#to quote Amba:
sword-and-lance · 1 year
((well that was dumber'n a sack of tits and not a tenth as enjoyable))
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ambafaerie · 1 year
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Jujutsu Kaisen//Supernatural
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edsonjnovaes · 2 years
Decifrando Paradise - Coldplay - A história por trás da letra
Assista a “Decifrando Paradise – Coldplay | A história por trás da letra | Tradução Explicada” no YouTube. DecifraHITS – 24 de fev. de 2023 Se você prestar atenção na letra de Paradise, vai perceber que Coldplay passa uma mensagem que deveria chegar aos ouvidos de todos. E no final vai acabar se perguntando: o que o diacho desse elefante no clipe tem a ver com a música? Nesse vídeo, a resposta,…
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italianiinguerra · 2 years
27 febbraio 1936, rifulge l'eroismo di camicie nere e alpini sull'Uork Amba
Era il 27 gennaio 1936, quando durante lo svolgimento della seconda battaglia del Tembien, sul massiccio dell’Uork Amba, il cui nome significa «montagna d’oro», gli alpini della 5ª Divisione alpina “Pusteria” e le Camicie Nere della 114ª Legione CC.NN. “Garibaldina”, si coprivano di gloria nei duri combattimenti che si susseguirono nel corso dell’intera giornata. Ai primi verranno conferite 2…
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sungsetport · 8 months
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#QUOTE: Sim! Depois de passar por perrengues de perder minha primeira conta aqui, finalmente bati minha meta final! Estou extremamente feliz e agradecido, a quem sempre esteve aqui, sempre me incentivou, sempre me acompanhou e me ajudou a chegar onde estou agora. Vocês fazem tudo aqui acontecer. Obrigado de verdade!
A maioria sabe que o mês oficial do orgulho LGBTQIAPN+ é em junho, mas isso não nos impede de se orgulhar o ano inteiro e reforçar esse orgulho para todos verem. Porque nós somos o que somos e não temos vergonha disso.
Pensando nisso, em comemoração a esse evento importante para mim que é os mil seguidores, vim com o desafio “PALETA DO ORGULHO”, pensado para todos os capistas de todos os estilos, de modo que todos se sintam extremamente confortáveis em participar.
É algo simples, mas feito com muito amor para dar visibilidade ao movimento do Orgulho LGBTQIAPN+ e, claro, incentivar e criatividade dos capistas incríveis que postam todo dia aqui no Tumblr. Podemos unir duas coisas e transformar isso em algo gigante, significativo e bonito.
“Paleta do Orgulho” é um desafio simples de entender e participar, tendo como protagonista as cores das bandeiras da comunidade. Cada dia uma bandeira que vocês poderão usar como paleta para a sua capa. Vale lembrar que:
Não precisa seguir a sequência de dias como está no post, o tempo entre uma capa e outra você quem decide;
Estilo e personagens você quem decide também, faça suas próprias regras seguindo a única regra de usar uma paleta para cada capa;
Pode fazer mais de uma capa por paleta!
Caso queira variar, você também pode usar uma música/filme/livro ou qualquer coisa que represente a bandeira tanto quanto a paleta para se inspirar;
A comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ é ENORME, e certamente não poderia incluir todas as bandeiras aqui, por isso, sinta-se a vontade para seguir com o desafio mesmo depois das paletas acabarem, fazendo de outras bandeiras também;
Você pode incrementar as paletas com outras cores ou tons diferentes, mas tente não fugir das cores originais;
Use a hashtag “#PdOCset” para que eu e outras pessoas possam achar o trabalho de vocês;
E, claro, se quiserem me mencionar nos posts, fiquem a vontade!
– ꒰ ˙ # dia um:
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*sabemos que ambas as bandeiras lésbicas são válidas, por isso sinta-se a vontade para usar qualquer uma das duas paletas, juntas ou separadas:
– ꒰ ˙ # dia dois:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia três:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia quatro:
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*a bandeira transexual serve de guarda-chuva para bandeiras como demiboy, demigirl, bigênero e entre outras, que em sua maioria seguem a mesma paleta;
– ꒰ ˙ # dia cinco:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia seis:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia sete:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia oito:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia nove:
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*bandeira arromantica e agênero seguem a mesma paleta, então, caso queira, pode representar as duas em uma capa só.
