#timeline-wise this also takes place before my version of episode 15
acaciapines · 9 months
how abt……. number 42?? 👀
Doppelgänger – The Antlers
the she who is wings-across-night, who is a hunter of the night and best-of-them-all, awakes as she has for many times now to her feathers pressed against the cold, wet surface of a cave, and she grumbles why-you here no-want better there look up up up up yes? up-YES, and she would shriek annoyed listen-here but time has proven that for as much as they are trapped together trapped-with-her is very bad at listening.
about the caves, at least. she is…
staring at the slumbering form of the companion she is unable to fly away from, wings-across-night considers what you.
trapped-with-her has always been…herself, in the sense that a hatchling who bites always at their nest-parents for food is herself, loud and wanting and squawking despite the loud shrieking stop-that from nest-mates and parents alike. they were hatched at similar times, wings-across-night believes, and here now have fledged together, though oftentimes wings-across-night is not sure she has.
to fledge is to fly freely, to greet hello-you to the moon and the stars, to make a nest of your own, to roost always in the tops of trees. here wings-across-night sleeps on cave ground and chases the birds, the ones that trapped-with-her snarls mine you listen-here stop mine give-it, and that break apart in her beak to the sharp tang of magic, and are not actually birds at all.
here she is not even on her own, for there is trapped-with-her always, biting and tossing her head me strong want-yes, and ignoring wings-across-night’s growled no-want.
but here is, she will admit, better than when they were with the-MOTHER still, and it was trapped-with-her who took the metal bars of trap and twisted them open, and said, with a softness she does not often carry, us-together out-there yes? you want?
wings-across-night stretches her talons before her, and considers this.
perhaps today she will catch them both fish.
trapped-with-her is, after all, an awful hunter.
ah yes that part of my playlist where even tho its supposed to be sorted alphabetically by song title it sorts every single the antlers song by band name for some reason.
anyways, names! wings-across-night is firefly/the owl beast, and trapped-with-her is what firefly calls eda. it is not a translation of eda's name though firefly does know that the sounds that make up 'eda' are the same person. she's just being very bitter dfkgdfg later on she will go to translate eda as 'chooses-me' because like. c'mon. 'eda the owl lady' is ASKING FOR IT.
this takes place sometime after eda and firefly run away from home! so, late teens-early twenties here. the eda-firefly relationship is actually really fun for me to write in this early stage...they're very much dependent on each other to stay alive, and DO occasionally have moments of bonding....but mostly to eda firefly is just the stupid curse who killed her palisman, and to firefly eda is the reason she's trapped here, so they growl at each other and only stick together bc, yknow, they die if they dont.
its fun!! its also very funny to me that in this point in time firefly is far more perceptive about their relationship than even eda...it takes eda WAY longer to realize that firefly is often trying to talk to her and even longer before she like, actually puts in the effort to talk back.
firefly is Trying Her Best <3.
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Part 21 (Anime)
How does the anime factor in?
It’s been close to 9 months but we're coming back into this with a big one. I imagine a lot of people wouldn't worry about the anime at all in rewriting Fairy Tail. If I'm working to rewrite Fairy Tail, and going through the trouble of trying to understand Mashima's intentions behind actions (not that I'll always do what he did), and I'm using the manga as the source to draft the rewrite, why even bother with the anime?
Though, I could easily flip this another way. Why place so much emphasis on the manga as opposed to the anime?
I'm not sure I've talked about why I'm including the anime beyond it being another adaptation of Fairy Tail. That might have been enough up to this point in the series. Most of what I've been talking about doesn't change between the anime and the manga. Consider that the last edition was about special chapters and episodes. I could have left it at that and gone on with by only focusing on the manga and special chapters.
However, I want to talk about the arcs, characters, and relationships that changed in subtle and important ways when animated. A couple of future entries involve moments and events that only happened in the anime. I even dipped into that when talking about the Strauss siblings. I feel as though a better explanation is probably worth giving now as to why and how I'm using the anime.
I have two important reasons to incorporate the anime in the rewrite. As you may expect, the first is exactly that it is another adaptation of the series. It serves as an important version of the series that many fans of Fairy Tail know and are aware of. Some fans got into the series because of it and went on to read the manga. I got into Fairy Tail because I heard of the anime and switched between both versions of the series, ultimately completing the manga in its entirety before watching all the anime episodes. Many people only know Fairy Tail through the anime version, for better or worse.
That leads to the other reason I'm incorporating the anime in these talks. I think there are a lot of areas that the anime actually gives fans a better version of the series events. Part of that comes down to personal preferences, no doubt. But I do think things of value were added and lost in adapting Fairy Tail.
And, make no mistake, things were lost. One negative example that I've mentioned very early on in the series was the first two episodes. I think it was wrong not to frame the events of the first episode within the context of the council meeting in the second. That framing helps place the emphasis of the events on its relation to the guild as opposed to events that matter specifically to Natsu and Lucy. Of course, we got the famous episode introduction that serves a similar purpose, but I think this was a reason for much of the confusion surrounding what Fairy Tail is about for so many fans.
However, one of my favorite examples of something added in the anime is in the Fantasia arc. In the manga, the guild decides to attack the Thunder Palace despite still not being on the same page. In the anime, they're fighting about the plan until Lucy manages to get them all on the same page. The anime gave us a presentation of the events, hands down. The guild decides to work together, acknowledge the negative drawbacks, and a few characters get flashier attacks in the anime.
That's not the only example. The anime gave us a workable interpretation of Lisanna pre-Edolas. Wendy's growth progression is much smoother with the addition of the Key of the Starry Sky arc. The anime versions of Day of the Fateful Encounter, Natsu and the Dragon Egg, Special Request, Natsu and Asuka, and, to an extent, Exciting Ryuzetsu Land are better than their manga versions. (Also, something, something, Nali and Fairy Hunter.)
That being said, much of my focus is on the manga version of the series. Most of my writing about Fairy Tail (the series) is based on the manga version of Fairy Tail. My own drafting of this series (a topic worth its own post) starts with the manga version. If there are benefits to the anime version, why base so much of what I do with Fairy Tail, even outside of this series on the manga?
