#but the funny thing is that they were actually glued to the video!! and asking questions abt the story happening!!!
hua-fei-hua · 1 year
HAPPY! BIRTHDAY! part2 bc i realized its also wipwednesday :3c you should post a snippet for old times sake
HI HIIII THANK YOU STAR!!!! i honestly thought you were finally gonna deliver on that promise to ask abt the yaoi metanarrative so that i could have a reason to rant about it to people but like mark my worms that will be up on the neocities anyway soon enough
also EXCUSE U. we did six sentence sundays not wip wednesdays smh
fortunately For You i have Actually Written.... 197 words today (so far) so there is indeed something new for you to see hehehe
this is so hard none of them feel particularly good out of context. here's something i wrote on a car ride in my talk-to-self discord channel that has no context whatsoever:
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will it ever be used for anything?? idk!! it'll probably be worked into something, if i remember it hehe
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bbydoll18xx · 25 days
I'll Be Your Temporary Fix (Pt 3)
Paige Bueckers x Media Team Reader
Read parts 1 and 2 here: Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 based on this request: 
Could you do a Paige x media team reader. Where Paige and reader are fake dating because Azzi is uncomfortable with the fans shipping her and Paige. Reader does it cus she owes Paige a favor (you can make something up).
Word Count: 1.9k
Hey everyone! Due to popular demand, here is part 3! This part is more angsty and is heavily inspired by my personal anthem 'The Bolter' by Taylor Swift (she really is my muse these days lol)
I hope you enjoy!
You wake up the next morning with sunlight streaming through the windows and a warm blonde cuddled into your neck. Paige is close, so close to you, and you can feel the tangled mess of the both of your legs underneath the blankets. 
It feels a little too perfect, and before you can begin to enjoy Paige’s sleepy affection, a wave of anxiety washes over you. It envelops you; a dark hood pulled over your head and blinding you from seeing the light that was Paige. 
Your chest begins to rise and fall in staccato breaths, and your labored breathing causes Paige to stir. She sleepily looks at you with a small smile. You had always loved the way she looked in the morning; her hair splayed over the pillows and her warmth beckoning to you, threatening to keep you in bed forever. 
Her voice is still husky with sleep, and it rouses you from your slumberous contemplations. “Mornin’ baby.” 
Hiding your blush in the soft blankets, you reply back shyly, “Hi, P.” Her gaze is heated, and it makes every nerve light up with warning signs. The whole situation was paradoxical, and you found yourself wanting to swim in her presence and run for the hills, simultaneously. 
Fighting the urge to jump from the bed and leave without turning back, you snuggle back into Paige’s arms, eliciting content moans from the both of you. 
You stay like that for a while, until a loud grumble from Paige’s stomach cuts through the silence, causing you both to giggle. 
You stumble out of Paige’s bed, reluctant to leave the cocoon of safety and warmth, in search of breakfast. You both sit at the small kitchen table with bagels in front of you, slightly overlooked in favor of your phones. You are scrolling Twitter, while Paige is on tiktok, and you periodically show each other if you see something particularly funny. The public is going wild over your little display at the bar last night. There are already edits galore, and it fucking terrifies you. 
Paige’s eyes are glued to the screen of her phone, and her stony face gives you no glimpse of what she is actually thinking. Until you see her bite her bottom lip, and she darts her tongue out to swipe across it. It brings some blood to your cheeks, and your head feels fuzzy. 12 hours ago you were the one sinking your teeth into the pillowy flesh of her bottom lip, and here you sat across from her, wondering if you’d ever be able to again. 
The questions in your mind have you wanting to bound away once more, and you grip the edge of the table in a feeble attempt at grounding yourself back to reality. You didn't think you’d ever even have a chance to be anything more than friends with Paige. And here you were eating breakfast with her after kissing her and cuddling in her bed. 
You were so fucked. 
You replay the last few days in your head once more. You knew this whole thing was such a bad idea, but you really could not help yourself. Clearly, or you wouldn’t be sitting across from Paige right now.
Trying to pacify your bubbling panic, you ask to see Paige’s phone, wanting to see what the fuss was about. She smirks as she hands it to you, fingers brushing against yours with a kind of sheer electricity you had never felt with anyone else. You shudder at the contact, hoping to blame it on the chill of her slim fingers. 
Avoiding her eye contact and glancing down at the screen, you see video upon video of the kiss, backed with sensual music that has your heart pounding. 
“Oh, my gosh,” you mutter, embarrassed at the amount of views and comments all of the tiktoks had. The bar was not quite as dark as you remembered, giving the cameras of the onlookers the perfect view of your little make-out session. 
You watch yourself kiss Paige a second time, forgetting that the aforementioned blonde was sitting right in front of you. It was your turn to bite your own bottom lip at the sultry music playing, eyes still glued to the way Paige had one hand loosely resting against your throat and the other on your jaw. Your hands were on her waist, pulling her closer and closer into you. 
She would never be close enough. 
Paige clears her throat, breaking you out of the trance from watching that damn kiss. “I think it was pretty believable, huh?” 
It was hard to hear her over the blood rushing in your ears. “Um, yeah. I think so…Listen I’m glad I could help you and Az, but I gotta go.”
Paige’s face is shocked at your sudden excuse, and before she can even attempt to stop you from fleeing, you are already running around gathering up your clothes from last night.
“I’ll return your sweats after I wash ‘em,” you mumble, already halfway out the door. The door closes with a slam, and then nothing but silence. Paige looks around, her beautiful features twisted in a look halfway between stunned and horrified. 
What had she done?
Little did she know that you were a bolter. 
‘The bolter’ was fondly coined to you by your friends. You had craved a real, all-consuming love for many years, but everyone always left. So you learned to leave first. You kept your hopes low, thus ensuring no one could get them up and leave you shattered. And here you were drowning in Paige, and she had all the power over you. And you hated that.
Walking back to your dorm, you vowed to avoid the blonde until your emotions were fully in check; you needed your “ice queen” persona back. You knew it’d be difficult considering your job was to chronicle her life, but you were really fucking stubborn.
You refused to let your intimacy issues and your deep-rooted fear of being hurt ruin Paige’s lively disposition.
You spend the next several days engulfing yourself in schoolwork and your media job. Paige reaches out to you several times, but she gets left on read, causing a pang of guilt to shoot through you. You knew it was for the best. 
But was it really?
You are pulled out of your thoughts a few evenings after leaving Paige by a pounding at your door. Your phone was open to tik tok once more, the images of you and Paige kissing had been like a drug to you; it was getting impossible to avoid. 
With an exasperated huff, you drag yourself off of your chair to open the door, and you are greeted with the harsh expressions of Nika and Azzi. 
Before you can even attempt to settle their apparent fury, the two girls are barging into your room, gesturing to you to take a seat. Reluctantly doing so, in an effort to avoid pissing them off even more, you look up at them and wait for the diatribe to follow. 
Shockingly, it doesn't come. As you study their faces, they morph into genuine looks of hurt and disappointment. Somehow, that makes you feel worse. 
Azzi starts. “You want to explain to us why you’re ignoring Paige all of a sudden?”
“It wasn’t on purpose…” you trail off. 
Lies. Such lies.
You take a beat to gather your thoughts before continuing. “I don’t want to hurt her. But I can’t let myself get hurt either.”
Nika scoffs indignantly. “Please, Paige would never hurt you. We all know that.”
“I don’t know that,” you stress. “It’s killing me to think that I’m upsetting her, but it’s for the best. I’m terrible in relationships. The lines were already too blurry. I just drew the line in the sand before anything else could happen.”
Azzi flashes her puppy dog eyes at the hurt in your voice, and wraps a comforting arm around you.
“Life is too short to mourn something that’s still living,” she says wisely. “You’re missing out on a lot of happiness with that mindset.”
You knew there was some truth to her words, and taking a deep breath, you promised to reach out to Paige once your thoughts were in order. 
Feeling satisfied with your answer, Nika and Azzi left, but not without several threats. You couldn’t fuck this up this time.
Abandoning every instinct inside your body, you make the familiar trek back to Paige’s apartment. Your mind was racing, trying to find the words to the feelings that had been consuming you for an endless amount of time. Your legs carry you until you stop in front of the same door you had hurried out of a few days prior. A hand reaches up to knock, defiantly separating you from the dread that was attempting to stop you.
A few seconds pass, and you hold in a shaky breath in the anticipation of seeing your beautiful Paige once more. The door cracks open hesitantly, her blue eyes peering around the edge of it. Your heart breaks once your eyes are finally able to fully feast upon her features. She looks absolutely ruined. Her usually bright face was broken and expressionless, and it was hard to miss the darkness under her eyes. 
Tears spring to your eyes at her misery, and you immediately pull her into a hug.
“I’m so fucking sorry, P. I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.” The apologies fall out of your mouth like an incantation, desperate to fix your mess. 
Paige sniffles into your hair, and you want to fall apart once more. Moving your hands to her face, you wipe away the tears that had already fallen, silently vowing to never make her cry again. 
“What did I do?” she asks quietly, feeling humiliated that you had seen her in such a vulnerable state. 
“Nothing except give me the best kiss of my life. And I got scared. And when I’m scared, I run,” you whisper, still cradling her head in your small, shaking hands. 
“I messed up, not you. My feelings started consuming me, and I was so worried that once we didn’t have to pretend to date anymore, I would fall apart. Because I need you. I need you, Paige, and that fucking scares me.” 
You were being verbose at this point, hoping you could convince her. 
Paige finally looks at you, her eyes rimmed with red, and whispers “I need you, too.”
You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, and pulled her back into you once more, stroking her hair.  
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, soaking in each other’s presence that had been missed by the both of you. Once yours and Paige’s faces have dried up, and you are swaddled into her warm embrace again, you look up at her with a small smile on your face. 
“You think we could kiss like that again?” 
Paige just grins in response and pulls you in.
She was never letting you leave again, and you were no longer going to be the bolter.
Ta-da! What do we think? Should I write a part 4?
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mypoisonedvine · 9 months
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 | 5.2k (including intro)
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut (18+ only), enemies to lovers, sub!neil/dom!reader, slightly dubious consent?, orgasm control/denial, praise and degradation, oral sex m receiving, come eating, riding, a touch of breeding kink, semi public sex
do NOT read this until you have read the FIRST PART or it won't make any damn sense!!
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"So, whaddya say, Mr. Lewis?"
"I say… suck my dick," he returned with a smug smile.
You just laughed.  "Maybe I would if I thought you could last more than thirty seconds."
His face got a little redder as he glanced away.  "Seriously?  You think I'm that helpless?"
You shrugged.  "I think I'm that good."
He looked at your face for a moment, a certain look in his eyes— a look that made it seem like he wanted to take you up on the challenge.  “Of course you do,” he smirked, “guys probably tell you you’re funny, too.”
“Sometimes,” you agreed, “but I’m not joking now.”
He stiffened up a bit.  “I don’t have a stamina problem,” he assured.
"If you're so confident, let's bet on it," you offered.  "I’ll blow you, and if you last thirty seconds or less, I'm buying the place.  More than that, you'll never have to see me again."
“Jesus,” he sighed, avoiding your gaze for a moment.  “Is that really how you make a deal?”
“It’s one way we could make this deal,” you returned, “and it sounds like a lot more fun than all the other ways.”
“You have an unfortunate habit of overestimating yourself,” he noticed.
“Then this should be easy for you.”
He hesitated, laughing nervously, but you stared forward so he knew you were serious.  After a tense pause, in which he opened and shut his mouth a few times as if nearly saying several different things, he sighed a bit.  “O-okay, yeah,” he relented, and you had to fight back a smile— not because you were actually that excited to suck some random video store owner’s dick… but because you were pretty confident that you just bought yourself some prime real estate and that promotion you’d been gunning for.  “S-so, um, how do we—?”
You cut him off by pushing him back into his chair with a grin, already loving the slight look of desperation on his face as he looked up at you.  "Let me get a little more comfortable first," you explained as you slipped your blazer off and tossed it aside.  
Then the shirt— one button at a time, not too slowly but without any sense of urgency.  “Y-you don’t have to do all that,” he promised thinly.
“Be patient,” you encouraged with a wink, “I just can’t afford for you to… stain any of this.  I have to go back to the office today, you know.”
He nodded a little in understanding, his chest filling and sinking a little more with each breath as he watched you strip.  For something you’d managed to spin as practical, you were doing it with a bit of… flair, slowly pulling the shirt off your shoulders and dropping it to the floor as his eyes were glued to your chest.  Of course, it helped that this bra wasn’t exactly ‘practical’ either… you only let your eyes drop for a second to the growing bulge in his jeans.
You started to push your skirt down, watching his eyes follow the fabric as more skin was revealed, only to tug it back up just before you got anywhere too exciting.  "Or maybe I should leave this on," you decided, making him whine and look up at your face pleadingly.
"C-c'mon," he panted.
"Maybe if you ask nicely…" 
He hissed in a breath through his teeth.  "Please…" he whispered.
"Please take it off," he sighed, and you smirked at the way his hips jumped up a bit as you pushed it down to reveal your matching panties.  “Fuck,” he choked, “you dressed up like that just to come here?”
You shook your head.  “I had other plans today,” you offered cryptically, and if he was going to ask more questions about that, he forgot them when you stepped out of the skirt and right up to where he was sitting.  “Should I leave these on?” you asked as you ran a finger along the top of your thigh-high stockings, seeing him struggle to form a thought as he looked at them and then back up at you.
“Y-yeah, maybe… maybe leave those on,” he breathed, “the floor might be cold.”
“Oh,” you cooed, “you’re such a gentleman.”
You knelt down in front of him, rubbing your hands up his thighs through the jeans as he swallowed thickly.  Each time you slid your hands over his legs, you moved a little higher, until you were just barely brushing over the bulge under his fly.  You bit your lip and looked up at him, savoring the nervous expression he was wearing.
You opened the button of his jeans, and took your time with the zipper; you giggled a bit when you felt his cock flex, even through all the layers of clothing.  
“You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you?” you teased in a soft voice.
“N-no,” he denied.  
“Really?  You never wanted me on my knees in front of you?” you pressed.
“Well, that’s sort of a different question,” he breathed, whining slightly under his breath when you got his fly open and reached in to rub him through his boxers.  “Oh, t-take it out,” he instructed, but you just laughed.
“Let me do this my way,” you replied, and he seemed to realize then that you were teasing him on purpose, to make his side of the bet all that more difficult.  It would’ve been reasonable for him to call you out on your cheating, but he was too busy reaching forward to feel your tits through the bra; he groaned a little, squeezing them eagerly.
You did take it out, of course, after barely a minute of teaching him through the fabric, and you bit your lip as you wrapped your fingers around his warm, firm length.  It was a little bigger than you bargained for, but you weren’t exactly worried— after all, you were going to make sure you didn’t have to do this for very long.
Licking your lips as you stroked it— and trying to make it look like an instinctive move rather than a deliberate choice— you watched him as he stared down at your face and then your hand, a drip of clear precum already leaking from the slit.  You hummed as you picked up your pace a little, still mostly just exploring him, but squeezing him in your palm too just to watch him squirm a bit.
You leaned in and gave it one long lick, with just the tip of your tongue, all the way from the base to the head, and he hissed a little with his next breath as he stared down at you.  You hummed at the slightly salty taste as you lapped up the thin arousal, and his chest sank with a long breath.