– ꒰ ˙ # dia dez:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia onze:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia doze:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia treze:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia quatorze:
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– ꒰ ˙ # dia quinze:
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Com esse desafio, quero que, principalmente, pessoas da comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ tenha liberdade para se expressarem e mostrarem quem são através da arte, e para que quem mostra apoio também possa representar isso com carinho e respeito. Todos vocês são livres para serem o que quiserem e o que são, e também para expressarem cada bandeira como seu coração mandar. Já estou mais que pronto para as capas lindas que verei. Vejo vocês logo!
*todo e qualquer comentário lgbtfóbico deve ser denunciado a equipe do Tumblr, comentários de ódio não serão tolerados.
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allwaswell16 · 1 month
[4 pics, 4 quotes, 4 iconic 1D fics]
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Iconic Fics by... - QuickedWeen -
Harry ducked under the ropes, abs crunching against the wide waistband of his shorts that were sitting high at his natural waist. When he stood up fully in the center of the ring, Louis’ brain finally connected back to the rest of his body and he whipped his mobile out to take a picture.
As soon as he had, he studied the smaller more pixelated Harry for a moment. Had he really just done that?
It was just… He needed to remember what Harry looked like right now. Because… well it seemed like an important moment. Everyone else was taking pictures...
And fucking hell would he wank to this picture for years to come.
“This was a mistake,” Louis babbled reaching up to run his fingers through his hair, messing with his fringe.
Harry’s heart sunk. “Wh—” he barely managed to get a word out before Louis cut him off.
“This was ridiculous. A ridiculous mistake,” Louis continued to babble, seemingly not able to control his mouth as a side effect of the adrenaline, most likely from how close they came to getting caught.
“Sorry,” Harry bit out as he began to shiver from the breeze, no longer warmed by the proximity of another body.
Louis turned to face him and was very deliberate in making sure Harry met his gaze. “You could never be my soulmate. You don’t want to be in love.”
Their combat was matched, Harry’s strength with a sword to Louis’ speed. Metal clashed at they traded the upper hand back and forth between them. The men surrounded them, energy restored, jeering and calling out their loyalty to their laird.
Louis studied him as best he could, searching for any kind of weakness he could find. Finally, Harry made a fatal error. He turned to follow Louis’ movements, and his grip weakened on his sword just enough that Louis could knock it out of his hand.
The sword fell to the ground with a heavy thump next to them. Louis’ chest was heaving from the exertion as he held his sword up until the tip was just under Harry’s chin.
“Do you yield, laird?”
“Harry.” The laird’s damp, heavy breaths were clouding on the gleaming metal of Louis’ sword.
“Alright. Do you yield, Harry?” he teased.
Harry looked entirely too relaxed for having been disarmed, but he had indeed been disarmed and the fight was all but over, so Louis didn’t think too much of it.
That, it turned out, was Louis’ fatal mistake.
Halfway through his notes, he felt it. All of a sudden a feeling of intense warmth and security enveloped him from head to toe. The sensation was so overwhelming that Harry had to put his pen down and lean back in his chair to give himself over to it and wait for it to subside. The sensation wasn’t sexual, it was more comforting, Harry thought. He had never experienced anything like it in his entire life.
The feeling began to ebb a little, and Harry went in search of Amba. If he felt something so strongly it was a safe assumption that she was affected by it as well. Stepping into the main shop, Harry called out her name, “Amba! Where are you, darling?”
“I’m right here, honey!” joked a disembodied voice.
Harry jumped. He had completely forgotten about the front bell. There, in his shop, scratching under Amba’s chin, was Louis Tomlinson. Wait. He was petting Amba! Louis was touching her, and she was letting him.
- Answers Below -
1. Small Doses (Loving You It's Explosive)
Louis Tomlinson finds himself at Vitality Fitness to try and turn his life around after having left his cheating boyfriend of four years. The gym's owner, Liam, quickly becomes a good friend, but his right hand man is rude and dismissive from the get-go.
Louis and Harry continue to clash all while Harry is trying to move his way up the ranks in Manchester's amateur boxing circuit, but they can't seem to stay away from each other.
