#to tell him that he owes it to the world?
hitomisuzuya · 22 hours
Aventurine x fem! reader. Soft smut. Riding. Praise. Creampie.
Spoiling Aventurine. Because he deserves it. So SO much❤️
You barely even saw the the papers scattered around on Aventurine's bed. You were admiring him instead, your chin cupped in your hand and your elbow on your knee as you watched him finish up some last minute preparations for a job.
He is beautiful, intelligent, and flashy. Kind, smart, very cunning, and perceptive. Brilliant. He shined so bright that sometimes it hurt to look at him. Your body moved on it's own before telling it to do so. He looked up at you in question as you got up, and gently plucked his pen out from between his elegant, ringed fingers.
Without a word, your lips are on his. It was a soft kiss at first, deepening quickly as the all the passionate feelings and attraction you felt for him welled up inside of your heart all at once. So much so that it felt like your heart might burst.
Aventurine fast got lost in how soft and warm your lips felt against his. How genuine your kisses always feel. He moaned softly as your tongue asked for entrance into his mouth, putting one hand on your cheek, the other on your hip to guide you back onto the bed.
His tongue slowly curled and glided around yours as clothes were discarded and tossed on top of scattered paperwork. The heated urgency of your kiss alone was making his cock harden.
"Sweetheart, not that I am complaining," He said shakily as you straddled him. "What do I owe the pleasure?" He put a hand on your cheek as you moved your lips to hover over his.
"I have something that I need to tell you," You said, rolling your hips down on his cock so that it rested between your wet folds. Looping your arms around his neck, you rested your forehead against his, slowly grinding your pussy on his pulsing cock.
"I am almost finished with work," It sounded like a stupid him for him to say, however, the feeling of your pussy soaking against his cock was making it hard to even think. His hand found your hip, helping you grind on his cock.
"No," You said, letting out a soft moan as his cock grazed and rubbed against your clit. "It couldn't wait, I need to tell you now," You kissed him again, your body instinctively conveying your lust and passion for him as you grinded and pressed your body up against his.
Your soft whimpers of pleasure into his mouth as his fingers rubbed your clit made him shiver. Aventurine loves those particular whimpers because it always conveyed how much you need his cock inside of you.
That you want him with every fiber of your being.
He had to give you, his precious secretary, what you wanted. Your need was liable to build up so much that your little body wouldn't be able to handle it. You beat him to the punch, however.
No sooner had both his hands found your hips to guide your dripping entrance to hover over his cock, you were already urging t towards your entrance. "You deserve the world, Aventurine," You ran your hands through his hair, slowly lowering yourself down on his cock.
His cheeks flushed hearing the loud moan that escaped him as your tight warmth enveloped his cock. The way your pussy always stretched, tight and perfect to accommodate him always sent him reeling. His cock pulsed feeling you tense your thigh muscles to add more friction as you started to bounce on his cock.
You look so breathtaking to him, your lips parted as soft moans of pleasure that rose in octave. Your breasts bouncing as you rode his cock, your back arching as his fingers on your clit sent strong jolts of pleasure through your body. "You deserve it all. Me, my body, comfort, love, passion," You kissed him in between your words, running your fingers through his soft hair.
"Go on," Aventurine's moans were a little pitched. Your words coupled with your wet pussy squelching on his cock was almost too much for him to bear. "Please go on," His finger tips pressed into your hip, like if he didn't grasp onto you somehow you would fade away like something too good to be true.
"It's the world that doesn't deserve you," You continued, taking great care in making sure his cock pumped as deep inside of you as it could go. Aventurine's hand tightened on your hip as something gave way within him.
His hand tightened on your hip, his fingers increasing in an urgent pace over your throbbing clit. He relished in the extra twitches of pleasure that jolted through your body. You are pouring such love and passion on him that he had to return your gracious passion.
Like he always did.
Aventurine's fingers reluctantly left your clit, his mouth swallowing your moan of protest as you urged his cockhead to kiss your sweet spot. He guided your pace on his cock, compelled to make you fall apart in the same way you were making him fall.
"Let me do the work now," He said, kissing you as gently laid you on the bed without pulling out of you. You gasped in pleasure as he thrust slow and firm inside of you, your hips jerking up into his. His cock kissing into your spongy spot making you see stars.
The sounds of your moans mingled with his as he fucked into you, heated passion burning in every thrust. Words normally would've failed you, lost behind the pleasure of his cock stretching you apart, fucking into you slow and thoroughly.
However, you had one more thing to say to him. "I love you, I love you so much," Your hips rocked up into his, urging him to let go and enjoy himself. Aventurine let out a sob of pleasure, his head dropping into your neck.
He cried out, nuzzling your neck as cum ribboned inside of you. "Say it again, please," He held you still as he chased his high, his body trembling with need to feel you cum as hard as he did.
