#unique baby adornments
Celebrate Milestones with Personalised Engraved Baby Bracelets — A Timeless Keepsake
Welcome to the world of timeless treasures for your little ones! Personalised baby jewellery, particularly engraved baby bracelets, offers a unique and heartfelt way to celebrate the precious moments of your baby’s early years. In this article, we’ll delve into the charm of personalised baby jewellery and explore why engraved baby bracelets make for a perfect keepsake.
The Significance of Personalised Baby Jewellery:
In the delightful journey of parenthood, finding meaningful ways to celebrate each milestone becomes essential. Personalised baby jewellery goes beyond being just adornments; they are expressions of love and individuality. From birthstone pendants to customised name bracelets, these pieces carry sentimental value that lasts a lifetime.
Capturing Memories with Engraved Baby Bracelets:
Engraved baby bracelets elevate personalisation to a new level, creating a lasting memory in a tangible form. Whether it’s your baby’s name, birthdate, or a special message, the fine art of engraving transforms a simple bracelet into a cherished memento. These delicate pieces not only adorn your baby but also encapsulate the uniqueness of their early years.
Quality Craftsmanship and Materials Matter:
When it comes to personalised baby jewellery, quality craftsmanship and materials are paramount. Opt for bracelets crafted from durable materials like sterling silver or gold for longevity and safety. The meticulous attention to detail in the engraving process ensures a clear and enduring impression, making the jewellery both beautiful and safe for your little one.
As you explore the world of personalised baby jewellery, consider the enduring charm of engraved baby bracelets. These timeless keepsakes not only adorn your baby with elegance but also capture the essence of their earliest moments.
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talesofesther · 8 months
first in my heart
Astarion Ancunin x Reader
Summary: Astarion hasn't seen his own face in 200 years and this bothers you deeply. You find a solution to finally show him how you see him, yet it leads to much more than simply that.
A/N: Gotta thank my sweet @iamnicodemus for encouraging me to write this. Undoubtedly one of the sweetest things I've ever written.
Word count: 4,7k
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"I've never even seen this face. Not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red."
It was something that lurked in the corners of your mind, those words of his. No matter how many days passed, you couldn't shake them off. It saddened you deeply. Each new passing mention about the last two centuries of Astarion's life drove a knife into your heart and twisted bitterly.
To the naked eye, it was imperceptible, never there. Even now, as you sat around the warm bonfire, watching as the pale elf bickered halfheartedly with Gale, he seemed as ordinary as your group of misfits could be. His smile loose, adorning those sharp fangs you'd become quite familiar with; silver hair curling delicately around pointy ears; deep red eyes reflecting the fire embers with a unique shine whenever he'd steal glances at you. He was the embodiment of lightheartedness and witty remarks, eccentric, unbothered, and with a quick tongue for anything.
And yet, he wasn't, not always. You felt secretly privileged, in a way, to be able to see the real him—to be allowed to. To hold him close when he wakes up gasping for air he didn't quite need and with watery eyes in the dead of the night; to softly kiss each and every scar on his back, whispering promises of love where before he had only known pain; to remind him again and again of his worth.
Astarion had a side to him you were slowly uncovering; you think, that he himself is only now uncovering as well. Vulnerable and fragile, broken but not beyond repair, yearning to be cradled by gentle hands.
He deserves to be mended, you know it in your heart. To get back what was taken from him. And you wanted to help, if only a little.
Earlier today as you ventured through Baldur's Gate, you stumbled upon a discarded sketchbook. It was a little dirty and a little worn, but it was still very much usable. Amidst your—many—questionably valuable loot, you knew you had a few good pencils to spare too.
It's been long since you picked up some paper and let your mind run free—before your whole adventure, to be precise. Maybe you'd be a little rusty around the edges and it would take a few tries to get him close to perfect, but you had time; or, you'd make time. He deserved as much.
The lines that made him him came almost like second nature to you, maybe because you'd traced those same features with your fingertips countless times before within these last weeks. Ever since he admitted he'd fallen for you beyond his plans of seducing you, things had been easier, lighter. He allowed himself to be cherished and you were more than happy to do so.
A faint smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you created curly strands of his hair with your pencil. Delicate and precise, even for the mess that was his curls.
The sky bathed in shades of orange, pink, and baby blue as the sun lowered in the distance. The camp was as lively as it usually was during the evenings. Karlach was playing fetch with Scratch and the Owlbear cub, the latter who was mostly just running around aimlessly. Gale and Wyll were hunched over the fire doing something you could only hope wouldn't end in mild disaster. Lae'zel sharpened her blades, a scratching sound piercing your ears from afar. Shadowheart looked to be in deep conversation with Astarion, to which the vampire gestured wildly as he apparently tried to make a point.
You never expected that your unfortunate encounter with a mind flayer would give you a makeshift family, but you were thankful that it did. For better or worse, you were all in this together, and that was comfort and motivation enough.
With the strangely soothing sounds of laughter and bickering, you turned your attention back to your sketchbook. Going back one page, you had already finished a rough sketch of Astarion's profile, focused on the contrast of his sharp nose and soft curls. Now, on the next page, you were working on a more elaborate portrayal of his features, depicting a look he often wore when you sauntered over to him; the faint smile on his lips that had grown all the softer ever since you first met; the gentle tilt of his head as his eyebrows scrunched expectantly; the sharp and alluring eyes who could pierce into your soul.
"What are you up to, my sweet?"
The sudden honey-coated voice startled you, you jumped slightly on your seat and hastily covered the pages on your lap with your forearms.
The elf himself stood only a few feet in front of you, his lips pursed and an eyebrow raised in curiosity as he tried to peek past your arms.
You chuckled timidly, "Nothing, I was just- just resting a bit." Shrugging nonchalantly as you smiled.
Astarion narrowed his eyes at you but didn't push it, he never did. "Gale is trying to make us something to eat with what he got from the vendors today," he gestured behind himself and to the fire where Gale stood in front of, "I wouldn't be the first to try it out if I were you but I'm dying to know everyone's opinion on it." A sly smirk got his fangs poking out, "bonus points if someone vomits it out."
You shot him an amused look, biting back a laugh. You never quite got why he had this little rivalry with Gale—besides the fact he wasn't overly fond of Gale's flirting attempts with you in the beginning, but that had long since subsided. To be honest, you think it's more routine than anything else at this point, for show and amusement; a friendly rivalry.
Slightly cold fingertips caught hold of your chin when you didn't answer, his thumb pressing against the corner of your mouth as Astarion held you. "Do join me, will you?"
The smile you still wore shifted into something sweeter, reserved only for him. And you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes momentarily. "I will… in a moment."
Astarion blinked at your briefly evasive answer, but nodded anyway, "I'll… be waiting."
He walked away, slow steps taking him towards the commotion around the campfire. You felt a little bad for denying him company right away, but it was for a good cause, you had to follow your streak of inspiration if you wanted to finish the drawing to the best of your abilities.
Dinner proved to be pleasant, tasty even, for Gale's culinary standards. This time of day had to be one of your favorites, with everyone sitting together around the fire at night and forgetting about life's misfortunes for a moment.
You sat by a rock, leaning your back against it as your shoulders shook with laughter at one of Halsin's stories. Astarion had plopped down by your side not long ago, the weight of his shoulder resting against yours as comforting as it always was. He took just a while longer to take your hand in his tonight, cold fingers hooking around yours and squeezing as he brought your joined hands to rest on his thigh.
Everything felt so new, you thought of yourself as a giddy teenager sometimes; heart fluttering with each lingering touch and stolen glance. For most of the time, you let Astarion set the pace of things, giving him the freedom to choose to be by your side. And there wasn't a time when he chose not to be.
He played with your fingers, palm to palm as if to compare sizes, alluring red eyes focused solely on where you touched. Innocent, boyish even. It was new for him too, you thought, perhaps much more than it would ever be to you.
And then your mind drifted back to the gift you had been steadily creating for him, excitement twirling in your stomach. You leaned closer, lips brushing the fabric of his shirt on his shoulder, "I'm gonna head to my tent for a bit, got a few things to organize. I'll find you later, yeah?"
A low hum fell past Astarion's lips, his eyes flicked to you, all big and vulnerable. "Oh, alright," his voice quiet and sweet.
You smiled, squeezed his hand, and planted a kiss on the corner of his lips. His eyes never left you as you walked away.
It had never been on his plans, falling for you. It wasn't even something he considered would happen when he first started to slip a few honeyed words your way. But then you threw his heart off course with your tender touches and whispers of comfort, leaving telltales of your warmth all over his cold body. And he was a goner.
The last time Astarion dared to care about someone, he endured a year of punishment locked away, alone, starving, and crying for help that wouldn't come. There had been a fear, clawing at the back of his mind as he watched himself crumble for you; a fear that this would end much the same.
When he finally bared his heart for you—shaking like a leaf with the proverbial organ stretched out in his hands—he expected you to deny him, scream at him, maybe even send him away.
You didn't.
You said you cared for him. You hugged him.
There was no one else in the world like you, he decided.
Three dangerous words lingered on Astarion's tongue each time he woke up to your sleeping form beside him. For the time being, he settled for kissing the shape of them into your skin, over and over, until maybe one day you figured it out.
He scoffed at himself, finally tearing his gaze away from where you sat on the other side of the camp. If his much younger self saw him now, he'd probably be laughing. Or he'd be very envious. No in-between.
Stars danced in the night sky, alongside a half-moon dusted with faint clouds. It was late, most of the group had already turned in for the night, with Karlach keeping watch, as much to her dismay, it was her turn.
Astarion ran his tongue over his fangs, grip tightening on the book he had in his hands. He'd been trying to read the same page for minutes now.
There was no one else in the world like you. He wondered when you'd realize that. When you'd realize that you were infinitely too good for the likes of him.
With a shiver running down his spine, Astarion worried that you might have started to.
It's been a few days now that you've been… distant; tucked away in your tent whenever you settled camp, not sparing him much time of day, at least not nearly as much as you used to.
With an annoyed click of his tongue, as he closed his book, Astarion realized he missed you, even with you sleeping side by side each night. How needy of him.
But he missed your mindless talks by the fire as everyone settled in for the night; he missed your walks through town just before sunset or sunrise; he missed the causality, the simplicity of calling you his. He'd gotten used to the sweet routine quite quickly.
The thought that you might already be growing tired of him made his dead heart clench agonizingly inside his chest. He glanced back at you, hunched over your makeshift desk as you scribbled something down in a book, Scratch lying by your feet. That is a kind of pain he wasn't sure he could endure.
Perhaps against his better judgment, his feet carried him to you anyway; yet he hesitated, words heavy on his tongue. Astarion stood awkwardly behind you, fidgeting with the edges of his shirt and praying that anyone who might still be awake wouldn't look this way. Scratch raised his head when the elf approached, a whine coming from him as his head tilted from side to side as if he wanted to ask what was wrong. Seems even the dog pities his predicament.
Old habits die hard and Astarion couldn't help but assume the worst, every time. He doesn't know how to be with someone, doesn't know the first thing about being in a relationship—was that what you two had? It's not like you ever labeled it. Maybe he did something wrong, and that's why you've been limiting your time with him.
With several blinks, his eyes focused again, only to see you regarding him with a frown, hand resting atop the closed book you had been writing in. Now your head was the one tilting inquisitively.
"Is everything okay?"
Still, your voice would always be sweetest to his ears.
Astarion shook his head softly to clear the fog his insecurities had brought and plastered a smile on his lips. "Of course, my darling," he approached, extending a hand to your sitting form and twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers, "I just think you should be getting your beauty sleep by now. Come warm up my bed, won't you?"
The faint blush that dusted your cheeks whenever he sweet-talked you would never cease to endear him. "We can read that book you're so fond of if you don't want to sleep, the cheesy romance one," Astarion purred, his pointer finger tracing the edges of your jaw.
You turned your head, planting a small kiss on his palm. "I'll be going soon, just want to finish something first. You can read without me, I don't mind."
But how could he ever tell you, that the words looked blurry and tangled without you by his side?
Longer than an hour had gone by when you finally decided to come to his tent. The night was mostly quiet, eery, with only the sounds of crickets, frogs, and the crackling of the dying fire. Astarion lay on his side, back turned towards the tent's opening. He didn't need sleep, not really, some meditation here and there would usually be enough to keep his energy up. But it was a habit he'd picked up when you started sleeping together through the night.
He wasn't asleep tonight, however. He heard your footsteps approaching him, quiet and cautious so as to not disturb him. He felt you lying down beside him, ever so slowly.
Astarion closed his eyes tightly, trying to hold himself back and failing miserably. One taste of your affection had been enough to get him hopelessly addicted.
He turned, shuffling closer and curling his body around you. His arm went over your stomach and tugged lightly, like a kitten asking for attention. You didn't say anything as you closed your arms around him, your lips finding the bridge of his nose and then his forehead. Words were futile when actions spoke the loudest.
Your gentle touches, the way you hold him without malice, he could hardly get enough of it. Your arms wrapped around him and your lips grazed his skin with lingering kisses, and it didn't hurt, it didn't burn or make him feel sick. You were the first one to ever do it, to hold him without hurting him.
Astarion nuzzled your neck, burying himself in the feeling, gladly drowning in it as he drank every last drop. Tears prickled his eyes, they usually did on nights like these and he's never quite sure why. Maybe it's because of the way your fingers gently tangled in his hair yet didn't tug or scrape; maybe it's the way you tighten your hold on him as if trying to mend his fragile heart; maybe it's because of how much he longed for someone like you to come and save him, on nights where all he knew were pain and unwelcomed caresses that scarred his skin more than any blade ever could.
And now, he wanted to lose himself in the comfort he found, that you so generously provided. His fingers closed forcefully on the fabric of your shirt, nearly ripping it, afraid you'd leave if he held you any looser. The fear of waking up alone and finding out that he'd lost you was all too consuming, tugging at his heartstrings.
He closed his eyes and rogue tears dampened the collar of your shirt. It was okay, it would be dry come morning, you wouldn't know. You were warm, you chased away everything that haunted him.
You stared at it intently. You have been staring at it for a while now, teeth chewing at the inside of your cheek in nervousness and anticipation. You checked it once, twice, turning the pages with careful fingers. The sketchbook wasn't filled, it would take too long to do so, but at least half of the pages inside it held some kind of scribble. Art pieces of various styles and levels of progression, some much more detailed than others, some mere hasty lines put together to paint a dear image you wanted to keep for a while longer. All of them of him. A book filled with the pointy ears and pale hair you adored so much.
You could only hope he would adore it just as much.
It was early in the morning and the day had yet to properly start. Most of your companions were still tucked away in their tents, some huddled around the burned logs of the fire from last night, coffee mugs in their hands and a sleepy look on their faces. You were never much of an early bird yourself, but today you made a point of rising before Astarion—you were lucky he'd picked back up the habit of sleeping and wasn't much of an early bird himself.
Hugging the sketchbook to your chest, you padded back to the warmth of his tent. As you opened the flaps, you were greeted with the sight of soft slivers of sunlight coming through the thinner part of the tent's fabric, they glimmered over Astarion's laying form, kissing his pale skin and making it shine.
You could easily get used to it; waking up to him, watching as the early morning rays painted his features golden, small wisps of dust flying in the air only giving him that bit more magical touch.
Astarion had his back to you, so you quietly kneeled beside him, extending a hand to run through his mess of curls; oh how soft they were, molding in between your fingers like seafoam on the shore. You counted yourself remarkably privileged.
You placed the sketchbook behind you so you could lie down, only keeping yourself up on one elbow. Your lips found his temple and the elf lightly stirred in his sleep. You kissed the tip of his ear next, waking him up gently. Always gently. He deserves gentleness.
With a hoarse groan, Astarion turned around to face you. He blinked several times as his ruby eyes adjusted to the soft sunlight, his face adorably scrunched from sleep. An easy, small smile appeared on his lips as soon as his gaze landed on you.
You weren't an early bird, yet you came to love the mornings, if only for this sight alone.
"Good morning, my star," you said quietly so as to not disturb the peace of the moment, still twirling a strand of his hair between your fingers.
He chuckled, "Good morning, beautiful." His voice all husky and deep, one hand finding your waist and trailing all the way up to your neck to pull you closer.
You kissed the corner of his lips and then the apple of his cheek, and Astarion's hold on you only grew tighter, pulling you on top of him. A welp escaped you as you laughed, nuzzling his neck before baring your teeth and giving him a playful nibble.
"Ow, you menace!" The vampire gasped halfheartedly, holding back a grin.
You pulled back from him with the ghost of a smile, bracing yourself on his chest. "I've got something to tell you."
His expression shifted to something you couldn't quite decipher, but he quickly masked it with a teasing tilt of his brows; "Oh? Are you gonna confess your undying love for me?" Both his hands brushed along the sides of your waist, gingerly raising your shirt as his pinkie grazed your skin.
"I thought we'd gone over that part already?" You teased back with a glint in your eyes, pushing yourself back up to sit beside him.
A whimper of complaint escaped Astarion when you separated, but he sat up with you anyway; his hair askew and all over the place, cheeks with the faintest flush to them, eyes just a little droopy, and… a strange stiffness to his shoulders. "What is it, my love?" He wondered, scrunching his nose endearingly when a piece of lint grazed it.
You squirmed in your seat; heart burning hotter than Karlach's in your chest, valves working overtime as the connection you shared enveloped you whole. You haven't actually told him how much you loved him, the four-lettered word hadn't been brought up yet, mostly for fear of the weight it held. But you wanted to, you've been feeling it for a while now.
"Well? Don't leave me in suspense," Astarion chuckled, but the sound didn't feel quite right to your ears, his smile wasn't reaching his eyes. And as you looked at him—one of his hands gripping tightly onto the fabric of his bedroll while the other tapped his knee incessantly; the ruby of his eyes almost nonexistent, covered by shiny black pupils as he looked intently at you, gaze filled with sentiment and vulnerability—you could notice it there now, that lingering fear of solitude gripping at his chest.
For a moment, you berated yourself, for you knew you'd spent quite some time on your little project, and maybe it had affected your routine more than you cared to admit. You felt a nagging guilt and sorrow for making Astarion even consider the possibility of loneliness again.
You tried shrugging it off. It would be worth it—and you'd be showering him with love and affection in just a moment anyway.
"I made something for you." The words rolled off your tongue more easily than you thought they would. You reached behind you with unsteady hands, heart in your mouth as you held onto your breath.
Astarion stared intently at the black sketchbook that was now clasped between your hands. He looked up at you, and back down, lips pursed in confusion.
"Ever since you told me… you haven't seen yourself in so long," you started, voice gentle as your thumbs traced the leather cover of the book. "And asked me how I saw you. I- I kept thinking about it and… when I found this," you wiggled the sketchbook in the air, "I guess I found a way of showing you…"
You extended the book for him to take, lowering your voice to a near whisper; "how I see you."
A short, trembled gush of air went past Astarion's lips. It was a difficult task to get him speechless, yet you had done it. He said nothing as he ever so carefully took the book from your hands, holding it as if the smallest wrong move could break it.
You watched as his throat worked through a heavy gulp, his eyes shining bright under the faint sunlight, swimming in a pool of sentiment and he hadn't even opened the book yet. Or properly looked at it, for that matter; his eyes still trailed on your face, as if waiting for confirmation that you meant it. Only when you gave him a tiny nod, did he finally look down. It hit you hard that this was probably the first gesture of this kind that he had received in his long life.
Shaky, pale hands reached to turn the first page. He hesitated for only a moment, almost looking afraid. About to see himself after 200 years of living as a ghost.
The first drawing you had made in the book wasn't your best, now that you looked down at it again; a simple portrait of Astarion looking down at a book in his hands, a little rough around the edges, hardly detailed. It had been your first try after not drawing for quite some time.
A beat passed, and a drop of water landed on the bottom corner of the page. You whipped your head up, only to see rogue tears steadily dripping down Astarion's cheeks until they reached his chin and fell on his lap. He cried silently, barely moving; the only signs being the obvious tears and the quivering of his lower lip.
He turned each page as if they were made from the purest gold. Stopping at every single drawing of him, to take it all in. He traced his fingertips over the lines that formed the curves of his curls, the tips of his ears, and the slope of his nose and lips.
People had referred to him as many things already; sexy, alluring, charming, attractive. Never had any of them referred to him as something… precious, delicate, bewitching, more than just a pretty face. Yet that's exactly how he saw himself now, through your eyes.
Astarion took his time, never speaking once. You let him, making yourself comfortable beside him and laying your head on his shoulder, simply existing in each other's presence.
Several minutes had gone by when the elf finally spoke up again. He was finally on the last used page of the book, and when the next appeared in white he slowly closed the book, still grasping onto it reverently. "For a moment I- I thought you'd grown tired of me already," it was the first thing he told you, and he refused to meet your eyes. A humorless chuckle fell past his lips, trying to laugh off his feelings.
You raised your head from his shoulder, lifting a hand to tenderly brush long strands of silver hair behind his ear; as you did so, you allowed your fingers to travel further, burying in the mop of hair behind his head. "Never. Never in a million years," you whispered.
Astarion met your gaze at last, ruby eyes glimmering with unshed tears while dried tracks of the ones before still lingered on his cheeks. This was the real Astarion; fragile, vulnerable, pleading for a gentle love, yet so beautifully strong.