2. Lend Me Your Hand
Society has long since decided that the soulmarks everyone is born with are entirely unfashionable. They're just another way for people of a lower class to scam their way into marrying above their station.
Lord Louis Tomlinson, Viscount Loring, on the other hand, has always believed that he will find his soulmate one day. Despite preparing for a match his whole life, he is entirely unprepared for the arrival of Gemma Styles' younger brother.
Harry Styles has been traveling and away from society for over a year. Coming back, he intends to spend time with his sister, and slowly reacquaint himself with life in town. He doesn't need to wait around for a soulmark to determine how his life will play out. x
3. After Dark, After Light
Harry Styles is the laird of Clan Edwards who is just trying to keep his clan afloat when they get word that the Mackenzies have been cutting a swath through the Midlands and beyond, and their sights are set on the northern Highlands next. In an attempt to garner extra protection for his clan, Harry sets out to mend his father's past wrongs and ally with their neighbors to the west, Clan Sutherland.
Louis Tomlinson is the mysterious commander of the Sutherland army sent back with Harry on orders from his laird to help shore up Clan Edwards' defenses. As the winter draws nearer by the day, the two are thrown together to prepare for the invasion that they expect as soon as the ground thaws.
4. Far Afield
Harry Styles is a witch who owns the best flower shop in Manchester. Lottie Tomlinson is planning her wedding, and brings her brother along to her first appointment. Both men have been having a bad day and sparks fly.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Older women were protesting war and being taxed more than men to pay for the war and now 30 of them have been abducted by the people they were protesting against.
A group of 30 women were kidnapped by pro-independence rebels nearly four days ago in western Cameroon, which has been bloodied for more than six years by a conflict between separatists from the English-speaking minority and the security forces, according to authorities.
They were "severely tortured and abducted by armed terrorists" in the village of Kedjom Keku, in the North West region, where armed separatist groups frequently kidnap civilians, mainly for ransom, the prefecture of the Mezam department said in a statement Tuesday.
The authorities always use the word "terrorists" to refer to armed rebels demanding independence for the North-West and South-West regions, which they call "Ambazonia", populated mainly by the English-speaking minority of this predominantly French-speaking central African country.
A colonel in the army told AFP on Tuesday evening that some 30 women were abducted by separatists on Saturday morning and that they had not yet been found. The communication service of the Ministry of Territorial Administration confirmed to AFP that the authorities had "no news of the hostages" on Tuesday evening.
The day before their abduction, these "elderly" women were organising a "peaceful march to protest (...) against the exactions and criminal activities of the terrorists", the Mezam prefecture said.
The two English-speaking regions have been the scene of a deadly conflict since late 2016 between separatist rebels on one side, who call themselves the "Amba Boys" or "Amba Fighters", and the army and police on the other, both sides being regularly accused by international NGOs and the UN of crimes against civilians.
The conflict has left more than 6,000 people dead and forced more than a million people to move, according to the International Crisis Group (ICG) think tank.
- "Taxes"-
The women had "publicly demonstrated" the day before their abduction against "the exploitative activities of the Amba Fighters" and in particular the obligation imposed on civilians by the latter to pay them "monthly taxes of 10,000 CFA francs (15 euros) for men and 5,000 for women (7.50 euros)", explains in a statement the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa (CHRDA), an NGO based in Yaoundé which documents human rights violations in Africa.
The rebels claim that they collect these "taxes" to finance their "war effort for independence".
A video is circulating on social networks, purporting to show these women, sitting on the ground and obviously frightened, which AFP was unable to authenticate but which the CHRDA quotes and describes in its statement, ensuring that it was posted by the "Amba Boys".
Armed men insulted and threatened them, saying they were going to kill the women, whom they accused of "complicity with the military", according to the CHRDA, which denounced a "barbaric act" by their kidnappers.
Some armed rebel groups regularly carry out kidnappings for ransom of civilians, sometimes in large groups like the abduction of these 30 women, especially in schools that they accuse of teaching French.
They also regularly commit targeted assassinations against representatives of the authorities but also against civilians whom they accuse of "collaborating with the army".
