#to have a nice chat on tgcf
nomorepostshere · 1 year
who are you?
Also, is that xie lian?
I am a homo sapien
Yesss yesss..it's our mantou boy xie lian
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baiwu-jinji · 3 months
translated the postscript of the revised edition of TGCF, it's beautifully written and you can just tell from the tone of the writing that MXTX's been through stuff:
"I write first to entertain myself, then to entertain others. Of course, self-expression and self-affirmation are given priority, but other people's appreciation is important positive feedback as well. Therefore, above all I want to thank my readers who have stayed with me all along unwaveringly and unfailingly. It's not as if I've never thought about walking away from it all: everyone has different opinions and it gets too loud, too much turmoil in the community makes me want to abandon social media. That would have seemed nice too. But looking back, my steps always waver, and I'm reluctant to part with some readers who are true and sincere.
In the past, there were writers I really loved who just disappeared from the internet, and I always felt as if days of my youth disappeared with them. This is a terrible feeling, and makes one think thoughts that are too grand and harsh, like things tragically forgotten by time, or the overwhelming movement of history. Therefore, I want to stay with my readers longer to the best of my ability. Maybe the day of parting will come eventually, but it could come just a little bit later. Maybe I'm not good enough as I am, but I will try to become better in the coming days. Maybe you've never understood what kind of person I am, or even completely misunderstood me, but anyone who comes is a guest, and anyone who stays is a friend; as long as you like my stories, we can sit down and have a chat."
original Chinese:
我曾有很喜欢的作者消失在网络,我总觉得是我的一段青春销声匿迹了,这感觉很难受,让人联想到一些诸如时代眼泪、历史洪流之类过于宏大冷酷的东西。所以,我想竭尽所能地陪伴我的读者更久一些。或许离别的那一天终将到来,但它可以来得晚一些。或许现在的我还不够好,但日后的我会努力变得更好。或许你从来不了解我是什么样的人,甚至是全然误解,但来者是客,留者是友,只要喜欢我的故事,咱们就能坐下聊聊。” ——天官赐福新修版后记
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dagnyart · 22 days
Hi, Welcome and nice to see you here!
My name is Dagny. I'm a multifandom artist and this is my blog where I share my art and some part of my current fandom obsessions with you 。^‿^。 You are always welcome here, I love to chat and vibe with good people~ My current obsessions are: #tgcf #mdzs #genshin #hsr and my OC's
Also I have timeless love for: Darkling, Harry Potter, Silm and Lotr, Moonk Knight, Dgm, Les Miserables, SH, Marvel and DC. So any time I can drop a new art with any of those, but it's not regular. You can find some old stuff using those # in my blog. Some of my arts or ships you can find strange and OOC, that's because I have a lot of AUs and role playing headcanons which sometimes have nothing with original story. That's ok if it's not suit you, but there are always people who will love it too, so I'll share it anyway, haha. I will be happy to tell you about all this stuff, though. Maybe we are soulmates here, you just don't know about it yet! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ And I can draw something for you any time! Commissions are always open, just dm me!
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holy--milk · 1 year
TGCF modern AU
I should be working on my master’s thesis right now, so in the typical me fashion I’m devoting my time and energy to making up silly TGCF fic scenarios instead fdshjdsjdshjds
Xie Lian meets a teenager at a bus stop at night who introduces himself as San Lang and tells him that he ran away from home after a fight with his family and now has nowhere to stay. Naturally, Xie Lian is like “No way you’re spending the night in the streets” and brings him to his cheap ass flat.
They live like that for a few days, with Xie Lian spending most of the day at work while San Lang takes care of his run-down flat for him by doing repairs (he turns out to be quite handy) and cleaning because he wants to do something nice for this nice weirdo that took him in. In the evenings, they have dinner and chill together, with Xie Lian coming to appreciate the teenager’s company more and more.
It goes on like that for a while until one day, when they go grocery shopping together, San Lang gets cornered by a shady-looking man with an eyepatch who starts going on at him for “throwing a tantrum like a fucking child and running away”. Seeing this, Xie Lian immediately intercedes and tells the man to leave the kid alone or else—
The shady man just kinda stands there dumbfounded, looking at this unassuming guy half a head shorter than him, acting as if he’s both willing to and capable of whooping his ass right there in the cereal aisle at a supermarket. Then he leaves without saying anything.
On the way home San Lang is being uncharacteristically quiet, and once they arrive back at Xie Lian’s flat he admits that that was his elder brother – Hua Cheng – who’s been taking care of him in place of their parents. He also tells Xie Lian that the reason he ran away from home in the first place was them having a fight over San Lang’s “laziness” and lack of ambition.
It turns out that their parents were neglectful and abusive, so at the age of 16 Hua Cheng emancipated and moved out with his two younger brothers (the other one being E’ming) in tow, eventually getting custody over them. It was pretty hard for the three of them in the beginning, but in a few years Hua Cheng somehow managed to land a good job that allowed them to live comfortably (San Lang never asked what exactly he was doing because he lowkey suspected it was some shady business).
