#tighnari has a thing for lightning
I'm going to post my angst drabbles here since they're too short to go out on their own and also cause Im having trouble getting an ao3 account
And to slowly get back into writing fanfics again
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Time stops for Cyno as he watches the lightning he created hit Tighnari. The world froze around him as he reaches out to Tighnari’s falling figure. As soon as Tighnari’s limp figure hits the ground, Cyno is dashing towards him. Cyno’s eyes slightly widened at Tighnari’s state, his hair was frizzed up and slightly burnt, another scar accompanied the other scar Cyno had also created in the past. But this time, Tighnari wasn’t awake to complain to him or to scold him; he laid in his arms, quietly gasping for air, the gasps becoming quieter and shorter each minute as Cyno grasped on him tightened.
“Tighnari, you need to open your eyes,” Cyno said, trying to keep his voice steady as his eyes flicker from his slightly moving chest to his face, inspecting his face for any movement.
Tighnari’s brows slightly creased as he slowly and slightly opened his eyes. Cyno’s heart filled with hope as he saw the man in arms become conscious again. Although a second later Cyno notices something and his heart fills with dread again. Tighnari’s eyes weren’t focused and his eyes flickered around, as if he was looking for something.
“Cyno, where are you?”
Cyno’s heart dropped as Tighnari muttered those four words. Tighnari’s eyes widened when realization, his mouth opening and closing as if he was going to speak, but in the end, he couldn’t. Tighnari could no longer gather his strength after getting hit. Slowly, Tighnari got colder as he felt Cyno shuffling around, attempting to bring him back like last time.
But this time, Tighnari was a little faster than him, he closed his eyes as his breathing stopped completely and eventually his heart too.
Cyno’s lips trembled as he tried to stay composed, to stay calm and leveled headed. His shaky hands gripping onto his body like a lifeline. Cyno held him closer, giving up the search through his bag. He resigned to comforting Tighnari’s body, holding him to the point his knuckles and the tips of his fingers turned white.
Cyno held it in, until he became so overwhelming; He started to whimper, that whimper then became a sob before he started bawling like he was a kid again. Cyno cried and trembled while holding Tighnari to his chest. Cyno gasped as he tried to compose himself, “Hey you want to hear a joke?” Cyno muttered quietly, for only Tighnari to hear.
“What has more lives than a cat?”
“A frog, since it croaks everyday.”
Cyno muttered, taking a gasp of air before he continued. He started to explain the joke, slowly and thoroughly as he alway did.
But this time…
This time, there was no Tighnari to interrupt him or to disappointedly mutter comments about it.
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otterneuvillette · 4 months
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⋆🌼🃏— Pairings: tighnari x gn! reader x cyno (can be read as platonic or romantic, pick your poison :0)
⋆🌼🃏— Sypnosis: You have been targeted by a group of Eremites for unknown reasons, so for your safety and the sake of their worries, you have been staying with Gandharva Ville. Here's how your life has become since then.
⋆🌼🃏— content: gn! reader, mentions of injury and just fluffy with light angst.
It happened all so suddenly.
You were a Rtawahist researcher, one of the best of your years. You went on an expedition to the desert with a team of adventurers to research the sudden change of movement of the stars.
Along the way, you and your team had a couple of gnarly encounters with the same group of Eremites, which was weird, why are they so intent to capture your group? As far as you know, none of you had offended them or made them feel threatened.
Until they finally captured you while the others were sleeping.
"Come on, give us your research papers and your Mora, and we won't hurt your pretty little head, yeah?" One of them spoke with a gruff voice.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Archons! Why do you need my research paper so badly?! Like I understand if you wanted just my Mora, but my research papers??" You exclaimed.
"We don't have to give you our reasons, brat."
They stood up and stabbed the dagger they were holding into a crate next to you.
"Just give us the damn papers before things get ugly, you hear me?!"
You shook your head stubbornly.
"No! I worked hard on those, I will not let you have it!" You yelled.
They let out a sound of annoyance.
"Fine, I'll just do this the hard way then." They lifted the dagger up again, it's chilling glint underneath the desert moon made you shiver.
But you'd rather die than let them have it.
You closed your eyes, preparing for a moment of pain that never came.
A groan of pain echoed in your ears, and the sound of cold metal clashing made you open your eyes.
Sliver hair filled your vision along with flashes of purple lightning. You were dazed by its familiarity as a thought crossed your mind.
That was a week ago.
Cyno told you that your expedition had lasted an extra week than you wrote in your letters. He went looking for you out of concern, and he had found your team and they told him that you disappeared overnight and that the group of Eremites that were terrorizing you and them.
You thanked him with dinner and a couple of rounds of TCG, which you lost, miserably.
And you managed to hand over your research papers to your professor before the deadline.
A win-win situation one might think, right?
Because when you get home from running some errands—
—most of your house was burned down.
All your equipment, your research books are half burned into a crisp.
You felt yourself holding back a scream.
No, this is not the time for an emotional breakdown. You ran inside what's left of your home, as you took whatever you could save in it.
Photo albums, important documents, your boxes of trinkets, anything.
You groaned softly as you cursed yourself for getting a place further out in the city in the first place.
By the sevens, who could be this cruel to do this?!
After a couple of hours, you salvaged quite some stuff. But you were glad that the box was unscathed from the fire, it held all of your precious trinkets that you kept growing up. Everything that they had given you.
You dragged your stuff into a cart that you kept in your yard and headed towards the city. Along the way, you passed by a certain blonde haired traveller who helped you with your other stuff that you hadn't managed to fit into the cart.
When you arrived, you managed to get yourself a place to stay for a while. And without wasting any time, you reported what happened to the Matra. They told you that they will open an investigation as soon as possible. You thanked them as you went back to the place you were staying.
Moments later, you heard a knock on the door, and you opened to find a worried Tighnari and also a serious-looking Cyno.
"Hey, we heard what happened, are you okay?" Tighnari asked you, his ears twitching slightly.
You nodded quietly, too tired to give him a proper response.
"I have some leads to who's the culprit that burnt down your house." Cyno said sternly.
You looked up, curious to hear his answer.
"The group of Eremites that terrorized your team a week ago might have been the ones that did it." He said.
You sighed defeatedly.
"Honestly, I was dreading that. Archons, I have no idea why they are coming for me and my work." You sighed, slumping on the bed.
Tighnari approached you and placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort you.
"You should lay low for now. I suggest you find a safer place to stay, they may still be on the lookout for you." Cyno said softly, feeling quite sympathetic for you.
"You could stay with me? I'm sure Collei would be happy to see you again..?" Tighnari offered. His tail swished gently,as he looked at you with concern.
"I agree with Tighnari, you'll be safer staying with him." Cyno nodded.
"Meanwhile, I'll lead the investigation, I'll make sure the culprit will get the judgment they deserve." He added.
"Fine, I'll stay with 'nari. But only, until I repair my house." You said, sighing.
Both of them nodded in agreement, as you stood up to follow them to Gandharva Ville.
"Let me help you with your cart," Tighnari said, already holding on to it.
You thanked him, while Cyno informed the nearby Matra to gather information about the incident.
You hoped that this matter would be over soon.
It's been a few weeks since then, whoever did the crime was insanely good at keeping their tracks clean, it even had the General Mahamatra stumped.
Yet, both Tighnari and Cyno did their best to help you take your mind off it, they didn't want to see you stress yourself sick.
You'd just been in your room, minding your own business, when you started to hear voices coming from the living room of Tighnari's house. You decided to go out to the living room to check out what was going on.
"Well, you see, it's funny because-" Cyno seemed to be explaining some dumb joke.
"Oh, archons! Stop with the terrible jokes already!" Tighnari groaned, but his ears perked up when he saw you enter the room. "Make him stop, please!"
"Cyno....please behave?" You whispered quietly, clearly exhausted from the house repairs the day before.
Cyno's playfully pouted, but he sighed and gave in to your gentle request.
"I suppose I can behave myself. For now, at least."
He smiles at you affectionately and then turns his gaze to Tighnari, whose eyebrows were furrowed.
"What's with that face, 'nari? Are you having a headache again?" You said worriedly, hastily approaching where he was sitting.
Tighnari nods slightly, a small frown appearing on his face. "Yes. It's been a long day. The headache seems to be getting worse every day. Archons, I wish they'd go away." He sighs quietly, his ear flicking down in displeasure as you move closer to him.
"Hmm....maybe you should take a break... I'll talk with the other rangers, Let me help you with the patrols for the week." You immediately offered, without even a stutter or hesitation.
Tighnari blinks his eyes in surprise at your eagerness to help. He shakes his head slightly, a small smile appearing on his face. A soft, affectionate gaze wanders over your face.
"No, no. I'll be alright. You know I'm tougher than I look," he tries to protest, but you can tell from his expression how much your offer means to him.
Cyno steps forward and places a hand on Tighnari's shoulder. "Come on, Tighnari. Take a break for once."
"See? Even the General Mahamatra agrees with me. So, just sit tight and rest. Let me handle the rest."
Tighnari sighs and looks up at you then at Cyno, then sighs again, giving in. A slight smile forms on his face as he looks back at you, clearly relieved.
"Alright, alright. I suppose I can take a few days off. But you better not overwork yourself," he relents, his tail flicking slightly.
Cyno smiles and nods affirmatively. "That's better. You look like you haven't slept in days," he comments as his hands gently brush back Tighnari's hair to examine his face.
"I promise I won't overwork myself. I can handle the patrols for a few days. Don't worry, 'nari. I'll be fine," You reassure him, offering a comforting smile.
Tighnari lets out a quiet sigh and closes his eyes, clearly exhausted, his ears slumping down a little.
"Alright, alright. I trust you. Just..." He reaches out and takes your hand, squeezing it gently. "Take care of yourself, okay?" Cyno watches the scene with a fond smile and adds. "Yeah, don't do anything reckless. We both know how you get when you don't take proper breaks."
"It's not really that bad, guys! I promise." You whined playfully, before patting Tighnari's shoulder.
"Let me go make you some herbal tea. I've acquired some new medicinal tea from Liyue from my pen pal." You said excitedly.
Tighnari smiles faintly as you pat his shoulder, his ears twitching slightly in appreciation.
"Thank you. That would be very helpful," he says quietly, clearly grateful for your offer.