Their abuses are regularly denounced by international NGOs and the UN, which also regularly accuse the army of committing fatal blunders against civilians, summary executions, acts of torture and even raids and killings in villages.
The conflict broke out at the end of 2016 after the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations by members of English-speaking civil society, some of whom feel ostracised by the French-speaking majority of this country, which has been ruled with an iron fist for more than 40 years by President Paul Biya, 90.
The latter has been intractable, even towards the more moderate who call for a federalist solution to the conflict, and his regime has deployed the elite army and police on a massive scale for more than six years to suppress the rebellion.
Reblog to raise awareness. Because so far CNN as just talked about Desantis, Florida and Disney.
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dustedmagazine · 1 month
Listed: Chris Corsano
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Chris Corsano is a New York-based drummer who has been active at the intersections of collective improvisation, free jazz, avant-rock, and experimental music since the late 1990's. He's been the rim-batterer of choice for some of the greatest contemporary purveyors of "jazz" (Joe McPhee, Paul Flaherty, Mette Rasmussen, Zoh Amba) and "rock" (Sir Richard Bishop, Bill Orcutt, Jim O'Rourke), as well as artists beyond categorization (Björk for her Volta album and world tour, Michael Flower, Okkyung Lee). Jennifer Kelly reviewed his latest album, The Key, observing, “All of which is a long way of saying that The Key has some monster improvised drumming on it, but it is also extremely musical. If you’ve been holding off on this one because, you know, solo drumming, you should reconsider. It is that and a lot more.” The new record has a fair amount of guitar on it, so Corsano dedicates this Listed to the guitar music he loves.
So, since I’d already done a Listed a while ago, the suggestion was floated to do a Listed of just guitar-influence records since the solo album I just did has a bunch of guitar on it. So here goes:
Teenage Jesus And The Jerks — s/t EP [aka the pink EP] (1979)
Lydia Lunch’s slide playing and grinding bursts of noise are some of the most incredible uses of a guitar my ears have ever come across. Perfectly matched to the emotion of the songs, and instantly affecting — I can’t hear it and not feel something. Impossible. Added bonus that one of my favorite guitar players happens to be responsible for this quote: “The only thing worse than a guitar is a guitarist.”
Sonny Sharrock — Black Woman (1969)
Sonny Sharrock’s playing throughout this whole entire album is an unbelievably perfect balance of both the gorgeous and the ferocious. An all-time favorite record, for sure.
John Lee Hooker — Sittin’ Here Thinkin’
I bought this record when I was about 18. I was in a record store, overhearing the owner and another “old” dude talk about how the one blues guitarist they just could not get into was John Lee Hooker. Just as they were saying that I came across this record priced at $4 and I took it as a sign to buy it. Now I’m 48... probably the same age as those two guys were at the time, and this is still one of my favorites by Hooker, even if usually I prefer solo recordings by him. But there’s a looseness and togetherness to this band that I love.
E Gayathri — Veena
Not a guitar record but a veena record. This is one of my favorite records by any stringed instrument, so it definitely has had an effect on my sense of melody and timing on guitar. I found a cassette of this record in a bin of tapes lying on the floor of a clothing & furniture store in Manchester, UK in 2005. I bought a handful of the tapes and went back a little while later to try to pick up more, but all the tapes had disappeared. Who knows what else I missed?!?
Susan Alcorn — And I Await the Resurrection of the Pedal Steel Guitar (2006)
Another record that’s technically not a guitar (per se) record, but what a record it is! Stunning. As in stunningly beautiful sound and pacing. And also stunning, as in knock you on your ass, jaw on the floor, seriously fuck you up it’s so good.
Scissor Girls — New Tactical Outline I & II 7"s (1995)
These were collected on the Here Is The “Is-Not” CD. I saw them live around the time these 7"s came out. Kelly Kuvo’s angular guitar lines interacting with Azita Youssefi’s bass lit up the same parts of my brain hit by DNA’s A Taste of DNA and Capt. Beefheart & The Magic Band’s Trout Mask Replica.
Metalux — Victim of Space (2005)
I’m not sure I could tell you all the parts of this record that are guitar-generated vs. synth vs. who-knows-what utopian future technology from outer-galaxy reaches. It’s not for mere mortals to say. But this is a great record full of all the kinds of weirdness I like. And as far as guitar influences go, I love the tones Jenny Graf Sheppard gets, and how she and MV Carbon create universes.
