#toddler art desk and chair
angiehomes2 · 2 years
Important Tips for Choosing the Best Kids' Furniture
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We all know that kids' furniture is one of the most important choices you'll make for your child. It's not just about finding something that looks nice and feels nice to sit on or lie down on, but also about making sure that it's safe, comfortable and easy to clean. The right choice can make all the difference when it comes to raising happy, healthy children!
Choosing the right kids' furniture is essential for a child's development.
Choosing the right kids' furniture is essential for a child's development. The best children's furniture should be safe, comfortable and easy to clean. It should also be easy to maintain and assemble, which will help you get the most out of your investment in this piece of equipment.
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about choosing kids' furniture is safety; however there are other things which can make choosing it difficult as well! You need to consider how durable your chosen piece is going to be over time as well as how long it will last before needing replacement parts or being repaired by professionals. Another thing worth considering is comfort; if an item doesn't feel good then no matter how much effort went into building it then maybe reconsider buying something else instead? With so many options available today with regards
Think about the age of your child.
The age of your child is an important factor when choosing the furniture for their room. It's important to choose something that will be comfortable and safe for them.
When choosing a piece of furniture, you should consider what type of experience they will have with it as they grow up. Do they like playing on their own or do they need help? Will there be other children in their home who might want to play with them? These questions can help determine whether you need to purchase multiple pieces of furniture at once or if one item would suffice for all uses throughout childhood.
Choose the style that suits your child.
When choosing kids' furniture, it is important to consider the style that suits your child. This might be a difficult decision if you are unsure of what will work best for them. However, there are some basic guidelines you can follow in order to help make this process easier:
Make sure the furniture is comfortable for use by your child and easy to clean. If it has sharp corners or edges that could cause injury or discomfort, then it should be avoided for children who like to play on their beds or chairs when they're not sleeping! Also remember that children grow rapidly over time so try not select anything too large (unless they have plenty of room) because eventually they'll outgrow it anyway!
Get rid of the clutter and make things simple for your child by buying only the essentials.
The best way to ensure that your child has a place for everything is by getting rid of the clutter. This will keep their rooms clear and make it easier for them to focus on what they need. If you’re not sure where you should begin, try this list:
A desk or table where they can do homework and other schoolwork.
A place where they can play video games or board games in peace without bothering other people around them (unless everyone is playing together).
A place for sleeping at night so that no one else has to wake up early because someone else was too loud!
Other important tips include having enough space in each room so there isn’t too much traffic between rooms—this way everyone knows what time it is even if someone isn't paying attention! It's also important not only having furniture but also decorations which reflect style preferences from different generations past."
Go for quality furniture as opposed to quantity.
When you're looking for kids' furniture, go for quality over quantity. Quality means that the furniture will last longer and be more reliable than cheaper options.
Quality also means that your child's new bed won't have any sharp edges or exposed screws that could injure them in the event of an accident—and who wants their kid injuring themselves? A good quality bed will also be more comfortable than its cheaper counterparts because it's made from higher-quality materials like steel instead of wood or particleboard, so they won't creak under pressure when your child gets up in the middle of the night (or at any other time). A safe and durable piece of children's furniture is one thing; but one which looks pleasing aesthetically as well? That sounds like a win-win situation!
Make sure that all the toys in your home are also kid-friendly.
You want your kids' toys to be safe and age-appropriate. The best way to do that is by checking the manufacturer's guidelines for each toy you choose. For example, if you have a child who is three years old and loves pretend play, then it's important that his or her toys are made from non-toxic materials—and not at all likely that they'll be putting toxic chemicals on their skin or ingesting them!
Another important thing to remember when choosing kid's furniture: make sure that all the toys in your home are also kid-friendly. If there are any items around which children can hurt themselves (like sharp corners), make sure those areas
have been covered with padding or cushions so as not injure anyone accidentally!
Kids beds!
Kids beds are a must-have. If your child is an overnight guest at grandma’s house or spends a lot of time at friends’ houses, they will need their own bed. A good quality children's bed will last them years and give them the best sleep they can have while they are growing up. The following tips will help you find the perfect kids' furniture for your child:
Kids Desk and Chair - This can be any type of desk or chair that fits in with the rest of their bedroom furniture (but not necessarily under the window). It should be large enough for them to sit down comfortably with plenty of space around it so that there isn't too much clutter on top when sitting down – this can be difficult if there aren't any drawers underneath! Make sure it has wheels so moving from room-to-room isn't too hard either!
We hope that you've found these tips helpful. If you'd like to learn more about kids' furniture, we recommend reading our blog post on the subject. In addition, if you're interested in other topics related to parenthood or parenting please feel free to reach out! We're always happy to chat with new parents and hear their stories about what it's like raising children today.
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threepandas · 1 month
Bad End: For Us
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My sister is the only one who actually knows me. Who looks at me and... and actually SEES me, for who I am. It's because she suffers too, I think. Is beautiful. In that way that drives men too distraction. Poets too the page, artists too a medium. They look at her like she is art, magnificence and beauty given form.
Not a person.
Living, breathing, with thoughts and feelings of her own.
She is... is just BEAUTY to them. Delicate features and graceful limbs. Refined and splendid. A lovely voice reducing all her brilliant thoughts to mere sound. Who cares? How clever and educated, how wise or dignified, she may be? She is decoration. A pretty thing to look at. A prize to be held and won.
And... and I am a cute little pet.
Eternally the toddler, to be pampered and dressed in bows. Girlish things, no matter how old I grow. Handled instead of spoken too. Because somehow I am a child. Fuckable, yet... a child. Cute, innocent, naive. Not because I AM, but because they SAY so. Because it matches their fantasy of me.
I fear what will happen if I dare break that fantasy, with how much they control my life.
My Sister, alone, is the one who SEES me.
And people try to convince me she is... what? Jealous? Bitter? Because I am somehow "stealing" the lecherous eyes of her unfaithful man? I don't want them. I don't want ANY of them. Reborn, somehow, as a Protagonist in some game amongst countless, I can predict the plot points as they come. Read the troupes.
Bah. I am no spunky little bright eyed thing.
As I lay, draped over my sister's splendid skirts, in her private writing room, she quietly sips her tea and writes return missives. Strokes my hair as I hide, curled up like a child against her legs. If the ridiculous outfit I was shoved in would allow it? I would cram myself under her desk. Hide there instead.
As it is? I sit like some sulking maiden, an exhausted pet, seeking comfort in the only refuge I HAVE.
They will not leave me ALONE.
The Knight. Some brash, meat headed, "I'll take care of you" type, crashing into every quiet moment I try to have. Loud and presumptuous. Disdainful of my academic interests.
The Playboy. All too forward "romantic" gestures and ignoring obvious discomfort. More wrapped up in HIS feelings then considering, for even a moment, my own. Selfish and dramatic.
The Duke. Cliché and terrible. "Kind" to no one but me. Endless expensive gifts, pressuring grand displays, and eyes that linger possessively. Violence at the drop of a hat.
But oh, let us not forget the ASSASSIN! Yes, the LEADER of the ASSASSIN'S Guild! That somehow, someway, decided I was a prize worth possessing. A cutesy little "interesting" doll. That? Gods only knows, what will happen when he grows bored.
Lingering and haunting me. Crawling through windows. Standing too close, to touch my hair and drop cryptic bits of information that always hint at terrible things. Having to watch my words so SO carefully. Lest someone end up DEAD.
And let's not forget the WORST offender! The most clingy of them ALL!
My sister's FIANCÉ.
The Crown PRINCE! Yes, not some average noble, but a ROYAL!! And the man can't CONTROL himself! But does anyone else care? Noooooo! It's ROMANTIC. True loooove~! Aren't we CUTE together? Surely my Sister, his FIANCÉE, is just JEALOUS. How VILE. Disgusting, they scoff!
I should start throwing chairs.
This house is a nightmare.
I curl closer to my sister. Releasing her skirts to slip an arm around her waist. Hugging her, pressing my face close. She puts her cup down with a soft clink. A second hand joining the first to stroke my head. Cup my cheeks.
"My Dearest, you can not hide against my skirts indefinitely. As much as I would love to let you." She says, voice soft and cool like swirling mist, tilting my face up so she can look me in the eyes. "You DO need to eat eventually, as do I. Unfortunately, I can not keep you here forever. Come, help me plan the wedding. We can look at cake styles."
I'd rather be planning a funeral.
"Not until I get a son out of him, I'm afraid."
I blink, not sure I heard that right. Look up at my softly smile sister. No. No, I probably didn't. Wishful thinking maybe? Or I've just been around Stabby too much. I scramble to my feet. Fighting my own girlish abomination of a skirt. I hate it. It's cutesy to the point of mocking. I'm in my TWENTIES for God's sake! Not EARLY twenties either!
Why do I have a BOW ON MY ASS?!
Because I am the Protagonist. Baby faced and Pwecious~☆. Fucking INFANTALIZED. I could BITE.
I sigh, take the arm my sister offers me, and tuck myself into her side. Rest my head upon her shoulder. It's a little uncomfortable, with all the jewelry she must wear. But damn it! I want my cuddles!
I bask, as we walk, in the comfort it brings.
She's strong and graceful. Smells like a delicate spring morning, all rare flowers and new growth. A hint of expensive spice. I LOVE being the little sibling. When it's HER that's treating me so. Because she makes it precious. Comfortable. Like we could spend our lives, together like this. The best of friends.
If only people would... you know... stop trying to FUCK me. I prefer my hobbies. For God's sake, I'm RICH and a second child. I HAVE basicly no responsibilities except "don't embarrass the family". Or that WOULD be the case? If our parents weren't so intent on... "pushy dating advice".
"Would you like some lovely news, Dearest?" Whispers my sister, as she sweeps us past some upset looking maids, towards the tea room. I nod. "I've made some wonderful headway with some... ambitious gentlemen, about your little cockroach problem. They are quite efficient. I'm likely to recommend them."
I stiffle a snort. Oh my god. My sister sent thugs after a few of the suitors? Holy shit! That's amazing! Is THAT why I haven't seen them around lately? They got scared?
We settle in our seats. Tea and snacks. The maid looks... nervous. Weird. My sister smiles kindly, somehow startling the poor thing, making her flinch. Oh dear. I try to smile reassuringly. No harm no foul, right? Yet the poor girl reacts like I've cast myself into a lion pit for her. Flees.
....I'm beginning to suspect someone is abusing our waitstaff.
It's probably that bastard lech of a fiance.
We need to keep him away from the maids. And me. Women in general honesty. If I had my say, he wouldn't be allowed near my SISTER either. But she insists, and- Oooh! This one's CUTE! Sis, Sis! LOOK at the little details on this one!
"Hmm? Oh that IS lovely! Do you like it? If so, we shall sample it at once. I want the day to be perfect for us, Dearest. You're my world after all. There's NOTHING I wouldn't give you. A shame though, that our parent's will likely be too sick to see me wed."
It really was. I had my differences with them, but... it was their DAUGHTER'S WEDDING you know? Whatever they had caught, during their endless string of parties, was ravaging their health. It seemed agonizing. Slow. Yet even in the midst of planning her WEDDING, all the gossip and backstabbing, my sister dutifully visited them. Brought them tea and kept them company.
I didn't know how she could bear it.
She was a better person then I, I guess.
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This is an amazing Zen estate. The architectural features are superb. Built in 2002 in Santa Fe, NM, the 6bd, 8ba estate is priced at $2.595M.
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Isn't the entrance hall amazing? It's like entering a Buddhist temple.
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Intricately carved wood, niches, and a tile fireplace with built-in sofas to match.
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The sculptural architecture is magnificent.
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Step down into a large living room. The entrance has carved molding and the ceiling beams fan out like an umbrella.
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You'll notice lots of skylights in the ceilings. I would think that the white candle tables are sculpted up from the floor.
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Enter this very serene space.
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I like these umbrella ceilings. This is a lovely dining room with a corner Pueblo style fireplace.
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I like how the ceiling crisscrosses. The rooms are so sculptural throughout the home.
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Another scalloped and beamed ceiling, carved wood columns and a carved fireplace.
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Beautiful dining area for the kitchen has high open ceilings.
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The kitchen is lovely. Almost every room has a rounded wall or two, and the kitchen is no exception. I like the brick wall, light Shaker cabinets and hammered copper farm sink.
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There are so many tables and chairs. I love the turquoise tile, and at first I thought it was a water feature, but I'm not sure what it is.
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The primary bd. is spacious, has a raised platform bed, and a fabulous built-in canopy. A door opens to a patio and a lighted art niche is in wall next to the desk.
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This bath has double blue glass sinks and a stone floor that comes up to surround the tub.
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The stairs are beautiful with the carved rail, niches, and interesting light fixtures.
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This bedroom is lovely. It has so many built-ins the scalloped ceiling and doors to a patio. It's like a 2-room suite.
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Go down the stairs to a sitting area that looks like a play area for toddlers, with the safety gates. But, notice the ceiling fan- isn't that cool?
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The baths are all very Zen. This one has a stone tub surround.
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Here's a nice corner home office with spiral stairs to a loft.
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The grounds are absolutely stunning. Here's a fountain and a vine growing over a wood structure, plus a garden of sculptural rocks.
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There's a covered patio and larger patio under a pergola.
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And, off to the side there's a koi pond.
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A path to stroll passes by a beautiful water feature.
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This is a custom-built 2bd, 3ba guest house.
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The desert estate is 13.74 acres.
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simdertalia · 1 year
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🚀 ACNH Space Enthusiast Set 👽
52 items | Sims 4, base game compatible - As usual, all original swatches included with lots of extras added by me! ☺️💗 Not all items are from ACNH. Please keep in mind some of the items are high poly if you have an older computer. The mooncake plate item is going to be shared publicly on my Tumblr today, since it is a cultural related item for a soon upcoming holiday.
Type “ACNH Space” into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses. (The launch pad item is made smaller like the models, so it can be upscaled to fit. Other items like the UFO are made larger and can be down scaled the same way.)
I hope you enjoy!
Set contains: -Alien DNA | 8 swatch | 586 poly -Alien Plant Pot 1 | 9 swatches | 972 poly -Alien Plant Pot 2 | 9 swatches | 1494 poly -Alien Plant Pot 3 | 9 swatches | 992 poly -Alien Plant Pot 4 | 9 swatches | 3702 poly -Artificial Intelligence Music Player (functional radio) | 5 swatches | 828 poly -Chair - Console | 5 swatches | 1202 poly -Confidential Files (english & simlish) | 2 swatches | 144 poly -Control Panel (table) | 8 swatches - 2 screen swatches for each table color | 2300 poly -Cosmic Board Game | 1 swatch | 828 poly -Cosmic Cards | 1 swatch | 54 poly -Cosmic Card Holder | 11 swatch | 216 poly -Helmet Decor | 5 swatches | 1110 poly -Launch Pad | 1 swatch | 2362 poly -Lunar Lander | 1 swatch | 4804 poly -Med Pod Decor | 5 swatches | 2414 poly -Meteor Jar | 2 swatches | 1328 poly -Meteor Rock | 2 swatches | 1152 poly -Mooncake Plate | 3 swatches | 1154 poly -Moon Rover | 2 swatches | 4809 poly -Moon Wall Lamp | 2 swatches | 482 poly (this item has the same vertex paint issue as the other lams I have made. Turn down the brightness if the object looks too bright) -Robot Arm | 7 swatch | 1586 poly -Satellite | 2 swatches | 2384 poly -Satellite Model | 2 swatches | 2508 poly -Shoe Rack / Table | 3 swatches | 214 poly -Space Boots Decor | 1 swatch | 820 poly -Spaceship | 1 swatch | 3184 poly -Spaceship Model | 1 swatch | 3308 poly -Space Shuttle | 1 swatch | 2350 poly -Space Shuttle Model | 1 swatch | 2432 poly -Space Suit Decor (adult & child versions) | 1 swatch each | 1198 poly each -Space Tacos Decor | 1 swatch | 310 poly -Starship Table | 2 swatches | 756 poly -Table | 4 swatches | 2409 poly -Telescope | 2 swatches | 1238 poly -Twin Star Clock Radio | 3 swatches | 2388 poly -Twin Star Clock Wall | 4 swatches | 1204 poly -Twin Star Hairclip Decor | 3 swatches each | 934 poly -Twin Star Kid's Desk | 1 swatch | 1994 poly -Twin Star Shoes Decor (adult, child, & toddler versions) | 1 swatch each | 792 poly each -UFO | 1 swatch | 3172 poly -Wall Art (Large) | 10 swatches | 92 poly -Wall Art (Medium) | 16 swatches | 50 poly -Wall Art (Small) | 15 swatches | 50 poly -Wall Button | 7 swatches | 146 poly
Build Mode: -Wall Med Bay | 1 swatch -Wall Galaxy | 2 swatches -Wall Alien | 2 swatches -Moon Floor | 5 swatches
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming! 💗
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE
📁 DL on Patreon
Will be public on October 8th, 2023
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming!