Cyno, meanwhile, gives you a slightly teasing smile. "Yeah, sure. And maybe don't forget to take care of yourself, okay? We don't want you getting sick, too. You're not immune to everything either," he adds, his tone playful and affectionate.
"Says you, Mr. "Oh no, I have fallen ill because I refuse to wear proper clothing during cold desert nights!" Seriously, Cyno. You should let me knit you a blanket or something." You huffed as you started brewing the tea, filling the small space with a light jasmine scent.
Cyno groans quietly, a little embarrassed that you've brought up the incident again. His arms crossed defensively, but he can't help but chuckle.
"I'm fine with my clothes, thank you very much," he responds, a hint of defensiveness in his voice. "Besides, I like the feel of the desert air against my skin. Even the cold is refreshing." Tighnari, meanwhile, chuckles softly at the exchange, his ears perking up in amusement.
He raises an eyebrow at Cyno, his tone lighthearted.
"You're always insisting that your immune to everything, but look at you. You're just as susceptible as the rest of us," he points out, a fond smile on his face.
Cyno sighs and chuckles, unable to argue with that.
"Fine, fine. I see your point. But... I still enjoy the cold air."
You chuckled, shaking your head.
"Sit down, Cyno. I'm bringing the tea over." You called out.
Cyno sighs and obeys, flopping down on the couch next to Tighnari. His lips curled as he heard your lighthearted chuckle.
"I guess you're right," he admits, leaning back on the couch and stretching his arms. "But I'll still take my chances with the desert air. As long as you brew me some tea to help me when I get sick." Tighnari glances over at you, amusement is evident in his expression.
"The things I'd do for the both of you."
Cyno chuckles, a fond smile spreading across his face.
"And we appreciate it. We really do," he reassures you.
Tighnari nods in agreement, his expression softening. "You always take such good care of us, even when we're too stubborn to admit it," he adds, his tail flicking gently against the couch.
Cyno glances at Tighnari, then back at you, a grin spreading on his face.
"Yeah, you're practically a miracle worker. Always knowing when we need a helping hand, even when we're too proud to ask for it."
Tighnari laughs quietly and nods in agreement. "We're lucky to have you around. Who else would put up with our nonsense?"
"You're being too sweet, just drink the tea already!" You said softly, flushing slightly.
They both chuckled at your reaction.
"This is delicious. You've outdone yourself this time," Cyno compliments you.
Tighnari nods in agreement, his expression softening as he takes a sip. "Yes, it's so soothing. You're quite a talented herbal tea brewer."
"Thanks, I'm just gonna leave you two to it. I have an appointment with Kaveh soon, so I need to prepare some supplies."
Cyno raises an eyebrow, a teasing smirk spreading across his face.
"Kaveh, huh? What are you two getting up to?"
He takes another sip of tea, his tone lighthearted and playful.
"It's not what you think. I'm just going over my house plans with him. I'm repairing my house because a part of it got burned down, remember? The arson case a few weeks ago? The reason why I've been staying with Tighnari since then?"
Cyno's teasing expression quickly turns to one of concern.
"Right, of course. My apologies for teasing. I remember that case. How's the repairs going?" he asks you.
Tighnari nods in agreement and his ears perk up slightly as well. "Yeah, I hope you're not having too much trouble with the rebuilding," he adds, a hint of worry evident in his voice.
"Well, between having to acquire materials and trying to not break my back fixing it, I'd say it's going smoothly."
"I just hope that my savings are enough to cover for it. The prices of materials are insane." You sighed.
"But Kaveh has been helping out with finding affordable yet quality materials, so I think the repair would go as smoothly as I hope it to be," You reassured.
Cyno nods gently, relief is evident in his expression.
"Sounds like you're in good hands. Kaveh always has a knack for finding good deals. And as for your back, maybe you should take some breaks. Can't be overworking yourself with all this rebuilding," he teases lightly, a gentle smirk on his face.
"I know, I know, thank the Seven, Alhaitham offered to help me with my work, even if I didn't want him to, I could have perfectly done it myself,"
Tighnari nods in agreement, his ears perking up.
"Well, Alhaitham is somewhat of a difficult person to get along with sometimes, but I can't deny that he's quite considerate and helpful if the situation calls for it. Maybe he just wanted to return the favor you extended to him when you helped him in his research." He pauses for a moment, his expression softening. "But you should still take care of yourself. Don't overwork yourself, okay?" He adds, giving you a gentle look.
"I will. I'm going to head out now, so I'll see you tonight, 'nari and you later, Cyno." You said softly and waved the two of them goodbye.
As you leave Gandharva Ville to meet up with Kaveh, Cyno, and Tighnari continue to chat in the living room over tea. Cyno shares a few jokes with Tighnari, who rolls his eyes but secretly smiles at the playful banter.
As night falls, the house feels a little emptier without your presence. Despite their easy-going demeanors, Cyno and Tighnari can't help but feel a slight sense of worry and longing for your return.
When you finally return home, the apartment is quiet. Cyno and Tighnari are just lounging around the living room. When they hear you enter, they perk their ears up slightly and look over at you. A wave of relief washes over both of them, and they can't help but smile at the sight of you.
Cyno greets you cheerfully as usual, while Tighnari gives you a gentle smile and a tail flick.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to run away from some angry group of Fungi on my way here." You said, catching your breath.
Cyno raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.
"Angry Fungi? Sounds like quite the adventure. How many were there?" He asks, a serious glint in his eyes.
"A whole group of five huge Fungi. " You answered him.
Tighnari's expression softens and his ears twitch slightly. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all?"
You scratched your head bashfully, before looking at Tighnari.
"I might've....gotten a massive bruise on my back...."
Tighnari's expression immediately turns to one of concern upon hearing about your injury.
"Oh no... Let me see that bruise," he requests gently, taking a step closer to examine your back.
"I-I'm fine! I swear, 'nari!" You said hurriedly. taking a couple steps back.
"One of the Fungi headbutted me from the back while I was busy dodging the other ones."
Cyno raises an eyebrow at your insistence that you're fine.
"Headbutted, huh? You should be more careful. We can't afford to have you getting injured. Especially when we're not around to look after you," he remarks, his expression serious for a moment before his usual smile returns.
Tighnari's ears twitch, his concern still evident. "Regardless, let me just take a quick look to ease my worry," he insists gently.
"Fine, fine, just let me change into looser clothing first." You muttered.
Cyno nods in agreement, acknowledging your need for comfort.
"Alright, take your time. We'll be here when you're ready," he reassures you, his ear flicking a little. Tighnari gives you a reassuring smile and nods as well. "Yeah, no need to rush. Just take the time you need to change and then we can check your back. We want to make sure you're alright."
You quickly changed, and soon, Tighnari carefully guided you to the couch.
"How is it? Is it really bad?"
Tighnari examines your back, his fingers gently ghosting over the massive bruise that has formed there.
He winces slightly when he sees the extent of the injury but tries to maintain a calm demeanor. "It's a large bruise. You're going to have to take it easy for a few days to avoid aggravating it. I'll prepare some herbs to make a salve that can help speed up the healing process a little. In the meantime, try to avoid any unnecessary movement, okay?"
You sighed yet again. "I guess I have to postpone the repairs again....." You muttered under your breath.
Cyno overhears your muttered comment and his expression softens, sympathetic to your plight. He puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, it's alright. There's no rush. Your health comes first. We can figure out a way to handle the repairs later when you're feeling better."
Tighnari gives a nod of agreement and gently pats your back. "Yes, take it easy. Let us handle the repairs for now. You just focus on resting and getting better."
Cyno and Tighnari help you get comfortable on the couch, bringing you pillows and blankets to make sure you're as relaxed as possible.
Tighnari prepares a soothing salve to help reduce the pain and inflammation in your back, while Cyno grabs a cold pack from the freezer to press against the bruise.
They sit with you, keeping you company and making sure you're feeling alright. They chat with you softly, making lighthearted jokes and sharing stories to keep your mind off your pain.
Eventually, Tighnari returns with the salve he prepared, and he carefully applies it to your back with gentle but firm movements.
As the salve works its magic, slowly reducing the pain and swelling, Cyno gives you a smile and speaks in a teasing tone.
"You know, maybe this is just what you needed. A little break to rest and relax. Maybe a few days off might not be so bad after all."
"But I was supposed to help you so you could take a break, 'nari!" You whined quietly, pouting.
Tighnari smiles at your pouting expression, amused by your stubbornness.
"I appreciate the thought, but sometimes life has other plans. Right now, the most important thing is for you to focus on recovering. Once you're back on your feet, you can help us all you want."
Cyno rolls his eyes playfully and adds in a joking tone. "Yeah, and speaking of being back on your feet, maybe you should try picking on smaller targets next time instead of those huge Fungi."
"It wasn't my fault they came on me in the first place, I don't even know why they were so irritated in the first place!"
Tighnari chuckles softly, trying to imagine you fending off a horde of angry Fungi.
"Fungi can be picky sometimes. And they tend to guard their territory fiercely. Perhaps you accidentally wandered into their turf without realizing it, and they took action accordingly."
"I was walking down the designated path to Gandharva Ville! The Fungi weren't there when I first passed by on my way to Sumeru City!!"
Cyno bursts out laughing upon hearing your playful defense.
"Ah, well, perhaps those particular Fungi took a sudden detour and decided to set up camp on your usual path without warning. Those mischievous creatures can be quite sneaky, you know," he teases.
"Whatever..." You groaned, voice muffled by your face planting into the pillow.
Tighnari grins at your reaction and gently pats your head.
"Don't be upset. We're just teasing. We know you did your best." He turns to look at Cyno, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Cyno, why don't you make it up to them with one of your jokes? That'll surely lift their spirits."
"Please don't, can't you see I suffered enough? You guys are bullying me, I swear."
"Oh, don't worry, we're not bullies. We just believe in the healing power of laughter!" Cyno says proudly.
He takes a moment to think, then grins wider. "Hey, what do you call a snake with no legs?"
"What is it?" You groaned.
"An adder. Get it? Because it's a snake, and it has been 'added' without legs? Haha!" He laughs at his own joke, clearly pleased with himself. Tighnari hides a small chuckle with a cough. They both look at you, eagerly awaiting your reaction.
"I hate you guys...."