Magik Markers — Isolated from Exterior Time: 2020
I listened to “Machine” a whole hell of a lot in 2020. Partly because I was working on the solo record and wanted to reference the mix against things I thought sounded great. And more to the point, because it’s such a great song. Elisa Ambrogio rips on this as she does on all Markers records.
Ascension — Broadcast (1996)
This record in particular of Ascension’s kind of lit up intertwined pathways for me — Stefan Jaworzyn (guitar) and Tony Irving (drums) brilliantly firing simultaneously in directions of high-energy free improvisation and heavy guitar dissonance. This was the record that really convinced me of free improvisation’s ability to avoid historical/genre dead-endings. Anytime people express themselves like this at the outer limits, you can trust that’ll remain vital and forever present-tense.
Body/Head — Coming Apart (2013) & s/t (2013)
The liminal nature of Body/Head always knocked my socks clear off. Improvised and freer than free, but always with a song form just about to take shape as it’s also just about to dissolve. That they could sustain this for one record, let alone multiple releases, is a lightning-in-a-bottle level miracle capture. But seeing them remain in this state for a whole entire live set was transfixing beyond belief.
Comets on Fire — Field Recordings From the Sun (2000)
Twin guitar overload from Ethan Miller and Ben Chasny. Again, seeing them live really is the thing that blew my mind straight out of my skull, but cranking this record at regular intervals brings me back to seeing them at The Hemlock in San Francisco in 2003. It felt like the walls were breathing. heavy.
I left off tons of other guitar influences (Lou Reed — Metal Machine Music, Stooges, Hendrix, Sightings, Charalambides, Howlin’ Wolf, Blind Willie McTell, Jack Rose, Elizabeth Cotten, Sun City Girls, Myriam Gendron, Bo Diddley, Michael Flower, and on and on), but it’s 5:30am which means it’s either much too late or much too early to be working on a list about guitars anymore.
Oh, damnit. OK one more:
Germs — M.I.A. Anthology
Specifically, the three tracks on it from the Lexicon Devil 7" on Slash. Pat Smear human-being-lawnmowers through “Lexicon Devil,” “Circle One” and “No God” (with the opening quote of “Roundabout” which I didn’t know was a Yes song until probably a lot more recently than you’d think). Pat Smear is amazing. The whole band is on fire and Darby sounds like he’s about to crawl out of his own skin. And if you listen to it loud enough, you just might too.
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what’s your fav quote
Where to start! I am assuming you mean in general, but honestly I am one of those individuals that cannot truly land on a favorite one. So I will sprinkle a few of my favorites! Starting more generally, my L1 language is Spanish and one of my favorite authors is Gabriel García Márquez.
En última instancia la literatura no es más que carpintería. Con ambas trabajas con la realidad, un material tan duro como la madera.
I honestly wish that translating this quote did it justice, but as always with translation, some of the original intent and power gets lost. But it goes like this:
At it’s core, literature is nothing more than carpentry. In both of them you work with reality, a material as hard as wood. (That’s my translation trying to maintain the original meaning because other translations are so bland).
Then we have Good Omens, one of my absolute favorite books. The first time I read this and actually every time I get to this point in the book, I get teary eyed because it is a reminder that everything I was indoctrinated to believe at such a young age in Catholic school, does not really define my worth as a person.
He couldn’t see why people made such a fuss about people eating their silly old fruit anyway, but life would be a lot less fun if they didn’t. And there was never an apple, in Adam’s opinion, that wasn’t worth the trouble you got into for eating it.
From my other favorite book, The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt:
[a]s we rise from the organic and sink back ignominiously into the organic, it is a glory and a privilege to love what Death doesn't touch.
And because I do not want for this to become an agglomeration of all my favorite quotes, I’ll end with my comfort lyric written by Bernie Taupin, performed by Elton John:
Hold me closer tiny dancer.
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staniswas · 6 months
quotes dump
me puse a leer "diarios amorosos" de anais nin y a recolectar frases
¡Qué gran esfuerzo para librarme de la oscuridad y la asfixia, del enorme dolor que me ahoga, de mi propia laceración inquisitiva!
