#today at work the kids started playing pretend n called it 'a regular day in minecraft: day x'
hua-fei-hua · 1 year
HAPPY! BIRTHDAY! part2 bc i realized its also wipwednesday :3c you should post a snippet for old times sake
HI HIIII THANK YOU STAR!!!! i honestly thought you were finally gonna deliver on that promise to ask abt the yaoi metanarrative so that i could have a reason to rant about it to people but like mark my worms that will be up on the neocities anyway soon enough
also EXCUSE U. we did six sentence sundays not wip wednesdays smh
fortunately For You i have Actually Written.... 197 words today (so far) so there is indeed something new for you to see hehehe
this is so hard none of them feel particularly good out of context. here's something i wrote on a car ride in my talk-to-self discord channel that has no context whatsoever:
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will it ever be used for anything?? idk!! it'll probably be worked into something, if i remember it hehe
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wacknroll · 2 years
Ya like glitter glue?! PT 4
(Yandere Sun/Moon x reader)
Thank you all for sticking with me! And thank you so much for the 200+ followers! I hope all of you had a great new year!
The other parts: PT 1, PT 2, PT 3, PT 5
AO3 version
Word count: 2368
You wake still tired, unable to sleep properly throughout the night. Though your body protests to it, you get out of bed and get ready to start your long day at work. You frown a little at that thought. The idea of running into Sun today made you anxious. Should you mention the contents of the box or just pretend that it never happened? What if he brings it up? How do you react them? You let out a long groan from all the possible scenarios that play in your mind. The fact that the animatronic in question could also react unpredictable makes even more horrible scenarios play in your head.
“What if he breaks my arm?” You ask your reflection in the bathroom mirror. When you get no obvious response, you shake your head, continue your morning routine and walk out of your place.
Each step closer to the day-care make your heartbeat drum louder in your ears. Once outside of the play area, you anxiously opened the door with clammy hands and reach the front desk.
“Welcome back, buddy!”
That sound of Sun’s voice behind you causes you to nearly jump into the air in surprise. You turn around to face him, hand clutching your chest.
“Don’t frighten me like that, Sun! I’m not awake enough for any type of surprises yet!”
“Oops, sorry for giving you a heart attack, I’m just excited to see you back, friend-o! It’s only been a day, but it feels like forEVER!” His head spins a few times as he yells the last word. “Do we have any events today? Another birthday? OH, maybe a three-legged RACE? I call dibs on being your partner!”
“I’ll check on the computer and let you know if we have anything,” you respond. Walking towards one of the computers again, you’re facing away from Sun when you speak up again. “Oh, I don’t know if anyone told you yet, but we’re having someone else work in the afternoons now. Tim quit unfortunately.”
Sun falters from his excitement for a quick second, but quickly responds.
“Oh really? That sounds exciting! Do you know who it is?”
“Not yet, so we’ll both be surprised when they show up later.”
Fortunately, there wasn’t any birthday parties today, some people might have reconsidered after hearing about what happened the last time. Even then, there was still plenty of children who came to the day-care, both regulars and newcomers. You looked at the computer screen and saw that it was only 12pm. Only a few more hours to go, you think.
“Y/N!” Yelled Sun, standing directly in front of you from the other side of the desk. When you didn’t respond instantly, he started saying your name over and over again.
“Yes, Sun?”
“Want to have that three-legged race? I found some bags perfect for it!” Sun holds up some colourful drawstring bags as proof. “You’ll be my partner of course! Seeing as all our little superstars are too short to be my partner!” He adds.
“That is true. Fine, I’ll do it.” You push the computer chair that you are sitting on away from the desk and follow Sun, who leads you to where some of the children are already paired up.
“Hi! Are you Sunny’s adult friend?” One kid shout, hyped up from all the sugar in their system.
“Yes, they are! And they’ll be my racing buddy too!” Sun answers before you could. “Now that everyone who wants to race is here, we can get ready!”
Sun and you help the kids get ready, having them put a foot each into a bag, tying the drawstring bag up and telling them to wrap an arm around each other’s shoulder for balance. Once that was done, Sun walks up to you.
“Time for us to get ready too, buddy!”
Even though you agreed to this, mostly through the excessive begging, the realisation that Sun is going to be in your personal space made you a bit nervous. But you decided to just suck it up and get ready anyways. When you and Sun put a foot into the bag and tied it up, the animatronic squatted a bit further down to be closer to your height and placed his metal arm around your shoulder. Even though he was leaned down, putting your arm around his shoulder would put you in an uncomfortable position, so you decided to just place it around his back instead.
“Do you need me to come closer, Y/N?” He asks, titling his head as he makes eye contact with you.
“No, this is fine,” you quickly reply, getting a little flustered at the closeness already.
“Okay then! The goal is to hop from in front of the front desk, ALL around the day-care and then back again! Okay? Okay! Ready, set, GO!” The day-care attendant yells.
The children start hopping as fast as possible. When you go to move, you nearly fall face first, but an arm catches your midsection before you do and pulls you up.
“Silly, Y/N! We have to go slowly. So that the kids win!” He practically giggles.
“I know that” you reply, starting to feel your face get slightly red as he still had his arm around you. “Can you let go now?”
Sun looks at your face and then his arm. He stares at his arm for a few seconds before letting go and placing it back on your shoulder.
“Oh, silly me too! There you go! Now, let’s start this race!”
After the race, you felt slightly embarrassed from the close contact. Sun had basically forced you both to walk around the day-care, even going as far as to have you both go around in a circle a few times before reaching the desk. When that was finally over, you decided to go straight back to working on the computer and Sun went back to play with the children.
“Hello!” The voice came from the front doors, and you snapped your head towards it.
“James? You’re the new afternoon shift?” You asked, completely surprised by the news.
“It was either this or fixing another arcade machine because a kid spilt Fizzy Fazz on it again. You think I wouldn’t hop at the chance of working with you, sweetie?” The man made a show of mock hurt and placed his bag under the desk. He then walked up to you and gave you a big hug which you happily accepted.
“Who is this?”
You look over to see that Sun is standing not too far away you both, the building blocks he had in his hands completely forgotten.
“This is the new worker, Sun! He’s my friend that I met when I first started working in the Pizzaplex,” you reply.
“The name is James.” He then offered the animatronic a handshake. Sun looked at his hand and then looked back up at the man. Turning around, Sun walked away once again to go play with the children again.
“That’s… odd,” James says, raising an eyebrow. “Not a good day today?”
You shrugged.
“It’s actually been pretty good.” You then lean in, making sure that no bystanders overhear you. “They actually never took him to maintenance, so he’s still a bit glitchy. Just don’t turn off the lights and we should be good.”
“That’s definitely not safe, but I’m not surprise that they did that. Chica has been glitching too, but they decided to just scrap that pizza flavoured drink instead of fixing her technical issues. I mean, why give a robot the ability to eat anyways?”
“True that. Anyways, I’m going to go head off for my lunch break before you drag me into any of your gossip,” you joke.
“Guilty,” James laughs, raising his hands in surrender.
You then leave the day-care to go eat.
When you return, everything appears fine. Sun is still playing with the children and James is already settled at the desk.
“Need me to go over anything for you, dude?” You ask as you walk over to the desk, taking the seat next to him.
“I’m all good. Brenton told me what’s what and the whole shebang yesterday. Would have been introduced to Sun then, but he just wasn’t anywhere in sight,” James tells you, opening a bag of chips. “You want one?”
“Nah, I’m okay. Just had lunch,” you declined.
“Suit yourself,” he says before shoving a huge fistful of his snacks in his mouth.
“Um, hello? I’m here to pick up my daughter,” a man asks.
“Of course, what was their name and your contact details again?” You ask, getting straight back into work.
The rest of the day went faster after James showed up. When you both weren’t working, James would start talking about what’s been going on in the Arcade or even talk about some of the stuff customers have said or done.
“She then proceeds to kick the machine and break her toe! I don’t know what she was playing to achieve attacking something that’s solid metal while wearing sandals.”
“Damn, what happened next?”
“She just cried a lot and hobbled out of the place. She might have sent a complaint, but I never heard about it ever again,” James finishes the story.
“Sounds about right,” you chuckle. Looking at the clock on the computer screen, it shows that your shift ended about 5 minutes ago. “Oh snap! I’ve been here a little too long.”
“You were too invested in my gossip yet again,” James laughs.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” You look around to see if Sun is around, figuring you should at least say goodbye.
You spot Sun, who is facing away from you and looking at the ball pit.
“Sun! I’m leaving now, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” You call to him but the animatronic doesn’t even move in response. “Sun?” Walking closer, you see that he is still online, the white lights of his eyes looking straight ahead. “Sun, are you listening to me?” You call again, waving your hand in his face. “Hello?”
The lights of his eyes flicker colour for a moment, going from red back to white. Sun then shakes his head and looks down at you.
“Why, hello, Y/N! What are you still doing here?” He places his hands on his hips and taps his foot. “Shouldn’t you be going home already?”
“I, uh,” you start, unsure how to respond. “I lost track of time. But I wanted to say goodbye to you before I leave!” You quickly recover from your confusion and give him a small smile.
“Oh, really? That’s so sweet of you, buddy!” He somehow manages to sound even happier than his usually gleeful tone.
“Yeah, well… I should be off now. Bye!” You speak.
“Too-TA-loo!” He waves, wiggling his fingers.
You turn and walk back towards the front doors, giving James a reassuring smile as you leave. He was standing from his seat and looking at you. James obviously watched the entire exchange that just happened and looked ready to jump in if you needed it.
When you got home, you crashed in your bed and stared up at the ceiling.
“I can’t keep working there,” you say to yourself.
The pay was okay, but was it worth the constant fear of a robot going apeshit on your simply because the company doesn’t want to spend another few million fixing the damn thing?
A vibration from your pocket pulls you from your thoughts. Grabbing it, you see that it’s a text message from James.
‘Are you okay?’ It reads.
You send a quick reply.
‘Yeah, it’s just always weird when Sun does something like that.’
A few minutes later, James replies again.
‘I bet. Just message me if you want to talk, okay?’
‘Sure thing. Now get back to work!’
You smile a little at the message. James has been a great friend ever since you started working at the Pizzaplex. Yet another reason you didn’t know whether you should quit or not. You’d probably end up working at another dead-end job with no real health code policies, but the only difference would be that you wouldn’t have someone like James around to joke around with about it.
Hell, James would probably show up one day and be working there too, you think to yourself. Another buzz of your phone goes off and you see that James replied.
‘Fine… See you later, Fun Police!’
You shake your head at that but decide to let James have the last word. Getting back up, you decide to have a shower and have leftovers for dinner. Once you were all done, you go back to your room and see you have another notification on your phone, this time from Tim.
‘How was your first day without me?’
You type out your response straight away.
‘It went okay! Someone who I worked with in the Arcade is doing the afternoon shifts now. Caught me by surprise!’
‘That’s nice. Anyways, I have a question to ask you.’
‘Sure, go ahead.’
You wait for a few minutes before you read the next message.
‘What did you think about my letters?’
You blink at this.
‘I don’t know what you mean by that.’
‘My letters in the box. From the other night. Don’t act stupid, Y/n.’
The sudden aggression catches you off guard. Snapping out of your sudden confusion, you are suddenly filled with anger.
‘Who the fuck is this and why do you have Tim’s phone?’
You wait for a response, but it never comes. Putting your phone down, you leave it to charge.
Was that Sun? No, you don’t even know if he’s ever even touched a phone before? Maybe it’s some punks messing with you, and they somehow got their hands on Tim’s phone. But how the hell do they know about the box? God, do you have a stalker?
With each question that runs through your mind, it makes less and less sense. But you do know one thing, this job is driving you mad and after this week is over, you’re never working in the day-care ever again.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Baby Steps (A Good Man)
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A/N: Hello my sunshines! I’m back with another little installment of the AGM ‘verse with our favorite Javi and Dulzura! I love them so much and I’m glad y’all do too! I hope you guys enjoy!  As always, comments and feedback are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged let me know! Xx
*can be read as a standalone or part of the ‘verse as a whole*
Pairing: Professor! Javi x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: language, pregnant!reader
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Mrs. Peña?” the sound of your name still surprised you, despite the fact that the students had been calling you for several months now. A grin worked its way onto your face as you looked at the young boy who was watching you with wide, eager eyes. Putting your pen down, you motioned for him to continue, “will you come outside and play with us?”
“You want me to hang out with you guys?” you almost laughed at the idea that any kid deemed you worthy of spending time with them, “I thought teachers were lame, Mikey?”
“Some of them, but not all of them! You’re pretty cool,” he smiled and displayed his toothy grin. How were you supposed to say no to him? You nodded and stood up, taking the hand he was holding out to you, “besides we’re playing kickball and we need one more person!!”
“I should have known you were just using me for my exceptional skills,” you pretended to be hurt as he pulled out of the building and into the playground, where the sun was shining brightly. 
Normally, you’d have turned him down, opting to get some work done during the lunch period, but decided you might as well indulge him and yourself. You really enjoyed the kids you had this year, and it was a gorgeous early spring day. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Turns out, kickball with a bunch of seven and eight year olds was not as simple as it seemed. They seemed to come up with all sorts of nonsense rules, and on top of it all, they happened to be extremely competitive. And yet...you were thoroughly enjoying yourself - and glad you had opted to wear jeans today instead of a skirt or dress. Javi had been particularly fond of the tight, high-waisted jeans that hugged you in all the right places, getting very handsy before you both had to leave for work. Typical Javier; not that you minded of course. 
“Come on, give us a good one, Mrs. P!” Mikey yelled at the top of his small lungs as you proceeded to kick the ball that was rolled at you. You offered up a firm kick, but not one you would have used if you’d been playing with only adults. Taking unfair advantage was something you definitely didn’t want to do.
As soon as your foot made contact with the red rubber ball, you watched it whistle through the air before running to the first base. But...it was over before it started as you ran and then immediately proceeded to trip over your slightly untied shoelaces. You made contact with the hard earth before you knew and rolled your ankle in the process. 
You landed with a mixture of an annoyed sigh and a loud oof as you chided yourself. You should have made sure they were properly tied before doing anything. The kids clambered around you, faces anxious as they tried to make sure you were okay. Physically you were sure you’d be just fine, but mentally your pride was wounded. Oh, to make a fool of yourself in front of a bunch of children. 
“I’m alright,” you promised as you slowly rose to your feet; an instant tinge of pain shot through your ankle and leg as you almost lost your balance again. Maybe you were hurt… “it’s alright - you guys go back to playing and I’m going to go back to the classroom and sit for a moment. I might have twisted my ankle.”
They nodded, but gave you wary looks as you hobbled back inside the building. You should have remained the umpire and refused to play; you were obviously not coordinated enough for any of this. Slumping back in your chair, you rolled up your pant leg and hissed at the sight of the already swollen ankle. Shit.
“You’d better get that checked out,” Anna, one of the teachers from across the hall looked at you with a pained expression, “looks painful.”
“Nothing some rest and elevation won’t fix,” you insisted as you slumped against the back of the chair, “I’m too old for this! When did I become an adult?"
“Hey, at least they think you’re cool,” she huffed playfully, “they never ask me to play! But seriously, that looks pretty bad. And it happened at work, you know how they get about stuff like that.”
“Fineeee,” you groaned, “I’ll go to the school nurse.”
“I would recommend an actual urgent care or ER visit,” she raised an eyebrow, “besides, you know how Javi gets - he'll flay us all if he thought we weren’t looking out for you.”
“He’s...something else.”
“He’s amazing,” she reminded as you nodded in agreement. For how much of a worrywart he could be, you knew it was all out of love, “now go and get it checked out. I’ll handle getting the sub in and telling everyone. You have enough to worry about. Can you make it okay, or will you need a ride? Should I call Javi?”
“I can drive myself,” you promised, thankful it happened to your left foot and not the right, “I’m not going to bother my darling, overprotective husband just yet. Not until I can confirm that nothing is actually wrong. I don’t want him to stress over nothing, and I’m sure by the time he gets home tonight he’ll just be laughing at me and my clumsiness!”
“Alright,” Anna grabbed your purse and handed it to you, as you managed to slink out of the chair, “go get checked out and feel better. If you need anything at all, just call me.”
“Thanks for all of your help,” you hobbled towards the door, trying to keep as much weight off of your foot as possible, as Anna grimaced at you, “I swear it’s not that bad - worse than it looks.”
“Sure, sure,” she disagreed politely, “now quit stalling and go get help!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The white walls and bright lights of the exam room were enough to rattle your nerves, even if just ever so lightly. You sat on the examination bed and tried to keep yourself calm as you waited for the nurse to come back and begin examining you. Nothing but the distant sounds of people outside and the tick-tock of the aging clock met your ears. You almost wish you’d called Javier just to have some company. Shit.
“Mrs. Peña?” a kind looking woman, maybe around Javier’s age poked her head in as you nodded, “sorry for the wait, we’re pretty busy right now. You’re here for a rolled ankle?”
“Yeah,” you answered as you relaxed at her comforting presence as she came in and sat on her rolling stool, eyes immediately dropping your swollen and irritated ankle, “I was playing with my kids outside - kickball - and then tripped over my own damn feet and ta da!”
“Were you at home when this happened? Playing with your kids?”
“Oh no, I’m a teacher,” you quickly explained, a warm flush rising up your cheeks at the thought of children, “it was on their lunch break at school. I-I don’t have any children of my own.”
You weren’t sure why you felt the need to offer up a clarifying statement.
“I see,” she made a few notes before turning back to you, “it looks pretty bad, to be quite frank. I’m going to assume it wasn’t a break, a sprain rather, from how you’re managing, but we’ll need to do some x-rays to confirm. We’ll do your blood work as well just to make sure everything is in order. Before we do x-rays or anything - are you pregnant?”
“No,” you admitted, looking at your feet as you tried not to sigh. It had been on your mind recently, and you weren’t sure quite what to make of your own feelings on the matter. While you hadn't been actively trying, you couldn't help but wonder if it would ever happen.
“Any chance you could be?” 
“Umm,” you twiddled your thumbs as you shrugged your shoulders, “I-I suppose. I’m not on birth control and my husband and I don’t use protection...we’ve been trying but not trying if that makes sense? But my cycle’s been regular so I highly doubt it.”
“Okay,” the scratching of her pen on paper was almost maddening as she was making notes and you just sat there. You could curse yourself for babbling on to her, but you couldn’t really help it. Besides, it’d be better for them to know all the details if they were going to x-ray and poke and prod you, “very good. Let me just go get everything and we’ll get started and a better look at everything. We’ll have you set and on your way in no time.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Here you go,” you scratched Stevie’s ears as you offered him a treat, a scrap of carrot from the vegetables you were chopping up for dinner, “what do you think, buddy? Should we tell him tonight?”
“Should we tell who and what tonight?” Javi’s voice startled you so much that you almost dropped your knife. You hadn’t even heard him come in, ever the sneaky DEA agent as he walked into the kitchen. A smile was on his face as he came over to you and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “hi baby.”
“J-Javi,” you couldn’t help but melt into his touch, despite his surprise arrival, “you’re home!”
“Oh very observant of you, Dulzura,” he teased as he pulled back and started to undo his tie. It was only then that he noticed you weren’t wearing what you had earlier in the day; you were in one of his sweaters and a pair of joggers and… “what the hell happened to your ankle?!”
There it was  - Javier switching into overdrive. You put everything down on the counter and turned to him, putting on your most innocent and sheepish expression. His large, warm hands found your face as he looked you over to make sure you were okay. 
“It’s nothing, Javi,” you promised him, “I swear it. It’s just a bad sprain, but I went and had it looked at and they wrapped it and gave me pain killers. It’s umm...a stupid little story actually…”
“What happened?” he bent down and reached out to tentatively and delicately cheek the binding to make sure the nurse had properly tended to your sprain. He made a small sound of disgruntled satisfaction before standing up and waiting for a proper explanation, “why didn’t you call me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you, Javier,” you promised as he crossed his arms over his broad but acquiesced with a nod, “you’re so busy, and honestly, it wasn’t a big deal at all. Besides, Anna was ready to call you immediately, but I told her not to worry. All that happened was that I was outside with the kids and we were playing kickball and I tried over my laces, fell, and twisted my ankle. It hurts, but no fracture or anything.”
Javier’s lips twitched as he tried not to laugh, his shoulders shaking with effort as he just studied you, “are you....are you serious, Dulzura?”
“Don’t laugh at me!” you pouted as he started laughing at your dismal nod when you confirmed that that was what actually happened, “they thought I was cool and how was I supposed to say no to them!? I’m the cool teacher to them!”
“And look what that got you,” he snickered as you sighed heavily, “I’m sorry - I’m sorry. As long as you’re okay, that’s what matters. Whatever you need, just tell me the word and I’ll make sure you have it. I’ll take good care of you, Dulzura.”
“I know you will...you always do,” your heart raced as you tried to decide whether or not to tell him the rest of your revelations. But then he looked at you with those eyes, those soft brown, gentle eyes, and your heart melted. He gently pulled you into his arms as he kissed you again, chasing after your soft, sweet lips with his own, seemingly never able to get enough of you, “Javier, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you felt him smile against your lips, “what’s brought on your sudden declaration of love, mi alma?”
“I...I’m pregnant,” you blurted it out without even really thinking about it. Javier pulled back as a surprised expression crossed his features. He looked at you, seemingly in a state of shock, before opening and closing his mouth a few times, “Javi?”
“You’re pregnant?” he repeated as you nodded. It took about a moment for everything to finally come full circle as he finally realized what you had said. Immediately, an overwhelming wave of emotion came over you as you felt the back of your eyes start to sting with tears. He grabbed your face and slowly crashed his lips back onto yours and kissed deeply and slowly, “holy shit.”
“I know,” you beamed at him, “they asked before they did x-rays and blood work and then well...they discovered I was pregnant. I had no clue and then they told me and yeah - holy shit."
“That’s amazing,” he said softly, “pregnant....”
“I know,” you breathed him in and ran a hand through his dark curls, “I’m not far along, only like six weeks, so it’s still very early, but yes. We’re finally having a baby, Javier!
“I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around and held you in a tight embrace, “I love you so much.”
“You deserve this - everything. You are such a good man, Javier, and I am so honored to call you my husband, and the father of my child,” he almost melted under your praise as you traced along his features before resting your hand on his cheek, “I love you, Javi. I am so excited for this.”
“Me too,” he agreed, “this is everything - you are everything.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
3 months pregnant
“Dulzura?” Javier yawned as he wiped the sleep from his eyes as he got up and found you in the kitchen, peering into the fridge. You were in the mood for...something. You just weren’t sure what that something was. Everything sounded good but nothing seemed to satiate that craving you had deep within, “what are you doing up?”
“I couldn’t sleep,” you admitted, hoping you hadn’t woken him up by accident, “and I got hungry. I’m sorry if I woke you, my love. Go back to bed, Javier.”
“It’s fine,” he insisted as he shuffled into the kitchen and slowly pried you away from the fridge, “sit down, and let me make you something to eat. What sounds good?”
“Javier,” you did as he asked, padding over to the other side of the counter and taking a seat at the bar. You rested your head on your hands as he stifled a yawn, "honey, go back to bed. You're exhausted and you've got back to back classes tomorrow."
"They start in the late morning," he insisted, with a sleepy nod as you just laughed at him. He was such a stubborn man sometimes it drove you crazy - but you knew it came from a place of love and concern, "don't sleep well without you anyways. 's better when you're there."
"Oh, my sweet husband," he reached into the fridge and pulled out some cheese, butter, and your favorite pickled jalapeños. You watched in curiosity as he went to the bread box and grabbed the fresh loaf of bread you'd purchased earlier at the store, "grilled cheese?"
"Grilled cheese with jalapeños," he corrected, a lazy smile tugged up the corners of his mouth. You made a small sound of musing as you realized it didn't sound too bad at all, "and tomato soup, naturally. How does that sound?"
"Sounds delicious," you grinned eagerly as you leaned in to watch him work. You made a small sound of surprise as your stomach rumbled loudly. Apparently you were hungrier than you had thought, "apparently, my stomach and I agree. I think its your daughter that agrees."
At the mention of your baby, Javier paused and smiled, his eyes flitting to your barely visible bump. Some days he still couldn't believe that you were having a baby. You were his wife. What a wild world it was indeed; years ago he'd never dreamed he would have all of this. The Javier that once existed and refused to believe that there was any light in the world could never have pictured any of this. 
But here you were. Continually proving him wrong. And he loved it all.
"Wait - how do you know we're having a girl?" he asked, suddenly wide awake as he raised an eyebrow at you, "I thought we still need to wait another month or so."
"We do," you grinned at him, "but I just know. I'm sure of it!"
"Well, you do have a fifty-fifty chance of being right…"
"I have a hundred percent chance of being right," you insisted as you reached over the counter and grabbed the jar of pickled jalapeños and fished a few out, and popped them into your mouth, "don't argue with your pregnant wife, Javier Peña. You of all people should know not to cross someone so dangerous."
He snorted with laughter, suddenly feeling much more awake as he sliced up cheese and turned on the stove, "and if we end up having a son?"
"Then we keep having more until we have a daughter and I am proven right," you plastered on a sweet smile, knowing it would wind him up. You'd never really discussed how many children you wanted or planned on having. It was just a sort of...whatever happens happens type thing. But, if you were being honest, you'd probably have given Javier as many children as he wanted. Your husband fell silent as he watched you for a moment before taking the jar away from, "nothing to add? Silence isn't like you, my love."
"We can have as many as you'd like," he promised, "you're the one doing all the hard work. If you're done after one, then it's fine for me. You already amaze me every day."
"Don't make me cry, Javier," your whole body soaked in the warmth and love from his simple words, "its getting really easy at this point, and you're taking advantage!"
"Sorry," he shot you a wink before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your lips, "back to business."
"Hmm," you mused quietly, "I thought kissing me was business."
"I thought you were hungry?"
"Fine," you playfully huffed as he carried on cooking, "Javi?"
"I love you," you beamed at him, the little smile that worked its way onto his face take your breath away - as it always had. 
"I love you."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
6 months pregnant
A huff escaped your lips as you tried to reach for the socks and underwear that had fallen out of the laundry basket. It was no easy feat when you couldn’t see your own feet anymore. But you were determined to get everything up and off the floor as you walked back towards your bedroom to put away the clean clothes. And you weren’t about to give up and ask for help - not yet anyway.
Instead, you opted to awkwardly lower yourself to the floor in order to blindly grab for the discarded items. But it was no use...this was almost harder. 
“You alright, Dulzura?” Javier came in and found you struggling, cleaning his dirty hands off on a rag. He’d been working outside, getting the garden spruced up as the summer slowly came to an end, “can’t reach?”
“I can,” you stuck your tongue out at him as he huffed with laughter, but motioned for you to go on. Wanting to prove that you were right, and weren’t completely helpless after all. It hadn’t been easy having to give up a lot of the things you used to be able to do with ease as you progressed in your pregnancy. The fact that none of your pants would fit over your belly anymore had been a point of horror for you - it meant you were truly and actually pregnant, you were actually having a baby. You’d always known, but that had been what made it all extremely real. Every day you got closer and closer to your due date, it all became a little more real. Exciting - but terrifying. 
