#title pretty much says it all if I'm honest lads
theabigailthorn · 2 months
New Philosophy Tube out now on Nebula!
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Ross MacDonald Imagine
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Summary: In which you and Ross have always been in love and the boys are just waiting for the two of you to realise. Loosely based off the prompt “Did you really think we didn’t know you two were together.”
Warnings: Swearing, a bit of vulgar language. Insinuating towards sexual themes in parts. Tiny bit of actual smut somewhere in there. minors dni Mentions of an actual name near the end to avoid the use of y/n you guys will just have to deal with it or imagine your own name yourselves.
Author's Note: I know this has taken me for fucking ever to finish. But you will be delighted to know or maybe not if you think it's shit. But this fic is over 18K words. I'm so in love with this man it is very easy to write for him. So enjoy! x
p.s if you guys could help think of a title for this little number that would be great!
Word Count: 18.5K
Growing up with international pop stars always sounds great from an outside perspective until you see them once in a blue moon. Sure it’s all glamorous parties, fancy events and VIP passes when they’re in town but honestly you’d rather just be on the sofa in your house with your best friends. Too many bodies, not enough space for bums and being all up in each other’s personal space whilst you nurse the hangovers you know you’re all too old to be having at your big age. But that wasn’t the case when your best friends toured the world two years at a time before they even got chance to come home and invade your space for a measly few hours, a couple of days at the most before they ventured off back to the rest of their lives.
You couldn’t really remember life without the boys. Having grown up with them in Cheshire, you had all gone to the same school and you were in the same year as Matty and Ross so you had pretty much gone your entire life with them in at this point. A lot of your friends from school had come and gone but the five of you collectively had weathered everything together. You loved the four of them so much, they were apart of your very being and the fact you didn’t see them nearly as much as you would ever like, hurts your soul too much to handle.
You of course in your own line of work were successful; both of your careers crossing paths due to Matty’s request and what Matthew wants, Matthews gets! Not that you’d ever say no him, which will probably be your downfall at some point. Whilst they were off becoming the best band in the world and building their fanbase, you were excelling in your chosen career path within styling, specifically mens grooming. And after a little bit of a drunken ramble from Matthew after your career highlight of grooming the Arctic Monkeys’ for their AM era, he asked you to come to LA to help kickstart their ilwys era because let’s be honest there was no styling during self titled whatsoever!
If you thought travelling the world with the Arctic Monkeys was your career highlight, Matty pretty damn made sure that the 75 were your only favourite northerners after that. Which was cute if you didn’t know the boy like the back of your hand, that and the fact Hann had let it slip over a brew one day that he was jealous of the Yorkshire men for “stealing you away!” There was no secrets between you and the lads, you guys were as close as friends could be. You were family.
You and Ross had always been naturally drawn to one another; especially as the band grew at rapid speed, you centred the boys, always there with a home truth to humble them when their head’s got too big. Not that Ross ever needed humbling, but you quickly became his (thier) piece of home when he (they) missed the simplicity and quietness of Cheshire whilst they was on the other side of the world. But then you also both became each other’s person when in a crowded room. Your eyes meeting and automatically knowing what the other needed; if that was another drink, a dance or to be saved from the chaos of the crowds of people or an escape plan. You had each other’s back, always.
You weren’t entirely sure when you and Ross fell in love with one another but to quote John Greene “It was like falling asleep; slowly and then all at once.”
The boys had finally released their debut album and the five of you were currently sat in the boys’ tiny shared flat as you waited to see where they had charted. The countdown was on and they were quickly itching towards the top three on the album charts. There was a bottle of champagne you had bought waiting on the coffee table, the small static radio playing in the corner on the shelf above the tv. Radio 1’s album chart show recapping the rest of the top ten had you squeezing both Ross and Matty’s hands tightly as you waited in anticipation.
“And coming in at number two this week is a new entry from Nine Inch Nails with Hesitation Marks which means debuting at number one this week is The 1975 with their debut self titled album!”
The choked out gasp/squeal that came out of your mouth was quickly over powered by the sheer noise of the screams from the boys who were now jumping around their living room in celebration. Pulling your hands from your face, where they were covering your mouth in shock; Ross pulled you up from the sofa and instantly wrapping you up in his arms before spinning you round in what little room they had in the living room to begin with as you squealed in excitement.
Before you could really soak up what was happening; Matty was pulling you out of Ross’ arms and jumping on you like a toddler on a sugar high before pressing his lips against yours with pure adrenaline! Just about catching the two of you, Ross held on to your shoulders to make sure you both didn’t end up on the floor as you started cackling at their lead singer’s behaviour before he headed off to hug the others.
You couldn’t breath as Matty squeezed you tightly. A soft giddy chant of “We did it! We did it! We did it!” In your ear as he jumped in your arms.
“You did it!” You confirmed with a grin; holding him by the shoulders so you could see his face properly, your eyes glimmering as tears of pure pride and happiness threatened to spill. Pure elation etched across his face as he pulled you into him again.
“Dude! Stop hogging her! It’s my turn!” George came bumbling past everything in his way and ripping you from his grasp and into his own.
Jumping into the drummers arms; you clung on like a koala as you hugged him tightly, a singular arm reaching out behind you, you made a grabbing gesture towards the guitarist. Adam immediately wrapped his hand up in yours and pulled himself towards the pair of you, trapping you between the pair. Catching a glimpse of you sandwiched between his mates, Matty instantly made his way towards you, Ross hot on his heels to join you in a group hug.
“I’m so fucking proud of you. This just proves that all your hard work has finally paid off and everything that I’ve thought about you four is true. The rest of the country is just finally catching up!” Your eyes flitted between your four boys that you were currently sandwiched between, bright smiles reaching all of their eyes as they stared back at you warmly. “Okay stop! Or I will start fucking crying and we haven’t even started drinking yet!”  You cackled loudly. “Speaking of… I think it’s time to open that bottle, don’t you think?”  
“Matthew. The honours!” You smirked.
Jumping out of your personal space and into action, the boys all gave you a little breathing room as you jumped down from George’s arms, just as Matty snatched the bottle of Champagne off the coffee table and giddily ripping off the protective wrapping. Shaking the bottle as he popped the cork, the bubbly starting to spray over you all as he continued to shake it in celebration.
“All right that’s enough! That was expensive! I’d like to have at least one glass you twat!”  You scorned before reaching for mix match wine glasses the boys had acquired over their time in the flat. 
Two wine glasses, one champagne flute, a tumbler and a ‘worlds best dad mug’ which you weren’t entirely sure where it had come from to be honest but the assortment of drinking attire made you grin and it was so quintessentially them that you didn’t care that one of you was about to drink champagne from a chipped mug to celebrate their album going to number one. You just made a mental note to buy them a set for when their second went to number one instead!
It was several hours later and the group of you were severely drunk, the boys stoned after passing round a joint as you celebrated the boys getting to number one with their debut. You knew that the record label would throw them a bigger fancier party another time but you couldn’t think of anything more perfect than getting pissed in the flat with them.
You were currently deep in a heated discussion with Matty about his love for you and how he hates that you’ve already been stolen away from them. You felt like it was useless to try argue with a pissed Matty but as he grabbed your legs and pulled you closer so he could really get into the topic. If you weren’t as pissed as you were, you probably would have laughed at his persistence.
“Babe.” Matty’s whine; actually caused the smirk to spread across your face. “You’re going to leave again and that stupid handsome bastard is going to knock us off the top spot and then you’re going to be swanning round the world with them when you should be with us.”
“Matty love.” You grabbed onto the hand that was resting on top of your thigh. “I couldn’t give a shit if they get number one next week.” You reached up to grab hold of his face when he grumbled into his wine glass. “What I care about is the fact you just got a number one debut album! I am so fucking proud of each and every one of you because you deserve every bit of praise that you’re going to get from this because you’re so fucking talented.” 
You turned round to face the other three boys. “You have worked your arses off for the past ten years to get to this moment. And your debut album is the number one album in the country! Do you understand how insane that is! My best friends have a number one album. That’s mental!” You then reached behind you, blindly grabbing onto Ross. “If they get number one next week? Cool. It’s just another number one to them, they probs won’t even care as much as they did the first time. But you could be number one for three weeks or you could have charted at number eight tonight and I would still have been just as proud as I am right now. Do you understand me?” Your voice firm as you looked Matty directly in the eye, his lip quivering a little as he nodded at your praise.
“Good. Now go get the shots in before I fucking cry again!”
Shoving your legs off of him, Matty rushed into the kitchen to grab something to pour whatever liquor he could find into so you could carry on celebrating. This was the thing, you hadn’t been working with the Monkeys very long but with their established career you’ve noticed that the events you’ve been invited to since you had been with them were all big industry parties where they had to talk to the big wigs and fake interest in everything everyone had to say. There was always work chat happening around you, cameras flashing and people in overly expensive outfits. Nothing was an intimate affair.
You’d rather do this. Passing a joint around the living room, getting wine drunk and curled up against your best friend (any of them will do) but it was currently the bassist who’s hands were rubbing circles against the top of your thigh, your legs draped over his as you conversed in whispers as the tiredness started to seep into your bones. 
You could see it in his eyes too, yours flashing towards the clock on the fireplace. The hands striking 02:10, the realisation making the yawn press its way out of you and setting off a rippling effect as you watched Ross and then Hann yawn too. Snuggling further into Ross’ side, your head on his shoulder. You pressed a sleepy kiss to the crook between his neck and collarbone, mumbling the words “So proud of you.” Against his skin.
You felt a kiss pressed to the top of your head as he whispered; “So I’ve heard. Thanks sweetheart means a lot.” Before he announced he was taking you to bed to the rest of the boys and sweeping you off your feet and carrying you to his room where you fell asleep next to him but woke up warmly in his arms.
Since the release of their debut album; your boys had been on a world tour and away from you way too long! You had also been travelling the world with the Monkey’s and experiencing tour life yourself and as much as you loved the Yorkshire men and the time you had spent with them since meeting them in early 2013. You really did miss your best friends and the moment the five of you had both finished your respective tours, you wanted nothing more than to be with them and be needy as fuck by not leaving their side until they physically had to prise you off them but luck wasn’t on your side.
It felt like that it was never going to happen when the boys were off on holiday and going straight into the studio as soon as tour was over for them. FaceTiming the boys with the time difference was always awkward and it wasn’t the same. Until Matty called you asking  (read begging) you to come work with them as they started on their new album campaign. Your suitcase was packed quicker than you could say ‘The 1975’ you were now stood in the departure lounge ready to head to Los Angeles to see the boys. You looked down to see your phone was ringing once more for the fourth time that day. Matty’s face flashing up on your screen. Again.
“Matthew.”  You sighed, pressing your phone to your ear.
“You’re still coming aren’t you? Please say you’re coming?” Matty started rambling as you moved further down the queue, literally heading towards the plane as you struggled to get a word in edge ways.
“Matty love. I’m literally getting on the plane right now. Calm down. You’re going to see me in eight hours and then you can annoy me all you want in person.”
“I won’t annoy you I promise. I’m just anxious and I really want you here.”
“Sweetheart. I actually encourage you to be annoying. I’ve missed you. All of you so  so much. I can’t wait to be annoyed by you.”
“You’re going to regret saying that.” Matty sighed out a relieved laugh.
“Hmmm. I’m sure I will but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Look I really have to go. I’ll see you soon okay.”
“Okay. See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you too dickhead!” You laughed; passing the crew member your passport and ticket before heading down the tunnel, ready to be reunited with your boys.
When you touched down in the city of Los Angeles; the crowds of people and seemingly paparazzi that were swimming around LAX was giving you anxiety and sending your stress levels through the roof but when you saw Jamie stood holding a sign that had your childhood nickname ‘Mouse’ scrawled in Matty’s messy penmanship your heartbeat slowed down again as you quickened the pace, embracing the man in front of you.
“Boys wanted to come. Especially Matty but I didn’t want him to cause a scene. Thought you might not appreciate it after a long flight.”
“Thanks. As much as I love them, I’d rather not smell like plane when I see them too!”  You let out a laugh as you both made your way out of the airport, your bigger suitcase in Jamie’s hand whilst you wheeled your smaller one towards the car.
