#to the makers of music- all worlds all times
hopepunk-priest · 2 years
I've been thinking about the Voyager golden records and all of the things Humanity thought important to include on our first and only true message to the stars and how it included greetings like "have you eaten yet?" And rock n roll music and a child laughing and a woman meditating on being in love. How it included the needle point and printed diagram on how to play it, how it used the time signature of the change of a hydrogen atom and then information about that atom, how we decided that would be the mark of an intelligent race. Those records are not on target to hit anything for a sextillian (one thousand million million million, 10^21, 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000) years. How it included videos of people eating and pictures of Isaac Newton's work and Bach and truly, truly what we believe to be the best parts of humanity and it will outlast us!! It will outlast our planet, our sun, our whole galaxy- this message in a bottle cast to a truly infinite sea, with a higher chance of never being found even IF intelligent life is out there, these two records containing all of the hope and desperation of humanity to say we existed!! We are no more but we did live and love and these are the very best pieces of us! Look, our reproduction system! Listen to this song! Watch this woman stand in a store and smile! The human diagrams are waving to a people they will likely never meet in the infinite painful hope that someone will find them and see us and remember us and-
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goatedgreen · 4 months
i need a new tattoo. its about time i think. i need a new one
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myketheartista · 1 year
CW for blood and non-canon character death/nightmares
Today marks a year since I did this animatic revolving around Aiah’s fears and concerns about Polor’s well-being as well as her own nightmares since the events on Buttoncraft have made her feel a bit paranoid about herself and her neighbors. I remember speedrunning this in a day or so after I initially heard the song, and I kinda lost any sense of my surroundings LMAO but I was really happy with it back then and I still am now even though there are definitely some things I wish I had/could polish up when I first made it (canvas sizing, anatomy). Regardless, I know this song still pains me /affectionate every time I listen to it,, these two really do give me brain worms =w=
Polor (green) belongs to @artistic-fuss and Aiah (purple) belongs to me, of course! The split second of PATC-H (blue) belongs to @shepscapades (our blorbo robot <3)
Song is FEEL SOMETHIN DIFFERENT by Bea Miller, Aminé
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🪐Choose a planet🪐
What are your talents?
1. 2. 3.
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Welcome to my magical space, fellow readers 🌙
I enjoy reading cards, if you just need counselling I will be here, you can reach me out!🫀
Commissions are open
Are you ready? Let's go
Ace of Swords
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Mercury is often called as the messenger of gods in many mythological stories. It is the planet of expression and communication. Mercury is fond of jokes. Mercury is often resonating with green, the colour of calmness, balance and harmony. So Mercury has the capacity to calm an agitated mind. Mercury governs things like information, communication, mental processing, timing, planning, and so much more. It’s a planet of many talents. Mercury likes discuss, even if that means ruffling others' mild-mannered sensibilities in the process. Mercury has good analysing skills, good social life and humour.
2. Neptune
The moon
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Neptune gets us more in tune with subtlety, and therefore increases the artistic side of one’s personality. Neptune rules all visual communication, whether with symbols or gestures, such as photography, film, ballet and other dance arts, music, painting and poetry. Neptune wants to escape mundane, everyday reality and to enter a more ideal, heavenly state. It urges us to excel and to exceed boundaries, to reject any and all limitations. It is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, and psychic receptivity. Neptune can see past what is considered real, dreams, illusion, abstract thought and the mysterious are all governed by Neptune helps you know what your gut is telling you. Neptune describes the cosmic relationship of the native with the universe.
It is all about the invisible world, which makes our connection with aura, supernatural energies, and occult science that are beyond our reach.
3. Venus
The empress
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Venus rules attachments to others. It rules attractiveness–both the ability to attract and attraction to others (and things). Venus energy is harmonious, and this is why people with Venus prominent in their charts are often peace-makers. In Venus, we find a need to be appreciated and to appreciate. Venus rules, amongst other things, the arts, love and romance, beauty and the beautifying process, money, entertainment, leisure, sensuality, and comfort. This planet concerns itself with love, romance and harmony in our emotional attachments, marriages, friendships and other unions.
Venus represents the impulse towards harmony and beauty of all kinds. Venus is alluring, magnetic and receptive. This is one planet that is never aggressive.
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Credit for the pictures: Coocorina on Pinterest
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calisources · 7 months
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CHILDREN   OF   THE   NIGHT.   a   collection   of   quotes   and   scenarios   about   vampires.   change   pronouns/names   as   you   see   fit.   These   were   all   taken   from   different   sources   of   fiction,   both   in   literature   and   audiovisual   media.   all   known   triggers   for   vampire   media   apply   (blood,   death,   murder,   gothic   horror, obsessive love   and   more).
SENTENCES AND QUOTES. change pronouns and names, locations as you see fit.
"I took mythology a lot more seriously since I’d become a vampire."
“None of us really changes over time; we only become more fully what we are.”
"A vampire, like a lady, never reveals his true age."
"How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful and magical?”
"The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him."
"Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!"
"The blood is the life!"
"Loving the monsters always ends badly for the humans. It's a rule."
“When people see good, they expect good. I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations.”
“Love is a vampire’s greatest weakness. And we are not weak.”
“You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed.”
“For a hundred years I offered ugly death to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in my heart.”
"I'm not human. And I miss it. I miss it more than anything in the world. That is my secret."
“I'm in love with a woman I can never have. The point is I'm in love with her and it's driving me crazy. I'm not in control.”
"Your life is pathetic. Your after-life doesn't have to be."
"Life sucks either way, Jeremy. At least if you're a vampire, you don't have to feel bad about it if you don't want to."
"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure and even a little danger."
"Sometimes the world turns good people into bad people."
"People have been after me for a thousand years, but I'm always one step ahead."
"Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves."
"Perhaps one day, in a year or even in a century. You'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer."
"Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it."
"You're a vampire, sweetheart. I don't think you'll ever be okay again."
“When you feel the blood rush in, you tell yourself that you’re gonna get through it; that you’re strong enough.”
“You’d be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Elena.”
“I wanna rip into your skin. And I wanna feed on your blood. Under your skin.”
“I just want one taste. That''s all I need. I just want one taste.”
“There’s the briefest of moments before we kill, where we literally hold their life in our hands and then rip it away, and we’re left with nothing.”
“Do you know the secret to immortality?”
“The vampire bond. There is no human equivalent.”
“He was my mentor, my murderer, my maker.”
“When was the last time you drank blood?”
“Left you with a bit of a craving, didn’t it? One day that craving is gonna grow.”
“That's cause you took my life! I got nothing. I lost everything. I lost my brother. I lost my family. About to lose the last fucking thing I care about.”
“And then I watched you pull over and drain a dog. And run down an alleyway for two more rats. This is not a life!”
“Hunting is an art. You have the power to subdue anyone you want, but sometimes restraint is your most powerful weapon.”
“What does this taste like to you?”
“There is one thing about being a vampire that I must fear above all else, and that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness. The void.”
“Vampires are killers. Apex predators whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment. The ability to see a human life in its entirety.”
“Don’t underestimate the allure of the darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it.”
“End of the day, human life is just a means to an end. Our means to our end.”
“A mutual law of nature is the strong always take from the weak.”
“It’s better to have a flawed life lived than wasted rotting away in clay.”
“Hatred, a pure and perfect hatred that’s greater now than the day I first took your life.”
“A thousand years of history isn’t going to write itself.”
“I can’t be killed.”
“I’m the monster lesser monsters fear.”
"I have crossed oceans of time to find you."
"You don't know what you are asking of me. To drink from you."
"You need blood, take it."
"To walk with me you must die to your breathing life, and be reborn to mine."
"I love you, Stefan. We will be together again. I promise."
"You loved me once, you will love me again."
"I made him. Did you know that?"
"I never compelled your love. It was real, and so was mine."
"What did you think was gonna happen? She would look at you, see your real face and give you a kiss?"
"I could swap this life of shame. Swap it out for a dark gift. You just have to ask me for it."
"Vampyrism is, by definition, an afterlife."
"I'm not the one who was sleeping with one vampire while half in love with another. Your morality is a moving target. Mine is not."
"A man damaged by his demons and those demons are not dormant, they are hell-bent on killing me and everything I find beautiful. And you, you are beautiful."
"You are stronger now. Meaner. Sexier."
"They are like vampire royalty. The oldest among us."
"He is the original hybrid. Half vampire, half werewolf."
"We both know I could snap your neck and do my nails at the same time."
 “Viktor. The oldest and strongest of us. That night, he made me a Vampire. "
"Stop fighting who you are."
"I'll tell you what I know about death, Camille. Death dances silently in everyone's shadow, and she doesn't give a damn."
"Turns out, I have complicated feelings for a monster."
ACTIONS AND SCENARIOS. Add a +reverse for the inverse action. Change names as you see fit.
[YOU ARE NOT HUMAN]: sender figured out receiver is a vampire and confronts them.
[FEEDING HOUR]: receiver finds sender feeding on someone's blood.
[WHEN IS A MONSTER NOT A MONSTER]: sender touches receiver's vampire face, showing they are not afraid.
[YOU NEED TO]: sender offers their blood to receiver.
[ECHOES OF THE PAST]: receiver is a doppelganger/looks like a person the sender knew in the past.
[DEATH AND THE MAIDEN]: receiver and sender can't be together as one is immortal and the other is a vampire.
[MY MAKER, MY LOVER]: sender is receiver's sire and they reunite after centuries after.
[BOND]: receiver is senders fledgling and sender can feel them.
[ELIXIR]: receiver is hurt and sender, a vampire, feeds them their blood.
[SHARING]: sender tempts receiver to share a meal of blood.
[HUNTING THE HUNTER]: sender is a vampire hunter, and they found receiver.
[THE INVITATION]: receiver receives an INVITATION to stay at sender's gothic/ancient manor.
[DRACULA'S BRIDE]: sender wants receiver to be one of their wives/lovers.
[BLOOD FAMILIAR]: sender is a vampire familiar, a human bloodbag under receiver protection. receiver finds out another vampire had bitten them.
[CRAVING]: sender tasted receiver once and craved them again.
[INVITED]: after bring invited inside, sender shows up at receiver's home.
[LICK]: sender licks receiver's blood remains from their mouth.
[LAST RESORT]: receiver has to turn sender into vampire because they are dying. sender wakes up in transition.
[ANCHOR]: sender calms receiver down after receiver went on a bloodlust spree. sender reminds them their humanity.
[RIVAL COVENS]: sender and receiver are from rival vampire covens and they talk in neutral ground.
[HUMANITY]: sender is human and because of them, receiver is starting to feel humanity again.
[I'LL BE YOUR GUIDE]: receiver is guiding sender through the early stages of vampirism.
[RIVAL SPECIES]: sender is a werewolf/witch and receiver is a vampire. they fall in love/ally with each other.
[DHAMPIR]: sender is a half human, half vampire who just had their first taste of human blood. receiver finds them.
[REFLECTION]: sender looks in the mirror and finds out that receiver has no reflection.
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amomentsescape · 7 months
Slashers Creating a Personal Carnival for Reader
Background: Reader becomes overstimulated from loud noises, but still wants to experience what it's like to go to the carnival and have fun. The Slashers want to help make this dream a reality for them.
A/N: This was a personal request I received through my messages. They asked to remain anonymous for this, but I hope they and everyone else enjoys!