"Okay," you smiled, "you can start counting now."
"O-one," he choked out, voice getting thinner as you wrapped your lips around him and bobbed your head.  After all that teasing, you had to be efficient for the next thirty seconds: you sucked hard and stroked with one hand while the other slowly rubbed his balls, hoping to give him the full treatment and make this quick.  "Two, three—"
You pulled back but kept stroking him.  "Not so fast," you scolded, "look at your watch."
"Sorry, fuck, um," he groaned, glancing at his watch to try to keep the correct time.  "Two… three… four…"
Your spit was running down to smooth your hand's movements, and he groaned as he started to buck up into your mouth.  His hands held your head, fingers tangling into your hair as you kept going.
"Five, six— oh god," he moaned, head tilting back for a second… but when he looked at you again, you looked up and met his gaze.  He bit his lip, already breathing heavily as he watched you.
He never forced your head down, really, but you could feel him trying to guide you, trying to make you move a little faster and take him a little deeper.  You could do that— you moaned around him as you pretended to let him take the lead, figuring that was what he needed to feel in control right now.  But as soon as you did, he tightened his grip on your hair and tried to slow you down… and you wondered if he was already realizing this bet might have been a little out of his pay grade.
“Ten,” he choked out, groaning as you flattened your tongue more to rub along the underside of his cock.  “Ele—oh, fuck— e-eleven…”
You moaned again, one of his hands slipping down from your hair to the back of your neck, even running over your shoulder and lingering on the strap of your bra.
Speeding up slightly, you tried to subtly twist your hand while you stroked and just keep a steady pace— once you found the right thing, you just needed to stick with it, and something about the hoarseness of his voice as he moaned for you seemed like a sign you’d found the right thing.  “Baby,” he mumbled under his breath, and you had to try not to smile since it would just get in the way of things.  You would definitely not be letting him get away with calling you ‘baby’ if your mouth wasn’t full…
Even you weren’t focused on the numbers anymore, putting all your energy into this as you bobbed your head on him.
“Oh, fuck, fuck!” he yelped when his tip brushed the back of your throat.  “Twenty— oh god…”
Home stretch, just ten more seconds, you thought to yourself, if that… he sounds pretty fucked up.  And it’s not that you hated this so much, it was actually turning you on more than anything to hear him sound so desperate— but you already had your eye on the prize, and you could’ve probably attributed the wetness gathering in your panties to the mental image of telling your boss tomorrow that you finally bought out Gumshoe Video, just as much as what you were actually doing right now.
"Twenty-t-two, twenty-three," he kept going, voice getting a little deeper now, and you wondered with a hint of nervousness if he could really make it— he was flexing in your mouth already, but maybe he could hold it back.
You moved faster, pretty much as fast as you could, and shut your eyes tight as you hoped this would work— you didn’t quite realize it at the time, but you were more motivated to make him come for the sake of it, than for the consequence of owning his store as a result.
“Twenty-eight,” he gasped, and you sucked even harder as desperation started to kick in— but then he choked on a moan, and flexed in your mouth again.  "Stop, stop!" he begged suddenly, and you stilled before pulling away with a smile.
"Can't take it, huh?"
"I just need a second—"
"No, you don't get a second. I already gave you thirty," you reminded him.  “I win.”
“N-no, wait,” he panted, only to open his eyes wide when you stood up and slid into the chair with him, straddling his lap.  He looked up at you in the most adorably pathetic way, his hands shakily coming to rest on your waist.
“It won’t be so bad,” you promised, “we have fabulous benefits, you know.”
He was clearly not paying attention, whimpering as you moved forward and rubbed yourself against him through the thin lace.  “F-fuck, please,” he whispered, and you smirked.
“You wanna fuck me?” you asked, acting totally surprised by it.  “I thought you hated me.”
“Yes,” he sighed, “and yes.”
Grinning, you sat up enough to pull the panties aside and guide him to your entrance, watching him choke on nothing as you teased his head with your slick lips.  
“F-fuck, you’re wet,” he noticed, sounding more proud of himself than you intended him to be.
“I get that way when I’m about to get what I want,” you shrugged, just a moment before sinking down and taking him all in one relatively-quick motion.  He moaned loudly and held on tighter to you, but you gave him no time to rest at all as you moved right away, riding him with a contented sigh and struggling not to openly laugh at his almost-pained expression. 
Obviously, he wasn’t actually in pain, it was just a look of conflict as he realized how badly he wanted to come and how bad it would be if he came right away— but you’d brought him right to the edge, after all, and you watched physical instinct and fleeting logical reasoning battle in his eyes as his eyes watched you bouncing on top of him.
“Fuck,” you moaned softly, humming when his head rubbed right against that spot inside you— you guided your movements to hit it every time, a nice little shiver running over you.  “Fuck, Neil, it’s good…”
He was obviously affected by the praise, and you rocked your hips faster as you watched him struggle even more to hold himself together as his head tilted back against the chair.
"You'd better not come inside me, Neil," you warned sternly.  "If you do… well, let's just say as your new employer, we're proud to offer a rather generous paternity leave."
"Oh god, oh god," he choked, yet holding on tighter to your hips while you moved.
"Not gonna knock up your boss on your first day, are you?" you laughed, reveling in his panic.
"You're not my boss," he panted, "not 'til I sign the paperwork."
"Oh, honey," you purred, "I already own you."
He whined and bit his lip, shutting his eyes tight— but you couldn’t let him run away that easily, you couldn’t let him hide from what was happening to stop himself from coming too fast: so, you took his hands off your hips and guided them up to your chest, all but forcing him to feel your tits again as he moaned louder and obeyed.  “God,” he breathed, “I— I don’t know if I can take much more of this—”
You hummed with a little pout, leaning in and lifting his chin with your fingers.  “Poor thing,” you cooed just before you pressed your lips to his, kissing him hungrily while riding him even faster.
He moaned into the kiss, clearly overwhelmed but still trying to kiss you back.  When his hands moved to your hips again, trying to slow you down, you grabbed them by the wrists and pinned them down to the arms of the chair, making him groan and buck up into you.  
“Just let me use you, baby,” you breathed against his lips, making him whimper and nod.  “Y’wanna feel me come, don’t you?  You wanna make me come?”
“Yes,” he groaned, “fuck— yes, please—”
“You can take it, right?”
“God,” he winced, speaking through his teeth as you moved your kiss down to his neck.  “God, fuck— I think I can—”
“I think you can,” you agreed, “you’re gonna be good for me—”
“O-oh, fuck,” he moaned, his cock flexing inside you again when you bit playfully on his neck.  You hoped to leave a mark, thinking it would be funny to make sure he couldn’t hide what had happened— but then again, it might not be the smartest idea… not that any of your decisions in the last five minutes were based on smartness.
Your hips rocked on instinct now, pressure building and twisting inside you until you couldn’t help but drop your head back with a long sigh of pleasure.
“Please come, please come,” he begged in a weak and high-pitched whine, and as much as you were amused by his desperate attempts to get you to finish before he did, you were also pretty into it… as in, it was working.  You’d only been doing this for a few minutes, but you’d had quite a bit of fun sucking him off and, well, he looked so cute begging.
You moaned and moved a little faster, holding on tighter to his wrists.  “Fuck, I’m close,” you promised.
“Oh god, oh god,” he whined, hands tightening into fists as you held them down.  “Baby, please,” he choked, and you smiled as it hit you.  You wondered if watching you come would be enough to send him over the edge.
“Oh fuck, Neil, yes!” you shouted, hoping to give him a show so he wouldn’t be able to help himself.  “Oh my god— so good, baby, you feel so fucking good—”
“Fuck fuck fuck,” he chanted under his breath, shutting his eyes tight— but then opening one a second later and groaning at the sight of you.  
The feeling began to pass as your thighs quivered, your whole body exhausted by the motions just as much as the draining power of your orgasm.  Stilling on top of him, you let go of his wrists and sighed with relief, resting your hands on his chest.  He shuddered, and you pretended to remember that he was waiting to come.  “Oh— do you want me to—?”
“P-please,” he choked.
You pulled yourself up until he slipped out of you, both sighing for slightly different reasons.  You reached down and wrapped your hand around him, laughing softly at how swollen and reddened his tip was— it almost looked painful, and the way he winced when you gingerly stroked him almost sounded painful.
Your free hand stroked his hair as he leaned his head forward against your chest, panting with exhaustion.  “Please, please,” he whispered between breaths, over and over.
“You did good, baby,” you promised him, “you can come now—”
He groaned and did it pretty much instantly, you could feel it running down over your fingers and even getting on his shirt and pants.  You clicked your tongue pityingly as he bucked up into your hand, his face fallen slack in pleasure and weak moans falling from his full lips.
“Poor thing,” you said again, watching him go totally limp under you— and his exhausted cock starting to follow suit— as the last little drip of come ran down over your fingers.  You brought your hand up to your mouth and licked up what had gotten on you, which his sleepy eyes watched in awe.  Before you swallowed, though, you pulled him by the jaw into another kiss— slow and sloppy, feeling him shudder as he tasted his own spend.
When you figured he’d had enough, you suddenly pulled away and slipped off of his lap, putting your panties back in place and starting to pick up the clothes that had scattered on the floor.  You wondered if he would say something, though you couldn’t imagine what, but found yourself a little surprised to be dressing in silence.  Then again, when you looked over at him, he was staring forward blankly and looking absolutely drained— in every sense of the word.
After getting fully dressed— though you figured you still probably looked less composed than when you got here— you slipped back on your heels and wondered if there really was nothing else to say.  “The paperwork will come in the mail,” you informed him simply as you turned to leave, and only then did he reach out and grab your wrist.
“W-wait,” he stammered, “I— I need to know when I’ll see you again.”
You considered that for a second, eventually shrugging.  “I don’t know, I work in acquisitions— once you’re acquired, you’re not really my concern anymore.”
“Really?” he breathed, smiling but seeming sort of frustrated.  “None of what just happened seems… concerning to you?”
You laughed a little, stepping closer to him again as he finally got himself in order— and groaned a little as he realized how bad the stain was on his shirt.  “Neil, my job is pretty simple: I need to make this place profitable.  Or, I need to make you make this place profitable… that’s going to take up all of our spare time.”
“So, if we’re losing money,” he posited, raising an eyebrow, “would you need to come here and… discipline me?”
“Don’t get too excited,” you scoffed.
“Why not?  Shirt’s already ruined.”
“Listen, I know that was… great,” you sighed, “but we should still establish boundar—”
He stood up and cut you off with a kiss, sudden and needy as you sighed against him.  He reached up and held your face, before dropping his hands down your waist and pulling you closer.  You were just about to melt into it when you (mostly) came to your senses and gently pushed him back.
He was looking right into your eyes, a pleading sort of look in them, as you broke away from the kiss.  “Boundaries,” you finished in a whisper.
“Yeah— okay,” he nodded, “I can do boundaries.”
He kissed you again, both of you getting a little more desperate as your arms draped around his shoulders.  It went on for quite some time, your breathing getting heavy again and the softest moans getting muffled by his lips as his body pressed against yours.
You looked up at him expectantly when he pulled back this time, and you bit your lip a little when you realized you were down almost as bad as he was.  “I think I’m gonna like working here,” he announced with a wide smile.
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honestly-mad-person · 3 months
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★ WARNINGS: cute names, masturbation, moans, dirty language, orgasms, cum
★ Characters: Xavier x fem!reader
★ Annotation: An alternative development of events after the post "Not for You". 1/2 parts. Zane will be next. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about Rafael, as I'm not really interested in him.
★ Synopsis: One evening you decide to surprise your boyfriend Xavier and call him via video call.
After finding Xavier's contact, you press the video call button and wait for him to answer, keeping your eyes on the screen. A minute later you see your boyfriend's sleepy face.
— Something happened? Why are you calling me – he asks in his voice hoarse from sleep.
— I just missed you, Xavie, – you deliberately keep the camera at your face level, not giving him a chance to see your surprise for him. – I'm sorry for waking you up.
— Nothing, I slept almost all day, – yawning, he rubbed his eyes. – Don't you want to come to my place?
— Uh... Actually, I would like to stay at home, – a smile appears on your face when you "suddenly" lower the camera down for a second.
She has time to show Xavier your new, almost transparent underwear of a delicate blue color, through which your nipples shine.
Bringing the camera back to his face, you stifle a laugh as you watch his eyes widen at what he sees.
— Stop! What is that on you? – his voice sounded more cheerful than a minute ago and sitting in his bed, he looked at your face on the screen.
— Nothing like that, – you hold back a laugh, pretending you don't understand what he's asking.
— I just saw it, — Xavier answers briefly with an interested expression on his face.
— Oh, you mean my clothes? – lowering the camera down, you show him your breasts, allowing him to see the underwear better.
The bra was indeed almost transparent, decorated with small patterns of white stars on the mesh fabric, through which your nipples were clearly visible.
You laughed, watching as Xavier stared at you, his mouth hanging open, as if hypnotized. His gaze shifted from one side to the other without blinking.
Tilting your head, you ran your fingers over the fabric. His eyes, glued to her hand, followed her every movement, as the tips of his fingers traveled along the area of ​​the cleavage from top to bottom.
Your smiling face appeared on the screen again. Confused by what he saw, Xavier didn't blink for a few more seconds. He quickly regained consciousness, shaking his head and getting out of bed.
— I'll be there soon, – he said and was about to end the call, but suddenly your voice made him stop.
— No, Xavier, wait! – giggling, you saw his puzzled expression again.
— Huh? – he asked, stopping and looking at the screen.
— You're not going anywhere, do you understand? – covering your eyes, you stretched out your hand behind the frame and a second later a glass of red wine touched your lips. - You stay at home.
— In what sense is this? – he asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
Now you had to endure his "puppy" look, which he constantly used on you to get what he wanted. His funny expression warmed your heart, making you smile again.
— I want us to talk to you like this, – you answered, watching his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
The main thing is to endure it.
— Why? Don't you want to be with me? Did I do something wrong? – he bombarded you with his questions while a worried expression appeared on his face.
— No, Xavie, – shaking your head, you took another sip of wine from the glass.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see him silently watching you, waiting for an explanation. Teasing him like this was both fun and cruel at the same time, but you wanted to try something new with him and video call sex was the best way to do it.
— Xavie, go back to bed, please, – you said, licking your alcohol-moistened lips.
— W-why?
— Just go back...
Still staring at the screen, Xavier walked over to the bed and sat on it, holding out his hand, showing that he had complied with your request.
— Good boy, – teasing him, you noticed how his ears were slowly turning red as he stared intently into your face.
— Is this some new game of yours? – he asked hoarsely.
— Yes, and I think you'll like it, – nodding your head, you leaned back on your bed.
— I don't think I'd like it more than being next to you right now, – his eyebrows barely rose and with a slight nod, he showed his "puppy" look.
This made you bite your lip and you felt a faint pulsation down in your panties. Breathing in intermittently, your eyes narrowed.
— What would you do then if you were here now? – after asking him this, your hand, as if by accident, touched your neck and slowly went down, touching the nipple with your fingertips and disappeared behind the frame below.
Xavier watched her move carefully and his head seemed to twitch slightly as the hand disappeared from the screen. Still looking at you, he exhaled heavily and slowly raised his gaze to your face.
