#tmnt angel bridge
trust-sancus · 1 year
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Unforgotten Angel!
She’s Casey’s childhood friend and adopted sister.
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joyfuladorable · 2 months
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An Abundance of Angels (I'm so hyped for Tales Angel, she's already so important to me)
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redstringraven · 2 years
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i just really wanted to draw this pose, and we need more angel in the tmnt world. so, here she is. originally she called raph to ask about bike mechanics, but it turns out casey was also there and they've been in a heated argument about hot rod flames for 10 minutes. girl, just hang up.
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ilovebeingaturtle · 11 months
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I’ve wanted to make an iteration centred around the four girl turtles we’ve gotten over the years for a whileeee, and I’ve finally done it!! The AU is still pretty early stages, but I figured I was at a good point to show the sketches so far!
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transk0vsky · 10 months
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Angel icons
(Credit isn’t needed to use my icons but I appreciate it 💜)
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whattraintracks · 4 months
TMNT ask game, 4, favourite non-turtle character?
My knee-jerk response was Buffy Shellhammer, who is indeed my bestest girl. 90s Casey will always be near and dear to my heart. I also adore 87 Mona Lisa and, lately, 03 Angel. I haven't seen all of her episodes yet, but she's fun and I'm really enjoying @yellowhollyhock's Dongel posts.
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HERE! A little sketch idea for Casey, Angel, and Leatherhead for my AU. They all were mutated by the Kraang and now they look for a safe place to live.
Have ideas or feedback???
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etsap123 · 1 year
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At the base, Rockwell, Karai, Vine, and Slash were all being treated as Mondo and Leatherhead rested themselves against the wall.
Donnie and angel were dealing with the injuries as the others stood together for a group huddle, but no one really knew what to say. Everyone was still freaked out and trying to maintain their composure.
“So any plan on how to find them?” Casey asked, with Mikey trying to comfort mona and April next to him.
The group turned to Leo, whose face was paler than usual before he sighed, eyes clearly trying to hide his worry.
“Anyone pick up clues as to where they ran off. Footprints, a trail of some kind?” He asked, knowing there was likely nothing.
“There's nothing.” Aprils breathing began to shift. “There is literally nothing!” April yelled as tears flowed down her cheeks.
The room went silent before Raph released a growl.
“If only they had left something behind! Something that could lead us to them!” He raged, kicking a chunk of concrete into a semi-collapsed tunnel.
Donnie took out the dart from Rockwell's shoulder.
“Agh!” A voice cried out.
Donnie looked at Rockwell, confused, given he was still unconscious. Donnie lifted his head before standing up and walking towards the semi-collapsed tunnel. He peeked inside through the opening of the wreckage.
“What you looking at, Donnie?” Mikey said as Raph took over in comforting Mona.
“I thought I heard something.” Donnie scratched at the top of his head.
A groan seeped through the cracks gaining more of the group's attention. Mikey and Donnie urgently glanced at each other before tossing pieces of the tunnel over their shoulders.
“Do you think that's the kids or one of those "humanists"? Ralph scoffed, turning to Leo.
“I'm not sure. Let's check it out.” Leo added, walking towards the tunnel that was almost opened up.
Mikey and Donnie stepped out of the way as Leo entered before following behind him.
They looked around the scenery with Donnie pulling out his Tphone. Mikey ran his hands along the side of the wall before stepping on something with a crack.
“Aghh!!” Someone yelled, jerking their hand away from under the turtle's foot.
They hissed, pushing themselves to their knees before locking their eyes on the mutants. The three turtles unsheathed their weapons as the intruder gaped at them.
“Stay away from me. You freaks of nature!” The man snapped, backing away from them and pulling out a knife.
Leo growled and kicked the knife out of his hand. Mikey and Donnie yanked him from the ground and pushed him against the wall.
The man continued to struggle against their grip as he twisted his face in fear. Leo held the tip of his sword to the soldier's neck, immediately halting his actions.
“It's time for some answers.”
Alone in the humanist lab held, the eight children. All in separate cages stacked against the wall.
Kiba gripped at the bars that confined her to nothing but metal and the piece of cardboard she had for a bed. Tears went down her tiny face, now covered in cuts and bruises.
Underneath her, Irrilia, now with a split lip, foamed at the mouth as she teethed on the railings. She was growling like a feral animal her instincts taking a hold of her.
Next door to the snake, Iris was curled up in the corner of her prison. She had a black eye making it painful to cry but she couldn’t stop.
Slowly a small shaky hand tapped at the bottom of the cage gate, making her shift to her hands and knees and begin to crawl over. She fell to her chest as her body went limp and looked down at the hand below her before leaning her arm out to hold it.
