ljinhaengmcb · 6 months
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Yesterday, a person receiving Invisalign orthodontic treatment from Canada visited me for a diagnosis. It seemed to him that MARPE should be used together with Invisalign.(not rapid expansion)
Current orthodontic treatment does not take into account the alignment of the center of the lower jaw with the center of the face.
However, in all orthodontic treatments, full-mouth prosthetics, and dentures, the following problems occur if the lower jaw is not in the center of the face and is twisted.
If the lower jaw is not in the center of the face and is twisted.
1. If there is a problem with the nerve (trigeminal nerve) that distributes to the twisted temporomandibular joint, problems may also occur with other cranial nerves. When making an MCB splint, it is made in a state where there is no contact between the teeth, so even in a situation where there is no nerve transmission to the tooth nerve, it can be confirmed that when the balance of the temporomandibular joint muscles improves, eye movement disappears at the same time.
2. When the lower jaw moves toward the center of the face, the distortion of the sphenoid bone disappears and movement is balanced, and at the same time, the temporal bone begins to move quickly in the opposite direction of the distortion. If the lower jaw is twisted to the left, the right sphenoid bone moves distortedly. The right sphenoid bone continues to send signals indicating that it is out of alignment, but the dentist cannot detect these signals without palpation. I feel through palpation that...
3. If the lower jaw is distorted and a twisting force is applied every time the teeth touch the skull, the face will continue to move in a direction that is prone to distortion, and the entire nervous system will receive a twisting force.
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slime-herklejab · 8 months
I hate living in an apartment because I just wanna touch my slime in peace but a child spawns and decides to let out the most unholy banshee screech known to man. I need a cough drop just HEARING that voice shred. How are children even real?
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biganimal92 · 4 months
attending a rock concert in an indoor arena can be more fun than attending one with outdoor seating. you feel like you're in a more enclosed space with the musicians, and it also helps the volume of their music feel more intense since it doesn't have as much room for the sound waves to traverse. you can also feel more excitement from the crowd, since the closer proximity helps elevate their screaming and singing and help you feel more united in your passion for the musicians that are playing. But Watch Out
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
scary dream and I woke up and it's only 12am not even close to the end of my sleep.... :(
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Pirate & Pin Cushion (3)
Jake Jensen x gn! ops!Reader
Painful...But In A Good Way (see previous or JJ Masterlist)
The last thing you remember is the awkward kiss Jake planted on you during a screaming match. Now, awake and healed, your friend and teammate is acting more awkward than usual around you.
Warnings for foul language, *super skimmed over action,* canon-level betrayal (Roque), completely vague mentions of injuries, suspicions, doubts, misunderstandings,--GO FIGURE--an argument, and I just wanted this done honestly. Not that I don't love them, but I need a win in the COMPLETED department. WC ~1.5k
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You’re a Loser through and through now.
Months have gone by since you were stabbed and unceremoniously, sorta-kinda-maybe-not kissed by Jake Jensen. You woke up six days later with Pooch by your side, disappointed it wasn’t your Banter Bro.
The last thing you remember is turning away from Jake to hide your face. After that, nothing. You suppose he feels awkward about it. Maybe he regrets it, even if the ‘kiss’ was just part of a gag to him.
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The most frustrating part is everything is exactly the same. Jake keeps you at arm’s length, a holding pattern to get no closer as teammates but no farther as friends.
Is this…are you in the friend zone???
It blows.
You’d still prefer this over being a pariah, so on you quip from interaction to interaction.
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For all Jake’s hype about loving Halloween, he shuts down when you ask him what costume you should choose. Then he goes home to his sister and niece for the holiday.
You console yourself knowing this is for the best. You’d promised yourself no attachments, and nature clearly pushes for you to keep that promise.
You’ve almost—almost—resigned yourself to actual pin-cushion-status, jabbed repeatedly by his indifference. You are PC: perpetually crushing on Jake Jensen. It sucks.
You can be professional though. You can keep up with the jokes and take the hits to your heart and body that come with the job.
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Until you can’t.
Los Angeles. The port. The shitshow.
While scrambling to get out of the line of fire in a showdown gone wrong, Jake cuts his leg vaulting over a concrete barrier, and you get him to a nook between shipping crates.