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ArtTeacher! Geto x Fem Reader (Part Two!)
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Warnings? Explicit Language and Smut, sir kink, choking, breeding kink, possessiveness, reader is inexperienced.
2.5 Word Count. Read Part One Here!
Author's Notes? finally uploading this <3 send requests and hcs, while i still work on longer fics mwah
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ArtTeacher! Geto’s yawn echoes throughout his empty classroom- the lights flickering to life a beat late. The room smelled of paint and morning air as the windows were left open from the day before. 
To say the least, the room was a mess. The freshman class seemed to have the cleaning habits of toddlers. He rarely even came in at this time, but he made an exception for you. 
The previous day, late into Saturday night, you texted Geto about coming in early for a head start on your new project. He assumed you must’ve gotten his number from the school website, while yours was already saved in his phone. He felt his ears go hot as the next text came in.
(Name:) i’d love to get your feedback on it too!
He glanced at the clock that read eight am- an hour Geto usually spent out on a jog or still in bed because the weekend allowed him. He’d prefer your company over breakfast or coffee, but he’d settle for class with no way to comfortably bring a date up.
He spent the next few minutes obsessing over the state of his classroom. During the week it served as the beginner’s art course and they often left it in disarray. Geto had to start locking up the resources and completed works from his class, as they often went missing.
But with no time for him to worry about it, Geto began setting up your workstation. You’d be here any minute and he didn’t want you to waste your time doing something he could’ve started. All of your time should be dedicated to your art.
The soft knock at the door signaled your arrival, and Geto felt his heart drop in his chest. He sets down clean brushes at your easel before making his way over to the door and opening it for you.
Looking down, his eyes gravitated to the sundress you must’ve worn for him. Making his way down, your hard nipples poked through the thinness of the cloth and Geto’s mouth watered. He wrote it off, as he hadn’t had breakfast and you looked good enough to eat. If he had you how he wanted, you’d be spread across his desk with your toes in his mouth and his fingers in your cunt. 
“I brought you coffee, sir! I wasn’t sure how you’d like it, so I got the good sugar and cream from the cafe,” Bright as always, you gave him a sweet smile and entered the class to set the cups down. “I really appreciate you letting me come in early.”
Firmly shutting the door behind him, Geto watched your ass in the dress as you set your bag down to pull out packets of sugar and cream. “It’s not a problem…” He lost what else he had on his tongue, enamored by your thinking of him. 
“Aw, and you got me all set up?” You asked, gathering the ends of your dress to sit on the cushioned chair. “Where’s yours?”
“My what?” He asked, picking up a lidded cup from the on-campus cafe. 
“Your chair?” You say it like it’s the most obvious thing. With your half-done canvas in front of you, Geto handed you a palette while he sipped the caffeinated drink. While he’d love to keep you company as he watched you do his favorite activity, the room was trashed. He’d think those damn freshmen were doing this on purpose, keeping him from you.
Grabbing a chair and pulling it beside yours, Geto looked at you pointedly. “I’ll check on you in a minute; I just have to do this before my next class,” he explained. The (unintentional) doe eyes you gave him didn’t work- only creating thoughts of those same eyes filling with tears as he face-fucked you.
A playlist Geto selected before you came in tuned out the sounds of him tossing empty bottles into the trash and sweeping the floor. The jazzy mix of melodies helped the both of you at your tasks- you’d begun the next step in your art process, and Geto got to sneak peeks at your cute face scrunched up in concentration. 
Cleaning the room was soon insignificant; reduced from an hour of work for anyone else to 30 minutes for him. 
Rolling up his sleeves he finished wiping down a few more easels before lowering the volume and taking his seat next to you. The black coffee had done its job, that’s for sure. 
“Do you like it?” You asked, setting your brush into a cup of water. His mouth was set in a hard line as he analyzed the brushstrokes and tones of color you’d created. He wasn’t sure before this how proficient you were before, but now there was no doubt in his mind. 
“It’s beautiful,” he began, leaning back into his chair and making his legs comfortable before scooting closer to your easel. “But, let me show you something. Pick up your brush.”
You obeyed, taking your brush in your hand and standing from your chair at the flick of his chin. Large, warm hands rested on your waist as he guided you back into his lap. With your palette in one hand and your waist in the other, Geto could watch you work from a much better angle.
“A-Are you sure this will help? I don’t wanna block your vision…”
“You won’t,” He simply said, already feeling his cock growing in his pants. The curve of your lower back into your perfect ass had Geto’s hand dangerously low on your hips. “Watching you from here allows me to see from your perspective. Are you uncomfortable?”
“No, sir.”
“Then don’t allow me to delay you any longer,” he concluded, setting you on his clothed cock and watching you work. You could feel his eyes on your canvas, examining the vulnerability you expressed through your medium. Adjusting yourself on his lap, Geto let out a barely audible groan at the friction.
So you continued, despite the growing heat between your legs. When you’d lean forward to dip your brush into water, Geto’s thick bulge would grind deliciously into your cunt. You probably looked so slutty, you thought, sitting in your teacher’s lap like this. 
Idly whining your waist in Geto’s lap was just pleasurable enough to continue working, until he couldn’t take anymore. 
“Wait, (Name). Like this,” The hand on your waist guided you back and forth over his dick print. You weren’t sure how this could help with your art, but he was the expert, right?
At least he sounded pleased. The light breathing became heavier and the hand on your hip lost its innocence. Thick fingers dug into your ass, slowly lifting the thin fabric of your dress until Geto revealed your cute light pink thong. The brush you held between your fingers trembled from the bliss of finally having him beneath you.
Next came the clinking of Geto’s belt unbuckling and hitting the floor, your panties not following long after. He had set the palette down in favor of pulling down the front of your dress to pinch and flick at your nipples.
“You planned this, didn’t you?” He demanded, slapping your ass and humming in appreciation at your desperate whimpers. The paintbrush slipped from your fingers and landed at your feet. “Not your first time seducing an older man?” 
“S-Seducing?!” You exclaimed, shifting to sit on his thigh and catch his lust-filled gaze. His lips were hovering over yours, maintaining eye contact as he took your hand and guided it over the bulge in his underwear. Watching your expression, Geto felt your inexperienced fingers stumble and stutter over the length of his cock. He could see the bashfulness seep in until you broke eye contact and pressed your face onto his.
Geto, completely enthralled, gave in to the amateur kiss without any doubts. Easily overcoming you, he guided your lips to smooth over his and pick up the rhythm of kissing. The room filled with hums of approval and the sounds of light smacking from your tongues tasting each other.
“Seducing,” he confirmed, moving his hand from yours to the center of your legs. Finding your clit immediately, he ran a digit up and down your slit. “With your cunt dripping all over my finger. Did you plan this?”
It was a rhetorical question, you assumed because he didn’t pull away from your lips to allow you to answer. Instead, he worked his middle finger in slow circles over your clit, drinking in the sweet moans you gave to him. When you dug your nails into his shirt, all decorum snapped in Geto. Picking you up bridal style, he effortlessly carried you to his desk and laid you down, slotted between your legs. 
Feasting your eyes on Geto undressing was a delicacy you didn’t know you needed. He first started with his shirt, loosening button after button and exposing his broad chest. You resisted the urge to sit up and touch, knowing from the look in his eye that he’d disapprove.
“First time seeing a man up close?” He inquired, shedding the thin fabric from his shoulders. Long fingers trailed to his loosened slacks, awaiting your answer.
“Yes sir,” you nearly moaned, drinking in his obvious arousal. The slacks he wore slipped from his hips, boxers following not long after. 
His dick was eight inches of perfection. The trail under his belly button led down to neatly trimmed hair, a pretty sight if you had ever seen one. 
He gave himself a few languid strokes, keeping his eyes on yours as he lifted your leg over his shoulder.
“I’m assuming it’s your first time,” he hummed, nudging your other leg open slightly. “So I can’t be too rough with you, hm?” His lips gave your ankle a few slow, wet kisses before he started running the length of his cock up and down your slit. 
You shivered, watching his cock thoroughly coat itself in your wetness. Geto’s hips rolled against yours, nudging your clit with every push he gave. 
“She’s greedy, baby. Look how she’s twitching under me.” His lusty voice deepened as he slapped your cunt with his heavy cock. You gasped at the contact and tightened your grip on the desk, hopes of receiving Geto’s mercy flying out of the window… The sight of your cunt gushing for him so prettily had him completely narrow-minded. 
With the tip of his cock pressed to your twitching hole, Geto admires his best work yet. He thought you couldn’t get any more beautiful, but being sprawled out on his desk with smeared lip gloss and desperate tears in your eyes proved him wrong. 
“Be good,” He cooed, giving your hip an affectionate squeeze. Geto pressed and split you open on his length, watching your mouth open wider the deeper he slid into you. 
Any mere passerby could incidentally stroll by the isolated classroom, peek in, and find the usually quiet teacher railing his newest student. They’d hear the crescendo of moans echoing through the room (and in turn the halls) and know how much your sensei wanted you. 
Your legs settled on Geto’s rolling hips, the steady rhythm he set shaking the desk with each thrust. One hand remained firmly on your hip, while the other was placed affectionately on your neck. 
“Oh, sir,” you encouraged, his eyes holding yours. “Please, just a little tighter?” Taking a hand from the desk, you placed it delicately on his wrist and pressed his hand harder. Geto had to break eye contact to not cum too early, giving you a quick peck on your lips and tightening his grip on your throat. 
“You ask so nicely; how could I deny you?” His lips brushed yours mercifully, maintaining the harsh strokes that had your release creeping up on you. 
The hand he set on your hip pulled your legs around his waist, a satisfied hmph coming from his throat when you locked your ankles together. 
“So demanding, baby,” he cooed as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. “If I didn’t know better, I'd think you’d done this before.”
His hand tightened at the insinuation, but only briefly. You were just too cute under him, writhing with the pleasure only Geto could grant you. His silky hair slipped from the elastic he loosely had tied, pathetically landing on the floor by his feet.
“Eyes here, princess.” His hand left your throat to take your chin in his fingers and make you look at him. His hair was draped over his shoulders and he had the pinkest tint to his cheeks. Geto wanted you to see; he was just as ruined as you were. 
“You gonna cum?” He asked, not allowing you to answer. His hips met yours in a quick snap, and you watched a sick grin spread across Geto’s cheeks as your face contorted with pleasure.
Your cunt gushed around him, your wetness coating the art teacher’s legs and causing him to chuckle. He released your neck to prop himself up onto the desk, pushing your legs up and settling himself into a mating press. The hand on your neck trailed down in favor of playing with your clit.
“Watch me,” He demanded, giving you a quick slap on your pussy. “We’ll paint the prettiest picture of this.” 
Keeping your eyes on where you connected, Geto painstakingly fucked you with slow, deliberate thrusts. Holding your gaze where he wanted it through the bliss he was giving proved almost too big a task. Every time your eyes threatened to roll back in pleasure, he’d give your clit an affectionate rub. 
“You’re mine, you know that?” He looked so primal, hair shadowing his face as he watched you nod your head furiously. “My pretty little wife. How clichè is it that we met in class?”
His newest name for you went straight to your cunt, both of your imaginations running wild with thoughts of domesticity and late nights of lovemaking. You couldn’t hold on much longer; before long the thumb Geto worked over your clit and had you squirting on his cock. Your chest heaved with heavy breaths as he continued fucking you, mumbling praise as his own orgasm rushed through him.
Geto couldn’t resist giving your cunt a few final sharp thrusts as he painted your walls white. The muscles in his arms flexed, his eyes shut tightly and he let out the prettiest moan under his breath. The light sheen of sweat glistened under the dull schoolhouse lights, making the thought of being Geto’s wife impossibly more digestible. 
“Ah, I’m surprised the desk held up,” He sighed, slowly pulling out of you. Warm cum dripped from your hole, only to be scooped back up and pushed back in even deeper.
“Can’t let it go to waste. We’ll try as many times as we need to, hopefully at mines next time?” He climbed off the desk and offered you a hand and a kiss on the forehead.
“I love to,” you stood on shaky legs, leaning on the desk for support.
With his cum running down your leg and his hand mark imprinted on your neck, ArtTeacher!Geto impatiently waits for the portrait he’ll paint of you pregnant. 
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© succubusonthedoorstep2023. all rights reserved. please do not copy, repost, steal, or translate my work.
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that-gay-guy-from-hell · 10 months
Uncontrolled Instincts: Vergil x Male Reader
SUMMARY: The eldest son of Sparda has been through many trials and tribulations within his almost fifty years of life. Despite this, Vergil was still learning about the different ways his heritage could bring him to his wit's end-- how it could bring him to his knees and leave him completely and utterly at your mercy.
BEGINNING NOTES: Requested by @kasianthus on Tumblr! (Sorry this took so long--didn't know if should still stage because of that so sorry if you aren't really into DMC anymore in the like year this took lmao sorry) This legit has been sitting half-finished for months (Like this was requested way back on March 5th lmfao); so I figured I should probably finish it lmfao 🦢💧🦢 Top/Dom Vergil x Sub/Bottom Male reader Pre-established relationship Semi-mindless smut with a lil' fluff Lots of smut--like a ton. Rut (Vergil); the reader is unaware of this being a thing in devils Minor scent kink Small masturbation scene (Vergil) Mating/Breeding kink (Possessive of the reader) Biting/Blood (Bleeding?) kink: Vergil bites hard enough to draw blood (he is a devil after all) then does some kind of painful stuff--it’s not very long or anything but I figured it is important to mention. Bruising + Scratching Minor Oral (blowjob; Reader receiving.) Monster fucker stuff; dick sleeve/slit stuff, etc. Devil Trigger sex Overstimulation Knotting 💧🦢💧 >Unrealistic sizes for his Triggered dick(s)--just let me have fun. If you want actual sizes, go to Vergil’s H/C chapter. >Because of the mental state Vergil’s in, he’s a bit sappy--almost reminiscent of V--during some parts. >I used the concept art from DMC 5 as a reference for Vergil’s (regular) Devil Trigger; figured I should put that here to avoid any confusion (since it’s very different from his 3-design and semi-different than his 4-design). Dante’s 5 DT has pupils so Vergil’s does too (even though the concept art doesn’t; neither does Dante’s concept art btw).
     “That is an idiotic suggestion,” Vergil’s lip twitched as he lightly snarled, “Although I shouldn’t expect much else from you.”
