#to be clear only the 'i don't wanna' people truly bother me
msviolacea · 9 months
Addition to the last reblog: one of my least favorite genres of message I get at work is "hey Jaime I just talked about this with [boss] but can you meet with me about it?" Like, about 25% of the time that's a legit "[boss] didn't quite understand the nuances because she doesn't do the day to day work so much anymore" request, but the other 75% is either "[boss] told me to read the work instruction but I don't wanna" or "I have made up sixteen imaginary disaster scenarios in my head and need you to talk me down from all of them before I can do the work."
I apparently need to destroy my reputation as the person who will just answer the goddamned question because she's tired of hearing people talk about it. Only then will I be free.
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halohalona · 29 days
Letting Go
Old memories resurface so Logan reminds you who is truly there for you.
Logan Howlett x Reader
a/n: the fics I'm starting to write are getting more and more self indulgent and the situations are getting hyper-specific. Not only do I want to be with Logan, on so many different levels, he's also become such a comfort character to me (or maybe it's just hugh jackman idk). ANYWAY, this has been sitting in my drafts for a while now so enjoy the short fic
warnings/tags: more emotional hurt/comfort, Logan is probably a little or a lot ooc here, I wanna specify this is the movie logan and not the comics, betrayal? idk, I probably forgot a few details about Wolverine here
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Logan noticed you've been quiet recently. Not only that but you've been avoiding him. One time when you rounded a corner of the mansion's many hallways you immediately turned back the way you came when you saw him. Did he do something wrong? Every time he tried to talk to you, you would run away.
He asked Ororo if she knew what was going on but she didn't know either. He asked Jean but she didn't know anything either, but he did find out that you've been avoiding everyone. Scott, Ororo, Jean, Hank— not just him. It even came to the point where he asked the professor himself and all he said was, “She needs her space.”
He was at the library looking for a specific textbook he needed for his next class when he heard sniffling from a secluded corner of the library— your corner. You told him once that you've pretty much claimed that part of the library for yourself since it was secluded and quiet enough that no one would bother you as you worked.
He slowly and quietly walked over. Sure enough you were there. Your laptop was in front of you, folders neatly stacked around you on the table, and your bag placed on the side facing the main library, likely to hide your face.
He sat in front of you, gently moving the folders to the side before speaking.
“Hey.” he said softly.
You jumped and quickly wiped your face but your head was still down. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard you crying, of course I'm gonna go check on you. You've been avoiding me all week. Something's going on, and as your boyfriend I want to know.”
You don't say anything.
“Is this about Eve?”
He leans back on the chair crossing his arms. “You know that was years ago right?”
Eve was a close friend of yours. You both have been friends for almost two years back in high school. She was someone who stood by you through your toughest times, and at the time there was a lot, specially since that was same point in your life your mutation decided manifest. But then you guess they got sick and tired of having to deal with what you were going through with you because one day you learned from your best friend, who was a mutual friend of yours, that she planned on cutting you off. You don't remember exactly what she said but one thing was clear to you, she no longer wanted any relationship with you, not even an acquaintance. What stuck with you was the promise she made a year prior: “If you think I'm gonna leave you, I won't,” which ended up being a lie.
It's been years, you know that it's time to move on, but every now and then it haunts you. You've been keeping people at arms length since then, not sharing much about yourself aside from the basics: name, age, and what you like to do in your free time. Although you've opened up a bit when you started dating Logan, you've share a few things about Eve, but you still hold back in fear of the whole thing to happen again.
“You have to let it go. I'm not saying this to be dismissive, I'm saying it because holding on to it will prevent you from finding people who actually care for you.” he unfolds his arms and leans on the table closer to you. “Like I've said before, if she was able to let you go so easily, then maybe she wasn't a good friend to begin with.”
He walks over to your side of the table and kneels beside you. Gently, he places his hand on the side of your face lifting it up to make you look at him.
“I know it hurts to be abandoned by someone you cared for deeply, but dwelling on what happened won't bring them back. It's time for you to focus on the people who genuinely care about you. Ororo, Jean, Hank, Scott, pretty much everyone in the mansion, and of course me.”
Your eyes start to well up again, a couple tears escape, sliding down your cheek. Logan gently brushes them away.
“I know she's told you this but when I say I won't leave you, no matter how hard things get, I mean it. I love you and I care for you, remember that.”
You look into his eyes for any sign of deceit and seeing none, he genuinely means it. So for the first time in years, you trust those words. You lean your forehead on his “I believe you. And thank you.” you whisper.
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partycatty · 5 months
johnny cage > bust your kneecaps
kenshi's sibling isn't exactly known for being the kindest, especially when things don't go their way.
warnings: violence, you're kinda yandere type... or maybe tsundere i don't know i give up. johnny's an ass and i wanna beat him up.
notes: are you seriously telling me NOBODY has written a fic for this man using "bust your kneecaps" by pomplamoose?! LIKE.
[ masterlist ]
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johnny, don't leave me, you said you'd love me forever - honey, believe me, i'll have your heart on a platter
• you stepped your way into the stupidly lavish mansion, the address imprinted into your brain and throwing knife at your hip. the belt accentuated the way your hips swayed, capturing the attention of the mansion's owner.
• "where's my wife?" he asks, defensive as he puts the glass of alcohol down.
• "your wife is fine," you turn toward your brother's voice as he speaks, a scowl painting both of your features.
• "you will be too, if you cooperate," your tone is unwelcoming, threatening. "you're johnny cage, aren't you?"
• "what's it to you?" johnny's anger grows by the second, frustrated and confused about the sudden yakuza-looking blade wielders in his home.
• your hand twitches as it rests on the handle of the blade. kenshi puts an arm out, pressing you back. his glare is a silent scolding and you groan, instead opting to cross your arms than threaten the actor at gunpoint.
• "come on," johnny instigates, a beckoning hand thrown out your way. "you're too pretty to be this rude to me."
• "i'm not here for you," you spit back, and kenshi points his sword out to the blade resting just above the fireplace. "we come for sento."
• we all know the drill. before you could fight for what rightfully belonged to your clan, johnny had you and your brother tied to a chair, groaning as consciousness returns to you only to explain your intentions through a groggy tone.
• it seemed like something from a lucid dream, two ninjas and a fire god as you're tied to a chair in a celebrity mansion. it was all a blur, explained quickly before you were whisked off to an academy to fight in a tournament you had only just learned about.
• it was all ridiculous but johnny had dragged sento along with him, keeping it in his room and away from the two of you - he never knew if you'd strike at night and run off into the sunset at any given moment.
• the training itself was quite useful as you learned new styles of fighting, weapon or otherwise. you felt yourself growing bulk and inspiration for combat and attempted to log as much information into your memory, studying after lessons or practicing moves when the campus was cleared of people with the moon high.
• it started innocently enough, johnny would at first spectate you and then eventually join in for (unwelcome) advice. you tried to brush him off, you really did, but he just kept coming back like the prettiest little parasite and that irritated you beyond belief.
• before you could protest or pick up his mood shift, he was being sweet on you - which is to say, pet names, compliments, anything you figured an actor would use to get in a girl's pants. he must do this to all women, you figure, but as time passes you find yourself leaning into his words and cracking a small smile that you cover with your hand.
• you had attempted to confide in kenshi, but in his typical attitude, he just teased you for having a crush on the actor. it was a claim you vehemently denied, no matter how many times his laugh rung in your ears or feather touches made your skin burn.
• it bothered you, truly. you hated him and his stupid sexy smile, his dumb idiot muscles as they flex and ripple during training — lord help you.
• when you started to give in, it was so painfully slow anyone could've missed it. johnny, shockingly, was a good judge of character and wore his opinions on his sleeve. he picked up on it, but wouldn't say anything; he would keeping poking and prodding the bear until you admitted your shameful attraction.
• you gave in after a particularly intimate training session. not having much experience compared to the star, he noticed your tense heat radiating from your back when he wrapped his arms around you, perfecting your stance as you trained against a dummy. unable to contain the trembles of your limbs, you spun around to face him, still caged in his grasp.
• "why do you do the things you do?" you ask, brows naturally furrowed in thought.
• johnny looks at you as if you were a fool. "because i like you."
• the answer left you dumbfounded, the answer was right in front of you but you dared not entertain the thought. your eyes darted between his, searching for any hint of bad intentions, but no. his eyes were sweet and soft, gentle and understanding. it ached you.
• the walls you built up crumbled to nothing the longer you two spent time together, johnny giving you almost little room to fully adjust to a romantic relationship. beside each other it was almost comical how much you resembled a black cat golden retriever duo, a comparison the other boys were sure to make often. even liu kang was surprised by this, commenting once that this "had not happened before." whatever he meant was lost to you.
• at first, it was sweet. he cared, he truly did. johnny would go more than an extra mile for you, understanding where to fully slam the brakes or how to gently encourage you to be intimate. the entire time you were absolutely floored, willing to explore the new world of love. it didn't take long for johnny to call it that, and you followed shortly after. he loved you, only you forever, as he'd say.
• the near-armageddon was heavy on the both of you, but everyone returned in one piece and things seemed to be taking a turn toward the domestic life. this is where everything seemingly took a turn for the worse.
• johnny had insisted you moved in with him as soon as possible, citing both love and your financial connections to the yakuza to support his living conditions even after struggling with money. he'd beg with those sweet puppy eyes, and who were you to turn down the first man that's ever loved you?
• you gave him your all, trying so hard to prove your affections and figure out how to appreciate someone that isn't yourself. johnny ate it up every time, his praise making you dizzy and his little pout every time your voice wavered in hesitation.
• at the academy and sun do, it was easy to forget that he was a supposed A-List celebrity. nobody knew him, flocked for photos and attention, the camera flashing wasn't even a worry considering their lack of technology. he was a normal man with perhaps a slightly inflated ego, but a charming pretty boy nonetheless.
• when you began living in malibu, it started to become a reality for you that you were now in the trenches of fame. while you yourself weren't famous, you did technically appear from nowhere arm in arm with the actor. it didn't take long for paparazzi to camp on your lawns, parking garages, or even as you're out getting your morning coffee.
• as a former yakuza member, your entire life was in the shadows or relatively secretive. now, everyone knew everything about you and the thought made you nauseous. johnny would remind you time and time again that this is what you set yourself up for. you two had never even approached the topic beforehand.
• then came the women. johnny was a conventionally attractive man in malibu, his glittering smile and perfect appearance had women constantly screaming at him for a glance, one that he happily provided with a slight wink. going online and seeing the edits and thirsting messages made your stomach flip. he was yours, but he felt like the world's.
• you tried sitting johnny down, unable to properly articulate your problems having never discussed serious topics with a partner before. it was a foreign topic to you, dancing around your words in one place and being too blunt in the other. johnny couldn't help but look at you with a nearly condescending stare, brow raising in such a way that made you feel... small.
• "you're dating a celebrity," he stated, as if you needed a thousandth reminder. "i'm johnny cage. i may have just been another trainee when we met, but i'm one of the most prominent men in the industry. this is what you signed up for. sorry, but i can't always be yours. i love my fans, too."
• "i didn't know what i signed up for," you clarify, brows furrowing in confusion over his tone. "i thought you'd only love me." he did say it pretty early on.
• "i do," he put his hands up defensively. "i just have more than you to worry about now, sugar. can we get on with our days, now? i have a meeting with a production team in an hour."
• perhaps you didn't know what you really agreed to. fame, women, money, cars, johnny was... wow, a pompous piece of shit in the spotlight no matter how much he claimed to have changed after the events. it was like the most sickening, arrogant light switch. you swore you loved a different man.
• after you had turned away his lifestyle for the tenth time, it was a few months after moving in that he really sat you down. he sat backwards in a chair, as if it was a casual conversation. another part of his routine.
• "you're not cut out for this," he'd open with, and you're not even sure what "this" was really referring to. "i don't want to keep dragging you through a lifestyle you can't keep up with." like you were a lesser being. your mouth goes dry.
• "you said you'd love me forever." your frown is piercing.
• "feelings... change, i guess. we met in a totally different place, things are back to normal and i just can't picture us continuing like we are now. i've got so much work to do and so little time, and you want my attention. i can't prioritize one out without losing the other."
• "so you're choosing directing over me? fame?"
• "it's not like that —" he sighs, pity in his voice. "you don't belong here."