"I'm sorry, my star. For allowing that thought to plague you. I just wanted this to be a surprise." You leaned forward and touched your forehead with his for a brief moment, hoping to bend the rules and physically give him your love.
"You made this," Astarion's voice broke in the middle, yet his smile was the most sincere you'd ever witnessed, "For me."
Catching a single tear that rolled down his cheek, you nodded, with a smile of your own.
There was a beat, a moment of silence where you simply looked at each other, wondering if the other felt just as much. And you didn't need a tadpole connection to confirm it.
Astarion set the sketchbook aside before all but throwing himself at you. Both his arms encircled your waist with desperation as he buried his head in your neck. His lips drew sloppy patterns and raised goosebumps in your skin as he kissed you relentlessly, from shoulder, to neck, to jaw; until he finally reached your own lips.
You brought your arms around him, pulling him in until your very souls were intertwined. Giggles escaped your lips as he kissed you, the shape of both your smiles making it difficult and all the more delightful.
When you parted, Astarion had you pinned down on his bedroll, with him resting snuggly on top of you. He refused to let go, clingy as he'd never dreamt he'd be. Your hand buried in his hair, his nose brushed the skin of your collar bone. "I had asked the gods for salvation, for any kind of blessing, countless times before. I could never guess it would come in the shape of you." He breathed in. He didn't hesitate. "Thank you. I love you."
You felt his smile. Felt the shape of his words on your skin, your soul. You kissed his hairline. "And I love you."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Astarion’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us
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perfectlyoongi · 3 months
DAD!JUNGKOOK who sings the nursery rhymes as if they were songs from his own show. with microphone in his hand, Jungkook began to use his sweet voice to entertain your child, making them dance between laughter and screams, helping them spin with his free hand; Jungkook jumped, taught your kid basic dance steps and did everything to ensure that those songs were something important and unique to your child. “the next song is dedicated to all the kids with big dreams! never give up on them! itsy-bitsy spider climbed up…”
DAD!JUNGKOOK who flooded the bathroom when bathing your child. whenever Jungkook offered to bathe your kid, you knew that endless moments of heartfelt laughter awaited you as well as several minutes of mopping; because, with rubber ducks and plastic boats, Jungkook always created a story without beginning or end, making your kid the great god who guided the little duckling back home — it was only natural for the great god to want a little turbulence in that sea so calm, right? “what if today we take the duck with us to the bathtub and take him to fairy island, popcorn?”
DAD!JUNGKOOK who buys matching pajamas for the whole family to wear during winter festivities. the arrival of the cold months brought with it the welcoming knowledge that family nights were just around the corner; to complement all the laughter and stories shared, Jungkook thought it best to ask santa for comfortable clothes for the whole family — it was just a coincidence that you received a reindeer onesie, Jungkook a snowman onesie, and your kid a little onesie of a gingerbread man. “what do you say we call your dami and we go create gingerbread houses before we go to bed?”
DAD!JUNGKOOK who builds a fort out of boxes and sheets to play magic with your child. in your back garden, boxes of the most varied sizes were strategically placed in a small castle adorned with old sheets from your old house; on the hottest summer days, when you went to drink lemonade on your patio, your relaxation time was complete with the sight of Jungkook on all fours roaring like a dragon while your kid, wearing a paper hat bigger than their head, shouted gibberish so that their wooden wand could defeat the great dragon Kook. “today i am going to tear down the entire castle and take the great magician Jeon to my cave!”
DAD!JUNGKOOK who paints the pavement with chalk with your child. on the most boring days, when Jungkook missed you and your child just wanted you to get home quickly, your husband would carry your little baby out on his back; with a bucket of chalk in hand, Jungkook and your kid spent hours painting the sidewalk in front of your house, creating a complex game of hopscotch, preparing a new game in colorful tones to be played when you got home. “your dami will love your idea of popping the bubbles that you painted. you are as creative as your father.”
DAD!JUNGKOOK who offered his childhood stuffed toy to your child when they had their first nightmare. you had been out with your friends the first night your child had a nightmare; awakened by their screams in the middle of the night, Jungkook quickly ran to your kid's room, seeing tears wiping their innocent face, making Jungkook's heart squeeze at such an agonizing sight. after calming your child with a hug filled with endless kisses, Jungkook would momentarily leave their room, only to return with a slightly grubby but very loved rabbit. “when i was little, here Mr. Hoppy fought all the monsters that wanted to take me. he told me it was his job to protect you now.”
DAD!JUNGKOOK who got a matching tattoo with your child when they turned 18. a heart made from the fingerprint of Jungkook's thumb and your kid's thumb gained a special place on their bodies; on the day your child turned eighteen, before going to celebrate with their friends, Jungkook took them to his favorite studio and, after deciding to wear the tattoo on their left ribs, your husband and son spent hours lying down exchanging small talk as they waited for the art to form within them. “don’t tell your dami it was my idea or i’ll sleep on the couch. say this was the gift you wanted, okay? please.”
571 notes · View notes
doumadono · 7 months
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Warnings: smut w/o plot, tattoo artist!Bakugo, p in v smut, creampie, fingering, pussy spanking, cunnilingus, f!reader
Synopsis: since the tattoo you opted for proved to be quite painful, your boyfriend and tattoo artist, Bakugo, decided to pamper you for being brave and enduring the discomfort
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Katsuki, with his chiseled jaw and muscular arms, was the most sought-after tattoo artist in town. His reputation for creating breathtaking masterpieces on skin was only surpassed by his smoldering gaze and irresistible charm.
You, his girlfriend, felt incredibly lucky to have him.
The day arrived when you decided to get inked. You knew Katsuki would take care of you, and the thought of his skilled hands and passionate eyes devoted to your body made you quiver with anticipation, even though you two slept together many times already. The design was chosen – a delicate, intricate flower to adorn your pubis.
As you lay on his tattoo chair, Katsuki's hands traced the outline of the flower on your skin. His proximity was intoxicating, and you couldn't help but feel a shiver of pleasure as the needle touched your skin. The sensation was unique, a blend of pain and pleasure that Katsuki soothed with his tender touch and comforting whispers.
But the pain intensified as he filled in the petals of the rose, and you whimpered, clutching the armrest of the chair tightly. Katsuki paused, locking eyes with you, his gaze filled with concern. "Baby, you're doing great," he said softly, pressing a kiss to your tummy.
After he completed the tattoo, Katsuki ordered you to take a break and relax when he placed the tattoo gun down and prepared a special soap and a paper towel. With gentlest touches, Katsuki cleaned your tattoo, preparing it to be wrapped once it would be fully dry. He then pushed your leggins and panties fully down your legs, leant forward, gently parting your thighs. His touch was warm, and you gasped as he traced his fingers along the newly inked area, teasing your sensitive skin.
"You're so brave, you know that?" he murmured, peppering your inner thigh with kisses. His lips were soft, igniting a fire within you. "Let me take care of you now for being such a brave girl, hmmm?"
Katsuki teased you, blowing gently on your sensitive skin, making you squirm and gasp. Soon, his tongue darted out, tracing your slit. Then, without warning, he slapped your pussy.
You moaned as the sensation sent shockwaves through your body. "Kats!"
Katsuki's hands held your hips firmly, his fingers digging into your skin as he feasted on your pussy. His moans of pleasure reverberated against your skin, fueling your own desire. The blonde haired man buried his face in your pussy, his tongue seeking out your swollen clit once more. He sucked and nibbled your slick fold, growling like an animal.
You could feel the tension from the pain dissipate, replaced by an all-consuming passion. "Yes, Katsuki, just like that," you begged, your voice wavering.
He growled in response, his tongue delving deeper, swirling around your clit as his crimson eyes locked on yours as he sucked your lips into his mouth, shaking his head left to right to create the friction you craved so badly.
You writhed, unable to control the waves of pleasure crashing over you. You cried out as you reached your peak, your orgasm ripping through every inch of your body as your pussy clenched painfully around nothing, leaving you in need. "Oh, tiger!"
Katsuki didn't relent, his tongue lapping up your release. He looked up at you, his lips glistening with your wetness. "You taste so fucking good, baby," he growled, his eyes dark with lust. He slid a finger inside you, feeling your slick warmth, then added a second. He began to fuck you with his fingers, while his tongue continued to work its magic on your little clit. Katsuki increased his pace, his fingers sliding in and out of you with ease. He curled them, searching for that elusive spot that would send you over the edge yet again.
When he found it, your back arched off the chair, and a keening wail escaped your parted lips. You reached down, threading your fingers through his ash-blonde hair, pulling him closer. "I need you inside me," you demanded, your voice husky.
Katsuki grinned, pulling his fingers out of you and slowly licking them clean while standing up to unzip his tight jeans. He pushed his pants and boxed briefs down his legs, just under the curve of his ass so he could freed his fat cock, which sprung up, resting proudly against his abdomen. He entered you slowly, savoring the moment.
You gasped as he filled you, your bodies melding together.
The rhythm was intense, a primal dance that left you breathless. Katsuki's moans filled the room, punctuated by the slapping of skin against skin. "Fuck, you feel so good, babe," he grunted, his thrusts becoming faster, harder.
You wrapped your leg around his waist, meeting him thrust for thrust. Your moans melded with his, creating a symphony of pleasure. "Yes, holy shit!"
The pleasure mounted, and you cried out as you came again, your release triggering Katsuki's.
He groaned, his thrusts becoming erratic as he emptied his heavy balls into you. Breathless, Katsuki lowered himself onto you, his head resting on your chest as his cock was still buried in your pussy.
You ran your fingers through his hair, savoring the moment. "I love you," you whispered, your voice shaky. "Thank you for tattooing me."
Bakugo withdrew, watching as his cum mixed with your juices, spilling out of your pussy and onto the chair beneath you. He leaned down, his tongue tracing a path from your pussy to your clit, tasting the mixture of your lovemaking. "I love you too, baby," Katsuki replied, a smile in his voice. "Oi! Babe, I wouldn't let anyone else tattoo you in such an intimate spot, you know that. No one else can watch your pussy but me."
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taevjim · 4 months
Romancing the Viscount (m) 18+
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-Disclaimer: This AU is inspired by Bridgerton. I do realize a viscount is a British nobleman, but for the sake of the AU, we are going to use our imagination xoxo
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-Summary: For three seasons now, you had yet to have any marriage proposals under your belt. It was depressing to say the least. You have come into society as a blossomed young woman, ready for marriage, but no man of the ton has seemed the slightest bit interested in you. You’re on year three of being let off your leash into society and the pressure was certainly on for you to find a husband. You were beautiful, charming, and had incredible wit; anyone would be dying to have your hand in marriage. What could possibly be taking so long? Perhaps a viscount has had his eyes set on you all along and he’s the reason you have yet to be wed.
-Pairing: viscount!jungkook x female reader
-Genre: smut, smut, and more smut.
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The day started off fairly promising with the pure energy that radiated from you as you rose from the cotton sheets which kept you company at night, aiding you a good night’s rest. Your feet touch the cold floor and you spring to action as you skip across your room, your baby blue night gown trailing through the air behind you at your rushed pace. Excitement crept through your bones down to your core with the thought of tonight’s seasonal ball. Of course you had plenty of balls to attend to throughout the season, but the first ball of the season was always the most important, as well as the most promising.
Although you were gleaming with excitement, you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as well. Maybe even a bit discouraged. This would be your third season out into society and you couldn’t help but wonder if you would find the man of your dreams in the near future. A girl can only hope. Many young women have had no problems snagging a husband on their FIRST year of their debut into society, so what could you be doing wrong? Surely there was nothing wrong with you, at-least you didn’t think there was.
Your reflection in the vanity mirror stares back at you as you run your nimble fingers across the soft, supple flesh of your cheek.
“Is it my looks?” You ask yourself, barely above a whisper.
The characteristics of your looks were actually quite simple. You had rather large, round eyes with perfectly curled lashes to frame the lids. A cute button nose and incredibly soft cheeks which always seemed to have a hint of pink undertones to your rather fair complexion. You were also adorned with an exceptionally full figure, making you curvy in all the right places. Never mind the fact that these characteristics didn’t exactly make you unique; you were still deemed one of the most beautiful women of the ton.
Yet, still no husband.
Perhaps you were beginning to feel a bit impatient. Of course you were. What were you to do if you go through yet another season with no man on your arm? God forbid you end up as a spinster, which might be your fate if you don’t find any eligible bachelors soon.
There were quite a few bachelors who you have set your endearing gaze upon, but unfortunately none of them have ever given you more than just a couple of minutes of sub par conversation. With questions ranging from the weather to who you think the queen’s next ‘Diamond’ will be. You’re always polite and proper, speaking with purpose and clarity. You’ve never seemed to have trouble charming your way through a crowd. You’ll never understand what the hold up could be.
Surely you should’ve at-least had ONE proposal by now, but as luck has it, it’s not necessarily on your side as of late.
Your maid rushes through the double doors of your chambers, preparing to wake you before her eyes land on you across the room while you sit at your vanity.
“Well you’re up quite early, I see.” She smiles and strides over to open the curtains to the windows, letting in the bright rays of sunlight into the four walls of your bedroom.
“Today is the first official day of the season. If I’m going to find a husband, I need to make sure I am on my toes at all times and prepared for anything,” you say as you gently pat a small dab of foundation into your skin.
Dana, your maid, gives an approving nod and walks over to begin taking the pins from your hair, allowing your curls to bounce out from their confinements and take their place down the slope of your back. You made sure to pin your hair in rollers the night before so that you could have the most perfect curls. She begins running her fingers through the softness of your locks, carefully moving the pieces of hair into their rightful positions.
Effortlessly beautiful. Exactly the look you were going for.
You put the finishing touches onto your makeup, having gone for a subtle natural appearance, and stand to finally begin ridding yourself of your nightgown.
“You’re going to do just fine this season,” Dana says as she helps you into your corset. “Don’t forget that you are absolutely gorgeous.”
The corners of your lips raise at her compliment and you turn to her with your hands clutching your chest. “You’re too kind. I appreciate the work you put into making me look so good.”
She lets out a giggle and slightly shakes her head, the front two pieces of her baby hairs swinging at the sudden movement. “Don’t be silly,” she begins, “You already have all the right qualities.” Her words pierce into your mind, almost reminding you that you should have nothing to worry about.
She helps you into a simple baby pink gown that seems to hug your curves in all the right places. The corset is definitely working wonders on you, not that you needed to rely on it too terribly. You grab a scarf and carefully drape it behind your shoulders and across your forearms, deeming yourself ready for the day.
First stop was to go by the modiste for a fitting of your dress you would be wearing for tonight’s ball. You wanted to make sure everything would be perfect for tonight, which would hopefully grant you the success you’ve been chasing since two seasons ago.
As hoped but also a bit expected, your fitting goes by swimmingly. Madam Claire, the most trusted modiste within miles, did an exceptional job on capturing exactly what you envisioned for your gown. It was a dark blue with a suede bodice and sleeves made of silk, enveloping your arms all the way down to your small but perfectly manicured hands. The bottom portion of your dress was also silk and although it was slightly puffy, it was still quite slimming, small crystals adorned the fabric across the entirety of the material.
It was absolutely breathtaking.
“Oh Claire,” you gush as you do a 360 spin, your eyes only leaving your reflection in the mirror for not even half a second, “It’s everything I’ve imagined. If I do happen to be blessed to become a bride this season it’ll surely all be thanks to you.”
A slight blush creeps onto her tanned cheeks and she playfully waves a hand at you, “Oh stop it. This dress wouldn’t even look half as good if it weren’t you who were wearing it.”
The smile never leaves your face as you embrace her into a quick, but comforting hug. “Thank you so much Claire. You’re the absolute best,” you thank her and quickly undress to change back into your previous dress.
You decide to pass a bit of time as you make your way back down the street, finding a bench up ahead to sit and catch up a bit on your new book. You quite liked reading. The way words can be put together to create something beautiful was a talent that would always be incredibly admired by you. It was the way that it didn’t matter where you were, for once you picked up your book and started reading, you could imagine yourself being there in the story. Almost as if the words came alive right before your eyes.
You’ve been told by a countless number of mamas of the ton that the reason you didn’t have a husband yet was because of the fact you couldn’t keep your nose out of a book. Often being told not to “taint yourself” with such a boring and time consuming activity.
However, that never stopped you from opening a book and becoming one with the words on the page. It was like it was an addiction. An addiction you never wanted to ween yourself off of. People didn’t seem to understand the want of a woman to read, but you were never confused with the activity. You simply enjoyed it. You had even taken up quite a hobby of your own by writing in your journal every other night, explaining in utter detail of what you wanted most out of this life. Perhaps writing it down on paper helped give you the hope of it actually becoming true.
Your attention was suddenly torn away from your book as you lift your head to the sounds of women giggling a bit too loud for your liking across the street.
A group of four women stand before a man as they flutter their lashes and wave their fans inches away from their bosoms. The man in question was none other than Viscount Jeon.
He was a man of great fortune and even greater integrity. His confidence radiating from him like fumes from a flame as he chuckled at the flirting women. Viscount Jeon was definitely the man every young woman wanted on their arm, regardless of his reputation being a class A rake. Not to mention, he was drop dead gorgeous.
From where you sat, you slightly saw his side profile, and boy was it a sight. Of course you’ve seen the Viscount plenty of times, mainly at a ball being thrown, but sometimes around the square. It wasn’t hard to admit that you would never get tired of seeing him. His shoulders looked deliciously broad from where you were sitting and you quickly realized your interest for your book carefully slipped away the moment your eyes landed on his figure. A quite lean and very muscular figure, at that.
You subtly watch as the man converses with the women, making them swoon at almost every word that leaves his enchanting lips. Your eyes trace his figure, taking in the expensive material of dress he wore on his back. His coat cinched around his waist almost too perfectly, making him all the more irresistible. You catch the sight of his rings around his beautifully thick, creamy toned fingers, and let out a disappointed sigh as he moves to shove his hand into the pocket of his perfectly fitted breeches.
Embarrassment quickly replaces your neediness as two mamas pass by you, following your entranced gaze over to the Viscount. You had been caught staring. Although you weren’t caught by the Viscount himself, you still felt your cheeks get hot as you were visibly noticed practically drooling over the man.
You let out a huff of air and stand to your feet, deciding you should head back home to start getting ready for the ball.
What you didn’t notice, however, was the way the Viscount’s eyes locked onto you as he spotted you crossing the street. He has stolen many glances at you over the past couple years every-time he’s seen you. You were beautiful, that much he knew. He also knew that your debut into society wasn’t the most successful as you still hadn’t managed to find a husband which happened to be from his doing. He has never even spoken to you once but he knew the moment he laid his eyes upon you, he had to have you, and he made quick work of letting every man of the ton know that you were off limits. You, however, had no idea that was the case of your suffering fate and he didn’t plan on telling you about it either.
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You watch the trees go by and listen to the sounds of the horse's hooves hitting the ground while you make your way to the ball in your carriage. The leaves were a beautiful green and the grass even greener and it made you smile. You always appreciated nature and how magical everything seemed to look whenever a new season had approached. In your gut you had hoped tonight would be the night you get to meet your future husband, as you were starting to grow very tired of waiting.
A sigh escapes your lips and you look down into your lap, suddenly very interested in watching the way your fingers toyed with the material of your dress. If you manage to fail yet another season, you might just give up. You looked exceptionally beautiful tonight, even you could admit. Dana sits across from you as she watches you silently battle yourself inside your own head.
She reaches forward and places one of her hands over your fidgeting fingers and says, "You will do amazing tonight. Don't worry yourself so much, you'll create wrinkles on your forehead."
You send a gentle smile her way and caress her hands into your own. Dana had always encouraged you no matter the day or the task at hand. She was so supportive of you, never faltering. You suppose it was because it was her job, but you and Dana had grown rightfully close over the years of her taking care of you. With your mother passing at a young age and your father going over seas, Dana was all you had. You couldn't feel more grateful.
"What will i do?" you ask, "If I don't find a husband surely I'll be ruined."
She frowns at the sight of you shutting down. Truthfully, Dana couldn't quite understand how you still haven't managed to wed since your debut. There was no gossip going around of you that would potentially scare any suitors away. Your looks were most definitely not the problem, as you were incredibly beautiful, even more beautiful than most ladies she had worked for in the past. In truth, she was just as confused as you were.
"Don't talk that way. You will find a husband, I'm sure of it. You are beautiful, smart, witty, and selfless. This season will be your season." She holds both of your hands into her own and her words make you smile. You trusted her with your life and she always saw the good in you. She knew the potential you had to become successful.
Now it was just you who needed to see it in yourself.
The carriage suddenly comes to a stop before the palace and your eyes sparkle as you take in the scenery. The hedges around the property were trimmed perfectly and the lights that shined around the palace twinkled in the most captivating way. You watch as a few ladies make their way inside, fans in hand. The goal for you tonight was to shine and continue to be the one thing you ever knew how to be, which was yourself.
"Go," Dana shoos you out of the carriage and gives you another look before sending you on your way. She moves a couple strands of hair that managed to fall out of place and smiles, "Perfection."
You wave to her as you begin to make your way to the entrance, your nerves suddenly making another appearance inside of your gut. You fix your posture as you started to slouch and you carefully run your fingers across the material of your dress, trying to rid the perspiration that managed to build up because of your nerves. Taking a deep breath, you begin to make your way inside.
