#todoroki angs
animestsstuff2 · 3 months
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ProHero Hawks x Fem VillainReader
Part 3
Master list here!
This will stick overall to the plot of MHA with some minor tweaks due to the self insert character! But nothing major.
Content warning: spoilers for S4/5!, manipulation, power dynamic (reader and Dabi),
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Hawks wings floated him in the air as he sipped on the milky tea drink. His wings spanning out behind him as his eyes watched the bustling street below him. His eyes slightly dry and thoughts fuzzy. He was tired, coming off night patrol without his coffee was proving difficult for the avian.
He hadn’t seen you the rest of the week on his night patrol. He did, however, have a run in with a certain black haired man and the interaction left him on edge. His hair waving as he moved through the air deciding to land on rooftop as he replayed the encounter in his head. The request Dabi asked of him to prove himself to the league.
Hawks clouded thoughts vanished as a the Hero Commission icon displayed on his visor. His gloved finger pressing the side of the visor, answering the phone call.
“Hawks” it was Madam President. Hawks moved to sit down, allowing his feet to dangle over the edge as he sipped on his tea.
“Madam President, what do I owe the pleasure?” His voice calm and as ever laid back.
“I know you probably won’t want to hear this but we are putting you back on night patrol” Hawks stomach fluttered. The tea in his mouth getting caught in his throat. He managed not to choke and force out a reply.
“Yeah? How come? You know im an early bird” He feinted a whine. The Hero Commissions preening of him certainly came in handy as he collected himself and hid the excitement he couldn’t help but feel.
The excitement of possibly seeing you again. The excitement that swelled from somewhere deep in his mind.
“There has been movement by the League of Villains. A number of relevant people, people we needed to get more information on the League have been found..well their ashes found. Someone within the League knows, either that we are on to them or they are tying up loose ends” Hawks eyes narrowed instinctively as he thought back to the first night on his night patrol last week when Dabi incinerated that man. Was he an important figure?.
“So you want me find out why? Or just stop them before anyone else gets incinerated?”Hawks asked as his wings curled back in. His tea sat beside him as he rested his weight on his palm.
“Both if you can, finding out why is more important, stopping them is second. If you can find out who they plan to kill before it happens and relay it back to us so we can find out what they know” She stated. Hawks agreed to the request and he would be on tomorrows night patrol for the rest of the week.
Hawks felt something twitch in his stomach as his eyes scanned the ground below him. He couldn’t help but feel somewhat excited. He had orders to further pursue the League. The League that you were part of. Hawks lifted up as a distress signal displayed itself over his visor. His wings pushing him faster, feeling energised as the tea drink fell from the gush of wind. Maybe he didn’t really need coffee, something else had him all amped up.
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You stood with Dabi on the rooftop of some building away from the League’s hideout as you waited. You weren’t sure what for. A yawn pushing its way past your lips as you rubbed your drying eyes.
“Tired Dove?” Dabi’s voice sent a shiver down your back. You glanced over at the man who had a cigarette hanging from his lips as he placed a booted food on the small wall around the roofs edge.
“A bit, why am I here? What are we waiting for” You asked, eyes scanning the dark sky. You didn’t have good vision at night the city lights helped a bit.
“You know why you’re here” You bit your lip at his vague answer that you understood completely. It was silly to ask Dabi why you were here. You weren’t even sure why it slipped out.
If I could i’d be anywhere else right now
Your shoulders tensed as large red wings came into view. Your eyes narrowing as you looked around for other pros as Hawks literally just appeared in front of you. Your eyes unable, however, to spot anyone else and instead focused back on the blonde man carrying a large duffle bag as he landed on the rooftop.
“Hey guys. I brought what you asked Dabi” Hawks voice was light as he dropped the duffle bag at your feet. Dabi crouched down as he unzipped the bag but your eyes were more focused on the yellow ones that stared back.
“You really did kill someone. Some hero you are” Dabi’s voice cut through the tension between you and Hawks and you stilled as your eyes glanced down, widening in horror at the body of the 3rd pro hero.
Hawks heart dropped at your expression. His fingers and stomach curling. Your eyes wide in shock horror as you took a small step away from the bagged hero. Dabi stood up from his position and looked over at you. A grin stapled across his face.
“Somethin’ the matter Angel? What? You thought a hero wouldn’t get their hands dirty, wouldn’t get blood on em’” He teased as he grabbed your wrist and kept you in place. The part of your face visible above your mask had paled slightly. Your body tensing at the almost unbearable warmth of Dabi’s palm as your eyes darted back to Hawks, whose brows were furrowed.
Why is she getting on like this? Wasn’t she a villain too.
“Hey now. I’d be a bit shaken if someone dropped a dead body at my feet huh Dabi” Hawks kept his composure as he forced a light laugh out. He hoped Dabi didn’t catch it, catch the concern he knew he let slip for a second. Dabi didn’t miss it, of course he didn’t. A man who grew up watching out for his father’s emotions, his mother’s distress. He didn’t miss anything.
Primal fuckin’ needs. Poor birdy.
“Hmm, suppose you’re maybe right Hawks. After all Angel here sticks true to her name, ain’t that right Dove. Never hurt a fly” Dabi teased as he finally released your wrist. You just nodded and kept your eyes downcast. A confusion of emotions swelling in your chest as you tried to ignore the growing warmth of your skin and feathers that trembled ever so slightly.
Dabi’s hand reached into his coat and pulled a phone out as he flicked it open and walked a bit away. Hawks immediately casted his eyes back to you as he forced himself to say something, anything. He needed to say something to you, something within him wanted to speak to you.
“A-Are you okay?” Your eyes snapped up to meet his and you couldn’t help but feel surprised. He sounded different, sounded honest. His face no longer sporting a smirk, voice no longer light and airy rather weighed down with genuine concern.
“M’Fine just surprised me” you mumbled, growing sheepish as you crossed your arms over your chest wings reflectively coming to curl around your body as a cold breeze brushed by.
“Right, yeah. Your in the League, probably see things like this all the time” Hawks joked as he glanced at Dabi who had walked to the other edge of the rooftop.
“Yeah, always with Dabi so..” Hawks nodded as he puffed his cheeks out unable to draw his eyes away from the bright white of your wings. They were so clean and pristine. Hawks felt his stomach twist at the thought of Dabi preening you, helping with the considerable upkeep of such a quirk.
“Yeah? You guys a thing then huh.” Hawks voice was still light but his pupils had narrowed. You didn’t notice the changing look in the avians eyes as you felt your cheeks warm.
“Me and Dabi? N-No, tha-“
“So quick to say no Angel. Im hurt” Dabi’s voice from behind you made you jump as you instinctively spun round, never liking having Dabi out of your sight. Hawks watched carefully as you began stuttering again. Your wings fluffed out from surprise and embarrassment.
Yellow eyes flicked across your wings as they spotted a pin feather near the base where your wings met your shoulders. His hand reached before he could reason with his logical self that it was not a good idea. His fingers picked the feather, rubbing it between his thumb and index finger as yous stilled and the dry keratin flaked off revealing a short white plume underneath.
“Sorry! Im a real stickler for getting my own pin feathers when I seen that one I couldn’t help myself. Ya’ know like when someone sees a good spot” Hawks curled his arm around his head as he scratched the back of his head, cheeks tinting pink as he laughed lightly. He hoped both of you would buy his act at least Dabi.
“Thanks.” You mumbled as you turned back around. Dabi coming to stand beside you reaching down and grabbing the duffel bag. Hawks eyes flickering to it before meeting the blue eyes of the man before him.
“Alright Birdy. I suppose this’ll do for now. You’ll know when I next wanna talk” Hawks just nodded as Dabi turned on a booted heel and began to walk to the edge of the rooftop.
“Sorry again for touching your wings. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” Hawks said loudly as he stared at you. You smiled slightly under your mask.
“It’s okay. I can’t get them all myself anyways” the pro just nodded as you turned and followed after Dabi who listened into the conversation as he held the rooftop door open.
“Think our Birdy likes you Dove” Dabi’s voice was cold as you glanced over at him. A stutter in your regular heart beat.
“What do you mean?” You swallowed thickly as his loud footsteps resonated in the dark stairwell.
“You know I don’t like repeating myself Angel. Out Birdy very obviously has an interest in you, probably due to those primal needs you lot carry in your genes. I was too quick to judge those primal needs of being a nuisance for me. I think we could actually use them” You couldn’t help it as your wings puffed out behind you. Dabi only chuckled.
“How would we use it?” You knew what Dabi wanted, you always did. The unfortunate ability of your quirk ensured Dabi would never go without.
“Was thinkin’ you could be my little messenger bird. You know pass all the needed information to and from Hawks and get to know him a little” Dabi told you as you exited the building below. Dabi threw his large trench coat at you and pulled a hoodie over himself.
You slipped the heavy coat on nose crinkling at the smell of cigarettes and smoke wafted into your nose.
“Well? I need an answer. That sound like a good idea?” Dabi asked as you walked down the sidewalk.
“Sounds good Dabi” You mumbled, slipping your hands into the big pockets as your wings folded further against your back.
“Good. Ill let crusty know but I just wanna make sure you remember what I told you” he stopped walking and you turned towards him as a grin crossed his face and he held grabbed your wrist with his hand, pulling you close as you gasped.
“You let those primal needs get in the way and I won’t hesitate to get rid of you. I may care for your quirk but the rest of the League couldn’t care less about your life so i’d watch it. I’m the only thing keepin’ you from deaths door” You nodded quickly as you ripped your hand from Dabi’s seeing a dark red mark forming as the her seared up your arm, tears welling in your eyes.
“C’mon. You know how much he complains if we are late” His voice was nonchalant, shoulders sagged as he walked ahead. You swallowed the thick lump in your throat as you followed trying desperately hard to ignore the burning on your wrist and the panic in your chest.