Despite his background, over the years San Lang came to rely on his brother’s steady income and enjoy a “rich kid” lifestyle, not giving much thought to his education and future career. Eventually Hua Cheng, who had had to work hard to provide this kind of life for him, blew up and accused him of being a selfish lazy asshole, so San Lang got mad at him and ran away.
In the end, San Land admits that was childish of him and, while Hua Cheng can be an overbearing asshole sometimes, ultimately he’s always been a good brother to him, so it was shitty of him to run away and make him worry. He texts Hua Cheng to pick him up and goes back home with him.
Xie Lian feels that he’s going to miss San Lang, whose company he’s come to enjoy over the past few days but agrees that that would be for the best.
However, when Xie Lian comes home the next day, he sees the familiar man with an eyepatch waiting near his apartment building. Hua Cheng approaches him and apologises for causing a scene the previous day, then offers to pay for the inconvenience of having to host his brother. Xie Lian refuses the money, saying it was no trouble at all, but invites Hua Cheng in.
Hua Cheng accept the invitation and the two of them have a little chat over tea. Hua Cheng complains about San Lang acting more and more rebellious lately and slacking off at school, making his grades suffer. He says he wants San Lang to get into a good college for better chances of getting a well-paying job afterwards because it’s not like he’ll be there forever to provide for him.
In a sudden bout of inspiration, Xie Lian offers to tutor San Lang on the subjects he struggles with at school. He may not be a teacher but he was a top student in both school and college, and since he and San Lang already have a good relationship, he believes he’ll have easier time getting him to listen and put in effort.
(The real reason is, he wants to keep spending time with San Lang, who he thinks is a smart and capable kid.)
(He also may or may not be intrigued by this Hua Cheng.)
Hua Cheng, although doubtful at first, ends up accepting his offer.
I still need to figure out where it would go from there, but in the end Xie Lian and Hua Cheng end up spending time together and falling in love in the typical Hualian fashion (obviously Hua Cheng ends up being a massive simp). San Lang and E’ming are torn between pushing the two of them together (because they want Xie Lian-gege to be part of their weird little family!!!) and fighting with Hua Cheng for Xie Lian’s attention and affection.
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emotionaldisaster909 · 7 months
dear fellow huanlian fan i pray that nothing serious happens to your health 🙏🙏🙏 i have been following your tgcf posts since ep1 of the donghua s2 ~ truly a joy to see your posts so please be well and keep posting 🌸
/starts sobbing/
thank you dear friend oh my god
i swear i am so scared every time i post because i actually have a huge self-image anxiety
i feel like i’m writing too stupidly, too loudly, too selfishly
but i haven’t had an opportunity to share my feelings on tgcf for so long
because i never found a fandom friend for brainrot chatting
and then i ended up here (ty @ardenrabbit) and figured
why don’t i post here
this way i won’t bother anyone in particular and no one is gonna read anyway
but then people did
and started liking and sharing and commenting???
and it’s such a confusing but nice feeling
this rush of big numbers
but the reality of it is hard to comprehend
aren’t people annoyed??? that manic manner of speech must be obnoxious
what if i wrote something good once but then people started noticing that it’s not, in fact, good at all???
it’s very scary
when i see such reaction posts from others
i feel true and deep joy
a feeling of companionship, probably
a happiness in seeing someone share your love for something
it amplifies the feeling
and maybe
if i can make someone feel something like this for a moment, then it’s all good, right? 💦💦💦
so thank you very much for writing this, kind person ❤️💦
it means a lot 💦💦💦
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
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i. they/them ii. minor iii. enfp iv. taurus
v. tired asf vi. women lvr vii. gacha addict
💬...hi, i’m reze !!
but you may also know me as solar, sunny, rere, zeze, reze’s puffs, rezey pezey, rezemiao, rezerat, sol, solsol, solcito, sunny bunny, sunbun, sunny knees, didi, lemon, or literally anything else.
i primarily use they/them pronouns but feel free to use he/him or she/her, i don’t really mind! gender is just a social construct to me, as i am simply three bisexual racoons in a trench coat ^^; mutuals who know my neos, feel free to use those as well!
i’m your local ½ cosproP (edenP and valkP), adonisP and begrudging trickstarP, as well as occasional kaoruP. i’m also a self-shipper, though i very rarely ever talk about that ahaha... you probably have heard me screaming about eden, but my heart belongs to anzu, kaoru, adonis and chiaki. (if you’re interested, you can see my full yume list here !!)
i’m perfectly comfortable sharing my yumes. feel free to talk to me about them, whether mine or yours~ and i’ll definitely indulge you ^^
i love love love~ halloween, which is like, my ultimate fav holiday ever. aside from that, i also like animanga, bubble tea and pudding (sometimes together), vocaloid and making friends !!
the games i play outside of enstars include: arknights, bandori, prsk, d4dj, hsr, limbus company, tot, om and mhyk !! i’m on jpmusic and enmusic for enstars, as well as basic, so feel free to ask me for my game uids !!
apart from that, a few of my other interests include: milgram, orv, tgcf, bsd, hypmic, aftg, hi3, csm and many many more.