     “Yeah? Well, if you’re so damned smart,” Dante crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair, scowling at Vergil, “Then what’s your plan.”
     “I told you,” the blue devil squinted, “I can handle it alone.”
     Dante slammed his hands down on his desk and shot up from his chair, “And as I have told you ,” he rounded to the front of his desk, leaning against it slightly, and stood face-to-face with his older brother, “ No, you can’t. ” 
     The devils stared at one another, growling while exchanging death glares. Amongst the loud snarling, however, a stressed-out sigh could be heard. Lady, who had grabbed a beer, was trying to ignore the twins' incessant bickering. She's been waiting for over an hour for Nico and Trish to swing by and pick her up and she was almost at her breaking point. Quietly, she tapped her fingers against the half-drunk bottle while grumbling to herself. A part of her felt like she was babysitting two toddlers rather than sitting at the establishment of two middle-aged devil hunters. As she raised the bottle to take a drink, a loud commotion behind her caught her attention. Slamming down the bottle, she whipped around with a venomous glare.
     With hands wrapped around one another, the twins wrestled momentarily only to be cut abruptly by Vergil slamming Dante’s back through the railing and treads of the staircase. A loud strangled coughing came from Dante as one of the metal bars speared him through the chest, splattering Vergil’s face with a trace amount of blood. 
    “What is wrong with you two?!" Lady’s tolerance had finally run out, "I just fucking fixed yesterday's damage!” She stood from her seat, arms crossed.
     Hearing her irate tone, Vergil released Dante’s neck from his grasp and stood up; not saying a word. 
     Dante groaned, looking up at his twin, “Lil’ help?” He stuck out his hand which Vergil used to yank Dante back to his feet.
     Vergil straightened his coat, “I think I will take my leave for today-”
     “Good,” Dante shifted uncomfortably, placing a hand over the gaping hole in his middle, feeling it slowly repair itself, “Can’t stand you being so pissy.”
     Lady pinched the bridge of her nose, “You are no better, Dante. Both of you are acting like children.”
     “I am not,” Dante huffed.
     Vergil glared at his brother from the corner of his eye before strutting towards the garage door, “I am leaving,” he stopped after he was slightly past Lady and turned over to his shoulder, addressing her, "Contact me only if necessary.”
     With that, Vergil left The Devil May Cry.
     Upon opening the front door to your shared home, Vergil instantly felt a heavy hazy heat spread throughout his limbs. He took a slow deep breath as he stood in the entryway, trying to get a hold of himself. Unhurriedly, he hung his coat and slid off his boots, mumbling to himself about his next move. He decided that a shower may ease his mind as he wandered into the cozy co-inhabited home.
     The blue devil warily looked around, trying to avoid you. Eventually, he found you in the bedroom, making things difficult, since he needed to stop in there for clothing. He peered in through the door and saw that you were lying on your stomach, reading a book while softly humming. From where he was standing, he got a perfect view of your ass, only worsening his issue . 
     Vergil shook his head and took a deep breath trying to deter his thoughts; only after which did he realize that getting a deep whiff of your scent was perhaps the worst thing he could do at the moment. He stood with a scrunched face and closed eyes as he tried to ground himself, doing his best to ignore the overwhelming perverse thoughts eating at him, and the fiery feeling spreading to his lower half.
     You turned over and sat at the edge of the bed, dangling your legs over the edge, “Hey-! You’re home early,” you flashed him a cheerful smile that quickly fell as you got nothing but silence in return, “Everything alright, Vergil?” 
     “Yes, everything is fine,” Vergil’s eyes avoided yours and his answer was quick and emotionless.
     You raised a brow at his seemingly discombobulated reaction, “You sure?”
     He nodded and moved to grab some casual clothing from the dresser, “I am going to shower.”
     Your brow raised further, “Okay..?”
     Vergil looked over to you as if he were going to speak but closed his mouth, turned away from you, and left.
     In the brief moments that your eyes met with his, you noticed the small bits of dried blood on his clothes and face. It was probably Dante’s, knowing how much the two had been fighting the past week or so; however, that didn’t make it any better nor did it ease your mind. You slid off the bed, and placed the book on the nightstand, leaving the room. Unhurriedly, you meandered down the hall as you mulled through what could have upset Vergil so much. 
     As of late, he's been in such a sour mood that he barely even says "Good morning" or "Good night", not to mention the lack of physical affection. He hasn't even been sleeping in the bedroom with you, "preferring” to sleep on the couch. A frown decorated your face as a wicked thought echoed in your mind, "What if he is distancing himself so he can disappear…"
     You shook your head, "He'd never do that, he loves me... Right?"
     With another shake of your head, you decided that you were going to talk with him once he's finished his shower.
     When Vergil entered the restroom, he lazily tossed his change of clothes off to the side and turned the shower faucet as cold as he could. While the water ran, he stripped down and neatly placed his worn clothing in the hamper.
     Just being in your presence had made him unbearably hard and was driving him up the wall. It seems even the Dark Slayer isn’t able to conquer his instincts, much to his vexation. 
     A quiet hiss left his lips as he stepped under the icy water. Vergil’s skin was beyond sweltering, being so hot that it was bothering him; a man whose body runs on average at around 120°F (49°C). The contrast between him and the nearly frozen water created a sauna-esc environment--fog quickly filling the room. As he washed his face off, he stared mindlessly at the wall. He’d never experienced something like this before; and, to be quite frank, it's exhausting. The sheer amount of emotional ups and downs was enough to make him nauseous. Not to mention that he’d been avoiding any sort of affection towards or with you for nearly a week.
     It all mixed up into a hellish disaster that Vergil just wanted to end. Tired of the immense toll this was taking on him, in every way possible.
     With folded arms, he stood facing the water as a small discontent grumble left his lips. He had hoped that the cold water would have killed his hard-on; however, it didn’t. Now he was just miserably standing under frigid water with a rigid cock. 
     Vergil let out a low growl of irritation, his face scrunching into a grimace as he lightly pinched the bridge of his nose. Despite not being one for masturbation, he decided to try and handle his urges alone. He ran his hands up his face and then slowly back down, sighing loudly. Then he turned around and leaned his forehead against the wall, the water now beating against his back; a feeling that would have most definitely troubled him if he weren’t so worked up. 
     His brow furrowed as he shut his eyes, placing one hand on the wall and the other around his throbbing dick. Slowly, his hand moved at the thought of what he’d do to you if only you were here harshly pinned between the wall and him. 
     The feeling of you squirming underneath him as he bit down on your neck. Your groans as he shoves himself inside your tight hole. The feeling of your hands in his hair, pulling it in ecstasy. How deep and hard he would pound your insides. Growling obscene and perverse comments into your ear and watching you react; feeling you react. Folding you as he bent your legs up as far as he could, his nails digging into your skin. 
     Vergil wanted nothing more than to claim you --to breed you --to leave you unable to move and full to the brim with his cum.
     The blue devil’s face scrunched further with every quickening stroke, trying to reach his peak, “Ngh- ha~” A frustrated whine of a huff escaped his nose as he bit down on his lip.
     Unknowingly, he started bucking his hips into his hand in pursuit of the tantalizingly close orgasm. However, try as he may, it never came; all he managed to do was work himself up even further and nearly break his fingers from how hard he was pressing against the tiles.
     After what seemed like an eternity, he removed his hand from his cock and just stood there with his eyes closed. He placed his face against his bicep with a deep exasperated inhale, trying to figure out a solution that wouldn’t involve him explaining what was happening. 
     A soft knock at the door caused Vergil to choke on his exhale, “Vergil, you alright? You’ve been in there for over an hour…”
     Although you didn’t care how long he took, it was a bit concerning when his longest shower ever was fifteen minutes . In combination with how he was earlier, you were well within your right to worry. 
     He felt his cock twitch at the sound of your voice as he ran his thumb across his tip, doing his best to subvert the idea of asking you to join him, “I am fine,” he straightened his posture with a small sigh, “I will be out momentarily.”
     The blue devil waited to hear you walk away before he turned off the water and stepped out. He dried off and slid on his black boxer briefs and an indigo t-shirt. Then, as per usual, he went to pomade his hair but found his tin completely exhausted. Vergil balled up his hands, his nails lightly puncturing his palms in anger. In his heated departure from the shop, he had completely forgotten to pick some up before returning home. In a vain attempt at normalcy, he used the dampness from the shower to slick it back. 
     Then the real issue became apparent. He needed to figure out how to hide his excitement . The blue devil mulled over different ideas as he moved his jaw back and forth. It was then that he noticed he, unintentionally, grabbed a baggy set of grey sweatpants; ones that would be able to hide most of his painfully aching flesh if he wore them just right and tucked himself in a very specific way. 
     After a few attempts, he managed to get it right and looked at himself in the mirror; it was barely noticeable, allowing him to take a sigh of relief. As he opened the door, he was able to place where you were in the house by the sound of your heart, you were in the living room. Knowing that if he saw you he’d lose the struggle with himself, he quickly slipped into his study; which was right between the bathroom and bedroom.
     The Dark Slayer quietly shut the door and turned on a desk lamp. The room wasn’t anything too elaborate or fancy; it only contained three bookshelves, a small desk, and Vergil’s favorite chair. The blue devil grabbed his current book from the desk and sat down, making the plastic ever-so-slightly creak underneath him. With the lick of his fingertips, Vergil paged through to where he had left off in the novel. 
     After nearly ten minutes of re-reading the same page over and over, Vergil slammed the book shut with a growl. At this point, his body was beyond burning with lust and he wanted nothing more than to soothe his pulsating cock. Moving his jaw in thought, he debated trying to relieve his itch again; however, before he could decide, a gentle knock came from the door.
     “Vergil..?” your voice was barely audible.
     In a panic, Vergil snapped back, “What?” He scrunched his face and pursed his lips in immediate regret at how he answered. 
     There was a moment of silence before he heard you sigh, “Never mind, sorry; didn’t mean to bother you. I’ll leave you be.” 
     As you began to walk away, Vergil bolted up from his seat; upsetting you was the last thing he wanted to do. Opening the door as quickly as possible, he called out to you, “Wait-!” 
     You turned around; only a dozen or so strides away. With a brow raised in curiosity, you noted how disheveled Vergil looked: between his outfit, hair, and how overall ragged he looked you knew something was wrong. The two of you stood staring at one another for a minute or so; neither of you being sure what to say or do next. 
     The blue devil turned from your gaze to look down, shifting awkwardly, “I…” he stood with his lips slightly parted and shifted once more.
     You took a few steps towards him, “Is something wrong, Vergil?” 
     He shook his head ‘no’ and tensed his shoulders, “Stay back,” although he intended it to sound commanding, it sounded more like he was pleading.
     Your brow creased, “Why?” 
     That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? 
     The intense aching in his body only worsened by being near you, he scrunched his face trying to block out his insatiable yearning for you, “I can’t-” Vergil looked up from the flooring to you as he spoke softly, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
     “What does that-” you shook your head, “Vergil, what is going on?” You continued to steadily and carefully approach the high-strung man. 
     With every step you took, his body tensed up further and further. Part of him wanted to run as far from you as possible, ashamed and afraid of his need; the other wanted nothing more than to slam you against the floor and let into his sinful primal desires. He closed his eyes and took a deep steading breath; doing neither of those things--unintentionally allowing you to get closer.
     You stood only two or so strides away and were able to hear a faint growling, “My Love?” When you went to grab his hand, his eyes snapped open.
     Vergil jolted backward and hit the still-open study door that was behind him… which broke it right off its hinges with a loud cracking thud. You flinched at the sudden loud noise and pulled your hand back.
     He turned to his side slightly to look down at the broken door, “Fantastic…” he then turned back to you with a sigh, “Forgive me, I-”
     That’s when he noticed where you were staring at his body.
     You squinted and pursed your lips, doing your best to stifle a small laugh, “Is your weird mood cause of that ?” You gestured with your eyes down to his painfully obvious hard-on.
     Vergil shifted his jaw and huffed out a meek answer, “It is more than that, I am afraid.”
     “Care to share?” you set a hand on your hip and smirked, very much oblivious to the severity of what was going on.
     The blue devil shook his head, “No-” A shiver ran up his spine as he watched you slowly and intensely eye him up, “You’re not going to like the answer.”
     “Vergil, we’ve slept together quite a bit,” you gently grabbed one of his hands, “What is so different now?”
     His voice was strained as he gripped your hand tightly and paused a moment for a moment before continuing, “This is out of my control.”
     “What? Vergil,” you furrowed your brow in confusion, “What does that mean?”
     He opened his eyes and stared at you momentarily, using his tongue to play with his teeth in thought. 
     “Don’t make me beg,” you lightly teased.
     “Fine,” Vergil pushed you against the wall, a knee placed right between your legs, and holding both your hands off to your sides, “I want you,” he leaned closer, his breath tickling your ear, “I need to--” he paused for a moment in thought, “I need to breed you,” behind his voice you could hear a rumble, telling you how desperate he really is. 
     He placed small kisses along your jawline and pulled back to look you in the eyes, pleading with you to save him from this torment of self-restraint he has been going through for nearly a week now. 
     You raised a brow, “And how’s that any different than normal?” You gave him a suggestive sultry smirk. 
      He cautiously placed his lips atop yours; despite his current affliction, he wanted to make sure that he took things slow--at least, slow enough that he wouldn’t hurt you. The kisses were long, heated, and sloppy. The both of you moved your mouths together in an almost exaggerated manner, perfectly synchronized. Vergil pushed against you and a low rumble filled each of his motions; doing his best to show you how much he needs you. How much he desires you in your entirety; mind, spirit, and body. How much he wishes to consume your frail humanity and turn you into his sinful plaything. 
     The blue devil’s grip tightened around your wrists as he fought his urge to demolish you right here and now. The heat from his body was overwhelming. Both he and you were acutely aware of it, a very thin line of sweat adorning the two of you. Vergil pushed his leg up further between your legs, lovingly nudging your slowly growing arousal, listening to the faint groans you gave.
     After a few minutes of these slow impassioned kisses, he slid his tongue into your mouth. Excitedly he explored every bit that he could. Though Vergil had tasted your sweet tongue many times before, he always had the same amount of giddiness as he did the first time. His growling had become prominent enough that you could feel it within your mouth; a new, but welcomed, feeling. 
     With a gentle roughness, Vergil bit at your lips and tugged on them, which you lovingly returned. A small smirk decorated his lips as he let out a happy huff against you before diving into another plethora of fiery lustful kisses. With each languid motion of his plush lips against yours, his grip tightened around your wrists; gradually losing the arousing factor and becoming painful--you weren’t even sure if he realized that he was doing it.
     Breaking away from his lips for a brief moment, you let out a low hiss, “Vergil, that kind of hurts,” you squirmed against his hold. 
     He stood there with his forehead against yours, loosening his grip slightly. With a low husky growl of a voice, he whispered against your kiss-swollen lips, “I need more,” he nuzzled his nose against yours, “Please.” His eyes met with yours, they were heavy and glazed over; he wasn’t asking you, he was begging .
     “Just--” You did your best to stay calm, knowing that Vergil was far from it, “Give me a minute to get ready and I’m all yours..?” 
     A small displeased grumble left his lips before he bit at your lower lip, pulling it slowly, then whispered against you, “You’d best hurry,” he released his grip on your wrists, “Best not to keep me waiting,” he turned and walked towards the bedroom, leaving you in a confused light-headed daze.
     Once within the bedroom, he grabbed the nearly empty lube from the side table and set it on the tabletop. Absent-mindedly, he began to tap his foot, doing his best to ignore his slowly thinning patience. Vergil was still rather uneasy about informing you about what was truly going on. The two of you had been romantically involved for many years now, but it was only within the past year that the two of you had become sexually involved. In hindsight, Vergil regrets not explaining the consequences of doing so.