Not being able to see your feet had been another blow. You could hardly get proper shoes on anymore, opting for easy slide ons, which were great for the warmth of summer and didn’t matter since you were on summer break along with your kids. It was almost as though Javier could sense your frustration, and he’d often silently help you with getting your shoes on in the morning. He never said a word, knowing he didn’t have to. He always told you he loved you in so many ways, often without saying it. 
You tried to again, dangling your hand along on the floor as you tried again. After watching you struggle for a moment, Javier came over and grabbed everything in one foul swoop before taking your hand in his and helping you upright. 
“Hey,” you pouted at him as he put the items back into your basket, “I almost had it!”
“I know,” he kissed the tip of your nose, “but I wanted to help. Why can I not help my gorgeous wife?”
“Your very pregnant and easily frustrated wife?” you teased as you started to walk towards the bedroom. He followed after you, swatting at your bum as you squealed in delight, “Javier!”
“Come on, mi alma,” he grinned, “let me help put everything away.”
“If I let you help, you’re just going to take me to bed and then I’ll have to wash the sheets again!”
“I’ve never heard a single complaint from you before,” as you set the basket on the dresser, he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist before settling a hand on your belly and gently rubbing it a few times. He pressed a few kisses to the side of your neck as you tilted your head to give him easier access, “there we go, Dulzura. Just like you like it.”
“You’re the worst,” you teased as you turned your head to kiss him, “you’re lucky I love you. And I’m seemingly always in the mood right now - they really weren’t kidding about pregnancy making you more horny. Although, I’ve never heard a single complaint from you before.”
“And you never will,” he promised, his low in your ear as you tried not to completely let your mind wander too far away, “do you have any plans for this afternoon, Dulzura?”
“N-no,” you  managed to choke out as one of his hands skimmed along the waistband of your leggings. You knew exactly where this was going, and you were loath to stop him, especially as he slowly kept kissing you.
“Good,” he rasped, “because I have plans for you. Been thinking about you all day, especially in these tight leggings. You knew exactly what you were doing, didn’t you honey?”
“Uh huh,” you agreed as his warm hand slipped inside and a shiver ran up your spine, “Javier. Please.”
“Don’t worry, mi alma,” he captured your gasp in a sweet kiss, “I’ll take good care of you.”
The laundry could definitely wait.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
9 months pregnant 
It was an early, chilling morning as you sipped on some tea as you sat out in the garden. It was probably too cold to be sitting outside, but you were handled up in blankets and didn't care. 
Christmas was a few weeks away and you enjoyed peeking into the neighbor's yards to see what they all had going on for decorations.
"Are you sure you don't want to come inside?" Javier poked his head out from the sliding screen door, his brow furrowed in concentration, "its freezing! And I have breakfast!"
"I've got blankets and a baby keeping me warm," you reminded him, pointing at your large belly. You were due in a couple of weeks; how time had flown. He jokingly frowned at you, sticking out his tongue. Playfully rolling your eyes, you clambered to your feet and waddled over to him, "fine, hold on you big baby. This is because I want breakfast."
Javier was on his winter break from teaching and you were on maternity leave now and you definitely didn't mind having him around all the time. If you could have always had it this way, you definitely wouldn't have minded.
"I'm just looking out for you," he insisted with a pout as you pressed a kiss to his lips, "I talked to Papà. He's really excited to come in a few weeks - more like excited to meet his grandbaby."
"I'm not complaining at all," you insisted, knowing there would be many sleepless nights and chaotic days ahead of you, "we'll need all the help we can get. Hell, maybe we can convince Steve and Connie to come and visit too…"
"I'm sure we'll have all the help in the world between our families and friends, Dulzura," he promised as he took your hand and pulled you into the warm kitchen, putting a plate of breakfast for you on the counter, "I'm sure we'll get sick of having so many people around."
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," you took a bite and smiled as Stevie laid by your feet. The whole house was warm and cozy, perfectly decorated for Christmas, with a huge tree and already lots of presents. Javier had really outdone himself this year, seemingly more in the Christmas spirit than you. Honestly, you were feeling a little bit out of it - being so pregnant would do that to you. 
You watched your husband for a few moments, admiring his profile and lazy smile. Gods, you were still so in love with him. He felt you watching him closely, and turned to you, cooking a dark brow, "what's on your mind, mi alma?"
"Nothing much," you shrugged lightly, feeling a flush of warmth was over you at him catching you, "just thinking about how I love you, and how I'm glad you're here with me, that you knocked me up, and yeah. Are you…are you nervous Javi?"
"About the baby?"
"No, about the Astros' odds next season," you snorted as he groaned at your joke, "of course the baby. I'm just...so nervous. Like I feel ready to meet her, but I'm so scared that I'll fuck it up somehow."
"You still think its a girl?"
"Positive," you grinned at him - you'd decided not to find out the sex ahead of time, leaving it a surprise for both of you. You were still convinced it was a girl, Javier was undecided, "we'll find out soon enough!"
"Either way," he brought his plate and sat down next to you, "everything will be alright. You're going to be an amazing mother, Dulzura. You are everything."
"I love you, Javier," you beamed as he gently put a hand on your belly, "I know it'll be alright, but holy shit - I'm so nervous. Its getting so real lately. We're going to be parents."
"Parents," he repeated, "fuck."
"Who would have thought-" you were quickly cut off when you felt the baby flutter round. A small sound of surprise left your lips as you grabbed Javier's hand and placed it on your belly, "she's telling you not to curse."
He was silent for a moment as a smile spread on his features; despite having felt this many times by now, it still continued to surprise him. He couldn't even imagine how it felt for you, "this is...everything."
"I realized I didn't know what to get you for Christmas so I got you a baby instead," you don't know why it came to mind, but as soon as the words left your lips you brought into a fit of laughter - Javier joined in, a brilliant sound that you adored above all.
"Best Christmas present ever," he whispered before leaning in and giving you a gentle kiss - sweet from the syrup and pancakes he had just eaten, "I mean it. I love you both more than you will ever know."
"We love you too," you grinned as he stroked your belly, "I'm glad your class was the only one available and I took it. I'm glad you were a grumpy professor that let me into his office - I was able to work my magic and look where that got us."
He threw his back with laughter, his dark curls shining brilliantly in the light as his eyes crinkled in the corners. You'd never been more glad for subjecting yourself to his class.
"Me too," he whispered as he put a hand on your cheek, "you always were a stubborn thing."
"Some things never change," you stuck your tongue out at him, "I trust your daughter will be the same!"
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were humming to yourself as you shuffled around the kitchen and tried to put together a mid afternoon snack when you felt an odd sensation in your lower belly. It caused you to drop the knife on the counter as you held onto the marble and gritted your teeth. Stevie was at your feet in an instant, looking at you with concern.
"Its okay, buddy," you reassured him as the pain passed. Surely it couldn't have been anything too bad...probably just an end of pregnancy pain. Sighing at your nonsense worry, you reached for the knife again but before you reached it, the pain was back, "never mind, shit shit shit."
Trying to keep yourself calm, you leaned against the counter and tried to even your breathing. Contractions. Of course. You were due in a week and you still hadn't been expecting it.
"Javier?" he was down the hall in the second bedroom that had been converted into the nursery, putting away the final touches of clothing. Before he could respond, you felt an odd sensation followed by liquid running down your legs, "Javier!"
"What's wrong, Dulzura?" he rushed down the hall and back into the kitchen, worry etched onto his features as you stood there in shock and clutched at your belly, "honey-"
"My water broke," you said meekly as you pointed to your wet pants, "and I've had a few contractions - I think the baby's coming."
"Okay," he immediately kicked into gear as he remained cool and calm, despite wanting to panic and worry along with you, "its okay. I'm going to get the hospital bag, we'll get you in the car, Stevie to the neighbor, and then we'll go and have a baby."
"You make it seem so simple," you huffed lightly as you tried to channel his inner calm demeanor, "we'll be okay, right? I-I'm scared…"
"I know, honey," he promised as he kissed the side of your head, "you've done so amazing already, it will all be okay. I'm right here, okay? I'm just going to grab your bag and the dog and we'll go. Ten minutes and we'll be on the way."
"Okay," you agreed as he practically ran down the hall to get your packed bag, "we're going to have a baby, Javi."
"Indeed we are," he agreed with a small smile as he reached for his wallet and keys and stuff for the neighbor to watch Stevie for a few days, "we're having our baby."
Holy shit.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“You’re doing amazing, sweetheart,” Javier praised you as you squeezed his hand after another push. You groaned and gritted your teeth as you glared at him; this was absolute hell, “the baby’s almost there.”
“Shut up, Javier,” you hissed as you got ready for another push, “I am never letting you touch me again! You did this to me.”
“Hey - it was a team effort,” he reminded you in a vain attempt at a joke. Your death glare and the squeezing of his hand said it all, “sorry, Dulzura. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you said as you took a deep breath, “but right now, I’m blaming this on you.”
“Fair enough,” he said as you pushed again. He was sure his hand was going to break.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It wasn’t much longer before you were laying back and holding the smallest bundle you could ever imagine in your arms. You were somewhere between crying tears of joy and exhaustion, as you stared at your newborn daughter in awe. Javier was sitting next to you, looking down at her, his own eyes glossy as he gently touched her cheek. She had the darkest eyes and a shock of dark hair, already taking after her father. She had come into the world squealing and crying but had fallen asleep almost as soon as Javier held her. 
“I told you we were having a girl,” you teased him softly, “I was right. Look at her, Javier. That’s our daughter. We made her.”
“You did all the hard work, mi alma,” he whispered as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, “she’s beautiful.”
“Lucia Luna Peña,” you grinned at your husband, “it’s perfect. I love you both more than you could ever know. Javier...you really are everything to me - the best friend, best husband, and now the best father. She’s going to love the hell out of you, just like I do.”
He remained silent for a moment as he looked at the sleeping baby before looking back at you. His whole world was in his arms, and the thought of that alone was enough to overwhelm him with emotion. He’d never thought he wanted this - a “boring” job, a home, a wife, and a baby. 
But here he was. And he had never felt happier, never felt more full of love and life. This was everything. 
“I love you so much, Dulzura - you and Lucia,” he promised as he rested his head on top of yours, “you have given me everything, more than you know. Te quiero con todo.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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munsnz · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯. — 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞? Overview: Y/N tells Mike information to help their lost friend, she also heads to the search party for Will with Victor. As they explore, the past unravels and there is an odd occurrence that happens. Navigation & Mixtape
Tag: @samiyamuntaha @thepowerstoner @ughgclden @mqyfield @cooperdaysgf
“So right by Mirkwood right?” Mike Wheeler’s voice peeped after listening to Y/N’s remark of details about what she heard at the Hawkins Police Department a few hours ago. It was around 7 pm, right around to where the girl was getting ready prone to the search party being held with a few of the residents of the town.
Y/N hummed a positive response to clearing out his doubts just in case he was confused by any means, this wasn’t going to help Mike, it was going to help Will get a faster chance to be retrieved to his home again.
Although Hopper disapproved the request of letting young people in the search, Y/N and Victor were eventually allowed to come along, “Yeah, but remember you have to be somewhat far from the real search group okay? We don’t want you to get caught.”
”Mike! What are you doing?” Nancy’s faint voice was caught on the other line of the phone, leading Mike to leave the phone out, Y/N overhearing them argue over the dumbest things.
Prior to the noises of Mike pushing Nancy out of the basement she guessed, the boy came back on the line, sighing loudly, “Sorry about that, Nancy gets so annoying, I still don’t know why you still hang out with her.”
”She could be a priss sometimes,” She responds, breathily giggling, clenching the ceramic telephone tighter, “But she’s still my friend if you could say.”
Continuing with their conversation based on the plan, it was perfectly assembled, safe with a high possibility of finding Will, even if it had been a day. Will couldn’t have gone far anyways. Y/N was about to speak, but was suddenly caught off guard as soon as she heard her dad in the hallway, getting prepared for the search.
”Oh shit! I have to go now,” Y/N hushed in a subtle tone, trying her best to keep away Hopper from listening to their discussion, “Remember to be home by 9 at least with flashlights. Stay safe Mike.”
The line went awfully silent, placing back the phone to its regular position on the handset, while it being attached to the wall. Rapidly, spinning to look at her father, trying to act as normal as possible, his brows furrowed at her.
”What were you doing?”
Shrugging it off calmly, Y/N breathily giggles while she put her hands on her hips saying, “I was just checking in with Victor, that’s all.”
Hopper’s eyes widened at her point, clicking his tongue as he started grabbing on his sweater for the frosty night ahead, “Funny, but I just called his mom to let him know that he was coming.”
”Right..” Y/N casually crossed her arms, cursing under her breath before she showed any subtle reaction to what she was up to. Play it cool.
In the silence of her looking around the messy home by the front door, Hopper sharply whistles while slinging the car keys in the air to catch them, making Y/N follow right behind me, pretending as if the few minutes didn’t occur. Feeling the breeze of the autumn air, both the relatives made their way to the vehicle, on their way to the small yet important search for this boy, Will Byers.
As the road got narrower and narrower, the car drove deeper into the dark woods, where Y/N could see the slender trees and branches surrounding them. The starry sky lit up the place with a soft tone of dim blues and grays painted across it on the chilly night. Watching out the window, Y/N squinted her eyes to see a figure from afar waving towards the vehicle, a familiar figure to be Victor. Hopper drove nearer, the headlights being able to guide him to the stop where a small crowd of people were surrounding along with the patrols.
Hopper cleared his throat, while he pushed the breaks down and turned to his daughter, “Hey kid, remember don’t be-“
Without hesitation, Y/N swung the car door open to step out of it, hustled her way to her so called “acquaintance”, Victor. It was more like a friend but she didn’t want to be that close with the boy. Victor wearily smiling at her.
“You seem tired,” Y/N creeps up next to him, watching the small groups of people around the mounds of dead leaves and twigs gathered for the search.
Victor’s voice brings the girl’s attention back to him, he clears his throat, “I mean dealing with Flo is already a lot for me to handle, so I suppose I am.” The two silently chuckled, the frost getting to their noses, “I heard there’s gonna be a chance of rain.”
“Yes really! Haven’t you seen the forecast? I’m even wearing a jacket!” Victor squinted his eyes, his eyewear raising up on the bridge of his nose and the girl shrugged aimlessly.
Y/N scoffed, shoving him slightly, “I think there’s way more important things we need to focus on instead of the weather.”
From afar, Hopper and the policemen indicated all the volunteers to gather around on the sidewalk, near the entrance of the forest. The flashing blue and red lights were turned off from the cars, everyone else preparing for the upcoming search.
”Okay guys!” The chief shouted to direct everyone, “We need to stay in the 5 mile radius from where Will was last scene! Everyone please be careful and remember to blow the whistle if you find anything at all!”
Heads were nodded, agreeing to the directions, Officers Powell and Callahan guided two separate groups from different directions, Y/N having to come along with the third group including her dad. Although the girl was 16, her father wanted to take the best care for her, after Sarah. He wanted to keep her as close as possible, but he knew she was getting older. It was just for today, he can protect her for today, now being aware of a kid disappearing in their town. Maybe one of them was next.
“I guess that’s your call genius,” Y/N told Victor as she pointed towards Powell’s group who were walking to the right side of the woods, the people disappearing one by one into the darkness.
Not budging at all, Victor stood his ground saying, “I think I’ll stick with you for now, there’s just soccer moms hoarding the group for Powell, he has a fan club.”
“You’re not wrong Vic,” She sniggered quietly but failed miserably, letting out a subtle loud laugh, both of the teenagers walking behind their group, down a steep hill leading to the inner nature.
Rushing down first to the bottom, the tall brunette reached his hand out for Y/N who was still at the top, to help her come down to his level, “M’lady?”
”Why thank you, what a gentleman!” Y/N sarcastically gasps, gripping onto his hand to steady herself below, after they jogged closer to the group, flicking their flashlights on to carry on.
Everyone glanced above the branches, the moon shining as the crickets chirped. The crisp wind running across their faces, making the trees shuffle loudly. As flashlights led them with its brightness, they all searched and searched, for any trace of the boy around the area.
Half an hour later, the air became cooler than usual, almost bringing a frostbite to their bare hands. The sound of branches and dead leaves crunching over the few people above them. In the silence, Y/N stayed near Victor and her father, hearing shouts for Will. The realization hit the girl, they were looking for lost Will, Will hasn’t appeared, he was probably in some sort of danger. She fastened her grip on the flashlight, looking around more closely, along with the rest.
”He’s a good student,” Someone decides to break the silence of the leaves and twigs crunching under their feet, Victor and Y/N turned their attention to him as they strolled in the woods.
Hopper cocks an eyebrow up and looks towards the teacher’s direction after the statement, “What?”
”Will. He’s a good student. Great one actually,” He elaborates, smiling sheepishly to lend his hand in front of the chief to introduce himself, “I don’t think we’ve met, Scott Clarke. Teacher, Hawkins Middle. Earth and biology.”
“Don’t you remember he was my teacher back in the day?”
Victor nods agreeing with Y/N’s statement from behind, Hopper reluctantly trying to remember his daughter’s middle school teacher, still not recalling since in those past years where fighting for Y/N’s custody between the parents, “I always had a distaste for science.”
”Well maybe you had a bad teacher,” Mr. Clarke remarks, checking if his flashlight was still operating, trudging closer to the group of three ahead of him.
”Yeah, Ms. Ratliff was a piece of work,” Hopper scoffs jokingly, Y/N doing the same as well, remembering his shitty science teacher from his past years while he studied at Hawkins High.
”Ratliff?” The teacher ponders, realizing that the same teacher still resides in Hawkins after all these years, “You bet. She’s still kicking around believe it or not.”
Victor elaborates in between them, sliding his hands onto his pockets, “I had her when I was in eighth grade a few years back.”
”Oh I believe it Victor. Mummies never die, so they tell me,” Hopper smiles, trying to get his daughter to notice but she dozed off beyond the sight of the woods, ”Sarah, my youngest, galaxies, the universe whatnot.. She always understood all that stuff. I always figured there was enough going down here, I never needed to look elsewhere.”
Y/N flickered her eyes towards her father’s direction after hearing the special name, it wasn’t so special to one, but to her, it was. Sarah, Sarah Hopper her little sister, but soon enough the teacher interrupted, “Maybe I’ll get her in my class I-“
“No, she uh.. she lives with her mom in the city,” He cuts the man off from his statement, Victor widening his eyes on Y/N’s side, knowing fully that wasn’t true.
The girl beside the tall boy looked back at his dark eyes, signaling him to be quiet, Y/N was aware of the fact that everyone in Hawkins knew Sarah’s death. Just because of her own blabbermouth, Steve told everyone including the parents her little secret the young female confessed to.
As much as her dad still wants to deny the fact the little one was gone and resting in peace, staying of his delusion Y/N wished she could have. It was a promise. A promise that everything was okay and there wasn’t nothing to worry about, almost some sort of fairy tale where everything had its happy endings with a happy family which wasn’t it.
“Thanks for coming out, Teach. We really appreciate it.” Hopper clears the air, trudging past them farther into the dark eerie woods, Y/N and Victor repeating his steps behind him.
Once they were  out of the picture and range from hearing, a middle aged woman spoke up next to the teacher, in a hushed tone saying, “She died a few years back.”
”Sorry?” Mr. Clarke shifted his head in bewilderment towards the lady for any clarification from the inadequate statement given.
”His kid.”
The teacher’s eyes widened, observing the two family members mumbling inaudible words behind the brisk trees of the cool night. He didn’t know the Hoppers hid their family, they never talked much about family when it came to projects when Y/N was younger. It seemed like something ever so private not like where many kids shared experiences with their loved ones, they always kept everything about their family closed up. Almost a mystery.
Y/N could hear the soft mumbles of the quiet conversation being exchanged by the lady and her former teacher, she felt sick knowing that her father stays in the delusion of her sister being alive, lying. Lying wasn’t so hard for her, Y/N was almost a professional at it when it came to helping the party in situations. But lying to her dad was different, it was the both of them against the horrid place called the world.
“Is Sarah going to be back?” A small girl walked over to the grown adults who stood at the front door, puffy eyes showing on their faces, as they held a plastic wristband and stuffed tiger after a long day from not seeing her sister. It was already near midnight.
Without any move, the woman, who to be seen was the girl’s mother, bursted into tears, her husband catching her into his arms. The youngling worriedly watched her parents shed tears, a middle aged woman got up from the couch to comfort both of them. Whispers and mumbles being shared between the adults, bringing more tears.
”Mommy?” The girl steadily crept next to her mom’s leg, wrapping her short arms around her waist, pressing her cheek against the woman’s body, “Don’t cry, I’m here.”
Sobs were still heard from the mother, the two of the women held each other tightly while the tall man let go from their hug, kneeling next to the girl’s level, “Y/N, kid-“
”Dad, where’s Sarah?!” Y/N shakily shouted, her stomach feeling uneasy, with her sister not being found. What happened to Sarah? She knew Sarah was going to get better. Why was mom crying? So many questions filled her head, eyes welling up, her father hugging her tightly with all the hurt and love. Y/N noticed the wristband that her father was holding, she peered closely to see a sloppy handwriting shown as the name Sarah, written all over it with the date when she was sent to the hospital.
”Sarah is... gone.”
The little’s watery eyes widened, her bottom lip trembling, she threw her arms around her father, her head leaning onto his shoulder. Her little sister was gone, she was alone now, her heart crumbling into a million pieces. Sarah, Sarah wasn’t here anymore. But it seemed so surreal, it was only yesterday the two sisters laughed about one of the nurses dropping her cup of coffee while getting chemotherapy.
“Dad.. Can she come back?”
Sadly grinning, Hopper wiped the girl’s chubby face from her tears, shaking his head, “I’m sorry kid, she’s not coming back.”
”But she has to! Sarah has to come home with us,” Y/N choked in her tears, her eyes becoming swollen, grabbing the wristband from her father’s large hand, “Sarah can’t leave me alone here. She promised she would stay.”
”Y/N, I know this is difficult but your sister left us. She’s in a better place now.”
Making her cry even more, Y/N’s mother rapidly kneeled next to her husband and daughter, she sniffed, grabbing onto her daughter, “We promised Sarah we would love each other and always stay safe. Forever.”
Both of the girl’s parents joined in for a tight hug, Y/N fastening her arms around the two others, “Promise. We promise you sweet pea.”
”Y/N! Y/N!” A familiar voice boasted in the ears of Y/N, she focused her attention back to the voice. There was no one beside her by the time she looked around, it was the sounds of the wind and her alone. Her flashlight flickered in her hands, she shook it vigorously to try and turn it back on, but there was nothing coming out of it, just a dimly lit tone guiding her way. Nothing else in her sight except for the trees and moonlight, she tried her best to not overthink this and make her way back to the group.
Every turn she made in the paths, it led her to nowhere, noises filled the aura. Slowly, she began to worry, she wasn’t coming back to the group. Y/N’s head filled itself with thoughts, there was no way she could be lost, last time she was with Victor, rambling about the weather. Where was she? Looking up, she felt small droplets of water dripped onto her face above, Y/N squinted her eyes to avoid the drizzle. The water fell down slowly until it started raining heavier in the air, she wiped her face to dry it off and continue to try to find her way back.
“Dad!” Y/N shouted, wrapping her arms over herself, her hair becoming soaked along the time. She kept shouting and shouting, worry filling her in. The girl was afraid. What if she went missing like Will? Oh no.
Without a precaution, a branch from behind was heard. Y/N whipped her head to the direction, seeing a small human with a white gown rapidly run off to opposite direction, the rain blurring her eyes. Was that Will? Curious, she picked up speed to follow the boy, it may be Will. A chance of relief rushing in as her adrenaline sped up, almost running faster. “Will! It’s me!”
The boy didn’t stop, sprinting faster with his bare feet. Y/N still yelled, slowing her pace down, then picking it back up, going through the trees. An idea came to her, tugging at her metal whistle to her lips, blowing on it. The sound coming off it, maybe attracting people to find her and the boy, it has to be Will. Using her arms to run faster, she suddenly trips over a thick log after not seeing below her because of the wind, sending her to the floor. She whimpers as she felt her ankle burn in a pain, whistling even more.
From the distance, few people to what she could tell came forward to her, rain soaking over her head. Thunder being heard far away, Victor came into the picture to kneel down next to Y/N.
”Hey are you okay?” He worriedly checks on her, receiving a nod. Victor looked around for any possible wounds since he found her on the ground, “We couldn’t find you!”
Y/N hardly paid attention to him and looked afar to see if the boy would turn up again. She held Victor’s jacket to pull him closer, “I think I saw Will! He was running through there I-“
”Chief Hopper coming through, excuse me,” A voice from the crowd of people called in, Hopper bringing himself forward to find his soaking daughter on the ground pointing toward another direction. “What’s wrong?”
Victor moves to tell Hopper while being next to shaking and wet Y/N, “She saw Will.”
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woniepop · 3 years
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Pairings: Enhypen x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: cursing and mentions of alcohol if you squint
Word Count: about 300 - 400 per member
a/n: this is my first enhypen work if it sucks pls tell me LOL I ALSO LEFT HEESUNGS ON A SAD NOTE OOPS. Also I wrote some of this at 2 am and it is raining so hard. I live in SoCal and I feel like I can’t function when it rains so I had to blast music in my headphones but it’s okay Iz*one’s Fiesta is top tier. I did not mean for it to turn out this long lol.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Lee Heesung
- Karaoke
Sitting on the couch of the private karaoke room, exhausted having just sung and danced all of I Can’t Stop Me, Heesung reaches out to take some of the kimbap you had made together before karaoke happened, kind of like two dates in one day. Since he was always busy, he wanted to spend the most amount of time he could with you this weekend, in case he couldn’t meet you the next. Heesung always did a great job of making you feel loved and appreciated, and today he especially wanted to give all his love and attention to you.
“We should rap all of Canceled in one breathe” Heesung suggests, knowing it was a whole three minute song. Although you know you’d die, you nod excitedly, ready to shout at the top of your lungs “THIS YOU?” because Tana definitely gets canceled every 5-7 business days. He starts off the song, both screaming at the top of your lungs, starting off with Bryce Hall 😼. The song goes very swimmingly actually, definitely taking more than one or two breathes.
Taking a call from your phone, you step outside so as to not disturb the caller with Shake it Off. Your mother wanted you home soon, but you desperately wanted to spend more time with Heesung. Stepping back into the room, you decide one more song is short enough to catch the last train home, you grab the remote and pick your last song, Perfect. It was definitely slower paced than the songs you had sang before but you wanted to have at least one moment of romance before it’s completely dead. Taking your hands, he wraps them around his neck and places his hands on your hips and sways side to side as he sings every word beautifully. Even if you could sing as good as him, he was always so hypnotizing when he sang to you. Ending the song with a kiss, you guys both pull away, very sad at the fact that the night has come to an end.
༑ ࿐ྂ。Jay Park
- Aquarium
- Aquarium
Walking through the hallways hand in hand, you enjoy each other’s presence while admiring all the children excited about the stingray that just swam by. Watching Jay’s face light up when he had finally found the sea otters, you giggle at how cute it was. “Look at all the baby sea otters, Y/n, they’re so cute ahhhh'' He says eagerly. Pulling out your phone to take a picture of him, he grabs your hand and takes your phone. “No, Y/n, we have to take this picture togetherrrr.” he whines. Sighing, you agree and wait for him to find someone to help take the picture for him, obviously right next to the sea otters. 