i have been told that i’m apparently super nice and friendly, so feel free to drop in anytime to chat !! i won’t bite, i promise~
💌 @.tokusaatsus 
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blysse-and-blunder · 2 years
in lieu of a commonplace book
8pm, monday, august 15, 2022
once again writing this on my phone in the background while waiting for my turn during dnd, as god intended; nature is healing, we were the virus, etc. since i can’t do a read-more on mobile, this will just be a quick one!
reading another week finishing things— TGCF vol 2, xiran jay zhao’s iron widow, getting into the last few chapters of perdido street station. glad to have finished iron widow and been able to return the loan, it felt like an accomplishment— aside from that, it… felt like a first novel. huge vision, very pointed messages, two or three ‘plot twists’ that i either suspected or outright called well in advance. i don’t love first person narration for a novel like this, the struggle btw ‘believably unreliable’ and ‘observant / objective enough to actually provide descriptions and context’ is super hard to get right (this is also what bugged me abt the hunger games, don’t @ me). there’s one particular choice in iron widow that i did quite like (predictably, the handling of the love not-triangle), but that didn’t quite outweigh some of the stuff that made me uncomfortable (not bc they were problematic, just bc i’m very suggestible and a weeny about physical discomfort).
listening my buddy @pep-squad-lizzie dropped a link to the defector podcast ‘Normal Gossip’ in the group chat a little while ago, and i’ve just about finished both seasons. i like the host’s voice and manner, i’ve really liked most of the guests—as the question is posed each episode, i have been asking myself ‘what is my relationship to gossip? do i consider myself a gossip?’ i think what i like is the reflecting on / analyzing / sharing emotional responses on the stories, empath- or sympathizing with the participants. i like emoting about people, places, and things with people i trust not to pass on the news of how i feel about those things! i really value and respect a Cone of Silence when a friend imposes it; i live and work in communities too small not to, we need places to be candid with no fear of it getting back to the people involved. that said, we also live by sharing stories abt professors not to work with, people looking for roommates or with interesting syllabus examples to talk through— so it’s a judgement call. i like the anonymized gossip on the podcast, but i might like the guests’ editorializing and reacting best? especially when they take an unexpected stance or are willing to sympathize with someone at first. i like thinking the best of people at first, until they prove they don’t deserve it, and it’s nice when the guests do too. i quite liked the josh gondelman episode.
watching my house watched master & commander: far side of the world this week, a rewatch for all of us i think. i’m pretty much incapable of being impartial about this one, but it’s a good damn movie. the visuals, the soundtrack. i like how the plot is almost entirely character-interaction driven, despite it being a war movie; i like how the emotional beats have only gotten more real and painful as i’ve gotten older; i do actually now notice and feel irritation abt the fact that sophie and diana and any of the female characters from the books who could have been included are totally not there even in flashbacks or memories or…anyway.
playing more stardew. @leadfeathers made a post a little while ago about relaxing in the tub listening to news podcasts and playing stardew, and that was me this weekend if you make the soundtrack strangers’ gossip and also i couldn’t take my laptop in the bath i have finally expanded my cottage! ive started the mysterious qi quest! my irritation about how little the game internally does to help you out *as a person playing a video game* as opposed to a fictional farmer is balanced against my ongoing awe about how the game expands and adds elements or allows you to deepen and expand what you’re doing.
making garden pics as things start to bloom and ripen! the little leaf in the black plastic pot is a lemon seed i’m delighted to see making a go of it; the big yellow squash blossoms are probably zucchini.
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soulsxng · 1 year
⭐️ 🫧 🍃 🎨 (hello hello!)
@lunarxdaydream | It's a Munday | Accepting!
⭐️- What are some characters that remind you of yourself?
Honestly, I don't really have characters that remind me of myself? I'll relate to certain things about certain characters, but honestly it's usually how they're different from me that makes me pay attention to them.
Now that I think about it though, there was a little while ago that I had some friends say a character reminded them of me? Personally, idk, but I did think it was funny.
Xie Lian, from TGCF. I got a couple friends to start reading it a while ago, and there was a point where they were talking about how far they'd gotten. One said something along the lines of "I got to the part where -such and such- happens, and he made one sassy comment that immediately made me go 'Oh, it's Aya!'" And the other two in the chat were like "AND THEN THE NEXT PART, TOO!!!"
Also, because I have "goofy, but lovable mess" energy. Which I mean. I am a hot mess, and as such, I might as well make people smile while doing it!
🫧 - What's a few things that make you feel relaxed and comfortable?
Music, games, animals. Generally not at the same time, but you know. I am but a humble servant to the galaxy brain. Yeah though, music always makes me happy. Listening to it, playing it, singing it, whatever. I've got playlists for every mood and then some.
With games, it depends on how social I'm feeling. No social battery? Probably video games. Social battery? Probably one of my hundred some-odd board games that I've been amassing over the years.
With animals, I have bunches of them. Three dogs, a bird (sometimes 2 birds tbh), and a bunch of fish! I'll post a few pics after this! They're all my babies though, and I love them all very much. My dogs especially, I take almost everywhere with me.