Ignoring Hawks truly would be impossible. You would just have to quell those needs festering within you. It shouldn’t be that hard, right?. You continued your walk in silence as both of you kept an eye out for any pros lurking about. The unfortunate thing about keeping an eye out for a specific thing is how easy it becomes to miss other things, things that are red, small and feathered.
The red plume having gathered the information needed shot back as Hawks stood high above on a different building, eyes focused in on your two figures as the small feather nestled itself back into his wing as decided on his next move. His wings spanning out as his feathers bristled in the slight breeze. His heart humming and skim prickling as he thought of you being the little messenger. He would be seeing you more.
Hawks took off as he searched for a 24/7 shop to find a calming tea to sort his nerves out. He had to remain professional. The commission would never hear the end of it if the news got out of him caught up with a villain. But the idea sent Hawks stomach twisting as he tried to force the imposing thoughts of you out. His hands sweaty as he ignored the feverish heat licking at him. He would need to call the doctor to see if any medicine could be taken to sort out this supposed ‘heat’ he was feeling.
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animebackgroundmusic · 2 months
"Unmei no Todoroki" (The Roar of Fate) by: Akiko Shikata from: Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
My life’s a mess, wanna see some MHA content?
It’s another buck wild AU with zero grounding in canon, you guys love that stuff
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uravichii · 2 years
grbe fan behavior ! eme iLYSM MWA ://
uh idk u
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gothic-thoughts · 1 year
New Kid
Dabi x Black Fem Reader Fluff
Meetcute, CollegeAU, QuicklessAU
CW: blood (ig); pressuring; cursing
Word Count: 1398 (give or take)
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Touya made his way through the university hallways until he made it to the dean’s office and as soon as he steps inside, he notices a black woman holding a messenger bag while speaking to the principal. He disassociates while staring, analyzing everything from her golden down to her black, short-heeled boots.
She turns from the principal to lock wide eyes with the dark-haired man walking towards them as he shakes his head from his thoughts, just in time to see her play with one of the box braids hanging near her face.
"Todoroki!” He called, finally snapping him out of his daydream, "聞いていますか (Are you listening)?”
“Yeah, sorry. I'm just..." He fakes a yawn and finally looks somewhere else, "Just...tired."
“I don’t mean to call you in during your class but I just wanted you to show the new student around campus and maybe she can follow you around until she gets the hang of it."
"Sure, why not?” He smirks at her, hands sunk in his pockets, “Todoroki Touya."
She bows with a smile. "(Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you, Todoroki-san."
"Just Touya."
"Oh alright...then I’m just (Y/n)."
“I'm guessing you're not from around here."
"Yeah, I just transferred from America."
"(L/n)-san was the top of her class back in New York." The principal said, "She transferred here about 2 months ago."
"Yeah, yeah. We can start outside since we’re on the first floor.”
Touya led her around the university starting from the outside. He could feel eyes on them as they walked, and when he looked over to see a couple of girls staring at them. Their eyes were squinted while they whispered to each other making him roll his eyes and keep walking as he showed the new girl to the nurse’s wing.
“This is the infirmary on this side of the building, in case you lose a finger or some shit like that.”
“Got it. So...” (Y/n) hums, tapping his shoulder, “How come you like to go by 'Touya'?”
“Go by?” He raised an eyebrow, “Touya’s my first name, short stuff.”
“But most people here go by their last name.”
“I’m not most people. It’s just what I’m comfortable with.”
“Oh...can I ask why you’re–”
“Ight, got it. Where are you gonna leave me?”
“Well, that’s up to you, half pint. There's still plenty of campus to see that may not even be on your schedule.”
“Half pint? それが今の私の名前ですか (Is that my name now)?”
“Be grateful; I usually give meaner ones to people who piss me off but you managed to make this tour...bearable so you get ‘half pint’.”
“Don't mention it.”
“Also where are your friends? You didn't wave to anybody for this whole 20 minutes.”
“Most people are in class, short stack."
"Oh right."
“And besides, I don’t have many friends; like I said most people here annoy me. That and I got distracted.”
She snorts quietly, "You forgot about your other friends?"
"Not their existence, relax. It's just easy to forget when you're focused on someone else for 20 minutes. I'll introduce you to them later. Call it a...tour part 2."
"And tomorrow?"
"Part 3; c'mon, keep up."
She laughs, "Promise not to get distracted again?"
"I don't make promises I can't keep so we'll have to see. Although I have a feeling your questions will distract me again."
"That's fair."
 I usually catch glimpses of (Y/n) in the hallway as she walks to class but I hadn't seen her in a couple of days, not on her way to class and not on her way to her dorm. Maybe she just took a different route with her other friends. Is she tired of seeing me or something? My thought was shortly debunked when I see her on one of the benches in the courtyard with some guy standing in front of her, laughing about something. 
 I squint at the scene as my chest starts to burn a little but it quickly disappears when one of them moves to reveal her worried face. He can't be her friend, who the hell is that? She stands abruptly, hands gesturing angrily causing the guy to flinch back.
"What part of no didn't you get?!" She yelled, "Damn, 日本語で言ってあげないといけないんですか (do I have to say it in Japanese for you)?!”
“Oi, oi!" He chuckled, "Relax, it's just a question."
“That you keep asking!”
“Cuz I know deep down you wanna come see me again. Who wouldn't?”
Yeah, no. Absolutely not. Noticing his demeanor shift from goofy to defensive, I pull my hands from my pockets and storm over. Blood boils in my veins just from seeing her fists ball at her sides as I step onto the sidewalk. How long has he been at this for her to be this pissed? I quickly whip around the guy and push him back while keeping (Y/n) behind me.
"Anyone with common sense, really."
“Touya?” She asks.
“What’s your problem, man?” He asked, “I'm just inviting the new kid to a party.”
“She said 'no' already so get lost; or are we gonna have a problem?”
"We might if you don't keep it moving, Todoroki."
I grab him by his shirt and pull him into my fist as I punch him away from me. I grab his shirt again and pulled him to my chest, close enough so he could see the malice in my eyes through my bangs.
“What’d I say about callin’ me that?” I ask, gripping his shirt tighter, “Huh? You think we’re close enough for that, cuz I don’t think so.”
"No! Sorry, just a slip of the tongue!"
“Don’t let it happen again. Let's make a deal; if you're not outta my sight in the next 15 seconds,” I punch him once again, smirking when blood rolls down his lips, “I’ll give you more than a fucking nose bleed, understand?”
“Yeah, yes. I’ll go, I’ll go!”
 I push him away, watching him stumble and rush to hold his nose. He jogs down the trail, back to the building I came from, and ran inside. Shit, she saw all of that. I sigh as I turn to (Y/n) to see her staring at me those same wide eyes she had when we met. Yeah, sounds about right.
"Uhh, you okay?“
"Uh, yeah. He was just pressing me for a bit and got really close but he didn’t touch me.”
“Good, but I'm pretty sure he was gonna get physical if you denied again. The word ‘no’ is his kryptonite, especially from a pretty girl.”
“Yeah, clearly. And over some lame ass party.”
I smirk a little, “Sorry I didn't get here sooner."
"I didn't even know you were around. And I didn’t think you'd step in if you were."
"Come on, I may be a bit of a delinquent but I wouldn't stand by and let you get harassed like that. You just got here, you don’t deserve that.”
"I could’ve handled it.”
“I don’t doubt it, but I do like your face when it’s not punched in.”
She pauses, smiling a little. “Was that a flirt from Touya Todoroki?”
"Hush." I chuckle, “Those assholes made me late. You can repay me by walking me."
"Heh, c'mon."
She smiles, face turning dark red as we start walking the trail. I look down at her, noticing her playing with one of the rings on her left hand. I smile to myself before clearing my throat.
"You...can, uh...”
Her eyes meet mine, "Hmm?"
“You can call me Dabi if you want."
“Your other friends call you Dabi?"
"Yeah. It's a...familiar nickname.”
“That's kinda fire; what’s it mean?”
“Just a nickname. I’ve been called it since high school and it kinda stuck.”
“Somehow, it suits you.”
I bite my cheek and look ahead while my other hand slips into my pocket.
“If you ever need any help with anything, rough or dangerous I mean, I'll take care of it for you. Don't go getting yourself hurt for no reason okay? Kids at this school are tougher than you think.”
"You sure?"
"Yeah, your hands are way too soft.”
She smacks my shoulder, “Shut up.”
I laugh, “I’m serious. Toughen them up with smaller fights; ‘til then, use these hands for fighting, not yours."
"Oh okay," She smiles a little, "Thanks."
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ren-shonen · 2 years
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Ang Ang Ang (Means "I Love You" in Dragon) by n_r
This one was MEANT to be a treat for the October Planet BNHA round ("Monster Mash"), but then it turned out to be more than half again as many words as the upper word count limit, so uh. Oops. Anyway, this was written as a gift for nicc (@dekuondeck), who requested TEETH, Halloween parties, and SFW good feels, and I had a BALL with it. A+ would chomp again.
This was also a first attempt at writing fluff qua fluff? (Judging by the comments, I think I succeeded. ^_^)
Someday I would like to get art commissioned of the four boys in their Halloween costumes, because I think that would be pretty great to have exist where I can look at it with my eyeballs.
Tags and metadata under the cut:
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Future Fic, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Fluff and Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Halloween Costumes, Costume Party, temporary kemonomimi, (there was a quirk accident - why else?), possible manga spoilers up to chapter 367, here we go 'round the rosemary bush, (lowkey mutual pining), Mostly Platonic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hands in Hair/Petting, canon-typical unusual teeth, affectionate biting, Fingers in Mouth, Mild Embarrassment, mild unaddressed sexual tension, exactly two off-color jokes, Midoriya Izuku Has Chronic Pain, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, multiple Class 1-A cameos, touch nourishment, No confessions, but just so much love and mutual support and understanding, and also so much blushing wow, 20-year-olds getting to be kids
Series: Part 6 of call it any name you need Published: 2022-10-27 · Words: 8,207 · Chapters: 1/1
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42665412
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
Ang Ang Ang (Means "I Love You" in Dragon)
Ang Ang Ang (Means "I Love You" in Dragon) by n r
Sometimes an unlabeled polycule is four boys on a sofa at a Halloween party.