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Freddy Krueger
This man can literally turn the world into whatever he wants
So the night before, when you expressed how disappointed you were that you couldn't go to the town carnival, Freddy knew what to do
He always wants to make you smile, so seeing that frown was a big no in his book
He took time to plan out what he wanted to do while you were awake during the day
But that night when you went to sleep, you were shocked to find yourself in your very own carnival
There was no one else around, but you could smell the cotton candy in the air and feel the grass beneath your feet
Freddy popped up beside you with a wide smile
He then took you through everything you wanted to do
The games had every plushie you adored in multiple sizes and colors
Every ball you threw and every pin you knocked down barely made a sound
He even took you on a rollercoaster and sat beside you
There was a little wind on your skin, but the coaster remained quiet and didn't jostle you around like a normal one would
It was like he knew exactly what you needed in that moment
The night ended with you sharing some fair food together on a bench, the bright lights still dazzling around you
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Michael Myers
He didn't quite understand why you were so upset at first
He thought carnivals were overrated and never had a desire to go to one himself
But he could see that sad look in your eye when you expressed your disappointment
You were the only person he actually cared about, so he knew he needed to do something to help you
The next morning, you went downstairs to the smell of popcorn
You could see that things had been changed around in the living room once you were there
There was an old fashioned popcorn maker in the corner
And next to it was an even older skee ball machine
Michael was standing beside them, just looking at your reaction
A huge smile grew on your face at the sight
Michael wasn't one to be sentimental, so the fact that he went out of his way to get these things for you meant a lot
He watched you play skee ball a couple of times before you dragged him over to play with you
He was surprisingly good for having not played before
After a couple more rounds, he pulled out a plushie of your favorite animal
It was a little dirty, but you can tell he probably looked high and low for it
He then sat you down on the chair in front of the TV and put on one of those roller coaster videos from online
You laughed at the video, enjoying hearing all the sounds and seeing the sky
But then the chair started to move in unison to the video, Michael squatting down and shifting it back and forth beside you
You ended the day off sharing popcorn together on the couch, listening to fair music from the TV
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Jason Voorhees
The child in him can understand where you are coming from
He also used to want to go to carnivals, but he never felt comfortable doing so because of everyone teasing him
So now knowing that also want to experience what a fair is like, Jason felt motivated to make it a reality
You and him spending time together alone? Perfection, in his eyes
Plus, the woods are the perfect place to do this
Later that afternoon, Jason came inside and ushered you out the door to your confusion
But once outside, you saw an old roller coaster seat, a couple bags of cotton candy, a few small plushies, and an old basketball hoop
You looked at Jason confused before he handed you a basketball, watching you intently
You took a few moments to think about what to do before throwing the ball at the hoop, making it in right away
Jason walked over quickly and picked up one of the plushies, handing it to you
You began to laugh when you realized what he was doing
He quickly sat you in the roller coaster seat and began to move it around, imitating turns and bumps
This made you laugh even harder as he worked so hard to make it feel like an actual ride
You eventually had him sit beside you as you ate some cotton candy, telling Jason how much fun you had and how much you loved what he did for you
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Thomas Hewitt
Thomas has also never been to a carnival before
But you explaining what they're supposed to be like and everything made him want to go with you
But he understands how they can become sensory overload
They'd probably be too much for him to handle too
So why not bring the carnival to you instead?
You woke up in the morning to the backyard being all decked out
There were bags on candy and plushies on a table next to a balloon "popping" game
Thomas was super proud of himself for building the game just for you
He took your hand and led you over to everything
He watched you bounce a small ball on a few balloons, handing you a plushie afterwards
(Having the ball bounce was his way of popping the balloons without the loud sound)
He even managed to bounce a couple himself
He also shared some candy with you in between rounds of playing
Thomas eventually took you back inside to the living room where he had a basket and a fan hooked up
He sat you down inside and turned on the fan, letting it blow on you
He then began to push the basket around on the floor, leading you all over the place in the living room
All that could be heard were your giggles throughout the house
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Bubba Sawyer
As fun as carnivals sounded, Bubba never really got to go to one either
But all he knew was that you wanted to go but was upset that you couldn't because of the sensory stimulation
So Bubba decided to stay up all night, building what he could out of scrap metal and wood he had around the house
He managed to rig up a game where you tried to knock glass bottles over
He also built a little wooden stand where you could "purchase" snacks and drinks
He even dug a small path in the ground for a small basket to follow
When he excitedly dragged you outside the next morning, you were shocked to see everything
He hurriedly gave you a ball and motioned for you to knock down the pins
He then rewarded you with a plushie even if you didn't get them all down
He offered you candy, gave you big hugs, and even tried to "win" you extra plushies
The day ended with him pushing you in the basket along the dug out path, winding around the yard and making you smile in delight
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms had been to his share of carnivals in the past, but he hates seeing that frown on your face since you haven't done the same
He doesn't like leaving the house of course, but he does the best that he can
He makes each piece of furniture in the house a different ride for you
He even raids the pantries for extra snacks and foods that he thinks you'll like
And his old stuffed animals? The perfect prizes for winning some games!
He waits until the night, waking you up from your sleep to take you downstairs
He adjusted the lighting so it was a little darker, but this made everything else stand out
He put on some music on the record player as he took you on all the rides, giving you hugs from behind
And although they weren't quite traditional fair games, he did the best he could with his parent's old pool table, setting up different plastic cups to knock down
And every plushie you won was a memory for Brahms, which made it even more special
Although a little selfish, he can be quite romantic when he wants to be
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Norman Bates
He can't bear to see you cry like this
He'd love to go to the carnival with you, but he also wants to see you comfortable and happy
He decides to close the motel for the day- anything for you was worth it
And after breakfast, you were surprised to see that each motel room had been turned into something different
Some had different games in them
Others had sweets and fair food
And one even had your own little rollercoaster, the TV playing a ride POV for you
You about jumped in his arms when you saw everything
You excitedly grabbed his hand and pulled him along to each room, making sure that he played and ate alongside you the whole time
It wouldn't have been the same if he wasn't at the carnival with you
Your favorite was the rollercoaster though, loving how he stayed close to your side as he moved the "ride" around in unison to the TV
Everything was perfect
And Norman reserved the last room as a little resting area, cuddling up next to you on the bed and asking how you liked everything
He thinks that maybe he should do this again in the future
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Billy Loomis
With the carnival coming to town, Billy could immediately tell that something was wrong
When you told him about your disappointment, he wiped away your tears and told you it would be okay
A couple days later, you were at the empty town fair with Billy
All it took were a couple threats from "Ghostface" to the police station for the residents to not show up that day to the carnival
He toured you around for a bit, showing you all the food and rides
And when you were ready, you guys ended up trying out some of the games
He let you pick out whatever plushie you wanted and he got it down for you
He also sat in the rollercoaster cart with you, letting you experience what it was like to be in one with him without all the loud noises and craziness that usually come with the ride
And he happily hopped into a couple different food trucks, pretending to be a worker and asking for your order
It was probably the best date you've had with Billy so far
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Stu Macher
Stu despises seeing you upset about anything
He'd go to the lengths of the earth to keep you smiling
So when he told you to come over to his place for date night, you were shocked to see your own mini carnival inside his living room
All of your favorite foods and drink were set out on the table
And he even made his own version of the pin game you'd normally see at carnivals
He may have stolen some of the "winnable" plushies however
But it's the thought that counts in his book
The fact that he did all of this for you was enough to make you cry
He happily took your hand and led you over to everything, explaining what he did and how you both were going to have so much fun
He even made a couple cut outs in a large box he had, allowing both of you to fit in the "rollercoaster" ride
He tried mimicking the actual ride by making funny noises and putting his hands in the air, shaking the box around with you in it
He may have knocked you both over a couple of times, but it was still fun either way
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Eric Draven
You're sad about not being able to go to the carnival?
Well lucky for you, Eric has access to his share of empty rooftops, giving you plenty of room to have fun
He spent a couple of nights piecing together different games and foods that he thought you would like
He even bought a few different strings lights to give off that colorful experience you'd see at an actual fair
He waited until the middle of the night once the city was asleep to take you onto the rooftop with him
It was honestly so pretty
The lights, the gentle music, and the cool feeling of the night air was perfect
Your carnival visit was very relaxing too
You played some games together, Eric insisting that he had to play a few rounds in order to win you a plushie
And to your surprise, he "won" you the stuffed animal you had been eyeing in the store a week ago
And any fair food you've wanted to try? Eric somehow has it for you
You both ended the night sharing cotton candy and looking out over the quiet city together, your head resting on his shoulder
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charles-leclerizz · 3 months
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🏁 Content warnings : Swearing.
🏁 Spoiler alert : Please read the masterlist, Character sketch and Team sketch to understand.
🏁 Genre : Drama, Action, Sports
🏁 Reading time : 15 minutes, 6 seconds
🏁 Word count : 3.0.k (3021 words)
🏁 Chapter summary : It all begins now.
🏁 Author's note : So, this is it, welcome to the beginning of this wild ride. Just wanted to explain a few things [so skip this right now if you're not really interested, no hard feelings !] Now, this format is probably confusing, basically the first part of this is the trailer, how it would look on Netflix, the actual video/film. And the writing after the banner, Behind the Scenes, is literally behind the scenes, what isn't shown on camera. Second, this whole series is meant to be very dramatic, it's entertainment made by "Netflix" [not really, please don't sue me] for God sake. With all that said, Enjoy!
Masterlist · 🪷 Aisha · 🪷 Porsche F1 Team · 🪷
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[Please play this song whilst reading the trailer & feel free to stop once we get behind the scenes with the drivers !]
The screen fades from black to show a Porsche F1 car skidding down the track, the sound of screeching rubber against the tarmac harmonises with the energetic music that pumps behind the video.
Circular shots of a driver climbing out of the car from different angles flash across, and just before they tug off their helmet the scene changes to the paddock, pit crew, mechanics and drivers rush past in a blur, their differently coloured uniforms merge together like lights in a city scape. Suddenly, everything stops and the music fades away momentarily.
“In the fast-paced world of formula 1,”
Scenes of driving legends hoisting up their trophies with happy grins and champagne soaked racing gear flash past. Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Kimi Räikkönen.
“Where every second counts and emotions run high.”
The grating sounds of cars speeding past bursts into the frame, Max Verstappen shaking his fists ambitiously as he wins, yet another grand prix, Charles Leclerc as he wins in Spa and Monza, Carlos sainz and Lando Norris partnering up in the Singapore 2023- “Yeah, it’s on purpose.” The Spaniard grits out just as the narrator begins to speak again.
“Our team is about to redefine the game,”
The narrator is revealed, a woman, tall and proud as she sits in front of a grey backdrop. Her blonde hair is cut to a sharp bob and her glasses, astute and black sit high on her nose as she laughs jauntily and arches a well-managed, bleached brow at one of the three camera’s recording her, “Is that good?” she huffs out, thick Manchester accent shining through her cheerful words.
Black takes over once again, and the Indian flag, flapping in the wind from a tall pole that reaches high into the sky is shown, the bright, proud colours shining against the pale, blue sky. The camera pans down to the bottom of the ground, where the same driver,who was emerging from the car in the begging is looking up, at their flag.
But instead of their helmet securely fastened around their face, it’s held between the crook of their elbow and waist. The white base is glossy as multiple sponsor logos are littered around the entire frame, along with the black, bold letters “PATEL” being showed off at the back, currently visible to the camera along with the behind of the driver’s racing suit.
The shot pans up, revealing long flowing hair, black thick strands a contrast to her off white racing suit. The same flag peeks out from between the chunks of her fluttering locks, large and proud on the expanse of her back. The driver begins to turn and just as her red painted lips come into view the scene changes and a different narrator begins to speak again.