"I love you so much. With my whole heart," The knot of your orgasm broke apart, making a wanton moan sound from him feeling your pussy tighten as your cum flooded onto his cock. You always doted on him, even with your pussy. Your cum providing him ample lubrication to fuck his cum up inside of you.
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ruinofchimera · 1 day
Please tell us more about Voldemort's relationship with Severus, and why you think it differs so much from Voldemort's other relationships
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Whatever it is that lingers between Tom and Severus—power, manipulation, some dark bond none of us can fully grasp—it naturally ignites chaos in the mind of the beholders. And if you’re eager to feel that burn, I’ll gladly embrace you in it. To you brave, reckless souls, I say this: your wish is my command.
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So, here we are, picking apart how Severus Snape—mudblood, poor, and bruised from the heavy hand of a Muggle father—managed to land himself a spot at the table with the most rabid pack of blood purists you’ve ever seen. A table, mind you, he had no business sitting at. The Death Eaters, that tight little clique of privileged purebloods, had no real reason to let in this scruffy little outsider. Sure, Snape was useful. Very useful. His skills were sharp as knives, and he could do their dirty work, get his hands filthy so they didn’t have to. But useful doesn’t mean welcome. Useful doesn’t mean accepted. You know who else was useful? Fenrir Greyback and his mangy lot. They brought terror to the doorsteps of half the wizarding world, and did Voldemort’s cause no small service. But did they get a place at the inner circle? Did they get respect? Hell no. They were the dirt beneath the boots of the real Death Eaters. Useful filth. And then there’s Snape, embodying everything these purists claim to despise—a half-blood with a tainted surname, living in squalor, dragged through the muck by a Muggle brute of a father. By all accounts, Death Eaters should have spat in his face and tossed him out like yesterday’s rubbish. But no. Not only does he get a seat at the table, he rises. He’s placed on a pedestal, standing closer to Voldemort than some of the most loyal, purest-blooded lackeys in the room. Voldemort, in all his cold-blooded glory, didn’t just tolerate Severus. He raised him up, right in front of their sneering, offended faces. Now, here’s where it gets really interesting. If you think Voldemort did this out of some sense of gratitude, you’ve missed the point entirely. Tom Riddle doesn’t do gratitude. That kind of sentiment is beneath him, an alien concept. Voldemort doesn’t reward; he uses. Deeds done in his name are expected, not appreciated. You’re not going to get a pat on the back from a man who thinks the world owes him its loyalty. Snape’s service should’ve earned him nothing more than a brief reprieve from pain. A loosening of the noose around his neck, if he was lucky. That’s Voldemort’s way—keep them all desperate, keep them all afraid. So why did Snape, of all people, get raised up? Why did he, the least likely among them, become a favorite?
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Mind, it’s not just me declaring Snape as Voldemort’s favorite. That dark, twisted bond is laced into nearly every interaction between the two, as if something unspoken and festering passes between them. But it’s Narcissa Malfoy who lays it bare. A woman born into the highest echelons of pure-blood privilege, the very foundation on which Voldemort’s so-called supremacy stands, doesn’t hesitate when she calls him “the Dark Lord’s favorite, his most trusted advisor.” Let that sink in.
Here is the wife of Lucius Malfoy, a man whose lineage is steeped in the darkest of traditions. But when her family’s future is on the edge of a wand, when her son’s life dangles by a thread, she doesn’t rely on Lucius, doesn’t turn to Bellatrix. No, she comes to Severus, because deep down, she knows. They all do.
It’s something more insidious, something that slips through the cracks in the floorboards of Voldemort’s ideology. He is the one Voldemort trusts, the one Voldemort leans on, the one whose counsel can shift the dark winds of fate. That is real power, raw and untouchable. Narcissa sees it—how could she not? Even with all her aristocratic pride, even with the weight of her name and her family’s legacy pressing down on her, she understands that none of it means a damn thing next to what Snape has. Narcissa, with her family’s long, proud heritage, has to grovel before someone who, by the very logic of Voldemort’s cause, should be inferior. But Snape is different, and everyone knows it. They may not say it, they may not even want to admit it, but they know. He operates outside the lines, above the fray, immune to the very rules that were meant to keep people like him down. Snape, the half-blood, the one with the muddied past, holds a kind of sway that no one else in Voldemort’s ranks can claim.
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Oh, there comes the bitter irony of Peter Pettigrew. After years of scraping and groveling, thinking he’d earned his place in the Dark Lord’s favor, Peter is handed over like a rag for Severus to wring out. Peter, one of the smug Marauders who’d gleefully hounded Snape through school, reduced now to something just shy of a house-elf, bowing and cringing under Snape’s very roof. A cruel twist of fate, no doubt arranged with Voldemort’s signature malevolence. Was this some attempt to plant a spy in Snape's house? Maybe, if you take it at face value. But think for a moment—Voldemort, who couldn’t pry Snape's treachery from his skull with all the power of Legilimency, putting his trust in Wormtail to do the job? The rat that couldn't outsmart a dormitory prank, never mind a master of deception like Severus?