Words: 8198, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of call it any name you need
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Future Fic, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Fluff and Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Halloween Costumes, Costume Party, temporary kemonomimi, (there was a quirk accident - why else?), possible manga spoilers up to chapter 367, here we go 'round the rosemary bush, (lowkey mutual pining), Mostly Platonic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hands in Hair/Petting, canon-typical unusual teeth, affectionate biting, Fingers in Mouth, Mild Embarrassment, mild unaddressed sexual tension, exactly two off-color jokes, Midoriya Izuku Has Chronic Pain, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, multiple Class 1-A cameos, touch nourishment, No confessions, but just so much love and mutual support and understanding, and also so much blushing wow, 20-year-olds getting to be kids
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42665412
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kyaramaru · 2 years
Nijisanji Mario Kart Tournament 2022
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It’s December which means Nijisanji Marikart Tournament is back in full swing. There are 81 participants this year, 3 more then last year and overseas livers aren’t participating once again. Though hopefully someone from Niji En does a watch along like what they did with Koshien.
What is Marika: Marika is short for Mario Kart which is held as a tournament every year in December by Kenmochi Touya. This is the fifth year of Marika and will also most likely be the last year Kenmochi hosting the competition itself. Currently there are three winners in the entire tournament itself; Naurse Naru (won both the 1st and 3rd Tournaments), Kuzuha (won the 2nd Tournament), and Sasaki Saku (won the most recent, 4th). The tournament is split into three parts, the lottery to decide leagues, the qualifying rounds to make it into the quarterfinals, and main tournament which holds the quaterfinals, semifinals, and finals.
Along with the competition itself, there is also a vote for each league on who most likely to win first and who’s mostly to come last (it’s mostly just jokes tho), as well as each participant intermission scenes which can vary from promotions to questionable things.
Rules for Marika: All Stages including DLC allowed, All items on, All karts/bikes allowed, 150cc, usually 4-6 races depending on current round, Everyone has to use their Mii, Excluding seeded; Ten players are in each league, The top 5 in their respective league moves onto the main round, Seeded Players automatically moves to the main round.
During the main round, the 40-ish remaining players, including seeded, will go off in one of four leagues. The top 6 in these leagues go onto the semi finals made of two groups. The top 6 in these groups then goes to the final. If there is ever a tie among the cutoff (ex. Tie for 5th in qualifiers, tie for 6th in semifinals, tie for any of the top 3 in finals), participants continue to compete until the tie is broken.
Dates: (12/4) Lottery, (12/11) Tournament, (12/18) Finals
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Lottery Results:
Seeded Players (Top 11 last year, gets to skip qualifiers): Sasaki, Nagao, Fuwa, Naurse, Rindou, Kuzuha, Hoshikawa, Akina, Ange, Yashiro, Kirame
League A: Akane, Honma, Todoroki, Karuta, Alice, Fumi, Kanae, Eli, Hibari, Ex Albio
League B: Sister Claire, Ars, Kaida, Hisui, Levi, Natsume, Akira, Muyu, Yotsuha, Ratna
League C: Aki, Higuchi, Haruka, Mao, Kanato, Kanda, Emma, Seraph, Youko, Belmond
League D: Ritsuki, Hakase, Lain, Naraka, Rion, Luis, Lauren, Mito, Utako, Kou
League E: Rinne, Debidebi, Chaika, Shellin, Dola, Yorumi, Ririmu, Lize, Ponto, Gilzaren
League F: Gwelu, Tomoe, Kenmochi, Masaru, Shiba, Aizono, Oliver, Riri, Gundo, Mugi
League G: Fumino, Elu, Furen, Gaku, Yumeoi, Harusaki, Ibrahim, Amamiya, Leos, Shiina
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Things that personally caught my eyes: League G is just stacked, nearly everyone in here had made it past qualifiers at least once so that will be extremely fun to watch. There are 11 seeded players this year as opposed to the usual 7 so congrats to Akina for finally getting into seeded after being 8th three years in a row.
Some livers I wanted to participate in like Genzuki and Shachou aren’t here this year sadly but at least all of my oshis are in the seeded so I can take the opportunity to watch new livers this time around.
GL too all the participating livers, this year I personally want Nagao to win but anyone will do. Please look forward to the entire competition as much as I do!
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 months
To Find A Needle In A Haystack
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z26jClP by ProfessorKai333 Atsushi doesn't know what to do. Really, he doesn't. He is living with Akutagawa for a joint mission, has to go to school, and was told by Dazai too, and he quotes, "Try ang get along with Aku, yeah?" while waggling his eyebrows at him. Atsushi just hopes that getting info on the League of Villains will be quick and easy so he doesn't have to endure living with the person that hates him the most. Words: 9863, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Other Characters: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Hatsume Mei, Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Midoriya Izuku & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi & Nakajima Atsushi Additional Tags: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke is Bad at Feelings (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke will want to murder, how is that not a tag??, Dazai Osamu Ships Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Mentioned Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Mentioned Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, Author Is Sleep Deprived, idiots pinning, They are the only ones who don't know, Smart Midoriya Izuku, Panic Attacks, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, No Smut read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z26jClP
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stoclav · 4 months
spécial wattpad
La fête d’anniversaire de Shoto chez les Todoroki était calme et agréable, la présence de Megan rendait la communication et l’ambiance plus plaisante pour tous.
Heureusement pour elle, Megan allait passée la nuit ici car aucun train ne passer si tard et elle n’a pas vraiment envie de se refaire trois heures de train la nuit après cette petite fête.
Fuyumi débarrasse tranquillement la table avant de partir dans la cuisine préparer du thé. Son père qui discutait avec Megan sur ses projets d’avenir et sa force, surement pour trouver une épouse puissante à son fils.
Shoto qui ne dit rien depuis le début de leur conversation observe Megan avec un air de gratitude. Il appréciait le fait qu’elle agisse si amicalement envers sa famille malgré leurs problèmes.
Alors que Megan subit un interrogatoire auquel elle répond sans filtre, Enji qui commence à se sentir fatigué mit fin à la discussion avec une pointe de satisfaction face au réponse de la rousse et sort du salon en saluant les deux jeunes.
-Bon. Je vais aller me coucher. Shoto, tu as bien choisis ton amie. Il repart vers sa chambre.
Shoto ne répond pas, le regardant sans émotions comme toujours. Les voilà maintenant seuls dans le salon à attendre le retour de Fuyumi avec le thé.
-Ta sœur est vraiment un ange, Shoto !       S’exclame la jeune fille.
-Merci, j’imagine…     Il marque une pose hésitante.           Megan.
-Mh ?
-Hein ?            Megan ne comprend pas.      De quoi ? J’ai fait quoi ?
-C’est un peu bizarre, mais merci d’être toi.
-C’est-à-dire ?
-Souriante, drôle et sans-filtre.          Il baisse sa voix pour se murmurer à lui-même.            Et jolie.
Malheureusement pour lui, Megan avait une très bonne audition grâce à son appareil, elle l’a donc bien entendu. Megan ouvre les yeux surprise.
-Jolie ?            Shoto relève la tête en réalisant qu’elle l’avait entendu.
-Tu m’as entendu ?    Demande-t-il pour être sûr.
-Oui ! Tu me trouves jolie ? Moi ?     Demande-t-elle avec un léger rire nerveux dans sa voix.
-Oui… Qui d’autre est ici ?
Megan devient rouge au oreille et sent son corp bouillir de nervosité, elle baisse la tête et cache son visage avec son avant-bras.
-Hum… Je me sens pas bien. Je crois que j’ai vraiment besoin de dormir. Ment-elle.
Elle se lève d’un coup et sort de la pièce rapidement en partant vers la chambre qu’on lui a attribué, elle pose ses mains sur ses joues une fois la porte refermé et la chambre plonger dans la pénombre, elles sont brulante.
-Moi, jolie ? Quel, idiot !         Elle glisse le long de la porte et reste ainsi quelques secondes avant d’enfilé son pyjama avant de se cacher sous les draps du futon encore rouge.
Dix minutes plus tard, Shoto toque à sa porte.
-Meg ? Tout va bien ? Je t’ai pris une bouteille d’eau…       Face à son manque de réponse, il décide de vérifier par lui-même.      J’entre.            Déclare-t-il.
Il entre dans la chambre et s’approche du futon de Megan. Il pose la bouteille à côté d’elle et s’agenouille pour voir son visage.
En se sentant observé, Megan ouvre les yeux.
-Shoto ? Qu’est-ce que tu fais là ?    Elle se relève en position assise.
-Tu es parti en disant que tu ne te sentais pas bien. Alors je suis venue voir et te donner de l’eau.
-Ho… Merci…            Elle semble un peu gêner.     En faite… Je suis pas vraiment malade…
-Alors tout va bien ?
-Oui… Je savais juste pas comment réagir quand tu m’as dit que j’étais jolie.    Shoto la regarde, hésitant encore à dire la vérité. Il finit par se lancer.
-Tant qu’on y est alors…        Megan relève son regard vers lui.            Megan… Tu me fait de l’effet… Physiquement et-   Il se fait coupé par Megan.
-Attend quoi ?
-Tu me plais.   Avoue-t-il clairement.
Il reste neutre, mais on peut voir dans ses yeux une flamme de désir naitre.
-Et sexuellement aussi.         Termine-t-il.
