ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
Eyes on you
by timberooni “I can’t believe I’m getting kidnapped by Batman and Robin.” or, Jason Todd finds Tim Drake taking pictures of Robin and promptly adopts him Words: 6456, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Tim Drake-centric, Kid Tim Drake, Tim Drake Joins the Batfamily Early, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd is Robin, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Mediocre Parents Jack Drake and Janet Drake, Child Neglect, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, he's struggling though, save him from these kids, Kid Jason Todd, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Tim Drake is a Menace, Kidnapping, but not really via https://ift.tt/tSC13J6
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youngjustusorbust · 4 years
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traya-sutton · 5 years
Everybody say thank you patrick
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kmp78 · 5 years
thought diaz left him for timbersnake?
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I think there could have been a little “smthg smthg” going on between those two before #Jameron officially called it quits...
But what I REEEEEEAALLY love is the fact that after Cameron started “hanging out” with Timberoonie, JL JUUUUUUUUST BY SHEER COINCIDENCE started befriending Britloonie... 😏
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God DAAAAAAAMN he is so fucking petty and vindictive!
I LOVE HIM!!!!!! 😂😍
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frownyalfred · 6 years
HC: Timmy Tim Timberooni may have forgiven Dick for ripping the Robin mantle from him but he hasn't forgiven him for not making an effort to be his big brother again (especially since Dick has been spending all his time taking care of Damian). Dick doesnt know that anything is wrong, cause Tim keeps everything to himself, until Tim is hit with Scarecrows fear toxin while theyre working a case together and Tim refuses to let go of Dick cause he's scared that if he does let go Dick will leave him
Ummm yeah anon who the fuck gave you permission to be angsty?? (I FEEL THIS SO HARD)
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drawingsanddrabbles · 7 years
July 19th
i felt kinda bad that I didn’t know it was tim’s bday until it was already nine pm where i live so this is partially made of guilt. 
Happy bday timberoonie, i love ya dude <3
Summary: Some people in Gotham wish Tim a happy birthday, it’s not who you think. 
ao3    ffn
Despite the fact that it was summer, the air was cold. Then again it didn’t help that Tim happened to be standing on the top of the tallest building in downtown Gotham.
Tim liked it here. He liked the cold and the fact that he could see all of Gotham below him. He liked the way the streetlights and cars sparkled from this height like stars, and he loved that he could smell the sewage from the piers and factories not five miles away from where he stood. He liked that he could see the dusky clouds that were never clear enough for stars so the night always looked like a grayish-black and that the moon was nothing more than a fuzzy circle behind one of these clouds. He liked that he could swing down from the building whenever he wanted and he also liked watching airplanes fly past. He liked the way the wind blew through him and how when he stood on the edge of the roof he felt like he could fly. He also liked watching sunrise and sunset from here.
The batsignal shone dully in the sky, against a canvas of dusky, ever moving clouds. He watched from his perch. He never thought he would end up having ‘a perch,’ Bruce had one, and so did Dick and Jason. These places high up in the city where they liked to stay and just… watch. But Tim had one, and it was here. Far far away from the street below, and whatever crimes might have been happening, whatever merriment might have been celebrated, whatever lives people might have been having.
Tim liked it here. He liked being away from the hustle and bustle of the never empty streets. The calm and clear of the sky was what he lived for. He lived for swinging through Gotham’s twisted and dark streets. He lived for that one last mugging of the night that he stopped, swooping in and barely having to fight because it was so late that even the mugger himself was falling asleep. He lived for base jumping from these tall buildings, and he lived for the showdowns in front of the giant clock in the center of town, where, usually, someone was trying to kill someone else and they’d fight, dodging the ticking hands (what could he say, Clock King had recently had a crime-spree which led to just such a situation for Bruce).
“Fancy seeing you here.” Someone said.
Red Robin turned to see Selina Kyle saunter up to him. “I would have said ‘oh look what the cat dragged in,’ because, you know, cat-based pun. But I figured it would be too tacky.” She walked over to where Tim sat on the edge of the building, kicking his legs over the side, and sat next to him.
“Isn’t this a little high for you, Selina?” Tim asked.
Selina shrugged. “No worries, even if I do fall, I always land on my feet.” Tim resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “There, obligatory cat pun over.” Selina said, grinning.
“What brings you here?” Tim asked.
Selina didn’t listen to him, instead staring out into the city. “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Tim didn’t respond, he only followed her gaze to the sparkling, not so pretty city before him.
“Yeah.” He agreed.
“You know, people claim Metropolis is the most beautiful city, but… I think our girl has her beat. Despite maybe not being as… boy-scout-y as her.”
“Dark. I think the word most people would use is dark.”
Selina shrugged again. She looked at Tim and studied his uniform. “Don’t tell me you’re patrolling today.” She said.
