#tmnt x exhausted!reader
sku11candy2023 · 1 year
Rules and basic bs but PLEASE read!!
Fandoms i will write for;
Human or not please tell me though Tmnt (any year)
Human or not please tell me which though Welcome home
Spider man arcoss the spiderverse - YES Both
Fnaf (every one<3)
Sally face
Super Mario Smash Bros
Monster High
Black Butler
Metal family
anything disney or pixar related
Ugly dolls
Your boyfriend peter
sunny day jack
What i Will write:
Gender or no Gender reader
What i will NOT write;
Sexual assualt
Oc or character x character
anything that i am not comfortable with
This account will mainly be 13+ so please if you anyhing under that age or ageless bios will be either blocked or politely ignored. I have a hard time getting to things quickly and have crappy memory so please excuse me for my grammer or anything. I don't have much free time mostly due to school and personal issues. If you ever have any questions or want to vent please dm me.
Thank you for your time if i left anything out i'll do my best to fix it
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talewrites · 2 months
Heavy Sleeper
I wrote like half of this at 3am 6 months ago and finally decided to finish it 😅
Generation: Bayverse, 2003, 2007 TMNT
TMNT Donatello x Reader
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Warnings: illness, fainting, fever, IV
Tags: angst, fluff, illness
Summary: You overworked yourself past exhaustion helping Donnie with a new project. Not that you minded. Or noticed, until it was too late.
Word Count: 3229
It has been a long night. …..and a long morning. You had been spending the last few days with Donnie occupied in the lab, helping him with some of the smaller, more detailed work on his new security device. While you were busy soldering pathways onto extra small microchips at the workbench, Donnie was typing away creating the programming at his computer. It required a high level of focus. Which, honestly, you usually didn’t have. However, this project had all your attention, and you had been happily hyper focused on designing the little golden pathways on those tiny green wafer boards for almost 3 days straight.
Donnie was extremely grateful for your help. But he was suspicious how his energetic little dove was being so quiet and still while they worked. The thought came to him a few times that he should go check on you again, but he was equally engrossed in his own project and kept getting sucked back into the work.
Your trick was: caffeine. You had discovered in college that if you drank caffeine on an empty stomach, you could stay extra focused for hours on end. Obviously, this wasn’t good for your health. Or your stomach. But usually you would finish whatever project it was you were laser focused on within the day, so the strain on your body wouldn’t last that long.
This was lasting very long. Very very long. And you had no idea of the passage of time. There was no sun peeking through curtains to inform you that you had worked through the night, or disgruntled roommate checking in to wonder why you hadn’t emerged all day. Donnie’s brothers were very well used to his overworking tendencies, so they paid it no mind he was only coming out for coffee and pop tarts. What they didn’t realize was that you were still in the lair, all assuming you had gone home after the first night. So none had thought to go in to check on the lab.
Here lies the dilemma. It had been maybe 64 hours since you had slept or properly consumed anything besides coffee and a singular package of pop tarts, frequently forgetting about the pile of snacks Donnie kept leaving on your desk. Your back was stiff, muscles sore, and your throat was starting to feel incredibly dry. But all your attention being on finishing your project meant all your physical awareness was finely tuned out.
Except that little tickle in the back of your throat.
It started maybe 5…. 6 hours ago. It was a little bothersome, making you clear your throat and drink a little more coffee to soothe it. But it kept coming back. The tickle started to become a little painful, and clearing your throat turned into small dry coughs. You were drinking more and more coffee to try and wash down the feeling or maybe chase away the dehydration. Your lips started to feel dry, then your eyes, joining in with your uncomfortably dry throat. By the time evening rolled around, your chest was burning terribly, and a migraine had started to thrum with your pulse. Having finished your pot of coffee maybe 2 hours ago and hadn’t bothered to go make more, you were thinking you just needed to get more to drink.
You took a small pause in your welding to push up your goggles and wipe at your dry eyes, when suddenly your vision blurred. For a second, you suddenly found your body lurching to the side off your chair before you caught yourself on the side of the desk.
‘Huh… that was weird. Maybe I’m just tired. I’ll go make more coffee.’
Donnie had been bringing you refills whenever he had gotten up to make more, but you had finished your pot twice as fast as usual. You moved to the side of your chair to stand, and your feet touched the ground with your full weight. To your surprise, your knees almost buckled underneath you, and blackness started to creep in the edges of your vision.
Your body felt weak, and your muscles ached. Keeping a death grip on the edge of the table, you took a slow step towards Donnie’s part of the lab, then another. You blinked rapidly to try and chase away the encroaching darkness creeping in your vision, but too soon your eyesight went dark, and it felt like your brain was shutting down. Internally, you were panicking and fighting to stay conscious, but all you could manage was weakly calling out for Donnie before you blacked out. You didn’t even feel yourself hit the ground.
Donnie, on the other side of the lab, had pulled away from his computer moments before to rub a hand down over his face. This line of code was driving him crazy and he couldn’t figure out where he’d gone wrong. He briefly heard the scrape of (y/n) pushing their chair away from the table, and expected to hear your footsteps head past him to the small bathroom in the back of the lab. He took a moment to flag this line of code- again, for further meddling later. The genius turtle had to admit he was reaching his limits on staying awake and figured it was time he took himself and (y/n) to bed.
But where was (y/n)? They hadn’t come in to greet him yet. Were they just adjusting their chair? That was when he heard it.
“d….don nie…” your voice called out weakly, strained, and barely above a whisper before he heard a light thud from the other room. Had you dropped something? He quickly pulled himself to stand and made his way to the other room to check on what it was you needed.
There. On the floor. You laid still and unmoving on your side against the cold floor.
“(Y/N)!!!!” Donnie exclaimed. Startled, he rushed to your side and dropped down beside you, pulling you into his lap. “(Y/n)! (Y/N)!!!!” He shook you slightly trying to rouse your attention, but your eyes were closed and your body fully limp in his arms. Unresponsive. Quickly, he felt for your pulse, sighing when he found it, but worried by the heightened pace. Donnie scooped you up into his arms and quickly carried you towards the med bay across the lair.
He made his way out of his lab and passed the living room where Mikey and Leo were watching a movie on the TV, and Raph was making a sandwich in the kitchen.
“Huh? Donnie? Is that (y/n)? I didn’t see them come in… are they asleep??” Leo asked when he saw Donnie rush out holding you in his arms.
“No time. (Y/n) fainted in the lab.” Donnie rushed out and speed walked through the clear plastic panels into the med bay, ignoring the startled ‘WHAT’ echoed by Leo and Mikey, and what sounded like Raph choking on his sandwich.
He laid you out gently on the padded white exam table, 3 sizes too big for you, and rushed around the drawers and cabinets. He acquired a stethoscope, thermometer, blood pressure pump, and various other tools to properly check your health and brought them over to the table beside you just as his brothers rushed in.
“ANGELCAKES ARE YOU OKAY??? Ow-“ Mikey rushed in pushing past Leo and Raph and dramatically ran to your side before Raph smacked the back of his head.
“Mikey, chill out. Give ‘em some room.” Raph growled out, trying to pull his dramatic little brother back while Leo stepped forward.
“Donnie, what happened to (y/n)?”
Donnie was now wearing the stethoscope and had the end pressed to the rise and fall of your chest as your breathing strained.
“Hmm… heart palpitations… lungs… crackling sound… that can’t be good.” Donnie was muttering notes under his breath, reaching up to place his hand over your forehead. He found a scorching hot fever and his heart sank. Only then did he turn to Leo. “We… we’ve been working in the lab the past few days… pretty intensely….” Donnie winched. “In hindsight, we did not take as many breaks as we should have. It appears (y/n) has collapsed from exhaustion.” Donnie’s eyes went downcast. He looked equally tired, but guilt was weighing heavy on his shoulders.
“They’ve been here all along?? We thought they went home days ago. Aren’t they usually the one making sure you’re eating and taking breaks to sleep?” The shock in Leo’s voice was clear. You were usually so doting with Donnie, cooking his favorite foods and dragging him off to bed with you to make sure he was well taken care of when he got too involved in his work. It appears this time the tables were turned. “They were helping you with a project? Have they been eating enough?” Leo pressed.
That seemed to have caught Donnie’s attention and he suddenly turned back to continue his check on you. “Yes, I’ve been bringing them snacks whenever I’d get up for coffee. They must’ve been weakened from lack of rest and dehydration…. I’m going to check their blood pressure.” Donnie wrapped the cuff around your arm, and started to inflate it when you started to stir.
“Huh… that doesn’t look good.”
Your eyes fluttered open and you took a deep breath. The bright lights making you wince and shut your eyes again. You moved to bring a hand up to your face but was surprised to feel the tug of something around your arm.
“Mmh? Donnie…? What time is it…” You stretched, confused as to why your body ached so much. Why was he looming over you? And his room was never this bright or cold.
“(Y/n)! Thank goodness… Darling, when was the last time you ate?” Donnie held your shaky hand in his and gently stroked his thumb over your knuckles.
“Hm…? The uh…. Pop tarts you gave me…”
Donnie sighed in relief, remembering he had brought you a package of pop tarts to set on your desk just that afternoon.
“Right after we took a nap together.”
Then Donnie blanched.
“Sweetheart… our last nap together was almost 3 days ago. What happened to the snacks I was leaving on your desk…?” He asked, trying to be hopeful. They had disappeared each time he had returned, so he assumed you had eaten them.
“3 days…? Oh…. Um… they were in the way, so I moved them to the bench for later…. I must’ve forgotten about them.”
Leo slapped a hand over his face. He was realizing you and his brother had more in common than he thought.
“Mikey, can you please go make some soup? Raph, please let dad know that (y/n) will be staying over for the next few days.” Mikey did a mock salute and rushed to the kitchen to make some light chicken noodle soup and Raph left to find Master Splinter in his plant room. Leo went to grab some clean blankets and a spare pillow from their storage room.
Your breathing was labored in the now quiet room. You turned your head to the side to rest against the cool pillow as you gazed up at Donnie with your shiny dazed eyes, cheeks flushed and red. “I almost finished the motherboard… just gotta… add the red and yellow wires…” You trailed off as your eyes slid shut. They burned with exhaustion and the light was hurting your head.
Donnie leaned in close and cupped your cheek gently, and pressed a kiss to your sweaty forehead. His brow furrowed with worry, but his eyes were soft with adoration. “You did an amazing job. I’ll finish it up later, you just get some rest. Okay?” His thumb stroked your cheek.
“Mh hm… don’t forget the… polyimide adhesive tape…’s under my jacket…” You mumbled as you easily slipped into sleep.
Donnie smiled at you. He loves you. He loves that you taught yourself engineering to help him out with his workload. But right now he was regretting it, seeing the heavy bags under your eyes as you slept soundly. He scrubbed a hand down his face and sighed.
When you learned that it was difficult for him and his brothers to do the delicate work of designing circuit boards for their tech, he was surprised you immediately showed interest in learning. He admittedly didn’t take you very seriously at first. But then you started joining him in the lab on long nights to study books you had checked out from the library on basic engineering, he taught you how to assemble his tech and how to solder and weld the machines together into things that would help them on patrol and repair things around the lair. He still remembers the first thing you’d ever made. The poorly soldered little metal band he wore around his right pinky finger.
Leo came back in with the blankets in tow. “Should we move them to your bed?” He asked Donnie.
“Not yet, I need to set them up with an IV to get some fluids in them first. I suspect they’re very dehydrated, on top of the general exhaustion.” Donnie was swaying in place. He looked exhausted, and Leo felt worry for you and his brother. It had been a long time since you last let him overwork himself to this extent. He blamed himself for not checking in on his brother sooner.
”Why don’t you go lie down? I’ll set up (y/n)’s IV and keep an eye on them.”
”But (y/n)….”
”-Would want you to rest.” Leo finished with a knowing smile.
Donnie sighed and looked you over. Leo unfolded the blanket and draped it over you so you wouldn’t get cold. Donnie fussed with bringing the edge right up under your chin and fixed your hair. He didn’t want to leave you in here, but he knew Leo was right. He wouldn’t be much use to you if both of you collapsed from exhaustion, so he relented.
”Wake me up if you need anything.” Donnie stood up on shaky legs.
”Uh huh.” Leo put his hands on Donnie’s shoulders and led him out of the med bay.
”And I mean anything-“
“Of course Donnie, now go to bed.” Leo pushed him out in the direction of their bedrooms. Raph and Mikey in the kitchen watched as Donnie trudged and swayed towards his bedroom, and disappeared into the darkness swinging his door shut.
“Duuude. Do I gotta start hiding the coffee again?” Mikey said from where he was chopping veggies for your soup.
Leo pointed at Mikey, “No more caffeine for those two for a month!”
Raph grunted a laugh.
Leo had set up your IV, just like Donnie had taught him. After an hour and a half, your body had absorbed most of the fluids, so Leo felt satisfied enough to wake you up. He shook your shoulder a bit to wake you up. You were deep asleep. The soup at your bedside that Mikey had brought in had cooled to a safe temperature, so he wanted to make sure you ate something hearty before he sent you back to bed.
”Mmh?” You finally started to stir.
”(Y/n), wake up. You’ve got to eat something.” Leo coaxed.
Your eyes fluttered open and immediately winced at the bright light. Leo stood over you to shield your eyes from the overhead light as you adjusted.
“Where’s Donnie?” You asked a bit dazed, looking around. The tickle in your throat was now a scratchy and irritated pain. You coughed hard into your fist.
”He went to bed. Here, Mikey made you some soup. It should still be warm enough.” Once you had sat up he handed you the bowl.
“Try and eat as much of it as you can, so you can take your medicine.”
You hummed in response, stifling another cough. You balanced the soup in your lap and slowly ate, spooning the warm chicken stock and veggies into your mouth. It soothed your throat, and with a few more bites you felt less shaky. You ate slowly, but you managed to finish almost the entire bowl.
Leo looked pleased and handed you your meds to swallow. Mikey poked his head in through the door to check on you as well.
”How’s angelcakes feeling?”
You paused a long moment as you sipped at a glass of water.
“Better.” You croaked. You still felt absolutely dreadful, but, “the soup helped. Thank you Mikey.”
The orange ninja beamed. Raph also peaked in over his little brother’s shoulder.
Leo looked back to you and took the bowl and spoon from your lap. He checked your IV pack and saw that most of it was gone. Your eyes looked heavy again as your body begged for more rest.
”I think it’s time you got some more sleep.” Leo mothered you. He tried to lift the edge of the blanket to cover you as you lay down but your hand stopped him.
Your red rimmed eyes were distant, and you cleared your throat as you found your words. “….Can I go to Donnie’s room? Please?”
Leo couldn’t help but smile at the innocent request. “Sure thing. Come on-“ You sat back up and Leo removed your IV. He motioned for you to adjust yourself, and Leo wrapped you up like a burrito in the blanket before scooping you up and carried you out of the med bay.
Mikey chuckled and rushed over to open Donnie’s door for you and his brother.
”Special delivery!!” He called into the darkness of Donnie’s room. A groan echoed out as the exhausted purple turtle was woken up. Leo carried you in and Donnie scooted over to make room for you to be deposited on his bed.
”Thanks Leo… hey babe…” Donnie greeted you sleepily, sitting up in bed as he received you and untangled you from the blanket.
Leo quietly walked out of the room to give you two privacy, and shoved Mikey’s face out of the way so he could close the heavy metal door behind him.
You stifled a cough, and reached out for Donnie in the darkness. The purple turtle dipped down into your embrace, and smooched your flushed red cheek. His arms slid up your back, and he pulled you flush against him in a warm embrace. He patted around for the edge of the blanket, before pulling it up and covering the both of you. He sighed deeply as he relaxed again against the pillows with you wrapped up in his arms.
”Thanks for helping me….. but please don’t ever do that again.” He mumbled against the crown of your head.
”Do what?” You asked, already half asleep.
You hummed a little laugh and snuggled in impossibly closer.
”I’ll do my best…”
Donnie pressed another quick kiss to your head, and you both quickly slipped back asleep.
The End :]
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afreakingdork · 5 months
Spring Break
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader One-Shot
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, POV Second Person, Friends to Lovers, Human/Turtle Relationships (TMNT), Yearning, Romance, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, One-Shot
Synopsis: You're on your first spring break of college and returning back home to NYC. Donnie has agreed to pick you up from the airport and the season of change is ready to exercise its rights upon your friendship with him.
Also available on Ao3
I cannot thank @tmntxthings enough! She took my half formed plot bunny and helped me finish it up and embellish it with the cutest ideas!! This fic would not exist without her and she gets my endless affection! 💞
Plane descent, it was the one part of flying that really felt like a roller coaster. With its little dips and adjustments, your stomach would rise in turn. It made some sick, but you found it exciting. It was a manifestation of coming home. With each drop in altitude you were a little bit closer and, no matter how people felt about plane rides, the excitement was palpable. Even those tired and exhausted, ready for their changeovers, were glad for a moment on the ground.
This was your stop and you were especially excited for what waited for you.
Clinging to your phone, there was a final announcement and you looked out the window. Watching fields and houses grow closer and closer, your heart alternatively soared. Ants took on definition and eventually you were doing the careful careen through buildings to land in LaGuardia. With a squeaky landing that jarred your body, people stood through the taxiing process which prompted fights with flight attendants.
You were back in New York City.
A fervor running throughout the plane, there was still the docking process and each second ticked by through syrup until you got a text.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: I am at the appropriate baggage claim.
It was a new entry in a sea of others that had you momentarily closing your eyes. You then typed out a response about what you’d endured since landing and Donnie kept you occupied with messages right up until it was time to deboard. Bumping and jostling and giving appropriate glares back, you were soon just shy of running down a tunnel. Just like descent, you were closing in by the moment and once you broke free from a certain pair of doors, you paused only to take stock. It was fate, you thought, that people parted and there he was.
Donatello stood bundled up both for some kind of anonymity and the early spring weather. A balmy cool outside, trees were clinging for a bit more warmth before they burst with color. You were going to miss the blossoms this time around, but you had a lifetime of watching the petals dot the otherwise dirty streets before. You always liked this season. There was a sense of change in the air. A metamorphosis, you saw not just the growth between your youth and now, but everything from the last half year. 
You were offered a full ride to a school all the way across the country. 
You accepted and left behind everything. 
The long days of your first semester would have been lonely if not for a certain purple coded turtle offering to marathon shows with you online.
You texted in the cafeteria until you found your crowd.
You continued to message him because he had to know the latest gossip.
A webcam was sent to you as a gift so you could better work on projects together across multiple state lines.
You clung to Donnie as a virtual lifeline through your first set of finals.
The Christmas holdover in California due to a lab opportunity had been a daunting choice. 
It was made all the better as you were given a digital spot at the Hamato family table during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Then came another bout of studying for midterms. 
All to now, where he’d offered to pick you up after something had come up with your parents and you had complained of the taxi fare on your spring break budget.
You were in motion.
In fact, you were barreling towards him. He heard the footsteps, but didn’t connect them to your person as he looked up. Now knowing the source, he jammed his phone in his pocket and took on a sort of prepared alarm. Then, at the last second, he pivoted a foot out. A careful rotation, he lowered his stance into a readied one. It was all the confirmation you needed as you leapt.
He caught you at the same time for the hug and you crushed yourself to him. Momentum should have knocked the air out of you, but he swung. Your body twirled up with your heart and, by the time you were set down, you were groping to get more of him. This was new, you remembered. His scent wasn’t like coming home. You’d never been close enough to really get a whiff. Clinging to his worn hoodie didn’t crop up memories of softness because you had at most brushed it in passing.
You’d known this mutant for seven months and this was your first hug.
You wanted more.
Your only saving grace was he appeared to feel the same. For each tug, to get your arms tighter around his neck, he gave equal pressure around your waist. As you butted your head to his, he clawed into your own jacket, trying to get you that much closer.
It was warm.
It was overwhelming.
You didn’t want to let go.
“Hey.” You murmured against him.
“Greetings.” His voice responded. “How was your flight?”
“Good. Boring. Long.” You nuzzled closer.
“A full work day’s flight.” Donnie hummed, amused.
“Thanks for picking me up. It’s good to see you.”
Finally, after what must have been too long, Donnie pulled back enough to view you with a chide. “You as well.”
A little shy, your arms slipped to rest against his plastron and an announcement interrupted citing luggage. A quick check found you were at the right carousel and you sent Donnie a wry look. “We’re in the right place.”
“I was clear about my location.” He playfully rolled his eyes and reluctantly relinquished you to approach the long luggage circle.
You followed close behind and bumped arms with him. “Oh, there was this lady who would not stop yaking about the toast squares she got in that plane snack mix.”
“Ah, yes, the snack gacha.” Donnie chuckled and bags began to drift down the line.
He explained the odds and you walked him backwards through your trip. There was a gap from when you’d set off for your flight until arrival. He’d been on a video call when you’d packed your suitcase so when said luggage came winding down the metal slide, you didn’t need to say a thing. He knew it and hoisted it up where you shouldered your backpack. You’d returned with mostly things to wash, but you figured that was part of coming home.
You soon drifted away from the building. Working through the bustling drop offs zone, you headed to where Donnie had sequestered one of his vehicles. Parking cost too much for the tank, he settled on something visually low key though the interior was just as technologically stacked as the others. It was a resistance in temptation to press buttons on the dash you had never seen. They felt familiar as he’d taken you on a phone tour when he completed retrofitting the van, but it felt different in person.
Conversation took you home and, before you realized it, you were idling on the street.
Time had slipped through your fingers like water and you hadn’t cupped enough to drink. There’d even been traffic, you’d sat through it, but it hadn’t prolonged the journey. You were due inside. Your parents were waiting. You also would need to leave Donnie. He’d only ever been here to give you this ride. Heart sinking regardless, you moved to give Donnie your regards with a forlorn tilt of your head.
“Let me help you with your bag.” He rushed the statement.
Your eyes met.
You were both a little too eager to delay the inevitable.
“Thank you, I’d appreciate it.” You told him though your heart wanted to ask him over for dinner.
You’d already skipped coming home for winter break and there was no way your parents would allow an interloper to impede on catching up with their child.
You were required to spend time with them first, then friends.
Duty was a strange thing. It brought you home to mom even though you were an adult with a supposed choice. It had your friend hoisting your stuffed suitcase out of the back of a van where you had created the burden of the heft. You clicked up stairs, your luggage wheels hopping steps and Donnie felt the need to fill the space as if he were required to keep from giving you a moment of quiet.
You were thankful.
You didn’t want to think of how you’d miss him.
Again, he’d felt the same. 
You liked that about him.
Reaching your door, you knew you hadn’t messaged your parents for this same reason.
It was your own coveted surprise amongst what you had to do.
Donnie was careful in carting your suitcase up silently.
It felt like a stolen moment. “We still on for Wednesday?”
“Yes.” He nodded and pulled up a ninpo calendar for the sake of it. “Mikey has forewarned Señor Hueso and if you make April wait a moment more, I think she will strangle whoever is closest.”
“Of course.” You bobbed your head and felt the reminder of the knob.
You needed to go home.
You needed to see your parents.
You hadn’t seen them in so long.
You hugged Donnie.