Your eyes take in all of the pictures that hang the walls of the hallway. It's almost like you had never been here before, although you have a couple times in the past. The first ball of the season was always held at the Queen's palace, and the Queen made sure to keep it exceedingly presentable. You stop before one picture that catches your eyes above the rest. It was a picture of the Queen and her King when they were younger. She wore the most grand gown in the photo, as she always does, and King George stood beside her in all his gory. They looked proud and emanated power as they both stared into your soul. Oh how you longed to find a love like the Queen had.
"Are you not going to go inside?"
Your head whipped to the side as you curiously look to see who was speaking to you.
It was the Viscount.
You quickly bow, not wanting to seem disrespectful. "Lord Jeon, how lovely to see you."
His eyes never leave you, not even for a second. He takes you in from your head down to your toes, as if his eyes were drawing a map across your form. You always managed to clean up very nicely, from styling your hair into the most perfect way to picking the most gorgeous gown.
You began to feel rather small under his stare, nervously switching your weight from one foot to the other. At his delayed response, you begin taking him in as well. His waist coat fit his muscular body like a glove and his breeches, even more fitting. You could almost make out the shape of his body through the fabric, your eyes trailing the material. What a man the Viscount was. You look back up to his face, finding him already staring at you, and a blush creeps up to your cheeks.
"No escort?" he asks as he looks around the, now empty, hall. It seems everyone has already made their way into the ballroom.
"Oh, no. I don't ever have anyone to escort me to these sort of things," you let out a breathy chuckle and clasp your hands together for what seemed to be the tenth time tonight already.
A small smirk edges it's way onto his beautiful lips and he holds his arm out to you. "Well, what are we waiting for?"
Was the Viscount really offering to escort you into the ballroom? Surely he wouldn't want to be seen with a woman such as yourself, as you've had not a single suitor in the past two years. A man of such status would never.
However, he was the Viscount, and you would be absolutely insane if you didn't take him up on the offer.
You carefully outstretch your arm and rest your fingers into the crease of his elbow, allowing him to lead the two of you to the ballroom entrance. Your nerves seemed to spike even more now, causing you to slightly squeeze his arm. He notices the action and looks down to you, watching as your eyes bounce from one edge of the room to the other. With his other hand, he reaches over and allows it to rest on yours. This action causing your gaze to snap up to him.
"No need to be nervous. I got you." Your eyes fall to his lips as he utters the words and oh how perfect they looked as he attempted to comfort you, which had worked, by the way.
You give a curt nod and a tight lipped smile and allow him to escort you through the entrance.
Upon entry, everyone stopped their conversation and allowed their eyes to fall at the head of the room where you and Lord Jeon stood. You hear the whispers immediately from the mamas and their daughters as they wonder how you, a woman with no suitors and three seasons deep into society with not a single marriage proposal, had the Viscount on your arm.
You had to admit, you felt pretty powerful. Not that him escorting you to the ball meant anything. Perhaps he was just being nice, but you surly were not going to complain.
He leads you down the grand staircase and you make sure to try and watch your step so you don't happen to fall and embarrass yourself even more to the people who so clearly wanted to watch you fail. Your fingers tighten against his muscle once again as the two of you reach the bottom and begin taking in all the eyes that were now on the two of you. Had you been dreaming?
He doesn't make an effort to part from you, instead, he leads you over to the refreshments table and hands you a small glass of lemonade. He must have thought you were thirsty from the nerves attacking your body from the inside, which he would be right. You grab the glass and take a sip, instantly feeling a bit better. A massive sum of the people around you were still staring, but it seemed as most begin to indulge into their own conversations and even taking to the dancefloor.
A couple of women make their way to you, their fans in hand and their lashes fluttering in the Viscount's direction. You wanted to roll your eyes but stop yourself because in all honesty, you couldn't really blame them.
"Lord Jeon," one gushes as she bows before him, furiously fanning her bosom when she stands to meet his gaze. "What a lovely ball, don't you agree?"
You figured that maybe you should leave his presence and allow him to converse with the women, however, you feel his arm flex and tighten around your fingers just as you were about to let go. In turn, you decide to stay in place and you flash a fake smile to the woman before you.
"Oh," she says in a startling manner, "I didn't see you there Miss." You wanted to scowl at her for her very obvious condescending tone , yet decided against it because you were the one with the man she wanted at your side. It made you feel quite victorious in a way.
Alas, as soon as her attention was on you, it was gone in a second and back onto the Viscount. "Would you care to dance?" she asks, so shamelessly holding her hand out to him.
He gives her a warm smile and tugs you slightly closer into his side, "Pardon me, but I was actually about to ask Miss Y/L/N if she would like to join me on the floor." He looks down at you now, you not quite registering his advance just yet. You only look up to him when you see the woman in front of you shoot a venomous glare upon you.
"Of course," you say, barely above a whisper. You wanted to laugh in her face and maybe even throw an unpleasant gesture her way, but in turn you make the decision to be as graceful as you can in the matter. You turn to set your half empty glass of lemonade on the table behind you and allow him to lead you onto the floor.
If everyone was staring at you before, they surly were now as the two of you take your places into the center of the room and begin to dance. It was apparent to the Viscount that everyone in this room was envious of you, although you weren't aware. He knew every man wanted to have you and every woman wanted to be you. He couldn't blame you too much for your lack of observation because in your defense, no man had approached you for anything more than small conversation, too afraid of what the Viscount may do had they made an advances onto you.
"You must pity me." The words come out before you can stop them and you let out a small laugh. He ticks his head to the side, very obviously confused with your comment.
"Pity?" he questions. "Why would I pity you?" he follows up with another question just as he slightly spins you, pulling you in again.
It took you a bit off guard with the close proximity between the two of you being incredibly evident. You look up at him through your lashes and let out a small sigh. "Lord Jeon," you begin. "I just want you to know that you don't have to feel bad for me. I may not be able to get a husband but it doesn't mean I need you to try and help me."
Now it was his turn to be slightly taken off guard. You thought he was only being in your presence so that he could bring more attention towards you, in turn, helping you find a husband. You become quite nervous at his silence and the way he just stared at you, still dancing without missing a beat.
"You think I'm only dancing with you to help you find a husband?" he asks, spinning you another time. Your eyes drift slightly to the outskirts of the dancefloor, noticing how everyone was watching the two of you. Quite a few faces of disapproval look back at you and those of admiration aimed at the Viscount. Of course they were only interested because he was here.
"Is that not what you're doing?" you ask as you turn back to look at him. You were slightly surprised to see the longing in his eyes as he stared back at you. How could you possibly think he was only interested in helping you? How could you not know how beautiful you were, how the room went completely stiff upon your entrance? And now as everyone stops and watches the two of you dance together, you still think you aren't good enough to be looked at.
He shakes his head at your question and slightly dips you. Your breath quickens, as does his at the sight of your hair completely separating from your shoulders and fully exposing the expansion of your chest. Your bodice fit your body to perfection and in this moment it proved much more evident from what he observed upon first glance of you out in the hall.
You're picked back up into his arms in a rather slower pace than you expected, now rising to see his eyes buried into your skin even deeper than they were before. It's crazy how one can have such a way with words solely based of their eyes alone. His eyes spoke more than his mouth ever has, at-least to you, and it took your breath away. You can't help but just stare back, practically feeling yourself getting lost.
Unexpectedly, he leans closer and in a whisper he speaks, "You're entirely too beautiful to be pitied."
His words were soft and kind, and everything you didn't know you longed to hear from someone else. You certainly didn't expect them to come from a man of his rank. For a moment you don't know what to say and you don't catch the smirk that inches onto his face as he gently pulls you from the dance floor, you not realizing the song ended.
Among the next hour that passes, you and the Viscount fall into effortless conversation. He tells you of his travels and many successes in his life. He also tells you his name, Jungkook. You would never call him by his name, of course, but the fact he even felt comfortable enough to tell you raised a certain spark inside of you. You learned that he's kind, smart, and also quite funny. He had you giggling more times than you can count at his quick wit and charming playfulness. He also learned quite a bit about you, that you love to read, you liked to take your horse out to the field and enjoy fresh air and nature in general. You also shared his trait of being goofy and playful as the two of you threw jokes at each other here and there throughout the night. The biggest thing he learned was that your giggle was a sound that he truly felt blessed to be able to hear, causing him to not be able to stop coaxing that sound from you with his words. He wanted to draw that sound from you all night, never wanting it to leave his head even for a second.
A couple more hours pass and you were so embedded into your conversations with Jungkook that you didn't realize the ball was coming to an end and people began spilling out of the ballroom. Jungkook watches as your curious eyes sweep across the room and observe everyone as they ascend back up the stairs and out into the hall.
You turn your head back to Jungkook, once again catching him already looking at you, and you nudge your head towards the exit, "I think it's time the night has come to an end."
"It doesn't have to end though," he blurts and your eyes slightly widen. You try to process what he means by that as he grabs your hand into his and leads you both out of the room.
As you make your way outside you instantly notice how chilly the air has become, feeling the way it slightly licks at your skin, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. Jungkook notices and inches closer toward you, hoping he can radiate some body heat your way.
"That's my carriage," he says and points to an elegant looking black carriage pulling up to stop in front of the two of you. How would it look for you to be getting in his carriage with him at the end of the night? You look around you, watching to see if anyone notices. Everyone already looked down upon you as it is, so how would they react if they noticed you riding away with their lovely Viscount?
You feel a hand at the small of your back, slightly causing you to jump when you realize Jungkook is carefully pushing you towards the carriage for you to get in. Damn what the ton thinks, you think to yourself. You were certain Jungkook wouldn't put you in a position to have you under such scrutiny. You hardly knew him but you trusted him.
He slightly gulps as he catches sight of the stockings you wore as you lift your dress a little to climb up into the carriage. It made his body shudder as he was confronted with the pure want and need he had towards you, and yet you were all the more oblivious. He knew he wouldn't be able to get that image out of his head for quite some time.
He climbs in after you, settling into the seat across from you and instructed his driver to take the two of you to the nearest park. Before you can question him, you stop as you notice the sheepish look on his face before he spoke, "I thought we could sit and talk a bit more."
You smile at his words and give a small nod, yet you find it hard to look away from him. Usually you loved to watch as the trees passed by while you rode, enjoying and taking in the nature around you, but you simply couldn't tear your gaze away from him. Evidently he couldn't either, his eyes boring into yours with a sort of intensity.
One minute he's sheepishly smiling at you like a boy being caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and the next he's looking at you like he wants to tear your clothes off in that very moment. Admittedly, it makes your head spin. You slightly adjust in your seat and his eyes snap down at the movement. He felt as if there was a fog in his head, weighing down so heavily that he couldn't think straight when looking at you.
"Thank you for being by my side tonight. It was quite unexpected but I very much enjoyed it," you said, trying to break the ice and the staring contest between the two of you.
He gives you a boyish smile and nods in agreement. "It was very nice," he states, "I wouldn't have wanted to spend my time with anyone else."
His words take you back slightly. He didn't even know you, and to be quite fair, he has never really showed an interest in you before, so why now?
"Why tonight?" you ask, your judgement getting the best of you and causing you to blurt the question before you can think twice.
He leans forward, elbows resting on his knees as he looks into your eyes, into your soul. "I know it must be a surprise that I've shown up out of nowhere tonight, but to be honest, I've had my eye on you since you first debuted into society."
Now his words really caught you off guard.
You shake your head in confusion and lean forward yourself. "What does that even mean?" you ask, "You've had your eye on me for two years yet never spoken a word to me. Why?"
He can't really give you the answer that you deserve when it came to that kind of question. He really didn't even know the answer to it himself. He knew he always wanted you but he never found the right time to make it clear to you.
"My duty as a Viscount has kept me very busy these last few years. I haven't been Viscount for very long so when that role was passed down to me, I had quite a few tasks thrown at me, on top of my journey's to other countries. I couldn't find the right time to talk to you." You slightly squint your eyes at his confession, still not fully grasping the fact of why he never once acted on the way he's telling you that he's felt for quite some time.
On the other hand, you were confused how he even had an interest towards you at all. You always thought the men were repulsed by you, hence the fact you were still unmarried, not even being courted by any of the men of the ton.
"I'm just confused," you start, "I've only seen you a few times and in those times I've seen you, you've never once noticed me."
You begin to feel nervous under his intense gaze, not being able to read the emotion that currently flashes in his eyes. "Not that you've noticed," he admits, "I've seen you many times and trust me when i say, I can't help but notice you when you are near."
He slightly scoots closer, carefully grabbing your slightly shaky hands to hold into his own. The feeling you have when he's so close or when he's looking at you the way he is, is a feeling you can't describe, but it's also a feeling that you don't want to stop feeling. Ever.
You look down into your lap where your hands are connected and smile at the way his thumb caresses your skin, "I thought all of the men around here were repulsed by me." You look up and meet his confused stare.
"How can you believe such a thing? You are absolutely one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my sights upon," your breath hitches as his hand comes to cup the side of your face, his pinky finger tracing down the skin of your neck so gently, "I knew when I saw you that I needed to have you." The last sentence comes from his lips in a whisper and you almost feel as though you are in a trance, just staring into his eyes, not able to notice how close he has managed to get to you now.
Is this a dream?, you wonder.
Out of everything that has happened to you over the past couple years, including tonight, you knew only one thing. You wanted the Viscount. You wanted him more than anything you've ever wanted in your life and now that he's right in front of you, sitting so close you can feel his breath tickling your skin, you didn't care if it had been a dream. You suppose there's only one way to find out if you truly are just dreaming.
You lean forward a couple more inches and plant your lips onto Jungkook's, instantly sighing at the sweet taste of him. He wastes no time in kissing you back, reaching up to grip both sides of your face with his hands. Turning your head slightly, he gains more access to your mouth and can't help but run his tongue across your lips, almost begging you for entry, which you grant to him with no hesitation. He kisses you as if his life depends on it and you realize you've never felt so euphoric in your entire life until this very moment. You pull away suddenly and only now you notice how he has sunken to his knees before you, looking up at you as he anticipates your next move.
You've always loved looking at the man before you, even if you never noticed him looking back. You've always dreamed of the day you got to run your fingers through his silky hair-
Giving into your thoughts, you reach up and slowly bury your fingers into the tresses of his black locks, meeting his gaze half way as his eyes bore into yours, almost pleading you. This was the second time tonight that Jungkook has made you feel so powerful. The feeling was addicting.
You run your fingers through his hair and rest your hand on the back of his head, biting your lip at the sight of him so vulnerable before you. He groans and rushes in to push his lips against yours with a force that has your back resting against the seat now. He never lets up, kissing you as if he's scared you'll be pulled from his embrace any moment now. Goosebumps rise on your skin a second time tonight as his fingers inch across your collarbone and carefully push your dress down your shoulder.
He pulls away and almost whines at the sight of your skin becoming more exposed to his eyes. Who knew he would be so hard at the sight of a woman's shoulder, for Christ's sake. You didn't quite realize the affect you had on the Viscount just yet, but he intended on showing you.
As fast as he pulled away, he leans back in even faster, attaching his lips to the underside of your chin. His lips move across your skin with such fever, it practically makes your head almost spin of your shoulders. You've never felt such...bliss, and he was barely even touching you.
Almost as if he read your mind, his hand slowly travels down to your ankle, pressing his fingers against your skin, before his hand disappears under your dress and dances up your leg. The softness in which he touched your skin left a fire in it's wake, making you slightly shake in excitement. He gives a warm smile at your reaction, indulging in the sounds your heavy breathes make. He watches the way your chest rises furiously, suppressing a groan at the perfect sight that was you.
He gives a questioning look as his fingers reach the inside of your thigh and he doesn't even need to ask before you're already nodding your head, looking at him pleadingly, which further drives him even more mad for you. Your small hands grip the expanse of his broad shoulders, the same ones you were drooling over earlier in the day, and your head leans back, the feeling of his fingers ghostly dancing over the material of your undergarments. His lips finally press against yours once again as he firmly presses his fingers against you, drawing the most beautiful sound from your throat.
It was hard for him to believe how warm and soft you felt against his rough fingers. He presses his fingers even further against you, becoming addicted to the way you felt under his touch. In turn, more noises were drawn from you and he knew he would never get tired of the way you sounded. He pushes your dress up so he can see the way you look beneath him and the sight is enough to turn a man insane. The expanse of your think thighs adorned in the beautifully delicious stockings you chose to wear for the occasion, almost calling his name to keep his eyes on you.
"Please," you whisper.
His head snaps up when he hears your whimper, the look on your face taunting him, coaxing him to touch you further. Jungkook likes to think he's quite the strong spirit, but he's never felt weaker as he has kneeling before you now. He gives into the soft sounds you make just for him and pushes his fingers past your undergarments, fully touching you. You instantly gasp and push yourself up further into his embrace, shocked by the feeling that was currently running through your body. You've never been touched this way and you were almost angry that you didn't get to experience this until now.
The only barrier between the two of you is broken as he slowly pushes two fingers inside of you, watching intently at the faces you make. You let out a drawn out moan and pull him closer until his face is practically into your neck. He takes the opportunity to plant his mouth against your skin, feeling your pulse beneath his tongue, and you shudder at the warmth that consumes you.
"You're so perfect," he grunts as he pushes his fingers deeper, causing you to gasp for the millionth time. His eyes fall to your chest once again, watching it rise and fall almost in a pattern. He's thrusting his fingers into you faster, with more purpose, manually reaching inside of you for the delightful sounds you offer to him so easily.
You thread your fingers into his hair again, ever so slightly pulling when he reaches a spot inside of you that has your toes curling. He was making you feel so wonderful, a feeling you never wanted to go away. A feeling you wanted him to provide for you every single day as long as you live. Your eyes flutter open as you look up at him, the sight causing an unfamiliar feeling to bubble inside of you. His hair was slightly damp from sweat, his eyes producing a fire you've never witnessed, all the while his fingers moved inside of you much faster than before.
There's a feeling rising inside of you that causes you to arch your back and slightly constrict your legs around Jungkook's incredibly lean waist. The sounds are pouring from you now like a mantra as you desperately claw at his shoulders, pulling him impossibly closer to your form.
"You can do it baby," he whispers, egging you on before planting his face into your chest and beginning to take the supple flesh of your breast into his mouth. That's all it took to have you falling apart beneath him. Your muscles constrict and his name comes flowing from your mouth like a chant, further proving to him how undoubtedly perfect you were.
You lay still, breathing heavily as he removes his digits from your body and smooths your dress back into place. He carefully places your sleeve back up your shoulder and pushes a piece of hair behind your ear. You watch him the whole time, admiring how determined he looked. Your words were hidden in your gut as you keep your eyes on him. Soon, you realize his carriage stops before his house and you turn to him, confused.
Jungkook hops out effortlessly and holds his hand out to you. "Well, are you coming?" he asks.
Your eyes scan before his home, taking in the beautifully structured building. As you part your lips to ask him why you were here, he steps closer and gently caresses your chin in his hands.
"If you're to become by wife, you need to meet my family."
♞ ♞ ♞
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lev1hei1chou · 6 months
Fashion Icon
Dad!Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Words: 504 Synopsis: Gojo's baby has to be a fashion icon Masterlist
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It was a sunny afternoon when Gojo Satoru, your husband, decided to take your baby out for a stroll. As he strapped the little bundle of joy into the stroller, he couldn't help but envision his child as a miniature fashion icon.
"Alright, little one, let's show the world what style truly means," Gojo declared with a wink, earning a gurgle of approval from the baby.
With his sunglasses perched on his nose and his hair flowing in the breeze, Gojo strutted down the street with the stroller, drawing curious glances from passersby.
As the duo wandered, Gojo's attention was caught by a trendy baby boutique, its windows adorned with the latest in infant fashion. Unable to resist the allure, he veered off course and entered the store, much to the confusion of the sales clerk.
"Welcome! How can I help you today?" the clerk chirped, eyeing the man's eccentric attire and the bemused baby in the stroller.
Gojo's eyes gleamed with excitement as he surveyed the racks of miniature clothing and accessories. "I'm here to upgrade my baby's wardrobe," he announced proudly, causing the clerk to raise an eyebrow.
Undeterred, Gojo dove into the aisles, plucking out tiny onesies, stylish boots, and even a miniature fedora. With each selection, he imagined the baby strutting their stuff with confidence, just like their stylish father.
After what seemed like an eternity of browsing, Gojo returned to the stroller, laden with bags of baby fashion treasures. He carefully arranged the purchases around the bemused infant, who seemed more interested in chewing on their own fingers.
As they exited the store, Gojo couldn't contain his excitement. "Isn't this amazing, little one? You're going to be the most fashionable baby in town!"
Back home, you greeted the duo with a mix of amusement and bewilderment. "What on earth happened? Why do we suddenly have enough baby clothes to outfit a small army?"
Gojo flashed his trademark grin, his sunglasses gleaming. "Well, you see, darling, our child simply cannot be seen in anything less than the finest threads. Fashion is a way of life, even for the tiniest among us!"
You couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm, shaking your head in disbelief. "I suppose our baby will thank you for their impeccable style sense one day."
In the days that followed, Gojo's fashion obsession reached new heights as he eagerly dressed the baby in each new ensemble, staging impromptu photoshoots and posting them to social media with the hashtag #BabyFashionista.