You squat down to change the mag on your MP7 and suddenly hear Roque’s voice behind you. He’s not on the comms.
“Should’ve told ‘em, Jensen."
The look on Jake’s face is shocked and bitter.
Roque clicks his tongue. "At least then they’d know…”
Before you can so much as turn to look, Jake’s raised his own weapon, firing right over your shoulder and within inches of your ear.
The pain is sharp and hot, sending you stumbling into the warped metal wall of the nearest container.
Jake wraps a thick arm around your waist and yanks you away.
You catch sight of Roque dead on the asphalt.
It’s complete chaos, pure survival mode for the next twenty minutes, deaf and deftly tying a bandage around Jake’s leg in an open, empty crate while he’s on comms and frantically hand-signaling you the plan.
But you make it. Everyone but Roque makes it.
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Eventually, when the ringing subsides in your non-ruptured ear, Clay lays outRoque betrayed the team. Aisha teaches you a way to cup your occipital and tap to reduce the tinnitis. Pooch leaves to see the birth of his first child.
You’re left to ponder if Jake is a traitor, too.
Did he kill Roque to keep his own cover? Was he supposed to recruit you into his and Roque’s plan? Is that what he ‘should have told you’ so Roque wouldn’t need to kill you?
The possibilities haunt you. Is this why he’s kept you distant for months? Was Jake worried you’d catch on?
You blame your stupid crush for stopping you from telling Cougar your concerns. You trust Jake—or you want to trust him, so badly—so you confront him alone.
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Dinner. At your place. Away from the team so he can feel safe to admit it. Away from the team so you can pretend your forgiveness isn’t already secured. You’ll deal with the consequences once you know the truth.
Jake seems an odd mix of totally psyched and forcefully reserved when you invite him and a nervous wreck when he arrives at your door.
It’s just pizza. You were too distracted to do more.
He doesn’t pick up his slice because you don’t either, running your hands up and down your thighs compulsively, then quietly asking, “about what Roque said…”
Jake leans back in his chair, leg bouncing frantically, rubbing at his neck. “Yeah,” he replies, eyes on the floor.
“Was he…were you his partner in that? Were you suppose to take me out, too?
Jake’s head snaps up, his mouth askew and brow pinched. “WHAT?”
“Just tell me the truth. I swear, we can work it out with the rest—“
“Is this what—what the fuck—“ he shoves the chair back and steps away “—that’s the reason I’m here right now? I thought you were finally gonna say it!”
Jake rips his glasses off his face and harshly runs his fingers through his frosted tips.
“Say…what? What am I supposed to say? I’m not the one Roque had a damn secret with.”
He’s visibly upset but with bugged-out eyes like he has no idea what to do.
“Well, I’m not a fucking traitor,” he mumbles.
Jake replaces his glasses and takes his phone from the pocket of his low-slung jeans, hitting a few buttons and tossing it onto the table. It slides until it knocks your plate.
His own recorded laugh cuts off quickly. “Okay, PC, what were you saying about Halloween? One more time,” and then comes another slow voice, “I should have told you before I died.
“I love you.”
Your whole body freezes, brain turning the words over and over until it occurs to you…that is your voice.
“I didn’t say that.” Your knee-jerk reaction comes swiftly. “I don’t remember that.”
Jake snorts without humor. “Got that part.”
You’re too stunned to speak. You can’t even imagine when you would have…oh god.
Jake rushes to fill the silence as you die inside, again, maybe more realistically because what.
“Did you at least think I was a badass, like, ya know, a sexy traitor or whatever? Or…were you gonna wrestle me to the ground after I ate a whole pie?”
You keep sitting with your mouth agape.
“You didn’t poison the pizza, did you? Right? Say 'no.' That’s overkill, or just, kill—were gonna kill me?!”
“I’D KNOWN YOU FOR TWO WEEKS,” you explode, bolting out of your own chair.
“Yeah,” Jake squeaks, “I know.”
“Two weeks, and then you taped me saying ‘I love you?’”
“But, like—“ his usually deep timbre pitches super high “…did you?”
“Why would you just sit on that, Jake?!”
He shrugs. “You weren’t exactly sober.”
Too much, too many feelings, all at once. You try to get away, to make a break for the bathroom, but Jake grabs your wrist and swings your momentum to the wall.