No, this isn’t espionage; this is karma. Cruel, twisted karma orchestrated by the Dark Lord himself. You can almost picture Severus watching Peter scuttle about his house, casting him those withering, superior glances—knowing full well that Tom has given him this indulgence, this little taste of vengeance. Snape treats Wormtail with open contempt, because he knows he can. He knows it’s allowed, expected even. It’s as if the tables have turned in the most bitter of ways, a humiliating reversal of fortune. Pettigrew, who once revelled in Snape’s humiliation, now reduced to the lowest of roles, while Snape—Voldemort’s golden boy—sits at the top. Isn’t it delicious? You’d have to be blind to chalk it up to coincidence. Moreover, Pettigrew’s fate is all the proof you’ll ever need that Voldemort’s rule isn’t founded on something as simple or sentimental as loyalty. Loyalty? Sacrifice? Please. Pettigrew’s life was one long, groveling act of desperation to stay in the Dark Lord’s good graces. You bring your master back from the brink of death itself, and still, all you get is contempt. Voldemort demands service, sure. But service? Guarantees nothing. And when you set Severus and Peter side by side, the question gnaws at you. Why? Why is Snape the favored one, the exception, the enigma in Voldemort’s otherwise brutal, predictable hierarchy? What makes him different? There’s something between them—something that doesn’t follow the usual logic of power and punishment. Voldemort doesn’t just tolerate Snape’s defiance; he rewards it, bends the system to accommodate it. Something unspoken, something hidden behind the masks they both wear, grants Snape a level of favor that Pettigrew could only dream of.
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What’s crucial to grasp here is that Voldemort doesn’t spare anyone. His entire ideology is rooted in cruelty, in domination, in the ruthless obliteration of all who oppose him. He doesn’t just eliminate enemies; he obliterates them, wipes them from existence without a second thought. And yet, here’s the anomaly: Lily Evans, mother of Harry Potter, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and a Muggle-born witch, is offered a chance to live. Live. This decision, however, is directly tied to Snape. Snape had begged Voldemort to spare her, and it is this plea—Snape’s plea—that softens the Dark Lord’s otherwise unyielding cruelty.
To truly grasp the enormity of this act, we need to take a step back and consider Snape’s position in all of this. Remember, Severus was just 21 years old when he found himself pleading with Voldemort, one of the most dangerous dark wizard in history, to spare Lily Evans.
Snape wasn’t the imposing, confident figure we often associate with him thanks to Alan Rickman’s performance—he wasn’t a man exuding quiet menace, seemingly capable of standing toe-to-toe with Voldemort. No, at this point in canon, he was barely more than a boy, a young man fresh out of Hogwarts, with no powerful lineage or wealth to protect him.
And yet, despite this—despite the sheer imbalance of power between them—Snape dared to approach Voldemort. Voldemort. With a plea. Not for himself, but for a Muggle-born witch. At best, Snape’s request might have been laughed off, dismissed as the desperate wish of a foolish young Death Eater. But it wasn’t. For some reason, Voldemort didn’t just tolerate Snape’s plea—he actually acted on it.
Consider how critical this moment was to Voldemort’s larger agenda. At the heart of his entire scheme is a singular, consuming fixation: the annihilation of the child prophesied to be his undoing. Harry Potter is Voldemort’s obsession, the one threat he must eliminate to secure his dominion. The Potters were no longer just enemies—they were the key to his future, and Harry was the focus of his most crucial mission. In this context, sparing anyone even remotely connected to Harry was an extraordinary risk. Leniency wasn’t just unnecessary—it was dangerous. By showing mercy to Lily, Voldemort risked undermining his own carefully constructed agenda. And this wasn’t a moment where Voldemort could afford to make mistakes.
This unprecedented act of “mercy,” this concession Voldemort granted Snape, became the very thing that led to his downfall. Had Voldemort simply killed Lily Evans on the spot, as he did James, she would never have had the chance to sacrifice herself for Harry. The protection her sacrifice invoked—the ancient magic that saved Harry’s life and turned Voldemort’s killing curse back on him—would never have existed. Voldemort, the cold strategist, fell because he didn’t bend for anyone—except, inexplicably, for Snape. And that single, dangerous deviation cost him everything. That’s how it’s all started.