Upon jumping in the back; you barely had any time to collect yourself or close the door before you were being attacked. Securely trapped underneath the body of whoever was already in the car, you spared a glance up at them once you had collected your breathing after your unsuspected heart attack to find Matty grinning down at you. Mirroring his grin; a cackle erupted from your chest as his curls tickled you as he repeated pressed kisses all over your face like an over excited puppy.
“Okay that’s enough. Jesus!” You finally managed to push him off you with a laugh just as Jamie jumped in the front.
“Buckle in kids! Not setting off until belts are on. No accidents on my watch!”
“Yes Dad!” The pair of you replied in sync. You and your curly haired best mate shared a side eyed glance before bursting into giggles as Jamie pulled out of the airport car park with a shake of his head, just as he launched into explaining that the boys refused to let you stay in a hotel so he was dropping you off at their rented house and he’d let the boys explain sleeping arrangements etc once you had settled in.
“Really fucking missed you mate.” Matty mumbled; snuggling his head into the side of your neck, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Me too. Can’t wait to squeeze the boys.”
“Yeah, they weren’t too happy I got to come to the airport but what are they going to do?” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Fuck all is what they’ll do!”
“I’m so happy you’re here, I can feel my anxiety slipping away already.” He hummed. “You’re not going back to those other northerners. You’re ours.”  Matty spoke softly as he played with your fingers, the sweetness outweighing his very obvious jealousy.
“All yours love.” 
You smiled softly at him, pressing a kiss to the top of his curls before riding silently back to the house that would become your home for the next however long you were in LA. When you entered the house; Jamie and Matty close behind with your suitcases you had barely made it into the entryway before George was barrelling towards you and sending you both tumbling to the floor. You let out a groan as you felt the weight of George’s gigantic frame on top of you.
“Missed you so much bitch!” He whispered in your ear as he squeezed you tight, pressing a sloppy kiss to the side of your face.
“Missed you too G! But fuck I think you’ve just broke my back!” You groaned; wiggling under his weight to try dismiss some of the pain that was now coursing through you.
“Yeah I did!” George grinned and that was the moment you knew it was time to push him off you before you actually had chance to knock the annoying smirk off his face.
“God I hate you!” You exclaimed as you reached out to grab Hann’s awaiting hand, the giant sassing you right back that he knew you definitely didn’t, as Adam pulled you into a much more respectable greeting. Hugging you warmly before pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek and telling you he’s missed you loads, you squeezed him back tightly just as Ross came into view.
Stepping out of Hann’s arms; you shared a look of fondness with the bassist, the two of you beaming before sprinting into his arms where he squeezed you so tight you thought you might pop but you didn’t care because you with back with your favourite person (people). Wrapping your arms around his neck; you couldn’t help but sigh a deep sigh of happiness as you revelled in the warmth of Ross’ arms.
“God I’ve missed you so much.” Ross whispered in your ear.
“I’ve missed you more.” You whispered back.
“Impossible!” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before you abruptly turned in his arms to face the rest of the band and demanding a tour of your new abode.
Sleeping arrangements at the house; were that you were a bedroom short and no matter how much you told them you were fine with staying somewhere else and many arguments about how you were definitely not allowed to sleep on the sofa. You had admitted defeat; knowing you were never going to win and you were going to take it in turns sharing. Not that you minded; you guys were family. You had all shared tighter spaces and definitely worse spaces than a king sized bed in a luxurious house in Los Angeles. You were positive you would survive sharing with the band during your stay. Although Matty’s snoring was the one thing you were dreading when it came to Matty’s turn to share.
You had spent the first week sharing with Ross. Absolute bliss; he was clean, he opened up space in his wardrobe so you didn’t have to live out of your case and made space in his drawers for all your socks and underwear, he always let you choose what you watched before bed and was the best person to snuggle. You almost felt bad about not wanting to spend the next week with George! But as soon as you found out that Ross was more than willing to welcome you back for the rest of your duration after your week apart. You were quick to move back in with the bassist and that’s where you stayed much to your needy friend Matthew’s dismay.
The first week of being in LA was catching up with the boys, lying by the pool and catching a much needed tan that you couldn’t acquire back home and sitting in the studio whilst the boys work and doing nothing but admire them doing the thing you always loved the most. Watching them create magic. Then you were in back to back meetings with the band, Jamie and their team about the look they were wanting go for in terms of visuals for all their music videos and promo shots etc. It was something you were very excited about and couldn’t wait to start working on with them.
Love Me had been decided on the first single and you were currently on set and setting up everything you needed in terms of making sure the boys looked their absolute best. You were currently in the process of trying to tame George’s hair but neither your gentle giant nor his hair were cooperating when it came to sitting still.
“I swear to God. If you don’t sit still. I’m going to punch you so fucking hard.” You scowled at him. “The quicker this is done, the quicker we get finished. The quicker I can stop thinking of ways of hurting you and your curly headed mate.”
“He’s your curly headed mate too you know!” He chuckled at your unimpressed face. “I’m sorry. I’ll sit still promise.”
You were just on the edge of perfecting George’s look when Matty came barrelling in with Jamie hot on his tail as Matty’s sing song voice rang throughout the room, “Sweetheart!My beautiful best friend and love of my life!” He skipped straight on over and bouncing on the balls of his feet, stopping right next to George.
Taking a deep breath. You dropped your hands from George’s face, turning towards your best friend with a tight lipped smile. “You know you love me?”
“What have you done?” Your tone deadpan and already done with wherever this conversation is heading.
“It’s actually more what you can do for us.”  Jamie interrupted. “Our main model didn’t realise that it was the boys she was booked for and is apparently already acquainted with Matthew.” Jamie paused to side eye his front man. Your own face less than impressed as you eyed him too.
“So she’s ‘politely’ declined and left. Matty didn’t want to do the main bit with anyone else so he’s come up with a plan.”  Jamie then gestured for Matty to talk.
“Would you, my favourite person to ever grace this earth, please be my video girl? You’re already comfortable with me, you’ve seen me in several states of undress already and we’ve got mad chemistry and you’re so ridiculously hot that no one will ever know you’re not a hot shot model anyway! So what you do you say? Fancy a frolic in a hot tub?”
You blinked rapidly at him. You actually genuinely could not believe the words that were leaving your idiot friend’s mouth. He wanted you to be filmed in high definition to be seen by thousands of people and to live on the internet forever because he just couldn’t keep it in his pants. Frolic in a hot tub with him, in a bikini and do God knows what with him? Matthew couldn’t be serious? You weren’t entirely sure how long you had been staring at him when he started talking again.
“We’ll pay you double what you’re already getting. Please darling you know I wouldn’t ask if we weren’t desperate. We’d look so good together. It’ll be fun, I promise!”
You looked down at George who was next to you, he had some sort of amused look etched across his features that caused you to frown but then you caught the eye of Adam and Ross (your two favourite members of the band just fyi) looking at you sympathetically from across the room. You let out a sigh. God you needed to acquire some will power.
“You don’t have to pay me double. I’m already here aren’t I?” You rolled your eyes as Matty barrelled into you, yanking you into his arms. “I’ve just got one condition.”
Matty held your shoulders at arms length, promising. “Anything!”
Quickly glancing around the room, you caught the eyes of the rest of the band before smirking at Matty. “I’m not necking you. I have to draw a line somewhere Matthew!” The chortle that left George’s mouth was enough to make you grin as Matty’s face fell.
“What?! You’re no fun!” He sulked, before grumbling. “Not like we haven’t before.”
“That doesn’t count. We were sixteen!”  You laughed; watching as he folded his arms across his chest like a child being told off. “You can’t play by those rules babe because then I could neck all of you in the video and no offence I don’t want to do that again.” 
Your eyes quickly flashed towards Ross briefly before flitting back to Matty again. You thought you had got away with it but Adam definitely saw the interaction and the slight flush that crept it’s way onto his mate’s cheeks as you changed the subject, as Jamie directed you towards the wardrobe department to get you sorted for your music video debut.
Before you knew it you were in a skimpy swimsuit, bright blue eyeliner around your eyes, hair tossed into a cute messy bun and you were frolicking in a hot tub with Matty Healy. You’ll give him credit when it’s due, it was very easy to play pretend with him because he was right, you had a natural chemistry having been best friends with him over a decade and had seen him do some disgusting things in your time. So when his hands grabbed at your waist as he floated over towards you and ran his tongue straight up the side of your neck and straight up the side of your face, you couldn’t help but throw your throw your head back in laughter as his hands, his curls and his tongue tickled you, you really didn’t bat an eyelid.
Gently pushing him away; Matty almost instantly pulled you back towards him causing you to end up straddling him, so you cheekily licked his face in retaliation causing the two of you to grin at each other brightly before shoving each other playfully just as the director yelled cut.
“Excellent! You’re both amazing! Let’s see if we can get all five of you in there for some extra shots.” The director called out for the boys to join you.
You watched as the other three giants all clad in their trunks made their way over, standing up you knew as the smallest person there it would be easier to fit you in last than it would for them to climb in and end up squishing you. George dived straight on in without a second thought, splashing you as you attempted to get out of the way. Adam; ever the gentleman that he is, held out his hand to help you step out before stepping in himself like a normal person before floating off in Matty’s direction before Ross clambered on in too. Holding out his hand; your fingers found his easily, stepping back in and slinking back under the water and letting his hands naturally find your waist to pull you back so you were sitting against his chest.
“So more of the same please. Playful, splash the guys, flirt. Not as full on as before but look like you guys are all having fun!” The director shouted before yelling action.
The five of you continued to mess about, doing as instructed. It wasn’t exactly a chore to act like you were having fun with the band. Your laugh loud as you held your hands in front of your face as George spat jacuzzi water at you like the tramp that he is! Scrambling to get away you quickly managed to bump into Ross’ chest, causing you to turn and look up at him with a grin. You found him already looking at you cheekily, the look in his eyes made you shudder but you shrugged it off, sticking your tongue out at him as George surprisingly yanked you towards him at full speed. It all but continued until the director had decided he had enough footage of this particular storyboard for you guys to jump out.
You stayed sitting for a moment as Adam, Matty and George wrapped themselves in towels, finally having the space to stretch a little after being squished in between your friends for the past half hour. It was then you noticed Ross casually leaning against the side, arms wide as he watched you with a soft smile on his face. You were going to ask what he was looking at when you spotted a speckle on his cheek and floated on over, slotting into his inside easily and sweeping your fingertip across his cheekbone.
Holding your finger between the two of you, you glanced at it before glancing back up at the brunette. “Make a wish.” You whispered. Blowing gently so the eyelash floated away. Ross took you in for a moment, forgetting where you were and that Matty was stood behind the monitor still watching you. “You going to tell me what you wished for?”
“Won’t come true if I say it out loud now will it?” Ross cocked an eyebrow at you with a smirk.
“Right! Let’s get out before I end up looking like a prune!” You laughed.
“Prettiest prune I’ve ever seen though.” You blinked up at the brunette as he kissed the tip of your nose before jumping out, waiting for you with his arm out stretched ready to help out of the water and into some dry (his) clothes.
The footage of all five of you ended up being scrapped from the final edit of the video, claims of you all looked too squished in the tub.
What you didn’t know was that the real reason it was scrapped was because when Matty reviewed the footage; the fact you and his bassist were looking so sickeningly in love with one another whenever you looked in each other’s direction. He couldn’t risk having anyone say anything about it online, that and he wanted to protect you both. Also with your solo footage with him, you’re supposed be his hot chick and you couldn’t be looking at anyone else other than him but mainly the first thing.
2016 had been a good bloody year for the boys! They had released their sophomore album I Like It When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It in February and it had gone straight to number one in the UK and to the top of the Billboard charts in the US, giving them their first US number one. This time you made sure they were fully prepared for when your celebrations came around, gifting Matty (and the rest of the boys) who had just moved into a new house a beautiful set of wine glasses/champagne flutes each. Although nothing will ever beat drinking out of a chipped ‘Worlds Best Dad’ mug for self titled’s celebration but you did promise you’d celebrate properly this time and if anything, you stick to your promises.
They went and embarked on their world tour starting in Australia and The States in January and ending back home in December. It was a complete world wind and now you were both steady with your careers, you were able to travel with them for long periods of time in between your other jobs so you didn’t have to miss each other as much as you did during self titled. This you know Matty was very pleased with because it meant that you weren’t with the ‘other northerners’!