“From the makers of 'Drive to Survive' comes a new Netflix Original Series that takes you behind the scenes of the most exhilarating sport on the planet.”
Scenes of the woman running across the paddock and into her garage, her teammate not far behind overlay the announcement.
Another moment is revealed, this time of her ducking into her car, glove covered hands braced on the halo as her face turns upwards towards a racing engineer who speaks to her. She nods before turning to look directly into the camera and lowering herself into the cockpit.
The woman begins to speak again, "Aisha is our trailblazer in Formula 1.”
The iconic lights of Formula one begins to count down as the mechanical ticking echo throughout the grand-stands and the camera goes to shoot the anticipatory lull in the air as spectators hold their breath whilst the engines start up and the last light dims.
“She’s smashing stereotypes and racing towards victory.” The team principal shakes her head, a soft, proud smile playing on her light pink lips.
The team car revs menacingly as the gaggle of drivers manoeuvre their way through turn one of Bahrain.
The Porsche chassis glows between the unmanageable scuffle of the other 18 cars on the track, as both team racers attempt to come out on top in the dangerous pile of engines, the expectant victor of the throng doesn’t appear, the deep blue red bull is yet to emerge. The crowd gasps and cheers as the true victor begins to approach the next turn, speeding down the straight.
The camera catches the proud logo on the side of the car, “Porsche” and on the back, as the DRS begins to activate, the opened flap reveals, “Patel”.
“I just hope people are ready to see her in action. Because she isn’t stopping anytime soon" She stares into the camera as her name appears on screen, a small box enveloping the words, “Katherine Anderson, Porsche team principal.”
Finally, the rumoured driver comes into the scene, walking up to the stool as the camera drags up her slack clad legs, the cream material swishes by her ankles along with the golden payaal that jingles with each step of her stiletto heels against the floor. Her torso is revealed slowly, a tight top hugs her bust whilst the printed Porsche logo morphs against the curves of her chest. The varied tennis barcelets and charmed jewellery around her wrist titillate together as she takes a seat on the chair, and her face is revealed.
She squints her eyes and brings a manicured hand up to push away the straightened hair from her lips, her mouth purses as the unintelligible voice of the producer talks to her, whilst her eyelashes flutter and she hums in agreement.
“So, I just talk?” She asks, pointing a finger at the camera that faces her before blotting the lipstick on her lips. She nods once as the cameraman confirms.
“My name,” She tilts her head as she smiles, perfect, white teeth shining underneath the light, “Is Aisha Patel, and I drive for Porsche F1 Team.”
The camera cuts again, showcasing Aisha on the podium, pushing a large trophy up into the air as her teammate, Pierre cheers and sprays champagne on her stomach from his place on the “2nd” platform. She shakes her head and laughs as her entire head becomes soaked with the bubbly, sweet drink. Multiple identical shots are placed one after the other, of her standing proud and sweaty on the 1st place podium.
“I’ve worked my ass off,” Aisha’s voice over-runs the music, “And I’ll be damned if anything stands in my way.”
She squares her shoulders as she unzips her racing suits and bunches it up at her waist as she stomps over to Max Verstappen, the Dutch man looking equally malicious as his blue eyes roll with annoyance and already red face puffs out intimidatingly.
She pokes a finger into his fire-proof covered chest as she begins to shout, ignoring the worried stares of the crew around her in the Red-Bull garage. Max spits out the long, twirling straw from between his lips and begins to argue back.
Her mouth moves angrily as she goes to snatch the can of branded drink from his tense hands, throwing the sugary drink in his face, thoroughly dousing the shouting man and reducing him to a spluttering mess as she stomps away, flipping off one of the camera’s that eagerly follows her.
The narrator returns, his deep timbre rumbling through the video, “But the road to victory is never easy, as Aisha navigates through rivalries, scandals, and the pressure to perform.”
The scene switches to Aisha rushing out of a hotel in England, the night before Silverstone and the odd, overwhelming flashes of hounding reporters seem to be tuned out of her gaze as Lando runs behind her, grabbing helplessly at her hand whilst tears stream down her flushed face.
Her hair is mused and makeup runs haphazardly across her tan skin, she wretches her wrist out of the man’s grip, shaking her head as her lip wobbles. She covers her eyes before dodging and weaving through the paparazzi, barely able to mumble polite, “excuse me’s” from between erratic sobs, as she unlocks her expensive car and slips into the driver’s seat.
The second shot is of her and Carlos, hand in hand as her shoulders begin to shiver in his hold whilst she adjusts the heavy cardigan that hangs limp from her shoulders. The Spaniard’s face is tough and rocky as his hands comes to embrace her upper arm, cradling her against his side whilst the rest of the drivers begin to flee the racetrack, already tired from the latest qualifying session.
Yet, the papparizzi continue to hound the pair mercilessly, Aisha hides her face as the man beside her stops his firm footsteps and turns to a reporter from a less respectable news channel, the sleezy jounarlist gulps but stands his ground as he pushes his microphone forward. Carlos glances down at the tech with disgust, and just before he opens his mouth, the scene ends, and we’re taken back to Aisha who sits contently in the interview.
“In this world, you must fight for every inch. And I'm ready to fight, no matter the cost.”  She smirks at another camera, her side profile showing off noticeable details over the expanse of her face like the sharp cut of her nose and the splattering of freckles across her cheekbones along with the odd beauty marks spotted above her lip and a few inches from her nose.
The final shot is off Aisha climbing out of the Porsche car, removing her helmet, allowing her hair to flow over her shoulder and down her back as she tilts her head at the camera and leans back against the pale white halo of her car.
She then crooks her finger at the viewers, gesturing for the cameraman to follow her hand as she holds up a singular finger, and points upwards towards the sky.
The shot is then of the of the expansive indiago above, and through the magic of editing, the Porsche logo takes up the screen.
“Get ready to experience the thrill, the passion, and the drama of Formula 1 like never before.” The narrator ends his sentence powerfully as the crescendo of the song reaches its peak.
“This is 'Formula for Love'.” Aisha ends the trailer, waving at the camera before the video is overtaken with black once again.
The title card appears, “Formula for love – A netflix original series”.
As the words disappear, a shot of Aisha’s car speeding off into the distance after which a mechanical, “Streaming soon, only on Netflix.” ends the trailer.
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Aisha sighed, tapping her thighs as the filming concluded and many on-set employees rushed to her side, patting at her face along with offering her a can of thumbs up, the condensation runs down the metallic container and onto her fingers.
“Thank you, guys so much,” Aisha sipped at the straw protruding from the can in her hand before smiling at the people who merely stared at her, already putting away their various tools. A compact snapped shut, a damp towel thrown over a shoulder and a camera cover flipped closed.
Aisha sucked in a breath, flicking her eyes over the workers before looking over at Kate, who was signing a paper handed to her on a writing board.
She chuckled at Aisha’s worried expression and the silence that hung in the air, “It’s okay,” she assured the driver, who looked relieved as the people recovered and retreated away from the filming set, going back to their stations.
“They aren’t very used to people thanking them.” Kate shrugged, “They reacted like that to me as well,”
“Oh, thank God,” She patted her chest as she waved at the director, who smiled back and showed her a happy thumbs up, “This is all so new to me.” Aisha tugged at her hair as Kate pulled up her phone and scrolled through her calendar.
“Don’t worry too much about its Aisha, you’ll get there.” She rubbed the nervous driver’s arm and hissed when her phone vibrated, “I have to go, so much to get done before our first season,” Kate shook her head, wishing Aisha goodbye as she walked out of the trailer and out towards their still concealed garage.
Aisha hummed distractedly, before realising she had no idea what to do once Kate had walked away, “Wait!” But the team principal had already left, “Damn it,” She bit her nail once, handing off her empty can and plucking out her phone from her pocket.
“Oh, there you are.” A media manager bounded up to Aisha, surprising the woman as she jumped and whipped her head around to the approaching worker, “The driver’s briefing is about to begin,”
The man waved a hand at his face before pinching his Porsche x Adidas apparel between his fingers and forcing air between the material and his chest. He was likely middle aged, and sported dark brown hair with peppery roots and salted strands that peeked out from between the chocolatey curls.
He showed her his F1 team ID and stopped fanning himself to usher her with his hand.
“Shit- okay,” Aisha stuffed her phone away, following him out of Netflix filming trailer, out to the dark murky sky above the paddock, towards another building.
The office was tall and white, covered with floor to ceiling windows that were shielded with a layer of reflective film, “Oh God.” Aisha murmured beneath her breath as she took a few calming breaths, already forgetting to trail behind the man who was staring at her impatiently whilst holding the door open, watching as she stared at the building by straining her neck upwards.
She prepared herself, flapping her hands around slightly and jolting when the manager cleared his throat.
“Please hurry Miss. Patel. It won’t look good if you’re late.”
“I know, I know.” Aisha repeated, assuring the increasingly nervous man who walked up to her.
“It will be okay,” He laid a hesitant hand on her shoulder, taking an exemplary deep breath for her to copy. He continued when she did, “I’m Harry, sorry for not introducing myself, and I will be in charge of all media at Porsche.”
“Okay?” Aisha shook her head a few times to clear her mind, “Meaning?”
Harry chuckled and hung his head, “Meaning. That I’ll be with you in there. You won’t be alone.” He pointed a finger at himself, “See, you already have a familiar face to look for,” His slightly aged face wrinkled happily when Aisha smiled at him and relaxed visibly beneath his comforting hold.
“Thank you, Harry,” She huffed and stood straighter, “Let’s do this.”
Her heels clicked beneath her confident steps as she thanked the man who held the door open for her and Harry, who walked contently behind her.
Aisha craned her head around the bend, following the acrylic signs that read, “Driver briefing – Conference room 1.” She adjusted her shirt, feeling, for the first time in forever, conscience of her clothing and slipped a thumb beneath the waistband of her slacks to adjust them slightly.
“Let’s do this,” She pushed at the milky white door, steeling her face with a bored, neutral expression just as her name was called out, most likely for rollcall.
But, Aisha stopped in her tracks, the door barely nudged open when a flurry of deep chuckles and whispers erupted at the sound of her name.
“Seriously? Is this what fans are doing now?” The speaker rolled his “r’s” whilst shaking his head.
“How much do you think that cost them?” An oddly familiar British voice mumbled whilst crossing his arms and nudging the man next to him.
And one of them groaned and slapped his thigh once, complaining about “-needing better media stunts.”
Aisha scoffed quietly, so these were some of her heroes? Assuming that a woman could never possibly be selected to race, instead she was an obsessive fan who had shrines for each of the men stashed in her closet?
She pushed open the door, causing a few drivers to rustle and shift in their seats and turn minutely towards the sound of the door hinges, opening and closing.
Aisha walked forward and planted a hand on her hip, leaning onto one leg as each of the men looked towards her with annoyed expressions.
“I’m sorry, fans aren’t allowed here.” A French man, dressed in glaring red began to stand up, nodding discreetly at the security men flanked at either side of the doors- who glanced at each other hesitantly and barely moved at his guidance, obviously recognising her, “How did you even get in?”
“Ridiculous what they’ll do for an autograph,” Another one stood, and stared at her thunderously, his Dutch accent causing him to lisp his angry words, “All right, time to go.” He was the first to directly address the security, “Guys, get her out.”
Aisha held up her hand, between her fingers a prestigious card stood proud, the F1 logo bedazzled in gold foil, shimmered beneath the yellow lights, she glanced over her shoulder at the burly, guards who relaxed at her identification.