Despite your initial skepticism, you couldn't deny the joy that radiated from Gojo whenever he admired the baby's stylish outfits. And as the months passed, you found yourself joining in on the fun, eagerly browsing for the latest trends in infant fashion.
As the baby grew older, they developed their own unique sense of style, much to Gojo's delight. Whether it was a tiny pair of sunglasses perched on their nose or a miniature trench coat draped over their shoulders, they exuded confidence and charm wherever they went.
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chaepink · 1 year
K so imagine this:
Tutoring Hinata or Kageyama, (either one works cause they're both in desperate need of kicking up their grades) fucking them in a serpent's embrace-type position while they complete a study guide you prepared but edging them until they get 100% accuracy. Them breathily sighing out answers and occasional whines. Drilling the content into their heads while drilling them with the strap
Studying session | sub!kageyama tobio
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wc: 1.4+ words | masterlist
dom!reader, begging, edging, pegging, reader is mentioned to be able to lift him up, slight spanking, degrading
note : i feel like i wrote this weird...
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When you suggested that you would help tutor Kageyama for his upcoming test, he thought it was all going to be flashcards, tests, and strict tutoring. Although you did bring a study guide that you made for him to use, he didn't think you would propose an idea that made the whole situation a lot more interesting.
"Is the answer-" He cuts himself off with a whine as you continue fucking him with your strap. Every bounce of his body sends shocks throughout him.
"C-C?" He lets out another breathy whine as you smile. "That's right," you say, speeding up your movements.
The next question is harder, a question about information that Kageyama had trouble memorizing. It doesn't help that he's rather close to cumming either, with his hips jerking up and down, trying to match the pace you're setting.
"Is it C?"
"Sorry babe, but that's incorrect." You slow down your thrusts to an almost complete stop as Kageyama sobs at the lack of pleasure.
"N-No! I was so c-close, please!" He turns to you with tear-brimmed eyes, begging you to continue with your movements. You quietly shush him as you wipe away the tears that are about to fall.
"Shh, it's okay. There are still a few more questions left and you've done so well so far. How about you get these last ones correct and you'll get a reward?" He nods hesitantly at you, turning back at the study guide.
You begin your previous actions again and start slowly fucking in and out of him again. While it's enough to make him feel a bit of pleasure, it's still not enough for him. He needs more!
Though he was hesitant at first to agree to your... unique method of tutoring that includes some pegging, once he got into it, he began enjoying the idea a lot more. Of course, he's not going to verbally tell you that but you can already tell by his begging and actions.
With his back to your chest and him sitting on your lap, you're able to slip your hand under his shirt and play with his nipples every once in a while as he tries to answer the questions correctly. This also means that even a slight movement of your legs sends a bolt of pleasure up his body due to the strap in him moving as well.
"T-The correct answer is ngh! i-is B."
"That's correct." He whines as you speed up your actions. He can tell that you're purposely increasing the pace less than you would usually, knowing that it would drive him crazy.
As you ask him every remaining question that's left, he gets it right. All that's left is a particularly hard one that you may or may not have put there as the last question on purpose, knowing that you would have made him agree to your idea.
Kageyama takes some time thinking (although he can't do it very well, not when you're still inside him) before telling you his answer to the final question.
"Correct! That's awesome, baby." You give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so proud of you for finishing all this." A grin makes its way onto your face.
"You know what you get now, right?"
He twists his head to look at you, a blush adorning his cheeks as he stutters out an answer.
"A r-reward?" You smile at him.
"That's right." Grabbing him by the hips, you gently lift him up enough so you can slip the strap out of him, eliciting a whine out of him.
"[Name] w-what are you-"
"Don't worry, you'll get your reward. Just lay flat on the table."
Obediently, he does what you tell him to and lays his body on the table in front of him, making sure to remove the papers on it first. Due to how low the piece of furniture is, his knees lay nicely on the floor. He's in a near-dog position with his elbows on the table and you swear you can almost see a doggy tail waving side to side behind him.
You can't help but lick your lips at the view. Kageyama, your oh so adorable boyfriend, presenting his ass to you as he turns around and looks at you with innocent, pleading eyes. His current state hugely contrasts his usual stoic and serious demeanor. 
You can just ravish him then and there, but you have to take it slow first. It's his reward after all. Grabbing him by the hips, you position your strap to his hole.
"Ready for your reward?" Instead of a verbal answer, Kageyama teasingly shakes his ass at you and you tsk, giving it a small slap. Kageyama whimpers at the delicious pain.
"Such a tease, aren't you? I need a verbal answer."
"Fuck y-yes."
In one smooth motion, you enter the strap inside him and begin fucking him with slow yet deep thrusts. Each and everyone one of them elicits a moan out of him.
It's not long until you eventually speed up and begin fucking him at a faster pace than before, one that has his knees weak, eyes about to roll back, and breathless. God, it feels so good, he thinks. The strong grip you have on his hips hurts but the slight pain only adds to the pleasure he's feeling.
You lean forward, your chest almost touching his back. Although he's lowering his face toward the table, you can still see how red his face is. With this new position, you're able to fuck him from a whole new angle as you talk into his flushed ear.
"I'm fucking you so good, isn't that right? I can tell by the way you're crying and moaning like a bitch in heat."
You teasingly blow cool air onto his ear, enjoying the way his body shivers.
"y-yes you're ah! f-fucking me so good!" He lets out another whimper and as you take a peek at his dick, you grin as you see how hard and red it is, pre dripping onto the floor.
"Answer this question, baby." You grab the study guide you made for him off the floor and put it in front of him, showing him a random question.
"f-fuck is the answer-" He cuts himself off with a choked moan as you hit a particular spot in him that has his toes curling and head thrown back, eyes rolling.
"What's that? Repeat it for me."
"i-is the a-answer D?" You shake your head, however, you don't stop your movements this time.
"That's incorrect. You got this right just minutes ago too." You feign a pout even though you know he can't see you. "Such a shame. Is it because I'm fucking you so well that you've turned stupid? Is that it? You've been fucked dumb, hm?" Kageyama nods, too fucked out to even process what you're saying or doing to him. All that he feels is the pleasure you're giving him.
"Before I was drilling all that information in your head now I'm drilling this strap in you, isn't that right? And you're enjoying it so much too."
Your thrusts continue to turn rough and the pace increases, making Kageyama let out of near scream as you hit all the right spots in him. His arms give up under him and he's laying flat on the table now. His knees are about to give up as well but the only reason they aren't is because you're holding onto his hips.
He's close, you know it.
"[Name] p-please!"
"Please what?" He lets out a choked sob at your feigning innocence. Another thrust from you steals the breath right out of his chest.
"i-im close! ah! pleaseplease-"
You pretend to think. "Hm... i don't know. You have been doing good when i was tutoring you though..." Kageyama immediately peeks up at you, face flushed even more and he looks like he's about to cry. How cute.
"i did good, i s-swear!"
"Alright, go ahead then and cum."
And he does. He lets out a moan loud enough that you have to cover his mouth, making sure the neighbors don't hear how much a slut Kageyama is.
He makes a mess all over the floor as his arms fall out from under him. Pulling out of him, you hear him whine as he clenches around nothing.
Oh, you just know he'll come running towards you every single time he needs tutoring from now on.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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aestheticaltcow · 4 months
Proposal Gone Wrong
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Reader
Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Carmy definitely didn't see this one coming.
No warnings, just fluff :)
The Bear Masterlist
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“Hello?” you said, answering your phone. “Hey girlie, could you come in at about 7ish instead of 5:30? I don’t wanna rush your nails.” your brow furrowed at your nail tech's words. “What do you mean come in at 7ish? My appointment isn’t for like two more weeks.” “Oh, I thought that yummy chef of yours told you… he booked and prepaid for a full set.” you hummed in acknowledgment. “Okay…I’ll come in at 7ish. You want a coffee?” “That’s why you’re my favorite client, babes.” 
You slipped your phone into your pocket and returned to the front counter. "Is everything okay?” your coworker Dev asked as you sat in front of your computer. You shrugged, “I guess Carmy booked a nail appointment for me. So sweet, right?” 
Dev bit her lip to suppress a squeal, “He’s gonna propose to you, girl!” you scoffed at her reaction. There was no way Carmy was going to propose to you. Sure, the two of you had talked about getting married and buying a house, maybe havin’ a kid or two someday, but that was the caveat ‘someday.’ There was no confirmed timeline. It was just sweet post-sex pillow talk. 
“Yea-yeah, I’m askin’ her. Can you steer her toward gettin’ somethin’ less… unique?” Carmy watched his words. You were known to get more interesting nails, claiming that your boring work clothes needed some fun. Carmy listened to your nail tech chortle on the other end of the phone and mentioned something about ‘clown nails’ but agreed to steer you toward something more minimalist. He grinned and said bye before hanging up the phone and texting her a picture of a 2-carat platinum pear-shaped diamond ring. Carmy stared at the small velvet box in his hand and imagined the ring adorning your finger. He closed the box and put it into his open desk drawer before quickly exiting the office to do his prep work for the evening’s dinner service. 
Natalie slipped her jacket off as she walked into the kitchen from the back alley. “Bear. I’m here!” she yelled as she beelined to the office to get started on the paperwork Carmy had asked her help on. “Yo!” Carmy yelled without looking up from his station. 
Before Natalie could sit at the desk, her phone started ringing. “Hello?” she answered. She held her phone to her ear with her shoulder as she reached for the laptop in the middle of the disorganized chaos Carmy called a desk. “Is Carmy going to propose to me?” 
Natalie held her breath as she quickly thought of a believable lie: " Uh—not to my knowledge.” You didn’t believe her answer for a second. “Natalie, is he proposing to me?” you asked again more assertively. Natalie sighed as she leaned back in the office chair, “Y/N, I can’t answer that question.” she heard you groan through the phone, “I need to know. I don’t need to know when or how- is he going to propose to me?” 
It was nearing midnight when Carmy returned to your shared apartment. You were asleep on the couch with an open book on your chest. Carmy grinned and crept over making sure not to wake you. He leaned over the back of the couch and kissed your forehead softly. “Baby. Let’s get you to bed.” Carmy whispered as he squeezed your bicep. You stirred in your sleep and mumbled something Carmy couldn’t make out. “Baby, com’on, you know I can’t sleep without ya,” he grumbled and peppered your cheek in kisses. You let out a sleepy groan and rolled onto your side to escape his affection. Carmy chuckled as he walked around the couch. He took your book and dog-eared the page you’d been on before placing it on the coffee table. As he scooped you into his arms, you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck and snuggled into the crook of his neck. Carmy smiled when he noticed your freshly manicured nails. He couldn’t wait to see the ring he’d bought you adorn your left hand.
Carmy woke up before his alarm went off the next morning. He watched the rise and fall of your chest as you peacefully slept beside him. He grinned and kissed your forehead before getting his phone off his bedside table. He turned his alarm off before responding to a text from Syd. You started to stir beside him as he hit send. Carmy put his phone down and pulled you onto his chest, he wrapped his arms around your waist as you mumbled a ‘Good morning’ sleepily. He smiled and kissed your head before lazily rubbing your waist.
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” you questioned Carmy as he handed you a cup of coffee. He shook his head and leaned against the counter before drinking from his coffee cup. “Sugar helped out with paperwork last night, and it’s Syd’s ship tonight.” he casually explained as you narrowed your gaze at him. 
“You’re taking a Saturday off?” you asked in disbelief, “You never take Saturday off.” 
Carmy shrugged, “Takin’ my girl out on a date tonight.” 
“What’s the occasion?” you questioned as you watched Carmy step forward. He shook his head. “No occasion. I just wanna take you out,” he said softly as he placed his hands on your hips. You looked up at him after your conversation with Natalie last night; tonight had to be the night he was asking. You swallowed as he kissed your temple. 
“You wanna go out tonight, right?” Carmy asked as you put your mug down on the table behind you. You moved your arms around his neck and stared at him with a soft smile as you nodded. “Good. I have to run a couple errands, but I’ll be back soon.” 
Tonight had to be the night. Natalie had confessed to Carmy wanting to propose. He paid for you to get your nails done. Took a Saturday night off of the restaurant. You sighed as you put your eyeshadow brush down. You wanted to marry Carmy; you really did. The idea of him asking sent you into a realm of anxiety you’d never experienced before. His specific brand of neuroticism was… unique. He was a perfectionist. You’d seen him scrub the grout on the kitchen floor with a toothbrush enough times to know that. 
How the hell was he going to propose to you? 
He probably planned everything down to the most minuscule detail, and if anything went wrong, he’d start spiraling and questioning the entire relationship. “Relax. Relax. Relax. Everything is going to be okay. It’ll work out. Carmy and I will get married in the South of France and then honeymoon in Greece. I’ll get pregnant in September and have the baby in June… it’ll all work out. Just relax.” you said with a deep breath. “Just finish getting ready.”
After retrieving the ring from The Bear and picking up a bouquet of peonies, Carmy felt more confident in his plan. He’d made a reservation at La Baquet, the restaurant he’d taken you on your first date, and it would be the perfect place to wine and dine before going to an indoor botanical garden that was doing some intricate light show he’d read about online. You would say ‘yes’; he was confident you would. As he walked into your apartment building that evening, he had a pep in his step.
“Hey baby, I’m back,” Carmy called as he walked into the apartment. He walked through the living room and into the master bedroom to see you pulling on a pair of fitted trousers; he admired how they hugged your hips. You smiled at him before gushing over the bouquet in his arms, “You got me flowers? They’re beautiful.” 
Carmy shrugged nonchalantly, “Not as beautiful as you…” Carmy’s attempted flirting made you giggle. “Smooth one Berzatto. Very smooth.” you took the flowers from his arms and kissed his cheek before exiting the bedroom to get a vase from the kitchen. Carmy couldn’t help but check your ass out as you walked away. He shook his head and changed his shirt before pulling his infamous grey sweater over his head. 
“Ready to go?” Carmy asked as he joined you in the kitchen. You nodded, “Let me grab my bag, and we can head out.” 
“What the fuck…” Carmy trailed off as he stopped his car a little down the road from La Baquet. The Chicago Fire Department surrounded the restaurant, “Did it burn down?” you questioned, looking between him and where the restaurant had been in disbelief. Carmy scoffed exhaustedly, “Shit.” 
“We can go somewhere else?” you suggested. As he put the car back into gear, Carmy mumbled something about a new pizza place not too far away. While it may not have been the farm-to-table French food that brought the two of you together, it was impossible not to enjoy eating pizza in the car with Carmy on a Saturday night.
“I found this place online, you’re gonna- the fuck?” Carmy scoffed as the two of you walked up to the botanical garden. There was a group of people yelling at the overwhelmed information attendant. Carmy dropped your hand and managed to get to the front of the group, “Yo calm the fuck down.” he yelled at the group as he gestured for everyone to step back. Carmy turned to face the information attendant, “Are you okay?” she shook her head in response. Carmy nodded, “Take a deep breath. Tell me what’s goin’ on.” he tried to be as calm as possible. 
“It’s my first day—we’re understaffed, and the event organizers didn’t plan for this many people to come for the light show, and we’re shutting down. You can get a ticket refund on the website,” she stuttered as she explained the situation. Carmy frowned but nodded, “Okay… this would happen…” He chuckled as he flashed the attendant a sympathetic smile, “You got this.” 
Carmy came back to you, clearly disappointed in his conversation with the attendant. “Is everything okay?” you asked; he shook his head.
“Everythin’ is goin’ wrong tonight. Just disappointed, I guess.” Carmy shrugged and put an arm around your shoulders as you returned to the car. You wrapped an arm around his waist, “Well, I still had fun, Bear. Now, the real question… do you wanna get ice cream from that place by your old apartment and then go home and let me put these pretty nails to use?” you asked looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“Of course, baby.” 
“I’m thinkin' brown butter chocolate. What bout you?” you asked Carmy as you scanned the tubs of ice cream displayed in the freezer case before you two. 
“Are you sure, baby? It’s pretty close to the peanut butter,” he asked, concerned. “I’ll tell them about my nut allergy like I do every time. It’ll be fine.” your nonchalant tone regarding your allergy always annoyed Carmy. He watched the ice cream scooper change their gloves and rinse the scooper twice before packaging your order. It was never enough in his eyes. 
“You know what, I always like your order better.” you laughed as you took another bite of Carmy’s ice cream. He rolled his eyes and scooted closer to you on the bench, “Have as much as you want, baby.” Carmy mumbled as he kissed your temple.
This wasn’t the night he’d planned. Carmy felt out of control but felt like this was the moment. With his free hand, he reached for the box that had been burning a hole in his pocket all night. “Tonight didn’t go as planned, and maybe it’s a sign, but uh…” Carmy started as he pulled the box from his pocket. “I love you so much, baby. Will you-” Carmy cut himself off when you started coughing. “Baby? Are you okay?” He put the box back in his pocket before shifting in his seat to look at you. You clutched your chest as you wheezed and coughed more intensely. “Epipen! Where’s your EpiPen?!”
“Carmy?” you asked, your voice muffled by an oxygen mask. You looked around your curtained-off bed and pushed yourself with your elbows. “Carmy?” you asked again as you pulled at the oxygen mask. The curtain opened, and you saw relief wash over Carmy’s face as he looked at you in the bed. “You scared the shit out of me, baby.” Carmy playfully scolded as he sat on the edge of the hospital bed. You shrugged, “Gotta keep you on your toes.” you struggled to get out as the oxygen mask now dangled around your neck. “We’re never goin’ back to that ice cream parlor. They don’t know shit bout cross-contamination.” Carmy scoffed as he rubbed at the back of his neck.
“This’ll be a fun story to tell our kids, though.” You laughed as you lovingly looked at Carmy sitting on the edge of your bed. “The night Daddy proposed to me, I ended up going into anaphylaxis.” Carmy chuckled and was about to say something before you cut him off: “Yes, I would love to marry you, Carmy.”
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babydollmarauders · 9 months
trevor zegras x fem!reader
summary: in which Trevor has a unique use for all the candy canes y/n buys
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, nipple play, food play, p in v (unprotected), i think that’s all? (3.2k words)
notes: welcome to day 2 of the 12 days of kinkmas! this was my first time writing smut for trevor and i won’t lie; it was hard!
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“this is getting out of hand.”
my eyes fly up to the kitchen entrance, Trevor’s tall frame looming in the doorway. his golden brown hair is tousled as though he’s just woken up, yet i know he’s been awake for hours.
“i didn’t think you were home yet.” i murmur, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights, and my fiancé chuckles as he steps fully into the kitchen.
“i’ve been home for an hour, i was about to call and ask where you were-” his eyes flicker to the shopping bag that rests on the counter before he looks back at me with a raised brow. “but i guess now i know.”
i externally cringe, my mind racing as i try and come up with an excuse.
“i- okay- hear me out!” my hand floats in the air in front of my chest, in attempt to keep him from chastising me.
“oh, i’d love to hear this excuse.” Trevor smirks, sidling over to lean back against the counter. his hands grip the countertop behind him and for a moment my eyes linger there, tracing the veins that lead up to his tattooed arm, until i regain consciousness and remember what i was doing.
“they were buy one get one free! and there’s so many different flavors!”
Trevor’s head tips back, chin towards the ceiling as he lets out a groan.
“baby, you have ten boxes of candy canes in our cupboards!” he states, hand flying up as though to dramatically display our kitchen cupboards.
“twelve.” i mumble, my voice low as i stare at the ground.
“twelve?!” he steps forward, arms winding around my waist as he blocks my view of our tile floor. “look at me, please.”
his soft tone draws my head up, looking into his blue eyes as i exaggerate a pout.
“no more candy canes.” he emphasizes each word, “please!”
i nod solemnly before resting my chin on his chest, giving him the best puppy dog eyes i can muster.
“how many boxes did you buy today?” Trevor questions, bowing his head down to drop his forehead to mine.
“four.” i whisper, the lower half of my face rising to chase his lips. my nose accidentally brushes against his and he repeats the action with intent.
“that’s too many, babe.” he urges, “no more.”
my lips part but i get no word out before he reads my mind, answering my question.
“not even after christmas when they’re discounted.”
i huff in exaggerated disappointment, stepping away from my fiancé to pull the boxes of hard candy from the grocery bag on the granite countertop.
i’m mostly silent as i do so, except for the hyperbolic sigh that passes my lips, my sight flickering to Trevor every few seconds. he bites back a grin, hopping up to sit on the counter across from me before he speaks.
“alright,” he drags out, clicking his tongue against his teeth before he adds- “what flavors did ya get?”
i perk up, the corners of my lips quirking up.
“i got warhead, jolly rancher, sour patch kid, and mint chocolate!” i sing out, holding up each one as i tell him.
“they sound delicious, babe.”
i internally cheer at his approval as i open the candy cupboard, stuffing the four boxes anywhere i can fit them. i take a mental note of the few missing candy canes from a box of original peppermint flavor, taking pride in knowing Trevor has at least indulged in a couple of my holiday obsession.
“can we watch a movie?” i ask, pushing the cupboard closed while i spin around to face my fiancé.
“is it a christmas movie?”
“is it a hallmark movie?” he inquires cautiously, eyes narrowed towards me.
“it doesn’t have to be.” i shrug, shoving the plastic grocery bag under the sink with the others.
“then yes.”
