#timeless baby treasures
Celebrate Milestones with Personalised Engraved Baby Bracelets — A Timeless Keepsake
Welcome to the world of timeless treasures for your little ones! Personalised baby jewellery, particularly engraved baby bracelets, offers a unique and heartfelt way to celebrate the precious moments of your baby’s early years. In this article, we’ll delve into the charm of personalised baby jewellery and explore why engraved baby bracelets make for a perfect keepsake.
The Significance of Personalised Baby Jewellery:
In the delightful journey of parenthood, finding meaningful ways to celebrate each milestone becomes essential. Personalised baby jewellery goes beyond being just adornments; they are expressions of love and individuality. From birthstone pendants to customised name bracelets, these pieces carry sentimental value that lasts a lifetime.
Capturing Memories with Engraved Baby Bracelets:
Engraved baby bracelets elevate personalisation to a new level, creating a lasting memory in a tangible form. Whether it’s your baby’s name, birthdate, or a special message, the fine art of engraving transforms a simple bracelet into a cherished memento. These delicate pieces not only adorn your baby but also encapsulate the uniqueness of their early years.
Quality Craftsmanship and Materials Matter:
When it comes to personalised baby jewellery, quality craftsmanship and materials are paramount. Opt for bracelets crafted from durable materials like sterling silver or gold for longevity and safety. The meticulous attention to detail in the engraving process ensures a clear and enduring impression, making the jewellery both beautiful and safe for your little one.
As you explore the world of personalised baby jewellery, consider the enduring charm of engraved baby bracelets. These timeless keepsakes not only adorn your baby with elegance but also capture the essence of their earliest moments.
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winterarmyy · 1 year
winterarmyy's masterlist
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Disclaimer: This masterlist may contain works with adult contents that is not appropriate for those who are under the age of 18. Please proceed at your own risk. Thank you.
Taglist: I do not use taglist system for my work anymore. You may follow me and turn on the notification for new updates. Don't worry about spamming, my blog posts are only consist of fic updates and asks replies.
Navigation: For now I only write for Bucky Barnes and all of my works are complete unless stated otherwise. Each of the work under a specific universe are listed chronologically based on the story's timeline.
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Genre tags:  🥀 - angst    ⛓ - smut    🐇 - fluff    🖤 - dark
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• I will block you if you...
Plot Twist Universe ft. mafia!bucky
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky.
♥︎ Plot Twist (🐇)(⛓) - Part I | Part II | Part III
♥︎ Around My Scars (🐇)(⛓) (🥀)
Behind The Facades Universe ft. avenger!bucky
An unrequited pining over a certain super soldier.
♥︎ Behind The Facades (🥀) - Part I | Part II | Part III
And You're Mine Universe ft. alpha!bucky
How grumpy chubby alpha!bucky finally found his omega.
♥︎ Must Be Fate (🐇)
♥︎ And You're Mine (🐇) (🥀)
♥︎ Baby, Fever & Cuddles (🐇)
♥︎ Steal Me Away (🐇)
Welcome Home... Soldat? Universe ft. winter soldier!bucky
That time when Bucky accidentally relapsed into the Winter Soldier.
♥︎ Welcome Home... Soldat? (🐇) (⛓) - Part I | Part II | Part III
♥︎ Welcome Home, Daddy (🖤) (🥀) (🐇)
Promise Me Universe ft. 40s!bucky / tfatws!bucky
When he was sent out for war, Bucky made a promise to his lover that might just last through several lifetimes.
♥︎ Promise Me (🥀) (🐇) - Part I | Part II | Part III
Thin Walls, Thin Lines Universe ft. fuckboy!bucky
What will happen if a fuckboy falls in love with a hopeless romantic?
♥︎ Thin Walls, Thin Lines (🥀)(🐇)(⛓) + Deleted Scene
Against All Odd Universe ft. medieval!bucky
An arranged marriage with the duke's illegitimate son!bucky
♥︎ Against All Odds (⛓)(🐇)(🥀) - Part I | Part II | Part III
A Series of Bucky Drabbles
♥︎ Until Then (🥀) (🐇) ft. 40s!bucky / avenger!bucky
A mission back in time brought Y/N to an unexpected encounter with the man she fell in love with. (Inspired by Timeless by Taylor Swift)
♥︎ I'm Not Like Her (🥀) (🐇) ft. avenger!bucky
Y/N had her heart broken when some agents made fun of how her body looks and Bucky came in clutch with the rescue.
♥︎ Never Lie To Me (⛓) ft. winter soldier!bucky
In which Y/N's sinful thoughts towards the Asset is reciprocated. (Inspired by I Can See You by Taylor Swift )
♥︎ My Person (🐇)(⛓) ft. tfatws!bucky
In which Sam's question forces Bucky to reveal his true feelings to his so called "friend", Y/N.
♥︎ Kiss It Better (⛓)(🐇)(🥀) ft. avenger!bucky
In which the reader refused to let Bucky go down on her lately because she's embarrassed of the chafing marks on her inner thighs.
♥︎ He Hates Me, Doesn't He? (🥀) ft. tfatws!bucky
You hurt Bucky's girl, and now he hates you.
♥︎ Sleepy Heads (🐇) ft. tfatws!bucky
That time when the reader accidentally fell asleep on a stranger’s shoulder in the subway ride home. The stranger in question, however, is none other than the former Winter Soldier, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
♥︎ A Fucking Treasure (⛓)(🐇)(🥀) ft. avenger!bucky
A date gone wrong? Same old, same old. But, having Bucky pinning her against the wall, now that’s new.
More drabbles coming soon...
A Series of Random Bucky Blurbs
Midnight Rain (🥀) ft. 40's!bucky
Breast-pumping Routine (🐇) ft. avenger!bucky
Forced Marriage (🐇) (⛓) ft. duke's illegitimate son!bucky
Dark!Bucky stalking the reader (🐇) (⛓) ft. dark!tfatws!bucky
Reader shuts down emotionally (🥀) ft. avenger!bucky
Support other writers here: #fic rec
All my recommendations are consist of Sebastian Stan's characters.
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An Ode to Tofu 
Tofu, glorious tofu. Splendorous, scrumptious, saliva-inducing tofu. It is the filler of my stomach, gracer of my tongue, love of my life. To spend a life without it is to not live at all.
It has a silken texture, so smooth on my tongue, like the finest satin on the body of the world's most beautiful woman. And its flavour! A baby deer's first steps, frail and wondrous and with just the slightest hint of eternity behind it.
Oh, to eat tofu. To gulp down its slippery flesh and taste its skin on my teeth. To caress its soy surface like a lover and sink my teeth into it in the throes of passion. To consume is to love, and by every deity I have ever sworn to, I love tofu.