     The consequences of mating with a devil.
     A nearly inaudible creak in the floorboards caught Vergil’s attention, pulling him from his thoughts. Instantly, the blue devil was upon you and was as close to you as possible, his lips connected with yours once again. With a startled moan, you grabbed his biceps and felt him dig his fingertips into your sides as he tried to pull you impossibly close. 
     Not giving you a chance to think, Vergil moved you over to the bed and had you pinned beneath him. Using one of his hands, he held both of yours above your head as he stared down at you. He placed his free hand on your cheek, thumbing over your skin slowly, a small smirk tugging at his lips. 
     The blue devil’s hand drifted down your neck and to your chest, “I am sorry for this.”
     “For what?” You tilted your head.
     Without answering, Vergil leaned down and bit down on your neck. A sharp pain caused you to flinch and let out a low groan. He’d pierced through your skin and was working his teeth further into your flesh. It was uncommon for Vergil to make marks where others would be able to see them, but he never has drawn blood or bitten you this hard before. An uneasy feeling pricked at the edges of your mind--the unnerving feeling of being a devil’s prey.
     Once Vergil felt the mark was dark enough, he leaned back up as he licked his lips and teeth clean of your blood. Your eyes met with his and Vergil had a crazed stare that sent cold shivers down your spine, it was a feral dominant look that only worsened the growing bad feeling in your gut. He moved to the other side of your neck and gave it the same treatment; puncturing your flesh deeply.  
     You let out a sharp moan as you felt him remove his teeth and give the new mark small loving licks. Curious as to how’d you respond, he took one of the tips of his split tongue and pushed it into one of the teeth holes. With pursed lips, your brow scrunched and you pulled away from the feeling; however, Vergil wasn’t done. He quickly placed another bite atop the same spot, moving ever-so-slightly out of line with the already there divots. The blue devil was enjoying the iron taste of the thick red substance and he wanted to taste you more; perhaps a side effect of him being the only Sparda descendant to consume human blood in mass? 
     With a third bite to the same spot, you finally spat out a whimper; one that wasn’t of pleasure. However, the devil didn’t notice and clenched his jaw harder at your struggling. 
     “Vergil, stop-!” You jerked away from him with a voice that was somewhere between angry and frightened--not a hint of enjoyment in earshot.
     It took him a moment to react, removing his teeth with a low faintly animalistic huff. The blue devil leaned up and looked down at you, watching you writhe at the painful feeling, assessing the situation. A prominent red stain had adorned his lips, teeth, and surrounding skin; he looked as if he were truly attempting to eat you. A few tears pricked at the edges of your eyes which caused him to look away, almost shameful. 
     He released your hands and sat still, looking like a kicked puppy. 
     You leaned up and gently placed a hand on the side of his jaw, turning him to face you. Vergil’s eyes were glazed over and his lips slightly parted, still very obviously aroused but hesitant to continue. You ran a thumb along his lower lip, wiping blood off the stained surface. Slowly, you connected with his lips. 
     With a loving force, you pushed your lips hard against him and moved your hand from his jaw to the side of his neck, firmly holding him. Using your other hand, you grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him into you. All the while, you’d pushed your tongue into his mouth which earned a surprised muffled moan from Vergil. 
     His mouth tasted, unsurprisingly, of blood and was broiling hot. Vergil worked himself into your grove, moving along to the rhythm you were setting; a rarity in your relationship. You moved your hand up from his neck and interweaved your fingers with his hair, grasping the strands tightly. A small amount of pride pricked at the edges of your mind as you heard him let out a low unfiltered moan and felt him tremble under your grasp. This, however, didn’t last long. 
     Unwilling to remain submissive, Vergil pushed you downwards again. Mindlessly his kisses began to wander around your skin placing small kisses along your clothed shoulders and chest. In return, you gently groped at his shoulders and arms, earning a low moan from your devilish lover. 
     You noticed that he was still wet from his shower as you ran your hands under his shirt giving his skin a soft smooth feel. Your fingertips flattened against his pecs, kneading against him. Slowly, you made your way over to his nipples and pinched them tightly. His back arched slightly at the feeling and he let out a low breathy moan.
     However, the blue devil’s hands weren’t stationary and had begun to move, drifting downwards. They rested right at the edge of your shirt for a moment as he felt you grope his chest. Then, bit by bit, he slid his hands underneath your shirt. Taking the hint, you removed your hands from him and pulled the fabric over your head, tossing it somewhere in the room.
     The blue devil’s slender fingers groped along your chest, seeming almost desperate to feel your body. Your hands grabbed the edge of his shirt and began to tug at it. Vergil leaned up and pulled his shirt over his head, looking down at you with slightly labored breathing. 
     In all his years of life, in neither Hell nor the human world, has he ever had he found another so captivating as you are. Even during times like these, times of sinful lust, you still managed to look holy to the tarnished devil; a sacred being that he’d gladly become a martyr over, someone he’d give his life up for. Despite his irritation at his current affliction, he can’t help but be glad that it is with you and that he found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
     As he stared, you stared back. 
     A small amount of pride tugged at your heart at how you’d managed to get someone like Vergil, someone so beautiful. Your eyes focused on his partially agape kiss-swollen lips that he’d roll his tongue over moistening them every so often. His hair was down courtesy of the lack of pomade and clung to the still-wet skin of his brow, giving him a rather ragged look. Despite Dante being his twin, the two looked nothing alike in your eyes--even with the same hairstyle. Slowly your gaze traveled to his half-lidded eyes when you noticed something; his eyes were the icy glowing blue of his Devil Trigger. 
     You wriggled to sit upright, “You’re quite worked up, huh?” With a smile, you watched Vergil’s face become red and you placed a hand on the side of his neck, thumbing over his throat softly.
     “Why do you say that?” his voice quivered a bit as he felt your hand slowly move down from his neckline to his hips.
     “You’re acting… strange ,” you ran your hand close to his bulge, purposely missing it, and rested your hand on his thigh.
     He gave you a half-confused half-disappointed look.
     “Not that I don’t find this…” you gently rubbed his thigh, earning a stifled moan from the devil, “ aggressively dominant side of you alluring.”
     “Do you?” he smirked slightly, “How strange…” Vergil leaned in and gave you small pecking kisses.
     You smiled widely and spoke between kisses, “Care to share what the special occasion is?” 
     Vergil quietly chuckled and murmured against your lips, “In time.”
     Between loud sweet pecks, you gently whispered, “Come on, please Vergil?”
     Instead of answering, he gave you a long kiss; one that only broke once he felt you pushing away for air. Vergil’s fingers gently ghosted the three-times-bitten dark spot he’d left on your neck, staring with concern.
     Noticing his upset attitude, you grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing his knuckles.
     “Does it… hurt ?” His voice was soft, with a small tinge of sadness.
     “You want me to be honest?” 
     He nodded.
     “Yes, it hurts, but-!” You made sure to cut him off, knowing damn well what he was going to say, “It’s fine and it’ll heal,” you ran soft kisses up from the hand you’d been kissing and to his shoulder, resting there for a moment, “It’s alright.”
     “I am sorry for harming you,” he looked to the side, his eyes meeting with yours, “I didn’t think that I…” His voice cracked as gazed upon you with remorse.
     You leaned up from his skin and looked at him with a soft smile, “Don’t worry about it, Vergil…” With a soft sigh, you leaned forward and placed a soft gentle long kiss on the underside of his jaw, “It’s flattering to know that you want me that badly, dear.”
     Vergil pushed you back downwards, straddling your hips. His fingertips pressed into you as he eyed you up and down and, with a low dark desperate tone, he remarked, “That doesn’t even scratch the surface of how I feel right now.” 
     As he began to run his digits down your body, he leaned down and placed a very soft kiss on the tender spot. Bit by bit Vergil began to kiss down your middle, mumbling very softly against you, “ “The Fountains mingle with the river/And the rivers with the ocean,/The winds of heaven mix for ever,/With a sweet emotion;/Nothing in the world is single,/”,” he stopped right above your navel and lightly bit at the skin, staring up at you and locking with your eyes, “All things by a law devine/In one another's being mingle -/Why not I with thine?”.”
     He continued until his head was between your thighs. You propped yourself up on your elbows and saw that he was already staring back at you. With hot and heavy breaths, he kissed the inside of one of your thighs all the way to your dick, then gave the other thigh the same treatment. 
     “Vergil-” You swallowed apprehensively, “Are you sure that you’re alright to be doing--”
     “I won’t harm you,” he gave you a small smile with half-lidded eyes, “I promise,” his breath was heavy as he brushed his cheek and nose along your bulge, speaking in a quiet needy manner, “Let me taste you, please.”
     Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to keep up with the sudden mood change; Vergil going from overly dominant to an almost submissive pleading. Before you even answered him, his fingers were within your waistband and were pulling at the fabric, completely exposing you to him. A small moan left your lips as you felt him kiss along the insides of your thighs once more. They were slow sloppy kisses, licking and biting at the sensitive skin. 
     Vergil stared at you for a moment, a smirk of pride tugging at his lips from how you were watching him with bated breath. Very unhurriedly, he ran his tongue down from your tip to your balls. As he ran back up, he split his tongue apart and slid your cock between the two sides. Encouraged by your low groans, he did the same motion back down. 
     Carefully he took your sack into his mouth and began to lightly suck on it. Instinctively, you placed a hand in his hair and grabbed it harshly, making the blue devil moan lowly. As he released you from his mouth, he made sure to stick his tongue out and run it up your seam. 
     Your fingers tightened as you let out a groan and a quiet call of his name. 
     Returning to your shaft, he placed kisses along the underside of your dick upward. Once at the top, he licked at your slit and watched as you squirm at his motions. With a heavy breath, Vergil placed his lips around your cock and gradually took you into his mouth. His hands found purchase on your hips and he pulled you as close to him as possible, the tip of his nose touching your lower abdomen. You fully leaned up, to get a better view of him, and placed both your hands in his hair as he bobbed up and down at a moderate pace.
     “Vergil~ fuck that feels good,” you groaned as he began to move faster at your words. 
     He smirked in response. Although he’d never admit it, he enjoys hearing you say he’s doing good; that he’s the reason you feel good. However, unlike normal, he wasn’t planning on bringing you to your peak; instead, he removed himself from your dick and stood up. The two of you shared a long heated kiss that he used to lean you back down, then he pulled back.
     “Turn over,” his voice was low and gravely, palming himself at the sight before him. 
     With a small nod and smirk, you did as you were asked. You could hear Vergil shuffling around before feeling him rejoin you on the bed with his hands kneading against your ass. Although his motions weren’t particularly aggressive, the pressure he was using was extreme and was going to undoubtedly leave bruises. If you listened very closely, you could hear him purring behind his growling. 
     You let out a small laugh, “You’re quite pent up, huh?”
     He momentarily paused, his hands still gripping you, “You could say that, yes,” before you could respond, you felt him dig his fingers harder into you, “May I?”
     With a smile, you turned over your shoulder to him, “How cordial,” you softly laughed, “Go ahead, I’m all yours Vergil.”
     Once he let go of your butt, Vergil smirked slightly at the sight of you lifting your hips up a bit. He was almost tempted to skip prepping you but he bit his lip; he can’t have you getting hurt, he needs you to be available for him. After lubing up his fingers, he slowly slid the first digit inside. 
     Taking a deep breath, you did your best to relax into his hand. Vergil shifted so he could kiss you while continuing to stretch you. He placed several gentle pecks along your neck and your jaw, a rather loud purr coming from deep within his chest. 
     As he slid a second finger inside you, he heavily laid his head on the crook of your shoulder and began to give the area small heated kisses. You let out a small moan and turned towards him, kissing the top of his head. A smile tugged at your lips as you felt him let out a low happy sigh, his lips just barely hovering over your skin. 
     Another stifled moan came from you as he began to curl his fingers and return to kissing your neck, slightly nipping at it as he traveled along your neck and shoulder. 
     Quietly, as if afraid to speak, Vergil whispered between kisses, “I love you, my delicate little Lily.”
     With a soft laugh, you looked at him, “That’s new-- “Lily”..?”
     He chuckled, seemingly embarrassed, “Yes, I thought it appropriate. Do- do you not like it?” 
     “I don’t mind; just curious as to- ngh-” You groaned as you felt Vergil add a third finger.
     “As to what, my love?” A cocky smug smirk tugged at his lips.
     “Why did you th-think,” you closed your eyes and bit your lip, doing your best to hold back a moan, “to use it now?”
     Vergil hummed in thought for a moment, making sure to keep his lips close enough to your skin that you could feel his lips vibrate--sending a shiver through you, “Because you remind me of such…” He removed his fingers and leaned up, “You are so very fragile-- so very breakable; and yet,” a chill ran up your spine as you felt Vergil run his nails from your shoulder blades down to your hips, leaving a minor scratched trail down your body, “you allow me to taint your beauty --to toy with your naive innocent humanity….” 
     His hands rested on your ass momentarily, letting out a low sigh, before fully removing his hands. 
     With a gravelly sensual tone, he continued, “Do you want to know why I want you so badly, Dearest?”
     Hearing him shuffling around slightly, you nodded as a small amount of butterflies began to form in your gut.
     The blue devil laid down over you, getting as close to your ear as possible, “Because you are mine-- my human plaything; do you understand?”
     Against your lower back, you could feel his cock twitching and could feel how unbearably hot his skin had become. You swallowed hard, “I’m not sure I do.”
     Vergil placed his forehead between your shoulder blades. He used one hand to prop himself up and the other was around his dick, stroking it slightly, as he whispered, “You are bound to me; in both heart, soul, and body .”
     Without allowing you to respond, he prodded at your hole with his tip and slowly began to inch his way inside. A loud moan left your lips as you did your best to relax into him; feeling each bit of him that entered your body. 
     “You are my mate,” once fully seated inside you, he returned to your ear, “My one and only,” the blue devil kissed your ear, then gently bit and tugged at it, “for the rest of eternity.”
     He sat back up with hands now placed on both sides of your hips. In response you picked your ass up, creating a downward dog position. 
     It started slow and controlled. He’d only pull out an inch or two and very carefully push himself back in, not wanting to harm you. However, these gentle motions didn’t last very long. Vergil did try his best to control himself; biting his lip, gripping onto you (unintentionally bruising you yet again), et cetera, but it didn’t work. 
     Vergil pulled his dick out, leaving just the very tip of it inside you, and rammed into you. It was hard enough that you jolted forward and let out a moan that was somewhere between pleased and startled. He repeated this motion but picked up the pace with each jab. Soon enough, all that could be heard throughout the house was the sound of his balls hitting your skin and your moans of bliss. Vergil wrapped his hand around the front of your neck and pulled you upwards, bringing you into a kneeling position.
     Now using quick shorter thrusts he wrapped his arms around your middle, holding you flush against his body. A small amount of drool left the corner of your mouth as your vision became blurry, completely engulfed with the feeling of Vergil inside you. Mindlessly, you laid your head against the top of his shoulder which gave him plenty of room to bite and suck at your neck. One of your hands found its way to his hair, grabbing it tightly, and your other was neatly interwoven with a hand from your devilish lover. Your grip tightened on his hand as you moved your hips, doing your best to complement Vergil’s pattern. 
     This pose didn’t last very long. Vergil roughly shoved you back down and stood up, pulling out completely. Before you could question, you felt him harshly yank you over onto your back. Now facing upwards at the disheveled man, you got a proper view of him and you noticed several things that were just ever-so-slightly off. His teeth were much sharper and slightly thicker. A finite amount of scales had appeared on his cheekbones. The glowing icy blue eye color that you’d noticed earlier, was even more apparent and had heavily dilated pupils in the middle that were intensely trained on you. 