Cyno laughs even harder at your response, clearly enjoying your reaction to his terrible pun.
"Oh, come onnnn. Don't be like that. You know you love my sense of humor." He says with a smirk.
Tighnari can't help but smile at your groaning. He reaches out to pat your head softly, trying to soothe you.
As the evening progresses, Cyno and Tighnari keep up the light banter, sharing jokes and stories to keep your spirits up.
Slowly, you start to relax, the stress from your injury fading away as their company puts you at ease. The room is filled with laughter, and a comforting atmosphere settles in. Cyno tells another terrible pun, and even though you try your best to maintain a scowl, you can't help but let out a small chuckle.
Tighnari notices your slight smile and grins at Cyno, silently signaling him that their efforts are working. They exchange a sly, knowing look, grateful that you are starting to feel better.
As the night drags on, the room gradually falls silent as you doze off into a contented, healing slumber. Even after you fall asleep, Cyno and Tighnari take turns watching over you, making sure you're as comfortable as possible. They can't help but share a warm, fond smile, appreciating the peace and tranquility of the moment.
Your healing progresses in the following days, Cyno and Tighnari take turns caring for you. Tighnari diligently prepares meals and soothing herbs to help with your recovery, and Cyno occasionally comes by to offer his own unique way of making you feel better – by sharing yet another one of his terrible puns.
Despite your protests, Cyno's jokes never fail to crack a dumb smile on your face, and you find yourself secretly looking forward to his visits, just to hear those awful puns.
Eventually, your injury starts to heal as the days turn into weeks. Your pain and discomfort gradually fade away, and the bruise on your back begins to yellow before finally disappearing completely.
Tighnari examines your back once again, his fingers lightly tracing the area where the bruise used to be, before nodding in satisfaction.
"Yup, it appears that you have fully recovered. The injury has healed nicely, and there are no signs of pain or discomfort left."
Just as you're about to express your relief and thanks, Cyno chimes in with a dramatic sigh.
"Ah, it's a shame that you've recovered so quickly. I was already working on a new series of puns to keep the cheer going."
Cyno remarks, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
Tighnari rolls his eyes but can't help but smile at Cyno's antics.
"Oh yes, because your terrible puns were an absolute cure for all our ailments. We simply would be miserable without them," Tighnari retorts, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
Cyno pouts, feigning offense at Tighnari's words. "Hey, they weren't that bad! And besides, I had a whole new stockpile ready to go."
"Maybe, some other time, Cyno." You giggled.
"Spoil sport," Cyno grumbles, crossing his arms in mock disappointment, but a smile creeps onto his face at your laugh.
Tighnari lets out a lighthearted chuckle, shaking his head at Cyno's antics. They both sit quietly for a moment, enjoying the light banter and the relief of your full recovery.
You felt relief knowing that no matter what, come rain or shine, both of them would go to the ends of Tevyat for you as you would do for them as well.
But for now, let's just enjoy the tranquility of the moment, shall we?
Tighnari: hey, I noticed that you kept the pictures of our student years in the albums you have in your cart.
Y/N: of course I did, they're really precious to me.
*Cyno come closer and picks up a picture.*
Cyno:....hey, when did you take this photo of me passed out on Lambad's Tavern, and...wait...DID YOU SERIOUSLY BALANCE PLATES ON ME?!
Y/N: ......yeah, i'm just gonna leave- *sprints*
Cyno: OH NO YOU DON'T- *runs after Y/N*
Tighnari: *dies of laughter.*
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azullumi · 2 years
drunk habits — various characters ☆彡
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summary — him and his small drunk habits.
characters — kaveh, venti, tighnari, cyno, wanderer, alhaitham, ayato, kazuha, diluc (w/ gender-neutral reader)
tags — kind of fluff, a little bit of crack also, drunk drunk drunk, not proof-read; headcanons
words — 1289
note — was supposed to publish this yesterday but got busy so it's just now, i'll be working on the requests later!
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KAVEH — He reminds you of those people who'll randomly say how your life will turn to doom as you walk down the streets before then disappearing from your sight. He spills unbelievable secrets and shocking gossip, one that you don't even know exists and feels like it's exaggerated, to you when he gets drunk after some glasses of strong alcohol. He'll give out so much juicy details and tea that will keep you on edge on your seat and asking for more but once you throw him a question, he doesn't respond and you'll only be greeted with silence—it is when you'll realize that he has fallen asleep. If he's not asleep, either in some random place or just on his chair, you'll find him creating architectural designs that he wouldn't remember the next morning he'll wake up.
VENTI — Years or maybe millennia of being used to the taste of alcohol in his tongue and the burning feeling of the liquid on his throat had made his tolerance of it grow and become stronger. However, it doesn't mean that he doesn't get drunk in his every drinking session in the tavern or anywhere. He makes it a goal to reach that level of intoxicatedness every time, those moments and ways of him dancing around as he sings a gleeful and joyful song with you, spinning you around and swaying your body to the rhythm along with his. It's either that or he's making stupid pickup lines to you: "Are you a fart? Because you just blew me away," or "Are you not tired? Because you've been running around my mind all day," which will make you sigh as you urge him to shut up but he continues.
TIGHNARI — You’re at a party, hell yeah, but you’re inside the bathroom stalls, vomiting while your hair is being held back by a certain man who goes by the name Tighnari who also happens to be your boyfriend. He's the type of person to only drink a few glass and would prefer looking after everyone, especially you, so he doesn't drink much. However, when things go south and everything turns away from the path it was supposed to go down to, when he gets drunk, let's just say that he has a lot to stay and becomes a little bit grumpy—asking to be doted on and showered with affection by you. While his personality still remains, some bits of him just turns into a 360 like how he blabbers and talks about a certain topic he seems to be obsessed with.
CYNO — He would deny a few offers to drink a glass but then would give in just so to stop the pestering. He doesn't like to drink nor even attend such parties that mainly revolve around alcohol because getting drunk would put him in a vulnerable state but what's wrong with trying it once in a while? You could hardly tell if he is drunk at first but once you recognize the light and warm shade on his cheeks, the realization will strike you like lightning. He tries to act sober, walking in a straight line and not slurring out his words but he fails, maybe not miserably but he fails because he stumbles on his pacing and says words that make his sentences confusing and hard to understand. Speak about the events on the next day, however, and he will shoot you a glare.
WANDERER — A few glasses and maybe more and you find him much grumpier than ever—he's annoyed with all of the noises, sounds, and probably also lights happening all around him, demanding his attention and overwhelming him so he steps out of the place to get some fresh air. However, he's still irritable and would be more demanding to you, specifically your attention. Let's just say that this man when drunk will become the neediest person on earth ever. Putting him in bed, tucking him to sleep, becomes an easier task for you though not until he's grabbing on to your hand so tightly even as he slowly drifts to unconsciousness which leads to you staying by his side until his grip loosens up—it will only happen after an hour or so—and you can finally leave or perhaps, you could sleep beside him if you won't be able to shake off his grasp.
ALHAITHAM — He could handle his alcohol really well, in fact, if you'll challenge him to a drinking session to see who's the first to get drunk, he'll win no matter what—even if his head is already spinning and he's seeing two or three of the same thing at once. He becomes a rambling and chatty person, however, and often mixes words from another language to the conversation which creates confusion. When you'll ask him what the word means, he'll respond in another language which causes you to just give up and pretend that you understand what he is saying. If you were to compare him to his sober self to his drunk one, you could say that they are essentially the same but also fundamentally different as he still retains majority of his personality and adding only a little bit to it.
AYATO — Just like the people who prefer looking after everyone else and watching out for them so that they don't end up doing anything dangerous. He's extremely aware of what is happening to him and his surroundings, being on guard and attentive as always. He still pretty much maintains the responsible demeanor of him, drinking only in moderation, however, things can happen and it will be late until he realizes he's drunk and the alcohol is getting to his head already. That is when he gets—how do you say this?—a little bit reckless and careless, he takes off his clothing one by one and reasons that he's getting hot and he doesn't want to feel sweaty. He becomes flirty or maybe he's just forgetful because he confesses his love for you out of nowhere and asks you to be his.
KAZUHA — An idiotic fool who is stupidly affectionate when he gets drunk. He's not a lightweight nor a heavyweight but in every drinking occasion, he is always drunk. There is literally little to nothing changes in his behavior, he's still the same composed and sweet man that you know, just a little bit outgoing and friendly to everyone. In addition, he also becomes extra nice and a little bit energetic, becoming cheerful and everything but he will eventually become quiet and silent and soon you'll find him asleep on the chair he is sitting right after, this happens as soon as his energy is depleted. The next morning when he wakes up, he'll be greeted by the bright afternoon sun shining on his face and a major headache as he suffers from a hangover and he'll say to himself not to drink again.
DILUC — He doesn't admit it nor does he deny that he is drunk. When his drink has taken over his rationality, he becomes—admittedly— adorable and the clingier side of him comes out as he tries to be close to you as much as possible, not wanting you to leave his side even if you're just going to get some water for him so that he could sober up for a bit. He'll have you sitting on his lap or beside him as he wraps his arms around your figure, his head resting against your shoulders as he breathes in your scent. If you stand up and walk around, he'll follow you, his height and body towering over you as he stays so close to your back and if you'll ask him what he is doing, he would only respond with nothing.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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ventitititi · 2 years
Sooo, I was thinking and wanna know your thoughts about what are genshin men insecure about their bodies? Scars, height, weight, colors, shapes etc etc (sfw and/or nsfw)
What does their s/o unintentionally do that reassures them?
My personal favorites are Tighnari, Kaveh and Diluc. But feel free to choose whoever you want!!!
