#time and place bc sometimes you gotta fight a bitch haha
switchytransboy · 2 years
The way that a “certain” person/people on here were talking shit about you when you returned but you’re the most real and honest person i’ve seen on here lately is just horrible.
not even surprised lmao
it doesn’t phase me like, you’ll always be the bad guy in someone’s book and that’s life. you can’t help it but you can move on and be better from it.
i came back to floods of anons and dm’s and so on of people who remembered me from all my blogs of the past being so happy to see me again. those are the people i focus on <3
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hi there, I saw your tumblr and thought it is really cool ! So I wanted to know if I can request a matchup ? 😳👉🏽👈🏽
My name means the laughter in spanish but I’m not very good at making jokes even though I love to laugh and I take pride in putting a smile on people faces. I try to live up to my name haha. People always think I’m intimidating at first because I have been cursed with “resting bitch face”. But really I’m kind at heart and very empathetic. I can cry at movies, I’m always here if someone needs to vent, I feel bad if I see someone or an animal suffering and I hate injustice. When meeting new people I’m a little observant at first because I need to feel with whom I can feel the most comfortable. Im an introvert leo thus I suck at communication, I’m a bit sarcastic and sometimes I roast people unintentionally. I don’t know why I have a hard time saying ’ I love you ’ even with my family. I’m not a physical person either, the only person I let touch me is my partner or my pets. I show my love through actions and support, my love language is quality time. I become a bit silly around my loved ones and I loooove to prank them. I have siblings and I’m the oldest, I have always been the mediator when it comes to resolve fights between them. I never considered myself clever and I lack self esteem because of this, but when I’m doing a job, I need to do it right and I work hard so I can feel the satisfaction of my boss or clients, I’m not scared of responsibilities.
On my own, I have a world to myself, I love fantasy, mystery and horror stuffs, my space needs to be cozy at all times. I’m sensitive to loud noises so I like it when its silent, at best I can tolerate music like classic, lofi, or ost from movies/video games. I love digital painting, and clean/organized stuffs. I love beautiful things, and learning about animals, humans and its psychology. I love taking care of myself, like I’m always searching for the best skin/hair products and I need to look good everytime I go outside haha.
When in relationship I need someone with a lot of patience, I’m slow to open up. And when something troubles me I tend to go silent. I don’t want to ruin the good mood so I keep my struggles to myself. I do not tolerate humiliation, or disrespect, it’s a huge turn off. I’m usually calm and would hate to “go crazy” at them. As an introvert I need my alone time so I need my partner to be understanding about this. When completely in love I tend to put my partner on a pedestal and take pride on showing them off. Also expects lots of gifts and surprises, bc nothing is ever good enough for my partner.
Thank you for reading this far 🥺
hiiii! sorry for my late answer! 
okay so i’ve had a few of the brothers on my mind so it was not an easy decision. i think you’d be a very nice match for Satan, Belphie and possibly Lucifer too. But Simeon would also be a decent option! (like you’re into digital painting and he’s the opposite of digital so that’d be a fun learning experience)
OK after reading your request over a couple of times i decided that you and Lucifer would totally work out!
Okay so you making people smile without shame is something that catches the attention of the 3 demons I mentioned (2 of them is good at observing and Belphie hardly ever smiles so once you get him to he’s in)
You say you have a rbf but later you mention that you like to be pretty and Lucifer definitely appreciates that in a partner. I mean someitmes you go to places where you just gotta dress nicely and neat. 
He also appreciates someone with a soft side like you as that balances things out a bit, but also because he has some soft spots as well - you being a new one!
I don’ think he would open up to anyone easily, so quite some time would pass before he actually vents to you but he makes sure to make it up to you! 
Well I think Lucifer is good at communicating so regarding that he would probably help you learn a bit as communication is supper important in a relationship. 
Later you mention that you are responsible just like him and honestly he deeply appreciates that you are not someone to cause much trouble. 
However! We all know how he likes troublemakers like Mammon, so the fact that you prank him and/or his brothers just makes him grow even fonder of you! (i think Belphie would be quick to join in as a pranking sidekick)
You also mention how you have the skills to end fights and in the HOL that’s super important for survival without losing your mind. I think you’d do a great job at fixing the bonds between Belphie and him, or maybe even Satan and him! (i mean not fixing it instead of them, but like... they could get on the healthier path thanks to you! character development) 
I think he likes touching, even if his brothers are around - in fact maybe especially when they are around, so it’s nice that you’re OK with your partner being touchy. However you being there for him and running errands for him to show your love is just perfect. Quality time is also something you have in common, as I mentioned earlier expect to go to quite fancy places relatively often. Or just spending time in his room, i mean he wants alone time with you from time to time is there something wrong with that- 
You working hard is also something he values a lot! and if you have similar values thats a good start. 
I think you lack of self esteem would be risky if you were on his bad side  but that’s not happening. Lucifer is definitely strong and capable of lifting you up a bit, I mean you are literally dating him and he knows how to recognize someone smart so really you’d have no choice but to gain some more self esteem! (not because you are dating him because it’s not healthy to have self esteem only because of your partner, but I meant it in a way that he lowkey guides you to actually start believing in yourself. ) 
Hmm so you liking cozy places is nice because that skeleton in his room has no business staying there like wtf-
You two have similar likes when it comes to music so thats also good. So when you two are recharging there’s never going to be any arguments about that. I think he is open to lsiten to whatever music his partner likes but tbh if you like very similar stuff as him that just can’t go wrong, right?
In case he does something you don’t like you’ll absolutely have to tell him though! He will notice when you aren’t feeling yourself and it’s better to confront him about it than wait for him to bring this up. 
It’s also nice that you have your standards high like that especially when it comes to your partner as he is a demon with high standards! though he appreciates literally anything you give him, this man is just so in love. 
So this relationship includes two responsible adults and he helps you develop better communication skills & self esteem! the two of you can rely on the other at all times emotianlly and responsibility-wise as well. (though he might have a bit hard time to actually ask you for help, but once you get to know him and his capability. You’d help his relation with above mentioned brothers and him being family oriented he’d really love that and would never forget about how much he owes you for that. 