Primarily, my reason is that I care about what Mashima was trying in creating Fairy Tail. I want to see what his logic was in taking certain decisions before I come to a conclusion on something. I've often decided against somethings after realizing the original logic behind something I've previously thought of as stupid. It helps that Mashima has explained some of the decisions he's made on weirder parts of Fairy Tail in his volumes.
Of course, I don't always agree with his logic. If I did, this series wouldn't be a thing. At the very least, most of the posts I've made across this series would be framed as a series defending Mashima's decisions in various aspects (as opposed to why I'm changing some things and not others). I freely and openly admit that many decisions made by the anime staff and even other Fairy Tail fans are better than what Mashima decided to do.
I often think of my rewrite decisions along a grid with two axes. The x-axis is how much I like what happened and the y-axis is how much sense it makes. There isn't a lot of stuff I'm doing that is nonsensical and that I didn't like (note: I'm not saying nothing like this happens). Most of this series has involved weighing how much I think something is reasonable against my biases about it, and that will result in some interesting changes I've yet to talk about. However, there isn't so much about Fairy Tail that is fundamentally broken and requiring of change that I need to start rewriting from scratch. And, considering many anime adaptations I know of, I'm glad that Shinji Ishihara seemed to agree.
There's one last thing I want to talk about. I'm sure I've said this before, but I do plan to be a bit looser in adapting the anime exclusive arcs of Fairy Tail than other arcs. While this does have to do with the fact that they're anime exclusive, there's more to my thought process. There are fewer ties and connections from anime exclusive arcs to the arcs in both versions. That provides for some more leeway when adapting arcs.
The biggest example is the Daphne arc. As I hinted to very early on, I will combine some of the core elements of this arc with the beginning of the Edolas arc. Timeline wise, Gildarts will return, the main important stuff for the Daphne arc will happen, and then Edolas will continue as we all remember it. I'll also use the arc to formally introduce Kinanna into the guild and handle the Cubelios confusion earlier than happened in the anime.
I want to use the flexibility of both versions of Fairy Tail to tell what I feel is the best version possible of Fairy Tail. I don't think I can do that if I were only keeping the names similar in Fairy Tail. However, I don't think I can do that without both versions of Fairy Tail at my disposal.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18  | Part 19 | Part 20
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doocentral · 6 years
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SPOILERS AHEAD -- I was so so SO excited for the "Scooby-Doo! And the Curse of the 13th Ghost" movie that came out on DVD and digital yesterday. I picked it up after work and went home to watch it almost immediately. My excitement and nostalgia for this movie was something I hadn't felt for a Scooby-Doo movie in a while. And...I finished it disappointed on a few levels... The entire concept for this movie was phenomenal: Let's take a 34-year old plot hole created from an obscure era of Scooby-Doo and resolve it with an awesome DTV movie in the 50th year of the franchise's life. But instead what we got was: Let's take a 34-year old plot hole created from an obscure era of Scooby-Doo and attempt to resolve it by writing out characters, rationalizing the supernatural aspects of the story, and creating even MORE plot holes. 
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The movie had a great set-up and was going well for probably the first half of the movie. I'll discuss real quick what I personally like about this movie before going into what I didn't: 1) I thoroughly enjoyed the backstory of the Chest of Demons (COD) and learning about how Vincent VanGhoul himself had to capture the 13 ghosts (I'm going to refer to them as The 13 from this point forward) before Scooby and Shaggy ever released them in the original series. I think that's great character development, storytelling, and additional information that was lacking in the original series. I always had a hunch that Vincent was responsible for creating the COD and capturing The 13 in the first place, when really he didn't actually create the COD but rather discovered it and made the same mistake Scooby and Shaggy made. 2) I think that the design of Asmodeus (the 13th ghost that was never captured) was fantastic. His head shape is reminiscent of the COD itself as well as the collective entity of The 13 that we see escape in the first episode of "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo". I *think* Asmodeus is supposed to be considered the first being to ever enter the COD, and him supposedly being the most powerful of The 13 makes him an interesting antagonist for the group. Especially when it's learned that he is actually Vincent VanGhoul's ancestor, adding to the world-building and justifying further Vincent's self-appointed responsibility to recapture The 13. His name is also interesting since “Asmodeus” is actually a being believed to be the “king of demons” as he is also stated to be in this movie. Just an interesting tie-in to real mythology that the other twelve ghosts of the chest lack. 
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3) Based on elements of the original series, I enjoyed the movie's occasional call-backs. I think bringing Flim-Flam back was a good choice and having him grow up a little but maintain the same personality was delightful (despite him not being a favorite character of mine AT ALL). The return of the Red Mystery Machine was great too. The COD was modernized in style (as was the Red Mystery Machine) but it still looked menacing. 4) The humor was for the most-part great. I think the joke of older people being scared of teenagers was great, especially when it suddenly and unexpectedly was said again by a different character. Other instances of humor I enjoyed were when Scooby and Shaggy were roleplaying as flight attendants/plane pilots or when Flim-Flam commented on Daphne's hair and Shaggy's green shirt (for those who don't know, Shaggy wore a red shirt in the original series).
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Now for the things I took issues with... 1) I DESPISE how the lore and threat of Asmodeus was undone by the character we see throughout the movie just being a man in a costume. The whole point of this movie was to revive the supernatural storyline of "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo" and finally finish the gang's quest. The ghost turning out to be a man in a mask ruined the story and I think this should be borderline false-advertising (not really but still!). I really wanted to see the characters struggle to face off with the most powerful ghost among The 13, who again are the most powerful supernatural entities the world has ever known! I would have LOVED to see them be brutally scared and terrified of this ghost because of who he is, and I also wanted to see someone maybe be forced or hypnotized or tricked into opening the COD again. If the real COD had been opened again it could've made the whole situation more dire. This would've made the ending of the movie really dramatic; watching the gang and Vincent and Flim-Flam work together to recapture the twelve ghosts inside the COD as well as the most powerful of The 13 as a whole would have been fantastic. I can only imagine the explosive scene and visuals we would've gotten if this were the case. I know I can't fault the movie for not going this route too much, but the fact it didn't and further downplayed the supernatural characteristics of the original show and Asmodeus left a bad taste in my mouth. 2) The absence of Scrappy-Doo was a debated topic for this movie since it was initially announced. Everyone speculated if he would make an appearance, be referenced to, or the movie just not acknowledge his existence at all. I'll admit, the "What's a Scrappy?" joke from Velma did get a laugh out of me but I almost would've rather had the movie ignore the problem altogether. My IDEAL outcome of this dilemma would just be for Warner Bros. to swallow their pride and include Scrappy in the movie. He was a prominent and regular character of "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo" so reviving the storyline for a movie doesn't make sense without him there. I don't know if the joke was supposed to satirize the franchise's willingness to ignore the existence of this character but it just doesn't make sense story-wise. It skews continuity (which is my next point) and confuses fans of the series. Scrappy isn't an entirely untouchable or irredeemable character either; he has become a prominent and likable character in the "Scooby Apocalypse" comic book series. In fact he's one of the better characters in that comic series because of his character development and instilled morals. Why couldn't Warner Bros. just put in the work and make the character a functional and non-detrimental element of this movie? People hated Flim-Flam a lot more than they hated Scrappy, and even he got to come back. (But I also acknowledge they didn’t bring back Weerd and Bogel either). 