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And there it is— how it’s all ends. Voldemort’s final words to Severus Snape before he executes him. But pay attention to how he begins. “Clever man,” he calls him. He suggests that Snape might’ve already known the truth of the Elder Wand’s treachery. Tom would never acknowledge someone’s cleverness if it undermined his own intellectual abilities. If he implies that Snape may have already unraveled the mystery of the Elder Wand, it undoubtedly indicates that Voldemort had recognized Snape’s crucial role in the wand’s problems long before. It’s not just idle chatter or casual flattery. No, it’s a bloody confirmation that Voldemort himself had long ago pieced together the mystery of Snape’s involvement with the wand. This wasn’t some last-minute realization that forced his hand. It wasn’t ignorance that delayed Snape’s death, not at all. It was deliberation. Voldemort, for all his cruelty, wasn’t stupid. He suspected, long before that moment, that Snape was at the center of the problem with the wand’s loyalty. He just chose not to act on it until the very last moment.
He held back from executing him, searching for any other way around the wand’s limitations, trying to find a solution that didn’t involve killing Snape. But when it came down to it, when all other options were exhausted, Voldemort finally made his move.
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And what does he do? He delivers a speech. A bloody speech, full of regret and excuses—“I regret what must happen.” Does that sound like the Voldemort we know? The Dark Lord who kills without a second thought, who carves his empire from the bones of the disobedient? Hell no. This is the man who thrives on fear, on swift, brutal punishment. And yet, here he is, delivering justifications like some guilty executioner. This isn’t Voldemort’s usual method. This isn’t the whip coming down fast and hard. This is something altogether more… hesitant.
That speech, soaked in rationalizations, tells us everything we need to know. Snape’s death wasn’t just business—it was personal. It’s a messy, ugly end to the unexplainable dynamic between them. Even at the very end, Voldemort is bending, twisting, trying to justify his actions to the one man who had managed to worm his way under his skin. And in that second, we see something rare—a glimpse of the complexity in their relationship. Voldemort’s usual ruthless efficiency is absent.
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His “I regret it,” spoken once more, stands out like a blade in the gut, sharp and unexpected, slicing straight through Voldemort’s usual cold indifference. The Dark Lord, who has never spared a thought for the wreckage in his wake, lets these words hang in the air, unnatural as they are. A man who’s never known the weight of remorse now offers something that almost feels like regret. Not true regret, of course—Voldemort doesn’t have the luxury of feeling something so weak, so human. But still, It’s not a sentiment he offers to anyone else. It’s almost as if Voldemort doesn’t know how to process this lingering attachment, as though Snape’s mere existence demands something from him that Voldemort is incapable of giving. Snape occupies some strange corner of Voldemort’s mind, twisted and dark it may be, that not even the Dark Lord himself seems to understand. Despite the fact that I’ve painted a whole canvas of tangled thoughts on the strange relationship between Severus and Tom, I’ve barely begun to tug at the thread of their inexplicable dynamic. There’s so much more I could unearth, layers of intrigue and tension that ripple through every scene between them, and I could easily go on for hours about the small, delicious details woven into their story. But, as it happens, my full-time job is already sharpening its knife and aiming for my back, so I'll have to bring this whole saga to a close with the following quote:
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For me, the intensity of this scene speaks volumes about their relationship, capturing the very essence of what makes these two so bloody fascinating. The way their gaze alone can make Death Eaters flinch under the weight of their unspoken understanding. It’s not fear, not exactly. It’s something colder, something deeper. As though they’re witnessing a bond forged in the dark, a grim understanding that none of them can ever be a part of.
That’s what keeps dragging me back to these two. The tension, the labyrinth of contradictions, the complex tangle of manipulation. I want to look away—hell, I should look away, just like the Death Eaters did. But there’s something about it, something that coils around me, tightening like a serpent’s embrace. Can you blame me?
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sevsbestfriend · 2 days
In a world where Severus and Lily stay friends till their 7th year but lily is still dating James.
"Mrs Evans how have you been?"
"Severus! It's been so long. I am great how have you been? Lily tells me you have been doing very well in school"
"I suppose my performance has been adequate. Thank you for the tea, it is delicious.
"It's chamomile, dear. I..I needed to ask you something.
"Of course, what is it?"
"I...well with Lily dating already and uh...this is awkward. Please say no if it makes you uncomfortable but would you mind going on a date with Petunia?"
"Uh..excuse me?"
"I know I am being nosy but she has been really lonely lately and...I just.."
Severus owed quite a bit to the Evans family. He thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal to go on a single date. Besides Petunia would probably say no on her own when she finds out anyways.
It was quite a shock when, not only did Petunia not refuse she was on her best behavior and seemed to be really into it. She dressed to the nines, always had a smile on her face and laughed at his shitty jokes.
It was an even bigger shock that Lily seemed to be quite jealous of the whole situation.
"Sev she's my sister!"
"I promise I will be on my best behavior and not hurt her."
"She hates me! Why would you go out with her!!"
"Like you going out with the boy who tormented me?"