Thanks a lot!! 💕
Oh my goodness this is cute!! Of course I'll do all the boys mentioned<33 spare me for kaveh and tighnari, its my first time writing them😭 i hope you enjoy! Short and sweet<33
Cw/tw: nsfw mentions, Scars, trauma, insecurities
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- i imagine he has scars left after being struck by lightning, and that he can be self concious of them
- i think he may also sometimes be a little insecure about his height, since he's rather short
- you pressing kisses to the edges of his scars that peek out often remind him that the marks don't bother you
- honestly, i personally think lightning scars are quite pretty, aside from the painful reminder they can serve. If you ever off handedly mention that, perhaps the morning after while tracing them, i think his cheeks would be positively glowing as he processed they didn't impact your view of him
- on his height, I don't think its something that would truly bother him much, but he'd definitely be internally happy about grabbing things from higher shelves for you
- unfortunate side effect if your both short: you now need a tall friend to reach the uppermost cupboards, a foot stool, or just plain not use them
- all i know is that he gives pretty boyfriend vibes
- he might be tall, and buff from swinging around the claymore, but mans enjoys his self-care
-probably a bit insecure about the scars/callouses littering his hands from time spent training
- also from what i know of him, which is VERY little, i get the impression he cares about how others view him, and can be sensitive about his outward appearance
- will be beyond happy to hear any compliments you give him, regardless of if they're about his appearance or something else
- when it comes to you telling him how pretty/attractive he is though, the words soothe any small anxieties he might have about himself
- headcanon that he's rather pale for a sumeru citizen due to him spending so much time indoors drafting blueprints and such, and may also find this to be an insecurity
- it's hard to not quite fit in, i dunno how you would soothe this worry unintentionally but if you reassure him when he voices them, I'm pretty sure you'd be stuck with him forever
-another pale boi™, but this time because he's largely nocturnal
- probably secretly worries he'd intimidate you tbh, like he's rather tall & buff and he knows he can have a grumpy expression unintentionally
-or maybe worry about accidentally hurting you (*cough* trauma *cough*)
- smiles a little whenever you come up excitedly to show him something, you being so happy to seek him out reassures him that no, he didn't scare you (especially not, judging by that flower crown you'd placed on his head once)
- prefers to give compliments imo, but is secretly pleased whenever you voice how attractive/pretty/handsome he is (probably gloats about it a little tbh lol)
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sorry-moots · 8 months
Inversion of Genesis But I Changed It
i'm sorry this is late and short but college is really kickin my ass that's a lie i just procrastinated writing this and now i'm procrastinating my assignments too WHOOHOO character featured: scaramouche, haypasia, lumine, mention of tighnari cws: none :) wc: 1,016
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Chapter Nine
“You’re just in time,” Scaramouche says as you walk in. You had left to grab lunch and had been dragging your feet but the harbinger managed to pique your interest.
“Just in time for what?” you ask, eager to know what had your superior so excited. It’s not every day he’s this cheery and you were planning to enjoy his good humor.
“Take my hand and close your eyes,” he commands, and you do so without hesitation.
“Behold, my first follower.”
You open your eyes again and you’re no longer in the office. You’re now surrounded by trees and flowers and green glass. As you take everything in, you become aware of a young woman sleeping on a small bed in the arboretum. It takes a minute for you to process everything and reply.
“Your first follower? What about me?” you ask, faux offended.
“You’re not my follower,” he shoots back. “You're my right hand.”
“Oh really?” you tease. “And just what are my benefits as your right hand?”
He smirks as he answers, “Front row tickets to my neverending awesomeness.”
For once, you’re the one rolling your eyes. “I was hoping for PTO but that works, too, I guess.”
The banter eventually stops, but the atmosphere remains amiable and light. The two of you are content to watch the sleeping woman in the comfortable silence, until she receives a guest.
“Oh, this day just keeps getting better!” the harbinger exclaims. “Watch this, I’m gonna start talking to her– it’s gonna freak her out.”
You watch as the traveler looks around, searching for your boss, not realizing he is only there in spirit. Her little companion is flying around erratically like an anxious gnat.
“...I know you must be curious. I might as well tell you that I entered Haypasia’s consciousness the moment I sensed your touch.”
As they talk, you finally entertain the thoughts nagging at the back of your head.
If he was able to project himself to the traveler through Haypasia hundreds of miles away, how come he needs to hold my hand?
Clearly, he can maintain a telepathic connection without physical contact— how else would he be talking to the traveler? And she can definitely see him, too; she’s staring right at him. There’s no reason for Scaramouche to be holding your hand. He just is.
Just as that train of thought began to consume you, the harbinger’s voice took on a hint of ire, detectable only because you spend so much time with him. He doesn’t look mad, per se, but whatever the traveler said has soured his good mood.
“Both good and bad things can be considered gifts. After all, gods are not expected to abide by reason.”
Thunder rumbles, simultaneously distant and in your ears. Through your connection with Scaramouche, you can see the sky darkening above Pardis Dhyai. A lightning storm of his own creation. Screams quickly follow.
The greenhouse blinks out of view and you’re disoriented until you move and feel Scaramouche’s fingers tighten reflexively around yours. Realizing what he had done, he drops your hand like a squirming beetle.
A heavy silence hung in the air. Not wanting to further upset your boss, you went back to your desk to sort through the correspondence.
Hours pass and you're finally about to leave the office when you notice Scaramouche lost in thought. As wont to avoid irritating him as you are, your curiosity– or worry?– gets the best of you.
“Lord Scaramouche…?” you call out. He raises his head and you continue. “Did the traveler say something to trouble you?”
“That little twerp tried to talk me out of ascending to godhood,” he growled. “She said that my allies plan to infuse my consciousness with divine knowledge capsules. She said that I’ll change, that I won’t be the same.
“That they’re essentially turning me into a new person,” he finished.
You contemplated his words with a concentrated look. No words would reassure him, so you took a different approach.
“Well, are you sure you even want to ascend to godhood?”
The harbinger looks positively scandalized but you keep going. “I mean, think of all you’ve accomplished!
“You command an army of soldiers. You answer directly to Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa. You’re already really powerful on your own and, I dunno, I kinda like you the way you are now…” You trail off at the end, cracking your knuckles nervously. “Well, whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”
He’s still staring at you with his mouth agape, so you turn to walk back to your desk before a question comes to mind.
“By the way, sir… Why did you electrocute that one guy? Your accuracy is usually perfect, but just now you hit someone who was protecting Haypasia.”
Broken from his reverie, his lip curls. “I’m not a fan of foxes.”
Before you parted ways at the hotel last, Scaramouche told you he didn’t need you to come, essentially giving you the day off.
Unfortunately for him, you hadn’t taken a day off since before you started working for him. With your overabundance of time, you found yourself itching to bake. Three hours later, you stood in the hotel’s kitchen with a perfect custard pudding. And no one to share it with.
You know he’s not a fan of sweets, but you ultimately decide that your boss should be your judge. In a blink, the pudding is packed into a basket and ready to go.
The walk to the base is most pleasant. A gentle breeze softens the sun's intensity and plays with your hair, caressing your face like a fond mother. The cheerful sun, the billowing clouds, and the song of the dusk birds made for the perfect ambience. Such tranquility could not, however, mask the banging coming from underground.
Without much thought, you pick up the pace. Scaramouche is probably getting rough with the soldiers again…
A moment later, you arrive at the mecha suit lab and push the doors open. To your horror, it is not a Fatuus that Scaramouche has engaged.
It’s the Traveler.
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tags: @lacunaanonymoused, @dollpoetwriting a/n: this would've been longer but then it would've turned into a 2-for-1 chapter and that would really irk me
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kazuhaplscomehome · 1 year
so 👏
the content of todays rant is allogenes and scars
I was playing genshin, as one does, and I accidently drowned yanfei and it got me thinking
what if the allogenes actually retained the scars from each time they die
the more you use them, the more they die, and the more they die, the more scars they have
let's start off with the fact that Kaeya, in all of his existences, is pale as fuck, his lips are purple and has all the other visual cues of a drowned person
why? well, I think that all of us have at least once drowned him while trying to ice bridge
then you have practically all of the pyro allogenes
I don't know about yall, but my yanfei is constantly burning cause i can't dodge to save my life and I bet the rest of them would also have visible burn marks on their legs and hands
also, let's clear something up, in this rendition of things, tighnari is not the only one with lightning scars running across his back, and don't lie and say that your main hasn't been hit by lightning while you had them running across inazuma
and whilst the creator cannot see them while playing the game, once they descent to Teyvat its crystal clear that their actions do have consequences
imagine the guilt eating them up once they realise what they have done to their beloved followers
simply mwah, so much angst
(ps the traveler is always the one in the worst shape cause scars from the creator aside, they also have canon lore scars)
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favonius-library · 1 year
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in the following post, you can find links which provide three works by each creator and member of this network. these have been chosen by the members themselves, so please make sure to check them out and show some support! please make sure to read warnings for each individual work provided by the creator.
this post will be updated monthly.