Slower this time, you still moved quick enough that you avoided the awkward shuffle. It was an instant threading of bodies where you had to stave off a sigh. You fit so well without practice and his toned arms slung so comfortably around your waist. You bumped your head to his for the sake of closeness. He stilled and you thought it too much until he turned his beak to nuzzle the side of your head. From his inhale, he was catching your smell so you openly breathed him in the same.
Then you came apart, heads down, unable to bear to see the other leave as you mumbled out promises of seeing each other soon.
Donnie left by the sound of stairs and you unearthed your key to head inside.
Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough.
The rest of your Saturday had been a flurry of catching up with your folks. You were pelted with every question under the sun and the few phone calls with them you’d had throughout the school year seemed to have never happened. Your parents remembered none of the details no matter how much you whined about how you’d already told them about your class load. You were struck with backhanded comments about missing the holidays and how this cousin had proposed and that nephew had gone skiing and would you believe the tan your aunt got?
Then came sleeping in your old bed which was now a foreign one.
You called Donnie with your headphones on and he answered after only one ring.
Unable to stand the odd sheets, you curled up beside your window for faint outdoor light and watched Donnie on screen eat snacks as you unloaded about how annoying it all was. You loved your parents, but it was always something. He took his time in the conversation after your most heated complaints were air cooled and then subjected you to his own. His family’s separation anxiety was on another level, but he never made it a competition. You instead felt commiseration, even if the comparisons were outlandish.
Exhaustion took you to bed and the old smell of you drifted up like one you didn’t recognize. You were just tired enough to mention the discrepancy and Donnie made a comment on how you’d changed. You weren’t sure you had as you hadn’t felt like it, but you guessed of anyone, he would know best.
How had that come to be?
Your best friend was here and someone you’d known since elementary school. You still loved them, but they’d fallen to a certain wayside once Donnie appeared. Meeting him had been an accident at best. From senior year finals, you’d picked up a local coffee shop as your own. During summer, you switched to drinks for fun instead of necessity and a new barista started that you liked. She was great at conversation and better at upsizing drinks with a wink so you always made sure to tip. There came a day when you forgot to have cash on hand and you promised to come back by to fork it over. Now on a first name basis, April had scoffed it off, but you still returned after making change at a nearby bodega. It hadn’t been more than 20 minutes and yet she had disappeared. You waited for her to return from break only to notice a mutant was similarly off to the side and one you’d come to find was waiting for the same April. 
That was early August.
You’d gone to UC Berkeley in early September.
That was less than a month knowing the turtle in person.
Now you were drifting off to Donnie complaining about how he’d been found sneaking into East Laird’s lab yet again.
He just needed access to one chemical.
They wouldn’t miss it.
He’d doctored the supply sheets himself.
The janitor was paranoid.
You giggled and it must have come too late because he ordered you to sleep.
You told him you missed him.
In truth, you did.
He murmured the same along with a mention of Wednesday.
It wasn’t here yet.
Texting helped as Sunday led straight to a family meal with whoever was in town. You rehashed the exact same stories about school more times than you could count. Your scholarship was both held up like a heavyweight champ’s belt while others spoke to you like you were some Hollywood convert. It didn’t matter that there were six driving hours between the two places. You’d betrayed some inane state pride by going to a far flung college and whether that was a success or pompous choice was your family’s to debate.
You went to bed so angry afterward that you broke your 125 day streak of saying goodnight to Donnie.
You woke up under your old ceiling.
Breakfast reminded you of high school.
Dad had work.
Mom had lunch.
She talked and you listened.
You saw your best friend in the 3 o’clock doldrums.
It was awkward until it wasn’t.
It took about an hour, but you fell in line to your old pattern.
You meant to message your bestie more, but college had taken both of you in different directions.
Who’s this guy you keep mentioning? 
Donatello, was it?
Did you meet someone?
What a story that was and it came with a growing smile from your best friend. Each passing word felt like guilt off your lips and you were teased mercilessly.
No, stop that! We aren’t dating!
Why would you ask?
It’s perfectly normal to help a friend out like he did.
Yes, we’re close.
Not that close.
He’s a nice guy.
Yes, really nice, what are you insinuating?
It wasn’t like that.
You wanted to call Donnie on your way home.
Your best friend’s words kept you from it.
Tuesday your dad had off from work and, though they took you, you ended up showing your parents around Prospect Park. Where they’d only heard it was nice, you had seen enough from social media to actually maneuver it. You picked a restaurant they hated and then a bakery they loved. You were nagged incessantly and then pestered.
Tell us about your new college friends!
You don’t sound like you have many, what happened?
Oh, whos’ that?
Tell me more!
Are they nice?
Go to any crazy parties? We won’t judge.
They did.
They judged everything.
You kept Donatello’s name out of your mouth, though he appeared with each question.
He kept you sane.
He had been there for you.
He made things better.
You texted him as you ran to a bathroom stall for a moment of peace.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Hard to go back after your taste of freedom?
It was such a him response. 
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Tomorrow, you’ll have us.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Don’t worry.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Until then, say the word and I can call you away with a lab emergency.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: I know the codes for several. Do not ask why.
It helped as you rejoined your parents.
One more day.
Wednesday morning and afternoon were tedious affairs with little to do outside of the dreaded laundry. You aired and disinfected your suitcase and ended up cleaning for the sake of it. It made your mom happy and you prepped ingredients for your parent’s dinner even though you wouldn’t be partaking. It would be another nicety in hopes that they wouldn’t say a word when you stayed out late.
It wasn’t like you had a curfew, but you knew the biting remark would be there.
You left just before your parents got home so you sent messages to both of them to cover your bases. Their sent confirmation was like a final school bell and you were running down stairs at an alarming pace. Donnie’s text window appeared next and you shot out a message about your imminent arrival. You felt a buzz in response and wound an oddly familiar path to the necessary sewer grate. One prepped for access to the turtle’s tunnel, you climbed down and only then brought up a map. Above was one thing as you knew your local streets, but the journey below was one you’d never had time to memorize. Donnie’s map was clear and as you switched from sewer to subway lines, you soon came to the brighter lights of the lair.
The Hamato were piled in the living room and you saw Donnie amongst the bale.
He smiled, but it was Mikey who wrapped around you.
Your name was shouted and it summoned the others who hadn’t been paying as much attention. You got friendly pats, several more squeezes from Mikey, one bear hug from April, and a litany of pelted words from the others. Leo’s Hollywood comment didn’t sting as much because he pulled it out in a reference to Son in Law. He did a pretty good Pauly Shore impression and your praise had him pulling out more impersonations. As the chides and jokes flew, you thought about how they hadn’t pelted you with a million and one questions about your college life. They cared little about class and only if you’d had time to catch any local movies or shows.
You nearly wept at not having to talk about only the studious side of your life and you got to share a movie you recently streamed with Donnie. The others hadn’t known either of you watched it and you both excitedly regaled them on reasons not to without spoiling anything. You laughed about a plot line of having been plucked from their environment and joked about red squirrels. Donnie responded in kind about grey and you both laughed until you realized you were the only ones.
“What’s that about?” April asked where she was folded over a couch beside Raph.
“O-oh, it’s-!” You choked on giggles and held onto Donnie’s arm since he was close.
“You see, there was this inane test question that kept coming up.” Donnie filled in for you.
“Non-native grey squirrels have basically put native red ones on the endangered list!” You spoke with too much levity for the topic.
“Now this is a known ecological issue, but the way the professor framed the question…?” Donnie shook his head with a smile.
“He made it out to be like a gang war! So-so Donnie made this joke because they always, freaking always run out of breakfast in the caf when I get out of my morning class about my territory being disrupted!” You giggled.
Donnie bumped you to chastise. “Wait, you’re leaving out your classmate who runs to beat you there, your grey squirrel!”
“Omigosh! I don’t even know her name!” You cracked up.  
“You’ve yet to mention the actual campus grey squirrel!” Donnie pressed.
You laughed harder. “Omigosh, he hates me and anyone that goes near his door on South Hall!!”
You both hurled more examples that fit into your branching squirrel joke and you thought everyone was having a good time until Raph’s voice cut through. “Sounds like a good inside joke.”
You weren’t immediately sobered, but your giggles grew strange.
“Yeah, I’m not getting it, but hey that happens.” Leo shrugged. “Squirrels aren’t my first comedy punching bag.”
“They’re cute! What do you mean they kill each other!?” Mikey had a watery expression. “To extinction!? How could they!?”
April patted his back. “It’s a dog eat dog world.”
“Is that why we were the Mad Dogz?” Leo looked to Raph.
“No, but I’m going to say yes.” Raph shined back a snaggletoothed grin.
With that the others moved on.
Suddenly feeling painfully self-conscious, you shirked and felt that Donnie’s hand behind your back.  
You looked up at him and he had a grin and whisper waiting for you. “These dum-dums don’t know good comedy.”
“You are the funny one.” You softened up and, in an instant, felt reassured.
He pressed lightly for you to join the room and you jumped back into the conversation which had moved onto pigeons. A hotly debated topic, you took sides and spouted facts you had learned in class. Memes were then shared and eventually you went to Hueso’s. The rowdiest table for what was a comical argument about whether they were his favorite customers, the skeleton yokai refused to answer and only spoke of cash spent and tabs to be paid. Leo chased the man into the kitchen to be his usual intrusive self and you stayed present in table conversation the best you could.
It was difficult when Donnie kept sending you reaction images based on said speech and you found it impossible not to reach right for your phone so each joke would land fresh. It eventually meant both of you were side by side texting on another and it was only when the food came did you jar out of it.
“Can’t leave your significant others for even a second?” Mikey jeered before he tapered off. “Though I kind of thought it was you that Donnie was texting… But that’d be weird right!? You’re literally sitting together, why text?” He laughed. 
Others laughed.  
You and Donnie didn’t. 
It spurned April to steal Donnie’s phone.
Some kind of betrayal, Donnie nearly flipped the table to get it back, but the flash of screen April had seen was enough.
You two were outed and ruthlessly drilled.
This was supposed to be fun, you thought to yourself as you tried to field lobs. They weren’t supposed to be rude like your family and yet you were back to fending vultures off. 
Yes, you spent hours talking.
No, you weren’t dating.
Yes, you texted.
No, it wasn’t because it was a secret conversation.
Yes, you were just friends.
No, you weren’t more.
It was only when Leo reappeared and saw the distress mounting on you and Donnie did he step up in his leader position and caught the table’s attention by the throat. He laid out a new topic in the form of recent battles and that conversation took the heat off. You sighed into the booth, feeling particularly drained and when Leo shoved in to have more seat, it bumped you right into Donnie.
Donnie made room, but his hand stayed on the seat, close to yours.
You tapped a questioning finger to his. 
Your heart was heavy.
Were you wrong?
Was your friendship weird?
Donnie had gotten you through moving across the country.
Donnie had done so much.
You really, really liked him.
His finger curled around yours for reassurance.
You’d asked once hadn’t you?
Something about if you bothered him early on since you talked just about constantly.
Donnie had scoffed by saying the word itself and told you that he put forth as much effort as he cared to.
You’d be the first to know if he was displeased.
He’d been honest.
When you complained about a science he liked, he didn’t care how hard the class was, you got an earful.
One of the few times you’d tried to use him as an excuse not to study, he’d hung right up and temporarily blocked you so you’d be forced to.
Your hands moved and, with a rush of your pulse, you tucked your other fingers up and over his.
He held your hand with one and ate pizza with his other as if nothing strange had occurred.
You did the same and spoke more normality by responding to something Mikey said.
It was taken with its own retort and everything felt right.
“I’m stuffed!” April flopped back and her jacket slunk down lazily on her shoulders.
“Can’t… move…” Raph groaned.
“That’s what happens when you are here for four hours and thirty seven minutes ordering non-stop.” Hueso commented as he picked up several empty pizza trays.
“One for the road?” Leo burped.
“Depends…” Hueso cracked a brow and slid over the check.
Leo flicked his eyes down once and then over to his tablemates where everyone dodged the question.
“Maybe next time.” Leo spoke guilt and Hueso hummed knowingly as he departed. “Split time! Cough it up!”
Complaints were loud as all sorts of money was deposited on the table.
“I love and hate catching up!” Leo crooned once an appropriate amount was placed. 
“We were literally here four days ago.” Raph didn’t have the energy to eye his brother.
“Bah!” Leo swung a lethargic arm and it flopped on the table.
“No more pizza for… four more days…” Mikey grunted.
“Heh, you guys’s diet sucks.” April chuckled and fell over into Mikey on purpose.
The youngest squeaked and dominoed into Raph who shouldered the weight without moving.
“We’ll see you again, what? Friday, right?” Leo craned his head toward you.
Leo was dismissing you. 
It was late. 
This had been the plan. 
Two days.
Donnie squeezed your hand.
You had never let go.
“Well…” You tried to respond.
“You know!” Donnie cut through conversation as if he hadn’t heard how it was coming to a close. “Remember how we weren’t able to find Jupiter Jim and His Majesty Cromslor anywhere online?”
The table quieted and you looked to Donnie curiously. “Oh yeah… We missed it in our marathon.”
“I purchased a copy then, but it only came in a few days ago.”
“That took…” You flicked up a few fingers to count. “Months!?”
“Oversees. Probably a boot leg, but it does indeed work.” Donnie smiled at you.
You felt a flutter in your gut. “We should-”
“Watch it now?” His brows bobbed. “Well everyone?” Donnie looked out, carefree to his inebriated brethren. “Movie night?”
“I’m sleeping!” Raph announced. “Don’t wake me and we’re good.”
“But Don…!” Leo’s head fell onto where his arm was still on the table.
“I could watch.” Mikey’s shoulders bobbed beneath April.
“I’m out. Got work.” April yawned.
“Then it’s settled.” Donnie turned back to you. “Not that we needed permission.”
You chewed on a giggle. “Can’t wait.”
Everyone else dragged themselves back to the lair, but you and Donnie took up the rear as you discussed some lab work. Delving into the study you’d monitored over winter break and what came of it, you were soon sat around the projector where Splinter was asleep in his chair. Raph used the last of his energy carting his dad off to bed and Mikey settled into a bean bag with commands to turn his head towards the screen. Leo helped in that matter and set himself up with his phone in hand to hang out more than watch. You and April said your goodbyes and then Donnie joined you on the couch. Raph didn’t return until well past the first quarter of the movie, but didn’t seem to mind as he flopped down to watch a film presumably the family had seen many times before.
The room was filled with the quiet sounds of the movie until Donnie leaned into you. Your shoulders brushing, he whispered to you a fun fact about the movie that gave way to more. With your head turned against the cushion, you eventually stopped watching the film to instead stare at him. He was enthralling. His lips moved with specific enunciation that you knew came from his love of pizzazz. He topped it off with eloquence from IQ and his flair was infectious no matter how emotionless he tried to present himself.
You adored him.
The credits rolled and there was light after movie discussion where you all found Raph had fallen asleep as promised. Donnie regaled you in his theories on how this movie affected the larger Jupiter Jim universe while he threw a blanket over his older brother. Leo pitched in a few notes about his comic knowledge, but no matter how obsessed the Hamatos’ were in this film series, there was still a limit of how much conversation could be shared.
“Welp!” Leo announced, coming down from a stretch.
That was the second final call of the night.
You had already overstayed your welcome.
You pulled out your phone to text your parents.
Donnie touched your wrist. “Before I forget, I finished my latest project. That targeted hearing device.”
You slowed. “Oh yeah, were you able to work out that model on how it decides what to filter?”
“Yes, in fact, I had a breakthrough-!”
“You finished that two nights ago right? When you were pacing in that fit?” Leo interrupted.
Mikey perked up. “Oh yeah, you were so upset, but you wouldn’t say why! If it was just because you were doing your usual tech walk things, then why not tell us?”
Donnie had obvious guilt and raised his hands.
You stared. 
Two nights ago was when you hadn’t been able to text him goodnight.
You were in motion and interjected yourself with force into the fray. “Show us!”
Leo and Mikey looked at you curiously.
You tried not to balk. “It was for you guys too! It will help you gather intel on missions!”
“I thought it was just for your goggles or business people who never take their Bluetooth out, even at dinner parties?” Leo quizzed Donnie.
“The applications are wide ranging! Why do you think I patented it?” Donnie held his head haughtily and headed toward his lab.
The line there went first Donnie and Leo paired where Donie was putting his all into convincing Leo of his inventions use and then you and Mikey who trailed behind in a conversation of your own. 
You weren’t sure, but you thought the blue brother glanced at you twice.
Mikey regaled you on a video game he had recently beat and, by the time you entered the lab, Donnie was in full presentation mode. A space you had only been in virtually, Donnie walked everyone to where the buds were and tried them on Leo first since he was the naysayer. They proved to work nicely as you and Mikey played examples by moving around the lab to make noise for the technology to hone in on.
You remembered locations from your guided tour, but definition had been sparse over the phone. Now here and moving about, gadgets kept catching your eye. Donnie explained them with quips from his brothers about use or malfunction. You heard all manner of stories and saw a part of Donnie you had yet to see. Donnie was quick to hang up if his brothers tried to intervene, but he was no stranger to complaining about them. You felt like you knew them better than you did because of it, but seeing the brothers in action was something else entirely.
They carried through, soon fatiguing of reminiscing and giving space for Donnie to show off his more successful tech. He shined, putting his best foot forward in a way you assumed he prepared for investor meetings. He eventually let you examine his bo staff and demonstrated how it could be reformed within his ninpo. He was detailing how his schematics process had changed since acquiring his mystic powers when Leo suddenly yelled up to the ceiling.
“Nope! Beep, beep, beep! Hear that? That’s my brain at full capacity! No more! No more science for Leon! Honk-shoo! Bedtime alarm.” Leo threw his arms up and seemed ready to spin around to leave before he caught sight of you. “Great seeing you, by the way. We’ll be seeing you, but not again tonight! Later, losers!”
You all watched Leo walk out.
Mikey saw his own chance to pull away.
The youngest did nothing distinctly, but you could tell he was ready to head to bed himself.
You had been together for hours now and it was definitely the AM of the next day.
You needed to text your parents.
You needed to go home.
You’d see Donnie again.
You had one last time before you flew back across the country.
You got your phone in hand and messaged your parents to check in.
“Michael.” Donnie held his own anxiety. 
That meant both remaining brothers were ready for you to go. 
Having already proved to your parents you were alive, you moved to next pen a message about how you’d be home soon.  
“Huh?” A bubble popped on Mikey’s attention.
“Have you checked the time?” Donnie moved away from you. 
Looking up your screen found the time at 2:47am.
“Oh ho!” Mikey sang with scandalous purpose. 
You paused and looked up to see him sporting a huge grin. 
“I get what you’re putting down, brotha! It is the one and only reserved time for my most exclusive dish!” Mikey moved fluidly through a few poses. 
“Yes.” Donnie looked pointedly at you. “You might have heard of it.” 
You blinked a few times not realizing some kind of ploy was in motion. “Special time…?” 
Sliding to the right, Mikey’s whole body dipped below his raised arms. “It is time for my unmatched, out of control, unparalleled 3am dump nachos!” 
A memory slapped you across the hippocampus. 
You did remember. 
Mikey had sprung them on Donnie when he was helping you study for finals last year. 
The Mikey of the present then snapped to attention in a business-like manner. “Proprietary reserved and guaranteed to eradicate night munchies.”   
Your phone buzzed and beckoned with annoyed responses from your mom. 
You’d thankfully never sent that message about heading back. 
She knew you were doing alright, that was enough. 
You closed your phone. “Who am I to say no to the clock!?” 
“Nacho time!?” Mikey turned to confirm with the last party. “That was what you wanted, right?” 
“Yes.” Donnie tried to stave off a certain amount of joy. “Nacho time.”
“Woo!” Mikey started to holler but caught himself off to whisper. “Quieter woo because people are sleeping!”
You all filed down to the kitchen where Mikey took point in commanding his own cooking show. Talking about all his past chip and cheese related mishaps, he walked through pantry staples  and what wasn’t for good nachos. Donnie settled in by your side and eventually grabbed a few drinks. The pair of you mingled together, sharing little glances amongst Mikey’s display until the nachos were in the oven for a quick melt session.
“Oh man, this was a great idea.” Mikey looked at Donnie approvingly. “I can’t remember the last time we did 3am nachos.”
You did, but you kept quiet. 
“Probably after April’s midnight launch at that movie theater.” There was an air to Donnie that said he was purposefully making something up.
“Eugh, was it one of those ones where they watch like six movies back to back?” Mikey made a face.
“Are those marathons bad?” You asked.
“They are when you can’t pause and do stuff like this.” Mikey gestured around the kitchen.
“Helps to be allowed an oven.” Donnie cocked a brow at you.
“It’s not my fault someone started a fire in the dorms a few years ago.” You shot a smarmy look back.
“Finesse.” Donnie’s fingers came up to floss the word.
“This again!” You rolled your eyes.
“The rules are in place to protect! As long as you don’t violate them obviously, then I don’t see the problem.”
“Your homemade oven thing was way sketchier!”
“You could make it out of all the materials you had on hand! It’s completely safe!”
“Just because one can, doesn’t mean one should!”
“Look! I can recreate it now! You never tried.” Donnie went for a junk drawing and came back with supplies. “The most you needed was wire, then a containment unit, easy enough to build…”
Donnie nearly pressed to your side as he cut and created a wire and then spliced it with a battery. Showing you how to then encase the coils, he asked for your help holding something in place. You did so and he eventually came around with electrical tape to bind his creation. He complained about how soldering should be allowed if hot glue guns were. You spoke against that point and your hands brushed. He scoffed at live flames and slipped his arm through yours in lieu of reaching for a piece of plastic that had rolled away. You pressed into him and told him that with that logic you could simply weld.
“Couldn’t you?” Donnie’s face was near yours.
“I’d need…” You reached up and his cheek tipped into your hand as you activated the release on his goggles as you’d seen him do on video.
His lenses came down and you were close enough to see through them to his eyes beneath.
“… something like this.”
“I see… Safety first…” Donnie murmured, leaning in.
“Mhm…” You mirrored him.
A timer dinged and you jolted apart.
“3am nachos!” Mikey came around with oven mitts as if oblivious. “After hearing both your arguments, I’m gonna go with no homebrewing ovens in the dorms. It looks like you’re building a bomb.” He set the tray down and the smell was undeniably delicious.
You might have enjoyed it more had your heart not been pounding out your ears.
“To the uneducated, perhaps!” Donnie grumbled and looked over the spread.
You moved to better reach and heard Mikey talk about the best constructed bite.
What were you doing?
You had almost kissed Donnie.
If that was what just happened.
You had a nacho in hand.
What you had to label as your newest best friend.
Not a replacement, but an embellishment.
Next to you, the man in question said something about guacamole.
He helped you through your semesters.
You still had 10 more after the current one.
Four total years.
That didn’t include masters which you aimed on getting.
On the other side of the states.
As far as possible in the continental US.
That was only the grand scale. 
On a minor one, you’d be back there in only four days time. 
You’d barely seen Donnie.
You’d also arguably spent more time with him in just seven months then you had lifetimes with some of the people you still happily called friends, but 90% of that time had been through an internet connection.
A chip entered your mouth and it tasted so good you wanted to weep.
It certainly wasn’t for any other reason.
Mikey’s cooking was that good.
Eating was happening.
You tried to tune into what Donnie and Mikey were discussing.