• you stand up now. "you told me we were a forever package deal. you wanted to show me the world. you wanted this, took every first i could give. what? you're done using me for what i'm worth now?"
• johnny winces. "kind of? you're... you haven't been offering up much else than complaints." your jaw truly drops now, the anger you pushed away bubbling back up to the surface.
• "you think you can just clock out?" your voice grows in volume, increasingly nasty as you picture all the ways you could make him apologize. "you don't just get to escape that easily. do you know who i am?"
• johnny states your full name with a pitiful expression. as if it means nothing. he could have tricked you into thinking that was the case if you had kept falling for his love bombing. not anymore.
• "can you relax?" his tone is laced with irritation. "you're working yourself up, just make it easier for the both of us. look, i'll even buy you a plane ticket—" he reaches for his wallet but you catch his wrist, seeing red. for the first time in a long time, he looks at you like you're a strong person, a yakuza member.
• "easy," he wants you, tone now deadly serious. "i've got cameras everywhere. if i show police you put your hands on me like that, knowing your background, it'll be bad news for you."
• a smirk pulls at your lip, twitching in anger. you lean in close, real close. "if they even get to see the footage."
• it was a pathetic assumption that johnny would be able to escape you now, you were fully intertwined with him in such a way that angered you, but made you love him more deep down. your first love isn't supposed to just pull out from your grasp, not easily anyway.
• a wrestling match ensues. he's strong and knows how to fight, you saw it yourself. you were smarter, though. you managed to grab one of his small statues and position him just right to knock him out with a light hit. he goes limp in your arms, sending you to your knees from the weight of his body. not quite satisfied that he was at your mercy, you drag him to your shared bed.
• thanks to your intimate endeavors, rope was tucked neatly in the closet. you tied his wrists to the bedposts and his ankles to the edge of the bed. while you were emotionally detached, you were still utterly enamored with his entire existence. you leaned in close, admiring the crinkle in his nose or his delicate eyelashes as they hopelessly flutter. his plush lips part to breathe shallowly, and you barely notice your hand coming up to stroke at his cheekbone. he was a beautiful specimen, a figure that's meant to be immortalized in art.
• as mad as you were, he was just too pretty to part from. you peppered kisses from his temple to his shoulder, hand feeling the fabric of his dress shirt as you lay your head on his chest. you basically cuddled him as you leaned onto the bed, half sitting in your chair still. you had to be prepared in case he suddenly awoke and went for a bite or headbutt.
• he'll wake up eventually, and when he does, you'll be right there with a blade in hand and a wicked smile pulling at your lips.
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snaillock · 1 year
could I pls ask for a boyfriend's Nagi x male reader? like him having a weakness for the reader and being like a puppy with him? idk if I'm explaining myself idk how to put it in words 😭 I love blue lock and there's almost no x male reader with them so I'm excited to find this sorry 😓
nagi x male!reader
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AHHH my first request!! tysm for asking i would love to make this! i also got curious and only found like three nagi x male readers (two of which were smuts that i was too uncomfortable to read☠️) but don't worry im here to save the day. this also ended up being a lot longer than expected but still really hope you enjoy!! ^^
tags: male reader, sad nagi backstory moment, me getting too carried away with build up again
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you were one of the few people who didn’t look at nagi like he was some anomaly. while others in your school would steer clear and gossip about him behind his back, you were one of the only people who spoke to him and treated him like an actual person and not some freak of nature
you would try to talk to him in class but he wouldn’t talk back (since “talking is such a pain”) so you assumed you were bothering him and eventually stopped.
nagi eventually noticed you wouldn’t talk to him in class anymore and it didn’t bother him at first. but eventually he finds himself missing it and would make the rare effort of trying to initiate conversations with you.
that led to you guys talking every day during class. the more you two spoke, the more you realized how much you had in common with him. you soon asked him if he wanted to come over to hang out.
he usually rejects any hang-out offers from literally anyone. though when you asked him if he wanted to come over to your place to play video games together, he accepted because he found you to be less of a hassle to be around compared to others.
when he came over, he realized he actually really enjoys being around you and had fun spending his time playing games with you. he even took a look around your room to admire all the things you’ve collected that represent your personality and interests. this only made him more captivated by you and wanted to be much closer friends
now for the exciting part
once some time has passed and you two got closer, you soon find out he’s a shamelessly clingy person both emotionally and physically.
whenever he would see you, he randomly wraps his arms around you and latch onto you. he hates being forced to let go whenever you two have to go to class.
he gives absolutely zero fucks about being publicly affectionate with another guy in school, paying no mind to the weird stares and whispers
he constantly wants to stay over at your place and when you come over to his for the first time, he introduces you to choki (a hugeeee moment for him trust me)
nagi truly loves being with you. at first, he didn’t care about being an outcast until you showed up in his life and showed him what true friendship and love was like
soon his feelings for you as a friend develops into something much more unfamiliar before he can realize it. falling in love was definitely a new experience for nagi and falling in love with you specifically was a slow delicate process
he definitely didn’t realize for a while that he likes you in that way until he finds himself admiring you as you somehow have soft lighting all over your face and pink flowers and hearts circling your head (all in his imagination my boy is completely whipped). he then thinks, “hmm this feels like one of the shojo mangas i’ve read befo- ohhhhh!”
once the initial shock is over, he’s already bold enough to confess to you quickly after. i can imagine him suddenly telling you how he feels in the most random scenario ever.
it would be so out of nowhere. you guys could be out walking in the park. you casually sip out of your bottle when he nonchalantly says, “wanna be my boyfriend?” with his signature neutral face, making you choke and cough on your water.
he would then elaborate on how much he likes you with the plainest face ever like it was a regular tuesday conversation. the one difference is the light flush on his cheeks and you can definitely tell that he truly means all of it. so once you stopped coughing, you obviously accept his confession
if you thought he was already pretty damn clingy prior to you two becoming a couple, then be prepared for that to increase tenfold
holding hands isn’t enough for him, ideally he needs to be super glued onto you permanently for the rest of his life
you guys are definitely the couple people gag at when they see you both curled up cuddling each other in the hallway.
once again, he gives absolutely no shits. he needs to show off what an amazing boyfriend he has so he’ll never tone it down on the pda
on the very very rare occurrence that you're not with him and you happened to be talking to someone else in the hallway, he sees this and immediately gets a little possessive. so he walks up right behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on you. you assume he's just being needy again and find it cute, completely unaware of how he's now glaring deep into that person’s soul from over your shoulder. i mean you’re his man and his man only so everyone needs to know.
he requires you to pet and run your fingers through his hair for a low minimum for uhhh 2000 times a day. you swear that he purrs every time you do it but when you try to listen out for another one, he already fell asleep on your shoulder
whenever you guys are cuddling either at his dorm or your place, he just lays his entire body weight onto you like a heated blanket while resting his head on your shoulder with your fingers carded through his hair. if you try to gently nudge him off so you can get up and use the bathroom, he audibly whines and eventually relents. he totally tries to follow you into the bathroom after that.
whenever you compliment or praise him, he looks totally unaffected but internally, he’s jumping around screaming. meanwhile, he will randomly drop the most endearing and beautiful arrangement of words at you in a completely neutral voice and just move on with his day like you didn’t just witness the most flattering thing you’ve ever heard.
loves whenever you randomly grab his chin and give him a short but very sweet kiss.
nah actually scratch that. nagi loves kisses from you anytime anywhere. fleeting cheek kisses before you both head to class. kisses on his forehead as you hold him close under the covers. drawn out victory kisses you both finally finish a difficult match together. no matter what it is, he always helplessly melts into each one.
before you appeared in nagi's life, his world was just one big dull pain he simply had to push through every day. now that he had you by his side, he finally had the motivation to get out of bed every day.
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tsumtsumrry · 1 year
Hey! It would be so nice if you could write something I had in mind for a while. Ceo Harry who’s like always in control of everything but behind closed doors with his girlfriend he gets all shy and submissive. (If you don’t feel comfortable or you don’t wanna write it it’s alright :) 🫶🏼)
apologies for this being so short, migraines are kicking my butt but i didn't want to go so long without posting/answering your request :(. please don't hesitate to let me know if you'd like a part two though <3
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There’s a small knowing grin on your face as you watch him through the large window of his office as he berates one of his employees. You roll your eyes at his tone and chuckle softly to yourself. You turn around when you feel a soft tap on your shoulder and a smile is brought to your face when you recognize the touch as Harry’s secretary. She’s young for the job, fresh out of university but incredibly intelligent with a strong work ethic. She’s also so incredibly kind. 
“I would absolutely not go in there if I were you,” she warns, making you furrow your eyebrows and pout in confusion, “that guy he’s yelling at, messed up a couple reports that set us back big time. He’s pissed.” Your mouth opens in an “o”, understanding the situation. A small smile comes to your face, knowing that she’s just trying to help.
“I am not afraid of my husband, no matter how grumpy he can be.” you laugh softly and she looks to the ground and blushes softly with a smile on her face as if she’s scared to speak ill of her boss. 
The smile stays on her face as she speaks, “well good luck then, Mrs. Styles. You can always ring me if you need anything.” she walks away and you notice that the yelling has stopped. You take it as your opportunity to knock softly on the door and Harry’s head instantly shoots up, his eyes softening in recognition when he sees you. You open the door and smile at the employee, who almost looks scared to make eye contact with you. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting, I brought you some lunch.” you make your way over to Harry with a small smile and place the food down on the wood table. You decide to make light of the obvious tension in the room and speak sarcastically, “everything okay in here?”
Harry rolls his eyes but you can see him look down to stifle a laugh. 
“You’re dismissed.” He tells the employee and you watch as he scurries away. 
Everyone in the office knows to steer clear of Harry when you come in, no one dares to bother him or come to his door, and even if it’s important, they opt for a call or an email.
The second the door is closed you look back at Harry and run your fingers through his hair. His entire demeanor melts into the soft one you’re so familiar with, “what have I told you about yelling at people like that, honey?” you reprimand him gently. 
“He fucked up an entire weeks worth of work, my love.” He looks up at you softly, his eyes pleading. The poor baby is always so eager for your approval. He brings his arms up to wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him so his head can rest on your stomach. 
“I’m sorry you’ve had a bad day, honey. Would you like me to make it better?” 
In an instant, his frame softens even more. The implication of your statement making him fall deeper into that submissive state you always seem to get him in. And he loves it, he truly does. He loves how he’s able to relinquish control with you. With the job he has, it feels like he always needs to be in control of everything, but with you, he can just let go. He can let go of all his stress and tension and just get lost in you. 
“Please…” he sighs, his arms tightening around your waist, “please make it better.” 
You pout in sympathy at his desperation and continue to run your fingers through his soft hair, “the second you get home, honey. Can you be patient for me?” 
He nods quickly and eagerly, still clinging to you. You can tell it might be hard for him to let you go today, but if he avoids the work he has to do it’ll only grow in size. You pat his arm slightly as a signal to let you go, you feel him hesitate, but he obeys, and you look down at him to give him an approving smile. 
“You’re just so good for me, aren’t you?” 
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Harry opens the front door softly, his mood having improved since this morning. He’s been thinking about you the whole day, thinking about your touch and how you promised to make him feel better. He hasn’t been able to think about anything else. Even his secretary commented on how distracted he seemed.
He walks further into the house, placing his keys on the counter. He calls your name softly and frowns when you don’t answer. 
He keeps walking until he reaches your shared bedroom and his eyes instantly widen at the sight of you, clad in the most beautiful piece he’s ever seen. 
He doesn’t remember buying you that one, but he doesn’t even dwell on that thought considering how beautiful you look. 
“H-hi,” he whispers, he walks up to you and his expression is pleading, “touch?” he asks softly. You smile gently at him and you nod, he wastes no time bringing his hand up to your body. He drags his knuckle softly down the material of your bra and sucks in a sharp breath. 
“You’re really pretty” he keeps his voice quiet and low and you melt as his sweet words and the way he reacts to you. 
“You’re just as pretty, angel,” you respond. He softly shakes his head and you pout, standing up to press your lips to his. He fully immerses himself in the kiss and his hands shoot up to grab at your waist. 
“Still want me to make it better?” you pull back from his lips to ask, watching his hazy, half-lidded eyes. 
“Please. Do whatever you want to me.” 