🍃 - If you had to pick a season for it to be all year long, what would you pick?
Autumn, hands down. The weather where I am is usually nice enough for whatever I feel like wearing at the moment, there's tons of stuff to do, my seasonal allergies are shockingly at their best behavior...I dunno. I've just always enjoyed it.
🎨 - What is your favorite color combination?
That's a good question, actually. My favorite color literally changes by the day, and I feel like the same can probably be said for color combos, too. Sky inspired color combos tend to be pretty constantly at or near the top of the list though, so we'll go with that!
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yelans-dice · 2 years
Rules and Fandoms ( Still need adjustments )
Requests are OPEN
Fandoms I’m in:
Genshin Impact 
Twisted Wonderland
HONKAI star rail
Steven Universe
Black Butler
Bungo Stray Dogs
Danganronpa (haven’t really played or watched UDG)
and other I can’t name right now
1. No minor x adult, only platonically
2. Please be nice i’m still new to writing
3. Please Be specific with requests, if you can’t that’s okay
4. No SA or Pedophilea requests
5. You don’t have to specifically request, you can ask questions or just chat with me. I do not mind
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razberryyum · 3 years
TGCF donghua Special Episode Thoughts (SPOILERS for episode & novel!)
Favorite moment:
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Of COURSE that amazing ending sequence, which is the mirror of Dianxia's backstory at the end of the first episode, except this time from Hua Cheng's point of view. Speaking of, holy mother of YUM, dear gods, Hua Cheng:
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Look at this "hideous" man. I am DROOLING.
Funny thing is, I didn't even know his appearance was supposed to be a secret, that we technically hadn't seen his face yet all this time. I remember we had a super quick glimpse of him in the Banyue pit and I thought that was his reveal, that that'll be all we'll get for now and I was fine with that...that is, until this ending sequence happened and we actually see him in his entirety. My eyes will forever never be the same. What was I even thinking??? The flashes in the pit were absolutely inferior to the real thing. No comparison. He is so gorgeous; I can't WAIT for Xie Lian to meet him next season.
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Second favorite moment:
What I love about this scene is first of all it features some of my favorite lines from the novel, "If you don't know what to live for, then just live for me. If you don't know the meaning of life, then take me as the meaning your life." Even though Dianxia was playing it up for dramatic effect, I loved how he crawled towards San Lang and then uttered the lines with such conviction. I LOVED the way the music reached a cresendo during his words--hell, I love the music in this entire episode, this entire show, period. I also love how bittersweet this scene is: here Dianxia is so embarrassed by his own words that he even laughs about them, dismisses them, not know just how much of an effect they had on the person he said them to, how they really did serve to motivate that person to live on, to exist, utterly for him. Not knowing at all that that person he said what he now thinks were silly words to is right in front of him. The irony!
I'm still making my way through the book so I haven't gotten to the part where all is revealed to Xie Lian yet, but I can only imagine how shocking and emotional this particular revelation would be. It'll probably be ten years before we get to see all that in the donghua, if we ever do, but I'm gonna keep on crossing my fingers and hoping.
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"I swear, whether in Heaven or or on Earth, you cannot find someone more sincere than me". The subs left out the Heaven or Earth part but it's still such a good line. Love also how San Lang precedes that by trying to reach out to touch Dianxia but is like too afraid to. The donghua really captured his feelings of...I guess I'd call it timid inferiority...so well.
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I have a strong suspicion what that ring is (irl, I've seen companies advertising turning ashes into diamonds as a keepsake of your loved ones...never tried it so I don't know if it's the real deal or some kind of scam) and I cannot wait to get to that revelation as well. Putting aside the potential significance of this momento, the fact that Hua Cheng left Dianxia a ring to wear around his neck is already a beautiful gesture on its own.
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I already miss seeing how San Lang looks adoringly at Xie Lian. In fact, I think I'm going to miss San Lang for quite a while since next season I think we'll be mostly spending time with Hua Cheng. Not complaining at all since Hua Cheng will no doubt look at Dianxia just as adoringly, but I will miss this cute guy.
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Also already missing the cuteness that is Dianxia. I love all his expressions...the way he said "San Lang" just made my heart explode. How can he be this adorable??? Really, bravo to Jiang Guangtao-laoshi, his voice actor, for such an endearing voice performance. I actually started listening to the Qiang Jin Jiu audio drama because I've become a fan. Imagine Xie Lian being super seductive all the time. That's the ear candy I'm enjoying now, even though I only understand like less than half of the plot due to my shoddy Chinese comprehension.
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Proud of how San Lang didn't just lose it when Dianxia cradled his face like that. This man really has unbelievable self control.
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I loved that they were chatting in bed like an old married couple. I'm sure this is a glimpse into their future married life. 😁
Besides SanLian, I know Banyue was in this episode as well, I still think she's adorable and love her voice, and I'm glad she gets to enjoy a torture-free life now (I am assuming she does).
