#tma mspec week
lo-fi-charming · 4 years
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sometimes all you gotta do is ask! 
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
More than Enough
For @tma-mspec-week Day Three: Polycule
Characters: Jonathan Sims/Sasha James/Tim Stoker/Martin Blackwood
Rating: Teen
“But what if-” Once again, Jon struggles to find the right words. He knows their situation is unorthodox to most people, and the thought of Martin looking at him differently is too much to bear. “What if he doesn’t understand?”
“Then explain it to him,” Sasha relays patiently, her hand never leaving his. Things are always so clear to her, Jon envies that. “You’re my partners, you’re dating Tim, sometimes me and Tim have-”
Or: How One Became Four.
It starts with Sasha and Jon.
She’s fresh off six months in Artefact Storage, shell-shocked and stand-offish. Jon starts a few months later and they learn the ropes together. She warms up, divulges little tidbits of her time in the other department that Jon devours. He’s young, hungry for answers and Sasha’s already jaded by her few years in academia. This is just a transitional job, she assures him. It pays better than most research gigs and allows her to keep up a certain lifestyle. 
“I’m looking at other places, putting out feelers,” she confides in him one day over coffee. It’s become their daily ritual, a mid-morning break where they can commiserate on the staid academics that ask too much of them and the fanciful statements that end up on their desk. “Whatever you do, don’t get stuck here.” She leans back in her chair, gives a cynical little smile. “Or maybe you should. It’ll be different for you, you’re a man.” He starts a protest but she cuts him off. “It’s an old boys club and you know it. Besides, I know all about your extra meetings with Bouchard. He’s never done that with anyone else. Who knows - in a few years you might be my boss!”
He scoffs at that. Jon feels like he’s treading water. He’s a great researcher, sure, but he hasn’t exactly made himself popular among the others. He’s quick to bite, dismissive, blunt. It’s why he and Sasha get along so well, tucked away in their own little world. Of course she would notice the attention from Elias; Jon’s flattered by it, even if he stammers his way through every interaction. Elias seems to find this amusing, but Jon wants to impress him. 
Though not at the cost of his friendship with Sasha. “I always mention your work to him. I’m rubbish with technology, but you-” She rolls her eyes.
“Don’t, he’ll see right through that. Manipulation’s not your strong suit.” Jon stares down at his rapidly cooling drink, an embarrassed flush spreading across his features. But her hand reaches out to grasp his and a fond smile lights her features. “Thank you, though. It’s sweet of you.”
Jon likes Sasha. Their personalities occasionally clash, but never for too long. Jon’s quick to forgive and Sasha’s too fond to hold a grudge, though she’s loath to admit it. So when her roommate suddenly moves out and she’s left in a bind, it’s only natural for Jon to take her place. He’s been rent-poor, living paycheck to paycheck in a shitty studio that’s still an hour’s commute. Sasha’s closer and her flat’s substantially nicer; she offers and he accepts, easy as that. It’s a practical move, and Jon has to admit his lonely little flat is starting to feel suffocating. 
They fit together easily, like pieces of puzzle slotting in place. Sasha’s brutally efficient in her personal matters; bills and maintenance that Jon finds overwhelming and confounding she takes care of with ease. He’s heard her on the phone in that light, practiced tone of hers as she casually threatens the landlord for necessary repairs. Jon finds himself relaxing bit by bit, feeling comfortable in his own skin as she snarks at the dinner table over a dish he’s made. He used to cook for Georgie like this. Now he cooks for Sasha.
“You’re good at this,” she comments one night over chana masala. “Loads better than the frozen meals I’m used to.”
“It’s nice, having someone to cook for. Harder to do it for one.” He feels a bit uncomfortable with the admission, though he knows he shouldn’t - this is what it’s like, when you love someone.
He’s never said that to her, of course. He gets attached too easily but never knows quite how to show it. And it’s not his usual sort of love, he doesn’t want to date her. She’s more than a friend, and Jon’s never had many of those; he has no metric to measure this against. He thinks he could stay in this flat with her forever, so long as he could see her smile every morning and yawn every night. 
On a Saturday morning she stumbles out of bed and makes her way over to the kitchen. “Morning,” she grumbles, as she reaches for the coffee pot and kisses his forehead. Jon doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to.
On a Wednesday night Jon drinks too much. 
“Sasha,” he slurs, her arm the only thing keeping him from falling off his stool. “I want you t’ know…”
She smiles indulgently, takes a sip of her drink. “Yes, dear?”
“I-I love you.” She pauses and Jon’s heart drops. “N-Not like that, but like friends. Good friends. Very good friends. But m-maybe not.” She’s still smiling, that’s got to be a good sign, right? “I-I just love you, okay?”
And then she laughs, puts an arm around his shoulder and pulls him close. “I love you too. Stay with me forever, okay?”