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colourful-void · 1 month
[truly off the charts levels of aitsf nirvana initiative spoilers]
some thoughts on mizuki date and mizuki kuranushi
the whole timeline switch thing is admittedly: cool as fuck. love it conceptually. its neat as hell. in practice i think it required some of the game to be a bit... strained in logic and perhaps if we were less committed to clone Mizuki and some other aspects it would feel a little less like we had to rob Mizuki (Date) as a character to make it work.
I can explain why i feel this way:
Don't get me wrong, its set up really really well in a lot of places. i see now which is awesome. the set up isn't so much the problem, there definitely could've been a bit more in the set up but overall it's solid.
my problem is that, in order to make this work, Mizuki and Bibi need to be functionally indistinguishable from each other not just in appearance but in personality. NOW there are key differences I noted which was very good!!! I did see this, i just think like, the fundamental concept means they have to be significantly more similar than they are dissimilar and that makes for....
Okay like:
Mizuki and Bibi having the same scooter? Fantastic, it's mentioned early on that's abis provided, of course they're the same. having the same gun, sure even, it might be a 'mizuki custom' but if we assume mizuki date didn't actually care that much about her gun's specifics I totally see boss replicating the first one. I'm sure bibi would've wanted that too. Having the same PIPE is bothering me. Because now we're verging into some nature over nurture territory.
Mizuki Date loved that pipe when she was 12, it's something she picked up afaik after coming to live with date even, bcs she didn't have it when she was getting bullied in school. Her having one makes sense. But bibi has a pipe, seemingly because... Mizuki has one.
So then, was it a unique choice Mizuki made when she was younger, or does 'being mizuki' mean predestined to wield a pipe? (i can also see Bibi like, watching over mizuki and deciding she also wants a pipe but that's only slightly better because it's still externally denying the characters individuality) [A minor way of adjusting this could be having Mizuki Date only ever use the pipe, and Bibi only ever use the Evolver.]
There are some good moments of them being different i can recall off hand, bibi talking about her younger sister (mizuki) for example, to shoma, etc. but like. 90% of the time you're not supposed to be able to tell them apart. So they think the same way, and act the same way, and when you're playing a game literally in the brain of a character its hard to even pass off as just, presentation or a front. and i wanna be clear i know there are minor differences.
Bibi doesn't react to Date's appearance in the warehouse (because she didn't know him like Mizuki Date, but also looking back since that was in the past like, Mizuki Date wouldn't have reacted either.), I think there's a little difference in how bibi and mizuki treat boss, maybe? But since mizuki is still playing around with boss and giving her puppy dog eyes in the first investigation scene when That's Mizuki Date and not Bibi, it doesn't quite land.
Because the small pool of people who actually know, Ryuki and Boss and all have to TREAT Mizuki Date and Bibi basically identical for this to work. And again, you can stretch it. Boss is trying to maintain professionalism, etc. But it's another layer of them being... basically the same.
Mainly, my biggest problem is less everyone else and how Mizuki Date and Bibi think and act.
Mizuki Date and Bibi are allegedly two different characters. They're given two different backstories, and lived two very different lives. Despite that, aside from a few minor hints and character quirks, they behave and interact indistinguishably from each other. And that kind of cheapens both of them as people.
Like, we just had this whole game that had everyone saying "if this hadn't happened, if my father hadn't been killed, if this child hadn't been kidnapped, if So Sejima had just kicked it at 20, maybe none of this would've happened, life could've been so different" and then also showed us 'Even if your life was extremely different you would still think and act exactly the same'.
TC-PERGE and alcoholism was a huge part of it, but the cited reason for a lot of Ryuki's behaviour is the trauma right?? Like it comes up multiple times, but the unique traumas that both Mizuki's faced? I guess impacted them exactly the same. or not at all, in Mizuki date's case because we never get proper resolution on the whole 'you were adopted and then your adopted parents couldn't or wouldn't raise you properly so gave you off to Date, who then disappeared." i'm still entirely unclear on who was the guardian of this 12 year old child after that.
i think a lot of this twist is really cool conceptually, i'm on board with a lot of it. But in practice, Bibi and Mizuki are only different characters because of their wildly different backstories. They think and act identically, despite having such different circumstances which should lead to different thoughts and actions. In a game where the final Somnium ends in a long chain of "What ifs" where it's characters ask if they could've lived differently had just a few things been different, the central characters appear to demonstrate that no, they wouldn't.
and that kinda bums me out.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
let’s try this again😅 negan is negan; a big, loud-mouthed, cocky bastard, but as soon as reader comes into his line of view, he’s putty in her hands. i’m talking hanging onto her every word, punishing anyone who looks at her for longer than three seconds, completely obsessed with her.
honestly whatever you want to do with this is fine, i just wanna imagine being fawned over for a little while 😌
LOOOOOVE THIS. This is a little bit of a jump in time from where you're at right now but I kept it as vague as possible!
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"So, when did you meet him?" Michonne asks, her voice wavering a bit as I shift anxiously in my seat, not completely comfortable that I have to talk about Negan to his enemies.
"His men found me in the woods when he was in charge of the Sanctuary." I respond simply, biting anxiously at the inside of my cheek as my frown deepens, watching Michonne turn to look back at Rick.
"And what was your first impression?"
"Well, well, well!" A man cheers, appearing beside me, swinging his bat in front of him and the room quiets. I fidget in my seat, my mouth drying as I look up at him with wide eyes. "What might your name be?" He asks, kneeling down in front of me, his eyes softening.
"Y/n." I mutter, clearing my throat with a shiver. He nods slowly, turning back to the men behind him.
"Someone get my friend Y/n here some clothes and some food." He grins, his eyes never leaving mine for one second as I feel my heart rate begin to decline, my fear dissipating as he offers me a hand. "Let me show you around, how 'bout that?"
"You're telling me he was kind to you?" Rick asks, his brows furrowed in complete and utter disbelief.
"He welcomed me into the Sanctuary with no issues. He saw to it that I was settled and knew my way around." I explain, eyes darting back and forth between Rick and Michonne as the chains around my ankle clang against the table in front of me.
"What did you do there? What was your role?"
"Lovely day today, huh?" I ask Negan as I approach him from behind, his head craning to peer over his shoulder at me. A soft grin spreads across his face as he quickly shoos the other men away from him, ending their conversation abruptly.
"Even better now that you're here." He flirts, my eyes rolling bashfully. "What can I do for you, sweetheart?" He asks and my feet shuffle against the gravel beneath me as I try desperately to ignore the walkers set up along the fence.
"I had an issue when I was trying to sell some bread I made-"
"How about this, give me the names of the people who keep bugging you and I'll make sure they don't do shit to you anymore." He offers, not bothering to hear the rest of the story, alleviating some of the pressure weighing down on me.
"He helped me fit in. He was nothing but kind to me- I know that he wasn't always kind to everyone though." I mutter, worried that they would think poorly of me simply based off of my close association with Negan, a man they hated so much but for good reason. "I know what he did to your friends. I'm truly sorry for your losses." Rick's face drops as he lowers his gaze to the ground, Michonne clearing her throat as she gets back on topic.
"Did he ever hurt you? Did you ever see him hurt someone else?"
"You say sorry to her right now or I swear to god, your face is going to look like Dwighty boys here but I will not stop until your whole face looks like goddamn leather!" Negan yells, pressing my harassers face into the metal table in front of us. I clutch the side of my face that he hit just moments ago, right after calling me 'Negans bitch'.
"I'm sorry- I'm really sorry, Negan-"
"No!" Negan yells, causing me to jump beside him, his eyes flickering over to me briefly. "Sorry sweetheart- I just have to get the point across that no one- and I mean no one- can talk to you like that without suffering the very severe consequences that Lucille and I have to offer!"
"Only a few times. When men would get too close to me, when they'd threaten me, flirt with me." I explain shakily, wanting so deserpately to go to wherever they have Negan hidden away, to make sure that he's alright and that- even though they had every right to kill him- he was safe and shown mercy.
"Why?" Michonne asks once more, her eyes softening as she reaches out to take my hand and it's now that I realize there are hot tears trailing down my cheeks, the separation from the only friend I've had in so long taking a deep toll on me as I choke out.
"He was the only one in that whole place who spoke to me, actually listened to me."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @starlightandfairies
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satelliteddie · 2 years
satellite - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie will never tell you how he really feels, he cant risk losing you… but after he almost loses you to an injury in the upside down, eddie finds himself spinning out waiting for you to realize how in love he is.
content warnings: language, injuries (bruises, demo-bat wounds, scars, etc.), fainting, kissing
word count: 5.3k
author’s notes: okay so i kinda sorta altered the plot of s4 for this to work (for obvious reasons), but its simply for angst purposes…kk bye :)
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You got a new life
Am I bothering you?
Do you wanna talk?
We share the last line
Then we drink the wall
'Til we wanna talk
I go 'round and 'round
Eddie didn’t realize when he introduced you to Robin and Steve that you would so easily slip into their friend group. Of course he knew everyone would love you, but he didn’t realize how much. Before he was even aware, his circle of friends had grown to a number that was behind his comprehension. For the longest time it was just you and him against everyone else. Now, there was Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, his band/Hellfire members, and all the younger kids. He loved all of them, even though he’d never admit that, but he missed the times when it was just the two of you in his room in the trailer. You got a new life, one that he introduced you to… how could he be jealous of that when he was the reason you knew all of them? It was stupid to be jealous of people that didn’t know you like he did. Eddie was your best friend – he knew that. He did. Yet, he still felt you slipping away slowly and maybe not intentionally, but you were. He was starting to feel like it was all his fault. When Eddie did talk to you when all of you were together it was like he was bothering you. It was crazy to think that, truly. Eddie was your everything and you were his. The issue was, Eddie wasn’t sure if “everything” meant the same thing to you as it did to him. He is in love with you. Stupid, mindnumbing, all-consuming love. He tried to give himself space from you, thinking maybe that would clear his head. Spoiler: it didn’t work. Instead, he roped you into even more chaos when he told you about the Upside Down and all of its supernatural entities. Which brought him to the Wheeler’s basement, listening as you and the others discussed the next moves. Eddie runs his fingers through the ripped holes in his jeans, pulling at the loose threads.
“I just don’t understand why we have to go back there.” Robin says, rolling her eyes in exasperation.
“Yeah, I’m not following Nance,” Steve shakes his head. “If we know Vecna is dead, why would we go back?” After the Earthquake and massive fight across multiple dimensions, the physical form of Vecna had not been seen and no suspicious deaths had occurred. The group was able to clear Eddie’s name and blame it on Satanic Panic, and more “chemical leaks” still happening due to the Hawkins Labs. However, you all knew better than to bask in the peace because the fight was only starting.
“We don’t know he’s dead, Steve.” Nancy gives Steve a pointed look.
“Listen,” your voice catches Eddie’s attention. He tilts his head up watching you intently as you speak, “I don’t want to go back either, but Nancy is right. If we want to save Max, we have to try.” The rest of the group gives somber frowns as they think about Max and how she’s barely holding on as of now. It’s killing each of you slowly to know that she suffered because your plan went awry. “Eddie?” You turn to him with unwavering eyes, “what do you think?”
I’d follow you into the literal depths of Hell if that's what you wanted, he thinks while holding your gaze. He stands from the couch, brushing his hands against his jeans, “I think we should make sure the fucker is dead.”
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for ya
Eddie swore he would never return to the Upside Down after the last close call, but instead he was chucking a rope having upgraded from bed sheets through the gate in his ceiling to enter again. There’s no way this is my life, he shakes his head as the rope thumps on the ground on the other side. Your cool fingers grip his forearm, turning him to you.
“We’re going to be okay,” you say in a reassuring tone. Eddie wants to get on his knees and beg you to stay here. Or run away from Hawkins with him. Or do anything besides this.
“How do you know that?” He asks, his voice hoarse. Eddie blinks slowly, his eyes lingering on your mouth.
“I don’t,” you sigh. You tighten the military-grade vest around your torso, trying to do something with your shaking hands. Eddie notices your anxious movements and places his larger hands on yours. You look up at him with misty eyes and a small smile. He mirrors your expression before turning his face down to rest his forehead on the top of your head. Eddie inhales a shaky breath, pressing a soft kiss to your hairline. Your friendship always bordered the line of more than platonic, but Eddie knew he couldn’t risk admitting his feelings to you. So he would steal forehead kisses and hugs whenever he could. It was wrong for him to do it now when you were so scared, but he needed to comfort you in the only way he knew how. He wanted to tell you that he was always going to be right here, waiting for you; but instead all he said was, “c’mon let’s get this over with.”