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3) This movie presents so many issues in terms of continuity. It's not the movie's sole fault; I don't think Scooby-Doo and continuity are compatible to begin with. But here's a couple issues with continuity I think need to be addressed if this movie is supposed to be a continuation of the original series:   a) The Sheriff at the beginning of the movie says that the gang "is almost 18 now" which means that they are still teenagers. I'm pretty sure that Daphne and Shaggy were supposed to be portrayed as older versions of themselves (maybe early 20's) in "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo”. They were flying planes and traveling all over the world. And if time has truly passed between "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo" and this movie, that would mean Daphne and Shaggy were probably like, 15 or 16, when they went in search of The 13 in the first place. I wish they would stop calling them teenagers in stories where it doesn't make sense AT ALL for them to be teenagers. Kids are able to enjoy Scooby-Doo just as much regardless of the gang's age because they just want to watch a talking dog be scared by ghosts and monsters. They're not watching because they personally identify with the gang since the gang are teenagers. The only time their age was maybe at all important was in "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo" because the very premise was that the gang were kids. Why do they have to be teenagers in this movie? The answer is, there is no reason. WB just insists they're still teenagers.   b) Before I say this, I just want to acknowledge that "Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated" is supposed to be an alternate universe to the "main continuity" (if that even exists) of Scooby-Doo. So it's interesting to see that both that series and this movie make reference to "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo", yet "Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated" actually acknowledged the existence of Scrappy along with Flim-Flam. The same excuse was used that Fred wasn't in the original cartoon because he was at summer camp, however Flim-Flam in the "Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated" timeline is apparently serving 25 years to life for his con-artistry. This isn't something I'm mad about for this movie, just thought it was something that should be said since the movie decided to write-out Scrappy. 
    c) Just...don’t get me started on the continuity dumpster-fire that is the garage sale scene...it’s nostalgic but just...please don’t...
   d) After the gang discovers the crystal ball in the garage sale, Daphne explains a lot of the backstory to Fred and Velma in her bedroom. At one point, she throws an outfit on Fred, and when we see it land on Fred we can ALSO see a picture frame on her nightstand showing the whole gang unmasking the Moat Monster. For those who may not remember, the Moat Monster is the green villain in the flashback at the beginning of "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island". I'm not saying that this case couldn't have been solved between the events of "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo" and this movie; the case was a flashback in "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island". But if this movie is trying to say that it takes place in the same continuity as "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island", how can the gang be so baffled by the existence of real zombies and cat creatures when they, or at least Scooby, Shaggy, and Daphne, have encountered THE 13 MOST TERRIFYING GHOSTS ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH??? You could say that the events of "Zombie Island" don't ultimately happen in this timeline, which is fine, but then why reference that movie at all? 
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4) Velma and Fred are very frustrating characters in this movie. I'll start with Fred here though. While I like the group-dynamic shifting with Daphne taking on leadership in their mission and making Fred step-aside, I don't like that they focused Fred's story-arc on him trying to find his place in the group. It's like the movie is trying to make us feel sorry for a man because a woman is stepping up for once. I liked watching Daphne take charge and show Fred that she, as well as Scooby and Shaggy, are able to handle things without his leadership. I have no sympathy for Fred in this movie, and when he reveals he actually went to cheerleading camp when he was gone in the original series? He instantly becomes 100% more frustrating than he already has been, Velma on the other hand becomes exhausting. After the crystal ball is discovered, EVERY SINGLE LINE OF DIALOGUE she has is devoted to her denial or skepticism in the supernatural. Yes, Velma would be the one to question the existence of real ghosts between her and Fred (this was central to her story-arc in "Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy"). But when that's literally the only thing she has going on, Velma just becomes a flat, uninteresting, and annoying character. Especially when we, the viewer, know for a fact that the ghosts in the original show were real. And then her rationalization of the other twelve ghosts being hallucinations that Shaggy, Scooby, and Daphne experienced at the high-altitude of the Himalayas was maddening. I don't know if Warner Bros. was trying to undo the existence of the supernatural in this timeline of Scooby-Doo or not, but it doesn't make sense anyway because in the show, the gang wasn't in the Himalayas the whole time. They opened the COD in the temple and then traveled all over the world to pursue them. So Velma's explanation of this is ultimately as weak as wet toilet paper. And then her rationale is undermined by her reluctance to open the COD when they are boarding the plane at the end of the movie. All around Velma is my LEAST favorite thing about this movie. 