PART TWO (s-z)
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@aimixx writer
a picture | alhaitham x gn!reader
hands of an artist | xiao x fem!reader
the audience | dainsleif x fem!reader
@aquatik writer
magic hour | ayato x fem!reader
heatwaves | itto x fem!reader
guardian knight | cyno x fem!reader
@arkhammaid editor & writer
the (dendro) big three and how you fell for them | alhaitham, baizhu, kaveh x gn!reader
the earth speaks to all of us | tighnari x gn!reader
the man, who deeply cherishes and loves you | ayato x fem!reader
@au-starss writer
injury | various x gn!reader
it's the little things! | various x gn!reader
my favorite professor | various x gn!reader
@baeshijima writer
how to woo the acting grand sage 101 | alhaitham x gn!reader
genshin men in a royalty au | ayato, childe, dainsleif, diluc, kaeya
only under the rain do we shine | alhaitham, dainsleif, diluc, zhongli
@bl-inkstone writer
soft thoughts | childe x gn!reader
every action has an equal opposite reaction | childe x gn!reader
sagau | diluc x gn!reader
@bluexiao writer
hidden scars | xiao x gn!reader
love is... | scaramouche x gn!reader
are you leaving? are you leaving me? | various x gn!reader
@bornofchalk writer
a yaksha's will | xiao x gn!reader
the first year's dream | xiao x gn!reader
mundane life and the act of being known | xiao x gn!reader
@cherry-froggie writer
don't be jealous | wanderer, zhongli, xiao
eternal devotion | ayato x gn!reader
the masked warrior | childe x fem!reader
@circyexistforcontent writer
the god of teyvat won't let go of me please send help | scaramouche x reader
but you descended earlier than expected | scaramouche x reader
love letters and overlooked jealousy | venti, xiao, tighnari x reader
@cosmichorrorsarestillnicerthanme writer
catching her eye | ningguang x gn!reader
worthy of you | sara x reader
two very different types of art | yoimiya x reader
@darlingkeqing writer
the weather is awful but i still have you | xiao x reader
quiet akademiya mornings with tighnari | tighnari x reader
@emocka writer
rejected | aether, kazuha, tighnari x reader
my loving queen | tighnari x reader
a splash of color | kazuha x reader
@heiayen writer
fifty letter to you | kaeya x gn!reader
a rose for you | albedo x gn!reader
helping you cheat on an exam | various x gn!reader
@herrscherrofyatta writer
splintered heart | ayato x fem!reader
battle of affection | scaramouche x fem!reader
yesterday | tighnari x fem!reader
@idyllic-affections writer
for your happiness, dearest one | signora x younger sibling!reader
to keep the wind at bay | venti x teen!reader
dad!pantalone | pantalone x child!reader
@june-again writer
deliver me | tighnari x reader
lightning on the sunniest day | kazuha x gn!reader
a visit to the library | alhaitham, kaeya, thoma x reader
@kaelily writer
sweet mornings | diluc x gn!reader
respectfully yours | ayato x gn!reader
lipstick stains | yelan x gn!reader
@kage7ama writer
wait a minute! | itto x gn!reader
i'll wait a thousand years just to see you smile again | scaramouche x gn!reader
need some help with that? | heizou x gn!reader
@keqism writer
golden hour | xiao x gn!reader
un lieu d'espoir | heizou x gn!reader
so this is love | various x gn!reader
@kyokaede writer
kiss it off me | kazuha x gn!reader
castles crumbling | kazuha, xiao, scaramouche, lyney, neuvillette x gn!reader
cover me in sunshine | scaramouche, albedo, xiao, childe, kaeya, neuvillette x gn!reader
@k-zu writer
i abhor you | wanderer x gn!reader
scars | xiao x gn!reader
can i kiss you? | heizou x gn!reader
@mayaree-darling writer
water... connoisseur? | neuvillette x reader
who's to say what's real or fake
mastermind | various x reader
@mhiieee writer
untitled log #1 | wanderer x reader
[ 10:37am. ] | neuvillette x gn!reader
voicelines about you: as their lover | inhibitor lunae, jing yuan, gepard, jingliu, kafka x gn!reader
@micheya writer
logical until he isn't | alhaitham x reader
kazuha in love with you | kazuha x reader
stargazing with diluc while the world slowly ends | diluc x reader
@mondaymelon writer
when they first fell in love with you | various x gn!reader
meet me at backstage | 6reeze x gn!reader
when you ask to touch their ears | gorou, tighnari x gn!reader
@n3r0-1417 writer
iodine. lutetium, vanadium. yttrium, oxygen, uranium | albedo x gn!reader
voicelines about you [ part 2 ] | scaramouche, venti, xiao, yae miko, yelan x gn!reader
the red string of fate | childe x gn!reade
@nc-vb writer
you only tease the ones you love | diluc x fem!reader
it's not the roaring thunder that smites, but the silent lightning | tighnari x fem!reader
blur | scaramouche x gn!reader
@pen-observing writer
i once... | ayato x gn!reader
warm | dottore x gn!reader
paths within a new world | various x gn!reader
@raspbrrytea artist
@reilly34 writer
teaching you how to dance | nilou, eula, navia, furina x reader
dating hcs | topaz x fem!reader
dating hcs | march 7th x reader
@rintosei writer
delicate things they do | various x gn! reader
from here to eternity | lyney x gn!reader
rainbow rose | lyney x gn!reader
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isnt-it-pretty · 1 year
Do you have any hurt!cyno fic recs?
I have a few! A lot of cyno and tighnari but not all
Shameless plug for my own Cyno fics of which there is many.
a safe place to fall by eiiven
Cyno was all gunmetal bones and sharp wolf teeth. The Akademya made him a hero, a warrior, something to be feared—something to be respected.
Murder and mercy rolled into one boy, they said. He was destined to be a one-man army. The reputation that stemmed from that alone was a long and lonely shadow. It never cast over Tighnari.
Even when his hands were scarred from murder, when his skin was tainted with blood, Tighnari didn't see Cyno as a monster. He trusted him—perhaps more than anyone in the world.
Cyno could never hurt Tighnari. Not truly. He always knew that. They always knew that. It was why he could stare at Cyno's weapon without fear.Even if it was pointed straight at him.
we can pretend there is silence here by lao_you_tiao
// Major spoilers for Cyno story quest, 3.2 Archon Quest.
Dreams return to Sumeru. After years of emptiness, nightmares come for Cyno once more.
With the help of the one closest to him, the General Mahamatra stops running away.
home is where the heart is by jumyouboshi
After getting seriously injured on an assignment, Cyno finds himself at Tighnari's doorstep.
washing machine heart by wisforia
“It looks pretty nice as far as scars go. What do you think?”
“You always look nice.”
“That's not what I asked,” Tighnari teases.
On the first night of peace in Sumeru, Cyno dreams of lightning.
Cyno's fears and emotions after Tighnari was struck by lightning. Includes none explicit sex.
in the desert by nauticalwarrior:
Cyno goes out into the desert. Alone. Which, in and of itself, isn't unusual, and wouldn't be a problem. He is the General Mahamatra, after all.
Except he's a bit careless, and doesn't bring as much water as he should. His only waterskin springs a leak.
In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;
"But I like it
“Because it is bitter,
“And because it is my heart.”
- Stephen Crane
as the scarlet sands by shyjinks
Cyno does not know much.
His memory is a fractured mosaic, scattered across scarlet sands, with only a faint impression of what it might once have been.
He does not think any deeper on it. The consequences will be dire, he knows—
Nothing could be worth the risk.
[aka: cyno has only ever had one thing to protect.]
the stars are not hereditary by wisforia
Five times Cyno was taken care of, and one time he took care of someone else.
"I asked them to,” the boy suddenly spoke up. His voice was soft but edged with a firmness that surprised Cyrus. He lifted his head and Cyrus could see flecks of warm brown mixed in those blood-red eyes. “The spirit killed many in the village. It couldn’t be stopped,” he said, a cut of sorrow crossing his features briefly. “I volunteered.”
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genshin-silliness · 2 months
Personal headcanons for Tighnari, Cyno and Collei :)
Disclaimer: These are all my PERSONAL thoughts on each character and aren't meant to be taken as canon.
Starting off with my king, obviously (the obsession I have with this man is so unhealthy pls send help-).
I see him as being Pansexual. I don't think gender would really be a requirement for him to be attracted to someone (I'm projecting tbh).
Back in his Akademiya days, he used to have a horrible habit of neglecting his health for extra study-time. He thankfully improved and now puts self-care as a priority rather than optional.
Pretty popular headcanon, but he used to have longer hair back in his Akademiya days as well. He subconsciously grew it out because it looked similar to his father's, but once he moved to the forest he had to cut it since it would get in way. (F in the chat for Tighnari's hair😔).
I see him as either being cis-male or genderfluid.
Whenever he visits the grand bazaar, if he finds something that he thinks Collei would like he'll immediately buy it and leave it on her bed when he returns.
He's open to having his ears touched, however, what he doesn't tell people is that he enjoys it when they scratch that particular spot behind his ear. It's something of a guilty pleasure for him.
Has a few scars on his hands from digging in the dirt as a kid (he was a curious boy trying to look for treasures, unfortunately, all he found was sharp things).
Speaking of scars, also a pretty common headcanon, but he has a scar traveling down his left arm after the archon quest due to, yk, getting struck by lightning. I don't think the scar would bother him too much, as he would compare it to vines.
He grew up in Vimara village. His dad decided it would be best to raise a child there, since it would be easier on his ears.
After the archon quest, he didn't realize how much getting struck by lightning had traumatized him. It was only when a thunderstorm (I think he'd associate lightning with thunder since he heard thunder just before he got struck) passed through the village when he realized just how much it had effected him.
Don't think he's much of a crier. Not that he attempts to bottle up his emotions, I just don't think he's type to get too emotionally overwhelmed. (Not saying that it never happens, he's had his moments).
He feels most at ease when he's with his family and friends.
Refers to Cyno as his brother due to their close bond (I can't really call it a headcanon but I personally like the idea of them being childhood friends soooo).
Has actually has incredible artistic ability, due to drawing many sketches of different plants and organisms from a young age.
I don't think he'd ever admit it but somewhere, deep, deep, DEEP down, he has a soft spot for Cyno's jokes. He still hates them and finds them annoying, but since they make Cyno happy, and he knows the intent behind them, he can put up with it.
His love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, and acts of service (source? I'm literally hoyoverse-)
Bisexual and trans. I don't make the rules (I do).
I do see him being on the neurodivergent spectrum.
My man is TOUCH STARVED. As a kid, I don't think he received much physical touch, mostly because he doesn't seem like a kid who would want it. It wasn't until Tighnari asked if he could give him a hug that Cyno realized just how much he was starved of physical affection.
Dogs have a tendency to be attracted to him for some reason. He doesn't mind though.
Became the General Mahamatra at a young age (in his mid-teem years) (I don't think if that's actually canon or not tbh).
Had a lot self-identity problems growing up. Regarding his power, Hermanubis, all that stuff. But nowadays he's perfectly happy and content with who he is.
He has a scar on the back of his neck that he covers with a choker. He got it during his first year starting as a Matra when he let his guard down and someone came from behind and cut the back of his neck. He was embarrassed he let that happen, and now wears a choke to hide it.
He's an impulse purchaser (mostly when it comes to TCG stuff).
Since he doesn't like to be vulnerable around others he doesn't know, whenever he finds himself seriously injured (rare occasion) rather then heading to the Bimarstan he always goes to Tighnari. Since Tighnari knows him the best out of anyone.
He will occasionally visit Candace in the desert, and drop off a large crate of toys for all the kids of the village. He never takes credit though.
A few scholars, who weren't intimidated by Cyno's presence and instead became entranced by him started a secret fanclub for him. He is completely unaware that this fanclub exists.
After the archon quest, he started frequenting the Grand Bazaar and Nilou and him became good friends :) Nilou helps Cyno with his emotions, while Cyno helps Nilou with staying on guard (guys I love Nilou, can you tell??).
As a kid, he had REALLY long and thick hair that reached almost all the way down to his ankles. Lisa eventually helped cut it (Cyrus....tried. But it got too pitiful to watch so Lisa had to step in).