You flop down on the mattress in the Upside Down, Eddie extends his hand and pulls you up from the floor.
“I’ll never get used to this,” you groan as you stand.
“We shouldn’t have to,” Eddie agrees, but it sounds more like an annoyed comment to you. You and Eddie head towards the front door of the trailer, Eddie hesitates before grabbing the doorknob. He feels his pulse in every square inch of his body, the majority focused on his scars. The scars were a part of him that he grew to accept, but coming back to the place that gave him those imperfections was not something he ever wanted to do. Ever. His mind races to the last time he was here; I almost died, he feels dizzy as the memory returns. “Sorry,” he apologizes and shakes the thought from his head. You grip his arm again with just enough force to ground him.
“Eds,” you give him a weak smile. “It's me,” you slide your hand from his arm into his hand. “You don’t have to apologize to me. I get it, this is asking a lot of you. We’ll be home soon.”
You and Eddie are deep into the forest, skipping over vines and twigs as you move through the trees. Steve, Robin and Nancy decided to take the other gate at Lover’s Lake, claiming it was smarter to split up and meet in the middle. Eddie wanted to yell at them and say that's how everyone in horror movies dies, but when you agreed to the plan he followed your lead. So far you had managed to avoid all demo-creatures as you and Eddie spoke in hushed voices. You step carefully over vines, still holding Eddie’s hand in a deathgrip. Eddie tried to ignore the flutter of his heart every time he felt your palm press to his, but he can’t stop imagining being able to hold your hand whenever he wanted.
“I think I need to go to a concert when we finally get out of here,” you comment without any previous conversation. Eddie scrunches his eyebrows as he gives you a confused look. “I’m just saying, I think we all deserve to scream our hearts out at a concert.”
Eddie doesn’t disagree, hell he never disagrees with you, yet he can’t help but laugh at your thoughts. “Only you would be thinking about live music right now,” he grins, brushing his thumb over your hand.
“Mmm, if only I knew someone in a band.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “If only,” Eddie flashes you a lopsided grin.
I'm in an L.A. mood
I don't wanna talk to you
She said, "Give me a day or two"
I go 'round and 'round
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
Finally, the daunting Creel House comes into view as you and Eddie stop at the mailbox. In the distance bike tires crunch along the road. Steve, Robin and Nancy head towards you on bicycles that are way too small for them.
“No fair,” Eddie groans. “They got bikes!”
“Eds.” You roll your eyes.
“I know, not the point.” He mocks you with a playful smirk.
“Alright, love birds,” Steve interrupts, causing you and Eddie to clear your throats at the same time. You’re not sure, but you could swear you see a faint blush rise on Eddie’s cheeks.
The five of you push open the doors to the house, stepping inside with as much stealth as you can. Robin and Eddie focus all their attention to where they step, both of them convinced they’re going to trip if they move upstairs. While you, Steve and Nancy scan the house for any signs of Vecna on the second floor and attic. The floorboards creak under every step you take, some of them becoming loose entirely and falling to the first floor below. Nancy grips your arm, pulling you away from the opening in the ground; she offers you a small smile before you continue into the next room. Steve and Nancy head into Henry’s old bedroom while you stay in the hallway to watch for any other movement. You hear Robin and Eddie’s hushed voices through the slats of the house as they move around below you.
“You still didn’t tell her? Eddie!” Robin asks, with what you can only imagine is a shove to Eddie’s shoulder.
“Shh,” Eddie whispers, but it’s just loud enough for you to hear. “I haven’t found the right time to. I don’t think she’ll ever feel that way about me…it’s not just some crush, I love her.” It feels like all the oxygen in the room was sucked out as you continue to listen. Eddie’s in love? Who was he in love with? When did he know? Why didn’t he tell me? So many questions bounce around in your brain as you try to piece together how you could have missed it. Eddie was in love with someone and he didn’t tell you. Your heart broke as you continued to hear Robin beg Eddie to tell this girl he loved. You could never place where your true feelings fell for Eddie. He was always your safe space, your best friend, your everything. You love him, but you couldn’t fall in love with him without knowing he would feel the same. It was too risky, too unknown…so instead you pushed your romantic feelings deep down. It was safer to know you had him in your life for good without the uncertainty of telling him how you really felt. You tilt your head towards the end of the hall trying to hear Robin and Eddie better.
“It’s— I don’t know. She’s my best friend, y’know? I can't risk losing her if she doesn’t feel the same.”  
“Eddie,” Robin's voice is gentle. “You’ve been in love with her since the moment you met. She loves you too, I’m sure of it.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, and you notice what sounds like shuffled foot steps. You can picture Eddie scuffing his shoes on the ground out of nerves. “How do you know?”
“You don’t see the way she looks at you when you’re not looking. Y/N loves you— in the same way you love her.”
He’s in love with me? Your head spins as you slowly step back towards the stairs, trying desperately to hear more of their conversation. Your body acts before you’re able to think straight, you step forward on another loose floorboard…but this time Nancy isn’t there to catch you. You crash through the floor, wood splitting across the hall as you lay among the broken pieces. You gasp for air, having felt the wind get knocked out of you when you fell. You stop your panicked breathing to try and level yourself.
Eddie rushes to the noise from the other side of the hall, unsure of what happened; but when he sees you, his entire world stops. It feels like time moves even slower as he approaches you with bated breath. Please be alive. You gasp for air again and the clock is back to normal pace as Eddie reaches you. He kneels by your side, not caring if he’s stepping on any of the “hive”. Eddie’s gentle as he reaches for your cheek; your attention is frantic as you scan the room trying to breathe correctly again. Your sides and back ache and every time you breathe it feels like fire should come out. You try to push yourself up to reach Eddie. You just want him to hold you and take you home. He lets you move slowly, but makes sure you don’t go too fast.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Eddie tries desperately to get you to look at him. He strokes his thumbs over your cheekbones, his calmness makes you focus on him. It can’t be that bad if he’s looking at me like this…right? Your thoughts race as you watch Eddie carefully scan over the rest of you. There’s no obvious injuries which calms and concerns him at the same time. “Look at me, sweetheart.” Your heart suddenly feels like it’s on fire too, but you know it’s not from the fall. He takes your hand in his and places it on the center of his chest. “Breathe with me, okay?” Eddie inhales and holds his breath for a moment before releasing it. He drags out the exhale for longer than he normally would before repeating the same process. Your eyes stay focused on his hand covering yours on his chest as you repeat his movements. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. You raise your eyes from your joined hands to Eddie’s eyes. His face cracks into a small smile, his eyes glossy as he looks at you. “You’re okay,” he says, trying to convince both you and him of it.
“I’m okay,” you repeat back in a hoarse voice. Eddie feels his heartbeat in his ears, every cell in his body is on fire as he watches you. I could have lost her, I could still lose her.  
“We have to go,” Eddie’s voice is shaky as he looks for support from the others. Steve, Nancy, and Robin all stand behind Eddie watching you intently. No one wants to panic you or overreact, but each of their faces are scrunched in concern. No one argues with him as they all help you stand, Eddie’s hand finding your side and pulling you to him.
“Eddie, I’m okay.” You insist, “I can walk. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Just give me a day or two and I’ll be good as new.”
Eddie looks down at you under his arm, “I don’t care if you can walk. I’m holding you until we get back to Hawkins. Maybe even after that.” You hesitate to answer, but Eddie continues, “can't take you anywhere, huh?”
You jab your elbow into his ribs, which he pretends you gravely injured him as he gasps. You rest your head against Eddie’s side laughing lightly.
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Eddie refused to leave your side the entire trip home and even after that. He made sure to give you “absolutely-necessary” piggy back rides up the stairs, made you his favorite snacks, and “borrowed” movies from Family Video. He finally left your house a full 24-hours later, after making sure you slept through the night. Your heart fluttered as you watched him sleep in the chair in the corner of your room. He adamantly refused to stay in your bed, claiming you needed the space to rest. Eventually when Eddie did leave for Hellfire the next day, his eyes looked over every bruise on your body before pulling you into a tight hug. He squeezed you into him, making sure not to go too hard even though he wants to. You grumble into his chest, “Eddie, you have to go. They're going to be waiting for you. I’m fine. I’ll be here when you get back,” you tilt your face up. Eddie offers you a soft smile which you mirror. He brushes the stray hairs away from your face before keeping his hands on your face for a little too long. “Eds,” you say after he doesn’t respond.
“Yeah,” Eddie shakes his head and drops his hands from your face. “I’ll be back tomorrow, please call me if you need anything,” you try to argue, but Eddie narrows his eyes at you. “You’re not going to be a bother, so don’t even say that. Hellfire can wait.” His eyes and mind are scattered as he looks at you; he wants to tell you how much he wants to stay. Never has he ever wanted to skip Hellfire…but he doesn’t want to leave you. His heart constricts against his chest, every emotion and feeling he has for you being trapped inside.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you promise in a hushed voice.
Right here, right here
Spinning out, waiting for ya
I'm here, right here
Wishing I could be there for ya
Be there for ya
Be there for ya, for ya
Focusing on the conversation during lunch the following day was even harder than Eddie expected. Every time he tried to pay attention to whatever the table was discussing, his mind kept wandering off to think about you. Eddie had replayed the night in the Upside Down too many times, but he kept harboring so much guilt about it. What if I told her no? What if we didn’t go back? What if she stayed downstairs? What if I was with her? Eddie's mind frantically ran over the same questions, tormenting him. He kept sneaking glances over at where Robin was sitting, wondering whether or not he should ask if she heard from you. You and Eddie didn’t share the same lunch period or any of the same classes so it was impossible to know how your day was going. Maybe I’ll skip English and wait by her locker? No, that’s pathetic. You’ll see her in a couple of hours—
“…after that Nancy wants to visit y/n. Y’know make sure she’s okay after this morning, but maybe Nancy can drop me off afterwards.” Mike mentions nonchalantly to Dustin as he explains why he can’t make it to Will’s tonight.
“You didn’t bring your bike?” Dustin asks, but Mike has no time to answer before Eddie cuts him off.
Eddie feels his pulse thumping in his ears, “what happened this morning?”
“What do you mean?” Mike shakes his head, “she didn’t tell you?”
“Wheeler, what the fuck happened to her?”
“She passed out or something trying to go back upstairs before school, I don’t know you’d have to—”
Eddie doesn’t hear the rest of what Mike has to say before his chair is scraping across the tile floor of the cafeteria. He rushes out of the cafeteria and out of the school before any teachers notice—and if they do notice, no one stops him. Eddie turns over the key in his van, cursing over and over about how you should have called. He feels like he’s going crazy. You’re consuming his every thought, worry, feeling, action, emotion. Everything. You consume him entirely. He’s so deeply in love with you that all caution and rationality has been thrown out the window. Eddie drives like a mad man to get to your house as fast as he can; his arms are covered in goosebumps when he pulls up to your house. He pushes the car door open and practically spills out onto the pavement. His breathing is staggered when he slams a fist against the front door. Eddie gives one quick look around your driveway to determine your parents are not home. Screw it. He thinks as he turns the doorknob and barrels inside.
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in (spinning out, waiting)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out waiting for ya (for ya, for ya) to pull me in (for ya)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
You wake up to the sound of someone yelling your name through your house. For a moment you panic about the fact that someone is inside, but when the voice calls again you realize it’s Eddie. Every muscle in your body relaxes as you start to sit up in bed. Your head kills, but physically your body is starting to feel better.
“I’m in my room!” You call as you shuffle around your comforter. Swinging your legs over the edge, you sit on the bed waiting for Eddie. Eddie’s heavy steps bound up the stairs, and the door swings open before you realize he’s even made it to your room. His brown eyes are glossy as he scans over your entire room before rushing to your bedside. He collapses to his knees, his chest pressed into your legs as his arms wrap around your waist. You gasp at his dramatic display, but quickly you run your fingers through his curls. A smile pulls at your lips as you look down at him, “are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Fuck- are you okay?” Eddie asks in between sniffles pressed to your shirt. He leans back and wipes his face with his shaky hands. “Jesus, what happened?” He rests his palms on your thighs, rubbing his thumb over your skin softly. He frowns as he takes in the deep purple, yellow and red splotches that cover your skin from your fall.
