#todoroki shouto x yaoyorozu momo
nsfwtdmmweek · 2 years
March 12 - 19, 2023 is NSFWTDMMWeek!
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anathemaspeaks · 2 months
dandelion wishes
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character(s): shoto todoroki synopsis: always the bridesmaid, never the bride - isn't that how the saying goes? my name is momo yaoyorozu, and in my case, it's true. word count: 1.3k warning(s): none a/n: not my best work, but here you go anon :) likes, follows, and reblogs are appreciated <3 this is all from momo's point of view.
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it happened at my birthday party, a day after i turned 16.
kaminari managed to somehow smuggle booze into the house. still teenagers and drunk off the excitement more than the liquor, someone suggested we play 7 minutes in heaven. everyone cheered in agreement - except bakugou, of course. he opted to stay sober and make sure we don't have too much fun.
after a few uneventful rounds, it was finally my turn to spin the bottle. i wished it would land on shoto. this was my chance to tell him how i feel about him. maybe he'd say something back? well, a girl can dream...right?
my heart hammered in my chest as i gripped the bottle, spinning it on the polished wooden floor. every spin felt like an eternity until it finally landed with a decisive click. i traced the path of the neck, breath catching in my throat as i saw it pointed directly at todoroki. this was it. this was my chance.
we awkwardly shuffled towards the closet, the door creaking shut behind us, the dim light casting shadows on the wall. before i could calm my nerves and speak, todoroki blurted
"listen, about the spin…" his voice was uncharacteristically soft, almost hesitant.
"yeah?" i forced a nonchalant reply, inhaling to try and calm my nerves. he ran a hand through his dual-colored hair, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
"actually, there's someone i... well, someone i kind of like." a sheepish grin tugged at the corner of his lips. it felt like the wind got knocked out of my lungs. my eyes darted around the cramped space, landing on a crumpled magazine lying forgotten on the floor.
"oh, cool," i choked out, my voice barely above a whisper, "who is it?"
"y/n" he mumbled, a shy smile on his lips. the name rang in my ears, shattering my painted dreams of a chance with shoto. i forced a smile. maybe y/n wouldn't have walked out of this closet with a shattered heart hidden behind a forced smile.
of course it was her. her smile could light up a whole room, kindness radiating from her like sunshine. she was effortlessly beautiful. she was everything i couldn't be. pretty, funny, and kind - how could i ever compete with that? a pang of jealousy, sharp and unwanted, twisted in my gut.
my gaze flickered to shoto's shy smile, and the way his eyes seemed to light up just at the mere mention of her. a hollow ache settled in my chest, envy so deep it felt like a barbed wire wrapped around my heart.
shoto's turn. when the bottle stopped spinning, it landed on y/n. because of course it did.
they emerged from the closet looking like a tornado had hit them. clothes askew, hair a mess, and faces flushed with a kind of unspoken ecstasy that left little to guess.
the next day, they walked into class hand-in-hand. it was official.
today marks 2 years since that day.
over this period, they became the textbook definition of the perfect couple. they were disgustingly cute. sneaky, affectionate glances in the middle of lectures, whispered jokes that erupted in shared laughter, their hands seemingly glued together.
shoto ever-stoic todoroki, weak for y/n. he'd wrap his arm casually around her waist, brush stray hairs from her face with a lingering touch, and steal kisses during training breaks. it was a side of him no one had ever seen - a shoto who wore his heart on his sleeve. for her.
here i was, stuck watching their picture-perfect love story unfold, a constant reminder of the confession that will forever remain trapped on my tongue.
we were sprawled across mina's living room floor, empty pizza boxes scattered around like confetti, and a half-eaten bag of chips resting precariously on a mountain of rom-comes. the topic, just like a normal beginning to a girls' night, was boys.
"boys are the worst!" mina declared, prompting a chorus of agreement from everyone.
"mine just left his gym socks under the bed again. seriously, how hard is it to use a laundry basket?" uraraka chimed in.
just then, y/n came in from the kitchen with a bag of marshmallows and sat down next to us. well, she wouldn't be participating in the complaining.
"look who finally decided to grace us with her presence," i teased, nudging her playfully.