"So you really weren't fine with me going out with him??"
"Of course I wasn't but it's not up to me who you date! And who I date isn't up to you either!"
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spideyhexx · 2 days
have you considered singer billy also lives on a ranch best of both worlds
BUT i’ve had this thought brewing that you’re new in town and your car breaks down and literally the only person you know to call is billy :( and you’re stressed out probably crying because like. your car. broken. and he comes to try and fix it and lets you sit in his truck where it’s nice and warm
YES I imagine he still owns a ranch and all, he just also sings :(
new in town and you know Billy within a week of moving there. Not cause you even sought him out but because the people in town have mentioned him. How he’s the best guy to go to if you need something fixed. If one of your animals got loose, Billy’s the one to call.
And just on good faith, one of the old ladies that mentioned him, gives you his phone number, despite the fact you weren’t planning on reaching out to a total stranger any time soon.
Then you happen to run into him randomly. Maybe at a grocery store where you comment on his hat and once he says his name is Billy you kinda make a face that has him blushing and going, “heard about me already? By god, ‘ve got a reputation.”
And you tell him it’s not a bad one. He’s much more handsome than you expected but completely and utterly the gentleman he was described as.
then it’s only another week later that your car breaks down. You’re too far out from your home or the main center of town but what you do know is what you’ve heard about Billy. And you’ve met him at least, so it wouldn’t be weird to call him, right? You do it anyways and he barely hesitates to come help.
He’s there in under five minutes with his pickup. It’s night, and he can tell how stressed you are, so Billy’s first priority is making sure you’re okay. Part of him worries you got hurt somehow but once you say you’re physically fine, he gets you to sit in his car, shows you how his radio works in there so you can play music if you want.
He goes to try and fix your car in the meantime and you can’t help but snoop a little. His car isn’t completely clean but it’s him, even if you don’t know him well.
he’s got a half empty thing of cigarettes, a lighter, water bottle, some crumpled up pieces of paper that you don’t look into. Loose change, of course. He’s got a picture of his family, a small, wallet sized one. He may or may not have a condom or two in his glovebox which you try to forget about immediately.
There’s a blanket over the driver’s seat, looks like it was knitted by someone.
When he comes back, it almost spooks you.
he fixed whatever it was with your car and he sends you off on your way, saying awkwardly to let him know you got home safe while you tell him you owe him.
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nectarinesalt · 3 days
Cornflake Girl
...he showed up all wet on the rainy front step wearing shrapnel in his skin and the war he saw lives inside him still...
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pairing: drafted/military/PTSD Eddie Munson x reader (whose brother died in the same war)
warnings: war, language, angst, death. terrible childhood, poverty. talk of domestic violence. eventual PTSD, eventual smut.
word count: 1k
author's note: slightly thinking about making this into a multi-chapter. tell me what you think.
The exhaust from the line of buses in the road choked you like the clammy, stone grip of Death himself. You found yourself in a trance - staring at the weeping mothers, the trembling young men - the only thing to shake you back to reality was a familiar firm grip on your own shaking fingers.
“...before you know it. Trust me, Wink.”
You stuttered over a response. “W-what?”
Your older brother Zeke raised an eyebrow at you with amusement. It’s the exact look that he had been giving you for weeks, and quite frankly, it pissed you off. How could you be so fucking casual about being drafted, Zeke?
In simple terms, the world as you knew it was ending. Your best friend, your big brother, your savior - he got that goddamned letter in the mail. 
Of course, Ezekiel Elliot Winkler didn’t bat an eye. Did he expect it? Well, you were sure he did. The newspapers talked about nothing but war. But… did Zeke want this? Your mind suddenly ran past all of the memories of the previous years; him and your father shoving each other around, Zeke ripping bottles of wine out of your mother’s frail hands. 
Your brother, only eleven months older than you, covering your ears in the stuffy closet you shared as your parents smashed dishes in the kitchen during a fight. You recalled how bad you shivered in the closet that night - probably because the furnace went out again, and no one had fixed it in months.
Probably as much as you shivered now. Zeke’s chocolate brown eyes were different from yours, lighter almost. His gaze flickered between your pathetic scowl and your hand, where your anxious thoughts manifested into a severe cuticle picking problem.
“C’mon, quit the picking, sis. How’s an engagement ring ever gonna look on a chewed up finger like that?” Zeke winked at you, knowing all too well that you swore off marriage over a year ago.
His sense of humor didn’t fade one bit, not even as the heavy bag slung over his shoulder. You helped him pack it the night before, last minute as always. 
You really want to pack this much? 
He smiled that toothy smile of his, dimples catching the shadow from the bare bulb above you both.
It’s all I got, Wink.
A deep gasp rose in your throat and you squeezed your eyes shut. Your memories escaped you suddenly, but then came rushing back with the enveloping squeeze of Zeke’s long arms lifting you a few inches off the cold pavement. He had always been at least half a head taller than you.