“I don’t know,” you shrug, still moving your hands through his hair. “I was fine getting up this morning, but going down the stairs was a lot. So when I realized I left my keys upstairs I had to go back for them.” You try to smile at Eddie and calm him, but his face remains just as worried. “I was like half way up them when it all went blurry. Nancy found me there when she came to drive me to school.” Eddie’s blood runs cold thinking about how lifeless you must have looked laying on your stairs. He can’t see you get hurt again, he can’t lose you. “I begged her not to call you. Believe me, she wanted to. So please don’t be mad at her,” you give him a stern look, but there’s no reason to because Eddie will always listen to you. He nods as you continue, “I just didn’t want to worry you. I already knew how much of your day I took up yesterday, I made you late to Hellfire, you slept in a chair–”
“I wanted to.” Eddie replies without hesitation. You brush your hands over his curls again, giving him a weak smile. His heart pounds like a jackhammer against his ribs. I have to tell her, he decides. Every voice of reason screams for him to stop before he’s ruined it all… but Eddie can’t take it anymore.
“Eddie,” you frown. “I love how concerned you are for me. I do. You’re the best friend I could ask for–”
“Don’t do that,” Eddie’s voice catches as he speaks. His eyes dart away from yours as he stands to his full height.
“Do what?” You ask, trying to rise from the bed. Eddie fights every urge to tell you to sit back down so he can hold you.
“Don’t you know that I am right here? I want you to bother me. I want you to call me. I want you. I feel like– fuck. I feel like I’m going crazy, sweetheart.” Eddie bitterly laughs as he turns away from you. All of his emotions are battling each other as he combs a nervous hand through his hair. “I’m just spinning out waiting for you to pull me in. So please,” he begs. “Please just pull me in and tell me.”
“Tell you–”
“Tell me you love me,” a tear slips from his eyes and down his cheek. “Or just put me out of my misery.”
Spinning out, waiting for ya (for ya, for ya) to pull me in (for ya)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Time stops just like it had when you fell. Eddie is certain he’s in an extremely lucid dream because there is no way he just professed his love for you like he had. He claimed he hated all those romantic movies you forced him to watch, but whenever he thought about telling you how he felt, he remembered all those corny movies. Eddie had planned for the large, romantic gesture to sweep you off your feet; instead he was in tears about losing you before he even had you. He felt like he was going crazy. There was nowhere to put all of these emotions that he felt for you. It all came so easily and naturally to him, he didn’t even realize how in love with you he was until Robin pointed it out. Now after seeing you hurt he couldn’t take it anymore, you had to know how he felt. The clock resets as Eddie stares down at you on the bed, he watches you play with your hands like you always do when you’re nervous.
Your mind feels like it’s in a fog. You knew how Eddie felt, but you couldn’t be sure he was only telling you because of everything that happened. You didn’t want him to feel pressured into saying how he felt all because you couldn’t make it up the stairs.
“I do love–” you start to say as your mind clears.
“Not like that,” Eddie turns to you. His voice is harsh, but all of his features remain soft as silent tears roll from his eyes. “You know what I meant Y/N.”
“Eddie,” you feel your own eyes starting to tear up as you watch him.
“Tell me. Either way– Christ. Just- please, just tell me.”
“Do you mean it?” You ask and Eddie starts to talk, but you raise a hand to him. “Not just because I’m hurt, or because Robin told you to tell me. Do you mean it?”
“Robin? What are you– You heard us?”
“I heard you through the floors. That’s, mmm,” you hesitate to continue. Eddie sinks down to meet your eyeline again. “I was trying to listen when I fell.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice is soft as uses a finger to tilt your chin up to look at him.
“I just want to make sure you’re not just saying it to say it.”
“I love you,” Eddie replies, his eyes lingering on your mouth. “I’m in love with you. I always have been. I would have told you no matter what. This,” he gestures to your bruises on your legs. “Just gave me the courage to say it.”
“Really?” The floodgates to your emotions break, every ounce of love you have for Eddie rushing to the front. Eddie slowly reaches his hands up from your legs to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“Really,” Eddie smiles and all the mixed emotions have seemed to clear from his eyes.
“Come up here, please,” your voice wavers as you talk. Eddie wastes no time to climb onto the bed next to you. His thigh brushes yours as he sits down, you keep your focus on his legs as Eddie peers down at you. Eddie nudges your shoulder with his and tilts his head forward to try to meet your eyes. You close your eyes and take a deep breath in. “We can’t mess this up, Eds. I can’t lose you.”
“I’m right here,” Eddie replies without any indecision. He will always be right here for you. Through the crazy, unpredictable, supernatural, natural, and everything in between. He squeezes your thigh once, “I’m not going anywhere.”
You melt into him, wrapping your arms around his torso and pulling yourself into his side. Eddie’s arms linger in the air for a second before he brings you even closer to him. Slowly, he lowers both of you down to lay on the bed; you keep your arms wrapped around his waist, not caring if his weight makes the one fall asleep. For the first time in days, it feels like your heart beats at a normal rate – slow and steady, as your breathing syncs with Eddie’s. “Eddie?” You look up at him, but he’s already smiling down at you. “I love you,” you profess feeling a weight lift off your chest and mind.
“I love you,” he smirks so wide his teeth start to peak out. Eddie turns his face down and presses a kiss to your hair; he’s done it a thousand times, but this time is different. It’s like you can feel all his love for you through it now. “So where should our first official date be?”
You humm for a moment trying to think of anywhere that would beat this moment, but you come up empty. You shrug and kiss the side of his ribs, “don’t know, but I’ll go anywhere with you.”
Eddie tries to ignore the way his heart flips, but he knows he’s going to have to get used to it now.
“What about a concert?” Eddie asks brushing away your hair from your face so he can trace your cheek bone. “I believe I heard somewhere that you wanted to scream your heart out at one.”
“You remembered that?” You laugh, raising an eyebrow at him. You lean up to fully look at Eddie; he’s flat on his back, one hand tucked under his head, his other tracing your cheek still.
“Of course I did,” Eddie says as if it’s a ridiculous question. “I remember everything you do.”
You can’t help yourself as you lean forward, your eyes glancing at his lips for a moment. Eddie meets you in the middle, his mouth is soft against yours as he draws you closer with his hands. He works his fingers from your face through your hair and keeps them at the base of your neck. Your lips melt into Eddie’s, he tastes like mint and tobacco — it’s addictive. He works his mouth over yours, his tongue traces your bottom lip gently. Eddie pulls away with a grin, moving his hand from your hair to brush his thumb over your bottom lip. You whine as his lips leave yours, causing him to smile more.
“Easy sweetheart,” Eddie says, pulling at your lip again. “Take me on a date first.”
You tilt your head at him, “oh, really?”
“Fuck no,” Eddie breaks. He pulls you closer, his focus back on your mouth, “we have a lot of time to make up for.”
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
ahhhh my (user)name-sake <<33 I love this song so much, I am a satellite girly thru and thru... gotta love a sad song with a happy beat
next in the series: boyfriends - s.h.
✭masterlist ✭ requests
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crocheting-cupio · 4 months
Recently I remembered the ONE time another kid tried to bully me (this happened only once because I was homeschooled) and how he just... failed so miserably because I did not care and was not intimidated in the slightest. And I also may have changed the course of that kid's life. Bit of a long one just because I like telling detailed stories.
So the town I lived in was throwing a Canada Day celebration in the park behind town hall. And by park I mean it was a rectangular clearing in a forest. Anyway, they got a water slide, a bouncy castle, a guy doing balloon animals, a stage to play music that evening, fireworks, and my Mom was doing face painting. There was like around 30-40 kids at the event.
Almost every kid wanted their face painted, so my Mom was pretty busy that day. But this one kid around my age (9) was, for some reason, very insistent on getting his face painted before everyone else. When it was his turn, he was really unhappy with my Mom's job and demanded she redo it. And when she refused, I think he punched her in the arm (although obviously not very hard) and his dad took him away to give him "a talk" and told him not to bother her anymore.
A little later that day, he's just kind of brooding with his arms crossed near our tent. Then he walks up to me and asks if there's anything I can do to change my Mom's mind. I was like, "No???? Why would I help you? You hit my Mom!" I think he offered me all the change he had in his pocket, but I refused. Then he threatened to steal my lunch money or something next time he saw me and I said, "I don't even go to school! Let alone YOUR school." Then I pointed out there's other fun things still available to him that he could be doing, but chose to keep bothering me and my Mom. And he just... walked away looking defeated.
As the day went on I noticed he kept getting himself into trouble by being rude or trying to get into fights. Although the fighting thing didn't work out because, since we were in a big clearing with plenty of adults present, the other kids could just run away. I think he got himself kicked out of the water slide as well.
By this point, I was very overwhelmed and drained by sound, so I wandered off to a quieter area to enjoy an orange soda in peace. As I finished it off, the kid comes back and says, "Do you wanna fight?!" and I'm like, "No why would I want to fight you??" But he didn't wait for an answer and managed to punch me twice, but not very hard. Even as a 9 year old it didn't feel like a strong punch. I dropped my empty can and grabbed both his hands so he couldn't keep swinging and said, "HEY! If you keep fighting me I'll tell my Mom and your dad and he'll take you home for being bad! You've been getting in trouble all day! Then you won't get to hear the music OR see the fireworks! And is that what you want?!" He didn't answer, but the answer was clearly no.
He stopped trying to fight me and I let go. I didn't try to push him away or anything, I didn't even take a step back and simply stood where I was, and this seemed to confuse him. Like he was anticipating that I would want some kind of revenge or want to "win" the fight. But truly I did not want to hurt him, I didn't even dislike him. I had also had bad days where I wanted to fight everybody, but I knew that sometimes when you're angry you say things you don't mean and hurt the people that you care about. I felt he did not actually dislike me (or anyone else at that event) but was just frustrated and didn't know how to deal with that feeling.
Then he tried to insult me, but that also didn't work. It went something like this:
Him: "You're STUPID." Me: "Well, I don't think so because I read a lot of books. I've read every science book we have at home and most of the ones at the library." "Well, you're UGLY." "I look just like everyone else?? Besides, there's not really any ugly people." "Well, your FACE is stupid!" "My face can't be stupid? Only our brains can be stupid." "Well, your mom is FAT!" "That's only because she had me and my siblings. Getting fat after you get pregnant happens to a lot of women. And there's nothing wrong with being fat." "Well, your outfit SUCKS!" "I like my outfit and it's comfortable for me to wear, and that's all that matters to me. You're the first person to say you don't like my outfit, most people like what I wear." "You're so WEIRD!" (It was clear to me at this point he was running out of insults.) "Well, my whole family is weird so that makes sense. We don't think there's anything wrong with being weird because everyone is a little weird. You're weird too, and that's okay. :)"
I had noticed that he didn't seem angry anymore, but just confused and trying to figure me out. And he asked very genuinely, "Why don't you care...?" And I said, "Well, I don't really know you because we just met today, I don't go to your school, and unless they have another event like this again then we're probably never going to see each other again. Why SHOULD I care what you think?"
And he looked completely defeated and like he had never considered this. I had laughed because it was funny to me how I couldn't be bullied despite his best efforts, then he walked away. I caught up to him and tried to apologize for laughing, because I didn't want to make him think I was laughing AT him, but he brushed me off and said it was fine. So I let him go on his way.
Later, during the mini concert, I saw him again with his dad. The dad had stood near-ish to us without realizing it, and I heard the kid say to his dad that he didn't want to be near "the scary girl." I was very confused by this as I thought I was very unintimidating and approachable. But it was kind of funny to me that he found me scary.
Hilariously, I DID see him again about two weeks later at a different and much smaller community event. When he saw I was there he ran up and asked if I remembered him. I said, "No, are you a friend I made before?" and he was aghast that I didn't remember him. Then I mentioned that I'm terrible at recognizing faces so this wasn't usual.
He had jogged my memory by describing what he did that day and then I was like "Oh yeah, I remember you now! :)" Then he asked with genuine curiosity, "Did you cry when you got home?" and I was like, "No? Because your insults didn't hurt me? When we got home we had supper and then I went to bed, just like any other day." This baffled him. He asked if I really wasn't hurt, and I once again confirmed that I was completely unaffected.
