#to the blacksmiths and Gulley
merriclo · 2 years
i feel like we, as a fandom, don’t utilize A Link Between Worlds (outside of the existence of Ravio) enough. we should talk about Gulley and the blacksmiths and irene and the fact that Legend would likely say stuff like “blew his stack” and “thataway.” albw is a great game and offers lots of interesting avenues to go w Legend’s characterization.
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katlimeart · 10 months
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Made in 2023
If you've seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as NPCs from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Blacksmith's Wife/Gulley's Mother
Hylian Woman
Hylian Girl/Mimi (Triforce Heroes)
Young Hylian Woman
Item Seller/Mrs Pompadour (Triforce Heroes)
Rupee Rush Gal
Stylish Woman
Cucco Girl
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twist-dg · 6 months
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Thinking a ton about them :)
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undertheopensky · 3 months
In Loving Memory
Whumptober Day 29: Troubled Past Resurfacing
Characters: Legend
Trigger warnings: Hurt/No Comfort, Grief, Depression
This is not at all in the spirit of the prompt, but it’s what came to me, and it’s suitably angsty for inclusion in Whumptober!
Read on Ao3!
He hadn’t even been looking for it.
Link (it had taken him a long time to get used to that, again; even now he sometimes hears a voice murmur his nickname and his whole body jolts; he’s never sure if he overheard it or imagined it or what) is in the library. He’s not that interested in the books. He just – couldn’t stand to be in the house, when it keeps echoing with voices that don’t exist. And there’s only so many sad looks he can take from Fable – Zelda – before he snaps.
So he’d excused himself to one of the few places in the castle he can lose himself in without fear. People never expect to find him here, so as long as he has a book in hand and a suitable corner to look unapproachable in, anyone who does spot him will dismiss him as another Hylian scholar lost in the stacks.
He wanders along, fingers trailing through the dust on a shelf. It’s quiet, back here. Being so far from the entrance and the most heavily-trodden sections of the library muffles the noise of the castle. Makes it easy to ignore anything that might be people searching for him.
He’s so tired. He hasn’t been sleeping well, lately. Sometimes Ravio can only wake him from nightmares by calling Legend, and it helps but it hurts, waking to the wrong warm face and remembering all over again that the nickname and the people associated with it are far beyond his reach.
He’s had to say goodbye before, but usually not with such finality. He’ll run into Din on the road again someday; Ralph will turn up when he’s least needed; Gulley comes back from Kakariko to visit every month.
This time it’s not just distance, but massive swathes of time, hundreds or thousands of years away. Or they don’t exist, and never will, because his is the broken timeline, the one where evil prospered and is barely held at bay by a few stubborn souls.
Link’s fingers catch on a spine so badly frayed it probably shouldn’t even be in circulation. He pulls it out.
RECORDS, proclaims the front, stamped into the leather and darkened with ink. Not valuable enough for gold leaf, then. Or for proper repairs. The book is old, and tattered, and shows the singed-edge pages of a book narrowly saved from a fire. Surely someone should have thrown it away by now…
Curiosity well and truly piqued, Link flips it open.
The symbol stamped on the title page makes his heart skip a beat. Four had showed him that, something like it; a Guild medallion, proving his mastery and recognition by Hyrule’s Blacksmithing Guild. At first Legend had been equal parts jealous and impressed, and then he’d just been excited, when Four offered to teach him.
Small, steady hands, with callouses more used to holding a hammer than a blade. Correcting his grip with gentle confidence. Demonstrating a technique long forgotten to Legend’s time, swinging with so much force but such a light touch on the handle –
And a rare smile when Legend’s latest attempt came out well.
Goddesses, he misses them.
Legend – Link – swipes a hand over his eyes and starts turning pages. Mindlessly reading the dust-dry entries, regularly stamped with dates and official guild signatures. One person trained seven apprentices to full mastery over their career; another died without ever training anyone and the royal court had to source someone new. None of the names are familiar. It’s all just words on a page. Then, abruptly:
That’s how Zelda finds him, hours later. Curled protectively over an ancient book of boring records so his tears wouldn’t smudge the ink. Clinging to the proof that one of his brothers, long-dead, had existed. Had loved him. Had kept loving him, long after Legend departed their life.
He misses them.
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twin-chains · 3 months
ALBW/TFH Link my beloved! Here's his profile along with his copious amounts of magic items, his alternate design concept, doodles of some of Clover's outfits, plus Ravio because I love him <3
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Profile below cut
Age: 18 years old (almost 19)
Bi, male (he/him)
Adventures: A Link Between Worlds, Triforce Heroes (completed at 17yo)
dyed his hair green to differentiate himself from the other triforce heroes, hides his roots under his prized red cap with a clover on it
keeps a lot of Hytopian outfits on him and likes to mix-and-match outfit pieces for multiple small bonus effects (ex. Sword Suit padded tunic and cape for slight damage increase, Energy Gear belt for magic energy and stamina, Kokiri Clothes arm braces for 3-shot bow dexterity, Pegasus Boots for speed increase)
has mixed feelings about heroism but has mostly been going with the flow wherever the journey takes him
likes to experiment with magic items with his boyfriend, Ravio
him and Ravio live together with many pets including a bird (Sheerow), four snakes, and a beehouse behind the house
found out he is cousins with Princess Zelda (Mural) and they like to meet up for tea with Hilda and Ravio sometimes
also friends with the other triforce heroes, though they don't hang out as often
adopted: never met his mother, his father left when he was a teenager, and he was later taken in by the blacksmiths (first as an apprentice but Gulley is like a little brother to him now)
traits: friendly, artsy, cooperative, can be proud/cocky sometimes, not super dedicated, and has abandonment issues
likes: arts, music, pasta, bees
dislikes: strong smells, loneliness, the ocean
weapons: sword master sword, lots of magic rods (tornado, fire, sand, water, etc), magic nice bow, gripshot
fighting style: relies on a powerful arsenal of magic items and costume changes, prefers to use a magic rod with his sword instead of a shield, strong but pretty brash in battle
specializes in luck, fashion, teamwork, lifting heavy objects (or people), and channeling magic through items
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hoodie-prince-kid · 3 months
Random albw sage (plus link) headcanons because i was suddenly hit with brainrot in the shower i guess
Ages in order of oldest to youngest: Oren (over 90), Impa (mid-80s), Rosso (50s), Seres (mid-20s), Osfala (early 20s), Zelda/Link (young adult/late teens), Irene (late teens), Gulley (mid-teens)
Oren is young for a zora, let alone a zora queen. Most of her people admire her anyway, but the outer more territorial factions remain hostile, distrusting her due to her young age.
Impa remains a Sheikah, serving the princess just as in any other generation. She also served as lady-in-waiting and bodyguard to the previous queen of hyrule and sees Zelda as a grandaughter figure, though a the Captain (and later Link) has been assigned to the bodyguard role, as she is no longer able to fight like she did in her young age.
Rosso has Goron blood, though appears mostly hylian. His eyes are black and his skin is quite literally rather tough, and his strength and heat tolerance are superior compared to the average hylian. Before making these observations, one might just see him as a jolly middle-aged hylian miner.
Seres served in the castle as a maid when she was younger, because the Priest wanted her to have other positive female influences in her life before training her to take over as Priestess. The Captain was a young page in training at the time and has been smitten with her since childhood, but Seres is oblivious to his affection. Among the younger castle maids, Seres was the only one unafraid of Dampé, and always treated him with kindness.
Osfala is descended from Sheikah blood, as is Sahasrala. He was a page at Hyrule Castle as a boy before Impa saw greater potential in him and sent him to the village to train under Sahasrala to learn more traditional Sheikah arts and a higher level of swordsmanship than the pages at the castle are provided. This knowledge and the doting of Sahasrala' houskeeper went to Osfala's head, making him a bit brash and overconfident, but his heart remains in the right place. He's a bit vain about his appearance and has long conversations with the stylish woman, who has tailored him a few outfits to wear outside his page robes.
Link and Zelda have very close birthdays, with Zelda being older by at least a month. Zelda lived a sheltered life in Hyrule Castle, her few friends being among the maids and guards. She admires her mother greatly and has taken up the former queen's studies after her death. Her father perished during the events of the game, but she wouldn't learn of this until after Yuga's defeat. Impa served as regent until Zelda came of age to be crowned queen.
Link was born to a knight and the sister of the blacksmith's wife, the first of whom perished at the hands of monsters, the second falling deathly ill when Link could barely walk. The blacksmith and his wife took him in as their own and began to teach him the family trade. When he was about 16, he moved back into his childhood home because he was homesick, though he still continued to train under the blacksmith and spend time with Gulley, who he got along very well with and considered a little brother.