"so, how are things going with the ice king, anyways?" asked jirou.
she blushed a bit. "oh, the usual. he's amazing, and he's surprisingly..." she trailed off, a sly smile on her face.
"surprisingly...?" mina prompted.
"let's just say his quirk isn't the only thing that's hot and cold."
the room erupted in laughter and whoops for her. i forced a smile, feeling an all too familiar pang in my stomach.
the conversation continued, everyone chiming in with their recent stories about boys. including y/n. every detail felt like a knife to my heart. 'that should've been me' i thought. i pushed it away. i wouldn't let my jealousy get the best of me.
they all seemed so happy, while i was stuck on the sidelines, yearning to feel their joy. we all fell asleep in that room while watching movies and gossiping, a smile on everyone's faces. i still couldn't help but feel a little bitter.
now we all have finally graduated. we decided to still meet up every saturday for dinner, and this week, it was at todoroki's. the familiar buzz of anticipation and excitement filled the house as we all talked about our first week after graduating.
then, shoto and y/n walked in hand-in-hand.
"hi everyone!" greeted y/n, smile so bright she was contagious.
"sit wherever you're comfortable, dinner will be ready soon" announced shoto.
"but before that, there's something we have to tell you." she was practically shaking in eagerness.
todoroki cleared his throat, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "we, uh, well…" he fumbled for words, a rare sight for the usually composed half-and-half king. she squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"we got married!" she blurted out, a wide grin splitting her face.
the air crackled with shock. wide eyes, dropped jaws, and a silence followed the announcement.
"wait, married?!" kaminari finally found his voice, his eyes wide with surprise. "but you guys are only eighteen!"
todoroki chuckled, a sound rarely heard before y/n. "we know," he admitted, a hint of shyness lingering in his voice. "but we knew what we wanted, and well, here we are!"
and then, as if a dam had broken, the group erupted. mina squealed, launching herself at y/n in a bone-crushing hug. kirishima gave todoroki a hearty back slap, nearly knocking him over. uraraka, tears welling in her eyes, showered them both with congratulations.
"dumb brats, you're gonna regret this!" yelled bakugou. but i saw him turn away and wipe away a falling tear. both y/n and shoto engulfed him in a hug. he threatened to burn their arms off if they did it again.
congratulations continued, hugs going all around. the surprise announcement had cast a whole new light on their evening. it was a celebration not just of friendship and graduation, but of a love story that had blossomed within the very walls of U.A.
married. at eighteen. the words echoed in the hollow space where my confession had died. cheers rained down on them, a cruel confetti shower on my silent tears. my wish for him was as futile as willing a dandelion's wispy white petals not to fly away with the wind.
they were a love story written in stolen glances and secret touches, a masterpiece i could only watch unfold from the sidelines - a happy ever after that couldn't be mine.
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to the anon who requested this, i know you wanted it to be more angsty so i tried to make it as vengeful as i could, i hope you like it! <3 (i accidentally deleted the ask I'M SO SORRY)
please send in requests everyone 🫶
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nanaosaki3940 · 1 month
Watched MHA S7 Ep02 just now and I can't stop crying over Star's death. As a manga reader, her death didn't make me sad that much when I read the manga but after watching the anime I couldn't stop bawling my eyes out... 😭😭😭💔💔💔
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Touya is back, baby!! And we're seeing him again in the next episode!!
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And also with season 7 airing now, I wanna promote my ongoing MHA Touya X OC X Shoto fanfic "The Crimson Butterfly" from Quotev and Wattpad -
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beetlebian · 8 days
Gwen reqs anon is back!!Are Todomomo reqs okay since you like Bnha?I know everybody hates the ship and i'd be happy to ask for smth else but they're my emotional support t4t autistic4autistic goth bf x pastel gf ;w;
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im extremely neutral on them but if i ever become absolutely obsessed with either of em this is probably the ship id turn to
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sweetdropsart · 5 months
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kylelovskii · 22 days
okay i know i have like one million requests that i haven’t answered but i NEED some my hero academia requests (preferably tenya iida)
TRUST your requests will be answered soon..i’m just…hyperfixated and i need to write about mha.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
My favorite m/f duo trope is 'Miss Transgender and the absolute freak of a man who're deeply obsessed with eachother and it's somehow healthy'.Dosen't matter if it's platonic or romantic,i eat that shit up like my Tía's homecooked gourmet meals
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pride version of this post for @punkeropercyjackson
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stinmybubs · 2 months
"Jewelry Box." Fantasy AU Pt.1
AN: A lil somethin somethin! Will be the only series I will work on rn! Summary: Fighting to succeed to the throne, you do everything in your power to become the next ruler of the Caataeta Empire. Even if meant cursing yourself with a power that secures your throne. You wish for no lover, just people you can help you chip away the curse that's killing you, and to secure your empire. You need husbands, wives. A Jewelry Box.