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So here I am. Doing the one thing I have steadily avoided for the last 4 years…somewhat.
I shouldn’t start off this way but fuck I hate writing. And there goes the first impression, etched forever in your subconscious.
She’s not going to be happy about this. Meh.
So I’m a 30 y/o stuck in this hellhole and this is my story? I guess. I mean it’s really ours.
I basically made this account to vent ..uh then I realised I’d have to go all the way back for it to make sense…and I guess my life has always been this series/rpg game so it might take shape in that style. I’m mostly explaining this to myself.
Jump to 2016. I started this biography venture bc in my short 25 years I’d amassed a set of experiences that were not so average middle class life experiences, and not in the good way. Now if you take my story and place it on the backdrop of each life on this earth then, in my opinion, my life is pretty ordinary too. Hence the (reason I tell myself there was a) delay with finishing this biography. Anyway so I sat down to write this thing a total of two times(fucking literary genius) in 2016, sometime in April if I recall correctly. It was horrible but necessary, and then I guess I found magic? And decided to halt production since well…I was busy coming into awareness. I still have the draft on this pc... I stopped when I was 10 years old.
Jump to 2020 and I’m in front of this computer with Tumblr as my backdrop in order for me to feel like I have and audience and therefore someone to talk to (I decided to type this shit out on word before copy pasting to tumblr bc apparently I don’t like living on the edge??)
I’m high as fuck (I would like to say.. but na, I’m just regular high off some freshly home-grown microwaved weed.) anyway this is probably going to be my last indulgent ingestion of the stuff. Hopefully.
Don’t get me wrong, weed isn”t to blame and I have people I can talk to, but the problem is
None I know has the space. I’m the most equipped to deal with myself. To me, that is deeply unsettling right now. Like… most people don’t even know where to begin and..well..I’ve been here before so I know what to do and honestly it’s fucking shit haha.
And as shitty as I feel, it doesn’t change the fact. I gotta figure this out on my own.
I’m a 30 y/o natural med student in my second year of my 5 year degree. I live at my parent’s house in a relatively good neighbourhood, I have the most comfortable bed, a loving cat, a good-looking bedroom and many middle class luxuries…like an en suite. I have a very comfortable house to live in and there is always food whenever I feel like eating or even just to cook for fun(my talents lie in the kitchen, potions, medicines and treats are my favourite pastimes, I love to nourish people. Don’t let it fool you though.) it’s c o v i d year rn and I don’t pay for shit.. factually, I’m pretty privileged to have all that I do physically.
My parents have always been around in physicality, even when they weren’t there, especially when they weren’t there… which was and still is a lot.  And in rolls one of the overarching themes emerges. Welcome welcome.
I got that far and took a Facebook break, bitch she runnin
So yeah I was born in this bitch back in 1990, two guys got here before me, one 11 years prior, the other 3 years after the first. Then I showed up after our parents reconciled after a 6-month separation. But like…that doesn’t happen in my life till 2019.
I’m currently contemplating piercing my lip or nose but I threw out all of my old jewellery. Geezus, it’s her and she is 22. (side note to myself,  please ignore)
Anyway so yeah I get borned unto these guys; a drummer butalso telephone technician and an accountant, both were raised as worker bees but are actually uh..nope. spoiler one is a caster the other is a timekeeper. Both mages, but they don’t know.
I was this scared to shit little creature of a child. I slept between them once It was safe to do so (I know almost nothing about kids but I’m assuming it’s a safety hazard to sleep next to new-borns? let alone to let them sleep between two people whom are also asleep. Also, I recall sleeping in this white, wooden cot thing which used to chill next to their bed. It opened up like some gates did in those medieval(<-never understood this word tbh) castles, the ones that go vertically up and down. (Yes, I remember. I remember realising I was back on this plane when I was 2 months old, it’s my earliest memory-trust me this becomes highly unimpressive once I turn 23 so hold on before you think I’m lookin for clout on this one). Like I get that that is cute and all, legit I was cradled in safety but like, that cradle started to close in very soon. Too much of a good thing changes poles kids. Leave Jesus alone he wants to have some him time.
So yeah a lot happens that was quite significant during these first 4 years but I don’t remember much but a few glimpses. Bouncing on my dad’s chest, the lounge on a sunny Sunday, mom in a beige coat, long pretty hair, a family vacation where I wore this 2 piece I loved and there was a blue waterslide tube, a fight about racism (early 90s, go figure..but like also 2020 fr) a roller-skating rink, a “haunted” forest walk, Easter…. man that vacation was fun. Most of the things I remember were from age 4 onwards. But I do have snippets of before.. playing dress up with my cousins, hiding in cupboards, hiding behind makeshift tents, maaaaany makeshift tents, talks about camping outside by the pool (oh we had quite a nice sized house with a huge yard and quite a big pool too, I learned to swim when I was two, I spent a lot of time in and around water as a kidling) I spent and remember most of my time with my cousins and being angry at our aunts. I did ballet from the age of 4 as well, I remember my mom asking me if I wanted to do ballet and I said yes, we were in this blue ballet room where one of my cousins was busy with her class. She got here 7 or 8 years ahead of me too.
Idk my childhood was pretty colourful, even today, I remember it being filled with lots of adventure. At least until I started going to crèche, but only for mornings until the other kids got here and it took my mind off of the fact that my mom wasn’t there. I hated it when my mom left me anywhere, I still remember what that felt like and it’s still nauseating despite the fact that I’m about 26 years older now.
also i’m finally posting this now and the high has already worn off. 24 hours to go.