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5) People have mentioned that there were potentially only 11 ghosts captured in the original series since one episode they didn't explicitly capture a new ghost but rather recaptured the four ghosts they had already captured. I just want to believe the Cyclone Ghost that appeared in that episode (which to some is actually an amalgamation of those four ghosts) is really just another one of The 13. That way we don't end up needing a "Scooby-Doo! And the Curse of the 12th Ghost". But I'm personally very fine with it if you disagree with me on this.   6) I don't know if it was or not, but I'm unsure if Scooby and Shaggy's gag with Asmodeus in the temple pretending to be meditating monks(?) was appropriate. Just a minor comment I wanted to throw out there since they decided to somewhat identify a specific culture in the setting of this movie. 7) This movie doesn't explain the ending well whatsoever. The lack of clarity I had after Asmodeus was unmasked was painful. And the plot-holes I found and questions I have are endless. Where has Mortifer been this whole time since he disappeared when he and Vincent finished capturing The 13 the first time? Is he immortal like Vincent or did he become immortal when the ghosts attacked him? What is his motivation to reopen the COD? Why would he want to reopen the COD when he's SIMULTANEOUSLY trying to sell it on the black market for being a priceless supernatural artifact? The COD is supposed to be an obscure and low-key artifact, so why would it even have value on the black market and how much would it even be worth? Would it's worth vary if it still contained The 13? If Asmodeus was really a disguise and not a real ghost, why couldn't Vincent use his magic powers? Why is there a secret FBI agent in this movie? Why does the FBI know anything about the COD? How could the FBI have even known that the gang might have the COD at the beginning of the movie? Did Velma actually misread the Sanskrit in the book, and did the REAL Asmodeus actually move on from the mortal realm? Is it even safe for Asmodeus to still be allowed out of the COD? What was the real Asmodeus protecting Vincent from this whole time, was it Mortifer? How was the real Asmodeus able to conceal himself from Vincent's and the gang's radar in the original show if he was apparently watching over Vincent in an attempt to "protect him"? Why was Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby so okay with just abandoning the mission when they went back to school that year? Did they ever try to check up with Vincent to see if he managed to capture the 13th ghost? How did the gang just not know at all that Daphne had the Red Mystery Machine just chilling in the garage? Why does she have it if she evidently never drives it? Did Mortifer have actual magical powers or was he just a silly illusionist? If he isn't actually magical, then how was he able to drive that ghost car throughout the movie without being inside it? WHAT EVEN WAS THE CURSE OF THE 13TH GHOST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! --- I could probably go on and on about my thoughts on this movie but these are what I wanted to talk about and mention since this movie was highly anticipated. I think it fails to satisfy what fans wanted out of its attempt to bring closure to "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo". "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo" is an obscure and borderline black sheep of the Scooby-Doo franchise so it was going to be really cool to see an "attempt" at resolving the unfinished story. I just think this movie could've done better and ultimately leaves a lot to be desired. I’m giving this movie a neutral 5/10.
(Understand this review is independent of That Groovy Scoobcast)
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What are your thoughts? Do you agree with my opinions or disagree? Did you have other questions that I didn't mention already? Or any plot holes I overlooked? I’d love to hear what you have to say. 
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faithandfairies · 7 years
OUAT 7x10 Lightning Review
I’m going to try and do a really quick review. No fancy stuff today, because all that takes forever. I’m just going to point out some stuff.
Basically there was a lot more confirmation of things I already believe.
They put Alice in a red cloak. Which confirms that she’s Ruby. And you know, they’re both Emma. We also had Alice decide to stay with Rumple, I think, to pay him back for all he’s done for her or something.
Zelena’s back! I love her! Leave it to her to comment on her hippie lifestyle and spin class. I loved everything about the Regina-Zelena and Regina-Zelena-Henry scenes by the way. I loved the spin class touch.
Meta-wise, since the curse was cast when Lucy was 8, it means the curse has been going on for years. In this version 2 years.  And they had Regina find Zelena after those two years and snap her out of it right when Zelena was about to get married. We’ve seen this scenario before. At least twice. Well, three times. Once between Mulan and Aurora and once between Robin-Regina and Zelena. In both of those there was a pregnancy. Then there was Emma telling Regina she was getting married. In that one the curse supposedly happens simultaneously with the wedding. Another interesting thing is that Zelena’s memories featured “the” flying monkey. And you could say it’s because she’s the Wicked Witch. But if that was the reason then Regina’s memories would have featured a poisoned apple. They didn’t. Basically I think the flying monkey is Rumple. it’s very likely Regina went to find Emma two years after she and Rumple got together, snapped her out of her drug-induced state somehow, only to find out she was pregnant and about to marry Rumple. We also had Zelena tell Regina she loves her. Which I think is important, because I think it means at one point Emma told Regina she loved her. Or showed her somehow. *cough true love=sacrifice *cough
We also have more confirmation on the gay element to the story. Even if we got it through Emma passionately kissing herself (Alice kissing Robin). Seems that Emma may be in denial not just about what happened between her and Rumple (since we also have those scenarios often take place between versions of Emma) but also about what happened between her and Regina. Or at least she used to be. In denial about her feelings for Regina? I’d say so.
For those who are in doubt about the possibility of Regina being the other actual half to what is Emma in that gay pairing, in spite of the yearning looks and suggestive remarks Regina and Emma have thrown each other throughout the first 6 seasons not to mention the often downright romantic actions toward each other and the highly suggestive pairings between Regina and pretty much any other blonde woman on this show (i.e. Mal, Tink...)  there is the letter between the girls, Robin and Alice with the clear “My Love” on the envelope. See, letters have been written between non-platonic pairings before on this show. The first between Cora(also Emma) and Rumple, read by Robin Sr. (whom I believe is (also) Emma) to Regina. That letter was very romantic, albeit supposedly written by Rumple about Regina, found in Cora’s things. Then there’s the letter Robin wrote to Regina. And let’s not forget, the only one between the pairing that wasn’t confirmed non-platonic, Regina leaving Emma a letter in the Wish World. My logic dictates that every other letter on this show before was between a non-platonic pairing, it means Emma and Regina are also a non-platonic pairing and in fact the only all-female non-platonic pairing.
But it really makes me wonder what actually happened that involved a letter. Especially because of Rumple’s letter to Cora, since that would then be the only letter that involved Rumple. Did Rumple really also write a letter to Emma? Or did he write a letter, giving it to Emma while telling her it was from Regina? Or did Regina write a (romantic) letter to Emma that Rumple said was from him?
Interesting that in that curse shot we also have Rumple in the background when the two Emma’s are holding onto each other, which to me is more confirmation that Emma ended up under the “curse” with Rumple.
We had Tiana end up with Lucy during the curse, which to me is more confirmation that Henry originally ended up with Emma during the curse. Of course, I think she was pregnant with him, or had just given birth to him, when it comes to part of the curse, so it makes sense. 
I think the visuals of whom is with whom when this version of the curse is cast is important. And should probably be put up against the ones from the season 6 curse. It gives an idea of how the story went.
We also had Henry try to escape the curse with Lucy via Tiger Lily’s help. Which tells me that Emma(adult Henry) and Henry(Lucy) tried to escape the curse with Regina’s(Tiger Lily’s) help. But it didn’t work.