I'm glad we got this special episode to really close out the season, but I'm still kinda confused as to why we didn't get it at the actual end of the season but rather as an odd stand alone episode like this. Obviously it picked up right where the 11th episode left off, so it would've slotted in perfectly well. I was hoping the reason they held on to it was because they were going to attach a teaser PV for the next season, but alas that wasn't the case. I wonder if they just needed more time to finish the episode. I still don't quite understand how the Chinese donghua industry works: for something seemingly as popular as TGCF, you would think they'd have good enough budget and resources to finish episodes in time and to make more than just 12 episodes. There are other donghua shows I've seen on Bilibili that have blown way past 12 episodes, so I don't understand why they have to stubbornly stick to a dozen only for something like TGCF. Or is it a danmei thing, I wonder. They just don't want to devote the time and resources to danmei shows beyond just 12 episodes? So weird. Again, VERY GRATEFUL we're getting a second season. SINCERELY praying that we get many more seasons after so that eventually they'll finish out the book. God I hope I finish reading before the donghua team finishes putting out the show.
And that brings me to: Current Reading Progress...chapter 160. Look, I'm gonna be honest, I'm just not a fan of the whole jinx demon concept or the Brocade Immortal. I know all mysteries of the week lead back to the gods and their backstory, but as CONCEPTS, I was just NOT into them so I constantly got distracted. I know MXTX-laoshi was under a LOT of pressure from both censorship and just ridiculous deadlines (I was told she had to produce a chapter a day, which is INSANE), so I feel like a douchebag for even thinking anything negative about the book...not to mention I'm only on Book 3 still so maybe all of this will be wrapped up nicely at the end. But for now, yeah, those two as ideas are a bit underwhelming and almost silly (especially the Brocade Immortal) and maybe I don't need the backstory of ALL the gods. Anyway, before anyone yells at me, there's always a chance I might change my mind about all this by the end...which I hope to get to soon. Didn't finish the book in time for this special episode which was my goal, so readjusting the goalpost back a little further...hopefully just a tad...like a few weeks, because I DO want to get to the unrelenting pain soon so that I can get through the suffering and finally to the HuaLian happily ever after ending.
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m5emi · 2 years
im divine, im a minor , my pronouns are she/her, im nigerian and im from london
-i love reading (i am SEARCHING for book recs after reading shatter me i am no longer the same) and i also like reading manga/manhwas/manhuas too, (currently reading chainsaw man and finishing up jjk)
fav manhwas+webtoons- omnicient reader , your throne, heartstopper, mystical
fav manhuas- tgcf (the novels r amazing) and mdzs
watching movies, fashion (like runways, models,diff aesthetics), pop culture and stuff
-i occasionally play genshin impact and i really like detroit become human, love coryxkenshin
-dni if ur weird, racist, homophobic, xenophobic or literally anything of the sort, please be nice here, i just want to chat😭
current fav artists r wstrn, pinkpantheress, carti, men i trust, tylerthecreator , j cole, kendrick lamar, wizkid, dave, burnaboy, the weeknd, cardi b, summer walker, sza, frank ocean, flowerovlove, kanye west, dreamer isioma, drake and... jhené aiko !!!! (super long list i cba to add more)
honestly im just looking for new friends and stuff to talk to feel free to hmu on here and instagram so yeahh, still tryna navigate this app cant lie
have a great day ☁️
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hualianisms · 4 years
TGCF Donghua VA Interview
The donghua team posted an interview with XL’s and San Lang's voice actors and here's a rough summary of some highlights of the interview:
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San Lang's VA said what strikes/moves him most about his character is “his restraint and sense of propriety”, and how “he wants to get close to xie lian but at the same time is afraid to get too close”. He also mentioned how later in the story, HC and XL seem to have a sense of a tacit mutual understanding, able to understand each other wordlessly.
Xie Lian's VA was asked to describe his character and here’s my very rough attempt to translate it: “He is quite an easy-going, nice person who tries to get along w everyone. When something bad happens, he wants to try to improve the situation. He went through a transformation process and his attitude before vs after his transformation is very similar. At the very beginning he was a carefree youth with a pure-hearted worldview. After truly going through everything, many trials and tribulations, he still retained his purity.” (basically means XL didn't become cynical or jaded. “purity/innocence” has a negative connotation in English but in a Chinese context, being able to retain the purity of one's heart/soul is seen as an admirable trait)
One issue they encountered while making the donghua was that everyone in the crew had a different interpretation of San Lang's body language & pose when he said "I'm scared." in the ox cart scene, so they weren’t sure how to do that scene.
Xie Lian’s VA on his thoughts reading TGCF: "I realized that the earlier part of the novel was all candy (i.e. sweet), and the later parts were all knives (i.e. angsty/painful).”
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Xie Lian’s VA talking about Hua Cheng: "He was originally a child, a small, ragged child. Since he was very young, he began to cling on stubbornly to his faith, and in his lifetime, very persistently pursued his faith. This faith was Xie Lian."