AFAB! Reader x a series of characters.
LGBTQ+ female readers ! There will be WLW in this!
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Your body convulsed in pain. You could feel your lungs begin to burn and your eyes begun to sting. Tears slipping through your eyes as your body tried it’s best to recover from the curse. You let gasps and pants as you collapsed to the concrete floor of the castle dungeon.
“Ack-!” Blood beginning to flood out your mouth. You begin to feel a tinge of regret. Why did you curse yourself? Why..? Then as you remembered your reason in the first place, you picked yourself back up, desiring a greater power, your desire to succeed to the throne was greater than any pain.
You can take it. You can show them all, you can show them just how strong you can be.
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“The Nasty Truth.” Pt.1
You stared at the floor of the throne room, bowing your head to your father. The great father staring at his two children, choosing the successor was obvious. Oh had he wished his son wasn’t so snobby and immature.
And he wished you weren’t a girl.
You always had grace in your step, taking after the empress. Your mother. Your mother was the most beautiful women in all of Caataeta, she was the definition of nobility and was the perfect empress.
If only your brother took after her as well. The empress had passed a year after your little brother was born, he was born when you were the age of 6 years old. He hadn’t had much time with your mother, or else he wouldn’t have turned out the way he was.
He was a playboy, your average stuck up noble clearly not fit to rule. But. He was a male, men can only truly succeed to the throne. A stupid rule, you thought, anger filling your mind and jealousy.
You had everything your brother didn’t have. You were ready to rule. You deserved to rule. Your face scrunched up in anger as you stared at the floor, quickly composing yourself realizing your mistake.
“You may lift your heads.” Your fathers booming voice echoed throughout the large room.
“Father may I excuse myself.” You keep your head lowered. Your father simply nodding you off. As soon as those doors closed you couldn’t help but scrunch you face up once more, jealousy overshadowing any reason.
The clicking of heels could be heard throughout the halls, being escorted by your personal guard and lady in waiting.
“Your highness. May I ask what’s the matter?” The familiar voice of your lady in waiting, Momo Yaoyorozu. She was the daughter of the grand duchy the house of Yoayorozu.
“Momo you are a higher status than me…no need for formalities…especially now.” You stated as you sat down in front of your vanity, ashamed of your womanly appearance.
“But I am your lady in waiting now. That puts me under you.” Momo spoke informally, happily taking your hair down from the tight bun it was in. “Oh how beautiful you look with your hair down your high-“ you quickly cut her off, loving her touch and slightly leaning into it.
“Call me (Y/n). Momo.” You grab her hand, looking back at her, placing her hand against your cheek to lean further into her warm touch. A tint of red flushed the black haired girls face. “Oh- oh my.” Momo said very flushed, not even trying to retreat her hand from you.
“Momo…why does it have to be a man to succeed the throne? Why not me..? Don’t I have everything a ruler should have?” You state, closing your eyes as you let her caress your cheek.
“Yes (Y/n). You have everything and more than the crown prince has…but this is a man’s world. Sadly.” Momo’s eyes darken, remembering if she hadn’t gotten this job as lady in waiting she would’ve been married off to some sleazy old man.
“Your highness…I must tell you how-“ Momo was interrupted by the door suddenly opening, she quickly retreated her hand. Stepping aside for you to see who it is. You were angered by this, looking at the door with a glare to see your brother standing there with the biggest smirk on his face.
“Why so angry sister!? I’ve only come to reliever good news!” He strutted into your room, collapsing onto one of the couches you had surrounding your tea table.
“Not only was I appointed crown prince, my coronation will be within the week!” He cheered. “Oh and not to mention your engagement to the hellfire kingdom! Their land will be ours!” He closed his eyes. This comment alarming you and making you shoot ip from your seat.