When my lips first graced tau kwa, I thought I was in heaven. Dark as teak in braised sauce, juicy and firm and holy, it brought a tear to my eye. Fried, with its moist innards and salty, crispy exterior, I would have fallen to my knees for it. Even plain, in nothing but soup, it was majestic. 
Oh, but its dignity could not compare to tau pok's charm. Soaking up whatever it was offered, taking and taking and taking flavour from everything around it, greedy to the core. And yet, and it enters my gaping maw, it spills its guts in a waterfall of giving, filling me up with its juices.
More seductive still is tau kee. Pliant and gentle, like a virgin on her wedding day. It is silk bedsheets stained dark with lust, a noose of the finest rope. I could spend my entire life in its folds, and still yearn for more. 
And yet- There it is: Egg tofu. Love of my life, the one to whom I return to each and every time. The one who will welcome me despite my unfaithfulness. Golden brown on a hotplate, surrounded by lush salad, even with nothing to adorn it, I crave its taste. It will forever treasure me, and I it. We are two matching halves of the same whole.
That is not to say I do not love the classics, of course. Silken tofu, the renowned temptation it is, has carved out its claim to my heart with merciless delight. It is timeless, majestic in its old age, powerful and cruel in equal measure. Cladded in the red spice of mapo tofu, it holds more vitality than a thousand armies. Floating amidst miso soup, it brings out the true power of soy. It is the greatest of the tofus, and I will award it the reverence it deserves.
But then… then there is the new. The strange. The QQ tofu. Fishy and bouncy and vibrant, so different from its pureblood cousins. It's distinction is a peacock's feathers, flauntings its uniqueness in the sheer knowledge that it can out-tofu all others. I am brought to my knees before it, tasting that which neither regular tofu nor regular fishcakes could compare. 
And then there is the final mountain for me to climb: Stinky tofu. Shrouded in mystery, enveloped by its hostile scent. It awes me and frightens me in equal measure. The durian of tofus, proud and loud about its smell. The tales I have heard of it make it out to be the greatest of legends, and someday I shall feast upon it.
And when that day comes, my life will be complete. I will die happy, with the taste of tofu on my tongue. I will dream the long dream, full of fresh, plump tofu.
Tofu, glorious tofu.
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amateurasstrologer · 4 months
Hi babies, what’s up? You thought I forgot about you? 
Well, you’re right, I did. But I’m back, bitches - at least for today - to remind you that astrology is still the shit. So, before I ghost again, let’s talk. This week it’s a Saturn in Pisces special. 
Now, before you’re like, “Are you kidding? This bitch comes back after how long to talk about some random ass placement that doesn’t even apply to me? Ugh.” Just take a breath. Saturn is in Pisces. Right now. In the sky. So even if you’re not getting extra fucked like all the people having their Saturn Return, you’re still experiencing the energy and all the shit I’m about to say still applies to you. 
Alright. First, let’s talk Saturn. Saturn is all about form. It’s foundations, it’s structure, it’s hard, it’s the shit you stand on that you forget you’re standing on (until a transit happens and forces you to look down in ice cold terror). It’s important to remember that Saturn deals with all foundations - which foundation (physical, mental, etc.) depends on which sign you’re working with. When Pisces gets involved, you’re dealing with your psychological, emotional foundation.
Next, Pisces. Pisces is about all dissolution. Pisces is last in line for a reason. All the shit you absorbed during your little life cycle - collective beliefs and ideals, definitions of success, definitions of failure, the shit your parents believed, the shit their parents believed, etc. - someone needs to dissolve all that loud biz (cue Pisces) so you can get back in touch with the real true you (cue Aries). Pisces is on that transcendental shit - it’s here to elevate you, it’s fucking your foundations up in a beautifully painful liquidation process, as in we’re closing everything has got to go this business is over forever goodbye we’re done. 
When you put these two together and you get a fucking shit show. Hardening and dissolving? Opposites. Pisces is like “yes I’m here to love you forget you ever had a structure all of this is meaningless it’s time blend in the timeless space of forgiveness we’ll feel it all and understand the origin of life the mystery of life heart eyes” and Saturn is like “Look at your life! Build something! Be accountable! These are your limits - learn them! Wake up! You dropped your spine! Go pick it up! But also good luck bending over to pick it up because you don’t have a spine! Ha!” 
It doesn’t take eyes to see that Saturn is not comfy in Pisces. And it’s true, Pisces and Saturn do bring very different shit to the party. But relationships are raw materials, babies, it’s what you make with them that matters.
Saturn and Pisces, together, create an opportunity for you to give your psychological, emotional foundation a fucking upgrade. Pisces helps you dissolve the fake ass bull shit persona you’ve been passing off as a self, and Saturn helps you reform into a person who, you know, you’re actually happy to be - a person with a psychological foundation based on inner-truth, not on societal/cultural/ancestral rules and regulations. Bitch, you’re a treasure! You’re a beautiful unique person, not a robot! If you wanted to be all copy paste should have reincarnated as a keyboard smh. Wake up.
Saturn in Pisces is a call to transform yourself on a spiritual level. The deepest level. (Deeper than you Scorpio sorry.) This isn’t some find a new job, find a new hobby bull shit. This is deep unconscious reconditioning. This is scary, triggering shit. You thought Pisces was out here just blending in the gooey goodness of love? Please. Think about what dissolution actually means. You want to be psychologically free? You want to scrub your karma? Get in touch with your essence? Lol. Girl. Get ready. This transformation process is a gnarly, confusing, and, most importantly, it takes time (thanks, Saturn). Just can’t rush it. 
Alright, before you get too scared to continue, let me say it one more time for the people in the back: When Saturn is in Pisces, the unconscious, emotional (Pisces) foundation (Saturn) of your life stops being hidden. Material that was collecting dust (and power) in your unconscious (Pisces) is suddenly visible (Saturn). Surprise, bitch! Time to take a look.
Okay. Now, what happens when you’re confronted with your very own subconscious (Pisces) scaffolding (Saturn)? Well, two options: 
(1) You lose perspective and collapse the transformation process before it has time to do its thing, dissolving your sense of self (Pisces) and hardening around rigid beliefs (Saturn) to bring yourself back to a superficial sense of safety, making your life temporarily more stable and comfy but ten million times harder to confront your psychological foundation at the next opportunity.
(2) You stay focused on the big picture and face your fears, dissolving the toxic beliefs you were unconsciously building your life on (Pisces) and reforming your identity (Saturn) into something real and true, making your life temporarily more lonely and difficult but ten million times easier to relate to yourself and others forever and ever amen.
“Uh wtf who would pick option one?” You, me, anyone allowing themselves to actually feel the crippling existential dread of having to face the unknown (Pisces) or anyone who can’t bear the thought of looking critically at their inherited beliefs (Saturn). It’s not an opportunity for the faint of heart. Or for anyone who doesn’t have, at the very least, one friend. And not some moralizing “forgiveness heals all wounds hang in there” type of friend - I’m talking some real ass, truth staring ass, love you anyways bitch.