We had Regina cast the curse, not Drizella. Even though either one would have worked since I think they’re the same person. 
We also had the curse look like Zelena’s time travel curse, which warrants a look back at that curse and its elements/ingredients.
We have confirmation of the 8 years. This could mean that like I said Emma was with Rumple for 8 years. And/or that Regina really did not have Henry from birth but adopted him years later, possibly 8 years after he was born. Which could signify why Regina is the bad guy in this curse scenario after the kid is already born. And not just before its birth. The thing is that in this version of events we have adult Henry, whom up to his point has been Emma, and Jacinda (Regina) raising Lucy together for the first 8 years of her life. So is it possible Emma and Regina raised Henry from birth? I’d say its unlikely, but I’ve said “8 years” is significant. And I still believe it. 
We have Drizella(Regina) turned to stone for 8 years. Before(in season 5 when Emma got tethered to the darkness i.e. Rumple) it was used by Emma to incapacitate/freeze her gay self. Which makes sense. Emma couldn’t be outwardly gay and be with Rumple. Also explains the wardrobe malfunction in season 6. In season 5 we saw her turn Sneezy dressed like her badass gay self into stone. Now a similar thing apparently happened to Drizella for the first 8 years after she threatened to cast the curse. Here’s the thing. We know Regina is Drizella. We also know Regina made a similar threat to Snow (Emma in this scenario) and her happiness on her wedding day. I think the threat back then was at least partly about shattering Emma’s illusion of happiness with a man. Which Regina knew she couldn’t have, not really, because she’s gay. The curse, I think, has many aspects to it. This was one. Later I think the curse may have become about Henry, and Regina possibly taking Henry from Emma. As for Drizella, her being turned to stone right after her threat tells me it functions as a kind of degayifying of Regina. Maybe her losing access to the gay aspect of her life that could make her happy. Emma. If Emma got married to Rumple or was in an arrangement with Rumple, which I think she was, that certainly makes sense.
I think the Curse has aspects or Waves. The First Wave seems to have been Regina possibly sacrificing Emma’s happiness to safeguard her own by pushing Emma towards Rumple. Emma giving up her own happiness to save Regina. The Second Wave would be Regina showing up (2?) years later after she’d seen the error of her ways at Emma’s wedding to Rumple? or a bit before trying to snap Emma out of her perceived love for Rumple. Trying to remind Emma of the bond they shared. She even does it in this episode with Zelena with her “Sisters, remember?” spiel. Only sisters don’t kiss passionately on the mouth and clearly through Robin and Alice that’s an aspect to what happened. Or is it what Emma wishes happened? Who knows at this point. The Third Wave would be Regina adopting Henry away from Emma.  Let’s check it with this episode’s more solid real world timeline (I love how even the show joked about different realm timelines this episode). Based on it, the first wave might have happened when Emma was 14, about to be 15. And the second happened two years later, then Emma would have been 16/17. And could definitely have been pregnant with Henry. Since I think age 17 was when we’re told Emma got pregnant. And if the third wave happened 8 years later, then Henry would have been 8 possibly, when Regina adopted him. That could mean that by the time Emma comes back into their lives Regina has had Henry for 2 years. If there’s a Fourth Wave, I’m guessing it involves Henry and a(his) possible illness. 
We also had confirmation that Emma (Victoria) was supposed to think she’d cast the curse, when it was actually Regina. I think it goes back to the whole “The Queen cast a powerful curse” bit. A line from the pilot I believe that applied to both Snow (Emma depending on the scenario I believe) and Regina.
What else? I think that may be it for the meta-portion of this review. I still don’t completely understand the guardian angle to the story. I still think that it’s a life for a life situation though. As in, I think, for Henry to live, someone has to die. I think that given that I believe Emma and Rumple are his biological parents and that may be an important factor in being able to save his life, given DNA matching, I’d say that Emma and Rumple are the lucky candidates that get to save his life. I’m hoping it’s Rumple. But it may actually turn out to be Emma. But where’s the happy ending in that? Again, I’m pretty sold on the idea that for this to be a real happy ending, Emma, Regina and Henry will all survive and end up together as a family.
Regina is still my favorite thing about pretty much every episode. That curse casting scene was amazing. I love how this one had a emotional heartbreaking tone to it where the first one, and gave us another side to the story. Regina casting the curse to save a loved one, not just herself. Compared to the original casting.
Special Mention to Roni’s curly hair. I love it. 
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lotrewrite · 7 years
LOT Chat Recap
So the chat went very well! I have grouped the subjects into thematic categories for everyone's ease.
A few up-front things for everyone:
Everyone will have two more weeks to revise their drafts or send in comments. Writers, please send me the edits you want me to make to your episode outline, which will be posted to the outline doc; you can also start drafting your final episode. If writers have any further questions about your episode, send in submissions or asks and they can be discussed by the group on this page; I am also always available to talk by messenger. Readers, please send in your comments and questions on episodes. I will be posting "let's talk about these three episodes" posts every day for the next week so that people can submit specific comments about those episodes if they have any additional comments to make.
We will have another chat on Saturday June 24 at 1PM EST (unless people prefer a different time)
Fully written episodes will then be due on Friday, July 28.  We will then have two weeks of editing and proof-reading, with the goal of posting the complete season to Ao3 by August 15.
As people are welcome to start drafting their episodes ASAP, we need to decide on format. I will post a separate post in regards to this question with a poll.