The boys had also been nominated for a Mercury Music Award for best album of the year and you couldn’t have been prouder of them. They deserved every number one album, every glowing review, every award nomination and it was a privilege to be by their sides as they achieved this. So when The Brit nominations came out in January and they had been nominated for Album of the Year and Best Group, you felt like your heart could burst. Then you got asked to attend with the band.
“Do you maybe, want to be my date?” Ross had asked shyly.
“You ask like I would ever say no! I’d be honoured to be your date MacDonald!”
So here you were the night of The Brits; your hair in curlers and a make up artist finishing off the last minute touches to your face whilst you were in between you running around the hotel room in your dressing gown and attending to the boys’ outfits that were hung up in the living room area of the suite management had hired out for you. Adam was already here; groomed to perfection (not like there was much to perfect with this angel of a man) and waiting for the others to arrive.
Ross was next to arrive just as your make up artist was leaving so as you quickly got him ready, your boys grabbed a bear whilst you waited for the troublesome twosome to arrive. Naturally they had to be hand delivered by Jamie because they were fannying about so as you rushed around, you thought about how grateful you were to earlier you, for thinking about getting yourself ready first before the boys showed up.
You could hear Jamie calling out that the car had arrived as he returned, the boys all shuffling about as they collected themselves ready to leave. You could hear Ross call your name as you rushed round the bedroom to find your shoes. Just managing to slip your foot into your last heel, you smoothed down the front of your dress as the door swung open. “Babe, the cars he…”
The bassist stopped in the doorway, jaw slack as he took in your appearance. Turning over your shoulder, a flurry of worry washed over you when Ross failed to continue speaking. “Do I look okay? God! This dress looks awful doesn’t it?”  You asked, panic setting in as you nervously ran your hands down the front of your dress. Ross blinked at you; his expression one as if you had three heads. Shaking his own quickly, he let out a short chuckle.
“You look incredibly beautiful love.” He shot you a warm smile, your panic washing away instantly as he held out his hand. “Ready to go?”
Nodding. He felt a rush of warmth hit his cheeks as he caught sight of your tanned legs through the thigh high slit of the black elegant dress you were wearing for the evening. The plunging neckline of the dress leaving little to the imagination as your cleavage bounced with every step you took towards him. Slipping you hand into his, you met the boys and their dates downstairs in the lobby. Holding your clutch in front of your face as you were greeted with wolf whistles, you pleaded for them to just get in the car without any further embarrassment.
“Who are you and what have you done with our best friend?” Matty’s voice echoed through the hotel lobby as he came in to kiss your cheek.
“Yeah you look smokin’! Might have to steal you away later!” You pushed George away when he attempted to swat your ass after also pressing a kiss to your face. You really did hate him sometimes!
“You look beautiful sweetheart.”  Adam pressed a deft kiss to your cheek before returning to Carly’s side. You really did appreciate him.
“Right you lot. In the car now or we’ll be late for the carpet!” Jamie ushered you all out of the hotel in a flurry.
You had been to a lot of fancy industry events since your career had taken off with both the boys and the Monkey’s. You had even been to The Brits before back in 2014 but not in the capacity that you were tonight, you were at work. You definitely had fun afterwards but tonight you could definitely let your hair down even though the boys had an outfit change for their performance. You were confident that it would be a seamless transition and you’d be able to enjoy their performance with Carly and Gabby from the audience.
You had probably drunk a little bit too much champagne but you didn’t care you were here to celebrate your boys. Matty and George were smoking weed under the table. You were trying to concentrate on what Carly and Adam were trying to say to you over the noise of the room but Ross kept saying ridiculous things in your ear about other people he had seen and making you lose concentration. Slapping your hand against the top of his leg; you threw your head back in more drunk laughter. His hand making its way on to your bare thigh as he giggled, pulling you in closer as you carried on your conversation with the rest of the table. You didn’t mind, you let him. It was harmless. Nobody was going to know in their inebriated states anyway, especially when you were covered by the table cloth. Except you forgot that Matty and George were underneath the table.
Then their category was up. Then their name was called out. Tears prickling at your eyes the moment the band’s name hit your ears. Your table on its feet as you all congratulated the boys. Bodies pulled against one another as they hugged their loved ones. Yours automatically finding their way around Ross’s neck as you squeezed him impossibly close. 
“I’m so bloody proud of you!”  
You grinned up at him. Ross pecked you on the lips like it was the most natural thing in the world and before you could be caught up (too much) in the moment or overthink, you were being yanked into George’s arms just as Matty was pulling Ross into a kiss before bounding round the table, kissing you too before they headed up on stage to accept their award.
Wrapping your arms around Louis’ bicep, you rested your chin upon his shoulder as you watched them collect The Brit Award for Best British Group. Proud didn’t even cover it as you beamed from ear to ear as a room full of their peers gave them their dues. Finally after all this time. It was about damn time if anyone asked you.
Then came the after party.
You definitely partied more than you did three years prior with the Monkey’s and that was a wild night by anyone’s standards. But your best friends of twenty two years had just been crowned Best British Group of the year at the fucking Brit Awards! This was grounds to celebrate and to celebrate hard! Your feet were hurting in your heels as you stood in the smoking area of the club with George and Ross. Matty no where to be seen but an incoherent voice note referring to an ‘after after party’ at the hotel was buzzing through your group chat.
The ‘after after parties’ were always better in your opinion. They were always at a hotel or someone’s house, which meant you could kick your shoes off at your first convenience and you could hear whoever you were conversing with better than when you’d have to scream over the music in whatever club you were in. Not that you spoke to anyone that wasn’t in your circle or anyone that wasn’t within two feet off Ross because you were joint at the hip the entire night. His hand never far from your lower back, your hip or just any part of you in general as you celebrated with your people.
Just like right now in the back of the car on the way back to your hotel, his hand sat comfortably on the top of your leg as you squished in with the rest of the gang. You didn’t think anyone noticed considering how obliterated you all seemed to be or maybe they did, they just didn’t know what they were looking at in their inebriated states. What they definitely didn’t see was what you did after slipping out of the hotel room your party was being held in to head to your own to freshen up, you best friend hot on your tail.
Running down the hotel corridor; hand grasped tightly in your best friend’s, your drunk giggles reverberated through the corridor as you ran away from all the noise at Matty’s. The abrupt stop had Ross bumping into the back of you, hands gripping your waist to stop him from toppling over. “Shit.” He drunkly grumbled; before giggling and spinning you round so you were face to face.
Ross’ stare flitted across your features. Long eyelashes, flushed cheeks and bright red lipstick donning your face. You only blinked up at his handsome face, not getting the chance to ask what was wrong when he spoke.
“You look so fucking beautiful tonight. Have I told you that? ” 
Ross barely whispered as he pulled you closer so you were flushed against him. Smoothing down the lapels of his suit, you nodded slowly, unable to do anything else in your champagne haze. The next thing you knew; your back was against your hotel room door and Ross’ lips were on yours, kissing you like your lives depended on it.
God knows how long you were snogging in the hotel corridor but the fear of being caught by the boys had your brain jump into gear a little bit. Not a lot but enough. Groaning into Ross’ mouth as his hands reached up and gripped your jaw tightly, you finally pulled away from him. Without another word you were turning in his arms and opening your hotel room door, immediately pulling him in before you could get caught by your friends.
You reattached your mouth to his; your tongues intertwining with his as his large hands held you close, having already travelled down to your ass. Not being able to hold back the moan that bubbled inside you as he groaned into your mouth at the feel of your nails running up the back of his neck.
“So fucking proud of you. Need to show you how much.”  You moaned; running your hands down his front and pulling him close, so your crotches were flush against one another as you grabbed at one another in a horny flurry.
Looping your fingers through his belt loops, you slowly got down on your knees. Eyelashes fluttering as you looked up at him innocently as your perfectly manicured hand undid his belt and reaching inside to take hold what you were about to find out was the perfect cock.
After that night at The Brits two years prior; the relationship between the pair of you remained as it did before the incident in your hotel room. Except now you know what his cock looked like and how it felt to have him in your mouth. And Ross knew what it was like to experience you sucking his cock like a porn star, like it was the last thing you’d ever do. After you let him paint the back of your throat, the bassist pulled you up and kissed you in appreciation before making yourselves look presentable enough to slink back to all your friends down the corridor.
Nobody had to know that you loved how big he felt in your mouth and that you were on your knees just ten minutes prior nor did they need to know that Ross had an imprinted red smudge around the tip of his cock from your lipstick. But the two of you knew and it was your little secret. 
Since that night in February a lot had happened in the 75 camp. Matthew had been to rehab and been staying clean since late 2017, the boys had created and released their third studio album A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships and had gone straight to number one again (as they should!) Your annual tradition of champagne and weed in one of your living rooms still going strong, this year you were at Adam and Carly’s place. The boys had also just set off on the first leg of their Music for Cars Tour in the UK.
You, had continued to work for the boys; made them look presentable enough to go out in public, not necessarily behave in public because let’s be honest you weren’t a miracle worker! You also made them look pretty during their new album campaign. You had also worked with the Monkey’s again on a couple of shoots, much to Matty’s chagrin but you know it’s only because he’s salty due to the new fact that he’d found out about how Alex had written songs about you and he hated that you’d even fathom going there with him.
I mean you were a woman with eyes, what did he want you to say exactly?! He outright refused to even think about it never mind talk to you about it when you said he was being a little dramatic. You also had a short lived romance with a certain pop star that you’re sure would send the world into a tail spin but you weren’t going to kiss and tell, that wasn’t your style! 
At this year’s Brits the boys were nominated for Best Group again but they were also nominated for Album of the Year, which was a big fucking deal! Ross had asked you to be his date again, which you accepted in a heart beat. Heat flurrying through your body as you remembered how 2017 had ended but you weren’t going to let that memory ruin your friendship. After all what was a little blowjob between friends! 
You were joined by Carly and Gabby again and George’s new squeeze of the moment as you pre drank before the ceremony, sharing a bottle of bubbles with them. When the boys finally stepped out after putting on their suits, you felt your breath actually get caught in your throat as you caught sight of Ross in all his glory. The girls all heading to their respective dates to greet them but you felt frozen, he looked absolutely fucking divine and for once in your life you were speechless. Your best friend finally stopped in front of you, pressing a kiss to your cheek with a soft smile as he drunk in your own appearance.
“You look beautiful as always love.” He blushed as you ran your hands down the front of his suit jacket.
“Thanks. You look so handsome.” You looked up at him, your eyes bright as you stared at his handsome face. “Lets go kick some ass and bring it home shall we?!” You grinned; looking round his large frame at the other boys who already seemed to be watching the pair of you with these annoying all knowing expressions etched into their soft smiles.
And kick ass they did!
Once again proving that they were the best band in the fucking world. Your boys had won Best British Group again but they had also only bloody gone and won the best prize of the evening! Album of the Year! Which was true, they released the album of the year every year in your opinion and were always the best group in your eyes so they deserved to celebrate like they were the best fucking group in the world and that they did!
You were at an all star studded after party in the heart of London with the boys. You weren’t entirely sure what club you were in but you had just been dancing with Jade from Little Mix and had downed some sort of shot with Louis Tomlinson before retiring back to your corner to your people and to grab another glass of champagne.
“Having a good time love?” Ross’ deep voice reached your ear as his hand slipped around your waist and pulling you in close.
“Hmmmm.” You hummed, nodding as you took a sip as you turned into his arms. “Kinda want food and my bed now though! My feet are killing me!”  You reached up on your toes so you didn’t have to shout. 
Ross’ hands immediately squeezed at your waist before you watched him reach down to pop his beer on the crowded table and resting both hands on you before whispering words you really longed to hear. “Let’s get out of here!”
Nodding. He mentioned quickly nipping to the bathroom and to wait here before disappearing into the crowd of pop stars and other celebrities. Fiddling with the straps of your heels as you waited for Ross to return, you felt someone slip into the booth beside you. As you looked up you found George’s date watching you with a bright smile, so you sent her a friendly smile, not entirely sure how to start a conversation with her, especially when you were god knows how many glasses of champagne deep.
“You two are so cute. How long have you been together?”
It was an innocent question but you were definitely glad you had already put your glass down because you were certain you would have choked otherwise. George’s date stunned you into silence for a moment before managing to string a sentence together. “Ehhh. We’re not together. Ross is my best friend. I’ve known the boys since we were kids. It’s not like that.” You managed to splutter out at her in some sort of coherence, hopefully.