Continuing down the aquarium building, you find the automatic sliding door leading to the outside. Knowing exactly what lies beyond those doors, you pull Jay’s hand and rush out. As a kid, you loved coming to the aquarium to spend time at the petting tank, and now you got to experience it with Jay. Finding a spot at the tank, you dip your hand in and touch the bamboo sharks. You sigh in relief at the nostalgia of it, and turn your head to Jay. “Don’t you want to touch them too?” You ask innocently. Faced flushed, he frantically shakes his head, giving you a blatant no.
Laying your head on his shoulder, you bask in his presence, exhausted by the exciting day you had. Turning on his phone to check the time, you notice he’d set his lockscreen to you. “Did you take that while I was petting the sharks?” Embarrassed, he turns away and avoids the question. “HEY, I could take a picture of you alone for my wallpaper but you could??? Why is this so unfair???” you ask. 
“Because…” He says with a sheepish smile on his face. You quickly take out your phone and snap a picture. After a moment of playful fighting and begging to delete the photo on Jay’s end, he ultimately gave up and let you save it as your lock screen as well.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Jake Sim
- Laser tag
Having Jake as a partner, he’d always taken you on more high energy, adrenaline rushing dates, and today was no different. This date, however, he decided to take you to play laser tag, something you had never done before. Entering the lobby, you both decide to be on the same team for the first round, which helped you feel a bit of relief. Choosing a vest to put on, you get very very tangled in it, which causes Jake to laugh a bit but he eventually helps you out.
During your first round, Jake helps you out, staying by your side the entire time and even holding your hand to lead you through the room. It felt really nice, seeing him so protective of you in the moment, but you knew better than to like the thought of it too much, because the next round was going to be a lot different. Unexpectedly, your team lost, which made Jake feel even more competitive and pumped up for the next round.
The next round starts, and surprise!!!!! You and Jake are on opposing teams. It starts off very well actually :D. As soon as you enter the room, your heart starts beating out of your chest and you’re so nervous to be alone. Cautiously maneuvering through the hallways, you scan the premises thoroughly, knowing if Jake ever sees you throughout the game you’d be screwed. Surprisingly enough, you go a bit of time before you hear your vest’s alarm go off, signalling to you that someone has gotten you. You look all around you taking some time before finding Jake crouching on the other side of the wall. You run to the other side of the same wall, and decide to scare him before he could shoot you again. It works out very well, because the next time you see him, he screams and drops to the floor in shock. Taking this chance, you shoot his vest and run away, leaving him no time to get you back.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Park Sunghoon
- Birthday Party
Laying on the floor of your living room with Sunghoon, you lie on your back, trying to cool your body down as much as possible. The hot and humid Korean summers were definitely always fun, but not when you were craving cuddles. Thinking of activities the both of you could do without overheating, you think back to how refreshing all the ice cream was at your friend’s recent birthday party. Although it wasn’t even close to your guys’ birthdays, it gave you a great idea. You shoot up and rush to get dressed, leaving Sunghoon very confused. 
Finished, you come back to the living room. “Sunghoon, get dressed. We’re going to the market.” Without question, he does as you ask and you both head to the market in no time. 
Walking hand in hand down the ice cream aisle, you grab all the flavors you enjoy, filling your whole basket with different ice creams, toppings, fruit, drinks, and even a cake. “You’re quite hungry, aren’t you?” Sunghoon teases, earning him a slap to the arm.
As soon as you get home, you send Sunghoon alone to the bedroom, telling him you need time to prepare everything. You had pulled all the stops, whipping out the cheap snoopy shaved ice maker, birthday party hats, streamers, balloons, and banners. It was no one’s birthday in particular, but the fake birthday party put you in a festive and refreshing mood. You had set up a giant ice cream sundae bar, and had even made lemonade. 
Calling Sunghoon to come out of the bedroom, he was not surprised but very appreciative. He knew you’d pull sh!t like this Wanting to make it even more fun, he suggests to make sundaes for one another, which you happily agree to. The day was so fun, you had forgotten all about the time you had a few hours earlier, suffering in the heat of your apartment. 
Sunghoon on the other hand, was so happy that you planned something like this. He was never one to do anything cute for you unless you asked, begged so this time he wanted to show you how grateful he was to you by giving you one FREE boop on the nose. Scooping some ice cream with his fingertip, he lightly taps your nose, leaving the melted strawberry ice cream to drip off your nose.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Kim Sunoo
- Brunch
Being a foodie yourself, you and Sunoo would always go cafe hopping to try out different desserts and drinks. This Saturday morning in particular, you both decided it was time for a change. This change for the greater good would include brunching for hours like stuck up rich moms and judging everyone in the facility, as you do when you are a brunching mother. Dressing in your finest brunching attire and of course, sunglasses, your waiter leads you to the table and you strut down that walkway like you know the difference between regular and Belgian waffles.
Crossing your legs at the same time and sipping your orange juice, wishing you could have added some champagne. Your orders finally arrive, having ordered the classic avocado toast and eggs benedict. Starting with the avocado toast, as per tradition, you and Sunoo construct the perfect first bite, shove it into your mouths, make eye contact and a disgusted face, even though it was very obvious that you guys thought it was delicious.
“I feel they nailed the seasoning because avocado, egg, and bread are known to be very bland flavors. The poached egg was perfectly runny in the middle, which was so satisfying to me, especially knowing that the chef can actually cook an egg right.” You start off, pretending you were some high status food critic, above Gordon Ramsey almost.
Sunoo takes his spoon and splits apart the poached egg on the eggs benedict. The egg just so happened to be a tad bit overcooked and the yolk didn’t rush out as smoothly as the other one did. You make eye contact with Sunoo, the most disgusted look plastered on your faces. A couple seconds pass by and you burst out laughing, forgetting about the egg yolk and shoving a huge bite straight into your face.
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Yang Jungwon
- Zoo
When you first suggested going to the zoo with Jungwon he looked at you with a confused face. He loved spending time with you, but why the zoo? It’s stinky and there are too many children everywhere. Nevertheless, after much convincing, he gave in and went with you. The screams of all the tiny children were giving him a headache, but he kept reminding himself he was here for you. Seeing the alligators first, it was definitely acting up and snapping its mouth very angrily and hissing. Just because he wanted to be nice by coming to the zoo with you, didn’t mean he was going to hold back on his snide remarks. 
“That’s you that one time I accidentally ate your pastry.” He comments. Rolling your eyes and smacking him in the arm, you continue on the path looking at all the animals in awe. The whole time you walked around you bickered back and forth, many “That’s you when/cause”s being thrown around mercilessly. 
The comment that took the cake and left both of you speechless was one made by you. Walking towards the flamingos, everyone knows them for being notoriously stinky. Pinching your nose to go with the comment you were about to say, you chuckle. “It smells like that one time you accidentally farted in your VLive.” you manage to get out with a straight face. I made that up lol
Jungwon stops in his tracks, looking at you like you had just betrayed him. .He stomps his feet on the floor and whines in the middle of the walkway. “Y/nnnnnn you know I’m sensitive about thatttt.” The time you spend with him after you get home consists of him clinging to you, demanding your undivided attention, cuddles and kissies, and for you to blow dry his hair after he showers. 
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༑ ࿐ྂ。Nishimura Riki
- eating competition
Watching mukbangs all day and cuddling with Niki definitely got both of you hungry pretty quickly. With Niki being a bit homesick and you wanting to improve your cooking, a great idea pops into your heads. You wanted to cook Japanese food for Niki, hoping to aid his homesickness, and Niki wanted to see how much food he could shove down his face until he explodes. And with that, your whole date had become a food eating competition. 
Setting all the food down on the table, you had done a very good job. Working your ass off to make not only omurice with curry, but also yakisoba and fried chicken, you were very ready to start your whole competition. Portioning it out evenly with a scale beforehand, you and Niki countdown together and start scarfing down food like you’ve never eaten before. With a mouth full of rice, Niki manages to get out a “It’s really good.” Knowing he liked your food made you feel so proud even though you had just shoved a whole piece of fried chicken in your mouth. 
Several minutes, three enhypen members walking past you judgmentally, and 10 napkins later, you and Niki were too stuffed you even have food this close to you. Queue the rest of the enhypen members, they oh so generously gave you their service and finished the food for you guys. Concluding that you and Niki could not in fact eat two family sized meals in one sitting, you lie on the couch about to pass out. 
“That was so fun. We should do that again.” Niki says while groaning from stomach pain. “And thank you for thinking about my homesickness and making me Japanese food. I love you so much.” He adds. Ending the day with complaining about being too full, planning the next competition, and even inviting the other members, you both pass out an hour after you had eaten and were punished with the dishes in the morning for being cringely in love out in the open like that. 
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Spencer Reid first official Valentine's day (Spencer Reid/ Reader)
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Requested: Nop
Summary: Spencer has no idea what to do for Valentine's Day. After all, he has never had a girlfriend before.
Category: Hardcore fluff
Warnings: Nope
Word count: 3,8K
A/N: Happy Valentine's day, everybody! Treat yourselves! Love yourselves and enjoy this fluff!! Love you all!!
February 7th. Quantico.
There are many things you can say about Spencer Reid. He is a genius. Has an IQ of 187, can read over 20 thousand words per minute. He has one of the most demanding and dangerous jobs in the world. He saves lives for a living.
And he has no idea what to do for Valentine's.
In his defense, he has never celebrated Valentine's day before, ever. In his entire life. And he is excited to share that special date with his girlfriend, (Y/N). But he has been pressuring himself so much in the last days, trying to find the most romantic plan humankind had ever seen. He is, in fact, going insane.
- "Hey lover boy,"- Morgan found Reid all alone in the bullpen, sipping his second cup of coffee of the day.
- "Are you ready for Valentine's?"- and the only answer Spencer could give his friend was a frustrated groan.
- "I'm taking that as a no"- Derek raised an eyebrow and sat on his friend's desk- "What is it?"
- "I just don't know what to do to make that day special for (Y/N),"- Spencer whispered- "We've been dating for a month, three days and..."- he took a look at his wristwatch- "Eleven hours. And I want our first Valentine's day together the most romantic day of her life."
Morgan widened his eyes and looked at his friend. He had always seen Reid as his kid brother, and he felt it was his duty to help him in life. Whether it was to help him overcome his fear of talking to girls, catching unsubs, questioning suspects, or getting drunk. Whatever Spencer needed him for, he was there. This wasn't going to be the exception.
- "What do you have in mind that might be special for her?"- Morgan whispered and took a look around. Prentiss and (Y/N) were just stepping out of the elevator with Garcia. The three of them stayed talking in the hall for a few minutes, giving Spencer time to answer.
- "Nothing I can think of seems good enough"- he whispered- "I need to find something that shows her how much she means. Movies and chocolates just won't do it."
Morgan nodded and looked at Reid. He was about to chuckle and tease him a little, just playing, when (Y/N) showed up next to them, with a huge grin.
- "Good morning, guys!"- she smiled at Derek and handed Spencer a small paper bag- "For your coffee, doctor."
- "Thank you."
Reid blushed and opened the bag. Inside there was a red velvet cupcake with little heart-shaped sprinkles on top. He stared at it, not knowing what to say. (Y/N) just giggled and walked to her desk.
Spencer and (Y/N) had been acting like teenagers since they started dating. It wasn't just the fact they were young, 'cos they were, both of them 27 and 25 years old respectively. It was how the two of them had been crazy in love with each other for the last two years, and neither of them had acted on it until Spencer nearly died of anthrax.
It's crazy how one of them had almost to die to realize it was time to face their feelings.
And now, they were finally dating.
Spencer had never been happier. No one who knew him could deny it. He would laugh all the time and make jokes with his friends. He never stayed at the BAU working extra hours anymore, 'cos now he and (Y/N) had a date almost every day when they weren't on a case.
Spencer had never felt this way. He had never thought he deserved to be this happy. That is why he was having such a hard time finding the perfect Valentine's gift for (Y/N).
He didn't just want to. His whole body felt he needed to show (Y/N) how much she meant for him in every way possible.
But he had never had a girlfriend before, and he had never celebrated Valentine's day. Needless to say, he felt he was clueless.
February 12th.
- "Hey, Pretty Ricky"- Morgan sat with Reid on the jet back home after a case and handed him a handwritten paper.
- "What's this?"- Spencer furrowed his eyes and took a look around. (Y/N) had fallen asleep talking with Prentiss at the other side of the jet.
- "I've been thinking about what we talked about the other day, about Valentine's day. And I think I've got the answer."- Reid took a look at the paper and frowned. An address and an hour.
- "Be there tomorrow at that time, and you'll get all the help you need"- Spencer stared at Morgan, confused.
- "At Rossi's? Why?"
- "Trust me, kid. The man is an institution of romance. If there's someone who can help you surprise (Y/N), that's him".
Reid wasn't comfortable thinking Morgan had been talking about this love life with someone else. Then again, he was pretty excited he had a love life after all those years. And, if Rossi could help him, Spencer couldn't really say no. After all, he needed all the help he could use.
- "Are you ok?"- (Y/N) asked Spencer and cut him a short nervous smile as she drove him to his apartment after landing. He had been acting a little off for the last couple of days, and she still couldn't figure out what was going on.
- "Yes. Just tired"- he answered, almost under breath.
- "Do you wanna hang out? Maybe pizza, beer... any movie or documentary you might like to see?- but Spencer just shook his head and kept looking outside.
- "I'm sorry, I'm tired after the case."
- "Sure, that's ok."- (Y/N) sighed and kept her eyes on the road.
- "I'm"- Spencer tried to explain- "I am really just tired, there's nothing wrong or weird going on."
- "Yeah, of course"- (Y/N) smiled again and continued driving- "You'd tell me if there was anything wrong."
- "Yeah! definitely."
As a profiler, (Y/N) knew Spencer was hiding something. As his girlfriend, she had to pretend she didn't know she was lying. She trusted Reid, so she wanted to think he was honestly affected after the case. They hadn't slept well those days, either of them. It had been a hard couple of days. Maybe Spencer just needed to rest. Perhaps in the morning, he was going to be his regular adorable self again.
- "Call me when you get home, ok?"- Spencer leaned in and kissed (Y/N) lips goodbye as soon as she parked outside his building. (Y/N) nodded and kissed him again. His hands cupped her face in a second, holding her close to him for a moment longer.
- "Are you sure you don't wanna eat something?"- (Y/N) murmured against his lips.
- "Yeah... about that... I don't know if it's too obvious or if I have to ask, but... would you like to go out with me on Valentine's day?"
Spencer was nervous to ask his girl out. He couldn't be more adorable even if he tried. And (Y/N) knew it.
- "I already had plans for that day"- (Y/N) shrugged and shook her head
- "Really? What? Why, I mean, I understand...?"- Spencer wasn't even sure what he was saying. He wasn't waiting for that answer.
- "Yeah, I saved the date over a month ago, to spend it with my boyfriend, Reid"- and she stuck out her tongue to him, giggling- "You should've seen your face. Are you ok?"
- "I hate you"- Reid bit his lips and chuckled
- "No, you don't,"- (Y/N) joked and kissed his lips for a second- "So, see you tomorrow?"
- "Yes"- Spencer kissed her one more time, and this time, he bit her lips as he slowly moved apart.
- "So next date is our Valentine's date?"- she pouted- "No cuddles until then?"- and Spencer shook his head- "You are no fun."
- "You are gonna have to wait"- he kissed her again, this time a little slower, feeling how she kept trying to move closer to him from the driver's seat.
- "I don't wanna wait."
- "It will be worth the wait. I promise"- Spencer looked at her with such love, (Y/N) held her breath, unable to talk. She just nodded- "Call me when you get home, ok?"
- "Yes"- Spencer kissed her one last time and got off the car, whispering to himself.
- "Ok, now I really need a good plan."
Remember Spencer had been pressuring himself, trying to find the most romantic plan humankind had ever seen?
Now the pressure was massive, 'cos he had actually told (Y/N) he had an incredible plan.
- "Why did I have to open my mouth?!"
February 13th. At Rossi's.
- "Kid, here is the best advice you've ever heard for love"- Rossi poured a glass of red wine for himself and Spencer as the two of them stood in his kitchen. David was about to start a cooking lesson, and Reid was prepared to take notes. Literally. He was holding a pen and a notebook.
- "You will always know nothing"- Reid stopped writing after the second word and looked at Rossi, already annoyed.
- "What?"
- "Sorry, kid. I know you love to learn, and that's a good thing 'cos you will always learn something new when it comes to love. You will never fully understand it. Look at me, three marriages in, and I still have no idea what I'm doing."
- "I was promised a talk with a master of romance. I feel disappointed."- Spencer complained, and David chuckled- "No offense, Rossi, but I was sure you were going to know a lot more than you are telling me right now."
- "The things I know, I can not teach you. You don't learn things about love. You learn about the people you love. That's why you will never know it all. Sure. I can tell you the basics: flowers, restaurants, presents. But the key for romance is knowing the woman you love."
Reid just nodded in silence and tried to make a mental list of everything he knew about (Y/N). That was a lot of information.
Rossi smiled, thinking when he returned to the BAU, he never imagined he was ever going to end up having a kid. Because that's how he felt about Spencer sometimes. Like he was his kid, and he loved to teach him things he wished someone had told him. For example, how to surprise your girlfriend on Valentine's day.
- "The second most important advice I am going to give you today is this: you always cook with the same wine you drink"- Rossi raised his glass and sipped it- "Perfecto! Now let's make risotto!
After that evening with Rossi, Spencer felt a lot more confident about his Valentine's plans. He would cook dinner for his girlfriend, which was (according to what he had talked with David) one of the most romantic things anyone could do for their partner. And considering (Y/N) had always cooked for Spencer, even when they were just friends, he wanted to make her feel as loved as he felt each time she cooked his favorite dish for him.
But also, after cooking and having dinner with Rossi, Spencer was feeling a little drunk. That wine tasting had been a little.... excessive, maybe? Four bottles of wine didn't seem disproportionate at the moment, but Spencer realized it might have been too much on the cab back home.
- "Hello, gorgeous"- because suddenly, Spencer was doing his first drunk dial- "What are you doing up so late?"
- "Spencer, are you ok? It's two in the morning. Where are you?"
- "I'm on my way back home, and I was thinking about you and all the fun we are going to have tomorrow. But tomorrow is now"
(Y/N) sat on her bed and scratched her head confused, and still half asleep.
- "What are you talking about, honey?"
- "Tomorrow is Valentine's day, but tomorrow is right now!"
- "Spencer Walter Reid, are you drunk?"
- "No! no way! Why are you middle naming me for?"- his voice was a pitch higher as he tried to deny the truth.
- "Where were you?"
- "At Rossi's"- Reid couldn't lie. Not only because he was drunk and there was no way he could come up with any weird story, but also because he couldn't lie to (Y/N).
- "We had a wine tasting and a long conversation about what went south with each one of his relationships. Statistically, that man should be studied. I wanted to offer myself to do a little research until I remembered you said sometimes people don't share their feelings to be analyzed, but because they need to take them off their chest. So I just nodded and told him he is an amazing person. Which he is! Did you know he is friends with Ringo Star?
- "No way!"- (Y/N) tried not to laugh, but drunk Spencer was too amusing- "What else did you talk about?"
- "You"- Spencer confessed and sighed- "We talked about you, and how wonderful you are"
(Y/N) nearly choked when she heard Spencer saying those words so easily. Like it wasn't something it had taken years for him to confess. Like she hadn't waited years for him to tell her how he felt for her.
- "Are you in a cab?"- she asked and changed the subject.
- "No, I just got off the cab... hold it"- Spencer thanked the driver and paid for the ride- "And I am about to walk into my building."
- "Good! so, tomorrow, what's the plan?"
- "Dinner"- Spencer chuckled- "Here, with me."
- "Are you going to cook for me, Spencer Reid?"
- "I don't know. Maybe I'll cover myself in Nutella and give myself to you for dessert."
(Y/N) didn't know what to answer at that. Not only Spencer had never said anything as bold as that, but... they hadn't even had sex yet. And now (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about licking Nutella off Spencer's body. Hopefully, that was indeed their Valentine's plan.
- "You should go to bed"- that was all (Y/N) could answer- "And I'll see you tomorrow... at what time?"
- "Six, princess. I'll be waiting for you at six"- Princess. That was new too.
- "Ok, honey. Drink lots of water when you get home."
- "I'm home!"- Spencer announced, and (Y/N) heard his keys falling on what she hoped was a table.
- "Great, now drink water, brush your teeth and sleep well. Ok, honey?"
- "Yes, sunshine!"- (Y/N) giggled and shook her head.
- "Goodnight, Spencer. I'll see you tomorrow."
- "At six, bub"- he repeated.
- "Yes. I'll be there at six. Goodnight"
- "Sleep tight, love of my life"- (Y/N) giggled and sighed. She really didn't know how to answer those words. (Y/N) knew Spencer was drunk, which was the only explanation for his cheesy nicknames... cheesy nicknames she loved.
- "Sleep tight, my sweet prince,"- she whispered and hung down the phone.
That had been interesting. Now, how was (Y/N) going to shake off the image of Spencer covered in Nutella, asking her to lick him?
Seriously, how?
February 14th
Spencer Reid was slightly hungover, and the conversation he had had with (Y/N) on the phone the night before was a blur in his mind.
None of that stopped him from getting up early to clean the house and going to the grocery store to get everything he needed to cook dinner for his girlfriend.
But not only that, but he also sent her flowers to her house early morning and breakfast from her favorite coffee shop.
Reid had never had a girlfriend for Valentine's day, and he finally had someone to share everything he always dreamt of doing on February 14th.
Spencer Reid was a hopeless romantic. No one could ever doubt that. No one actually knew that either. It was a well-kept secret between him and (Y/N).
- "Thank you for the flowers"- (Y/N) texted and stared at the gigantic bouquet on her table- "And breakfast."
- "Dinner is going to be way better,"- Spencer answered and smiled, pleased with his romantic techniques. Rossi would be proud. He took a mental note to write Rossi a thank you note if things went well that night.
Of course, things were going to be ok. Why wouldn't they? All Spencer had to do was keep calm, cook, and have a great time with his girlfriend.
Around four, Spencer started getting ready. First, he set the table for two, in the most romantic way he could, after googling "romantic table setting for two at home." The fact he had actually googled something would have been enough for (Y/N) to feel the most special woman on earth for Spencer. But she wasn't going to find out about that yet.
Spencer cooked dessert and made sure the champagne was cold. Then, he set some appetizers: Strawberries covered in chocolate to help the brain produce serotonin. And watermelon and prosciutto skewers. Spencer knew watermelon contains citrulline, which increases nitric oxide levels in the body, relaxing blood vessels and speeding up circulation to produce arousal. Basically, he was making sure blood was getting to all the right places, just in case.
After that, Reid took a long shower. He wasn't waiting to get laid that night. But a part of him needed to be prepared. He was getting his house ready for romance, after all.
Once he was dressed, combed (sort of), and ready, Reid started cooking. First, he chopped all the veggies, settled everything he would need, and read (again) the notes he had taken from Rossi's cooking class.
- "First, heat the extra virgin olive oil in a medium heavy-based saucepan."- he commanded himself.
- "Add the onion and celery and sweat until softened"- he did as told and steered the veggies in the pan
- "Why would they call it "sweat"? Are the vegetables actually sweating? who would come up with that concept?"
Spencer kept rambling for a few minutes until he noticed his pan looked exactly like Rossi's had. Reid was pleased.
- "Stir in the rice with a wooden spoon and coat each grain with the oil. Then, add the wine and allow it to evaporate."
The wine. Why did he drink so much wine the night before? It was a miracle he didn't do anything stupid, like dialing (Y/N)'s number just to call her "princess..."
- "Fuck!!"- Reid nearly yelled.
It was all Rossi's fault. What was that stupid thing he said? "Wine prepares the heart for love." Well, clearly, after all the wine they drank the night before, Spencer had been ready for love. So prepared, in fact, he had called (Y/N) "Love of my life," "Bub," and "Princess."
That shouldn't be so embarrassing, considering they were already dating, right? Right.
- "She is your girlfriend! You can call her cute names!"- he repeated himself- "Get your shit together, Reid!"
Yes. He had already called her "gorgeous" a few times before. For Christ's sakes, he had kissed her, and he had touched her (a little, and just upon her clothes). But there was no way he could or should be embarrassed to call her cute names!
Spencer was embarrassed anyway, and he couldn't shake the thought off his mind for the next half hour. Not until he heard a knock on the door.
(Y/N) was there.
It was on. Spencer's first official Valentine's celebration was about to start. And there was no way he felt ready for it.
- "Hello!"- (Y/N) said and smiled when her boyfriend opened the door for her.
- "Hi"- he whispered and held his breath for a few seconds- "You look so pretty."
- "Thank you... so do you"- and neither of them was moving. They just stared and smiled until (Y/N) asked.
- "Can I come in?"
- "Sorry!"
Spencer mentally slapped himself and invited (Y/N) in as she giggled and took off her coat. She was wearing the most flattering velvet dress. According to Reid, she looked so good, he forgot how to breathe for a second.
- "Are you ok?"- (Y/N) asked him, and he just nodded- "What are you cooking? it smells amazing."
- "It's a surprise,"- Reid answered flirtatiously and held (Y/N)'s hand- "Can I get you something to drink?"
- "Yes, please,"- she answered and bit her lips for a moment, staring at the man in front of her. Spencer caressed her cheek softly for a moment before leaning in and kissing her sweetly.
- "Happy Valentine's day, Spencer,"- she murmured
- "Happy Valentine's day, (Y/N),"- he answered, resting his forehead against hers, closing his eyes, enjoying that moment of love. Reid wasn't used to feeling like that too often, and he decided to hold it.
Dinner was a success. (Y/N) was in awe with everything Spencer had prepared for her. It wasn't just the fact dinner was delicious, but also the cooking class with Rossi and how thoughtful he had been with everything he had done for her.
That man deserved the best Valentine's ever, and the present and card she had gotten for him didn't feel like enough.
- "I hope you don't mind, but I got dessert,"- (Y/N) said and giggled, staring at her boyfriend, who was just walking to the dining room holding two cups of tiramisu.
- "What? Why? you didn't need to bring anything, I just..."
- "Well, after last night's call, I couldn't stop thinking about this...."
(Y/N) opened her purse, took out a big Nutella jar, and placed it on Spencer's table. He stared at it, not getting what it meant for a moment.
- "Why are you...."- until it hit him- "Oh... ooh!!"- and Spencer's cheeks were burning red in less than a second.
- "I didn't know if you meant it, but it sounded like a good dessert"- (Y/N) smiled and poked out her tongue as she finished talking.
- "I actually..."- Spencer's brain shut down for a few seconds as he realized what he had actually imagined doing with (Y/N) might even be real that night.
- "I like your idea way better than the tiramisu"- that was all he managed to say and looked at (Y/N) standing up, walking towards him slowly. She dipped her finger in the Nutella and spread a little on his lips, to then lick it, very gently.
- "Technically, it was your idea. You suggested it. I just brought the Nutella"- she whispered and looked at Spencer, who was utterly paralyzed.
Reid needed a few seconds to gather his thoughts again, but it was totally worthy when he did.
He held (Y/N) close and deepened the kiss, feeling her moan against his lips.