So, why did I return from the underworld to tell you this shit now? Because Saturn is only halfway through it’s uncomfortable stay on the Pisces commune. Listen - if you’re starting to feel crazy, like (1) “I swear some shit must be up I just cannot catch a break from feeling like living shit” and (2) “why does the same shit continue to happen to me over and over again like fuck I thought I got over this shit in 1933” it’s because (1) you’re being called to transform and transformation is an active process time to stop being dragged around use you legs and (2) part of this particular transformation process is acknowledging that you did not leave any shit in 1933 and you’ve actually been dragging that ugly shit around in your unconscious and it’s secretly been controlling every decision you’ve made since then. Sorry.
“Ugh, can I just close my eyes and open them when this whack ass transit is over?” Sure. They’re your eyes, babe. But, just between you and me, why would you want to do that? This is a wonderfully unique time to face the truth (Saturn) and give yourself compassion and grace (Pisces), so that you can, oh, I don’t know, turn this car around before you and your unconscious Thelma and Louise yourselves. For a limited time only - the lights are on! There is no better time to look at this shit. The cosmic support is here. Right now. Let these lunar lovelies carry you through. 
The key to navigating this transit successfully (and consciously), is to pay attention to what you’re dissolving, and what you’re hardening around. Be suspicious about the shit you take for granted emotionally - investigate that foundation - ask yourself: Where did this shit even come from? Is this the psychological foundation I want to perpetuate? Don’t keep trying to wrap yourself back up in that shed skin, babies, it’s not a good look. Embrace the rawness.
The energies are active, the pressure is there, but if you open yourself to working with the energy of the times instead of just closing your eyes and hoping for the best, you can completely transform your life over the next 12 months. No joke. No exaggeration.
Until we meet again, bitches, happy charting.
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supportpunk · 8 months
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The complete plushie collection! It ended up at an even 90 friends!
The only ones not pictured are one squishmallow I found buried in my closet after this picture was taken and my car buddy Hamburger the forest demon
I also have a whole list of them that I'll put under the cut! Some of the names are very silly :)
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1. Big Bear
2. Treasure (Squishmallow cat)
3. Oobleck the elephant
4. Plague Doctor
5. Brighton Bear
6. Big Dog
7. Little Dog
8. Blah the snake
9. Mama Rex
10. Benvolio
11. Vampire Bat
12. Spiderman
13. Pleakley (fish squishmallow)
14. Red Fox (squishmallow)
15. Grogu pillow pet
16. Llama Mama
17. Tiger
18. Puppy trio one
19. Puppy trio two
20. Puppy trio three
21. Elefun (yellow elephant)
22. Taddle Toes the alien
23. Fruity squishmallow (not pictured)
24. Darth Bear-der
25. Clark the supercow
26. Brucie Bear
27. Rico the zomb frog
28. Buffy the rabbit
29. Black Friday Bear
30. Creeper
31. Mona the bearlien
32. BonBon teddy
33. Ferrari the timeless teddy
34. Pawlette the rabbit
35. Melanie the crochet hippo
36. BeeGee the froggie
37. Schlepp the bear
38. Rock lobster the triceratops
39. Sub Zero
40. Dexter dragon
41. Val the cow
42. Hello Kitty squishmallow
43. Miffy
44. Eeyore
45. Piglet
46. Bulbasaur
47. Large lots of love carebear
48. Small lots of love carebear
49. Wish bear
50. Funshine bear
51. Try your best bear
52. Share bear
53. Flat fuck Friday the whale Shark
54. Hammerhead shark
55. Elmo
56. Toothpick the fox
57. Pretty puppy the dog
58. Frank the dog
59. Knuffle bunny
60. Pink puppy
61. Brown puppy
62. Blue puppy
63. Mr. Beaver
64. Rainbow sock monkey
65. Mr. Trooper
66. Mothman
67. Peep
68. Pico the dino
69. Squeaky cow
70. Music box bear
71. Music box triceratops
72. Piggy
73. Raggedy puppy
74. Mushy puppy
75. Monk monk
76. Bunny rattle
77. Bunny lovey
78. Scorch the dragon
79. Luna the wolf
80. Jasmine the rainbow leopard
81. The very hungry caterpillar
82. Smokey Bear
83. Blues clues
84. July beanie baby
85. Fox beanie baby
86. Fawn beanie baby
87. Witch beanie baby
88. Owl squishable 
89. Luna moth squishable
90. Hamburger the forest demon squishable (not pictured)
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abbysimsfun · 2 months
Sims In Bloom: Generation 1 Pt. 20 (Everyone's Midlife In Crisis)
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Bella Goth was a proud woman. Cass knew she’d had an affair or two herself, even if they’d never been to the level of full-blown love like Mortimer and Karl, but she was constantly exhausted taking care of baby Dex. Deep down, Cassandra feared how her mother would take the news of her husband's infidelity.
Mortimer and Bella were childhood sweethearts from Sunset Valley, marrying after college and settling in Brindleton Bay to satisfy Bella’s interest in the supernatural. She’d heard the old museum roamed with ghosts who knew where to find buried treasure, and like Daisy’s obsession with finding a UFO plant, she would spend hours exploring the lighthouse museum at Deadgrass Isle, while Mortimer stayed home writing articles and Cassandra taught herself shapes with her building blocks.
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Cass was too young to remember the birth of her brother, Alexander, or the shock death of Bella’s beloved brother Michael, but she remembered her parents’ arguments over what they each owed to their family. Bella cried one minute, raged the next, or flirted with the mailman just to upset her husband. Then one day, when Cass was about five, her mother disappeared. No one had any idea where she was; even the Goth family’s considerable resources couldn’t find her. Mortimer was warned to expect the worst if she was ever found, but almost two years after she left, she returned in great health as if nothing had happened, with no memory of the two years she’d been gone.
The government studied her to try to unlock the secrets of her disappearance but concluded nothing. Cass and her family were forced to forge ahead without answers, and her parents’ marriage never truly recovered from the ordeal. Cassandra feared her mother might snap and disappear again if she knew her husband loved another man, but she thought of Dex, who could barely walk yet, and she knew how he would feel if she left. It wasn’t without some guilt that she chose to keep her father’s secret.
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With Daisy so preoccupied with her space missions back in Henford, her second cowplant, Second Simzee, turned to its skeleton form. She left it in the yard in memory of all the times she’d had to be swallowed by the freakish thing for the sake of science. She missed gardening, and after one final voyage she announced she wanted to return to her roots, but this time she wanted to follow a more creative path with flower arranging.
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It felt right to make the change again. Now she could grow enough UFO fruit to leave some to be discovered by others under Sophie the Snail. She had all the knowledge she could gather and recognition from the Sim Gardening Society for all her hard work. She proudly displayed their congratulatory plaque on the wall and glanced at it often, but River’s creatively gifted girlfriend had inspired Daisy to unlock a new interest in artistic pursuits. She dreamed of crafting bouquets for her daughters to carry at their weddings one day.