-Hein ?            Elle le fixe confuse, pas sûre d’avoir bien compris.              Tu veux dire que…
-Je te désir.     Son visage toujours neutre laisse passé ses émotions à travers ses yeux.        Dans un sens où je voudrai coucher avec toi.            Megan surprise par ses propos tournent sa réponde d’un ton humoristique. Qui aurait cru que de tels mots sortirai un jour de sa bouche.
-Tu chercherais pas à te dépuceler par hasard ?     Ricane-t-elle.
-Je ne sais pas… J’y ai jamais penser jusqu’à il y a un moi quand je me suis tromper d’étage et que-
-En mode me voir à poil a réveillé des envies en toi ?
-Oui… Si tout va bien alors, je vais te laisser dormir.
Alors qu’il se lève pour partir, Megan attrape le bas de son tee-shirt. Si la vie lui a appris une chose, c’est de profiter de chaque occasion et chaque plaisir. Et le sex en fait partie alors pourquoi se priver ?
Elle le fixe dans les yeux avec cette étincelle qui avait le don de l’exciter.
-Si jamais j’accepte… C’est juste pour ce soir ? Ou plus ?             Demande-t-elle pour être sur de ce qu’elle s’apprêtait à faire. Le bicolore la regarde avec cette lueur d’espoir.
-Juste un soir, oui… Pour le moment.
Elle lui attrape le bras et le tire vers elle en l’attirant sous la couverture du futon. Le jeune homme tombe sur le matelas sous Megan en califourchon au dessus de lui.
Il la regarde surpris alors qu’elle s’approche dangeureusement de son oreille gauche.
-Alors ça me va.
La machine était enclenché pour les deux. A partir de ce moment, plus rien ne pouvait les résonner, ni l’un, ni l’autre.
Shoto attrape sa nuque pour la rapprocher et l’embrasse. Il bouge ses lèvres d’une façon si naturel et agréable que Megan y met aussi du sien en traçant son chemin jusqu’à sa bouche avec sa langue.
Shoto ne peut retenir un petit bruit de surprise pendant leur échange. Il lâche son cou pour laisser ses mains se balader sur son corp en arrivant au poils au creux de sa taille, elle lache une petit gémissement alors qu’il avait à peine froler cette partie, Megan était sensible lorsqu’on touchait ses poils.
Il profite de ce moment de faiblesse rapide pour inverser les rôles, il la fait basculer sur le matelas, et la voilà en dessous de lui. Il commence à embrasser son coup en y laissant plusieurs marques violacées, il passe une main sous son débardeur, pour toucher sa poitrine dépourvu de soutien-gorge, ce qui lui rend la tache plus facile.
Il lui retire son haut en admirant ses seins avec envie, efleure ses tétons relevés par l’excitation de celle-ci. Alors que son excitation la rendait faible, Megan ne se laisse pas abattre pour autant. Elle se relève en forçant Shoto à s’assoir, elle le regarde l’air agacé.
-Tu n’es pas le seul à vouloir donner.
Elle le tire par le tee-shirt et lui mordille l’oreille avant se descendre petit à petit dans son cou en souflant sur sa peau, elle tire un peu le col de son tee-shirt pour embrasser se clavicules, elle finit par l’aider à retirer son tte-shirt. Elle en profite pour tracer ses muscles avec son index avant d’arriver en bas, sa bosse, déjà bien présente dans son jogging, attire son attention. Elle le regarde l’air taquine et caresse sa bosse en lui mordillant l’oreille.
Elle écarte ses genoux en descendant son jogging et son boxer. Le voilà nu pour la première fois devant une femme, ce n’était pas désagréable.
Megan s’abaisse vers le membre du jeune homme. Elle le prend en main délicatement et commence à faire des va et viens doucement, puis de plus en plus vite, Shoto lâche des râles de plaisir sans retenue, et sans crier garde, Megan se baisse encore une peu plus sur son pénis et prend son gland en bouche.
Cette sensation fait gémir Shoto de surprise.
Megan commence à le sucer petit à petit en faisant des va et viens de plus en plus profond avec sa bouche. Shoto glisse sa main dans ses cheveux et commence à la guider, la rousse se laisse emporter elle aussi, jusqu’à lui faire une gorge profonde.
Shoto lâche un long râle qui lui fait basculer la tête en arrière, Megan observer la scène de son point de vue, amusé et fière car elle est l’auteur de cette scène.
Le bicolore ne lui laisse pas le temps de continuer ses affaires en lui tirant les cheveux pour lui faire lever la tête loin de son gland. Face à cet acte brutal venant de Shoto, Megan ne peut que le regarder l’air taquine. Elle laisse un petit rire échapper de ses lèvres.
-Arrête de rire.            Ordonne-t-il.
-Où quoi ?       Demande-t-elle, d’un ton provocateur.
-Où je m’arrête.          Les yeux de Megan s’ouvrent, surpris par son comportement. Elle lui lance un regard moqueur et s’approche doucement de son oreille gauche.
-Tu dis ça mais tu vas te frustrer toi-même.
Le bicolore ne bouge plus, elle a raison et il le sait, elle avait une sorte d’emprise sur lui qu’il refusait d’avouer.
Alors que Megan commence à s’écarter de son oreille, Shoto la rattrape en plaçant sa main gauche dans sa nuque, pour la tirer et l’embrasser. Megan lui répond sans hésitation et approfondis le baiser en se collant un peu plus à lui.
Shoto libère sa main droite de ses cheveux pour la faire glisser sur son corp avant de s’arrêter en dessous de ses fesses avant de commencer à jouer avec les plis de son short alors que l’impatience commence à monter en lui, les baisers commencent à se faire de plus en plus long et passionné entre les deux jeunes.
Megan finit par prendre les devant en prenant son sexe dans sa main gauche en faisant des va et viens dessus.
Shoto ne retient pas ses gémissements face à ses mouvements plus qu’agréable pour lui. Il n’ose pas encore la toucher, en remarquant cela, Megan cesse de bouger sa main et le fixe dans les yeux pour avoir son attention.
-Si tu as envie de me toucher, tu n’as pas attendre que je te le dise, je t’ai déjà donné mon autorisation pour ce soir. Tu peux faire ce que tu veux.
Elle l’embrasse sur le coin des lèvres avant de parsemer son coup de baisers plus délicats qu’avant.
-Tout ?             Questionne Shoto.
-Tout. Même me mordre, ça ne me dérange pas.    Confirme Megan.
-C’est toi qui l’as dit.               Lance Shoto.
Soudainement, Shoto fait tomber Megan sur le dos, les cuisses écarté et les jambes reposant sur les côtés. Il retire le short de la rousse et le dépose délicatement à côté du futon. Shoto observe le petit singe allongé sous lui, l’air surpris, ce qui lui fait lâcher une petit sourire en coin.
-Tu me permettra alors de diriger.     Déclare le jeune homme au dessus d’elle, la rousse toujours surprise , lui répond par un sourire curieux.
Megan ne s’était même pas rendu compte que sa culotte était complétement trempé jusqu’à ce que Shoto commence à caresser ses cuisses en frôlant son sous-vêtement , la faisant frissonner.
Il commence alors à passer sa main sur sa culotte en appuyant sur son intimité ? Megan qui se sentait faible à ce moment là, le laisse faire en cachant son visage avec son avant-bras et refusant de laisser le moindre gémissement sortir de sa bouche.
Alors que Shoto continue à passer sa main sur le tissus, lui-même ne voulait plus attendre. Il relève les jambes de la jeune fille en chandelles, ce qui attire l’attention de cette dernière qui lève son bras de son visage pour le questionner du regard, mais elle eu vite sa réponse en sentant sa petite culotte partir lentement.
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ilovemanyathing · 11 months
Class A’s Halloween Party (with a cat problem)
Six months ago, the war between the heroes and villains was won. 
Shigaraki was defeated and is scheduled to be executed along with All For One so nothing like this will happen again; the world is now at peace. Classes 1A and 1B have suffered a lot of minor injuries (some more than others), but thankfully nothing fatal, all walking from the battle victorious (except Mineta, because he was squashed flat by a giant beast). The heroes who have fought life and limb for the world were now able to breathe some fresh air of freedom and victory, but not before mourning those who have lost their lives in battle. And at Class A, the students decided to hold a private party. Among the 20 students was young Akio Koutau, a former transfer student and in a year and three months, he and his fellow classmates are soon to be pro heroes.
It’s October now. UA High has decided to provide a two-week break for all classes to rest. After classes were dismissed for the day, Class A’s resident alien queen proposed an idea. “Costume party on Halloween!” She cried out, to be followed by lots of cheering from the residents of the dorm complex. Everyone was wondering what theme the party should be. Eventually, it was decided the theme should be a duo cosplay. The couples, which consisted of Koutau and Jiro, Midoriya and Uraraka; Asui and Tokoyami, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, Kirishima and Bakugo, Kaminari and Ashido, and Hagakure and Ojiro, quickly paired with each other. The remaining classmates had to figure out their pairs, eventually all pairs were set. 
“So, what duo ideas were you guys thinking of?” Akio asked Midoriya and Todoroki. “Yaoyorozu suggested that the both of us do Gomez and Morticia, but I think she is still thinking of other choices,” the dual-haired boy answered the singer hero while showing an image of the aforementioned gothic couple. “And what about you, Deku” “Well, Ochaco and I settled on Peter Pan and Wendy, but were still pondering of doing it normally, or do a genderbend version, since her quirk can make stuff float,” Deku answered Tenor’s question, showing picture of a boy with pointy ears and green clothes with a girl in her nightgown. “So, what about you and Jiro?” Kaminari suddenly asked Koutau, surprising the trio. “Well, we honestly have no clue. I have some ideas for duo cosplay, but they’re mostly from some of my favorite musicals, but other than that, we don’t really have any choices,” the blunette answered the blonde. 