XL's VA on HC's past: "Actually, the time they spent together can be considered to be very little, and the words they exchanged were very few. HC may have spent a longer time suffering in pain (than being with XL), persevering for the sake of a faith. And then finally, managed to meet XL again after great difficulty. 
XL’s VA on the ox cart scene: “It is their happiest time. I am together with you, there is no illness or disaster, no one to disturb us. We are just riding on an ox cart slowly, lying in the hay stacks, chatting idly, then watching the sun slowly set. I think that this is a very very happy and beautiful state."
The two VAs acted out a book 1 scene between Xuan Ji and Pei Ming, with San Lang’s VA voicing Xuan Ji’s lines and Xie Lian’s VA voicing Pei Ming.
(disclaimer: these are pretty rough translations, i paraphrased a lot and left out some parts to save time. there was more in the video but most of the rest was about voice acting in general)
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wolffyluna · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
 I was tagged by @thou-breath-of-autumns-being and @eldritch-elrics. Answers under the cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
There’s 22 of them, using a sensible-ish count. There’s Age of Sigmar, MCU, Dragon Age, Dragonshield (yes, the card sleeves), Dungeons and Dragons, Fire Emblem Awakening, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Guild Wars 2, Warhammer 40k, Heaven Will Be Mine, We Know The Devil, Keychain of Creation, Overwatch, Revolutionary Girl Utena, The Adventure Zone, The Magnus Archives, Silmarillion, Undertale, Voltron, TGCF, MDZS, Nirvana in Fire
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
‘The Heat Talking’ - Overwatch omegaverse. It’s popularity is very explicable :P.
‘A Stained Glass Variation of The Truth’ - Xianle Trio sickfic, featuring Mu Qing have a lot of feelings about looking after Xie Lian. This is one of the ones where I look at it’s popularity and go “[nods] my audience has Good Taste.”
‘Let Bastion Say ‘Fuck’‘ - Overwatch crackfic. I wrote for Overwatch a while ago. Those fics are very much not my best work. And Yet.
‘though shadows fall’ - TGCF HuaLian post nightmare hurt/comfort. (which reminds me, I should really write some HuaLian post nightmare hurt/comfort where Hua Cheng is the one who has a nightmare.)
‘All That Can Be Done’ - Overwatch Genyatta angst featuring Zenyatta dying of a God AI virus.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, I really do, but... if I reply, the comment no longer shows up on the ao3 homepage. I do intend to reply, but the lure of having comments on my homepage wins out most times.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably either ‘All That Can Be Done’, the aforementioned fic where Zenyatta dies of a God AI virus and gets killed by Genji, or ‘Always Neater In Morality Plays’ where Sazed successfully poisons and kills Taako.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t really write much crossover fanfiction?
...Though I am right now doing an rp featuring a character from a historical tv show set in the Tang dynasty accidentally time travelling into an AU version of the Handmaid’s Tale, so, uh, that’s probably the wildest crossover I’ve been involved in.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. I’ve received a few “you’re characterisation is bad and you should feel bad” and “how dare you write something to your tastes and not my tastes!”
‘Always Neater In Morality Plays’ got a... bad reaction. Including a popular blogger vague posting about in a way that made it obvious exactly what fic it is and how grody they found it. They may not have linked the fic directly, but, uh, everyone knew. (And I may have also sent an ill-advised ask along the lines of ‘you have the right to vagueblog whatever fic you like, but for the love of peace could you at least check who is following you, so you don’t put ‘oh god, isn’t this fic the creepiest thing ever?’ straight onto the dash of the author?”  And also a chunk of the TAZ fandom blocked me*.
And then several years later I found out ‘snuff’ meant something different than what I thought it meant (I thought it just meant ‘focus on major character death!) which added an embarassing glace cherry on top of that sundae of bad.
*This became sort of funny when some of these people got into the Magnus Archives. “Oh, so you draw the line at graphic depictions of poisoning, but someone exploding into a shower of worms is fine???”
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, yes. As for what kind-- well, my ao3 exists and is a relatively comprehensive survey.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nooooot to my knowledge?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone wants to-- [makes ‘call me’ gesture].
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not yet. I’d be potentially interested in doing one, maybe one of those ones where one person writes one chapter and then another person writes the next. At the moment I have a friend who is also interested in maybe doing that, we just don’t currently align on fandoms.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
[whine] Don’t make me choose between my babies!
14. What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
‘A Shattered Angel And A Broken Fist’. It was one of the earlier fics I wrote, back before I learned that if I wanted to write something long, I needed to have an idea of how it was going to end. I lost momentum and now... I honestly have no clue what should happen next? I have re-read and gone “yep, some stuff should happen. Not sure what stuff.” So while a lot of people like it and it would be nice to finish, its probably not happening.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm, I think I’m reasonably good at dialogue? I’m honestly not sure what my strengths are. I don’t mean this in a low self confidence way, more that I know I don’t have an outside perspective on my writing, and like a fish, I’m not super aware of the water I’m swimming in.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a bad habit of people have conversation in Blank Windowless Voids of No Description.