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Neal experienced a midlife crisis and purchased an expensive hot tub for their yard, but with the cold winds of winter chilling the air, Daisy had to admit the extravagant purchase was enjoyable. Neal added several wind turbines to their thatch-roofed home, and four dew-catchers to the backyard. Theirs certainly stood out among the quaint homes of Henford, with exotic plants and gadgets adding a sense of modernity to the timeless country aesthetic of Henford-on-Bagley. And their meat wall faced the laneway, greeting visitors with the hearty smell of sweet beet meat. The Nesbitts were one of the most interesting families in town.
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With Neal and Daisy's children growing older, would they manage to find success like their parents? And what of Mortimer's secrets? ->
<- Previous Chapter | From the Beginning
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postal-ech · 6 months
God dammit I have become obsessed with Lisa the Painful and more specifically its fandom's ability to make the HARDEST and WILDEST songs available.
I swear to god its like finding a treasure trove of this shit, its akin to finding Undertale's fan OST...thing, I dunno the technical name for it but its like its whole own genre
Like, take for example the works from Maddie Doktor, who has a few tracks in the fan game Lisa the Pointless: Downtown Mechanic (essentially a swap AU of Lisa the Pointless for the undertaleheads out there) You want some hard ass tunes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQjuDd58U1Y Want some real ETHEREAL TYPE SHIT? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIi--DYVwrs WANT A FUCKING TRACK THAT SOUNDS LIKE HOMIE IS FIGHTING IN SOME MARTIAL ARTS FILM??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc-CQ_6acjA
I SWEAR TO GOD its like CRACK, and she's not the only one up-and-coming in the Lisa fandom
My favorite artist has to be Cane B, who does these weird and wild remixes alongside original soundtracks for example, there's their version of 1000 faces of rage from Painful's definitive edition that just go SO HARD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x9CrCOILGk or their more original tracks for a project called Lisa the Joyful: Growing Pains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFpdTnN2rvw
Another one who has been lost to time, save for a working archive out there on discord is one legendary AdmiralHippie/SpaceHippie, who I mentioned in a previous post covering Space Station 13. His work is mostly known within the fan work Lisa the Vegaful, though he has a lot of original tracks that work just as well in a fan work If anyone is interested, I'd recommend looking up the working archive of his music, or looking DO BE AWARE THOUGH, As far as I am aware, SpaceHippie/AdmiralHippie has requested that his original works be pulled from existing fan games/not to be used, given an incident where he had wiped his youtube channel alongside his existing library from youtube, so I will not post the files of his OST out on here to respect his wishes, but I still highly recommend giving them a listen and if ya do see him out there, give him some well wishes.
A third one to keep an eye out on is another up-and-comer who posts more hip-hop-esque mixes, goes by the name of Broken Sword on youtube. His work, at least as far as I'm aware, will be showing up in Vegaful's Sample Update, which looks to update the original Lisa: The Vegaful fan game to add more animations, and act as replacements for AdmiralHippie's tracks. So far he has two albums of lisa fan music out, with the second one being posted a week ago around the time of this post. DEFINITELY give him a look when you can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygwXrKdNmvQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t94ntyYm6dQ
There are so many more artists out there that produce some TOP TIER shit for Lisa if you ask me, from Taitoki with his work on Lisa: The Pointless and its up-coming Monster Update (ONE SPRITE A DAY, BABY!!!), ChaCos, who's work extends into the fan-mod of Pointless known as Scholar of the Wilbur Sin (SOTWS), Baursach of Lisa: The Timeless/Lisa: The Fool fame alongside the creator of the Timeless fan game Torrington (Who had put out his own album not too long ago, GIVE IT A LISTEN, ITS HIGH QUALITY SHIT)
God I can go on and on, but the point of this Hyperfixation post is to highlight some SINCERE TALENT in this fandom, and its genuinely what keeps me as invested into Lisa as much as the official thing, and ESPECIALLY given what we've gotten out of Definitive Edition as is with Austin Jorgensen/Widdly 2 Diddly's work on the OST. Its again like rediscovering Undertale and Deltarune's weird but FASCINATINGLY GOOD underground fan genre out there
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studiocapturelife · 2 months
7 Secret Tips for Perfect Newborn Photoshoots
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Welcoming a new baby into your family is a momentous occasion, and capturing those first precious moments through a newborn photoshoot can create timeless memories. At Studio Capture Life, we specialize in creating stunning newborn portraits that you'll cherish forever. Here are some secret tips to ensure your newborn photoshoot is perfect.
1. Timing is Everything
The best time for a newborn photoshoot is within the first two weeks of birth. During this period, babies are usually more sleepy and easier to pose, making it the ideal time to capture those adorable curled-up positions. Plan your session in advance and try to schedule it when your baby is between 5 to 14 days old.
2. Keep the Baby Comfortable
A comfortable baby is a happy baby, and happy babies make for the best photos. Make sure the room where the photoshoot takes place is warm, as newborns can get cold easily. You can also use a white noise machine to mimic the sounds of the womb, helping to keep your baby calm and relaxed. Studio Capture Life ensures a cozy and soothing environment for all our newborn sessions.
3. Prepare Ahead of Time
Preparation is key to a smooth and successful photoshoot. Have all the props, outfits, and accessories ready before the session starts. This includes blankets, wraps, hats, headbands, and any special items you want to include in the photos. Also, make sure your baby is well-fed and has a clean diaper before the session begins to reduce the likelihood of interruptions.
4. Choose Simple and Soft Outfits
When it comes to newborn photography, less is often more. Simple, soft, and neutral-colored outfits work best, as they keep the focus on your baby. Avoid clothing with loud patterns or logos. Many photographers also like to photograph newborns in their natural state, with just a diaper or wrapped in a soft blanket.
5. Use Natural Light
Natural light is the most flattering for newborn photography. If possible, schedule your session during the day when there is plenty of natural light available. Position your setup near a large window to take advantage of the soft, diffused light. At Studio Capture Life, we prioritize natural lighting to highlight the delicate features of your newborn.
6. Be Patient and Flexible
Newborn photoshoots can take time, and it's essential to be patient and flexible. Babies can be unpredictable, so allow for breaks for feeding, changing, and soothing. A relaxed atmosphere will help both you and your baby feel more comfortable, resulting in better photos. Trust your photographer’s expertise and go with the flow of the session.
7. Capture the Details
Some of the most treasured newborn photos are those that capture the tiny details. Make sure to include close-ups of your baby's hands, feet, eyelashes, and lips. These intimate shots highlight the delicate features of your newborn and create beautiful, timeless memories.