¿De dónde viene este conocimiento oscuro? Del humo, de la locura, del champán, de la intoxicación de las caricias, de los besos y de la exaltación.
—la intimidad me pareció tan terriblemente natural: nada había cambiado—
A veces me duele que ahora haya menos sentimientos y más inteligencia. Como si antes fuera más sincera. Pero si ser sincera consiste en arrojarse por la borda, es que era la sinceridad de la derrota. Suicidarse es fácil. Vivir sin un dios es más difícil. La embriaguez del triunfo es mayor que la embriaguez del sacrificio.
Somos más sanos y más fuertes como honrados adversarios que como amigos.
Pero, cuando llora, siento que merece la felicidad de cualquier ser humano.
Oh, Dios, ¿por qué me entrego a quienes son incapaces de amar? Porque es excesivo el sufrimiento que soporto en mi interior
Antes me había dicho: «Eres una gran mujer y temo que tendré que adorarte».
El mundo entero llorará y me amará cuando vea que mis olímpicas renuncias de amor me han servido para ocultar un gran fracaso humano.
Cuánta lucha para renacer y no tropezar de nuevo con el mismo obstáculo. La victoria siempre es triste. Siempre revela la deformidad de la imaginación, que crea un fantasma con el perverso propósito de atemorizarse. Una vez destruido el fantasma, lo que queda es un montón de cartones, unas plumas de pollo, colle fer, calabazas agrietadas, sábanas y cadenas.
Necesito tener éxito al experimentar las dos clases de actitudes que llevo dentro: la introvertida y, ahora, la extrovertida: «la inclinada a la ternura» y «la inclinada a la dureza» (releyendo dos ensayos sobre psicología analítica de Jung). Hay que incluir ambas porque «no podemos dejar permanentemente que una parte de nuestra personalidad se sienta atraída simbióticamente por la otra» (mi dependencia de Henry).
(dándome cuenta de que nadie me amará nunca de esa manera superabundante, superexpresiva, superreflexiva y sobrehumana con que yo acostumbro a amar a la gente)
¿Orgullo? No lo sé. Una especie de prudente retirada. Necesito demasiado a la gente. Por eso sepulto mi defecto gigantesco, mi desbordamiento de amor, bajo trivialidades, como una niña. Me divierto con mi nuevo sombrero.
Este mundo no está hecho sólo de amor, fe, esperanza, etc. Este mundo refleja una dualidad eterna, la del pensamiento y la acción. Las mayores bajezas se inspiran algunas veces en la bondad. Es inútil que se quiera controlar las vidas, los pensamientos, lo que acaece. Libertad: es el máximo exigible. Y quienquiera que tenga el gran deseo de ser libre, respetará ese deseo en los demás. ¿Y qué de los grandes dramas emocionales humanos? Son innegables. Ocurrirán una y otra vez. Pero ocurren en la medida en que uno se rinde a su yo biológico.
Siempre permanezco en el umbral, siempre, y es sólo el ideal lo que me ahoga.
Me deslizo apresuradamente por superficies, sedienta de profundidades. No tengo mucho éxito como extrovertida, me encuentro dépaysée en la vida extrovertida, pierdo mi alma, mis sueños. Me gustaría reposar en el fondo del mar, vivir allí, au fond des choses, toujours au fond.
Oh, pero hay momentos, cuando mi hipersensibilidad parece insoportable, cuando vacilo entre mis deseos de ser una anarquista sangrienta o una santa, en los que sé que me espera muy poca felicidad amorosa.
Ahora veo claro que no hago trampas a los hombres sino a la vida, porque no me da lo que le pido, por eso acepto estos juegos de manos y mi modo de manipular trapaceramente la vida. Es a la vida a la que guardo rencor, por su falta de perfección, de integridad, de absolución. Viviré mis mentiras con valentía e irónicamente, dual y triplemente. Sólo de esa manera puedo liberar todo el amor que llevo dentro.