But all of a sudden, Shota Aizawa, Class A’s advisor, and Pro Hero Eraserhead, entered into the common room with a now seven-year-old Eri. His personality has certainly changed a significant bit since the war, mostly due to him taking care of the girl for a little over a year, granted he still is exhausted and brash towards his students, but he still has softened up for the sake of his adoptive daughter. The students all quickly crowded Eri, welcoming the shy girl with open arms. “Hi, Eri. Kamusta ka ngayong araw?“ Koutau greeted Eri in his native tongue. Eri has also been hanging out with him more often, allowing him to teach Tagalog to her, she’s gotten used to basic greetings, but she’s still practicing prolonged conversation. “Masarap ang pakiramdam ko, Koutau-san. Salamat,” she greeted back, earning a smile from the Filipino lad.
The moment of peace was suddenly interrupted by a scream, startling everyone. The scream came from Jiro as she blindly ran out of the late blue and pink afternoon, through the common room, covering her head with her jacket, concealing her face and hair. But Akio noticed a flash of something yellow and sapphire-blue following her. “Kyoka, wait! What’s wrong?” He called, following the girl to the elevator, but the doors closed before he could make it. So he ran up the stairs to her dorm as fast as his legs could carry him, but Jiro quickly slammed her door before Akio had the chance to stop it. “Kyoka, what’s up in there? Can I come in?” “Not now, earbud. I’m not feeling well,” Kyoka said on the other side of the door. “Please, if there’s something wrong, tell me.”
“Please, not now, nya,” Akio’s ears twitched at the last thing he heard before hearing Jiro grunting in defeat. “I’ll let you in…” Jiro said as she opened the door to reveal her now wearing a beanie over her head, but somehow, the hat was twitching once or twice, yet her ear-jacks were hanging normally out of the beanie. “Close the door, I don’t want anyone seeing me like this,” she requested. Akio obliges and closes the door before locking it just for good measure. Jiro timidly removed the beanie, exposing something under it. He turned to see her but something was different about her: her hair was the same, but she had purple triangular ears with yellow canals on top of her head alongside her normal ears, her fangs appeared sharper than usual, and the flash of blue and yellow was a tail! Jiro suddenly became a neko!
“Kyoka, why do you have cat ears and a tail?” He questioned his girlfriend’s odd new appearance. “Okay, so I was walking back to the dorms from the record store, yes I asked permission,” she retorted. “But on the way, I accidentally bumped into someone on the sidewalk, and I dunno if this was his quirk or if he had some kind of quirk dispenser, but I just don’t like this,” she explained, her cat ears leaning towards the back of her head. She put the beanie back, but her feline ears made the hat look like an undone tent. “I just don’t like this ~nya~.” She grunted again after saying that last word. But she was even more shocked by Akio suddenly sweeping her off her feet, picking her up bridal style and laying her down on her bed, turning on the electronic piano, and calmed her with some of the softest and smoothest tunes that could soothe choppy waters.
After the music, Akio turned to Jiro who was now cuddled up into a loaf-ball. As he was about to fluff her tail, he heard something he’d never thought he’d hear: Jiro purring. His heart felt like exploding inside his chest as his eyes focused on this adorable sight that lay before him. But suddenly, he has a sudden curious glint in his eye, entranced by his girlfriend’s soft tail and fluffy ears. His fingers twitched as he had a sudden urge to touch the ears, which now were leaning towards the front of her head. But he quickly fell to the floor as she stirred up. “Don’t touch my ears, nya. Ugh,” she wanted this cat thing away, if her grunts of disapproval weren’t evidence enough. But Akio could notice a sudden shake in her voice, she was scared and sad about this effect from a strange quirk as tears slowly started dripping down her cheeks.
“Kyoka, don’t worry. I may not know how it feels, but I’ll be with you to help you get back to normal,” Akio said, as he cupped her cheek, and gave her a kiss and a hug to comfort her as he wiped away her tears. But that quiet moment was suddenly disturbed by a knock on the door. “Jiro? Are you alright?” a maternal voice called out from the other side. Akio opens the door to reveal both of their respective friends: Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu. Jiro quickly fumbled for her hat and quickly pulled it over her head, then wrapped a blanket around her waist to cover tail. “So, Midoriya, I think it’s best if the girls have some privacy, come on.” Akio then promptly escorts the green-haired freckle boy as the girl with a messy ponytail tries to talk to her closest friend. 
With Akio
“So, what happened?” Midoriya asked Akio with a puzzled look, squinting his freckles. “Well, long story short, she got hit by a quirk that made her into a neko.” Izuku was confused. “She has cat ears and a tail, and also developed a bit of a cat’s mindset. Mainly she purrs, and demands cuddles, more than usual I’d say,” Midoriya was surprised at not only the blunt description, but also the description that one of the toughest kids in class suddenly had the semi-appearance of a cat.
With Kyoka
“Kyoka, are you okay?” asked the wealthy girl, concerned for her best friend. “No, I’m not,” she said in honesty and defeat, as she took off the hat and blanket, revealing her new ears and tail. “I was heading back to the dorms from the record shop down the street, when I bumped into some guy, and he accidentally set off his quirk.” Her ears drooped towards the sides. It was evident that she didn’t want this to happen.
3rd Person POV
A few days later, the ‘villain’ was finally caught after giving a man the ears, tail and snout of a pitbull, they were arrested and sent to the Musutafu Police Station for questioning. Akio read this in the latest article, and sought this opportunity to somehow figure out how to find a possible solution, because Eri tried to do it, but it didn’t work.
It was just a few days left before October 31.
At the station, Akio and Kyoka were joined by their respective parent/s and Mr Aizawa. When they arrived at the prison the officer let only Kyoka and Akio into the room, but they were surprised at the appearance of this peculiar delinquent. The culprit was not a man, but in fact, a girl, around 20 years old with ochre colored hair with matching rabbit ears on top of her head instead of on the sides like Mirko, but she had the nose and heterochromic eyes (the left eye was a golden yellow, and the other was light blue) of the cat, the hairstyle similar to a horse’s mane, and the tail of a dog. 
“Okay, so, hello,” Akio tried to start as he opened a manila envelope with the girl’s information. “What is your name, and how does your quirk function?”
The girl, named Hayashi Ushijima, explained everything. “My quirk is called ‘Spiritual Animalia’ it analyzes one’s personality and instantaneously gives them partial features and fragments of their animal’s mindset,” the animalistic girl explained as she answered all
“Okay, so… Can you help my girlfriend?” Akio bluntly asked, hoping that he’ll at least know it’ll go away for his girlfriend’s sake. 
“...sorry, but I’m still trying to control doing felines, but her ears and tail will possibly disappear within next month,” Hayashi informed. A gloom cloud appeared over Kyoka’s head as she’s now gonna have to deal with the ears and tail until who knows how long, while Akio saw the animalistic girl told the truth and tried to reassure his girlfriend that even if they had to wait, it hopefully won’t have to be that long.
With all questions answered, they returned to the dorms. But they were suddenly greeted by Izuku, Mina, Denki, Ochaco, Shoto and Momo. “So, how’d it go? Is it gonna go away?” The brunnette asked the group. 
“Not good, but not too bad either,” Akio answered. “The fugitive said that it’s most likey that the ears and tail will be gone sooner than later, but there’s no answer as to how long this symptom’s gonna last.” But then Mina suddenly had an idea that the music couple could use to their advantage, but she was smart enough to hold her tongue at the moment before she could tell the purplette her idea. 
After about an hour of silence, Mina first checked Kyoka’s dorm if the latter was there, if not, then she’d be in her boyfriend’s room. And lo and behold, she was in her room.
“Hey, Jiro,” the alien girl said in a more caring tone than usual. But then again, “I might have an idea for your Halloween pairing…”
The day of the Halloween party was just tomorrow. The school yards were decorated with plastic tombstones, while the hallways were lined with orange, green and black streamers, with a fake jack-o-lantern in front of each door leading to either a classroom or faculty office.
Students were pouring left and right through corridors, either because of extra decorations, missing costume pieces, or because they were given errands by the teachers. However, six students felt like burning some of Endeavor’s cash, so it was off to the mall.
While Akio and Kyoka were at the station, Mina and Denki decided to play something on the latter’s switch. Ehile they were playing Animal Crossing, Mina suddenly had an epiphany: an idea that the music couple could use for the party. Denki was instantly onboard with it.
“What are you guys up to this time” Kyoka questioned in her typical deadpan tone. Mina was in her usual bubbly attitude as she brought Kyoka to the women’s clothes section, as Momo helped look with her alien friend for something for her best friend. Meanwhile, Kaminari took Akio and Shoto to the men’s section do the same thing for his former rival.
“…That’s it?” Akio questioned Kaminari as all he got was a plain red shirt, black shorts and brown shoes. “Yep! Trust me bud, this’ll work,” the blonde assured the singer. As for the girls, the larger portion of the spending was to them as they bought a short white dress, black eyeliner, gold-colored sandals and a necklace adorned with glass sapphires, rubies and emeralds. 
After they returned to the dorms, Mina and Kaminari showed the music couple their idea. “I… I dunno,” Akio said, thinking this might not be a good idea, but Kyoka started thinking this could work, besides, she’s still gonna have to cope with this until who knows how long, might as well get used to it.
It’s officially Halloween, the school is alive with fun, spooky excitement. Class 1B has made a short horror film, that was actually a failed attempt because of Honenuki’s lack of editing knowledge. As for Class 1A, they held their contest over who had the best costume pairing. 
Hagakure’s hands and face were wrapped in gauze wrap except for her eyes, which was covered by a pair of steampunk goggles, while Ojiro wore a black suit.