Irene never knew her parents, as she was raised by her grandmother after being left with her under mysterious circumstances. She takes pride in her skill as a witch and potion brewer, and has been spending a long time thinking of the perfect curse to cast on the fortune teller as revenge for breaking her grandmother's heart (there are too many good options, but she can't do all of them at once).
Gulley was the last of the seven sages to be born, the only biological child of the blacksmith and his wife. Growing up in the smithy made him tired of the constant sight of fire and metal, and as a result he fell in love with nature and was always wandering off to play in the woods. It was often up to Link to find him and bring him back.
Before the chamber of sages, they didnt all know each other; but some had connections to others from prior.
Zelda was close with Impa as she grew up under her care. She had also befriended both Seres and Osfala before they left the castle.
Rosso commonly traded materials with the blacksmith, but that was early in the morning when Link hadn't gotten up yet (he's a late sleeper). He's met and interacted with Gulley on several occasions, though.
Oren met Zelda once when they were both still very young, and when Oren was still the princess of the Zora. Zelda could hardly speak yet, but Oren found it a fascinating experience to interact with Hylian young. Zelda remembers her faintly.
Everyone in town knows Seres' name for one reason or another, always good ones, though no one is particularly close with her. She gets along with Osfala due to their shared background of moving from the castle to the village, having a familiarity like old schoolmates. The Captain is jealous of this, but they harbor no romantic feelings towards each other.
As a training fighter, Osfala has met Link and Gulley on several occasions, but was both too busy and too proud to stay and talk or even memorize their names. He still treated them with base respect, but was hasty to leave the interaction most of the time, wanting to prepare for his presumed destiny of becoming the hero of hyrule. He accepted quickly that it was Link rather than him, and while he was disappointed, showed no hostility- he knew it was the decision of the goddesses, and that Link had no say in the matter, so it wasn't his fault. He was proud to still play a role to protect Hyrule in the end.
Much like Seres, everyone in town is familiar with Irene, but that's on the basis of Irene having taken over delivery work for her grandmother. She stops in town to buy bottles and sell potions, but she's very cold and rude about it, not quite having learned proper social manners just yet.
Gulley is familiar with the village kids as he used to play with them when he was younger, but as he grew he became a bit of an outcast and preferred to play in the woods by himself instead.
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⏳Downfall Links Doodles⏳
Program: Ibis Paint X
Time Elapsed: 4 hours, 25 minutes.
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Classic Link got smaller somehow, and I welcome it.
The doodles above are all incarnations of Link from the Downfall Timeline (+ bonus Ravio because it is inexcusable to leave him out). I can go on for hours about why I love each of these storylines individually, but I'll try to keep it short and sweet and save the ramblings for another post.
This page includes ALTTP Link, ALBW Link and Ravio, LoZ Link, and AoL Link- who I HC as a second incarnation of LoZ Link (more on that later, my mind has been swirling... o_o).
First in the Downfall Timeline comes ALTTP Link, and I already have expressed how much I love that game. I mean, just look at rabbit Link. Sure, it's not very intimidating, but there is no way you can't love a little bunny. I hope we get some sort of nod to his again in newer games (like Ravio). I can never really decide on which color to use on his hair, but this time I tried pinkish highlights. It makes his hair look like a sunset, oddly enough, but also kind of like old art of the Sacred Realm.
Next comes ALBW Link and Ravio. Based on some implied dialogue exchanges in the game, I like to imagine they're too much alike while not at all at the same time; like brothers, basically. However, I imagine they're close enough that Link surprisingly takes his cowardly counterpart more seriously than others might, and Ravio looks up to Link a lot and even tried to replicate his behavior. Knowing that Tri-Force Heroes Link is supposed to also be ALBW Link, I imagine Ravio is like the "Vio" to the trio of Red, Green, and Blue in Hytopia. The little smithing attire ALBW wears was given to him by the Blacksmith, who I HC adopts him after the story. That makes Gulley his little brother. :)
Lastly, there's the two classic versions of Link. According to Nintendo, these two Links are one in the same. However, I like to imagine differently due to the difference in gameplay style. I also just think it fits better in context of the rest of the timelines. So, here they are with two different designs. LoZ Link is a small, ten year old boy with a heart twice his size. He simply sticks to a sword and bombs. AoL Link is 16, and learns magic spells to progress through his adventure while living in the dormer's shadow.
I like to imagine, if Ravio somehow met these other incarnations of Link, he would give them all goofy nicknames. ALBW would obviously remain Link or Mr. Hero, but ALTTP Link would likely be cursed with some bunny related name because Ravio thinks it has style. LoZ Link would probably just be "little buddy" (in reference to him calling the Link he knows simply "buddy"), and AoL Link would just be "Mr. Adventurer". He's really creative.
I've been considering making a LoZ-based fancomic and have been making plot outlines at a rapid pace. It is unlikely to start up anytime too soon, but perhaps keep an eye out? I may send updates every so often.
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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larkscribbles · 10 months
Crying Over Delivered Milk
[Ao3] Words: 2236
After Gulley’s kidnapping, River, the blacksmith’s wife, goes to Link’s house to provide what little support she can.
(Set around the mid-game. Spoilers if you know where to look.)
Sunlight filters through green trees, a bright blue sky with a scattering of white clouds. Hyrule should be idyllic but it isn’t. River, the blacksmith’s wife, hoists her dress as she steps up the muddy ramp to Link’s house. A small brown leather bag clinks on her hip. She stands at the door, smooths her golden hair and wipes her face, hoping her eyes are not too red. She has to put on a brave face for him. They may not share blood but Link is most certainly her son. Just days ago he started off on what should have been a simple delivery. A boy adept at smithing and sword play, natural talent hindered by his penchant for sleeping in. When she saw him last it struck her how much older he looks - no longer a child, instead a young man going to…
She laughs mirthlessly to herself under her breath. Her son has vowed to risk his life to save not only Gulley but several other kidnapped Hyrulians - descendants of the Seven Sages and Princess Zelda herself. Ludicrous! How she wishes it wasn’t true.
The writhing, nervous energy in her chest has not subsided for days. She and her husband deal with their youngest son’s disappearance in their own ways. She has to do things, keep her hands busy, keep her mind off things. She flits like a bird between different tasks. Melor withdraws into himself, unable to work. His eyes are as cold as the unlit furnace. In essence they have lost both of their sons - first Gulley vanished, then Link after him. They both worry. Hylia knows what Gulley is experiencing; and Link faces the unknown. She wrings her hands. Perhaps he should have been taught more swordplay. Perhaps they should have been harsher on him and encouraged him to pursue a career in defending the realm as a knight of Hyrule. But, then again, what good have such knights proved? There’s nothing for it now. All she can do is provide her support.
She raises a fist to knock on the door, eyes absent mindedly scanning the poorly painted, rough wooden sign that has found itself on top of the roof of her son’s house. As she nears the door her ears prick up at a noise; familiar and gut wrenching. A noise she hasn’t heard in years. Her heart seizes.
Link is crying.
She knows he would be more than mortified for her to discover him like this, he’d always been an oddly proud boy. She knocks, as if pretending not to hear, giving the boy a moment to compose himself, should he wish.
“Link, I have some supplies for you… lunch, some milk. Rations for the road…” She lets the unasked question hang in the air.
The sobbing stops abruptly with a wet gasp followed by the scrabbling of feet. Confused, she backs up a little. She can see the shudder of the door as he presses his weight against it; his shadow seeping through the crack. The muffled, snotty breathing from behind it. It’s as if he doesn’t dare say anything.
She softens her voice. “I wasn’t going to- I don’t need to come in, dear. I can just leave the bag outside hanging on the scarecrow, ok?”
She feels the waves of his anxiety radiate through the door. He’s clearly shaken.
“Is… everything alright? I mean- we can talk about- I would be happy to listen.”
There’s a rustle of fabric she interprets as some form of a dismissal. A wave of the hand or shake of the head.
“Ok,” she takes a steadying breath and tries to compose herself. “Would you mind if I talk at you?” The question itself is a formality - a brief moment to arrange her thoughts.
“I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Your… quest isn’t easy. What you’ve overcome astounds me. You’ve grown so much in such a short amount of time. I’m- we’re so proud of you. And I’m sure Gulley would tell you that if he was here too-”
Her voice cracks and she swallows thickly to avoid her voice shaking further.
“What you have to do; the world you’ve been thrown into is… scary. The idea scares me! And the courage with which you’re taking it on is amazing, please know you don’t have to do all of this on your own, ok? I’m here, we’re all here for you.. You can be a… a hero and still ask for help. You can be scared. You don’t have to do everything yourself. You don’t have to recklessly throw yourself into fights you can’t win, ok? You can run. Just come home safe.”