He takes her hand between his and promises, with all the solemnity a drunken man can muster, that he’ll stay with her forever and then some. The next morning, while they’re both nursing massive hangovers, Jon broaches the subject again.
“Did you mean it?” he asks tentatively, trying to keep the worry out of his voice. “What you said last night. Do- do you want me to stay forever?” She turns to look at him, bleary eyes suddenly alert.
“Yes.” There’s no tease in her words as she leans into his side, a warm weight on his shoulder. “I don’t think I’ve ever meant anything more.”
Jon stays.
Two years later, Tim joins the Institute.
He’s handsome; charming, but subdued. He’s been assigned a desk near theirs, invading the quiet little corner that had become their world. Tim greets them both with a smile and a perfunctory handshake before settling down at his desk and powering up his laptop. He doesn’t speak to them again.
Jon watches as he goes back and forth between circulation and his desk, building an impressive stack of books- The Pantomime Life of Joseph Grimaldi, The Congress of Clowns and Other Russian Circus Acts. Sasha told him he worked in publishing, Jon knows she got that information through her usual nefarious means. Perhaps he’s writing a book, Jon says. Sasha thinks otherwise.
“He’s one of those,” she says over sandwiches and tea. She invited Tim, but had been turned down with an apologetic smile. 
“Like you.” She sets her drink down, eyes him with her steady gaze. “He’s got a reason.”
Mr. Spider doesn’t like it.
Jon shivers at the reminder. Sasha never brought it up after he initially confided in her one vulnerable night last year; she just held him through the shaking and the tears. He’s only told the story twice; once at eight, again at twenty five. It never got easier.
“No one believed me,” he whispered, tucking his face into her shoulder as his body itched from phantom legs skittering across skin. She squeezed him back.
“I do.”
They’re friendly enough to Tim, giving him his distance while still trying to be helpful. Jon points him in the direction of texts and scholars who might be useful, Sasha teaches him a few of her more invasive tricks that Jon refused to learn. Slowly, bit by bit, he opens up. Never shares his story, no- but he smiles, jokes around with them, accompanies them on their lunch breaks and eventually entices them to after work drinks. 
He’s handsome when he smiles, Jon thinks to himself as Tim regales them with stories of dates gone wrong. Sasha catches his eye and winks. He wonders if she’ll tire of Jon now that Tim’s around. He’s everything Jon’s not; good-looking, confident, secure in his intelligence. Sasha laughs so freely around him. He could ground her where Jon cannot- they can be a chaotic force, the two of them. It’s why they keep to themselves.
But at the end of the night it’s Jon’s hand she takes, swinging it gently with hers. “Stay with me forever?”
He smiles. “Forever.”
They invite him over to their flat one night in spring, when the trees are blossoming and Jon’s allergies are acting up. He’s sniffling miserably on the couch, Tim sprawled next to him as Sasha pours some wine. Despite his misery, Jon’s content.
Tim nudges him with his foot. “So what’s your deal?” he asks in a wheedling tone, though his smirk betrays an almost imperceptible anxiety. It’s strange. “You and Sash. Dating, roomies…?”
It’s Sasha who answers, handing Jon a glass of wine and standing before Tim, tall and proud. “Jon’s my partner.” It’s matter of fact, and Jon can’t help the warmth that floods him. “We’re not dating. I’m not interested in that.” She hands him his glass with a smirk. “But if you want to romance Jon, feel free.”
Jon sputters as she laughs- he’s transparent, as usual. They’d talked about it briefly- Sasha’s fine with him dating other people, but Jon’s never felt the need to. Sasha’s enough. She still is, but he can’t deny the way his heart swoops whenever Tim aims that smile in his direction. Sasha likes him too, in her own way.
Tim’s still gaping at them and Jon can’t help but join in on the laughter, as embarrassed as he feels. “Is the great Timothy Stoker nervous?” Sasha says in between giggles. “Guess we know how to shut him up now.”
“L-Look, can you blame me?” Tim says, a smile growing on his face. “You two can be very intimidating, not to mention gorgeous-”
Jon kicks at his leg. “Don’t joke.”
“No, we are.” Sasha interrupts, daring him to disagree. She turns that deadly smile back on Tim, delighting in his falter. “So what’ll it be, Stoker?”
There’s silence, Jon can feel his heart racing. They’ve got this all wrong, Tim doesn’t want him, Tim’s going to leave, Tim doesn’t understand-
“Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?”
Jon blinks. “Uh, yes?”
“He likes Thai!” Sasha calls as she walks over to her bedroom, leaving the two of them on the couch, laughing nervously. 
“So you’re bi, then?” Tim asks, scooting closer to Jon and throwing a blanket over their legs and an arm around his shoulder. It’s warm in all the right ways and Jon leans closer, the awkwardness dissipating at the touch of his hand. 