Ignoring the scrutinizing gaze of your mother, Zeke mumbled in your ear. “Just… hang in there. Please? Someone needs to take care of her while I’m gone.”
You fought the urge to argue, to protest. You didn’t want to watch over your drunken mother. You’d be eighteen within six months - who’d be responsible for her then? After all of the nights you both went to bed hungry, the narcissistic comments as puberty hit you like a semi truck. What the fuck did you owe her? 
She didn’t attend the funeral of your father when her car wrapped around a tree… only for her to walk away with nothing but bruises.
You were shocked that she had the motivation to leave the couch to send off Zeke. Hell, right now, you were stunned she was even slightly sober in the parking lot of Hawkins High School. But that was probably for her reputation's sake, not for her only son being drafted like a pig to the slaughter.
A sudden flash of silver caught your eye.
Snapping like a twig in the middle of a dry Indiana January, your neck craned instinctively towards the sight: two buses down, the flicker of a silver chain on the strap of a man’s duffel bag. 
Eddie. Your best friend.
Well, your former best friend. Before you had to start wearing a bra. Before your PMS and family stress turned you into a hormonal monster. Before he popped boners every time you smoked behind the bleachers with him during cheer practice. Before… before he did nothing but obsess over Chrissy Cunningham. 
You sighed.
Eddie Munson, born the same year, nearly the same damned month, as Zeke, got the letter in the mail, too. Duty called to him like a whisper in the night, beckoning him with a curling finger, looking at all of his failures, insecurities; Eddie didn’t think he truly had a future in Hawkins. So why not embrace the draft?
At least, that’s what you imagined it was like. Now, your puffy eyes drew to him like a magnet. Eddie looked drastically different, yet all the same. His hair was buzzed like it was when you were in 5th grade. He kept his back awkwardly straight as he spoke silently to his uncle, Wayne. That tiny family was always so good at trying to make life easier for each other. 
You silently begged them to let the walls down. Shed tears. Hug deeply. But no, nothing like that happened. 
Zeke said his farewell to your frigid mother as you focused on the sparse Munson family. Eddie held a firm grip on his uncle as he pulled him in for a brief embrace. As your childhood best friend turned for the bus, he immediately froze at the sight of you across the parking lot.
A whistle sounded nearby, tearing you from the invisible silver chain that connected you to Eddie.
“Zeke!” you choked out, refusing to let go of the strap on his bag. “Write to me. Please tell me you’ll write.”
“I thought you hated my handwriting?”
“Shut up!” You gripped his strap harder, pulling him forward in a gut-crushing hug, trying to ignore the feeling of Eddie’s eyes on you. 
The last thing you remembered was the easygoing smirk on Zeke’s face as he waved through the bus windows.
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wandercatt · 3 days
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september 24, 2024
i’m still in the same town, though life looks different now—a better neighborhood, a better life. every day i pass by the place where i was abandoned, left to figure it all out on my own at sixteen. the streets are the same, cracked and uneven. a few buildings have changed just enough to hide their age, but beneath it all, the weight of the past still lingers in the air. and i still recognize the faces—the ones that never left, the ones trapped in the same routines.
sometimes i wonder what it would feel like to run into my younger self. to spot that long-haired, scrawny kid stumbling through the streets, hungry, confused—lost in every way a sixteen-year-old shouldn't be. i can almost see him now, drifting like a ghost, eyes hollow and searching for something, anything, that could make it all bearable.
it’s been five years since i clawed my way out of that life, but some days, it feels like i’m still stuck there. the pain never quite fades. it’s woven into my bones, a constant reminder of the kid i used to be. i’ve built something better now, something i never thought i’d have, but there are nights when i still wish i could send my voice echoing back through time. just to tell him it’s going to be okay.
i want to grab him by the shoulders and make him see: that we're ok now, we live in a two-storey apartment now, where friends laugh in the living room and there’s no more rain leaking through the ceiling. that i've got a perfectly working air conditioning that hums softly, and a fridge full of all the things he used to dream of, more than enough to fill the gnawing hunger that haunted him. i don’t flinch at knocks on the door anymore; it’s not the lineman coming to cut off the electricity. and i don’t have to walk miles just to get from one place to the next, hell i'd give him the keys if i could.
if only he could see it. if only i could reach him.
we turned out okay, kid. i owe it to you for hanging on, for not giving in, for resisting the noose; you held on when the world gave you nothing to hold onto. you kept us alive, and because of that—we’re here. we’re okay.
we turned out okay, buddy.