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chimchimchoo · 6 years
Fly Me to the Moon :: Ch 1
Genre: Pure fluff crack
Word Count: 2,510
Pair: Yoongi x Jimin
Collaborated with @tayvengeance
Chapter: 1
Jimin stared at the note on the bathroom wall for a solid 5 minutes before he pulled out his phone and typed in the number.
authors note: we do not own any of the pictures, for better formatting so it’s more comfortable to read, check it out on AO3! AO3 link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14944508/chapters/34626863 Twitters: Tae’s Sujin’s <3 - Tae & sujin
Chat with Mochi_Moves
Will this make you feel happier?
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What the fuck
Who is this?
That doesn’t matter. Did the picture make you laugh? c:
No what the fuck
I think you have the wrong #
Aw :c
No, I just found this number and wanted to make you a happy emo boy!
Wait, who are you
How do you know I’m emo
Also it’s not emo
It’s grunge
Fuck you
But..I’m not supposed to tell strangers my name :c
Just call me Mochi
I’ll be your anonymous friend c:
Why are you a sad grunge boy?
Life is a bitch
That’s why.
Ohmygod, this poor soul
Who hurt you??????
Like i’m gonna tell a stranger my life story
But didn’t you know?
It’s easier to tell strangers
Come on c: c: c:
Add another smile to that and I just might strangle you
I’m kidding
But not really
Now that’s a relatable emotion
Okay alright
I won’t pressure you
You can tell me tomorrow c:
Instead tell me something happy about yourself!
I have mint hair.
I guess that’s happy?
Coloured hair makes me happier
Mint???? Wow!
I’ve never seen anyone with mint hair
That must look so cool *.*
No, what if you’re a predator
I’ve watched Catfish
I know how this shit goes
But I’m not! Just the hair
Only if you tell me who you are
How do I know you’re not a predator either?
Maybe you’re the bathroom janitor for all I know
I just found it in the bathroom and wanted to
cheer up a sad grunge emo boy
Goddammit Hoseok.
He fucking put my number on the
stall wall again, didn’t he
I’m gonna fight him
Last time he did this, I got calls
for a week.
Holy shit.
You know my arch nemesis?
Yeah! I dance with him!
He’s a great friend
Annoying sometimes…
BUt wonderful c:
Holy shit
You’re that Jimin kid he always
talks about
The revered dancer
“God, Yoongi you should see him. The way he moves his body is
the closest humans will get to magic.”
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He really said something like that?? Wow, he’s really pushing it
But you exposed yourself,
Nice to meet you Min Yoongi c:
That’s Yoongi HYUNG to you
Well, since I know you’re not going to prey on my gay ass
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Ah, well
Two gay boys can be friends
So don’t worry
I won’t be a gay predator
Is it gay to have gay friends
Let’s try it and see if it’ll answer your question!
Well, I showed my face.
Your turn, punk.
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I’m not a punk :c
According to Hoseok
I’m a soft mochi
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Is that that Taehyung kid
He’s in my art class
I swear to GOD
Loudass motherfucker
But I guess he makes me laugh
Holy shit he’s been reading over
your shoulder?
Hey kid, you’re wild. I admire it.
Especially when you got the fire alarm to go off
in the middle of free painting the other day.
Idk how you did it. You didn’t even leave your
I hav my ways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Next time i jasdskjf
Sorry! Taehyung took my phone
When I left the room
But yes it’s the one and only
We’re roommates
I see. So no hanging at your place.
I’m just kidding
Not really
But yeah
Oh, so you do want to
come over sometime then?
Is that what you’re saying?
c: c: c:
I thought we had bonded over being
Hobi’s friend
I thought WE were gay pals
Without it being gay
Ah, you’re right!
I thought maybe
You already went onto the next base
Im so glad it didn’t turn out like that
My best gay pal c:
Second to Taehyung of course
I mean, you are a handsome fella
I don’t uh, date, really.
Ahhhh, does your love life
have to do with you being a sad emo grunge boy?
A tragic backstory?
A tale for another time.
(like far beyond this time)
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So like
Someone’s persistent
Why do you wanna know so bad?
Gonna try to fix the depressed grunge boy?
You’re just an interesting person
Min yoongi
I’ll figure you out c:
That’s hyung to you, brat.
Chat with Mochi_Moves
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Did this cheer you up?
He had too much soju last night
You all drank without me
What the fuck
I’m sorry :c
I’ll invite you next time!
It was a night out for the dance team
But it can just be us the next time
And I’ll bring taehyung
And hoseok
You don’t want to be around the dance team
When they’re drunk
Trust me
I’ll take your word for it.
But did it cheer you up????
How can I not laugh at his dumb face
Just don’t tell him
He’ll make me do push ups for days
if he finds out I have this
considering he blacked out
and doesn't remember a thing
I told him you found my number yesterday
He screamed
Then he sent me this:
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And asked how gay I was for you
No. it brings me joy.
Hey, haven’t you been trying to make me
It worked.
That’s true..
My pain is your happiness
But I told him I wasn’t gay for you
He sent me this:
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And said “how about now?”
I just need to know, what was the
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Why does hyung still have this
I swear
I’m going to go talk to this..
He’s in the other room
Tell him I said thank you for our new
Kakao chat background pic
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I don’t know what to say to that
That was a performance I did a few years back
For a dance competition
Hoseok hyung begged
I didn’t want to
But i did anyway, it’s hyung
I can’t say no to him
I retired the exposed chest look
So don’t expect another one
Not to sound gay or anything
You have a nice body.
Good job.
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What about you Mint Yoongi?
What do you do?
Write/compose/play music
A lil art here n there
I’m skilled on the piano.
And I have some beats on soundcloud
Wow! I love a good artist c:
Have you released anything to music companies??
You must be famous! Can I hear some of your work??
I’m about as famous as you.
There you go, I guess.
It sounds amazing!
You’re so talented
One day you could compose a song
For one of my shows???
How cool would that be?!
Woah, take me to dinner first
So are you asking for a date??
Mint Yoongi
We haven’t even met formally yet…
So fast..
You were the one talking about intimacies
Composing a song for someone is as
intimate as fucking them.
Alright alright
Just gay best pals
Who’ve never met
Well are you insinuating that we should get up
get out and go meet somewhere?