Dakota leaned into the cage, reaching his hand to hers as the water in his eyes trickled down his face. The bars pressing hard into his ribs.
Across the room and still on the lab desk, the little boy held a foam sword with a smile. He giggled, turning to the opposing wall where the caged mutants were held. The child watched in wonder before hopping onto the chair and floor. He waddled his way through the lab and over to Cody with his foam sword in hand.
Cody looked at him with fear pushing himself back. Reaching the cage the boy knocked at the metal making Cody back away even more.
“Play swords?” He offered the foam sword with a smile, as Cody shifted his head to the side. He was about to reach for it when the child was yanked up from the floor.
“Hunter, there is no need to associate with these freaks and traitors.” Vital said holding him at his waist. “They’re better off dead if they live their life a monster.” He finished before turning away. Hunter stared at the array of cages with fear as Cody cowered back into the corner.
“Chaplin, has the new batch of mutagen arrived yet?” He asked as Irrilia slammed her fists on the gate. Vital glared at her and kicked the metal bars before her, making her jump and quiver away.
“Yes, a large amount of mutagen was stashed at the mutant base.” Chaplin said, pulling on some gloves.
“Good, then let's get to work.”
The attacker fought and kicked at his captures before they shoved him to the floor. Casey and Mona holding him down as he continued to squirm.
“Where are they?” Donnie snarled, releasing the blade from his staff.
The man scoffed. “And why would I tell you pests? You're not getting me to talk!” He yelled, causing Mona to harshly grip his sprained wrist.
He cried, the pain surging through his body.
“Tell us now!” Leo held his blade at the man's throat.
He didn't budge, but Raph slammed his foot into the crevice of his ankle, making him scream.
Leatherhead watched with a smile towering over everyone as April's hands began to twitch.
Angel's expression shallowed, turning away from Vine.
The man's breathing began to vary as the sharp pressure on his neck began to sting.
“Tell us now, and we might just let you live.” Mikey said, coming face to face with him.
Donnie and Leo quickly glanced at each other at the alien tone of their light-hearted brother.
The soldier spit in Mikey's face causing him to yelp and jump back in disgust.
Raph growled. “Ok, that's it!” Raph grabbed the stubborn soldier by the neck and slammed him headfirst into the wall.
He clawed at the hot head of the group's hand, desperate for relief.
“If you don't tell us now! We will break every bone in your body before Leatherhead drags you to the bottom of the sewer tanks for a snack.” Raph yelled, tightening his grip.
Donnie pulled up a picture of the human anatomy as Leatherhead grinned. The man paled as his eyes watered.
“So what are you gonna pick?” April focused and raised her hand, causing his arm to twist.
“Aghh!” His face strained as he hissed. “There at the remains of the TCRI lab!” Raph let him drop to the concrete floor as Leo stepped toward him.
“Leatherhead. Drop him off by the police station. He has enough illegally obtained weapons to earn himself a decade or two in prison.”
At the lab Chaplin reached into A cage a smirk growing on his face. “Aghh!!” Kohanna screamed as she was gripped at the neck and taken from the group.
Chaplin lowered a pair of chains from the ceiling as more cries radiated in the background. Kiba jerked at the cage, hissing and crying as Chaplin suspended the wailing redhead over the lab table.
Irrilia yelled, kicking and punching at the latch that her acidic teething had worn away. She slammed her fists into the metal bars and with a crack the cage door swung open, causing her to fall on the floor.
She pushed herself to her feet and looked up at Kiba, who was reaching out through the bars. Irrillia quickly began to crawl up the rails turning Chaplin's attention away from Kohanna.
Irillia groaned pulling on Kiba's gate before Chaplin gripped and yanked her by the arm, leaving her to dangle there as she squirmed.
Kiba growled as Irrilia wailed and grabbed at her arm.
Kiba hissed, spraying venom in Chaplin's face making him cry out and drop the salamander mutant on her back.
Kiba released her arms, shifting them into snakes before gripping the sides of his face with their fangs. She pulled her arms back, slamming his face into the cage, effectively opening it and leaving him groaning on his knees.
Kiba climbed her way down, rushing to Irrilia, who was still lying on the floor. Kiba nudged at her cousin, still teary-eyed, before helping her sit up.
The lab door slammed open, making Kiba and Irrilia turn to the sudden light in the room.
Vital walked in, baton in hand, before a visible green spark was released on the end of it.
“This should be fun.”