Your back hits with a soft thud, pinned in place by Jake’s chest. He’s not breathing heavily, but you are, pushing you against him repeatedly.
That just makes it harder.
Yes, you said it (you guess), and yes, you meant it. Jake, however, hasn’t said word one about if he feels some sort of way for you. Your brain can’t intuit his romantic inclinations two minutes after accusing him of treachery.
He’s…there, not moving, not speaking, lips slightly parted while he stares at you.
You clear your throat.
“You’re…you’re touching me,” you say softly.
Jake doesn’t skip a beat, gently tightening his hold on your arms. “That’s what I do, PC. Finger keyboards.”
You gag as he quickly shakes his head.
“What the fuck?”
“Sounds sooooo bad," Jake moans. "I’m so sorry.” He let’s go of you, steps back, and slaps his hands in the air frantically. “Wait, okay? That was not the joke. I can do it.”
“You’re sick, man.”
Jake rubs at his temples, muttering something about keys, computers, and Halloween. “Hold on...so dumb. This is why I was trying to record it! It’s your joke. You were laying on the bed and--”
“I would never say you fin—“
“He was standing right there,” Jake bursts, scaring you to silence. “Roque. When you said that into the phone, I mean, he was standing at the door and he heard.”
Jensen sighs. Defeated and deflated, he rests his hands on his hips, inhaling sharply.
“So at the port when… He aimed a gun at you and I just—“ he makes a finger gun to point over your shoulder, adding a soft pow sound-effect “—Roque was saying I should have told you before he tried to kill you.”
“About the recording?”
“No.” Jake rocks on his heels.
“About the joke?” Your voice is so small.
His stupid, beautiful blue eyes lift to meet yours.
“No, pin cushion, not about the joke.”
There's a horridly long pause of nothingness.
"Fuck it."
Jake lunges forward with startling intensity, fingers lace behind your head to draw you to him.
You don’t turn away this time.
His lips are soft yet determined, slowly pulsing to transform one kiss into dozens, and he adjusts everything—his height, his stance, his proximity to get even more of you in a single embrace.
“I love you,” Jake whispers, shifting to tilt you left while he goes right. “I should have told you ‘I love you,’ too.”
You promised yourself no attachments, but who are you kidding? You're such a loser, and you found your match.
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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thydungeongal · 11 months
I don't know what to call these, I guess they're like a type of false friends, but there are some phrases that sound like they could be like... just normal Finnish phrases purely coincidentally but actually have foreign origins
For an example, "menopaussi" (menopause). "Meno" sounds like it could be the noun derived from the verb "mennä," to go. Paussi is obviously not a Finnish root but like, it's commonplace enough that it's really easy to analyze "menopaussi" as "ah, the going has been paused."
"Veto-oikeus," right of veto, is another one. "Veto" can also be read as the noun derived from the verb "vetää," to pull. "Veto-oikeus" is like "oh dang, that guy's got the right to pull."
And "tinnitus," even though it's a Latin word afaik, just sounds like someone saying "tinnitys" but getting the vowel harmony wrong. In my experience lots of Finns actually analyze it like this and say "tinnitys" because "tinnitus" sounds like it doesn't vibe with Finnish vowel harmony.
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they should invent a Turning Your Music Up So It Hits Better that doesnt give you tinnitis
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enberlight · 8 months
Does anyone know? Could my vitamin D & iron deficiency have caused the 20 years of crippling pain I had before taking a multivitamin +4k iu/day of D?
Without vitamins, I'm short of breath after minor daily activity, inflamed, aching to my BONES, stiff, and my colon is ON FIRE and, to be blunt, not cooperating.
But blood tests have NEVER spotted low iron & low D is "new" within the last 3 years. I've been trying to chase this down since 2000 ish, my energy took a nosedive after I tore my meniscus in 1998 and developed tendinitis after. And I've gradually been collecting more inflammatory issues since.
"Chronic Fatigue" was a new term around then and one they didn't want to diagnose me with, they just shrugged when I didn't line up perfectly with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Fibromyalgia. I ticked a lot of the boxes, but didn't go past the "threshold for diagnosis." They were just like, eat right and take your antidepressants.
