#timeline: rebels
astranovus · 3 months
@hubrisdescent for Galen
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"I've taught you better than that. Try it again, and concentrate."
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candiedstardust · 5 months
Star Wars timelines have me in a tailspin lately.
Ezra and Hera were officially on their own at the same exact time. Yes, you read that right.
In 12BBY, Hera left her home behind on Ryloth to join the rebellion.
In 12BBY, Ezra’s parents are taken by the empire, leaving him to fend for himself.
Hera was 17, Ezra was 7.
Hera was only on her own until 11BBY when she met Kanan on Gorse. Ezra was on his own for seven years until he found the Ghost crew in 5BBY.
Common knowledge, but it still cuts me to my core sometimes really thinking about it.
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copalcetic · 3 months
I think sometimes people forget just how old Alexsandr Kallus is.
Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide, which came out during season one, refers to him as “late 30s.” Season one of Rebels is set 5 BBY; if Kallus is 36-39 then, that puts his birthdate at 41-44 BBY, and makes him about a decade older than Kanan.
The Republic fell in 19 BBY. Kallus would have been 22-25 years old. The Clone Wars started in 22 BBY. Kallus would have been 19-23 years old. Academy service starts at age 16. Unless Kallus was a very late bloomer, it is extremely likely his recruitment and training happened not under the Empire but under the Republic.
I know Wookieepedia says “Kallus attended the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, the main campus of the new regime's military training program,” but its source for that is the comic “Kallus’s Hunt,” and I have the comic right here and it never says that. Kallus talks a lot in the comic about what it means to serve the Empire and Imperial justice, but when he’s discussing his backstory with Jovan, it’s “We arrived on Coruscant and graduated from the main academy at the same time.” 
Not “the Royal Imperial Academy”; “the main academy.” We know from the High Republic books that there has been an academy on Coruscant since at least the High Republic era. There is no particular reason to believe from this comic that the academy was under Imperial control at the time Kallus attended it, and in fact his backstory with Jovan (they were friends at the academy, then had a philosophical difference later in life about what it meant to serve the Empire) makes a lot more sense if the “serving the Empire” part comes after their time at the academy together.
The other time Kallus references his academy days is in “Through Imperial Eyes,” when he asks Yularen if he remembers him “from the academy,” and Yularen says “Of course… I keep tabs on all my star pupils.” Again: “the academy.” Not “the Imperial Academy.” And we know from Clone Wars that Yularen’s career starts as a Republic Navy officer; why assume he was teaching Kallus under the Empire? Given how busy Yularen was in the early days of the Empire, it makes a lot more sense if his time teaching at the academy predates the Clone Wars. You know: back when Kallus was the right age to be at the academy.
Tl;dr: like Yularen and Tarkin, Kallus is probably a former Republic officer who stayed to become an Imperial officer after the change of regime. His intensely pro-Imperial feelings in early Rebels don't come from being indoctrinated from childhood; they come from having served under both the Republic and the Empire and concluding (or convincing himself) that the Empire is better. And I find that much more interesting as character backstory.
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somewillwin · 10 months
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Exhausted sleepy time after training ♥️
Act 2 wolfwren from the shin tano au ✌🏼😬
Sabine steals shin clothes cause they are soft hshshshhs and bigger. Even if shin is a noodle, she’s taller than Sabine
Read the shin tano au here
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bikananjarrus · 1 month
the fact that we don't know exactly when hera & kanan met zeb and sabine haunts me actually
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thefairestfacts · 1 year
Excuse me!?Nobody has ever done a proper Dappling's headcanons YET??
...let's get to busyness now,shall we?
Darling didn't tell Apple about the kiss right away.
Apple ALMOST figured it out on its own
Eventually, Darling finally told her, and she was like "Well at this point it was kind of obvious"
Usually, Apple is scared of "trying new things" but this time it feels more intriguing
Darling was 100% the kiss would upset Apple or else that she has ruined her Happily ever after, she kind of apologised to her. But Apple has changed her perception of happy ending.
Eventually, all of this is sudden for Apple, so Apple said that she didn't know if she liked Darling back (yet), but that she wanted to find out
They continued the feature of "A time of wonder" together, and have study dates
Then they wanted to expand the feature by analizing other stories and fairytales. They also do it by watching movies together (eheheh) and "analize" it
Their first outings were not in very romantic places, both wanted to be as chill as possible with eachother
Apple is always consulting her friends for love advice(Briar,Raven and Ashlynn are so done with her)and Darling taking "revenge" on Dexter because he was always consulting her for Raven.
Darling has been a special guest in Cupid's podcast multiple time. And any reference she makes to Apple White is purely coincidental.
(Darling doesn't know that, but Apple is taking love advice also by Cupid)
Darling loves carrying Apple in bridal style
Apple thinks Darling is perfect,like, phisically and morally and EVERYTHING. The perfect princess, she would say.
Darling loves Apple plump body ♡
"Look at that big æss ,look at that juicy bœty"😏 -Darling
Apple calls her "Darling" as a petname than remembers it's her actual name (it happens often)
Darling flirts with words and vey often, she actually treat Apple like a princess (even in pubblic lmao get a room)
"Ooh pfff stop iiit...actually don't" -Apple
The princess flirts more with gestures and "body language" (she did it before too, but she didn't even realize it)
matching hairclip because I say so
they don't have much in common, maybe two things or Three
They both love books, they pledge in the research of knowledge.
Same family trauma🤙
That's it lmao, but is not much of a problem
Apple is a mess, though she has all the self confidence in the whole world she worries about being nice enough and to have a pleasent presentation(hair,outfit ecc...)