I think at this point his dad had come over and asked if his son was bothering me, and I told him that no, we were just talking.
After his dad was gone, I asked him if he was doing okay. He seemed very angry that day and I wanted to know if he was feeling alright. Turns out he was doing poorly in school and was also being physically abused by his father (which I was actually aware of because I'd seen his dad hit him on Canada Day). So I was like, "Oh no! That's awful. Do you want a hug?" He did take the hug after I convinced him that hugs are not inherently romantic and we shouldn't care if other people think we are dating because WE know we aren't, and it seemed like he really needed that hug.
Then he started asking me big questions. Like how do you just not care about what anyone thinks? Why are you nice to me even though I was mean to you? How do I become smart like you? And I gave him the best answers I could: Because other people's opinions are not nearly as important as they seem, because I'm just nice to everyone and you seemed like you were in a bad spot, and because I read a lot of books and watch educational TV shows. I even offered him some advice for how to manage his anger because he had said he got into a lot of fights a school and at home and always felt angry. I told him to just rip up a box or punch a soft toy when he felt like fighting because that's what I did. Or spend some time alone to cool down. And the classic take some deep breaths.
After that, we did the whole event thing that was happening. I'm pretty sure I did say goodbye, though.
I saw him another time a few months later, and he excitedly told me that my advice really helped and he hadn't started a fight in several weeks. He had also been reading more, was now taking regular trips to the library, and said his grades had improved a lot. Like, from getting a D on average to a B or B+ in almost every class kind of improved. And his parents even bought him an expensive toy that he always wanted as a reward. Most importantly, he said his dad almost never hit him now. I gave him a celebratory hug, because that's such a huge improvement and he seemed genuinely a ton happier. He wasn't a bully now, he was just a normal kid. And arguably he was better off in some ways than the other kids.
I hope that guy is doing okay now. I really do. He seemed like he just needed someone to talk to and who would listen.
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(cw: like..........kinda death mention if that bothers you??????? talking about it in a disability/chronic illness context)
man I'm having feelings lol (good?????? I think??????????? definitely not bad)
I don't really talk about my specific condition very often because like.....idk. I'm sure other people with permanent since-birth disabilities can relate, but it's such a regular part of my life that I think about it as much as my glasses, y'know?
But I have spinal muscular atrophy, which is a neuromuscular disorder that gets worse over time until it usually passively kills you (most commonly: you get a respiratory infection and your lungs don't have the strength to clear it). Pretty much my whole life I've expected the loss of function and planned accordingly. Like, "okay when you can't use your good arm anymore, we'll get a voice controller so we can still write", "okay when we're on a permanent vent we already have everything set up so we'll be able to comfortably go places with it", etc etc. It's just always been an inevitability I needed to adapt and prepare for instead of avoid.
I've already been on new medication that stops/significantly slows down the progression, which has already shook my worldview that I'm probably not gonna die as young as I always thought I would (and confirmed that the meds are working!!!!!).
But now I just found out today that, in about two years max, they're gonna have a treatment to rebuild muscle as well.
So like...not only will I be on medication that's preventing me from getting worse, but I will potentially also have a medication that helps me regain what I've already lost.
If it's only marginally, that would improve my life significantly. If I had function of my arms, so much of my nightmare scenarios about my independence and staying out of an institution--especially when my mom and dad die or Ace moves away or something--would be quelled. I could take care of myself, like fully truly, and rely a little less on staff for once. I could actually do things that I wanna do but they don't have good adaptive equipment for my own needs, like cooking and cleaning and gardening--playing with my pets!!!!!! video games again!!!!!!!! Witchcraft!!!!!!
For the first time in my life, I wouldn't be living with the expectation that I would be losing something constantly.
I might actually end up being okay.
Idk it's really kinda overwhelming to think about.
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bungoustraypups · 6 months
@daught3rsofcain i made a separate post for this, btw, to respect creantzy and (try to) keep any more unnecessary fighting off of their posts, however i feel this needs to be addressed given how it caused issues over on twitter and i wanna make my stance clear as well as make it clear that this kind of comment is unacceptable
tl;dr for anyone who doesn't wanna/can't/doesn't have time to read my whole rant/already agrees with me and doesn't need to be convinced on why you should shut the fuck up if you see fanart/fanfic/other fan shit you dislike or that mildly bothers you but is otherwise harming no one online: curate your online spaces, block liberally and without question, do whatever you need to do to be comfortable, but never demand that other people bend to your will just because you personally think something is disrespectful to you
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i'm gonna keep it brief: don't say this shit on someone's art.
you might think it's disrespectful and "disgusting", but that doesn't actually make it so. i implore you to do a little googling into the history of romantic jesus depictions, because if you do, you'll quickly find that people have been doing this very thing for literal centuries.
yes, they had pushback even back then, as most artists who make any kind of art esp religious art often do no matter what they're depicting, but obviously the fact that people continuously do it and that most christians either don't give a fuck or at the very least ignore it and move on.
if you were truly so incensed upon seeing silly fanart of bsd fyodor dostoevsky and a very historically inaccurate depiction of jesus christ based off of leonardo da vinci's gay lover (yes, that is where this very popular depiction of jesus comes from, while there's some debate over who exactly was the muse as leo had a few gay lovers, most people agree the depictions of white or fair-skinned jesus today that are similar to the ones da vinci made are based off of someone he was in love with whether they were in a relationship officially yet or not) you simply could have blocked OP or the post or simply ignored it, and yet you chose instead to do this, which is why i bothered responding
people threatened creantzy on twitter and sent death threats to them over this, for much the same reason as you claim to have left this thoughtless, hurtful comment. even if creantzy doesn't care and can brush it off, which is a fair and valid response, the way people online feel entitled to force everyone they interact with to only produce material they personally agree with is childish, immature, cruel, entitled, and quite frankly, shitty behavior.
it would be one thing if this artwork depicted, for example, a marginalized religious figure, but considering Christianity is not just a major global religion, but is the current dominant global religion with approximately 2.4 billion followers worldwide, and most countries have no discriminatory laws against the practice of christianity or against christians themselves, when the same cannot be said for literally every other religion on the planet right now to varying degrees (if you live in the USA, for example, we may not explicitly forbid the practice of other religions, but hate crimes are rising, especially antisemitic and islamophobic hate crimes, and the perpetrators of those crimes are largely either atheists who were formerly christian, or current christians; and almost all of our major holidays are centered around christian religious holidays, even if the marketing no longer reflects this, that doesn't make it less true)...
basically you're causing a fuss over a non-issue. my grandma is very christian and thinks this art is pretty and even though she doesn't get it, has no real issue with it considering christians themselves have been doing this for... almost since christianity began, arguably. your opinions don't dictate what people should or shouldn't post online.
block, move on, and live your life. stop harassing artists.
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jessybarnes · 1 year
Something New
Ship - Cockles - Single!Jensen x Single!Misha
Rating - 18+ Only! Minors DNI!!
Tags - Sexuality struggles, First-time m/m sex, anal fingering, anal sex, rimming, oral (male receiving), mentions of coming out, mentions of not being accepted, anxiety, angst, fluff, smut, comfort, drinking, cursing, NSFW title banner, seriously if you're a minor go away!
Word Count - 3800 ish
Beta - Just Grammarly and Me
Fic Aesthetic - Yours truly
A/N - This is a repost from my old Tumblr account. I am in the process of transferring all of my fics over to this blog. I hope you enjoy. :)
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Misha flirted a lot. Everyone knew this and accepted it as a part of his outgoing nature. Jensen, on the other hand, still hadn't grown accustomed to the lingering touches and longing stares from his best friend. It wasn't that it made him uncomfortable, no it was very much the opposite. 
He tried to ignore the way his heart sped up every time Misha's fingers grazed his skin or the way he held him when they would hug, but it was impossible. Jensen didn't want to admit it. He was supposed to be straight, find a nice woman, and give his Mother and Father the grandkids they wanted. Instead, he was having an internal battle with his mind on whether or not his male co-star was hot. 
Jensen sighed and rubbed at his temples lightly. Currently, he was reading over the newest script for one of the upcoming episodes. People probably thought that playing Dean should have come to him naturally by now since he played him on TV for the better part of thirteen years. Sometimes it was more complicated than just 'getting into character' though. 
Certain scenes, much like the one he was reading now, involved Cas and Dean staring into each other's eyes for a longer than normal period of time. That part didn't bother him as much. It was the stage direction that was written in the script. Of course, he didn't write the script or the stage directions so he didn't really have much of a say in how their characters did things. 
Jensen stared down at the off-white paper. His eyes re-reading the same bold print that menacingly stared back up at him. 
INT. THE BUNKER, DAY There's tension between Dean and Cas from a previous argument.  They eye fuck for approx. 30-45 seconds until Sam clears his throat to get their attention.
He swallowed thickly wishing the direction would change, probably for the umpteenth time now. 
Couldn't they have picked a better way to word this?
A sudden knock at his trailer door made him jump. He tossed the script onto his coffee table before walking across the room to unlock it. The familiar silhouette of Jared should have put his mind at ease, but he knew his best friend of so many years would notice something was bothering him. Deciding there was no point in avoiding the inevitable, he flung open the door to let him in. 
"Hey, Jare"
Jared walked up the two stairs into Jensen's trailer and plopped down on his sectional. 
"You're awfully quiet today, Jay. What's going on?"
Jensen sighed, running a hand across his face. Good thing he hadn't been to hair and makeup yet. He didn't wanna piss anyone off this early in the day. Grabbing two beers, he tossed one to Jared and sat down. 
"I don't really wanna talk about it. Not like there's anything anyone can do about it anyway."
He took a long pull of his beer while Jared studied him. He watched Jensen's eyes glance at the stapled packet of papers quickly before focusing on the view from the window. 
"It's something from today's shoot isn't it, Jay?"
Jared picked up the papers and leaned back against the couch. Jensen didn't try and stop him, but he didn't elaborate either. He just sat and watched as the taller Texan read over the page he'd been mulling over a few minutes ago. 
"I don't see anything wrong wi-"
Jared stopped mid-sentence and turned to look at Jensen. He scooted slightly closer and pointed to the middle of the page. 
"It's the 'eye fucking' part isn't it?"
Jensen looked away, picking at a loose string in the hem of his jeans. The beer bottle rested loosely against his lips as he took another swig.
"Jensen, you should really tell him, you know."
It was a miracle the beer didn't come out his nose. It took him a minute to stop choking and gain his breath back. A blush crept up the side of his neck as he looked down at his lap. 
"I don't know what you're talking about, Jared."
Once again the script was tossed carelessly on the coffee table. Jared scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
"Oh c'mon, Jay! You can't possibly think I believe you. I know how you feel about Mish, and I think you do, too. It's okay to admit that you got a thing for him, and frankly, I think you should talk to him about it. I mean look at it this way, how many times have we told fans that it's okay to be yourself. Love is love, and honestly, I think Misha feels the same way."
Jensen let out a defeated sigh. He should have known better. He and Jared can read each other like a book, and sometimes that wasn't necessarily a good thing. 
"I can't tell him, Jared. I'm not supposed to feel things like this for another man. My parents didn't bring me up this way. I'm just going to grin and bear it until we get through shooting this. I'm an actor. I can just push my feelings aside until this is all over with." 
Jared set his bottle down and repositioned himself so he was facing him. Jensen looked miserable. He was clearly stressing way too much over this. He was pale and dark circles lingered under his eyes from lack of sleep.
"Jay, that's bullshit and you know it! You can't control the way you feel for someone. It doesn't matter how your parents wanted you to turn out. What does matter is who you want to be. If the real you is attracted to both men and women, then so be it. If your Mom and Dad can't accept you for who you are, then they aren't taking your best interest to heart."
Jensen rested his head in his hands and shook his head. 
"Even if they miraculously accept the fact that I have a crush on Mish, how the hell am I going to tell him? I have no idea how I'll get the words out, let alone bring it up."
Jared stood up and walked toward the liquor cabinet. He pulled a bottle of Crown Royal from the top shelf and blew the dust off. 
“Sounds like you could use some stronger liquid courage.”
Now it was Jensen’s turn to scoff. He watched as Jared grabbed two glasses from one of the cabinets and put a couple cubes of ice in them. 