“Why wouldn’t I? I mean, I’m not, but why wouldn’t I?”
“If you’re not patrolling then why are you wearing your uniform?”
“I like wearing it. Plus, you wouldn’t have been able to recognize me if I was me, just sitting up here in civvies.”
Selina snorted. “Oh please. Give me some credit, Red, I could tell who you were.”
“I really doubt it.” He said, an amused smile flickering onto his lips.
There was a pause, then: “Happy birthday, Tim.”
Tim froze. “Wh-what?”
Selina grinned. “Didn’t think I knew that, did you?”
“I-it’s not my birthday!” Tim said, flustered.
“Technically it is, as of right now, twelve oh one AM, so yeah, it is your birthday.”
“I have learned a lot about you all from your father, kid. Your birthdays? Please, that was one of the first things he told me.” Tim looked down at the street. “I… know, he doesn’t always remember on time, but he does know. Not that that exempts him, oh no, if he doesn’t remember your birthday this year I’m going to shame him until eternity to come, but… he does know.”
Tim still said nothing.
“Plus I think it’s only fair, you know my name and everything about me, I should be allowed to know your name and your birthday.” Selina said.
“Uh-huh.” Tim said, amused.
There was another pause and Selina mimicked Tim in his kicking of his legs. “Soo… I do have a little present.”
“A present.” Tim repeated. Selina nodded. “For me.” Selina nodded again. “From you.” Tim finished processing the statement. “Well, I sure hope you didn’t steal it.”
Selina rummaged around in a pocket that seemed to appear from nowhere on her suit, finally pulling out one of those little jewelry boxes they give you to hold your necklace-present-thing in. It was red, and about two inches by an inch, with black polka-dots and a matching black ribbon tied in a bow. “Don’t be ridiculous, I wouldn’t give you something stolen. You’d just return it. This you can’t return. Oh, it’s not just from me. It’s from all of us.”
“All of us?” Tim repeated warily. He took the box carefully from her, as if it might explode.
“Yeah. Me, Ivy, Harley, Riddler, Scarecrow, Penguin, y’know, all of us.”
Now Tim really did think it was going to explode.
“Oh don’t worry, Tim, it’s fine. They don’t know it’s your birthday so no secret-identity spillage there.” She waited patiently for Tim to open it, but he didn’t. “Aren’t you going to open it?”
“How do I know it won’t explode?”
Selina rolled her eyes. “Red Robin, clearly you haven’t been in Gotham that long-”
“I have lived here my whole life.”
“-Gotham villains network. And sure we’re usually very evil and crazy, and a good bunch of us aren’t invited to other villain shindigs because of it-”
“There are ‘villain shindigs’?”
“-but we do care about our enemies, believe it or not. Well, sometimes. On a good day. Anyway, we thought you deserved this, it just happens that it’s happening on your birthday. Plus, Mad Hatter got a handful of people to help because they just really want to feel important enough for you to use this for them.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“If we were in Metropolis, I would be. This would probably be a trap, and then five other villains whom I have been secretly working with to lure you into this ambush would jump you and we’d do a villain monologue and have a stupid, alliterative name, but no. This is Gotham. And in Gotham… well, there’s a reason your father usually sends us straight to Arkham.”
“You’re saying a bunch of villains got me a birthday present, because they want… to see me use it on them?”
“Not really on them, more for them. It’ll make more sense when you open it.” Selina said. Tim looked at her, concerned, and she gave him an encouraging smile.
Slowly Tim unraveled the ribbon and opened the small cardboard box.
It didn’t explode.
Well, that was a good start. He opened his eyes hesitantly, and was (honestly) a little let-down by what was in side.
“Thanks,” Tim said as he picked the present off of it’s cotton cushion, “I’ve always wanted a USB drive.”
“Go home, and open it the file. You won’t be disappointed.” Selina promised as she stood. She stretched her arms over her head and cracked her back. “And don’t patrol tonight. Invite some friends over, maybe have a movie marathon. You’re only young once, Tim, don’t waste it away chasing us.”
“Thanks Mom.” Tim said.
Selina grinned. “And give your father a kiss for me.”
“Give him one yourself.” Tim said as she flicked out her whip.
“You know, it’s funny, usually you and your siblings are trying to tell me the opposite. I do recall a recent event where I kissed your father and you harmonized your fake-throwing-up.”
“Yeah… that was Steph’s idea. One of the good ones too.”
Selina chuckled. “Use it in good health,” she said, nodding to the USB, and then she jumped and was gone.
Tim decided to go home to see what horrors the villainy of Gotham had wished him for his birthday. Maybe he’d patrol a little after, just to spite Selina. Though he had to say, this was one of the most comfortable talks he and she had had in a long time.