Queen B
We're using the "Queen of Bialya with mind control powers" version, with an amulet instead of "pheromones" because it corresponds with Amaya's symbolism-wise; Queen B is from 2016
Motive: she's sensitive about the fact that she's illegitimately in power, which is why she isn't in Bialya
Legends could use in the Roman Republic episode where she's pretending to be a Queen; that’s why she has a feud with Mari, who has been helping undermine her power base by helping prove that she's not legit; she wants the spear so she's legitimately the queen of Bialya, which is why she joins the Legion (also because messing with Amaya will interfere with Mari)
Femme fatale style villain, which would make the scene in episode 16 where instead of seducing/convincing/mind controlling the guard, she just punches him, SO MUCH FUNNIER (like she saunters up, you think she's gonna use her powers, she smiles all seductive - and WHAM)
We need to pump up her role in the various episodes - she can take Merlyn's place as the "person who snarks with Darkh"
Needs more development of her plot where she’s thinking about her future and trying to think of whether she should change it or not
Episode 10: Amaya and Queen B fight  - Queen B hints at things, building up Amaya’s curiosity
Episode 13: Queen B has more revelations for Amaya, telling actual facts
Amaya is thinking about changing: the destruction of her village and the fact that Mari grows up in the foster care system
That means we can have her start to angst about changing things in the Tudor episode (14) and New York (15); maybe a scene in 14 where she does research about her future secretly and then in 15 more debate about changing it, with the events of 15 inspiring her not to change it
that way we have a 5-part arc for Amaya about it
and her later confrontations with Queen B in 18 and in Doomworld work stronger because of it because Queen B’s taunts don’t  work as well any more
They pick it up in Episode 8 from Constantine in return for helping with the Crusade; Lily gets brought in to use her micro-tech knowledge to amp it up but really because Stein wants her around, but otherwise I think we can limit the references to it to "so Gideon says the compass goes to Y time period" – but it should be referenced consistently after Episode 8
Lily first appears in Episode 7 just like in canon, possible reference to present day Clarissa
Lily first gets picked up in episode 15, and ends up having her fight with Stein about him hiding her aberration status in episode 15 so that 16 starts with them still fighting; she can just be brought in as an "expert" in technology to help calibrate the compass, not because she’s an aberration – Rip can reveal it to her because he’s a Time Master and objects
Relationship with Stein: he’s still a workaholic, tries to over-interfere with her academics, distant but proud of her accomplishments and they bonded over their intelligence, he’s a good mentor figure; she’s pissed off that he didn't tell her about the aberration thing - it makes her feel like he didn't trust her, and she presumably had to fight HARD to get to a position of academic achievement where she felt he respected her instead of humoring her because she's his beloved daughter; a case of "daddy knows best" when it comes to the aberration issues. And she can be like "this is just like when you came to my dissertation defense!" It also explains why she forgives him in episode 16: she's kind of used to him being a bit of an oblivious tactless dumbass
Oculus – Spear
The Oculus' destruction and the scattering of the spear pieces are somehow connected – they were using the spear to power the Oculus; when it exploded, they scattered
as a Time Master, Rip knows where to find them – the piece he finds in the time loop with the 81 people is one of the pieces from the Oculus; the pieces want to get back together and are powered up by one of them being used
they don’t whisper and cannot be used to guide to each other – they don’t work by “wishes” per se, they just allow people to make changes to the timeline (good luck in succeeding in changing history to your will); only the spear together can you “wish” a new world into existence
The spear pieces weren’t “always there” – they were scattered there
Re-work the pilot so that the piece Rip gets is from the Oculus and maybe we can scatter the information that they had been powering the Oculus with the spear into episode 4 (Eo's explanation) and episode 8 (Constantine can do a bit of an info dump, he's a magical character)
Len ends up just hovering in the background in a lot of the episodes and he never seems to get any lines that talk about his bitterness/resentment, so we need to use him more.
He is connected to the Oculus and that's why putting the spear back together = we see him more
Len’s appearance guide:
First few episodes, we have ONLY "visuals" of Len, just momentary glimpses, through episode 5, but nothing more - no comments, just blink-and-he's-gone.
Episode 3 is our first appearance of blink-and-miss-him - thematically appropriate since we're also bringing in Amaya
More blink-and-miss appearance in the next two episodes
We have the "funeral" episode as the turning point between “blink and gone” and “talking” next episode
Then in episode 6 we have our first appear-and-talk Len, the big moment where Mick is taken aback and is surprise (like in canon, where Mick has to give a gruff "You're not real"). But at that point, he's still only showing up briefly.
Len starts showing up more as the episodes go by; episode 6 through 10 we have him saying things TO Mick and Mick trying (and failing) to ignore him
Episode 10 being the episode where he's talking enough with Mick that the others notice
Episode 11 they test Mick for hallucinations, but Len's still there
Episode 12 Len doesn't do much, but the audience finds out he's real
Then from episode 13 to 16, Len should really be written as a full member of the cast just one that no one else can hear but Mick.
In Episode 14 L!Len steals the piece while O!Len is around, which is when O!Len realizes for the first time that Legion!Len is around; we could have a scene with O!Len asking Gideon "WTF was that"
NOTE: once Len is a full cast member, he can have scenes by himself, he doesn't always have to be tied to Mick or to another cast member, but before that, when he's just a hallucination, he shouldn't appear solo
Episode 16, he argues with Mick and leaves to go with the Legion!Len, who he discovers can also see him
Episode 17 is the episode where he helps Legion!Len fight the Legion
Episode 18 O!Len comes back and re-joins Mick's side, but isn't able to convince him not to go with Legion!Len in episode 19
Episode 20, Mick discovers Len is real
Episode 22, everyone else does and Len gets resurrected
Decision made that Bambi survives; Pan will fix the details
Because Bambi survive in episode 2, there will be a line in the very end of the finale, when they crash land in LA and there are dinos there, just as the scene is fading to black we get a Ray voice-over going "wait...Bambi?!"