— What would I do? – he asked thoughtfully, looking away for a few seconds, looking at an unknown point.
— Yes, – you answered playfully, your hand raised the phone higher, already showing your stomach, keeping the lower part of your underwear a secret.
When Xavier's gaze returned to the screen again, he froze. He could clearly see your hand reaching down and disappearing off the screen, in the area of ​​your panties.
— Please... Let me come, – he asked, imagining how your fingers touch your pussy.
— No, Xavie, you can only watch me, – answered, you raised your hand to your lips and, licking the tips of your fingers, lowered your hand down again.
There was a soft whimper from the phone.
— What it was? – you asked playfully, biting your lip and looking at his excited face.
He really was like a dog who was being teased with his favorite toy and not allowed to play with it.
— Please… – whining again, he brought the phone closer to his face, looking into your every curve, every hollow, every protrusion. – I want... I want to be next to you now...
— You didn't answer my question, so… — you brought the camera closer to your face, punishing him for disobedience.
— No, no, no! No need! Bring it back! – he protested when the sight of your breasts, your tummy disappeared from the screen. – I’ll answer, just return...
— Hm... Maybe I'll have to finish the challenge after all and spend this time alone? – you continued to tease him.
— No! Wait! Please, please! I-I... I'll do anything you want!
You arched your eyebrows in surprise. For the first time you see him so confused, excited and "hungry".
— Do you promise?
— I promise, my little star, – he confidently nodded his head, and his expression returned to its usual expression.
— Then tell me, what would you do with me now? – still holding the camera to your face, you eagerly awaited his answer.
— If I had the chance to be around you, the first thing I would do is take your phone out of your hands so they only hold me, – Xavier said confidently, looking into your eyes. – Then, I would examine every centimeter of your beautiful body, I would truly appreciate how beautiful your underwear is now...
His voice, the words he spoke, caused a soft moan to escape your lips, but you continued to listen to him with interest. Xavier's eyes wandered over you as if you could disappear from his life at any moment, dissolve into thin air and this was his only chance to remember every feature of your face, imprinting it in his memory.
— I would give you the sweetest kisses I could, every centimeter of your face, arms, legs, body... There wouldn't be a place left that my lips wouldn't touch.
— You're so damn naughty when you say things like that, Xavier! – blushing, you laughed quietly and put the phone with the camera on your stomach, feeling how your heart rate quickened.
A soft exhalation, full of desire, came from the phone.
— My lil’ star… – his voice was heard again, so quiet and calm, as if nothing had happened between them until that moment. – Let at least my eyes enjoy you, if I am not able to do it myself.
Biting your lip, you still picked up the phone and saw your boyfriend again on the screen. His gaze brightened considerably.
— ... Okay, – you said quietly, and you felt your ears burning. – Continue, please.
— I would take your underwear off because I don't want anything else to touch your body other than my lips or my hands, – he said as casually as if you had asked him about the weather outside the window.
Squealing, you were once again surprised by what a wolf in sheep's clothing he was. How could he say something like that with that facial expression and intonation? Madness.
You felt the heat on your cheeks and decided to hide it by lowering the camera down. Biting the tip of your free hand, you turned your head away, not wanting to look at the screen so as not to embarrass yourself even more.
There was silence for a few seconds and, surprised by this, you still turn your gaze back to the phone. You see that your body is clearly visible in the frame: from your tight and juicy breasts, to the bottom of your stomach, to the place where Xavier loved to be so madly.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you held your breath. It was all in his eyes. In the look in which you saw his desire, his need, his warmth and love for you.
You could feel his ghostly touches, his hot kisses on your skin. Your body reacted treacherously to your thoughts and arching over, you saw your hips squeeze together, hiding your pussy from his view.
He never uttered a single word. You could just hear his heavy breathing on the other side of the screen.
— Xavier? – you called quietly, bringing him out of his trance.
— Star? Damn... – the same "puppy" look appeared on his face again. – Just look at what you have done.
You brought the phone closer to your face to see better and let out a soft moan as Xavier showed you how he was now spread out on the bed in his usual pajamas. The main focus he was pointing to was bulging in his groin area. He made several movements of his hips, imitating such familiar movements for you.
You felt a heat in the lower part of your stomach, which spread throughout your body and caused tremors in your limbs.
— Why are your hands shaking, lil’ star? – Xavier asked, slowly turning the phone to his face.
— Oh, you… – you whispered, holding back a moan. – This is my game and I want to play with you!
His laughter came from the speaker of the phone. So warm and dear to your ears that you could hardly resist inviting him to your place. No, you have to be patient.
— You wanted this yourself, didn't you? Who will take responsibility for their actions? – he asked in such a tone, as if he, the poor pet, had been thrown out into the street by his own owners.
— Xavie! – burst from your lips along with a short laugh. – Stop teasing me like that.
— It's not me, – shaking his head, he continued to look intently at your face. – Should I continue?
— Yes, – nodding, you sat on the bed and took a glass of wine and took a sip.
— I don't like that your lips are touching this cold glass, and not mine, – he said calmly, but these words sent shivers down your body.
You both knew very well what exactly mean these words. Your heart skipped a few beats.
— I would like them to touch me… – continued Xavier in his husky voice. – So warm and humid.
A low moan and a rustling off-frame reached your ears. Intrigued, you wanted to know what he was doing.
— Xavie, what are those sounds? – you purred, looking into his face.
— I don't understand what you're talking about, lil’ star, – he sneered, lifting the corner of his lips upwards.
He deliberately held the phone so that you could see his face and part of his shoulder. His gaze began to linger on something off-frame and as he returned to you, it seemed to darken even more with his lust.
Puzzles went through your head when you heard the rustling and his muffled moan again. Your mouth dropped open in surprise and curiosity. This scoundrel, who at first glance seemed like an untouchable angel, was in fact a demon, and what he was doing now off-screen confirmed this opinion.
A need was felt inside your womb. The body remembered Xavier and that made you even more confused. Blushing, you looked away, which your boyfriend soon noticed.
- Lil’ star? – he asked gently, tilting his head.
— I have a little problem here... – Your voice was low and the sight of you pouting your lips made Xavier's eyes widen again.
— What happened?
Without answering, you changed your position on the bed and spread your legs, placing the phone so that the camera was pointed at your pussy.
The muffled moan from the phone was heard again. Xavier was looking at your cunt through the mesh fabric of your panties, watching your own lustful secretions run down you.
- Damn... lil’ star... You have no idea how hungry I’m right now, - he moaned, licking his lips with his tongue. – I’m very hungry.
You could clearly feel the mood in his voice. Although he was saying something relatively sweet, something else came to your mind. You could literally feel his tongue on you, how he caressed you yesterday, how greedily his lips fell to your bosom, drinking every drop, how he licked his lips contentedly, like this now. How a satisfied smile appeared on his face wet from your juices and how he looked at you with an even more predatory look.
From these memories you felt that you flowed even stronger. Xavier exhaled noisily and you heard the rustle again.
Unable to restrain yourself, your hand skimmed over your breasts and went down, deftly climbing into your panties.
— Star… – whispered Xavier, covering his eyes.
Watching his camera shake, you moaned softly as your fingers brushed against the wet pussy. Their tips began to smear your perineal discharge with a light movement, moving up and down.
As the first moan left your lips, you also heard a raspy moan from the other side of the screen.
— I adore your pussy so much, I can to cum just watching what you're doing to yourself right now.
You took a more comfortable position on the bed for Xavier to see each one your movement. And he saw. His dark blue eyes watched your fingers as they circled around your clit and touched it causing you to shiver.
— Xavier…please…help me, – you whimpered, moving your hips, rubbing against your fingers.
— Help you, lil’ star? – breathing heavily, he put the phone on the pillow and, standing on top, looked directly into the camera.
The light from his table lamp gently touched his face. Whining, you nodded, holding the phone up. Now you could see each other as if you were actually in the same room right now.
— Then… – Xavier said in a hoarse voice, and this made you dizzy. – Enter yourself with your beautiful fingers...
The words seemed soft and pleading, but knowing his character made your body tremble even more. He didn't ask you to do it, he did ordered you do it. Keeping your gaze on his face, a moan escaped your mouth as first one of your fingers penetrated his hot bosom, followed by the other.
Your hand trembled, threatening to let go of the phone, but you only tightened your grip on it with your fingers.
— Xavier… – you moaned, arching your back as you started to move inside of you.
Propping himself up on the bed with one hand, Xavier let out a stifled groan. You could tell by the way he looked on your screen that his phone was lying in front of him, giving you a perfect view of your boyfriend.
You imagined yourself instead of the phone, how it bursts into your insides, how its head hits the cervix, and that made your heart beat even faster.
A memory flashed through your mind of you gently biting him as he pressed against your thighs, digging deeper inside you.
Groaning again, you arched over, closing your eyes for a few seconds.
— Move them slowly, star... Think about me and only about me, do you hear? – his voice was mixed with heavy and uneven breathing, wet slurps that you created together.
— I want your cock so badly right now… – a soft whisper left your lips and reached his ears, causing the veins on his arm to swell even more and his teeth to clench tightly.
— Fuck!... – he muttered, noticeably moving his other hand out of the frame. – Why can't I just take you and fuck you?
Your clouded gaze was directed at Xavier who was fucking his hand, imagining your wet insides as he leaned over the phone.
— Speed ​​up the pace... – he said in a hoarse and low voice.
— Ah, you're driving me crazy, Xavie… – Your hands became faster and the pad of your thumb touched your clit, stimulating it to make your body tremble even more.
— Then, we have it mutual, – with a barely perceptible smile, he closed his eyes, frowning his eyebrows. – Star, I want you so badly…
— Mh! – moaning, your body shuddered at his words. – Xavie... Please.. Keep talking...
In any other situation, Xavier would hardly have wanted to say much. He preferred action. Precise and confident.
But looking through the veiled eyelashes at your face, at the way you open your mouth in moans and especially at the way your breasts move in time with your movements, he could not ignore the desire of his lady.
— I want to feel your warmth, your heat, your moisture, how you squeeze me with your walls, how you moan in my ear, I want it all now, – his voice, hoarse with desire, found a response in your subconscious. – I want to fuck you until you lose consciousness, so that you cum again and again from my cock.
— Fuck, Xavier… Good.. So good… – you moaned, arching.
Your body began to tremble even more with each word he said, and a tight knot of tension tied inside you. Dangerously hot.
— I want your tight pussy to cum for me, lil’ star, – he hissed from the other side, quickening his pace.
— Not enough, – you whimpered, not feeling the same filling from your boyfriend's cock inside you. – I want your cock... F-fuck..
— Be a good girl and try harder, – groaning at the lust that was actively moving in his hand, Xavier closed his eyes, keeping your request to stay in bed in his head.
— Mhhh... – you moaned, writhing on the bed, penetrating your fingers deeper and deeper into you.
There was so much of your own discharge that your fingers were covered in it as you sloshed, making a mess on the bed. There was a muffled thump and you looked at the phone to see Xavier resting his palm on the wall.
Wave after wave you were covered with the inevitable orgasm that was about to descend on you like an avalanche.
— I can't take it anymore, – you whined, arching and moving your fingers faster.
— Cum for me, lil’ star, I want to see you cum, – Xavier said, sharing his girlfriend's desire.
Your heart was beating so hard in your chest that a vein in your neck popped as you threw it back, shuddering from the wave of pleasure.
Your walls squeezed your fingers, which made it difficult for you to move them each time. A moan stuck in your throat, unable to come out.
The hand was shaking, due to which the image on the screen became not clear, but Xavier's gaze still clearly saw how your hips trembled with orgasm, how more and more juice flowed out of you, and from this, with a soft growl, he himself reached the end .
Moving his hips, he thrust into his hand until a stream of hot, sticky cum shot out of him. A few drops hit the screen and camera, making the image blurry and pale. Breathing heavily, he collapsed onto the bed, feeling the results of his swinging at you running down his arm.
Unable to hold the phone, you set it aside, lying there with your eyes closed and trying to catch your breath. The body was still shaking, the remnants of the orgasm causing your womb to contract periodically.
— I love you, –  you whispered, licking your dry lips.
— I love you too, my little star… – replied Xavier, lying on the bed as well. – Can I come to you now?...
Your body twitched at his question. You felt a familiar pulsation inside again and looking at the ceiling, you smiled with satisfaction.
— I want to feel you inside me, – you replied and took the phone. – Waiting for you.
During that night, you came 3 more times because Xavier, full of burning lust for you, could not forget the sensations that covered him while you masturbated for him.
He fucked you with your face pressed against the bed then he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
— All the same, being inside you is much better and hotter, star.
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gazspookiebear · 4 months
Kyle x gn reader- pranked
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It started with a video you saw. Someone super glued a jar shut and asked their partner to open it, only to watch them struggle and fail miserably. You thought it'd be funny to pull a prank on your boyfriend, Gaz, and that seemed harmless enough- so it was perfect!
Gaz was supposed to come home from a mission in less than 24 hours, meaning it was perfect timing for the stunt you were about to pull. You raced into the kitchen and grabbed the first jar you saw in the fridge- a pickle jar, no less- and grabbed some superglue. Gluing it shut, you placed it back in the fridge and waited.
You waited on the couch for him to get home. You weren't sure exactly when he'd be getting back, but at this point it seemed like it'd probably be tomorrow before you got to put your plan into action. With one last yawn, you make yourself comfortable and wait for morning, or Gaz, to arrive.
You wake up to the sound of a door opening. Your bedroom door, surprisingly enough. You jump up from the couch and peer into the hallway, wondering of your boyfriend had somehow snuck in while you were asleep. Sure enough, Kyle stood in the hall outside of your room, hair dripping wet, a smile spreading ear to ear as he saw you.
"Kyle!" With an excited squeek, you raced into his arms. "When did you get back? I didn't even notice you come in!" You exclaim. In response, he squeezes you tightly and plants a kiss on your forehead. "I didn't want to wake you, love"
He sighs contently. "It's good to be back," he whispers into your shoulder. The two of you stay there for a minute, just glad to be in one another's arms again. Regardless of how long or short a mission had been, you always missed each other.
The peaceful moment is interrupted by Gaz's stomach growling. With an embarrassed chuckle, he lets go of you. "Suppose we should get some food in you," you say, heading towards the kitchen. You had almost forgotten about the prank, but now was the perfect time to put it in motion. "You want a sandwich?" You offer.
He nods greatfully, happy to be served anything from you. You grab some bread, cheese, and a few other things- then you grab the jar of pickles. "Pickles on a sandwich at 9 in the morning?" Kyle's mouth struggles not to quirk into a smile. You shrug, suppressing a giggle. Preparing to 'open' the jar, you struggle for a second before handing it to him. "Could you-?" Before you can even finish asking, Kyle is flashing you a model-like grin and starts twisting on the lid.
He tries opening it, only for it not to budge. His smile is quickly replaced by confusion before he takes another go at it. Once again, the lid stays in place. Now he's raising an eyebrow. Why won't it budge? He repositions the jar in his hands, trying to get a better angle and grip on it.
With a strained expression, he puts more of his might into it- his veins are starting to show. You can't deny it, it's a rather attractive (and hilarious) sight. He huffs, glaring at the jar. "Fucks wrong with this thing?" He grumbles. Deciding to try one more time, he twists the lid with as much strength as a man can muster at 9 in the morning.