“I prefer pan,” he replies. It’s the first term that felt right to him. Georgie used to make some stupid joke about a ‘gender buffet’ and him ‘having one of everything.’ It still makes him smile. “And- and you should know I’m also ace. So there’s some things I won’t be able to do for you.” He looks for disappointment in Tim’s eyes and finds none. “I hope that’s alright.”
“Of course.” Tim smiles like he means the words and Jon feels light, almost dizzy. “Are kisses alright?”
He nods shyly, and Tim takes this as his cue to pepper him in obnoxiously loud smooches- one in his hair, another on his nose. Jon manages to bat him away after Tim almost gets him in the eye. 
So Tim and Jon are dating. Tim takes him out to dinner, the movies, one memorable night of karaoke. Sasha joins in when she wants; they go to museums and lectures. One night she laces her fingers through Tim’s, smiling at his wide eyes.
“What?” she says innocently, doing the same with Jon. “I’ve got two hands.”
On Wednesday nights Tim goes to the gym. Jon sits at the table, passes Sasha a bowl of reheated spaghetti before settling down in his chair. He fidgets, not touching his fork.
“What is it?” Sasha asks, setting her own fork down. “You’ve got that look on your face.”
“I-” he stutters, sighing as the words won’t come. Just tell her like you practiced. “I’m not trying to, well- hmm. I don’t want to insinuate anything-”
“You would never.”
“But, I’ve noticed- I’m not- Tim is very handsome.”
Sasha smiles indulgently. “Mhm. Go on.”
“And I’ve noticed. I don’t- if you wanted to-” Goddamnit. Pull yourself together. “I wouldn’t mind it, if you were to - that is, if you’d like to engage in-” He closes his eyes, purses his lips in frustration. “Please stop me.”
“Why Jon,” she replies, her voice coy and teasing. “Are you giving me your blessing?”
Jon sighs, his face warming as he opens one eye- she’s grinning, just as he expected. “...Yes?”
Six months later, Tim moves in.
“Jon wants to bring a boy home!”
Jon smacks him in the arm and scowls. “Tim, don’t-”
“What, it’s true!” He leans back in his chair, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Jon wants to knock the smile off his face and maybe onto the floor, if he can get a good kick in. “I don’t blame you and in fact, I encourage it. Martin’s a catch-”
“Martin?” Sasha perks up. “Finally!”
“Not you too-”
“Jon, he’s a very sweet boy-”
“-good-looking, too!”
“And if you want to bring him over, please do.” She reaches across the table to give his hand an encouraging, if condescending, squeeze. “I’ve seen the way you look at each other.”
“But what if-” Once again, Jon struggles to find the right words. He knows their situation is unorthodox to most people, and the thought of Martin looking at him differently is too much to bear. “What if he doesn’t understand?”
“Then explain it to him,” Sasha relays patiently, her hand never leaving his. Things are always so clear to her, Jon envies that. “You’re my partners, you’re dating Tim, sometimes me and Tim have-”
“I don’t think I’ll need to go into that much detail just yet,” Jon cuts her off, ignoring Tim’s snicker. “It’s just...what if he thinks it's weird?”
“Weird can be good. And if he doesn’t agree, well - he’s not worth your time.”
If only it were that simple.
It’s been about three months since he first ran into Martin in the break room. He’d seen him around plenty of times, but despite his hulking form, the man can make himself very, very small. It wasn’t until he quite literally ran into him, causing him to drop his newly organized files, that Jon got a good look at his face.
It was a nice face. Soft, kind, with big blue eyes and curly red hair that fell across his forehead. He wanted to touch it, tuck it behind Martin’s ear and he almost did, despite the man’s rambling apologies and meek demeanor. He stood there, frozen, even as Martin handed back the file with a bashful smile.
“Sorry, I’m pretty clumsy. Are you alright?”
Jon was fine. He should probably say that.
“Y-Yes. I’m Jon.” Wow. Smooth.
“I know.” Martin put a hand behind his neck, nervously chuckling. “You’re quite known around these parts.” His eyes widened and his face turned red. A nice red. “N-Not in a bad way, of course! You’re- you’re just very smart and- and direct- and oh Lord, that’s not a compliment, is it-”
“Thank you for my file,” Jon replied robotically, his eyes trained somewhere over Martin’s shoulder and not on his very, very blue eyes. “I have to take my leave now.” Why are you talking like this?
Their next few encounters were similarly stunted and awkward. Martin made tea at ten every morning, coincidentally when Jon got his yogurt from the fridge. He started making Jon a cup as well; he wasn’t sure if Martin was particularly excellent at making tea, or if it just mattered that he was the one making it. Jon tried not to dwell on the sentimentality of it all. 