Donnie had put his goggles back up on his head.
His eyes looked pretty as he talked to his brother.
They always seemed lazy in expression, but they caught so much.
They also took in nothing if he didn’t care to look.
He’d been looking at you.
Right through that red and blue glass.
The make-up of purple.
Mikey hummed an exhausted note. “Oh man… 5am already? Sun’s gonna be up soon…”
“That late?” Donnie asked absently.
At least your parents had gone to bed and wouldn’t hassle you.
They might because you were absolutely going to get home after they woke up for the day.
That was less than ideal.
You also had lunch plans.
What were you doing?
“I’m hitting the hay!” Mikey announced even though you were sure he’d said other things. “Hug for the road!”
Mikey hugged you and you were sure you hugged back.
“Finish those off or whatever. They don’t keep so toss ‘em! Night, D!”
“Night.” Donnie spoke.
You were alone with Donnie.
You’d been avoiding this hadn’t you?
Both of you had. 
“Still hungry?” Donnie spoke timidly.
“Sure.” You had barely had any.
You worked through building that perfect bite Mikey talked about and then went for some salsa Mikey had whipped up.
Donnie was right there with his own chip and your knuckles brushed.
You both froze and looked at each other.
You saw it all there.
The budding feelings.
The long distance.
The fear.
The longing.
“It’s too soon…?” Donnie broke away to look at the sheet pan. “Don’t you think?”
You did.
You know you did.
You were weepy as you nodded and ate more than necessary just because the taste helped abate the sadness.
Donnie offered to take you home in his own melancholy.
You’d barely experienced college.  
You were so young.
In spite of knowing him so well, it wasn’t enough.
When he pulled over on the empty morning curb outside your apartment, sunlight was peering in on your exchange.
What would you do?
How would you say goodbye?
“Walk me to the door?” You asked.
“Of course.” He put the van into park and turned it off.
You walked side by side in silence up the stoop.
The moment you were both on the same level, you hugged him. Hard into his middle you squeezed him for all he was worth. Not to be outshined, you were similarly scooped. Donnie created a protective outer layer where his face buried down into the top of your head. You both siphoned as much of each other off as you could feeling like it would be the last.
Was that right?
It didn’t feel like it, but for right now it was hard to parse anything.
It was exciting to be close to him.
You hadn’t known when he offered to give you a ride that you’d tackle him right out of your airport gate.
You’d never hugged before that. 
You’d never touched at all as far as you could remember. 
All of this was sudden.
Too soon.
You rooted your face into Donnie’s plastron. “I’ll still see you Friday?”
“You’ll see me tomorrow if available.”
You blinked up wide right out of his chest.
“You’re on break. I want to make the most of it.”
This time you threw your arms around his neck and he hoisted you up into the hug. You laughed into it until he set you back down and your heads bumped together. Sting moving to cradle, you lingered against one another. You felt more then, how you were rushing. You were jumping to conclusions. You were deciding years down the line before being present in your own moment.
Too soon.
“It’s a date.”
You entered your apartment on a cloud nine bubble that even your parents couldn’t pop. It prevailed through your mother’s nagging and you finally catching blissful shut eye. You barely made your lunch appointment with your friend and were disheveled for it. They laughed at you and joked about a rough night. The unsuspecting victim who just happened to ask the wrong question at the right time, you unloaded on them. Not usually the type of friend for long talks, they took it in stride and came out like an MVP.
They gave you advice on how to proceed and shared how they themselves were doing long distance.
It wasn’t for everyone.
You were young.
You needed to prioritize you.
There was also a certain amount of trusting your gut.
All a tricky balance, you came away feeling optimistic and closer to your friend than before.
You also crashed as soon as you got home and had a screaming match with your mom when she returned from work to find you in bed. It was enhanced by you not telling her about your dinner plans, but it all felt like a certain amount of stride. It was par for the course with growing pains of your adulthood and you got yourself gussied up amongst it. Donnie came to get you and you felt whisked away where your dad sent you off in good humor.
You wished he fielded your mom, but you guessed you could only ask so much.
Your date was a romantic one. Dictated by closeness, you counted in touch. There were brushes to the hands that morphed to holds. He’d pressed your back to indicate he wanted to pull your chair out and would eventually pull you to his side when some drunk adults stormed by on the sidewalk. You snuggled close to him during a concession selection and later would rest your head on his shoulder during a movie. Afterwards when you lingered for a walk in twinkling night lights you spoke your feelings into reality and what to do.
You’d wait.
It was too soon.
There was so much more to see.
You didn’t feel sad about anything other than not being able to kiss him when he brought you home.
Those hugs were hard enough to break apart from.
Friday then came and went and this time you felt fully present amongst the Hamato. Sunita and Casey joined for a rowdy bunch and you felt strong enough to take over the entire city. You also were always placed by Donnie’s side whether it be by both your conscious choices or simply your draw to one another which earned some ire. Unlike the last hang out, you were validated and both breezily brushed it off with knowing smiles. That brought more confusion, but any and all were left guessing what your relationship was.
Your family and a huge friend group hangout took Saturday.
Then you packed with Donnie on a video call.
It was just like a week ago, but wholly new.
You wished him a somber goodnight and right before hanging up he asked to drop you off.
You would have to fend off your parents, but you decided you could oblige.
There was little complaint as the next morning your mom asked you point blank who the boy was. You admitted to them the events of the last seven months, mutation and all, which they took in various stages. What your dad heard mostly was your loneliness and how this guy had gone above and beyond to make you feel less so. That was enough for him and in a stern decision, he refused to be moved. It left your mom high and dry outside the marriage unit and she eventually sighed to dreamily say that was why she loved your father.
Comparisons were then made between them and your relationship with Donnie and you shut that down as quickly as you could.
Donnie was then there and in an impromptu parents meeting.
He was surprisingly adept at it and you had a feeling he was aware this would happen. You ended up drilling him on the way to the airport where he admitted he prepared for at least seven possible scenarios regarding him butting in on the airport drop off. He regaled you in them all until you were sick of his preparations and you were at the airport.
He walked you as far as he could.
You hugged.
It should have been scented with desperation, you thought.
Instead, it felt like a promise.
With the same clingy digging, he gave equal pressure to your waist as you gave his head. He clawed your back and you pulled at his mask tails. It caught puffs of laughter from both of you as you drank each other in. You knew his scent now, a specific one you wished to curl up in. You’d remember prolonging time together even when you talked to him on the phone, presumably as soon as you landed. You’d be exhausted and want to shower, but you’d make time. You liked to give it just as he’d do the same.
You parted.
With smiles that were plump with tears unshed, you waved to him and he lingered as long as he could. You thought he even might have continued past that and used his goggles for some x-ray business. In case he did, you metered your steps and kept looking back to send him more grins to log. He probably had a thousand already from the calls or even this week, but you’d give more. You boarded a plane and spring break ended.
Across the country you flew.
Back to school.
Back to work.
Through summer and an internship.
Opportunity and papers.
Talk of job and studies galore.
Late night calls and walls of text.
A flurry of messages.
Cold shoulders.
Fall Semester.
Winter break.
Spring Semester.
Spring break.
Rinse and repeat. 
Donnie became your only airport ride. No matter when you came, everyone knew he was designated. It became common knowledge as much as anything else. As much as your friendship, everyone knew that was to be expected.
You grew.
Four years passed.
You found yourself yet again coming into LaGuardia on the cusp of spring. You had plans for furthering education on this side of the country. California had been nice, but Donnie had mentioned a study once that stuck with you. Eight in ten adults lived within 100 miles of where they grew up. It seemed like such a silly statistic four years ago when you’d made your college choice. You weren’t sure if you necessarily understood now, but there was a certain comfort in knowing you’d be in New York for the foreseeable future.
It helped that you grew up in such an amazing city.
What a town, Donnie would say reverent regardless of whether it was bad or good.
Shouldering your bag, you walked out to baggage claim. While the spot may have changed and the man was still growing like a weed, Donnie would still always appear to you between crowd waves. A sort of fate, he’d part pedestrians like the sea and he looked up from where he was tinkering with something on his gauntlet.
A smile spread on his face and he was in motion.
You had to keep up.
A hop and a skip and you collided in a spin. Twirling out for the sake of it, you both murmured affections until he rooted your face out from his shoulder. There he dipped you first for the sake of flair, but brought you up to properly execute what came next.
Your hands tucked behind his neck.
He locked his arms around your waist.
His gaze poured over you. 
You tugged him lightly as he was taking his time.
He was hovering, no doubt committing all of this to memory.
You didn’t fault him; you had started dating a few weeks ago.
He’d blurted out the question saying he was unable to wait until spring break or even until you graduated with your undergrad. 
You were long past first kiss territory, but this would be the first with the label.
“Not to be confused with the famous Italian sculptor.” He staunchly said the same thing he had since the moment he’d first introduced himself. 
“Please what?” He jeered.
“Kiss me, dum-dum.” You pulled him as hard as he’d allow and he snuck in a laugh before your lips met.
You would always appreciate this time of year for its change.
💜Follow me or my Ao3 for more fanfiction! Behind the scenes deep dive for this fic and others along with in-depth writing discussions, plot bunnies, and more are available for only 1$ over on my patreon~ 💜
My betas are such champs, they follow me for any type of work! All the love to @tmntxthings  (look familiar 😒) and @thepinkpanther83
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 7 months
hey so how do you think the tmnt 2003 boys would deal with their s/o coming to them just to have fun and cuddle cuz they’ve had a shit day? It’s one of those: crying in solitude and then come see bf when calmed down shit day and need cheering up?
Ohoho, I’m gonna have fun with this. *rubbing hands together, wholesomely.*
Comforting you after a bad day.
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word count: 838
CW: Reader is gender-neutral, reader being comforted, and as usual, nothing but turtle fluff. 🫶
💙 When it comes to cheering you up, Leo offers meditation first. It’s always helped him clear his mind, so he’ll meditate with you, enjoying the calm and quiet.
💙 If meditation doesn’t work, he’ll brew a pot of tea and cut up some fruits. He’ll sit with you and listen to you when you lay out your problems to him, letting him know how your day went and all the built-up stress that went on that day.
💙 He’d even offer a bit of sparring! It’s a good way to get out any anger, and he stays on the defensive side, just letting you work out your stress.
💙 If that’s not what you want, he’s okay with having you sit in his lap, his hands massaging your muscles, working out any knots and the stress. You do it for him when he’s stressed, he can at least return the favor.
💙 Will also sit there and read with you, reading out to you while you relax. He most likely chose Dune because he’s just that kind of guy, but you don’t mind either way. You love that nerdy side of him.
❤️ Raph’s good at reading your body language and telling how you’re feeling and he’s quick to ask what’s up. When you just say you need cheering up, he understands very well and does a lot to try and cheer you up!
❤️ One thing he does is doing push-ups while you sit beside him, counting for him, before he slyly drags you underneath him to press kisses to your face, lips and neck, just to get giggles out of you.
❤️ He also likes to take you on the occasional rides around the city on his Shell Cycle, and if you’re into beating criminals, the two of you are fighting some goons on the streets.
❤️ If that’s not your style, he’s just fine with sitting on the couch, or on the bed in his room cuddling away. He has an arm around your shoulder, your head resting on his chest, and his hand gently rubbing up and down your arm in a soothing manner while he listens to you vent, or just in pure silence, enjoying each other’s company.
❤️ Either way, he’s here for you, and he’s good when you need some emotional support. He deals with a lot of his own emotions, he’ll help you feel better the best ways he knows he can.
💜 When you come in looking exhausted, Donnie is already standing up from his desk and making his way over to check up on you, asking if you had gotten any sleep, all that jazz.
💜 When you explain what happened, he’s listening intently, before he pulls you over and sits you in his lap to cuddle. Holding you close as he’s massaging your scalp, using techniques he’s learned that’s made you feel better when you’re upset.
💜 He’ll listen to you talk, but if you’re feeling nonverbal, he’ll fill in the silence with his own ramblings. His hands caressing your back as he does so, turning back to his work table as he continues on.
💜 He’ll put on some music, like jazz to help relax you. He’ll tinker with his inventions, even let you do some of your own tinkering if you’re interested! Anything that makes you feel better!
💜 He knows you probably need some time to relax and destress, so if you’re not up for sitting at the lab table, he’ll scoop you up, take you to his bunk to cuddle in bed, or even draw you a bath to relax together in. Whatever he can do, he will do. He’s a man with many solutions.
🧡 You’re sad?! Not on Mikey’s watch. He’s cheering you right up! When he sees you’re down, he’s hugging you so tight! He’s kissing all over your face and asking what’s wrong. He doesn’t understand that he might be overwhelming you a bit, but don’t be afraid to tell him to back up a bit, he’ll understand while offering a sheepish apology.
🧡 Will actually sit down to listen about your day, but not with either being sad or mad with you. The type of guy who will gossip with you and go, “gasp, oh no she didn’t!”
🧡 He’s a bit silly with it, and in the end, you’re laughing about it and he’s smiling widely. He’ll offer you watch some of his skating tricks, before he casually eats shit at one mess-up.
🧡 After that he’s suggesting video games and pizza. That’s more relaxing and less crashing into walls. He’ll be sitting beside you, letting you win most of the time because he likes when you cheer at your own victory. It makes him happy to see your smile again.
🧡 After that, you guys will watch some TV. He’ll be laying back on the couch, and having you lay on top of him. He’s playing with your hair until you’re both snoring loudly on the couch. Splinter was kind enough to place a blanket over the both of you so you guys aren’t cold.
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hiii hello idk if you take tmnt x reader requests (ignore this if you dont take requests) but like. can you make an 03 raphael x fem!reader ?? like something with love at first sight,, ykwim :3 something kinda similar to the '12 raph x reader thingie you posted??
Foot Ninjas and Sidewalk Beauties
2003!Raphael x reader
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A/N: Sure I can❤️ My guess would be that this takes place around season one or season two, but that doesn’t matter that much.
Warnings: Spelling, turtles getting their butts kicked, Raph falling in love at first sight❤️
Last encounter with the Foot was, just say it mildly, an absolute failure. The turtles had gotten their butts kicked and then had the floors cleaned with it. None of them had been prepared for Shredder and his ninjas. It had been a surprise attack, or as Shredder had called it, a warning. And then he left, leaving the turtles injured and bedridden for a week.
Leonardo was not happy. Not happy at all. He immediately started blaming their loss on their lack of training, giving way for him to start a ned training schedule. And Raphael did not like it. It messed with his own training. His boxing that helped him blow off build up steam was now cut short, leaving Raph more agitated and angry. Not only did he not have time for his anger relieving boxing, but his knitting had also taken a back seat. So to say that Raph did not like it, may have been an understatement. Raphael hated it.
Raph especially hated it today, as he was stuck on a roof on a Friday night, continuously doing push ups for what felt like hours. Both Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo was getting tired, yet their older brother did not yield. He continued, telling them to do the same, to which they sighed and did. Expect Raph. His patients was growing dangerously thin, as Leonardo continued once more.
“If I have to do one more push up, oh high leader”, Raphael growled. “The Foot ain’t the only one that will feel the rage of me breaking their bones!”
“Considering how you got your ass severely whooped the last time, I would have to see it to believe it”, Mikey shot in, causing Raph to growl at him.
“Raph, you know very well that we have to be prepared”, Leo said, during yet another push up, making sure his brothers were following his lead. “The Foot have been quiet for a long time. They could make their next move at any time”.
“Leo’s right, Raph”, Donnie strained as he did another push up. “After what happened last time, we can not be too prepared”.
“Don’t even remind me of that”, Raph said. If his arms weren’t preoccupied in his forced push ups, he would be slamming his fist against the roof. “Those bozos almost broke my sai!”
“That’s why it’s important we up our training”, Leo said as he got down on his forearms. “Plank, now. First to give in takes five rounds”.
“That’s it!”, Raph rumbled, getting up from his push ups, his arms screaming in relief. “No more training! I have shit to do, Leo! All of us do!”
“Raph”, Leo said, getting up to stand, frustration visible on his face. Donnie and Mikey sighed, knowing what was coming. “It’s not up for discussion. We have to be ready for the next Foot attack, and at the moment, we aren’t”.
“Speak for yourself”, Raph growled. “I’m ready for anything! Bring those Foot scumbags, and I’ll give them a taste of my knuckle sandwich!”
And as if those had been magic words, part of a spell, a ninja star embedded itself into the rooftop, in the space between Raph’s feet. All four turtles looked up to find a small army of Foot ninjas, waiting on the tall building beside them.
“Oh, crud”, was all Raph got to say before the ninjas descended upon them.
Once again the brothers found themselves unprepared. Their muscles weak after the extensive training Leo had put them through that evening, they found it hard to keep up with the Foot. Leo was the only one that seemed to put up a fight, while Mikey and Donnie dodged every attack that came their way, too exhausted to do anything else. But Raph was not the time to dodge. With his frustrations flowing, Raph threw himself at the Foot ninjas. But with his body and mind tired, he was easily pushed back.
It didn’t take long before they had backed Raph up against the edge of the roof, with no obvious way out. Okay, maybe Leo hadn’t been so wrong after all. But it was still his fault that they even were on the rooftop in the first place!
Raph did all he could, but with every punch or push he was taking a step backwards, until his heels hit the edge of the roof, causing Raph to go off balance. He tumbled backwards off of the roof and down towards the street below. Even though Raph was tired, the sudden adrenaline from his fall caused him to think fast. He took his sais and slammed them into the side of the building, digging them into the bricks in one hard move.
Raph breathed a sigh of relief, looking down to the street below, in order to look for an easy way down. But what Raph saw was far from what he had expected. Hanging from the side of the building, Raphael never thought that anything would be able to take his mind of the situation he was in, but then he saw someone. You.
You were standing right below him on the sidewalk, in the light of the street lamp, phone in hand and headphones over your head. You cased glances down the street, as if you were waiting for something. Most likely a car.
Continuously looking between your phone and the street, you did not notice the mutant turtle hanging off of the side of the building behind you, his mouth agape as he stared at you. To say it straight forward, Raph thought you were absolutely beautiful. The profile of your face whenever you turned your head to the side, the way your hair fell down your back. The silhouet of your body and the shadow it cast on the ground below you. Raphael felt his heart beat hard in his chest. Never had he thought he would see anyone so beautiful. How could his dream girl be walking the streets of New York City, and be so much better than he ever dared imagine?
While Raph admired your beauty from afar, the car you had waited for drove up beside you. You greeted the driver with a smile, that almost made Raph loosen the grip on his sais. He watched you take off your headphones as you took a seat at the passenger side, before shutting the door behind you. Raph watched, with his heart beat so loud he wondered if you could hear it inside the car, as you and the driver drove away, disappearing down the street, leaving Raph behind with a feeling of longing. He already felt a need to see your face again. You’re pretty face, that he hadn’t had the chance to enjoy the sight of, to the fullest.
A sigh escaped Raph, in the form of a breath he did not know he was holding. He felt a tingling sensation in his stomach that made him feel happy. All the anger he had been feeling a few moments before, was gone, replaced by a feeling of joy.
“Raph!”, his big brother’s voice sounded from the roof above. "Where are you? We need some help here!”
“Coming!”, Raph yelled back, suddenly having the energy to propel himself back up to the roof, using this sai and his own strength.
As Raph jumped back into action, giving the Foot ninjas a long overdo round of a good beating, his mind kept wandering back to you, enjoying the energy the thought of you gave him. Maybe that day's training session hadn’t been so stupid after all.
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hornedstorys · 1 month
TMNT Raphael x Reader - green Lagoon
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Warnings: Friends/Enemies to Lovers, trapped on an island, sex, almost drowning, wounds (nothing blatant), mild anxiety, period sex, mention of mating season, (pregnancy in bonus chapter) - guys that's a badass list XD English ist Not my Native Language
Synopsis: Raphael and you ended up on a strange beach due to an accident, without food, without water and on your own until the others find you again. You weren't the best of friends, but the mysterious island with the hidden lagoon changes everything
PS: It's not a specific Raphael, so feel free to imagine him for yourself. BUT: Raphael is not described as short here and is definitely taller than Reader and he is slightly older than Reader. Both are of legal age.
Words: 5,6K
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You never actually took part in the boys' missions, but somehow you did this time and you still don't know why they persuaded you to do it. So the next thing you knew, you were out with Raphael, even though it didn't make either of you particularly happy. But you were lured into an ambush and suddenly you were up against Rocksteady and Bebop, just the two of you. Raphael tried to push you untrained humans out of the way, but it was too late and the next thing you remembered was a blow to the head, then everything went black. Raphael was still shouting your name, but he was knocked to the ground too.
He would hold it against Leo for a long time that it was an ingenious plan to split up. Raphael was only supposed to cover your back and look after you, but no one had expected such a plan from the other side. Now you were both in the middle of a ship surrounded by ocean and the two idiots Rocksteady and Bebop threw you overboard.
You gasped as your head shot out of the water and you greedily tried to take in the oxygen. Your lungs burned and your eyes were irritated by the salt of the seawater. You looked around in panic, but a large wave pulled you back down and you thought you were going to die.
The next moment, the sea washed you into shallower water and you panicked, moving your arms and struggling ashore. You vomited up water and collapsed exhausted. Sand stuck to your body and you faintly sensed movement in the distance. It was Raphael, also groaning as he pulled himself ashore. You probably would have called out to him, but your voice didn't listen and you turned onto your back, staring up at the bright sky. Your breathing became even again and you slowly calmed down.
Carefully, you got up and looked around. There was white sandy beach everywhere and water as far as the eye could see, your eyes widened and you turned on your axis. A forest of palm trees towered along the shore and you probably would have found this place beautiful if you were here on vacation, but you weren't.
“Holy shit,” you whispered.
“Sleeping Beauty awake too?” Raphael's groaning voice came through to you. She was still groggy, too. You turned to him sharply and scowled at him for a moment, but you held back.
“It could have been worse,” you sighed, already thinking about how to get off this island.
“Are you serious? We're stranded on a bloody island and we don't know where the others are!” He growled at you, wrenching his arms apart. “Look around you, girl, there's nothing here!”
“Come down Raphael, we could have died,” you tried to calm him down. Of course you had to end up on an island with the most hot-headed of the four brothers, not knowing when anyone would find you. You rubbed your face and walked past the mutant, who looked after you cynically.
“Where are you going?" He asked you and followed you. You didn't give him a glance.
“We have to build a shelter or do something,” you stomped on towards the palm forest and looked around. Raphael followed you, muttering something under his breath. Then your eyes caught sight of something and you moved faster until you finally reached it. An old, run-down beach hut. Relief came and now at least you had a shelter to stay in.
“Looks like the shelter thing is over,” Raphael snorted, crossing his arms and watching you walk towards the door.
“Watch out,” he warned you before you could open the door. You turned around with a sneer.
“What could possibly happen,” you scoffed, suddenly crying out as you entered the hut. You staggered back and bumped into something hard, it was Raphael. He grabbed you and pushed you aside as he too looked into the hut and his eyes darkened as he saw the carcass of a human. It was mostly bones, so it must have been there for a while. The red masked man heard your agitated breathing and you fought back tears.
He grabbed you and led you away from the hut, his grip ironclad. When you were far enough away, he turned you around.
“Look at me,” he demanded and you shook your head, it was all too much right now.