“What did you just say? Father would never marry me off!” You shout, quickly walking over to your arrogant brother. “Well it’s true. Go ask yourself.” He chuckled, lifting himself from wear he lie and waltzed out your door.
“Momo! Get me ready for an audience with the king immediately.” You should sitting yourself back down in your vanity seat, anger filling your body.
“But your majesty- I-…dinner is almost ready how about we wait till then? I think you should maybe take this time to think about this.” Momo could feel her heart breaking. She couldn’t bare to see you marry. It took everything in her not to beg you to leave with her. Run. Run away and never look back.
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The dinner was quiet. Usually your brother would be talking on and on about his day, but for some reason he was oddly quiet.
“Daughter. You will be engaged with prince Todoroki Shouto of the hellfire kingdom.” The imperial father spoke. Ah, that’s why. You glare at your brother briefly before answering your father.
“Father! I assure you there is no need to marry me off to such a small kingdom! Surely I -“ you were cut off by a loud booming yell of the imperial father “SILENCE. You will do as your told and marry the prince. Honestly I expected more out of you then to talk back to your father in such a way.” He shouted. His voice immediately filling your body with fear, you stayed silent for a minute before finally answering your father with a semi- shaken voice.
“Yes father.” You lower your head in shame.
“Honestly sister you should know your place as a women. Simple, this connection to the hellfire kingdom will help expand our empire!” He laughed, clearly enjoying this.
“Father may I be excused.” You don’t entertain your foul brother.
“You may.” With that you sat up, Momo following behind. Your face turning into a scowl as you left the dinning hall. Thinking how stupid you are for thinking you can change his mind.
This is a man’s world, after all.
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AN: I hope you all enjoy this! I figured that this was a long part so you we’ll get more to the action in the second <3 thank you all so much for reading and giving my posts so much love. Xoxo Stinmybubs.
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backseatbnha · 3 months
a Beauty and the Beast setting. You're a writer, and you enjoy publishing books in your local rundown library, owned by your friend Shinsou.
The town's man hunk, Bakugou, loves tormenting Shinsou. Everyone admires him for his strength, his intelligence, his beauty. He slays beasts that threaten the peace of your town. He's everything BUT nice. Truth be told, he likes you - he would never admit it, and instead resorts to picking on Shinsou.
One day, you notice that Shinsou's been gone for days now, and find out from rumors around the town that he's ventured out into the old, abandoned castle not too far away from town.
You set out to go look for him, and end up in trouble yourself. You're caught by Tokoyami Fumikage, the beast everyone had told you stories about when you were a kid.
You beg him to let Shinsou go, in return you would stay here forever. After much contemplation, Tokoyami agrees, and lets Shinsou go.
Over the next few weeks, you learn more about the bird-headed man. He's quite cold, but he's definitely got a soft side to him. Over time your bond grew. He takes care of you, and you take care of him.
You learn more about him through his friends - a bunch of talking furniture. A candelabra, whose name is Midoriya. A porcelain teacup, Eri. A tea pot, Ochaco. A vintage clock, Iida.
And more. Momo the fancy wardrobe. Todoroki the refrigerator.. the list goes on.
You learned from them that Tokoyami, and all of them, were bound to a curse. They were to never leave this castle until Tokoyami found true love. And they believe that you're the one.
So they all set you two up for a night of ballroom magic. You were prettied up nicely by Momo the wardrobe. She did the same for Tokoyami afterwards.
Then you both danced the night away, and for the first time in ten years, Tokoyami felt home in this castle he calls a prison.
One day, you see orange lights outside the kingdom. It wasn't the sunrise, it was a horde of townsfolk, raising torches. They've come to rescue you. You see Bakugou in charge at the front. His trusty sidekick, Kirishima, at his side to cheer him on.
Shinsou must have called them.. You hear them scream your name. They're looking for you. And they want Tokoyami's head on a pike.
Tokoyami faces Bakugou in a battle of swords, but alas, Bakugou always gets what he wants, even if it isn't fair, and shoots him right in the heart with his crossbow.
You scream in terror as you watch Tokoyami crumple up, arms over his chest. He glances at you one last time, before he falls to the ground.