While Denki wore a slightly more stylized suit than Ojiro, Mina stole the spotlight, wearing a glittering sequined dress and a top hat that went with the dress.
Tsuyu was dressed in a blue and lilac patterned dress, with a head-ribbon in her hair, while Tokoyami was clothed in fancy robes of red, gold, white and black patterns similar to playing cards
Kirishima’s hair was noticeably darker than his standard red, as he was dressed in a male version of a female protagonist’s usual attire, even having a prop spellbook in hand with him. While Bakugo had fake extensions on his ears to make them appear more pointy, like Amajiki’s ears. His blonde hair was now tied in a mid-ponytail and he wore a male version of his character’s usual attire.
Todoroki and Momo were definitely one of the best dressed. While Momo wore an elegant white dress with a green and red corset with gold lacing, Shoto wore the most fancy tuxedo, complete with a fedora, and a ghost-white mask, now flipped to the left side of his face to cover his burn.
Izuku was dressed in a green tunic with dark green tights and matching cap, as Ochaco was wearing a cute satin-blue nightgown with a complimentary bow. But what made the pair the most peculiar is the both of them flying about. Finally…
Akio and Kyoka showed up. Akio’s look was rather basic; a red T-shirt with the number one in bright blue, with black shorts and brown shoes, Kyoka’s look stole the show. Her costume consisted of a white sleeveless dress with a broad-collar adorned with red, green and blue jewels, blue cuffs on her arms and ankles, a gold-and-blue cobra emblem in her hair to compliment her ears and tail and gold sandals. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. She looked like Egyptian royalty.
In the end, nobody won the contest. Because it was just for fun. The classes then went trick-or-treating around the campus, and managed to collect enough sweets to last ‘em until New Years. 
At least the cat problem was all said and done in the morning.
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welcometomy20s · 1 year
May 1, 2023
KING - Kuzuha - 4166万
Ochame Kinou - Tokino Sora, Roboco, Hoshimachi Suisei, Yozora Mel, Aki Rosenthal, Natsuiro Matsuri, Sakura Miko, Minato Aqua, Murasaki Shion, Yuzuki Choco, Nakiri Ayame, Oozora Subaru, AZKi, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa, Himemori Luna - 4161万
Phony - Hoshimachi Suisei - 3266万
KING - Mori Calliope, Gawr Gura - 3027万
Goodbye Sengen - Nakiri Ayame - 2378万
GETCHA! - Hoshimachi Suisei, Mori Calliope - 2227万
Phony - Machita Chima - 2123万
Discommunication Alien - Usada Pekora - 2030万
God-ish - La+ Darknesss - 1956万
Saga Jihen - Hoshimachi Suisei, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine - 1943万
Dadadada Tenshi - Minato Aqua - 1868万
Rettou Joutou - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 1849万
Yankee Boy, Yankee Girl - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Kudo Chitose, Saegusa Akina - 1794万
God-ish - Lauren Iroas - 1624万
KING - Hoshimachi Suisei - 1540万
Gishinanki - Kuzuha - 1518万
Rettou Joutou - Kuroki Natsume, Amatsuki - 1516万
Q - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Amemori Sayo, Saegusa Akina - 1432万
flos - Nekomata Okayu - 1426万
Hated by Life Itself - Sasaki Saku - 1413万
Roki - Mori Calliope - 1413万
Sparkle - Ookami Mio - 1408万
Umiyuri Kaiteitan - Nekomata Okayu - 1382万
RE:I AM - Inui Toko - 1360万
Summertime Record - Kuzuha, Sakura Ritsuki, Saegusa Akina, Ars Almal, Amamiya Kokoro, Ratna Petit, Luis Cammy, Fuwa Minato - 1320万
Call Boy - Fuwa Minato - 1298万
-ERROR - Tokoyami Towa - 1291万
Vampire - Kuzuha - 1241万
Sugar Song & Bitter Step - Hakase Fuyuki, Kagami Hayato, Yorumi Rena - 1234万
Kaibutsu - Saegusa Akina, Fuwa Minato - 1211万
Say So - Nyatasha Nyanners - 1206万
Ochame Kinou - Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Ninomae Ina’ins, Gawr Gura, Amelia Watson, IRyS, Tsukumo Sana, Ceres Fauna, Ouro Kronii, Nanshi Mumei, Hakos Baelz - 1158万
Alien Alien - Tokino Sora - 1153万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Hoshimachi Suisei, Minato Aqua, Tokoyami Towa - 1129万
Charles - YuNi - 1096万
Devil’s Manner - Kuzuha - 1081万
Telecaster B-Boy - Saegusa Akina - 1077万
Hikaru Nara - Kenmochi Toya, Morinaka Kazaki, Yumeoi Kakeru, Inui Toko, Saegusa Akina, Hoshikawa Sara - 1072万
Namae no Nai Kaibutsu - Hanabasami Kyo - 1016万
Un Pato - Star - 1014万
Meni Meni Mani Mani - Hyakumantenbara Salome - 1005万
Ice breaker - Kanae, Kuzuha - 985万
Shoujo Rei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 968万
Vampire - Ange Katrina - 966万
Indoor Kei Nara Trackmaker - Minato Aqua - 953万
Turing Love - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari - 950万
Unknown Mother Goose - Hanabasami Kyo, Shishigami Leona, Sasugano Ruki, Sasugano Roki - 950万
Ego Rock - Saegusa Akina - 942万
Kaibutsu - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Oozora Subaru, Omaru Polka, Hakui Koyori, Sakamara Chloe - 924万
Shitsuraku Petri - Nekomata Okayu - 923万
Envy Baby - Omaru Polka - 921万
Blessing - Kaga Nazuna, Kaga Sumire, Ichinose Uruha, Kagura Toto, Kurumi Noah, Tosaki Mimi, Tachibana Hinano, Asumi Sena, Hanabusa Lisa, Kisaragi Ren, Kaminari Qpi, Yakumo Beni - 918万
Memeshikute - Kenmochi Toya, Uzuki Kou, Shellin Burgundy - 913万
Animal - Hoshimachi Suisei, Sakura Miko - 907万
Fansa - Gosegu - 885万
Love Trial - Inugami Korone - 873万
Lower one's eyes - Hoshimachi Suisei - 862万
Goodbye Sengen - Minato Aqua - 856万
KING - Kizuna Ai - 856万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari, Dola, Yashiro Kizuku - 856万
Alice in N.Y. - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Shiranui Flare, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata - 852万
Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! - Ange Katrina, Lize Helesta - 841万
Ghost Rule - Amane Kanata - 834万
Ghost City Tokyo - Hoshimachi Suisei - 825万
Phony - Inui Toko - 816万
Phony - Fuwa Minato - 812万
Near - Kaida Haru - 805万
Gunjo - Hakase Fuyuki - 799万
Haiiro to Ao - Hoshimachi Suisei, Tokoyami Towa - 786万
Unknown Mother Goose - Ienaga Mugi, Yuuhi Riri, Kenmochi Toya, Fushimi Gaku - 786万
Ranbu no Melody - Hoshimachi Suisei - 783万
Sugar Hate - Kanae, Kuzuha - 776万
Kakusei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 774万
Lower one's eyes - Fuwa Minato, mafumafu - 773万
KING - Murasaki Shion - 760万
Silent Majority - Tsukino Mito, Higuchi Kaede, Shizuka Rin, Yuuhi Riri, Akabane Youko, Honma Himawari, Suzuhara Lulu - 750万
Mafia - Kuca Kaneshiro - 740万
Uma to Shika - Amane Kanata - 739万
Genesis of Aquarion - Nagihara Suzuna - 739万
Blessing - Yukihana Lamy, Momosuzu Nene, Shishiro Botan, Omaru Poilka - 737万 
Overdose - Lauren Iroas - 719万
Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou - Nekomata Okayu, Inugami Korone - 719万
Kaisei - Furen E Lustario - 718万
Poppin’ Candy Fever! - Sasaki Saku, Hoshikawa Sara - 704万
Turing Love - Kanae, Hoshikawa Sara - 703万
Kokoronashi - Saegusa Akina - 699万
Villain - Ryushen - 698万
Otome Kaibou - Nekomata Okayu - 684万
Koyoi Tsuki no Yakata ni te - Hoshimachi Suisei, Inui Toko - 680万
Hakujitsu - Natsuiro Matsuri, Rikkaroid - 679万
Turing Love - Nekomata Okayu, Minato Aqua - 666万
Jojo The Memory of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~ - Ryushen - Hanabatake Chaika, Yashiro Kizuku - 666万
Ichido Dake no Koi Nara - Higuchi Kaede, Rindou Mikoto, Inui Toko, Lize Helesta, Suzuhara Lulu - 664万
Cry Baby - Hoshimachi Suisei - 663万
Marshall Maximizer - Saegusa Akina - 663万
Hail Holy Queen - Todoroki Kyoko, Sister Claire, Debidebi Debiru, Levi Elipha, Hayase Sou, Sukoya Kana, Melissa Kinrenka, Nagao Kei, Genzuki Tojiro - 605万
KING - Nakiri Ayame - 657万
Promise - Lilpa - 647万
Goodbye Sengen - Takanashi Kiara - 642万
Beat Eater - Hoshimachi Suisei, Mori Calliope, Pavolia Reine - 641万
0 notes
bakuhoes-dumbass · 4 years
Lacking Love
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Shoto Todoroki x F!Reader
Slight Angst/Fluff
Words: 1.7k
A/N: Hey, this is my first anime based fic! I hope ya’ll like it~ (They’ll get less shitty as I continue lmao)
Warnings: None!
"I'm sorry again, Y/N. I didn't mean to be late to our date."
You're sitting across from your boyfriend in a nearby cafe. He noticed how unnaturally quiet you've been for the past hour, his concern growing with every passing moment.