That would be a good start
Hoseoks been wanting me to meet you for forever now
I just never had the time
Let’s do it for the sake of this poor hyung
It’s a monday morning.
I don’t have class.
We’re getting coffee.
Why is Hobi hyung but you REFUSE TO
Meet me at the campus cafe at 10?
Yeah. Sounds good.
Chat With Mochi_Moves
Mint Yoongi?
What is it?
Did I leave my composition notebook
at your place? I can’t find it
And I’m honestly freaking out
I’m gonna have a panic attack
All my songs are in there
And some stuff I don’t want people
poking around in
Give me just a second, I’m walking back to my room
I’m almost there
It’s okay
Oh goodness
I found it!
I caught Taehyung holding it, but I don’t think he read anything
I’ve never lurched at him so quickly
Do you want me to drop it off?
Yes <3
That heart was so entirely
A you thing
Aw c:
You’re sending hearts now
Did it make yours go bangya bangya
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Just a little
That’s fucking gay wow
I’ll safely return your notebook now!
I’ll guard it with my life
And I won’t read anything
I promise
You’re a true hero
I might end up composing that song for
you if you don’t watch out.
You want to go to the next base already?
I’m impressed
Don’t get your hopes up, sweetie
My emotional capacity is that of a
If you triple the recipe, you’ll get a tablespoon
I just gotta triple my love
And your emotional capacity will go up
Which girl group sang that
Bc that’s what you sound like
It’s pretty gay.
I live with a gay roommate,
I learn a lot of gay things from him
Now open up Mint Yoongi
I’m outside
I would yell @ you for not calling me hyung
But i want my damn notebook.
I’m coming.
Chat With Mochi_Moves
Mint Yoondi
Are you drunk?
So muffh soju
Whaff aru yo u ding
Where are you?
Are you safe?
I jusf go t home
Tae t ae passef out
I wasa bored
And mussed u
You saw me like 7 hours ago
That wascd so lo ng ago
You should drink water and go to sleep
For your health
Im nof tierd
Ill  dinrk wahter though
Aru you still u p wrintinh musi
As usual.
WHAt isi it about this tim e/?
My first love.
Fird love?
I neve r heARd anything abo ut your love life
Didi somethin rly happen to make u
An emo grunge bo y?
Can you ttell me about it??
Not when you’re drunk.
Ask me when you’re sober.
You sitll won t share about yourself :c
I thoght we were best gay pals
I thoufht we got close enough to talk abuot these kind
Of things
Your hangover is gonna be nasty.
How about
I come over in the morning, bring some fire ramen
And tell you about me.
I just don’t want you to forget the conversation.
minT yoon gi
The sweetest man
Fire ranen sounds
You bet your ass I’m the sweetest man
I’ll fuck up anyone who says otherwise.
Sweet as suga r
Damn right i am
Chat With The.V.Zone
Lstn Yoongz
I saw your notebook
I figured you weren’t above snooping in my shit
Trying to figure me out
Or whatever.
I was nvr a fan of you in the first place
Ill b honest
I used to find you unbearably obnoxious
I don’’t kno what my Chim has goin on in his head
But he’s all ovr u these days
And im gttn weird vibes
I dnt feel comfortable with this situation
Bck off a little
Chim is a sensitive soul
I don’t want any1 hurting him
Just curious, but what did you read
Smthn abt ur first love
That’s uh,
I wrote that about my piano
Look, my family situation was kinda
It wasn’t great
So I played piano and wrote music
And well
I fell in love with it.
I think it’s the only thing I’ve ever loved.
Wow u r so gay
My name is literally sugar, why are you all
so surprised to find out i’m nice?
U always look rly grumpy
Like ur ready 2 kill someone
I dnt want my Chim around a murderer
It’s call resting bitch face and I’m sorry it
bothers you.
Jimin is a dear friend to me. I would never
do anything to hurt him.
If u say so
But im not kiddin bout backing off
Chims mine
Wait, are you harbouring romantic
feelings for Jimin?
Am i
Am i harborinfdsf
Ohmyg o d
Ur so funny
Im crying
Oh dear god no
Im happily taken
But ty for ur concern
See, we don’t talk so I don’t know these
things about you.
Don’t worry
You still and will forever remain Jimin’s #1
But wait
What abt u
R u harboring feelings for my Chim??
I liked it better when we weren’t talking
O h
I liked it better when we weren’t talking too.
Every single fiber of my being tells me that
that is a lie
U dont kno me
Yeah that’s the problem
Rmbr Jimin’s recent performance?
U 2 sick with the flu
And cldnt go
:/ I still feel bad about that.
He was so excited for me to watch.
I hve pics
V good pics
If u tell me ill send them 2 u
U wont regret
:) :)
You know, I might have misjudged you, Kim Taehyung.
I apologize for that.
U r forgiven
Well. I haven’t told anyone this
I have
regarding a certain person
Park Jimin.
Some1 in luv
With my Chim
You throw the word “love” out so easily
I’ve only known him personally for like 2 weeks
Gr8 point
Thats why ur perfct 4 him
An intellectual
I’ll deliver what i promised
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Cherish these with ur lyfe
Regrettin that flu yet?
Holy shit
I’m gay
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franeridart · 7 years
I absolutely adore every single KiriBaku thing you draw. They’re so pure and I love them.
;O; !!!!! thank you holy heck!!!!!
Anon said:Fran i missed your hq fanart, it was so good seeing some more from you!
I’m happy you liked them!!!! I missed drawing them too, really !!!!
Anon said:Imagine this - BNHA kids like It kids. Also love your art!
But I haven’t watched It :O and thank you!!!
Anon said: Is it ok if fictionkin people reblog your art and tag it as kin or anything of the sort?
Sure! People are gonna do so anyway whatever I say after all, and this seems like a really silly thing to get bothered over since it’s not like it hurts me in any way haha
Anon said:Who dabs more, Denki or Mina?