While the town celebrated their victory, you scrambled over to Tokoyami's side. You needed to take him to a healer, but with all of this blood gushing out.. you think it's too late.
You sob, a loud scream rips from your throat as Tokoyami lays quiet in your arms. You hold him close, wishing you told him how you felt before all of this happened. You cry and cry for hours on end, praying for a miracle.
And like all fairytales do, something miraculous happened. The castle around you transformed.
Dirty vines turned into pretty flowers. Cracked floors turned into shiny marble floors. The broken walls repaired themselves. The whole castle transformed to look new, and elegant as it should have always been.
You see your furniture friends transform back into their human selves. They all embrace each other happily, in tears.
Your eyes land back on Tokoyami, and his red eyes are staring right back.
He smiles, and you engulf him in the tightest embrace. You cry tears of joy, and he hugs you back with just as much feeling.
You all celebrate for breaking the curse. Everyone's dancing, having a wonderful time. The happiest everyone's been in ten years.
Tokoyami, and all his friends, are eternally grateful, and promise to make you the happiest, just like you did for them.
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AKA me wishing someone will write a Beauty and the Beast AU of BNHA,,, a Tokoyami x Reader especially
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nsfwtdmmweek · 9 months
Day 1 Prompts - Secret Dating | Wedding
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We're here to NSFW-up the prompts. 😈
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vizzy740 · 11 months
Late Night TodoMomo
Momo didn’t usually go out to the commons rooms at night. After curfew, everyone was supposed to go to bed, and loitering around in the common rooms was an easy way to get in trouble.
That’s why Momo didn’t usually participate in such behavior, but once in a while, she wouldn’t have a good night’s rest, like when she was feeling bad about how she’d done on some hero training exercise or some other event, or like this night, where there was an exam in the following morning.
She’d found that the best way to calm herself down was walking down to the kitchen in the commons, brewing herself a cup of tea, and eating a small pastry left by Sato during his weekly baking sessions. She usually  reviewed the chemical compounds for different types of wood and paints during this time. She’d memorized them all when she’d first learned to read and write, in her quest to make her first real object with her quirk, a matryoshka doll.
Thankfully, the rest of the class hadn’t raided the fridge yet, and Sato’s pastries, –baked just last night, most likely as Sato’s own anti-stress ritual– were untouched.
She was savoring a small pastry. She thinks Sato called it a mini boston cream pie, and it did fit the description, but she couldn’t know for sure until she asked him tomorrow.
It was delicious, like all of Sato’s creations, not too rich and with just the right amount of sweetness and moisture.
 She was reading a chemical compound book (though really she already knew what was inside) and waiting for her tea kettle to whistle when she heard the elevator doors open.
Then out stepped Todoroki.
It was strange seeing him late at night. Even though they lived together in the dorms. She'd never seen him look so disheveled, though she supposed she wasn’t very close to him.
She’d never seen him in his nightclothes, but they weren’t anything interesting, just a plain loose pair of pants and a white button up shirt.
They were ruffled and wrinkled and clearly hadn’t been ironed in some time, though Momo supposed that such a thing didn’t matter, and Todoroki probably didn’t care if the pants of his sleeping wear looked crisp and straight or not.
His hair was also mussed, and the red and the white mixed together at his part, with flyaways all around.
He stumbled over to the kitchen counter to stand next to Momo, though he seemed ready to topple over at any second. He blinked, and seemed to gain a bit of clarity from his groggy state, “What’s that smell?” He asked.
“S-Sato’s desserts, he made them yesterday, mini boston cream pies I believe he said? I can get one if you would like,” Momo told him, feeling her face flush slightly as she rambled, “And I-I’m boiling some water for tea, would you like some? It has a mild sedative, since it’s for helping people to fall asleep, but I have other options I can take out too–”
“Yes, I would like that.” He interrupted.
“The cream pie or the tea?” Momo asked, smiling slightly.
“Both.” Todoroki stated bluntly. “And I want the sedative type of tea.”
“Did I disturb you?” Momo asked as she took out a cup, and another bag of the same tea.
“No. I didn’t even know you were down here.” Todoroki answered.
The kettle whistled, and Momo hurried to take it off the stove and turn the dial off. She poured the water into the cups, and handed one to Todoroki.
