldn't really see him.
"What? It was getting in the way," he said as he lowered his head towards his bare stomach.
"It was NOHOHOT! BY THEHE GOHOHODS, STOHOHOP!" Polites shrieked through hysterics, completely taken off guard now that he couldn't see what Odysseus was doing.
He paused, sitting up to push his hair away from his face. "What? You said to bite you," he reminded cheekily.
"You're thehe worst!" Polites whined, reaching up to yank the shirt off of his head, only for Odysseus to playfully smack him away.
"Well that's not very nice! I never would've thought you of all people would forget your manners," he teased before diving back in to nibble his sides, sending him into another bout of hysterics. Odysseus shook his head and growled into the skin, making loud fake chewing sounds. Polites was almost grateful for his shirt hiding his face; at least then no one could see how much he was blushing.
In fact, he couldn't remember a time he felt more embarrassed. Maybe if he thought hard about it he could, but there was no chance of that happening any time soon. Odysseus had a perfect knack for doing or saying the most flustering thing at any given moment, and it seemed like he was intent on putting him through the wringer.
Polites was pulled from his thoughts when a shriek ripped itself from his throat as a raspberry was blown in the middle of his belly.
"Nonono Cahahaptahain DOHOHON'T!" he squealed before breaking off in shrill laughter, peppered with snorts. His legs scrambled and kicked the deck from where he was pinned, hands flying about uselessly. Odysseus popped back up to let him catch his breath.
"You're way more ticklish than me! I can't believe you honestly thought you could get away with that," he taunted, letting his fingers crawl up his sides towards his ribs. He leaned in to growl in his ear, "Just how did that work out for you?" He reached up to tug his shirt back down. What good was tickling him if he couldn't see the smile plastered on his adorable face?
"Hohohorrible! Ca-Cahahaptain plehehease! Let me gohoho I'm sohohohorryyyy!" Polites begged through helpless giggles that Odysseus chuckled along with.
"See, you say that, but you don't sound all that sorry," he teased, barely biting back his smirk.
"Ihihi aham!" he insisted. Odysseus studied him with a sly grin.
"Alright then... prove it," he ordered. Polites furrowed his brows as he sucked in air between bouts of giggles. He stared up at the captain skeptically.
"... How?" he questioned, arching a brow. His glasses were askew in the opposite direction, making for a rather funny expression. Odysseus snorted, reaching out to fix his glasses for him. "Oh, thank you," he muttered, adjusting them slightly, sitting them in a more comfortable position than Odysseus had.
"It's easy, really, all you gotta do is keepyourarmsup," he finished his sentence in a jumbled rush, masking it with a fake cough. But Polites heard him loud and clear, clutching his arms to his chest.
"Nohoho wahay, are you crahazy?" he asked incredulously.
"No, I'm the captain," he answered smugly. Polites stared at him, rather unamused by the joke it would seem. Odysseus couldn't have that, so he latched onto his knees.
"SHIT SHIT SHIHIHIT! Nohohot thehehere!" Polites fell back on the deck, overwhelmed by another fit of laughter. Odysseus relentlessly squeezed his kneecaps, no matter where they tried to kick to escape his grasp. Polites snorted, hiding his face behind his hands. He had no choice but to comply. "Ohohokahay I'll dohoho ihit!"
Odysseus pulled his hands away with a smirk. "There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" he asked innocently. Polites threw his head back with a giggly whine. He flinched with a sharp yelp when Odysseus tapped his elbows.
"C'mon, put 'em up," he prompted, making the task practically impossible by wiggling his fingers threateningly.
A small group of spectators stood off to the side, seemingly enjoying the show. Elpenor couldn’t help but throw in his two cents, cupping his hands around his mouth, "Remember, we need him alive, Sir!"
Odysseus let out a hearty laugh, patting his victim on the chest. "He's still breathing!"
"Barely!" Polites squeaked out, drawing out more laughter from their audience. His pink cheeks turned a shade darker.
"Pft, and you say I'm dramatic. This'll be the last thing, I swear," Odysseus said, hiding crossed fingers behind his back. Polites looked at him skeptically before sighing in defeat.