That's never been enough. But going on a multivitamin (WITH IRON) seems to have been the tipping point. The high doses of D helped (50k iu/week wore off in 3 days, so I took 4k a day and WOW hi awake now), but I was still getting anemia and fatigue and constant soft tissue and tendon pain.
Those nearly disappeared until the doc took me off vitamins for surgery prep :\ Now OMG I'M ON FIRE AND STIFF AGAIN.
It would honestly be nice, in a way, if most of my chronic pain, inflammation, and fatigue turns out to be "you just need vitamins & sleep, let's fix your sinuses, here's a pill."
But it will be UNSATISFYING after a flare up & $$$$ bill
(uterus is still trying to kill me, the vitamins didn't tame it.)
For extra context, because who knows what counts? Maybe y'all do, the docs don't... Anyway. My fingernails have minor ridges along the length, and twist a bit (they look like broad side-bent shovels if I let them grow out). And I have tinnitis, chronic depression, anxiety, ADHD, possibly autistic and bipolar. And was super flexible til all this inflammation turned me into a board. (Not double jointed or anything though.) Just uh. Hi Chronic Illness Tumblr, you know more than Google. Help? XD Thyroid checks out fine, btw, but my liver and kidneys are sus.
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cthulhubert · 1 day
It's wild... after having done the "reddit trick" * for stopping my occasional tinnitis, it's like I... learned something... figured out "where" the source of it is, and now I can often just concentrate to stop it, without having to resort to actually covering my ears.
*: hipster soul, attempting not to be snooty: "I learned it from a blog before it got popular on reddit"
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mrgoodenough254 · 14 days
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foxgirlwizard · 9 months
is it tinnitis or the lights
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justinforprez · 10 months
A walkable cities, functional transit system and zoning relaxation in US cities would save the average person $16400/year from just travel expense and food (it would take time for us to realize these savings and it would likely be realized through costs not increasing over a decade)
Potentially more with HSR between cities. And a cheaper route cross the country would enable greater social mobility as women and poor brown people would feel more comfortable leaving their safety nets. Right now only well-off single white males (such as myself) can reliably accept a job offers 3k miles away from their families and feel safe doing so
We should also just nationalize ownership of rail infrastructure so we can open the train routes and reduce the cost of goods. It current costs 50% more to move a container across the country via train than by truck because you get charged crazy fees when changing from Union Pacific, BASF, and norfolk (up to $20k from LA to Boston just for transfer to another train)
Another $2500 in healthcare because that small amount of walking means. A lot for your health
Plus more opportunities for millionaires to run successful small shops and for their children to squander than wealth allowing for another to be successful
Less tinnitis and asthma
Less reliance on plastic money and more cold hard cash that the govt can’t track
Farm to table would again be possible for many, if not most, restaurants
Its hard to really estimate the economic, cultural, health, safety, and other benefits with having several hundred years of experience and a bunch of PhDs
But I don’t care about that, I just want to walk to a fucking grocery store
I just want to be able to get an onion without my car
Out of toilet paper? Just walk 5 min and get some
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wellthatsclever · 10 months
I dont even bother to turn off tumblr live anymore. It's like tinnitis or a sleep paralysis demon in my peripheral. If i just ignore it it cant hurt me
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dipolardruid · 1 year
I have an oc and she's 5'0 she isn't athletic and a couch potato I want to know if she were to try to fight Tina or Betra head on as in physically who does she have a higher chance of winning against?
Betra by a long shot.
Tina is physically weaker but keep in mind she's a banshee who's scream can knock down or heavily sway a building, if you are to be hit by her scream you will be flung back with a heavy case of tinnitis immediately after that's if your lucky though.
Betra is of course physically stronger but is human so really it'd be a regular cat fight really, but considering that Betra is healthy and in good shape with a bit of muscle she will be able to fight you off if you have little to no muscle or stamina to keep up.
But really you'd be in a disadvantage with both if you don't have any fighting experience or the physical body to keep up, sneaking up won't work on Tina she can hear people from 10 minutes away so she'll know immediately.
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Request are open!
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gahjouyooj · 1 year
The sound of silence is tinnitis
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deadendtracks · 2 years
a recent Red Hand Files letter answered by Nick Cave was about tinnitis, and next time i am annoyed with my own, i am going to remember that all the musicians i love and respect most likely have it (occupational hazard) so i'm in good company
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