- "You don't mind the germs that might..."- but she was cut off immediately by Spencer's rushed words.
- "I give a shit about all the germs in the world right now."- and all (Y/N) could do was giggle, staring into his eyes.
- "Happy Valentine's Reid."
@all-tings-diego​  @calm-and-doctor​
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selatte95 · 2 years
Lost At Sea (Kazuha Kaedehara) Chapter 1
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TW: Fem!reader, a little bit of gore and angst, mentions of depression.
Synopsis: Liyue was a cage. You wanted to escape from the pain. The ocean, if beckoned for you to become lost in it’s wonders. But he…he brought you home. He found you.
Warning: Will be semi slow burn. Kazuha will not be present for the first few chapters.
A Childhood Near The Beach
The sun shone brightly today, you knew it was going to be a good day. The beach by Liyue was always your favorite to stroll on. Although you always had to be cautious of the hilichurls who set up camp nearby. Your parents always warned you to never start far from home but you couldn't help it. The sea always called out for you. "Y/N? Sweetie?" Your mom called out for you before you wandered too far. "Could you grab some crabs while you're out there?" You happily agreed. Despite being only 16, you always helped your mom around the house. She was growing weaker by age and your dad wasn't always around due to working for the Qixing but that allowed you to live a comfortable life by the beach.
    You picked the crabs up lightly, careful to not get pinched. The waves would bring up a lot of crabs and your mom's crab recipe was the best. She was slowly teaching you how to make them and you couldn't be happier. You picked up three crabs and brought them home to your mother who had already begun the preparations for the meal.
        "Moooooooom, when's dad coming home. He promised he'd help me build a boat to sail to Mondstat with me," You asked, watching her clean the crab. 
        "You know how busy your father is," She coughed, "he'll be back once the Qixing relieves him of his duties for the week." Your frown only grew. Your mother's strength was deteriorating quickly and you hoped your dad would come home to take care of her.
        "But you're getting sicker. You can't keep doing everything on your own..." You said.
        "I'm fine sweetie, don't worry about me. How about you take this money and go to the Harbor for a bit. Grab some vegetables for me," Your mom handed you some mora and you nodded while sighing before grabbing your bag and a small dagger that your dad always emphasized the importance of bringing despite you only having mediocre skills in handling weaponry. 
        You headed out, careful to avoid treasure hunters and fatui members. Your dad always told you stories of the horrible things the fatui did to others. You were always disgusted at them and were always glad your dad was someone reputable with the Qixing. You were always jealous of your dad. He was able to work along with people like Keqing and Ningguang but it also meant he was always busy and your mother and you needed to pretend that your dad was a regular old merchant.
        When you reached the harbor after walking for an hour, you went to the general goods store and bought a few vegetables, and decided to go check out the harbor for a bit. You saw a giant ship docked by the harbor, bringing in supplies. You recognized the captain, Beidou, and realized it was the Crux Crew. You always admired the stories told of Beidou and how she got her electro vision. She was a headstrong woman just like Ningguang and they were your inspiration and she was also so young. You always wondered what it would be like to have a vision but you weren't a fighter and would prefer to not be involved in such affairs. 
        After observing for long enough, you got going. You saw the clouds looming and decided to hurry up. Mother always told you that dark clouds and gloomy weather meant something bad was going to happen. You never believed in her superstitions and considered walking.
        Living down by the beach in Liyue meant rain every so often. You didn't mind it, you used to play in the rain a lot as a kid. It sprinkled and you made sure the bag of food you had didn't get wet. As you walked along the beach you saw your home a little distance away. Something felt off though. There was a fatui agent patrolling by your house. You gulped nervously, picking up your pace before being stopped by the geo fatui agent.
        "Stop right there, official business with the fatui," he stated and you were getting scared.
        "Um, this is my home sir, I was just wondering if I could head inside," Gesturing to the bag of groceries you bought.
        "You live here?" The fatui agent seemed confused as it signaled something and a big electro fatui agent walked OUT of your house, causing your face to go pale. His hammer had bits of blood on it and his clothes had blood on them. You wanted to throw up.
        "What's wrong, we're here to get the money and go. I already got it, just gotta tie up the loose ends," It grumbled.
        "He had a daughter," The geo one spoke and the electro agent seemed surprised.
        "Huh?" You took this moment of distraction to hurry into your house, dropping all your bags, bringing only your small dagger. 
        "HEY WAIT A MINUTE!" The electro agent yelled, running after you. When you got inside, you wanted to scream. Your mother was brutally beaten but still somehow alive, begging to be let go. When she saw you, she screamed to run but you were frozen in fear. There was another fatui agent, a hydro one, spraying your mother with water and torturing her.
        "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You found the courage to scream and lunge towards the agent, slashing with the small weapon.
        "Who the hell are you?" The large agent's voice brought shivers and you felt yourself struggling to grasp your dagger.
        "It's his daughter apparently. Strange, he never told us about her, only about his wife," The electro one caught up, notifying the hydro agent. 
        "What are you talking about, stay the hell away from my mother," You gritted your teeth. You were outnumbered, by fatui agents nonetheless. You couldn't see a possible opening to get out of this situation.
        "Don't worry kiddo, we just wanna know where your father is but your mother is, so can you tell us?" The electro agent asked.
        "How do you know about my father, and no. We're never allowed to know where he works at all times," You answered, hoping it would get them to go away.
        "What a shame, just gonna have to use you two as bait then," The hydro one said. You were terrified, but you held your ground like your father taught you to. Maybe you could catch one by surprise and knock them out. You weren't very strong so your dad taught you to be quick on your feet.
        "Please sweetie, when you get the chance, just run," You heard your mother whispering to you. The fatui agents were immersed in their conversation so they didn't hear her but you shook your head, refusing to listen to your mother. She let out a cry which caught the attention of the hydro agent who stomped over.
        "Be quiet while we talk unless you want your daughter dead," The hydro agent threatened. Just then, the electro one grabbed you by your skull, putting pressure on it, and picked you up. You struggled, kicking and punching.
        "Let me go!" You screamed resulting in you getting thrown across the room. Your mom wanted to cry but refrained so you wouldn't get hurt anymore. You felt so much force being put onto your body, coughing a bit after landing. It hurt and you wanted to cry. Why was this happening to you when all your family did was live by the beach.
        "Is he going to be here yet?" The geo agent asked. 
        "Should be, if he doesn't come then we'll leave a little surprise," The electro agent said sinisterly, gesturing over to the two of you lying on the ground helplessly. You refused to go down like this, you wanted to at least get your mother out so you got up, struggling to stand a little. Your dagger, still in your hands. While the agents weren't looking, you stealthy charged at the geo one since he was the smallest, and stabbed him in the back. Causing him to lash out in pain and grab his gun, but before he could, you kicked him down and slashed him open, blood pouring everywhere. You felt the adrenaline rushing as your brain comprehended you murdering someone even though the agent was still breathing before he quickly turned unconscious. 
        "You bitch," The electro agent pumped his hammer up and down and was ready to charge at you before you saw a spear getting thrust through him and his body falling, revealing your father and you cried out of his happiness. 
        "Father!" You cried in joy, your mother also screamed.
        "Peng! Help!" She called out to your father. 
        "I TOLD YOU TO NOT GET MY FAMILY INVOLVED!' Your father screamed. This confused you. Does that mean...your father was somehow affiliated with the fatui? But there was no way, the Qixing was forbidden. You gulped before opening your mouth.
        "Father? You know them...?" Your voice broke, tears strolling down your face.
        "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to get tied up with them..." You couldn't believe it. The reason this was all happening was because your dad foolishly got involved with the fatui, those crappy, scummy, honorable people your father always told you to avoid. 
        "Didn't mean to? You voluntarily came to us asking for a favor knowing you couldn't repay us back. The fatui doesn't take this likely, even if you are a Qixing, a valuable information asset. We just want you to hand over what is ours," The hydro agent snarled. 
        "Is this what you want?" Your father took the sword by his side and you noticed on the handle, looked like an object closely resembling a vision but it wasn't one. It didn't hold the same glow as the ones Beidou and Ningguang possessed. He handed it to the hydro agent, making sure to be on guard. 
        "What is this..." You asked, why was your father bargaining with the fatui, why did he have something that belonged to the fatui.
        "Don't worry sweetie pie, it's all okay now-" Before your father could finish it felt like time had slowed down for a second. You couldn't comprehend it all. A shot rang through the air, your ears hurt. Ringing. White noise. Your mother's scream. It was all too much. You watched your father's body collapse to the ground. A charred hole on the back of his head. Tears continuously streamed down your face, you having no control. A pyro fatui agent stood ahead of you, his gun barrel pointing at the spot where your father once stood but now pointing at you. 
        "We got what we want now kill them both and let's go," The pyro agent said, clear annoyance in his voice.
        "How..." You said quietly.
        "Huh?" The pyro agent pointed his gun at you annoyed.
        "How could you be calm, about killing, taking someone's life, someone's father away...HOW?!" You shouted angrily as your processed everything. Your father was gone. It took all your might to just kill a fatui agent threatening your life and yet...these people are willing to kill without a second thought.
        "WHAT DID WE DO TO YOU?!" You screamed. The hydro agent walked closer, pointing his gun into your head as your mother screamed and struggled to get up because of her hands being tied.
        "Your father came to us for help in getting rid of an enemy and in exchange, we asked for information but he did not provide it. How else were we going to get it? You were just a means to the end," It stated. You wanted to kill him, you wanted to kill him. As the hydro agent went to go pull the trigger, the last thing you heard was your mother's screams to run but then it all became quiet. 
        You felt like a calm wave had washed over you as you felt power surge through your body. "DIE!" You screamed as a sharp wave of water flew from your body, slashing the hydro agent's body in two and knocking the pyro one out. You were covered in blood now. You trembled when you realize what you had just done but it didn't last long as you quickly ran over to your mother, holding a hydro vision in your hands. You still hadn't consciously processed it, deciding your mother was ten times more important than the power bestowed upon you. 
        Your mother was bleeding badly, clinging onto what little life she had left. Your adrenaline was still rushing, allowing you to feel no pain from the damage the fatui had inflicted. You hoisted your mother up, although injured and being not the strongest, the vision gave you a boost in strength, allowing you to swing your mother's arm around your neck and help her walk while she was still conscious. You started walking, you looked behind you, seeing your father's lifeless body, shedding more tears before looking forward. You refused to lose both of them.
        You walked for an hour or two, taking longer due to your mother's weight. When you had reached Liyue, you immediately thought of Baizhu's, Bubu's Pharmacy, and Qiqi, a place you would often get medicine for your mother. You knew you couldn't make it up all of those steps though. You entered the bustling streets of Liyue and cried for help.
        "PLEASE ANYONE!" Your voice was desperate, catching the attention of multiple people. The owner of Wanmin Restaurant, Chef Mao, quickly came to your aid, taking your mother and setting her down before yelling at his daughter, Xiangling to go grab a doctor. She quickly complied while he went to cook up some medicinal herbs to treat your mother. Chef Mao was panicked to see you in a bloody state, you used to always stop by to grab a few of your mother's and your favorite snacks.
        "What happened Y/N..." He was about to cry. He was in despair, seeing his old friend lying on the ground, barely conscious, barely breathing. He was trying his best to stabilize her and when he looked at Y/N for answers, he saw her holding a shining blue orb.
        "Fatui..." Was the only word you could breathe out before your vision started blurring, finally feeling the pain.
        "Hey...HEY!" You heard Mao's voice before you finally collapsed, allowing darkness to take you.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: hi idk if ur requests are open but i saw ur post for bruce wayne! can you do a bruce wayne x reader where they take young damian to a school fair or event and they get to watch him be a kid and then bruce is like "fuck it let's have another kid" and it's all fluff and lovey idk it just seems so sweet ily.
Warning: fluff
A/N: This was just... the cutest fucking request... Thank you for sending it in I loved writing it 
GIF not mine
Word count: 1.9k
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Damian Wayne might not have been the best at people skills, but he sure as hell was one amazing soccer player. After you and Bruce had him enrolled in school, you thought it was a good idea for him to join a sports team as well. He was already so athletically built, it made sense for him to do something fun with it.
So, as much as he grumbled about having to join a stupid team to waste his time and lessen his activities as Robin, he found himself enjoying the sport. It was a good way for him to let out his frustration without someone getting maimed or injured (mostly). And even though he didn't like his teammates that much, he tolerated them enough that he could learn from them.
It was great to see him enjoy himself so much. Ever since he arrived at your home, you didn't see him have fun very often. He was always a serious boy and as much as you tried to make him feel welcomed, he was always so cold. Attending his soccer games would at least show him some support - he appreciated it even if he didn't show it.
It took a long time for Damian to finally warm up to you. Once he did though, there was no stopping his unconditional love for you. If anyone dared to insult you, or the press put a bad word towards you, he was there to make sure that they knew that they were wrong. He wanted everyone to think of you highly.
You and Bruce had gotten married not long after he told you that he was Batman. He knew that he didn't want to spend his life with anyone else other than you. You supported him in his decisions, cared for him when he needed you the most, and no matter what the city of Gotham or his own friends thought of him, you were there with him threw it all.
Bruce wasn't perfect, you knew this. He had made lots of mistakes in his life but if there was one thing that you admired most about him, it was that he always was ready to learn from them. Bruce was the love of your life and no matter the kind of mistakes he made, you loved all of his flaws.
On Saturday morning, you, Bruce, and Damian were all loaded up in one of your many cars to take him to his soccer game. While Damian sat quietly in the back, you could tell that he was buzzing with excitement. You never expected him to enjoy the sport so much, but you were glad that he did.
Bruce kept one hand on the wheel and reached over to intertwine you fingers with the other. He brought your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. After years of being together, he still craved to touch you in any way possible. In public, he was always grasping your hand or you would have your arm looped around his.
Never in your life would you have thought that the great Batman would have such a need to be close to the one he loved. You guessed that he had already had so many close calls with the people he cared about that he wasn't willing to risk you getting close to the same fate. Bruce loved you more than he had ever loved before.
You were the person that drove him to be better. You were the reason that he got up in the morning. You were the reason that he pushed himself so hard to keep this city safe.
As soon as the car was parked, Damian leaped out of it with his duffel bag over his shoulder and was already running towards the field. You couldn't help but giggle at his excitement.
"Did you ever think Damian would get so excited about something so... normal when he arrived to the Manor?" You asked Bruce as the two of you got out of the car. It was a beautiful sunny day out and you couldn't be more happy to be outside to enjoy it.
"Not even close," Bruce shook his head. He grasped your hand once more as the two of you walked over to the bleachers set up for all the other parents. "I think you changed him a lot. He's so much more easy going then he once was. He looks up to you in ways that he'll never look up to me."
"Guess that's the motherly instincts inside me," you beamed up at him. Bruce stopped walking to kiss you. The eyes of all the other parents were gazing at you and those of them that weren't, certainly were now. As much as you loved Bruce Wayne, you didn't love his publicity and fame. "Everyone's watching us."
"Good," Bruce smirked. He was never shy when it came to showing his love towards you. After being the billionaire playboy for so long, he was used to having people stare at him with girls on his arm. Now, he had his beautiful wife and the only person that he ever truly fell in love with to show off.
"Come on, my love," you tugged on his hand before he could make even more of a scene. The two of you sat right at the front and away from anyone else. Sunglasses rested over your eyes from the glare of the hot sun. "I sometimes miss being so normal like this," you admitted to him.
The life you lived before meeting Bruce was a humble one. He was never used to wondering if bills could be paid that month or having to take the bus to work. Living a life of lavish made you forget your roots sometimes. Being able to sit on the uncomfortable metal bleachers with all these other parents made you remember what it used to be like.
"You're free to leave me any day," Bruce joked. You smacked his chest lightly. He knew that there wasn't a chance that you would ever leave him. You loved him too much to even consider it.
The whistle from the ref blew and the game started. Damian was on the field, his jersey tucked into his shorts and his socks so high they nearly covered his knees. He looked like a regular kid out there. It was a small bit of life that you wished for him. The concentration on his face and the hint of a smile on his lips told you and Bruce that he was enjoying himself.
"We should take him out for ice cream after, it's hot out today," you offered. Gotham city was never kind with its weather, the days that it was truly nice out were the days that you would never be caught inside. Even when Bruce refused to leave his cave and enjoy the son.
"You mean, you want to go get ice cream later," Bruce raised an eyebrow at you. He knew you too well. You shrugged, pretending like you had no idea what he was talking about. Bruce only rolled his eyes at you, but agreed. "We can go, only if Damian wants to." You pouted at his response.
If there was one thing that Bruce Wayne couldn't resist, it was your pout. The second that your bottom lip stuck out, he swooped down to kiss you. "Fine, we'll go either way," he changed his mind. You grinned at him.
Bruce's eyes darted over to the field. Damian had gotten the ball and was darting down the field all while managing to dodge all the defense. He had been bumped up a league when he tried out for the team, it wasn't fair to the other kids with his skills. Even now, he was managing to dodge and weave with all kinds of miraculous tricks that he had never learned during practice.
Damian had passed all the defense and was closing in on the goalie. He was incredible, it was like nothing could stop him. Even the goalie looked nervous as he approached. With a final move, Damian kicked the soccer ball right in the net with it just barely missing the mitts of the goalie.
"Whoo!" You stood up and cheered, unable to contain yourself. "Go Damian! That's my son!" The words passed your lips before you could stop them. Damian wasn't your son, he never referred to you as his mother and you never called him your son before. Damian had a mother, even if she was a terrible one.
You expected Damian to look over at you with a scowl on his lips at your cheer. However, when he locked eyes on you, with his father looking up at you with pride, he couldn't help but beam a smile at you.
Damian ran back to his team, accepting the hi-gives that they were giving him. You might not have been his mother, but hearing you say that he was showed how much you cared about him. It didn't matter if you weren't related by blood, you cared more about him than his real mother did.
You sat back down in your seat with a sheepish look on your face. Bruce grabbed your hand once more, this time playing with your wedding ring. He was just as surprised as you were to call Damian your own child. It had a nice sound to it though, one that he could get used to hearing.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled.
"For what?" Bruce furrowed his eyebrows at your sudden apology.
"Damian isn't my son. Thalia is his mother, I know that," You sighed. Bruce threw his arm around you shoulder and kissed the top of your head. There was no reason for you to feel bad about this. Damian was obviously pleased by your affection, you had nothing to worry about. Yet, you did.
"Let's have our own baby," Bruce suddenly stated. He had adopted so many kids that he always just assumed that you were content with the family you had been given. However, the more he thought about it, the more he realized how much he would love to have a little kid with both your genes in their veins.
"What?" You asked, shocked by his offer. He never spoke of wanting his own kid to raise. Damian was unexpected, he didn't even know about him for over a decade. You always assumed Bruce was just too busy to have an infant to take care of as well.
"Let's have a baby," Bruce said once more. The biggest smile that he had ever seen lit up your face. Your hands grasped the side of his face and you pulled him in for a kiss, not caring that everyone was watching you once more. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Bruce," You grinned. The idea of having your own child with him excited you more than anything else. Taking care of Dick and the others was always something that you loved, but it wasn't the same as having your own child. You never got to see them born or their first steps.
There was no one else in the world that you wanted to have a kid with. Bruce was the love of your life, with his flaws, his crazy life, everything.
"Let's get started on that tonight."
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tolerate it
pairing: mob!bucky barnes x reader
warnings: violence, harassing
a/n: at this point do i know how many parts this is gonna have? no i’m expecting there to be at least two more, who knows tbh. this part was originally supposed to be champagne problems but i decided to change it to tolerate it and champagne problems will MOST LIKELY be the next one followed by tis the damn season. “tolerate it” the song is from bucky’s point of view and not y/n.
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If it's all in my head tell me now, tell me I've got it wrong somehow ...
     - We need to talk. - her father stood in front of the door, his police hat hanging from his head. - The chief wants to put someone else on the field. 
     - Why? - her stomach dropped and she felt sick. Why did she felt sick? Someone else on the field would make her job easier, safer. But her job wasn’t dangerous or it hadn’t been dangerous so far. Bucky hadn’t been rude, harmful or anything of the sort. He’d protect her even and cared for her his own way. Last thing she needed was one of her father’s colleagues following her around as if she were a child. She had gotten the name of his enemy ... although she had little to no will of revelling it. 
     - Catherine’s son. You remember him. He’s fresh out of the police academy and you two used to be great friends when you were kids. Already got some info on the mob upstate and he could help speed things up.
    - Edward was an asshole and the reason why he got info on the mob upstate was because he stole it from his partner. - she crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn’t the best undercover agent in the world, maybe because she wasn’t an agent at all but it had been their choice to put her alone on the field. A second person would only mean that any slip from them would lead to her getting offed. At least if she was alone, she could blame herself for any harm that came her way.  - Shouldn’t I have been consulted when you made that decision?
     - You’re not part of the force, Y/N. Besides, the sooner this is over, the sooner you can return to your life. What are you wearing anyway?
     - I ...
     - Y/N, thank god you’re home. - Wanda rushed into the living room, crying. Her senses were immediately heightened and the fact her father held no confidence in her whatsover no longer mattered. Wanda did. - Patrick broke up with me.
    - Patrick? - who the hell was Patrick? She remembered Johan and to some extent Ben could be considered an ex-boyfriend but Patrick? Who the heck was he? Before she could question her about it, Wanda was already hugging her side, forehead pressed against her covered. 
   - Well, I see you’re busy. I’ll speak with you later, Y/N. - her eyes remained on the ground as the sound of his heavy uniform boots registered past her, opening the once closed door and returning it with a closed bang to its latches. The defeating sound of silence haunted both of them as Wanda stepped away, cleaning the tears of her cheeks.
   - I was seeing he’d never leave. You’re lucky you have a very good actress for a friend.
  - Thank you, Wanda. I’m sorry I’m this late. - she pulled Bucky’s jacket which was still laying atop her shoulders. - So, is Patrick a fake person?
  - Don’t change the subject. Whose jacket is that? I called the bar and they said you weren’t there. I was worried, Y/N!
    - I was with Mr. Barnes. - she held the jacket against her chest, the scent of his expensive cologne somehow calming her down. Wanda was right to scold her, she wasn’t thinking straight or safe but yet again she didn’t feel in danger when he was near her so why did it matter?
It clearly mattered to Wanda. She knew danger and she knew what they were capable off, being herself a fan of true crime. Last thing she wanted was for Y/N to suffer an accident or suddenly have an overdose or go into alcohol coma. Yet Y/N couldn’t help but stream into the unknown that was so addictive, the warm blanket of safety that he gave her. She was dumb enough to have gotten into the job so she would see it through. 
The brunette of course knew why she was so sweet on this safety. She had known Y/N since the two were babies and there was no lie or hiding when she was intrigued by someone. It had happened two times in her whole life - with Chris when she was 5 and with Joshua when she was 18. There was this twinkle in her eye, that walk of pure calmness as if there was no problem in life. This, this definitely was another time that Wanda would even regret seeing or love to talk about during ringing bells’ celebrations. 
   - You’re a smart girl, please tell me you know the game you’re playing.
   - I do. - she walked out without any more words. She knew if they were to come out she would merely wound herself and what was the use in wounding herself and holding the mirror of truth up to her face if not to drown in her own sea of insecurities?
She sat on her own bed, swallowed by the covers and blankets, shoes thrown aside and earrings in her hands. What was she doing? What was she feeling? Was it even a good idea to think about what she was feeling or even put it into thoughts? No, it wasn’t because a deep and dark part of her knew what it was and the one who wanted to do good, the one who always did good, perfect A’s, perfect assignments refuse to look at. It was best to sleep, nothing good would come out of her if she were tired and so she decided to sleep. 
Morning came like a bad memory and she was up and at those classroom halls in what seemed like minutes. Things went by slowly and she found herself falling asleep on the top of her hand more than usual and she probably would’ve slept throughout her whole anatomy lesson had it not been for the girls sat on the row above her chatting in a very annoying tone. Usually Y/N would’ve just ignored it and razor focus on the lecturer but today all she wanted was to do was to ignore what he was saying. She found herself eavesdropping on their conversation; apparently there had been some confusion on the city centre deriving to some violence which also in a regular day wouldn’t have caught her attention had it not been for the mention of the mob. Her senses perked up and she started tapping her foot against the hardwood of the ground until the clock finally hit finishing time and she was out of the classroom in a rush.
Y/N held the books tight against her chest as she ran down the street, wind penetrating through the knitting holes of her cardigan as shivering her skin as she continued to run on loose and broken cobblestones not exactly knowing why and where she was running to. Well, she knew where to, she just thought better to tell herself she knew where not to. 
The unlit lights of the bar/club came into view and she rushed through the door and straight to the back and to the door she was told never to open. Her hand grasped the handle and pushed it open hoping to not see it empty.
    - What the ... - Mr. Barnes turned around on his chair, expecting to yell at whomever of him clumsy workers had walked in without the decency of knocking only to see his own clumsy bartender. - Looking for tutoring, petal?
    - What? - she questioned before looking at the books she was holding. - Oh, no I was just ... I heard, I saw ...
    - Good that means your ears and eyes work properly. 
    - I heard there was a commotion in the centre and that the mob was involved and I ...
   - You thought to check on me? - he gave her a toothy grin, hands placed on his desk as he rose from his chair. - I’m flattered, petal. 
   - No, I ... I ... - she looked down at her shoes, feeling his presence as he approached her. - I thought my shift would’ve been cancelled if you or anyone else had been harmed. 
   - No. - he hooked a finger under her chin, gently pushing it upwards. - I’m afraid you’ll still have to work. 
   - Ahh ... good. - she felt her mouth dry up as she stared at him. No, you can’t do this anymore, Y/N. You’ve been compromised, go away, give up, quit, say you don’t want to work here anymore. - I have to tell you something.
No, shit. Don’t blow your own cover, what are you doing? Her inner voice yelled at her.
   - I’m all ears.
   - I ... - she was parched, world spinning around yet for some unholy reason she was gonna come clean and maybe eventually end tied to bricks at the end of the river. Why was she coming clean? What are you doing, Y/N? - I’m ...
   - Mr. Barnes? - a third voice shattered everything, making both the mob boss and the bartender look to the owner of said third voice. Edward. - Oh, hey Y/N, I didn’t know you worked here.
   - You know each other? - James’ hands were immediately on his pockets as he took a step in front of the bartender. Had she not known any better, she would’ve assumed it was a protective stance. 
   - We used to date each other back in prep school. 
The answer knocked the two of them back. Y/N mostly because she would never in a million years dated someone like Edward as one he was the son of one of her father’s ex-girlfriend and two she barely could stand him. James, on the other hand, seemingly couldn’t see his bartender, his very clumsy bartender who enjoyed to pretend to be Betty Draper on auctions, dating the newest bar’s cleaning boy, one whom he particularly disliked. 
   - I see. Well, you ought to know I don’t accept work relationships. If that’s all, I was having a conversation with Y/N. 
   - No, it’s fine Mr. Barnes. I need to speak with Edward myself. - she punctuated the last word as if it spewed poison. Bucky looked at her, hands in fists as she walked out with the cleaning boy by the hand as if she herself hand a place in the mob herself. 
She wanted to throw him to the floor once they were out of sight and had it not been for the fact he was taller and physically stronger than her so instead she shoved him against one of the walls.