“Aisha Patel?” She looked to the FIA officer who stared at her, amused with her entrance before ticking off her name, “Porsche F1 driver.” She announced her title, smirking with slight arrogance at the gob-smacked expression on both the French and Dutch men, both of whom flushed an embarrassed red and muttered apologies whilst returning to their seats, next to both of their teammates.
“I’m here for the briefing?” Aisha prompted the officer, before smiling at the rest of her fellow drivers, most of them attempting to suppress their cackles at the other two’s mistake.
“Yes, of course Miss Patel,” The man greeted her, gesturing to an empty seat next to Pierre who smirked at Aisha.
She began to walk down the walkway between the sets of chairs filled by F1 team personnel and racers, waving at a few of the managers from other teams who knew of her position and staring darkly at some drivers who looked her up and down with curiosity.
“Sorry for being late, I was busy paying of my debt. Do you know how much it costs to get your name on the register?” She leaned forward on her crossed knees, looking down the row with a sarcastic expression. The ones who did dare to meet her eyes mumbled in agreement and slumped against their seats.
“Fuck-“The driver who made the comment doubled over, hiding his freckle covered face in his hands, causing his bright orange athleisure jacket to stretch prompting his teammate to chuckle whilst patting his back.
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honourary tags [for special pookies] : @disneyprincemuke, @weekendlusting, @woozarts, @mellowarcadefun, @paintedbypoetry, @33-81, @kazuha-pista-badam
A/N : And that's that, the first ever episode [trailer really] of this series is done and dusted. As always please show some love to this tinker-bell minded writer and remember to comment and reblog <33
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luffyvace · 5 months
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#turn up w shotoooo🤪
At the beginning of your relationship it was definitely giving awkward phase..
but don’t worry it definitely won’t stay like that forever
but for now he’s doing little gestures he knows you’d like
buying tickets/seats to any concert/movie you said was your favorite
Anime cons too
he likes to share his soba with you
yes typical, but he’s not self absorbed or anything, so if you want to share ‘okay!’
if not he will bring snacks he knows you’d like to school and give it to you during lunch
he likes to hang out in your dorm a lot
it gives him a warm sense of home
very comforting to him
he doesn’t really know what to do much in relationships but the amount of effort, time, thought and care he puts into it makes him seem so knowledgeable about them??
like shoto I thought you said you’ve never been in a relationship before?? 🤨
tbh the awkward phase doesn’t necessarily seem awkward it’s just, a lot of your time is spent in silence or quiet chit chatting
I mean unless your a extrovert who likes to talk
after you get out that phase though
he starts to be more confident
he likes to trace your hands (and face, in private)
he will kiss your knuckles, not because someone told him it was romantic, but because he really likes your hands
Soft, big, small, rough, long, short, slim, chubby, vieny, bro he just likes your hands!!
he doesn’t break eye contact much either
this might have intimidated you at first because he has a strong gaze (or maybe it didn’t)
but it’s more so of him observing every detail of your face
if feel like if shoto spoke his mind a little more he would be sooo romantic
like instead of the conversation going
“uhh need something shoto? You’ve been staring at me for a while”
“oh nothing I’m just observing your every feature so that even when I close my eyes I can remember the way whatever god that created you sculpted your ethereal face.”
it’s going
“Uhh yeah? Your staring, why? 😅”
”oh” *looks away*
that difference is TOO huge 🤦‍♀️
You love the way shoto softly smiles around you
it makes you feel special
btw shoto probably won’t introduce you to his family for quite a bit of time for two reasons
1: he doesn’t wanna get you involved with his mess
2: if you two don’t work out he doesn’t want his business on the streets
now of course he trusts you but you can never be to cautious, he doesn’t go around blabbing his business, why would he want you to??
the solidarity silence is real
like, he could be reading as your working on homework with music playing in the background
Maybe you occasionally ask him for help on some questions
and he occasionally sips some tea momo made
speaking of which momo is your biggest supporter
along with izuku
shoto likes to go to the beach either really early or really late for two reasons
1: not many people are there
2: you get to watch the sunrise/sunset together
3: he likes the feeling of walking on sand
And yes I said two and added a third one bc he really likes the beach
I’m gonna make the other half of these hcs about his day bc it is! <3
so all of class 1A gets up early everyday, weeks before shoto’s big day to start planning :)
you get up early and others start working on the decorations, others buy gifts and needed things, y’all even buy him a outfit!!
and your going all out because you told everyone shoto told you he never celebrated bc of his past :(
so your bigging it up this year!!
you bought him a soba maker to store in his dorm<3
and yes it was very expensive bc it’s high quality!!
it’s so worth it for him tho
everyone’s gift varies depending on what they bond with him on
although shoto is kinda to himself so you had to help out some people but that’s okay
some people set things up, others wrap gifts, another making a card, ironing his outfit, etc! Bright and early on his big day!
when he gets up that day he’s truly in shock
he doesn’t know what to say
”…….you guys planned this?”
he figures your the main instigator since he told you
and he was right :)
first you planned the amazing breakfast momo made for him, it was delicious
next you guys went rolled skating
then you all went out for lunch
after you guys came home and opened gifts, along with a party you invited friends to, such as class 1B, shiketsu, etc everyone! 💓
lastly you all eat dinner (soba) & party til midnight before hitting the hay ♥︎
and man I summed it up a lot bc it was epic!!
there were so many funny moments and you can bet Mina recorded every second of it!!
She sent it to the group chat and shoto saved it
he looks at it quite often
It was a ”brings tears to my eyes” experience for him 💖💖
He’s so happy about it, and he tells you all about how happy it made him, opening up to you even more as you cuddle in bed late that night
I’m gonna try not to miss too many anime character’s days but i can’t guarantee..LOL!
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poweringthroughthis · 2 months
trouble maker | wong yukhei
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sfw (suggestive at the end, a curse word)
ship: lucas x male reader
desc: lucas and (name) hate each other for the stupidest of reasons. but as their debut showcase approaches, they realize they might have to work together.
The tension between lucas and (name) was palpable as they sneakily eyed each other in the practice room, waiting their days for their turn to debut in the kpop industry. The two were set to take the world of music by a storm in their respective duos.
Their agency was committed to try out a new style of teams. With the globalization of kpop and gradually spreading acceptance for queer idols(thanks to icons like Holland), the officials deemed it fit to launch two different duos, all males, centering their primary concept on 'chemistry' or 'love'.
(name) and his teammate Mark, panted in their ending pose, backs touching each other's as the music finished playing. lucas and hendery were observing them with keen eyes, catching their breaths after finishing their round of rehearsals earlier.
hendery whistled, "that was amazing guys!", complimenting his labelmates as Mark and (name) offered tired smiles. the latter turned to smirk at lucas who looked annoyed at hendery's praise for their competitors.
"yeah, (name) can dance" lucas started, "..for a beanpole., he finished with a light snort, making the taller male sport an angered look.
"fuck off, shortie. at least i don't need a ladder to reach the top shelf" he retorted.
"that's an exaggeration. and at least i don't have a face that looks like a deer caught in headlights!"
"you-" the fiery exchange was interrupted as the door to the room opened, the common manager-to-be of both duos making an appearance, instantly making the 4 males stand up as the man never barges in during practice unless it is important.
"Guys." he began with a serious tone and a hint of restlessness in his tone. "we need to talk. there's been some..changes".
"Is this what I think it is?" Mark was the first one to inquire, indirectly voicing out each trainee's worst fear but the manager was quick to intercept.
"No, no. God, no. you boys are still debuting. you deserve it. but there are some..line-up changes. apparently, the company now feels it's a waste of potential variety to debut two duos in the same concept. "
the boys exchanged looks with each other. they'd been together for a while now, going through thick and thin as good friends. it'd be a shame to part ways so close to their debut, after promising to fulfill their dreams together.
"so we had a meeting and decided on one hip-hop duo, and the other to continue in the same theme. naturally, hendery and mark have been paired up together as they fit the rap concept more." he finished explaining the news.
soon after, the manager had left, leaving the boys reeling from the news. at least it was no new members and the 4 were only shuffled amongst themselves, they told each other.
days passed, and mark and hendery started spending more time in the studio instead of dance practices, working on their verses. having love for hip-hop since forever, the two seemed happy which reassured their friends.
lucas and (name), on the other hand, were having a hard time toleration one another. even though they were extremely professional, personal feelings kept aside as long as the song played but despite their undeniable talent and charisma, their constant bickering threatened to overshadow their potential success.
the dynamic between the two was anything but harmonious. they clashed over everything, from song choices to choreography to who should get more screen time in their debut music video. each disagreement only served to fuel their rivalry, pushing them further apart even as they were forced to work together for the sake of their debut.
One particularly heated argument erupted during a late-night rehearsal, when Lucas criticized (name)'s dance moves as sloppy and uncoordinated. "You move like a clumsy giraffe," he taunted, earning a scowl from the taller.
"Maybe I'd dance better if I didn't have to carry your dead weight on stage," he snapped back, his patience wearing thin. he stormed out of the room, both of them fuming.
they couldn't go on like this. no matter how good they perform on stage, if the dynamic behind the scenes was going to be this flaming, their stardom was destined to be short-lived.
But just as it seemed like their partnership was doomed to failure, a moment of unexpected vulnerability changed everything. after a late-night practice session, (name) accidentally let slip a personal insecurity that had been weighing heavily on his mind, causing lucas to pause in surprise from drinking water.
"I never asked to be taller than everyone else, you know?" he admitted, his usually confident facade crumbling in the face of his insecurity. "It's not easy standing out in a crowd for all the wrong reasons."
Lucas, who had always viewed (name) as an annoying trainee to be defeated, suddenly saw him in a different light. He realized that beneath the bravado and insults, there was a person with their own struggles and insecurities, just like himself.
In that moment of shared vulnerability, the walls between them crumbled, and a newfound understanding and respect blossomed. They put aside their petty disagreements and focused on their shared goal of creating something truly special together.
they had seen each other work their asses off for this and they decided to let the world know just that.
as the day of their debut finally arrived, Lucas and (name) took to the stage with a newfound sense of unity and purpose. the practice sessions leading up to the fateful day had a new emotion lingering in the dance room: admiration. which slowly seemed to blossom into newfound feelings. those of fondness and liking.
Their performance was nothing short of spectacular. their voices blended harmoniously, their dance moves synchronized effortlessly, and their stage presence was nothing short of electrifying. there was no denying the undeniable chemistry between them when they performed together. after their debut song, the suggestive moves in the duo's dance cover of the song 'troublemaker' had the audience gasping for air. they had prepared this one as a surprise to make a bold statement on their first day at work. they weren't to be taken lightly.
Cheers and applause resounded at the music bank set as Lucas and (name) took their final bow. And as they stood with foreheads resting against each other's, breathless and full of adrenaline, there was no trace of animosity between them, only a shared sense of accomplishment and by the tension, a budding romance.
Lucas turned to (name), a smirk on his face. "hey doe eyes, you ready for our next performance?" he asked, gesturing to the empty hall while taking off their microphones.
"bring in on, shortie" (name) winked in response, as he walked towards an empty room without looking back, gesturing for lucas to follow him using his index finger.
"let's see how much of a 'trouble maker' you can actually be, shall we?"
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itsjusthockey · 7 months
Those Eyes - Jamie Drysdale
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I love him. Like he's so perfect.
Here we go for all my Jamie girls
Short and sweet, but more to come
Request. Please. I want to hear you and be your friend.
w.c: 878 (credit to gif maker)
Anaheim takes on a new radiance every time you grace it with your presence. Jamie can't help but be convinced of this fact. Even from afar, as he watches you, your laughter echoing like music in his soul, he knows that no other smile in the world could ever compare to yours.