"Yeah, sure."
"Promise?" he repeated himself, trying to sound more stern. Odysseus rolled his eyes.
"Yes, fine, I promise," he lied.
Polites took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. He raised his arms up about halfway before he froze, shaking his head as nervous giggles spilled out. Odysseus shrugged.
"Eh, good enough for me," he declared before digging his hands in the free space under his arms. Polites squealed and his arms came crashing down immediately. Odysseus couldn't help but laugh along as Polites snorted through his laughter. His mouth hung open in a wide smile, dimples shining on his rosy cheeks.
After a few seconds he let up on his friend, but he didn't yet release him. Polites looked up at him, squirming more the longer he remained trapped.
"H-hey, aren't you gonna let me up?"
Odysseus offered a not so sympathetic look. "About that... I was crossing my fingers." Polites gasped at the betrayal.
"But you promised!"
"And this'll be the last last thing. Promise for real this time," Odysseus said, holding his hand out to shake. Polites looked at his hand, then up to meet his gaze as he scoffed.
"I dohon't trust you!"
"You trust me with your life," Odysseus taunted in a matter of fact tone, sly smirk playing at his lips. Polites bit the inside of his cheek to try and hide his amusement.
"That's different," Polites reasoned.
"Mmm, is it though?" he asked, cocking his head. Polites glared up at him, but the blush and smile combo he sported lessened the blow. Odysseus took the chance to scoop up one of his hands, giving it a firm shake to seal the deal before Polites wretched free from his grasp with a half amused huff.
"There, now you have my word."
"A lotta good that's worth," Polites sassed, crossing his arms. Odysseus stared at him in shock.
"Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to keep going?" he growled in a low, threatening tone, reaching down to squeeze his hips unexpectedly. Polites screeched and arched his back, hands flying down to protect himself.
Odysseus pulled back with a proud grin, "Yeah, that's what I thought. And just for that..." he trailed off, adjusting their position slightly to make sure Polites was securely pinned.
He giggled nervously, body already tensing up. "Ohohodysseus, plehease! Just let me gohoho!" he whined.
"After that remark? I don't think so."
Odysseus grabbed his head, gently holding it to the side, and Polites knew what was coming.
"Nohoho, please not thahahat! Cahahaptain, please, I'm sorrYYYYY!" his begging fell on deaf ears, morphing into a squeal as Odysseus bent down to blow a raspberry on the sweet spot just below his ear. Bubbly giggles filled the salty sea air as Polites fought for his life, flopping around on the deck in desperate search for any leverage he could use for escape. Odysseus took a deep breath, gently turning his head so he could get the other side.
Another giggly scream burst free from his lungs, hands shoving weakly at his shoulders. Polites wasn't sure how he could have so much air in his lungs, the gods had to be playing some cruel joke on him. And then, just like that it was over. Odysseus rolled off of him, leaving him to cope with a residual laughing fit, furiously rubbing away the lingering feelings on his neck.
Odysseus drummed a quick beat on Polites's chest, chuckling when he was playfully smacked away.
"You're an asshole," Polites said, not even bothering to try and hide the wide grin overtaking his features. “And you need to shave.” Odysseus chuckled, scratching his stubble nonchalantly.
"Sorry bud, I had to make an example outta you," he shrugged with a cheeky click of his tongue. He stood up and brushed himself off, offering a hand to Polites. He hesitantly accepted it, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet. His legs felt just a tad shaky, but he quickly steadied himself. The embarrassment, however, was much harder to hide.
Odysseus tried to reach up to ruffle his hair, but Polites quickly danced out of reach with a giggle. "Stahay away from me!" he yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him.
Odysseus just stood there, a smug, shit eating grin on his face as he watch Polites go running back to Eurylochus.
A soft hoot to his left startled him, and he turned to see an owl perched nearby, watching him with its head tilted at a perfect 90° angle.
Now it was his turn to blush it seemed, as the owl hooted again, twisting its head all the way around. It stared up at him with large, curious eyes.
"Oh shut up, I was teaching him a lesson."
But Athena knew better.
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