With one last grunt, he pops it open.
You shouldn't be surprised, really. He is military after all, but that doesn't stop your jaw from dropping. He hands the jar to you, noticing how you're gawking. "What's wrong, love? Did you really have that little faith in me?" He grins. You grab the jar before you start stammering.
"W-well- no, actually- you weren't supposed to be able to open it," you laugh. He raises a brow at you. "Why not?"
You gesture to the superglue on the counter. "Honey, it was a prank," you finally laugh. He quickly puts two and two together, now realizing that you were the reason he was having so much trouble with it. "Well then- play dumb games, win dumb prizes," he grins at you. His stomach growls again, breaking his train of thought.
"Now, about that sandwich..."
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forever-rogue · 1 year
heyyy beeee🥰
I saw requests are opened and I come here bearing flowers and an idea. Here are the flowers: 🌷🌸🌹🌼💐🌻
And the idea: I just thought it would be funny and adorable for Steve “my favourite Star Wars movie is the one with the teddy bears” Harrington to have a Star Wars loving gf that would roll her eyes fondly and kiss his cheek whenever he got something wrong. He would be so cute trying to be involved bc his girl likes that stuff you know and she’d melt cause he’s trying for her even if it’s not something she expected him to do 🥲💖🩷
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AN | But this is my dream (it’s me, I’m Star Wars girlfriend) and it’s so soft. Enjoy🥺
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.2k
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve's eyes were glued to your figure as soon as he spotted you. It was a boring afternoon shift alone at Family Video, and he'd been absentmindedly flipping through a magazine. As soon as he heard the doors open, he perked up at the idea of some human interaction.
He hadn't expected to be blown away by having the prettiest girl he'd ever seen walk in. His brain turned to scrambled eggs immediately and all he managed to do was close the magazine as you disappeared into the aisles. You hadn't even noticed him; not on purpose, you were just on a mission. 
Tossing the magazine to the side, he slipped out from behind the counter and started walking in your direction. He cleared his throat, touched up his hair and prepared himself for what he hoped would be an actual interaction.
"Hello there," he turned into the aisle you were in, causing you to look up in surprise. The moment he got a closer look at your face, he suddenly forgot what he was going to say. Your eyes flicked to his name tag and you relaxed when you realized he was an employee and not some random man.
"Hi," and oh. Steve already loved the sound of your voice and the small smile you offered in response. 
"Help need…do you?" He managed to blurt out as you giggled softly. His neck and cheeks pinked once he realized what he'd say. He was already smacking himself internally, "sorry - do you need any help finding anything?"
"Yeah, actually," you put back the movie in your hand and turned your full attention to him, "I'm looking for - and don't laugh - the Star Wars movies. Do you have them here?"
"Why would I laugh?" Steve asked, shaking his head as he motioned for you to follow, "but you're in luck, they were just returned."
"It's just kind of a nerdy thing," you shrugged sheepishly, chewing on the inside of your cheek, "a lot of people think it's really lame."
"It's definitely not lame," Steve was pretty sure that you could read him the dictionary and it would be anything but boring, "its pretty cool. Especially if you're into it."
You felt your entire face flush as you peeked at him. Was he flirting with you? He was flirting with you. You waved your hand around before taking the vhs cassettes that he held out to you, "are you into Star Wars too?"
"Me? O-oh yeah," he wasn't outwardly lying but he was definitely fibbing. He'd seen the movies, watched them at a movie night with Eddie and Robin, but honestly, he'd slept through a good amount of them, "totally."
"Cool," you bit your lip in a way Steve was sure would kill him slowly, "which one is your favorite?"
"The one with the…little bears?" And then you laughed, loud and bold, as he smiled sheepishly.
"Ewoks," you sweetly corrected him, "so Return of the Jedi."
"You haven't seen Star Wars, have you?" You were definitely enjoying this, especially the way the pretty boy was squirming under your gaze.
"I have!" He countered, "I…might have slept through most of it but I've seen the movies!"
"Well," you rocked back and forth on your heels, "you should give them another watch if you're ever up for it. They can be pretty funny."
"If you say they are, they must be good," the two of you walked back to the counter where he began to check you out - in more ways than one. But he was still trying to keep it respectful, "do you have an account or do you need to create one?"
"I actually just moved to town a few weeks ago," you swallowed the lump in your throat and caught his pretty honey brown eyes, "so I'll need to make one."
"Alright," this was good, he decided. You had no preconceived notions of him from the sound of it, "can I just get your name and number?"
"Are you asking for the account or yourself?" Something was causing you to feel bold. Judging from the expression on his face you'd read the signs right.
"What if I said both?" He teased right back, finding it easy to slip back into flirting with you.
"I'd say yes," you grinned at him, "and that I'm free on Friday night after five."
"It's a date," he said, nervous for your response. But oh, he was already so invested in you and wanted to know everything and anything about you.
"It's a date."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And one date turned into two and then three, and then countless others. Almost a year later and you were thoroughly and deep in love with your boyfriend, Steve Harrington.
He was so different from you, but the two of you meshed so well. Plus, unlike anyone you'd ever dated before, Steve tried and he cared. And he showed that he did. He tried to understand your interests and loves and you did the same to him.
Plus, it was really cute when he tried to understand all of your Star Wars and other nerdy interests. But it was the sheer love and enthusiasm that he did it with that made you love him all that much more. And - if you really wanted a deep conversation about such things - you had his (and now your) friends Eddie and Dustin.
Steve was over at your apartment for the night, and you'd gone to make some popcorn for the movie the two of you had agreed on for the evening. When you walked back into the room, you found him studying your bookshelves curiously.
"Anything interesting?" You asked as he started slightly with a pink flush welling up in his cheeks. You set the bowl down on your desk and walked over to him, standing behind and wrapping your arms around his waist. You felt him relax into your touch as he put a hand on top of yours, and you pressed a row of kisses to his shoulder.
"Everything about you is interesting," he stated sincerely as you snorted in amusement. He took your hand and gently turned around so he was facing. He was pretty, so pretty that it still managed to take your breath away at times. Those honey brown eyes, soft smile, and the freckles you loved kissing one by one. 
"Stevie," you chided him softly although there was no malice behind your words. He exhaled softly before pressing his lips to your forehead. You sighed contentedly, "I love you."
"I love you," he nudged his nose against yours before inching you closer to the bookshelf. He pointed to a few books that had caught his eye as you just smiled at him, "but these seem very interesting. Not as interesting as you, of course."
"You're so sweet," you carded a hand through his hair, "you're more than welcome to borrow them at any time. What's mine is yours, honey boy."
"I don't know," he said quietly, "don't know if I'm quite smart enough for all of that."
"You are," you insisted softly, "you are so much smarter than you give yourself credit for! Even if you don't believe you are right, believe me. I would never lie to you."
Steve practically melted under your praise, even though to you it was just the truth. You knew the Steve of now, the kind hearted and golden man you'd fallen in love with. 
"Thank you," he whispered as you pulled him into a hug, lightly swaying your bodies back and forth. You let go of him before pulling a few books off the shelf, ones you were sure he would enjoy.
"Try these," you really were the brightest spot in his life. A ray of sunshine on even his darkest and cloudiest days, "and let me know what you think."
"I will," he promised, "hey, I have an idea-"
"Uh oh," you teased, a bemused lilt to your voice, "that's even a good sign."
"Hey!" But the two of you were giggling at each other, "I was going to suggest watching Star Wars. Figured I could give it another shot."
"Really?!" Your eyes lit up like Christmas lights as you tried to contain your excitement. You'd never pushed him to watch them again so the fact that he was offering made your heart happy. He nodded eagerly and you pressed a kiss to his cheek, "you're the best! I hope you'll like them this time around! But if you get bored or whatever, just let me know."
"I will," he tugged you towards the bed. In his your absence, he'd already missed the vhs tapes out of the cabinet. He'd bought them for you a few months after you'd started dating so you didn't have to keep borrowing them from Family Video. He was so thoughtful, "but I have a feeling I'll like them this time around. I've got the best company."
"I'll try to shut up," you held up your fingers in a scout salute, "but I cannot promise to avoid all commentary."
"I would expect nothing else," he turned on the television and put in the first tape as you made yourself comfortable in the bed, "what's your favorite character again? Booba or something?"
"Boba Fett!" You were laughing as Steve shrugged and grabbed the remote to join you, "he's the best and one day, people will realize that and see how underrated he is!"
"I'm sure they will," he set the bowl of popcorn between the two of you as he pressed play, "now sit back and enjoy, angel."
"I will," you snuggled up to him, "because I'm watching my favorite movies with my favorite person!"
And yeah. Steve loved the sound of that. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve had an idea. An idea that involved your birthday, a lot of planning and assistance from his friends, and you. Or in other words - Steve planned a Star Wars themed surprise birthday party for you. He hoped you’d like it and wouldn’t find it too much or over the top. He got the sense that you didn’t place too much stock into your birthday considering you hadn’t even mentioned. He found out accidentally when you’d asked me to grab your ID for you. You’d insisted that he didn’t need to do anything special, but that wasn’t going to stop him. 
Steve had picked you up after work and took you to his and Robin’s apartment, under the guise of having a quiet night in. He’d already sent you flowers at work and gotten you a card and a cute little cupcake, which was more than enough for you. You just needed him and nothing less.
You were trailed behind Steve as he unlocked the door, talking about something random. You’d noticed he was a little jumpy today, but you weren’t going to question it. 
“Come on,” he motioned for you to step inside; the apartment was dark so you figured Robin wasn’t home. You went to flick on the light and were instantly met with a chorus of surprise!
Your friends jumped out of their hiding places, as you took a moment to calm your racing heart. You looked around at everything, and found yourself almost tearing up; the whole apartment was decorated and there was food, a cake, and a small pile of presents. 
“You guys,” you quickly wiped away the tears as you looked at all of them, “what’s all this for?”
“Your birthday,” Steve stood behind you and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. He paused for a moment before whispering softly, “I hope this is okay. But I wanted to do something special for you.”
“This is…wonderful,” you turned around, “thank you, Steve. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he gently nudged you towards everyone, “happy birthday, angel.”
“Thank you all much,” you grinned at your friends, “I’m so happy to see you all!”
Eddie threw on some music and it was only then that you noticed that everything was Star Wars themed. Everyone was having a good time eating, drinking, and hanging out. It made your heart so happy.
The best of all was the little stuffed ewok that was sitting next to the cake. You walked over it and lightly picked it up, holding it to your chest; you knew exactly who it was from. You turned around and from across the room Steve caught your eye. His smile lit up his entire face as you held up the little ewok. He excused himself from his conversation and came over to you, “do you like it?”
“I love him,” you grinned, “I love this little bear from that one Star Wars movie. And I love you even more.”
“I love you,” he peppered your face in kisses, “happy birthday, angel.”
And it was the happiest of birthdays. The first of many.
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yongislong · 2 years
tiktok prank + 127.
genre: illichil tries to open a jar that you glued shut! lol! fluff, crack, humor, nonidol!127 but its not specified, i hope my humor comes across through this...
cw/note: none but lmk! omg this request was so fun to do, ty anon and sorry it took so long! i've never done like... a typical reaction type of writing style before so it was kinda funny, these are a lot shorter than what i usually write, but yeah! send reqs if you have them! i will always get to them even if it takes me a minute. lmk if you want dreamies or wayv version! not proofread lol
taeil... i can't get it off. depends on the day actually, but i feel like he'd kinda give up LMAO. would be like mf i cant open it :-| or would probably get some pink rubber gloves to try and pull it off and it looks SO ridiculous that you have to break it to him that you glued it shut because you're convinced he's gonna break his hand before he even opens it. he is embarrassed LMFAO
johnny... there you go babe! the biggest dorkiest, most annoying smile on his face because he genuinely didn't notice anything different about the jar and you are... shell shocked. once you tell him you glued it shut his eyes almost pop out of his head because he actually didn't realize he was that strong... it kinda makes your head spin how innocent and cute he is about it, he knows how hot it was though
taeyong... GAHHHH. grunting loud as hell as he's gripping and twisting that thing for DEAR LIFE oh my god. his mom cooks so i'm sure he has some tips and tricks up his sleeve that'd he'd try and oh, oh boy, would he try all of them. eventually you have to tell him to stop after he lays down on the floor with various can openers, towels, rubber grippers, etc scattered all over the place, trying to catch his breath
yuta... silent smirk. he would struggle for a couple tries but gets a grip on it that pops it open. your eyes pop out of your head and you stumble over your words as he wordlessly smirks and hands you the jar back with a kiss to your temple. you chase after him and tell him the jar was glued shut and he literally won't stop flexing. would take this to the grave. when you watch superhero movies he always refers back to this moment and how he could beat them in any fight because cmon, he's the yuta nakamoto
doyoung... what the fuck. incoherent mumbles. is too prideful to give up and you almost want to not tell him simply because you just wanna let his stubbornness take over, its the funniest thing. he's sitting on the couch, laptop and phone open, both playing different videos on how to open jars that are too tight. eventually gets it open and it so cocky about it, he's pretty though so you allow his smile to get wider once you tell him you glued it shut
jaehyun... huffing an puffing. literally breathing so hard, you know he's strong so you're honestly shocked its so hard for him. he puffs out his cheeks as he presses his lips into a thin line, looking like that smiling bread meme lol. his dimples poke out sm. he eventually gets it open with a loud pop, pats you on the shoulder and asks you to never ask him to do anything for you again LMAO. you tell him the jar was actually glued shut and he feels a lot better about himself pft
jungwoo... confusion. would asses the situation LMFAO. literally so shocked like damn, what the fuck is this. asks you to forget whatever you were cooking because at this point its not worth it. flips and rotates the jar a thousand times to understand how something could be shut this tight. is convinced its a manufacturing error jdsjk. you tell him its glued shut and gets so ??? because damn it was a prank that backfired on you as well now and you have to eat buttered noodles for dinner!
mark... WOAH dude. shocked pikachu face. tries to open it through giggles but to be honest he gives me sweaty hand energy and he's so annoyed that the jar keeps slipping from his fingers but his reflexes are good so its ok. i have a feeling mark is hiding small yet insanely strong biceps under all his clothes so he gets it off once he wipes his hands on his shorts a couple times. tells you to not buy those brand of pickles again but kisses your temple as he leaves. you honestly don't tell him you glued it shut because you can tell how confused he is about the whole situation as he slightly tilts his head with a pensive face once hes sat at dinner
haechan... AHHGGHGHHAAAaaaa. squealing. screaming. his eyes are shut so hard. neck craned all the way back as he lets out all his frustrations. you tell him to shut up because you live in a complex lol. in the midst of all your playful arguing he pops the jar open and in the process spills half the bottle on your matching pj set. speechless for about 45 seconds. you both look at each other wide eyed as you finamly tell him shyly it was supposed to be a prank and he is fully straight faced LMFAO you both agree to never speak of this
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fallinforerling · 1 year
LOVE ISN'T ETERNAL. chapter 8 - jb
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A/N: At this point all my readers HATE Jude... And I understand you. Here you go, more material to hate on him with lmao.