The floorboards creak but little else. She’s said her piece. He’s listened. That’s all she can do. River nods to herself to affirm an ending to her speech, aware this doesn’t translate across at all. “I’m going back to the house now.” Her voice is small and unsteady. A weight remains heavy in her gut - she wishes she could do more. She slings the leather strap of the bag diagonally across the scarecrow, taking care it doesn’t fall, whilst shooing off the strange red-eyed bird that’s perched on its head.
The woman has just got to the door of her house when she sees a familiar green hat bob its way through the trees. Link? She resists the urge to scrub at her eyes. That can’t be possible-? Well it can be possible with all the a temporal teleport-y magic things he’s been doing. The poor boy’s jaw is set in a grim determination, a fire in his eyes and dirt marring his hair. His tunic is torn and blood flecks his sleeves.
He staggers up to her, sheathing his blade and doffing his shield. He doesn’t dare meet her eye. No Gulley. He’s rendered mute, he doesn’t know what to say. Assurances are nothing but words, hollow. He has failed once again to bring the boy back. River hides her confusion at his appearance and pulls him into a tight embrace. Link grunts to indicate his confusion. He has a creeping feeling there’s something he hasn’t gleaned about this interaction. Her eyes are red, watery but most importantly searching his face. He looks to her face intently, eyebrow quirked, for an explanation.
“I heard you… at the house..” She explains, softly. “I know you didn’t want to talk about it but I- I hope you’ll think on what I’ve said.”
“You’re allowed to cry.”
He blinks, frowns deeply, taking a moment to process what she said, opens and closes his mouth before settling on a simple: “No.”
He waves a hand to exemplify ‘not what I meant’.
“Wasn’t there. I haven’t been at my house… all of today.” The parallel decrepit version of his house in a crumbling version of their reality? Yes. His actual house-turned-merchant store? No.
The woman frowns, lips pursed as she holds him at arms length, studying him intently. “It was you crying, though. Your- your voice.”
Link’s mouth is equally flat. He shakes his head vehemently. “Nope.” There’s only one person in his house and he’s unsure whether or not to fill her in on the error. Surely she could have figured out it was Ravio. But that begged the question. Why was the merchant crying? And a second question, how did she mistake the merchant for him? He concludes she must have heard what she wanted to hear, not that she wishes for him to cry, but she’s worried and projecting onto him. The only logical explanation to the conundrum.
Her hand flies to her mouth with an audible slap. “Oh Hylia. I- I just forgot your friend at the house-” Her face flushes red from embarrassment. “I- well I hope he’s ok.”
Link doesn’t really correct her on the discrepancy. Friend isn’t the right word but what is? There’s an odd distance between the pair. Ravio’s too enigmatic and shady to be entirely trustworthy. Acquaintances? Still no, too chummy for that. At least on Ravio’s end. His intentions of friendship seem genuine but as Ravio has never spoken plainly - it's hard to get a read on him. Link would rather the man in his house be a friend than a stranger, but it’s hard to build any form of connection when you’re running around in dungeons and the other is at home (making you pay rent in your house). Link has afforded Ravio some insight into his life, now and again, carefully slipped between talk of business. But he has never received anything back on that downpayment. A man is allowed his secrets but it would be nice to have some background. He rubs the bracelet at his wrist. “I’ll check in on him.” He sighs.
If Link hadn’t known any better he wouldn’t have spotted anything wrong. Ravio deceptively appears his usual peppy self, purple rabbit hood bouncing comically on his head as he bounds to meet his rupee-wallet/friend/landlord. Sheerow swoops overhead in a figure of eight in celebration.
“Mr Hero! Welcome back! Glad to see you in one piece! You look- uh- Sit down, please. Y’know I’m feeling generous and you’re looking a bit down in the dumps, so I think it’s only right to mention a discount on-“
Link is sure to cut his momentum off. “River came around-”
“Who?” Ravio’s voice wavers, out of confusion more so than guilt. Or maybe the merchant is just very good at masking it.
“She said she left me a bag?”
“Ah.” His voice plummets from his cheery sing-song to something considered normal - it’s unnerving. “Uh - yes! She left it outside but I didn’t want the squirrels getting at it.” He wrings his hands nervously.
Link holds the man’s gaze a moment, but doesn’t glean much from his lack of eyes (thanks to his hood), he more so just hopes to get his intent across. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“About-? About uh- no. No, not really.” Ravio decides against playing dumb. Suddenly he sniffs loudly, voice wet. “I- I don’t think I can. I know- I can’t. It won’t- it won’t change anything. What’s done is done. It’s uhm- the whole merchant travelling thing, y’know? Far from home and not going back?” He holds his hands up after gesticulating angrily, then splays his palms in a form of surrender. He seems to remember himself after his outburst and passes Link his delivery. “Sorry, sorry. Bag.”
Link nods, walks past his guest, and claps a hand on his shoulder. Ravio seems to deflate under his touch. He’s unsure if their friendship allows them to do more. Instead, he sets about heating up the flask of soup over the fire, searching its bubbling surface for what to say next. He struggles to find a way to approach the man - they have no common ground - they’re nothing alike. He finds nothing worth voicing so turns his attention outwards again and ladles the orange broth into two bowls. “Right.” He says, finally. (Acknowledging what he’s said and how he can’t talk about it, or elaborate further.) “Have some food. It’ll help.” (Every problem seems more manageable with food in your stomach.)
Ravio accepts the bowl with two hands, chin poking out from beneath his cowl, mouth downturned. Sheerow swoops in and twitters on his shoulder, trying to provide some comfort. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to her. Y’know? I just didn’t know what I could- it was very awkward.”
Link considers it and inclines his head. He feels a twinge of anger briefly fade. “Fair enough,” he admits with a sigh. He’d probably have been equally silent in the same situation. Sometimes being mute is better than running your mouth.
The merchant balances the bowl on a knee and wipes his slick palms on his robe. “She’s a nice lady. Gist of what she said? Cares about you a lot, clearly.”
Link flashes a small smile, in response but Ravio’s attention is elsewhere.
“Wish I had a mother like that.” He mumbles, as if the statement is directed at his soup, or meant to be entirely internal. His hat jerks precariously on his head as he waves a hand in Link’s direction. “But enough about me! Let’s talk about you! My problems are seriously minuscule compared to yours. How are you doing?” The chirpy salesman voice is back up, but the undertone to his question is genuine. As if he’s trying to dispel the darkness of his previous words and keep up a tough facade.
The hylian almost laughs. “Dunno. Ok. I’ve been better.”
Ravio launches into a well intentioned tirade about heroes being overworked and how ‘Mr. Hero’ should be sure to bring some soup for the road. (Then continuing past this on his own lack of cooking skills.)
Content, Link interlaces his hands. He’s been afforded a glimpse into the enigmatic merchant. His happy-go-lucky mask has slipped for a moment, revealing something a little more genuine. The question is why? Why now of all times? Not a lot more he can do now except infer - now the walls are back up. He doesn’t have time to think about it. He can at least glean that Ravio is a good person. Even if he does seem dodgy at times. Link is content with that. Maybe they aren’t so different as he initially thought.
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transskywardsword · 2 years
Hue, or Blacksmith, the Hero of Lorule and Hytopia 
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Age: 18, 2 years since adventure
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Gay
Nickname: The Blacksmith
Hue is a cheerful, tad shallow, and a little high-strung, young man. He carries himself with an elegant air and while he is terrible at telling jokes, he is quick to laugh at ones told by others. He loves his sleep, but he is far from lazy and is the first to wake up in the morning and always sleeps through is watch. He is prone to dreams that his Zelda believes are prophetic, which deeply unnerves him. He is the most put-together of the group, with a solid nightly routine and a well-balanced diet.
He is a moderately good cook and often is the one asked to cook when Wilds is too tired, sick, or injured to do so. Despite his rather bland cooking, he is a fantastic baker, and has taught Wilds many of his recipes, though the group agrees his best recipe is his chocolate and hazelnut souffle; they mourn that he cannot make them without access to an oven, meaning they can only have it when stopped in a town. He has a major sweet tooth and is beloved by the children in his community for the treats and candies he brings, and often slips Gulley extra special homemade sweets, much to his mother’s chagrin.
Hue is an avid item collector. It started with Ravio’s constant pushing for him to buy items during his adventures, which then grew into a genuine appreciation for magical artifacts and weapons over his travels. He has no innate magical ability but has managed to master these items. He is as skilled with a sand rod as he is a sword—that is to say, fantastically skilled at using both. After his adventures in Hyrule/Lorule and Hytopia, Hue ‘retired’, preferring now to search for new items deep in dungeons and temples as he travels the world. He has all his items upgraded by Mother Maiamai, whom he has a close friendship with. After rescuing her children, Mother Maiamai came to see Hue as one of her own and dotes on him. The two often have tea parties in her cave, surrounded by her hundreds of children, whom Hue brings gifts for, usually in the form of pretty seashells, interestingly shaped rocks, or other small trinkets. The little ones have decorated his items for him, meaning they all look a bit strange; Hue loves each and every brushstroke and smear of glitter. They play games often, like tag or twenty questions, but the maiamai’s favorite game is hide and seek, and the games can go on for hours, sometimes even days. Ravio finds the creatures creepy but sucks it up every time that Hue drags him to Mother Maiamai’s cave—which is far too often for the merchant’s liking.