I also have a less bad habit of trying to fill those voids with a) geology and b) Australian fauna and flora. This causes problems when the pov character has no reason to know geology, and the story is not set in Australia.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I am one of those people who pretty much only speaks English, except for the a bit of “Je m’appelle Wolffy. Le chat est petit.” So I don’t write dialogue in other languages. Too much risk of embarrassing error, for not much gain, when you can just use italics or something.
I do have a lot of thoughts about translation conventions in fic where the characters would not be speaking English, and things like whether to live honoriffics. The thoughts are a bit unformed, but mostly revolve around being consistent at least within a fic (no characters being “Your Highness” in one paragraph and “dianxia” the next), trying to avoid the affect you sometimes find in anime fics were every third word is in Japanese, and also trying to maintain character voice. (I occaisionally have moments of “yes, there is an English translation for what this character calls this other character, but it’s not what they canonically say and it’s going to bother me deeply if I only use English.”)
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Depending on how you define ‘fandom’ and how you draw the line between historical fiction and historical rpf, my first fandom was the Bagoas fandom. Not the Bagoas what followed Alexander the Great around, no, the vizier who was around before him.
...I was like twelve at the time, just to make this weirder.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
[whines harder] don’t make me pick between my babies!
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highwarlockkareena · 3 years
2020 a year in review!
thanks for tagging me hanyi!! 💜💜 @leonzhng
Top 5 Movies you saw this year
this was really hard, i’ve struggled to concentrate so i’ve dipped into series more than new movies
Parasite (i think about this film a lot)
The Old Guard
The Half of It
My Neighbour Totoro rewatch
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse rewatch
Top 5 TV shows you watched this year (I could’ve added 5 more at least here)
The Untamed (many, many times)
The Expanse
The Haunting of Bly Manor
Hotel Del Luna
Top 5 songs of 2020 (according to Spotify)
Stand by You
Goblin (Favorite Boys)
Top 5 books you read in 2020 (or things you read)
back to that lacking concentration thing so...
red, white & royal blue
boyfriend material
when we were magic
tgcf (currently)
5 positive things that happened in 2020
Got back into giffing due to cql! it’s been really fun trying out new things. 
Joining mdzsnet and meeting the lovely members! there’s such a nice community of creators and it’s nice to chat on discord (even including the cursed content👀). 
Having more time at home to spend with my S/O and my friends, even if most of it is online. 
Getting into music more with a.c.e i’m really bad for fixating on one thing but i have two (2!!) with mdzs and music. impressive.
Making it through 2020 with at least one braincell left. I think it is only one, but it’s more than I expected.
tagging: @fengqing @purplexedhuman @xueyangs-pinky-finger @pensomolto @nyx4
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Ooh tell us about 1 and 6 pls
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
:((( mean.
Okay I’m on my phone rn so I can’t pull up my spreadsheet but
(1) last time I checked, I had 29 WIPs for mdzs/CQL and tgcf
(2) I’ve got at least 3 semi-abandoned assassins creed WIPs from last spring (presumably will come back to them bc asscreed is home)
(3) we’re not counting WIPs from voltron, marvel, or supernatural bc I’m unlikely to revisit them
(4) and I have 8 main original fic WIPs (...I think. Obv only counting manuscripts/main stories and not free writes)
So that’s...only 40! Nice.
6. What’s the last thing you read that made you laugh?
This tweet that @bodhimcbodeface sent the group chat
🕊Fanfic asks ✨
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eriisaam · 4 years
Ten for Ten for Ten
AFKL:jafklasfjj I have been summoned by @arlithenerd
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(Just kidding thank you, now here’s hoping I did this right haha)
My responses will be posted under the cut (cuz I’m a wall of text monster and don’t know how to do read mores mid-post), but in the spirit of the meme, I’ll move my own 10 questions up first, and the tags at the bottom of it.
Now let’s see what to ask, UUUH...
1) Is there a character you really, really like? Could be waifu/husbando, could be just someone you really resonate with.
2) How about OCs? Is there an OC you’re really fond and/or proud of?
3) What’s your most favorite character trope, and what’s your least favorite? (Example tropes: Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Beware the Nice Ones, Amnesiac Hero, etc)
4) Now what’s your most and least favorite plot trope? (Examples: Rags to Riches, Hurt & Comfort, specific AUs, etc)
5) To complete the Trope Trifecta: What tropes do you most or least like in terms of character design (Examples: Capes, futuristic or fantasy style, how practical they are, how complex or simple they are, etc)
6) What are you the most proud of? (Like, something you made or an achievement)
7) Who/What has been your biggest inspiration? (Like an artist or celebrity, a fandom, maybe something you read or watched growing up, etc)
8) When you want to relax, what’s your go-to way to chill? What immediately calms you?
9) Any favorite myths, legends, folklore or themes you really like? Or what kind of theme or element would immediately draw you in to a new series if they have it?