A newborn photoshoot is a wonderful way to capture the early days of your baby's life and create lasting memories. By following these secret tips, you can ensure your session is smooth, enjoyable, and produces stunning results.
At Studio Capture Life, we are dedicated to capturing the beauty and innocence of your newborn with our expert photography services. Our experienced team will work with you to create a comfortable and relaxed environment, ensuring your baby's safety and happiness throughout the session.
Contact Studio Capture Life today to schedule your newborn photoshoot and let us help you preserve these precious moments with beautiful, timeless portraits. Your perfect newborn photos are just a click away!
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tajmirror · 2 months
Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car By Taj Mirror Company
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Taj Mirror Company's Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car is an amazing opportunity to visit one of the world's most iconic monuments in a single day. Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car This tour is great for those who have limited time but want to see the Taj Mahal.
The excursion begins in the early morning with a comfortable pickup from your hotel or a predetermined place in Delhi. A skilled and courteous driver will accompany you in a well-maintained, air-conditioned vehicle, assuring a smooth and enjoyable travel to Agra, which is roughly 3-4 hours away.
When you arrive in Agra, you will be greeted by your professional tour guide, who will lead you on a fascinating tour of the Taj Mahal's history and architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage site, created by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, is a Mughal architectural masterpiece featuring magnificent white marble inlaid with precious stones.
After visiting the Taj Mahal, the group continues to the Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage site. For years, the Mughal rulers' principal residence was this towering red sandstone fort. Your guide will explain the fort's history and strategic importance.
A delicious lunch at a respected local restaurant follows, where you may sample traditional Indian cuisine. The journey next continues to the Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, sometimes known as the "Baby Taj," another stunning specimen of Mughal construction.
After a day full of historical treasures and cultural encounters, the tour closes with a relaxing journey back to Delhi. You will be dropped off at your hotel or another predetermined place, bringing an end to a great excursion.
Taj Mirror Company's Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car is a well-organized, hassle-free method to witness the timeless grandeur of the Taj Mahal and other Agra attractions. It provides an ideal combination of history, culture, and comfort, making it a must-see for any visitor to India.
CrowdStrike is a renowned cybersecurity firm that specializes in endpoint protection, threat intelligence, and cyberattack response services. CrowdStrike, founded in 2011 by George Kurtz, Dmitri Alperovitch, and Gregg Marston, has quickly established itself as a powerful force in the cybersecurity market. The corporation is based in Sunnyvale, California.
CrowdStrike's core product, the Falcon platform, uses AI and ML to detect and respond to threats in real time. The technology gives extensive visibility into endpoint activity, enabling enterprises to quickly detect and remediate any security breaches. Falcon's cloud-native architecture provides scalability and ease of deployment, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.
CrowdStrike's role in detecting high-profile intrusions, such as the 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack, is one of its most notable accomplishments. The company's competence in threat intelligence and incident response has made it a reliable partner for both government agencies and private-sector businesses.
CrowdStrike's business strategy is subscription-based, with several service tiers to meet different corporate demands. This concept has been successful, as the company's revenue has grown rapidly and its customer base has expanded abroad. CrowdStrike went public in 2019, reinforcing its market position.
The company's commitment to innovation is demonstrated by continual updates to the Falcon platform and the incorporation of new technologies to battle increasing cyber threats. CrowdStrike's focus on proactive threat hunting, along with its comprehensive threat intelligence capabilities, enables enterprises to stay ahead of adversaries.
To summarize, CrowdStrike has evolved as a cybersecurity leader thanks to its cutting-edge technologies, strategic threat intelligence, and effective incident response. Its Falcon platform continues to set industry standards, equipping enterprises with the capabilities they need to defend against complex cyber threats.
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dvbabybracelet · 3 months
The Perfect Christening Gift: Personalized Baby Bangles and Bracelets
A christening is a momentous occasion, marking the beginning of a child's spiritual journey. It's a time for celebration, family gatherings, and finding the perfect gift to commemorate the day. If you're searching for a thoughtful and timeless present, personalized baby bangles and bracelets make exceptional choices. Here’s why these beautiful pieces of jewellery are the ideal christening gift and some tips on how to choose the perfect one.
Why Personalized Baby Bangles and Bracelets?
1. A Keepsake to Cherish: Personalized baby bangles and bracelets are not just accessories; they are keepsakes that will be treasured for years to come. These pieces of jewellery can be kept as mementoes of the christening day, carrying sentimental value as the child grows older.
2. Unique and Thoughtful: Adding a personal touch, such as engraving the baby’s name, initials, or the date of the christening, makes the gift unique. It shows thoughtfulness and care, making it clear that you’ve put effort into choosing something special.
3. High Quality and Durability: Baby bangles and bracelets are often made from high-quality materials like sterling silver or gold, ensuring they are durable and long-lasting. These precious metals are hypoallergenic, making them safe for a baby’s delicate skin.
4. A Symbol of Blessings: Jewellery has long been a symbol of blessings and good wishes. By gifting a personalized bangle or bracelet, you're bestowing your blessings upon the child, hoping for their health, happiness, and prosperity.
Choosing the Perfect Personalized Baby Bangle or Bracelet
When selecting a personalized baby bangle or bracelet, consider the following factors to ensure you choose the perfect gift:
1. Material: Opt for materials that are gentle on a baby’s skin. Sterling silver and gold are popular choices due to their hypoallergenic properties and timeless appeal. Silver bangles often symbolize purity and new beginnings, making them especially fitting for a christening.
2. Size and Adjustability: Babies grow quickly, so it's important to choose a bangle or bracelet that can be adjusted to fit as they grow. Many baby bangles come with an adjustable clasp or a design that can expand, ensuring the child can wear the jewellery for several years.
3. Personalization Options: Decide on how you want to personalize the bangle or bracelet. Common options include engraving the baby’s name, initials, birth date, or the date of the christening. Some jewellers also offer the option to add small charms or birthstones for an extra touch of personalization.
4. Design: Choose a design that is both beautiful and suitable for a baby. Simple and elegant designs are often the best, avoiding anything too bulky or intricate that might be uncomfortable for a baby to wear. Classic designs with a smooth finish are ideal, ensuring they are safe and comfortable.
5. Presentation: Consider the presentation of the gift. Many personalized baby bangles and bracelets come in beautiful gift boxes or pouches, adding an extra touch of elegance. You might also want to include a heartfelt note or a christening card to accompany the gift.
Where to Buy Personalized Baby Bangles and Bracelets
Finding the perfect personalized baby bangle or bracelet is easier than ever with many online and high street jewellers offering a wide range of options. Here are a few tips on where to look:
1. Online Jewellers: Websites like Etsy, Not On The High Street, and specialized jewellers offer a vast selection of customizable baby bangles and bracelets. These platforms allow you to browse various designs and personalization options from the comfort of your home.