“Ohhh well you look look really good together.”
Luckily for you; Ross had magically reappeared before you could get any type of response out and asking if you were ready to go. Holding his hand out, you grabbed it immediately and pulled yourself up before turning back towards the pretty girl. “It was really lovely to meet you.”  You told her, letting her know you guys were heading out but before you could be fully out of earshot she got the last word in, annoyingly shooting you a genuine smile. 
“Just think about it.”
You blinked in shock at her boldness when you had known her less than twelve hours before you allowed Ross to pull you through the sweaty bodies and away from further embarrassment/anxiety inducing conversations with girls you didn’t know from Adam and that you knew G wasn’t going to keep around anyway.
As soon as the brisk night air hit the two of you, Ross’ suit jacket was already around your shoulders before your goosebumps could even say hello, his hand back in yours and trying to navigate the swarms of paparazzi who were waiting to take pictures of people much more interesting than the two of you.
A few flashes had gone off as you pushed your way through before heading in the opposite direction in hopes of catching an uber back to your hotel. But you weren’t bothered by the fact; only because the only time your face had ever appeared in the gossip magazines was when you were in the company of your lead singers and you doubted they remembered your name to print it anyway.
Tonight you were in the back of the car by yourselves and didn’t have to hide the fact that you both were touching one another in ways best friends shouldn’t. Ross’ large hard resting atop of your thigh that had been out all evening thanks to the little leather Versace number you were wearing for the special occasion.
Hands he didn’t remove from your body when you pulled up to the hotel, now trailing across your lower back as you strut across the lobby and into the lift. The ones then pulling you into his chest before wandering lower and holding on your ass as you shared a knowing look before smashing your lips to one another’s as you rode up to your floor of the hotel. The ones that then linked his fingers with yours as you giddily ran towards his room. The ones that pushed you back against the hotel room door as you made out like teenagers. You were about to drop to your knees when he started peppering kisses across your neck and down your chest. 
“So fucking proud of you!” You moaned as he kissed just under your jaw. “Let me show you how fucking proud of you I am. Been thinking about how good you look all night.” You attempted to drop to your knees again just like you did all those years ago but Ross shook his head at you and it had you frowning in confusion.
“You don’t want me to suck you cock?” You cocked your eyebrow at him. “Babe you just won album of the year at The Brits and I’m literally willing to blow you and you’re saying no?” You couldn’t help but laugh at this situation. What was going on?
“Ohhh I’d love you to but I know what I’d love more.” 
Gripping your hips tightly; Ross cocked his own eyebrow at you before dropping to his  own knees. Your breath immediately catching in your throat as he blinked up at you from between your legs as he pressed a kiss to the inside of your knee before moving upwards. “Couldn’t stop thinking about you in this dress all night! So fucking beautiful.” He mumbled as he reached the top of your thighs.
“Are you kidding? I couldn’t even talk when you walked out in this suit earlier. The fans are literally going insane!” You trailed off into a groan as Ross’ hands trailed up the backs of your legs and underneath your dress.
He shot you a look of permission from between your legs; your right hand reaching out to hold the side of his bearded face in your hand as you found yourself softly nodding as if what was about to happen wasn’t completely sinful. You’d give him the permission to do whatever the hell he wanted when he looked that good on his knees for you.
Ross let out the loudest groan of the night as he pushed the end of your LBD up upon realising you weren’t wearing any underwear. “Have you not been wearing anything underneath this all evening?”  He asked.
Biting your lip to mainly avoid laughing at his reaction, you shook your head timidly only to have your leg thrown over his shoulder before you could do or say or think about anything else. Your hand shooting to grip Ross’ hair; as you threw your head straight against the hotel room door as he rightfully took his reward. 
Or maybe it was yours?!
A global pandemic was something you never thought you would ever have to live through. The chance to sit at home and relax for a substantial amount of time was welcomed to begin with, considering you spent most of your life jet setting around the world either with your boys or with other artists and living in a constant state of jet lag. But after the first month of sitting in doors, you were literally scratching at the walls to get out of the house. To style someone’s hair, to be stuck in a fitting with Matty and have him send you spiralling into a state of annoyance, to hug somebody. Anybody. Not getting to see anybody was the worst bit. Your parents, your grandparents, your boys. 
Though you were one of the lucky ones. You weren’t alone. You were with Adam and Carly. Lockdown was supposed to be two weeks, it was supposed to be like a little vacation with your friends. But then two weeks turned into a month and then two months and then some and seeing Ross, George and Matty in zoom meetings or FaceTime just wasn’t the same.
You wanted Matty to take the piss out of your new found hobby to your face not through a screen. (You and Carly had both taken up knitting and pilates. All three of you had got extremely good at Scrabble) But then your space away from your curly haired lead singer was also a blessing. Imagine having to quarantine with him? You would have been scratching at the walls to get out for a different reason!
You missed Ross the most. Not that you’d tell the others because they were little shit bags apart from Adam, he is an actual angel. But you did, this was the longest you had been away from each other since their self titled world tour, so you hadn’t gone this long without each other in six years and quite frankly you hated it. 
Little did you know, so did Ross.
The day you were reunited. It was like a piece of your soul had just stitched itself back together. That niggle in your heart that you couldn’t quite explain what it was, just stopped niggling away at you the moment you clapped eyes on one another.
There was that moment after months of lockdown, socially distanced walks, only seeing essential workers and those you were living with and not being able to touch anybody that the moment you could meet in groups of six outside. That was it. The five of you plus Carly were meeting in G’s garden for a barbecue and honestly you couldn’t have been more excited. You, Carly and Adam were the first to arrive and whilst you sipped casually on your drinks in the sun, as you started to help to set up the array of food on the table sat on George’s decking, you heard the front door go.
Then you heard that infectious laugh and two pairs of advancing footsteps as the pair arrived in the garden, causing the three of you to smile brightly at the two giants. Popping his beer down, you couldn’t help but smile brightly as you watched Adam run to hug his best mate after not seeing him for months. As much as it’s been weird for you, you cannot imagine what it was like for the boys. The two boys pulled George into their little cuddle, making you and Carly giggle. The big old softies!
Your laughter had the boys pulling apart and George attempting to send a menacing glare in your direction but you couldn’t even laugh because Ross finally made eye contact with you for the first time in person in months. The others all staying quiet as they observed the pair of you, unsure how long you were drinking each other in, reality setting in after a beat, had the pair of you grinning brightly at one another before you took off into a run.
With no words uttered between you girls; Carly subtly took the glass of wine off you with a knowing smile whilst you competed in your stare off before you set off towards your best friend. Running as quickly as your little legs could carry you, Ross took a couple of strides to meet you in the middle as you quite literally launched yourself at him.
Jumping into his arms; yours automatically find their home around his neck as his found theirs around your waist, you clung onto him like a koala. His long arms encapsulating you in his embrace as you pulled him in tighter with your legs, his hands automatically dropping down to your ass to hoist you further into him where they subsequently stayed. An action that didn’t go unnoticed by George, Adam and Carly or Matthew who had let himself into George’s house unannounced.
“Jesus. Didn’t realise we were getting a free show today. Put her fucking down MacDonald. It’s my turn!”
Jumping down out of his arms; both you and your giant sent the tiny irritating front man the middle finger before turning to run and give Matthew a hug too. The six of you settled into conversation as you milled about the garden as G manned the barbecue. Laughter erupting through the summer air as you caught each other up on what you had all been up to and reminiscing of days gone past in between drinking and eating all the food you guys had prepared for your reunion.
It was like sun light had pierced through your heart and made you all warm and fuzzy inside, being back with your people after all this time. Especially with being curled up next to Ross on George's outdoor sofa with a glass of wine in your hand. You couldn’t help but look round at your friends; Matty was talking animatedly with George and Carly about something, a cig hanging from between his fingers. Adam and Ross in deep conversation about music. Adam opposite you; Ross’ arm casually around your shoulder, a beer in his other hand and you couldn’t help but let out a content sigh, smiling as you took in the moment. Adam’s eyes flitted towards you at your noise, taking in his two best friends and sent you this all enveloping warm smile before reverting his attention back to the brunette beside you.
By the time the sun was setting; everyone was fair to say a little tipsy. It was also fair to say that you weren’t listening to a word that George was saying to you, with your attention else where as you looked over your shoulder to find Ross across the garden, his eyes finding yours with a bright smile. Turning to G, you excused yourself and interrupted whatever rubbish Matty was talking about to grab Ross’ attention.
Smushing a messy kiss to your cheek; Matthew got you into a loving headlock, eventually managing to wiggle free from his grip and push the giggling twat away from you before could step into Ross’ warm embrace. Stood casually in each other’s arms; the pair of you watched the sun setting on the horizon for a peaceful moment but you snuggled further into his side and tightening your grip on him.
“Missed you so much you know. ” You mumbled into his chest.
“Missed you more darling.” The brunette spoke into your hair as he pressed a kiss there.
“Can we agree to never go that long without each other again please.” You whispered; looking up to find his gaze already on you, making your breath hitch in your throat for a moment. “Also that might be impossible MacDonald because I know I missed you the most!” 
“If you say so.” He smirked.
Whilst the two of you were in your own little world; Adam and Carly were huddled off in the corner sharing a fruit platter you had brought to the occasion and quietly observing the two of you. “Do you think they know?” Carly asked her fiancé, popping a strawberry in her mouth as she carried on watching her two friends from across the garden.
“No. But they will.” 
Since that day in George’s garden; you had essentially not left each other’s side. You spent another couple of weeks at Adam and Carly’s before making the move back to your own apartment, that wasn’t too far from Matty’s so you were seeing him an awful lot more too because you were basically forcing him to let you tag along on his dog walks with his new dog Mayhem. Which by the way, cutest dog ever!
You saw Ross in the flesh every day in some shape or form even if it was for a half hour, then you started going round for tea and vice versa and then being naughty and sleeping over just because you could and if those idiots in charge of the country could break the rules then so could you. By the time it came round for you both to get back to work for the new album campaign, you were practically living together, unknown to the rest of the band. You couldn’t remember the last time you went more than two days without staying with him at his place or him at yours.
You remember the night before your first day back at work; you were both lounging on his bed, your hand cascading through his long hair which personally you thought was going to go down an absolute treat with the fans, as he laid in your lap and being his usual self  and ranting about all the chaos and stress that being back at work would bring. Ross had always been good looking but there was something about him with his little man bun that you knew was going to turn the female population absolutely feral and you wouldn’t blame them one bit!
“The kids are going to go wild when they see your hair!”
“The boys took the piss when we they saw it.” He grumbled against your bare leg.
“That’s because they’re dicks and they’re just jealous they can’t pull hair like this off! I like the long hair. It suits you babe. Looks hot!”  You told him not thinking anything of it as you pressed a kiss to the the part of his head you could reach from your current angle.
“You think so?”
“I know so!” You beamed at him.
You were absolutely right of course, the kids went absolutely insane when the first images were dropped for Being Funny in a Foreign Language and when the music videos started dropping, you best believe the thirst on the internet was real. Some of them so hilariously thirsty you couldn’t help but like them yourself and sometimes even tag him in the responses. Which he hated of course, your best friend was never one to know how to take a compliment. But you would shower the silly sausage in compliments until you drilled it into him that he was deserving of all the love he was receiving.
The boys were in the car on the way into Central London in regards to the Official Charts countdown and when Ross threw his head up with a playful scowl from where it was deep in his phone from across the van. You were currently mid conversation with George when you caught his glare out of your peripheral and you couldn’t help but guffaw out a chuckle when he continued to narrow his eyes at you.
“Sorry G, hold on a sec. What the fuck you glaring at me for MacDonald?!” Everyone’s attention now on the bassist.
“Stop tagging me in those things on instagram!”
“What things on instagram?” Matty turned round to give us his full attention, his interest suddenly peaked.
“I tag him in all the thirst comments about him because he deserves to know that the fans think he’s hot as fuck! But the grump won’t take the compliment!”
“Why dude?! You’re hot as fuck!” Matty pointed out like it was obvious. Which it was.  Before turning back towards you. “Right?” 
“Literally so hot!” You smirked. “You’re all the hottest you’ve ever looked! I mean Ads is a literal DILF so can we all collectively as a band agree that you’re fit as fuck!”
“Just drop it… please!” Ross pleaded; eyes trained on you with softness behind them as we pulled up to the building. 