Hue is incredibly friendly and makes friends in an instant, especially with children and animals. He wants to have several pets once he finally settles down from his traveling, particularly large rescue dogs, and is best friends with all of the cucuus in Kakariko village. Children love him, and it is part of the reason why Bramble, who is notoriously shy, took such a shining to him. He is a seasoned traveler, having left heroing behind to see the world after his adventures in Hyrule, Lorule, and Hytopia. He stayed in Hyrule after his adventures to finish his blacksmithing apprenticeship, but as soon as it was done, moved on to bigger places. He still keeps up his skills in the forge and is the one the group goes to in case of metal mishaps. He loves writing letters and has numerous pen pals across several countries—that was how he and Ravio finally reconnected. Ravio assumed that Hue wouldn’t want anything to do with Lorule after the Yuga fiasco, but after finding a spell from deep in the Eastern Palace, Hue was able to slip letters into Lorule and the two began a correspondence from there. Over time, the letters turned into a strong friendship, and finally into a romantic relationship. Hue also keeps up correspondence with the friends he met in Hytopia, Akka (the red Link) and Oah (blue Link), Princess Styla, and the most delicate of his relationships, Princess Hilda. Hue is determined to befriend her, but Hilda feels extremely guilty for the events with Yuga and rarely replies back with anything other than painful politeness.  
Hue is a jack of all trades and a master of all of them; he’s recently finished his blacksmithing apprenticeship, is a skilled puzzle solver, is obviously good at figuring out how items tick, and is a natural fashionista. His parents died when he was young and left Hue living alone in his family home, and living unsupervised was something he hid well. When Gulley finally found out 13-year-old Hue was living alone he tried to move in with Hue, much to Hue’s glee. Obviously, the blacksmith and his wife put an end to this playful fantasy and took Hue under their wing. Hue is fiercely independent and refused to move in with the blacksmith, insisting he would remain in his family home. The blacksmith’s wife allowed it as long as he came over for dinner multiple times a week and babysat Gulley—who was reporting back everything he saw to his mother. Hue was aware of this and while he found it annoying at 13, now at 18 he is grateful for how much the family cared about him and all they did for him.
After saving Hyrule and Lorule, Hue began traveling the continent and more in search of magical items and artifacts. Now that he wasn’t forced to battle monsters and roam the country, he found he missed the adrenaline and experiences and jumped at the chance to travel. This was how he found himself in Hytopia and why he was so okay with being thrown into another adventure, especially one where he would be working with new people. Hue had always enjoyed embroidery, and his time in Hytopia ignited a love of fashion he didn’t know he had. With the help of Styla, Akka, and Oah he learned to sew and became much more comfortable with his gender noncomformity. Hue is transgender and has always been self-conscious of his femininity because of that, worried it would invalidate his gender. But his time in Hytopia helped build his confidence and he began dressing more in ways that he enjoyed instead of just the green adventuring tunic he wore for so long. As a welcoming back present when he returned from Hytopia and as a way to congratulate him on his new self-discovery, Ravio made Hue a knit scarf, which is Hue’s most prized possession. He tries meticulously to keep it clean and any time it is damaged becomes quite distraught, working tirelessly to fix it.
Hue has helped the other heroes embrace their own gender expression, especially Wilds. While the two aren’t particularly close, Hue has helped the teen become more comfortable in his gender and Wilds is extremely grateful. Hue is beloved by the group, especially Legend and Bramble, who are family. Hue is Legend’s half-first cousin three times removed, and many of Hue’s belongings are actually heirlooms of Legend’s passed down through the years.  Legend was intrigued by Hue due to the family connection, but the two quickly grew beyond that to a true brotherhood, though it took Legend a long, long time to acknowledge this. Hue is also fairly certain he is related to Bramble (he is). While Hue has no proof, he has a feeling in his gut that he associates with magic and takes that as likely proof that Bramble is related to him. Unlike Legend, Hue doesn’t feel guilty about Ganon returning. He acknowledges that he did the best he could and that Ganon returned for all the heroes—it was only a matter of time that he did in his time too. It was no one’s fault but the royal family of Bramble’s Hyrule that so much destruction was caused, and he tries hard to convince Legend of this when Bramble is out of earshot. Hue loves the two heroes deeply and while he would prefer not to die, would definitely fight as long as he could for the two of them. Hue is not a very self-sacrificial person, but when it comes to family he turns vicious. He is known to quip and joke around during battle, and when he is quiet while fighting you know things have gotten bad and the monsters are about to be obliterated.
            Zelda: A dear friend. While Hue considers himself retired, he is always willing to do a favor for the princess when asked. He serves as her bodyguard when she leaves on ‘royal business’, partially because of his skill with the sword but mostly because she considers him good company with fantastic storytelling skills. He distracts her with stories of his hijinks in Hytopia and when she finds herself overwhelmed with the memories of her time as a painting, he is always the first one she goes to to calm down. The two of them take great joy in goofing off together, distracting Zelda from her royal duties and Hue from his blacksmithing apprenticeship. They bring out the childishness in each other, a great relief from the stress of royalty and heroism. Zelda was the one who suggested Hue retire and has even been pushing for him to leave behind blacksmithing in exchange for sewing, one of Hue’s new greatest joys. She wants to see her friend happy and knows he has been struggling post-adventure and is trying to find a way to help. Hue is appreciative but a little annoyed—he sees himself as fully capable of dealing with his problems and not needing Zelda’s help ‘fixing’ him. Still, he knows she means well and chooses to ignore how it really makes him feel.
Zelda believes the reoccurring dreams that Hue has are prophetic. After his dreams of Ganon before his adventure, Zelda has come to believe Hue is blessed with the gift of Sight, even if Hue insists he has no innate magical abilities. Zelda has repeatedly offered to coach him on how to cope with gifts of prophecy, but frankly, Hue is terrified to accept. He doesn’t know what it would mean about him if he was able to do this? Would he have to stop traveling? Would he have to give up his dreams of blacksmithing and sewing? Would he have to waste his time away with scholars and royals? Zelda has tried to comfort him but to no avail. When she brings it up, he tends to adventure more, disappearing at the drop of a hat and leaving Hyrule for more time than usual. Zelda has asked Ravio to help her talk to him, but the man doesn’t handle conflict well and is worried about upsetting his partner, leaving Zelda deeply, deeply frustrated.
            Ravio: Hue’s partner of almost one year. Hue found Ravio exceedingly frustrating when they first met but felt bad for the obviously struggling young man. He let Ravio stay more out of pity than genuine want to help, but the more time he spent with Ravio the more he felt something was genuinely wrong with Ravio. Hue had dark dreams including a figure he soon came to believe was Ravio and was confused as Ravio seemed to be the most normal person he’d ever met, outside of his pushy businessman persona. Hue quickly learned the persona was just a farce after the first time he was critically injured. Sheero found him and, somehow, was able to get him back to his home. Ravio was in hysterics and proved to have an alarming knowledge of first aid and spent ages by Hue’s side even when he didn’t have to be, nursing the young man back to health. The first time that Hue woke truly lucid after the event Ravio clung to him, sobbing, and Hue realized that the pushy salesman was an act to help Ravio prepare Hue for his adventure the best he could. After that Hue became determined to get to know the man better and spent more and more time at home in between dungeons. Slowly, he coaxed stories out of Ravio of his home and his family, all of which were obviously embellished, leaving Hue positive that Ravio came from a dark, dangerous place, and he became completely convinced Ravio was hiding something. Still, despite the lying by omission and constant secrets, Hue came to deeply care for Ravio and trust him fully.
After finding out Ravio was his Lorulian counterpart, Hue’s dark dreams, the secrets, and the need to see Hue succeed, all made sense. Ravio was worried that Hue would feel tricked or lied to, but mostly Hue just felt touched that Ravio would do so much for him and Hyrule, a world and a person he didn’t even know. After the end of their adventure, Ravio assumed that Hue would want nothing to do with him, and that even if he did they would have no way to communicate. Ravio was very wrong. Hue worked tirelessly to find a way to reconnect to Lorule, and found it through ancient magic scrolls deep in the Eastern Palace that spoke of a ‘Dark World’ and dimensional travel. With it, he was able to send messages through magical cracks in space-time, which he used to reconnect with Ravio. Ravio was shocked, and flattered, and a little infatuated, and over the months their correspondence turned from platonic, to flirting, to genuine affection. Hue confessed first, and Ravio folded like a deck of cards. Spurred on by a need to see Ravio again, Hue continued researching into the Dark World and found magical glass, often made into mirrors, used to move back and forth. With some help from Zelda, he was able to alter the magic glass into a magic mirror of his own that allowed him to move back and forth between Loruule once again. Ravio was ecstatic, and the two often jump between dimensions to see each other.