He shouldn’t want another partner. He’s got Sasha, who he loves, and Tim, who he also loves, albeit in a different way. They should be enough for him. They are enough. But Martin makes him tea and asks him how his day is going and smiles at him and people don’t do that. He tells himself he just wants a friend, but he finds his mind wandering- Martin’s hand in his while they walk down the street, Jon nestled into his side on a movie night and Tim’s there too, because Martin is very comfy and handsome and warm. Sasha’s in her armchair reading a book because tonight they’re watching a romantic comedy and she hates those. Jon hates them too but Martin likes them, of course Martin likes them-
No. He’s getting distracted. And he’s standing in front of Martin like an idiot, saying nothing. This is going terribly. Why did he ever think this would not go terribly-
“Jon? Are you alright? You look like you’re about to have a stroke.”
“I’m not having a stroke,” Jon responds on auto-pilot. “I’m trying to think of a clever way to ask you out but you are very distracting.”
Shit. Martin stares at him, mouth open in shock. He’s got nice teeth. Very straight.
“Um- I-I thought you were with Tim?” Martin squeaks out. Oh God, I’ve scared him. Do I keep going? “Or- or Sasha, oh! I’m not accusing you of -”
“No, you’re correct,” Jon grinds out, willing himself to be calm. He doesn’t want Martin to think his frustration is aimed at him. “Sasha’s my partner and I’m dating Tim, and sometimes Sasha and Tim-” No! Abort! “-sorry. We’re together. But, um, I-I also like you, and I think Tim likes you but he hasn’t said- I’m sorry, this is going all wrong.” He looks down at the floor, clenching his jaw. “I understand if you say no.”
“I’m not saying no,” Martin’s voice is lower now and Jon feels a hope rise in his chest. He’s not? “So it’s, it’s like an open thing? You’re accepting applications?” Jon would laugh at the joke if he weren’t so paralyzed with fear.
“Not really? It’s, we aren’t dating around or anything, but I suppose it is open, in a way.” He pauses, takes a deep breath. “Open for you.”
Martin’s smiling like he can’t believe his luck, and it confuses Jon because who wouldn’t want him? Kind, handsome Martin who makes him tea and doesn’t laugh at his stupid jokes but rolls his eyes affectionately and tells his own in turn. Jon doesn’t think he’ll ever understand his humor but it makes him smile and that’s important. And now Martin’s taking his hand and he- oh fuck Martin’s taking his hand Martin’s got his hand and it’s warm, just like he knew it would be-
“I-I think I’d like that.” A squeeze. Jon dies but only a little. “Wow, this is sort of crazy for me, y’know? You’re all so, so intimidating and good-looking-”
“Yes, we are,” Jon agrees, squeezing his hand back. “But we’d like to buy you dinner, if you’re amenable.” Martin laughs and says yes, he’s very, very amenable. It feels right holding Martin’s hand. It feels right to see him with Tim and Sasha, smiling and joking. It feels right to lean into him at the end of the day, to nudge his side in the night and apologize in the morning.
Martin’s lease expires in seven months. They start looking for a new apartment after three.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29032062
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tma-mspec-week · 4 years
January 25th - February 1st, 2021
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TMA Mspec week is a fan event designed to inspire creation of fanworks (fic, art, edits, meta, podfic etc.) focused on The Magnus Archives of bi, pan, poly, omni, and any other multi-spec identities, both canon and headcanon!
Please see the event rules here 
See the FAQ here
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thedeafprophet · 4 years
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For the first day of TMA Mspec Week i have... yet again another drawing of people sleeping 
The character list may not be a ship suggestion, but i choose to do so anyways  :D ( i like jondaisy and i like jonmartin, so why not add martindaisy too and mix it together)
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teeholding · 4 years
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let me live in my ‘jon’s at university when he meets gerry and nothing bad happens’ dreams okay
my take on a ‘painting nails for pride’ scenario— gerry with the nonbinary + pan flags and jon with the bi flag (ace on the other hand but not visible)
For @tma-mspec-week !
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kneesntoess · 4 years
title: recognition  fandom: the magnus archives rating: gen  relationships: jonathan sims & tim stoker  tags: friendship fic, gen fic, pre-series fic, bi solidarity, bi ace solidarity, canon asexual character, ace puns, tma mspec week  words: 831
summary: solidarity and recognition 
Written for TMA Mspec Week to celebrate queer solidarity and the power that comes in standing together and standing up for each other. I hope you enjoy! 
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sazandorable · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon/multiple male and female original characters, Jon & his grandmother, Jon/Georgie Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: (and bit of Jon/Martin implied/mentioned at the end bc you know), Panromantic Jonathan Sims, Demiromantic Jonathan Sims, Asexual Jonathan Sims (not as explored but definitely A Factor), Mspec Georgie Barker, Dating, Uncomfortable Conversations, People trying to figure things out, Jon trying to figure out his orientation (without reaching or claiming any labels in the fic) Summary:
Jon does not like boys. He does not like girls, either.
Just, sometimes, he likes this one.