     You placed a hand on his cheek, very carefully thumbing over the black-blue scales. He leaned into your touch, his eyes closed tightly, and gave your palm a long kiss, momentarily staying with lips pressed against your hand. An unintentional confused 'huh?' left your lips at how hot his breath and mouth were, he was scorching; the hottest you’ve ever felt from him. Slowly, he opened his eyes and leaned back up. 
     The blue devil slid off the bed and pulled you to the edge then put his tip back inside only to slam as hard as possible into your hips. 
     “Fuck~ Vergil,” you arched your back and wrapped your legs around his hips.
     With a smirk, he repeated the action and created a pattern of extremely hard and moderately forceful thrusts that he switched between every four or five thrusts. Vergil looked down at you with a devilish smile, reveling in how undone he made you. Getting an insurmountable amount of arousing pleasure from the sounds of unintelligible gibberish moaning coming from you. The sight of your body being moved by just the force of his jabs. All he wanted to do was feel your insides even more, to reach as far as he could inside and claim every bit of you.
     He grabbed your legs and pulled them up, resting them on his shoulders. The feeling of sinful pride he had only increased as he heard you call his name and saw your hands grabbing the sheets tightly. He slowed his hips for a moment, still maintaining the force of each thrust but trying to prevent himself from making a mistake and Triggering.
     Vergil’s hands slid from your calves to your thighs, firmly kneading against your skin--his fingertips being imprinted into your skin with dark marks. A very distant dark part of him wanted to eat you, to bite your flesh --to mar it up --to cover you with his scent --to make sure you know exactly which devil you belong to. He licked his lips as he let out low heavy breaths from his partially opened mouth. Feeling his peak coming, he looked up at the ceiling as his thrusts became shorter and his pace picked up, moving faster than before.
     Typically, he wouldn’t finish this fast but he couldn’t help himself. All he’s wanted to do for nearly a week is just fill your insides, and he was going to do just that. Vergil shifted slightly, making sure to hit your prostate with each gyration. 
     He let out a loud growling moan, cumming inside you. Only a few moments later did you call out with a sharp moan as you felt an intense orgasm ripping through your body.
     Slowly, Vergil rode out both your orgasms. Gently, he removed your legs from his shoulders and pulled out of your body. You gazed into space for a moment before leaning up slightly to see Vergil, confused as to why he hadn’t said anything.
     You audibly swallowed as you stared at him, “Y-you’re that pent up, huh?”
     Vergil shamefully met your eyes. He was still hard and had scales on several other spots on his body. The thoughts of allowing himself to cut loose, to show you his inner urges without a filter made him both unfathomably terrified and overwhelmingly aroused. This was bad and he knew it, and seeing you so blissfully unaware of the danger you were in only tempted him further.
     “Vergil,” you sat up fully a small grunt leaving your lips at the dull pain from being slammed so hard, “You alright?”
     His lips thinned as he furrowed his brow, avoiding your gaze once more, “I am fine; however, I…” He paused, unable to finish his sentence.
     “We could try it out, you know,” you gave him a meek smile as his eyes flicked to yours.
     He shook his head ‘no’, “I can’t risk hurting you for something so trivial.”
     “This is obviously not ‘trivial’. You never have this issue-- not to mention how different you’ve been acting,” you reached out to grab one of his hands, “What’s wrong, Vergil? You can tell me; I promise I won’t judge or get upset.”
     The blue devil intently watched as you ran your thumb over his knuckles, “Fine…” He moved to sit beside you on the bed, staring straight ahead, “You know what an animal in “rut” means, correct?”
     You nodded, “Yeah,” your eyes thinned as you slowly turned to him, “Vergil, you don’t mean--?”
     “I should’ve told you before we…” he sighed with his shoulders tensing, “Because you and I became intimately involved, I now will go through this every spring,” he looked over to you, momentarily locking with your stare, “and you are the only one that can give me… relief .”
     With a slow nod and deep breath, your eyes flicked between his hard-on and his gaze, “Guess I didn’t provide enough “relief”, huh?”
     He gave you a small smile, “I’m afraid it’s not something that will be able to be soothed with only a round or two or even three, my love.”
     You moved your jaw in thought and stood up. Sighing softly, you moved Vergil’s arms off to his sides and sat on his lap. You placed one hand on his chest and used the other to push a strand of hair out of his eyes, resting the hand on his cheek afterward. A loud purring emanated from his chest, vibrating your fingers, as you stared softly into his icy-blue eyes, “I love you so much Vergil; you know that?”
     The blue devil smiled, “I do,” he leaned closer to you, placing his forehead against yours, speaking in a breathy whisper; his breath ghosting along your lips, “I love you as well; more than words could ever describe.”
     The two of you connected lips and the hand that was on Vergil’s chest slid up to his face; allowing you to cup it between your hands. Vergil took his hands and ran them down your sides and then settled to hold your lower back as he continued to give you sloppy sweet kisses, gently pushing his mouth against you. 
     Cautiously, Vergil bit at your lips to ask for permission to enter your mouth; which you accepted. He let out an unintentional elated moan at the feeling of your tongue with his. His fingertips dug into your skin, pressing and kneading against you in excitement. With a lustful aggressiveness, Vergil pushed you onto your back--down onto the floor of the bedroom. 
     Making sure to maintain the kiss, Vergil shifted the both of you around so he could line himself up with your hole. Slowly, he slid back inside and devoured each of the divine noises that you made in response. That thought made him growl slightly; he wants to defile you over and over, to hold you for as long as you will allow him to. 
     Only once he was fully within you did he break off the kiss and allow you to take a deep breath. He held himself up with his arms, looking down at your breathless form. A prideful smug smile tugged at his lips as he began to move slightly, grinding himself into you. It didn't take long for him to reach a moderate pace. You reached up and ran your hands along his body, feeling each divot, each curve, each soft and hard surface; taking notes to yourself as if you hadn’t ever been allowed to touch him before. His heart was pounding so fast that you could feel it no matter where your hands were.  
     The blue devil’s mind was reeling. He was so engrossed in how good you feel that he hadn’t noticed how hard he was slamming into you, pushing you along the floor with each pass of his hips. His growling had returned, albeit tenfold louder and a great deal more animalistic; completely replacing his moans. 
     Although you know Vergil has issues with you touching his back, you were too immersed in the moment and wrapped your arms around him. One of your hands found its way to the back of Vergil’s head, threading your fingers tightly into his hair. You did your best to try and wrap your legs around him too; hoping to prevent him from shoving you along the floor any further. 
     He did stop for a moment, only to take the opportunity to pick you up and slam you against one of the walls of the room; knocking several things from their hanging spots. A sharp moan left your lips as you felt his nails aggressively dig into the sides of your thighs. Vergil placed his mouth at the crook of your shoulder and nipped at the skin, leaving various marks. 
     You let out a slight hiss as he got a little too close to one of the deeper marks from earlier; in a way to seemingly apologize, he gently licked at your neck. He then leaned back and looked at you for a moment, letting out a set of shaky breaths. Vergil connected lips with you as you slid both hands into his hair; grabbing fistfuls of the silky white strands. His kisses were aggressive, pushing your head against the wall. Your body tensed, legs tightening around him, you were getting close--and so was he. 
     Quick jack-rabbit thrusts replaced his previous tempo. His wandering grip continued as he slammed your hips down into his, moving your body in a harsh rhythm with his. The two of you parted lips allowing you to throw your head back--at least the best you could being against a wall--and Vergil placed kisses on your windpipe. 
     The blue devil placed his head on your shoulder as he focused on fucking you. It didn’t take long for him to reach nirvana, spilling himself inside you with a low sustained frustrated growl. You reached your peak as well; cumming with a low grunt and gentle groan of Vergil’s name. 
     He ground against you and let out gentle shuddering breaths against your neck, giving you slight goosebumps. Without removing himself, he carried you back over to the bed and laid you down. Propped upwards using his hands, he stared down at you. Vergil was breathing heavily with a hung-open mouth and had a layer of sweat on his brow. More scales had appeared and his stare was oddly blank, as if he were lost in deep thought. You watched as he used his tongue to play with one of his canines and his brow twitched into a slightly agitated state. 
     “Vergil?” You weakly grabbed one of his biceps, giving it a light squeeze, “Is everything okay?”
     A set of quick blinks brought his eyes back into focus, accompanied by a shake of his head, “Yes, I am alright--sorry.”
     After a pause, he leaned up and gradually removed himself. A shiver ran up your spine at the feeling and you stared up at the ceiling for a moment before tilting up to look at the blue devil. 
     “Oh…” You gave him a dumbfounded stare. He was still hard, cock twitching at your surprise.
     Once you looked up at Vergil’s face, you saw that he had crossed his arms with one hand over his face; mortified and ashamed of what was happening. 
     With an awkward laugh, you took a deep breath, “So, how many rounds do you need, again?”
     Vergil’s eyes slowly met with yours as he shook his head, whispering, “I’m… unsure.”
     You scrunched your mouth to the side, “What about trying to use your “Trigger”? You seem even worse off than earlier, Vergil.”
     He removed his hand from his face and shot you a stern glance, “No, I can’t risk hurting you--”
     “Vergil, if you keep this up, you will hurt me,” you grunted in slight pain as you sat up fully, “I can only take so much,” you laughed slightly, placing a hand on the back of your neck, “Especially with how rough you’re being.”
     The blue devil thought for a moment, his tongue playing with his teeth. A part of him knew you were right, that if this continued there was a very high chance he would hurt you, and he really loved the idea of allowing himself to let go--to show you what he could really do. Still, the sheer amount of uncontrollable possibilities kept him hesitant. 
     What if you don’t like it and he’s too far gone to stop?
     What if he manhandles you too hard and breaks something--either something in the room or, more importantly, you? 
     What if he hit you against the wall or floor too hard and hurt you? 
     What if he bit you and couldn’t stop himself from sinking his teeth in too far?
      What if you died because of him and his stupid demonic instincts?
     He flinched at your sudden closeness. You’d gotten up and were standing in front of him, concerned that he was standing silently for so long. With one hand on his bicep and the other cupping his face, you made small circles with your thumbs. His eyes fluttered shut and he leaned towards you, placing his forehead against yours.
     The two of you shared a very sweet and emotionally soft kiss, drawing it out for quite some time. 
     With lips just above his, you quietly pleaded, “You can do whatever you need to, Vergil; it’ll be okay.”
     Vergil swallowed hard. With one final squeeze of his arm, you let go of him. His eyes flicked all over your body as he gave it one final thought. Taking a deep breath, he nodded; he had to try it. 
     All he could hear was the loud pounding of his heart as he allowed himself to Trigger. Soft cornflower blue light filled the space. You smiled at the sight before you. It wasn’t very often you got to see Vergil use either of his Devil Triggers; his normal Trigger being a much rarer sight.
     Under his breath, he let out a soft chuckle at your doting stare. Although he’s never told you, he finds it amusing that you’re so enamored with his devilish forms. He unfurled his wings from his sides and mindlessly stretched them outwards before bringing them back in close to his body. Pride pricked at his heart as he saw your expression of such a trivial act.
     Cautiously, you approached him and reached out to touch his chest. This was the first time Vergil had allowed you to be anywhere near him while in a non-human state. His scales were hot to the touch, but not painfully more along the lines of freshly dried linen or hot asphalt. Through your fingers, you could feel a low rumble coming from within his chest.
     With a slight shake, Vergil placed a hand over yours and locked eyes with you. Uneven breaths left his lips as he waited for you to say something-- anything. 
     You smiled softly and inched closer, placing your head on his chest, “You are so beautiful, you know that?”
     A noise somewhere between a scoff and a laugh left his nose, “That’s not what one should say when face-to-face with a devil.” Vergil wrapped his arms loosely around you. 
     “I’m not just face-to-face with “ a devil”,” you smiled wider and looked up at him, “I’m face-to-face with m-my…” you stumbled over your words as an embarrassed shade spread across your face, your confidence quickly dissipating.
     “Your what?” He tilted his head in curiosity, wanting nothing more than to hear you say it.
     With a voice no louder than a whisper you looked away from his eyes, “with my mate.”
     He stared with parted lips before giving a small smile, “How strange to hear you say that,” Vergil leaned down to you, whispering, “Are you sure this is alright?”
     Without answering, you connected your lips to his. Your hands slid up to the base of his neck on either side, gently scraping your nails on his scales as you went along. His arms tightened to pull you closer, placing one at the small of your back and the other on your ass. Slow careful kisses turned to sloppy impassioned French kisses. Vergil's tongue desperately felt the inside of your mouth, now being able to reach even further inside. You let out a surprised grunt at the feeling but were quickly distracted by a harsh groping motion against your ass. 
     Once you broke apart, the two of you stood staring at one another. Curious as to what he’d do, you ran your hands slowly down his torso. The heat coming from his body was unbelievable but his lower abdomen was tenfold worse. Distantly you found yourself worried if his cock would be too hot for your body to take in. As your fingers worked their way down, you took note of the texture changes between his chest, stomach, and the bright blue V that pointed to where you were headed. 
     Gently, you rubbed your fingertips up and down the glowing area, earning a stifled groan from Vergil. Curiously enough, you were expecting the area to feel akin to the rest of his scales--hard and rough--but were greeted by a warm velvety silk feeling. As you kneaded against him, he pulled you into another set of passionate kisses. The hand from your lower back traveled up your spine and braced the back of your neck, pulling you as close to him as possible. 
     Mindlessly, he leaned forward and dipped you back slightly. He broke from your mouth and kissed the corner of your mouth. Bit by bit, he kissed along your jawline, to your neck, and finally your throat. All the while, your fingers continued to their original destination. Carefully, you teased the area around his still-hidden cock and lightly ran your middle finger along his slit. Vergil’s breath hitched and he stopped his kisses, his breath washing over your skin. 
     A sultry smirk tugged at your mouth as you felt his tip begin to emerge. Vergil’s wings uncontrollably flexed outwards at the odd feeling, much to the blue devil’s surprise--and slight dismay. He’d never thought about trying anything even remotely sexual while like this, so the feeling of your fingers kneading against him made him feel as if he were a virgin again; feeling overwhelmed by nothing but the slightest of your touches. 
     You slowly ran his tip between your fore and middle fingers, feeling pre-cum dripping onto your digits. His cock was pleasantly warmer than normal, eliciting a small groan from you as you thought about him being inside you. The cum that decorated your fingers was also hotter than normal and seemed to be much thicker. The blue devil took a deep breath and shifted slightly, his wings curling around the two of you. In an almost painfully slow motion, Vergil ran his tongue along your neck, small papillae scrapping the sensitive area. He let out a shaky breath as you stroked along the sheath where his cock was, making his cock appear much faster than intended. 
     Before you managed to have him fully out, Vergil picked you up and placed you onto the mattress. He placed both his hands beside either side of your head, still standing, and his wings outstretched behind him. You stared up at him as a small shiver ran up your spine at the sight. Vergil’s eyes were dilated heavily and were fixated on yours. A part of you knows you should be afraid or at least apprehensive about what is happening, but you couldn’t be bothered; you were much too invested in the moment. 
     A wicked grin adorned his face, teeth on full display,  “You really want me, don’t you?”
     “And if I do?”
     “Hmph,” the blue devil leaned back up and pulled your hips to the edge of the bed. 
     With slow long pumps, he touched himself to the sight of you. However, when you tried to lean up to see, he quickly pushed you flat. 
     “Did I tell you to move?” His voice was utterly layered with an overwhelming dominance.