    - What the hell, Edward? Your ex-girlfriend?! - she whispered-shouted at him.
    - It’s a reason for us to be close so instantly. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.
    - Stay the fuck away from me and don’t you talk to me. - she pointed at him before storming out but not before realising she had left her books, her library borrowed books, on Mr. Barnes’ office.
She turned around out of anger, not really knowing what she was mad about. It wasn’t like she was expecting her father to pay any homage to her wishes of not having Edward around. It didn’t matter really except of course it did but she would never dare to say anything about it. She knocked on the office’s door this time, one which was opened by a very surprised James as if he expected the two ex lovers to be behind his bar reminding themselves of what love feels like.
��  - Forgot something, petal?
   - My books. - she pointed at them laying on top of one of his chairs. - I ... they’re from the library, I need them. 
   - Of course. - he handed them to her as if it weighed nothing. - Anything else I can do for you, petal?
   - Oh yes, sorry I forgot. - she opened her bag rummaging through it to find the box of incredibly expensive earrings she had been nervous about carrying with herself the whole day, afraid of being robbed. The bartender handed him the box, receiving a mere eyebrow raise from him. - It’s an incredible gift, Mr. Barnes but I couldn’t possibly accept it. 
   - Why not?
   - It’s too expensive.
   - It’s nothing compared to what I have.
   - Well ... I’d have nowhere to wear it.
   - You should wear them here.
   - I don’t ... I’m not the type of woman who wears things like these. 
   - Come with me. - he took the box from her, moving away from where he was standing and out of the office. As if she were attached to him by some invisible string, she followed straight away, wondering where they were going. He wouldn’t kill her here, and to be honest she started to wonder if he ever would.
He stopped in front of the bathroom’s, opening the door for her and standing near it. She looked at him in confusion, not entirely knowing what he wanted to do in the bathroom or why he wanted her in the bathroom. Was he going to kill her in the bathroom? She stood on her two feet still for a few seconds before going inside still wary of his intentions, whatever they were.
She could hear the sound of her ballerina slips as she entered the tilled dark decorated bathroom which was cleaner than it did during the night. His hand stood in the small of her back leading it against the black marbled counter connected to the mirrored wall. 
     - May I? - he opened the box and she nodded, looking at herself in the mirror. She stood there, motionless yet with feelings heightened as he pushed her hair away from her ears to put the earrings on her. They were slightly heavy, a sign of their value and her mind couldn’t wrap around the fact such expensive jewellery was hanging from her ear lobes. - You look exactly like the type of woman who wears things like those, petal. 
     - You flatter me.
     - I think you just don’t flatter yourself enough. - she turned her head to face him. She could feel his breathe against her forehead. All she could sense was that, his breathe, the smell of his cologne and the sound of silence. Looking up to him, he could see her own reflection, the reflection of her earrings glistening on his baby blue eyes. She didn’t know what to say, eyes glued to his as they both got close to each other until each other’s lips were touching, melting in want.
The silence seemed to burst into fireworks of each other’s heartbeats as his hands held her waist close to him. They were too lost on each other, both forgetting for a moment who each was to give way to their own choices. 
    - Mr. Barnes? - someone knocked on the door, that invisible string pulling them together breaking as they stopped kissing and stepped away from each other. 
     - I’m busy. - he yelled out.
     - Mr. Barnes there’s someone here for you. 
     - I said I’m busy.
     - No, it’s fine. - she rushed her fingers through her hair, one hand against the counter holding her up. What had she done? - You should go.
     - Petal.
     - It’s fine. - both hands now held the counter, eyes shut. - You should go. 
I sit and watch you ...
taglist: @lookiamtrying @mariamermaid @sebastianstansqueen @unmagically @buckybarnes1982 @mela-noche @lowercasegenius @randomweirdooo @projectcampbell @sebbystanlover-vk @jevans2 @hollarious @itsallyscorner @tcc-gizmachine @saiyanprincessswanie​ 
202 notes · View notes
A Day With The Benns - Jamie Benn
Summary: A look into the Benns household and a day spent with the family.
To the angel who requested this: From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU. I don't know who you are but I love you - for this request and for the beautiful words that came with it. It keeps making me feel like my heart will burst from happiness. I also thank you for giving me a reason to write about how I see my future life and what I hope for (this is basically me writing about my dream life) 💘🕊💫
Note: D/n means “daughter’s name”. The bedtime story is an excerpt from the book “Goodnight, hockey fans” by Andrew Larsen.
Words: 2487
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“The truest, best love had nothing to do with luck. Luck was faithless, and worth little. True love wasn’t fancy, and it wasn’t magical, but simply true in every sense: honest, loyal and sure.” — Sonja Yoerg
It was that kind of a morning when you wake up and you know summer finally arrived. The sun was nicely warm and comforting unlike the stinging and cold winter sun, the birds were chirping in the trees from early in the morning and the air was fresh and warm. Y/n was woken up by the streaks of sunlight creeping into the bedroom through the window. She opened her eyes for a second and then closed them again and enjoyed the peace she felt which was quite unusual in the past few weeks. She didn’t hear a baby crying or the older kids running around the house wildly, she wasn’t woken up by them jumping on the bed to wake her up or by her husband leaving early for work. She loved her life and the chaos of it but it felt so nice to have a calm morning for once. After she fully enjoyed the silence, she opened her eyes, stretched her arms, and with a smile already present on her face she turned around to see her husband. Jamie had his back to her, but she certainly enjoyed the view at her husband’s muscular back and arms and she even blushed at the sight of him. But what warmed her heart, what couldn’t be beaten by his tattoos or muscles was the way he talked to their four months old baby girl. He had his arm protectively around her and Y/n found the contrast of his strong tattooed arm and her tiny little hand and fingers covered in a pink onesie absolutely adorable. He tickled her on her belly, and she smiled at him or watched him with her bright eyes with pure love. Y/n and the kids wished he could spend a little more time with them but they all understood why he couldn’t and whenever he was home he made the most of it and he dedicated his time to help his wife and to entertain the kids.
“Good morning my loves,” Y/n said happily as she looked over Jamie’s shoulder, kissed his cheek, and then smiled at their daughter who got even more excited when she noticed her.
“See? I told you mommy will wake up soon to give you a breakfast,” Jamie said to the little one. “Unfortunately, that’s the only thing I can’t do honey.” He said to Y/n and kissed her back.
“Not sure if anyone would want you to breastfeed babe,” she joked and took their daughter into her arms to feed her. “Are the kiddos awake?”
“Don’t think so,” Jamie mumbled. “I’ll go wake them up in a bit.” But first, he wanted to enjoy his wife’s company.
She was beautiful. He found her so beautiful. And he adored everything about her. Her kindness, the way she always loved him even though he could get a little grumpy sometimes. The way she handled everything with such ease. How smart she was. How supportive and understanding she was of him and his career. How she raised the kids, took care of them and their household on her own when he was away, and never used that against him. How good she was at her own job. How she created such a loving atmosphere in their family. Everything.
Jamie soon left to wake up the two older boys who even despite the complaints got out of the bed pretty quick and happily ran downstairs to help their dad in the kitchen. Y/n stayed behind a little to take care of D/n and to put herself together before she headed to the kitchen to join the rest of the pack. She heard laughter and giggles coming from there and she stopped and listened to the conversation they were having, she smiled to herself and enjoyed everything that was said.
Y/n often felt that she didn’t have enough time to pause and enjoy the present moment, but she was slowly learning to do so. The kids were growing up way too fast for her liking, life kept moving forward without a chance of it ever slowing down and she got sad at times when she realized how fast the kids will turn into adults. Y/n wanted to stay stuck in time, stay this old for a little longer and have the kids stay little longer, and have more time to process it all. But mostly she wanted a little more time off for Jamie who even though never said it out loud regretted not being there for them all the time. But they knew he loved them more than anything or anyone else in the world and that was enough.
“Can we go skating with you dad?” Their oldest son asked with hope, but he knew what answer was coming. He asked the same question, every morning when Jamie was home and about to go to practice. Each time the answer was no but he never gave up. The positive attitude towards everything and how he was never losing hope was Jamie’s favorite trait of their oldest son. It reminded him of Y/n.
“You know you can’t come with me buddy,” Jamie said with a sad voice. He hated saying no to him and he even wished he could bring the boys with him, but it was never convenient. “But I can ask the boys and we can go skating together on the weekend. What do you think?”
“I think we should hurry up,” Y/n joined the conversation, but no one heard her because the boys started screaming in excitement. She then sat down at the table and enjoyed the pancakes Jamie and the boys made for her and she helped their younger son with eating because he preferred to play with it rather than eating it. “Did you guys tell daddy where you’re going today?”
“No,” the older boy said. “We’re going to the zoo with the kindergarten.”
“And you wanted to miss the zoo to go skating? The zoo’s more fun for sure.” Jamie answered.
After the tasty breakfast, everyone headed to the bathroom to get ready for kindergarten and the day. Jamie helped them brush their teeth and hair, he even let them use a tiny little amount of his deodorant because both boys adored their dad and wanted to be just like him. It wasn’t rare for the boys to draw on their hands and pretend the drawings were real tattoos or them putting on Jamie’s hockey gear and playing hockey around the house. Y/n in the meantime prepared their outfits, soothed the crying baby, and managed to get dressed up without being disturbed.
“I’ll drop the kids at the kindergarten,” Jamie whispered as he wrapped his hands around Y/n’s waist from behind and hugged her tightly. “And I’ll try to get back home sooner than usual, and we can then do something fun.”
“Aren’t you amazing?” Y/n said happily, turning around to face Jamie, wrapping her hands around his neck, and kissing him before he got to answer. She expected a cocky answer from him, and she wanted to avoid it.
A few minutes later the whole family was outside their house, all of them about to head in different directions to different places. The boys were going to the kindergarten, Jamie to the arena and Y/n and D/n were going for a regular check-up at the doctor. “I love you boys,” said with a proud face and kissed all three boys goodbye.
“And we love you girls,” Jamie said, kissed Y/N and their daughter and the boys repeated after him before they all jumped into the car.
Later that day after Y/n returned home from the doctors and the grocery store, she cooked lunch for herself and then picked up the boys from the kindergarten. They then went for a walk around the neighborhood to put D/n to sleep in her stroller and the boys being the amazing brothers argued about who was gonna push the stroller. Y/n felt joy in her heart she couldn’t describe. She was simply proud of how loving the boys were.
When Jamie returned home, 2 hours earlier than usual, he expected to find his pack in the living room and he secretly hoped they would greet him, but the house was empty. He went to the living room and that’s when he finally found Y/n and the kids. They were in the garden enjoying the warm weather and the sunshine, eating some fruit, and playing with way too many things but they seemed to be enjoying. Jamie watched them from behind the glass door and adored Y/n once again. She was smiling widely, she glowed and looked even prettier than usual at that moment. She was showing D/n some flowers they probably picked in their garden and D/n was from what Jamie saw laughing at it. The boys were sitting on the blankets around the girls, their younger son was drawing something (and judging from the dozens of papers lying around it wasn’t his first artwork that day) and the older son was playing the puzzles while telling Y/n some exciting story. She listened carefully to every word and looked at the kids with so much love and adoration that Jamie wondered how he could get so lucky.
“Dad!” The younger boy screamed when Jamie came to the garden and both boys happily ran towards him to hug him.
“When you said you were gonna come home earlier I didn’t expect it would be this early,” Y/n said to Jamie as he sat down next to her. “But I’m not complaining. I missed you.”
“Missed you too love,” Jamie whispered as he leaned closer to kiss her and he then picked up D/n and took her in his arms to cuddle with her. Jamie was such a great dad and Y/n always knew he would be even though Jamie used to call himself a boy dad and say that he wouldn’t know what to do with a girl. But the moment they found out their next baby was going to be a girl he changed his mind completely and couldn’t wait to have a daughter. And from the second she was born she had him wrapped around her finger. “If you want you can go take a nap, I’ll stay there with the kids. I know you didn’t get much sleep.” Jamie offered.
At the first moment, she wanted to accept the offer and go to bed but when she looked around, she changed her mind. The sky was still blue, the sun was still shining, and the kids were having way too much fun and there was no way she was gonna miss this moment with her whole family. “I think I’ll stay right here.” She said with a smile.
The family stayed in the garden until the sun disappeared from the sky and just when the air got significantly colder, they all realized it was time to head home and have dinner. Neither one of them wanted to move because they were having so much fun but all of them were hungry and tired after a long day. The boys happily helped Y/n with dinner and although it took a little longer and the kitchen was a little messier than if Y/n did it on her own she enjoyed it as any other activity with her loves. Dinner was a favorite time of the day in the Benn family because it was usually the time when they all gathered and spent time together. For Y/n it was a time where she finally had everyone home and that was when she felt best even if it meant Jamie would leave for a game later. Jamie loved it because he was finally home with the ones most important to him and nothing could ever compare to the warmth of being home with his family. The kids loved dinner just as any other time they would get to eat but even they knew it meant they would most likely be all together.
“Dad? Can you read to us tonight?” One of the boys asked Jamie after the dinner.
“Of course!” Jamie answered with excitement. “Go brush your teeth and I’ll be there in a second okay?”
The boys listened and ran upstairs to their bathroom to brush their teeth and put on their pajamas and quickly jumped to bed and waited for Jamie. Jamie soon left Y/n alone in the living room so she could feed the baby in peace and went to the boys’ room.
“Alright, boys, ready?” Jamie asked the boys as he sat down with the book the boys picked. It was their favorite book about hockey that Jamie got them when they were younger and both Jamie and Y/n lost track of the number of times they read it to them. “A young boy doesn't want to go to bed. The hockey game is on! ‘What if I can't fall asleep?’ the boy says. ‘Don't worry,’ says his dad. ‘You will.’ After his parents have tucked him in and turned out the light, he shines a flashlight on his prized hockey possessions around his room: the posters of his favorite players, the pennant for his favorite team, the puck.” Jamie read. Not for too long though, the boys well asleep after a few minutes. “Good night boys,” Jamie said quietly as he left the room.
Y/n just finished putting D/n to sleep when Jamie walked into their bedroom. “That was quick,” Y/n noted.
“Told you I have a talent at putting the kids to sleep.” He said with a grin. “Abd good night to my little princess.” He whispered and kissed his little girl gently on her forehead before Y/n put her into her crib.
“You’re just lucky,” Y/n answered.
“I am,” Jamie said with a proud smile as he looked at his wife. He knew he was lucky. He hardly ever told this to his family, but he knew they knew he loved them more than anything. “And now I can finally focus purely on you.” He announced when he got out of the shower and went to Y/n.
“This was one of the nicest days in a while Jamie,” Y/n snuggled to Jamie and traced Jamie’s tattoos mindlessly. “Oh, and you better don’t forget to take the kids skating on the weekend. They were talking about it all day.” She laughed.
“I told the team and they all agreed to hang out,” he said. “And now give me a big kiss.” He said seriously.
“You’re horrible,” Y/n laughed before she kissed him. No matter how annoying and cocky he could get she loved him with all her heart.
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sevenmikento · 3 years
Eeee good! I've had this brain rot in my head since I realized I had a crush on Kageyama v.v
But like, a sweet/angst kinda thing where Kageyama might have had a crush on you in high school but he just couldn't process it. So graduation happens, everyone's personal growth into adulthood happens and you stay close as friends. But there's a moment when Kageyama asks if you'd be willing to catch up. Of course you say yes he's your friend. And it's then Kageyama just blurts out that he's always liked you. He feels stupid it took him this long but your the one thing that always felt off when he was traveling an becoming a part of the Schweiden team. Anyways I'm sorry this is wordy and stupid you don't have to do it or anything I just have Kageyama brain rot >.<
Love your stuff,
Jujutsu Curses ❤❤❤❤❤
A/N: *rises from the grave* HELLO!! i finally have the time and energy to write and i shall begin with this banger of a request uwu Kageyama was legit my first haiku love and i wanna kith his forehead thank u
genres: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending!!; 2.1k words
a long time [Kageyama Tobio X Reader]
He can’t help but fiddle with the half-empty mug sitting in front of him, his eyes darting over to the front door of the cafe every few seconds as he taps his foot on the ground. The rapid pace of his tapping is rivalled only by the wild thumping of his heart.
Kageyama Tobio glances at the entrance of the establishment once more, catching a stranger staring at him from the corner of his eye. They glare and his foot stops automatically—the awareness that was required of him is something he did not possess in his growing years and even now, as an accomplished adult, the instinct to abide by society’s unwritten social rules still catches him off guard sometimes.
He lifts the mug to his lips and takes a short sip of the piping hot beverage. You’d texted him that you were going to be slightly late and yet he couldn’t help but purchase his usual order first, the anxiety of what he’d set out to do today too much to handle without something—anything—to fiddle with. Of course, he has his volleyball in his gym bag but he knows he’ll only receive odd stares if he resorts to randomly touching it while waiting for you.
The athlete wonders—the racing of his mind akin to that of when he’s in a heated match—if he would be aware of such social nuances had it not been for your presence in his life.
You were—and honestly still are—a force to be reckoned with; someone he never imagined befriending in high school and yet you’d walked right into his life (and his heart), took a seat and never left.
“You’re good at that,” you said, watching from the entrance of Karasuno’s volleyball gym. It was nothing he hadn’t heard before.
As the ball bounced away from the toppled-over plastic bottle on the other side of the net, all he could do was stare at the ground near your feet, speechless. He wasn’t expecting anyone to come in on a Sunday, let alone talk to him out of nowhere.
“You’re supposed to say ‘thanks’, you know?” you told him in a tone that he knew was supposed to be lighthearted.
“Why?” he replied anyways, not sure how he should have responded to your joke.
You laughed and while Kageyama felt that he should have been insulted to some degree, instead, he found himself smiling.
Thinking back, he only now realises it was a smile of relief; you weren’t frustrated or annoyed by his dry and awkward reply, although it would’ve been understandable if you were (especially as the two of you were still teens) but you weren’t and he appreciated it.
He still appreciates it.
“No, dude, it’s 65 because of the ‘x’ here, see? It would be 127 if it had been there instead, though,” you pointed at the parts of the painfully long equation as you spoke, “so it’s not like you don’t know how to calculate it, you were just careless.”
It was 1:30am and his eyelids felt heavy but you were still helping him with his work as if you’d just arrived at his house not a few minutes ago when, in reality, you’d been here for nearly 7 hours. Kageyama’s brain felt fuzzy from exhaustion and yet he found himself hanging onto your every word, absorbing as much information as he could—it was the least he could do.
“Honestly,” you said out of the blue as he reworked the equation, “I think you’ll be getting mostly Bs and some As by graduation.” You smiled like it was solely his own effort; as if it wasn’t you who agreed to tutor him for free, coming by his house and sleeping over when it got too late to go home. You looked at him with your tired eyes and messy hair with such pride that Kageyama himself was nearly deluded into thinking he put in nearly as much effort as you did explaining concepts and breaking down questions in ways he could easily understand.
That night, in that exact moment, his chest swelled with an overwhelming sense of adoration and gratitude and yet all he could do was glance down at the scattered papers on his bedroom floor and mutter a soft, “thank you”.
[11:32AM] (Y/N): i’m a few minutes away! sorry for being late D:
[11:32AM] Tobio: okay :) no worries, i haven’t been here long anyways
It’s easy to lie a little sometimes, though he struggles with it when it comes to you. Kageyama feels—knows—that he owes at least that much to you; to always tell you the truth. So, instead, he twists his own truth so that the words he says or the messages he sends you are never dishonest.
He’s been in this cafe for nearly half an hour. Some might say that’s a long wait, hell, he would say it’s a long wait had it been for anyone else. However, for you, he’d actually arrived twenty minutes early in order to get that one spot you used to love so much when you were still in Karasuno together.
Kageyama has been waiting for thirty minutes but twenty were his own and ten were for you. So, no, he didn’t lie. He hasn’t been waiting long at all.
Ten minutes is nothing compared to the one year he’d spent away from you, after all.
“Are you sure you won’t miss me?” you joked, voice lighthearted as always whenever you weren’t to be taken seriously—he knew that—and yet, when your question prodded at his heart in ways he did not expect, his reaction came out far more aggressive than he’d intended it to be.
“No, why will I? I’m finally achieving my dreams. I don’t need you to be there to hold my hand.”
The moment the words slipped out of his mouth, Kageyama wanted nothing more than to take them back, to swallow them whole and leave them away from you, festering inside his soul. The guilt and shame ran down his spine from the back of his neck, burning hot as the sensation spread across his skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
Staring at his half-packed luggage, he didn’t need to look at you to know how hurt you were by his reply. He didn’t have to steal a glance of your face to have known exactly what expression you had on—it was the worst kind. The teary eyes and shaky frown; it was the exact same kind of face that, in the past, had led him to throwing a couple of punches at the people who’d caused you to make it.
If he could have punched himself to make it up to you, he would’ve.
Instead, Kageyama allowed a silence to fall over the room and you, as always, since the very beginning of your friendship, broke it for him.
“I was kidding, y’know?” you laughed and he played along, heart still pounding from the terrifying aspect of losing you. He thought that if he just followed your lead and pretended that things were okay, they would become okay. But even then, he knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
The day after, when he was to leave Miyagi for Tokyo for a year to train with the Schweiden Adlers, you didn’t show up to bid him farewell like you said you would. Instead, you dropped him a text apologising for your absence and wishing him all the best.
Since then, you’ve had regular video calls with him once he’d settled down in the big city with his new team. Kageyama had apologised for his words during your first call—having found it much, much easier to do so when you weren’t physically together, and you happily forgave him. He knows you aren’t, and have never been, the petty kind but part him wishes you hadn’t so easily accepted his apology when it was so long overdue.
“Hi, Tobio!” you greeted, slightly out of breath, as you took the seat opposite him, your sudden presence sending his brain into haywire. He’d spent countless nights imagining how this reunion would feel after a year of not seeing you in the flesh but now as he’s living this moment, he realises none of the numerous scenarios he played in his head can do this feeling justice.
He feels his face start to heat up as his heart pounds loudly within the confines of his chest, the thumping pulse sounding so clear in his head that he genuinely worries you might be able to hear it, too, despite being an arm’s length away. Kageyama feels himself begin to sweat in spite of the cold weather. His eyes dart down to the half-filled mug in his hands as he presses his palms against its curved, cooling surface.
“Oh, wow, are you sure you didn’t wait long?” you laughed lightly, looking at the contents of his cup. He practically feels his blush deepening at the thought of being caught redhanded for his white lie. “So, how’ve you been?”
Kageyama responds accordingly, sharing his experiences with the Schweiden Adlers and adjusting to life in Tokyo. You, in return, talk about a new apartment you’re renting with your cousin and the classes you’re teaching as a part-time substitute in Karasuno while you ponder over what to pursue as a proper career.
Conversation with one another comes surprisingly easy to the both of you. Though neither of you admit it out loud, it feels as though you haven’t been separated for twelve straight months. You chat for hours, sometimes getting a little too loud and worked up, much to the chagrin of the other customers. Slowly but naturally, the topics eventually begin to run out and you opt to sit in silence for a bit, eating your respective lunches as you people-watch.
Kageyama checks his phone and realises he needs to leave soon if he were to make it to the stadium in time to meet his teammates. The Adlers are playing a casual match against a local university team in the evening due to the two coaches being alumni or something along those lines. It’s the only reason why he’s returned to Miyagi for a short bit—
He looks at you as you gaze out the window, a content smile on your face.
—it’s the only reason…
… Right?
“No, why will I? I’m finally achieving my dreams. I don’t need you to be there to hold my hand.”
The words from his past echo in his head, piercing his heart with the same intense guilt and shame from all those months ago when he first uttered those words out of impulse born from his insistence on denying the truth of your relationship.
It’s then you look at him curiously, as if sensing the distress he’s suddenly placed himself in. You part your lips, undoubtedly to ask if he’s okay, but before you can speak, his large, warm hands reach out to engulf your own. Taped fingers and calloused palms grip at your hands firmly, holding onto you as if letting go meant never seeing you again.
“(Y/N), I love you.” he declares, staring straight into your widening eyes. The desire to look away is almost too strong to resist but he pushes himself to maintain the contact, not allowing himself to repeat his past mistakes. “While I was away, I’ve come to realise how much you truly mean to me. You have always been an important person in my life but I’ve never had the courage to tell you. I even hurt you before I left and I still haven’t forgiven myself for that even though you have.
“To be honest, while I’ll always be grateful for it, I do not need you to hold my hand as you’ve done when we were growing up,” he continues, not giving you any chance to get a word in (not that you want to yet, anyway), “but I do want you in my life. I know it’s selfish of me to ask you to be with me as I achieve my dreams but maybe, if we’re together, I can support you in discovering what you would like to pursue as well.”
He takes a deep breath, face tinted red as he tightens his grip on your hands.
“What I’m saying is… will you… do you…” Kageyama’s eyes begin to flicker towards the table and away from your face. But when you pull your hands out of his just to grab them once more and give them a reassuring squeeze, his head freezes in place, eyes staring intently into your own teary ones.
You reply, saying exactly what’s on his mind, word-for-word, “I love you and I’d love to live with you in Tokyo.”
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sugarsugarmoon · 3 years
A Dash of Magic
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Pairing: Cedric Diggory x reader x Taehyung
Genre: Smut
Rating: Mature
Warnings: oral sex (m/f receiving), unprotected sex, threesome, sort of facefucking, slight cumplay
a/n: tbh, I don’t even know if this makes sense. It’s unedited. For @cheba-o​
WC: 3845
The thing about Cedric Diggory was he was always just so...perfect. And that rubbed you the wrong way. He excelled in all of his classes, played Seeker on the Quidditch team, and had throngs of admiring teens following him everywhere that he went.
No thank you.
No matter how much you tried to avoid it, and him, there was no way around the 4 classes that you had together. Not to mention that it felt like you passed him on his way to the Hufflepuff Common Room every time you were on your way to the dungeons. You had to do that awkward thing where you say goodbye to someone while you’re still walking the same way, so you just have to speed up to make it look like you were going somewhere with purpose.
You wouldn’t say you hated him. You didn’t. You just didn’t get what the fuss is. Everyone fawning all over his every move. There had been smart, brave, good-looking Quidditch players before, and there would be more in the future. You didn’t talk to him much, but there was no way that all that attention didn’t go directly to his head. That nice and kind thing had to be an act.
And yet, somehow, you find yourself here, in the living room of Cedric’s parents house. This wouldn’t have been your first choice. 
To explain how you got here, you have to explain how you ended up standing next to Tae, holding his hand while your toes wiggle nervously in your shoes. Taehyung was a whole different beast. Similar to Cedric in many ways, but different enough to have caught your eye back in fourth year.
Slytherin had shared classes with Hufflepuff your fourth year, and Taehyung caught your eye. He was always doing silly things with his friends while being naturally good at almost everything. He was a little bit clumsy but incredibly handsome. You pretended to be put off by him, but your teenage heart screamed out for attention from him. You’d never have told your friends, and you openly mocked him in class if he messed anything up. One day after class, he confronted you about why you hated him so much.
“You’re joking?” you spat at him, trying not to give away your emotions in your voice.
“No, I’m not. What did I ever do to you?” he asked you, keeping you cornered enough that you couldn’t easily slip around him.
“I don’t hate you,” you mumbled, unable to keep up the game.