Written for TMA Bi/Pan/Mspec Week 2021, day 1: Party | Choices || Jon | Martin | Daisy
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
TMA Fanwork Appreciation Challenge: Event Week Fanworks
For @themagnuswriters fanwork apprecation challenge round two--a list of event week fics that I've really enjoyed!! I have a lot of favorites, so I've tried to whittle it down to one fic per event. There are still quite a few fics, so you can find the list below the cut!
As To Be Understood | jonmartin, rated G | Ao3: SupposedToBeWriting | tumblr: @organchordsandlightning | event: Archival Pride
Fleeing from unimaginable terror in a cargo van, Jon and Martin take a moment to collect themselves. Martin examines himself and his connection to the Lonely, as well as what Jon means to him.
I would be remiss if I didn't recommend at least one fic from Archival Pride! Every single fic created for it has been wonderful, but I really liked this one in particular because of the way it deals with both Martin's experience with the Lonely and his own feelings with his grayromanticism 💚🤍🖤
A Survival Received | jonmartin, rated G | Ao3: cuttooth | tumblr: @cuttoothed | event: Jonmartin Week 2021
Martin takes Jon’s hand—the burned one—in his, and presses it to the pale, silvery scar on the right side of his belly.
“When you see this scar, does it remind you of the fact that my appendix burst when I was twelve and I almost died?”
Jon and Martin talk about their scars.
I have a lot of feelings about fics that discuss Jon's feelings about his scars, and this one dealt with it beautifully! The idea that scars equate survival had me tearing up a little, and this fic is definitely part of my ideal post-200 scenario.
The Notes Inbetween | jontim, rated T | Ao3: voiceless_terror | tumblr: @voiceless-terror | event: JonTim Week
At first, he thinks it’s the radio. It’s not uncommon for these stores to play classical music, trying to add an air of sophistication in what’s otherwise a dark room of dusty knicknacks. But when he walks towards the noise, he instead finds Jon sitting at the bench of an old wooden upright, his posture straighter than Tim’s ever seen it, hands moving slowly but deftly across the keys as he leans into each note.
Jon plays the piano and Tim appreciates.
I love JonTim and I love musician Jon and I love Jon reminiscing about his childhood and this has all three of those things 💛 A really sweet fic with equal amounts of seriousness and shenanigans.
Even for an Hour | jonmartin, rated T | Ao3: silvercolour | tumblr: @silver-colour | event: TMA Fantasy Week
When you can only see the one you love during twilight, and must be separated from them during both the day and the night, the hours seem to go so very slow.
In which Martin is a spirit of the sun, and Jon of the night sky, and every twilight they meet again, and part ways again.
I love the concept of this fic! It's so bittersweet and tender, and the imagery of Jon and Martin as moon and sun spirits respectively is fantastic. I could read a hundred more fics in this AU 💛
Ink | jongerrymartin, rated T | Ao3: voiceless_terror | tumblr: @voiceless-terror | event: Gerry Week
“Mhm.” Gerry nods slightly, pen tapping against his sketchpad. He turns around, seeing the naked fondness in Martin’s eyes and has a particularly wicked thought. “Y’know, this is how he looks when he’s watching you.”
Martin sputters, turns a lovely shade of red. “W-What? Really?”
“No,” Gerry smirks. “It’s the way he looks at the Admiral.”
A few snippets in Gerard Keay's surprisingly domestic life.
I love jonmartin and I love jongerry and I love jongerrymartin, and this fic is tooth-achingly sweet! The doodles-and-notes-as-love-languages fits so well with jongerrymartin, and the bit about the post-it notes had me ;___; 💕
Particular | jongeorgie, jon/others, rated G | Ao3: Aza (sazandorable) | tumblr: @sazandorable | event: TMA Bi/Pan/Poly/Omni/Mspec Week
Jon does not like boys. He does not like girls, either.
Just, sometimes, he likes this one.
I like this fic partly because it resonates so well with my own experience with romance and partly because I love the exploration of Jon's experience with romance. The jongeorgie scene is lovely and the mention of the s1 archival crew at the end (and the implied jonmartin) was nice 💛
Letting Luck In The Door | jonmartin, rated G | Ao3: cuttooth | tumblr: @cuttoothed | event: Jon Sims and Cats 2021
The man standing at the front counter is looking around anxiously, a bundled up jumper clutched against his chest.
“Sorry, we’re—” Martin begins, and that’s as far as he gets before the man unleashes a frantic tirade.
“Please!” the man says, “I need your help, I-I’m not sure they’re breathing.”
Martin forgets to lock up, and gets some unexpected visitors.