2. High Street Jewellers: Local jewellers often carry a selection of baby jewellery and can provide personalized engraving services. Visiting a high street jeweller gives you the advantage of seeing the jewellery in person and ensuring it meets your expectations.
3. Specialised Baby Boutiques: Some boutiques that specialize in baby gifts offer personalized jewellery options. These stores often carry unique designs that are perfect for christenings and other special occasions.
A personalized baby bangle or bracelet is a perfect christening gift that combines thoughtfulness, elegance, and timeless appeal. By choosing a high-quality, customizable piece of jewellery, you’re giving a gift that will be cherished for a lifetime. Whether you opt for sterling silver or gold, a simple design or one adorned with charms, the personal touch you add will make it a truly memorable gift. Celebrate the special day with a gift that symbolizes your blessings and best wishes for the child's future.
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Ultimate Guide to Baby Bangles and Infant Jewellery
When it comes to adorning our little ones, nothing is more precious than the delicate beauty of baby bangles and infant jewellery. From gold-plated baby bracelets to personalised newborn bangles, these pieces are not just accessories; they are keepsakes that capture the essence of childhood. This comprehensive guide explores various types of baby jewellery, their significance, and how to choose the perfect pieces for your child.
The Charm of Baby Bangles
Baby bangles are a timeless piece of jewellery that parents have cherished for generations. These tiny, elegant rings encircle a baby’s wrist, adding a touch of sophistication to their attire. Available in various designs, materials, and customisations, baby bangles make an excellent gift for special occasions like christenings, birthdays, and even as a sentimental keepsake.
Types of Baby Bangles
Gold Baby Bangles
Gold Baby Bangles: These classic bangles are crafted from pure gold or gold plating, offering a luxurious touch. Gold baby bangles are not only beautiful but also hold value, making them a lasting heirloom.
Gold Plated Baby Bracelet: A more affordable option that still exudes elegance, gold-plated baby bracelets are popular for their durability and style.
Silver Baby Bangles
Silver Bangles for Infants: Silver is another popular choice for baby bangles, known for its simplicity and charm. Silver bangles are perfect for everyday wear and special occasions.
Silver Bangle with Blue Stone: Adding a touch of colour, these bangles often feature a small blue stone, symbolising tranquillity and protection.
Custom Baby Bangles
Custom Baby Bracelet Gold: Personalised with the baby's name or birth date, custom gold bangles are cherished for their unique and sentimental value.
Engraved Baby Bracelet: These bangles can be engraved with names, initials, or meaningful messages, making them a perfect gift that carries personal significance.
Infant Jewellery for Special Occasions
Infant jewellery isn't limited to everyday wear; it also plays a significant role in various cultural and religious ceremonies.
Christening Bracelets
Christening Bracelets: These bracelets are often given as gifts during baptism or christening ceremonies. They can be simple or elaborate, often featuring religious symbols or inscriptions.
Egyptian Themed Jewellery
Hieroglyphics Necklace: Drawing inspiration from ancient Egypt, these necklaces feature hieroglyphic inscriptions, adding a historical touch to the baby's jewellery collection.
Egyptian Cartouche Necklace: A unique piece that can be customised with the baby's name in hieroglyphics, symbolising protection and royal heritage.
Baby Jewellery Trends
Baby Protection Bracelet: Rooted in various cultures, these bracelets are believed to protect babies from negative energies and bring good luck.
Indian Bracelet Meaning: In Indian culture, bracelets or bangles are often worn as a symbol of good fortune and protection.
Jewellery Advent Calendar: A delightful trend, these calendars feature a piece of jewellery for each day leading up to Christmas, creating excitement and joy for both parents and children.
Choosing the Perfect Baby Jewellery
When selecting jewellery for your baby, consider the following factors:
Safety: Ensure that the jewellery is made from hypoallergenic materials and has smooth edges to prevent any harm to the baby’s delicate skin.
Size: Choose adjustable pieces or those specifically designed for infants to ensure a comfortable fit.
Durability: Babies are active, so the jewellery should be sturdy enough to withstand daily wear and tear.
Personalisation: Adding the baby’s name or a special date makes the jewellery unique and meaningful.
Sentimental Baby Gifts
Sentimental Baby Gifts: Personalised baby jewellery, such as engraved bracelets or custom name bangles, make heartfelt gifts that can be treasured for a lifetime.
Seasonal and Themed Jewellery
Halloween Gifts for Infants: Cute and themed jewellery pieces for Halloween can add to the festive spirit.
Gold Jewellery Advent Calendar: A luxurious advent calendar featuring gold jewellery pieces can be a delightful surprise for the holiday season.
Baby bangles and infant jewellery are more than just accessories; they are symbols of love, heritage, and protection. Whether you choose a gold baby bangle, a custom engraved bracelet, or a hieroglyphics necklace, each piece carries a story and a memory. As you adorn your child with these precious pieces, you create lasting memories and heirlooms that will be cherished for generations to come.
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Why Choose a Familymoment Photography Newborn Session in Woodlands, TX
Welcoming a newborn into your family is a joyous and transformative experience. Those early days are filled with precious moments that pass by in the blink of an eye. To ensure that these fleeting moments are beautifully captured and preserved for a lifetime, many families in Woodlands, TX turn to the expertise of Familymoment Photography. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why choosing a Familymoment Photography newborn baby photoshoot Woodlands is a decision that will leave you with cherished memories for years to come.
Expertise and Experience:
Familymoment Photography brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Specializing in newborn photography, the team is well-versed in the art of capturing the innocence and purity of a newborn. Their skilled photographers have a keen eye for detail, ensuring every tiny feature and expression is immortalized in a stunning photograph. With years of experience, they understand the nuances of working with newborns, creating a comfortable and safe environment for both baby and parents.
Unique Style and Personalization:
What sets Familymoment Photography apart is their commitment to delivering a unique and personalized experience for each family. The photographers take the time to understand the preferences and style of the parents, incorporating these elements into the session. Whether you prefer a classic, timeless look or a more contemporary and creative approach, Familymoment Photography tailors each session to reflect the individuality of your family.
Attention to Detail:
In newborn photography, it's the little details that make a big difference. Familymoment Photography pays meticulous attention to every detail, from the choice of props and backgrounds to the positioning of the newborn. The result is a collection of images that not only capture the essence of the newborn but also the love and connection within the family. The attention to detail ensures that each photograph tells a unique and heartfelt story.
Comfortable Studio Environment:
The Familymoment Photography studio in Woodlands, TX, is designed to create a comfortable and soothing environment for both parents and newborns. Equipped with state-of-the-art photography equipment and cozy setups, the studio provides the perfect backdrop for capturing those early moments. The team understands the importance of a relaxed atmosphere, making the entire experience enjoyable for everyone involved.