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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Jude was taking advantage of this whole situation, and you were trying so hard to not punch him in the face at the first opportunity you got. While watching the game he behaved himself by not touching you or talking a lot, mostly because there were tons of people surely watching intently in his direction and the videos would spread fast; you also thought you were getting a bit of peace because of Jobe’s presence, but oh no. By the time you got in the car, he immediately put his arm around the back of your seat. Jobe kept shooting confused looks at you, and you returned dead ones. That’s how you felt: dead inside. Your life was becoming a tragic comedy by this point. 
While Jude acted like your rage rant at the VIP section never happened, and Jobe seemed more than confused with you being in the car and letting Jude hug you, you texted the girls. This was piping hot tea that needed to be shared or you’ll get burned.
✉️ Guess what, gals. 
✉️ Mia: Oh no… Is he there?
✉️ Nikki: That game is over… And I have some tea from it, just saying.
✉️ I’ll be pleased to read all about it after I tell you what the hell happened here. 
✉️ Nikki: OMG?! Okay, spill the tea!
✉️ Just this: I’m in his parent's car, going to fucking DINNER. And, oh yeah! He’s hugging me right now. Isn’t this amazing? :) 
✉️ Mia: Gurl…
✉️ Nikki: Girl, what the actual fucking fuck?????
✉️ Long story… His parents saw me, I think. They moved me from my seat to the VIP section and invited me to dinner. 
✉️ Turns out he never told them we broke up, he just told them I was “busy with work” and that’s why I didn’t visit them
✉️ Mia: Oh hell nah
✉️ Nikki: Tell me again… Why are you collaborating with him? I’ll be so quick to say the truth 
✉️ I was so tempted to do that… But man, I love his parents, I can’t just do this to them… I prefer to hint in during dinner and make him extremely uncomfortable the entire time
✉️ Oh, and he wants to “talk” 
✉️ Mia: Talk about what? His lack of empathy? Or the fact that he’s a complete cunt?
✉️ Nikki: Maybe both
✉️ Only God knows what’s going on up there
“Are you telling me what’s going on here? Why are you coming with us to dinner?” Jobe whispered directly to your ear, making sure nobody else noticed. “Don’t take it the wrong way, I love that you’re here but… Why?” 
✉️ Gotta go, I’ll keep you updated
✉️ Nikki, send the tea! Bye!
“That’s a wonderful question, my dear. Why don’t you ask your brother?” His eyes wandered to Jude’s face, who was turned to the window, looking at the streets. 
He was avoiding both of you. How brave of your “boyfriend”. 
“I could, but if I do then the bag full of shit he’s hiding from our parents is going to explode and it will stain us both.” You smiled a bit, pursing your lips to not laugh and call the attention of said parents. 
“Then wait until we’re alone and I’ll tell you all about him being a jerk.” And just because you could, you elbowed Jude’s side. 
“Ouch! What was that for?” He whispered, looking at you for the first time in many minutes. 
“You know why.” Then you looked at the hand that was hanging just below your shoulder and back at him. 
He kept his eyes glued to yours, but didn’t move his arm from your shoulders. Yep, a very long night ahead of you.
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Truth was, you couldn’t expose Jude in front of his parents while the whole family celebrated Jobe’s performance. It wasn’t fair to take the attention from him like that. You just had to wait and see if you could get a moment alone with Jude to give him an ultimatum. 
It was funny to see how things changed. Before all of this, the two of you never had big fights over anything; of course, you argued about stupid little things like doing the dishes or who’s cleaning the mess after cooking, but nothing too big, that was one of the things you appreciated the most about Jude, he wasn’t too much of a confrontational person. 
But that didn’t matter right now; he was acting like the biggest asshole in the world. Why would he choose to wait this long? It was his decision to breakup with you in the first place… Then why hide it from his family? It didn’t make sense to you. He couldn’t be regretting it, right?
“So! Honey, how are you doing? We missed you so much at the last couple of get-togethers we did these past weeks.” Denise’s voice snapped you back to reality. All of them were looking at you attentively. “I hope you’re not exhausting yourself by over-working.” She was always so caring. 
“Oh no, no. I just get too caught up sometimes, but I promise I always take my breaks and me-time throughout the day.” Since Jude was next to you, it wasn’t too much of an effort to avoid his gaze. “Besides, last week I got the opportunity to do a little trip to Scotland with my girlfriends. No screen-time and all that. It was… refreshing.” You said the last word while looking directly at Jude, who took a sip of his drink to avoid his parents eyes. 
“Did you? Oh, Jude never mentioned it... That sounds fantastic. Scotland it’s lovely, it’s been a long time since we visited.” Mark said, taking a bite of his food. “Gotta say, I once went fishing with a couple of friends when I was younger, best thing ever.” 
“Well, I was staying close to a lake. I spent a lot of time there, it was so relaxing.” You openly ignored that comment about Jude not mentioning it to them.
While all of you made small talk about Scotland and what you did there, you could feel the anxious need coming from Jude. He wanted to ask everything about that little trip you had since this was the first time he’d heard of it.
You knew him too well. 
“Anyone wants dessert?” Mark asked, calling for a waiter. 
“I could have some dessert.” Jude said, sighing while looking at you. Your eyes were asking him “What?!” but he just smiled and shrugged. 
He couldn’t be seriously flirting with you right now? The audacity. 
“Well, I’ll go to the bathroom first,” Denise said, looking between the two of us nervously. So she noticed, huh? “Dear? Can you come with me?” 
“Sure, my love. Lead the way.” Mark got up as fast as Denise, leaving the three of you alone. 
“That was awkward,” Jobe said after a few seconds, taking a sip of his drink. “Anyways, what’s up? Can you tell me now?” 
“You better ask the genius sitting next to me.” You said, crossing your arms and leaning your back against the chair. 
“Does he know?” Jude asked, looking surprised by the fact that Jobe knew.
“Of course I do, she’s my friend. Besides, you’re so bad at lying, I can’t believe Mom and Dad are believing anything you say.”
“Oh, shut up.” A tiny blush was starting to cover Jude’s cheeks. 
“Whatever.” Jobe laughed, elbowing you. “So sorry you got trapped like this, I thought they wouldn’t notice if you were in a normal seat… But I guess the big screen gave you away.” 
“That’s okay, darling. It wasn’t your fault that this whole situation it’s awkward as hell.” 
“Stop teaming up against me!” Jude replied. “I didn’t plan this either. It just happened! Just… Let’s act normal.” 
“We’re acting normal, you’re the one acting like someone’s holding a gun against your head. Relax a bit, mate. Maybe then Mom will stop wondering what’s wrong with you.” Then he shut up because their parents were coming back. 
“Ready for dessert?”
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“Thank you so much for driving me home.” You said, peaking your head from the backseat. “I’ll miss you guys.” 
“Oh, don’t say it like you’re never going to see us again, sweetie. You’re coming with us next month, right? Jude’s next couple of matches are between Germany and England.” 
“I-… Yeah, probably!” 
“Mom, she’s tired. I’ll walk her to the door.” Jude said, making you sigh. 
“Bye Denise, bye Mark.” You gave each one a kiss on the cheek before coming back to your seat. “Bye, Jobe. I’ll text you.” You gave him a hug before looking at Jude’s direction, who was already out of the car, holding the door for you. 
You both walked to your building’s door in silence before you entered the lobby, where he took a hold of your arm so you stopped walking. 
“Jude… Let’s not do this.” Was the first thing that escaped your lips. “I don’t have the energy for any of this right now.” 
“We really need to talk. I need to talk to you.” He got closer, looking at your eyes with the same look that he gave you earlier on the day. Like he was begging for a chance. 
“We can talk, but not tonight. And maybe not tomorrow.” You replied, feeling a bit bad about turning him down so much. But again, just a bit. “You don’t know how much pain I went through this past month. I had a really bad time, and being close to you isn’t helping with my stress, okay?” 
He seemed so hurt by your negatives. Like he wasn’t expecting this outcome. Well, boo-hoo. 
“Can you, at least, unblock my number?” 
Damn it. 
“Okay, sure. I can do that.” Anything to get him out of the building.
“Thank you.” And then he gave you a hug. He was physically hugging you; you didn’t know what to do. Pushing him or hugging him back? So you did the last. 
Why was life so complicated?
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * TAGLIST
@mentalbaddieie | @taintedstranger | @mrs-dasilvasantoss | @mbapbaesluvrr | @erensfavgirlyly | @cinderellawithashoee | @yoitsmo07 | @seajjin | @kakuchosbff | @peterparkerbae | @alwaysclassyeagle | @itsjuspenny-blog | @lbsmainblog
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blushyeleven · 11 months
okay so I’m finally writing the Sam and Tara fic because there isn’t enough scream tickle content and ive been in a rlly bad Lee mood for these two for the past couple of weeks😭
note: I started this back in may😭
Characters: ler!sam lee!tara
Warnings: tickles, swearing
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𝑵𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒈𝒊𝒄 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒐𝒏
It was early evening. The sun was setting, leaving the sky filled with mesmerising hues of pink and orange. Looming over the wild and busy city that was New York.
Tara was happilly sat on her Sofa at her Shared Apartment, deciding to relax after a long and tiring day at college. Sam hadn’t been home from work long and was making herself busy in her bedroom while you could hear faint voices coming from Quinn’s rooms, assuming Quinn was with one of her “male friends” tara decided not to bother her and just stay laying on the sofa, scrolling mindlessly through her phone. Her time to relax from the world around her. The way she put her mind at ease and comfort. Reading blogs and scrolling through short funny videos.
Tara also found enjoyment in reading fanfiction, she could get lost in the stories and forget the world she was currently in. She actually decided to look for some fan fiction to read.. but taras taste in fanfiction wasn’t the day to day genres you would normally see. Nothing intense or taboo, she didn’t enjoy reading those. She was just very open to unusual and unheard of ideas within fan fiction. She loved seeing what people would come up with in a couple of paragraphs. So as she was scrolling aimlessly through her phone she stumbled upon a fanfic title that made her face react with a vibrant blush, plastered across her cheeks.
“Tickle fan fiction”. “What the fu-“ she giggled to herself. But her curiosity got the better of her and she clicked on it. As she tapped on it she was met with a whole new google page full of fan fictions that seemed to be centred around a character being tickled. She giggled at the idea, thinking it was just silly but also kinda cute at the same time as she sat reading some. Clearly interested. She felt drawn to them in some sort of way. She wondered why this was a thing but at the same time enjoyed reading them. It was obvious that the fan fictions she was reading wasn’t anything to do with a kink or fetishes but just playful tickle fights and she quite enjoyed reading them. Mostly because it gave her a sense of nostalgia from when her and sam were younger and they use to break out into vicious tickle fights a lot but as they grew up that wasn’t so common. Tara missed the feeling of rolling around on the floor, giggling childishly as sams fingers scribbled around her whole body. She found herself getting lost In thought and intensely blushing at her nostalgic memories. Tara was Never one that hated being tickled, she viewed it as something that brought her and her friends closer, just spending time, laughing and rolling around the floor. Because for those two minutes everything felt right in the world. She also never hated the feeling but none of this crossed her mind until she found these fanfictions
She just laid across the sofa, loosing track of the time as she just carried on reading the tickle fanfiction.
She was so focussed on these that she didn’t even see Sam come out of her room and call her name. “Tara?” Sam said and that’s when Tara snapped back into reality “oh! h-hey sam!” Sams presence obviously caught Tara off guard and that was noticeable by her voice. “You alright there?” Sam giggled seeing Tara look a little surprised. “Yup! All good! How was your day at work?” Tara asked, her eyes still following the words on her screen. “It was good, boring as always but it was good! How was college?” Sam asked but at this point she raised a brow seeing Tara so interested at what was on her phone. “Uhh it was also good! Tiring though” Tara replied, her eyes still glued to her screen. Sam giggled again just watching Tara be so invested on what she was reading and she couldn’t help but be curious. So she walked over and sat right next to her “what’s so interesting then?” She asked innocently. “I- nothing!” Tara responded, finally looking at Sam this time. “Are you sure? You look reallyyy concentrated on your phone right now! It’s gotta be something!” Sam said with a playful smile. “Nope! Nothing!” Tara just kept denying everything in hopes that Sam would eventually leave her alone.. but unfortunate for Tara this wasn’t the case. “Are you texting somebody?” Sam just kept smiling at her sister. It was funny to see her a little worked up over just a few innocent questions. Although sam didn’t want to be to nosy and overstep the line so she just kept the questions short. “Nope” Tara replied “oh! What are you reading then?” “I- what? Nothing!” Tara answered quickly. At this point sam could see that Tara was just flustered and she thought it would be funny to carry on teasing her. “Oh it definitely is something!!” Sam said and then rested her head on taras shoulder trying to get a closer look at the phone.
Tara noticed this and tried to move her phone away but clearly didn’t move it quick enough because sams reply was enough to make her vibrant blush re-apear “a- a tickle fanfiction?” Sams eyes were slightly wide but she looked on the verge of explosive laughter. “I- I… I don’t know what your taking about” Tara became very shy and dismissive. “oh yeah?” Sam said with a slight teasing tone lingering in her voice before she quickly and jokingly grabbed taras phone before standing up infront of her “hey- sam!!” and sam read in a overly dramatic tone “and she wiggled her nails into her sides causing her to react with heaps of helpless laughter” and then she giggled to herself “yeah , definitely not tickle related!” Sam lightly threw taras phone as it landed next to her and she was giggling even more seeing taras whole face become cotton floss pink. Tara decided not to say anything and just avoid sams eye contact, embarrassment radiating through her veins. “Sooo..” sam trailed off with the biggest, cheekiest smile and she sat next to Tara again but facing her this time. “What’s that all about?” She said through her snickers. “I- it.. it just popped up..” tara said quite enough it could have been a mumble. “Oh? It just popped up hm? And what.. you decided to read it still?” Sam was just staright up teasing tara at this point, knowing how embarrassed she was. Sam actually thought it was adorable. “Well- I-“ tara couldn’t even talk. She was so flustered that she could barely form words. “Hey! I’m not judging or anything! I just.. didn’t expect it from you and think it’s kinda funny!” Sam reassured the whole time with a smile beaming in her face and how hilarious but yet endearing this situation was. Tara, who was still avoiding eye contact just gave a slow nod.
“Do you mind me asking.. why you were reading it?” This time taras breath hitched and her blush didn’t leave her face once. “I- well… I- I thought the idea was kinda.. cute..” Tara managed to say, still not able to look sam in the eyes. “What? Being tickled?” Sam giggled with her smile still prominent. “I-“ Tara just decided to nod again slightly. You could tell by sams smile never leaving that she thought it was adorable. “So.. does that mean.. you wanna be tickled?” Sam asked innocently with slight hope in her voice. She thought this was a perfect opportunity to bond with Tara and bring a little silliness into the atmosphere. “I- I don’t know..” Tara tried to avoid the question as much as she continued to avoid sams teasing gaze. “oh come on!” Sam said, snickering. “Okay! Fine! Whatever! Yes!” Tara spat out, looking at Sam now with a tinge of red apearing across her cheeks. Sams smile was still stuck on her face, becoming a little excited to do this with her little sister again. Like they did when they were younger.