“You...you don’t?”
“No. I’ve got like...a thing for you or whatever. It doesn’t matter. I hate you because I want to kiss you or whatever. Go away.” The words just kind of spilled out of your mouth, and you almost wanted to laugh at the ridiculous flow of words. Oh well. This is who you are. Awkward and averse to emotions.
“Oh,” he blurts out. “Oh!”
You felt the heat in your face with embarrassment, and you closed your eyes, breathing deeply.
“Yep. Okay. I gotta go.” You tried to push past him without actually touching him, but he stopped you.
“Well, don’t you want to know how I feel?” he asked.
You raised your eyebrows, and your mouth fell slightly open.
“I mean...I don’t know you that well, but I’d like to.” He smirked as he said it.
And that was it. It was over for you from that moment on. You were wrapped around his long, lithe fingers, and he seemed to be imprinted on you. The two of you bonded and shared everything over the following years, so that when it came time to build your life, you of course built it together.
And yet, even though you were tremendously happy with Taehyung, there were needs that you felt like weren’t always met with Taehyung. Sometimes sexually, sometimes interpersonally. Taehyung is so kind and caring, but at times, he struggles to listen to your problems without wanting to fix them. He always feels like he has to jump up and do something about it. You want to be more experimental in bed, and you know that he misses the physical connection with men.
And long story short, that’s how you ended up here. In Amos Diggory’s living room, waiting awkwardly for Cedric to come downstairs. Your fingertips brush against Tae’s palm without taking his hand into yours. You shift your weight between your legs, hearing the slight swish of your pants rubbing together.
After you’d graduated from Hogwarts, Taehyung and Cedric had both taken jobs at the Ministry of Magic. They were starting next week. You’d decided to work in your uncle’s apothecary where you could work with plants and potions all day long, living the true green witch life you’d always wanted.
You had agreed to come with Taehyung to collect Cedric and take him to his new little flat in the middle of London. It was near yours, and you were all able to get quickly to The Ministry and Knockturn Alley quickly. You avoided telling people that the shop you worked in was in Knockturn Alley because they always associated it with the Dark Arts. You especially felt nervous when Amos Diggory asked what you did, and you couldn’t come up with an answer. Taehyung jumped in saying you worked at the family apothecary, a small place he’d probably never heard of. The three of you then talked about potions and ingredients for a while until Cedric finally appeared at the bottom of the steps.
He had a large bookbag with him, and he announced that he had used magic to transport the rest of his luggage to his new place. You didn’t see why he couldn’t just use magic to transport himself there too. Ya know, by himself. But you’d already argued with Tae about it enough, and you didn’t have a good enough reason besides “I don’t wanna” to not go help him out.
Cedric smiles huge at you and Taehyung then gives his dad a big hug. His dad claps him hard on the back and tries to cover up the fact that he's getting misty-eyed. Eventually, you all say your goodbyes, and you are headed back to London.
On the train, Tae and Cedric chat happily and excitedly, speculating about their upcoming jobs, bosses, and coworkers. They will both be working in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. They discuss the opportunity for working abroad in the future, though to begin with they will likely be staying in London, doing grunt work. They are both so excited and giddy that you can’t help but catch a little bit of the bounciness.
When you reach Cedric’s flat, you and Taehyung agree to help him unpack, though with magic, it isn’t too difficult. You reflect on moving as a kid from Mexico all the way to England. There was so much work involved, and you couldn’t help but feel out of place for 3 or more years. Even now, you still feel a little out of place. 
With a few waves of your wands, the rooms are set up, looking like a cozy, young adult’s flat, hardly showing any traces that the occupant just moved in today. You look around at each other and smile, feeling accomplished. The smile on Cedric’s face and the eye contact that he makes with you makes you heat up in the cheeks again. You feel embarrassed that you felt a lurch in your stomach and slight heat between your thighs.
This was the first time that you’d ever felt anything but contempt for him. You internally roll your eyes at yourself. You refuse to become just another girl fawning over Cedric Diggory. No matter how cute he looks with his hair all mussed from running his hands through it. No matter how much your eyes can’t keep from tracing the shape of his pectoral muscles under his tight t-shirt.
You realize this is the first time that you’ve seen Cedric not in his school or Quidditch robes. You decide that is what has got you feeling some type of way today. He just looks different in regular clothes. Your brain is just trying to figure out and judge the switch. You finally bug Tae into heading home. You wish Cedric a fairly cold farewell and head toward the Tube.
Weeks later, you have settled into your new routine with Tae. You’d been working at the apothecary all summer, but Tae just started his job. It was a shift, him not always being home when you got home, but it gave you a chance to work on making your house more cozy. Even though Tae is the Hufflepuff, you were constantly trying to make everything in your house feel homey, filled with plants, throws, and tea.
Cedric has come over several times for dinner, and you’ve felt yourself warming to him. There was less pressure to feel like you had to not just be another girl fawning over him because you weren’t in school dealing with the popularity contests that teenagers always feel like matter. You’ve realized that it doesn’t matter how other people perceive him or if you behave differently than them. You can like who you like and be fond of who you’re fond of.
The last two times that he’d been over, you all had sat on the slightly-too-small-for-three-people couch, with you in the middle, and watched movies. Tonight, Cedric was over, and the three of you were once again on the couch. Tae had his arm around you, and you were leaning more toward him, so as to not make Cedric uncomfortable. Your thigh was still touching his lightly, but you tried to give him as much space as you could.
You are watching Caddyshack because someone had told Tae that it was an American classic that you had to see, and you love Bill Murray. It was funny, but you’re not sure that you would call it a must-see. 
When Bill Murray says, “sir, if I kill all the golfers, they’ll lock me up and throw away the key,” Cedric laughs deeply from his chest, and he throws his hands up. When they come back down, one hand is resting on your knee. You don’t think the moment was funny enough to warrant that response, sure a sharp exhale through your nose or even a chortle would have been appropriate, but right now, you can’t think of anything other than the warmth and pressure of his hand on your knee.
You stare at it for a moment. It doesn’t feel wrong, so you decide to let it stay. A moment later, Tae puts his hand on your other knee. You are acutely aware of the differences in the way their hands feel but how both make you feel wanted and cared for. Cedric rubs his thumb in small circles over your skin, showing you that he knows what he’s doing and it’s on purpose. You look down at your lap, and while both men have their palms and most fingers resting on your skin, their pinky fingers are in a delicate dance together, constantly touching one another. Your breath catches in your chest. You realize that you’d never asked Tae what he thinks about Cedric or the possibility that he might want to be with a man as well or instead.
“Uh...Tae, can you come help me with something in the bedroom really quickly, please?” you blurt out, popping up quickly from where you sit. Both of the men stare at you with shock from the sudden change in your demeanor.
Upon shutting the door behind him, Tae looks up at you with a curious questioning in his eyes.
“Tae, are you happy with our relationship?” you ask hastily.
“What? Yes, of course I am!” He sounds defensive.
“I just want to make sure that this is what you want because if you want something else, I understand. We have discussed that at some point we might want to explore other things. I just don’t want to hold you back or anything.”
“yn, no. You’re not holding me back. Is this about Cedric?” he asks.
“I mean...a little bit.” You twiddle your fingers like a cliche, but you can’t help it.
“Look, I didn’t know how to bring it up without making it seem like I didn’t want you. Cedric and I really click, and lately, the two of you have been vibing more. He and I have discussed it, and we wanted to talk to you too.” He sighs and places his hand, the same hand that had been on your knee, on your shoulder.
“‘It?’ What is ‘it?’”
“It being...us starting a relationship with Cedric. Romantic styles.” His voice shakes slightly as he says it, the pauses between words longer than usual.
“Oh!” you exclaim, unable to contain your surprise. You hadn’t even considered that.
“Please, take your time and think about it, baby.” He kisses you on the forehead and reaches down to grab your hand.
You nod, and you do mean it, even though you don’t have the words for it. You open the door and let him lead the way back to the couch. You sit rigid, all of your muscles feeling engaged because you are trying not to suggest anything with your body language.
The evening ends more awkwardly than it started, but you manage to be less frigid than you had been in the past to Cedric. You think that trying to be cool has made you much less cool than usual, which isn’t much anyway. 
You and Tae don’t talk much as you get ready for bed, silently brushing your teeth while looking at each other in the mirror in the bathroom. You slip into your pajamas then lift the blanket to snuggle up under it. Taehyung lays out his clothes for tomorrow and slides in next to you. He wraps his arms firmly around you, pulling you to his chest. His lips plant on your hair on the side of your head, and he gently rests his chin against your head. The two of you stay like that for what feels like a long time until you start to drift off to sleep.
You take your time thinking about Tae’s proposal of a relationship with Cedric. The three of you do vibe together very well, and you don’t even try to deny that you’re attracted to Cedric anymore. The three of you have a lot of fun together. You know that being in a relationship with two people doesn’t mean that Tae will love you any less or you’ll love him any less. You had always liked the idea of a poly relationship to meet all the needs that may not have been met by one person, even if you were deeply in love with them.
“Okay,” you say one morning while eating a piece of toast, sitting at the bar counter of the kitchen in your pajamas.
“Okay?” Tae asks, not turning from the French press that has his attention.
“Okay, let’s give Cedric a shot.”
You are resolute and trying to be as neutral as possible. You don’t want to sound too enthusiastic and make Tae feel bad. You don’t want to sound too reluctant and make him think that maybe you don’t actually want to do this.
“Really?” He turns toward you, his eyebrows raised as high as you’ve ever seen them.
“Yes, really. Let’s have him round for dinner tonight, so we all can talk about it,” you state, getting up from your seat, planting a kiss on Tae’s lips, then heading back to your room to get dressed.
The conversation with Cedric goes more smoothly than you could have ever prepared for. All three of you laid out your expectations and desires from the relationship. Cedric was the kind of person who would just listen to your problems without trying to solve them, not that you didn’t love Tae for trying, but sometimes you just wanted him to listen. He was also open to experimenting sexually with both of you. He also gave Taehyung a partner to talk to about both wizard and muggle sports, as they were not really your thing. It felt good to say what you wanted and to also set clear boundaries with these two men that you cared deeply for.
After the conversation, Cedric rounded the table and kissed you on the lips. His lips were thinner than Tae’s, but the passion behind them was different too. He then kissed Taehyung, and then you and Tae kissed. It felt natural. The three of you sat there holding hands for a minute or two just looking at each other and smiling. You stood up and pulled Cedric toward you, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him as deeply as you’d wanted to that first night that he put his hand on your knee.
His mouth follows yours, tongue dancing with yours as his fingers lace into your hair on the back of your head. Tae settles into the space behind you, his chest against your back. His hands search Cedric’s arms, shoulders, and neck. Cedric’s hand that isn’t in your hair brushes over your shoulder and cradles Tae’s face as it rests on you.
The three of you continue in this configuration, turning so different mouths can explore each other over and over, until Tae pulls away and leads you both by the hand to the bedroom. This is so familiar and so foreign to you. You’ve been with Taehyung intimately in your bed countless times, but it’s the first time that you are going to be with someone else with him.
You stand in the middle of the floor in your room, with your toes wiggling in anticipation like they had at Cedric’s house that day over a month ago. Cedric pulls your dress over your head while he stands behind you. Taehyung kneels down in front of you, kissing your belly then each of your thighs. He pulls down your panties, letting you step out of them before tossing them aside. He kisses the tender skin at your hip bones then runs his finger tip over your slit, barely touching the skin, teasing you.
He stands and kisses Cedric hard while you stand nake watching them. Tae pulls Cedric’s shirt over his head and tosses it with your panties, then he peels off his own, adding it to the growing pile. Soon enough, the two of them are in the underwear, and you are leaning back on the edge of the bed. Cedric situates himself between your legs, putting them up on his shoulders, and pulls your ass right up to the edge of the bed.
HIs tongue laves over your sensitive bud, licking at the arousal that you know has pooled there. He licks you from your perineum to the top of your labia then sucks gently at your clit, creating suction there. The sensation overwhelms you as Tae climbs up onto the bed and positions himself near your head. You can see the outline of his hard bulge against his underwear, and you can’t keep your hands off of it. You stroke it lightly through the fabric until you get frustrated, moaning from the pleasure between your legs, then you pull his cock out from its fabric prison, letting your hand savor the smooth, hot skin of his hard dick.
Cedric pauses and lifts his head from between your legs. You look down at him, and he’s smiling, simply watching your stroke Tae. You gesture for him to come up to you. He climbs up on top of you and kisses your lips gingerly. He tastes like you, and it turns you on even more that that’s the taste on his tongue. Tae leans down and kisses him, moaning and smacking his lips. 
“Baby, you taste so good,” he groans.
Cedric leans a little further over you and wraps his lips around Tae’s cock while your hand is still stroking him. The two of you work in tandem to pleasure Tae, and you use Cedric’s spit to lubricate your hand stroking his cock. You can’t help but feel like Cedric has been left out.
“Lie down on your back,” you say to Cedric, and he looks at you sideways with Tae still between his lips. “Please.”
He obliges and resituates himself so his head is on the pillows. You pull his underwear down, the last remaining item of clothing finally removed. You position your mouth over his cock and let the spit fall from your lips slowly on to it. The three of you watch it, and it feels like it’s happening in slow motion. Once you’ve soaked him completely you use your hand to smear your spit around on it. Then you straddle his hips, positioning yourself directly over him. His cock isn’t circumcised, so you know that he’s so much more sensitive than anyone you’ve been with before. You slowly sink down onto him, letting him fill you up. You pulse slightly, then let your pussy adjust.
While you’re adjusting to Cedric’s cock, Taehyung positions himself, so his cock can slide into Cedric’s mouth.Cedric eagerly takes it back into his mouth, licking and sucking it excitedly as you settle onto his cock. You start to roll your hips and run your fingers down Taehyung’s back that’s toward you. You ride Cedric’s cock until you are shuddering from the sensation of your clit rubbing against him and his cock dragging against your sensitive spots inside. 
You can feel Cedric’s cock start to twitch inside of you, and Taehyung’s thrusts into Cedric’s mouth are growing less rhythmic and more desperate. You continue to bounce up and down on Cedric’s cock, trying to coax and orgasm out of him. He and Taehyung cum at the same time. He spills inside of you, and Tae paints the inside of Cedric’s mouth, some getting on the outside and on his cheek.
Tae giggles softly and wipes the cum off of Cedric’s face. He takes his finger and offers it to you, and you suck it clean, enjoying the taste of Tae’s salty, musty ejaculate. A familiar and comforting taste on your tongue. You dismount Cedric and curl up on the bed in front of him. He wraps his arms around you as Tae settles in behind him, wrapping his arms so he’s holding both of you.
The three of you lie there quietly for a while, cuddling and enjoying the afterglow of your sex, then Cedric speaks.
“I’m so happy to be with you two. This is all I’ve ever wanted or needed.”
You smile and turn to kiss him on his lips. You snuggle back in deeply to his embrace, and you know exactly what he means in that moment. You are looking forward to what the future will hold for the three of you together.
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koelnhbf · 3 years
bump into you (knj)
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part twelve: you broke the child
genre: fluff!
warnings: nothing we just really, really love namjoon in this house. this is going to be a long one 
“Thanks for the pictures,” you told Namjoon as he handed you back your phone. You looked at your pink cheeks, unsure whether the colouring was caused by the new blush you tried out or because of your date’s devoted picture taking. Although he had told you he’d come pick you up at 7, he had texted you that morning that he’d come pick you up right after classes, so you could be ready by then.
“No problem at all, Yn,” he said and, by the way laughter lines formed around his eyes, you knew he was smiling beneath the mask. 
“Do you want me to take one of you, too?” You asked, switching over to your phone’s camera app, ready to snap a few shots of the guy who just bought you a pre-dinner drink. 
“Not yet, there’s a nice spot I’d like to take you to before we have dinner. Let’s go?” You nodded and settled down on your bike, thankful that the sky had decided to stop snowing that day. One-handed (so you could hold the drink he got you) you rode beside Namjoon through the streets of Seoul and to a park with a hill, where, the moment the two of you arrived, you secured the bikes and made your view to the panoramic view. 
“This is really nice,” you sighed, astonished, taking in the view in front of you. Skyscraper upon Skyscraper blended into a grey array of buildings and contrasted against the warm tones of the greenery beneath you. Namjoon leaned against the wooden railing after taking off his mask and sighed.
“It’s one of my favourite places to come to,” he said and looked down at you. “I come here to think, read, relax, listen to music… it’s one of the best places in the whole city.” 
“And you’re sharing it with me?” You blushed when he looked at you intensely, his eyes being the most beautiful pair you’ve ever seen.
“I’d like to take you here more often.”
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“Are you hungry yet?” Namjoon asked as the two of you started walking back to your bikes. You had spent the last two hours on the hill, talking about his job and your masters degree, with the occasional anecdotes about both of your friends.
You nodded, having felt your stomach rumble for some time now but not having had the heart to interrupt Namjoon’s rant about mint chocolate ice cream. 
“We better get going, then.” The ride to the restaurant was partially spent laughing at his jokes and talking about books, whenever the two of you were silent, you thought about how easy it was to speak to him, forgetting several times that it wasn’t just Namu you were speaking to but Kim Namjoon, as the regular phone calls reminded you. 
“I’m sorry, it’s work,” he had said the first time they had called and you had kindly offered to step back from where you were sitting so he could talk freely but he declined. The call hadn’t lasted long anyway and you had only understood half of what was said. By the time the fourth call had rolled in you were chasing squirrels around the park, not really minding his absence but rather buying some nuts off an old woman and offering them to two children that had wanted to play with the animals.
The thought of the kids aggressively throwing the nuts at the squirrels had you laughing when you arrived at the restaurant. While Namjoon followed the waiter to your table you checked out the portions of the dishes of the neighbouring tables and made a silent note to get ramen from the convenience store when you got back home because you were sure that you wouldn’t get full from whatever they served.
“Don’t worry about the dishes, I just wanted us to get something savoury before we go for churros later,” Namjoon whispered in your ear as he noticed you staring at the food. A shiver ran down your spine at his voice close to you and you prayed to whatever deity was listening that he hadn’t noticed. 
“Ch-churros?” You asked, rather dumbly, as if it was too hard to understand.
“An ice skating date isn’t complete without churros and hot cocoa, Yn.” He laughed and guided you to your seat before sitting down in front of you. 
“Choose whatever you’d like.”
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“Slowly Yn!” Namjoon called out but it was too late, you ended up falling on your butt again before he could catch you. 
“Are you hurt?” You shook your head and laughed, grateful that he had told you to pack an extra pair of clothes before you left your house in the afternoon. He pulled you up and balanced you before pulling you with him.
“Just try to slide with your feet. Don’t pretend to run. And hold onto me.” His dimples showed as he smiled at you and the clenching sensation around your stomach showed itself for the thousandth time that day. 
“Good job, see? You can do it. I’m going to let you go now, okay? In 3, 2,” without finishing the countdown he let you go, which was a big mistake because you were still unprepared and fell again, pulling him down with you. 
“Ouch!” You cried out before noticing the weight on you. You held your breath as you looked into Namjoon’s eyes, the same you had only been able to admire from afar until now.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your breath visible in the cold air.
“It’s okay, Yn,” he said, his voice strangely low but still loud enough for you to hear, as if he was right next to your ear.
Then the two of you stayed silent, merely stared at each other without moving once. And, as if pulled by an invisible thread, your lips clashed, reunited in a short but sweet kiss, but as quick as it happened it also ended and you were quickly on your feet again, being pulled by Namjoon’s strong arms around the rink. 
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“It’s really okay if I post this?” You asked for the third time as you flicked through the pictures, finding a picture of Namjoon ice skating that you took while you were resting. You laughed at it as you went back to the one you were talking about.
“You can’t see my face so sure, Yn-ie.” You smiled warmly as you saved it in your favourites.
You were leaning against your bikes in front of your apartment complex, Namjoon’s face being covered again, in case you walked past other people. 
“It’s a shame I can’t follow you with my main account. The kpop drama accounts would have a field trip.” He sighed and looked up at the cloudy night sky. 
“It’s okay, Joonie.”
“Well, I can’t keep on calling you tree!” You called out and laughed as realisation struck him.
“I need to go now, thanks for today. I loved it,” you spoke, though your voice came out as silent as a whisper as you remembered your kiss. 
“Me too, Yn.” You turned around to walk towards your door but got pulled back by his strong grasp around your wrist. With a swift motion, he pulled down his mask and lifted your chin so your mouth could meet his. Contrary to your first kiss, this one was longer and deeper, carrying a longing for each other you couldn’t quite understand. It was only when you noticed something cold falling onto your forehead that you parted. 
“Better get in, Yn, it just started snowing.” He smiled, pulled the mask up again and waited for you to make your way into the building, though it took all of your willpower for you to not stay with him.
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— as a high-achieving student from a poor background at SNU, your life has been all about studies. apart from your three friends, your time was divided between your dissertation and the independent bookshop you worked at after class. looking forward to buying the most sought-after book you desperately need for your thesis you notice the only way to keep it is to stash away a copy. what happens when your bookshop is a stranger’s last resort of buying the book? and what if your copy was the last one in all of seoul?
A/N hello my lovelies! i hope you’re enjoying it so far, let me know under the posts and in my inbox. you can also private message me anytime! <3 if you want to be added to the taglist you can ask under each post and i’ll make sure to add you! i’m really always up for a chat, so you can hit me up :) x
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taglist: @aquaalanah @cuddlemety​ @detectivejjkie​ @lettersfromsalome @poutyoongiiii @secretlycrazyhummingbird
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buckyskorpion · 4 years
11 hours - part two
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Reader
Summary: bucky is the mystery you can’t wait to solve. if you can get out of his bed long enough, that is. a biker au.
Warnings: gang-typical violence, sex scenes, alcohol mentions, probably more to come so stay tuned
A/N: thank you guys so much for the incredible response i got to part one!! it made me so happy so thank you. let me know wha yall think of this bit, we’ve got some plot going on which i always enjoy. i wont be taking tags for this so please dont ask.
title taken from 11 hours by wet | playlist
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part one
You don’t hear from Bucky for a while after the party. It’s disappointing - you’re self-aware enough to admit that. But you also aren’t stupid enough to expect anything else. Bucky asked you to that party as a favour, you got a one-night-only special being in his life and you’re not expecting anything else.
You had hoped it wouldn’t have impacted your nightly rendezvous, but those had stopped too. You suppose Bucky decided not to trust you after all.
Almost three weeks later and you’re at work, thoughts of Bucky barely a buzz in the back of your head compared to the job at hand. You’ve always been able to let your work consume you, and it pays off in your line of business. Being a private investigator requires attention to detail, lateral thinking, and a questionable moral compass. Your patented paranoia doesn’t hurt either. Your dad tells you every time you visit that he wishes you’d get into something more stable, something less dirty, but you’re not really good at anything else. Considering the majority of your clients are partners trying to figure out if their significant other is cheating, it also pays well for quite minimal effort.
Quick rule of thumb for aspiring PI’s: they’re almost always cheating.
Today is one of those clients. You’ve tailed the guy in question to a tattoo shop in Red Hook, which is already a red flag. He’s an investment banker and buys Louis Vuitton cufflinks for his ugly work suits. He stands out like a sore thumb in this grungy neighbourhood. You snap a few photos of him outside the store, very obviously checking left and right for a tail before entering the place. People suck at being subtle, you’ve come to realise over the years. And at being observant, because all you’ve bothered to do to hide is sit at the cafe across the road and pretend to be taking photos of the latte art on your coffee.
Entering the tattoo parlour is a no-go, even if your grunge aesthetic would fit in with the clientele more than your straight-laced prey. There are other ways, though. You leave some bills on the table and cross the street into the alley beside the tattoo shop, wrinkling your nose at the dumpster smell. There’s a fire escape which you can reach if you stand on the lid of the offensive dumpster in question, leading to a window you hope will get you some insight into what Mike Shorditch of suspected-cheating fame is up to. Maybe he has a tattooed, lip-ringed young girlfriend he meets here? Or a heavy-set biker boyfriend? Or he just wants a tattoo and his wife is as paranoid as you are.
Squeezed uncomfortably between the bars of the fire-escape, you manage to aim your camera lens at the window and zoom in - jackpot. It’s a small window near the ceiling of the high-roofed shop, letting in minimal light to ruin the dark aesthetic of the place, allowing you a somewhat clear view of the shop inside. It’s really nice, you notice, and they have good taste in music. Slowly Slowly bleeds minimally through the glass and you try focus your lens on the faces inside, catching Mike among them like a unicorn in a goth reunion. He’s talking to someone, waving his hands around dramatically while the guy he talks to towers over him, arms folded over a ginormous chest.
You know that face, you realise as you aim your lens a little higher. The shock burns, almost makes you drop your camera and fall off the fire escape you’re precariously lying on. It’s Steve, blonde head unmistakeable as he glares at your target and dismisses whatever Mike says to him with an eyeroll. Without questioning it, you snap a few photos of Steve’s imposing figure - so at odds with the friendly, downright cuddly man you met at the party a few weeks ago. Just when you thought you’d gotten rid of thoughts about that night, they show up at your work. How is this possible?
None of this sits right with you. This strange coincidence, the weird behaviour at the party towards Bucky and his friends, Bucky’s general evasiveness and the feeling you get of being watched just being around him. Nothing is adding up and you’ve never been the kind of person to leave well enough alone. You snap photos of the shop, as much as you can - Steve’s tattoo sleeve that had been hidden under a jumper at the party, the stencils lining the walls, the locks on the front door, the counter where a scrawny kid in glasses bends over what looks like genuine high-school homework and ignores the adults in the shop. There are too many variables - you have to start making sense of one of them.
The easiest thread to pull is Mike, and he’s the one you’re being paid to solve, so it makes sense to start there. Clearly it isn’t cheating his wife should be worried about, but the meeting he’s having with Steve and the others doesn’t look like a friendly catch up with friends either. His personal cybersecurity is poor enough you figure you’ll be able to solve that particular mystery easy enough.
Bucky and his friends, however? That’s going to take a bit more digging.
According to Mike Shoreditch’s bank records, he owes somebody a lot of money. You get this from an account his wife doesn’t even know he has, believing all their money goes into a shared account with a completely different bank. Mike has a lot of secrets but cheating isn’t one of them - the print outs of his secret bank account statements and the pictures of him at Steve’s tattoo parlour would be enough for you to close the case and get your money. But you don’t. Not just yet. You have your own itch to scratch, now.
You’ve taken to watching the tattoo shop’s comings and goings, snapping pictures here and there. Steve comes in at ten in the morning, ready to open the shop up by lunchtime for customers and doesn’t close it until midnight. His customers are the usual sort you’d imagine at a rough tattoo shop in Red Hook - heavy set guys with full sleeves and chest pieces, grungy couples who probably live upstate but are rebelling against their trust-fund parents, random walk-ins who’s nerves you can sense from across the street at what’s become your usual table. There are a few, though, who stand out. Leather jackets and motorbikes they park in the alley beside the shop, using the back entrance you snap a shot of one night once they all went home.
You’re not jumping to conclusions just yet, you’ve learnt the hard way from doing that, but you’re also not stupid. Whatever Steve is into, whatever Bucky is by association a part of, there are some shady looking people involved as well.