High-Quality Products:
Beyond capturing beautiful moments, Familymoment Photography takes pride in delivering high-quality products that stand the test of time. From professionally printed photographs to custom-designed albums, each product is crafted with precision and care. Investing in a Familymoment Photography newborn session ensures that you not only receive stunning digital images but also tangible, lasting mementos that you can cherish for generations.
Flexibility and Convenience:
Familymoment Photography understands the demands and unpredictability of life with a newborn. To accommodate the needs of busy families, they offer flexibility in scheduling sessions. Whether you prefer a studio session or want the photographer to capture the magic in the comfort of your own home, Familymoment Photography caters to your preferences, making the entire process convenient and stress-free.
Choosing a Familymoment Photography newborn photography studio woodlands tx, is an investment in capturing the fleeting moments of your baby's early days in a way that is both artistic and deeply personal. With a commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and a passion for preserving the beauty of family connections, Familymoment Photography stands as a trusted partner in creating lasting memories. Book a newborn session with Familymoment Photography, and let their expertise turn your precious moments into timeless treasures.
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gelementscelebrate · 9 months
Creative Baby Picture Themes to create Memorable Photoshoots
It's the desire of every parent to capture the first moments of their child's life. It doesn't matter if it was the first unflinching trot around the living room, or the pleasure of tasting solid food for the very first time, every photo will make a lasting memory that will last for a lifetime.
The most important thing is that parents enjoy the thought of forming magical bonds through magical photo shoots. While there is a certain charm in taking candid, natural photos however, the enjoyment of themed photo shoots is unmatched.
But, they're difficult to organize. Theme-based photography sessions require advance preparation, creative thinking and a lot of work.
We can help assist you in making your job easier. We have baby photo ideasand ideas will allow you to transform ordinary photo shoots for your baby to memorable, memorable ones.
Are you willing to create a memorable event with us?
The importance of selecting an original baby photo theme
Making a photo shoot plan for your beloved is an unforgettable experience. This is why you have be sure to take care to transform your photographs into treasured memories, and albums into timeless souvenirs.
The most effective method for doing this is to select an original theme for your photography session. By doing this, you will give depth and personality to the photos which will accurately portray the baby's personality and the joy of parenting.
Through themes, you're not just taking photos. Instead, you're designing visually appealing narratives where every photo tells an entirely different story.
Every child is a unique individual. Why do their photoshoots have to follow the same basic assembly-line designs?
If you take a look at the current Looking at modernbaby photography trends with a modern look There are some fascinating themes you could choose from.
Best Unique Photoshoot Ideas for Baby Photos
Are you trying to think of a unique, easy and adorable photoshoot idea for your baby, but having trouble with concepts? We have some fantastic ideas to offer you!
Imagine this - baby photos that are vintage-themedwith backdrops of black and white depicting that timeless elegance and cuteness of your baby. If you're interested in documenting every stage of their life What are your top baby pictures ideas for the monththat you will be able to maintain on a regular basis?
This article you'll get answers to all of these concerns.
Seasonal Baby Themes for Photoshoots
The first idea is easy - build the theme on your favorite season. Winter's aesthetics are very different from the beautiful charm of summer.
Imagine fairy lights and sparkling ornaments for small Christmas trees, with your child seated on top of a large stack of presents. It sounds amazing, doesn't it?
Like the other, there are some creative baby photography themesfor every season.
Spring Themes
The spring season is the most favored for many. It evokes an air of peace and tranquility, and is a representation of Nature in the purest and beautiful shape.
Add the adorableness of your baby to that mix, and you've got the ideal recipe for a perfect photo shoot.
Spring themes include a variety of vibrant flowers. For instance, you could purchase picnic baskets or other props and then cradle your child in them with an oversized burrito made of soft blankets. Simply add some bright flowers such as sunflowers and dandelions in the basket, and set them out in the lawn. A view from the top will look stunning.
Therefore themes for spring are easy and efficient. Utilize natural elements such as synthetic flowers, natural background and even natural colors to create the most stunning results.
Summer Themes
Do you like warmth and soaking in the sun's splendor? We have some great suggestions for baby's photo themesin the category.
Photo shoots that are themed around summer are about capturing relaxed moments - lying in the cold water or taking a bath or simply relaxing in the grass. What you do in the summer when you're grown-ups could be used to inspire the photo shoot for babies also.
Consider turning you baby's bathtub time to a photography session. Keep the baby in the tub add some playthings and ducks to keep your baby entertained and engaged, and then start taking pictures. The results may surprise you.
You can also put your toddler (if they're older enough) in floating beds and put them in outdoor water bathtubs to capture adorable, adorable photos.
Themes for Autumn
The autumn season is about a sense of gentleness and ease. Both of these are things that describe a child's needs nearly perfectly.
If you're a lover of photography outdoors, take your baby out to the park. Let them lie on a mattress of fallen leaves and then begin your photography career.
Similar to that, you can take photos of pumpkins since they are a symbol of the autumn season.
Winter Themes
The winter months mark the beginning of the year. For many it's a beautiful season. Baby photos that focus on winter are very beautiful.
For instance, you could record your child's first Christmas by putting on a Santa Claus hat on them and letting them enjoy a brightly lit, well-lit setting.
However If it's winter in your locale it is also possible to plan photo shoots along with Mr. Snowman or create baby-sized snow angels to place close to your child.
Results can prove captivating.
Baby-themed Holiday Photo Shoots
The holidays are the time when families make the most precious memories. You can kick the experience to another level by arranging themed photo shoots for your kids.
For instance, for Halloween you can make pumpkins and use their use as props. We've already provided some intriguing Christmas-themed ideas.
Similar to Day of the Thanksgiving holiday, buy turkey-themed outfits for your infant and start snapping some incredible pictures. In this case all the world is your canvas.
Baby-themed photo shoots with animals
If your child loves animals, then you can plan an animal-themed photo shoot to capture this love. If, for instance, you have pets in your home, you can create the identical outfit for them as well as your baby, and then begin taking pictures.
You could also make an outdoor scene by adding many stuffed animals as props, and then your child wearing a lion's hat symbolizing the kingship.
If you're looking to keep things simple, you could simply let your child interact with animal friends like calves (baby cows) or dogs cats, and snap candid photos. However, always under supervision by an expert.
Fairytale-themed baby photo shoots
We are all convinced that our children were born from the pages of a fairytale. This is, in fact, true. Why not create a fairy tale world for them?
If you're looking for fairytale themes, think about dressing up your child as the classic Disney princesses or princes. For instance, it's easy to find an costume for iconic characters like Snow White, Cinderella, Elsa, Prince Charming, and many more.
To make these images truly distinctive, think about working on the background too. Make sure to keep the photography session outdoors in natural settings for the most effective outcomes.
How Do You Plan Your Baby's themed Photoshoot?
Once you're having some ideas to consider now is the time to proceed to the next step - making the plan for your photography shoot.