¡Al infierno, al infierno con el equilibrio! Rompo vasos; quiero arder, aunque me rompa. Vivo sólo para el éxtasis. Ninguna otra cosa me afecta. Las dosis pequeñas, los amores moderados, todas las demi-teintes me dejan fría. Me gusta lo extravagante, el calor… ¡la sexualidad que revienta el termómetro! Soy neurótica, pervertida, destructiva, ardiente, peligrosa —lava inflamable y desenfrenada—. Me siento como un animal de la jungla que escapa de la cautividad.
Esta imperfección, este enigma, esta oscilación en la vida, es lo que me lleva a una gran amargura, a una formidable rebelión, a una oscura ira. Ira contra mí misma por sentirme atraída, asida, hechizada por hombres que no tienen sobre mí ningún poder físico, ningún poder físico para conquistarme.
Voy como un farolero, encendiendo luces; impulso barcos en alta mar; descubro los objetos preciosos escondidos bajo tierra; quito la pátina de las pinturas oscurecidas; afino, armonizo, moldeo, saco a la luz, enciendo, apoyo, sostengo, inspiro; planto semillas; registro cavernas; descifro jeroglíficos; leo —solitaria— en los ojos de las personas, sola en mi actividad. Marte ataviado con túnica de color sangre y pulsera y collar de acero.
Hay una gran continuidad en mis relaciones con las personas o, mejor dicho, en mis devociones. No me gustan los contactos rápidos, casuales o despreocupados. En esto no hay trazas de Marte, ningún gusto por la interrupción, la guerra o la acción; sólo un esfuerzo paciente, soterrado y delicado para acabar con la soledad de los seres humanos, una preocupación por los detalles, por el acabado total. Pongo en esta creación un cuidado que no pongo en otras. No es casualidad que mis amores y amistades ocupen en mi vida un lugar tan inalterable e importante.
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ifwewere-stories · 2 years
Wrap up febrero 2023
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Lo de evitar que un solo pensamiento ocurra estando siempre metida en algún libro, serie o película lo llevamos muy bien este mes xd.
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Leí cuatro libros, y yo felíz porque siento que eso no pasaba desde hace tiempo uwu.
De Babel, Todos quieren a Daisy Jones y Fatal: una crónica trans comenté mi opinión por acá, por si les interesa. Y pues listísima para la serie del segundo que ya estrena esta semana, siento que la voy a gozar con todo el drama y el chisme y los quotes llegadores que espero que incluyan (el del agua, hablo del del agua, y del de el espejo también).
El último que leí (y que de hecho terminé hoy) fue la novela gráfica Laura Dean keeps breaking up with me, y me encantó. Disfruté bastantito las cuatro lecturas pero quise otorgarle el corazoncito a esta bonita historia queer sobre desamor y liberación de relaciones tóxicas.
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En cuanto a películas, les vine manejando variedad de cine sáfico. Espero luego hacer una entrada en el blog rankeando dichas cintas; aún hay varias en mi watchlist que quiero ver, pero hasta ahora mi favorita es Murmur of Youth.
De las nominadas al Oscar vi The Quiet Girl y Women Talking, ambas muy buenas.
Y de las infaltables películas mexicanas que transmiten en canal 14 (mi mubi) vi Distancias Cortas, una historia llena de empatía que me dejó con el corazón calientito.
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Comencé el mes viendo La flor más bella y pues estuvo entretenida y en general me gustó (amamos a una prota bi), pero sí sentí que fue de más a menos.
También hubo kdrama: Summer Strike. Hubiera sido un 5/5 de no ser por un subplot que nomás no encaja con la vibra de todo lo demás, pero bueno, igual me mantuvo enganchada y con ganas de ser la protagonista (es que quién fuera la Yeo Reum trabajando de 4am a 8am y con eso alcanzándole para sobrevivir u.u).
Y al fin vi la de los piratas gays: Our flag means death. Está divertida, llena de dumb gays y además es estéticamente placentera. Y Lucius en especial me cayó rebién.
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Díganles a los Tomorrow x Together que yo también quiero ser una roca. "Tinnitus" y "Farewell, Neverland" fueron mis absolutos favoritos del material nuevo que sacaron.
Por otro lado, primera vez que les escucho un album completo a los Circa Waves y pues sí hallé bopazos, del nuevo de Paramore me quedo con los singles, y el de P!NK lo encontré bastante disfrutable.