I was looking for a fic from the jon-and-cats event that I'd read and I got distracted by this one and immediately fell a little bit in love! I adore the kitten-related jmart meet-cute, and Tim and Sasha looking at Martin like 👀 when he comes to visit the kittens is very amusing.
a tale as old | jonmartin, rated G | Ao3: bibliocratic | tumblr: @bibliocratic | event: Aspec Archives Week
"But the trees outside the forest had shed their clothes to bareness, and the welcoming touch of speckling frost had begun to settle upon the ground, and Martin’s mother grew weaker, developing a cough that rattled in her rickety lungs. And so, Martin of the Black Woods packed a small knapsack and ventured upon the winding pathways of the forest to seek out the beast who lived there."
Or: Martin gets his happily ever after.
I loved this fic a lot! Featuring monster!jon, fairy tale elements (and style of prose!), and ace Martin. The worldbuilding is wonderful and the imagery is stunning <3
thank god for wikis | jongerry, rated T | Ao3: PitViperOfDoom | tumblr: @pitviperofdoom | event: Aspec Archives Week
Gerry makes an important discovery about himself. Jon helps.
I said I was only going to do one fic per event week but I couldn't decide between these two, so here they both are! I particularly enjoy the depiction of demisexual Gerry figuring himself out within his relationship with Jon and Jon helping him find the label that works for him! I love fics that have Jon being confident in his own asexuality and supporting someone else who's also aspec, and this one is very sweet <3
And, because I'm not immune to self-promotion, a few of my own:
to grieve and to mourn | jontim, rated T | event: JonTim Week
Jon had mentioned to him once, more than a few drinks into a night out at the pubs, that he’s the type to mourn in private. So Tim isn’t surprised when he walks into Jon’s bedroom to see Jon sat atop his bed, hair tied up into an approximation of a bun and an array of papers spread out before him in a kaleidoscope of white and black. Nor is he surprised to see the cigarette held between Jon’s fingers, burning faintly orange in the low light.
In which Tim offers comfort, Jon makes arrangements, and bourbon is shared.
agony quiets to pain | jongerry, rated T | event: Gerry Week
Gerry steps out of the hospital doors, his body a mess of aches and pains and stark white bandages, to see a man who is not his mother sat atop the short wall outside the hospital doors.
that which glitters divinely gold | jonmartin, rated G | event: TMA Fantasy Week
“I like it here," Martin says. "And I… I feel like it likes me too.”
The stranger hums; it’s a lovely sound, like the clanging of morning bells. “It does,” they say, confidently and lightly, like there’s no room for argument in the matter. After a moment, they continue, more hesitantly, “I… I do.”
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marshmellowtea · 4 years
you know what would be a nice event actually?? a week celebrating queer tma m/f ships, because 1) just because a ship is m/f doesn’t mean it’s inherently cishet/not queer, 2) there’s a lot of weird stigma against m/f ships in fandom spaces which is. annoying, and 3) there’s so many canonically mspec characters in tma and i wanna see them kiss!!
.......now if only i knew how to organize events lmao
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lo-fi-charming · 4 years
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
TMA Fic Plans for Early 2021
Mostly making this for my own organization, but also so anyone who’s willing to yell at me via messaging or inbox can help me brainstorm and have some input on what they’re interested in! I will be finishing my long fic from this year, of course, but this is mostly for new work and continuations. It also doesn’t include prompts I have in my inbox, which I’ll be filling as the inspiration strikes me. This will be long, so I’m putting it under a read more. Without further ado, here we go!
Long Fic:
Archivist Sasha AU: Sasha gets the Archivist job. Martin and Tim are her assistants. Trouble is, it’s just...archiving. She has no experience, and Gertrude left no roadmap- honestly, she thought it would be a bit more sinister than this. Instead, she’s getting a crash course in archiving through various internet sites and filing away debunked cases. A nice pay raise, fairly boring work. 
But then she finds a tape.
Clearly the ravings of a madwoman, and yet...Sasha’s got her suspicions. She’s done time in Artefact Storage, she knows what’s out there. Maybe it’s time to look beyond the Archives.
Jon’s in this too, you know I can’t write a fic without him. But he’s just a researcher. A researcher they were friendly with, when he actually showed up. Always out sick, always looking worse for wear. Poor guy. And yet Elias always gave him the most interesting cases, all the special assignments. Sasha doesn’t know what he sees in him. Maybe he can help her out.
This is in the rough, early stages. I’ve been throwing it at several people just to order my thoughts while I’m figuring out where it’s going. If anyone is interested, I appreciate all of the brainstorming juice I can get, even if we haven’t spoken before xD A fresh pair of eyes never hurt!
Series/One Shots:
Ghost Hunt UK: Martin Blackwood needs a job. After more than a few failed attempts, he finds his answer in a shitty ad for a camera person/production assistant. He can fake that, right? How hard can it be?
This is the Jon and Melanie Ghost Hunt UK series I’ve always been threatening to do, but I’ve actually started outlining and writing a lot more. Jon, Melanie and Georgie all live together in a surprisingly workable arrangement. Tim and Sasha are their production crew. And Martin dives right in the deep end. Melanie/Georgie and Jon/Martin, with an eye towards Jon/Martin/Tim/Sasha.