“Look at me!
You finally managed to open your eyes and look at him. Tears streamed down your cheeks.
“Pull yourself together (Y/n!) We can't weaken now,” he gripped you tightly and your eyes met. You tried to take a deep breath and your eyes closed for a few seconds. You opened them again and nodded.
You sat on a tree trunk while Raphael removed the skeleton. Far away from the hut and where you no longer had to see it for now. Your gaze wandered to the horizon where the sun was slowly setting, your brow furrowed and you soaked up the fresh scent of the sea. And enjoyed the cool wind on your skin.
Maybe it wasn't a bad thing to be stranded here, maybe you should see it as a kind of vacation. Peace from your everyday life and your working life. No annoying relatives, no duties. Just peace and quiet. As long as Raphael and you didn't get too close to each other. As you were thinking that last thought, you saw Raphael gathering wood and building a fire pit. You watched him silently and observed him.
His gaze was focused and concentrated and yet it seemed as if he was alone with his thoughts. You sighed and got up, walking over to him.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” You asked hesitantly and briefly his green-gold eyes looked up and met yours. They were unreadable and he scrutinized you briefly. You probably looked awful. Your hair was tousled and already in knots and your clothes were torn.
“No.” Was his curt reply and he struck two stones together, then a spark sprang up and the small tuft of dry grass began to glow. You felt uncomfortable doing nothing and realized that you had nothing to eat. So you decided to find something edible, but of course it was harder than you thought.
You had never seen the berries you found before. You didn't know whether they were poisonous or edible, but you were lucky and found two coconuts, which you also took with you.
Raphael looked at your haul a little skeptically, he wouldn't eat these berries, never. But the coconuts didn't look bad. Unfortunately, he had lost his sais in the sea, but his sheer frustration and a stone helped him open the coconut. You looked at him wide-eyed as his arms tensed under his movements. The way his biceps thickened as his forearm lifted and his strong forearms, at once sinewy and adorned with a thicker vein poking out.
You hated to admit it, but you found Raphael somehow… attractive. Even though he was rough and impulsive. You felt the passion he radiated, the love for his brothers, even for Leonardo. But he was closed off to you and only talked to you when it was necessary, which somehow offended you. You never knew what you had done wrong and that frustrated you. Then you saw it.
“You're hurt,” you whispered, looking at the wound on his collarbone without getting too close. He just shrugged his shoulders.
“It's nothing,” he growled and you pressed your lips together.
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After the bulky meal, you lay down. You already missed your warm and cozy bed because the floor was hard and you used old sheets to make a pillow out of. You were cold and Raphael was no different, he was leaning against the wall and his eyes were closed. You didn't know if he was asleep, you rolled over and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Raphael's eyes were closed, but he wasn't asleep. He listened to your breathing and his heartbeat. He saw your peaceful face and examined you closely. Raphael didn't want to push you away from him, but it was better this way. It annoyed him how you breathed, how you laughed at Mikey's jokes, how you always asked Donnie for help when your computer needed an update, and most of all, he hated that you looked up to Leo and admired him. It gnawed at him and anger and jealousy rose up in him.
Raphael had nothing against you, he would like to be as close to you as he was to his brothers, but you had nothing in common. You were a good little thing, most of the time at least, and he was the ruffian and the hothead. Even though he admired the fact that you stood up to him and defended Mikey when he tried to take him down again. You were always there for the brothers, even more so than April. You spent every free minute with the boys and Raphael enjoyed your closeness in the shadows, far away from you.
Even though he fought against it, his cold and vulnerable heart took you deep inside, as did his mind. You tamed his fire without knowing it. Every time you brought pizza and got him exactly the kind he liked the most. Why did you come into his life? Why did your warmth burn into him so much that it almost hurt sometimes?
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You woke up the next morning and the first thing you noticed was that Raphael wasn't there and that your neck was tense. You quickly got up and skillfully ignored the dizziness as you ran out the door.
Was he perhaps looking for food? You walked along the beach and looked out at the sea. You thought the sea was beautiful, but you were also afraid of it. The sound of a nearby waterfall aroused your curiosity and a noise.
Carefully, you fought your way through the bushes, only to freeze the next moment. Your eyes widened when you saw him under the waterfall. It wasn't a particularly large waterfall, but you could use it as a kind of shower. The stream led into a medium-sized pool of water; it must be a lagoon. But as beautiful as the sight of the turquoise water and the wilderness was, it was nothing compared to Raphael's raw beauty.
The water flowing over his scales and his eyes closed in pleasure as he enjoyed the water. He wasn't wearing a mask, it was the first time you had seen him without one and you became more and more fascinated by him. His strong legs, his powerful arms, you could feel something stirring between your legs and you felt the heat flaring up inside you.
Suddenly Raphael's head turned in your direction and his eyes opened, when he saw you his gaze became dark, but just as frightened.
“Are you spying on me, girl?” He growled and put his mask back on. You stuttered and felt yourself blush. He came towards you with strong steps until he stood just in front of you.
“I had to pee,” you tried to talk your way out of it, but he could see the uncertainty in your eyes.
“And meanwhile you're watching me take a bath?” He countered and now you were trapped. Definitely. The water was dripping off the tip of his nose and right onto your cheek, he was so close to you. You had to get out of this situation before you talked any more shit.
“Can I finally take care of your wound?” You asked and Raphael looked at you skeptically, but then he sighed and nodded. He sat down on the beach of the lagoon and you did the same. You carefully examined the wound and took a good look at it. It didn't look infected and the bleeding had stopped, but it was best to bandage it. You pressed a piece of cloth on the wound and a hiss came from his mouth, but you didn't flinch.
His eyes fell on the fabric and it seemed as if he had noticed something, because the next moment he snatched the rag out of your hand.
“Is that a bra?” He asked, almost amused, and when he saw the glow in your cheeks, he knew. You quickly snatched it out of his hand.
“It's uncomfortable to sleep in a bra, besides, I didn't have anything else,” you growled, looking at him slightly ashamed. Your grip on the bra was tight and you gritted your teeth. If Raphael had an eyebrow, he would most likely have raised it now, because that's exactly what his look was like.
“Don't be like that. I know what a bra is, even if I wonder why you of all people are wearing one,” he joked, but your jaw dropped and you punched him on the shoulder. Suddenly your courage rose.
“My breasts are fine the way they are!” You barked at him and if looks could have killed, this idiot would definitely be dead now!
“Is that why you don't wear pants, Raphael? Because your dick is too small to wear one?” Now your patience had snapped and even Raphael looked at you for a moment with wide eyes and an open mouth, then he laughed out loud. His laughter echoed throughout the lagoon and probably halfway across the jungle. You looked at him in fascination; he had never laughed near you before, and especially not so openly and loudly. It was a rare sight.
“Not bad countering, shorty,” he grunted, giving you a sideways glance. There was something mischievous in his eyes, but you saw it too late and the next moment you landed in the ice-cold water of the lagoon. You screamed and Raphael looked at you triumphantly from above. He had his typical predatory grin on his green lips.
Like a wet cat, you swam towards the shore. Raphael was still standing on his rock, watching you. You held out your hand to him.
“At least help me out again, you joker,” you gasped, shivering, and for a moment the turtle seemed to consider, but he actually reached out his three fingers to you and before he could react, you pulled him into the cold water too.
Raphael pulled his head out of the water, gasping for air. He shook his head and his golden-green eyes shone at you with seething passion. You roused the fire in him, because he hadn't expected you to turn on him, as well-behaved as you always were. You laughed, but when you saw the fire burning in his eyes, you became restless.
You couldn't deny that you kind of liked the mutant. The way the water flowed along his scaly skin and his eyes; his eyes mesmerized you so much. They reminded you of liquid gold, green forests and something hidden that rarely showed itself. Openness, trust and gentleness.
Suddenly your lips landed on his and your hands roughly grasped the back of his neck. Your eyes closed and Raphael didn't resist the strange touch one bit. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. The cold had long since been forgotten and it felt more like the cold water was turning into hot lava.
Your skin burned and Raphael's hot tongue greedily explored your mouth. His eyelids were lowered and suddenly your legs were around his hips as he grabbed you and brought you towards the sandy shore.
You almost tripped, but Raphael caught you while you giggled slightly. He immediately pressed his lips to yours again as he laid you down on the warm sand and stroked your thigh gently but firmly.
Raphael wasted no time in pulling your pants off, the surge of arousal he felt making him weak. You took off your top in the meantime, your nipples were hard from the cold and the excitement you could feel all over and inside your body.
The next moment you felt his glans pressing against your entrance and your legs automatically spread even wider, you held on to his arms and closed your eyes as Raphael pushed further and further into your wet pussy.
A gasp came from your mouth and Raphael's face reflected an almost snooty grin.
“Still as small as you say?” He followed up and also gasped when he could feel your wet warmth around him. You sighed blissfully and your brows drew together.
“Don't be so…” a moan escaped your throat as he suddenly thrust into you, ”… arrogant,” the last word was just a whisper and a purr. It felt so good the way he stretched you. His rough hands gently running over your wet skin, exploring every inch as he continued to gently thrust into you.
Raphael's eyes burned holes in your skin. He scanned every inch of your bare skin, the blush on your cheeks, your wet hair, your curves and your breasts. You grew even redder under his gaze and you smacked him against the arm.
“Don't start like that, you're embarrassing me,” you said breathlessly and he grinned at you.
“I was just admiring you… and your breasts.”
“Do you still think they're small?” You gasp and are momentarily lost for words as Raphael picks up the pace a little.
“I think they're beautiful,” he moaned and gripped your hips tighter, his nails dug into your skin and a slight pain ran through you for a moment.
Hungrily, his lips slammed into yours and you returned the favor. The sun was slowly setting, but you both didn't notice. You lay in Raphael's arms while your gasps and moans filled the lagoon. Each thrust made your cheeks burn and your body reacted to his every touch. You had no sense of time, but you knew that you had been lying there for a long time, touching and loving each other, and each time a fierce rush ran through your body. Especially when Raphael used his tongue to explore you and caress you. You came hard on his tongue and he too was flooded with waves of pleasure, filling you with his warm seed.
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Raphael always kept an eye on you, you had the feeling he was looking out for you even more. You built a bed together out of old sheets and soft plants, he went fishing and you collected coconuts. You slowly developed into a team and began to trust each other and get to know each other better. It was like a new start.
And it didn't stop at that one long night. The desire and longing gripped you both and it was as if that night in the lagoon had changed everything. You made love in the lagoon as often as you could, touching and caressing each other. Your kisses were sometimes long, sometimes greedy, some gentle and others harsh. But it was perfect and you became braver to use new places for your lovemaking.
Your bed together, the beach, even in the middle of the jungle and the positions became more and more exciting. Panting, you stood on a rock face next to a small waterfall while Raphael thrust into you from behind and held your leg bent. Your panting only spurred him on, but he wanted to tease you, as he had done so many times before.
Slowly he massaged your clitoris and delightedly his name came across your lips. His thrusts became deeper, but not faster, he wanted you to savor every inch. You felt the now familiar sensation building up in your abdomen and your legs tensed. Raphael could feel you contracting and tensing and now his thrusts became faster. You both came almost simultaneously and Raphael enjoyed the feeling of your pussy contracting around his cock and pumping him dry, his face contorted.
You had no sense of time anymore, you didn't know if weeks or months had passed and sometimes you wondered if the others had forgotten you. Raphael didn't talk much about it, he was probably annoyed that Leo had let you down like that and hadn't been there sooner, but they must have had a reason, you didn't doubt it.
You were sitting on the beach, trying to weave something out of the grasses and palm leaves you had found, when you suddenly felt a pain in your abdomen and sighed. Your hands ran over your aching abdomen and you could already feel the dampness between your legs, but not the pleasant version. A muffled moan escaped your mouth and you walked towards the cabin. Raphael had not yet returned from his search for food, which he was going to take over this time, but when he came back he discovered a pile of misery, immediately he came to you.
“What's wrong? Are you all right? Are you ill?” He asked worriedly and you thought it was really sweet how he was worried about you. You stroked his cheek reassuringly.
“I'm fine Raphael, it's just my period, don't worry” you smiled and sat exhaustedly at him. He understood and rubbed your stomach, then lit a fire.
“Lie down,” he breathed softly and you obeyed him. He held his hands over the fire so that they warmed up and then he gently placed them on your lower back. You sighed blissfully as you relaxed and you could feel the pain calming down a little. Raphael placed some stones in the warmth and then wrapped them in a cloth when they were warm and almost hot and placed them on your stomach. You accepted it gratefully.
You rested for the day, lying in the sun or in the cooler cabin, fighting the pain. It was getting darker outside and suddenly Raphael yanked open the door, you jumped up startled and looked at him questioningly. His eyes were full of excitement and he grinned: “You've got to see this!”
He led you to the sea and at first you didn't understand what he found so special, but as the water lapped against your feet and turned a luminous blue, your eyes widened. You had heard about this natural wonder before and had seen a few pictures, but you had never seen it in real life and it was beautiful.
“Come on!” Raphael jumped into the water and let the glowing water splash up. You hesitated because you were still bleeding, but you gave in and got rid of your clothes and followed him. The water was actually a pleasant temperature and you just let yourself slide in and enjoy the weightlessness. It relaxed you and suddenly Raphael's figure appeared behind you and gently took you in his arms. His six fingers explored your body and you could feel him slowly slide between your legs.
“Raphael,” you breathed, wanting to break away from his grip. “I'm still bleeding.”
“I can handle blood, shorty. Don't worry,” he laughed lightly and you sighed, trying to welcome the hand between your legs, but there was another question burning deep inside you.
“What are we, Raphael?” You broke away and turned to look him in the eye. “What is this between us? I always felt like you hated me and now we're having sex and not just once.” You looked at him with big question marks and waited for his answer. He licked his lips and his look was considering.
“I don't hate you, (Y/n),” the first time he had actually said your name while looking into your eyes with an honest look.
“I never hated you… I-” he faltered briefly and seemed to be searching for the right words, ”- I think I was always jealous of my brothers because you were so close to them, but not to me. I'm usually alone with my feelings and thoughts and since you showed up, that's all changed. I would love to tell you every thought I have, everything I feel! For the first time, I feel like my fire and temper is tamed when you're around,” he took your hands in his únd sighs, ”I'm not really a friendly guy, (Y/n). I'm a mutant, a hothead, and my passionate streak tends to be my downfall most of the time. I don't want to hurt you,” his voice broke a little and you looked at him with wide eyes.
You gently took his face in your hands and looked at him softly.
“Oh Raphael,” you sighed, ”you'll never hurt me and besides, you don't need to be jealous of your brothers. I like you just as much as they do, even if you haven't always been the friendliest.”
Raphael let himself sink against your hand at your words and closed his eyes briefly, his brow furrowed as if he was thinking, and then he opened them again. His gaze was serious.
“I love you, (Y/n). And I have for a very long time.”
These words made you swallow and you could feel your mouth go dry, tears gathering in your eyes as you were already emotional through your period and his words only fueled this further.
"I love you too, Raph," you breathed, and his nickname made him grin. Then his lips were on yours and he pulled you into a hungry kiss. In the shallow part of the water, surrounded by the blue light, you reconnected.
You sat on his lap, he buried deep inside you and you forgot your pain. Your kisses were greedy but gentle. Your tongues played with each other and your cold nipples pressed against his plastron. You rode him gently and his hands ran gently but firmly over your back, your hips and your legs.
Raphael spread kisses on your jaw and neck, sucking and biting gently. You gasped and your hips moved faster. A gasp came from Raphael's throat and you giggled briefly as a wave almost knocked you over.You didn't know when the others would find you, but you would savor every second of them not being there yet.
Bonus Chapter!
Warnings: Pregnancy (between mutant and human), mild anxiety, childbirth, mating season, nsfw
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Raphael and you have been on the island for a long time. It must have been a few months now, but you had got used to your new home and made yourselves at home. You went swimming every day, caught fish together and even played hide and seek. Raphael had a good sense of smell and he found you really quickly, especially when your body changed. He could smell you well during your period, as well as when you were in your fertile days or aroused.
Due to his animal side, he simply couldn't ignore these scents and driven by lust, he searched for you like a wild animal. His ninja instincts were activated.This month in particular it had become more extreme and he could smell you even more intensely. He knew as soon as he opened his eyes that his mating season had arrived.
His cock was swollen thick as he pulled the blanket off his hips and he gulped as his urge to breed you spread through him like wildfire. You were bathing in the lagoon when Raphael appeared out of nowhere from the trees and pinned you to the ground. You looked at him in surprise, but your eyes rolled back as he greedily licked your pussy as if every drop would give him immortality. You moaned loudly and rubbed yourself against his face. Donnie had told you once that there was such a thing as mating season with them and it happened in phases and you quickly understood what was going on with Raphael.
When he realized you were wet enough, he turned you on your feet and you willingly stuck your ass out at him. Without warning, he thrust deep inside you and he moaned loudly as he could feel the wet tightness of your pussy.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)," he apologized for thrusting into you like that, but your face was consumed with arousal and you furrowed your brows, your mouth open and you thrust your ass out at him even more. You didn't feel sorry for him taking his urges out on you and you dug your hands into the sand. He had mated with you several times that day and left his seed inside you.But all this had its consequences.
One day, you were both lying in the shade of a palm tree, enjoying the warmth, when you jumped up and threw up in the nearest bush. There was your breakfast and the next gush was not long in coming. Maybe you had eaten something wrong, you told yourself and swallowed. You could feel Raphael's worried eyes on your body, he had the same premonition as you.
You sat on the beach and pulled your hair out. That couldn't be! It couldn't be! Donnie had said that the chances of a mutant and a human having a baby were very, very slim. But now that you thought about his words, they weren't zero. There was a small loophole that it could happen and now you were sitting there pet your small babybelly.
Raphael had been worried at first, but his concern quickly turned into pure happiness and joy. You were both old enough to have children, especially Raph was a bit older than you. But you were worried that the boys wouldn't find you, what would happen to the three of you? Who would accompany you on your birth? Raphael wasn't a doctor and you were really scared that something bad might happen. You didn't want to die yourself or the child. But did you really want the child?
You never thought about children and it made you feel even worse.Raphael had always comforted you and encouraged you. Everything would work out and he would do everything he could to help you and the child. He would choose you no matter what. He didn't want to and couldn't be without you. You were already very far along and your belly was swollen, as were your feet and breasts. Everything hurt and you felt so plump, but you were also looking forward to the future.
Raphael sat on his stone in the lagoon and watched you bathe. A slight smile crept onto his lips as he scrutinized your body.
"You look beautiful, shorty," he breathed and you looked at him sheepishly, then grinned.
"I should think so too, after all, you did get me pregnant. It probably came to fruition right when you were in the mating season." You both laughed at these words, but the laughter disappeared very quickly when a sharp pain ran through your abdomen. Raphael immediately stopped and looked at you worriedly. He quickly jumped to you and supported you. Your eyes looked at him in panic.
"I think our baby is coming!" A cry of pain came from your throat and sweat formed on your forehead. Raphael quickly took you in his arms and quickly brought you back to the hut and gently laid you down in your bed.
"It's going to be okay, (Y/n)! Breathe in and out deeply," he tried to reassure you and he took your hand in his. You squeezed it really tightly and even Raphael could feel a slight pain, which only showed him how much pain you were in. You felt the contractions and squeezed as Raphael whispered soft words against your forehead, even though you really wanted to scream at him right now that it was his fault for getting you pregnant. But well, it takes two to make love.
"You're almost there," Raphael said breathlessly as he positioned himself between your legs and could already see the head. You kept pushing and a few hours passed before a scream finally filled the hut and you fell back, drenched in sweat, tears streaming down your cheeks."I guess it's a girl," he breathed, placing her gently on your chest. You whimpered and cried as Raphael lay down next to you and hugged you and his daughter.
"Do you have an idea for a name?" He asked, gently stroking the little bundle's forehead. You thought about it and then smiled at him.
"How about (F/n)?"
Raphael nodded enthusiastically and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead. He really liked the name and was glad that you were both okay and that nothing had happened. For the next few weeks, you barely got out of bed and cuddled with your daughter, but your luck hadn't run out and Donnie, Leo and Mikey had found you a month later.
It turned out that the island was really hard to find and moving, which changed the coordination, but after a lot of work Donnie had been able to find out where you were and the looks on their faces when they found you three in the cabin were unbeatable. Deep asleep and with a small bundle in your arms.
Aaaah here it is. I hope you like it and somehow I'm in the mood for a second part haha I also imagined the faces of the boys along the lines of: We left you alone for a year and now you have a child?! XD
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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sadakorosee · 2 years
S/O fell off the bed sleeping with Raphael (Oneshot)
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Raph x fem!reader (Short fic)
Summary: Raph's S/O fell down to the floor from sleeping with Raph. Reader is 5'2 or below. (Shoutout to short readers) :3
Raphael is both tall and broad. His body can cover an entire bed space; what more to say when y/n was only 5'2 and she wasn't exactly chubby nor slim. She's a thicc chick.
y/n decided to sleep over at the lair because 1) training with Splinter starts early morning and 2) her house was a 20 minute walk. She felt she was exhausted to walk and asked permission to sleep over. Of course the Hamato family didn't mind. She is their family now.
It was [12:45am] when their movie Halloween was over and Mikey switched off the tv when he grabbed Donnie's arm while shaking.
"D-Donnie, you don't think Michael Myers is in the sewers while we're sleeping, do you?"
"Mikey, you're referring to Pennywise and he's from IT. Halloween murders occurs every Halloween, like the title is self explanatory enough." Donnie let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously, why did you pick that movie when you know you're terror-stricken by it?"
"We all know what's going to happen; you'd stay up all night reading any comics with funny scenes in it and laughed so loud even Sensei's noise cancelling headphones don't work." Leo shook his head.
y/n looked up at Raph confused. As if he knows what she's about to ask, he waved it off. "Sensei requested it after Mikey got his first stereo box. It was my fault though; I brought it back after I kinda broke Mikey's-"
"My skateboard, brah!" Mikey retorted.
Everyone was fast asleep by [1:17am] including Mikey- well, he's trying anyway. He cuddled his teddy bear and mumbled something pizzas and interacting with humans above.
y/n was slump on Raph's plastron/chest as it goes up and down slowly. His right hand placed on her back to keep her in position. To an outsider, it was a cute sight but from where's laid, she can faintly hear snores from her mutant boyfriend and groaned when it got louder. Her hand tapped on Raph's chest as a way to say keep it down but instead of lowering it down, he snorted in his sleep and surprised y/n, her body jolted from shock and ended up on the floor with a loud thud.
"Damn it, Raph." y/n whispered through her gritted teeth and rubbed her aching lower back.
Raph woke up immediately by the thud and saw her on the floor with an annoyed expression.
"What are you doing on the floor, darling?"
"Looking for any expired pizza under your bed," y/n rolled her eyes. "For god's sake, Raph, snore louder next time. I can't hear it from down here."
Raph chuckled tiredly and carried y/n back to bed, placing his arm around her while he lied on his side.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he didn't forget to ask.
"I might break my hips. Maybe I should skip-"
"You ain't skipping Sensei's training." His eyes already closed but his lips formed into a coy smile.