It's as if your minds are mysteriously entwined because the very moment he starts to gaze at you, you turn to meet his eyes. The warmth in your cheeks betrays your delight, and when you wave at him, he returns the gesture with a small, genuine smile. But that's not enough for you, and he watches as you gracefully excuse yourself, making your way toward him.
“Hi, Jame," you whisper in his ear, slipping under his protective arm. "I missed you."
Jamie responds with a contented hum, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead and pulling you closer. Time slips away, and minutes turn into an hour. You talk, laugh, and every now and then, you lean in to share whispered secrets that are just a tad too loud. He senses the effects of a few drinks on you, and when he discreetly checks the time on his phone, he realizes it's way past your bedtime.
“I'm feeling a bit sleepy," he says, even though he's wide awake. But when he sees you stifle a yawn, he knows it's time to go. "Wanna head home?"
Your lazy smile and nod melt his insides, and he takes your hand in his, bidding goodnight to his teammates.
Moments later, you both find yourselves in the back of an Uber, Jamie sitting by the window, your hand intertwined with his as you rest your head on his shoulder. He's unsure if you've dozed off, but he stays still, gazing out at the passing night. Suddenly, maybe subconsciously, you start rubbing his knuckles with your thumb. It's a subtle touch, almost fleeting, but he gently squeezes your hand in response. You do it back.
Finally, as you arrive at his apartment, you've sobered up completely. Fatigue from the long day washes over you, and when Jamie offers you a water bottle, you finish it and look at him with perfect, sleepy eyes.
“Bedtime?" you ask.
He smiles and counters, "Shower first. You were pissed at me last time for not making you do your skincare."
You grin at the memory of that particular conversation and head toward the bathroom, but not before throwing a question over your shoulder, "Are you coming?"
He practically stumbles over his own feet, rushing behind you.
Twenty minutes later, when you’re both satisfied, wrinkly, and clean, you’re lying in bed, a random show playing in the background. You find yourself gently tracing shapes on Jamie's chest, starting with a few letters, then his number, and ultimately a heart.
When you finish, you rest your head against his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart. Little do you know, it really only beats for you. He feels utmost content, and he gradually grows more tired as your warmth envelops him.
He's on the brink of sleep when you shift, gazing at him with those captivating eyes. You blink slowly, fatigue evident in your eyes as well. With one last look, you lift your head to plant a tender kiss on his lips, nestling back into his side. Yes, there are over a million words in the English language, but for some reason, none of them can describe the way you make him feel.
Before you, Jamie wasn't certain he'd ever find someone. He'd faced disappointment and hurt, believing that love was reserved for those who took emotional risks – something he was far too anxious to do. Yet, there you were, melting away any anxiety and turning his world upside down in the most beautiful way. Every little thing you do serves as a reminder of why he fell in love with you in the first place. He never anticipated he'd be the kind of person to fall so deeply in love, but now, even when you're physically apart, all he can see with closed eyes is you.
It's simple for him. He may not know what he did to deserve it, but it's you. It will always be you. Words fall short of expressing Jamie's feelings for you, yet he's certain that you're the only one he'll ever want, the one who makes him feel like this.
In the late hours of the night, with his arms wrapped around you, he finds himself contemplating your shared future. He envisions kids, tiny versions of you that he hopes will be as perfect as their mother. He envisions a home whenever you desire, and he'd give anything to make that a reality. He envisions a lifetime, a long and fulfilling life with you. Fifty years from now, he imagines himself in the same position, holding you close at night, marveling at his incredible luck in finding you. When he looks at you, he realizes how much he needs you. You are the only thing that truly matters to him, the sole source of his joy and goodness. He’d sell his soul to stay like this forever, and he’d protect this, you, with all he has.
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sitp-recs · 10 months
15 fics with Harry pursuing unusual careers
I love the adrenaline and potential angst within the Auror partners trope as much as the next guy, but we can all agree that our mental health improves 10 times when we see Harry leaving the Ministry, embracing other possibilities and making his own destiny. This rec list hopes to celebrate those creative, disruptive, feel-good fics that are not afraid to come up with the most absurd positions and original job titles. They can be fun, smutty, depressing, hopeful or cathartic; there’s a little bit of everything in here and I’m hoping to bring some hidden gems into everyone’s radar, too. Happy readings!
Twisted Wizards by Enchanted_Jae (T, 3k)
Draco is just putting his life back together when Potter comes along and mucks it all up again. Job: storm chaser
The R. Correspondence by noeon (T, 7.5k)
While working on the Bagshot papers, Draco makes an important discovery for British Wizarding History. Now if only Harry can keep him alive long enough to enjoy it. Job: private security consultant
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed and @lastontheboat (T, 10k)
Or: the one where Harry has writer’s block and Malfoy isn’t helping. Job: writer
Home County, orphaned (G, 10k)
Harry is an architect and the reluctant part-owner of his own firm. Malfoy works at The Ministry but doesn’t actually have a proper job title even though what he does sounds as though it’s pretty important. Job: architect
A Working Title by mindabbles (E, 12k)
Another in the long line of absurd biographies finally drives Harry to a desperate act. How desperate he doesn't know until his ghost writer shows up at his door. Job: Daily Prophet columnist
An Improbable Bout of Summer Madness by acari (E, 16k)
Draco had planned a quiet, peaceful summer holiday with his son. The last thing he expected was to find Potter here, in Draco's little Cornish retreat. Making fudge in a shop? The idea was too ludicrous for words. Job: fudge shop owner
The Strongest Affinity by @eidheann (T, 17k)
Trouble finding a wand for Scorpius leads Harry and Draco to something they never imagined. Job: wandmaker
Phoenix Repair Services by carpemermaid (E, 20k)
Draco hires a suspiciously private wizarding handyman to fix his kitchen when he returns home to find it destroyed. He expects a middle-aged wizard with greying hair and a pudgy gut to show up. Instead, he gets Harry Potter—with a utility belt and a charming smile—who is more attractive than he has any right to be. Job: Handyman
The Snitch-Maker by Omi_Ohmy (T, 21k)
Draco is content with his Snitches, with the tap tap tap of his hammer, and the tiny gears and sharp scent of metal in his workshop - until one day Harry Potter appears, asking for help to solve a rash of Snitch-tampering in the Quidditch world. Job: QUABBLE official (Quidditch representative)
Silhouettes in Sunsets by Pie (T, 22k)
Draco Malfoy was a Gringotts accountant by day and a luthier by night, making musical instruments that sang the language of the player’s heart, language audible only to the ears of his soul mate. Harry Potter was a struggling quill pal to the children of war and the owner of Hedwig’s Owl Emporium on Diagon—haven for future pets, owls retired from services and orphaned chicks. Job: Owl Emporium owner
Better To Burn Than To Fade Away by Ren (E, 23k)
Harry Potter is a legend in the world of broomstick racing. He's won almost every cup, trophy, and bowl – except for the historical London-Nome which has been on hiatus for the past several years. Now the London-Nome is starting again, and Harry will do anything to pull off one last big win. Job: broomstick racer
Doing the Lambeth Walk by @blamebrampton (T, 26k)
There are only three traditional choices for the cashed-up hero after victory. Harry Potter is too young to settle down and provide the wizarding world with a happy ending, and has too acute a sense of humour to spiral downwards into a spectacular flame-out. That leaves a life of good works. Job: Owner of a Social Housing and Care Centre
All Roads by @korlaena (M, 36k)
Draco hates his job at the Prophet. He hates it even more when he’s assigned to write an article on Harry Potter, who left the country three years ago after their falling out. Draco doesn’t want to face the truth about himself, but he’s stuck between Harry and his duty, and he’s out of options. Job: Magizoologist
Whimsical by strawberryrose (T, 42k)
In which Draco is completely out of his depth (until he isn’t), Harry builds something improbable with the help of his friends, and everyone bonds over food. Job: amusement park owner
What Shall Not Be Unearthed by @iero0 (E, 49k)
At the northernmost point of Shetland, surrounded by pointed cliffs, towers the Ootsta Lighthouse on a small isle in the middle of the open sea. Little does Harry know that he's not the only new lighthouse keeper. Draco Malfoy is as obnoxious as he always was, with his posh tone of voice and his luxury yacht jumpers. Job: lighthouse keeper
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
George Weasley as a Boyfriend 🧨🦁
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this mischief-maker yet kinder and handsome twin could include:
He's very affectionate but in the most caring way, unlike Fred who's more playful he learns how to style your hair for you (like braids and ponytails) by asking Ginny to teach him, instead of holding hands like most couples do, he offers you a piggyback ride everywhere so you don't have to walk. He gives you a playful noogie when you tease him, tucks your hair behind your ear so he can see your face better, randomly making out of nowhere because he really needs it, and of course some light pranks here and there to make you laugh.
He and you aren't allowed to sit together in any classes that the two of you share together, not because of PDA since he's usually more lowkey rubbing your thigh under the table, but because the both of you just cannot stop laughing around each other for no reason which distracts the whole class.
The both of you wear a matching bracelet that George made himself, you wear his initial in yours and he wears your initial in his, and the two of you made a promise to each other not to take it off ever or not lose it, all to show that the two of you belong together.
He's a really patient boyfriend, no matter how angry you are and taking it all out on him or how annoyed and upset he gets he's never once raised his voice at you or dumped all his frustration at you in any way. He's even the first one to apologize after every fight, even if he didn't start it.
He calls you cute nicknames like Babe, Gorgeous, Dream Girl, or Precious.
Likes when you call him Georgie, Darling, Stud, Freckles, or Dreamboat (you used to call him that teasingly before you guys started dating not knowing he was into you, and still uses it to this day).
His love language is probably quality time, just like Fred he values his memories with you and loves making new ones all the time because those are truly precious over other things.
Anytime he needed a password he always uses your name and last name, your birth date, your favorite color, or the date when he asked you out to be his.
He can sing quite well and would sing a song when you're sad or aren't feeling the best, then he would offer his hand which you always take and he would spin you around before slow dancing with you to his singing as the music.
He would sneak into your room at night when you're asleep and kiss your forehead then leave something on your nightstand beside your bed so you'll always wake up to something new every day, whether it's a fresh bouquet of flowers in a vase, a book he issued for you that he thought you may like, a box of treats like chocolate and sweets or one of his sweaters/hoodies that smells like him.
He's shyer then Fred and still have that occasional blush, stammer and avoid eye contact with you when you change your appearance a little bit or did something that he found really attractive like twirling your hair or biting on your pen while focusing on something.
He tells funny stories about you any chance he gets to all his friends and Fred who finds it adorable that he's so excited to talk about you all the time.
He owns a polaroid camera that was made in the muggle world that he got from his dad as a "don't tell your mother I broke her favorite tea cup" present and takes it every time the both of you are out on a date, and he would ask to take pictures of just the two of you, let it print out and kept it in a bundle inside his sock drawer.
Holidays at the burrow Molly and Arthur love you and make you feel like a part of their family, but you happened to be closer to Ginny because it's like having a little sister. You'd talk about boys, quidditch, fashion, and more.
Instead of focusing on making joke products and trying them on you, he keeps trying to find ways how to make cool things that you can keep and that would impress you because, to be honest, he's just a little boy trying to impress his girl.
Sometimes out of nowhere he just goes "Will you marry me precious?" and get down on his knees or put your hand on his heart because he can't believe you're real and that never fails to make you blush so you just answered "Of course I will, but not now" with a giant smile on your face.