     Your gut churned and twisted as you waited with bated breath for him to ram your body, except, the blue devil knew he had to be careful with you. Although it was seen as a dominating move, Vergil laying you back was done to keep you calm. If you’d seen him fully erect, you would’ve tensed up tenfold worse and this would’ve been much more difficult than it already will be. 
     He grabbed the lube from the nearby table and coated his cock. Whatever excess was on his hand, he very carefully put it at your entrance--making sure his claws didn’t knick you. After a small debate, he dragged you a bit closer and put your ankles on his shoulders, aligning himself with your hole. 
     “Relax,” he placed a hand on your stomach, skin dipping down slightly from the tips of his claws, “Just focus on your breathing.”
     You pursed your lips and stared mindlessly at the ceiling, doing just as he said and taking deep calm breaths, trying to keep yourself from tensing. 
     Vergil pushed his tip in, earning a gasp and deep grunting moan from you. Bit by bit, he continued to push inside, doing his best to fight the urge to slam against you. You were gripping the bed, pulling on the already decimated sheets. The size of Vergil’s cock normally is something that would make most men green with envy but the size he was working with now was nothing short of “porn star” material. 
     His hand that was on your gut slid up to your chest as he leaned down into you, causing him to push inside quicker than intended. Doing his best to not cut you with his claws, Vergil groped at your pecs and lightly kneaded against you. Low in his chest, he was emitting a purr that was intense enough that you could feel it through his hand. 
     After what seemed like an eternity, he was fully seated within you. Heavy deep lust laden breaths left your agape lips as the blue devil closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling of your innards snuggly squeezing around him. Vergil could feel your rapid heartbeat and could practically taste your arousal; being able to smell human pheromones just like a human can a fresh baked bread, sometimes being strong enough to give a taste to the air. It made his body ache, giving him a strong sense of pride to know that you were just as madly into him as he is you.
     You placed a hand atop the charcoal-grey scaled hand on your chest, “Vergil…”
     The two of you locked eyes and Vergil leaned down to you. Gently, he kissed you. It was a physical manifestation of a promise; a promise that he will take good care of you.     The black and blue scaled devil tilted back upright, his fingers lightly clawing up your middle sliding to rest on each side of your hips. With slow careful--almost fearful--motion, he began to test what you thought of his devilish body. A string of low groans left your lips as you closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his cock. Your chest was moving in an almost exaggerated manner as Vergil slowly ramped things up. The unhurried nature of his movements allowed you to feel each rib of his cock, feeling every time one would leave and re-enter your aching hole. 
     In an elongated teasing manner, Vergil removed himself out to his tip and pushed back in--making sure you felt every bit of him and savored him. He closed his eyes, doing his best to keep a level head as he intently listened to the breathy moans leaving your lips. 
     Once more, he removed himself out to the tip; this time, however, he slammed back inside. A sharp mixed noise of a grunt, moan, and gasp came from you. His eyes opened as he repeated the action; making sure to remove himself slower than before and return twice as hard. 
     Your back arched at his actions, eyes focused on the ceiling above you. When you looked back at Vergil, his eyes were trained on yours with an unplaceable emotion hidden behind his gaze. His emotion became clear when he harshly pulled out and slammed his hips against you; no longer feeling the need to hold back. 
     With each thrust, you were pushed up on the bed and his hands would yank you back down to meet the brutal bucking of his hips. All that could be heard was the sound of his hips hitting yours and the wet squelching from the previous rounds and copious amounts of lube in your ass. Concentrating on your expression, Vergil failed to notice that his claws had sunk into your skin which anchored his grip into you. Leaning down, he placed his face in the crook of your shoulder; kissing you carefully. 
     After a moment, he leaned back up slightly to place his nose beside yours. You placed a hand on his cheek, thumbing over the leathery skin. Your pinkie mindlessly ran along the silver spikes that formed a beard of sorts at his jawline, curious as to what it felt like. He leaned into your touch and, despite him still jackhammering away, he felt a warm sweet feeling at your overly gentle treatment of him. 
     “Grab onto me,” Vergil whispered, his voice thick with lust and uncharacteristically gruff. 
     You did as he asked, wrapping your hands around the backside of his neck. Vergil picked you up and wrapped his wings around you, pushing you tightly against him. A small hiss slipped through your lips at the feeling of your dick rubbing against Vergil’s torso. It didn’t hurt per se but it was extremely overwhelming. Your nails dug into his scales, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 
     Seeming to notice your distress, the blue devil began to lightly lick and nip at your neck and throat. He took a long deep inhale of your scent, pressing his chest against yours, desiring to get closer to you than possible. As he exhaled, you felt his hot breath wash over you and tickle at your skin causing you to let out a restrained laugh. 
     With a hum, Vergil slowed slightly and took a moment to enjoy the closeness of your bodies. The feeling of your soft human skin against his scales made his gut twist. A distant hidden part of him felt an odd arousal from the idea of how fragile you were--how he could crush you instantly if he wanted; completely contradicting his main anxious mindset.
     Moving your hand to his chest, you pushed him away, confusing Vergil for a moment, before you cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. Lazy sloppy kisses caused him to let out a small moan, which intensified at the feeling of you repeatedly biting at his lower lip. His thrusts switched to a moderate pace as his fingertips kneaded against you. As you pulled away, he let out a disappointed huff, which was quickly replaced with a dark low gravely moan. 
     Despite not being able to break his hide, you leaned down and bit his neck; at a somewhat odd angle because of the horns that wrapped around to the front of his head. It is rare for Vergil to allow you to bite him, however, feeling you claim him--just as he did you--made his body ache. After a moment, you stopped and placed a soft kiss against him. You repeated the action on the other side of his neck, Once done, you trailed kisses along his neck to his throat and placed an elongated kiss against his Adam’s apple. Vergil let out a small grunt at the feeling and, when you tilted back, you were met with heavy half-lidded eyes. 
     The blue devil nudged you to expose your neck and placed his face in the crook of your shoulder, breathing heavily, “I love you.”
     Without allowing you to respond, he pushed your hips downwards and fucked into you as quickly as possible. A loud groan left your lips at the inhuman speed of Vergil’s cock and you grasped at whatever you could, causing Vergil to let out a surprised huffed moan at your unexpectedly rough touches. His claws left the new loving craters in your thighs and slid to your ass, pulling you apart. 
     Before you could question, your eyes went wide. The blue devil pushed his knot inside you, somewhat forcefully, as he let out a thunderous semi-whiney shaky moan. Once buried into you, his hands returned to your hips and his claws to the same holes as before. 
     You let out a whimpering moan as you hit another peak, feeling his cum gush inside you. He hadn’t disclosed anything about a knot or that he was going to use it inside you, but you weren’t complaining. It felt as if he’d been pent up for a year with how quickly and how much was being released. 
     It was both a painful and heavenly experience.
     All the while, Vergil could only continue to repeat your name and whisper how much he loves you; almost as if he were begging for you to say it back, as if you weren’t already committed to him. With a soft kiss against his horn closest to your mouth, you whispered, “I love you,” which caused him to grind against you, attempting to further spear you than he had already.
     Unsure what to do now you were stuck together, Vergil laid you back down and laid atop you. His wings were stretched out flat and his forearms were wrapped around your torso, across your shoulder blades. With his face directly down onto your chest, his eyes fluttered shut and he purred loudly. Although you wanted nothing to do but lie still, curiosity got the better of you, and you ran a hand along his horns which made him purr tenfold louder. 
     Admittedly, Vergil wanted to stay as you were, interlocked and him pinning you down; but he also wanted to patch you up. You could feel how fast his heart was beating; whether it was from fucking, cumming, or nerves was anyone’s guess. All you could do was lay there and take it while listening to his breathing and purring. The two of you stayed interwoven for nearly ten minutes, Vergil shifting several times in an attempt to remove himself. 
     Finally, he stopped twitching. He stood back up and carefully slid out which was accompanied by an audible pop and your hips quivering. Vergil’s chest heaved as he de-triggered. Beyond tired, he returned to the same position as before and laid against your chest.
     “Vergil?” Your voice was raspy and very overtly worn out.
     Without moving, he spoke against your skin, “Yes, my love?”
     You placed a hand in his hair, running your fingers through the utterly disheveled white strands, “How do you feel?”
     He quietly laughed, “I am calm, for now; if that is what you are asking.”
     With a heavy exhale you hummed a sound of relief.
     “How are you feeling?”
     “Want me to be honest?”
     “Like I was just in a category five hurricane.”
     “I’m sorry,” he placed a kiss against your breastbone, “Is there anything I can do to make up for it?”
     Lightly, you ran your fingers down his neck to his shoulder blades, sliding up his arm, “Help me get into the bath?”
     Vergil smiled, “Of course, my dear,” he shifted upwards and placed a kiss against your lips, “Anything for my mate.”
ENDING NOTES: Originally I had planned to also have Sin Trigger sex in this but I thought that would be a bit too much to digest from one story; plus “Bed of the Blue Devil” is entirely based on that aspect.  Also between the teaser from yesterday (early this morning) and now; I found out that I have the ‘rona so… Life is really great--it’s just one thing after another, I finally wanna write and do stuff but now I’m exhausted and feel like someone beat my skull in with a sledgehammer  🦢💧🦢 Poem Quoted: “Love’s Philosophy” Percy Bysshe Shelley
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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sunnydayroleplay · 2 months
We kinda made hcs about it, buuuuut how would Joseph handle his child that's been staying up wayyyyy passed their bedtime because they want to see their mama/papa and keeps escaping the bed to wait by the front door?
Hi..so I know I was supposed to respond to this months ago but shh.... I'm back from the dead. (For now)
Anyway! This is gonna be short and simple, you guys all know the drill!
18- DNI, though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is not. This is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games. For SFW + 18- safe content, check out my art page instead. @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
So, it's around 8pm
Joseph's youngins bedtime!
(For this case, let's say the kid is arouns 2-3.)
"Goodnight sweetheart" Joseph murmured softly as he kissed his baby's forehead and tucked them in.
He left the bedroom, turning on a small night light and leaving the bedroom door ajar.
Joseph is definitely a night owl, so he typically goes to bed around 12 or 1 on non-work days, and 11 when he has work.
He heads to his fridge to crack himself a cold one and unwinds on his couch.
A few minutes pass by. It's peaceful and quiet.
...Too quiet.
Joseph sighs loudly and pushes himself off the couch, putting his opened beer down on a nearby table as he began to walk towards upstairs and into his child's room-
-When all of a sudden he's greeted by his own kid standing there by the staircase, a plushie in hand.
"Jesus..you scared me bud." He chuckled nervously, but was overall relieved that his kid was alright.
He picked them off the ground, ruffling their hair before walking back upstairs to retuck them.
"You can't be getting up and away like that. You need to stay in bed kiddo."
Like before, he kisses his kid goodnight and tucks them back in, leaving the door slightly ajar again.
He figured maybe his kid didn't want to be so far away from their dad, so Joseph grabbed his beer from downstairs and walked into his bedroom right across their room.
He sat back in his desk chair, finishing off the rest of the bottle while reading some random magazines, newspapers, or catching up on the new SDJ scripts for the show.
The time is now 9:01pm.
As Joseph went to throw out his empty brown bottle, he once again had an uneasy feeling in his stomach.
It was once again too quiet.
He didn't hear any shuffling of bedsheets, or the light snores he could hear from anywhere in the house.
He exited his room, only to find his kid sitting down in front of Joseph's bedroom door.
"You should be in bed, why do you keep getting up silly?"
Like the other two times, he picked them up, kissed them, tucked them in.
But this time he stood by the slightly ajar door.
Not less than 2 minutes later, he sees his toddler waddle out of the room, immediately stopping once they see their father.
"Uh oh."
"Uh oh is right buddy, c'mon! Back to bed! It's wayy past your bedtime."
Now, usually, if his kid did this, he would stay with them and have his kid sleep with him for the night. (Only if the kid does it more than his usual 3 times.)
And usually after three times, the kid stops and sleeps.
But, if his kid continues to be stubborn and protest
Joseph closes the door and ends up sleeping on the floor in front of the bedroom door so the kid can't come out, but Joseph can make sure his baby isn't getting into any trouble.
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erasabledinosaur · 4 months
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What's in my Game: cc edition
dew of the sea
nature set | Tulips from Amsterdam
EA-edit Set | paranormal art items
Special | Love Not War Valentine Set
EA-edit Set | Bonehilda Themed Items
Art Set | Old Family Pictures
Winter Gifts | a tub full of plants
Winter Gifts | thank you cards
Winter Gifts | winter wishes cards
Winter Gifts | wall ribbons for cards
[DEW at home] accordion wall rack + clothes
[Magic Month] | gothic witch paintings
EA-edit Set | more hallway stuff
4t3: Strangerville Random posters
4t3: Bread n’ Butter Toaster Clock, and Radio (High School Years EP).
4t3: More Stains (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Collection of Floor Destruction 1: Scratches (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Collection of Wall Destruction (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Collection of Floor Destruction 2: Cracks (Werewolf GP)
Bonehilda Coffin Default.
4t3: Werewolf Noir Film Poster (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Fury-Fueled Nonconformity Poster (Werewolves GP)
4t3: LIS2 Grocery Bags.
4t3: TC Deco 01.
4t3: sforzinda’s High School Years Clutter Separated.
4t3: Perfectly  Plush Couch (High School Years EP).
4t3: Cow Plant Duo
4t3: Simmify Instant Camera (Deco)
4t3: Saved by the Chair (High School Years EP)
4t3: Laundry Deco (High School Years EP)
4t3: BG Decor (Base Game)
4t3: GP07 Barback Clutter (Strangerville GP)
4t3: Heavy Metal Decor (Strangerville GP)
4t3: School Festival Objects (High School Years EP)
4t3: Good Old Times Tables (High School Years EP)
2t3: Bathroom Rugs (Sims 2 conversion)
4t3: RE3 Clutter (Deco)
4t3: House Clutter (Parenthood GP, & Eco Lifestyle EP)
4t3: The Front Desk Clutter (Get Together EP)
4t3: High Definition Blowdryer (Deco)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter Kit Rugs (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: Bric-A-Bac Wall Art (Strangerville Separated).
4t3: Laundry Maid Essentials (Laundry Day SP)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: When Life Gives You Linens Clutter (Laundry Day Separated).
4t3: Get Together Decor
4t3: Random 02 (Cottage Living EP)
4t3: Random Rugs
4t3: Kid’s Decor (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Random Decor (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Infant Update (Decor)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter 02 (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: Basement Treasures Decor (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Grandma’s Couch (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Basement Treasures Decor #02 (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Book Nook Decor (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: Kids Decor 02 (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Greenhouse Haven Decor (Greenhouse Haven Kit)
4t3: Pile of the Sims Daily (Cats & Dogs EP)
4t3: Living Set (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: SquareTube TV (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Shortwave Shindig Radio (Horse Ranch EP)
4t3: More Book Nook (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: Discover University Decor (Discover University EP)
4t3: Paint Decor (City Living EP)
4t3: Art Attack
4t3: Sick Tunes
4t3: Pretty in Punk
4t3: TVs
4t3: Nonna's Cookbook (Home Chef Hustle SP)
4t3: Everyday Clutter Decor (Everyday Clutter Kit)
4t3: Bread Box of Holding (Parenthood GP)
4t3: Pillow for Deep Thoughts (Spa Day GP)
4t3: Party Poppers (Toddler SP)
4t3: Tastefully Empty Bookshelf Decor
4t3: Non-Functional Water Heater (For Rent EP)
4t3: Tibert Decor (For Rent EP)
4t3: The For Rent Sign (For Rent EP)
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello!!! How are you??? I currently have exams and I'm stressing.