TMNT Masterlist
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risetmntblog · 2 years
My ROTTMNT Fics List
this is not an exhaustive list - i've read a lot of good fics and just kinda got lazy. lol you can probably tell who my favorite characters and authors were. i've tagged the Tumblr blogs of the authors i know of. (definitely check them out! they've got great stuff!) please let me know if i've missed any.
General Fics
these fics are not related to any ships or reader inserts, and are generally canon centric or are mainly about canon characters.
Like Father Like Son by eternalglitch (@eternalglitch)
XOXO, The Rumor Mill by ChubsDeuce (tagged as AprilTello, but their relationship is platonic)
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by a_platypus (@mutantninjamidlifecrisis)
New Friends by ccorpsebunny
Reader Inserts
these fics are reader inserts and x readers.
L is for Lunatic by Ordinarily (Donnie x Reader)
Night Light by Ordinarily (Leo x Reader)
Frustrated by RamzaWrites (@ramzawrites) (Future!Leo x Reader)
9 a.m. by Ordinarily (Donnie x Reader)
The Case of the Sickly Scientist & His Supersonic Stomach Bug by Ordinarily (Donnie x Reader)
Big little fears by DestDisk (Donnie x Reader)
Hero in Blue by orphan_account (Leo x Reader)
Needed by weird_flex_but_ok (Leo x Reader)
the longest movie marathon by raainy_daze (reader insert)
Fall hits different by rheawritesforfun (@rheawritesforfun) (Donnie x reader)
Caught by ur_gryffindor_uncle (Leo x reader)
the sun also rises by nikigairu (reader insert, one sided Leo x Reader, Leosagi)
The Future by milkytheholy1 (Leo x Reader)
The Artist by Rookmoon (Donnie x reader)
Tired Yet? by milkytheholy1 (Leo x Reader)
It Was Supposed to be a Scare by KittensNShips (Future!Leo x reader)
Sin, Cos, Tan by milkytheholy1 (Leo x reader)
Everything Ends by milkytheholy1 (Leo x reader)
Distracting Dancing Donnie by @fficway (Donnie x reader)
Trust Fall by @chaoticspeedrun (Donnie x reader)
First Sight by @yn-hamato (Donnie x reader)
Heart of Art. by @sharpwindow (Donnie x reader)
One Shots, Headcanons and Imagines
just a list of collections of One Shots, Headcanons and Imagines i think you'd enjoy.
ROTTMNT Turtles and Reader: Leo Edition by Saspa
TMNT and Touch Starved Reader by LittleBitOffanfic
Rise! Reader One Shots by MethIsSoFetch (@Meth-is-so-fetch)
ROTTMNT Imagines by KonamiKofi
TMNT Headcanons by milkytheholy1
ROTTMNT Oneshots and Headcanons by UnifiedBoink
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iheartchv · 10 months
💙❤💜🧡TMNT (turtle of choice) X reader💗
🎀November Challenge: I need you close to me🎀
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🎀Hosted by: @ithinkmonstersarebeautiful 💗
🎀Prompt: Character A&B huddling on the couch together under a fluffy blanket after a long day, just enjoying the shared warmth and closeness.
🎀Fandom: TMNT
🎀Rating: Fluff
🎀a/n: headcanon style because I'm not motivated to write/edit paragraphs. this can be platonic/romantic, whatever you want it to be c:
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He was sitting on the couch when he saw you in the lair
He could tell you looked exhausted
"Hey, how was school/work?"
"Not good..."
You proceeded to tell him what happened
"Sorry to hear that"
He paused
"Do you... wanna sit with me?"
You sat beside him on the couch, cuddling into him
You felt a little chilly and shivered for a second
You snuggled into him, wanting to feel his warmth
"Here, let me get you a blanket"
You were about to object but he was already heading toward his room
He came back with what looked like the biggest, softest, fluffiest blanket you've ever seen
He drapped it over you and then joined you underneath it.
You cuddled with him again, the added warmth coming from his embrace seemed to melt the stress of the long day away
He smiled at you
You felt happy knowing that you could depend on him, that he would support you and be there for you
Tag list:
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @angelicdavinci @thelaundrybitch @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @turtlebeaa @xpaintedladyx @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @ithinkmonstersarebeautiful @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98 @phd-in-fuckery @gingerdraw-blog
🎀LMK if you want/don't want to be tagged please 💗
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Clumsily walking into our hearts - 2k12!Donnie and Reader
Pairings: none, but can be read as Donnie x Reader
Characters included: Donnatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo
Warnings: n/a
Series: A request!
Summary: Y/N was clumsy. That’s just how they are but none of the turtle brothers, especially Donnie cared much about it even if he was the one who ends up taking care of them whenever something happens. No, Y/N was too much of a ray of sunshine to get annoyed at that.
Words count: 36709
Authors Note: I apologize if this seems a bit ooc, I’m still getting back into the fandom and I’ve only started to rewatch 2k12 tmnt, also since the request was a bit vague I still hope I did what you wanted from me anon!
Request: Do you do 2012 tmnt requests? If so, can you do one with a g/n reader and Donnie where the reader is super lovable but also a clumsy ditzy person? Like they’ll make sure you’re taken care of, happy, put a big smile on your head, but that won’t stop them from AAALLLSSOOOO somehow being in the most random situations, ranging from dangerous to just…. “how the hell…?”
Donnie was in the middle of working on one of his new inventions. He managed to gather some new materials from one of the Krang Droids and is now happily trying to integrate it with his tech.
Well, he was happily working on it until he heard shuffling behind him and someone dragging one of his chairs across his lab, right next to him. With an unamused expression Donnie slowly turned to his right, preparing to reprimand Mikey who was probably bored out of his mind trying to bother him in some way, but his eyes didn’t land on his little brother but instead a very exhausted looking friend.
It was Y/N with tousled hair and a frown on their face. Their head slamming unceremoniously on a free space on his workbench. They were still wearing their black and surprisingly stained apron from their barista job, which meant they probably immediately ran towards the sewers when their shift ended.
But that seemed wrong, it was way too early for their shift to end.
Donnie let out a pained hiss through his teeth as he realized what must have happened, taking one last look at his latest project, he decided to give Y/N his full attention “Again?”
Y/N moved their head around so their cheek was resting on the cold surface, this way they could look up to him with their teary eyes. They wanted to answer, opening their mouth but seemed to decide against it and just slowly nodded. Their mouth still in a deep frown.
“How did it happen this time?” As soon as the words were out, Donnie immediately regretted it. It wasn’t the first time Y/N lost their job and in the past, it had been the same reason every time.
Surprisingly Y/N didn’t look even sadder and instead chose to move around once again, laying their chin now down on the workbench, staring straight ahead, this way Donnie couldn’t see their face as they mumbled something.
They were clearly embarrassed or frustrated which Donnie noticed due to the red tint on their ears. He might not be able to see their face, but they must be blushing. Okay, he had to admit, now he was curious.
“I’m sorry, Y/N but I didn’t understand that?” he tried to sound as genuine and worried as possible, to be fair he was worried! It just wasn’t the first time this has happened and usually it was a bit comical, and even Y/N was laughing at it after some time.
Y/N sighed and sat up, finally deciding to look up at the purple ninja “The coffee machine broke down.”
Donnie blinked, waiting to see if there would be more or for him to realize what was going on but neither happened “Uh, okay? But that wouldn’t be your fault then?”
As an answer Y/N just stared more intently at Donnie. As if they were trying to tell him telepathically “You know damn well that this was my fault.”
“Oh! Well, how did you manage that? Can’t be that bad and they were probably old anyhow and would have broken down at some point anyway with or without you.”
“I wacked it.”
“Why would you whack it?” He couldn’t help his sound of surprise. Like, he is so sure that Y/N is smarter than trying to punch a machine to get it to run or whatever. This was more something that Mikey or Raph would do but Y/N hung out too much with him to know that is not something you should do! Well not as a first thing at least.
“Okay, well I didn’t mean to!” They finally supplemented “Listen, there was a child, and she was crying so I wanted to cheer her up.”
This made sense. Y/N loved to make sure everyone was alright, looking over him and his brothers whenever they got hurt in a fight, cooking food for when they return after a patrol and just plain listening to all their troubles. It might have been an accident meeting Y/N but it sure had been a blessing ever since. Even with their tendency to leave a room in a wreck.
When Donnie nodded, showing that he was listening, Y/N continued their story.
“So, I might have tried to do a trick. You know just something small. Remember the time I was on a magic binge and learned all sorts of tricks?”
“Yeah I think Mikey still has a scar from when you tried to magically appear a coin from behind his hea-“
But Y/N interrupted him, literally waving him off but Donnie did notice the wince at him bringing up this memory “Yeah, yeah, exactly. Anyway, you know the trick where you let coffee disappear? You show people, yep this is a coffee cup. You know a normal cup with coffee in it and then you crumple it and it’s all dry and fine?”
“Yes?” Why was he suddenly worried where this would lead to?
“I managed to prep the trick and all, but I must have done something wrong because when I crumpled the cup there was hot coffee all over my hands and man was it hot!” They made the point to close their eyes and shudder when they said the word hot, showing that the memory was very unpleasant.
“So, there is me, hot coffee all over my hands. I’m screaming at this point. The brat is laughing at my pain, which okay, I did what I wanted but hey! Anyways because of the sudden burning on my hands I kind of, well, um, begun flailing? I guess? My boss called it flailing. And I, flailed into the coffee machine and it just started making coffee nonstop with a lot of pressure! And it wouldn’t stop! And my first instinct was to hold it shut but it was hot coffee so I did my flailing thing again and crashed into my coworker who was about to give someone his order which landed on his suit. Yeah, as it turned out he was some bigwig or something and threatened to sue the whole place for everything and as you can guess I was let go immediately. My boss even barred me from ever entering the place ever again!”
At the end they couldn’t help themself but let out an embarrassed laugh, their hand flying to their neck. Donnie could see that their hands were definitely still red but seeing how they didn’t mind kneading their hand in embarrassment it seemed to be fine. If anything, all of their little accidents have made them actually pretty tough in a weird way.
But as Donnie figured, once again Y/N lost their job due to their clumsiness. What was it now? The eighth job? Maybe tenth? Actually, probably more. They did meet Y/N on one of their unluckier days right after getting fired after all.
It took Donnie a few seconds to fully process the jumbled story Y/N just told him only for him to say “Actually, I have so many questions. What kind of coffee machine was this? This doesn’t seem correct. I mean-“
But when Y/N rubbed their face tiredly Donnie stopped, knowing what would come next out of their mouth “Donnie, you know me. I have done weirder stuff. You know that. I touch anything and it basically comes alive trying to kill me.”
“Alright, alright. Point taken but is there anything I can do for you right now?” It was obvious that Y/N came right after being fired down to the sewers to deal with the whole situation. It was just a question of if they just wanted to vent or if they needed a distraction. Donnie was happy to either continue listen or to do something with them. His project wouldn’t run away if he hung out with them for a few hours.
Y/N just nodded but didn’t answer, instead they wrapped their arms around Donnie, giving him a big squeeze. It took Donnie a second, but he returned the hug, giving them a comforting pat on the back. They then let Donnie go and sat back down on the rolling chair.
“Okay, that helped a lot actually. Thanks, Donnie. Can I watch you work? I just wanna chill out a bit after that whole stressful situation and watching you work is relaxing.” As they said that they already begun moving the chair a few meters away but still in a position where they could watch. This action wasn’t anything unfamiliar to Donnie.
Y/N knew to keep their hands to themselves but still as a precaution they have to sit a few meters away just in case. If there was a way for Y/N to be a klutz, they will find it. This wasn’t a prediction but a promise.
The number of times they announced themself whenever they came visiting by just them shrieking as they fell off the ladder or even into the sewer waters, was way too often for him to count. Donnie had once considered building railing along the way just for Y/N but there were multiple reasons why this wasn’t smart, also Y/N would feel a bit babied probably.
When Donnie saw a problem, he just wanted to fix it, and this also meant Y/N’s clumsiness. When all of them still got to know Y/N and they were dealing for the first time with the amount of accidents that always happen around them Donnie was sure that something must be wrong.
He even looked them over once. Tried to see if there was any reason but he couldn’t find anything. Their sense of balance? It seemed fine, nothing unusual there. Everything else seemed to be fine as well. At some point he just had to accept that they were somehow the unluckiest person ever. And statistically there has to be a person who has constantly what others perceive as bad luck, but this still seemed ridiculous.
Back when they were still all getting to know each other, Mikey found out that Y/N didn’t know how to skate, which he of course couldn’t accept. Honestly, they should have intervened right then and there, but the group didn’t know of Y/N’s tendencies yet. Though maybe the fact that whenever they met Y/N while they had their bike out it was incredibly banged up and basically covered in duct tape should have been a sign for them, but hindsight is 20/20.
“Okay, before I can teach you anything cool, you gotta learn how to just skate along, dude.” Mikey said as he placed his skateboard down in front of Y/N, who looked absolutely ecstatic.
“Oh! Makes sense! Okay, lemme try standing on it.”
Leo was sitting on the couch, watching some episode of Space Heroes, Donnie sat next to him fiddling with his T-Phone. Raph was back in his room. All in all, it was a very calm and chill day.
Y/N slowly placed their feet on the skateboard how they saw Mikey do countless times before. They held on Mikey’s shoulder but sure enough there they stood on the skateboard, ready to take on the world. Well, in their mind they were ready, but they did look a bit unsteady on the board.
And then slowly they began pushing along the ground. It looked incredibly awkward but sure, they were rolling along the ground a few meters a push.
Trying to encourage Y/N, Mikey begun cheering “Yeah! You got it! Soon you’ll be doing tricks in no time! I’m sure!”
“Let’s go!” Y/N just yelled out and pushed even stronger against the ground. Obviously more confident now. And then they did it again. And again. Which would have been fine because at worst they would have crashed against one of the walls and would stop but suddenly they swerved to the side.
Even Mikey could tell something bad was going to happen “Uh oh.”
Suddenly they were on the trajectory towards one of the old, automated gates of the subway.
A lot happened at the same time.
Y/N yelled out a frustrated “Damn it!” as they crashed right into the gate. Basically, rolling over it, landing on the other side. Yet as they rolled over it, they pushed the skateboard back and with the added pressure it flew into the air.
The skateboard whizzed past Mikey’s face as he tried to help Y/N and flew towards the sofa, right where Leo was sitting who was invested into his favorite show.
It hit him square against his head.
Leo let out a yelp only for him to angrily turn around, his eyes narrowed angrily, fully expecting Mikey to stand behind him, thinking he’d be at fault but all he saw was Mikey who jumping over the gate to Y/N who was still laying on the ground.
This seemed to surprise the two skaters, Mikey looked over, suddenly very aware of his brother’s wrath while Y/N wanted to jump up, pulling on Mikey’s arm, but instead their head collided with a loud gong against one of the metal poles. They immediately collapsed back on the ground.
Mikey who didn’t expect being used by Y/N to get back up lost his balance and landed across their legs in a starfish position.
While all of this happened, Donnie was just in awe. Sure, he couldn’t help but snicker when the skateboard hit Leo but when he followed Leo’s gaze and saw the mess behind him, he couldn’t help but just stare.
Slowly Leo and Donnie just looked at each other, as if asking each other what just happened. Donnie just shrugged and jumped over the couch to take a look at his brother and their guest.
Mikey was already in the process of getting up, but Y/N stayed on the ground, worried they might have knocked themself out Donnie jumped over the gate as well to take a better look at them but that was when Y/N moved their hand towards their head.
“Of course.” Was all they said before trying to get back up again.
“Wait, Y/N!”
Donnie tried to stop them but since Y/N didn’t even try to shimmy further down or anything their head connected with the same metal pole once again with a loud bang. All three turtles in the room winced at the sound.
Due to the sudden pain Y/N dropped their head back on the ground. Mikey and Donnie took the chance to finally pull them out from beneath the gate to make sure that this couldn’t happen again.
“Are… Are you okay?” Leo was the one to ask. The skateboard was on the ground completely forgotten, instead Leo made his way towards them at the gate. He had a sheepish smile on his face because this must have hurt, even if they are okay, there must be at least a bruise by now.
When Y/N tried to sit up this time, they kept their eyes closed, as if they expected another pang of pain but since Donnie and Mikey pulled them away from the danger zone nothing happened. They kept their hand pressed against their head and nodded. Giving the group a thumbs up.
“Yeah… Yeah! I’m fine! It’s not the first time something like this happened.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N” Mikey laid his hand on their shoulder, but Y/N gave him the biggest smile they could muster.
“No! Even if it was for a small moment, I was actually somewhat skating! That was fun! I never had the chance to do anything with skateboards so, thank you! Thank you, Mikey.”
They sounded so genuine and so elated they somehow managed to ease everyone’s worries. Mikey looked genuinely freaked out, as if he personally just killed Y/N but now he was sporting a smile that was rivaling Y/N’s.
He stood up proudly and pointed at his chest “Don’t worry, if there is something fun you wanna do but can’t for some reason, I’m right here for you!”
Before the banter between Y/N and Mikey could continue Donnie cut in, while clearly Y/N seemed to be doing fine, it did worry him that they were still clutching their head “Okay, before you do anymore fun activities, how about I take a look at Y/N’s head and make sure they aren’t concussed or anything.”
“Yeah, I think that would be smart.” Leo was the one to respond, “And Mikey, maybe in the future when you have skating lessons or anything like it, don’t do it in the living area.”
Mikey immediately nodded. Honestly, he was surprised that Leo wasn’t laying into him more, but Leo seemed to be okay to just call him out lightly and move back to the TV.
In the meantime, Donnie helped Y/N back up and helped them move to the makeshift infirmary they had and setting them down on a bed. As Donnie moved to get the med kit out Y/N finally dropped their hand.
The area where they hit their head twice was already beginning to turn blue while also sporting a small scratch. Must have split when they repeatedly hit it.
“I really don’t know how you managed to do it, but there is a cut. I gotta clean it so it’s gonna hurt, alright?”
Y/N nodded sheepishly “Yeah, don’t worry about me. Sorry for being a burden to you guys but I do appreciate the help.”
In the time Donnie has gotten to know Y/N he soon noticed that even if they were saying something negative, they tended to try to supplement it with some positive.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said as he prepared the cotton ball, turning back to Y/N once he was finished “And, uh, you aren’t a burden or anything.” Smooth Donnie. This really must ease they worries.
“I mean! Uh, we are ninja mutants who fight all sort of people so a little accident like this isn’t anything big.” He moved closer to them to begin dabbing the cotton ball against their wound. It surprised him when they only lightly winced at the contact.
“I appreciate it, Donnie.” Y/N chuckled, probably noticing what he was trying to do.
Their eyes suddenly darted to the side, not being able to look at Donnie while they continued talking “It’s just… This always happens. I don’t think there hasn’t been a day for me without any kind of accident. Be it small or big. I’m just either incredibly clumsy or unlucky. Or both.”
Donnie raised one of his eyebrows “I don’t know. I bet that isn’t true. I think it’s just bias on your own part since you are acutely aware of your own, what you consider failures. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think it is.”
Y/N laughed lightly, trying not to move too much as Donnie worked on their forehead “I sure hope that’s the case.”
“Well, if anything we’ve got your back if anything happens. Be it you crashing or whatever, you can always come to us when you need help.”
“Aw, you’re a gem.”
This time it was Donnie to let out an embarrassed laugh, he took away the cotton ball and put a band aid on the cut.
“There. The bruise should disappear soon enough on its own but if it begins to swell you might wanna put something cold on it.”
Y/N nodded, showing they understood, yet suddenly their eyes widened “Oh! I need to apologize to Leo! I did hit him in the head with a skateboard! Actually, I have an idea! I want to cook something for you guys! After all Mikey was so nice to teach me how to skate, I did hurt Leo and you were so nice to patch me back up!”
Donnie couldn’t help but chuckle at their enthusiasm “Ah, I’m sure it’s fine. You don’t need to go through all the hassle.”
But Y/N stood up, now a determined expression on their face “Nuh uh, mister. I want to do something nice for you guys! I can go shopping and I like to think I’m a good cook, I’m sure I could whisk something up that you guys usually don’t get to eat! Oh! I’m pumped now! I should also get you guys’ snacks! I’m sure Raph would also appreciate some snacks! Uh wait, you guys don’t mind if I borrow your kitchen, right?”
A bit taken aback by the sudden determination and energetic behavior from Y/N Donnie shook his head “N-No, that’s fine.”
“Thanks for patching me up, I’ll be back in a bit.” Y/N gave Donnie a quick side hug before running off out of the room and presumably out of the sewers.
Donnie couldn’t help but think of them as a ray of sunshine. No matter how many times they crashed and burned for whatever reason they were always the first person to get up again with a big smile. Over time it even carried over to the other turtles. Whenever a mission didn’t go as planned and all of them were frustrated or sad Y/N was there to get them back up on their feet.
Honestly the most impossible part was how easily they could make Raph smile again even when he was incredibly frustrated and angry.
And to top it all off Y/N genuinely liked to listen to Donnie’s ramblings! They even admitted once that they tried to study a bit so they could follow along his ramblings better which just melted his heart. Usually, he didn’t go into too much detail but with Y/N he tended to do it more often, that even if they didn’t understand everything, they at least knew why this special thing was so special or why it had to be done like that.
Yeah, having Y/N around was like having a ray of sunshine right with them. It was like a breath of fresh air and him patching Y/N up every now and again or listening to them vent about their day, he didn’t mind that at all.
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s0ulsniper · 1 year
Tumblr media
🕯️ - links to my works will all be connected to this post, to make it easier, and far more organized.
-link to my requests page, who I will take. Please requests character/fandoms if you don't see who you want.
-click here.
-bucky barnes x reader
After Sam got y/n to agree meeting Bucky, strictly on mission terms, things start to get personal.
-avengers reacting to reader wearing a suit.
The avengers + others reaction to you wearing a suit. I added somewhat of a plot to each one.
-Our little secret: peter parker x crush!reader
only ned knows about y/n's crush on peter, and Peter's crush on y/n. they all decide to hangout for an annual lego build.
- gwen stacy x gn!band!reader
gwen has been ghosting you, but shows up to one of your concerts unannounced.
- avengers + getting caught making out with you (separately)
- peter parker x gn!classmate!reader
peter interrupts your best friend and yours conversation, but it turns out to be for the better.
- bucky barnes x best friend!reader
the power goes off in the avengers tower leaving you to find your way to the living room as per Tony's instructions.
- your camera roll if you were dating natasha romanoff
- your camera roll if you were dating peter parker (tom holland version)
-your camera roll if you were dating peter parker (andrew garfield version)
-donnie x reader
Your overworking yourself only for Donnie to find you in his room mindlessly studying.
-2012 Leo x gn!reader
reader has recently became obsessive over drawing, and dedicated all of their time, creating worry with Leo.
-donnie x hurt!reader
the boys thought you were an intruder when the motion detector went off, but instead you stumble in.
content creators
-I wanna be yours: flamingo x gn!reader
reader comes home after work to find Albert binging on the couch.
-albert aretz x sleepy!reader
albert knew you loved to sleep, probably one of your favorite things to do. While he was editing a video curled up with you, he felt your bodyweight get heavier and wondered why.
-albert aretz x reader
Exhausted reader comes home after a tiring day at work and hasn't slept for days.