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chompe-diem · 1 year
gnashing my teeth So hard someone please talk to me about “a child has a duty to his father, but a hero has a duty to the world”
#YEAH EVERYONE KNOWS IT’S A GOOD LINE#AND LIKE TY MOONSHINE FOR BEING BEV’S SUPPORT IN THAT MOMENT ETC ETC#BUT LIKE??? IT’S TRAGIC?????#sobbing slamming the floor#it’s good and did good things but also it’s so tragic#im just saying the same shit on repeat abt this line but like. it fucks me up ok?#this is my ‘what an honor. what an injustice’#(which ofc is also excellent btw. but this. actually Does fuck me up harder fr)#no bc like. the fact that it was the right thing to say makes it sadder#but to basically go#go and tell a kid that#to tell him that he owes it to the world?#over his own father. at sixteen at maaaaybe some months tops of being an adventurer#to say ‘over a son you must be a hero’#fusndhdhfbdhfhrhr gnashes my teeth and skitters across the floor. you are afflicted with duty etc etc#not only to say all that but also to mean it and also for it to be good advice and also for it to be right. just like#aaaaaaaaaaaaagh#to tell someone what they need to hear. and what they need to hear is how their obligation to the world trumps their obligation to their dad#like???????? hhhaaaaahhhhhh#to me it’s that it’s a good line and an inspiring line that just makes it sooooooooo. ugh#like this was 100% good and inspiring and heroic!#and also in the fact that it was all that it also makes me go insane bc of its tragedy#here’s the good thing! yes if you open the package you’ll see it is ‘what you owe to the world’#yeah so thats more important than your father. btw. you have to hold this weight#also youre sixteen in case you forgot. yeah glhf!#catch me sobbing
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ohitslen · 1 year
I am here, once again, with my Ao No Flag propaganda
These two specific panels of Toma were the thing that made me think over a year ago “Man. I want to be like that too” as in KAITO drawing expression because—
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The subtle shift of emotion, it’s present all throughout the manga, but this is what sold it for me. For no particular reason, it’s not even the best example, it was just what sealed the deal to me
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carefulfears · 1 year
the scully of fight the future who doesn’t want a career in the bureau at all if she can’t do it with him. who debated even telling him that she’s quitting in person, and feels like her loss won’t even make a difference: he doesn’t need her, she only holds him back. the scully who doesn’t even make it to the elevator. the way that as soon as he starts speaking, she goes silent. she can’t even respond. this is not a debate. tears just pour down her face, as he tells her that she owes nothing. that she has made her favorite person, a “whole” person. that she has saved him “a thousand times over.” and she stays completely silent. all she can do is cry, and hold him, and kiss his forehead. how small she must feel sometimes…being dragged from one spot to the next, following along. the way her face just collapses as she moves from holding onto his shoulder to pull him down to her. he breaks her open sometimes.
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symphonyofsilence · 9 months
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Learning about the Yunmeng Shuangjie and the Nieyao drama through Wei Wuxian's and Nie Mingjue's points of view.
#'AITA for avoiding my brother like the plague after being back from the dead after learning he's been looking for me this whole time#And denying him an explanation about how & why I accidentally killed our BIL & started a massacre that resulted in our sister's death#And orphaned our nephew. And talking back to him and telling him off instead of even looking slightly apologetic#when he berates me for telling our nephew whom I accidentally orphaned he lacks maternal education?#And then without even saying so much as a hi to my brother when entering his home bringing a stranger#(that I've been spending all my time with instead of going home and giving an explanation to the brother that has suffered so much bc of me#Bc it was the easier thing to do)#To his ancestral shrine and then teaming up with my boyfriend to beat him up in his own ancestral shrine when he gets upset?#And then telling him that all I did for him (& kept from him) was bc I owed his family and then leaving him behind bleeding#metaphorically & literally (both bc of me) and not even asking him how he is before running to fuck in the bushes with my boyfriend?#*sigh* I thought Jiang Cheng would always be on my side and Lan Wangji opposite us.'#'AITA for making numerous attempts on the life of my marginalized sworn brother and ex-subordinate who has risked his life saving mine#& kicking him down the stairs & offending his mother & going to kill him again#after I told him why he won't just kill himself for the betterment of the world after he refused#To risk his life & safety doing something he had no authority to do after he tried to explain his situation to me?'#mdzs#cql#the untamed#mo dao zu shi#chen qing ling#the grandmaster of demonic cultivation#nie mingjue#jin guangyao#wei wuxian#wei ying#jiang cheng#yunmeng shuangjie#jiang wanyin#yunmeng bros#twin heroes of yunmeng
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alizardjae · 8 months
I crave toxic Kalas/Melodia. I want to see them both using and relying on each other, making each other worse, each feeling confident that they're the one getting the better end of the deal, even as they know the other is using them, because it means the other person needs them, while simultaneously terrified that they could be replaced and so trying to make the other more dependent even as they tangle themselves more deeply into the whole thing. An attack dog and his master.