Anyways, I was scrolling through tiktok when I got this idea!
I was watching a Larissa edit and I noticed that she had A HUGE MIRROR ON THE WALL???? like at the right side of her desk. So I was thinking cg! larissa x little! reader, where reader likes to draw everytime they regress. One day, Larissa was busy and she was feeling extra stressed she didn't notice reader entering her office. Reader saw how busy and stressed Larissa is and thought of something to do for her. Before reader can come up with something they slipped to a little mindspace and decided to draw for Larissa. Maybe a few hours after, Larissa decides to take a break from work and when she swivels her chair to the side to look at herself in the mirror what she saw are papers taped on the mirror with silly little drawings. Just pure fluff I miss Larissa :(((
Thank you!! lovelots <33
- 🦝
Pretty picture| Agere
*Authors note~ this is for anyone who've had to deal with exams either currently or the past month or so"
Trigger warnings~ age regression, little r  mentions of bare breast
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
You had been trying to prevent this slip that had been brewing for a while. Your girlfriend was extremely stressed with Wednesday Addams arrival bringing so much extra work, you knew that all too well. The child seemed to be a danger magnet. Although it wasn't to say Larissa hadn't noticed the warning signs of an oncoming regression yet every time she asked you if you needed to slip you always told her you are absolutely okay. Larissa didn't want you to put off the slip as she knew you often got awful headaches when ignoring your own needs.
You were completely caught off guard when you slipped into your headspace during your planning period. The little one immediately picking up some paper and coloured crayons you had stashed in your desk draw for her. Items in hand she toddler down the hall to Larissa's office, the blonde too busy dealing with emails and frantic phone calls from parents and alumni to notice the arrival.
You felt like crying, your momma didn't even notice you were here, but that's when you spotted the mirror by her desk. A plan formed in your little mind and you happily settled on the floor to put it in action.
You drew all sorts of pictures, some of cats which happened to be an animal Larissa was fond of or pictures of you and your momma doing a variety of  activities. You even tried to write momma and colour in all the lines. Soon enough the mirror was covered head to toe in your little art work. Larissa still not noticing your presence until you stumbled and fell trying to put the last picture in place.
It was your cries that shocked the woman into taking a break, "love bug? That you baby?" She murmured jumping off her chair to scoop you up into her arms, "shh baby you're okay momma has you you're okay" she murmured while holding you securely to her. "Oh darling did you draw all of these for momma?" You nodded sniffling your tears away as you hid in her neck and mumbled, "wanted momma happy" causing the older woman to rub your back and shower you in kisses. "You make your momma so so happy darling, look at you go my amazing little artist."
Soon enough you were babbling about your work before sleep tried to over come you, you'd had a rough day so Larissa abandoned her work for the rest of the night in favour of snuggling in bed with her favourite little one. If there was one thing absolutely certain, the blonde would do anything for your well-being and happiness even if that meant watching baby shark on repeat until you fell asleep nuzzling into her bare breasts.
Word count~ 669
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
Rhys Week: Step by Aching Step, Son
For @officialrhysandweek Day 5: Family Man.
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After pulling Nyx out of the Illyrian War camps, Rhys tries to explain his decision to a disappointed Nyx.
Oh, I'm coming now for you Step by aching step, son Then I'll lead you by the hand And we'll fall into the blue
It was high time to have this discussion, he thought. They hadn’t spoken much the past few weeks. The silence and tension that chaos left behind was still thick in the air. So, Rhys took a deep breath before he tapped the door softly and entered Nyx’s room. 
“Hello, Papa.” The boy said, looking up from his sketchbook, as he sprawled out in his large bed. Nyx wings were tucked behind him tightly, Rhys noticed with a twinge of guilt. “Mind if I sit with you?” He asked. Nyx nodded, as Rhys made his way over. Still, he studied his son’s room, taking in the piles of books on the desk that had been pressed up against the wall. Small models of buildings sat there as well. Rhys had never thought much about architecture before Nyx, who built things as sons as he could play. A shirt was thrown carelessly over a chair, while a small wooden owl lay half carved on the dresser. Each and everything in his son’s room, placed just so. It was almost like taking a look into Nyx’s mind, something he and Feyre agreed on was off limits unless needed. Why throw this shirt here? Rhys thought, Who is the wooden owl for? What do you see when you build these models? 
I see what the building could be. Nyx's soft reply came to his mind, surprising Rhys, who had not noticed his mental blocks were down. Like Mama’s paintings, I see what they are in my mind and try to match it. 
“The owl really isn’t for anyone,” he said out loud, “I was just bored the other day, I haven’t finished it.” 
“I remember the owls at the camps.” Rhys said as he stroked the carved beak on the owl. “Uncle Azriel thought they were the other boys trying to steal from us at night, so Uncle Cass took it upon himself to hoot everytime Uncle Azriel went to piss at night.” Nyx chuckled at the memory Rhys sent over; Azriel jumping and pulling up his pants while Cassian hooted from behind. 
Rhys settled on the bed next to his son. Nyx had his mother’s talent for art though he preferred to sketch buildings and plants, as well as the occasional animal portrait for his cousins at the Day Court. The short time spent in the war camps was difficult for Nyx, but the reports that made their way back to Rhys made his son’s presence known. Namely, the heir to the Night Court had a penchant for carving the insignia onto every single wooden surface he could, including the posts on Devlon’s tent. Nyx had his mothers talent, and her fire, for better or worse. 
Peering over at the sketches, Rhys saw the massive round table with the Night Court insignia drawn in the center. Illyrians and High Fae surrounded it, posed in mid motion. “What is this? It’s really wonderful.” he asked as Nyx tilted the small book towards him. 
“Just an idea, I guess. I thought it could be some sort of hall for us and the Illyrians.” Nyx said, as he flipped to another page. A sketch showed a great longhall of wood and stone. “It could be a sort of neutral meeting place. It would be between the camps and the villages. Probably easier.” Nyx shrugged as he flipped back to the sketch of the round table. “I keep messing around with the table though. Round seemed more equal, kind of like what High Lord Thesan has at the Dawn Court.” 
“Incredible.” Rhys murmured as he studied his son’s face. His brow was furrowed in concentration as his pencil flew across the paper. Absently, Nyx began to suck on his top lip, the same habit he’d had since he was a toddler. Rhys supposed now was as good of a time as any to talk about his decision to withdraw Nyx from the camps. 
It had been less than two years since Nyx had entered. It had been difficult at first. Feyre felt that eight was too young, but Nyx was determined to go. Cassian and Nesta, who had stationed themselves in Illyria, said Nyx had a hard time with the boys as expected, but was managing to train and hold his own. The situation in Illyria was growing more unsteady by the day, and the most recent threat against Nyx was a call far too close.
In the weeks since returning to Velaris, Nyx had been understandably quiet, retreating to his room or the library at the House of the Wind. Rhys knew that Nyx did not know the full extent of the threat the commanders posed, and he knew he could not hide it from his son any longer. 
“Nyx, I’m sorry about everything. Pulling you out of the camp, putting you in there in the first place.” Rhys rubbed his eyes, struggling to find the words to pinpoint his feelings.
“It’s alright Papa, I understand.” Nyx said softly as he stared ahead. 
“It’s not. I know the camps are hard, and I wanted you to have that experience, despite everything. It’s your heritage, and you’ll rule these people someday.” Rhys replied quickly, “Eight was too young, I realize that now, especially with how things are going. It’s too dangerous to have you up there-” 
“I know, I know.” Nyx said, as he bit his upper lip in thought. “I knew it was going to be hard, and I was ready for it. I knew they’d give me a harder time. I guess…” he paused for a moment, mirroring his father’s expression as he too searched for the right words, “You got to meet Uncle Cass and Uncle Az there, and I think I wanted that too. I wanted to find my own brothers and do the Blood Rite. I’m not ashamed of our family or myself, but I feel, I don’t know, frustrated because I can’t control it. I’m the little princeling that got swept away when things got too hard.” Rhys sighed as Nyx quickly added, “I understand why you did it. But I just don’t know where to go from here.” Nyx flopped his head back onto the pillow as he set his sketchbook down on his bedside table. 
Rhys put his arm around Nyx’s shoulders, pulling him close to his chest. Feyre insisted their son would never be too old for a hug, and at this very moment, Rhys agreed. Their son was nothing short of a gift, a miracle, one that he tried every single day to prove himself worthy of. Being a father, being Nyx’s father was greater than anything Rhys had ever done in his life, of that he was certain. It was with that certainty that he made the decision to bring Nyx home to Velaris, when Azriel had discovered the plot just in time. 
Two commanders from the camp had been planning to clip Nyx’s wings. 
It was only by the grace of the Mother that Nyx was with Cassian in the training ring when the males tried to attack. Cassian sent them running and Rhys and Feyre came to fetch their son home immediately, but not before he and his brothers rained hell on the camp. Rhys had not given a second thought to misting those commanders, a righteous rage simmering inside of him at the mere thought of those males even thinking to touch his son in such a way. In the back of his mind, he knew his own father wouldn’t have come to his defense, and that made him more sick. 
“I didn’t pull you out because things were getting hard. You are not a spoiled little princeling, Nyx. You were doing so well. Uncle Cassian and Aunt Nesta said as much. I pulled you out because there was a threat against you that I could not ignore.” he felt his heart race, and he took a breath to calm himself. 
“Those men who tried to kill me at the training ring? The ones that Uncle Cass chased off?” Nyx said flatly, as he looked up at Rhys. 
“They weren’t trying to kill you, Nyx. They were trying to clip you.” Rhys whispered. 
Nyx’s eyes grew wide and Rhys felt a wave of nausea broil inside him. He felt a tinge of concern from Feyre down the bond, but ignored it as he turned to fully face Nyx. 
“You are my priority, over Illyria, over everything, Nyx. I want you safe, and you were not safe there.” 
Nyx nodded as he worried at his lip again, “I didn’t know that’s what they were trying to do. I thought they were like that drunk old male that tried to come after me. I didn’t think it was anything. So, I’m not going back to the camps, ever?” he asked.
“You’ll go back one day.” Rhys promised, “You will find your own brothers and you will complete the Blood Rite. But now is not the time. You will have that time, I promise you that. But you’ll just have to wait a while longer for it. When it is safe, and the situation is under control, you’ll go back. In the meantime you’ll train here and Helion has offered to train you as well.” 
“Alright.” Nyx said softly, resting his head on Rhys’s shoulder. “I love you Papa.”   
Rhys hugged his son tighter. Ten years had gone by too fast for him, he thought. “I love you too, Nyx.”
A soft knock at the door startled them both as Feyre peeked her head in.  
“Any room on that bed for one more?” she asked as both Nyx and Rhys scooted over as she laid down next to Nyx, kissing his cheek. “We love you more than anything, Nyx. Don’t ever forget that.” Rhys felt a quiet sort of harmony over him, the same one he always felt when he was with Feyre and Nyx alone. They sat like that for a while longer, holding one another as nocturnal animals sang outside. 
Later, after Nyx had fallen asleep, Rhys held onto Feyre, stroking her hair, as she lay on his chest. 
“Should I have told him what those males had planned to do?” he asked Feyre quietly. “And before you make some remark about hiding things, I just didn’t want to terrify him.” 
Feyre huffed a small laugh, “You know better than anyone what happens when you hide things. But, I think you did the right thing. He didn’t know exactly what had happened, and I think he would have blamed himself instead.” 
“Heard that, did you?” Rhys said, flicking Feyre’s nose.
“How could I not? You were so nervous, I had to make sure you had back up.” she said, as she smiled, “You did wonderfully, Rhys.” She rose, hovering over him and taking his face into her small hands. “You’re a good father, Rhys. A good mate and a good male. It’s not going to be an easy road, whatever happens. But we have each other.”
Rhys pulled Feyre down, his lips catching hers as he held her tighter. They had each other. This was what he fought wars for, what he lied for, what he cheated for. He would make the world better for his son, Rhys promised himself. He had done the right thing for his family, of that he was certain. 
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alphabetatoes · 9 months
children’s librarian!gojo who’s appearance might at first seem to juxtapose his job title.
during story time, he will actively sit in the kids chairs/on the ground with the kids when reading books (does NOT care if he looks like the jolly green giant sitting next to a toddler, normal chairs are too formal for his taste)
forget step stools! as soon as gojo feels the gentle tug of his pant leg by a kid, he knows it’s time to spring into action. there’s never a dinosaur or space book out of reach when he’s at the library.
one time a kid asked if they could draw him, and he nearly burst into tears on the spot. doesn’t matter if he looked like an abstract rendering of a potato with hair in the drawing, gojo got it framed and proudly displays it on his desk.
if a child asks him to play, gojo treats it like he just accepted the role of a 👏 lifetime 👏. the kids love it, and the parents get a kick out of the sheer ridiculousness of a 6’3 adult man playing the child of a 7 year old.
keeps a candy bowl at the desk allegedly for when kids want a sugar fix (it’s really just so he can have something sweet on him at all times)
adult librarian!nanami who is the epitome of don’t judge a book by its cover
from afar, one might think he’d be a no nonsense person, rigid when it comes to helping out, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth
has a cadence that makes everyone feel welcome- like family, even if it’s their first time at the library
stresses the importance of “no stupid questions” when it comes to patrons asking for help, as no one should ever be chastised for trying to learn something.
VERY popular with the elderly demographic! not only is he the most patient and caring when it comes to topics like technological literacy, but quite a few also think he’s a cutie pie.
some of the members of the knitting club even made him a sweater to show their appreciation for all his hard work (and maybe tried to set him up with their single family members)
keeps an art wall in his office of all the drawings he receives from children when they’re with their parents (the majority of which are stick figure drawings that say “‘me + mr. nanami <3”)
young adult librarian!geto who has curated the place to be for resident young people at the library
because of this, young adults know it’s a safe space to come to when they just need to get out of their own heads (more than willing to listen when patrons just need to get something off their chest)
has a monthly challenge going against the teens (once it was to see who could bring in the most cans for a food drive), and if they win, geto has to do whatever the highest voted ‘punishment’ is (within reason ofc)
gives off a mysterious aura, so any time he shares something personal about his life, the teens add it to their “geto lore” doc.
once wore a green t shirt instead of his traditional black (they were all in the wash and the green one was clean) and the teens nearly lost their minds. (the day was filled with numerous “are you okay?”s)
easily has the most popular program turnouts, be it movies/book clubs/ttrpgs (the fact that he’s extremely attractive also doesn’t hurt this fact)
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headcanons initially inspired by this tweet! these were really fun to write <3
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ereana · 1 year
Alhaitham/Cyno - Good Luck kiss
Cyno blinks in surprise when Alhaitham rises from their table at Lambad’s. Usually Cyno is the first to leave while Alhaitham will squeeze out every minute of his lunch break that he can get.
“You’re off early, I thought my joke about the mushrooms was quite good.” He says as he sets his own cup down. If Alhaitham is going then Cyno has no other reason to stay, especially when there’s a fresh case on his desk about a group of suspiciously similar research proposals from a group of final year Vahumana students to investigate.
Alhaitham acknowledges Cyno with a nod as he reaches for his bag.
“Unfortunately, yes. I have about an hour left before facing off against some of the senior academics in regards to the proposed arts programme. Nilou is quite capable of handling their arguments herself but Akademiya politics are tricky.” Alhaitham glances at Cyno’s face before smirking. “There’s no need to pout General, I’ll be with you again this evening as usual.”
Cyno scowls and crosses his arms. He is the General Mahamatra. He doesn’t pout because his partner had to leave lunch early to deal with scholars who cling to their prejudices like toddlers to their toys.
He is simply…disappointed.