So you dropped it. Jamie and yourself ushering them out of the van and into the building where your boys were presented with their fifth consecutive number one album plaque. The glow that was emitting from your best friends instantly made you light up with pride, your loud cackle reverberating round the small room they were filming in as Matty pounced on you. The other boys quickly following suit; although they weren’t as aggressive with their affection.
Your grin didn’t leave your face once as they tried to record their thank you video; your giggle being captured on camera as George tried to imitate Matty and becoming so northern your brain just physically couldn’t handle it! Your grin still stretching across your face even as Matty swung your hands in between the pair of you as he giddily pulled you back to the care with such force, he nearly pulled your arm out of the socket. Your grin still beaming across your features as you sat curled up on Ross’ sofa as you watched the boys pass a joint around the living room as you sipped on your champagne.
The feeling of watching the boys pass another milestone. Their fifth consecutive number one album, which meant they made the best fucking album five times in a fucking row! If you could bottle this warm fuzzy feeling of knowing your family were thriving and succeeding in life, you would sell it by the bottle full because there was no better feeling than right now in Ross’ living room getting champagne drunk and smoking with your best friends. Just like you had done for the past nine years.
You were fully in your own little world when George’s voice boomed back into the living room like he had other noise to compete with, his long legs quickly carrying him back into your eye line in a rush and stopped to be dramatic once he had everyone’s attention
“Who the fuck’s stuff is on your bathroom counter? There’s a shit tone of women’s products in there! Have you been keeping a missus from us?” He exclaimed; his face lighting up like he was about to unearth the juiciest of all gossip.
“It’s mine.” You said; taking a sip of your champagne casually before Ross could even open his mouth and explain.
“It’s yours? Why is all your stuff littering his bathroom?” George’s eyebrows furrowed, confused as to why you’d have a toothbrush and all your essentials here when you had your own place ten minutes away.
“Littering? Please! Don’t insult me! It’s in a nice neat pile in the corner!” You rolled your eyes at your gigantic friend. “And because I sometimes sleep over when I’ve had too much to drink. Did you know I also have shit at Hann’s house, a drawer of clothes at Matty’s and Charli made me a box of stuff that’s on the bottom shelf in the cupboard underneath your bathroom sink?!”
“Really?!” George’s eyebrows shot up as he retained everything you had just said but mainly the latter of information.
“Yes G! Why would I lie?!” You laughed; shaking your head. “Is that all okay with you G? You calmed down now?!”  You challenged him with a smirk.
Your gentle giant nodded, he still cocked an eyebrow at your confession (the part about your sleepovers) but a soft smile washed over his features as you opened your arms. “Now come here idiot!”  The creases at the side of his eyes crinkled in the light of Ross’ living room before he bounded over and smothered you with his entire body, which to be honest you really welcomed even if he was crushing your tiny five foot two frame as you shared the love seat in the corner.
G didn’t need to know that what you told him was a little white lie and that you actually stay over several times a week and the days you’re not acquainted with the four walls of Ross’ humble abode, he was staying over at your place. The co-dependency was real at his point, you were afraid to admit it out loud.
What he also didn’t need to know was that after the boys all jumped in a taxi to go home, instead of falling asleep in Ross’ guest bedroom. You crawled into his bed clad in only one of his t-shirts (read a dress on you) and a pair of knickers and snuggling your body straight into his warm chest, where you pressed soft kisses across the underline of his jaw. Mumblings of how fucking proud you were until he finally looked down to look at you and without a seconds hesitation smashed his lips against yours.
You thought the night where you tumbled around the sheets with Ross after their album celebration was going to be just like every other time you had messed around with him over the years. I mean it was and yet somehow it wasn’t at all. Nothing changed but everything did that day. As you stood in his kitchen, a hoodie of his donning your small frame as you waited for the kettle to boil. The brunette came into the kitchen; walked straight up to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his warm body before proceeding to press a kiss to your temple before announcing that he was heading to the gym. Mumbling something about hoping you were still going to be here when he got back.
You were.
You had cleaned up the mess from the night before, changed his bedding and made lunch for the two of you, that was currently sitting in the fridge. A greek salad if you’re wondering. Your best friend returned home from the gym a hour and a half later; sweaty and looking hot as fuck, to you still in his clothes and reading on his sofa. His eyes softening at the realisation you had stayed. After he showered; the pair of you ate lunch and hung out in his living room, where you draped your legs over his as you both relished in the calmness of the silence the two of you brought out in one another.
His large hands casually held on to your legs, his calloused finger tips rubbing circles against your skin as you read your book whilst hr read something on his iPad. When he suddenly put it down and pulled you towards him so you were basically sitting on his lap.
“Can I help you?”  You cocked an eyebrow; an amused smirk etched across your features as you drunk him in and trying not to laugh.
The pair of you competed in a stare off for what felt like forever before you just said fuck it, threw your book to the floor and then the two of your were surging towards each other. Pulling at each other; to get as close to one another as possible as your mouths moved against the other as you made out on his couch. It was was when you tugged at the hair at the base of his neck; yanking the bobble out of his hair so you could really get to grips with it that Ross threw you backwards before throwing himself back on top of you and taking you right there on his living room couch.
That was over three months ago and you’ve been sneaking around ever since.
You had never kept secrets from one another in your twenty plus years of friendship before but there was something kind of fun with knowing this was something that you and Ross had that the boys didn’t. It was different this time from your little secrets of hook ups past because he was now your man now and you were his girl. This time you were really fucking doing it. You had never been this happy and it was all down to the man who has been by your side this entire time.
“Babe we have to get ready to go. You know Matty hates lateness and I can’t be arsed with his mood swings today.” You shouted towards your now shared bedroom from the bathroom. Turning on your heels, you made your way back towards the bedroom to find Ross sat on the edge of the bed already waiting. Your boyfriend opening his arms for you step in to; which you did on instinct, his arms wrapping round the back of your legs to lock you into his body.
“Matty can wait.” He said; causing you to cock his eyebrow. “I’ve been thinking about The Brits coming up and…” Ross paused; a nervousness in his features which confused you because you have literally have never said no to him, ever. “I think you know what I’m going to ask you.” You nodded. “Don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off you though.” He groaned; squeezing you against him causing you to chuckle.
“Never stopped you before MacDonald.” You smirked. 
Your loud laugh reverberating around your bedroom as he pushed you away with a scoff and mumblings of “I’m sure Hann will let him share Carly as his date!” Making you laugh even more as he grabbed his car keys off the side as you both made your way to work.
The night of The Brit Awards felt a little bit different this time around. It was the first time the boys were at a public event after that god forsaken podcast had dropped. You were upset with the outcome and you best believe Matty fucking knew about it and so did the rest of the world. There was a slight edge to the evening knowing there were a lot of people who possibly knew what had gone down and that something might be said but you made him promise to be on his best behaviour and if it is one thing that Matthew is good at, it’s keeping his promises to you.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous this evening, if anything he was the shell of his usually loud self and you promised yourself to make sure he was in high spirits for the evening especially when he didn’t have anyone on his arm. This being the first Brits that Gabby wasn’t with your party and seeing as he parted ways with his latest muse, it didn’t go unnoticed that he kept looking round at the fact everyone was pre-occupied with their dates, especially with Ross trying to maintain your attention with every alcoholic beverage he’d consumed.
When it finally got to their category; your table finally shut up after being so boisterously loud the entire ceremony as you celebrated together. Ross’ hand snuck on to your thigh under the table, made you flit your eyes towards him with a smirk, your own hand joining his. You winked at George from across the table as you held on to one another, they had this in the bag; their fans had never failed them before but you knew this meant a lot to the boys. Slipping your hand across to your right, you wrapped your hand in Matty’s, only turning towards him when his head snapped towards yours, eyes showing everything he needed to say and squeezing him with a warm smile.
When Daisy May Cooper called out their name; your table all jumped up in celebration. Both Carly and Charli embracing Hann and George as Ross pulled you into his own arms, settling for squeeze of your waist and a kiss to your cheek instead of your usual peck considering the rest of you weren’t going at it like usual and you didn’t want it to seem out of place when you turned to Matty. Your heart sinking when he stood with no one to congratulate him.
Yanking him straight into your arms; you didn’t care that there was definitely a camera directed right at his face to capture his reaction. You’d rather them talk about this and his “potential new girlfriend” then anything else that was currently happening in his life. So you pulled him close so you were squished against him and kissed his cheek, holding him there longer than necessary. Whispering how fucking proud you were of him before holding him by the shoulders to get a good look at him before kissing him again before sending him on his way to accept his award.
Once you got to the after party you couldn’t have been happier to be with your mates and getting champagne drunk especially now you had Charli to act feral with! A quick reunion with an old flame had Ross spilling with jealousy as he watched and you Charli interact with the handsome singer before dragging you off as soon as you returned which is how you found yourself in your current position.
Bent over the sinks in the bathroom of some exclusive club in Central London. Clinging on for dear life as your boyfriend gripped your hips hard and quite literally holding you up as he fucked the life out of you. You just prayed he had locked the door because the pornographic moan you just let out didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Pulling you up so your back was pressed against his chest; you felt impossibly fuller as he fucked up into you from this angle, making your eyes roll to the back of your head just as it flew back to rest on his shoulder. Both sharing a moment of tenderness;  he pressed a kiss to your temple before resuming his sickeningly fast pace and growling into your ear.
“Was he good? When you were fucking the boybander?”
“Shit! So good! Please baby, let me cum!”  You whimpered into his neck.
“As good as me?” Ross growled; as he carried on fucking into you as your knees buckled.
“No one is as good as you baby.” You groaned. “Never cum so hard in my life! Let me cum for you! You know I’m always good for you. Ross please.”  You begged into his neck. Your boyfriend reaching round and adding that extra pressure to your clit that always had you shaking and coming around his cock like it was a sport!
Straight after he made you cum, he was coming inside you and pressing sweet kisses to the side of your face before rushing to help clean you up. Running your hands through your hair; you tossled your hands through it in an attempt to look put together enough your friends wouldn’t question your appearance when Ross appeared behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and propping his chin on your shoulder just to watch you put your lipstick back on.
Just as you were were getting to leave the bathroom; just outside, somewhere down the corridor Hann was on his way to find the bathroom when he spotted you peeking your head out of the bathroom suspiciously, it looked like you were checking for something so he ducked behind the wall he had just appeared from and watched your weird behaviour from afar. When the coast was clear; you stepped out. Ross followed quickly after; bending down to reach your height and pressing a quick kiss to your lips before you headed back into the club to find the rest of your mates. 
Not knowing that Hann had witnessed the entire thing.
You hadn’t seen the boys since the beginning of March when you had flown out to New York with them to make them look all pretty and tv ready for SNL. Since then you had been home again, then flown to Los Angeles to work on some new stuff with the Jonas Brothers; so between shoots, meetings and flying back and forth there wasn’t really any time to squeeze in a visit to see your best friends. Which fucking sucked because you were really missing your boyfriend and wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms rather than having to FaceTime him into your bed like you had been doing for the past three weeks you had spent apart.
As far as you were aware you had both done a pretty good job at keeping the fact you had transitioned from friends into something more from the rest of the boys since last October. But you didn’t know how long you could do it anymore, the thrill at the beginning was starting to wear off now that all you wanted to do was hold his hand and fucking kiss him whenever you wanted without having to worry about being caught by G, Matty or Hann.
It was after a phone call with your boyfriend one evening that you agreed that maybe you should consider telling the boys once they were home from Australia; which after you added Hann and G into your call, the four of you had organised for you to fly in to surprise Matty for his birthday because despite everything you missed the little shit! It was also an excuse to see Ross and get some sun and travel the beautiful country, so you couldn’t really complain even if the journey to get to them was stupidly long it was worth it to see the look on Matty’s face and sleep next to Ross again.
It was arriving at two o’clock in the morning in Perth on the morning of Matty’s birthday that you were struggling with as you sluggishly made your way through customs and then baggage claim to find Ross stood with his hood up and leaning against a pillar in arrivals for you. Stepping into his warm embrace; the anxiety that had been bubbling away in you for the majority of your journey instantly vanished as soon as Ross wrapped you up in his arms. Reaching down; Ross took your jaw firmly in his hands; your boyfriend kissing you deeply before taking your hand without a single word before silently walking you to the car he had waiting to take you both back to the hotel.