Trevor’s t-shirt hangs around my body, the hem tickling my upper thigh, and fuzzy socks adorn my feet.
we ate dinner and watched two more movies before calling it a night, and now i stand at our bathroom counter washing my face and waiting for my fiancé to come upstairs.
i can hear his footsteps entering on the tile floor of our bathroom as i cup my hands under the faucet, filling them with water and washing the cleanser from my face.
i’m drying my face when his arms encircle my waist, his chin coming down to rest on my shoulder.
“hi, beautiful.” his voice is gruff and i can sense a hint of lust that makes me chuckle.
“hi, baby.” i set the towel back down on the counter, opening my eyes to our reflections staring back at me.
meeting his eyes in the mirror, my hands come down to rub soothingly along his arms. his grip relaxes, loosening around me for a moment before spinning me in his arms.
the small of my back hits against the counter, his hands smacking onto it on either side of me, caging me in.
“whatcha doing?” i giggle. my own hands find his chest, smoothing up to lock around the back of his neck.
“looking at my gorgeous future wife.” his response makes me hum, his face lowering towards mine before he speaks again, this time lower, “thinking about how much i wanna fuck her right here in front of this mirror. how sexy she would look; watching as i make her come on my cock.”
his words ignite a pulse between my legs, my breathing picking up just slightly.
“oh yeah?” i bite my lip, angling my hips to press against his.
“mhm.” he hums, bending down just a bit more so his lips brush against mine, and my heart skips a beat in excitement. “but, that’ll have to happen another time.”
my mood deflates as he steps away, backing away towards the doorway to our bedroom.
“oh.” my shoulders sag, my lips flattening into a straight line, and i watch him stop at the doorway.
“well, c’mon.” he urges, crooking his finger at me. “i have plans for you.”
the corner of his mouth quirks up in a smirk and i bite back a giddy smile as i follow him into our bedroom. his hands reach out to pull at my hips, his fingers digging into my skin through the thin fabric of his shirt, and he doesn’t stop until i’m flush against him.
“i had an idea-”
“oh that’s never good.” he rolls his eyes at my interruption, but a smile still tugs at his lips.
“shh, i think you’ll like it.”
his lips meet mine, our noses bumping in the movement, and my lips instinctively part, making way for his tongue to dart into my mouth and tangle with my own.
one hand sliding up to curl around and rest at the base of my neck, he groans when mine give a light tug to his locks. his hips jerk against mine, coaxing a hushed moan from deep within my throat and into his mouth.
he pulls away, looking into my eyes, his own darkened with lust, before he turns and walks away, leaving me breathless and needy.
“what-” i’m cut off with a hurried shush, my lips almost unconsciously falling shut.
“naked and on the bed.” his broken sentence echoes through my mind once, twice, three times before i register his command. making quick work as he walks out of the bedroom.
my fuzzy socks are easily slipped off my feet, panties dragged down my thighs, before finally, i pull the oversized t-shirt over my head, letting the various fabrics mingle together in a pile on the floor.
my movements are clumsy and hastened as i clamber onto the bed, sitting pretty on my knees atop the mattress.
Trevor returns with a cup in his hands, piquing my interest, but when i begin to rise in order to see over the top of the cup, i’m shut down by a single lifted eyebrow.
i heave out a sigh, falling back down to the mattress with a dejected pout.
“thought of a way to put your new fixation to use.” he hums, setting the cup on the nightstand, and it’s then that i spot what’s inside.
the cup is filled with ice, and nestled just inside, buried within the ice, is a single unwrapped peppermint candy cane.
“i’m confused.” i voice, brows furrowed.
“just sit down and close your eyes.”
i do as he says, shifting so my legs hang off the edge of the mattress, my ass now sitting on the blanket. closing my eyes, i lean back on my hands, full trust in the man that i’ll be vowing forever to in just a few short months.
time ticks idly by with nothing happening, and i’m almost beginning to wonder if Trevor has left me alone when i finally feel his hot breath hovering over my nipple.
shivers erupt through my body, goosebumps littering my flesh in their wake, and my head falls back as his lips close around the stiffened bud. his tongue swirls around it, eliciting a choked sound from my lips, and i can feel him smirk against my breast.
he pulls back, sucking my nipple with him between his lips before letting it go with a pop, and my hips involuntarily jerk on the bed at his retreat, a whimper echoing in the silence.
i’m rewarded with a gentle shush, simultaneously combined with an icy cold substance being dragged around my nipple. my back arches, breasts pushed forward as i gasp.
my eyes fly open, darting down to find the source of the chill and discovering my fiancé on his knees, the previously ice-bound candy cane in his grasp, leaving a cold sticky trail along my nipple.
“T-Trevor.” i stutter out. his eyes flick up to mine, a smirk resting on his lips as he pulls the candy cane away, replacing it with his open mouth.
i curse, my arms shaking behind me as my eyes roll back. his tongue explores every detail of the hard peak in his mouth, suckling as his free hand finds my other breast, roughly pinching the nipple, before trailing the cold candy cane around that one.
my hips grind against mattress with every flick of his tongue, and when he switches his heated mouth to the other breast, he moans against it, the vibrations against my nipple causing a full body jerk.
“Trevor, please.” i plead. for what? i’m unsure, but he seems to know; he pulls back, rolling my nipple between his lips before letting it go.
his hand comes to rest on my sternum, slowly pushing me until my back lays against the soft bedding. he swirls the candy around my breasts, stickiness coating my skin, before i can hear the clink of the candy cane being shoved back into the ice.
he rises, hovering over my body before dipping down, sucking at the sticky candy trails of his own doing.
my hips buck up against his, urging him to hold them against the mattress as he continues sucking across my chest. his lips drag along the sticky residue, his tongue darting out to lick across my nipple.
my breath catches in my throat as i can feel the early signs of my orgasm building in my stomach, but i’m left gasping for air as it fades away, Trevor’s mouth parting from my heated skin in order for him to pull the candy cane back from the ice cup.
my abdomen clenches as the candy cane makes contact, being dragged down down my stomach from my sternum. Trevor hovers above me with a mischievous smirk, taking pride in the way my body writhes underneath him.
when he finally puts the frozen candy away, his tongue drags down my body, his eyes locked into mine, glaring up at me with heated fervor.
as my body tenses under his tongue, a whimper draws from my slackened jaw, my fingers tangling into his hair and giving a harsh tug.
he groans against me, vibrations carrying over my tight muscles and sending chills down my spine, but his movement doesn’t falter; instead, he trails down even further, pressing short kisses to my hip bones and along my waistline.
“Trev-” my voice shakes, coming out in breathy quivers as he dips lower, his hot breath hitting against my dripping core.
“what do you want, baby?” his gentle pet name is an extreme contrast to the harsh tone of his voice.
“you,” i grapple with his shirt, tugging him up until his face is above mine, his nose drags up my jawline, my eyes fluttering closed, “god- i need you.”
“you’ve got me, baby.” i can practically hear his smile, the mocking lilt in his tone.
“inside me,” i clarify, my head falling back to dig deeper into the soft bedding as his soft lips attach to my neck. “i need you inside me.”
he pulls away, my eyes flying open at the sudden departure, “oh, you need my cock.”
his hands grip my hips, pulling me forward as he grinds against my core, a sharp inward gasp falling from my lips.
“you want this cock buried so deep inside that pretty pussy, don’t you?” Trevor hums, a mocking smirk resting on his lips when i whine out an agreement. “yeah, you want it so bad that you’re fucking dripping. so wet for me.”
“yes, yes,” i pant out, hips bucking up in search of his hardened bulge, “all for you.”
he snickers as he steps back, my lower body falling back against the mattress and a long complaining whine leaving me. i watch in ernest as his hands drop to the button of his jeans, undoing them and pushing them down his legs along with his boxers, putting his muscular thighs on full display. his erection springs free, nearly slapping against his clothed abdomen, and my thighs press together at the sight of his reddened tip, glistening with precum.
he grins at my reaction, his eyes zeroing in on my clenched thighs as he pulls his shirt over his head.
“open those thighs for me, pretty girl.” his hands smooth up my legs, prying them apart until they’re wide open, my cunt on display for his viewing.
“look at that pretty pussy,” my body jolts as his fingers do a quick swipe through my soaked folds, a broken moan pouring through my lips.
“please,” i mewl, “i need you you to fuck me.”
his hands wander my body, sliding up to cup my breasts as he stands between my open thighs.
“yeah?” he cocks his head, wrapping a hand around the base of his length. he drags it slowly through my folds, applying added pressure when he reaches my clit.
my back arches, my chest heaving as he slides his dick back down to my entrance.
“yes! please!” my cries bounce off the walls as he slides in, each inch slowly being swallowed by my walls.
he groans, head tipping back as he bottoms out inside of me. he stills, allowing me a moment to adjust, before pulling completely out and thrusting back in.
the position provides the perfect angle, the tip of his cock hitting against my g-spot with every thrust. my body wriggles underneath him, his hands making a home on my hips, gripping tightly enough that i’m sure bruises will form overnight.
“Trevor.” i breathe out, my hands coming up to lock around the back of his neck. i pull him down, lips connecting in a passionate exchange, and when he pulls away, i line kisses up his jaw.
each kiss is jilted by a sensual moan; finally reaching the shell of his ear, he thrusts in particularly hard, a high pitched gasp erupting from my lips that ghost his ear, and i can feel his cheek lift against mine in a cocky grin.
“you wanna come, don’t you, baby?” he speaks through strained vocal chords, his thrusts gaining momentum and his hips slapping against mine harshly.
“mhm.” i nod against him, my agreement hummed against his skin.
“yeah, i know you do.” he pulls his face away in order to stand up taller, pulling my hips off the mattress to provide a deeper angle. “dirty little slut wants to make a mess on my cock.”
my eyes roll back in my head, my hands gripping the sheets as he his cock slams against the soft spongey spot that makes my legs shake.
i can feel my orgasm building up once more, my abdomen tightening. his hand slides down to smack against my ass, the resounding sound enough to make him moan, before sliding around to press his thumb to my clit.
one hand flies up to grip his forearm shakily, my hips jerking to meet his, and the squelch of his cock sliding in and out of my cunt throws me deeper into the throes of my impending climax.
my head is fuzzy, tears pooling in my eyes, and my body aching with need for release. broken sobs begin to shake my body, his thumb rubbing deep circles against my swollen bud.
“so close,” i cry, “please don’t stop! please!”
“not gonna stop, baby.” he whispers, “you’ve been such a good girl. wish you could see yourself, all pretty and fucked out for me.”
my walls tighten around him, sweat beading at my hairline as i get closer and closer to release.
“cum for me, baby.” he demands. his cock twitches inside of me, thrusts growing sloppy with each passing second.
with one more circle of my puffy clit, my breath hitches, my body stiffening but my legs shaking as my toes curl.
he fucks into me, riding me through my orgasm until i begin to breathe heavy pants, my hips squirming in his touch.
his hips stutter, his movements growing desperate until he falters, stilling between my legs as his cum spurts out in ropes, coating my walls, “shit, fuck.”
he stays buried inside of me, standing in silence as we each catch up on forgotten breaths.
“i’m sticky.” i sigh, causing his eyes to open in order to look at the glistening candy cane residue on my upper body.
“would ya look at that,” he slides out of me, chuckling while bending down to scoop his arms under my back. he lifts me with an ease that i couldn’t imagine myself having after the activity we just partook in.
my breasts stick to his chest as he walks me to the bathroom lazily. grinning, he sets me down on the edge of the bathtub, my skin peeling away from his with a satisfying sound.
“how does a bath sound?”
“sounds like a lot of extra work after i already washed my face, you asshole.” i joke, kicking a foot at his bare thigh.
he let’s out a wheezy laugh as he turns on the hot bath water before turning back to me, his hands pushing sweaty locks of hair out of my face before gently cupping my cheeks.
“you’re so beautiful,” his words cause a rush of blood towards my cheeks, my hands coming up to rest on his forearms.
“shhh bath first. and then tell me how pretty i am,” he laughs once more, shaking his head.
“have i ever told you how conceited you are?” he hums, crinkling his nose as he lowers to press a kiss to my forehead.
“you love it.” i shrug, puckering my lips for a real kiss.
he squats lower, nose nudging against mine, “yeah, i do.”
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Hsjaksis this idea has been in my brain for so long but imagine demon heeseung who watches little church girl y/n ever since she turned of age, he's smitten,he wants her but also knows that her purity is too strong and he can only touch her body if she gives him permission,so he has to use deception. Pretend to be someone else to earn ur trust, making u suck on his fingers by telling u that it will earn u god's grace. Overall heavy on corruption if u catch my drift. He will slowly prepare you for himself cuz u r oh so sweet and innocent completely unaware of the pleasures of the human body
”A Test of Will.”
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WARNINGS: Unprotected sex, slight breeding kink, corruption, deception, demonic HS x Y/N. Stealing y/n's virginity, possessiveness, secret admiring, cursing, I think that's it.
I apologize it took me so long to post. I got super jet-lagged after our flight back home the other day. But without further ado, here is (sorry it's not proofread) the one shot, "A Test of Will." REQUESTED.
Begin Read:
For as long as you can remember, you loved and praised God, taught to submit into his will whenever he desired or called upon you. As a young girl, you wanted nothing more than to become a bride of Jesus and yearned to remain everlasting and pure. It was a life you loved and respected, being the daughter of a pastor and the wife of a devoted homemaker. From the moment you understood speech, and emotional love, it had always been ingrained in your head to please him and only him.
So, you did.
The first moment you realized the importance of your obedience to the Holy spirit was after you turned seven and your family coordinated your Baptism at the local church, one your family had been attending for years. Donning all white, looking as angelic as the Renaissance paintings, you gained holiness and rebirth as God's child, watching as everyone gathered around and sang praises and cheers. It was a joyous event that displayed your conformance to the standards of God's holy will. Among the chanting choir, one particular guest lurked from above, watching with intrigue. Despite being uninvited, he remained to observe the Holy ritual while being unheard and unseen.
He hovered high above, over the large grand fountain, and watched as the priest gently dipped your frail body in the water, allowing you to rise and take your first breath. Seeing how you smiled delicately, accepting your dedication to fulfilling God's will, creates a smirk in defiance to form gracefully on his dark lips. Now, this ritualistic occurrence was not unique to him, but he could care less, for the event wasn't the reason for his stay. It was you that he was interested in. Your innocence appealed to him, and the strength of your devotion, especially at such a young age, what an enchanting young girl you were. Perhaps he'll possess you and devour your soul while you sleep, letting you die while he tucks your spirit away for safe keeping.
Spreading his wings wide, they rested against the cathedral ceiling; the darkness of the spikes and bat-like features looked as if it smeared the face of the great mother Mary and baby Jesus, tainting their warm faces with the hue of black and blood red. His lithe frame is sharply adorned in an all-black suit with fingerless gloves, while his hair is stained royal purple. Gravity did not affect his demonic nature; no one would have been able to notice him even if he decided to become visible to the mortal eye. He took on a perfect stance of a straight stand, parallel to the roof of the ceiling, with arms carelessly crossed and a raised hand stroking his lips by the lead index. Chuckling, he becomes amused and admires your happiness in becoming one of them, another tribal animal that falls into the pretenses of spiritual love and devotion, neglecting the nature of your mortal existence and desire. That won't do for him, considering he can only devour your spirit when it is strong in faith.
Years have passed since then, and the hellish guest permanently remained in your life, unbeknownst to you. It was enjoyable for him to watch you grow, molding into a prideful young woman. He admired your dedication but grew infatuated by your stubbornness. You had no problems remaining vigilant in keeping your chastity, but it wasn't easy. As you came of age, you longed for a sense of touch and physical companionship. Most times, you continued to plow through life with your dedication strong and steady, yet some moments you questioned if you were doing enough, feeling complacent with your current path and therefore drifting in thought, wondering if there is more to life than just serving the Lord.
It had hit you hard upon graduating high school, you realized that your greatest wish was to do more, thus furthering your motivation to stay on the current course. Especially after observing your peers, watching them take part in dating, following the natural courses of love, marriage, and family life. You did everything you could to take your mind off it, from actively volunteering in holy community services to leading Bible study every day, but none of it gave you the strength you needed to stay engaged with your dedication to God. Unfortunately for you, he had sensed it and took great delight watching as you tried fighting off your instinctive desires as a mortal woman.
There were times when his invisibility was clicked on or off, depending on his mood, yet it didn't matter for each time that he was present, he remained undetected. Whether it was appearing as the air itself, or disguising as one of your friends, teachers, or even your parents, he gained interaction to hear how lovely your voice became with age. He had found you peculiar upon discovering you as a young girl, but seeing how you grew into the dedicated young woman you are today, he was obsessed. Who could have ever thought that demons could gain affection and desire for humans? It wasn't natural nor was it normal, but there is a first for everything, including him. The last straw was when he lay, relaxing himself on your bedspread, watching as you remained oblivious to his unobtrusive presence. Figuring you were going to conduct your normal routine in changing inside your closet space, he relaxes on your bedding, already knowing that your inclusive habit was due to your shyness in changing out in the open, despite being nestled in the privacy of your room…or so you thought.
It's true, that you have made a habit of changing in discrete areas such as your closet or your bathroom, but time has an effect on everyone, even God's most dutiful child. Sure, you were still fruitful and pure, but as you matured, you found it nearly silly
you weren't as shy as you were before. You were a fully, blossomed young woman who helped and loved her family and had prospects to attend the university of your choice in the oncoming months, all with the attending hopes of joining a nunnery and becoming a bride of his holiness.
His brow raises when he notices you undressing. Shifting his gaze, he looked confused for a moment as you broke out of your traditional habit, and stripped off your clothing delicately until you reached full nudeness. It takes a lot for him to become shaken, it's never happened before, but you accomplished a feat that many, including the demons of Hell, found impossible to achieve. There he lay, iris expanding and glowing red as he noted the suppleness of your soft skin, how you tenderly removed your skirt, blouse, and the undergarments that cradled your luscious breasts and the simple white lace that protected the heart of your core. It was at that moment for the first time since he discovered you, he realized that he was not just intrigued, but obsessed with having you. His infatuation develops into something deeper and stronger upon seeing your bare form, he had to keep you, shower you with his darkness, and hide your lightened heart away for only him to admire.
"Y/N, come here sweetheart, and meet the new priest who has graciously volunteered his services to our church."
You had just returned from your college orientation and noted an unfamiliar umbrella staged by the front door upon entry. Your steps were timid, but you approached the living room steadily, catching sight of your mother and father both speaking to a tall figure, with his back facing you. Your mother catches your entry and bids you to introduce yourself, and you had every means of doing so gracefully, until he turned around.
"Y/N, this is Father Ethan, he has come from far away and is blessing our church with his devotion and preaching of God." Your father added on, continuing your mother's praise of the rather young-looking man that stood before you. He had dark, shiny black hair, was lean, and had a handsome face; for a priest, he was unlike any holy servant you had ever seen before. He was Asian, though you couldn't pinpoint which national region his ethnic background came from, and didn't probe to ask as it would have been too rude. You smiled sweetly and finally gulped faith before emitting your first words in greeting him.
"It's…nice to meet you, Father Ethan. My name is Y/N…."
"Well hello, it's very nice to finally meet you, Y/n. Your parents were spending the last hour boasting about you."
Looking over to your parents, Father Ethan displays a sly smirk as he crosses his arms and swings his body before returning his gaze to your direction. Your parents nod with approval and gleam proudly. You couldn't be entirely sure but there was something strange about your meeting with Father Ethan; there was an unusual level of attraction that you felt towards, and from him.
The next day, you carried out your diligent duties in leading Bible study for the younger age group. Walking in, you immediately became aware of the stark emptiness inside; no one was around, yet the candles were lit. Making your way down the aisle, you looked around and peeked between the benches, only to find that the main hall was just as empty. You stood before the holy cross, admiring the small statues and chalices that decorate the platform where the priest conducted his prayer and Biblical lecture, when suddenly a deep voice emerges from behind you. "You're here for Bible study?"
Sharply turning, you set your eyes on Father Ethan. He stood straight and tall, wearing a casual black suit with a white undershirt, partially unbuttoned. "Oh, I'm sorry Father, I didn't know you were here."
"Pay no mind, and no need to apologize." he slyly smiles in response.
Surrendering a faint nod, you smiled sweetly before clearing your throat. "Are the children here?"
"Oh you mean the ones you're leading for the lecture? I'm afraid not, everyone had prior engagements set in stone and couldn't make it."
Stroking his chin, he flares his infamous smirk once more, locking his gaze and finding you heavenly and delectable.
"You know…y/n….your diligence and faith towards God is astonishing."
"It is?"
"Mmhmm…I wonder if there is anything you wouldn't do, all in the name of your love for him."
Your eyes slightly widen as you lean in, enhancing the value of your statement. "There isn't…I would do anything to show my loyalty and to become closer, I intend to be a bride of God."
"You want to be a nun?"
Nodding, you shifted your gaze to the side upon feeling his gaze examining you with intrigue.
"Interesting." Walking towards you, his hand reaches down and gently cups your cheek. Just as he expected, your skin was soft and supple, the strands of your hair grazing against his knuckle felt like silk threads, and you warmed his coldness in an instant. "Hm…pretty."