Darling has grown through time, they're kiss gave her more confidence,but still, she's a mess too.
To most of people, Apple looks like a born out gifted queen or even a selfish person, to Darling she's strong minded but also someone she wants protecc because too innocent for this world </3
Apple once bought a bag of candies and marshmallows, as she picked up a marshmallow to eat it she saw that its colors were simular to Darling's palette. She now managed to call her like that.
Their first kiss was so natural, no pressure of destiny or anything else. Just pure love.
Both their family are not very happy about their relationship
First comes Snow White, she is obsessed with "carry on the lineage" and of course Darling and Apple can't have kids and Snow doesn't want to even hear about adoption
Second comes King Charming, he's not upset because they are gurls, "just" doesn't understand why not his son Daring
Darling and Apple eventually started dating even harder (and help eachother to fight back their parents)
Now Apple can't even look at Darling's face without placing kisses because "She has such a kissable face"
Darling fell first,but Apple fell harder♡
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ao3duun · 5 days
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I can't take it anymore myself, but it's so funny
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littleladymab · 1 year
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“And then what happened?”  Ezra holds out a hand, stretching it up towards the moons and the stars, remembering the feeling of being back on the bridge and the way he stretched to fill the space of every inch of the mile long monstrosity. “Then I dragged the star destroyer out of the fucking sky.” He clenches his hand into a fist tight enough that his nails dig crescents into his palm. 
with sparks of what i used to know | the scars that we're made of (series)
I can't believe I never showed off this art I commissioned from @smallpolar-bear (find their comm post here on twitter) actually, i got two pieces, but you gotta read the fic to find the other 😌
Please also check out the podfic that someone made of this fic!!
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isorottatime · 2 years
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shh let me have this
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fulcrum-art-fox · 11 months
Trying to map out the timeline of Sabine’s life and it’s very crowded. She’s crammed a lot into her, what, thirty years? You’ve got the imperial academy and the building of weapons, then the betrayal and the use of her weapons against her people, then destroying them and going on the run with Ketsu, with the two of them working on trying to be bounty hunters, and then being left for dead by Ketsu, and then finally picked up and adopted by Hera and Kanan. Apparently she’s sixteen in season one of Rebels. So, all that before she’s even hit sixteen? And that’s not even getting into the rebellion years and everything, reuniting with her family and all that with the darksaber and Mandalore’s rebellion, loosing Kanan and training with Ahsoka and the Purge of Mandalore and the end of the war and everything even before this quest to find Ezra? I’m still piecing that second half of the timeline together but she’s had a shit lot go down in her life. It just suddenly struck me just how much
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abduloki · 1 year
Star Wars Timeline
Episode 1 : The Phantom Menace Episode 2 : Attack of the Clones
The Clone Wars
Episode 3 : Revenge of the Sith
The Bad Batch Obi Wan Kenobi Solo Andor Star Wars Rebels Rogue One
Episode 4 : A New Hope Episode 5 : The Empire Strikes Back Episode 6 : Return of the Jedi
The Mandalorian The Book of Boba Fett Ahsoka
Episode 7 : The Force Awakens Episode 8 : The Last Jedi
Star Wars Resistance 
Episode 9 : Rise of Skywalker
(Please correct me if I’m wrong as I’m a little confused which is why I try to make this list.) 😅
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Thinking about Rebels and like. Why can’t Star Wars be that good again?
Like Rebels had everything:
Best M/F relationship in SW history
protagonist with a somewhat unique personality and a really well done character arc
Badass lesbian who blew up fascists
Cranky purple gay man that electrocuted fascists with his Bo staff (best weapon)
Droid companion who was actually funny and unique
A pretty consistent story arc
A great finale
And now we’ve got Whitewashing: The Bad Show, Watch The Mandalorian Get Worse, and Tales of Dave Filoni Ruining Canon. I just miss rebels man.
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featherssideblog · 6 months
motorcity / transformers crossover my beloved . . . I cannot stop thinking about it. Ah heck. Just gonna mumble about it over here untagged for a bit.
Mike and Dutch tow a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse back to the Burner’s garage. *Admiring oohs and aahs all around from the gang of automobile enthusiasts.* In the early twenty first century, that Bugatti model was one of the fastest street legal cars in the world. This particular vehicle has several incomprehensible mods going on under the hood, components that none of the Burners have ever seen before. And the parts that are recognizable are just - wrong.
Chuck opens the fuse box and stares in bafflement at the segmented metal plates stacked neatly in the place of actual fuses.
“The battery doesn’t have terminals,” Julie says. “I’m not even sure it’s a battery.”
Texas leans in next to them and taps the engine block with a wrench “I don’t need to understand how the dang thing works to use it! Let’s just take this out and hook it up to Stronghorn, Dutch!”
The Burners are shoved back as the car somehow flexes and bends. The hood of the Bugatti snaps shut with a firm clack. And it drives away.
*cue chase sequence at over 200 mph ending with a disgruntled Drift transforming and declaring their driving to be “truly remarkable for organics”*
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sudden-stops-kill · 1 year
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star wars...timeline
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mandosaur · 7 months
Definitely not thinking about a Kallus x Reader x Cassian where reader has been a rebel for years and was a part of the Aldhani heist.
Maybe she and Cassian had a thing back when they were together on the heist which ended and she found herself with the Ghost Crew. She now forms a tentative relationship with a reformed Kallus when Mon Mothma decides to bring in Cassian for a job. Reader is then forced to work with her new lover and ex at the same time.
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ao3duun · 8 days
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Let's start the memes on my fanfiction again 🤣
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