You don’t think you’d had a decent night’s sleep like this since before New York. The moment you had crawled into Ross’ unmade bed (which he had clearly stumbled out of just to go pick you up from the airport) and into his arms, you were out like a light. Just the comfort of knowing he was in touching distance and not half way across the world from you had you in such a deep sleep; that the feeling of Ross peppering kisses along shoulder and up your neck wasn’t enough to put you in a foul mood later that morning. When usually anyone who dares wake you from your slumber would have to feel the force of your wrath and believe me the boys had all been on the receiving end of it.
Upon dragging you out of bed and pulling the both of you into the shower to freshen up; the pair of you were making your way down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast and a chance for a decent cup of coffee (or several!) Once you were down there; you were already being greeted by Hann who was wrapping you up in a tight hug before you could even greet him with a “Good Morning” and it made you all warm and fuzzy inside when he whispered how much he missed you in your ear before you were abruptly yanked into someone else’s arms.
“My turn.” You heard a familiar grumble. “Hey bitch! Missed you.”
“Missed you too G” You giggled as he pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek before throwing himself back down at the table and shovelling the toast he was eating into his gob without another word!
Upon sitting down you realised Jamie Squire was also already at breakfast, so you made your way round to give him a quick squeeze before sitting in the empty seat next to George. As you sat after making the rounds of hello; Ross was placing your favourite coffee in front of you which you appreciated greatly before mumbling he’d ordered your favourite for breakfast. Also greatly appreciated. Hann smiling into his mug of coffee as he clocked the interaction. The five of you spoke about their excitement to be back in Australia and your flight over here and how cool it is that you’re working with the Jonas Brothers when you realised the time.
“Best go order the birthday boy his coffee before he wakes up and he ruins his own surprise. I’ll see you boys later.” You sent your friends a soft smile and Ross a subtle wink which you thought had gone unnoticed but Jamie definitely caught it before you made your way to the barista to order Matty’s coffee before making your way back up to your floor and Matty’s room that was situated opposite Ross and your room.
Knocking on the door. You waited patiently outside his room; the chuckle that was brewing in your chest as you bounced on the balls of your feet, escaping when you heard him grumble out a grumpy “Who is it?” Through the door. 
“Room service!”  
You tried to sound serious and so unlike yourself by putting on an Aussie accent but very clearly failing miserably because you ended up cackling when Matty yanked open the door so fast with furrowed eyebrows and the most hilarious confused expression on his little tired face that you ended up full on laughing as you held out his cappuccino.
“Cappuccino?” You held the take away cup out towards him.
Grabbing it out of your hand; Matty essentially threw it on the floor before throwing himself at you and holding you so tightly you thought he might pop a lung! It was only when you reached round to hug him properly and felt his warm skin against your own that you realised he was only his boxers and you were stood in the middle of the hotel corridor.
“Babe lets get you inside before people see you in your boxers!” You giggled; trying to guide him back towards his room. Arm nearly pulled out the socket as you bent down to grab his coffee from the floor.
As soon as you were inside and the door was closed. Matty was throwing himself back at you again so fast and making you tumble over, the pair of you now on top of his unmade bed and the lead singer refusing to let you go.
“What are you doing here?” He mumbled against your chest.
“It’s your birthday.” You replied; like it was obvious. 
Matty blinked up at you like you had three heads.
“But it’s not like we’re up the road. We’re in Australia.” He point blank pointed out to you.
“I know.” You laughed.
“You flew all the way to Australia for my birthday?” Matty looked up at you with those big brown eyes like he couldn’t believe what you were saying.
“I flew all the way to Australia to see you on your birthday.” You confirmed.
And when his little lip jutted out; you could feel your heart constrict as he buried himself into your side even more, the grip on your waist tighter than when he greeted you five minutes ago when he opened his hotel room door, little sobs erupting from him as he cried “I love you so much” into your neck. 
“Love you too Healy.” You smiled into his hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his curls as you just relished in your best friend’s presence.
“I can’t wait to see the boys’ faces when they see you! Ross is going to be so stoked!” He was grinning at you, his face falling when he noticed the smirk on your face. “They already know don’t they?”
“Ross picked me up from the airport at two am and I just had breakfast with the boys. They helped me plan the surprise.” You smiled softly at him.
“You sneaky bastards! I know everything!” Matty exclaimed dramatically making you cackle loudly. “Where did you even stay last night? You sleep with Ross?”
You knew there was a slight teasing undertone even if it was an innocent question and he was genuinely asking out of interest due to you arriving in the middle of the night. But you also knew he loved teasing Ross because you were the closest pairing out of the five of you. Not that you weren’t extremely close with the others but there was something about your relationship that the three of them knew was different than their own. “I did, yeah.”
“Bet he loved that!”  Matty smirked.
“Ohhh no I loved it. Best cuddles out of the lot of you!” You rolled your eyes at his teasing but it wasn’t a lie. “Now get fucking dressed! I want to do something nice seeing as we’re in Australia and then I’ll take you for lunch before I have to drop you off at work.” You scolded him, shoving him away from you. Rummaging through his suitcase to find something appropriate for him to wear so if anyone caught you, he didn’t look completely homeless next to you and believe me he has the ability when he’s in the mood.
Do you know what? You and Matty had a great few hours together, just the two of you. It had filled you completely with that warm fuzzy feeling as you couldn’t remember the last time you had hung out just the two of you. He showed you around the area, you visited a book store where you bought yourself and him some new books despite the fact that he argued that he didn’t want you to pay considering you had flown out for him but it was his birthday. Plus the boys totally charged your flights to the label after your own mini argument over it so if you can’t treat your friends on their birthday when can you. You took him out for lunch, took some photos with some fans that had spotted you both before heading to the arena and by the time he hit the stage that night, Matty was well and truly glowing. 
Touched by the fact you wanted to be there on his birthday despite being on the opposite side of the world. I mean you would do it for any of the boys, they were family they just didn’t need to know that you also needed their bassist to do absolutely unspeakable things to you too! So when he gave you a little shoutout, you didn’t mind this time even if he was being sly at the same time.
“Our best mate from school has flown out to see us. Whenever we look remotely cool and put together in public that’s all her! She claims she’s here for my birthday but personally I think it’s cause her and Ross are a bit co-dependant on each other!”
You rolled your eyes as Matty spoke to the audience; holding a large birthday cake in your hands. George was opening the door just as he addressed the fans, his cackle loud enough to be picked up around the many mics littered around the stage. Loud screams erupting as they watched the drummer bring you onto the stage. Matty only turning around once Hann was holding out his hand to help you down the stairs with the cake. 
Hand flying to his chest; Matty held it over his heart as you got nearer with the cake. Ross, Hann and G’s voice starting off the chorus of Happy Birthday before all the fans joined in. Matty wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you sang to him. After blowing out his candles; the singer pressed an appreciative kiss to your temple, squeezing you into an awkward side hug as you tried not to get cake all over him, before you reached up to happily return the kiss. But before you escaped the glare of thousands of iPhones capturing the moment you leant towards the mic before Matty could even stop you.
“Can I just say you’re more co-dependent on us that me and Ross ever will be!” You laughed loudly into his mic; sending a wink to the bassist. “Anyway enjoy the rest of your night everyone! Happy Birthday, love you Heals!”
You pulled away from Matthew with some speed before his intrusive thoughts could take over and he could shove your face into the cake or start throwing it at you. You were just about to head towards Hann’s awaiting helping hand when Ross was by your side in an instant and kissing your cheek, whispering a soft “Love you” into your ear before allowing Hann to kiss you too before leaving the stage; catching the kiss George blew at you just as Waughy held the door open for you to exit.
As soon as you were off stage; you placed the cake down and picked up your phone knowing a video of you bringing out a birthday cake would already be on a update account. What you weren’t expecting was all the comments relating to Ross prior to your appearance on how happy he seemed tonight or to be so invested in you.
“Did you see how his face lit up when their friend came on stage?”
“The boys all looked super fucking happy tonight and it’s cause their childhood bestie flew out to see them for Matty’s birthday. Friendship fucking goals!”
“But did you see how bashful he looked when Matty said they were co-dependent on each other?!”
“Man is 100% in love!”
“Am I sad it isn’t me that makes Ross blush like that? Yes! But Ruby is so fucking pretty!”
“The boys still being best friends with Ruby since they were in school is so freaking cute!”
“No way! They’re not into one another! Just look at them!”
“The way he rushed to give her a kiss before she left cause she wasn’t on his side of stage. Stop it I’m so soft. No one talk to me.”
You couldn’t even complain that social media was alight with conversation about you at this current moment because when you watched the video back of your brief interaction on stage with them. You couldn’t even lie. All the boys looked incredible happy and the way the love of your life was smiling at his feet when Matty made comment about the pair of you, you felt your chest pang as you realised that you never want to see him without that beautiful smile on his face. He was it for you. You wanted to make him smile for the rest of your life.
Once the boys were back home from touring Australia and Asia; trying to tie them down in one place was a lot harder than you had anticipated. Of course Ross, Adam and Carly were all in London but with Matty being Matty, he had currently sent the world into a tail spin and Charli & G basically lived in Italy when they weren’t busy but you had sent a notification to your shared calendar that you wanted a get together to celebrate your birthday at some point around a handful of days you all seemed to have free.
After several meltdowns over Matthew’s whereabouts and his availability and having Hann take the reins to lock down a date. Your best friends were spending the eve of your birthday with you all together for the first time in years and you could have cried because the simplicity of just hanging out and not having to keep up appearances for prying eyes is what you longed for the most nowadays. It had been so long with the band’s career taking off, it’s why you always strived to keep your album tradition going. It was something just the five of you had that was yours and not for Jamie or the label or the fans. Just five childhood best friends celebrating each other.
A dinner. That’s all you wanted. The boys, Carly and Charli at your place where you could drink as much wine as you wanted without having to face paps and to eat delicious food. You were already winning considering you woke up the morning of your 34th birthday with the love of your life between your legs with his mouth on you and making you cum all over his face. He coaxed several orgasms out of you before it was even 9am and that was just with his mouth. You couldn’t really complain especially when he fucked you so good you almost blacked out after your fifth.
But now it was time to finish getting the apartment ready. Ross was hoovering the living room and you were placing table settings around your beautiful oak wood dining table. A present for Christmas off Ross; with a promise it will look perfect in your new shared house you had been renovating, that the pair of you purchased (in secret) back in January before tour started back up again.
You had a chef in the kitchen; helping to prepare most of what was to be your three course meal tonight and going over the instructions of how to finish each course off once your guests had arrived, as you observed him with your rollers in your hair and one of Ross’ hoodies that drowned you like a rat. He had only just left and you had only just managed to get out of his hoodie and into your outfit for the night (leather trousers and lace bodysuit) when the doorbell went. Guesses on who wasn’t early for your birthday! Letting Carly and Adam in you pulled Carly into your bedroom to have her help remove the rollers from your hair whilst the boys grabbed a beer. Matthew was next to arrive, shortly followed by George and Charli.
You had all settled into your living room with your drinks as they showered you with gifts despite the fact you had very clearly told them that their presence on your birthday was enough. It was after you had opened all of them that Charli was passing over one more.
“What’s this? Guys you’ve got me enough.” You sighed happily before tearing into the paper to find what seemed to be a photo album/scarp book of some sort.
“Just open it.” George pressed softly; a warm smile etched across his handsome features as you looked at them confused.
When you finally opened the front of it; eyebrows furrowed in confusion on what this could actually be. But you weren’t prepared for when you actually opened it, your breath getting caught in your throat when you saw pictures of yourself and the boys. Pictures you hadn’t seen in a very long time. Photos of you in school plays together. You, Ross and Matty at prom. You and Adam at his cousin’s wedding when you were nineteen. A ticket stub from their first big gig accompanied by the photo you forced the bartender to take of the five of you after said gig. A polaroid of the five of you on the set of the Love Me video. A page dedicated to all your Brits appearances with them. Debut album celebrations. All your birthdays. All their big mile stones.
Your vision already blurry; the tears threatening to spill as you curled into Ross’ side as you looked through the pages of your life with them. This was the sweetest gift. Then you turned the page; causing your head to fly up to stare at them with wide eyes. 
“What the fuck is this?!” You gasped.
“You’ve got to that page then?” George laughed as you turned it round to show the rest of them what you were looking at.