You were taken aback by his statement, as he displays a devious smile. "No-no…it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you…in fact, I'm here to help you to get closer…"
"Closer to God?" your eyes began to water, yet you couldn't help it, you became curious by his rather bold statement. Chuckling, he bites down on his lower lip and steps back. "You wanna see proof?… You wanna see a miracle…y/n?"
Nodding once more, you watch as he takes one of the empty chalices in his hand and flicks it. The chime of the brass echoes through the main hall and into the massive foyer. Presenting it to you, you gently cradle the cup in both hands and become stunned upon seeing that the chalice was filled with blood-red wine. "I-is….is this?…. How?" You snapped your gaze over to him, curious for an explanation as you were quite sure the chalice was empty a moment ago.
"Are…you an….are you an angel?… Father Ethan?"
"Something like that." tilting his head, he continues to flash his devilish smile before whispering once again, "Something….like that."
Looking down at the chalice, you smile softly. "Can I ask why you're here?"
Playfully rolling his eyes to the side, he shrugs his shoulders before emitting an answer. "Just here to help preach his desire."
"….What is his desire?"
"You really want to know?"
Snapping his hand forward, he snags your wrist and rapidly pulls you close, pressing you chest to chest. "First…." he softly lets out into your ear before he slowly licks the nook of your neck.
"Father! W-what…!"
"Shh….I said…everything is going to be alright…don't you trust me?….If you don't, I guess I can leave and you'll be forever marked in his eye as someone who went against his will…."
Gasping, you desperately voiced out your objection. "No! That's not true! I would do anything for him, even if it meant giving up my happiness. That's how much I love him."
"Huh…that right?" Rolling his tongue, he tilts his head and peers his gaze into yours. "You know what would make him happy?"
"….No…would you tell me?"
"Its easier if I showed you…come here."
Gripping your shoulders, he straightens your posture and squares you up with his frame. He leans in and places a soft and sensual kiss on your neck, stirring a vibrating sense to riddle deep inside your gut. Giving you the thrill of passion, he presses his parted lips against yours and harshly breathes out, coating your skin with the warmth of his exhale. Slowly, his tongue trails through his mouth, feeding its way through your lips and smears his saliva over your tongue and cheek. Your brows furrow in fear and worry, but slowly transitions into delight once you reminded yourself of how Father Ethan was bringing you closer to God, or so he says. No one could blame you, after all, seeing his talent with what he did to the chalice was proof enough that he was not an ordinary person. But what was he exactly?
Your thoughts were interrupted when his grip changes, holding your firmly by your waist while he buries his tongue deeper. As soon as you let out a gasping moan, he takes things a step further by smoothing his palms over every curve of your body. Hesitant, you try to push yourself away, yet his hold on you remained strong and he continues to shower you with the passion of his sinful touch. "Stay close to me, I promise I'll show you heaven."
"O-okay…." you faintly whispered, unable to make any sense of what was going on. You knew that what he was doing was a sin, something your parents had warned you to avoid. However, when he began feeding his hand under the hem of your dress, and smother your neck and chin with his dangerous kisses, you faltered at the sensation, keeping in mind that you were displaying your loyalty to God and his will.
"F-Father Ethan…I…I can't breathe…" you whimper as he forces your head to tilt back, allowing him a wider range to lick and nibble the skin on your throat. "It's okay, I'll fix that in a second." He mumbles.
Turning you around, he was abrupt and rough with his movements, he could tell that you didn't seem to mind, at least it didn't sound like it. Since he started to rub your inner thighs, your pitch sounded more pleasurable and less fearful. Either you were too trusting towards him, or you were melting at the feeling of being ravished by his hands and mouth.
Piercing your entry, you gasped in shock upon realizing that his hand had made its way under your panties, taking advantage of your partially exposed cavity. "Wait! Wh-what are you doing!?" you gasped out, placing your hands on his shoulders as he inserts his fingers, lifting you upwards in the process. "Dont worry…its all in his will, remember?" Father Ethan smirks as he burrows his face into your neck, groaning against your skin. "You wanna be closer to heaven, riiiiight?" Gripping a handfull of your hair, he forcefully tilts your head to the side and bites, "Ah! That hurts!" Resetting your position, he looks down at you under heavy lids, his smirk completley gone but the lust in his eye remains. "Tell you what, if you're good, I'll show you my wings."
You looked up, completely bewildered. "You have…wings?" He nods his head as he pets your hair, it was at that moment you were convinced he really was an angel. Sensing your instant will and obedience, he ignores in confirming the validity of your submission and instead, turns you around while ripping your dress in half. Shredding off your undergarments, you cover yourself as you stood fully nude with his frame pressing against you from behind. "Did you know that you've been lied to all your life?" kissing your back, he leaves a lengthy trail down your spine as he plasters his lips onto your skin.
"W-what do you mean?" You ask in all earnesty, trying to refrain from releasing your desperate moans of pleasure as you relish in the sensation of each kiss. With his lips pressed onto your lower back, he grips the back of your thighs before mumbling against you, giving a slight tickle. "God would never demand that his creations to be so ignorant as to dismiss their instinctive will to learn the life lessons of pleasure, pain, and happiness. It's what humans are meant to do in their short lifespan." Biting down, you felt the sting of his demeanor on the back of your shoulder. "I'm sure he appreciates the spiritual faith in his name, but what good is flesh and blood if not without the practice of tasting, feasting, and desiring the need to touch and be touched."
Counterattacking his resolve, you whimper your words, trying your best to maintain composure. "Flesh and blood is all but a facade, its our will that remains everlasting and true."
Chuckling, you feel his teeth against the back of your neck as he responds in amusement. "Hmph…that right? Well then princess, let's see if we can break that will of yours."
He wastes no time and begins to insert his lengthy shaft into your womanhood. Even though you hadn't given him consent, you weren't resisting to the act, so long as he kept his promise in bringing you closer to God, among other things. True, you wanted to be closer, you wanted to see Father Ethan's wings, and you wanted to enter heaven, but there was also the longing built up within you that desired for him to do more. The feeling of his thickness filling you became the most painful and pleasurable sensation you've ever felt; you nearly questioned how you could have gone so long without experiencing it, when a quick thrust on his part pinched you with sharp pain.
"Ugh….it-it hurts! F-Father Ethan…."
"Call me Heeseung baby." Be breathes out in a low groan.
Noting your perfect pronunciation, he showers you with praise as he continues to lick your neck. "Very good. You have a gift of tongues, don't you?"
Fully leaned forward, he coats your back with his chest, sealing his muscle as he stuffs his entire girth in between your wet folds. "Ready to see Heaven?"
You hesitated for a second, but nodded as your body shook vigorously from the immense pressure. "Alrighty then." he smirks, just as he starts his thrusts back up. "Wow…you're fucking perfect, aren't you?"
He starts slow, but picks up the pace as he continues to pump his lengthy cock in and out of your entry. The bulging tip harshly taps against a sweet spot that lays dormant inside of you, something you never knew existed until now. In and out, he steadily increases the pace, the sound of your skin wrapping his, squelching as he thrusts ferociously with the hidden intentions of staining your internal spirit with the darkness of Hell. He goes faster, your body jolts forward as he slams his cock deep inside each time, with his thighs slamming against your own and his groin popping against your derriere. Lost in the whirlpool of erotic pleasure, your moans were interrupted as you felt his fingers crawling up, around your neck, and onto you chin. Tapping his finger against your lips, he lets out an indiscriminate tone and smirks out another one of his chuckles. "Open." Bidding to his demand, you part your lips and watch as he slips his index in and rubs the inside of your cheek. "Good girl…"
Just as you started to question his claims, his voice punctures your thoughts when he asks you, "Can you see them?"
Never losing his momentum, he continues to pump his cock, disrupting the tightness and elasticity of your feminine virtue, jerking your body back and forth from his performance. Confused by his formulation, you were about to bid him to elaborate when suddenly you saw the glowing of spheres surrounding your bodies. Thrusting, your body motions forward and back as he pulls you by the hips, making it nearly impossible for you to admire the majestic beauty of what appeared to be stars, encircling you.
"I told you, didn't I?…I'd show you heaven…"
Seeing the evidence of what you could only surmise as divine intervention, you submit fully by extending your arms overhead and plastering your forearms against the wall, spreading your legs even more and allowing him unbarricaded access. Arching your back, you perk your rear cheeks upward, wanting to see and feel more.
"Yeah? Bet you wanna see more, don't you?" he scoffs in between his growls. Nodding, you bend and submit every inch of your will and begged him to do more. "Huh….if only everyone you know could see you right now….what would dear mommy and daddy think if they were to see their precious daughter getting fucked…hmm?" Following his words, he speeds up his thrusts as he firmly grips the center of your throat. "Keep yourself steady baby….you feel so fucking tight like this."
Following his instructions, you keep yourself arched as you feel his thrusts going in deeper and harder. His fingers rubbing the side of your neck as he holds you down, pinning you against the wall while he takes advantage in fully penetrating you. The more he did, the more you saw. Soon the entire hall was filled with the glowing spheres; you watched as they fluttered around and looked too beautiful to be real. They had to be angels; small and delicate cherubs that were enhancing the legitimacy of his claims.
In between your pleading moans, you faintly smile as you felt wholesome in seeing what others could not, all due to giving yourself up to this man. Letting him continue, he delightfully takes you in and punctures your entry for hours, painting your skin blue, purple, and red by his licks and nibbles. He kept going and going, your body became numb and the pleasure wore off, the only thing you could feel at this point was prickling pain and sting, yet each time he sensed your weakened state, he taunted you with his words, teasing as he scoffs them out. "Are you giving up on me? Should I stop?"
You shook your head every single time, maintaining your stance so that you could continue to be closer to your faith, to which he would respond with a chuckle, and a dark decree. "Gonna fucking break you to pieces, girl."
You barely had enough time to process his word's let alone respond, all due to his last and final effort in increasing his speed. "Oh fuck you feel so good…going to make me cum."
With tears staining your cheeks, you shook your head as you helplessely leaned your head against the wall's surface, already having done too much to suddenly stop now, not that he would ever let you. Punching your internal gut, he goes faster, deeper, and harder. Your breasts bounce fiercly as your hair flies forward, your skin tainted red as he drags his nails and digs them in. Reaching your breaking point, a sharp, stabbing sensation pierces your clit as overstimulation takes effect from the constant throbbing of his cock. "Please! No more! I-I cant!"
Your scream was all he needed to hear before he releases, fully submerging his cock deep as he groans into your ear. "My little slut...you feel me turning us into parents?" Filling you, your walls become stained by the creaminess of his seed, the warmth of it all eases you inside and out. When he was finally done, he slowly exits, releasing his grip and letting you drop to the floor. You whimper as you lay weakened, your womanhood destroyed and beaten, and all he did was stand feircly tall as he smiled deviously. Grabbing hold of his cock, he slowly strokes it as he watches you faintly struggle up. "How pretty…I'm going to have fun keeping you all to myself."
Looking up, you tearfully watch as his blackened hair turns purple, his eyes glowed dangerously red, and his lips darken. The white spheres around suddenly turned black, formulating into wild shapes of various demons with jagged teeth and elongated tongues that practically reached the floor. Beyond frightened, you gasped out a series of whimpers as you used your arms to back away, only to meet with the wall behind.
"What?…Scared?" he chuckles, taking his steps closer to you. "Didn't I promise to show you my wings? My pretty...pretty....pretty wife..."
Furrowing your brows, you looked at him mercifully when he abruptly stretches his neck. From left to right, a series of cracks could be heard as he hovers his chin over each shoulder, his lids remained partially shut, revealing the rolling of his eyes towards the back of his head; with a subtle groan, he releases his bat-like wings as they extend high and wide. Covering your mouth, you gasp in horror as you begin to sob hysterically. What have you done? Who was he and just what did you allow him to do to you? The entire afternoon spent with him taking away your purity.
"Y-you're….you're not an angel…." you muttered out, watching as he reopens his eyes and tilts his head. Gazing at you with a smirk that pitied your oblivious state of mind, his eyes drift and takes in the miraculous sight of you from head to toe. He loved how broken and helpless you looked, trapped against the wall as you attempt to cover your breasts and bring your closed legs in. With a pleading tone, you asked with sweet innocence in your voice as your eyes pushed out fresh tears. "A-are you….the Devil?"
Smirking, he takes in a final step and kneels down before you, leaning in for a kiss. Holding your head steady by a fistful of hair, he gently pulls your head back, and whispers before sealing your fate eternally, having special plans in store for when he brings you back home with him, leaving you unfound and forever a mystery in the world you were born into.
With a deep tone, his lips brush against your own as he responds…
"Something like that…"
Taglist: aiden2001 , heeseung-min , lathan1510 , rayofsunshineeee
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pininghermit · 1 year
Alucard as a Dad
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Request: I really liked the pregnancy fiction, can you do one for Alucard as a dad?
Summary: He knows her, knows her even more intimately than himself. A sigh of relief escapes him, and a genuine smile graces his face, erasing any lingering hesitance from his tumultuous past.
AN: I tried ;) (Dividers by @chachachannah- thanks!)
Please read this before continuing-Part 1 (It makes sense I swear)
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With quivering hands and a resolute expression, Adrian cradles your daughter for the first time. A quick glance in your direction unsures he's handling everything correctly.
Yet, the moment her delicate weight settles in his arms, an understanding dawns upon him. He knows her, knows her even more intimately than himself. A sigh of relief escapes him, and a genuine smile graces his face, erasing any lingering hesitance from his tumultuous past.
The unadulterated happiness that courses through him sweeps away all uncertainties. "Narya," he addresses her by name, and your daughter meets his gaze, her tiny lips curving into a response that mirrors his smile.
She carries his resemblance remarkably, with scattered tufts of golden hair and shimmering, golden eyes. Yet, her toothless grin belongs entirely to you. The slight dimple on her chin is a charming legacy from her mother.
The first time you bring Narya to Castle Dracula, the three of you embark on a memorable project. You collectively paint your footprints on a massive sheet of paper, an endeavor that involves both you and Adrian fluttering around a squirming Narya to capture her tiny foot imprints.
In no time, he compensates for every missed moment during your pregnancy. Tired arms from holding the baby? Alucard steps in. Need a restroom break? No problem, Alucard is already at Narya's side. Late-night bouts of pacifying your daughter's cries? Adrian is there, soothing her before you even stir from your sleep.
From tending to a slight fever to ensuring a delayed burp, Adrian, despite being her father, becomes the quintessential mother hen to your daughter.
You willingly grant Adrian the time to bond with his daughter, to acquaint himself with her unique essence. You, on the other hand, have known her existence from the very moment it dawned upon you.
Your baby, a blend of both dhampir and human, bears a predominantly human appearance, with the exception of her luminous eyes and slightly lower body temperature. Her growth mirrors the developmental stages you've observed in countless other children around you.
Yet, within the secret corners of your thoughts, you harbor a desire for her to inherit more from her father. You yearn for her to possess the gift of immortality, akin to Adrian. This longing stems from your wish to leave behind someone for Adrian when your own time inevitably wanes – a constant presence to anchor him in the world.
One late afternoon, as you gently pry open the door to your bedroom, a heartwarming scene greets you: your daughter slumbers serenely atop your husband's chest. Her tiny hands grasp his shirt, finding security in his embrace. Adrian's arms cradle her with tenderness, and what takes you aback is the genuine, tranquil smile adorning his face in his slumber. This smile, free from the habitual furrow of his brow or the weight of his recurring nightmares, fills your heart with a renewed sense of hope.
In that moment, you find yourself fervently praying for her immortality more fervently than ever before. It's not just a wish for her own well-being, but a yearning to ensure that Adrian's happiness.
Castle Dracula becomes livelier with your daughter's presence. Her giggles and Adrian's baby voice ring loud from whatever room father and daughter decide to grace.
And if you walk in on your daughter cuddling into a large wolf or clapping around a party of bats you join the party. Winking at the wolf as you jump into the cuddle pile.
There are days when Alucard holds your daughter and for hours talks to the pictures of her grandparents. Both Lisa and Dracula get to meet her.
Matilda, Ronnie, Bowie, and Pink are all dolls made by Alucard for your daughter. Each given a special feature and leaves your daughter a giggling mess. Be it Bowie's squeaking noise or Pink's flapping hands.
On nights when your daughter sleeps peacefully and the world lulls into silence. Adrian turns to you and lays bare his vulnerability. All the sorrow and gratitude is expressed in quiet whispers. Tears and reassurances hold you both together.
He does not easily forgive himself for his abandonment of you during your pregnancy and it shows up during lively family dinner, story times, or nap times. But you do not allow him to spiral. Holding him close you lean in and tickle your dhampir until his booming laughter fills the room.
Both uncle Trevor and Aunt Sypha undergo the regular mandatory Narya bragging session by Alucard either in person or through letters. It doesn't surprise you that your daughter take a liking to the Belmont sooner than anyone else. "She is just compensating for his lack of intellect," your husband ads trying not to scowl at Trevor. "Haven't you heard opposites attract? My daughter just finds you stupidity funny." Neither Trevor nor Narya turn back from their conspiring whispers to reply to your annoyed husband. He does get a sympathy shoulder pat from you.
Three years later, with Narya's fist wrapped around your finger you enter the healer's hut again. Only to find the news of Narya's sibling on the way.
And this time your pregnancy is spent in Castle Dracula, next to Alucard, who takes in every detail. He spends weeks waiting for the bump to show, and nights after that talking to it.
The child inside you definitely recognizes his voice, because any indication of Adrian's presence leads to a very active march in your belly.
Alucard does not shy away from indulging in your pregnancy cravings. Pickles with jam? That's his jam now. He will join you to chug pickle juice straight from the jar.
He is however, very much concerned about the morning sickness bouts. Entirety of Dracula's library is turned over to find a cure but the child inside of you is as stubborn as his father.
Both you and Alucard burst laughing the sight of Narya mimicking your pregnancy waddle.
When the labor starts you find yourself next to Alucard again. Your hand clutched in his and your breath coming heavy. You push for an hour before your sons enter the world. Surprising everyone.
You give birth to twins bearing your and Adrian's features. Narya becomes an elder sister.
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missmugiwara · 11 months
Got It Bad ♡ Part 3
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summary: fem!reader x Luffy // please read parts 1 and 2 first // Luffy wants more. Will you give him more? warning: 18+, NSFW, lil fluffy, lil smutty, suggestive nature Note: I needed something a bit sweeter this time (so not as smutty) and I needed the closure between reader and Luffy! So ends the GIB mini series! Thank you all so much for your love!
♡ You can read Part 1 and Part 2 here! ♡
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Letting out a content sigh, you tapped your finger repeatedly against the cup of warm tea caressed within your hands. You stared at the window while leaning against the wall, smiling lightly as you glanced at the moon and stars.
Things between you and Luffy had really started to ramp up ever since the great hosing. You had noticed that some more of these sexy little instances began to appear. There was a time you had accidentally called Luffy baby one day. A mere slip of the tongue. It caused you to be utterly mortified. Luffy laughed wildly at this nickname - brushing it off and saying it was more than okay. Saying you could call him that if you liked.
Because maybe he liked it too.
There were times during dinner where Luffy would lick his thumb and wipe it against your cheek if there were crumbs, promptly returning his thumb to his mouth to clean up while your crewmates all stared in shock. There where times during storms and the Sunny rocked hard against the sea. Luffy would somehow magically appear at your side, holding you intimately from falling. There were times where he popped up behind you if you were reading a book, resting his chin on your shoulder - inquiring as to what you were reading as he stared down at the mixture of words in your hands. There were even times where Luffy would do you favors, like get something in town from the store, and you would give him a peck on the cheek as a reward.
He really liked those the best.
Just like Luffy, you too could be simple. These little, precious things were enough to keep you going. He made you so damn happy, and it was ironic he didn't even know it. All of it was enough to quicken your heartbeat, set butterflies in flight deep in your stomach, and set fire to the areas of skin his hands laid upon. You wondered, in this innocence, if some of these things that only you two shared were innocent at all or something more.
You were happy to take things slow. Since Luffy was usually impatient, you actually appreciated how this… whatever-it-was-called was turning out. Just enjoying this newfound flirting game. Surprisingly, he was such a natural at it, and it warmed you up even more knowing it was in such a unique, Luffy-esque way. How badly you wanted to taste his lips, but alas - you didn't even tell him you loved him first. So what in the world were you waiting for? Wasn't this all enough to give you the strength to do so?
Being the lookout for the night, it seemed this would be the perfect time to think about how to advance this relationship with Luffy. Technically, nothing was ever made official, so were you two even an item? Knowing Luffy, either he didn't need the label to know - or you were both really bad at this sort of thing. As if on cue, said captain had snuck his way up to join you in the crows nest.
"Move over!" he commanded, but not in a bossy way, as he adorned a wide smile.
You blinked and stared at him in surprise. Heat rose to your cheeks before you grinned. You were wrapped in a blanket, and you outstretched your arm to allow Luffy to tumble in. Oh, snuggling was the best especially from such a sweet man like Luffy who used touch as his love language often. He leaned his head against yours, allowing the straw hat on his head to slightly shift crookedly when your head pressed against his. You two sat in silence for a long time - so long that it was actually concerning because Luffy was always so loud and energetic.
You took a sip of tea, then nuzzled your face into Luffy's neck. He let out a small giggle when you blew out a hot breath against his soft skin, causing him to snuggle closer. It seemed it was the perfect momentum to ease the silence because Luffy then started talking.