            Hilda: Hue wants to make amends with Hilda very, very badly and has made this known to her. Still, she resists any kind of friendship, feeling ashamed of her actions during Hue’s first adventure. He sends her letters once a week and believes that she throws them away—Hilda actually keeps each one and reads them over and over, desperately imagining a world where her, Zelda, Ravio, and Hue could put the past behind them and live as friends. The first time Hue showed up at her door she panicked and sent him away; after that Hue made a point to give the princess her personal space. He just wants them to be friends.     
            Legend: Legend is one of the people Hue is closest to out of Lana’s chosen and is his literal family—Hue is Legend’s half-first cousin three times removed! That makes Legend his great-great-great first cousin. Despite being so far separated, to Hue, Legend is an older sibling to Hue and Hue loves her very, very much. He knows Legend struggles with guilt and self-worth and does everything in his power to help with that without seeming overbearing or making Legend uncomfortable—a very hard thing to do. Hue lost his parents at an early age and never had any siblings of his own. Even Gulley, as sweet and loving as he is, isn’t a brother, and the blacksmith and his wife aren’t family. Growing up, Hue never had a family and so having Legend as an older sibling and mentor has been life changing and something he will never not be thankful for. Hue knows that Legend sees him as her responsibility and it bothers her somewhat, never wanting to be a burden on the older person’s shoulders. He sees the two of them as equals and is never quite sure if Legend does too, especially since Legend stresses that Hue is the younger of the two quite often. Still, between Legend and Bramble, Hue has a family again that he is so thankful for. He calls them the ‘downfall trio’ after piecing together enough of their shared history to figure out their shared hero died to Ganon, leaving their Hyrule in the state it is. Mask is surprisingly okay with this.
A sore spot between Legend and Hue is actually their connection on the timeline. Legend sees Ganon being revived in Hue’s adventure as proof of her failure, while Hue stresses that it was Yuga and Hilda that led to Ganon’s resurrection. This had led to multiple fights, many of which leave Bramble in the middle and have made Bramble cry, something that quickly shuts the other two heroes up and leaves them rushing to apologize. Hue is fairly sure that Legend does not see Hue as a brother like Hue sees Legend as a sibling, and instead more of a child figure. Hue is a wonderful student to Legend and greatly honored to be taught by the Hero of Legend, though he often pretends to only be humoring his cousin in hopes of keeping Legend’s head from getting too inflated. Legend is very protective of her items, especially her rings and jewelry, but is happy to share them with Hue, something that amazes the others and Hue accepts with great respect. Hue has expansive plans to take Legend to Hytopia and show her a kingdom filled with more magical clothes and jewelry than the hero could ever hope to buy.
Legend does not get along well with Ravio, who they see as not good enough for Hue, and openly dislikes Hilda for what she did to Hue, something that greatly upsets Hue.
            Bramble: Hue views Bramble like a little sibling and utterly adores them. They are deeply saddened by the strength Bramble has had to learn to survive in their Hyrule, but is also deeply, deeply proud of them. The fact that they managed to teach themselves to read and write and to do basic arithmetic never fails to blow Hue away, and he cherishes every poem Bramble has written for him. He thinks Bramble is a fantastic writer and brags about them to everyone from his Zelda to a random street merchant, which Bramble finds sweet but incredibly embarrassing. Hue just wants Bramble to know that someone is proud of them.
Hue loves watching Legend and Bramble’s magic lessons and is content to sit and watch the two heroes conjure for hours. Hue’s Zelda is fascinated by Bramble and their magic, and keeps trying to get Hue to introduce them, but Bramble is too shy to and Hue is sure to respect that, even if he wouldn’t for another person. Still, he tells Zelda about Bramble constantly, to the point where the princess feels she knows Bramble as a friend even without ever speaking. Bramble is unsure of their gender identity and Hue takes great joy in dressing them up in his clothes and jewelry and showing them different ways to express themselves. Hue is the first person Bramble felt comfortable using he/him pronouns with, and the reason Bramble is increasingly comfortable in both skirts and pants. Hue is so, so proud of them and can’t wait to take them to Hytpoia and introduce Bramble to all his fashionista friends. He’s been teaching Bramble how to embroider instead of just utilitarian sewing, and the younger hero deeply enjoys it. Hue knows Bramble is somehow related to him and Legend and just isn’t sure how. Still, blood or no blood, Bramble is family and Hue would give anything in the world to keep them smiling and safe.
Items: Mother Maiamai’s children have created a (rather ugly and covered in glitter) magical bag for Hue to carry his truly copious amount of magical items. If you can imagine it, he is carrying it, and it includes everything from massive bombs, sand rods, three-shot bows, ice and fire rods, and more. His most precious possessions are Ravio’s bracelet and the scarf Ravio knit for him, and he keeps them on him at all times. He is also very protective of his magic mirror that he and Zelda made to enter Lorule—he doesn’t know that Legend used a similar one or that the magical artifact unnerves his friend, and Legend works hard to keep it that way. Hue has forged the sword and shield he uses, and sewn the clothes that he wears adventuring.
Positives: Hue is an upbeat and positive young man who is quick to laugh and give any support that his friends and family may need. He is skilled at understanding magical artifacts and is happy to pick them apart to see how they tick. He loves children and animals and is quick to befriend them without even trying. He is skilled with a needle and thread and gender nonconforming and hopes to someday settle down and integrate his love of sewing and his blacksmithing abilities to create a line of something new and wonderful to better the lives of the people of Hyurle. He is deeply forgiving, as seen by his deep wish to have a friendly relationship with Hilda, and isn’t one to hold a grudge. He is good at putting himself in others’ shoes and one of the most empathetic of the Links. He has boundless energy and is all around a charming person to be around.
Negative: Hue is quick to avoid interpersonal conflict—while he may be a thrill seeker when it comes to self-reflection and discovery he is terrified and actively avoids it, just like he avoids looking into his likely prophetic dreams. His constant need to forgive can lead to not holding others accountable and giving a ‘free pass’ to people who don’t deserve it, potentially putting his loved ones in danger. He refuses to acknowledge that this is a bad thing; after all, he isn’t great at self-reflection. He can be very defensive of his actions and the actions of his loved ones, leading to excusing actual mistakes.
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merriclo · 3 months
a lot of people found it really helpful the last time i provided some context for LU Legend’s games (this post!!), so i’m gonna do that again!! this time specifically about A Link Between Worlds. if you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask, and i will answer to the best of my ability! please keep in mind that i am only speaking on the english translation <3
also, i will only refer to this game’s Link as Link instead of Legend. while i’m writing this primarily to help the Linked Universe fandom, these details are only from the canonical game and can be applied to any interpretation of this game’s Link. it is not exclusive to Linked Universe whatsoever!!!!!
anyhow, in this game, Link has a family: the blacksmiths. while never overtly stated, it is so heavily implied that assuming the author’s intent is a relatively safe course of action.
for those unaware, the Blacksmith family includes three people: the unnamed blacksmith, his unnamed wife, and their little boy Gulley. also, prior to the start of A Link Between Worlds, Link worked as an apprentice at the forge!!
the Blacksmith is pretty tough on Link throughout the beginning of the game, berating him for oversleeping and not working hard enough to become a proper Blacksmith. this seems relatively mean at first, but then it becomes clear that he really just wants the best for Link. he’s a very successful man who wants Link to be just as prosperous. later on, there’s a really nice moment between the two after Link rescues Gulley (who was kidnapped by the game’s main villain, Yuga) where the Blacksmith says “I’m real proud of how you’re shaping up here, Link.” it’s a brief, heartwarming exchange between the two, and it really highlights their relationship dynamic.
his wife, on the other hand, is much more overtly caring towards our hero. in the description of Link’s green tunic, it’s said that the wife is the one who sewed it for him. more than that, she’s also the one who made the adventure pouches for Link’s belt, telling him “I made it for you so you could carry more items…. But please—you should use that pouch so I won’t have to worry about YOU quite as much!” once he receives them. she’s a very kind and caring figure in his life, who often takes time out of her day just to help Link out and make sure he’s okay.