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Wait- her name was NEVER Angel?? Bro I genuinely assumed her name was Angel because a long time ago I dug thru some of your old posts and thought I saw mentions of her name actually being Angel. Yeah I looked for them again and found out "Ohhhhhhhhh... Okay so I'm stupid-" (Honestly I won't change my version of Casey's sister's name despite that. Mainly because I don't wanna start brainstorming ideas for names which I suck at)
Nope. To my knowledge, Casey's little sister's name was never mentioned or confirmed.
Fans have just all unanimously agreed that his sister's name is Angel because of Casey's dynamic with Angel in the 2003 series. Angel Bridge in 03 is a 14 year old girl who's friends with Casey and later becomes an ally of the Turtles. To my knowledge, their relationship gave off a dysfunctional big brother and little sister vibe. Casey was very protective of her and Angel was always rebelling against his actions.
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paytato435 · 9 months
Snapper and Stinkpot Character Ref: Angel!
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Been meaning to do this for a looong time, but I’m going to be taking the time to make character sheets for some characters in my au. More about Angel under the cut!
Angel Nadine Bridge - 15, she/her
Birthday: March 5th (Pisces)
Angel is a sophomore in high school and is a co-captain on the field hockey team with her best friend, Marina. Things take a turn for the worse, however, when Marina mysteriously disappears just before school starts.
Angel’s family is from Jacksonville, Florida, but she and her brother Ryan moved to New York to live with her grandmother when she was little. Her older brother practically raised her, and she looks up to him a lot. When she was 12 she got her ears pierced and her mom hated them, so she’s gotten more piercings over the years to piss her off. Ever since she was little, Angel has seen the world a little differently from others, and while some people might call it synesthesia, it might turn out to be something a little more?
Songs that make me think of Angel: Lost Kitten by Metric, Any Colour You Like by Pink Floyd, Stupid for You by Waterparks
Light Spoilers for the AU: Angel has a hard time admitting it, but she has a really bad crush on Casey Jr. So she does what any reasonable teenager would do and bullies him any chance she can get. Nose? Wack. Gap tooth? Gross. His smile is so stupid she can’t even. 😒 I heard somewhere that daughters fall in love with people like their dad’s, so I’ve kind of taken that and ran with it when I was writing her as a love interest for Casey. (Casey is the daughter in this analogy, lol.) Angel shares a lot of similarities with Leo! She’s a natural leader, loves to annoy the people closest to her, and is a massive attention seeker. Also her head is shaped like Leo too because that makes my life easier.
Wait, isn’t she a little familiar? Yes! Angel appears in TMNT 2003 and in IDW. This is my interpretation of her in the Rise universe. 😊✨ I grew up watching TMNT 2003, and Angel was my favorite character. I haven’t gotten very far in the IDW comics, but I do like Angel’s design there too and used it as inspiration. My Angel would absolutely dress up like them (maybe not as Nobody or whatever the hell she’s wearing to Casey and April’s wedding tho). Also fun fact, I don’t pay attention to how long her hair is at all whether it’s up or down. It is the exact length it needs to be in that moment. In my initial drawing of her she had green eyes, but I don’t really draw any of the characters with eye colors so they can be whatever unless I change my mind. In real life I think her hair is the same color as Casey’s but I draw her with dark purple hair so she stands out more from him and also because PURPLE.
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Sunshine Turtle Casey
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drewlu-plus · 2 years
I havent drawn anything in like a year but the IDW comics are inspiring me. I redrew some panels. Karai, April and Angel
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cloudedregrets · 2 years
Omg, I just saw the recent issue, and in all honesty, I do not know how to feel about it. Of course there are going to be precautions when working with a former enemy. It’s short and you’d think there would be more to the issue than initially. The fact that Al is now considering Angel to be her only family, that’s real friendship right there. The more you read into it, Alopex’s hand is forced. Not only does she have to work with a known former enemy of hers, but she has to face with everything else that is going on.
She does want to help, but she’s conflicted with a lot of feelings and has no clue how to process them. I assume that whenever the next issue releases, all of that is going to tie in. I knew for a fact that Angel wasn’t going to be apart of the clan, it’d be too much on the mental for Al.
It was incredible seeing both of them respectively return to being the fighting duo they once were. I believe after this, they’ll be involved more in some manner.
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
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Rough sketches of my 2k3 Angel redesign! She was only in 5 episodes, but I care her… and also I may or may not be writing a fic about her >:3c
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saccharineblush · 2 years
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I was always disappointed by the lack of Angel in tmnt 2012 since I loved her character from 2003, so here's my take on the character from my future tmnt 2012 au.
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Cyberpunk au alopex and angel
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transk0vsky · 9 months
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Welcome to rarepairs only I ship hours
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