"I had gotten caught up-"
"It's okay, Sho. I already know how you've been feeling."
Todoroki tilts his head, confused at the statement. "I don't quite understand-"
"I know you don't love me." You cut him off. "At least, not like I love you."
Todoroki's eyebrows furrow, a taken aback look on his face. "W-What? You don't think I love you?"
You let out a soft giggle. "I know you don't. And it's okay. Not everyone falls in love with their partner right away."
His mouth drops open slightly in shock. "Y/N, b-but I do…" He trails off.
You shake your head. "You're quite often late to dates. You never call me any pet names. You rarely kiss me. I haven't even heard an 'I love you' leave your mouth first. How often do we cuddle or hold hands?" You speak in a quiet voice. "Shoto, do you even know what today is?"
Your last question catches him off guard. Shit, today is a special day? Why couldn't he remember?! Taking his silence as his answer, you smile sadly. "It's okay, Sho. It wasn't anything special."
Suddenly, your phone rings. Todoroki looks down, noticing Mirio's picture pops up, signaling an incoming text. He furrows his brows in confusion, wondering why the Big 3 member was messaging you. You read the text and put your phone away. Todoroki is surprised when you suddenly stand up.
"Hey baby, I gotta go. But I'll see you later tonight, yeah?"
Todoroki opens his mouth to speak but closes it and chooses to nod instead. You give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I love you. I'll see you later."
"I-I love you…" you were out the door of the cafe before he could finish his sentence. "...too." Todoroki sighs and stands up to leave.
On his way back to the dorms, Todoroki's head is spinning. Your words and your disappointed expression flashes in his mind. He never knew this was how you were feeling and now all he could do is worry.
"Hey, Todoroki. How'd it go?" Midoriya greets him as he walks through the door. Todoroki mumbles something before walking into the kitchen. Midoriya follows closely. "Are you okay?"
Opening the fridge, he continues to ignore Midoriya, choosing to mindlessly stare into the fridge. Midoriya tilts his head at the boy. "So I take it something happened?"
"Y/N said something…" Todoroki trails off, still in shock at what happened in the cafe. Midoriya gestures at him to keep talking. He sighs. "She said I don't love her-"
"Move the hell outta the way, half-n-half. You're letting the cold air out." Bakugo shoves the boy out of the way before rummaging through the fridge for his drink.
Midoriya stares wide eyed at Bakugo's rudeness before turning back to the duo quirked boy. He shakes his head, confused. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"
Todoroki shifts his eyes to a certain explosion boy who finally found his drink, now just leaning against the counter listening with a curious scowl. Todoroki rolls his eyes but turns his attention back to Midoriya.
"I'm not sure. She just started saying how I never show affection or say 'I love you' first." Todoroki runs a hand through his bi-colored hair. "I've never really been in a relationship before but Kaminari had mentioned how girls like guys who play hard to get-"
Bakugo chokes on his drink, nearly dying from a coughing fit. He bursts into laugher. "You're taking relationship advice from dunce face?! Dude wouldn't even know what to do in a relationship if it bit him in the ass."
Todoroki's face turns bright red and holds out his hand, freezing Bakugo's drink. Bakugo stops laughing and glares at him. "HEY, WHAT THE HELL, ICY HOT? WANNA DIE?!"
Todoroki huffs, clearly embarrassed. "Shut up. I just have no idea what I'm doing, clearly."
Midoriya sweat drops, holding up his hands and trying to calm his two friends down. "Alright, let's all just calm down. This is easily fixable. You just have to do the opposite of what Kaminari suggests, right? Easy enough. Did at least the gift you got her help kind of ease her worry?"
Todoroki's furrow his brows. "Gift? Why would I give her a gift?"
Midoriya's jaw drops. Before he can say anything, Bakugo speaks up. "Isn't it like, her birthday or some shit today?"
Upon hearing those words, Todoroki freezes. "N-no, that can't be…" He fumbles with his phone to check the calendar. "Her birthday isn't until-" His eyes widen and his face pales. "-today." He slams his head against the kitchen wall. "Fuck!" He slides down against the wall onto the floor, his hands over his face. "No wonder she doesn't think I fucking love her. I'm such an awful boyfriend."
Bakugo was able to unfreeze his drink. "Yeah you are." He takes a sip before heading out the door. "Better hurry the fuck up and fix it before she dumps your emotionally challanged ass."
"Kacchan! What the hell!" Midoriya throws his hands up at the explosive boy. Bakugo flips him off before heading back to his room. Midoriya sighs and turns to Todoroki once more. "She's not going to dump you."
Shoto leans his head back against the wall and side eyes his friend. "Why wouldn't she? I sure would."
Midoriya shakes his head. "Y/N isn't like that. She's an understanding person."
"Mirio texted her earlier. She's probably with him right now. Probably treating her to a birthday dinner or something." He clenches his fists, frost building up from his right hand.
"Okay, you need to calm down before you freeze the entire dorm." Midoriya sweat drops. "You can fix this, I have a plan. I promise, everything will be alright."
"Thanks for the ice cream, guys! I really appreciate it!" You smile at the Big three members.
"Of course, Y/N! It's your birthday, after all." Nejire giggles.
The corners of your mouth twitch, suddenly remembering how your boyfriend forgot what today was. Tamaki furrows his brows, noticing your sudden change of mood. "A-are you okay, Y/N?"
You shake your head to rid yourself of those thoughts and smile at the shy boy. "Yeah, I'm okay. No need to worry about me!" Suddenly, you feel your phone go off in your pocket.
♡Shoto♡: Please come to the dorms when you're done, love.
You smile slightly at the text from your boyfriend and quickly send a reply.
You: I'll be there soon. ❤
"Um, sorry to run out on you guys. I have to meet back at Heights Alliance."
"Oh, we're headed that direction anyway! Why don't we accompany you?" Mirio speaks up with a smile.
You giggle at his always sunny attitude and smile back. "Sure, that would be great."
Todoroki paces back and forth in the dorm common room. Anxiety overwhelms him, the only thing running through his mind is you breaking up with him. He knows he royally screwed up, but you love him too much to leave him. You'll forgive him… right?
He looks over at the dining table, set up with your favorite take-out and a beautiful birthday cake that Sato helped him make. Your gift lay wrapped behind him, wanting to surprise you with it. He really hoped this would help make up for his stupidity.
His head whips up after hearing the door to the building click open. You poke your head around the door giving your boyfriend a smile before closing it behind you. Todoroki rubs his hands on his pants, his anxiety causing him to sweat. 
You walk up to him and give him a peck on the cheek. "Hey, Sho." Your eyes wander behind him to see the table set up. "What's all this?"
Todoroki takes your hands into his shaking ones, avoiding your eyes. "I-I know I've been a horrible boyfriend from the start. I haven't shown you how much I appreciate you. How much you mean to me." He squeezes his hands over yours, his eyes now fleeting to meet yours. "How much I love you."
You tilt your head. "Baby, you're not a horrible boyfriend."
"Yes, Y/N. I am. I've kept myself so distant from you, I've neglected you. Fuck, I forgot your fuckin birthday was today!" His eyes turn hard, his tone angry. But not at you, at himself.
"Sho, it's not a big deal-"
"YES IT IS! WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING IT'S NOT?!" He raises the tone of his voice, making you flinch slightly. He notices and immediately regrets it. He brings his tone down to his natural softness. "I've been so busy training and thinking about becoming a Hero, I neglected to remember an important event. Even fuckin Bakugo remembered."
"Pfft!" You cover your mouth with your hand before bursting out laughing. Todoroki's face turns confused at your reaction. You wave your hand. "I'm sorry, just the fact that Bakugo remembered for some reason is hilarious to me."
Todoroki sighs and smiles softly at your beautiful laugh. He runs a hand through your hair, caressing your cheek. "God, I love you more than anything, baby. I really truly do." His smile drops, anxiety once again taking over. "Please, don't leave me." He practically whispers, his other hand squeezing yours again.
"No no no." You grab his cheeks with your hands and kiss his nose. "I absolutely was not even remotely considering it. I promise."
Suddenly Todoroki pulls your body against his, making you squeak. He tilts his head slightly before meeting his lips to yours. You melt into the soft kiss, feeling nothing but love being poured into it.
"Oh, I have something for you." He speaks after pulling away. He picks up the nicely wrapped package from behind him and hands it to you. "Please, open it."
Carefully tearing the paper off, you gasp. "Oh my god, Shoto! This is the limited edition Mirko figure! I thought these were sold out weeks ago?!"
Your boyfriend smirks. "I was able to snag one before they sold out. I'm assuming you like it?"
You squeal and throw your arms around the hot and cold boy, squeezing him tightly. "Thank you so much, Sho! I absolutely love it."
Todoroki buries his face into your neck, holding you tightly as if he's still afraid of losing you. He smiles into your neck and murmurs.
"Happy Birthday, Baby."
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tomomoni · 4 years
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𓊕 burnt espresso
584 notes · View notes
shu-draws-and-stuff · 5 years
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I've been doodling and this happened. Enjoy my fellow Todoroki fans!