If I gotta pick one I’d say Kaminari, but I sure as heck hope dabbing isn’t still a thing in whatever future bnha is set in, anon hahaha
Anon said:yo i love it when you color your sketches, so pretty!!
OH BOY thank you so so much!!!!! :O
Anon said:I love you and your art so much?? like??? you’re so perfect?? just keep doing what you’re doing because you’re doing fucking amazing
I’m the furthest thing from perfect you’re gonna find, anon haha but thank you so much for the compliment!!
Anon said:thank you for always making me smile.
And thank you cause this ask made me smile, anon!!
Anon said:your coloring skills are improving!!! gosh your art is visibly getting better lately (not that it’s even been “bad”, there’s no such thing!! i’ve always loved it). i don’t know if it’s a good idea to tell you this but i mean it as a genuine compliment!
Are they really??? °O° I wouldn’t have said so, honestly haha but I’m super happy to hear that, thank you!!
Anon said:Are any of your OCs romantically involved? Or are they all just good friends?
Yes and no, depending on at which point in their respective story we’re talking about haha Josh and Chris are in love with each other, and so are Max and Leo (well, their situation is a bit… uncommon, but if I were ever to write their story they’d be together in the end) - I once posted about Gabe and Hector, and by the end of their story they’re in a poly relationship with a girl named Erica I’ve never posted about. Luca has a love (?) interest of sort but he’s not been posted about yet hohoho maybe sometime in the near future. Still deciding about Isa and Ana’s relationship, but maybe. Who knows? That’s about it as far as the ones I’ve posted about go :D
Anon said:your ocs are adorable!! esp ana, I want to know EVERYTHING ABOUT HER (and, yeah, having new ocs is super exciting, like you said! just– being able to figure all that stuff out, actually mould a character of your own– it’s a lot of fun!!!)
Anon said: What are Ana and Isa like? From that drawing, I already think I would want to be friends with Isa! She looks like lots of fun!
She is!! She’s sort of a jock, a bit of a dummy and really loud, she’s easy to make laugh and got the type of laughter that makes you wanna laugh with her so when she’s around the mood is always a good one! She’s not exactly a social butterfly, but she’s got no problems with socializing, knows by instinct how to bend her behaviour to fit with all types of people and has the incredible ability to have every and all awkward situations fly right over her head, she just doesn’t notice them, and that makes it hard to be anything but relaxed when she’s around. She’s actually how she and Ana got in the group, since she’s gym buddies with Leo! She also really really likes ball sports :D
Ana’s an introvert all the way through, on the other hand - she’s really witty and sassy when she feels comfortable enough, and sarcasm is her preferred way of communicating, but if she doesn’t know you/ too many people she isn’t 100% comfortable with are around she comes off as timid and closed off, smiles politely and barely utters a word - people assume she’s the subdued and shy type at first so once she starts opening up it’s always sort of a shock haha she’s got a scientific mind and while she isn’t a “gifted kid” like Chris she likes to learn and study a lot, which is why she ended up having a real great relationship with Chris specifically out of everyone in the group (they like to nerd out together) (Josh isn’t particularly happy about it, the jelly idiot) 
Anon said: I love seeing you drawing and getting asks about your OCs. They have so much personality and it makes me super happy. I hope you’ll feel like sharing them with us more often!
Thank you so much!!!! I’m really really happy people seem to like them too!!!! :O
Anon said:you draw the children so long i love it :0
!!!!! :D thank you!!!
Anon said:Did you now that the voice actor of Tenya is also the one of Kageyama ? (I start Haikyuu because of you by the way, thanks for this and for all your great art !)
I did know!!! There’s a lot of hq va’s in bnha, that’s always made me happy haha
Anon said:Love the new Haikyuu art! Although it’s sad that someone made you lose motivation to draw BNHA :/ Daishou is one of my faves, too. He’s such a doof, love it.
OH BOY I love Daishou so much, I’m glad you like him too! Aside from how much fun he is to draw (and color! he’s a green haired boy and that matters lots to me haha) he’s got so much personality and he’s such an interesting character! I honest to god disliked him with a passion during the nekohebi game, actually haha but that’s how it is with most of my hq faves, after all hahaha glad you liked the doodles, by the way!!!
Anon said:I love Luca! Where did he get his scar?
A fight with some punks back when he was a teen that ended up escalating when knives became a thing that was being used :O he comes off as the dangerous sorta type which makes good people steer clear and bad ones come looking for trouble/ pick fights with him cause they assume he was picking a fight cause of his resting bitch face. Well, he’s an ass so let’s say that at least half the times he had been picking fights, and it’s not like he runs when someone tries to fight him anyway… that’s not the only scar he has, it’s just the most visible one haha
Anon said:I’m kinda freaking out about Luca and the others being italians! It makes me love your OCs even more ahah Btw, don’t know if you’ve already answered this or if it’s too personal but… are you Italian? (Or what nationality?)
Yah I am! :D and I’m super happy to hear you like my kids!!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I just wanted to let you know that you inspire me a lot! Your blog is honestly such a happy, fun place to be. You draw so much stuff, so much cute and sweet stuff regularly and I aspire to be like that! I’m extremely slow at drawing, and I lose motivation or get distracted from drawing easily, but I’m hoping for a day when I can make a blog just like yours; a place where I can regularly draw things that make me happy. I hope you have a wonderful day!
I’m!!!! so happy to hear that!!!!! And yeah I 100% understand the being slow and getting discouraged easily, I used to be (and sort of still am) like that too :O my need to be faster is what had me end up with the style I have now, actually haha I hope you’ll find a comfortable style that’ll let you be as fast as you wish soon too, anon!!!
Anon said:I don’t think you understand how much it means to me that you drew an asahi! He’s my fave and he looks precious and pretty in your style! Thank you for this gift :’)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you liked him, then!!!!!!! *O* thank you!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you for drawing Noya! Im sorry it was sort of cause of a shitty anon, I also really enjoy your bnha drawings so im not trying to be all “waaaah go back to hq”, but im happy to see my lightning son and also find out hes in your favs? Yay!