She was surprised for a second as he put his hand fully around the cup, before remembering his quirk. Then she hurried off to grab a second miniature pie from the fridge and handed it to Todoroki as well.
After she put it in his unoccupied hang, he watched it with his usual monotone stare before taking a bite of it, then the ends of his mouth raised slightly. Only those who really knew Todoroki well could tell it was actually a smile and not just some odd, different version of his usual emotionless expression.
She smiled, “I’m happy you like it.”
He turned to meet her eyes, and with his cheek similar to that  of a chipmunk, his cheeks slightly puffed out, Momo couldn’t help but give out a little giggle.
Todoroki was cute like that, when he did those little, easy things in life, when the untouchable feeling he gave off melted away, showing the boy underneath.
A boy that Momo liked.
She smiled at him as she let the thought swirl in her mind. By the time she returned back to reality, taking in the changes to her surroundings, she felt herself flush again.
Todoroki was less than a foot away from her, still staring into her eyes.
“T-Todoroki.” she stammered, too dazed to say anything but his name.
She glanced around, and saw her cup upon the counter beside her. She picked it up and glanced into it, upon seeing that the water was sufficiently colored by the tea bag, she decided that it had steeped for long enough, and removed it from the water, dropping it into the nearby kitchen garbage can without moving from their close position.
“I think the tea’s steeped long enough. Do you want me to put yours in the tea bag?”
Todoroki shook his head.
“The taste might get worse if you don’t.”
“I don’t care.” He replied, “I want the sedative to be at its most potent.”
“Okay…?” Momo answered hesitantly. She took a sip of her tea. It was nice, as it usually was.
Todoroki continued to look at her. Momo wasn’t really used to this. She’d seen Todoroki look at her every once in a while, he stared at everyone really, if he took an interest in something, his eyes would just stay on it, either not knowing or not caring about being strange.
Usually it was fine, and it didn’t make Momo uncomfortable most of the time, it was more of a question of why.
Because the why changed everything.
Her face was hot. Todoroki had walked back up to her, and they were close again.
Then Todoroki touched her face, and–
It was cold.
She blinked, a bit surprised at how cold it felt.
“Is that good?”
“I– uh, yeah.” She answered, because it was nice, the cool feeling, it was a bit surprising, but overall it was soothing, it felt good on her left cheek. “I�� thought you were going to do something else.”
“What else would I do?” Todoroki asked, his voice even as usual, even as he leaned close to her, their noses barely an inch away from each other. He kept his hand on his face.
“Kiss me.” 
“Do you want me to?” Todoroki asked. For Todoroki, the monotone of his voice sounded completely genuine.
“D-do you want to?” Momo asked, her voice trembling.
“I think so.”
“Then… do it.” Momo breathed out.
And he did.
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tdmmweek · 9 months
TDMMWEEK2023 Day 1: Secret Dating | Wedding
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hazel543 · 1 year
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Just felt like posting them
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kuramassss · 1 month
Hi! So, for those who asked for a fic of Mha, relax im gonna write, i just...got a little problem, since this is the first time i use the Ask from here, my dumb self didint know that when you awnser a ask they just dissapear from the message box, so if you want me to write a fic, i gently ask to you comment your request in that post, im so sorry to be this dumb ;- (BUT IM GONNA WRITE I SWEAR
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
For years i've been personally victimized by Zutaras by being forced to see them popularly compare their creepy assimalation vibes ship to ships i love based on their low standards for how men should treat women and gender essentialist misenterpretations of Zuko and Katara's characters that they projected onto my otps to make them look 'right' to them.Sasuke and Sakura,Shouto and Momo,Hunter and Willow,Luka and Marinette,Warren and Layla,Dick and Kory,Red Son and Mei,Belle and Beast,Dipper and Pacifica,probably more.And i've had ENOUGH!!!!!NONE OF THOSE SHIPS ARE LIKE ZUTARA BECAUSE MOST OF THEM ARE JUST A ZUKO KINNIE AND SOME POOR GIRL WHO'S PERSONALITY YOU ROBBED HER OF AND THE REST ARE STRAIGHT NOTHING LIKE EITHER OF THEM!!!!Zutara has done irreperable damage to our society and i'm not even joking because look at booktook
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