"I've been thinking a lot lately."
Most people would think Luffy didn't have thoughts, but you knew him well. On these rare occassions, it was usually for something important.
Another sip of tea, "Mm. About what, captain?"
"About you and me."
The cup of tea left your lips and hit the ground. You took a second to cough and clear your throat. Luffy instantly moved and leaned closed to you, a look of worry on his face as you choked. An inner giddiness swelled up in the pit of your stomach at his straightforward and unanticipated murmur, and you waved him off as your coughing subsided.
"O-Oh, yeah? Anything good?"
Oh, that was stupid. What the hell kind of answer was that? So much for being smooth.
Luffy turned to you and his voice lowered for a second, "Lots of good."
Lots of good, huh? You could easily admit lots of good stuff ran through your head too. Lots of vivid daydreams about the captain involving lots of kissing, lots of touching, lots of heated moments. It was obvious that you were both in a state of fluster. Your face went hot. Luffy was blushing brightly and maintaining probably the most perfect eye contact in the entire world. Despite his blush, he would never be embarrassed by such a thing. Your eyes darted down to his lips.
Luffy went on, "I think about you and me doing all sorts of things. Things that would be fun."
The room was really starting to get hot as Luffy turned to you, and his breath fanned over your face. He was so close, and yet you never grasped that until now. You didn't even realize your arms were wrapped around his left arm as your head leaned on his shoulder in this blissful moment. When did you move to touch him? It was so natural now that you didn't pay attention anymore. The way you were positioned, with him looking down at you and you up at him, just close enough to feel each other's breaths on your faces - you swore the captain could kiss you right then and there. It was as if your heartbeat was just saying kiss him, kiss him, kiss him with each pulse.
"Tell me about them." you whispered.
You wanted to savor this moment so badly. You reached a finger to trace lightly over the scar on his chest. It sent a shiver through the rubber pirate when he slapped his hand over yours before guiding it up to cup his face. With his other free hand, he slapped it against the wall next to you and moved his face a bit closer to yours. He stared at your lips, slightly apart. You froze at the contact - although he moved intimately like this before, it still made you forget how to act.
It was hard focusing on what Luffy said at times. How amazing it was to love someone and want to give them your attention. Yet they reduced your attention span all at once just because you were distracted simply by looking at them. Like magic. To want to hear his voice, but just stare at lips. Watch them move. Watch them and wonder when could you reach out to touch them.
You caressed the side of Luffy's face and leaned in for a second. You gave his cheek a quick kiss. Neither of you thought it strange - even though you never confirmed a relationship, never kissed on the mouth, or anything. But to hell with stupid norms. You and Luffy could do whatever you pleased whenever you pleased. That was rule number one, and you both knew it. Luffy loved receiving kisses, and recently especially on the neck. It was ticklish, and it was playful just like him. So you planted a kiss to his neck next. After all, he was the one who started that during the great caking.
"Because I-"
He started laughing softly when you kissed him again.
Another kiss.
"Think of a million ways I could have fun with you!"
You leaned in for a final kiss on the neck, but as usual Luffy was in control. He playfully grabbed your jaw between his soft yet calloused hand, giving a gentle squeeze as he puffed out your lips.
"You want me to tell you?"
A simple yes was not going to cut it here. You took a pause to really think about your answer. Of course a yes could suffice, but your overall relationship with Luffy went too far back. Memories flooded your brain - from the moment you first met him. When he saved your butt and asked you to join his crew. So many things. So many moments where there were things you wanted to say but did not.
"Yeshh." you mumbled as your jaw was squished, "I alwaysh want you to tell me what'sh on your mind!"
A cheeky grin spread itself across Luffy's lips. "I can't!"
If he wasn't holding your face, you would have been smiling. If you would have been smiling, it would have melted into a frown right then and there. He could be so confusing sometimes. Taking note of this confusion, Luffy released your face.
"Why can't you?"
"Remember when you said you'd do whatever I want?"
Breath hitched in your chest. The expression you gave was enough to answer Luffy's question as he continued on.
"Well, there's something I want first. I want you to tell me what's on your mind. Tell me one of those fun things you think about!"
You realized in telling Luffy to speak his mind, that you had to do the same in return. He deserved it. You swallowed the tightness gathering in your throat and faced your captain with the most determined look he had ever seen in your eyes.
"Hold on! I… need to tell you something first! This is really important!"
Luffy blinked at you, raising his eyebrows in understanding. He could sense this was big - and Luffy knew better than to interrupt when his crewmates wanted to say something with such determination in their eyes. He nodded his head to you to continue.
"I'm in love with you!"
Luffy's mouth opened slightly, but you kept going before he could speak.
"Yes! I love you. Every part of you and your being! I have loved you since the day I first laid eyes on you, and I've always wanted to tell you!"
There was a silence. Luffy stared at you intensely. His face was stoic, but after a minute he then furrowed his brows. There were so many emotions on his face: comprehension, focus, comfort, softness. What could he possibly be thinking in this moment?
Luffy was still staring at you, this time with his mouth open and eyebrows raised high. His face was turning red, no doubt. The most vulnerable thing you could say to him, and it now ending up with a speechless Luffy. It was almost making you nervous because he always had something to say. You so badly wanted to lean in and kiss him, but you were more concerned with hearing what he had to say first as there was no inclination as to how this was going.
Luffy leaned in close to your face, slapping his hands on the ground
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about!"
That was definitely not what you were expecting. Well, you weren't really sure what to expect after throwing that at the rubber pirate.
You paused, "Wha… what do you mean?"
"All of these things we've been doing together!" he furrowed his brows at you, "I don't want to do with them with anybody else!" he gripped your arms tightly, accidentally shaking your body back and forth a bit from his raw strength. It seemed he was just as flustered.
"And I want more. More of you. But it's like - like…" Luffy grumbled for a second before moving on, "You know, like when you're eating a really good piece of meat, so you eat it and then the meat is gone! But then you want more! And then Sanji kicks you for it, and-"
"O-okay, okay! Slow down there!"
Luffy's gaze snapped to meet yours, and he stopped. Everything was great up until the meat analogy (which honestly, you weren't sure where he was going with that). His face was red because his brain was probably overheating. It was kind of cute. His grip squeezed at your arms. He was strong, dammit. Hopefully he'd remember to be gentler. You furrowed your brows and licked your lips, trying to comprehend this special brand of Luffy language. But you knew him better than anyone because you were together all the time, and Luffy worked best when he went straight to the point with his emotions.
"I know what you're saying." you shuffled, making the blanket fall from your shoulders, "Because I really want more of you too. I really do! But, um…"
Luffy was nodding his head furiously in agreement.
"Um, well, what I want… is more intimate stuff, you know? Like… more than kissing on the neck. And, um, your body-"
The light bulb went off in Luffy's head. He patted his closed fist into the palm of his other hand, "Oh!"
What was happening? And for goodness sake, he still never really responded to your confession of love. What could be going on in his head right now? "Because that's what couples do when they're in love! And we're in love!"
You froze. Although unconventional, he basically just affirmed your affection towards him. And reciprocated them. He considered you a couple. He said he's in love. So he heard you. So he processed you. Still uncoventional, but it was so perfect in every way and in the most Luffy of ways too.
"Yes… yes! We are in love!"
You let out a scream of excitement, jumping up from the spot where you sat. You could hear Luffy laughing, him shushing you as the rest of the crew was asleep. You held your fists high into the air, grinning wildly. You felt your heart quicken from the adrenaline rush and a fuzzy feeling deep in your stomach. But you were quickly brought out of your high when the captain grabbed the hem of your shorts. Catching you off guard, you looked down at him.
"So what do we do now?" he asked.
There was a slight pause. Did he really ask because he didn't know what the next step was? Or did he ask it to goad you into kissing him? You weren't sure if it was genuine curiosity or lack of relationship experience, but it didn't matter here. Only Luffy mattered.
"Anything we want." you whispered, to which Luffy smiled.
Luffy looked at your lips, then at your eyes. It was like he knew how badly you wanted to taste him.
"Then what are you waiting for?"
You didn't have time to think because Luffy smashed his lips to yours after grabbing the back of your head. Yup, should have known better - he was impatient, and he was instinctual. He was all bark and bite. The kiss caught you off guard and wasn't as rough as you had expected. It was simple, and because of that it was just perfect. That first kiss that's just a little shy but felt so damn good. Just taking the time to process how Luffy's lips felt - soft, rubbery - and how he tasted - like salted meat - washed a warmth over you that you never knew existed.
A dizziness took over your brain. Luffy was the captain, and also just based on his personality, you instantly knew in that kiss that he would be the one leading here. Your guess was correct as you could feel his mouth move against yours. You must have gasped by surprise as you were not expecting this side of the captain (then again, you two did many things together before). That noise you made caused him to give you a playful growl as he slammed you up against the wall. Fire spread throughout your body starting from your cheeks and shooting all the way down to your toes. You threw your arms around his neck, pulling him closer until just like the tease that he was - he pulled away.
Luffy and you stared at each other, breathless. You had never seen him blush so much before. You opened your mouth to say something, but no words came. Luffy took one good look at your face and just gave an innocent laugh. You knew you must have looked like an idiot because he was somehow more composed at the moment. But your captain was such a tease to you. He leaned in close.
"This is fun!"
He smiled as he reached out to touch your cheek, brushing a strand of hair away. Perfection. This gentle move was enough to make your knees buckle. Oh god, his eyes when he looked at you. Oh god, his smile. Oh god, his everything. He was too cute. Too amazing. Too irresistible.
So you grabbed either side of his unbuttoned shirt, and smashed your lips to his. It caught him off guard because you, in fact, knocked him over. Yes, you knocked Luffy to his back - an amazing feat in itself.
You giggled against his mouth, "Sorry!"
But you could feel Luffy grin against your lips in turn as you bombarded him with kisses, this time moving your mouth feverishly against his own between hums of pleasure and sighs of content. You were thinking how much you really liked hearing the smacking, sucking noises when your lips met.
Luffy groaned against your lips as you gripped his shirt harder in your fists, trying to pull him even closer if possible. You straddled his waist between your legs - to which the captain definitely took notice. Not wanting you to have all the fun, Luffy grabbed your waist and pulled it up against his - giving you a bit of friction as his lower, rubber body rubbed against yours. You let out a small moan, and Luffy smirked into your mouth again, letting out a small grunt of his own. You bit his bottom lip as he smirked, running his tongue across your mouth.
You could instantly tell Luffy liked to be the dominant one here, and you were happy to oblige as he flipped you over onto your back with such ease. He was so strong, and it was a turn on for him to just toss you around like nothing. Luffy's hands roamed under your shirt, his mouth running over your neck and anywhere else on your body especially when he pulled your shirt up. Your hands trembled as they grabbed onto his clothed shoulders. When Luffy moved his head back up to lock lidded gazes with you, he grinned. You were about to connect lips in another kiss again, but-
The door flung open to the crow's nest.
And of course, while being in the most compromising of positions, you two see none other than Sanji with Usopp and Zoro.
"What happened!? I thought I heard my… darling… yell…"
Sanji looked at you two on the floor while trailing off.
Luffy on top of you, arms either side of your head, your legs wide open with the captain between them. Shirt rolled up to decently expose the small bites on your chest and torso. You and Luffy a panting mess of disheveled clothes and hair.
A really lonnnnng pause must have passed because after a few seconds, Sanji's cigarette dropped from his mouth as he stared at the scene before him.
This wasn't happening, was it?
As if on cue, Sanji roared at the top of his lungs, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY BELOVED!?"
Clearly, Zoro was cackling and eating up this moment of Sanji's heart breaking in two. Usopp sighed as he couldn't believe he let Sanji get him out of bed… for this. As if anyone wanted to see you and the captain making out after days of sexual tension building up.
"Your beloved!?" Luffy screamed, hopping up, "My beloved! I love her!"
Cue Sanji freezing and jaw dropping to the floor. Was Zoro even able to breathe between his bursts of laughter? He was wheezing by now. Usopp stifled a snicker himself.
You couldn't help but jump up off the ground, trying to hush Luffy and Sanji - who were now in a puff of cartoon smoke, arms and legs flailing everywhere. They were seriously trying to hurt each another. Insults and cussing covered up your protests. It was all in vain.
Zoro finally got out of his laughing fit to place a hand on your shoulder, "Finally we can stop watching you two make googly eyes at each other."
You twitched at the way Zoro's hand squeezed you, and a heat ran over your cheeks. Were you that obvious after all this time?
"Let's get a drink to celebrate. Nice work with Luffy there."
You tried your hardest to stop Zoro, saying you needed to stop the fight, but he was already dragging you away. You were left muttering and stuttering about Luffy and how you needed to get him, how your shift wasn't over yet - but he really did not care. Usopp sighed and rubbed the back of his head as he followed you two out, eager to get back to sleep.
Did Zoro really want a drink to celebrate your relationship with Luffy, or did he want to toast to Sanji's misery?
Either way, much like everything else that had happened, this entire night was unexpected.
You grumbled in defeat and crossed your arms. There was no way you were done having your way with Luffy. But on the bright side, knowing him, there would always be more to come.
Because after all, he was such a tease, and he knew what he was doing to you.
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ellieswrldd · 1 year
crazy in love
(pt. 2 to drunk in love)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: after a hot quickie with ellie at a nightclub, the two of you find yourselves extremely into one another. so when she asks to take you out on a date, you agree.
content warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, photography during sex (ellie & reader take pictures during sex), fingering (r!receiving), oral (r!receiving), strap-on use (r!receiving), breast play (r!receiving), use of terms pretty girl, baby, and brat (once), ellie calls the strap her cock, very brief spanking, ellie is a bit of a space nerd!, not proofread. a/n: read part 1 if you haven't already! originally, drunk in love was supposed to be a smutty lil one shot but yall gave it sm love that i wanted to do a quick follow-up! tysm for 1k+ notes on the first part <33 (also, nobody is going to stop me from naming my fics after beyonce songs!! they're too good)
Since Dina’s bachelorette party, only one thing had been on your mind. Well, more like one person. Ellie Williams, the cheeky girl who defended you against a creepy guy at the club and then fucked you dumb in the women’s bathroom. After that night, you couldn’t help but blush every time you thought about her. 
You’d been texting with her nonstop, exchanging flirty messages every day. She was dying to take you on a proper date, something unique and romantic, as she described it. And finally, you agreed. 
Tonight, Ellie was picking you up for your date. She was being awfully shady, refusing to share details about what she had planned for the night. 
You sat in your room, touching up your makeup and fidgeting nervously as you waited for Ellie to arrive. Earlier, you had spent an embarrassing amount of time on the phone with Dina, struggling to pick out something to wear. Thankfully, you managed to put something nice together– this time your outfit was a bit less revealing and much more comfortable than what you had worn to the club where you met Ellie. Soon enough, your phone buzzed with a notification of a text from Ellie. 
E: I’m outside, pretty girl. 
Pretty girl. The nickname she’d adorned you with the night that you’d met. It seemed to stick because when you exchanged numbers, Ellie set your contact name as the pet name. Her texts made your stomach leap– every time you saw her name on your home screen, a little smile crept onto your face. 
R: i’ll be out in a second ❤️
Ellie stared at your text while she waited for you in her car. Letting out a flustered sigh, she shut off her phone and tucked it in her pocket. While she really didn’t want to show it, Ellie was nervous about the date. How could she not be? Everything about you made her heart race, even over text. She considered herself more than lucky to have fucked you, let alone in a public bathroom. 
She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, glancing at your front door every few seconds. Like you, Ellie had also spent a ridiculous amount of time getting ready. She stood in front of her closet for nearly an hour, groaning in frustration as she tossed her button-downs and graphic tees to the floor. Eventually, she settled on one of her nicer flannels and a pair of Dickies she had yet to wear. A shaky breath left Ellie’s lips as she watched you step past your front door, you looked just as stunning as the night she met you. You met Ellie with a broad smile as you slipped into the passenger seat of her beat-up truck. 
“Hey, Ellie,” You greeted her, your voice soft and low. You leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. “Missed you.” You murmured. 
“You’ve been texting me every day for the last week,” Ellie laughed as her cheeks grew warm. 
“You know what I meant…” You rolled your eyes playfully and slid the seatbelt around your body. “So, what do you have in store for me tonight?”
“Don’t you want it to be a surprise?” Ellie questioned as she put the truck in drive and moved onto the road. 
You let out an exaggerated sigh and reached out to turn the radio on. “If you insist!” You flipped through the stations until a familiar song quietly played through Ellie’s speakers. 
The drive wasn’t long, Ellie asked a few questions about your day, which you happily answered in detail. When she finally parked the car, you were outside a townhouse. The red brick and black accents of the building were softly illuminated by the tall street lamps standing on the sidewalk. “Ellie, is this your place?” You asked, slightly in awe at the vintage aesthetic of the architecture. She nodded, a small smile on her lips. “Is this what you had planned? Taking me to your house and having sex with me?” The words were full of sarcasm but you still wore a playful grin. 
Ellie rolled her eyes and undid her seatbelt. “‘Course not, well– maybe later– but, no. I have something else in mind.” She chuckled.  
You laughed and followed her as she unlocked the front door, your eyes immediately wandering to the houseplants she had on the front steps that led to the entrance. 
“C’mon, this way.” She instructed once you both had kicked off your shoes. Ellie directed you up the stairs, her hand intertwined with yours as you walked together. “Okay, close your eyes,” She placed a hand on your lower back. “No peaking! I’m serious, y/n.” You laughed at her tone and shut your eyes. Ellie opened the door to her bedroom and gently pushed you inside. “Open,” Ellie murmured, her lips gently brushing against your earlobe as she stood behind you.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly, carefully taking in the details of your surroundings. Ellie’s room was decorated with lit candles and a large blanket on the floor. She had a plate of snacks waiting on the blanket, accompanied by a bottle of an expensive-looking wine. 
“What is all of this?” You turned to face her. 
Ellie shrugged and stuffed her hands into her pockets. “Well, I wanted to take your stargazing,” She sat on the blanket and looked up at the skylight above her. “But, it’d be too cold outside for it to be enjoyable. Instead, I figured this would be good enough.” Ellie pat the spot on the blanket beside her, gesturing for you to sit with her. You lie next to her, looking up at the skylight. Your eyebrows raised slightly. 
“Wow,” You muttered as you took in the array of stars above you. 
“If you think that’s cool,” Ellie stood up and went to open her closet. She returned holding a white telescope that looked at least a few years old. Ellie placed it between you, positioning it to face the skylight. “Look at this.” She fidgeted with the telescope for a moment before beckoning for you to sit in front of it. 
You leaned forward and closed one eye, the view of the night sky filling your vision. Ellie sat behind you, one hand on your waist as she spoke quietly about the stars. 
“This is so pretty, Ellie.” You pulled away from the telescope to flash a smile at her. 
“Here,” She nudged the telescope slightly to the right and leaned in to talk into your ear. “See that yellowish dot?” You hummed for a moment until your gaze landed on the dot she was talking about. 
“Yeah, I see it.” You squinted through the telescope as you looked closer. 
“That would be Saturn,” Ellie squeezed your hip gently. “Usually, you can only see it during the late summer through the fall.” You pulled away from the telescope to look at Ellie. 
“You’re really into this, aren’t you? The whole space thing?” Ellie nodded and laughed softly. She shrugged off her flannel and revealed the assembly of tattoos that adorned her arms. You stared at her arms for a moment, your eyes stuck on the way her muscles rippled as she moved. You knew she was muscular based on the way she picked you up with ease in the bathroom of the club, but you hadn’t realized how toned she was. 
“I have a few space tattoos on my arms, actually.” She pointed to a detailed tattoo of the sun and moon on her shoulder. You traced your fingers across the dark ink gently. 
“You are such a nerd, Ellie.” You teased as your eyes flicked upwards to meet hers. She laughed and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you onto her lap. 
“Wouldn’t that make you a nerd by association?” Ellie grinned at you, lips only an inch or two from yours. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You replied in a smug tone as you rest your arms on her shoulders. 
“Oh, come here, you tease.” She pulled you in for a kiss, giggling softly against your lips. Ellie’s hands rested on your thighs as you kissed, her thumbs tracing small circles. 
Before the kiss could progress further, Ellie pulled away and kissed your cheek. “I bought some nice wine and snacks– are you hungry?” 
“Yeah, actually, I’m starving.” You laughed and climbed off her, settling back down on the blanket. As Ellie poured you a glass of wine, you looked around her room. Her wall was covered with posters of bands you’d never heard of, paintings, sketches, and photographs. Glancing at her nightstand, you saw a black and white Polaroid camera. “Are you into photography?” You asked as you stood up and grabbed the camera. 
“Oh, yeah. It’s just a hobby of mine, same thing with painting and drawing.” Ellie shrugged as she watched you inspect the camera. “C’mere, let me see it.” She stood and joined you, gently taking the camera from your hands. “Smile,” Ellie instructed while she raised the camera to her eye. 
“You’re going to take a picture of me?” You giggled. 
“Why not? I think you look beautiful.” Ellie lowered the camera a bit so you could see her eyes again. 
“Well, why don’t you take one of both of us? I think I’d like that better,” You said softly. Ellie bit her lip and nodded, gesturing for you to stand beside her. 