-albert aretz x reader
after a fun day out, you find yourself falling asleep against albert's hands. who knew he was such a hair braiding expert?
-albert aretz x reader
Albert tells your date that you two are dating, when you aren't.
-albert aretz x reader
Albert is worried that you would want kids with how you've been taking care of them.
- albert aretz x reader
Albert invites you to rest on his lap while he finishes his work.
- lighting - albert aretz x reader
the thunderstorm definitely had great timing.
albert aretz x reader
you were never really open about your scars, but Albert will always be there for you.
albert aretz x reader
"close your eyes and hold out your hands", definitely wasn't what you were expecting it to be.
- albert aretz x plus size!reader
albert finds one of your many hoodies.
- albert aretz x gn!reader
after finishing editing albert falls asleep on your chest, you wake a couple hours later to the feeling of it.
cobra kai
you scared me, kid.
platonic!johnny Lawrence x fem!hurt!reader - Miguel x fem!hurt!reader
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talewrites · 6 months
Fragile Part 5
Another fluff chapter! Gonna be getting to the juicy angst after this 👀✨
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
Tmnt x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (except ‘dudette’ and ‘princess’)
Warnings: wholesome, not proof read
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“Of course!!! The somatic consequences of their hyperactive stress caused a delayed growth! Their adrenal glands had been over active the whole time they were in captivity, leading to hypertension and extreme exhaustion.”
“Use real words brainiac.” Raph grunted.
“Well, basically after they had enough rest and worked through all their pent up stress, they were able to control their adrenaline response. That’s how they were able to naturally trigger their mutation gene! Fascinating.”
“So uuuuh, what does that mean?” Mikey added helpfully.
“It means that Stockman’s mutation experiment worked, and we need to ensure that he never finds that out. Who knows what Karai and the Foot would do with that kinda power?” Leo interjected.
“Since Stockman is distilling diluted mutagen from Bebop and Rocksteady’s blood, the effect of a successful animal mutation is highly unlikely. From the information I gathered from his experiments overseas, it appears that only 2% of his test subjects had permanent animal mutations. So the statistical likelihood of achieving the perfect hybrid of human and animal DNA with an impure source of mutagen is less than 0.00001%! It’s honestly a scientific miracle that their mutation appears to be stable in the first place!” Donnie rambled.
At some point the plates were taken out of your hands and you were sat down in a chair at the table next to April. April had her hand on your shoulder while listening to the boys talk about what to do. You had stopped listening a while ago. Your eyes had gone vacant. The sounds in the room felt so far away, like you were underwater. It felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“So what? If it’s that hard to do then we got nothing to worry about.” Raph said gruffly and folded his arms.
“Not necessarily. If Stockman gains access to a form of stable active mutagen, then the success rate of mutation goes up to 40%!!! He could make an army…”
“An army of mutants.” Leo said solemnly.
“Aw man, come on! Bebop and Rocksteady are already a pain in the ass. Stockmans gonna make more of them?” Mikey griped.
“Not if we can help it.” Raph said, fixing the toothpick between his lips.
“So what does that mean for (y/n)?” April spoke up, chair squeaking as she stood up.
“It means, if Stockman gets his hands on (y/n), it’s game over.”
You were barely aware of your surroundings. You were scared. So so scared. Whatever Dr Stockman did to you, it worked. It made you into a weapon. You can’t stand the thought of what he’d do if he ever got his hands on you again. Memories of your time in the lab flashed through your mind. You started to tremble and you felt something wet slide down your cheeks.
“What should I tell the police?” Casey asked from where he stood in the circle.
“Tell them to keep an eye out for any Foot activity and report it back to us. We need any leads we can on where they’re hiding Stockman. And whatever you do, don’t give away (y/n)’s location. We need to keep them out of reach.” Leo ordered Casey.
You felt something warm engulf your trembling hands. It was… grounding. A calm feeling washed over you.
“Take deep breaths.” You heard a voice say next to your ear. You took in a slow deep breath, and a shuttering exhale. Then again. And again. You slowly began to feel yourself coming back to your body. When you finally blinked away your tears into consciousness, you saw Master Splinter standing by you, patient and holding your hands in his own.
“You are safe here. Do not worry about the past. Let my sons handle it, they are strong and will protect you.” The old rat reassured you.
You sniffed a bit and raised your hand to wipe away some of your tears, and nodded. “….thank you.” You said earnestly. Your voice was horse and heavy with emotion.
Master Splinter went to put the kettle on for tea, while the others finished talking and split up into their assigned jobs. Donnie and Leo went to Donnie’s computer station to coordinate what route to take for patrol, Casey got on the phone with the police commissioner to ask about the locations of recent Foot activity, Mikey and Raph were in charge of cleaning up the kitchen for you, and April disappeared to somewhere in the lair.
Splinter returned to you later with a fresh cup of tea, and sat with you quietly at the table while Raph and Mikey bickered over drying the clean plates. He sipped his tea while he quietly kept you company, giving you time and space to fully calm down. Eventually Mikey came over to join you and Master Splinter while Raph went to go help April carry some large wrapped supplies to somewhere in the back of the lair. You relaxed into your seat and enjoyed watching Mikey’s overly animated retelling of his valiant battle in one of his new video games.
“(Y/n)?” Leo came over to check on you a little while later.
“How are you feeling? Do you feel any muscle soreness or headaches?” Donnie was standing behind Leo holding a laptop.
You sighed. “I'm fine. Maybe a little bit of a headache…” You said honestly, finishing the rest of your tea.
Leo and Donnie exchanged a look that you did not miss.
“We…. were wondering…. if you would like to join us for some training?” Leo asked you tentatively.
You looked between the two suspiciously.
Donnie coughed totally inconspicuously into his fist. “Well,… we want to test your mutation’s ability. Strength, speed, reflexes, etc…. O-only if you’re okay with it, that is.”
Splinter sighed and sipped more of his tea. “Perhaps, that would be for the best.”
You looked to Master Splinter with surprise. You had been watching the boys train every day since you entered the lair, but there had never been an invitation to train with them. Splinter’s training looked extreme, and that was only putting it lightly. You knew the turtles had been training since they were little, and it certainly showed in their skill. You were intimidated to say the least.
“Really? Are you sure?” You were hesitant.
Master Splinter answered by setting aside his tea and standing up. “No need to worry, we will start with the basics. Follow me.” Splinter walked past a stunned Mikey, Leo, and Donnie in the direction of the dojo.
You stood up and followed behind him nervously. You passed by Raph and April who had emerged from one of the unused storage rooms. Raph looked surprised as you and Splinter walked into the dojo. He looked over at his brothers and pointed at you.
“Are they….?”
Leo Donnie and Mikey nodded quickly and scrambled over each other to get a good spot in the dojo. Raph and April shared a look and dropped what they were doing and rushed after them, passing a very confused Casey that had just gotten off the phone.
“Raphael. Please wrap their hands. Leonardo, please prepare to teach them the first basic katas.” Master Splinter ordered with ease. His tail flicked as he walked over to take his position in the dojo.
Raphael obeyed without complaint, and grabbed his boxing tape. You looked up at him anxiously, certain this was the closest you had been to Raphael since the night he carried you here.
You looked up at Raph with those big doe eyes of yours and had him feeling nervous. He started to wrap your hands up as gently as he could. He gulped at how small and dainty your hands were in his big steady grasp.
Finishing up, he nodded over to Leo and the leader in blue stepped up.
“Okay, when you’re ready, I want you to try and follow my form as closely as you can.” Leo planted his feet firmly on the tatami and gracefully moved in a form that looked like basic Tai Chi.
You followed Leo’s instructions for a while, did some stretching and warming up, and then your teacher switched. Michelangelo tutored you next on dodging, then Donatello on redirecting an enemy’s attack to use against them, and finally Raphael on how to throw a proper punch.
You did your best to copy, checking to make sure your feet were lined up with your shoulders and that you followed all the way through with the motion. Raph then came over as you continued the motion and made small corrections in your stance and how you held your fist.
“Donatello. Please stand with a plank in front of Miss (y/n).” Splinter ordered.
Donnie scampered over with a small wooden board. He adjusted his tech goggles over his eyes and licked his lips as he took a firm stance holding the board a foot in front of you.
Everyone paid close attention, seemingly excited to see your mutant strength in action again. You looked at him nervously and glanced at Master Splinter for assurance. You were a little scared about what your mutation might do. You took a deep breath, adjusted your stance, aaaaand-
Your stance crumbled as you moved to cradle your bruised knuckles.
“Oooow…” You hissed, and couldn’t stop the embarrassment showing on your face.
“Well, that was anticlimactic.” Leo deadpanned.
“Huh. I don’t get it, they shattered that plate like it was a cracker.” Donnie said, straightening back to his full height.
“Dude, maybe it only works on dinner plates.” Mikey added helpfully. April elbowed him in his side. “Ow- hey! I said maybe!”
“How about we just…. Try that again. You have to throw your whole weight into your fist. Okay?” Raph patiently adjusted your stance and squared you up to try and punch the board again, Donnie at the ready. Raph held his hands on your shoulders and tried to direct your movement to demonstrate how to shift your weight, when suddenly some movement in your peripheral vision caught your attention.
Before your mind could even register the idea of danger, you ducked.
Raph also stepped back out of the way of a tail whip. Your attention turned to Splinter, eyes wide and alert.
“Good. Your natural instincts are strong, use that to your advantage. Michelangelo, Leonardo, step forward.”
You watched as the four brothers lined up to face Master Splinter, you timidly joined them.
“We are going to play a game to assist Miss (y/n) in honing their mutant abilities. Are you prepared?” He asked you.
You paused a moment then nodded, feeling a bit brave and ready to give it a shot. “Yes.”
“Good. Your goal is to stay out of reach. The boys will try and capture you by stopping your movement. They will be gentle with you, rest assured. But pretend that they are Foot ninja. You need to learn to use your mutant skills to avoid danger.” Master Splinter explained.
You weren’t sure what the trigger was that made your mutant DNA activate, but you were determined to figure it out if it meant staying out of Dr Stockman’s reach. You nodded and took on a stance that Leonardo had taught you, while the boys all moved to different corners of the room.
“Good. Hajime!” Splinter signaled the start of the exercise. First Michelangelo ran over towards you and you ducked out of the way, getting behind him. Donatello tried to sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around you but you dropped to the floor and rolled away. Next, Leonardo swept your legs out from under you and you fell on your back. But you quickly used your momentum to jump back on your feet and backed up to put some distance between you and Leo. You were focusing too much on Leo when you suddenly bumped into Raph, who wrapped his arms around you and startled you enough to make you yelp.
A strange sensation overtook you. You felt a surge of energy fill your body with power and your body started moving on its own. Following the steps of the move you practiced earlier with Michelangelo, you reached up behind you and wrapped your arms around Raphael’s neck, then pulled forward and down with your whole weight, sending Raph curling forward and was flipped onto his back. He laid there eyes wide and stunned, mirroring the expression of everyone else present in the room.
You looked at Raph in shock, then down at your own hands, not fully believing it. Then suddenly the room erupted in whoops of cheer.
“YOOOOO!!! NO WAAAAAY!” Mikey excitedly cheered, grabbing hands with April to jump around excitedly.
Leo relaxed into a cheerful grin, and Donnie was snickering and snorting. Raph sat up with a half grin and you ran over next to him to ask if he was okay.
He rubbed the back of his head tenderly. “Way to go, Tiger.” He smiled at you and you took a sigh of relief.
Master Splinter was stroking his beard thoughtfully with a pleased expression on his face.
“It seems to me that you are at your highest strength when you are caught off guard. But I’m sure with practice you will find a way to harness your power when needed.”
Donnie came over and ruffled your hair while Leo offered Raph a hand to pull him up. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits. Afterwards it was time to call it a night.
Later that week, one evening you were getting ready for bed in Leo’s room. You heard a knock next to the door.
“Just a moment!” You said while finishing pulling on your sleep shirt.
You walked over to the doorway and parted the fabric to see Mikey standing there with barely contained excitement.
“Come on, I wanna show you something.” He was clearly giddy over something. You thought he might have gotten a new high score on his video game and wanted to show you, but to your surprise he led you down the hallway in the direction of the rest of the boy’s bedrooms. Maybe it was something in his room? But then he walked right past his room and stopped in front of their storage room. You were even more confused now.
A warm glow peaked from underneath the door, and with Mikey’s encouragement, you opened it.
Everyone was inside waiting for you and with the big reveal. You were greeted by a freshly painted room and a queen sized bed with new sheets and a heavy knit blanket. Fairy lights hung around the walls. A wooden desk and a fuzzy plush chair stood along the far wall with a lamp illuminating a new notebook and an old laptop that Donnie had been working on fixing up. Next to it was a bookshelf with old used books and your favorite salvaged DVDs and games. You brought your hand up to cover your mouth as tears welled up in your eyes.
“Is this… for me?” You asked tentatively.
Donnie stepped forward, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, we figured you would need your own room. Since you’ll most likely be staying with us for quite some time.”
“It was April’s idea. Plus, we figured you’d want your own space, to make you feel more at home here.” Leo said, stepping forward with a grin.
“Yeah!! And I can’t watch late night cartoons with Leo sleeping on the couch all the time!” Mikey complained from beside you earning a jab from Raphael.
“Girls need their privacy. This was the room I used to use when I’d sleepover from time to time, but then it stopped getting used and became overrun with junk. We figured it was time to clean it out and put it to good use.” April said with a happy smile.
“Yeah, and April and I can keep doing grocery store runs for you if you want to keep cooking. God knows it's easier than lugging down 2 dozen pizzas and junk food every week-.” April nudged Casey to shut him up.
Master Splinter stepped forward, holding a small beautiful bonsai tree with vibrant yellow leaves, and handed it to you. “Right now, things may seem new and strange. You have experienced hardships most can never hope to imagine. But you have a home here as long as you wish it. By bond and blood, you are our family, and we will always be there to protect one another.”
Your tears spilled over and ran down your cheeks. You reached out to Master Splinter for an emotional hug. “Thank you… everyone… I don’t know what to say…!” You sniffed.
Raph grunted, “No need. This is our thanks to you for fixing up the place. Just… don’t go flippin’ me no more.” He teased with a grin.
“Nooooo! Don’t say that!! I haven’t gotten it on tape yet!” Mikey complained.
“I’ll send you the video later.” Donatello whispered to him.
“Oh, sick. Right on.”
Raph glared at them.
The next morning, Casey got a call from his supervisor that the Foot Clan had been discovered smuggling stolen chemicals into the Sacks building. But something seemed fishy about it. The Foot were not normally this obvious when moving things around the city. It felt like they wanted to be discovered.
It felt like a trap.
Part 6
@itsberrydreemurstuff @thecreat0r64 @eli-chris @kurlyfrasier @autisticnutcase @drenix004 @donniesgirlie @cherryp-op @foggyturtleknightangel @blackrockshooter780 @l-n-g-t @peachesdabunny @silverwatergalaxy
If anyone else wants to be tagged for the next update, let me know in the comments! :]
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Weak Spot - Chapter 34
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Intercrural Sex, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello (TMNT), Mating Cycles/In Heat
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
As requested by y'all, I present: the period chapter!
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Fem!Reader References/Warnings: vague period mentions and the things that entails
Staring at the bloody swatch on your toilet paper wad, you vaguely registered what it meant. It was a regularity, not outside the norm. You weren’t dying; it wasn’t fatal. You weren’t happy or sad; it just was. It was annoying; that was for sure, but it simply happened. Everything kept moving and nothing was left behind because everything was in motion. Even if you had felt stuck, you never truly were.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s arrival that day had been a blur.
You’d gotten into one of Donnie’s old t-shirts; Donnie couldn’t even put pants on. Both of you were a wreck. Having put all your effort into various stages of dress, neither of you had washed by the time the droid arrived. In fact, you had just barely gotten to the living room where Don had been forced to collapse into his computer chair as his legs wouldn’t obey. What occurred next was a flurry of tests. Don and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. conversed while scans were run. Laser grids swept over your body, lights were shined into the orifices of your head, and blood was drawn. You might have complained if it weren’t for two things: Donnie was under the same scrutiny and you were more exhausted than you had ever been in your entire life.
What you had managed to do, despite his rush, was track S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. You very much wanted to tell the bot how sorry you were, but words evaporated the moment you first locked eyes with him. Those digital globes of his held multitudes you could barely fathom. They spoke of understanding, worry, pain, care, love, and patience. Translating all of that in a moment, you’d only given him a watery smile where he buzzed over and nuzzled your cheek. With that single affection cemented, he’d gone to work.
“There’s no footage.” Donnie said suddenly, giving himself a shot of something.
“The system was overridden.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. responded simply as he monitored your IV.
“Two bags?” You asked quietly.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. lowered his voice while coming close to you. “You’ve already nearly drained the first. When we switch, we’ll reassess.”
You nodded.
“There’s no data.”
“No.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. pulled away to glance over at him.
Hissing at the effort, Donnie got up and stumbled.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. revved in case he was hastily needed for stability, but Donnie forced himself to trudge over to the door. There he got his bo and extended it. Using it as support, he began to pace behind the couch.
“I’m not even going to bother telling him to rest.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. explained to you.
You gave another nod, trying not to doze off.
“Instant relief?” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. mused.
“It’s helping. I don’t know about instant.” You leaned back and listened to the rhythmic noise of Donnie’s staff hitting the floor.
“We only have a single account of what happened.” Donnie stopped suddenly.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. didn’t dignify that with a response.
“It’s warped.” Donnie decided.
Quiet, you adjusted the blanket that had been tucked around you.
“Do you need another?” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. hummed.
“No, this one’s alright.” You gave him a soft smile.
He returned it and divided his attention.
You were grateful. He wasn’t hovering and instead trying to give you space. As much as you didn’t feel you deserved the kindness, the act was much needed.
With a sharp thump, Donnie was in motion again. He seethed and came into view with a bow legged stance. “That’s a fact.”
No one else spoke.
You could sense Donnie puffing up with indignity. “Do you-?”
He caught him from saying it.
You did.
In fact, you were the only one of the group that did.
You were the only one who knew exactly what happened.
You could understand why he was frustrated; losing control was one of his most dreaded fears.
That didn’t mean you had it in you to soothe him.
Not a contest, but you’d done a hell of a lot of that in the past week.
“I don’t understand.” Winding the coffee table and wobbling against his staff, Donnie began to pace in front of you this time. “Why would you override the whole system?”
“Why would you give me the power to do so?” You asked back coolly.
Another hackle raising pause came before he continued to stomp. “You know exactly why.”
“You could say it.”
In a swivel, he hit the end of his trek and turned to make the journey again.
“Darling.” You pressed even though it left a bitter taste in your mouth.
Donnie’s gaze snapped to you with a latent fury that died without outlet.
The choice had been very much his own.
His loose lips had revealed it.
You knew how soft he really was.
He’d been open about appearances.
Snapping his head forward, he continued to pace.
“And…” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. held the note before giving a little bob. “All gone!”
You unfurled your arms and made a show of pinching the skin on one of your hands. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. came down with a magnifying glass-like examination as you released and you both watched it bounce back.
“Getting there.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. tapped your hand with his beak before mechanical arms branched out of his back. He plugged a new IV into place and checked the line before retracting them.
Donnie stopped so abruptly he nearly fell over. Clutching onto his staff for dear life, his brow ridge wrinkled with pain before he looked over to you. “A timeline at least.”
“Of what happened?” You asked, lids heavy.
Where S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was disposing of the used bag, you could see his movements hitch.
“You’re not…” Donnie swept a gaze over you and grimaced off to the side. “You will when you are able. Indulge me when that might be.”
Breaking eye contact to look at your IV, you meant to form one. Moving your gaze there, however, you saw the drip of fluid. It ticked like seconds and time took shape. Blinking wide, you sat up a little before your stomach bottomed out. “Oh fuck.”
“What!?” The chorus of both men came as they rushed to you.
“My job!” You held your head. “I didn’t-!” With little use, you let them fall in dismay. “I’m fired. I disappeared. I didn’t say anything!”
“Woah there!” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. appeared in front of you and you jarred.
He winced and backed up some while you gave him a withered look.
Seeing you were at least stable, he inched back in. “It’s taken care of.”
“I couldn’t do much-” He hesitated, obviously not wanting that to sound like blame. “I did what I could.” He gave a nod. “I informed them that you’d had an emergency and were hospitalized. I even forged documents and had them sent over. I was just unspecific enough so treat it like a coma or something.”
“They-!” You bit the inside of your lip and soured.
“-Are worried about you actually.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. came down to tap a rotor to your knee. “Since you moved not too long ago, you hadn’t updated your address. Coral’s gotten some flowers and there’s a bunch of cards and well wishes on your desk.”
You tried to process that one piece at a time, but the last bit stuck out. “You went to my job?”
“After hours.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. hummed. “Just to see if there was anything left behind that was pressing.” He seemed to remember something. “Oh, and to check internal alerts and make sure no one was hasty in deciding anything.”
“I have no privacy, I swear.” You made a fist and very gently bopped S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. on the head.
He chuckled underhand before doing a quick change so his beak rested on top. “You do! It was just… extenuating circumstances!”
You gave him a dry look.
“I like your desk knick knacks.”
You grumbled a sarcastic agreement before your shoulders dropped. “Coral!? How’d you keep her from the hospital?!”
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. gave an approximation of a grimace and shirked away. “About that…”
“So the story goes, a distant family member emergency takes you out of state, you get injured, you hole up in the same hospital, but… Coral is…”
“Determined.” You knew where this was headed.
“I kinda had to sabotage multiple vehicles and when that didn’t stop her, she tried to buy a plane ticket so I had to freeze her bank account with fraud prevention…” His voice piled high with each deceit. 
You groaned and went back to holding your face in your hands.
“I’m gonna totally own how not okay that was, but she is… something!”
You shook your head between your palms. “No, you did what you had to.”
“I’m surprised she didn’t try to come here.”
“Almost, ‘Donnie’ texted her.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. waved his rotors in apparent air quotes before turning around to said man. “I hacked your phone.”
“I saw.” Donnie snipped from where he listened with rapt attention.
Your lips were parted with questions, but S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. returned and rushed his response. “Don went out to be with you and would send her updates.”
“You have her number?” You looked past S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to your boyfriend.
“She stole it.” Donnie shifted, uncomfortable, where it was clear his staff was the only thing keeping him upright.
“She sent the first message.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. clarified. “In it, she mentioned taking it from your phone for emergencies.”
“Ugh!” You threw your head back.
“Yeah…” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. repeated his earlier sentiment.
“I guess, whatever…” You shook your head. “I still have a job… That’s what’s important. When am I expected back…?”
“It’s open, technically I started your short-term disability.”
“Oh.” You shifted a little in the cushions. “Huh.”
“Just rest for now, I’ve got you.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. gave a mock salute. “Are you hungry? I can order something easy on the stomach.”
“No.” You scrubbed your face. “Well maybe something for later, but right now I want this over-“ You held up your taped arm. “-and I want to shower.” 
“Speaking of…” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. came back up, clearly looking at your injured shoulder. “I need to look at that.”
“Ah.” You went to move the collar. “It needed stitches, can you still do those?”
“How’s the tissue look?” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. waited, ready.