“Okay!! Well.. don’t forget, you wanted this!” sam teased before her hands scribbling into taras sides. Tara had no time to instinctively build up a defence, instead as soon as her sides were met with sams scribbling hands she burst out with loud, bubbly laughter. “HAHAHAH SAHAHAMM!!!” She began to wriggle under sams grip. There they were. The same situation that became a distant memory that was a regular occurrence for them 10 years ago. Tara proving to be as ticklish as she was when she was little and sam still being a ruthless, teasy ler. Sam moved her fingers to taras stomach, scurrying her fingers along the surface as taras squeaks of laughter did not die down once. “AHAHAHHAHA!!!! OH MY GOHOD!!!” tara was squirming relentlessly while kicking her legs as the feeling coursed through her body and caused her to release heaps of highly gibberish and child-like laughter. “Jeez tara, you really are just as ticklish from when you were little!” Sam smirked slightly, knowing there was nothing Tara could do to stop her brutal attack. Not that Tara wanted or attempted to stop her attack. She practically asked for this.. “SHUHUT UHUPP!” Was her best snarky comeback as most of her words blended together with the giggles and shrieks.
“this is actually addicting” Sam stated, her smile making a return as she watched Tara wiggle and squirm all while sounding like a 7 year old. Sam knew exactly how to tease Tara and make her blush. Her next spot was her ribs, which she clawed at, smirking lightly. “SAHAHAM!!!” Tara squealed. “Whattt!” She said in a mock innocence tone. “I- AHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH!!” “Oh is this still a bad spot?” As much as Sams Tone came across as gentle it had a slight edge of mischief. Sam didn’t even give Tara and opportunity to try and come up with an answer because her attempted words were subsided with laughter. “AHAHAHAAAHAHAHA F-FUHUCK THIHIS!!” Tara was squirming from left to right and kicking her legs, all effortless attempts to get the tingly feeling to mellow. “Oh but Tara, isn’t this what you wanted? Didn’t you miss this?” Sam was smirking as Tara wiggled and screamed in helpless laughter. “I- SHUHUT UHUP!!” Tara Said again, having no legitimate comeback. “I almost forgot how ticklish you were! I’m so glad you reminded me!” Sams ‘older sister’ mode was definitely activated because even though they were older now sam was still teasing her like she did when they younger.
Taras blush made a re-appearance and it was painted across her whole face. Her ears were were even a slight tinge of pink and sam thought it was absolutely adorable. I mean. Her younger sister, was getting flustered, all over a little bit of tickling. She also felt a sense of comfort and and enjoyment in the moment. It was something about watching Tara being all giggly and flushed. It really warmed sams heart. But at the same time sam just wanted to absolutely wreck her with tickles because she knew Tara was enjoying every minute of it. Even through her protests.
Sams Hands crawled up to taras armpits and Tara desperately tried to clench her arms to her sides to try and block sams black painted nails from being able to scratch at that particularly sensitive spot. “AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH” Sam noticed taras attempt of trying to cover her armpits. Sam then had an evil idea and used one hand to grab both of taras and pin them above her head, Tara didn’t put up much of a fight but as soon as sam pinned her arms up she then dug her hand back into her armpit, scratching at it. “NOHOHOHO!! AHAHAHHA!! SHIHHITT!!! AHAHAHAH!!” Tara tugged at her arms out of instinct and continues kicking her legs like a toddler having a tantrum. This is also when taras eyes started to water from laughing so hard. It was around this point that Sam knew that she was close to her breaking point. Sams fingers started to Speed up as much as she could, spidering her fingers directly into her Hollows and draining all the laughter from taras mouth. “AHAHAHAHAHAA… …” taras watery eyes quickly turned into a few tears running down the side of her cheek and her laughter became silent and that’s when Sam let go of her arms and pulled her hands back but still sitting on top of her and smiling.
“Oh.. My.. god” Tara said, her breathing very heavy and her face is stained red. “looks like you enjoyed that” Sam said with a warm smile and then climbed off her sister, who was laying on the sofa and she sat next to her. As flustered as Tara was she actually managed to admit it. “Yeah.. t-That was.. fun..” she said through a small amount of stutters. “Well.. I know i gotta do that more often!” Sam joked with a small giggle seeing Tara blush again. “I-.. thankyou..” she said, avoiding sams eye contact once again. “Ofcourse” Sam said with a more soft and caring voice. “god, that’s really tired me out” Tara said, finally being able to re-collect her breath. “Yeah, you should probably get some rest after that” Sam giggled and then Tara shuffled herself up and just layed against her sofa, resting her head on the pillow and shutting her eyes.
“I love you sam” she said with a quite voice. “I love you to Tara” Sam said with another comforting smile and sam reached over to grab a blanket and carefully place it over Tara. Sam smiled to herself, thinking about how the evening turned out. But she was content in knowing that this would be a recurring thing, like when they were little.
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echo-rambles · 9 months
I wrote this little changjin thing because it's late and I can't sleep and I just watched some compilation videos and something about them will always make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
word count: 852 (unedited)
title: I'll be your everything
“When did you first know that you liked me?”
It’s a quiet question, because it’s been on Hyunjin’s mind but he just keeps forgetting to ask. Now, with his head in Changbin’s lap and Chagbin’s fingers in his hair, Hyunjin is once again reminded of wondering when exactly this entire thing between them began to blossom. 
Eyes glued to his phone, Changbin hums, half distracted. Hyunjin makes a displeased noise and squirms around until he can poke at Chagbin’s stomach and elicit a ‘yah!’ from him. Repeats his question with a pout. 
Another hum, this one more considering. The fingers in Hyunjin’s hair dig a little deeper, scratching at his scalp before they’re dragging through and playing with the ends. “Since I first saw you, probably.” 
“No. I mean- as more than a friend, I guess. I know you like me, but when did you know? When did you, I dunno, become obsessed with me or whatever.”
“Yeah, I know what you meant.” Changbin rolls his eyes but then he’s tilting a smile down at Hyunjin. “My answer is the exact same though.”
“Seriously? Since the first day? You were just, what, immediately into me the moment you saw me? We were trainees! We were so tiny and awkward.” 
Another hum, his smile growing. 
“It’s because I was so pretty, wasn’t it?” Hyunjin huffs, crossing his arms and turning his head away from Changbin. His fingers still, drifting away from Hyunjin’s hair until they’re lightly touching the edges of his jaw. 
“You’ve always been pretty, yes.” It always makes the air in Hyunjin’s lungs trip and catch on nothing when he hears how honest Changbin is with his compliments. He never takes the bait, not when he’s being serious. Not with that soft smile and the little light in his eyes that means he’ll keep saying it until Hyunjin accepts it. 
Hyunjin has been called pretty before. By countless people, with varying levels of sincerity. But the way Changbin says it will always feel different. Whether it’s woven into the middle of a joke for the camera or it’s whispered late at night just for the two of them. Hyunjin keeps each and every compliment tucked away in a small little box inside of his chest to keep forever. 
“But I think it was your smile that really locked me in, y’know?” Changbin’s voice is low, a serious thoughtful tone that Hyunjin isn’t very used to hearing when it comes to the topic of how gone for Hyunjin he is. It makes Hyunjin turn his head back, rolling it on Changbin’s thighs until he can gaze up at him, feeling Changbin’s fingers follow the movement, ghosting along his chin and up towards his mouth. “I was trying to be funny and I got some pity laughs sure, but you lit up Hyunjin. Like I was the funniest guy in that room.”
“So it’s all about your ego.” It’s a deflection sure, but something about this moment feels a little too raw. He was the one to open this door and he’s not sure if he’s ready to hear what’s on the other side. 
“Only a little bit.” Changbin teases, pinching at Hyunjin’s bottom lip gently. “You laughed and your whole face scrunched up and I think I felt your smile wedge itself behind my ribs.” 
“You’re being awfully poetic.” 
“It’s kind of my job to sound like this sometimes.” Another pinch, before he’s smoothing over Hyunjin’s bottom lip with his thumb. Gentle and tender and it fills Hyunjin with warmth. “I dunno, I guess I saw you and I just knew you were going to be special to me. It’s not a very exciting answer, sorry.”
“No- no, it’s actually stupidly perfect.” Hyunjin is so quick to reassure him, fingers wrapping tightly around Changbin’s wrist, holding him in place. Thumb pressing into his mouth. 
Hyunjin thinks he understands. It’s not the big answer he was expecting. There wasn’t any one moment that really solidified whatever they are to each other, because they’ve never been anything else. From the beginning it's always been- this. In a room filled with other kids, all young and naive, they locked eyes and something clicked into place between them.  
“I think I saw you in your weird shirt and felt the same thing.” He says, pressing the pads of his fingers between Chagbin’s knuckles softly. 
“It was fashionable-” Changbin tries to argue, even as he curls over Hyunjin, arching closer, sweeping his fingers along the seam of Hyunjin’s mouth. 
“It wasn’t at all but that’s ok, because it made me notice you.” 
It’s an unnameable thing, something that Hyunjin is so afraid to try and hold between his hands because he doesn’t want it to crack or shatter. It just exists, tethering them together, never held too tightly. Never acknowledged head on but instead regarded out of the corner of their eyes. Skirting around and joked about.  He’s smiling against Changbin’s fingers, and Changbin is smiling back, and for now it’s ok that this thing has no name. Because it’s theirs and that’s really all they need.
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shzmluvrs · 11 months
I luved your freddy lovey dovey stuff so can i request sum more fluffy things for the first movie freddy?? Like maybe trying to have a sleepover and the family keep interrupting them or something like that?? x
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Prompt: Freddy should've known better. Wanting time to himself was already hard enough at his house. Wanting time for himself and you? For a sleepover, a.k.a. a longer than 24-hour period of time? *loud laughing*.
Timeline: Post Shazam!, Pre S!:FOTG
TW/Content: Yelling⚡️Freddy being inpatient and wanting you to himself lol⚡️Fluff (plenty of it, I'm sure)⚡️Cursing (I think, but probably not)
Reader: Non-specified! Any Pronouns!
Requested By: Anon
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I know for a fact that Freddy never watches TV downstairs, ever, for the exact reason that there is no point in doing so.
Er, attempting to do so, rather.
So why he even bothered to try it while you were over spending the night with him, he'll never know. He will reap the consequences, though.
He could excuse it when it was Victor, the man coming in to suggest some of the top notch, upmost best and entertaining movies to watch. And when Rosa came in to "check on you guys" and "make sure you had snacks." She was just mothering and being nosy, nothing new.
But it was when he had barely gotten to slyly drape his arm around your shoulders before Mary walked in squealing over something ridiculous, his irritation had started to grow. And you gladly gave her your attention, turning away from him to entertain whatever little funny video she had to show you on her phone right now.
He would knaw at his lip and keep his brown eyes glued to the screen, ignoring it all until he felt you cuddle up into his side once again. Maybe he had gotten all worked up and pissy for nothing, I mean, your attention wasn't pulled away for that long...
Mary was already gone, the movie was still only beginning... Good. But before the two of you could fully relax, Eugene came barreling into the room. Right in front of the TV.
While you stared like a deer caught in headlights, Freddy could only (again) roll his eyes. He knew exactly what his younger brother was talking about, and though a small part of him fluttered with excitement at the news, it meant nothing to him right now with you right next to him, attempting to spend some time together.
"I'm kind of busy right now...!" He hummed (hiding his passive aggressiveness through grit teeth). "Like, extra busy." Even going as far as to pulling you even closer, if possible, hoping Eugene would catch the obvious hint. He did not.
"She'll understand it if we just explained it to her!"
"Yeah, Freddy, explain it to me~." You teased, and then hushed up real quick when he sent both of you glares indicating he was not at all in the mood.
"Maybe later."
With Euegene gone, he was finally able to kick back once more, placing casual kisses to your temple as if he didn't almost explode mere seconds ago. It caused giggles to leave your throat, humming to yourself at Freddy's versatile range of emotions when it came to you. Although, you couldn't help but admit you did admire his willingness to completely give up any and all other distractions for you.
Including this next one, Darla bounding into the living room with dolls in hand. This was now, not only a test of Freddy's patience, but yours as well...
"(Y/N)!! Do'ya' wanna play Pixie Nightclub Life with me?"
... what ?
"...What?" You asked in complete confusion, staring between her and the dolls.
"No." Freddy gave a solid answer for you, pursing his lips up into a huge pout you didn't want to address just yet. "We actually just wanna spend time together, if that could be possible, which, I know it could, because it's not- It's not a hard thing to achieve and completely reasonable to want... just sayin'."
"Stop it..." You hissed, slapping at him lightly before leaning upwards to face Darla one-on-one. "How about this? When I wake up tomorrow morning, me and Freddy will play dolls with you. Call it... a special reservation of our time." Her lips, which were already beginning to dip into a frown, immediately backtracked right back up into a wide grin at your compromise, nodding swiftly before bounding off.
. . . "I don't wan-" "I don't care, be a good big brother." "Mmm..."
He didn't argue, but he released his pout and leaned further into you, knowing you had basically just done him a favor. Plus, he was just happy you two could now, finally, have so-
The two of you jumped at the loud screaming coming from the kitchen, sharing a worried glance before you shot up off of the couch and Freddy paused the movie.
"WHY IS IT ON FIRE?!" "I BURNT THE WAFFLES!!" You weren't even granted time to wonder, 'How does one burn waffles?', watching with wide eyes as a flame lit up the entirety of the kitchen with its orange light, Pedro backing away before he could get burned.
"WHY WERE YOU MAKING WAFFLES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Freddy screamed, Billy already moving towards the sink as he shouted back. "WE WERE HUNGRY AND ROSA IS SLEEPING!"
"Probably not anymore..." Pedro murmured, your hand itching to stop Billy's actions for some odd reason. You couldn't place it, but something about him pouring water into a large cup to put out a fire in/on the toaster didn't seem right. "Wait..."
"OH MY GOD, WE CAN LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING NICE IN THIS HOUSE!!" Freddy groaned in agitation, not noticing it as you left his side to slowly trail after Billy's hurried movements.
"Dude, wait..."
And finally, it clicked. "Wait, nO, YOU DON'T POUR WATER ON AN ELECTRICAL F-!!"
Too late. Water doused over the toaster, drenching the burnt bread and anything else around it as a silence loomed over the group. It wasn't long before low, electrical humming could be heard, and then a loud pop/shock sound from the outlet, scaring the life out of all of you, jumping back as a curt scream escaped from your throat. At the very least, you found it endearing that Billy, Freddy, and Pedro's instinct was to immediately keep you behind them. Yet still...
When the chaos was said and done (and the whole of downstairs aired out to get rid of the burnt smell) you and Freddy were placed back on the couch, comfortable in each other's arms as Freddy eagerly rewinded the movie.
"I'm sorry we haven't really gotten to focus :/..." You sighed into the crook of his neck, your boyfriend already placing his hand on top of yours to rub your knuckles soothingly.
"Don't worry about it, (Y/N). Everyone's asleep now, I'm pretty sure, so we've got all night to ourselves, finally."
"Finally." You repeated, a smile gracing your lips with a hum, your eyes closing in content as you leaned against his chest.
It was Freddy who realized they never opened back up again (your eyes), looking down at you upon feeling the oddly slow rise and fall of your body against his arms wrapped around you. You had peacefully lulled yourself to sleep, the calming sound of his heart beating not aiding in keeping you awake while he scoffed.
"Are you serious right now..."