He would never admit it, but the sole reason he covers one eye with his hair is because he was influenced by Cyrus.
Kaveh once sheepishly asked if he could do Cyno's hair, which he agreed. Now, whenever the four meet up for their weekly gossip Cyno always leaves with his hair in a new style (Cyno's personal favorite was braids that tied back into a small ponytail).
When he was a kid, Cyno would experience sleep paralysis due to the influence his powers had on him at that age. One night, he cried and cried because he was scared, but then, Nahida spoke in his mind and told him it would be okay, and told him stories until he drifted back to sleep (kind of like with Dunyarzad) (I'd like to think Nahida spoke to a lot of children, not just her). Unlike Dunyarzad, Cyno doesn't remember this experience.
I personally don't have a solid gender or orientation headcanon for her, but I do think she'd be open to both men and women. Possibly unlabeled.
Give my girl freckles.
Her handwriting is SO bad and only Tighnari and a select few can actually understand it (she's getting better though).
While she's studying and taking notes she doodles little plants in the margins. When looking over her notes, Tighnari will sometimes make a comment on it like: "nice illustration here" and then she gets embarrassed.
She once got emotional when Tighnari told her he was proud of her (are half of these just gonna involve Tighnari...).
She needs to feel useful almost all the time (in Cyno's second story quest when you say you'll show off your tent pitching skills and she goes "no that's my job D:" UGHHHHH I love her so much).
She has heterochromia, with one of her eyes being grayish and the other being purple.
After reading so many light novels from Inazuma, she started writing short stories of her own as a hobby. She tends to base the characters of her stories off of the people she knows without realizing it. Though she has fun writing these stories, she vowed to never show anyone.
A larger headcanon, but I'd like to think that when Collei grows older, instead of enrolling in the Akademiya, she becomes an adventurer and traveler! I'd like to think she realizes that she wants to see more of the world, maybe that idea stemming from meeting the traveler. After hearing countless stories of their trips, she realizes that she wants to experience those stories herself. (I also like to think she'd travel with Freminet as well but that's a whole other post).
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awake-my-oceans · 2 years
…Tighnari has a rough, weird go of it during the Sumeru Archon Quest
so first Cyno completely vanishes and the Akademiya is being sus about that on top of their being sus about their secret Grand Project they’re pressuring you to join
his mentor keeps sending him letters encouraging him to join the project but the letters are out of character, so something’s Up
then Collei’s health takes a turn for the worst
then this traveler shows up and immediately passes out from one whiff of meditation incense, establishes an accidental, perfect connection with Irminsul and hears “world forget me” without going mad, then wakes up like nothing’s weird. so like. you tell them nothing’s weird but insist they stick around for a bit for observation
they seem ok. deeply weird, but ok. hey at least we can pawn off this old Akasha terminal on them
then Sumeru City goes strange for a moment, like. no one allowed in or out of the city, there’s kinda radio silence from the city, and you hear rumors that a lot of people relapsed on a lot of health conditions out of nowhere
now Haypasia just went mad from “world forget you” so like. there are a lot of concerning things happening all at once. you help where you can, you go to Haypasia and she’s. a very different flavor of mad than the other scholars. it might mean it’s curable! but what is happening no really plz
Dottore comes back and apparently the Akademiya has allied with him despite everything about research ethics, Dottore tries to kill the traveler and does kill Katheryne, and then things get Weird. in the aftermath it’s explained that actually the absent Dendro Archon is trapped, not absent, she was possessing the traveler for a bit, the traveler was in the body of the Archon for a bit, no one thinks any of this is odd, and apparently now the traveler’s headed out.
radio silence for a bit but that’s not comforting
Dottore comes to demand request custody of Haypasia and he hardly has a good track record here. you manage to say no, knowing there are good odds that Dottore will kill you later over this
the traveler’s back! oh also the Akademiya is creating a new, mechanical god whose lightning strikes almost kill you but it’s fine, as in “it’s not fine but there are bigger problems, just go” also apparently Cyno self-exiled from the Akademiya?? also the traveler was talking to the mechanical god for a while. weirder things have, unfortunately, happened.
you definitely do not get the full story of what happens next, but there’s a group-effort jailbreak for the Dendro Archon, who relieves the relevant sages of duty and also retires the Akasha. also all Eleazar is healed, and the traveler’s acting all twitchy and sad for some reason (Rukkedevatah). this is frightening, because you have seen the traveler take a lot in stride. but no one is offering explanations so you’re just. letting them know you’re a good listener if they need to talk but plz let me sleep for a solid 12 hours first—
also apparently the Dendro Archon decided to put Alhaitham in charge of the whole Akademiya and got him to not only accept the job but do a good job, which is amazingly funny and almost enough to justify this whole traumatic experience
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cybersp4c3 · 1 year
spoilers i guess
you say cyno/scara but i raise you Tighnari figuring out scara was the one who struck him with lightning and drugging him, beating him up then knotting him🥴 just imagine scara with bruises all around his throat who can only moan like a cheap whore as he gets his hole filled and plugged, he should just be a breeding bitch pumping out litters of like 8 and immediately getting raped again🥰
-🦷 (i'm back! haven't been sending much since work has been stressful so none of my brainworms are tame enough to fit your rules)
Even better if tighnari decides to do it when he’s in rut (I don’t know how these rut and heat things work and I only know fennec foxes piss everywhere in heat okay I don’t know) so he’ll be even more aggressive to that little bitch
Scara’s plush thighs are covered in bruises and slap marks, his poor belly was punched pretty hard too!!
Tighnari fucks scara even when his knot is still there (again I don’t know) so scara will feel even more pain! The sex hurts so much but the knot is so big and hitting all the right spots!!
Tighnari keeps him as his breeding bitch. Scara gives birth and about 5 minutes after he’s done tighnari will rape him pregnant again so it’s a cycle 🔥🔥🔥
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erabu-san · 1 year
So, about your found family head canon, I absolutely LOVE it and I wanted to give you my own take on it!!
I like to also include Candace, Razor, and Wanderer (I know that one might not make sense but hear me out lmao)
I think Cyno would Candace as a big sister! She gives off that vibe to everyone but I feel like she would be more close with Cyno considering they're both from. Or maybe they knew each other while Cyno lived in the desert. (We NEED more more Cyno lore *sob*)
As for Razor, I think during their visit to Mondstadt Razor would become intrigued with Cyno because of the ears on his helmet (hat?). Also....those two are suspiciously alike🤨 white hair, red eyes... (Cyno has lighter eyes but they're similar) I wouldn't be surprised if genshin pulled a long lost brother thing on us🧍 Anyway, I think they would become close, and Razor would look up to him a lot!! He would start to see Cyno as his "lupical" and I think Cyno would enjoy spending time with Razor, teaching him fighting tactics and so on
And Wanderer (or Scaramouche). I think his bratty mean persona would make him really...hard to be close to. But I think he and Collei would actually be somewhat "friends". I think the traveler would be talking about Collei to Wanderer and bring up her relationship with Dottore which would immediately peak his interest. And maybe he would go to see her to ask her about it, and then they would be able to bond over being victims of Dottore. I think he would gain the role of the "overprotective big brother" and glare at anyone who dare LOOK at her the wrong way. I'm not saying this relationship would be likely, it's just fun to think about!
I also think about how awkward it would be bringing up the time when Tighnari got struck by lightning....
"Master Tighnari actually got struck by lightning once! Now he has a scar on his back!"
"*Nervous sweating* Yeah......about that-"
I also hc that Kaveh and Tighnari are childhood friends!
Sorry I know I typed a lot😭
Have a nice day!
WAAAAH Cyno and Candace are so BESTIE CODED !!! Yes candace give a big sister vibe ! I love to imagine that Cyno likes visiting Candace, when he has time... And also I imagine he participate to girls party once, with Candace Dehya Nilou Dunyarzad and Setaria. Idk. I just feel like he wants to be included. Dehya and Setaria would be a bit against at first but Candace Nilou Dunyarzad thought the idea funny, so he joined. In the end, they all spend great time ! For Razor and Cyno, yes !!! I agree with your idea. I also enjoy a lot the potential friendship between Collei and Razor !! They are both studying language, they could study together. Since Razor has more difficulty about language, Collei would help him (and I am sure she will feel accomplishment,, like,,, she is helping someone!!! in studying!!)
Razor would definitively talk about Varka to Cyno ahahaha (i love varka plz when is he playable, at least i need to know how does he look like) And for Wanderer... I saw a lot of fanart of Collei and him, trashtalking about dottore. It would be super cool if Wanderer first friend (after his redemption arc, if we don't count Nahida nor Traveler) is Collei ! I have another scenario for them starting to talk Wanderer is just chilling in Avidya Forest (missing school). Then he heard a voice in a tree... like wtf. It was a girl voice, ranting about her life. He wouldn't care a lot but then he heard the mention of Dottore. The curiosity gain him. Trash talk about dottore ?? It is not often he can hear it. Bro is eardropping (bad thing to do) but Collei notice him (someone find her hidden place, she could die of embarrassment) but Wanderer couldn't help himself to trashtalk to dottore- and they keep talking But I wonder... if Scaramouche participate in those same experiment, and saw Collei ? He was about to end the conversation, feeling guilty, and never talk to Collei again, but Collei thank him for the talk. Maybe it wouldn't bad to see her again, one day ? OOOH YOUKNOW I AM SURE KAVEH AND TIGHNARI MET WHEN THEY WERE KID. I MEAN !!!! Their parents knows each other when they were young. Maybe they met, but they wasn't that close. After Kaveh asked some advice for his project, they started to talk more, and then their friendship come more naturally Have a nice day too!!!
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Alright, all I have left for the Loud House are 3D puzzles, geocaches, and Jenga. I tried lol.
For Scara and puppet reader’s wedding, it could either be a mix of both Sumeru and Inazuma? Or they have both. They have enough money to do that. I don’t imagine it to be very big. Small and intimate. Maybe Nahida should officiate the wedding… Hm, Ei would come, I believe. And with her, something to symbolize Makoto so both would be there for the pair. The Aranara should be wedding guests. They’re too cute to not invite.