Hornier than Fred, but instead of being rough/playful and degrading during sex he seems to be more of a praiser and more gentle in the best way.
When you lay down on the Gryffindor common room couch he would sit on the opposite side, put your feet on his lap and message it asking about your day and what he can do for you today as well.
When he isn't with you during the holidays (Summer, Winter, and more) he would send you a cute little postcard every single day and a little gift through his family owl Errol.
As soon as he graduated and got the joke shop open he surprises you by saving up his money and getting his own place close to the shop so you can move in with him which you obviously accepted when he asks. The next thing on the list is a ring to marry you.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 8 months
Can you write jealous Fenrys with some fluff at the end?🥰
Okay... this took a turn... I apologize but it did 😂
He trusted you. There was not an ounce of fear in his heart that you would leave him. He knew you. Knew in ways no one did. No one could. No one would get to. But oh, did it grind Fenrys's gear, when he had to watch males twirling around you like moths around a glass of ale. Was his scent not there? Didn't they feel it lingering? The smell of a mate. The smell of a male that had her. Had her in more than one way.
But he had told himself that he was not going to become like those other territorial bastards. He was not gonna try to fuel his pride by jumping into pointless tassels over you. What was there to prove? You never entertained the males. You always came back to him.
"That girl of yours... Man, bet she rocks your world", a stranger clapped Fenrys on the shoulder as he walked by, barely standing on his feet. Lorcan let out a low laugh and Fenrys was quick to send him a death glare. "No, but tell us, how much does she rock your world?", Lorcan asked and it took all of his strength for Fenrys to not jump over the table and tackle Lorcan to the ground.
The uneasy tightness ripped at Fenrys's chest. It didn't help that your relationship was new too. Fenrys had known you for decades yes but only recently had you finally lowered your guards and took a step forward with him. So Fenrys, maker, and all the stars above, he didn't want to come up as possessive. But each and every cell in his body screamed in desire to keep you close.
To be able to touch you at any given moment. To be able to sense your presence near. To know. To know that he had finally found him forever. Had found his happiness in you.
His senses suddenly flood out. Bubbling over the top. The music got too loud. The laughter around him made him want to rip at his ears. Fenrys gripped the table tightly his fea hearing betraying him as all he could focus on now were males talking. "Look at her hips", "Can you imagine just how good she would look...", with that Fenrys jumps up. Hand ripping at the collar of his shirt. He looked like a lost pup, twisting and turning until he practically fell through the door. "Get, Y/N", Gavriel said coldly as he followed the boy. Lorcan raised to his feet in a heartbeat.
You had Lorcan's cloak on as you rushed through the street. Letting your senses guide you. The situation was scarcely explained to you by Lorcan, and you had indeed shown him a middle finger for teasing your boyfriend like that. But he had also been the one to say that all this could be because of a suppressed mating bond. A frenzy of emotions that reached its highest climax.
You eased a breath as you noticed Gavriel and Fenrys standing by the dock. Fenrys was pacing aimlessly. Hand in the air while Gavriel just stood there. A calming presence. A shore for the wave to crash on. "Fen...", you breathed out, his eyes instantly turned towards you but then his eyebrows crunched. "Take it off, that, that off", he stepped closer, trying to get hold of Lorcan's cloak that covered your body. A gesture with no bad intentions. Just the timing now was wrong.
You shrugged it off, letting it pool on the damp concrete. Gavriel stepped between the two of you, "I think this here might be...", he stated but you still walked closer to Fenrys. "Lorcan told me. I got this", you reassured the lion. Those suppressed frenzies were rare. Just as rare as mates hurting each other in an outburst of emotions. You reached for Fanrys who was breathing heavily. Guiding his arms to lay upon your body.
"I'm here", you muttered, "I'm with you", your eyes searched his. "They all...", Fenrys breathed out, eyes darting to the tavern. But you quickly guided his face towards you. "Ground yourself", you said softly. You laced your hands around his torso, melting into his strong chest. Fenrys let out a deep growl. His hands held onto your hips. The roaring in his head faded. Filled with the sensation of your heart beating.
You looked up to him, "I'm yours. Body and soul. They all can talk all they want", you stated firmly now. You needed him to believe it too. As much as you did. "Because even if the world was ending, I'd still be yours", you reached deep within yourself. Flowing deep within your senses where a bond you knew lurked was. Pulling at it softly. Awakening it. Wanting nothing more but to link your life to Fenrys's forever. The white wolf let out a deep sigh as that big black void filled with you. A feeling of you. He rested his forehead on yours. Breathing finally back to normal. You smiled at him sweetly. "I'm afraid I'm even more in the mood to rip them apart for their words now", Fenrys snickered but you only rolled your eyes. "On that note, I'll walk myself out", Gavriel chipped, making you both turn his way. Fenrys let out a low growl but you pulled at his hand, laughing.
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lovecomedy · 4 months
If you need any convincing that Noel and Liam Gallagher are incestuous freaks (affectionate), here's the basic information you need
First of all. The kisses
Loch Lomond kiss, where they just... made out on stage in front of cameras. Cool. There's a gif with every photo from every angle.
Another kiss, this time in Japan. Here's the actual video.
And here's the same video but together with nice quotes from their 2016 documentary:
Here's a 2005 award event where they kiss again and also look quite in love
And here's Liam straight up groping Noel during concerts:
General stage antics and more groping:
Ok. Let's talk about the music, then
Oasis has a song that Noel wrote called "My Sister Lover". The title speaks for itself, really. It includes amazing lyrics such as "You're my lover, I'm your brother"
But there's more! Noel used the same chorus of this song (with different lyrics) for a song he released in his solo album, 20 years later. It's called "Lock All the Doors". The very first line says: "She wore a star-shaped tambourine, prettiest girl I’d ever seen". And guess... guess who famously played a star-shaped tambourine? Liam! And Noel was the one that gifted him the fucking tambourine!!
Liam wrote a song for Oasis called Guess God Thinks I'm Abel
I'll just link everything that's been said about this song, because it really is batshit insane that this song exists
(It's common in the north of England to refer to things and people as "our". When either Liam or Noel say "our kid", they're talking about each other)
Liam has the tendency of thinking every song Noel writes is about him, including the love songs
Here he says "I'm his muse", along with some other interesting quotes
Ok, now we're on to suspicious quotes!
They had sex last night, according to Liam
This one is my favorite:
Of course this one is just all the weird quotes jammed in one post, you can feel yourself going crazy as you read it
Noel assures us that Liam knows about his arse
Other people confirming that they act like a couple
This one, it has Noel saying Liam is deeply in love with him. At the bottom, Liam's tweet.
Actually Liam always tweets things that basically confirm they're relationship. Like when somebody asked him if he ever rimmed Noel. Yeah.
This radio interview is where the most lovely quotes come from. Only Noel was supposed to be interviewed but then they both showed up PISSED DRUNK. Transcription in the same post
Even More weird quotes
This one involves the word impregnate
Noel making a suspicious comment about his daughter and son, Anais and Donovan
I think to be convinced you really just need that, but I'd like to add some niceties.
Just genuinely enjoying each other’s company
This is from the Oasis; 10 Minutes Of Noise and Confusion documentary. As Noel is kissing Liam's cheek, Liam is saying "He’s a fucking cunt and I hate him and I love him and he twists my melon, man. He’s the best songwriter in the fucking world.”
Some sweet quotes, and some not some less sweet ones as well
From the Supersonic documentary
Hugging after playing football
Just being silly
To finish off, two wonderful video edits with endearing moments
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holly-opal · 2 months
🎪The opposite digital circus 🎪
So I thought a thought and i made tadc swap au. Except they swap personalities and are the opposite of themselves.
Instead of being anxious and wanting to find an exit, Pomni is over the moon and is very happy to be here. She has always wanted to be in a happier world when she was in the real world, and now she is! Pomni has made friends with everyone! Sometimes she sings songs out of nowhere like a Disney princess with music no one else can hear, she talks to imaginary animal friends, and she makes jokes even at the most inappropriate times. She would honestly get along with Kaufmo.
Instead of being mean and egoistical, he's more shy and quiet, often staying out of the way of conflict. He likes to make his own movies in the tadc version of Windows Movie Maker (inspired by @sm-baby) and occasionally make pillows forts with Kinger and Zooble. He is relentlessly bullied by Gangle and sometimes gets yelled at by Ragatha, but he still sees the good side of people. He's the type of person to give people a second chance even after they've already broken every chance they've got. He gets along with Kinger and Zooble the best, and he has a bit of a crush on Pomni. He used to make comedy movies with Kaufmo.... But we all know how that turned out.
Instead of being optimistic and caring, she's pessimistic and is very dead inside. She doesn't like to be around people and is more often in her room when not on adventures. She is very depressed and is prone to lash out to others, she doesn't really mean it tho. She finds it hard to cope in the digital realm, she's practically stopped cleaning her room. She and Gangle fight a lot, she finds it hard to relate to Zooble and Jax, Kinger is very naggy, and Pomni is... Well Pomni. She was good friends with Kaufmo though...
Instead of being moody and avoidant, they're very carefree and adventurous. They love being around people and experimenting with creative projects like sculpting, lego building, etc. They still have an identity crisis and smoke a lot though. They sometimes try to get Jax into drugs, Kinger scolds them alot about that lmao. They used to smoke a lot with Kaufmo.
Instead of being sad and kind, she is a BITCH- Jk but she is mean tho. She takes out her anger about being stuck in a digital hell out of people, particularly Jax cause he's the weakest. Her sad mask is replaced with her angry mask, which makes her yell and harm everyone in her path. Gangle still has the happy mask, but it's more passive aggressive and fake now. She still writes fanfiction and watches anime tho. She sometimes forced Kaufmo to watch an anime.
Instead of being..... Well very kooky, he's more logical and stable. He acts like a father figure to most of the inhabitants in the circus. He likes to research bugs and capture them, he sometimes captures the centipedes for Ragatha. He has a very low tolerance for anyone's bullshit, especially Gangle's or Ragatha's. He's usually very sweet, but can be VERY scary when he's mad. Besides Gangle and Ragatha, he's good friends with everyone else, he even had a crush on a certain ringleader (Wink wink 😉) Kaufmo supported him having a crush on the AI.
What was once an enthusiastic and happy ringleader, became depressed and apathetic to it all. After watching players abstract day after day after day after day, he became less of himself. Eventually becoming more sad and unmotivated, only doing the adventures cause it's the only thing to do nowadays. Although he doesn't see the point in it, he's still good friends with the inhabitants, but he keeps his distance. He truly does love the chess king, but he knows it's only a matter of time before he abstracts. Hell, Kaufmo already did.
And that's everyone! I'll do more with this au, such as making everyone's designs, make comics, and other stuff. Here are some drawings of them
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project-sekai-facts · 8 months
Project SEKAI 3rd anniversary: Brand New World - recap post (MK-II)
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(main promotional art / title screen)
I thought it would be useful to make a post recapping everything we know about the 3rd anniversary update, since we’re getting closer and closer to the anniversary now and there’s gonna be a lot of changes to keep up with. I’ll continue to update this as more stuff is released with both character/story information and general game updates and other news (goes without saying but spoiler warning for this post).
Note that all of this applies to the JP server only.