“What?” Donnie straightened the best he could.
“You’ve bitten me before.” You glanced at him, getting a corner of the cover. “Many times.” 
“It’s never been unattended long.” He tried to cross the space, but maneuvering the coffee table proved challenging.
“I cleaned it when I could.” You felt the sticky pull of the ointment as you uncovered it.
“Not terrible.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. mused reassuringly. “You did good. There’ll be an oral, but I’m also gonna add a different antibiotic to the IV. Seriously, good job. I am not worried!” With a buzz, he flew over to the comically large medical bag he’d brought with him. “Too late for stitches though!” 
Staring into space, there were a few thumps as Donnie managed to hobble over. “When did I make that?”
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. came around with mechanical arms and a syringe. Into a port, he injected the new fluid into the mixture.
“The first time-” You froze. Gaze falling like lead, you stared at where the IV was patched into your arm. It wasn’t the medicine filling you with a chill; it was the thought of Donnie’s reaction.
You had to tell him.
On a terrible mental reel, you watched realization hit him over and over.
Each time was a devastating blow and the crumble was inescapable.
He’d been upset enough after what happened during the chase and this far surpassed that. For you, it wasn’t a matter of forgiveness. What had happened was wrong, but there was far grey to easily categorize it emotionally. There was pain associated with the memory, but there had also been a huge number of things that happened after that. Not wanting to even consider sex at the moment, you couldn’t see yourself shirking away from him whenever the next time did occur. Donnie wasn’t the same now and he was barely even the same then.
That’s not how he would see it.
For him, who had come so far, you knew he’d regress. Building confidence in him had been hard enough as is. It was just luck that he hadn’t happened to stumble during the process. This signified not just a trip, but an entire pitfall. You could see his walls going up and him retreating. It’d be a repeat of all the time he’d been too afraid to touch you. There was even the nuclear option that he might leave and that didn’t even take into consideration what would happen next year.
The next rut.
Feeling overwhelmed, you hadn’t even considered how this would surely happen again. Echoing sentiments of three anniversaries, you thought about how you’d tamed heat Donnie to a point. By the end, you had what you considered a full handle and thus considered him domesticated. You could communicate and he hadn’t hurt you once after you’d gotten through to him. You had a hunch that, with proper care leading up to his next rut, you could offset that frenzy he first went into it with. From what you could tell, it had been an act of desperation to ensure his perceived mating bond. If you could reassure him before, you imagined he’d be tame the whole time.
It was the part you had enjoyed immensely. 
When you looked back, it wasn’t the bad you saw, but instead the coupling. Beyond breeding, it was an act of utterly offering oneself. Submerged in basal instincts, you had never felt closer to Donnie. It rang a specific memory of the two of you curled up together. He had been chirping sweet nothings to you while you were both resting. A momentary sating, there was nothing separating your hearts. For the Donnie who wanted to be free of his past, that was him. He had nothing holding back his mind besides one animalistic drive. When that gave reprieve, all he’d wanted was to dote on you. There was assuredly still instinct there, but he’d otherwise been free. Welcoming him, as you often did, you’d given yourself over as well and, minus that one lapse, you hadn’t regretted a second.
A touch to your arm caused you to turn your head so fast the muscles in your neck snapped. Hissing out pain, you grabbed at it with the arm connected to your now bare shoulder. It squeezed the wound and you further whined before giving a little pant.
“Fresh gauze.” Donnie said simply. 
“You’ve got it?” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. asked, flying over to the medical bag.
Donnie threw back a hand and it took you a moment to put together he was showing how steady it was.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. returned and passed something off.
Peeling back plastic, Donnie put on gloves and prepared to change your bandage. “Y/N.”
“Where’d you go?”
“You can imagine.”
Brow ridge still ruffled, he prepared to clean your wound before outright stopping. “You were going to take a shower.”
You could feel S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. staring.
“Maybe more than one.” You spoke with little comedy.
“It…” Donnie looked at his gloved hands. “It doesn’t make much sense to bandage it now.”
His desire to fix was raging.
Without proper cause he was going stir-crazy.
Did you have to tell him?
You watched as he retracted where he’d leaned against the couch. Pain bled for a moment from the movement, but he righted himself to remove the gloves. As he parted, you wondered if you could get away with it. There was no one to fact check and the only person who could possibly sabotage it was you. He’d pay attention, Donnie always did, but what was there to show?
Would you have symptoms?
Your outright answer was no. As it was, his touch hadn’t spurned anything more than a momentary alarm because you were drifting out of consciousness. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. had gotten a similar reaction since paying attention was a struggle. Plus, having been near constantly held, you currently had your fill. You were sure there’d be a sort of drop off; you couldn’t imagine going from all to nothing without a withdrawal of some kind, but that’d be a craving and not an aversion. You would only need to manage a lie and how could that hurt?
If anything it would save him from himself. He would have no reason to regress. He would be careful; he was always like that, but you only needed to reassure him. That’d be easy enough as you had a ton of fodder to pull from. You could even tease him to lighten the air further; you were sure he wouldn’t take kindly to the tail wagging or how he used his teeth instead of his hands when he clearly knew how. You could manage that, but it didn’t mean that you should.
Just considering it, you could already feel the guilt. It would be a slap in the face to all his strides as a person and partner. Similar to his old mentality, were you being righteous to think you were trying to save your partner from themselves? Was it really protection? Putting that in perspective, it didn’t feel like it. Even the best kept secrets eventually leaked and adding time made them more egregious. You knew that first hand from him doing the same. If he found out long down the road or even if your hypothesis about next year’s heat was wrong, then the repercussions would be terrible. Sinking at the thought, you swelled on having sent S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. away and your own stupidity.
How could you keep repeating the same damned pattern?
Donnie was dumping his gloves in the trash when S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. suddenly blocked your vision.
“Y/N?” His voice was nearly silent.
You gave a nod from where you hadn’t quite emerged from your thoughts.
“Something happened. When you said ‘the first time’ there was…” He quieted more and gave you a knowing look. “Are you…?”
It must have passed over your face. Even if it was just a split second because S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. wilted. You then switched to plead with him. “Shel-”
“Y/N?” Donnie caught wind that something was occurring.
Don’t stutter. “Yeah?”
“What’s…” Donnie slowed and glanced at S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. who suddenly felt all too close. “…going on?”
Keep calm. “Shelly’s checking my health. What do you mean?”
His suspicions were too great. Donnie rounded the counter with his staff leading. “Report then, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.”
“Assessing a third bag.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. responded with a calculated measure.
Donnie gave an absent hum as he loomed closer.
You hadn’t decided. “You’re limping pretty bad…”
It didn’t stop Donnie’s trek and, as he closed in, one of your fingers twitched.
With his gaze trained into yours, your boyfriend hadn’t seen it.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. wasn’t near as distracted. “Get back.” 
Donnie was slow to adjust where S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. now acted as a barrier between you. “What are you-?”
“You heard me. Y/N needs space.”
“That is something easily requested by-” Donnie looked past the bot at you.
Your head turned away.
You wanted to tear the IV out and run.
You cursed involuntary responses.
You had been doing so well.
“What happened?” Donnie growled.
“You happened.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. bit back with a similar scorn. “You always happen.”
“Air your grievances. When has anything ever stopped you prior?” Donnie spat.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. didn’t say anything and flew back to you.
You watched him with large eyes and tried to keep from falling apart.
It wasn’t the content; it was the situation.
It was exhaustion; it was indecision.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. flew in close and nuzzled his beak against your cheek.
You returned it trying to bottle a dry sob.
The bo left the floor and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. disappeared from you.
“I said NO!” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. revved in Donnie’s face.
“Insolent-!” Donnie bit down on his words and from your position you could tell something was wrong there too.
“Donnie.” You called out.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. flew firm.
“What?” It was there again. Donnie was clearly angry, but there was something else.
How could you keep it from him, when he was so…
“You’re worried.”
Donnie was staring right at S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and not at you. “You know why.”
You did.
He wasn’t wrong.
“If-” You began.
“You don’t have to say anything right now.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. interrupted. “You’ve gone through enough.”
You watched Donnie’s pupil search his son. “What did I do?”
“Enough.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. spoke. “I’m handling damage control. We agreed.”
It wasn’t enough.
In a blink, you could see Donnie’s mind doing back flips.
Contortions brought up a litany of the worst possible outcomes.
You believed he imagined them often.
They were just a hair’s breadth from becoming reality in his mind.
You couldn’t let him drown when he didn’t know.
He wasn’t the monster he thought himself. 
“Sit down.” Your voice sounded so much smaller than you hoped.
Both Donnie and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. turned their attention on you.
“Donnie.” You insisted, passing S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. a look that you hoped translated that you were alright.
The bot got the message and came by for another reassuring press to your cheek.
You held him there and together you watched Donnie take to his computer chair. There was a noticeable passing of relief over his face that he quickly shoved away for what he failed to present as stoicism.
“Swear you won’t bolt.” You spoke, letting your hand come down from S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.
From where Donnie had just rested his elbows against the arms of the chair, his limbs came down so his fingers could latch with irritation. “I… swear.”
“Or do anything rash. You need to hear me and then I need you to stay here, understand?”
The gymnast in his mind hit peak performance as the headliner. “Understood.”
Your head lowered and you reached.
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. pressed up under your hand as a support.
You guided him into your lap where he landed, looking up at you with more love than you deserved.
You scratched one of the spots Donnie had said he liked.
“Donnie… when I first released you…”
The was a wane of warping metal.
“I thought I was ready.” You couldn’t look at Donnie so you stared down at S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. who closed his eyes in turn. Petting him, you logged how you’d have to thank the bot for his insane emotional intelligence. “I never realized…”
There was a snap and you found Donnie with a death grip on the pair now loose chair arms. He grumbled an apology and set them aside.
You couldn’t help but smile at that. “…how much you hold back.”
He gave an embittered look.
“So when you couldn’t…”
Dropping back to S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. you found him peeking. Instead of trying to hide away how he was caught, he stared up at you openly.
You needed to do the same.
You covered his eyes. “You forced yourself on me.”
At least he hadn’t run.
You were slow to look at him.
He was pale and utterly distraught.
It was the worst version of himself realized.
You watched his lips part and his tongue roll, but nothing came. Swallowing what had to be an enormous lump, Donnie tried again. “Your… phrasing: the first ‘time.’ Just the once?”
Damn him.
This is why he cursed your intuitiveness.
A little metal hand squeezed yours.
You gripped it back and added to the many gratitudes you needed to ply S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. with.
Donnie’s head turned and from his profile you could see the layer of moisture built there.
“I have a hypothesis.” You offered with a warped note as if it were funny.
Donnie turned to you without a trace of scientific interest.
“You didn’t have control.” Tipping your head, you gave a form of a shrug. “That’s a fact, not the hypothesis, but I think… no I know, you didn’t want to. You were compelled and when you surfaced, you were upset. Each time it was worse until you outright refused your instinct.”
Donnie blew out a bitter air.
“I had to-”
How did that sound?
Donnie’s head lifted, on guard.
“You had to what?” Anger was fizzing in him again.
“You-you-” You couldn’t look at him. “You were in pain… you-”
“No living person has ever died of blue balls.”
“That’s not-” You turned acidic exhaustion on him.
He waited, equally dark bags and unamused.
“I…” Eyes plummeting for what felt like the hundredth time, you wished there was a safety net in place. “I wanted to take care of you. I thought… I could handle it. I did… after that. I took charge and you followed. It was fine after that… good.” You brought your gaze up, taking the climb again. “Great.”
“What choice did you have.”
There was a soft hum as S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. lifted off. You watched him as he tended to the second IV bag that was just about drained. He looked down at you, sympathetically. “How are you feeling?” 
You gave a wounded nod.
“You’re clear to shower.”
Offering your arm, he removed the IV and you held pressure until he got a bandage. Donnie stayed seated as you got to your feet. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. hovered as an armrest just in case and muscle weakness came with little shakes. It begged to give out, but you needed to get through this. Turning toward Donnie to round the couch, you stared him down.
“I’m going to burn the bed.” He offered.
“You should rest.”
He gave you a look similar to the one you’d offered him.
You could accept a temporary stalemate.
He needed something to do.
With S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. following, you entered the bathroom and turned the tap. Leaning against the wall, the bot said something about waiting right there as long as that was okay. You gave something in the way of acceptance and stripped without shame. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. spun around for modesty and you were vaguely aware you hadn’t quite come back from your week of nudity. Stepping over the lip of the tub proved the hardest. The shower wasn’t laborious and instead was a blessed going through the motions. With double shampooing and a lengthy conditioning that sat while you scrubbed heavily at your body, you emerged anew.
A fluffy and heated towel was waiting for you along with your necessary products lined up. They led to a pair of pajamas you had never seen before, but looked especially loose and comfortable. The only missing piece was S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., but you had an inkling he was necessary elsewhere after deeming you solid. Going through the steps, the pajama top was buttoned until the first few so as to leave your injured shoulder bare.
Exiting found the skeleton of the bed’s frame with the drapery missing. The bed was freshly made with hospital corners. Sitting down on it and wondering where the other occupants were without looking, you had to double take. Doing a test bounce, this was indeed a new mattress with a totally different level of support. Having not taken Donnie seriously about that, you turned toward the living room to find him marching in with his staff in one hand and a blotch of red cloth in the other. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. trailed behind and passed you a happy look that disappeared as his eyes turned to exclamation marks. He then spun around and returned to the other room while Donnie stopped midway to the bathroom.
Looking him over again, you placed what was in his hand. “It’s from the bite.”
Fisting the bloody sheet shred, he took it with him into the bathroom and shut the door with a click.
You shook your head as S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. reappeared with bandages and a bottle. Dressing your wound, you leaned back and debated laying down, but thought better of it as the shower turned on. “What’s your favorite thing to do?”
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., unperturbed by the random question, gave a loud hum of thought. “DJ!”
You gave a small laugh. “Have you ever done it before?”
“Nope!” With a flourish, his mechanical arms balled up wrappers and he tossed them up to balance on the tip of his beak.
“That wasn’t really what I was hoping for to make it up to you. Sounds like you’d be doing all the work.”
“Make what up to me?” He bounced the ball over to you where you caught it in your lap.
“What an asshole I was.”
“Didn’t you get my note?” He was waiting.
You tossed the ball back. “I did, but it’s not fair.”
He fumbled a little, but with a spin got it placed like a seal once more. “I was upset, sure. I tore my apartment apart when I got home.” He swayed to one side. “Not even Don has ever done a complete system override before. After I had my tantrum, I was devastated…” The ball was rolling away and he overcorrected. “Hopeless, helpless. Cut off from you, both of you, not knowing if you were okay. Don, I haven’t been totally cut off from dad like that in years.” With a bob that sent the ball into the air, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. adjusted and caught it anew. “But all I had was time to think, so I did. I thought about you and how you are and what I knew about Don. I did research and then, lost in a deep dive, I figured, ‘what am I doing!?’ Nothing useful! So I started to work all the backdoors and loopholes I could to get back to you guys. I ran models using data I scrounged up and projected you’d be out of useable food. I made the care package and took care of all your work stuff, all of it!”
“Shelly…” The ball hit you in the face and you quacked at the impact.
“If you’ll dance, I’ll DJ, and we’ll call it even.”
Cradling the trash, you chuckled. “I’ll have to heal up first.”
“I’ll wait for you.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. appeared below you as if out of a cheesy romance novel. “Always, my dearest.” He added sparkles to his eyes before he swung his rotor as if snapping his fingers. “Damn, I need a rose.”
“Mhm, that was the issue, Fabio.” You snarked.
He snickered.
“You sure?”
“Oh yeah!” He did a floating flip before coming back to you. “I’m not the drama.” He tossed his head back towards the bathroom.
“Think we’ll be okay?”
“You’ll get to test how strong the relationship is without sex, that’s for sure.”
You let the ball fall to the wayside as you were forced to put your head in your hands. “Too blunt!”
“I take after you.” He teased.
“Fine!” He huffed and pouted. “It was half a joke; you two are seriously on bed rest for at least a month!”
“I can’t take a month off work, coma or not!”
He wagged a rotor just shy of smacking you. “You’ll probably be back there in a week! You know what I mean, unless you want me to say it again…???”
“No sex!” You turned the wave into a high five and pushed him away with it. Your muscles shook and you had to fly to grab the bed from falling off. “Oh…”
“Limit hit.” S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. buzzed with data. “Finally ready to lie down?”
“Yeah… I’m… spent…” Whatever hooks exhaustion had into you were finally reeled in. Falling back into your pillow felt inevitable and you only faintly registered S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. throwing a blanket over you. “I …love you, Shelly. I can’t… thank you… enough. I’m… really sorry…”
“Eh, you’re doing great. Don’t worry and love you too.” The tip of his beak pressed into your temple. “Rest up, I’m gonna clean.”
He buzzed away and you listened to the quiet sounds of him along with the changing pitches of water from the shower. Too tired to actually give in, sounds tapered off until S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. flew by. Slipping into the bathroom, he fiddled in there before emerging to zip right back into the living room. When the tap shut off, the length it took Donnie to emerge said that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. had set up things for him as he had you.
What came out was a bundled man. Fully buried in many layers, you imagined they were both for comfort and as a means to take back some of the exposure he lost. Hoodie up on a matching pair of black sweats, you could faintly see his mask as he hobbled, sans staff, over to his side of the bed. There he sat similar to how you did until he fell over as if the strings holding him upright had been cut.
“Feel better?” You couldn’t manage more than a whisper.
“Cleaner.” He responded, his back to you.
You made a sound of agreement and continued to watch him. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. quietly hovered in and set out glasses of water, but didn’t pass acknowledgements along.
Eventually, Donnie grunted before flipping 180 to face you. “I won’t be able to sleep.”
“I know.” With a wince, you turned to mirror him.
“Do I apologize?” His voice dipped to match yours. “How can I?”
You slid a hand up in the space between you. “I’m not waiting for one.”
He stared down at your appendage.
Rubbing a little crease on the sheets, you ran through your earlier arguments. The overall point was moot as he already knew, but you still weighed. There were things he didn’t know. The details were nearly as important though you could sense they’d be difficult to pass along. You could keep those close and he’d never know if you were being vague. Withheld information and truth spiraled in a freefall.
The approximation of his pinky touched yours.
Heart skipping, a memory ghosted your ears.
I would have changed how I handled it. I had too much fear.
He was already staring at you.
You began.
You told him everything that happened during the rut.
Fending off exhaustion had been easier than you thought.
The outpouring held a strange alertness.  
You were keenly aware of what was being said.
Between the ebb and flow, his expression hardly changed.
At some point, he moved to hold your hand.
The words kept coming.
The emotions, thoughts, and feelings of the time.
Somehow fresh and raw through what you had categorized as a haze.
With each pinned memory, you refused to excuse.
You were the narrator and as such you spoke to your interpretation.
You only slowed coming to a close with the final sleep and then light of whatever day this was.
He knew from then on.
Across from you, Donnie heaved a breath and pulled your hands up to his snout. There he let them sit against his lips without a press. Lids weighing in heavily on the conversation, he blurred as you tried to fend them off. Lips moving, you felt what he said more than you heard it. He then disappeared as the curtain fell.
About a month passed leading to one bloody swatch.  
Giving a heady sigh and coming out of what had actually been a blink of time, you cleaned up and searched for the necessary products. Equipped and uncomfortable, you exited the bathroom and passed Donnie where he was working on some sort of small electronic at his desk.
“Good news.” You remarked dryly, yanking the fridge open.
Over your shoulder, you saw Donnie tip his head to show you had his interest.
“Got my bloody confirmation I’m not pregnant.” You did a swivel with a single finger into the air as you grabbed a drink.
He didn’t respond further and turned his device over.
Giving up on pushing it as you already didn’t want to bring any more attention to your current state, you went over and flopped onto the couch. With work tomorrow, you threw your feet up on the armrest and cradled your beverage. Decorum dictated you shouldn’t drink this way, but you thought maybe you could chance it. Immediately threatening a spill, you shot upright and flicked off where it had run down your hand.
“That’s not definitive.”
Looking over at Donnie, you took a proper drink before responding. “What?”
“Spotting, bleeding, implantation bleed, though it’s too late for that…”
You held for a second and took another swig before collapsing. “Cool. Love that. Thank you for that.”
“I can run a test.” You heard his chair swivel. “If you’re unsatisfied with my results.”
“’100% hasn’t changed.’” You quoted without actually getting the words right.
Another bout of silence followed and you balanced your drink on your sternum. Its chill hit through the bone and you tipped it back and forth to keep one part from getting too cold. It oddly mirrored the time that had passed. Maneuvering you both being injured at the same time had been something. Grappling with being unable to help the other and pushing to try to regardless of your injuries had characterized the first week. After that the search for outside help had been comical.
Donnie had bought you an all access spa pass complete with multiple massages while you had custom built a home delivery meal kit menu geared toward muscle recovery. The joke arrived as you both planned to present the items at nearly the same time. It just so happened that Donnie barely beat you to it and you mistakenly laughed in his face before offering yours. The two of you shared defeated glances of having your grand gestures inadvertently thwarted.
It meant this last week had been spent largely apart. The spa, with its boiling vats, healing jets, and nimble fingers, had become a little addicting. Only making sure Donnie wouldn’t renew your pass, it spurred you into making the most of it with near daily trips. Alternatively, Donnie had never considered a home meal kit and its existence had ushered him into a culinary pursuit. Lost to your own activities, you saw each other almost exclusively in passing. Up to date, you considered whether or not the space was a bad thing.
It had decimated your renewed puppy love stage, which you mourned to a point. Finally pulling the drink off and clumsily moving it to a coaster, you returned to press cold hands to your abdomen. You wouldn’t call what you were experiencing now distance despite its connotation being true. You didn’t feel any further from your boyfriend. Instead, it felt like you were processing time. Of what, you weren’t exactly sure, but you had noticed the predicted withdrawal period hadn’t come.
It must have been because he was always there. Not in the same looming way he’d been prior to his rut or even as an attentive presence, but as a partner. He was nearby if you needed him and he hadn’t retracted into himself as you thought. Thinking he was probably doing the same, you’d spent a lengthy portion of your spa time sorting. You had thought long on whether how invested you were in Donnie had offset how you handled what he’d done to you. You considered the many things you put up with and if the line was only moving because you’d been trained to weather so much. You wondered if everything you accepted was due to how great your fear of abandonment was.
You had eliminated all those possibilities, but that only left odd liminal space as there hadn’t been a better answer either.
You were confident that, when presented with the original rut again, you’d make the same choice. It was always that way with Donnie. No matter what, you’d pick him time and time again. There were lines, you found them in the past when he once teetered against them, but you also had faith.
In him.
It wasn’t what he had in himself. 
For him, while you presumed he’d been thinking things over, you also had a feeling it was on a completely different scale. If he beat himself up, that wasn’t clear, but he’d come a long way in his self-depreciation. He knew what he’d done was wrong, but he’d listened and taken to heart your description of the events. He didn’t second guess your decision and he hadn’t once tried to make-up for it in some grandiose way. Instead, he existed adjacent to you, living and healing in his own way.