It’s one of those days where you’re watching the shop from the cafe, camera left on the table in favour of devouring an almond croissant and cataloguing the people you’ve now dubbed regulars at Steve’s as they enter the shop. You should probably be doing your actual job but you can’t bring yourself to, too caught up in the shady business across the street from you. Absorbed, in fact, so you practically jump out of your skin as your phone rings and you send it flying to the pavement with an errant elbow.
You pick up without checking the ID, and boy was that a mistake. Heart pounding painfully in your chest, you answer, “Hi, hello, hi, this is (Y/n) speaking,” all in a rush.
A familiar, honey-warm laugh rumbles down the phone to you and your previously racing heart all but stops beating. Bucky says, “Did I catch you at a bad time?”
Does he know? Had Steve caught you spying and called Bucky asking why the random girl he brought to a party that one time was stalking him? You glance around the street, half expecting Bucky to be standing behind you and catching you red-handed. He’s not, of course he’s not, you’re just losing your mind a little bit.
“No, no, sorry,” you say, running a shaky hand through your hair. “I’m at work. What’s up?”
“I won’t keep you long,” Bucky says, sounding amused, and you hate how the rough catch of his voice through the phone all but erases the suspicions you have for him, warning you to stay away. You had missed him, is all. He says, as if plucking the thought from your brain, “I was missing you.”
“Yeah?” you ask, glad he can’t see the grin you send to the table. “That why you disappeared after the party?”
“Let me explain over drinks?” Bucky asks, dodging your jab with ease. No, no, no, don’t be stupid, he’s bad news and you’ve got the proof, don’t-
“You’re paying,” you say instead, silencing the smart side of your brain.
“Always do,” he says, which is blatantly not true but whatever, “Nine at Joey’s?”
“See you there,” you say, and hang up before you can do anything else stupid.
You bury your hands in your hair, leaning your elbows on the table and letting out a frustrated sound probably inappropriate for a public place. How are you going to go meet Bucky and pretend you aren’t, essentially, investigating his best friend? Maybe you don’t. Maybe you use this to get more answers, full-stop some of the question marks that have been playing havoc with your head all week.
And sex. You’re not going to pretend you won’t be ending up in Bucky’s bed again, shady secrets be damned.
Joey’s is a divey, underground bar you absolutely adore, and you’ve met Bucky here multiple times. He introduced you to the place, actually, a week or so into meeting up him. He’d laughed at how excited you were over the movie posters they used as decor behind the booths, the bartender who squeezed fresh apple juice into your shot of Jameson, the dirty bass-heavy music you eventually convinced him to dance with you to. Bucky is clearly trying to win you over by meeting you here, and you can’t say it’s not working. Just a little bit. You’ll still make him work for it.
Bucky’s got a booth at the back when you arrive, two whiskey apple’s already waiting on the table as he stands up to greet you. He pulls you into a hug, not letting you set the tone at all, but you can’t find it in you to mind as you’re crushed into his chest and he rests his stubbly chin atop your head. He smells nice, reminding you of spiced rum or something else warm and comforting, and his hands feel real nice as they dip under your top to press against your bare skin. Had you really missed him this much? You squeeze him tightly, ignoring the thump of your heart as he starts rubbing circles into your back, and you stand there in his arms for far too long to be appropriate.
Pulling away, though, feels like you’ve lost something.
Across the booth from you, now, Bucky slides a drink towards you with his usual cheeky grin. You roll your eyes at him, popping the straw in your mouth and looking out at the bar so you can pretend not to pay attention to him. He bumps your foot under the table but you ignore him, hiding your smirk in the rim of your glass.
“Doll,” he says, exasperated, and reaches across the booth to place his giant hand on the arm you have resting on the table. You look at him then, scrunching your nose up at the pet name which makes him smile. His eyes crinkle up at the sides, all soft and blurry blue, and you feel yourself forgetting why you’re supposed to be mad at him in the first place.
“What,” you say, mimicking his tone just to watch his jaw clench. His frustration is hot, what of it? You love winding him up like this.
“Brat,” he retorts, and oh, that makes you feel something you probably shouldn’t, all low and coiled hot in your belly. “Did you think I was avoiding you?”
“You were avoiding me,” you correct, raising your eyebrows at him. He hasn’t let go of your arm, now taking to rubbing his thumb back and forth across the leather of your jacket. You refuse to let it melt you.
“I was away,” he says, eyes sparkling. He’s practically laughing at you, which is- rude. You huff, barely believing him, and he says, “I was! Did you want me to tell you I was going or something?”
“No,” you say, rolling your eyes at him. You sigh - he’s right, what did you expect? Nothing, and yet you were put out anyway, but that’s a problem you’ve got to deal with on your own. Bucky doesn’t owe you anything and he knows it. You relax, finally, putting your drink down to cover Bucky’s hand with your own. You smile, say, “I’m just messing with you, Bucky.”
“Sure you are,” he says easily, but you know he doesn’t believe you. It’s dropped, then, forgotten as you sit there staring at each other in the dim light of the bar. You really had missed him, even if you still barely knew him. His stubbly jaw, the close-cropped sides of the new haircut he’d gotten since you’d last seen him, the glint of his dog togs against tanned skin disappearing under his t-shirt. The swirl of his chest piece peeking out from the neckline, and you can fill in the blanks because you’ve seen what’s under that t-shirt. You’ve traced your tongue over it, as well as every other inch of him you’re trying to memorise in case another month passed before you saw him again. If you ever saw him at all.
“What?” you ask when you realise he’s starting to smile at you, holding back a laugh. He shakes his head, looking down to pick up his drink and take a sip. You lean back, retracting yourself from his grip and folding your arms across your chest - he’s making fun of you, you know it, but you don’t know why. He does laugh then, also leaning back in his seat and regarding you with that head tilt that infuriates you.
“Nothing,” he laughs, eyes saying the opposite. “It’s just- it’s nice to see you.”
“You going soft on me, tough guy?” you tease, but he sobers at your words, the smile dying on his pillow-plump lips. He stares you down, that deep thing that reminds you how easy it is to get lost in him (if you aren’t already).
“Maybe I am,” he says, and that surprises you. You had been joking, but the heady way he’s looking at you turns it serious. “Would that bother you?”
You shake your head, not trusting yourself to say the right thing. You don’t even know if that’s a good response or not, but you’ve done it now and Bucky nods, downs his drink, all without ever breaking eye contact with you. You get the distinct feeling you’ve just agreed to something you don’t entirely understand, entangling yourself further into Bucky without even trying to. Given what you’d been uncovering about his friends the past week, you should know better. You should leave.
But you don’t. You lean across the booth, coming to him this time, and peel his hand off his glass to entwine your fingers with his. The cool metal of his signet rings offsets the warmth of his palm against yours, and the way he grips your fingers tightly signs the deal. Bucky is too enticing to stay away from, and you are too tired of trying to.
“Tell me something I don’t know about you,” you ask, but it’s not really a question. You watch his eyes dart across your face, tongue flicking out over his lips, stalling for time. You wonder what he’ll say. My friends run dodgy business deals out of a tattoo parlour? I’m involved in that, too? I’m dangerous, I’m a liar, you should stay away?
“I’m a mechanic,” he says. You try not to show your disappointment, but still, this is information you didn’t have before and you’re greedy for anything. “I have my own shop in Queens. Natasha helps me out, helps me run it. I’ve been obsessed with cars and bikes and shit since I was five.”
You smile at that, imaging little Bucky running around a car yard trying to convince his dad, or whoever, to teach him how to drive even if he couldn’t reach the pedals yet. You imagine him now, the hand you’re holding all greased up and elbow deep in a car’s guts, maybe with his shirt off and sweat dripping down his back. You’ve got to see that one day before you die, you decide right then. That’s too hot to just stay in your brain.
“Your turn,” he says, shit-eating smirk in place like he can read your mind. You blush, despite yourself, and scramble for something to say that’s not I’ve been investigating your friends all week and it’s not looking too good for them.
“My dad,” you blurt out, and Bucky give you a funny look like he thinks that’s your fact - you have a dad, isn’t that something. You curse yourself for starting this, you could’ve gone with anything and you said ‘my dad’? But you’re here now, so, “He raised me on his own, like, I don’t know my mum at all, but he always said he wanted me to have something of her so he taught me Russian. She taught him, apparently, and he taught her English. Now it’s like our secret language.”
“Russian, hey?” Bucky asks, and he seems far too surprised for the anecdote you’ve just given but you suppose it is the first actually personal thing you’ve told him. He doesn’t seem off-put by it, though, like you have expected him to be because you don’t do personal. In fact he just leans closer, almost unconsciously, baiting you to tell him more.
“Yeah,” you say, compelled to keep going. “We’d leave each other notes around the house in ‘code’, y’know, but it was just in Cyrillic. Thought it was so cool.”
“It is cool,” Bucky says, smirking at you again, “You’re cool.”
“Fuck you,” you laugh, kicking his ankle under the table but immeasurably grateful for the tone change. You don’t know why you’ve just told him that. You don’t know if you’ve ever told anyone that - Russian isn’t exactly a handy language to know. You feel drunker than you should be after a tiny bit of whiskey, high on the rush of unleashing a secret. Drunk enough that Bucky unlatching his fingers from yours to grip your wrist tight, a bit bruising, tugging you close, makes you flush from your scalp to your toes.
Bucky looks at you, dark and heavy, and asks, “Want to?”
You nod, throat suddenly very dry, and Bucky tugs you out of the booth without another word. Usually you wait a bit longer before getting on Bucky’s bike, have a few more drinks, maybe dance a bit if you can coax Bucky into it. Not tonight. You’re both on the same page - it’s been too long and you need his mouth on you about five days ago.
He pushes you into the apartment by the shoulders, rough enough you stumble but you’re quickly righted as he strides through the door after you and grabs you by the hips. Bucky crushes his mouth to yours, swallowing your needy whine with soft lips and velvet tongue as you fist his t-shirt and drag you both backwards, going and going until your back hits a wall. His palm slams into the drywall by your head but you don’t flinch, only groan as he smudges his spit-slick mouth across your jaw and down your neck. Bucky bites down, sharp teeth on soft skin, and you rake your nails down his stomach as payback for the mark you’ll have later.
“Off,” Bucky grumbles as he shoves at your jacket, getting it stuck at your elbows and trapping your arms by your sides. He seems to like like this, eyes flashing something dangerous in the dark of his hallway. You hold his eyes, heart thrumming something wild in your throat at being caught, pinned, vulnerable. With Bucky, though, you like that.
You want to reach for him but you can’t, so you wait for him to come to you. Kissing you breathless, hand fisted in your hair, other undoing the front of your jeans. God, you wanna touch him so bad but Bucky has you in his grip, yanking your head back to kiss that same bruised spot.  He sucks another under your chin as you cry out, pinpricks of pain-turned-pleasure bursting at the base of your scalp.
He gets his hand in your jeans, in your panties, runs two fingers down your cunt so easy with how wet you are already before rubbing bruising, slow circles on your clit. Your whole body jerks against Bucky’s hold on you, his thighs bracketing your body into the wall and his hand still fisted in your hair. Your mouth drops open in a soundless moan and you feel, rather than hear Bucky laugh against your throat. All executive function has diverted to the radiating ache of pure pleasure from Bucky’s fingers on you.
Bucky lets go of you hair only to press his hand on your throat, cold rings digging into your burnt-up skin and pressing you back into the wall. Long fingers tilt your jaw to look at him, increased pressure warning you against looking away, but you don’t want to anyway. Bucky’s eyes are dark like a sea storm, molten blue, and he squeezes his grip just once before saying, “Still think I’ve gone soft?”
Jesus christ, but you can’t answer him like this - not with your pulse thundering against his palm and the way he picks up the pace on your clit, making your thighs shake with the effort of holding yourself up. Bucky grins, boyish and crinkly, and it’s so at odds with the way he slides his two fingers down and pushes into you, twisting to the knuckle, that you think you might be losing your mind. Unravelling, Bucky pulling at the threads, and the only thing holding you together is his hand on your throat.
“Bucky,” you say, his name a broken breath as you start to lose focus. Everything’s hazy, glassy, your toes are going numb and tingly so you know it’s coming, building tight in your stomach as he rubs his fingers back and forth inside of you. At his name Bucky makes a sound almost like a growl, pressing his body against yours and somehow further into the wall. You need that contact,  the press of his muscles holding you up as it gets harder and harder to breath with the heat coiling up inside of you. He presses his forehead against yours so all you can see is blue edged out by black, claiming your every breath and moan, drawing you in deeper and deeper because you’re his, now. There’s no way back from this.
He presses his thumb to your clit, thrusts his fingers deeper into you, mouth parting with yours as you moan as if he means to swallow the sound. You’re there, you’re right there, and then he kisses you so soft you might’ve imagined it and you’re coming, your whole body clenching up and whiting out while he finger fucks you through it.
Trembling muscles come to leant against the wall, barely holding yourself up as Bucky extricates himself and allows you room to breath. He gently tugs your jacket all the way off, freeing your arms to come up sluggish and heavy around his neck, holding on. He laughs, just quietly, letting you nuzzle your way into the side of his neck and breath in that warm honey Bucky smell as you try and regain mental functions. It’s hard. You think Bucky’s just blended up your brain with a swizzle stuck and sucked it out through a straw.
“C’mon,” he says, gravel rough, and nudges his nose against the side of your head. “Not done with you yet.”
“Hmph,” you say, but let yourself be picked up under the ass and wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to his bedroom. You press a kiss to the skin of his neck you can reach with every second your body comes back online, digging your teeth in a little when he squeezes your ass as he walks. You’re both still fully clothes, basically, but you don’t plan to be for long. You’ve got tattoos to kiss and a dick you want anyway Bucky’ll let you. You’ve got all night, after all.
It’s late, you should be going, but you steal a few more minutes lying on Bucky’s chest. He’s sat up against the headboard, trying to braid little pieces of your hair with the cutest look of concentration on his face. The way he goes from dirty to dork always makes your heart do complicated things in your chest. You’re drumming your fingers on his chest, right next to his dog tags, and before you can overthink it too much you pause your drum solo to pick them up.
Bucky doesn’t pause in his hair-braiding but you can feel him watching you as you turn the worn metal over in your fingers. They’re well loved, a bit bent in places and the letters starting to rub flat  but you can still read it. His birthday, March 10th, and his name. You’d never thought to read these before - they always seemed part of Bucky’s past, something you weren’t allowed into yet. But tonight has made you bold, and you run your thumb over the letters of his name so you can memorise the feel of them.
“James Buchanan Barnes,” you mumble, words half said into his skin. Bucky hums but doesn’t respond, so you say, “I always knew no mother could look at their newborn child and call it Bucky.”
“Watch it,” Bucky warns, but without any real heat. You don’t ask what the tags mean, which war he fought in, when he got back. You lay them back on his skin carefully, straightening out the chain, before turning in Bucky’s arms to prop your chin on his chest piece and look at him.
“I should go,” you say, as you continue to lie there with legs tangled and Bucky’s hand now resting idle, cupping the back of your head. He bites his lip, strokes his big hand down the back of your hair and making you close your eyes for a second. You’re enjoying his touch too much, you’re getting too close for a man you don’t know. A man who you know has secrets you probably don’t want to uncover, but you can’t stop yourself.
“You could stay.” Bucky’s words hang there, suspended in the space between you. He’s never said that before. You never thought he would say that, ever. Bucky looks at you, face unreadable, and you don’t know why you feel sick to your stomach all of a sudden but you do. There are lines being crossed that you can’t backtrack from. You’re not ready to make that step yet.
“Not tonight,” you say, and it’s not a no but it’s not what Bucky wants to hear. He withdraws his hand from you, letting it drop uselessly to the bed beside him. You take that as your cue to go, rolling off the bed and dressing silently with Bucky’s eyes burning a hole in your skin.
You’re pulling away, trying desperately to regain some distance and control from his man who already has you swallowed whole, he just doesn’t know it yet. Even still, you can’t stop yourself crawling back on the bed and straddling his lap, holding his face in your hands as you kiss him. You want him to remember this - not you saying no, but the way your body will always say yes to him as he holds your hips and keeps you there, kissing you back as desperate as you feel.
But now you know you have reason to climb through the laundry room window that night and sneak away from Bucky’s apartment building, that you’re not just being paranoid because you’ve got photos to prove it. It’s that thought alone that makes it bearable to leave him, even if your heart is begging you to stay.
Part 3
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Firefly  Chapter 5 : Eighteen years old
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By Roonyxx and Jay-and-dean
Pairings : future Dean x reader ?
Summary :  40 years in Hell, but he didn’t spend all this time all alone, he had her.
Prepare to know what happened during those years Dean never talks about. To immerge yourself in Hell, only lit by the mysterious kid growing here…
And to see some of your favorite villains again : Crowley, Lilith, Lucifer… And also Sammy and Jack…
Serie Warnings : Hurt!Dean, Hell (torture, even if we tried to not give it graphic descriptions, creepy demons, blood, violence), swearing, angst, future fluff and smut.
This story is in both Reader’s POV and Dean’s POV
Wordcount : 6300 (big chapter)
Note : This is our second collaboration. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each, like we did for Same.
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
This story will be around 10 chapters and we intend to edit it every Saturday if nothing delays it. The story will be on a little hiatus because both @jay-and-dean​ and I are on holidays. Once we come back the story will continue it’s regular weekly edit.
Firefly Chapter 1
Firefly Chapter 2
Firefly Chapter 3
Firefly Chapter 4
Jay’s Masterlist
Roonyxx Masterlist
5. Eighteen years old.
When she turned sixteen, Crowley had told her the time of being childish was over, not that she ever had time to be a child. And for once, she didn’t fight him or argue. She had understood that she would never win by being an enemy. 
They had to trust her, to give her freedom and access to the secrets of Hell… 
So she became his apprentice and after two long years of following his rules and pretending to care, she was getting closer and closer everyday to her goal.
Getting out of Hell.
She grew colder with age, serious, harsh, anything they wanted her to be. Some days, she barely remembered it was an act, she was getting used to give orders and look at her surroundings with always the same dark threatening eyes. She was becoming the Queen Crowley wanted her to be. 
But when she visited him, the man she fell in love with years ago, she remembered who she was.
And the demons were falling right into her trap, she had to get close to them, especially her father. Crowley knew the way out, he knew everything about Hell, everything she needed to know. So she played him.
She was sitting on a chair as Crowley explained to her the importance of crossroad deals, she wasn’t really listening as she let her pencil float in circles in front of her.
She could feel the shivers on her back as the door opened, the pencil dropped to the table.
“Crowley, we need to talk,” her head snapped towards Y/n. “Alone.”
Crowley sighed deep.
“Y/n go finish up your work in your room” he snapped his fingers and mentioned to a demon to escort her back to her room.
She held her chin high as she walked out of the door towards her room, the demon hot on her heels.
When, she walked right past her door, the demon grasped her arm.
“Where do you think you’re going, missy.” 
With the flick of her wrist she had the demon pinned against the wall, she stepped closer to him and tilted her head to the side as she could hear the creature whine under her powers.
“That’s none of your business and when you get back you’ll tell them nothing, understand ?”
She clenched her fist, making the creature crack on the inside.
“Y-yes…” it whined.
“Yes who ?” she clenched her fist harder. 
“Yes… y-your majesty.” 
She released the demon and watched him scramble off. She turned around and made her way to Dean’s cell.
She no longer had to sneak around, the story of her taking on Alistair had spread like fire, and her growing attitude was convincing enough, all the demons were afraid of her now. They knew she was strong, that she became stronger every day. She could feel it : the power coursing through her veins. It made her more confident, and merciless.
She reached his door and carefully pushed it  open, a smile gracing her face when she saw him.
She was just in time, he was healed and conscious.
He lifted his head, as she came near. 
“Hey Firefly.” 
“Hi Dean.”
Every time she was near him she could feel it, the tickling in her stomach, her cheeks heated up. As fierce as she was, she got a little nervous around him, not much but seeing him always gave her a thrill. Over the years she had noticed how handsome he was, and her thoughts wandered more and more towards him when she was alone, what if they weren’t in Hell, what if she was more his age, what if…  
He sat up against the wall, letting out a deep breath.
“I could swear I heard the demons talk about you the other day.” he said. 
She tilted her head in question.
“The Queen of fire they called you, they seem scared of you. Maybe I dreamed it… I get confused, and...”
She sat down in front of him, she looked down at her hands.
“And you ?” she asked him softly, she was scared of his answer.
“What ?” he frowned. 
“Scared of me ?” she looked up at him, she could feel the tears threatening to spill out.
“No, I’m not.” He shook his head.
She nodded in silence, that was good, she was working hard to be scary, but couldn't bear the thought of Dean being afraid of her.
“You’re growing so fast, Firefly. How old are you ?” his voice contained some kind of disbelieve, like he didn’t realize it had already been around 18 years since he first saw her.
“18.” She said, giving him a small smile. 
“Time down here, it goes so slow and so fast at the same time” he scoffed.
A silence fell among them, he seemed to be better today, he was more alert and could muster up a little smile now and then. He seemed to think hard, she noticed a frown etched upon his forehead every time he tried to focus on something, the moment he was totally there were rare, maybe even more lately.
“Your powers… what are they ?” he asked. 
“I don’t know” she shrugged, she couldn’t tell him she was half demon… then he would be scared of her, hate her at least.
“You seem to be getting stronger.” he said matter of factly.
She nodded, they had to change her chains monthly now, she could break them with a snap of her fingers. Her powers were like a child going through a growth spurt where the parents couldn't keep up with buying new clothes.
Her powers weren’t the only thing changing, her body was too. She grew taller, the childish features were disappearing from her face, and her old dresses no longer fit her more curved body. She was becoming a women. A beautiful one, Crowley said, hopefully beautiful enough for their Lord. 
It was evening, at least, she had decided it was. In Hell no sunrise and no dawn, but she had found a little watch, it had belonged to her teacher’s vessel she snatched it off him, along with his arm. It was an old watch, with metal gears and little carved hands. On her desk, the ancient watch was in the center, and Y/n used it to rhythm her days. 
Nine p.m. it said, so she lit up a candle and turned off the other lights. She liked to feel the time, and darkness didn’t prevent her from reading.
She turned the old pages of the huge book she was reading, a incredible boring work about Hell’s places, how many bones were in the columns of the throne room, how the corridors were never exactly the same, how only demons, reapers or angels could find their way in this maze…
She already knew all that.
But at 9:28, as she lazily turned another page, her breath got stuck in her chest. On the yellowed paper, was a painting of the Sky Room, and a title : The Exit. 
She got up, with the book in her hands, reading fast in the dark, walking circle in her room, her purple lace dress flying behind her like the wind had risen.
The Sky Room had been an exit all this time. She had taken Dean so close to the goal this time ! If only she had knew. The book said no demon could use it -that’s why they didn’t really care about the key before Alastair took it from her-, as it worked only for souls that didn’t belong here, or that weren’t perverted yet ? It wasn’t easy to say, because enochian wasn’t easy to understand precisely. 
Dean didn’t belong here, and he for sure wasn’t perverted. Her ? That would be a good way to find out…
With the proper spell, and the key, she could at least make sure he will escape.
She sighed. Two years, two years acting like the perfect little princess to win their trust, two years of hiding the consuming hate and smile, to have access to this kind of knowledge that was hidden from her before.
All her previous researches and tries had always lead nowhere, but that sky… It was her way out, in her excitement, she attracted the little flame of the candle that came gravitate round her like a satellite.
 Alastair had taken back the key, and there was only two choices : Either he had kept it or given it to Lilith. Her heart ached a little at the idea that she walked with the key in her Teddy bear for years.
But she would find it, even if it was the last thing she did, even if she had to burn Hell down.
She took time to memorize every details of the pages about the Sky Room by heart, in case one of them remembered this one was dangerous and took it back.
Then she calmly closed it and put it on her desk, she adjusted the many muslin layers of her long and heavy dress, and started to walk out of her room, with her tiny fire star still rotating around her.
The door was locked and warded, but it opened when she came near. Outside, a huge demon in his true hideous form was guarding her door. 
“You can’t go out” he grunted, drool falling at his feet.
She didn’t answer, but when he lifted his arm to stop her, the little satellite of fire grew instantly, and became a huge and threatening ring circling her, and the demon hissed and growled, watching her sink in the corridors like a raging comet, blood puddles boiling on her tracts.
Dean’s cell was quiet, she stopped before it for a second, at this time of the artificial day, she knew he would be in a bad shape. She took a breath and plunged her hand in the big ring of fire around her, and found the tiny candle flame, she put it out between her thumb and index and the ring died. Darkness falling on her again.
She pushed the door and her bare feet under the dress met blood. Dean was laying on his side in a pool of blood, even bigger than usual, but he seemed to be in one piece... His back was on her, his head limp on the cold floor.
“Dean” she said softly, like she always did, to not frighten him.
She walked to him and kneeled, soaking her majestic dress in blood, and gently took his head in her hand, to put it on her lap.
“Hey…” she said, stroking his hair, but only his eyes moved and his lips were trembling a little. “You’re cold.”
A soft light started irradiating from her and his pupils dilated, heat started filling the room.
“F-firef…” he tried to say, stealing the saddest smile from her.
“Dean” she whispered. “I found it. I found our way out. Do you remember the Sky Room ?”
She felt him tense and hushed him softly, pushing a sticky bloody strand out of his face.
“No Dean, I figured it out” she reassured him. “It’s a way out, that’s why they got that mad when they found out I had the key. There is a spell… I’m so sorry I didn’t know back then.”
He looked up at her, his green eyes highlighted by the red surrounding them, his breathing fastened a little and she gave him a teary smile.
“It will be over in a few days, Dean” she bent to talk close to his ear. “That’s it, we’re going out. I will find the key or burn the door, you will see Sammy soon. In three days, they all leave to Earth, I will take you there and it will be over. Can you hold on three more days ?”
He nodded weakly, and a big tear cleaned a line in the middle of the blood on his temple.
She was watching him, his lips white, his lashes on his cheek since she had closed his eyes to pretend he was sleeping.
The blood had almost disappeared from his face and body, but she was still bathing in it, her dress was two-colored and she was wearing long gloves of his blood. It had been a few hours and her legs were sore, but no place was better. 
He would wake up soon now. 
She smiled down at him, thinking of him running out of Hell under the stars, of his brother’s face when he would meet him again. Would Sam be old ? Time was weird here… He would walk the streets and bathe in sun, he would eat and dance. And maybe, just maybe, she could be by his side, chose a song in one of those jukebox and turn on herself when alcohol would make her dizzy… 
His grunt made the bubble of her dream pop.
“Dean” she smiled softly.
“Firefly” he hummed, grabbing her hand on his chest to give it a squeeze. 
He tried to move but she shook her head slightly.
“Give yourself a minute, Dean” she whispered, seeing him struggle.
He closed his eyes again, still holding her hand. 
She could see the colors fill his beautiful plumb soft lips again and wondered how it would feel to touch them. To touch them with her own… A kiss was a weird gesture, why put your lips on someone else’s ? Why not hand on hand ? Or nose on nose ?... Yet, she would have given her shitty life to know what it felt like to have his lips on hers. 