“I can’t shoot these scenes drunk off my ass Jared. Bob will have my head.”
If Jared heard him, he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he focused on pouring them each a glass. Handing one to Jensen, he sat back down and sipped at it slowly. After a minute of looking between his glass and his best friend, he sighed and licked his lips. 
“Ah, what the hell, why not? Gotta get through today’s shooting somehow.”
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Forty-five minutes later everyone was on the Bunker set setting up for the next scene. The crew was getting the lighting perfected while the director, who just happened to be none other than Richard Speight Jr., conversed with Misha across the room. Jensen shifted his weight nervously and tried to look anywhere else. His eyes kept finding their way back to him though. 
Even though their characters wore layers upon layers of clothing, Jensen could still tell Misha had been working out. His thighs were well defined in the black slacks, how the tan fabric of Castiel’s trench coat hugged his biceps made his mouth water and the way his hair was tousled sent image after naughty image through his mind. 
Jensen bit his lip and looked away. There was no way he was surviving this scene. Misha had him hook, line, and sinker, and the way things were looking he was going to end up walking off the set before they had a usable take. Before he was able to dwell on it any longer, fingers snapped in his face bringing him back to reality. 
“Hellooo! Jensen? You okay man? We’re ready to start, but if you need a minute we-”
Jensen pushed past Rich and stood on his mark that was taped to the floor. 
“I’m good. Let’s get this over with.”
Misha studied him, his piercing cerulean eyes making him shiver. Jared walked around the table and sat in front of the open laptop. Things were eerily quiet between the three of them. Normally, they would be joking around until the moment action was called. 
Rich took a seat in the director's chair and looked through the camera one more time making sure the angle of the shot was right before turning his attention back to them. 
“Roll sound!”
One of the crew members came in with a slate board and held it in front of the camera. 
“Supernatural scene thirty-two, take one! Marker!”
Rich took a deep breath and crossed one leg over the other. He knew this was an intense scene so he was mentally preparing himself to do more than one take. 
Misha walked around the table holding a tattered old book. Jensen eyed him furiously as he snatched it out of his hand. 
“Dammit Cas! I know we needed this book, but I told you not to do anything stupid!”
Misha tilted his head sideways, narrowing his eyes. The hand that was holding the book now rested rigidly at his side, his fingers curled into a fist. 
“Dean, this was probably our only chance for us to get this book! I took a chance and brought it back unharmed. I did it for you! You want to save your brother don’t you?”
Jensen slammed the book on the table a little too hard causing Jared to jump. It wasn’t in the script, but no one said anything so he continued with his line. 
“You could have waited for Sammy and me! We could have gone and got it together. Cas, you could have gotten yourself killed man! When are you gonna learn that you’re our family Cas? Family sticks together. Sammy needs you ... I need you. 
Misha stepped slightly closer to Jensen and lifted those ocean eyes up to his green ones. Jensen was shaking. Whether it was with rage or nervousness he didn’t know, but he had to finish this scene. He couldn’t do this more than once. His eyes flitted down to Misha’s mouth just as his tongue came out to wet his lips, and dammit if he didn’t feel his cock twitch. He couldn’t do this. He needed to get out of there. Just as he was about to storm off to the confines of his trailer, Jared cleared his throat. 
“Guys … get this! So, the writings in this book are apparently a dead language! There’s some sort of codex that requires piecing together, but I think I can crack it if I can just get past this encrypted file.”
Rich stood up and rubbed his hands together. 
“That was great guys! Very well done with the dynamics. Oh! Nice touch with making Jared jump Jay. His face was priceless! I’m recommending that one for the gag reel.”
Jensen wasn’t listening. He was still staring at Misha, who was now taking off Cas’ tan coat. He watched as his back muscles flexed under his white button-up, and immediately felt his mouth go dry. He couldn’t stand in the same space as his co-star any longer. It was too much. Everyone watched as he took off towards his trailer. Anything was better than feeling this way in his opinion.
“Jensen? You sure you’re feeling okay? You look a little flushed. Hey! Jens- Where are you going? We gotta do another take. Jensen?!”
Once he was back behind his trailer door he immediately stripped off all his clothes and tossed them in a pile. Nothing sounded more appealing than a cold shower. He relished the feeling of the cool spray as it cascaded down his body. Jensen propped his arm against the shower wall and rested his head against it. He needed to figure out how to suppress his feelings because he didn’t think he could go through this every day. 
Ten minutes later he cut the water off and shoved the shower curtain back. Jensen shivered as water droplets clung to his skin. He wrapped one of his burgundy towels around his waist and padded back into his kitchen to grab another beer. 
“Hey Jens.”
He didn’t expect to hear another voice coming from his living room area, and he definitely didn’t expect it to be Misha’s. He nearly jumped out of his skin as he whirled around. 
“Jesus, Mish! What the hell?!”
Misha stood and walked across the room not stopping until he was mere inches from him. Jensen swallowed thickly looking down at the neck of the beer bottle to try and distract himself. 
“Why are you avoiding me, Jay? Jared says you’re not, but I can tell you are. You’ve barely said two words to me today other than when we filmed that scene. Even then, I could tell something was wrong. You rarely break character.”
Jensen shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Mish I … It’s not that simple. Y-You didn’t do anything wrong … I just … I can’t do this.”
Misha grabbed his arm before he could get away and pressed him against the wall. The way Jensen’s breath hitched didn’t go unnoticed by him, and that only confirmed his suspicions. 
“Can’t do what Jay?”
Jensen inhaled sharply, the smell of Misha’s cologne nearly making him moan.
“Wha - What are you doing?!”
Misha rested a hand on Jensen’s chest. The water droplets still lingered and he could feel the rapid beat of his heart against his palm. 
“Shh. Just relax Jay. Just let go.”
Jensen closed his eyes, shuddering under the warmth of his fingertips. 
“I - I don’t know what you’re ta-”
Before he could finish his sentence Misha’s lips were on his. For a split second, all Jensen could do was stand there. Eventually, he threw caution to the wind and began to kiss him back. His lips were pillow-soft and he tasted of spearmint. It was intoxicating, and it only made Jensen more dizzy with want. 
Misha tilted his head and licked at Jensen’s bottom lip requesting permission. He granted him access without hesitation groaning as he licked into his mouth. Misha’s knee pressed between his thigh forcing the towel around his waist to come loose. The friction against his dick along with Misha’s perfect lips kissing and licking along his pulse point became his undoing. Jensen wasted no more time contemplating whether he was making a big mistake or not. The hottest man he’d ever laid eyes on was bringing him pleasure he’d never felt before, and he intended on returning it tenfold. 
“Unngh M-Mish… fuck…”
A low growl came from Jensen’s throat as he maneuvered them toward the hallway. His towel lay forgotten on the floor, his hands finding refuge in Misha’s short dark locks. He tore at the slightly shorter man’s shirt trying desperately to remove it. Buttons littered the small space scattering in different directions when it wouldn’t come off fast enough. Misha chuckled and brought Jensen’s head down for another bruising kiss. 
“Wardrobe is gonna be pissed you know. That was one of Castiel’s only clean white shirts.”
Jensen worked at his belt and wasted no time in shoving Misha’s slacks down his legs. His mouth watered at the sight of his tented boxers, a noticeable wet spot becoming more prominent from his arousal. 
“Don’t care. Wardrobe can take it outta my pay. Need you too bad.”
Misha knew how reserved Jensen was, and the fact that he was unable to speak in full sentences and was on the verge of losing control was by far the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Slowly Misha sank to his knees and looked up at Jensen through his long lashes. He wetted his lips placing open-mouthed kisses on his thighs. Jensen whimpered shamelessly when Misha licked a long stripe up the underside of his cock. Before he could process what was happening, Misha took him deep into his mouth and didn’t stop until he hit the back of his throat. 
“F-Fuck! Christ, Misha... “ 
Misha couldn’t get enough of how Jensen tasted. It reminded him of sandalwood and old spice. He stripped off his boxers and began palming his cock, moaning at the way Jensen was coming undone by his mouth alone. 
“Fuck Jay, you taste so good. Wanna feel you cum baby. Wanna taste every last drop of that sweet nectar.”
Jensen was so close he could taste it. The heat coiled in his lower belly, and his hands instinctively came out to grasp the back of Misha’s head. His rhythmic thrusts soon became more erratic as the first waves of his orgasm washed over him. 
“Oh fuck! Mish I’m gonna… fuck I-I’m gon- ah!!!”
Jensen watched as Misha swallowed around him making sure not to miss a single drop. He stood, pressing his lean body against his, leaving a trail of kisses along his jaw. 
“Such a good boy Jay. You taste so good too.”
Jensen’s breathing was ragged as he came down from his high. His eyes were closed and his cock was still rock hard. He was a goddamn goner. Never in his life had he come that hard, not until Misha anyway. 
Mere minutes later, Jensen was sprawled out on his bed. Misha was rooting around in his drawers for something, and soon he realized what it was. His eyes went wide at the small bottle of lube and the predatory look in his co-star’s eyes. 
“Mish, I… I’ve never…”
Misha silenced him with a sweet kiss on his lips. 
“I know baby, don’t worry okay? I’m gonna make sure you’re nice and prepared for me. Gonna make you feel so good, Jay. Can’t wait to hear those pretty moans you'll make just for me.”
The sound of the bottle cap opening filled the room and soon Misha was coating his fingers with the shiny liquid. He leaned his body over Jensen’s, resting his weight on one arm. The other slid between his bow legs finding his entrance with ease. Jensen sucked in a breath as Misha pressed one digit against his opening. 
“Shh, baby you gotta relax for me. Just breathe, Jay. Let me in and I’ll show you how good it feels.”
Jensen opened his eyes and was met with Misha’s lust-blown ones. He let out a shaky breath, and let his mouth fall open as Misha eased in his finger. He eased it in and out slowly creating a steady rhythm. It wasn’t painful, but it was definitely foreign. Soon Misha slid in another finger and curled them upwards searching out his prostate. He knew he’d found it when Jensen’s back arched off the bed and the prettiest moan he’d ever heard fell from his lips. 
“Mmmm, Jay… I wanna taste you. Get on all fours baby. Gonna show you how good it feels to be worshiped.”
Jensen flipped over on his belly and gripped his pillow. Misha hooked his fingertips into the place where his thighs met his hips and pulled him so his ass was presented to him nicely. 
“So beautiful... “
Misha placed a hand on each side of his ass and spread him open. Jensen dipped his head low and groaned when he felt the wetness of Misha’s tongue against his hole lapping at him repeatedly. He could feel the familiar heat in his core and began fisting his cock furiously. 
“Oh God… Mish! Please… p-please need to feel you…”
Misha pulled away, his chin glistening with saliva. He turned Jensen over so he was laying on his back again. He pushed two fingers back inside him and began to scissor him open gently. His mouth leaving love bites along Jensen’s inner thighs. 
“Gotta get you ready for me baby. Don’t wanna hurt you any more than necessary.”
Soon Misha was three fingers deep and Jensen was wantonly meeting every thrust. He could almost cum like this. Watching his best friend coming undone by his hands alone. It was almost too much. 
“Please f-fuck me… please! Need you. Fuck Misha please!”
Misha removed his fingers and slicked his cock up with lube. He once again leaned over Jensen and captured their lips in a heated kiss. He knew this would hurt, so he did his best to distract him from the pain. Pressing firmly against his tight hole, he sheathed himself inside him. Both of them moaned obscenely at the sensation, and Misha tried not to cum at the way Jensen’s muscles squeezed him deliciously. After a few seconds, he felt the Texan’s nails scrape bluntly against his chest. 
“Fuck me Mish… Wanna feel everything you’ve got.”
Misha growled and pulled out almost completely, before slamming back into him. Jensen threw his head back and gripped the sheets, not caring that his sinful moans filled his trailer. They built up a steady pace, and both were well aware that people walking by could tell what was going on. Soon Misha’s brutal thrusts became more sporadic. His forehead rested against Jensen’s as his cock pounded him, brushing against his prostate over and over again. 
“Fuck Mish, You’re gonna make me cum again… c’mon baby, fill me up. Wanna feel you cum inside me. Fuck baby, just like that...Oh, God!”
Misha swallowed his moans with a heated kiss. Jensen could feel his second orgasm of the day approaching as Misha continued to fuck into him. He began to stroke his cock feverishly, his ass tight around Misha’s dick as the first spurts of white coated his belly. 