YAH HE’S THE BEST ISN’T HE he’s been one of my top 5s since he first appeared, he’s such a good I’m glad you liked him!!!!!!!!
Anon said:FRAN YOUR NEW HQ ART IM IN LOVE!!!!!! YOU DRAW DAISHOU LIKE A LITERAL SNAKE HES SO SMUG ITS SO GOOD!! AND YOUR OCS!! I WOULD HONESTLY READ A BOOK ABOUT THEM. OR A WEB COMIC. BOTH ARE GOOD. SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS IM JUST EXCITED BC HQ!!!! AND AWESOME OCS!!!! (can you tell that i have a weakness for other people’s ocs, esp when done well) (which you certainly have)
THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS OH GODS !!!!!!!!!!!! Especially about my ocs, that makes me so happy oh boy ;O; !!! And and and I’m super happy you liked Dai! He’s honestly so much fun to draw, for me hahaha
Anon said:I’m sorry that people are being assholes, sending good vibes! I love all your art, I hope you have a good day
This to you and everyone else who’s sent the same type of ask, thank you SO much! You guys are all so incredibly nice and supportive, bless all of you ;O;
Anon said:Dave!!! :D
Dave indeed!!!!!! :D :D
Anon said:your art is Good
Thank You !!!!!!!!
Anon said:omg i love your ocs so much
SOB thank you?????
Anon said:I love how the collar on Kiri’s coat in the ‘Them boys’ post is reminiscent of his pauldrons
……………………………………………….. that was totally on purpose. Yep. Definitely. Hmhm.
Anon said:Anon from before showed me your stuff today and just wanted to say wow I love your stuff what even your art is so good I fuckin love kiribaku and oh my god I swear I must have gone through your whole kiribaku tag and I’m gone your art just made my day
GOSH I’m glad you liked them???? thank you for such a nice message aaahhhh !!!!!!
Anon said:Im cry omg i just realized ur url is franeridart fjhfhf this whole time i thought it was friend art bddnjx
You’re the second person that tells me that in the span of just a couple of days omfg hahahaha it’s cool tho, I wish that was actually the url, it’d have been such a soft one haha
Anon said:hi Kaminari can skateboard he has a skateboard in his room
Kaminari in his room also has a dart board, a basketball and a dj console, and that’s only the stuff whe can see so actually, considering in his likes there’s “cool things” I think he’s the type of boy that tries to pursue any hobbie he might think would make him look cool, so either he has no clue how to use any of the cool things in his room above a vaguely amatorial level or he’s still pursuing all of those interests! Which would actually be super cool! Incidentally this is my preferred headcanon too so, yeah, as far as I’m concerned he knows how to skate. And play basketball. And darts. And also how to dj. He’s a cool kid haha
Anon said:Bless you and your super cute kiribaku ^_^
Bless you for the super sweet message, anon!!!! ;O;
Hahahaha I might have actually accentuated that a bit, but she’s about 20cm shorter than the both of them and in a chibi style that’s hard to keep accurate hahahaha but yeah I love my pocket sized girl she’s the best
Anon said:Im so fucking happy because youve been posting (almost?) daily for a few days now
That was my own poor attempt at something similar to inktober, actually! I’ve had a few days through the month I wasn’t at home at all so I couldn’t draw all 31 days, but I think I got close? Maybe? I’m glad you enjoyed it, tho!!
Anon said:you deserve all the love in the world
I’m f sobbing so do you, friend ;u;
Anon said:do you like as*noya?? or, which are your main pairings for asahi and noya :)
I do ship as*noya, but I prefer Asahi with Daichi and Suga (ot3) or with Kiyoko, actually :O while my fav Noya ship is with Tanaka~
Anon said:I have recently fallen totally in love with kiribaku as a ship, and your art is always my favorite to see in the tags. Thanks for drawing those two nerds, and I hope you have a good rest of your day!
Thank you!!!!! This fandom is super full of incredibly talented people, I hope you’ll enjoy it here hahaha
Anon said: I first found your blog searching the Bokuroo tag.I was very happy because it was one of my all time OTPs,but they didnt have much content.Then there you came,with amazing art.Time passed and you watched BNHA.I was absolutely captivated by BakuShima and then I checked your blog and it had BakuShima!!I told myself “this person cant get any cooler”.But today i found out about TetsuKami and I checked their tag and yoU ALREADY MADE FANART OF THEM!!Officially ,you are the coolest person on Tumblr tbh
We seem to have really really similar tastes in ships, anon!!!! that’s so great omfg !!!!!!! :O and I’m super happy you like my stuff still afer all this time hahaha
Anon said:Could I draw some fan art of your ocs?
Oh my god yeah!!!!! please do link me to it if you do!!!!!
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qimranct-blog · 7 years
oK SO WAKABA AS THE PERSON WORKING FOR SHIDO, this is really badly written for my entertainment btw so dont take my joke dialouge too seriously
Ok so I am still hammering this out and feel free to add your own pinion on how this can be better bc tbh i only played the game once when it first came out so my memory is foggy. Lets start form the beegining: wakaba is doing some cognitive pscience shit and making great progress, shes learning more about the cognitive world than she ever imagined shed be able to without the ability to enter it.
This research reaches shido in some way or another and hey that sounds exploitable lets talk pscience. Wakabas doing her thing and shidos just chillin, watching from the side lines in case anything good comes of that.
Some good comes of that, shes got some clues on things like personas, other worlds, random bull thats been going down with persona shit all this time. Shes making SERIOUS progress and shido wants in on this shit, he wants more progress, he want the persona user.