The rest of the room started laughing as they clocked eyes on what you were referring too. A page dedicated to four grainy pictures which seem to have been captured on a brick by the quality of them, encapsulating you kissing every single member of the band at some varying stages across your twenty five year friendship.
“What?!” Matty gasped dramatically, “It’s a big part of our story!”
“You’re the worst.” You chuckled. “But I love it. I love you guys so much.”  You whispered, holding the gift close to your chest. “Carls, I’m assuming you put this together?”
“I did.” She smiled sweetly before turning towards your lead singer. “But it was Matty’s idea.” Your lip jutted out in a pout as you made eye contact with the singer who was just watching you fondly with a smile on your face before bursting into tears. 
“You’re such a soft twat! Come here!” You managed to choke out some form of laugh as he piled on top of you to hug you tightly.
“Right dinner time before I just descend into a puddle of tears!”  You announced; ushering them all towards the dining room.
As you settle into your seats; more wine brought out to the table, another round of beers and your starter that the chef had plated up neatly on your kitchen counter. The seven of you tucked in as you settled into easy conversation about what was coming up for you all. The conversation and the wine flowing so easily; you hadn’t even realised that the past hour and a half had already passed and now it was time for you to clear the last of the remaining dishes from the remanence of what was left of your desert.
“I’ll help love.” You heard Ross say quietly; grabbing a couple of plates and following you back into the kitchen, where you quickly dumped everything on the side ready to wash later.
You had settled quickly into each other’s personal space; Ross leaning sideways against the counter you slotted into his his embrace as you filled the sink with hot water. Always finding a way to touch you; whether it was it was on your thigh throughout dinner or now as he watched pop the dishes in the sink to soak, his hand made it’s way into the back pocket of your leather trousers where it stayed as you busied yourself with your chores so you didn’t hate yourself later.
You weren’t even thinking about how five of your closest friends were just metres away in the next room or the fact that they didn’t know you were disgustingly in love with one another and had just bought a house together. They didn’t know you were together full stop but it was so easy to slip into his touch and allow him to bend down and kiss you so softly yet so deeply you could cry about it, whispers of “Happy Birthday Baby.” When the loudest gasp you’ve ever heard echoed through the kitchen.
Springing apart you both looked alarmed at Charli who was holding the empty bottle of wine from the table and gawping at you with her jaw on the floor. The others rushing to the kitchen to see what the commotion was, all of them slightly confused as yourself, Ross and Charli just stared each other out in silence.
“Do you want to share with the rest of the group what you were doing?” Charli challenged you with a cock of her eyebrow.
“The dishes.” You held up your soapy hands for an added nonchalantness flare.
“They were snogging. Ross hand his hand in her pants!” She very aggressively pointed at you, shooting you a dramatic glare.
“Now hold on!”  You held you hands out in defence. “He didn’t have his hands in my pants.” You rolled your eyes at her dramatics.
“Sorry. He had his hand in your butt pocket whilst you were snogging.” Charli sarcastically flung her arms (and wine bottle) about.
“So do you make this a regular thing? You know the whole snogging your mates thing?! Care to share the love?” George smirked; leaning his chin on his girlfriend’s head as he watched the both of you squirm under their glare.
The speed in which the both of you denied it was enough for them all to raise their eyebrows at your synchrony and look at you like you were fucking idiots. Matty was the first to speak.
“Did you really think we didn’t know you two were together?”
“What?” You managed to choke out, not ready to let them in on your little secret just yet.
“You guys have been in love with each other for years.” Matty opened his mouth again. “We’ve all got eyes, it was only a matter of time really before you both realised it. So when did this all start?” He asked; a warm smile on his face as his eyes flitted between both you and Ross, who’s arm had slinked its way over your shoulder and you knew everything would be fine with him by your side.
“October.” Ross confirmed.
“You hooked up in October?!” Charli eyes flew wide open. “And you’ve kept it secret this long!”
“Well actually we hooked up years ago!”  You shrugged. “But not the point!”  You laughed at their gaping expressions. “We got together in October though.”  You smiled into his chest. “How did you all figure it out anyway?”
“When we were at George’s for a bbq after lockdown. We were watching you watch the sunset, you were stood just like you are now, wrapped up in each other and I asked Ads if you both knew that you were in love with each other.”  Carly beamed brightly at you. “I’m so happy you that you figured it out!”
“She did! I just knew you’d figure it out eventually. That and I saw you sneaking out of the bathroom together at The Brits like three months ago!” Adam grinned as your jaw dropped at his revelation.
“You saw us and didn’t say anything?”
“It’s none of my business!” Adam shrugged; before wrapping his arm around his wife.
"I mean I kind of put things together last year after I found your stuff at Ross' place. I didn't really buy the whole 'sleepover' story when you live less than ten minutes away." George shrugged.
“I knew you were in love back in 2015!”  Matty dropped casually making you roll your eyes because there was no fucking way. You didn’t even hook up until 2017 so how could he have known.
“No you didn’t! We didn’t hook up until 2017 so how did ‘you know’ two years prior to that Matthew?”  
A round of “2017?!” Rung through your kitchen at your confession making you both laugh but you chose to ignore it when Matty told you how “he knew”
“What do you think the real reason the scene with you in the hot tub got scrapped? You were essentially eye fucking each other the entire time! Looked so sickeningly in love it was a joke. I told them to scrap it to protect the both of you from the internet. Also you should have been looking at me like that you bitch!" He grinned. "You’re already co-dependent on each other so it was basically a matter of time. I’ve just been waiting for it to happen.”
“So you’re not all mad we didn’t tell you?” Ross addressed the group.
“Of course we’re not mad!” Hann; the angel he is spoke up for the collective.
“I mean we’re just glad you grew some balls!” George was next to speak.
“Yeah dude you’ve been in love with her for ages!” Matty laughed; singing at you.
You felt your eyes water as you took in the words of the people who mean the most to you, tell you that they approve of you and Ross. Turning to look up at your boyfriend; you immediately stood on your tip toes and pressed a kiss to his mouth. Insanely happy you didn’t have to hide it anymore. The pair of you giggling against each other as your friends hollered at you as you continued to press your lips together. 
Best birthday ever!
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The Cishet 1990s American Father-Son Movie, Good Omens triggered.
For those who are confused, @howmanyholesinswisscheese made a heartbreaking Good Omens post. Read it and weep.
The reblogs however degenerated into a Cishet Father-Son saga, since you maggots are all my adoptive parents. Here is a more polished version of my latest contribution to the hellsite.
[Opening credits play over highly saturated, sundrenched midwest farmland. Bob Dylan's Sara plays and the title appears as the camera slows to a halt in front of a sprawling house.]
[TITLE: Farewell, Iowa, We'll Meet Again, a Gus Van Sant film]
Art 'Greeny' Matthews, a man who does an honest day's work in the farm and is pretty darn proud of it, wanders through his house. His wife Darlene just left him (hence the opening song), and he is faced with the prospect of raising his only son, a ten year old lad Asmond 'Mond' Matthews, on his own.
Greeny takes Mond along with him as he works in the farm on holidays, riding in the tractor. Mond cries about Darlene, who didn't even leave a note, the hussy, and Greeny comforts him as much as he can. "It'll be alright, son," Greeny says on Mond's eleventh birthday, as they sit in the stable with a badly made cake on the wobbly stool. "Just you and me, eh? Not bad!"
"I hate chocolate," Mond whispers miserably, and the birthday party ends in more tears.
When Mond is thirteen, he starts to grow more closed with his emotions, just helping his dad around the farm. They're making a huge profit, and Greeny has business deals and free time, and makes an effort to bring Mond along to golf games and such. Mond is being bullied in school for being caught writing poetry, but he refuses to tell his dad why he comes home with a black eye every other week.
"I'm always here if you want to talk over a game of catch, son," Greeny tries one day. "No thanks, dad," Mond says, and wanders away into the stable. At fourteen, Greeny tries to bring him on fishing trips to discuss his feelings, as they used to do back when Darlene lived with them. Mond swallows, but shakes his head.
Finally, Mond can't keep it from him anymore, and when Greeny finds out, he goes into a rare fit of temper. "Just like your mother, boy!" he says, hand rattling his mug of ale. "A wanderer and a careless fool, that's what you'll turn out to be! There ain't no place in this world for people livin' in their heads."
Mond doesn't write poetry anymore.
As Mond grows, though, he helps out more with the farm, and they bond over hopes for future profit, and joking about golf, which they both find pretentious. "C'mon, champ, let's go play golf," Greeny says while they watch suited businessmen make their way to the house, out of place amidst the yellow-green farmland. "What's your favourite golf club?"
"That a literal club, or the thing they whack the ball with, dad?" Mond responds, and Greeny chortles. "I taught you better than that, son."
He has high hopes for Mond, he will take over the farm. Greeny is growing weary of his duties, he married late and had Mond even later.
[Montages of sunlight days ensue, intercut with shots of Mond, who always has a melancholic air about him. His mother was a dancer, and that rebellious spirit, so long dormant, is beginning to stir as he enters his twenties.]
On his twenty-first birthday, Greeny has baked him a cake, not chocolate. Mond barely sees it. His father doesn't know him. Not really. Not at all. When Greeny says he is handing over the farm to him, and starts to give him instructions about the responsibilities, Mond has had it.
He picks up the rucksack he's been storing by the umbrella stand for weeks, and shoulders it as Greeny pauses mid-lecture. "I'm sorry, dad," Mond says. "I'm going away to be my own man. This was your dream. Not mine."
Greeny is too frozen to stop him.
[Knockin' on Heaven's Door by Bob Dylan plays with another montage]
Mond travels the States, far from home and Iowa, and after a year of struggle finally publishes his first anthology of poetry. Hoping to make his dad proud, he sends a letter home asking if it imperative he return, since he's too ashamed to say he wants to. The reply is a brief but polite no from the housekeeper, saying his father wishes him well but does not require that he return. Assuming Greeny wants nothing to do with him, Mond stays away, bitter and homesick.
He is called home a few months later, and when he arrives, he is met not with Greeny, but with the housemaids and farmhands in black, and the housekeeper teary-eyed as she guides him to the back garden and a lonely gravestone. Greeny, heartbroken by his son leaving the same way Darlene his wife did all those years ago, declined in health, but he kept up the farm till the end, all ready for Mond should he want it after all, and for the head farmer if he didn't.
Mond, still carrying his book hoping to have shown his dad at last, stares in shock at the gravestone. He thinks even at the end Greeny did not know him, thought he would want the farm. Until he reads the inscription. Art 'Greeny' Matthews, friend to all, loyal husband, and most of all, proud father of a poet.
His father knew, Mond realised. His father knew what he'd been doing.
"Are ya proud, dad?" Mond whispers, dropping the book and kneeling down before the stone. "Are ya proud? It was all for you."
[The camera pulls back to show the farmland, scattered with people in black going about their work because business stops for no one, and a solitary figure by the gravestone. Bob Dylan's Blowin' in the Wind plays as the end credits roll.]
"How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail, before she sleeps in the sand?"
The end.
@howmanyholesinswisscheese The challenge has been issued.
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invinciblerodent · 8 months
The more preoccupied I get with Wyll (because apparently he's the one about whom I am hopelessly in my feelings today), the more certain I am that I inadvertently struck gold by choosing him as a romance option for my Inquisitor!Tav playthrough.
An older version of Ray is... pretty much exactly the person I can imagine working best for the kind of story I'd personally love to tell with Wyll.
I mean...
Regardless of the universe they're in, the Trevelyans are old money. They're not quite as high ranking as a Duke, but the Thedosian "Bann", I kind of see them on roughly the same level as a Baron. A minor lord, but a long-standing family with deep roots that make them politically quite significant. So it's conceivable that during Ulder's rise, the Ravengards and the Trevelyans occasionally rubbed elbows: this Ray (or Lord Trevelyan in this case, much as he hates being called that- had to assume the title after his father's passing though) may even know Ulder in passing, and if he didn't know Wyll, he must have known of him.
He may even have thought briefly about how it's been a while since he's heard anything about Ravengard's boy. Maybe he wondered for a few seconds about whatever could have happened to the lad.