because that would be A, hilarious and B, a good tie-in to show that time is broken and they didn't land in a different part of the multiverse
It's a convenient device that Nate would have around that the audience won't immediately go "ah-ha! mysterious item gets mentioned! will be important!"; him waving around the pencil in the pilot is a nice, easy way to bring it into the audience's view - but not emphasize it
It's his "lucky" pencil that he only uses for important exams; think of the kid who has a pencil box where he lovingly keeps that ONE PENCIL that he passed a test with and he uses it ONLY for tests
Nate inadvertently creates his own closed time loop: the spear is scattered through time and appears in Nate’s possession, which he thinks is a gift from his grandfather – it immunizes him from the changes in time (Nate tells his grandfather "you gave me your lucky pencil"; his grandfather who does not' have a lucky pencil gets weird about it then grabs a random pencil from the mission ( the spear piece) and gives that to young!Nate thereby completing the circle)
The JSA is there on a legitimate mission that is being messed up by the spear piece being there but since they're IN the time period, they don't realizes it's being messed with; the Legends, however, realize something is wrong and figure out that those weird glowing sticks might be involved and go looking but also try to help fix the original mission, which they mess up and show how unprofessional they are; however, in the end, they manage to help the JSA complete their mission and in the process, Henry grabs the spear piece he doesn't know it's a spear piece because the legends never shared that info
He takes the pencil because Nate told him he gave him his lucky pencil and Henry didn't have one but he doesn't want to disappoint his grandson so he picks one up going "this is a good memento of a really weird mission" and the Legends realize that that's how Nate got the spear piece in the first place it plays on the nature of time travel
the pencil is a closed time loop - it's a really nice way to play with time travel without being too cliche - it's the "being your own grandfather" trope but funny
the fact that we have two "time loops" in the early episodes - but not really in the later ones - could be a symptom of the timeline freeing itself from the "set" history of the Time Masters
which would be really cool thematically, with the Legends being set up by their various experiences in season 2 to actually start /deliberately changing history/ in season 3
Nate's hemophilia resolved with Gideon just saving his life, but doesn't fix his hemophilia
would be really funny to have Nate cameo in Doomworld by literally doing the same thing he does in the pilot - breaking into the mayor's office and babbling about history something. except this time it's Darkh;  but then darhk would kill him, but it'd be undone by the end of Doomworld
Ray breaking his suit
The full sequence is episode 6 (damage) episode 7 (overshadowed by Invasion) episode 8 (breaks) episode 9 (unsuccessful repair; acknowledge that he won’t be able to use it) episode 10 (can't use it all; trying new personas).
Because it's his screwing up in episode 6 that causes it, but it doesn't fully break it. and he's not a big player using his suit in Invasion, which we're mostly leaving alone
In Episode 9, he’s trying to put the suit back together but has only gotten parts of it to work; he shrinks due to an error and is worried he won’t be able to get big again – should have a moment at the end of the episode where Ray acknowledges he won’t fix it any time soon and realizing he needs to try to be a hero in a different way to set up the episode 10 montage
Ray montage
in terms of visuals, the scene should probably focus on Ray in the center, with whoever commenting doing so from off-screen
Ray tries to give himself powers; "I'm going to Captain America myself" "Remember how that went for Bruce Banner?" - a good way to point out that the Marvel universe are comics in DC
dress him in the GL outfit and he's explaining to someone that "so it'll be based around this ring -" "won't work"
dress him as the Blue Beetle for a second before he goes "naaaaah" 
booster gold and Gideon advises against
We should have him in a superman costume at one point but with no "s" and he's saying "I dunno, maybe if something went in the middle?" (that is also a Powergirl reference - the superman outfit but the "s" was a chest-window or the "atom" LOT symbol, and then you have someone (Jax?) off-screen going "no, man, no")
possibly one piece outfit, Naruto outfit - Mick offscreen just goes "NO, haircut"
Jax says Stein is his dad, possibly a mentor instead? Or a specific reference to multi-cultural Vikings
the changing vs. preserving history argument
They are split up as sara, ray, amaya for preserve and mick, jax, stein for change, but by the end of episode 13, it ends up as mick, jax, stein, amaya vs. sara, ray, rip once rip's brainwashing is removed and amaya hears about her future from queen b
Jason Blood in the background for a few episodes
I think the references to Poison Ivy not returning their calls and then having a discussion of Poison Ivy in Doomworld worked really well using Kendra three times was also really great
the Lanterns should also be foreshadowed more, if they're going to appear (one reference to the Lanterns in our rewritten Invasion, so if we have maybe one more somewhere, it'd be enough)
References to the other rogues: both in the future and mick, len, and lisa talking about them
Need to fill in reference in filler episode (Selina Kyle? Someone else?)
Should have some scenes dealing with the trauma Ray went through while surviving in the cretaceous period and dealing with the effects Rip's brainwashing had - both characters would try to deny it, powering through until they break (Ray when his suit breaks for good in episode 10 - he mentions that he feels empty without his suit and all alone like he did in the Cretaceous period)
Rip and Mick should definitely have a moment to discuss brainwashing, if possible
Ray's suit is some symbolism for his psychological journey
Episode 3
Possible move to D Day or using the 1942 occupation of the south of France because of the Allied invasion of Morocco
Episode 10
Stein goes undercover as a Brit as well, and that's how they find out that the Legion are influencing the Brits; That way he gets stuck on the British ship and can't form Firestorm until the climatic battle moment
episode 8
Zatanna and Madame Xanadu should appear briefly in the beginning (wild goose chase montage when they’re trying to hire someone other than Constantine)
The organization should be 1, Rip being chased; 2, intro sequence; 3, Constantine sequence with Zed getting the vision; 4, they go after Rip and I think 4, the feudal Japan sequence, should be longer, with more chasing and action sequences, as well as a scene where the Legends lose Rip to the Legion because Ray’s suit breaks and where Rip thinks Eobard is friendly before realizing he’s not;
needs a scene where the Legends return to Constantine and he offers them the compass in exchange for help with the Crusade, THEN intersperse the Rip interrogation with the Legends defeating the Crusade
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Muv-Luv Expo: The Summer of (Muv) Luv: All The Announcements
July 3, 2020 6:47 PM EST
Muv-Luv photonmelodies, Unlimited The Day After Episode 04, Project Mikhail, Project Immortal, Alternative anime, and more.
Avex and aNCHOR held the Muv-Luv Expo: The Summer of (Muv) Luv event on July 1, revealing multiple new details on Muv-Luv games and projects. It was the biggest Muv-Luv event since the âge 20th anniversary event in October 2019, where Muv-Luv Integrate was announced. Interestingly, one of the biggest shockers about the event wasn’t the new info in itself but the fact aNCHOR took the effort to fully translate the stream, including all the information and slides, in English. Usually, Japanese companies or events at most only do an English version of their stream, with commentators translating bits of info live. Here, Every Little Thing was translated. As such, my role to play is pretty limited compared to my usual summaries of Japanese streams, which are timelier and detailed.
If you’re really into Muv-Luv, watch the whole stream yourself. It’ll definitely be worthwhile. And if you can understand some Japanese, I’d also redirect you to Yoshimune Kouki’s weekly streams. Which I’m not paid enough to cover each week. Anyway, here’s a roundup of everything revealed at Muv-Luv Expo.