The next morning was pretty much the same deal, everyone sitting at the large dining table enjoying the breakfast and chit-chat. Each member of the family capturing your attention over and over again, leaving Freddy no time to even speak to you. But, for this moment, he didn't mind. He sat and smiled, mainly at you, admiring your features as you interacted with his family. He squeezed your hand under the table, keeping it in his lap. And, without any need for you to even break conversation, you squeezed it back.
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I hope you liked it!! I feel like I made it a little longer (and more chaotic-ish) than originally intended, but it's ight, you'll live💅🏽.
Also, Moon, I'm coming for your man, he's so sweet🥺🫶🏽💙.
~ Star✨️
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luvuwite · 3 months
BUT ANYW ANYW YEA!! ik u like ponyo, which encouraged me to come and yap ab my ghibli thoughts to u rn,, and i too love ponyo it is technically my first anime. have you watched the cat returns as well tho?
BC I RECOMMEND IT AUH IM LITERALLY HAVING A HYPERFIXATION FOR NO REASON ITS SO GOOD 😭 to me at least it was rlly fun i loved the characters it was a pretty movie as always, ghibli is beautiful
but anyw yea IM SRRY IF THIS YAP SESSION IS BOTHERSOME u don’t seem to be bothered by ppl talkin to u but im gonna be hesitant just in case. but no like i don’t have much ppl to ramble about this to bc most of my friends r like “ANIME EW” or wtv so im the nerdy one or wtv and i thought “wait what if i share my thoughts with luvu LUVU LIKES PONYO”
DUDE ok it sucks sm bc theres only so many friends that kno about studio ghibli PONYO IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME AND BRUH I HATE PEOPLE HO ARE LIKE EWWW ANIMEEEEE GROW UP BRUHHHH
Also literally Ponyo is my die hard movie if anyone says they love it more than me theyre AI Discord Bot 100% Trust guys
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ALSO i highly suggest if you watched Cat Returns watch Whisper of the Heart!! Studio Ghibli never really makes "movie part two" BUT the movie CAN SUGGEST a correlation together! ALSO HERES A VIDEO TALKING ABOUT THOSE TWO MOVIES!!! HIGHLY RECCOMEND WATCHING IT
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amethystblack · 2 years
I'm sorry if my questions are offensive but I have to get something off my chest. Why is your writing so clumbsy? Like, I know we're only human and all and I appreciate your attempt at a good story but this isn't it. It tries to be realistic but I feel as though it's not. And one other thing is that I love challenge but your balancing is just super weird to me. Like, everytime I play Reborn I felt like the battles weren't very difficult if you use certain pokemon and felt the battles were samey.
i dont want to just "*your" and end thread but there is something so cosmically funny to me about "why is your writing so clumbsy" being spelled that way
anyway, i'm just going to take a guess that this subsequent ask is also you:
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and i'm glad you sent it because my original response was basically going to be "what exactly is clumsy about it to you?"
because under normal circumstances, my answer to that would be the circumstances behind it-- the narrative structure is a mess because from the start we were gluing unrelated league characters together. it's a poor structural foundation with which i've done the best i could, and i eagerly anticipate the chance to do better.
but if this is about amaria then this is a completely different conversation. and that explains a lot, like for instance, the attitude. many people really seem to have a special brand of vitriol for her, which i continually find genuinely fascinating. i also love the line "controversial characters the community despises" because it acknowledges that people have opposing opinions on her, but in the same breath you speak for the community as a whole as if it has one unified, objective stance. some might say that that kind of writing is a bit messy.
so let's talk mindset. especially regarding the depression, that was based partly on the experiences of a friend, and mostly on my own personal experience with it. i am keenly aware of how depression makes a person feel, and i somewhat resent the implication that i am somehow unfamiliar with that. more than anything, i do not accept the outside criticism that my portrayal of my own depression is unrealistic. in fact, i was very happy when the episode released that it resonated with their experiences as well. in terms of personal, vulnerable and emotionally-resonant writing in the game, i would actually go so far as to say that amaria's depression is actually some of my most successful.
of course, it's also true that not everyone's experiences are the same! you obviously have strong opinions on what depression does, which i can only assume by the objective confidence you say them with is based off of your own experience rather than something flimsy like opinions on characters in a video game. the contrast of experiences is a great opportunity for both of us to learn a lesson about how each other experiences these things. in the sense of being an opportunity to compare emotions and understand where they differ, i feel as if this bit of writing has actually been quite successful.
finally, there is, of course, a strong, vocal population of people who just despise amaria. after all, she does whine about it a lot, doesn't she? she even says so and feels bad for it! and she is a terrible person, isn't she? she admits to that and feels bad for it too. but when in the game are you ever expected to forgive her for that? when have i asked you to do that? when is the depression ever framed as an excuse? i'm pretty confident i expressly have not framed it that way, because i certainly do not view it that way. i think amaria is one of my best characters exactly because she is so flawed. i suppose that a shallow reading of her presence in labradorra might be taken as narrative endorsement of her behavior, but i hope a more emotionally-nuanced interpretation would understand how actively and intentionally uncomfortable it is for her to show up and insert herself into a battle alongside you after that. because that, also, is very personally-motivated. i had a very complicated relationship with the aforementioned friend on which she was based. so while i also put a lot of myself into her, i am also so very vindicated when people hate her as well. in terms of creating a divisive character who people have a variety of strong opinions about, i actually feel as if i've been very successful with her writing.
what's weird to me is the point at which this stopped being about the character being bad, and started being about me being bad. like, there is a lot of bad faith from you to me here, but the expectation to excuse her behavior based on depression, which you take so much issue with, didn't come from me. as a firm believer in the concept of death of the author (if the hydreigon scene didn't make that clear), i really feel like that expectation which seems to have stirred you up so much came from yourself-- from your reading of the game.
and i'm okay with that. that's a new one to me, but i've enjoyed hearing the new hot take fresh out of the oven. you say you don't mean offense, and i kind of believe you, but the amount of bad faith and the sharp wording you've now punted two asks at me with... makes me wonder. on the other hand, if it's something you 'have to get off your chest' like you said... well, i get that. because that was also me for writing those parts of the game. it was just something i emotionally needed to do. maybe you can understand that, since these asks were also kind of clumsy on your part.
it's okay, though. after all, we're only human.
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ase-trollplays · 1 year
It Happened So Suddenly (Part two)
Part one
Part three
It’s been six perigees since the night you allowed the cloaked stranger to stay with you. She told you her name was Yarrow Celfie, and she actually wasn’t a bad hiveguest. She only stayed with you about a week that night you met her, but every few perigees she shows up again. Thankfully she doesn’t come in through the window anymore (Which you now check at least three times a night to make sure it’s locked).
That first week, you and your lusus made sure at least one of you was watching her at all times unless she was using the bathroom. You’re extremely relieved she figured out the toilet on her own. You also showed her how the shower works, which she was absolutely floored by. It was actually kind of funny seeing her reaction.
Then she asked if you were going to join her since in her clan everyone bathes together, and you got embarrassed and sputtered that city trolls don’t do that. Which she thought was funny, so you’re even.
She kept writing in some kind of journal, but when you asked about it or tried to sneak a look she immediately hid it. Word of what happened that night spread through the fanbase like wild fire, and there were already memes filling your reddit and twitter feed only one night later.
You were relieved when she eventually went back to her clan. Having another person in your hive to keep an eye on wreaked havoc on your schedule, and she was all anyone wanted to talk about even a week after she left. Eventually, though, things went back to normal, and you all but forgot about her.
Then she came back for the second time two perigees later, though this time she knocked on the window. You were editing the latest “Try Not to Laugh” video you finished recording about half an hour ago. When you heard her at the window, you were surprised to see her again. You decided to let her in but told her to knock on the front door next time. You didn’t want your neighbors gossiping about you letting people in through the window.
Your lusus was practically glued to her much like he was the first time she stayed, but you were a little more lax. You even invited her to say hi to your fans, which she declined. You didn’t mind much, but your fans were disappointed.
That time around, you taught her how to use your old palmhusk. The bottom corner or the screen was cracked, so you couldn’t trade it in when you bought your new phone. It still worked, so you just had the number on it changed and gave it to Yarrow since apparently she was going to be a recurring guest.
She didn’t understand how any of the apps worked, but texting and calling went much better. By the time she was ready to leave again, she was basically a pro at it! ... Well, sort of. Okay not really at all, but she was getting there.
Now it’s her third time visiting, her last visit having been four perigees ago, and you find yourself actually looking forward to seeing her. This time around she actually joins you in a video, and your fanbase goes nuts. Within the hour there’s shipping art and memes with the two of you. Yarrow asks you what they mean, but you simply tell her your fans are being dorks.
Unlike the last two times, however, she doesn’t simply leave after about a week or so. She wants to take you to her home in the forest since you’ve been so nice teaching her about the city.
This is not a request. You’re going.
You spend the next two weeks roughing it in the middle of nowhere, and it’s easily the worst two weeks of your life. You spend the whole time sweaty and dirty and jonesing for internet access like an alcoholic going through withdrawal. There’s so many bugs, and every night you wake up with something crawling in your clothes whether it’s ants or a beetle or, on one occasion, a snake. Washing up in the lake is disgusting. All you can think about is all the fish poop and animal backwash you’re wading in.
Oh God, and the undead are worse out here than in the city. Yarrow’s cave is dank and dark, but the undead don’t go near it for whatever reason so it’s the best place to be. You can’t sleep well out here, and waking up during the day and hearing the groaning and shambling of the mindless undead is incredibly unnerving.
In short, you hate it here.
“You need to toughen up, Hyleem! You’re as soft as a newborn wriggler,” Yarrow teases as she guts a large creature she hunted. You can’t bear to watch, so you stand several feet away with your back facing her. Sure, you know where meat comes from and all, but you prefer it already butchered and neatly packaged so you don’t have to think about where it comes from.
“I’m not soft! I’m plenty tough! This place just sucks!” you complain and grumble under your breath. On paper it makes perfect sense she’d want to show you how she lives since you showed her how you live. However, you live surrounded by convenience and ease, and she lives completely off the land with all the difficulty that comes with it. You miss your hive.
“You should be watching so you can learn better survival skills,” she chides. You look back at her and shudder.
“Noooo thank you! Even getting over how disgusting that is, do you know how hard it is to eat something after seeing it alive first?? I might do the vegan thing after this,” you whine, but you know you’re still going to eat it. Honestly, fresh meat tastes better than the stuff in the store, but the trapping, killing, and carving you have to do to get it isn’t worth it.
Once your impromptu camping trip to Hell is over with and you’re back home, you pray she never makes you do that again.
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sadowlswriting · 2 years
What would you do if I said I still loved you?
That even though its been 2 years since we've talked, some how whenever I'm alone I end up thinking about you. I thought I'd managed to move on, that I'd managed to forget just enough about you that every second I'm not doing something, you wouldn't be on my mind, but I was wrong.
I know that I shouldn't be thinking about you so much, I shouldn't be wanting to talk you, I shouldn't be hoping that one day we'll bump into each other and start a conversation.
You weren't good for me, and you still aren't whether you've changed or not. But it's okay to want it as long as I don't act on it, right?
What would you do if I said I still cared?
That I think about what you're up to more times than I should, I think about how you're doing, how college is treating you, how your family are, whether you eventually got the pet dog you kept pestering your mom about, whether your room still looks the same or if you've maybe changed the colour of the walls or the way things were set. I could go on and on but I won't.
Do I linger on your mind as much as you do in mine? Have I become a taste in the back of your throat you can't get rid of no matter how many times you rinse it? Do you feel my fingers from when I touched your skin? Does the sensation stick like glue? Do you hear my name or read it somewhere and immediately think of me? Do you see a video or picture that you find funny and you want to share it with me but before you press the send button, the realisation hits you like it had many times before but you forgot that we don't know each other anymore and it would now be weird to send that?
Did you ever actually love me? Or was it the fact that I was easy to mold that you loved?
Did you ever actually want me? Or did you just want someone you could have to service you whenever you called?
Did you ever care about me? Or was it just a way to get me into your web?
I ask myself these questions everytime, something reminds me that you once existed in my life. I ask myself these questions, and it tortures me because I know I'll never get those answers; and even if I did I don't think I'd be satisfied.
You hadn't die, but I had already lost you long before I told you I was leaving but the day that I called you and said that I'd had enough I lost the presence of another person in my life, one that had been practically glued to me and it was comforting in some parts but also so suffocating when I wasn't used to it.
I've never really grieved for a person before, and it wasn't really grieving a person but more so mourning the loss of a friendship I had never experienced before so i wasn't sure how to do it. I know everybody does it differently, but how do you know when you've passed the stage of mourning and you move on to acceptance and letting go?
I want to let you go, but I don't know how.
I guess it's okay to still care for you and to still love you and want you, if it's at a distance, isn't it?
Would you have mercy on me and free my mind from the grip you still have on it, if I stopped fighting against you?
If the wounds that are still bleeding and the scars that still healing became visible to you, would you help patch them up and make sure they didn't get worse?
I'm not angry or sad or disappointed, I just guess I feel like maybe I'm missing something that even if you came back it wouldn't fill, it wouldn't feel complete it would just feel like I'm trying to put something in a place where it doesn't belong, like putting on a shirt that's too small just because you want to be that size but just because you want it doesn't mean it's going to feel right. That space I want to fill it's no longer for you, you no longer fit.
To put it in a more simple and short way, I'll just say I'm confused. And maybe one day I'll figure it out, and maybe another day I'll see something that reminded me of you and what I see will be just what I see.
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skyebounded · 2 years
Well Don’t! part i.
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© Skyebounded, do not use my work, but you may share it.
.main masterlist. .stranger things masterlist.
premise:  Being in love with Steve Harrington comes with great difficulties.
Warnings: swearing, angst. SEASON 4 SPOILERS
WC: 3.7K
A/N: I can’t stop thinking about this boy, lord help me!
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Fifteen minutes late, highly unlike you, but all things considered you felt it appropriate. You had been glued to the Tv watching the horrific news from the past few days unravel. Talk about a poor Hawkins student brutally murdered, on every channel. You couldn’t seem to pull yourself away from the staticy screen, not until your roommate strutted into the living room, reminding you that you had a job to get to. 
You hurried as quickly as you could, grabbing all of your things before you rushed out the door. You felt uneasy as you drove to work, thinking about that poor teen, and everything that their family might be going through. You had heard the rumors, the ones saying that Hawkins was cursed, diseased, and the more you thought about it, the more you started to agree. Nothing but heartache and tragedy lived in this town. 
You pull into the video store, spotting Steve’s car immediately, wondering what he would say as soon as you walked through the doors. Climbing out of the car you make your way into the store. 
“Did you guys see the news?” you blurt, ignoring the way that everyone all stopped dead in their tracks as if they were doing something that they didn’t want you to know about. Steve looks up at you, his eyes widening as if you had just caught him doing something he shouldn’t be. 
“Uh-?” he looks to Robin who looks as though she was going to be sick. 
It's then that you notice Steve’s ‘children’ standing behind the counter, leaning over Robin’s shoulder looking at the computer. 
“What-?” you point at the kids, looking to Steve for an explanation, your brows knitted together in confusion. Steve makes his way around the counter to greet you, grabbing your arms as he pulls you away to talk. 
“Hey you,” he says awkwardly, smiling quickly at you. 