Official site link
Section 1 - Characters & Story
This is probably the bit people are more interested in
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New stock artworks for each unit have been released on the 3rd anniversary website! In addition, character bios using the new arts have been released on Twitter! The Virtual Singer bios have not changed, but the ones for the human characters have, and I've added translations of these in the character section just a bit below here. You can find these new bios linked below:
Virtual Singer
Leo/need (Ichika) (Saki) (Honami) (Shiho)
MORE MORE JUMP! (Minori) (Haruka) (Airi) (Shizuku)
Vivid BAD SQUAD (Kohane) (An) (Akito) (Toya)
WonderlandsxShowtime (Tsukasa) (Emu) (Nene) (Rui)
25-ji, Nightcord de. (Kanade) (Mafuyu) (Ena) (Mizuki)
Videos about the "path every unit has taken and what comes next" are being released on YouTube! These are essentially just PVs for the third anniversary and feature past event cards + quotes alongside the new stock arts for each character. Note these videos are in Japanese and do not have subtitles for any other language.
25-ji, Nightcord de.
In Get Over It., Leo/need receives an offer from Yoshiki Shindou to sign on to the record label he works for, Solis Records. Leo/need accepted the offer and signed a contract with Solis, making them professionals. However, they have yet to officially debut as a professional band.
She has a cool appearance, but in reality she is a kind girl who cares about her friends. She formed Leo/need with her childhood friends Saki, Honami and Shiho, and they became professional musicians like they longed to be. She is the guitarist and vocalist for the band and also writes lyrics for their original songs. She has recently taken up the challenge of producing music using the Hatsune Miku software.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Staff at a fast food joint Height: 161 -> 162cm Other notes: She is no longer class rep, and has joined the broadcasting committee because she wanted to play music she liked on the radio and improve her MC skills
A cheerful mood-maker who always has a smile on her face, she serves as Leo/need's keyboardist. Having been sick and unable to attend school for a long time, she values spending time with others, enjoying her youth and being close to the hearts of those who are suffering - things that are all reflected in her songwriting.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-B Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe Height: 159 -> 160cm
The drummer of Leo/need, an honour student who excels at academics and athletic, and who has a kind and gentle nature. She used to worry about making decisions because she didn't want to hurt people, but through her band activities, she has learnt to have the courage to take charge and stand up for herself. Now, she supports Leo/need with her newfound strength.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Housekeeper for Kanade Height: 166cm Other notes: She's continuing to be a member of the beautification committee
Leo/need's bassist. Due to her stoic nature, especially when music is involved, she is often misunderstood by those around her to be an asocial loner. However, she is very fond of everyone in Leo/need, who have worked with her to fulfil her dream of becoming a professional musician.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Livehouse staff Height: 159cm Other notes: due to Saki growing, she is now the shortest member of Leo/need. She also joined the animal caretaker committee because she liked volunteering there occasionally in 1st year
In Re-tie Friendship, MORE MORE JUMP! considers making the move to their school’s credit-based course, after their idol and school schedules start to clash. In the end they decide to change course, with the decision becoming official in STEP by STEP!.
A pure, hard-working girl. She is the only member of MORE MORE JUMP! with no prior experience as an idol, but was able to prove herself to fans through many activities, and was even able to perform a solo concert with her group just like she'd always dreamed. Now, she's continuing to work hard with her group to become known nationwide and be able to peform live at a dome venue.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-A -> 2-D Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe -> none (quit to focus on idol work) Height: 158 -> 159cm Other notes: She's going to continue as a member of the animal caretaker committee
Former top idol and member of the nationally famous group, ASRUN. She is currently a member of MORE MORE JUMP!, and after the group's first solo live, is even more motivated to continue pursuing her idol career. She recently decided to transfer back to her school's credit system, alongside Minori, so that she can dedicate more time to her work once again.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-C -> 2-D Job: None Height: 163cm
Former member of the idol group QT. With her strong passion and pride for being an idol, she is a powerful source of motivation for her groupmates. She is also skilled at planning and schedule management, and completes the tasks that are essential for MORE MORE JUMP!, since they don't belong to an agency.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 156cm
Former center of the idol group Cheerful*Days, which is still popular now. She had bit of a rift with the members of her former group after leaving because things didn't work out between them, but was able to reconcile with them a bit after they appeared on a TV show with MORE MORE JUMP!, and is now moving forward in a positive way.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 168cm Other notes: She is no longer on the beautification committee and has joined the healthcare committee because she wanted to try something different
The squad was told the truth behind RAD WEEKEND, that being that the event was held as a swan song for Nagi, who passed away a few weeks afterwards due to terminal cancer. Taiga then challenged VBS, EVER, Arata and Kotaro to a singing battle, easily defeating them all. EVER decides to take a hiatus from street music, while Arata leaves town. Vivid BAD SQUAD decide that they need to work even harder if they want to surpass RAD WEEKEND, and Ken temporarily closes WEEKEND GARAGE so he can become their mentor.
Although she used to be shy and timid, she became more confident in her singing through friendly competition and encouragement from her teammates, and through the training of Taiga, one of the members of the group who held the legendary RAD WEEKEND event. Although she was once defeated by her mentor and became frustrated because of it, she was able to stand up to Taiga and declare that she still wanted to surpass RAD WEEKEND.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: None Height: 156cm Other notes: She joined the beautification committee due to the workload being less than the animal committee
The cheerful, sincere and open-minded poster girl of WEEKEND GARAGE. While working to organise an event that surpasses the legendary RAD WEEKEND held by her father and his teammates, she was shocked to learn the secret about what happened to Nagi, the person she looked up to most. However, after learning about Nagi's true feelings from her father, she was able to pick herself up and once again vow to surpass the legend.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: Waitress at WEEKEND GARAGE -> none (WEG is closed while Ken mentors VBS) Height: 160cm Other notes: She left the disciplinary committee, and is now on the broadcasting committee
A hard-working person who practices diligently to make his dream of surpassing the legendary RAD WEEKEND event come true. The weight of the secret behind RAD WEEKEND almost made him give up, but he was reminded of the passion he had for his dream, which inspired him to get back up and push forwards.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Sales assistant at a clothing store -> none (quit to focus on VBS) Height: 174 -> 176cm Other notes: He's taller than KAITO now
A young prodigy born into a family of famous classical musicians. Whilst aiming to surpass the legendary RAD WEEKEND event, Toya has been trying his hand at composing music for his group. Despite being overwhelmed by the true level of the legendary event, with the experience he has acquired so far, he hopes to overcome the barriers with his teammates and see what lies ahead.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: None Height: 178 -> 179cm Other notes: He's still a member of the library committee
Bonus note: Kohane and Toya still do not call their teammates outside their respective partners by their first names.
Second note: Akito's bio refers to his fes story unlike everyone else's that allude to past event stories. Read his fes story.
In Our Happy Ending, Rui proposes that WonderlandsxShowtime begin operating as a freelance unit instead of as Phoenix Wonderland cast. Emu initially declines, but her brothers encourage her to go with the others, since she’s still young and should take the opportunity to get out there while she can. After one more show at PXL, WxS’ contract is terminated and they officially become freelancers.
The chairman of WonderlandsxShowtime, who aspires to be the biggest star in the world. After a variety of experiences as a cast member, he developed a desire to see the wider world and learn more about his craft. Eventually he decided to leave the Wonder Stage with his troupemates and take the next step.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-A -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 172 -> 173cm Other notes: He is no longer class rep. He instead became a disciplinary committee member because he wanted to get away from the Oddball 1 image in his last year. However if he does anything against the rules with Rui he's kicked off.
A girl with an innocent personality and boundless positivity. Her dream is to uphold her grandfather's legacy and protect Phoenix Wonderland, and she was prepared to part ways with the rest of WonderlandsxShowtime members who were leaving to pursue their dreams because of this. However, her siblings and friends encouraged her to step outside the park so she can gain experience before pursuing her dream.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 152cm Other notes: She's running for class rep
A young girl who aspires to become a world-class musical actress. Her confidence in singing was shattered during a rehearsal for one of her recent performances, but she took the experience as an opportunity to reaffirm her passion. She is determined to learn and experience as much as she can in the wider world with her troupemates.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 156cm Other notes: She got put on the library committee because she lost when drawing lots with some classmates over the role
A genius director who goes at his own pace. He used to work alone, but found a place to belong in WonderlandsxShowtime, who accepted him and his shows. He recently sought a way for him and his troupemates to be able to follow their dreams without going their separate ways. In the end, everything led to the best possible 'grand finale' where all of them can continue to perform together whilst pursuing their individual dreams.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 180 -> 182cm Other notes: He is still a member of the gardening committee
25-ji, Nightcord de.
As her mother continues to try and cut her off from 25-ji, Nightcord de., Mafuyu’s mental health continues to decline and her grades start to slip. Her mother finds out that she didn’t do as well on her finals as usual, and attempts to confiscate her phone, breaking it in the process and completely cutting Mafuyu off from N25. Mafuyu finally comes clean about everything with her mother, however her mother is completely apathetic and tries to manipulate her into thinking that none of it is her fault. Mafuyu ends up running away from home as a result.
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s composer. She was happy to see that her songs were having more and more of an effect on Mafuyu, but was one day approached by Mafuyu's mother telling her to stay away from her daughter. However, after the way Mafuyu's mother talked and acted made her feel uncomfortable, Kanade refused her demands and chose to stay by Mafuyu's side.
School year: N/A (attends online school; equivalent to 3rd year) Job: None Height: 154cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s lyricist. She lost sight of her true self due to her mother constantly pushing her to be a "good girl", but she came to find a place to belong in N25. However, her mother tried to take that away from her, pushing Mafuyu to her limit and causing her to run away from home and seek refuge in Kanade.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-B Job: None Height: 162cm Other notes: currently living with Kanade. She's still class rep as she was requested to be one by her teacher and classmates
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s illustrator. She isn't naturally talented at art, but she has developed the strength to keep drawing even after she's harshly criticised. Ena is a very straightforward person, and was irritated by Mafuyu being reluctant to communicate her feelings with her mother. However Ena can sense a definite change in Mafuyu since they first met, and will continue to watch over her closely as a friend.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (still attending night school) Class: 2-D -> 3-D Job: None Height: 158cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s video editor. They were worried about Mafuyu's deteriorating relationship with her mother, but felt like they couldn't help due to being unable to face up to their own secrets. However, they realised from their own experiences that some things can be gained from running away from painful situations, and tells Mafuyu that it's okay for her to run away if things get too much to handle.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Sales assistant at a boutique Height: 163cm -> 165cm
Updated relationship diagrams for each unit can be found here
Section 2 - Song campaign
Anniversary Songs
The third anniversary song has been announced! The title is NEO and it was produced by JIN! Below is JIN's comment on the song (via @/pjsekai_eng on Twitter). Marasy also confirmed that he did the piano parts in this song!
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HachiojiP was commissioned to produce this year's extra hard song. No further information has been revealed at the moment.
Song Campaign
The song campaign hint sheet has been revealed! Although... there's no hints this year, just blank tiles. The songs will be revealed during the next and final wandasho channel.
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Note: blank tiles include special characters
Tengaku by Yuuyu-P (covered by Ichika/Shiho and Rin)
Manimani by r-906
Melancholic by Junky (covered by MMJ and Rin)
Buta ni Natte yeah yeah by Neru (Len 3DMV)
Koi wa Sensou by Ryo (covered by Vivids and Miku)
Devil Janai mon by DECO*27 x PinocchioP
Sukina Koto Dake de ii Desu (covered by Emu/Rui and Miku)
Tsugai Kogarashi by hinayukki@sigotositeP
Kamippoi na by PinocchioP (covered by N25 and Miku)
Dear by 19 -iku-
Outside of the song campaign, Wagamama Hime by Fujiwo (covered by Emu/Nene and Miku), and Akuyaku ni Kiss Scene wo by 40mP (covered by MMJ and KAITO + 3DMV) will be added.