Pero quien sin duda me mantuvo con la obsesión a tope fue RAYE con su album debut, My 21th century blues: maravilloso, 10/10, truly a discazo.
Y la playlist del mes (me baso en el receiptify pero según yo añadiéndole más variedad jeje):
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cameroonunitedfront · 2 years
I want to remind all Amba loyalists and well wishers that Politics is not a historical lecture, or English literature or a language nor Sunday school where pastor will recite the Bible and quote pages and paragraphs. When I look at the make up of Amba, I see humble educated men, knowledgeable in what they have been train to do trying to embark on political matters. I tell you the facts, politics…
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noloveforned · 2 years
no love for ned -will- be on wlur tonight from 8pm until midnight! tune in via the station website or the tune-in app on your phone. as always, last week's show is below (and will re-air at 10pm tonight)!
no love for ned on wlur – november 18th, 2022 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label richard and linda thompson // a man in need // shoot out the lights // hannibal full power happy hour // bit of brightness // bit of brightness // coolin' by sound eggs // certain smile // a glitter year // howlin' banana the cool greenhouse // get unjaded // sod's toastie // melodic the impossible shapes // we are here to watch the light // hemlock cassette // (self-released) diode // eye pop // diode // refry martha // beat, perpetual // please don't take me back // dirtnap exwhite // conspiracy theory // estray // turbo discos smooch // feminine touch // a force to be rockin' with // legless jaded lady // rock 'n' roll ain't pretty // bound for hell- on the sunset strip compilation // numero group marvin tate's d-settlement // all pro // partly cloudy // american dreams alex macfarlane // the thousand note chord // the thousand note chord cassette // hobbies galore bettie serveert // for all we know (acoustic demo) // for all we know digital single // palomine fern knight // pentacles // castings // vhf yonatan gat featuring greg saunier, michael coltun and curt sydnor // slow american movement - ii. lento // american quartet // joyful noise denis fournier featuring pascale labbé and renata roagna // ywy mara ey // paysage de fantaisie // vent du sud ben lamar gay // drunkard's path // certain reveries cassette // international anthem nok cultural ensemble featuring angel bat dawid // enlightenment // njhyi // sa chad fowler, ivo perelman, zoh amba, matthew shipp, william parker and steve hirsh // alien skin // alien skin // mahakala johnny hammond // shifting gears // gears // craft morris day featuring snoop dogg // use to be the playa // last call // bungalo nxworries featuring h.e.r. // where i go // where i go digital single // stones throw smino // defibrillator // luv 4 rent // zero fatigue akai solo // heart wary! // spirit roaming // backwoodz studioz okay kaya // jazzercise // sap // jagjaguwar the randy paserntes trio featuring sam gendel, gabe noel and topanga paserntes // waterfalls // now at last // colorfield dear nora // scrolls of doom // human futures // orindal lewsberg // sweets // in your hands // 12xu blue roof // marios // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) the laughing chimes // guess you'll never be the same // in this town // pretty olivia jetenderpaul // an old pamphlet quote // presents the modal lines // burnt toast vinyl
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ambafaerie · 2 years
Clark: Bruce and I are BEST FRIENDS
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
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What if somehow the druun returned in the second film because of human discord and disagreements within new Kumandra?
Raya and her Gang would have to travel to a whole OTHER Nation to collect a greater power than dragon magic to defeat the druun in their own land once and for all. But this other nation is filled with very...unfriendly people.
Maybe Raya and her gang all get kidnapped by these people. Everyone EXCEPT for Namaari. This means that Namaari once again has to attempt to save the world on her own, while also trying to save her girlfriend Raya friends. This could also mean even more character development for Namaari. We could see how her anxiety and fear of ruining everything again could be a rode-block to her saving Kumandra.
This is just an idea but of course it sounds very similar to the original ratld. Same concept. Find the special source, fix the world.
Point it, I want a second movie. I liked what I got in the first one, but I want more rayaari of the gang.
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I'm trying to imagine here, like when Sisu's family actually finds out how much time has passed and Sisu's tells them that (very very nervously) it's been 500 years. AND THEY FREAK OUT.
Basically, all is fine until some dragon mentions their age...
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