Gulley is arguably the closest to Link out of all of them. For starters, A Link Between Worlds opens with Gulley waking Link up from a prophetic dream and mentioning that Link oversleeps too much, meaning that (a) Gulley has the key to Link’s home, and (b) this happens often. Gulley was also said to have insisted on being the one to give Link the adventure pouches his mom made! the entire reason Link originally goes on his hero’s journey is to save the boy after he was kidnapped, and when Link passes out and ends up in the middle of the road in Lorule, he’s said to have been mumbling Gulley’s name over and over again (furthermore, it was the blacksmith family’s Lorulian counterparts that had found and saved Link when he passed out.)
i don’t think Link is genetically related to the blacksmiths, even though they do share similar hair and eye colors. if that were the case, they’d simply be labeled as Mom as Dad. my interpretation of it is that Link is unofficially adopted :)
tl;dr: the Link in A Link Between Worlds isn’t alone. he has a family that loves and cares for him deeply. and this post doesn’t even include the countless close friends he made in ALBW alone. please guys acknowledge them im begging you
as always, i’m not saying that you have to take this post as gospel or even be influenced by it at all. i just want to open up new avenues to explore these characters through for people without access to the games <3
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The Voices of Other
Legend of Zelda Characters
If You Could Hear Legend of Zelda Characters Besides Link, Zelda, & Ganon(dorf) Speak & Sing
- The In-Game Voice Actors/Actresses of Other LoZ Characters (LoZ Oriented; has more info) -
- The In-Game Voice Actors/Actresses of Other LoZ Characters (LU Oriented) -
Compilation Posts:
Typewriter (Link and Almost Everyone in AoL)
Sachi Matsumoto Part 1, Part 2 (Link, Aryll, Skull Kid)
Mitsuki Saiga Part 1, Part 2 (Link, Ravio, Gulley, Irene)
Mikako Komatsu Part 1, Part 2 (Linkle)
Jun Mizusawa (Zelda, Malon, Saria, Ruto, Romani, Lulu)
Vocal Synth (Malon, Lulu + Bonus: Marin, Zelda)
Mari Maruta (Cremia, Jim & the Bombers)
Yuko Kawai (Alternative Voice for Malon: CD)
Emiko Shiratori (Alternative Voice for Malon: CD)
WW: Narrated Commercial Voice (Alternative Voice for Aryll, Zelda: Commercial)
Ayumi Fujimura Part 1, Part 2 (Fi, Zelda)
Kei Hayami (Faron, Hilda, Seres, Oren, Impa, Blacksmith's Wife)
Yuko Natsuyoshi Part 1, Part 2 (Marin)
~This List will Be Updated As I Add More Voices~
Tags & other links can be found in the Master Post
I will also put the related tags below the readmore:
IYCHOS&S Announcement
IYCHOS&S [Voice Actor Name] :
[Mikako Komatsu] [Vocal Synth] [Mari Maruta] [Yuko Kawai] [Emiko Shiratori] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
IYCHOS&S Speaking
IYCHOS&S Singing
IYCHOS&S [Voice Actor Name] Speaking :
[Mikako Komatsu] [Mari Maruta] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
IYCHOS&S [Voice Actor Name] Singing :
[Mikako Komatsu] [Mari Maruta] [Yuko Kawai] [Emiko Shiratori] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
IYCHLS&S Alternative Voice
*Some names aren't listed/won't show up because they only have an Introduction and Compilation Post.
IYCHOS&S Compilation
*For characters who also share a voice with Link, Zelda, or Ganon(dorf): They appear in the tags related to Link, Zelda, or Ganon(dorf) instead for Announcements, Speaking, Singing, and Compilations.
IYCHLS&S Big Compilation (For More Characters)
IYCHLS&S Voice List (For All Voice Lists)
IYCHLS&S Extra (Extra Stuff; May be related to Other Characters' voices in the future?)
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ebookpiner · 2 years
Zelda wiki ravio
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Upon meeting him in his home, he urges Link to warn his student Osfala of Yuga at the Eastern Palace, since he is also a descendant of a Seventh Sage. Princess Zelda quickly recognizes Link from her dreams, and gives him the Pendant of Courage - something Link at the time believes to be a simple good-luck charm - and tasks him with finding the elder of Kakariko Village, Sahasrahla. Impa allows Link entry into the castle as she announces Link's arrival to the Princess. At the gate, a guard laughs at Link's story and gains the attention of Impa, Princess Zelda's attendant. After learning what happened to Link and asking permission to stay in his house a while, Ravio gifts him with an old, musty bracelet and suggests Link report the happenings to Princess Zelda so something can be done about it. The person introduces himself as the merchant Ravio. Link awakens in his house once more, this time with a strange person in a rabbit hood greeting him as he regains consciousness. Link loses consciousness after hitting the wall, and Yuga escapes with Seres' portrait in tow. As Link charges to confront Yuga, the sorcerer transforms into a painting himself, yet retains his mobility. The Captain - having failed to defend the Priest and Seres - met with a similar fate on the Sanctuary's wall. As Link arrives, he witnesses a strange sorcerer by the name of Yuga casting a spell on Seres to transform her into a painting. Dampé informs Link of a secret passage into the Sanctuary beneath one of the graves and urges Link to use the Captain's sword to navigate the passage and rescue those inside. Seres offers to retrieve the Captain from inside as Dampé continues speaking to Link, before the doors to the Sanctuary slam shut and Seres screams in terror. A guard at Hyrule Castle's front gate reveals to Link that the Captain intended on visiting the Sanctuary before returning to his duties.Īs Link arrives at the Sanctuary, he walks in on a conversation between the Priest's daughter, Seres, and the gravedigger, Dampé. As the Captain thanks the Blacksmith for his new shield and departs, the Blacksmith's Wife quickly realizes that the absent-minded Captain has forgotten his sword and tasks Link with returning it to him. Having overslept again and shirked his responsibility to his master, Link follows Gulley to the Blacksmith's shop where he runs into the departing Captain. After having a nightmare involving facing down a dark, shadowy figure, Link awakens to the sound of Gulley, the Blacksmith's son, calling for him.
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0 notes
skyward-floored · 2 years
Legend has a brother??
This turned into more of a “Legend basically has an adopted family” then just his brother but you know how I tend to get off-topic.
(a link between worlds spoilers, and all the screenshots are borrowed from a playthrough on youtube, literally the first one that comes up)
So as we all know, Legend is technically a conglomeration of two separate Links; the Hero of Legend, (alttp, oos, ooa, & la) and the New Hero of Hyrule (albw (and technically tfh, but that’s not canon to lu)).
And in albw, Link has a family.
So now I’m sure you’re thinking “uh, what? Link never has an actual family except for an occasional sister or the like”, and you’re absolutely correct, because this is Link’s adopted family. It’s never outright stated in the game, but it’s not at all a stretch to come to this conclusion.
Albw starts with Link being yelled awake by a kid named Gulley (the blacksmith’s son) who tells Link that his dad is steaming mad and that he said if Link wants to be a blacksmith he’s going to have to be better about getting up at the crack of dawn.
Gulley obviously knows Link really well as he just enters his house and wakes him up, and Link doesn’t appear to be too upset at him bursting in at all (though that might be because he’s reeling from the nightmare he was having, but I digress).
The waking up is obviously a near daily occurrence as well
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When you finally get to the forge and there’s a bit of a hullabaloo with the captain leaving his sword behind, the blacksmith’s wife offers to make Link breakfast once he gets back from returning the sword (he never gets his breakfast :( ).
Now skipping ahead a little bit, the blacksmith’s wife asks Link if he’s seen Gulley anywhere, and asks him to keep an eye out because she has a bad feeling for some reason. In looking around for Gulley, you’ll come up to a clearing with a small bag sitting on a stump. The blacksmith’s wife follows after you and gets rather upset and says this:
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Gulley wants to be the one to give Link his bag! That’s adorable! And such a little brother thing to do (duality am I right? Yell at your brother to wake him up, then a little bit later want to be the one to give him the cool thing).
Also sounds like a pretty motherly thing to make a nice new satchel for Link huh? Especially when you hear what the blacksmith’s wife says a bit later.
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So yeah, Legend has a mom basically :)
BUT we weren’t really talking about her, we were talking about Gulley! And the biggest proof I’d say of Link seeing him as a brother or at least being rather close to him is the part right after you end up in Lorule.
The blacksmith’s wife’s counterpart (whew!) finds Link passed out on the road and brings him inside (which she complains endlessly about). She lets him regain consciousness, then shoos him out. But if you talk to her again before leaving, she says this:
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Gulley is still missing at this point.
And Link is so worried about him he’s mumbling his name while unconscious!
Now I’m sure you could argue there’s just the usual “Link always likes kids” thing going on here, but I really think it’s more of a brotherly sort of worry/affection going on. Taking both Gulley and Link’s side of things, the relationship obviously goes both ways.