“Come close so you’re in the frame,” Ellie slid her free hand around your waist and turned the lens of the camera to face the two of you. “Ready?” You leaned in and gently placed your lips on her freckled cheek, pausing and waiting for the flash of the camera. Ellie smiled, her eyes closed and her cheeks pink as she took the photo. 
After a moment, the camera spit out a small photo of you and Ellie. She passed it to you, her eyes watching your reaction closely as you saw the Polaroid. 
“This is so cute, Ellie!” You exclaimed, glancing from her to the photo. 
“It’s ‘cause you’re so pretty.” She chuckled. “Maybe you should model for me sometime…” Ellie trailed off, her green eyes wandering to your lips. 
“I wouldn’t mind that,” You smirked and pulled away from her to go and sit on the blanket. As you took a long sip from your glass of wine, Ellie joined you and set the camera next to her. 
Time seemed to pass quickly, and conversation flowed easily between you two. Ellie was…perfect, she laughed at all of your jokes, shared her personal stories, and snuck in affectionate touches. You lay side by side, gazing up at the clear night sky through her skylight. You listened to her ramble quietly about space and astronomy, your eyes focused on Ellie’s face as she looked up at the stars.
It didn’t take long for Ellie to catch you staring at her, her cheeks flushing a reddish color. “What?” She giggled as her gaze traveled from your eyes to your mouth. 
“Nothing, just…watching you.” You sighed. Ellie propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at you. She lightly ran her thumb across your lower lip. 
“Was I boring you?” She uttered as you pursed your lips and kissed her thumb as it pressed against your mouth. 
“No, I love watching you geek out. It’s cute.” You flashed a cheeky grin before Ellie swiftly climbed on top of you. With a knee carefully wedged between your thighs, Ellie raised an eyebrow. 
She narrowed her eyes as she looked down at you. “Don’t you know staring is rude?” Ellie whispered, trailing her fingers from your lips down to the valley between your breasts. 
“Why don’t you do something about it then? Maybe you should teach me a lesson.” You breathed, your eyes dark with neediness as you stared at Ellie. She stared at you in silence for a moment, a small smile on her lips. 
“Okay, if you insist…” Ellie laughed softly and pulled her face away from you, her hips moving to straddle yours. She took your hands and pinned them above your head with her left hand. Biting her lip, Ellie reached past your head and grabbed the camera that was resting a short distance from your body. “Said you wouldn’t mind modeling for me, right?” She cooed as she positioned the camera in front of her eyes with her free hand. A quick white flash lit up the room as Ellie took a photo of you. She set the camera next to her leg and began to slowly tug your shirt up. 
Once your bra was revealed, Ellie inhaled sharply. You watched as her tongue darted out to wet her lips while her eyes studied your body hungrily. She lifted the shirt off your body and tossed it to the side. 
“Pretty.” She hummed, gently rubbing one of your nipples through your bra. Ellie was still holding your hands above your head, leaving you completely to her use. 
“Ellie…” A quiet whimper left your lips as Ellie slid a hand under your bra, toying with your hardened nipple.
“What am I going to do with you? Hm?” Ellie muttered and leaned in to kiss your neck. Her teeth grazed the soft skin as she left small love bites down your neck. She reached down to the center of your bra where a front clasp kept your breasts covered. Ellie’s brows bunched together as she fumbled with the tiny clasp. 
“Need some help?” You teased, a cocky grin on your face. She glared at you and bit her lip before her focus returned to the clasp. Ellie finally undid it, the bra falling from your chest. 
“I know how to take off a bra, you brat,” Ellie said, her voice husky despite the soft laugh she let out after the words left her. Pulling her hands away from you, she found the camera once again and pointed the lens toward your exposed tits. “Play with your tits,” She instructed, covering the blush on her cheeks with the camera. 
You didn’t hesitate to obey her instructions, using your now unrestricted hands to pinch your nipples while you looked up at the camera lens. 
“You’re a natural,” Ellie smirked, and she snapped a photo. You squirmed beneath her, desperate for some sort of friction or relief to the ache burning between your legs. You’d been thinking about this moment all night, wondering if sex between you two could get any better after your quickie in the club bathroom. 
“Please,” You whined, toying with your breasts as you pathetically bucked your hips up into Ellie’s. 
“God, you’re so needy.” She whispered. Ellie raised her hips and began unbuttoning your pants, then pulled them off in one swift motion. 
You spread your legs and revealed your panties to Ellie. You watched her reaction closely, smiling softly as you noticed her breathing grow heavy and her eyes dilate when she saw the wetness soaking through your panties. “Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.” 
Ellie laughed and shook her head. Without responding to your remark, she grabbed the camera and took a photo of you spreading your legs. “I’m not sure what I want to do to you yet…” She mumbled. Her slender fingers slowly brushed up and down your bare thighs while her eyes lazily trailed up and down your body. 
“Jus’ fuck me, Ellie.” She didn’t hesitate to tug your panties off your legs as soon as the words left your mouth. You moaned as she slipped a finger gently inside your cunt. 
“You’re going to regret being so demanding, pretty girl,” Ellie said as her dark green eyes returned to yours. Her slow pace soon turned quick as she added another finger and began curling her fingers inside you. You writhed uncontrollably beneath her when her digits brushed against an extra sensitive spot inside you. 
She didn’t wait for you to tell her that you were close to your orgasm– Ellie could tell by the way your walls were clenching around her fingers. In an almost teasing manner, Ellie lowered her head slowly and kept her eyes on you as she pressed her tongue against your clit. The sensation practically made you wail– the feeling of her tongue swirling around your needy bud while her fingers fucked into you persistently was more than enough to make you cum. 
You took Ellie’s camera with shaky hands and took a photo of her going down on you. You caught a glimpse of the Polaroid as it spit out of the camera and fell to the floor. Ellie looked just as perfect in the photo as she did in real life, her freckles standing out against her pale skin, her long, dark lashes fanning over her closed eyes while her tongue was pressed against your cunt. Even the messy strands of hair that fell in front of her face looked flawless. 
“I’m- Mmph!” Your breathy words were interrupted by your moans as your back arched and you came all over her tongue. Your breathing was heavy as Ellie removed her fingers from your slit and slowly licked your juices off her fingers. You closed your eyes as you felt Ellie pull away from you and heard her shuffling throughout the room. 
Ellie’s hand carefully pushed your legs open, and you sighed softly. A quick flash brought your attention back to her as your eyes opened and landed on Ellie’s sly grin. 
“Didn’t think I was done with you just yet, did you, pretty girl?” Ellie cooed as she ran her calloused hand up and down your stomach. Your skin was soft and smooth against her calloused fingers. Hesitantly, you looked down at Ellie’s hips where she was wearing a strap-on dildo over her black boxers. While you’d been coming down from your climax, Ellie had stripped down to her boxers and sports bra and slid on her strap. 
The strap was not the same one she’d fucked you with before– in fact, you were almost certain this one was bigger. It was black and seemingly thicker and longer than the last. You whimpered at the sight of the strap, causing Ellie to chuckle. 
“You asked me to fuck you,” Ellie said, her voice low and raspy as she slid the tip of the strap along your wet cunt. “So I’m going to fuck you and teach you a lesson.” You moaned as she slid the dildo against your clit with more pressure. A soft whine escaped you when Ellie pulled away and sat across from you. 
“What’re you doing?” You asked quietly as you sat up and looked at her. 
“If you want to be fucked so bad, why don’t you do it yourself?” She raised an eyebrow. God, she looked so cocky at that moment. It almost annoyed you that she enjoyed teasing you so much. You huffed in frustration and crawled over to her, settling down in her lap. 
Still grinning, Ellie leaned back against the floor. She looked up at you with one hand behind her head, the other loosely gripping your hip. You pouted and placed your hands on her toned stomach. Slowly, you raised your hips and pushed the strap into your dripping slit. 
Almost immediately, the room was filled with your moans and whines while the strap sunk deeper and deeper inside of you. Ellie shut her eyes and her grip on your hip tightened slightly, hushed curse words spilling from her lips. With one hand, Ellie snatched the camera and hurriedly took a Polaroid of you sinking onto the strap, your face contorted in pleasure. 
“So deep…” You panted. Ellie moved her hands up and down your hips, forcefully grinding your hips against her own every time you slid back down on the strap. 
“Taking it so well, fuck,” She groaned and bucked her hips upwards. You threw your head back and moaned loudly when she thrust into you. Ellie’s breathing was heavy, and her hands grasped at your hips so tightly you swore she was going to leave bruises. Her hand wandered, rubbing your lower stomach while she fucked into you. She pressed against your stomach with her hand, causing you to gasp loudly. “Shit, swear I can feel my cock inside of you like this,” She bit her lip and kept her hand on your lower stomach, the pressure making you clench tightly around the toy. 
“S’too much, Ellie!” You cried out and your movements slowed slightly. With her free hand, Ellie slapped your ass just hard enough to sting for a moment. You whimpered and resumed the pace you had been moving at. 
“Don’t stop now, pretty girl, you’re doing so good…” Ellie praised, the hand on your stomach moving down to circle your clit. “Do you need some help? Is that what it is?” She mumbled. 
You nodded quickly and slumped forward, nuzzling your face in her neck while you lazily moved your hips. Her hands ran along your back, tracing the bumps of your spine down until they reached the curve of your ass. She palmed at the flesh, squeezing the fat of your ass as she began to pull your hips up and down the thick strap. You moaned brutally as she slammed into you deeply, the tip of the strap kissing your cervix with each aggressive thrust. 
Ellie pressed you against her body tightly and muttered quiet curses. “I- I’m so close-” You whined. 
“I know, baby, I know,” She breathed with her lips pressed against your ear. You reached down and rubbed your clit while Ellie thrust inside of you. It didn’t take long for your body to begin spasming, long moans and cries of pleasure spilling from your lips. Your climax coursed through your body like a wave, a blinding rush of ecstasy blocking your senses for what seemed like hours as your body grew limp. Even after the initial climax, a more subtle buzz of satisfaction ebbed throughout you. 
“Oh my god,” You whispered. Ellie stroked your hair and laughed softly. 
“You did so good, pretty girl.” She sighed and turned her head. Her gaze landed on the camera before she glanced down at you. “Smile, baby.” Ellie reached out and turned the lens of the camera to face the two of you. She kissed the top of your head as she pressed the button and the camera froze the image of you smiling weakly in Ellie’s arms.  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ tags: @ximtiredx , @asteroidzzzn , @ellabsprincess as always, reblogs, replies, and likes are appreciated<33
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harrystylesslutt · 1 year
summary: just a little fluff inspired by this picture (just pretend the cream is soothing cream in the pic🥰)
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As you stand backstage after one of Harry's electrifying shows, the adrenaline is still coursing through your veins, and your heart is beating wildly.
Harry's shirt is off, revealing his toned and chiseled abs, glistening with a thin sheen of sweat from his energetic performance. You can't help but blush as you catch a glimpse of his mesmerizing tattoos that adorn his chest and arms. His smile lights up the room, and he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a warm hug.
"Hey there, love," he whispers in that raspy, velvety voice that sends shivers down your spine. "You did great out there!" you compliment him, your fingers gently brushing through his damp curls.
He chuckles softly and leans down to plant a sweet kiss on your forehead. "I couldn't have done it without you here, supporting me," he says, sincerity shining in his beautiful green eyes.
You reach for a towel, dabbing away some sweat from his forehead, and he sighs contentedly. "Feels good," he mumbles, leaning into your touch.
"I brought some soothing cream for your muscles," you say, pulling out a small jar from your bag. Harry raises an eyebrow playfully, "Well, aren't you just the best girlfriend ever?"
You giggle, unscrewing the lid, and scoop a generous amount of the cream onto your fingers. Gently, you start rubbing it onto his abs, massaging in slow, circular motions. The contact of your fingers against his warm skin makes you both giggle like teenagers, and you feel a sense of intimacy and closeness that is uniquely yours.
Harry's eyes never leave you as you work your magic, and he can't help but feel incredibly lucky to have you in his life. "Mm, that feels amazing, baby," he murmurs, his voice low and appreciative. His eyes never leave you as he exaggerates his pleasure by subtly groaning, low enough for you to hear, the sound being all too familiar makes you squeeze your thighs together.
You decide to ignore the ache between your legs and continue to massage the soothing cream, making sure every inch of his abs is covered, "How did I get so lucky to have you?" he wonders lowly, his eyes filled with affection.
"You're pretty amazing yourself," you reply, leaning in to peck his lips softly. The soft, tender moment between you two is filled with unspoken love and appreciation for each other.
As you finish applying the cream, you gently run your fingers along the outlines of his tattoos, tracing the intricate designs. Harry leans into your touch, savoring the closeness between you. "You make me feel so loved, YN," he admits, his voice sincere and filled with emotion.
"That's cause you are baby, you're loved by everyone," you say, looking into his eyes with a reassuring smile, reminding him of the impact he has on people which secretly gives him an ego boost but he'll never admit that out loud. "I'm just grateful to be a part of your life."
Harry pulls you into his arms once again, wrapping you in a warm embrace. "I love you," he whispers into your ear, his breath combined with his toned body pressing against you sending tingles down your spine.
"I love you too," you reply, burying your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his comforting scent. In that instant, the world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you, basking in the sweetness of your love, but that moment is shortlived when you feel his not so subtle erection rubbing against your tummy. You shake your head and laugh, harry's arms never leaving your waist and before he can murmur an apology about his hormones ruining the sweet and innocent moment, you grab his hand and walk backwards until you reach his dressing room, finally pulling him in for another kiss, one that does not share the innocence of your previous one.
And before you know it your back is against the now locked door, with harry's hands roaming and groping every part of your body. Next thing you know your hands are reaching his pants while you find yourself on your knees looking up at him innocently even though there was nothing sinless about what was going to go down next. While your eyes are still fixated on his dilated pupils you whisper seductively "Why don't you repeat those noises you were making back there a little louder yeah?" which was followed by a whimper from him, affirming to you his full submission to your touch.
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doumadono · 10 months
(Sinful Sunday)
Karaku with lactation Kink. Y/n has just recently given birth to his baby and complain about sore chest so Karaku offers to help her by sucking them. Obviously not in front of the baby who happily sleeping
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You and Karaku have embarked on a journey of exploration together — venturing into desires mutually shared and fantasies that each of you yearned to try before your paths converged fully. Now, you've discovered a comfort in exploring these facets with each other.
For Karaku, a particular desire lingered in his mind — he harbored a keen interest in tasting breast milk directly from the source. Despite the challenges you faced in conceiving, the two of you found pleasure in dry nursing. The sensations brought forth by his skillful mouth and tongue were almost orgasmic for you, and your moans, in turn, stirred a powerful response from him, making his cock hard within seconds. This intense connection often led to a swift conclusion of the nursing session, yet neither of you voiced any complaints.
Your deep care for him extended into various aspects of your time together, but the act of breastfeeding remained elusive. The moments you shared never seemed enough to satisfy the yearning for the regular, daily suckling that both of you craved.
Then, as if a miracle unfolded, you discovered you were pregnant with Karaku's child. As your pregnancy progressed, a tangible transformation occurred — your breasts grew rounder and more substantial. Karaku, captivated by this change, couldn't divert his gaze from the captivating sight before him.
Following the successful delivery of your child, a process marked by the intricacies of labor that relied solely on the benevolence of Karaku's counterparts, considering you resided with demons outside any human village, your recovery spanned several days.
Upon commencing the nursing of your newborn, a welcome revelation unfolded — luckily, you encountered no impediments with lactation. Your breasts swelled with milk, providing a nourishing source of sustenance for your unique offspring, a blend of demon and human heritage.
One evening, after Karaku gently placed the baby into a meticulously crafted wooden crib, a creation Sekido graciously assisted him in preparing for the child, he found you nestled on a futon, tears streaming down your face. Concern laced his voice as he inquired, "What's troubling you, my love?"
"My chest… I mean, my breasts, they're incredibly swollen, and it's painful," you expressed, revealing the physical discomfort you were grappling with.
In that moment, Karaku swiftly discerned a method to alleviate your discomfort while simultaneously satisfying his deep-seated desire for the nourishing milk. "I can suck them for you, if you don't mind?" he proposed.
Responding with a wry smile, you remarked, "Somehow I knew you'd suggest that; I'm not even surprised. Okay, let's give it a shot."
You gradually unveiled the nightgown that adorned your form — a thoughtful gift from Aizetsu — exposing your breasts to the gaze of your beloved.
Karaku observed them intently before delicately cupping them in his rough, clawed hands, applying a gentle squeeze that evolved into a soothing massage.
Your response was evident — a moan, a blend of pleasure tinged with a hint of pain, escaped your parted lips.
Karaku grinned, continuing his skillful manipulation, while leaning down to trace the tip of his tongue around your aureolas. Each area received the precise amount of attention, heightening the sensations coursing through you.
With your hands finding their way into his hair, you engaged in a gentle massage of his scalp, deepening the connection between you and Karaku.
Karaku shifted his focus to your left nipple, encircling the bud with his lips, creating a subtle suction while simultaneously applying a gentle squeeze to your breast. The sweet, fluid essence spilled over his tongue, eliciting a reaction from him as a low growl of anticipation escaped his lips, and a noticeable twitch in his hakama pants revealed the impact of the intimate encounter.
Karaku continued to suckle, varying the pressure and squeezes on your tender breast, immersing himself in the act as if he were an infant seeking nourishment. The audible pop that followed marked the release of your bud from his mouth. "Damn, baby, your milk is exquisite. Every part of you is delectable, from toe to head!" he exclaimed.
Amused, you giggled and playfully urged him to indulge in your other breast, a request he readily fulfilled. His lips enveloped the bud, initiating another round of sucking. Simultaneously, his hand ventured down into his hakama pants, and you bit your lower lip witnessing him palm his dick within the confines of his clothing. Occasional grunts punctuated the air, and he would intermittently nibble on your nipple, each bite gentle enough not to cause any discomfort.
"Just like that," you encouraged, your fingers gently stroking his nape. "Holy shit, it feels so good, Karaku…"
He persisted until no more milk flowed into his mouth. With a final, fervent suck, a groan escaped him, and with blush covering your cheeks, you observed the formation of a damp stain in the center of his pants — an unmistakable testament to his climax.
A moan escaped your lips as you drew him into a passionate kiss. "You've really eased my discomfort, my love," you whispered, gazing up at him with a grateful smile. "Thank you. My breasts feel so much better now."
Karaku grinned, gently pinning you down onto the futon. "Well then, let me continue having some more fun with you, my sexy mommy."
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An Ode to Tofu 
Tofu, glorious tofu. Splendorous, scrumptious, saliva-inducing tofu. It is the filler of my stomach, gracer of my tongue, love of my life. To spend a life without it is to not live at all.
It has a silken texture, so smooth on my tongue, like the finest satin on the body of the world's most beautiful woman. And its flavour! A baby deer's first steps, frail and wondrous and with just the slightest hint of eternity behind it.
Oh, to eat tofu. To gulp down its slippery flesh and taste its skin on my teeth. To caress its soy surface like a lover and sink my teeth into it in the throes of passion. To consume is to love, and by every deity I have ever sworn to, I love tofu.
When my lips first graced tau kwa, I thought I was in heaven. Dark as teak in braised sauce, juicy and firm and holy, it brought a tear to my eye. Fried, with its moist innards and salty, crispy exterior, I would have fallen to my knees for it. Even plain, in nothing but soup, it was majestic. 
Oh, but its dignity could not compare to tau pok's charm. Soaking up whatever it was offered, taking and taking and taking flavour from everything around it, greedy to the core. And yet, and it enters my gaping maw, it spills its guts in a waterfall of giving, filling me up with its juices.
More seductive still is tau kee. Pliant and gentle, like a virgin on her wedding day. It is silk bedsheets stained dark with lust, a noose of the finest rope. I could spend my entire life in its folds, and still yearn for more. 
And yet- There it is: Egg tofu. Love of my life, the one to whom I return to each and every time. The one who will welcome me despite my unfaithfulness. Golden brown on a hotplate, surrounded by lush salad, even with nothing to adorn it, I crave its taste. It will forever treasure me, and I it. We are two matching halves of the same whole.
That is not to say I do not love the classics, of course. Silken tofu, the renowned temptation it is, has carved out its claim to my heart with merciless delight. It is timeless, majestic in its old age, powerful and cruel in equal measure. Cladded in the red spice of mapo tofu, it holds more vitality than a thousand armies. Floating amidst miso soup, it brings out the true power of soy. It is the greatest of the tofus, and I will award it the reverence it deserves.
But then… then there is the new. The strange. The QQ tofu. Fishy and bouncy and vibrant, so different from its pureblood cousins. It's distinction is a peacock's feathers, flauntings its uniqueness in the sheer knowledge that it can out-tofu all others. I am brought to my knees before it, tasting that which neither regular tofu nor regular fishcakes could compare. 
And then there is the final mountain for me to climb: Stinky tofu. Shrouded in mystery, enveloped by its hostile scent. It awes me and frightens me in equal measure. The durian of tofus, proud and loud about its smell. The tales I have heard of it make it out to be the greatest of legends, and someday I shall feast upon it.
And when that day comes, my life will be complete. I will die happy, with the taste of tofu on my tongue. I will dream the long dream, full of fresh, plump tofu.
Tofu, glorious tofu.
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