In a fiction sense, that outcome didn’t feel as satisfying, but it was what it was. You rode out the rest of your evening in that similar tandem until you went to bed before him. You’d kissed him goodnight and whatever he was working on had taken on the shape of an immersion blender since the last time you saw it. Asking him what kind of soup would be on the menu with the warmer weather, he responded it was for chutneys and something else about Indian foods’ use of spices. Leaving him and wondering how that battled the weather, you went to bed.
Waking found him next to you and he lounged in for a late morning after what was presumably a long night. You got ready and he only unearthed himself as you were heading out. Trying to shoo him back to bed, you earned a sleepy hug before he sent you off. Trying to ride the high of that morning, your day did not want to follow the same trend. Just before lunch a blood pressure drop and spike in flow had nearly laid you out. Surviving thanks to someone who had left crackers in the break room, you made it to lunch where the meal itself had created a weight in your stomach where something else was particularly inflamed. Cramping up and sent to agony in the restroom, you’d emerged weak and feeling sweaty.
Wallowing in that discomfort through the afternoon, you had to contend with increased trips to the bathroom as again your organs were out of alignment. It was with grim thoughts and giving up 30 odd minutes before clocking out that you bemoaned the spa. There was no rule against going on your period, but it didn’t feel right to soak in communal waters that way. In a similar vein, despite your aches, you were not about to let someone prod you when the wrong push could send any number of things the wrong way. Thinking of how irritating the days ahead would be, you whittled away time until the commute home.
There, abdomen throbbing from having forgotten a dose of pain medicine, you were at least thankful the trip had been a simple one. No outliers plagued you further as you clambered inside. Donnie wasn’t at his computer and you curled up on the couch, leaving a breadcrumb trail of your belongings from the door. Wishing the medicine cabinet would come to you, you were just about to get up when the door opened. Having an angle to see, you watched as Donnie came in with what were clearly grocery bags.
“Big meal tonight?” You hoped not.
“Meal prep.” He explained, his eyes following all the things you’d left on the ground. “I’m testing out dry aging with kogi. Fruition will come in 3-4 days time depending on the results.” Closing the door, he rounded to the kitchen where he set the bags. He then returned without complaint and picked up your things. “Interim, we have the ill-named ‘power bowls.’”
“Oh.” You watched him idly and wondered why you hadn’t thought of something like that. It sounded like an easy to digest meal that wouldn’t bottom out your sensitive stomach. “I think it’s supposed to give you energy throughout the day or something.”
Donnie made a face of disgust as he finished putting up your things and brought you your phone. “Because calories, a unit of energy that was never meant to rank nutritional value, mean nothing.” 
You took it with a chuckle that made you wince as you felt a rush between your legs. Giving a sheepish look, you managed an, “Excuse me…” before scuttling to the bathroom without hearing his response. Thankfully avoiding a leak, you cleaned up otherwise and found a bottle of pain meds sitting ready on the counter. Picking it up, it was clearly your old one, but you were compelled to check its usual resting place. Sitting there was a new bottle that you imagined was just in case this one ran out.
Popping a couple into your hand, you exited to ask the culprit about it. Donnie was already busying himself in the kitchen so you diverted to get a drink. He blocked your path by opening the fridge and you frowned at him as he passed you a glance over the door.
“Table.” He said and went back to rooting around in the crisper.
Raising a brow at him, you turned to find several drinks lined up on the coffee table. Literally able to take your pick, you chose water for now and studied the odd orange concoction. “What’s this one?”
He didn’t even have to look as he turned and placed several items on the counter. “Jamu juice.”
“It’s an anti-inflammatory Indonesian drink.”
“Huh.” You picked it up and took a dainty sip. Finding it nicely balanced, you drank and flipped something on the TV while you curled up. Just starting to get invested in the plot, you sort of registered Donnie coming to your side. “Is dinner ready? Sorry I’m not much help-” You turned and stared face to face with a bag of rice.
He gave it a little jiggle as he offered it again.
“This isn’t what I imagined when you said power bowl.”
“Touch it.” He cocked his head and brow.
Thinking that was far stranger, you poked it with your index finger and found it warm. “I’m still not eating it.”
“It’s not for that.” In a juggle, he wrapped it in a towel and held it out again.
Finally taking it, he retreated and you stared after him for a moment. Then you dropped your gaze to the bag and felt its weight and gentle heat. Softening on why he couldn’t just explain it, you laid down and rested it over your abdomen. Warmth spreading and the heft of it adding another layer of comfort, your meds kicked in for some sweet relief.
You vegetated until dinner was brought over to you. Trying to sit up quickly so as not to make the chef wait, Donnie kicked at your foot to signal you to calm down. You pouted at him and took a piping hot bowl as he fell into his own seat. Examining the contents, you found several items that you didn’t typically eat. Sending him a sly look that said you absolutely knew these were foods probably good for monthly symptoms, you scooped a bit and blew on it until you could mouth it. Finding the flavor mild and to your liking, you ate slowly, savoring each bite.
Donnie paid you little mind as he ate himself, only getting through a few bites before he got his phone out to take notes. You asked him to share his thoughts and he mentioned that the lentils were a little dry and how it could have used a specific seasoning he hadn’t been able to get. Listening to him was soothing and you barely registered when he got up and commandeered your dish along with his.
You opened your mouth to protest as dishes were your chore.
“I’m doing the dishes tonight.” He spoke before you could complain. He then lifted a comically tall but expertly stacked set of bowls, dishes, and the like. “I didn’t want anything contaminating the dry aging process.”
“That’s not all from dinner?”
“This isn’t even the only stack.”
You paled a little.
He gave an affirming nod and got to work cleaning.
Sitting back and looking over your now cold rice pack, you ambled over to him. He spared you a glance where he had large rubber gloves dunked into soapy water. Heating up the bag in the microwave, you were careful and tested leaning against his carapace where you were back to back. His shirt and battle shell a layer between, he not only allowed it, but slowed in his cleaning to relish the contact until the microwave beeped. The moment was dispelled and he was in scrubbing motion again. Juggling the bag back into the towel, you caught the clock and figured you had time to let it soothe your achy muscles again before you got into your nighttime routine.
At some point, Donnie finished and joined you right around when you were going to get up. He dropped so hard onto the couch that the weight of it tipped for a moment and you grouched at him. He simply smiled and flicked something into the air before catching it in his mouth.
“What was that?” You watched on with tepid amazement.
“You’re just… eating candy?”
“Mhm.” He tossed up another piece and caught it again. “Want some?”
“Uh duh.” You sat up and pressed the rice to hold pressure as you hunched over.
He pinched a piece at the ready.
“There’s no way I’m catching that.”
“No? I thought you wanted some.” He shrugged and popped the bit into his mouth instead.
You puffed out your cheeks.
He ate another, waiting.
Frowning so hard it made a noise in your throat, you tipped your head back and opened your mouth.
He gave a single chuckle that he squashed before throwing a piece at you.
It hit you directly in your eye and you wilted. “Ow! Why!?”
When you came up with one hand covering half your face you saw a mono image of him grimacing. “That wasn’t what I intended…”
“I’d hope so!”
He held out the bag.
You glared at it before lowering your hand with only a minor wink. “Again.”
His brows shot straight up his mask.
You opened your mouth and gave terrible annunciations. “A’ain!”
He tossed another and it hit your shoulder. “How is your aim so bad!?” You scrambled to catch the piece and threw it back where he caught it in his mouth with a swoop.  
“I’m as perplexed as you.”
“You probably suck at sports.”
“Hardly possible.”
“And yet…” You found the first piece that had injured you and ate it out of spite. “Have you ever tried?”
He looked away, preparing more candy. “That’s what I thought.” You chuckled before a game was set into motion. You both threw candy back and forth with Donnie’s aim never improving. After a squabble to keep the fallen pieces from dirtying the couch, you both ended up cuddled together in the middle. It was there, with your head on Donnie’s shoulder a testament to how slouched he was, that you studied the bag and wondered how he’d known your favorite candy considering you had both never once told or even eaten it in front of him.
Always sending big love to my delightful beta darlings @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 6 months
Hi I hope your having a good day!
I was wondering if for the tmnt bros (all 4, 2003) what would happen if say they had a shy sorta insecure S/O and they had sorta planned a date with S/O mentioning that they had a surprise planned for their BF. Fast forward to later the the turtle kinda forgot due to having a mission after finishing it they and their bros need to get something from his room, Where they'd find the S/O in lingerie, on their bed, covered in flower petals and even candles the same color of their turtle boyfriend's mask and they say something flirty before opening their eyes seeing all the bros there instead of just their boyfriend, get super flustered and accidentally knock a candle down almost causing a fire, and while trying to cover themself just face plants onto the floor getting a nosebleed in the process and a slight concussion.
afterwards poor S/O cant look at the other turtles for about a week and and their not even mad just feeling a bit humiliated and saying stuff like "yeah it was a dumb idea anyways, probably wont do it again in the future" Though they do kinda find it a little funny later on about how badly it went
Thank you for your writings! I really enjoy them
Awe! I’m glad you do!! It makes me giddy to see that people genuinely enjoy my writings!! <3 Also I love this idea! I’d actually die if this ever happened to me ngl 💀
Seduction Disaster!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 1606
CW: Gender-neutral reader, a bit of a crack-fic, DW there’s some fluff involved too! A tad bit spicy(?), all characters are over the age of 18, in their early 20s! Enjoy!
T/N - Turtle Name
B/N - Brother Name
Oh, it was a stupid idea, a REALLY stupid idea. To say you regretted it, would be an understatement… In your defense you just wanted to give your boyfriend something nice! It took you a long while, but you had finally built up some confidence to finally impress your boyfriend and maybe try and give him a night to remember. Oh did you not intend THIS to be the night to remember.
Your boyfriend was out on a mission, one that took longer than expected, but it gave you enough time to put your plan into motion! You bought the candles, bought the roses and you got your lingerie. Alright everything was going well, just according to plan… You warned Splinter not to go into T/N’s room, to which he complied and just stayed in the dojo to meditate. Great. That was great for you, so you suited up slipped into your lingerie and checked yourself out in his mirror to make sure everything was good and fitted perfectly. DAMN, did you look good! This made you even more confident in all of this and got everything else set and ready to go!
Finally, the guys arrived back home, T/N groaning as he flopped onto the couch tiredly, not even remembering at the time that you had something planned for him in his bedroom. He was exhausted and a little brain dead at the moment, so when one of his brothers asked if they could grab something from his room that they left in there, he nonchalantly gave them the go-ahead, not thinking much about it.
You were laid out on the bed, awaiting his arrival, your eyes closed as you took deep breaths to ready yourself. Once you heard the door open, you started with, “Welcome home ba—” once you opened your eyes, you were greeted with the wrong turtle, and your heart dropped. And honestly, B/N was staring at you with a look of horror and shock. You let out a shriek as you rushed to cover yourself, ultimately failing as you slipped out of the bed and landed on your face, a little too hard. You barely noticed the blanket catch on fire as B/N panicked and called for T/N’s help, to which he bolted in and panicked.
Yeah… Not a fun time to say the least. Donnie ended up having to patch you up, help you with your bleeding nose and made sure you didn’t fall asleep because of your concussion. You were so embarrassed, you couldn’t even look into B/N’s eyes for a while, or any of T/N’s brothers eyes for that matter…
💙 Leo didn’t realize that you had something planned for him until the moment he heard your shrieks come from his bedroom and Donnie’s panicked yells for Leo brought him back to his senses. You planned something for him, and he completely forgot. He hurried to his room, freezing when he saw you face-first onto the ground and his blanket on fire.
💙 Luckily, Donnie was quick to put out the fire while Leo was by your side in an instant. Mikey and Raph rushed to the room to check things out while Leo covered your body while making sure you were okay. He could not forgive himself for this for a LONG while, not when he saw your face when he pulled you off the ground. After Donnie made sure you were okay, and was quick to move on with the situation, he left you alone with Leo.
💙 He comforted you the rest of the night, holding you close and kissing your face softly as he murmured soft little apologies. He’d make it up to you, and he swore that he would. He became EXTRA protective of you too, and was always sure to check his bedroom first before his brothers went in, he even set a ground-rule not to go into his bedroom until he’s made sure nothing’s going on in there. Yeah maybe he’s going a little far, but it’s appreciated.
❤️ He didn’t see it coming, but he sure did hear it, that shriek he knew rather well, and Mikey’s yelling of, “WOAH! I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!” Raph bolted to his room without a second thought, and oh the sight that greeted him, you face first on the ground and Mikey standing there, frozen and panicking. “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE SHELL BRAIN! HELP ME PUT OUT THE FIRE!” Raph yelled at Mikey as the two worked on putting out the fire first, soon Leo joining in once he heard the commotion.
❤️ Once he knew it was done, he chased out his brothers before hurrying to your side, eyes wide and panicked, “Dollface! You okay?!” He sat you up as you had tears of embarrassment rolling down your eyes and a bleeding nose. He was quick to sit you back on his bed as he grabbed an extra blanket. After he’s carefully wrapped you, he scoops you up and hurries to find Donnie, “Hey brainiac! Need some help here!” Donnie rolled his eyes before he was greeted by the sight of your bruised forehead and bleeding nose. Biting back the sarcastic remark, he was quick to take care of you.
❤️ After you were all taken care of, Raph took you back to his room, laid you on the bed, put out all the candles, before curling up beside you. He swore to himself he’d never let this happen again. And boy, did he make sure it didn’t not only that, he became like your bodyguard, actually scratch that, he was more of your guarddog. When you were recovering, he made sure to do everything you asked and never left your side. If anybody tried to check in, he was quick to tell them to buzz off. It was your guys time, nobody was interrupting it this time.
💜 Donnie relaxed against the couch, the TV playing mindless nonsense as he just gave his brain a break from the rough mission. When he was about to doze off, Leo would tell him he was heading to his lab, to which he didn’t think much of until he heard a loud shriek and Leo yelling apologies, causing alarm for everyone. Donnie was fast on his feet and bolted to his lab, seeing the scene, he panicked. First of all, you’re hurt, second… FLAMMABLE ITEMS IN HIS LAB!!!
💜 He panicked, but was quick, he took a blanket and covered you first before yelling to Leo, “Help me put out the flames!” To which, the both of them did, Raph and Mikey soon joining while Splinter would wait outside the lab, worried. Once everything was said and done, Donnie gently scooped you up and headed to his little examination table, gently laying you down as you whined out in pain. He didn’t take too long to take care of you, cleaning up your nose and stopping the bleeding, before keeping a close eye on you because of the concussion.
💜 He would be so sweet and gentle with you, whispering small reassuring things as he took care of you. He always shushed you when you tried to apologize about the whole thing, I mean, it was both of your guys fault, Donnie not remembering, and you not thinking of that possibility. Donnie felt at fault for the most part for it, because if he remembered this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Either way, he would cuddle with you the whole night, watching a movie to help distract you both from that disaster.
🧡 Mikey got up and actually ended up microwaving some pizza, as he felt pretty damn hungry. While he was doing that, staring intently at the microwave, he heard Raph call out to him about needing something back from him and that he was checking his room. Mikey gave him the go-ahead and continued to wait, until he heard Raph scream and you shriek from his bedroom.
🧡 This man has never moved so fast in his life, Donnie and Leo right on his tail as they stumble into his room. Raph was panicking over you, unsure of what to do, meanwhile the main concern for Leo and Donnie was the fire! Those two worked on it while Mikey was by your side in an instant, in this situation he couldn’t even joke to try and distract you and make you feel better, he just wrapped you up in his arms and held you close.
🧡 Once the whole fiasco was taken care of and Donnie fixed you up, Mikey was trying so hard to cheer you up and keep your mind off of what just happened. He even sacrificed his last slice of pizza to you, before getting all cozy with you. He was very doting that night, making sure you were okay, because honestly he was never this worried. You ended up sleeping in his arms that night with him holding you in a protective manner.
Yeah… You were never doing that again, despite being spoiled by your partner and taken care of after everything was said and done, you’d rather not face the embarrassment of his brother walking in on you again when you’re in such a vulnerable position meant for T/N. It will never happen again, ESPECIALLY not with candles, if T/N wants candles he will be lighting them up himself.
Luckily now you can finally look B/N in the eyes after everything and laugh it off while feeling yourself die inside after everything. Mistakes were made, and you certainly learned from that whole experience.
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Wounds of the Battle Nexus (Fluff/Angst)
2003!Raphael x reader
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A/N: I’ve always been a big sucker for the Battle Nexus in TMNT 2003 so I just had to do this.
Raphael participates in the Battle Nexus but ends up getting injured. You stay with him in the medical area.
Warnings: Non graphic injuries and spelling.
After three years of dating Raphael, you finally got to see it. The dimension between dimensions that your boyfriend and his family had been talking so much about. The Battle Nexus. Even as Master Splinter and Leonardo opened the portal, you clung to Raphael arm, excitement growing even further.
Once inside the realm of the Battle Nexus, you were in awe. Raphael had told you about many of these creatures, but you had only dreamed of the day you could see them yourself. Friendly triceratons mingled among two headed beings, talking, trading in the market or eating together.
But it was the Battle itself you had arrived for. Your boyfriend, his brother and father had decided to participate in the Battle Nexus once again. And you had asked over and over again if you could come along and watch it. And well, it didn’t take long for Raphael to say yes. And as you sat among several of the turtle’s friends and watched the turtles, their father and friends fight in the ring, you were more than happy to be there.
The Battle Nexus had been a chaotic whirlwind of adversaries, pushing the turtles and every contestant to their limits. Round after round the brothers moved up, until one was to be the first to lose. That one would be Michelangelo, being teleported out of the ring with just minor injuries.
The next round it was Leonardo and the round after that it was Donatello, leaving Raphael as the last turtle, now going straight to the semi final. You cheered and celebrated proudly as your boyfriend entered the ring for the semi final, to fight against what looked like a big guy made of stone, carrying a big sword in one hand. The gyoji started the semi final with a bang of his gong. The crowd started cheering as the four computers started going at it. Raphael found himself facing off against a formidable opponent, his adrenaline pumping with every clash of his sai against the stone giant.
As Raphael dodged one attack after the other, he caught the sight of you out of the side of his eye. His heart swelled a bit as he saw you jumped and screamed his name in encouragement. Oh how he loved you and the way you raised your arms whenever he landed a blow.
It looked as if Raph was about to gain the upper hand on his stone opponent, until he was surprised by a giant uppercut and thrown against the stone wall. The whole crowd gasped as Raphael fell onto the ground on his hands and knees. The air was heavy with a mix of exhaustion and tension. Raphael, usually quick to recover, winced as he tried to assess the extent of his injuries. His plastron bore scratches and the back of his shell was aching a bit. It had most likely cracked a bit. Raph raised on to one foot, his sai, though still firmly in hand, trembled slightly from the strain. Raph wanted to stand and continue fighting, but his body made the decision for him, his legs giving out under him, causing him to call on his end before being teleported out of the ring and into the medical area. You wasted no time leaving your seat, running to find Raphael.
When you made it to the medical area, Raph was putting up a struggle, refusing to let anyone treat him, let alone touch him. His brothers and Master Splinter tried in vain to calm him down, while the physicians kept being pushed away by the angry turtle.
“Get ya nasty paws off me!”, he grunted, trying to stand from the futon they had placed him on. “I don’t need no help from anybody!”
"Raph”. Your boyfriend looked in your direction at the sound of his name, watching you step into the room. His brothers breathed a sigh of relief. “You need to sit down," you insisted, concern etching your features. He grunted in agreement, acknowledging the pain that radiated through his body. The adrenaline that had fueled his movements was replaced by a dull ache, and the reality of their physical toll began to set in. You had always had a calming effect on Raphael. You made him relax and listen to reason.
Raphael laid back on the futon before turning to his side, letting the physician look at his shell. You took a seat on a cushion next to him, before taking one of his three fingered hands in yours. The boys and Master Splinter took this as their que to leave.
Raphael met your gaze, a mixture of gratitude and hesitation in his eyes. You knew that look very well. He was happy that you were there, but he was sad. Maybe even embarrassed. You stroked his hand with your thumb, as a way to tell him that he had no reason to feel embarrassed.
The physician finished dressing his wound on his shell, before moving on to the rest of his body, all while Raph stayed silent. You knew that Raph did not wish to speak while the physician was there. No, he wished to talk to you alone with no one listening. That was what Raphael was most comfortable with, especially after a situation like this. But all while the two of you waited for the physician to finish, you sat there, stroking his hand while sending him soft smiles.
Raphael watched the physician leave before he turned towards you. He didn’t say a word, but instead opened his arms up, inviting you to lay down beside me. With a smile you did so, getting comfortable on the futon while making sure you didn’t accidentally hurt him any further.
“How are you feeling?”, you asked, your hand finding his face to stroke his cheek.
“Beat”, Raph answered, leaning into your hand. “My shell aches”.
“How else are you feeling?”, you asked him. Knowing your boyfriend well, you knew he was hiding some feelings away.
Raphael nuzzled his head closer to yours, ducking so that his forehead was pressed against your nose. “Dumb”.
“And why are you feeling dumb?”, you asked, continuing to stroke his cheek.
“I lost”.
“Raphael, you made it all the way to the semi final and you kept up against a stone giant. I wouldn’t call that a loss".
“You wouldn’t?” Raphael looked you in the eyes.
“No, I wouldn’t”, you said with a smile, caressing his cheek once more. “You may nor have won the title of the Battle Nexus champion, but you will always be a champion in my eyes”.
Raphael ducked his head under yours once more, before wrapping an arm around your wait, pulling you closer to his plastron.
“I’m damn lucky to have ya”, he said, nuzzling his head further against you. “I love ya (Y/N)”.
You chuckled, letting your fingers trace over his scalp. “I love you too, Raph”. You pressed your lips to his forehead, hearing him hum in relaxation. “My champion”.
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coyotestarcraft · 1 year
My Masterlist
A/N: I decided to make a masterlist so you all can re-read my stories whenever, that way y’all don’t have to furiously swipe through to find it.
Please read my introduction post to learn more about the person running this blog.
I WILL write:
Panic attack
Light BDSM
Heavy BDSM
Degrading shit
I Will Write:
Good Omens:
Nap Time
Blowjob 🍋
S*x In a Crumpled Place 🍋
Aziraphale x Angel!Reader (yes yes I’m aware this was for Crowley but since I wrote it for Aziraphale I thought I should add it here.)
Aziraphale Pampers the Reader
I Can’t Live In a World Without You
Nap Time
Reunion S*x 🍋
Dad!Crowley & teen!reader
Crowley x Angel!Reader
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley
Scars Of The Past ⭐️☁️💫
Heat Exhaustion ⭐️☁️
I Need To Know ⭐️☁️💫
Too Broken To Be Fixed (Part 1) ⭐️☁️💫
Too Broken To Be Fixed (Part 2)⭐️☁️💫
Too Broken To Be Fixed (Part 3) ⭐️☁️💫
Reader That Loves Pain🍋
Good Omens Imagines:
I’d Sacrifice Myself For You Dorks Any Day (Part 1)
I’d Sacrifice Myself For You Dorks Any Day (Part 2)
I Can’t Live In a World Without You
TMNT 2016:
Loss - Donnie x Reader⭐️☁️
TMNT/Drake and Josh🌚
A New Beginning Awaits
F/o Imagines
Quiet selfshippers
Gravity Falls:
Stan & Ford Birthday Extra
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