And as Link doesn’t appear to have any blood family in-game... I really do believe the blacksmiths are his adopted family, in a similar way as Rusl and Uli are to Twi in twilight princess.
(And of course, I have no clue how much of this is canon to linkeduniverse, so it’s possible Legend doesn’t have nearly as much of a relationship with the blacksmith family as I’m making him out to have. But either way, in albw, Link does have a family.)
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honey whiskey; chapter five
hihi yeah so fuck the "new lu canon info"
you get some gays bein gay
its sorta a filler but also theres plot
relationships; four & leg, red & leg, vio & leg, ravio/legend, vio/shadow, four/shadow (technically)
ao3 link; x
Legend sighed gently, letting Four play with his feathers. Four made Legend a new wing binder, one that looks a lot softer than cold metal and leather, and she basically begged to at least feel his wings. …Legend kinda likes Red. She reminds him of Gulley. Curious, innocent, but capable of scaring the living shit out of you. It helps when he’s homesick. Not to mention—Four being a blacksmith reminds him of home too. Sometimes Legend wishes he’d went back to finish his apprenticeship. It would’ve been nice…to abandon the heroics and be a blacksmith instead. But..clearly that didn’t work for Four, so it wouldn’t work for him either. “Why didn’t you tell us?”Four spoke suddenly. “Us as in the chain.”She clarified, a little laugh escaping her mouth. “It’s just…not something I share.”Legend shrugged gently. “It’s not important.” “Oh,”Four mumbled softly. “Okay.”She nodded. “How did you make these so quickly?”Legend gestured to the new wing binds as Four finally began to gently place them onto Legend. “We split during watch last night,”Four admitted. “So we could get it done faster. We don’t understand why you hide them, but it makes you comfortable, so we decided we needed to make you these for today rather than making you wait.” “Oh. Thanks.”Legend mumbled quietly. “How did you split without anyone seeing? We’re not exactly heavy sleepers.” “Oh, we walked a little bit away to split.”Four grinned slightly, shrugging. “We just wanted this done for you.” “Oh.” Four hummed, gently fastening the clip on the binds before she paused, poking at the side of Legend’s neck. “What’s that?” “One, don’t poke my neck you weirdo—”Legend’s comment earned a giggle from the smithy. “Two…do you mean my tattoo?” “Yeah! The purple bunny...” “Oh..that.”Legend cracked a little smile. “It’s a matching tattoo I have with Ravio. He…has a pink bunny instead of a purple one.” “Ravio? That weird merchant?” Legend let out a laugh, nodding. “That weird merchant.” “Why do you have a matching tattoo with him?”Four crossed faer legs, eyes shifting from red to purple in an instant. Legend glanced up at the sky, smiling. “We’ve been married for a year.” Four let out a gasp and gently shoved Legend. “Shut up—no way!” Legend nodded and held out his hand. “Notice how I only have one silver ring?” “You’ve been wearing your wedding ring this whole time!”Four’s eyes lit up. “You bitch!” “Easy, Vi, no need to call me that because you finally weren’t observant enough.” Four huffed. “You’re an asshole. You’re worse than Shade.” “Shade?”Legend blinked, grinning when Four flushed. “Who’s Shade?” “I…don’t have to tell you.” “C’mon, you know you wanna~” “I—”Four let out a frustrated whine, burying faer face into faer hands. The two sat there in silence for a while, Four curled up in a ball while Legend leaned back on his hands. “Shadow is my partner.”Four finally confessed, sighing. “They’re a fucking asshole but I’d kill for te—actually, terrible idea to say that—I’d die for—nope, that’s bad too, uhh..”Four ignored the very confused look Legend had, trying to find better words. “...ah! I’d trade my life for theirs! That works.” “Tell me ‘bout ‘em.”Legend smiled, gently tugging Four over and beginning to play with faer hair. “They’re the worst.”Four stated bluntly, eyes fixated on the running water of the river that was in front of the pair. “But, like, it’s weirdly endearing? Dub as shit, skull is thicker than the hilt of a sword, but they make it cute somehow? Usually being dumb annoys me but stupidity looks good on them.” “Yeah?” “Yeah!”Four hummed as fae let Legend begin to braid faer hair. “And I don’t understand it—I don’t. But I think if Shadow ever became smarter, I’d be upset? I don’t want them to be smart. They’re perfect being dumb and I don’t know why I feel like that! It’s confusing and I don’t—I don’t get confused. They bring out the worst in me and yet I feel like the best version of myself with them. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand anything when it comes to Shadow.” “Love does that to you.”Legend shrugged softly. “Makes you an idiot. I
don’t…exactly…understand it, but if they make you happy, who cares? You’re you. You love them, and they love you. Fuck everyone else.” Four let out a hum, picking at faer skin. “Everyone else says I'm wrong. That someone like Shadow isn’t capable of love, and I’m just being used. I…If this was a couple years ago—I’d have agreed. But…” “But you’ve seen the real them?” “...yeah. Everyone—Everyone acts like Shade is pure evil, but I know they’re not. Shadow’s just…different, you know? They were never in control. They didn’t get to choose before. They never got a choice before. Shit, Legend, they didn’t even know they could choose before. They were so used to being summoned and forced to do other people’s bidding that they didn’t know they could choose how they wanted to live!”Four chewed on faer lip, frowning. “...and then I lost them for a good few years.” Legend’s hands stilled, and a frown replaced the smile he had. “I lost Shadow for…what, two, maybe three years? It…was the most miserable time of my life, lemme tell ya.”Four let out a sad little laugh. “Yeah…I spent so long trying to get them back. Lots of sleepless nights, lots of failed rituals…lots of failed everything. It sucked. Nothing seemed to work. I almost gave up.” “Why didn’t you?” A silence. It lasted about two minutes, before Four let out a heavy sigh. “I didn’t want to let go. I didn’t want to admit that Shadow was gone.” i guess that's the difference between us. we accepted marin was gone four didn’t accept shadow was, though Legend shook his head gently, continuing to braid Four’s hair. “How’d they come back?” “Honestly…I still don’t know.”Four laughed, smiling faintly. “I wish I did. I wish I knew how they came back, but..I never questioned it, you know? The love of my life who was supposed to be dead just…came back to me one day. I didn’t think to ask how or why—because I had them back and that was all that mattered…does that make me stupid?” “No.” Four isn’t stupid for it—Legend would be the same way if Marin suddenly showed up at his door. Or if his uncle was alive again. Legend thinks Four is a very lucky person. “From…my perspective, of someone who has lost…a lot of people. I would react the same way. Be happy now, ask questions later.” “...yeah.”Four smiled gently. “I’m…sorry to hear you’ve lost a lot, though.” “It’s fine,”Legend snorted. “Happened ages ago, I just brought it up to tell you you’re not an idiot for never questioning why or how your partner returned.”Legend whistled, tying a black ribbon into a bow to hold Four’s braid together. “You’re one lucky person, Four.” Four nodded, staying quiet until Legend finally backed up, tugging his tunics up. “We should head back.”Legend decided, helping Four up. The two walked back in relative silence, but with strange weights lifted off their shoulders. It didn’t need to be said that they’d keep each other's secrets, they always do.
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macaroonkitti · 3 years
I want to know more about Worlds 👀 I love him :)
I don't have as many headcanons on him as I'd like but here we go!
- Uses he/they :)
- They don't blacksmith as much now, it was always more of a summer internship thing, but they're still close with the blacksmith family and babysit Gulley
- They're still pen pals with the other Links from Triforce Heroes! They live in Labrynna and Hytopia (Red decided to stay) so they write letters
- Ravio lives with them again because he managed to get himself stuck in Hyrule with Yuga's staff (more of a headcanon for Ravio, he kept it out of spite and is pretty good with magic. The staff doesn't like him). Ravio doesn't mind living with Link again, aside from being forced to sell his wares in the market now
- Good at cooking, not good at baking. Ravio covers that
Okay I have more headcanons on him than I thought lmao
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renatlia · 5 years
For Good
A peaceful silence hushed over the battlefield. It was won. However, the calm could only be enjoyed for so long before the scenery began to change.
Oh. It was over. Time and space were correcting themselves, closing the magical rifts that brought the group together. This was it.
Hearts sank watching the companions - brothers - around each of them fading away to their respective eras. Then, the transition seemed to pause midway. Caught halfway between the former battlefield and home, their surroundings looked strangely melted together. From the violent debris scattered along the ground, to the still eerily-dark sky, to the green grass beneath their feet, to the spectral-like figures of their friends.
There was no confusion on what was happening. The goddesses were giving their heroes the chance to bid farewell. Jaws clenched as emotions swelled and no words came to mind. Taking pity, Nayru cast her musical blessing on the silent protagonists, allowing them to express their feelings into song.