I do have tentative ideas for the rings tho. I just want to joke about how fast Scara’s untying puppet reader’s obi cause he’s like lightening, aha sorry Cyno and Tighnari, I just had to. Scara legit having a smug look on his face when he realizes he’s the only one happily married. There’s exceptions yea (CtM) but would Traveler really want to have a team composing of Scara, Vyno, and Tighnari? There’s no Nahida to mediate unless… oh and Nahida might have puppet reader with her in Sumeru city when he’s out. Which does make me think that puppet reader covers up and is never seen without layers or their entire body covered except for Scara (and Dottore but that doesn’t count). But pretty puppet reader turning heads in Sumeru City (especially because of their kintsugi) is a THOUGHT. And Tighnari now has matching scars with them lol.
Bloom anon
Omg geochaces with these three?! That would be so cool, and the games, it's those activities that they can get along in but jenga is a really reaaaally rigged game (and don't worry about hcs for them, the first fic for poly kavetham is intentionally vague)
I did some searching and there's a LOT of things for their wedding that it's absurd, especially when mixed. But the funny bit is that most pre-wedding traditions in Inazuma Scaramouche had already unintentionally done, like providing labor to his future spouse and exchanging important items with one another. So when Ei told him about these, he was so proud that he was doing it right.
There's also the sakaki tree branch offering in the Japanese traditions, so imagine Nahida plucking two branches from Irminsul for the wedding skdbdikeks did you know in Persian traditions, when doing the "I do" part, the bride is actually asked three times to signify the journey of the husband's effort to work for their love? I think it's adorable to see Scara's smile growing in every "I do" aww
And there's also the Chuppah, the canopy held over the lovers where the four corners are raised by four close female friends during the wedding procession. So I'm thinking Paimon, Lumine, Ei, and Nahida (if Zhongli is the wedding officiator, if not, then Hu Tao). And finally, the shower of flowers but it's mainly the Aranara throwing sakura blooms at them <33
And definitely no to that team, Cyno would try to backstab that man every chance he gets lol but now that you say it, the clothes in Sumeru do cover up a lot of skin it would be perfect to wear those when they're in the city so they don't attract too much attention. But yes, with the Kintsugi and being artificially made, the attention is a definite must more so with the Lesser Lord accompanying them <33 Scara doesn't know whether to be smug or infuriated about this info (while rings are not part of the culture, I think this incident is what convinced him go get one)
Also fuck I forgot Tighnari got struck too ajdbxkankb they definitely have a closer bond then, and looking at Reader's kintsugi (can't really hide the ones on their face) he wonder if he should get his scars tattooed over with gold too, although the pain kind of scares him enough to back down every time. Their friendship would be the bridge to all four (Cyno and Scara) of them getting along honestly, at least to remove the obvious hostility.
Puppet reader 🤝 Tighnari struck by lightning while also having bfs with lightning powers
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soundingstars · 12 days
Tighnari's Headcanons
Tighnari specializes in botany having plenty of knowledge dealing with ecology and medicine. (this is canon just putting it here though) 
A Forest Ranger is someone who helps protect the surrounding forests which involves preserving the ecosystem and helping any travelers who decide to visit the forest. He has helped suppress withering zones and monitor beast populations. 
Because of the events that occurred in Sumeru, Tighnari does suffer from permanent damage because of the lightning strike caused by a false god. The scar starts at his shoulder and cascades down the left side of his back. (Lichtenberg figures pattern for the scar.)  
After that harsh lighting strike, Tighnari does not tolerate thunderstorms very well since there are two things that can bother him the most during those storms. The thunder that can bother his hearing and the lightning can easily be a trigger for him since it can serve as a reminder to what happened that day. 
Tighnari tends to avoid loud places and noises in general since it tends to bother his ears because of how good his hearing is. It is the reason why he lives in the forest to avoid dealing with those loud noises that can bother his hearing. 
Because of his dark-colored fur, Tighnari can be easily affected by the heat which is another reason why he calls the forest home since it can help him avoid the harsh weather that might make an appearance.
Because of his Valuka Shuna lineage, Tighnari does have other features that resemble a fox besides his ears and tail. He does have fox-like teeth mostly in his canines though. 
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Lightning Scars
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: While Tighnari is recovering, Cyno visits him. (Spoilers for the 3.2 archon quest)
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“Tighnari, you should be resting.” Hazm’s words were drowned out by the sound of thunder. Even if rain wasn’t pouring around them, he was certain that Tighnari would disregard his warning and continue patrolling. Tighnari leaned heavily on Karkata and continued to walk along the gate of Pardis Dhyai. He struggled to cover himself with the umbrella and hold onto the mechanical crab at the same time. “You’re still recovering from your injuries. Let the staff deal with securing the wall.”
“These plant-based traps are delicate and it’s best that I place them myself. I’m the only one here who has a dendro vision. I’ve rested enough so don’t worry about me. I have Karkata to help me so please go back into the greenhouse.” Tighnari brushed aside Hazm’s concern. “Hazm, the students need you more than I do. They’re probably scared after the Fatui came and a panic is the last thing we need. Go back inside and reassure them that they are safe here.”
Earlier, Pardis Dhyai had been attacked by the Fatui. A thunderstorm forced them to retreat but Tighnari was still wary of the Doctor returning for Haypasia. He planted traps around the main entrance. His body still felt sore after being struck by lightning but he forced himself to move forward. As a Forest Watcher, it was his duty to protect the rainforest.
“You shouldn’t waste your breath trying to change Tighnari’s mind.” Someone interrupted their argument and they turned towards the voice. With the storm around them, it was difficult to see the person aside from their silhouette. The person was tall with strange ears and he almost appeared to be a jackal. While Hazm shrunk back in fear, Tighnari recognized him.
“Cyno, what are you doing here?” Tighnari forgot his pain and started to run towards him. He only took a few steps before Cyno was in front of him and hugged him tightly. In contrast to the rain falling over them, Cyno’s body was warm like the desert sun. They haven’t seen each other since he started his investigation weeks ago and Tighnari wanted to savour his warmth. However, the thunder reminded Tighnari that they couldn’t linger in the moment.
He placed his hands on Cyno’s shoulders and lightly pushed on them. The small gesture was enough to tell him to let go. Tighnari held his umbrella over both of them. “We should go inside before you catch a cold. I already have my hands full treating Haypasia.”
They walked into the greenhouse where the staff and students were taking shelter from the storm. Tighnari had a million questions about Cyno’s investigation and the Traveller’s visit. He searched the greenhouse for a place they could talk without someone overhearing. Unfortunately, the glass walls didn’t provide much privacy.
Tighnari spent countless hours at Pardis Dhyai and he knew of one place they could be alone. Cyno must’ve had the same thought as he took Tighnari’s hand and led him to the back door. They stepped outside but they didn’t become wet from the rain. The petals of the tall, white flower acted like a canopy above their heads. They sat in the thick bush of flowers. When they were students, they would use the spot for their clandestine meetings.
“You surprised me when you came. I didn’t hear a trap being triggered.” Tighnari took a towel and placed it over Cyno’s wet hair. He often listened to Tighnari explain them during their dinners together so he knew them well. He also made him plant-based traps to use during his investigation. “The Traveller and Dehya came and asked about the Doctor. They couldn’t talk about the details but it sounds dangerous. He said they were going to meet you in the city. Did something happen for you to come back here?”
“They said you were hurt in a fight.” The concern and regret in Cyno’s voice made Tighnari pause.
“Did you come back just to check on me?” Tighnari already knew the answer when he looked into Cyno’s red eyes. With a sigh, he untied his belt and white tunic. “My injury isn’t serious and the lightning barely left a scar. I don’t know what you’re planning to do with the Traveller but it’s likely connected to the Akademiya. Rescuing our Archon is important and you can’t let yourself be distracted by me.”
Tighnari started to take off his hoodie but his shoulder protested and made him wince in pain. He cursed lightly at himself. He wanted to reassure Cyno that he wasn’t hurt but it was difficult to hide the lingering pain he felt. Cyno took the hem of Tighnari’s shirt and helped him pull the fabric of his head. His eyes fell onto the violet scars on his shoulder. The electro aura littered his skin like a spider web and the sight made Cyno’s stomach turn.
Tighnari placed his finger beneath Cyno’s chin and guided his gaze back to him. He brushed his wet hair from his face. Their eyes met and Tighnari could see anger clash with the regret he saw earlier. Cyno snarled, “The Balladeer did this to you. As soon as we free the Dendro Archon, I’ll see that he and the sages pay for their crimes.”
“They deserve to be punished but I hope you’re not letting your emotions affect that decision. The Akademiya is a powerful organization and you can’t afford to be reckless with them. You’re the General Mahamatra and you need to be impartial.” Tighnari reminded him.
“General Mahamatra.” Cyno repeated the title and bitterness tainted the words. Even before he joined the Matra, he saw how dangerous the unrestrained pursuit for knowledge could be. Scholars would disregard life and betray each other for knowledge. He believed he could keep scholars on a righteous path by punishing scholars as the General Mahamatra. The sages only saw that title as their hound to control.
“Cyno, I told the Traveller to give you a message and I’ll repeat it now. Trust your own senses and experiences. You have a strong sense of justice that the General Mahamatra needs. The divine spirit chose you as a vessel to enact judgement for a reason.” Tighnari took Cyno’s hands and squeezed them tenderly. “I wouldn’t have asked you to help my master if I didn’t believe in you. I love you.”
Cyno placed his hands on Tighnari’s hips and pulled him onto his lap. He leaned down and kissed his shoulder where the thunder had struck him. “The raid will start tomorrow. I’ll bring them to justice.”
“When you defeat the Balladeer, the rain will stop and I can finally go home to check on Collei. She’s probably worried that we both disappeared all of a sudden. Come home to us as soon as you can.” There was no doubt in Tighnari’s mind that Cyno would succeed. “Though, I wish I could go with you and help with the raid. I’m the reason you’re in this mess.”
Even though Tighnari knew that Cyno was strong and intelligent so he could survive any situation, he didn’t want him in danger. He told himself that he would support him if the situation became dire but he was injured now. To his surprise, Cyno chuckled. “You faced the Doctor by yourself and stopped him from taking Haypasia. You helped our raid more than you think.”