New Commissions
Every unit will get a new commissioned song that isn't tied to an event, including the Virtual Singer unit. These will be added one per month for the next 6 months. The first up will be Virtual Singer, with their new song I'm Mine by halyosy. A preview can be found here. It will also have a 3DMV.
Section 3 - Game updates
So far we know that the daily login will be changed so that every day you will now receive 15 wish pieces and 50 gems, and that the number of virtual coinsx300 that you can exchange from the wish piece exchange will be increased from 10 to 15 times.
Some packs will also be removed from the shop. The sewing bundle, music card bundle, stamp bundle, and coin bundle will be discontinued due to changes in contents. The 2nd anniversary variety bundle will be permanently discontinued.
Wandasho chanel news
the following was announced during the 3rd anniversary wandasho channel!
The new unit outfits found at the top of this post will be implemented as free 3D costumes
The original outfits for all SEKAI-variant Virtual Singers will be added as 3D costumes (only starter vsingers will be getting 3D costumes for the new outfits). You can get these costumes by reading the respective Vsinger's debut event (ie: reading Secret Distance will unlock N25!MEIKO's costume)
All characters will have new casual outfit Live2Ds, and some characters will have new school uniforms as well
The new stock arts at the top of this post will be added as new 2* cards
A new tap SFX and note skins will be added. These are optional and can be changed in settings.
Titles will be added for playing with 2nd year and 3rd year members
More than 180 new area conversations will be added! An option to switch to area conversations before and after the age-up will also be implemented
New loading screen 1-komas will be added! These will replace the old ones, which will be moved onto the official website
Character profiles will be revamped!
New elements will be added to custom profile editing
You will now be able to play a live show to the end even after hitting 0 life. You will not get good rewards for failing the song though.
New commissioned songs will be added for each unit!! These will be added one-per-month. Virtual Singer is also getting a new song! More details will be announced later (and can be found in the song campaign section of this post)
A card's power will be renamed to "performance"
Unit ranks will be removed due to serving no purpose anymore
EX Missions are finally being added! These were announced a long time ago but ended up getting postponed. These are additional character rank missions for after you max out a character's CHRank.
Some normal character rank missions will have their cap increased to account for content released since the last cap increase, including number of cards, costumes, alt vocals, side stories, etc
Character rank titles will be updated to account for new max level
Player rank cap will be increased and have a new title added to account for that
A title will be added for 4 years login so players can start working towards it
Several Virtual Live effects, such as the confetti and balloons, will cost less Virtual Coins due to the game constantly replacing everything that gives your Virtual Coins with Wish Pieces
Rewards for reading event stories will be changed from 2 music cards + 50 gems per chapter to 100 gems + 50 wish pieces + 2 music cards per chapter (!!). This will only apply to events released after 3rd anniversary and no compensation will be given for the previous 107 events because the devs aren't that nice
Players that rank between 4 and 10 on an event will no longer get a top 10 title, but a title with their specific placement on it
Top 1500 and 2500 title will be added
T50K - T300K reward crystals increased to 300
T11 - T200K will get additional skill up scores
changes to master rank event bonus has been made for 4* and BD cards. refer to the bottom row in the below image
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3D graphics update!
There's been a massive update to the game's 3D models! They now have improved shading and animations! A PV demonstrating can be found here!
The songs that won the 3DMV improvement campaign (Umiyuri Kaiteitan, IF, Cinema, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, and IDSMILE) will have their 3DMVs changed as part of this update.
These will be released on Youtube tomorrow, links in the above bullet point
6th generation (2018) and below iPads will not be able to run the game after this update
Alongside 3D models and the 5 winning MVs, the gacha animation has also been remade
UI updates!
The game will be getting a massive UI overhaul, some images can be found below
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A side story menu will be added alongside the event and main story menus.
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New difficulty: Append!
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A new difficulty will be added, called Append. It requires playing with 3 or more fingers, similar to the Proseka Ultimate songs! The difficulty range will be Lvl23-38!
The first 12 songs to receive Append charts will be Tell Your World, NEO, Hibana -Reloaded-, Stella, MORE! JUMP! MORE!, Vampire, Cinema, Pheles, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, Telecaster B-boy, I nandesu, and Gehenna!
Append will have a new note type, called Trace. It is similar to a slide note from Bandori.
The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku will also have a lvl 35 Append chart added for a limited time, starting on September 30th. This will be the full version of the song for added challenge.
New event type: World Link!
Described as "stories where you will witness new possibilities in the SEKAI due to change in characters' feelings". By the 4th anniversary, every unit will get one World Link format unit event.
The event will be formatted in parts, known as chapters. Each chapter will be focused on a different character and have its own event ranking and story, and will run for only a few days. At the end of the story, changes might happen in the SEKAI...
Event ranking will be split into two sections: chapter and overall. Chapter score is accumulated during each chapter, and overall tallies your points throughout the entire event (so it is possible to tier one chapter and still get low overall rank because you ignored the other 3). Chapter ranking will have new special titles for ranks 1-100, but everything below T200 will keep the same titles as have always been used.
Event exchange will be split in a similar way, with a chapter exchange and general exchange. Chapter exchange can only be used with the pt badges earned during the specific chapter, but any leftovers can be converted and used in the general exchange.
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Event bonus will work a little differently in these events, with the introduction of support units. If you've played like any other idol game you will know what these are, but for those who don't, then basically it allows you to add extra cards to a team that although can't be used and will not affect score, they can raise your event bonus for your main team. In World Link events, the support team will have 12 slots. Refer to the translated images from @/pjsekai_eng on twitter above.
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The first World Link event will be for Niigo, and will be held between the 8th and 20th of November! After that will be VBS in January, WxS in March, MMJ! in May, L/n in July, and Virtual Singer (!!) in August.
Section 4 - Lives
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Project SEKAI's 3rd live has been announced, titled Evolve!! The live will be held in two locations: Tokyo on January 26th-28th, and Osaka on February 17th & 18th 2024!
A promotional video can be found here.
To commemorate the announcement of the live, a livestream will be held on the 13th of October at 11am UTC, featuring Yukki, Mayushii, Akina, Daichan and Minoringo. The stream can be found here. During the stream, highlights of the live's "evolution" will be shown.
The official account for all information about the live is, as always, @/pjsekai_live on Twitter
During the stream it was announced that the setlist will vary between the day and night performances, with certain members getting more songs during day performances, and certain members getting more songs during night performances. These are organised as two duos per unit (excluding Leo/need), with one at the day performance and one at the night performance. The duos and their possible songs are as follows:
Day performance:
MMJ: Haruka & Shizuku (Nostalogic, Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o, Shoujorei)
VBS: Vivids (Rettou Joutou, Just Be Friends, drop pop candy, Odo, PaIII.SENSATION, Teikoku Shoujo, Pheles, Koi wa Sensou)
WxS: Tsukasa & Rui (Dappou Rock, Buriki no Dance, KING, Fixer, Nonsense Bungaku)
N25: Kanade & Mafuyu (Jishou Mushoku, Cutlery, Meru, Kokoronashi)
Night performance:
MMJ: Minori & Airi (Ren'ai Saiban, Marshmary, Setsuna Trip)
VBS: BAD DOGS (Fragile, Doctor=Funk Beat, Yobanashi Deceive, Ifuudoudou, Yuurei Tokyo, Garando, Ame to Petra, Aun no Beats, Taemanaku Aiiro)
WxS: Emu & Nene (Dance Robot Dance, Positive☆Dance Time, Rimokon, Alien Alien, Netoge Haijin Sprechor, Wagamama Hime)
N25: Ena & Mizuki (Charles, Venom, Gehenna)
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A connect live to celebrate the third anniversary has been announced. This was actually announced a month ago but I forgot about it and we didn't get art until now. It is titled Memorial Stage and will be held on the 8th of October!
A login story for the live will be available from October 6th.
Section 5 - Event and gacha
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The next event will be centered around the unit reps, with all of them being limited gacha cards, except Kohane who will be the exchange 3*. KAITO and MEIKO will be the fes cards. The event is called Hello Good Day! and is an Ichika banner.
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And as usual, limited paid costume gacha. Here are previews of the costumes from this year's edition.
Section 6 - Project SEKAI Academy
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Project SEKAI Academy is a program for young Vocaloid-Ps who will carry the next generation. 10 applicants under the age of 24 can win a place and be mentored by OSTER Project and Hiiragi Magnetite. 3 more unannounced Voca-Ps will also take part in the program. Each producer will make one song during the program, and one lucky student will have their song added to the game! More info can be found on the official website.
Section 7 - Animation
That's right. We got an anime! ...Well kinda.
Starting from the 30th, digest animations of the 5 main stories will be sequentially released on Youtube. The trailer for Leo/need's animation, animated by P.A. WORKS, is above.
The animations are all around 5 minutes long.
Links below
STELLA (Leo/need)
HAPPINESS (WonderlandsxShowtime)
SELF (25-ji, Nightcord de.)
Section 8 - Miscellaneous news
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Project SEKAI will be doing a collab event with the KaraokeKan chain of karaoke clubs starting in late October. There will be themed drinks, as well as prizes that can be won by singing certain songs! The promotional art was drawn by Rozuki.
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As of today (17th September), posters promoting the anniversary have begun to appear on public transport in Japan! Tomorrow posters will begin to appear in major cities. These posters contain the class registers for the next in-universe school year! The new classes are written in the character section.
A Blu-ray and CD of this year's SEKAI Symphony will be released on November 29th! A preview video can be found on Twitter.
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Project SEKAI will be collabing with SANRIO!! A teaser of some of the promotional illustrations can be found here. More details will be announced in October.
From Midnight JST on the 29th (15:00 UTC on the 28th), illustrations will be released on Twitter showing the characters' last days before moving up a grade. Four will be released throughout the day, at midnight, noon, 6pm and 10pm (all JST).
A livestream celebrating the anniversary will be held on the 29th September at 23:30 JST / 14:30 UTC. It will feature Yukki, Honchan, Akina and Hiichan on the panel. The stream can be found here.
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Finally after 2 years of waiting, Volume 2 of the SEKAI cover albums has been announced. Track lists and release dates below. Note that Hello,World and ray have been excluded from the Leo/need album, possibly due to being part of an artist collab. Their full versions have been available on YouTube for about two years anyway so not overly bad. Aun no Beats has been excluded from the VBS album for unknown reasons (probably copyright).
songs in italics do not have a full version MV on youtube already
Leo/need (March 6th)
Lost One no Goukoku
Ghost Rule
Bokura Mada Underground
Asagao no Chiru Koro ni
Lost and Found
Yomosugara Kimi Omou
Attract Light
MORE MORE JUMP! (February 7th)
Happy Halloween
Karakuri Pierrot
Darling Dance
Torinoko City
Lonely Universe
Kimagure Mercy
Shinkai Shoujo
Setsuna Trip
Vivid BAD SQUAD (February 21st)
Alter Ego
Ame to Petra
Teikoku Shoujo
Taemanaku Aiiro
WonderlandsxShowtime (January 24th)
Nonsense Bungaku
Yī Èr Fanclub
Kami no Manimani
Goodbye Sengen
Alien Alien
Odore Orchestra
Ego Rock
Love ka?
Netoge Haijin Sprechor
Okochama Sensou
25-ji, Nightcord de. (January 10th)
Aishite Aishite Aishite
Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei
Deichuu ni Saku
Non-Breath Oblige
Sore ga Anata no Shiawase to Shite mo
Inochi Bakkari
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