She has none for him, hes not having that shit
he does some digging into the background of people related to the research. some way or another he gets what he needs on forcing a persona onto a person who would other wise not have any, he insists wakaba try it. she could learn so much more if she could just enter the cognitive world and with her research she can do SO MUCH with a persona.
shes not buying that bull, shes got a daughter to worry about that she would rather not endanger by forcing a inner self demon creature into her fucking soul. Masayoshit shidont does not like this, hes an angry egg head. "ill break that 2+2 not knowing ass childs leg if you dont do it u fuckin assmunch. i m an ass hole LISTEN TO ME" and wakaba knowing damn well that technically he has the power to do that... tries to talk him out of that. THERES no need to go this far. hes going this far though so shes got a choice to make.
She starts reading up on how to give a person a persona. Its awful, its balls its the pits and theres no way shes forcing that on anyone. not a chance in hell. But shes got to do something for futabas sake. Shes gonna use herself as the subject for this.
but theres one thing that hits her, the persona will aboslutely try to kill you out of no where regardless of where you are, cognitive world or not. not good, shes gotta give up a lot to make this work and that kind of includes futaba. she tries to make masayoshi change his mind and he suggests making someone else do it. She says no, thats torture. hes...he dont care, if she doesnt futaba is fucking dead.
wakaba tries to reason with him "if i do thins i cant be near futaba!" she says and he say "FUCK YOU AND YOU R DAMN DAUGHTER IM GONNA GO BUST HER KNEE CAPS YOU FUCKIN SHRUB." wAKABA INSISTS ON HIM NOT. He wont if she just does what he says. so she does. shes got that persona in her some way or another and boy is it suffering, its been trying to kill her all week. futaba is safe tho, shes still trying to be a good mom but things are looking grim, she tells sojiro if she dies suddenly then well, shits weird.
so yeah shes got a persona and shes doing everything he would have made goro do except her persona wants to kill her every 20 minutes like damn. chill. Shes got the suppressant pills yeah but even still this is suffering.
so yeah now her death. She was supposedly killed in front of futaba at one point. this sitll happens, except its not a mental shutdown that "kills" her, she gets attacked by her persona and falls into an open sewer hole or whatever you call those thing sand yEAH SOMETIMES THEYRE JUST LEFT OPEN IN PLACES IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES YALL ITS NOT A STRETCH, but if it is feel free to punch me. and she falls into the water below, except she does not, she moves into the cognitive world and fights that bitch of a persona with more pills. Shido, has plans tho as he sees of what happened and decides, lmao yeah no lets just let you stay dead. and has people waiting for her where she entered the cognitive world to grab her before she can go home and bring her to him. He tells her she could have died and that hes sure shes no longer going to be able to take care of futaba in this state, that she should probably just stay dead since they reports on what happened say she fell and just vanished.
She...agrees??? i mean shes almost died like 12 times in the span of a week and shits getting bad. shes a danger to futaba. if she stays with him hes got his hands on the pills she needs and shes never too far away from the one giving her her missions so she can not only do what he says but finish her research however reluctantly considering the horrible things he has her doing.
now skipping on to when the phantom thieves become a thing. Shes,,,,doing the things that goro would have done. except since this has to do with my au theres not pretty detective prince on tv to antagonize the group, other than that everything goes the same,
wakaba does what shes doing and does not even know futaba is a phantom theif until shidos palace.
but before we get to that, saes palace.
the group does saes palace and it goes off without a hitch. alls chill. they live. im still not sure what to do with this part because everyone thought akira was dead because of the after math of this so tbh if yall got any ideas here...shoot so yeah shidos palace, they get there, get through every one, and get to where they would be going against goro but no its wakaba, futaba is shook, wakaba is shook, the whole squad is shook. 
wakaba is a little heart broken, shes fighting so hard to protect futaba and shes putting herself in harms way. She tells futaba to just stop all this and ust stay safe, she would take her place in the p thieves so long as it mean she was safe. futaba does not agree to this
wakaba is not pleased, she makes an offer "ok, well, im pretty strong so all of you fight me and prove that i can trust you to protect yourselves against the nightmare that is shadow shido so i dont have to worry about futaba being hurt," they kick her ass, she has never been more happy, she tells futaba shes happy to have been beaten and shes willing to go help them fight shido except HAHA FUCK YOU SHES NOT!
shes weak from the battle and her persona ssees it as the perfect time to strike her dead in one fucking hit dead. futaba is mortified.
wakaba is fucking pissed and with her dying breath shes just futa baby i love you please destroy that ass hole that tore us apart. ded.
rest of the game proceeds as normal, idk its late and i got no sleep and this is not written well at all bye,
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shiny-craboo-blog · 7 years
@rockformed​ replied to your post : i keep goin away for a long time but theres a good...
what asshole?? 👀👀👀👀👀
WHOOO lemme tell you this is a long one (sorry about any spelling errors i was tryna get this done quickly)
it was actually that guy that we played overwatch with together once.
ive known him since about december, but he was saying lots of homophobic and racist shit, so i was like eh might as well try to make him a better person, but to do that, you gotta get close, and i started liking him (literally @ past me why?????)
so i flirt a little here, giggle a little there, and he falls in love with me. i liked him too, but he liked me to a point where it was obsessive. he was telling me i saved his life and that out of everyone on earth im his favorite. i come out to him as trans one day, and after a lot of thinking, he was like “okay yeah im okay with this” and i was happy
however, like i said, he was really obsessive. he wouldnt let me play games with anyone else unless he was there, and when i tried to watch a show with one of our mutual friends, he gets all upset about it.
eventally, even though he liked me, he started being a real ass. i told him that i didnt really like him anymore and that i wanted to stay friends, and he turned it into this huge fight and ended it with “Forget it... Good night.” - and he used that phrase every (and “goodbye”) every time he wanted a conversation to sound final or like he was going to die if i didnt give him all my attention right then and there.
the fighting continued for a few months, during which he called me a sociopath, narcissistic, not worthy off being called a human being, and all that typa stuff. he started feeling suicidal - even though he felt that way before i met him, he started feeling it stronger because he didnt have me constantly fawning over him to ease it out - and he straight up told me that he blamed me for his feelings.