It's crucial to avoid running over it head-on, particularly when children are in a hurry. It could lead to unintentional or unimpressive outcomes.
Imagine thinking of creative concepts for newborn's 1st birthday photographyand not being able to capture everything precisely because the baby had a hard time sleeping the entire day.
With a little planning with proper planning, you can reduce the chance of error. Here's how:
The Right Photographer to Choose
We are in the age of iPhones and mobile cameras that are powerful. However, professional photographers use better equipment and techniques.
You can always count on their services to create the most memorable memories.
The Baby's Preparation to go on the Photoshoot
Babies are unpredictable and may behave differently when confronted with cameras and in unusual environments. Therefore, it is important to prepare your child for the photo shoot.
This could become more evident if you're trying twin-baby photoshoots. It is true that making sure that two babies are content when cameras are flashing at them can be a hassle.
Fortunately, there are efficient methods. Make sure the room is comfortable and comfortable for your baby. The best way to do this is to place them in a comfortable position when they are still young. This will let them lay back and unwind while you work completed.
You can also engage and interact with them. You can make fun sounds or smiles at them and provide them with games that allow them to distract them from the camera, resulting in gorgeous candid shots.
The selection of Props as well Costumes
Photoshoots that are themed usually require specific props and attires to enhance the result. For instance, if you want to create the fairytale-themed photoshoot, you should use props such as fairy wings, toys wands or princess dresses.
The picture will look more unique and immersive. However, the process of making these props and costumes isn't easy for stressed parents.
Take a look at "Elements Baby" in Bangalore an amazing location for photoshoots with 18 stunning backdrops! Make your own backdrops and spend two hours in their gorgeous gardens. Get your tickets now for an magical experience
Book now https://elementscelebrate.com/elementsbaby/
So, that's it! You now have all the knowledge and details needed in order to create the perfect amazing photoshoot for your baby. Thematic photoshoots may require more effort but they're highly satisfying.
If you are thinking it will be difficult to organize and execute these themed photo shoots by yourself Don't be discouraged! If you're a loving parent there's always the possibility of making events happen to their kids.
The best part with Elements Baby is that getting in touch with them is all you'll need to invest in the process. From there they will take care of all the details - from creativity to creating the background.
Of course, you'll forever be at the driving seat, making decisions and instructing to create an unforgettable moment for your child and you.
With this to think about, it's now time to design an album worthy of a calendar featuring your precious baby!
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Family Photoshoot | Family Photo Studio Near Me | Family Photographers in Delhi.
All of my sessions at Priya Chhabra Photography are centred around using my camera to document the joy of a new birth, the love between families, and many other life events. It’s all about “The Celebration of Love,” after all. I provide a number of choices for investing in photographic sessions to preserve these memories, including digital photographs on a personalised drive that you may print at any nearby lab of your choosing, or prints and other products that I assist in obtaining from reputable, high-quality printing laboratories.
There is no right or wrong response in this situation, and in my opinion, you need to be able to select the investment plan that best fits your needs.
My primary goal is to provide timeless, exquisite family pictures that are personal and meaningful. I have the experience to guarantee that your photos are just what you want and something you will cherish for the rest of your life, whether you would rather have an in-studio or more unusual and artistic outside photo shoot. I take the time to get to know every member of your family, so the photographs you have done truly capture the essence of your lovely family and each member’s unique personality.
Listed below are the package options available for Family Photography.
Family Mini Portrait Session
Custom photography session for up to 1.5 hr.
Pre session styling consultancy for selection of clothes, colours, concepts etc.
Access to all my props & posing accessories
Professional newborn skin retouching & enhancements
17 edited high resolution digital images (Baby pictures + pictures with parents)
Family Portrait Session
Custom photography session for 2–21/2 hr. with option of 3 changes
Access to props & posing accessories
Pre session Styling consultancy for selection of clothes, colours, concepts etc.
Professional newborn skin retouching & enhancements
25 edited high resolution digital images (Baby pictures + pictures with parents)
In conclusion, taking family photos is a great way to document the love, happiness, and closeness that your family shares. You can be sure that the family photos you take with expert Family Photoshoot, Family Photo Studio Near Me, will be treasured for years to come. Family picture studios are widely available in your area, providing convenient and individualised services, regardless of your preference for an outdoor or studio setting. Don’t pass up the chance to capture these priceless moments; schedule your family portrait today and produce enduring memories through exquisitely rendered images.
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morebeatty · 3 days
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Best maternity photographer in Franklin
As the best maternity photographer in Franklin, she captures the beauty and joy of your pregnancy journey with a creative and personalized touch. Her sessions are designed to celebrate this special time, providing a relaxed environment where you feel comfortable and confident. Whether you prefer a serene outdoor setting or an intimate indoor session, she focuses on highlighting the connection between you and your growing baby. Each photograph reflects the emotions and anticipation of motherhood, creating timeless memories that you and your family will treasure.
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babybumphoto · 6 days
Essential Baby Photography Tips for Stunning Shots
Capturing the beauty of your baby's early moments is surely an invaluable adventure. To make the most of these memories, it's apt that you follow some of the essential Baby Photography tips. With the right approach, you can create stunning photos that you and your family will treasure for a lifetime.
Use Natural Light
Nature will provide the best natural light for capturing images of your baby. Diffused and soft light through a window can give warm, gentle and excellent captures that once again would point out the fragile beauty of your baby. You must not use artificial light with high intensity as it might become unbearably unbecoming on your baby's skin. If you have time to adjust your shoot, try conducting it as early as in the morning or late in the afternoon when the natural light is soft.
Make the Baby Comfortable
With Baby Photography, comfort is the number one priority. Make sure the room is warm, especially if your baby will be swaddled or partially undressed. An amenable baby is more likely to remain calm and relaxed; then you might catch those really serene moments and adorable photos of him. Always have soft blankets and props available to keep your little one cozy all throughout the session.
Be detail-oriented
Smallest detail in Baby Photography can make the biggest picture. Close-up shots are taken of their small hands and feet and facial expressions. Such shots capture the innocence and purity that this developing stage of life poses. Try out your angles and get into the skin of the baby's personality and love for the parent in the child.
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Simplest thing is to keep it simple
There is nothing like a simple and beautiful capture of the most gorgeous Baby Photography shots. Do not mess it up with too many props or a busy background. Use a simple setup, like a soft blanket or neutral-colored background, that'll showcase your baby. The minimalist approach can create timeless elegance that'll highlight your baby's beauty.
Call to Action
Beautiful Baby Photography does not need to be challenging, but it has to be handled with care. For professional-looking photographs that give emphasis to your little one's cuteness and uniqueness, make a session with BabyBum Photography. 
Our photographers are well-experienced in baby photography and direct their attention toward beautiful baby portraits which should fill your heart with love. Contact BabyBum Photography today and schedule your session with us so we can capture the magic of your baby's first days artistically and carefully.
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