Alhaitham continues to look at him, the edge of wonderment to his expression the only reason Cyno doesn’t deny it. Alhaitham has admitted to him in the quiet of night, whispering under the covers of their bed, that he still has trouble believing that Cyno wants him. Cyno is determined to banish that misconception and indulging in a little light teasing is a small price to pay.
Struck by a sudden impulse he stands up from his chair, stretching on the tips of his toes until he’s close enough to plant a brief kiss on Alhaitham’s cheek. There are a few murmur’s from other patrons around them but they’ve been together long enough that the sight of the General Mahamatra and the Grand Scribe being romantic in public has lost its immediate shock value.
Now Alhaitham is the one who blinks at Cyno. Once. Twice. Seemingly struck speechless for a moment by the gesture.
Cyno grins at him. “A kiss for good luck. I don’t think you’ll need it for dealing with a few old men but take it anyway.”
He starts to pull away only for Alhaitham to wrap an arm around his waist and keep him close, eyes narrowed with an intense focus he usually only saves for a particularly interesting or unique book.
“Surely, if the intention is to give luck, a kiss on the mouth would offer the most direct way to pass it on?”
Cyno narrows his eyes but his grim remains fixed on his face. Alhaitham’s tone is almost bored but his eyes tell the true story, one that Cyno can understand in an instant.
“You don’t believe in luck, Haitham.”
Alhaitham shrugs. “That’s not the point. The issue is the most efficient way for you to give me a resource-”
“A resource you don’t believe exists.” Cyno interrupts even as he relaxes in Alhaitham’s arms.
“-and if it can be transferred using a mouth then surely the best way to do so would be mouth to mouth as with air if one were attempting to resuscitate a drowning human.” As he speaks Alhaitham bends his head down until there’s nowhere for Cyno to look but directly into his face. “Are you so cruel as to deny me a potentially life-saving resource?”
Cyno scofffs. “Only you could turn a small gesture of affection into an accusation of neglect.”
“It won’t be an accusation if you kiss me again.” Alhaitham points out and Cyno knows they could quibble about this for hours if they had the time; trading jabs and lofty, well-reasoned arguments about whether luck was real, what the best method for wishing someone luck was, and if it could be compared to the necessity of air.
It would be fun as well.
But duty calls them both and Cyno would feel awful if Nilou was left to fend for herself all because he wanted to be selfish with his partner’s time. He’s not used to wanting someone all for himself, the first time he’s allowed himself to be selfish and it crashes against his control with the force of a flood after a dam breaks.
That and the fact he really wants to kiss Alhaitham again too. A pleased warmth bubbles in his chest as Alhaitham asks him for it, reassuring that Cyno isn’t the only fool in love in this relationship.
Cyno kisses Alhaitham again, a soft lingering kiss against his mouth that makes Alhaitham sigh against his mouth, turning the imposing Grand Scribe into a puddle in Cyno’s arms. 
The kiss ends as Cyno pulls away, Alhaitham chasing after his mouth with the same drive that reshaped a country.
“Good luck.”
Alhaitham pulls him close once more.
“Further testing is warranted.”
Well, they are both scholars after all.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Something New
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post-Series)
Pairing:                Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee)
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff
Summary:   Kaycee takes matters into her own hands when Ethan won't follow doctor's orders.
Words: 918
A/N: Day 8 of @creativepromptsforwriting 's 30-Day Writing Challenge: Write about finding a new hobby. Also participating in @choicesjanuarychallenge Day 7 - Hobby I didn't have time to edit - be kind ;)
Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist 30-Day Writing Challenge Masterlist
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The early summer sun was beginning to set over Boston. Its pink and purple hues filled the condo with magical light, luring all those present to watch. Kaycee finished up the last dish in the sink and dried her hands as little Emma babbled in her highchair nearby.
“Abababaaba-gooooh!” she gurgled, earning a bright smile from her mom.
“Is that what you think?” Kaycee grinned. “I agree with you, Princess Emma. That is the most beautiful sky.”
Unstrapping the toddler, she lifted her to her hip and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows. 
“Look,” she pointed. “Can you purple, Emma? Pur – ple.”
“Pupuhpuh, abababbaba-gooh!”
“Yeah, well, I understand,’ Kaycee laughed. “Abababbaba-gooh is such a cool word. I probably wouldn’t want to say any others for some time too!”
Kaycee looked at her watch and then shot an anxious look down the hallway. It was getting late, and Ethan should have been done by now.
“Ethan,” she beckoned. “Baby, why don’t you come out here. Emma and I have something we want to show you.”
“I’ll be out in one minute, hon,” he hollered in reply. But, twenty minutes later, Kaycee placed a sleepy Emma in her crib and walked to Ethan’s study.
His eyes lifted the moment she entered the room, a contrite expression on his face. 
“I was longer than a minute, wasn’t I?”
“By at least twenty,” she confirmed. “Ethan, you’re supposed to be relaxing. The doctor said….”
“The doctor exaggerates.”
“Really?” She admonished, her arms crossed in front of her chest. “Dr. Reynolds is one of the best we have to offer! You know that. How would you feel if you knew one of our patients was home poo-poohing our advice like you’re doing now.”
“Poo-pooing?” Ethan chuckled.
“Don’t change the subject! I can’t help it if I’m picking up the old-lady language! How long have I been with you now?”
She headed for the door and motioned for him to follow. “Come on, Ethan. To the bedroom.”
“Well,” he hummed, pushing away from his desk. “Don’t mind if I do!”
“Relax, Romeo,” she teased. “It’s not for that.”
“No?” he frowned.
“No!” She chuckled with a glint in her eyes but soon backpedaled just a bit. “I mean, maybe later.”
“Better, much better,” he said, throwing an arm around her shoulders as they walked to their room.
“Now, sit!” she ordered, and he quickly complied, taking a seat in the easy chair next to the bed.
“Are you sure we’re not doing that?” he winked.
Kaycee shook her head with a smirk. “No. Not now. You’re here to make a decision.”
“A decision?”
“Mmm-hmm,” she hummed, placing three parcels on the bed before him. “You’re going to make a selection: box number 1, box number 2, or box number 3.”
“Can I at least know what’s in them first?”
“I suppose,” she said, proceeding to help him open each one. 
The first contained a moderate-grade camera with a sleek design. The second was a potters wheel; the last contained a box filled with assorted paints and brushes.
“Is it arts and crafts day at Emma’s daycare?” he asked.
“Sure, because these look like they were made by Crayola, dear,” she dismissed. “No. They’re for you. You’re going to pick one, and then we’ll get you more supplies because you need to take up a hobby.”
“Kaycee,” he groaned, “is this about….”
“Dr. Reynolds is worried about your stress level, and he said you need to pick up something relaxing, a new hobby. Since you weren’t taking any steps to do that, I needed to take action.”
“I have hobbies, Kaycee.”
“Your work is not a hobby.”
“I also have….”
“Writing your next book is not a hobby.”
“Well, there is also you,” he leered.
“Trying to be cute and insinuating that fooling around with me is a hobby will not get you out of this. Now, pick one!”
“Why these things?” he asked.
“Well, you’ve mentioned wanting to learn to take better pictures. You love visiting that pottery shop down on the Cape, and last time we were at the beach house, you said you wished you could have painted the sunset. Like the one you just missed watching with Emma and me because you couldn’t tare yourself away from work. So… pick one, Ramsey!”
“I love it when you’re bossy,” he growled.
“OK, OK! I guess I’ll try….” He pointed to the paints. “Those.”
“Oh, OK.”
“You seem disappointed?”
“Of course not! It’s got to be your choice.”
“But… I was sort of hoping for the potter's wheel. I thought it would be, you know… kinda sexy.”
“Sexy? Rookie, you’ve watched Ghost one too many times.”
“I have,” she giggled, sitting on his lap in the chair. “But honestly, the idea of you at an easel, well, I’ve got to admit, that’s got me a little hot and bothered too.”
“Oh, does it now,” he breathed, nuzzling his nose against her neck. “The idea of the photos I could take of you with that camera is sort of doing things to me, as well.”
“Are you saying you’re going to pick up more than one hobby now, Ethan?” she laughed.
“Maybe,” he said, lifting her as he stood and placing her gently on the bed. “But for now, I’m only picking you up. Is Emma asleep?”
“Sure is,” Kaycee grinned, and a devilish look came over her husband’s face.
“Good. You get the camera out, and I’ll lock the door.”
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luciidsimmer · 2 years
Stone Family Home Update *Whimsy Stories*
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Custom content linked below!⇩
A little update for my Whimsy Stories legacy, I expanded it for their growing family!
*Available on the gallery ID: alws123*
**Download CC linked below or it will not show up as pictured**
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Windows & Doors | Beehive Birdhouse | Toddler Basketball Hoop | Welcome Mat | Planter Boxes & Picnic Table
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Paint | Floors | Stairs & Railing
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Counters | Fridge & Stove | Produce | Yoga Ball | Shelf | Clutter 1 (Plants) | Clutter 2 (Picture) | Clutter 3 (Spices Big) | Clutter 4 (Spices Small) | Clutter 5 (Books) | Clutter 6 (Small Baskets)
Office Nook
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Wall Hanging | Desk, Chair & Lamp | Computer | Clutter 1 (Plant) | Clutter 2 (Camera) | Clutter 3 (Books)
Dining Room
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Table | Chairs & Highchair | Curtains | Art | Holiday Decor Box | Side Table | Plant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | Books | Toddler Car Track
Ollie's Room
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Wall Hanging | Toddler Bed Frame | Toddler Mattress | Apple Toy Box | Dresser | Rug | Toddler Phone Toy | Dollhouse | Train | Toddler Stacking Toy | Plant
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Paint & Tiles | Toilet | Mirror | Plant | Shower | Shower Caddy
Opal & Geo's Room
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Pillows 1 & 2 | Pillows 3 | Rug | Dresser | Books | Crystal Bowl | Crib | Art | Bird Mobile
Extras (In build, but not pictured)
Shelf | Plant | Toddler Potty Chair
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Essential Kids Room Furniture for a Functional and Stylish Space
Designing a child's room is a delightful endeavor that combines the need for functionality with the desire for style and personality. The right Kids Room furniture can transform any space into a cozy, efficient, and vibrant environment where your child can thrive. Here, we’ll explore the essential pieces of furniture that will help you create a functional and stylish kids' room.
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The Heart of the Room: Kids Single Bed
The bed is undoubtedly the centerpiece of any child's room. A kids single bed is ideal for maximizing space while providing a comfortable sleeping area. When selecting a bed, it’s important to ensure it is both safe and durable. Opt for designs with rounded edges and sturdy frames to prevent accidents. Additionally, consider a bed that can grow with your child. Designs that transition from a toddler bed to a larger size can be a wise investment, blending seamlessly with your child’s evolving needs and tastes.
Keeping it Tidy: Storage Solutions
Storage is a critical aspect of any kid's room, helping to keep the space tidy and organized. Ample storage solutions can include a compact wardrobe for clothes, a toy chest for playthings, and low-height bookshelves for easy access to books and educational materials. Under-bed storage options are particularly useful in smaller rooms, offering hidden spaces to stow away seasonal items or additional bedding.  Kids Room furniture not only keeps the room clutter-free but also teaches children the importance of organization from a young age.
Study Time: Desk and Chair
Creating a dedicated study area within the room can foster good study habits and concentration. A well-chosen study desk and ergonomic chair are essential. The desk should have enough surface area for books, laptops, and other study materials, along with built-in drawers or shelves for storing stationery and supplies. An ergonomic chair that supports good posture will ensure your child remains comfortable during study sessions.
Play and Relaxation: Play Area Furniture
A designated play area within the room can spark creativity and provide a space for relaxation. Essential pieces include a small activity table for arts and crafts, puzzles, and games, as well as comfortable seating options like bean bags or floor cushions for lounging and reading. A play tent or teepee can add a touch of whimsy, offering a cozy nook for imaginative play.
Functional Decor: Combining Style and Utility
Decorative elements that also serve a functional purpose can enhance both the look and usability of a kids' room. Soft rugs provide a safe and comfortable play area, while wall-mounted shelves offer space for displaying toys, books, and decor items. Hooks and pegs can be used to hang bags, hats, and jackets, keeping frequently used items within easy reach.
Bright and Cheerful: Lighting
Proper lighting is essential for creating a functional kids' room. Combine different types of lighting to ensure the space is well-lit and welcoming. Bright ceiling lights provide general illumination, while desk lamps offer focused lighting for study areas. Soft night lights can create a soothing atmosphere for bedtime, helping your child feel secure and relaxed.
Personal Touches: Making the Room Unique
Adding personal touches can make the room feel special and unique to your child. Customized name plaques, photo frames displaying family pictures, and themed bedding reflecting your child's interests and favorite colors can all contribute to a room that feels uniquely theirs.
Creating a functional and stylish kids' room is all about selecting the right furniture pieces that balance practicality and aesthetics. Essential items like a kids single bed, ample storage solutions, a study desk and chair, play area furniture, functional decor, and proper lighting can transform a simple room into a vibrant and organized space. When shopping for kids room furniture, explore trusted brands like Alex Daisy, known for offering a wide range of quality and stylish options.
By thoughtfully choosing each piece of furniture, you can create a room that not only meets your child's needs but also grows with them, providing a comfortable and inspiring space for years to come.
This Blog Is Originally Published At: https://alexdaisyy.blogspot.com/2024/07/essential-kids-room-furniture-for.html
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sosimsofmaddi · 4 months
House update!
So! There's been a lot going on in the Leikos-Geroux household. Kelley aged up recently and got a room remodel. The twins*, Brucie and Juneau, became kids and had their room redone. And we had accidental baby girls** who took over dad's art studio (and booted their aunt Roxana out of the house).
With so much change, the rest of the house got a cosmetic update as well! I haven't changed any walls and I don't plan on it! But we gave them a fresh update on their furniture and style. We started off with not as nice stuff, but now that Reese is a writer with monthly royalties and Gunnar sells painting for over 1K a piece, we could afford to get some nicer things!
*Brucie and Juneau, will usually be referred to as "the twins" because they're boy/girl and they're the first set.
**Shilow and Rio will be referred to as "the babies" or "the girls" because they're the second set of twins.
Living room/foyer update:
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I love this space! The couch, iMac, and the little elephant rocker are my absolute favorite items in this area of the house. I have that exact computer and desk chair, so that's a little inspired by my own desk set up!
I love the CC toddler/baby stuff. I love the little elephant rocker and bookshelf wagon. We also filled the place with plants, which is also inspired by my apartment.
Parents' bedroom update:
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Studio/nursery swap: (newborns and infants)
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Art studio:
The art studio space got moved upstairs and expanded because of the new babies. The second floor landing used to be a lot of clutter and another seating space, but now it's purely an art studio. I really love this space!
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Kelley's room:
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Kelley is my OG child, and I have such a soft spot for him. He and Reese started my game. She was a single mom, and it was just her and Kelley against the world. She changed her whole life to figure out how to protect her son when he started showing signs of being a werewolf (like her). Their relationship has always been really sweet, and Kelley has become the best big brother.
Within a year of moving to Moonwood Mill, Reese met and fell in love with Gunnar, a werewolf from the dangerous Wildfangs.
Soon, they were accidentally pregnant with their twins. Kelley's life changed very quickly, so I want him to feel special. Kelley has his own room, and style update was really personalized.
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(Please ignore the flower wallpaper room! It was in the middle of a remodel for Brucie and Juneau.
The twin's remodel:
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I've changed it up a little bit since these pictures, but it's basically the same! I love the little clubhouse portion of the room. I changed it by moving the easel out to their dad's art area. I put in a toy washer and a toy kitchen mixer where the easel is in this photo.
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