You return the gesture, confused by his sudden odd behavior. 
“Hey,” you pause, “what's going on?”
Steve takes a deep breath, his eyes darting around the room. He was acting strange, and you couldn’t help but wonder why. He lets out a chuckle, wildly gesturing behind him, “they are um. it's funny actually, but um-you know.” 
You shake your head not understanding in the slightest what he was talking about. In the entire two years that you and Steve had become best of friends, you had never seen him so flustered.
“No actually, I don’t know Steve, that’s why I am asking?” you retort, bringing your arms to fold over your chest. Your eyes slowly start to narrow on him. 
He rubs the back of his neck, his smile faltering. “Um..” He was stumped, at a loss for words. Never, not once had you seen Steve Harrington at a loss for words. Normally all of this wouldn’t bother you, it's not like his ‘children’ ever really kept to the rules, especially not when it came to your place of work, or come to think of it,  anything for that matter. So seeing them behind the counter wasn’t what was bothering you, but it was the way that Steve seemed on edge, lost on an excuse to hide the truth of the matter. 
“Steve, we found it, Lipton!” Robin calls out. Steve looks at her, his brows shooting up, and you’re left trying to figure out what the hell is going on, his mouth slightly slack, clearly thinking of something to say. You look over his shoulder to see Dustin and Max collecting their things, and Robin scribbling down something on a piece of paper before they practically jump over the counter making their way over to the door. Steve’s eyes fall closed, sighing before he looks at you again. “I’ve got to go do something really quick, but we’ll be back soon, okay?” He pecks your cheek, which he never did, giving your hands a squeeze before all four of them rush out of the store and into Steve’s car, leaving you completely alone without any chance to ask questions. Odd. 
You had no time to process anything except for the fact that you were extremely confused, and slightly peeved at now realizing that you were left to work the shift alone. You stare around the empty store, gritting your teeth together as a bitter taste fills your mouth. You couldn’t help but feel like you had just been left out of something extremely important, and it didn’t sit well with you. 
Four hours, that's how long they had been gone. You kept replaying what Steve said, ‘real quick…be back soon’. 
  “Real quick, my ass,” you grumbled, shelving the fifth copy of Howard the Duck. You had been nothing but busy all day, tending to everything that desperately needed to be done before the new shipment of movies came in. Clearing the shelves to make room for all of them, reorganizing the displays for new ones to go out, and not to mention the growing amount of returns that needed to be logged. You’d also had a non-stop flow of customers in and out all day, each one needing more attention than you wanted to give. 
What didn’t help was the fact that it was Saturday, your busiest day of the week, and yet you were being forced to work it alone. Normally you wouldn’t mind it if it was any other given day, or if you’d had been given a heads up, but neither of those things had been presented to you. You were more than annoyed, and bordering on angry. There was nothing that you could think of that made sense as to why they all left you, and worst of all, with no idea as to where they were going or what they were doing. It felt like they had decided to skip out to do something ten times more entertaining, and you simply weren’t invited.  
“Excuse me, ma’am, can I get your help?” 
You let your head fall, taking a deep breath before you plaster on a smile and lookup. A tall lengthy boy was standing in the next aisle overlooking at you, his lips pressed into a thin line. 
“Yeah, what can I do for you?” 
With a quick smile, he says, “I was looking for Cheech & Chong’s Up In Smoke?” 
“Um, I believe we have it,” you make your way around to where he’s standing to see that there were no copies left. “Let me see if it's been returned,” you add.
“Okay, thanks.” 
You make your way over to the computer, signing when you hear the bell to the door, five new customers filing in. You shake the cursor, waking the computer to see someone's account still open. What caught your eye was the last movie on their account, ‘Cheech & Chong’s Up In Smoke….Late’ You look at the top of the screen, the name Rick Lipton at the top. 
You look around aimlessly for a moment, wondering why the name sounded familiar, only to realize that was the name Robin called out hours ago, right before they all hurried off. 
Startled, you look at the boy, now standing in front of the counter looking at you. “It’s still checked out.” you snap.
The boy scowls at you before turning to leave. You grab a pen, and quickly write down the address, collecting your things and turning off the computer and lights. 
“Hey everyone, um-we're closing early, sorry but you all need to leave, now!” 
Nobody moves at first until you snap again, “Now!” You ignore the glares and snarky quips as you usher everyone out the door, following closely behind and locking it. You climb into your car and start it up, before setting off to investigate.
You weren’t sure what you were going to find out here, especially not with it being as dark as it was, and out in the middle of nowhere. You had hoped that you wouldn’t find Steve here, especially with it being so late, but there his car was, unmistakably so. You drag yourself out of the car, grabbing the flashlight that you so conveniently carried in your glove box, making your way up to the front of the house. Heartbeat hastening as you bring yourself to knock on the door. 
Looking around at the exceedingly dark woods behind you, a shiver runs up your spine, an unnerving feeling that someone was watching you.
“Hello? Steve?” 
You knock again, this time beating the door a little harder. 
“Steve, I know you’re in there! I see your car out here!” you move to peek through the window, flashing the light inside. If this was a joke you didn’t find it funny in the slightest, if anything it was beginning to make you angrier. 
“Steve! Robin!” 
You bang your hand against the glass, slowly making your way around the house, looking through each window. “This isn’t funny you guys! Hellooo?!” 
Something clatters in the distance, making you jump, your ears ringing as you look down towards the lake, not fond of the eerie feeling that was lingering in the night air. You catch a glimpse of a boathouse a few yards away, bordering the lake, and curse under your breath, as you slowly make your way down towards it.
“I swear to god if this is some sick prank I will strangle each of you,” you mumble. 
As you get closer the door opens and Steve appears, nearly scaring the shit out of you. “Shit! Steve.” you gasp, shining the light directly in his eyes. He throws his hands up to block the light as he makes his way up the hill to you, lowering the light in your hand once he does.
“What are you doing here?” He asks. 
You’re slightly taken aback by his tone, harsh and demanding as if you were the one who disappeared hours ago. 
“Excuse me?” you retort, taking a step back. 
“No seriously, y/n, what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here! And how did you even-” he starts.
“You didn’t log out of the customer's account and so I took a wild guess! And as far as I am concerned Steve, I came to look for you, so that's why I am here, but the real question is why the hell are you here?” you say, gesturing wildly around you with the flashlight.
He runs his hands over his face, then through his hair, with a deep sigh. His hands find his hips, a stern and hostile look on his face. He wasn’t pleased, and that was easy to see, but why? You weren’t sure. 
“You need to leave, please I need you to leave now.” he instructs. 
You scoff at his statement, deciding that you plan to go nowhere without some explanations first. 
“No, you need to tell me what is going on, now,” you make sure to punctuate the last part. He shakes his head, firm on his standing. “Y/n, I’m not playing, you need to leave right now, okay? I will tell you what's going on later, but right now I am begging you, go home.” 
There was a hint of desperation and urgency to his tone, followed by the struggle for him to meet your gaze, as he kept looking behind you as if he expected to see someone standing there. The unsettled feeling growing deeper in your stomach. Something clearly wasn’t right, you didn't know what he was hiding, but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't seem to figure out what it was. Betrayal, hurt and most of all confusion, that's what you were feeling.
You look past him at the door, Robin’s head poking out along with Max and Dustin peeking out the windows. You sniff, fighting back the sudden urge to cry. Your jaw tenses, as you shake your head slowly. “Seriously, Steve?” you mumble. Your voice is becoming shaky. “Just tell me what-” 
“Y/n, leave. Now.” 
You nod your head slowly, biting the inside of your cheeks, “Okay..okay.” You turn on your heel, head held high and head back to your car, letting the tears fall down your cheeks. 
You spent the entire night tossing and turning, wondering when Steve was going to come home, but much to your dismay he never did. Your mind had begun to wonder, thinking about the dead teen that had been found the other day, and you couldn't seem to stop picturing Steve in the very same situation, mangled and alone. You hadn’t had any sleep at this point, too busy watching the news to make sure you didn’t hear about another death. 
“Wow, you look like hell.” 
You manage to pull your gaze from the screen to see your roommate, Emma, on her way out for the day.
“Thanks” you retort. 
“Just this morning another body was discovered out by Lover’s Lake. The body is still unidentified, but what we do know is it was seemingly a male, somewhere around the age of sixteen to about twenty years old…”
You droned out after the words lovers lake and male. Panic started to rise inside you as flashes of Steve lying dead flooded you. You never should have left him last night. You should have just stayed, fought him harder, and forced him to tell you what was going on. 
“Hey, Steve’s home.”  
Letting out the breath that you didn’t know you were holding, you turn to look at Emma, who is currently peering out the kitchen window. You clammer your feet, albeit running to the door, and swinging it open. A look of surprise and relief formed on his face as you threw yourself into his arms. He grabs you, wrapping his arms tightly around your body, as he holds you in silence for a moment. 
“Oh my god, you’re okay,” you mutter into the crook of his neck. He pulls away from you, with a soft smile, “I’m okay,” he says. 
He pulls you inside, shutting the door after Emma, who was rushing out of the house. Steve looks at you, the same guilty, flustered look coming back to his face. 
“I just came home to grab some things,” he says, biting the inner corner of his cheek. 
You simply nod, still too relieved and dazed to ask any questions just yet. Steve moves around the house, collecting all manner of things, muttering to himself. 
“Have you seen the news today?” you ask, standing frozen in front of the television.
He doesn’t respond, just continues his search for god knows what. The unease starts to set in again as he makes his way to the garage door, pulling it open and disappearing inside.
“Steve! Steve talk to me.” you call out, following behind him.
“I’ve just got to get a few things and then-” he trails off like he doesn't want to finish his sentence. 
You move over to him, grabbing his arm, “Can you stop for a moment!“ you pull him away from the toolbox, pulling him to face you. “What are you doing?” you ask, watching as his body stiffens and his jaw tenses. You can see the bags under his eyes, he almost held the look of a crazed man who hasn't slept in ages. “Talk to me, what is going on? What happened yesterday?” you continue.
He just looks at you, his eyes glazed over and his lips pressed together. 
“Steve?” you press
“Nothing, it's nothing.” His tone is dismissive and harsh, as he turns back to sift through a box full of random shit. You were tired of the empty and vague answers, or even the lack thereof. He had given you nothing and it wasn’t going to fly anymore. 
“That's bullshit, Steve! I am your best friend and I deserve an explanation. You can’t keep hiding things from me.” you snap.
“I can’t tel-…” “Do you know what this feels like Steve? It feels like I am completely left behind, watching everything from afar. Everyone knows everything but me, I am always four steps behind, and I hate it. It's humiliating. I have done nothing but worry, and panic and you have done nothing but lie to me! Feeding me bullshit, when I can clearly see that you are hiding something, that all of you are! “Do you know that there is a fucking killer on the loose? Two dead bodies already, Steve! two!” you pause, sniffing as you blink your tears away, “I don’t know when we started keeping secrets from each other, but I hate it Steve, I fucking hate it. So please.. Tell me what the hell is going on?” 
He stops and faces you. shoulders hung low, eyes trained on the door behind you, and you can’t help but think he's planning an escape. 
“I need you to just trust me!” he grabs an extra flashlight, mumbling something about Nancy ‘needing one of these’, and you snap. 
“No, that's not good enough! I need answers,” you pause, grabbing his arm again to grab his attention. You can see literal steam rolling off him. “Why does it involve Nancy…Steve?” His eyes fall closed, shaking his head. 
“We are trying to hunt down whatever is doing this.” he snaps back. 
Dumbfounded by his confession you take a step back, tugging at your hair as you try to make sense of what he was saying. 
“That’s incredibly stupid! Like really really stupid, Steve!” you huff, “Are you doing this as some dumb ploy to get back with Nancy, prove to her that you’re cool or something because you can catch a killer?” 
He scoffs, rolling his eyes as he picks up a hammer, twirling it around in his hand. 
“You’re going to get hurt, or even worse..killed!”
“Why do you care!?” he snaps. He looks slightly shocked by his own question, wondering what he meant by it, but says nothing about it as he runs his hand through his messy hair. You were fuming, it was like he couldn’t see how dumb he was being, and all for a girl who dumped him, if that was the case. Regardless he was setting off on a suicide mission. “Huh?” he prods. 
“Because I am in love you, Steve!” you bark. You sigh heavily, feeling only the slightest amount of relief at telling him the truth. This isn’t how you wanted nor pictured how you would tell him. However, it worried you that no matter what you would say, he wouldn’t listen. That he would continue on with his heroically stupid quest. You watch the color drain from him as if you had just shot him, like your words were something utterly foul to his ears.
“Well don't,” he exhales, unable to bring himself to look at you. 
It was your turn to feel the color drain from your face. Daggers, it felt like you had just been stabbed in the heart, only to have it ripped from you and crumbled before your eyes. “What?” It was more of a rhetorical question; you didn’t particularly want to hear his response. What you wanted, was to take back what you had said, pretend like everything was okay, and not like you just completely fucked up your entire friendship with him.
 “I don’t need you to care about me, and I don’t need you to love me. I never asked you to-”
“Yeah, but I did!” you cut him off. “I fucking fell for you, even though I promised myself I wouldn’t.. you charmed the shit out of me, Harrington.” You sigh, throwing your hands up in defeat. 
“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have..” he mumbles as if he didn’t want it to be heard. 
“Yeah well, sadly I can’t turn it off, now can I.” You retort, biting the inside of your cheek. You wrap your arms around your body, a form of comfort and a means of warmth. It was now your turn to not meet his gaze, despite feeling his boring straight through you. You didn’t understand why he was being this way, so callous with your feelings, it was almost like he was purposefully trying to hurt you, to push you away. Perhaps it was one of his ploys to protect you, it wouldn’t be the first time, but this time hurt like no other. 
“I’m a complete moron,” you sigh, letting tears fall down your heated cheeks. “I’m so fucking stupid.” 
You see him move forward slightly, his arm coming up only to drop back at his side, and you mistakenly thought that he was going to comfort you, take it back and apologize.
“Why would you tell me that?” As if you weren’t already in pain, he had to ask. 
You scoff, shaking your head. “Tell you what?” you ask lowly, finally bringing your gaze to meet his. All you could see was pain and sorrow. 
“Why tell me you love me as soon as I mention Nancy?” 
Your brows knit together as a scowl forms on your face. Was he serious to think that your confession had anything to do with her? Some jealous spat, that you thought would fix things or change his mind.
 “What are you implying?” you ask, your voice quivering as you swallow hard. 
He looks back at the door, the very one you could claim that he was waiting to escape through.
“I just never thought-” he pauses, as if he didn’t want to say what he was about to, “ I just didn’t think that you’d be the one to throw that phrase around out of jealousy.” he shrugs, his eyes falling to the ground. It pained him to be so cruel to you, to shatter your heart right before your eyes, the very heart that he wanted so desperately to be his, but it was the only way he could think to keep you safe. As far from the threat as possible. 
You can’t stop yourself; the words just fall from your lips at this point, “Fuck you, Steve…fuck..you..” You close your eyes quickly, stopping the flow of tears as you turn and leave the garage. If his heart hadn't already shattered, it sure as hell did now. 
”Good luck with your venture, Steve,” you note, taking one last look at him, because if by some miracle he did survive, it would still be the last time you saw him because when he returned, you’d be gone. 
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