Also he was going to kill Bruce for telling Selina when his birthday was.
He slipped into his apartment and changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. As soon as he stepped foot into his bedroom he had an undeniable urge to fall face first into his mattress and not wake up until Steph would inevitably bound through the door with his birthday waffles (complete with candles and all) during an ungodly hour like nine am. But he pulled out his computer instead and stuck in the flash-drive, praying that he wouldn’t get a virus.
He didn’t.
What was on the drive was something… surprisingly better.
Security footage from the top of the Police Station that Commissioner Gordon worked at, the one on which the batsignal had been placed, shining, as it was at the moment, ever so brightly. A beacon of hope and comfort to the everyday residents of Gotham City. At first, Tim saw nothing out of the ordinary, then it happened.
Villains began to seep onto the top of the building like ants to honey (some of them, like Clayface, literally seeping). They swarmed the roof, some even waved to the camera, like they knew Tim would be watching this. They worked and worked, bringing pieces of scrap metal and wires and glass? Tim watched as the huddle five feet from the batsignal seemed to pulse as people walked back and forth. Sometimes the huddle grew larger, and sometimes it grew smaller. Villains left and came, and Tim watched for thirty minutes as this continued, but not once did he get a clear picture of what they were huddling around.
Then they all turned to the camera, waved as one, then they began to disappear, sliding and jumping and walking and flying from the rooftop.
That’s when Tim understood, because then Tim finally saw it. They’d built him his own batsignal, one with his Red Robin logo on it. Right next to Batman’s.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
Eyes on you
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/tSC13J6 by timberooni “I can’t believe I’m getting kidnapped by Batman and Robin.” or, Jason Todd finds Tim Drake taking pictures of Robin and promptly adopts him Words: 6456, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Tim Drake-centric, Kid Tim Drake, Tim Drake Joins the Batfamily Early, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd is Robin, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Mediocre Parents Jack Drake and Janet Drake, Child Neglect, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, he's struggling though, save him from these kids, Kid Jason Todd, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Tim Drake is a Menace, Kidnapping, but not really read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/tSC13J6
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youngjustusorbust · 5 years
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youngjustusorbust · 5 years
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Cinematic Parallels
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youngjustusorbust · 5 years
Okay ive mentioned this before but i'll mention it again cuz at any given moment I'm probably thinking about this:
Imagine: The YJU crew going out to eat. They decide to get pizza, except Anita and Cissie and Robin all get salads or grilled chicken or something Healthy. They shrug it off. Its not a big deal. So the others chow down.
And soon, Cassie starts to realize that it's not just this time. But almost every time Cassie sees any of the three of them eat something it's always healthy.
Then Cissie quits the team, and they go out for pizza, and Cassie notices that Cissie is eating pizza for the first time.
And she doesn't get it. So she asks.
Ans the three of them just look at her like she's stupid. Because none of them have meta strength. All of that strength and stamina--being able to keep up with the metas... it's all proper diet and exercise.
And here Cassie was, thinking that all of those times she saw Robin and Anita and Cissie tirelessly working out in their free time was just because it's a hobby or something. Not because they needed to exercise a certain amount of time a day to keep up their muscle mass.
And for the first time, Cassie thinks about it. Really thinks about that night when they all talkes about if they liked being a superhero. And she'd never really thought about it. About how both Cissie and Robin had mentioned how hard it was. But she hadn't really gotten it.
And this guys is why I don't buy the fanon "tim drinks/eats nothing but coffee and cheetos" because he, frankly, works too hard not to eat healthily. When he first starts out theres no way he doesn't meal prep. Every minute he's trying harder and harder to be the Robin Bruce needs. There's no way he would slump in his diet.
I'm not saying he doesn't eat cheetos or cut caffiene. I'm sure he does neither of those things. He probably eats the cheetos for the calories (because woo boy does he need them to stop his muscle from canabilizing itself) and drinks coffee to stay awake because he gets only about 4 hours at most for every 24. But there is no way--no way in hell--that he doesn't eat high protein foods and salads for the nutrients he needs. In fact, Tim probanly eats more than almost all of his friends, except Bart, because he simply needs the calories.
I just... like I said... I think about this a lot.
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traya-sutton · 5 years
One of the major things we talk about as a fandom surrounding Tim is that "batman needs a robin"... so au ig where Tim becomes robin for as long as it takes for Steph (or someone else, but i like it to be steph) to come onto the scene and then Tim decides that Steph needs to be robin more than himself and gives it up for her.
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youngjustusorbust · 5 years
One of the reasons I relate to Tim as Robin is because I too am one of those people who my friends' parents (read JLA) trust to be the responsible one despite being an utter mess at home (read Gotham)
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traya-sutton · 7 years
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traya-sutton · 6 years
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