When she was a little girl, she had started to dream about Life thanks to him, about nature, seeing the ocean, tasting ice cream, wandering in a city, dancing under a storm… But lately, all she could dream of was experimenting this life with him. Seeing the ocean blue reflect in those green eyes, it would make the most perfect color, eating ice cream in a theater with him, walking the streets holding his hand, kissing him under a storm…
“Did I hear correctly ?” he asked, sitting up in a grunt of effort.
“Yes, I found the way out” she nodded, remembering it might not work for her, she felt like she didn’t belong here, but she was also half demon...
“So why do you look sad ?” he frowned.
“I just don’t want them to torture you more for three days” she lied.
She just couldn’t tell him that she might be stuck. If she did, he would hesitate, and she would rather have to be Lucifer’s toy, than know Dean was being tortured forever. 
“Three days…” he gave her the most  tender smile. “I am damned for eternity, and you’re telling me I could go out in three days. That’s... “
He didn’t finish his sentence, his eyes fell on an invisible point on her dress, he seemed different, even more beautiful, his irises bright, his featured softer, lighter… Hope.
Hope suited him so well that she felt her heart flutter. How handsome would he be in happiness ? A wide smile appeared on her face, catching his attention.
“What will be the first thing you will do ?” she spoke, searching his face. 
“I…” he frowned. “I think I will find Sammy and drink a beer.” 
She didn’t answer, just looking at him in awe, imagining meeting Sam herself, tasting beer.
“Do you know where the key is ?” he asked. 
“I have a few ideas, and I can open any locks lately, I got this.”
His lips turned into a smile, a thousand of expressions in his eyes and on the corner of his lips. 
Dean had this way of holding her without reaching out at all, with the warm kindness in the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, with the moves of his mouth and the worried lines on his forehead. And right now, she was feeling his aura holding her. The learned coldness of her heart melt and the little girl she once was started crying in the pit of her soul.
“And you ?” he whispered. “What do you want to do more than anything ?”
Her eyes dived in the black of his pupils. What she wanted didn’t really depend on her freedom, and there was a big chance she would never be free anyway.
Pushed by an invisible force, or a new courage, she came closer to his face, her thumb coming up to graze the freckles on his cheeks, enjoying the sight of him clean of blood and terror. Very slowly, she bent a little on his face, her lips shyly met his cheek and she barely let them graze his soft skin.
He didn’t say a word, let her move on her knees to gently rub the side of her face on his. For a second, she could hear the nostalgic yet comforting music coming from the jukebox and feel his arms around her. She wondered if that pleasurable dizziness she felt was like the one caused by alcohol that Dean had described ; if it was, she sure understood why people drank all the time.
She felt like she was dancing, at least what she had imagined of dancing, without moving. And the air wasn’t sulfur and blood anymore, it smelled like what she thought a summer night would… She didn’t need more than Dean to feel all of that.
Her face turned slightly, her nose grazing his, and she hesitantly put her lips on the corner of his. She closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of that feathery touch, imagining all that setting around, with humans and warm lights, music, whiskey, wood, windows and wind, and laughs…
But the scenery shattered when Dean cupped her face with two big confident hands -like no one had ever held her- turned her just enough to line his lips with hers, and put a kiss on her lips.
A real kiss.
His lips were pressed against hers and it felt like their bodies were connected. She started shaking a little, moved by the most intense pleasure she had ever felt and waves of emotions.
He moved an inch back, his lips making a little noise on hers when leaving. So that was the famous sound of a kiss... It tickled a little, but before she could open her eyes, his lips met hers again, this time parting just a little, like he wanted, needed, to capture her own for himself. She parted her lips just enough for him to be able to cage her upper lip between his. Then again, and her bottom lip.
Her arms fell limp on his lap, and shivers roamed her entire body. 
He bent his head slightly to the side and she gasped a little when she felt something wet graze her mouth. It was his tongue.
She parted her lips more, and when he opened his mouth to hungrily slipped his tongue between them to caress hers, something exploded inside her.
“Deeeaaan” the dreadful voice of Alastair threatened from the corridor with an amused tone, making him break the kiss the gasp in terror.
She wrapped her arms around him, tears immediately falling on her cheeks. 
She couldn’t fight the demon, or they would find something to punish her, and he couldn’t find her with Dean, or they would watch them more… All that mattered now was the plan.
To save him, she had to abandon him now. And it was like ripping her own heart…
“Three days” she whispered and got up.
When she felt his hand slightly clinging to her in panic, she let out a silent sob.
“Dean I swear to you, look at me. I swear.”  
She wiped her face and walked behind the door at the exact second the demon entered, a brush hook in his hand... 
“Hello Dean, I prepared surprises for you, I’m pretty sure today will be the day you accept my offer.”
“Fuck you” Dean muttered through tears, making the demon laugh.
And she left in silence in his back, crushed by the idea that she could stop him now, but that it would ruin the plan.
 Dean’s Pov
The chains made it hard to breathe, impossible even, and the pain was screaming in his ears, it was one of those days, when the demon didn’t finish Dean and he was so angry at his body for resisting like that.
Had he really kissed her ?
Snake embrace, Alastair said, and tightened the chains until they broke Dean’s ribs and his back. He just wish he could faint or die.
But tomorrow… Tomorrow his Firefly would take him away. So in his misery, through the panic of suffocation, Dean clung to the only thing he had : the little light in the middle of Hell, his hope, her.
Hope made the dam break and he choked on tears, quickly silenced by the chains magically tightening more. He was going to die finally and when he will exist again… It would be tomorrow.
The door opened and she entered. 
She was like a dream in the middle of a nightmare, nothing about her fitted here. Not her kind eyes, not her beauty, her innocence. And neither her wealthy look. Her long blue silky dress had a train that left a trail of the blood it wiped off the floor, the long tight sleeves were lace covered with occasional pearl…
She looked like a mirage. Her elegant silhouette entered the room, she had pomp dress and hair but her face still showed that artless expression, and for a second in his daze, he wondered how she would look in pajamas… 
Did they really kiss ?
“Dean… Damn !” She came close but he couldn’t see her anymore, his eyes closing, rolling in his skull.
He felt her hands tug desperately at the chains and her soft voice groaning. 
And suddenly, he could breathe. He gasped and coughed and the pain of his broken ribs hit him violently, but under them, nothing. He couldn’t feel his legs or his hips…
He blinked a few times and his eyes widened : the chains were gravitating around him like flying snakes, not touching any part of his body which rested in the air.
“Dean…” her voice came through.
The chains fell and she held him, when he slowly fell on the floor, like he was in water. 
“Tomorrow” she whispered.
And he wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, how incredible. He wanted to ask her what she thought of her first kiss. She could defeat them all, and all the evil in the world… But his injuries were bad and he could feel his heart weaken.
“I know where the key is” she murmured, bending on him, her warm lips grazing on his temple. 
“Y-you’re a miracle” he managed to state.
“I’m just a girl” she answered. “But you, Dean… You are everything. You are the sunshine and the starry nights, the music and the ocean. You are snow dancing in the air, and my fireplace, you are christmas and... “ he listened, his struggling heart growing even in his last beats. “You’re the moon in a summer night.” 
A tear fell on his jaw and her lips pressed to his temple more, her voice broke a little. 
“You are love” she almost whined.
He shakily found her hand, and grazed it with his last strength. He could feel what she was saying, her love was irradiating of her and he wondered how that kid could have grown that kind of feelings in here, and for such a wreck…
“I love you” she whispered. “I love you so much…”
His eyes stilled as his last thought, thanks to her, was a hope again : She will get out of here, and see real snow, and she will learn to love…
 Reader’s POV 
To see his ever so vibrant green turn cold and still, was a sight she would never get used to, no matter the fact she knew he was gonna come back. She carefully closed his eyes, and waited for him to open them again.
She held him for hours, felt how his body turned cold and stiff. She couldn’t imagine the feeling when death is permanent, because that was the only good thing in Hell, death wasn’t the end.
She had hoped to see his eyes open before she had to go back, but they didn’t. She took out her watch and she knew she had to go back to Crowley for her next lesson, she had to leave him again, or the plan would be ruined.
She placed her lips on his forehead and squeezed her eyes tightly as she felt his ice cold skin beneath them. 
“I’ll be back, I promise Dean, I won’t leave you. You’ll get to see Sammy again.” She carefully wrapped her arms around his back, her hand holding the back of his head. 
“I love you” she told him once more as she laid him carefully back down.
She would give everything not to have to leave now, but she couldn’t. But things would get better, tomorrow, he would feel the sun on his skin again.
Standing up, she looked back one last time from the doorframe, just to see if she could catch her favorite green one last time, but he was still inert. With a sigh she pulled the door closed behind her and went back to her room.
She stopped behind the corner of her room at the sound of Crowley’s voice.
“Why isn’t she in her room !” he snapped. 
She was late…
“I swear she was here a second ago, sir” the coward demon answered him, even she could hear he was lying.
“Find her now !” Crowley yelled, she could hear the nails of the demon scraping against the floor as it hurried off.
“You know just as much as me where she is, Crowley” Lilith sighed, surprising Y/n.  
She had the key.
“Why is she so interested in that Winchester, he’s no different from the rest. He’s messing her up” Crowley grunted.
They knew ! Since when ? She always had been careful about it, this was bad, but, her plan was still going, they didn’t know about that. They couldn’t.
“Maybe he is, but he also made her go after Alistair, without him she would never have grown so strong so fast” Lilith stated. “She’s becoming too strong and you know it, Crowley. Every one of my demons is scared of her, calling her the ‘Queen of fire’. I’m the Queen Crowley, she’s Lucifer’s WHORE !”
The walls trembled with her voice. 
“And yet, what can we do ? I lock her, I punish her…” Crowley snapped at her. 
“We’re running out of options here, we need Lucifer and we need him fast” the Queen said.
“I think we can deal with a child without our Lord” her father chuckled darkly. “Unless you too fear the Queen of Fire ?”
She heard a muffled thud followed by Crowley’s grunting. 
“You might not be able to hold her back” Lilith groaned. “But she is still a long way from taking me down. So watch your tone with me, you slug.”
Maybe it was the distance or the way Lilith’s voice bounced against the walls of the corridor, but Y/n wasn't mistaking, she could hear fear.
Lilith was afraid, afraid of her.
Y/n couldn’t help the grin that formed on her face. She would get the key, Dean would be free.
She hurried around the corner to the small library to grab some books, she turned back to go to her room.
With the books grasped in her arms she passed the door. Lilith turned to her as she let Crowley drop down from where she had him pinned against the wall.
“Y/n! Where have you been ?” Crowley gasped.
She held her chin high, and looked Lilith in the eyes. The years of being terrified of the Queen of Hell were over.
“In the library.” she said as she mentioned to the books in her hands.
“You stay in your room until I tell you you can leave, that’s the rule Y/n.” Crowley took the books from her to see what she was reading.
“More crossroads lore ?” he questioned. 
Y/n shrugged, crossing her arms.
“It’s interesting” she lied, hoping he would buy it. 
“Whatever, you will eat dinner with me tonight” he sighed.
She frowned, that rarely happens. The only times Crowley asked her to join him, it was to introduce her to yet another monster. 
“Why ?” she asked. 
“Because I say so” Lilith told her coldly. 
Lilith would eat with them ? Something was up, she could see it in the Queen’s horrible glare, and feel it in the shivers along her spine, but Y/n ignored it. Just a few hours from now, she would be out of here, or at least Dean would be. If anything, this gave her another opportunity to get the key.
“I look forward to it, your majesty” Y/n gave the mother of demons a sinister smile. 
They all sat down at the big table which was covered in food; a big pig with an apple in its mouth, grapes, red wine, bread and a dozen cakes, about everything you could think of was on this table.
Which was a shame, demons didn’t need to eat. Only she ate but, still, she could survive without it for longer than a normal human, and could never eat more than a fragment of this ridiculous display.
“So Y/n you’re probably wondering what all this is about ?” Lilith said as she watched her for the corner of her eye.
Y/n took her fork in her hand, making sure to keep up her pinky finger up, she had gotten enough beatings for forgetting it.
“Yes, I can’t help but do” she said, her mind was reeling with a way to get the key from Lilith.
The demons she had threatened had told her Lilith had the key, getting it from her would not be easy...
But not impossible.
“Lucifer is coming and you need to be prepared... ready” Crowley piped up.
“Prepared ? For what ?” she knew she was meant to be his slave, his wife in her father’s mind, like it could happen… but she didn’t understand why they said she wasn’t ready, prepared how ?
“Well, first, you’re not ready to talk to him, not with that tone for instance” Lilith sneered. 
“Lucifer will need you, your powers to be more precise” Crowley told her.
“For what purpose does he need them ?” she frowned. “He is far more powerful than me, unless...” she looked at both of them “he is not ?” 
Lilith laughed out loud, an ominous and mocking laugh that made Y/n want to drag Lilith through the halls of Hell and cast her in the deepest pit she could find. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, girl, no one is stronger than Lucifer. He will use your powers as a weapon… Or your belly” she grinned sardonically.
“A weapon” she repeated, putting her fork in her plate. “What do you mean my belly ?” she  dared asking, the idea of the answer making her nauseous.
“To bring Hell upon the Earth” Lilith smiled.
No… not Earth ! That meant when she would get Dean out, it would all be for nothing ! Anger rose in her core, she could suddenly feel her ears burn with that rage she knew so well. When will they stop ? When will he be allowed to be happy ? Why soil everything ! She couldn’t let that happen. 
“No” she stated, trying to hold her fury hidden deep inside of her.
Crowley’s had snapped towards Y/n.
“No ? Darling, you don’t really have a say in it” he laughed.
“I control my powers. I won’t do it !” she said, trying to weight her words.
“And why not ? You never even saw Earth, what do you care for it” Lilith got up from her chair.
It was the home of the man she loved.
“There are innocent people there. I just… I won’t do it.”
Lilith stood next to her, her hand grasped the back of her head, her fingers tangled in Y/n’s hair, pushing her down to the table, her face now in her plate. Y/n gasped, the rage inside her once again drowned by humiliation, like it had been so often in her life.
“Like daddy said,” she bent down to whisper in Y/n’s ear. “You don’t have a say in it.”
A necklace slipped out of the demon’s dress and dangled in front of her face. 
The key ! 
Y/n was so close to grasp it… So close to freedom. Her heart started pounding in her chest and flashes of Dean in pieces came in her mind, making her more determined than she had ever been.
She started to vibrate underneath Lilith’s hand, she could almost taste her rage on her own tongue. Her body curled inwards, her breath slow and focused, her hair started to flow, she opened her eyes and could see herself light up in the reflection of the silver gravy boat that was placed on the table.
With a powerful blast of fire everything around her vaporized to dust as Crowley and Lilith flew pinned against the walls. 
“I WON’T DO IT” her voice was unrecognizable, it sounded like she was speaking with a thousand voices at the once. 
She was floating high in the middle of the room, she spread her arms and could feel two fiery wings erupt from her back, so big they touched each side of the room.
She would get out. She wouldn’t take any of their punches, any of their humiliations. And Dean wouldn’t spend another night in that cell. She was getting out. Now.
Her eyes focussed on the key around Lilith’s neck, with a nod of her head the chain snapped and the key flew into her hand like she was the magnet.
“YOU WON’T STOP ME” she clenched both her fist, the flames around her growing with the rage inside her as she forced the demons out of their vessels.
A force that wasn’t hers made the room colder. Her head snapped towards Lilith who seemed to be whispering something. 
“L-Lilith” Crowley yelled.
Y/n felt an invisible cord wrap around her feet, it tugged her down violently to the floor with one hard pull. Her wings disappeared, Lilith ran towards Y/n and threw a small vile in front of her, it caught fire and followed a line all around her.
She felt herself growing weaker and weaker, the more she fought the heavier everything got.
“Stop trying Y/n, you’re trapped, no way you can cross that.” Crowley said as he wiped the dirt of his dress pants.
“You really thought you were gonna get out ?” Lilith sneered at her, a wicked grin on her face.“Oh and you wanted to take the Winchester boy with you ?” she was now laughing out loud.
Y/n crawled to the edge of the fire ring around her, heavy and beaten, but met an invisible wall, icy and crackling, she couldn’t pass. She used all her strength, all her rage, but the anger was just a stomachache now, and her body was a prison. She was trapped. 
“Told you the spell would work.” Crowley told Lilith, with that fear hidden in his voice, the voice he had when he felt like he had to protect himself. He wouldn’t help her. 
Lilith leaned closer to her, victory on her face.
“I got you now, don’t ever think you are stronger than me. It’s over.” 
No… it couldn’t be, she had to get Dean out of here, she promised him… She swore. Dean was waiting for her, she couldn’t let him down…
Her ribs became too tight and a sob of supplication escaped her mouth. She lifted an arm, in a last attempt to resist, but despair was even heavier on her back, than the spell was.
“Bring her to my cage” Lilith said, opening the door to the demons on the other side, intrigued by the noise.
“No no, please no.” Y/n started, she knew by now that Lilith intended to lock her up for good this time. 
The thought of Dean waiting for her was unbearable… He would be waiting… forever. In a strangled sob, she clutched the key in her hand so hard it snapped. She looked down at her hand, it was broken…
“It’s a fake” Lilith clenched her fist and Y/n rose up, gasping for air. “You think I would walk around it with around my neck ? I’m not stupid.” 
Some demons grasped Y/n by her foot to tug down to the ground so  they could put new chains around her. She couldn’t move, crying like she had never cried, not even as a child. She wasn’t crying for herself, she wouldn’t mind dying. 
She was crying for Dean. Every single one of his cuts would be on her from now, every one of his lonely nights, of his fears and burns… For eternity. 
On her.
Once the chains were secured the demons started dragging her to her new ‘room’.
“Oh and” Lilith started, the demons stopping at the sound of her voice, she looked down at Y/n laying chained on the floor, silent tears rolling down her face.
“I’ll take care of Mr. Winchester.”
Next Chapter in @roonyxx​‘s blog
Forever Tags : @parinarain​ @animegirlgeeky​ @mogaruke​ @masterof-agony​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​ @deans-baby-momma​ @roonyxx​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @emeow1496​ @daryldixonandfrogs​ @holylulusworld​  @cocklesbelli​ @sandlee44​ @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx​ @stormchasingchick32​ @akshi8278​ @magssteenkamp​ @sister-winchesters99​ @neii3n​  @lyss-dw79​ @im-a-shrub​ @sadwaywardkid​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​ @i-love-superhero​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @stylesismyhubs​ @deanwanddamons​ @jawritter​ @peridottea91​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​ @vicmc624​ @teresa-67​ @jessie-michael​
Firefly Tags: @waywardsistersandpie​​​ @jessica-marsh09​​ @teller258316​
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benedictscanvas · 4 years
all the wrong places [1/7] - spencer reid x reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: It only takes a moment for Spencer to realise that he doesn’t just want to marry you someday, he wants to marry you as soon as he possibly can. But since he can’t come up with a solid plan, he turns to his BAU family for help in planning the most important day of his life so far. Is that a mistake? Most definitely.
Warnings: Series probably aren’t meant to be exclusively fluffy, but this one practically is! I need some fluff in my life, damn it! There may be some mention of regular Criminal Minds things, some language but mostly just good ol’ Spence lovin’
a chapter every day for seven days! (20-26th July 2020) so please drop an ask if you’d like to be tagged <3
Chapter One - The Element of Surprise
The Monday morning was entirely normal in every way, apart from the fact that Spencer had been impromptu ring shopping the day before, alone, and had bought what he believed to be the perfect ring. It was in his satchel, because if there was one thing you would never mess with, it was his satchel. There was nowhere safer, but his palms were sweating as the two of you took the elevator up to your floor anyway and he had to wipe them on his cardigan twice.
So perhaps it wasn’t a normal Monday morning.
“Good morning, lovebirds!” Derek called as you both walked through the glass doors and greeted him with smiles, “Have a nice weekend?”
Oh, shit. In all his planning and scheming and panicking, he had forgotten the excuse he had used on Sunday to go ring shopping without any questioning.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Spencer said, slipping on his shoes, “If you’d rather I cancelled, stayed home with you, I wouldn’t mind.”
“Spence, it’s fine! Go have your special BFF lunch with Derek, I’ve got plenty to be getting on with here,” you said seriously, getting up from your chair to meet him at the door, “Love you.”
You kissed him, lingering a little too long, or not long enough maybe, before shooing him out of the door with a loving smile.
But there had been no BFF lunch, no lunch at all, in fact, because he had forgotten to eat entirely as he went from shop to shop in desperation. And now he had to think on his feet before Derek ruined everything.
“Would’ve had a nicer weekend if you hadn’t taken this one away from me most of Sunday,” you said playfully, leaning into Spencer with a hand on his chest and he wrapped an arm around your waist despite his internal turmoil, because it was the most natural thing in the world.
Derek’s brow furrowed, but Spencer’s eyes widened as he stared at Derek over the top of your head. He just stared, wide-eyed, until their gazes met and Spencer made the best face he could to tell him what he needed to know.
Go with it. Just fucking go with it!
“Well, you know me,” Derek chuckled and though Spencer thought it sounded awkward he was really hoping you didn’t, “Can’t be kept from my pretty boy for long! In fact, I need to talk to him now.”
“Again?” you rolled your eyes but you were already pushing away from Spencer and he already missed you, “You two boys and your guy talk. I’ll leave you to it.”
You squeezed Spencer’s forearm before you left, a silent declaration, and soon you were sitting on Emily’s desk and chatting away like nothing weird had just happened. You didn’t look shifty or like you were talking about him. He sighed in relief. He was safe for now.
“You mind telling me-”
“Not here,” Spencer hissed, eyes darting around the bullpen, “Come on!”
And with that, he lead Derek to the coffee room even though he looked decidedly less than impressed by what he’d been dragged into. When they got there, Spencer shut the door behind them and turned to Derek, whose arms were folded across his chest.
“What in the hell are you playing at, Reid? Why are you using me to lie to Y/N?”
“Woah woah, lie is not the right word. Well, it is the right word but it doesn’t sound right. I’m not lying to Y/N, I would never lie to her, I love her Derek, you know that and actually that’s part of why this is happening because I lov-”
“Pretty boy. Slow down. Explain it to me in as few words as you can manage.”
Spencer finally took in a breath and let it out slowly. He fought to find his words, and luckily Derek stayed quiet while he tried to find them.
“I told Y/N you invited me to lunch because I needed to go ring shopping,” he eventually said, all matter of fact, despite the fact that Derek’s eyes were bugging out of his head, “I needed an excuse to go out. Sorry for dragging you into this.”
Did Derek have tears in his eyes? He definitely had tears in his eyes.
“My man!” he exclaimed, clapping him on the shoulder after a few moments of processing, “I’m so proud of you, Reid. You could’ve invited me to come with you, you know.”
“If I was inviting anyone, it would’ve been JJ,” Spencer said without hesitation, and Derek scoffed goodnaturedly, “But I didn’t even invite her. I don’t know, I-I like to think I know Y/N better than...better than anyone.”
His voice got quiet towards the end. He knew that a lot of people didn’t go ring shopping on their own, but he just felt like he knew what you would like. Understated, with a flash of sparkle that you could grin at under the low lights of the jet on the way back from a case. It was exactly what he’d found, four hours in.
“You do, kid,” Derek reassured him, before his eyes glinted with something mischievous, “Now, are you gonna show me the ring or what?”
Spencer chuckled, but he couldn’t stop smiling now that his best friend knew of his plans, so he took the box out of his satchel and opened it. Derek bit his lip.
“You think she’ll like it?”
Derek just nodded, opening his arms and bringing him in for a rare hug. Spencer could tell it was a ‘proud’ hug. It only made him grin more. When they pulled away from each other, Derek started on making the two of them coffee, since returning from the room without one would make them look suspicious. Spencer made sure to get out a third mug so he could take you one as well.
“So when are you doing it? You’ve brought it with you today, have you got something planned?”
“No!” he replied, almost too loudly, “No, no. I have...literally nothing planned. I don’t know how or when or where to do any of it. It has to be perfect, you know?”
“However you do it will be perfect to her, because she loves you,” Derek said seriously, even though he was still focused on the coffee, “But you want my advice?”
Spencer didn’t say anything, because Derek was going to give his advice anyway.
“Element of surprise. That’s what’s gonna work with Y/N. You wait too long and she’ll start to get an idea that you’re gonna do it. She’s a damn good profiler. You want to do it soon to make sure she never sees it coming.”
That was...not bad advice from Derek. He’d given him much worse advice before. Especially when it came to women. Whilst Spencer liked to think he was well past the point where he needed Derek’s advice on the female mind, perhaps in this case it wasn’t the worst advice he could take.
“Thanks, Derek. I’ll think on it.”
“Just don’t think too long!” Derek announced happily, grabbing his mug and letting Spencer grab his own and yours. But there was so much to think about, it was bound to take him awhile. He re-entered the bullpen, pace slow as he concentrated on not spilling a drop, finding you had settled down at your desk for a day of paperwork that would most likely be interrupted by an incoming case at any moment. It was a miracle he’d even had time for his chat with Derek, really.
He placed the mug on your desk without a word and you startled a little at the action.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly but you shook your head.
“I really need to get less jumpy,” you laughed, “Thanks for the coffee, babe.”
“No worries,” he said easily, but his hand was toying with the tiny box over the leather of his satchel. Could he just…? No surely not...but maybe…? Spontaneity was important right? And this was where you met, all those years ago. Where you became best friends in a matter of months. Where you fell in love in the late hours of the evening when almost everyone else had vanished.
He began to kneel down, but you didn’t even turn to face him. Instead, you scoffed. You scoffed.
“You need me to teach you how to do your laces again, Reid?” you asked jokingly, as he knelt on the floor beside your chair, looking up at you dumbfounded, “How you’ve never tripped over yourself on a case, I do not know.”
It clicked. You thought he was redoing his laces. His face fell, but you weren’t even watching, so it didn’t matter. There was no way he was going through with this stupid, spontaneous plan now. How had he ever thought this was a good idea? Somehow, he had managed to surprise himself so much with his actions that you hadn’t even realised what was happening.
“Actually, I have tripped on a case before,” he managed to get out after a few moments, “Before you joined the team.”
And this time, you turned to him, just as he pretended to finish redoing his laces and stood up. He was a good bit taller than you standing, so he towered above you when you sat down. You looked up at him playfully and reached out to play with the end of his cardigan. He blushed despite himself.
“Now that is a story I just have to-”
“Conference room, now.”
Hotch’s voice cut through the exchange and you sat back and away from Spencer in an instant. You were both used to being professional when it came to cases, letting your chemistry seemingly disappear when it was necessary before sparking it back up on the jet back home. So you stood without touching him again and tilted your head towards Hotch.
“Better listen to the boss,” you said with a sigh, packing up your desk. Spencer hadn’t even started work yet, it felt like. He’d been just a little preoccupied, “But you’ll tell me that story later, right?”
“I will,” he confirmed and you gave him that look. You could communicate very well through looks. This one told him that you would definitely have kissed him if you weren’t at work. He didn’t even realise he was smirking.
You just nudged him with your elbow on your way past and he followed you as you hopped up the steps to where the rest of the team were headed. There was a joke exchanged between you and Dave on the way, and your laugh floated backwards to him.
He really needed to come up with a plan. A decent one.
series tags! (ily all <3)
@mrs-dr-reid @soda610 @alexxcorona113 @thupidalethea @may-beforejune-afterapril @ilovesupersoldiers @hurricanejjareau​
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