Muv-Luv photonmelodies Launches July 30 in English On Steam
Muv-Luv photonmelodies was one of the games promised by the huge Muv-Luv Kickstarter in 2015 (over 1 million dollars) that aimed to bring the original trilogy and its related games to the west, in an official manner. Now, it finally got a release date, launching July 30 for 29.99$. photonmelodies is a fandisc, as in side-stories or sequels of a visual-novel specifically made for the fans.
There are three stories in photonmelodies: A Shimmering Shard of Spacetime, which is the official Muv-Luv Alternative epilogue depicting the end of protagonist Takeru’s journey. Adoration, which depicts Europe trying to resist the BETA, and Resurrection, a story about a certain character spy infiltrating a Japanese base.
Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Announced in English For 2020 Release, New Artwork for TDA Episode 4
Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After will be published officially in English in 2020.
In Japan, the Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After is a series of multiple games, included inside the Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles releases since 2010. The latest game, Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Episode 03, is included in Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles Vol.4, released in 2013 in Japan. The next game, Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Episode 04, is currently in development, and will launch in English at around the same time as in Japan.
Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After takes place in the Unlimited timeline, after Muv-Luv Unlimited.
New artwork for Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Episode 04 were revealed on stream. Yoshimune Kouki commented each one of them starting the 1:16:00 mark. Though he also said he can’t comment too much, to avoid spoilers.
Muv-Luv Expo: New Details on Project Mikhail (Tentative Title)
Muv-Luv Project Mikhail was first announced at the âge20th Anniversary broadcast [still breathing] event in October 2019. (âge is aNCHOR’s original name). It’s an online multiplayer action game coming 2021 worldwide on PC via Steam, iOS, and Android. The game was previously described as “Muv-Luv Armored Core“. It most notably won’t be free-to-play and won’t feature a gacha system but have something similar to a subscription. At Muv-Luv Expo, we learned new details on the game’s story and gameplay.
The game’s first trailer, revealed in May 2020, stated how “your decisions guide the world”. We learned at Muv-Luv Expo it literally meant that. Players in Project Mikhail all share the same world, and each person’s actions will affect everyone else’ experience. This will allow the game’s story to depict new possibilities not seen in any Muv-Luv timeline so far. Such as changing the events of the coup d’état arc. This is pretty interesting, as Project Mikhail might be the perfect simulator for veteran Muv-Luv fans arguing for over 15 years on what plans and what choices would be better.
Players will also be able to fully customize their TSFs.
Lastly, pre-alpha gameplay footage of Project Mikhail was shown on stream at the 29:10 mark. Note that while the gameplay runs on mobile, the game is primarily developed for PC.
Muv-Luv Expo: New Details on Project Immortal (Tentative Title)
Muv-Luv Project Immortal is a free-to-play Action RPG with Strategy elements, coming to IOS, Android, PC, in 2021. Project Immortal also got a trailer in May 2020, which most notably jokes about how the game will stay playable offline even if it shuts down, a typical Cookie self-jab referencing Muv-Luv Alternative Strike Frontier which shut down in 2018. The mobile market in Japan is ruthless and saturated, many games end up closing down each year, sometimes only a few months after launch. It’s a nightmare for the artists and developers who put in ton of hard work, and the fans loose the game’s content forever.
We learned on the stream Project Immortal might be coming to consoles as well, and the development team hopes it’ll be possible. The game will have TSFs customization, a Story Mode, PvP, Coop, Random stages, and more.
Muv-Luv Alternative Anime Adaptation Project is Going Smoothly
A rough design for the Takemikazuchi in the upcoming Muv-Luv Alternative anime adaptation was revealed for the first time at Muv-Luv Expo. The project is going well. The trailer above was published in May 2020.
Muv-Luv Alternative Manga Will Be Officially Available in English This July
This is self-explanatory.
New Digital Artbook: âge Graphicers Artbook Now Available on Booth
Muv-Luv Expo Summer of (Muv) Luv: Q&A Corner
The second half of the stream was a lengthy discussion and Q&A corner. Starting the 1:20:00 mark. The staff answered questions from fans. The staff who answered were Muv-Luv original author Yoshimune Kouki, Muv-Luv General Producer tororo (Kazutoshi Matsumura), Project Mikhail Director Hitoshi Kumano, and Project Immortal developer Kitakuou.
tororo said besides Project Mikhail, Project Immortal, The Day After Episode 4, and Muv-Luv Integrate, aNCHOR is currently working on 2-3 unannounced projects.
Yoshimune Kouki would like to do The Day After Episode 04 short side stories on Marimo and Ikaruga, Takeru and Meiya. He already thought up stories for these, but The Day After focuses on the two brand new characters it introduces, Hibiki and Yuzuka. So he’s not sure he’ll be able to do it. TDA can’t focus on what every single character does.
Hitoshi Kumano: Players will be able to color-customize dropped TSF parts in Project Mikhail. They’re also considering a function to display your own squad emblem on parts.
Hitoshi Kumano: Project Mikhail will not be fully-voiced, that may seem like a downside but at least this way new scenario updates won’t have to wait for the availability of the seiyuu, and they’ll add more and more scenario.
Hitoshi Kumano: Project Mikhail won’t have romance related game systems, but it’ll be similar to that if you for example keep picking the choices that’ll please a certain girl, raising her trust levels.
The Project Immortal team didn’t think yet of whether to add romance elements or not.
Hitoshi Kumano: In Project Mikhail, which NPC you decide to help and the choices you make can be picked before each mission and won’t affect the parts and rewards you get. That way there won’t be certain choices or NPCs that are more advantageous than others gameplay wise.
Yoshimune Kouki was asked “which is the strongest TSF besides Susanoo”. He answered if you take into account every Muv-Luv material released so far, it’ll be the Hinokagutsuchi in Ayu-Mayu Alternative and coming second would be the F-47 Ishkur. The event MC added how at the end of the day each TSF is made for a different situation, so it’ll ultimately depend of the mission.
That’s everything. Thanks for reading. We’ve got tons of Muv-Luv things to look forward to in 2020 and 2021. I personally never thought the series would be localized regularly like this when I first heard of it over ten years ago. As a side note, âge is also working on a Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien reboot, which I’m personally looking forward to as well.
July 3, 2020 6:47 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/muv-luv-expo-the-summer-of-muv-luv-all-the-announcements/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=muv-luv-expo-the-summer-of-muv-luv-all-the-announcements
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