“I’ve heard it said,” the captain started cautiously, afraid to break the moment, “that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return.”
“Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true, but I know I’m who I am today because I knew you,” the smithy replied. He wasn’t too sure if he himself had made that much of an impact on the others.
The farmhand was finding it difficult to breathe, just like last time, but he wouldn’t say nothing. He had to speak, and by the grace of Nayru, he was able to. “Like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes a sun. Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the wood. Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”
He was surprised to see his cub once again after his adventure was over, but he was stunned meeting the Hero of Time. If his wild child hadn’t been the one to explain to him what was happening, he would’ve thought he’d finally cracked.
The old man had noticed his recognition, but he never asked about it. Instead, he took well to becoming a mentor, and they grew close enough to share secrets. While he felt horrible about having to keep the fate of his mentor secret, learning more about his ancestors was like a dream come true. Becoming Wolfie was a lot easier with someone to cover your absence. After all, it wasn’t just the old man and his cub on this adventure. Being greeted by someone new wielding the master sword was not something he thought he’d see again, especially not the man who forged it.
It was the man’s protege that sounded next. He had a feeling he was about to experience loss in an entirely new way since waking, and he wanted them all to know just how much they’d affected him. How much he loved them. How he wouldn’t forget them. “It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime, so let me say before we part... So much of me is made of what I learned from you. You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart.”
Coming across a snarky, pantsless man was not as out of the norm as one would think. Someone completely lost and asking what the guardian carcasses were was. He helped the pink-haired man back to his camp. There he was assaulted with equally curious questions well into the night, especially once they recognized his sword.
They knew his name. He would’ve been suspicious if he didn’t feel such a strong sense of familiarity. He was almost afraid of the close brotherly bonds he was forming until they found the familiar face of an old companion. He knew then that no matter how much it would hurt in the end, he wanted to make long-lasting memories with these people.
“And now whatever way our stories end,” their eldest cut in, “I know you have re-written mine by being my friends.” To think, he and the mrs were just about to give up on having children. Now it was something they were looking forward to, and after having known these boys for the past several months, the old man felt slightly more prepared.
Contrarily, their youngest felt grossly unprepared. He didn’t know what he was going to do once the guys he’d grown attached to- lived with- fought together with... were gone. It was all too fast, and there was no new adventure or task given to throw himself into once he got home.
The young teen was choking on his tears. Through a watery and hazy filter, he could make out the face of a knight in shining armor, who he had been mentally referring as big brother, staring back at him in sad concern. No. That look wouldn’t do. The sailor needed to convey that he understood, that he was grateful to have this conversation, that he’d be okay.
“Like a ship blown from its mooring by a wind off the sea. Like a seed dropped by a skybird in a distant wood. Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But because I knew you-“ He shakily gasped to compose himself. “Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”
He wasn’t panicking. He wasn’t! He’s woken up in strange places before with no memory of how he got there. Looking around, he could see nothing but dark, rocky terrain. Okay, okay. He needed to breathe. He pulled out his compass and telescope.
Finding north, he started to slowly pivot with his telescope hoping to catch any sign of civilization. A giant blue gem filled his vision startling the boy onto his bum. Luckily, he’d met this blue-haired woman, though it had been quite a while.
This was going to be one heck of an adventure.
“And just to clear the air, I ask forgiveness for the things I’ve done you blame me for.” Whether the Hero of the Sky was asking from those listening or from himself was unclear. He knew he couldn’t hold on to the darkness eating at him anymore. The guilt he felt for causing an eternal struggle for so many in his future was met with bafflement by his friends. Even if he could be held partly responsible for ‘causing’ their curse, there was no ill will directed towards him. Alas, the Spirit of the Hero had a tendency for self-blame, so he would ask for forgiveness, if only to release the negative emotions he had trapped in his throat.
“But then, I guess there’s blame to share.” The Hero of Time took the opportunity to apologize as well. He knew his meddling with time had caused the drastically different outcomes in history the group had experienced on their journey together. And though there was always a chance of death, the fact that he was alive while another timeline suffered Ganon’s rule left him with a sour taste.
“And none of it seems to matter anymore!” The Hero of Hyrule could understand their guilt and thoughts of inadequacy, but what is done is done. They had done their best for all good intentions, and no one begrudged them for it. What mattered now was that his friends had to leave, and he would be alone. Having an apocalyptic world like he did, he had never really lost much. Never really had much to begin with. This was all very new to him.
“Like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes a sun,” the smallest swordsman quoted from earlier.
He was just going through his same everyday routine when he met an older, scarred man outside town. He had been taken aback when the man had happily showed him his large sword. Most would’ve waved him off as a nosy child.
The blade was was impressive. Almost twice his height! Proudly centered in the middle of an angular hilt was the Goron symbol. It was incredibly sharp and looked perfectly balanced. He wondered if it was one of Biggoron’s works.
He would have never guessed what would happen next or the journey it would set him on. The man crouched down. Your name wouldn’t happen to be Link, would it?
“Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the wood.”
A humble traveler walked along a yellow, worn path. Just a little farther and he’d veer off to explore a cave he’d seen once. If he hadn’t been in such a hurry before, he would’ve already done so, but just as well, he was excited. He just couldn’t get adjusted to living in a castle. This was the first time in a while he was able to sneak away.
He met a couple strangers before the mouth of the cave. Not uncommon, he introduced himself. He had not expected they’d actually been looking for him. Confused, he let them lead the way through the cave to their campsite where he spent the night hearing tales of old spoken in first person.
He would still need to explore that cave.
“Like a ship blown from its mooring by a wind off the sea,” a new voice sang softly.
He was running late. Again. Why was it so hard to wake up if he struggled to fall asleep in the first place? How did that make sense?
Finally, he could see the blacksmith’s wife outside waiting for him. Gulley was also outside playing with the cucco. Good. Less embarrassment when he got inside. Curse his decision to continue pursuing the craft.
He took a moment to breathe when Gulley spotted him and waved. The kid winced in sympathy knowing full well the apprentice was just buying time. Well, he couldn’t pretend to wheeze forever. No one bought it anyway.
Out of literally nowhere, a giant club swung by a hinox knocked him sideways. The mother and son ran inside screaming. He counted three and cursed, struggling to stand. How and why were hinox in Hyrule? He cursed again realizing he was legit wheezing now. Lucky hit.
He booked it to the shop avoiding bombs the cyclopes threw at him. Inside, he gently pushed past the three fussing over him and stared the blacksmith dead in the eye. He was tossed a newly tempered blade. He couldn’t let those monsters continue to live in Hyrule.
Shouts disrupted the anxious silence. He ran back outside and balked at a couple of kids running around avoiding bombs. Cursing at everything, it took the three of them about ten minutes to dispatch of the scarily strong oafs. He had to admit, he was impressed.
He could tell what was coming before they could even open their mouths. Goddesses! Could he not catch a break?
“Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood.”
What? Where was this? He didn’t even get any divine warning! Groose was surely throwing a fit over him vanishing mid-convo. He could only hope the goof wouldn’t do anything stupid searching for him.
A strange, repetitive thunking was drawing closer from behind. He dove out of the way of whatever the beast was, but it had actually come to a stop a few feet before him. A young man with long blonde hair hopped off its back asking if he were okay.
He struggled to answer staring wide-eyed over the man’s shoulder. How was she here? Who was this, and why was she with him?
The man stared back contemplating something in his silence. The stranger then called him by name and seemed proud of the reaction he got. He was getting dizzy from the amount of questions racing in his mind. How’d this guy know him? Why’d he have Fi with him?
Why did he feel so familiar?
“Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?”
Bumping into a large gentleman in the bazaar was not how he imagined a new adventure to start.
The man asked him if they’d met before. They racked their brains for a good half hour trying to remember where’d they knew each other from. It was only when Lana found them followed by a familiar face that pieces were starting to fall into place.
No, it wasn’t Lana’s doing, and she knew nothing of how either. She did, however, sense their presence and knew they were safer together. The old man was still a mystery, but Lana assured them this was fine. Maybe they’d remember later. They all had the Spirit of the Hero.
Suddenly, they were in a new town. The whiplash of everything changing in a blink made him nauseous. Whatever this was, at the very least, they were somewhat experienced.
“I do believe I have been changed for the better,” the Hero of Legend sang quietly, his flushed face partially hidden beneath his hair. Soft smiles were sent his way.
“And because I knew you,” the Hero of Twilight prompted.
“Because I knew you,” the Hero of Winds agreed.
“Because I knew you.” Streaks were running down the vet’s cheeks. He could never catch a break.
To be fair, there wasn’t a dry eye present.
“I have been changed...”
The unison voices drifted away along with anything not of the world one hero would be standing alone in.
“...for good...”
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