the fights got reaaalllll bad, and eventually he had a set day and time, and every time i said i was going to call his mom about it, he got really defensive and acted like i was attacking him, saying “dont test me” and shit
he became really emotionally manipulative and just flat out malicious tbh
the day came around and i blocked him because i didnt want to hear about it, and he started yet another fight. he didnt do anything though because half an hour later he came crawling back saying that he needed someone to talk to and that he had this whole change of heart and that he realized what his friends were worth and how he acted really shitty and that he was sorry
but he didnt change his behavior at all lmao
he kept arguing with me, so i started just. not joining as much and not talking to him as often and he got really pissy, asking me if i was talking to other people and accusing me of talking with this guy who he hates (the guy he hates left to make another server with all the people this guy was an asshole to so they could have a place where he wasnt there being a dick and the guy im telling you about acts like the victim whenever he talks about it like?? literally if u were a better friend they wouldnt have felt the need to?) (and i totally was talking to the guy bc the enemy of your enemy is your friend and all that) but he was a real ass about it. 
and saturday!! this saturday!!! he was an ass the moment i joined the call so i left and he got mad saying like “you know how i get upset when you leave the call” and i was like “i just??? dont wanna be there if ur gonna be mean to me the moment i join??” and he said
“its a guy thing to be mean to your friends. but i guess you wouldn’t know about that ;)”
so i blocked him. he texts me saying that hes been mean because his dads been on his back about college, and i said it wasnt an excuse. a few minutes later, someone from the server messages me sayin that nick said if i dont unblock him hes gonna ban me. so i unblocked him and asked for a reason why i should stay. this bitch. this ass. says “because i thought we were friends” LIKE BIIIIIIITCH PLEAAAAAAASE YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WE AINT
anyway we fought for 3 hours and rather than giving me any good reasons to stay he called me stupid and said i misinterpreted the message like?? how else am i supposed to interpret it????????
so im staying, making him fall in love with me again, then leaving.
bonus: i made a list of the highlights of some of the shit things hes said to me
"Forget it... good night." "i used to trust everyone then the thing happened with my cousin so i stopped sharing myself or exposing myself. then i did over the years with kii then she backstabbed me. then ness and it happened again. i didnt trust anyone and still wasnt ok with sharing myself. then u stepped in and made me feel happy and wanted and like i could trust people. then you said you loved me like you did. i opened up and pursued and got lead on for 15 hours a day for a month up until i got enough courage to try to stand and speak open heartedly and with courage and the next day you lose all interest." "you know what? you obviously dont like me anymore. im over it you win. im done chasing. the goalposts always change. its over." "i cant stop chasing you. you are literally my favorite person on earth." "im doing this once a day from now on. wanna go out" "1 reason i got on ow. *1 reason i got on ow off my psych. guess it doesnt matter to you." “For the record the reason im mad all the time is because im fucking pissed at you but cant take it out for some reason.” “reason im so shit ight now is caught i thought i was at rock bottom and you took me up the mountain just to fling me off. forget it. good night." "youre still online. just gonna pretend im not here?" "hope this doesnt wake you up but sorry for being a cunt." "i still want to die haha. life sucks" "im sorry." me: you purposely did something to make me mad and then get upset when i get mad "im hald zoned in rn im getting killed by bad vibes but im not gonna make you mad ever again." "why did you fool me. i fight with you a lot now and its because of what you did to me and how ive lost my sense of self and all emotions because of you. but then i remember this is just how i usually am and being happy is what people are supposed to be like and im not so this is normal and only my fault so. i forgot where i was going with this but take care friend." "if it was the concept thing then why do i still love you." "i get upset because i have to actively avoid falling for you." "im only angry and mean to you because i dont understand my emotions." "im gonna kill myself saturday at 7:32 pm" (<<<this was two weeks ago hes fine now) "im not gonna do it i just want attention" "to keep it 100 i just said that so you wouldnt call anyone." "dont test me" "eat shit" "if youre trying to make me unfriend you its working" "actual human beings dont pull that bullshit. they suck it up and stick to their word or break the news to the other and dont drag them along." me: every humans a human regardless of whether or not they feel "theyre a human. not an actual human. theyre a human but not worthy of being called one." "in 3 months you managed to fuck with my emotions and make me want to kill myself more than kii did in 3 years." "i think this is the last conversation were gonna have. if you got anything important to say speak now or forever hold your peace. alright youre in overwatch and missed your chance." "have fun with your game hope its worth losing me over."
me: im going to call your mom and tell her right now "and say what? 'im a bad friend and now nick wont talk to me?'"
me: no. 'nicks planning on killing himself.' "and ill just say its someone im amd at trying to get revenge on me" "im not convinced that its not a whole thing made specifically to drive me to suicide." "in queue rather than fixing problems. typical. goodbye, asshole." "what if by trying to stop the outcome u saw you just pushed me away from one of the only people i trusted and now im on a path that ends in my inevitable self destruction." "no thats the depression but i am saying u took away what made me happy." "forget it, ill catch you later. apparently no goodbyes either lol." "bye oats." "the only thing you will ever love besides yourself is overwatch. bye." "are you there i just got back and i really need someone." "beause youre the middle man i guess and it was a test of allegiance i think in my mind." "idk i just feel like not many people actually like me deep down and its a shit thing of me to put that on others." "hows ness doing" "because im done walking on eggshells for you, snowflake. "its a guy thing to be a dick to your friends. guess u wouldnt understand ;)" "sorry for being a jerk. dad has been riding me all week and im mad all the time." "maybe you would get it if your dad ever punched you or woke you up by throwing shit at you." (i know for a fact his dad doesnt do this. there was a whole week where we were in a call 24/7 to see how long we could get one to last and his dad brings him dinner and plays xbox in the same room sometimes. i get that from an outside perspective this may seem mean to overlook, but if you knew this guy, you wouldnt put it past him to lie about shit like this just for attention.) "youre being such a baby over this. its not a big deal, its an argument." "considering you didnt write it id consider it awful stupid of you to think you can interpret it better than the author." "you dont know me"
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