ADHD Jon Adventures: Got a few more ideas for this one, mostly smaller in-universe one shots. Always appreciate anyone willing to talk headcanons for this one.
   - Early precanon snapshot, Jon and Tim and Sasha’s background in research, maybe looking into a case
   - Tim and Jon decide to make a new filing system for the Archives. What will  these two ADHD kings get up to? Pure, ridiculous chaos.
   - Martin and Jon early friendship/relationship! Getting to know one another, trying to navigate their new relationship. Might be multi-chapter.
Truth or Dare: Got one more planned in this series, unless inspiration strikes. Might cover the wedding if I’m feeling it.
    - Tim thinks Martin and Jon both deserve their own stag-do. Trouble is, they both want the other to attend. Cue shenanigans.
Prompt weeks/events: Last but certainly not least! I’m going to try to participate in, or at least plan a work or two for the following events! The prompts are available on all the tumblr event pages, but if anyone has any thoughts on their favorites, feel free to give me a holler.
  - Aspec Archives
  - Mspec Jon Week
  - JonPeter Week
  - Gerry Week (which I’m helping run with the lovely Zyka and Geo!!)
Other Ideas: Forgot to put these in the original! But I’m currently in the brainstorming phase for a Jon/Gerry/Agnes series, and also and Archives QPR.
Anyway, if you stuck around this long, thanks for reading. Quite a mouthful (eyeful? idk). This list is by no means a promise (thought I hope to do a lot of it) or complete. I’m sure I’ll get more ideas as the year goes on. But I like to throw out some feelers anyway, and I love making new friends, so here you go! <3
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tma-mspec-week · 4 years
Happy Mspec Week Everyone!!!!
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Tag anything you post with #tma mspec week so that we can reblog them here!  And be sure to add any stories to our Ao3 collection Tma_Mspec_Week_2021!
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thedeafprophet · 3 years
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I posted 2,006 times in 2021
307 posts created (15%)
1699 posts reblogged (85%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.5 posts.
I added 716 tags in 2021
#tma - 162 posts
#the prophet speaks - 156 posts
#fallen london - 127 posts
#prophet's fl nonsense - 96 posts
#discourse - 39 posts
#long post - 37 posts
#i love cats so much - 34 posts
#railway spoilers - 26 posts
#my art - 20 posts
#words - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#(the exception being the version where any strong connection you have with someone leaving a mark between you that one can be interesting)
My Top Posts in 2021
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Another normal day playing fallen london
64 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 16:20:56 GMT
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A little Jmart piece I did for tma bodypositivity day! 
I love them both so much <3
106 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 14:21:45 GMT
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a fashion gerryagnes drawing i did for @tmagerryweek !
(and thanks @agnesmontague for helping me with outfit inspiration) 
110 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 20:02:23 GMT
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For the first day of TMA Mspec Week i have... yet again another drawing of people sleeping 
The character list may not be a ship suggestion, but i choose to do so anyways  :D ( i like jondaisy and i like jonmartin, so why not add martindaisy too and mix it together)
125 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 17:15:46 GMT
Thinking about Jon spending years unsure with his own identity. slowly coming into understanding himself after he’s an adult, stumbling across the term ‘asexual’ online and suddenly, all the pieces of the past just seem to click. it’s a beautiful moment, finally having a term for the feelings, things he’d once felt as though he was missing something, now knowing that it’s not the case. He continues to do some research online following. It takes time, but eventually he’s able to reach out to other ace folk, whether it’s through some for of online  communication, or through some in person meeting he’s able to find, and being able to talk to others about their experiences, being able to connect over others who felt the same way as him.
The first time he wears an pride pin with the ace flag that he picked up at a meeting he smiles. It’s so wonderful to have something to stand as a representation of years of figuring himself out. Of a part of who he is. 
284 notes • Posted 2021-03-17 03:07:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kneesntoess · 4 years
y’all i am SO excited for TMA Mspec Week! :3 
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sazandorable · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Agnes Montague/Ronald Sinclair, Agnes Montague & Raymond Fielding, Agnes Montague/Gertrude Robinson, Agnes Montague/Jack Barnabas Characters: Agnes Montague Additional Tags: Touching, there is also a little Agnes/Jude but not fun as an actual ship so not maintagging it, Canonical age differences fuckery, Canonical minor character deaths/murder/disfiguration/etc, Mspec female character (unspecified), Bisexual Agnes Montague (is what I had in mind but you can interpret as you like), Season 5 Spoilers Summary:
Agnes does not know how to touch something without destroying it. She does not know how else to want it.