Misha wasn’t far behind, filling him up, as he felt Jensen’s cum coat their chests. They stayed like that, breath heavy, and beads of sweat covering their bodies. Slowly Misha pulled out and grabbed the nearest article of clothing to clean them up. 
He climbed back on the bed and laid next to Jensen nuzzling into his neck. He felt the warmth of his arms snake around his torso and held him close. 
“Fuck, that was amazing..” Jensen purred. 
Misha peppered kisses along his pulse point and raked his nails lightly down his back. 
“You did so well for your first time, Jay. I’m so proud of you. Took me so well.” Misha said tiredly.
Jensen felt his breathing even out, and soon light snores fell from his lips. It was hard to believe how fast he was falling for this man, but he couldn’t wait to see where they’d take their newfound relationship. Whatever happened, he knew he would be along for the ride
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turtlemagnum · 10 months
so, quick summation of today's thanksgiving:
family didn't mind me wearing my noise cancelling headphones! i could still hear em just fine because they're loud and i wasnt listening to music, so that's fine
my grandpa got mildly upset when it turned out the clearly already opened and drank out of 2 liter of mtn dew wasn't brought for anyone but me (the guy who drank out of it with his mouth), but he stopped caring when the guy who owns the house was like "dude, we've got mtn dew". i knew they'd have drinks of their own which was why i didn't bother to bring something for them (aside from me fully expecting for the mtn dew to be what keeps me sane), but i wasn't expecting them to also just straight up have mtn dew
i don't like turkey, it's one of two meats i've had that i actively dislike. but sadly, it's the one bird our shitty founders happened to eat, so it's some harebrained fucking tradition, but whatever. the thing is, parts of my family also insist on having fucking ham, which is literally the only other meat i dislike!!! i like pork, chicken, beef, all kindsa fuckin fish, but they just surgically fucking target the two meats that i dislike!!! my aunt noticed this, and we talked about it a bit and she said she might get some chicken next year for me, which was nice. still, the rolls were decent and dessert was pretty alright, so it's not like im starved or anything
maybe it's just that i'm soft spoken, but i definitely felt like i got talked over and unheard a lot. wasn't nice! still, i managed to make people laugh a couple of times, so that was nice!!!
my uncle had a spacex hoodie on. i didn't wanna ask but i was mildly disappointed in him, albeit not remotely surprised
my aunt and uncle (different ones than the other ones previously mentioned, these are the ones that i'm close enough to actually consider to be family) kept asking if i was coming over to christmas this year, for god knows what fucking reason because the only reason i didn't go last year was because they weren't hosting. no fuckin clue what was going on there
i made a crack at my grandma (which is fairly typical for the entire family, pretty much everybody present also made a crack at her (to be clear the entire family does this to one another, but my grandma is rancid and is the one that usually starts shit so to me it's moreso retaliatory but eh)), but my mom specifically calls me out for it for some fuckin reason (my aunt said that what i said was a good one, at least, made everyone laugh)
got to pet puppies and a kitty!!! the cat used my balls as a place to put his paws before jumping, so i experienced something adjacent to getting kicked in the balls by a cat, so that sucked! didn't hurt that bad though, cat was about as gentle as one kicking you in the balls could be. cat liked being pet under his chin, younger dog was fairly energetic and loving, old man dog was slow and relatively immobile but still affectionate. overall, good time with the animals!! had to take a benedryl when i got home, but i didn't take enough to meet the hat man so i should be fine
all in all, not as bad as i was expecting, the animals were nicer than the last time i came! decent thanksgiving, even if i wasn't able to truly commit to the sin of gluttony
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Hey there Hazel! I've found myself in a bit of a..predicament. Recently, I decided to revisit the new account of a writer whose old account I'm currently following only to realize that I had been blocked on their new account. Confused by this, I sent them a message pointing it out and apologizing in case I did something to upset them (i.e spam liking since they are one of the few authors I've come across to not exactly be fond of that, and I've been guilty of such in the past) but then I realized I had only interacted with their new account once, which made me even more bewildered. So I decided to ask what another author may have thought about this and they said that it may have been because I have a "blank blog" and that I shouldn't reach out to anyone to ask why I've been blocked (keeping in mind, I never did ask why. Just apologized.) because it can make someone uncomfortable and they "don't owe me an explanation for protecting their own space" which I completely understand. It is never EVER my intention to make anyone uncomfortable.
I had not the faintest clue that a blank blog can be seen as..offensive somehow? In reality, I had been building the courage to start reblogging and even possibly writing one day, but I've been moving at my own pace since I'm a generally nervous person in almost everything I do. Just recently I've been quite proud of myself for being able to send in asks/messages without being as nervous as the first time (I was an nervous wreck that time) but now because of this situation, I feel like I've moved 10 steps back. I've been overthinking this for almost the entire day and it's honestly extremely overwhelming since on one hand "wow, I can be blocked for a blank blog?" And the other "wow, now I've upset 2 of my favorite writers".
This has been weighing so heavy on my mind that truly, I feel quite deterred from interacting with anyone because of it but I want to keep trying since one day, I would like people to read my stories and I wouldn't want reblogs or anything in return, just to know that people are content with my writing. You are the only person that I've thought about reaching out to since you're so understanding and give amazing feedback and I hope to be as mature as you one day(once I get past my anxiousness).
TLDR: In case of anyone being in the same boat as me, do you have any advice on publicly writing and handling the anxiety that comes with putting out that first piece? I'm deeply sorry for the ramble and hope I was as clear and concise as possible. (And as you can see this whole thing was exhausting to the point that I'm not bothering with any anonymity)
This got a little long so read more below the cut! (Also I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna italics below... because ...work)
I can't imagine the confusion of returning to check out an author you love only to find out they've blocked you. Especially if you aren't sure what happened to cause the block.
So you've asked a question here, but your comments are of a different issue so I wanna answer both
There are so many reasons why a blog might block another. I've seen all sorts of rules posted, so I want to explain some perspectives as to why. --
Don't spam like :: some people get overwhelmed by notifications, others believe it'll lead them to being shadowbanned (this isn't true, idk why people think that), lastly - and in my opinion the most important - likes do nothing for creators. They are nice, but they don't help creators get their work seen
I know you said your working up the courage to reblog and interact, so think about your blog as a little scrapbook that you want to save and look at later. That's what Tumblr is.
Creators need your reblogs or their posts die. That's it, that's how Tumblr works.
Ageless and blank blogs :: these are more comfort level for creators. They are different person to person. Ageless is scary for adult vs minor interactions, and blank blogs are often bots (spam accounts) - so some blogs block all of them
My advice is make your blog your home before you go out into the world..it's your safe space, your happy place, so make it how you want!
DNI/BYF :: DNI (do not interact), BYF (before you follow) are great things to check out when first encountering a blog. It'll outline the rules of the author and it's possible you did something on that list that they didn't like (it can be hard to know, so check for those before interacting)
These are just a few reasons why, and I know it doesn't tell you what happened but maybe it'll bring a little background.
I'll also say that while people are allowed to set their rules, of course, still I'm sorry you were treated the way you were when figuring out why. No wonder your nervous to interact with people. Some of the interactions I've seen are ... Kinda not nice.
You're always welcome here to practice and grow more comfortable! I'm happy to help and encourage you!!
As for your second question, honestly, you just have to go for it!! If you've written something and you love it, you have to rip off the band-aid and post it.
See how it goes and learn from everything around you. I made plenty of mistakes when I first started so ask if you get lost, be open to feedback if you've made an error, and stick to your values ♥️♥️
Check out my pinned post on my blog for some writing blog 101 guides if you want more info!! And reach out if you need something.
Here's another thing, if those blogs are not going to give you a chance, there are others that will and who want you to succeed. Shrine bright firekeeper, you got this 🔥🔥
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aplaceforthesoul · 2 years
Hello :)
When I was 19 I came out to my parents as bi. Four years later I realised I'm probably a lesbian but I don't care too much about the semantics for my parents: they already know I date women so I don't really care. What does bother me is that in these four years they have very much tried to avoid my attraction to women. They only try to set me up with guys and when I mention dates with women they just...ignore it.
I know it's useless but I feel so sad about letting them down (bullshit, I know). They tolerate my attraction to women but everything they do makes it so obvious they want me to get a boyfriend. I just want them to accept me. They hated my first girlfriend to the point of my mom crying over it asking what she did wrong as a parent.
They tolerate it but wish I were straight and I am just so tired of it, I don't know what to do about it.
Thanks I'm advance
Unfortunately for a lot of parents, accepting that their child is anything other than straight is very difficult. I really wish this wasn’t the case, truly. As it is awful for so many young people who come out to their families.
They might never truly come to terms with your attraction to women. It might forever be something that they struggle with - and that sucks. But all you can do is live your truth and ensure your parents know and respect your boundaries.
The sooner you accept who you are, the stronger you will be at dealing with anyone else’s bullshit inability to do the same. Accepting yourself can be such a powerful thing, I promise.
You don’t have to do anything but live your life and invite your parents to either be a part of it or live on the sidelines. This is easier if you no longer live in their household - (and obviously, I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone whose life would be in danger if they came out).
If it were me, I’d sit my parents down and be clear that this is who I am, I am attracted to who I am attracted to, I wanna date who I want to date - and that if they refuse to accept things as they are, they will find themselves with less of a relationship with me than they already have.
You say they ‘tolerate’ it but it doesn’t seem like you truly tolerate yourself? And that’s something you need to work on. The more confident you feel in it, the less you will seek their approval. I know that is hard but as you get older, I promise these things do get easier. Remember that they have the option to respect you and be a part of your life and you are the one that holds the power in that respect.
Best of luck to you friend.
- Bonnie
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Getting tired so gonna talk abt SV stuff for a bit. It's gonna get a little story tell-y lol
In general, I think the entire main plot of SV takes about a few months- a semester really. So I think it's fair to space out the time between each major event( as in the bosses for each route).
With that being said, after the second titan, the one with the bird, Beatriz has pretty much been avoiding both Arven and Luca. Which, tbh, not entirely new given how she acted when she first met everyone, but this one kinda hurt more. Especially for Luca. In his head, he thinks Beatriz is mad at him for freezing up, much like how his dad was back during the darkest day. The reality is that Beatriz couldn't bring herself to look at Luca or Arven after running off from after the last titan. Luca was easier to avoid, being from different schools, but Arven was much more difficult. Especially when he goes out of his way to try and talk to R.B. Before it was pretty much " I don't bother you, you don't bother me" situation. To say they weren't fond of each other was kinda an understatement. The only reason Beatriz agreed to go on the path of legends was because of Luca and kinda Nemona. And honestly, I still think that tension is still there. One titan boss together isn't just gonna fix whatever is going on. In fact, i think it kinda made things worse. So why is Arven trying to talk to R.B? Simply put, her reaction to Mabosstiff was....off. It was one thing to be hostile towards Arven for no reason ( in Arven's eyes), but then that whole thing with Mabosstiff just made things weird. If anything, Arven wants some answers. But he's totally not worried for her. Nope.
It's pretty hard trying to talk to The Calamity at school, he would realize. For one, she's hardly ever out, and he doesn't know where her dorm is. Secondly, if she is out, it's kinda an unspoken rule to not approach. He actually had some students pull him aside to avoid her. This was when Arven truly stated to listen to what the other students are saying about Ramona. How she's a bully. How she caused students to go to the hospital. How she's bullying Luca- that ticked Arven off. Has anyone seen how Luca and Beatriz interact? The girl acts more like an older sister than anything towards his little buddy. How do people equate that to bullying? Arven would ask her if she wasn't so avoidant ( they have some classes together, how is she able to escape him every time????)Surprisingly, in the end it was her that confronted him. She didn't go into anything about her reaction after the second titan, or discuss how the other students talk about her. Rather she, rather sternly, suggested that Luca sat out the next titan. It's clear that the Titans trigger him and that it wouldn't be fair to keep dragging him back to them. Arven is slightly upset that they aren't talking about Beatriz here, but can't help but agree.
There's so much more I wanna talk about: Luca's reaction, R.B and Nemona, Luca and R.B with the team Star bosses, R.B coming semi-clean to Arven by the third titan( which is gonna be so fucking messy god)- but I'm getting tired lol. That's all for now. Later!
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