10) How merciful or evil will you be with your 10 questions you’re giving? (Heheheheh)
And now to subject all of you to these questions, but especially you: @mdzs-tgcf-svsss-fanblog @miss-laney @moanderfe @abenignsmile @okamiryuu @flowerytrashpotato​  @milli-and-chika819​ @littlemissdash​ @grimastiddies @avistella (kidding, join in if you want, tag or no. Or don’t, even when tagged. It’s all cool, no pressure~ I have no idea who to tag and/or who is chill about being tagged for something like this, I’m sorry orz)
1) a personality trait that most people wouldn’t know about you (if you feel comfortable with sharing of course!)?
I’m kinda self-defeating. I tend to think of the worst about what I do as default and have to ease eventually to the idea what I did turned out at least ok afterwards. It’s still a mindset I’m learning to work on, though it trickles in from time to time.
2) what are you most passionate about?
|’Dc Broad answer, I know, but more specifically, I love a lot of creative hobbies, and it’s hard to narrow it down to any specific one since I love them in different moods and different reasons. Things like writing, drawing(/spriting), textile things like sewing or crocheting or origami... It’s easier to say I like the core theme of knowing you made something, and it exists because of you, and “you did this” kind of feeling.
3) what is your favorite flavor profile? (sweet, spicy, sour, umami, bitter, etc)
Sweet! Depending on the food and my mood, I also like sour and spicy things, but I tend to gravitate more to sweetness with less fussiness of how so.
4) favorite series/franchise (from any medium) and favorite character within that series/franchise?
Oh gerd, there’s a bit, but in a vague attempt to narrow it down that let’s face it, I know I’ll fail, UUUH...
Fire Emblem (particularly Fates and Heroes) - I love both of them for just how easy it is to generate ideas for. It’s funny because I realize it’s admittedly taking a lot of things that frustrate or disappoint or leave me hanging with either games that I end up liking the two most by virtue for how many ideas it paves way for in terms of headcanons or fanworks or the like. I do like things on their own merits as well, but I think the “I wish things could’ve been better/elaborated on, and therefore I will create things based on that!” side to it was what made me appreciate them more (probably not exactly for the best reasons, but! It’s a thing.) In terms of favorite characters, there’s a ton inside and out of just these two games, but I’ll give the honorable mention to Summer Takumi specifically, because the paralogue he (among others) was released in came at a critical point in my personal life that had some effects on me that, tl;dr, led to me commiting to making this blog, and making more art in public, and eventually writing fanfics in public too. 
Pokemon - Was basically my childhood and went a long way into starting the first spark of a lot of the kind of hobbies I end up growing up and obsessing over/enjoying. Things like giving me a massive interest in coding and programming along with glitches and unused beta elements, or how it’s where I got my start in art back when I was little and trying to figure out how to do pokemon fusion sprite edits. I’d probably say my favorite character is a tie between Missingno and Celebi (in case the former doesn’t really count), the former for just how varied it is and being the main part of why I love how game coding works while being a gateway to beta content interests, and the latter for sentimental reasons spanning all throughout the entire time I followed the fandom game-wise.
Animal Crossing - It got me through ups and downs, it made up a chunk of nostalgia since the first game up to New Leaf (no switch, so now New Horizons, oh wellz), and I had a lot of memories both fond and low-key terrifying otherwise all throughout. I got a lot of favorites among villagers and NPCs otherwise, but if I had to narrow it down to one each:
 I love Whitney for being the only snooty-type villager back when I played Wild World who was surprisingly kind to me (and I’m sad I no longer have the original cart and imagine she long since moved out anyways probably), and so she gave me an experience pretty similar to Ai’s own experience with Whitney in the movie.
NPC-wise, I’m going to go with Sable (it was a really tough choice!) for the fact that in every game, she was among the first instances you can get to know a villager so closely that she was willing to explain to you more and more of her character. Usually in many of the games, once her arch is finished, she no longer elaborates on her life and goes right back to talking generally, but if it wasn’t enough that it was among the first times you see how her demeanor changes from ignoring or staying quiet with you, to going out of her way to find things to chat with you, it was also the memories she explained once you start befriending her.
5) how have your closest family members and/or friend(s) impacted your life?
I consider friends more as family than my actual family (to put it vaguely and/or kindly, my actual family did few to no favors for me). My closest friends have picked me up when I fell (multiple, multiple times), and they were much of why I’m still here, doing what I can. I owe the world to them...
6) if you could be anything (any job, other person, type of animal or beast, literally anything aside from what you are now) what would it be?
A multi-billionaire Maybe someone who shapeshifts. The possibilities with that are endless.
7) favorite beverage?
Coffee. There’s quite a lot of drinks I really love, but coffee is the most easily accessible for me.
8) i know this is a generic one but favorite subject/class you’ve taken?
Arts & Crafts and Computers, give or take. Pity they’re usually the least important for grades and also the shortest class semesters of the year. 
9) early bird or night owl?
I’m heavily inclined to be a night owl, which is unfortunate, because I’m in a place constantly forcing me to be an early bird.
10) favorite meme?
I’m completely in love with memes of cat pictures where cats have expressions that are beyond words, yet represents big moods all the same. If I had to narrow it to one specific meme, however...
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My heart will always be with Anfisa. Aka Angry Cat No Banana.
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