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shotorozu · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐮'𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝖑𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉 : 
(❣) — suggestive, and in bold
(ff) — fluff
(ang) — angst
(crk) — crack
(gn) — gender neutral
(spc) — specific quirk
(★) — fan favorites
(🥠) — scenario/imagine
(⛔️) — spoilers
(plat.) — platonic relationship(s)
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𝖆/𝖓 : because my dumb fuck brain never updated the first one past february, I made another masterlist for january to the present (this does not include milestones, i still put all of those in one masterlist) works are not arranged by their date.
also, the ones w/o links will be added later. i changed the format bc i didn’t realize how much i made in the span of like,, 6 months. eventually, i got lazy so like,, yikes. 
huge disclaimer : i do not own bnha/mha in any way or shape of form, but i do own the works in this masterlist. don’t plagiarize !! i’ll track ur ass down :))
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𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚 / 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚
made by the mangaka : horikoshi kohei
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➪ LAYING ON CRUSH’S LAP (ff, crck, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou, shinsou hitoshi, togata mirio (UA; class 1-A, 1-C, 3-B)
➪ SHARING THE SAME BIRTHDAY (ff, gn) — w/ monoma neito (UA; class 1-B)
➪ STERN BUT MOTHERLY S/O (ff, kinda crck) — w/ shinsou hitoshi, bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou (UA; class 1-C, 1-A)
➪ EMOTION DEPRIVED S/O (ff, ang, spc, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou, midoriya izuku (UA; class 1-A)
↳ PART TWO — w/ yaoyorozu momo (UA; class 1-A)
➪ INTROVERTED + AFFECTIONATE DRUNK (ff, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki, kaminari denki, shinsou hitoshi (UA; class 1-A, class 1-C)
➪ JEWEL EYES (ff, gn) 
➪ BIG AND STRONG (ff, crck, gn, ★) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, kirishima eijirou (UA; class 1-A)
↳ PART TWO — w/ shinsou hitoshi, midoriya izuku (UA; class 1-C, class 1-A)
➪ SHOWING THEM HOW TAMPONS WORK (ff, crck) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ AFTER QUARRELING (ang, ff, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A, class 1-C)
➪ DISCOVERING THEIR S/O’S MEME COLLECTION (ff, crck, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ SMALL HANDS (ff, gn) w/ bkg, shinsou, deku
➪ TEACHING YOU HOW TO USE CHOPSTICKS (ff, crck, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki, dabi touya todoroki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A, league of villains)
➪ PASSING OUT AFTER CRYING ON THEM (ang, ff, gn) — w/ shinsou hitoshi, bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-C, class 1-A)
➪ SMALL WAIST, PRETTY FACE WITH A BIG 🏦 (ff, crck, ❣) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ S/O DOESN’T LIKE THEIR LAUGH (ff, crck, ang, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, kaminari denki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ VALENTINES BOOM CARD (ff, crck, gn) —w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ BREAKUP COMFORT (ang, ff) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki (UA; class 1-A) 
➪ CALLING THEM WEIRD PET NAMES (ff, crck, gn) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ ‘UR KINDA CUTE’ ON OMEGLE (ff, crck, gn) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ GIVING THEM BOXERS WITH YOUR FACE ON THEM (ff, crck, gn) — w/ kaminari denki, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ WAKING THEM UP BC YOU’RE HUNGRY (ff, crck, gn) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou (UA; class 1-A)
➪ NON EXISTENT FEMININE PRODUCTS (ff, crck, gn) — w/ shinsou hitoshi, amajiki tamaki, bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-C, class 1-A, class 3-A)
➪ ASKING WEIRD QUESTIONS (crck, ff) — w/ bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ BARELY ESCAPING A FIGHT (ang, ff, gn) 
➪ COMING OUT AS GENDER FLUID (ang, ff, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, aizawa shouta (UA; class 1-A, class 1-C, pro hero)
➪ HIDING UNDER THEIR BED (ff, crck, gn) — w/ amajiki tamaki, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 3-A, class 1-A)
➪ IDOL! S/O (ff) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, shinsou hitoshi (UA; the main three, class 1-C)
➪ THEIR S/O GETS BRACES (ff, gn) — w/ kirishima eijirou, bakugou katsuki, kaminari denki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ SCARY DOG PRIVILEGES (ff, crck, gn) — w/ bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ FASHIONABLE S/O (ff, gn) 
➪ BKG’S STAN ACCOUNT — in reference to the idol! s/o post (ff, crck, gn)
➪ BIMBO S/O (ff) 
➪ S/O GETS INTO A CAR CRASH (ff, ang, gn) 
➪ FIST BUMPING AFTER SOME STEAM (ff, crck, ❣) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ ‘HERE W/ MY BESTFRIEND’ (ff, crck, ★)
➪ PULLING THEIR BELT (ff, crck, ❣) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ ‘PHOTOSHOPPING MY BOYFRIEND’ (ff, crck) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ ENCOUNTERING A ‘PICK ME’ GIRL (ff, ang,★) — w/ bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
↳ PART TWO — w/ midoriya izuku, shinsou hitoshi, kaminari denki (UA; class 1-A, 1-c)
➪ ‘BAE LOL’ (ff, gn) — w/ todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, monoma neito (UA ; class 1-A, 1-B)
➪ BKDK x READER HCS  (ff, crck, ang ❣)
➪ PICKING YOUR NAIL POLISH  (ff, crck) — w/ multiple characters; six (bnha)
➪🍃🍃 W/ THEIR S/O (❣, ff) — w/ shinsou hitoshi, ashido mina, jirou kyouka (UA; class 1-C, class 1-A)
➪ STALK (ff, crck) — w/ todoroki shouto, amajiki tamaki, shinsou hitoshi (UA; class 1-A, 3-A, 1-C)
➪ HELLA THIGHS (hurt-comfort) — w/ shinsou hitoshi (UA; class 1-c)
➪ PHYSICALLY AFFECTIONATE S/O (ff, crck) — w/ monoma neito, shinsou hitoshi, midoriya izuku (UA; class 1-B, 1-C, 1-A)
➪ CRACKTIVITIES W/ BKG (ff, crck,🥠)
➪ CARESSING DABI FOR THE FIRST TIME (hurt-comfort, 🥠, ⛔️)
➪ ROAD TRIPS AND HORROR MOVIES (ff, crck, plat.) — w/ the bakusquad (UA; class 1-A)
➪ S/O’S LIKE MITSURI KANROJI (ff) — w/ todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ QUARANTINED (ff, crck) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ WOULD THEY ‘FAKE BANG’ YOU (crck, 🥠, ❣) — w/ multiple characters (bnha & haikyuu!!)
➪ ACCIDENTALLY THIRST TRAPPING (ff, crck, ❣) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ “..NOT OURS THOUGH.” (ff, crck) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ ‘“HAPPIER’ WITH WHAT?” (ff, crck) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ DENYING THEIR KISSES (ff, crck) — w/ amajiki tamaki, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A, class 3-A)
➪ ‘DEEZ NUTS’ PRANK (crck, msg format) — w/ multiple characters (bnha)
➪ “SUBMISSIVE AND BREEADABLE” (❣, crck, ff) — w/ midoriya izuku, shinsou hitoshi, bakugou katsuki, aizawa “eraserhead” shouta (UA; class 1-A, class 1-C, pro hero)
➪ PORTABLE HAIR CURLER (ff) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ BKG AND “IT’S YOUR DREAM!” (ff, hurt-comfort)
➪ NOSTALGIA WITH DAD! AIZAWA (ff, plat.) — w/ bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, shinsou hitoshi (UA; class 1-A, class 1-C)
➪ “I’M GONNA STICK BESIDE HIM 😌” (ff, crck) — w/ tokoyami fumikage, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ THE ‘MONTHLY PEEL’ (ff, crck) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ GENUINELY UPSET (hurt-comfort, ff) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ FIRST DATE GONE WRONG (ff, crck-ish) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya (UA; class 1-A)
➪ “MY S/O SOLOS” (ff, crck) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (the main three)
➪ S/O THAT SLEEPS A LOT (ff, crck) — w/ shinsou hitoshi, bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-A, class 1-C)
➪ YOU LIKE THEIR LIPS (ff, ❣️) — w/ yaoyorozu momo, ashido mina, toga himiko (UA; class 1-A, LOV) (part two coming soon)
➪ :0 TIKTOK TREND (ff, crck a sprinkle of ❣️) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD KISSES (ff, crck,🥠) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (UA; class 1-A)
➪ DOING YOUR MAKEUP (ff, crck-ish) — w/ multiple characters; nineteen (UA; class 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, the big three)
➪ “YOU GUYS DONE FLIRTING?” (ff, crck) — w/ todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki (the main three)
➪ ‘THE THINGS I DO FOR..’ (ff, crck, one line of❣️) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, shinsou hitoshi (UA; class 1-A, 1-B)
➪ “DO I STILL GIVE YOU BUTTERFLIES?” (ff, crck) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, amajiki tamaki, takami “hawks” keigo (UA; class 1-A, 3-A, pro hero)
➪ BY THE YEARS (ff) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, aizawa “eraserhead” shouta (UA; class 1-A, pro hero)
➪ A STREAM OF TEARS (ff, ang) — w/ midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ ドキドキ; DOKI-DOKI (HEART FLUTTERING) (ff, crck-ish) — w/ bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, shinsou hitoshi, kaminari denki (UA; class 1-A, 1-B)
➪ “WHY AM I SO ATTRACTED TO MY S/O?” W/ SHOUTO (ff, crck-ish, 🥠) 
➪ HAVING A GOOD CRY AND THEM JUST INTERVENING (hurt-comfort, ff) — w/ bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou (UA; class 1-A) 
➪ SHOUTO AND “LOL” (crck)
➪ ACQUAINTANCE (ff, crck, plat) — w/ todoroki “endeavor” enji, todoroki shouto (pro hero, UA; class 1-A)
➪ S/O’S FIRST WINTER (ff, crck-ish) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (UA; class 1-A)
➪ RANDOM GF! YAOMOMO HEADCANONS (ff, a drop of crck)
➪ BAD HAIRCUT (ff, hurt-comfort, crck-ish) — w/ todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou (UA; class 1-A)
𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗜𝗥 𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗦 (ff, crck,🥠,❣, ★)
➪ PART ONE w/ the main three
➪ PART TWO w/ shinsou, kirishima, monoma
➪ PART THREE w/ kaminari, amajiki, togata
LAST UPDATED: MARCH 02, 2022 (hooray me!!)
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