Cyno was already suspicious of the Akademiya’s latest project but Tighnari’s request spurred him to investigate outside of his role of General Mahamatra. There were various reasons the sages would try to trick Tighnari to join them and each one endangered Tighnari. Before Cyno took an oath as the General Mahamatra, he vowed to protect Tighnari because he loved him.
“Admittedly, I wanted to shoot an arrow into his back after what he did to Collei. Killing him would lead to a war since he’s a delegate of the Tsaritsa.” Tighnari huffed as he put on his shirt. He picked up the yellow flower he often pinned onto his tunic. Instead of wearing it, he pressed it into Cyno’s hand. “Take this flower. It can be a charm and remind you that I be-leaf in you.”
A beat of silence passed before Tighnari blushed and turned away in embarrassment. “I was worried that you were still tense after our conversations so I tried to use your technique of telling a joke. I should’ve known that it wouldn’t work.”
“Ah, ‘be-leaf’ is like the word ‘believe’ except you changed it to reference a flower. Your pun would be better if you used…” He began to list a few puns with plants and Tighnari let out an exasperated sigh. As much as he loved Cyno, his jokes felt more forced than funny. Though, his jokes had their own charm because Tighnari understood the reason Cyno made them.
Tighnari leaned forward and kissed Cyno to silence his joke. While Cyno was distracted, he slipped the yellow flower from his hand. He leaned back and grinned up at him. “I changed my mind. Instead of returning my flower after the raid, return my kiss when we see each other again.”
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Tighnari sat at his desk and crushed petals into a bowl to make a medicinal paste. The rain had stopped and he knew that it meant that Cyno and the others were able to defeat the sages. He returned to Avidya Forest and immediately started to prepare a salve to treat wounds. The raid was successful but there were likely people injured in the fight. His wound kept him from fighting but he still wanted to help in any way he could.
The sound of sandals against wooden steps made Tighnari’s ears twitch. He immediately recognized Cyno’s footsteps. He stood from his desk and went to open the door for him. As he reached the door, Cyno stepped through the entrance. Cyno had visited him so often that it was second nature to enter without knocking. His breathing was laboured. He carried the Traveller on his back and held a young girl with his right hand.
“Put Aether on the bed and I’ll check his injuries.” Tighnari helped Cyno place Aether on the bed. He looked over his shoulder to the small girl Cyno had bought with them. She didn’t appear to be hurt or need treatment. He spoke to her in a soft voice. “Can you go to the tent in the tree next to us? Wake up a girl named Collei and tell her that we have a patient. Sit down and rest, Cyno.”
“Sorry, I woke you up in the middle of the night.” Cyno sat in a chair. Tighnari wore a large black shirt that he often used when sleeping.
“I wasn’t sleeping. Collei kept telling me to get proper rest so I changed into my night clothes to make her think I was sleeping. Don’t tell her that I was awake and making medicine. Collei has grown up a lot to fret over me. Before you try to lecture me too, I fully recovered.” Tighnari pulled aside his shirt to show Cyno his healed shoulder. “How did everything go?”
“Better than we could hope. Aether fell unconscious but Nahida said that he wasn’t seriously injured.” Cyno said and he saw how Tighnari’s shoulders relaxed.
“You’re always bringing injured people to me.” Tighnari joked. Cyno watched him treat Aether’s wounds and knew that he was right to bring him to Avidya Forest. He considered him more capable than the doctors at the Bimarstan. “What about that little girl you bought back with you? I hope you didn’t adopt another daughter without talking to me first.”
“That’s the Dendro Archon.” His answer almost made Tighnari drop his bowl in shock. He briefly spoke to the Archon when she inhabited Aether’s body but he didn’t expect her to be so young.
Tighnari walked to the window and saw her walking with Collei. “She’s just a child. She’ll need someone to look after her at the Akademiya. You know how scholars are.”
“It sounds like you already decided to adopt her.” Cyno stood and walked to Tighnari’s side. “She offered me the position of General Mahamatra again. I accepted. I’ll protect her from people who would try to lock her up and I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
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pokemonispain · 2 years
Rolling Thunder-Tighnari & Collei
Summary:  In which Tighnari has to complete his patrol during a thunderstorm.
One of the things that Valuka Shunas were known for besides their light-colored fur were rather large ears, ears that at the moment were giving Tighnari quite a bit of trouble.
“Master Tighnari? Are you sure you’re alright,” Collie asked hesitantly as she gave him a slightly nervous glance as they walked.
This was her second time asking truthfully, usually, she wouldn’t really need to ask at all but she had a good reason. At the moment they were doing their regular patrols, which generally wouldn’t have been a problem, but the humidity in the avidya forest had whipped up a thunderstorm.
This thunderstorm had begun early that morning and was still happening as she and Tighnari had started their patrols. When she’d met up with Tighnari to begin the patrol she couldn’t help but notice that he looked a bit pale, his ears which would normally be sticking through the holes on his hood were laid flat.
Each time thunder cracked and rumbled through the sky his face would tense as if doing his best to hold back a grimace.
It was no secret that Tighnari’s hearing was extremely sensitive to the point where he avoid Sumeru city and Port Ormos if he had a choice in the matter.
Typically Tighnari didn’t often have patrols during thunderstorms with many of the other forest watchers lending a hand. However, with the uptick of tourists to Sumeru as of late all of the forest rangers were rather busy Tighnari included.
Tighnari looked over at Collei with a slight smile, although she can’t help but think it looked a bit strained. “I’m alright, it’s not the first time I’ve done a patrol during a thunderstorm,” he told her with a small chuckle.
Seemingly satisfied Collei returned his smile before she looked away.
Tighnari can’t help the small nearly inaudible sigh that escapes his mouth when Collei looked away, truthfully he’s far from fine at the moment.
His head is throbbing viscously, the ache and ringing in his ears brought on by the repeatedly booming thunder having ushered in a migraine. The dull ache at the base of his skull that he’d woken up too early that morning had rapidly blossomed into a harsh throb that streaked across his skull feeling as if someone had it in a vice attempting to crack it open.
With the migraine came other problems as well, exhaustion for one as the pain seemed as if it were gradually draining his energy bit by bit. The dizziness that had him moving even more carefully than usual, especially with the wet earth beneath his feet and the nausea that was stirring in his stomach leaving it feeling more than a little unsettled.
The headache seemed to spike sharply and Tighnari just barely bites back a whimper, gritting his teeth. The violent throbbing is so harsh he can feel it in his teeth, practically pulsing in his gums.
Thunder rumbles in the air, lightning sharply cracks the sky overhead and this time Tighnari does whimper.
His ears ache horribly, a buzzing hum filling them and he quickly reaches up pressing his hands over his ears as he screws his eyes shut as if trying to ease the dull ache behind them.
He doesn’t even realize he’s fallen to his knees, Collei’s worried shriek not reaching his ringing eardrums.
“Master Tighnari!”
He opens his eyes slightly, his hands clutching at his ears, however, he ends up squeezing them tight once more flinching when the rumbling thunder and flash of lightning feel as if someone is driving a metal spike through his eyes.
Somewhere in the back of his mind Tighnari has the vague thought that his migraines had not been this horrific in a long while.
Fingers brush his shoulder and he flinches,s unconsciously curling in on himself slightly. Through the waves of pain, dizziness, and nausea he can vaguely make out Collei’s worried barrage of questions.
Some part of him can’t help but feel rather ashamed for worrying her with something as needless as this, and he grits his teeth doing his best to force his eyes open slightly trying to ignore the nausea tugging in the pit of his stomach.
The world is a dizzying blur of colors that does nothing to help matters, so he chose to keep his eyes on the ground.
“It’s…merely…a migraine…” he told her, the words coming to him slowly the violent throb in his skull leaves him feeling as if his brain is being turned to mush.
He doesn’t see the alarmed look on Collei’s face at his words, but he does hear it in the words she speaks next.
“Let’s return to Gandharva Ville,” Collie said immediately.
Her hand goes to Tighnari’s arm attempting to help him to his feet but he flinches away from her his face pale as a sheet and his eyes squeezed shut.
“G-give me a moment…” he murmured his words punctuated by a wet-sounding hiccup.
“Is there anything I can do to help,” she asked as she leaned forward a bit to look into his face. This time when she reaches out to lay a hand on his shoulder, he lets her not surprised to feel her hand trembling a bit more than he was.
Tighnari’s eyes open a bit, his mouth parting as if he were going to say something a wet, hiccup leaving his mouth instead and Collei can briefly see his throat bobbing as if he were trying to swallow something.
In the next moment, Tighnari quickly turned away from her, his shoulders hitching and his cheeks briefly bulging out before a mouthful of slightly watery pale vomit burst from his lips splattering the ground.
Collei can’t help but give a startled yelp, wincing when she sees him flinch due to the noise.
“S-sorry…I’ll be fin-“ Tighnari slurred out only to be cut off when another wet, nauseated hiccup seemed to bubble out of him from deep in the pit of his stomach sending a larger gush of watery vomit spewing from his lips.
Tighnari coughed and spluttered, his head pounding as stars seemed to burst before his eyes with each violent retch. He feels Collei rest a careful yet trembling hand on his back, and a moment passes of him gasping for air before she slowly begins to rub his back.
Admittedly it’s soothing and yet as Tighnari’s stomach attempts to turn itself inside out one final time he can’t help the humiliation that stirs somewhere inside of him.
Honestly, if he had a choice, Collie wouldn’t be seeing him like this. But that’s just the thing, he doesn’t have a choice, so all he can do is sit there shivering and trembling, his eyes glassy with tears and threads of drool dripping onto the mess on the ground that was quickly being washed away by the rain.
Fatigue has long since set in and his brain feels practically numb, that horrible throb getting rid of any other thought at the moment.
He gives a shaky groan, closing his eyes as he sits back his ears laid flat as he does his best to get his bearings. His tail flicks out as he shudders before spitting off to the side in an effort to rid his mouth of the vile taste.
“M-Master Tighnari…”
Turning his head slowly Tighnari notices Collei holding out a small green handkerchief for him, which he takes with a soft word of thanks.
“We should head back when you’re ready, Master Tighnari.”
Normally Tighnari would insist that he was fine and technically he was, once the migraine faded he’d be right as rain. But he also knows that he can’t deny his current state considering what had just happened.
“V-very well, let’s head back,” he murmured more than a little eager to get away from the crackling lightning and roaring thunder.
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