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priestbit · 4 months
who? me? oh yeah, no, i'm fine. just thinking about donnie spending so much time wrapped up in rancid creature and the fame and in getting clean and dealing with little baby emma that he only gets to visit his brother a handful of times. and that emma only gets to meet her uncle brody once or twice before he goes missing (which then forces donnie back to longing to confront the horrors of his childhood/teen years. to confront the traumas he ignored. to be the rock for cassidy and his niece and nephew the way they were for him when he arrived there as an unruly teenager.) emma doesn't really remember her uncle. donnie never gets to thank brody for taking him in and stepping up when nobody else would. he never gets around to telling brody that he loved him, or that he appreciated him and that he did a good job in making sure delinquent donnie watts didn't turn out to be the big fuck up that everybody thought he was going to be. it's no biggie. i'm just thinking about it because it is the single biggest regret donnie has. and despite cassidy trying to tell him that brody always knew how much donnie loved him and how much he appreciated all they'd done for him, donnie never believes it. because brody never gets to tell him. 
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lesbianlotties · 10 months
heartbreaking news. the character you hate the most is doing the worst things imaginable but the actor playing him is giving a great performance </3
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faaun · 11 months
. anyway after writing the tags 4 this post i told my research partner i will no longer follow his dreams lmao. still helping w it but i need to engage in research that i find satisfying
#i think ive been waiting for something for a while and i will spend the next year waiting for it too#i thought i felt panic but i have decided to read it as anticipation. the thrill of rejection or of moving forward or the latter as#a result of the former. i left you with your backpack unattended in the cafe because on fridays i am done#putting my life on hold for another whim-without-a-warning#this cross country service is delayed by 26 minutes so i will grab a bucket and start shovelling the water away from the tracks#everyone is moving on in some different way and im sorry if you think im mean for telling you getting so drunk will disable you from#recording your brainwaves effectively but it seems like you think i owe you an awful lot. one year ago in four days my friend got me hegel's#science of logic for my birthday and i thanked him for proving to me the existence of things this is what i do he said#and then he will spend the rest of his life breathing philosophy and i dont want to spend the rest of my life#breathing someone elses dreams i wait for the moment of realisation. this is now a 30 minute delay. i was supposed to worship beautiful#things and that is what i will do. i think i have a best friend and i know i have a lover and i know to#restrict my love the way you have. im sorry. i hope you understand when i tell you. i am now sitting on the floor in the luggage section of#this incredibly busy train and i saw a photo of her with her boyfriend and her hair in braids smiling like a fool this is the#except a week ago you told me you almost took too much this time to live. you are a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul and you know you#have already changed the world and it somehow was not enough. now you are smiling without any makeup on next to him#and yesterday you cried in an airport in the states when you were too full of love. this is the most extraordinary human being i have met.#tomorrow he heads off to princeton while his best friend heads to harvard. he goes there to make the world a better place. he is the most#extraordinary person i have ever met. the issue with human beings is that we are incredibly good at almost dying and keeping going.#you try to kill yourself and publish a paper and give a talk. you negotiate the seperation between your own parents and submit another#phd application. i am surrounded by extraordinary people with extraordinary minds and incredibly broken happy hearts.#i only see you smile when you talk about robotics. i still dont know how manifolds work and i love the concept anyway. i dont know.#i do know that i refuse to live unsatisfied.#you can keep drinking. im going to drink this reality up#i think i was a horrible person and i refuse to engage with that mentality again no matter what it takes.
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divinekangaroo · 1 year
Procrastinating again this is terrible
Is there any sexual relationship that the Shelby extended family tries to have that Tommy doesn’t try to control or influence in some way?
Ada and Freddie - ok but only under certain conditions
Ada and Ben - ok but only because T approved of Ben and secretly because T needed Ben bound to the family
Arthur and Linda - incredibly bothered by it and makes it well known under every circumstance possible by demonstrating The Most Normal Brotherly Behaviour (tm)
Arthur and the Russian Orgy - I still don’t know how to describe that expression Tommy gets when Arthur starts to get an erection
John and Lizzie
(Lizzie and John
Lizzie and Angel)
John and Esme (to the point of walking in to make it clear brotherly demands are more important than wife sex even if Tommy arranged the marriage)
Finn and the whore (buy him a better one, will you Lizzie?)
Finn and the girl whose name I’ve forgotten
Polly and Abarama (approved if not initiated; basically traded Polly albeit she endorsed it)
Michael and Gina (the sheer disgust he has for her, I was expecting disgusted sex at some point but Tommy is bad at using sex to show his disdain, even if he sort of starts out with that intention sometimes)
Sex and relationships are such a commodity market in his mind it’s crazy. Everything is transactional. Right down to how he trades Linda to come back into the family fold.
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chattybugette · 1 year
Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe Swiftie Chloe
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