Maybe Wyll even remembers seeing Lord Trevelyan, often by the moniker of "The Inquisitor of (I'll figure it out)", and his beautiful sorcerer husband at some function. Maybe meeting again and seeing that pain etched deep into the man's heart, he wonders what could have happened to break the man most thought of as a hero of the past. Maybe sharing that loss brings them closer.
The parallel of one of them missing his dominant hand and the other missing an eye works really well. It wasn't intentional at all, but Ray was barely older than Wyll is now when he was "Inquisitor" (I'll need to workshop how to adapt that to DnD) and lost his arm, and has since learned to live with it- but nevertheless, these are both very traumatic injuries that result in a pretty fundamental alteration of one's life. Loving the "broken" parts of one another, I think that's as bittersweet as it is kind of beautiful.
I'm electing to believe that the prosthetic limbs in Faerun are fairly sophisticated, so while the prosthetic hand has some pretty severe limitations, it does move (if jerkily), and it looks almost convincing as a flesh and blood hand under a glove. Cue dramatic reveal of silvered mechanical fingers glinting in the firelight the night after recruitment: just a small nod to mean "I know all too well your sacrifice."
(Solas vs. Mizora, who's the bigger douchebag, let's discuss)
I'm not going to say "daddy issues" because that's a very gross and oversimplified way of putting it, but after being so.... so cruelly rejected by his father, early on just receiving approval from an older male figure (this Ray is like ~55-ish) of similar social standing as his father probably... does something. To Wyll. Messes with his head. I mean, for a character who downplays his emotions because he just wants to please others so much, unconditional praise and positive reinforcement from someone who is outwardly so much like a storybook hero AND the father/mentor who rejected him must leave a deep impression on Wyll's heart. (I quite like the thought of an honest "Good lad!" and a slap on the back making Wyll's stomach clench.)
I love that in most of his romance, from what I've seen, Wyll does the "wooing". He is the one who courts and pursues the player character, which works really nicely for this kind of May-September romance: A gallant, strapping young man honestly pursuing the widower with the bruised and battle-scarred heart makes my own little heart ache, but in a good way. And the chasteness of the romance only adds to it, imo: definitely dispels in me any notion of it coming off... I don't know, icky. This is not about sex, or exploitation, or a power imbalance, not about someone gross manipulating a young, inexperienced person into anything: it's just about the... the tenderness of starting anew. It's about learning that.... that there can be more than just one "great love" in a life.
But also, adding to this, them trading the well-fitting role of the "dashing prince" back and forth also makes me smile. Coming to each other's rescue, dissolving the pact, maybe punching Ulder in the face after saving his shitty little life for good measure, it can make them both feel both like they're protected AND the protector. Like they can rely upon the other and be relied on in return.
.... Maybe I should finish at least ONE playthrough before I become enamored with the romance of a fkin FOURTH, huh.
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twistedtummies2 · 6 months
What would TW OCs favorite genres of video games be?
Well, to be honest, I'm not sure about ALL of my lads, but I can tell you a few of them...
Billy would probably like games that are competitive most of all; things he can play with his "little friends" and enjoy doing with them, and which probably have a sense of innocence or fun to them. So kart racing games, DDR-style games (Billy is bad at them, but still), things like that.
Reno loves playing all kinds of video games, but he also likes competitive games most of all. Games are just more fun if you're playing against someone else. However, unlike Billy, he'd like his games a little more "serious," so things like POV shooters and more "adult" racing games would be more his speed. He'll play other things, too, but I'd say those are his primary places to be found. I think he's big on online gaming, especially; he and Idia play against or with each other pretty often. ;)
James, I think, enjoys games themed around action/adventure, with a swashbuckling style. Elias most enjoys the same, but also enjoys games that involve stealth action. So, naturally, both of them love Assassin's Creed, or whatever equivalent to it exists in this world. XD James has also started trying to get into some online games, and being based on Captain Hook, you can probably guess some of the titles he likes most. ;)
Smitty I've actually headcanoned also likes online games, and is surprisingly good at them for such a little sweetheart. He's also surprisingly cutthroat; the kinda guy who'll giggle like an imp after blowing up somebody, but you can't really be mad at him. It's all in good fun, after all. He likes all kinds of online titles, too, but he probably likes things themed around pirates and the ocean, in general, most.
Theodore I think loves horror games, especially those with a Gothic sensibility. Incidentally, I actually answered an Ask a while back on what my OCs' favorite horror games, SPECIFICALLY, would be. And while I think the majority of them have probably played horror or just spooky-themed games at some point (and most of my choices are still on point), I think Theodore legitimately LOVES horror games, IN GENERAL, as his favorite genre.
I'm not sure about Maelstrom or Grit yet. As for Nakoda...I've actually stated in the past that Nakoda isn't much of a gamer. BUT, I can see him sort of cautiously enjoying (if you get my meaning) some mobile otome and gacha style games, specifically. Why, you may ask? Mostly because Hot Mama, snakey boy gets LOTS of eye candy that way. XD
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Dear Tumblr diary
I'm still scared of sleep and it's a hard act to do. My brother bullying me my entire childhood sadly still sticks with me I guess.
Brain fog sucks. I sometimes lose track of time and it's absolutely terrifying. I'm trying to adapt in my own way but the next time I see a doctor I guess I'll see if there's anything that can help. I don't like the realization of me missing time. I'm being a bit overdramatic as it only happens for short bursts but it's just awful as it is never consistent in how bad it is.
I don't understand why I write these as I don't even know if I want a response. I guess it's calming to send my thoughts into the empty void that is the Internet.
I wrote a letter to myself while delirious from sleep deprivation on how I can make a tech fairy outfit for cons and for fun. I don't remember what is in the letter I wrote two+ hours ago. I hope I was nice to myself in it, I think I was. If the outfit turns out bad or good I'll be happy, I deserve to fail or succeed at sewing, a thing I used to do as a wee lad. It'll be fun, period.
I cried a lot thinking about games that sincerely changed my life today: The World Ends with You when I was a depressed teen that helped me relearn how to like other people and even be vulnerable with them. That game helped me to expand my world, appreciate others even if I don't know them or share any similarities with them and that the world truthfully does end with you. Then Hi-Fi Rush now which honestly helped me realize that it's ok to be a loser with low / no prospects or accomplishments, because living your best life and struggling towards a dream, any dream is important. If I get a tattoo I'm getting Mr Mew and 808 cause simply remembering those games makes me all emotional. I need to not feel like a failure just cause I'm still in college at 25 years old and still a loser, cause I have people who care about me, I have a lot of the world to learn from and listen to their noise, I can still let people in. Basically it's ok to be a loser and to fail.
I helped some med students get ready to draw blood today. My husband is going there as well, but he got all his arm pokes in so I was just there to make sure others got theirs in as well. I talked to a lot of them but I don't think people feel that comfortable when I'm so honest and forward with stating what I'm feeling. I used to use a mask for every social interaction, but now I try my hardest with everyone to make sure I'm being authentic, so I'll just flat out state that I'm grateful for talking to them, that I'm excited for them, that this or that thing of them is brave, that their clothing or mannerisms are cool. I try as hard as possible to be so overtly kind cause I don't want to "Fake" it anymore, I just want to be that way. To me, I know I mean it, but I worry if I'm coming off as not genuine. I don't need them to say "Oh thank you for being you" but I just don't want to be seen by others as a loser even if my outlook of myself is that. Side note but I'm extremely thankful for the students bringing home cooked, authentic food to the potluck as a thank you for friends and family getting poked. Some of it is clearly home recipes passed down in different cultures. I'm only regretting the fact I didn't question them for a history lesson on the food they made as I really want to know the story behind the food.
I do that online too and I don't know if people like it or get it. When I got that art commissioned I went out of my way to tell the artist repetitively how much it meant to be, and how pretty their art is, and I meant it 100%. They deserve to know that info and l, btw, think the model is practically perfect and I've never been so happy to see something that I could only describe in my brain be real. I need to change my profile pic on here and the blog title, but it feels different or wrong to do that at this moment. Similarly if I reblog your art with those types of compliments, please know I mean it. I don't want to lie and I want to be an honest man, and every single person deserves kindness and honesty from strangers.
I hate that US society is so dehumanizing and selfish centric. We ignore other cultures to an extreme, are extremely paranoid and it's always about me - me - me, but never we. I really wish I got to live in a society that's more level headed, a little more kind, and a little more stable. I often have to fight myself because of this: When I get real disillusioned at the state of things and can't see the good in people I just revert to edgy, suicidal teen me that views everyone and everything as a falsehood and a threat. Person walking their dog down the street? Will actually kill you for fun. Happy couple? Complete lie, happiness isn't real. That "Me" wasn't healthy and still isn't, but when I see how the US treats minorities , treats the poor it just kills my want to live and experience life. It's like I just want to become a hermit who experiences nothing. Thank goodness I was fortunate enough to be in a position for therapy, because I don't want that to be my outlook: I want to live in a world with hope and I want to believe good things will happen because I think they can and will, it just sadly takes time. That disillusionment has been happening more recently, but I try real hard to make sure I remember that good things can still happen and that I can be good for the people in my community, I can be their hope like they are mine. The strength of Trans people, Black people, Natives, women, progressives, etc, is awe inspiring to me and they're what gives me hope that things can be better. And if anyone not in the US is reading, you also give me hope, cause I can always look elsewhere and see good people doing good things just to do so.
I finished my classes this semester, my Python programming class I got over 100%. I should feel really accomplished but I just don't feel that. I love programming, don't get me wrong, but I still hit a roadblock daily on allowing myself to feel good about myself. I just remember things I've said to random strangers online or things I've done in person and I put myself at below where I would situate others: I can forgive people for those things, but I can't forgive myself. Maybe it's trauma from my bro, maybe it's my illogical brain, but I really should try to take pride and joy in doing good at things. If others deserve that, don't I as well?
This post keeps getting longer but I just have more of my guts to spill I guess. I really dislike the feeling that the body I always wanted is pretty much permanently out of reach and was never in reach to begin with. It's dysphoria but I'll never be a thin shouldered Twink and that's ok. I like my beard, I don't mind balding at 25, i think my wide shoulders and heavy weight are tactical advantages. Still, I hate being 250~ pounds permanently. My weight hasn't changed for such a long time and my build has always been the same. It doesn't matter what diet I try or what years long lifestyle changes I make, shedding down the pounds might as well be impossible. Other than my fibromyalgia and post COVID brain fog I'm healthy as an ox so I'm very grateful for that. I'm also thankful for that doctor and therapist who aided me with my eating disorder crap, without them I might be dead and that's no good. Maybe that's why I'm a furry? Who knows.
The other day I got to call a beekeeper to come and save a swarm of bees. It's was very exciting and I got to learn a lot about the process as I saw her vacuum up the whole swarm. A junior beekeper tagged along and brought her kid. The daughters name started with a T, she has her 13th birthday and she was having trouble with her Spanish teacher who is really busy business focused, likes gymnastics and her favorite insect is the honey bee with her least favorite insect being the killer bee. I talked to her and hopefully helped her to not take out her frustrations with her teacher on the idea of learning / speaking Spanish. From what I gathered I think she understood it. To me, language is extremely precious and unique, with any and every single one being worthy of preservation and respect so I'm glad it seems like she won't let one stern teacher stop her from learning Spanish. I am very grateful I got to see a kid be very excited about bees. Side note but if my situation was better / more stable I'd love to adopt, it's a travesty that many kids just get tossed around the foster system and don't get a loving home. And if I do adopt, I really won't be picky as all kids deserve a loving home. If we adopt a Black kid or Native kid I'll have to figure out how to make sure they aren't denied that cultural heritage as those are extremely important things, and perhaps the right answer is not too cause I'm not a white savior so to speak? It's honestly a complex moral question to me.
I feel at odds with my close friend group. In my eyes, their family and come first but I think I'm viewed more as an afterthought. Regardless of that I still need to remember to send them love. When it isn't 3 in the morning I'll make sure to send them a nice message on discord as they deserve it. Is a cat meme too cliche?
My cat is a little space heater, and even though he annoys the crap out of me he cares for me to such an extreme degree that I should always remember him for being there to watch my back, to comfort me when I cry like a baby, and the fact that he basically discusses things with me.
I still don't understand blogging but I don't think I want too. Similarly I don't understand mutuals but I'm glad people have them on here. Closing message is to remember to be kind to yourselves, that you don't need a reason to live past being alive, and that you have value innately. You matter.
(Why did I even write this for an hour?)
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