 Written for TMA Bi/Pan/Mspec Week 2021, day 5: Touch | Intersectionality || Gerry | Agnes | Annabelle
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tma-mspec-week · 4 years
TMA Mspec Week FAQ
Q: What is TMA Mspec Week about?
A: This event is about celebrating canon mspec characters, as well as your mspec headcanons in the podcast The Magnus Archives
Q: Why make a TMA Mspec event?
A: This podcast has a rare instance of an mspec ace main character, as well as multiple unique mspec characters, which is something we all love deeply and want to celebrate. On top of that, we want to encourage creation of fanworks with mspec headcanons for other characters, because the more the merrier! The mods are also bi/mspec people themselves, or simply folks who enthusiastically support mspec identities, so this is a very exciting opportunity for us!
Q: When does the event take place? 
A:  From January 25th until February 1st, 2021
Q: What does "mspec" mean? 
A: Mspec means "multi spectrum" and is an umbrella term for all queer identities that include attraction to more than one gender, e.g bisexual/biromantic, pansexual/panromantic, polysexual/polyromantic, omnisexual/omniromantic, etc.
Q: What tags does the event use?
A: To get your work seen and reblogged/retweeted by us, tag it as "#tma mspec week" on Tumblr, and "#MspecWeekTMA" on Twitter.  
Q: Do we have to use all of the given prompts?
A: Nope. We give a selection of three types of prompts per day, generic / mspec-related / character list, and you can choose to use one, two, all three, or none of the suggested prompts. They're there purely for your inspiration
Q: Character prompts give you three characters per day. Do we have to use all three??
A: Nope! If you choose to use the character prompts at all, you can choose one, two or, if you want a little challenge, even all three. And, of course, your work absolutely doesn't have to be limited to the chosen characters. Meaning that if out of a list of Jon, Tim and Melanie you chose just Jon, your work can still be JonDaisy, JonMartinGeorgie, just Jon or something entirely else. We wanted to add the character prompts to hopefully inspire out of the box thinking about which characters could be mspec, and encourage a wide diversity of representation in the works that could be created!
Q: What do you mean by "the works have to touch on the topic of mspec identity"?
A: While there are no strict boundaries, the main goal of the event is the celebration of mspec identities and content featuring them. This can mean an explicit exploration of a character's identity and self-discovery, but it can also simply mean, for example, a MartinGeorgie artwork or a JonPeter fanfic. We leave it up to you to decide how you personally interpret this topic and how you personally want to celebrate it. We won't strictly police the content, but also ask people participating to only submit works they genuinely believe fit the event.
Q: Do the works have to be focused on romantic relationships?
A: Nope! The works can be romantic couples or romantic poly, but they can also focus on just one character, a friendship, QPP relationship, found family, or otherwise platonic relationships. The only important thing is touching in any way on exploration/celebration of a mspec identity, however you envision it.
Q: Can the focus in the work be on a different identity alongside the mspec one, or are only mspec identities allowed?
A: Yep, it absolutely can be! We more than encourage intersectionality, and if you want a character to be bi ace and trans, or maybe pan and nonbinary, or simply queer in their own unique identity, we completely support it.
Q: Can the work feature mspec/lgbtqa+-phobia or otherwise negative/upsetting/angsty content?
A: Yep! You can certainly explore or feature elements such as bi/pan/mspec-phobia, aphobia, transphobia, etc. within your work, as long as it doesn't promote such behavior as correct or justified. But please be sure to tag and warn for such themes accordingly.
Q: Do all characters in a work for this event have to be mspec?
A: Of course not! While the focus should be on mspec identities, it doesn't mean that it can't feature gay, lesbian, aroace, or straight characters. However, we will not allow erasure of canonically mspec characters, such as Jon (both as mspec and ace), Tim, and Georgie, in favor of different headcanons.
Q: Are only mspec fans allowed to participate?
A: Of course not, any fan of any identity is allowed to participate, of course as long as they act respectfully and in good faith. 
Q: How do I submit a work to the AO3 collection?
A: Please see the information here
Q: Is there a minimum or maximum word count for fanfic?
A: Nope
Q: Is any ship/headcanon/content/etc. not allowed in this event?
A: Nope, aside from works that promote any sort of x-phobia or bashing. Everything else is allowed, so long as you make sure to provide appropriate rating and content warnings
Q: Can I submit a work that was created and posted previously, but that I believe fits the event?
A: Yes! The 8th day, February 1st, is reserved specifically for previously posted works to be reposted/retagged/added to the AO3 collection.
Q: Who are the event mods and how can I get in contact with them?
A: You can send questions directly to this account through the ask box or DM us on Tumblr or Twitter. 
The mods for this event are:
Saj (@ sajwho, @ saj_who on Twitter)
Aza (@sazandorable, @sazandorable on Twitter)
Fly (@apatheticbutterflies)
If you have any more questions left, please feel free to send them to our ask box!
You can also see the event rules here
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